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January 19, 2011 Sports Reporter

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The East's Most Read Bowling Weekly

Sports Reporter
The Nation's Leading Bowling Tournament Newspaper Since 1940

Vol. 71 No. 46 January 19 - 25, 2011 . 50 cents

International Players Top U.S.A. in PBA Glenn Mohr, Jr. Blasted 810
World Series of Bowling Team Event At Majestic Lanes
HOPELAWN, NJ – Glenn Mohr 777, John Both 289-228-248-765,
By Bill Vint-PBA Media Relations topped all scoring in the Jason Pintus 215-246-279-740,
LAS VEGAS, Nev. – For two weeks, Middlesex County Classic League Ken Rask 267-224-236-727,
nearly 250 of the world’s best at Majestic Lanes pitching games Marcus Stevens 202-267-256-725,
bowlers battled each other in a gruel- of 268, 289, and 253 for the ses- Dennis Smith 269-244-707, and
ing series of individual events during sion high series of 810. George Valewitz 222-244-241-
the Professional Bowlers Don Richard shot 279-239-259- 707.
Association’s World Series of
Bowling at South Point Bowling Jim Ketterer Hit 300-803
Center. On the final day, the best from
America met the best from the rest of At Holiday Bowl
the world, and came in second. OAKLAND, NJ - On Thursday This was Ketterer’s first career
The PBA World Series of Jan 6th, Jim Ketterer threw an 802 800 set and his 13th perfect game.
Bowling’s special team event pitted PBA photo series highlighted by a 300 game He posted games of 213 and 289
the six American bowlers who had International champs Palermaa, Lehtonnen, Koivuniemi, while contesting in the that session before tossing the
finished highest in the 60-game MacLelland, Belmonte, and Monacelli Ridgewood/Pompton Men’s twelve in-a-row for his 300.
qualifying session against the six League at Holiday Bowl.
international bowlers who had fared best while bowl- all lead, and fellow two-handed specialist Osku
ing 12 games per day on five different lane conditions. Palermaa of Finland padded the international team’s
The six-man team event awarded one point for each of lead with his easy 227-150 victory over Sean Rash of Lou Bruno 806 at Belleville
six head-to-head matches, plus three points to the Montgomery, Ill. BELLEVILLE, NJ – Lou Bruno Rudy Johnson shot 257-235-260-
team with the highest total pinfall. Chris Barnes of Double Oak, Texas, tried to get the led the scoring in the Monday 752, Randy Battistus 244-260-
While the head-to-head matches wound up in a 3-3 U.S. back into the match, but a late surge of four Men Anytime Fitness League fir- 245-749, Russ Vanhousen 239-
tie, The World won the team total battle and decisive strikes by opponent Mika Koivuniemi, the third Finn ing games of 268-258-280 for a 266-237-742, Chelo Cabrera 246-
three points, 1,251-1,208. on The World team, closed Barnes’ margin of victory high series of 806 at Brunswick 247-258-751, and Javier Perez
“It was fun,” said Australia’s Jason Belmonte, who to a modest three pins, 227-224. International anchor Zone Belleville. 216-237-277-730.
defeated Wes Malott of Pflugerville, Texas, 254-215, bowler Amleto Monacelli of Venezuela started his
in their head-to-head match. “But fun or not, we’re game with four strikes and held off a rally by U.S. Eric Applegate 805 at Majestic
competitors. We don’t like to lose.” anchor Bill O’Neill of Southampton, Pa., who won
Michael Haugen Jr. of Carefree, Ariz., gave the U.S. the point, 201-193, but it wasn’t enough to overcome HOPELAWN, NJ – Eric 265-717, Kevin Kopko 210-225-
a healthy lead when he defeated Finland’s Kimmo The World’s overall lead. Applegate led the scoring in the 257-692, Joe Bloodgood 229-217-
Lehtonen, 246-161, in the first match. Canada’s Dan “It was a long, tiring two weeks,” O’Neill said. “The Family League at Majestic Lanes 228-674, Al Patrick 244-234-654,
MacLelland trimmed the American lead in Match team match was a good way to end the World Series, firing games of 279-267-259 for a Anthony Angotti 248-212-653,
Two when he topped Ronnie Russell of Camby, Ind., even though we lost. I hope we get to do it again next high series of 805. and Beth Ford 234-212-624.
192-169. Belmonte then put The World into the over- year.” Rocco Fortunato rolled 206-246-

NFL Super Bowl Celebrity Bowling Classic

ARLINGTON, TX (January 12, 2011) - One of the premier well in the Super Bowl Celebrity Bowling Classic, you get from the International Bowling Campus," said Frank
annual events leading up to the Super Bowl, the NFL Super a second chance in our two-day event." DeSocio of Strike Ten Entertainment. "We are also
Bowl Celebrity Bowling Classic will be twice as big in Added Swann, "The Classic has become a true Super Bowl absolutely thrilled to have Lynn Swann work 'double duty'
2011. For the first time in its six year history, the Classic tradition and its enduring popularity is a credit to the fun as host of both Classic events and to provide the fans with
will be extended to a two-day event as the Super Bowl and camaraderie that you'll only find when you go bowling two chances to bowl side-by-side with some of the greatest
comes to the DFW region, the "Bowling Capital of the as well as the tremendous fundraising power of bowling NFL stars in the history of the game, and all in the name of
World." In addition to serving as the host city of Super events. Once again, all proceeds from these events will ben- a great cause."
Bowl XLV, to be played at Cowboys Stadium, Arlington is Jay Judowski 300-802 at Lodi
efit the NFL Charities, a wonderful cause that enables the Legendary NFL stars and Pro Football Hall of Fame mem-
home to the International Bowling Campus which houses NFL to leave a positive mark in communities across the bers confirmed to participate in the Classic include (subject
the International Bowling Museum & Hall of Fame and the nation." LODI, NJ –toJaychange):
Judowski found
Hank Lanes.
Bauer, Marlin Briscoe, Keith Byars,
International Training and Research Center. Dual sport Prior to the Classic, the NFL greats will team with perfection
profes- whenRandyhe Cross,
a 300 Pearson,
EdDeblasi did her
"Too Tall" bestBilly
Jones, hit-
Hall of Famer - football and bowling - Lynn Swann returns sional bowlers to lead a private bowling clinic forgame
local en
at-route to theShoes"
"White session high Jerry
Johnson, ting an impressive
Kramer, 268 toParnell
John Randle, finish
for his fifth year as host of the Classic, this year doing dou- risk Arlington area elementary school children series of
on 802Dickinson,
while rolling in theFleming,
Marv with a 727 series.Haley, Rodney
ble duty with appearances at both events: 7 p.m. on Wednesday, February 2 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday
at the Classic League Reggie
Hampton, at Lodi Haynes, Thomas "Hollywood"
Wednesday, February 2 at 300 Dallas in Addison, Texas and International Training & Research Center (private clinic Henderson, Ted Hendricks, Lamonte Hunley, Ricky
7 p.m. on Thursday, February 3 at the Main Event in Fort will be open to the media only). Hunley, Roy Jefferson, Brian Kelley, Kent Kramer, Sean
Worth. "We couldn't be more excited to bring the Super Bowl and Landeta, Tom Mack, Chuck Foreman, Joey Browner,
"They say that everything is bigger in Texas, so it's only the NFL Super Bowl Celebrity Bowling Classic to our Randall McDaniel, Curtis McGriff, Chuck Mercein,
appropriate that we extend the NFL Super Bowl Celebrity home, the bowling capital of the world. With more than 71 Michael Merriweather, Bobby Mitchell, Tom Nowatzke,
Bowling Classic into a two-day bowling extravaganza in million people taking to the lanes, it has been a banner year Lance Smith, Jan Stenerud, Jimmy Taylor, Roger Wehrli,
Dallas-Fort Worth, the bowling capital of the world," said for the bowling industry - and it is only fitting for the Fred Williamson and Garo Yepremian.
Swann. "Unlike the actual Super Bowl, if you don't play biggest Classic ever to be hosted less than one mile away
2 SPORTS REPORTER January 19 - 25, 2011

J o a n Ta y l o r ’ s FINAL FRAME
Te n P i n R a p . . . . Donna Zimmerman
Donna Zimmerman, a United
++The results of the 2010 Inter County Tournament are in. The win- States Bowling Congress Hall of
ning team was from Hudson County, and their total was 7315. The Famer, passed away Dec. 23,
Morris County ladies came in second. They only missed first by 67 2010 in Thousand Palms, Calif.
pins, which is small spread over a team of five. A total of 13 teams of She was 77.
top-averaging women were entered. Morris County posted 3090. She was inducted into the Hall
Morris County Val Johannessen posted high game with 278. of Fame in 1982 in the Superior
++Noel Vega, Fredon, rolled 300-780 in the Dave Valerius Trio Idle bowling thoughts.
Performance category.
league at Rockaway lanes. He has ten sanctioned perfect games, and is Zimmerman’s best season came ...Rules seem to becoming loos- ...Bowling can be a funny
averaging 234 subbing in the league. He used a Blue Hammer in 1965, when she captured the er and looser in every phase of game at times, except when the
Backlash drilled by Ken Yokobosky. Speaking of Ken, he himself all events title at the Women’s the game. Much has been done last laugh is at your expense.
rolled a 299-747 in the same league “sending the five pin into the 7 but International Bowling Congress in the tournament area and too
the 7 refused to fall.” He has “around 20-300 games and three or four (now USBC) Championships much to make it easier for tour- ...Bill O'Neill, already one of
299s.” He is averaging 232 in this league and used a new Storm Reign and led her team to a second- naments to secure more entries. the leaders for PBA Player of the
Supreme drilled by, well, who else? place finish at the tournament. Youth and solid no sandbagger Year for the current season, and
++The results of the 58th Annual Robert H. Higgins Memorial She also won the Bowling suspicion bowlers (using a major threat for one of the
Officers Doubles Tournament are in. In the Handicap Division, win- Proprietors’ Association of planned methods to keep aver- super stars for the next decade,
ners were Mary Pearson and James Winterfeld, 1475, followed by America doubles crown with ages down to receive unwarrant- is as popular as he is talented.
Thomas J. Beardsmore and Anne Cohen, 1458 and Donna Sterling and Janet Harmon. ed and unrealistic free handicap And he enhances his and pro
Christina Bream, 1455. Thomas and Daniel Mergenthaler lead the For the 1965 season, pins) should be protected with bowling's image when he stops
scratch division with 1344. High games were posted by James Zimmerman was named to the common sense edicts. Strict but by unannounced at junior bowl-
Winterfeld, 279 and Anne Cohen, 241. High Series’ were rolled by Bowlers Journal International fair should be the guideline for ing tournaments and spends a
James Winterfeld, 736 and Anne Cohen, 620. All-American team and finished good amount of time talking to
every league and tourney rule.
++Rockaway is hosting the Rockaway Classic Trios, whose second second to Betty Kuczynski for and encouraging the youngsters,
half will start January 25th. The league runs Tuesday nights at 9 p.m. Bowler of the Year honors. She ...High praise is due the top offering tips and relating what
for a 15-week season. First place will pay $2250, or $750 per person. was named Southern California women bowlers who still keep life on the tour is all about.
They also offer the PBA Experience Winter Doubles League for an 18- Woman Bowler of the Year. themselves in top bowling form
week season on Wednesdays starting January 12. Call the lanes for to roll in the few major women's ...Scott Norton of Costa Mesa,
Zimmerman was a charter
more information or to sign up. events around since the women's Calif., was a longtime outstand-
member of the Professional
ing youth bowler and star---and
Women’s Bowling Association. tour ceased regular operations
She earned one professional title, in 2003. But shining beams do still looks as though he is the
the PWBA Oxnard Open in burst though the clouds such as star of a high school or college
1964, and took second in three when Kelly Kulick won the team. But looks can deceive and
other events. She was inducted Tournament of champions or a look deeper reveals a sharp
into the PWBA Hall of Fame in when Wendy Macpherson won attorney who received his
1996. the Japan Women's Open and degree and passed the bar exam
She began her bowling career with her first prize and a bonus more than a year ago. He
in her hometown of Akron, Ohio. for tossing a 300 game on TV passed his bowling star exam
In 1952, at age 19, she became collected some $157,000 in many years ago with the help of
the 27th woman in bowling his- American money. his highly respected mom, hall
tory to roll a perfect game. It was of famer Virginia Norton.
the only 300 game the WIBC ...The United States Bowling
Congress, with its 2011 electees, ...Of the 45 bowlers who made
recorded during the 1952-53 sea- the TV finals in five PBA World
son. now numbers 385 members, 254
for their bowling performances, Series of bowling tournaments,
One of her more interesting 10 spots were claimed by bowlers
moments in bowling occurred at 112 in meritorious contribu-
tions, and 19 pioneers of the representing foreign countries,
the 1959 BPAA All-Star though a couple of them were
Tournament in Buffalo, N.Y. A sport. That may seem like a
large number, but who can repeaters. No surprise there, all
severe snowstorm left her with- have proved they belong.
out transportation, so count the number of bowlers
Zimmerman and Buzz Fazio who have competed in the sport ...Bowling balls have been con-
decided to run to the center. She for the past 120 years and structed of hard wood, rubber,
Sports Reporter described how they ran through
the snow and managed to arrive
before---five, ten, hundreds of
combinations of materials called
composition balls and all kinds of
Editor/Publisher - Dan McDonough at the center moments before the plastics, but no metals involved.
...Hardly any top bowlers now
Pat McDonough - 1967-1996
squad went to the floor. It has been reported that at one
use a two fingered grip---but
"The officials already had the time some billiard balls were
Circulation Manager Editorial Assistant more and more are using a no
alternates dressed to take our made of ivory. I recall balls made
Henry Allen Immaculatta D'Elia finger grip---preferring some
place,” Zimmerman said. “I from the tusks of elephants, but
Contributing Writers form of palm grip---not easy,
Chuck Pezzano George Faytok Joan Taylor
bowled with cold air in my lungs never bowling balls, and never
but effective in the right hands.
Al Smetana Larry Diebner John Jowdy all evening and was thankful to have seen one. Have you?
Martin Michel Vince Albrech Joe Rizzi finish second to Marion
For information regarding advertising, Ladewig.”
That season, she also finished
subscriptions, or editorial content call:
second at the World Invitational.
(201)865-5363 Member She also is a member of the You never get a second chance
Fax: (201) 865-6246 California WBA, Southern
E-mail - California Bowling Writers, Tri- to make a
County, Ohio, and Summit
Sports Reporter County, Ohio, Halls of Fame. First Impression
P.O. Box 1491, Secaucus, NJ 07094
January 19 - 25, 2011 SPORTS REPORTER 3
4 SPORTS REPORTER January 19 - 25, 2011

"Often, the most extraordinary opportunities are hidden among the seemingly insignificant
events of life. If we do not pay attention to these events, we can easily miss the opportunities."
-Jim Rohn
January 19 - 25, 2011 SPORTS REPORTER 5

Mike Potosk 825,

Rich Schwager 300
At Hanover
HANOVER, NJ - Richard
Schwager shot his first 300 game
while rolling in the West Morris
Thursday Night Men's League At
Hanover Lanes and he finished
with a 720 set.
Mike Potoski blasted 290, 289
and 246 for a blistering 825 series.
Jack Safkan hit 277-777, Giles
Ward 279-767, Jay David 725,
Tony Lerro 279-723 and Robert
Vaile 710.

Chris Pagano 300

At T-Bowl II
WAYNE, NJ – Chris Pagano blast-
ed a twelve banger 300 game in
the Guys and Dolls League at T-
Ed O’Neill, Jim Hosier, and
Chris Balll, Sr, each fired a 693
series, Niki Reul tossed a 256 in a
679 set, Keri May hit 246-226-
667, and Alfie Ramirez 675.
6 SPORTS REPORTER January 19 - 25, 2011

Ralph DiPasquale 295 at Parkway Dan Barker 780 Seven Perfectos at Lodi Lanes
ELMWOOD PARK, NJ- Ralph DiPasquale topped the scoring in the
Friday 1050 Major League at Parkway Lanes firing a high game of 295
At Holiday Bowl LODI, NJ- Anthony Buonanno, Fermin Roldan, John Seprone, Jr.,
Joseph Verducci, Mitchell Sacks, Gary Janz, and Gary Vicente all rolled
and a high series of 766. OAKLAND, NJ Dan Barker led 300’s in the USBC Certification League at Lodi Lanes.
Joe Brulato hit 765, Chuck Trimblett 730, Paul Stuart 728, Kathleen the scoring in the Sal Marino
Weissman and Lisa Friscioni 715, Dominick Capozzi 710, Vic Padilla Budweiser Classic at Holiday

700, Craig Kirchner and Dave Derosa 699. Bowl firing games of 298-269 for
a high series of 780.
Walt Sacharow shot 255-258-
758, Joey Jones 278-248-730,
Brian Stackhouse 246-247-717,
Jack Prins 252-239-717, Harry ROUTE 22, UNION, NJ
Scheck 257-704, Paul Chiarello
258-696, Rich Michaels 254-687,
Tom Maloney 279-675, Ray
Kummer 244-667, and Chip Jones
Scott Koenig 779
At Parkway Lanes
Koenig led all pin attackers with
scores of 234-279-266 for a strong
779 series to lead an active night
of high scorers in the Wednesday,
Teterboro Bowling League, at
Parkway Lanes.
Mike Semancik Jr tossed a 279
game in a 760 set followed by
Rich Miller Sr with 269-694,
Mark Marton255-692, Jim Lang
248-684, Mike Aiellos 258-673,
Steve Kuenzle 249-668, Dave
Irwin 234-666, Ryan Sroke 239-
662, and Frank Beamon 244-661.
January 19 - 25, 2011 SPORTS REPORTER 7
8 SPORTS REPORTER January 19 - 25, 2011


Andy Polidura 784 John Delgado 696 Rollin E. Ball 676 Jason Ong 729
HOPELAWN, NJ- Andy Polidura John Delgado led the scoring in Rollin E. Ball led the scoring in MADISON, NJ - In the CMIL League Jason Ong shot 279, Chris Minch
led the scoring in the Middlesex the Sunday Nite Mixed League the Thursday Nite Mixed League 731, and Jennifer Dunklin 233-642.
County Classic League firing 258- firing games of 255-268 for a high firing games of 267-222 for a high
247-279 for a 784 high series. series of 696. series of 676. Harry Franz 697
Ed Hayes, Jr. rolled 277-259- Lauro Perez hit 206-205-234- Matt Cestone hit 234-242-663, Harry Franz led all bowlers in the Tuesday 400 Doubles League firing
235-771, Ron Caggiano 225-279- 645, Aaron Williams 215-243- Andrew Smith 213-216-607, a 237 game on his way to the session high series of 697.
257-761, William Bailey 256-290- 635, and Dave Deli 203-226-622. Vinny Medvetz 235-607, and Trevor Bogert hit 257-687, Dan Pridham 245-641, and Pam Feehan
200-746, Brian Lynch 226-2682- Dennis DeCrosta 693 Danielle Medvetz 211. 184.
243-737, Jason Paro 223-254-259- Dennis DeCrosta led the His & Bruce Binkowitz 673 Mark Bizzarro 254
736, Ferman Crisco, Sr. 239-214- Hers League tossing 210-247-236 Bruce Binkowitz led the scoring Mark Bizzarro shot 254, Tom Lockburner 244, Tom Schneyer 243, Bob
278-731, and Gelnn Kolator 255- for a 693 high set. in the Merck League firing games Newell 641, and Carol Hiligas 206 in the MC Police & Fire League.
224-245-724. Bill Smith hit 237-212-236-685, of 236-267 for a high series of
Travis Tilley 782 Jon Russo 686
Mike Porcellana 237-217-213- 673.
Jon Russo led the competition while rolling in the Pharma Plus League
Travis Tilley led the competition 667, Andy Shafer 233-224-641, Jeff Roberts hit 2423-225-660,
pitching a 236 game in a high series of 686.
in the Madison Park Men’s and Shelly Jacques bowled 202- Ryan Flessner 211-211-619, and
League firing games of 279-225- 213-600. Bill Pyrz 216-209-612.
Les Porzio hit 256-648, Bob Herring 244, and Dan Smith 627.
278 for a high series of 782. In the Monday Madness League Ed Shuster shot 239-629, and In the Chatham Collisionettes League Lori Pucek hit 233-619, Alice
Jay Pintus shot 279-209-259-747, Dan DeBenedetto shot 206-245- Lewis Roles 213 in the Winter Bednarik 222, and Beth Colligan 212.
Jeff Scire 213-279-238-730, 202-653, and Frank Viverito 201- Senior Citizen League.
Michael Dinaburg 235-236-244- 223-603. In the Bank League John Sidorko
715, Kevin Legg 233-257-224-714, shot 238-206-615.
John Parlante 245-234-233-712,
and Bob Jacobson 265-263-709.
Joey Weisenstein 768
Joey Weisensetin led the Raritan
Bay Men’s League firing 269-257-
242 for a high series of 768.
Joe Lampariello hit 257-245-
242-768, Gabe Ferrari 217-242-
258-717, Steve Venito 237-235-
242-715, Ed Hayes, Jr. 270-200-
237-707, John Kertesz 267-245-
703, William Smith 232-268-201-
Eric Applegate 759
Eric Applegate led the scoring in
the Family League firing 234-258-
258 for a high 759 set.
Sal Angotti shot 241-2582-47-
746, Rocco Fortunato 239-235-
263-737, Steve Venito 232-259-
226-717, and Anthony Angotti
In the Friends & Family League
Vinnie Milazzo shot 258-212-652,
Bill Pope 206-201-222-629, and
Ryan Guericio 245-623.
Jason Ciszewski shot 227-207-
227-661 in the Avenel Youth
Eric Haltli 747
Eric Haltli led the scoring in the
Friday Nite Mixed League firing
games of 231-237-279 for a high
series of 747.
Dave Rezes hit 268-243-215-
726, Jason Ricciardelli 228-229-
222-679, Kenny Anderson 204-
234-238-676, Rob Morris 268-
215-668, and Kevin Cristi bowled
Don Hellhake 745
Don M. Hellhake led the scoring
in the Thursday Mixed Nuts
League pitching games of 200,
277 and 268 for the session high
series of 745.
Rolando Vazquez hit 200-230-
236-666, John Syslo 247-613, and
Mike Lacko 235-200-611.

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