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SWPF CS Status Summary v2h

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SWADE/SWPF Status Summary v2h


The character suffers −2 to all Trait rolls until the end of his next turn. Actions and attacks against the target are made at +2 until the end of his next turn.
This doesn’t stack with the DROP - use only the highest.


The victim can’t move and is DISTRACTED. The victim may not move, is DISTRACTED and VULNERABLE, and cannot make
physical actions other than trying to break free.

Break Free (p130)

● Breaking free is an action. With success, an Entangled hero is free of one particular entanglement or grappler. A Bound character improves to Entangled with a success; with a raise, he’s free.
● Escaping a web, net, or the entangle power is a Strength −2 roll or Athletics roll (victim’s choice) minus any penalties noted for the entanglement.

Subtract 1 from all Trait rolls to a maximum of –2 (EXHAUSTED). EXHAUSTED
Subtract 2 from all Trait rolls. If another level of Fatigue, target is Incapacitated.

Shaken characters may only move (including running) and take free actions. Roll Subtract 1 from all Trait rolls & Pace. Cumulative with other Wounds to a maximum
Spirit to recover at start of next turn, or spend a Benny to remove this condition at of –3.
any time.

Stunned characters are DISTRACTED, fall PRONE, can’t move or take any actions, INCAPACITATION
don’t count for the Gang-Up bonus, and are subject to the DROP. May not perform actions but are still dealt Action Cards to track power effects, or in
At the start of each turn, the character makes a VIGOR roll as a free action. With case they recover
success he revives but is DISTRACTED and VULNERABLE; with a raise he
revives with no ill effects.

Sacrifice an entire turn to increase Parry by +4. (p131) Sacrifice an entire turn to ignore up
to 4 points of Range, Cover, Called
Shot, Scale, or Speed penalties. Add +2
if there are no penalties to negate.

Characters on Hold may take their turn at any time and are not dealt Action Cards in Ranged attacks suffer a −4 penalty to hit prone characters from a range of 3″ (6
subsequent rounds. They may interrupt opponent’s actions by succeeding at an yards) or greater (this does not stack with Cover) and subtract four points of
opposed Athletics roll. damage from Area Effect attacks.
If a prone defender is caught in melee, his Parry is reduced by 2 and he must
subtract 2 from his Fighting rolls.
Standing from prone is a free action, but costs a character 2″ of movement.

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