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Principles of Marketing 16th Edition Kotler Solutions Manual

Principles of Marketing 16th Edition

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Principles of Marketing 16th Edition Kotler Solutions Manual

Chapter 2
Nike’s Customer-Driven Marketing: Building Brand Engagement and

Nike began making running shoes in the 1960s and quickly expanded into numerous products for other sports
and outdoor activities. From the beginning, Nike marketed aggressively through sports stars’ endorsements,
mega-events, and its “Just Do It” ads. It marketed a way of life, and an attitude, not simply athletic products. It
also was perceived as antiestablishment, until it became the establishment and no longer cool.
Nike refocused and set about to create deeper and stronger customer relationships with the brand. The company
did this by communicating with customers, rather than talking at them. It revolutionized sports marketing in its
early days. It revolutionized customer-driven marketing and social networking. It has even moved into apps
and mobile technologies as part of its products. It is showing the way to other companies about how to build
deep customer relationships and how to truly connect with customers in meaningful ways.

Discussion Objective
A brief discussion of the Nike story will help to solidify the importance of creating a companywide marketing
strategy that is customer-focused, and revamping it when necessary. This theme began in Chapter 1 and
continues in Chapter 2. It also provides a nice opportunity to examine overall company strategy and mission,
and their relationship to marketing strategy and activities. Finally, Nike provides a great example of how
companies are taking new directions in building customer relationships and brand community. Nike has always
focused on the brand experience. In the early years, it built the brand’s image through media advertising and
celebrity endorsements. Now, it focuses a sizable portion of its marketing efforts on creating more personal and
involving brand experiences.

Starting the Discussion

To make the chapter-opening Nike story more personally relevant to the class, begin by asking, “How many of
you wear Nike shoes or gear? Has Nike changed its offerings in the time you have been buying its products? In
what way?” After a brief opening discussion, go online with students to explore Nike’s website
Direct the discussion using the following questions. As always, keep the discussion moving with plenty of
student input.

Discussion Questions
1. What is Nike really selling? What are customers really buying? How and how deeply do customers relate
to the Nike brand? (Nike sells a lot more than just shoes. When customers purchase something at Nike,
they are buying much more. They are buying a brand experience. Ask students what that brand
experience feels like to them.)
2. If you worked as a Nike operations manager, financial analyst, IT specialist, or human resources
manager, why would it be important for you to understand Nike’s marketing strategy? This question digs
into the relationship between corporate strategy and marketing strategy, and marketing’s role in broader
company strategy. Non-marketing students often ask, “Why do I need to understand marketing”? The

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answer—as noted in Chapter 1 and later in Chapter 2—everyone in the company needs to align behind
the mission of creating customer value.
3. How does the chapter-opening Nike story relate to what comes later in the chapter? (This questions
transitions the discussion into Chapter 2 topics such as overall company strategy and mission,
marketing’s role, customer-driven marketing strategy and planning, and measuring marketing ROI.)

Use Power Point Slide 2-1 Here

In the first chapter, we explored the marketing process by which companies create value for
the consumer in order to capture value in return. In this chapter, we look at designing
customer-driven marketing strategies and constructing marketing programs. First we look at
the organizations overall strategic planning, which guides marketing strategy and planning.
Next, we discuss how marketing partners closely with others inside and outside the firm to
create value for customers. We then examine marketing strategy and planning—how
marketers choose target markets, position their market offerings, develop a marketing mix,
and manage their marketing programs. Lastly, we will look at the step of measuring and
managing return on marketing investment.

Use Power Point Slide 2-2 and 2-3 Here

1. Explain companywide strategic planning and its four steps.

2. Discuss how to design business portfolios and develop growth strategies.
3. Explain marketing’s role under strategic planning and how marketing works with its
partners to create and deliver customer value.
4. Describe the elements of a customer-driven marketing strategy and mix, and the
forces that influence it.
5. List the marketing management functions, including the elements of a marketing
plan, and discuss the importance of measuring and managing return on marketing

p. 38 INTRODUCTION p. 38
Photo: Nike
Nike began by making running shoes and quickly expanded
into equipment and apparel for other sports and activities.

When Nike stumbled, it overcame the struggles by focusing

very intently on customers. In the digital age, Nike works
to build deep and strong relationships with customers.
It engages them by talking with them rather than at them. It
builds a Nike community.

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Even during the Great Recession, Nike managed to continue
growing and gaining market share, while competitors
struggled. This seems to confirm the wisdom of Nike’s
marketing strategy.
 Assignments, Resources
Use Small Group Assignment 1 here
Use Individual Assignment 1 here
 Opening Vignette Questions
1. Discuss Nike’s marketing strategy in terms of
delivering increased customer value. What is
inherently better about the current Nike
marketing from the customer’s point of view?

2. For a while, Nike lost its “cool” factor. Based

on your experience and perception, has it gotten
it back? Why or why not?

3. What comes next for Nike in the 21st century?

What new marketing strategies might the
company develop to remain fresh and relevant?
p. 40 Explain company-wide strategic planning and its four Learning Objective
PPT 2-4 steps. 1



The hard task of selecting an overall company strategy for p. 40

long-run survival and growth is called strategic planning. Key Term:
Strategic Planning
PPT 2-5 Strategic planning is the process of developing and
maintaining a strategic fit between the organization’s goals
and capabilities and its changing market opportunities.

Strategic planning sets the stage for the rest of the planning
in the firm.

Companies typically prepare annual plans, long-range plans,

and strategic plans.
p. 41
At the corporate level, the company starts the strategic Figure 2.1:
PPT 2-6 planning process by defining its overall purpose and Steps in Strategic
mission (see Figure 2.1). It then creates detailed supporting Planning
objectives that guide the entire company. Next,
headquarters reviews the portfolio of businesses and
products is best for the company and how much support to
give each one. In turn, each business and product develops

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arrival of the Anglo-Saxons in the land. The Shawnees, as well as
the Aborigines of whom they formed part, held a tradition of their
transatlantic origin. It is but a few years ago that they ceased to offer
animal sacrifices to render thanks to the Great Spirit for their happy
arrival in America. The Shawnees and their neighbours the
Delawares were alternately friends and enemies. They frequently
made war on each other, and retreated to the west in consequence
of the invasion of the whites. The present Shawnees are as much
civilized as the Chactas; they are perhaps less rudely attired; with
the exception of rings, earrings, and brooches of their own
manufacturing, they care little for the ornaments by which other
Indians set so much store. Their features are peculiar; their nose has
a Grecian cut not devoid of beauty; their hair is short to the neck and
parted in the front; the men wear moustaches; the women are rather
good looking, and notwithstanding the dark colour of their
complexion their cheeks show signs of robust health. Some of the
most renowned of American chiefs are found among the Shawnees.
The present actual population is 1,500.”
And now, having so long endured the trying climate of North
America, let us turn to a warmer country—to one of the warmest and
quaintest—to Abyssinia. Not the least quaint of its features is the fact
that there are more churches there than in any other country; and,
though it is very mountainous, and consequently the view much
obstructed, it is very seldom you see less than five or six; and, if you
are on a commanding ground, five times that number. Every
Abyssinian that dies thinks he has atoned for all his wickedness, if
he leaves a fund to build a church, or has built one in his lifetime.
The king builds many. Wherever a victory is gained, there a church is
erected in the very field—and that before the bodies of the slain are
buried. Formerly this was only the case when the enemy was Pagan
or Infidel; now the same is observable when the victories are over
Christians. The situation of a church is always chosen near running
water, for the convenience of their purifications and ablutions, in
which they strictly observe the Levitical law. They are always placed
on the top of some beautiful round hill, which is surrounded entirely
with rows of the oxycedrus, or Virgin cedar, which grows here in
great beauty and perfection, and is called Arz. Nothing adds so
much to the beauty of the country as these churches, and the
plantations about them. In the middle of this plantation of cedars is
interspersed, at proper distances, a number of those beautiful trees
called Cuffo, which grow very high, and are all extremely
The churches are all round, with thatched roofs; their summits are
perfect cones; the outside is surrounded by a number of wooden
pillars, which are nothing else than the trunks of the cedar-tree, and
are placed to support the edifice, about eight feet of the roof
projecting beyond the wall of the church, which forms an agreeable
walk or colonnade around it in hot weather or in rain. The inside of
the church is in several divisions, according as is prescribed by the
law of Moses. The first is a circle somewhat wider than the inner
one; here the congregation sit and pray. Within this is a square, and
that square is divided by a veil or curtain, in which is another very
small division answering to the holy of holies. This is so narrow, that
none but the priests can go into it. You are barefooted, whenever
you enter the church, and, if barefooted, you may go through every
part of it, if you have any such curiosity, provided you are pure, that
is, have not had connexion with woman for twenty-four hours before,
or touched carrion or dead bodies (a curious assemblage of ideas),
for in that case you are not to go within the precincts, or outer
circumference, of the church, but stand and say your prayers at an
awful distance among the cedars.
Every person, of both sexes, under Jewish disqualifications, is
obliged to observe this distance; and this is always a place belonging
to the church, where, except in Lent, you see the greatest part of the
congregation; but this is left to your own conscience; and, if there
was either great inconvenience in the one situation, or great
satisfaction in the other, the case would be otherwise.
On your first entering the church, you put off your shoes: but you
must leave a servant there with them, or else they will be stolen, if
good for anything, by the priests and monks, before you come out of
the church. At entering you kiss the threshold and the two door-
posts, go in and say what prayer you please; that finished you come
out again, and your duty is over. The churches are full of pictures,
painted on parchment, and nailed upon the walls a little less slovenly
than you see paltry prints in beggarly country ale-houses. There has
been always a sort of painting known among the scribes, a daubing
much inferior to the worst of our sign-painters. Sometimes, for a
particular church, they get a number of pictures of saints, on skins of
parchment, ready finished from Cairo, in a style very little superior to
these performances of their own. They are placed like a frieze, and
hung in the upper part of the wall. St. George is generally there with
his dragon, and St. Demetrius fighting a lion. There is no choice in
their saints; they are both of the Old and New Testament, and those
that might be dispensed with from both. There is St. Pontius Pilate
and his wife; there is St. Balaam and his ass; Samson and his
jawbone; and so of the rest. But the thing that surprised Mr. Bruce
most was a kind of square miniature upon the head-piece or mitre of
the priest, administering the sacrament at Adowa, representing
Pharaoh on a white horse plunging in the Red Sea, with many guns
and pistols swimming upon the surface of it around him.
Nothing embossed, or in relief, ever appears in any of their
churches; all this would be reckoned idolatry, so much so that they
do not wear a cross, as has been represented, on the top of the ball
of the sendick or standard, because it casts a shade; but there is no
doubt that pictures have been used in their churches from the very
earliest ages of Christianity.
The primate or patriarch of the Abyssinian Church is styled
Abuna. The first of these prelates mentioned in history is Tecla
Haimanout, who distinguished himself by the restoration of the royal
family, and the regulations which he made both in church and state.
A wise ordinance was then enacted that the Abyssinians should not
have it in their power to raise one of their own countrymen to the
dignity of Abuna. As this dignitary of the church very seldom
understands the language of the country, he has no share in the
government. His chief employment is in ordinations, which ceremony
is thus performed:—A number of men and children present
themselves at a distance, and there stand from humility, not daring to
approach him. He then asks who these are, and they tell him that
they wish to be deacons. On this he makes two or three signs with a
small cross in his hand, and blows with his mouth twice or thrice
upon them, saying, “Let them be deacons.” Mr. Bruce once saw the
whole army of Begemder, when just returned from shedding the
blood of 10,000 men, made deacons by the Abuna, who stood about
a quarter of a mile distant from them.
The Abyssinians neither eat nor drink with strangers, though they
have no reason for this; and it is now a mere prejudice, because the
old occasion for this regulation is lost. They break, or purify,
however, every vessel a stranger of any kind shall have eaten or
drunk out of. The custom, then, is copied from the Egyptians; and
they have preserved it, though the Egyptian reason does no longer
The Egyptians made no account of the mother what her state
was; if the father was free, the child followed the condition of the
father. This is strictly so in Abyssinia. The king’s child by a negro-
slave, bought with money, or taken in war, is as near in succeeding
to the crown as any one of twenty children that he has older than
that one, and born of the noblest women of the country.
In Abyssinia, once every year they baptize all grown people, or
adults. Mr. Bruce here relates what he himself saw on the spot, and
what is nothing more than the celebration of our Saviour’s baptism:
—“The small river, running between the town of Adowa and the
church, had been dammed up for several days; the stream was
scanty, so that it scarcely overflowed. It was in places three feet
deep, in some perhaps four, or little more. Three large tents were
pitched the morning before the feast of the Epiphany; one on the
north for the priests to repose in during the intervals of the service,
and, besides this, one to communicate in: on the south there was a
third tent for the monks and priests of another church to rest
themselves in their turn. About twelve o’clock at night the monks and
priests met together, and began their prayers and psalms at the
water-side, one party relieving each other. At dawn of day, the
governor, Welleta Michael, came thither, with some soldiers, to raise
men for Ras Michael, then on his march against Waragna Fasil, and
sat down on a small hill by the water-side, the troops all skirmishing
on foot and on horseback around them.
“As soon as the sun began to appear, three large crosses of wood
were carried by three priests dressed in their sacerdotal vestments,
and who, coming to the side of the river, dipped the cross into the
water, and all this time the firing, skirmishing, and praying, went on
together. The priests with their crosses returned, one of their number
before them carrying something less than an English quart of water
in a silver cup or chalice; when they were about fifty yards from
Welleta Michael, that general stood up, and the priest took as much
water as he could hold in his hands, and sprinkled it upon his head
holding the cup at the same time to Welleta Michael’s mouth to taste;
after which the priest received it back again, saying at the same
time, “Gzier y’barak,” which is simply, “May God bless you.” Each of
the three crosses was then brought forward to Welleta Michael, and
he kissed them. The ceremony of sprinkling the water was then
repeated to all the great men in the tent, all cleanly dressed as in
gala. Some of them, not contented with aspersion, received it in the
palms of their hands joined, and drank it there; more water was
brought for those that had not partaken of the first; and after the
whole of the governor’s company was sprinkled, the crosses
returned to the river, their bearers singing hallelujahs, and the
skirmishing and firing continuing.”
Mr. Bruce observed, that, a very little time after the governor had
been sprinkled, two horses and two mules, belonging to Ras Michael
and Ozoro Esther, came and were washed. Afterwards the soldiers
went in and bathed their horses and guns; those who had wounds
bathed them also. Heaps of platters and pots, that had been used by
Mahometans or Jews, were brought thither likewise to be purified;
and thus the whole ended.
The men in Egypt neither bought nor sold; the same is the case in
Abyssinia to this day. It is infamy for a man to go to market to buy
any thing. He cannot carry water or bake bread; but he must wash
the clothes belonging to both sexes; and, in this function, the women
cannot help him. In Abyssinia the men carried their burdens on their
heads, the women on their shoulders: and this difference, we are
told, obtained in Egypt. It is plain that this buying in the public market
by women must have ended whenever jealousy or sequestration of
that sex began. For this reason it ended early in Egypt; but, for the
opposite reason, it subsists in Abyssinia to this day. It was a sort of
impiety in Egypt to eat a calf; and the reason was plain, they
worshipped the cow. In Abyssinia, to this day, no man eats veal,
although every one very willingly eats beef. The Egyptian reason no
longer subsists, as in the former case, but the prejudice remains,
though they have forgotten their reason.
The Abyssinians eat no wild or water-fowl, not even the goose,
which was a great delicacy in Egypt. The reason of this is, that, upon
their conversion to Judaism, they were forced to relinquish their
ancient municipal customs, as far as they were contrary to the
Mosaical law, and the animals in their country not corresponding in
form, kind, or name with those mentioned in the Septuagint, or
original Hebrew, it has followed that there are many of each class
that know not whether they are clean or not, and a wonderful
confusion and uncertainty has followed through ignorance or
mistake, being unwilling to violate the law in any one instance,
though not understanding it.
Among the Gallas of Abyssinia, the Kalijas (magicians) and the
Lubas (priests) reign supreme. It is the business of the latter to
determine whether any impending war will be successful, and for this
purpose the entrails of a goat are consulted. With his long hair
streaming wildly, a bright copper circlet decorating his brow, and with
a sonorous bell, which he beats to enjoin the silence and attention of
the assembled multitude, he plunges his naked arm into the bowels
of the freshly-slaughtered animal, and withdrawing part of the
intestines, according to their colour declares the prospects of the
savage army. In such matters, however, the Kalijas never interferes.
His business is to cast out from sick men the evil spirits that torment
them. There are eighty-eight evil spirits, say the Kalijas, divided into
two bands of forty-three each and ruled and directed by a chief. The
Kalijas is untiring in his efforts to hunt out this formidable army of
eighty-eight. He goes about with a bell in one hand and a whip in the
other, and with a festoon of dried goat’s entrails about his neck. Sent
for by a patient he rubs him well with grease, smokes him with
aromatic herbs, cries out at the top of his voice, rings his bell with a
deafening din, and then lays into the sick person with the whipthong.
If all these powerful remedies fail to drive out the Sao or evil spirit,
why, the Kalijas resignedly takes his fee and goes away, leaving the
victory to the doughty soldier of the eighty six.
In debating on the ills the Abyssinian is heir to the Bouda and Zar
must not be forgotten, since they occupy a most prominent place in
the catalogue of evils which torture the brown-skinned children of the
sun. Of the two the Bouda, or sorcerer, as the word signifies, is the
most dreaded. His powers in the black art are reported to be of a
most varied character. At one time he will enslave the objects of his
malice, at another he will subject them to nameless tortures, and not
unfrequently his vengeance will even compass their death. Like the
genii and egrets of the Arabian Nights the Bouda invariably selects
those possessed of youth and talent, beauty and wit, on whom to
work his evil deeds.
A variety of charms have been invented to counteract the Bouda’s
power, but the most potent are the amulets written by the pious
deleteras and worn round the neck. The dread of the sorcerer has
introduced a whole tribe of exorcists who pretend both to be able to
conjure the evil spirit and also to detect his whereabout; and these
are accordingly held in great awe by the people. Their traffic
resembles that of the highwayman; with this difference only—that the
one in bold and unblushing language calls on his victim to stand and
deliver, the other stealthily creeps into the midst of a troop of
soldiers, or amongst a convivial party of friends, and pronounces the
mystical word Bouda. The uncouth appearance and sepulchral voice
of the exorcist everywhere produce the deepest sensation, and
young and old, men and women, gladly part with some article to get
rid of his hated and feared presence. If, as sometimes happens, one
or two less superstitious individuals object to these wicked exactions,
the exorcist has a right to compel every one present to smell an
abominable concoction of foul herbs and decayed bones which he
carries in his pouch; those who unflinchingly inhale the offensive
scent are declared innocent, but those who have not such strong
olfactory nerves are declared Boudas and shunned as allies of the
evil one.
“During the rainy season,” says Mr. Stern, the most recent of
Abyssinian travellers, “when the weather, like the mind, is cheerless
and dull, the Boudas, as if in mockery of the universal gloom,
celebrate their saturnalia. In our small settlement at Gaffat the
monotony of our existence was constantly diversified by a Bouda
scene. Towards the close of August, when every tree and shrub
began to sprout and blossom, the disease degenerated into a
regular epidemic; and in the course of an evening two, three, and not
unfrequently every hut occupied by the natives would ring with that
familiar household cry. A heavy thunderstorm by some mysterious
process seemed invariably to predispose the people to the Bouda’s
torturing influence.
“I remember one day about the end of August we had a most
tremendous tempest: it commenced a little after mid-day and lasted
till nearly five o’clock. During its continuance the air was completely
darkened, except when the lightning’s blaze flashed athwart the sky
and relieved for a few seconds the almost midnight gloom. No
human voice could be heard amidst the thunder’s deafening crash
and the torrent’s impetuous rage.
“The noise and tumult of the striving elements had scarcely
subsided when one of the servants, a stout, robust, and masculine
woman, began to exhibit the Bouda symptoms. She had been
complaining the whole noon of langour, faintness, and utter
incapacity for all physical exertion. About sunset her lethargy
increased, and she gradually sank into a state of apparent
unconsciousness. Her fellow servants who were familiar with the
cause of her complaint at once pronounced her to be possessed. To
outwit the conjuror I thought it advisable to try the effect of strong
liquid ammonia on the nerves of the evil one. The place being dark,
faggots were ignited; and in their bright flickering light we beheld a
mass of dark figures squatted on the wet floor around a rigid and
apparently dead woman. I instantly applied my bottle to her nose; but
although the potent smell made all near raise a cry of terror, it
produced no more effect on the passive and insensible patient than if
it had been clear water.
“The owner of Gaffat, an amateur exorcist, almost by instinct, as if
anticipating something wrong in that part of his dominion occupied
by the Franks, made his appearance in the very nick of time, and no
sooner had the bloated and hideous fellow hobbled into the hut, than
the possessed woman, as if struck by a magnetic wire, burst into
loud fits of laughter and the paroxysms of a maniac.
“Half-a-dozen stalwart fellows caught hold of her, but frenzy
imparted vigour to her frame which even the united strength of these
athletics was barely sufficient to keep under control. She tried to bite,
kick, and tear every one within reach; and when she found herself
foiled in all these mischievous attempts she convulsively grasped the
unpaved wet floor and, in imitation of the hyæna, gave forth the most
discordant sounds. Manacled and shackled with leather thongs, she
was now partly dragged, and partly carried, to an open grassy spot;
and there in the presence of a considerable number of people the
conjuror, in a business-like manner, began his exorcising art.
A Woman under the Influence of Bouda.
“The poor sufferer, as if conscious of the dreaded old man’s
presence struggled frantically to escape his performance; but the
latter disregarding her entreaties and lamentations, her fits of
unnatural gaiety and bursts of thrilling anguish, with one hand laid an
amulet on her heaving bosom, whilst with the other he made her
smell a rag in which the root of a strong-scented plant, a bone of a
hyæna, and some other abominable unguents, were bound up. The
mad rage of the possessed woman being instantly hushed by this
operation, the conjuror addressed himself to the Bouda, and in
language unfit for polite ears, requested him to give him his name.
The Bouda, speaking through the medium of the possessed, replied:
“‘Hailu Miriam.’
“‘Where do you reside?’
“‘In Damot.’
“‘What is the name of your father and confessor?’
“‘My father’s name is Negouseye, and my Abadre’s, Oubie.’
“‘Why did you come to this district?’
“‘I took possession of this person on the plain of Wadela, where I
met her on the road from Magdala.’
“‘How many persons have you already killed?
“‘I command thee, in the name of the blessed Trinity, the twelve
apostles, and the three hundred and eighteen bishops at the council
of Nicæa, to leave this woman and never more to molest her.’
“The Bouda did not feel disposed to obey the conjuror; but on
being threatened with a repast of glowing coals, he became docile,
and in a sulky voice promised to obey the request.
“Still anxious, however, to delay his exit, he demanded something
to eat; and to my utter disgust his taste was as coarse as the
torments inflicted on the young woman were ungallant. Filth and dirt
of the most revolting description, together with an admixture of water,
were the choice delicacies he selected for his supper. This strange
fare, which the most niggardly hospitality could not refuse, several
persons hastened to prepare; and when all was ready, and the
earthen dish had been hidden in the centre of a leafy shrub, the
conjuror called to the Bouda, ‘As thy father did, so do thou.’ These
words had scarcely escaped the lips of the exorcist when the
possessed person leapt up and, crawling on all fours, sought the
dainty repast, which she lapped up with a sickening avidity and
greediness. She now laid hold of a stone which three strong men
could scarcely lift, and raising it aloft in the air, whirled it round her
head, and then fell senseless to the ground. In half an hour she
recovered, but was quite unconscious of what had transpired.
“Next in importance to the Bouda is the Zar. This malady is
exclusively confined to unmarried women, and has the peculiar
feature, that during the violence of the paroxysm it prompts the
patient to imitate the sharp discordant growl of the leopard. I
recollect that the first time I saw a case of this description it gave me
a shock that made my blood run cold. The sufferer was a handsome,
gay and lively girl of fifteen. In the morning she was engaged, as
usual, with her work, when a quarrel ensued between her and the
other domestics. The fierce dispute, though of a trifling character,
roused the passions of the fiery Ethiopian to such a pitch that it
brought on an hysterical affection. Her companions cried out, ‘She is
possessed;’ and certainly her ghastly smile, nervous tremor, wild
stare, and unnatural howl, justified the notion. To expel the Zar, a
conjuror, as in the Bouda complaint, was formerly considered
indispensable; but, by dint of perseverance, the medical faculty of
the country, to their infinite satisfaction, have at length made the
discovery that a sound application of the whip is quite as potent an
antidote against this evil as the necromancer’s spell.”
Turning from Abyssinia to Dahomey we find, as might be
expected from all that one hears of that most sanguinary spot on
earth, that religion is at a very low ebb. Leopards and snakes are the
chief gods worshipped by the Dahomans, and surely the mantle of
these deities must have descended to their worshippers, who
possess all the cunning of the one and the bloodthirstiness of the
other. Besides these, the Dahoman worships thunder and lightning,
and sundry meaningless wooden images. The sacrifices are various.
If of a bullock it is thus performed: the priests and priestesses (the
highest of the land, for the Dahoman proverb has it that the poor are
never priests) assemble within a ring in a public square, a band of
discordant music attends, and, after arranging the emblems of their
religion and the articles carried in religious processions, such as
banners, spears, tripods, and vessels holding bones, skulls,
congealed blood, and other barbarous trophies, they dance, sing,
and drink until sufficiently excited. The animals are next produced
and decapitated by the male priests with large chopper knives. The
altars are washed with the blood caught in basins; the rest is taken
round by the priests and priestesses, who strike the lintel and two
side posts of all the houses of the devotees with the blood that is in
the basin. The turkey buzzards swarm in the neighbourhood, and
with the familiarity of their nature gorge on the mangled carcass as it
is cut in pieces. The meat is next cooked and distributed among the
priests, portions being set aside to feed the spirits of the departed
and the fetishes. After the sacrifice the priesthood again commence
dancing, singing, and drinking, men, women, and children grovelling
in the dirt, every now and then receiving the touch and blessing of
these enthusiasts. Among the priesthood are members of the royal
family, wives and children. The mysteries are secret, and the
revelation of them is punished with death. Although different fetishes
are as common as the changes of language in Central Africa, there
is a perfect understanding between all fetish people. The priests of
the worship of the leopard, the snake, and the shark, are initiated
into the same obscure forms. Private sacrifices of fowls, ducks, and
even goats, are very common, and performed in a similar manner:
the heads are taken off by the priests, and the altars washed with the
blood, and the lintels and sides of the door posts are sprinkled; the
body of the animal or bird is eaten or exposed for the sacred turkey
buzzards to devour. The temples are extremely numerous, each
having one altar of clay. There is no worship within these temples,
but small offerings are daily given by devotees and removed by the
Sickness is prevalent among the blacks, small-pox and fever
being unattended, except by bad practitioners in medicine. And here
let me remark that, after teachers of the Gospel and promoters of
education, there is no study that would so well ensure a good
reception in Africa as that of medicine. The doctor is always
welcome, and, as in most barbarous countries, all white men were
supposed to be doctors. If an African sickens, he makes a sacrifice
first, a small one of some palm oil food. Dozens of plates of this
mixture are to be seen outside the town, and the turkey buzzards
horribly gorged, scarcely able to fly from them. If the gods are not
propitiated, owls, ducks, goats, and bullocks are sacrificed; and if the
invalid be a man of rank, he prays the king to permit him to sacrifice
one or more slaves, paying a fee for each. Should he recover, he in
his grateful joy liberates one or more slaves, bullocks, goats, fowls,
etc., giving them for ever, to the fetish, and henceforward they are
fed by the fetish-men. But should he die, he invites with his last
breath his principal wives to join him in the next world, and according
to his rank, his majesty permits a portion of his slaves to be
sacrificed on the tomb.
Should any one by design or accident—the former is scarcely
likely—hurt either a leopard or snake fetish, he is a ruined man. But
a very few years ago a cruel and lingering death was the penalty; but
Dahoman princes of modern times are more tender-hearted than
their predecessors, and are content with visiting the culprit with a
thorough scorching. Mr. Duncan instances such a case:
Punishment for Killing Fetish Snakes.
“May 1st.—Punishment was inflicted for accidentally killing two
fetish snakes, while clearing some rubbish in the French fort. This is
one of the most absurd as well as savage customs I ever witnessed
or heard of. Still it is not so bad as it was in the reign of the
preceding King of Dahomey, when the law declared the head of the
unfortunate individual forfeited for killing one of these reptiles, even
by accident. The present king has reduced the capital punishment to
that about to be described. On this occasion three individuals were
sentenced as guilty of the murder of the fetish snakes. A small house
is thereupon made for each individual, composed of dry faggots for
walls, and it is thatched with dry grass. The fetish-men then
assemble, and fully describe the enormity of the crime committed.
Each individual is then smeared over, or rather has a quantity of
palm-oil and yeast poured over him, and then a bushel basket is
placed on each of their heads. In this basket are placed small
calabashes, filled to the brim, so that the slightest motion of the body
spills both the oil and the yeast, which runs through the bottom of the
basket on to the head. Each individual carries a dog and a kid, as
well as two fowls, all fastened together, across his shoulders. The
culprits were then marched slowly round their newly-prepared
houses, the fetish-men haranguing them all the time. Each individual
is then brought to the door of his house, which is not more than four
feet high. He is then freed from his burthen, and compelled to crawl
into his house on his belly, for the door is only eighteen inches high.
He is then shut into this small space with the dog, kid, and two fowls.
The house is then fired, and the poor wretch is allowed to make his
escape through the flames to the nearest running water. During his
journey there he is pelted with sticks and clods by the assembled
mob; but if the culprit has any friends, they generally contrive to get
nearest to him during his race to the water, and assist him, as well as
hinder the mob in their endeavours to injure him. When they reach
the water they plunge themselves headlong into it, and are then
considered to be cleansed of all the sin or crime of the snake-
murder. After the lapse of thirteen days, “custom” or holiday is held
here for the deceased snakes.
“The superstitions of the Bonny People are very extraordinary.
Whatever animal or other thing they consider sacred they term a
“jewjew,” and most common and apparently the principal of these
jewjews is the guana, a reptile which in their country obtains a very
large size. Several which I saw exceeded three feet and a half in
length, and in their appearance were particularly disgusting, being of
an unvaried dirty tawny hue. Those which live in the towns are very
tame, and several as I passed through the narrow alleys approached
and amused themselves in licking the blacking from my shoes. The
masses of filth scraped and deposited in corners appeared to be
their favourite haunts when no pools were near. There they were
observed watching the flies carousing and darting at them their long
slender tongues with extraordinary quickness and dexterity. For
these, as well as snakes, which are likewise jewjews, small spaces
are enclosed and diminutive huts erected in various parts near the
sea and in the interior of the country. To kill either is considered by
the natives as a capital offence and punished with death; yet towards
whites so offending they do not resort to such a severe measure, but
merely content themselves by strongly censuring them for their
profane conduct. When, however, a very flagrant instance occurs,
and the white man is not individually known by those of the natives
witnessing the act, it is likely that in the first transport of their anger
he may be made to atone for his offence with his life; for though the
whites themselves are termed jewjews, this, in all probability, is
merely a nominal title confered as a compliment.”
The king of Bonny, though often invited, will never venture on
board a man-of-war, but sometimes visits the merchant vessels,
proceeding from the shore in a war canoe in great form, but as he
approaches he always keeps aloof till the compliment of a heavy
salute is paid him. He then goes close to the ship’s side and breaks
a new-laid hen’s egg against it, after which he ascends the deck fully
persuaded that by the performance of this ceremony he has fortified
himself against any act of treachery. For other reasons, or perhaps
none that he can explain, he likewise takes with him a number of
feathers and his father’s arm bone, which, on sitting down to dinner,
he places on the table beside his plate. He also has at the same time
a young chicken dangling by one leg (the other being cut off) from
his neck.
The bar of the river Bonny has sometimes proved fatal to vessels
resorting thither, and being therefore injurious to the trade of the
place, the inhabitants, considering it as an evil deity, endeavour to
conciliate its good will by sacrificing at times a human victim upon it.
The last ceremony of this sort took place not a very long time before
our arrival. The handsomest and finest lad that could be procured
was chosen for the purpose, and for several months before the
period fixed for the close of his existence he was lodged with the
king, who on account of his mild demeanour and pleasing qualities
soon entertained a great affection for him, yet, swayed by
superstitious fanaticism, he made no attempt to save him, but on the
contrary regarded the fate to which the unfortunate lad was destined
as the greatest honour that could be conferred upon him. From the
time that he was chosen to propitiate by his death the forbearance of
the bar he was considered as a sacred person; whatever he
touched, even while casually passing along, was thenceforth his,
and therefore when he appeared abroad the inhabitants fled before
him to save the apparel which they had on or any articles which at
the time they might be carrying. Unconscious, as it was affirmed, of
the fate intended for him, he was conveyed in a large canoe to the
bar and there persuaded to jump overboard to bathe, while those
who took him out immediately turned their backs upon him and
paddled away with the utmost haste, heedless of the cries of the
wretched victim, at whom, pursuant to their stern superstition, not
even a look was allowed to be cast back.
In Abo, says Mr. Bakie, every man and every woman of any
consequence keeps as “dju-dju,” or jewjew, the lower jaw of a pig, or,
until they can procure this, a piece of wood fashioned like one. This
is preserved in their huts, and produced only when worshipped or
when sacrifices are made to it, which are at certain times, at intervals
of from ten days to three weeks. The particular days are determined
by the dju-dju, with palm wine and touching it with a kola-nut; they
speak to it and ask it to be good and propitious towards them. It is
named Agba, meaning pig, or Agba-Ezhi, pig’s jaw; but when as dju-
dju, it is also termed Ofum, or “my image.” People also select
particular trees near their huts, or if there are none in the
neighbourhood, they transplant one; these they worship, and call
Tuhukum, or “my God.” They hang on these, bits of white baff
(calico) as signs of a dju-dju tree, and as offerings to the deity. No
one ever touches these, and if they rot off they are replaced. Little
wooden images are also used, and are styled Ofo Tuhuku, “talk and
pray.” When a man is suspected of falsehood, one of these is placed
in his right hand, and he is made to swear by it, and if he does so
falsely, it is believed that some evil will speedily befall him.
Sacrifices, principally of fowls, are made to these latter as to the
former. At Abo one large tree is held as dju-dju for the whole district;
it is covered with offerings, and there is an annual festival in honour
of it, when sacrifices of fowls, sheep, goats, and bullocks are made.
When a man goes to Aro to consult Tshuku he is received by some
of the priests outside of the town, near a small stream. Here he
makes an offering; after which a fowl is killed, and if it appears
unpropitious, a quantity of a red dye, probably camwood, is spilt into
the water, which the priest tells the people is blood, and on this the
votary is hurried off by the priests and is seen no more, it being given
out that Tshuku has been displeased, and has taken him. The result
of this preliminary ceremony is determined in general by the amount
of the present given to the priests; and those who are reported to
have been carried off by Tshuku are usually sold as slaves. Formerly
they were commonly sent by canoes to Old Kalabar, and disposed of
there. One of Mr. Bakie’e informants met upwards of twenty such
unfortunates in Cuba, and another had also fallen in with several at
Sierra Leone. If, however, the omen be pronounced to be favourable,
the pilgrim is permitted to draw near to the shrine, and after various
rites have been gone through, the question, whatever it may be, is
propounded of course through the priests, and by them also the
reply is given. A yellow powder is given to the devotee, who rubs it
round his eyes. Little wooden images are also issued as tokens of a
person having actually consulted the sacred oracle, and these are
known as Ofo Tshuku, and are afterwards kept as dju-dju. A person
who has been at Aro, after returning to his home is reckoned dju-dju,
or sacred, for seven days, during which period he must stay in his
house, and people dread to approach him. The shrine of Tshuku is
said to be situated nearly in the centre of the town, and the
inhabitants of Aro are often styled Omo Tshuku, or “God’s children.”
Mondzo is a bad or evil spirit in this country. The worst of evil
spirits is named Kamallo, possibly equivalent with Satan. His name
is frequently bestowed on children, and in some parts of Igbo,
especially in Isuama, Kamallo is worshipped. No images are made,
but a hut is set apart in which are kept bones, pieces of iron, etc., as
sacred. Persons make enquiries of this spirit, if they wish to commit
any wicked action, such as murder, when they bring presents of
cowries and cloth to propitiate this evil being and render him
favourable to their designs. If the individual intended as the victim
suspects anything, or gets a hint of his adversary’s proceedings, he
also comes to worship, bringing with him, if possible, more valuable
offerings to try to avert the impending danger, and this is called Erise
nao, or “I cut on both sides.” In Isuama, if a man is sick, the doctor
often tells the friends to consult an evil spirit called Igwikalla, and he
is also worshipped by persons wishing to injure others. His supposed
abode is generally in a bush, which has been well cleared all round;
but occasionally huts are dedicated to him, and priests execute his
Among savages who have no conception of the existence of a
Supreme Being must be enumerated the “Sambos,” a race of
Indians residing on the shores of the Mosquito River. The only
person who is dreaded as a priestess, or “medicine-woman,” is the
Sukia. This woman possesses more power than the king or chiefs.
Her orders, even though of the most brutal and inhuman kind (as
often they are), are never disputed nor neglected. When Mr. Bard
visited the Sambos he saw a Sukia, whom he describes as a person
hideous and disgusting in the extreme. “Her hair was long and
matted, and her shrivelled skin appeared to adhere like that of a
mummy to her bones; for she was emaciated to the last degree. The
nails of her fingers were long and black, and caused her hands to
look like the claws of some unclean bird. Her eyes were bloodshot,
but bright and intense, and were constantly fixed upon me, like those
of some wild beast of prey.” These women, before they assume the
office, wander away into the forest and live for a considerable time,
without arms or clothing of any kind as a defence against the wild
beasts and still wilder elements of the tropics. It is during their
residence in the woods that they become initiated into the mysteries
of nature, and doubtless obtain their antidotes for serpent charming
and other wonderful performances for which they are so famous,
such as standing in the midst of flames uninjured. The author of
“Waikna” gives a very interesting and amusing account of one of
these ceremonies as witnessed by him. “The Sukia made her
appearance alone, carrying a long thick wand of bamboo, and with
no dress except the ule tourno. She was only inferior to her sister of
Sandy Bay in ugliness, and stalked into the house like a spectre,
without uttering a word. He cut off a piece of calico and handed it to
her as her recompense. She received it in perfect silence, walked
into the yard, and folded it carefully on the ground. Meanwhile a fire
had been kindled of pine splints and branches, which was now
blazing high. Without any hesitation the Sukia walked up to it and
stepped in its very centre. The flames darted their forked tongues as
high as her waist; the coals beneath and around her naked feet
blackened, and seemed to expire; while the tourno which she wore
about her loins cracked and shivered with the heat. There she stood,
immovable and apparently as insensible as a statue of iron, until the
blaze subsided, when she commenced to walk around the
smouldering embers, muttering rapidly to herself in an unintelligible
manner. Suddenly she stopped, and placing her foot on the bamboo
staff, broke it in the middle, shaking out, from the section in her
hand, a full-grown tamagesa snake, which on the instant coiled itself
up, flattened its head, and darted out its tongue, in an attitude of
defiance and attack. The Sukia extended her hand, and it fastened
on her wrist with the quickness of light, where it hung dangling and
writhing its body in knots and coils, while she resumed her mumbling
march around the embers. After awhile, and with the same
abruptness which had marked all her previous movements, she
shook off the serpent, crushed its head in the ground with her heel,
and taking up the cloth which had been given to her, stalked away,
without having exchanged a word with any one present.”
Perhaps the secret of it lies in the non-existence of the sting,
which may be extracted, as is frequently done by the Arab serpent-
charmer. Anyhow, such powers are greatly dreaded by the simple
and superstitious savage, who regard the Sukia as a supernatural
The Tinguians of the Phillipine Islands are in an almost equally
benighted condition. They have no veneration for the stars; they
neither adore the sun, nor moon, nor the constellations; they believe
in the existence of a soul, and pretend that after death it quits the
body, and remains in the family of the defunct.
As to the god that they adore, it varies and changes form
according to chance and circumstances. And here is the reason:
“When a Tinguian chief has found in the country a rock, or a trunk of
a tree, of a strange shape—I mean to say, representing tolerably well
either a dog, cow, or buffalo—he informs the inhabitants of the
village of his discovery, and the rock, or trunk of a tree, is
immediately considered as a divinity—that is to say, as something
superior to man. Then all the Indians repair to the appointed spot,
carrying with them provisions and live hogs. When they have
reached their destination they raise a straw roof above the new idol,
to cover it, and make a sacrifice by roasting hogs; then, at the sound
of instruments, they eat, drink, and dance until they have no
provisions left. When all is eaten and drank, they set fire to the
thatched roof, and the idol is forgotten, until the chief, having
discovered another one, commands a new ceremony.”
It has been already noticed in these pages, that the Malagaseys
are utterly without religion. Their future state is a matter that never
troubles them; indeed, they have no thought or hope beyond the
grave, and are content to rely on that absurd thing “sikidy” for
happiness on this side of it. Thanks, however, to Mr. Robert Drury
(whom the reader will recollect as the player of a neat trick on a
certain Malagasey Umossee), we are informed that a century or so
back there prevailed in this gloomy region a sort of religious rite
known as the “Ceremony of the Bull,” and which was performed as
The infant son of a great man called Dean Mevarrow was to be
presented to the “lords of the four quarters of the earth,” and like
many other savage rite began and ended with an enormous
consumption of intoxicating liquor. In this case the prime beverage is
called toak, and, according to Mr. Drury, “these people are great
admirers of toak, and some of the vulgar sort are as errant as sots
and as lazy as any in England; for they will sell their Guinea corn,
carravances—nay, their very spades and shovels—and live upon
what the woods afford them. Their very lamber (a sort of petticoat)
must go for toak, and they will go about with any makeshift to cover
their nakedness.”
Now for the ceremony. “The toak was made for some weeks
beforehand by boiling the honey and combs together as we in
England make mead. They filled a great number of tubs, some as
large as a butt and some smaller; a shed being built for that purpose,
which was thatched over, to place them in. On the day appointed,
messengers were despatched all round the country to invite the
relations and friends. Several days before the actual celebration of
the ceremony there were visible signs of its approach. People went
about blowing of horns and beating of drums, both night and day, to
whom some toak was given out of the lesser vessels as a small
compensation for their trouble. They who came from a long distance
took care to arrive a day or two before, and were fed and entertained
with toak to their heart’s content. On the evening preceding the feast
I went into the town and found it full of people, some wallowing on
the ground, and some staggering; scarcely one individual sober,
either man, woman, or child. And here one might sensibly discern
the sense of peace and security, the people abandoning themselves
without fear or reserve to drinking and all manner of diversions. My
wife” (Mr. Drury got so far reconciled to his state as to marry a fellow
slave) “I found had been among them indeed, but had the prudence
to withdraw in time, for she was fast asleep when I returned home.
“On the morning of the ceremony I was ordered to fetch in two
oxen and a bull that had been set aside for the feast, to tie their legs,
and to throw them along upon the ground. A great crowd had by this
time collected around the spot where the child was, decked with
beads, and a skin of white cotton thread wound about his head. The
richest of the company brought presents for the child—beads,
hatchets, iron shovels, and the like, which, although of no immediate
value to him, would doubtless be saved from rusting by his parents.
Every one was served once with toak, and then the ceremony
“For some time the umossee had been, to all appearance,
measuring his shadow on the ground, and presently finding its length
to his mind, he gave the word. Instantly one of the child’s relatives
caught him up and ran with him to the prostrate bull, and putting the
child’s right hand on the bull’s right horn, repeated a form of words of
which the following is as nigh a translation as I can render: ‘Let the
great God above, the lords of the four quarters of the world, and the
demons, prosper this child and make him a great man. May he prove
as strong as this bull and overcome all his enemies.’ If the bull roars
while the boy’s hand is on his horn they look upon it as an ill omen
portending either sickness or some other misfortune in life. All the
business of the umossee is nothing more than that above related; for
as to the religious part of the ceremony he is in nowise concerned in
it, if there be any religion intended by it, which is somewhat to be

Ceremony of Touching the Bull.

“The ceremony being over the child is delivered to its mother, who
all this time is sitting on a mat, with the women round her; and now
the merriment began: the thatch was all pulled off the toak house,
and I was ordered to kill the bull and the oxen; but these not being
sufficient my master sent for three more which had been brought by
his friends, for there was abundance of mouths to feed. Before they
began to drink he took particular care to secure all their weapons,
and no man was permitted to have so much as a gun or a lance; and
then they indulged themselves in boiling, broiling and roasting of
meat, drinking of toak, singing, hollowing, blowing of shells, and
drumming with all their might and main; and so the revel continued
through that night and the next day.”
It is very curious, and were it not so serious a matter, could
scarcely fail to excite the risible faculties of the reader, to read the
outrageous notions entertained by African savages concerning
religion generally. Take the case of King Peppel, a potentate of
“Western Africa, and the descendant of a very long line of kings of
that name (originally “Pepper” or “Pepperal,” and so named on
account of the country’s chief trade being, in ancient times, nearly
limited to pepper). Thanks to the missionaries, King Peppel had
been converted from his heathen ways and brought to profess
Christianity. As to the quality of the monarch’s religious convictions,
the following conversation between him and a well-known Christian
traveller may throw a light:
“What have you been doing, King Peppel?”
“All the same as you do—I tank God.”
“For what?”
“Every good ting God sends me.”
“Have you seen God?”
“Chi! No; suppose man see God he must die one minute” (He
would die in a moment).
“When you die won’t you see God?”
With great warmth, “I know no savvy (I don’t know). How should I
know? Never mind, I no want to hear more for that palaver” (I want
no more talk on that subject).
“What way?” (Why?)
“It no be your business; you come here for trade palaver.”
I knew, says the missionary in question, it would be of no use
pursuing the subject at that time, so I was silent, and it dropped for
the moment.
In speaking of him dying I had touched a very tender and
disagreeable chord, for he looked very savage and sulky, and I saw
by the rapid changes in his countenance that he was the subject of
some internal emotion. At length he broke out using most violent
gesticulations, and exhibiting a most inhuman expression of
countenance, “Suppose God was here I must kill him, one minute.”
“You what? You kill God?” exclaimed I, quite taken aback and
almost breathless with the novel and diabolical notion, “You kill God?
why you talk all some fool (like a fool); you cannot kill God; and
suppose it possible that He could die, everything would cease to
exist. He is the Spirit of the Universe. But he can kill you.”
“I know I cannot kill him; but suppose I could kill him I would.”
“Where does God live?”
“For top.”
“How?” He pointed to the zenith.
“And suppose you could, why would you kill him?”
“Because he makes men to die.”
“Why, my friend,” in a conciliatory manner, “you would not wish to
live for ever, would you?”
“Yes; I want to stand” (remain for ever).
“But you will be old by-and-by, and if you live long enough will
become very infirm, like that old man,” pointing to a man very old for
an African, and thin, and lame, and almost blind, who had come into
the court during the foregoing conversation to ask some favour, “and
like him you will become lame, and deaf, and blind, and will be able
to take no pleasure; would it not be better, then, for you to die when
this takes place, and you are in pain and trouble, and so make room
for your son as your father did for you?”
“No, it would not. I want to stand all same I stand now.”
“But supposing you should go to a place of happiness after death,
“I no savvy nothing about that. I know that I now live and have too
many wives and niggers (slaves) and canoes” (he did not mean it
when he said he had too many wives, etc.; it is their way of
expressing a great number), “and that I am king, and plenty of ships
come to my country. I know no other ting, and I want to stand.”
I offered a reply, but he would hear no more, and so the
conversation on that subject ceased, and we proceeded to discuss
one not much more agreeable to him, the payment of a very
considerable debt which he owed me.
Getting round to the south of Africa we find but little improvement
in the matter of the religious belief of royalty, at least according to
what may be gleaned from another “conversation,” this time between
the missionary Moffat and an African monarch:
“Sitting down beside this great man, illustrious for war and
conquest, and amidst nobles and councillors, including rain-makers
and others of the same order, I stated to him that my object was to
tell him my news. His countenance lighted up, hoping to hear of feats
of war, destruction of tribes, and such-like subjects, so congenial to
his savage disposition. When he found my topics had solely a
reference to the Great Being, of whom the day before he had told me
he knew nothing, and of the Saviour’s mission to this world, whose
name he had never heard, he resumed his knife and jackal’s skin
and hummed a native air. One of his men sitting near me appeared
struck with the character of the Redeemer, which I was
endeavouring to describe, and particularly with his miracles. On
hearing that he raised the dead he very naturally exclaimed, ‘What
an excellent doctor he must have been to make dead men alive.’
This led me to describe his power and how the power would be
exercised at the last day in raising the dead. In the course of my
remarks the ear of the monarch caught the startling news of a
resurrection. ‘What,’ he exclaimed with astonishment, ‘what are
these words about; the dead, the dead arise?’ ‘Yes,’ was my reply,
‘all the dead shall arise.’ ‘Will my father arise?’ ‘Yes,’ I answered,
‘your father will arise.’ ‘Will all the slain in battle arise?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘And
will all that have been killed and devoured by lions, tigers, hyænas,
and crocodiles, again revive?’ ‘Yes, and come to judgment.’ ‘And will
those whose bodies have been left to waste and to wither on the
desert plains, and scattered to the winds, arise?’ he asked with a
kind of triumph, as if he had now fixed me. ‘Yes,’ I replied, ‘not one
will be left behind.’ This I repeated with increased emphasis. After
looking at me for a few moments he turned to his people, to whom
he spoke with a stentorian voice: ‘Hark, ye wise men, whoever is
among you the wisest of past generations, did ever your ears hear
such strange and unheard-of news?’ and addressing himself to one
whose countenance and attire showed that he had seen many years
and was a personage of no common order, ‘Have you ever heard
such strange news as these?’ ‘No,’ was the sage’s answer; ‘I had
supposed that I possessed all the knowledge of the country, for I
have heard the tales of many generations. I am in the place of the
ancients, but my knowledge is confounded with the words of his
mouth. Surely he must have lived long before the period when we
were born.’ Makaba then turning and addressing himself to me, and
laying his hand on my breast, said: ‘Father, I love you much. Your
visit and your presence have made my heart white as milk. The
words of your mouth are sweet as honey, but the words of a
resurrection are too great to be heard. I do not wish to hear again
about the dead rising; the dead cannot arise; the dead must not
arise.’ ‘Why,’ I enquired, ‘can so great a man refuse knowledge and
turn away from wisdom? Tell me, my friend, why I must not speak of
a resurrection.’ Raising and uncovering his arm, which had been
strong in battle, and shaking his hand as if quivering a spear, he
replied, ‘I have slain my thousands, and shall they arise?’ Never
before had the light of divine revelation dawned upon his savage
mind, and of course his conscience had never accused him; no, not
for one of the thousands of deeds of rapine and murder which had
marked his course through a long career.
“Addressing a Namaqua chief, I asked, ‘Did you ever hear of a
God?’ ‘Yes, we have heard that there is a God, but we do not know
right.’ ‘Who told you that there is a God?’ ‘We heard it from other
people.’ ‘Who made the sea?’ ‘A girl made it on her coming to
maturity, when she had several children at once. When she made it
the sweet and bitter waters were separated. One day she sent some
of her children to fetch sweet water whilst the others were in the
field, but the children were obstinate and would not fetch the water,
upon which she got angry and mixed the sweet and bitter waters
together; from that day we are no longer able to drink the water, and
people have learned to swim and run upon the water.’ ‘Did you ever
see a ship?’ ‘Yes, we have seen them a long time ago.’ ‘Did you ever
hear who made the first one?’ ‘No, we never heard it.’ ‘Did you never
hear old people talk about it?’ ‘No, we never heard it from them.’
‘Who made the heavens?’ ‘We do not know what man made them.’
‘Who made the sun?’ ‘We always heard that those people at the sea
made it; when she goes down they cut her in pieces and fry her in a
pot and then put her together again and bring her out at the other
side. Sometimes the sun is over our head and at other times she
must give place to the moon to pass by.’ They said the moon had
told to mankind that we must die and not become alive again; that is
the reason that when the moon is dark we sometimes become ill. ‘Is
there any difference between man and beast?’ ‘We think man made
the beasts.’ ‘Did you ever see a man that made beasts?’ ‘No; I only
heard so from others.’ ‘Do you know you have a soul?’ ‘I do not know
it.’ ‘How shall it be with us after death?’ ‘When we are dead, we are
dead; when we have died we go over the sea-water at that side
where the devil is.’ ‘What do you mean by devil?’ ‘He is not good; all
people who die run to him.’ ‘How does the devil behave to them, well
or ill?’ ‘You shall see; all our people are there who have died (in the
ships). Those people in the ships are masters over them.’”
With such rulers it is not surprising to find the common people
woefully ignorant and superstitious. The crocodile figures
prominently in their religious belief. In the Bamangwato and Bakwain
tribes, if a man is either bitten, or even has had water splashed over
him with a reptile’s tail, he is expelled his tribe. “When on the Zouga,”
says Dr. Livingstone, “we saw one of the Bamangwato living among
the Bayeye, who had the misfortune to have been bitten, and driven
out of his tribe in consequence. Fearing that I would regard him with
the same disgust which his countrymen profess to feel, he would not
tell me the cause of his exile; but the Bayeye informed me of it; and
the scars of the teeth were visible on his thigh. If the Bakwains
happened to go near an alligator, they would spit on the ground and
indicate his presence by saying “Boles ki bo,” There is sin. They
imagine the mere sight of it would give inflammation of the eyes; and
though they eat the zebra without hesitation, yet if one bites a man
he is expelled the tribe, and is obliged to take his wife and family
away to the Kalahari. These curious relics of the animal worship of
former times scarcely exist among the Makololo. Sebituane acted on
the principle, “Whatever is food for men is food for me,” so no man is
here considered unclean. The Barotse appear inclined to pray to
alligators, and eat them too, for when I wounded a water antelope,
called onochose, it took to the water. When near the other side of the
river, an alligator appeared at its tail, and then both sank together.
Mashauana, who was nearer to it than I, told me that though he had
called to it to let his meat alone, it refused to listen.”

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