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Multimedia Systems Final

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Multimedia System: one way of defining multimedia can be found in the

meaning of composed world multi-many, much multiple.

Medium: An intervening substance through which some thing is transmitted
or carried on.
Computer System medium:
1. Text
2. Image
3. Sound
4. Video
Representation Dimension of media:
Media are divided into two types in respect to time in their representation
1. Time independent (discrete): Information is expressed only in its
individual value. E.g.: text, image, etc.
2. Time dependent (continuous): Information is expressed not only its
individual value, but also by the time of its occurrences. E.g.: sound and
Multimedia system is defined by computer controlled, integrated production,
manipulation, presentation, storage and communication of independent
information, which is encoded at least through a continuous and discrete
Classification of Media:
1. The perception media
2. The representation Media
3. The Presentation Media
4. The storage media
5. The transmission media
6. The information Exchange media
Perception media: Perception media help human to sense their
environment. The central question is how human perceive information in a
computer environment. The answer is through seeing and hearing.
Seeing: For the perception of information through seeing the usual such as
text, image and video are used.
Hearing: For the perception of information through hearing media such as
music noise and speech are used.
Representation media: Representation media are defined by internal
computer representation of information. The central question is how the
computer information is coded? The answer is that various format are used to
represent media information in computer.
i. Text, character is coded in ASCII code
ii. Graphics are coded according to CEPT or CAPTAIN video text
iii. Image can be coded as JPEG format
iv. Audio video sequence can be coded in different TV standard
format(PAL, NTSC,SECAM and stored in the computer in MPEG
Presentation Media: Presentation media refer to the tools and devices for
the input and output of the information. The central question is, through
which the information is delivered by the computer and is introduced to the
Output media: paper, screen and speaker are the output media.
Input Media: Keyboard, mouse, camera, microphone are the input media.
Storage media: Storage Media refer to the data carrier which enables
storage of information. The central question is, how will information be
stored? The answer is hard disk, CD-ROM, etc.
Transmission media: Transmission Media are the different information
carrier that enables continuous data transmission. The central question is,
over which information will be transmitted? The answer is co-axial cable,
fiber optics as well as free air.
Information exchange media: Information exchange media includes all
information carrier for transmission, i.e. all storage and transmission media.
The central question is, which information carrier will be used for
information exchange between different places? The answer is combine uses
of storage and transmission media. E.g. Electronic mailing system.
Usages of Multimedia Application:
1. Education
2. Training
3. Entertainment
4. Advertisement
5. Presentation
6. Business Communication
7. Web page Design
Traditional data streams characteristics:
A sequence of individual packets transmitted in time dependent fashion is
called data stream. The data stream will be used as a synonym data flow.
Transmission of information carrying different media leads to data stream
with very different features. The attributes of synchronous, asynchronous
and isochronous data transmission conform the field of computer
communication and switching.
i. Asynchronous Transmission mode:
The asynchronous transmission mode provides for
communication with no timely restriction.
Packets reach the receivers as fast as possible.
All information of discrete media can be transmitted as
asynchronous data stream. If an asynchronous mode is chosen for
transmission of continuous media, additional technique most be
applied to provide the time restriction. E.g.: Ethernet, protocol of
worldwide internet for e-mail transmission.
ii. Synchronous Transmission mode:
The synchronous define the maximum end to end delay for each
packet of the data stream. This upper bound will never be
violated. Moreover, a packet can reach the receiver at any
arbitrary earlier time. So most of the time the receiver has to
hold the packet temporarily. A packet has a start frame and the
end frame. Start frame is used to tell the receiving station that a
new packet of characters is arriving and use d to synchronize the
receiving station's internal clock. The end frame is used to
indicate the end of packet.
iii. Isochronous Transmission mode:
Isochronous transmission Mode defines maximum end to end delay
as well as minimum end to end delay. This means the delay jitter for
individual packet is bounded. Isochronous transmission mode
minimizes the overhead of the receiver. Storage of packet at receiver
is reduced.
Properties of Multimedia System:
The uses of term multimedia are not every arbitrary combination of media. Justify.
1. Combination of media: A simple text processing program with in
corporate image is often called a multimedia application. Because two
media are processed through one program. But one should talk
multimedia only when both continuous and discrete media are utilized.
So text processing program with incorporated images is not a
multimedia application.
2. Computer support integrated-> computer is idle tools for
multimedia application
3. Independence: An important aspect of different media is their level of
independence from each other. In general there is a request for
independence of different media but multimedia may requires several
level of independence. E.g. A computer controlled video recorder stores
audio and video information's. There is inherently tight connection
between two types of media. Both media are coupled together through
common storage medium of tape. On the other hand for the purpose of
presentation the combination of DAT (digital audio tape recorder)
signals and computer available text satisfies the request for media
Global structure of Multimedia System:
1. Application domain
2. System domain
3. Device domain
Application domain: provides functions to the user to develop and present
multimedia projects. This includes software tools, and multimedia projects
development methodology.
System Domain: including all supports for using the function of the device
domain, e.g. operating system, communication systems (networking) and
database systems.
Device domain: basic concepts and skill for processing various multimedia
elements and for handling physical device.
Chapter 3
Image and Graphics
Image: An image may be defined as two dimensional function f(x, y) where, x
y are the spatial co-ordinate and the amplitude of 'f' at any pair of co-
ordinates x, y is called the intensity or gray level of image at that point x, y
and amplitude values of f are all finite, discrete quantities we all the image is
digital image.
Representation of digital Image:
Digital image is represented by two dimensional matrix e.g. I[x] [y]
When I is the two dimensional matrix then, I [x][y] is the intensity value at
the position corresponding to the row x and column y of the matrix.
Image Analysis: Image analysis is concerned with techniques for extracting
description from the image (shape, position, any distance, color) that are
necessary for object recognition and classification.
Digital Image processing: The field of digital image processing refers to
the processing of digital image by means of digital computer.
Fundamental step of digital image processing:
1. Image acquisition is the first process in the digital image processing.
Generally image acquisition stage involves pre-processing such as
2. Image Enhancement: It is the simplest area of digital image
processing. The idea behind the enhancement technique is to bring out
details that is hidden or not clearly seen or highlight the certain
feature of the interest of the image. E.g. Increase the contrast of an
image. It is human subjective area of image processing. No
mathematical model or probabilistic models are used. Input and output
of this step is an image.
3. Image Restoration: Image restoration is the area that also deals with
improving the appearance of the object (image) how ever enhancement,
which is subjective, image restoration, is objective in the sense that
restoration technique tends to be based on mathematical or
probabilistic model of image processing. Output of this process is
generally image.
4. Image compression: Image compression deals with the technology or
technique for reducing the storage required to save the image or the
bandwidth required to transmit it. Image compression is familiar to the
most of the user of computer in the form of the file extension such as
jpg extension. Output of this process is image.
5. Morphological process: morphological processing deals with tools for
extracting components (attributes) that are useful in the representation
and description of the shape. E.g. shape detection, contour detection,
line detection, etc. output of this processing is generally attributes.
6. Segmentation: Is the process of partitioning of an image into its
component or object. Segmentation is most difficult task in the digital
image processing. Rough segmentation process brings the process long
way towards the successful solution. The more accurate segmentation
the more likely recognition is to be succeeded. The output of this
process is also attributes.
7. Representation and description (Labeling): It almost always
follow the output of segmentation state, which usually is a raw pixel
data, consisting either boundary of the region (the set of pixels
separating one image segment from another) or all the points in the
region itself. The decision that must be made is weather the data
should be represented as boundary or complete region. When focus is
on internal property complete region is suitable. When focus is in
external shape boundary is suitable. Choosing representation is only
part of solution for transforming raw data into a form suitable for
subsequent computer processing.
Description is also called feature selection.
8. Recognition (matching): Recognition is the process that assigns a
label in object based on its descriptions. It is the process of classify the
object according to the attributes extracted.
Image Format:
- Captured image format
- Stored image format
There are different kinds of image format, some of them are capture image
format and the format when image are stored, stored image format.
Captured Image format: the image format is specified by the two main
parameters: spatial resolution which is specified as pixels X pixels and color
encoding, which is specified by bits/ pixels. Both parameter values depend on
hardware and software for input and output image.
Resolution: 1024 X 768 pixels
Color can be encoded with one bit binary image.
Eight bit for color, grey scale
Twenty four bit for color RGB
Stored image format: When we store an image we are storing a two
dimensional array values in which each value represent the data associated
with pixel in image. For bitmap this value is binary digit. For color image
this value may be collection of three numbers representing the intensities of
red, green and blue components of the color at that pixel. Some current image
file format for storing image include JPEG (Joint photographic expert group),
JPG (joint photographic group).
Difference between Image processing and computer graphics:
Computer graphics is a field related to generation of graphics using
computer. It includes creation, storage and manipulation of image of the
object. On the other hand image processing is a processing of a digital image
by means of digital computer. It is the field related to image analysis (image
enhancement, pattern detection, recognition, computer vision, etc.)
Sound and Audio:
Sound: Sound is a physical phenomenon produce by vibration of matter such
as violin string or block of wood. As a matter vibrates pressure vibration are
created in the air surrounding it.
The alternation of high and low pressure is propagated through air in a wave
like motion. When a wave reaches a human air a sound is heard.
Basic Concept of sound:
Air pressure
On period
Sound is produced by vibration of matter. During the vibration the pressure
vibration are created in the air surrounding it. The pattern of oscillation is
called wave form.
The wave form repeats the same shape at regular interval and this portion is
called period. Sound wave is never perfect, smooth or uniformly periodic.
Frequency of the sound is the reciprocal value of period. It represents the
number of period in a second and is measured in Hz cycles/sec.
Note: 1 KHz = 1000 Hz
The frequency range is divided into
0 to 20 Hz Infra Sound
20Hz-20 KHz Human hearing frequency range.
Multimedia system typically makes use of sound only within the frequency
range of human hearing. We will call sound in human hearing range audio
and wave is called acoustics signals.
Amplitude: a sound has an amplitude property subjectively heard as
loudness. The amplitude of a sound is the measure of the displacement of air
pressure waveform from its mean.
Computer Representation of Sound:
Diagram goes here..
Sampling: Sound wave form the smooth, continuous is not directly
represented in the computer. The computer measures the amplitude of the
wave form in the regular time interval to produce the series the numbers.
Each of this measurement is called sample. This process is called sampling.
Sampling rate: the rate at which a continuous wave form is sampled is
called sampling rate. Like frequency, sampling rate are measured in Hz. For
loss less digitization the sampling rate should be at least twice of the
maximum frequency response.
Diagram goes here
Just as a wave form is sampled at discrete times the value of sample is also
discrete. The quantization of the sample value depends on the number of bits
used in measuring the height of the wave form. The lower quantization lower
quality of sound, higher quantization higher quality of sound.
Music: The relationship between music and computer has become more and
more important, especially considering the development of MIDI (Musical
Instrument and Digital Interface) and its important contribution in the music
industry. MIDI interface between musical instrument and computer.
MIDI Basic Concept:
MIDI is the standard that manufacturer of electronic musical instrument
have agreed upon. It is a set of specification, they use in building their
instrument. So that the instrument of different manufacturers can
communicate without difficulty. MIDI is defined in 1983.
MIDI Interface Components:
MIDI interface has two different components:
i. Hardware:
Hardware connects the equipment. It specifies the physical
connection between musical instruments. A MIDI Port is built in
to the instrument and it specifies MIDI cable and deals with
electronic signals that are sent over the cable.
ii. A data format:
Data format encodes the information travelling through the
hardware. MIDI doesn't transmit an audio signal. For this
propose MIDI data format is used. The MIDI encoding includes,
besides the instrument specification, the notion of the beginning
and ending node, basic frequency and sound volume. MIDI data
format is digital. The data are grouped into MIDI message. Each
MIDI message can communicate one musical event between
Note: If a musical instrument satisfies both components of the
MIDI standard, the instrument is called a MIDI device which can
communicate with other MIDI device through channels. MIDI
standard specifies 16 channels and identifies 128 instruments.
Each MIDI device is mapped to channel.
MIDI Reception Mode:
Mode 1: Omni on / poly
Mode 2: Omni on / mono
Mode 3: Omni off / poly
Mode 4: Omni off / mono
To tune a MIDI device to one or more channels, the device most
be set to one of the MIDI reception mode. There are four MIDI
reception modes which are given above.
The first half of the mode name specifies how MIDI device
monitors the incoming MIDI channels. If Omni is turned on, the
MIDI device monitors all the MIDI channels and responds to all
channel messages, no matter which channels they are
transmitted on. If the Omni is turned off, the MIDI device
respond only to channel message, the device is set to receive.
The second half of the mode name tells the MIDI device how to
play nodes coming in over the MIDI cable. If the option Poly is set
the device can play several nodes at a time. If the node is set to
mono the device play only one node at a time like a monophonic
MIDI Devices:
- Sound generator
- Microprocessor
- Keyboard
- Control panel
- Auxiliary Controller
- Memory
Midi synthesizers are component that generates sound based on input MIDI
software message. It is the heart of any MIDI system. A typical synthesizer
looks like simple piano keyboard with a panel full of buttons. Most
synthesizers have following components:
1. Sound Generator: Sound generator do the actual work of synthesizing.
The propose of the rest of synthesizer is to control the sound generator.
The principal propose of the generator is to produce a audio signals
that becomes sound when fed into loud speaker. By changing the
voltage oscillation of the sound signal, a sound generator changes the
quality of the sound, i.e. pitch, loudness.
2. Microprocessor (Controller): It communicate with keyboard to know
what notes a musician is playing and what command the musician
want to send. Microprocessor then specifies note to sound generators.
In other words microprocessor sends and receives MIDI message.
3. Keyboard: Keyboard provides the musician direct control of the
synthesizer, pressing the keys on the keyboard. Which instruct the
microprocessor what notes to be played and how long to play them?
4. Control Panel: It controls those functions that are not directly
concerned with notes and duration. The panel controls include a slider
that sets the overall volume of synthesizer a button that turns the
synthesizer on, off and menu.
5. Auxiliary Controller: Auxiliary controller are available to give more
control over the note played on the keyboard. It concern with notes and
duration. Two common variables on synthesizer are pitch band and
6. Memory: Synthesizer memory is used to store patches for the sound
generators and setting of the control panel.
Sequencers: It is an electronic device in cooperating with both hardware
and software, which is used as storage server for generated MIDI data. A
sequencer may be computer. Sequencer transforms the note into MIDI
MIDI Message:
1. Channel Message
i. Channel Voice Message
ii. Channel mode Message
2. System Message
i. System Real-time message
ii. System Common Message
iii. System exclusive Message
MIDI Message: It transmits information between the MIDI devices and
determines what kinds of musical events can be passed from device to device.
The format of the MIDI message consists of the status byte (first byte of any
MIDI message) which describe the kind of message and data byte. MIDI
message are divided into following types:
1. Channel Message: It go only to specified devices. There are two types of
channel message.
i. Channel Voice Message: Channel Voice message send actual
performance data between MIDI devices describing keyboard
action, controller action and control panel changes. They describe
music by defining pitch, note on, note off channel pressure, etc.
ii. Channel Mode Message: Channel Mode message determine the
way that a receiving MIDI device respond to channel voice
message. It deals with how to play notes coming in over MIDI
cables. Channel mode message includes Omni On, Omni Off, note
off, note on, etc.
2. System message: System message go to all devices in a MIDI system
because no channel number are specified. There are three types of
system message.
i. System Real-time Message: These are very short and simple,
consisting of only one byte. They carry extra data with them.
These messages synchronize the timing MIDI devices in
performance. To avoid delay these message are sent in the middle
of other message if necessary.
ii. System Common Message: System common message are
commands that prepares sequencers and synthesizer to play
song. E.g. Song selected, find the common starting place in the
iii. System Exclusive message: System exclusive message allow
MIDI manufacturers to create customized MIDI message to send
between the MIDI devices.
MIDI Software: The software application generally falls into four major
1. Music recording and performance application
2. Musical notation and printing application
3. Synthesizer Patch editor and library patch
4. Music education application
MIDI and SMPTE Timing Standard
MIDI reproduces traditional note length using MIDI clock, which are
represented through timing clock message. Using MIDI clock a receiver can
synchronize with the clock cycle of sender. To keep the standard timing
reference the MIDI specification state 24 MIDI clock = 1 quarter note.
As an alternative the SMPTE timing standard (society of Motion Picture and
Television Engineer) can be used. The SMPTE timing standard was
originally developed by NASA as a way to make incoming data from different
tracking stations so that the receiving computer could fill what time each
piece of data was created. SMPTE format consists of hour: minutes: second:
frames: bits
-30 frames per second, SMPTE uses a 24 hour clock from 0 to 23 before
Speech: speech can be perceived understood, and generated by human and
also by machines. A human adjust himself/ herself very efficiently to different
speakers and their speech habit. The human brain can recognize the very fine
line between speech and noise.
Speech signals have two properties which can be used in speech processing.
1. Voice speech signals show during certain time intervals almost periodic
behavior. Therefore we can consider these signals as quasi-stationary
signals for around 30ms
2. The spectrum of the audio signals shows characteristics maxima, which
are mostly 3-5 frequency bands. These maxima called format.
Speech generation:
1. Speech output system could transfer text into speech automatically
without any lengthy processing.
2. Generated speech most be understandable and most sound natural.
Types of Speech:
The important requirement of speech generation is the generation of the real
time signals. The easiest method for speech generation is to use pre-coded
speech and play it back in the timely fashion.
Time-dependent sound concatenation:
Fig: Phone sound concatenation
Fig: Di-phone concatenation
Fig: Word sound concatenation
Speech generation can also be performed by sound concatenation in a timely
fashion. Individual speech unit are composed like building blocks, where the
composition can occur at different levels. In the simplest case, the individual
phones are understood as speech units. In the above given example
individual phone of the word CRUM are shown. It is possible with just a few
phones to create from an unlimited vocabulary. The phone sound
concatenation shows the problem during the transition between individual
phones. This problem is called co articulation which is mutual sound effect.
To solve these problems, Di-phone sound concatenation is used. Two phones
can constitute a Di-phone. In the above figure, Di-phone of word CRUM is
shown. The transition problem is not solved sufficiently on this level.
To make the transition problem easier, syllabus can be created. The speech is
generated through set of syllabus. The above given figure word sound
concatenation and syllabus sound shows the syllabus sound of word CRUM.
The best pronunciation of word is achieved is storage of whole word. This
leads towards synthesize the speech sequence.
Note: Co articulation Problem
The transition between individual sound units create an essential problem
called co articulation which is the mutual sound influence throughout the
several sound.
Frequency dependent sound concatenation:
Speech generation can also be based on frequency dependent sound
concatenation. E.g. through formant synthesizing. Formants are the
entence part
frequency maxima in the spectrum of the speech. Formants synthesize
simulate the vocal track through filter. This characteristics value is filters
middle frequency and their bandwidth. The method used for sound
synthesize in order to simulate human speech is called the linear predictive
coding (LPC) method.
Using speech synthesize a text can be transformed into acoustics signals. The
typical component of this system is given in the figure below:
Fig 3.8 page no 46
In the first step the transcription is performed where text is translated into
sound script. Most transcription methods work with later to phone rules. A
dictionary of exception stored in the library.
In the second step the sound script is translated into a speech signals.
Besides the problem of co-articulation ambiguous pronunciation most be
Speech analysis:
peec' Ana"!sis
(nderstanding )denti*ication %eri*ication
+o& W'at
Speech analysis deals with research area shown in the above figure.
Human speeches have certain characteristics determined by speaker. So
speech analysis can server to analyze who is speaking. i.e. to recognize a
speaker, for his identification and verification. The computer identifies and
verifies the speaker using an acoustic finger print is digitally stored. It is
digitally stored speech probe (certain statement of the speaker).
Another main part of speech analysis is to analyze what has been said. To
recognize and understand the speech itself.
Another area of speech analysis tries to research speech pattern with
respect to how the statement was said. E.g. a speaker sentence sounds
differently if a person is angry or happy.
Speech Recognition System and Understanding:
The system which provides the recognition and understanding of speech
signal applies this principle several times as follows:
1. In the first step, the principle is applied to a sound pattern and/or word
model. An acoustic and phonetic analysis is performed.
2. In the second step, certain speech units go through syntactical analysis.
In this step the errors in the previous step can be recognized.
3. The third step deals with semantics of the previously recognized
language. Here the decision error of previous step can be recognized
and corrected.
There are still many problems into speech recognition and understanding
1. Specific problem is presented by Room Acoustic with existed
environment noise.
2. Word boundaries must be determined. Very often neighboring words
follows into one another.
3. For the comparison of the speech elements to the existing pattern, time
normalization is necessary. The same word can be spoken quickly or
Speech Transmission (assignment)
Chapter 7
Multimedia Operating system
Multimedia operating system is the system software that handles multimedia data
and multimedia devices.
Important issues in Multimedia Operating System:
1. Appropriate scheduling method should be applied: In contrast to the
traditional real time operating system, multimedia operating systems also
have to consider task without hard timing restriction under the aspects of
2. Communication and synchronization between processes must meet the
restriction of the real-time requirement and timing relations between
different Medias.
3. In multimedia system, memory management has to provide access to data
within a guaranteed timing delay and efficient data manipulation function.
4. Data management is a important component in multimedia system, however
database management system abstracts the details of storing data on the
secondary media storage. Therefore database management should depend on
file management services provided by multimedia operating system.
Real-time system:
Real time process is the process which delivers the result of processing in a given
time. Main characteristics of real time system are the correctness of computation
and fixed response time. Deadline represent the latest acceptable time for the
presentation of the processing result. Real time system has both hard and soft
Soft deadline is the type of deadline which in some cases is missed and may be
tolerated as long as.
Hard deadline should never be violated. Hard deadline violation is the system
Characteristics of Real time system:
1. Predictably fast response to time critical event and accurate timing
2. High degree of schedulability :
Schedulability refers to the degree of resource utilization at which or below
which deadline of each time critical task can be taken into account. Under
system overload, processing of the critical task most be done.
3. Management of manufacturing process and control of the military system are
the application area of real time system.
Real-time and Multimedia System:
1. A piece of music most be played back at a constant speed.
2. To fulfill the timing requirement of the continuous media, the operating
system most use real time scheduling techniques.
3. The real-time requirements of traditional real-time scheduling techniques
and control system in application areas such as factory automation, air craft
piloting have high demand of security and fault tolerance.
4. The requirement desire from this demand somehow differentiates real time
scheduling efforts applied to continuous media.
5. Multimedia system uses the different scenario then traditional real time
operating system in real time requirements.
The fault tolerance requirement of multimedia system is usually less strict
then those of real time system:
- Short time failure of continuous media system will not directly lead to the
destruction the technical equipment or threat to human life.
- For many multimedia system applications missing a deadline is not a server
If the video frame is not available, it is omitted, the viewer hardly notices.
- Schedulability considerations for periodic task are much easier. Multimedia
data processing operations are periodic.
- The bandwidth demand for continuous media is not always that strict.
Fig: Process State,
Phase of resource Reservations and Management:
1. Schedulability test
2. Quality of service calculation
3. Resource reservation
4. Resource scheduling
Real-time Scheduling algorithm:
1. Earliest Deadline first
2. Rate Monotonic Algorithm
3. Shortest Job First
Behavior of Periodic Task:
-eriodic tas.
Time constraints of the periodic task T are characterized by the following
parameter (S, e, d, p)
S: starting point
E: processing time of T
P: Period of T
R: rate of T=1/p
0 e d p
Where starting point S is the first time when the periodic task requires
processing. Afterward it requires processing in every period with the
processing time "e". A S+ (k-1)*p is the time for the task T is ready for k
The processing of periodic task a period k must be finished at S+ (k-1)*p+d.
For continuous media task it is assumed that the deadline of the period k-1 is
the ready time for period k. This is known as congestion avoiding deadline.
The deadline for each message with the period of respected periodic task p.
A resource is a system entity required by the task for manipulating task.
Each resource has a set of characteristics and classified using the following
1. Resource can be active:
Active resource is those resources which often exclusively used in one
process. It cannot be shared at a fraction of time.
e.g.: CPU,
2. Resources can be passive:
Passive resources are those resources which can be shared among the
different processes at a fraction of time.
There is always scarcity of resources in the computer technology. So
managing the resources is the important task of Operating System.
Fig: Windows of insufficient resources.
Multimedia system with indicated audio and video processing is at the limit
of their capacity, even with data compression and utilization of new
technology. Current computer do not allow processing of data according to
their deadlines without any resource reservation and real time process
management. Processing in this context refer to any kind of manipulation
and communication of data. This stage of development is known as the
window of insufficient resources which is shown in the above figure.
Computer Technology
Communication Architecture:
1. Hybrid Communication
Integrated device control
Integrated-transmission control
Integrated transmission
2. Digital System
u**icient core
Access 1980 1990
Chapter 5
Data Compression
On compressed graphics, audio and video data require considerable storage capacity
which in the case of uncompressed video is not often feasible in today's CD
technology. The same is for multimedia communication. The data transfer of
uncompressed video data over digital network requires very high bandwidth to be
provided for a single point to point communication. To provide visible and cost
effective solution, most multimedia system handle compressed digital and audio
stream data.
Coding requirement:
Storage size and bandwidth minimization
1. Entropy Coding:
Run length coding
Huffman coding
Arithmetic coding
2. Source coding:
Prediction coding
- DM
- FFT (Fast Fourier Transformation)
- DCT (Discrete Cosine Transform)
i. Layered Coding
Bit position
Sub sampling
Sub-band coding
ii. Vector Quantization
3. Hybrid coding
- H.261
Entropy Coding: It is used regardless of media specific characteristics. The data
stream to be compressed is considered to be a simple digital sequence and the
$o4pressed data
semantics of the data is ignored. Entropy coding is an example of the lossless
encoding as the decompression process regenerates the data completely. E.g. are
Run length coding, Huffman coding, arithmetic coding, etc.
Source coding: Source coding take into an account the semantics of the data. The
degree of compression that can be reached by source coding depend on the data
contain. In the case of source coding a one way relation between the original data
stream and encoded data streams exists. The data streams are similar but not
identical. E.g.: delta pulse code modulation, delta modulation, etc.
Hybrid Coding: It is the compression technique. That is the well known algorithm
and transformation technique. E.g.: JPEG coding, MPEG coding, etc.
Major steps of data compression:
fig: Major steps of data compression
1. Picture preparation: this includes analog to digital conversion and
generating a appropriate digital representation of the information. An image
is divided into block of 8 X 8 pixels and represented by fixed number of
2. Picture processing: Processing is the actually the first step of compression
process which makes use of sophisticated algorithm of transformation from
time to frequency domain. It can be performed using DCD(Discrete Cosine
3. Quantization Process: Quantization process the result of the previous step.
It specifies the mapping of the real number into integer. This can be
considered as the equivalent of -law and A- law which apply the audio data.
Quantization is performed using the different number of bits per coefficient.
4. Entropy Coding: Entropy coding is usually last step of data compression. It
compresses a sequence of digital stream without loss. For e.g. a sequence of
zero's in the data stream can be compressed by specifying the number of
occurrence followed by zero it.
The processing and quantization cab be repeated iteratively several times in
feedback loop.
The term spatial domain (time domain) refer to the image plane itself and
approaches in this category are based on discrete manipulation of pixel in an

Frequency domain processing technique is based on modifying the Fourier
transform of an image.
Some basic compression Techniques:
1. Runlength Coding
Sample image, audio and videos data stream often contain sequence of same
bytes by replacing these repeated byte sequence with the number of occurrence,
a substantial reduction of data can be achieved this is called Run length coding.
Which is indicated by special flag called? Which does not occur as part of data
stream? If a byte occur at least four consecutive times, the number of occurrence
is counted. The compressed data contain these byte followed by the special flag
and number of its occurrence. It converts byte between four and 259 to into three
Uncompressed data: A B C C C C C C C D D D E E E E
Compressed data: A B C! 7 D D D E! 4
Run length encoding is the generalization of the zero suppression which assumes
that just one symbol appears particularly often in sequence. The blank in the
text such as symbol or pair of blanks are ignored. Starting with a sequence of
three blanks, they are replaced by an M-byte and a byte that specifies the
number of blanks of this sequence. Sequence of three to a maximum 258 bytes
can be reduced to 2 bytes.
Diatomic encoding the variation of run length coding based on combination of
two bytes. This technique determines most frequently occurring pair of bytes.
2. Huffman Coding:
Huffman coding is one type of entropy coding where given character most be
encoded together with the probability of their occurrence. The Huffman
Coding Algorithm determines the optimal code using the minimum number
of bits. The length (number of bits) of the coded character will be differing.
To determine Huffman code, it is useful to construct a binary tree. The leaves
(nodes) of the tree represent the characters that are to be encoded. Every
nodes contains the occurrence of probability 0 and 1 are assigned to the
branches of the tree. Every character has associated weight equal to number
of times the character occurs in a data stream.
(page no: 124)
P(A) = 0.16
P(B) = 0.51
P(C) = 0.09
P(D) = 0.13
P(E) = 0.11
Gray Level Probability
a1 0.4
a2 0.3
a3 0.1
a4 0.1
a5 0.06
a6 0.04
3. Arithmetic Coding: Arithmetic coding is one type of the Entropy coding
between the code symbol and code word doesn't exist because it doesn't encode each
symbol separately. Each symbol is instead coded by considering the period data.
Therefore coded data stream most always be read form beginning. Random access is
not available. In practice the average compression rate achieved by arithmetic and
Hoffman coding are similar.
4. Transformation Encoding: Data is transformed into another mathematical
domain suitable for compression. The inverse transformation most exists and is
known to the encoding process. The most widely known example is the Fourier
Transformation which transforms data from the time into frequency domain. The
most effective transformation for image compression is discrete cosine
transformation and fast Fourier transformation.
Chapter 4
Video and Animation
Video signal representation
it includes three aspect
visual representation
vertiacal detail and viewing distance
horizontal detail
total detail content of the image
luminance and chrom

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