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The Immune System: History

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The immune system

Who discovered the immune system (when)(how)(where)? Since ancient times people have been observing how we fight the disseises that we've got but in 1720 Lady Mary Warty Montage when now people have been looking in the human body where many people have been observing the immune system.

Some milestones in the history of immunology: 1718: Lady Mary Wortley Montagu looked at the positive effects of the deliberate infection of the smallpox disease on people including her own children. 1796: The smallpox vaccine was shown first by Edward Jenner. 1840: the first proposal of the modern theory of the germ disease was by Jakob Henle. 1857-1870: The role of microbes in fermentation was confirmed by Louis Pasteur. 1880-1881 Louis Pasteur experimented with chicken cholera and anthrax vaccines proving the theory that bacterial virulence could be used as vaccines. 1885: a 9 year old child was bitten by a dog with rabies. He was injected with the rabies vaccine this Was the first human known to survive the disease? 1886: Theobold Smith an American microbiologist showed that heat killed cultures of chicken cholera. Bacillus were also effective in protection from cholera 1903: the allergic reaction called the Arthus response was described by Maurice Arthus. 1949: Enders, Weller and Robbins experimented with the growth of the polio virus in tissue culture. 1951: The vaccine against yellow fever was developed. 1983: French virologist Luc Montagnier discovered HIV. 1986: Hepatitis B vaccine was produced by genetic engineering. 2005: the human papilloma virus vaccine was developed by Ian Frazer.

Immune System, group of cells, molecules, and organs that act together to defend the body against foreign invaders that may cause disease, such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi. The health of the body is dependent on the immune systems ability to recognize and then repel or destroy these invaders. The immune system produces antibodies (these help with notarising infections and toxins). White blood cells make up the immune system and the white blood cells help kill germs by moving through the blood and tissue.

The immune system helps us in many important ways. It helps us By: Fights colds and flu viruses. Deals with bacteria and viruses which may Come in contact with. Fights '' bad'' cells that form in our body (e.g. cells that could mutate and be cancerous) so as you can see the immune system is very important in keeping our bodies healthy and happy! The things that make up the immune system are Called Lymphoid which make up the organs in the system are: Adenoids Appendix Blood vessels Bone marrow Lymph nodes Lymphatic vessels Peyer's patches Spleen Thymus Tonsils The immune system includes a number of body parts that help protect the human body. These parts are: The Spleen - a destroyer of womb out red blood cells and produce of antibodies and phagocytes, tonsils- these help prevent throat infection, the Thymus- a chest gland that tum ordinary white blood cells into strong and special T-cells that help fight microbes, Lymph glands that are in the groin swell up when the body is fighting a infection, Sebaceous glands- these are in the skin and ooze a poisonous oil to kill bacteria, Lymph nodes swell up during an infection with white blood cells that have swallowed germs and the Androids- these are in the nose and they release cells that fight infections. The immune system when you are immune it means to be protected or unstoppable. Everything that keeps yourself protected is in your immune system from white blood cells to tonsils there all part of the immune system. White blood cells are also called leukocytes in the white blood cells there are to main organisms that there are phagocytes which destroy the bacteria or viruses and lymphocytes which remember the bacteria or virus that attacked previously to destroy. Your bone marrow also has leukocytes to help protect your bones. The lymphatic system is part of the immune system to which focus on the neck area for infections and sore throat. The spleen is the largest lymphatic system organ which produces white blood cells which take away as much bad stuff in your blood. And also controls the amount of blood your body takes in and takes out if we didn't have a spleen we would die of blood infection.

Viruses instead of bacteria hide around infection were bacteria go anywhere and get eaten so the virus can get onto the white blood cell and into the nucleus and create more viruses and destroy the body or create a cancer.

Bacteria is an infection from someone else that you can catch instead of a virus a bacteria doesn't multiply and because a virus hides and a type of bacteria goes anywhere and anywhere so bacteria gets eaten up by white blood cells and its easier to get eaten up by then a virus. Lymphocytes are mostly in the spleen because the spleen gets blood that's damaged and in the spleen lymphocytes that act to take read of the damaged blood and make that separate so the bacteria doesn't expand and there's another place where they are is in your neck to help throat sore's and AK's that could harm the body. Some people have disability's that can affect the immune system in many ways. For that the immune system is not as stronger than other people that could if you have an infection resulting to life threatening problems but people with those disorders take highly dangerous medication to help them in life.

There are many ways to help and care for your immune system. Firstly having a low fat diet can boost production of T-cells which fight germs and also doing exercise helps your blood fight infection. Secondly, research shows that taking vitamin A can help with important roles in your immune system also making sure your stress levels are low, because high stress can be enough to change your system. Make sure you get a decent amount of rest every day, making sure your body can have time to refresh after a days events is important. Eating certain vegetables called "cruciferous vegetables" such as cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, kale, turnips, Bok Choy and turnips contain special compounds that also boost the Immune System. Finally start flavouring your food with garlic and onion, these help prevent cancer also have a little sun (not too much) because it can actually help prevent a disease called Colon Cancer. There are around 180+ medicines that are disease related to the Immune System that each contain certain drugs that try and fight diseases. These medicines can be found at hospitals, chemists or pharmacists can give you a prescription for a certain medicine that you want and you can pick it up chemists or hospitals.

We wouldn't be able to live if we didn't have the Immune System since the Reproductive System is the only system that can be safely removed from our bodies. If the body had a disease such as the common cold we would get seriously ill and likely to die not long after the arrival of the disease, this shows how important the Immune System is to us. Allergies can affect the Immune System because the body overreacts and thinks objects such as peanuts are dangerous to us. In some diseases the body fights good cells instead of the bad ones, these diseases are called: lupus and juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. Another disease is called "AIDS" this disease shuts down you Immune System so you have no immunity. Thyroid Disease is when your Thyroid doesn't produce enough hormones for your body, so it

is a disease that some teens can get. Sometimes however your Thyroid can over produce and you get a problem called "Hyperthyroidism". You can also get some cancers if you don't look after your system properly. The Immune System can die by the body not having enough nutrition intakes or if a disease or virus gets into the body and is not treated properly or not at all. The system can also die if a certain treatment affects it such as Chemo Therapy where it makes the Immune System not work correctly and kills good and bad cells.

Hopefully in the future we will have more vaccines so the body can be tricked, when theres an invader so the Immune System can stop the bacteria from harming the system.

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