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TORCH Infection-2073

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TORCH infection 1

 TORCH complex is a medical syndrome for a set of

perinatal infections (i.e. infections that are passed
from a pregnant woman to her fetus).
 The TORCH infections can lead to severe fetal
anomalies or even fetal loss.
 They are a group of viral, bacterial, and protozoan
infections that gain access to the fetal bloodstream
transplacentally via the chrionic villi.
 Hematogenous transmission may occur at any time
during gestation or occasionally at the time of delivery
via maternal-to-fetal transfusion.

TORCH infection 2
TORCH Infections
 T=toxoplasmosis
 O=other (syphilis, measles, chickenpox)
 R=rubella
 C=cytomegalovirus (CMV)
 H=herpes simplex (HSV)

TORCH infection 3
Diagnosing TORCH Infection
 Good maternal/prenatal history
 Remember most infections of concern are mild illnesses
often unrecognized
 Thorough exam of infant
 Directed labs/studies based on most likely diagnosis

TORCH infection 4
 Caused by protozoan – Toxoplasma gondii
 Domestic cat is the definitive host with infections via:
 Ingestion of cysts (meats, garden products)
 Contact with oocysts in feces
 Much higher prevalence of infection in European
countries (ie France, Greece)
 Acute infection usually asymptomatic
 1/3 risk of fetal infection with primary maternal
infection in pregnancy
 Infection rate higher within 3rd trimester
 Fetal death higher within 1st trimester

TORCH infection 5
Clinical Manifestations
 Most (70-90%) are asymptomatic at birth
 Classic triad of symptoms:
 Chorioretinitis
 Hydrocephalus

 Other symptoms include fever, rash, microcephaly,

seizures, jaundice, thrombocytopenia,
 Initially asymptomatic infants are still at high risk
of developing abnormalities, especially

TORCH infection 6
Chorioretinitis of congenital toxo

TORCH infection 7
 Maternal IgG testing indicates past infection
 Can be isolated in culture from placenta, umbilical
cord, infant serum
 PCR testing on WBC, CSF, placenta
 Newborn serologies with IgM/IgA
 ELISA testing of antibodies is also done

TORCH infection 8
Prevention and Treatment
 Treatment for pregnant mothers diagnosed
with acute toxoplasmosis
 Spiramycin daily
 Macrolide antibiotic
 Small studies have shown this reduces
likelihood of congenital transmission (up to
 If infant diagnosed prenatally, treat mother
 Spiramycin, pyrimethamine (anti-malarial,
dihydrofolate reductase inhibt), and
sulfadiazine (sulfa antibiotic)
 Leucovorin rescue with pyrimethamine
TORCH infection 9
 Symptomatic infants
 Pyrimethamine (with leucovorin rescue) and
 Treatment for 12 months total
 Asymptomatic infants
 Course of same medications
 Improved neurologic and developmental
outcomes demonstrated (compared to
untreated pts or those treated for only one

TORCH infection 10
 Treponema pallidum (spirochete)
 Transmitted via sexual contact
 Placental transmission as early as 6wks gestation
 Typically occurs during second half
 Mother with primary or secondary syphilis more
likely to transmit than latent disease

TORCH infection 11
Congenital Syphilis
 2/3 of affected live-born infants are asymptomatic at
 Clinical symptoms split into early or late (2 years is cut
 3 major classifications:
 Fetal effects
 Early effects
 Late effects

TORCH infection 12
Clinical Manifestations
 Fetal:
 Stillbirth
 Neonatal death
 Hydrops fetalis
 Intrauterine death in 25%
 Perinatal mortality in 25-30% if untreated

TORCH infection 13
Clinical Manifestations
 Early congenital (typically 1st 5 weeks):
 Cutaneous lesions (palms/soles)
 Jaundice
 Anemia
 Periostitis and metaphyseal dystrophy
 Funisitis (inflammation of the connective tissue of
umbilical cord ) which may cause abortion.

TORCH infection 14
Periostitis of long bones seen
in neonatal syphilis

TORCH infection 15
Clinical Manifestations
 Late congenital:
 Frontal bossing
 Short maxilla
 Hutchinson teeth (gap)
 Saddle nose
 Perioral fissures(skin)
 Can be prevented with appropriate treatment

TORCH infection 16
Hutchinson teeth – late result of
congenital syphilis

TORCH infection 17
Diagnosing Syphilis
(Not in Newborns)

Available serologic testing

 RPR/VDRL: non treponemal test
 Sensitive but NOT specific
 We can follow to determine disease activity
and treatment response
 MHA-TP/FTA-ABS: specific treponemal test
 Used for confirmatory testing
 once positive always positive

TORCH infection 18
 Penicillin G is the drug of choice for ALL syphilis
 Maternal treatment during pregnancy very
effective (overall 98% success)
 Treat newborn if:
 They meet CDC diagnostic criteria
 Mother was treated <4wks before delivery

TORCH infection 19
 Measles is a viral disease that can be contracted in
pregnancy. Typical koplik’s spots on mucosa of
mouth,skin rashes and fever.
 Fetal and neonatal effects: viruses crosses to
placenta and cause increased abortion.
 vaccine: women who has no measles should have
measles vaccine.

TORCH infection 20
 Chicken pox varicella can occure during pregnancy.
Maternal infection shows typical maculopapular spots
on face limbs and trunk.
 Fetal-neonatal infection: virus crosses to fetus in 10%
 Infection during pregnancy: results congenital
malformation like cerebral cortical atrophy,
 Newborn may develop congenital chicken pox.
 treatment: Zoster immune globulin is given to
pregnant women exposed to varicella.
TORCH infection 21
 Single-stranded RNA virus
 Vaccine-preventable disease
 Mild, self-limiting illness
 Infection earlier in pregnancy has a higher probability
of affected infant

TORCH infection 22
Clinical Manifestations
 Sensorineural hearing loss (50-75%)
 Cataracts and glaucoma (20-50%)
 Cardiac malformations (20-50%)
 Neurologic (10-20%)
 Others to include growth retardation, bone disease,
thrombocytopenia, “blueberry muffin” lesions

TORCH infection 23
“Blueberry muffin” spots representing
extramedullary hematopoesis

TORCH infection 24
 Maternal IgG may represent immunization or
past infection
 Can isolate virus from nasal secretions
 Less frequently from throat, blood, urine, CSF
 Serologic testing
 IgM = recent postnatal or congenital infection
 Rising monthly IgG titers suggest congenital
 Diagnosis after 1 year of age difficult to establish

TORCH infection 25
 Supportive care only with parent education

TORCH infection 26
Cytomegalovirus (CMV)
 Most common congenital viral infection
 Mild, self limiting illness
 Transmission can occur with primary infection
or reactivation of virus
 Studies suggest increased risk of transmission
later in pregnancy

TORCH infection 27
Clinical Manifestations
 90% are asymptomatic at birth
 Up to 15% develop symptoms later, notably
sensorineural hearing loss(Damage to the structures
in your inner ear or your auditory nerve. It is the
cause of more than 90 percentof hearing loss in
 Symptomatic infection
 petechiae, jaundice, chorioretinitis, neurological
 >80% develop long term complications
 Hearing loss, vision impairment, developmental delay

TORCH infection 28
 Maternal IgG shows only past infection
 Infection common – this is useless
 Viral isolation from urine or saliva in 1st 3weeks
of life
 Afterwards may represent post-natal infection
 Viral load and DNA copies can be assessed by

TORCH infection 29
 Ganciclovir 6wks in symptomatic infants
 Treatment currently not recommended in
asymptomatic infants due to side effects.

TORCH infection 30
Herpes Simplex (HSV)
 HSV1 or HSV2
 Primarily transmitted through infected maternal
genital tract
 Rationale for C-section delivery prior to membrane

TORCH infection 31
Clinical Manifestations
 Most are asymptomatic at birth
 3 patterns of ~ equal frequency with symptoms
between birth and 4wks:
 Skin, eyes, mouth (SEM)
 CNS disease
 Disseminated disease (present earliest)

TORCH infection 32
Presentations of congenital HSV

TORCH infection 33
 Culture of maternal lesions if present at delivery
 Cultures in infant:
 Skin lesions, oro/nasopharynx, eyes, urine, blood,
rectum/stool, CSF

TORCH infection 34
 High dose acyclovir 60mg/kg/day
 Ocular involvement requires topical therapy as well

TORCH infection 35
Which TORCH Infection Presents With…
 Snuffles?
 syphilis
 Chorioretinitis, hydrocephalus, and intracranial
 toxo
 Blueberry muffin lesions?
 rubella
 Periventricular calcifications?

TORCH infection 36
Which TORCH Infections Can Absolutely Be
 Rubella

 Syphilis

TORCH infection 37
Thank you

TORCH infection 38

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