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Digital Ed

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What’s up, Millennial?

Philippine Education
System in 2018: Are
We Moving
• How Digital
Education Is
Methods ?
• teachers have shifted to
1. Smart making use of projectors,
VCD, DVD players and
Class eLearning system
• - normal classroom
session to an interactive
digital session.
• - make students pay more
- there is always
2. Being something new
Digitally - Equipping students to be
updated with news and
Updated other subject-related
topics is the best way to
teach students to grow
as a person.
- offer the best
information can be a
great way to guide
- information in PDF
3. formats that can
Convertin be easily accessed
on laptops,
g Books phones, and tabs
is a good way to
To PDFs encourage
students to
choose to study
4.Encouraging - Training students on
subjects by conducting
Online Tests fun online tests from
time to time can create
a good learning
environment for them.
5. Conducting • . Conducting online
seminars and webinars,
Online enabling all students to
engage in commenting
Webinars and participating in
questionnaires can help
them stay alert.
-Keeping students interested
throughout a lecture is an
art and a talent that
teachers need to have, to
benefit from the entire
6. Supporting - . Online research is
trending and people
Online find exciting careers in
Market Research and
Research more.
- giving them a list of
things to find before the
next class is a good way
to keep students
looking forward to more
7. Creating - The interaction
between a teacher and
Communities a student does not have
to end at school, in a
- Teachers can set a
platform for students to
communicate their
ideas, suggestions and
subject-related queries,
for them to solve any
Philippine Education
System on Digital
Digital transformation for public
• The roadmap is consistent • For one, she said, school
with moves to fast-track textbooks may well be
the digital transformation rendered obsolete by
of the Philippine public- innovations in the field of
school system. ICT. The sight of young
• ICT can be a game- children carrying heavy
changer both inside the backpacks filled with
classroom and the textbooks can be a thing
agency’s bureaucracy. of the past with the
introduction of digital—
and lightweight—learning
For one, she said, school • “I don’t think we can
textbooks may well be survive without ICT. We
rendered obsolete by will surely go back to
innovations in the field the dark ages if we
of ICT. The sight of ignore ICT. It is primarily
young children carrying a tool which helps us in
heavy backpacks filled making decisions, in
with textbooks can be a understanding the
thing of the past with world that we live in,
the introduction of and in finding
digital—and solutions,” Briones said.
-access to e-learning resources and quick
results of their quizzes and tests through
DepEd's systems.
• E- "Imagine a mobile teacher of alternative
learning system (ALS) going to a far-flung
learning community. He carries a bag, a laptop
and distributes five to 10 tablets to
students and they talk to one another
while using the laptop and the router. All
the contents and lessons in the laptop
are reflected in the tablets and this is
being done by DepEd now," .
- DepEd Undersecretary for Administrative
Service Alain del Pascua
March 12-14 to learn
DepEd about the latest
technologies promoting
launches quality learning and
cyber expo “technology is important
in the economic growth
on of the country”
education, “there is still no data
which can prove that
technology the country is behind in
terms of digital
• Industrial “The students and teachers who
attended the expo learned a lot
revolution, about the fourth industrial
robotics revolution, technopreneurship,
digital education and excellence,
robotics and learning through
augmented reality “
- integration of humanoid in
learning environment.
- "There is robotics in the Philippine
curriculum but it is not at par, but I
think, it cannot even compete with
other people.”
• "The future is artificial intelligence.
• Citing that no online education can beat
traditional education in instilling good
manners and right conduct in learners,
• "Soft skills cannot be acquired through an
online or technology-driven pedagogy, so
it's important for us to still invest in
teachers who will interact with the
DepEd urged to prioritize
digital literacy in PH schools
• Sen. Sherwin Gatchalian has called on the
Department of Education (DepEd) to
prioritize digital literacy programs in schools
to produce digital-savvy graduates who will
be equipped with the skills necessary to
succeed in the modern world
• “Most job opportunities nowadays, especially in
lucrative emerging fields, require significant digital
know-how. We should nurture the digital
communication and cognitive skills of the youth,
because this will pave their way toward more
promising careers,” said Gatchalian,
Digital literacy, which is defined as the
capacity to evaluate, comprehend, and
communicate information through digital or
computer technology, “lies at the center of
professional competence and economic
productivity in the Digital Age we now live in.”
• “I believe digital literacy can elevate the
educational competencies of our students
and economic competitiveness of our
country, but the key is to start them young.
We need to institutionalize advanced
digital literacy training in our schools from
an early age,” Gatchalian said.
Education System
: Are We Moving
• Individually, we just have to be more open to educational
opportunities, and maximize our edge as English-
speaking citizens, a major benefit in global commerce
and education. Being more pro-active in teaching
ourselves to be our own responsible innovators and
knowledge producers for our own professional and
financial gain. After all, as a nation, we are also very
much into technology and the Internet. With research
and a few clicks here and there, we might actually
stumble on some local grants, interesting online courses
and international scholarships that can upgrade us
educationally and economically. Continuous learning and
education, after all, are still the greatest investments we
could give to ourselves.
Digital Learning Makes
Students Smarter
Digital Learning Is Making Students
Self-Motivated and More Accountable
-a greater sense of
perspective, and more
engaging activities than
traditional education
methods. This allows
students to better
connect with the
learning material.
Digital Learning Tools Involve Educators and
Parents to a Deeper Extent

easy for teachers to create

and manage groups
Digital learning tools and
technology provide
enjoyment for kids as
well as numerous
benefits in terms of
developing a child’s
well-being. Everyone
benefits with the
digitization of learning.
Digital Learning Tools and Technology Is Rapidly
Increasing Information Sharing

• By embracing digital
devices and connected
learning, classrooms
around the country and
around the globe can
not only coordinate
with one another to
share insights but also
boost learning,
experience, and
communications skills.
Increasing Students’ Employability with Digital
Learning Tools and Technology

• Digital learning tools and

technology in elementary,
secondary, and high
schools prepares students
for higher education and
modern careers by
helping them acquire
skills including problem-
solving, familiarity with
emerging technologies,
and self-motivation
Traditional Education Methods Have To Be

• Digital learning tools

and technology fill the
gaps where traditional
classroom teaching falls
behind. In fact, some of
the efficiencies such
tools bring are simply
unmatchable by
traditional learning

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