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Sineva Kukoč - Pektoralni Nakit Kod Liburna: Odrazi Mita o Sunčevu Putovanju U Liburnskoj Kulturi

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I. Senjanina 12 A
HR-23000 Zadar

UDK: 903.25:739.5(398Liburnija)
DOI: 10.15921/archeo.1501
Izvorni znanstveni članak / Original scientific paper
Primljeno / Received: 2016-02-03

Ključne riječi: U radu se ikonografsko-semantički analiziraju dva velika brončana pektorala kod Li-
Liburni, Piceni, pekto- burna, iz Nina i Zatona – grob 6, simbolički utemeljena na mitu o Sunčevu putova-
rali, „ptičja lađa“, mit, nju i to kompozicijom dviju „ptičjih lađa“, dnevne i noćne/podzemne, i ikonografijom
Sunčevo putovanje, križ urezanih prizora, ponajprije „pričom“ na Sunčevu disku (Nin), u stilu „apstraktne
u krugu/disku, četiri naracije“. Mitska priča teče kroz tri vodoravne sfere svijeta: nebo – zemlja – podzemlje
točke, solarno, kozmičko, (?). Bit mita je ocrtan u gornjoj sferi složenim simbolom „križa u krugu/disku s četiri
slika svijeta (Weltbild), točke“ (Nin). Simbol govori da je svijet križno Suncem uređena cjelina u znaku broja
nazor o svijetu četiri, podijeljena na četiri vremensko-prostorna dijela: s četvornim ritmom vremena i
s rasprostiranjem u četiri pravca/odsječka. Kako je „križ u krugu s četiri točke“ središnji
kôd religijske solarnosti tijekom (kasnog) brončanog i ranog željeznog doba, on se kom-
parativno analizira u zajednicama od europskog Sjevera do Juga. Pektorali iz Nina i
Zatona u ovom radu određeni su kao picenski kulturni element, no snažno integriran
u liburnsku kulturu s obzirom na to da su se i Liburni i Piceni dugotrajno koristili
solarnim znakovima i simbolima u oblikovanju „ženskog“ i „muškog“ (posmrtnog)

Key words: This work offers an iconographical-semantical analysis of two large bronze pectorals in
Liburnians, Picenians, the Liburnian culture, from Nin and Zaton (grave 6), symbolically based on the myth
pectorals, “bird boat”, of the Sun’s journey through a composition of two “bird boats”, daily and nightly/un-
myth, Sun’s journey, cross derground, and iconography of incised scenes, and particularly through a “story” on the
in a circle/disk, four dots, disk of the Sun (Nin), in style of “abstract narration”. Mythical story develops through
solar, cosmic, image of three vertically hierarchized horizontal spheres of the World: heaven-earth-underworld
the world (Weltbild), (?). The essence of the myth is depicted in the upper sphere with a complex symbol of
worldview “cross in a circle/disk with four dots” (Nin). The symbol denotes that the world is a
whole arranged in a cross-shaped manner by the Sun in sign of the number four, di-
vided into four chronological and spatial segments: with fourfold rhythm of time and
S. Kukoč: Pektoralni nakit kod Liburna: odrazi mita o Sunčevu putovanju u liburnskoj kulturi 10 (2016), 7-101

distribution in four directions/sections. Since “cross in a circle with four dots” is the
central code of the solar cult in terms of religion during the (Late) Bronze and Early
Iron Age, it is analyzed comparatively, in the communities from the European North
to the South. In this work pectorals from Nin and Zaton were defined as the Picenian
cultural elements but strongly integrated in the Liburnian culture since the Liburnians
and Picenians used solar signs and symbols for a long time in shaping “female” and
“male” (funerary) attire.

10 (2016), 7-101 S. Kukoč: Pectoral Jewelry and the Liburnians: Reflections of the Myth about Sun’s Journey...

Sustavi simbola jadranskih i drugih, poseb- Systems of symbols of the Adriatic and oth-
no agrafskih kultura iz 1. tis. pr. Kr. su izgu- er, particularly agraphic cultures from the first
bljeni. Moguće je analizirati samo fragmen- millennium BC have been lost. We can only
te tih sustava. U Liburna, osobito od 9. do analyze fragments of these systems. Iconical so-
7./6. st. pr. Kr., najizrazitiji su ikonični solar- lar symbols are most distinct in the Liburnian
ni simboli.1 Oni su početkom željeznog doba community particularly from the 9th to 7th/6th
reprezentativni i za fragmente simboličnih centuries.1 At the beginning of the Iron Age they
sustava jadranskih zajednica, od histarske were representative of the fragments of symbol-
do apulskih, i drugih po apeninskim prosto- ical systems of the Adriatic communities, from
rima i na europskom kontinentu. Stoga su Histrian to Apulian, and others in the Apennine
solarni simboli bitni u stvaranju tadašnje sli- regions, and on the European continent. There-
ke svijeta (Weltbild), tj. u razumijevanju sve- fore solar symbols were important in creating the
ga postojećeg, u sintetiziranju sveukupnog image of the world (Weltbild) at the time, i.e. in
objektivnog znanja; no, oni su morali biti understanding everything there was, in synthe-
upleteni i u samom pred-filozofskom i pred- sizing entire objective knowledge; but they also
kozmologijskom2 poimanju svijeta/života.3 had to be a part of (pre-philosophic, pre-cosmo-
Osebujna je bila njihova „upotreba“ u kon- logic)2 view of world/life.3 Their “use” in a cer-
kretnoj sredini:4 ipak, gotovo svi temeljni so- tain environment was specific:4 however almost
larni simboli tijekom prvih stoljeća željeznog all basic symbols during the first centuries of the
doba bili su svojevrsni nastavak duhovnosti Iron Age were a kind of continuation of spirit-
(kasnog)brončanog doba, njegovih znakova uality of the (Late) Bronze Age, its signs and
i simbola. symbols. Conception of the world, as separate
Predodžbe svijeta, kao pojedinačne i poseb- and special syntheses which lead and point to
ne sinteze koje upućuju na kozmos – pojam cosmos – as a notion of arranged whole, in spe-
uređene cjeline, u konkretnom pra/povije- cific pre/historic period and space, with evident
snom vremenu i prostoru, s očitom ulogom role of the solar cult, definitely changed during
solarnosti, sigurno su se mijenjale tijekom 3. the period from the 3rd to 1st millennia BC, as

Sva vremenska određenja u ovom radu temelje se na tradi- 1
All chronological frameworks in this paper are based on
cionalnoj apsolutnoj kronološkoj shemi željeznog doba. traditional absolute chronological scheme of the Iron Age.
Pojam svijeta u svojoj univerzalnosti, ontologijski je po- 2
Notion of the world in its universality, is an ontological no-
jam, predmet je filozofijskog promišljanja i kao takav on tion and subject of philosophical considerations; as such it
se opire definiciji. Promišljanju o njemu nužno prethodi defies definition. Its consideration is necessarily preceded
kozmologijska diferencijacija, koju pak obuhvaća filozofij- by cosmological differentiation which is encompassed by
ska kozmologija (E. FINK, 1998, 169, 187). philosophical cosmology (E. FINK, 1998, 169, 187).
Jer „iako nijedno pojedinačno nije bitkovno nužno“ (E. 3
Because “although none/nothing individual is essentially
FINK, 1998, 168), oduvijek su postajala promišljanja Svije- necessary” (E. FINK, 1998, 168), there has always been
ta/Cjeline. Jer „Svijet nikad ne bi mogao ne biti“ (E. FINK, pondering on the world/Whole. Because “World never
1989, 169). „Svijet je nužnost prostora unutar kojega po- could not be” (E. FINK, 1989, 169). “World is necessity of
jedinačno biće faktično dolazi u postojanje, nastaje i ne- space in which an individual being factually begins to exist,
staje – unutar kojega zbiljnost i mogućnost jedino imaju it is created and it ceases to exist – in which reality and
smisla... Svijet svakom biću daje tek prostor i svakome biću possibility only have sense... The world only gives space to
tek pušta vrijeme. Davanje prostora i puštanje vremena je every being and only lets time for every being. Giving space
bit svijeta...“. Svijet je „iskonski prostor i iskonsko vrijeme... and letting time is essence of the world....”. The world is “pri-
Tim dvostrukim davanjem podaruje svijet biću njegov bi- meval space and primeval time...With this double giving
tak. Bitak je dar svijeta“. E. FINK, 1989, 169. the world gives its being to the individual being. Being is
Uža pak odredba pojma svijeta podrazumijeva da je po- the gift of the world.” E. FINK, 1989, 169.
jedinačna kultura, kao neponovljiv entitet, oblikovala vla- 4
Stricter definition of the notion of the world implies that a
stitu i osebujno njegovu predodžbu i poimanje (Weltan- certain culture, as a unique entity, formed its own peculiar
schauung) i da stoga postoje pojedinačna, po mnogo čemu word view (Weltanschauung) which is why there are indivi-
posebna poimanja svijeta, često ipak srodna u svojim razli- dual, in many ways special images of the world, often similar
čitostima u konkretnom pra-povijesnom trenutku. despite all their differences in specific (pre)historic moment.

S. Kukoč: Pektoralni nakit kod Liburna: odrazi mita o Sunčevu putovanju u liburnskoj kulturi 10 (2016), 7-101

– 1. tis. pr. Kr., kao i ustroj same solarnosti. well as the structure of the solar cult. Intensi-
Nepoznat je intenzitet i sadržaj tih promje- ty and content of these changes are unknown,
na, osobito shvaćanja solarnosti u vrijeme particularly understanding of the solar cult dur-
„prijelaza“ brončanog u željezno doba, pri- ing the “transition” from the Bronze to the Iron
je prvog procvata kultura u 1. tis. pr. Kr. i Age prior to the first flourishing of the cultures
njihovih kvalitativnih promjena. Nadalje je from the 1st millennium BC and their qualita-
prisutan problem nastanka ikonografski izra- tive changes. There is still problem of creation of
žajne kontinentalne, podunavsko-karpatske iconographically pronounced continental, Dan-
„ptičje simbolike“ kasnoga brončanog doba, ubian-Carpathian “bird symbolics“ of the Late
stanovito dorađen egejskim, mikenskim li- Bronze Age, enriched with the Aegean, Mycene-
kovno-simboličnim obrascima.5 Nepoznat an visual and symbolical patterns.5 Deeper rela-
je, dakle, dublji odnos između solarne sim- tions between the solar symbolics of the earlier
bolike starijih razdoblja i one kasnije „ptič- and later periods are unknown – “bird symbol-
je“, tj. ikonografsko-simbolične sintakse tipa ics” i.e. iconographic-symbolical syntax of the
urnenfelder po europskim prostorima. Koli- Urnfield type in the European regions. What is
ko se razlikuje „ptičja“ („progresivna“) solar- the difference between the “bird” (“progressive”)
nost, koja je ikonografski ipak najdefinirani- solar cult (which is in iconographic terms best
ji sklop cijeloga brončanog doba, od starije defined assemblage in the entire Bronze Age)
solarne simbolike i cjeline religije, katkad and the earlier solar symbolics including also
nazvane „astralnom“ („konzervativnom“), u the entirety of religion, sometimes called “astral”
kojoj se obožavanje Sunca likovno izražavalo (“conservative”) in which adoration of the sun
uglavnom jednostavnim sunčevim, zvjezda- was visually expressed mostly with simple motifs
nim i zrakastim motivima?6 Odstupa disk of sun, stars and radial motifs?6 Disk from Ne-
iz Nebre iz starijega nordijskog brončanog bra from the earlier Nordic Bronze Age7 exhibits
doba,7 koji (ponovno) i potiče ovo pitanje. certain deviations re-evoking this question.
Suditi o sveukupnim europskim solarnim Analysis of complete European solar pictori-
slikovno-religijskim sintaksama i njihovim al-religious syntaxes and their functions in a cer-
funkcijama u određenoj zajednici nedostatno tain community would be incomplete without
je bez vučedolske eneolitičke kulture i njezi- the Eneolithic Vučedol culture and its excep-
na iznimnog repertoara elementarne solarno- tional repertory of elementary solar cult: signs,
sti: znakova, simbola i simboličnih sklopova. symbols and symbolic assemblages. They were
Oni su čak bili popraćeni snažnim umjet- even accompanied with a strong artistic effect
ničkim efektom, „baroknim“ kontrastom of “barroque” contrast between light and dark
svjetlo-sjena, proizišlim iz tehnike crtanja na resulting from the technique of drawing on
keramičkoj površini. Možda je chiaro-scuro the ceramic surface. Perhaps chiaroscuro on the
vučedolske keramike intuitivna posljedica Vučedol pottery was an intuitive consequence of
zaokupljenosti Vučedola upravo Sunčevom preoccupation of Vučedol with the nature of the
naravi, koja je u iskonu ambivalentna: svije- Sun which is originally ambivalent: light-dark,
tla-tamna, dnevna-noćna? U svakom slučaju, daily-nightly?
keramika vučedolskog svijeta pokazuje koli- Anyhow pottery of the Vučedol world indi-
ko je tadašnja likovna izražajnost mogla biti cates the extent to which visual expressivity of
poticana i inspirirana slikom Neba i poima- the time could have been inspired by image of

Ch. PARE, 1989, 85. 5
Ch. PARE, 1989, 85.
A. JOCKENHÖVEL, 2003, 113, 114. 6
A. JOCKENHÖVEL, 2003, 113, 114.
H. MELLER, 2006, 94; H. MELLER, 2006a, 21-31. 7
H. MELLER, 2006, 94; H. MELLER, 2006a, 21-31.

10 (2016), 7-101 S. Kukoč: Pectoral Jewelry and the Liburnians: Reflections of the Myth about Sun’s Journey...

njem ne samo fizičkog Kozmosa. U vučedol- the Sky and comprehension of not only physical
skim ikonografskim solarnim sintaksama (Sl. Cosmos. In the Vučedol iconographic solar syn-
18c-f ) sabrani su, naime, mnogi od ključnih taxes (Fig. 18c-f ) there are many crucial solar
solarnih (religijskih) ideja, znakova, simbo- (religious) signs, symbols (circle with a dot, var-
la (krug s točkom, inačice križa upisanog u iants of a cross inscribed in a circle/rhomb, idea
krugu/rombu, pojam četverostruke podjele of fourfold division of space and fourfoldedness
prostora, četverostrukosti općenito itd.), koji in general, etc.), which will be fundamental in
će u različitim zajednicama sve do željeznog depicting the figure and character of the Sun
doba i kasnije biti temeljni u dočaravanju in various communities later on, until the Iron
Sunčeva lika i karaktera. Već u vučedolskoj Age. “Solar landscape” was represented as ear-
kulturi postoji „solarni krajolik“. Sa svojim ly as the Vučedol culture. It speaks about cru-
višestrukim funkcijama, religijskim i čisto cial appearances of the Sun on the Sky with its
praktičnim, utilitarnim, kao što je vrlo vje- multiple functions, religious and often practical,
rojatno rani kalendar, on govori o ključnim utilitarian, such as possible early calendar.8 In
Sunčevim pojavnostima na Nebu.8 Solarnost this case and generally in that period, the solar
je ovdje, i tada općenito, značila egzistenci- cult represented existential identification of the
jalno određenje zajednice u vremenu i pro- community in time and space.
storu. Judging from the visual remains and iconical
Sudeći prema likovnim ostacima i iko- symbolical assemblages, structure of the solar
ničnim simboličnim sklopovima, u kasno cult was dynamized in the Late Bronze Age, now
brončano doba dinamizirala se struktura clearly founded on the movement – changeabil-
solarnosti, sada jasno zasnovana na pokretu ity in time and space, as opposed to static qual-
– promjenjivosti u vremenu i prostoru, na- ity of visual compositions probably including
suprot statičnosti likovnih kompozicija, vje- also the concept of the world (?) from the earlier
rojatno i same predodžbe svijeta (?) iz starijih periods of the Bronze Age. This dynamism in
razdoblja brončanog doba. Taj dinamizam u visual representation i.e high level of develop-
likovnosti, tj. dorađenost „ptičje“ likovno- ment of the “bird“ visual-religious syntax in the
religijske sintakse u stoljećima prijelaza iz 2. transitional centuries 2nd/1st BC was achieved
u 1. tis. pr. Kr., bio je postignut, uz uvođe- with old and fundamental Eneolithic/Bronze
nje ikonografskih novina, starim i temeljnim Age signs/symbols (circle/disk, cross/wheel) in
eneolitičko/brončanodobnim znakovima/ concretization of the figure of the Sun alongside
simbolima (krug/disk, križ/kotač) kod kon- introducing iconographic novelties. This can
kretizacije Sunčeva lika. To vrijedi i za ranu also be said about the early solar symbolics of the
solarnu simboliku liburnske kulture u kojoj, Liburnian culture in which we found earlier, ele-
uz lako uočljive „ptičje“ oblike tipa urnenfel- mentary solar symbols such as cross, circle, cross
der, postoje i stariji, elementarni solarni sim- in a circle (wheel), swastika, and spiral in addi-
boli kao što su: križ, krug, križ u krugu (ko- tion to easily recognizable “bird” forms of the
tač), svastika, spirala. Najstariji prikaz križa Urnfield type. The earliest representation of the
na prostoru sjeverne Dalmacije, izveden od cross in the region of northern Dalmatia, made
bronce, potječe iz srednjega brončanog doba; of bronze, can be dated to the Middle Bronze
stratificiran je arheološki nalaz iz gradinskog Age; it is a stratified archaeological find from the
naselja Vrčevo kraj Zadra (Sl. 11a), datiran hillfort settlement Vrčevo near Zadar (Fig. 11a)
C metodom.9 Završeci njegovih krakova with a radiocarbon date.9 Terminals of its arms

A. DURMAN, 2000, 48-89, 54-57, 76, 92. 8
A. DURMAN, 2000, 48-89, 54-57, 76, 92.

M. ČELHAR, 2013, 235, sl. 6. Na ovim podacima zahvalju- 9
M. ČELHAR, 2013, 235, fig. 6. I would like to thank dr. sc.

S. Kukoč: Pektoralni nakit kod Liburna: odrazi mita o Sunčevu putovanju u liburnskoj kulturi 10 (2016), 7-101

blago su konveksni. Time formalno odgova- are slightly convex which is why it formally cor-
ra znaku/simbolu križa upisanog u krugu, ali responds to the sign/symbol of cross inscribed
i križu sličnog oblika, no bez kruga, obliko- in a circle, but also to the cross of similar form
vanog u metalu (Pitten: Sl. 11d)10 i na kera- but without a circle, shaped in metal (Pitten: fig.
mici u različitim kulturama brončanog i že- 11d)10 and on pottery in various cultures of the
ljeznog doba Europe; npr., u rano brončano Bronze and Iron Ages of Europe e.g. in the Early
doba sjeverne Italije11 (Sl. 11b); u apeninskoj Bronze Age of northern Italy11 (Fig. 11b), and in
kulturi12 (Sl. 11c). the Apennine culture12 (Fig. 11c).
Ovdje se analiziraju simboli koji su u Li- Here we will analyze symbols gathered in a
burna okupljeni u konkretnoj mitskoj priči. specific Liburnian mythical story. It is a particu-
Ona je osebujni likovni i semantički aspekt lar visual and semantical aspect of a universal
univerzalne mitske strukture o Sunčevu pu- mythical structure of the Journey of the Sun. In
tovanju. U više svojih ikonografskih i sim- several of its iconographic and symbolic variants
boličnih inačica ovaj mit o Sunčevu ciklusu, this myth about the cycle of the Sun, widespread
dugotrajno proširen od starog Egipta i Istoka from old Egypt and East to the European North
do europskog Sjevera, osobito cijenjen kroz over a long period, and particularly highly es-
cijelo brončano doba Europe, likovno, dakle, teemed throughout the entire Bronze Age in Eu-
dobro uhvatljiv u „ptičjim“ likovnim sintak- rope in visual terms, therefore well-illustrated in
sama, varira vječno prisutnu temu o neuni- “bird” visual syntaxes, varies an eternal theme of
štivom Suncu i njegovoj bitnosti za (trajni) indestructible Sun and its importance for (per-
život. Premda je mit o Suncu bio svojstven manent) life. The myth about the Sun was char-
mnogima, s obzirom na to da je, kao i samo acteristic of many communities and cultures
praktično promatranje Sunca/Neba, zadirao since it was related to the structure of Life as well
u ustroj Života, u nazor o svijetu, ipak su as the practical observance of the Sun/Sky, and
samo neke kulture ostavile o njemu značajne also to the worldview, but some cultures left im-
slikovne tragove i tek rijetke one pisane. portant visual traces of it, and only rare cultures
Prve orijentacije nastajale su promatranjem also left written traces.
Neba, s fiksne zemaljske točke, koje se stalno The first orientations were created after ob-
mijenja, dakle, „okreće“ oko Zemlje. Sunče- serving the Sky from a fixed point on the Earth.
vo kretanje (istok – zapad; desno – lijevo) na The Sky constantly changes, turning around
obzoru, nad zemljom i vodama, uspostavi- the Earth. Movements of the Sun (east – west;
lo je horizontalni pravac prve orijentacije u left – right) on the horizon, over the earth
životu i religioznosti. Njegova pak „vožnja“ and waters, established horizontal direction of
sjever – jug, koja povezuje nebo i zemlju/ the first orientation in life and religiousness.
podzemlje, uspostavila je okomiti pravac. Its “ride” north-south connecting the sky and
Sječenjem dvaju pravaca Sunčeva gibanja, earth/underground has established a vertical
desno – lijevo i gore – dolje, religijsko mi- direction. By intersecting two directions of the
šljenje stvorilo je svoju prvu fundamentalnu movement of the Sun, left-right and up-down,
koordinatnu shemu koja križno, na poje- religious thinking created its first fundamental
dinačne odjeljke, na četiri segmenta, dijeli coordinate scheme which divides the space in
prostor: sve sveto (zemlju, nebo), ali i ono a cross-shaped manner into separate sections,

jem dr. sc. Martini Čelhar s Odjela za arheologiiju Sveuči- Martina Čelhar from the Department of Archaeology of
lišta u Zadru. the University of Zadar for this information.
E. PROBST, 1996, 227, 236, 244, 247, sl. 31. 10
E. PROBST, 1996, 227, 236, 244, 247, fig. 31.
R. PERONI, 2004, 52-53, sl. 3/11. 11
R. PERONI, 2004, 52-53, fig. 3/11.
R. PERONI, 2004, 180-181, sl. 29/8. 12
R. PERONI, 2004, 180-181, fig. 29/8.

10 (2016), 7-101 S. Kukoč: Pectoral Jewelry and the Liburnians: Reflections of the Myth about Sun’s Journey...

profano.13 Križna, temeljna koordinatna and four segments: all sacred (earth, sky), and
shema, sa svoja četiri odjeljka, ustrojava ne what is profane.13 Cross-shaped, basic coordi-
samo prostor već i vrijeme. Svaka orijentacija nate scheme with its four segments organizes
u vremenu pretpostavlja orijentaciju u pro- not only space but also time. Any orientation
storu; obje proistječu, dakle, iz istoga, iz opa- in time assumes orientation in space; they both
žanja fizičkog prafenomena svjetlosti: mijena come out of the same observance of the physical
svjetlo – tama,14 što je osnovica svake mitske phenomenon of light: change of light and dark14
sheme o Sunčevu putovanju. Sa zemaljskog which is a basis of every mythical scheme about
stajališta, Sunčev ciklus je dnevni i godišnji; the Sun’s Journey.
ono definira jedan dan i jednu godinu s četi- From the earthly point of view, Sun’s cycle is
ri godišnja doba. Dan sadrži Sunčevu dnev- daily and annual; it defines one day and one year
nu pojavu s vrhuncem u zenitu i, sadržajno with four seasons. The day contains Sun’s daily
(prividno) različitu, onu noćnu, koja je pak appearance with an apogee in zenith and (seem-
čovjeku oduvijek nevidljiva. I drevno astro- ingly) different nightly appearance in terms of
nomsko pitanje ticalo se upravo svih onih content which has always been invisible to a
nerazjašnjivih događanja na Nebu nakon man. Ancient astronomic question was related
Sunčeva zalaza (nestanka) ispod horizon- to all those inexplicable happenings on the Sky
ta. Konkretno, nastavljaju li noću zvijezde i after setting of the Sun (disappearance) under
Sunce svoja kretanja ispod horizonta i, stoga, the horizon: specifically, whether the stars and
ponovno izlaze na istom mjestu? the Sun continue their movements under the
Kako se Sunce (vječno) rađa na istoku, mit- horizon, and therefore, go out again at the same
ski Sunčev put neizbježno, ali astronomski place?
prividno, zatvara krug/polukrug: tvori ima- Since the Sun (eternally) rises in the east,
ginarni disk/svod. U najpoznatijim mitovi- mythical journey of the Sun inevitably, but as-
ma o Sunčevu putovanju često nije jasno, što tronomically only seemingly closes a circle/sem-
za mitsko kazivanje i religiju nije neobično, icircle and makes an imaginary disk/vault. In the
kako se doista giba (noćno) Sunce, po krugu most famous myths about the Sun’s journey it is
ili polukrugu, točnije, povrh ili ispod hori- often not clear how (nightly) Sun moves – cir-
zonta, odnosno, ispod Zemlje. Ipak, u mitu, cularly or semicircularly, or more precisely above
gotovo u pravilu, gibajući se po zamišljenom or under the horizon, i.e. under the Earth which
polukrugu/krugu/disku, Sunce silazi u neki is not unusual for mythical stories and religion.
drugi, „donji“ svijet, koji je irealan i, stoga, However in the myth, almost regularly, moving
Sunce mijenja svoj lik: postaje tamno/noćno. in an imaginary semicircle/circle/disk, the Sun
Ova osnovna solarna mitska, religijska struk- descends to some other, “lower” world which is
tura dijelom se podudarala i preklapala s ra- unreal to a certain degree and therefore the Sun
nim, neznanstvenim, ali ipak empirijskim, changes its appearance: it becomes dark/nightly.
praktičnim postupkom promatranja Neba. In a way this basic solar mythical, religious struc-
Jer, u tadašnjoj „astronomskoj“ europskoj sli- ture corresponded and overlapped with early,
ci, sve do Aristarha (3. st. pr. Kr.),15 ali i dugo non-scientific, but still empirical, practical pro-
nakon njega, okretalo se Nebo, sa Suncem i cedure of observing the Sky. Until Aristarchus
zvijezdama, oko Zemlje, baš kao i u različi- (3rd century BC),15 and for a while after him, the
tim inačicama mita o Sunčevu putovanju. I Sky was turning, with the Sun and stars, around

E. KASIRER, 1985, 108, 110, 113. 13
E. KASIRER, 1985, 108, 110, 113.
E. KASIRER, 1985, 113. 14
E. KASIRER, 1985, 113.
F. HOYLE, 1990, 85. 15
F. HOYLE, 1990, 85.

S. Kukoč: Pektoralni nakit kod Liburna: odrazi mita o Sunčevu putovanju u liburnskoj kulturi 10 (2016), 7-101

dok je u religiji (mitu) o Sunčevu putovanju the Earth in the “astronomical” European image
Sunce ipak bilo glavno gibanje u Kozmosu, at the time, as in different variants of the myth
time i njegovo svojevrsno simbolično „sredi- about the Sun’s journey. While in the religion
šte“, astronomska heliocentričnost pojavila (myth) about the Sun’s journey the Sun was the
se (Aristarh) relativno kasno i nakratko. A most important movement in Cosmos, therein
o rotaciji same Zemlje, koja je u (solarnim) also a kind of its symbolical “center”, astronom-
mitskim strukturama statična (ploča16), s ob- ical heliocentric system appeared (Aristarchus)
zirom na to da se moćno Sunce giba povrh relatively late and for a brief period. Heracleides
ili oko nje, prvi govori Herakleid Pontik (4. Ponticus (4th century BC)16 was the first to men-
st. pr. Kr.),17 što je nužno dovelo u sumnju tion rotation of the Earth which is a flat static
sva dotadašnja drevna astronomska, no ne i plate17 in the (solar) mythical structures since
mitska/religijska shvaćanja o kružnoj vrtnji powerful Sun moves above or around it which
Neba.18 Prema tome, u prvim stoljećima že- put in doubt all previous ancient astronomical
ljeznog doba, vjerojatno i ranije, „astronom- knowledge but not mythical/religious under-
ska“ slika Neba i u grčkom kulturom krugu, standings about the circular rotation of the Sky.18
unatoč određenim posebnostima,19 u svojim During the first centuries of the Iron Age, and
najosnovnijim polazištima nije se razlikovala probably also earlier, “astronomical” image of
od one po drugim krajevima Europe, s Ne- the Sky in the Greek cultural circle did not dif-
bom u vrtnji oko Zemlje. I na religijskoj ra- fer in its basic concepts (Sky rotating around the
zini staru Grčku i Europu u 2. i 1. tis. pr. Kr. Earth) from the one in other parts of Europe
sigurno su povezivali solarni mitovi srodne despite certain particularities.19 On the religious
sheme, ne nužno i identični, s pričom o Sun- level ancient Greece and Europe in the 2nd and
čevu putovanju, koja je ipak posebno bila za-
nimljiva zemljoradničkim zajednicama.
Heracleides suggested daily rotation of the Earth around
its axis, he also believed that Mercury and Venus rotate
Anksimandar iz Miletske škole prvi je spomenuo zakriv- around the Sun, and it seems that he thought the Earth also
ljenost Zemlje i da je ona poput cilindra. F. KOPLESTON, rotates around the Sun. F. KOPLESTON, 1988, 300, 301.
1988, 62. U Pitagorinoj školi smatrali su (Filolaj) da je Ze- 17
Anaximander from the Milesian school first mentioned
mlja sferična, ali da nije središte Kozmosa, s obzirom na to curvature of the Earth, and that it is like a cylinder. F. KO-
da je to središnja ili „kozmička vatra“ (identicifirana s bro- PLESTON, 1988, 62. In Pythagoras’ school Philolaus belie-
jem Jedan), oko koje se okreću Nebo i Sunce (vrući disk). F. ved that the Earth was spherical, but not the center of the
KOPLESTON, 1988, 72. U vezi s takvim kozmologijskim Cosmos because it is the central or “cosmic fire” (identified
razmišljanjima nastao je i jedan od početnih nazora na svi- with number One) around which the Sky and Sun rotate
jet, iskazan poetskim slikama, u kojem je svemoćna vatra u (hot disk). F. KOPLESTON, 1988, 72. In relation to such
središtu svijeta neumoljiva nužda; sve događanje, kretanje cosmological considerations, one of initial worldviews was
počiva na uzajamnom djelovanju suprotnosti, označenih i formed, represented in poetical images in which almighty
kao svjetlo i tmina i slično. W. WINDELBAND, 1990, 94. fire in the center of the world is inexorable necessity; all
Heraklid je utvrdio dnevno okretanje Zemlje oko svoje osi; that happens, all movements rely on mutual action of the
također je smatrao da Merkur i Venera kruže oko Sunca, a opposites, marked as light and dark, etc. W. WINDEL-
izgleda da je mislio i da se sama Zemlja okreće oko njega. BAND, 1990, 94.
F. KOPLESTON, 1988, 300, 301. 18
F. HOYLE, 2000, 89.
F. HOYLE, 2000, 89. 19
General belief is that the Greeks in the same peiod, in the
Misli se i da su Grci u to doba, prije 6. st. pr. Kr., Zemlju 6th century BC, also thought that the Earth was a plate/disk
također zamišljali kao ploču/disk okruženu oceanom, no surrounded by the Ocean but with a hemispherical dome
s polusfernom kupolom neba, što je utrlo put nešto ka- of the sky which made way to later Greek apprehension
snijem grčkom shvaćanju Zemlje kao kugle. Također, da of the Earth as a sphere. Also, in the first centuries of the
u prvim stoljećima željeznog doba Grci zamišljaju, za ra- Iron Age the Greeks believed, as opposed to some other
zliku od nekih drugih, kako sva nebeska tijela kruže oko communities, that all planets rotate around the horizon
horizonta preko sjevera, da bi se mogli ponovno pojaviti, over the north, only to reappear in the east, or more preci-
na istoku, točnije, da su Grci negdje u 8. st. pr. Kr., u vri- sely some time in the 8th century BC, in the time of climax
jeme klimaksa astronomije na Bliskom istoku, smatrali da of astronomy in the Near East the Greeks believed that
se tijekom noći sve na nebu (Sunce, Mjesec, zvijezde) ne over night everything on the sky (Sun, Moon, stars) does
nastavljaju kretati ispod Zemlje svojim kružnim dnevnim not continue to move in their circular daily paths under
stazama. F. HOYLE, 1990, 83, 89. the Earth. F. HOYLE, 1990, 83, 89.

10 (2016), 7-101 S. Kukoč: Pectoral Jewelry and the Liburnians: Reflections of the Myth about Sun’s Journey...

U neke tadašnje arhaične predodžbe svijeta, 1st centuries BC were definitely connected with
premda religijski natopljene, ušla su, na neki solar myths with a similar scheme, not necessar-
ih način odredivši, i početna „astronomska“ ily identical, with a story about the journey of
znanja, odnosno sadržaji kozmološke20 nara- the Sun which was particularly interesting to the
vi, što dodatno objašnjava golemu prostor- farming communities.
nu raširenost motiva i simbola križa tijekom Initial “astronomic” knowledge though with
cijeloga brončanog doba i kasnije. Njegova religious connotations entered some archaic im-
omiljenost u različitim pra/povijesnim kul- ages of the world determining them in a certain
turama proizlazi iz jednostavne činjenice da way. In other words these were concepts with
je on sjecište pravaca mitskog i (prividno) cosmological20 character which additionally
stvarnog Sunčeva nestajanja i (trajnog) po- clarifies vast spatial distribution of motifs and
javljivanja; on je početna i elementarna sli- symbols of cross throughout the entire Bronze
kovna sinteza vremena i prostora. To je pak Age, and later.
omogućilo definiranja sveukupnog (prirod- Its popularity in various pre/historic cultures
nog) Tijeka i nastanak sadržaja ponovljivosti is related to the simple fact that it was an inter-
i cikličnosti u arhaičnoj predodžbi svijeta. section of directions of the mythical and (seem-
Glavni simbol te prapovijesne slike, uz jed- ingly) real Sun’s disappearance and (permanent)
nostavni „solarni križ“, tj. „križ u krugu/ appearance; it was the initial and elementary
disku“, postao je „križ u krugu/disku s četiri pictorial synthesis of time and space. This ena-
točke“. bled definition of the entire (natural) Flow and
Kombinacijom svojih likovno konkretnih formation of contents of repeatability and cycli-
religijskih slika o svim Sunčevim epizodama i cality in the archaic concept of the world. Main
postajama, staroegipatska civilizacija poznat symbol of this prehistoric image, alongside sim-
je parametar za poimanje elementarne i uvi- ple “solar cross” i.e. “cross in a circle/disk”, be-
jek slabo poznate simbolike Sunčeva puto- came a “cross in a circle/disk with four dots”.
vanja u agrafskim društvima. Staroegipatski Old Egyptian civilization is a known param-
mit o Sunčevu putovanju u svojoj jednostav- eter for apprehension of elementary and poorly
nosti je lako shvatljiv, povezan s vrlo naivnim known symbolics of the solar Journey in agraph-
ranim astronomskim predodžbama. Kad se ic societies by combination of its visually specific
apstrahira staroegipatska osebujna uronje- religious images about all the Sun’s episodes and
nost u solarnu religiju, s njezinim odrazom u stations. Old Egyptian myth about the journey
društvenosti i politici, kao i drugdje na Isto- of the Sun in all its simplicity is easily under-
ku, npr. u pred-hetitskoj i hetitskoj Anatoliji standable, related to very naive early astronomic
3. – 2. st. pr. Kr.,21 ostaje temeljna konstruk- perceptions. If we leave out old Egyptian spe-
cija – mitska arhaična naracija o Suncu, uz cific preoccupation with solar religion with its
Kozmologiju se ovdje ne shvaća kao filozofsko-znanstveno 20
Cosmology in this case is not understood as philosophical
promišljanje postanka i razvoja Kozmosa. Tek se naglašava and scientific consideration of formation and development
da ono nije bilo samo mitsko, već je „kombiniralo“ religiju/ of the Cosmos. It is only emphasized that it was not only
mit (kozmogoniju) i rudimentarnu „astronomiju“, točnije, mythical, but it “combined” religion/myth (cosmogony)
promatranje Neba/Kozmosa iz praktičih životnih razloga and rudimentary “astronomy”, more precisely observation
(orijentacija, kalendar). Uostalom, i kozmološko grčko of the Sky/Cosmos for practical reasons (orientation, ca-
filozofsko/znanstveno razdoblje, kada Europa prvi put lendar). After all, cosmological Greek philosophic/scienti-
razmišlja o Kozmosu, i kada time tek utire put metafizici i fic period, when Europe considers the Cosmos for the first
pravoj znanosti, još je puno naivnosti i opservacija mitskog time, and makes way for metaphysics and true science, was
tipa. A grčko poimanje svijeta/Cjeline iz vremena koje still full of naivety and observations of the mythical type.
prethodi grčkom kozmološkom dobu, i koje je usporedno Greek comprehension of the world/Whole from the time
s prvim stoljećima željeznog doba liburnskog i jadranskog before the Greek cosmologic period which is parallel with
svijeta, zapravo je nepoznato. the first centuries of the Iron Age of the Liburnian and
U. B. ALKIM, 1975, 151-184, sl. 63-69, 84-89, 103. Adriatic world is actually unknown.

S. Kukoč: Pektoralni nakit kod Liburna: odrazi mita o Sunčevu putovanju u liburnskoj kulturi 10 (2016), 7-101

to popraćena tekstom. Zato je korištena i za reflection in sociality and politics, as well as else-
razumijevanje mitova i drugih simboličnih where in the East, e.g. in pre-Hittite and Hittite
struktura europskog sjevera (Danska, Šved- Anatolia in the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC,21 we
ska, sjeverna Njemačka), iz nordijskoga bron- are left with the basic construction – mythical
čanog doba (1600. – 500. g. pr. Kr.).22 Oni archaic narration about the Sun, accompanied
pak plijene svojom likovnom konkretnošću. with text. That is why it was used to a certain
Jer, dok je na Sjeveru mit o Suncu oslikavan degree for understanding of myths and oth-
(Sl. 13, 14, 17c) po stijenama i po artefakti- er symbolic structures of the European North
ma (oružju, nošnji, instrumentima obreda) (Denmark, Sweden, and northern Germany)
stilom osebujne figurativne naracije, osobi- from the Nordic Bronze Age (1600 – 500 BC).22
to u vrijeme nordijskoga kasnog brončanog They are fascinating due to their visual concrete-
doba (1100. – 500. g. pr. Kr.),23 istodobno (i ness. While the myth about the Sun was painted
ranije), isti temeljni mit po kontinentu osli- (Fig. 13-14, 17c) on rocks and artifacts (weap-
kavan je, unatoč dodatku dinamične „ptičje ons, attire, ritual instruments) in the style of
lađe“, krajnje geometrijskim, apstraktnim peculiar figurative narration, particularly in the
formama, od alpskog i karpatsko-podunav- period of the Nordic Late Bronze Age (1100 –
sko-balkanskog kruga do apeninskog, poseb- 500 BC),23 at the same time (and earlier), iden-
no proto/villanova svijeta (Sl. 16, 19), dakle, tical basic myth on the continent was depicted
na širokom urnenfelder prostoru i izvan nje- with utterly geometric, abstract forms despite
ga. U komparativnoj analizi europske solar- the addition of the dynamic “bird boat” from
ne ostavštine, svojom slikovnom izravnošću, the Alpine and Carpathian-Danubian-Balkan
nordijski mitovi su među najpogodnijima. region to the Apennine circle, particularly pro-
Oni se, uostalom, u određenim vidovima to-Villanovan world (Fig. 16, 19), in the broad
dodiruju i stanovito prožimaju sa srednjoeu- Urnfield-region and outside it. Owing to their
ropskim, staroegipatskim i drugim solarnim visual directness, Nordic myths are among the
mitskim strukturama. most suitable examples for the comparative
Tijekom brončanog doba Sjevera, osobi- analysis of the European solar heritage. In cer-
to u njegovim ranim fazama, postoje, da- tain aspects they are in contact and influenced
kako, i potpuno geometrizirani apstraktni by the central European, old Egyptian and other
„solarni krajolici“ (Sl. 12 – obredna sjekira solar mythical structures.
iz Hermannshagena, oko 1600. g. pr. Kr.).24 During the Bronze Age of the North, particu-
Krajolik je ovdje likovno statičan, bez po- larly in its early phases, there are also completely
kretljivosti imanentne antitetičnoj „ptič- geometrized abstract “solar landscapes” (fig. 12:
joj“ ikonografiji. Nasuprot njemu, disk iz ritual axe from Hermannshagen, ca. 1600 BC).24
Nebre (Mittelberg), iz starijega nordijskog The landscape is visually static here, without
brončanog doba, oko 1600. g. pr. Kr., iko- mobility immanent to antithetical “bird” ico-
nografsko-semantički je izniman. Likovno nography. As opposed to this, disk from Nebra
je također relativno statična slika Neba. Ali
U. B. ALKIM, 1975, 151-184, fig. 63-69, 84-89, 103.
F. KAUL, 2002, 143-154; F. KAUL, 2003, 37-51; F. KAUL, 22
F. KAUL, 2002, 143-154; F. KAUL, 2003, 37-51; F. KAUL,
2005, 135-148; F. KAUL, 2006, 66-69; F. KAUL, 2010, 521- 2005, 135-148; F. KAUL, 2006, 66-69; F. KAUL, 2010, 521-
536. 536.
Smatra se da je tadašnje preferiranje likovne figuracije po- 23
Preference of figuration is meant to be a consequence of
sljedica promjena u društvu i religiji nordijskih kultura. changes in society and religion of the Nordic cultures.
Figuracija, ali uz prevladavanje geometrijsih motiva, uvodi Figuration, but with dominance of geometric motifs was
se već tijekom starijega nordijskog brončanog doba (1600. introduced during the early Nordic Bronze Age (1600-400
–1400. g. pr. Kr.). F. KAUL, 2003, 37-38. BC). F. KAUL, 2003, 37-38.
R. SCHWARZ, 2006, 178-179. 24
R. SCHWARZ, 2006, 178-179.

10 (2016), 7-101 S. Kukoč: Pectoral Jewelry and the Liburnians: Reflections of the Myth about Sun’s Journey...

ona nije samo simbolična već je i praktična, (Mittelberg) from the earlier Nordic Bronze Age,
deskriptivna, utemeljena na stvarnom kra- ca. 1600 BC, is exceptional in iconographic and
joliku i dugotrajnom opažanju, u funkciji semantical terms. Image of the Sky is relatively
svojevrsnoga ranog kalendara, uz ostalo, s static in visual terms. It is not only symbolical
istaknutim točkama dvaju solsticija.25 Disk but also practical, and descriptive in a certain
je definiran kao rani model svijeta (Weltmo- way, based on an actual landscape and lengthy
dell), najstariji u Srednjoj Europi.26 Njegov observation, functioning as a kind of early cal-
(lunisolarni?) karakter je i simboličan i astro- endar, among other things, with pronounced
loško-astronomski „konkretan“: na Nebu su points of two solstices.25 Disk is defined as an
zvijezde, Sunce (?), Mjesec, dva polukružna early model of the world (Weltmodell), the earli-
elementa, i ovdje najprepoznatljiviji detalj – est in central Europe.26 Its (lunisolar?) character
Plejade,27 čvrste nebeske točke i poveznice s is symbolical and astrologically-astronomical-
konkretnim prirodnim pojavama osobito u ly “concrete”: the stars are in the Sky, the Sun
vezi s (proljetnom) zemljoradnjom.28 (?), Moon, two semicircular elements, and most
U Liburna se sažimanje solarnih simbola recognizable detail here – Pleiades,27 firm celes-
u mitsku strukturu, dakako, uz njihove isto- tial points and connections with specific natural
dobne pojedinačne likovne konkretizacije, phenomena particularly in relation to (spring)
dogodilo u prvim stoljećima željeznog doba agriculture.28
ponajprije na određenim elementima njiho- The Liburnians condensed solar symbols into
ve svečane nošnje: na njihovu posmrtnom mythical structure alongside their synchronous
odijelu. Odijelo je samo odraz društvenih i individual visual concretizations in the first cen-
religijskih zasada, vjerovanja i obreda, koje turies of the Iron Age particularly on the certain
su u liburnskoj kulturi, zasad, uglavnom ne- elements of their ceremonial attire: on their fu-
otkrivene u svoj složenosti, s obzirom na to nerary costume. The attire is only a reflection
da je liburnski svjetonazor u biti nepoznat. of social and religious concepts, beliefs and rit-
Njihovo čitanje iz posmrtnog odijela više- uals which are unknown for the most part in
struko je korisno, ali puno ograničenja. Odi- all their complexity in the Liburnian culture for
jelo je ipak „nemoćno“ u interpretaciji slike now since the Liburnian worldview is obscure
svijeta, osobito svjetonazora. in its essence. Their interpretation from the fu-
Uz fibule tipa Osor iz 9. – 8. st. pr. Kr.29 nerary attire is useful in many ways, but it also
(Sl. 22, 23), mit o Sunčevoj plovidbi kod Li- has limitations. The attire is “powerless” in inter-
burna najočitiji je kod dvaju velikih bronča- pretation of the world image, and in particular
nih pektorala s dvije lađe (Sl. 1, 6). Njihova of the worldview. In addition to the Osor-type
ikonografsko-semantički izravna solarnost fibulae from the 9th and 8th centuries BC29 (fig.
omogućuje brojne usporedbe. Mnogi, rela- 22-23), myth about the Sun’s journey in Libur-
tivno jednostavni mitovi o Sunčevu puto- nia is most evident on two large bronze pectorals
vanju, od Egipta do Podunavlja i Sjevera, with two boats (Fig. 1, 6). Their iconographic

W. SCHLOSSER, 2006, 45. 25
W. SCHLOSSER, 2006, 45.
H. MELLER, 2006a, 28. 26
H. MELLER, 2006, 28.
H. MELLER, 2006a, 21-31; W. SCHLOSSER, 2006, 44-47. 27
H. MELLER, 2006, 21-31; W. SCHLOSSER, 2006, 44-47.
U arhaičnom promatranju Neba, u astronomskim pra- 28
In the archaic observation of the Sky, in astronomical early
počecima, posebno su zanimljive bile dvije Sunčeve vre- beginnings, two temporal appearances of the Sun were par-
menske pojave, relativno lako uočljive, vezane za točke ticularly interesting, relatively easily noticeable, related to po-
proljetnog (sjetva) i jesenskog ekvinocija. To su jedina dva ints of spring (sowing) and autumn equinox. These were the
trenutka u godini kada Sunce izlazi u istočnoj i zalazi u za- only two moments in a year when the Sun rises in the eastern
padnoj točki. F. HOYLE, 2000, 85. point and sets in the western point. F. HOYLE, 2000, 85.
D. GLOGOVIĆ, 2003, 43-45; S. KUKOČ, 2012, 31-116; B. 29
D. GLOGOVIĆ, 2003, 43-45; S. KUKOČ, 2012, 31-116; B.
TERŽAN, 2013, 241-266. TERŽAN, 2013, 241-266.

S. Kukoč: Pektoralni nakit kod Liburna: odrazi mita o Sunčevu putovanju u liburnskoj kulturi 10 (2016), 7-101

određeni su komparativan uzorak za iko- and semantical direct solar associations offer a
nografsko-semantičko objašnjenje ne samo possibility of many comparisons.
pektorala kod Liburna (Sl. 1, 6), već i svih Many relatively simple myths about the Sun’s
sličnih s Apeninskog poluotoka (Sl. 24-26, journey, from Egypt to the Danubian region
29). Ti se apeninski ikonografski solarni and to the North, are a certain comparative sam-
obrasci, unatoč svojim mjesnim pretvorba- ple for iconographical and semantical explana-
ma i osebujnim obogaćenjima tijekom vre- tion of not only Liburnian pectorals (Fig. 1, 6)
mena, u konkretnim apeninskim kulturama, but also all similar examples from the Apennine
ipak najlakše svode na shemu, tradicionalno Peninsula (Fig. 24-26, 29). These Apennine
nazvanu „srednjoeuropskom“, „podunav- iconographic solar samples in specific Apennine
sko-karpatskom“ ili pak „tipa urnenfelder“, s cultures are most easily reduced to the scheme
„ptičjom lađom“ i njezinim likovnim izve- which is traditionally called “Central European”,
denicama.30 U osnovi, isto vrijedi i za likov- “Danubian-Carpathian” or “Urnfield-type”,
no predočavanje istodobnih svih temeljnih with “bird boat” or its variants despite their local
liburnskih oblika solarne simbolične naravi. alterations and peculiar enrichments over time.30
Iako su dobrim dijelom urnenfelder ikono- Basically the same can be said about visual rep-
grafske derivacije, oni su ipak autohtono resentations of simultaneous basic Liburnian
obogaćeni i često dodatno definirani upravo forms of solar symbolical character. Although
apeninskim utjecajima. they are Urnfield-type iconographic derivations
Oduvijek se pektorali iz Nina31 i Zatona, to a great extent, they were still enriched with
grob 6,32 i veliki picenski pektorali, također autochtonous traits and often additionaly de-
s dvije lađe (Sl. 24), koliko-toliko kompara- fined owing exactly to the Apennine influences.
tivno arheološki promatraju.33 Utemeljenost Pectorals from Nin31 and Zaton (grave 6)32
jednih i drugih na mitu o Sunčevoj plovidbi as well as the big pectorals from Picenum, also
najprije se nedvosmisleno iščitava iz okomi- with two boats have always been observed com-
tog komponiranja dviju „ptičjih lađa“, a za- paratively in archaeological terms.33 Their foun-
tim iz crteža urezanih na njihovim lađama. dation on the myth of the sailing of the Sun can
Dok je pektoralna kompozicija s dvjema first be read from vertical composition of two
solarnim lađama uobičajena pojava u više “bird-boats”, and then from the drawings en-
zajednica željeznog doba, relativno je rijet- graved on their boats. While the pectoral com-
ko dodatno i detaljnije oslikavanje solarnog position with two solar boats is common phe-
mita na samoj lađi. Istim osnovnim obras- nomenon in several communities from the Iron

Već odavno, osobito nakon G. Kossacka, K. Kiliana i mno- 30
It has been clear for a while and particularly after the works
gih drugih, jasno je da „solarna lađa“ u brojnim zajedni- of G. Kossack, K. Kilian and many others that the “solar
cama s Apeninskog poluotoka, posebno tijekom bronzo boat” in many communities from the Apennine Peninsula,
finale i početkom željeznog doba, ima nedvojben simbo- particularly during the bronzo finale and at the beginning
ličan solarni karakter, dakako, uz njezine neizbježne deko- of the Iron Age, had undoubtedly symbolical solar charac-
rativne funkcije, kada je bila svedena na znak, što je povre- ter, with its inevitable decorative functions, when it was
mena sudbina svakog simbola. Stoga je u današnje vrijeme reduced to a sign, which happens occasionally to all sym-
svaka „polemika“ s G. von Merhartom iz polovice prošlog bols. Therefore it seems outdated to “discuss” problem of
stoljeća o problemu dekorativnosti/solarnosti apeninskih decorativeness/solar aspects of the Apennine “bird boats”
„ptičjih lađa“ tijekom željeznog doba poprilično zakašnje- during the Iron Age with G. von Merhart from the 1940s –
la. Usp. C. IAIA, 2004, 307-308, 310. 1950s. Cf. C. IAIA, 2004, 307-308,
Š. BATOVIĆ, 1981, 23-24. 31
Š. BATOVIĆ, 1981, 23-24.
Š. BATOVIĆ, 1981, 23-24. sl. 12; Š. BATOVIĆ, 1987, 369, 32
Š. BATOVIĆ, 1981, 23-24, fig. 12; Š. BATOVIĆ, 1987, 369,
sl. 1/1; S. KUKOČ, 2012, sl. 25. fig. 1/1; S. KUKOČ, 2012, fig. 25.
G. von MERHART, 1942; G. KOSSACK, 1954, T 10/1; D. 33
G. von MERHART, 1942; G. KOSSACK, 1954, T 10/1; D.
G. LOLLINI, 1976, 125; N. LUCENTINI, 2000, 258; N. G. LOLLINI, 1976, 125; N. LUCENTINI, 2000, 258; N.
LUCENTINI, 2000a, 60; M. LANDOLFI, 2000, 126. LUCENTINI, 2000a, 60; M. LANDOLFI, 2000, 126.

10 (2016), 7-101 S. Kukoč: Pectoral Jewelry and the Liburnians: Reflections of the Myth about Sun’s Journey...

cem o Sunčevu putovanju mogu se načelno Age, additional and more detailed representation
objašnjavati i znatno kasniji liburnski pekto- of the solar myth on the boat is relatively rare.
rali i oni sa samo jednom lađom (Sl. 43-45). The same basic pattern about the Sun’s journey
Ali, s vremenom, osobito nakon 7./6. st. pr. can be used to interpret much later Liburnian
Kr., mit o Sunčevu putovanju kod Liburna pectorals, including the ones with only one boat
i drugdje (Piceni, Histri, Japodi, kultura (Fig. 43-44, 45). However, over time the myth
Dolenjske itd.) sigurno je izgubio izvornost about the journey of the Sun in Liburnia and
simbolike, koja se preoblikovala, osobito u elsewhere (Picenians, Histrians, Iapodes, culture
helenizmu. of Dolenjska, etc.) definitely lost originality of
„Ptičja lađa“ najstariji je liburnski oblik so- symbolics which was transformed, particularly
larnog vozila i jedini prije mlađega željeznog in Hellenism.
doba. Pojavljuje se u dva osnova oblika. Prvi, “Bird-boat” is the oldest Liburnian form of a
najjednostavniji, oslikava plovilo s antite- solar vehicle and the only one earlier than the
tičnim ptičjim glavama (Sl. 44, 45). Sunce Iron Age. It appears in two basic forms. The
se na lađi tek podrazumijeva, s obzirom na first, simplest form represents a boat with an-
to da nije predočeno, a što je kod Liburna tithetical birds’ heads (Fig. 44-45). The Sun on
gotovo pravilo. Drugi, složeniji oblik ptičjeg the boat is only implied since it was not depicted
plovila koje nosi nešto konkretno, diskasti which was almost a rule in the Liburnians. The
element, posebno je rijedak, sveden upravo second, more complex form of a bird boat which
na ninski i zatonski primjerak (Sl. 1, 3, 6, carries something (a disk element) is particularly
8a). U liburnskoj kulturi uopće se ne pojav- rare, reduced to the examples from Nin and Za-
ljuje motiv lađe s kružnim solarnim diskom ton (Fig. 1, 3, 6, 8a). The motif of a boat with
u uobičajenom „podunavskom“ (urnenfel- round solar disk in the common “Danubian”
der) izdanju (Sl. 16c). Sveukupni liburnski (Urnfield) variant (Fig. 16c) is not represented
pektorali sastavljeni su, dakle, od dvije ili in the Liburnian culture. All Liburnian pecto-
jedne „ptičje lađe“. Inače, u tipičnoj, likovno rals consist of two or one “bird boat”. In a typi-
eksplicitnoj mitskoj slici o Sunčevu putova- cal, visually explicit mythical image of the Sun’s
nju, s dnevnom i noćnom vožnjom, u igri su journey, with daily and nightly ride, there are
obično dvije lađe, što proizlazi iz (arhetip- usually two boats, which is related to the (arche-
ske) dvostrukosti gotovo Janusova tipa u ar- typal) doubleness of almost Janus’ type in archa-
haičnom zamišljanju Sunčeva lika, svijetlog ic imagining of the Sun’s appearance, light and
i tamnog lica. Katkad su komponirane, i to dark face. Sometimes four boats34 are composed
kružno, upravo četiri lađe34 (Sl. 16a), katkad in a circular manner (Fig. 16a), sometimes even
i mnogo više njih, npr. jasno definirane Sun- several specimens such as clearly defined Sun’s
čeve postaje u staroegipatskom podzemlju. I stations in the old Egyptian underworld. Two
dvije spojene lađe kod Liburna i Picena do- connected boats in the Liburnian and Picenian
čaravaju ambivalentnu Sunčevu narav, osli- communities depict ambivalent nature of the
kavaju njegov dnevno-noćni hod koji mjeri Sun, its daily-nightly path which measures space
prostor i vrijeme, vjerojatno ne samo jednog and time, probably not just one day and (Sun’s)
dana i (Sunčeve) godine, već svega postoje- year but everything that there is.
ćega. After the daily journey on the semicircular
Nakon dnevnog putovanja po obzoru – horizon, Ra changes his appearance together
polukrugu, Ra na brodu svake večeri pri with the vehicle every evening in its entering the
svojem ulasku u zapadnu „točku“ (Vrata), western “point” (Door); he becomes ram-head-

G. KOSSACK, 1954, T 9/5; L. LAURENZI, 1959, 37, T 3/6.

34 34
G. KOSSACK, 1954, T 9/5; L. LAURENZI, 1959, 37, T 3/6.

S. Kukoč: Pektoralni nakit kod Liburna: odrazi mita o Sunčevu putovanju u liburnskoj kulturi 10 (2016), 7-101

s vozilom mijenja i svoj lik; poprima glavu ed and enters underground, crossing from the
ovna i, prelazeći s dnevne lađe Mendžet na daily boat Mendjet to the nightly one - Meske-
onu noćnu – Mesktet, ulazi u podzemlje.35 tet.35 Here he fights with enemies of the light
Tu kroz dvanaest epizoda, noćnih sati, vodi (evil snake Apop) in 12 episodes, nightly hours,
bitku s neprijateljima svjetla (zlom zmijom but Sun as a winner gets out the underworld
Apop), ali kao pobjednik, Sunce u zoru izlazi through the mouth of a big snake and starts a
iz podzemlja kroz usta goleme zmije i započi- new day.36 In this case the earth is round plate/
nje novi dan.36 Ovdje je zemlja kružna ploča/ disk, surrounded with water. But the Sun and its
disk, okružena vodom. Ali, i samo Sunce i world, with several divine beings and mythical
njegov svijet, s više božanskih bića i mitskih episodes is actually a disk; its rotation around
epizoda, zapravo je disk; njegova vrtnja oko the Earth is semicircular/circular, and the Sun’s
Zemlje je polukružna/kružna, i Sunčev mit- mythical space (disk) has its upper and low-
ski prostor (disk) ima svoju gornju i donju er “sphere”. Heavenly cow or Nut, goddess of
„sferu“. A sve, pa i samo Sunce (disk Svijeta), the Sky overtops (and gives birth to) everything
svojim tijelom nadvisuje (i rađa) božanska (including the Sun, disk of the World) with her
krava ili Nut, božica Neba.37 body.37
Premda se u različitim solarnim mitovi- Although notions and images such as plate,
ma, religijama u cjelini te predznanstvenim flat disk, circle are often used in depicting the
i predfilozofskim „kozmologijama“ u doča- Earth, Sun, Sky and entirety of the world in the
ravanju Zemlje, Sunca, Neba i sveukupnosti solar myths, religions in general and pre-scientif-
svijeta, stalno barata pojmovima i slikama ic and pre-philosophic “cosmologies”, it remains
kao što su ploča, pločasti disk, krug, uglav- unclear which movements (heavenly, chthonic)
nom ostaje nepoznato koje sve kretanje (ne- are depicted, or at least alluded to. Elusiveness of
besko, podzemno) oni predočavaju, ili bar meaning of numerous circles, disks and similar
na njega aludiraju. Neuhvatljivost značenja forms (e.g. “phalerae”) also refers to (funerary)
brojnih krugova, diskova i sličnih oblika attire.
(npr. tzv. falera) tiče se i samog (posmrtnog) In archaic representations of the solar and cos-
odijela. U arhaičnim predodžbama solarno- mic cult, written or painted, disk in general de-
sti i kozmičnosti, pisanim ili slikanim, disk notes the flat Earth, then the Sun and Sky, and
općenito označava pločastu Zemlju, zatim inevitably their contact with the Earth, since
Sunce i Nebo, neizbježno i njihov dodir sa Sky and Sun, on their common circular/semi-
Zemljom, s obzirom na to da se Nebo i Sunce circular orbit move around the Earth. Therefore
na njihovoj zajedničkoj kružnoj/polukružnoj disk is possible model of the world, image of
putanji gibaju oko Zemlje. Zato je disk mo- the world (Weltbild), but also something which
gući model svijeta, slika svijeta (Weltbild), ali “hides” archaic perspective of the world (Wel-
i nešto od onoga što „skriva“ arhaični pogled tanschauung) in different cultures, from Egypt
na Svijet (Weltanschauung) u vrlo različitim to the European North.38
kulturama, od Egipta do europskog Sjevera.38 All mythical correspondences between the

M. J. MATJE, 1990, 56-59, sl. 21. 35
M. J. MATJE, 1990, 56-59, fig. 21.
W. FORMAN, S. QUIRKE, 1996, 132, 162-163; G. RO- 36
W. FORMAN, S. QUIRKE, 1996, 132, 162-163; G. RO-
BINS, 1997, 124, 206, sl. 136, 247. BINS, 1997, 124, 206, fig. 136, 247.
M. J. MATJE, 1990, 20, 29-30; W. FORMAN, S. QUIRKE, 37
M. J. MATJE, 1990, 20, 29-30; W. FORMAN, S. QUIRKE,
1996, 136. 1996, 136.
Možda je disk ovdje bio samo likovna nužnost za dvodi- 38
Perhaps disk was only a visual necessity here for two-di-
menzionalno predočavanje Cjeline, koja je ipak shvaćana i mensional depiction of the Whole, which was understood
promišljana kao stanovita trodimenzionalnost; konkretno, and considered as a certain threedimensionality, specifi-
Nebo kao svod nad vodama. cally, Sky as a vault over waters.

10 (2016), 7-101 S. Kukoč: Pectoral Jewelry and the Liburnians: Reflections of the Myth about Sun’s Journey...

Nejasne su sve mitske podudarnosti, sta- Egyptian and Nordic mythology in understand-
roegipatske i nordijske, u shvaćanju Koz- ing of the Cosmos are not clear. On the Nordic
mosa. I na nordijskoj Sunčevoj lađi iz 1. tis. sun boat from the 1st millennium BC which
pr. Kr., koja očito plovi po krugu/disku, tj. evidently sails on the circle/disk i.e. on (cosmic)
po (kozmičkim) kružnim vodama (Sl. 13c),39 circular waters (Fig. 13c),39 happens everything
događa se sve bitno za životni sklad: plovidba important for the life harmony: sailing (Fig. 14)
(Sl. 14), dakle kretanje/promjena, obredi sa meaning movement/change, rituals with solar
solarnim diskovima (Sl. 13d, 13f ), stablom disks (Fig. 13 d, f), tree (Fig. 13b), instruments,
(Sl. 13b), glazbalima, životinjama, ratnici- animals, warriors.40 All basic symbolic accents
ma.40 Svi temeljni simbolični naglasci Sunče- of the Sun cycle, it’s rising, zenith, conflict be-
va ciklusa, njegova uspinjanja, zenita, sukoba tween the being of light and dark (horse, fish,
bića svjetla i tame (konja, ribe, zmije), prate snake), can be monitored in the Nordic images.
se u nordijskim slikama. Raspršene po stije- These images are spread on the rocks (Fig. 17a,
nama (Sl. 17a, 17c), po brijačima41 (Sl. 14) s c), razors41 (Fig. 14) which are taken to the grave
kojima se odlazi u grob („kraljevski pokop“ (“royal burial” from Seddin42), or drawn on oth-
iz Seddina42), ali nacrtane i po drugim pred- er objects (Fig. 15b). They are archaeologically
metima (Sl. 15b), te slike arheološki složene structured into a “logical” symbolical whole, in
u jednu „logičnu“ simboličnu cjelinu, i to u form of a circle/disk with four sections forming
obliku kruga/diska s četiri odjeljka, vidljivo in that way Nordic mythical Sun path.43 Four
dočaravaju nordijski Sunčev mitski hod.43 main places of intersection of the cross and cir-
Pri tome četiri glavna mjesta presijecanja cle may denote morning and evening, i.e. noon
križa i kruga mogu označavati jutro i večer, and midnight; they can also refer to four sea-
odnosno, podne i ponoć; također, mogu se sons.44 Solar “cross-shaped wheel” formed in
odnositi na četiri godišnja doba.44 Arheološ- archaeological reconstruction is here an actual
kom rekonstrukcijom nastali solarni „križni symbol of the cyclical Sun which arranges the
kotač“ ovdje je doista simbol cikličnoga Sun- Cosmos. Although it is comparable with the old
ca koje uređuje Kozmos. Premda u svojim Egyptian system in its basis, this Nordic circular
temeljima usporediv sa staroegipatskim, ovaj path of the Sun is necessarily ideal, partially as-
nordijski kružni Sunčev hod nužno je idea- sumed, since it was not confirmed with written
lan, djelomično ipak pretpostavljen, s obzi- information which can also be said for the Li-
rom na to da nije potvrđen pisanim podaci- burnian, Picenian and other communities with
ma, što vrijedi i za liburnski, picenski i drugi their solar mythical images. The Aegean exam-
svijet s njegovim solarnim mitskim slikama. ples of visual arts from that time (12th – 8th/7th
I tadašnja egejska (12. st. pr. Kr. – 8./7. st. centuries BC) are based on solar motifs but
pr. Kr.) likovna ostavština, utemeljena na so- iconographically they are less explicit than the
larnim mitovima, ikonografski je manje ek- corresponding works in the Capathian-Danu-

I. ULLÉN, 2003, 145, sl. 7. 39
I. ULLÉN, 2003, 145, sl. 7.
F. KAUL, 2003, 38-44; F. KAUL, 2006, 66-69; F. KAUL, 40
F. KAUL, 2003, 38-44; F. KAUL, 2006, 66-69; F. KAUL,
2006a, 58-63. 2006a, 58-63.
Brijač, funkcionalan i simboličan predmet u muškim nor- 41
Razors as functional and symbolical objects in male Nordic
dijskim grobovima, mogao je imati ulogu i u inicijaciji dje- graves might have had a role in initiation of boys, as a sign
čaka, kao znak odrastanja i ulaska u muški svijet. F. KAUL, of growing up and entering the male world. F. KAUL, 2003,
2003, 38. Isto, načelno, vrijedi i za apeninske, dakle, i brija- 38. In general the same can be said about the Apennine and
če kod Liburna. Liburnian razors.
E. PROBST, 1996, 311-319; A. HARDING, 2007, 141-142, 42
E. PROBST, 1996, 311-319; A. HARDING, 2007, 141-142, fig.
sl. 22. 22.
F. KAUL, 2003, 42, sl. 9. 43
F. KAUL, 2003, 42, fig. 9.
F. KAUL, 2003, 38-43. 44
F. KAUL, 2003, 38-43.

S. Kukoč: Pektoralni nakit kod Liburna: odrazi mita o Sunčevu putovanju u liburnskoj kulturi 10 (2016), 7-101

splicitna od iste u karpatsko-podunavskom bian world (which was in contact with Greece
svijetu (s kojom se grčka ikonografski/kul- in iconographical and cultural terms), and sim-
turno dodirivala), zatim na Apeninskom po- ilar works on the Apennine Peninsula or in the
luotoku ili pak na samom Sjeveru. North.
Sunčevo putovanje u mitu obično se od- The Sun’s Journey in the myth usually hap-
vija lađom po vodama (rijekom, oceanom), pens with a boat on waters (river, Ocean), or
ili pak kolima, ali opet često u pratnji (vo- with a chariot, but often accompanied with
denih) ptica (Dupljaja; pektoral iz Rimav- (water) birds (Dupljaja; pectoral from Rimavska
ske Sobote, itd.). To nisu zemaljske, već su Sobota, etc.). These are not earthly but heav-
nebeske/kozmičke vode (rgvedski kozmički enly/cosmic waters (cosmic Ocean Surye and
Ocean Surye i Savitra45), neizbježno i one Savitri in Rigveda),45 inevitably also the under-
podzemne (nebeske i podzemne vode Nila). ground waters (heavenly and underground wa-
Rgvedski Savitar (Sunce), gospodar svega, ters of Nile). Savitri (Sun) in Rigveda, master
uz ostalo, podijelio je zemaljski prostor i tri of everything, among other things, divided the
puta je okružio zrak, tri sjajne sfere neba; on earthly space and encircled the air three times,
je najvažnije gibanje u Kozmosu.46 Slično je i three shiny spheres of the sky; he is the most
sa Suryom. Ipak, u vedskoj solarnoj ambiva- important movement in the Cosmos.46 It is
lentnosti, tamno, noćno Sunce blisko je mr- similar with Surya. However in the Vedic solar
tvima i podzemlju, dok je dnevno sjajno. Ra- ambivalence, dark, nightly Sun is close to the
zlikuje se, dakle, Savitrovo i Suryino vrijeme. dead and the underworld, while the daily sun is
Savitar je Sunce prije svojega uspona, prije shiny. There is a difference between Savitri’s and
svanuća, ili pak sunce pred zalazom. Suryi Surya’s time. Savitri is the Sun prior to rising,
pripada put od uspona do zapada, pripada before the dawn, or sun just setting. Road from
mu najsjajniji dio dana.47 Surya mjeri dan.48 rising to setting belongs to Surya, as the shiniest
U nordijskim slikama posebno mjesto ima part of the day.47 Surya measures the day.48
„konjska lađa“ (Sl. 13g, 14), stoga, i Sunčevi In the Nordic images “horse boat” takes a
konji koji lađu ili kola (Trundholm)49 voda- special place (Fig. 13g, 14) and consequently
ma vuku na obzoru. Postoji i nordijska „ptič- also sun horses which pull the boat or chari-
ja lađa“.50 Lađa i konj dva su ključna mo- ot (Trundholm)49 over waters on the horizon.
tiva u dočaravanju solarne plovidbe Sjevera, There is also a Nordic “bird-boat”.50 Boat and
točnije, nordijske trodijelne strukturirano- horse are two crucial motifs in depicting solar
sti Kozmosa.51 Kod Liburna, pojavljuje se i sailing of the North, or more precisely, Nordic
„konjska lađa“ (Grobnik, Kastav: Sl. 30c)52 three-part structure of the Cosmos.51 In Libur-
u mlađe željezno doba. Posebno je omilje- nia “horse boat” appears (Grobnik, Kastav: Fig.
na u liburnskom zaleđu, kod Japoda, ali i u 30c)52 during the Late Iron Age. It was particu-
dijelovima istočnoga alpskog kruga, gdje se larly popular in the Liburnian hinterland, with
najčešće, kao i kod Liburna, oblikom pribli- the Iapodes, but also in the parts of the eastern
žuje određenoj antropomorfnosti, ili se na Alpine circle where its form most often gets

A. A. MACDONELL, 1974, 31, 32-34. 45
A. A. MACDONELL, 1974, 31, 32-34.
A. A. MACDONELL, 1974, 32-34. 46
A. A. MACDONELL, 1974, 32-34.
A. A. MACDONELL, 1974, 33-34. 47
A. A. MACDONELL, 1974, 33-34.
A. A. MACDONELL, 1974, 30-31. 48
A. A. MACDONELL, 1974, 30-31.
F. KAUL, 2010, 521-536. 49
F. KAUL, 2010, 521-536.
Misli se da bi nordijska „ptičja lađa“ mogla potjecati iz kul- 50
Nordic “bird boat” may have orignated from the Urnfield
ture polja sa žarama. F. KAUL, 2003, 41. culture. F. KAUL, 2003, 41.
F. KAUL, 2005, 134-148. 51
F. KAUL, 2005, 134-148.
D. GLOGOVIĆ, 1989, T 42, 2, 5; S. KUKOČ, 2009, 189. 52
D. GLOGOVIĆ, 1989, T 42, 2, 5; S. KUKOČ, 2009, 189.

10 (2016), 7-101 S. Kukoč: Pectoral Jewelry and the Liburnians: Reflections of the Myth about Sun’s Journey...

lađi doista konkretizira lik ljudskih obiljež- certain anthropomorphous characteristics, or a

ja53 (Sl. 30c) u shemi „Gospodarice konja“ figure with actual anthropomorphous characac-
ili „Gospodara konja“.54 Ista pojava postoji teristics is concretized on the boat53 (Fig. 30c) in
i kod Picena: privjesak – pektoral u shemi the scheme of “Mistress of Horses” or “Master of
potnije hyppon iz Colli del Tronto (Sl. 30b).55 Horses”54. We can notice the same phenomenon
Upravo nordijske slike plovidbe, s bitnom in Picenum: pendant – pectoral is the scheme of
ulogom solarnih konja (Sl. 14), doduše uz potnia hyppon from Colli del Tronto (Fig. 30b).55
štošta drugo, npr. rgvedsku literaturu, doka- Exactly these Nordic images of sailing, with
zuju u osnovi identičnu, solarnu simboliku, an important role of solar horses (Fig. 14) with
i konja i ptice općenito, pa tako i u sastavu some other sources such as Rigveda confirm ba-
japodskih i (kasnih) liburnskih pektorala. sically identical, solar symbolics, of a horse and
Staroindijski žrtveni (sveti) konj56 ujedinju- bird in general, including the Iapodean and (lat-
je simboliku vatre, vode, Zemlje i Kozmosa. er) Liburnian pectorals. Old Indian sacrificial
On je, dakle, i solaran; njegovom žrtvom na- (sacred) horse56 unifies symbolics of fire, water,
staje Kozmos. Rgvedski Surya, gospodar sve- Earth and Cosmos. Therefore he is also solar,
ga, o kojemu ovisi cijeli svijet, svevideći je: the Cosmos is created due to his sacrifice. Surya
oko je vrhunskog Mitre i Varune, ali i Agni- from Rigveda, master of everything, on whom
ja. On je i ptica i konj i u vezi je s diskom, entire world depends sees everything: he is the
kotačem i kolima.57 eye of supreme Mitra and Varuna, but also of
Unatoč zaključku58 da zamjena ptice ko- Agni. He is also a bird and a horse and he is
njem, u sastavu liburnskih (i japodskih) pek- related to the disk, wheel and chariot.57
torala i drugih srodnih apeninskih i uopće In spite of conclusion58 that the replacement
europskih nakitnih sklopova, ne mijenja nji- of bird with horse on the Liburnian (and Ia-
hovu opću, zajedničku im solarnu struktu- podean) pectorals and in other Apennine and
ru, ostaju nejasni razlozi uvođenja, doduše, generally similar jewelry sets does not alter their
količinski ipak neznatne, „konjske lađe“ kod
Liburna (Sl. 30c), kao i razlozi njezine sve
Character of this evidently mysterious and never defined
anthropomorphous figure is a special problem. Icono-
graphically it was only implied or it was specified on solar
Poseban je problem karakter toga očito zagonetnog i nikad vehicles in the centuries of transition from the Bronze to
definiranog antropomorfnog lika, ikonografski samo na- the Iron Ages, and later on, in many European solar de-
slućenog ili pak konkretiziranog na solarnim vozilima već pictions, including the pectorals and various complex
u stoljećima prijelaza brončanog u željezno doba, dakako, i pendants. Character of this figure in such wide region
kasnije, u mnogim europskim solarnim prikazima, uključu- definitely was not identical and it must have implied va-
jući i same pektorale i različite složene privjeske. Narav toga rious symbolical aspects and characters in specific envi-
lika na tako širokom prostoru sigurno nije bila ista i sigur- ronments. Anthropomorphous figure in solar surrounding
no je podrazumijevala njegove različite simbolične aspekte usually belongs to simple adorant type, or it is represented
i karaktere u konkretnim sredinama. Antropomorfni lik, u in different variants of iconographically and semantically
solarnom okruženju, obično je jednostavnoga adorantskog very complex and ancient, oriental and Aegean (Cretan-
tipa, ili je pak dan, već početkom 1. tis. pr. Kr., posebno na Mycenean) concept of the “Mistress of Animals” (Nature)
apeninskim prostorima, osobito od 8. st. pr. Kr. nadalje, u as early as the beginning of the 1st millennium BC par-
različitim inačicama ikonografsko-semantički vrlo slojevi- ticularly in the Apennine regions, and especially from
tog i drevnog istočnjačkog i egejskog (kretsko-mikenskog) the 8th century BC (S. KUKOČ, 2009, 189). Variants of
koncepta „Gospodarice životinja“ (Prirode) (S. KUKOČ, this old scheme, in representation of “Mistress of Horses”
2009, 189). Inačice te stare sheme, i to u liku „Gospodarice (and “Master of Horses”) in distinctly solar surroundings
konja“ (i „Gospodara konja“), u izrazito solarnom okruženju are represented on the Mediterranean very specifically in
iskazane su na Sredozemlju likovno vrlo konkretno, figura- visual terms, figuratively in the first centuries of the Iron
tivno u prvim stoljećima željeznog doba npr. na posudi iz Age: e.g. on the vessel from Pithekoussai. G. BUCHNER,
Pithekousse. G. BUCHNER, D. RIDGWAY, 1993, T 235. D. RIDGWAY, 1993, T 235.
S. KUKOČ, 2009, 172-174. 54
S. KUKOČ, 2009, 172-174.
E. MANGANI, 2003, 297, 309, T VI/c. 55
E. MANGANI, 2003, 297, 309, T VI/c.
M. JEŽIĆ, 1986, 177. 56
M. JEŽIĆ, 1986, 177.
A. A. MACDONELL, 1974, 31. 57
A. A. MACDONELL, 1974, 31.
S. KUKOČ, 2003, 243-250. 58
S. KUKOČ, 2003, 243-250.

S. Kukoč: Pektoralni nakit kod Liburna: odrazi mita o Sunčevu putovanju u liburnskoj kulturi 10 (2016), 7-101

češće pojave u susjednim krajevima, u istoč- general, common solar structure, it is not clear
nom halštataskom svijetu u „mlađe“ željezno why “horse boat” was introduced by the Libur-
doba. Konj i njegova lađa (kola), no i sama nians (Fig. 30c) though in small amount. It also
„ptičja lađa“, očito više nisu bili (samo) izraz appears more often in the neighbouring regions,
mitsko-religijskog promišljanja o cikličnosti in the eastern Hallstatt world in the “Late“
Svijeta uređenog Sunčevom dinamikom na Iron Age and the reasons therein are unknown.
način brončanog i prvih stoljeća željeznog Horse and the accompanying boat (chariot), as
doba, nego su donosili nove poruke u koji- well as the “bird boat”, were evidently no longer
ma se sve više zrcali „društvenost“. I premda (only) an expression of mythical-religious con-
je odavno očito da tijekom željeznog doba i siderations about the cyclic quality of the world
na apeninskim prostorima značenja motiva i arranged with the Dynamics of the Sun in the
simbola konja (izvornog ekvivalenta solarnoj manner of the Bronze Age and first centuries of
ptici) idu prema „društvenoj semantici“, u the Iron Age, but they brought new messages
mnogim apeninskim zajednicama s početka which increasingly reflect “sociality”. Although
željeznog doba, uključujući i samu Etruriju it has been evident for a while that during the
9./8. st. pr. Kr., „ptičja simbolika“ ne može Iron Age in the Apennine regions meanings of
se jednostavno svesti na arheološki već izbli- motifs and symbols of horse (original equivalent
jedjelu formulu „označavanja elite“ i „istica- of a bird) develop towards “social semantics“, in
nja društvenog statusa“.59 many Apennine communities from the begin-
U nordijskim mitovima o Sunčevu puto- ning of the Iron Age, including Etruria in the
vanju razna vodena bića (zmije, ribe), pripa- 9th and 8th centuries, “bird symbolics” cannot
dajući noći i tami, simbolična su suprotnost be simply reduced to archaeologically worn out
solarnom konju i ptici koji vuku Sunčevo formula of “denoting the elite” and “emphasiz-
plovilo i sam Sunčev disk. Na sveukupnim ing social status”.59
liburnskim pektoralima ničim nije izrečena In the Nordic myths about the Sun’s jour-
borba bića tih dviju sfera, tipična za solarne ney various water creatures (snakes, fish) which
„priče“ i ništa ne aludira na vodeni svijet kao belong to the night and darkness represent a
potencijalno neprijateljski Sunčevu krajoli- symbolical opposite of the solar horse and bird
ku.60 Ali, na gornjoj lađi picenskog pektorala which pull the Sun boat and Sun disk. On all
(Sl. 26b) pojavljuje se motiv stabla (jele?).61 Liburnian pectorals battle of creatures from
these two spheres, typical of solar “stories” and
nothing alludes to the water world as a poten-
Veliku rasprostranjenost solarne „ptičje simbolike“ po
određenim apeninskim prostorima ne može uvjerljivo tial threat to the Sun’s landscape.60 However on
objasniti niti stanovito „kompromisna“ teza, no ipak izni-
kla na socio-culturale primišljanju o „statusu i eliti“, prema
kojoj bi solarna (božanska?) sakralnost, predočena „ptič- 59
Wide distribution of the solar “bird symbolics“ in the cer-
jim“ formama (ikonografijom), za čovjeka imala funkciju tain Apennine regions cannont be explained convincingly
posrednika i sredstva u traženju, ali i stjecanju elitnoga by a “compromise” thesis born from socio-culturale consi-
društvenog statusa početkom željeznog doba u Etruriji. derations of the “status and elite” which proposes that solar
Usp. C. IAIA, 2004, 310. (divine?) sacredness depicted with “birds’” forms (icono-
U cjelini liburnske kulture tijekom 1. tis. pr. Kr. uglavnom graphy), functioned as a mediator and means in seeking
nema fantastičnih i irealnih bića. Jedno od objašnjenja, and obtaining elite social status at the beginning of the Iron
ali uglavnom formalne naravi, možda je i u činjenici da Age in Etruria. Cf. C. IAIA, 2004, 310.
Liburni nisu imali vidnije stilske (kulturne) sadržaje pri- 60
In the Liburnian culture during the 1st millennium BC
mjerene „orijentalizirajućem“ fenomenu koji, uz likovnu there are virtually no fantastic or unreal beings. One of
konkretnost i narativnost, donosi fantastiku i maštovitost: explanations, but rather formal, is that the Liburnians did
irealni bestiarij, postupno i sam ljudski lik. U Picenumu, not have more distinct stylistic (cultural) contents suitable
međutim, koji je imao orijentalizirajuće sadržaje, sveuku- for “orientalizing” phenomenon which alongside visual
pni pektorali također nemaju likovno konkretiziran sukob specificity and narration also brought fiction and imagi-
svjetlo-tama niti elemente irealnog. nation: unreal bestiary, and gradually also the human figu-
S. KUKOČ, 2012, 70, 80, sl. 29/b. re. However in Picenum which had orientalizing aspects,

10 (2016), 7-101 S. Kukoč: Pectoral Jewelry and the Liburnians: Reflections of the Myth about Sun’s Journey...

On je prisutan i na ponekoj fibuli a disco the upper boat of the pectoral from Picenum
(Sala Consilina: Sl. 20c, 21f ). On jest glavna (Fig. 26b) there is a motif of a tree (fir?).61 It
suprotnost tamnoj strani Svijeta: donjoj pek- can also be found on some fibulae a disco (Sala
toralnoj lađi. Stablo je Sunce, odnosno, Koz- Consilina: Fig. 20c, 21f). It is the main opposite
mos. Isti mitski sukob svjetlo-tama likovno of the dark side of the World: lower boat on the
nije razrađen na apeninskim fibulama a disco pectoral. The tree is the Sun, i. e. Cosmos. The
i na fibulama tipa Osor.62 Nije primjetan niti same mythical conflict between light and dark
u geometrizmu europske solarne simboli- has not been articulated visually neither on the
ke urnenfelder svijeta s bogatstvom solarnih Apennine fibulae a disco nor on the Osor-type
lađa i kola. Rijetki su prikazi vodenih bića i fibulae.62 It is not noticeable in the geometrism
u villanova simboličnim sintaksama o Sun- of the European solar symbolics of the Urnfield
čevu putovanju; no ipak se katkad pojave, world with abundance of solar boats and char-
npr. zmije oko ptičje lađe ili pak riba (simbol iots. Depictions of water creatures are also rare
prijelaza) na širokim villanova pojasevima, in the Villanovan symbolical syntaxes about the
npr. u Picenumu (Fermo;63 „necropoli del Sun’s journey; however they occasionally appear
Salino“: Sl. 19).64 e.g. birds around the bird boat or a fish (sym-
Naglašeno dugi i gusti lanci na pektoralima bol of transition) on wide Villanovan belts, for
kod Liburna (Sl. 1, 6) i Picena (Sl. 24-26, instance in Picenum (Fermo;63 “necropoli del
29), i drugdje, Sunčeve su zrake, znak nje- Salino”: Fig. 19).64
gova okomitog svjetlosno-toplinskog djelo- Distinctly long and dense chains on the pecto-
vanja na zemno-podzemne (ktonične) sfere. rals of the Liburnians (Fig. 1, 6), Picenians (Fig.
Prauzor tome postoji i u staroegipatskom 24-26, 29) and elsewhere, are Sun rays, sign of
likovno-religijskom svijetu. Pektoralni lanci its vertical emanation of light and heat on earth-
mogu se, dakle, nazvati i sunčevim rukama ly/underground (chthonic) spheres. Ancient
ili prstima. Jer, Sunce je često prikazano s model for such representation can be found
više istaka na zrakama poput ruku obično in the old Egyptian religious representations.
s trima prstima (i sa znakom ankh na kra- Therefore pectoral chains can be called sun’s
ju zrake);65 također i na nordijskim slikama66 hands or fingers since the Sun is often depicted
(Sl. 13a). Bit izvorne simbolike ranih eu- with several protrusions on the rays resembling
ropskih pektorala solarne forme, konkretno hands usually with three fingers (with the sign
podunavsko-karpatske ikonografije te one ankh at the end of the ray65); also on the Nor-
apeninske (picenske i druge), s „ptičjim la- dic images66 (Fig. 13a). The essence of original
đama“ i naglašeno dugim lancima iz prvih symbolics of the early European pectorals in
stoljeća 1. tis. pr. Kr., dobro se shvaća upravo solar form of specifically Danubian-Carpathian
kroz eksplicitne i jednostavne prikaze Sunca, iconography as well as the Apennine one (Pice-
kao što su staroegipatski, prije svega oni iz nian and others) with “bird boats” and very long
Amarna stila, iz doba Amenofisa IV. (XIX. chains from the first centuries of the first mil-
dinastija).67 lennium BC is well understood exactly owing to
Motiv „triprsta“68 prisutan je u likovnom
pectorals do not have visually specific conflict of light and
S. KUKOČ, 2012, 74. dark nor the elements of unreal.
L. DRAGO TROCCOLI, 2003, 49, 72, sl.7 C/1, sl. 22 A. 61
S. KUKOČ, 2012, 70, 80, fig. 29/b.
N. LUCENTINI, 2007, sl. 4/6. 62
S. KUKOČ, 2012, 74.
G. ROBINS, 1997, 148. 63
L. DRAGO TROCCOLI, 2003, 49, 72, fig. 7 C/1, fig. 22 A.
Prikaz na rogu iz Wismara, oko 800. g. pr. Kr: Ch. 64
N. LUCENTINI, 2007, fig. 4/6.
SOMMERFELD, 2006, 80. 65
G. ROBINS, 1997, 148.
G. ROBINS, 1997, 148, sl. 172. 66
Depiction on a horn from Wismar, ca. 800 BC. Ch.
Postoji likovna sličnost između prastaroga prapovijesnog SOMMERFELD, 2006, 80.

S. Kukoč: Pektoralni nakit kod Liburna: odrazi mita o Sunčevu putovanju u liburnskoj kulturi 10 (2016), 7-101

repertoaru od ranoga brončanog doba u više explicit and simple representations of the Sun,
kultura, npr. u Nagyrév kulturi69 s njezi- such as the old Egyptian examples, particularly
nom solarnom ikonografijom. Tipičan je za the ones from the Amarna style, from the period
villanova svijet (Lazio I, II), uz ostalo, i za of Amenophis IV (XIX dynasty).67
villanova-urne srednje Italije, gdje je ikono- The motif of “three-finger”68 is present in the
grafski spojen s motivom „ptičje lađe“. On je visual repertory of the Early Bronze Age in sev-
i ovdje Sunčev zrakasti snop od triju istaka eral cultures, such as Nagyrév culture69 with its
koji izbijaju ispod ptičjeg plovila.70 Javlja se solar iconography. It is typical of the Villanovan
i na villanova-urnama u Picenumu (Fermo).71 – world (Lazio I, II), and of the Villanovan urns
Motiv „triprsta“, ali postavljen na kraju of central Italy where it was iconographically
duže okomice, čime asocira na antropomor- connected with the motif of the “bird boat”.
fno, iskucan je kod Liburna na privjesku od In this case it is also Sun’s radial ray with three
brončanog lima iz 7./6. st. pr. Kr. (grob 3 iz protrusions which emerge under the bird boat.70
Zatona: Sl. 42).72 Privjesak pripada brojnoj, It also appears on Villanovan urns in Picenum
inačicama bogatoj i prostorno vrlo prošire- (Fermo).71 Motif of “three-finger” placed at the
noj skupini jednostavnih trokutastih privje- end of the longer vertical having therefore an-
saka željeznog doba, sigurno dekorativne i, thropomorphous characteristics, was stamped
katkad, simbolične naravi. Na završetku pak on the Liburnian pendant made of sheet bronze
lanaca picenskih pektorala vise mnogobroj- from the 7th/6th centuries BC (grave 3 from Za-
ni privjesci najrazličitijih oblika. Često su ton: Fig. 42).72 The pendant belongs to a group
antropomorfni, bilo geometrijski stilizirani of simple triangular pendants from the Iron Age
i plošni, ili pak konkretnije i trodimenzio- with many variants and wide distribution which
nalno oblikovani.73 Njihova pojava može had decorative and sometimes also symboli-
označavati dodir Sunca i čovjeka (Zemlje). cal character. Many pendants in various forms
Namjena im je, uz estetsku, bila zaštitnička. hang at the end of the chain of the Picenian
U istom picenskom kontekstu istaknutu ulo- pectorals. They often have anthropomorphous
gu ima i privjesak u obliku ruke (Sl. 28j).74 form, whether geometrically stylized and flat, or
Vjerojatno i njegova značenja u ovom pra/ shaped more concretely, in three dimensions.73
povijesnom trenutku treba izvoditi iz (stare) Their appearance may denote contact of the
solarne simbolike zaštitničkih sunčevih zraka Sun and man (Earth). Their function was not
s prstima. Privjesak u obliku ruke75 na sebi only aesthetic but also apotropaic. Hand-shaped
obično ima urezan kružić s točkom u sredini pendant had an important role in the same Pice-
što upućuje na Sunce. nian context (Fig. 28j).74 Probably its meanings
Nasuprot picenskim pektoralima s važ- in this pre/historic moment should be derived
nom ulogom ženskog lika na lađi (Numa- from the (old) solar symbolics of protective sun
G. ROBINS, 1997, 148, fig. 172.
motiva „triprsta“ i istog s recentne, tradicionalne nošnje 68
There is a visual resemblance between the old prehistoric
Dalmacije. motif of “three-finger” and the identical motif from the re-

R. SCHREIBER-KALICZ, 1984, T XLII/5. cent, traditional Dalmatian costume.

G. COLONNA, 1974, T 125-26, 129, 132/a; S. KUKOČ, 69
2009, sl. 186, sl. 266. 70
G. COLONNA, 1974, T 125-126, 129, 132/a; S. KUKOČ,

L. DRAGO TROCCOLI, 2003, 36-37, sl. 2/B 1, bilj. 20. Au- 2009, fig. 186, fig. 266.
torica motiv, izveden otiskom vrpce, naziva „češljastim“ (a 71
L. DRAGO TROCCOLI, 2003, 36-37, fig. 2/B 1, note 20.
pettine). The author refers to the motif, made by impressing a cord,

F. STARÈ, 1970, T II; Š. BATOVIĆ, 1981, 140-142. as “comb-like” (a pettine).

D. RANDALL-MacIVER, 1927, T 27, T 28; M. LANDOL- 72
F. STARÈ, 1970, T II; Š. BATOVIĆ, 1981, 140-142.
FI, 2000, 127, sl. 101. 73
D. RANDALL-MacIVER, 1927, T 27, T 28; M. LANDOL-

M . LANDOLFI, 2000, 127, sl. 101-102. FI, 2000, 127, fig. 101.

C. CHIARAMONTE TRERÉ, 2003, sl. 11/c-e. 74
M. LANDOLFI, 2000, 127, fig. 101-102.

10 (2016), 7-101 S. Kukoč: Pectoral Jewelry and the Liburnians: Reflections of the Myth about Sun’s Journey...

na76; Cupra Marittima, grob 14 C, 6. st. pr. rays with fingers. Hand-shaped pendant75 usual-
Kr.: Sl. 31a77; Colli del Tronto: Sl. 30b78; ly bears a small inscribed cross with a dot in the
Montegiorgio, 6./7. st. pr. Kr.: Sl. 30a79), middle indicating to the Sun.
koji je ikonografski bio inspiriran villanova Human figure shaped in detail does not ap-
i orijentalizirajućim etruščanskim svijetom i pear on the body of the Liburnian pectorals as
apeninskim grčkim i greciziranim jugom, i opposed to the Picenian pectorals with an im-
to najočitije od 7. st. pr. Kr. nadalje, katkad portant role of a female figure on the boat (Nu-
čak s rukama-pticama (Sl. 31a), odnosno, mana76; Cupra Marittima, grave 14 C, 6th cent.
konjskim glavama (Sl. 30b), te nasuprot pri- BC: Fig. 31a77; Colli del Tronto: Fig. 30b78;
bližno istovremenim sličnim (pektoralnim) Montegiorgio, 6th/7th century BC: Fig. 30a79),
sintezama solarne lađe/kotača i antropomor- which was inspired iconographically with the
fnog elementa iz drugih sredina (Dolenjska), Villanovan and orientalizing Etruscan world
na tijelu sveukupnih liburnskih pektorala ni- and the Apennine south, which is most evi-
kad se ne pojavljuje ljudski lik konkretnije dent from the 7th century BC onwards, some-
oblikovan. Određeni izuzetak samo su kasni, times even with hands-birds (Fig. 31a) i.e. horse
ali i nadalje likovno nekonkretni liburnski heads (Fig. 30b) and as opposed to roughly
privjesci (Sl. 30c). Kod Liburna (i Japoda) synchronous similar (pectoral) syntheses of the
zato su česti mali antropomorfni trokutasti solar boat/wheel and anthropomorphous ele-
likovi s rukama-pticama: privjesci tipa Pro- ment from the other regions (Dolenjska). Late
zor (Zaton, gr. 3.: Sl. 42),80 ali i neki njima but still visually unspecific Liburnian pendants
ikonografski bliski, koji su pak rjeđi. represent a certain exception (Fig. 30c). In the
U različitim kulturnim sredinama,81 u pr- Liburnian (and Iapodean) cultural inventory we
vim stoljećima 1. tis. pr. Kr. i nadalje, plo- often find small anthropomorphous triangular
vidba dviju „sunčevih lađa“, dnevne i noćne, figures with arms-birds: Prozor-type pendants
ikonografski je katkad predočena s izokrenu- (Zaton, grave 3: Fig. 42),80 or some other types
tim (donjim) plovilom: na pojedinim nordij- exhibiting iconographical similarities but they
skim brijačima82 i ogrlicama83 (Sl. 15b), na are less frequent.
apeninskom prostoru (Este, Bologna)84 (Sl. In various cultural environments,81 in the first
15a, 16b), u Picenumu, na villanova-pojasu centuries of the first millennium BC, and later
(Sl. 19) podrijetlom negdje iz Etrurije,85 ali on, sailing of two sun boats, daily and nightly,
i na samim liburnskim pektoralima, uglav- is sometimes depicted iconographically with
a reversed (lower) boat: on certain Nordic ra-
Riječ je o nekoliko primjeraka poznatoga picenskog pek-
toralnog tipa s antropomorfnim likovima na trapezoidnoj
pločici (lađi?), datiranog potkraj 7. i u 6. st. pr. Kr., tipičnog 75
C. CHIARAMONTE TRERÉ, 2003, fig. 11/c-e.
za Numanu. Konkretno, u ženskom grobu 357 iz Sirolo 76
We are referring to several examples of the famous Pice-
– Numame iz prve polovice 6. st. pr. Kr., uz pektoral bile nian pectoral type with anthropomorphous figures on a
su fibule tipa pracertosa, Grottazzolina, San Ginesio, a due trapezoidal platelet (boat?), dated to the end of the 7th and
bottoni. M. LANDOLFI, 2000, 126-127, sl. 101. 6th centuries BC, typical of Numana. Specifically, in female
D. G. LOLLINI, 1976, sl. 15/1; N. LUCENTINI, 2000b, grave 357 from Sirolo – Numana from the first half of the
265, sl. 537. 6th century, the pectoral was accompanied by the following
E. MANGANI, 2003, 309, T VIc. types of fibulae: pre-Certosa, Grottazzolina, San Ginesio,
A. PRELOŽNIK, M. SAKARA SUČEVIĆ, S. SEIDEL, a due bottoni from the first half of the 6th century BC. M.
2006, 43, sl. 20. LANDOLFI, 2000, 126-127, fig. 101.
F. STARÈ, 1970, T I-II; S. KUKOČ, 1995, 51-80. 77
D. G. LOLLINI, 1976, fig. 15/1; N. LUCENTINI, 2000b,
A. BENAC, B. ČOVIĆ, 1957, T XXVII/5. 265, fig. 537.
Usp. F. KAUL, 2003, 40-41, sl. 7. 78
E. MANGANI, 2003, T 309/VIc.
R. MARASZEK, 2006, 80-81. 79
G. KOSSACK, 1954, T 9/4-5; L. LAURENZI, 1959, 37, sl. 4, 2006, 43, fig. 20.
6. 80
F. STARÈ, 1970, T I-II; S. KUKOČ, 1995, 51-80.
N. LUCENTINI, 2007, sl. 4/6. 81
A. BENAC, B. ČOVIĆ, 1957, T XXVII/5.

S. Kukoč: Pektoralni nakit kod Liburna: odrazi mita o Sunčevu putovanju u liburnskoj kulturi 10 (2016), 7-101

nom jantarnima (Sl. 39a, 40). Na pojasu iz zors82 and necklaces83 (Fig. 15b), in the Apen-
Picenuma (Sl. 19) jasno je oslikana Sunčeva nine region (Este, Bologna)84 (fig. 15a, 16b),
dnevno-noćna plovidba prikazana dvjema in Picenum, on the Villanovan belt (fig. 19),
„ptičjim lađama“ sa solarnim diskom. Izme- originating somewhere in Etruria,85 but also on
đu izokrenutih lađa je gusti spiralni snop, ti- the Liburnian pectorals, mostly made of amber
pičan znak moćne svjetlosne Sunčeve mreže (Fig. 39a, 43). On the belt from Picenum (Fig.
na Nebu, u Kozmosu, dakle, svojevrsni iko- 19) Sun’s daily-nightly sailing has been depicted
nografsko-semantički pandan dugim pekto- clearly with two bird boats with a solar disk. Be-
ralnim lancima. Izokrenutost donje lađe ne tween the reversed boats is a thick spiral bundle
poništava pripadnost i takvih prikaza istoj as a typical sign of mighty network of sunlight in
mitskoj strukturi o tamno-svijetloj Sunče- the Sky, in the Cosmos, as a kind of iconograph-
voj plovidbi, naprotiv, prikazi s izokrenutom ic and semantical counterpart to long pectoral
donjom lađom dodatno naglašavaju primor- chains. Reversed position of the lower boat does
dijalnu dijalektiku „donjeg“ i „gornjeg“, not negate affiliation of such representations to
odnosno, svijetlog-tamnog. Sve izokrenute the same mythical structure about dark-light
Sunčeve lađe upućuju na to da se one gibaju sailing of the Sun, on the contrary, depictions
po kružnici (Sl. 13b, 20b), ma kako da su with reversed lower boat additionally emphasize
se zamišljali prostorni sadržaji toga kruga/ primordial dialectics of the “lower” and “upper”
diska. i.e. light and dark. All reversed Sun boats indi-
Uz shemu Raova premještanja s dnevne cate that they moved circularly (Fig. 12b, 20b)
na noćnu lađu koje se sučeljavaju u jednoj regardless of conceptions of spatial contents of
horizontalnoj ravni, postoji i staroegipatska the circle/disk.
shema Raove dnevno-noćne plovidbe raspo- In addition to the scheme of Ra’s transfer from
ređene u dva vodoravna usporedna pojasa, the daily to nightly boat which confront in a
pri čemu su donja plovila katkad također horizontal plane, there is also an old Egyptian
okrenuta naglavce; konkretno, na jednom scheme of Ra’s daily/nightly sailing distributed
hipocefalusu. Sve naslikano na tom magič- in two horizontal parallel belts in which lower
nom disku vodoravnom je crtom podijeljeno boats are also upside down, specifically on a hy-
na gornju i donju polovinu. Dok su u gor- pocephalus. Everything painted on that magic
njoj dvije nasuprotne Raove lađe „u susretu“, disk was divided into the upper and lower half
u donjoj, noćnoj, gdje brodom plove božan- with a horizontal line. While in the upper half,
ski Raovi supstituti (Horus, Sveti skarabej), two opposite Ra’s boats are “meeting”, in the
sve prikazano je potpuno „neprirodno“ po- lower, nightly half, where divine Ra’s substitutes
stavljeno. Solarni oslikani disk (Horusovo (Horus, holy scarab) sail in a boat, everything
oko)86, zvan hipocefalus, priložen u grob, is depicted in “unnatural” position. Solar paint-
ispisan molitvama i oslikan scenama Sunče- ed disk (Eye of Horus),86 called hypocephalus,
va putovanja, treba pokojniku, identificira- put in the grave, written with prayers and paint-
nom s božanskim Suncem, osigurati toplinu ed with the Journey scenes, needed to ensure
i vječni život duše, dakle, omogućiti pokoj- warmth and eternal life of the soul of the de-
nikov ulazak, ali i izlazak iz podzemnog svi- ceased person who was identified with the di-
Usp. F. KAUL, 2003, 40-41, fig. 7.
R. MARASZEK, 2006, 80-81.
Okrugao oblik hipocefalusa slika je zjenice Horusova oka. 84
G. KOSSACK, 1954, T 9/4-5; L. LAURENZI, 1959, 37, fig.
E. A. T. WALLIS BUDGE, 1989, 101. 4, 6.
„Neka veliki bog u svojem disku daruje zrake svoje pod- 85
N. LUCENTINI, 2007, fig. 4/6.
zemnom svijetu…“. E. A. T. WALLIS BUDGE, 1989, 101- 86
Round shape of hypocephalus is an image of pupil of the
103. Horus’ eye. E. A. T. WALLIS BUDGE, 1989, 101.

10 (2016), 7-101 S. Kukoč: Pectoral Jewelry and the Liburnians: Reflections of the Myth about Sun’s Journey...

Samo do određene razine simboličnoga, vine Sun and therefore enable entrance and way
i uvijek u skladu s osebujnošću pojedinoga out of the underworld.87
kulturnog konteksta, funkciji staroegipat- Function of the old Egyptian hypocephalus
skog hipocefalusa približava se čin relativno can be compared with the ritual of relatively fre-
čestog prilaganja skarabeja u grobove Etru- quent putting of a scarab in graves in Etruria,
rije, Campanije, Picenuma (Pianello di Ca- Campania, Picenum (Pianello di Castelbellino,
stelbellino, grob 8; Campovalano, grob 47)88 grave 8; Campovalano, grave 47)88 and else-
i drugdje po apeninskim prostorima te u sa- where in the Apennine regions and in Egypt but
mom Egiptu. Njima se približuju svi čino- only to a certain level of symbolics and always in
vi darivanja pokojnika probranim grobnim accordance with specificality of a certain cultural
prilozima s prikazom Sunčeva putovanja. Uz context. There are also certain similarities with
europske posude-urne na „ptičjim/solarnim all acts of donating selected gifts to the deceased
kolima“ (Kesselwagen),89 no i štošta drugo, person bearing a depiction of the Sun’s Journey.
simbolično je iznimna gesta grobnog prila- In addition to the European vessels-urns on the
ganja jantarnih predmeta naglašeno solarnih “bird/solar chariot” (Kesselwagen),89 and some
formi (Sl. 38). Nekom od inačica mita o other things, ritual of putting amber objects
Sunčevu putovanju mogu se u kasno bronča- with distinctly solar forms is exceptional in sym-
no doba i početkom željeznog doba objašnja- bolical terms (Fig. 38).
vati i brojni, najrazličitiji predmeti iz svijeta Some of variants of the myth about the Sun’s
muškaraca, žena i djece po europskim pro- journey can be used to explain many diverse ob-
storima, od Sjevera do Juga: predmeti rata jects from the world of men, women and chil-
(kompletna oprema), obreda (sjekire, urne i dren in the European regions, from the North to
dr.) i svakodnevnice (domus), od apeninskih the South in the Late Bronze Age and beginning
brijača i pojaseva (Sl. 19, 34, 35a-c) do poja- of the Iron Age: objects of war (complete equip-
sa iz Flota u Poljskoj (9./8. st. pr. Kr.).90 Svi ment), ritual (axes, urns, etc.) and everyday life
su uporno oslikavani solarnim motivima u (domus), from the Apennine razors and belts
tadašnjim različitim kulturama. Tada se oči- (Fig. 19, 34-35 a-c) to the belt from Flot, Poland
to živjelo „pod zaštitom“ odabranoga solar- (9th/8th century BC).90 They were all ornament-
nog znaka i simbola, primarno križa/diska. ed with solar motifs in various cultures of the
Kao sve solarne lađe, i dvije pektoralne time. Evidently people lived “under protection”
kod Liburna (Sl. 1) i Picena (Sl. 24, 29) of the selected solar sign or symbol, primarily
neovisno o (izokrenutom) položaju donjeg cross/disk.
plovila, sredstvo su koje omogućuje uređe- As all solar boats, two pectoral boats in Libur-
nost Svijeta. Jer, noseći Sunce, plovidbom nia (Fig. 1) and Picenum (Fig. 24, 29) regardless
spajaju završne točke prekriženih (imaginar- of the (reversed) position of the lower boat, are
nih) osi. Time oni spajaju četiri križna vre- means to enable arranged world, because as they
mensko-prostorna odsječka nastala kružnim carry the Sun, they join final points of intersect-
gibanjem Sunca. Nezaustavljivost kružnog ing (imaginary) lines by sailing. In that way they
kretanja ikonografski je ipak izražajnija na connect four cross-shaped chronological and
nogama-diskovima fibula tipa Osor i po no- spatial sections made by circular movement of
gama različitih tipova apeninskih fibula a the Sun. Continuity of circular movement is
disco (Sl. 20, 21a-b, d-f, 23). Jer, kombina-
“May the great god in his disk give his rays to the un-
derworld …”. E. A. T. WALLIS BUDGE, 1989, 101-103.
G. CAPRIOTTI VITTOZZI, 2000, 231. 88
Ch. PARE, 1989, 82-83, 93. 89
Ch. PARE, 1989, 82-83, 93.
B. HÄNSEL, 1997, 21, 133, sl. 2. 90
B. HÄNSEL, 1997, 21, 133, fig. 2.

S. Kukoč: Pektoralni nakit kod Liburna: odrazi mita o Sunčevu putovanju u liburnskoj kulturi 10 (2016), 7-101

cija križa i kruga/diska ovdje je nadopunjena iconographically most intensively pronounced

spiralom i svastikom.91 Obje izravno nagla- on the feet-disks of the Osor-type fibulae and on
šavaju vrtnju, odnosno ciklično vrijeme. To the feet of various types of the Apennine fibulae
je vrijeme sveto; uvijek se vraća kroz sadržaje a disco (Fig. 20; 21a-b, d-f; 23). Combination of
četiriju odsječaka Sunčeva diska (Sl. 20a-b). the cross and circle/disk was supplemented with
Solarni disk na gornjoj lađi pektorala iz a spiral and swastika in this case.91 They both
Nina i Zatona nije okrugao, poput uobiča- emphasize spinning i.e. cyclical time which is sa-
jenih solarnih diskova na lađama/kolima (Sl. cred; it always gets back through the contents of
2a, 3, 7a, 8a). Organski je spojen s lađom iz four sections of the Sun disk (Fig. 20a-b).
koje izrasta: zato je gotovo četvrtastog obli- Solar disk on the upper boat of the pectorals
ka, ali sa zaobljenim vrhovima svojih gornjih from Nin and Zaton is not round like usual so-
kutova. I drugdje je Sunce na lađama kat- lar disks on boats/chariots (Fig. 2a, 3, 7a, 8a).
kad bliže četverokutu; vjerojatno je riječ tek It is organically connected with the boat from
o stilizaciji (Sl. 38a) ili likovnoj nevještosti. which it grows, therefore it is almost square in
I na najstarijim picenskim pektoralima, tipa form, but it has rounded tops of its upper cor-
Ancona, s dvije lađe (Sl. 24-25, 26b, 29), so- ners. There are other examples where the Sun
larni disk je također neuobičajenog oblika: is squarer than round, probably it was just sti-
katkad pomalo četvrtastog (Sl. 29), ipak naj- lization (Fig. 38a) or artistic ineptness. On the
češće kružnog, ali tada podignutog na svoje- oldest Picenian pectorals, of the Ancona type,
vrsnom postolju (Sl. 24, 26b). To ipak nije with two boats (Fig. 24-25, 26b, 29), solar disk
obilježje samo najstarijih picenskih pektorala is also of unusual form, sometimes a bit square
s dvije lađe, već i onih s jednom lađom, koji (Fig. 29), but most frequently circular, raised on
su posebno dobro uočljivi u „ženskim“ (i a kind of pedestal (Fig. 24, 26b). However this
dječjim) grobovima Novilare (Novilara IIb: is not an exclusive characteristic of the oldest
720. – 690. g. pr. Kr.), s kraja 8. st. pr. Kr. Picenian pectorals with two boats, but also of
i kasnije (Sl. 31b, 32).92 Postoji mišljenje da the examples with only one boat, which are par-
ovi rani jednodijelni pektorali i nisu mlađi ticularly noticeable in “female” (and children’s)
od picenskih dvodijelnih te da su u samoj graves of Novilara (Novilara II b: 720-690 BC),
Novilari svi jednodijelni pektorali bilo ra- from the end of the 8th century BC and later
skošni s jasno prikazanim solarnim diskom (Fig. 31b, 32).92 There is an opinion that these
(Sl. 31b, 32), bilo shematizirani bez solarnog early single-part pectorals are not younger than
diska, poput onoga iz Numane (Sl. 33), za- the two-part specimens; also that all single-part
pravo istovremeni, to jest s kraja 8. st. pr. Kr. pectorals, whether elaborate, with clearly de-
i početka 7. st. pr. Kr.93 Njihov solarni disk picted solar disk (Fig. 31b, 32), or schematized,
često je prazan (Sl. 31b) bez urezanih motiva without the solar disk, such as the one from
ili pak nosi one koji nisu nedvojbeno solarni, Numana (Fig. 33), are actually synchronous, i.e.
što ih približava „ohlađenoj“ simbolici (?). from the end of the 8th century BC and begin-
Ipak, u grobovima ovi pektorali i nadalje su ning of the 7th century BC.93 Their solar disk is
standardni u simbolizaciji svijeta žene, koji often depicted empty (Fig. 31b), without the
je u pokopima Picenuma označen, uz ostalo, incised motifs or it carries the ones which are
vretenom, pršljenom, kalemom te jantarom, not undoubtedly solar bringing them closer to
staklom, školjkom, ali i keramičkom posu- “detached” symbolics. However in the graves

S. KUKOČ, 2012, 31-116. 91
S. KUKOČ, 2012, 31-116.
K. W. BEINHAUER, 1985, 254, 336, 553-544, T 22/B, T 92
K. W. BEINHAUER, 1985, 254, 336, 553-544, T 22/B, T
39/C-41/A, T 80/ A, T 138-140, T 144/B-145. 39/C- 41/A, T 80/A, T 138-140, T 144/B-145.
K. W. BEINHAUER, 1985, 254. 93
K. W. BEINHAUER, 1985, 254.

10 (2016), 7-101 S. Kukoč: Pectoral Jewelry and the Liburnians: Reflections of the Myth about Sun’s Journey...

dicom, tzv. kothonom koja na dugmetu svoje these pectorals are still standard in symbolizing
ručke obično nosi znak križa (u krugu) (Sl. the world of a woman which is in the Picenian
28b, 31b, 32, 44a). Kothon, postavljan u li- burials denoted with a spindle, whorl, spool and
burnske, picenske i histarske pokope obaju amber, glass, shell, but also small ceramic vessel
spolova,94 9. – 8. st. pr. Kr., sigurno je imao “kothon” which has a sign of cross (in a circle)
obrednu namjenu, kod libacije ili pak kao on the button of its handle (Fig. 28j, 31b, 32,
svjetiljka. Ako je doista bio izvor svjetlosti (za 44a). Kothon, included in the Liburnian, Pice-
mrtve?), njegova simbolika u grobnom kon- nian and Histrian burials of both sexes,94 from
tekstu načelno poprima višestruka značenja, the 9th to 8th centuries BC definitely had ritual
pogotovo u kombinaciji s opremom pokoj- function, in libation or as a lamp. If it really was
nika koja ima određene solarne simbolične a source of light (for the dead?), its symbolics in
aspekte. Oblikom netipičan, solarni disk na the funerary context generally assumes manifold
ninskoj i zatonskoj gornjoj pektoralnoj lađi meanings, particularly in combination with the
(Sl. 3, 8a) punu analogiju ipak ima u poje- equipment of the deceased person which has
dinim picenskim dvodijelnim pektoralima certain symbolical aspects. Solar disk of atypical
(Sl. 29).95 Pektoral u Muzeju u Ascoli Piceno form on the upper pectoral boat from Nin and
izravna je analogija oblikovanju gornje lađe Zaton (Fig. 3, 8a) finds full analogy in certain
obaju pektorala iz Liburnije (Sl. 3, 8a). To je Picenian two-part pectorals (Museum of Ascoli
važan podatak u komparativnoj analizi naj- Piceno: Fig. 29).95 This is an important infor-
starije liburnske i picenske pektoralne forme. mation in comparative analysis of the earliest
Ako „neobični“ solarni diskovi na gornjim Liburnian and Picenian pectoral form.
pektoralnim lađama kod Picena i Liburna If “unusual” solar disks on the upper pectoral
doista podrazumijevaju neko postolje, svi oni boats of the Picenians and Liburnians really im-
mogli bi se formom i značenjem uspoređivati ply a certain pedestal, they could all be compared
sa stvarnim nordijskim (Danska, Jütland: Sl. in their form and meaning with actual Nordic
13e) ritualnim brončano-jantarnim predme- (Denmark, Jütland: Fig. 13e) ritual bronze-am-
tom (vis. 7 cm) s postoljem-držačem.96 Če- ber object (height 7 cm) with a pedestal/holder.96
sto je bio i crtan po stijenama, prikazan na It was often drawn on the rocks, depicted on the
solarnoj lađi97 (Sl. 13f, 17c). Njegov tran- solar boat97 (Fig. 13f, 17c). Its transparent am-
sparentni jantarni disk, koji označava Sun- ber disk, representing the Sun, has an inscribed
ce, ima upisan križ (Sl. 13e). Upravo ovakav cross (Fig. 13e). This kind of object can explain
predmet može objasniti „zagonetnost“ po- in a certain way “mysteriousness” of a famous
znatog predmeta istaknute solarne simbolike object with pronounced solar symbolism from
iz Tyrinsa98 (oko 1200. g. pr. Kr.), u obliku Tyrins98 (ca. 1200 BC), in shape of an amber/
jantarnog/solarnog križa postavljenog unu- solar cross placed inside a disk which was made
tar diska izvedenog zlatnom žicom. of golden wire.
Uz asocijacije na nordijski svijet s njegovim In addition to associations of the Nordic world
pojavama Sunčeva „postolja“ na solarnom with its phenomena of the Sun’s pedestal on a
plovilu (Sl. 13f, 16c), neizbježne su i određe- solar boat (Fig. 13f, 16c), certain iconographic
ne ikonografsko-simbolične asocijacije solar- and symbolic associations of the solar pectoral
nih pektoralnih diskova Liburnije i Picenuma disks from Liburnia and Picenum (Fig. 3, 24-

K. MIHOVILIĆ, 2007, 85-94. 94
K. MIHOVILIĆ, 2007, 85-94.
D. RANDALL-MacIVER, 1927, T 28/3. 95
D. RANDALL-MacIVER, 1927, T 28/3.
F. KAUL, 2006, 67. 96
F. KAUL, 2006, 67.
F. KAUL, 2006, 66-69. 97
F. KAUL, 2006, 66-69.
Usp. A. PALAVESTRA, 1993, 22-23. 98
Usp. A. PALAVESTRA, 1993, 22-23.

S. Kukoč: Pektoralni nakit kod Liburna: odrazi mita o Sunčevu putovanju u liburnskoj kulturi 10 (2016), 7-101

(Sl. 3, 24-26, 29) na staroegipatsku solarnu 26, 29) with the old Egyptian solar boat are
lađu. Ona u svojem crvenom Sunčevu disku inevitable. In the red Sun disk this boat carries
na postolju nosi skarabeja – Sunčev supstitut a scarab on a pedestal – substitute of the Sun –
– u prizoru koji je, uz ostalo, oslikan u unu- in a scene which is depicted in the interior of a
trašnjosti mumijinog sanduka, konkretno, mummy’s coffin, specifically, at the place of her
na mjestu njezine glave (Sl. 12a).99 head (Fig. 12a).99
Možda je disk na visoko podignutom po- Perhaps a disk on highly erected pedestal on
stolju na pektoralima Picena (Sl. 24-26, 31b, the Picenian pectorals (Fig. 24-26, 31b, 32) is
32) također aluzija na predmet koji u nekom also an allusion to an object which replaces the
konkretnom solarnom obredu zamjenjuje Sun in some specific solar ritual? Both the Li-
Sunce? I Liburni i Piceni, s tadašnjom ne- burnians and the Picenians, with undoubtedly
sumnjivo bitnom ulogom pektoralnoga so- important role of the pectoral solar expression,
larnog sloga, sigurno su provodili obrede pri definitely held rituals of adoration of the Sun
obožavanju Sunca i imali za to instrumen- and had the necessary instruments, particular-
tarij, osobito u prvim stoljećima 1. tis. pr. ly in the first centuries of the first millennium
Kr. Sam pektoral, poput onoga iz Nina ili BC. The pectoral itself, similar to the examples
Zatona, dug oko 60 – 70 cm, nije označavao from Nin or Zaton, about 60-70 cm long, did
samo nakitnu raskoš ili raskoš „društvenog not mark only richness of the jewelry or wealth
položaja“. Njegov koncept religijski je ute- of the “social position”; its concept was founded
meljen, s vjerojatnom funkcijom u obredima on religion, with probable function in the rituals
vezanim za posebne događaje u životu žene, related to special events in life of a woman i.e.
odnosno zajednice. community.
Mitska tema o Svijetu kao neprekidnoj Mythical theme of the world as continuous
Sunčevoj plovidbi, likovno je ipak najjasnija sailing of the Sun is visually clearest on the com-
u kompoziciji na pektoralnom disku iz Nina position of a pectoral disk from Nin (Fig. 3, 5).
(Sl. 3, 5). Tu je kroz tri vodoravna pojasa, In three horizontal zones, i.e. three symbolical
tj. kroz tri simbolične sfere, nebo – zemlju spheres, Sky – Earth – Underworld (?), myth
– podzemlje (?), mit dočaran geometrijskim was depicted with geometric iconic symbols, in
ikoničnim simbolima, gotovo matematički an almost mathematical abstract way, but with
apstraktnim načinom, ali ipak s određenom a kind of narration, therefore in style of certain
narativnošću, dakle u stilu određene „ap- “abstract narration”. The third composition
straktne naracije“. Treći kompozicijski po- zone of this mythical “story” goes over the “bird
jas ove mitske „priče“ teče po samoj „ptičjoj boat”.
lađi“. In the first zone motif of the so-called Maltese
U prvom pojasu dominira motiv tzv. mal- cross (Fig. 3, 5a) is dominant. It divided the area
teškog križa (Sl. 3, 5a). On četverostruko of the first sphere in four segments. It is formed
dijeli prostor prve sfere. Oblikovan je od of an elongated rhomb with triangular exten-
izduženog romba s trokutastim izdancima, sions, similar to many identical crosses drawn
poput brojnih istih križeva nacrtanih po ra- on various objects (Fig. 21a-e; 23a),100 and on
zličitim predmetima (Sl. 21a-e; 23a),100 ali the Picenian pectorals (Fig. 25). As depicted on
i po picenskim pektoralima (Sl. 25). Kako the disk, it represents the Sun as a cosmic sym-
je prikazan na disku, predočava Sunce kao bol. But the cross from Nin was additionally sur-
kozmički simbol. No, križ iz Nina dodat- rounded with distinct dots, each in its segment

G. ROBINS, 1997, 200-201, sl 242.

99 99
G. ROBINS, 1997, 200-201, fig. 242.
S. KUKOČ, 2012, 55, sl. 20/c. d, sl. 21.
100 100
S. KUKOČ, 2012, 55, fig. 20/c-d, fig. 21.

10 (2016), 7-101 S. Kukoč: Pectoral Jewelry and the Liburnians: Reflections of the Myth about Sun’s Journey...

no je okružen istaknutim točkama, svakom (Fig. 3, 5a). These are four small concentric cir-
u svojem segmentu (Sl. 3, 5a). To su četi- cles. The area between them is filled with radial
ri mala koncentrična kruga između kojih je lines with a dot in the middle. They symbolize
prostor ispunjen zrakastim crticama, s toč- the eyes of the Sun while they monitor the area
kicom u središtu. Oni simboliziraju Sunčeve of four fields of the disk. Astronomical symbol
oči dok nadziru prostor četiriju polja diska. of the Sun is a circle with a dot in the middle,
I planetarni znak Sunca je krug s točkom u it is also the old Egyptian symbol of the Sun.101
središtu; također i staroegipatski simbol Sun- Old Egyptian divine eyes, of Ra or Horus102 be-
ca.101 Među likovno najkonkretnije Sunčeve long to the visually most concrete eyes of the
oči spadaju, dakako, staroegipatske božan- Sun. This motif has been depicted with a dot in
ske oči, Raove ili Horusove.102 I drugdje su a circle elswhere as well, in completely abstract
se točkom u krugu prikazivale Sunčeve oči; Apennine geometrized “landscapes”, presented
konkretno, u potpuno apstraktnim apenin- on the selected parts of attire of various persons,
skim geometriziranim „pejzažima“, pred- including warriors.103
stavljanim na odabranim dijelovima odjeće Four dots on the pectoral from Nin distrib-
različitih osoba, pa i ratnika.103 uted crosswise supplement motif of a “cross in
Četiri križno raspoređene točke na pekto- a circle” (disk). They emphasize already pres-
ralu iz Nina dodatno ispunjavaju motiv „kri- ent cosmic importance of the number four
ža u krugu“ (disku). One naglašavaju kod i.e. fourfoldedness. The entire code graphically
njega već prisutnu kozmičku važnost broja represents the word integrity as a disk/circle,
četiri, odnosno, četverostrukost. Cijeli znak arranged in a cross-shaped manner by the Sun,
grafički predočava svijet kao disk/krug, Sun- in sign of the number four, divided into four
cem križno usustavljen, u znaku broja četi- chronological/spatial sections, with fourfold
ri, podijeljen na četiri vremensko-prostorna rhythm of time and distribution in four direc-
dijela, s četvornim ritmom vremena i s ra- tions/sections. It is the central visual-religious
sprostiranjem u četiri pravca/odsječka. On code of the (Late) Bronze and Early Iron Ages
jest središnji likovno-religijski kôd (kasnog) in many communities. In itself it is the apogee
brončanog i ranog željeznog doba u mnogim of solar symbolical summarization particularly
zajednicama. Sam po sebi, posebno u kon- in contexts with “bird” motifs. That is why it
tekstima s „ptičjim“ motivima, vrhunac je is the epicenter of the symbolics of the pectoral
solarnoga simboličnog sažimanja. Stoga je concept.
upravo on pravi epicentar simbolike pekto- Simple three-part “cosmology” is immanent
ralnog koncepta u Liburna i Picena. to this symbolical synthesis – solar cross-shaped/
Jednostavna trodijelna „kozmologija“ ima- circular structure of the Cosmos. This does not
nentna je ovakvoj simboličnoj sintezi: solar- mean that in its “archetypal” three-part elemen-
nom križno-kružnom ustroju Kozmosa. To tariness (sky-earth-underworld) it did not exit
ne znači da, u svojoj „arhetipskoj“ trodijelnoj long before relatively articulated religious solar
elementarnosti (nebo-zemlja-podzemlje), cult during the (Late) Bronze and Iron Ages.
ona nije postojala davno prije relativno ra- Since it is characteristic of many communities in
ščlanjene religijske solarnosti tijekom (ka- its three-part simplicity, and “universal” in a cer-
snog) brončanog i željeznog doba. Kako je tain way i.e. general, it does not reveal enough

A. GROS de BELER, 2004, 112. 101
A. GROS de BELER, 2004, 112.
Horus je u mitu učvrstio nebo na četiri stupa, a četiri Ho- 102
In the myth Horus supported sky with four columns, and
rusova sina aludiraju na četiri strane svijeta. M. J. MATJE, four sons of Horus allude to four sides of the world. M. J.
1990, 216. MATJE, 1990, 216.
S. KUKOČ, 2012, 69, 96-97, sl. 28. 103
S. KUKOČ, 2012, 69, 96-97, fig. 28.

S. Kukoč: Pektoralni nakit kod Liburna: odrazi mita o Sunčevu putovanju u liburnskoj kulturi 10 (2016), 7-101

u svojoj trodijelnoj jednostavnosti svojstvena about “cosmologies” of individual cultures, Li-

mnogima, stanovito „univerzalna“, tj. opće- burnian, Picenian and others.
nita, ona ipak nedovoljno govori o „kozmo- This work does not discuss the first appear-
logijama“ pojedinačnih kultura, liburnske, ance of “the cross in a circle/disk with four dots”
picenske i drugih. in the history of cultures; it is much earlier than
U ovom radu ne raspravlja se o prvoj pojavi the first centuries of the first millennium BC.
„križa u krugu/disku s četiri točke“ u povije- Motif of a “cross in a circle” without four dots
sti kultura; ona je, dakako, znatno starija od is well known characteristic of jewelry (pin, etc.)
prvih stoljeća 1. tis. pr. Kr. Motiv pak „križa of the cultures of the Middle Bronze Age in
u krugu“ bez četiri točke dobro je poznata Central Europe.104 Motif of a cross in a circle
svojina nakita (igle i dr.) kultura srednjega with or without four dots was used by the Car-
brončanog doba u Srednjoj Europi.104 Mo- pathian-Danubian cultures during the Bronze
tiv križa u krugu s ili pak bez četiri točke Age (e. g. Makó, Nagyrév, Verbicioara, Koszider
koriste i karpatsko-podunavske kulture tije- horizon105), etc., and in the Iron Age (Bosut/
kom brončanog doba (npr. Makó, Nagyrév, Basarabi), often at the base of vessels, but also
Verbicioara, Koszider horizont105) i dr. te u elsewhere (jewelry). In the Eneolithic Danubi-
željezno doba (Bosut/Basarabi), često na dnu an, and Vučedol solar images we can find early
posuda, ali i drugdje (nakit). U eneolitičkim European confirmation of doubtless solar and
podunavskim, i to vučedolskim solarnim sli- cosmic characteristic of a motif of “the cross in
kama, nalazi se rana europska potvrda ned- a circle/disk with four dots” (Fig. 18c).106 Im-
vojbene solarnosti i kozmičnosti „križa u portance of this motif during the Late Bronze
krugu/disku s četiri točke“ (Sl. 18c).106 Važ- Age ad Early Iron Age can be attested by vari-
nost toga motiva tijekom kasnog brončanog ous comparisons e.g. reduced but symbolically
i ranog željeznog doba može se dokazivati convincing series which includes the following
najrazličitijim usporedbama, npr. reducira- solar disks: Gualdo Tadino/Perugia (Fig. 18a-
nim, ali simbolično uvjerljivim nizom koji b)107 – Nin (Fig. 3, 5a) – Osor, grave 6 (Fig.
uključuje sljedeće solarne diskove: Gualdo 20a)108 – Terni (Fig. 20b )109 – Bologna (Fig.
Tadino/Perugia (Sl. 18a-b)107 – Nin (Sl. 3, 16b) – Sala Consilina (Fig. 20c).110 This and
5a) – Osor, grob 6 (Sl. 20a)108 – Terni (Sl. many other possible comparisons in Europe of
20b)109 – Bologna (Sl. 16b) – Sala Consilina the time (Fig. 17a, c) mostly from the 9th and 8th
E. PROBST, 1996, 1671, 171, 180, 190.
E. PROBST, 1996, 1671, 171, 180, 190. 105
T. KOVACS, 1984, XCVIII/8.
T. KOVACS, 1984, XCVIII/8. 106
A. DURMAN, 2000, fig. 56-57.
A. DURMAN, 2000, sl. 56-57. 107
P. L. CARANCINI, 1997, 384, 388; M. BETTELLI, 1997a,
P. L. CARANCINI, 1997, 384, 388; M. BETTELLI, 1997a, 734-735, fig. 435-436. Golden disks from the hoard Gu-
734-735, sl. 435-436. Zlatni diskovi iz ostave Gualdo Ta- aldo Tadino (Perugia) from the Late Bronze Age (bronzo
dino (Perugia) iz kasnog brončanog doba (bronzo finale), finale) are very similar in form to disks from the terramare
formom su vrlo bliski onima u terramare svijetu, kon- world, specifically, golden disks Redùa (Modena), Casinal-
kretno, zlatnim diskovima iz Redùa (Modena), Casinalba ba (Modena) and Borgo Panigale (Bologna), dated broadly
(Modena) i Borgo Panigale (Bologna), okvirno datiranim between the Middle and Late Bronze Age (bronzo recen-
između završnog srednjeg i kasnog brončanog doba (bron- te and bronzo finale) which are damaged and filled with
zo recente, odnosno, bronzo finale) koji su oštećeni i ispu- motifs of various concentrical circles. P. L. CARANCINI,
njeni motivima različitih koncentričnih krugova. P. L. CA- 1997, 384, 388; M. BETTELLI, 1997, 724; G. BERMOND
RANCINI, 1997, 384, 388; M. BETTELLI, 1997, 724; G. MONTANARI, 1997, 732-734; R. PERONI, 2004, sl.
BERMOND MONTANARI, 1997, 732-734; R. PERONI, 47/12.
2004, sl. 47/12. 108
S. KUKOČ, 2012, 43, fig 8.
S. KUKOČ, 2012, 43, sl 8. 109
J. SUNDWALL, 1943, 124. The Terny-type fibula with a
J. SUNDWALL, 1943, 124. Fibula tipa Terni raskucanog hammered bow and a disco foot decorated with four dots
luka, s nogom a disco ukrašenom s četiri točke u četiri po- inside four fields of the cross (circle/disk) is dated to the
lja križa (kruga/diska), datirana je tijekom 8. st. pr. Kr. H. 8th century BC. H. MÜLLER-KARPE, 1959a, T I.
MÜLLER-KARPE, 1959a, T I. 110
K. KILIAN, 1967, 106, T 2/1, T 4/4.

10 (2016), 7-101 S. Kukoč: Pectoral Jewelry and the Liburnians: Reflections of the Myth about Sun’s Journey...

(Sl. 20c).110 Ovu, i bezbrojne druge moguće centuries BC111 are symbolically completed and
usporedbe po tadašnjoj Europi (Sl. 17a, c), made plausible by a peculiar round stone object,
uglavnom iz 9. – 8. st. pr. Kr.,111 simbolič- definitely functional in rituals, from Moselund
no dovršava i čini vjerodostojnim osebujan in Denmark (Fig. 17b).112 Slight reflections of
kameni okrugli predmet, obredno sigurno importance of the code consisting of cross, circle
funkcionalan, iz Moselunda u Danskoj (Sl. with four dots are transferred to various ceremo-
17b).112 Vrlo blagi odrazi važnosti kôda sa- nial attires such as round Liburnian belt buckles
stavljenog od križa, kruga s četirima točkama (Fig. 6), particularly the ones with four simple or
prenose se i na različite onovremene sveča- more complex spokes,113 then to metal, bronze
ne nošnje, npr. na liburnske okrugle pojasne and lead appliqués and other elements of the Li-
kopče (Sl. 6), posebno one s četirima jedno- burnian ceremonial (funerary) attire. The same
stavnim ili složenijim žbicama,113 zatim na phenomenon in a peculiar way accompanies the
metalne, brončane i olovne aplike i druge Delmatian attire of the time (Fig. 28f), then
elemente liburnskoga svečanog (pogrebnog) the Histrian and some other examples from the
odijela. Ista pojava, na osebujan način, prati Adriatic world.
i tadašnju delmatsku nošnju (Sl. 28f ), zatim In Etruria motif and symbol of the “cross
histarsku i neke druge iz jadranskog svijeta. with four dots” which are distributed between
U Etruriji pak motiv i simbol „križa s četiri its arms, in four spatial segments, i.e. four sec-
točke“ koje su raspoređene između njegovih tions of the “coordinate system“, is a part of the
krakova, u četiri segmenta prostora, to jest depiction on a bell-shaped helmet from Popu-
četiri odsječka „koordinatnog sustava“, dio lonia from the 9th/8th century BC (Fig. 19c).114
je prikaza na zvonolikoj kacigi iz Populonije Although accompanied by birds, the motif was
iz 9./8. st. pr. Kr. (Sl. 19c).114 Iako u pratnji not depicted on an antithetical “bird boat” as
ptica, motiv ovdje ipak nije bio predočen na was the case on the pectoral from Nin (Fig. 3).
antitetičnoj „ptičjoj lađi“, kao što se zbilo In this context it is important to mention the
na Sunčevu disku na pektoralu iz Nina (Sl. Villanovan circle/disk with a cross and four dots,
3). U ovom kontekstu posebno je važan bo- which is both solar and cosmic since it is located
lonjski villananova krug/disk s križem i če- on a double bird boat, lower of which is reversed
tirima točkama, koji je solaran i kozmički, s (Fig. 16b). Cross-shaped division with the same
obzirom na to da je smješten na dvostrukoj symbolics is evidently a basis of buckles – disks
ptičjoj lađi, od kojih je donja lađa okrenuta on long rectangular Apennine belts filled rich-
naglavce (Sl. 16b). Križna kompozicija iste ly with usual solar signs in geometric style, also
simbolike očita je idejna podloga i kopčama/ from the beginning of the Iron Age.115 They are
diskovima kod dugih pravokutnih apenin- very similar to the large Liburnian and Picenian
skih pojaseva bogato ispunjenih uobičajenim pectorals not only due to their solar symbolics
solarnim znakovima u geometrijskom stilu, but also because of technique of incision and
također s početka željeznog doba.115 Ne samo geometric style (rows of birds!). Specifically on
svojom mogućom solarnom simbolikom, već the belt from Pontecagnano (Fig. 34), observed
i tehnikom urezivanja i geometrijskim stilom vertically, same “story” runs in identical visual
(nizovi ptica!), oni su izrazito bliski velikim rendering (birds, bands) as on the large pectorals
K. KILIAN, 1967, 106, T 2/1, T 4/4. 111
G. KOSSACK, 1954, T 9/5.
G. KOSSACK, 1954, T 9/5. 112
F. KAUL, 2003, 45, fig. 14; F. KAUL, 2006, 68.
F. KAUL, 2003, 45, sl. 14; F. KAUL, 2006, 68. 113
About the belt buckles with four semicircular extensions
Za pojasne kopče s četiri polukružna kraka, datirane u 7. – dated to the period from the 7th to 5th centuries BC: D.
5. st. pr. Kr.: D. GLOGOVIĆ, 2013, 267-276. GLOGOVIĆ, 2013, 267-276.
C. IAIA, 2004, 309, sl. 3/3. 114
C. IAIA, 2004, 309, fig. 3/3.
B. D’AGOSTINO, P. GASTALDI, 1988, T 21/38A. 115
B. D’AGOSTINO, P. GASTALDI, 1988, T 21/38A.

S. Kukoč: Pektoralni nakit kod Liburna: odrazi mita o Sunčevu putovanju u liburnskoj kulturi 10 (2016), 7-101

pektoralima kod Liburna, odnosno, Picena. from Liburnia and Picenum.

Konkretno, na pojasu iz Pontecagnana (Sl. In the second zone of depictions on the pec-
34), gledano okomito, teče ista „priča“ u toral disk from Nin (Fig. 3, 5c) is a square field.
istoj likovnoj izvedbi (ptice, vrpce), kao i na It represents the earthly sphere. On the edges it
velikim pektoralima iz Liburnije i Picenuma. is filled with signs of “the sun’s eye”. They are
U drugom pojasu prikaza na disku pek- identical to the “suns’ eyes” from the first zone,
torala iz Nina (Sl. 3, 5c) četvrtasto je polje. but now they are cut in half. Same motifs run
Ono je zemaljska sfera. Po rubovima je is- along the edges of the disk. Similar motifs of
punjeno znakovima „Sunčeva oka“. Oni su semicircles, with or without a dot often “deco-
identični „Sunčevim očima“ iz prvog pojasa, rate” edges of certain objects or depictions with
ali su sada prepolovljeni. Isti motivi teku i signs of the solar cult, on the Balkans116 and Ap-
po rubovima diska. Slični motivi polukrugo- ennine Peninsula117 during the first millennium
va, s točkom ili bez nje, često „krase“ rubove BC. In the context of “solar landscape”, motif
pojedinih predmeta ili prikaza s naznakama of connected semicircles generally denotes pres-
solarnosti, na Balkanu116 i na Apeninskom ence of the Sun and its activity. Direct analogy
poluotoku117 u 1. tis. pr. Kr. U kontekstu for this pectoral motif from Nin can be found
„solarnog krajolika“, motiv niza spojenih on the edges of large square feet of Greek type
polukrugova, načelno, označava prisutnost of fibulae from Albania (Kuçi Zi I), from the 8th
Sunca i njegovo djelovanje. Izravna analogija – 7th centuries BC where it encloses exactly the
za ovaj pektoralni motiv iz Nina nalazi se po depiction of a deer, among other things.118 Feet
rubovima velikih četvrtastih nogu grčkih ti- of the Greek fibulae from that period often bear
pova fibula iz Albanije (Kuçi Zi I.), iz 8. – 7. distinctly solar “messages”.
st. pr. Kr. gdje, uz ostalo, uokviruje upravo The third symbolical sphere – earthly/
prikaz jelena.118 Noge tadašnjih grčkih fibula chthonic with birds – could possibly be inter-
često nose izrazito solarne „poruke“. preted on the upper pectoral boat from Nin (Fig.
Treću simboličnu sferu – zemno/podzemnu 3, 5b). Its “proper” place is generally always on
s pticama – možda se može očitati već na the lower, nightly boat. On the earth and prob-
gornjoj pektoralnoj lađi iz Nina (Sl. 3, 5b). ably also underneath, in the chthonic (earthly/
Njezino „pravo“ mjesto u načelu je uvijek na underground) totality is a row of birds, or more
donjoj, noćnoj pektoralnoj lađi. Na zemlji, precisely, motif of disrupted meander. Birds sail
ali vjerojatno i ispod nje, dakle u ktoničnoj in earthly waters and waters of nightly/chthonic
(zemno/podzemnoj) sveukupnosti, niz je pti- Sun i.e. cosmic Ocean where certain “light in
ca, točnije, motiv prekinutog meandra. Ptice waters” (bind) always resides.119 In mythical con-
plove zemaljskim vodama i vodama noćnog/ ceptons, cosmic Ocean gathers all waters, and
podzemnog Sunca, to jest (kozmičkog) Oce- the light in them.
ana, gdje, uostalom, uvijek boravi „svjetlost Depiction on the pectoral from grave 6 in Za-
u vodama“ (bind).119 Jer, u mitskim predodž- ton (Fig. 6, 7a, 8a) was divided similarly to the
bama, kozmički Ocean okuplja sveukupne three-part composition on the disk of the pecto-
vode, ali i svjetlost u njima. ral from Nin, though the specimen from Zaton
Slično trodijelnoj kompoziciji na disku
B. ČOVIĆ, 1976, fig. 106, 110, 113, 115-117, 173-174.
B. ČOVIĆ, 1976, sl. 106, 110, 113, 115-117, 173-174. 117
E.g. on the belt from grave 1, Ferrandina-Basilicata, second
Npr. na pojasu iz groba 1, Ferrandina-Basilicata, druga po- half of the 8th century BC (POPOLI ANELLENICI IN
lovica 8. st. pr. Kr. (POPOLI ANELLENICI IN BASILICA- BASILICATA, 1971, 27-28), or in the composition from
TA, 1971, 27-28), ili u kompoziciji s roga iz Wismara, oko the horn from Wismar, ca. 800 BC. (Ch. SOMMERFELD,
800. g. pr. Kr. (Ch. SOMMERFELD, 2006, 86). 2006, 86).
Z. ANDREA, 1976, 135, T IX-T X. 118
Z. ANDREA, 1976, 135, T IX-T X.
S. KUKOČ, 2009, 242-246. 119
S. KUKOČ, 2009, 242-246.

10 (2016), 7-101 S. Kukoč: Pectoral Jewelry and the Liburnians: Reflections of the Myth about Sun’s Journey...

ninskog pektorala, podijeljen je i prikaz, is much simpler in iconographic terms. Simple

inače ikonografski znatno jednostavniji, na horizontal zone with triangular motifs wih a
pektoralu iz groba 6 iz Zatona (Sl. 6, 7a, 8a). hanging thread (Fig. 8a, 10a) corresponds to the
Motivu križa u središtu Kozmosa s ninskog motif of the cross in the center of the Cosmos
(Sl. 3, 5a) pektorala (i nekih picenskih), ov- from the Nin pectoral (Fig. 3, 5a), and some
dje odgovora jednostavni vodoravni pojas od Picenian examples. They represent Sun rays i.e.
trokutastih motiva iz kojih visi nit (Sl. 8a, they symbolize their vertical action. This widely
10a). Oni označavaju Sunčeve zrake, tj. sim- distributed motif and solar symbol with approx-
boliziraju njihovo okomito djelovanje. Taj imately identical meaning during the Bronze120
široko rasprostranjen motiv i solarni simbol, and Iron Ages decorates many European metal
s približno istim značenjem tijekom bronča- artifacts, from the North (Fig. 12) to the Bal-
nog120 i željeznog doba, krasi brojne metalne kan121 and Apennine world, among others, and
europske izrađevine, od Sjevera (Sl. 12) do edges of the Apennine Villanovan razors from
balkanskog121 i apeninskog svijeta, uz ostalo, the 9th and 8th centuries BC as well as an exam-
i rubove apeninskih villanova brijača 9. – 8. ple of imported razor in Liburnia (grave 6 from
st. pr. Kr., kao i primjerak uvezenog brijača Nin: Fig. 40).122
kod Liburna (grob 6 iz Nina: Sl. 40).122 In the second zone on the pectoral from Zaton
U drugom pojasu na zatonskom pektoralu (Fig. 8a, 10a) there are two wavy zig-zag hori-
(Sl. 8a, 10a) dvije su valovite cik-cak hori- zontals; they mark lower, earthly spheres, seem-
zontale; označavaju donje, zemaljske sfere, ingly primarily the water ones. The depiction
izgleda primarno one vodene. Kao i kod nin- on the disk of the Zaton pectoral ends with a
skog, na disku zatonskog pektorala (Sl. 8a) row of birds on the upper boat (Fig. 8a) as was
prikaz završava nizom ptica na gornjoj lađi. the case with the pectoral from Nin. On both
Na oba pektorala urezane ptice dominantan specimens incised birds represent a dominant
su motiv na donjoj lađi (Sl. 2b, 5d, 7b, 8b, motif on the lower boat (Fig. 2b, 5d, 7b, 8b,
10b). Na oba pektorala jedino je ptica od- 10b). On both examples only the bird is instant-
mah čitljiv motiv, mada je krajnje stilizirana ly legible, though utterly stylized, transforming
i pretapa se u meandar. On ima slično znače- into a meander. It has similar meaning as the
nje kao ptica: neprekinutost i beskonačnost. bird: continuity is also infinity. Only bird heads
Likovno su „konkretne“ jedino ptičje glave at the ends of the solar boats on both pectorals
na krajevima solarnih lađa obaju pektorala are represented “concretely” in visual terms (Fig.
(Sl. 4a-b, 9a-b). 4a-b, 9a-b).
Unatoč potpunoj apstrakciji prikaza na so- Despite complete abstraction of the depic-
larnom disku pektorala iz Zatona, on govori tion on the solar disk on pectoral from Zaton,
isto što i prikaz na ninskom pektoralu. Oba it offers the same message as the depiction on
naslućuju trodijelnu podjelu Cjeline i time the Nin pectoral. They both hint at three-part
se približuju srodnim nordijskim123 i ostalim division of the Whole coming close in that way
sličnim strukturama iz brončanog i željeznog to the corresponding Nordic123 and other simi-
doba u kojima se primjećuje (ili pretpostav- lar structures from the Bronze and Iron Ages in
lja) trag slične uređenosti Svijeta. which we can notice (or assume) trace of similar

Na kratkom maču iz srednjega brončanog doba iz Pe- 120
On a short sword from the Middle Bronze Age from Pe-
tershagena viseći uzduženi trokuti ne završavaju resom već tershagen hanging longitudinal triangles do not end with a
točkom. E. PROBST, 1996, 184. fringe but a dot. E. PROBST, 1996, 184.
A. BENAC, B. ČOVIĆ, 1957, T XXVII/2, T XXXVII/2. 121
Š. BATOVIĆ, 1976, sl. 1/1. 122
Š. BATOVIĆ, 1976, fig. 1/1.
F. KAUL, 2005, 137. 123
F. KAUL, 2005, 137.

S. Kukoč: Pektoralni nakit kod Liburna: odrazi mita o Sunčevu putovanju u liburnskoj kulturi 10 (2016), 7-101

Način izrade njihove forme, posebno pak structure of the world.

detalja, upućuje na to da su pektorali iz Nina Manner of their production, especially of the
i Zatona najvjerojatnije nastali u istoj radi- details, indicates that the pectorals from Nin
onici i približno istovremeno. Lađe su im and Zaton were most probably made roughly
lijevane u jednodijelnom kalupu. Identičan simultaneously in the same workshop. Their
je oblik gornjih lađa s četvrtastim diskom iz boats were cast in a one-part mold. Form of the
kojeg izravno izrasta petlja za vješanje (Sl. 2a, upper boats is identical on both examples (with
3, 7a, 8a). Lađe su toliko pretopljene u disk a suspension loop growing directly out of square
da se razaznaju tek po antitetičnim pticama. disk) (Fig. 2a, 3, 7a, 8a). Boats merge with the
Očita je podudarnost ninskog i zatonskog disk to the extent that only antithetical birds
pektorala i u obradi ptičjih glava te u izbo- can be recognized. Correspondence between the
ru urezanih motiva. Konkretno, identičan je pectorals from Nin and Zaton is evident also in
obrub obaju Sunčevih diskova, sastavljen od rendering of the birds’ heads and in the selection
vrpce ispunjene usporednim crticama (Sl. 3, of incised motifs. Specifically bordering of both
8a). Ista vrpca teče oko ptičjeg lika na gor- Sun disks is identical, consisting of a band filled
njoj lađi obaju pektorala (Sl. 2a, 7a) te po with parallel lines (Fig. 3, 8a). The same band
ptici donje lađe iz Nina (Sl. 4b). Na obje lađe runs around the bird figure on the upper boat
obaju pektorala urezane ptice plove u istom of both pectorals (Fig. 2b, 7b) and on the bird
pravcu, s desna na lijevo, s istoka na zapad, of the lower boat from Nin (Fig. 4b). On both
ne poštivajući time načelo antitetičnosti. boats of the both pectorals, incised birds sail in
Sve ptičje antitetične glave likovno su dotje- the same direction, from right to left, from east
rane. Usko ih povezuje trodimenzionalnost to west, regardless of the antithetical principle.
postignuta dubokim brazdama po tijelima i All antithetical bird heads were rendered
plastično istaknutim očima (Sl. 4a-b, 9a-b), meticulously. They are closely related due to
što je u suprotnosti s linearnošću urezanih three-dimensional quality achieved by deep
motiva (Sl. 5, 10). Oblik ovih ptičjih glava s grooves on the bodies and embossed eyes (Fig.
dugim izvijenim kljunom najbolju analogiju 4a-b, 9a-b), which is in contrast with linearity
kod Picena ima na dvodijelnom pektoralu iz of incised motifs (Fig. 5, 10). Form of these bird
Muzeja u Ascoli Piceno (Sl. 29).124 Brižljivo- heads with long curved beak has the best anal-
šću obrade posebno odskaču ptičje glave na ogy in the Picenian culture in the two-part pec-
donjoj lađi zatonskog pektorala (Sl. 8b, 9b). toral from the Museum of Ascoli Piceno (Fig.
Premda formom srodne, ptičje glave dvaju 29).124 Bird heads on the lower boat of the Za-
pektorala nisu identične. Također, na istom ton pectoral (Fig. 8b, 9b) were particularly well
pektoralu razlikuju se ptičje glave gornje od made. Bird heads on two pectorals are similar
donje lađe. Možda je to bio određen pokušaj in form but they are not identical. Also on the
isticanja različitih karaktera dnevne i noćne same pectoral we can differ bird heads on the
solarne lađe i naglašavanja tipične solarne upper and lower boat. Perhaps this was an at-
dvostrukosti (lijevo-desno; svijetlo-tamno), tempt of highlighting different character of daily
inače, ikonografski i stilski, u Europi naju- and nightly solar boat and emphasizing typical
spješnije dočarane na kolima iz Trundhol- solar doubleness (left-right, light-dark) which is
ma.125 best depicted on the chariot from Trundholm in
Način izvedbe ptičjih glava na pektora- iconographic and stylistic terms.125
lu iz Nina i Zatona može se uspoređivati s Rendering of the bird heads on the pectorals

D. RANDALL-MacIVER, 1927, T 28/3.

D. RANDALL-MacIVER, 1927, T 28/3.

F. KAUL, 2010, 521-536.

F. KAUL, 2010, 521-536.

10 (2016), 7-101 S. Kukoč: Pectoral Jewelry and the Liburnians: Reflections of the Myth about Sun’s Journey...

trodimenzionalno lijevanim pticama na ra- from Nin and Zaton can be compared with
skošnom luku fibule tipa Osor iz groba 10 three-dimensional cast birds on the elaborate
iz Nina (Sl. 23). One, s dubokim cik-cak bow of the Osor-type fibula from grave 10 from
brazdama po tijelu, više nisu antitetične. Nin (Fig. 23). However birds with deep zig-zag
To samo načelno govori o njihovu gubitku lines on the body are no longer antithetical. In
dobro poznate „lijevo-desno; gore-dolje“ so- general this reflects loss of their well known “left-
larne „logike“. Jer ova liburnska kompozicija right; up-down” solar “logic”. This Liburnian
ptica „u susretu“ može se shvatiti i kao pars composition of the birds “meeting” can be inter-
pro toto složene kompozicije, poput staroegi- preted as pars pro toto of a complex composition,
patskih, u kojoj se sučeljavaju dvije antitetič- such as the old Egyptian examples, in which two
ne solarne lađe (dnevna, noćna). Ovaj iko- antithetical solar boats (daily, nightly) confront.
nografski gubitak antitetičnosti na kićenoj This iconographical loss of antithetical position
fibuli tipa Osor iz groba 10 u Ninu svakako on the elaborate Osor-type fibula from grave 10
je znak stanovitoga kompozicijskog prerasta- in Nin is definitely a sign of certain composi-
nja starog, apstraktnoga „solarnog krajolika“, tional development of the old, abstract “solar
u realističnije okvire, sa sljubljenim pticama landscape” into more realistic framework, with
na „rascvjetanom“ luku, koji pak vode pre- adjoining birds on a “flourishing” bow which
ma genreu, doduše nikad ostvarenom u li- lead towards genre, never achieved in the Libur-
burnskoj kulturi. Je li likovni tretman luka nian culture. Is artistic treatment of the bow of
ninske fibule vid liburnskog provincijskog, the Nin fibula an aspect of the Liburnian pro-
ali oblikovno (i vremenski) uspješnog pra- vincial, but morphologically (and chronologi-
ćenja orijentalizirajućeg ukusa 7. st. pr. Kr. cally) successful following of the orientalizing
u Picenumu, odnosno, Etruriji s njezinim taste of the 7th century in Picenum i.e. in Etruria
zlatnim fibulama a disco s „rascvjetanim“ lu- with its golden fibulae a disco with “flourishing”
kovima (Vulci-Ponte Sodo)? Stožasti spiral- bows (Vulci-Ponte Sodo)? Conical spiral wire
ni namotaji žice na fibulama tipa Osor (i na coils on the Osor-type fibulae (and on the Ap-
apeninskima a disco) produžetak su staroga, ennine fibulae a disco) are a continuation of the
brončanodobnog oblikovanja spiralno-stoža- old, Bronze Age shaping of spiral-conical jewel-
stog nakita Europe, izvorno utemeljenog na ry in Europe, originally based on the solar cult.
solarnosti. I na lukovima različitih fibula a On the bows of various fibulae a disco, particu-
disco, pogotovo na onoj iz Nina (Sl. 23), te larly on the one from Nin (Fig. 23) these coni-
stožaste „kapice“, poput pupoljaka, znak su cal “caps”, like buds, are a sign of indestructible
neuništive Prirode pod Sunčevom zaštitom. Nature under the Sun protection.
Uz antitetične ptice, najplastičniji detalj In addition to the antithetical birds, the most
obaju pektorala u Liburniji njihovi su masiv- plastic detail of both pectorals in Liburnia are
ni štapićasti privjesci s kuglastim odebljanjem their massive rod-shaped pendants with spher-
s roščićima-bradavicama (Sl. 1, 4c, 6, 9c). Uz ical thickening with small horns-embossments
neznatne razlike, privjesci obaju pektorala u (Fig. 1, 4c, 6, 9c). Pendants of both pectorals are
osnovi su isti. Ninski privjesci imaju rupicu basically the same with minor differences. Pen-
na svojem vrhu i završetku (Sl. 4). Kod za- dants from Nin have a small hole on their top
tonskih (Sl. 9c), gdje su sačuvana samo tri and ending (Fig. 4). On the three preserved ex-
primjerka, izvorno (?) nedostaje donja rupi- amples from Zaton (Fig. 9c), lower hole is miss-
ca. Zatonski privjesci imaju nešto plastičnije ing originally (?). Pendants from Zaton have
istaknut spoj gornje rupice za vješanje i ti- somewhat more plastically pronounced connec-
jela. Kuglastim tijelom, posebno činjenicom tion of the upper hole for hanging and the body.
da na njemu nose četiri plastične bradavi- Spherical body and particularly four horns-em-

S. Kukoč: Pektoralni nakit kod Liburna: odrazi mita o Sunčevu putovanju u liburnskoj kulturi 10 (2016), 7-101

ce-roščića, ovi pektoralni privjesci bliski su, bossments make these pendants similar to typo-
inače tipološki vrlo raznolikom, štapićasto- logically very diverse rod-shaped and spherical
kuglastom nakitu iz prvih stoljeća 1. tis. pr. jewelry from the first centuries of the first mil-
Kr., često i s duljim vijekom trajanja,126 na lennium BC often with lengthy duration,126 in
vrlo širokom jadransko-balkanskom prosto- the wide Adriatic-Balkan area, particularly var-
ru, posebno različitim privjescima i iglama. ious pendants and pins, specifically, pins with
Konkretno, iglama s roščićima tipa Sirolo (9. horns of the Sirolo type (9th-8th centuries BC)
– 8. st. pr. Kr.) i to primarno njihovim inači- and primarily their variants II and III, with a
cama II. i III., s kuglastom glavom, tipični- spherical head, typical of the eastern Adriatic
ma za istočnojadransko područje127 (Ljubač:128 region127 (Ljubač128: Fig. 28 a-b) (with specific
Sl. 28a-b) (s osebujnom pojavom i na Gla- appearance in Glasinac, Ilijak, tumulus II, grave
sincu, Ilijak, tumul II., grob 10: Sl. 28c),129 10: Fig. 28c),129 wherefrom they reached the Ap-
odakle su pak stigle na apeninski prostor.130 ennine region.130
Ninski i zatonski pektoralni privjesci bli- Pectoral pendants from Nin and Zaton are
ski su i glasinačkim masivnim kuglastim pri- similar to massive spherical pendants with knobs
vjescima s bradavičastim istacima (Arareva from Glasinac (Arareva gromila, grave 1: Fig.
gromila, grob 1: Sl. 28g)131 te glasinačkim 28g),131 and pins from Glasinac (Arareva gromi-
iglama (Arareva gromila, grob 1: Sl. 28d).132 la, grave 1: Fig. 28d).132 These pins are analo-
Ove su pak, nekim svojim sastavnim dije- gous in some of their segments to elements of
lovima, analogne elementima od kojih se the long chains popular in jewelry in the Balkan
komponiraju dugi lanci omiljeni u nakitu na area, particularly in Albania (Mati-culture) (Fig.
balkanskom prostoru, osobito na albanskom 28 h, i) from the 8th century onwards.133 Seg-
(Mati-kultura) (Sl. 28h, 28i) od 8. st. pr. Kr. ments with little horns (on a pin?) in grave 12
i nadalje.133 Upravo njima likovno su gotovo from Dragišić (Fig. 28e) are almost identical to
identični dijelovi s roščićima na igli (?) u gro- these elements.134 Certain peak of voluminous
bu 12 iz Dragišića (Sl. 28e).134 Vrhunac vo- shaping belongs to the Delmatian pins (Gorica:
luminoznog oblikovanja pripada delmatskim Fig. 28f)135 with or without round protrusions.136
iglama (Gorica: Sl. 28f )135 sa ili bez brada- Delmatian pins are special due to their anthro-
vičastih istaka.136 Likovna posebnost delmat- pomorphous ending. Symbolically it is a solar
skih igala je njihov završetak u antropomor- wheel with four spokes on the body. It alltogeth-
fnosti. Simbolično, to je solarni kotač s četiri er resembles popular solstice wheels. Number
žbice na njihovu tijelu. Sve skupa asocira na four appears not only on four protrusions-horns
omiljene solsticijske kotače. Broj četiri po-
S. KUKOČ, 2010, 95-130.
S. KUKOČ, 2010, 95-130. 127
N. LUCENTINI, 2007, 96-97.
N. LUCENTINI, 2007, 96-97. 128
Ljubač, grave 4; Ljubač, inv. no. 14417. Š. BATOVIĆ, 1981,
Ljubač, gr. 4; Ljubač, inv. br. 14417. Š. BATOVIĆ, 1981, sl. fig. 10/33-34; N. LUCENTINI, 2007, fig. 1, 16, 20.
10/33-34; N. LUCENTINI, 2007, sl. 1, 16, 20. 129
A. BENAC, B. ČOVIĆ, 1957, T XX, 7, 9.
A. BENAC, B. ČOVIĆ, 1957, T XX, 7, 9. 130
P. L. CARANCINI, 1975, fig. 1868; N. LUCENTINI, 2007,
P. L. CARANCINI, 1975, br. 1868; N. LUCENTINI, 2007, sl. fig. 1, 6.
1, 6. 131
A. BENAC, B. ČOVIĆ, 1957, T 40/4.
A. BENAC, B. ČOVIĆ, 1957, T 40/ 4. 132
A. BENAC, B. ČOVIĆ, 1957, T 41/6; N. LUCENTINI,
A. BENAC, B. ČOVIĆ, 1957, T 41/6; N. LUCENTINI, 2007, 96-97.
2007, 96-97. 133
D. KURTI, 1978, 175, 177, T III/2 (grave 11), T V (grave
D. KURTI, 1978, 175, 177, T III/2 (grob 11), T V (grob 24). 24).
D. GLOGOVIĆ, 1989, 12; Z. BRUSIĆ, 2000, T XIII/1-2. 134
D. GLOGOVIĆ, 1989, 12; Z. BRUSIĆ, 2000, T XIII/1-2.
Prva pojava ovih igala je u 8. st. pr. Kr. u srednjodalmatin- 135
These pins appeared for the first time in the 8th century
skom (delmatskom) krugu, (faza III B). B. ČOVIĆ, 1987, BC in the central Dalmatian circle (phase III B). B. ČO-
449-450, sl. 26/6, T XLVIII/12. VIĆ, 1987, 449-450, fig. 26/6, T XLVIII/12.
B. ČOVIĆ, 1987, 450, T LVIII/3-4. 136
B. ČOVIĆ, 1987, 450, T LVIII/3-4.

10 (2016), 7-101 S. Kukoč: Pectoral Jewelry and the Liburnians: Reflections of the Myth about Sun’s Journey...

navlja se ne samo kod četiri istaka-roščića na on the spherical part of these Delmatian pins but
kuglastom dijelu ovih delmatskih igala, već i on other spherical elements of adornment (Fig.
kod drugih nakitnih kuglastih elemenata (Sl. 4c, 9c). Fourfold application of small horns on
4c, 9c). Likovno je „logična“ upravo četvero- the spherical form is visually “logical” but still, is
struka aplikacija roščića na kuglastoj formi. there certain symbolics?
Ipak, ima li tu simbolike? The Picenians also used rod-shaped (a ba-
I Piceni dosta koriste batićaste (a batocchio)137 tocchio) pendants137 and generally very plastic,
i općenito vrlo plastične, kuglaste te izduže- spherical and elongated examples, often with
ne privjeske, često i s poprečnim rebrastim transversal ribbed thickenings. They appear in
odebljanjima. Različitih su inačica i veličina, different variants and sizes, particularly on the
naročito u nošnji žena: na ogrlicama,138 kao female attire: on necklaces,138 as earrings139, and
naušnice139 i osobito na krajevima pektoralnog particularly on the ends of the pectoral jewelry
nakita iz različitih razdoblja (Sl. 26c, 27, 30a- from various periods (Fig. 26c, 27, 30a-b, 31a,
b, 31a, 33). U njihovu formalnom, likovnom 33). In their formal, visual, and imaginary “de-
te imaginarnom „razvojnom“ tijeku, uključu- velopmental” course, including the so-called
jući i tzv. nettaunghije, korištene u svijetu žena nettaunghia, used in the world of women and
i djece (Sl. 47),140 štapičasti privjesci dosežu children (Fig. 47),140 rod-shaped pendants take
konkretan antropomorfni oblik: lik nage žene, concrete anthropomorphous form: figure of a
katkad orantski podignutih ruku, katkad čak s naked woman, sometimes with raised arms like
dodatkom ptica na rukama. Na tijelu jednog an orant, sometimes with birds on the arms. On
pektorala-privjeska, uključujući i one antropo- the body of pectoral-pendants, including the
morfnog oblika,141 uz štapićaste i druge izdu- ones with anthropomorphous form,141 the Pice-
žene privjeske, Piceni nižu i druge tipove pla- nians strung many other types of three-dimen-
stičnih privjesaka (npr. školjke142 i dr.: Sl. 28j, sional pendants (e.g. shells,142 hands, etc.: Fig.
47).143 Jedan štapićasti privjesak kod Liburna, 28, 47) alongside rod-shaped and other elongat-
u kojemu je ostvaren prikaz ženskog lika (Sl. ed pendants.143 One rod-shaped pendant from
48b),144 nedvojbeni je uvoz iz Picenuma. Tu je Liburnia, which represents female figure (Fig.
(Ascoli Piceno) obično više primjeraka ovoga 48b),144 was undoubtedly imported from Pice-
tipa obješeno na krajeve pektorala-privjeska ili num. In this area (Ascoli Piceno) usually several
pak nanizano na ogrlicu.145 examples of this type hang on the ends of the
Način oblikovanja štapićastog „nakita“ i pectoral-pendant or they are strung on a neck-
njegova komponiranja s naglaskom na ver- lace.145
tikalnosti, jasno je uočljiv i u kulturi Gola- Manner of shaping rod-shaped “jewelry“ and
secca; prati se i dalje prema sjeveru, s poseb- its composition with accents on verticality, is
nim naglascima u liburnskom susjedstvu,
S. SEIDEL, 2007, 76-79, fig. 3-4.
S. SEIDEL, 2007, 76-79, sl. 3-4. 138
E. MANGANI, 2003, T V/f.
E. MANGANI, 2003, T V/f. 139
E.g. in the famous “female” grave 9 from Loreto Aprutino
Npr., u poznatom bogatom „ženskom“ grobu 9 iz Loreto (Pescara), in the Picenian south, more precisely in the regi-
Aprutino (Pescara), na krajnjem picenskom jugu, točnije, on of Vestini. V. CIANFARANI, 1976, 56-57.
na području Vestina. V. CIANFARANI, 1976, 56-57. 140
S. KUKOČ, 2010, 110-115, fig. 12-13.
S. KUKOČ, 2010, 110-115, sl. 12-13. 141
E. MANGANI, 2003, 309, T VI/c; S. SEIDEL, 2007, 76-77,
E. MANGANI, 2003, 309, T VI/c; S. SEIDEL, 2007, 76-77, fig. 2; S. KUKOČ, 2010, fig. 10, 12, 17.
sl. 2; S. KUKOČ, 2010, sl. 10, 12, 17. 142
S. KUKOĆ, 2010a, fig. 11.
S. KUKOĆ, 2010a, sl. 11. 143
D. RANDALL-MacIVER, 1927, T 27, T 28; E. MANGA-
D. RANDALL-MacIVER, 1927, T 27, T 28; E. MANGA- NI, 2003, VII/d; S. SEIDEL, 2007, 81, fig. 7/1-3.
NI, 2003, VII/d; S. SEIDEL, 2007, 81, sl. 7/1-3. 144
Pendant (height 4 cm), without information on circum-
Privjesak (vis. 4 cm), bez podataka o okolnostima nalaza, stances of discovery, is exhibited in the Archaeological
izložen je u Arheološkom muzeju Zadar. Museum Zadar.
D. RANDALL-MacIVER, 1927, T 27. 145
D. RANDALL-MacIVER, 1927, T 27.

S. Kukoč: Pektoralni nakit kod Liburna: odrazi mita o Sunčevu putovanju u liburnskoj kulturi 10 (2016), 7-101

kod Japoda.146 Kreativni impulsi za okomito clearly recognizable in the Golasecca culture; it
nizanje masivnih privjesaka te oblikovanje can be traced to a certain degree further north-
onih „na proboj“, što je primjereno ukusu wards with special emphasis in the Liburnian
balkanskog svijeta (Bosna, Albanija: Sl. 28g- neighbourhood.146 Creative impulses for vertical
i), u Picenum147 su mogli stizati preko istoč- stringing of massive pendants and shaping the
nog Jadrana (Sl. 31a). Istim putem mogao “perforated” ones which correspond to the taste
je stizati i njihov balkanski uvoz. Mada ga of the Balkan world (Bosnia, Albania: Fig. 28g-
koriste148 (Zaton, gr. 3: Sl. 42; Dragišić, grob i), could come to Picenum147 over the eastern
4B ),149 Liburni su, za razliku od Picena, ipak Adriatic (Fig. 31a), so their Balkan import could
bili manje skloni tom tipu i načinu kompo- have also come through the same way. The Li-
niranja nakita u prvim stoljećima željeznog burnians used it148 (Zaton, grave 3: Fig. 42;
doba, ali i kasnije. Tip privjesaka s pektorala Dragišić, grave 4B),149 but they were less prone
iz Nina i Zatona u istom izdanju više se ne to this type and manner of composing jewelry
pojavljuje kod Liburna. No štapićasto-ku- in the first centuries of the Iron Age and later
glasti privjesci s roščićima, identični onima than the Picenians. Same variant of the pen-
na pektoralima Liburnije, vise na donjoj lađi dants from the pectorals from Nin and Zaton
nekih ranih picenskih pektorala (Canavaccio does not reappear in Liburnia.
di Urbino: Sl. 26c). Uz oblik gornje lađe i Rod-shaped/spherical pendants with horns,
samu dvodijelnu pektoralnu kompoziciju identical to the ones on the Liburnian pecto-
s dugim lancima, oni su sljedeći zajednički rals, hang on the lower boat of some of the early
element velikim pektoralima kod Liburna i Picenian pectorals (Canavaccio di Urbino: Fig.
Picena. 26c). In addition to form of the upper boat and
Drugi naglašeno plastični detalj pektorala two-part pectoral composition with long chains,
kod Liburna – ptičje glave – osnovnom lini- they are another common element on large pec-
jom izvedbe, s velikim izvijenim polukruž- torals in Liburnia and Picenum.
nim kljunom, analogan je jednom od dvaju The other distinctly plastic detail of the Libur-
tipova150 ptičjih pektoralnih glava kod Picena nian pectoral – bird heads – is analogous to one
(Sl. 26d, 29). Drugi picenski tip ptičje glave, of two types150 of the bird pectoral heads in Pi-
s pravokutno uspravljenim kljunom (Sl. 24- cenum (Fig. 24, 26d, 29) regarding its basic line
25), ne pojavljuje se na velikim pektoralima of production with large curved semicircular
kod Liburna. Nije tipičan niti za kasnije, ma- beak. The other Picenian type of the bird head
nje liburnske „ptičje lađe“ od metala i jantara with rectangularly lifted beak (Fig. 25) does not
(Sl. 39, 44, 45). appear on large pectorals in Liburnia. It is not
Uz plastično izvedene detalje (identične typical neither for the later, smaller Liburnian
štapićaste privjeske, srodne ptičje protome), “bird boats” made of metal and amber (Fig. 39,
očita je podudarnost pektorala iz Liburnije i 44-45).
Picenuma i u odabiru i izvedbi njihovih ure- In addition to plastically made details (iden-
zanih motiva. Motiv cik-cak valovnice (Sl. tical rod-shaped pendants, similar bird pro-

S. KUKOČ, 2010, 95-30. 146
S. KUKOČ, 2010, 95-130.
Npr. privjesci u grobovima Novilare: K. W. BEINHAUER, 147
E. g. pendants in graves of Novilara: K. W. BEINHAUER,
1985, T 6/73, T 14/ A, T 17/259-260, 264, T 18/278-279, T 1985, T 6/73, T 14/A, T 17/259-260, 264, T 18/278-279, T
53/652. Za Loreto Aprutino (Vestini): A. R. STAFFA, 2003, 53/652. About Loreto Aprutino (Vestini): A. R. STAFFA,
580, sl. 18/ 80-10, 17, 19, 27. 2003, 580, fig. 18/ 80-10, 17, 19, 27.
Š. BATOVIĆ, 1981, sl. 14/4-14; Š. BATOVIĆ, 1987, 369, sl. 148
Š. BATOVIĆ, 1981, fig. 14/4-14; Š. BATOVIĆ, 1987, 369,
21/13-16. fig. 21/13-16.
F. STARÈ, 1970; Z. BRUSIĆ, 2000, T IV/5. 149
F. STARÈ, 1970; Z. BRUSIĆ, 2000, T IV/5.
N. LUCENTINI, 2000, 258. 150
N. LUCENTINI, 2000, 258.

10 (2016), 7-101 S. Kukoč: Pectoral Jewelry and the Liburnians: Reflections of the Myth about Sun’s Journey...

8, 10, 33a-b) zapravo je svijetli „negativ“ na tomes), correspondence of the pectorals from
pozadini oblikovanoj od dva niza nasuprot- Liburnia and Picenum is evident in the selection
nih iscrtkanih trokuta. Time je i u ovom na- and rendering of the incised motifs. Motif of a
glašenom linearizmu postignuta svojevrsna zig-zag wavy line (Fig. 8, 10, 33a) is actually a
plastičnost i dubina kompozicije. Isti likovni light “negative” on the background shaped from
učinak, ostvaren istim postupkom, primje- two rows of the opposite hatched triangles. In
tan je i kod izvedbe drugih motiva, npr. niza that way certain plasticity was achieved in this
ptica na apeninskim izrađevinama (Sl. 34). distinct linearity as well as the depth of compo-
Cik-cak valovnica pisutna je na mnogim sition. Identical visual effect, achieved with the
picenskim151 (Sl. 33a-b) i apeninskim arte- same procedure, can be noticed in rendering of
faktima. U Picenumu treba izdvojiti njezinu other motifs e.g. row of birds on the Apennine
pojavu na maloj grobnoj posudici, tzv. kotho- products (Fig. 34). Zig-zag wavy line is present
nu.152 Sličnim motivom ukrašen je i jedan od on many Picenian151 (Fig. 33a-b) and Apennine
kothona u histarskoj kulturi, gdje se oni po- artifacts. In Picenum we need to mention its
činju upotrebljavati vjerojatno već u 9. st. pr. appearance on a small funerary vessel, so-called
Kr., odnosno u 8. st. pr. Kr.153 Činjenica je kothon152 (Fig. 44a). Similar motif was used to
i da cik-cak „plastična“ valovnica ima ključ- decorate one of kothons in the Histrian culture
no mjesto u likovnosti „zapadnobalkanskog where they were used as early as the 9th century
stila“ na bosanskim prostorima, na keramici BC i.e. in the 8th century BC.153 The fact is that
(Sl. 36a-b), posebno na metalu (Sl. 37) (Pod the zig-zag “plastic” wavy line takes crucial place
kod Bugojna, Veliki Mošunj kod Travnika, in the visual expression of the “western Bosnian”
Tešanj, Grapska/Doboj, Krehin Gradac kod style in the Bosnian regions, on pottery (Fig.
Čitluka) na prijelazu 2. u 1. tis. pr. Kr., kon- 36 a-b) and particularly on metal (Fig. 37, 39)
kretno, iz 10./9. – 8. st. pr. Kr.154 Isti tip cik- (Pod near Bugojno, Veliki Mošunj near Travnik,
cak valovnice koristi već rani srednjobosan- Tešanj, Grapska/Doboj, Krehin Gradac near
ski likovni izraz tijekom kasnoga brončanog Čitluk) at the transition from the 2nd to the 1st
doba.155 millennia BC, specifically, from the 10th/9th – 8th
U svojoj drastičnoj i istančanoj apstraktno- centuries BC.154 The same type of a zig-zag wavy
sti, osobito na metalnim artefaktima, likov- line was used in the early central Bosnian visual
nost balkanskog prostora (srednjebosanskog, expression during the Late Bronze Age.155
glasinačkog i delmatskog;156 Sl. 36e), škrtim, In its drastical and refined abstraction, par-
pročišćenim jezikom uvijek jasno izriče mi- ticularly on the metal artifacts, visual expression
sao, bez natruha dekorativnosti. Misao se of the Balkan region (central Bosnian, Glasinac
ponajprije tiče solarnog, tj. mitskog „krajo- and Delmatian regions156: Fig. 36e) always ex-
lika“ (Sl. 36a-b, 36e), onoga istog o kojemu presses an idea with a scanty, refined language
E.g. on a conical helmet from Novilara-Servici, grave 2. K.
Npr. na koničnoj kacigi iz Novilare-Servici, grob 2. K. W. W. BEINHAUER, 1985, T 50/A. Also, on the same type
BEINHAUER, 1985, T 50/A. Također, i na istom tipu ka- of helmet from Picugi in Istria, and in Slovenia. About
cige iz Picuga u Istri te u Sloveniji. O koničnim kacigama, conical helmets, from Verucchio to the Hallstatt world: B.
od Verucchija do halštatskog svijeta: B. TERŽAN, 2007, TERŽAN, 2007, 40-43, fig. 1-2
40-43, sl. 1-2. 152
K. W. BEINHAUER, 1985, T 177/1990.
K. W. BEINHAUER, 1985, T 177/1990. 153
K. MIHOVILIĆ, 2007, 85-88, fig. T 3/7.
K. MIHOVILIĆ, 2007, 85-88, sl. T 3/7. 154
B. ČOVIĆ, 1984, 10-11, 14, 15-16, T I/5-7, T II/ 1, 4-5, 8,
B. ČOVIĆ, 1984, 10-11, 14, 15-16, T I/5-7, T II/ 1, 4-5, 8, 10-12, T III/3. The author finds influences for formation
10-12, T III/3. Poticaje za nastanak srednjobosanskoga li- of the central Bosnian visual expression as a crucial part
kovnog govora, kao ključnog dijela „zapadnobalkanskog of “the western Balkan style” in the Carpathian-Danubian
stila“, autor smješta u karpatsko-podunavsko zaleđe. hinterland.
B. ČOVIĆ, 1976, 217-218, sl. 112. 155
B. ČOVIĆ, 1976, 217-218, fig. 112.
B. ČOVIĆ, 1987, 451, 453, sl. 26/3. 156
B. ČOVIĆ, 1987, 451, 453, fig. 26/3.

S. Kukoč: Pektoralni nakit kod Liburna: odrazi mita o Sunčevu putovanju u liburnskoj kulturi 10 (2016), 7-101

se uporno govori početkom 1. tis. pr. Kr. without any hints of decorativeness. The idea
po apeninskim villanova i drugim prostori- refers in particular to the solar i.e. mythical
ma te po Europi.157 I dok je jezgra „zapad- “landscape” (Fig. 36a-b, e), the one which is
nobalkanskog stila“ (B. Čovića) u vremenu constantly discussed at the beginning of the first
i prostoru prepoznatljiva, ostale su nejasne millennium BC in the Apennine Villanova and
granice, karakter njegove proširenosti i mo- other regions, and in Europe.157 While the core
gućih utjecaja, posebno prema zapadnoja- of the “western Balkan style” (by B. Čović) is
dranskim kulturama od Picenuma do Sa- recognizable in space and time, we know little
lenta i u unutrašnjost,158 pa i njegov odnos about its boundaries, character of its distribu-
prema likovnosti same Liburnije. Činjenica tion and possible influences, particularly in rela-
je, također, da su „zapadnobalkanski“, kao tion to western Adriatic cultures from Picenum
i apeninski geometrizam, točnije apeninski to Salento and the interior,158 and its relation
geometrizmi, tek osebujne sastavnice opće to visual expression of Liburnia. The fact is
europske geometrijske likovnosti, dakle, poj- that “the western Balkan” as well as Apennine
ma stila kao samosvojne kategorije koji nad- geometrism, or more precisely Apennine ge-
visuje kulturno-etničke granice. ometrisms, are only specific components of the
Iako je motiv cik-cak valovnice na iscrtka- general European geometric visual expression,
noj podlozi svojina balkanskog i apeninskog and therefore notion of style as a autonomous
svijeta, on u ovo doba ipak prerasta jadran- category which exceeds cultural and ethnical
sko-balkanske i apeninske likovne okvire. boundaries.
Poznat je, također, u sematički solarnoj sin- Although motif of a zig-zag wavy line on the
taksi eneolitičke vučedolske keramike,159 za- hatched background was the property of the
tim kroz cijelo brončano doba: npr. u rano- Balkan and Apennine world, in this period
brončanodobnoj Arbon kulturi Švicarske,160 it transcends Adriatic-Balkan and Apennine
u terrramare kulturi161 itd. Valja spomenuti framework. This motif is also known in the se-
i njegovu izvedbu na ikonografsko-seman- mantically solar syntax of the Eneolithic Vučed-
tički, vjerojatno također solarnim češljastim ol pottery,159 then throughout the Bronze Age:
privjescima iz terramare svijeta (Castione e.g. in the Early Bronze Age Arbon culture in
Marchesi162). Pojavljuje se, napokon, i na ke- Switzerland160, in the Terrramare culture,161 etc.
ramičkoj urni iz Krneze u Liburniji.163 Mo- We need to mention its appearence on the
tiv je kroz prapovijest imao simboličnu, no iconographically-semantically probably also so-
sigurno i dekorativnu ulogu. U nekim ned- lar comb-shaped pendants from the Terramare
vojbeno simboličnim strukturama, kao što

„Balkanski likovni govor“, inače temelj pojma „zapadno- 157
“Balkan visual expression” is a basis of the notion “western
balkanski stil“ (B. Čovića), svojom jednostavnošću estet- Balkan style” (B. Čović) and it surpasses akin visual expre-
ski nadvisuje njemu srodnu likovnost okolnih prostora, ssion of the surrounding regions with its simplicity and
uključujući tu i istovremeni, posebno srednjo/apeninski, aesthetics These regions, particularly central/Apennine
vrlo dorađen i ikonografski standardiziran solarni geome- area, include simultaneous, very refined and iconographi-
trizam villanova svijeta. Unatoč ikonografsko-stilskim oči- cally standardized solar geometrism of the Villanova world.
tim podudarnostima apulskog i balkanskog geometrizma, Despite evident iconographic-stylistic correspondences
činjenica je da su apeninski geometrizmi prvih stoljeća 1. of the Apulian and Balkan geometrism, the fact is that
tis. pr. Kr. stajali u zaleđu zapadnojadranskih kultura. the Apennine geometrisms of the first centuries of the 1st
K. KILIAN, 1976, 193, sl. 5-6. millennium stood in the background of the western Balkan
A. DURMAN, 2000, sl. 28-30. cultures.
E. PROBST, 1996, 154. 158
K. KILIAN, 1976, 193, fig. 5-6.
M. BERNABÒ BREA, A. CARDARELLI, 1997, sl. 181/12, 159
A. DURMAN, 2000, fig. 28-30.
205/2. 160
E. PROBST, 1996, 154.
N. PROVENZANO, 1997, 532/10, 12-13. 161
B. MARIJANOVIĆ, 2012, T II/1a-1b. 181/12, 205/2.

10 (2016), 7-101 S. Kukoč: Pectoral Jewelry and the Liburnians: Reflections of the Myth about Sun’s Journey...

je vučedolska eneolitička keramika, njegova world (Castione Marchesi162). Finally it appears

značenja su solarne naravi. on the ceramic urn from Krneza in Liburnia.163
Iste napomene vrijede i za široko raspro- Throughout prehistory this motif had symbol-
stranjen motiv vrpce ispunjene poprečnim ical but definitely also decorative function. In
ili kosim usporednim crticama (Sl. 3). Važan some undoubtedly symbolical structures, such
je u zapadnobalkanskoj likovnosti, osobito as the Vučedol Eneolithic pottery, its meanings
u njezinoj zadnjoj fazi, kroz 8. – 7. st. pr. have solar character.
Kr. (Sl. 36c-d), ali s prvom pojavom već tije- The same remarks are valid for widely distrib-
kom kasnoga brončanog doba, dakle u ranoj uted motif of a band filled with transversal or
„srednjobosanskoj kulturnoj skupini“,164 a oblique parallel lines (Fig. 3). It is important in
važan je i na apeninskom prostoru (Sl. 19a). the western Balkan visual expression, particular-
Ipak, i jednostavni motiv iscrtkane vrpce, ly its final phase, through the 8th and 7th centu-
najviše od svih zastupljenih na pektoralima ries BC (Fig. 3c-d), but with the first appearance
iz Zatona i Nina, nadrasta uske vremensko- as early as the Late Bronze Age, meaning in the
prostorne okvire.165 early “central Bosnian cultural group”164; it is
Malteški križ, poput onoga na solarnom important also on the Apennine Peninsula (Fig.
disku pektorala iz Nina (Sl. 3, 5a), rijedak je 19). However simple motif of a hatched band,
u liburnskoj kulturi. Nalazi se, ali u likovno as the most frequent motif on the pectorals from
skromnijem izdanju, tek na nekoliko liburn- Zaton and Nin, surpasses narrow chronologi-
skih fibula tipa Osor, i to onima raskošnije cal-spatial framework.165
inačice, sa stožastim žičanim kapicama po Maltese cross, such as the one on the solar disk
luku; konkretno, na fibuli iz groba 10 iz Nina of the pectoral from Nin (Fig. 3, 5a), appears
(Sl. 21a, 23) te na dvjema iz Osora – Kava- rarely in the Liburnian culture. It can be found
nela (Sl. 21b), dakle, na liburnskim artefak- in visually more modest edition only on sever-
tima očito inspiriranim zapadnojadranskim al examples of the more elaborate variant of the
svijetom. Na njima je mali iscrtkani malteš- Osor-type fibulae, with conical wire caps on the
ki križ, doduše, u središtu noge – solarnog bow; specifically, on two fibulae from Osor-Ka-
diska, umetnut u veliki četverokut konkav- vanel (Fig. 21b), meaning on the Liburnian ar-
nih stranica. Ili pak (Sl. 21a, 23) dva mala tifacts evidently inspired by the western Adriatic
malteška iscrtkana križa izvana prate četve- world. A small hatched Maltese cross is in the
rokut, koji je u središtu noge – diska.166 Ali, center of the foot – solar disk, inserted in a large
malteški križ s ninskog pektorala ima brojne quadrangle with concave sides. On the fibula
izravne analogije na metalnim artefaktima s from Nin, grave 10 (Fig. 21a; Fig. 23), two small
apeninskih prostora npr. na pojasevima vi- Maltese hatched crosses accompany quadrangle
llanova tipa (Tarquinija, grob 33: Sl. 21c),167 on the outer side. Quadrangle is in the center
na određenim apeninskim fibulama a disco of the foot – disk.166 But Maltese cross from the
(Sl. 21d-f ), na brijačima (nekropola Miseri- Nin pectoral has many direct analogies with the

N. PROVENZANO, 1997, 532/10, 12-13.
B. MARIJANOVIĆ, 2012, T II/1a-1b.
B. ČOVIĆ, 1976, 216, 232, sl. 131-134. 164
B. ČOVIĆ, 1976, 216, 232, fig. 131-134.
U ostavi iz Kyhna (Saska), iz srednjoeuropskoga ranog 165
In the hoard from Kyhn (Saxony), from the central Eu-
brončanog doba, negdje tijekom 3. tis. pr. Kr., brončani ropean Early Bronze Age, some time during the 3rd
kružni predmet ukrašen je dobro poznatom kombinaci- millennium BC, round bronze object was decorated with
jom iscrtkanih vrpci i cik-cak valovnica na iscrtaknoj po- a well known combination of hatched bands and zig-zag
zadini. H. GENZ, 2006, 186-187. wavy lines on a hatched background. H. GENZ, 2006, 186-
D. GLOGOVIĆ, 1989, T 22/5, 7; S. KUKOČ, 2012, sl. 19/ 187.
d-e. 166
D. GLOGOVIĆ, 1989, T 22/5, 7; S. KUKOČ, 2012, fig.
H. MÜLLER-KARPE, 1959, T 29/C. 19/d-e.

S. Kukoč: Pektoralni nakit kod Liburna: odrazi mita o Sunčevu putovanju u liburnskoj kulturi 10 (2016), 7-101

cordia-Fermo: Sl. 35b),168 ali i na picenskim metal artifacts from the Apennine regions; e.g.
pektoralima (Sl. 25). on the belts of the Villanovan type (Tarquin-
Motiv malteškog križa općenito je čest u ia, grave 33: Fig. 21c),167 on certain Apennine
geometrijskoj likovnoj sintaksi srednje i juž- fibulae a disco (Fig. 21d-f), on razors (necroplis
ne Italije u prvim stoljećima 1. tis. pr. Kr., Misericordia-Fermo: Fig. 35b),168 and on the Pi-
djelomično uključujući i geometrijski slika- cenian pectorals (Fig. 25).
nu keramiku s njezinim balkanskim poduda- Motif of the Maltese cross is generally fre-
rostima.169 Motiv ima ulogu i u balkanskim quent in the geometric visual syntax of central
likovnim sintaksama, od Bosne (Pod) u okvi- and southern Italy in the first centuries of the
ru „zapadnobalkanskog stila“ (B. Čovića),170 first millennium BC partially including the ge-
do Makedonije i Albanije (slikana kerami- ometric painted pottery with its Balkan corre-
ka Devoll stila). S tim u vezi su i teze171 o spondences.169 The motif was used in the Balkan
balkansko-apeninskim stilskim (kulturnim/ visual syntaxes, from Bosnia (Pod) within the
etničkim) dodirima.172 “western Balkan style” (by B. Čović)170 to Mac-
Malteški križ (romb s četiri trokutića na edonia and Albania (painted pottery of the De-
vrhovima) pojavljuje se dosta rano u autoh- voll style). Theses about the Balkan-Apennine
tonom Devoll keramičkom stilu,173 nastalom stylistic (cultural/ethnic) contacts171 are related
dodirima Egeje i balkanske unutrašnjosti to this issue.172
(13. – 8./7. st. pr. Kr.); vjerojatno je Devoll- Maltese cross (rhomb with four small triangles
stil južne Albanije bio izvorište ovoga moti- at the tops) appears quite early in the autoch-
va u Bosni.174 U likovnosti same Bosne (Sl. tonous Devoll pottery style,173 formed on the
36c) malteški križ ipak nema posebno ista- contacts of Aegean region and the hinterland of
knutu ulogu; pojavljuje se tek u 8. st. pr. Kr. the Balkans (13th – 8th/7th centuries BC); proba-
(Pod, Glasinac)175 i često se pretače, baš kao bly Devoll style of southern Albania was source
i u kasnom Devoll keramičkom stilu (8. – of this motif in Bosnia.174 In the visual expres-
7. st. pr. Kr.) u igru spojenih rombova koji sion of Bosnia (Fig. 36c) Maltese cross does not
tvore različite vrpce (Sl. 36d).176 Ovdje se ne play an important role; it appears only in the 8th
raspravlja o podrijetlu malteškog križa kod century BC (Pod, Glasinac)175 and it often trans-
Liburna, odnosno Picena, motivu i simbo- forms into a play of connected rhombs making
lu općenito velike starosti.177 On je u ovim various bands (Fig. 36d) just like in the late De-

Brijač bez konteksta, iz prve polovice 8. st. pr. Kr., sa sva- 167
H. MÜLLER-KARPE, 1959, T 29/C.
stikom i dva malteška križa, oblikom je tipičan za (južnu) 168
Razor without context, from the first half of the 8th centu-
Etruriju, Bolognu i Terni. L. DRAGO TROCCOLI, 2003, ry BC, with a swastika and two Maltese crosses, is typical
52 54, sl. 10A. of (southern) Etruria, Bologna and Terni by its form. L.
K. KILIAN, 1976, sl. 5-6. DRAGO TROCCOLI, 2003, 52 54, fig. 10A.
„Zapadnobalkanski stil“ definiran je kao sinteza balkan- 169
K. KILIAN, 1976, fig. 5-6.
skih i podunavskih elemenata. B. ČOVIĆ, 1984, 24. 170
“Western Balkan style” was defined as a synthesis of the
G. von MERHART, 1942, sl. 7, T 7. Pojava malteškog kri- Balkan and Danubian elements. B. ČOVIĆ, 1984, 24.
ža u srednjoj Bosni i na Glasincu u ovo vrijeme smatrana 171
B. ČOVIĆ, 1984, 18, note 43.
je indikativnom s obzirom na to da omogućuje kulturno- 172
G. von MERHART, 1942, fig. 7, T 7. Appearance of the
vremenske usporedbe na širokom potezu od istočne Srbi- Maltese cross in central Bosnia and in Glasinac in this pe-
je, Bosne do Apeninskog poluotoka. B. ČOVIĆ, 1976, 232, riod is considered to be indicative since it enables cultu-
306, sl. 131, 176-177; B. ČOVIĆ, 1984, 18. Za keramiku ral and chronological comparisons in a wide region from
Basarabi stila: N. TASIĆ, 1983, sl. 82/18-22. eastern Serbia, Bosnia to the Apennine Peninsula. B. ČO-
B. ČOVIĆ, 1984, 18, bilj. 43. VIĆ, 1976, 232, 306, fig. 131, 176-177; B. ČOVIĆ, 1984,
ALBANIEN, 1988, 198, sl. 48. 18. About the Basarabi style pottery: N. TASIĆ, 1983, fig.
B. ČOVIĆ, 1984, 21-25. 82/18-22.
B. ČOVIĆ, 1976, 232, 306. 173
ALBANIEN, 1998, 198, fig. 48.
B. ČOVIĆ, 1984, 16-17, 22, sl. 2/b-c, sl. 4. 174
B. ČOVIĆ, 1984, 21-25.
Usp. B. ČOVIĆ, 1984, 18. 175
B. ČOVIĆ, 1976, 232, 306.

10 (2016), 7-101 S. Kukoč: Pectoral Jewelry and the Liburnians: Reflections of the Myth about Sun’s Journey...

kulturama posljedica zatvorenog kruga stil- voll pottery style (8th – 7th century BC).176 Here
skog (kulturnog) kretanja, često s povratnim we do not discuss origin of the Maltese cross as
pravcima, na potezu Balkan/Jadran – Ape- a very old motif and symbol in Liburnia i.e. Pi-
ninski poluotok. U Picenum je mogao stići cenum.177 In these cultures it is a consequence of
(i) preko srednjoapeninskog villanova svijeta closed circle of stylistic (cultural) movement, of-
iz unutrašnjosti, odnosno, s apeninskog juga, ten functioning in both directions, on the route
inače jasno otvorenog ukusu balkanskih stil- Balkans/Adriatic – Apennine Peninsula. It could
skih linearizama na slikanoj keramici i na have come to Picenum (also) over the central
metalu na prijelazu 2./1. tis. pr. Kr., i kasni- Apennine Villanovan world from the interior,
je. No, nezaobilazan je i Verucchio iz villano- i.e. from the Apennine south, which was clearly
va razdoblja, smješten na križanju kulturnih open to the taste of the Balkan stylistic linearisms
utjecaja juga i sjevera, između Caput Adrije, on painted pottery and metal at the transition
Padanije, Etrurije i Picenuma, odnosno, Ja- from the 3rd to 2nd millennium BC and later.
drana. Za problematiku onovremene solar- We also need to mention Verrucchio from the
ne ikonografije i simbolike važan je složeni Villanovan period, situated at the intersection of
motiv izveden urezivanjem i iskucavanjem the cultural influences of the south and north,
na brončanom pojasu villanova tipa iz S. between Caput Adriae, Padania, Etruria and Pi-
Giovanni in Galillea, Ara Vecchia, iz Ve- cenum i.e. Adriatic. Complex motif executed
rucchija (Sl. 19b).178 Ima dva koncentrična by incision and stamping on the bronze belt of
kruga s naglašenom iskucanom točkom u the Villanovan type from S. S. Giovanni in Ga-
središtu. Krugovi su okruženi s četiri malteš- lillea, Ara Vecchia, from Verucchio (Fig. 19b)178
ka križa križno raspoređena. Malteški križ je is important in the context of problems of the
pak identičan križu na pektoralu iz Ancone solar iconography and symbolics. It has two
(Sl. 25), dakle i križu na pektoralu iz Nina concentrical circles with emphasized stamped
(Sl. 1-2). U odnosu na ovu kompoziciju iz dot in the center. Circles are surrounded with
Nina, gdje je malteški križ okružen s četiri four Maltese crosses in cruciform distribution.
koncentrična kruga s točkom u središtu (Sl. Maltese cross is identical to the cross on the pec-
3), u kompoziciji iz Verucchija zbila se iko- toral from Ancona (Fig. 25) and to the cross on
nografska zamjena, ali uz zadržavanje sim- the pectoral from Nin (Fig. 1-2). In relation to
bolike: motiv koncentričnih krugova sada je this composition from Nin where the Maltese
postao središte okruženo s malteškim križe- cross was surrounded with four concentrical
vima. Ova ikonografska igra premještanja i circles with a dot in the middle (Fig. 3), in the
kombiniranja tada omiljenog kruga/diska, composition from Verucchio an iconographic
križa i broja 4, tj. četiriju točaka križno ras- change took place, but the symbolics was re-
poređenih u kružnom prostoru, jasno govori tained: motif of concentrical circles has become
da u prvim stoljećima željeznog doba znak a center surrounded with Maltese crosses. This
koncentričnoga kruga s točkom u sredini i iconographical game of dislocating and com-
znak malteškog, ili nekoga drugog tipa križa, bining popular circle/disk, cross and number 4
sadrže potpuno isto značenje. Oba su simbo- i.e. four dots distributed crosswise in the round
li samog Sunca. Kompozicija „malteški križ space shows clearly that in the first centuries of
– koncentrični krug s točkom“ iz Nina (Sl. the Iron Age sign of concentrical cross with a
3) sadrži iste poruke kao i kompozicija „kon- dot in the middle and sign of Maltese or some
centrični krug s točkom – malteški križevi“
iz Verucchija (Sl. 19b), u približno istom 176
B. ČOVIĆ, 1984, 16-17, 22, fig. 2/b-c, fig. 4.
Cf. B. ČOVIĆ, 1984, 18.
P. von ELES, 2012, sl. 6.
178 178
P. von ELES, 2012, fig. 6.

S. Kukoč: Pektoralni nakit kod Liburna: odrazi mita o Sunčevu putovanju u liburnskoj kulturi 10 (2016), 7-101

vremenu, s početka željeznog doba. other type of cross, had identical meaning. They
Motiv niza urezanih ptica (Sl. 2-3, 8) na were both symbols of the Sun. Composition
lađama dvaju pektorala kod Liburna, više “Maltese cross – concentrical circle with a dot”
se ne pojavljuje u liburnskoj kulturi. Nije from Nin (Fig. 3) contains identical messages as
svojstven ni onovremenom istočnojadran- the composition “concentrical circle with a dot
skom, odnosno balkanskom svijetu. Tipičan – Maltese crosses” from Verucchio (Fig. 19b)
je za probrane i mahom simbolične artefak- in roughly same period at the beginning of the
te (Sl. 21f ) s apeninskih prostora početkom Iron Age.
željeznog doba, posebno iz Etrurije i starog Motif of a row of incised birds (Fig. 2-3, 8)
Lacija, ali i s juga (Pontecagnano: Sl. 34); on the boats of two pectorals in the Liburnians,
konkretno, za villanova svijet (urne iz 9. st. does not reappear in the Liburnian culture. It
pr. Kr.179), stoga i za picenske villanova jez- is not characteristic of the eastern Adriatic i.e.
gre (Fermo: Sl. 35c).180 Motiv ima izravne Balkan world at the time. It is typical of the se-
analogije i na obje lađe picenskih pektorala lected and mostly symbolical artifacts (Fig. 21f)
(Sl. 24, 26)181 ili pak na brijačima iz picenske from the Apennine regions at the beginning of
kulture, koji su villanova podrijetla ili inspi- the Iron Age, particularly from Etruria and old
rirani brijačima iz Etrurije iz 9. – 8. st. pr. Latium, but also from the south (Pontecagna-
Kr. 182 (Sl. 35c). U ovom kontekstu osebujan no: Fig. 34); specifically, of the Villanovan world
je brijač iz Picenuma (Sl. 35a)183 na kojem je (urns from the 9th century BC179), therefore also
relativno konkretno dočaran „solarni krajo- of the Picenian Villanovan cores (Fermo).180 The
lik“ s križevima (i pticama), nedvojbeno ute- motif has direct analogies on both boats of the
meljen na mitu o Sunčevu putovanju. Picenian pectorals (Fig. 24, 26)181 or on the ra-
Odavno je uočeno da su pektorali iz Nina i zors of the Picenian culture which have Villano-
Zatona ikonografsko-stilski negdje „između“ van origin or they were inspired by the identical
zapadnobalkanskih i (zapadno)jadranskih examples from Etruria from the 9th – 8th centu-
formi, ali i da sami picenski pektorali, poput ries BC182 (Fig. 35c). In this context a razor from
nekih drugih picenskih artefakata, stanovito Picenum is quite specific (Fig. 35a)183 as it bears
baštine na istočnojadranskom iskustvu i li- relatively concretely depicted “solar landscape”,
kovnom ukusu. Te prostore na prijelazu 2./1. with crosses (and birds), undoubtedly based on
tis. pr. Kr. stilski povezuje geometrizam i iko- the myth of the Sun’s journey.
nografsko-semantički bliski solarni sadržaji, It has been noticed long time ago that the
s naglaskom na urnenfelder „ptičjoj lađi“, kao pectorals from Nin and Zaton are somewhere
reduciranoj mitskoj slici Sunčeva putovanja. “between” the western Balkan and western Adri-
To je stara, ključna teza184 o osebujnom, no atic forms in iconographic and stylistic terms,
srodnom komponiranju solarnih (urnen- but it was also evident that the Picenian pec-
felder) motiva i simbola na zapadnobalkan- torals, like some other Picenian artifacts, ac-
skom i jadransko-apeninskom prostoru. U cepted certain eastern Adriatic experiences and
tom kontekstu, uz picensku snažnu istoč- artistic taste. These regions were connected by
nojadransko-balkansku usmjerenost, bitna geometrism at the transition from the 2nd to 1st

G. COLONNA, 1974, T 132/b. 179
G. COLONNA, 1974, T 132/b.
L. DRAGO TROCCOLI, 2003, 41, sl. 4/a. 180
L. DRAGO TROCCOLI, 2003, 41, fig. 4/a.
N. LUCENTINI, 2000, 258. 181
N. LUCENTINI, 2000, 258.
Npr. na tipu Populonija (izgleda bolonjske proizvodnje) 182
E.g. on the Populonia type (seemingly produced in Bo-
u picenskom grobu 19 S/1956 s antenskim mačem tipa logna) in the Picenian grave 19 S/1956 with an antenna
Tarquinija. L. DRAGO TROCCOLI, 2003, 57, 59. sl. 13. sword of the Tarquinia type. L. DRAGO TROCCOLI,
N. LUCENTINI, 2007, sl. 4/2. 2003, 57, 59, fig. 13.
G. KOSSACK, 1954, 54; D. GLOGOVIĆ, 1989, 27. 183
N. LUCENTINI, 2007, fig. 4/2.

10 (2016), 7-101 S. Kukoč: Pectoral Jewelry and the Liburnians: Reflections of the Myth about Sun’s Journey...

je picenska istovremena, rana transvenzalna millennia BC, and iconographically and seman-
otvorenost srednjeapeninskoj unutrašnjosti tically similar solar motifs, with emphasis on the
(Fermo – Etrurija – Latium Vetus i drugo). Urnfield “bird boat” as reduced mythical image
Ona je, uz ostalo, pridonijela dovršenom of the Sun’s journey. This is an old, crucial the-
ikonografskom sintetiziranju određenih pi- sis184 about the peculiar but similar composing
censkih kulturnih elemenata utemeljenih na of the solar (Urnfield) motifs and symbols on
mitu o Sunčevu putovanju, koji je nedvojbe- the western Balkan and Adriatic-Apennine re-
no snažno sudjelovao u nazoru o svijetu i u gion. In that context, alongside strong eastern
mnogim apeninskim prostorima, osobito u Adriatic-Balkan orientation of the Picenians, it
središnjim (Etrurija, Latium Vetus) i južnim, is important to emphasize simultaneous early
na prijelazu 2./1. tis. pr. Kr. transversal openness to the central Apennine
Zbog svekolike, u kompoziciji i detaljima, interior (Fermo – Etruria – Latium Vetus, etc).
likovne podudarnosti dvodijelnih velikih It contributed to completion of iconographic
pektorala Liburnije i Picenuma, odavno se synthesis of certain Picenian cultural elements
izravno, najčešće prešutno, nameće pitanje: based on the myth of the Sun’s journey which
jesu li pektorali iz Zatona i Nina posljedica undoubtedly participated intensively in the im-
tzv. riscontri transadriatici i dio tzv. koiné ja- age of the world and in the worldview in many
dranske, ili su pak uvoz iz picenskog svijeta? Apennine regions, particularly the central (Etru-
U prvoj, najproširenijoj tezi o tome pek- ria, Latium Vetus) and southern areas at the tran-
torali iz Nina i Zatona plod su kulturne sition from the 2nd to 1st millennia BC.
interakcije jadranskih zajednica, primarno Due to complete correspondence in compo-
liburnske i picenske. U tom kontekstu ista- sition and details of the large two-part pectorals
knut je stav da su veliki pektoralni oblik Li- from Liburnia and Picenum, for quite a while
burni prenijeli u Picenum gdje se on dalje ra- the imposing though implicit question was
zvijao.185 Iza ove teze neizbježno stoji Plinijev whether the pectorals from Zaton and Nin were
liburnski Truentum i drugi pisani podaci o a consequence of the so-called riscontri transa-
Liburnima na Jadranu te mnoge objektivne driatici and a part of the Adriatic “koiné” or if
kulturne liburnsko-picenske podudarnosti. they were import from the Picenian world?
Teza pak o picenskom importu, prisutna u In the first, most widespread thesis on this
literaturi,186 nije detaljnije razrađena. subject, pectorals from Nin and Zaton represent
Iako Liburni i Piceni imaju dugotrajnu do- a result of the cultural interaction of the Adri-
maću tradiciju pektoralnog nakita, pektorali atic communities, primarily the Liburnian and
iz Nina i Zatona nisu se „razvijali“ u Libur- Picenian. In that context, main thesis is that the
niji. Njihova forma (za sada) nema izravni large pectoral form was brought to Picenum
kontinuitet u liburnskoj kulturi. Svi drugi by the Liburnians where it further developed.185
liburnski pektorali po svemu su skromniji, Behind this thesis is Pliny’s Liburnian Truentum
veličinom i obradom. Činjenica je, dakle, da and other written data about the Liburnians on
za razliku od picenske kulture, pektorali iz the Adriatic and many objective cultural Libur-
Zatona i Nina nisu u liburnskoj kulturi, kao nian-Picenian correspondences. Thesis about
niti pektorali kod Japoda,187 praćeni drugim, the Picenian import, which can be found in the
scholarly works,186 has not been elaborated.
Š. BATOVIĆ, 1981, 24-25. Although both the Liburnians and Piceni-
R. PERONI, 1973, 24, 18, bilj. 13; S. KUKOČ, 1978, 246-
247, T LIII-LX; M. LANDOLFI, 2000, 126.
Ne može se (više) govoriti o pektoralima podrijetlom iz 184
G. KOSSACK, 1954, 54; D. GLOGOVIĆ, 1989, 27.
gruppo liburnico – japodico, prema F. Lo Schiavo i drugim 185
Š. BATOVIĆ, 1981, 24-25.
autorima, jer ta kultura nikad nije postojala. Usp. M. LAN- 186
R. PERONI, 1973, 24, 18, note 13; S. KUKOČ, 1978, 246-
DOLFI, 2000, 126. 247, T LIII-LX; M. LANDOLFI, 2000, 126.

S. Kukoč: Pektoralni nakit kod Liburna: odrazi mita o Sunčevu putovanju u liburnskoj kulturi 10 (2016), 7-101

sličnim raskošnim pektoralnim oblicima. ans have lengthy local tradition of the pectoral
Japodski pektorali, iako često sastavljeni od adornments, pectorals from Nin and Zaton did
dviju solarnih lađa, mahom su mlađi i ma- not “develop” in Liburnia. They do not have
njih dimenzija; nikad ne dosežu impozantnu morphological continuity in the Liburnian
dužinu od 60 do 70 cm, poput dvaju pekto- culture. All other Liburnian pectorals are more
rala kod Liburna, odnosno, Picena. modest in size and crafting. The fact is that as
Veliki dvodijelni picenski pektorali (Mon- opposed to the Picenian culture, pectorals from
teprandone, Canavaccio di Urbino, Mon- Nin and Zaton were not accompanied with oth-
teroberto, Ancona – Colle del Cardeto, er similar elaborate pectoral forms in the Libur-
Numana, Porto San’Elpidio, vjerojatno i nian culture as well as the Iapodean pectorals187
pektoral iz Villa Giulia, Rim: Sl. 29a)188 te which often consist of two solar boats, but are
dva pektorala iz Liburnije, pripadaju svije- mostly younger and have smaller dimensions;
tu žena.189 Njihov izvorni picenski kulturni they never reach the imposing length of 60-70
kontekst često je nedovoljno arheološki do- cm, such as two Liburnian i.e. Picenian pecto-
kumentiran; relativno su nesigurne pojedine rals.
relevantne picenske grobne cjeline, iskopane Large two-part Picenian pectorals (Monte-
u 19. i početkom 20. st. Stoga su oni različi- prandone, Canavaccio di Urbino, Monterob-
to datirani, u rasponu između 9. i 8. st. pr. erto, Ancona – Colle del Cardeto, Numana,
Kr.190; konkretno, najčešće u 8. st. pr. Kr. Porto San’Elpidio, probably also pectoral from
(Piceno II) u starijoj191 i novijoj literaturi.192 Villa Giulia, Rome, Fig. 29a),188 and two pecto-
Bili su stoga istovremeni pektoralu iz Nina rals from Liburnia belong to the world of wom-
(bez grobne cjeline), oduvijek datiranom u en.189 Their original Picenian cultural context
8. st. pr. Kr.,193 odnosno, stariji od pektorala is frequenetly lacking in archaeological evidence;
iz groba 6 iz Zatona, datiranog u 7. st. pr. certain relevant Picenian funeary wholes are also
Kr.194 U najnovijoj literaturi, i nadalje ute- relatively uncertain, excavated in the 19th cen-
meljenoj na tradicionalnoj apsolutnoj kro- tury and at the beginning of the 20th century
nologiji, složeni picenski pektorali smješteni which is why they were dated in the range from
su na kraj 9. st. pr. Kr. i početak 8. st. pr. Kr. the 9th and 8th centuries BC190; specifically most
te, napokon, u 9. st. pr. Kr. i početak 8. frequently in the 8th century BC (Piceno II) in
st. pr. Kr.196 the older191 and more recent works.192 Therefore
Neslaganja u vezi s kronologijom dvodi- they were synchronous with the pectoral from
jelnih picenskih pektorala, iz objektivnih Nin (without the grave unit), regularly dated to
razloga, ni danas nisu nadživljena. Ne posto- the 8th century BC,193 i.e. older than the pectoral
je grobne asocijacije ovih pektorala i drugih from grave 6 in Zaton, dated to the 7th century
artefakata koje bi ih nedvojbeno svrstale na BC.194 In the most recent literature, still based
sam početak, odnosno u prvu polovicu 9. st.
pr. Kr. U grobu 1/1895 iz Monteprandonea 187
Pectorals from gruppo liburnico-japodico according to F.
Lo Schiavo and other authors can no longer be discussed
M. G. SCAPATICCI, 1980, 70-71, T XXIIc. since such culture never existed. Cf. M. LANDOLFI, 2000,
G. von MERHART, 1942, 7, T 6; D. GLOGOVIĆ, 1989, 25, 126.
27; M. LANDOLFI, 2000, 126. 188
M. G. SCAPATICCI, 1980, 70-71, T XXIIc.
M. GAVRANOVIĆ, 2007, 183, sl. 10. 189
G. von MERHART, 1942, 7, T 6; D. GLOGOVIĆ, 1989, 25,
D. G. LOLLINI, 1976, 125, 185. 27; M. LANDOLFI, 2000, 126.
K. W. BEINHAUER, 1985, 254; M. LANDOLFI, 2000, 190
M. GAVRANOVIĆ, 2007, 183, fig. 10.
126. 191
D. G. LOLLINI, 1976, 125, 185.
Š. BATOVIĆ, 1981, 24, sl. 12. 192
K. W. BEINHAUER, 1985, 254; M. LANDOLFI, 2000,
Š. BATOVIĆ, 1976, karta 7. 126.
N. LUCENTINI, 2000, 258. 193
Š. BATOVIĆ, 1981, 24, fig. 12.
N. LUCENTINI, 2007, 95. 194
Š. BATOVIĆ, 1976, map 7.

10 (2016), 7-101 S. Kukoč: Pectoral Jewelry and the Liburnians: Reflections of the Myth about Sun’s Journey...

(Sl. 24), gdje je kombinacija priloga naknad- on the traditional absolute chronology, complex
no rekonstruirana, pektoral (duž. 36,5 cm), Picenian pectorals were dated to the end of the
inače jedan od najstarijih među picenskima, 9th century BC and beginning of the 8th century
uz (trodijelnu)197 spiralno-naočalastu fibulu BC195 and finally to the 9th century BC and be-
liburnskog oblika, tipa Nin,198 prati jedno- ginning of the 8th century BC.196
dijelna fibula a disco sa žičanim stožastim Disagreements regarding chronology of the
ispupčenjima na luku.199 Te se fibule u odre- two-part Picenian pectorals have not been over-
đenim apeninskim krugovima izrađuju već u come due to objective reasons. There are no fu-
9. st. pr. Kr.200 U bogatom pak pokopu žene nerary associations regarding these pectorals and
iz Numane iz prve polovice 8. st. pr. Kr.,201 other artifacts to date them without doubt to the
uz pektoral se opet nalazi fibula a disco, ali beginning i.e. first half of the 9th century BC. In
raskucanog luka. Ova inačica se također grave 1/1895 from Monteprandone (Fig. 24)
oblikuje, osobito u srednjoapeninskim pro- where combination of grave goods was recon-
storima, već u 9. st. pr. Kr. (Terni II),202 ali structed subsequently, one of the oldest Picenian
njezina pojava kod Picena u starijoj203 i novi- pectorals (length 36,5 cm) is accompanied by a
joj literaturi uglavnom se smještala na poče- single-part fibula a disco with a conical wire em-
tak 8. st. pr. Kr.204 U grobu žene iz Colle del bossments on the bow197 alongside (three-part)198
Cardeto-Ancona (Sl. 25) poznati pektoral spectacle fibula of the Liburnian form, type
bio je također praćen jednodijelnom lučnom Nin.199 These fibulae in certain Apennine circles
fibulom a disco s raskucanim lukom, zatim s were made as early as the 9th century BC.200 In
fibulom sa zrnom jantara na luku te visokom the rich burial of a woman from Numana from
spiralnom narukvicom s rebrom.205 Ona je the first half of the 8th century BC,201 fibula a dis-
pak obilježje ranih bogatih pokopa žena u co was found alongside pectoral but its bow was
Picenumu (Canavaccio di Urbino) tijekom hammered. This variant was present particularly
9. – 8. st. pr. Kr.,206 no s potpunom analo- in the central Apennine regions as early as the
gijom na balkanskim prostorima u Velikom 9th century BC (Terni II),202 but its appearance
Mošunju207 te u delmatskom krugu (ostava in the Picenian culture was usually dated in the
Krehin Gradac) u 8. st. pr. Kr.208 Identične older203 and more recent literature to the begin-
duge narukvice s rebrom nose žene i u grob- ning of the 8th century BC.204 In the grave of
noj picenskoj kombinaciji s malom jantar- a woman from Colle del Cardeto-Ancona (Fig.
nom solarnom „ptičjom lađom“ s kraja 8. st. 25) famous pectoral was also accompanied with
pr. Kr. i početkom 7. st. pr. Kr. (Novilara – a single-part bow fibula a disco with hammered

N. LUCENTINI, 2007, sl. 5 /1.
S. PABST, 2012, 80-82. 195
N. LUCENTINI, 2000, 258.
N. LUCENTINI, 2000, 258. 196
N. LUCENTINI, 2007, 95.
Izvorni oblik fibule iz Monteprandonea nije siguran, jer je 197
N. LUCENTINI, 2000, 258.
popravljana u prošlosti; stoga možda potječe s početka 8. 198
N. LUCENTINI, 2007, fig. 5 /1.
st. pr. Kr. N. LUCENTINI, 2000, 258, sl. 478. O ovom tipu 199
S. PABST, 2012, 80-82.
fibule u Fermu (9. st. pr. Kr.) i šire po Apeninskom poluo- 200
Original form of fibula from Monteprandone is not recon-
toku: L. DRAGO TROCCOLI, 2003, 44, sl. 5/c, bilj. 61. structed with certainty since it was repaired in the past;
M. LANDOLFI, 2000, 126. therefore it may be dated to the beginning of the 8th cen-
Npr. Terni: grobovi 154, 138. H. MÜLLER-KARPE, 1959, tury BC. N. LUCENTINI, 2000, 258, fig. 478. About this
T 42 G, T 43A. type of fibula in Fermo (9th century BC) and elsewhere on
D. G. LOLLINI, 1976, sl. 3/5. the Apennine Peninsula: L. DRAGO TROCCOLI, 2003,
L. DRAGO TROCCOLI, 2003, 47-48, sl. 6 /F, bilj. 80-81. 44, fig. 5/c, note 61.
G. von MERHART, 1942, T 6/sl. 2 (1-4). 201
M. LANDOLFI, 2000, 126.
N. LUCENTINI, 2000, 258. 202
E.g. Terni: graves 154, 138. H. MÜLLER-KARPE, 1959, T
M. GAVRANOVIĆ, 2007, 179, 181-182, sl. 5 (sa starijom 42 G, T 43A.
literaturom). 203
D. G. LOLLINI, 1976, fig. 3/5.
B. ČOVIĆ, 1987, 448, sl. 26/2. 204
L. DRAGO TROCCOLI, 2003, 47-48, fig. 6 /F, notes 80-81.

S. Kukoč: Pektoralni nakit kod Liburna: odrazi mita o Sunčevu putovanju u liburnskoj kulturi 10 (2016), 7-101

Servici, grob XVII:209 (Sl. 44a). Tu je i pro- bow, then with a fibula with an amber bead on
blem prve pojave u Picenumu spiralno-nao- the bow and high spiral bracelet with a rib (Fig.
čalastih dvodijelnih fibula liburnskog tipa (i 25).205 It is a characteristic of the early rich bur-
trodijelne fibule u Monteprandoneu: Sl. 24). ials in Picenum (Canavaccio di Urbino) during
One su tradicionalno smještane u 8. st. pr. the 9th/8th centuries BC,206 but with excellent
Kr.,210 dok se u novijoj literaturi njihova prva analogy in the Balkan region, in Veliki Mošunj,207
pojava datira uglavnom u rasponu između and in the Delmatian circle (hoard in Krehin
dvaju stoljeća, konkretno na kraj 9. i u 8. st. Gradac) during the 8th century BC.208 Identical
pr. Kr., ili pak (indirektno)211 i nešto ranije, long bracelets with a rib were worn by women in
odnosno u 9. st. pr. Kr.212 the Picenian funerary combination with a small
Dakle, prva pojava velikih picenskih pek- amber solar “bird boat” from the end of the 8th
torala vjerojatna je tek u zadnjim desetljeći- century BC and beginning of the 7th century
ma 9. st. pr. Kr., osobito tijekom 8. st. pr. BC (Novilara-Servici, grave XVII)209 (Fig. 44a).
Kr. Nejasno je točno vrijeme kada su se ovi, There is also the problem of the first appearance
i uopće dvodijelni picenski pektorali prestali of the two-part spectacle fibulae of the Liburni-
upotrebljavati; možda potkraj 6. st. pr. Kr.213 an type (and three-part fibulae in Montepran-
No to su već bili dvodijelni pektorali spoje- done: Fig. 24). They were traditionally dated to
ni nizovima staklenih zrna i alkica.214 Tako- the 8th century BC,210 while in the more recent
đer, u međuvremenu, tijekom 7. st. pr. Kr. u literature their first emergence is usually dated
upotrebi su i dvodijelni picenski pektorali, to the period of two centuries, specifically to the
ali od brončanog lima, s iskucanim ukrasom end of the 9th century and to the 8th century BC,
(Montegiorgio)215 i bez jasnoga solarnog zna- or (indirectly)211 somewhat earlier, i.e. to the 9th
kovlja uobičajenog za pektorale tipa Ancona. century BC.212
U grobnoj nošnji žena iz Picenuma s veli- The first appearance of large Picenian pecto-
kim dvodijelnim pektoralom, koja jest očita rals is likely only in the last decades of the 9th
mješavina elemenata tipičnih za zajednice century BC, particularly during the 8th centu-
obiju jadranskih obala i zaleđa, najočitiji ry BC. It is difficult to say when these pectorals
istočnojadranski elementi (posebno rani li- and generally two-part Picenian pectorals were
burnski) su, dakle, spiralno-naočalaste fibule no longer used; perhaps at the end of the 6th
i duge narukvice s rebrom. Jednodijelne fi- century BC,213 but these were two-part pectorals
bule a disco s lukom ukrašenim nizom sto- connected with strings of glass beads and small
žastih ispupčenja vuku podrijetlo iz srednje
Italije,216 kao i fibule a disco s raskucanim
G. von MERHART, 1942, T 6/fig. 2 (1-4).
N. LUCENTINI, 2000, 258.
K. W. BEINHAUER, 1985, 790, T 170B. 207
M. GAVRANOVIĆ, 2007, 179, 181-182, fig. 5 (with older
Za Novilaru: grob 70, Novilara-Molaroni. (8. st. pr. Kr.). literature).
Prva pojava spiralno-naočalastih fibula u „ženskim“ gro- 208
B. ČOVIĆ, 1987, 448, fig. 26/2.
bovima Novilare datirana je u 8. st. pr. Kr. K. W. BEIN- 209
K. W. BEINHAUER, 1985, 790, T 170B.
HAUER, 1985, 251, 544, 705, T 18D, 19A. Usp. S. PABST, 210
About Novilara: grave 70, Novilara-Molaroni (8th century
2012, 178-179, 293. BC). The first appearance of the spectace fibulae in “fema-
N. LUCENTINI, 2000, 258; N. LUCENTINI, 2007, 95, sl. le” graves of Novilara was dated to the 8th century BC. K.
5/1. W. BEINHAUER, 1985, 251, 544, 705, T 18D, 19A. Cf. S.
U najnovijim vremenskim shemama spiralno-naočalaste PABST, 2012, 178-179, 293.
višedijelne fibule liburnskog oblika (tip Nin) u Picenumu 211
N. LUCENTINI, 2000, 258; N. LUCENTINI, 2007, 95, fig.
su određene u 9. – 7. st. pr. Kr. S. PABST, 2012, 178, 292. 5/1.
S. SEIDEL, 2007, 80. 212
In the most recent chronological schemes multi-part
S. SEIDEL, 2007, 80. spectacle fibulae of the Liburnian shape (type Nin) were
S. SEIDEL, 2007, 81, sl. 7. dated from the 9th to 7th century BC in Picenum. S. PABST,
One su u Picenumu element snažno inspiriran villanova 2012, 178, 292.
svijetom, primarno Etrurijom (i Ternijem), no i enotrij- 213
S. SEIDEL, 2007, 80.

10 (2016), 7-101 S. Kukoč: Pectoral Jewelry and the Liburnians: Reflections of the Myth about Sun’s Journey...

lukom, dok su pak fibule sa zrnom jantara, rings.214 In the meantime, during the 7th centu-
inače omiljene kod Liburna, ipak svojina više ry BC, two-part Picenian pectorals were used,
zajednica u 9./8. st. pr. Kr. made of sheet bronze, with stamped ornament
Kako pektorali iz Nina i Zatona imaju, (Montegiorgio),215 and without clear solar signs
zasad (!), povoljniji kontekst u sustavu pi- usual on the Ancona-type pectorals.
censke kulture početkom željeznog doba, In the funeral attire of the Picenian wom-
i budući da su cjelinom i detaljima ikono- en with a large two-part pectoral, which is an
grasko-stilski srodni s picenskima, štoviše, u evident “mixture” of elements typical of the
konkretnim slučajevima njima gotovo iden- communities on the both Adriatic coasts and
tični (Sl. 29), može ih se smatrati picenskim hinterland, the most recognizable eastern Adri-
uvozom kod Liburna.217 Najočitija kompo- atic elements (particularly early Liburnian) are
zicijska razlika između velikih dvodijelnih spectacle fibulae and long bracelets with a rib.
pektorala kod Picena i Liburna je u činjenici Single-part fibulae a disco with a bow decorated
što liburnski nemaju naglašeno duge lance with row of conical embossments originate from
obješene o donjoj lađi (Sl. 1, 6). central Italy,216 as well as fibulae a disco with a
Oba pektorala kod Liburna, iz Nina i Zato- hammered bow while fibulae with an amber
na, nastala su, dakle, negdje u zadnjim deset- bead, very popular in Liburnia, are characteristic
ljećima 9. st. pr. Kr., odnosno u 8. st. pr. Kr. of several communities in the 9th/8th centuries
To ne poriče činjenica da su određeni prilozi BC.
(npr. košarasti privjesak) u grobu 6 iz Zatona Since pectorals from Nin and Zaton for now
(s višestrukim ukopom?) tipični za vrijeme (!) have more favourable context in the system
nakon 8. st. pr. Kr. (Sl. 6). Kao „posuđeni“ of the Picenian culture at the beginning of the
kulturni element, pektorali iz Nina i Zatona, Iron Age, and since they are similar to the Pice-
zahvaljujući svojoj simboličnosti utemelje- nian examples generally and in details, further-
noj na solarnosti, nedvojbeno su bili ubačeni more they are almost identical in specific cases
u najosjetljivije dijelove liburnske kulture i (Fig. 29), they can be considered as the Picenian
napokon, stavljeni u grob (Sl. 6) zajedno s import in Liburnia.217 The most evident com-
drugim, tipičnim liburnskim dijelovima noš- positional difference between the large two-part
nje: s osam lučnih fibula sa zrnom jantara, s pectorals in the Picenian and Liburnian cultures
ranim oblikom pojasne križne kopče, dobro is in the fact that the Liburnian examples do not
dokumentirane, posebno kod Japoda, već have very long chains hanging from the lower
početkom željeznog doba,218 s križnom apli- boat (Fig. 1, 6).
kom i drugim elementima. Pektorali, poput Both pectorals in Liburnia, from Nin and
zatonskog i ninskog, sigurno su bili određe- Zaton, were made in the last decades of the 9th
na dragocjenost, osobito svojim značenjima, century BC, i.e. during the 8th century BC. This
koja se čuvala, moguće i nasljeđivala u okvi- is not in contradiction with the fact that certain
ru liburnskog domusa, obitelji i običaja šire grave goods (such as basket-shaped pendant) in
zajednice. grave 6 from Zaton (with multiple burial?) are
Picensko podrijetlo i navedeno vrijeme na- typical of the period after the 8th century BC
stanka dvaju velikih pektorala iz Liburnije, (Fig. 6). As a “borrowed” cultural element, pec-
negdje na prijelazu 9./8. st. pr. Kr. potkre-
pljuje nalaz picenskog pektorala u Verucchi-
S. SEIDEL, 2007, 80.
S. SEIDEL, 2007, 81, fig. 7.
In Picenum they represent an element inspired by the Vi-
skim prostorom, preko Lacija (Latium Vetus). N. LUCEN- llanovan world, primarily Etruria (and Terni), but also the
TINI, 2007, 95. Enotrian region, over Latium (Latium Vetus). N. LUCEN-
S. KUKOČ, 1978, 246-247. TINI, 2007, 95.
S. KUKOČ, 2009, sl. 311-312 (sa starijom literaturom). 217
S. KUKOČ, 1978, 246-247.

S. Kukoč: Pektoralni nakit kod Liburna: odrazi mita o Sunčevu putovanju u liburnskoj kulturi 10 (2016), 7-101

ju, u grobu 40, Lippi (Sl. 27a-c). Ovaj grob torals from Nin and Zaton were undoubtedly in-
odrasle spaljene pokojnice, s nizom obrednih corporated in the most delicate segments of the
osobitosti, odraz je složene, no ipak uobiča- Liburnian culture, and finally put in grave (Fig.
jene funerarne procedure villanova i orijen- 6) together with other typical Liburnian parts
talizirajućeg Verucchija.219 Grob je, također, of attire: eight bow fibulae with an amber bead,
odraz višestrukih kulturnih dodira Verucchi- early form of a belt buckle, well-documented
ja (Romagna) i picenskog kruga. Dvodijel- particularly in the Iapodes, as early as the be-
ni picenski pektoral (Sl. 27a) ovdje se nalazi ginning of the Iron Age,218 with a cross-shaped
unutar prostorno složene grobne strukture, u appliqué and other elements. Pectorals, such as
kojoj se jasno, i to prije svega kod groba 40 the ones from Zaton and Nin, were definitely
s tronom, iščitava ideja ranoga funerarnog kind of a treasure, particularly with their mean-
(pokojnikova) banketa, točnije, gozbe „sje- ings which were retained carefully, and possibly
dećeg tipa“, poput ranog banketa u središ- also inherited within the Liburnian domus, fam-
njoj Etruriji, dakle prije pojave symposiona. ily and customs of the wider community.
Pektoral je bio izravni prilog pokojnici; jer Picenian origin and mentioned period of for-
nađen je u doliju zajedno s njezinim osob- mation of the two large pectorals from Liburnia,
nim priborom, nakitom i drugim oblicima at the transition from the 9th to 8th century BC is
(Sl. 27b-c).220 Ovo je, dakle, jedini primjerak supported by the find of a Picenian pectoral in
ranoga, dvodijelnog picenskog pektorala pra- Verucchio, in grave 40, Lippi (Fig. 27a-c). This
ćenog obredom spaljivanja. Jer u Picenumu i grave of a cremated female adult, with a series of
kod Liburna ovakav pektoral uvijek je u kon- ritual particularities, is a reflection of complex
tekstu inhumacije. Važno je i to da pokop but still common funerary procedure of Villano-
obje žene prate, izgleda tek posredno, tipični va and orientalizing Verucchio.219 The grave is
also a reflection of manifold cultural contacts of
Grob 40, Lippi, zajedno s grobom 40BIS, tvorio je sepul-
Verucchio (Romagna) and Picenian circle. Two-
kralnu cjelinu; na ovoj nekropoli oni su jedini primjer dva-
ju spaljenih i to „ženskih“ pokopa u zajedničkoj grobnoj
jami, svaki u bikoničnoj urni s poklopnom zdjelom, smje- S. KUKOČ, 2009, fig. 311-312 (with older literature).

štenoj u doliju. Povrh dvaju dolija s urnom, bio je prostor Grave 40, Lippi, together with grave 40BIS, made a fune-

s drvenim tronom i skupinom metalnih i keramičkih po- rary unit; at this necropolis they are the only examples of
suda. A povrh njega, u jednoj idealnoj rekonstrukciji, pret- two cremated ”female” burials in a joint grave pit, each in a
postavlja se humak. Ovim dvama pokopima zajedničko je biconical urn with a covering bowl, put in a dolium. Atop
bilo i spalište te stanovite podudarnosti u strukturi grobnih two dolia with urns was a space with wooden throne and
priloga. Nakupine grobnih artefakata u oba pokopa, 40 i 40 set of metal and ceramic vessels. A mound is assumed to
BIS, koncentrirane su na više mjesta. Kod groba 40 prilozi have covered this construction in an ideal reconstructi-
su bili neposredno uz dolij, na mjestu C1, i vjerojatno su on. These two burials also had common pyre and certain
pripadali pokojnici u grobu 40; konkretno: jedan pektoral correspondences in the structure of grave goods. Clusters
od brončanog lima, zajedno s drugim predmetima (fibule, of grave artifacts in both burials, 40 and 40 BIS, are con-
narukvice, konjska oprema, instrumenti tkanja i predenja, centrated on several spots. In grave 40 grave goods were
metalne posude i drugo te mala sjekira). U samom doliju next to dolium, at the spot C1, and they probably belonged
groba 40, uz picenski pektoral dvodijelnog tipa, nađena su: to the deceased person in grave 40; specifically: a pectoral
zrna jantara, staklena plava i žuta zrna, deset fibula s lu- made of sheet bronze, together with other objects (fibulae,
kom obloženim jantarnim i koštanim segmentima, pet fi- bracelets, horse equipment, weaving and spinning instru-
bula s jednim velikim jantarnim zrnom, šest fibula s lukom ments, metal vessels etc, and a small axe). In the dolium
obloženim kombinacijom (intarzijom) jantara i kosti, dvije of grave 40 in addition to the Picenian two-part pectoral
brončane navicella fibule, brončane fibule sa spljoštenim following items were found: amber beads, blue and yellow
lukom (inače tipične za 8. st. pr. Kr. u bolonjskom i venet- glass beads, 10 fibulae with an amber plated bow and bone
skom svijetu), naušnice s jantarom, brončani pojas i drugo. segments, 5 fibulae with a large amber bead, 6 fibulae with
P. von ELES, F. FINOTELLI, L. MANZOLI, P. POLI, 2014, a bow plated with combination (intarsia) of amber and
986-987, 991, sl. 2, 4-5. bone, two bronze navicella fibulae, bronze fibulae with
Ostaci jednog vrlo oštećenog pektorala, dakle, nejasnog flattened bow (typical of the 8th century BC in the Bologna
oblika, spominju se u kao izravni prilog i spaljene pokoj- and Veneto world), earrings with amber, bronze belt etc. P.
nice u urni u grob 40 BIS. P. von ELES, F. FINOTELLI, L. von ELES, F. FINOTELLI, L. MANZOLI, P. POLI, 2014,
MANZOLI, P. POLI, 2014, 990-991. sl. 2, sl. 4b. 986-987, 991, fig. 2, 4-5.

10 (2016), 7-101 S. Kukoč: Pectoral Jewelry and the Liburnians: Reflections of the Myth about Sun’s Journey...

„muški“ elementi: npr. koplje, izvorno vje- part Picenian pectoral (Fig. 27a) in this case was
rojatno položeno na poklopcu dolija groba found in a spatially complex funerary structure
40 (Sl. 27b-c), te raskošna zmijolika fibula in which we can clearly read the idea of the early
s jantarom uz grob 40BIS, vjerojatno, tako- funerary banquet (of the deceased), more pre-
đer položena nad poklopcem dolija.221 Oba cisley “seated” feast, such as the early banquet in
„muška“ predmeta nisu bili dio neposredne central Etruria, before the symposion appeared.
opreme žena unutar dvaju dolija s urnom. The pectoral was a direct gift to the deceased
Naglašeno izdužena donja lađa pektorala iz person since it was found in the dolium, to-
Verucchija (Sl. 27), osim nekih pojedinosti, gether with her personal accessories, jewelry
isto je oblikovana kao i donja lađa pektorala and other forms (Fig. 27b, c).220 This is the only
iz Canavaccio di Urbina (Sl. 26). Identično example of an early, two-part Picenian pectoral
su im oblikovani donji rubovi namijenjeni accompanied with the cremation ritual. Such
za vješanje masivnih privjesaka, odnosno pectoral is always in the inhumation context
gornji rubovi s lancima za spajanje gornje in Picenum and Liburnia. It is important that
lađe. Koncept privjesaka na njihovim do- burials of both women are accompanied only
njim lađama također je isti. Spiralni privjesci indirectly as it seems by typical “male” elements:
vise na onim batićastim, s tim da su ovi za- e.g. spear, originally probably laid on the dolium
dnji, na pektoralu iz Canavaccia, izduženiji. lid of grave 40 (Fig. 27b-c), and elaborate ser-
„Ptičja lađa“ iz Verucchija također ima istu pentine fibula with amber next to grave 40BIS,
kompoziciju urezanih, inače tipičnih picen- probably also laid over the dolium lid.221 Both
skih pektoralnih iscrtkanih motiva: trokute, “male” objects were not a part of direct female
vrpce i ptice, to jest prekinuti meandar (Sl. accessories in two dolia with an urn.
1-3, 6-8). Ali, dok se motiv stabla, simbol Distinctly elongated lower boat on the pecto-
Sunca, u Canavacciu nalazi na gornjoj (dnev- ral from Verucchio (Fig. 27a) is almost identical-
noj) lađi, on je u Verucchiju doduše, u istom ly shaped as the lower boat on the pectoral from
obliku, predočen na donjoj lađi (Sl. 27a). U Canavaccio di Urbino (Fig. 26b) except for
oba slučaja (Sl. 26b, 27a), glave antitetičnih some details. Lower edges for hanging massive
ptica oblikovane su slično, s vrlo izvijenim pendants were shaped identically, as well as the
kljunom i plastično istaknutim okom. upper edges with chains for connecting the up-
Picenski pektoral u grobu 40 Lippi iz Ve- per boat. Concept of the pendants on their lower
ruccija datiran je u 8. st. pr. Kr., s obzirom boats is also identical. Spiral pendants hang on
na analogije u Picenumu, a cijeli pak grob the rod-shaped ones, which are more elongated
40 i 40BIS u kraj 8. st. pr. Kr. i početak 7. on the pectoral from Canavaccio. “Bird boat”
st. pr. Kr.222 Time se pretpostavlja da je ženin from Verucchio also has the same composition
pektoral za života bio duže upotrebljavan,223 of incised, typical Picenian pectoral hatched
kroz naraštaje možda i nasljeđivan. motifs: triangles, bands and birds, i.e. broken
Ovaj pokop žene s picenskim pektoralom, meander (Fig. 1-3, 6-8). But while motif of a
u širem kontekstu kulturnih odnosa Pice- tree, symbol of the Sun, is depicted on the upper
numa i Verucchija, shvaćen je kao stanoviti (daily) boat in Canavaccio, it was represented on
odraz društvenih, bračnih običaja, prema ko- the lower boat in Verucchio, in the same form
Remains of a heavily damaged pectoral whose form could
P. von ELES, F. FINOTELLI, L. MANZOLI, P. POLI, 2014, not be reconstructed with certainty are mentioned as an
986, sl. 4. accessory of a cremated deceased woman in the urn in grave
991-993. 2014, 990-991, fig. 2, fig. 4b.
P. von ELES, F. FINOTELLI, L. MANZOLI, P. POLI, 2014, 221
992- 993. 986, fig. 4.

S. Kukoč: Pektoralni nakit kod Liburna: odrazi mita o Sunčevu putovanju u liburnskoj kulturi 10 (2016), 7-101

jima nevjesta, u ovom slučaju iz Picenuma, (Fig. 26b). In both cases (Fig. 26b, 27a) heads
u drugu zajednicu donosi odijelo i različite of antithetical birds were shaped quite similarly,
„ženske“, kućne i druge elemente svoje sta- with curved beak and embossed eye.
re zajednice. Treba li, možda, na ovaj način Picenian pectoral in grave 40 Lippi from Ver-
shvatiti i podrijetlo i ulogu velikih pektorala uccio was dated to the 8th century BC consid-
u Liburniji, u Zatonu i Ninu (Sl. 1, 6)? Au- ering the analogies in Picenum, and the entire
tohtoni pokop žene iz Verucchija, u grobu grave 40 and 40BIS to the end of the 8th cen-
40 Lippi, s picenskim pektoralom, baš kao tury BC and beginning of the 7th century BC.222
i liburnske situacije u Ninu i Zatonu (Sl. Therefore it is assumed that the woman’s pecto-
1, 6), s „posuđenim“ picenskim kulturnim ral was used for a longer period during her life-
elementom (pektoralom), ponovno upućuje time.223 This burial of a woman with a Picenian
na široke mogućnosti, ali i jasna ograničenja pectoral, in the wider context of cultural rela-
u izvođenju zaključaka o socijalnim, religij- tions of Picenum and Verruchio was understood
skim i etničkim (?) pripadnostima i uvjere- as a certain reflection of social, marital customs,
njima individue na osnovi strukture njezina which implied that the bride, in this case from
(grobnog) odijela, posebno onoga kombini- Picenum, brought her attire and various “fe-
ranog od „posuđenih“ i domaćih kulturnih male” household and other elements from her
elementa. old community. Should we interpret in the same
I dok se picenski pektorali u grobovima way the origin and function of the large pecto-
susreću s fibulama iz skupine a disco (Sl. rals in Liburnia, in Zaton and Nin (Fig. 1, 6)?
24-25), u liburnskom pokopu (malobrojni) Autochtonous burial of a woman from Verru-
metalni dvodijelni pektorali (Sl. 6) ne kom- chio, in grave 40 Lippi, with a Picenian pectoral,
biniraju se s liburnskom fibulom tipa Osor as well as the Liburnian situations in Nin and
(Sl. 22-23), rasprostranjenom isključivo na Zaton (Fig. 1, 6) with a “borrowed” Picenian
dijelu istočnog Jadrana,224 s prvom pojavom cultural element (pectoral), indicate once more
u 9. st. pr. Kr. i upotrebom tijekom 8. st. to broad possibilities, but also clear limitations
pr. Kr. i kasnije.225 Unatoč tome, pektora- in making conclusions about the social, religious
li iz Nina i Zatona, kao picenski uvoz, po and ethnic (?) affiliations and beliefs of an indi-
svemu su komplementarni s fibulama tipa vidual on the basis of the structure of the (funer-
Osor: tehnikom, znakovima i značenjima. ary) attire, particularly the one combined from
Jer, Liburni, na razmeđu Balkana i Jadrana, “borrowed” and local cultural elements.
te su fibule kreativno oblikovali tijekom 9. While Picenian pectorals in graves are found
i 8./7. st. pr. Kr., kao osebujnu kompilaciju with the fibulae from the group a disco (Fig. 24-
autohtonih vještina (dvodijelna konstrukci- 25), in the Liburnian burials (scarce) metal two-
ja) i brojnih „posuđenih“ likovnih elemena- part pectorals (Fig. 6) are not combined with
ta, znakova i simbola iz mita o Suncu, preko the Liburnian Osor-type fibula (Fig. 22-23),
balkanskog zaleđa, no najočitije s apeninskih distributed only in the part of the eastern Adri-
prostora, posebno iz Picenuma, ili pak po- atic,224 appearing for the first time in the 9th cen-
sredstvom picenske kulture. tury BC and in use throughout the 8th century
U liburnskim grobovima također se, za- BC and later.225 Nevertheless pectorals from Nin
sad, fibule tipa Osor (Sl. 22-23) ne prilažu s
jantarnim pektoralima (Sl. 39a). Vjerojatno 222
stoga što je već sama fibula tipa Osor nosila 991-993.
S. KUKOČ, 2012, sl. 1.
224 224
S. KUKOČ, 2012, fig. 1
S. KUKOČ, 2012, 31-115; B. TERŽAN, 2013, 241-266.
225 225
S. KUKOČ, 2012, 31-115; B. TERŽAN, 2013, 241-266.

10 (2016), 7-101 S. Kukoč: Pectoral Jewelry and the Liburnians: Reflections of the Myth about Sun’s Journey...

ideju Sunčeva putovanja. Ona je snažno ute- and Zaton as Picenian import are complemen-
meljena na solarnoj simbolici i u biti je, svim tary with the Osor-type fibulae in all aspects:
svojim „porukama“, isto što i veliki metalni technique, signs and meanings because the Li-
ili liburnski jantarni pektorali. burnians at the border between the Balkans and
Prema novijim promjenama226 u općoj ap- the Adriatic shaped these fibuale reflecting their
solutnoj vremenskoj shemi za željezno doba creativity during the 9th and 8th/7th centuries BC
Apeninskog poluotoka, koja podiže početak as a peculiar compilation of autochtonous skills
te epohe u 11./10. st. pr. Kr. (Fe I.: 1020. – (two-part construction) and many “borrowed”
950. g. pr. Kr.), prva pojava skupine fibula elements, signs and symbols from the myth
a disco pada već u 11./10. st. pr. Kr., npr. about the Sun, over the Balkan hinterland, but
u srednjoj i južnoj Italiji227. U skladu s tim most evidently from the Apennine regions, par-
je i datacija metodom 14C u 10. st. pr. Kr. ticularly from Picenum, or through mediation
novootkrivene fibule tipa Osor, i to njezine of the Picenian culture.
inačice s jednostavnijim lukom,228 iz groba In the Liburnian graves the Osor-type fibulae
30, s višestrukim ukopom, unutar humka (Fig. 22-23) have not been put in graves with
na liburnskoj nekropoli Venac-Ljubač.229 Sve the amber pectorals (Fig. 39) probably because
to, uz druge podatke, navodi na buduće vre- the Osor-type fibula also represented the idea of
mensko podizanje u 10. st. pr. Kr., ne samo the Sun’s journey. It was based firmly on the so-
prve pojave fibule tipa Osor, dosad tradicio- lar symbolics and it essentially carries the same
nalnom metodom datirane u 9. st. pr. Kr.,230 “messages” as well as the large metal or Liburni-
već i artefakata koji su s tom fibulom tvorili an amber pectorals.
indikativne kombinacije u ranim liburnskim In accordance with the latest changes226 in
pokopima. the general absolute chronological scheme
Upravo jantarni pektorali u liburnskim po- for the Iron Age of the Apennine Peninsula
kopima231 najjasnije potvrđuju ranu pojavu which moves the beginning of the epoch to the
(Nin, grob 21: Sl. 39a232) forme i simbolike 11th/10th centuries BC (Fe I: 1020 – 950 BC),227
„ptičje lađe“ te udomaćenost njezinih izvor- the first appearance of the group of fibulae a dis-
nih sadržaja kod Liburna kroz više stoljeća co is dated as early as the 11th/10th centuries BC,
(?). Nedvojbenu pripadnost jantarnih li- e.g. in central and southern Italy. Correspond-
burnskih pektorala mitu o Sunčevu putova- ing results were obtained in the radiocarbon dat-
nju dokazuje njihova kompozicija, u osnovi ing to the 10th century BC of the newly discov-
identična velikim brončanim pektoralima ered Osor-type fibula, its variant with simpler
(Sl. 1, 6), ali i sama jantarna materija. Bila bow,228 from grave 30, with multiple burial, in
je cijenjena po svojim zaštitničko-ljekovitim the mound on the Liburnian necropolis Venac-
moćima proizišlim iz mitske veze jantara i Ljubač.229 All these facts, alongside other infor-
Sunca (zlata), a u kontekstu složenih pra/ mation, indicate to possible chronological cor-
povijesnih odnosa Sjevera (Jantarnog puta) i rection to the 10th century BC, of not only first
europskog Juga. Prva pojava obrađenoga ne- appearance of the Osor-type fibulae, so far dated
with traditional methods to the 9th century BC,230
A. M. BIETTI SESTIERI, A. DE SANTIS, 2008, 119-133. but also of the artifacts which made indicative
R. PERONI, 2004, 408, 424, sl. 94/1, 5-7.
S. KUKOČ, 2012, sl. 10. 226
A. M. BIETTI SESTIERI, A. DE SANTIS, 2008, 119-133.
Na ovim korisnim podacima zahvaljujem voditelju iskapa- 227
R. PERONI, 2004, 408, 424, fig. 94/1, 5-7.
nja spomenute nekropole prof. dr. sc. Brunislavu Marija- 228
S. KUKOČ, 2012, fig. 10.
noviću s Odjela za arheologiju Sveučilišta u Zadru. 229
I would like to thank prof. dr. sc. Brunislav Marijanović
S. KUKOČ, 2012, 31-115; B. TERŽAN, 2013, 241-266. from the Department of Archaeology of the University of
Š. BATOVIĆ, 1981, 24, 134, br. 358, sl. 13/5. Zadar for this useful information.
Š. BATOVIĆ, 1976, sl. 12/12-15. 230
S. KUKOČ, 2012, 31-115; B. TERŽAN, 2013, 241-266.

S. Kukoč: Pektoralni nakit kod Liburna: odrazi mita o Sunčevu putovanju u liburnskoj kulturi 10 (2016), 7-101

figurativnog jantara na sjeveru Apeninskog combinations in the early Liburnian burials.

poluotoka pada u rano brončano doba, na- Exactly amber pectorals in the Liburnian bur-
stavlja se u terramare kulturi; u željezno doba ials231 most clearly confirm early appearance
jantar je na apeninskim prostorima prisutan (Nin, grave 21: Fig. 39)232 of the form and sym-
već od 9. st. pr. Kr., uključujući i Picenum, bolism of the “bird boat” and acceptance of its
no njegova je upotreba najintenzivnija u original (?) aspects in Liburnia over several cen-
vremenu 8. – 6. st. pr. Kr. Nakon opadanja turies. Doubtless attribution of the Liburnian
važnosti Verucchija, Picenum je bio jedna od amber pectorals to the myth of the Sun’s jour-
ključnih točaka oblikovanja i širenja jadran- ney is confirmed by their composition, basically
skog jantara sve do 4. st. pr. Kr.233 identical to the large bronze pectorals (Fig. 1, 6),
Pektorali s ptičjom lađom (Sl. 40-41) su i but also amber as a material. It was appreciated
najstariji figuralno obrađeni jantarni pred- due to its protective and healing properties re-
meti kod Liburna. Nemaju izravne analogije sulting from the mythical connection of amber
na susjednom prostoru i najvjerojatnije su, and the Sun (gold), in the context of complex
obradom baltičkog jantara, komponirani na pre/historic relations of the North (Amber road)
domaćem tlu. To potkrepljuje izrada obli- and European South. The first appearance of
kom gotovo istoga brončanog trodijelnog worked non-figurative amber in the north of the
lijevanog liburnskog pektorala (Nin, grob Apennine Peninsula is dated to the Early Bronze
48: Sl. 43)234 s dvjema solarnim lađama, od Age, it continues in the Terramare culture; in
kojih je donja izokrenuta. Glave njegovih the Iron Age amber was present in the Apen-
antitetičnih ptica shematizirane su gotovo nine regions from the 9th century BC, including
do neprepoznatljivosti. Ipak, slični jantarni, Picenum, but its use was most intensive from
vjerojatno pektoralni privjesci sporadično su the 8th to 6th centuries BC. After the importance
zabilježeni u Picenumu: na nekropoli Novi- of Verucchio declined, Picenum was one of cru-
lara-Servici u grobu XVII iz 8. st. pr. Kr. (Sl. cial points of shaping and spreading the Adriatic
44a).235 Također, u Verucchiju, nekropola amber until the 4th century BC.233
Lippi, grob 27/1972, iz vremena procvata Pectorals with the bird boat (Fig. 40-41) are
mjesnog oblikovanja jantarnih predmeta,236 also the oldest Liburnian amber objects with fig-
vrlo često s očitom solarnom simbolikom ural shaping. They do not have direct analogies
(Sl. 38a, c), postoje jantarni oblici antite- in the neighbouring region and they were most
tičnih, solarnih ptica; oni su integralni dio likely composed in Liburnia by shaping the Bal-
jantarne obloge luka fibule (Sl. 38b) koji je u tic amber. This is confirmed by manufacture of
obliku solarne „ptičje lađe“. almost identical three-part bronze cast Liburni-
Možda su se dijelovi jantarnih liburnskih an pectoral (Nin, grave 48: Fig. 43)234 with two
pektorala uvozili i kod Liburna se tek sklapa- solar boats lower of which is reversed. Heads of
li. Postupak prenošenja jednostavnih jantar- the antithetical birds are so schematized that
they are almost unrecognizable. However sim-
Verucchio ima bitnu ulogu u ranoj proizvodnji i trgovini ilar amber pendants probably from a pectoral
jantarnih izrađevina na Apeninskom poluotoku i na Ja-
dranu, s početkom već u 9. st. pr. Kr. te s vrhuncem u 8.
st. pr. Kr. i prvoj polovici 7. st. pr. Kr. N. NEGRONI CA- 231
Š. BATOVIĆ, 1981, 24, 134, no. 358, fig. 13/5.
TACCHIO, 2009, 195-199, 200-204. 232
Š. BATOVIĆ, 1976, fig. 12/12-15.
Š. BATOVIĆ, 1981, 134, br. 359. sl. 13/6. 233
Verucchio played an important role in the early produc-
U ovom grobu, datiranom u fazu Novilara IIb (kraj 8. st. pr. tion and trade with amber products on the Apennine Pe-
Kr. i početak 7. st. pr. Kr. bilo je više pravokutnih jantarnih ninsula and on the Adriatic, beginning in the 9th century
privjesaka „koji na dvije strane završavaju u oblike ptičje BC, reaching the peak in the 8th century BC and first half
glave?“. Ostale su samo skice bez mjerila. K. W. BEINHA- of the 7th century BC. N. NEGRONI CATACCHIO, 2009,
UER, 1985, 790, T 170 B. 195-199, 200-204.
P. von ELES, 2007, 154, sl. 9. 234
Š. BATOVIĆ, 1981, 134, no. 359, fig. 13/6.

10 (2016), 7-101 S. Kukoč: Pectoral Jewelry and the Liburnians: Reflections of the Myth about Sun’s Journey...

nih oblika, uključujući i one četvrtaste,237 u were recorded sporadically in Picenum: at the
kulturu koja ih komponira po svojim estet- necropolis Novilara-Servici in grave XVII, from
sko-religijskim načelima, poznat je u izradi the 8th century BC (Fig. 44a).235 Also in Veruc-
jantarnih predmeta po Europi već u rano chio, necropolis Lippi, grave 27/1972, from the
brončano doba i prije.238 Četvrtasti pločasti period of blossoming of the local production of
oblici od jantara proizvodili su se i u Verucc- the amber objects,236 often with evident solar
hiju.239 U jadranskom svijetu njihovo kom- symbolics (Fig. 38a, c), there are amber forms of
poniranje u ogrlice, koje jesu vrst pektorala, antithetical, solar birds; they are an integral part
posebno je vidljivo u Picenumu (Sl. 32, 39c). of the amber plating of a fibula bow (Fig. 38b)
Jantarni liburnski pektorali sastavljeni su iz which is shaped like a solar “bird boat”.
tri dijela, izvorno spojena nekom (nesačuva- Perhaps parts of the Liburnian amber pecto-
nom) niti; konkretno, od dvije jednostavne rals were imported and only assembled in Libur-
„ptičje lađe“ bez solarnog diska te pravokut- nia. The procedure of transfering simple amber
nog ili trapezastog središnjeg dijela (Sl. 39). forms, including the square ones,237 into a cul-
On je spona dviju lađa, gornje i donje. Isto ture which composes them according to their
je što i gusti snop lanaca na dvjema velikim aesthetic and religious principles, was known
metalnim pektoralima iz Nina i Zatona, od- in the production of the amber objects across
nosno, Picenuma. Zapravo su i veliki metal- Europe as early as the Early Bronze Age, and
ni pektorali koncipirani iz tri dijela: od dvi- even earlier.238 Square flat artifacts made of am-
je Sunčeve lađe i bogatih snopova Sunčevih ber were produced also in Verucchio.239 In the
zraka. Svi oni, jantarni i brončani, najveći Adriatic world, their composing into necklaces,
kompozicijski prostor daju upravo središ- which represent a kind of pectoral, is particular-
njem dijelu, koji u načelu pripada lancima – ly evident in Picenum (Fig. 32, 39c).
likovno posebno dojmljivoj poveznici gornje Liburnian amber pectorals consist of three
i donje pektoralne sfere. parts, originally connected with a thread (un-
Kako je veza sa Suncem okosnica simbolike preserved); specifically, of two simple bird boats
jantara, svojim zgusnutim značenjima goto- without the solar disk, and rectangular or tra-
vo je paradigmatičan kasnobrončanodobni pezial central part (Fig. 39). It is a connection
spoj motiva „križa u krugu/disku“ i jantara of two boats, upper and lower. It is actually the
u oblikovanju poznatog „nakita“ iz Tyrinsa same thing as the dense bundle of sun rays. All
(12. st. pr. Kr.). On je ne samo kompozicij- of them, whether made of amber or bronze, give
ski, već i svojom materijom (jantar, zlato) largest compositional space to the central part
pravi solarni križ. Najstariji jantar liburn- which basically belongs to chains – particularly
skog prostora (zrna tipa Tyrins i Allumiere: impressive visual connection of the upper and
Privlaka, Vrsi, Baška) izravno je uključen u lower pectoral sphere.
jadransku i sredozemnu kartu240 prve veće Since connection with the Sun is the basis of
jantarne proširenosti na europskom jugu. the symbolics of amber, Late Bronze Age combi-
Jantar ugrađen u različite artefakte, pogotovo nation of motifs of the “cross in the circle/disk”
u epohi posebno sklonoj solarnosti, izravno
naglašava njihovu solarnu simboliku. Brojne 235
Several square amber pendants “ending in shape of bird
su vrste grobnih priloga od jantara ili samo heads on two sides?” were found in this grave dated to the
s dodatkom jantara, koji uz liburnske pekto- phase Novilara IIb (late 8th century BC and beginning of
the 7th century BC). Only sketches without a scale were left.
K. W. BEINHAUER, 1985, 790, T 170 B.
J. BOUZEK, 1993, 142. 236
P. von ELLES, 2007, 154, fig. 9
C. Du GARDIN, 1993, 68-74. 237
J. BOUZEK, 1993, 142.
P. von ELES, 2012, sl. 22. 238
C. Du GARDIN, 1993, 68-74.
N. NEGRONI CATACCHIO, 2009, 195-199. 239
P. von ELES, 2012, fig. 22.

S. Kukoč: Pektoralni nakit kod Liburna: odrazi mita o Sunčevu putovanju u liburnskoj kulturi 10 (2016), 7-101

rale (Sl. 39), to dokazuju: npr. okruglo zrno and amber in shaping famous “jewelry” from
jantara na nozi fibule tipa Osor iz groba iz Tyrins (12th century BC) seems almost paradig-
Nina (Sl. 22), ili pak umetak na fibuli iz Ve- matic in its concentrated meanings. It is a gen-
rucchija, iz groba 47 (Sl. 38a), s masivnom uine solar cross not only in terms of composi-
jantarnom oblogom luka241 nalik na svod, tion but also by its material (amber, gold). The
koji ima predočene tipične solarne znakove/ earliest amber in the Liburnian region (beads of
simbole: križeve i dvije ptičje lađe, od ko- the type Tyrins and Allumiere: Privlaka, Vrsi,
jih je jedna, „ploveći“ po oblozi luka fibule, Baška) was directly included in the Adriatic and
dakle, po krugu/svodu, nužno izokrenuta. Mediterranean map240 of the first more signif-
Posebnost ovakvih fibula je i u njihovim ve- icant distribution of amber in the European
likim dimenzijama, do 25 cm. One su, stoga, south. Amber incorporated in various artifacts,
kao i goleme picenske fibule sa zrnom janta- particularly in the period exceptionally inclined
ra, na brončanom ili željeznom luku s ras- to the solar cult, directly emphasizes their solar
ponom do 65 cm, element grobnog odijela symbolics. There are many types of grave goods
s posebnom namjenom, misli se obrednom,242 made of amber or with amber which confirm
u životu i smrti. Na jantarnom dugmetu iz this statement, alongside Liburnian pectorals
neolitičke Rzucewo kulture na Sjeveru, s po- (Fig. 39), such as: round amber bead on the foot
četkom oko 2200. g. pr. Kr., negdje tijekom of the Osor-type fibula from grave in Nin (Fig.
ranoga brončanog doba Europe, oblikovan 22) or an inlay on a fibula from Verucchio, from
je bio motiv križa u krugu.243 Fibula pak iz grave 47 (Fig. 38), with a massive amber plat-
Osora (Sl. 20a) sva je sastavljena od solar- ing of the bow241 like a vault with a depiction of
nih znakova/simbola, od jantarnog križa i typical solar signs/symbols: crosses and two bird
metalnog diska na svojoj igli, od diska s kri- boats, one of which is necessarily reversed since
žem na nozi te od žičanih spiralno-stožastih it “sails” on the bow plating, meaning on the cir-
ispupčenja po svojem luku, koji deriviraju cle/vault. Particularity of these fibulae is also in
iz brončanodobne tradicije spiralnog nakta. their large dimensions, up to 25 cm. Therefore
Jantarni križni element na njezinoj dugoj igli they are elements of funerary attire with a spe-
(Sl. 20a) oblikom odgovara i pojedinim pr- cial function, probably a ritual one,242 in life and
šljenovima za vretena (npr. iz Ferma);244 ta- death as well as the large Picenian fibulae with
kođer, neizostavno asocira na „križ u krugu“ an amber bead on a bronze or iron bow with
na brončano-jantarnom vretenu iz Verucc- the span of up to 65 cm. Motif of a cross in a
hija, Lippi grob 32/2006 (Sl. 38c).245 Cijela circle was made on the amber bead from the Ne-
bogato ukrašena igla „ženske“ fibule iz Osora olithic Rzucewo culture in the North, beginning
(Sl. 20a) (slučajno?) asocira na vreteno, nalik around 2200 BC, some time during the Early
na ono iz groba 92 iz nekropole Novilara- Bronze Age of Europe.243 Fibula from Osor (Fig.
Servici246 ili pak na metalno vreteno oblože- 20a) consists of solar signs/symbols, of an amber
no jantarom iz pokopa žene iz Verucchija, cross and disk on the pin, disk with a cross on
grob 47, koji je bio prepun jantarnih izra- the foot and wire spiral-conical embossments on
đevina.247 Najtipičniji sadržaji ženske sfere the bow derived from the Bronze Age tradition
of spiral jewelry. Amber cross-shaped element on
P. von ELES, M. ZANARDI, M. SIBONI, 2009, 215, sl. 4. its long pin (Fig. 20a) corresponds by its form to
P. von ELES, M. ZANARDI, M. SIBONI, 2009, 212; N.
I. LOZE, 1993, 135-136, sl. 7/9. 240
N. NEGRONI CATACCHIO, 2009, 195-199.
L. DRAGO TROCCOLI, 2003, 71, sl. 21/11-12. 241
P. von ELES, M. ZANARDI, M. SIBONI, 2009, 215, fig. 4.
P. von ELES, 2012, 239, sl. 13. 242
P. von ELES, M. ZANARDI, M. SIBONI, 2009, 212; N.
E. MANGANI, 2003, T I / d NEGRONI CATACCHIO, 2009, 204.
N. NEGRONI CATACCHIO, 2007, 552-553, sl. 31. 243
I. LOZE, 1993, 135-136, fig. 7/9.

10 (2016), 7-101 S. Kukoč: Pectoral Jewelry and the Liburnians: Reflections of the Myth about Sun’s Journey...

života (vretena, preslice, kalemovi, pečnja- certain spindle whorls (e.g. from Fermo);244 also
ci) u ovo doba gotovo u pravilu stoje pod it unmistakably evokes “cross in a circle” on the
zaštitom solarnih znakova, u prvom redu bronze-amber spindle from Verucchio, Lippi
križa te „ptičje lađe“. Solarna „ptičja lađa“ grave 32/2006 (Fig. 38c).245 The entire richly
ulazi i u sastav okomitoga tkalačkog stana u adorned pin of a “female“ fibula from Osor (Fig.
prizorima (obrednog) tkanja, od Soprona do 20a) (accidentally?) resembles a spindle, similar
Verucchija (Lippi, grob 89/1972).248 Izrazi- to the one from grave 92 from the Novilara Ser-
ta uronjenost u solarno znakovlje i simbole vici necropolis246 or metal spindle plated with
eminentno ženske (aristokratske) radnje, kao amber from a female burial from Verucchio,
što je tkanje i predenje, pandan je muškoj, grave 47, which was full of amber artifacts.247
posebno ratničkoj izrazitoj uronjenosti u svi- The most typical objects from the women’s
jet potpuno istih znakova i simbola u prvim sphere of life (spindles, distaffs, spools, stove
stoljećima željeznog doba. I premda se kod tiles) in this period are almost regularly under
ovih žena i muškaraca (ratnika i drugih), oči- the protection of solar signs, primarily crosses,
to radi o dijelovima društva na vrhu ljestvice and the “bird boat”. Solar “bird boat” enters the
moći i bogatstva, njihov izbor upravo solar- system of a vertical loom in the scenes of (ritu-
nih znakova, traži objašnjenje koje nadilazi al) weaving, from Sopron to Verucchio (Lippi,
razinu „društvenog prestiža elite“ i tiče se grave 89/1972).248 Distinct preoccupation with
postojećeg koncepta svijeta/Kozmosa (s oči- solar signs and symbols of eminently female
tom funkcijom i moćima Sunca), dakako, i (aristocratic) activities as weaving and spinning
samog svjetonazora šire zajednice. is a counterpart to male particularly warriors’
Može biti upitna dosadašnja rekonstruk- preoccupation with the world of identical signs
cija liburnskih jantarnih pektorala, najvi- and symbols in the first centuries of the Iron
še „prevrnuta“ donja „ptičja lađa“. Stoga Age. Although in the case of these women and
je razumljiv prijedlog njihove drukčije re- men (warriors and others), they represented so-
konstrukcije, konkretno, s donjom lađom cial class with all power and wealth, their choice
u „prirodnom“ položaju plovidbe.249 On je of solar signs demands an explanation which
prihvatljiv tek pod pretpostavkom da su tri surpasses level of the “social prestige of an elite”
sastavna pektoralna jantarna dijela izvorno and refers to existing concept of the World/
bili povezani dužim nitima/lancima, koji se Cosmos (with evident function and powers of
nisu sačuvali. the Sun), and naturally, worldview of the wider
Analogno simboličnom izokretanju na- community.
glavce donjih Sunčevih lađa u staroegipat- Previous reconstruction of the Liburnian am-
skim250 i nordijskim kontekstima (Sl. 15b) ber pectorals might be doubtful, primarily “re-
i šire po europskom i apeninskom prostoru versed” lower “bird boat”. Therefore proposition
(Sl. 15a, 16b, 19) i značenje donje izokrenu- of their alternative reconstruction is understand-
te jantarne liburnske lađe ipak nije sporno. able, with lower boat in “natural” sailing posi-
Ona upravo naglašava ambivalentnost, stoga tion.249 It is acceptable only if we assume that
i sigurnost povratka (ciklične) Plovidbe. Jan- three constitutive amber parts of the pectoral
tarni liburnski pektoral u grobu i jest, figura- originally were connected with longer threads/
tivno govoreći, svojevrsni liburnski hipoce-
L. DRAGO TROCCOLI, 2003, 71, fig. 21/11-12.
P. von ELES, 2007, 151, sl. 2; P. von ELES, 2007a, 77. 245
P. von ELES, 2012, fig. 13.
D. GLOGOVIĆ, 1989, T 24/4, 8. 246
E. MANGANI, 2003, T I/d.
Npr. u (ptolomejskim) astronomskim slikama sa Suncem, 247
N. NEGRONI CATACCHIO, 2007, 552-553, fig. 31.
u hramu Hator u Dendri. A. GROS de BELER, 2004, 40- 248
P. von ELES, 2007, 151, fig. 2; P. von ELES, 2007a, 77.
41. 249
D. GLOGOVIĆ, 1989, T 24/4, 8.

S. Kukoč: Pektoralni nakit kod Liburna: odrazi mita o Sunčevu putovanju u liburnskoj kulturi 10 (2016), 7-101

falus, bilo svojim oblikom bilo ljekovitošću chains which were not preserved.
svoje materije koja, kao Sunčev supstitut, ta- Meaning of the lower reversed Liburnian am-
kođer pokojniku osigurava toplinu, njegovoj ber boat is not questionable if we observe it in
tjelesnosti i spiritualnosti (duši?). analogy with symbolical reversing of the Sun’s
I druge kulture već na početku željeznog boats in the old Egyptian250 and Nordic contexts
doba prilažu umrlima male „ptičje lađe“ iz (Fig. 15b) and elsewhere in the European and
različitih materijala (npr. od kosti), vrlo če- Apennine regions (Fig.15a, 16b, 19). It empha-
sto upravo spaljenim pokojnicima (grob GC, sizes ambivalence and therefore also safety of re-
Rimski Forum, Lazio II A, 9. st. pr. Kr.).251 turn of (cyclical) Sailing. Figuratively speaking
Te male grobne lađe mogu biti i ostatak ne- Liburnian amber pectoral in the grave is a kind
koga izvorno složenijeg predmeta, kao što su of Liburnian hypocephalus, either in its form or
različiti (pektoralni) privjesci, možda i pred- in its healing qualities which as the substitute of
meti s aluzijom na razvodnike, s nizom rupi- the sun also ensured warmth to the deceased, his
ca, u sklopu pribora za tkanje. U liburnskom bodily and spiritual aspects (soul?).
grobu katkad je nađena samo jedna jantarna In other cultures at the beginning of the Iron
ptičja lađa (Sl. 42), katkad više dijelova lađa, Age small “bird boats” made of various materials
što govori ili o višekratnom ukopu ili o tome (such as bone) were put in the graves, very often
da su jantarni liburnski pektorali bili prilaga- with cremated remains (GC, Roman Forum,
ni u paru. Možda su se izvorno katkad slagali Lazio II A, 9th century BC).251 These small fu-
i iz više od tri dijela. nerary boats might be remains of some originally
Jantarni pektorali pripadaju počecima more complex object such as various (pectoral)
kulture željeznog doba kod Liburna, dakle, pendants, perhaps also objects with an allusion
uglavnom su istovremeni velikim metalnim to lamm, with a row of holes, as a part of weav-
pektoralima (Sl. 1). Možda jantarni liburn- ing utensils. In the Liburnian graves sometimes
ski pektorali (Zaton, grob 3; Sl. 42)252 opo- only one amber bird boat was found (Fig. 42),
našaju metalne iz Nina i Zatona.253 Najviše or several segments of boats indicating to multi-
se nose tijekom 8. – 5. st. pr. Kr.254 Grob ple burials or that the Liburnian amber pectorals
6 iz Nina (Sl. 40) jedan je od najstarijih s were put in graves in pairs. Perhaps they origi-
ostacima jantarnog pektorala, točnije s dva nally consisted of more than three parts.
ulomka jantarnih „ptičjih lađa“ i ulomcima Amber pectorals belong to the beginnings of
dviju četvrtasto-trapezastih pločica. Ali on the Iron Age culture in Liburnia meaning that
ima dosta „muških“ grobnih priloga: dvije they are mostly synchronous with the large
zmijolike fibule uvezene s Apeninskog polu- metal pectorals (Fig. 1). Perhaps Liburnian am-
otoka, tri igle (Vadena i druge), zatim brijač, ber pectorals (Zaton, grave 3; Fig. 42)252 really
nabavljen sa središnjega apeninskog prosto- imitate metal examples from Nin and Zaton.253
ra, možda upravo preko Picenuma. U grobu They were worn mostly from the 8th to 5th cen-
6 iz Nina s višestrukim ukopom (?) tijekom turies BC.254 Grave 6 from Nin (Fig. 40) is one
9. – 8. st. pr. Kr., „ženski“ jantarni pektoral of the oldest graves with the remains of an am-
uvjerljivu asocijaciju stoga ima tek s lučnim ber pectoral, more precisely with two fragments
fibulama sa zrnom jantara i s ostalim jantar-
nim zrnima. Brijač pak u prevladavajućem 250
E.g. in the (Ptolemaic) astronomic images with the Sun,
in the temple of Hathor in Dendera. A. GROS de BELER,
2004, 40-41.
G. COLONNA, 1974, T 129/A1; S. KUKOČ, 2009, 186, 251
G. COLONNA, 1974, T 129/A1; S. KUKOČ, 2009, 186,
266. 266.
F. STARÈ, 1970, T II/ 16. 252
F. STARÈ, 1970, T II/16.
Usp. D. GLOGOVIĆ, 1989, 27. 253
Cf. D. GLOGOVIĆ, 1989, 27.
Š. BATOVIĆ, 1981, 24. 254
Š. BATOVIĆ, 1981, 24.

10 (2016), 7-101 S. Kukoč: Pectoral Jewelry and the Liburnians: Reflections of the Myth about Sun’s Journey...

„muškom“ aspektu ovoga groba, tipičan je of the amber “bird boats” and fragments of two
simboličan pandan „ženskom“ jantarnom square-trapezial platelets. But this grave also
pektoralu. Njegov resasti motiv – simbol contains a fair amount of “male” grave goods:
Sunčeva djelovanja, identičan onom na pek- two serpentine fibulae imported from the Apen-
toralu iz Zatona (Sl. 8a, 10a), po Europi se nine Peninusla, three pins (Vadena and others),
nalazi, uz ostalo, upravo na oružju uključu- a razor, acquired from the central Apennine re-
jući i mač iz groba 27 iz Nina255 (Sl. 41a- gion, perhaps through Picenum. In grave 6 from
b). Ovaj pak grob (s višestrukim ukopom?), Nin with multiple burial (?) during the 9th/8th
s ranim jantarnim pektoralom, također ima centuries BC, “female” amber pectoral has a
kombinaciju tipičnih „muških“ (mač, brijač, plausible association only with the bow fibulae
igla)256 i uobičajeno „ženskih“ priloga. Bri- with an amber bead and other amber beads. Ra-
jači su u apeninskim, kao i drugim europ- zor in dominantly “male” aspect of this grave is
skim zajednicama, imali konkretnu ulogu a typical symbolical counterpart to the “female”
u solarnoj zaštiti svijeta muškaraca. Time je amber pectoral.
apeninska gesta stavljanja brijača sa solarnim In Europe its fringy motif – symbol of the
znacima/simbolima u „muške“ grobove (sa Sun’s activity, identical to the one on the pec-
ili bez oružja) značenjima komplementarna toral from Zaton (Fig. 8a, 10a), can be found
s prostorno dalekim i djelomično istovreme- on weapons, among other artifacts, including
nim važnim nordijskim religijsko-društve- a sword from grave 27 from Nin255 (Fig. 41a-
nim obredom posjedovanja brijača i njegova b). This grave (with multiple burial?), and early
prilaganja umrlome (Sl. 13g, 14).257 Tome amber pectoral, also has a combination of typ-
se simbolično priključuje i čin grobnog pri- ical “male” (sword, razor, pin)256 and usually
laganja, doduše, ne baš brojnih brijača kod “female” grave goods. Razors had a specific role
Liburna.258 „Solarni krajolici“, s polazištem u in the solar protection of the male world in the
mitu o Sunčevu putovanju pojavljuju se već Apennine and other European communities. In
na apeninskim brijačima s početka željeznog that way the Apennine gesture of putting razors
doba (dvorezni tipa Vetulonija: Tarquinia I.; with solar signs/symbols in the “male” graves
dvorezni tipa Torre Galli iz južne Italije),259 (with or without weapons) is complementary
ali svojom „apstraktnom naracijom“ oni ni- in its message with distant and partially syn-
kad nisu dosegnuli izravnost mitskog kaziva- chronous important Nordic religious and social
nja, poput one u solarnim prizorima po nor- ritual of owning a razor and depositing a razor
dijskim brijačima 9. st. pr. Kr. – 8. st. pr. Kr. with the deceased person (Fig. 13g, 14).257 This
Nasuprot dugotrajnoj likovnoj unificira- is symbolically accompanied by the act of put-
nosti jantarnih pektorala kod Liburna, oni ting razors in graves by the Liburnians though
metalni tijekom više stoljeća ipak su mijenja- less frequently.258 “Solar landscapes” with start-
li oblik. Najbrojniji su brončani oblici „ptič- ing point in the myth about the Sun’s journey
je lađe“ malih dimenzija, dužine oko 4 – 6 appear on the Apennine razors from the begin-
cm260 (Sl. 44). Kako po sredini tijela imaju ning of the Iron Age (double-edge razors of the
dva okomita kanalića za provlačenje niti, Vetulonia type: Tarquinia I; double-edge razors
mogli su se nositi kao pektorali, na prsima, type Torre Galli from southern Italy),259 but in
D. GLOGOVIĆ, 1989, 15, T 10/1; A. HARDING, 1995,
56-57. 255
D. GLOGOVIĆ, 1989, 15, T 10/1; A. HARDING, 1995,
A. HARDING, 1995, 56. 56-57.
Vidi bilj. 41. 256
A. HARDING, 1995, 56.
D. GLOGOVIĆ, 1989, T 24/9-12. 257
See note 41.
R. PERONI, 2004, 424, 450, sl. 94/4, sl. 101/2. 258
D. GLOGOVIĆ, 1989, T 24/9-12.
Š. BATOVIĆ, 1981, 134, br. 362, sl. 13/9. (Nin, grob 69). 259
R. PERONI, 2004, 424, 450, fig. 94/4, fig. 101/2.

S. Kukoč: Pektoralni nakit kod Liburna: odrazi mita o Sunčevu putovanju u liburnskoj kulturi 10 (2016), 7-101

ili drugdje na tijelu, kao privjesci. Mogli su their “abstract narration” they never reached di-
se nositi i u paru, okomito povezani nitima, rectness of mythical story telling, such as the one
jedan povrh drugog, ali o tome nema sigur- in the solar scenes on the Nordic razors in the
nih dokaza. Liburnskim relativno brojnim 9th– 8th centuries BC.
brončanim prikazima „ptičjih lađa“, ikono- As opposed to long-term visual unification of
grafsko-stilski bliska su dva (neobjavljena) the amber pectorals in the Liburnians, the metal
identična metalna lijevana primjerka (dužine examples changed their form over the course of
3 cm) (Sl. 45) iz Aserije kod Benkovca. Oba centuries. Bronze forms of a small bird boat are
imaju samo jednu, dosta široku rupu po sre- most numerous, measuring from 4 to 6 cm in
dini tijela, vjerojatno za provlačenje nečega, length260 (Fig. 44). Since they have two vertical
možda za nasađivanje na šipku (?). Možda su channels in the middle of the body for pulling
ove lađe izvorno bile komponirane u paru. thread, they could have been worn as pectorals,
Tipologija metalnih liburnskih „ptičjih lađa“ on the chest, or elsewhere on the body, as pen-
završava potpuno stiliziranim oblikom iz he- dants. They may have been worn in pair, con-
lenističke grobnice 1 iz Nadina iz 4. – 1. st. nected with threads vertically, one above the
pr. Kr.261 (Sl. 46). Brončani privjesak malih other, but there is no definite evidence therein.
dimenzija (dužina 3,7 cm; visina 1,5 cm) bio Two (unpublished) metal cast examples (length
je obješen o alkice kroz dvije rupe na sredi- 3 cm) (Fig. 45) from Asseria near Benkovac are
ni tijela. U novom, liburnskom helenistič- similar in iconographic and stylistic terms to the
kom kulturnom kontekstu, upitna je njego- Liburnian quite numerous bronze depictions of
va izvorna simbolika o Sunčevu putovanju. “bird boats”. They both have only one, rather
Njegova pojava ipak upućuje na žilavost tra- wide hole in the middle of the body, probably
dicije liburnskog oblikovanja i vjerovanja (?). for pulling something, perhaps for fixing on a
Mit o Suncu dočaran pektoralom iz Nina rod (?). Possibly all these boats were originally
(Sl. 1), ali i iz Zatona (Sl. 6), spada među composed in pair. Typology of metal Liburnian
najdojmljivije likovne oblike te vrste u tadaš- “bird boats” ends in a completely stylized form
njoj Europi. Mit je, kao i cjelokupna solarna from the Hellenistic tomb 1 from Nadin dat-
likovno-religijska sintaksa Liburna i Picena, ed from the 4th to 1st centuries BC261 (Fig. 46).
bio sastavni dio onovremenoga duhovnog Small bronze pendant (length 3,7; height 1,5
stanja velikog dijela Europe. Stoga je sta- cm) was hanging on small rings pulled through
novito nebitno podrijetlo dvaju liburnskih two holes in the middle of the body. In new,
pektorala. Solarne slike („krajolici“) bile su Liburnian Hellenistic context, its original sym-
aplicirane po najrazličitijim predmetima iz bolics about the Sun’s journey is questionable.
svih životnih sfera, profanih i sakralnih; one Its presence indicates to resilient tradition of the
tvore dnevni „dekor“, likovni stil, religio- Liburnian beliefs and crafting (?).
znost (mit) i, napokon, sliku sveukupnosti Myth about the Sun depicted with a pecto-
u više europskih kulturnih krugova potkraj ral from Nin (Fig. 1), and also from Zaton (Fig.
2. i početkom 1. tis. pr. Kr. Nepoznato je, 6), belongs to the most impressive artistic forms
međutim, koliko te činjenice doista dokazu- of the kind in Europe in the mentioned peri-
ju postojanje religija kao sustava sa Suncem od. The myth was just a part of spiritual state
u središtu na tako velikom europskom po- of large part of Europe at the time as well as the
dručju. complete solar artistic-religious syntax of the
U tadašnjoj europskoj duhovnosti, u trago- Liburnians and Picenians. Therefore in certain
vima se ipak uočavaju, u svoj svojoj srodno-
Š. BATOVIĆ, 1981, 134, no. 362, fig. 13/9, (Nin, grave 69).

Š. BATOVIĆ, 1981, 134, br. 363, sl. 13/10.

Š. BATOVIĆ, 1981, 134, no. 363, fig.13/10.

10 (2016), 7-101 S. Kukoč: Pectoral Jewelry and the Liburnians: Reflections of the Myth about Sun’s Journey...

sti, različiti ikonografsko-simbolični solarni sense origin of the two Liburnian pectorals is
sustavi: na europskom Sjeveru, zatim u sre- irrelevant. Solar images (“landscapes”) were ap-
dištu kontinenta, s određenim epicentrom u plied on various objects from all life spheres, pro-
podunavsko-karpatskom svijetu s njegovim fane and sacral; they make daily “decor”, style of
sintaksama urnefelder tipa te na Jugu, poseb- visual expression, religiousness (myth) and final-
no u apeninskim zajednicama. Sva ta približ- ly, image of the Whole in several European cul-
no istodobna solarnost, s nizom posebnosti i tural circles at the end of the 2nd and beginning
pojedinačnosti, proizlazila je iz općeg shva- of the 1st millennia BC. In the European spirit-
ćanja svijeta, koji je Suncem uređen, na mit- uality of the time, we can notice in traces various
skoj (kozmogonijskoj), ali i rudimentarnoj iconographic and symbolical solar systems de-
„kozmološkoj“ (predznanstvenoj) osnovi. To spite all their similarity: in the European North,
uređenje, dakako, ne podrazumijeva prona- then in the center of the continent, with certain
laženje pojmovnoga određenja trajne osnove epicenter in the Danubian-Carpathian world
svijeta u ovo još „predznanstveno“ i „pred- with its syntaxes of the Urnfield type, and in the
metafizičko“ doba; to nije uspjelo mnogima South, particularly in the Apennine communi-
niti u ranoj europskoj filozofiji/znanosti 6. ties. All these general, approximately simultane-
– 5. st. pr. Kr.262 ous solar aspects, with a series of particularities
Ne zna se što se sve tada u različitim kultu- and singularities, came out of general worldview
rama očekivalo od omiljenoga solarno/koz- which is arranged by the Sun, on the mythical
mičkog kôda u vidu „kruga/diska s križem (cosmogonic) and also rudimentary “cosmologi-
s četiri točke“, posebno u njegovoj simbo- cal” (pre-scientific) basis. This arrangement does
lički ključnoj kombinaciji sa solarnim „ptič- not imply finding conceptual definition of per-
jim“ vozilom. Jesu li moći toga kôda, ali i manent basis of the world in this “pre-scientific”
moći sveukupne tadašnje solarnosti, nadila- and “pre-metaphysic” era; many did not succeed
zile sferu ljekovitosti, ozdravljenja i izlječe- in the same attempt even in the early European
nja? Činjenica je da je upravo to simbolično philosophy/science in the 6th and 5th centuries
polje oduvijek čovjeku najzanimljivije. Ono BC.262
se otvara trajnoj mladosti i vodi (piću) be- We do not know what was expected from a
smrtnosti. To su u religiji omiljeni Ašvini, popular solar/cosmic code in shape of “circle/
Dioskuri i drugi blizanci. Iako nisu vrhunska disk with four dots”, particularly in its symbol-
božanstva, i nisu samo Sunce, oni su s njim ically crucial combination with a solar “bird”
u najtješnjoj vezi, baš kao i sa sferama njemu vehicle. Did the powers of that code, and pow-
nasuprotnima. I Sunce iskonski funkcionira ers of the entire solar cult at the time, surpass
upravo na ambivalentnosti primjerenoj nara- the sphere of healing and recovery? The fact is
vi Blizanaca. that this symbolical field has always been the
Kako Sunce (putovanjem) uređuje i štiti most interesting to a man. It opens up to eter-
svijet, iza svega bi se mogao očitati optimi- nal youth and water (drink) of immortality. In
stičan životni nazor, od eneolitika, posebno religion those are popular Ashvins, Dioscuri and
kroz brončano doba. Društvo u uzletu tra- other twins. Although they were not supreme
ži vlastito određenje u Svijetu sa Suncem u deities, and they were not the Sun, they were
središtu, koje oduvijek donosi red i moć/ closely related to it, as well as with the spheres
vlast u Prirodi i društvu. Te kategorije po- opposed to it. The Sun originally functions on
trebne su svim društvenim sferama, od vr- the ambivalence characteristic of the nature of
hovništva – profanog i sakralnog auctoritasa, the Twins. Since the Sun (by its Journey) arr-

W. WINDELBAND, 1990, 80.

W. WINDELBAND, 1990, 80.

S. Kukoč: Pektoralni nakit kod Liburna: odrazi mita o Sunčevu putovanju u liburnskoj kulturi 10 (2016), 7-101

preko sfere arma do sfere svekolikih Bogat- ranges and protects the world, we could inter-
stava (opes), kamo spadaju i: zdravlje, lijek, pret the entire cult as an optimistic worldview,
piće besmrtnosti, dakle, i mrtvi. Stoga, ako which accompanies progress of the society from
se pokojnikova sudbina poveže za Sunčevu the Eneolithic, particularly in the Bronze Age.
kružnu cikličnu plovidbu, kojoj je svojstve- It demands its own definition in the world
no izmirenje svih „događanja“ u njezinoj with the Sun which has always brought order
prostorno-vremenskoj četverostrukosti, tada and power/dominance in the Nature and soci-
i umrli, odlazeći vodom na (noćnoj) solarnoj ety. These categories are necessary for all social
lađi, neizbježno, bar u jednoj epizodi svoje- spheres, from leadership – profane and sacral
ga Putovanja, stiže „s onu stranu“ prostora. auctoritas, over the sphere of arma to the sphere
Nasuprot staroegipatskoj solarnoj lađi, koja of overall Wealth (opes), including also: health,
pokojnika identificiranog sa Suncem, preko remedy, drink of immortality, and the dead.
Zapada nedvojbeno odnosi u podzemlje, to Therefore if the deceased person’s destiny is re-
jest u podzemne, noćne vode Nila, gdje mu lated to the Sun’s cyclical journey which is char-
je, zahvaljujući savršenosti cikličkog Sunčeva acterized by reconciliation of all “events” in its
toka, omogućen susret njegove duše i topline spatial and chronological fourfoldedness, then
tamnog Sunca, a time i stanoviti novi život,263 the deceased inevitably reaches “other side” of
ništa se konkretno ne zna o najosnovnijim the space at least in one episode of the journey,
eshatološkim pitanjima svih onih agrafskih leaving by water on the (nightly) solar boat.
zajednica koje su također koristile izraženo As opposed to the old Egyptian solar boat
solarno znakovlje u kultu mrtvih uključujući which carries the deceased person identified
i Liburne i Picene u prvim stoljećima 1. tis. with the Sun over the West to the underworld
pr. Kr. Pitanje je, čak, u kojem su simbolič- i.e. underground, nightly waters of Nile where
nom (religijskom) odnosu bili spaljeni mrtvi his soul can meet warmth of the dark Sun, and
i sunčeva „ptičja lađa“ iz europskog urnefel- therefore a kind of new life,263 owing to per-
der – kulturnog kruga i proto/villanova svije- fection of the simple cyclical Sun’s course, we
ta. Odvoze li Sunčeva kola/lađa pokojnika u know nothing in specific about the most basic
„podzemlje“, ma gdje da se ono smještalo, ili eschatological questions of all those agraphic
je pak ono samo jedna od postaja u konkret- communities which also used pronounced solar
nom eshatološkom konceptu. Uostalom, i u signs in the cult of the dead including the Libur-
staroegipatskom svijetu samo neki pokojni- nians and Picenians in the first centuries of the
ci nakon podzemlja završavaju na Otocima first millennium BC. The question is what was
blaženih. I konačna točka nordijskoga pre- the symbolical (religious) relation between the
kogrobnog Putovanja ipak se ne razaznaje iz cremated deceased individuals and the sun “bird
samih slika, usprkos njihovoj figurativnosti. boat” from the European Urnfield – cultural
Podzemlje se i ovdje pretpostavlja: izvodi se circle and the proto- Villanovan world. Does
iz solarne cikličnosti. Solarni svijet koji se, the Sun’s chariot/boat transfer the deceased per-
dakle, giba poput kozmičkog kotača, u sferi son to the “underworld”, regardless of where it
smrti načelno pobuđuje nadu u besmrtnost. might be, or was it just one of stations in spe-
Postavljajući u grobove pektorale s mitom cific eschatological concept. After all, in the old
o Sunčevu putovanju, ali i druge elemente
The deceased person was identified with Khepri (Scarab:

Pokojnik se identificirao s Keperom/Kheprijem (Skara-

god and symbol of existence and creation) assuming the-
bejem: bogom i simbolom egzistencije i stvaranja) i time reby attributes of the soul of the god of Sun. Bird bennu
dobivao atribute duše boga Sunca. Ptica benu (feniks) sma- (phoenix) was considered to be Ra’s soul. E. A. T. WALLIS
trala se „Raovom dušom“. E. A. WALLIS BUDGE, 1989, BUDGE, 1989, 42-45, 100; A. GROS de BELER, 2004, 112,
42-45,100; A. GROS de BELER, 2004, 112, 116. 116.

10 (2016), 7-101 S. Kukoč: Pectoral Jewelry and the Liburnians: Reflections of the Myth about Sun’s Journey...

svojega svečanog i posmrtnog odijela uteme- Egyptian world only some of the deceased per-
ljenog na solarnom mitu (Osor – fibule, apli- sons end up on the Islands of the Blessed after
ke, kopče, privjeske, jantarna zrna), i Liburni the underworld. Final point of the Nordic after-
su sigurno očekivali solarnu zaštitu mrtvih. life Journey cannot be recognized from the im-
Spiritualne granice toga očekivanja (preko- ages, despite their figurativeness. Underground
grobnoga?) tek se naslućuju kroz grobnu is assumed here as well: it is derived from the
ostavštinu zajednica iz prvih stoljeća 1. tis. solar cyclicality. Solar world which moves as a
pr. Kr. cosmic wheel evokes hope in immortality in the
sphere of death.
The Liburnians definitely expected solar pro-
tection of the dead when they put in graves pec-
torals with the myth of the Sun’s journey, and
other elements of their ceremonial and funerary
attire based on the solar myth (Osor-type fib-
ulae, appliqués, buckles, pendants, and amber
beads). Spiritual boundaries of these expecta-
tions (afterlife?) can only be assumed through
the funerary heritage of the communities from
the first centuries of the first millennium BC.

Translation: Marija Kostić

S. Kukoč: Pektoralni nakit kod Liburna: odrazi mita o Sunčevu putovanju u liburnskoj kulturi 10 (2016), 7-101

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Italici (Ascoli Piceno-Celano-Teramo-Ancona 2000), Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Pisa – Roma,
STARÈ, F, 1970. – France Starè, Dva prazgodovinska groba z dalmatinske obale, Adriatica
Praehistorica et Antiqua, Arheološki institut Filozofskog fakulteta u Zagrebu, Zagreb, 189-204.
SUNDWALL, J., 1943. – Johannes Sundwall, Die Älteren Italischen Fibeln, De Gruyter Verlag,
TASIĆ, N., 1983. – Nikola Tasić, Jugoslovensko Podunavlje od indoeuropske seobe do prodora Skita,
Matica srpska, Novi Sad – Beograd.
TERŽAN, B., 2007. – Biba Teržan, Principi e guerrieri delle sponde altoadriatiche, Piceni ed
Europa: Atti del convegno (ur./eds.: M. Buora, M. Guštin, P. Ettel), Società Friulana di Archeologia,
Udine, 39-54.
TERŽAN, B., 2013. – Biba Teržan, Liburnske dvodelne fibule s stožčastimi spiralicami –
označevalke stanu in izobilja, Diadora, 26-27 (=Batovićev zbornik), Zadar, 241-266.
ULLÉN, I., 2003. – Inga Ullén, Zwei Goldschalen aus Schweden, Gold und Kult der Bronzezeit,
Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Nürnberg, 143-147.
WALLIS BUDGE, E. A. T., 1989. – Ernest A. T. Budge, Egipatska magija, Borislav Stanić, Beograd.
WESTENDORF, W., 1969. – Wolfhart Westendorf, L ‘arte egizia, Rizzoli Editore, Milano.
WINDELBAND, W, 1990. – Wilhelm Windelband, Povijest filozofije, Naprijed, Zagreb.

10 (2016), 7-101 S. Kukoč: Pectoral Jewelry and the Liburnians: Reflections of the Myth about Sun’s Journey...

Slika 2. Pektoral iz Nina: a) gornja „ptičja lađa“;
b) donja „ptičja lađa“. Arheološki muzej Zadar
(foto: M. Parica, 2011).
Figure 2 Pectoral from Nin: a) upper “bird boat”;
b) lower “bird boat”. Archaeological Museum Zadar
(photo by M. Parica, 2011).

Slika 3. Pektoral iz Nina: likovni prikaz mita o

Suncu na gornjoj „ptičjoj lađi“, Arheološki muzej
Slika 1. Pektoral iz Nina, Arheološki muzej Zadar Zadar (crtež: Z. Bakić, 2011).
(foto: M. Parica, 2011). Figure 3 Pectoral from Nin: depiction of the Sun
Figure 1 Pectoral from Nin, Archaeological Museum myth on the upper “bird boat”, Archaeological
Zadar (photo by M. Parica, 2011). Museum Zadar (drawing by Z. Bakić, 2011).

S. Kukoč: Pektoralni nakit kod Liburna: odrazi mita o Sunčevu putovanju u liburnskoj kulturi 10 (2016), 7-101


c Slika 5. Pektoral iz Nina: a) motiv solarnog križa s
četiri točke na disku gornje lađe; b-c) detalji prikaza
Slika 4. Pektoral iz Nina, detalji: a) ptica na na gornjoj „ptičoj lađi“; d) ptice: detalj prikaza na
gornjoj lađi; b) ptica na donjoj lađi; c) privjesci s donjoj lađi. Arheološki muzej Zadar
bradavičastim ispupčenjima. Arheološki muzej Zadar (foto: M. Parica, 2011).
(foto: M. Parica, 2011). Figure 5 Pectoral from Nin: a) motif of a solar cross
Figure 4 Pectoral from Nin, details: a) bird on the with four dots on the upper boat disk; b-c) details of
upper boat; b) bird on the lower boat; c) pendants with the depiction on the upper “bird boat”; d) birds: detail
knobs. Archaeological Museum Zadar of the depiction on the lower boat, Archaeological
(photo by M. Parica, 2011). Museum Zadar (photo by M. Parica, 2011).

10 (2016), 7-101 S. Kukoč: Pectoral Jewelry and the Liburnians: Reflections of the Myth about Sun’s Journey...

Slika 6. Zaton kod Nina, grob 6. Arheološki muzej Zadar (foto: M. Parica, 2011).
Figure 6 Zaton near Nin, grave 6. Archaeological Museum Zadar (photo by M. Parica, 2011).

S. Kukoč: Pektoralni nakit kod Liburna: odrazi mita o Sunčevu putovanju u liburnskoj kulturi 10 (2016), 7-101


Slika 7. Pektoral iz Zatona kod Nina, grob 6: a)
gornja lađa; b) donja lađa. Arheološki muzej Zadar b
(foto: M. Parica, 2011).
Figure 7 Pectoral from Zaton near Nin, grave 6: a)
upper boat; b) lower boat. Archaeological Museum
Zadar (photo by M. Parica, 2011).

Slika 9. Pektoral iz Zatona kod Nina, grob 6, detalji:
Slika 8. Pektoral iz Zatona kod Nina, grob 6: a) prikaz a) ptica na gornjoj lađi; b) ptica na donjoj lađi; c)
na Sunčevu disku gornje „ptičje lađe“ (crtež: Z. Bakić, privjesci s bradavičastim ispupčenjima. Arheološki
2011); b) donja lađa (prema: Š. BATOVIĆ, 1987). muzej Zadar (foto: M. Parica, 2011).
Figure 8 Pectoral from Zaton near Nin, grave 6: a) Figure 9 Pectoral from Zaton near Nin, grave 6,
depiction on the Sun disk of the upper “bird boat” details: a) bird on the upper boat; b) bird on the lover
(drawing by Z. Bakić, 2011); b) lower boat (after Š. boat; c) pendants with knobs. Archaeological Museum
BATOVIĆ, 1987). Zadar (photo by M. Parica, 2011).

10 (2016), 7-101 S. Kukoč: Pectoral Jewelry and the Liburnians: Reflections of the Myth about Sun’s Journey...

Slika 10. Pektoral iz Zatona kod Nina, grob 6, detalji:
a) motivi na Sunčevom disku na gornjoj „ptičjoj lađi“;
b) motivi na donjoj „ptičjoj lađi“. Arheološki muzej
Zadar (foto: M. Parica, 2011).
Figure 10 Pectoral from Zaton near Nin, grave 6, Slika 12. Hermannshangen: brončana obredna sjekira,
details: a) motifs on the Sun disk on the upper “bird oko 1600. g. pr. Kr. (prema: R. SCHWARZ, 2006).
boat”; b) motifs on the lower “bird boat”, Archaeological Figure 12 Hermannshangen: ritual bronze axe, ca.
Museum Zadar (photo by M. Parica, 2011). 1600 BC (after R. SCHWARZ, 2006).

Slika 11. Motiv križa iz brončanog doba: a) Vrčevo

– Gorica, kraj Zadra, gradinsko naselje brončanog i
željeznog doba: brončani križ (prema: M. ČELHAR,
2013); b) sjeverna Italija, rano brončano doba, dno
keramičke posude (prema: R. PERONI, 2004); c) južna
Italija, apeninska kultura: dno posude (prema: R.
PERONI, 2004); d) Pitten, Donja Austrija: metalni križ
iz srednjeg (Hügelgräber) brončanog doba (prema: E. a b
PROBST, 1996).
Figure 11 Motifs of cross from the Bronze Age: a) Vrčevo
– Gorica, near Zadar, hillfort settlement from the Bronze
and Iron Ages: bronze cross (after M. ČELHAR, 2013); b)
northern Italy, Early Bronze Age, base of a ceramic vessel
(after R. PERONI, 2004); c) southern Italy, Apennine
culture: base of a vessel (after R. PERONI, 2004); d)
Pitten, Lower Austria: metal cross from the Middle
(Hügelgräber) Bronze Age (after E. PROBST, 1996).
c d

S. Kukoč: Pektoralni nakit kod Liburna: odrazi mita o Sunčevu putovanju u liburnskoj kulturi 10 (2016), 7-101

Slika 14. Harsefeld, Niedersachsen:

Brijač s prikazom solarne lađe sa sunčevim konjima
(prema: E. PROBST, 1996).
Figure 14 Harsefeld, Niedersachsen:
Razor with a depiction of the solar boat with sun
Slika 12a. Teba: oslikana unutrašnjost
horses (after E. PROBST, 1996).
pogrebnog kovčega, detalj; Sunčeva lađa
(prema: G. ROBINS, 1996).
Figure 12a Thebes: painted interior of a coffin,
detail, Sun boat (after G. ROBINS, 1996).

Slika 13. a-d) Nordijski prizori

obreda u obožavanju Sunca,
(prema: K. KRISTIANSEN, T.
2003; F. KAUL, 2005; F. KAUL,
2006; F. KAUL, 2006a); e)
Nepoznato nalazište, Jütland,
Danska: obredni predmet
od bronce i jantara (prema:
F. KAUL, 2006); f) Egely,
Bornholm, Danska, Prikaz
brodova s obrednim solarnim
predmetom (prema: F. KAUL,
2006); g) Hallingskov, Danska:
brončani brijač u obliku solarne
„konjske lađe“, 700. g. pr. Kr. –
500. g. pr. Kr (prema: F. KAUL,
b 2006a).
Figure 13 a-d) Nordic
e depictions of rituals of the
Sun adoration (after K.
2005; I. ULLÉN, 2003; F. KAUL,
2005; F. KAUL, 2006; F. KAUL,
2006a); e) Unknown findspot,
c Jütland, Denmark: ritual objects
f made of bronze and amber
(after F. KAUL, 2006); f) Egely,
Bornholm, Denmark, Depiction
of boats with a ritual solar
object (after F. KAUL, 2006); g)
Hallingskov, Denmark: bronze
razor in shape of solar “horse
boat”, 700 BC-500 BC (after F.
d g KAUL, 2006a).

10 (2016), 7-101 S. Kukoč: Pectoral Jewelry and the Liburnians: Reflections of the Myth about Sun’s Journey...

a a b

Slika 16. Motivi „ptičje lađe“: a) Monteveglio,
Bologna (grob), detalj metalne posude (prema:
Slika 15. Motivi dviju spojenih sunčevih „ptičjih G. KOSSACK, 1954); b) Mariesminde, Danska,
lađa“: a) Este, Casa di Ricovero, grob: situla (prema: situla, detalj, pr. Kr. – 7. st. pr. Kr.. (prema: A.
G. KOSSACK, 1954); b) Deersheim (Halberstadt), JOCKENHÖVEL, 2003); c) Bologna, brončani pojas
ogrlica, detalj 9. st. pr. Kr. – 8. st. pr. Kr. (prema: L. LAURENZI, 1959).
(prema: R. MARASZEK, 2006). Figure 16 Motifs of “bird boat” a) Monteveglio,
Figure 15 Motifs of two connected sun “bird boats”: Bologna (grave), detail of a metal vessel (after G.
a) Este, Casa di Ricovero, grave: situla (after G. KOSSACK, 1954); b) Mariesminde, Denmark;
KOSSACK, 1954); b) Deersheim (Halberstadt), situla, detail, 8th century BC – 7th century BC (after
necklace, detail, 9th century BC – 8th century BC A. JOCKENHÖVEL, 2003); c) Bologna, bronze belt
(after R. MARASZEK, 2006). (after L. LAURENZI, 1959).

Slika 17. Motiv križa u krugu/disku

s četiri točke: a) Bornholm, Danska,
slikarstvo na stijeni, nordijsko kasno
brončano doba, 1100. g. pr. Kr. – 500.
g. pr. Kr. (prema: F. KAUL, 2006a); b)
Moselund, Danska: kameni obredni
predmet, nordijsko kasno brončano
doba, 1100. g. pr. Kr. – 500. g. pr Kr.
(prema: F. KAUL, 2006.); c) Lökeberg,
zapadna Švedska: prizor plovidbe
s obrednim solarnim predmetom,
slikarstvo na stijeni (prema: H.
MELLER, 2006a).
Figure 17 Motif of cross in a circle/
disk with four dots: a) Bornholm,
Denmark, painting on the rock, Nordic
Late Bronze Age, 1100 BC – 500 BC
(after F. KAUL, 2006a); b) Moselund,
Denmark: ritual stone object, Nordic
Late Bronze Age, 1100 BC – 500 BC
(after F. KAUL, 2006); c) Lökeberg,
western Sweden: depiction of sailing
with ritual solar object, painting on
c the rock (after H. MELLER, 2006a).

S. Kukoč: Pektoralni nakit kod Liburna: odrazi mita o Sunčevu putovanju u liburnskoj kulturi 10 (2016), 7-101


Slika 18. a) Gualdo Tadino, Perugia, ostava; zlatni solarni disk, kasno brončano doba (bronzo finale);
b) Gualdo Tadino, Perugia, ostava (prema: M. BETTELLIA, 1997); c-f) Solarni prikazi na keramici vučedolske
kulture (prema: A. DURMAN, 2000).
Figure 18 a) Gualdo Tadino, Perugia, hoard; golden solar disk, Late Bronze Age (bronzo finale);
b) Gualdo Tadino, Perugia, hoard with two solar disks (after M. BETTELLIA, 1997); c-f) Solar depictions on
pottery of the Vučedol culture (after A. DURMAN, 2000).

10 (2016), 7-101 S. Kukoč: Pectoral Jewelry and the Liburnians: Reflections of the Myth about Sun’s Journey...


c b

Slika 19. a) „Necropoli del Salino“, Picenum: pojas

villanova tipa, prikaz mita o Sunčevom putovanju
(prema: N. LUCENTINI, 2007); b) Verucchio, Masrola c d
(S. Giovanni in Galilea); metalni pojas, (prema: P. von
ELES, 2012): c) Populonija, Grob 1, a camera, Poggio Slika 20. Lučne fibule s nogom u obliku diska: a)
del Mulino: motiv „križa s četiri točke“; detalj prikaza na Osor na Cresu: grob 6, (prema: D. GLOGOVIĆ,
kacigi (prema: C. IAIA, 2004). 1989); b) Terni, S. Pietro in Campo, grob 36 (prema:
Figure 19 a) “Necropoli del Salino”, Picenum: belt of the J. SUNDWALL, 1943); c-d) Sala Consilina, detalji
Villanovan type, depiction of the myth about the Sun’s (prema: K. KILIAN, 1967).
journey (after N. LUCENTINI, 2007); b) Verucchio, Figure 20 Bow fibulae with a disk-shaped foot:
Masrola (S. Giovanni in Galilea); metal belt (after P. von a) Osor on the island of Cres: grave 6, (after D.
Eles, 2012): c) Populonia, Grave 1, a camera, Poggio GLOGOVIĆ, 1989); b) Terni, S. Pietro in Campo,
del Mulino: motif of “a cross with four dots”; detail of grave 36 (after J. SUNDWALL, 1943); c-d) Sala
depiction on the helmet (after C. IAIA, 2004). Consilina, details (after K. KILIAN, 1967).

Slika 21. a) Nin, grob 10: fibula tipa Osor, detalj;

b) Osor-Kavanela: disk na nozi fibule tipa Osor
(prema: D. GLOGOVIĆ, 1989); c) Tarquinija,
grob 33: pojas villanova tipa (prema: H.
MÜLLER-KARPE, 1959); d) Norcia: disk na nozi
fibule (prema: J. SUNDWALL, 1943); e) Cumae,
grob 5: detalj fibule (prema: H. MÜLLER-KARPE,
1959); f) Pontecagnano: disk na nozi fibule
a b c (prema: B. D’AGOSTINO, P. GASTALDI, 1988).
Figure 21 a) Nin, grave 10: Osor-type fibula,
detail; b) Osor-Kavanela: disk on the foot of the
Osor-type fibula (after D. GLOGOVIĆ, 1989);
c) Tarquinia, grave 33: belt of the Villanovan type
(after H. MÜLLER-KARPE, 1959); d) Norcia:
disk on the fibula foot (prema: J. SUNDWALL,
1943); e) Cumae, grave 5: detail of a fibula (after
H. MÜLLER-KARPE, 1959); f) Pontecagnano:
disk on the fibula foot (after B. D’AGOSTINO, P.
d e f GASTALDI, 1988).

S. Kukoč: Pektoralni nakit kod Liburna: odrazi mita o Sunčevu putovanju u liburnskoj kulturi 10 (2016), 7-101

Slika 22. Nin, grob 1: fibula tipa

Osor (foto: M. Parica, 2011).
Figure 22 Nin, grave 1: Osor-type
fibula (photo by M. Parica, 2011).

Slika 23. Nin, grob 10: fibula tipa Osor (foto: M.

Parica, 2011).
Figure 23 Nin, grave 10: Osor-type fibula (photo
by M. Parica, 2011).

Slika 24. Monteprandone: grob s pektoralom, spiralno-naočalastom i fibulom s nizom stožastih ispupčenja na
luku, Muzej u Ascoli Piceno (sastavljeno prema: N. LUCENTINI, 2000; N. LUCENTINI, 2000a).
Figure 24 Monteprandone: grave with a pectoral, spectacle fibula and fibula with a row of conical embossments on
the bow, Museum of Ascoli Piceno (composed after N. LUCENTINI, 2000; N. LUCENTINI, 2000a).

10 (2016), 7-101 S. Kukoč: Pectoral Jewelry and the Liburnians: Reflections of the Myth about Sun’s Journey...

Slika 25. Colle del Cardeto – Ancona; grob (prema: G. von MERHART, 1942; G. KOSSACK, 1954).
Figure 25 Colle del Cardeto – Ancona; grave (after G. von MERHART, 1942; G. KOSSACK, 1954).

a c d

Slika 26. a-d) Canavaccio di Urbino: picenski pektoral

(prema: N. LUCENTINI, 2000a).
Figure 26 a-d) Canavaccio di Urbino: Picenian pectoral
(after N. LUCENTINI, 2000a).

S. Kukoč: Pektoralni nakit kod Liburna: odrazi mita o Sunčevu putovanju u liburnskoj kulturi 10 (2016), 7-101

Slika 27. a) Verucchio, nekropola Lippi: spaljeni grob 40: dvodijelni picenski pektoral; b) Verucchio, nekropola
Lippi: spaljeni grob 40: izbor predmeta nađenih u doliju s urnom i na mjestima oko dolija; c) Verucchio, nekropola
Lippi: rekonstrukcija prostornosti i sheme obrednog tijeka u dvojnom spaljenom pokopu 40 i 40 BIS/2006
(prema: P. von ELES, F. FINOTELLI, L. MANZOLI, P. POLI, 2014).
Figure 27 a) Verucchio, necropolis Lippi: cremated grave 40: two-part Picenian pectoral; b) Verucchio, necropolis
Lippi: cremated grave 40: selection of objects found in a dolium with an urn and at places around dolium; c)
Verucchio, necropolis Lippi: reconstruction of spatial aspects and scheme of a ritual ceremony in double cremated
burial 40 and 40 BIS/2006 (after P. von ELES, F. FINOTELLI, L. MANZOLI, P. POLI, 2014).

10 (2016), 7-101 S. Kukoč: Pectoral Jewelry and the Liburnians: Reflections of the Myth about Sun’s Journey...

a b c

h i

Slika 28. a-b) Ljubač (inv. br. 14417; grob 4): igle tipa Sirolo (prema: Š. BATOVIĆ, 1981); c) Glasinac, Ilijak,
tumul II, grob 1: igla (prema: A. BENAC, B. ČOVIĆ, 1957); d) Glasinac, Arareva gromila, grob 1: igla (prema:
A. BENAC, B. ČOVIĆ, 1957); e) Dragišić, grob 12: umetak na igli (?) (prema: Z. BRUSIĆ, 2000); f) Gorica: igle
(prema: B. ĆOVIĆ, 1976; B. ĆOVIĆ, 1987); g) Glasinac, Arareva gromila, gr. 1, detalj pojasa (prema: A. BENAC,
B. ČOVIĆ, 1957); h) Burell, dolina Mati, humak, grob 11: detalj ukrasnog lanca (prema: D. KURTI, 1978);
i) Burell, dolina Mati, humak, grob 24 (prema: D. KURTI, 1978); j) Novilara – Servici, grob XXI
(prema: K. W. BEINHAUER, 1985).
Figure 28 a) a-b) Ljubač (inv. no. 14417; grave 4): Sirolo-type pins (after Š. BATOVIĆ, 1981); c) Glasinac, Ilijak,
tumulus II, grave 1: pin (after A. BENAC, B. ČOVIĆ, 1957); d) Glasinac, Arareva gromila, grave 1: pin (after A.
BENAC, B. ČOVIĆ, 1957); e) Dragišić, grave 12: pin inlay (?) (after Z. BRUSIĆ, 2000); f) Gorica: pins (after B.
ČOVIĆ, 1976; B. ČOVIĆ, 1987); g) Glasinac, Arareva gromila, gr. 1, belt detail (after A. BENAC, B. ČOVIĆ, 1957);
h) Burell, Mati valley, mound, grave 11: detail of ornamental chain (after D. KURTI, 1978); i) Burell, Mati valley,
mound, grave 24 (after D. KURTI, 1978); j) Novilara – Servici, grave XXI (after K. W. BEINHAUER, 1985).

S. Kukoč: Pektoralni nakit kod Liburna: odrazi mita o Sunčevu putovanju u liburnskoj kulturi 10 (2016), 7-101

Slika 29a. Oštećeni picenski pektoral iz

Museo nazionale di Villa Giulia
(prema: G. M. SCAPATICCI, 1980).
Figure 29a Damaged Picenian pectoral,
Museo nazionale di Villa Giulia
(after G. M. SCAPATICCI, 1980).
Slika 29. Picenski pektoral, Muzej u Ascoli Piceno
(prema: D. RANDALL-MacIVER, 1927).
Figure 29 Picenian pectoral, Museum of Ascoli
Piceno (after D. RANDALL-MacIVER, 1927).

Slika 30. a) Montegiorgio: pektoral (prema: A.

2006); b) Colli del Tronto: pektoral, Muzej u Ascoli
Piceno (prema: E. MANGANI, 2003); c) Kastav,
privjesak (prema: S. KUKOČ, 2009).
Figure 30 a) Montegiorgio: pectoral (after A.
2006); b) Colli del Tronto: pectoral, Museum of
Ascoli Piceno (after E. MANGANI, 2003); c) Kastav,
pendant (after S. KUKOČ, 2009).

b c

10 (2016), 7-101 S. Kukoč: Pectoral Jewelry and the Liburnians: Reflections of the Myth about Sun’s Journey...

a b

Slika 31. a) Cupra Marittima, S. Andrea, grob 14C, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, Ancona: pektoral
(prema: D. G. LOLLINI, 1976); b) Novilara – Servici, grob 32 (prema: K. W. BEINHAUER, 1985).
Figure 31 a) Cupra Marittima, S. Andrea, grave 14C, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, Ancona: pectoral
(after D. G. LOLLINI, 1976); b) Novilara – Servici, grave 32 (after K. W. BEINHAUER, 1985).

Slika 32. Novilara – Molaroni, grob 135 (prema: K. W. BEINHAUER, 1985).

Figure 32 Novilara – Molaroni, grave 135 (after K. W. BEINHAUER, 1985).

S. Kukoč: Pektoralni nakit kod Liburna: odrazi mita o Sunčevu putovanju u liburnskoj kulturi 10 (2016), 7-101

Slika 34. Pontecagnano: brončani pojas (prema B. D’AGOSTINO, P. GASTALDI, 1988).

Figure 34 Pontecagnano: bronze belt (after B. D’AGOSTINO, P. GASTALDI, 19885).

Slika 33. Montegiorgio: brodolika fibula s privjeskom u obliku solarne lađe

Figure 33 Montegiorgio: boat-shaped fibula with a pendant in
shape of solar boat (after A. PRELOŽNIK, M. SAKARA SUČEVIĆ, S.
SEIDEL, 2006).

10 (2016), 7-101 S. Kukoč: Pectoral Jewelry and the Liburnians: Reflections of the Myth about Sun’s Journey...

a b c

Slika 35. Brončani brijači: a) „Necropoli del Salino“, Picenum: prikaz mita o Sunčevom putovanju (prema: N.
LUCENTINI, 2007); b) Fermo, grob 19 S/1956; c) Fermo-Misericordia (prema: L. DRAGO TROCCOLI, 2003).
Figure 35 Bronze razors: a) “Necropoli del Salino”, Picenum: depiction of myth about the Sun’s journey (after N.
LUCENTINI, 2007); b) Fermo, grave 19 S/1956; c) Fermo-Misericordia (after L. DRAGO TROCCOLI, 2003).

a b

c e

Slika 36. a-c) Pod kod Bugojna: motivi na keramici (prema: B. ČOVIĆ, 1984); d) Glasinac: motivi na brončanom
nakitu (prema: B. ČOVIĆ, 1976); e) Ostava Krehin Gradac, Čitluk: detalj štita (?), (prema: B. ČOVIĆ, 1987).
Figure 36 a-c) Pod near Bugojno: motifs on pottery (after B. ČOVIĆ, 1984); d) Glasinac: motifs on bronze jewelry
(after B. ČOVIĆ, 1976); e) Ostava Krehin Gradac, Čitluk: shield detail (?), (after B. ČOVIĆ, 1987).

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1 2 3 4 5

6 7

8 9

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Slika 37. Veliki Mošunj, Travnik, ostava, izbor (prema: B. ČOVIĆ, 1976; A. HARDING, 1995).
Figure 37 Veliki Mošunj, Travnik, hoard, selection (after B. ČOVIĆ, 1976; A. HARDING, 1995).

10 (2016), 7-101 S. Kukoč: Pectoral Jewelry and the Liburnians: Reflections of the Myth about Sun’s Journey...

Slika 38. a) Verucchio, nekropola Lippi, grob Slika 39a. Liburnski jantarni pektoral: Nin, grob 21
47/1972: fibula s prikazom dviju solarnih „ptičjih (foto: M. Parica, 2011).
lađa“ na jantarnoj oblozi luka (prema: P. von ELES, Figure 39a Liburnian amber pectoral: Nin, grave 21
M. ZANARDI, M. SIBONI 2009); (photo by M. Parica, 2011).
b) Verucchio, nekropola Lippi, grob 27/1972: fibula s
jantarnom solarnom „ptičjom lađom“ na luku, detalj
(prema: P. von ELES, 2007); c) Verucchio, nekropola
Lippi, grob 32: preslica, detalj: motiv križa u krugui
(prema: P. von ELES, 2012).
Figure 38 a) Verucchio, necropolis Lippi, grave
47/1972: fibula with a depiction of two solar “bird
boats” on the amber bow plating (after P. von ELES,
M. ZANARDI, M. SIBONI 2009); b) Verucchio,
necropolis Lippi, grave 27/1972: fibula with an amber
solar “bird boat” on the bow, detail (after P. von ELES,
c) Verucchio, necropolis Lippi, grave 32: distaff, detail:
motif of the cross in a circle (after P. von ELES, 2012).

S. Kukoč: Pektoralni nakit kod Liburna: odrazi mita o Sunčevu putovanju u liburnskoj kulturi 10 (2016), 7-101

Slika 39b. Novilara – Servici, grob 46 (prema: K. W. BEINHAUER, 1985).

Figure 39b Novilara – Servici, grave 46 (after K. W. BEINHAUER, 1985).

10 (2016), 7-101 S. Kukoč: Pectoral Jewelry and the Liburnians: Reflections of the Myth about Sun’s Journey...

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Slika 40. Nin, grob 6 (prema: Š. BATOVIĆ, 1976).

Figure 40 Nin, grave 6 (after Š. BATOVIĆ, 1976).

S. Kukoč: Pektoralni nakit kod Liburna: odrazi mita o Sunčevu putovanju u liburnskoj kulturi 10 (2016), 7-101

Slika 41a. Nin, grob 27 (foto: M. Parica, 2011).

Figure 41a Nin, grave 27 (photo by M. Parica, 2011).

Slika 41b. Nin, grob 27: mač, detalj (foto: M. Parica, 2011).
Figure 41b Nin, grave 27: sword, detail (photo by M. Parica, 2011).

10 (2016), 7-101 S. Kukoč: Pectoral Jewelry and the Liburnians: Reflections of the Myth about Sun’s Journey...

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Slika 42. Zaton, grob 3 (prema: F. STARÈ, 1970).

Figure 42 Zaton, grave 3 (after F. STARÈ, 1970).

S. Kukoč: Pektoralni nakit kod Liburna: odrazi mita o Sunčevu putovanju u liburnskoj kulturi 10 (2016), 7-101

Slika 43. Nin, grob 48 (foto: M. Parica, 2011).

Figure 43 Nin, grave 48 (photo by M. Parica, 2011).

Slika 44. Brončane „ptičje lađe“, Arheološki muzej Zadar (foto: M. Parica, 2011).
Figure 44 Bronze “bird boats“, Archaeological Museum Zadar (photo by M. Parica, 2011).

10 (2016), 7-101 S. Kukoč: Pectoral Jewelry and the Liburnians: Reflections of the Myth about Sun’s Journey...

Slika 44a. Novilara – Servici, grob XVII (prema: K. W. BEINHAUER, 1985).

Figure 44a Novilara – Servici, grave XVII (after K. W. BEINHAUER, 1985).

Slika 45. Dvije brončane „ptičje

lađe“, Zavičajni muzej u Benkovcu
(foto: M. Parica, 2011).
Figure 45 Two bronze “bird boats”,
Regional Museum in Benkovac
(photo by M. Parica, 2011).

S. Kukoč: Pektoralni nakit kod Liburna: odrazi mita o Sunčevu putovanju u liburnskoj kulturi 10 (2016), 7-101

Slika 46. Nadin, grob 1, brončana „ptičja lađa“, Arheološki muzej Zadar (foto: I. Čondić, 2007).
Figure 46 Nadin, grave 1, bronze “bird boat”, Archaeological Museum Zadar (photo by I. Čondić, 2007).

Slika 47. Picenski privjesci: od štapićastih, nettaunghija do antropomorfnih (prema S. KUKOČ, 2010).
Figure 47 Picenian pendants: from rod-shaped, nettaunghia to anthropomorphous examples (after S. KUKOČ, 2010).

10 (2016), 7-101 S. Kukoč: Pectoral Jewelry and the Liburnians: Reflections of the Myth about Sun’s Journey...

Slika 48. Brončani picenski privjesak u liku žene, Arheološki muzej Zadar (foto: M. Parica, 2011).
Figure 48 Bronze Picenian pendant in shape of a woman, Archaeological Museum Zadar (photo by M. Parica, 2011).

S. Kukoč: Pektoralni nakit kod Liburna: odrazi mita o Sunčevu putovanju u liburnskoj kulturi 10 (2016), 7-101


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