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Ohio Iskcon Temple

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p 2 | Hare Krishna Land

“Our tendency to construct great buildings

should be used only for constructing large
and valuable temples in which to install
the Deity of the Supreme Personality of
Godhead. The Kṛ r ishna consciousness
movement invites everyone from all over the
world, without discrimination as to caste or
creed, to come to its centers and cultivate
spiritual life perfectly.”
-Srila Prabhupada

ISKCON Greater Columbus | p 3

“Whoever constructs or helps to construct a Vishnu temple will
protect eight generations of fathers, grandfathers, and forefathers
from falling into hell.” And, “By building a temple for Sri Madhava, one
can attain the eternal spiritual world (Vaikuntha). One who offers a
garden laden with fruits and flowers for the service of the Deity will
attain heavenly pleasures.”
- Vamana Purana

p 4 | Hare Krishna Land

Message from Malati Devi dasi

Governing Body Commissioner ISKCON Greater Columbus

The International Society for Krishna

Consciousness, often known by its acronym,
ISKCON, has a rich history in Ohio since 1969 and
indeed, sports an Ohio Historical Marker at our
current university-based location recognizing its
unique status as the first Vaisnava temple in Ohio.
But, we have more than outgrown our current
situation where would-be attendees often find
themselves unable to enter.

Our proposed Hare Krishna Land, like its famous

namesake in Juhu, Mumbai, is preparing to
From perspectives as diverse as world vision
manifest in Greater Columbus to serve and
to personal experience, all of the components
benefit persons throughout Ohio and our
necessary to support an authentic spiritual
neighboring states such as Indiana, Michigan,
understanding of the essence of life, that is, the
Kentucky and West Virginia, by establishing a
love of God, will automatically manifest as part
place where families, students, seekers of the
of the opportunity offered by this unique, non-
truth, yogis, business persons and indeed anyone
sectarian project. Hare Krishna Land will open
can experience an enchanting and dedicated
its heart and doors to you and your loved ones,
atmosphere near the city and outside the city.
to persons from all traditions, religious practices,
Once completed, it is expected to be a unique
backgrounds, nationalities and walks of life.
travel destination. It will provide further evidence of
the profound insight of A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
Please join the vision, join the experience and join
Prabhupada, the pioneering founder and great
the Greater Columbus transcendental adventure,
teacher of ISKCON, who envisioned similar oases
and become a part of living history by your
in every large metropolitan area worldwide. With its
donations and pledges. You and your family will be
rich cultural legacy and diverse heritage, ISKCON’s
blessed with good fortune.
expanded presence will complement and enrich
the Greater Columbus landscape.

ISKCON Greater Columbus | p 5

p 6 | Hare Krishna Land
When we contribute towards temple construction, devotional service
becomes an increasingly tangible and feasible reality in our lives. Srila
Prabhupada wanted us, his disciples and grand-disciples to build
temples around the world. Through this transcendental scheme, many
kinds of living beings everywhere will get the opportunity to accumulate
spiritual benefit by participating and serving, directly or indirectly. This is
called ajnata-sukriti: pious credit acquired unknowingly.

ISKCON Greater Columbus | p 7

Message from The Temple Council

Dear Friends,

We invite you to join us on a transcendental journey. We have been

privileged and blessed to serve Sri Sri Radha Natabara and the Columbus
community since 1969 in three separate locations, each similar to our
current location.

Today, our community has exponentially grown to over 300 committed

members. Thousands more come for our festivals whom we have been
privileged to serve. The time has arrived for us to build a Krishna temple on
the recently purchased 53-acre Hare Krishna Land in Hilliard, Ohio. Let’s combine our efforts to raise this temple for Lord Krishna. We need
to raise ten million dollars by the Spring of 2020 to see this temple
Our Hare Krishna Land will include a temple, a Govinda’s cafe, a gift shop, open. Anyone who contributes to this project in whatever way is blessed
a yoga studio, a bhakti lounge, an event space, a library, a parsonage by Lord Krishna and engages in the most important welfare work for
for resident devotees, guest facilities and many rooms for children to all people of the world—as a matter of fact, for all living entities of the
learn, study and express themselves. We hope to showcase Krishna universe.
consciousness on a transcendental platform to thousands of families
through festivals, and offer guided tours to multitudes who would visit Being involved in building a temple is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to
seeking understanding and connection with Krishna consciousness. We be a part of something beyond the confines of our daily lives, something
will have cows residing on our land, an organic farm, flower gardens, and that is bigger than ourselves and something that will endure for our future
walking trails. generations. By engaging in this endeavor, we play a role, big or small,
in spreading the inclusive message of Krishna consciousness to every
This temple offers a chance for thousands to find fellowship, meaning member of our spiritual family. To the extent that we try to surrender by
and purpose in life through engaging in devotional service integrally. Our offering our precious time, effort and money, we take pride in service to
community will showcase art, music, drama, theater, sports, worship, and the Lotus Feet of Sri Sri Radha-Natabara, and Krishna sees the intent and
in-depth study of genuine spiritual literature. action.

Thank you very much,

Your servants in The Temple Council

p 8 | Hare Krishna Land

Scioto Dar
by Road
oa ad
d Cemetery Ro

Main St

Hilliard Bradley
High School

Brown Elementary

Norwich Township
Fire Station

Hilliard R
Powell ker Ro

ome Rd
Dublin Worthington

Arlington Gahanna
NEW Hilliard

Grove City
Site location map

ISKCON Greater Columbus | p 9

Brief History
ISKCON Columbus temple was established in 1969 and is
currently located at a house on 379 West 8th Avenue, in close
proximity to The Ohio State University’s campus. Built in 1900,
this historic home of 2,500 square feet is situated on the 0.16
acre lot and has been the center for ISKCON’s congregation. It
is the first practicing Vedic temple in Ohio and now represents
the state’s growing population of devotees of Krishna. Its
significance has been recognized by an Ohio Historical Marker
installed in 2003.

Over the years, the temple has been a spiritual oasis for OSU
students and the general public. A place of worship and
devotional activities, the temple serves the devotees with
daily worship ceremonies, formally installed deities, kirtans,
and spiritually inspiring talks and fellowship. These services
are performed by authorized monks, nuns, senior priests and
members of the congregation. The temple room houses an
altar where divine forms of the Lord are installed along with a
life-like sculpture of the founder of ISKCON, Srila Prabhupada.
Religious scriptures translated from Sanskrit into English by
Srila Prabhupada and his followers are on display for reading
and purchasing. The ISKCON temple is essentially a place for
enlightening fellowship and a center of learning and education
for all.

p 10 | Hare Krishna Land

Project Time Line

Site search Land acquired

April 2015 February 2016

$5 million raised Planning, design and county review

2018 February 2017

Final approval and Total cost

construction documents Groundbreaking $10 million raised Grand opening

April 2018- December 2018 2019 Construction 2020

ISKCON Greater Columbus | p 11

The Hare Krishna Land and the new ISKCON
Temple Project Highlights: Greater Columbus Temple is designed to be a
regional center of devotional service for Lord
Krishna. The project’s first phase will include the
47,000 square-foot temple complex, a formal
Modern temple architecture garden, nature trails and a cow sanctuary. All
together, they anchor the 53-acre, previously
LEED certified green building agricultural site on Walker Road in Brown Township
just outside Hilliard, Ohio.
Cow sanctuary & organic farm
The temple complex aspires to be a harmonious
Multi-purpose dining hall synthesis between modern Western architecture
and classic Vedic building traditions. For its
Event spaces for rental longevity and timeless aesthetics, the temple
building will be cladded with rustic bricks and
Art gallery limestone. Its monumental dome and clean-
line details will convey a sense of simplicity and
Farm-to-table cafe elegance. The temple’s symmetrical composition
is highlighted by its main entry that is marked by
Vegetarian Culinary Institute a portico of three large arches with five smaller
arches on pilasters flanking both wings of the
Institute of Vaishnava Studies building.

Landscape The temple features a spacious lobby, a temple

room for more than 500 guests, a large dining hall
Play area and flexible event spaces, a bhakti lounge, a yoga
studio, a cafe, a gift shop, multiple classrooms and a
Sunday school rooms parsonage for resident monks and nuns and visiting
priests and guests. The building is home to a farm-
Yoga studio to-table cafe, the Vegetarian Culinary Institute
and Institute of Vaishnava Studies. The site and the
temple will be constructed in an environmentally
responsible manners, following sustainable, green
building principles.

p 12 | Hare Krishna Land

Art gallery

Farm-to-table cafe

The Bhagavata Purana states that one who

offers gifts to facilitate the worship of Lord
Krishna’s Deity within a temple will receive an
opulence equal to the Lord Himself. Invest in your
eternal spiritual future by participating in this
auspicious undertaking to build a temple of Lord

Interior Courtyard

ISKCON Greater Columbus | p 13

Organic farm

Cow sanctuary

Compassion for cows

"Without cow protection and cultivation of the

brahminical human civilization can
-Srila Prabhupada

At Hare Krishna Land, cows that are sick, injured or elderly are taken care of
and will live out their natural lives on our green pastures freely. They will be
treated lovingly.

p 14 | Hare Krishna Land


Bhakti-yoga connects us to the Supreme by means

of loving devotional service.

The yoga studio at the new temple provides a

comfortable and peaceful environment where
devotees and the public can enjoy yoga practices
together and focus on developing dedication,
service and love for the Divinity, Lord Krishna.

Yoga studio

ISKCON Greater Columbus | p 15

An effulgent landmark promoting spirituality for this age

p 16 | Hare Krishna Land

Worship of Krishna in His Divine

The essential meaning of a temple is a place of

spiritual, educational shelter. It is not a profiteering
or political center. As the beating heart of a
congregation, two processes which nurture
everyone’s spiritual life are followed and taught
therein: Bhagavata-vidhi or the philosophical side
of religion, and pancaratriki vidhi, the worshipping
side. Presenting and demonstrating how to
worship, dress and decorate the Deity: in short,
how to offer respect, is especially emphasized
in a temple. These centers inspire devotees to
transform their own homes also into temples as
expansions of the worship conducted there. In
Bhagavad-gita, Krishna calls on each of us to always
think of Him, become His devotee and worship
Him. Temple worship is the meaning of mad-yaji,
or worshiping the Deity. Such a divine temple
is capable of supporting everyone’s heartfelt
absorption in congregational chanting of the holy
names, service and association in their daily lives.

ISKCON Greater Columbus | p 17

Community Building Activities

Prasādam (Spiritual Food)

Prasādam, or food offered to Krishna, is His direct

mercy. In the temple, prasādam is prepared
according to the highest standards of quality and
purity, and distributed freely to all comers.

Sunday School

In our temple the performance of this duty is joyous

and inspiring for both the parents and the children.
At our Sunday School, children learn music, act in
plays, explore different art media, study history and
philosophy and much more. These are to promote
their balanced wellness and strengthen family and
community ties. For our teachers, we provide top-
notch teaching curricula and hands-on educational

Youth Activities

ISKCON Columbus is committed to helping

youth enjoy spirituality and develop deeper
understanding about life. Our university outreach
programs include weekly vegetarian cooking
classes, musical mantra meditation and spiritual
practice groups, all free of charge and open to
students and the public.

p 18 | Hare Krishna Land

Utsava (Festivals)

Spiritual celebrations bring a festive and colorful

element to our lives and bring together the
community in a spirit of joy. Traditional festivals
such as Janmashtami, Diwali, Rama Navami, Shiva
Ratri, Gaura Purnima and the grand outdoor
Jagannath Rathayatra have been celebrated since
time immemorial and ISKCON aims to preserve
these traditions for many generations to come.

Satsang (Spiritual gatherings)

In addition to temple congregations, ISKCON

Columbus members get together in spiritual
gatherings regularly in members’ homes
conveniently located in Downtown Columbus,
Lewis Center, Hilliard and New Albany. The
family-like community atmosphere promotes
interpersonal relationships, supporting loving care
as well as cultivating spiritual relationship with the

Book Distribution

ISKCON’s publishing arm, the Bhaktivedanta Book

Trust, is the largest book publisher dedicated to
Vedic texts such as Bhagavad-Gita and Srimad
Bhagavatam. Over 500 million of these literatures
have been distributed worldwide in every major

ISKCON Greater Columbus | p 19

Message from some of our exemplary ISKCON leaders

“I am very pleased to see the wonderful temple and cultural center being planned for
Columbus, Ohio. Ohio State University, in Columbus, was the first place in the world where
Srila Prabhupada inspired college students to participate in chanting and dancing in
kirtan. He specially blessed Columbus. I am confident that this project will be of great
spiritual, social and cultural benefit for all. My sincere gratitude to all who help in any way.”

-Radhanath Swami

“Projects like this indicate the progress of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s sankirtan
movement . Srila Prabhupada came to fulfill the prediction of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu
and His mission is continuing through his loyal followers. Whoever takes part in this mission
by helping in whatever way can benefit beyond anyone’s imagination. It is indeed a
glorious opportunity.”

-Bhakti Charu Swami

“The devotees of ISKCON Columbus, OH, are building a new temple for Lord Krishna.
Because these devotees are not only carefully following in the footsteps of the great
masters of devotional service by strictly practicing the tenets of devotional service, but are
also enthusiastically engaged in the distribution of transcendental knowledge throughout
their community and beyond, Lord Krishna is empowering them in all respects. Those who
support this community of devotees in their work to develop this beautiful and much-
needed temple will also attain the merciful blessings of Lord Krishna.”

-Vaisesika Dasa

p 20 | Hare Krishna Land

Strategic Partners Columbus downtown

ISKCON Columbus collaborates with members of the society

to come closer together for the purpose of teaching a simpler
and more natural way of life. It strives for a place where all
are welcomed, connected to Krishna, encouraged to grow in
devotion to Him, enabled to practice Krishna consciousness
based on the teachings of Srila AC Bhaktivedanta
Swami Prabhupada, and equipped to propagate Krishna

Hindu American Foundation(HAF)

International Hindu Vedic University

International Vedanta Society The Ohio State University Oval

International Society for Cow Protection

World Hindu Council of America

Krishna says, “I am the source of

all spiritual and material worlds.
Everything emanates from Me. The
wise who perfectly know this engage
in My devotional service and worship
Me with all their hearts.”

Bhagavad Gita 10.8

ISKCON Greater Columbus | p 21

Spiritual Benefits of Building a Temple

“You are already chosen by the Lord for this Project. If

you take one step towards Krishna, Krishna will take one
hundred steps towards you. With every effort you make to
build Lord Krishna’s home, the Lord will increase your good
fortune a hundred fold.”
-Srila Prabhupada

“To every sincere follower of Lord Krishna, this temple

signifies yet another stronghold from where the eternal
message of Lord Krishna can be shared with everyone.
Lord Krishna is orchestrating this project and you simply
have to agree to be a player in this orchestra. That will be
your greatest success.”
-Srila Prabhupada

p 22 | Hare Krishna Land

Donation Opportunities Spiritual Benefits
Donation Donation Per Gītā, Śrīmad- Life Bhūmi-Pūjā, Vaikuņțha
Level Amount Month Kŗșņa Book Bhāgavatam Membership Deity Installation Ekādaśī

Keśava $500,000 $13,888 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Nārāyaņa $250,000 $6,944 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Mādhava $100,000 $2,777 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Govinda $40,000 $1,111 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Vișņu $20,000 $556 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Madhusūdana $10,000 $278 ✓ ✓ ✓
Trivikrama $5,000 $139 ✓ ✓
Vāmana $2,500 $70 ✓
Śrīdhara $1,008 $28 ✓
Hŗșikeśa $500 [2 sq ft] ✓
Padmanābha $250 [1 sq ft] ✓

Life Membership includes: Vaikuņțha Ekādaśī :

Annual special prayers and yajña
Begin now using the • Worldwide ISKCON membership for you and your family.
Online Pledge Form • A 15% Discount on Hall Rentals
36 Monthly Installments. For more details visit: • Prasadam sponsored in your Bhūmi-Pūjā /Deity Installation:
name on the day of your choice Participation in the yajña at
You may fulfill your pledge
every year groundbreaking and in the
at once, annually, or call the New Temple Office • Inclusion in the Wall of Gratitude abhiseka at the temple opening
bi-annually or quarterly 1-844-ISKCONC
(1-844-475-2662) Those who donate $108 or more Vāmana Level includes: receive a Bhagavad-gītā and A set of all of Śrīla Prabhupāda’s
Kŗșņa Book. single-volume books.

For our goal to raise $10,000,000, we’ve coined a special name for our Life Membership Program:

1,000 Steps to Goloka

If 1,000 donors sponsor $10,000 each, the entire drive will be a success, so everyone’s step counts!

ISKCON Greater Columbus | p 23

Room Sponsorship Opportunities
Room Room Size Number of Full Sponsorship
Name (sq.ft.) Rooms / Amount
1 Temple room 3,600 1 $500,000
2 Dining hall 3,400 1 $500,000
3 Parking 200 spaces $500,000
4 Landscape 1 $400,000
5 Lobby with fountain 2,400 1 $400,000
6 Café & kitchen 2,000 1 $300,000
7 Art gallery / Amenities 1,400 1 $200,000
8 Deity storage 1,200 1 $180,000
9 Cow sanctuary /Barn 1 $150,000
10 Yoga studio 1,000 1 $150,000
11 Bhakti lounge 1,000 1 $150,000
12 Prasādam room 1,000 1 $150,000 BHAKTI LOUNGE
13 Furniture $150,000
14 Kitchen equipment $150,000
In recognition of the generous gifts from
15 Playroom 700 1 $100,000
16 Coat Room 700 2 $100,000 John & Mary Smith
17 Altar 1 $100,000
18 Event space 600 2 $90,000
19 Fitness room 600 1 $90,000
20 Courtyard 500 1 $75,000
21 Elevator 1 $75,000
22 Classroom 400 3 $60,000
23 Ashram / Priest room 400 3 $60,000
24 Guest room 250 4 $40,000
25 Pool with fountain 1 $40,000
26 Reflecting pools 2 $30,000
27 Monk/ Nun room 200 10 $30,000
28 Tulasi 200 1 $30,000
29 Counsel room 120 2 $20,000
30 Temple room bench 10 $10,000

When sponsoring each of the above rooms, your sponsorship will cover the cost of construction, interior build-out and
furniture of the room. Your name and sponsorship will be acknowledged on the plaque outside the room.

p 24 | Hare Krishna Land




Tim Lai ArchitecT

22 400 W Rich Street,

Columbus, OH 43215
T.614.321.5128 F.614.453.8728

These drawings are instruments of service and property of Tim lai

ArchitecT. All designs and other information on the drawings are for
the use on the specified project and shall not be used otherwise
without the expressed written permission of Tim Lai ArchitecT.
c Copyrighted 2016

10 6 7
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22 16

27 27 30 30 30

27 23 27
8 30
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Second Floor Plan 1 FIRSTFirst Floor Plan

PROJECT # 16111
3/32" = 1'-0"
3/32" = 1'-0"
Issue Date

0' 2' 5' 10' 20'

Co-sponsorship opportunities are also available. 02

0' 2' 5' 10' 20'

Please contact us today at 1-844-ISKCON (1-844-475-2662) or to discuss further.

ISKCON Greater Columbus | p 25

Krishna says, "Abandon all
varieties of religion and just
surrender unto Me. I shall deliver
you from all sinful reactions. Do not

Bhagavad Gita, 18.66

p 26 | Hare Krishna Land

Raise Your Hands

Raise Your Voice

Raise Your Consciousness

Raise Your Community

ISKCON Greater Columbus | p 27

New Temple Location
1-844-ISKCON (1-844-475-2662) 3508 Walker Rd, Hilliard, OH 43026

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