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Team Project Unit 2 Toys

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Team Project Unit 2: Marketing Internship Project

You work for a toy

manufacturer that sells
toys in different countries.
There is a global What was your favorite childhood toy? Do you
recession, which does
not appear to be ending
think it was recession-proof?
soon. Mattel® Inc., and
Hasbro® Inc., large
global toy manufacturers
have lowered their sales Design a toy and create a marketing plan for it so that it can be
projections. Walmart® successful in any economic environment.
created its own doll line
to sell for $5 and cut the STEP 1 DO YOUR RESEARCH
prices of other toys. Toy Conduct research to find out about toy companies that have created
departments at K-Mart® popular toys that have captured the imagination of the public. Also,
and Sears® look for toys conduct research about how economic factors have affected the toy
that will sell. Spin industry. As you conduct your research, answer these questions:
Master® makes popular As you conduct your research, answer these questions:
Bakugan™ products, and
 What political, economic, socio-cultural, and technological factors
another small
affected the toy industry during a recent recession?
manufacturer came out
 What marketing strategies were used by toy companies that did
with a tiny robotic
well during the recession?
hamster that retails for
 What toys appeal to children all over the world?
 What global issues have to be considered when designing a new
The owner of your toy?
company has put Write a summary of your research.
together a committee of
employees from the
design, production, and The Skills You’ll Use
marketing departments. Academic Skills: Reading, writing, social studies, researching and analyzing.
Each member of the Basic Skills: Speaking, listening, thinking, and interpersonal
team is expected to come Technological Skills: Word processing, presentation, spreadsheet,
up with an idea for a new telecommunication, the Internet
recession-proof toy and NCTE 4: Use written language to communicate effectively.
marketing plan for it. NCTE 7: Conduct research and gather, evaluate, and synthesize data to
communicate discoveries.
Now that you have completed your research, you need to begin planning
your project. PLAN
 Conduct a PEST analysis.
 Research current
 Design a new toy by making a drawing and/or a model.
market conditions in
 Write a marketing plan for your new toy. Include the PEST analysis,
the industry.
objective, and marketing strategies.
 Assess the
 Include suggestions for your plan’s implementation, execution, and
 Use your knowledge of economics, business cycles, and the global opportunities, and
marketplace to make a plan for how to sell your ideas to the threats a new
competitor would
 Identify a location to
 Share your design idea with trusted adults and children to gauge
use as a test market
their interest in your toy.
for the new
 Ask children to identify the features they enjoy in the toys they have.
 Find similar information about consumers of toys in different
countries. WRITE

STEP 4 SHARE WHAT YOU LEARN  Describe current

Assume your class is committee the owner established to come up with market conditions in
new toy ideas. the industry.
 Present your toy design and marketing ideas in an oral presentation.  Explain how the
Be prepared to answer questions. results of the SWOT
 Explain how toy companies can meet the needs of consumers analysis help the
during a recession. new competitor
 Provide rationale for your project with supporting research. understand the risks
 Present your complete marketing plan in a written format using word involved in the
processing software. market.
 Use software to create a slide presentation to accompany your oral
report. Include one slide for each key topic in your marketing plan. PRESENT
 Present the results of
and justify your
chosen location for
Your project will be evaluated based on the following: the new competitor.
 Knowledge of global recessions and the toy industry  Respond to
 Knowledge of economics, business cycles, and global marketing questions posed by
strategies the audience.
 Toy design and marketing plan  Consider the needs
 Rationale for recommendation and experiences of
 Organization and continuity of presentation the audience as you
 Mechanics—presentation and neatness present research to
 Speaking and listening skills your class.
Self- Teacher
Section 1-2 3 4 Score
I Executive The executive summary is The executive summary includes The executive summary clearly
Summary either too short (less than 1pg) most, but not all of the critical communicates the critical elements of
or too long (more than 1pg). elements of the marketing plan. the marketing plan so that it reads as a
The summary contains mostly Some of the information provided in stand-alone document. The length of
unnecessary/ trivial the summary is unnecessary or trivial the executive summary is sufficient to
information; it is inadequate as to understanding the plan. The cover the critical information, but no
a stand-alone document. summary is no more than two pages. more than two pages long.
II Situational Basic understanding of market Good understanding of market Exemplary understanding of market
Analysis trends. Included a little trends for and includes examples trends, includes examples of
information on competitors in comparing products. Gathered competition. Provided information on
the market. additional information on competitors and details comparing and
competitors in the market. contrasting. Showed evidence of
SWOT Analysis SWOT analysis is provided, but SWOT analysis is provided, but there A thorough SWOT analysis is provided,
there are missing points from are some missing points from based on the preceding analyses.
preceding analyses. There is no preceding analyses. Reasoning for Reasoning for each item in the SWOT
reasoning provided for the each item is not always thoroughly is provided and logical. Strengths and
items. Strengths/weaknesses or provided and/or logical. weaknesses are clearly internal factors,
opportunities/threats are strengths/weakness/opportunity/ and opportunities and threats are
inappropriate. threats inappropriate. clearly external factors.
Environmental Gave the elements and vaguely Included all 4 elements of the PEST Included all 4 elements of the PEST,
Scan (PEST) explain each element. But, did and explain each element. But, did explain each element, and emphasized
not discuss at all the impact not clearly discuss how each element how each element affects the business
they have on the business affects the business and its success and its success
III Objectives Either the list of strategic Identifies strategic objectives actions Clearly identifies several strategic
objectives actions is missing or that can be taken to address objectives with actions that can
the list is very incomplete or problems/issues. Most, but not all, address problems/issues. The list of
there is no linkage of the alternative actions are linked to the alternatives is linked to analysis and
alternative actions to the analysis and problems/issues. One of problems/issues are clear, with
analysis or to the the alternative actions is too narrow reasoning for inclusion. Each strategic
problems/issues. None of the (tactical) and does not identify a alternative clearly represents a broad
alternatives identifies a broad broad strategic direction. Analysis of strategic direction. Analysis of
strategic direction. Shows lack alternative actions is detailed, but alternative actions is detailed. Any
of thorough consideration. some statements are unsupported by necessary assumptions are stated and
Analysis is trivial or missing, analysis/ calculations. Assumptions justified. The analysis appropriately
lacking any depth. No are stated, but some are not justified. incorporates strategic marketing
assumptions are stated (& are Most, but not all, management concepts and financial
needed). Likely benefits/disadvantages are clearly analysis. The likely benefits/
benefits/disadvantages are not identified and supported by the disadvantages of each action are
provided at all or are analysis. clearly identified and supported by the
unsupported by the analysis. analysis.

Company’s Mission statement is unclear Mission statement is somewhat A clear concise statement describing
Mission and lengthy or missing. unclear or lengthy; not both. how the company will achieve its
Marketing Marketing goals and Linkage of marketing objectives The marketing objectives and goals
Objectives objectives are missing or and goals to company/organization are clearly related to the
those that are identified are mission is not clearly stated. Some company/organization mission.
not quantified or are of the objectives and goals are Objectives and goals are clearly
inappropriate. unclear and/or not appropriately stated and appropriately quantified.
IV Marketing The marketing strategy is Marketing strategy is identified but The marketing direction that will frame
Strategies missing or is illogical given is unclear or unspecific in some marketing tactics of the marketing plan is
the marketing objectives and aspects. The marketing strategy is clearly and specifically stated in 3-5
sentences. The marketing strategy is
goals. logically linked to the marketing logically linked to the marketing
objectives and goals. objectives and goals.
Positioning/Points Target market and Based on the marketing strategy Based on the marketing strategy and
of Difference positioning is missing, or, if and analysis, the target market(s) analysis, the target market(s) is
appropriately identified and described. A
identified, does not seem is identified but not described in
positioning statement for each target
appropriate given the enough detail. Positioning market is identified and explained, and
marketing strategy and statement(s) is provided but not reasonable.
analysis. Positioning explained
statement(s) is missing.
Marketing Mix Addressed the marketing Somewhat addressed the Fully addressed the marketing mix,
(4P’s) mix, demonstrated with only marketing mix, demonstrated with demonstrated with robust details.
basic details. Showed little some details. Showed evidence of Showed evidence of thought and
evidence of thought and some thought and research. research.
Product Objectives for product/brand The objectives of product/brand The objectives of product/brand
management are missing. management are stated, but management are clearly stated and
More than one obvious tactic somewhat unclear. Most of the appropriate. Tactics for managing
is missing. Very little detail on tactics are thoroughly and clearly the product/service/brand are
specific tactics is provided. identified, but one obvious tactic is thoroughly and clearly identified
Tactics are unclear and hard missing. Some detail on tactics is and reasoned. When necessary,
to understand. missing, hindering understanding. sufficient detail about tactics is
provided, making it easier to
understand the scope of the tactic.
Price Gave a description of the Somewhat addressed the steps in Fully addressed the 6 steps in
process used in setting setting prices. Gave a description setting prices. Explained how each
prices. Pricing of the process. Pricing step was accomplished. Pricing
recommendations and recommendations and recommendations and
corresponding rationale corresponding rationale somewhat corresponding rationale was
inappropriate and/or not appropriate and was addressed. appropriate to situation. Well
addressed. addressed and supported
demonstrating research
Place Objectives for distribution The objectives of distribution The objectives of distribution
management are missing. management are stated, but management are clearly stated and
More than one obvious tactic somewhat unclear. Most of the appropriate. Tactics for managing
is missing. Very little detail on tactics are thoroughly and clearly distribution are thoroughly and
specific tactics is provided. identified, but one obvious tactic is clearly identified and reasoned.
Tactics are unclear and hard missing. Some detail on tactics is When necessary, sufficient detail
to understand. missing, hindering understanding. about tactics is provided, making it
easier to understand the scope of
the tactic.
Promotion and Objectives for The objectives of communication The objectives of communication
Communication communication management management are stated, but management are clearly stated and
are missing. More than one somewhat unclear. Most of the appropriate. Tactics for managing
obvious tactic is missing. Very tactics are thoroughly and clearly communications are thoroughly and
little detail on specific tactics identified, but one obvious tactic is clearly identified and reasoned.
is provided. Tactics are missing. Some detail on tactics is When necessary, sufficient detail
unclear and hard to missing, hindering understanding. about tactics is provided, making it
understand easier to understand the scope of
the tactic.
V Implementation An implementation plan is An implementation plan is A thorough and specific
and Control identified, but more than two identified, but one to two tactics implementation plan is clearly
tactics are not addressed, are not addressed. Specificity of identified for every tactic; the plan
and the plan generally lacks some of the plan could be identifies who is responsible for
specificity. Because of improved. The implementing the tactic, when it
missing information, the plan company/organization will be able should be implemented, the cost,
will not help the to use the plan to implement the measurement of effectiveness, and
company/organization marketing plan, but may be any other relevant information. The
implement the marketing confused about some aspects implementation plan is specific
plan. Overall control because of missing information. enough so that the
measures and contingency Overall control measures are company/organization has a
plans are not identified. included and contingency actions blueprint for using the plan. In
are identified, but they lack addition to specific effectiveness
thoroughness. measures for each tactic, overall
control measures for the marketing
plan, and contingency actions, are
VI Conclusion There is no conclusion. A summary of expected outcomes A brief summary that identifies the
is provided but lacks clarity. expected outcomes with successful
implementation of the marketing
plan is clearly presented in a short
The plan is disorganized to The organization is generally good, Written work is well organized and
the extent that it prevents but some sections seem out of easy to understand. Sections of the
understanding the content. place. Some headings may be plan are marked with appropriate
There are no headings. missing. Tables and charts are headings. Tables and charts are
Overall Organization
Inappropriate use of charts or included, but are difficult to appropriately used and easy to
tables; or, use of tables and understand (e.g., poorly labeled). understand, and contribute to the
charts is indicated, but not ease of reading the plan.

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