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Camp Planning Standards (Planned Settlements) : Key Points

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This document forms part of the 4th edition of the UNHCR Emergency Handbook and was generated from the digital
Emergency Handbook system.

Camp planning standards (planned settlements)

Key points
UNHCR discourages the establishment of formal settlements and (whenever possible)
prefers alternatives to camps, provided they protect and assist people of concern
Shelter should be adapted according to the geographical context, the climate, the cultural
practice and habits, the local availability of skills as well as accessibility to adequate
construction materials in any given country.
Due considerations should be given to the operational phase. What may be deemed
adequate during an emergency in terms of shelter (for example plastic sheeting, tents) and
average camp area per person cannot be regarded as adequate in a protracted
displacement situation.

1. Overview
This entry provides key information on minimum standards and best practice which should be
referenced and consulted when developing planned settlements / camps as part of a refugee
emergency response.

Generally, a sector specialist covers shelter and settlement needs assessment, analysis and site
planning during the first phase of an emergency response.

Often a reception or transit centre is necessary for temporary accommodation at the beginning of a
refugee crisis. Entry number 183 (Transit Center standards) of this digital emergency handbook (DEH)
should be referenced for more information on these standards.

These guidance notes outline the minimum standards required to ensure planned settlements enable
refugee communities to live with security and dignity in a healthy environment which improves their
quality of life.

2. Emergency standard
There are several indicators determining the adequacy of shelter for refugees and displaced persons.
(See links below for additional information).

2.1 Indicator
Average camp area per person: The size of a camp and area per capita is critical in the planning of
camps as crowded conditions lead to increased morbidity and stress. The provision of adequate space,
both outside and inside shelters is an essential requirement

The ‘average camp area per person (Sqm.)' indicator measures the average living space to which a
person has access in a camp. This space should accommodate all services while promoting dignified

Indicator: Average camparea per person (Sqm)

Howshould this indicator be measured:

Standard: Acceptable Range: Unacceptable Range: Critical Range:

45 sq. m 35 sq. m 34 - 30 sq. m 29 sq. m

A minimum surface area of 45 Sqm per person including household gardening space should be
30 Sqm per person will be necessary for roads, foot paths, educational facilities, sanitation, security,
firebreaks, administration, water storage, distribution points, markets, storage of relief items and, of
course, plots for shelter. It excludes however, any land for significant agricultural activities or livestock.
The remaining 15 Sqm per person is allocated to household gardens attached to the family plot which
should be included in the site plan from the outset.

2.2 Emergency standard

The design of planned settlements follow SPHERE emergency standards. The table below defined the
minimum standards to be applied.

Description Minimum Standard

Covered 3.5 sqm. Per person minimum

living area
In cold climates and urban areas more than 3.5 sqm. may be required(4.5 sqm. to
5.5 sqm. is more appropriate)

Minimum ceiling height of 2m at highest point

Camp 45 sqm. per person (incl. kitchen and vegetable garden)


Fire Safety 30 m firebreak every 300 m

Minimum 2 m between structures – use 2 times the height of the structure as an

appropriate distance.

Gradient for 1 to 5 %, ideally 2 to 4%

camp site

Drainage Appropriate drainage needs to be put in place, especially relevant in locations that
experience a rainy season or flash floods.

Table 1 - Minimum standards for planning camps

Site planning should begin from the scale of the individual refugee family, addressing needs at
household level, such as their distance to water, access to communal services, recreation facilities,
access to showers and latrines, waste management, etc

It is advisable to consider the social structures and relations within persons of concern, including clan,
tribes and extended family arrangements, as well as their traditional settlement layouts and shelter
preferences. This consideration will yield a greater degree of satisfaction, and sense of ownership.

The following table uses the family unit as the smallest planning ‘module' and builds up to larger units:

Module Structure Approximate number

Family 1 x family 4 6 persons

Community 16 x families 80 persons

Block 16 x communities 1,250 persons

Sector 4 x blocks 5,000 persons

Settlement 4 x sectors 20,000 persons

Table 2 – Indicative modular planning units

The following are recommended site planning standards for services and infrastructure and should be
referred to when preparing the camp layout:

Description Standard Further consideration

Communal 1 per 20 persons - Separate latrine areas for men and women
latrine emergency phase For long-term accommodation use one household
latrine per family

Latrine Not more than 50m from Latrines must be close enough to encourage their
distance shelter and not closer use but far enough to prevent problems with smells
than 6m and pests

Shower 1 per 50 persons Separate, well drained, shower areas for men and

Water supply 20 litres per person per


Water tap 1 per 80 persons 1 per community


Water Max. 200m from No dwelling should be further than a few minutes'
distance household walk from a water distribution point

Rubbish 1 per 50 persons 1 per 10 families

container of
100 litres

Refuse pit – 1 per 500 persons 1 per 100 families


Health centre 1 per 20,000 persons 1 per settlement

Include water and sanitation facilities

Referral 1 per 200,000 persons 1 per 10 settlements


School 1 per 5,000 persons 1 per sector

3 classrooms, 50 Sqm.

Distribution 1 per 5,000 persons 1 per sector


Market place 1 per 20,000 persons 1 per settlement

Feeding 1 per 20,000 persons 1 per settlement


Storage area 15 to 20 Sqm. per 100 Refugee storage


Lighting As appropriate Consider priority locations such as latrine, wash

areas, public service areas

Registration As appropriate May include arrivals area, medical clearance,

area distribution, parking

Administration As appropriate
/ office

Security post As appropriate

Security Depending on the

fencing circumstances

Table 3 – Site planning standards for services and infrastructure

2.3 Site selection criteria:

Sites for planned camps should be selected in consultation with a range of sectors, including WASH,
protection and supply, as well as with technical specialists such as hydrologists, surveyors, planners,
engineers, and environmental engineers. Developing an inappropriate site or failing to develop a site to
standards can result in further displacement causing unnecessary further loss and distress to persons of
concern and may put some people/groups at further risk.

The operational context will determine site selection criteria. In general, however, the following factors
need to be considered when selecting sites for refugee settlement:

The topography of the land should permit easy drainage and the site should be
located above flood level. Rocky, impermeable soil should be avoided. Land
covered with grass will prevent dust. Wherever possible, steep slopes, narrow
valleys, and ravines should be avoided.

Ideally, a site should have a slope of 2%–4% for good drainage, and not more
than 10% to avoid erosion and the need for expensive earthmoving for roads and
building construction.

Avoid areas likely to become marshy or waterlogged during the rainy season.
Consult national meteorological data and host communities before making a

Soils that absorb surface water swiftly facilitate the construction and
effectiveness of pit latrines.

Subsoil should permit good infiltration (permit soil to absorb water and retain
solid waste in latrines). Very sandy soils may have good infiltration; but latrine
pits may be less stable.

Pit latrines should not penetrate into the ground water. The groundwater table
should be at least 3m.below the surface of the site.

Avoid excessively rocky or impermeable sites as they hamper both shelter and
latrine construction.

If possible, select a site where the land is suitable for vegetable gardens or
smallscale cultivation.

Choose locations that are reasonably close to an adequate source of good
water, and ideally near high ground that has good surface water run-off and
drainage. Once located, water sources should be protected. Ideally, no individual
should have to walk for more than a few minutes. There should be at least one
water point for every 250 people.

Ideally, hydrological surveys will provide information on the presence of water. A
site should not be selected on the assumption that water will be found by drilling.
Trucking water over long distances should be avoided if possible.

Land Rights
UNHCR neither purchases nor rents land for refugee settlements.

Refugees should enjoy exclusive use of the site in which they live, by agreement
with national and local authorities.

Governments often make public land available.

Private or communal land(including unclosed pastoral land) may only be used if

the Government has agreed a formal legal arrangement with the owner(s), in
accordance with the laws of the country.

The status of land occupied for sites should be clarified in writing by the

In association with the Government and host community, agree and clarify the
entitlement of refugees to carryout given activities (forage for food, collect
firewood, collect timber and other shelter materials such as grass or mud, gather
fodder and graze animals).

Ensure the site has an adequate road infrastructure; access to it should be
reliable, including during the rainy season.

Assess the site's proximity to national services, including health facilities,

markets and towns. Access to mainstream services is encouraged wherever
possible and avoids the need to develop parallel services for the camp

Liaise with development agencies, including UNDP and related Government

ministries, to secure improvement of access routes.

UNHCR should fund the cost of building short access roads connecting the site
to the main road.

The site should be located a sufficient distance from international borders
(50km), conflict zones, and other potentially sensitive areas (such as military
installations). Avoid locations that experience extreme climatic conditions, or
present evident health (malaria), environmental or other risks.

High winds can damage temporary shelters and increase fire risks.

Evaluate seasonal variations.Sites that are ideal in the dry season may be
uninhabitable in the rainy season.

Avoid locating refugees in places whose climate differs greatly from that to which
they are accustomed.

Ensure the site has sufficient ground cover (grass, bushes and trees). Vegetation
provides shade, protects from wind, and reduces erosion and dust.

Vegetation Avoid sites where dust clouds are common; these cause respiratory disease

Avoid sites within 1 day's walk of an environmentally protected area (such as a

wild-life reserve).

Take steps to ensure access to a supply of firewood, in collaboration with local

forestry authorities,and in negotiation with the host community.

Table 4 – Site selection factors of importance

3. Links
UNHCR Intranet: Shelter and Settlement
UNHCR, IFRC, UN-HABITAT- Shelter Projects

Need help?

CONTACT Shelter and settlement section, Division of Programme Support and Management. At:


UNHCR - Global strategy for settlement and shelter (2014-2018)

UNHCR - Policy on alternatives to camps

The Sphere Project

Settlement Folio

Version and document date

Version: 1.6
Document date: 19.10.2018


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