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Lectures On Central Processing Unit

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Lectures on

Central Processing Unit

Major Components of CPU
General Register Set Organization
General Register Set Organization (contd…)
General Register Set Organization
For Example:
General Register Set Organization
Register Selection Fields
Stack organization
Initially SP is 0(Zero), EMTY 1 and FULL 0.
Micro operations:

SP SP+1 Increment Stack Pointer

M[SP] DR Write data on Top of the stack
If(SP==0) then FULL 1 If stack is full then make
EMTY 0 Mark the stack not Empty
PUSH & POP (Contd..)

 POP:
Memory Stack
Memory Stack (Contd..)

 A new Data insertion using PUSH:

Memory Stack (Contd..)

 A new data deletion from stack using POP:

Reverse Polish Notation (RPN)

For Example:

A*B + C*D is written as AB * CD * +

Reverse Polish Notation (RPN)

 Expression Evaluation example with stack operations: (3*4) + (5*6)

 34 * 56 * +
Instruction Formats

Most Computers fall into three types of CPU organizations:

1. Single Accumulator Organization.
2. General register Organization
3. Stack Organization

 To understand different types of organization instruction formats we

consider following example:

X=(A+B) * (C+D)
Three Address Instructions:
Two Address Instructions
One Address Instructions
Zero Address Instructions
RISC Instructions:
Addressing Modes:

 Implied Mode
 Immediate Mode
 Register Mode
 Register Indirect Mode
 Auto increment or Auto decrement mode
 Direct Address Mode
 Indirect Address mode
 Relative Address Mode
 Index Addressing Mode
 Base Register Addressing Mode
Addressing Modes Example WRT instructions
Data Transfer and Manipulation

 Data Transfer
 Data Manipulation
 Program Control
Data Transfer Instructions
Data Manipulation Instructions

 Arithmetic Instructions
 Logic Instructions
 Shift Operations
Arithmetic Instructions
Logic and bit manipulation Instructions
Shift Operations
Program Control
Program Control

 Status bit Conditions (PSW)

C Carry bit
S Sign Bit
Z  Zero Flag
V  Overflow Flag
Conditional Branch Instructions
Subroutine call & Return



 Is it similar to subroutine?
3 basic differences:
1. Initiated by internal or External Signal rather than an instruction
from program
2. Address of Interrupt Service Routine is determined by Hardware
3. An Interrupt procedure usually stores all the information
necessary to define the state of CPU
Types of Interrupt:

1. External Interrupt : come from I/o devices, timing

devices, monitoring circuits or External devices.
2. Internal Interrupt : illegal or erroneous use of instruction
or data (also known as traps) Ex: divide by Zero
Types of Interrupt:

3. Software Interrupt: initiated by executing an

 It is a special call instruction that behaves like
The most common example is supervisor call
instruction used to enter Supervisor mode.
RISC VS CISC (Comparison using
Few Instructions A large number of Instructions
Few Addressing Modes More Addressing modes are possible
Memory access is limited to LOAD and Some instructions are for specialized task
STORE instructions only.

All operations done within the registers of Instructions are available that manipulate
the CPU operands in memory

Fixed length easily decoded instruction Variable length Instruction Format


Single cycle instruction execution Variable cycle Instruction execution

Hardwired rather than micro programmed Micro programmed control preferable
Other Characteristics of RISC:

 Large number of Registers.

 Efficient Instruction Pipeline
 Overlapped Register Windows
 CompilerSupport for efficient translation of High level
Language Programming into Machine language.

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