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4 Design and Construction of The Millennium Dome, UK

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Design and Construction of the Millennium Dome, UK

Ian Liddell, Civil Eng.

Paul Westbury, Civil Eng.
Buro Happold, Bath, UK

Foundations and Anchorages

Ground investigation works were car-

ried out, including extensive bore-
holes, trial pitting, and the use of seis-
mic and geophysical techniques, to
evaluate existing structures. The aim of
the detailed investigation was to deter-
mine whether ground improvement
would be acceptable, or whether piling
into the terrace gravels below the silt,
or into the London clay below that,
was necessary. Since the exhibition was
intended to be temporary, it was at-
tempted to avoid covering the site with
piles that could hamper future rede-
A critical finding of the investigation
was the extent and depth of spent lime.
Fig. 1: The Millennium Dome under construction Because of the loose nature of the top
4 m of fill and the 6 m of soft alluvium,
the anticipated settlements were of the
order of 300 mm. Because of this and
the requirements of the Environmen-
Introduction ber of old underground structures that
tal Agency, which prohibited the use of
had to be broken out or reused.
vibro-replacement stone columns, dri-
The Millennium Experience is to be ven cast-in-situ piles were adopted for
held in the year 2000 on the Green- Highways Issues the general piling, with augered piles
wich Peninsula, London. After investi- adjacent to the Blackwall tunnel in dr-
A further constraint was the south-
gating ways of housing the exhibitions der to transfer the loads to a depth be-
bound carriageway of the Blackwall
in conventional halls, a large umbrella low the tunnel.
Tunnel, which pa>sesunder the site,
over the site was proposed. The struc- To resist the uplift forces from the ten-
with a vent structure that would be
ture, which is now complete, covers sioned cable structure, screw-in an-
within the dome. The potential impact
an enclosed area of 80000 m2 with a chors and grouted cable anchors were
of the Dome foundations on the Tun-
polytetrafluoroethane (PTFE)-coated used. Mass concrete blocks were used
nel therefore had to be assessed. In ad-
glass-fibre fabric roof (Fig. I). The pro- as anchors in anticipation of the Third
dition, the future construction of the
ject has been the subject of continuous Blackwall Tunnel.
Third Blackwall Crossing, comprising
controversy, but has already become
another tunnel between the two exist-
an icon for the new millennium. This
ing Tunnels, had to be taken into ac-
paper presents the design and con-
count. Roof Structure
struction of the Dome, which are de-
scribed in more detail in [l].
Environmental Issues Engineering Concept
The Environment Agency required Tension structures rely on the shape of
Site Constraints that contaminant migration to the mi- the stressed surface for their perfor-
nor aquifer in the terrace gravel was mance under load. Forces are resisted
Site History eliminated, and all foundation solu- by the tension and the curvature; the
tions considered had to be evaluated greater the curvature, the less the ten-
The site was used as a town gasworks on environmental grounds. In addi- sion required to resist a given load.
from the late 1880s until the early tion, all works within 16 m of the river Over the past 25 years, the accepted
1970s. As a result, there was extensive wall required approval from the Envi- form for fabric structures had became
contamination due to deposition of ronment Agency. In the north-east sec- the anticlastic doubly curved surface;
waste and to leakage from under- tion of the site, one of the Dome an- however, the structural concept of the
ground tanks and pipes, which were re- chorages comes within this range, and Millennium Dome departs radically
moved during statutory remediation the construction works therefore had from this form. The new concept is in-
works in 1996. There were also a num- to be formally approved. novative, yet apparently very simple.

172 Structures for the Next Millennium Structural Engineering International 3/99
A total of 72 tensioned steel cables are cause as the span of the fabric panels
arranged radially on the surface of the increases, their deflection under load
dome, forming a structure with a diam- also increases. Circumferential cables
eter of 400 m. The cables are support- through the nodes were used to main-
ed at the nodes from external masts by tain their spacing. If these cables were
means of hangers and tie-down cables in the surface of the fabric they could
at 25-m intervals. Two rings of masts cause a dam at each circumferential
were proposed: a central ring of twelve line, possibly initiating ponding; there-
and an outer ring of 24 masts. The radi- fore, an arrangement was required that
al cable lines reduced from 72 at the would take these cables away from the
perimeter to 48 at the centre. The radi- surface. This was achieved by raising
al cable forces were to be taken at the the circumferential cables above the
perimeter by raking ground anchors in Fig. 2: Isometric of the cable net surface of the dome by means of with
a typical marquee arrangement. rigid members (“wishbones”) and con-
necting them to the nodes via bracing
The surface of the dome is defined as a cables. Lower circumferential cables
spherical cap. Between the cables, flat Design Development were also required to control the tie-
tensioned coated fabric is used as
down cables; these were also distanced
cladding. Loads are carried by the ten- In the final design, the diameter of the from the surface, but without the use
sioned cables and the cladding through Dome to the walls was reduced from of bracing cables.
deflection, accompanied by some in- 400 to 320 m, and the internal height at
crease in tension. While this concept is the centre was fixed as 48 m. The main To control the deflection of the radial
simple, there are risks associated with inner masts were moved out and made cables, each of which spans 25 m, a
the resulting deflections, particularly higher (100 m), and the outer ring of pretension of 400 kN, about 70% of
from ponding of snow or heavy rain. masts was eliminated (Fig. 2). To keep the ultimate strength, was used. The
To ensure that the structure functions the tie-down cables clear of the
prestreas in the fabric was planned to
satisfactorily, it is necessary to under- planned internal structures, the masts
be 4 kN/m.
stand the behaviour of the materials were supported on pyramidal bases
and the structure as a whole, and to en- 10 m high. The-radial cables run from
sure that the geometry is correct. the perimeter to a 30-m-diameter cen- Structural Detailing
tral ring consisting of 12 cables, each
The straight-cable concept was pro-
48 mm in diameter (F&s. 3 and 4). At
posed in response to the designers’ With cable structures, it is essential
the perimeter, the radial cables are
idea to provide a large umbrella over that the detailing respects the system
linked via catenary cables to 24 an-,
the entire site. It was carried out at a lines and system points of the cables
chorage points at ground level. To re-
stage when cost and time were critical. and their intersections, as well as the
sist the cable forces, vertical anchors
The structural concept had already likely rotations of the cables at the
are arranged with a ring beam in order
been used on two structures in the UK: connections. If the radial cables were
to take the horizontal component of,
one encompassing tennis courts; the 1 ‘y continuous through the node points,
the forces.
other forming an audience tent of the flexing at those noints would cause
18000 mZ. The latter had proved very The straight-cable structure is very ef- the cables to fail due to fatigue. To
economical and successful in terms of ficient as far as strength is concerned, avoid this flexing, the cables have to be
construction time and ease of installa- but it relies on deflections as part of its terminated at each node and the con-
tion. Therefore, it was considered that load-carrying behaviour. Consequent- nection details have to allow for rota-
the Millennium Dome structure, which ly, it is necessary to ensure that pond- tion in the vertical and horizontal
was fivefold larger, could be devel- ing under snow or rain does not occur. planes. Barrel pins were used in clevis
oped and constructed in the limited In this respect, the roof shape, with ta- and plate type fittings to provide for
time scale available. pering segments, is advanmgeous be- these rotations.

Fig. 3: Detail of the central cable truss Fig. 4: Masts and cable net during construction

Structural Engineering International 3199 Structures for the Next Millennium 173
Ground snow loading was derived that of daylight. The objective was to
__j__ Almnininm fabric clips from statistical analysis of snowfall have a total light transmission above
data from the nearest stations. The 10%. A double skin construction was
Primary radial cables roof accumulation factors were taken required to minimise the risk of con-
from the snow loading code and other densation, which would otherwise re-
Fittings to support
references concerning snow drifting on duce the light transmission.
raincap over mast large roofs [3].
The roof was originally designed with
Tensioning jack The results of the analyses gave peak polyvinylchloride (PVC)-coated poly-
loads on the components that were de- ester. At this time, the Dome was ex-
Perimeter mast top tailed according to normal design pected to be temporary and the aim
rules. The masts were designed to re- was to minimise costs. However, in
sist wind and ice loads, as well as buck- June 1997 it was decided that all op-
ling. tions should be kept open regarding
Tieback cables the long-term use of the Dome, and a
Resistance of the whole structure to
subsequent review concluded that
accidental damage is provided by re-
PTFE-coated glass fibre would be a
Plan dundancy, i.e. the structure can toler- more appropriate material. The life
ate the loss of an individual compo-
expectancy of the roof would be much
nent without collapse. This principle
Section longer, and PIPE-coated glass fibres
also applies to the support pyramids,
do not suffer from the dirt-retention
which are designed to withstand the
and discolouration problems experi-
Primary radial cable removal of a leg.
enced by PVC-coated polyester.
The overall diameter of the masts was
limited by transportation require-
ments, and a great deal of computer Steelwork Construction
calculation went into verifying their
load capacity. The limiting load was The steel contractor prepared shop
calculated using the LUSAS program drawings based on the engineer’s de-
in a non-linear mode. Since the masts sign drawings. These drawings, show-
are leaning, deflections under self- ing the dimensions of all the plates, as
% weight-and icing have to be taken into well as the welding and connection de-
A account, as well as initial out-of- tails, were reviewed and approved by
Elevation straightness. Wind loading is also sig- the engineer prior to the start of fabri-
nificant, but this does not occur simul- cation.
Fig. 5: Radial cable connections at the masts . taneously with the peak vertical loads
The cables were wound from wires
from snow and ice.
that had been drawn and galvanised.
Class A galvanising, the lightest class
Each mast was constructed from eight Selection of Cladding available, was specified for cables be-
323-mm-diameter steel tubes braced and the Internal Environment neath the roof, while Galfan, a mixture
with rings at 2.5-m centres. The cables
of aluminium and zinc that is much
were connected to radial plates at the The roof is to provide”a controlled en-
more durable than zinc alone, was
top and bottom, which are arranged to vironment for the exhibition and for
specified for the external cables. Cable
ensure that the cables meet at a single any future use. It was desirable to have
lengths were determined after pre-
point (Fig. 5). The base of the mast a bright translucent roof (Fig. 6) with a
stretching under a specified prestress
is supported on the pyramid with a light spectrum as close as possible to
load, in order to allow for stretching
rubber pot bearing to allow a small during construction.
amount of rotation.

Design Verification
The lifting of the masts (Fig. 7) was
During the design development stages,
planned with great care. This involved
the structure was analysed using soft- selecting a suitable crane and devising
ware developed specifically for tension lifting positions that would not over-
structures. This software is able to han- stress the masts. Each mast was lifted
dle large deflections of the structure
and guyed with two permanent back-
under load. It can also calculate the
stays and two temporary forestays.
form of the structure under specified
While the crane was being released,
tensions representing the prestressed
only one forestay could be used, and a
short-term guy was therefore added
The wind loads were initially derived from the centre of the mast to the adja-
from published data [2]. Subsequently, cent base. While the mast was held by
they were confirmed by wind tunnel the temporary forestays, the central
testing, although the results from the ring was lifted by the permanent
tunnel tests were generally lower than Fig. 6: Interior of the dome during construc- forestays. During derigging of the
those calculated. tion crane and changing of the guy posi-

174 Structures for the Next Millennium Stmctumi Engineering International 3/W
dard method of representation using with clamp bars at the edges. The net
triangular elements. The basic geome- patterns were developed directly from
try patterns were converted by the the typical fabric patterns with the
contractor into cutting patterns, who boundary line defined to align with the
allowed for stretch compensations, top of the vent. The net was erected in
which were defined after biaxial tests the same way as the fabric, using the
on the production cloth and considera- same extruded hooks modified with a
tion of the edge details. steel plate to which the cable termina-
tions were attached.
The fabric attachment detail was a
double-luff groove extrusion fitted
onto the radial cable pairs to accept a
roped edge on the fabric. The contrac- Conclusions
tor proposed a 12-mm edge cable in
The Millennium Experience, a tempo-
the fabric, which would hook into spe-
rary exhibition to celebrate the new
cial clamps fixed to the cables. The
millennium, has been surrounded in
clamps were developed into two-part
controversy. However, the dome struc-
extrusions cut into 50-mm lengths and
ture that has been erected to enclose
retained by two 12-mm bolts. Fabric-
sealing flaps were closed over the tops the exhibition is now a dominant land-
Fig. 7: Thr I OO-m-high n~(lsts of the site joints and sealed using an mark on the Greenwich Peninsula (see
cover of this issue). The dome struc-
iron at 380°C and an FEP (flourinated ture was completed, on schedule and
ethylene propylene) interlayer (Fig. 8). within budget, in December 1998, and
tions, the tensions in the guys had to be work is now progressing on the assem-
carefully controlled to maintain the bly of the internal features.
stability of the mast.
After lifting the ring, the guy system
was moved so that the rest of the cable References
net could be assembled and lifted into
place. This was carried out using hy- [l] LIDDELL, W. I.; MILLER, I? W. The
draulic cable jacks, with the hoisting design and construction of the Millennium
cables running over sheaves on top of Dome. The Structural Engineer, Vol. 77, No.
the masts. 7,1999, pp. 18-25.
[2] COOK, N. J. The designer’s guide to wind
loading of building structures. Butterworths,
Final Tensioning
London, 1985.
When the net was completely assem- [3] LIDDELL, I. Minnesota Metrodome. A
bled and all the cable lengths checked, ’ study of the behaviour of air supported roofs
each of the 72 pairs of radial cables under environmental loads. Structural Engi-
had to be tensioned (Fig. 5). This was neering Review, Vol. 6, No. 3-4,1994, pp.
achieved in several steps using a 55-t ,.i
capacity pull jack in the jacking points
at the front of the perimeter masts. Be-
cause of the flexibility of the central SE1 Data Block
ring and the boundary cables, tension-
ing of the radial cables had to be per- The New Millennium
formed to specified dimensions rather Experience Co. Ltd
than to specified loads, with final ad-
justments made at the end of the pro- Architect:
cedure. Fig. 8: Installatiorl of the fabric Imagination Ltd,
Richard Rogers Partnership
Str~rcturrrl design.
Fabric work Buro Happold
Tunnel Vent Area Contractors:
Because of the arrangement of the McAlpinciLaing Joint Venture,
panels within the cable net, and the A 50-m-diameter hole was required in Watson Steel, Birdair
fact that the cloths were to be fitted the roof around the Blackwall tunnel
into dead lengths, the patterns had to vents in order to maintain the air sup- Wind tmnrl tevting:
be extremely accurate. Since the warp ply to the ventilation structure. After BMT
direction of the panels of the outer considering a number of ways of incor-
fabric ran radially along the roof with porating a hole in the fabric, a net of 8- stcc1 (1): 2000
25-m-long cloths, it was necessary to mm cables at l-m centres was adopted, Fabric (111’):
, 100 000
model the fabric as an equal mesh net which would replicate the stress-carry- Total cost (USD millions): 60
in order to represent the warp and fill ing capacity of the fabric yet would al-
lines of the cloth. This method is much low the air vent to pass through. The Service date: January 2000
more time consuming than the stan- cable net was attached to the fabric

Structural Engineering International 3199 Structures for the Next Millennium 17.5

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