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5MK510 Digital and Social Media Module Handbook 20162017 Upload

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Digital and Social

Media 5MK510
Module Handbook Academic Year 2016 – 2017

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of this work with no plagiarism, then contact me at my email id:

1. Module Specification................................................................................................................... 3
Module Code and Title................................................................................................................ 3
Number of credits......................................................................................................................... 3
Description of Content................................................................................................................ 3
Module Learning Outcomes...................................................................................................... 4
Brief details of assessment........................................................................................................ 4
Module Learning and Teaching Methods............................................................................5
2. Module Tutor Details................................................................................................................... 6
3. Module Schedule........................................................................................................................... 7
4. General Bibliography................................................................................................................... 8
Core Textbooks............................................................................................................................... 8
Other useful digital marketing books................................................................................... 8
Audio and video............................................................................................................................. 9
Other key marketing textbooks............................................................................................ 10
Journals.......................................................................................................................................... 10
Journal Papers............................................................................................................................. 11
Useful websites........................................................................................................................... 11
5. Module Assessment................................................................................................................... 12
Assessment brief........................................................................................................................ 12
Referencing requirements...................................................................................................... 15
E-submission information...................................................................................................... 16
6. Regulatory Information........................................................................................................... 17
Plagiarism and Academic Offences..................................................................................... 17
Referencing................................................................................................................................... 18
eSubmission................................................................................................................................. 18
Attendance.................................................................................................................................... 19
If you have a problem............................................................................................................... 19
Referrals......................................................................................................................................... 21
Feedback, grades and return of work................................................................................ 21
Understanding feedback......................................................................................................... 22
7. Assessment Criteria................................................................................................................... 23

1. Module Specification

Module Code and Title

Introduction to Digital Marketing Digital and Social Media


Number of credits

20 credits

Description of Content

Digital marketing managers are in demand but few understand

the tools and techniques needed for success. This module will
be valuable for your future business career as you will develop
skills in this fast moving area.

Digital and social media marketing started with Facebook and

LinkedIn, just over ten years’ ago. These social media
networks changed the dynamics of marketing from being
controlled by the company to being controlled by the

The launch of the iPhone in 2007 enabled the social media

networks to grow dramatically as for the first time you did not
need a desktop computer to stay in touch. Since this time over
1 billion smartphones have been sold. We are approaching a
time where everyone will be ‘always connected’ via a social

This module examines how organisations use digital and social

media, its impact on the marketing mix and reviews integrated
digital marketing, connecting the offline (traditional) and
online elements. You will explore principles, practices and
techniques which are vital to the successful execution of a
digital marketing plan.

The aim of ‘Digital and Social Media’ is to provide students

with knowledge of practical frameworks, academic models and
tools which can be applied to understand how different types
of organisations can use digital and social media effectively.
Students will undertake a digital marketing audit and
subsequently develop a digital marketing plan, both valuable
assets to organisations today. These skills mean you can
become really valuable to an employer because of the
techniques and methods you learn on this module.

Module Learning Outcomes

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

1. Identify how organisations utilise digital and social media

technologies to develop their objectives, strategies and
tactics and optimise opportunities in practical situations.

2. Evaluate the digital and social media mix applied by an

organisation in terms of its impact and effect.

3. Demonstrate with reference to best practice cases how

organisations are integrating digital and social media
technology, platforms and applications to achieve their
business and marketing objectives.

Brief details of assessment

Mode: 100% Practical (Covers all Learning Outcomes)

You are required to produce a professional 3,500 word report

which comprises a digital marketing audit, a digital marketing
strategy and a digital marketing plan.

Module Learning and Teaching Methods

Activity type Hours Category

Lectures 12 hours 1
Seminars, Workshops, Tutorials, one-to-ones 36 hours 1
Guided independent study 152 hours 2
Total 200 hours

Part-time students will be taught via blended learning with a

minimum of 24 hours face to face delivery over the semester.

Lectures will include a mixture of face to face and online

lectures, with live web demonstrations supported with tutorial
discussions and activities.

Total Learning Hours in each category:

Category 1: (12+36) = 48 hours (24%)

Category 2: 152 hours (76%)

This module will be presented in the form of interactive

lectures and seminars. You will be expected to take
responsibility for your own learning and reinforcement, with
particular emphasis on activities between taught sessions,
and on testing out ideas within case studies.

Your weekly timetable is shown here. E-lectures are available

online and should be watched in the relevant week.


2017 W/C
1 16/01/2017 The evolution and opportunities of OL2
digital and social media for marketing.
2 23/01/2017 Principles of website design: user OL2
experience, user journeys
3 30/01/2017 “Digital marketing toolkit: Owned media OL2
(Websites, Email, Blogs, and video);
Earned media (Social media, online
communities); Paid media (Social media
4 06/02/2017 The role of the customer: personas and OL2
5 13/02/2017 Digital marketing audit tools ONLINE
6 20/02/2017 Creating objectives and online value OL2
propositions & Digital marketing
planning and activity building
7 27/02/2017 Guest lecture: Search Engine OL2
Optimisation (SEO)
8 06/03/2017 Guest lecture – Marketing 2020 – Heap Theatre
Thursday 9th March 2017

9 13/03/2017 Metrics and dashboards: Gaining OL2

insights, building budgets

10 20/03/2017 Improving digital marketing; integration OL2

(4Cs), conversion rate optimisation

11 27/03/2017 Digital marketing models ONLINE

12 03/04/2017 Best practice in digital marketing OL2

4. General Bibliography

You need to read and prepare material for each week. It’s
important to understand that reading before the lecture or
seminar will ensure you gain greater value and a deeper

I have read all the textbooks, journal papers and other materials
here. They are recommended as they are relevant to your work
and will be useful as your marketing education develops.

This bibliography includes textbooks available from the library

as well as some free downloadable texts. All journal articles can
be accessed online and are free, via the University library

Core Textbooks

STOKES, R. (2013) eMarketing: The essential guide to

marketing in a digital world. 5th edition, Quirk Education Pty
Ltd. [Online] Available from

A free book available online. Covers every aspect of digital

marketing including; Writing for Digital, Search Engine
Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Email and video marketing.
Easy to understand, plenty of case studies and marketing

HANLON, A. and CHAFFEY, D. (2013) Essential Marketing

Models Classic Planning Tools to inform strategy, Smart
Insights. Available at:
models/ (Accessed: 30 September 2013).

Free downloadable guide to many marketing models. Requires

registration (free). Written specifically for students and follows
Harvard referencing. Includes the original sources for all

Other useful digital marketing books

BARKER, M. S. (2013) Social Media Marketing; A Strategic

Approach (International edition). Australia, South-Western /
Cengage Learning, Inc.

Easy to use book which includes details on; creating personas,

publishing blogs, publishing podcasts and webinars, publishing
articles, white papers, mobile marketing, social media
monitoring and social media marketing.

CHAFFEY, D., ELLIS-CHADWICK, F. (2012) Digital Marketing:

Strategy Implementation and Practice. 5th Edition, Harlow.

The seminal work on digital marketing. Covers every aspect of

digital marketing.

HANLON, A. (2014) Quick Win Social Media Marketing. Cork,

Oak Tree Press.

Useful primer that explains the key elements of social media

marketing. Kindle and PDF versions available.

KAUFMAN, I. and HORTON, C. (2015) Digital Marketing:

Integrating Strategy and Tactics with Values, A Guidebook for
Executives, Managers, and Students. Abingdon: Routledge
(354 pages).

The book takes readers through a digital journey explains all

the steps along the way. It contextualises how marketing has
changed and the elements which have evolved. There are many
practical aspects too, for example well-described personas,
models for digital strategy, digitally applied sales funnel. Many
explanations of new terminology.

TUTEN, T. L., and SOLOMON, M. (2013) Social media marketing.

Pearson Education

Useful book which defines types of media which is useful for a

SWOT analysis. Provides frameworks for creating social media
campaigns. Gives examples of social media marketing
objectives (not SMART). Highlights jobs in social media.
Contains a useful chapter on social publishing: Content
editorial calendar, content value ladder. Chapter on Consumer

Audio and video

Secret History of Social Networking. (2011) BBC RADIO 4. 26

January 2011. Available from [Accessed 20
December 2013]
 BBC Radio interview available as a podcast. “Rory Cellan
Jones traces the hidden story of social networking, from
the early days of computing and the 60s counterculture
through to the businesses worth billions today.”

VIDEOSHREDHEAD. (2012) Did You Know 3.0 (Officially

updated for 2012) HD. [Online video]. 28 Feb 2012. Available
from -
[Accessed 13 January 2014].

QUALMAN, E. (2013) Social Media Revolution. [Online video].

21 Mar 2013. Available from - [Accessed 13
January 2014].

Other key marketing textbooks

These are useful if marketing knowledge is limited or if it is

not your main subject.

BAINES, P., FILL, C., and PAGE, K. (2011) Marketing. Oxford,

Oxford University Press.

BRASSINGTON, F. and PETTITT, S. (2006) Principles of

marketing. Harlow, Financial Times Prentice Hall.

FILL, C. (2006) Marketing communications: engagements,

strategies and practice. Harlow, Financial Times Prentice Hall.

KOTLER, P. and ARMSTRONG. G. (2012) Principles of marketing.

Boston, Pearson Prentice Hall.


Many marketing journals are available online via the library.

Some print versions are stored in the library. These are useful

 European Journal of Marketing

 International Journal of Mobile Marketing
 Marketing Week

Journals tend to contain the very latest marketing information.

They contain models, examples of critical evaluation and are
considered as good academic sources. They are extremely
useful for your assignment!

Journal Papers

All these journal papers (and many more) are FREE to access
via your university login.

FURRER, O. and SUDHARSHAN, D. (2001) Internet Marketing

Research: Opportunities and Problems. Qualitative Market
Research Vol 4(3): 123-129.

KOZINETS, R.V. (2002) The Field Behind the Screen: Using

Netnography for Marketing Research in Online Communities.
Journal of Marketing Research Vol39(1): 61-72.

LIPSMAN, A., MUDD, G., RICH, M. BRUICH, S. (2012) The power

of 'like': How brands reach (and influence) fans through social-
media networking. Journal of Advertising Research. [Online]
Vol 52(1), Mar, 2012. pp. 40-52. Available from

ZWRzLWxpdmU%3d#db=psyh&AN=2012-07525-006 [Accessed
13 January 2014].


Content or community? A digital business strategy for content
providers in the social age. MIS Quarterly [Online] Vol. 37 No. 2,
pp. 591-616/June 2013. Available from
[Accessed 15 January 2014].

STEPHEN, A. T. and TOUBIA, O. (2010) Deriving Value from

Social Commerce Networks. Journal of Marketing Research.
[Online] Vol. XLVII (April 2010), 215–228. Available from
ZWRzLWxpdmU%3d#db=edsbl&AN=RN268178568 [Accessed
24 November 2013].

Useful websites

Smart Insights - latest developments

in digital marketing in different categories.

Techcrunch Group-edited blog about

technology start-ups, particularly the Web 2.0 sector.

5. Module Assessment

Students will provide an individual report which covers both

theoretical understanding of digital marketing supported by
practical application of the theories including the development
of an audit and recommendations. You are expected to

demonstrate the use of digital marketing models and to

support claims with academic references.

During seminars, learning activities will be provided for

students to demonstrate their learning to date, these will
include identifying and evaluating the key elements of the
digital marketing audit, there will also be opportunities for one
to one discussions regarding assessment progress.

The coursework is based around a digital marketing audit and

recommendations on improving the digital marketing
effectiveness of an organisation through the creation of a
digital marketing strategy and plan.

This will be a live project or student selected case study,

requiring investigation, analysis, demonstration and
application of key concepts and the student’s
recommendations to improve an organisation’s current digital
and social media activity.

The format for this task is a report. Students are expected to

adopt professional presentation, tone and style.

Students should demonstrate academic theory, use of digital

marketing models and evaluation, rather than description and
anecdotal stories.

The reading list provides guidance on relevant material.

Assessment brief

Mode: 100% Practical (Covers all Learning Outcomes)

The assessment is in one part, all coursework, as described


You are required to produce a professional 3,500 word report

which comprises a digital marketing audit, a digital marketing
strategy and a digital marketing plan.

This task is worth (100%) of the total marks. This is a single

professional report and there are three parts to this
assessment, all must be completed and in this order:

1. Digital Marketing Audit (40% weighting)

The digital marketing audit is a picture of where the

organisation is now. It is research work to inform future
decisions and should be supported by academic underpinning.

 SWOT on the organisation’s current use of social media.

 Evaluation (advantages and disadvantages) of two
competitors using social media.
 Identification of two key customer groups and
development of personas.
 Customer journey flowchart or graphic.

The digital marketing audit is likely to include a range of

digital marketing tools, frameworks and models.

2. Digital Marketing Strategy (30% weighting)

The digital marketing strategy is the next stage in the plan. It

is based on the digital marketing audit.

This will include:

 TOWS matrix and commentary on the analysis.
 Recommended digital marketing strategy based on the
audit and TOWS.
 Your SMART objectives.

The digital marketing strategy is likely to include a digital

marketing model (e.g. RACE, Forrester's 5Is, Lauterborn’s 4Cs, the Ten
C’s of marketing or the 6Cs of customer motivation or acquire, convert,
retain) and should be supported by academic underpinning.

3. Digital Marketing Plan (30% weighting)

The plan shows how the strategy will be achieved and is based
on the strategy and objectives. The plan needs to be realistic
and will reflect the organisation’s size and capabilities.

This will include:

 Consideration of resources required, including staffing
and a budget.

 An outline tactical plan, created in Excel or other

spreadsheet with no more than 40 strategic activities,
and inserted into the Word (or other document processing
system) report.

See Assessment Criteria on page 21 for full details.

Word count

 The total word count allowed is 3,500 words.

 Students must comply with the recommended word
count, within a margin of -/+ 10%.
 You should balance the word count with the marks

The report can include:

 Screengrabs of websites.
 Relevant images.
 Clear headings.

What is included within the word count

 Headings.
 Body text (main content).
 All tables not specified below.

What is excluded from the word count

 Cover page.
 Contents sheet.
 Executive summary (no more than 1 page).
 SWOT table.
 TOWs Matrix.
 The budget table.
 The outline tactical plan.
 All references (textbooks and journals; quotes and
referencing information) inside the body content.
 Bibliography.
 References.

The assignment should:


 Prove your theoretical understanding of issues in the

digital environment.
 Be appropriate for the target audience.
 Provide examples of best practice.

In completing the tasks, you need to demonstrate all of the

following skills:
 Critical awareness and analysis of the ideas that you
 Synthesis and presentation of key ideas.
 Evaluation of complex matters.
 Clear presentation of key concepts / ideas.
 Demonstration of academic research.
 Correct use of Harvard referencing.
 Professional presentation.
 Professional tone and style.

 This is a professional report (not an essay) and should be
written in the third person.
 The language should be professional and you should
avoid abbreviations and ‘text speak’.
 Pages must be numbered for ease of reference.
 A minimum 11 point font should be used.
 Spacing should be 1.5 spacing throughout.

Please note that MAC users should save and submit their work
as PDF documents to preserve original formatting.

Referencing requirements

Harvard Referencing (Cite Them Rite) is the method of

referencing followed. This is absolutely vital. You must apply
this system of referencing to (a) how you present references in
the text and (b) how you present your references in the
bibliography section.

N.B. The Harvard Cite Them Rite format of referencing means

no footnotes!

Students are recommended to refer to the following book

(available in Waterstones and copies are in the library) which
may help your approach and understanding of Harvard

Pears, R., & Shields, G., (2013) Cite Them Right: The Essential
Referencing Guide (9th edition) Basingstoke, Hants: Palgrave
Macmillan. This is available in the University bookshop and
also available here

Additionally, this YouTube video on Harvard referencing is very

helpful and shows the differences between the different

E-submission information

All tasks must be submitted by 20:00 on Thursday 4th May 2017

to TurnItIn.

Grading and feedback on all assessments will be provided

from 20:00 on Thursday 25th May 2017 (except for unforeseen

You should note however that grades are at this stage

provisional only, as submitted assessments are subject to
internal and external moderation and validation by the
University Examination and Assessment Board.

Feedback will be provided electronically and students can also

book a session to discuss their work.

7. Assessment Criteria

Digital Marketing Audit (40%) Digital Marketing Strategy (30%) Digital Marketing Plan (40%)
90-100%  Exceptional SWOT on the organisation’s current use of  Exceptional TOWS analysis and commentary.  Exceptional identification of all
Excellent social media.  Exceptional digital marketing strategy. resources and a detailed, timed,
(First)  Exceptional evaluation of two competitors using social  Exceptional SMART objectives. realistic budget.
media.  Exceptional outline tactical plan
 Exceptional identification of two key customer groups and The work includes digital marketing models, created in Excel or other
development of personas. which are applied in an exceptional way. spreadsheet, showing 35 to 40
 Exceptional customer journey flowchart or graphic. varied activities, for different
The work is underpinned with a wide range of roles and is embedded into the
The work includes digital marketing models, which are applied excellent and relevant academic references, Word document.
in an exceptional way and adapted where needed. showing depth of research and understanding.

The work is underpinned with a wide range of excellent and The work is presented to a professional
relevant academic references, showing depth of research and standard and Harvard referencing is followed
understanding. The work is presented to a professional exactly.
standard and Harvard referencing is followed exactly.

80-89%  Advanced SWOT on the organisation’s current use of social  Advanced TOWS analysis and commentary.  Advanced identification of all
Excellent media.  Advanced digital marketing strategy. resources and a detailed, timed,
(First)  Advanced evaluation of two competitors using social media.  Advanced SMART objectives. realistic budget.
 Advanced identification of two key customer groups and  Advanced outline tactical plan
development of personas. The work includes digital marketing models, created in Excel or other
 Advanced customer journey flowchart or graphic. which are applied in an advanced way. spreadsheet, showing 30 to 35
varied activities, for different
The work includes digital marketing models, which are applied The work is underpinned with a wide range of roles and is embedded into the
in an advanced way and adapted where needed. excellent and relevant academic references, Word document.
showing depth of research and understanding.
The work is underpinned with a wide range of excellent and
relevant academic references, showing depth of research and The work is presented to a professional
understanding. The work is presented to a professional standard and Harvard referencing is followed
standard and Harvard referencing is followed exactly. exactly.

Digital Marketing Audit (40%) Digital Marketing Strategy (30%) Digital Marketing Plan (40%)
70-79%  Extremely good SWOT on the organisation’s current use of  Extremely good TOWS analysis and  Extremely good identification of
Excellent social media. commentary. all resources and a detailed,
(First)  Extremely good evaluation of two competitors using social  Extremely good digital marketing strategy. timed, realistic budget.
media.  Extremely good SMART objectives.  Extremely good outline tactical
 Extremely good identification of two key customer groups plan created in Excel or other
and development of personas. The work includes digital marketing models, spreadsheet, showing 25 to 30
 Extremely good customer journey flowchart or graphic. which are applied in an extremely good way. varied activities, for different
roles and is embedded into the
The work includes digital marketing models, which are applied The work is underpinned with a wide range of Word document.
in an extremely good way and adapted where needed. excellent and relevant academic references,
showing depth of research and understanding.
The work is underpinned with a wide range of excellent and
relevant academic references, showing depth of research and The work is presented to a professional
understanding. The work is presented to a professional standard and Harvard referencing is followed
standard and Harvard referencing is followed exactly. exactly.

60-69% Very  Very good SWOT on the organisation’s current use of social  Very good TOWS analysis and commentary.  Very good identification of
Good (2nd media.  Very good digital marketing strategy. resources and a timed budget.
Div.1)  Very good evaluation of two competitors using social media.  Very good SMART objectives.  Very good outline tactical plan
 Very good identification of two key customer groups and created in Excel or other
development of personas. The work includes at least two digital marketing spreadsheet, showing 20 to 25
 Very good customer journey flowchart or graphic. models, which are applied in a very good way. varied activities, for different
roles and is embedded into the
The work includes digital marketing models, which are applied The work is underpinned with a range of very Word document.
in a very good way. good and relevant academic references,
showing very good evidence of research and
The work is underpinned with a range of very good and understanding.
relevant academic references, showing very good evidence of
research and understanding. The work is presented to a very The work is presented to a very good standard
good standard and Harvard referencing is followed mainly as and Harvard referencing is followed mainly as
required. required.

Digital Marketing Audit (40%) Digital Marketing Strategy (30%) Digital Marketing Plan (40%)
50-59% Good  Good SWOT on the organisation’s current use of social  Good TOWS analysis and commentary.  Good identification of some
(2nd Div.2) media.  Good digital marketing strategy. resources and a budget.
 Good evaluation of two competitors using social media.  Good SMART objectives.  Good outline tactical plan
 Good identification of two key customer groups and created in Excel or other
development of personas. The work includes at least one digital marketing spreadsheet, showing 15 to 20
 Good customer journey flowchart or graphic. model, which is applied in a good way. varied activities and is
embedded into the Word
The work includes some digital marketing models, which are The work is underpinned with good and relevant document.
applied in a good way. academic references, showing good evidence of
research and understanding.
The work is underpinned good and relevant academic
references, showing good evidence of research and The work is presented to a good standard and
understanding. The work is presented to a good standard and Harvard referencing is apparent and followed in
Harvard referencing is apparent and followed in places. places.

40-49%  Satisfactory SWOT on the organisation’s current use of  Satisfactory TOWS analysis and  Satisfactory standard of plan,
Satisfactory social media. commentary. showing at least 5 activities.
(3rd)  Satisfactory evaluation of two competitors using social  Satisfactory digital marketing strategy.  Satisfactory identification of
media.  Satisfactory SMART objectives. some resources and summary
 Satisfactory identification of two key customer groups and budget.
development of personas. The work includes a digital marketing model.
 Satisfactory customer journey flowchart or graphic.
The work is underpinned with satisfactory
The work includes a digital marketing model. academic references, showing some research
and understanding.
The work is underpinned with satisfactory academic
references, showing some research and understanding. The The work is presented to a satisfactory standard
work is presented to a satisfactory standard and Harvard and Harvard referencing is used in places.
referencing is used in places.

Digital Marketing Audit (40%) Digital Marketing Strategy (30%) Digital Marketing Plan (40%)
35-39% (Fail)  Inadequate SWOT on the organisation’s current use of  Inadequate TOWS analysis and commentary.  Poor standard of plan, showing
Unsatisfactory social media.  Inadequate digital marketing strategy. limited activities. Difficult to
 Inadequate evaluation of two competitors using social  Inadequate SMART objectives. follow.
media.  Poor description of resources
 Inadequate identification of two key customer groups and The work lacks academic references and and weak budget
development of personas. contains inadequate online references,
 Inadequate customer journey flowchart or graphic. including, for example Wikipedia and Ehow. The work is poorly presented and
Harvard referencing is not used.
The work lacks academic references and contains inadequate The work is poorly presented and Harvard
online references, including, for example Wikipedia and Ehow. referencing is not used.

The work is poorly presented and Harvard referencing is not


0-34% (Fail)  Virtually no SWOT on the organisation’s current use of  Virtually no TOWS, weak or non-existent  Inadequate standard of plan,
Very Poor social media. strategy and weak objectives. showing few activities. Lack of
 Virtually no evaluation of two competitors using social resources and no budget.
media. The work is badly presented and contains
 Virtually no identification of two key customer groups and inadequate online or virtually no references. The work is badly presented.
development of personas.
 Virtually no customer journey flowchart or graphic.

The work is badly presented and contains inadequate online or

virtually no references.

0-4% (Fail) Nothing or hardly anything of merit submitted. When no work Nothing or hardly anything of merit submitted. Nothing or hardly anything of merit
Nothing of is submitted the NS notation will apply. When no work is submitted the NS notation will submitted. When no work is
Merit apply. submitted the NS notation will

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