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Facility Management in Engineering: by Vinod Jain

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Facility Management

in Engineering
Vinod Jain

 Introduction : What is facility Management?

 Definitions
 Role
 Facility Managers
 Facility Management in Kuwait
 Key characteristics
 Case Study : Retail Destination
 Future Trends/Conclusion
 Bibliography

What is Facility Management?

The concept of facility management services gained prominence in India after
liberalization, Privatization and Globalization (LPG). The market became open for
everyone and there is tremendous competition among the rivals to provide best product or
services at the optimum cost. Hence, every company concentrates over their core
business and outsourced the rest of the supporting function to minimize the operation
In a nutshell, The Facility Management is managing all the support system which is
required for operating core operation of business from janitorial services to maintenance
of equipments, production support system to staffing solution, creating esuriently healthy
work environment to maintain aesthetic ergonomics of the organization.
“Facility management is the collaboration of the people and services to enhance the
efficiency and effectiveness of the given space and work environment including the
ambience, equipment and people who operate them with in.”
The Facility Management services maximize value and provide efficient management
services at lower operating cost and maintaining high service level. There are mainly two
types of Facility Management Services:
 Soft Services: Involvement of Human skill
 Hard Services: Involvement of electrical and mechanical equipments with humanskill

From the last few years, two more facility management services came into existence
due to the complexity of the business which requires integration of both, i.e., soft
and hard services. They are:
 Production Support System

In business, facility management (or facilities management) is the management of

building, estates which encompasses both building fabric and services. The
services are sometimes considered to be divided into "hard services" and "soft
services." Hard services include such things as ensuring that a building's air
conditioning is operating efficiently, reliably, safely and legally. Soft services
include such things as ensuring that the building is cleaned properly and regularly
or monitoring the performance of contractors (e.g. builders, electricians). The
term "facility management" is similar to

"property management" but often applied only to larger and/or commercial

properties where the management and operation is more complex. Some or all of
these aspects can be maintained by data-rich computer programs.

One definition provided by the International Facility Management Association (IFMA)

"A profession that encompasses multiple disciplines to ensure functionality of the
built environment by integrating people, place, processes and technology.“
Another broader definition provided by IFMA is:
"The practice or coordinating the physical workplace with the people and work of
organization; integrates the principles of business administration, architecture, and
the behavioral and engineering sciences.“
In the UK and other European countries facilities management has a wider
definition than simply the management of buildings and services. The definition
of FM provided by the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) and ratified
by BSI British Standards is:
“Facilities management is the integration of processes within an organization to
maintain and develop the agreed services which support and improve the
effectiveness of its primary activities”.
The British Institute of Facilities Management has formally adopted the CEN
definition but also offers a slightly simpler description:
"Facilities management is the integration of multi-disciplinary activities
within the built environment and the management of their impact
upon people and the workplace".
Facilities can be generally defined as buildings, properties and major
infrastructure, also referred to within the Facility Management industry
as the "built environment".
The primary function of Facility Management (FM) is to manage and
maintain the efficient operation of this "built environment".
The industry is also responsible for:
 ensuring that services are delivered in a way that contributes to the

productivity and profitability of those people who utilize a facility;

 reducing the impact of the use of facilities on the environment;

 minimizing operational life cycle costs of facilities;

 repairs and maintenance, security and cleaning as well as more highly

technical services required for the efficient operation of a facility.


It is the role of facility management to ensure that everything is

available and operating properly for building occupants to do
their work. The facility manager generally has the most influence
upon the quality of life within a facility. Facility management may
range from the small scale (e.g. single small building custodial
services) to the large scale (such as Johnson Controls' operation
of Chrysler manufacturing) or even on an international scale (e.g.
global service provision to a multinational corporation). Some
facility management companies (e.g. Regus) have grown to
simply provide environments which other organizations may rent
Office space on demand in order to do business in a "hotel“
environment. Facilities Management is also provided by larger
property managers such as CLUTTONS who act on behalf of their
Landlord/Owner Clients.
Facility Managers
 Facility managers can be responsible for managing all
aspects of a facility or facilities.
They may operate at a:
 strategic level, making very high level decisions and

contributing to strategic planning;

 Operational management level, dealing with more technical

issues such as repairs, maintenance, security and cleaning.

FM is becoming an essential element in the effective running
of public and private sector organizations. Involved in a
myriad of disciplines, facility managers play a vital role in
the realization of business objectives and in the
coordination of the daily operations of facilities and the
organization that use them.
Key Characteristics
Is effective
 Professional and ethical in its approach. Attracts and retains high caliber staff. Pulls in services of high level people from
member companies for ad hoc representation and policy development purposes
 Makes best use of appropriate information technology to optimize costs and improve quality of services to members

Is legitimate
 Represents a discrete commercial sector and seeks to cover all products, services and processes
 Members represent substantial proportion of sector in terms of output or numbers of companies
 Governing Council includes representative from the largest companies in the sector and a fair cross section of other
members. Meets sufficiently regularly to direct action/strategy
 Broadly based membership with large and small businesses and the key players

Is progressive
 Promotes co-operation within the sector and between the sector, its customers and suppliers to enhance competiveness
 Forms appropriate links with other representative bodies
 Prepared to work with non members where appropriate and co-operate with other associations in allied sectors on
matters of joint concern

 Works proactively to improve the members/sectors profitability and competiveness
 Works effectively to represent the members/sectors interests at all levels of the legislative and regulatory process
 Promotes training and education
Key Characteristics
Works proactively to improve the sectors profitability and competiveness
 Designs and implements support services

 Monitors Government initiatives/support and helps members take advantage of

 Adopts proactive approach to meeting shortcomings identified by bench marking


Works effectively to represent the sectors interests at all levels of the legislative
regulatory process
 Has an effective mechanism for consulting members and understanding their

 Monitors and anticipates the legislative process and ensures that its views on

pertinent members issues are addressed

Supplies sound information and advice for members

 Seeks out information relevant to members e.g. market trends, and statistical

intelligence on overseas competitors, parliamentary affairs, patents, standards

 Arranges briefings and conferences for members on key issues

 Initiates and co-ordinates relevant action

 Ensures provision of sound advice on legal, employment, health and safety and
Key Characteristics
Promotes good public relations and communications
 Ensures positive public image of the sector its products and services

 Acts as a focal point for public and media enquires about the sector and

represents the sector to the media

Promotes training and education

 Determines skills requirements for the sector for short and long term

 Works with relevant industry training organizations, other employer organizations,

professional institutions and training bodies

 Promotes training standards and qualifications for the sector

Promotes innovation and technology transfer

 Identifies technology needs of the sector and promotes transfer

 Co-ordinates and commissions pre-competitive research and technology work on

behalf of the sector

 Ensures technical advice is devolved to members
Retail Destinations

The main points to consider when it comes to a successful mall are as follows
 A Carefully Conceived Design

 A Good Management Team, managing the functioning of the Mall.

Efficient management of the mall requires:

 Integration of the Owner and

 The Mall Management Team

The points to be considered when it comes to planning are as follows :

 Visitor Management

People visiting the malls need to be carefully managed as it would lead to various problems. If they are not
managed properly then there would a negative feedback against the management and it would also include
having a proper sanitary service, ambience and restaurants etc.
 Occupants management

The Occupants of the mall would include the staff, retailers in the mall etc. these need to be carefully
managed and kept happy at the same time because these are considered as a major factor in keeping the
customers happy.

The main points to be considered are as follows:

 Help desk
 Periodic feedback
 Coordinate construction of shops
 Billing
 Collections
 Attending to grievances & complaints
 Ensure observance of rules & regulations of the mall

Sound Infrastructure
 Infrastructure of a mall is what attracts public and potential customers. This would include having a proper organised
structure of shops. And other
 facilities in the mall. For example a potential customer who’s interested in buying a music system would look for it in the
electronics section and if all
 the electronics are not kept in a particular area of the mall he/she would not be happy walking around various corners to
look for various options. And at the same time it should consider the tastes of various customers based on say age group.

The main points to be considered for a good infrastructure are as follows:

 Uninterrupted Power Supply with 100% power backup
 HVAC with adequate redundancy
 Fire Fighting & Detection System
 Dedicated Security System
 ETP Plant
 Proper Sewage System
 Water Softening & Purification System
 P. A. System with Channeled Music
 Emergency Lighting in all areas
Creation of Ambience
Ambience is something which actually changes the mood of a person. It should be created in such a manner that the public should feel
good walking around in such an ambience. It mainly influences the buying behavior of the customers. They actually realize what is their
need and how can it be satisfied.

Scope of Service
Utilities Management
 Fire Detection and fire fighting system
 Lifts & Elevator
 Water and Fire Pumps
 Closed Circuit Television System
 Access Control System
 Vertical Elevation Systems
 Water & Fire Fighting Pumps
 Backup Power Supp

Service Management
 Security
 Electrical & Mechanical
 DG & HVAC Operations
 House Keeping
 Sanitary & Plumbing
 Pest Control
 Landscaping
 Office Support Staff
 Water Effluent Treatment Plant Maintenance
 Parking Area Management
Management Functions
 Quality Control
 Health and Fire Safety

 Preventive Management

 Energy Management

 Help Desk

 Vendor Management & Procurements

 Tender Processing

 Inventory Control

 Budgeting

Minor Repairs
 Equipments
 Civil works

 Carpentry

 Masonry work

 Furniture

 Painting

 Trouble shooting

 Project Work
Typical Organization Structure of a Mall Management
Future trends / Conclusion

The building industry is recognizing the benefits of an integrated

Facility Management Services and the trends are:

 The increased availability of industry specific software packages

that can provide for a wide range of FM requirements.
 Data on assets such as buildings and equipment is being viewed as

corporate information that is best managed by the FM department.

 Increasing interest in web based access to the FM services for

improved access to information by the FM staff and others in the

 More emphasis on business process re-engineering and staff

training in order to maximize the use and benefits of the system.

 Future interfaces with building automation systems in order to

achieve further operating efficiencies.

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