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Srila Gurudeva’s Bangalore visit

Public Program

Srila Gurudeva will be visiting Bangalore during September 2009. He shall deliver a
public address:

Venue: Chowdaiah Memorial Hall, Mallesvaram 17th Cross, Bangalore – 560 003
Date: Sep 13th 2009
Time: 10 am

Spiritual Initiation

Srila Gurudeva will also give spiritual initiation (diksa) and personal guidance to the
interested people.

Venue: Sri Ranganatha Gaudiya Matha, Near Nritya Grama, Hesarghatta, Bangalore –
560 088
Date: Sep 14th 2009
Time: 7 am

For more information, please contact:

Name Phone Email

Dr. Swami BV Dandi 9379447895
Swami BV Vishnu Daivata 9900885241
Shyam Prabhu 9880031415
Madan Mohan Brahmacari 9379056735
Bilva Mangal Thakura 080-25242929
Chandrasekhara Prabhu 9342755588

The essence of Srila Gurudeva’s teachings in brief

Om Vishnupada Astottara-sata Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Gosvami Maharaja

Reason for Srila Gurudeva’s advent in the material world

Om Vishnupada Astottara-sata Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Gosvami Maharaja took

birth in Bihar, India in year 1921. The Pandavas, who were the great devotees of Lord Sri
Krishna, never visited Bihar. Therefore, to sanctify the land of Bihar, he appeared on the
day of Mauni Amavasya (the new moon night). On the new moon day, there is no moon
in the sky, however Srila Gurudeva appeared as the spiritual moon to remove the spiritual
darkness the contemporary India is facing. A great devotee of Lord Krishna descended
personally from Lord Krishna’s spiritual abode, Goloka-dhama 1to help the humankind.
In addition, Srila Gurudeva’s birthplace in Bihar is located near Gautama Rishi’s
ashrama, where he has cursed his wife Ahalya to become a stone. Lord Ramachandra
came there and simply by the touch of Lord Ramachandra’s lotus feet, Ahalya regained
her spiritual body and became liberated from the curse of her husband. Therefore, Srila
Gurudeva’s appearance near Gautama Rishi Ashrama signifies that he has arrived in this
world to all the living entities of this world from the curse of painful material existence.

Srila Gurudeva meets his Spiritual Master

From his very childhood, he was very quiet and spiritual by nature. Even before he was
initiated, he was already chanting one hundred thousand names of Sri Krishna daily. Srila

Spiritual abode of Lord Krishna, which beyond the influence of time factor. It free from the four defects
of material life, namely, birth, death, disease and old age. It is a self-illuminated abode located above all the
material and spiritual planets.
Gurudeva was known as Sri Narayana Tiwari then. He accepted the position of a Police
Officer. However soon he developed a detachment from material life, job, family etc. and
developed a strong attraction for spiritual life. Some preachers from Gaudiya Matha had
visited his area and hearing the sublime teachings of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, he felt
an irresistible attraction towards Lord Krishna. Therefore, he left his job, family, wealth,
property etc. and came to take shelter at the feet of His eternal Divine Spiritual Master
Om Vishnupada Astottara-sata Srila Bhakti-prajnana Kesava Gosvami Maharaja. His
Gurudeva was a stalwart Vaisnavas. He was a scholar par excellence.

Srila Kesava Gosvami Maharaja seeing the unprecedented qualities of young Narayana
Tiwari bestowed hari-nama, second initiation and later even the renounced order of life
(sannyasa) upon him. Srila Gurudeva always served his own Spiritual Master with great
love and affection. Srila Gurudeva never hesitated even to risk his own life in the service
of his spiritual master.

Srila Gurudeva’s exemplary literary contribution

Srila Gurudeva was ordered by His own Spiritual Master to translate the book known as
Jaiva-dharma of Srila Bhakti-vinoda Thakura from Bengali to Hindi. Srila Gurudeva
diligently translated this book to Hindi. Jaiva-dharma that will be soon published in
Kannada language for the first time is an ocean of knowledge stored up in a small jar.
This book contains the essence of the Vedas, Upanisads, Puranas, Maha-bharata,
Ramayana, Srimad Bhagavd-gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam, and Vedanta-sutras. Simply by
studying this one book, one becomes a thorough expert in spiritual knowledge. Srila
Gurudeva recommends that every one should study Jaiva Dharma at least 108 times in
one’s lifetime.

Srila Gurudeva then continued to translate the spiritual literature of immense value from
Bengali to Hindi. So far, he has published more than 100 Hindi titles and 80 English
titles. His Bhagavad-gita based on Srila Visvanatha Chakravarti Thakura’s nectarean
commentary of Lord Krishna’s instruction to Arjuna contains more than 1000 pages. He
was given excellent purports to Lord Krishna’s teachings to the humanity.

Srila Gurudeva was an intimate friend of Srila Bhakti-vedanta Swami Prabhupada of

ISKCON. Srila Prabhupada chose him as the successor of the worldwide Hare Krishna
movement. He served Srila Prabhupada from 1947. Srila Gurudeva is the current Acharya
of Krishna Consciousness movement that originated from Lord Krishna and His first
disciple Sri Brahma, who has four heads.

Gurudeva’s solution for India’s caste-based prejudice

India is suffering from caste consciousness. Some people think that they are superior to
others just because they are born in a socially higher family. However, Sri Caitanya
Mahaprabhu, Lord Krishna’s manifestation in Kali-yuga, proclaimed that “It does not
matter whether a person is a vipra [learned scholar in Vedic wisdom] or is born in a lower
family, or is in the renounced order of life—if he is master in the science of Krishna, he is
the perfect and bona fide spiritual master.” Srila Gurudeva has always told his disciples
that they should respect a person based on his spiritual advancement and not based on his
birth. Recently a Chinese guru who has 70,000 disciples accepted initiation from Srila
Gurudeva. He also wants to build a nice temple for Sri Sri Radha Krishna and Sri
Chaitanya Mahaprabhu in China.

Glories of India and the duty of Indians towards the World

Srila Gurudeva points out that India is a great spiritual land. All the incarnations of
Bhagavan appear in India only. By simply remembering one of the seven holy rivers in
India, namely, Ganga, Yamuna, Sarasvati, Narmada, Sindhu or Kaveri, one becomes free
the repetition of repeated birth and death. Srila Gurudeva glorifies the land of India in his
speeches. He urges those who are born in this holy land of India to practice and preach
the love of Godhead as taught by Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.

Maha-prasada is literally the mercy of Lord Krishna

Srila Gurudeva recommends that we should offer one’s foodstuffs to Lord Krishna with a
tulasi leaf. Lord Krishna is completely satisfied if one offers him a glass of water, fruits,
flowers or even ordinary chapati2 or rice with subji 3with love and affection. Lord
Krishna sanctifies those foodstuffs and takes away the sinful reactions from those
foodstuffs. Srila Gurudeva points out that the foodstuffs that are not offered to Lord Sri
Krishna are not worthy of partaking and will instead increase our material attachment
leading to misery. Rather Maha-prasada, the food offered to Lord Krishna, with love and
affection will save us from bodily diseases and would give bhakti for Lord Krishna’s
lotus feet.

Some rules and regulations for great spiritual life

Srila Gurudeva advises all his followers and disciples to circumambulate Lord Krishna’s
temple and Tulasi-devi (the tulasi plant) four times everyday. He recommends that all
should get up early in the morning about two hours before sunrise and take a bath.
Wearing a fresh cloth and gopi-chandana tilaka on the forehead, one should chant the
holy names of Lord Krishna on tulasi beads.

Srila Gurudeva advises everyone to abstain from drinking coffee and tea. Coffee and tea
contains dangerous chemicals such as caffeine. The chemicals that are found in coffee
and tea make one sick and reduce one’s quality of life in a long run. In addition, tobacco
contains nicotine that leads to cancer and other unhealthy consequences.
Indian bread
Spicy Indian curry made from vegetables
Drinking sweet elixir of Lord Krishna’s pastimes in His holy abode

Srila Gurudeva requests all to visit the holy places such as Vrindavana during Kartika
(generally October-November), Navadvipa Dhama during last week of Phalguna
(generally March), and Jagannatha-puri during Purusottama Masa (the intercalary month
of the leap year of Indian Lunar calendar). By visiting these holy places and by hearing
the nectarean pastimes of Lord Krishna during these months one becomes free from
material attachment to family, friends, relatives, job, careers, body and bodily needs. One
actually develops pure love for Lord Sri Krishna by simply hearing hari-katha 4during
these months.”

Recommended fasts that please Bhagavan

Srila Gurudeva advises everyone to observe a fast on the appearance day of Lord
Krishna, Lord Balarama, Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, Lord Nityananda Prabhu, Lord Sri
Advaita Acharya, Lord Vamana-deva, Lord Narasimha-deva, and Maha-shivaratri. He
states: By simply observing a complete or a limited fast taking permitted foodstuffs at
designated times on these holy days, one will develop a strong devotion for Lord Krishna.

The precautions during Eclipse

Srila Gurudeva warns of dire permanent health maladies and damage if one takes food or
water during the period of solar or lunar eclipse. During the solar or lunar eclipse, the
atmosphere of the earth becomes contaminated because the Rahu planet swallows the sun
or the moon. All the foodstuffs are contaminated during time. One should rather chant the
Hare Krishna mantra on the beads or loudly on cymbals in the company of others. Srila
Gurudeva recommends that one should not sleep or if possible, even not pass urine or
stool during the time of eclipse. After the eclipse is finished, one should take a bath and
wear fresh clothes and put on gopi-chandana tilaka on twelve designated limbs of the
body including forehead.

Hare Krishna mantra can inundate parched earth with fresh, sweet

This year India is experiencing a semi-drought condition due to the lack of sufficient rain.
However, Srila Gurudeva recommends that by simply loudly singing the Hare Krishna
maha-mantra in the congregational assembly, Lord Krishna will be pleased. This loud

Nectarean pastimes of Lord Krishna and His beloved devotees
public chanting is very dear to Him and thus, He will order lord Indra, the in-charge of
“Rain Department” to shower profuse rain on the earth.

Srila Gurudeva recommends the sacrifice of the chanting of the holy name of Lord
Krishna, is the only feasible and easily accessible sacrifice in Kali-yuga. It is impossible
to perform fire sacrifice in Kali-yuga on a large scale due to the prohibitive prices of
clarified butter (ghee) and due to the lack of qualified brahmana priests who can chant
the Vedic mantras without a mistake. However simply by clapping hands and vibrating
the Hare Krishna maha-mantra by the tongue, one will please the Supreme Lord and thus
gain entrance in the spiritual world.

Srila Gurudeva points out that all want to be happy in this world, but unfortunately, we all
are unhappy. This material world is a place of misery as certified by Lord Sri Krishna in
Srimad Bhagavad-gita as duhkhalayam (miserable) and asasvatam (temporary or
transient). Therefore, we should accept a good Spiritual Master and become happy
forever by serving Lord Krishna under his guidance.

The three functions of GOD and Guru

Srila Gurudeva points out that the word GOD is spelled as G – O – D. He states: “G”
stands for Generator. “O” stands for Operator. “D” stands for Destroyer. God is the
creator of this world, maintainer of this world and destroyer of this world. Although Sri
Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, He has delegated such activities to Lord
Brahma, Lord Vishnu, and Lord Shiva who are His expansions and incarnations.

Guru is compared to Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesa (Shiva). Because Guru creates bhakti
(devotion) in one’s heart, so he is compared to Brahma. He maintains the creeper of
devotion in one’s heart, so he is compared to Vishnu. Since he destroys all the unwanted
habits in the heart of the practitioner of bhakti, he is compared to Shiva.

Gurudeva is heavier than God, because he carries Bhagavan in his heart. In this world, it
is essential that one accept a spiritual master. Lord Sri Krishna took a mantra from
Bhaguri Muni. Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, although being Bhagavan, accepted Srila
Isvara Puripada as His spiritual master and accepted Gopala-mantra from him.

Srila Gurudeva’s crusade against social evils

Srila Gurudeva has reformed the bad habits of his disciples who belong to Russia, China,
Japan, Indonesia, Malaysia, USA, England, Italy, France, Australia, New Zealand and so
on. Many of disciples were addicted to tobacco, liquor, illicit sex, gambling and other bad
habits. They had no faith in Bhagavan Sri Krishna or Guru. However, by Srila
Gurudeva’s mercy, they have given up bad habits of smoking and drinking. They were
accustomed to eat meat, fish and eggs that are unhealthy and are products of violence.
However Srila Gurudeva told them that “meat” means “me” + “eat”. “I eat you now and
you will eat me in the next life.” So explaining that the animal slaughtered by you will
slaughter you in the next lifetime, he made his disciples and followers give up eating

Tulasi – the goddess that please Lord Krishna

Srila Gurudeva has instructed his disciples that they should worship Tulasi plant every
day. Tulasi plant is the manifestation of Sri Krishna’s yoga-maya, the spiritual potency
that helps devotees meet Him. Moreover, the presence of Tulasi plant in the house
destroys the dangerous bacteria and viruses in the vicinity. Moreover, if you wear Tulasi
necklace around the neck, then the diabetes and blood pressure are controlled. By
wearing Tulasi necklace, one will not be bewildered despite facing severe difficulties in

Benefits of Ekadasi fast

Srila Gurudeva requests all his disciples to observe Ekadasi. By observing Ekadasi fast
and not taking beans and grains on this holy day, one develops strong resistance to the
mental agitation caused by the new moon and full days that follow the Ekadasi days
every month. Moreover, by avoiding grains and beans on Ekadasi day, one gives rest to
the body and body become stronger.

Lord Krishna and His favorite mantra

Srila Gurudeva recommends that everyone should chant Hare Krishna maha-mantra,

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna

Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama
Rama Rama Hare Hare

By chanting this maha-mantra, one becomes free all the physical and mental ailments.
This mantra is not only beneficial for the human beings but also for animals. If trees and
animals hear this mantra, they experience better growth.

Srila Gurudeva mentions that Sri Krishna the Supreme Personality of Godhead. He is the
ruler of all the other devatas (the authoritative demigods) such Sri Brahma and Sri Siva.
If one wants to be happy in this world and next, one should worship Sri Krishna
exclusively. One should show respect towards other devatas because they are the part of
Lord Sri Krishna. For example: Although a chaste woman may serve and respect her
other in-laws appropriately, she would have an exclusive and unique love for her
husband. Similarly, one should have exclusive love for Sri Krishna, however one should
not disregard other devatas, who are also the devotees and servitors of Lord Krishna.
Be tolerant and humble to receive Lord Krishna’s grace

Srila Gurudeva recommends that one should become more tolerant than a tree and more
humble than a blade of grass. Just as a tree will not protest if you break its branches or
trunk, we should also become more tolerant than the tree itself. Srila Gurudeva
recommends that one should not protest if one is harmed or if others loot one’s
possessions. He recommends complete non-violence and tolerance. He says that one
should think that “I am suffering due to my past life’s misdeeds, so let me undergo this
suffering and patiently chant the holy names of Sri Krishna and He shall protect me.”

Do not blame others for your misery

Srila Gurudeva tells us a story about a woman whose only son was bitten by a snake and
died. The snake charmer caught the snake and blamed the death on the snake. He wanted
to kill the snake. However the woman asked, would my son come back to life if you kill
this snake? The snake also assured that he was ordered by Kala (time personified) to kill
this boy. Kala also appeared on the scene and told that the boy in the past life had killed
this snake (who was also a boy then). Therefore, as a reaction, the snake has bitten and
killed this body. So, Gurudeva adds, “So we should try to remember this. If anyone is
insulting you, if anyone is beating you or doing any abuse to you, don’t think him an
enemy. Your activities are your enemy. So how should your activities be from now on and
in the future? Do not criticize, do not offend, do not to do anything wrong. Otherwise
your activities will return and do this.”

A strict prohibition against Onion, Garlic, Carrots and Red Lentils

Srila Gurudeva advises that his followers and disciples should not eat onion, garlic,
carrots and red lentils (masur-dal). These four substances are equated to cow’s flesh in
the Vedic scriptures and bring sinful reaction when partaken. Moreover, the onions and
garlic contain 20 different toxins that hamper the functionality of the brain. The brain
consists of two parts. The co-ordination between the left side and the right side of the
brain is known as intelligence. However, the toxins in the onion and garlic that are
stronger than DDT destroy this co-ordination and make one less intelligent and alert. In
USA, many airline companies are advising their pilots not to abstain from onion or garlic
three days in advance, if they have to fly the airplane. Otherwise, their reaction time
would be too long and thus they might crash the airplane. EEG 5of the brain shows that
onions and garlic are very dangerous and practically “kill” the brain for some time. Garlic
and onion juice is very poisonous and passes through the blood rapidly, finally reaching
one’s brain to damage it.

A graphical record of electrical activity of the brain; produced by an electroencephalograph
Deity is the incarnation of Bhagavan that is easily accessible for

Srila Gurudeva has established many big temples and centers in Govardhana, Mathura,
Vrindavana, New Delhi, Bangalore, Navadvipa, Jagannatha-puri, Los Angeles, Houston,
Fiji and Australia. His disciples hail from more than 60 countries. Srila Gurudeva tells us
that the temples are the place for worshipping the Supreme Lord. The Deity of the Lord is
not made of stone or brass; rather the Deity is the manifestation of Bhagavan. Just as
Bhagavan Sri Krishna eats, sleeps, protects His devotees, sees, smiles, dances, sings,
feels compassion for His devotees and anger towards the Demoniac people, similarly the
Deity also experiences the same sentiments. Deity is Bhagavan’s worshipable incarnation
(arca-avatara) for the benefit of His devotees. Deity is nondifferent from Bhagavan.

Pilgrimages create detachment from material world and attachment

to Lord Krishna

Srila Gurudeva has a very strong attraction for the holy abodes of Sri Vrindavana and
Mathura. He has personally lead for sixty consecutive years His national and
international disciples and followers on the parikrama (pilgrimage) of the holy places in
Sri Vrindavana Dhama during the holy month of Kartika. Kartika is the holiest month in
the Indian calendar. This month belongs to Srimati Radhika. Srimati Radhika is the
internal potency and beloved consort of Lord Sri Krishna. By visiting the holy places in
Vrindavana Dhama during Kartika, one receives the causeless mercy of Lord Krishna and
His beloved Srimati Radhika.

Srila Gurudeva also performs the Parikrama (circumambulation) of Navadvipa Dhama

where Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, Sri Krishna’s manifestation in Kali-yuga, took birth
about 500 years ago. Sri Gurudeva tells us that Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and His abode
are more merciful that Lord Sri Krishna and His abode Sri Vrindavana Dhama. By taking
shelter and by circumambulating Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s abode, one will receive
pure devotion for the lotus feet of Lord Sri Krishna.

Seek parental guidance for marriage and other important decisions

Srila Gurudeva comments that India has currently imported one disease from America.
That disease is known as “divorce”. The young boys and girls are attracted to each other
and then out of lust, they get married. However soon they find themselves unfit to lead a
life together and divorce each other. This is not good. Rather the boys and girls should
accept the life partners recommended by their wise parents. This is the age-old custom of
India and should be followed by everyone.
Necessity of Guru

Srila Gurudeva stresses the point that Guru is mandatory to receive spiritual knowledge.
If one does not accept a bona fide spiritual master, then one cannot obtain spiritual
knowledge. One must receive the Krishna mantras from the lips of a pure devotee. Then
only those mantras will have the potency to eradicate one’s ignorance and bestow prema,
the love of Godhead. Srila Gurudeva advises one to meet and serve a pure devotee of
Lord Krishna. Srila Gurudeva advises that one should make earnest inquiries by asking
pertinent questions about one’s spiritual life to such a spiritual master. A spiritual master
who is not advanced himself, or who is not initiated properly in the disciplic succession
himself cannot give one any help in understanding Lord Krishna’s trancedental name,
form, qualities and pastimes.

God is one but He has innumerable assistants

Srila Gurudeva states, “Vedic culture insists that you should give all honor to your Guru,
be very respectful to your Vedic culture, and give up your wicked ways. A man may ask,
“Why do you worship so many demigods and gods like Ramachandra, Varahadeva,
Narasimha, Shankara, Ganesha, Kali, and Durga?” We actually have only one God.
However, if there is a king, a queen must be with him. If one is king, a kingdom must be
there with many officials and generals. In the same way Krishna, the Supreme Personality
of Godhead, has multiple energies and deputed servants.”

Quest for Immortality

In Canada, Srila Gurudeva gave an excellent class in Vedic Cultural Center. He told,
“Actually, we should know what is Vedic culture. We think we know, but really, we have
many misconceptions. What is Veda? Veda means knowledge. Knowledge of what?
Where did this world come from, who are we, and what is this universe? Why do we
become old and why do we die? We don’t want to become old, but still we become old.
We don’t want to die, but still we die. We want to be happy, but still we are unhappy.
Why are we born? A person may not want to be blind or lame from birth, but still it is so.
Why is a person born in that family? Why is someone born in the family of the president
of America and someone else is born in the family of a very poor beggar? Even though
someone may study for sixteen years, still every year he fails his exams. Why does he
have no intelligence? Some are dumb. Why?

Sanatana-dharma answers all of your difficult questions

Buddhism and all other religions cannot give complete explanations. Vedic culture,
sanatana-dharma, however, has the answers that completely satisfy these inquiries. Vedic
culture means to know the answers to all these questions: why do we become old and
who created this world? After death, what becomes of us? Why is one very happy
throughout his life and someone else is suffering since birth? Veda has explained
everything completely. Not a single question remains unexplained. Everything is solved.
Who spoke the Vedas? Bhagavan Krishna Himself. There are no faults in the Vedas,
Whatever has been spoken in Veda is correct to the fullest extent. Previously there was
only one Veda, and that was Atharva Veda. Vyasadeva realized that the people of kali-
yuga would not be able to understand the language of this Veda, and he therefore divided
it into four: Rg Veda, Sama Veda, Yajur Veda, and the remaining portion was again called
Atharva Veda. In this way, four Vedas were created. What is the subject matter of these

Brahmana Veda and Upanishad Veda

The four Vedas were again divided into two: Brahmana Veda and Upanishad Veda. The
Brahmana Veda describes fire sacrifices that can fulfill any earthly desire, as well as any
heavenly attainment. Even the desire to attain Brahmaloka could be fulfilled by fire
sacrifice. A person who had no sons could, by fire sacrifice, have many sons. Someone
who was ill could become very healthy. Someone could have ten heads like Ravana. By
fire sacrifice, someone could also become like Hiranyakasipu. Hiranyakasipu could not
be killed in the day or in the night, in the sky or on land, inside or outside, nor in any
month of the year. He attained all these by the power of fire sacrifice. This is Brahmana

They should all be qualified by knowing and following the rules and regulations of
Brahmana Veda. However, the desires that are fulfilled in this way are all for worldly
desires. Upanishad Veda is comprised of transcendental knowledge, and it is called
Vedanta—the essence and conclusion of all the Vedas' knowledge. What is this jagat
(material world)? Who is Brahma? Who is the creator? What happens to the living being
after death? The Upanishad has all conclusions. Upanishad Veda has many divisions,
such as Aranyaka, and so on, for those in household life, and also for others who have
given up everything and gone to the forest to remember the Supreme Personality of

Vedanta Sutras and its spotless commentary Srimad Bhagavatam

In the land of Bharata (India) there were, and still are, people who can recite all the
slokas 6of the Srimad Bhagavad-gita from memory. Vyasadeva kept all the mantras of
the Vedas in his heart and could speak them. As this age advances, however, there is no
real brahmacharya 7— all are becoming lusty. There is no proper food, and no proper air
or water. Now, in so many parts of the world, you have to buy mineral water. Nowadays
there are practically no uncontaminated vegetables or foods in this world, this is a very
big problem.

Celibacy or abstinence from engaging in sex by body, words or mind
For those of this age who have less intelligence, Srila Vyasadeva wrote a very useful
book called Vedanta Sutra, Upanishad Sutra, or Brahma Sutra. Therein Vyasadeva
reconciled all the teachings of the Vedas and Upanishads and compiled the essence of
that into 550 sutras.

After compiling Vedanta Sutra, Vyasadeva saw that no one would be able to understand it
and reconcile it, and therefore he wrote a bhashya, commentary. What is that bhashya?
Srimad Bhagavatam is the complete commentary on Vedanta Sutra. Whatever was in the
Vedas, Upanisads, Aranya, etc., he put in Vedanta Sutra. Then, again he explained it, first
in Gita and then in Srimad Bhagavatam. The essence of all Upanishads was given by Sri
Krishna in Bhagavad-gita, and the essence of all Vedas, all Vedic literature, is Srimad

nigama-kalpa-taror galitam phalam

suka-mukhad amrta-drava-samyutam
pibata bhagavatam rasam alayam
muhur aho rasika bhuvi bhavukah

["O expert and thoughtful men, relish Srimad Bhagavatam, the mature fruit of the desire
tree of Vedic literatures. It emanated from the lips of Sri Sukadeva Gosvami. Therefore
this fruit has become even more tasteful, although its nectarine juice was already
relishable for all, including liberated souls." (Srimad Bhagavatam 1.1.3)]

Srila Gurudeva says that Lord Sri Krishna, the ultimate manifestation of Parabrahman has
a spiritual form and is certainly not formless. He says, “Sometimes in the Vedas and
Upanishads it seems to indicate that Brahma is nirakara — brahma-nirvisesa-nirakara
avyakta anadi — without form or qualities. The actual teaching of Veda is that Bhagavan
has form, but people today will not believe it. Vyasadeva has reconciled everything.
Modern people would not believe in Lord Krishna, but they will believe in
impersonalism. Especially now I am seeing that everywhere in the world Buddhists are
preaching so much, but they don’t acknowledge or accept the form of the Supreme
Personality of Godhead. Either they don’t recognize or they don’t tell — that Brahman
has form.”

The Holy Bible and Koran assure that God is not formless

He continues, “We see that Christians are also not properly accepting the form of God,
although it is written in the first chapter of the Bible that God created man after His own
image. They cannot deny this statement from their own scriptures. Why are they not
admitting the form of God? If He is Father and Jesus is His Son, and if His Son has some
shape, the Father must also have some shape. Surely. they cannot deny this. However,
they are ignorant of the deep philosophy within the Bible.

Muslims also don’t accept that God has form. They also deny it, but in their Koran it has
been written that God has made man in His image. So this also cannot be denied. The
Buddhists don’t have any faith in God at all. Why, therefore, are there so many Buddhist
murtis (deities)? I have seen some deities of Buddha that are more then 25 feet high. Why
are there so many forms of Buddha throughout the world? Why are they doing this?
Where has this form come from? They cannot reconcile these truths.”

World is not false, albeit temporary

Srila Gurudeva points out that this world is temporary but not false. Buddhists say that
this world is false, but it is not false. We see that Rama has come here, Krsna has come,
and Shankara has also come to this world. How can this world be false? It is never false.
You are not this physical body. To think that this physical body is you or your spiritual
body is false. The conception of this physical body as oneself is quite false. My relations
— this is my father, this is my mother — are all false. They will one day die and be put
into a cremation ground.

Srila Gurudeva warns us that the old age is slowly approaching us. No one likes the old
age but one will unfortunately become old one day. At one time, we were very beautiful.
In our youth, when we were about sixteen years of age, we were very beautiful. However,
how will the most beautiful teenage girl talk when her teeth are gone? What will became
of one's beautiful hair when it is gray? Therefore, we should perform devotional service
of Lord Krishna from an early age of five. In the old age, one has no strength even to take
care of one’s own body, how then can one execute the devotional service of Bhagavan in
such a delicate state? So one should start early in one’s devotional service.

Srila Gurudeva tells us, “You cannot take anything from this world at the time of death.
To identify with the body is to be like the dogs. These are not my words. Vedas are telling
these things. Dharmena hinah pasubhih samanah: Eating, sleeping, mating and
defending are common between human beings and animals. However only a human
being practice dharma and not animals. Having this human body, when there is a chance
to realize, they are not realizing who is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Who am I?”

Suicide is escapism and denotes lack of faith in Lord Krishna

Srila Gurudeva’s advice to the young generation is not to become hopeless and commit
suicide. He tells that if you commit suicide, you cannot escape the imminent suffering in
the next lifetime. Suicide is not the solution for one’s problems. The persons who commit
suicide have not faith in themselves, Gurudeva or Bhagavan. Today the statistics shows
that in Bangalore itself, more than 2000 people commit suicide every year. Many of these
people are educated and well to do. This shows that the modern education sans Srimad
Bhagavad-gita has simply created spiritual weaklings and not the men with nerves of
steel and heart of diamond.
Easy to follow Sanatana Dharma

Srila Gurudeva advises us to follow the Sanatana Dharma. Sanatana Dharma is different
from Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Zoroastrianism, Buddhism and so on.
Sanatana Dharma does not require one to do bow down 10 times a day like in Namaz. All
one has to do is to chant the names of Bhagavan “Govinda, Damodara, Madhaveti”.
Simply by chanting the holy names of Lord Sri Krishna, one can easily for Sanatana

You can chant, "Govinda Damodara Madhaveti" when you are doing anything. While
driving the car, why not chant? Using the steering wheel to keep time, you can chant,
"Govinda Damodara Madhaveti." While walking in a good park, why not take your mala
and chant, "Govinda Damodara Madhaveti"? When your son is weeping, you should not
tell him to sleep. Tell him instead, "You should chant, 'Govinda Damodara Madhaveti.'"
At the birth of your sons and daughters, you should chant, "Govinda Damodara
Madhaveti." Even at the death of your father, mother, wife, or any relative, you can take
them on your shoulder and tell them, "Govinda Damodara Madhaveti." You can quarrel
with anyone and chant. You should chant while you are quarreling, "Govinda Damodara
Madhaveti" — and be happy forever, eternally.

This is the essence of Vedic culture. If this culture is not there, it means there is no Vedic
culture. Try to have love and affection for all, even for an ant. If you want to realize
yourself, if you want to realize the Supreme Personality of Godhead, if you want to
realize this maya and this whole universe, what should you do? Chant, "Govinda
Damodara Madhaveti."

Presence on the Internet

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