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Grade 5 Q1 SLM 3 Harmfulness of Materials 1

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Quarter 1
Self Learning Module 3
Harmfulness of Materials
Science - Grade 5
Quarter 1
Self Learning Module 3 – Harmfulness of Materials
Second Edition, 2021

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Published by the Department of Education

Schools Division Superintendent: Gladys Amylaine D. Sales CESO VI
Assistant Schools Division Superintendent: Peter J. Galimba PhD

Development Team of the Self Learning Module

Writer: Patricia Ina Therese Obrero

Editor: Lorena E. Jamera
Reviewer: Pamela Grace E, Justiniani, Edna Rose P. Gueco
Layout Artist: Patricia Ina Therese Obrero
Management Team: Janalyn B. Navarro
Edna Rose P. Gueco
Ellen G. Dela Cruz

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I Need to Know

This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you This
module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you know the use
the properties of materials whether they are useful or harmful (S5MT-Ia-b-1). The
scope of this module allows you to use it in many different learning situations. The
language used recognizes the diverse vocabulary level of students. The lessons are
arranged to follow the standard sequence of the course. But the order in which you
read them can be changed to correspond with the textbook you are now using. This
module will discuss lesson on the – Harmfulness of Materials

After going through this module, you are expected to

1. determine the harmfulness of solid and liquid materials; and
2. realize the importance of proper storage and handling of materials.

Lesson 1 Harmfulness of Materials

Lesson Overview

All materials are made for a specific purpose which is beneficial to us. However,
these materials can become potentially harmful if not handled with care.
Harmful materials are substances or things that could harm human health or the
environment. Harmful means dangerous, so these materials must be handled and
stored the right way.
Glass materials are useful but when not handled carefully may be broken and can
hurt you. To store glass materials, wrap each individual piece in newspaper and secure
the paper with tape. Layer or put heavy glasses on the bottom of the shelves. To dispose
of broken glass, seal it in a box or wrap it in several sheets of newspaper and place it
in your garbage.
Sharp and pointed materials like scissors and knives can cause injuries too when
not properly used. When storing, ensure that instruments can be reached easily but
pose no threat of injury. Store cutting instruments in drawers or racks when not in use.
To dispose pointed materials, start by wrapping it in several layers of newspaper and
secure it using heavy-duty tape.
Batteries play an important role in everyday life but these can cause harm if
not used and disposed properly. Store batteries in a dry environment at room
temperature. Keep it where kids can't see or reach them. To safely dispose single-
use batteries, put clear packing, masking or electrical tape on the batteries’
terminals. These should be placed in a container separate from other garbage.

Figure 1: Potentially harmful solid materials

Liquid materials are produced for specific uses. In the same way to solids,
liquid materials are useful but can become hazardous if not used, stored and
disposed properly. These hazardous liquid materials may pose serious harm or
accidents to the environment, also food poisoning, skin burns or injuries to the

Paints can cause irritation if they get onto your skin. They can also be
potentially harmful when swallowed. Make sure to seal the paint can properly before
you put it away to keep the paint from drying up. To dispose, let it dry out and solidify
completely before throwing it out.

Cleaning materials like liquid bleach are used for disinfecting and washing
purposes. Beyond that, proper storage is key not just for effective cleaning, but also
for safety, as it can be a hazard to kids and pets. Bleach is very irritating and
corrosive to the skin, lungs, and eyes. Make sure to keep it in a cool place. Keep it
out of children’s reach. Bleach can be poured down the kitchen sink or toilet, just
as long as it's diluted with water. An even better way to get rid of your bleach is to
give it away to someone else who needs it.

Medicines used to treat diseases or ailments can be in a liquid form too.

Make sure to store these in a cool, dry place. You may keep it in your dresser
drawer or medicine cabinet. For expired ones, you may immediately flush them
down the sink or toilet. Remove it from their original containers and mix them with
something undesirable, such as used coffee grounds, dirt, or cat litter. This makes
the medicine less appealing to children and pets.
Figure 2: Potentially harmful liquid materials

Basically, a material is considered useful when it serves its purpose. Proper

handling and storage of all materials including those inside your home will keep you
and your family safe and prevent accidents to happen.

I Will Do This

Activity 1: Harmful Solid and Liquid Materials

Complete the table below by identifying when can it be harmful. Next to it, tell how
these materials should be properly stored and disposed.

How should it be stored and

Materials When can it be harmful?

1. knife

2. glass window

3. batteries

4. liquid bleach

5. cough syrup
Analysis Questions
1. What makes a material harmful?

2. Is it important to know the harmfulness of materials? Why? Why not?


3. Is it important to know the proper storage and disposal of different materials?

Why? Why not?

Assess each of the following statements describing how products are

used or handled whether they are Proper or Improper. If the statement
describes a proper way of using or handling products put a check (√) after
the statement; otherwise put an (X).

1. Overcharging a battery

2. Cooking with rusty cookware

3. Picking a knife by the handle

4. Using a stapler in driving a nail

5. Drinking from a glass with visible crack

6. Wearing rubber band on the wrist tightly

7. Wrapping exposed electric wire with plastic

8. Mixing a drained battery with other wastes for products

9. Using a potholder in picking up a kettle with boiling water

10. Cutting snapped rubber bands into small pieces before disposal
It is time for you to apply your knowledge on how to safely use and
handle products in order to maximize their usefulness and minimize the
harmful effects that may result from improperly using or handling them.

For this, identify five (5) commonly used solid and liquid products
found at home and determine their usefulness, harmfulness and ways on
how to handle, store, or dispose them.

Solid/Liquid Products Proper Storage &

Usefulness Harmfulness
Found at Home Disposal





Answer Key

Materials When can it be harmful? How should it be stored and disposed?
Its sharp and pointed part Store it in drawers or racks when not in use. To dispose pointed
1. knife can cause harm and injury materials, start by wrapping it in several layers of newspaper and secure
when not properly used. it using heavy-duty tape.
Glass materials are useful Wrap each individual piece in newspaper and secure the paper with
2. glass but when not handled tape. Layer or put heavy glasses on the bottom of the shelves. To
window carefully may be broken and dispose of broken glass, seal it in a box or wrap it in several sheets of
can hurt you. newspaper and place it in your garbage
It can cause harm if Store batteries in a dry environment at room temperature. Keep it where
3. batteries ingested and not disposed kids can't see or reach them. To safely dispose single-use batteries, put
properly. clear packing, masking or electrical tape on the batteries’ terminals.
Bleach is very irritating and Make sure to keep it in a cool place. Keep it out of children’s reach.
4. liquid
corrosive to the skin, lungs, Bleach can be poured down the kitchen sink or toilet, just as long as it's
and eyes. diluted with water.
It can be harmful when
ingested beyond the
5. cough Make sure to store your these in a cool, dry place. For expired ones, you
expiration date. Over usage
syrup may immediately flush them down the sink or toilet.
may also bring harm to
people and animals.
Analysis Questions
1. A material can be harmful if this could harm human health or the environment.
2. Yes, it important to know the harmfulness of materials in order to know how to use it properly.
3. Yes, it is important to know the proper storage and disposal of materials to avoid harm and injuries.
1. X 2. X 3. / 4. X 5. X
6. X 7. X 8. X 9. / 10. /
I WILL APPLY (Answers may vary)

Solid/Liquid Products
Usefulness Harmfulness Proper Storage & Disposal
Found at Home
Always check expiration date. Store
Gives our body Spoiled foods may
food products in the kitchen cabinet
Coconut milk nourishment and accidentally ingest which
and left-over foods in the refrigerator
energy. causes poisoning.
or sealed container.
Follow doctor’s prescriptions in taking
Abusive use of drugs leads
Treats illnesses anitbiotics. For self-treating, follow
Medicines to addiction which harms
and diseases. directions in the product package.
oneself or others.
Keep in the medicine kit.
Maintain a good
hygiene which Improper use of the
Read the ingredient list of any product
helps prevent the products may cause
Hand sanitizer or chemical use before applying to
spread of allergy and other skin
your skin for safety precaution.
infection, illness problems.
and bad odors.
Contains toxic chemicals
Used for cleaning Read and learn about the specific
that are can poison if
Toilet bowl cleaner and disinfecting characteristics of the product and the
accidentally ingested or
the toilet possible danger it could bring.

Kills insects and

pests which are Follow safe procedures when using
Accidental ingestions and
possible carriers of these products. Wash hands after
Insect spray frequent inhalation will
diseases and using any unsafe materials. Store as
cause health hazards.
affects plant directed on their labels.
growth or yields.
Beyond Borders 5. Quezon City: Vibal Group, Inc. S5MQ1A5 Identify and
describe liquid household materials
S5MQ1A6 Classifying liquid household materials and their uses
Teachers Science Guide for Grade V
Written Assessment No. 3 Worksheet

Concept Check

Name: _______________________________ Grade & Section: ___________

Part I. Multiple Choice. Read each item carefully. Select the letter of the best answer

1. Why should common liquid household materials be kept out of the reach from
A. To avoid untoward accidents.
B. To prevent children from having fun.
C. To prevent wasting of liquid materials.
D. To avoid liquid household materials from spilling.
2. Pesticides and insecticides are useful in eliminating insects and pests.
However, these liquid materials may become harmful when
A. they are mixed with any food or drinks.
B. they are kept out of reach from children.
C. they are stored in a cabinet away from food product.
D. they are used to spray the pests with goggle and face mask.
3. When can a material be considered potentially harmful?
A. If a material can be reused.
B. If a material can serve its purpose.
C. If a material can last for a long time.
D. If a material can cause cuts or injuries.

4. Which of the following statements can be considered as safety measures in

handling potentially harmful solid materials?

I. Do not play with these materials

II. Keep potentially harmful solid materials anywhere in the house.
III. Carefully read the product labels and symbols of any product before using

A. I only
B. II only
C. I and II
D. I and III
5. Which of the following group of solid materials contains poisonous or toxic
A. sugar, salt, pepper
B. scissors, knife, chopping board
C. mothballs, insecticide, pesticide
D. candy wrapper, water container, and drinking straw

6. What makes a glass bottle potentially harmful?

A. When it is recycled as house decor
B. When it is reused as a container for food
C. When it is sold for reprocessing
D. When it is broken, and its pieces are left scattering

7. Which of the following statement/s in the box show/s the safety precautionary
measures in handling liquid cleaning materials?
I. Store / keep strong liquid cleaning materials safely.
II. Use your bare hands in using these cleaning materials.
III. Carefully read the content list of any product that you use.

A. I only
B. II only
C. I and II
D. I and III

8. Dishwashing liquid are stain removers and cleaning substances. How can we
prevent the harmful effects of these substances?
A. Never use the product at home.
B. Put them in a secured place after use.
C. Leave anywhere so the children will play with it.
D. Keep them in the cabinet together with food products.

9. Why do we need to follow safety precautions in handling harmful materials?

A. To save more money.
B. To know their useful properties.
C. To reuse materials for future use.
D. To avoid untoward accidents and injuries to happen.

10. Why is an empty paint can considered harmful?

A. It is poisonous.
B. It can be recycled.
C. It may catch fire and explode.
D. It helps beautify the surroundings.
Part II. Enumeration.

Here are some ways on how to properly store solid and liquid materials at home:


Reflection Question:

What do you think will happened if we don’t store and dispose materials properly?
Answer Key to Concept
FOR TEACHER’S USE ONLY. Do not attach this portion to the SLM for students.

I. Multiple Choice
1. A 6. D
2. A 7. D
3. D 8. B
4. D 9. D
5. C 10. C

II. Enumeration (Answers may vary)

1. Keep potentially harmful materials out of children’s reach..
2. Always check the label before using any materials.
3. Ensure that the storage area is well-ventilated and out of
direct sunlight.
4. Make sure all containers are properly labeled and that the
material is contained in an appropriate container.
5. When you no longer need a chemical (or a product that
contains chemicals), dispose of it safely.

It may lead to injuries, serious health hazards, and even death.

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education – SDO-Bacolod City

(Office Address): Rosario-San Juan Sts., Brgy. 14, 6100, Bacolod City


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