FM Definition & Function (Full)
FM Definition & Function (Full)
FM Definition & Function (Full)
DEFINITION OF FM Facilities management is one of the phases in Building Performance Evaluation (BPE) framework. It is the longest, and the need to monitor its ongoing performance as an operating resource and as a business expense is therefore pressing. FM related to optimizing building performance over the life of the building, and using feedback from a wide range of sources to ensure responsiveness to market needs.FM focus on: 1. Building assets as facilities in support of business delivery 2. Appropriate and productive working environment reflecting corporate culture 3. Operation and maintenance of building assets (managing cost and affordability) 4. Business operational needs and customer service standard
1. Protecting the owners investments by managing facilities in the most costeffective manner. 2. Staff productivity in order to gauge the effectiveness or success of facility management
Facilities management literature has tended to focus on maximising the value obtained from the specific use of facilities
as building, labour, capital and technology & information 2. should be aware of any technological advances that might enable the property to be used or developed in new ways
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FUNCTION/RESPONSIBILITIES OF FACILITIES MANAGER 1. The link between the internal customers (the workspace users) and those who will carry out the accommodation planning activities. 2. Will chair the project team charged with delivering the planned workspace to the organization. 3. The provider of much of the information about the buildings occupied by the organization and their infrastructure, and will be the guardian of the information gathered as a consequence of the planning exercise. 4. The person who will be assigned overall responsibility for the provision of the workspace, its planning and implementation. 5. To run a department responsible for everything such as preparing tender documents and risk assessment.
The practice of coordinating the physical workplace with the people and work of the organization; integrates the principles of business administration, architecture and the behavioural and engineering sciences.
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Facilities management is the integration of processes within an organization to maintain and develop the agreed services which support and improve the effectiveness of its primary activities.
who involve changing the way the workplace is organized. These include: Allocating some of the disabled persons duties to someone else Transferring the person to fill an existing vacancy Altering the persons working hours Assigning the person to a different place of work, such as their home Allowing absences for rehabilitation, assessment or treatment Giving training
Facilities management means: 1. Creating a facilities policy that expresses corporate values; 2. Giving the authority to the facilities business unit to improve service quality; 3. Developing facilities to meet business objectives; 4. Recognizing the value that facilities add to the business
1. Recognize the importance of delivering highquality services that meet the clients perceived expectations. 2. Develop interpersonal relationships and make decisions in conditions of ambiguity. 3. Expect to be recognized as invaluable organizational assets. 4. Facilities manager as information provider
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FUNCTION/RESPONSIBILITIES OF FACILITIES MANAGER 1. At corporate level: contribute to service planning, formulate policy and undertake scenario planning. 2. At strategic level: responsibility for effective business planning of the facilities services, leadership of the team and the development of proposals for developing facilities. 3. At tactical level: ensures service quality, manages value and implement risk management strategies. He/she also ensures operational control and innovative service should be effectively delegated to service providers. 4. At operational level: responsibility for the operation and maintenance of building and for the delivery of the services.
1. Facilities management as a strategically integrated approach to maintaining, improving and adapting the building and supporting services of an organization in order to create an environment that strongly supports the primary objectives of that organization. 2. FM need to embrace strategically orientated, continuous improvement and proposed key features of effective FM systems. It is based on a combination of systems theory and information processing perspectives, and illustrating the range of continuing interactions, which involved in FM.
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FUNCTION/RESPONSIBILITIES OF FACILITIES MANAGER 1. Managing people through change by : Changing face of work environment Putting the human element into change Managing people through change objectives Organisation development approach to managing people through change The role of the facilities manager within the change process Decision making
1. Strategic Level
An integrated approach to maintaining, improving and adapting the buildings of an organisation in order to create an environment that strongly supports the primary objectives of that organisation.
International Facility Management Association (IFMA) 1. The practice of co-ordinating people and the work of an organisation into the physical workplace. 2. An integrated management process that considers people, process and place in an organisational context. Association of Facilities Managers (AFM) the management of premises and buildings together with the facilities, services and people contained therein; this has implications in respect of initial design, maintenance, the day-to-day administration and control of manpower, energy and related resources (1986).
Defining the overall FM strategy Policy making, setting guidelines for space, assets, processes and services Active input and response at corporate level Initiating risk analysis and providing the direction to adapt changes in the organisation Initiating and monitoring KPIs Managing the impact of facilities on the primary activities, external environment and community Maintaining relations with authorities, landlords and tenants, strategic partners, associations, etc.
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Strathclyde Centre for Facilities Management (CFM) Facilities Management is a process by which an organisation delivers and sustains agreed support levels within a quality environment to provide full values in use to meet strategic objectives. Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) Facilities Management (FM) involves the total management of all services that support the core business of an organisation. It deals with those areas that the managers of the organisation consider to support their fundamental activities. FM focuses on the interaction between the core business, the support functions, and the facilities throughout all sections of industry, commerce, and services. British Institute of Facilities Management (BIFM) The former definition used by the Institute, which represents the FM profession in the UK, is: a) Facilities Management is the integration of multi-disciplinary activities within the built environment and the management of their impact upon people and the workplace.
Implementing and monitoring guidelines to follow strategies Developing budget plans Translating business objectives to operational level Defining and interpreting KPIs (performance, quality, risk and value) Monitoring compliance to laws and regulations Managing projects, processes and agreements Managing the FM team Optimising the use of resources Interpreting, adapting and reporting changes Communicating with internal or external service providers on a tactical level
3. Operational Level
Delivering services Monitoring and checking the service delivery processes Monitoring the service providers Receiving requests for service, e.g. via help desk or service centre
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New definition from BIFM : Facilities management is the integration of processes within an organisation to maintain and develop the agreed services which support and improve the effectiveness of its primary activities. Broad definition according to this book: FM is about taking control, adding value, supporting the business, ensuring that the space and working environment enhance not impede the productivity of the core activity and the staff. 9) Facility Design and Management Handbook Facilities management (FM) is a multidisciplinary or Tran disciplinary profession drawing on theories and principles of engineering, architecture, design, accounting, finance, management, and behavioural science. These disciplines each have a rich history of theory, research, and practice. Facilities management, as a new discipline, builds on this foundation to create a new set of theories and practices.
Collecting data for performance evaluations, feedback and demands from end-users Reporting to tactical level Communicating with internal or external service providers on an operational level
people who use the facility. This group includes employees, managers, and executives of the organization; contract employees in areas such as maintenance or security; customers of the business itself; and those people who come to the facility to conduct business with those who work
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DEFINITION OF FM According to the IFMA, the scope of Facilities Management covers real estate, planning, budgeting, space management, interior planning, interior installation, architecture and engineering services, and building maintenance and operations. In a study of how successful companies manage their facilities, Wilson (1985) reduced that list to five: 1. Real estate, 2. Long-range planning, 3. Building projects, 4. Building administration, and 5. Office support.
FUNCTION/RESPONSIBILITIES OF FACILITIES MANAGER there. Increasingly, the challenge facilities managers face in satisfying internal customers is the demand for quick response and quality service. It is important to understand that frequency of request for service may not be an indicator of the importance of the service provided. For example, on day-to-day basis facilities managers will spend considerable time responding to requests and the needs of employees and staff. They may be asked to adjust the heat, replace light bulbs, fix a squeaky door, or clear snow from the parking lot. However, the few times a year that the facilities manager reports to senior management may determine the size of staff and budgets; approval of projects, both major and minor; and what services are kept in-house or outsourced. Facilities managers must serve the needs of employees and managers of the organization in a way that enhances their ability to perform. In addition, facilities managers must meet these goals while simultaneously keeping an eye on the
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DEFINITION OF FM Three interlocking of circles represents the important role facilities and facilities management play in integrating employees, work processes, and workplaces into a coherent, productive, holistic system. FM serves to coordinate the interface between what people do and where they do it. Thus, FM touches on elements of human resources, process engineering, ergonomics, architecture, and interior design. Consequently, critical components of FM include planning and maintaining, and providing the assets, both large and small, that support the endeavour of people at work.
FUNCTION/RESPONSIBILITIES OF FACILITIES MANAGER efficiency and effectiveness of the building itself and the expenditure of resources, both human and capital. Financial accountability while maintaining quality work environments is a key challenge facing facility managers. 2. External customers of FM include the general public, investors and shareholders, and government agencies. The general public has concerns over appearance, safety, and environmental responsibility. Consequently, the facilities manager must ensure that his or her organization is a good corporate citizen. This could mean taking extra care in maintaining an attractive and appropriate facade for the buildings, ensuring the grounds are well kept, providing space for community activities, minimizing noise and disruption during construction projects, or finding environmentally friendly ways of dealing with waste. Investors and shareholders want a good return on their facility investment while expecting the facility to represent the organization. The buildings
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FUNCTION/RESPONSIBILITIES OF FACILITIES MANAGER an organization owns and occupies are the physical manifestation of that organization. It is the job of the facility manager to insure the buildings reflect the corporate culture while maintaining and operating them in the most cost efficient manner. The facility manager can meet these requirements by implementing cost savings practices that can include energy efficient building systems and products, as well as using durable and attractive, low maintenance materials. Government agencies monitor compliance with standards, regulations, and statutes. To serve these customers, the facility manager must be familiar with laws, codes, and regulations. Familiarity with the requirements imposed will help the facilities manager ensure their buildings comply with government regulations. 1. Facilities management can reduce the rate of deterioration and extend the time between renewal efforts. 2. Facility management is to determine if systems or components should be
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1. Facility management is related to new technology which regularly being introduced that requires changing and upgrading support infrastructures. Building code and life safety requirements may require that significant changes be made to the
FUNCTION/RESPONSIBILITIES OF FACILITIES MANAGER renovated, renewed, or replaced after evaluated the existing systems and components. Systems and components may be subjectively rated as being in good, fair, or poor condition on the basis of who are complaining and the available budget. In most cases, since there is rarely enough funding to correct all problems, this means that funding for repairing and replacing building systems and components is allocated on the basis of who is complaining the loudest and how highly they are placed in the organization. 3. Facility assessment is to determine priorities for repair, renewal, and replacement projects based on need. 4. Facility assessments provide a detailed picture of the condition of their facility, including all of the deficiencies and their relative impact on operations.
building and it systems. While many of these changes, when taken individually, are routine and do not require major renovation or renewal efforts, taken collectively, they typically require that significant alterations be made to the building and it systems. In those cases, a major renovation or renewal program may become the only option. 2. Facility assessment is a formal process used to identify, evaluate, and report on the condition of a facilitys physical plant. Its purpose is to evaluate existing condition within the facility and to identify exiting deficiencies. From this information, it can to identify existing maintenance problems, develop budgets for future maintenance and capital renewal projects, and track deferred maintenance backlogs.
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FUNCTION/RESPONSIBILITIES OF FACILITIES MANAGER The skills of a facility manager can be broken down into two sections, the hard skills- tasks performed through physical or technological means (i.e. operation and maintenance) and the soft skills task performed through mental intuitiveness (i.e. customer relations, team building or time management).
The international Facilities Management Association defines facility management1 as a profession that encompasses multiple disciplines to ensure functionality of the built environment by integrating people, place, process, and technology.
12) Property Condition Assessments 13) Space Planning for Commercial and Residential Interiors FM is the integration of multi-disciplinary activities within the build environment and the management of their impact upon the work place.
FM is a profession that encompasses multiple disciplines to ensure functionality of the built environment by integrating people, place, process and technology.
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FUNCTION/RESPONSIBILITIES OF FACILITIES MANAGER Facilities administration, which the British Institute of Facilities Management defines as: 1. The integration of multi-disciplinary activities within the built environment and the management of their impact on people and the workplace 2. Combining resources and activities (which) are vital to the success of any organization, by contributing to the delivery of strategic and operational objectives 3. Providing a safe and efficient working environment which is essential to business performance whatever its size and scope 4. The provision, maintenance and development of myriad facility services which range from developing a strategy, managing space and putting in a communications infrastructure to building maintenance, administration and contract management.
Facilities Management Means : Every property occupier needs to allow access to those working at the facility and needs to control or prevent access to others.
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FUNCTION/RESPONSIBILITIES OF FACILITIES MANAGER 1. Serves at least two constituencies; the external, which is business-oriented and normally political; and the internal, with a resultsoriented, technical orientation. He or she must bridge these needs and demands. 2. Simultaneously prepares for the future and reacts to todays crisis. There will always be a significant reactive component to the leaders job; Facilities Manager must be reactive without being a reactionary. The Facility Managers Handbook state that facility managers and their planning teams, should to identify the needs of the organization in terms of the management of space and incorporate these needs into the plan. For the example, the facility manager should plan to make a good work place and fresh for our employee because it can make the employee feel more comfortable, healthy and productive. The interested work area, such as the design for futures or interior design also influences the productivity and workability of the employee.
cost-effectiveness, productivity, Improvement, efficiency, and employee quality of life. 2. Facility management is a contact sport and only dynamic leaders will ever be truly successful.
The Facility Managers Handbook is about the rationale for systematically identifying and evaluating the key areas of practice management for understanding the need of companies and building owners in terms of their real estate or property investment. It also about the facility managers as the agents of building owners and companies, can work to ensure the continuity and or expansion of business operations to save the environment aspect. It also for reviews the key elements of space management as those elements are needed to create well-designed, comfortable and compliant work environments to manage our business or investment according to communicating change initiatives to employees, occupants, tenants regarding to the requirement of federal environmental law needs.
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FUNCTION/RESPONSIBILITIES OF FACILITIES MANAGER According to the total facilities management book, the facility manager should to plan and integrated approach to operating, maintaining, improving and adapting the buildings and infrastructure of an organization in order to create an environment that strongly supports the primary objectives of that organization. They also should provide the proper application of facilities management techniques enables organizations to prepare the right environment for conducting their core business on a cost-effective and best value basis. The applying of facility management among the facility manager can cover a wide range of services including real estate management, financial management, change management, human resources management, health and safety and contract management, in addition to building maintenance, domestic services (such as cleaning and catering) and utilities supplies
The total facilities management is the issues of customer satisfaction and best value to focus for these issues is facilities management, which has traditionally been seen as the poor relation of the main real estate and construction disciplines. Its about the applying of facilities management to the organizations practices known to work well, although the approach is not intended to be prescriptive. Its also the Integrated approach to operating, maintaining, improving and adapting the buildings and infrastructure of an organization in order to create an environment that strongly supports the primary objectives of that organization.
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