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Final Analog Vs Digital

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Analog VS Digital



Analog Signals vs. Digital Signals

A signal is an electromagnetic or electrical current that carries data from

one system or network to another. In electronics, a signal is often a time-
varying voltage that is also an electromagnetic wave carrying
information, though it can take on other forms, such as current. There
are two main types of signals used in electronics: analog and digital
signals. This article discusses the corresponding characteristics, uses,
advantages and disadvantages, and typical applications of analog vs.
digital signals.
Analog Signal
An analog signal is time-varying and generally bound to a range (e.g.
+12V to -12V), but there is an infinite number of values within that
continuous range. An analog signal uses a given property of the medium
to convey the signal’s information, such as electricity moving through a
wire. In an electrical signal, the voltage, current, or frequency of the
signal may be varied to represent the information. Analog signals are
often calculated responses to changes in light, sound, temperature,
position, pressure, or other physical phenomena.
When plotted on a voltage vs. time graph, an analog signal should
produce a smooth and continuous curve. There should not be any
discrete value changes 
Digital Signal
A digital signal is a signal that represents data as a sequence of discrete
values. A digital signal can only take on one value from a finite set of
possible values at a given time. With digital signals, the physical
quantity representing the information can be many things:
 Variable electric current or voltage
 Phase or polarization of an electromagnetic field
 Acoustic pressure
 The magnetization of a magnetic storage media
Digital signals are used in all digital electronics, including computing
equipment and data transmission devices. When plotted on a voltage vs.
time graph, digital signals are one of two values, and are usually
between 0V and VCC (usually 1.8V, 3.3V, or 5V).

Analog Electronics
Most of the fundamental electronic components — resistors, capacitors,
inductors, diodes, transistors, and operational amplifiers (op amps) —
are all inherently analog components. Circuits built with a combination
of these components are analog circuits.
Analog circuits can be complex designs with multiple components, or
they can be simple, such as two resistors that form a voltage divider. In
general, analog circuits are more difficult to design than digital circuits
that accomplish the same task. It would take a designer who is familiar
with analog circuits to design an analog radio receiver, or an analog
battery charger, since digital components have been adopted to simplify
those designs.
Analog circuits are usually more susceptible to noise, with “noise” being
any small, undesired variations in voltage. Small changes in the voltage
level of an analog signal can produce significant errors when being
Analog signals are commonly used in communication systems that
convey voice, data, image, signal, or video information using a
continuous signal. There are two basic kinds of analog transmission,
which are both based on how they adapt data to combine an input signal
with a carrier signal. The two techniques are amplitude modulation and
frequency modulation. Amplitude modulation (AM) adjusts the
amplitude of the carrier signal. Frequency modulation (FM) adjusts the
frequency of the carrier signal. Analog transmission may be achieved via
many methods:
1. Through a twisted pair or coaxial cable
2. Through an optical fiber cable
3. Through radio
4. Through water
Much like the human body uses eyes and ears to capture sensory
information, analog circuits use these methodologies to interface with
the real world, and to accurately capture and process these signals in
Digital Electronics
Digital circuits implement components such as logic gates or more
complex digital ICs. Such ICs are represented by rectangles with pins
extending from them  Digital circuits commonly use a binary scheme.
Although data values are represented by just two states (0s and 1s),
larger values can be represented by groups of binary bits. For example,
in a 1-bit system, a 0 represents a data value of 0, and a 1 represents a
data value of 1. However, in a 2-bit system, a 00 represents a 0, a 01
represents a 1, a 10 represents a 2, and a 11 represents a 3. In a 16-bit
system, the largest number that can be represented is 216, or 65,536.
These groups of bits can be captured either as a sequence of successive
bits or a parallel bus. This allows large streams of data to be processed
Unlike analog circuits, most useful digital circuits are synchronous,
meaning there is a reference clock to coordinate the operation of the
circuit blocks, so they operate in a predictable manner. Analog
electronics operate asynchronously, meaning they process the signal as it
arrives at the input.
Most digital circuits use a digital processor to manipulate the data. This
can be in the form of a simple microcontroller (MCU) or a more
complex digital signal processor (DSP), which can filter and manipulate
large streams of data such as video.
Digital signals are commonly used in communication systems where
digital transmission can transfer data over point-to-point or point-to-
multipoint transmission channels, such as copper wires, optical fibers,
wireless communication media, storage media, or computer buses. The
transferrable data is represented as an electromagnetic signal, such as a
microwave, radio wave, electrical voltage, or infrared signal.
In general, digital circuits are easier to design, but they often cost more
than analog circuits that are intended for the same tasks.
Properties of Digital vs Analog signals

Digital information has certain properties that distinguish it from

analog communication methods. These include

 Synchronization – digital communication uses specific

synchronization sequences for determining synchronization.
 Language – digital communications requires a language which
should be possessed by both sender and receiver and should specify
meaning of symbol sequences.
 Errors – disturbances in analog communication causes errors in
actual intended communication but disturbances in digital
communication does not cause errors enabling error free
communication. Errors should be able to substitute, insert or delete
symbols to be expressed.
 Copying – analog communication copies are quality wise not as
good as their originals while due to error free digital
communication, copies can be made indefinitely.
 Granularity – for a continuously variable analog value to be
represented in digital form there occur quantization error which
is difference in actual analog value and digital representation and
this property of digital communication is known as granularity.
Differences in Usage in Equipment
Many devices come with built in translation facilities from analog to
digital. Microphones and speaker are perfect examples of analog
devices. Analog technology is cheaper but there is a limitation of
size of data that can be transmitted at a given time.
Digital technology has revolutionized the way most of the
equipment’s work. Data is converted into binary code and then
reassembled back into original form at reception point. Since these
can be easily manipulated, it offers a wider range of options. Digital
equipment is more expensive than analog equipment.
Comparison of Analog vs Digital Quality
Digital devices translate and reassemble data and in the process are
more prone to loss of quality as compared to analog devices.
Computer advancement has enabled use of error detection and error
correction techniques to remove disturbances artificially from digital
signals and improve quality.
Differences in Applications
Digital technology has been most efficient in cellular phone industry.
Analog phones have become redundant even though sound clarity
and quality was good.
Analog technology comprises of natural signals like human speech.
With digital technology this human speech can be saved and stored
in a computer. Thus digital technology opens up the horizon for
endless possible uses.
Analog devices

Aditya (Digital)
Difference Between Analog Technology and Digital Technology

From the past few decades, we are moving towards the digitalization. In
today’s time, everything seems to be digital from watch to radio player,
cameras, cell phones, and even the books. However, what is the
difference between analog and digital technology? Which is the best
among both? 
Analog Technology

Analog technology is the measurement of the analogy of time or length.

For instances, if you measure the length of your thumb, and mark it on
the surface of a ruler. Then, that little segment of the ruler is of the same
length as that of your finger. Hence, it is known as the representation of
your finger. This example is the analogy, and it tells the meaning of the
analog technology.

Measurements in Analog Technology

In the 20th century, when there is no takeover of computers in science

and technology, every instrument of measurement was analog. For
instances, if you have to measure the electric current. You have to use a
moving coil- meter with a pointer at the dial. During the measurement, if
the pointer is moving up the dial, then the current in the circuit is higher
and vice versa. Here, the analogy is the pointer of the dial. Other
instruments, which measure with the same phenomenon, are
seismograph, weight machine, and speedometer.

about Analog Technology

Analog technology not only signifies the measuring instruments but it

signifies everything that is not digital. The analog technology does not
involve any electronic representation of numbers. The old- film cameras
and cassette recorders are the best examples of analog technology. In
old- film cameras, the pictures we clicked represent the analogy of the
scene we wished to record. On the other hand, in the cassette recorder,
the recording is the analogy of the sound you heard originally.
Digital Technology

Digital technology is completely different from analog. In digital, you

do not have to represent your pictures and sounds in the form of films
and tapes. Instead, you can convert the information in the form of
numbers. Moreover, you can also store these numbers.

Measurements in Digital Technology

In today’s time, most of the devices use digital technology. For

instances, the BP meters, thermometers, multimeters are some of the
common measuring instruments that focus on it. It is much easier than
analog technology. However, the accuracy of the measurements totally
depends upon the mode of measurements.

About the Digital Technology

The technology we are using in our daily life is digital technology. Cell
phones are the best example of digital technology. In cell phones, the
transmitters convert the sound in the number and then travel in the form
of radio waves. Therefore, digital technology is easier to store the
information. Moreover, it will consume less time. The information in
digital technology is more secure, as the conversations in cell phones are
encrypted on both ends. In digital technology, the user can edit and play
the technology easily. Anyone can alter a picture with the manipulation
of the numbers instead of the picture itself.

Analog OR Digital

However, digital technology is the future of the world, but the analog
will somehow make its place. For example, the digital watches are more
accurate than, that of analog watches but still, the most expensive
watches are analog ones. Moreover, the atomic clocks, which are the
most accurate watch of the world, display the time digitally. In
conclusion, to this, though digital technology has many advantages, it
does not mean that it is always the best.
Both technologies, either the digital technology or the analog technology
have their equal importance. At last, both the technologies should move
hand-in-hand. The proper balance of both the technologies is the need of
the time
Differences between Digital and Analog System.
Digital as well as Analog System, both are used to transmit signals from
one place to another like audio/video. Digital system uses binary format
as 0 and 1 whereas analog system uses electronic pulses with varying
magnitude to send data.
Following are some of the important differences between Digital System
and Analog System

5 points will discuss by Kshitija

Difference Between Analog and Digital Computer

Analog computer
 It works with continuous values, i.e they process continuous data.
 The speed of such computers is less than that of digital computers.
 It has very less memory, and can store limited amount of data.
 It doesn’t have any state.
 They are not as reliable as digital computers.
 It doesn’t provide performance as good as digital computers.
 Its processing speed is low.
 It depends on physical variations.
 The results given by analog computers have very less accuracy.
 They are not easy to use.
 They have a complex architecture.
 It has low readability.
 The results of analog computers are given out as voltage signals.
 They use analog encoding.
 They use special purpose devices.
 They consume more power.
 Examples includes analog clock and thermometer.
Digital computer
 They work with discrete values, i.e they process discrete data.
 The speed of digital computers is more in comparison to analog
 It has more memory space, hence stores large amounts of data.
 It has two steps: On and Off.
 It is more reliable.
 It provides great performance.
 Its processing speed is high.
 It doesn’t depend on physical variations.
 They are easy to use.
 The results are more accurate.
 Their architecture is not as complex as analog computers.
 They have high readability.
 The results are displayed on the monitor/display screen.
 They use digital encoding technique.
 They consume less power.
 It can be used as a general purpose device.
 Examples include laptop, digital camera, digital watches.


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