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October 13, 2010 Sports Reporter

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The East's Most Read Bowling Weekly

Sports Reporter
The Nation's Leading Bowling Tournament Newspaper Since 1940

Vol. 71 No. 32 October 13 - 19, 2010 50 cents

Stefanie Nation Wins Singles at PABCON Rene Ruiz Blasted 814

By Matt Cannizzaro At Parkway Lanes
HENDERSON, Nev.- Team USA in it going into the last game, so Chile, Kulick finished fourth in ELMWOOD PARK, NJ - rolled a 814 series highlighted by
member Stefanie Nation of it was pretty exciting," said singles before winning gold September 8, was the beginning of a 298 game.
Grand Prairie, Texas, showed off Nation, who also won singles medals in doubles, trios, team, the Wednesday Night Mixed Victor Padilla shot a 766 with a
her world-champion focus and gold at the 2009 World Tenpin all-events and Masters. Recession League bowling in 289 game. Marquis Winfrey had a
closed with two big games to Bowling Association World "Stefanie was consistent all day Parkway Lanes. Mike Jaworski 729 series. Jose Lopez shot a 268
claim the singles gold medal at Women's Championships. "I just long and put herself in contention rolled a 268 game for the night. game at the September 22nd ses-
the 2010 Pan American Bowling wanted to make sure to stay in to win it," Kulick said. "I'm dis- The following week Rene Ruiz sion,
Confederation Women's my own moment and make good appointed that I had the opportu-
Championships in suburban Las shots, hoping the pins would fall nity to win the gold and threw a
Vegas. my way. Whether it was me or bad shot, but I'm thrilled for Jeff Scire Rolled 300,
Nation finished with games of Kelly, I just wanted us to be on Stefanie. Last time, I finished
268 and 245 for a 1,372 six-game top." fourth in singles, so at least I Matthew Manenty hit 813
total and edged out Venezuela's Nation's focus was tested in improved and got a medal today.
Alicia Marcano, who posted a Game 4 when she registered a Now, I'm going to focus on dou- At Majestic Lanes
1,369 effort at Sunset Station foul after starting the game with bles with Shannon (Pluhowsky)
Hotel and Casino's Strike Zone six consecutive strikes. She tomorrow, and I'm really looking HOPELAWN, NJ – Jeff Scire 243-742 followed by Michael
Bowling Center. chose not to dispute the foul and forward to the team event. That's blasted the high game of 300 Dinaburg with 227-247-246-720,
Marcano needed two strikes in didn't allow it to affect her per- the pinnacle of a tournament like along with games of 265 and 188 Bill Buckley 203-223-263-689,
her final frame to claim the gold, formance as she finished with this, and it's a good opportunity for a 753 series in the Madison Willie Zammitto 212-235-226-
but left a 4 pin on her second 215. for us to learn and improve as we Park Men’s League at Majestic 673, Tony Santasieri 203-269-
shot. Team USA's Kelly Kulick "You just have to move on from look forward to the World Lanes. Matthew Manenty earned 200-672, Joe Herber 248-228-667,
entered the last game with a 29- something like that, and I'm glad Championships next year." top set honors when he shot 268- and Brittany Agneta had games of
pin advantage over Marcano and it didn't cost us in the end," Team USA's Liz Johnson fin- 278-267 for an 813 tally. 206 and 200.
had a chance to retain her lead, Nation said. "Winning two of the ished fifth with 1,344, while Rocco J. Grasso posted 231-268-
but a 3-6-9-10 in the 10th frame three medals is a great start for Shannon O'Keefe was seventh
left her with a 1,367 total and the us." (1,322), Tennelle Milligan was
bronze medal. At the 2008 PABCON 14th (1,252) and Pluhowsky was Jonathan Adams Hit 300
"There were four or five of us Championships in Santiago, 30th with 1,183.
At North Arlington
NO. ARLINGTON, NJ – Jonathan Honan 289-757, Andres Lopez
Frank LoCascio and David Reed Adams earned top honors in the 265-746, Roland Scott 248-720,
Sunday Morning Trios League at Al-Torre Hooper 279-719, Chris
Win LIGBT Titles North Arlington Bowl firing a 300 Schanne 269-715, Javi Perez 248-
game for a high series of 778. 709, Tom Jordan 260-706, Mike
Mineola, NY: The first champi- second LIGBT title almost The handicap event had some Keith Dobres shot 268-772, Pete McCabe 289-704.
ons of Long Island Generations didn’t happen as he was the dominant performances in qual-
Bowling Tour (LIGBT) Season final bowler to advance to the ifying. Jim Walsh, Glen Cove,
3 were scratch bowler Frank
LoCasio of Roslyn, NY and
finals. Frank shot a 713 series to
sneak in but easily advanced
NY bowled two 300 handicap
games and an incredible 876
Mario Pietrobono, Mihai Cristea,
handicap bowler David Reed of
Shoreham, NY. Both earned
handicap series to finish as the
high qualifier. Joe Gentile,
Posted 300 Games at T-Bowl
$500 for their victories and won Melville, NY who qualified sec- WAYNE, NJ – Mihai Cristea and Daryl Milchman 279-752,
their second LIGBT trophy. ond with an 854 series, also Mario Petrobono each blasted a Anthony Lentine and Chris
The LIGBT kicked off its third rolled a 300 handicap game. 300 game in the Knights of Pagano 267, Paul Freschi and Phil
season with its first of 36 tour- The 3 bowlers that hit the 300 Pythias League at T-Bowl Lanes. Veneziano 257, and Joe Caparo
naments. A total of 71 bowlers game jackpot shared the money Dave Herman shot 299-800, 255.
attended this very high scoring equally.
event which is unusual for the The handicap shootout was
LIGBT. very exciting with three very
The scratch event started out good bowlers competing for Pete Danyo, Jr. Scored 781
with a bang as Mitch Sacks of $1,000 in prize money. David
Monroe, NY hit the 300 game Frank LoCascio Reed rolled a 236 (205 scratch) At Brunswick Zone Carolier
jackpot with a perfect game in through the finals to win the to defeat Darryl Freeman (230 - NO. BRUNSWICK, NJ – Pete Armand Federici shot 279-226-
game one. The qualifying leader title. In the final match Frank 192 scratch) of New York City Danyo, Jr. led the scoring in the 234-739, John Illare 233-247-253-
was Jason French of Levittown, started slowly but he struck out by 6 pins. Darryl earned $300 Middlesex County Major League 733, Russ Wiltsey 216-268-245-
NY who rolled a 792 series. from the fourth frame on to roll while top qualifier, Jim Walsh, at Zone Carolier Lanes firing 729, and Nikki Bucci 253-249-
Jason was guaranteed to be in a 257 game easily defeating took home third place with a games of 276-246-259 for a high 224-726.
the final match for being the Jason who rolled a 204. Jason 201 (170 scratch) and earned series of 781.
squad leader. took home $250 for his runner- $200.
Frank LoCascio’s march to his up position.
2 SPORTS REPORTER October 13 - 19, 2010

J o a n Ta y l o r ’ s CAPITAL CAMPAIGN NETS

Te n P i n R a p . . . . INTERNATIONAL BOWLING
Liz Johnson became the first
woman to win the infamous Peterson
Eric says that the physical test is made
to measure each athlete’s physical fit-
miss your mark by two boards or
more you do not get any points for
Classic tournament in suburban ness through three intense activities that shot. We also recorded how
Chicago. It features eight games on a including sit-ups, pushups and a two- many splits each bowler left and ARLINGTON, Texas – The campaign to raise money from the bowling
more than difficult condition, and this mile run, all timed. Points were how many were converted, in addi- industry for the new International Bowling Museum and Hall of Fame
year marked the 100th anniversary of awarded for each component and the tion to how many times you hit the ended Aug. 31 with more than $1.4 million donated overall.
the tournament. She edged second results were posted. Eric finished pocket and how many spares you More than 80 donations of at least $5,000 were received including 16 at
place Jeff Roche by only three pins. third in this area, very close to second. made. the $25,000 or above levels.
But Liz is no stranger to firsts: she “The coaches make it no secret that “I try to practice five to six times a “We want to thank everyone who donated money to our bowling
was the first woman to appear on a the (lane) conditions are purposely week. It depends on how much industry capital campaign,” said IBM/HF Chairman Pat Ciniello.
PBA tour television final and first created for players not to score (well). homework I have and to be able to “Thanks to the generosity of so many people, companies and organiza-
woman to win a PBA regional title. Each week of tryouts featured a new balance with social time and dedica- tions, we had a successful grand opening in January and will continue to
There were a couple of PBA wed- pattern for the players. Some weeks tion to a fraternity (he is pledging have a bright future in Texas.
dings in the off-season. Former PBA will feature the same condition on Delta Upsilon) and looking for a job Three donations of $100,000 were received to become Diamond Level
tour exempt player and winner of the every lane, while some will feature a and joining extracurricular activities contributors: Junior Powell Trust, Toledo, Ohio Brunswick Bowling &
2010 PBA Steve Nagy different one on each lane on a pair. (and sleeping and eating-‘the two Billiards, Lake Forest, Ill. United States Bowling Congress, Arlington,
Sportsmanship Award, George The players will have no clue as to things I cherish the most’).” Texas
Lambert IV, and Sam Swanson were what condition is going to be put “Since this is my first year I did Another 11 donations qualified for the Diamond Level for $50,000
married in Lambeau Field. That’s down.” They want the young people not know how the program was contributions: Bowling Proprietors’ Association of America, Arlington,
right, the same Lambeau Field that to figure it out. “These tryouts are going to be run. I have to say it def- Texas Bowltech International, The Netherlands Ebonite International,
hosts the Green Bay Packers. Missy extremely difficult. If you refer to the initely is not easy. Tryouts were Hopkinsville, Ky. Kegel Company, Lake Wales, Fla. Pepsi-Cola
Bellinder, former PBA women’s Yokobosky Borden Clinic as extremely frustrating and difficult. Company, Purchase, N.Y. Qubica/AMF Worldwide, Mechanicsville, Va.
series competitor, and Drew Parkin ‘Bowling Boot Camp’ then I can eas- In leagues in New Jersey I averaged Patrick and Lisa Ciniello, Bonita Springs, Fla. Reichert Foundation,
were married on a yacht in Newport ily refer to these (WSU) tryouts as in the mid 190s on a PBA condition. Lake Forest, Ill. Reno Tri-Properties, Reno, Nev. Storm Products,
Beach Harbor in California. She was bowling’s ‘BUD/S’ training, the third On our ‘tryout’ condition I averaged Brigham City, Utah US Bowling Corporation, Chino, Calif.
the firs woman to win two PBA week being ‘hell week.’” He says the 175. I am honored to say I made the Two other contributions of $25,000 earned donators Gold Level status:
regional titles. tryouts were a real test to every play- Developmental team (the Select Luby Publishing, Chicago S&S Family Entertainment, Hendersonville,
There is no doubt that when you er’s skill, both mental and physical, as team is the A team and Tenn.
think of collegiate bowling you have well as attitude and work ethic. Developmental team is the B “We were overwhelmed with the support we received from the entire
to think Wichita State University. So BUD/S is the extreme training pro- team).” bowling industry,” Ciniello said. “Even after surpassing our original
many pros have come out of its bowl- gram of the US Navy SEALs, one of By the way, Eric also made the goal of $1 million in January, we continued receiving generous support.
ing program, too numerous to men- the toughest military training pro- Developmental team. Two tourna- We can’t thank these contributors enough.”
tion. The head coach, Gordon grams in the world. ments are coming up in October and All donators will be recognized on a rotating display in the IBM/HF’s
Vadakin, has worked with Team Steven Haneveld says that the try- we’ll have to see if our local stars grand entrance. Those who donated at least $5,000 will be permanently
USA, escalating them to international outs were not what he expected. are involved. Stay tuned! displayed in Arlington.
status. Both Wichita State Shockers “Besides the physical test, we had to
teams, men and women, have won a
host of national titles year after year.
play on the lanes as if we were prac-
ticing with our friends. BUT every Instant Replay and Coaching Now at PBA
But this year is even better. We person trying out was given a COPS SEATTLE, Wash.– The Professional Bowlers 1999 Columbia 300 Open in Austin, Texas, when
have two former Morris County, NJ, (Competitive Observation Players Association has adopted a formal policy allowing Parker Bohn III appeared to foul on a spare attempt
junior bowling stars attending their Skills) sheet to record how well the use of “instant replay” at the tournament direc- in the title match against Pete Weber. Ironically,
first year at WSU, Eric Gentilella and each player was doing throughout tor’s discretion in nationally-televised competition. von Krueger was tournament director for that event.
Steven Haneveld. Not only did they the tryouts. Each player was expect- The “instant replay rule,” along with a new rule During the next commercial break, von Krueger
not know how rigorous the bowling ed to tell each other which exact allowing coaching at all levels of PBA competition, reviewed the instant replay of the shot and deter-
program and team tryouts would be, mark we were going to throw our are included in the 2010-11 Professional Bowlers mined that Bohn had, indeed, fouled, negating the
but they also let me know that it’s not ball over and your scorer would be Association Rule Book which went into effect on spare.
all Happy Days. examining to make sure you were at Oct. 1. The rule book can be found on Bohn went on to win the title, 225-211, but the
How about the physical training least within one board of the mark. under the “Resources” tab. following week, PBA players – who at the time had
and strength and endurance tests? The same thing with spares. If you While “instant replay” is rarely needed in PBA control over rules policies – voted against any
competition, issues of foul line infractions and pin- future use of instant replay. Since that time, there

Sports Reporter
fall – where a pinsetter may touch a falling pin has been no published policy on whether or not
have created a handful of disputes over the years. instant replay can be used to enforce decisions by
The PBA uses a foul line judge and carefully moni- the tournament director.
Editor/Publisher - Dan McDonough
tors pinfall, but situations have occurred that made In addition to the instant replay rule, all coaching
Pat McDonough - 1967-1996
an accurate ruling difficult without closer review. rules and limitations, with a few exceptions, were
Circulation Manager Editorial Assistant “Use of instant replay is an issue with all major eliminated to allow coaching across the board at all
Henry Allen Immaculatta D'Elia
sports in this age of technology,” said PBA Vice levels of PBA competition. The new rules define
Contributing Writers
Chuck Pezzano George Faytok Joan Taylor President and Tour Director Kirk von Krueger. coaching and specific limitations as they apply to
Dick Evans John Jowdy “Our concern is simply to be accurate with judg- televised and non-televised rounds.
Martin Michel Vince Albrech Joe Rizzi ment calls. Until now, we have not had a formal The new PBA rules also establish a member poli-
For information regarding advertising, policy on whether instant replay can or should be cy on appropriate conduct in using social network
subscriptions, or editorial content call:
used. Now we have a rule that governs the issue. platforms which have created new levels of world-
(201)865-5363 Member
“When the use of instant replay will allow us to wide interaction between players and fans, and out-
Fax: (201) 865-6246 make the correct decision, we’ll use it. It will be line a change back to a voting system for selection
employed at the discretion of the tournament direc- of PBA Player of the Year for 2010-11. The new
E-mail -
tor.” tournament formats which will be employed this
Sports Reporter The most memorable use of instant replay in a year make the Player of the Year points system
P.O. Box 1491, Secaucus, NJ 07094 PBA Tour event occurred in the title match of the used the past two seasons impractical.
October 13 - 19, 2010 SPORTS REPORTER 3
4 SPORTS REPORTER October 13 - 19, 2010

The High Roller Takes over the TAT!

The High Roller has been running Roller. Brad has said repeatedly including the Marathon will be
bowling tournaments for 29 years that there will be no changes for offered at the same price as the
in Las Vegas and has paid the upcoming events, although he last TAT event. All the divisions
bowlers over $80 million dollars! has indicated there may be extra including the 4 Scratch divisions
Recently the TAT has merged prize funds with no entry fee and the new Handicap division
with Brad Edelman and the High increase. All entry packages will also remain the same. The
next TAT event will be held at
The Orleans on February 6th thru
the 13th of February in 2011.
“We are very excited to be part of
this long running event!” said
Edelman. “The McWilliams fam-
ily, Ed, Tricia, and Jamie have put
together a great program and now
after 10 years, we are happy to
come on board.”
The same bowler friendly staff
will be on hand to run the event
with Jamie McWilliams running
the event and Ed there to make
sure everyone gets taken care of
in the traditional TAT manner.
The squad and bracket table staff
will also remain the same as well
as our friendly tournament direc-
Keep an eye on trueamateurtour- and www.high- for more details.
October 13 - 19, 2010 SPORTS REPORTER 5

PBA World Series of Bowling

Justin Hawkins 743
SOLD OUT In Montvale Major
By Joe Rizzi
As expected, the 2010 PBA $10 for either the morning or MONTVALE, NJ -Justin Hawkins
World Series reached its capac- afternoon/evening sessions, or was the high scorer in the
ity of 256 players on Sept. 28,
with former PBA Exempt Tour
$15 per day for “all day” pass-
Montvale Major League, bowling
a 743 series on games of 279, 259 908-687-9300
player Tony Reyes of San For the Sunday, Oct. 31, prac-
Bruno, Calif., claiming the tice session for the Cheetah,
and 205. His fine effort led Valley
Tent Rental to a 25-5 rout over DANNY WILLIAMS, PROPRIETOR
final spot. Viper, Chameleon, Scorpion John AL BRIDGES, MANAGER
The next step is filling the and Shark match play finalists, Rankin added 256-686 and Mike
spectator area at South Point and for the five individual Rovetto 245-676 for the winning
Bowling Center in Las Vegas match play rounds, including team.
with PBA fans to help kick off Monday’s Cheetah and Viper Jun Roldan’s 247-278-212—737
boosted his league-leading aver-
the 2010-11 Lumber finals; Tuesday’s Chameleon
age to 243, and led Rick’s Pro
Liquidators PBA Tour season. and Scorpion finals, and
Shop past GP’s Restaurant, 19-11.
And during the first week of Wednesday’s Shark finals, are Ralph Bernardo added 259-680
qualifying, you might find $15. and Keith Lee 236-664 for Rick’s.
yourself seated next to Susie Tickets for the Cheetah, Viper Chris Arbegast’s 211-266-258—
Anthony. The wife of the late and Chameleon TV finals at 9 735 helped Rite Way defeat GDC
PBA superstar Earl Anthony a.m., 1 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. on Contracting, 18-12. Tim Hurd’s
has confirmed she intends to Friday, Nov. 5, will be $20 per 268-224-222—714 led Team Ram
attend the entire first week of session or $50 for the full day. Rod to a 25-5 rout over Bergen
World Series action to visit Tickets for the Scorpion, Shark Batting Center. Mike Folchi
with old friends and watch the and U.S.A. vs. The World rolled 289-233—707, leading
competition. finals on Saturday at 11 a.m., 3 North Jersey Turf & Trim past The
Tickets for all sessions of the and 5:30 p.m. also are $20 per Game Zone, 25-5.
World Series, set for Oct. 24- session or $50 for the full day. Andrew Hedaria 236-695, Chris
Nov. 6 at South Point are now Players who are still hopeful Trembath 235-678, Mike Pasch
244-678, Dave Hulsizer 266-678,
on sale on For the of getting into the World Series
John Menville 267-677, Chuck
practice sessions on Sunday, field should get their names on
Ontal 243-674, Keith Krokus 246-
Oct. 24, and each of the “ani- the waiting list as soon as pos- 674, Matt Rovetto 249-669, Jason
mal pattern” qualifying ses- sible. Any late withdrawals will Von Koester 234-667, Bob
sions Monday through Friday, be filled on a first-come basis Higgins 257-662, Forde Prigot
Oct. 25-29, ticket prices are from the waiting list. 275-662, Kevin Conroy 225-654
and Alan Verbitski 258-648.
6 SPORTS REPORTER October 13 - 19, 2010


Kyle McKissock 805 Harry Franz 715 Les Porzio 703 Harry Franz 699 Harry Franz 693
MADISON, NJ – Kyle MADISON, NJ – Harry Franz led MADISON, NJ – Les Porzio led MADISON, NJ –Harry Franz led MADISON, NJ – Harry Franz
McKissock Topped all competi- the Tuesday Doubles League fir- the scoring in the Pharma Plus the Tuesday Doubles firing a 258 led the scoring in the Thursday
tion posting the high series of 805 ing a 279 game for a high 715. League firing a 256 game for a game for a high series of 699. Mixed League firing a 256
in the CMIL League, Mike Dan Pridham shot 279-656, Dave high series of 703. Anthony Caporaso shot 233-634, game for a high series of 693.
Potoski posted a 288 game fol- Hanft 254, Ryan Ketson 657, and Scott Harnish shot 224-600, John Dan Pridham 232-640, Pam Scott West shot 227-622,
lowed by Jennifer Dunklin with Pam Feehan 201. Lulewicz 218, and Lisa Gibbons Feehan 203, and Linda Bogert 198. Craig Swartz 222-622, Pat
235-628. In another session Harry Franz 187. In the Chatham Collisionetets Wilfong 212, and Laura Russo
Vinny Pagnotti 736 shot 245-649, Tony Evans 237- In another session Ron League Lori Pucek hit 216, and 204.
MADISON, NJ – Vinny Pagnotti 635, Dan Pridham 226-614, and Kaepernik shot 248, Jon Russo Alice Bednarik 203.
led the Wednesday Trio firing a Pam Feehan 168. 235, and Joe Jagiello 225. Dan Pridham 244
284 game for a high series of 736. Mike D’Aries 714 Joe Russo 695 MADISON, NJ – Dan Pridham
Oren Warter shot 245-699, Russ MADIOSN, NJ – Mike D’Aries Trevor Bogert 702 MADISON, NJ- Jon Russo led the paced the scoring in the Police
Kyzima 248-698, Dave Krivak paced the Livingston Business MADISON, NJ- Trevor Bogert Tuesday 400 Doubles firing a 268 & Fire League firing a high
256-687, and Joey Parisi 246-686. Men’s League firing a 256 game fired 269 for a high series of 702 game for a high series of 695. game of 244.
Brendon Matunas 718 for a high series of 714. in the Wednesday Trio League. Rich Galante shot 267-673, Joe Marchese hit 235, Jim
MADISON, NJ – Brendon Victor Pitra hit 255, Deraill Dave Krivak shot 254-647, Tom Thomas Litland 220, Lisette Beston 227, Joe Horincewich
Matunas led the scoring in the Miller 247-674, Chris Waller 672. Keeder 233, and Andrew Stephens Tapanes 223, and Laura Freestone 644, and Ton Scheyer 632.
Tuesday 400 Doubles firing a 278 Charles Wilfong 702 637. 203.
game for a high series of 718. MADISON, NJ – Charles Wilfong
Jon Russo hit 232-646, David paced the Thursday Mixed League Mark Malek 288
Hanft 226, and Lissette Tapanes firing a 246 game for a of 702. MADISON, NJ – In the CMIL
199. John Barilla hit 239-669, Bo League Mark Malek rolled 288,
In another session Jon Russo shot Serilla 233, Harry Franz 667, Pat Dave Krivak 743, Jennifer
268-768, Jim Matunas 234, and Wilfogn 217, Laura Russo 200, Dunklin 191, and Margaret Byrne
David Hanft 231. and Anna West 209. 564.
October 13 - 19, 2010 SPORTS REPORTER 7

Venezuela's Karen Marcano Took Masters Gold at PABCON

HENDERSON, Nev.- Venezuela's Karen Marcano defeated Puerto Rico's Jessica Santiago (2-1),
battled through a painful hand injury to mount a Mexico's Sandra Gongora (2-1) and Team USA's
comeback and win the Masters gold medal at the Shannon O'Keefe (2-0). O'Keefe did have a chance to
2010 Pan American Bowling Confederation Women's strike out for a tie in their second semifinal game, but
Championships in suburban Las Vegas. the pins just didn't fall her way.
The 31-year-old right-hander cut open her hand on "You can't throw it that badly and expect to move
a broken thumb slug but was able to patch it up and on, so I was lucky to get as far as I did today," said
push through the pain in a dramatic 2-1 victory over O'Keefe, who earned three medals this week.
Colombia's Clara Guerrero at Sunset Station Hotel "Obviously, I'm still happy because it's a medal, but
and Casino's Strike Zone Bowling Center. I'm disappointed that I wasn't able to settle in physi-
As the higher seed entering the championship cally."
match, Marcano earned the choice of lane condition Guerrero's path to the finals included wins over
for the first game of the best-of-three match. Canada's Felicia Wong (2-1) and Team USA's Kelly
Despite the advantage, Guerrero took a 1-0 lead Kulick (2-0) before taking out top-seed Liz Johnson,
with a 204-179 win on the 40-foot Athens pattern, 2-1, in a battle that also came down to the final frame.
and then jumped out to a 25-pin lead after five frames O'Keefe and Johnson each received bronze medals
in Game 2, which was contested on the 34-foot for their Masters efforts Friday.
Stockholm pattern. Marcano used six consecutive "I bowled well on the medium pattern today, and
strikes to even the match with a 221-203 victory and I'm real happy with my performance overall," said
force a deciding game on the Athens pattern. Johnson, who also won gold medals in team and all-
After Marcano closed out the finale with 182, events as well as a bronze in trios. "I felt focused, and
Guerrero had a chance to double in the final frame to I made some really good shots, but Clara bowled well
win the gold medal, but left the 4-6-7 split to finish and deserved to win the match. It's been a great week
with a strikeless 168. overall, and I'm very happy."
"I had to figure out how I was going to bowl The 2010 PABCON Women's Championships fea-
because it was really painful," said Marcano, who tured 60 competitors from 13 countries competing for
won the singles gold medal at last year's PABCON medals in six events - five-player team, trios, dou-
Championships in San Juan, Puerto Rico. "It hurt, but bles, singles, all-events and Masters match play.
I tried to do my best in every frame. I am just very, Team USA took home 10 medals, followed by
very happy right now." Venezuela (3), Canada (2), Colombia (2) and Mexico
On the way to the championship match, Marcano (2).
8 SPORTS REPORTER October 13 - 19, 2010


Glenn Mohr, Jr. 783 Gregg Farley 714 Joseph Krupinski 685
HOPELAWN, NJ – Glenn Mohr, HOPELAWN, NJ- George Farley HOPELAWN, NJ – Joseph
Jr. led the scoring in the led the Merck League tossing 268 Krupinski led the scoring in the
Middlesex County Classic League and 249 for a high series of 714. Atlantic City Trios League firing
firing games of 225-279-279 for a Rich Impaglia shot 227-560, Jeff games of 257-224-204 for a high
high series of 783. Roberts 232, Mike Eglisia 217, series of 685.
Dennis Smith shot 288-234-258- and Erin Daniels 203. Mike Vicidomini shot 200-204-
780, Jason PIntus 248-236-275- Rob Morris 708 238-642, Bill Venezia 222-232-
759, Russell Bennett 224-264- HOPELAWN, NJ – Rob Morris 634, Ralph Doerfler 233-235-621,
256-744, Joe Herber 247-218- led the Friday Nite Mixed League and Willie Hall 208.
278-743, Dave Sabin 259-256- with games of 254-212-242 for a In the Academy Women’s League
228-743, Tony Ament 237-257- 708 high series. Dina Teal shot 221.
235-729, Anthony Stevens 269- Rob Williams shot 216-211-235- John Sidorko 657
248-716. 662, Tony Tamondong 234-232- HOPELAWN, NJ – John Sidorko
Rocco Fortunato 730 647, Eric Haltli 224-236-632, DJ rolled 214-223-220-657, Keith
HOPELAWN, NJ – Rocco Andriola 213-224-630, Jose Vega Fenton 202, Maryann Todd 184,
Fortunato topped all bowlers in 205-243-629, and Melissa Mark Cumber 199, and Christien
the Raritan Bay Men’s League Hertenberge 231-600. Sidorko 179-176 in the Bank League.
pitching games of 258-247-225 Wayne Bebert 696 In the Tuesday Nite Trios League
for a high series of 730. HOPELAWN, NJ - Wayne Bebert Gayle Hodgson shot 256, Mike
Sean Irvine shot 224-265-225- led the Avenel Youth League with Newman shot 244-219-614, Joe
714, Steve Venito, Jr. 230-269- 241-201-254 for a 696 high set. Bongik 210, and Charlene
697, Glenn Mohr 215-242-231- Jason Ciszewski hit 213-229- Martino 202.
688, Ray Velezquez 210-247-223- 628, Tom Shafetz 226, Even Pat Jones 648
680, Steve A. Venito 227-246- Weinberg 268, and Heather HOPELAWN, NJ – Pat Jones
206-679, Bruce Mohr 226-244- Medoro 159. paced the scoring in the NJ
664, Aaron Kilchowski 212-218-
214-644, and Gabe Ferrari 210- Matt Cestone 688 Turnpike League firing 218-247-
HOPELAWN, NJ – Matt Cestone for a high series of 648.
210-224-644. Jeff Lee shot 201-213-201-615,
In the Thursday Mixed Nuts led the scoring in the Thursday
Nite Mixed League tossing games Michael Morris 226, John Veltre
League Steve Baum shot 202-200, 207, Mike Grant 208, and Joyce
Don E. Hellhake 229, Don M. of 267 and 223 for a high series of
688. Ellison 204.
Hellhake 214, Rolando Vazquez Kyle Jannuzzi hit 258-222-675,
245, and Mike Kennely 200. Thomas Poulos shot 209-252-
648, Rollin E. Ball 211-252-647, Walter Malecki 202-657, John
Bill Smith 679 Borkowski 231, Don Anione 237,
Vinny Medvetz 221-214-633,
HOPELAWN, NJ- Bill Smith led Scott Akalewicx 255, Mike Linda Shafer 227, Mike
the His & Hers League firing 246- Piomelli 237, and Henry Porcellana 246, and Jim Hrsana
226-207 for a high series of 679. Sosnowicz 228. 236.

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