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Chapter 1

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Introduction to Multimedia

It is all about adding various effect

to make communication effective

Communicatio It is an Integral part of our life.


Means of communication are:

Internet etc.

Introduction to Multimedia

It is all about adding various effect

to make communication effective

Communicatio It is an Integral part of our life.


Means of communication are:

Internet etc.


Multimedia means using multiple media to
Multimedia is combination of various media elements
like text, audio, graphics, video and animation.

Figure: Components of Multimedia

Elements of Multimedia
Combination of all media elements makes communication
more structured and understandable to the user.
Multimedia is used in every field such as:
Journalism etc.

Elements of Multimedia
Computer plays a vital role in the
development of these media elements.
Computer which is capable of handling text,
audio, graphics, video and animation is
known as Multimedia Computer.

Elements of Multimedia

Figure: Use of Elements of Multimedia

Elements of Multimedia: Text

Text is used to communicate information to
Text in multimedia should be short, to the
point and attractive.
To create textual data, we can use Open
Office Writer or MS-Word.
Text can have different
Sample Text





As shown in figure of sample text, have

different typeface, font and size.

Sample Text

Elements of Multimedia: Text

Typeface: Family of characters or letters which have
similar look.
E.g. Times, Arial, Courier etc.

Typeface have different style and size known

as Font.
Styles are Italic, Bold, Underline


Size is distance between top of the letter to

bottom point. It is expressed in points.
E.g. 12 point, 20 point

For example: if we have font of 'Times new roman 14

point' then Times new roman is style and 14 point is

Elements of Multimedia: Text

Typeface is categorized into:

Font with decoration

Sans Serif

Sample Typeface

Font without decoration


Serif is a 'little decoration' at the end of the character.

Easy to read on printed page, so they are used when lot of text to be read.
E.g. Times, Century, Bookman etc.


Sans Serif is font 'without' decoration.

Usually used for headlines and titles.
Serif fonts are difficult to read than sans serif on computer due to low resolution.
E.g. Arial, Verdana, Helvetica etc.

Elements of Multimedia : Text

1. Open a blank presentation in Open Office Impress.
2. Click on View -> Toolbars -> Drawing, to open drawing toolbar.
3. On drawing toolbar click on Fontwork Gallery icon as shown in figure

Fontwork Gallery Dialog Box

Elements of Multimedia: Audio

Sound is the most important element of multimedia.
Sound can be defined as 'a meaningful speech' in any
In terms of analog form it is known as 'sound'.
Digitized form of sound is known as 'audio'.
Sound plays an important role in absence of presenter.
To make such kind of multimedia presentation, we need
to first record voice and play it according to animation.

Elements of Multimedia: Audio

Now-a-days computers come along with required
hardware and software to support multimedia
For example:

Inbuilt Sound
Web Camera

Elements of Multimedia: Audio

Below figure shows audio recording application provided
in Ubuntu Linux.

Figure: Sound Recorder

Elements of Multimedia : Audio

Steps to record voice for an application
1. To open sound recorder Select Applications -> sound and
video -> Sound recorder
2. Choose file type
Choose File -> New
3. Select one of the recording option from following:
- CD quality, Lossless
- CD quality, Lossy
- Voice
4. To start recording
choose Control -> Record or click on record button

Elements of Multimedia : Audio

Steps to record voice for an application
5. To stop recording
choose Control -> Stop or click on stop button
6. To play back recording choose Control -> Play or click on
play button
7. To run audio mixer
choose File -> Open Volume Control
8. To save recording
choose File -> Save As and type a name for sound file

Elements of Multimedia: Audio

Audio Recording

Elements of Multimedia: Audio

Commanly Used Audio File Extension

Elements of Multimedia: Audio

t.wav is the most popular uncompressed sound format on the Internet and
supported by all popular browser.
mp3' is new compressed format for recorded music.

.wav' is the most popular uncompressed sound format on the

Internet and supported by all popular browser.

.mp3' is new compressed format for recorded music.


Elements of Multimedia: Image

Information communicated through images is

easier to remember and understand.

Images used in multimedia application can be

photographs converted into digital form with help
of scanners.

Computers store pictures in form of pixels maps

also known as bitmap or raster images.

Elements of Multimedia: Image


Pixel (short form for picture element) is a small

dot on the screen. Each pixel contains values
representing a color.
When an image is sent to be displayed on the
screen, picture data is converted to pixel.


It is a two dimensional matrix of these dots.

Bitmap It is a simple matrix of tiny dots, which forms

an image on the computer screen.
Vector: It is an another form of image generated by
computers, which stores images in form of
mathematical equations.

Elements of Multimedia: Image

Classification of Image

Bitmap Image

Vector Image

Store image in form of matrix

Store image in form of mathematical

of tiny dots on screen


When bitmap image enlarged,


it will blur and the pixel will get



mathematical form and value are







recalculated, when displayed on screen.

Elements of Multimedia: Image

Bitmap image file format like .gif, .jpeg and .png use compression within file

Bitmap Image

Elements of Multimedia: Image

Commonly Used Image File Extension

Elements of Multimedia: Image

Document with Image

Elements of Multimedia: Image

e can scan picture using a scanner and

convert it into digital format.

e can also make changes to our images by

using programs like Adobe Photoshop,
GIMP, MS-Paint and others.

Elements of Multimedia: Video and Animation

Animation can add great power to any multimedia
Any static presentation becomes lively by adding a
video or animation.

Elements of Multimedia: Video and Animation

The term video refers to the sequence of natural
scenes captured using analog or digital video
capturing device.
This device can be a web camera, digital camera
or even mobile phones.

Elements of Multimedia: Video and Animation

Animation is a visual change over time.
The digital images are played one after the other
to create a moving effect.
We can say that, animation is created from drawn
pictures and video is created using real time
Carefully planned and well executed video clips or
animations can make a great difference in a
multimedia application.
Examples of animation are movies like Kung Fu
Panda and Smurfs.

Elements of Multimedia: Video and Animation

3D Animation
In 3D animation the visual change occurs along
three axis namely x, y and z.
This type of animation gives almost a realistic view
of the image as can be seen by the human eye.
Examples of 3D animation software are Maya,
Blender and 3D Max.

Elements of Multimedia: Video and Animation

2D View of an Object

Elements of Multimedia: Video and Animation

3D View of an Object

Elements of Multimedia: Video and Animation

To record a video using VLC media player
Let us start recording a video by following the
steps given:
1. Open VLC media player.
2. Select Media -> Open Capturing Device.
This will take you to the Open Media dialog as shown
in figure below:

Elements of Multimedia: Video and Animation

Figure: Open Media Dialog Box

Elements of Multimedia: Video and Animation

From the Play drop down menu visible in the Open
Media dialog box of figure select Convert option.

Elements of Multimedia: Video and Animation

In the textbox after Destination file label, select
the destination and filename.
Check Display the output checkbox to see what
you are recording.
Click on the Start button.

Elements of Multimedia: Video and Animation

Below figure shows screenshot to 'Save the Video file'

Save the Video File

Elements of Multimedia: Video and Animation

Below figure shows the Video recording in progress. Click on the Stop button to
stop the recording.

Video Recording in Progress

Elements of Multimedia: Video and Animation

You can also try out another open source video
recording software called "Cheese Webcam Booth"
available in Ubuntu Software Center.
Today mp4 is most widely used format for the
Internet video. It is supported by Flash players,
YouTube as well as HTMLS.

Video and Animation: Commonly used Video File Extension

Interactive Objects
For a multimedia presentation to be effective it
should have maximum interactivity.
Some media elements can be handled inline and
some require plug-in.
Inline media objects are specified inside the
program using a specific <inlinemediaobj ect>
Plug-in are extra helper programs that can be
easily installed and used as a part of the web

Classification of Multimedia
Generally multimedia is classified into two
namely : Interactive and Non-Interactive

Classification of Multimedia
Interactive multimedia
In Interactive multimedia, the sequence and
timing of media elements can be controlled by the
For example, a multimedia CD on Learn Musical
Instruments, the user can select on the different
musical instruments he/she wants to play. User
can also select his favourite song which he wants
to play using that instrument.
Most of the CD-ROM titles and games available in
the market are interactive in nature.
Generally, interactivity increases the user
participation and he/ she enjoys it more.

Classification of Multimedia
Non-Interactive multimedia
In traditional mass media like television, radio or
newspaper the communication is one-way.
In other words we can say that the process
originates from the source and is delivered to the
mass audience.
For example, a movie has a beginning and an end
irrespective of the user watching it on the
television or not.
Though these technologies also use video, audio,
text and graphics but in an inflexible way.

Classification of Multimedia
While in multimedia the user does not remain
passive but can control the elements.
Thus, the difference between mass media and
multimedia is that there is a shift from audience to
user and the communication becomes two-way
instead of one-way.
In Non-Interactive multimedia the user simply
watches the media as it plays from beginning to
the end.
He/ she has no control over the flow.
For example : a corporate presentation or a
multimedia demo.

Classification of Multimedia
Another classification of multimedia is based on its
applications : Entertainment or Edutainment.
All types of games, movies are examples of
Entertainment multimedia wherein the purpose is
to entertain the user.
Whereas the multimedia titles that educate the
user are classified under edutainment
multimedia. All types of educational CDs are
example of edutainment multimedia.

Use of Multimedia
1.Education and Training

Use of Multimedia
1.Education and Training

Use of Multimedia
Education and Training
In the area of education, multimedia has a great importance.
Multimedia is used to produce computer based training
courses commonly known
as CBT. A CBT lets the user go through a series of
presentations, animations, text about a particular topic along
with examples.
Today CBT are used for almost all the age groups right from
kindergarten to post graduates.
For example, edutainment CD like Nursery Rhymes or Learn

Use of Multimedia
Education and Training
Edutainment is an informal term used to describe combining
education with entertainment, especially multimedia
Multimedia is used extensively in training programs.
Medical trainers and doctors can practice surgery methods via
simulation before the actual surgery.
Mechanics can learn to repair the engines
Salesperson can learn about the product details.

Use of Multimedia
Use of multimedia in education and training:
Recording or broadcasting lectures.
Using video conferencing we can hear an expert speaker
from a distant location.
Demonstrating surgeries or other techniques that learners
may not otherwise have the opportunity to see and later
put them in practice.
Record students performance to enable feedback.

Use of Multimedia
Advertising is the major source of launching and promoting a
product by the manufacturing companies in the market.
Exciting animations, effects and slogans can make an
advertisement popular.
This can lead to promotion of the product.
We see so many advertisements today and some of them
catch our attention and we ultimately end up buying that
For example, Jujus and pug dog in Vodafone advertisement were
used to promote the various plans and packages of the

Use of Multimedia
Multimedia is heavily used in the entertainment industry to
develop special effects in animations and movies.
For example movies like Ice age, Jurassic park, Avatar will
always be remembered for their special effects and
Multimedia games are very popular among children and a
variety of these games are available either as CD-ROMs or
With availability of lot of gaming software programs for
individuals or groups, virtual gaming has become a reality
With usage of such software two players in different countries
can play a game sitting on their computers.

Use of Multimedia
Multimedia is used a lot in the field of journalism
There are many magazines and newspaper that are
published periodically.
Today not only we see the text in the newspaper, but can
also see the photographs.
E-newspaper and E-magazines are also available online
where we can see the videos related to particular news.


Stages in Multimedia
Research and Analysis

2. Scripting or Flowcharting
3. Story boarding
4. Collection of media elements and construction
5. Programming
6. Testing

Stages in Multimedia
Research and Analysis

During this stage we need to find out about the

audience, their skills, needs and qualification.
We should also gather as much information as
possible about the content to be presented.

Stages in Multimedia
Scripting or Flowcharting

Scripting or flowcharting means deciding the flow of the

multimedia project.
This is done by making a flowchart to show the main menu
and the branching when a user selects a particular option.
For example, if we were designing educational multimedia
project on Science for Standard XI, the home page would
display all the chapter names. Selecting a particular chapter
would display the explanation, exercises, test and other
aspects related to the chapter.

Thus we candraw a flowchart starting with our main menu

and then the subpages that are linked with each other.

Stages in Multimedia
Story boarding

During this stage the actual visualization of the

project takes place.
The designer decides how each screen should
look like, which media elements are to be used
and where to place them on the screen.
The storyboard in our earlier example, will
contain the design of the home page, where we
will place the buttons, how will they look like, what
happens when we click this button and other such
required elements.

Stages in Multimedia
Collection of media elements and construction

After the storyboarding, the designer is ready

with the prototype and starts creating the graphics
and other media elements to be used in the
For example, characters to be used are created,
sounds and videos are recorded and animations
are created.

Stages in Multimedia

After the collection and construction of media

elements, they are combined together into a final
product using software packages like Macromedia
Flash, Synfig, Hypercard to name a few.


Stages in Multimedia

This is the final stage of any multimedia project.

In this stage we check if all the media elements
are working as per the requirements or not.
Also, whether the audience targeted will find the
design and the content attractive or not.

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