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Vital Signs: From: Aldiela Bunga Kris Mawati Mediar Dwi Kartika Rahmatullah Eluihza Putri

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From :
Aldiela Bunga
Kris Mawati Mediar
Dwi Kartika
Eluihza Putri
Vital signs

Vital signs are meansurements of the bodys most basic

functions. The four main vital signs routinely monitored
by medical professionals and health care providers
include the following:
1. Body temperature
2. Pulse rate
3. Respiration rate
4. Blood pressure
Body Temperature

The normal body temperature of a person varies depending

on gender, recent activity, food and fluid consumption, time
of day, and in women the stage of menstrual cycle. A persons
body temperature can be taken in any of the following ways:
1. Orally
2. Rectally
3. Axillary
4. By ear
5. By skin
-purpose of action
Reducing body temperature to find out body temperatire range.
- tools and material
4.temperatire notebook
-work lrosedure
1.explain the procedure to the client
2.washing hands
3.use handscoon
4.cliean the axilary area using tissue
5.lower the thermomter below the temperature 34-35
6. Place the thermometer in the axilary area
7.wait 3 to 5 minutes
8.record of result
9.clean the thermometer with a tissue
10.wash with soapy water,rinse with clean water
 11. Washing hands
Pulse Rate

The pulse rate is a measurement of the heart rate, or

the number of times the heart beats per minutes. As the
heart pushes blood through the arteries, the arteries
expand and contract with the flow of the blood. Taking
a pulse not only measures the heart rate, but also can
indicate the following:
 Heart rhythm
 Strength of the pulse
Tools :
1. Watch
2. Paper and pen

1. Explain the procedure to the client.
2. Wash hands.
3. Set the client's position.
4. Place both hands on your sides.
5. Determine the location of the arteries (the pulse will be
6. Check the pulse using the tips of the index finger, middle finger
and ring finger. Determine the frequency per minute and the
regularity of the rhythm, and the strength of the pulse.
7. Record the results.
8. Wash your hands after the procedure.
Respiration Rate

The respiration rate is the number of breaths a person

takes per minute. The rate is usually measured when a
person is at rest and simply involves counting how many
times the chest rises. Respiration rates may increase
with fever, illness, and with other medical conditions.
Tools :
1. Paper and pen
2. Watch
1. Explain the procedure to the patient if only assessing
breathing specifically
2. Open the patient's clothes if necessary to observe
chest movements
3. Put your hands on your chest, observe the condition
and symmetry of breathing movements
4. Determine breathing rhythm
5. Take a breath for 1 minute or 60 seconds
6. Wash your hands
Blood Pressure

Blood pressure is the force of the blood pushing against

the artery walls during contraction and relaxation of the
heart. Each time the heart beats it pumps blood into the
arteries, resulting in the highest blood pressure as the
heart contracts. When the hearts relaxes, the blood
pressure falls.
1.The nurse aims to assess the patient's blood preasure
2. Aims to
- get objective data on patients
3. Equipment
- Spigno magnometer
- Stethoscope
- Pen
- Note Book
4. Stage
- whasing hand
- install personal prktective equipment
- prepare tools
- adjust the patient's position as comfortable as possible
- attaching aquipment to patient
A. Looking for pulse
B. Put up manset
C. Put a stethoscope on the pulse (chestpiece)
D. The nurse put an eartips on the nurse's ear
E. Close the valve on off
F. Pumping air into the manset
G. Slowly open the valve on off while listening to the in the bracthial artery
H. Look at the measuring glass tube
5. Deliver of patient's
- Maternal blood preasure is currently normal 120/80 mmHg
- allow to return to the nurse's room
 6. Washing hand
Body Weight and Height

A procedure to assess the development of a patient

with a measuring instrument.
Bb dan tb
- the purpose of measuring the weight and height is to know results the weigh
t and height

Equipment :
1. Handscoon
2. Weight scale
3. Height scale

Stage :
1. First The nurse prepare tools
2. The nurse introduces herself to the patient
3. Nurse is wash hands
4. Next the nurse is wearing a protective gear
5. Tell the patient to remove his footwear
6. Patient please to weight scale and the next patient please to height scale
7. next nurse inform the body of weight score and height score of the patient
8. say thank you to the patient because the patient has cooperation
 9. Finish the nurse say to the patient to call nurse, if the patient need nurse

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