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Sports Reporter: Plan To Bowl in Fall Leagues

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The East's Most Read Bowling Weekly

Sports Reporter
Our 81st
The Nation's Leading Bowling Tournament Newspaper Since 1940
Vol. 81 No. 15 June 11, 2020 25 cents


by Terry Bigham When the 20% responding “Unsure”, plus those who answered “No”, were
ARLINGTON, Texas – A survey of United States Bowling Congress mem- directed to a follow-up question asking the reason, an overwhelming major-
bers conducted in late May found an overwhelming majority of bowlers ity (80%) answered it was because of health and safety concerns.
were planning to bowl in a fall league when the 2020-2021 season starts in The survey was distributed to USBC members through email, the USBC
August. Facebook page, a pop-up on the homepage and in the weekly
USBC asked its members to respond to a one-question survey that asked: BowlTV newsletter. More than 47,000 answered in response to the email,
Assuming local government allows your bowling center to open and operate while the remaining distribution channels delivered a combined 525
leagues, do you plan on bowling in leagues(s) this fall? responses.
Respondents were asked to select from three possible answers: Yes, No or Statistically, USBC has a 99% confidence level, with less than a 1% mar-
Unsure. gin of error, of the survey results and that it is a relevant and accurate repre-
USBC received more than 47,000 responses in the first week, with 75% sentation of the entire USBC membership.
answering “Yes” and just 5% responding “No” as to whether they planned to The survey also showed responses were slightly different depending on age
bowl in a fall league. and gender, as 78% of those age 59 or younger plan to bowl in a fall league,
With 20% of members responding as “Unsure”, the timing of the survey in and men (77%) were four percent more likely to respond “Yes” to bowling
late May could have been a factor. The survey was sent prior to the opening this fall compared with women (73%).
of bowling centers in many states, and respondents likely were not aware of Visit for the full results of the survey and to see
any restrictions and how their center planned to address a return to bowling. a state-by-state breakdown.


by Terry Bigham and can plan accordingly. each of its first three events, and the USBC Queens drew a
ARLINGTON, Texas – The Professional Women’s Bowling “When we looked at the way other professional sports field of 192 competitors.
Association (PWBA) has canceled its 2020 PWBA Tour sea- leagues are resuming play, the consistent approach is regular The PWBA has discussed, and will continue to explore,
son, including its two major events, the USBC Queens and testing while isolating athletes and staff from outside con- the possibility of conducting special events later in 2020.
the U.S. Women’s Open. tact,” USBC Executive Director Chad Murphy said. “Sadly, “We’ll continue to explore the possibility of conducting
The PWBA is a joint operation of the Bowling Proprietors’ we do not see a workable way to operate a national tour in PWBA events in 2020 for the players, the fans and the
Association of America (BPAA) and the United States 2020 across varying venues and states in a manner that industry,” BPAA Executive Director Frank DeSocio said. “If
Bowling Congress (USBC), and leadership for both organi- meets standards for a professional sports league.” conditions improve to allow special events to be an option
zations determined workability concerns related to the Bowling centers are facing varying regulations as they for the PWBA, we want to find a way to make that happen.”
COVID-19 pandemic and varying nationwide restrictions reopen from the shutdowns of the last few months. While The 2020 PWBA Tour season was scheduled to start April
would not allow the PWBA to conduct full-field tour events. many centers have started to reopen, some are operating at a 23 with the PWBA Tucson Open at Lucky Strike Bowl in
Several operational factors were considered, most limited capacity to follow state guidelines. With profession- Tucson, Arizona, but the PWBA announced the indefinite
importantly the feasibility of providing standardized al sporting events currently unable to operate with specta- postponement of the 2020 season on March 16.
health and safety protocols for PWBA Tour athletes and tors, PWBA cannot provide its primary host center value of The PWBA Tour relaunched in 2015 after a 12-year hiatus.
staff while traveling throughout the country during a customer engagement through Bowl with the Pros events. It continues to draw competitors from throughout the world
time with constantly changing conditions. The PWBA The potential restricted capacity of centers also would and has held 14 events each season since 2016. Twenty-
made the decision now, so athletes, host centers and ball affect the ability of the PWBA Tour to conduct events. For seven athletes have won a PWBA title during the tour’s five
manufacturers no longer would be in a holding pattern the 2019 season, the PWBA averaged 78 competitors for seasons since its relaunch.
2 SPORTS REPORTER June 11, 2020

To our valued customers,
Rockaway Lanes will be closed due to
the government limitations in place to
slow the spread of the Coronavirus.
We will resume our normal operations
once the Governor lifts the ban.
Please stay safe and healthy during
this time!

The Management and Staff
Rockaway Lanes
June 11, 2020 SPORTS REPORTER 3

Jib Lanes~Flushing (718) 591 - 0600

Maple Lanes RVC~Rockville Centre (516) 678 - 3010
Farmingdale Lanes~Farmingdale (631) 249 - 4300
Coram Country Lanes~Coram (631) 732 - 2022
Countryside Lanes~Clearwater, FL (727) 796 - 8100
4 SPORTS REPORTER June 11, 2020
June 11, 2020 SPORTS REPORTER 5

COMPLEMENT ATHLETE SAFETY HANDBOOK An icon of Japan’s bowling industry, Keijiro Nakano, died on May 15 after
by Terry Bigham suffering a brain hemorrhage. He was 93.
ARLINGTON, Texas – The United States Bowling Congress made notewor- Known throughout the industry simply as “Mr. Nakano,” and a ubiquitous
thy updates to allow USBC members to easily see their current status for U.S. presence at International Bowl Expo for decades, his Starlanes chain of bowl-
Center for SafeSport training and Registered Volunteer Program (RVP) ing centers was among the most successful in Japan, and his Eastern Sports
requirements. Ltd. was a leading distributor. Eastern Sports represented U.S. Polychemical
USBC members now can monitor their athlete safety status through their and ZOT Pinsetter Parts, among other companies.
profile on Once signed in through the USBC Community Login, His foray into bowling — a sport and business he would come to love —
members can click on the Athlete Safety/RVP link to see their SafeSport train- began with the opening of a center in 1963. He quickly grew the business dur-
ing and Registered Volunteer status. ing Japan’s bowling boom, increasing his center count to 15, housing approx-
The Registered Volunteer Program (RVP), created in 2006, requires partici- imately 600 lanes.
pants to be a USBC member in good standing, undergo a criminal background An economic downturn necessitated the closing of six of those centers, as
screen through the National Center for Safety Initiatives (NCSI) and each sea- well as some land he owned and planned to use for future development. With
son complete online training through the U.S. Center for SafeSport, which a leaner and meaner operation, he survived the downturn and emerged as one
became a requirement in 2018. of the Japanese bowling industry’s leaders.
The Athlete Safety/RVP link will show any missing requirements for adult “I met Mr. Nakano many times, both in Japan and in the USA at Bowl Expo,”
members who compete with youth and, for those who are in a Registered recalled marketing guru Paul Lane. “In Japan, I recall seeing many of Mr.
Volunteer role, your profile will show when you need to complete your next Nakano's paintings on display at the Starlanes head office in Tokyo. He was an
SafeSport training program and when your background screen will need to be accomplished artist.”
renewed. Added Lane: “During one visit circa 1983, he mentioned his interest in bring-
Each season, a Registered Volunteer must renew their USBC membership ing the PBA Tour to Japan and asked if I could arrange a meeting with the PBA
and take SafeSport training, and every two years must go through NCSI for a at Bowl Expo the following year. I made the introduction, and the outcome was
criminal background screen to remain an active and approved volunteer. Adult the start of what became the annual Japan Cup.”
USBC members who compete with youth bowlers also must take SafeSport Eastern Sports Ltd. initially was the sole investor in that tournament. Over the
training each bowling season. years, it grew to have the largest budget of any single PBA event, including a
Any USBC member can find out if a person is a Registered Volunteer substantial first-place prize in addition to unprecedented hospitality shown to
through the Find A Register Volunteer function on It is one of PBA players, family, friends and support staff.
several popular “Find A …” functions, including Find A Member and Find A In addition to his work on the Japan Cup, Nakano was one of the world’s
Tournament, available to USBC members. leading activists in lobbying for bowling’s inclusion as an Olympic Games
The search function allows you to find a list of all current Registered medal sport, traveling in pursuit of his goal on his own dime.
Volunteers in your association or city, or you can use the individual search “Among Olympic Committee officials, Nakano was endearingly known as
function to see if a person is an active Registered Volunteer and when the per- ‘the bowling guy,’” said Frank DeSocio, Executive Director of the Bowling
son’s RVP status expires. Proprietors’ Association of America.
Bowlers can also find their Registered Volunteer and SafeSport status Nakano was a past President of the Japan BPA, and received two major U.S.
through the Find A Member function. Those who are current in SafeSport honors in back-to-back years: induction into the PBA Hall of Fame in 1999 for
training will have a SafeSport icon next to their name and those currently a meritorious service, and BPAA’s Victor Lerner Memorial Award in 2000. In
Registered Volunteer, which includes SafeSport training, will have an RVP 1993, he received BPAA’s V.A. Wapensky Award.
icon. A ceaseless promoter, Nakano spearheaded an annual event with California
While any USBC member can search for a volunteer through the Find A proprietor Don Hillman that saw American collegiate bowlers brought to Japan
Registered Volunteer function, only the Registered Volunteer has access to for exhibition matches and other appearances.
their profile that shows their status related to membership, background screen “Over the 12-year period that we put together those teams, he gave 96 kids
and SafeSport training. an incredible experience,” Hillman, a BPAA Hall of Famer and past President,
USBC also has developed a comprehensive handbook that combines poli- said. “It often was difficult for bowling to get the recognition that it deserved,
cies for the U.S. Center for SafeSport and the USBC Registered Volunteer but those collegiate tours opened doors to the mayor’s office, to the governor’s
Program to detail the requirements of adult bowlers who work with, or com- office and to the newspapers.”
pete alongside, youth bowlers. Look for more of Hillman’s remembrances of Nakano in the July issue of
Visit to learn more about athlete safety, how to become a BCM.
Registered Volunteer and for the USBC Athlete Safety and RVP Handbook.
6 SPORTS REPORTER June 11, 2020

We will be closing temporarily as a

proactive precaution against the
coronavirus pandemic. Our first day
closed will be Saturday, March 14,
with no current planned reopening
date. This is of course a very fluid sit-
uation and can change, so we will
update with changes as they occur.
We wish everyone and their families
good health and will see you all soon.

$5,000 Pezzano Scholarship

Deadline is April 30
Do you know of a young person who loves bowling
"The quality of a leader is reflected and loves writing?
in the standards they set for themselves."
- Ray Kroc The International Bowling Media Association
is working to help create the next generation of
bowling journalists through the Chuck Pezzano Media
Scholarship, which is valued at $5,000.
COVID-19 Strikes Down Bowl Expo To learn more about the scholarship, or to direct a
young person you know to the application form,
There is good news on the coronavirus front: Death toll estimates in use this link in your browser: :
the U.S. may be lower than previously predicted. CRITERIA%20WEB.pdf
Meanwhile, however, time ran out on International Bowl Expo. The final application deadline is April 30, but interested students
should begin the pre-application process immediately.
BPAA leaders waited as long as they could in hopes of going forward
with the 2020 Expo, which was to have taken place July 2-6 in Even more imminent is the deadline for the
2019 IBMA Writing Competition.
Aurora, Colo. But with virtually every state asking people to stay at Entries must be received by March 15.
home, and with airlines substantially cutting their flight schedules, Information is available by using this link in your browser:
there was no other choice but to cancel Bowl Expo for this year. ngCompetition/2019/2019_Writing_Comp_Application.pdf
June 11, 2020 SPORTS REPORTER 7
USBC Amends Playing Rules to
Help Get Leagues Rolling
DO NOT READ THIS The United States Bowling Congress Board of Directors has approved
waivers and modifications to USBC Playing Rules to provide certified
leagues and tournaments with greater flexibility to return to bowling
You didn’t listen did you? while adhering to local health guidelines related to COVID-19.
The modifications allow certified competition to take place on one
Proof the ads in the Sports Reporter get read! lane for the entirety of a game. Also, bowlers will be allowed to use iso-
propyl alcohol, more commonly known as rubbing alcohol, to clean
their bowling balls during competition. The Environmental Protection
Need bowlers for your league? Agency lists isopropyl alcohol as an approved disinfectant for use


Effective immediately, USBC has temporarily waived USBC Playing
Rules 106a, 106b, 320a and 320b, which state that two lanes must be

Email: used for competition and bowlers must alternate lanes. It also waived the
requirement that both lanes must be used for a bowler to be eligible for
Or Call 201-865-5363 awards and average recognition.
USBC said it would continue to monitor the COVID-19 pandemic and
may rescind the waiver of Rules 106a,106b, 320a and 320b at any time.
The USBC Board, which has the authority over general playing rules,
was able to make the waivers following the adoption of General Playing
Rule 14 - Emergency Authorizations. That rule states USBC may
authorize temporary modifications to the General Playing Rules, Award,
League and Tournament Rules in cases of emergency.
Read more here:

Dear Bowlers, while we know that all of the

leagues would love to continue bowling, we feel it
is in everyone's best interest to close Lodi Lanes.
We will reevaluate the coronavirus situation and
tentatively reopen on March 30th. As a precautionary measure we
This is an unfortunate situation, but we want will be closed until further notice.
everyone to be safe so we can get through this
together. We will post on our Website and
Facebook page
Thank you all for your understanding. We will
keep you updated.
when we are open again.
Everyone be safe.
Lodi Lanes
8 SPORTS REPORTER June 11, 2020


Williams photo

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