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Trump Presidency 18 - December 6, 2017 To December 19,2017

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Are The “Alt-Left” & Alt-Right W/Soros Help

& “The Deep State” Going To Destroy

Our President And Country?

The 2017 Trump

Presidency - #18
December 6, 2017 to December 19, 2017

Mueller Has Found Flynn Guilty, Will

This Help The “Psycho Left” Destroy
The Trump Presidency
And United States of America?
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F.R.E.D. Productions
November 2017

House Roll Call: Impeachment xxx

House Roll Call: Impeachment
The Associated Press
December 06, 2017 05:50 PM
UPDATED December 06, 2017 05:51 PM

The 364-58 roll call Wednesday by which the House killed Y; Sherman, N; Speier, Y; Swalwell, Y; Takano, Y;
a resolution to impeach President Donald Trump. Thompson, Y; Torres, Y; Vargas, N; Waters, Maxine, N.

 A "yes" vote is a vote to kill the resolution. Republicans — Calvert, Y; Cook, Y; Denham, Y; Hunter,
 Voting yes were 126 Democrats and 238 Republicans. Y; Issa, Y; Knight, Y; LaMalfa, Y; McCarthy, Y;
 Voting no were 58 Democrats and 0 Republicans. McClintock, Y; Nunes, Y; Rohrabacher, Y; Royce, Y;
 X denotes those not voting. Valadao, Y; Walters, Mimi, Y.

Present denotes those who voted they were "present" at the COLORADO
time of the vote but did not vote yes or no on the issue.
Democrats — DeGette, Y; Perlmutter, Y; Polis, N.
There are 2 vacancies in the 435-member House.
Republicans — Buck, Y; Coffman, Y; Lamborn, Y;
ALABAMA Tipton, Y.

Democrats — Sewell, Present. CONNECTICUT

Republicans — Aderholt, Y; Brooks, Y; Byrne, Y; Palmer, Democrats — Courtney, Y; DeLauro, Y; Esty, Y; Himes,
Y; Roby, Y; Rogers, Y. Y; Larson, Y.


Republicans — Young, Y. Democrats — Blunt Rochester, Y.


Democrats — Gallego, Y; Grijalva, N; O'Halleran, Y; Democrats — Castor, Y; Crist, Y; Demings, Y; Deutch, Y;

Sinema, Y. Frankel, N; Hastings, N; Lawson, Y; Murphy, Y; Soto, Y;
Wasserman Schultz, Y; Wilson, N.
Republicans — Biggs, Y; Franks, Y; Gosar, Y; McSally,
Y; Schweikert, Y. Republicans — Bilirakis, Y; Buchanan, Y; Curbelo, Y;
DeSantis, Y; Diaz-Balart, Y; Dunn, Y; Gaetz, Y; Mast, Y;
Posey, Y; Rooney, Francis, Y; Rooney, Thomas J., Y;
Ros-Lehtinen, Y; Ross, Y; Rutherford, Y; Webster, Y;
Yoho, Y.
Republicans — Crawford, Y; Hill, Y; Westerman, Y;
Womack, Y.
Democrats — Bishop, Y; Johnson, Y; Lewis, N; Scott,
David, Y.
Democrats — Aguilar, Y; Barragan, N; Bass, N; Bera, Y;
Brownley, X; Carbajal, Y; Cardenas, Y; Chu, Judy, Y;
Republicans — Allen, Y; Carter, Y; Collins, Y; Ferguson,
Correa, Y; Costa, Y; Davis, Y; DeSaulnier, N; Eshoo, Y;
Y; Graves, Y; Handel, Y; Hice, Jody B., Y; Loudermilk,
Garamendi, Y; Gomez, N; Huffman, N; Khanna, Y; Lee,
Y; Scott, Austin, Y; Woodall, Y.
N; Lieu, Ted, N; Lofgren, Y; Lowenthal, Y; Matsui, Y;
McNerney, N; Napolitano, N; Panetta, Y; Pelosi, Y;
Peters, Y; Roybal-Allard, Y; Ruiz, Y; Sanchez, Y; Schiff, HAWAII

Democrats — Gabbard, Y; Hanabusa, Y. Democrats — Brown, Y; Cummings, Y; Delaney, Y;
Hoyer, Y; Raskin, N; Ruppersberger, Y; Sarbanes, Y.
Republicans — Harris, Y.
Republicans — Labrador, Y; Simpson, Y.
Democrats — Capuano, N; Clark, N; Keating, Y;
Democrats — Bustos, Y; Davis, Danny, N; Foster, Y; Kennedy, X; Lynch, Y; McGovern, N; Moulton, N; Neal,
Gutierrez, X; Kelly, N; Krishnamoorthi, Y; Lipinski, Y; Y; Tsongas, Y.
Quigley, Y; Rush, N; Schakowsky, N; Schneider, Y.
Republicans — Bost, Y; Davis, Rodney, Y; Hultgren, Y;
Kinzinger, Y; LaHood, Y; Roskam, Y; Shimkus, Y. Democrats — Dingell, Y; Kildee, Y; Lawrence, N; Levin,
Republicans — Amash, Y; Bergman, Y; Bishop, Y;
Democrats — Carson, Y; Visclosky, Y. Huizenga, Y; Mitchell, Y; Moolenaar, Y; Trott, Y; Upton,
Y; Walberg, Y.
Republicans — Banks, Y; Brooks, Y; Bucshon, Y;
Hollingsworth, Y; Messer, Y; Rokita, Y; Walorski, Y. MINNESOTA

IOWA Democrats — Ellison, N; McCollum, N; Nolan, Y;

Peterson, Y; Walz, N.
Democrats — Loebsack, Y.
Republicans — Emmer, Y; Lewis, Y; Paulsen, Y.
Republicans — Blum, Y; King, Y; Young, Y.
Democrats — Thompson, N.
Republicans — Estes, Y; Jenkins, Y; Marshall, Y; Yoder,
Y. Republicans — Harper, Y; Kelly, Y; Palazzo, Y.


Democrats — Yarmuth, Y. Democrats — Clay, N; Cleaver, Y.

Republicans — Barr, Y; Comer, Y; Guthrie, Y; Massie, Y; Republicans — Graves, Y; Hartzler, Y; Long, Y;

Rogers, Y. Luetkemeyer, Y; Smith, Y; Wagner, Y.


Democrats — Richmond, N. Republicans — Gianforte, Y.

Republicans — Abraham, Y; Graves, Y; Higgins, Y; NEBRASKA

Johnson, Y; Scalise, Y.
Republicans — Bacon, Y; Fortenberry, Y; Smith, Y.
Democrats — Pingree, N.
Democrats — Kihuen, Y; Rosen, Y; Titus, N.
Republicans — Poliquin, Y.
Republicans — Amodei, Y.
Democrats — Kuster, Y; Shea-Porter, Present. Democrats — Blumenauer, Y; Bonamici, Y; DeFazio, Y;
Schrader, Y.
Republicans — Walden, Y.
Democrats — Gottheimer, Y; Norcross, N; Pallone, N;
Pascrell, N; Payne, X; Sires, Y; Watson Coleman, N. PENNSYLVANIA

Republicans — Frelinghuysen, Y; Lance, Y; LoBiondo, Y; Democrats — Boyle, Brendan F., Y; Brady, N; Cartwright,
MacArthur, Y; Smith, Y. Y; Doyle, Michael F., Y; Evans, N.

NEW MEXICO Republicans — Barletta, Y; Costello, Y; Dent, Y;

Fitzpatrick, Y; Kelly, Y; Marino, Y; Meehan, Y; Perry, Y;
Democrats — Lujan Grisham, M., Y; Lujan, Ben Ray, Y. Rothfus, Y; Shuster, Y; Smucker, Y; Thompson, Y.

Republicans — Pearce, Y. RHODE ISLAND

NEW YORK Democrats — Cicilline, Y; Langevin, Y.

Democrats — Clarke, N; Crowley, Y; Engel, N; Espaillat, SOUTH CAROLINA

N; Higgins, N; Jeffries, Y; Lowey, Y; Maloney, Carolyn
B., Y; Maloney, Sean, Y; Meeks, Y; Meng, Y; Nadler, Y; Democrats — Clyburn, N.
Rice, Y; Serrano, Y; Slaughter, N; Suozzi, Y; Tonko, Y;
Velazquez, Y. Republicans — Duncan, Y; Gowdy, Y; Norman, Y; Rice,
Y; Sanford, Y; Wilson, Y.
Republicans — Collins, Y; Donovan, Y; Faso, Y; Katko,
Y; King, Y; Reed, Y; Stefanik, Y; Tenney, Y; Zeldin, Y. SOUTH DAKOTA

NORTH CAROLINA Republicans — Noem, Y.

Democrats — Adams, N; Butterfield, Y; Price, Y. TENNESSEE

Republicans — Budd, Y; Foxx, Y; Holding, Y; Hudson, Democrats — Cohen, N; Cooper, Y.

Y; Jones, Y; McHenry, Y; Meadows, Y; Pittenger, Y;
Rouzer, Y; Walker, Y.
Republicans — Black, Y; Blackburn, Y; DesJarlais, Y;
Duncan, Y; Fleischmann, Y; Kustoff, Y; Roe, Y.
Republicans — Cramer, Y.
Democrats — Castro, Present; Cuellar, Y; Doggett, N;
OHIO Gonzalez, Y; Green, Al, N; Green, Gene, Y; Jackson Lee,
N; Johnson, E. B., Y; O'Rourke, Y; Veasey, Present; Vela,
Democrats — Beatty, N; Fudge, N; Kaptur, Y; Ryan, Y. N.

Republicans — Chabot, Y; Davidson, Y; Gibbs, Y; Republicans — Arrington, Y; Babin, Y; Barton, Y; Brady,

Johnson, Y; Jordan, Y; Joyce, Y; Latta, Y; Renacci, Y; Y; Burgess, Y; Carter, Y; Conaway, Y; Culberson, Y;
Stivers, Y; Tiberi, Y; Turner, Y; Wenstrup, Y. Farenthold, Y; Flores, Y; Gohmert, Y; Granger, Y;
Hensarling, Y; Hurd, Y; Johnson, Sam, Y; Marchant, Y;
OKLAHOMA McCaul, Y; Olson, Y; Poe, Y; Ratcliffe, Y; Sessions, Y;
Smith, Y; Thornberry, Y; Weber, Y; Williams, Y.
Republicans — Bridenstine, X; Cole, Y; Lucas, Y; Mullin,
Y; Russell, Y. UTAH

OREGON Republicans — Bishop, Y; Curtis, Y; Love, Y; Stewart, Y.


Democrats — Welch, Y. WEST VIRGINIA

VIRGINIA Republicans — Jenkins, Y; McKinley, Y; Mooney, Y.

Democrats — Beyer, Y; Connolly, Y; McEachin, Y; Scott, WISCONSIN

Democrats — Kind, Y; Moore, N; Pocan, X.
Republicans — Brat, Y; Comstock, Y; Garrett, Y;
Goodlatte, Y; Griffith, Y; Taylor, Y; Wittman, Y. Republicans — Duffy, Y; Gallagher, Y; Grothman, Y;
Sensenbrenner, Y.
Democrats — DelBene, Y; Heck, Y; Jayapal, N; Kilmer,
Y; Larsen, Y; Smith, Y. Republicans — Cheney, Y.

Republicans — Herrera Beutler, Y; McMorris Rodgers, Y;

Newhouse, Y; Reichert, Y.

THIRD Member Of Special Counsel
Mueller’s Legal Team Investigating Trump Found To Be A
Political Hack For Democrats
By JD Heyes
Wednesday, December 06, 2017

Democratic National Committee Services


Rhee has also given to other Democrats, including Sens.

Mark Udall of New Mexico, Chris Van Hollen of
Maryland and Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island.

Now, as exclusively reported by Fox News’ Laura

Ingraham on her program Tuesday, Rhee also worked in
the Obama Justice Department as a deputy assistant
attorney general in the office of legal counsel, which
provided legal advice to the Obama White House.
Months ago critics of special counsel Robert Mueller
pointed out that as he was assembling his legal team while Moreover, Rhee served as the personal
ramping up his probe of alleged “collusion” between the attorney of Obama’s deputy national
Trump campaign and Russia to “steal the election” from security advisor, Ben Rhodes.
Hillary Clinton — which we now know is completely
bogus — he appeared to be putting together a hit squad of Adding more fuel to the bias fire, Ingraham noted that
Democrat-leaning lawyers. Rhee also worked in private practice with Andrew
Weissmann, another Mueller team member who received
“Four top lawyers hired by Mueller have deserved criticism this past week after it was discovered
contributed tens of thousands of dollars that he sent demonstrably partisan email to a former top
over the years to the Democratic Party and Justice Department official. He praised outgoing Acting
Democratic candidates, including former Attorney General Sally Yates for refusing to enforce
President Barack Obama and President Trump’s first travel ban.
Donald J. Trump’s 2016 opponent, Hillary
Clinton,” Lifezette reported in June. “I’m so proud and in awe. Thank you so
much. All my deepest respect,” he wrote.
As further noted by The National Sentinel, one of those Trump fired Yates after she refused to do
attorneys is Jeannie Rhee. She has worked as a lawyer for her job.
the Clinton Foundation and actually helped persuade a
federal judge to block a conservative activist’s attempts to Rhee becomes the third member of the Mueller team to
require the former first couple to respond under oath to demonstrate “brazen partisanship” towards the party
questions under oath surrounding their family-operated opposed to the president, behind FBI counterterrorism
charity. (Related: Now DEMS have a ‘Russia problem.’) investigator Peter Strzok (who has since been demoted off
the investigation) and Weissmann, who also has a history
Also, of donating to Democrats, including then-Sen. Barack
Obama in 2008, during his first campaign for president,
when he wrote a check for $2,300.
“Rhee donated the maximum individual
amount of $2,700 to Clinton in 2015 and
2016. In addition, she gave Obama 2,300 “There is no way these people are going to
in 2008 and $2,500 in 2011,” the site be fair to Trump – a fact not lost on former
reported. “While still working for the Justice House Speaker Newt Gingrich, an informal
Department, she donated $250 to the advisor to the president,” The National
Sentinel noted.
Ingraham agrees. In November, House Republicans introduced a resolution
calling on Mueller to step down after it’s become obvious
“What Mueller did was hire a pedigree he’s a deep state operative who is so overwhelmingly
team of obvious partisans,” she said. “They compromised it’s hard to imagine we’re watching real life
should all step aside, including Bob and not a Hollywood political thriller.
“Mueller’s got to go… Congressional
She’s not the first to call for Mueller to step down, pressure is growing by the hour,” Rep. Matt
especially as more is learned about Strzok — who Gaetz, R-Fla., said. “Mueller was not a
exchanged anti-Trump, pro-Clinton emails with FBI spectator to the transactions” regarding the
lawyer Lisa Page, whom he was also having an Uranium One scandal and other events
extramarital affair with. “that now give us grave concern,” he
“Republicans are delusional if they think
the special counsel is going to be fair. Look Natural News founder/editor Mike Adams, writing at
who he is hiring. check fec reports. Time to network affiliate site News Target, added that it is
rethink,” former House Speaker Newt
Gingrich, R-Ga., tweeted in June, using the “time to ARREST Robert Mueller, James
acronym for the Federal Election Comey, Hillary Clinton, Peter Strzok and
Commission, which tracks political the rest of the lawless gang trying to
donations. overthrow America.”

Rev. Graham: No President In My Lifetime
Has Defended The Christian Faith Like Trump
By Michael W. Chapman
December 6, 2017 | 4:52 PM EST

extraordinary gift of all – the gift of God’s

love for all of humanity.
“Whatever our beliefs we know that the
birth of Jesus Christ and the story of this
incredible life forever changed the course
of human history. There’s hardly an aspect
of our lives today that His life has not
touched – art, music, culture, law and our
respect for the sacred dignity of every
person, everywhere in the world.
"... At Christmas we are reminded more
Rev. Franklin Graham. (BGEA) than ever that the family is the bedrock of
American life.
In reference to remarks made by President Donald Trump “And so this Christmas we ask for God’s
at the lighting of the national Christmas tree, Rev. Franklin blessings for our family, for our nation. And
Graham said no president in his lifetime had taken such a we pray that our country will be a place
"strong, outspoken stand for the Christian faith" than where every child knows a home filled with
President Trump and that he needs our prayers. love, a community rich with hope, and a
nation blessed with faith.”
In a Dec. 1 post on Facebook, the day the tree was lit, Rev.
Graham said, "Never in my lifetime have we had a
president willing to take a strong, outspoken stand for the
Christian faith like President Donald J. Trump has."

"Whether you are Protestant, evangelical,

Orthodox, Catholic -- all Christians need to
get behind him with our prayers," said
At the lighting event on Dec. 1, President Trump, in part
President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump. (YouTube)
“For Christians this is a holy season, the
celebration of the birth of our Lord and
Savior Jesus Christ. The Christmas story
begins 2,000 years ago with a mother, a
father, their baby son, and the most

Tucker Rips 'Fraud' Gillibrand For Covering
For Bill Clinton And Now Demanding Franken Resign
December 6, 2017

said of her change in tone toward Bill

Clinton. "She's a fraud."

Of those who, like Gillibrand, have called for Franken to

resign amid on-the-record and anonymous claims of
misconduct, Carlson warned not to take glee in others'

He expressed his own distaste for Franken but asked what

any viewer would think if such a thing happened to them.

Franken's latest accuser has remained anonymous, he said.

Tucker Carlson reacted to Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand's (D-
N.Y.) demand that embattled Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.)
resign amid sexual misconduct claims. "What goes around comes around."

Gillibrand was one of the first to call for Franken's

resignation, and also slammed allegations of forcible rape
against President Clinton, Carlson said.

"[Gillibrand] is an opportunist and a phony,"

Carlson said of the junior senator, who took
the seat of Hillary Clinton after being
appointed by then-Gov. David Paterson (D-

Gillibrand, who touted her support for the Clintons, was

chosen by Paterson after former First Daughter Caroline
Kennedy eventually declined to pursue the appointment.

Carlson showed a picture of Gillibrand with Bill Clinton

and mentioned her formerly unwavering support for
Hillary Clinton's presidential aspirations.

He said that Gillibrand "gave cover" to those accused of

sexual misconduct when it was "convenient," noting
claims by Juanita Broaddrick that the former president
raped her.

"Nothing has changed except for

Gillibrand's own political calculations," he

SET-UP: Whistleblower Says Top FBI
Exec Suggested Bureau Had Personal Motives To
Ruin Michael Flynn’s Career
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On December 7, 2017

“We are here today calling for an incontrovertible evidence showing a major
investigation into FBI systems and al Qaeda figure had directed the attack and
procedures that have allowed special the information had already been briefed to
treatment and bias to run rampant” President Obama, the lawmaker said,” The
Hill reported.

In the days following the attack, in which four Americans

and the U.S. ambassador, Christopher Stevens, were killed,
the Obama administration including then-Secretary of
State Hillary Clinton repeatedly blamed the attack on
anger over an anti-Muslim video, not terrorism.

That turned out to be false.

Left to right: James Comey, FBI Director, John Brennan, CIA
Director, James Clapper, Director of National Intelligence, and U.S.
Army Lt. Gen. Michael T. FLynn, Defense Intelligence Agency DeSantis says the whistleblower’s story is another example
Director, testify before the House Permanent Select Committee on of how the FBI was politicized under the previous
Intelligence in Washington D.C. on Feb. 4, 2014. The directors are
fielding questions about the impacts of recent events and the steps
being taken by the intelligence community to prevent future
incidents. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Jonathan Lovelady) “What operational reason would there be to
issue an edict to agents telling them, in the
face of virtually conclusive evidence to the
(National Sentinel) The Swamp: A whistleblower has told contrary, not to categorize the Benghazi
a U.S. lawmaker that he witnessed a senior FBI executive attack as a result of terrorism? By placing
suggest the FBI had a personal motive and targeted former the interests of the Obama administration
Trump national security advisor Michael Flynn with the over the public’s interests, the order is yet
purpose of ruining his career. another data point highlighting the
politicization of the FBI,” DeSantis said.
As reported by The Hill, the whistleblower told Rep. Ron
DeSantis, R-Fla., there may even be a video of FBI He also noted that there have been distinct differences in
executives and agents discussing how to destroy Flynn. high-profile FBI investigations over the past few years,
notably, that of Clinton’s criminal mishandling of
The news comes as FBI Director Christopher Wray is set classified materials and the bureau’s probe of alleged
to testify before the House on Thursday about alleged anti- collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian
Trump political bias within the bureau. government.

The Hill noted that DeSantis, on Wednesday, interviewed a “The data points we have regarding
recently-retired FBI supervisor who said he was told by politicization are damning enough but
Deputy Director Andrew McCabe not to call the 2012 appear all the more problematic when
Benghazi attack an act of terrorism when he was preparing viewed against the backdrop of
a report on the FBI’s findings to the larger intelligence investigations whose ferocity seemed to
community. depend on the target: the Clinton case was
investigated with an eye towards how to
“The agent found the instruction concerning exonerate her and her associates, while
because his unit had gathered the Russia investigation is being conducted

using scorched earth tactics that seek to “The wildly divergent ways these
find anything to use against Trump investigations have been conducted appear
associates,” DeSantis told The Hill. to dovetail with the political bias that has
been uncovered,” DeSantis said.
In addition, DeSantis said he held talks with another
whistleblower who claimed to be a witness to a Several Republicans have said they believe the FBI’s
teleconference in February between FBI leadership and handling of Clinton’s email investigation was highly
special agents in charge the day Flynn resigned over politicized with an aim towards exonerating who they
misleading Vice President Mike Pence regarding his believed would become their next boss.
contacts with Russia’s U.S. ambassador.
“We are here today calling for an
DeSantis said the person he spoke with claimed that a investigation into FBI systems and
senior FBI executive made an inappropriate comment procedures that have allowed special
hinting that the bureau had a personal motive in treatment and bias to run rampant,” Rep.
investigating Flynn and ruining his career. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., said. “The law
demands equal treatment for all, not
DeSantis wants the bureau to let him know if there is a ‘special’ treatment for some. There is a
video record of the teleconference. clear and consistent pattern of treating the
Clinton investigation differently than other

BUSTED? Deputy AG Rosenstein
To Appear Before House Judiciary Committee To Answer
Questions About Mueller’s Political BIAS
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On December 7, 2017

“Next week, Members of the House investigator allegedly has been removed
Judiciary Committee will have the from the special counsel’s team for sending
opportunity to ask Deputy Attorney General anti-Trump texts,” Goodlatte said.
Rosenstein about these developments”
“He is also believed to have played a key
role in the Clinton investigation, which
allowed her and her associates to go
unpunished for their use of a private email
server to send and receive classified
information, he added. “Another
prosecutor, who remains on the special
counsel’s team, has expressed views
opposing President Trump’s agenda.”

He added,
(National Sentinel) Testimony: Deputy Attorney General
Rod Rosenstein has been called to appear before the House
Judiciary Committee next week to answer questions “Next week, Members of the House
regarding reports of political bias against President Donald Judiciary Committee will have the
J. Trump on the staff of special counsel Robert Mueller. opportunity to ask Deputy Attorney General
Rosenstein about these developments
since he is tasked with overseeing the
In a statement issued Wednesday, Chairman Bob special counsel’s investigation.
Goodlatte, R-Va., said he is deeply troubled by recent
reports regarding suspect political motives among “We look forward to hearing from Deputy
Mueller’s staff. Attorney General Rosenstein on the many
issues facing the Justice Department and
In particular, Goodlatte and other Republican members of on answers to the many questions
the committee want to know more about former lead FBI Members have regarding issues before the
counterintelligence investigator Peter Strzok, who was Department,” the chairman said.
removed by Mueller earlier this year after the Justice
Department’s inspector general discovered he exchanged Rosenstein appointed Mueller after Attorney General Jeff
anti-Trump texts messages with an FBI lawyer, Lisa Page, Sessions recused himself from any Russia-related Justice
and Mueller staff lawyer Andrew Weissmann, who praised Department investigation.
former acting AG Sally Yates after she refused to defend
the president’s first travel ban. During testimony before the House earlier this year, fired
FBI Director James Comey said he leaked a memo he had
“I am very troubled by the recent written after an alleged conversation with Trump regarding
controversy surrounding staff assigned to dropping the bureau’s investigation into Trump’s first
the special counsel’s investigation into national security advisor, Michael Flynn, who pleaded
Russian interference in last year’s guilty last week in federal court for lying to FBI agents,
presidential election. For example, one one of whom was Strzok.

ADP Services Reports Largest
Number Of New Manufacturing Jobs In History
– 40,000 New Manufacturing Jobs In November
By Jim Hoft
Thursday, December 7, 2017

Talk about promises kept…the revival of American

manufacturing is staggering. In the ADP report 40,000
new manufacturing jobs were created in November the
highest number ever for the report (back to 2002).

ADP’s report shows 40,000 new jobs created in November

in the manufacturing sector.

According to the ADP report, Mark Zandi, chief economist

of Moody’s Analytics, said –

The job market is red hot, with broad-based

job gains across industries and company
Payroll company ADP reported the sizes. The only soft spots are in industries
largest monthly increase in manu- being disrupted by technology, brick-and-
facturing jobs ever in their history for mortar retailing being the best example.
Winning, Winning, Winning, Record Setting!
Charles Payne from FOX Business reported yesterday that
America under President Trump is in a Manufacturing
Renaissance –

Attorney Gregg Jarrett: ‘Mueller
Investigation Illegitimate;’ FBI Acting ‘Like KGB’
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On December 7, 2017

“In addition to the FBI, the Office of Special recently the Mueller investigation. This is a
Counsel and the Justice Department have guy who has corrupt political motives,” said
also been shown to be utterly corrupt” Jarrett.

He also mentioned Andrew Weissmann, an anti-Trump

lawyer on Mueller’s team who praised former Acting
Attorney General Sally Yates’ decision not to defend the
president’s first travel ban.

Also, in recent days it’s been learned that Mueller’s former

top FBI investigator, Peter Strzok, was dismissed over the
summer after exchanging anti-Trump, pro-Hillary Clinton
messages with FBI lawyer Lisa Page, with whom he was
(National Sentinel) Special Corruption: Fox News legal
having an extramarital affair.
analyst Gregg Jarrett told “Hannity” host Sean Hannity on
Wednesday that he believes special counsel Robert
Mueller’s investigation into alleged Trump-Russia In the past Garrett and other critics of Mueller have also
collusion is “illegitimate and corrupt,” and that certain noted that the special counsel has filled his staff with
elements within the FBI are behaving more like the old attorneys who would appear to be natural political
Soviet-era secret police. opponents of the president, with many of them having
financially supported Democratic congressional candidates
or the Clintons.
“The Mueller investigation is illegitimate
and corrupt and Mueller has been using the
FBI as a political weapon,” he said. J. D. Heyes, editor-in-chief of The National Sentinel, also
pointed out that the FBI was behaving more like the KGB
“The FBI has become America’s secret in a Wednesday column for NewsTarget.
police. Secret surveillance, wiretapping,
intimidation, harassment and threats. It’s
As evidenced by the level of corruption seen in the
like the old KGB that comes for you in the
investigation and outing of former Trump national security
dark of the night banging through your
advisor Michael Flynn, “the FBI has been transformed into
door,” Jarrett continued.
the kind of political secret police force that used to
terrorize Soviet citizens:
The lawyer and legal analyst talked about how the FBI
went after former Trump campaign manager Paul
The KGB.
Manafort, knocking his door down during a heavily armed
early morning raid why he and his wife were in bed.
“In addition to the FBI, the Office of Special
Counsel and the Justice Department have
“The FBI is a shadow government now. It
also been shown to be utterly corrupt,” he
has become highly politicized. Peter Strzok
is the perfect example of it and he led both
the Hillary Clinton investigation and until

Manufacturing Jobs Aren’t Coming Back –
Then Trump Sets Record Of 40,000 Manufacturing
Jobs In One Month
By Jim Hoft
Thursday, December 7, 2017

Barack Obama, the worst president in Yesterday, ADP Services reported

modern history, was asked in June 2016 the largest number of new manu-
about the Carrier Corp jobs in Indiana. facturing jobs in history – 40,000!
Obama is still wrong.
Obama responded –

“When somebody says like the person you

just mentioned who I’m not going to
advertise for, that he’s going to bring all
these jobs back. Well how exectly are you
going to do that? What are you going to
do? There’s uh-uh no answer to it. He just
says. “I’m going to negotiate a better deal.”
Well how? How exactly are you going to
negotiate that? What magic wand do you
have? And usually the answer is, he
doesn’t have an answer.

Pope Francis SLAMS Trump’s Recognition
Of Jerusalem As The Israeli Capital: ‘I Cannot Keep Quiet’
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On December 7, 2017

Congress overwhelmingly passed the Jerusalem Embassy embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, in recognition of the
Act in 1995 new designation.

Congress overwhelmingly passed the Jerusalem Embassy

Act in 1995, but then-President Bill Clinton refused to sign
it, saying it would damage the Mideast peace process. The
bill became law despite his refusal, however, because he
also refused to veto it.

The law also contains a provision that allows presidents to

issue six-month waivers on moving the U.S. embassy,
which every president since the law’s passage has done.
(National Sentinel) Vicar of Complaints: Pope Francis on
This week the White House said Trump would also issue a
Wednesday criticized President Donald J. Trump’s
waiver but that it would begin the process of selecting a
decision to allow the U.S. to recognize Jerusalem as
site for the new U.S. embassy in Jerusalem and work on
Israel’s rightful capital, claiming he cannot remain silent
funding it, a process that is expected to take three-four
over the designation.
“I make a heartfelt appeal so that all
As for Pope Frances, he called for all to honor United
commit themselves to respecting the status
Nations resolutions on the city, which is sacred to Jews,
quo of the city, in conformity with the
Christians and Muslims.
pertinent resolutions of the United Nations,”
he said, as reported by the UK’s Daily Mail.
Muslim leaders complained that the decision undercuts
peace talks, but supporters of Trump pointed out that peace
At his general audience with the faithful, the pontiff told
talks have long been stalled anyway, and that Palestinians
thousands gathered,
and other Muslim nations oppose Israeli’s very existence.
“I cannot keep quiet about my deep
They also noted that in terms of religious diversity,
concern about the situation that has been
Christians and Jews are regularly persecuted throughout
created in the last few days.”
the Middle East, even though that’s the birthplace of their
religion as well.
As part of Trump’s announcement, the administration also
said that in the coming years the U.S. would move its

CNN Praises Trump For Keeping
Promise To Israel – Then Slams Him In Next Sentence
by Jim Hoft
Thursday, December 7, 2017

They just can’t help themselves.

Via Reddit The Donald:

Very #FakeNews CNN praised President Trump for

keeping his promise to move the US embassy to Jerusalem
and declare Jerusalem the capital of Israel.

Trump made the historic announcement on Wednesday.

Both Barack Obama and George W. Bush made the same

announcement but failed to come through on their

CNN headlined their post:

Donald Trump, Keeper of Promises.
Then they went after him in the next

Chaotic Year, Yes, But CAN’T Deny
Trump’s Been Good For Economy
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On December 7, 2017

“President Trump has an ace in the hole to the so-called Great Recession of 2008-09, which began
that his opponents are forgetting. Again!” before Obama took office.

But in the years since, the economy under

Obama never reached 3 percent growth,
making him the first president in history to
never achieve that goal.

Crudele notes that economic growth under Trump has

already reached at least 3 percent twice — 3.1 percent in
the 2nd quarter and 3.3. percent in the third. And thus far,
fourth quarter growth is around 3.2 percent.
(National Sentinel) Winning: In a column for the New
York Post, John Crudele acknowledged that President
“Job growth has also been moderately
Donald J. Trump’s first year in office has been chaotic.
good, although the hurricanes this fall are
But he also said that it cannot be denied that his policies
making it hard to determine just how good,”
have been very good for economic growth. he wrote.

“President Trump has an ace in the hole Meanwhile, the stock market has been soaring to new
that his opponents are forgetting. Again!” heights, with addition records broken this week as
his column began. Republicans moved closer to passing a tax reform
“Despite all the sideshows — the alleged measure, the first major effort in three decades.
Russian interference in the election,
obstruction of justice probes, ringers in However, Crudele warns, if the market is in a bubble that
Trump investigations and, of course, the eventually bursts and other economic factors weaken,
president’s big mouth and poor judgment
— Trump became president because of
“the president is going to find a whole lot
one thing: The US economy hadn’t been
more people who won’t tolerate him.”
growing enough to please voters,” he said.
And from all indications, the president has fulfilled that
all-important campaign objective.
“if the economic numbers hold up, Trump-
haters are going to have a hard time
During the eight years of President Obama, Crudele noted
getting those who merely dislike him on
that the economy was tepid at best. Much of that was due
their bandwagon.”

Rep. Trey Gowdy On
Don Trump Jr. Testimony: He Did Not Break Any Laws
“He Didn’t Even Do Anything Improper” (Video)
By Jim Hoft
Thursday, December 7, 2017

On Wednesday Congress testified in

front of the House Intelligence
Committee for seven hours over his 20
minute meeting with a Russian lawyer
paid by Fusion GPS during the 2016

Democrat Representative Adam Schiff of California

leaked information from the hearing after the president’s
son testimony.

Trump Jr. spoke with the Russian Gowdy told FOX News Donald Trump Jr. was very
operative from Fusion GPS in June 2016 professional and did not break any laws. Gowdy added,
and then met with his father a year later
in July 2017. Democrats wanted him to “He didn’t even do anything improper.”
tell them about this meeting in 2017
which he refused.
Via America’s Newsroom:
On Thursday Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC)
spoke with America’s Newsroom about
Don Jr.’s marathon testimony.

President Trump, For Your Courage On Jerusalem
By Shmuley Boteach
7 Dec 2017

capital? Radical Muslims don’t need any new reasons to

attack us. They already view Americans as decadent
infidels who deserve death. We cannot allow our foreign
policy to be held hostage by people who despise our
democratic and religious values. If we based all our
policies on whether they might upset Muslim extremists,
we would be totally paralyzed.

To those who say moving the embassy will kill the peace
process, I have a simple question: What peace process
would that be?

I understand that the president is preparing his own

initiative and does not want to lose the opportunity to
make the “ultimate deal.” Despite this, however, the
prospects for reaching a deal will be enhanced by
During the presidential campaign, recognizing Jerusalem and moving the embassy. The
Donald Trump pledged that he would reason is that one of the prerequisites to a deal is
recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital disabusing our Palestinian brothers of the notion that
and move the U.S. embassy there from Jerusalem will be divided or that Israel will give up
Tel Aviv. He has now made a sovereignty over the holiest sites of Judaism. The fact that
courageous announcement making the Western Wall is in “occupied” East Jerusalem is
good on his campaign promise. irrelevant, as the Jewish history of the entire city dates to
the time of King David, centuries before Jordan divided
Recognition of reality is long overdue. the city, expelled the Jews, and became an occupying
The usual suspects — Palestinians and their supporters,
certain Arab governments, and some in the State The majority of the population in Jerusalem has been
Department — are howling as they do each time the issue Jewish since at least 1844. For most of history under the
is raised. The Palestinians say they will not negotiate, the Muslim Empire, Jerusalem was a backwater of no
Arabs say the Muslim world will revolt against us, and the significance and never served as a provincial capital or a
State Department says U.S. interests will be threatened and Muslim cultural center.
the peace process will end. The president has ignored these
doomsayers. As for religious significance, the entirety of Jerusalem is
holy to Jews. Our Muslim brothers only revere the Al-
First, we all want peace. Our Palestinian brothers have Aqsa Mosque. Palestinians have the right under Israeli law
refused to negotiate with Israel for eight years. They would to worship at the mosque, a right we should always
not talk after President Barack Obama coerced Prime protect.
Minister Netanyahu to freeze settlement construction for
10 months. They have made excuses ever since. During the Now that America has acted, the rest of the world’s leaders
summer, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas will hopefully follow suit. In fact, for those who fear
reached a reconciliation agreement with Hamas, joining violence because of a change in policy, the best way to
hands with the organization whose raison d’être is the send a message to the extremists that they cannot
annihilation of Israel. intimidate us is for every country to move its embassy to
Is it possible that some of our Muslim brothers will be
angry with the United States if it recognizes the obvious
fact that Jerusalem is, and has been since 1948, Israel’s
On a personal note, in my son’s bedroom there is a I have heard this story from my father from the time I was
photograph of my great-grandfather from Iran. He sports a a boy. This story of my ancestor indicates both what
long white beard and crushed hat. He was called Hajji Jerusalem means to the Jewish people why we must never
Chaim because more than 100 years ago, family tradition forfeit any part of it today.
has it, he traveled by foot over 2,000 kilometers from
Isfahan, Iran, all the way to the holy city of Jerusalem. His President Trump has electrified the world with official
dream was to plant his eyes upon the last fragments of the American recognition of the eternal Jewish connection to
Holy Temple, destroyed 2000 years earlier by the Romans. the holy city of Jerusalem and as the capital of Israel.
He was renowned in the Iranian Jewish community for
having made the great pilgrimage, and acquired the title
Thank you, President Trump.
Hajji for completing a form of a Jewish hajj.
G-d bless America.

Video: MSNBC Panel Decrees
Trump’s Dry-Mouth Is A ‘Mental Impairment’
Media Continues To Push Trump ‘Dementia’ Hoax
Steve Watson | Infowars.Com
December 7, 2017

“This is not the person that we knew even

three years ago. … There’s a remarkable
change,” said host Joe Scarborough,
before going on to state, once again, that
he thinks Trump has dementia.
“He seemed like he was almost hanging on
to the prompter and hanging on to the
words,” co-host Mika Brzezinski said.
“Something, I don’t know. … There was a
Another day, another declaration by the struggle happening.”
hosts and guests on MSNBC’s Morning “When you consider his age, his physical
Joe that the President is mentally condition, he does not look in great
unstable, this time for having dry-mouth physical shape and hasn’t for some time,”
during a speech. chimed in Daily Beast columnist Mike
After playing a clip of Trump speaking more clearly in the
“The anxiety, the worry, the burden of
1980’s, the panel then wildly speculated about the
knowing that Bob Mueller and the special
President’s mental health, owing to the fact that he slurred
prosecutor is out there investigating nearly
a couple of words:
every aspect of his life and his family’s
financial life and the fact that you know, he
doesn’t really know the mechanics, the
nuts and bolts of what he’s talking about a
lot of times.” Barnicle continued.
The White House responded to the questions about
Trump’s slurred speech, saying the president had a dry
mouth, the Los Angeles Times reported.
“His throat was dry. There’s nothing to it,”
White House spokesman Raj Shah said.

“I don’t know what the cause of it is,” said It is a daily ritual now on Morning Joe, the rest of MSNBC,
analyst Steve Schmidt, before going on to and the rest of the fake news media to suggest that the
discuss the President’s mental faculties President is mentally unstable. They have been doing it
and fitness. every day for months.

“And it doesn’t get any better when you see

clear impairments. I don’t know. Is that a
tooth problem? Is that something else? …
We don’t have updates on his health, we
don’t know what’s going on,” Schmidt
“This is the man who commands America’s
nuclear arsenal, and that video, that
speech, that impairment is chilling,”
Schmidt declared.

WSJ Editorial Board Calls For Robert Mueller
To Step Down After FBI Agent’s Anti-Trump Texts
By Adam Shaw
7 Dec 2017

notes in particular Mueller’s connection to former FBI

Director James Comey:

All of this reinforces our doubts about Mr.

Mueller’s ability to conduct a fair and
credible probe of the FBI’s considerable
part in the Russia-Trump drama. Mr.
Mueller ran the bureau for 12 years and is
fast friends with Mr. Comey, whose firing
by Mr. Trump triggered his appointment as
special counsel. The reluctance to
cooperate with a congressional inquiry
The Wall Street Journal increased the
compounds doubts related to this clear
pressure on embattled FBI Special
conflict of interest.
Counsel Robert Mueller’s Tuesday with
a scathing op-ed from its editorial
board, calling on Mueller to resign over The Journal also argues that there have been a number of
the controversy surrounding a lead examples of resistance from the FBI more broadly to
investigator’s anti-Trump texts. congressional oversight, particularly Deputy Attorney
General Rod Rosenstein’s role in ignoring House
subpoenas. Rosenstein appointed Mueller to the role.
The New York Times and the Washington Post reported
over the weekend that Mueller dismissed FBI agent Peter
Strzok over anti-Trump texts he sent to an FBI lawyer with The Journal argues that the increasing focus on the FBI,
whom he was having an extramarital affair. and Mueller’s role in that, means he should step down:

Since then, outlets have reported that Strzok was involved The latest news supports our view that Mr.
in the interview of former national security Michael Flynn, Mueller is too conflicted to investigate the
who was charged last week for lying to the FBI. Strzok FBI and should step down in favor of
was also involved in the Hillary Clinton email probe, someone more credible. The investigation
where he reportedly interviewed two top Clinton aides and would surely continue, though perhaps with
was later behind the change of language Comey used to someone who doesn’t think his job includes
describe her behavior — changing the language from protecting the FBI and Mr. Comey from
“grossly negligent” to “extremely careless.” answering questions about their role in the
2016 election.
The Journal’s editorial board argued Tuesday that the
scandal is reason for Mueller to stand down, noting that The Journal’s board called for Mueller to stand down in
Mueller and the Justice Department had kept the October after revelations about the FBI’s actions
information from investigators in the House, and refused to surrounding the sale of Uranium One to Russian energy
allow Strzok to be interviewed. giant Rosatom, as well as the need for answers behind the
FBI’s role in the Trump dossier.
The board, which can not accurately be described as “pro-
Trump,” argues in addition to the FBI’s questionable “It is no slur against Mr. Mueller’s integrity
moves and stonewalling — including about possible to say that he lacks the critical distance to
connections to the Fusion GPS “Trump dossier” — it is far conduct a credible probe of the bureau he
from clear if Mueller can be trusted to run the probe. It ran for a dozen years,” the Journal’s
editorial board wrote.

Morning Joe Frets That Trump’s
Jerusalem Decision Will Prevent Terror Group Hamas
From Becoming ‘More Mainstream’
By Chris Reeves
December 7, 2017 3:35 PM EST

On Thursday’s Morning Joe, the show’s liberal panelists four years with the rise of Iran, what that
were still reeling from the aftermath of President Trump’s meant for Sunni Arab countries who
speech yesterday publicly pledging to uphold Jerusalem’s suddenly did not see Israel as their grea- --
status as the capital of Israel. MSNBC’s morning pundits as the greatest threat.
were not upset at the violent protests being orchestrated by SALBI: It's true. Well, few things here. First,
Palestinian authorities though. Instead, they blamed Trump
we have to remember that actually, it was
for “setting the Middle East on fire.”
President Obama who did acknowledge
Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. He just
Host Joe Scarborough was especially never activated the moving of the embassy
mad at Trump, pounding his fists on the to Jerusalem and he didn't do that for
news desk as he complained that security reasons. It is not an easy job to
Trump’s decision had now prevented move the embassy to Jerusalem. This
Hamas, the terrorist Palestinian political actually jeopardize [sic] the security,
party that rules the Gaza Strip, from well-being of our personnel. So, one
becoming “more mainstream so we can thing. Second, second thing is here, a lot
bring peace to the region.” of Israelis are against what President
Trump said actually,-
Muslim feminist and founder of the nonprofit Women For SCARBOROUGH: Right.
Women International Zainab Salbi, who was a guest on the
show, took her own opportunity to whitewash Palestinians’ SALBI: -a lot of it.
long history of supporting genocidal terrorism by lying
Actually, not right Joe, not
that “Palestinians have never claimed anything towards
West Jerusalem.” In fact, for decades, Palestinian media at all.
and politicians have regularly called for destroying Israel
by reconquering it for Arab Muslims. Although there are no polls of Israelis’ reaction to Trump’s
speech available yet (at least in English), past polling
indicates pretty clearly that Israeli Jews not only strongly
support Jerusalem’s status as their capital, but they are
some of the President's strongest supporters abroad.

Back in May, when the President appeared to be

backtracking on his promise to move the U.S. embassy
from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, Israelis’ belief that Trump
was more pro-Israel than pro-Palestinian “sank” from 79%
to 56%. However, even this drop in support was
temporary. After Trump visited Israel later that same
month, 61% of Israelis returned to saying that Trump was
more pro-Israel.
Halfway through the first hour of their broadcast, Morning
Joe brought on Salbi to discuss the fallout from Trump’s It’s very hard to imagine that Trump’s speech, which
Jerusalem pledge: moves U.S. policy further in the direction of recognizing
Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, will make Israelis less
supportive of Trump.
SCARBOROUGH: So talk about the
impact across the Middle East and talk
about actually the historical opportunity that Salbi continued by railing against Israeli Prime Minister
we had been seeing over the past three or Benjamin Netanyahu’s “right-wing government” and

suggested that they are a “fundamentalist regime” in a On the other hand,
manner similar to the Iranian government, Lebanese terror
group and political party Hezbollah, and the Palestinian the PA and Hamas actively glorify
Authority, which is run jointly by Fatah and Hamas: terrorists, particularly suicide terrorists,
praising the killer and the act of killing
SALBI: This serves the right-wing as righteous and honorable.
government of Netanyahu. It doesn't
serve Israel. It serves a very particular Never mind, I’m sure this is all Trump’s fault somehow.
right-wing government in here. So that,
we -- let's remember that, and even Later on in the same segment,
Israelis are not pro-that because it
jeopardizes their interests, it
jeopardizes America’s interests. It just Scarborough certainly came to this
immediately took America as a, as a conclusion as he angrily lamented how
neutral player that can bring all, all sides Trump’s speech would prevent Hamas
together and it just eradicated America's from becoming “more mainstream” and
credibility in that. So I don't know what blamed the President for
Jared Kushner is thinking about, about “strengthening” Hamas’s base of
Arabs trusting him and getting back onto power:
the table. This just got erased in here.
Well you know, it is, it is important to note -- you know,
SCARBOROUGH: [trying to cut in] He’s, people like Jeb Bush came out in support of this move.
he’s thinking, he’s thinking, he’s actually There are a lot of people who supported this move. I know
thinking about doing what -- he thinks he’s
back, back when I was in Congress, I'm sure I signed one
doing what Israel wants. He’s not thinking
resolution after another to move the embassy to Jerusalem.
about the Middle East.
So much of that though for me was -- and by the way, my
SALBI: Right-wing Israel here. Now we Chief of Staff always joked, just, just to put it out on the
have to remember, this issue – Israel, table here, he said:
Jerusalem, Palestine, all of that – is
constantly being played by Joe, any time you want a key to the city of Tel Aviv, we
fundamentalist regimes and can handle that for you. [panel chuckles] ‘Cause I was as
fundamentalist parties in the region. pro Israel as you could get.
SALBI: They use it to justify and legitimize But everything I always did was about the deal, to push, to
their own, you know, militias, whether pressure, to bring the two sides together. And if the
Hezbollah, whether Iran, all of these things. Palestin- -- which, by the way, the Palestinians at some
So that feeds into the fuel that they are -- it point need to move to a point where they recognize Israel's
feeds into the fire they already use to right to exist.
mobilize the public.
They're not gonna do that now. You’re
Perhaps constant Palestinian state-sponsored propaganda not gon-, all -- you know, you have
calling for killing Jews and praising terrorist murderers as Hamas, who’s been in a weakened state
heroic defenders of Palestine is “feeding into the fire” of for years, and every time Hamas has
the conflict a bit more than presidential speeches. their back up against the wall, it
According to Palestinian Media Watch: happened a few years ago, [pounding
the news desk] every time Hamas has
its back up against the wall and maybe
Palestinian political, religious, and social frameworks be [sic] more mainstream so we can
justify and promote violence and terror. On the one hand, bring peace to the region, the United
States or Israel does something that
Imams on Hamas and PA [Palestinian feeds into their power, strengthens their
Authority] TV, political leaders and even base, and allows them to keep saying:
children routinely express calls for We will never recognize Israel's right to
future terror attacks against Jews and exist.
Joe, how exactly would you define a group of genocidal
Citing the inherent evil Jewish nature, they proclaim that it terrorists going “more mainstream”? In the Palestinian
is an Islamic and Palestinian duty to defend against the Authority, it is already “mainstream” to have kids on TV
immediate threat and kill Jews. waxing lyrical about blowing up Jews and waging jihad on
Israel. Do you seriously believe that groups like Hamas help of all the [Arab] doublecrossing, we
that promote those sorts of destructive views can ever be would never have left you, Palestine! But
politically moderate? we say what the Prophet said - that he
would return to [Mecca] because Allah
Salbi responded to Scarborough by reinforcing his promised him this. Allah promised him
argument, once again promoting the idea that Palestinians that he would return to Mecca as a
are just reasonable and responsible political actors who conqueror. We say to you Palestine: 'We
“have never claimed anything towards West Jerusalem” will return to you, Allah willing, we will
and simply want East Jerusalem for their own personal return to you,' We will return to every
“emotional” benefit: village, every town, and every speck of
soil, which was irrigated with the blood
of our forefathers, and the sweat of our
SALBI: That does that. But also, President
fathers and mothers. By Allah, we will
Trump did not actually change any legal
status in here.
This does not mean that if we agree to
return to the 1967 borders, we
SALBI: He kept it vague. relinquish the Land of Palestine. No!
I ask you:
SALBI: Palestinians have never claimed
anything towards West Jerusalem. They
only wanted East Jerusalem, which is Are we entitled to the 1967 borders or not?
significantly important emotionally,- Of course we are. Then let's return to them
by any means possible. We may be able to
SCARBOROUGH: Right. return to the 1967 borders through politics,
SALBI: -emotionally for the 350 Arabs, but to the 1948 borders, we will never
Muslims and Christians, and the 1.6 billion return through politics. As for the 1948
Muslims around the world. That’s what it borders – no-one in the world recognizes
does, it just fuels the emotions, exactly our right to them.
what you said. It just working into the Therefore, let's return to the 1967
psyche of, of right-wing people who wanted borders, and this would not mean that
that. But it also -- it fuels the emotions in we will relinquish Jerusalem, Haifa,
the street. It doesn’t change anything Jaffa, Lod, Ramle, or Tel Aviv [author’s
legally, actually. note: all cities located in Israel,
including some within pre-’48 borders].
In reality, Palestinians have claimed not just West
Jerusalem, but all of Israel, for themselves [author’s note Statements like those above are not exactly hard to come
and emphasis mine]: by. How did Salbi get away with spreading such blatant
Ibrahim Mudeiris: There is no land we love
as we love the land of Palestine. If the Whatever the explanation might be, it was honestly quite
Jews hadn't expelled us from you, with their disturbing to see Morning Joe reduced to pro-terrorist
planes, tanks, and weapons, and with the propaganda and apologia.

Top DOJ Official Demoted
Amid Probe Of Contacts With Trump Dossier Firm
Ohr Met During The 2016 Campaign With Dossier
Author Christopher Steele
By James Rosen, Jake Gibson | Fox News
December 7, 2017

2016 campaign with Christopher Steele, the former British

spy who authored the “dossier.”

Later, a Justice Department official told Fox News:

"It is unusual for anyone to wear two hats

as he has done recently. This person is
going to go back to a single focus—director
of our organized crime and drug
enforcement unit. As you know, combating
DOJ official Bruce G. Ohr has been demoted amid questions about transnational criminal organizations and
his contacts with an opposition research firm. (AP) drug trafficking is a top priority for the
attorney general."
EXCLUSIVE: A senior Justice Department official was
demoted this week amid an ongoing investigation into his Additionally, House investigators have determined that
contacts with the opposition research firm responsible for Ohr met shortly after the election with Glenn Simpson, the
the anti-Trump “dossier,” the department confirmed to Fox founder of Fusion GPS – the opposition research firm that
News. hired Steele to compile the dossier with funds supplied by
the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National
Until Wednesday morning, Bruce G. Ohr held two titles at Committee. By that point, according to published reports,
DOJ: the dossier had been in the hands of the FBI, which exists
under the aegis of DOJ, for some five months, and the
Associate deputy attorney general, a post surveillance on Carter Page, an adviser to the Trump
that placed him four doors down from his campaign, had started more than two months prior.
boss, Deputy Attorney General Rod
Rosenstein; and director of the Organized
Crime Drug Enforcement Task Forces
(OCDETF), a program described by the
department as “the centerpiece of the
attorney general’s drug strategy.”

Ohr will retain his OCDETF title but has been stripped of
his higher post and ousted from his office on the fourth
floor of “Main Justice.”

Initially senior department officials could not provide the

reason for Ohr’s demotion, but Fox News has learned that
evidence collected by the House Permanent Select Glenn Simpson met with a top DOJ official after the
Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI), chaired by Rep. election, Fox News has learned.
Devin Nunes, R-Calif., indicates that Ohr met during the

Former FBI Director James Comey, testifying before the human resources division. The agencies’ decision to make
House in March, described the dossier as a compendium of Strzok available to House investigators came on the same
“salacious and unverified” allegations against then- day that The New York Times and The Washington Post
candidate Donald Trump and his associates. The Nunes disclosed the existence of the anti-Trump text messages,
panel has spent much of this year investigating whether and Fox News disclosed that Strzok’s conduct in the
DOJ, under then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch, used the Clinton case was under review by the FBI’s Office of
dossier to justify a foreign surveillance warrant against Inspector General.
The demotion of Ohr thus marked the second time within a
The contacts between Ohr and Steele, and between Ohr matter of months that the Justice Department and the FBI
and Simpson, have not been publicly disclosed nor shared have disciplined for misconduct a senior official connected
with HPSCI staff. in some form or fashion to the Trump-Russia case.

The panel has issued numerous subpoenas for documents According to congressional sources, Simpson and Ohr met
and witnesses related to the dossier but claims DOJ and sometime around Thanksgiving last year, when President-
FBI have “stonewalled,” an assertion that House Speaker elect Trump was in the process of selecting his cabinet,
Paul Ryan, R-Wis., seconded in a rare public statement in and discussed over coffee the anti-Trump dossier, the
October. Russia investigation and what Simpson considered the
distressing development of Trump’s victory.
While the agencies say they have cooperated extensively
with Nunes and his team, including providing several How exactly Simpson and Ohr came to know each other is
hundred pages of classified documents relating to the still being investigated, but initial evidence collected by
dossier, it was only last weekend that DOJ and FBI agreed the House intelligence committee suggests that the two
to make available to the committee for questioning Peter were placed in touch by Steele, a former FBI informant
Strzok, the high-ranking FBI official who was disciplined whose contacts with Ohr are said by senior DOJ officials
in July for having sent-anti-Trump texts to a colleague to date back to 2006.
while playing a decisive role in last year’s investigation
into Mrs. Clinton’s private server. Nunes, who has instructed HPSCI staff to draft contempt-
of-Congress citations against Rosenstein and FBI Director
Strzok was removed from the staff of Special Counsel Christopher Wray – preparatory to a House vote on
Robert Mueller, who is probing allegations of collusion whether the citations should be enforced – issued a fresh
between the Trump campaign and the Russian subpoena on Thursday specifically covering Ohr and his
government, and demoted to a position on the FBI’s files.

Dershowitz: Anti-Trump FBI Agent Who
Investigated Michael Flynn Should Be “Severely Punished”
By JD Heyes
Thursday, December 07, 2017

move and the involvement he had with the Flynn, Clinton

and Trump investigations.

As for being present during Flynn’s questioning,

Dershowitz told Ingraham that Strzok “should have
recused himself.

“And I think he should be severely

punished,” he added. “He knew he had a
bias.” (Related: CONFIRMED: Trump-
hating FBI agent was on Mueller’s team;
The more we learn about the “Trump-Russia collusion” House Intel panel chairman threatens FBI,
hoax and why Hillary Clinton was not prosecuted for her DoJ with contempt.)
very prosecutable offense of criminally mishandling
classified information, the more we understand just how Ingraham noted that Democrats would be going insane
corrupt, politicized and pervasive the “deep state” swamp with anger if an anti-Clinton FBI agent had been looking
in D.C. has become. into her Hillary’s scandal.

The latest iteration of this process pertains to FBI Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to FBI agents last week.
counterintelligence investigator Peter Strzok, the agent Since that plea agreement, Left-wing Democrats and
responsible for altering then-FBI Director James Comey’s pundits have suggested that Trump may have obstructed
assessment of Clinton’s private email server, interviewing justice when he fired Comey earlier this year and allegedly
former national security advisor Michael Flynn, and who discussed pardons with Flynn.
also headed up the Clinton investigation and another into
Team Trump’s “collusion” nonsense. None of that is illegal, Dershowitz noted, because all of it
occurs within the constitutional authority of a president.
As reported by Lifezette, Strzok changed Comey’s now-
infamous July 2016 assessment of Clinton’s criminal “In order to be charged with obstruction of
behavior from “grossly negligent” — a key term that justice, you have to go beyond simply
carries legal implications — to “extremely careless,” a exercising a presidential prerogative under
softer phrase that does not appear anywhere in statutes Article II of the Constitution,” said
governing the handling of classified materials. Dershowitz. “If you bribe or take a bribe, if
you destroy evidence and do what
As such, he should be “severely punished,” Harvard [President Richard M.] Nixon did, which is
constitutional law professor Alan Dershowitz told Fox pay hush money or tell your subordinates
News’ Laura Ingraham Monday evening. to lie, of course, you can be charged with
obstruction of justice.”
In addition to opening the counterintelligence investigation
into Team Trump during last year’s campaign, Strzok was Both Nixon and former President Bill Clinton were
found by the Office of Special Counsel to have disparaged charged with obstruction of justice. Nixon resigned from
President Donald J. Trump in text messages exchanged office before impeachment proceedings were set to begin
with FBI lawyer Lisa Page, with whom he was also having in the House; Clinton was impeached by the House but the
an extramarital affair. Senate failed to convict him, which would have resulted in
his removal from office.
Special counsel Robert Mueller reassigned Strzok to the
FBI’s office of human resources, which is a demotion, “But you cannot be and should not be
over the summer, but he failed to inform Congress of the charged with obstruction of justice if you
merely pardon people,” Dershowitz added. Flynn made the phone call during the presidential
“You merely fire people even if the transition. The FBI asked Flynn about the call on Jan. 24
prosecution believes your intentions are not after details of the call were leaked to the media.
good. That’s what George H.W. Bush did.
He pardoned Caspar Weinberger and five Dershowitz said Trump had every right to discuss the case
other people. The special prosecutor said with Comey, and Comey’s replacement, Christopher
the intent was to stop the investigation of Wray, has since told Congress that the White House has
Iran-Contra. It succeeded. And nobody not obstructed the ongoing Russia collusion investigation.
suggested that President Bush be
“He can’t be charged with obstruction
merely for exercising his constitutional
Democrats have seized once again on claims by Comey prerogatives,” said Dershowitz. “That’s an
that Trump pressured him to let the Flynn matter go. The important distinction. No president in
former three-star general and director of the Defense history has ever been charged for any
Intelligence Agency resigned after less than a month as crime or anything because he exercised his
national security advisor after misleading Vice President constitutional prerogative.”
Mike Pence regarding a phone call a year ago with the
Russian ambassador.
The D.C. swamp is wide, deep, and disgusting.

FBI Director Silent On Whether Anti-Trump
Agent Used Peegate Dossier To Greenlight Trump Spying
Rep. Jordan: Did Anti-Trump FBI Agent Strzok Use Democratic
Opposition Research To Spy On Trump Campaign?
Jerome Corsi | Infowars.Com
December 7, 2017

would have to be dismissed,” Rep. Jim

Jordan (R-Ohio) pressed during
questioning at the House Judiciary
Committee on Thursday.
“It would be unprecedented if the FBI used
Democratic Party opposition research to
obtain FISA court authorization for the NSA
to conduct electronic surveillance on
principals within Donald Trump’s GOP
presidential campaign,” Jordan insisted.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – FBI Director Wray objected that FBI information prepared to support
Christopher Wray refused to answer FISA court requests would be marked classified, and as
direct questions whether anti-Trump FBI such could not be released to Congress.
Agent Peter Strzok was behind the use
of the Fusion GPS dossier to obtain Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.), chairman of the House
FISA court permission to conduct Judiciary Committee interrupted Jordan, pointing out to
electronic surveillance on various Wray that the committee would be happy to review in
members of Donald Trump’s closed session the FISA court electronic surveillance
presidential campaign. recommendation Jordan requested.

If Strzok did use the now-discredited Fusion GPS to obtain

Pressed by Rep. Ted Poe, (R-Texas), Wray refused to
FISA court permission for the NSA to conduct electronic
answer questions regarding how many U.S. civilians had
surveillance on Trump campaign officials, much of the
been subjected to electronic surveillance under FISA court
evidence Mueller may want to use to establish Russian
collusion could conceivably be suspect under Supreme
Court “fruit of the poisonous tree” illegal search and
seizure Fourth Amendment rulings. Again, Goodlatte interrupted to insist the FBI has refused
consistently to answer this question – a question that the
House Judiciary Committee could demand be answered in
“If holding anti-Trump opinions was the
closed session, given the committee’s oversight
reason Strzok was dismissed from Muller’s
responsibilities regarding the FBI.
team, then 95 percent of Mueller’s team

Disclosing Classified Info
By John Bowden
12/07/17 06:52 PM EST

“The disclosure of this information by

Chairman Nunes was evidently intended to
try to lend some credence to President
Trump’ claims that former President
Obama had Trump Tower wiretapped —
claims that have been repeatedly been
shown to be absolutely baseless, as
confirmed by FBI Director Comey in his
testimony before Chairman Nunes’ own
committee,”’s ethics complaint
The House Ethics Committee on Thursday cleared Rep. read.
Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), the chairman of the House
Intelligence Committee, of allegations that he disclosed
classified information to the public. The Ethics Committee probe forced Nunes to step back
from the Intelligence Committee's investigation into
Russian election interference. Rep. Mike Conaway (R-
In a statement, the committee said it is closing the Texas) took over Nunes's duties in the investigation.
investigation into Nunes after consulting with experts on
classification rules.
Nunes called the accusations against him "politically
motivated" when the committee said it would open an
"Based solely on the conclusion of these investigation earlier this year.
classification experts that the information
that Representative Nunes disclosed was
not classified, the Committee will take no The California Republican hailed news of the probe ending
further action and considers this matter Thursday, while blasting the panel for not issuing a
closed," it said. decision sooner.

Nunes announced during a press conference earlier this "I’d like to thank the Ethics Committee for
year that intelligence agencies had incidentally collected completely clearing me today of the cloud
information about associates of President Trump. that was created by this investigation, and
for determining that I committed no
violation of anything—no violation of House
The information, Nunes said, appeared to have been
Rules, law, regulations, or any other
gathered under a FISA warrant, which would mean that standards of conduct," Nunes said in a
that materials would be classified until explicitly statement.
declassified by the agency that made the designation.
"While I appreciate the Ethics Committee’s
Democrats and progressive groups accused Nunes at the work, I need to reiterate that the allegations
time of leaking classified information. against me were obviously frivolous and
were rooted in politically motivated
complaints filed against me by left-wing
"Rep. Nunes's statements would appear to activist groups. I respect the ethics
be revealing classified information and that process, but I remain dismayed that it took
obviously would be a very serious an unbelievable eight months for the
concern," Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) told Committee to dismiss this matter."
reporters in April.
Nunes also blasted committee Democrats for statements and other progressive groups filed complaints "appearing to prejudge" the case before it came before
with the Office of Government Ethics (OCE) over the them and called on the Ethics panel to release "all its
disclosure, accusing Nunes of "serious violations of law transcripts related to my case."
and House rules."

Report: Trump Jr. Tells House Investigators He Did Not
Speak To Trump About Trump Tower Meeting
By Kristina Wong
7 Dec 2017

involvement in any alleged coverup. Trump critics argue

that the president’s personal intervention was a cover up,
and an “obstruction of justice.”

Trump’s dictated statement said Trump Jr. and the Russian

lawyer primarily discussed the adoption of Russian
children. Russian President Vladimir Putin had cut off
adoption of children by Americans in retaliation for U.S.
enactment of the Magnitsky Act, which imposed penalties
for Russian banks engaged in corruption. The Russian
lawyer who met with Trump Jr., Natalia Veselnitskaya,
reportedly discussed repealing the Magnitsky Act during
that meeting.

Donald Trump Jr. told House But Trump critics claim that statement was misleading,
investigators Wednesday he did not since the meeting was first floated to Trump Jr. as an offer
communicate directly with his father to provide dirt on Hillary Clinton. This was despite Trump
about how to respond to a pending Jr. saying that they indeed discussed the Magnitsky Act
report about his meeting with a Russian and that the Russian lawyer did not provide any useful
lawyer in June 2016 in Trump Tower, information, nor did he have any followup interactions
according to a report by CNN. with her.

Trump Jr. said, instead, he spoke to White House aide On Thursday, CNN also reported that the publicist who set
Hope Hicks about how to respond to the reports, who later up the meeting had tried to follow up on the meeting, but
spoke to the president aboard Air Force One. Trump was that Trump Jr. was not involved in those efforts.
reportedly debating between a longer statement and a
shorter statement. With the lack of any evidence of collusion — at least so
far — more than a year after the FBI’s investigation began,
CNN’s reporting echoes what the Washington Post Trump critics have been shifting to arguing that the
reported months ago, on July 31, 2017. That report said president tried to obstruct justice.
that the president had dictated a response to Hicks aboard
Air Force One on July 8, for a New York Times story that Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, and former Trump
was to be published the next day. Trump Jr. was not on the campaign chairman Paul Manafort were also at the Trump
flight, but he had spoken to Hicks earlier, according to the Tower meeting. Notably, Manafort was charged with
report. crimes related to his lobbying work, but not collusion or
Donald Trump Jr.’s testimony that he never spoke with his
father about the meeting could distance the president from

Flynn’s Plea On Russian
Influence Reveals… Israel’s Influence!
"The Press Likes To Say That Those Who Ascribe Power
To The Israel Lobby Are Conspiracy Theorists ...
... Well, Here’s Your Conspiracy To Subvert U.S. Policy.
But It’s Still The Elephant In The Room."
Philip Weiss
December 7, 2017

The big news today is that the Russiagate probe moved Kushner, who was also lobbying for Israel against the
closer to the president: former national security adviser Security Council resolution.
Michael Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about his
contacts with a Russian official in 2016 during the
transition between the Obama and Trump presidencies.

But Israel’s influence is the heart of the matter. One of two

conversations Flynn lied about was asking the then-
Russian ambassador to stop the U.N. Security Council
resolution condemning Israeli settlements as a flagrant
violation of international law.

Buzzfeed’s report:

According to the charge sheet, Flynn, on

Dec. 22, 2016, asked [ambassador Sergey]
Kislyak to use Moscow’s status as a
permanent Security Council member to
delay or defeat the pending resolution, and
subsequently lied about those discussions
with the FBI.
But as for Russia’s collusion with the Trump campaign —
Russia did not agree to delay or defeat the U.N. resolution.
No, the next day, December 23, Russia voted in favor of
UN Security Council resolution 2334 to condemn the
illegal Israeli settlements on Palestinian land. The U.S. In the run-up to the vote, both Flynn and [Jared]
abstained, and the resolution went through 14-0. And Kushner called several officials of Security Council
Donald Trump tweeted that things would be very different member states in order to block or delay the resolution.
when he became president. Flynn personally called foreign ambassadors on the
Security Council, including representatives of Uruguay
It goes without saying that Israel’s influence is not the and Malaysia, according to a February report by Foreign
scandal here. Though the New York Times says that Israel Policy.
will be an issue in the case going forward:
And days earlier, Donald Trump himself had been
The possible involvement or knowledge of successful in lobbying the Egyptian president to withdraw
Israel in the case will be one of many a similar resolution against the settlements, in what many
questions that congressional investigators then called an unprecedented intrusion into the sitting
will pursue. president’s policymaking.

Buzzfeed’s report on the Flynn plea says that Flynn called But then Malaysia, New Zealand, Senegal and Venezuela
Kislyak at the behest of presidential son-in-law Jared put the anti-settlements resolution forward, and New
Zealand stuck to it despite intense pressure from Israeli proxies, the U.S. donors Sheldon Adelson,
PM Benjamin Netanyahu on New Zealand and Britain. Bernard Marcus and Paul Singer — three
neoconservative billionaires behind Trump
The Flynn plea puts the focus now on Jared Kushner, who are hugely supportive of Israel. It’s
whose own family has funded settlements in the West hard to believe Kushner pressing because
Bank. Buzzfeed: his family foundation has given lots of
money to illegal West Bank settlements…
Jared Kushner, President Trump’s son-in-
law, called Michael Flynn in December Ali Abunimah reports that the Israel angle was
2016 and told him to call members of the downplayed in mainstream news coverage of Flynn’s
UN Security Council in an effort to stop a guilty plea.
vote on a resolution critical of Israeli
settlement policy, according to a person Donald Johnson raises the same question. What’s the real
who was present in the room when Flynn scandal here?
took the call.
It is going to be amusing, irritating and
Flynn then called Russia’s then-ambassador to the United fascinating to watch how people will
States to seek his assistance, and later lied to the FBI about continue to ignore that in one of the cases
having done so, according to documents filed in federal Trump was actually contacting Russia
court Friday by special counsel Robert Mueller that because the Israelis asked for it. He has
explained Flynn’s guilty plea on two counts of lying to surrounded himself with far-right pro-Israel
federal agents. people who hate Iran and also support the
Saudis but the Russia connection is the
The documents do not say on whose behalf Flynn politically safe one to screech about. They
contacted Sergey Kislyak, the Russian ambassador, can’t criticize him on Israel since many
identifying the person only as Democrats were unhappy that Obama and
Kerry were critical of Israel at the end in
“a very senior member of the Presidential that settlements resolution.
Transition Team.”…
Adam Johnson jokes about Kushner;
Buzzfeed’s source says Kushner called the issue a top
Man whose family funds West Bank
settlements ordered Flynn to lobby Russia
“Jared called Flynn and told him you need to protect West Bank settlements.
to get on the phone to every member of the
Security Council and tell them to delay the
Johnson points out that Jack Abramoff was also brought
vote,” the person said….
down by his support for West Bank settlements, funding a
“sniper school” with ill-gotten gains.
Kushner, the source said, told Flynn during the phone call
The second contact Flynn had with Kislyak that he lied
about to the FBI and that is cited in the plea was actually
“this was a top priority for the president.” to help out the Obama administration. Per The Times:

Two questions. “last December, before Mr. Trump’s

inauguration, he [Flynn] asked … Kislyak,
Why would Flynn lie about this to federal agents? I.e., to refrain from reacting aggressively to
what was he protecting? sanctions that the Obama administration
had imposed on Russia. Russia reportedly
Buzzfeed says, he was worried about the agreed.”
Logan Act. But was the interference on
behalf of Russia — or Israel? So all the Russian collusion is a lot less interesting than the
And more importantly, who were Trump and Kushner Israel collusion. The press likes to say that those who
trying to please through these efforts? ascribe power to the Israel lobby are conspiracy theorists.
Well, here’s your conspiracy to subvert U.S. policy. But
I believe the answer is Benjamin it’s still the elephant in the room. No one’s going to have a
Netanyahu, the Israelis, through their problem with that.

From A Legal Perspective,
Mueller’s Investigation is Dead. Here’s Why
Nick James - Attorney
1:51 PM 12/07/2017
Like a headless turkey running around in circles, Special and Huma Abedin, were given a free pass despite
Counsel Robert Mueller’s anti-Trump investigation is apparently doing the same thing.
dead, even if he does not yet realize it. While his
investigation stumbles onward, with life support provided Significantly, the fatal damage done to Mueller’s anti-
by the biased media, from a legal perspective the viability Trump investigation does not only rest in the fact that
of any criminal case that Mueller could possibly bring has defense counsel will be able to conduct an unlubricated
been effectively gutted thanks to the news (suppressed for prostate examination on the FBI’s key agent at trial.
months by Mueller’s team) that the FBI’s “key agent” in Instead, the real reason why Mueller will not risk a
both the Russia investigation and the Clinton email probe criminal trial is the lasting damage that would be done to
was an ardent Hillary supporter with an anti-Trump bias. the FBI’s reputation by having Strzok’s baggage brought
into the daylight.

To expose the agent’s biases, defense counsel would have

the opportunity to cross-examine the agent and his
apparent mistress, an FBI lawyer who also worked on
Mueller’s investigation and the Clinton email probe, about
their exchanged messages showing support for Clinton and
hostility to Trump. Additionally, the agent’s wife, a high-
profile attorney at another federal agency, apparently was
a member of several pro-Obama and pro-Clinton Facebook
groups and is a follower of a Facebook page called “We
Voted for Hillary.”

Under federal law, a prosecutor is required “to disclose One can only imagine the fun that an aggressive defense
exculpatory and impeachment information to criminal attorney would have shredding Strzok’s credibility by
defendants and to seek a just result in every case.” grilling him to see if he shared his wife’s posted political
Specifically, pursuant to Giglio v. United States, views.
prosecutors are obligated to provide defendants with
impeachment evidence, which includes, according to the
The prospect of having to reveal to defense counsel and
DOJ’s guidelines, evidence of a witness’s biases,
the public the FBI’s dirty laundry concerning Strzok—the
“[a]nimosity toward defendant,” or “[a]nimosity toward a
former deputy head of the agency’s counterespionage
group of which the defendant is a member or with which
unit—plus having to watch as defense attorneys parade the
the defendant is affiliated.”
disgraced agent, his disgraced FBI mistress, and possibly
his betrayed wife before the jury to explore the extent of
As a result, in any prosecution brought by Mueller against his anti-Trump biases pretty much kills the likelihood of
a Republican target, defense counsel would be entitled Mueller indicting any other Republicans. There’s simply
under the Constitution to all evidence in the government’s too much downside.
possession relevant to exploring the apparent biases of FBI
agent Peter Strzok and his animosity toward Trump and
Undeniably, if Mueller were to proceed with a trial under
the Republican Party. This, in and of itself, could be a
these tainted circumstances, he would be exposing the
case-killer because it is very unlikely that Mueller or the
country’s vaunted legal system and the agency he once
DOJ would want defense counsel poring through all the
headed, to both national and international ridicule. The
records and documents, emails, and texts in the DOJ’s and
FBI’s reputation for impartiality would be forever flushed
Strzok’s possession revealing the agent’s biases since this
down the toilet. This price simply is not worth it
could fatally undermine any other cases or investigations
particularly since he has found no evidence of collusion
the agent has worked on—such as the FBI’s decision to
between Trump and Russia. Indeed, one wonders,
recommend charging General Flynn with lying to federal
cynically, if this realization prompted Mueller to offer a
agents even though Hillary Clinton’s besties, Cheryl Mills
light plea deal to Flynn so that he could quickly sign him PODESTA GROUP IN SPECIAL COUNSEL
up as a cooperator and add the general as a notch on his MUELLER’S CROSSHAIRS, DEMS BEWARE
prosecutorial belt before the DOJ notified the public of the
real reason for Strzok’s removal from Mueller’s team?
(Arguably, Giglio disclosure obligations only apply after a
person has been indicted but not if he pleads guilty pre-

Finally, it is worth noting that under principles analogous

to the fruit-of-the-poisonous-tree doctrine, any FBI agents
or officials who worked with Strzok (including James
Comey) would be tainted by, and subject to cross-
examination to explore, Strzok’s biases and whether he is
the type of person who hid from them his biases while
making key charging recommendations. Nick James is a trial attorney in the D.C. area who
formerly worked for the United States Department of
In short, Mueller’s anti-Trump investigation is effectively Justice as an award-winning federal prosecutor.
dead (unless his targets’ lawyers are nincompoops). And,
ironically, this is all the fault of Strzok and his mistress
who wanted to help “Crooked Hillary” and target Trump.
How do you like ‘dem apples?

White House Announces Physical Exam
For President Trump The Day After He
Slurred Through Speech
BY Chris Sommerfeldt
Updated: Thursday, December 7, 2017, 3:31 PM

Jerusalem. Trump's cap-off — "God bless the United

States" — was barely audible because of the speech flub.

Sanders brushed off concerns about the President's health

as "frankly, pretty ridiculous."

The President's throat was dry, nothing more than that,"

she told reporters.
Last time Trump's physical exams were in the news was
The day after President Trump slurred through part of a when his Manhattan doctor wrote a brief letter dominated
speech, the White House announced that he will undergo a by superlatives about the then-Republican candidate's
physical exam. health.

Trump will take the exam at Walter Reed National "If elected, Mr. Trump, I can state
Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Md., early next year unequivocally, will be the healthiest
and the results will be made public, press secretary Sarah individual ever elected to the presidency,"
Huckabee Sanders said Thursday. Dr. Harold Bornstein, who had been
Trump's primary physician since 1980,
Questions about the President's well-being were raised on wrote in the December 2015 letter, which
Wednesday after he garbled the tail-end of a speech about offered few specifics.
moving the U.S. embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to .

Steve Bannon Rips Entire Romney Family
After Insulting Vietnam Vet Roy Moore:
“Do Not Talk To Me About Honor & Integrity!”
Tim Brown | Www.Freedomoutpost.Com
December 7, 2017

no honor and no integrity and by claiming she is a

“courageous hero,” neither does Romney. And losing
honor and integrity by voting for Roy Moore, Mitt? Surely
you jest!

The GOP has lost their integrity a long time ago. They lost
their honor because they don’t follow the Constitution
anymore than the Democrats do.

As for Romney, Bannon had strong words for his tweet.

“Judge Moore is a graduate of the United

States Military Academy at West Point,” he
said. “Judge Moore served his country in
one of the toughest wars we ever had, in
Former White House Chief Strategist and Breitbart News Vietnam.”
Executive Chairman Steve Bannon ripped into former
“That’s honor and integrity, Mitt,” Bannon
Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney and his family after
said. “And while we’re on the subject of
Romney took cheap shots at Alabama candidate for US
Vietnam, and honor, and integrity, you
Senate Roy Moore, questioning his “honor and integrity”
avoided service, brother.”
on Tuesday.
However, Bannon didn’t stop at Romney, he launched into
“What did [Mitt Romney] say yesterday? …
an attack on his own lack of service and the lack of service
That judge Moore lacked honor and
by his sons.
integrity and that’s why he couldn’t vote for
him?” Bannon asked an audience of Moore
supporters in Fairhope, Alabama. Mitt, Mitt, here’s how it is brother. The
college deferments … we can debate that
Bannon referenced Romney’s unwelcome … but you hid behind your religion. You
voice as he tweeted out, “Roy Moore in the went to France to be a missionary while
US Senate would be a stain on the GOP guys were dying in rice patties in
and on the nation. Leigh Corfman and Vietnam. Do not talk to me about honor
other victims are courageous heroes. No and integrity!
vote, no majority is worth losing our honor,
our integrity.” And now I’m gonna get personal. You ran
for commander-in-chief. You had five sons.
Not one day of service in Afghanistan and
Iraq. We have 7,000 dead and 52,000
casualties. Where were the Romneys
during those wars?
You want to talk about honor and integrity
brother? Bring it. Bring it here to Alabama!
You have the guts to get on the stage with
a man who served in Vietnam and you
expect us to believe “honor and integrity?”
Leigh Corfman is a scam artists whose made several false Judge Roy Moore has more honor and
accusations and is known in her community for it. She has
integrity in the pinky finger than your entire
family has in its whole DNA!

He then pointed out that Romney is just bitter because he

was a two-time loser for the White House, unlike Donald

“[Romney’s] still bitter about Donald

Trump,” Bannon told the crowd in the barn.
“Embrace it, Mitt. He is President of the
United States and commander-in-chief of
the armed forces, something you so Romney never showed any courage.
miserably failed at.”
Additionally, when Romney ran for president, he was
Judge Roy Moore also responded to Romney’s tweet. supported by Donald Trump, but when the favor was asked
to be returned, Romney wouldn’t budge. While Trump is
not a “conservative,” he far more conservative in a lot of
ways that Mitt Romney ever was as governor.

Shame on Mitt Romney! The people spoke back in 2012.

They pretty much told Romney they didn’t care to hear
from him ever again. I wish he would listen.

The Deep State Is Crumbling-Major
Confrontations Are Looming
Dave Hodges
December 7, 2017

Brief Review of the Facts

On November 26, 2017 in the late evening hours, I

received a communication from an FBI agent whom I have
I have known for decades. This person is disgusted with
the Deep State penetration into their organization and
occasionally tells me where to look for information that
they think the public should know in order to spur a public

In this communication, my source wanted to inform me of

The Deep State is on the ropes due to some very clever an event that had taken place with regard to the Bundy
manuvering by Donald Trump. Ranch and Oregon Wildlife standoffs.

Last night, I was one of Darin Damme’s guests on his final By order of the President, DOJ agents, including FBI, paid
show on KTAR 92.3 FM, the largest news-talk station in the Bundy judge of record, Gloria Navarro, a visit. They
Arizona. Darin’s show was the top rated show, called caught informed her that if she did not immediately order
Reality Check, in the State. the release of the Bundy’s, that was going to be
immediately arrested for the following:
I appeared on air, for 2 segments, with Jon Ritzheimer.
Who is Ritzheimer? He was part of the protest group who 1. Malfeasance of office
supported the Bundy family. He did nothing wrong except 2. Conspiracy to commit grand theft (uranium and other
help a friend protect, within the law, their 5th Amendment raw materials) from American ranches in the West.
property rights. Jon also had the misfortune of entering This was Navarro’s part in the Uranium One case
into a plea agreement and was sentenced to one year prior against the Clinton Foundation.
to the announced release by Judge Navarro in the Bundy 3. Violation of the Logan Act in which she conspired with
case. In other words, nobody from the Bundy et al legal Senator Harry Reid and his son for entering into, or
team saw the release coming. protecting, a violation of dealing with unregistered
foreign agents. These unregistered agents would be
As an aside, Jon has tremendous legal bills as one might from the Chinese Army who are placing solar energy
imagine. I have invited Jon onto my show, The Common farms on BLM and rancher land across the west.
Sense Show, to tell his story and to help him raise money 4. Possible treason for her part in covering up the event in
to pay his hefty legal bills. I will have an announcement as the trial as she denied evidence to be admitted in the
to when Jon will appear on my show. I already know that trial that would have exposed this national security
both my reading and listening audience will be very threat and would have exonerated the Bundy’s and
generous in helping Jon defray these costs. Any excess their rancher allies.
funds we raise will go to LaVoy Finnicum’s family. You
may recall that the unarmed Lavoy Finnicum was I reported these events on November 27, 2017 and the
murdered by the FBI without being given a chance to announced release did not take place until almost 3 days
surrender and he had no arrest warrant issued on him as later.
well. I will have an announcement on this site and on my
show when this will take place.
I am told that Navarro is caught on tape lying to the FBI,
another felony, and she has received unexplained financial
renumerations that she possibly benefitted from as a result
of her actions on the bench.

An Army of Informants to track people who are charged and need to be monitored
as a result of their release. The evidence related to the
I have learned that the DOJ is preparing to force potential release of these two nefarious characters is
Wasserman Schultz, Huma Abedin and Navarro, as well as circumstantial. However, when McCain switches a
others, to turn states evidence.The thinking on the part of walking boot from one foot to the other, one has to raise
my source is that the Podesta brothers are publicly going serious questions.
down first. The big question remains on whether Podesta
will flip on Hillary Clinton. Conclusion

It is interesting to note that Alex Jones is reporting that By the way, do you recall the Pedogate scandal involving
Special Prosecutor, Robert Mueller, has been formally the trafficking of children in DC by the so-called elite? It is
charged by the DOJ with crimes, including the delivery of true. Many arrests have been made and some of these
highly enriched uranium to a tarmac of an airport in arrests go back to the Jerry Sandusky Penn State scandal.
Russia. I reported on this event almost 18 months ago. Please recall that the President of the university has been
However, my FBI source stated that they did not believe arrested on these charges as well as Sandusky’s son.
that Mueller had been formally charged. However, he is
cooperating in lieu of being charged at this point in time. Although Alex Jones and I may differ slightly on the
The reason that the DOJ would not charge Mueller at this formal indictment of Robert Mueller, at this time, we
time, is that if he were under indictment for his actions in absolutely agree that he is cooperating with the Trump
these related events, he would have to step down from his people.
role as special prosecutor. As of this date, Mueller is a
useful idiot in this role because all of his “pretend”
Alex has done great work on this case and we
investigation into President Trump who is actually setting
wholeheartedly agree on something else. Donald Trump’s
the stage to do criminal discovery of Clinton and others.
life has never been in more danger. Yesterday, the House
Therefore, I do not believe that Mueller has yet been
of Representatives rejected an application for
charged. However, he is compromised and is acting in the Impeachment against President Trump. The Russian
role of someone who has/will turn state’s evidence. collusion story is all but dead. Remember, Flynn was only
Therefore I agree with Alex Jones in principle.
charged with lying to the FBI. There is nothing about
wrongdoing regarding the Russians.
I want to remind everyone that this country executed the
Rosenbergs for selling nuclear secrets to the Russians. The second to last bullet in the Deep State’s chamber was
Clinton et al, sold nuclear grade material to the Russians.
the “Russian Collusion Impeachment” event. The last
Which is worse? This is why Navarro released the Bundy
bullet in the chamber of the Deep State is probably
reserved for Donald Trump himself. I am told that Trump
is using many of his own security people with regard to
Although Mueller has not been charged, it is my belief that this travel plans, itineraries, etc. This will be the topic of
Hillary and McCain have been charged. Please refer to the the part of this series. For today, the Deep State is on the
earlier articles I have written on the ever-shifting walking ropes.
boots that could be used to conceal an ankle bracelet used

‘CNN Tonight’ Beclowns Itself,
Again Questions Trump’s Health;
Argues He’s Not Well
By Curtis Houck
December 7, 2017 5:18 PM EST

On Wednesday’s CNN Tonight, the show opened itself up say the problems may stem from mouth
to some well-deserved mockery by again questioning the issues. Is it fair to ask about the President's
health of President Trump and used his Jerusalem speech health here?
to argue that he’s “not in perfect health” and could be
SETMAYER: Of course it is. I mean, it's
starting to slur his words.
tradition for the President to have —

“New Tonight; Did President Trump Slur LEMON: It was so noticeable. Everyone
His Speech,” the snarky CNN chyron read noticed it.
to the delight of faux Republicans, liberals,
and Resistance followers everywhere. Setmayer added that

“clearly, Donald Trump is not in perfect

health” and mocked his “eating habits”
as a sign that Trump has gained weight
since becoming President.
“He’s not in perfect health and he went
after Hillary Clinton, saying she didn't
have stamina and she was sick and all
this, yet here he is, it's fair for us to
speculate something is going on,” she
Host Don Lemon set the scene by touting
Liberal CNN political commentator Keith Boykin also
how “towards the end” of Trump’s
stepped in to play doctor:
speech, “many people noticed” that
Trump’s “speech pattern changed” as
“he started to slur his words.” Lemon I think this is a serious issue and I think
made sure to tout how Trump’s supposed there's going to be several reforms that
slurring “went crazy on social media.” come in effect after Trump leaves
office....another thing has to be having the
medical, physical evaluation of the
After playing the clip in question, Lemon and former
President of the United States on an
congressional Republican staffer Tara Setmayer flashed
annual basis. I mean, the President has the
their amateur credentials as health professionals:
capacity individually to launch nuclear
weapons. There's no reason why that
LEMON: I think that was the most person should have that ability and we as
noticeable, but, I mean, there was also Americans don't know whether that person
during — earlier in the speech, as well, it has the physical and mental capacity to
was a little bit odd. But here is what our function correctly.
own Dr. Sanjay Gupta said that: “There’s
clearly some abnormalities of his speech.
Fellow CNN political commentator and former Ted Cruz
You could call it slurring or just a little bit of
official Alice Stewart thankfully tried to tamp down the
difficulty forming the words. It doesn't
hysteria, arguing that Trump simply
appear to have any motor — he doesn’t
appear to have any motor weakness. Of
course, it is difficult to diagnose someone “sounded like he was thirsty and it
only from a video.” But then he goes on to sounded like he needed to get a glass of

water and do the Marco Rubio routine by establishment Republican Mike Murphy and went into
and drink some water.” a frenzy defending his actions.
“I think it's been overblown. Look, I'll
attack him on a lot of things, and this No matter how many times the liberal media engage in this
one, I think he just had a dry mouth, was behavior, it’s not only offensive to those who actually
thirsty,” Stewart continued. stricken with mental illness, but only further cements the
belief of some Trump supporters that the liberal media is
As hinted at earlier, CNN Tonight has a record of the opposition party.
irresponsibly playing the role of both doctor and mental
health professional when it comes to diagnosing the Here’s the relevant transcript from December 6's CNN
President. Tonight with Don Lemon:

On February 21, New York Times columnist Nicholas CNN Tonight with Don Lemon
Kristof asserted that the 25th Amendment could be December 6, 2017
employed to get rid of President Trump due to his alleged 11:52 p.m. Eastern
mental health state. Fast-forwarding to May 17,
[ON-SCREEN HEADLINE: New Tonight; Did President Trump
CNN host and serial plagiarist Fareed Slur His Speech?]
Zakaria fretted that the President appears
to have displayed “incompetence” and a DON LEMON: Well, let's talk about the President. Gave a speech
“dark” psyche. today and towards the end, many people noticed, it went crazy
on social media, you noticed that, right? His speech pattern
August 22 and 23 saw the train fly off the rails following a changed and he started to slur his words. Listen to this.
presidential rally in Arizona.

Lemon classified Trump as an

“embarrassing” and “unhinged” person
acting as though he were speaking to “an
imaginary friend.”

Lemon was backed up in his conclusion by CNN political

director David Chalian and Trump-trashing CNN political
analyst April Ryan.

Never Trumper Rick Wilson also chimed in,

emphasizing that he’s “not joking” in
diagnosing Trump to be “a man who DONALD TRUMP: God bless you, God bless Israel, God bless
obviously is mentally unstable” who the Palestinians and God bless the United States. Thank you
should be removed from the presidency. very much. Thank you.

Not to be outdone, fellow liberal Republican Ana Navarro LEMON: I think that was the most noticeable, but, I mean, there
and Democratic strategist Maria Cardona offered similar was also during — earlier in the speech, as well, it was a little bit
gripes. odd. But here is what our own Dr. Sanjay Gupta said that:
“There’s clearly some abnormalities of his speech. You could call
it slurring or just a little bit of difficulty forming the words. It
After midnight Eastern on the 23rd, CNN’s Reliable
doesn't appear to have any motor — he doesn’t appear to have
Sources host Brian Stelter decided that he’s qualified to be
any motor weakness. Of course, it is difficult to diagnose
a doctor specializing in mental health and thus teamed with
someone only from a video.” But then he goes on to say the
Lemon to question Trump’s necessity to remain in office.
problems may stem from mouth issues. Is it fair to ask about the
In the midst of that, Lemon falsely claimed that Ronald
President's health here?
Reagan had Alzheimer's Disease while President.
Thankfully, CNN political commentators Ben Ferguson
and Mike Shields called everyone out for their sheer TARA SETMAYER: Of course it is. I mean, it's tradition for the
lunacy. President to have —

When the show aired later in the day at its scheduled time LEMON: It was so noticeable. Everyone noticed it.
(10:00 p.m. Eastern), Lemon was surprisingly called out

SETMAYER: And clearly, Donald Trump is not in perfect health. I SETMAYER: Isn’t that dishonest though? That is weird.
mean, we've heard about his eating habits for goodness sake.
Just look at him. He’s gained how many pounds since he went BOYKIN: I think that’s why we need an independent physician,
into the White House. He’s not in perfect health and he went after Walter Reed physician in order to give an analysis.
Hillary Clinton, saying she didn't have stamina and she was sick
and all this, yet here he is, it's fair for us to speculate something
is going on.

BOYKIN: I think this is a serious issue and I think there's going to

be several reforms that come in effect after Trump leaves office.
One is it might may be requiring people to reveal their tax
returns, but another thing has to be having the medical, physical
evaluation of the President of the United States on an annual
basis. I mean, the President has the capacity individually to
launch nuclear weapons. There's no reason why that person
should have that ability and we as Americans don't know whether
that person has the physical and mental capacity to function
SETMAYER: Go to the Bethesda Naval Hospital where
everybody else went.
SETMAYER: Right. Look at Kennedy. Kennedy concealed his
BOYKIN: Not some quack doctor from the —
LEMON: Here is the thing, the Trump campaign, Alice, was not
kind to Hillary Clinton regarding her health. I'm wondering if they SETMAYER: Exactly.
opened the door to such personal scrutiny here.
LEMON: This is what the White House says. The White House
ALICE STEWART: Look, I was listening to that like a lot of other has responded. They say “[t]he President is perfectly healthy.”
people where I was listening to it on headsets, so I was really
listening closely to it and, to me, it sounded like he was thirsty SETMAYER: I'm sure he is.
and it sounded like he needed to get a glass of water and do the
Marco Rubio routine and drink some water. LEMON: There it is and the fact is “in meetings all day and” he “is
still here working now.” And I'm sure he is watching CNN Tonight
LEMON: That could be. I thought he might have had dry mouth, with Don Lemon and Tara Setmayer and Alice Stewart and Keith
but it was just — yeah, go on. Boykin.

STEWART: I think it's been overblown. Look, I'll attack him on a SETMAYER: Eating his two filet of fish from McDonald's.
lot of things, and this one, I think he just had a dry mouth, was
thirsty and we all know, if we did go to his doctor and asked for a LEMON: Hello Mr. President and good night.
physical check, we saw his doctor, he is the modern day version
of Patch Adams. He would give us another note that he is in
perfect health and he is the most healthy man in America.

Wait.. What’s That Mean? FBI Director Prepared To
‘Unring The Bell’ Of Hillary’s Email Probe (VIDEO)
By Joshua Caplan
Friday, December 8, 2017

The House Judiciary Committee grilled role in the case. FBI agent Peter Strzok, who was fired
FBI Director Christopher Wray Thursday from Mueller’s Russia probe after reports revealed the
morning. In response to Rep. Darrell disgraced law enforcement officer sent ‘anti-Trump,’ texts
Issa’s question if whether or not to a colleague, personally changed key language that
political bias impacted the outcome of former Bureau Director James Comey used to
Hillary Clinton’s email probe, Wray describe Hillary Clinton’s email conduct.
replied the FBI is prepared to “unring
that bell,” if the Inspector General report
suggests it to. Read Wray’s complete
answer below.

“I think of the Inspector General’s
investigation as de novo in one sense, in
which that it’s objective, arms length, no
skin in the game, if you will. But you’re
right, the Inspector General is not second
guessing prosecutorial decisions and
things like that. However, the Inspector
General is looking at the very important
question of whether or not improper
political considerations factored into the
decision making. If he were to conclude
that’s what happened, then I think at that
point were we’re in a situation were we
have to assess what else might need to be
done to unring that bell.”
What did Wray mean? Congressman Andy Biggs asked
the FBI director to expand on his answer. Wray explained
that depending on the Inspector General’s findings, the
FBI would be prepared to reopen an investigation (the
Clinton email probe in this case), as long as a statue of
limitation issue does not arise.
If the Inspector General report stays true to its mission “The agent, Peter Strzok, is considered
statement, it will advise the FBI to reopen Clinton’s email one of the most experienced and trusted
probe merely on the basis of Trump-hating Peter Strzok’s
F.B.I. counterintelligence investigators. He and then played a major role in the
helped lead the investigation into whether investigation into links between President
Hillary Clinton mishandled classified Trump’s campaign and Russia,” reports
information on her private email account, the New York Times.

Mike Flynn's Guilty Plea Gave
Robert Mueller Some Badly-Needed Cover
By Tyler Durden
Dec 8, 2017 8:59 AM

Since Mike Flynn pled guilty to one count of obstruction a By securing a guilty plea from Flynn, Mueller has
week ago, observers everywhere have wondered how, effectively bought his team precious time to uncover the
exactly, the former National Security Advisers’ misdeeds “smoking gun” that has eluded them thus far. Mueller’s
would play into the overall case against Trump and the rest prosecution of Flynn is insurance against a presidential
of his inner circle. firing. At this stage, firing Mueller would lend credence to
Democrats’ accusations that the president obstructed
Initially, ABC reported that Flynn – who allegedly felt justice when he asked former FBI Director James Comey
“abandoned” by Trump - was prepared to testify that the to go easy on Flynn.
president ordered him to reach out to the Russians during
the campaign. That report was quickly proved false (but Of course, Trump didn’t do himself any
now before the Dow slumped 350 points) when ABC favors when he tweeted that Flynn was
admitted its mistake – reporting that Flynn instead was fired because he lied to Vice President
prepared to testify that Trump son-in-law and senior Mike Pence and the FBI (though Trump
adviser Jared Kushner asked him to reach out to Russian lawyer John Dowd later copped to
officials during the transition – something that’s neither writing the tweet, it certainly didn’t help
illegal nor out of the ordinary for a presidential transition. Trump’s case for firing Mueller).

So, how exactly then does the

prosecution of Michael Flynn fit into the
special counsel’s probe?

Equally as important, Flynn’s prosecution, following so

Special Counsel Robert Mueller soon after the charges against Paul Manafort and Rick
Well, what if, instead of Flynn providing Gates, also suggests that his investigation is making
damning information against another “progress” – though the logical end point of his crusade
member of Trump’s inner circle, or remains murky.
against the president himself, Mueller’s
prosecution of Flynn is an insurance As Mueller’s probe has gotten closer to Trump’s inner
policy protecting him and his team from orbit, speculation has risen over whether Trump might find
being dismissed by Trump? a way to shut it down. The Flynn deal may make that
harder. For one thing, it shows that Mueller is making
To wit, Bloomberg speculates that Flynn’s guilty plea progress.
might just be the fodder the special counsel needed to
protect his team from dismissal by the president. Given “Any rational prosecutor would realize
that calls for Trump to fire the hopelessly compromised that in this political environment, laying
special prosecutor have persisted since last spring, there’s down a few markers would be a good
more than enough reason to believe that Flynn’s way of fending off criticism that the
prosecution is an end in itself. prosecutors are burning through money

and not accomplishing anything,” says witnesses than Flynn,” says Raymond
Samuel Buell, a former federal prosecutor Banoun, a former federal prosecutor.
now at Duke Law School.
The Flynn plea also makes it difficult Some experts believe that Mueller’s probe is now almost
for Trump to fire Mueller without inviting certain to reach a step beyond that. “Before this is wrapped
accusations of a cover-up and sparking up, Mueller’s going to request an interview with the
a constitutional crisis, says Michael president, and he may even request it under oath,” says
Weinstein, a former Department of Amy Sabrin, a Washington lawyer who worked for Bill
Justice prosecutor now at the law firm Clinton on the Paula Jones sexual harassment case. “And
Cole Schotz. “There would be a then what is Trump going to do?”
groundswell, it would look so objectionable,
like the Saturday Night Massacre with Which leaves one option: Flynn’s prosecution is simply an
Nixon,” Weinstein says, referring to insurance policy. Flynn’s guilty plea helped mollify angry
President Richard Nixon’s attempt to derail Democrats who are demanding Trump’s head on a platter.
the Watergate investigation in 1973 by
firing special prosecutor Archibald Cox. At the same time, it will allow Mueller
and his team of hopelessly
Furthermore, as one legal expert told Bloomberg, it’s compromised Hillary Clinton supporters
difficult to see how Flynn’s testimony will be enough to to fend off their critics, who've recently
incriminate another member of Trump’s inner circle. been emboldened by reports that Peter
While Flynn’s many alleged misdeeds have been Strzok, an FBI agent who played an
chronicled in the press (most notoriously his alleged plan important role in the early stages of
to kidnap Turkish cleric Fethullah Gulen), given what’s what became the Mueller investigation -
been reported so far, it’s hard to see how Flynn’s and who also helped supervise the
prosecution ties in to some broader narrative. bureau’s investigation into Hillary
Clinton’s mishandling of classified
Flynn’s testimony might eventually help Mueller bring information – expressed anti-Trump
down Kushner or another top Trump aide, but it’s hard to sentiments in a series of text messages
imagine how Flynn’s word would be enough at this point. to his colleague/mistress, FBI lawyer
Lisa Page.
Flynn alone may not be enough to
advance an obstruction or collusion Ultimately, Mueller will be able to persevere – and the
case. Prosecutors would likely need atmosphere of paranoia and mistrust he has helped foster
evidence against other high-ranking in the West Wing will continue to hobble the Trump
Trump associates, including perhaps administration.
Jared Kushner. “Unless you’ve got them
on tape, you’re going to need a lot better It’s a win-win.

Tucker Carlson Exposes
ANOTHER Pro-Hillary Mueller Official (VIDEO)
By Joshua Caplan
Friday, December 8, 2017

Just when you thought special counsel

Robert Mueller’s investigation into
independent investigation has deep ties to
Russia’s alleged interference in the 2016 the Democratic Party establishment. His
election could not be staffed with more
name is Aaron Sibley. He is described as
political bias, another shoe drops. In a
Mueller’s right-hand man. Back in 2015, he
new report, Fox News host Tucker was a lawyer and represented Hillary
Carlson reveals Aaron Zebley,
Clinton’s I.T. Staffer Justin cooper. Cooper
described as Mueller’s ‘right hand man,’ is the one who personally put in the
was once an attorney for Hillary secretary of state’s private illegal surfer
Clinton’s IT aide Justin Cooper.
stomach server in her home. They were
stonewalled again and again. Documents
that we obtained today show the frustration
of homeland security and government
affairs committee and trying to get to Mr.
Cooper. Cooper chose to cancel the
interview. “We are troubled by your
attorney.” Take that and for a minute. A
lawyer who played a defense role and a
federal investigation into Hillary Clinton is
now playing an offense of role and a
federal investigation against President
Trump. This is not the first time the Mueller
Video credit: probe has been dodged by questions of

Aaron Zebley is a former partner of law firm WilmerHale,

who has previously served with Mueller at the FBI and has
served as an assistant U.S. attorney in the Eastern District
of Virginia. — Worked with Robert Mueller at the
WilmerHale firm.

Zebley is one of many Mueller officials with ties to Hillary

Clinton and the Democrat Party. The Gateway Pundit‘s Joe
Hoft compiled a must-read list of every Mueller official
with their ties laid out.

Obama Appointed Judge Mysteriously
Recuses Himself From Michael Flynn Case
By Tyler Durden
Dec 8, 2017 7:25 AM
Judge Rudolph Contreras

The case against former National Security Advisor Mike

Flynn has taken a strange turn, as U.S. District Judge
Rudolph Contreras abruptly recused himself Thursday
night with no explanation. Contreras is an Obama
appointee who also sat on the FISA court while the
Trump team was under surveillance by the Obama
administration. Judge Emmet Sullivan, an Bill Clinton
appointee, was randomly assigned to take over the case
after Contreras' recusal.

Of note, Contreras was appointed to the FISA court on involved in the decision, or whether he was involved
May 19, 2016 - before the warrant to surveil one-time in surveillance on Michael Flynn.
Trump advisor Carter Page was issued "in the summer"
of 2016. It is unknown whether or not Contreras was In fact every single FISA Court judge was appointed
during the Obama administration:

Michael Flynn pleaded guilty last Friday to a false from the transcript of the intercepts
statement charge brought by Special Counsel Robert meant he might be vulnerable to
Mueller's office in relation to the Trump-Russia Russian blackmail.
investigation. The retired Army lieutenant general and
director of the Defense Intelligence Agency was fired 24 This, as Parry points out, would require that the Russians
days into his role as National Security Advisor for lying first would have detected the discrepancies; secondly, they
about his meeting with Russian Ambassador Sergey would have naively assumed that the U.S. intelligence
Kislyak. Flynn also admitted to lying about his dealings agencies had not intercepted the conversations, which
with Turkey as a private lobbyist. would have negated any blackmail potential; and thirdly,
the Russians would have to do something so ridiculously
The case against Flynn, however, is not so heavy-handed trying to blackmail Flynn that it would
straightforward. As Robert Parry pointed out last week: poison relations with the new Trump administration.

"What is arguably most disturbing about In other words,

this case is that then-National Security
Adviser Flynn was pushed into a perjury Michael Flynn was surveilled under a
trap by Obama administration holdovers FISA warrant, then set up to fail by Sally
at the Justice Department who Yates when he deviated from the
concocted an unorthodox legal rationale transcripts of his intercepted
for subjecting Flynn to an FBI conversations. And the judge overseeing
interrogation four days after he took his case, who is on the FISA court, has
office, testing Flynn s recollection of the suddenly recused himself.
conversations while the FBI agents had
transcripts of the calls intercepted by the Last but not least, journalist Sara Carter revealed on
National Security Agency. that the anti-Trump agent fired from Robert
Mueller's Special Counsel,
In other words, the Justice Department wasn t seeking
information about what Flynn said to Russian Ambassador
Peter Strzok, was one of two FBI agents
Sergey Kislyak the intelligence agencies already had
who interviewed Flynn on January 24 at
that information.
the White House, according to a former
intelligence official with knowledge of the
Instead, Flynn was being quizzed on his interview.
precise recollection of the
conversations and nailed for lying when “[W]ith the recent revelation that Strzok
his recollections deviated from the was removed from the Special Counsel
transcripts." investigation for making anti-Trump text
messages it seems likely that the
accuracy and veracity of the 302 of
Parry continues;
Flynn s interview as a whole should be
reviewed and called into question, said
"Then, just four days into the Trump Carter's source, who added "he most
presidency, an Obama holdover, then- logical thing to happen would be to call the
acting Attorney General Sally Yates, other FBI Special Agent present during
primed the Flynn perjury trap by coming Flynn s interview before the Grand Jury to
up with a novel legal theory that Flynn recount his version."
although the national security adviser-
designate at the time of his late December Furthermore, Sara Carter reports that Flynn was tricked
phone calls with Kislyak was violating the into a formal investigation after FBI Deputy Director
1799 Logan Act, which prohibits private Andrew McCabe told the retired three-star general "some
citizens from interfering with U.S. foreign agents were heading over (to the White House)," which
policy." Flynn thought was related to routine work the FBI had
been doing - only to realize they were sent there for him.
The Logan Act, however, was never intended to apply to
incoming officials in the transition period - and in the past
“It wasn’t until after they were already in
218 years, has resulted in no successful prosecution.
(Flynn’s) office that he realized he was
being formerly interviewed. He didn’t have
Yates then performed mental an attorney with him.
gymnastics based on her Logan Act
theory to assert that Flynn's deviation
Between the recused judge who sits on the FISA court, it will be interesting to see how the case against Michael
Sally Yates' transcript 'trap,' and the fact that the FBI Flynn holds up.
reportedly interviewed Flynn without an attorney present,

RECORD Low Unemployment
For Manufacturing Jobs Under TRUMP
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On December 8, 2017

The retail sector also had strong gains The economy added 228,000 nonfarm payrolls in
November, more than economists were
expecting, Business Insider reported.

Meanwhile, the unemployment rate remained near a 17-

year low of 4.1 percent.

Economists had estimated that 195,000 new jobs would be

created last month, and that the unemployment rate would
remain the same.

(National Sentinel) Great Again: The latest U.S. Meanwhile, the manufacturing sector added 31,000 jobs,
employment figures crushed analysts’ expectations as the while its unemployment rate fell to a record-low 2.6
impact from a series of devastating hurricanes faded last percent.
month, according to the Department of Labor.
The retail sector also had strong gains as many businesses
Also unexpected: U.S. manufacturing jobs have and chains added workers for the holiday shopping season.
rebounded, employing the largest number of workers in

Politico: Trump's "Fake News Mantra" Provides Global
Dictators A "Shield For Human Rights" Abuses
By Tyler Durden
Dec 8, 2017 9:21 AM

Apparently Trump's efforts to call out reporters for their 13,000 people had been killed at one of his military prisons
biased, misleading, inaccurate and/or often just outright by saying,
false reporting (A.K.A. "Fake News") is now tantamount
to endorsing human rights abuses by dictators the world “You can forge anything these days, we are least according to Politico. Per an article living in a fake news era.”
published earlier this morning, Politico argues that
In the Philippines, President Rodrigo Duterte has
"by aligning themselves with Trump’s complained of being “demonized” by “fake news.” Last
words, despots have been able to use the month, with Trump laughing by his side, he called
U.S. president as a shield for their attacks reporters “spies.”
on press freedom and human rights."
Authoritarian rulers across the globe Of course, this push back on the "fake
are adopting President Donald Trump’s news" moniker is rich in light of the
favorite phrase to limit free speech, with "Epic Mistake" that ABC was forced to
prominent leaders or state media in at correct just last week regarding their
least 15 countries using his “fake news” "bombshell" Michael Flynn story (see: ABC
line to denounce their critics, according Makes "Epic Mistake", Retracts
to a POLITICO review. Bombshell Flynn Story). Their "fake
news" story which claimed that Michael
Flynn would testify that "candidate" Trump,
rather than "President-elect" Trump,
ordered him to contact the Russians cost
investors billions of dollars in stock market
losses in a matter of seconds...but there
was just one was all "fake

By aligning themselves with Trump’s

words, despots have been able to use
the U.S. president as a shield for their
attacks on press freedom and human
rights, said Joel Simon, executive director
of the Committee to Protect Journalists.
“I’m seeing it more and more,” he said.
Trump, he added, “is providing a context
and framework for all sorts of authoritarian
But none of that seemed to factor into Politico's suggestion
leaders—or democratic leaders and others
that Trump has effectively condoned human rights
who are dissatisfied or upset by critical
atrocities by authoritarian rulers from Venezuela to
media coverage—to undermine and
Myanmar with his often-repeated catch phrase.
discredit reporting.”
And in a meta-moment in July, Venezuelan
In February, for example, Syrian President Bashar Assad
President Nicolas Maduro complained to
brushed off an Amnesty International report that some
RT, the Russian propaganda outlet, that
the world media had “spread lots of false Ruth Ben-Ghiat, a history professor at New York
versions, lots of lies” about his country, University who studies authoritarianism, said that, to her,
adding, “This is what we call 'fake news' the phrase does now have a clear meaning:
today, isn't it?”
“It’s anything that contradicts with a
Over the weekend, a state official in Myanmar attracted leader’s version of reality,” she said,
notice when he said, pointing to the situation in Myanmar.
“You can will away genocide, you can
“There is no such thing as Rohingya. It is will away events that you didn’t want
fake news,” referring to the persecuted people to know happened.”
ethnic group.
Ben-Ghiat recently published a New Yorker story asking
Those are hardly the only examples of Trump’s phrase why so many fascist memorials remain in Italy, and was
being deployed internationally: stunned by the number of responses she received in Italian
on Twitter that attacked her using the phrase “fake news,”
once again, in English.
In March, Chinese state media dismissed
a prominent rights activist’s account of
torture as “fake news.” And in May, the “People still see the president of the
People’s Daily ran an op-ed with the United States as a very important figure.
headline, “Trump is right, fake news is the That’s his slogan,” she said. “It’s one
enemy, something China has known for prong of a program that also is
years.” dismissing human rights, the whole turn
against liberal democracy, the new
Not surprisingly, White House press secretary Sarah illiberalism.”
Huckabee Sanders pushed back against the idea that
Trump bears responsibility. Leaders, of course, have been seeking to stifle dissenting
voices since long before Trump, but Simon said that the
cudgel of “fake news” gives them an additional tool.
“This story is really ridiculous,” she said
Traditionally, he said, repressive leaders most often justify
in an email. “The president isn’t against
silencing reporters by citing the fight against terrorism. “I
free speech but we do think reporting
don’t think it’s going to supplant anti-terror,” he said, “but
should be accurate.”
I think it will supplement it quite nicely.”
Ironically, despite liberals constantly arguing that the
Trump White House has lost the respect of international Of course, if the mainstream media is truly worried about
leaders, on this particular issue NYU professor Ruth Ben- being called "fake news" then perhaps the easiest solution
Ghiat feels that he is a "very important figure." is the best solution...stop reporting fake news....just a

DEEP STATE: Rep. Jordan Says FBI Paid For,
Then Based Its Team Trump Probe On BOGUS ‘Dossier’
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On December 8, 2017

“There are a couple of fundamental and it’s been reported that this dossier was
questions here” all dressed up by the FBI, taken to the
FISA court and presented as a legitimate
intelligence document — that it became the
basis for a warrant to spy on Americans.
“The easiest way to clear it up is tell us
what’s in that application and who took it
there,” he said.

The Ohio Republican added:

“Here’s what I think — I think Peter Strozk

(National Sentinel) Corruption: A top Republican … Mr. Super Agent at the FBI, I think he’s
lawmaker says he believes that the FBI not only paid for the guy who took the application to the
the now-discredited “dossier” on President Donald J. FISA court and if that happened, if this
Trump but improperly used it to justify obtaining a happened, if you have the FBI working with
surveillance warrant on his campaign. a campaign, the Democrats’ campaign,
taking opposition research, dressing it all
Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio, during testimony from FBI up and turning it into an intelligence
Director Christopher Wray, demanded to know if anti- document so they can take it to the FISA
Trump FBI agent Peter Strzok used the dossier to justify court so they can spy on the other
obtaining a surveillance warrant from the secretive Foreign campaign, if that happened, that is as
Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court. wrong as it gets.”

“Director, did Peter Strozk help produce Later, during an appearance on Fox Business‘ “Lou Dobbs
and present the application to the FISA Tonight” program, Jordan said he believes that the FISA
court to secure a warrant to spy on court application used to open surveillance on the Trump
Americans associated with the Trump campaign will prove that the FBI used the discredited
campaign?” he asked, though Wray dossier to essentially spy on a rival political campaign.
declined to answer that question in a public
hearing, suggesting he would rather “There are a couple of fundamental
discuss the answer during a closed-door questions here. Did the FBI pay
session. Christopher Steele? I asked that of the
“Let’s remember a couple of things about Attorney General two weeks ago he
the dossier,” Jordan said. “The Democratic wouldn’t answer the question. Did they
National Committee and the Clinton actually vet this dossier?” he said.
campaign, which we now know were one “Because it’s been disproven, a bunch of
and the same, paid the law firm who paid lies, a bunch of National Enquirer garbage
Fusion GPS who paid Christopher Steele and fake news in this thing. Did they
who then paid Russians to put together a actually check it out before they brought it
report that we call a dossier full of all kinds to the FISA Court which I’m convinced they
of fake news, National Enquirer garbage did. And all of this can be cleared up if they

release the application that they took to the
court,” he added.
“I think they won’t give it to us because
they did pay Christopher Steele. I think
they did use the dossier as the basis for the
warrants to spy on Americans associated
with President Trump’s campaign…
(Strzok) is the guy who took the dossier to
the FISA court,” Jordan said.

Here’s the exchange:

Time For Real Net Neutrality
Roger Stone
December 8, 2017

the Internet to suit their ideological preferences — ridding

the Internet of conservative and libertarian content.

Google was especially vested, as the tech giant helped

write the 2015 net neutrality rules and Google employees
had more access to the White House during Barak
Obama’s term than did Lois Lerner.

In the words of the other dissenting FCC commissioner,

Michael O’Reilly, Net Neutrality is not “forbearance” but
rather “faux-bearance.” This coined word invokes the
bogus nature of the claim that Net Neutrality promotes a
fair and free market Internet, with a neutral level playing

The term “forbearance,” in FCC parlance, means that the

FCC can elect not to apply rules in specific instances and
In 2015, when writing his dissenting opinion against FCC
to specific entities. The FCC can pick and choose whom to
15-24 — formally known as the Report and Order on
regulate vigorously and whom to give a free pass. This is
Remand, Declaratory Ruling, and Order in the Matter of
de-facto creation of winners and losers by governmental
Protecting and Promoting the Open Internet, but
commonly referred to as ‘Net Neutrality,” — Federal
Communications Commission Commissioner Ajit Pai had
this to say: The truth is the Tech Left crafted “Net Neutrality” rules to
regulate the Internet under Title II specifications that
defined Internet Service Providers — the companies like
“This is not only a radical departure from
Comcast, Verizon, and AT&T that plug you to into the
the bipartisan, market-oriented policies that
internet — to be bound by “Net Neutrality” rules,
have served us so well for the last two
demanding that the internet service providers treat all edge
decades. It is also an about-face from the
providers equally.
proposals the FCC made just last May. So
why is the FCC changing course? Why is
the FCC turning its back on Internet But since the giant edge providers — companies like
freedom? Is it because we now have Google, Facebook, and Twitter — are content providers,
evidence that the Internet is not open? No. they are exempt from “Net Neutrality” rules, free to
Is it because we have discovered some restrain content by censoring out all conservative and
problem with our prior interpretation of the libertarian views at will, without so much as an
law? No. We are flip-flopping for one explanation to anyone why the objectionable views were
reason and one reason alone. President banned..
Obama told us to do so.”
The “Net Neutrality” rules as written by the Soros-funded
The singular reason why this-so called “Net Neutrality” Tech Left coalition would apply only internet service
came to the forefront is because then President Barack providers (ISPs), because under Title II only these ISPs
Obama ordered it. And who was prodding Obama to do (not the giant edge providers) are considered “common
so? Google. Microsoft. Facebook. Twitter. Amazon. carriers,” defined under the Federal Communications Act
as if their role on the Internet constituted nothing more
than the Alexander Graham Bell telephone companies that
The Tech Left, funded largely by George Soros, had
were around 83 years ago, when the Federal
decided to champion under the banner of a benign-
Communications Act was passed.
sounding “Net Neutrality” campaign and seize a once-in-a-
lifetime opportunity to grab the moral high ground in their
determination to allow the giant edge providers to censor The giant edge providers under “Net Neutrality” rules
elevate themselves to the new dimension of “Internet

information providers” that live in a realm above the lowly “This statutory shell game seems to be
ISP “common carrier” Internet plug-in companies. height of arbitrary and capricious
Abiding in this higher realm, lowly regulators need
concern themselves with ruling upon the wisdom and The American people were sold a bill-of-goods with FCC
judgment giant edge providers like Google, Facebook and 15-24.
Twitter exercise in passing their ideological judgments.
We were told that forcing cable providers to allow anyone
Giant internet content providers breathing the refined air of to use their infrastructure would increase competition and
Soros-funded Silicon Valley see no problem defining “Net industry investment. Exactly the opposite has occurred.
Neutrality” in a way that negates the First Amendment for Broadband choice has not expanded and broadband
conservative and libertarian views they despise. They are investment actually declined in the years since the passage
confident in their judgment that the First Amendment is of the so-called net neutrality rules, undoing a decade long
nothing more than a primitive rule that derives from a by- trend of ever greater investment.
gone era when printing presses were the ruling
communications technology. “Net Neutrality” has also failed to keep the
internet free and open. By providing
Neuro-linguistic programmatic word- forbearance cover to their Silicon Valley
play is a hallmark of the Left. political patrons, the FCC functionaries
empowered during the Obama
 Consider the “Affordable Care Act” which makes administration look the other way as the
healthcare less affordable, First Amendment rights of millions of
 “Common Core” which lowers education to the lowest Americans with conservative- or libertarian-
common denominator, minded viewpoints have been trampled.
 “Global Food Security” which ironically increases
world hunger and the By establishing itself as the sole regulator and arbiter of
 “USA Freedom Act” which decreases freedom and the structural basis of the internet, the FCC has legalized
liberty for all Americans. censorship, allowing Soros-funded groups to run rampant
spreading the most violent messages possible, while at the
 “Net Neutrality” gives the US Federal Government the same time aggressively censoring Trump supporters and
power to choose winners and losers, in an egregiously patriotic Americans who desire only to make their country
partisan manner. great again. In the Obama years, complaints to the single
 “Net Neutrality” says nothing about neutrality and regulating body, the FCC, were expected to fall upon deaf
everything about governmental control and nepotistic ears.
picking of favorites — the very opposite of neutrality.
If Donald J. Trump had not won the
Picking the winners wasn’t enough for Team Obama and election in 2016, there is little question that
his rabid leftists. They also wanted to create losers by the vibrant alternative media that exists
punishing opponents with the cudgel of insurmountable today would be but a dim shadow of its
and cryptic government regulations. current self. Even today, calls for outright
censorship of Breitbart, Drudge Report,
FCC Commissioner Michael O’Reilly identifies this point and Infowars are screeched out of the
as part of the opening statement of his dissenting opinion: same mouths that call for “fairness” of
“Today a majority of the Commission
When the Obama-appointed partisans passed FCC 15-24 in
attempts to usurp the authority of Congress
their 3-2 vote, dissenter Ajit Pai closed his comments with:
by re-writing the Communications Act to
suit its own “values” and political ends. The
item claims to forbear from certain “At the beginning of this proceeding, I
monopoly-era Title II regulations while quoted Google’s former CEO, Eric
reserving the right to impose them using Schmidt, who once said:
other provisions or at some point in the ‘The Internet is the first thing that humanity
future.” has built that humanity doesn’t understand.’

He later said This proceeding makes abundantly clear that the FCC still
doesn’t get it.

But the American people clearly do. The President Trump’s FCC is absolutely right
threat to Internet freedom has awakened a to roll back these rules, which applied only
sleeping giant. And I am optimistic that we to broadband service providers like
will look back on today’s vote as an Comcast, Verizon and AT&T.
aberration, a temporary deviation from the
bipartisan path that has served us so well. I In closing, this glaring example of a ham-handed attempt
don’t know whether this plan will be to abuse governmental power for partisan gain
vacated by a court, reversed by Congress, demonstrates clearly that Congress needs to act quickly to
or overturned by a future Commission. But establish protections for American consumers so that all
I do believe that its days are numbered. For companies play by the same rules. Nobody should be
all of these reasons, I dissent.” allowed to block content. Social media has become the
How fortunately ironic that it is Ajit Pai new “public square”, and First Amendment protections
himself, as the Trump-appointed chair of equally apply.
the FCC, that will pull the plug on the ill-
intended act called “Net Neutrality.”

Jarrett: Mueller’s ‘House Of Cards’ Is Collapsing As GOP
Pieces Together Scandal Of Trump ‘Collusion’
Investigation (Video)
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On December 8, 2017

“I mean, these are people who should be Foundation,” while another “defended her top IT aide”
nowhere near this investigation of Clinton’s against charges of corruption.
opponent, Trump”
“I mean, these are people who should be
nowhere near this investigation of Clinton’s
opponent, Trump,” he said.

Circa News investigative reporter Sara Carter, who also

appeared on the program, noted further that House
Intelligence Committee Chairman Rep. Devin Nunes, R-
Calif., was cleared by the House Ethics Committee of
charges that he improperly disclosed classified
information, a charge Nunes said was politically
(National Sentinel) Deep State: Thursday evening Fox motivated.
News legal analyst Gregg Jarrett told “Hannity” host Sean
Hannity that special counsel Robert Mueller’s The probe took an unprecedented amount of time — eight
investigation into alleged collusion between the campaign months — to conduct, during which time Nunes, who was
of President Donald J. Trump and the Russian government
forced to recuse himself from the panel’s investigation into
is rife with corruption and impropriety.
alleged Trump-Russia collusion, was taken out of the
Noting that congressional Republicans are beginning to
piece together what appears to be politically biased actions Carter said according to sources in Congress she spoke to,
and behavior by several people associated with Mueller’s
that has never happened before.
investigation, Jarrett said the special counsel’s ‘house of
cards’ is beginning to collapse.
Watch the exchange here:
“Is the house of cards going to blow
down?” host Hannity asked Jarrett.
“I think so. And it’s a shame,” he
“Because there are so many highly
qualified experienced lawyers who don’t
have a political ax to grind that Robert
Mueller could have selected. He did not do
it. It was deliberate. It was by design.
Instead he stacked it with people with
egregious political biases,” Jarrett added.

Continuing, Jarrett noted that in one case, Mueller selected

a lawyer for his probe who “defended the Hillary Clinton

Blue State Blues: Like FDR,
Trump Is Standing Up To Fear Itself
By Joel B. Pollak
8 Dec 2017

Then, after he had done it, everyone pretended it had been

obvious all along that the Paris agreement had achieved
very little, and acknowledged that the only country that
would have been obligated to bear any real cost had been
the U.S.

Likewise on domestic issues, such as immigration. When

Trump first issued his executive order on the “travel ban”
in January, the nation’s airports were besieged by swarms
of leftist protesters, and the “resistance” was born.

The Acting Attorney General, Sally Yates, refused to

enforce the order, and became an instant heroine. (One of
her admirers, Michael Weissman, would go on to play a
key role in Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s
There is a repeated pattern in President investigation.)
Donald Trump’s major policy decisions.
And yet this week, when the Supreme Court upheld the
1. Trump floats a good idea — for example, declaring “travel ban” — for the second time — by an
Jerusalem to be the capital of Israel. overwhelming margin, there was barely a whimper of
2. Debate ensues, with the experts telling us that it cannot protest. The 90-day window for the ban had long since
be done, and the world telling us that it should not be passed, giving the Department of Homeland Security time
done. to undertake Trump’s “extreme vetting.”
3. Trump makes the decision anyway, and suddenly all of
the terrible things we were told to fear somehow fail to The damage to our Constitution from the president
happen. actually exercising his authority and carrying out his duties
4. The world accepts Trump’s choice, adapts to it, and to protect the nation never happened.
moves on — until the next crisis.
What President Donald Trump is showing us is that many
The day after Trump made his historic Jerusalem of the fears we have built up around good and important
announcement, amidst predictions of violence and unrest, changes that need to be made are simply illusory. They are
the New York Times observed: “Rallying Cry of fictions created by our enemies; they are doubts sowed by
Jerusalem May Have Lost Force in Arab World.” the radicals within who wish to see the American
experiment fail. They are apparitions, like the Wizard of
Arab leaders criticized the decision, but in unexpectedly Oz, who becomes far less dreadful once an outsider like
muted terms. There were some riots in the West Bank, as Dorothy dares to pay attention to the man behind the
the Palestinian Authority declared “three days of rage.” curtain.
But three days are not a new intifada, nor a regional war,
and will soon be forgotten. In recent days, Trump has been likened to President Harry
Truman, who defied the State Department when he
Similarly, earlier in the year, when President Trump recognized Israel in 1948. But perhaps a more apt
decided to pull out of the Paris Climate Accords, the world comparison would be Truman’s predecessor, Frankin
warned that the very existence of the planet was at stake, Delano Roosevelt.
and that the United States risked being isolated.
FDR is remembered for the famous line from his First
Inaugural Address in 1933, when he said:
“The only thing we have to fear is fear Trump was elected to “convert retreat into
itself.” advance,” to “make America great again.”

But few quote the rest of the sentence, which is even more (Note the parallel, too, to Roosevelt’s campaign song,
powerful (emphasis added): “Happy Days Are Here Again.”) Like FDR, Trump
appeals to our past victories to summon the courage to
“So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief look past today’s fears. It is difficult to imagine any other
that the only thing we have to fear is fear candidate doing the same.
itself—nameless, unreasoning, unjustified
terror which paralyzes needed efforts to Whether his presidency is a success or a failure,
convert retreat into advance.” Americans will see the world more clearly because of

Trump Jobs Numbers Out:
Unemployment At 17 Year Low, 2.2 Million New Jobs
Since Election, More Americans Working Than Ever!
By Jim Hoft
Friday, December 8, 2017

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, under

President Trump more Americans are in the work force
than ever before.
Over 160 million Americans are working
for the first time in US history.
President Trump is working hard to bring good paying jobs
back to the US and his efforts are showing historic results.
ADP reported 40,000 new manufacturing jobs in
November. This was the highest reported monthly amount
of new manufacturing jobs in the history of their report!

President Trump’s Economy is Simply

“On Fire”.
Job numbers released today through
the end of November show an increase
of 2.2 million jobs since last years
election and an unemployment rate of
4.1 percent. After the same period under
Obama, (4.8) million jobs were lost and
unemployment skyrocketed to 9.9
percent! Unemployment
President Trump’s economic results could arguably be the Also according to the Bureau of Labor
best all time. The stock market is the highest ever and jobs Statistics the US unemployment rate this
are being created by the thousands. year has been below January’s rate
every month (January through September
2017.) The unemployment rate in January
According to data released today by the Bureau of Labor 2017 was 4.8 percent and by November it
Statistics, was down to 4.1 percent. These are the
lowest rates in 17 years.
President Trump added a projected 1.9
million jobs in the first eleven months of President Obama on the other hand
the year (January through November 2017) again moved in the opposite direction.
and 2.2 million jobs since last year’s
In his first eleven months as President the US
unemployment rate increased every month from 7.8
The same cannot be said for President Obama’s first percent in January 2009 to 9.9 percent by November of
eleven months as he lost 4.8 million jobs. Obama was so 2009.
bad at creating jobs that by the end of his second term he
The mainstream liberal media won’t
said that jobs were not coming back. This showed in his
report this, but when looking at the
first eleven months in office because in every month the
economy and jobs, the billionaire
US lost jobs.
President Trump is providing a tutorial
for any former community organizer that
might hope to be President some day.
Nunes CLEARED Of Ethics Probe After
Being Accused Of Disclosing Classified Info
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On December 8, 2017

“I respect the ethics process, but I remain Afterward, Nunes then went to the White House to brief
dismayed that it took an unbelievable eight President Donald J. Trump regarding information in the
months” reports before he met with members of his committee.

Democrats who were angered by his disclosure to Trump

demanded an ethics investigation that lasted eight months.
Nunes discounted the ethics probe as “entirely false and
politically motivated.”

On Thursday, Nunes released a statement regarding the

ethics investigation.

“I respect the ethics process, but I remain

(National Sentinel) Ethics Committee: The House Ethics
dismayed that it took an unbelievable eight
Committee has cleared Intelligence Committee chairman
months for the Committee to dismiss this
Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., of charges that he disclosed
matter,” he said, adding that he has called
classified information, clearing the way for him to lead his
on the committee to release “all its
panel again as it proves Obama-era corruption.
transcripts related to my case.”

In a statement, the committee concluded that classification Just days after Nunes announced that Trump and members
experts in the intelligence community found that “the of his campaign staff were unmasked, investigative
information that Rep. Nunes disclosed was not classified.” journalist Mike Cernovich broke the news that Susan Rice
Fox News reported. requested the unmasking of the incoming Trump
Nunes stepped away from his committee’s probe of
alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia
in April after disclosing in a March press conference that
the president and some of his campaign staff were
unmasked after Nunes saw some intelligence reports.

New Poll Finds 92% Of Democrats Uninformed,
Ignorant And Easily Played
By Jim Hoft
Friday, December 8, 2017

The far left #FakeNews media has been The poll claims 43% of Republicans believe the fairy
wrong all year. tale… which is complete rubbish.

The liberal mainstream media has

Of course, Republican voters are
pushed the conspiracy that the Trump
campaign was colluding with Russia correct. After a year of screaming liberal
during the 2016 election to defeat Hillary media headlines and conspiracy
Clinton. theories there is NO EVIDENCE that any
Trump official made improper contact
This was all a lie.
with the Russians.
In fact, it was Hillary Clinton and the DNC who colluded
This was all a media lie to destroy
to defeat Bernie Sanders in the primary and then colluded
with Russia. Democrats and the Obama FBI paid cash for a Trump.
fake Russian dossier so they could spy on Donald Trump
at Trump tower.

But Democrat voters are ignorant.

And Democrats rely on the fact that they
are stupid and easily played.
A new poll released this week by CBS
News found that 92% of Democrats
believe Trump advisors had improper
dealings with Russia.

Gohmert: If FBI Used Russia Dossier For FISA Warrant,
It Is More Corrupt Than Days Of J Edgar Hoover
Wiretapping MLK
By Jeff Poor
8 Dec 2017

Thursday on Fox News Channel’s “The Story,” Rep. GOHMERT: Well, this is the only place I have to ask the FBI
Louie Gohmert (R-TX) discussed the current state of the director if he knows of anything like that. There are indications
FBI with host Marth MacCallum on the heels of a that there will be other issues dropped in the future, and I wanted
congressional hearing featuring FBI Director Christopher to know his position. So, all I can say is stay tuned.
Wray earlier in the day.
MACCALLUM: So, you have reason to believe that the
Gohmert said if the infamous Russia dossier that was individuals that you named in there today may be added to the
compiled as apparent oppo research on then-candidate list of Peter Strzok and Bruce Ohr? They maybe removed?
Donald Trump was used as a means to obtain a FISA
warrant, then corruption within the FBI was more GOHMERT: Martha, you know, before I was a judge and a chief
widespread than it was in the days of J. Edgar Hoover’s justice, I tried lawsuits and this is the opening stage of where you
tenure. gather information, and that’s the way I took it. I wanted to know
what McCabe knew before we take any other steps. So, I’ll be
Partial transcript as follows: glad to talk to you when we have other information.

MACCALLUM: Here now, Texas Congressman Louie Gohmert. MACCALLUM: Well, we’ll look forward to that. You know, the
Good to see you this evening, sir. Thank you very much for being underlying umbrella question here, though, is whether or not the
here. FBI and the DOJ were involved in perpetuating the initial — the
initiation, I should say of this dossier. And that’s the big question
GOHMERT: Glad to see you. Those are the scene, by the after about why Bruce Ohr was meeting with Christopher Steele and
my colleague across the aisle said that he admitted her nary was also meeting with Fusion GPS Glenn Simpson?
word about Russian influence. I went ahead and said, I’m glad he
brought it up basically because we need to talk about the GOHMERT: Oh, it’s outrageous. And we still need to know, and I
Russian collusion in try to get uranium and the killing of that know Ron Desantis did a great job, you know, in pointing out, we
story. So, we brought up the Russian collusion with the Clinton need to know, if you took a politically contrived and paid for
State Department. So, anyway — dossier that ended up being totally false, and you use that as a
basis to go to the foreign intelligence surveillance court and get a
MACCALLUM: While I’m a student, that is usual in these warrant to survey all members of the opposition presidential
environments. There were two different agendas that were in election team. If that’s the case, then the FBI has been co-opted
deeply at work today in the hearing room. But I’m — and corrupted beyond perhaps even the sorriest days of the
FBI’s time when J. Edgar Hoover was wiretapping Martin Luther
GOHMERT: Well, Martha, we really wanted to get to the truth.

MACCALLUM: Congressman Louie Gohmert, thank you very

MACCALLUM: Well, want to know why you asked for those
much, sir. Good to see you tonight.
specific names. Do you believe that the people that you named in
that hearing today need to be removed from the investigation or
from the FBI? Why did you pick their names? GOHMERT: Thank you, Martha, more to come.

BOOM! Trump Exposes Former Presidents –
Posts Video Of Clinton, Bush, Obama Lying About
Jerusalem For Votes (VIDEO)
By Jim Hoft
Friday, December 8, 2017

And Bill Clinton lied too.

On Wednesday President Donald Trump Trump came Only president Donald Trump kept his
through on his campaign promise and recognized promise to Israel.
Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. President Trump also
announced that he would move the US embassy to On Friday President Trump posted
Jerusalem. video exposing the lies of Clinton, Bush
and Obama.
Jerusalem has been considered the Jewish capital since at
least 900 BC. This was devastating.
President Trump wants you to know the
Both George W. Bush and Barack truth.
Obama went to the AIPAC conference
as presidential candidates and
promised to recognize Jerusalem as the
Israeli capital and move the US
Embassy to Jerusalem.’

They both lied.

And Obama signed over the holiest Christian and Jewish

sites in Jerusalem to radical Islamists.

Video: Hannity Hits Back At
Morning Joe Over Trump Health Conspiracy Theories
“You Are Not Mentally Fit To Host A TV Show!”
Steve Watson | Infowars.Com
December 8, 2017

“You are not mentally fit to host a TV

show!” Hannity urged.
“Makes you wonder why Liberal Joe has so
much rage and contempt for this
president,” Hannity continued. “Joe, you
are scaring us. I will pay for therapy if you
need it.”

As we have noted, there is a long running effort not just at

MSNBC, but among several news networks, to paint
Trump up as having Dementia or some other kind of
Fox News Anchor Sean Hannity devoted
mental deficiency.
a section of his nightly show to
exposing the smear campaign MSNBC
has been running for months against The end goal, according to former Trump advisor Roger
President Trump, attempting to paint Stone, is to use the ‘mental impairment’ card to trigger
him up as mentally unstable. impeachment efforts and remove Trump from office.
“Over at conspiracy TV MSNBC, Liberal
Joe and his cohorts over at that network,
well, they are at it again,” Hannity noted,
referring to Scarborough and his cast of

Meanwhile, in related news, Morning Joe co-host Mika

Brzezinski attempted to defend disgraced Senator Al
Franken on Friday, questioning the validity of one of his
accusers, and suggesting that the woman could just be a
Trump supporter with a vendetta:

Hannity described how Scarborough and his

“panel of Trump-hating sycophants” are

routinely putting out “some deranged

After running B-roll of Scarborough saying that

“the President of the United States is not

mentally fit,” Hannity fired back at

US Engulfed In The Most Corrupt Event In History And
All Roads Lead Back To Former President Obama
By Jim Hoft
Friday, December 8, 2017

Bolton is right. This is the

biggest challenge to the
survival of the country since
the Civil War.
Democrats in the 1860’s would rather
break up the Union than accept the
election of the first Republican
President, Abraham Lincoln.
Today’s Democrats would rather
remove another Republican President,
Donald Trump, from office than accept
the results of the 2016 election.

Democrats in the 1860’s broke up the Union because they

While the mainstream media (MSM) didn’t want to give up their power over the executive
focuses on the fake news Trump-Russia branch of government and they didn’t want to end slavery,
collusion farce, the US is engulfed in the Democrats today are partaking in their Coup
most corrupt event in its history and all D’état because they don’t want to give up their power over
roads lead back to former President the federal government and don’t want to be put in jail for
Obama. their crimes committed in the years before the election.

As a matter of fact, the fake Trump The Obama Administration and the deep state, those
investigation is a major piece in the individuals in government that have created crimes and
attempted coup d’état currently in place continue to commit crimes to support their cause, don’t
and the MSM’s fake news reporting is want President Trump to change the destructive
part of the Coup. direction in the US.

Just this past week former UN Ambassador John Bolten The Obama Administration did all it
stated that this is the “First Attempted Coup D’état in could to destroy this great nation and
US History” – hand it over to the world of global

President Trump and the Americans that voted for him

want to save America and the world by standing for
freedom, life, human rights and the pursuit of happiness
for all Americans. The US is at a crossing point.

This started long before the 2016 election. The Obama

Administration was the most corrupt group of villains in
the White House ever. They were involved in numerous
crimes and corrupt dealings and efforts to destroy America
including covering up their decision not to save four
Americans in Benghazi, lying about Obamacare, doubling
the US Debt with nothing to show for it, trading the
Taliban 5 for a traitor, creating ISIS, giving 20 percent of

US uranium to Russia (Uranium One), etc. The list goes He also tweeted-
on and on.
Is it legal for a sitting President to be “wire
Then during the 2016 election the Obama Administration tapping” a race for president prior to an
took a fake dossier to the FISA court and used it as a election? Turned down by court earlier. A
means to spy on their political opponent during the NEW LOW!
election. We now know that the dossier was as fake as a
National Enquirer article created by a company known to
create nasty, made up accusations against individuals for a
significant payout. This dossier was then taken by the FBI
to the FISA Court to obtain approval to spy on candidate
and now President Trump.

Representative Jim Jordan has many questions that the

deep state refuse to answer related to the fake dossier and
its use with the FISA Court –
The MSM criticized President Trump for
these tweets but now we know he was

Towards the end of the election Democrats started their

propaganda campaign that Trump was in cahoots with
Russia. Most Americans knew it was nonsense because
they voted for Trump. We don’t know if this was created
to protect the Democrats from being caught spying on
Trump using known bogus claims, to change the narrative
away from their crimes with Russia (Uranium One) or to
set Trump up for kangaroo charges after a
projected Hillary win.

We know that every request to the FISA Court during Regardless, as soon as the election was
Obama’s last four years to spy on Americans was signed over, Obama’s deep state went into
by former Attorney General Lynch. We also know that action.
Obama’s dishonest spy Chief James Clapper said he knew
of every FISA request that was requested and also that no Deep State got their man at Attorney General, Jeff
FISA warrants could have been issued without President Sessions, and immediately neutered him. They next got
Obama knowing. We also know that only 1 in 10,000 deep state operative and corrupt Assistant AG who
FISA requests were turned down by the court and this was immediately created a special counsel to look into fake
the first request made by the Obama Administration to spy Trump-Russia collusion. The investigation was not based
on Trump. Obama then apparently used the fake dossier to on US law and the man appointed to lead the investigation
obtain the warrant on Trump. We also know that the entire was none other than Robert Mueller.
FISA court was Obama appointees in May of 2016, about
the time the court the approved Obama’s request to spy on
Trump. We reported in August this year that
Mueller is a dirty rotten cop.
We also know that in March President Trump found out
and tweeted – He was strategically placed in the position of Special
Counsel to investigate the Trump-Russia fake news story
by his former partner in crime Assistant Attorney General
Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my “wires Rod Rosenstein.
tapped” in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing
found. This is McCarthyism!
He brought in a team of individuals that
are all partisan hacks that worked for the
corrupt Clintons and Obama administration.
Now however the deep state’s initiative
to take over the country is beginning to

They like so many corrupt entities before them went for Former Republican Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich,
too much. Thanks to entities like Judicial Watch that are shared on Hannity that America is at a crossroads –
uncovering documents that show the corrupt and criminal
actions of deep state and due to diligent reporting from This is a real fight for whether America is
entities like this one (TGP) and Hannity, Breitbart, FOX going to remain a republic or that is ruled
Business and others, and the efforts of a few honest by law or whether its going to degenerate
congressmen, the deep state is being shown for what it is. into being a purely corrupt system of power
where if you’re on the right team you can
Numerous corrupt and criminal actions rip everybody off and be protected or if
are being reported daily, not by the you’re on the wrong team you can be
MSM, but by the new media. We are innocent and go to jail.”
growing in numbers and respect as the
days go by while the fake news Trump-
Russia collusion reporting MSM is being
abandoned by truth seeking Americans.
President Trump is doing all he can to
move ahead with measures that end the
Obama Administration’s destruction of

The President also is well aware of the deep state

and reassured Americans that the corrupt leaders of the
FBI, DOJ and deep state will be addressed –

After years of Comey, with the phony and dishonest

Clinton investigation (and more), running the FBI, its Americans are now becoming more
reputation is in Tatters – worst in History! But fear not, we aware that the corrupt deep state has
will bring it back to greatness. burrowed into the federal government in
a manner never seen before.

But the deep state will ultimately be

destroyed because of one major thing
they underestimated. The deep state
never counted on the massive silent
majority of Americans who have not and
will not ever give up on Trump or

FBI Director Wray:
A Deep State Operative With Ties To Comey
Controversy Mounts Over FBI Use Of Fusion GPS
“Russia Dossier” In FISA Trump Surveillance
Jerome Corsi | Infowars.Com
December 8, 2017

Strzok, including his 10,000 emails with his mistress, DOJ

prosecutor Lisa Page, plus all FBI communications
regarding the Fusion GPS “Russia dossier” as well as all
FBI communications with the FISA court.

Wray’s history with Comey

On Sept. 11, 2003, on being confirmed by the Senate as

Assistant Attorney General in charge of the Criminal
Division of the Justice Department, Wray worked under
Deputy Attorney General James Comey.
Director Christopher Wray elude hard
questions during his testimony to the While heading the Criminal Division, Wray oversaw the
House Judiciary Committee yesterday Enron Task Force, investigating among other issues the
by referring to an ongoing Inspector criminal malfeasance of auditor Arthur Anderson.
General’s investigation, Wray’s history
as a Deep State operative came into Sidney Powell, a former U.S. attorney whose 2014 book
sharper focus. Licensed to Lie: Exposing Corruption in the
Department of Justice is a shocking exposé of
On Thursday, Fox News correspondents James Rosen and prosecutorial impropriety that she maintains still runs
Jake Gibson reported that Bruce G. Ohr, a senior DOJ rampant today among Department of Justice prosecutors,
official, was demoted this week amid an ongoing warns that the Enron case was tarnished by a history of
investigation into his contacts with Fusion GPS, the Department of Justice prosecutorial misconduct.
opposition research firm responsible for the Trump
dossier. Powell focuses on the role played in the Enron prosecution
by Andrew Weissmann, a DOJ prosecutor who is now part
Under questioning by Rep. Jim Jordan, Rep.– OH, before of Mueller’s team and is capable of extorting guilty pleas.
the House Judiciary Committee on Thursday, Wray
refused to say whether discredited FBI Agent Peter Strzok Noting on page 35 that Weissmann was the “driving force”
was behind the use of the Fusion GPS dossier to obtain behind the indictment of Arthur Anderson in the Enron
FISA court permission to conduct electronic surveillance case, Weissmann used the “special tactics” he developed
on various members of Donald Trump’s presidential prosecuting organized criminals, convinced that even if
campaign. some of his special tactics went outside the bounds, the
ends justified the means when prosecuting serious bad
In an interview with One America News following the guys.
House Judiciary Committee hearings on Thursday, Jordan
renewed his call for a second special counsel to be On page 410 of her book, Powell pointed that Weissmann
appointed to investigate the FBI’s handling of the Clinton forced Duncan into a guilty plea by misrepresenting to
email scandal and the developing scandal over Mueller’s Duncan that his innocent conduct in the case was
handling of the Russian collusion case. “criminal.”

On Thursday, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Calling the DOJ prosecutors in the Enron case a “cabal”
Chuck Grassley, Rep. – IA, sent a letter to FBI Director that came together in 2002, Powel charges that those
Wray, demanding the FBI turn over all records relating to
involved in the Enron prosecution “emboldened and fed” “Let’s remember a couple of things about
each other’s worst traits (page 408). the dossier,” Jordan stressed, as reported
by the Washington Examiner.
“In their distorted pursuit of convictions and “The Democratic National Committee and
power, they sought to win at any cost. Only the Clinton campaign, which we now know
they know all of the evidence they withheld were one and the same, paid the law firm
and all of the laws they broke to achieve who paid Fusion GPS who paid
their self-defined ends,” Powell charged. Christopher Steele who then paid Russians
“They have continued through the years to to put together a report that we call a
protect and encourage each other, and dossier full of all kinds of fake news,
they have been promoted by Obama to National Enquirer garbage and it’s been
positions of enormous power and influence reported that this dossier was all dressed
despite their legacy of injustice,” she up by the FBI, taken to the FISA court and
stressed. presented as a legitimate intelligence
document — that it became the basis for a
warrant to spy on Americans,” Jordon
Wray stonewalls
“It would be unprecedented if the FBI used
Pressed by Rep. Ted Poe, Rep.-TX, Wray refused to
Democratic Party opposition research to
answer questions regarding how many U.S. civilians had
obtain FISA court authorization for the NSA
been subjected to electronic surveillance under FISA court
to conduct electronic surveillance on
principals within Donald Trump’s GOP
presidential campaign,” Jordan insisted.
Again, Goodlatte interrupted to insist the FBI has refused
“But if holding anti-Trump opinions was the consistently to answer this question – a question that the
reason Strzok was dismissed from Muller’s House Judiciary Committee could demand be answered in
team, then 95 percent of Mueller’s team closed session, given the committee’s oversight
would have to be dismissed,” Jordan responsibilities regarding the FBI.
pressed, arguing there had to be another
reason Mueller demoted Strzok.
Top DOJ official demoted
Wray objected that FBI information prepared to support
FISA court requests would be marked classified, and as According to the Fox News report on Thursday, Bruce G.
such could not be released to Congress. Ohr held two titles at DOJ:

“Did Peter Strzok help produce and present Associate deputy attorney general, a post
the application to the FISA court to secure that placed him four doors down from his
a warrant to spy on Americans associated boss, Deputy Attorney General Rod
with the Trump campaign?” Jordan asked. Rosenstein; and director of the Organized
Crime Drug Enforcement Task Forces
“I’m not prepared to discuss what (OCDETF), a program described by the
happened in the court,” Wray responded. department as “the centerpiece of the
attorney general’s drug strategy.”
Rep. Bob Goodlatte, Rep. – VA, chairman of the House ”Fox News further reported Ohr will retain
Judiciary Committee interrupted Jordan, pointing out to his OCDETF title but has been stripped of
Wray that the committee would be happy to review in his higher post and ousted from his office
closed session the FISA court electronic surveillance on the fourth floor of ‘Main Justice.'”
recommendation Jordan requested.
Evidence collected by the House Permanent Select
The Washington Examiner noted Strzok was a top Committee on Intelligence, chaired by Rep. Devin Nunes,
counterintelligence official at the FBI before joining Rep. – CA, indicates that Ohr met during the 2016
Mueller’s Special Counsel team. campaign with Christopher Steele, the former British spy
who authored the dossier.
While at the FBI, Strzok played a role in the investigation
into Hillary Clinton’s private email server while she served After the election, Ohr met with Glenn Simpson, the
as secretary of state – a role that included rewriting then founder of Fusion GPS, at a time when published reports
FBI Director Comey’s to change “grossly negligent” to indicate the dossier had been in the hands of the FBI for
“extremely careless,” as well as participating in the five months.
investigation of Gen. Michael Flynn.
The Washington Post was among the first to report that the court if it should be proved the FBI obtained FISA court
FBI agreed in October 2016 to pay the dossier’s author, permission to conduct electronic surveillance on former
Christopher Steele, for further work that might help its Trump campaign Paul Manafort, and/or on General
own investigation into possible collusion between Russia Michael Flynn, based on the fraudulent Fusion GPS
and the Trump campaign. “Russia dossier” that the FBI, the Clinton campaign, and
the Democratic National Committee paid to be produced.
On Oct. 30, reported Special Counselor
Robert Mueller’s case is in danger of being thrown out of

Billionaire Steyer Tells CNBC Americans
'Absolutely Love' His Impeachment Call
By Aly Nielsen
December 8, 2017 11:19 AM EST

of nuclear war, obstructed justice, and

taken money from foreign governments.
We need to impeach this dangerous

More than 3.4 million people signed the petition as of Dec.

8. Steyer claimed it was evidence that the “human beings”
in America want Trump gone, regardless of what
politicians on either side of the aisle have said.

But as impressive as those numbers may seem, the

petition’s signatories represented a tiny minority of
Americans — only a little more than 1 percent of the 326
Billionaire activist Tom Steyer is so left-wing, even million population.
Democrats have criticized his impeachment push. But
rather than back down, Steyer pressed on, and insisted the
“American people absolutely love” his impeachment

CNBC’s Squawk On The Street anchor Carl Quintanilla

and chief international correspondent Michelle Caruso-
Cabrera asked Steyer to respond to Democrat lawmakers
who called his impeachment push a “vanity project” that
“hurts the Democrats ability to take more house seats at
the midterms,” in a Dec. 4, interview.

“[W]hat you see is a bunch of people from

inside Washington D.C. who find this Popular or not, Steyer has shown he is determined to
threatening, but the American people promote impeachment. Already, he spent at least $20
absolutely love it,” Steyer said. “There are million on TV ads pushing the petition which have aired
the people inside the beltway and then on networks including CNN and MSNBC.
there are the human beings who are
American citizens, and the distinction is The impeachment campaign seemed to be just a start for
very clear.” Steyer heading into the 2018 midterm elections. His
NextGen Climate PAC rebranded as NextGen America in
mid-2017 in order to pursue a “broader plan of resistance”
including issues of “immigration rights, affordable health
care, and core American values.” Steyer also condemned
the GOP tax plan in a Dec. 5 Wall Street Journal op-ed. In
it, he blamed the 2008 crash on “dramatic deregulation”
and “revenue-draining tax cuts.”

Steyer was the largest individual donor in both the 2014

and 2016 elections. He gave more than $165 million to
liberal candidates and causes in those two election cycles.

In mid-October 2017, Steyer launched his

“Need to Impeach” petition arguing,
“Donald Trump has brought us to the brink
RECORD Low Unemployment
For Manufacturing Jobs Under TRUMP
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On December 8, 2017

The retail sector also had strong gains.

The economy added 228,000 nonfarm payrolls in

November, more than economists were
expecting, Business Insider reported.

Meanwhile, the unemployment rate remained near a 17-

year low of 4.1 percent.

Economists had estimated that 195,000 new jobs would be

created last month, and that the unemployment rate would
remain the same.
(National Sentinel) Great Again: The latest U.S.
employment figures crushed analysts’ expectations as the
impact from a series of devastating hurricanes faded last Meanwhile, the manufacturing sector added 31,000 jobs,
month, according to the Department of Labor. while its unemployment rate fell to a record-low 2.6
Also unexpected: U.S. manufacturing jobs have
rebounded, employing the largest number of workers in The retail sector also had strong gains as many businesses
decades. and chains added workers for the holiday shopping season.

The U.S. Media Yesterday Suffered
Its Most Humiliating Debacle In Ages:
Now Refuses All Transparency Over What Happened
Glenn Greenwald
December 9 2017, 9:17 a.m

smoking gun, in CNN’s extremely excited mind, because it

was dated September 4 – ten days before WikiLeaks began
promoting access to those emails online – and thus proved
that the Trump family was being offered special, unique
access to the DNC archive: likely by WikiLeaks and the

It’s impossible to convey with words what a spectacularly

devastating scoop CNN believed it had, so it’s necessary to
watch it for yourself to see the tone of excitement,
breathlessness and gravity the network conveyed as they
clearly believed they were delivering a near-fatal blow to
Friday was one of the most embarrassing days for the U.S. the Trump/Russia collusion story:
media in quite a long time. The humiliation orgy
was kicked off by CNN, with MSNBC and CBS close
behind, with countless pundits, commentators and
operatives joining the party throughout the day. By the end
of the day, it was clear that several of the nation’s largest
and most influential news outlets had spread an explosive
but completely false news story to millions of people,
while refusing to provide any explanation of how it

The spectacle began on Friday morning at 11:00 am EST,

when the Most Trusted Name in News™ spent 12 straight
minutes on air flamboyantly hyping an exclusive
bombshell report that seemed to prove that WikiLeaks, last
September, had secretly offered the Trump campaign, even
Donald Trump himself, special access to the DNC There was just one small problem with this story: it was
emails before they were published on the internet. As fundamentally false, in the most embarrassing way
CNN sees the world, this would prove collusion between possible. Hours after CNN broadcast its story – and then
the Trump family and WikiLeaks and, more importantly, hyped it over and over and over – the Washington Post
between Trump and Russia, since the U.S. intelligence reported that CNN got the key fact of the story wrong.
community regards WikiLeaks as an “arm of Russian
intelligence,” and therefore, so does the U.S. media. The email was not dated September 4, as CNN claimed,
but rather September 14 – which means it was sent after
This entire revelation was based on an email which CNN WikiLeaks had already published access to the DNC
strongly implied it had exclusively obtained and had in its emails online. Thus, rather than offering some sort of
possession. The email was sent by someone named special access to Trump, “Michael J. Erickson” was simply
“Michael J. Erickson” – someone nobody had heard of some random person from the public encouraging the
previously and whom CNN could not identify – to Donald Trump family to look at the publicly available DNC emails
Trump, Jr., offering a decryption key and access to DNC that WikiLeaks – as everyone by then already knew – had
emails that WikiLeaks had “uploaded.” The email was a publicly promoted. In other words, the email was the exact
opposite of what CNN presented it as being.

How did CNN end up aggressively hyping such a innocently and in good faith misread the date in exactly the
spectacularly false story? They refuse to say. Many hours same way, all to cause to be disseminated a blockbuster
after their story got exposed as false, the journalist who revelation about Trump/Russia/WikiLeaks collusion? This
originally presented it, Congressional reporter Manu Raju, is the critical question that CNN simply refuses to answer.
finally posted a tweet noting the correction. CNN’s PR In other words, CNN refuses to provide the most minimal
Department then claimed that “multiple sources” had transparency to enable the public to understand what
provided CNN with the false date. And Raju went on happened here.
CNN, in muted tones, to note the correction, explicitly
claiming that “two sources” had each given him the false Why does this matter so much? For so many significant
date on the email, while also making clear that CNN did reasons:
not ever even see the email, but only had sources describe
its purported contents: To begin with, it’s hard to overstate how fast, far and wide
this false story traveled. Democratic Party pundits,
operatives and journalists with huge social media
platforms predictably jumped on the story immediately,
announcing that it proved collusion between Trump and
Russia (through WikiLeaks). One tweet from Democratic
Congressman Ted Lieu, claiming that this proved evidence
of criminal collusion, was re-tweeted thousands and
thousands of times in just a few hours (Lieu quietly deleted
the tweet after I noted its falsity, and long after it went
very viral, without ever telling his followers that the CNN
story, and therefore his accusation, had been debunked).

All of this prompts the glaring, obvious, and critical

question – one which CNN refuses to address: how did
“multiple sources” all misread the date on this document,
in exactly the same way, and toward the same end, and
then feed this false information to CNN?

It is, of course, completely plausible that one source might

innocently misread a date on a document. But how is it
remotely plausible that multiple sources could all
Brookings’ Benjamin Wittes, whose star has risen as he followers. Only at night was an editor’s note finally added
has promoted himself as a friend of former FBI Director noting that the whole thing was false.
Jim Comey, not only promoted the CNN story in the
morning, but did so with the word “Boom” – which he
uses to signal that a major blow has been delivered to
Trump on the Russia story – along with a gif of a cannon
being detonated:

Incredibly, to this very moment – almost 24 hours after

CNN’s story was debunked – Wittes has never noted to his
more than 200,000 followers that the story he so excitedly
promoted turned out to be utterly false, even though he
returned to Twitter long after the story was debunked to
tweet about other matters. He just left his false and
inflammatory claims uncorrected.

Talking Points Memo’s Josh Marshall believed the story

was so significant that he used an image of an atomic
bomb detonating at the top of his article discussing its
implications, an article he tweeted to his roughly 250,000

It’s hard to quantify exactly how many people were someone who faithfully parrots what the CIA tells him to
deceived – filled with false news and propaganda – by the say (since that is one of the most coveted and valued
CNN story. But thanks to Democratic-loyal journalists and attributes in US journalism), spent three minutes mixing
operatives who decree every Trump/Russia claim to be evidence-free CIA claims as fact with totally false
true without seeing any evidence, it’s certainly safe to say assertions about what his multiple “sources with direct
that many hundreds of thousands of people, almost knowledge” told him about all this. Please watch this –
certainly millions, were exposed to these false claims. again, not just the content but the tenor and tone of how
they “report” – as it is Baghdad-Bob-level embarrassing:
Surely anyone who has any minimal concerns about
journalistic accuracy – which would presumably include
all the people who have spent the last year lamenting Fake
News, propaganda, Twitter bots and the like – would
demand an accounting as to how a major U.S. media outlet
ended up filling so many people’s brains with totally false
news. That alone should prompt demands from CNN for
an explanation about what happened here. No Russian
Facebook ad or Twitter bot could possibly have anywhere
near the impact as this CNN story had when it comes to
deceiving people with blatantly inaccurate information.

Second, the “multiple sources” who fed CNN this false

information did not confine themselves to that network.
They were apparently very busy eagerly spreading the
false information to as many media outlets as they could Think about what this means. It means that at least two –
find. In the middle of the day, CBS News claimed that it and possibly more – sources, which these media outlets all
had independently “confirmed” CNN’s story about the assessed as credible in terms of having access to sensitive
email, and published its own breathless article discussing information, all fed the same false information to multiple
the grave implications of this discovered collusion. news outlets at the same time. For multiple reasons, the
probability is very high that these sources were
Most embarrassing of all was what MSNBC did. You just Democratic members of the House Intelligence Committee
have to watch this report from its “intelligence and (or their high-level staff members), which is the committee
national security correspondent” Ken Dilanian to believe that obtained access to Trump Jr.’s emails, although it’s
it. Like CBS, Dilanian also claimed that he independently certainly possible that it’s someone else. We won’t know
“confirmed” the false CNN report from “two sources with until these news outlets deign to report this crucial
direct knowledge of this.” Dilanian, whose career in the information to the public: which “multiple sources” acted
U.S. media continues to flourish the more he is exposed as jointly to disseminate incredibly inflammatory, false
information to the nation’s largest news outlets?

Just last week, the Washington Post decided – to great hiding behind meaningless, obfuscating statements crafted
applause (including mine) – to expose a source to whom by PR executives and lawyers.
they had promised anonymity and off-the-record
protections because they discovered that she was purposely How can journalists and news outlets so
feeding them false information as part of a scheme by flamboyantly act offended when they’re
Project Veritas to discredit the Post. It’s a well established attacked as being “Fake News” when this is the
principle of journalism – one that is rarely followed when conduct behind which they hide when they get
it comes to powerful people in DC – that journalists should caught disseminating incredibly consequential
expose, rather than protect and conceal, sources who false stories?
purposely feed them false information to be disseminated
to the public. The more serious you think the Trump/Russia story is, the
more dangerous you think it is when Trump attacks the
U.S. media as “Fake News,” the more you should be
disturbed by what happened here, the more transparency
and accountability you should be demanding. If you’re
someone who thinks Trump’s attacks on the media are
dangerous, then you should be first in line objecting when
they act recklessly and demand transparency and
accountability from them. It is debacles like this – and the
subsequent corporate efforts to obfuscate – that have made
the U.S. media so disliked and that fuel and empower
Trump’s attacks on them.

Third, this type of recklessness and falsity is now a clear

and highly disturbing trend – one could say a constant –
when it comes to reporting on Trump, Russia and
WikiLeaks. I have spent a good part of the last year
documenting the extraordinarily numerous, consequential
and reckless stories that have been published – and then
Is that what happened here? Did these “multiple sources” corrected, rescinded and retracted – by major media outlets
who fed not just CNN but also MSNBC and CBS when it comes to this story.
completely false information do so deliberately and in bad
faith? Until these news outlets provide an accounting of All media outlets, of course, will make mistakes. The
what happened – what one might call “minimal journalistic Intercept certainly has made our share, as have all outlets.
transparency” – it’s impossible to say for certain. But right And it’s particularly natural, inevitable, for mistakes to be
now, it’s very difficult to imagine a scenario where made on a highly complicated, opaque story like the
multiple sources all fed the wrong date to multiple media question of the relationship between Trump and the
outlets innocently and in good faith. Russians, and questions relating to how WikiLeaks
obtained DNC and Podesta emails. That is all to be
If this were, in fact, a deliberate attempt to cause a false expected.
and highly inflammatory story to be reported, then these
media outlets have an obligation to expose who the culprits But what one should expect with journalistic “mistakes” is
are – just as the Washington Post did last week to the that they sometimes go in one direction, and other times go
woman making false claims about Roy Moore (it was in the other direction. That’s exactly what has not
much easier in that case because the source they exposed happened here. Virtually every false story published goes
was a nobody-in-DC, rather than someone on whom they only in one direction: to be as inflammatory and damaging
rely for a steady stream of stories, the way CNN and as possible on the Trump/Russia story and about Russia
MSNBC rely on Democratic members of the Intelligence particularly. At some point, once “mistakes” all start going
Committee). By contrast, if this were just an innocent in the same direction, toward advancing the same agenda,
mistake, then these media outlets should explain how such they cease looking like mistakes.
an implausible sequence of events could possibly have
happened. No matter your views on those political controversies, no
matter how much you hate Trump or regard Russia as a
Thus far, these media corporations are doing the opposite grave villain and threat to our cherished democracy and
of what journalists ought to do: rather than informing the freedoms, it has to be acknowledged that when the U.S.
public about what happened and providing minimal media is spewing constant false news about all of this,
transparency and accountability for themselves and the that, too, is a grave threat to our democracy and cherished
high-level officials who caused this to happen, they are freedom.

So numerous are the false stories about Russia and Trump  Russians attempted to hack elections systems in
over the last year that I literally cannot list them all. Just 21 states (multiple news outlets, echoing Homeland
consider the ones from the last week alone, as enumerated Security)
by the New York Times yesterday in its news report on  Links have been found between Trump ally Anthony
CNN’s embarrassment: Scaramucci and a Russian investment fund under
investigation (CNN)
It was also yet another prominent reporting error at a time That really is just a small sample. So continually awful and
when news organizations are confronting a skeptical misleading has this reporting been that even Vladimir
public, and a president who delights in attacking the media Putin’s most devoted critics – such as Russian
as “fake news.” expatriate Masha Gessen, oppositional Russian journalists,
and anti-Kremlin liberal activists in Moscow – are
Last Saturday, ABC News suspended a star reporter, Brian constantly warning that the U.S. media’s unhinged,
Ross, after an inaccurate report that Donald Trump had ignorant, paranoid reporting on Russia is harming their
instructed Michael T. Flynn, the former national security cause in all sorts of ways, in the process destroying the
adviser, to contact Russian officials during the presidential credibility of the U.S. media in the eyes of Putin’s
race. opposition (who – unlike Americans who have been fed a
steady news and entertainment propaganda diet for
The report fueled theories about coordination between the decades about Russia -actually understand the realities of
Trump campaign and a foreign power, and stocks dropped that country).
after the news. In fact, Mr. Trump’s instruction to Mr.
Flynn came after he was president-elect. U.S. media outlets are very good at demanding respect.
They love to imply, if not outright state, that being
Several news outlets, including Bloomberg and The Wall patriotic and a good American means that one must reject
Street Journal, also inaccurately reported this week that efforts to discredit them and their reporting because that’s
Deutsche Bank had received a subpoena from the special how one defends press freedom.
counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, for President Trump’s
financial records. But journalists also have the responsibility not just to
demand respect and credibility but to earn it. That means
The president and his circle have not been shy about that there shouldn’t be such a long list of abject
pointing out the errors. humiliations, in which completely false stories are
published to plaudits, traffic and other rewards, only to fall
That’s just the last week alone. Let’s just remind ourselves apart upon minimal scrutiny. It certainly means that all of
of how many times major media outlets have made these “errors” shouldn’t be pointing in the same direction,
humiliating, breathtaking errors on the Trump/Russia pushing the same political outcome or journalistic
story, always in the same direction, toward the same conclusion.
political goals. Here is just a sample of incredibly
inflammatory claims that traveled all over the internet But what it means most of all is that when media outlets
before having to be corrected, walk-backed, or retracted – are responsible for such grave and consequential errors as
often long after the initial false claims spread, and where the spectacle we witnessed yesterday, they have to take
the corrections receive only a tiny fraction of the responsibility for it by offering transparency and
attention with which the initial false stories are lavished: accountability. In this case, that can’t mean hiding behind
PR and lawyer silence and waiting for this to just all blow
 Russia hacked into the U.S. electric grid to deprive away.
Americans of heat during winter (Wash Post)
 An anonymous group (PropOrNot) documented how At minimum, these networks – CNN, MSNBC and CBS –
major U.S. political sites are Kremlin agents (Wash have to either identify who purposely fed them this
Post) blatantly false information, or explain how it’s possible
 WikiLeaks has a long, documented relationship with that “multiple sources” all got the same information wrong
Putin (Guardian) in innocence and good faith. Until they do that, their cries
 A secret server between Trump and a Russian bank and protests the next time they’re attacked as “Fake News”
has been discovered (Slate) should fall on deaf ears, since the real author of those
 RT hacked C-SPAN and caused disruption in its attacks – the reason those attacks resonate – is themselves
broadcast (Fortune) and their own conduct.
 Crowdstrike finds Russians hacked into a Ukrainian
artillery app (Crowdstrike)

Report: House DEMS On Intel
Committee Fed CNN Bogus Donald Trump Jr. Story
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On December 9, 2017
“How CNN got its report so wrong is unclear”

(National Sentinel) So Much Leaking: Rumors are

floating around Capitol Hill in the wake of a CNN report
on Friday attempting to link Donald Trump Jr. to alleged
Russian collusion during last year’s election that the false
information was leaked by Democrats on the House In his report, Heyes mentioned that leaking was still a
Intelligence Committee. problem not only for the Trump administration, but for the
integrity of the ongoing collusion investigation. Also, he
As The National Sentinel‘s editor, J. D. Heyes, noted in a criticized CNN and other media that have been extremely
political analysis of the story, the information that was critical of the president for failing to verify leaked
leaked and subsequently published by CNN was incorrect. information before they publish it:
The network later changed its initial report to reflect a date
change regarding the release of hacked email data from the Under the graphic, “The Russia Investigation”
Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National (because the network is still treating the lie that
Committee by Wikileaks. Team Trump “colluded” with Moscow to “steal
the election” from Hillary), CNNreported this
“So CNN misreported the date of the Wikileaks ‘bombshell’: — “Email pointed Trump campaign
email that @DonaldJTrumpJr received, to Wikileak documents.”
meaning that the entire point of the story — that
the campaign might have gotten advance You remember those, right? All those anti-
warning of the leaks — is wrong. Wow,” Hillary, Democratic corruption emails that were
tweeted Washington Examiner reporter Sarah steadily leaked by the whistleblower web site
Westwood. that supposedly were hacked by….Russia?
[Except that they weren’t.]
But, as reported by The Gateway Pundit, the erroneous
information likely came from Intelligence Committee In their report, CNN alleged that someone from
Democrats: Wikileaks reached out to Donald Trump Jr. in
early September 2016 — Sept. 4, to be exact —
Jeffrey Blehar of Decision Desk HQ says and offered “a decryption key and website
sources have told him ‘Dems on the House address for hacked WiliLeaks documents,
Intelligence committee intentionally misled according to an email provided to congressional
CNN to affect news cycle,’ in respect to the investigators.”
‘massively botched,’ Donald Trump Jr. /
WikiLeaks story. Heyes goes on to note that the date of the email sent to
Trump Jr. wasn’t Sept. 4, but Sept. 14, a date that is
significant, given that on Sept. 13, Wikileaks published the It isn’t clear whether Democratic members of the
trove of information allegedly offered to the Trump Intelligence Committee actually leaked what turned out to
campaign. be incorrect information to CNN — information meant to
feed into the Russian collusion narrative that has been
“How CNN got its report so wrong is unclear,” pushed primarily by Democrats for more than a year.
The Daily Caller’s Chuck Ross wrote, noting
that his media organization had access to the But it is clear, say outside analysts, that a leak occurred,
very same emails that Don J. was sent. and it was designed to harm the Trump administration.

Trump Lashes Out At "Fake News" CNN For
"Vicious And Purposeful" Mistake, Demands Terminations
By Tyler Durden
Dec 9, 2017 11:51 AM

After yesterday's latest botched hit job by CNN on

president Trump, which came exactly one week after the
fiasco where erroneous ABC reporting on the Flynn affair
sent the market tumbling, it was only a matter of time
before Trump lashed out at the news network whose
credibility and influence is evaporating with every
fabricated story.

A little after 8am on Saturday, he did just that slamming

CNN of making a "vicious and intentional mistake" over
the network's effective retraction, when it was forced to
correct an erroneous news report related to the
Trump/Russia probe. Having been on the receiving end of
three "fake news" stories in the past week, betwee the
ABC Flynn debacle, the Bloomberg Deutsche Bank
subpoena, and now CNN, Trump demanded that CNN fire
"those responsible," and commented that an ABC reporter
who was suspended for a separate erroneous report should
be fired as well.
As reported yesterday, in the original CNN report posted
"Fake News CNN made a vicious and Friday claimed Trump's eldest son received a "head's-up"
purposeful mistake yesterday. They were email on Sept. 4, before WikiLeaks had made public a
caught red handed, just like lonely Brian cache of hacked documents containing Democratic
Ross at ABC News (who should be information. Other media outlets correctly reported that
immediately fired for his “mistake”)," Trump Trump Jr. and other campaign officials had received the
wrote. "Watch to see if @CNN fires those email pointing them to the WikiLeaks documents on Sept.
responsible, or was it just gross 14, after the documents had already been made public.
incompetence?" CNN later corrected its report, issuing the following
It is worth noting that Ross was not fired but rather
suspended for 4 weeks. CNN originally reported the email was released September
4 -- 10 days earlier -- based on accounts from two sources
who had seen the email. The new details appear to show
In a second tweet, the president suggested CNN change that the sender was relying on publicly available
their slogan after the report to "the least trusted name in information. The new information indicates that the
communication is less significant than CNN initially
NAME IN NEWS. Everyone knows this is not However, despite Trump's demands a CNN spokesperson
true, that this could, in fact, be a fraud on said there will not be disciplinary action against the
the American Public. There are many outlets reporter involved, because the reporter used multiple
that are far more trusted than Fake News verified sources, following CNN's editorial process. The
CNN. Their slogan should be CNN, THE most amusing bit, however, was CNN claims that it does
LEAST TRUSTED NAME IN NEWS!" the not believe there was malicious intent involved.
president tweeted.

WSJ: Mueller,
FBI Obstructing CONGRESS
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On December 9, 2017

“Does anyone think this crowd intends to American people, but it appears as though Mueller, the
investigate Justice Department or FBI FBI, and top officials at DoJ were aware of Strozok’s
misdeeds?” behavioral bias for months but did not inform lawmakers.

This, despite the fact that the House Intelligence

Committee sent subpoenas months ago to the department
and the FBI seeking information about Strzok, but those
were ignored while both the DoJ and FBI refused to make
him available to congressional investigators.

“The department also withheld from Congress

that another top official, Associate Deputy
Attorney General Bruce Ohr, was in contact
with ex-spook Christopher Steele and the
(National Sentinel) NOversight: As various congressional opposition-research firm Fusion GPS,” she
committees continue to investigate a series of irregularities wrote. “It has refused to say what role the
that occurred during last year’s contested presidential race, Steele dossier—Clinton-commissioned oppo
many analysts have come to the conclusion that the research—played in its Trump investigation. It
committees’ work is being thwarted by uncooperative won’t turn over files about its wiretapping.”
forces within the FBI and the Department of
Justice, writes Kimberley A. Strassel of The Wall Street
Journal on Thursday. But Mueller

In particular, she noted, even as special counsel Robert “—who is well aware the House is probing all
Mueller directs an investigation into whether President this, and considered the Strzok texts relevant
Donald J. Trump committed obstruction of justice over his enough to earn the agent a demotion—
firing of Mueller friend and former FBI director James nonetheless did not inform Congress about the
Comey, the bureau and elements within the Department of matter. Why?” writes Strassel.
Justice are obstructing Congress’ attempts to conduct its
own investigations. She further writes:

“The media echo chamber spent the week Andrew Weissmann, Mr. Mueller’s deputy, is
speculating about whether Special Counsel chief of the Justice Department’s criminal fraud
Robert Mueller can or will nab President Trump section and was once FBI general counsel.
on obstruction-of-justice charges,” she wrote. Until Mr. Strzok’s demotion, he was a top FBI
“All the while it continues to ignore counterintelligence officer, lead on the Trump
Washington’s most obvious obstruction—the probe. Michael Dreeben is a deputy solicitor
coordinated effort to thwart congressional general. Elizabeth Prelogar, Brandon Van
probes of the role law enforcement played in Grack, Kyle Freeny, Adam Jed, Andrew
the 2016 election.” Goldstein —every one is a highly placed,
influential lawyer on loan from the Justice
Strassel said that the news last week regarding FBI agent Department. Lisa Page —Mr. Strzok’s mistress,
Peter Strzok’s exchange of anti-Trump, pro-Hillary text with whom he exchanged those texts—was on
loan from the FBI general counsel’s office.
messages with another FBI official “matters,” and yet thus
far not only have the texts not been revealed to the
Does anyone think this crowd intends to The better way forward, she writes, is the short-term
investigate Justice Department or FBI creation of a position “for an official whose only job is to
misdeeds? To put it another way, does anyone ensure Justice Department and FBI compliance with
think they intend to investigate themselves? Or congressional oversight.
that they’d investigate their longtime
colleagues— Andrew McCabe, or Mr. Ohr or “This person needs to be a straight shooter and
Mr. Strzok? Or could we instead just versed in law enforcement, but with no history
acknowledge the Mueller team has enormous at or substantial ties to the Justice Department
personal and institutional interests in justifying or FBI,” she said.
the actions their agencies took in 2016—and
therefore in stonewalling Congress?
“It would be a first, but we are in an era of firsts.
Congress is the only body with an interest and
Strassel said that there are various calls for President ability to get the full story of 2016 to the public,
Trump or Attorney General Jeff Sessions to “clean house” thereby ending this drama quickly. But that
and get rid of Mueller. The first suggestion would mean requires putting an end to the obstruction,” said
firing a large number of career, otherwise experienced Strassel.
Justice Department lawyers, while the second notion
would be “counterproductive.”

Donald Trump: CNN ‘Least Trusted Name In News’
By Charlie Spiering
9 Dec 2017

In response, CNN corrected the story but said they would

not discipline their reporters who published the story based
on faulty information and would not expose their sources.

CNN’s story was the third story in one week by the

establishment media that had to be significantly corrected
after publication.

Trump called CNN’s story “vicious and purposeful” and

stated that they were “caught red-handed.”

“Fake News CNN made a vicious and

purposeful mistake yesterday. They were
caught red-handed, just like lonely Brian Ross
at ABC News (who should be immediately fired
for his ‘mistake’),” he wrote. “Watch to see if
President Donald Trump again criticized
@CNN fires those responsible, or was it just
CNN after they published a false story about
gross incompetence?”
his son Donald Trump Jr. and Wikileaks,
suggesting on Twitter that the network
change their slogan.


NAME IN NEWS,” he wrote. “Everyone knows
this is not true, that this could, in fact, be a fraud
on the American Public. There are many outlets
that are far more trusted than Fake News CNN.
Their slogan should be CNN, THE LEAST

CNN reported that Donald Trump Jr. received an email

from Wikileaks offering a web address and decryption key
that would allow them to access Clinton campaign emails
from WikiLeaks before the documents were publicly

That was fake news.

The Washington Post exposed the truth, noting that the

email was dated AFTER the documents were publicly
available — completely killing CNN’s narrative.

Blown Coverage: CNN Botched
Story Of Wikileaks Email To Trump Jr.
By J. D. Heyes
Posted On December 9, 2017

They’re not really reporters, they’re Democratic Party In their report, CNN alleged that someone from Wikileaks
operatives pretending to be journalists reached out to Donald Trump Jr. in early September 2016
— Sept. 4, to be exact — and offered

“a decryption key and website address for

hacked WiliLeaks documents, according to an
email provided to congressional investigators.”

Two things: Some anti-Trump, Deep State traitors are still

leaking information to the mainstream media; and the
mainstream media is still swallowing those leaks hook,
line, and sinker — without the proper due diligence of,
(National Sentinel) Media Fail: The so-called say, actually confirming them first with another source to
“mainstream media” was heavily criticized during the make sure the information is valid.
Obama years not so much for dishonest portrayal of the
news but more for its decisive lack of interest in You know…regular reporter stuff.
aggressively reporting the administration’s numerous, and
varied, scandals. As it turns out, the person representing Wikileaks — one
Mike Erickson — made the offer on September 14, not the
Since Donald J. Trump defied the Deep State and beat its 4th. That date is significant because a) CNN’s initial report
chosen candidate, Hillary Clinton, any credibility the made it sound as if the Trump campaign had gotten
MSM had left has completely evaporated, as lies and exclusive access to stolen emails; and b) Wikileaks
innuendo have regularly been substituted for facts while released the very same trove of data on September 13,
sources barely get vetted if at all. the day before Erickson sent his email to Don Jr.

And just this week we’ve had yet another example of a Also, the president’s son was given the website where the
major media fail, brought to us (again) by none other than documents were stored not due to some super sleuth
the king of fake news, CNN. operation, but because the trove of documents was
yuuuuge — 678 megabytes — far too large to send in an
Under the graphic, email attachment.

“The Russia Investigation” (because the CNN also reported that Don Jr. and the Trump campaign
network is still treating the lie that Team Trump were being offered emails hacked from former Bush
“colluded” with Moscow to “steal the election” Secretary of State Colin Powell, but again, those were also
from Hillary), CNN reported this ‘bombshell’: — published on Sept. 13.
“Email pointed Trump campaign to Wikileak
documents.” “How CNN got its report so wrong is unclear,”
The Daily Caller’s Chuck Ross wrote, noting
You remember those, right? All those anti-Hillary, that his media organization had access to the
Democratic corruption emails that were steadily leaked by very same emails that Don J. was sent.
the whistleblower web site that supposedly were hacked
by….Russia? [Except that they weren’t.] “The article states that its information was
based on a read-out of the Trump Jr. email
provided by an unnamed source. Trump Jr.’s
lawyer, Alan Futerfas, speculated on Friday that Ross is playing it straight and that’s fine, as The Daily
the source was on the Democratic side of the Caller is a superb, honest, credible news site.
House Intelligence Committee, which
interviewed Trump Jr. earlier this week,” Ross But as for me, well, I know how CNN “got it’s
reported. report so wrong.” Because CNN’s political
“news” staff consists of “journalists” who are not
“Erickson also appears not to be a super-secret interested in facts or fair and unbiased
Kremlin agent. The Post identified him as the reporting; they’re only interested in one thing,
president of an aviation management and that is “getting” President Donald J. Trump.
company,” he added, referencing a Washington They’re not really reporters, they’re Democratic
Post report that corrected the email date from Party operatives pretending to be journalists.
Sept. 4 to Sept. 14.

Here’s Proof That 91 Percent
Of DEMOCRATS Are Clueless Dupes Because All They
Watch And Read Is FAKE News
By JD Heyes
Saturday, December 09, 2017

“Americans divide in their views on the Russia

investigation: eight in 10 Republicans call it
politically motivated, while three in four
Democrats say it is justified,” CBS News

There you go. Knowing that Democrats watch Left-wing,

anti-Trump media makes it easy to understand how they
can be duped into thinking this “Trump-Russia collusion to
steal the election from Hillary” thing is real, when clearly
it isn’t.

But that hasn’t stopped the mainstream media from

continuing to look for “proof” that it happened, as
evidenced recently by CNN.
As we have regularly documented on this site, the so-
called “mainstream media” is replete with hucksters,
Those fools intentionally misreported a story last week
frauds, liars, and phonies. In fact, truth be told, the vast
claiming Donald Trump Jr. was offered “dirt” on Clinton
majority of establishment media types are little more than
from someone allegedly tied to Wikileaks, with the
far-Left hacks and shills for the Democratic Party.
insinuation that it was really a “Russia” connection
because everyone knows Russia “hacked” the Democratic
That helps explain a rather remarkable finding in a National Committee and the Clinton campaign (except that
recently-conducted survey by one of the very purveyors of they didn’t).
misleading, false, and fake news: CBS News. [That wasn’t
always the case, by the way, because CBS News used to
The Fake News Network reported that on Sept. 4, an email
employ crack investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson —
offering the dirt was sent to Don Jr. from a person named
who has reported the truth about the dangers of vaccines.]
Mike Erickson. In reality, Erickson sent Don Jr. an email
on September 14, not the 4th. That is significant because
The network conducted a poll claiming that Americans on September 13 Wikileaks published that very same
were “split” on the so-called “Russia” investigation being trove of data, so the organization could not have possibly
conducted by special counsel Robert Mueller (with a very offered it exclusively to the Trump campaign.
Democrat-heavy, anti-Trump staff, by the way).
What’s more, the email from Erickson makes it clear that
The poll found that most Republicans believe the Russian Erickson is only directing Don Jr. to a website where the
probe is nothing more than a politically-motivated witch data is stored because the trove is more than 400
hunt. But 91 percent of Democrats say that it’s a “serious megabytes and far too large to send as an email
matter” that ought to worry President Donald J. Trump. attachment.

This 91 percent of Democrats, by the way, most likely get The email is clearly dated Sept. 14. A tweet
100 percent of their news from “mainstream” media from Wikileaks is clearly dated Sept. 13.
sources that are working hand-in-hand with the Deep State
and political establishment to undermine and even oust

It’s this kind of routine fabrication of details
that has led to nine of 10 Democrats still
believing in the Trump-Russia collusion hoax.

That’s distressing not only because it’s false,

but because the one person in last year’s
campaign season who really did collude
with the Russians was…Hillary Clinton.

(Related: Trump calls for investigation into Clinton ties to

‘Russia dossier’.)

Her campaign, along with the DNC, bought and paid for
the bogus “Trump dossier” used by the FBI to justify a
FISA court surveillance warrant on Team Trump.
Why would the initial report claim the tweet was sent Sept.
The man who wrote the BS dossier, former
British spy Christopher Steele, got information
for the document from Russian operatives.
The only explanation for CNN purposely
misreporting the timeline is to leave its easily
It’s not clear why anyone would continue to believe
duped viewers and readers with the
anything the so-called “mainstream media” reports that
impression that ‘the smoking gun of
has anything at all to do with the Trump administration
collusion’ had been found!
and last year’s campaign.
When it hadn’t.
Virtually none of it is true, but for Democrats, virtually all
of it is believed.

Liberal David Brock May Be Illegally
Funding An Effort To Impeach Trump
Robert Donachie
December 9, 2017

Both organizations have a history of engaging in political

behavior, as TheDCNF exclusively reported in October.
Brock’s organizations face a Federal Election Commission
complaint detailing an alleged scheme to hide donor
identities involving both the foundation and super PAC
that allowed for the funneling of untraceable millions that
can not be publicly traced to their donors toward initiatives
against conservative and GOP causes around the nation.

Under the IRS code, all 501(c)3 non-profit organizations

“are absolutely prohibited from directly or

indirectly participating in, or intervening in, any
WASHINGTON — David Brock’s Media Matters for political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition
America appears to be granting hundreds of thousands of to) any candidate for elective public office.”
dollars in charitable funds to political groups that are
trying to impeach the president and unseat Republicans If Media Matters is using money it receives in charitable
across the nation. donations to fund political activities directly impacting a
candidate for office, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
Brock’s Media Matters for America is a registered 501(c)3 would then have legal grounds for revoking the non-
non-profit organization that has tax-exempt status. That profits’ tax-exempt status.
tax-exempt status comes with an important caveat: the
non-profit is barred from participating in political activity– The 2016 Grant From Media Matters…The
funding or otherwise–that is in support or opposition to a Numbers Don’t Add Up
candidate for office.
Media Matters reports the 2016 grant to AB Super PAC on
Media Matters for America granted $200,000 in 2016 to a its financial statements but never explicitly states what the
Brock organization, though it is unclear if it was American funds are going towards. The non-profit says the grant is
Bridge 21st Century Foundation or a super PAC sharing for something entirely different in its IRS filings.
its name, American Bridge 21st Century PAC, according to
the non-profit’s 2016 financial statements and filings with [see docment on next page]
the IRS obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation.

The non-profit states in its 2016 IRS Form 990 that it granted the $200,000 not to the super PAC, but to the foundation for the
purposes of “Educational Program(s).”

For its part, American Bridge 21st Century super PAC American Bridge Super PAC is outwardly working on a
doesn’t report receiving $200,000 from Media Matters for campaign to impeach President Donald Trump and put
America in 2016 in its IRS filings and the foundation progressives into elected office at all levels of government.
hasn’t filed its Form 990, making it impossible at the If the $200,000 was granted to the super PAC and is not
current time to confirm the grant. recognized in PAC’s filings, it calls into question what
those funds were used towards (i.e. political activity for or
There is a contradiction in the reporting of the $200,000 against a candidate).
amount in either Media Matters financial disclosures or
with American Bridge super PAC. American Bridge 21st Century PAC is, simply put, a
bastion of the Democratic Party and liberal organizations.
David Brock and American Bridge did not respond to It provides talking points, opposition research and rapid
multiple requests for clarification about the reporting response to progressive candidates nationwide. Brock’s
discrepancy of the grant. PAC places well over $300 million worth of its research in

political advertisements and it has huge plans for the Brock’s Political Network Is Extensive And
upcoming 2020 election cycle. Faces An FEC Complaint

Brock personally laid out the PAC’s mission through the Brock also draws a salary from all of the groups in his
2020 election cycle in the memo. network, making him millions of dollars and one of the
most powerful liberal political activists. Brock isn’t the
The top initiatives include defeating Trump, only person getting wealthy from his political nexus–a few
“either through impeachment or at the ballot others are making millions along with him.
box,” and changing “the balance of power by
measurably impacting US Senate, The Media Matters chief uses one of D.C.’s top
gubernatorial, and state legislative races.” Democratic fundraising firms to support nearly all facets
of his network’s campaign to unseat Republican
“American Bridge will make running as a lawmakers, impeach the president and monitor
Republican candidate in the next four years conservative causes around the nation.
painful,” the memo reads. “We will not only
damage Trump, but also the candidates who In late October, TheDCNF reported how Brock is making
enable and support him.” Mary Pat Bonner, a former aide and fundraiser for former
Vice President Al Gore, millions of dollars a year in a
Regardless of the PAC’s stated goals, a 501(c) non-profit, system of interconnected contracts with Brock-affiliated
like Media Matters, cannot give to political organizations groups.
for the purpose of defeating or electing a candidate. Doing
that could cause them to lose tax-exempt status. Bonner heads an independent political consulting firm in
Washington, D.C., that has annual contracts with a number
On the other hand, if the $200,000 grant Media Matters of Brock’s organizations that pay her firm millions for
claims to have given to the foundation for “educational fundraising services. In exchange for drumming up big
program(s),” is the correct reporting, then there is still a donations, Bonner’s firm earns well into the seven figures.
case to be made that Media Matters is giving money to
outwardly political organizations. That would cause Media Brock is currently facing an FEC complaint alleging he is
Matters to lose its tax-exempt status, if not a number of using the foundation to effectively hide donors’ identities
other Brock organizations. for contributions possibly intended for his political action
group. (RELATED: David Brock Allegedly Running A
A cursory glance at the foundation’s work shows it is Slush Fund)
producing politically motivated work in opposition to the
president and Republicans’ across the nation. Many of the groups in Brock’s network, including Media
Matters and the various arms of American Bridge, are
Media Matters sells itself as the primary authority on what situated just over a mile from the White House and the
is correct and what is false in the media narrative and U.S. Capitol, in two floors of an office building in
makes its mission to point that out to “offending media Northwest D.C. These entities also have entered into cost-
institutions.” sharing agreements, which are at the center of the ongoing
FEC complaint.
Media Matters posts rapid-response items as well as longer
research and analytic reports documenting conservative TheDCNF’s report on the FEC complaint isn’t the first
misinformation throughout the media. time someone has called the way money moves around
Brock’s political network into question.
Additionally, Media Matters works daily to notify
activists, journalists, pundits, and the general public about Brock’s former domestic partner, William Grey,
instances of misinformation, providing them with the threatened the Media Matters head to expose “derogatory
resources to rebut false claims and to take direct action information about (Brock) and his organization to the press
against offending media institutions. – Media Matters for and donors that would be embarrassing to him and cause
America’s website harm to the organization,” in a 2010 police report. The
threat ultimately led to an $850,000 payout for Grey,
according to a 2012 Fox News report.

Trump 'Drinks TWELVE Cans Of Diet Coke Daily,
Watches Up To Eight Hours Of News And Tunes In To
Morning Joe To Get Himself 'Riled Up'', Insiders Reveal
 More Than 60 Insiders Have Opened Up About How Donald Trump Lives His Life
 He Watches CNN For News; Fox & Friends For Comfort; Morning Joe To Get Angry
 He Voraciously Drinks Diet Coke, Imbibing Far More Caffeine Than Is Healthy
 And He Views Every Day As A Fight Against The 'Liberal Media'
By James Wilkinson For Dailymail.Com
Published: 18:49 EST, 9 December 2017 | Updated: 12:26 EST, 10 December 2017

Donald Trump voraciously drinks Diet Coke, is addicted

to watching news and uses TV to manipulate his own
moods, insiders say.

From the moment he wakes up, he uses CNN for news,

watches Fox News for comfort, and - they suspect - takes
in MSNBC's Morning Joe to get himself riled up for the

To keep himself in a fighting mood he consumes 12 cans

of Diet Coke daily, according to some of the 60 advisers,
associates, friends and members of Congress that spoke
to The New York Times.

And a fighting mood is most certainly what he's in, they Trump's TV habit is accompanied by a drinking one - but
say - because for Donald Trump every day is a new battle Diet Coke, not alcohol, is the tipple of choice for the
against his detractors, both real and imagined, and teetotal president. He drinks 12 cans a day, far more than is
television is his lifeline to the world. recommended

Trump last month told Air Force One reporters that he was
too busy 'reading documents' to watch TV and catch up on
the Roy Moore scandals.

But according to the New York Times' sources, he spends

his days mainlining TV news from dawn to dusk.

Trump wakes up each day at 5:30am after five-to-six hours

of sleep and flips on the TV, usually with his phone to
hand in case any tweets occur to him.

Sometimes he's in bed when he makes these posts, or in

the adjoining snug. Occasionally he'll be in the Treaty
Hall, where he sometimes makes his daily calls in his night
Trump told reporters in November (pictured) that he attire.
doesn't watch too much TV - but insiders say that he
watches four-to-eight hours a day, from 5:30am to late at Wherever Trump is in the White House, a TV will usually
night be on somewhere - and per Trump's rules, only he and
technical support staff are allowed to touch them.

As a result the televisions are set up to provide a constant For Trump CNN is the primary source of actual
drip-feed of facts and opinion and - importantly, insiders information, with Fox News - specifically Fox & Friends -
say - headlines about himself. providing comfort food.

Trump views his presidency as a day-to-day battle for Actual comfort food comes in the form of his regular
legitimacy against liberal news channels, insiders said. The supply of Diet Coke, brought to him by aides at the touch
TV allows him to remain aware of the battleground. of a button.

He even tells staff to view each new day as a new 'episode' Trump drinks 12 cans a day - consuming far more than an
in a show about him defeating his opponents. adult's daily recommended dose of caffeine.

Aides are so familiar with his routines, they use his

morning TV tweets to gauge how he'll be on any day.

If a Fox News anchor says something noteworthy and

Trump doesn't tweet it, they'll know he's watching CNN or
MSNBC - and so is likely to be grumpy and agitated.

Anything Trump misses, he catches up with on what he

calls his 'Super TiVO', which records cable news.

Trump's compulsion to watch TV is so strong that when

meetings are held in the White House dining room, the 60-
inch TV he had installed there when he moved in remains
on constantly.
Aides believe that Trump uses MSNBC's Morning Joe to
'rile' himself up at the start of a day; if they don't see him The volume is off, sources said, but the president's eyes
tweeting about Fox, they know he's watching it, and is will keep flicking away so he can take in the scrolling
likely to be grumpy news tickers.

The result of this is a president whose actions and

reactions are governed by the media and its messages.

When Michael Flynn, former adviser, pleaded guilty to

lying to the FBI about talking to Russia, Trump was
cheerful the next day, at Republican fund-raisers, the
insiders said.

It was only after the rolling news coverage about the Flynn
plea that Trump became angry and began attacking Hillary
Trump is seen here in Japan in November; on the right, a Clinton on Twitter in response.
waiter has a glass of Diet Coke. Trump is obsessed with
TV and views every day as a battle against his enemies in
the 'liberal media'

'He believes passionately that the liberal left and the media
are out to destroy him. The way he got here is fighting
back and counterpunching,' Senator Lindsay Graham told
the paper.

So for Trump, continual access to the news is essential. He

watches TV for four hours a day, aides said, and
sometimes double that, volume on or off.

Trump is seen with a can of Pepsi in a 1997 episode of 'But I don't get to watch much television. Primarily
Suddenly Susan. Trump tells staff to think of each day as a because of documents. I'm reading documents. A lot. And
new episode in which his goal is to vanquish his opponents different things. I actually read much more - I read you
people much more than I watch television.'
According to The New York Times, in November Trump
was sent a list of questions about claims made in this
article for fact-checking purposes.

Shortly afterward, the paper said, he accosted the White

House press pool on Air Force one and began boasting of
how little he watches TV.

'Believe it or not, even when I'm in Washington or New

York, I do not watch much television,' he said.

'I know they like to say that. People that don't know me,
they like to say I watch television - people with fake
sources. You know, fake reporters, fake sources.'

Are We Witnessing The Biggest Sting Operation In
History? 'Sewer Rats' Are Panicked - A Look At The
Bigger Picture Shows Just How Fast The
Dominoes Are Falling
By Susan Duclos - All News Pipeline
December 9, 2017

groping women, Democratic Representative John Conyers

after reports exposed him for paying out hefty settlements
over sexual harassment claims, and Republican
Representative Trent Franks who was about to be
investigated by the House Ethics Committee for
conversations with two female staffers in regards to
becoming surrogates for he and his wife due to fertility

In order to understand how massive a problem harassment

claims in Congress truly are, the chart below, compiled by
In a new report from The Hill about how Congress is the Congressional Office of Compliance, released on
reeling from the sexual harassment deluge, which details November 16, 2017, showing the amount of money issued
how Congressional leaders are conflicted and dealing with in settlements from 1997 to the date of the report in 2017,
each new allegation about multiple members on a case-by- offers insight into how much taxpayer money goes towards
case basis, attempting to decide which newly exposed secretly pay off the accusers.
member should be asked to resign, balancing that with the
need to offer due process and how to move forward, and
how everyone in Congress is panicked and wondering who
is next to be exposed, but it is towards the middle of the
article we see how deep the rot is and how many "sewer
rats" there truly are walking the halls of Congress.

The three bombshell resignations in a

single week — Conyers, Franken and
Franks — have created a panicked
atmosphere on Capitol Hill. Rumors are
running rampant. The latest ricocheting
around the Capitol is that a major national
news outlet will publish a list of 20 to 30
lawmakers accused of harassment in
the coming days. One GOP source said
the list could refer to secret Congressional
Office of Compliance records of lawmakers
who’ve privately settled sexual harassment
claims in recent decades. The problem with that report and the chart is it does not
inform the public of how many of those settlements were
This past week we saw the announced resignations of three for sexual harassment claims, or who the accused is, or the
members of Congress over sexual harassment charges, accuser, and in fact it is not only the public that is unaware
allegations of inappropriate behavior, and paid settlements as we see a report from December 7, 2017, in USA Today,
to hide sexual harassment. Democratic Senator Al Franken that even members of Congress cannot obtain that
resigned after members of his party demanded it over
information from the Office of Compliance, because that
information is "strictly confidential."

The once-sleepy Office of Compliance,

which handles congressional labor and
employment disputes, has no power to
investigate sexual harassment complaints
or enforce settlements. And it operates
under a cloak of confidentiality that shields
both accusers and the accused alike.

“So we’re not getting anything?” Rep.

Susan Brooks, R-Ind., asked at a House THIS MAY BE THE BIGGEST STING OPERATION
Administration Committee hearing on IN HISTORY
sexual harassment in Congress Thursday.
Now lets take a step back for a moment and take a look at
Brooks’ question came after she asked the the bigger picture and a series of events that have occurred
compliance office to provide her with since President Donald Trump took office.
detailed information about sexual
harassment claims made against House In Hollywood, celebrity after celebrity became embroiled
members or their staffs. in sexual scandals after Harvey Weinstein was exposed as
a serial sexual harasser who had paid out millions in
The compliance office provided this answer settlements, from rape to sexual assault, to molestation
by letter on Thursday: “All counseling and claims, as we continue to watch one domino tumble after
mediation conducted by the Office of another.
Compliance is ‘strictly confidential’ and all
administrative proceedings and Now we see that Hollywood pedophiles and/or child
deliberations are ‘confidential’.” molesters are being caught up, as veteran 58-year-old
Disney executive, Jon Heely, has been suspended without
Susan Tsui Grundmann, executive director pay, after it was revealed that he was arrested almost a
of the compliance office, said she could month ago, charged with three counts of lewd and
only release information if a case had gone lascivious acts on a child. Zero Hedge reports "One of the
to a hearing officer and if the complainant reported victims was 15. The other was abused for four
had been consulted. Many cases are years starting at the age of 11, according to the charges."
settled before they reach the hearing stage.
Last week we also saw the L.A. police, after initially
“The law doesn’t allow us to release denying its existence, finally "found" the 1993 audio report
anything to your committee,” Grundmann by Corey Feldman where he informed them of a pedophile
told Brooks on Thursday. Brooks ring in Hollywood and named the names, with follow up
participated in Thursday’s hearing because reports showing that two of those he named to the police,
she is the chairwoman of the House had been arrested, charged and convicted of the same types
Ethics Committee, which could of crimes he accused them of back in 1993.
investigate sexual harassment
allegations if it had the names of I will note that loud mouth celebrities in Hollywood, spent
accused lawmakers’ offices. the majority of the 2016 Presidential campaign attempting
to use their "fame" to influence the public to vote for
Let me get this straight. Congress has managed to build Hillary Clinton, while continuously bashing Donald
laws into their own system which prevents their own ethics Trump.
committee from investigating settlements that have been
paid out for members accused of sexual harassment. A The Media then became embroiled in sexual scandals,
special law to cover up the cover ups themselves? where high profile journalists, self-declared male
feminists, from a number of outlets have been terminated,
Another issue regarding the chart above is doesn't separate suspended, or forced to resign, but the scandal didn't
how many of those settlements stemmed directly from the begin there because from the second President Trump took
House of Representatives or the Senate itself because a office, we have consistently seen an increase in the amount
portion of cases before the OOC come from employing of "fake news" articles by some of the biggest names in the
offices in the legislative branch other than the House of business.
Representatives or the Senate, according to their
November 13, 2017 "Correcting the record" newsletter.

New York Times was called out by name in front of
Congress for a "not true" February article about Russia and Last Friday, ABC News put out a false story which tanked
President Trump, with former FBI director James Comey the stock market causing an instant 350 point drop, before
admitting to Congress back in June that "that news reports having to issue a clarification, then multiple corrections,
based on leaks of classified information pertaining to the then an official statement announcing that the reporter,
Russia investigation have been consistently wrong." Brian Ross, was to be suspended without pay because of it.

Washington Post has been busted on a number of "fake Those are just off the top of my head, there is more, but I
news" articles, citing anonymous sources. think that should establish a pattern.

CNN has been caught botching the news, again based on The CNN and CBS examples from Friday are extremely
unnamed sources, at least seven times just in 2017, the interesting because they highlight something we have
latest of which was on Friday, December 8th, after failing noted, as have some of our readers, and that is that CNN
to verify what their "sources" told them, and falsely claimed that two separate sources had given them the exact
implying that the Trump campaign received information same "incorrect" information, meaning they both read the
and an encryption key to Wikileaks data before it was wrong date to CNN from the email they were reporting on.
released publicly, only to find out their "sources", two of CBS, in their initial story, saved on before the
them, read them the wrong date. editors note, headline and text had been changed, claimed

CBS got caught up in the CNN fake news scandal also on "CBS News has confirmed that Donald
Friday, and are being taken to task for their coverage and Trump Jr. received an email in September
their handling the aftermath by not admitting to their 2016 offering access to hacked Democratic
screw-up. Wikileaks founder Julian Assange even ripped Party data. The emailed offer was dated
CBS, tweeting out a challenge to CBS, stating "This is Sept. 4 and was for a decryption key and
fake news, CBS, you pathetic excuse for a media website address providing access through
organization. I challenge your controlling oligarchs, the WikiLeaks for hacked the documents. The
Redstone family, to a $100k bet that "providing access new revelation was first reported by CNN."
through WikiLeaks" to our unpublished information is
false." Think about that. CNN had two separate sources according
to the writer in his on-air correction, and CBS claimed they
Rather than accept Assange's challenge, CBS simply "confirmed" the email was sent on September 4th, again
issued an editors note on their original fake news story, not naming who their source was, so we have at least two,
stating "Editor's note: An earlier version of this story if the CBS source was one of the same CNN sources, and
incorrectly stated the email was dated Sept. 4, 2016, possibly three separate sources if the CBS source was not
instead of Sept. 14, 2016. The information was erroneously either of the two that spoke to CNN, people telling two
confirmed by a source, who subsequently sent the actual major news organizations fake information.
email to CBS News confirming the Sept. 14 date. The
report has been updated to reflect the correct date, and the Coincidence? Each source was unable to read a date from
email is included in this update." an email where they date is very clear, shown below?

Could these so-called "sources" be deliberately giving the
MSM anti-Trump fake news, knowing their anti-Trump
biases are so virulent that they will rush to report without
bothering to insist seeing the data for themselves, then
being forced to backtrack, retract, correct, edit, and
handing the President and others that have lost all trust in
the MSM these days, the perfect opportunity to call them
"fake news?"

It is a much more logical conclusion than to think that all

the MSM sources have lousy eyesight.

The Deep State is also under the gun as we have recently

seen special counsel Robert Mueller's team under attack
after it was recently revealed that one of his team, Peter
Strzok, sent text anti-Trump text messages to his mistress, BOTTOM LINE - QUICK RECAP
and was the same man that changed the wording of
Comey's statement on Hillary Clinton from "grossly Establishment politicians are embroiled in sex scandals,
negligent," to "extremely careless," and was a key player with resignations already happening, and the "sewer rats"
in the Clinton investigation. are panicking because they believe a major news outlet is
about to expose 20-30 more names of sexual harassers in
Another of Mueller's top deputies, Andrew Weissman, sent Congress. Hollywood is eating their own as more and
an email to former acting AG Sally Yates after she refused more names are being engulfed in sex scandals. The media
to defend President Trump's travel ban, saying he was is losing some of their top names over sexual harassment
proud of her and was "in awe," and we recently found out allegations and has been engulfed in fake news stories, one
he also attended Hillary Clinton's election night party. after another. The Deep State members in the DOJ and on
Robert Mueller's team are being exposed as partisan anti-
It has also been revealed that "A senior Justice Department Trumpers.
official was demoted this week amid an ongoing
investigation into his contacts with the opposition research All segments of society that fought tooth and nail against
firm responsible for the anti-Trump 'dossier'," via Fox Donald Trump being elected, that have spent two years
News. bashing him, that blatantly favored Hillary Clinton, and all
of them are being exposed and destroyed publicly.
Once again, the same people that attempted to destroy
Donald Trump before the election and have been trying to I am of the opinion that either President Trump, or a
destroy him ever since he became President, are being supporter or group of supporters, have initiated one of the
exposed. biggest, wide ranging, take downs of globalists,
establishment politicians, pedophiles, sexual abusers and
lying media entities, and that we are witnessing the biggest
sting operation in history happening right before our very

Trump Shames Wapo Reporter After He Tweeted Fake
Photo Of Prez Campaign Event — Journalists Triggered
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On December 10, 2017
Weigel apologized in response to Trump’s tweet

(National Sentinel) War on Fake News: President Donald

J. Trump rattled Washington journalists on Saturday after
he called out Washington Post reporter Dave Weigel for
tweeting a highly misleading photo of a campaign event.

Trump’s response triggered other establishment media

figures who claimed that the president’s criticism would
lead to a major backlash from the public.
Trump tweeted,
Trump appeared in Pensacola, Fla., Friday night, to a
packed venue, but Weigel tweeted a picture showing it “just admitted that his picture was a FAKE
with large swaths of empty seats. (fraud?) showing an almost empty arena last
night for my speech in Pensacola when, in fact,
The problem was, Weigel’s picture was taken well before he knew the arena was packed (as shown also
the event began. By the time Trump began speaking, it was on T.V.). FAKE NEWS, he should be fired.”
full. That rattled some in the establishment media.

The president called out Weigel and his employer in a ““By including Dave Weigel’s @ handle, the
tweet with pictures showing a packed arena. president’s statement is inviting followers to
gang up on a reporter,” CNN’s Brian Stelter
“@DaveWeigel @WashingtonPost put out a
phony photo of an empty arena hours before I Other Left-leaning media outlets circled their wagons. For
arrived @ the venue, w/ thousands of people instance, Mother Jones editor-in-chief Clara Jeffrey
outside, on their way in. Real photos now defended Weigel, calling him “a great reporter.”
shown as I spoke. Packed house, many people
“Trump is trying to gin up ire against Post to
unable to get in. Demand apology & retraction
give permission structure to those who want to
from FAKE NEWS WaPo!” he said.
doubt its Moore reporting,” Jeffrey claimed. “A
manifestation of the only way Trump is smart.”
Weigel apologized in response to Trump’s tweet, at which
point the president declared victory and called on Weigel “The president calling for a journalist to be fired
to be fired, The Daily Caller reported. seems like a public threat to the First
Amendment,” wrote MSNBC producer Kyle

CNN Caught In The Most Epic FAKE NEWS Fail We’ve
Seen Yet… And They Still Refuse To Fully
Retract Their Blatant Lie
By Mike Adams
Sunday, December 10, 2017
“The U.S. Media Yesterday Suffered its Most
Humiliating Debacle in Ages: Now Refuses
All Transparency Over What Happened.”

This is one of the best pieces of critical thinking

journalism you’ll ever find. I’m reprinting part of that
story here and urging you to share this with everyone you

Truth be told, the mainstream media in

America has been weaponized against the
If you hope to understand what’s actually happening in the public, and it only serves now to cause fear,
world around you — and why half the country seems so delusion and mania among the voters through
chronically misinformed and delusional — you must know the deliberate publication of wildly false and
the details of what just happened at CNN on Friday. misleading news.

CNN was just caught in the most epic fake news fail The internet gatekeepers, meanwhile — such as Facebook,
we’ve ever witnessed, pushing out an utterly false piece of Google and Twitter — censor the independent media in
fake news that got a crucial date wrong, then using the order to grant the fake news legacy media a monopoly
wrong date to falsely declare that Trump colluded with over all narratives… even if those narratives are grossly
Wikileaks on behalf of the Russians. In one of the most false and maliciously fabricated (as you’ll see below).
embarrassing and pathetic examples of shoddy journalism (Related: Find real-time breaking news from all the
the world has ever seen, CNN news-tards hyperventilated most censored independent journalism websites on the
over the fake news and spread their falsehoods to millions ‘net at
of readers and viewers across multiple news networks,
instilling utterly false information into the minds of
Here’s part of the story from Greenwald, via The Intercept:
The U.S. Media Yesterday Suffered its Most
This continued for nearly a full day until they realized they
Humiliating Debacle in Ages: Now Refuses
got a key fact wrong which invalidated the entire story.
All Transparency Over What Happened
But instead of apologizing and correcting the news, most
journalists swept it under the rug and pretended nothing
happened, leaving millions of news consumers with FRIDAY WAS ONE of the most embarrassing days for
factually wrong information that most of them still believe the U.S. media in quite a long time. The humiliation orgy
to be true. This is how the left-wing media operates now: was kicked off by CNN, with MSNBC and CBS close
Push fake news, refuse to retract it, then move on to the behind, with countless pundits, commentators and
next fake news story. This is nothing less than the operatives joining the party throughout the day. By the end
weaponization of fake news to overthrow the results of a of the day, it was clear that several of the nation’s largest
democratic election. and most influential news outlets had spread an explosive
but completely false news story to millions of people,
while refusing to provide any explanation of how it
The Intercept’s Glenn Greenwald — the journalist who
broke the Edward Snowden story — details this epic fake
news fail in a truly bombshell article that every intelligent
person should review. It’s entitled, The spectacle began on Friday morning at 11:00 am EST,
when the Most Trusted Name in News™ spent 12 straight
minutes on air flamboyantly hyping an exclusive
bombshell report that seemed to prove that WikiLeaks, last had publicly promoted. In other words, the email was the
September, had secretly offered the Trump campaign, even exact opposite of what CNN presented it as being.
Donald Trump himself, special access to the DNC
emails before they were published on the internet. As How did CNN end up aggressively hyping such a
CNN sees the world, this would prove collusion between spectacularly false story? They refuse to say. Many hours
the Trump family and WikiLeaks and, more importantly, after their story got exposed as false, the journalist who
between Trump and Russia, since the U.S. intelligence originally presented it, Congressional reporter Manu Raju,
community regards WikiLeaks as an “arm of Russian finally posted a tweet noting the correction. CNN’s PR
intelligence,” and therefore, so does the U.S. media. Department then claimed that “multiple sources” had
provided CNN with the false date. And Raju went on
This entire revelation was based on an email which CNN CNN, in muted tones, to note the correction, explicitly
strongly implied it had exclusively obtained and had in its claiming that “two sources” had each given him the false
possession. The email was sent by someone named date on the email, while also making clear that CNN did
“Michael J. Erickson” – someone nobody had heard of not ever even see the email, but only had sources describe
previously and whom CNN could not identify – to Donald its purported contents:
Trump, Jr., offering a decryption key and access to DNC
emails that WikiLeaks had “uploaded.” The email was a
smoking gun, in CNN’s extremely excited mind, because it
was dated September 4 – ten days before WikiLeaks began
promoting access to those emails online – and thus proved
that the Trump family was being offered special, unique
access to the DNC archive: likely by WikiLeaks and the

It’s impossible to convey with words what a spectacularly

devastating scoop CNN believed it had, so it’s necessary to
watch it for yourself to see the tone of excitement,
breathlessness and gravity the network conveyed as they
clearly believed they were delivering a near-fatal blow on
the Trump/Russia collusion story: All of this prompts the glaring, obvious, and critical
question – one which CNN refuses to address: how did
“multiple sources” all misread the date on this document,
in exactly the same way, and toward the same end, and
then feed this false information to CNN?

It is, of course, completely plausible that one source might

innocently misread a date on a document. But how is it
remotely plausible that multiple sources could all
innocently and in good faith misread the date in exactly the
same way, all to cause to be disseminated a blockbuster
revelation about Trump/Russia/WikiLeaks collusion? This
is the critical question that CNN simply refuses to answer.
In other words, CNN refuses to provide the most minimal
transparency to enable the public to understand what
There was just one small problem with this story: it was happened here.
fundamentally false, in the most embarrassing way
possible. Hours after CNN broadcast its story – and then WHY DOES THIS MATTER SO MUCH? For so many
hyped it over and over and over – the Washington significant reasons:
Post reported that CNN got the key fact of the story wrong.

To begin with, it’s hard to overstate how fast,

The email was not dated September 4, as CNN claimed,
far and wide this false story traveled.
but rather September 14 – which means it was
Democratic Party pundits, operatives and
sent after WikiLeaks had already published access to the
journalists with huge social media platforms
DNC emails online. Thus, rather than offering some sort of
predictably jumped on the story immediately,
special access to Trump, “Michael J. Erickson” was simply
announcing that it proved collusion between
some random person from the public encouraging the
Trump and Russia (through WikiLeaks). One
Trump family to look at the publicly available DNC emails
tweet from Democratic Congressman Ted Lieu,
that WikiLeaks – as everyone by then already knew –
claiming that this proved evidence of criminal
collusion, was re-tweeted thousands and
thousands of times in just a few hours (Lieu near the impact as this CNN story had when it comes to
quietly deleted the tweet after I noted its falsity, deceiving people with blatantly inaccurate information.
and long after it went very viral, without ever
telling his followers that the CNN story, and …Most embarrassing of all was what MSNBC did. You
therefore his accusation, had been debunked). just have to watch this report from its “intelligence and
national security correspondent” Ken Dilanian to believe
it. Like CBS, Dilanian also claimed that he independently
“confirmed” the false CNN report from “two sources with
direct knowledge of this.” Dilanian, whose career in the
U.S. media continues to flourish the more he is exposed as
someone who faithfully parrots what the CIA tells him to
say (since that is one of the most coveted and valued
attributes in US journalism), spent three minutes mixing
evidence-free CIA claims as fact with totally false
assertions about what his multiple “sources with direct
knowledge” told him about all this. Please watch this –
again, not just the content but the tenor and tone of how
they “report” – as it is Baghdad-Bob-level embarrassing:
Incredibly, to this very moment – almost 24 hours after
CNN’s story was debunked – Wittes has never noted to his
more than 200,000 followers that the story he so excitedly
promoted turned out to be utterly false, even though he
returned to Twitter long after the story was debunked to
tweet about other matters. He just left his false and
inflammatory claims uncorrected.

Talking Points Memo’s Josh Marshall believed the story

was so significant that he used an image of an atomic
bomb detonating at the top of his article discussing its
implications, an article he tweeted to his roughly 250,000
followers. Only at night was an editor’s note finally added
noting that the whole thing was false.
Think about what this means. It means that at least two –
It’s hard to quantify exactly how many people were and possibly more – sources, which these media outlets all
deceived – filled with false news and propaganda – by the assessed as credible in terms of having access to sensitive
CNN story. But thanks to Democratic-loyal journalists and information, all fed the same false information to multiple
operatives who decree every Trump/Russia claim to be news outlets at the same time. For multiple reasons, the
true without seeing any evidence, it’s certainly safe to say probability is very high that these sources were
that many hundreds of thousands of people, almost Democratic members of the House Intelligence Committee
certainly millions, were exposed to these false claims. (or their high-level staff members), which is the committee
that obtained access to Trump Jr.’s emails, although it’s
Surely anyone who has any minimal concerns about certainly possible that it’s someone else. We won’t know
journalistic accuracy – which would presumably include until these news outlets deign to report this crucial
all the people who have spent the last year lamenting Fake information to the public: which “multiple sources” acted
News, propaganda, Twitter bots and the like – would jointly to disseminate incredibly inflammatory, false
demand an accounting as to how a major U.S. media outlet information to the nation’s largest news outlets?
ended up filling so many people’s brains with totally false
news. That alone should prompt demands from CNN for an Continue reading the rest of this article at
explanation about what happened here. No Russian Follow more news about the
Facebook ad or Twitter bot could possibly have anywhere weaponization of fake news journalism by the deranged,
fact-free Left-wing media at

FAKE NEWS: NYT Claims President Trump
“Watches Up To 8 Hours Of TV Per Day”
By Jon Hall
December 10, 2017

could used as fodder for anti-Trump

In a lengthy piece published yesterday, the headlines.
New York Times profiled the supposed
habits and routine of the President’s day-to- Furthermore, even if the President does drink 12 cans of
day life… Diet Coke a day –

what does it matter?

It’s highly unlikely the President would be able

to sit down and watch television for 8 hours a
day considering how productive and
successful the Trump administration is.
We’ve seen real results – a booming
economy, campaign promises kept, and the
reversing and replacing of Obama-era
regulations and policies to massive
Among the NYT’s bombastic claims:
President Trump drinks 12 cans of diet coke If President Trump spent 8 hours of his day
per day and watches up to eight hours of watching television, the Trump
television… administration would have nothing to show
for itself – but the opposite is true!
Watching cable, he shares thoughts with anyone in the
room, even the household staff he summons via a button Whilst there are hints of truth in NYT’s
for lunch or profile, the vast majority of it is unsourced
and unnamed – lazy journalism.
for one of the dozen Diet Cokes he
consumes each day. Glenn Thrush, Maggie Haberman, and Peter Baker strung
along a narrative with anonymous sources and want their
readership to take it as fact.
People close to him estimate that Mr. Trump
spends at least four hours a day, and
At the end of the day, Trump’s base and his supporters will
sometimes as much as twice that…
pay no mind to the laughable headlines clandestinely
generated from unverified sources and remain unaffected.
Media outlets were quick to pick up and
publish the easily-twisted headlines.
The true victims are the ones who still take
stock in newspapers and outlets that push
The NYT report relies on unnamed and misinformation like this.
unverified sources in most cases – and I
wouldn’t put it past crazed anti-Trumper
journalists to slip false info in the report that

Press Virtually Ignores Gloria Steinem's
Howler: Trump 'Lost by 10 Million Votes'
By Tom Blumer
December 10, 2017 4:56 PM EST

At the Massachusetts Conference for Women on

Wednesday, so-called "feminist icon" and late-1990s Bill Saturday afternoon, Fox News published the following
Clinton apologist and enabler Gloria Steinem made a big tweet which mentioned the "10 million votes" howler:
deal out the fact that she never has and never will call
Donald Trump "president" — to her, he's the There's only one problem:
"harasser in chief" — while claiming that The link at Fox's tweet, which goes to an
Trump "lost" last year's general election by Associated Press article at Fox's website,
"10 million votes." currently has no reference to Steinem's "10
million votes" statement. That same
The vast majority of the establishment press is ignoring unbylined AP item is at dozens of other
Steinem's virtually illiterate remark. In one noteworthy news sites, none of which contain any
instance, the Associated Press either ignored the obviously reference to that statement. The story is
noteworthy "10 million votes" claim or deleted it in a primarily about actress Meryl Streep's
subsequent revision to an earlier report. Thursday statements at the conference,
Steinem's "10 million votes" remark has and only refers to Steinem in a single
been reported at and New sentence in the second-to-last paragraph.
England Cable News, and has been
sharply criticized by Matt Vespa at on Saturday. That's it.
Steinem explained how she concocted her "10 million
votes" fantasy in a mid-August Facebook post:

Steinem's illogical nonsense demands that a presidential

candidate must achieve a popular-vote majority to "win,"
because her definition of the margin of defeat compares a
candidate's votes to all other votes.
Therefore, as seen below, Hillary Clinton also "lost" in
2016 — by 4.8 million votes (vote totals obtained here):
Likewise, Bill Clinton, who failed to achieve
a popular-vote majority in either of his
presidential election runs, "lost" by
Steinem's illogic in 1992 and 1996 by 13.7
million and 1.5 million votes, respectively.
Someone should send Ms. Steinem one of those "Math
Class Is Tough" Barbie dolls which appeared briefly in the
As to the Electoral College having its basis in slavery,
suffice it to say that Steinem is as bad at history as she is at

The AP appears to have intended that its subscribers That Wednesday AP item is still at a few websites. Though
replace a Wednesday item on Steinem's appearance with it also has no current reference to Steinem's "10 million
the Thursday item currently seen at Fox. When a user votes" statement, it may have had one in an earlier version.
searches Google News and clicks on many of the items We'll probably never know, because, as I noted several
containing Wednesday's headlines (either "Gloria Steinem weeks ago, the AP has become far less transparent, and
calls President Trump 'harasser in chief'" or "Steinem takes "better" at flushing old or revised stories down the memory
shot at President Trump at women's conference"), he or hole.
she gets taken instead to the same Thursday story seen at
Fox. Despite no visible evidence of Steinem's "10 million
votes" statement in any current AP story, it seems unlikely
that Fox would have posted the tweet seen above while
linking to a story not containing it. (A
search on "Steinem 10 million," not in quotes, found no
evidence that the story is present elsewhere on its website.)

Regardless of whether the AP ever reported Steinem's "10

million votes" claim, the fact remains that it is not
reporting it now. A prominent conservative or Republican
women making a similarly stupid and ignorant claim
would not get the pass Steinem is receiving, but would
instead be mercilessly and prominently ridiculed.

The FBI Is No Friend Of Liberty And Justice
The FBI's Handling Of The Michael Flynn Case Is Disturbing.
Sheldon Richman
December 10, 2017

admirer of Flynn—and for many reasons I certainly am

not—to be disturbed by how the FBI has handled this case.

One ought to be immediately suspicious whenever

someone is charged with or pleads guilty to lying to the
FBI without any underlying crime being charged. Former
assistant U.S. attorney Andrew C. McCarthy points out:

When a prosecutor has a cooperator who was an

accomplice in a major criminal scheme, the cooperator is
made to plead guilty to the scheme. This is critical because
it proves the existence of the scheme. In his guilty-plea
allocution (the part of a plea proceeding in which the
defendant admits what he did that makes him guilty), the
accomplice explains the scheme and the actions taken by
Paul Hennessy/Polaris/Newscom
himself and his co-conspirators to carry it out. This goes a
long way toward proving the case against all of the
One of the unfortunate ironies of the manufactured subjects of the investigation.
"Russiagate" controversy is the perception of the FBI as a
friend of liberty and justice. But the FBI has never been a
friend of liberty and justice. That is not happening in Flynn's situation. Instead, like
[former Trump foreign-policy "adviser" George]
Papadopoulos, he is being permitted to plead guilty to a
Rather, as James Bovard writes, it mere process crime.

"has a long record of both deceit and When the FBI questioned Flynn about his conversations
incompetence. Five years ago, Americans with Kislyak, it already had the transcripts of those
learned that the FBI was teaching its conversations—the government eavesdrops on the
agents that 'the FBI has the ability to bend representatives of foreign governments, among others, and
or suspend the law to impinge on the Flynn had been identified, or "unmasked," as the
freedom of others.' This has practically ambassador's conversation partner. The FBI could have
been the Bureau's motif since its creation in simply told Flynn the transcripts contained evidence of a
1908…. The FBI has always used its 'good crime (assuming for the sake of argument they did) and
guy' image to keep a lid on its crimes." charged him with violating the Logan Act or whatever else
the FBI had in mind.
(Bovard has made a vocation of cataloging the FBI's many
offenses against liberty and justice, for which we are But that's not what happened. Instead, the FBI asked Flynn
forever in his debt.) about his conversations with Kislyak, apparently to test
him. If he lied (which would mean he's pretty stupid since
Things are certainly not different today. Take the case of he once ran the Defense Intelligence Agency and must
Michael Flynn, the retired lieutenant general who spent have known about the transcripts!) or had a bad memory,
less than a month as Donald Trump's national-security he could have been charged with lying to the FBI.
adviser. Flynn has pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI in
connection with conversations he had with Russia's then- As investigative reporter Robert Parry explains:
ambassador to the United States, Sergey Kislyak, between
Trump's election and inauguration. One need not be an
What is arguably most disturbing about this suspicions. Would non-escalation of the sanctions
case is that then-National Security Adviser controversy or a UN veto have undermined Obama's
Flynn was pushed into a perjury trap by foreign policy? I don't see how. (True, the Obama
Obama administration holdovers at the administration abstained on the resolution, but would
Justice Department who concocted an Obama have objected had Russia vetoed it? By the way,
unorthodox legal rationale for subjecting Russia voted for it, and the resolution passed, as it should
Flynn to an FBI interrogation four days after have.)
he took office, testing Flynn's recollection
of the conversations while the FBI agents The Flynn plea certainly does nothing to
had transcripts of the calls intercepted by indicate "collusion" with the Russians. For
the National Security Agency. one thing, the conversations were after the
In other words, the Justice Department wasn't seeking
And perhaps more important, Kislyak
information about what Flynn said to Russian Ambassador
was not looking for favors from Flynn;
Sergey Kislyak–the intelligence agencies already had that
on the contrary, Flynn was lobbying the
information. Instead, Flynn was being quizzed on his
Russians (successfully on the
precise recollection of the conversations and nailed for
sanctions—Vladimir Putin did not
lying when his recollections deviated from the transcripts.
retaliate—and unsuccessfully on the UN
For Americans who worry about how the pervasive
surveillance powers of the U.S. government could be put
Where's the evidence of Russian influence on the Trump
to use criminalizing otherwise constitutionally protected team? There was foreign influence, but it was from Israel,
speech and political associations, Flynn's prosecution a regular meddler in the American political process. All
represents a troubling precedent.
indications are that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
asked Trump son-in-law and special envoy to everywhere
Why didn't the FBI charge Flynn with an underlying Jared Kushner to lobby the world to defeat the UN
crime? It might be because his conversations with Kislyak resolution. Kushner, who has helped finance illegal Israeli
were not criminal. McCarthy writes: settlements, then directed Flynn to call every Security
Council member, not just Russia.
A breaking report from ABC News indicates
that Flynn is prepared to testify that Trump What about the Logan Act? The Act, enacted in 1799,
directed him to make contact with the around the time of the infamous Alien and Sedition Acts,
Russians—initially to lay the groundwork prohibits private citizens from unauthorized
for mutual efforts against ISIS in Syria. "correspondence or intercourse with any foreign
That, however, is exactly the sort of thing government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to
the incoming national-security adviser is influence the measures or conduct of any foreign
supposed to do in a transition phase government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to
between administrations. If it were part of any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to
the basis for a "collusion" case arising out defeat the measures of the United States, shall be fined
of Russia's election meddling, then Flynn under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or
would not be pleading guilty to a process both."
crime—he'd be pleading guilty to an
espionage conspiracy.
Right off the bat, the Act appears to violate freedom of
speech. And as Parry writes,
David Stockman shows that the FBI and Special Counsel
Robert Mueller themselves indicate the Flynn-Kislyak
"That law … was never intended to apply to
conversations contained no evidence of criminal behavior.
incoming officials in the transition period
between elected presidential
Flynn spoke to Kislyak to ask that Russia not escalate administrations."
tensions after President Obama imposed sanctions last
December for the alleged election meddling and to ask that
Note also that only two indictments have been brought in
Russia not vote to condemn Israel, via a UN Security
218 years:
Council resolution, for its illegal settlements on occupied
Palestinian land. In other words, not only were Flynn's
discussions with Kislyak unexceptional—presidential In 1803 and 1852. Both cases were
transition-team foreign-policy officials have spoken with dropped. Far more serious contacts with
representatives of other governments in the past—but the foreign governments have occurred.
content of those discussions should have raised no

In 1968 Republican presidential candidate Richard Nixon I hold no brief for Flynn, whose conduct while working for
(with help from Henry Kissinger who was working in the Gen. Stanley McChrystal in Afghanistan, his dubious
Johnson administration) had a representative persuade the efforts on behalf of Turkey's strongman Recep Tayyip
president of South Vietnam to boycott the peace talks Erdoğan, and his apparent financial conflicts of interest are
President Lyndon Johnson had been arranging with North enough to make anyone cringe. But that cannot justify
Vietnam. That decision most likely prolonged the Vietnam what the FBI did in this plea case.
war and resulted in combat deaths that would not have
occurred. Unlike the Flynn case, Nixon's action undercut Government law-enforcement agencies should not be
the sitting president's policy and, more important, the allowed to administer credibility tests to Americans or
interests of the American people. others. If they have evidence of real offenses against
persons and property, bring charges. Otherwise, leave us
all alone.

Judge Jeanine: There Needs To
Be A 'Cleansing' At The FBI, DOJ
Justice With Judge Jeanine
December 10, 2017

"There have been times in our history

where corruption and lawlessness were so
pervasive, that examples had to be made.
This is one of those times," she said.

She said the FBI and Justice Department have too many
"political hacks" embedded, individuals who have never
accepted that the American people elected Donald Trump
to be commander-in-chief.

"I for one am tired of investigations,

politicians posturing. Something more has
In her Opening Statement Saturday night, Judge Jeanine to be done," Judge Jeanine said. "The
Pirro said there needs to be a "cleansing" at the FBI and stench coming out of the FBI and Justice
the Department of Justice. Department is like that of a Third World
country where money and boys and clubs
Judge Jeanine ran down a list of individuals who she said decide elections."
have been dedicated to protecting Hillary Clinton or
"It's time to take them out in cuffs."
destroying President Donald Trump, singling out Deputy
Director of the FBI Andrew McCabe, FBI official Peter
Strzok, former Associate Deputy Attorney General Bruce
Ohr, former FBI Director James Comey and Special
Counsel Robert Mueller.

“CAN’T MAKE IT UP”: Sarah Huckabee Sanders Serves
Obama The Stone Cold Truth About
by Joshua Caplan
December 10, 2017

Former President Barack Obama wants for job growth… with minorities, women, men
Americans to believe the U.S.’s sunny and even those with low incomes, showing the
economic outlook is thanks to his best gains.”
administration’s policies. In a speech this
week in Chicago, Obama took full credit for
President Trump’s record economic

Among other incredible economic metrics, African-

The notion is so comical that it even prompted Trump Americans and Hispanics are doing better than ever.
official Gary Cohn to laugh out loud during an appearance
on the Fox Business Channel this week.
“Since the election “the jobless rate for African
Americans dropped from 8% to 7.3%, while for
Via Varney and Co.: Hispanics it fell from 5.7% to 4.7%…and with
Trump’s big tax cuts on the way, job growth isn’t
Quoting Investors Business Daily, White House Press likely to end soon -more good news for all
Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders served Obama with the Americans.” -Investor’s Business Daily,”
stone cold truth about the ‘Trump Economy,’ on Sunday. tweeted Sanders.

“Donald Trump’s relentless focus on tax cuts,

deregulation and draining the swamp is great

economic analysis is frequently featured on The Drudge

Barack Obama has the worst GDP growth of any postwar

president, writes Hoft.

Barack Obama’s best year of GDP growth was 2.6 in 2015

(a year in which the stock market decreased in value).

2009 — -2.8
2010 — 2.5
Sanders followed up the statistics with 2011 — 1.6
2012 — 2.2
“Can’t make it up: Obama now wants credit for 2013 — 1.7
the booming Trump economy. At least we can 2014 — 2.4
all agree the economy is better under President 2015 — 2.6
Trump.” 2016 — 1.5

President Trump has seen quarterly GDP rates of 1.2, 3.1

and 3.3.

The New York Federal Reserve revised its

estimated fourth quarter GDP of 2017 to

This will give President Trump an annual

GDP rate of 2.9 in 2017 or possibly higher.
Few have written as in-depth about Obama’s economic
failures as The Gateway Pundit‘s Joe Hoft, whose

Five Times CNN Blew It In 2017 With FAKE NEWS
“Bombshells” While Trying To Play “Gotcha” With Trump
By JD Heyes
Monday, December 11, 2017

Billery uranium scandal: ‘That’s your REAL

Russia story.’)

As it turns out, the person representing Wikileaks, Mike

Erickson, made the offer on September 14, not the 4th.
That date is significant because:

a) CNN’s initial report made it sound as if the Trump

campaign had gotten exclusive access to emails
allegedly stolen by Russian hackers; and
b) Wikileaks released the very same trove of data on
September 13, the day before Erickson sent his email
As the Trump administration nears its first year in office, to Don Jr.
the so-called “mainstream media” has had one fail after
another, reporting more fake news stories based on bogus So in other words, another attempt to tie Trump to Russian
“sources” than at any one-year period following the ‘collusion’ fell apart. Like all the previous times CNN
election of a new president in recent memory. made similar allegations.

The principal theme behind most of the phony reports is Here are additional times the “Fake News Network” blew
the bogus claim that President Donald J. Trump’s it when covering the president, his campaign and his
campaign “colluded” with Russia to “steal the election” administration throughout 2017:
from Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.
 Comey testimony: The network reported June 6th that
I say “phony” because, after more than a fired FBI Director James Comey would testify the next
year, no one has yet to prove that such day that the president’s claim Comey assured him
collusion occurred. three times he was not under FBI investigation for the
Russia hoax. The story was actually refuted the same
In fact, the only real evidence of Russian collusion day when Comey’s testimony was released; in it, he
anyone’s seen and can prove is that which occurred within confirmed what Trump said. As such, the network was
the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National forced to rewrite the story and issue a correction.
Committee, both of which funded the infamous (and  Smearing the Mooch: Later the same month
equally bogus) “Trump dossier.” The dossier was written published a story, then deleted it, then
by former British spy Christopher Steele, who collaborated retracted a story claiming that Trump advisor Anthony
with Russian sources to assemble a gaggle of Scaramucci was the subject of a Senate investigation
unsubstantiated and salacious claims about Trump. for his alleged ties to Russian banksters. Those
allegations were also false. After severe backlash,
But that hasn’t stopped the reckless “mainstream” media three members of CNN’s ‘crack’ investigative team
from continually attempting to ‘prove’ such collusion were forced to resign over their role in publishing the
existed between Russia and Trump. The latest incident fake story. Afterward, the network pulled its
occurred just last week when CNN reported that someone investigative team from the Russia story.
from Wikileaks reached out to Donald Trump Jr. in early  No Republican donor for the dossier: During one
September 2016 — Sept. 4, to be exact — and offered “a segment on the dossier in October the network’s Wolf
decryption key and website address for hacked Wikileaks Blitzer discussed it, spreading fake news in the
documents, according to an email provided to process. The chyron during his program indicated that
congressional investigators.” (Related: Trump takes a Republican donor had initially funded the discredited
‘mainstream’ media to task for REFUSING to cover dossier, but that’s false. The firm that paid for the
dossier, Fusion GPS, initially contracted with GOP

donor Paul Singer for research on candidates including  In the second incident, CNN took Trump’s words out of
Trump, but that was not related to the dossier. context (purposely) to make him look like he had no
 Something sounded fishy: During Trump’s visit to idea Japanese carmakers made automobiles in the
Japan last month, CNN spread a pair of fake U.S. “Trump asks Japan to build cars in the U.S. It
narratives. The first claimed that the president already does,” CNN Money’s Daniel Shane wrote. In
committed a faux pas while feeding Japanese koi fish fact, Trump’s full comments show that he knows Japan
by impatiently pouring his entire box of food out. Turns makes cars in the U.S.; the president appeared to be
out that Trump was only following the lead of his host, making a joke but the idiot Leftists at CNN took him
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. seriously.

NBC Dismisses
Media Screw Ups,
Attacks Trump Instead
By Kyle Drennen
December 11, 2017 11:25 AM EST

The other media “corrections” that Alexander referred to

included ABC News Chief Investigative Correspondent
Brian Ross falsely claiming that “candidate” Trump
ordered Michael Flynn to make contact with Russia during
the campaign. He was forced to issue a “clarification” on
the phony scoop and was suspended for four weeks
without pay from the network.

On Friday, CNN reporter Manu Raju got an entire story

wrong about Donald Trump Jr. receiving a Wikileaks e-
mail by not realizing that the information in question was
On Monday’s NBC Today, correspondent Peter Alexander already public at the time. Like Ross, he had to issue an
briefly noted that “the President ratchets up his war on the on-air correction, but unlike his ABC colleague, Raju
news media” with tweets criticizing liberal press for a faced no disciplinary measures from CNN.
recent series of high-profile mistakes and fake news
stories. However, the reporter was more interested in Instead of explaining all those media mistakes to viewers
turning the topic into an excuse to slam Trump for his own on Monday’s Today show, Alexander decided to attack
“misleading claims.” Trump:

“All this as the President ratchets up his “Critics pouncing, accusing President
war on the news media, calling it ‘a stain Trump of being a hypocrite, noting his long
on America’ after several news record of making false and misleading
organizations issued corrections to claims without apologizing or correcting
recent reports on the President,” himself. More than 1,600 since taking office
Alexander proclaimed during a segment according to a Washington Post study.”
rounding up the political news of the day.
He fretted over the President “tweeting How exactly do any of Trump’s misleading statements
that a Washington Post reporter [Dave absolve journalists from getting their facts wrong? Aren’t
Weigel] ‘should be fired’ even after that
they hypocrites for claiming to be the arbiters of truth and
reporter apologized and corrected an
then spreading false information?
inaccurate tweet about the crowd size at
the President’s weekend rally in Florida.”
Alexander didn’t bother addressing those fundamental
credibility questions, he had more important breaking
news to cover:

And now, The New York Times is pulling back the curtain
on life inside the White House, interviewing 60 sources
reporting the President spends at least four hours a day,
and sometimes as much as twice that, in front of a

And quenches his thirst, drinking up to “a

dozen Diet Cokes” each day.

A lot of good details, a lot of insight into the President’s on the President. Mr. Trump tweeting that a Washington Post
routine there. The Times reports, before taking office, Mr. reporter “should be fired” even after that reporter apologized and
Trump told top aides to think of each presidential day as an corrected an inaccurate tweet about the crowd size at the
episode in a TV show in which he vanquishes his rivals. President’s weekend rally in Florida.

Apparently the liberal media logic is that reporters can Critics pouncing, accusing President Trump of being a hypocrite,
screw up as much as they want because the President is a noting his long record of making false and misleading claims
liar who likes to watch TV and drink Diet Coke. without apologizing or correcting himself. More than 1,600 since
taking office according to a Washington Post study.
Alexander’s biased report was brought to viewers by
Subaru, Fruit of the Loom, and JCPenney. And now, The New York Times is pulling back the curtain on life
inside the White House, interviewing 60 sources reporting the
Here is a transcript of the relevant portion of the December President spends at least four hours a day, and sometimes as
11 segment: much as twice that, in front of a television. And quenches his
thirst, drinking up to “a dozen diet cokes” each day.
7:09 AM ET
A lot of good details, a lot of insight into the President’s routine
there. The Times reports, before taking office, Mr. Trump told top
aides to think of each presidential day as an episode in a TV
show in which he vanquishes his rivals.
PETER ALEXANDER: All this as the President ratchets up his
war on the news media, calling it “a stain on America” after
several news organizations issued corrections to recent reports

Trump Slams Media Over Fake News,
Calling Reporters A 'Stain On America'
Mon Dec 11, 2017 03:16AM

Washington Post reporter Dave Weigel has also became

Trump's most recent target after the president demanded
Saturday that he apologize for tweeting a photo of an
empty arena before a Trump rally in Florida that had been
taken hours before the event started.

Weigel responded and apologized minutes after Trump

tweeted that he had

"put out a phony photo of an empty arena

hours before I arrived."
President Donald Trump greets people during a rally at the
Pensacola Bay Center on December 8, 2017 in Pensacola, Florida.
(Photo by AFP) Trump’s comments were his latest attack against the news
US President Donald Trump has once media for the coverage he receives. During a speech in
again railed against the media blasting Phoenix, Arizona, in August, he called journalists "truly
journalists and calling their work "a dishonest" and "sick people."
stain on America" after a string of errors
in reporting on his presidency emerged
over the past week.
"Very little discussion of all the purposely
false and defamatory stories put out this
week by the Fake News Media. They are
out of control -- correct reporting means
nothing to them. Major lies written, then
forced to be withdrawn after they are
exposed...a stain on America!" Trump
tweeted Sunday.

The tweet came after some journalists made several

reporting errors causing them to become targets of Trump
and conservative media and commentators.

The errors by CNN and ABC have been widely covered in Trump has repeatedly used the term “fake news” to cast
the media, including on CNN, which featured a Sunday doubt on critical media reports about his administration,
segment on mistakes in journalism. often without providing any evidence to support his case.

Trump referred to ABC News's Brian Ross as a "fraudster" As a candidate, Trump had pursued the same anti-media
on Friday, a week after he reported that the president had rhetoric threatening to
directed his former national security adviser Michael Flynn
to make contact with Russian officials during the
"open up our libel laws so when they write
purposely negative and horrible and false
articles, we can sue them and win lots of
ABC later corrected the report to say the president directed money."
Flynn to contact Russia “after” he was elected.

Bob Mueller vs. Ken Starr:
A Classic Media Double Standard
By Rich Noyes
December 11, 2017 8:00 AM EST

Later on CNN Tonight, host CNN’s Don Lemon found it

“embarrassing” that journalists would participate in
criticizing Mueller, complaining to media reporter Brian
Stelter about Fox News:

“There has been a huge rise in anti-Mueller

and FBI rhetoric from right-wing media
recently....It’s just been shocking to watch.”

Liberal reporters are scandalized by what they say is

President Trump’s effort to “discredit” and “undermine”
special counsel Robert Mueller, worried that it could
presage an attempt to “remove Mueller, or end his
investigation.” But when President Bill Clinton was being
investigated by Ken Starr, journalists applauded
Democratic and White House attacks on the independent
counsel, and frequently joined in themselves.

Today’s journalists seem appalled by attempts by the

President and his allies that question Mueller’s credibility. “Is this a concerted effort to discredit
Washington Post reporters Devlin Barrett and Sean Mueller?” Lemon asked. Stelter instantly
Sullivan sounded the alarm in a front-page story on replied, “Yes.”
December 7: “Several law enforcement officials said they
are concerned that the constant drumbeat of conservative The media’s fierce protectiveness of the investigation into
criticism seems designed to erode Mueller’s credibility.” Trump is the utter opposite of how they reacted in 1998,
when the Clinton White House openly challenged
“You’re seeing an all-out effort by people independent counsel Kenneth Starr. Back then, many
close to the President to try to discredit the liberal reporters enthusiastically joined the effort to
special counsel’s investigation,” ABC’s Jon discredit the prosecutor and save their hero.
Karl agreed on Thursday’s Good Morning
America. On MSNBC’s Hardball that ABC’s Cokie Roberts at one point marveled about the
evening, USA Today White House reporter effectiveness of Clinton’s campaign to undermine the Starr
Heidi Przybyla claimed the President is investigation.
“clearly trying to discredit the investigation,
trying to discredit Mueller....They are trying
“It’s fabulous. It is so good. It just
to undermine this investigation.”
unbelievably good,” she exclaimed on
CNN’s Larry King Live on April 28, 1998.
An hour later, with the words “THE PLOT TO STOP “Look at how they’ve managed to turn
MUELLER” on screen, MSNBC host Chris Hayes around this whole question about the
announced his opinion that President’s behavior to one of Ken Starr’s
behavior, you know, just taken the whole
“there is a pretty concerted effort to lay the focus off of the President and put it onto
groundwork to essentially remove Mueller, the prosecutor. That’s remarkable.”
or end his investigation.”

desperately eager for a future Supreme
Court appointment,” Wall Street Journal
columnist Al Hunt growled on CNN’s
Capital Gang on October 5 of that year.

In stark contrast to their supportive coverage of Mueller,

the media’s treatment of Starr in the 1990s was savage.
Almost as soon as he was named — and long before the
Lewinsky story broke — Clinton-friendly journalists tried
to discredit him as an unfair partisan. “There is growing
controversy tonight, about whether the newly named The liberal media’s real war against Starr began in January
independent counsel in the Whitewater case is independent 1998, after the Drudge Report revealed a bombshell
or a Republican partisan allied with a get-Clinton Newsweek report that Clinton had had an affair with a
movement,” CBS Evening News anchor Dan Rather White House intern, Monica Lewinsky, and then denied it
impugned on his August 8, 1994 broadcast. under oath when deposed as part of Paula Jones’ sexual
harassment suit. Clinton’s own Attorney General, Janet
Rather kept up the innuendo, four days later suggesting: Reno, had agreed to assign the Lewinsky case to Starr and
his team, but Clinton’s defenders in the media chose to
“Starr is an ambitious Republican partisan paint the special prosecutor as the villain.
backed by ideologically-motivated, anti-
Clinton activists and judges from the “Given Kenneth Starr’s track record,”
Reagan, Bush, and Nixon years.” Bryant Gumbel (who by this time had left
NBC for CBS) sneered on the January 21,
The media’s Starr-as-partisan mantra was merely the first 1998 Public Eye, “should we suspect that
step. At the same time Bill Clinton was running for re- he’s trying to do with innuendo that which
election in 1996, Starr was putting his ex-business he has been unable to do with evidence?”
partners, James and Susan McDougal, on trial for fraud “What Starr is doing is trying to construct
uncovered during the Whitewater investigation. Again, the truth according to Ken Starr,”
Clinton’s friends in the press raced to innoculate the Newsweek’s Clift asserted on the February
President from the damaging scandal. 7, 1998 McLaughlin Group. “He’s the one
who is suborning perjury here in my view.
“If Ken Starr is a credible prosecutor, he He has gone way beyond the pale in term
will bring this to a conclusion and the of his treatment of witnesses.”
Clintons will be exonerated,” Newsweek’s “The question now is whether Starr’s
Eleanor Clift insisted on the February 10, tactics will prove more offensive to the
1996 McLaughlin Group. courts and the public than any alleged
“Have you any doubt that Kenneth Starr wrongdoing by the President that Starr is
and his deputies are pursuing an agenda investigating,” correspondent Michel
that is purely political?” NBC’s Bryant McQueen suggested that day on ABC’s
Gumbel gently asked Susan McDougal, World News Tonight.
who had already been convicted of four “You don’t have to be a conspiracy buff to
counts of fraud and conspiracy by the time have trouble with how the Whitewater
she appeared on the Today show on investigation ended up focused on the
September 17, 1996. President’s pants,” Time’s Richard Lacayo
“By pandering to Clinton-haters, Mr. Starr and Adam Cohen fretted in the magazine’s
appears to be abandoning all pretenses of February 9, 1998 issue. “Going after the
impartiality. He went into this job with a President’s sex life, wiring Linda Tripp to
reputation as a fair-minded conservative. secretly tape Lewinsky, trying to persuade
He now looks more like a political hit man Lewinsky to tape Clinton — are those the
actions of a conscientious prosecutor or a your jury high, like the judge up in the sky
political hit man?” /Twinkle, twinkle little Starr, now we see
how wrong you are.”
NBC’s Tom Brokaw picked up that theme on the February
16 Nightly News:

“A growing backlash against independent

counsel Kenneth Starr. Is he out of bounds
or just tone deaf?...Has Starr gone too far
in his pursuit of Monica Lewinsky and the

The media clearly preferred talking about the “backlash”

against Starr rather than the sordid details of Clinton’s own

On February 24, top CNN anchor Bernard In the media’s campaign to demonize Starr, no insult,
Shaw wanted to know if “by calling before apparently, was out of bounds.
the grand jury people such as [Clinton
White House aide] Sidney Blumenthal, is “Facially, it finally dawned on me that the
Ken Starr acting illegally?” Two days later, person Ken Starr has reminded me of
Shaw challenged a panel of legal experts: facially all this time was Heinrich Himmler,
“Should Ken Starr resign?...Should Starr including the glasses,”
pack his bags?”
MSNBC host Keith Olbermann sneered on the August 18
As Starr continued to investigate the President, the media Big Story, referring to the head of Nazi Germany’s feared
continued to snipe at him. SS divisions.

“If he doesn’t come forward very soon with On September 9, 1998, Starr delivered his report — the
credible evidence of lawbreaking, he will go Starr Report — to Congress. During MSNBC’s live
down in history as the Peeping Tom coverage, Gwen Ifill likened it to a terrorist attack.
prosecutor,” Newsweek’s Jonathan Alter
smirked on MSNBC’s The News with Brian “When someone drives, as one House
Williams on April 1. Judiciary Committee member put this some
“Starr has stood Watergate on its head,” weeks ago, a truck bomb up to the steps of
U.S. News & World Report editor-in-chief the Capitol and just dumps it on is
Mort Zuckerman complained in his in some ways, politically, a very violent
magazine’s April 6 issue. “It is not the action for Ken Starr to leave this on them
President who is involved in the politically- weeks before an election when they’re
motivated abuse of power; it is the trying to decide how to deal with it.”
politically-motivated counsel.”
“Has Ken Starr overstepped his bounds? Is
this a fishing expedition?”

NBC’s Maria Shriver asked an ex-Secret Service agent

during a July 16 Today show segment. Turning to another
guest, she continued to channel the Clinton defense team:

“Many people are outraged. They do call it

a fishing expedition.”

CNBC host Geraldo Rivera even commandeered a nursery

rhyme to show his disgust with the independent counsel.

“Twinkle, twinkle Kenneth Starr, now we

see how crude you are,” he awkwardly
crooned on his July 21 show. “Up above
The next morning, ABC’s Good Morning America co-host “What about the image and impression of
Lisa McRee proposed accepting the Clinton talking points Ken Starr as the sort of evil puppeteer
at face value: behind this entire investigation?”

“Couldn’t this be just a witch hunt? Couldn’t NBC/MSNBC host John Hockenberry wondered on
the Democrats and President Clinton’s MSNBC’s InterNight, November 19.
people who’ve been defending him all
these months be right?”
“Let’s not pretend for a moment that the
Starr Report is a balanced, judicious
presentation. It’s not. It is a partisan
prosecutor with some zealous aides who’s
trying to make a case against a guy he
despises,” the Wall Street Journal’s Al Hunt
fumed on CNN, September 12.

After nine months of badgering Starr, by mid-October

1998 many in the media clearly believed their own spin.

“If this reminds you of George Orwell’s

novel, 1984, it should,” CNN’s Bruce
Morton complained on October 11. ABC’s Diane Sawyer conducted a lengthy interview with
Starr for 20/20 on November 25. She undoubtedly spoke
“As much as Clinton stained the dress, for many of her colleagues as she scolded him to his face
Starr stained the country,” Time’s Margaret for the content of the Starr Report:
Carlson whined in her October 12 “Public
Eye” column.
“This has been called demented
pornography, pornography for Puritans.”
For most of 1998, CNBC’s Upfront Tonight was obsessed
with discounting Starr’s investigation.
Sawyer also pushed the idea that President Clinton had
more important things to do than be held accountable for
“So why did it last for four years and cost his conduct:
$40 million? A look at the money and the
men behind Ken Starr’s Whitewater
investigation indicates that Hillary Clinton “Did you think to yourself, here is a man
may have been right when she said there who has to deal with Saddam Hussein and
was a right-wing conspiracy to bring down bin Laden and what’s going on in Russia,
the President,” co-host Diane Dimond and we’re putting him through this?”
insisted on October 23.
It is, of course, impossible to imagine one of today’s
Today co-host Matt Lauer tossed this softball to longtime journalists scolding Robert Mueller for distracting
Clinton crony James Carville on October 26: “Remember President Trump from important national business, or
when the First Lady was here back in January and she suggesting his investigation has become a partisan mission
talked about the vast right-wing conspiracy. You agree to destroy a President whom the Washington
with a lot of what she had to say. If there is a hierarchy in Establishment has never liked.
that conspiracy, like a military hierarchy, where does Ken
Starr fall? Is he a private, is he a general, what is he?” The double standard is obvious to anyone who will look.

MSNBC: Donald Trump Doesn’t
Like CNN's Don Lemon Because He's Black
By Chris Reeves
December 11, 2017 2:36 PM EST

On Monday’s Morning Joe, New York Times Chief White the story came out: What is it – I'm
House Correspondent Peter Baker was welcomed onto the asking this in a slightly devilish way,
panel to discuss his and his colleagues’ latest report about perhaps – what is it about Don Lemon
President Trump’s TV news-watching habits. In the course that annoys the President so much?
of discussing the piece, MSNBC National Affairs Analyst
John Heilemann made a point of bringing up how Trump’s [chuckles from panel, including Baker]
favorite nightly news show to hate-watch is, reportedly,
CNN Tonight with Don Lemon.
BAKER: Well, it’s a good question. Look,
Don Lemon is, is, is pretty, uh, pretty,
Heilemann tried and failed to get Baker you know -- he’s uninhibited in what he
to pin Trump’s dislike of Lemon on the says sometimes on the show. He gives
President’s supposed hatred of African- his opinion in some ways -- he, he
American people before turning to frames the issues in a way that clearly
Princeton Professor Eddie Glaude Jr., the gets under the President's skin.
show’s only black panelist, for backup.
Glaude did not explicitly agree with Uh, I think that, you know, he likes this jolt
Heilemann, but was clearly amused by of, of television he doesn't agree with. It's
Heilmann’s “slightly devilish” suggestion. kinda hate watching, you know, he watches
something that he knows is gonna rile him
up. It’s like a, it’s like a big cup of caffeine.
Watch the segment yourself to get the full context of And, uh, uh, it's, uh -- most people try to
Heilemann’s comments: avoid things that make them upset, but I
think that President Trump – he gets a
charge out of it. It’s part of how he
MIKA BRZEZINSKI: [interrupting] He has a
different reaction.
BAKER: Yeah. And it's not new. This is not
new to his, his lifestyle.
This is the way he’s, he’s gone for a
long time.

It just happens to be new to this particular White House.

HEILEMANN: Obviously, Trump watches, JOE SCARBOROUGH: Well, and-.

as you report in this sh-, in this piece,
HEILEMANN: [interrupting] I’m curious,
watches this show occasionally, you say, to
I'm curious if Eddie has any views about
get worked up in the morning.
why Donald Trump might be more,
BAKER: [agreeing] M-hm. might be more, more upset about Don
HEILEMANN: The show that works him Lemon.
up in the evening, you report, and I, I
believe on the base of my reporting this [laughter from panelists and off-set, followed by lots of
is true, is Don Lemon at CNN. cross talk until Joe picks up convo]
BAKER: [agreeing] M-hm. M-hm.
GLAUDE: Why me? [repeats several
HEILEMANN: So I'm curious, a lot of times while Heilemann speaks, then
people have asked this question after laughs]
HEILEMANN: I’m just curious. Eddie has [Glaude laughs]
-- Eddie, you’re an astute, you’re an
astute commentator on media [inaudible]. Uh, we lived in Pensacola, Florida. Proud, I’m very proud to call it
I just didn’t know him. What do you say? the redneck Riviera and call it home. Redneck Riviera,
Pensacola, Florida – it is home. Um, and I went to school in
SCARBOROUGH: [trying to cut in] It’s, it’s, you know Tuscaloosa, Alabama, for four years. I love those -- I love those
what? people. I love them. And then I went down to Gainesville,
Florida, still sort of Southern, Southern part. I just -- and I was a
BRZEZINSKI: [inaudible] that. I saw it. middle-class guy that hung out with working class kids and
middle class kids. I just -- I never heard –
SCARBOROUGH: I, I, I’ve gotta say --
Peter won't say it, I will. Um, it's the last I just didn't, in 54 years, never heard my
name – Lemon. friends make racist comments or
racially insensitive comments. I just
BRZEZINSKI: Yeah. didn't. I mean, maybe on the playground
when, you know, you’re 5, 6, 7, 8 in
Mississippi. But even then, the teachers
[laughter from panel] would grab ‘em by the ears, yank ‘em to
SCARBOROUGH: Because he has this the office, and throw ‘em in the office.
reaction to that. That's why, that’s why I don't
understand how they vote for this man
BRZEZINSKI: [interjecting] I bet it is. on Tuesday. I just-.

SCARBOROUGH: And it's, it’s a negative lemon. Bleh. BRZEZINSKI: Well I, I think the focus group explains the
pedophile claim, which I think is actually stirring up votes for Roy
Moore. It's stirring up anger. I really do.
Heilemann probably expected Glaude to back him up
because of what the professor had said earlier on at the
beginning of the morning show’s broadcast. More SCARBOROUGH: Can I ask really quickly,-
GLAUDE: [softly] Sure.
the Princeton academic used a personal
experience of racism from his childhood SCARBOROUGH: -because you grew up in the South too. Am I
growing up in Mississippi to paint not naive?
just the South, but all of America as a
fundamentally racist country: GLAUDE: To a certain extent, yes. I think
there’s a sense in which -- one of the, one
of the beautiful things, and one of the
beautifully tragic things, about the country
is that there is a kind of innocence and
willful ignorance that happens on one
side of the tracks about why there are
tracks in the first place, right?


GLAUDE: And you know, I say tracks in the South because that’s
usually what divides the Black side of town-

SCARBOROUGH: And, and, and the, the only thing I, I, that I've SCARBOROUGH: Right.
been grappling with this weekend is, is, is how this guy wins.
Because, if he does win, then everything that I’ve been telling GLAUDE: -from the White side of town. And when you're on the
myself for the past 54 years about a new South that has moved White side of town, everything is, everything is normalized.
forward, that has moved on, may actually not be the case. And, Everything is normal. It's like oxygen, right? And the reality of the
I've got to say, I've said this before to people I -- and they didn't Black side of town is just: That's over there.
believe me, but, I mean, I was there, they weren't. I was born in
Doraville, Georgia, and then we moved to Meridian, Mississippi.
BRZEZINSKI: [agreeing] M-hm.
It’s kind of Deep South.

GLAUDE: Right? And so I remember SCARBOROUGH: Yeah.
when we moved from one side of Moss
Point to the other. My dad was the GLAUDE: -and I had a real striking experience there.
second African-American hired at the
post office in Pascagoula, Mississippi,
‘cause I grew up in Trent Lott’s district.
GLAUDE: And it’s, it’s, it’s part of the,-
GLAUDE: Uh, we bought this house in
Briarwood, and I was playing with those
old Tonka trucks. Remember those old GLAUDE: -it's part of the oxygen of the
Tonka trucks? South. But it -- to be honest with you, it's
not just the South. Oftentimes, we want
to make that region bear the burden of
the nation’s national sin.

GLAUDE: And all of a sudden, I heard:

BRZEZINSKI: [talking under Glaude] Well, right now the spotlight
“Stop playing with that” n-word.
is there.

SCARBOROUGH: Yeah. GLAUDE: It's America's madness. It’s

not the South’s madness.
GLAUDE: And I had to grab my truck
and walk inside. And my dad, who was a
Vietnam vet, went out and handled his
business. But the idea of this not
happening -- it happened to me when I
was 8 years old,-

WashPost Skips Reporter Dave Weigel's
History of Snotty Bias After False Trump Tweet
By Tim Graham
December 11, 2017 3:05 PM EST

Trump tweeted “Arena was packed to the

rafters, the crowd was loud, loving and
really smart.“

Weigel quoted Trump’s tweet and wrote

“Packed to the rafters,” attaching a photo

that showed hundreds of available seats in
the lower and upper levels. He deleted it
about 20 minutes later.

Around 5 p.m., Trump addressed Weigel’s tweet with his

The Washington Post reported on its own reporter’s Fake own:
News on Saturday night, but they left something important
out as they huffed that President Trump calling for Dave
“.@DaveWeigel @WashingtonPost put out
Weigel to be fired. Back in 2010, Weigel resigned (with a
a phony photo of an empty arena hours
push) from the Post when “JournoList” emails came out
before I arrived @ the venue, w/ thousands
showing Weigel's profound hatred for conservatives...the
of people outside, on their way in. Real
ones the Post assigned him to cover.
photos now shown as I spoke. Packed
house, many people unable to get in.
For example, his attack on Matt Drudge as factually sloppy Demand apology & retraction from FAKE
looks interesting now: NEWS WaPo!” the president wrote,
including pictures of the venue’s seats filled
“It’s really a disgrace that an amoral shut-in as he was onstage.
like Drudge maintains the influence he
does on the news cycle while gay-baiting, Weigel tweeted back almost immediately.
lying, and flubbing facts to this degree.”
“Sure thing: I apologize. I deleted the photo
At the time, Post ombudsman Andy Alexander quoted Post after @dmartosko told me I’d gotten it
managing editor Raju Narisetti in a way that implied wrong,” Weigel wrote, referring to David
Weigel was allowed to resign instead of being fired. Martosko, U.S. political editor of the Daily
Mail’s website. “Was confused by the
“I don’t think you need to be a conservative image of you walking in the bottom right
to cover the conservative movement,” corner.”
Narisetti said. “But you do need to be
impartial... in your views.” In a later tweet, Weigel wrote:

Since they don’t want to hire anyone who’s actually “It was a bad tweet on my personal
conservative-leaning, the Post rehired Weigel in 2015, account, not a story for Washington Post. .
claiming the so-called “idiosyncratic libertarian” (who said . . Very fair to call me out.”
he voted for Obama in 2008) would be a good man to
cover Sen. Rand Paul’s presidential campaign.
Trump doubled down:

This angle was completely missing in Post reporter Emily

“@daveweigel of the Washington Post just
Yahr’s bare-bones report on Saturday's controversy over a
admitted that his picture was a FAKE
Trump rally in Pensacola, Florida:
(fraud?) showing an almost empty arena
last night for my speech in Pensacola

when, in fact, he knew the arena was In the end, it was one inaccurate tweet, which didn't last
packed (as shown also on T.V.). FAKE long on Twitter. But then, the media elites manufacture
NEWS, he should be fired.” mountains of outrage over Donald Trump's tweets, so it's a
little tone-deaf to say this error was an insignificant blip.
The Post did find space for an official statement that had Even Yahr concedes that Trump is very sensitive about
that David Frum flavor of “mistakes make us more crowd, sizes. Weigel clearly was tweaking Trump when he
credible.” messed up.

On Saturday night, The Washington Post released a Trump can draw attention to Weigel's snotty bias by asking
statement. for a firing, but Weigel's JournoList thoughts match the
liberal elite so perfectly, like this one:
“Dave Weigel relied on an inaccurate
image in tweeting about President Trump’s the "mainstream" media's problem is "this
rally in Pensacola,” the paper’s vice need to give equal/extra time to ‘real
president of communications, Kristine American’ views, no matter how fucking
Coratti Kelly, said. “When others pointed moronic, which just so happen to be the
out the mistake to Weigel, he quickly views of the conglomerates that run the
deleted the tweet. And when he was later media and/or buy up ads.”
addressed by the president on Twitter, he
promptly apologized for it.”

Report: CIA Knows Who Leaked
Stolen DNC Docs To Wikileaks
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On December 11, 2017

“It’s pretty unusual for the CIA to make a

threat to WikiLeaks so publicly” Scores of users were stunned that the CIA would send that
message, with many referencing former DNC technology
employee Seth Rich, who was murdered last year under
still-unexplained circumstances.

Some speculate that Rich may have been the leaker,

including Internet guru and entrepreneur Kim Dotcom,
who has claimed that he and Rich talked a lot and were
(National Sentinel): Deep State: A former CIA operative working together to expose corruption at the DNC and
says he believes that his former employer knows exactly within the campaign of Hillary Clinton last year.
who is responsible for leaking hacked emails and other
documents from the Democratic National Committee to Robert L. Deitz, who served as senior counselor to CIA
Wikileaks. Director Michael Hayden from 2006 until February 2009,
and general counsel at the National Security Agency from
As reported by WorldNetDaily, former agent Fred 1998 to 2006, told WND he was “unprecedented” for the
Rustmann, who served as an operations officer in the CIA to threaten a private entity.
CIA’s National Clandestine Service for 24 years and was a
member of the agency’s elite Senior Intelligence Service, “It’s pretty unusual for the CIA to make a
said in an interview with WND that WikiLeaks’ ongoing threat to WikiLeaks so publicly. It’s pretty
release of classified information is “disgusting.” unprecedented; one ought to be skeptical
about this. That is not the way that CIA
That said, he believes that the agency has identified the officials should operate,” he said. “This is
leakers. not the way the CIA director ought to
behave. CIA directors don’t go around
“Wikileaks says they want to protect their
sources – Julian Assange said that he
wouldn’t reveal his sources, but he would He added that such a threat normally would come out of
say that it wasn’t the Russians,” Rustmann the Defense Department, the State Department or a similar
said. organization. The CIA, he said, normally stays in the
“But the agency knows a lot of the
information. I suspect they may have a
U.S. Rep. Dana Rohrabacher met with Assange in August
pretty good idea of who provided that
and said the Wikileaks founder would provide information
information to Wikileaks.”
to the U.S. of profound importance in exchange for a
pardon from the Trump administration.
The agency sent a back-handed threat to Wikileaks on
Saturday via the CIA’s Twitter account, using comments
Assange has regularly said that the documents did not
by CIA Director Mike Pompeo at the Reagan National
come from “a state” — including Russia or any other
Defense Forum on Saturday.

“DCIA Pompeo: WikiLeaks may think they

The DNC and the Clinton campaigns have always
are protecting those who provide them with
maintained that hackers working on behalf of the Russian
classified information & other secrets, but
government stole the documents to help elect President
they should not be certain of that. #RNDF,”
the cryptic message said.
Donald Trump Jr. UNLOADS On CNN,
Mocks ‘Laughable’ Program Schedule Irony
By Doug P.
Posted At 2:37 Pm On December 11, 2017

CNN continues to spin its latest #FakeNews debacle with

the help of others:

Trump Jr. added one to the list:

Donald Trump Jr. isn’t buying that:

As a result of CNN’s latest embarrassment, Trump Jr. sees

something LOL-worthy on CNN’s program schedule:

There are plenty of unanswered questions about CNN’s

bogus “bombshell” that they blamed on sources who made
honest mistakes: Without a doubt!
CNN Turns Its LATEST Major ‘Trump-Russia
Collusion’ FAIL Into An Attack On The Prez (Video)
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On December 11, 2017

The network botched its story on its own But, as The National Sentinel‘s editor in chief, J. D. Heyes,
noted on Saturday, the network botched its story on its

Under the graphic, “The Russia

Investigation” (because the network is still
treating the lie that Team Trump “colluded”
with Moscow to “steal the election” from
Hillary), CNN reported this ‘bombshell’: —
“Email pointed Trump campaign to
Wikileaks documents.”
In their report, CNN alleged that someone
(National Sentinel) Shifting Blame: CNN‘s “Reliable from Wikileaks reached out to Donald
Sources” program, which is hosted by Brian Stelter, Trump Jr. in early September 2016 —
portrays itself as one that provides Sept. 4, to be exact — and offered “a
decryption key and website address for
“the story behind the story, how the media hacked Wikileaks documents, according to
really works, and how the news really gets an email provided to congressional
made.” investigators.”
As it turns out, the person representing
But the program that airs on Sunday mornings failed to Wikileaks — one Mike Erickson — made
live up to its own standard when it tackled its own the offer on September 14, not the 4th.
network’s latest massive screwup regarding a story on That date is significant because a) CNN’s
Team Trump it was forced to correct on Friday. initial report made it sound as if the Trump
campaign had gotten exclusive access to
After addressing the network’s mistake for a couple of stolen emails; and b) Wikileaks released
moments, in which he offered up a short preview of the the very same trove of data on
reporting for the story, he then quoted CNN‘s public September 13, the day before Erickson
relations department which downplayed the scandal, The sent his email to Don Jr.
Daily Caller reported.
CNN‘s reporter on the story, Manu Raju, said “multiple
Stelter then introduced Carl Bernstein, famed for his sources” provided information about the email. But after
reporting on Watergate for the Washington Post in the several hours of constant reporting, the story fell apart.
early 1970s, and noted anti-Trump pundit David Frum,
neither of whom talked about how CNN got its Friday “The revelation of the actual date of the
story wrong. Rather, they chose to focus on the president, email showed that instead of a super secret
whom they described as a “serial liar.” preview of stolen documents, a random
person reached out to Trumpworld to point
Stelter then trotted out Watergate reporter Carl Bernstein to documents that had already been
and anti-Trump pundit David Frum, both of whom avoided released,” The Daily Caller reported.
discussing how CNN got its story wrong. Instead, they
focused on President Trump, calling him a “serial liar.” Thus far, the network has refused to discipline Raju or his
co-writer, Jeremy Herb.

“Look, reporters, journalists make him and his administration. He did so again following
mistakes,” said Bernstein, a paid CNN Friday’s erroneous report.
analyst, and veteran of Watergate. “Our
record as journalists in covering this Trump
story and the Russian story is pretty good,
especially compared to the record of
Donald Trump and his serial lying.”

But in reality, the media-driven narrative that there was

“collusion” between the Trump campaign and Russia has
been insinuated often, as CNN did again last week, but
never proven to be accurate.

Trump has regularly called out establishment media

reporters when they have been wrong in their reporting on

Kaboom! Acosta, Sanders Throw Down In WH Briefing;
‘I’m Not Taking Another Question From You’
By Curtis Houck
December 11, 2017 3:52 PM EST

Monday’s White House press briefing was another one for “journalists make honest mistakes and
the ages as CNN’s self-righteous senior White House that doesn't make them fake news.”
correspondent Jim Acosta came ready to rumble against Sanders shot back that “when journalists
press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, but quickly ran make honest mistakes, they should own
into the proverbial buzzsaw during a debate on liberal up to them” but clearly haven’t.
media bias.
After an unidentified reporter shouted “we do” from the
Acosta fetched plenty of support as journalists could be peanut gallery, the verbal brawl was on:
heard shouting throughout the exchange in efforts to
heckle Sanders (led by CNN political analyst, Playboy SANDERS: Sometimes, and a lot of times you don't. But
correspondent, and Sentinel Newspapers writer Brian there’s a difference —
ACOSTA: The President hasn’t!

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: The President does it all

the time

ACOSTA: The President hasn’t!

SANDERS: There’s a very big — I'm sorry. I'm not



Politico’s Matthews Nussbaum actually lit the match on SANDERS: There's a very big difference between making
this fire, asking Sanders why there’s a “discrepancy” honest mistakes and purposefully misleading the American
between President Trump’s outrage over mistakes by people. Something that happens regularly. You can't say
journalist and government-backed efforts to influence —
elections (like Russia somehow causing voters to elect
Trump). BRIAN KAREM: You mean like tweeting —

Sanders responded that Trump called out The Washington SANDERS: I'm not done.
Post’s David Weigel for one such mistake because it was
KAREM: —about stuff in the Middle East.
“a very direct and false accusation
lodged against him” SANDERS: You cannot say —

that was only the latest in a series of outlets having KAREM: He tweeted something that was completely fake,
Sarah and he admitted it.
“to retract and change and re-write and
make editor's notes to a number of SANDERS: — you cannot say that it's an honest mistake
different stories and some of them with when you are purposely putting out information that you
major impacts.” know to be false or when you're taking information that
hasn't been validated, that hasn't been offered any
Acosta then leaped into action, stating that credibility and that has been continually denied by a

number of people including people with direct knowledge ACOSTA: I think I was — I was, in my defense, just
of an incident. responding to your attacks on the news media if that’s
KAREM: Are you saying that about the President?
STINSON: Sarah, a question about investments —
SANDERS: This is something that — I'm speaking about investment taxes —
the number of reports that have taken place over the last
couple of weeks. I'm simply stating that there should be a ACOSTA: I would like to ask the question that I had about
certain level of responsibility in that process. these accusations of misconduct against the President. You
said he's denied them. Can you say whether or not they are
Acosta lamented that the didn’t want to talk about this, but false. That’s all I’m asking here.
instead of pivoting back to what he wanted to ask Sanders
about, the smug liberal journalist implored Sanders to “cite SANDERS: I’m not going to respond to that question.
a specific story that you say is intentionally false, that
was intentionally put out there to mislead the American Later in the briefing, both Karem and fellow CNN political
people.” analyst April Ryan caused similar scenes. It’s interesting
how, time and again, CNN’s payroll features most of the
Sanders succinctly cited the false story from ABC’s Brian reporters who throw temper tantrums and engage in heated
Ross as “pretty misleading to the American people” and exchanges with the White House press secretary.
so Acosta attempted to move on, but enough time had
elapsed that Sanders wanted to shift to Lifezette’s Jim Here’s the relevant transcript from December 11's White
Stinson. House Press Briefing:

Of course, Acosta continued throwing a fit: White House Press Briefing

December 11, 2017
ACOSTA: Sarah, if I may, though, I was going to ask a 2:26 p.m. Eastern
question about something else.
JIM ACOSTA: And I would just say, Sarah, that journalists make
SANDERS: Well, you used it on something else. Jim? honest mistakes and that doesn't make them fake news, but the
question that I have —
JIM STINSON: Sarah, is —
SARAH HUCKABEE SANDERS: Well, when journalists make
ACOSTA: If I may — honest mistakes, they should own up to them.


SANDERS: Not today. We’re going to keep moving,


ACOSTA: If I can ask about the other —


ACOSTA: — accusations leveled against him.

SANDERS: I'm moving to a different Jim. I'm sorry.

Acosta shrieked that he wanted to know “once and for SANDERS: Sometimes, and a lot of times you don't. But there’s
all” whether the allegations of sexual misconduct against a difference —
the President were true, so Sanders decided to use Acosta’s
own line against him:
ACOSTA: The President hasn’t!

SANDERS: Jim, I’m going to say once and for all that I'm
UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: The President does it all the time
moving on to Jim Stinson and I'm not taking another
question from you at this point.
ACOSTA: The President hasn’t!

SANDERS: There’s a very big — I'm sorry. I'm not finished. ACOSTA: If I may —

ACOSTA: Okay. STINSON: Sarah —

SANDERS: There's a very big difference between making honest SANDERS: Not today. We’re going to keep moving, guys.
mistakes and purposefully misleading the American people.
Something that happens regularly. You can't say — ACOSTA: If I can ask about the other —

BRIAN KAREM: You mean like tweeting — UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: The other Jim!

SANDERS: I'm not done. ACOSTA: — accusations leveled against him.

KAREM: —about stuff in the Middle East. SANDERS: I'm moving to a different Jim. I'm sorry.

SANDERS: You cannot say — ACOSTA: I know, but I needed a chance to ask the question that
I wanted to ask which is —
KAREM: He tweeted something that was completely fake, Sarah
and he admitted it. SANDERS: Jim —

SANDERS: — you cannot say that it's an honest mistake when ACOSTA: — can you just say once and for all whether these
you are purposely putting out information that you know to be accusations —
false or when you're taking information that hasn't been
validated, that hasn't been offered any credibility and that has
been continually denied by a number of people including people
with direct knowledge of an incident.

KAREM: Are you saying that about the President?

SANDERS: This is something that — I'm speaking about the

number of reports that have taken place over the last couple of
weeks. I'm simply stating that there should be a certain level of
responsibility in that process.

SANDERS: Jim, I’m going to say once and for all that I'm moving
ACOSTA: This was not — on to Jim Stinson and I'm not taking another question from you at
this point.
SANDERS: Brian, I called on Jim.
ACOSTA: I think I was — I was, in my defense, just responding
ACOSTA: — this is not the line of questioning that I was going to your attacks on the news media if that’s okay.
down, but can you cite a specific story that you say is
intentionally false, that was intentionally put out there to mislead STINSON: Sarah, a question about investments — investment
the American people? taxes —

SANDERS: Sure. The ABC report by Brian Ross. I think that was ACOSTA: I would like to ask the question that I had about these
pretty misleading to the American people, and I think that it's very accusations of misconduct against the President. You said he's
telling that that individual had to be suspended because of that denied them. Can you say whether or not they are false. That’s
reporting. I think that shows that the network took it seriously and all I’m asking here.
recognized that it was a problem. Jim?
SANDERS: I’m not going to respond to that question.
ACOSTA: Sarah, if I may, though, I was going to ask a question
about something else. ACOSTA: You’re not going to?

SANDERS: Well, you used it on something else. Jim? SANDERS: Go ahead, Jim.

JIM STINSON: Sarah, is —

Judge Janine On FBI Corruption:
‘People Need To Be Taken Out In Handcuffs’ (Video)
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On December 11, 2017

“There is a cleansing needed in our FBI “There have been times in our history
and department of justice– it needs to be where corruption and lawlessness were so
cleansed of individuals who should not just pervasive, that examples had to be made,”
be fired…” Pirro said. “This is one of those times.”

She said other examples of those that should be targeted

include, but are not limited to,

Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe,

former FBI Director James Comey, and
even Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

Pirro also noted that people should be held to account no

(National Sentinel) Dept. of Unjustice: FBI agents and matter what their political allegiance.
officials with the Department of Justice involved in
various scandals and corruption involving the Trump “I for one am tired of investigations,
campaign should be arrested and “taken out in handcuffs,” politicians posturing,” Pirro said.
said Judge Janine Pirro on her Fox News show Saturday. “Something more has to be done.”
“The stench coming out of the FBI and
The host said it’s become obvious that a “whole host of Justice Department is like that of a Third
individuals” were starkly against President Donald Trump, World country where money and boys and
according to Mediaite. clubs decide elections,” she said. “It’s time
to take them out in cuffs.”
“There is a cleansing needed in our FBI
and department of justice– it needs to be Watch her entire monologue below:
cleansed of individuals who should not just
be fired. But who need to be taken out in
cuffs,” she said.

Pirro also noted that while the Department of Justice and

the FBI are going after Trump and some of his campaign
associates, they gave passes to former Secretary of State
Hillary Clinton over her criminal mishandling of classified

During a July 2016 press conference, then-FBI Director

James Comey laid out examples of Clinton’s mishandling,
but added that “no reasonable prosecutor” would launch a
case against her.

In another monologue a month ago, Pirro called for

Clinton to be brought to justice for what she is alleged to
have done.

WAAAH! Sarah Huckabee Sanders Drops TRUTH BOMB
On Jim Acosta, And Chris Cillizza Can’t Deal
By Sarah D.
Posted At 2:56 Pm On December 11, 2017

At today’s White House press briefing, Sarah Huckabee

Sanders went off on CNN’s Jim Acosta, who confronted
her about Trump’s recent attacks on the media for
intentionally spreading fake news:

And CNN’s Chris Cillizza just about lost it:

They wouldn’t dream of misleading the public.

Oh no he di’int!

One could argue that the much of the media’s conduct has
been pretty appalling as well.
The media’s house is pretty dirty. They might wanna clean
it up before pitching a fit.

Damn right, they do.


Suuuuuure, pal. Whatever you say.

Speaking of Brian Ross:

Editor’s note: This post has been updated with additional


Huckabee Sanders: ‘Laughable’
To Hear Obama Take Credit For Trump’s Economy (Video)
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On December 11, 2017

“This is all a direct result not just of “This is all a direct result not just of
President Trump’s swearing-in, but from President Trump’s swearing-in, but from
the minute he was elected, consumer the minute he was elected, consumer
confidence got stronger” confidence got stronger, businesses
wanted to participate in our economy
again, because they have confidence in
this president,” the White House press
secretary added.

In addition, she cited the increases in gross domestic

product experienced during Trump’s first year in office,
topping more than 3 percent for most of the year.

“There’s a reason that it continues to go up,

and it started when President Trump was
(National Sentinel) Economic Revival: During a speech elected and when he got into office,”
on climate change last week, former President Barack Sanders added. “It had nothing to do with
Obama took credit for the improving U.S. economy, a President Obama, and I think everybody
claim that White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee knows it, including President Obama. And I
Sanders called “laughable.” think it’s pretty laughable that he’s trying to
take credit for it.”
“We saw the longest streak of job creation
in American history by far,” Obama stated The Commerce Department released data in November
during his Tuesday speech at the North indicating that the U.S. economy few faster in the 3rd
American Climate Summit in Chicago. “A quarter than previously believed — 3.3. percent. That was
streak that still continues, by the way. up from 3 percent in the second quarter.
‘Thanks, Obama.’”
During Obama’s eight years in office, the economy never
In addition, he said “we saw the U.S. economy grow topped 3 percent, making him the first president in history
consistently” after his administration shifted its focus to have never achieved that level of economic growth.
toward carbon regulations and clean energy, Fox News
reported. The Dow Jones Industrial Average surpassed the 19,000,
20,000, 21,000, 22,000, 23,000, and 24,000 marks for the
Sanders, however, pushed back against the former first time in U.S. history under Trump’s administration, all
president’s claim. records.

“I think it’s laughable that President Obama Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen told lawmakers in
thinks he has anything to do with the November that
success of where the economy is right
now,” Sanders said during an appearance “with gradual adjustments in the stance of
on “Watters’ World.” monetary policy, the economy will continue
to expand and the job market will
Watters noted that in November some 200,000 jobs were strengthen somewhat further, supporting
created and the unemployment rate was the lowest it’s faster growth in wages and
been in 17 years. incomes,” Bloomberg reported.
‘Trump BROKE Them’! This Might Be CNN’s Most
SHAMELESS Reaction To Trump YET
By Sarah D.
Posted At 2:09 Pm On December 11, 2017

When they’re not busy covering Donald Trump’s Diet No, really:
Coke habit, CNN is complaining about their mistreatment
at Trump’s hands:

“In a world.” Good Lord, these people …

In response to a recent New York Times story about his That’s putting it mildly.
alleged TV addiction, Trump took a swipe at “Fake News”
outlets CNN and MSNBC, singling out Don Lemon: right, a tv host backed by a network and
known to millions is the same as a
defenseless kid on social media.
— David Harsanyi (@davidharsanyi)
December 11, 2017

That tweet apparently warranted a super-serial statement

from CNN:


Not long, we reckon.

Editor’s note: This post has been updated with additional

Trump Dubs US Mainstream Media
A 'Failure' Setting Twitter Ablaze
© Youtube (Screengrab) - World
22:26 11.12.2017(Updated 22:27 11.12.2017

The minor news story on Trump being in the habit of

watching television for at least four hours a day apparently
hasn’t come unnoticed.
Others simply sought to laugh it off:
In his most recent Twitter post, Donald Trump has lashed
out at The New York Times, saying that what they wrote
about him is completely wrong. He also flatly denied
watching CNN or MSNBC ever, citing these outlets as
"fake news."

The announcement has brought about a storm of online

Some ironically remarked that instead
of tweeting over the Manhattan terrorist
attack "the joke of a president" chose
to condemn the "liberal press."

One Twitter user had even adduced an illustration

of bananas, thus obviously referring to a widely used
English idiomatic expression:

This one however was promptly slammed by a pro-Trump

A number of Twitterians have drawn parallels

between Trump’s condemnation of the aforementioned
media outlets with recent jokes on Trump’s golfing,
tweeting and alike:

CNN And Wapo Working On 20-40
Sexual Misconduct Stories
By Tyler Durden
Dec 11, 2017 11:09 AM

CNN and Washington Post are working on exposing "20- event, would likely lead to a massive self-draining of at
30 congressional members" for sexual harassment, claims least part of the swamp.
Michael Trujillo, former LA City Commissioner and
Hillary Clinton's California Field Director during her 2008
bid for the White House.

Rep Al Franken (D-MN)

Word of the potential new allegations comes on the heels
of several high profile retirements in the wake of sexual
misconduct claims. Last Thursday, Senator Al Franken
announced his resignation:

Former Wall St. Journal reporter Neil King adds to

Trujillo's figure, saying he hears the number "may top

Franken denied the validity of the eight allegations against

him, stating

Trujillo - a political advisor who has worked on over 39 "some of the allegations against me are
political and legislative campaigns across the country, and simply not true. Others I remember
was dubbed part of the "Clinton's Dream Team" by differently."
MSNBC, made the claim late last week. If true, this The day before Franken announced his resignation, 88-
would implicate over 10% of male members of year-old Rep. John Conyers (D-MI) "retired" as the
congress - unless woman are on the list - which, in any longest serving House member and founding member of
the Black Caucus. House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi harassment on Capitol Hill is long overdue. Democrats,
had encouraged the House Ethics Cmte to "proceed unlike Republicans, are mostly cheering the sea change,
expeditiously" as it investigates accusations against even as some wonder whether Franken’s resignation may
Conyers. The review began after reports Conyers reached a have set a harsh new precedent.
$27k settlement with a former aide who said she was fired
“This does establish a new standard for
for rejecting his sexual advances; since then, Conyers has
this body,” Senator Tim Kaine told
been accused of harassment by other women. Conyers has
reporters on Thursday. “And that standard
acknowledged the settlement but denied sexual harassment
is: behavior before you were elected is
fair game for determining whether you
Republican Congressman Trent Franks (R-AZ) also should be here.” He added, “If that’s the
announced his resignation last week while under threat of standard, we have to be committed to
an ethics probe for a sexual harassment allegation lodged trying to apply that in an evenhanded
by a woman in his office after Franks who says he offered way.”
her $5 million to be a surrogate mother for his children,
An interesting comment by Kaine... Now that the
and that she and another female employee were worried
Russiagate investigation appears to be stalling out and
that he wanted to have sex as a means of impregnating
Special Counsel Robert Mueller's team revealed to be
highly politicized and stacked with several anti-Trump
Andrea Lafferty, the executive director of the Traditional investigators, it's apparently time for the President's
Values Coalition, said that one of the women approached enemies to shift the narrative again –
by Mr. Franks told her about the encounter last year, and
as several Trump accusers are holding
said that Mr. Franks entreated her repeatedly to be a
a press conference Monday morning to
surrogate mother, at one point offering $5 million.
call for a congressional investigation
“She rebuffed him many times,” Ms. into sexual misconduct.
Lafferty said. -NYT
The allegations against Franks caused Speaker Paul Ryan
to meet with him and ask for his resignation.
NEW: House Speaker Paul Ryan says he met with Trent
Franks Wednesday about allegations he found `serious and
requiring action.' Told him he should resign. (Franks in
earlier statement says he spoke to two female staffers
about being surrogate moms)

The women are uniting for the first time to demand the
probe and share details of their allegations against the
President, according to the release. The press conference
will be hosted by a documentary group that previously
released a film about allegations against Trump.

Meanwhile, Senator and former Clinton running mate Tim

Kaine (D-VA) thinks Franken's resignation sets a new
precedent. As Vanity Fair notes:
Given that Congress’s Office of Compliance—the only
recourse staffers have to report abuse—is all but explicitly
designed to protect lawmakers, a reckoning over sexual Eight Trump Accusers
stood up, it was all fiction," Trump said.
The President has denied the allegations, while the White "They were made up. I don't know these
House said in October that its official position is that all of women, it's not my thing to do what they
the women are lying. Trump called the allegations "total say."
fiction" when they emerged in October, 2016 - weeks
before the election - the first such claims against Trump in So - it appears we're in for quite the show; with CNN and
his 50 year career. WaPo rumored to have 20-40 stories in the works against
members of congress, while a gaggle of Trump accusers
"These are stories that are made up, assemble to rehash claims which first surfaced weeks
these are total fiction. You'll find out that, before the 2016 election. Time for more popcorn and a
in the years to come, these women that barrage of very angry Trump tweets.

Jailed Russian Hacker: I Hacked Democrats 'Under The
Command' Of Russian Intelligence Agents
Natasha Bertrand
December 11, 2017

serious military enterprises of the United

States and other organizations."

Minutes from the hearing, as well as an audio recording,

were posted on Kozlovsky's Facebook page. The Bell said
it confirmed their authenticity with two sources, including
a person who was present at the hearing. Kozlovsky also
posted a letter that he wrote on November 1, 2016. The
letter outlined what he said was his work for the FSB,
which he said had spanned nearly a decade and, most
recently, involved attacking the DNC servers.

Kozlovsky identified his FSB handler as Dmitry

Dokuchaev, a cybersecurity expert who worked as a
Russia's President Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister Dmitry
Medvedev visit the Resurrection New Jerusalem Monastery at Istra hacker under the alias "Forb" before joining the FSB.
Thomson Reuters Dokuchaev has been linked to a group of hackers known
as Shaltai Boltai, or Humpty Dumpty, that has published
 A Russian hacker told a Moscow court in August emails from Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev and other
that he was ordered to hack the Democratic Kremlin officials.
National Committee by Russian intelligence agents
at the FSB. The cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike publicly concluded in
 The hacker was arrested in mid-2016 on charges June 2016 that hackers associated with the FSB breached
relating to his work with a notorious hacking the DNC in late 2015. WikiLeaks published internal
collective. committee emails during the Democratic National
 Kozlovsky's work with the FSB could undermine Committee in July 2016.
the Kremlin's repeated claims that it had nothing to
do with DNC hacks in late 2015. He 'did everything they said'

A Russian hacker believed to be a member of a hacking Kozlovsky also named Ruslan Stoyanov, a key cybercrime
collective called Lurk said in court over the summer that investigator at the Russian cybersecurity firm Kaspersky
he was ordered by Russia's security services, known as the who was arrested last December along with Dokuchaev
FSB, to hack the Democratic National Committee. and Sergei Mikhailov, the deputy head of the information
security department of the FSB.
The hacker, Konstantin Kozlovsky, told a Moscow court in
August of this year that his nine-member hacking group — Mikhailov has been accused of giving US intelligence
which has been accused of stealing over $17 million from officials information about a server-rental company, King
Russia's largest financial institutions since 2013 — has Servers, through which Russian hackers have been known
been cooperating with the FSB for several years, according to attack the US, Russian newspaper Novaya Gazeta
to the independent Russian news outlet The Bell. Part of reported last December. The Bell reported earlier this
that cooperation included hacking the DNC, he said. month that he could soon be charged with treason.

Kozlovsky said during a hearing on August 15 that he Dokuchayev and Stoyanov have been in pretrial detention
since last December on treason charges, according to
"performed various tasks under the independent Russian news outlet Meduza.
supervision of FSB officers," including a
DNC hack and cyberattacks on "very

Stoyanav was the one who initially helped put Kozlovsky The New York Times' Andrew Kramer reported on this
in jail, said Russian investigative journalist and security phenomenon last December, writing that
services expert Andrei Soldatov, author of The Red Web:
"for more than three years, rather than rely
The Struggle Between Russia's Digital on military officers working out of isolated
Dictators and the New Online bunkers, Russian government recruiters
Revolutionaries. have scouted a wide range of
programmers, placing prominent ads on
Soldatov said on Monday that Kozlovsky's story could be social media sites, offering jobs to college
"interesting." But he cautioned that in the four months he students and professional coders, and
has been in touch with Kozlovsky, the hacker has "failed" even speaking openly about looking in
to provide any concrete evidence that he had hacked the Russia’s criminal underworld for potential
DNC at the FSB's instruction. talent."
"If you graduated from college, if you are a
If confirmed, Kozlovsky's work with the FSB could technical specialist, if you are ready to use
undermine the Kremlin's repeated claims that it had your knowledge, we give you an
nothing to do with DNC hacks during the 2016 campaign. opportunity," one of these ads read,
And it would fit a consistent pattern in which Russian according to the Times.
intelligence officials recruit skilled hackers to engage in Kozlovsky, for his part, wrote in his
cybercrime. November 1 letter that he began
cooperating with the FSB in 2008, when he
Hiring elite criminal hackers, or cultivating them from a was just 16 years old. He said he was
young age, has allowed Russian intelligence agencies like recruited by Dokuchaev and "did everything
the FSB and the GRU (Russia's military intelligence arm) they said."
both to improve their foreign espionage capabilities and
keep potentially rogue hackers under government control.

Firm Behind Trump Dossier Offered
Stories About Trump To Media - Reports
© REUTERS/ Jonathan Ernst - US
20:51 11.12.2017

"Fusion works with a lot of big media

organizations. That would give them
influence in Washington," Silverstein noted.

Epstein was convicted of soliciting prostitution from a

minor in 2008.

Trump Dossier

Several days prior to Trump's inauguration in January, the

BuzzFeed news outlet published 35 pages of a dossier
Earlier this year, Fusion GPS issued a dossier first written by UK spy Christopher Steel, who was hired by a
published by BuzzFeed on Donald Trump, which later co-founder of Fusion GPS, Glenn Simpson, alleging that
turned out to be funded by the Hillary Clinton campaign. the Russian government had collected compromising
information about the former Republican candidate, which
has been denounced by the US president and called a
MOSCOW (Sputnik) — Fusion GPS, the company
forgery by the Kremlin.
behind the infamous dossier on Donald Trump's alleged
ties with Russia, has been pitching defamatory information
about the US president to media outlets in Washington, In October, The Washington Post reported the Hillary
including a story linking him with Jeffrey Epstein, US Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee
financier and convicted sex offender, The Washington had helped fund Fusion GPS' research on Trump’s alleged
Times newspaper reported, citing journalist sources. ties with Russia. Fusion GPS was originally hired to do
research during the 2016 Republican primary campaign
for a still unknown Republican donor who wanted
The story about Trump's contacts with Epstein, which first
to defeat Trump.
appeared in January 2016 in an article by Ken Silverstein
for Vice News, claimed that the US president had several
interactions with the financier, which included attending a Earlier, the US House Intelligence Committee subpoenaed
major dinner together. Ironically, Bill Clinton, a former US the FBI and US Justice Department demanding
president and husband of Trump's election rival Hillary
Clinton, appears to have closer ties with the financier, "any documents, if they exist, that
including multiple trips on Epstein’s private jet. memorialize DOJ and/or FBI efforts
to corroborate, validate, or evaluate
"Yes, they helped me with that. But as you information provided by Mr. Steele and/or
can see, I could not make a strong case sub-sources and/or contained in the 'Trump
for Trump being super close to Epstein, so Dossier.'"
they could hardly have been thrilled
with that story," Silverstein told The At the moment, two separate probes — dubbed a "witch
Washington Times. hunt" by the US president — are being conducted by the
US Senate and Special Counsel Robert Mueller into the
Silverstein also mentioned The New York Times Donald Trump campaign's alleged "collusion"
among other media outlets working with Fusion. with Moscow, a claim that has been called "groundless"
by the Kremlin.

CNN Pundit On Fake News:
Trust Blunder-Prone Media As They Expose Trump
Published Time: 11 Dec, 2017 12:32 Edited Time: 12 Dec, 2017 07:43

Frum’s comments come after two major news networks,

CNN and ABC, each had to correct “bombshell” reports
that showed Trump and his administration in a poor light.

Frum was a speechwriter for President George W. Bush,

and authored the infamous “Axis of Evil” portion of the
2002 State of the Union address. Now a senior editor at
The Atlantic, Frum argued that Trump and his supporters
are “not well-placed to complain” about false media
reports, because they themselves are engaged in a “system
of lies.”
© Maureen Dowling / YouTube
“Mistakes occur in the process of exposing
Factually inaccurate reports are a natural by-product of the lies,” Frum claimed. “The liars then
fighting Donald Trump’s “system of lies”, CNN pundit complain about the mistakes that are
David Frum has reassured the public. The Atlantic senior investigating them.”
editor’s comments were made in the wake of false
reporting by ABC and CNN.
Likening CNN reporters to astronomers committed to the
“The mistakes are precisely the reason “discovery of truth,” Frum urged news consumers to trust
people should trust the media,” Frum told the press, but also to consult a variety of sources, in order
Brian Stelter, on CNN’s ‘Reliable Sources’ to avoid close-minded thinking. However, Frum warned
program. CNN’s viewers against watching Fox News, which he said
He insisted that “the worst mistakes that did not have “an interest in finding truth.”
press organizations have made in their
coverage of [US President Donald] Trump Several American news networks have been on the
has precisely occurred in their overzealous defensive after back-to-back “bombshell” stories about
effort to be fair to the president.” Trump and his associates were quickly revealed as
‘nothing burgers’.

Brian Ross, chief investigative correspondent for ABC

News, erroneously reported on December 1 that Michael
Flynn, the former national security adviser, would testify
that Trump had directed him to make contact with Russian
officials while Trump was still only a candidate for the

The story was considered so damaging to US political and

economic stability that the stock market took a hit after it
was published. In fact, Flynn had been asked to contact
Russian diplomats only after Trump won the election.

Ross received a four-week suspension from ABC after the

widely-publicized story, which had been hailed as
conclusive proof of Trump’s so-called collusion with
Russia. Such contact is nothing more than routine
procedure by an incoming administration.

CNN painted itself into a similar, factually dubious corner
when it reported that congressional investigators had been
provided an email that suggested Trump had been offered
early access to leaked Democratic National Committee

The story, which was heralded by CNN as evidence of a

nefarious Trump-Wikileaks-Russia trifecta, fell apart
within hours, after it was revealed that the news network
had misreported the date of the email, which had been sent Although it corrected its story, CNN has since avoided
by a random Trump supporter forwarding publicly explaining how it got the facts so wrong. Its initial report
available information. cited “multiple” anonymous sources.

However, during his Sunday program,

Stelter did acknowledge that the report was
“a black eye for CNN.”

Bernie Sanders Doubles Down On Calls For Trump To
Resign Over Harassment Claims
© AP Photo/ Carolyn Kaster - US
11:24 11.12.2017

Sanders’ calls on Sunday echoed similar statements

by Sens. Cory Brooker and Jeff Merkley, who have also
urged Trump to step down over the allegations.

Before he was elected president, Trump was accused

of sexual misconduct by 16 women. Trump has long
threatened to sue the women who have made those claims,
but he has not yet done so. White House Press Secretary
Sarah Huckabee Sanders said that the White House’s
official position is that all the women who have accused
Trump of sexual misbehavior are lying.
Sanders’ calls have come following last week’s resignation
of Democractic Senator Al Franken, who has been accused Al Franken resigned from office on Thursday, a day
of sexual misconduct by several women. after a number of his Democratic colleagues called for him
to step down following a growing number of allegations
Sen. Bernie Sanders has reiterated his call for US President of sexual harassment.
Donald Trump to leave office over the sexual misbehavior
allegations against him. In November, a female journalist publicly accused Franken
of groping her when she was asleep. Following this
"Here you have a president who has been accused by many allegation, another woman claimed Franken made
women of assault, who says on a tape that he assaulted unwanted sexual advancements toward her in 2006. More
women," Sanders told NBC’s "Meet the Press" program accusers reported allegations of sexual misconduct
on Sunday. against Franken over the past several weeks.

The senator noted that Sen. Al Franken resigned Earlier, Rep. John Conyers resigned over similar
after several women accused him of sexual misconduct. allegations, but he claimed his departure was due to health
On Thursday, Sanders already suggested that Trump
should step down, following in Franken’s footsteps. Franken and Conyers have been in the epicenter of sexual
allegations that have recently emerged against a number
of US politicians in the wake of the Harvey Weinstein
scandal. Another prominent figure is Republican candidate
Roy Moore, who has faced multiple sexual misbehavior
allegations, including assault and sexual encounters
with underage girls.

CNN Mocked For Airing Segment On Trump's Soda
Consumption While NYC Faced Terror Attack
By Brian Flood | Fox News
December 11, 2017
“U.S. News was talking about the bombing
at 7:54. Nearly an hour later, CNN is
whining about Donald Trump drinks Diet
Cokes and watches too much TV instead of
reporting about terrorism in New York City,”
Gainor told Fox News. “CNN might tell you
what it's giving you is an apple, but if it is,
it's rotten.”

An attempted terrorist attack caused massive chaos during

Monday morning’s rush hour in New York City, but some
CNN viewers could be in the dark because the network
spent an inordinate amount of time covering an anti-Trump
story about the president’s soda consumption while details
of the chaotic situation unfolded.

At 8:45 a.m. ET a law enforcement official told reporters,

including the Associated Press, that a man had a pipe
bomb strapped to him when it went off on a New York
City subway platform. That was roughly the same time
that CNN was in the middle of a segment that featured the
chyron, “NYT Report: Trump drinks a dozen diet cokes
per day,” while a large graphic promoting Tuesday’s
Election Night in Alabama took up a significant portion of
the screen.

Viewers quickly took notice. Media crisis guru Yossi

Gestetner tweeted, “More than an hour after the pipe-bomb
story broke, CNN was busy with Trump’s diet Coke,”
while another viewer asked, “Why are you talking about
The suspected bomber was identified as 27-year-old
Akayed Ullah and police have called the incident an
"attempted terrorist attack." An "effectively low tech
“Astonishing how quickly CNN pivoted from device" was detonated in a subway passageway just before
NYC explosion to ridiculous story Trump 7:30 a.m., New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said in a news
drinking a lot of Diet Coke,” Newsbusters conference.
Senior Editor Rich Noyes tweeted.
While viewers scrambled to hear the latest news, several
Media Research Center Vice President Dan Gainor used people took to Twitter to mock CNN’s programming’s
the situation to mock CNN’s recent ad campaign in which decision. Blogger Ann Althouse noted that the New York
the network uses an apple in an attempt to combat its “fake Times article that first mentioned Trump’s soda habit came
news” reputation. out a few days ago and added, “CNN is hopeless,” after
expressing frustration that CNN didn’t offer the live report
on the attempted terror attack.
One user wrote,

“CNN was talking about the bombshell

reporting that @realDonaldTrump drinks 12
diet cokes and watches 4+ hours of TV
news per day AFTER the news broke
about the bombing in NYC. I kid you not!”
while another joked, “We interrupt our story
on the suicide bombing in NY subway to
update the current tally on President
Trump's daily consumption of diet cokes!
We now return you to our regular

MSNBC: ‘Reporters Make Mistakes’,
Trump Must Apologize For His ‘Lies’
By Chris Reeves
December 11, 2017 7:02 PM EST

On MSNBC Live with Katy Tur, the eponymous host

followed up Monday’s White House press briefing by And when the mistake is serious enough, we are suspended
directly responding to Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee or we're fired. The President and this White House have
Sanders’s assertion that some members of the U.S. press mislead the American public multiple times from things as
are innocuous as crowd size to retweeting misleading videos
meant to sow division and fuel fear. Hello, Britain First.
“purposefully misleading the American
people.” In fact, The New York Times has
compiled a handy list of 1,628 false
claims the President has made since
taking office. That is five and a half false
statements or lies per day. We're waiting
for the apology on all of those.

So when high-status journalistic outlets like ABC or CNN

get the key facts of a story wrong, Tur assures us that it's
just a mistake.

Never mind that these “mistakes”

almost always seem to make Trump,
Republicans, or the political right look
Clearly upset by how Sanders portrayed some of the
serious failures of journalists to provide accurate
information to the public (which is theoretically their
primary job), Tur was inspired to defend her colleagues: However, whenever Trump says something incorrect, it is
immediately dubbed “misleading” or a “lie.” That’s pretty

But it gets worse than blatant double standards. The list of

Trump “lies” that Tur referred to is actually from The
Washington Post, not the Times (an error that Tur
corrected later on). However, more importantly, Tur also
misrepresented the nature of The Post’s list. It isn’t just a
compendium of “false claims” or “false statements” made
by the President. In fact, it includes many statements by
Trump that are true by The Post’s own admission, but
were labelled as being “misleading” for a variety of
reasons, some of which appear to include Post reporters
engaging in clairvoyance.
Let's be clear about something.
Take this recent Trump “lie” as an example:
Reporters make mistakes.
“By the way, Hillary Clinton had the reset
We're human. Sometimes our sources aren't as good as
button. She wanted to get back together
they should be. Sometimes we speak too soon.
with Russia. She even spelled 'reset'
wrong. That's how it started, and then it got
Sometimes we mess up. worse.”

Trump’s statement here was a perfectly reasonable, albeit with this idea that journalists spread fake news and the
brief, layman’s summary of the failed Russia reset policy White House doesn't. Uh, Mike Schmidt, one quick
of President Obama and Secretary Clinton, which did correction on my part – it was The Washington Post that
include somone in her department embarrassingly and did that list, not The New York Times. My mistake, I'm
incorrectly mistranslating the word “reset” into Russian for sorry. [chuckles, amused smile] Uh, but when you, when
a symbolic button-pressing ceremony. So, what exactly did you hear that sort of thing coming from, from Sarah
the defenders of democracy at The Post have to say in their Huckabee Sanders –
evaluation of the above statement? Here is their full
explanation: I mean, are we missing the forest for the
trees here? Is this just incredibly
Trump suggests a translation flub led to dangerous and incredibly problematic
a decline in relations with Russia. going forward, not just a year or a few
months from now, but decades seeing
Much like the Trump administration, the incoming Obama how this whole movement, this whole
administration wanted to reset relations after the George fake news movement that's been
W. Bush [sic] had reacted negatively to Russia's attack on elevated by this president, is spreading
Georgia. The Obama outreach coincided with Vladimir around the world?
Putin stepping back from the presidency for a term.
Relations improved while Dmitry
Medvedev was president, but then No, the fact that the President has the
soured again when Putin reclaimed the megaphone that he does has had an
presidency. impact on the media. And the fact that he
comes back to it time and time again -- you
According to PBS and Foreign Policy, this
know, it’s, you know, his narrative isn't
blurb from The Post is extremely
true, but it has had some staying power
misleading itself.
and it has had an impact.
There is a substantial (and lengthy) case to be made that
This is an incredibly difficult story to cover. A lot of the
U.S.-Russian relations did in fact get much worse not only
information is classified. A lot of it is confusing. No one
while Medvedev was the President of Russia, but as a
wants to talk about it on the record. And it's very
direct result of Secretary of State Clinton’s public support
politically charged.
for anti-Putin protesters during Russia’s 2011
parliamentary elections as well as her support for the
overthrow of Muammar al-Qaddafi in Libya (among other So because of that, when there are
incidents; see the Foreign Policy article for more details). mistakes, they, uh, they get an
enormous amount of attention and they
allow, you know, one side or the other to
In any case, I think it’s safe to say that The Washington
use it. And in this case, the President
Post’s evaluations of what is and is not “the truth” are not
uses it against the media.
exactly indisputable, especially given that their basic
assertions of fact are contradicted by the reporting of other
mainstream news organizations. And it's been, you know, a good distraction from him,
‘cause he has had some news in the past few weeks on, in
regard to the Russia investigation that is not, uh, not very
Later in the same segment, Tur came back to the topic of
Trump and Sanders’s dismissal of “fake news” purveyors
by calling Trump’s “elevation” of the “fake news
movement” both “dangerous” and “incredibly Perhaps if the media stopped getting so many “bombshell”
problematic” not just for America, but the entire world: stories wrong, Trump wouldn’t have a rhetorical leg to
stand on. Almost a year after ascending to the presidency,
Trump’s “fake news” message still has an audience
because the press seems determined to prove him right
every day.
I don't wanna give too much credence to this, but we did
start this, um, this block after Sarah Huckabee Sanders

Senior DOJ Official's Wife Worked
At Oppo Research Firm That Produced "Trump Dossier"
By Tyler Durden
Dec 11, 2017 9:15 PM

In what looks to be another suspected crimes. Specifically, Strzok

embarrassing blow to the FBI’s (already changed language in Comey’s letter to
dubious) credibility, "extremely careless" from the original
language of "grossly negligent."
Fox News reported Monday night that the senior DOJ
official who was demoted last week after allegedly trying House Republicans – led by Intel Committee Chair Devin
to conceal his contacts with the firm that compiled the Nunes – have spent the better part of this year
infamous “Trump dossier” has deep ties to the firm investigating how the dossier – which is loaded with
through his wife. salacious and unverified claims about Trump – played into
the DOJ’s decision to launch the probe that eventually
As it turns out, Nellie Ohr, the wife of disgraced DOJ morphed into the Mueller investigation.
official Bruce Ohr, was employed at Fusion GPS last year.
A senior Justice Department official demoted last week for
Her term of employment overlapped concealing his meetings with the men behind the anti-
with the period when the Trump dossier Trump “dossier” had even closer ties to Fusion GPS, the
was being compiled. Though Fox was firm responsible for the incendiary document, than have
unable to discern the exact nature of her been disclosed, Fox News has confirmed: The official’s
role at the firm, its reporters discovered wife worked for Fusion GPS during the 2016 election.
that she has done extensive research on
Russia-related topics for think tanks Contacted by Fox News, investigators
based in the Washington, DC area. for the House Permanent Select
Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI)
confirmed that Nellie H. Ohr, wife of the
demoted official, Bruce G. Ohr, worked
for the opposition research firm last

The precise nature of Mrs. Ohr’s duties – including

whether she worked on the dossier – remains unclear but a
review of her published works available online reveals
Mrs. Ohr has written extensively on Russia-related
subjects. HPSCI staff confirmed to Fox News that she was
paid by Fusion GPS through the summer and fall of 2016.
Ohr is the second senior DOJ official involved in the
DOJ’s probe into Trump’s Russia ties to be demoted this
In a statement, Nunes said his committee “is looking into
year for suspected bias pertaining to the investigation. The
all facets of the connections between the Department of
other official, Peter Strzok, allegedly exchanged text
Justice and Fusion GPS, including Mr. Ohr,” which
messages expressing anti-Trump sentiments with another
suggests that more details fleshing out the exact nature of
DOJ official with whom he was having an affair.
his wife’s involvement with the dossier could be
forthcoming in the near future.
And as if that weren’t enough to signal a
conflict of interest, Strzok, it was
While the DOJ has refused to release any information
revealed, possibly saved then-
about Ohr’s role in the investigation, it’s notable that he
presidential candidate Hillary Clinton
was demoted shortly after Fox began asking questions
from prosecution by making a crucial
about his dual responsibilities: Not only was Ohr
change to the language in the now-
responsible for supervising the DOJ’s organized-crime
infamous letter excusing Clinton for her
prosecutions, but he also held the position of deputy
attorney general. That position came with an office on Nellie Ohr was described as a “Russia expert” at the
“Main Justice” – a floor in the DOJ building where many Wilson Center, a Washington think tank where she was
senior officials have their offices. employed before joining Fusion.

A review of open source materials shows Mrs. Ohr was

described as a Russia expert at the Wilson Center, a
Washington think tank, when she worked there, briefly, a
decade ago. The Center’s website said her project focused
on the experiences of Russian farmers during Stalin’s
collectivization program and following the invasion of
Russia by Nazi forces in 1941.

She has also reviewed a number of

books about twentieth century Russia,
including Reconstructing the State:
Personal Networks and Elite Identity in
According to Fox, Ohr's office was situated just a few Soviet Russia (2000), by Gerald Easter,
doors down from Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein, the official a political scientist at Boston College,
who is nominally in charge of supervising the Mueller and Bertrand M. Patenaude’s The Big
probe. Rosenstein’s reluctance to provide information Show in Bololand: The American Relief
about the dossier to Nunes and his committee nearly led to Expedition to Soviet Russia in the
him being subjected to a contempt of Congress order, Famine of 1921 (2002).
along with FBI Director Christopher Wray, a Trump
appointee who has nevertheless insisted that the bureau’s Unsurprisingly, Adam Schiff, the top-ranking Democrat on
agents have acted fairly and professionally in carrying out the committee refused to comment about Ohr specifically.
their investigation into Trump and his associates’ ties to Instead, he insinuated that Nunes was trying to deliberately
Russian entities. discredit the DOJ, which, according to Schiff, did nothing
Until Dec. 6, when Fox News began
making inquiries about him, Bruce Ohr “I think there's a hope that if they can
held two titles at DOJ. impeach Christopher Steele, and they
can impeach the FBI and DOJ, maybe
He was, and remains, director of the Organized Crime they can impeach the whole Russia
Drug Enforcement Task Force; but his other job was far investigation,” Schiff told MSNBC in
more senior. Mr. Ohr held the rank of associate deputy September.
attorney general, a post that gave him an office four doors
down from Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. Of course, nearly every shred of information pertaining to
the dossier that’s been publicly revealed in recent months
The day before Fox News reported that would appear to counter this claim. Back in September, it
Mr. Ohr held his secret meetings last was revealed that the dossier was jointly financed by the
year with the founder of Fusion GPS, Clinton campaign and the DNC. Then it was revealed that
Glenn Simpson, and with Christopher Mueller had managed to interview Christopher Steele, the
Steele, the former British spy who agent in charge of assembling the document. But
compiled the dossier, the Justice apparently that interview did little to help the investigation
Department stripped Ohr of his deputy verify its claims (if it had, we probably would’ve heard
title and ousted him from his fourth about it by now).
floor office at the building that DOJ
insiders call “Main Justice." These revelations followed months of
stonewalling by both the bureau and
The Department of Justice has provided
Fusion GPS, the firm that hired Steele, a
no public explanation for Ohr’s
former MI6 agent who worked in Russia
for years.
Officials inside the Department have told Fox News his
All of this would seem to support the notion that the
wearing of two hats was “unusual,” but also confirm Ohr
Mueller probe is hopelessly compromised, because many
had withheld his contacts with the Fusion GPS men from
of the staffers who’ve worked on the investigation have
colleagues at the DOJ.
anti-Trump leanings.

The only question now is: Regardless, one thing is clear:

Will this be the final straw that prompts These repeated lapses in judgment have
Trump to fire Mueller and put an end to his seriously damaged the bureau’s
witch hunt. Though, as we pointed out, credibility, as Nunes and several of his
Mueller’s decision to secure a guilty plea Republican peers have suggested.
from Michael Flynn might ultimately help
salvage his investigation by providing much
needed cover.

‘It Makes Me Angry’; CNN’s Baldwin, Cillizza Bewail
Media Attacks by Sanders, Trump WH
By Curtis Houck
December 11, 2017 11:12 PM EST

If the meltdowns by CNN personalities inside Monday’s of partisan agenda. There’s just no evidence of that. Brian
tense White House press briefing weren’t crazy enough, Ross getting it wrong — because what he reported was
the reactions on CNN Newsroom were close as host misleading does not mean it was intentionally misleading.
Brooke Baldwin and CNN Politics editor-at-large Chris Intent matters. They corrected it. He apologized. They
Cillizza admitted that Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee suspended him and this — your actions have
Sanders made them “angry” as she called out the media’s consequences.
liberal bias.
“Yeah. No. It makes — it makes all of us angry. It
“Look, it's both disheartening and — and it makes me makes all of us angry,” Baldwin later added in
angry to watch that, candidly, as someone who’s sent agreement. Tell me again now how most of CNN isn’t
my entire professional career in journalism and in taking sides against the President.
newsrooms, The Washington Post and now here,”
Cillizza complained. Rewinding a few minutes, Baldwin started the festivities
seconds after the briefing ended, declaring that it “was one
of the sharpest exchanges we have seen between Sarah
Sanders and members of that White House press pool
in quite a while” as Sanders was left “rattled” and
“back[ed] up against the wall.”

She also reaired Sanders’s clash with Jim Acosta and, as is

customary after Acosta makes a scene, allowed him to
continue his screed once the briefing ended:

Well, it's another day at the White House, Brooke. You

know, I think what came up during this briefing was a
pretty clear example of what the White House wants to do
He explained how, in his mind, “[t]here’s a giant when it comes to the free press in this country. Every time
difference between making a mistake out of goodwill there is a mistake, an honest mistake, it seems that this
and making or trying to get it right and missing or White House, this President wants to weaponize it and use
making a mistake because you’re purposely doing it.” It it as a way to go after news outlets in this country.
sounds about par for the course in terms of CNN spin
following their colossal error on Friday, which is: Trust us Acosta defended the error by The Washington Post’s
because we care! David Weigel on the size of Friday’s Trump rally as
merely “not an intentional attack on the President as a
Cillizza continued his pie-in-the-sky sermon, ignoring the way to mislead the American people.” This was in
fact that prominent sinners in journalism like Mike contrast to Trump because, in Acosta’s view, “frequently
Barnicle, Brian Williams, and Fareed Zakaria still have puts out false information intentionally to the
jobs: American people whether it's online, on the internet, on
social media or just speaking to us at new events.”
We do our best with the expectation that your best, like
anybody's best, sometimes isn't perfect and when we screw “And, you know, the President has gone after this news
up, Brian Ross is an example, there are other examples, outlet. He's gone after other news outlets after mistakes
there are penalties for screwing up. That's how it works. are made and, Brooke, you know, we are journalists
But the idea that that can be cited and Donald Trump did and we are human beings. We’re going to make
this in Pensacola over the weekend, he used almost the mistakes, but that doesn't mean that, you know, you
exact same words, which is they are purposely doing this. throw people overboard every time a mistake is made
They are purposely getting things wrong out of some sort with a news outlet, and the problem that I had during

this briefing is that, you know, you have the President this country. You take a look at what was brought up just
of the United States referring to news outlets that make before that line of questioning that I had with Sarah
mistakes as fake news. That's just totally Sanders. Somebody was asking about a tweet about crowd
inappropriate,” complained Acosta. sizes that came from a Washington Post reporter that the
President tweeted over the weekend, that is what started
Acosta continued the CNN PR push to emphasize that that whole exchange because my sense of it was that if the
journalists only “make mistakes from time to time” and reporter with The Washington Post, Dave Weigel. when he
thus shouldn’t “delegitimize the press in this put out the tweet of the crowd size, that was not an
country” when something does happen. One exit question intentional attack on the president as a way to mislead the
is this: Do Acosta and his colleagues feel the same way American people. That was simply a bad tweet and he
about Fox News when they make a mistake? deleted and he apologized for it over the weekend. And,
you know, the President has gone after this news outlet.
He's gone after other news outlets after mistakes are made
Here’s the relevant transcript from December 11's CNN
Newsroom with Brooke Baldwin: and, Brooke, you know, we are journalists and we are
human beings. We’re going to make mistakes, but that
doesn't mean that, you know, you throw people overboard
CNN Newsroom with Brooke Baldwin every time a mistake is made with a news outlet, and the
December 11, 2017 problem that I had during this briefing is that, you know,
2:38 p.m. Eastern you have the President of the United States referring to
news outlets that make mistakes as fake news. That's just
totally inappropriate, especially when you have a President
in Donald Trump who frequently puts out false
information intentionally to the American people whether
it's online, on the internet, on social media or just speaking
to us at new events. He does this frequently and, you
know, I think there are a number of reporters in this room
that are trying to ask the question, what about the President
when he puts out false information? Oftentimes, Brooke,
that is intentional on his part. That is a very different
situation than when you have reporters who make mistakes
from time to time. It doesn't delegitimize the entire, you
know, free press in this country. It just means from time to
BROOKE BALDWIN: That was one of the sharpest time, journalists are human beings and they're going to
exchanges we have seen between Sarah Sanders and make honest mistakes and that was the point I was trying
members of that White House press pool in quite a while. I to make to Sarah, and I tried to ask another question which
mean, back up against the wall there. First couple of I'm not sure we ever got an answer to, which is — and that
questions out of the gate on a topic she didn't want to talk is the accusers coming forward and accusing the President
about — about these three women, these three Trump of sexual assault and you heard Sarah Sanders trying
accusers of some dozen plus. These three making news maneuvering around the question and saying, well, the
today — again — detailing their allegations of when president has denied these claims and she did not say that
President Trump was a private citizen and as they said these claims are false. She simply has restated what the
groped and forcibly kissed them and other — and other President has said in the past. I tried to get to the bottom of
things. They want a congressional investigation, and so, that at the end of that exchange there and she did not take
you saw that exchange quite testy from Sarah Sanders. that question. Brooke?
David Chalian, I'm going to begin with you. She was
rattled. BALDWIN: Nope, she didn't. Although, as we were
discussing before, she, at least, was asked about it out of
DAVID CHALIAN; She clearly was taking a lot of the gate and again, she said the President has addressed it,
incoming. There’s no doubt about that. he's denied it that it happened before he was a private
citizen before he was President. She seemed to broaden out
her response just a little bit, which was certainly
(....) noteworthy. Jim Acosta, thank you, sir, as always. Just
staying on, though, that initial point. Chris Cillizza, just
JIM ACOSTA: Well, it's another day at the White House, wanted to hear your voice on this as well. You know, Jim’s
Brooke. You know, I think what came up during this whole point, listen, we make honest mistakes and his
briefing was a pretty clear example of what the White perfect word on the Trump administration was that they're
House wants to do when it comes to the free press in this weaponizing them, right? They’re exploiting these
country. Every time there is a mistake, an honest mistake, moments.
it seems that this White House, this President wants to
weaponize it and use it as a way to go after news outlets in
expectation that your best, like anybody's best, sometimes
isn't perfect and when we screw up, Brian Ross is an
example, there are other examples, there are penalties for
screwing up. That's how it works. But the idea that that can
be cited and Donald Trump did this in Pensacola over the
weekend, he used almost the exact same words, which is
they are purposely doing this. They are purposely getting
things wrong out of some sort of partisan agenda. There’s
just no evidence of that. Brian Ross getting it wrong —
because what he reported was misleading does not mean it
was intentionally misleading. Intent matters. They
corrected it. He apologized. They suspended him and this
— your actions have consequences. Your words, your
CHRIS CILLIZZA: Yes. Look, it's both disheartening and
reporting have consequences, but the idea that this is being
— and it makes me angry to watch that, candidly, as
done intentionally and the only thing I can hope is Sarah
someone who’s sent my entire professional career in
Sanders does not actually believe that and she’s just
journalism and in newsrooms, The Washington Post and
echoing Donald Trump because she knows Donald Trump
now here. There’s a giant difference between making a
believes that. If she does believe it, then she has less
mistake out of good will and making or trying to get it
respect for reporters than any press secretary at the White
right and missing or making a mistake because you’re
House that I've ever come across because I guarantee you,
purposely doing it. It's the difference between striking out
having spent my whole career doing this, that is not how
with two outs and the bases loaded in the World Series and
we operate. It is not how any of us operate. We are
trying to hit the ball and striking out with two outs and the
committed first and foremost to getting it right. The end.
bases loaded in the World Series because somebody gave
you a hundred bucks to strike out — is a massive
difference. We do the first. We do our best with the BALDWIN: Yeah. No. It makes — it makes all of us
angry. It makes all of us angry.

Trump: Kirsten Gillibrand Used
To Be Willing To 'Do Anything' For My Donations
By Anna Giaritelli
Dec 12, 2017, 8:23 AM

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., has joined other Democrats who have Gillibrand has joined other Democrats who have said
said President Trump needs to step down after several women reiterated
their claims that Trump sexually harassed them. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Trump needs to step down after several women reiterated
Martin) their claims that Trump sexually harassed them. On
Monday, three of his accusers appeared on NBC's "Today
President Trump claimed Tuesday that Sen. Kirsten with Megyn Kelly" to discuss Trump's inappropriate
Gillibrand, D-N.Y., used to be willing to "do anything" in sexual advances.
exchange for his donations to her Senate campaign, before
she turned on him and started calling for him to resign over In response, Gillibrand called on Trump to resign.
sexual harassment accusations.
“These allegations are credible, they are
"Lightweight Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, a numerous,” Gillibrand told CNN. “I’ve heard
total flunky for Chuck Schumer and these women’s testimony, and many of
someone who would come to my office them are heartbreaking. President Trump
'begging' for campaign contributions not so should resign his position.”
long ago (and would do anything for them),
is now in the ring fighting against Trump. Gillibrand was joined in her call by other Senate
Very disloyal to Bill & Crooked-USED!" Democrats, who say that because Sen. Al Franken, D-
Trump tweeted Tuesday morning. Minn., resigned over similar charges, Trump must also
step down. Democrats Cory Booker of New Jersey, Jeff
Merkley of Oregon, and Ron Wyden of Oregon have said
Trump should step down, as well as Independent Sen.
Bernie Sanders of Vermont.

Gillibrand Fires Back At Trump:
'You Cannot Silence Me'
By Avery Anapol
12/12/17 09:08 AM EST

Gillibrand, a possible presidential candidate in 2020, was

the target earlier Tuesday of a Trump tweet that cast her as
a “lightweight” senator and

“total flunky for Chuck Schumer” who in the

past had begged for campaign donations
and "would do anything for them."

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) fired back at President

Trump after he attacked her on Twitter, tweeting Tuesday The attacks were a predictable response from Trump after
that the president “cannot silence” her or other women Gillibrand said Monday that he should resign over the
who have said he has brought shame to the White House. numerous sexual harassment and assault allegations
against him.
“You cannot silence me or the millions of
women who have gotten off the sidelines to Gillibrand previously called for Sen. Al Franken (D-
speak out about the unfitness and shame Minn.) to resign after he was accused of groping and
you have brought to the Oval Office,” forcible kissing multiple women. She also said in
Gillibrand, who a day earlier had said November that former President Bill Clinton should have
Trump should resign from office, wrote on resigned over the Monica Lewinsky scandal.
Trump homed in on that statement in his tweet, calling her
“very disloyal” to Clinton, an accusation also made by a
former top Clinton aide, Philippe Reines.

Gillibrand told CNN’s Christine Amanpour on Monday

that if Trump does not step down, there should be a
congressional investigation into the accusations from more
than a dozen women who have said Trump sexually
harassed or assaulted them in the past.

Moscow Sees Trump Tweets As
Official Statements – Kremlin
Published Time: 12 Dec, 2017 12:46 Edited Time: 12 Dec, 2017 12:58

Deputy head of the Russian Presidential Administration

added that President Putin did not have a personal Twitter
account, had no desire to set one up, and considered it
wrong to charge someone else with this task.

The comments followed a recent report in the New York

Times which alleged that Trump was excessively absorbed
with television and social media. In particular, the
newspaper reported that the US president dedicated a
significant amount of time to maintaining his personal
Twitter account and sometimes started tweeting before
All tweets from the official account of US President 6am while still in bed.
Donald Trump are reported to Vladimir Putin as official
political statements, Russian presidential press secretary After the NYT had released the story, Trump described it
Dmitry Peskov has told reporters. as “false” – in the form of a tweet.
“I don’t see myself as having the right to
comment on the actions of the US In late November, Trump criticized UK Prime Minister
president, but in any case, everything that Theresa May over her statements on anti-Muslim materials
is being posted on Donald Trump’s official that he had retweeted. Twitter users quickly noticed that
Twitter account is perceived in Moscow as Trump had used the wrong @theresamay handle in his
official statements of the president of the tweet, addressing a woman called Theresa Scrivener. A
United States and is reported to President few minutes after the post, Trump deleted it and reposted
Putin along with statements of leaders of the tweet using the correct hashtag “@Theresa_May.”
other nations of the world,” Peskov told the
press on Tuesday.

Even As Media Whine About Trump,
Their Hostile Coverage Shows No Let Up
By Rich Noyes
December 12, 2017 1:15 PM EST

November, “presidents who have been

very hostile to the press have not wound up
very good in terms of having their likeness
carved into Mt. Rushmore or anything
approaching that....You know that old
cliche, if you’re in a hole, stop digging. In
terms of his press relations, he just keeps

This week, Rather repeated his complaint to the

Washington Post’s Jonathan Capehart.

As Monday’s throwdown in the White House press “A free, a truly free and independent,
room made clear, relations between the President and the fiercely independent press, when
press corps are as bad as they have ever been during the necessary, is the red beating heart of
Trump administration. freedom and democracy,” Rather
pontificated, saying of Trump’s attacks:
Most journalists seem to put the blame on the “This has to be unacceptable.”
administration’s criticisms of the press, with CNN’s Chris
Cilizza saying Press Secretary Sarah Sanders’ But as the Media Research Center has been documenting
condemnations were “disheartening” and made him all year, the media have approached the Trump presidency
“angry.” with unrelenting hostility. Our latest numbers show that
coverage of Trump on the ABC, CBS and NBC evening
A couple of weeks ago, disgraced ex-CBS newscasts in September, October and November was more
anchor Dan Rather called the President’s than 90 percent negative (our methodology counts only
attacks on the news media explicitly evaluative statements from reporters or non-
“disappointing.” partisan sources).
“If you look over the arc of history,” Rather
lectured MSNBC’s Stephanie Ruhle in late

In September, there were just 31 pro-Trump statements on Moore, but the ratio remained essentially unchanged: 33
the Big Three vs. 359 negative. In October, the number of positive statements vs. 320 negative statements.
positive statements grew to 41, while the negative
statements swelled to 435. Add it all up, and coverage of Trump has been 91 percent
negative during the past three months. Our study of news
In November, there was somewhat less coverage of the in June, July and August found an identical rate of 91%
President, as political journalists raced to cover the negative, which means TV news is unchanged in its
allegations against Alabama GOP Senate candidate Roy hostility toward the President.

The Man Who Gave Fake
“Trump Dossier” To John McCain Speaks Out
British Spy Christopher Steele Told “Go Between”
To Reach Out To McCain.
By Alex Christoforou
December 12, 2017

The man who says he acted as a “go-

between” last year to inform Sen. John
McCain about the controversial “dossier”
containing salacious allegations about
then-candidate Donald Trump is speaking
out, revealing how the ex-British spy
who researched the document helped
coordinate its release to the FBI, the
media and Capitol Hill.
“My mission was essentially to be a go-
between and a messenger, to tell the
senator and assistants that such a
Anti-Trump senator, and career warmonger US Senator dossier existed,” Sir Andrew Wood told
John McCain was deeply involved in pushing the very Fox News in an exclusive interview with
fake, and equally very disgusting, Trump dossier into the senior executive producer Pamela K.
mainstream. Browne.

McCain’s “go-between” is now speaking to Fox News Fox News spoke to Wood at the 2017 Halifax International
about the dossier, British agent Steele, and John McCain. Security Forum in Nova Scotia, Canada. As Britain’s
ambassador to Moscow from 1995-2000, Wood witnessed
Sir Andrew Wood told Fox News that his the end of Russian President Boris Yeltsin and the rise of
mission was “to tell the senator and Vladimir Putin.
assistants that such a dossier existed.”
Just after the U.S. presidential election in November 2016,
After receiving the goods on the Steele dossier, it was Arizona GOP Sen. McCain spoke at the same security
McCain who made sure the FBI paid special attention to conference.
the dossier Woods passed off to him.
Wood says he was instructed — by
The same dossier that was used to spy on Trump campaign former British spy Christopher Steele —
officials. to reach out to the senior Republican,
whom Wood called “a good man,” about
the unverified document.
The same dossier that the FBI and entire Deep State would
base their Trump-Russia collusion on.
Wood insists that he’s never read the dossier that his good
friend and longtime colleague prepared.
The same dossier that was
commissioned by opposition research
firm Fusion GPS and funded by the It was commissioned by opposition
Democratic National Committee and the research firm Fusion GPS and funded
Hillary Clinton campaign. by the Democratic National Committee
and the Hillary Clinton campaign.
Via Fox News…
In August 2016,

“[Steele] came to me to tell me what was in Three weeks after Trump won the
it, and why it … was important,” Wood said. presidential election, at the Canadian
“He made it very clear … yes, it was raw security conference, the details were
intelligence, but it needed putting into finalized for the dossier hand-off to
proper context before you could judge it McCain.
Along with the senator, Wood and McCain Institute for
August 2016 is a critical period, just after the FBI opened International Leadership staffer David J. Kramer attended
the Russia meddling probe, and after then-director James the Canadian conference.
Comey recommended against prosecution for Clinton’s
mishandling of classified information. British court records state McCain ordered Kramer to get a
personal briefing from Steele in Surrey, just outside of
Wood said Steele had “already been in London, and then return to Washington, D.C., where
contact with the FBI” at the time. Fusion GPS would provide McCain with hard copies.
“He said there was corroborating evidence
in the United States, from which I assumed In January, McCain officially gave the dossier to the FBI,
he was working with an American which already had its own copy from Steele.
company,” Wood said.
Of note, listed in the official program for the 2016
British court records reviewed by Fox News as well as November Canadian conference as a participant was Rinat
U.S. congressional testimony revealed that Steele was Akhmetshin — the same Russian lobbyist who was at
directed and paid at least $168,000 by Fusion GPS founder Trump Tower five months earlier in June for a highly
Glenn Simpson to push the research that fall to five scrutinized meeting with Donald Trump Jr. and others.
American media outlets.
The senator’s office noted to Fox News that McCain said
According to British court documents, in January 2017 he had no contact with Akhmetshin.
Steele met with The New York Times
(twice), The Washington Post (twice), “Late last year, I received sensitive
CNN, The New Yorker and Yahoo News information that has since been made
(twice). public. Upon examination of the contents,
“Each of these interviews was and unable to make a judgment about their
conducted in person and with a member accuracy, I delivered the information to the
of Fusion also present,” according to the Director of the FBI. That has been the
records associated with separate civil extent of my contact with the FBI or any
litigation against Steele and Fusion GPS. other government agency regarding this
Wood said he’d heard of Fusion GPS, as the group Steele
was working with, but had “never heard of Mr. Simpson.” It is not known whether Akhmetshin had any contact with
Kramer. Fusion GPS and Kramer did not respond to
requests for comment from Fox News.

Yet Another CNN “Bombshell” Russian-Trump “Collusion”
Story Involving Jeff Sessions Completely FALLS APART
By JD Heyes
Tuesday, December 12, 2017


In fact, the emailed offer to Donald Trump Jr. was sent the
day after Wikileaks published the entire trove.

No “Russian collusion.” No evidence of

anything, except CNN stupidity.

But hey, that was last week. Now we’re in a new week, so
it’s time for a fresh example of what is nothing short of
journalist malpractice by CNN.

It’s not been a good week for CNN. In fact, it’s not really As The Daily Caller reported, the network is
been a good couple of years for the network — not since attempting to quietly walk back an earlier
Donald J. Trump decided to run for the presidency and “bombshell” Russia “collusion” story
then have the temerity to actually win. involving Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

In recent days the Fake News Network was In May the network reported that Sessions failed to
caught publishing another out-and-out lie in disclose Russia meetings in his security clearance forms,
its never-ending quest to find the smoking according to the Department of Justice.
gun of “collusion” between the Trump
campaign and Russia to “steal the election
from Hillary Clinton.” Officials apparently told the network that Sessions failed
to list his contacts even though the forms say to list “any
contact” with a “foreign government” or its
There isn’t any evidence to find because it never “representatives.”
happened, mind you, but that hasn’t stopped the libtard
media pretenders at CNN from looking. Or, when nothing
is found, simply making it up via allegation, innuendo and The Daily Caller noted:
CNN framed the non-disclosures as more
The latest goof, as Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, evidence of collusion between Russia and
reported: the Trump team, writing, “He has come
under withering criticism from Democrats
following revelations that he did not
CNN was just caught in the most epic disclose the same contacts with Kislyak
fake news fail we’ve ever witnessed, during his Senate confirmation hearings
pushing out an utterly false piece of fake earlier this year.”
news that got a crucial date wrong, then
using the wrong date to falsely declare that
At the time Sessions told officials he was instructed by the
Trump colluded with Wikileaks on behalf of
the Russians. FBI not to list meetings with foreign officials that was
“connected with his Senate activities.” However, CNN’s
legal ‘experts’ denied those claims.
In particular, The National Sentinel continued, the network
used what appears to be a single source to declare that
Team Trump was offered access to a trove of emails and “A legal expert who regularly assists
data “stolen” by Russia then provided to Wikileaks weeks officials in filling out the form disagrees with
before the trove was published online. the Justice Department’s explanation,
suggesting that Sessions should have
disclosed the meetings,” CNN declared.
That report led to endless breathless coverage the rest of Jeff Sessions that Sessions wasn’t required
the news cycle by the legacy media, all of whom tried to to disclose foreign contacts that occurred in
use the CNN story as proof — proof! mind you — of the the course of carrying out his government
“Trump-Russia collusion” narrative. duties when he was a senator,” CNN’s
Evan Perez wrote.
Uh, wrong.
The new article notes that Sessions was doing exactly what
(Related: Here’s proof that 91 percent of the FBI told him to do — and was not misleading anyone,
DEMOCRATS are clueless dupes because all they intentionally or otherwise — regarding previous contacts
watch and read is FAKE news.) with Russian officials.

On Monday in a new story, the network was forced to So again, it’s a brand-new week in the news business, and
admit another error: we’re starting it off like last week ended:

That FBI emails prove Sessions was right With a fake news story from CNN.
in his explanation of the non-disclosures.
(Follow more stories on the lies of the legacy media at
“A newly released document shows that
the FBI told an aide to Attorney General

The Deep State Would ‘Nuke A US City’ To Murder Trump
And Blame North Korea
Mac Slavo
December 12th, 2017

“The deep state will do anything and

everything to get Trump out of office,”
Adams said. If they have to shoot Air Force
One out of the sky, they will. If they have
to kill tens of thousands or hundreds of
thousands of Americans, the deep state will
do it because they don’t care, they only
need Trump gone. “Would they drop a
nuke on Seattle to kill Trump? You bet
they would,” Adams says. “The deep state
is desperately trying to cling to power.”

There isn’t anything the deep state wouldn’t do to Adams continues saying that what the deep state has
eliminate Donald Trump should he get in their way too planned now is “orders of magnitude” larger than what
much. It’s now becoming clear to some that they would took place on September 11, 2001. He also made a
even nuke a city in the United States and blame it on North prediction in the event that the deep state succeeds in
Korea if the opportunity presents itself. ridding the White House of Donald Trump:

According to Mike Adams from Natural News, the deep Now, I predict…and this is not condoning such actions,
state has been trying to get Trump out of office since the I’m analyzing it…I’m predicting that any elimination of
moment he was elected. They have tried everything, and Trump, either just eliminating him from office or killing
are now becoming desperate in their quest to eliminate the him will set off a civil war. An armed revolt across
most immediate threat to their agenda. But just how far America, probably converging on Washington D.C. where
would the deep state go? According to Adams, they aren’t the know, the second amendment activated
afraid to nuke a city and blame it on North Korea. people who elected Trump into office will finally say to
themselves ‘they’ve had enough.’ They’re gonna take their
country back. –Mike Adams

Adams says that democracy is now gone because the deep

state will simply remove who they dislike.

Bozell & Graham Column:
Robert Mueller's Valentine Writers
By Brent Bozell And Tim Graham
December 12, 2017 10:27 PM EST

This information isn’t disturbing to the “objective” media.

Reporting it is. CNN host Don Lemon found it “shocking”
to describe the

“huge rise in anti-Mueller and FBI rhetoric

from right-wing media recently.”

This is how CNN greets facts it doesn’t like: they are

merely “rhetoric” from ideologues. They run against The

To see how The Narrative is concocted,

see Time magazine’s gushing tribute to
A cascade of embarrassing details have poured out over
Mueller in their Person of the Year issue –
the last few weeks on how special counsel Robert
as if a June cover story titled “The Lie
Mueller’s staff is a gang of Democratic partisans with a
Detector” wasn’t enough. This time he’s
rooting interest in Hillary Clinton in 2016. Mueller deputy
called “The Enforcer....A prosecutor known
Andrew Weissman even attended the doomed election–
for rigor and rectitude goes after the
night Clinton “victory party” in New York.
president’s men.”
Those news items are pouring out from Time’s Massimo Calabresi gushed that “the
every direction except the “news” media. special counsel has held the country in his
thrall” with “rare bipartisan support and a
teram a veteran cops and prosecutors.”
The network anchors can barely mention that senior FBI
Why, “There is barely a handful of people
agent Peter Strzok was removed from Mueller's team
in all of America with the reputation and
months ago for exchanging anti-Trump, pro-Hillary text
experience to take on the task of
messages with his mistress, another FBI official. Or that
untangling a multipronged Russian
Associate Deputy Attorney General Bruce Ohr met with
influence operation.” Mueller is snidely
ex-British spy Christopher Steele and the opposition-
juxtaposed against “the arrival in our
research firm Fusion GPS, which assembled a “dossier” of
nation’s capital of a roguish figure elected
unverified dirt on Trump. They’re not outraged that
on the exhilarating notion that rules are to
Mueller and Justice Department officials have kept these
be flouted.”
facts from Congress. Mueller is stonewalling Congress; the
media are stonewalling the public.
This is how Democratic hacks write copy. Somehow, the
Clintons have never been roguish figures who
It’s apparently distasteful to report that among 15 publicly
demonstrated that all the rules in their way would be
identified Mueller lawyers, nine are Democratic donors—
including several contributors to Hillary’s 2016 campaign.
Jeannie Rhee donated to Clinton and to Obama, and
defended the Clinton Foundation against a racketeering Time says criticism of Mueller’s partisanship and
lawsuit. Rhee even represented Mrs. Clinton personally to stonewalling “has hurt the President more than the
prevent release of her emails. Aaron Zebley represented prosecutor. Mueller is a lifelong registered Republican.”
Justin Cooper, the Clinton aide who helped set up her There was no mention in their ridiculous puff piece of any
private e-mail server, and destroyed several of her mobile Democratic partisanship on Mueller’s staff. Nothing.
devices to obstruct investigations.
For contrast, recall Time’s “Men of the Year” coverage at
the end of 1998. Back then, anti-Kenneth Starr
commentary wasn’t “shocking.” It was mandatory.

Time insisted Starr had engaged in a “witch hunt” and But Time now insists Mueller is
“disastrously” included stark sexual details in the Starr
Report. The magazine responded to Clinton’s “the personification of the idea that the rule
impeachment with moral equivalence. of law remains paramount.”

“The more Starr pushed, the more Clinton There’s a reason these “news” magazines have crumbled.
stalled. And in the end, each drove the They are only trustworthy if what you want to read is a
other to a kind of madness.” Time DNC talking-points memo.
concluded “like Bill Clinton, he still dreams
of being found not guilty.”

Retired Prosecutor Sounds Alarm:
'President Trump Must Go On Offense Now –
Step One: Fire Rosenstein, Wray & McCabe'
- Trump Is Not In Charge At Justice Or The FBI. His Enemies Are. The
President Can Solve The Problem Now And He Needs To Do So Quickly.
By Retired Prosecutor Robert Kirk
December 12, 2017

Trump must go on offense now. Step One:

Likewise, Donald Trump needs to give a Christmas present
Fire Rosenstein, Wray & McCabe. to the Old Republic in fulfilling another important
campaign promise by bringing truth and accountability
Yes, we all have noted the pervasive government back to key institutions of our Federal Government.
corruption, particularly at the Justice Department and the
FBI. Many of the comments I received from readers about He can do this by starting at the Justice Department and
this issue reflect a sense of despair or even surrender. the FBI. These organizations can be reformed but only if
they have honest leaders. And there is a way forward –
But the right person of courage at the right time can rectify action that President Trump can take now to rectify the
the situation and bring a measure of accountability back to situation. The proposed solution in a moment but first a
our seminal government institutions. brief review of the predicament we are in regarding
There is such a person of courage currently at the helm
who has the power to make meaningful change for the Because Sessions has abdicated his duties as Attorney
better and now. A recent decision is a harbinger of hope General, the one person who currently controls whether
for a like degree of courage on the important issue of “Justice” will be done at the Justice Department is
restoring Justice and the FBI to institutions of integrity. Session’s Deputy Attorney General, Rod Rosenstein. As
we know, it was he who appointed his friend Mueller to
This past Wednesday Donald Trump showed unique head up the sham Trump/Russia collusion investigation
courage in opposing decades of State Department after Sessions recused himself from the decision making
obduracy by recognizing the reality of Jerusalem as the process.
Capitol of Israel.
In a recent television interview on a local DC TV Station,
Donald Trump gave a Hanukah present to Israel by Rosenstein expressed himself well “satisfied” with the
standing on the truth on that issue. Mueller investigation of Trump and associates. Of course
he would be satisfied since Mueller and he are friends and
both were involved in covering up the underlying Uranium
One investigation by giving a sweet deal to a Russian
named Vadim Mirkerin in order to shield Hillary’s run for

As long as Rosenstein is in charge at Justice there will be

no Justice - no honest and fair investigation of multiple
acts of criminality plaguing the Republic because of his
personal and political relationships with many of those
involved in the very conduct he is duty bound to prosecute.

In my former career as a prosecutor I had a lot of No. Trump needs to go on the offensive
experience fighting battles both inside the courtroom and quick. If he waits this out, his chances
(legal) and inside my own office (political). As such, I will not be better next year after the mid-
have some expertise when it comes to legal and political terms. By then his presidency will have
warfare. In the early part of my career as a young died from a thousand progressive Mueller
prosecutor I was already in trouble with the powers that be cuts.
in the DAs office. I remember my supervisor stopping by
my office during the lunch hour to pay a visit after a Some believe going on offense now would undercut the
particularly hard fought battle where I had stubbornly Trump “strategy”, which is to “give ‘em rope to hang
stood on the truth rather than cave to politics. My themselves.” The idea is that Trump is really playing some
supervisor noticed that I was doing some apparent form of 4D Chess by sitting back and allowing events to
recreational reading as I was absorbed in a little book, take their natural course. Robert Arvay, writing in
undoubtedly, from his point of view, as a way to unwind American Thinker expresses alarm about the recent course
from the stress of the job. of events where Jeff Sessions is

“What’s that little book with the cute little “uncharacteristically timid in the face of
dragons on it you’re reading?” He obvious corrupt practices in both the
sarcastically asked. “The Art of War by Department of Justice and the Federal
Sun Tzu” I tartly replied. “Oooh!” came the Bureau of Investigation.”
shocked response.
Avery likens the possibility that Sessions really is, behind
There is a reason why the Chinese invented chess. They the scenes
know the importance of looking ahead. In planning for war
and in looking ahead it’s vital to be scrupulously honest “… building an airtight case … to
both about yourself and about your opponent. Apparently successfully prosecute Eric Holder, Loretta
Trump’s own lawyers (Ty Cobb, et al) advise him that Lynch [and] Hillary Clinton [et al]” as
everything will be just fine – that Mueller is just a equally sound with the idea of his purchase
dedicated honest public servant who will wrap things up of the Brooklyn Bridge.
by Christmas with a nice red ribbon exonerating Trump of
any wrong doing. Whatever Trump is paying these fools, No. Trump is not in charge at Justice or the FBI. His
(given what high profile Washington lawyers charge), I enemies are. The president can solve the problem now and
assume it’s inversely proportional to the Trump lawyer he needs to do so quickly. AS a first step Trump needs to
team’s collective IQ. fire Rod Rosenstein.

He should also fire two other deep state creatures, Andrew
McCabe and Christopher Wray. Andrew McCabe was the But let’s play this out. Who would the nominees be?
one whose wife received several hundred thousand dollars
from Clinton apparatchik Terry Mcauliffe for her failed For the FBI positions, how about two Sheriffs, one named
2015 Virginia Senate bid. It was McCabe who thereafter Arpaio and the other Clark?
took the unprecedented step of giving a “special status” to
the Hillary Clinton email investigation so that Agents For Justice? I know I’m dreaming. He’s not giving up a
would only report to him and a select few higher ups. This lucrative talk show for the Bork treatment on steroids, but
during the time that Comey, with the aid of another FBI how about Mark Levin? Even if we get real, there is
Agent named Strzok, was working on that creative writing someone out there who has Levin’s honesty, talent and
project, also known as the “Hillary exoneration memo”, ability and who would accept the nomination to replace
drafted months before Hillary and the other key witnesses Rosenstein. That person, whoever it is, is destined to
were even interviewed in the so called FBI “matter.” eventually be the next Attorney General.

But in the meantime they will appoint a special counsel

who will truly look into the many criminal matters
plaguing our Republic and sapping the public’s trust in
government. It will be up to that person, Rosensten’s
replacement, to evaluate whether we need two special
counsels or whether Mueller is so hopelessly conflicted
that he needs to be removed from his current job as a full
time employment agency for Hillary Clinton campaign

I know. Many commentators, though acknowledging that

Trump has the authority to do so, caution that the politics
would be too explosive should he actually take the step of
firing such highly placed (though dishonest) persons from
Justice and the FBI. The fear is that immediately the
opposition will liken the action to Nixon’s Saturday night

But Trump will always be excoriated by deep state

interests for any action which threatens to expose them and
make them pay for their corrupt ways. The question is, are
things really going to get better for Trump by waiting to go
on offense? Do we honestly think that Sessions, behind the
scenes, is in reality, like a “ferocious bulldog”
investigating and weeding out corruption and criminality
that his lieutenants have a motive to cover up?
And you ask:
Assume, hypothetically, that Trump takes action now and
fires Rosenstein, McCabe and Wray. What if it bottlenecks in the Senate and
Trumps nominees cannot be confirmed?
What’s the next step if he fires these three? The senate has How horrible that would be. Why the
to confirm his honest and good replacements. That requires Justice Department and the FBI would be
a simple majority. If it’s a 50/50 tie, the VP (Pence) casts reduced to mindless leaderless
the tie breaker. bureaucratic sinkholes! And that’s different
from how things are currently run at those
Yes, I know. It used to be that deference was given to a agencies?
president’s nominees. No so anymore – perhaps not even
within his own (corrupted) party. Trump has more than 50 Even in the worst case scenario it’s an improvement
senators of his same political party. Does he have 50 because three of the dishonest and corrupt will have been
republicans who will confirm his appointments? Good removed from leadership position, and, as an added bonus,
question. Brought to mind is the recent failure to garner the going into the mid-terms the American people get to
necessary votes even for a simple repeal of Obamacare. witness the relentless, dishonest attacks of the deep state
sociopaths against three honest and good Americans who
love their Country and the Rule of Law.

Going into the mid-terms, such a spectacular show would

generate patriotic fireworks that inure to the benefit, not of
the corrupt deep state inquisitors of those three Patriotic
Americans, but to another Patriotic American, President

Why not go straight after Mueller? Mueller should be

removed for his egregious conflicts. A serious effort is
current under way in that regard. But there must be
someone honest at Justice to name another special counsel.
In any event, I think we all agree that Mueller’s mission to
ferret out Russian collusion is a noble one. He just needs a
little help in focusing the inquiry on things pertaining to
Uranium, a particular email server and a certain Dossier.

If Trump exhibits the same courage on this as he did with

the Jerusalem issue, soon Mueller will have some much
needed investigatory assistance. And then all the Grand
Jury findings can be weighted and considered and the
People will justly decide who is wanting.

Robert Kirk, a retired Prosecutor,

suffers from a rare malady that only
afflicts a tiny percentage of his fellow
Californians – common sense
conservative thought. To contact or to
follow his current politically incorrect
project go to:


Rump’s Gillibrand Tweet
Quickly Labeled Sexist By Mainstream Media
By Brian Flood | Fox News
December 12, 2017

and “fabricated.” Trump punched back, as he often does.

While some analysts say he's proven to be an equal-
opportunity attacker, that didn’t stop rival politicians, news
organizations and other members of the media from
assuming the worst in the current cultural landscape.

President Trump sent shock waves through the mainstream

media on Tuesday by attacking Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand
with a cryptic tweet that was open to interpretation,
although many people concluded Trump was making a
sexual double entendre.
Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand. (AP, File)
Trump tweeted,
Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., accused
Trump of “trying to bully, intimidate and
“Lightweight Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, a slut-shame,” while Gillibrand called it “a
total flunky for Chuck Schumer and sexist smear.”
someone who would come to my office
'begging' for campaign contributions not so
long ago (and would do anything for them),
is now in the ring fighting against Trump.
Very disloyal to Bill & Crooked-USED!”

Journalist Kara Swisher accused him of committing sexual

harassment “publicly” and CNN’s Jim Acosta has gotten
into a public dispute with Press Secretary Sarah Sanders
over the meaning of the tweet.

Critics quickly assumed that Trump suggested Gillibrand

traded sexual favors for campaign contributions because he
put the word “begging” in quotes, but a quick search of the
president’s Twitter history reveals that he has used similar
language when attacking opponents who are men.

The New York Democrat had called for Trump’s

resignation on Monday in connection with allegations of
sexual misconduct -- claims the president called “false”
The Washington Post published a
story initially headlined “Trump Sends
Sexually Suggestive And Demeaning
Tweet About Gillibrand.” Later in the day,
a different headline appeared on the
story: “Trump Attacks Gillibrand In Tweet
Critics Say Is Sexually Suggestive And

MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” co-host Mika Brzezinski, who

has questioned if Trump is mentally fit for office in the
past, said the tweet is (Copyright 2017 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.)

He has also used the phrase “do anything” when referring

“one of the worst things I’ve seen so far in to male political opponents such as Texas Sen. Ted Cruz.
this presidency.” “Morning Joe” aired in
front of a live audience in Alabama on
Tuesday and the crowd collectively gasped
when Brzezinski read the tweet,
emphasizing the “would do anything for
them” part of the statement.

Slate’s headline read, “Trump Just Suggested Kirsten

Gillibrand Trades Sex For Campaign
Donations,” implying that it’s absolutely certain what the
president was thinking when he pressed “send” on the
“Was there another loan that Ted Cruz
FORGOT to file. Goldman Sachs owns
him, he will do anything they demand,”
While Trump may or may not have had malicious Trump tweeted in early 2016. “Not much of
intentions to imply Gillibrand used sex to her advantage, a reformer!”
the same assumptions were not made when he used the
same language about men.
The same month, he used the phrase again,

Trump has put the word “begging” in quotation marks in

“Cruz lies are almost as bad as Jeb's,”
the past. Back in 2013 he used it when tweeting about
referring to former Florida governor and
government leaker Edward Snowden in a situation that
fellow 2016 presidential contender Jeb
makes it questionable as to whether or not he simply thinks
Bush. “These politicians will do anything to
the word always gets quotes around it.
stay at the trough!”

Another example occurred in June 2016 when Trump

mocked the media, and he presumably wasn’t implying
“The U.S. is now ‘begging’ Russia to give that media members would trade sexual favors to make
back Edward Snowden. In a letter they him look bad.
promised no death penalty for the traitor,”
he wrote.

He has also used the phrase “do anything” when referring

to male political opponents such as Texas Sen. Ted Cruz.

“So I raised/gave $5,600,000 for the “He's talking about way the system
veterans and the media makes me look functions as it is - politicians beg for
bad! They do anything to belittle - totally money, that's not something new” she said.
biased,” he tweeted. “No way this is sexist at all.”

White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders was asked Sanders also said only people with their “mind in the
about the Gillibrand tweet during Tuesday’s press briefing gutter” would have interpreted the tweet as sexist.
and she defended her boss’ intentions.

Will Networks Cover? Strzok, Page Texts Trash ‘Awful’
Trump As ‘Idiot,’ ‘Loathsome Human Being’
By Curtis Houck
December 12, 2017 10:44 PM EST

“Seriously?! Would you not [vote]

D[emocrat]?” Page responded.
“I don’t know,” Strzok answered. “I suppose
“I would [vote] D,” Page affirmed.

Two days later, Page texted Strzok:

“God, Trump is a loathsome human.”

“Yet he many[sic] win,” Strzok responded.
"Good for Hillary.”
On Tuesday night as the election results came in from
Alabama, a number of news outlets reported on the Later the same day, Strzok texted Page,
Department of Justice obtaining thousands of text “Omg [Trump's] an idiot.”
messages between controversial FBI officials Peter Strzok “He's awful,” Page answered.
and Lisa Page showing their disdain for “awful,” “idiot,”
“America will get what the voting public
and “loathsome” President Donald Trump, creating yet
deserves,” said Strzok, to which Page
another headache for Robert Mueller as the Trump-Russia
responded. “That’s what I’m afraid of.”
probe drags on.
Later that same day, Strzok texted Page,
From a media bias perspective, there’s three questions to
be answered on Wednesday morning: Will ABC, CBS, and
NBC cover this? And if so, how much time will they spend “Ok I may vote for Trump.”
on it? Given that Democrat Doug Jones is projected to the “What?” answered Page. "Poor Kasich.
Alabama Senate race (as of this post’s publication), will He’s the only sensible man up there.”
they find time to mention this crucial story amidst their on-
“He was pretty much calling for death for
air celebrations?
[NSA leaker] Edward Snowden,” Strzok
said. “I’m a single-issue voter. ;) Espionage
These texts came 10 days after The Washington Post Machine Party.”
publicly disclosed news that Strzok had been removed
from a senior role in the Muller probe after his anti-Trump
Strzok later told Page,
views. A few days after that, it became known that Strzok
had been carrying out a romantic relationship with Page.
“Exacty re Kasich. And he has ZERO
Not surprisingly, the story was ignored on CNN and
MSNBC but covered to varying degrees on FNC’s
Hannity and The Ingraham Angle. Along with To be fair, the duo shared disdain for Hillary Clinton’s, Politico, and USA Today,’s Democratic presidential opponents.
Samuel Chamberlain typed out a few of them:
Page texted Strzok in August 2015 that she
The messages obtained by Fox News were sent during the spotted a Bernie Sanders sticker and it
2016 campaign and contain multiple discussions about “made me want to key the car.” As for
various candidates. On March 2, Strzok texted Page that Martin O’Malley, Strzok dubbed him “a
someone freak show.”

"asked me who I’d vote for, guessed[Ohio

Gov. John] Kasich."
FBI Agent Becomes
GOP Public Enemy No. 1
By Katie Bo Williams
12/12/17 06:00 AM EST

Republicans have a new public enemy No. 1: Peter Strzok, have acted wisely to reassign him to safeguard the public’s
the FBI agent who was reassigned from special counsel trust in the investigation.
Robert Mueller’s investigative team over allegedly anti-
Trump text messages he sent during the presidential race. “Every FBI agent, and Pete is no different,
knows how to investigate and follow the
A slate of reports from multiple outlets have catapulted the facts,” the former senior official said.
once-anonymous intelligence agent into the political
“It’s astonishing. There’s a lack of
maelstrom over what Republicans say is a woeful double
understanding of how we operate as an
standard of political bias at the FBI. organization — one, to think that we could
not have political views and conduct
According to one report from CNN, Strzok, who also impartial investigations, and two, to
worked on the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a assume with a complex investigation like
private email server while secretary of State, was behind this that one person could change the
then-FBI Director James Comey’s decision to call Clinton outcome.”
“extremely careless” in handling classified information
over the server instead of “grossly negligent.” The handling of the Clinton email investigation is
currently under review by the Justice Department inspector
Trump and his allies have used the stories about Strzok to general, Michael Horowitz, a probe that Wray referred to
bolster their argument that the investigation into Russian on Thursday as “very active.”
election meddling is a politically motivated “witch hunt”
— and that the investigation into Clinton’s server was a Republicans on Capitol Hill have used the revelations
sham. about Strzok to suggest that Mueller has intentionally
stacked his team with agents and prosecutors who have an
“How did the Russia investigation start? axe to grind against Trump.
Did Peter Strzok — did he start it?” Rep.
Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.) demanded of FBI Strzok was one of the investigators who interviewed
Director Christopher Wray during an Trump’s then-national security adviser, Michael Flynn, in
oversight hearing last week. January — but the decision to question Flynn would not
have originated with Strzok, former officials say.
Former Justice Department officials say such suggestions
are ridiculous and dispute the notion that a single agent
“The question is, how did this guy get on
could wield the kind of influence suggested by critics such your supposedly unbiased team in the first
as DeSantis. place, when you consider that this is the
same guy that had a key position
One former senior official at the FBI who oversaw national investigating the Hillary Clinton email
security matters said more than a dozen officials weighed server scandal and apparently had a hand
in on the language to be used in Comey’s July 2016 in altering the FBI’s conclusion that Clinton
remarks. Strzok, the deputy assistant director of was grossly negligent, down to ‘extremely
counterintelligence, was far from the most senior person careless,’ so she could escape prosecution
involved. and thus stay in the race against Donald
Trump,” Rep. Steve Chabot (R-Ohio)
Former officials also dispute the notion that Strzok would demanded of Wray at last week’s hearing.
not have been able to check his own personal political
biases to be part of an effective leadership team on the Other GOP lawmakers have suggested bureau officials
investigation — although they note that Mueller may still should be “monitored” for political bias.

Andrew Weissmann, another prominent member of “If you’ve made up your mind that Peter
Mueller’s team, has also come under fierce scrutiny on Strzok is responsible for tanking the Hillary
Capitol Hill. Clinton case, and that he was putting his
thumb on Mueller’s scale against the
Weissmann, who is considered to be an expert on Trump administration, you are way out
“flipping” witnesses, praised former acting Attorney ahead of what we actually know — and
General Sally Yates for refusing to defend Trump’s you’re probably wrong.”
controversial travel ban in January.
There is nothing in the FBI guidelines that prevents agents
The suggestion that officials should be screened for their from having or expressing a political opinion in their
political affiliations has alarmed some former officials, capacity as an individual, even publicly. Strzok’s messages
who say that while perhaps Strzok should have been more were private — he sent them to another member of
circumspect, expressing his opinions in a personal text Mueller’s team, Lisa Page, with whom he was reportedly
message does not undermine the integrity of either the having an extramarital affair.
Russia or Clinton investigation.
But while former officials defend Strzok’s professional
“Are we now saying that whether a objectivity, some argue that Mueller made the right
prosecutor or agent is qualified to work on decision to reassign him away from the politically charged
a political-corruption case depends on his Russia probe.
or her party affiliation or political
convictions?” Andrew McCarthy, a self- “Perception becomes reality, particularly in
avowed anti-Clinton former assistant U.S. a case like this,” the former senior official
attorney for the Southern District of New said. “And the investigation is bigger than
York, wrote in an op-ed in the conservative any one agent.”
magazine National Review.

Washpost’s Marcus Admits
‘Democratic Tilt’ To Mueller Investigative Team
By Kyle Drennen
December 12, 2017 5:24 PM EST

While discussing the Russia investigation on MSNBC’s A Media Research Center study released on Monday
Andrea Mitchell Reports on Tuesday, even liberal examined the blatant double standard of the media rushing
Washington Post columnist Ruth Marcus had to to defend Mueller against any criticism from the Trump
acknowledge that Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s administration versus how the same liberal journalists
investigative team had a definite “Democratic tilt.” The welcomed the Clinton administration’s frequent attempts
admission came in the wake of an FBI agent being to undermine Starr’s investigation in the 1990s.
removed from the probe due to anti-Trump bias.
While dismissing GOP calls for a second special counsel
“Now, Mueller hired a number of people to look into numerous Hillary Clinton scandals as “crazy”
to work for him who turn out to be and “not necessary,” she confessed:
Hillary Clinton donors and Democratic
donors,” Marcus admitted. “At the same time, I wonder if Bob Mueller
would have been wiser if he had a more
In fact, nine of the 17 identified lawyers on Mueller’s staff eclectic and bipartisan group of
are Democratic Party donors. Referencing Republican prosecutors on his staff, just to insulate
concerns about Mueller’s impartiality, she reminded himself.”
“Of course, we don’t know who all the
people are on his staff and how wide that
is,” Mitchell interjected. Marcus replied:
“We don’t, but what we do know suggests a
Democratic tilt.” She went to explain: “Not
surprising among sort of elite – if you look
at the array of elite lawyers from elite law
schools, the studies show, I was looking at
this yesterday, they tend Democratic. They
tend to be Democratic givers.”

When even liberal commentators are worried that Mueller

has hired too many Democrats, perhaps the investigation’s
credibility is in question.
And, you know, take us back – we’ll take
ourselves back to the Ken Starr days, Here is a transcript of the December 12 exchange:

when there was a lot – Ken Starr, the independent counsel 12:45 PM ET
who investigated Bill and Hillary Clinton and originally
Whitewater – and when he was named, (...)

there was a lot of kerfuffle because he RUTH MARCUS: Now, Mueller hired a number of people to work
came from a Republican political for him who turn out to be Hillary Clinton donors and Democratic
background, he hired a lot of donors. And, you know, take us back – we’ll take ourselves back
Republican-affiliated lawyers. And the to the Ken Starr days, when there was a lot – Ken Starr, the
Clintons and their allies were not independent counsel who investigated Bill and Hillary Clinton and
particularly shy about claiming bias on originally Whitewater – and when he was named, there was a lot
his part.. of kerfuffle because he came from a Republican political
background, he hired a lot of Republican-affiliated lawyers. And
..there’s a little bit of sauce for the goose, sauce for the the Clintons and their allies were not particularly shy about
gander here. claiming bias on his part.

ANDREA MITCHELL: Of course, we don’t know who all the
people are on his staff and how wide that is.

MARCUS: We don’t, but what we do know suggests a

Democratic tilt. Not surprising among sort of elite – if you look at
the array of elite lawyers from elite law schools, the studies show,
I was looking at this yesterday, they tend Democratic. They tend
to be Democratic givers. The theory has always been in the
Justice Department that professionals are able to separate their
personal points of view from the prosecutorial decisions that they

They never went so far as to call for a special counsel to MITCHELL: Of course, there’s always been the assumption by
investigate the independent counsel. That seems a little wild to the Clinton people that the New York FBI was a hotbed of Rudy
me. But there’s a little bit of sauce for the goose, sauce for the Giuliani acolytes who had been there for years and years and
gander here. I do wonder – I think that these calls for special were against her.
counsel are crazy. Going back and reopening Hillary Clinton
investigations also seems completely not necessary to me. At the (...)
same time, I wonder if Bob Mueller would have been wiser if he
had a more eclectic and bipartisan group of prosecutors on his
staff, just to insulate himself.

Stupidity And Blindness Have Destroyed
Whatever Democracy The US Ever Had
Republicans And Democrats Are The Problem
By: Dave Lindorff
December 12, 2017 - 4:14pm

Okay, somebody has to say this, so it might as well be me. House and Senate in 2018 instead of more of the same
corporatist mob, Democratic voters will submissively cave
The American political system exists as it is because of in as always and vote for those same lackluster and
two reasons: corrupted corporatists, either handing wins to Republican
opponents, or electing/re-electing ineffective, self-
aggrandizing hacks.
1. The majority of Republican voters are either incredibly
ignorant or are simply incredibly selfish, and
2. The majority of Democratic voters are so blinded by
their fear of Republicans that they will vote for the most
puerile, manipulative, deceitful, greedy and/or feckless
candidates, as long as they are Democrats, and will re-
elect them even after having been betrayed by them
time and time again.

There, I’ve said it.

Reason number one is why we currently have Donald

Trump for president. The man cannot hold a train of
thought for the ten or 15 seconds it takes to express it or to
type it into a Tweet, lies so often I don’t think he even The Pentagon, world's largest office building, surrounded by parking
knows when he’s doing it half the time, and has no moral lots for the warmakers
core. And yet a third of American voters think he’s just
great. And even though all his policies are damaging the There are other problems too, of course. To a certain
very people — the poor, forgotten white working class — extent, both Republican and Democratic voters in the US
that he likes to highlight as being his main concern, those are blinded to reality. In the case of Republicans, who tend
people, who are now at risk of losing their subsidized to be less well educated, or even if they have higher
health insurance available under Obamacare, their degrees, to be in thrall to fanatic religious doctrines that
Medicaid, their Supplemental Security Income checks over-ride any scientific thinking they might once have
(available to the disabled and to children and young single learned, this blindness to reality is celebrated. Among
parents left in need by the death of a working Democrats, who fancy themselves to be the “reality-based”
parent/spouse) and the protection against predatory lenders voters, however, there is also a blindness to reality.
afforded by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Democrats refuse for example to see the larger picture: for
(CFPB), continue to back him, and will likely vote for him example that the US is absurdly over-militarized and badly
in 2020. in need of being pacified and disarmed. No amount of calls
for better funding for social needs can succeed without
Reason number two is why, despite proof that the first closing down the over 800 bases that the US operates
Democratic Party leadership and its pre-annointed 2016 abroad, terminating all the undeclared foreign wars and
presidential candidate preference Hillary Clinton, worked military adventures in places like Syria, Pakistan, Iraq,
hand-in-glove to steal the nomination from Vermont Afghanistan, Somalia, etc., shrinking the Army, Navy, Air
independent Sen. Bernie Sanders and his tens of millions Force, Marines and Special Forces and the nuclear forces
of supporters last year, and despite the knowledge that that and slashing the overall military budget by at least 75%.
same corrupt leadership is hard at work now blocking To fail to recognize this reality is as stupid as your typical
progressive efforts to democratize the next Democratic Republican yahoo’s refusal to accept the reality of
primary, and to run real progressives as candidates for
rampaging climate change. It is simply Democratic much less see with their own eyes. Likewise, most people
yahooism. who don’t read scientific articles about what’s happening
with the earth’s climate probably think it’s nice that winter
A Republican can visit the lower stretch of Miami Beach’s is coming later in the season lately, and that the flowers
Alton Road — the main concourse of the city — at high and leaves are coming out earlier where they live than in
tide and watch the sea surge up through the storm drains years past. They don’t see the looming existential disaster
and, even if he or she ends up standing in calf-deep for mankind.
seawater that wasn’t there a few years ago, insist that
climate change is a “liberal hoax.” Laughable? Sure, but Both our political parties, and the bulk of our mass media,
no more so than some liberal Democrat standing off a mile play right into this problem. Republicans outright shut
or so from the Pentagon — the world’s largest office down discussion of and information about climate change,
building! — and, while taking in the view of its vast as Florida’s Republican Gov. Rick Scott has done by
parking lots holding the cars of some of its 23,000 banning the use of the terms global warming and climate
employees, denying that the US military is a bloated change by the state’s environmental and land-use planning
monstrosity in need of epic downsizing. agencies, and as the Trump administration has attempted to
do by dismantling and undermining the Department of
These two particular blindnesses — the one a Republican Interior and Environmental Protection Agency, as well as
and the other a Democrat affliction —get to the heart of ending satellite and other federal research programs aimed
our national political disaster. Unless both are overcome, at monitoring the pace of climate change. Meanwhile,
or at least the Democratic one, nothing of real consequence Democrats refuse to discuss cuts in military spending, with
can be done to escape the mind-numbing political morass even Sen. Sanders backing the F-35, that costliest
into which this nation has sunk. boondoggle in the history of war, because the Pentagon
promises to base some in his state of Vermont. Yet with a
budget of $1.5 trillion and rising, that plane, which at a
It is interesting and inspiring to watch the explosive
movement of women suddenly coming out of their current $100 million a pop has no real-world combat
application (even if it could do what it was supposed to do
isolation to decry and condemn the horrors they have
which it cannot), if cancelled would alone eliminate the
suffered over their lifetimes at the hands of sexist and
deficit caused by the Republican’s planned tax bill. And
often criminally abusive men in positions of power. I
yet the talk is not about cutting military spending to
wonder what it would take to ignite that same degree of
passion and heroic insurgency over the continued political combat the deepening of the national defit caused by the
inaction on climate change and over the nation’s continued tax cuts; it’s about cutting Social Security, Medicare,
Medicaid, Welfare and other social program spending
war-mongering and imperial foreign policy actions.
Sadly, the dynamics are quite different. While abuse of
women by men in power is ubiquitous, it is experienced in Stupidity and willful blindness. These are the twin blights
a very personal way, which means that while the victims afflicting our democracy, and I don’t see that changing. At
least not until military spending bankrupts the economy
may bury it or try to ignore it, once some of them start to
entirely or leads to a catastrophic new world war, or until
say “Enough!” and go public with their anger, the
the rising seas have submerged most of the nation’s coastal
awakening can snowball. But with climate change and
cities, as well as the Florida peninsula, Cape Cod, much of
military spending, there is not that clear sense of personal
grievance. Parents in a Philadelphia family who are forced the Gulf Coast, and the Los Angeles basin, and climate
to send their children to an underfunded, overcrowded, change-induced draught has turned much of the western
and central US into parched desert and dustbowl.
run-down school that leaks when it rains, has too few
desks for its bulging classrooms full of kids, and not
enough books to go around may be angry, but they are Maybe Americans will wake up then, but of course by then
unlikely to see their children’s plight as the fault of a making America “great again” will involve some pretty
military budget that they rarely if ever even hear about, heavy lifting.

CNN’s Jim Acosta Defies Question Ban,
Asks Trump About Gillibrand Post
By Randy Hall
December 12, 2017 7:17 PM EST

After a ceremony on Tuesday, December 12, in which

President Donalt Trump signed the National Defense
Authorization Act into law, CNN senior White House
correspondent Jim Acosta rejected a request by Press
Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders not to ask Trump a
question at the event.

As the President turned to leave the Roosevelt Room in the

White House, Acosta shouted the following query
referring to a tweet Trump had posted earlier that day:

“Mr. President, what did you mean when

you said that Kirsten Gillibrand would do A few hours after that Mediaite item, Meyer produced
anything for a campaign contribution?” another article, in which the CNN correspondent claimed
that the press secretary
Acosta was quoting a message the Republican occupant of
the White House put online hours earlier, when he “told him he would lose his White House
asserted: press access if he tried to ask President
Trump a question.”
Lightweight Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, a
total flunky for Chuck Schumer and Acosta’s message read:
someone who would come to my office
“begging” for campaign contributions
“Good morning, @presssec, what does the
not so long ago (and would do anything
president mean when he says Senator
for them), is now in the ring fighting
Gillibrand ‘would do anything’ for campaign
against Trump.
Mediaite's Ken Meyer noted in an article:
In a later posting, the correspondent stated:
“Salacious insinuations aside, Trump is
“Prior to this moment, @presssec issued a
attacking Senator Kirsten Gillibrand after
warning to me. She said if I asked a
she stated that the president should resign
question of Trump at the bill signing, "I
over the numerous sexual accusations
can't promise you will be allowed into a
against him.”
‘pool spray’ again."
“She also said Congress ought to conduct
“Sorry, Sarah,” Acosta continued. “We
an investigation into Trump’s alleged
won't be intimidated.”
misconduct if he refuses to step down,”
Meyer added.
It wasn’t long before the reporter was a guest being
interviewed by CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer, who asked:
Of course, this wasn’t the first time Gillibrand made a
statement that got her in trouble. In mid-November, she
startled many Democrats by asserting that President Bill “So are you hearing any more reaction?
Clinton should have stepped down after his affair with What else are White House officials saying
White House intern Monica Lewinsky became public about those rather controversial
knowledge. presidential tweets?”

Acosta replied:

“We have gone back to the White House “Just to give you a sense of how sensitive
press secretary and her top aides over this matter is over at the White House,
here over the last several hours to ask the moments before I asked the president
what, in fact, did the president mean when that question … , the White House press
he said that Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, who secretary … pulled me aside.”
has been very critical of him in recent days
“This was prior to me asking that question
and called on him to resign yesterday ... of the president, and she warned me that if
, what he meant when he said that Senator
I asked the president a question at this
Gillibrand would ‘do anything’ for a
‘pool spray,’ as we call them, that she could
campaign contribution.” not promise I would be allowed into a pool
“As a matter of fact,” he added, “as he was spray again.”
signing a defense authorization bill over “Wolf, this was a direct threat coming from
here at the White House in the last several
the press secretary to me, warning me not
minutes, I asked the president what he to ask a question,” Acosta stated, “and, of
meant about that, and he did not respond.”
course, I went ahead and asked the
“But Senator Gillibrand is responding,” the question anyway, and the president did
correspondent continued. “She spoke to not respond.”
reporters earlier this morning. Here’s what
“But Wolf, as you know,” he continued, “we
she had to say”: don’t respond to threats, we’re not going to
It was a sexist smear attempting to be intimidated. But that did happen.”
silence my voice, and I will not be
It’s not surprising that Democrats want to
silenced on this issue.
drag President Trump down with
members of their party who have
Neither will the women who stood up to the president resigned over sexual misconduct
yesterday, and neither will the millions of women who accusations.
have been marching since the Women’s March to stand up
against policies they do not agree with. It didn’t work during the 2016 presidential campaign, and
it’s not likely to be successful now.
The White House correspondent then noted:

Connection? President Trump Authorizes
NASA To Return Americans To The Moon As Experts
Investigate “Alien Comet” That Recently Sailed Past Earth
Alex Thomas
December 12th, 2017

it’s also about making sure the US

continues to be a part of the 21st century
space race.
Vice President Mike Pence, who’s the
chairman of the National Space Council,
spoke after Trump, saying it’s a
“momentous occasion in the history of
American space exploration”—one that will
ensure Americans “lead in space once
Pence said the recommendations made by
the re-launched National Space Council
were unanimously approved. The plan,
President Donald Trump recently signed a new directive said Pence, will “provide for the common
that reauthorizes NASA to return American astronauts to defense of the United States,” and “spur
the moon in a move that directly countered the Obama innovation…and see jobs created that we
administrations push to privatize space exploration. couldn’t even imagine will be created
Complete with multiple astronauts in attendance, Trump
made “Space Policy Directive 1” official which not only Interestingly, the news that we will once again be putting
allows the country to once again put man on the moon, it man on the moon came as a team of astronomers
also lays the groundwork for an eventual mission to Mars. announced that a comet that recently sailed past the earth
may have been extraterrestrial in origin.
“This marks an important step in returning
American astronauts to the Moon for long The cigar shaped asteroid, ‘Oumuamua, was the first
term exploration,” said Trump, while also interstellar object seen in the solar system after it was
implying that there may eventually be a discovered by scientists who now plan to scan it in the
base built on the moon as well as hopes that they find radio signals coming from the comet
“potential” mining activities. itself.
“We’re about to begin new journeys of
exploration and discovery and once again The Daily Mail reported:
imagine possibilities awaiting in those big,
beautiful stars, and dare to dream big,” The alien-hunting project will use the Green
Trump continued. Bank Telescope in West Virginia for its
investigation, with the campaign set to
Gizmodo reported: begin at 3:00pm ET (8:00pm GMT) on
In addition to “reclaiming our proud destiny The telescopes sensitive equipment would
in space,” Trump said the new directive will would take less than a minute to pick up
spur innovation—including the something as faint as the radio waves from
development of technologies that can be a smartphone, according to the Atlantic.
leveraged for military applications.
Milner, the business mogul behind
The mission to the Moon, it’s clear, is more Breakthrough Listen, a $100 million (£75m)
than just about restoring American pride— search for intelligent extraterrestrial life,
received an email about the object last common space rock but ideal for a ship
week from one of his chief scientists. flying between star systems.

Amazingly, one of the chief scientists for “Breakthrough While we obviously do not have proof that there is a
Listen” noted that the more he studied the object the more connection here, it does make one wonder, especially
he came to believe that it might be artificially created. when you consider that Trump’s decision was a complete
reversal from former President Obama’s with the decision
‘The more I study this object, the more seemingly coming out of no where.
unusual it appears, making me wonder
whether it might be an artificially made Regardless, I think it is safe to say that the country as a
probe which was sent by an alien whole is much better off having NASA send Americans
civilisation,’ Professor Avi Loeb, the chair of into space rather than using private companies who are
Harvard’s astronomy department and one trying to make money while at the same time attempt to
of Milner’s advisers on Breakthrough explore space.
Listen, wrote in the email.
Professor Loeb said the space rock’s There simply is no reason that NASA should not be
peculiar elongated shape is odd for a sending astronauts to the moon.

Bill O’Reilly Claim: Lib Media
To Unload HUGE FAKE Sex Assault Claim Against
POTUS In January
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On December 12, 2017

“Donald Trump knows about the tape” “Donald Trump knows about the tape,”
O’Reilly said. He noted further that the
president should draw attention to it in
order to highlight how a spate of sexual
assault allegations against him “is an
industry, that there are false charges and
money changing hands.”

Here is the audio of Beck’s interview with O’Reilly:

(National Sentinel) Media Matters: Former Fox

News cable giant Bill O’Reilly told The Blaze‘s Glen Beck
during his regular segment on the show on Friday that
Left-leaning media outlets plan to drop phony sexual
assault allegations on President Donald J. Trump following
the holidays.

“There’s going to be a tremendous assault

on President Trump” beginning in January,
O’Reilly said, adding that Democrats now
believe they have to pull out all the stops in
order to get rid of a president they see as O’Reilly’s comments follow a news conference Monday
on pace to be reelected in 2020. held by a number of women who have all claimed that
“There is an audio tape of an anti-Trump Trump sexually harassed them at some point.
person offering $200,000 dollars to a
woman to accuse Donald Trump of The Gateway Pundit noted earlier that the women have all
untoward behavior,” the former Fox News been debunked, and that the organization that sponsored
host said, adding he may have to go to the the news conference is a group funded in part by anti-
U.S. Attorney’s office himself because Trump Leftist billionaire George Soros.
“there are at least three crimes on the

USA Today: Trump Is 'Not Fit
To Clean The Toilets' At Obama's Presidential Library
By Caitlin Yilek
Dec 12, 2017, 10:23 PM

‘begging’ for campaign contributions not so

long ago (and would do anything for

Such an attack makes Trump unfit for office, the editorial

board wrote.

“With his latest tweet, clearly implying that

a United States senator would trade sexual
favors for campaign cash, President Trump
has shown he is not fit for office. Rock
The USA Today editorial board said President Trump hit "a new low"
bottom is no impediment for a president
with his tweet Tuesday morning saying Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand "would
come to my office 'begging' for campaign contributions not so long ago who can always find room for a new low,”
(and would do anything for them)." (AP Photo/Evan Vucci) the editorial said.

USA Today’s editorial board issued a sharp rebuke of Obama and Bush both
President Trump’s attacks on Democratic Sen. Kirsten
Gillibrand in which he said she “would do anything” for “broke promises and told untruths,” the
campaign donations. paper wrote, “but the basic decency of
each man was never in doubt.”
“A president who would all but call Sen. “Donald Trump, the man, on the other
Kirsten Gillibrand a whore is not fit to clean hand, is uniquely awful. His sickening
the toilets in the Barack Obama behavior is corrosive to the enterprise of a
Presidential Library or to shine the shoes of shared governance based on common
George W. Bush,” the paper’s editorial values and the consent of the governed,”
board wrote late Tuesday. the editorial continued, warning that the
The paper said Trump hit “a new low” with “awfulness” of the Trump era will get much
his tweet Tuesday morning saying worse.
Gillibrand “would come to my office

Russia Investigation Was 'Insurance Policy' Against A
Trump Presidency? - Ousted FBI Agents Texts Are
Smoking Gun Showing Mueller 'Dream Team'
Totally Corrupted
By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine
December 13, 2017

While special counsel Robert Mueller's judgement had what prompted Mueller to reassign Strzok and Page from
been questioned after gathering a high number of Clinton his team. Information Mueller did not deign to inform
donors as part of his team, as well as his ability to run an Congress of, despite requests to do so.
unbiased investigation into the campaign of Donald Trump
given Mueller's close association with James Comey, This prompted the Wall Street Journal editorial board to
whom President Trump fired, a series of issues have come accuse Mueller of "stonewalling Congress and protecting
to light over the last few weeks that has tainted not only the FBI," an agency Mueller spent over a decade as
Mueller's reputation, judgement, and entire investigation to director of.
date, but now points to deep state intelligence operatives
actively plotting before the election, the take down a duly WSJ also highlighted other concerns and connections in
elected government if a specific candidate ended up their editorial:
This is all the more notable because Mr.
Strzok was a chief lieutenant to former FBI
Director James Comey and played a lead
role investigating alleged coordination
between the Trump campaign and Russia
during the 2016 election. Mr. Mueller then
gave him a top role in his special-counsel
probe. And before all this Mr. Strzok led the
investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails
and sat in on the interview she gave to the
FBI shortly before Mr. Comey publicly
exonerated her in violation of Justice
Department practice.
WITHIN MUELLER'S 'DREAM TEAM' Oh, and the woman with whom he
supposedly exchanged anti-Trump texts,
Mueller Obstructs Congressional Oversight Committee: In FBI lawyer Lisa Page, worked for both Mr.
the late summer of 2017, two of Mueller's "dream team" Mueller and deputy FBI director Andrew
were ousted from Mueller's investigation into Russia, with McCabe, who was accused of a conflict of
no explanation provided at the time, to the public, nor to interest in the Clinton probe when it came
Congress when they asked. out that Clinton allies had donated to the
political campaign of Mr. McCabe’s wife.
The two agents were, Peter Strzok, one of the highest- The texts haven’t been publicly released,
ranking agents at the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) but it’s fair to assume their anti-Trump bias
and Lisa Page, a lawyer for the FBI. must be clear for Mr. Mueller to reassign
such a senior agent.
It wasn't until months later that it was revealed that
the Justice Department’s inspector general, an in-house This led them to conclude that
watch dog, has uncovered thousands of texts messages
between Strzok and Page, who were having an affair, is

"Mr. Mueller is too conflicted to investigate also know that Ohr's wife, Nellie H. Ohr, worked for
the FBI and should step down in favor of Fusion GPS, and had continued receiving pay from
someone more credible." them through the summer and fall of 2016.

USA Today highlights further conflicts of interest, Other revelations include two more members of Mueller's
connections and questionable associations and actions, team, including his second in charge, Andrew Weissmann,
which they claim has "politically tainted" Mueller's Russia that had emailed former acting AG, Sally Yates," how
investigation: "proud" and "in awe" he was of her after she was
terminated for refusing to carry out President Trump's
The central figure in both probes is FBI immigration order, and Jeannie Rhee, who had provided
agent Peter Strzok. Strzok helped conduct legal counsel to the Clinton Foundation and was a
the sweetheart interviews of Clinton, Cheryl generous donor to Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.
Mills and Huma Abedin in the email
investigation, in which the latter two Frankly it is almost impossible to picture the inter-twining
blatantly lied about their knowledge of the connections, the over-lap in the highly politicized
bootleg server. They were not charged. intelligence agencies while Barack Obama was in charge
Strzok also changed then-FBI Director without charts, so below, Sean Hannity does an
James Comey’s draft language on Clinton’s outstanding job of putting together charts which
use of her illicit server from “grossly adequately show corruption moving from one agency to
negligent” to “extremely careless,” which is the next, using American intelligence agencies for political
the difference between criminal behavior purposes against a candidate from an opposing party.
and an unconscious error.

Strzok promoted the Fusion GPS “Steele

dossier,” the sketchy gossip-ridden anti-
Trump document paid for by the Clinton
campaign and compiled with input from
Russian intelligence sources. This
document was used to persuade a Foreign
Intelligence Surveillance Court to authorize
government surveillance of members of the
Trump team during a political campaign. It
was an unprecedented investigative
intrusion into the American political process
that makes Watergate look like amateur

Strzok reportedly led the interview of then-

national security adviser Michael Flynn, FBI AGENTS DISCUSSED 'INSURANCE
who ostensibly told the lies that led to his POLICY' AGAINST A TRUMP
firing and landed him in a plea bargain with PRESIDENCY
investigators. Judge Rudolph Contreras,
who accepted Flynn’s guilty plea, has since Above we detailed the level of anti-Trump bias, as well as
inexplicably recused himself from the case. what some would call "circumstantial" evidence that said
Contreras is a Foreign Intelligence bias was used by deep state members and the former
Surveillance Court judge and might have administration against a candidate in a presidential
been involved with authorizing surveillance election, but with the recent release of 375 of the
against the Trump team. thousands of emails to Congress, that have been seen by
members of the press, which the inspectors office found to
The texts messages between Strzok and Page that the be relevant to their investigation, we now have a smoking
inspectors office found relevant to the investigation have gun, held by none other than Peter Strzok.
now been released, which we will detail in the next
category, but first other members of Mueller's team have The body he is standing over with that gun is the whole
been removed. Russia collusion investigation.

Former associate deputy attorney general Bruce Ohr was While the majority of the headlines coming out now in
demoted days ago for unspecified contacts with figures regards to these newly released text messages between
behind the Steele dossier, according to multiple reports, Strzok and Page are focusing on the fact that they often
including the USA Today link provided above, but we now insulted the then-candidate Trump calling him an "idiot,"

and "loathsome," and a "douche" as well as one where Was the Russia investigation itself the "insurance policy,"
Strzok said F-Trump," the others are far more important against a Trump Presidency? A set up in order to overturn
because they do not just establish bias, they show that an election should the candidate they were conspiring
members of the FBI under Obama, against, one they made very clear they were biased against,
won the election?
the same people Mueller chose for his
"dream team" were actively plotting to Representative Jordan appears to be making that case in
take down Trump if he won the election. the clip below.

“I want to believe the path you threw out for

consideration in Andy’s office — that
there’s no way [Trump] gets elected — but
I’m afraid we can’t take that risk,” FBI
counterintelligence official Peter Strzok
wrote in a cryptic text message to Lisa
Page, an FBI lawyer and his mistress.

“It’s like an insurance policy in the unlikely

event you die before you’re 40,” Strzok
wrote in the text, dated Aug. 15, 2016.

Another chain of texts include the following:

In on Aug. 6 text, Strzok responded to an

article shared by Page by replying, “F
The pair exchanged another cryptic text
message that same day. Even Mueller's most ardent defenders understand there is a
problem here, from questions of Mueller's judgement in
“Maybe you’re meant to stay where you are the team he chose, to his stonewalling Congress at the time
because you’re meant to protect the of Strzok's reassignment, most likely due to appearance of
country from that menace,” Page wrote. extreme bias tainting anything he touched that is part of
the case being investigated, or evidence.
“I can protect our country at many levels,
not sure if that helps,” Strzok replied. With new information about Mueller's "dream team" being
revealed weekly, sometimes daily, the real issue is public
More texts can be seen at Washington Examiner. perception, as no one can look at what has already been
published and not see a major problem within the
intelligence community, where agencies have been
It bears mentioning again that while no context is given politicized to the point of needing a total and complete
within the some of these texts, these were determined by overhaul.
the inspectors office to be relevant to any investigation, out
of the thousands they had in their possession.
I see arguments that the bias doesn't matter if Mueller is on
track to clear Trump, which in my mind is a partisan
By far the most incriminating is the reference showing argument, corruption should be a concern no matter the
they had a meeting in "Andy's" office, meaning Andrew outcome of any investigation. They are either corrupt or
McCabe, before the election where they were discussing a they are not. Period. Stop. Do no pass go and do not collect
"path" and where Strzok specifically indicates that "we", two hundred bucks.
meaning collectively" "can't take the risk" that Donald
Trump may be elected.
I am also seeing conservatives argue that President Trump
would be unhinged if he fired Mueller because they are
As Representative Jim Jordan highlighted in the tense already digging their own graves and destroying their own
grilling of Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein on Wednesday, that credibility, so Trump should basically just keep them
specifies intent. Jordan also reminds the country, since this supplied in shovels.
testimony was available to the public, that when those
texts were being exchanged was around the same time the
FBI opened their Russia investigation and Strzok was ANP contributor and former prosecutor Robert Kirk has
chosen to lead it. suggested that President Trump should clean house,
starting with Rosenstein, Wray & McCabe, and he does
pose a persuasive argument for why that is needed at this his who did something wrong, it would be
time. good to find that out."
So even according to Comey, Trump stated
Then we have Republican lawmakers that are pushing for outright he had no problem finding out if
an independent counsel to investigate the actions by someone associated with his campaign did
politicized intelligence agencies under Obama during the something wrong.
2016 election, from using the dossier to create the Russia
investigation to letting Hillary Clinton off the hook. In my TWO- President Trump met with Robert
view, then we would have two out-of-control fishing Mueller the day before he was named as
expeditions that veer off into areas that have nothing to do special counsel in the Russia investigation.
with their original purpose as Robert Mueller's team has The meeting was purportedly in regards to
done. Mueller being nominated as FBI director.
That never made sense, because FBI
director is limited to a ten year term.
Mueller served his ten years, the had to get
permission by Congress to be allowed to
continue for two more years.

The language is clear in Section 203(b) of the Crime

Control Act of 1976, where it states

"Effective with respect to any individual

appointment by the president, by and with
the advice and consent of the Senate, after
June 1, 1973, the term and service of the
Director of the Federal Bureau of
BOTTOM LINE - SOME FINAL POINTS AND Investigation shall be ten years. A Director
QUESTIONS may not serve more than one ten-year
While I am not arguing nor defending Robert Mueller, his
choices, his actions and his basic conflicts of interested Why would President Trump be meeting with Mueller
(former FBI director, associations with present day deep about a job that Mueller was not even eligible for, and was
state members, his close association with James Comey, in fact, barred by law from accepting?
etc...) it strikes me as extremely ironic that without
Mueller's investigation, Strzok, Ohr, Rhee, Weissmann, A couple days later President Trump announced he was
McCabe, others in position of power, the Russia nominating Christopher Wray as FBI director.
investigation as an "insurance policy", and the utter
corruption of intelligence members in high positions of
power under Obama, would not have been exposed to the So, what exactly were Mueller and President Trump
public. discussing if not the job of FBI director?

I keep coming back to two events: One final question:

ONE- In former FBI director James If Robert Mueller is so brilliant at his job, so
Comey's prepared remarks to Congress, respected before this special counsel
specifically the one in regards to the March position for his integrity, and so impartial,
30, 2017 phone call between Comey and then why have this many members of his
President Trump, where the President "dream team" now been exposed, as
wanted to Comey to publicly state what biased and perhaps corrupt members of
Comey had told him about not being the intelligence community?
personally under investigation, Comey
claimed "The president went on to say that Something smells hinky here.
if there were some 'satellite' associates of

Will Trump's Lows Ever Hit Rock Bottom?
The Editorial Board, USA TODAY
Published 7:30 P.M. ET Dec. 12, 2017 | Updated 9:12 A.M. ET Dec. 13, 2017

RNC: Democrats’ response is laughable

A president who would all but call Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand

a whore is not fit to clean the toilets in the Barack Obama
Presidential Library or to shine the shoes of George W.

This isn’t about the policy differences we have with all

presidents or our disappointment in some of their
decisions. Obama and Bush both failed in many ways.
White House Spokesperson Sarah Huckabee Sanders flatly denied They broke promises and told untruths, but the basic
that President Donald Trump's tweet about NY Senator Kirsten decency of each man was never in doubt.
Gillibrand was in any way sexist, insisting only people with their
minds "in the gutter" would have read it that way. (Dec. 12) AP
Donald Trump, the man, on the other hand, is uniquely
A president who'd all but call a senator awful. His sickening behavior is corrosive to the enterprise
of a shared governance based on common values and the
a whore is unfit to clean toilets in
consent of the governed.
Obama's presidential library or to shine
George W. Bush's shoes: Our view It should surprise no one how low he went with Gillibrand.
When accused during the campaign of sexually harassing
or molesting women in the past, Trump’s response was to
belittle the looks of his accusers. Last October, Trump
suggested that he never would have groped Jessica Leeds
on an airplane decades ago:

“Believe me, she would not be my first

choice, that I can tell you.” Trump mocked
another accuser, former People reporter
Natasha Stoynoff, “Check out her
Facebook, you’ll understand.”

Other celebrities and politicians have denied accusations,

but none has stooped as low as suggesting that their
accusers weren’t attractive enough to be honored with their
President Trump viewed through a lens in Pensacola, Fla., on Dec. 8, gropes.
2017.(Photo: Gregg Pachkowski, Pensacola (Fla.) News Journal)
If recent history is any guide, the unique awfulness of the
White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders on Trump era in U.S. politics is only going to get worse.
Tuesday dismissed the president's smear as a Trump’s utter lack of morality, ethics and simple
misunderstanding because he used similar language about humanity has been underscored during his 11 months in
men. Of course, words used about men and women are office. Let us count the ways:
different. When candidate Trump said a journalist was
bleeding from her "wherever," he didn't mean her nose.
 He is enthusiastically supporting Alabama's Republican
Senate candidate Roy Moore, who has been accused
And as is the case with all of Trump's digital provocations, of pursuing — and in one case molesting and in
the president's words were deliberate. He pours the another assaulting — teenagers as young as 14 when
gasoline of sexist language and lights the match gleefully Moore was a county prosecutor in his 30s. On
knowing how it will burst into flame in a country reeling Tuesday, Trump summed up his willingness to support
from the #MeToo moment.

a man accused of criminal conduct: “Roy Moore will comes to filling key government positions that require
always vote with us.” Senate confirmation. As of last week, Trump had failed
 Trump apparently is going for some sort of record for to nominate anyone for 60% of 1,200 key positions he
lying while in office. As of mid-November, he had made can fill to keep the government running smoothly.
1,628 misleading or false statements in 298 days in  Trump has shown contempt for ethical strictures that
office. That’s 5.5 false claims per day, according to a have bound every president in recent memory. He has
count kept by The Washington Post’s fact-checkers. refused to release his tax returns, with the absurd
 Trump takes advantage of any occasion — even excuse that it’s because he is under audit. He has
Monday’s failed terrorist attack in New York — to stir refused to put his multibillion dollar business interests
racial, religious or ethnic strife. Congress “must end in a blind trust and peddles the fiction that putting them
chain migration,” he said Monday, because the terror in the hands of his sons does the same thing.
suspect “entered our country through extended-family
chain migration, which is incompatible with national Not to mention calling white supremacists "very fine
security.” So because one man — 27-year-old Akayed people," pardoning a lawless sheriff, firing a respected FBI
Ullah, a lawful permanent resident of the U.S. who director, and pushing the Justice Department to investigate
came from Bangladesh on a family immigrant visa in his political foes.
2011 — is accused of attacking America, all
immigrants brought to this country by family are It is a shock that only six Democratic senators are calling
suspect? Trump might have some credibility if his for our unstable president to resign.
criticism of immigrants was solely about terrorists. It
isn’t. It makes no difference to him if an immigrant is a
terrorist or a federal judge. He once smeared an The nation doesn’t seek nor expect perfect presidents, and
Indiana-born judge whose parents emigrated from some have certainly been deeply flawed. But a president
Mexico. It’s all the same to this president. who shows such disrespect for the truth, for ethics, for the
basic duties of the job and for decency toward others fails
 A man who clearly wants to put his stamp on the
at the very essence of what has always made America
government, Trump hasn’t even done his job when it

MRC’s Bozell On Negative Trump Coverage;
‘We’ve Never Seen Anything Like It’
By NB Staff
December 13, 2017 11:07 AM EST

was only 89 percent negative and since

then, every month, like clockwork it is
either 90, 91 or 92 percent negative.”
“I'll tell you, it is even worse than 90
percent negative, Stuart, because that
90, and if you look at that 90 percent
what it doesn't include the number of
fake stories, false stories that have been
done like the Brian Ross story that
actually affected stock market. So,
you’ve got fake stories within the
negative coverage,” Bozell added.
Making his latest appearance on the Fox Business
Network’s Varney & Company, Media Research Center Bozell then made a strong statement about how unusual
president Brent Bozell highlighted on Wednesday the the stories from ABC, CBS, and NBC have been (even for
bombshell study by Rich Noyes that found the network the liberal media):
evening news coverage of President Trump has been 90
percent negative from September to November. “There’s no positive coverage of things
like the economy, so it’s not just 90
The appearance came just a few hours after the President percent negative. It is lack of anything
himself tweeted about the study on the “Fake News that is positive about this President.
Media” after hearing about it on FNC’s Fox and Friends. We’ve never seen anything like it in the
Trump’s tweet also occurred a day after Press Secretary history of this organization.”
Sarah Huckabee Sanders alluded to it in Tuesday’s press
briefing. Commenting on the latest news about Peter Strzok and his
role in the Mueller probe, Bozell observed that, by and
Here’s the President’s full tweet: large, the network coverage haven’t linked Strzok to
Muller but rather spun him as a “rogue” actor.

“Let's see if this is a one and done

thing, or if the media pick up on it and
continue the investigation of what is
truly — all the appearances are now
showing is a truly dishonest
investigation, dishonest investigation
into the President. Let's see if they
investigate it. Let's see if they continue
covering it or if this is a one and done,”
Bozell predicted.

Here’s the transcript of the segment from FBN’s Varney &

Company on December 13:
After being introduced by Varney, Bozell explained how
the numbers are crunched “month after month” dating FBN’s Varney & Company
back to the 2016 presidential campaign with December 13, 2017
10:31 a.m. Eastern
“[t]he best month for President Trump
was the honeymoon in January when it
STUART VARNEY: The Media Research Council [sic] does a lack of anything that is positive about this President. We’ve never
study on negative coverage of the President and the President's seen anything like it in the history of this organization.
tweets and here it is. This is what the President is tweeting by the
way: “Wow, more than 90% of Fake News Media coverage of me VARNEY: Now, what about the news that Fox is breaking this
is negative, with numerous forced retractions of untrue stories. morning, Fox News and Fox Business, that we have these texts
Hence my use of Social Media, the only way to get the truth out. from within the FBI investigation of President Trump and Hillary
Much of Mainstream Meadia [sic] has become a joke! Clinton's emails, and they show what looks, to me, like a clear
@foxandfriends.” Okay. Brent Bozell. He’s the MRC president. state, clear-cut deep state conspiracy, to be against President
Those are your numbers. You did the study. You found it was 90 Trump and to whitewash Hillary Clinton? How is the
percent negative. establishment media going to cover that cause I’ve not seen
anything so far?

BOZELL: Well, interesting, this story actually, the texts weren't

released but the story broke several days ago. When it broke,
Fox covered it relentlessly as it should be, but where the rest of
media was concerned, they gave it a little bit of coverage but it
was under context of Republicans are trying to undermine the
Mueller investigation by going on this tangent. Now the story —
the texts are out, which completely confirm that this campaign
against the President and the utter partiality of this investigation,
there were stories this morning but they were stories that did not
associate it with Mueller. It was just, this is rogue person. Let's
see, what happened after today. Let's see if this is a one and
BRENT BOZELL: Yeah. Month after month we do the study. We done thing, or if the media pick up on it and continue the
started it during the campaign in 2016. The best month for investigation of what is truly — all the appearances are now
President Trump was the honeymoon in January when it was showing is a truly dishonest investigation, dishonest investigation
only 89 percent negative and since then, every month, like into the President. Let's see if they investigate it. Let's see if they
clockwork it is either 90, 91 or 92 percent negative. Those were continue covering it or if this is a one and done.
the November numbers, 90 percent negative and I'll tell you, it is
even worse than 90 percent negative, Stuart, because that 90, VARNEY: My guess it’s a one and done, but we're not going to
and if you look at that 90 percent what it doesn't include the drop it and that's a fact. Brent Bozell as always, thank you much.
number of fake stories, false stories that have been done like the We’ll see you soon.
Brian Ross story that actually affected stock market. So, you’ve
got fake stories within the negative coverage. Plus it doesn't BOZELL: Merry Christmas to you.
include the positive coverage. There’s no positive coverage of
things like the economy, so it’s not just 90 percent negative. It is VARNEY: Oh, Merry Christmas indeed.

House Intel Chair Nunes Orders Investigators To
Documents From DOJ
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On December 13, 2017

“I hate to use the word corrupt, but they

become so dirty that, who is watching the This comes on the heels of Nunes’ claims over the
watchmen?” weekend that his investigators have found evidence of
abuse in U.S. government surveillance.

“I believe there’s evidence that abuses

have occurred,” Nunes told Fox News‘
Catherine Herridge in his first interview
since the House Ethics Committee
dismissed allegations he had wrongly
released classified information as part of
the panel’s Russia investigation.
(National Sentinel) Fed Up: House Intelligence “We have had an ongoing investigation
Committee chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., is sending into DOJ [Department of Justice] and FBI
investigators to the Department of Justice on Thursday to since mid-summer for both FISA [Foreign
physically obtain outstanding documents requested by his Intelligence Surveillance Court] abuse and
committee involving ongoing investigation if they are not other matters that we can’t get into too
delivered sooner. much. But it is very concerning,” he said.

“Intel Cmte chair Nunes says Hse Intel Nunes pointed to the leaked conversation between former
Cmte will send investigators to DoJ national security advisor to President Donald J. Trump,
Thursday to do a “scrub” of documents Michael Flynn with Russia’s ambassador to the U.S. as
they have pursued since winter. Nunes one example.
says if McCabe doesn’t appear next Tuesd,
he will move to subpoena him..or “I hate to use the word corrupt, but they
potentially hold McCabe in contempt of become so dirty that, who is watching the
Congress,” tweeted Fox News’ Chad watchmen? Who is investigating these
Pergram. people? There is no one,” he added.

In an interview with the network’s Laura Ingraham, Nunes

said the government was “out of control.”

“Who’s lying at the FBI?” she asked.

“We don’t really know. Is it just Comey or is
it the whole FBI?” he responded, which
took Ingraham by surprise.
“That’s quite a change,” she said.
“Absolutely. This is the government out of
control,” admitted Nunes.

Chuck Todd Warns: ‘Every Republican’
Must ‘Fear For Their Political Lives’
By Kyle Drennen
December 13, 2017 11:24 AM EST

Appearing on NBC’s Today Wednesday morning to react sign of what could happen in the 2018
to Democrat Doug Jones winning the Alabama special midterms?”
election for Senate, Meet the Press moderator Chuck Todd
spun that the defeat of scandal-plagued Republican Roy Rather than blame Moore for the loss, Todd had someone
Moore was not just a “one-off” and even bizarrely claimed else in mind:
that Democratic losses earlier in the year were a sign of
building political momentum on the left.
First of all, Donald Trump is political
toxin, period. Look at the year throughout.
Co-host Savannah Guthrie began the discussion by You have to go through – this is not a one-
wondering: off. Let’s start – this started in Kansas, in
Montana, in Georgia, there were all
“Chuck, a Democrat wins the Senate in these special elections. And Democrats
Alabama, you haven’t said that in two didn’t win them, but they were over-
decades. How did he do it?” performing by 10 and 15 points.
Democratic enthusiasm, Trump problems.
In his rambling reply, Todd argued:
In the Kansas congressional special election, Republican
He did it on the backs of a bunch of things. Ron Estes defeated Democrat James Thompson by seven
Number one, you had to have what points, 52.5% to 45.7%. In Montana, Republican Greg
happened, which was Republican disunity. Gianforte won by six points, 50.2% to 44.1%. In Georgia,
That helped. He had massive Democratic Republican Karen Handel won by nearly four points
enthusiasm. In many ways, we saw the against Democrat Jon Ossoff, 51.9% to 48.1%. In each
same thing in Alabama that we saw in race, the GOP candidate broke 50% and won by at least a
Virginia, where the blue areas just turned few points, hardly razor-thin margins.
out in higher numbers than the red areas.
Todd concluded:

“If Trump can’t get a 50% job approval in

Alabama, if he can't carry over his
candidate in Alabama, every Republican in
the country this morning needs to wake up
and fear for their political lives.”

Later in 9 a.m. ET hour, on Megyn Kelly Today, Todd

again laid the blame for Moore’s defeat on Trump:

“Donald Trump has proven he can’t

Amazingly, the fact that Moore was accused of groping a control his base.
14-year-old girl and having inappropriate relationships
with multiple other teenage girls never factored in to any He tried to for Luther Strange, it didn’t work. And he can’t
of Todd’s analysis of the election outcome. close the deal at the end.” However, unlike her fellow
NBC hosts, Megyn Kelly called him out by pointing to the
Guthrie followed up: extremely unique circumstances of the Alabama race:

“Now Republicans have to be asking “Well, but Roy Moore was an

themselves, is this a one-off, is this a exceptionally bad candidate. I mean, it’s
candidate who was flawed, or is this a like, you don’t always have a guy who’s

accused of molesting 14-year-old’s CHUCK TODD: He did it on the backs of a bunch of things.
running on the ticket.” Number one, you had to have what happened, which was
Republican disunity. That helped. He had massive Democratic
enthusiasm. In many ways, we saw the same thing in Alabama
that we saw in Virginia, where the blue areas just turned out in
higher numbers than the red areas. And even – and that’s why
early on in the night, it looked like everybody’s thinking, “Oh, boy,
this is gonna break the way Alabama normally breaks, Moore’s
gonna narrowly win.” And instead, you realize, no, the suburban
vote, essentially these moderate Republicans, did show up and
they voted against Roy Moore. Whether they voted for Jones or
not, I don’t know. But they certainly voted against Moore.

HODA KOTB: How important were women in this race, do you

Todd acknowledged that fact, but was undeterred in
pushing his theory that even Democratic losses were signs
of success for the party: TODD: Look, I think women weren’t – it certainly was important,
there was a big gender gap here. But it was African-American
women that provided a big margin. I mean, Roy Moore still won
But Megyn, if Alabama was the only white women in Alabama by a very big margin. So, look, I think it
special election we had this year as had – the issue itself had an impact with the suburban voter,
evidence, I’d say, “Okay, fair point. You okay? I was down there. The people in Mobile, in Birmingham, in
can chalk it up to Roy Moore.” But Huntsville, the three big cities in Alabama.
we’ve had places – you know, we’ve had
special elections all over the country
this year. Mike Pompeo is at CIA, we had GUTHRIE: Now Republicans have to be asking themselves, is
a special to fill [his seat], all these ruby red this a one-off, is this a candidate who was flawed, or is this a sign
places. Democrats came close in of what could happen in the 2018 midterms?
Kansas, came close in Montana, came
close in Georgia. And you saw a
building –
Kelly interrupted: “Coming close means
Todd tried to defend his assertion:
“However, though, it was getting closer.
It was getting closer and you saw this
Democratic enthusiasm.”

Instead of accepting the Alabama special election as just

that, special, Todd couldn’t resist the urge to make grand
pronouncements of Republican doom and even rewrite TODD: First of all, Donald Trump is political toxin, period. Look at
history to spin Democratic defeats as hidden victories. the year throughout. You have to go through – this is not a one-
off. Let’s start – this started in Kansas, in Montana, in Georgia,
Todd’s biased analysis was brought to viewers by there were all these special elections. And Democrats didn’t win
JCPenney, GMC, and Crest. them, but they were over-performing by 10 and 15 points.
Democratic enthusiasm, Trump problems. And then all of a
Here are transcripts of Todd’s December 13 appearances: sudden, Virginia, the big explosion and a win, and now you see in
Alabama. If Trump can’t get a 50% job approval in Alabama, if he
can't carry over his candidate in Alabama, every Republican in
the country this morning needs to wake up and fear for their
7:05 AM ET
political lives.

SAVANNAH GUTHRIE: And Chuck Todd is with us now,

GUTHRIE: Chuck Todd, thank you. I know it was a late night for
moderator of Meet the Press. Chuck, a Democrat wins the
you, appreciate it.
Senate in Alabama, you haven’t said that in two decades. How
did he do it?
Megyn Kelly Today
9:05 AM ET

(...) Pompeo is at CIA, we had a special to fill [his seat], all these ruby
red places. Democrats came close in Kansas, came close in
CHUCK TODD: Who fears Donald Trump today on Capitol Hill? Montana, came close in Georgia. And you saw a building –
That’s the question I have. Donald Trump has proven he can’t
control his base. He tried to for Luther Strange, it didn’t work. And KELLY: Coming close means losing.
he can’t close the deal at the end.
TODD: However, though, it was getting closer. It was getting
KELLY: Well, but Roy Moore was an exceptionally bad closer and you saw this Democratic enthusiasm. And then we
candidate. saw Virginia and then the unthinkable happened there. They got
such a huge Democratic turnout, they almost flipped that state
TODD: No doubt. house of delegates. First time that that had happened in a long
KELLY: I mean, it’s like, you don’t always have a guy who’s
accused of molesting 14-year-old’s running on the ticket. KELLY: And so now the – the losing, coming close, is turning into
TODD: But Megyn, if Alabama was the only special election we
had this year as evidence, I’d say, “Okay, fair point. You can TODD: Now it’s turning into winning.
chalk it up to Roy Moore.” But we’ve had places – you know,
we’ve had special elections all over the country this year. Mike (...)

Fox News Obtains 10,000 Texts Between Anti-Trump FBI
Agent Strzok And FBI Lawyer Lisa Page —
‘Trump Should To F*ck Himself’
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On December 13, 2017

“God, Trump is a loathsome human.” Seriously?! Would you not [vote]

D[emocrat]?” Page responded.
“I don’t know,” Strzok answered. “I suppose
Hillary [Clinton].”

(National Sentinel) Deep Bias: A producer for Fox News

has obtained a trove of 10,000 emails sent between anti-
Trump FBI agent Peter Strzok and his mistress, FBI
lawyer Lisa Page, which show them disparaging the
Donald J. Trump as a candidate and later as president-

“Our @FoxNews producer

@JakeBGibson has obtained 10K texts
between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page,” host
Shannon Bream tweeted.

“I would [vote] D,” Page affirmed.

Two days later, Page texted Strzok: “God,
Trump is a loathsome human.”
“Yet he many[sic] win,” Strzok responded.
“Good for Hillary.”
Later the same day, Strzok texted Page,
“Omg [Trump’s] an idiot.”
Bream also tweeted that Lisa Page sent a text to Strzok “He’s awful,” Page answered.
saying, “America will get what the voting public
deserves,” said Strzok, to which Page
‘Trump should go f*ck himself.’ responded. “That’s what I’m afraid of.”
Later that same day, Strzok texted Page,
Fox News reported that the text messages it obtained were “Ok I may vote for Trump.”
sent during the 2016 election.
“What?” answered Page. “Poor Kasich.
Here is a sample of the texts exchanged between the agent He’s the only sensible man up there.”
and page, with whom he was having an extramarital affair: “He was pretty much calling for death for
[NSA leaker] Edward Snowden,” Strzok

said. “I’m a single-issue voter. Last week, FBI Director Christopher Wray defended the
bureau against claims by President Trump that the FBI was
Espionage Machine Party.” compromised and biased. He also refused to answer many
key questions.
Strzok later told Page, “Exacty re Kasich.
And he has ZERO appeal.”
Fox News hinted that more text messages will be released
in the coming days.

Text Messages In Hand, Republicans
Plan To Accuse Justice Department Of Bias
By Nicholas Fandos
DEC. 13, 2017

one of Mr. Trump’s most vocal defenders

on Capitol Hill.

Democrats on the committee will try to extract assurances

from Mr. Rosenstein that Mr. Mueller’s investigation into
the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia is safe.

Most people who were well informed about economics,

foreign policy, government, law, psychiatry, etc. were
horrified at the prospect of a...

Yes, Grand Old Power, the Justice Department has a

'liberal' bias.....just like reality, science, facts and progress
Rod J. Rosenstein, right, the deputy attorney general who appointed have a liberal bias...
Robert S. Mueller III as special counsel, at a hearing in June. Credit
Stephen Crowley/The New York Times
Mr. Mueller, a registered Republican appointed by
WASHINGTON — The release Tuesday night of F.B.I. President George W. Bush to direct the F.B.I., has long
officials’ text messages describing the possibility of a had critics in the most pro-Trump corners of the House and
victory by Donald J. Trump as “terrifying” and saying that the conservative news media. But in recent weeks, as his
Hillary Clinton “just has to win” is certain to fuel a investigation has delivered a series of indictments to high-
Republican campaign to attack the impartiality of the profile associates of the president and evidence that at least
Justice Department and its special counsel, Robert S. two of them are cooperating with the inquiry, those critics
Mueller III — and possibly hamper him with an have grown louder and in numbers.
investigation of the special counsel’s office.
Moreover, the voices of doubt are no longer confined to
Accusations of bias, primed by the newly released texts the party’s far-right wing. They include Republican
from an F.B.I. agent, Peter Strzok, and an F.B.I. lawyer, mainstays like Senators Lindsey Graham of South Carolina
Lisa Page, are likely to take center stage on Wednesday and Charles E. Grassley of Iowa.
when Rod J. Rosenstein, the deputy attorney general who
appointed Mr. Mueller as special counsel, testifies before “I was the lone voice in the wilderness, and
the House Judiciary Committee. Republicans say they will now I have a robust chorus behind me,” Mr.
press Mr. Rosenstein to appoint a second special counsel Gaetz said on Tuesday. He told Politico
to investigate political partisanship in the department and that he had warned Mr. Trump just days
to scrutinize Mr. Trump’s former presidential rival, Mrs. before, while in flight on Air Force One, that
Clinton. Mr. Mueller’s investigation was “infected
with bias.”
The campaign against the Justice Department, at the very Mr. Mueller at the Capitol in June. He has long had critics
least, provides a rallying cry for the president’s supporters in the most pro-Trump corners of the House and the
to counter the drumbeat of news about Russian conservative news media. Credit Mary F. Calvert for The
interference in the election and the possible collusion of
New York Times
the Trump campaign.

“Each and every day we are finding more The developments came in rapid succession on Tuesday,
and more instances of intractable bias that beginning with the president’s own legal team. Jay
is infecting this investigation,” said Sekulow, one of Mr. Trump’s outside lawyers for matters
Representative Matt Gaetz, a first-term related to the Russia investigation, told Axios that
Florida Republican who has emerged as mounting evidence warranted the appointment of a second

special counsel to look at conflicts of interest in the Justice Tuesday night. Mr. Strzok was a key member of the F.B.I.
Department. team that investigated whether Mrs. Clinton and her aides
mishandled classified information.

And they see further evidence of bias in an email sent by

Andrew Weissmann, one of Mr. Mueller’s top deputies, in
January telling the acting attorney general, Sally Q. Yates,
that he was “so proud and in awe” of her decision not to
defend Mr. Trump’s travel ban in court.

Mr. Gaetz and a half dozen or so colleagues detailed those

cases on the House floor for an hour on Tuesday evening.

Representative Andy Biggs, Republican of Arizona, said

the pattern about Mr. Mueller’s hiring decisions was clear:

“It just happens over and over again. To

In an interview, Mr. Sekulow said his complaints had get on that team you have to have a
“nothing to do” with Mr. Mueller, with whom the conflict or bias.”
president’s lawyers have continued to cooperate. Rather,
he cited a Fox News report from Monday that Bruce Ohr, a Perhaps more portentous is the restive Senate, a less
senior Justice Department official, had been demoted for partisan body where Mr. Mueller’s appointment in May
not disclosing meetings with officials from Fusion GPS, was met as a welcome relief. Skepticism about the special
the investigative firm behind a controversial dossier of counsel’s investigation is starting to take root there, too.
opposition research on the Trump campaign.
“I think he’s got a tough job to do, but it
“The situation with regard to the D.O.J. and seems he’s running far afield,” said Senator
F.B.I., with regard to the Fusion GPS issue, Richard C. Shelby, a long-serving
is serious, has serious repercussions for Republican from Alabama. “Maybe it’s part
our country and should be looked into,” Mr. of what he can do, but I thought he was
Sekulow said. going to investigate the Russian influence
in the election, and it seems like he is going
Democrats say the pattern is becoming clear: As Mr. after a lot of other places, too.”
Mueller moves closer to Mr. Trump’s inner circle,
Republicans try to discredit federal law enforcement and Mr. Graham, who a year ago was a leading Republican
undercut the eventual findings of the special counsel. The voice for a thorough investigation of Russian campaign
Republican effort may also be intended to blunt the interference, seems to have shifted his focus as well.
political repercussions should Mr. Mueller be fired,
Democrats say.
“I will be challenging Rs and Ds on Senate
Judiciary Committee to support a Special
Senator Richard Blumenthal, Democrat of Connecticut, Counsel to investigate ALL THINGS 2016
who sits on the Judiciary Committee, called the demands — not just Trump and Russia,” he wrote on
for a second special counsel “absurd.” Twitter.

“It would be unprecedented to have a

special counsel look at an entire agency,”
he said. “And there is no credible reason to
diminish the outstanding and distinguished
work done by the F.B.I. over many years
simply because the president wants to
deflect or distract from the ongoing special
investigation of himself.”

In addition to Mr. Ohr, Republicans point to the case of

Mr. Strzok, an F.B.I. agent who was removed from Mr.
Mueller’s staff because of anti-Trump text messages that Mr. Rosenstein’s hearing on Wednesday is likely to
he traded with another person on the team. Texts resemble that of one of his colleagues, the F.B.I. director,
exchanged between Mr. Strzok and Ms. Page came to light Christopher A. Wray, whose appearance before the
Judiciary Committee last week gave Republicans ample F.B.I. officials and questioned whether they were
opportunity to question the political independence of his politically motivated. Mr. Wray responded,
“I’m not aware of any senior F.B.I.
Mr. Wray rebuffed any suggestion that his employees had executives who are allowing improper
a political agenda. He said that the F.B.I. made its political considerations to affect their work
decisions with me right now.”

“based on nothing other than the facts and Representative Eric Swalwell, Democrat of California,
the law.” said it was “sickening” to listen to Republicans smear the
In one exchange, Representative Louie Gohmert,
Republican of Texas, rattled off a list of high-ranking

Trump Attorney Sekulow: Scorched-Earth Time In
Calling For New Special Investigations Into
DOJ, FBI, Fusion GPS Corruption
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On December 13, 2017

“The Department of Justice and FBI cannot According to the Washington Post, the FBI agreed to pay
ignore the multiple problems that have the British Spy who compiled the garbage dossier after the
been created by these obvious conflicts of election to continue to dig up dirt on Trump and
interests” Russia, The Gateway Pundit reported Tuesday.

Earlier, Fox News reported that Attorney General Jeff

Sessions has asked a senior Justice Department official to
consider the appointment of a special counsel to
investigate recently demoted official Bruce Ohr’s contacts
with Fusion GPS.

“Sessions on calls for a special counsel to

look into Sr DOJ Official Bruce Ohr, and
wife Nellie’s contacts with Fusion GPS
(National Sentinel) Just the Facts: Jay Sekulow, attorney during the summer and fall of 2016: I’ve put
to President Donald J. Trump, essentially detailed a a Senior Attorney, with the resources he
scorched-earth policy Tuesday evening when he called for may need, to review cases in our office and
new special investigations into alleged corrupt ties make a recommendation to me, if things
between the Department of Justice, the FBI, and aren’t being pursued that need to be
Democrat-aligned opposition research firm Fusion GPS, pursued, if cases may need more
which was responsible for the creation of the infamous resources to complete in a proper manner,
“Trump dossier.” and to recommend to me if the standards
for a special counsel are met, and the
“The Department of Justice and FBI cannot recommended one should be established,”
ignore the multiple problems that have tweeted Fox News reporter Jake Gibson on
been created by these obvious conflicts of Tuesday.
interests. These new revelations require
the appointment of a Special Counsel to The network reported Nellie H. Ohr, wife of the demoted
investigate,” Sekulow told Axios. official, Bruce G. Ohr, worked for the opposition research
firm last year. This would have been at the time that
Afterward, MSNBC‘s Ari Melber reported that Sekulow Fusion was in the process of creating the dossier.
had “crossed” a line because he was calling for a special
counsel investigation into current special counsel Robert Some Republicans believe the dossier, none of which has
Mueller’s investigation. been substantiated, was used to obtain secret FISA court
warrants by the FBI to put members of Trump’s campaign
But that wasn’t correct and, in fact, Melber was forced to team under surveillance.
retract his tweeted statement.
Subsequent reporting noted that the dossier was paid for by
Sekulow make it clear he is seeking a special counsel to the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National
look into the actions of DOJ and FBI officials after it was Committee.
revealed the demoted DOJ official’s wife worked for
Fusion GPS. Fred Fleitz, vice president for Policy and Programs at the
Center for Security Policy told One America News

Network‘s Liz Wheeler last month that the dossier was “This goes against the media narrative, the
something other than what has been portrayed. Democratic narrative, that this was just
mere opposition research, that this is done
What he found “astounding,” however, is all the time. No, it wasn’t,” he said.
that “apparently, FBI investigations of Page
were sparked by this dossier,” Fleitz said.

Anderson Cooper Says Twitter Account
Hacked After Tweet Calling Trump A 'Pathetic Loser'
By Rebecca Savransky
12/13/17 08:15 AM EST

Following the tweet, CNN Communications tweeted that

someone had gained access to the Cooper's account.

CNN host Anderson Cooper is claiming he was hacked

after his Twitter account responded to a tweet from
President Trump by calling the president a "pathetic loser."
Cooper also said he "woke up to find out
Trump on Wednesday morning tweeted that GOP Senate someone gained access" to his Twitter
candidate Roy Moore worked hard in the Alabama special account.
election, but that the "deck was stacked against him." "Just woke up to find out someone gained
access to my twitter account," Cooper
"The reason I originally endorsed Luther tweeted.
Strange (and his numbers went up
"I have not sent a tweet in days or replied
mightily), is that I said Roy Moore will not
to any tweets. We are looking into how this
be able to win the General Election. I was
right! Roy worked hard but the deck was
stacked against him!" Trump tweeted.
The tweets comes after Democrat Doug Jones on Tuesday
defeated Moore in the Alabama Senate special election
Cooper's Twitter account said in response:
to serve out the remainder of Attorney General Jeff
Sessions's term.
Oh Really? You endorsed him you tool!
Pathetic loser.
Jones is the first member of his party to win a Senate seat
— Anderson Cooper (@andersoncooper) in the state since 1992.
December 13, 2017

Deepstate: FBI Agents Texted
About Protecting Country Against Trump
By Kristina Wong
13 Dec 2017

“God Hillary should win 100,000,000 – 0,”

Strzok wrote in March 2016.

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-

VA) on Wednesday called the messages “deeply

“Reports on the political predisposition and

potential bias of certain career agents and
department lawyers on Special Counsel
Mueller’s team are deeply troubling to all
citizens who expect a system of blind and
equal justice,” he said at the beginning of
the House Judiciary Committee hearing.
“These text messages prove what we all
Two FBI agents who were assigned to suspected — high-ranking FBI officials
involved in the Clinton investigation were
the special counsel on Russia, Peter
personally invested in the outcome of the
Strzok and Lisa Page, had texted each election and clearly let their strong political
other during the 2016 campaign about opinions cloud their professional judgment,”
protecting the country against Trump, he said.
according to texts published by
Politico. About 375 text messages were turned over to Congress
Tuesday night by the Justice Department, ahead of Deputy
One of them, Strzok, had also led the FBI’s Clinton email Attorney General Rod Rosenstein’s appearance before the
investigation, and watered down language that might have committee on Wednesday.
brought criminal charges for Hillary Clinton.
A letter from the DOJ to lawmakers said Special Counsel
Lisa Page, who left the special counsel earlier this year to Robert Mueller removed Strzok from the Russia probe
return to the FBI, had texted Strzok in August 2016: “immediately” after learning about the texts in late July.
Page had already ended her assignment on the probe by
that time.
“Maybe you’re meant to stay where you are
because you’re meant to protect the
country from that menace.” The pair also texted each other reactions to news
developments as the campaign unfolded, calling Trump an
“I can protect our country at many levels,” “idiot” as early as mid-2015.
Strzok replied.
In March 2016, Page texted:
The anti-Trump text messages were uncovered during a
Justice Department inspector general investigation into “Also did you hear [Trump] make a
whether political influence affected DOJ decisions during
comment about the size of his d*ck earlier?
the campaign. It was also uncovered that the two were This man can not be president.”
engaged in an extramarital affair.
Page also said in July 2016 that she was “worried” that
There were also pro-Clinton text messages as well. “anarchist Assanges” would undercut Clinton’s campaign,

referring to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange’s Page also suggested shortly after the election that Trump
publishing emails from Clinton campaign chairman John might be brought down by scandal.
“Bought all the president’s men,” she wrote
Another message shows that they and perhaps FBI Deputy to Stzrok. “Figure I needed to brush up on
Director Andrew McCabe discussed Trump’s chances watergate.”
while at work.
Goodlatte implored Rosenstein to launch a second special
Strzok wrote to Page in August 2016: counsel investigation, in addition to the department’s
inspector general investigation, to look into the DOJ’s
“I want to believe the path you threw out handling of the Clinton investigation.
for consideration in Andy’s office — that
there’s no way he gets elected — but I’m “This taint of politicization should concern
afraid we can’t take that risk.” all Americans who have pride in the
fairness of our nation’s justice system,” he

"You're Fired... Again":
Omarosa Is Leaving The White House
By Tyler Durden
Dec 13, 2017 10:29 AM

One of Trump's oldest familiars, Senior White House aide

Omarosa Manigault Newman who is much more famous Technically, Manigault Newman serves as director of
for being the former star of the initial season of "The communications for the White House Office of Public
Apprentice" - as well as a longtime supporter of President Liaison, although the Trump aide and long-time supporter
Trump - is leaving the White House next month. Her was better known for her role on the first season of "The
resignation will be effective Jan. 20, press secretary Sarah Apprentice." She was famous enough to go by one name:
Huckabee Sanders told The Associated Press. Omarosa.

According to The Hill, Manigault Newman had served as

Trump's chief adviser on African-American issues in the
White House. In June, she attacked the Congressional
Black Caucus for "showboating" and refusing to meet with
President Trump.

Her resignation comes just days after deputy national

security adviser Dina Powell announced she would step
down from her position early next year. The decision by
Manigault Newman comes at the start of what’s expected
to be a round of departures heading into the new year.

The Foundering Russia-Gate ‘Scandal’
By Robert Parry
December 13, 2017

Exclusive: Taking on water from revealed

FBI conflicts of interest, the foundering At the end of that text, she sent Strzok a link to a David
Russia-gate probe – and its mainstream Brooks column in The New York Times, which concludes
media promoters – are resorting to insults with the clarion call:
against people who note the listing ship,
writes Robert Parry. “There comes a time when neutrality and
laying low become dishonorable. If you’re
The disclosure of fiercely anti-Trump text messages not in revolt, you’re in cahoots. When this
between two romantically involved senior FBI officials period and your name are mentioned,
who played key roles in the early Russia-gate inquiry has decades hence, your grandkids will look
turned the supposed Russian-election-meddling “scandal” away in shame.”
into its own scandal, by providing evidence that some
government investigators saw it as their duty to block or Apparently after reading that stirring advice, Strzok
destroy Donald Trump’s presidency. replied,

“And of course I’ll try and approach it that

way. I just know it will be tough at times. I
can protect our country at many levels, not
sure if that helps.”

At a House Judiciary Committee hearing on Wednesday,

Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, criticized Strzok’s boast that

“I can protect our country at many levels.”

Jordan said: “this guy thought he was
super-agent James Bond at the FBI
[deciding] there’s no way we can let the
American people make Donald Trump the
Peter Strzok, who served as a Deputy Assistant Director of the
Federal Bureau of Investigation, second in command of next president.”
In the text messages, Strzok also expressed visceral
As much as the U.S. mainstream media has mocked the contempt for working-class Trump voters, for instance,
idea that an American “deep state” exists and that it has writing on Aug. 26, 2016,
maneuvered to remove Trump from office, the text
messages between senior FBI counterintelligence official “Just went to a southern Virginia Walmart. I
Peter Strzok and senior FBI lawyer Lisa Page reveal how could SMELL the Trump support. … it’s
two high-ranking members of the government’s scary real down here.”
intelligence/legal bureaucracy saw their role as protecting
the United States from an election that might elevate to the Another text message suggested that other senior
presidency someone as unfit as Trump. government officials – alarmed at the possibility of a
Trump presidency – joined the discussion. In an apparent
In one Aug. 6, 2016 text exchange, Page told Strzok: reference to an August 2016 meeting with FBI Deputy
Director Andrew McCabe, Strzok wrote to Page on Aug.
“Maybe you’re meant to stay where you are 15, 2016,
because you’re meant to protect the
country from that menace.” “I want to believe the path you threw out for
consideration in Andy’s office — that

there’s no way he gets elected — but I’m “hand-picked” analysts from only three agencies: the CIA,
afraid we can’t take that risk.” FBI and National Security Agency.

Strzok added, Biased at the Creation

“It’s like an insurance policy in the unlikely And, the new revelations of high-level FBI bias puts
event that you die before you’re 40.” Clapper’s statement about “hand-picked” analysts in
sharper perspective, since any intelligence veteran will tell
It’s unclear what strategy these FBI officials were you that if you hand-pick the analysts you are effectively
contemplating to ensure Trump’s defeat, but the comments hand-picking the analysis.
mesh with what an intelligence source told me after the
2016 election, that there was a plan among senior Obama Although it has not yet been spelled out exactly what role
administration officials to use the allegations about Strzok and Page may have had in the Jan. 6 report, I was
Russian meddling to block Trump’s momentum with the told by one source that Strzok had a direct hand in writing
voters and — if elected — to persuade members of the it. Whether that is indeed the case, Strzok, as a senior FBI
Electoral College to deny Trump a majority of votes and counterintelligence official, would almost surely have had
thus throw the selection of a new president into the House input into the selection of the FBI analysts and thus into
of Representatives under the rules of the Twelfth the substance of the report itself. [For challenges from
Amendment. intelligence experts to the Jan. 6 report, see’s “More Holes in the Russia-gate
The scheme involved having some Democratic electors Narrative.“]
vote for former Secretary of State Colin Powell (which did
happen), making him the third-place vote-getter in the
Electoral College and thus eligible for selection by the
House. But the plan fizzled when enough of Trump’s
electors stayed loyal to their candidate to officially make
him President.

After that, Trump’s opponents turned to the Russia-gate

investigation as the vehicle to create the conditions for
somehow nullifying the election, impeaching Trump, or at
least weakening him sufficiently so he could not take steps
to improve relations with Russia.

In one of her text messages to Strzok, Page made reference James Clapper, former Director of National Intelligence.
to a possible Watergate-style ouster of Trump, writing:
If the FBI contributors to the Jan. 6 report shared Strzok’s
“Bought all the president’s men. Figure I contempt for Trump, it could explain why claims from an
needed to brush up on watergate.” unverified dossier of Democratic-financed “dirt” on
Trump, including salacious charges that Russian
As a key feature in this oust-Trump effort, Democrats have intelligence operatives videotaped Trump being urinated
continued to lie by claiming that “all 17 U.S. intelligence on by prostitutes in a five-star Moscow hotel, was added as
agencies concurred” in the assessment that Russia hacked a classified appendix to the report and presented personally
the Democratic emails last year on orders from President to President-elect Trump.
Vladimir Putin and then slipped them to WikiLeaks to
undermine Hillary Clinton’s campaign. Though Democrats and the Clinton campaign long denied
financing the dossier – prepared by ex-British spy
That canard was used in the early months of the Russia- Christopher Steele who claimed to rely on second- and
gate imbroglio to silence any skepticism about the third-hand information from anonymous Russian contacts
“hacking” accusation, and the falsehood was repeated – it was revealed in October 2017 that the Democratic
again by a Democratic congressman during Wednesday’s National Committee and the Clinton campaign shared in
hearing of the House Judiciary Committee. the costs, with the payments going to the “oppo” research
firm, Fusion GPS, through the Democrats’ law firm,
Perkins Coie.
But the “consensus” claim was never true. In May 2017
testimony, President Obama’s Director of National
Intelligence James Clapper acknowledged that the Jan. 6 That discovery helped ensnare another senior Justice
“Intelligence Community Assessment” was put together by Department official, Associate Attorney General Bruce
Ohr, who talked with Steele during the campaign and had a
post-election meeting with Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn after WikiLeaks released the batch of DNC emails, not
Simpson. Recently, Simpson has acknowledged that Ohr’s Sept. 4. It appeared that “Erickson” – whoever he was –
wife, Nellie Ohr, was hired by Fusion GPS last year to had simply alerted the Trump campaign to the public
investigate Trump. existence of the WikiLeaks disclosure.

Bruce Ohr has since been demoted and Strzok was quietly Greenwald noted,
removed from the Russia-gate investigation last July
although the reasons for these moves were not publicly “So numerous are the false stories about
explained at the time. Russia and Trump over the last year that I
literally cannot list them all.”
Still, the drive for “another Watergate” to oust an
unpopular – and to many insiders, unfit – President Yet, despite the cascade of errors and grudging
remains at the center of the thinking among the top corrections, including some belated admissions that there
mainstream news organizations as they have scrambled for was no “17-intelligence-agency consensus” on Russian
Russia-gate “scoops” over the past year even at the cost of “hacking” – The New York Times made a preemptive strike
making serious reporting errors. against the new documentary evidence that the Russia-gate
investigation was riddled with conflicts of interest.
For instance, last Friday, CNN — and then CBS News and
MSNBC — trumpeted an email supposedly sent from The Times’ lead editorial on Wednesday
someone named Michael J. Erickson on Sept. 4, 2016, to mocked reporters at Fox News for living in
Donald Trump Jr. that involved WikiLeaks offering the an “alternate universe” where the Russia-
Trump campaign pre-publication access to purloined gate “investigation is ‘illegitimate and
Democratic National Committee emails that WikiLeaks corrupt,’ or so says Gregg Jarrett, a legal
published on Sept. 13, nine days later. analyst who appears regularly on [Sean]
Hannity’s nightly exercise in presidential
Grasping for Confirmation ego-stroking.”

Since the Jan. 6 report alleged that WikiLeaks received the Though briefly mentioning the situation with Strzok’s text
“hacked” emails from Russia — a claim that WikiLeaks messages, the Times offered no details or context for the
and Russia deny — the story seemed to finally tie together concerns, instead just heaping ridicule on anyone who
the notion that the Trump campaign had at least indirectly questions the Russia-gate narrative.
colluded with Russia.
“To put it mildly, this is insane,” the Times
declared. “The primary purpose of Mr.
Mueller’s investigation is not to take down
Mr. Trump. It’s to protect America’s
national security and the integrity of its
elections by determining whether a
presidential campaign conspired with a
foreign adversary to influence the 2016
election – a proposition that grows more
plausible every day.”

The Times fumed that

“roughly three-quarters of Republicans still

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton speaking with supporters
at a campaign rally at Carl Hayden High School in Phoenix, Arizona. refuse to accept that Russia interfered in
March 21, 2016. (Photo by Gage Skidmore) the 2016 election – a fact that is glaringly
obvious to everyone else, including the
This new “evidence” spread like wildfire across social nation’s intelligence community.” (There we
media. As The Intercept’s Glenn Greenwald wrote in an go again with the false suggestion of a
article critical of the media’s performance, some Russia- consensus within the intelligence
gate enthusiasts heralded the revelation with graphics of community.)
cannons booming and nukes exploding.
The Times also took to task Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-South
But the story soon collapsed when it turned out that the Carolina, for seeking
date on the email was actually Sept. 14, 2016, i.e., the day

“a Special Counsel to investigate ALL shouldn’t the American people be informed about how
THINGS 2016 – not just Trump and Washington insiders manipulate elite opinion in pursuit of
Russia.” The Times insisted that “None of reversing “mistaken” judgments by the unwashed masses?
these attacks or insinuations are grounded
in good faith.” Do the Times editors really believe in democracy – a
process that historically has had its share of warts and
But what are the Times editors so afraid of? As much as mistakes – or are they just elitists who think they know
they try to insult and intimidate anyone who demands best and turn away their noses from the smell of working-
serious evidence about the Russia-gate allegations, why class people at Walmart?

Gateway Pundit And Breitbart Were Right:
Allred Lied And Accuser FORGED Signature=>
Far Left Politifact And Facebook Need To Issue Correction
By Jim Hoft
Wednesday, December 13, 2017

On Friday The Gateway Pundit posted on Gloria Allred’s

last ditch effort to swing the Alabama senate race to The statements were made by Beverly Nelson on Friday
Democrat Doug Moore. morning. The yearbook signature was previously
questioned and discredited as reported by ABC’s GMA
this morning.
Josh Caplan at The Gateway Pundit reported:

But after we posted the story on Friday

WE CALLED IT! Gloria Allred Accuser
**ADMITS** She Tampered With Roy — Facebook sent us a note that they
Moore’s Yearbook ‘Signature’ (VIDEO) shut down our story.

Allred dragged out discredited Moore accuser Beverly The far left website Politifact said our story was not
Nelson to “Good Morning America” on Friday to hit accurate and Facebook shut it down. No one was able to
Judge Roy Moore one last time before Tuesday’s election. see our story on Facebook.

But the stunt backfired… Breitbart wrote a similar post and it was
also blocked by Facebook.
Facebook is TRASH.
— Gab: Free Speech Social Network
(@getongab) December 8, 2017

On Saturday Joel Pollak from Breitbart refuted the hacks

at Politifact.

Nelson admitted on ABC’s “Good Joel correctly pointed out the definition of “forgery” fits
Morning America” on Friday that she what Allred and her accuser promoted to the American
tampered with and added “notes” to
what she claims is Moore’s signature
Black’s Law Dictionary defines “forgery” as follows
inside her yearbook. (original emphasis):

forgery, n. 1. The act of fraudulently

making a false document or altering a real
one to be used as if genuine … 2. A false
or altered document made to look genuine
by someone with the intent to deceive
… 3. Under the Model Penal Code, the act
of fraudulently altering, authenticating,
issuing, or transferring a writing without
appropriate authorization.

The story is solid. The definition of forgery includes altering a document.

Gloria Allred and Beverly Nelson altered the document Politifact needs to issue a correction
and NEVER MENTIONED IT in their November and apology.
And Facebook needs to dump these far left hacks from
Clearly The Gateway Pundit and playing God on the internet or admit they are biased
Breitbart were correct in our original against conservative websites.

Brzezinski Attacks Trump’s Wife &
Daughter For Not Calling Out ‘Sexist Pig’ President
“The Saddest Thing I’ve Ever Seen In This White
House Ever In My Life.”
Steve Watson | Infowars.Com
December 13, 2017

has a platform against cyber bullying —

that’s a joke,” Brzezinski said.
“That is the saddest thing I’ve ever seen in
this White House ever in my life,”
Brzezinski added, “and his daughter, who
came to Washington to work for the
president and develop a platform for
women, go home. Go home. You are doing
nothing if you stand by this president, and
you should think of the country rather than
your brand.”
MSNBC Morning Joe host Mika
Brzezinski continued her relentless
opposition to the Trump presidency
Wednesday, this time targeting the
President’s wife and his daughter,
saying they enable him to be a ‘sexist

Brzezinski began by attacking Press Secretary Sarah

Huckabee Sanders, who told reporters yesterday that
anyone who interpreted Trump’s tweet about Sen. Kirsten
Gillibrand Tuesday as a form of sexual innuendo needs to
get their mind out of the gutter.

“I want to know how she does that,” She then repeated her previous demand that everyone on
Brzezinski said, adding that Trump “should the White House staff should be ashamed for not
have apologized for being a sexist pig.” disavowing Trump.
“For sexually harassing on Twitter,” she
continued. “For using sex to denigrate “I’m not talking about the women in the
women.” White House, I’m talking about the entire
White House — all the men around this
Brzezinski then claimed that the president is “obsessed” president,” she said. “Do you really go
with women who reject him, and went on to attack the first home to your wives and daughters and
lady Melania as an enabler. say, ‘This president know what is he’s
doing, this president stands up for women?’
“He has some special problem with women Do you do that? Your wives should kick
and the women around him, his wife, who you out.”

Mainstream Media Journalists Look To Blame Donald
Trump For Alabama Senate Result
By Adam Shaw
13 Dec 2017

This split screen with Doug Jones giving a

regular, upbeat victory speech while Roy
Moore supporters somberly sing "Great is
Thy Faithfulness" is too much.
— McKay Coppins (@mckaycoppins)
December 13, 2017

On one hand, Roy Moore was a uniquely awful

candidate—much worse than any Republican up for
reelection next year.

On the other hand, Trump's endorsement

couldn't even swing a race the GOP's way
— McKay Coppins (@mckaycoppins)
Mainstream media journalists on Twitter December 13, 2017
Tuesday quickly looked to blame President
Trump for Republican Judge Roy Moore’s The Guardian’s Ben Jacobs also noted Trump has backed
in the Alabama Senate race — a narrative a losing candidate twice in Alabama, while CNBC’s John
likely to become the next mainstream Harwood described Trump as a “giant anvil” on the backs
media talking point. of Republicans.

While some journalists and commentators took aim at Trump has now lost two consecutive
Breitbart News Executive Chairman and former White Senate races in Alabama
House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon for his backing of — Ben Jacobs (@Bencjacobs) December
Moore, others also directed their fire at President Trump. 13, 2017
it’s now pretty clear that Trump is a giant
NBC’s Chuck Todd quickly fired off a tweet highlighting anvil on the backs of Republican
that Trump was 0-2 when it came to backing candidates in candidates
the Alabama race. Trump had backed Sen. Luther Strange
(R-AL) in the Republican primary. — John Harwood (@JohnJHarwood)
December 13, 2017
It’s not easy to go 0-2 in the same race with
two different candidates but At around the same time, the Washington Post‘s Philip
@realDonaldTrump just pulled that off. He Bump was tweeting similar thoughts, noting that Trump
has Bannon to thank for that 2nd loss had “struck out” twice in a deep-red state.
— Chuck Todd (@chucktodd) December
13, 2017 Trump tried to get his candidate elected in
the primary and the general in a deeply
Republican state and struck out.
McKay Coppins at the Atlantic appeared to mock Moore
supporters for singing hymns, and also doubled down on — Philip Bump (@pbump) December 13,
the criticism of Trump — despite the fact that Trump 2017
largely stayed out of the race itself, and backed Moore late
in the race.

Others were apparently disappointed by President Trump’s Trump had the opportunity to keep his
mostly magnanimous tweet congratulating Jones on his distance from Moore and didn't. He
victory. CNN’s Maeve Reston said she found Trump’s believed Moore's denials, endorsed him,
fairly bland tweet “confusing” and predicted theatrics campaigned for him.
come Wednesday morning.
— Jim Acosta (@Acosta) December 13,
I’m assuming the real Donald Trump will
emerge on Twitter tomorrow morning. Earlier, he had cited similar anonymous sources, saying
Because this (kind of) (almost) gracious that a Jones win would mean Trump would be “wounded”
tone from him is confusing. going into the midterms.
— Maeve Reston (@MaeveReston) Earlier tonight sources close to WH
December 13, 2017 conceded to us Trump would be "wounded"
heading into 2018 if Moore loses tonight.
CNN”s Jim Acosta, an outspoken opponent of Trump,
cited sources close to the White House describing the
— Jim Acosta (@Acosta) December 13,
defeat as “devastating” for Trump.

Source close to WH: "It's devastating for MSNBC’s Chris Hayes, meanwhile, used the defeat to
the president… this is an earthquake… send a warning to all Senate Republicans:
Virginia but on steroids… the president has
egg on his face" because of Bannon.
Message tonight to every GOP member in
— Jim Acosta (@Acosta) December 13, congress:
If you think the President's hold on your
base will save you, think again.
He also blamed Trump for endorsing and campaigning for
Moore. — Chris Hayes (@chrislhayes) December
13, 2017

Report: Fusion GPS
Used Ham Radio To Create Debunked Dossier?
Did FBI Deputy Director McCabe Cancel With House Intel Committee
Over Conflicts With Bruce And Nellie Ohr?
December 13, 2017

The Gateway Pundit reported that Nellie and Bruce Ohr

are both listed as working in a June 2010 National Institute
of Justice Expert Working Group on International
Organized Crime, with Bruce Ohr organized as the chief
of the Organized Crime and Racketeering Section,
Criminal Division, U.S. Department of Justice, and Nellie
Ohr identified as a researcher with the CIA’s Open Source
Works in Washington, D.C.
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Nellie Ohr, the
wife of demoted FBI official Bruce Ohr, The Wilson Center identifies Ohr as an assistant professor
not only worked for Fusion GPS, she is at Vassar College, who from Aug. 1, 1997, through Oct. 1,
Russia-speaker with ties to the CIA who 1997, had a short-term grant with the Kennan Institute
holds advanced academic degrees in short-term grant to study “collective farmers of Russia’s
Russian literature and history. Western Region after collectivization and under German
occupation.” has speculated that the reason FBI Deputy
Director Andrew McCabe abruptly canceled his closed- A résumé for Nellie Ohr posted on the
door testimony in front of the House Intelligence Internet shows she was a former review
Committee was that he feared being asked about Bruce and editor for H-Russia, a member of H-Net
Nellie Ohr, with specific reference to Nellie Ohr’s work Humanities and Social Sciences Online.
for Fusion GPS. The résumé notes Ohr received her
Bachelor’s Degree at Harvard-Radcliffe
Nellie Ohr is the holder of an amateur ham radio license, Colleges, with a major in Russian history
granted by the Federal Communications Commission on and literature; and her Masters Degree and
May 23, 2016, that she might have obtained to Ph.D. in history at Stanford.
communicate “outside the normal risk of communication
intercepts” with Christopher Steele, the British intelligence Listed as her major published work to date
agent responsible for producing the Fusion GPS opposition was a research paper entitled, “After
research dossier on Donald Trump. Collectivization: Social Capital and
Local Politics in Rural Western Russia,
1933-1937,” an article that was translated
As reported by CNN on Tuesday, into Russian.

“Nellie Ohr speaks fluent Russian and Nellie Ohr’s maiden name was Nellie Hauke, the daughter
holds a B.A. in Russian history and of Dr. Kathleen Armstrong Hauke, a resident of Arlington,
literature from Harvard and a Ph.D. in Virginia, who was a writer known for popularizing the
Russian history from Stanford; she has works of African-American journalist Ted Poston, who
been a Russia scholar at the Wilson Center traveled to the Soviet Union with poet Langston Hughes in
and taught at Vassar College.” 1932.

Fox News has also reported that Glenn Simpson, a co- A book titled Adventures in Russian Historical
founder of the opposition research firm Fusion GPS hired Research documents that Ohr was in Moscow doing
Nellie Ohr as a subcontractor in 2016 to investigate then- research, supposedly for her doctoral dissertation, at the
presidential candidate Donald Trump that resulted in a Lenin Library in Moscow, during 1989.
dossier containing highly inflammatory but
unsubstantiated allegations designed to be detrimental to
Trump’s campaign.
In 'Highly Unusual' Move, DOJ
Secretly Invited Reporters To View Texts Sent By
Ousted FBI Agents
Natasha Bertrand
December 13, 2017

Strzok, a veteran counterintelligence agent who was

among those overseeing the Clinton investigation, was
abruptly removed from Mueller's team in late July and
relegated to the human-resources department. Page left
over the summer for unrelated reasons.

It is "highly unusual" for the DOJ to release

correspondences that are the subject of an ongoing
investigation to Congress, let alone to the press, a source
on one of the congressional committees investigating
Russia's election interference told Business Insider on

The source emphasized that none of the leaks came from

 The Justice Department invited a group of Capitol Hill, which obtained the texts from the DOJ
reporters to its offices on Tuesday night to view separately on Tuesday.
private text messages.
 The messages were sent during the 2016 campaign "It's appalling behavior by the department,"
by former investigators on the special counsel said Matthew Miller, a former DOJ
Robert Mueller's team, and some expressed a spokesman. "This is an ongoing
negative sentiment toward President Donald investigation in which these employees
Trump. have due-process rights, and the political
 The department's invitation was "highly unusual," leadership at DOJ has thrown them to the
one source said, since the texts are the subject of wolves so Rosenstein can get credit from
an ongoing investigation by its inspector general. House Republicans at his hearing today."

WASHINGTON — The Justice Department invited a One source close to the process who requested anonymity
group of reporters to its offices on Tuesday night to view to discuss internal DOJ deliberations said the texts were
private text messages sent during the 2016 campaign by given to reporters in case they did not leak in time for
Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, former investigators on the Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein's public hearing
special counsel Robert Mueller's team, Business Insider on Wednesday morning.
has learned.
"It is at least debatable whether it was
President Donald Trump's allies have seized on the texts, appropriate to turn them over to the Hill in
which were critical of Trump, describing them as evidence the middle of an ongoing investigation,"
that Mueller's investigation into Russia's interference in Miller said. "Under no circumstances was it
last year's election, including whether members of Trump's appropriate to leak them to the press."
campaign colluded with Moscow, has been tainted.
It is not clear who invited the reporters to view the texts.
The texts were obtained as part of an investigation this
year by the DOJ's inspector general into how the FBI Asked by Rep. Hakeem Jeffries who authorized the
handled the probe into Hillary Clinton's use of a private invitation, Rosenstein demurred — but he said there had
email server while she was secretary of state. been a decision that the texts turned over to Congress were
fit for public consumption.

A DOJ official provided a statement to Business Insider on

"We often provide information we give to

Congressional committees to avoid any

Asked whether that also applies during investigations by

the inspector general, the official replied,

"Statement stands."

Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell asked Rosenstein on

Attorney General Jeff Sessions. Thomson Reuters
Wednesday whether Attorney General Jeff Sessions played
any role in inviting the reporters over to the DOJ.
Former FBI agents who spoke to Business Insider last
week emphasized that the nature of FBI investigations
"Not to my knowledge," Rosenstein replied. makes it impossible for one employee to exert outsize
influence over others.
Asha Rangappa, a former FBI counterintelligence agent,
said that if the invitation was approved by Sessions' office, "It would be literally impossible for one
it could be "a violation of his recusal" from investigations human being to have the power to change
in which he has a conflict of interest. or manipulate evidence or intelligence
according to their own political
Rangappa said she had "never heard of preferences," said Mark Rossini, a former
DOJ interfacing directly and privately with FBI unit chief who spent 17 years at the
reporters, outside of an official press bureau.
"FBI agents, like anyone else, are human
"Especially when there is still an ongoing beings," he added. "We are allowed to
internal investigation," she added. "Both have our political beliefs. If anything, the
FBI and DOJ have press offices that should overwhelming majority of agents are
be fielding questions from reporters on conservative Republicans."
behalf of the agency."
Rangappa echoed that sentiment.
Stephen Boyd, a former communications director for
Sessions who's now the assistant attorney general for the "The FBI investigators who are working on
Office of Legislative Affairs, provided the any given day will probably be mostly
correspondences to Congress. politically conservative," Rangappa said,
drawing from her interactions with agents
under President George W. Bush.

That is one reason, she said, Republicans should "think

carefully" about the precedent they're setting in pointing to
agents' political leanings as evidence of a tainted

Deputy Attorney General
Says No Cause To Fire Mueller
By Morgan Chalfant
12/13/17 11:07 AM EST

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein said Wednesday “No,” Rosenstein replied.
that he has seen no good cause to fire Robert Mueller from
his role as special counsel in the investigation into Russian Later, when asked what he would do if he were directed to
interference in the 2016 election. fire Mueller, Rosenstein replied, “

Rosenstein faced tough questions from Republicans on the I would follow the regulation. If there were
House Judiciary Committee Wednesday amid revelations good cause, I would act. If there were no
that FBI officials on Mueller’s team had exhibited political good cause, I would not.”
bias. President Trump’s allies have seized on the reports to
discredit the investigation. The deputy attorney general then repeated that he had not
seen good cause to fire Mueller.
Rosenstein on Wednesday defended the special counsel,
telling ranking member Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) that he Later, Rosenstein spoke highly of Mueller when asked to
has seen no good cause to fire Mueller. explain the characteristics that qualified him to be
appointed special counsel.
The deputy attorney general, who is overseeing the Russia
probe after Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused
“Based upon his reputation, his service, his
himself, told lawmakers that Mueller had taken the patriotism, and his experience with the
appropriate action by firing an FBI agent on the
department and the FBI, I believe he was
investigation over anti-Trump text messages he had sent to
an ideal choice for this task,” Rosenstein
a colleague during the campaign. said in response to Rep. Steve Cohen (D-
“Have you seen good cause to fire special
counsel Mueller?” Nadler asked

NY Times: Criticize Reporters
And ‘Fake News’? You’re Acting Like A Dictator
By Clay Waters
December 13, 2017 11:48 AM EST

cases, deliberately undermining the institutions of

democracy. In countries where press freedom is restricted
or under considerable threat -- including Russia, China,
Turkey, Libya, Poland, Hungary, Thailand, Somalia and
others -- political leaders have invoked “fake news” as
justification for beating back media scrutiny.

So it's admirable for journalists to criticize Republican

presidents, but when those presidents use those same First
Amendment rights to criticize back, it’s dangerous?


President Trump is attacking the media once again, and the But the president’s mantra of “fake news” stirs different
New York Times is playing scared, and playing the concerns among many foreign politicians and analysts,
“dictator” card. The front page of Wednesday’s Times who fear it erodes public confidence in democratic
featured Steven Erlanger in Brussels shaming Trump, and institutions at a time when populism and authoritarianism
suggesting he’s somewhat responsible for foreign dictators are returning in many regions.
acting like foreign dictators, in “Globe’s Autocrats Echo
Trump’s ‘Fake News’ Cry.”
President Trump routinely invokes the phrase “fake news”
Helen Newstead, Collins’s head of language content, said
as a rhetorical tool to undermine opponents, rally his
political base and try to discredit a mainstream American
media that is aggressively investigating his presidency.
“‘Fake news,’ either as a statement of fact
Do you know who else uses the term "fake news"? or as an accusation, has been inescapable
this year,
But he isn’t the only leader enamored contributing to the undermining of
with the phrase. Following Mr. Trump’s society’s trust in news reporting.”
example, many of the world’s autocrats The problem, of course, is that fake news is
and dictators are taking a shine to it, a real problem, especially on social media.
too. United States intelligence agencies have
concluded that Russia used fake news
When Amnesty International released a report about prison reports as part of an effort to interfere in
deaths in Syria, the Syrian president, Bashar al-Assad, the 2016 presidential election on behalf
retorted that “we are living in a fake-news era.” President of Mr. Trump.
Nicolás Maduro of Venezuela, who is steadily rolling back
democracy in his country, blamed the global media for The presence of fake news in the globalized stream of
“lots of false versions, lots of lies,” saying “this is what we media content helps blur the line with traditional, fact-
call ‘fake news’ today.” based news.

.... Actually, the Russian trolling seemed more intent at

causing chaos both among the right-wing, and among left-
Around the world, authoritarians, populists and other wing supporters of groups like Black Lives Matter!, than
political leaders have seized on the phrase “fake news” -- in lifting Trump to victory. And Russian Facebook “news”
and the legitimacy conferred upon it by an American like this (Jesus and Satan in an arm-wrestling match?)
president -- as a tool for attacking their critics and, in some weren’t going to influence many undecided voters anyway.
Erlanger warned, criticize us, and you could hurt media critic in the Oval Office in at least a generation. In
democracy movements overseas: recent days, news outlets have provided him ammunition
with reporting errors. But the barrage has deepened
The fake-news narrative also complicates concern among media executives about what they see as a
the work of democracy advocates in concerted campaign to discredit independent journalism.
countries where democracy is already
under assault. Kenneth Roth, the executive ....
director of Human Rights Watch, said that
“the sad irony is that Trump’s greatest While news organizations targeted by Mr. Trump have
harm to human rights may not be his corrected factual errors and in one recent case suspended a
infatuation with abusive strongmen but his reporter, Mr. Trump has never backed down, for instance,
undermining of the fact-based discourse from unsubstantiated claims that President Barack Obama
that is essential for reining them in.” wiretapped Trump Tower or that millions of illegal
immigrants cast votes last year, swinging the popular tally
The Times knows how to hurt a guy (or maybe not): against him.
Compare him to Russian dictator Putin.
The story evolved from “Trump criticizes
Some analysts say Mr. Trump’s success at creating an reporters” to “Trump is a dictator.”
alternative reality and disparaging an adversarial media
Analysts said Mr. Trump’s criticisms
both copies and augments the tactics of Russia’s president,
represented an effort to undermine faith
Vladimir V. Putin, noting that Mr. Putin’s propagandists
in journalism. “It is a common thing in
“create a barrage of fake facts” on politically sensitive
the authoritarian playbook to discredit
topics such as the conflict in Ukraine in order to sow
the media so that they are the only
public cynicism and uncertainty. Russia and China also
source that can be trusted,” said Indira
create “positive” fake news on social media to inspire
Lakshmanan, who holds the Newmark
patriotism at home.
chair in journalism ethics at the Poynter
Institute. “Making it so there is no objective
On Tuesday, Peter Baker and Sydney Ember filed the truth is the most dangerous thing of all of
milder but still paranoid “Trump Escalates His Criticism this.”
Of News Media, Fueling Partisan Debate.”
Baker did admit:
President Trump has escalated his fiery attacks on the
news media, seizing on a recent string of mistaken reports The raft of recent reporting errors made that easier. During
to bolster his case that he is being persecuted by a left- a rally on Friday in Florida, Mr. Trump berated news
leaning establishment out to bring him down and fueling a outlets.
national debate over truth, accountability and a free press.
“Did you see all the corrections the media
In a series of broadsides reflecting his own has been making?” he asked. “They’ve
profound grievances while also resonating been apologizing left and right.”
with his populist conservative base, Mr.
Trump castigated ABC News for a
“horrendously inaccurate and dishonest ....
report,” declared that CNN’s slogan should
be “THE LEAST TRUSTED NAME IN Mr. Trump’s supporters said that he has a point -- that such
NEWS” and insisted that a Washington mistakes stem from a predisposition by reporters to believe
Post reporter “should be fired.” the worst about him. Rather than complain when Mr.
Trump points out flawed stories, they said, the news media
While every president has groused about his coverage, Mr. should be more searching about its responsibility to
Trump has proved to be the most vocal and visceral news provide balanced coverage of the president.

FBI Agent Strzok May Have Discussed ‘Insurance Policy’
Against TRUMP With FBI Dep. Dir. McCabe
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On December 13, 2017

Critics of Strzok’s and Page’s cryptic messaging point out

that it’s unlikely that the pair would have been discussing The Daily Caller reported further:
the issue at hand alone in McCabe’s office
Two FBI officials who worked on Special
Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia
investigation exchanged text messages last
year in which they appear to have
discussed ways to prevent Donald Trump
from being elected president.

The report comes the same day that Deputy Attorney

(National Sentinel) The Swamp: After Fox News on General Rod Rosenstein is appearing before the House
Wednesday published some of more than 10,000 text Judiciary Committee to answer questions about ongoing
messages sent between FBI counterintelligence agent Peter scandals including those related to the man he appointed as
Strzok and FBI lawyer and mistress Lisa Page, in which special counsel, Robert Mueller.
the two disparaged President Donald J. Trump, a new
report on Thursday appears to ensnare FBI Deputy Critics of Strzok’s and Page’s cryptic messaging point out
Director Andrew McCabe in more controversy. that it’s unlikely that the pair would have been discussing
the issue at hand alone in McCabe’s office. That reality,
Among the messages is an exchange revealing Strzok and they say, makes it even more ominous since it’s also likely
Page discussed an ‘insurance policy,’ against a Trump that McCabe offered his own views on the topic.
presidency, and that conversation may well have taken
place in front of McCabe or with the deputy director’s The Daily Beast‘s Lachlan Markay noted, “This looks very
involvement, The Daily Caller noted. bad.”

On Wednesday morning, Fox News reporter Bret Baier

tweeted the following:

“Text-from Peter Strzok to Lisa Page (Andy

is Andrew McCabe): “I want to believe the
path u threw out 4 consideration in Andy’s
office-that there’s no way he gets elected-
but I’m afraid we can’t take that risk.It’s like
an insurance policy in unlikely event u die
be4 you’re 40.”

How Government Agents
Troll Online To Divide And Confuse
By Joe Jarvis
December 13, 2017

end of net neutrality is a bad thing. They are masking the

true nature of net neutrality–it really gives the government
power to regulate aspects of the internet. And then they
repackage net neutrality as necessary for freedom and open
access to the internet.

When deploying government sponsored trolls online, the

agents will mimic real commenters in order to sound more
believable. They gain credibility since people are more
likely to trust those they perceive as similar to them.

Sometimes government agents invent a crazy story and

attribute it to a movement. This discredits the movement.
The real story of online deception isn’t about the Russians. Think Flat Earth Theory. Those primed to believe
Sure, the Russians certainly have their own programs to conspiracy theories get sucked in. Then all the true
disrupt and steer online discourse. But how quickly the conspiracies are grouped in with the bogus one.
public has forgotten about the U.S. government’s own
internet troll program.
If a true conspiracy theory comes out, they invent 100
others to obscure the real one. In order for the truth to be
Edward Snowden leaked documents used by the “Five lost among the falsities, they invent various levels of
Eyes” alliance of governments. The United States, Canada, “conspiracy theories” from the slightly believable, to the
the United Kingdom, New Zealand, and Australia– absurd.
basically Oceania from 1984–get together to spy on each
other’s citizens. That’s how they cleverly get around laws
Hillary Clinton really is a corrupt psychopath. But she is
against spying on their own citizens.
not a shape-shifting reptilian alien.
The leaked documents included a presentation about how
From the evidence, it seems the United States government
government agents should disrupt online discourse.
was in some way involved in the 2001 attacks on the twin
towers. But did they use holograms of the planes, and fire
a laser into the towers? Probably not.

The conspiracies become too unbelievable to some, and

they throw the truth out with the government manufactured
lies. For those that do believe the false details of a true
conspiracy, they walk away with an inflated sense of how
powerful and all knowing the government really is.

This also works to the government’s benefit. The over-the-

top conspiracy theories become the decoy. They can then
exploit those beliefs to create cognitive stress, which is
another tactic of control.

Trump is the ultimate manifestation of their tactics to

control attention. Trump is a big move which does a lot of
masking the small moves. The media pays attention to his
There is a lot of overlap between these tactics, and often
tweets, not his actions. When he does push for legislation,
more than one are used simultaneously. For example, there
has been a big push by the media to convince you that the
like a repeal of Obamacare, and it fails, attention drops grouped in with conspiracy theories. No need to
because that seems to be the end of that. investigate. We were primed to put that story into the false
category. But the new cue is sexual assault, and we are
And every time this happens, vigilance wanes. Another primed to believe any accusation, regardless of the
tweet, another legislative failure, another snub? We get it. evidence.
But do we really get it?
In efforts to demonize Bitcoin, many of these tactics are
Repetition. By now we are so used to misconduct by used. I’m not saying Bitcoin is beyond criticism. But I’ve
government officials, we just don’t pay attention anymore. seen commenters claim it was created by the CIA. That is
Yet when the story about Pizzagate came to light, it was just silly.

More likely, the government exploits the distrust peers. So the perception that something is widespread or
libertarians tend to have in government in order to cast normal makes people more likely to follow the crowd.
doubt on the legitimacy of cryptocurrencies. That means
fewer people will adopt technology that has the potential to Notice how they mention Cialdini in there? Robert B.
bring down the worldwide banking cartel and free people Cialdini wrote the book Influence: The Psychology of
from the shackles of government monetary policy. Persuasion. I recommend reading it, not so that you can
manipulate others, but so that you can prevent yourself
White Nationalists and AntiFa are right out of this from being manipulated.
playbook. Each exploits the beliefs of the “other side.” The
left is primed to assume anyone who disagrees with them He describes how to trigger shortcuts people use in their
is secretly a racist white supremacist. And the right is mental processes. For instance, a higher price usually
primed to believe the left is full of violent fanatics who means higher quality, so often people assume a higher
want to implement a communist coup. priced item will be better made. But this works in many
areas. People might assume a southern accent makes
To be sure, some of these people exist in the real world. So someone a racist, or USDA approval means healthy.
government agents seize on this and magnify it with their
own agents. By doing this, they cause unsuspecting Cialdini also goes into how people are influenced by social
citizens to join the fray. Behavior is influenced by our proof, gift giving, making commitments, and a sense of

inclusion. It is no surprise that the government would use Sunstein later went on to serve on the NSA review panel.
these advertising and sales tactics to push their agenda
online. But finally, here’s the real head spinner.

The documents mention a Haversack Ruse. This ruse

involves planting false information by making the enemy
think you accidentally lost it. The target thinks they got
their hands on your actual plans. But in reality, they
acquired fake plans.

For instance, was Edward Snowden really a leaker, or was

he told to drop all this “evidence” in order to distract from
what is really happening?

In such a case, the intelligence officers would be laughing

their asses off. They had the balls to put the Haversack
reference into a fake document that was intentionally
An Obama policy adviser, Cass Sunstein, wrote a paper in leaked as a ruse. This fits with the elite’s serial-killer-like
2008 which suggests using these tactics. tendency to leave hints of their true agenda in plain sight.

Those who subscribe to conspiracy theories may create That means one of two things.
serious risks, including risks of violence, and the existence
of such theories raises significant challenges for policy and Either these documents are not part of a ruse and
law. The first challenge is to understand the mechanisms everything in them is true.
by which conspiracy theories prosper; the second
challenge is to understand how such theories might be Or, these documents are part of a Haversack Ruse. But
undermined… Because those who hold conspiracy theories why would the government leak these damning documents
typically suffer from a crippled epistemology, in which prove their lies and untrustworthiness?
accordance with which it is rational to hold such theories,
the best response consists in cognitive infiltration of
extremist groups. Only if the truth is so much worse.

‘F TRUMP’: Texts Reveal FBI Agents Mueller Hired
Called Trump A ‘Loathsome Human’ And ‘An Idiot’
Chris Menahan
December 13, 2017

Strzok also oversaw the bureau’s

interviews with ousted National Security
Adviser Michael Flynn — who pleaded
guilty to lying to FBI investigators in the
Russia probe.
He also was present during the FBI’s July
2016 interview with Hillary Clinton at the
close of the email investigation, shortly
before then-FBI director James Comey
called her actions “extremely careless”
without recommending criminal charges.
Say hello to the impartial investigators Special Counsel
Robert Mueller hired to investigate President Trump.
Here’s the full list of texts Fox News published:
From Fox News:
Text messages between FBI officials Peter Peter Strzok — Martin O’Malley is a freak show.
Strzok and Lisa Page in 2016 that were
obtained by Fox News on Tuesday refer to Lisa Page — Yikes Baby! Yeah, that’s what everyone says.
then-candidate Donald Trump as a 03/02/2016
“loathsome human” and “an idiot.”
Strzok — He asked me who I’d vote for, guessed Kasich.
More than 10,000 texts between Strzok
and Page were being reviewed by the Page — Seriously?! Would you not D?
Justice Department after Strzok was Strzok — I don’t know. I suppose Hillary.
removed from Special Counsel Robert
Mueller’s Russia probe after it was Page — I would D.
revealed that some of them contained anti- 03/04/2016
Trump content.
Page – God Trump is loathsome human.
[…]House Intelligence Committee
investigators have long regarded Strzok as Strzok — Yet he many win.
a key figure in the chain of events that Strzok — Good for Hillary.
began when the bureau, in 2016, received
the infamous anti-Trump “dossier” and Page — It is.
launched a counterintelligence
Strzok — Would he be a worse president than Cruz?
investigation into Russian meddling in the
election that ultimately came to encompass Page –Trump?, yes I think so
FISA surveillance of a Trump campaign
Strzok — I’m not sure.
Strzok briefed the committee on Dec. 5, Strzok — Omg he’s an idiot.
2016, sources said. But within months of Page — He’s awful
that session House Intelligence Committee
investigators were contacted by an Strzok — America will get what the voting public deserves.
informant suggesting that there was Page — That’s what I’m afraid of.
“documentary evidence” that Strzok was
purportedly obstructing the House probe —
into the dossier. Strzok — God Hillary should win. 100,000,000-0.
Page — I know
Page — Also did you hear him make a comment about the size Strzok — They fully deserve to go, and demonstrate the absolute
of his d**k earlier? This man cannot be president. bigoted nonsense of Trump
Strzok — Yes I did. In relation to this size of his hand. All the “Lil Strzok — Truly
Marco” blah blah blah
Strzok — Ok I may vote for Trump.
Strzok — Now we’re talking about Clinton, and how a lot of
Page — What? Poor Kasich. He’s the only sensible man up people are holding their breath, hoping.
Strzok — He was pretty much calling for death for Snowden. I’m
Page — Hi. Just leaving my meeting now. How we make law in
this country is offensive and irresponsible.
a single-issue voter. Espionage Machine Party
Strzok — I know it is. Its why I LOATHE congress. Can’t wait to
Strzok – Exacty re Kasich. And he has ZERO appeal hear the story.
03/12/2016 07/07/2016
Page — What the f is wrong with people? A Texas Candidate Page — Thought this was spot on. Hillary Clinton: Survivor
pushes the boundary to the far right. (NYT) https// 07/08/2016
Strzok — That Texas article is depressing as hell. But answers Strzok — And meanwhile, we have Black Lives Matter protestors,
how we could end up with President trump right now, chanting “no justice no peace” around DoJ and the
Page — Wasn’t it? Seriously, how are people so incredible White House…
ignorant? Page — That’s awful.
Strzok — I have no idea, but it depresses me. Same people who 07/14/2016
drive more when they get extra daylight from daylight savings,
I’m guessing. Page — Have you read this? It’s really frightening. For Whites
Sensing Decline, Donald Trump Unleashes Words of
03/14/2016 Resistance http://NYTI/ms/29WCu5!
Page — Don’t listen to npr morning- npr Richard Clarke is an Strzok — I have not. But I think it’s clear he’s capturing all the
uninformed do*che. white, poor voters who the mainstream republicans abandoned in
03/16/2016 all but name in the quest for the almighty $$$

Page — I can not believe Donald Trump is likely to be an actual, Page — Yeah, it’s not good.
serious candidate for president. Strzok — Poll Finds Emails Weighing on Hillary Clinton, Now
04/02/2016 Tied With Donald Trump

Page — So look, you say we text on that phone when we talk Page — It is
about Hillary because it can’t be traced, you were just venting, bc 07/19/2016
you feel bad that you’re gone so much but that can’t be helped
right now. Strzok — And are you kidding me? Duck Dynasty now Scot
Baio? Ridiculous
Page — Wait, is that who is speaking at the convention?!
Strzok — This is clear and utter bias by the media specifically the
NY TIMES, WAPO, and CNN who if you look at all of them have Strzok — Yes!!!!!!
large donors for Clinton. Page — Charles in Charge?! That’s the best they can do? Lmfao
Strzok — The fact citing source they used is owned by a Strzok — It’s PATHETIC!
newspaper which publicly endorsed Clinton.
Page — That unbelievable. My god. Thank god it’s on.

Page — And holy sh*t Cruz just dropped out of the race. It’s
going to be a Clinton Trump race. Unbelievable. Page — Likely to come down shortly so we can bust through
more of this sh*t. Just fyi.
Strzok — What?!?!??
Strzok — Oooh, TURN IT ON, TURN IT ON!!! THE
Page — You heard that right my friend DO*CHEBAGS ARE ABOUT TO COME OUT. You can tell by the
Strzok — I saw Trump won, figured it would be a bit excitable clapping.

Page — My god, I’m so embarrassed for them. These are like —
second-run stars. Nothing the B-list to relate to the kids these
Page — And maybe you’re meant to stay where you are because
you’re meant to protect the country from that menace. To that
Page — And wow, Donald Trump is in an enormous do*che. end comma, read this:
Strzok — Hi. How was Trump, other than a do*che? Melania? Page — Trump Enablers Will Finally Have to Take A
And any luck with home purchases? Stand
Page — Trump barely spoke, but the first thing out of his mouth Strzok — Thanks. It’s absolutely true that we’re both very
was “we’re going to win soooo big.” The whole thing is like living fortunate. And of course I’ll try and approach it that way. I just
in a bad dream. know it will be tough at times. I can protect our country at many
levels, not sure if that helps
Strzok — Jesus.
Page — Melania was perfectly fine, except the whole point of the
spouse talking is to reveal those personal stories, what a ind Page — He’s not ever going to become president, right? Right?!
human the candidate is. There was none of that.
Strzok — OMG did you hear what Trump just said?
Strzok — That was her job! What the hell did she talk about?
Winning huuuge?
Strzok — Just went to a southern Virginia Walmart. I could
Page — I don’t know. Lots of my husband is great but no
SMELL the Trump support…
description to back it up.
Page — Yep. Out to lunch with (redacted) We both hate
Strzok — Omg. You listening to npr? Apparently Melania’s
everyone and everything.
speech had passages lifted from Michelle
Obama’s…Unbelievable Page — Just riffing on the hot mess that is our country.
Page — NO WAY! Strzok — Yeah…it’s scary real down here
Page — God, it’s just a two-bit organization. I do so hope his 09/27/2016
disorganization comes to bite him hard in November.
Page — Man, I should’ve started drinking earlier. I’m genuinely
Strzok — It HAS to, right? Right?!? Panicked stressed about the debate.
07/26/2016. 10/14/2016
Strzok — And hey. Congrats on a woman nominated for Page — God, she’s an incredibly impressive woman. The
President in a major party! About damn time! Many many more Obamas in general, really. While he has certainly made
returns of the day!! mistakes, I’m proud to have him as my president. Voice Shaking,
Michelle Obama Calls Trump Comments on Women
Page — That’s cute. Thanks
Page — Full on dog whistles too. “We do not want this election
Page — Yeah, it is pretty cool. She just has to win now. I’m not stolen from us. Everybody knows what I’m talking about.” The
going to lie, I got a flash of nervousness yesterday about trump. racism is barely even veiled anymore.
The sandernistas have the potential to make a very big mistake
Strzok: I am riled up. Trump is a f***ing idiot, is unable to provide
a coherent answer.
Page — I really really like Joe Biden.
Strzok — Opened on Trump? If Hillary did, you know five field TO OUR COUNTRY (redacted)??!?!
offices would…
Page– I don’t know. But we’ll get it back. We’re America. We
08/06/2016 rock.
Page — Jesus. You should read this. And Trump should go f Strzok– Donald just said “bad hombres”
himself. Moment in Convention Glare Shakes Up Khans
Strzok– Trump just said what the FBI did is disgraceful.This is
American Life
pure unmitigated hatred. This is who Mueller teamed up with in to
Strzok — God that’s a great article. Thanks for sharing. And F take down President Trump and overturn the 2016 election.

Gowdy SLAMS Special Counsel
Probe As Obviously BIASED (Video)
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On December 13, 2017

“And then, lo and behold, those that are Clinton’s election night party, and FBI officials who have
supposed to make sure there are no connections to Fusion GPS, the opposition research firm
conflicts of interest seem to have a bit of that produced the infamous “Trump dossier.”
their own”
He noted that citizens in his district aren’t
going to be asking him about various
pieces of legislation that Congress passed
this week or the terrorist attack in New York
City, “they’re going to be asking me, ‘What
the hell’s going on in the Department of

Gowdy walked through the various conflicts in the special

counsel’s investigation, including a prosecutor who sent a
(National Sentinel) Not-so-Special Counsel: Rep. Trey “fawning email” to a fact witness, a top investigator who
Gowdy blasted special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia- sent pro-Hillary and anti-Trump text messages, a
Trump collusion investigation as obviously biased as prosecutor who attended Hillary Clinton’s election night
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, the man who party, and FBI officials with connections to Fusion GPS,
appointed Mueller, testified Wednesday before the House the firm behind the infamous Trump dossier.
Judiciary Committee.
“The statute itself” governing special
“The reason we have special counsel is counsels “specifically references conflicts
because of a conflict of interest,” the South of interest,” Gowdy noted.
Carolina Republican said. “We don’t like
conflicts of interest because it undermines Watch below:
people’s confidence in both the process
and the result.”
“And then, lo and behold, those that are
supposed to make sure there are no
conflicts of interest seem to have a bit of
their own,” Gowdy noted further.

The congressman then proceeded to list various conflicts

that have been reported thus far within the special
counsel’s office.

The include a prosecutor who sent a “fawning email” to a

fact witness, a top investigator who sent pro-Hillary and
anti-Trump text messages, a prosecutor who attended

Spy Wars: The Mueller Mess
Is Just the Outcome Russia Wanted
By Michael Ledeen
December 13, 2017

investigation into allegations they committed

congressional cybersecurity violations and large-scale theft
of congressional property in a scheme that may have begun
more than a decade ago.

The Paks had free access to most anything they wanted in

congressional databases. If the Paks could do it? So can the
Russians, Iranians, and Chinese. It apparently only
requires money, although in this case we paid for it either
with political contributions or with funds from
congressional offices.
Russian President Vladimir Putin, right, shakes hands with Syrian
President Bashar Assad in the Bocharov Ruchei residence in the
Black Sea resort of Sochi, Russia, on Nov. 20, 2017. (Mikhail We should act on the assumption that extremist groups are
Klimentyev, Kremlin Pool Photo via AP) helped by our enemies. Obviously, they would prefer to
work with organizations that support specific policy
I believe the Russians are involved in American politics. objectives, but anti-democratic groups -- regardless of their
It’s an old story: There used to be organizations known as location on the political spectrum -- all play into our
"Communist front groups" that were founded, funded, and enemies’ hands. If I were in charge of American
otherwise supported by the Kremlin, the most important of operations for the Russian, Iranian, or Chinese intelligence
which was ANSWER. Such organizations undoubtedly service, I would want to support right-wing racist groups
still exist, and their mission is still the same: destroy as enthusiastically as left-wing anti-capitalist groups such
American democracy. as Black Lives Matter or Antifa. All such organizations
contribute to the mission.
They are part of the global war against the United States.
They hate and fear democracy and freedom, which -- as As General Ion Pacepa -- the celebrated Romanian
the demise of the Soviet Empire abundantly demonstrates - defector who headed his country’s intelligence apparatus --
- are the greatest threat to their own legitimacy and hence has said, more people worked on disinformation than for
their continued tyranny. Hatred and fear of the United the Soviet army and defense industry combined.
States is what binds together such diverse regimes as those
in Moscow, Tehran, Beijing, Pyongyang, and Caracas. The organizations with which they nominally worked all
pretended to be independent. Yet careful study, and good
So I am not surprised when our counter-intel guys find counterintelligence on our part, show their real identity as
evidence of Russian meddling. But if we had an agents of hostile powers.
intelligence community worthy of the name, we’d
probably know a lot more. And not just about Russians, This is what the Mueller crowd should be investigating,
either. but it doesn’t seem to be doing that. Weren’t they
supposed to be looking into Russian efforts to manipulate
Given the deep corruption of the American political the American political system?
system, there must be considerable activity by Chinese and
Iranian agents as well. And, apparently, Pakistanis, as it Isn’t there abundant public evidence -- plus whatever our
seems from the remarkable story of aides to former spooks have come up with -- to point the way on this very
Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Wasserman important matter?
And what about Russia’s Iranian, Chinese, and North
The Awans, three of their relatives and a close friend are Korean cohorts in the war against America? They are all
the targets of an FBI and U.S. Capitol Police criminal very active hackers, targeting Americans who fight against
their doctrines and their active infiltration of our Yes, I think the prosecution of Mike Flynn is an outrage. It
institutions. I speak from personal experience, having been suggests to me that the investigation under the leadership
hacked by Iranians. It seems to me that Mueller is obliged of Mr. Mueller is driven by domestic political passions
to look at these matters, but instead I see a highly rather than proper concern for our security.
politicized operation aimed at the president and his
supporters. That bespeaks a total lack of focus on national The Russians and their henchmen couldn’t ask for a
security, and strikes me as dereliction of duty from people greater success.
who are charged with protecting us against our enemies.

Political Oppo Group Tied To Hillary’s Campaign Tried To
Link Trump To Hubby Bill’s Pedophile Pal Jeffrey Epstein
By JD Heyes
Wednesday, December 13, 2017

And yet, there were some establishment journalists who

also wanted to believe the Trump-Epstein link. One of
them, Ken Silverstein, confirmed to the Times that Fusion
was sourcing the story. Silverstein, founder/editor of, wrote his story for Vice and
defended Simpson as a solid source of info that
nevertheless must be confirmed.

The Times noted further that Fusion, founded by former

Wall Street Journal reporters and correspondents including
Simpson, has been an influential, behind-the-scenes force
in the corrupt Washington cesspool. The firm has had
When it comes to tripping up and politically disposing of regular access to the Capitol City’s biggest news bureaus
President Donald J. Trump, the Deep State is stopping at (which helps explain why so many “mainstream” news
nothing, including tarnishing the commander-in-chief with sources these days are habitually wrong in their reporting
the horrific label of “pedophile.” on the Trump administration).

As reported by The Washington Times, opposition research “Simpson, who railed against sleazy
firm Fusion GPS, the Democrat- and Hillary Clinton- opposition research as a reporter, harbored
aligned disgrace behind the infamous but unsubstantiated a strong desire to bring down the builder of
“Trump dossier,” pitched additional stories to reporters hotels with, well, opposition research,” the
about the 2016 GOP presidential candidate including an Times’ Rowan Scarborough reported.
attempt to link him with a convicted pedophile who was
pals with former President Bill Clinton.
Though Fusion reps met with The New York Times
reporters during the Democratic National Convention in
Journalists told the Times that Fusion founder Glenn July, the paper was, ironically, the first to expose Fusion as
Simpson was behind the notion that Trump had a close the political force behind the creation of the garbage
relationship with Jeffrey Epstein, who pleaded guilty in dossier, which was funded in large part by the Clinton
2008 to soliciting sex from a girl who was underage. campaign and the Democratic National Committee.
(Related: Dossier proves there WAS Russian collusion
The link appears to only be social — nothing on the scale in last year’s election — by Clinton.)
of Bill Clinton’s relationship, which involved 20-plus rides
on Epstein’s “Lolita Express,” the nickname for his private And though the dossier had been circulated among
jet in the early 2000s. It was so-named, as Natural News Washington reporters for months prior to the November
reported in September 2015, because Epstein used it to election, not one major outlet published its contents
ferry famous people to a Caribbean island where they were because nothing could be verified.
“serviced” by teenage “sex slaves.”
So, obviously impatient from the lack of evidence
Whatever you think of Trump, this sick substantiating the dossier’s outrageous claims (such as
attempt to link him to something this Trump paid hookers to urinate on a bed at a Moscow hotel
filthy is just disgusting. once used by President Barack Obama and first lady
Michelle Obama), Buzzfeed decided to publish it in its
But that’s the state of politics in America today, and it isn’t entirety, under the old “public has a right to know” excuse.
Trump who’s driving it, it’s the Washington political (For that major lapse in journalistic standards, Buzzfeed is
establishment that has completely lost any sense of now getting its bytes sued off.)
decency or normalcy, thanks to Trump Derangement

“The New York Times, I know they work “has filed a ton of [Freedom of Information
with Fusion,” said Silverman, who criticizes Act] requests on Trump, especially in New
both Left and Right. “Fusion works with a York,” in its ongoing bid to find something
lot of big media organizations. That would untoward against the president.
give them influence in Washington.”
That so-called “opposition research” firms even exist tells
With the Swamp that Trump wants to drain, of course. us all we need to know about the cretins, half-wits,
perverts, and outright criminals we keep electing to
One journalistic source told the Times that Fusion “represent” us.

Brazile: After Hacking, DNC Replicated Server
For FBI Then ‘Destroyed’ Machines
By Nicholas Ballasy
December 13, 2017

and in that list of items that the FBI

requested they asked for a replica or an
exact copy of everything we had from our
server, knowing that if we got rid of our
server we actually would get rid of our
entire database, our brain would gone and
then essentially we would have nothing,”
she added.

Brazile said the total duplication and remediation process

after the hacking cost the DNC “millions” of dollars.
Donna Brazile discusses her new book at the National Press Club in
Washington on Dec. 12, 2017. (Cheriss May/Sipa via AP Images)
“We made a replica of everything and
turned it all over to [the FBI]. We also let
WASHINGTON – Former Democratic National
them see all of the evidence from all of the
Committee Interim Chairwoman Donna Brazile said the
individual computers, from everything else.
DNC paid a great deal of money to make a “replica” of all
So we, trust me, it cost us quite a penny to
of the information on their server and computers after the
make replicas and then we destroyed the
hacking was discovered last year and then “destroyed the
machines and then bought the staff people
new laptops,” she said. “If you can imagine
this, right before the convention, these
During a discussion about her new book, Hacks: The staffers had lost all of their data, all of their
Inside Story of the Break-ins and Breakdowns That materials – everything was gone.
Put Donald Trump in the White House, Brazile was Everything was wiped clean, but we made
asked why the DNC did not immediately allow the FBI to a replica.”
examine its server after the hacking took place during the
2016 presidential campaign. Several cybersecurity firms, Brazile recalled the DNC having to decide whether to
including CrowdStrike, attributed the hack to Russia. “shut down” or “kill” the server after the hack took place.

“The first time I heard about the quote- “We kept getting more spyware. They
unquote hacking, it was in June I heard were so stealth. The operation was so
about it. My machines had already started stealth,” she said.
to have some really interesting – I had a
DNC phone and a DNC computer and DNC
email because as I mentioned I did a lot of Brazile mentioned that former FBI Director James Comey
stuff in the voting-rights field and [asked had said during one of his congressional testimonies that
staff] ‘what’s going on?’” Brazile said during the DNC did not cooperate with the FBI in terms of access
the event at the National Press Club on to its server.
Tuesday evening. A staffer told her “‘we’re
told to turn in all of our systems,’ so “Every time [the FBI] would say that about
everyone turned in everything.” us, I would go after them and say, ‘What
the hell are you talking about? We’ve given
The DNC hired CrowdStrike. you everything you’re asking for,’” she said.

“The person we hired was the former No. 3 Brazile was asked by PJM for her reaction to the anti-
at the FBI, and they worked it out. They got Trump text messages exchanged between FBI Agent Peter
a list from the FBI of things the FBI wanted, Strzok and FBI attorney Lisa Page, for which special
counsel Robert Mueller removed Strzok from the Trump attempts to delegitimize what Mr. Mueller is
investigation. doing. Early on in the investigation I called
for an independent commission similar to
Strzok, as a top counterintelligence official at the Bureau, 9/11, and unfortunately we didn’t go that
reportedly signed the documents that established the FBI’s route,” Brazile replied.
July 2016 investigation into Russia’s influence in the “The special counsel came as a result of
presidential election. Strzok personally interviewed former Mr. Trump’s decision to fire Director
National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, who recently Comey,” she added. “I would hope that
pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI. In 2015, he helped both the House and Senate intelligence
manage the investigation into former Secretary of State committees will continue their work and we
Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server. review their conclusions and take steps to
protect our democracy in the future.”
“I believe there are serious attempts to
discredit the probe. There are serious

It’s Official: The Mainstream Media Is Dead
– Biggest Story Of Year Is Media Dishonesty
And Hatred Of American Public
By Gregory Van Dyke
Wednesday, December 13, 2017

candidates if you lose will you accept the


The mainstream media is officially dead, Now after nearly a year of Trump’s
over, finished. Not one MSM outlet is Presidency, the FBI and the DOJ are in
reporting on the coup d’état that the shambles.
deep state, Mueller and the Democrats
are hoping takes place. Not one reports There is no public trust in these storied institutions and
on the massive corruption and criminal certainly no trust in the Mueller investigation that is filled
acts taking place at the FBI, DOJ and with former Obama and Clinton FBI and DOJ lackeys.
other government agencies.
The US cannot survive with these two institutions so badly
The MSM doesn’t just report bogus news, it has become corrupted!
the biggest player in the destruction of America!
And yet, the MSM is totally ignoring this
Recently Lou Dobbs and former UN Ambassador John major scandal.
Bolton discussed the latest developments in the Mueller
witch hunt and Barack Obama’s latest tour across Asia to
attack sitting President Trump.

Ambassador Bolton: They are trying to

prove the administration is illegitimate.

Lou Dobbs: That’s what you can see.

Ambassador Bolton: They are the ones

who are illegitimate… The Wall Street
Journal says this is the first coup d’état in
American History. It’s a mini coup d’état but
it goes right along with the idea that they
should have won the election. And one
recalls the famous scene in the debate
where during the debates where, I believe
it was Chris Wallace, who asked both
NBC News didn’t mention a thing about Mueller’s team Outrage! That’s what we saw from some Fox News on-air
covering up the FBI investigation into Uranium One at the personalities this past week. So why the Fox freak-out?
time Obama and Hillary sold 20 percent of US uranium to Simple: Robert Mueller’s investigation.
the Russians.
In response to the investigation heating up, Fox News gave
us a synchronized display of the same talking points — all
designed to undermine Mueller and help Donald Trump.

These Fox News personalities truly

seem more outraged at Mueller than at
the Russian government for attacking
our democracy!

CNN and the rest of the MSM continue

to spin the fake news story of the year
that Russia stole the election by helping
President Trump beat Hillary Clinton in
the election.

With no evidence to date to support such a grand scheme,

they daily push this insane and evil plot daily. Their
efforts are all to replace the individual elected to the
The only MSM outlet that even mentions Mueller is CNN. Presidency. To hell with Hillary’s emails, the IRS scandal,
Their opinion piece makes their front page at the bottom. the four dead Americans in Benghazi, American’s health
However…. care, the record setting stock market Trump created, tax
relief for Americans etc., etc., etc….

These people make a living out of destroying Americans’

minds so they can destroy this country by pushing some of
the craziest fake news in American history while covering
up for their fellow criminals working on the Mueller team
and throughout the deep state.

We know DC Is corrupt. We now know

that the FBI is corrupt at the top. We
know that the DOJ is corrupt as well.
Proving that they hold the title all alone for FAKE News, Mueller’s team is treasonous. But
their ‘Opinion piece’ from a far left writer at the ultra far perhaps no group is as dishonest and
left Daily Beast, makes fun of FOX News and anyone who evil as our liberal mainstream media.
dares think that Mueller is a crook –

Rosenstein REFUSED To Say
Whether FBI Paid For Infamous ‘Trump Dossier’
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On December 14, 2017

“I’m not in a position to answer that “I believe I know the answer, but the
question” Intelligence Committee is the appropriate
committee…” Rosenstein began.

That led DeSantis to interject that his panel “had every

right to the information” about payments related to the
dossier, especially since the Judiciary Committee has
oversight over the Department of Justice, which the FBI
falls under.

Congressional Republicans have long sought information

about who created and helped finance the dossier.
(National Sentinel) NOversight: During testimony before
the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday, Deputy
Earlier reports have noted that the Democratic National
Attorney General Rod Rosenstein refused to answer a
Committee and the campaign of Hillary Clinton helped
congressman’s direct question as to whether the FBI
finance at least some of it.
helped pay for the now-infamous “Trump dossier.”

The dossier was compiled by former British spy

In response to the question from Rep. Ron DeSantis, R-
Christopher Steele. Earlier this year reports noted that
Fla., Rosenstein suggested he knew the answer but would
not say for certain.
“Steele and the FBI struck an informal
agreement that he would be paid to
“Did the FBI pay for the dossier?” DeSantis
continue his investigation into Trump’s ties
to Russia,” The Daily Caller reported.
“I’m not in a position to answer that
“It has been reported that Steele was never
question,” Rosenstein responded.
paid for his work, though the FBI and DOJ
“Do you know the answer to the question?” have not publicly disclosed those details.”
the Republican DeSantis followed up.
Earlier as well, CNN reported that Steele was compensated
at least partially for his work investigating Trump.

"What The Hell Is Going On?":
Trey Gowdy Absolutely Destroys Farcical Mueller
Probe In Epic Monologue
By Tyler Durden
Dec 14, 2017 7:50 AM

If there is any remaining doubt in your mind that Special exchange from earlier this morning between Trey Gowdy
Counsel Mueller's probe is anything but a farcical, (R-SC) and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.
politically-motivated witch hunt, then you'll be summarily
relieved of those doubts after watching the following Presented with no further comment for your viewing

Former U.S. Attorney Believes Mueller’s ‘Ugly’ Probe Is
On Pace To CLEAR TRUMP Of Russian ‘Collusion’
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On December 14, 2017

“We must remain mindful, though, that

Mueller has so far issued three sets of He further noted that, as many observers now believe,
charges” Mueller may be angling for Trump’s impeachment — as
McCarthy himself observed earlier this month — but “that
is a political remedy, not a legal one.”

McCarthy, who focused on national security when he was

a federal prosecutor, noted further that criminal due
process protections would not apply in the case of
impeachment, and “theoretically,” he said, it would “be
easier to prove ‘high crimes and misdemeanors’ than
ordinary criminal offenses. But it’s a very long shot.”

(National Sentinel) Collusion Narrative: Former U.S. Therefore, he concluded,

attorney Andrew McCarthy said in a column published
Wednesday that special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe of “the higher likelihood is that the Mueller
alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia investigation, despite all the reasonable
during last year’s election might by “ugly,” but it is suspicions about its partisanship, will end
nevertheless on track to “clear” President Donald J. up exonerating the president.”
McCarthy also said that Congress should aggressively
“We must remain mindful, though, that investigate any appearance of biased actors within
Mueller has so far issued three sets of Mueller’s investigation, especially top FBI
charges: the one against Flynn, another counterintelligence investigator Peter Strzok and Deputy
false-statements charge against low-level Director Andrew McCabe.
Trump campaign adviser George
Papadopoulos, and the indictment of Paul “But President Trump,” he continued, “and
Manafort and Richard Gates,” he wrote in the rest of us…would be well advised to
the New York Post. wait for the facts before drawing
“None of these allege any wrongdoing by conclusions.”
President Trump or any collusion between
his campaign and the Kremlin.”

FBI Exposed As An Obama-Esque “KGB” Operation To
Bring Down America – Time To Disband The Bureau?
By JD Heyes
Thursday, December 14, 2017

Rosenstein, Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio blasted the DoJ

official over that text message alone.

“This is unbelievable,” he said. “I think the

public trust in this whole thing is gone.”

Later during an appearance with Lou Dobbs on Fox News,

Jordan dropped another bombshell:

He said he believes that text and other

actions documented over the course of the
past year prove once and for all that the
FBI worked against the Republican Party
during the 2016 presidential election cycle.
Over the summer we began to hear reports of anti-Trump
malfeasance involving agents and officials with the FBI “Listen you can’t make this stuff up. It gets
and Department of Justice, the agency to which the FBI worse each and every day,” Jordan told
answers. In recent weeks, reports have intensified and in Dobbs. (Related: Here’s the man who
recent days hard evidence has emerged proving, beyond a outed Trump-hating FBI agent
doubt, that the FBI was overtly politicized and used by Peter Strzok.)
former President Barack Obama against his political “What deep down scares me, if this actually
enemies. happened the FBI had a concerted effort
with the people at the top to go after one
Tens of millions of Americans are dumbfounded after party’s nominee to help the other party’s
learning just how corrupt the FBI, especially, has become. nominee,” he continued.
The final straw for many was a report earlier this week that “If that actually happened in the United
noted counterintelligence agent Peter Strzok cryptically States of America and everything each and
discussed an “insurance policy” with FBI lawyer Lisa Page every day points to more and more likely
in a text message that also implicated current bureau that that is what took place, it is sad for our
deputy director Andrew McCabe. country if that took place.
“And I think it did based on everything I am
“I want to believe the path you threw out for
seeing. All the evidence points to that,” he
consideration in Andy’s office — that
there’s no way [Trump] gets elected — but
I’m afraid we can’t take that risk,” Strzok
wrote to Page, a reference to an “insurance Jordan, by far, is not alone. Tom Fitton, president of
policy” against a Trump victory. government watchdog group Judicial Watch, said he
doesn’t think special counsel Robert Mueller — who is
leading an investigation into alleged “Trump-Russia
Andy is believed to be McCabe.
collusion” that Rosenstein authorized — is the country’s
biggest problem.
“It’s like an insurance policy in the unlikely
event you die before you’re 40,” Strzok
He says it’s the FBI. And it ought to be disbanded after

“it was turned into a KGB-type operation by

On Wednesday, during a House Judiciary Committee
the Obama administration.”
hearing featuring Deputy Attorney General Rod

In an appearance on Fox News Wednesday night, Fitton Mr. Mueller…do we need to shut down the
added: FBI because it was turned into a KGB-type
operation by the Obama administration?
Fusion GPS was a Hillary Clinton “It’s clear there was a nefarious conspiracy”
campaign vendor and the DOJ was between federal officials to defeat Trump,
working hand and glove with it…perhaps Fox News legal analyst Gregg Jarrett said
paying them money…the suspicion is they earlier this week. But when the plot was not
were paying them money…top DOJ successful, the conspirators switched to
official’s wife was working with them. There Plan B, which he described this way:
was no distinction between the Hillary
Clinton campaign and the Department of “Let’s just say there’s a crime and then
Justice and the FBI. we’ll just search for a crime.”

Forget about the FBI investigation into It’s time for the criminally corrupt FBI to be shut down.
Clinton and Trump being compromised by That’s become obvious. And it’s also time the conspirators
these conflicts. I think the FBI’s been were brought to justice by a real Justice Department.
compromised. Forget about shutting down

Rep. Jim Jordan: ‘I Think We Have Proof’
Of FBI Working AGAINST Republican Party
In Last Election (Video)
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On December 14, 2017

“Listen you can’t make this stuff up” party’s nominee to help the other party’s
nominee,” he continued.
“If that actually happened in the United
States of America and everything each and
every day points to more and more likely
that that is what took place, it is sad for our
country if that took place.
“And I think it did based on everything I am
seeing. All the evidence points to that,” he

(National Sentinel) The Swamp: Rep. Jim Jordan was Jordan grilled Rosenstein for several minutes during
blunt in his assessment of testimony by Deputy Attorney
Wednesday’s hearing, referencing a series of recent reports
General Rod Rosenstein before the House Judiciary
that indicate high-ranking FBI officials up to and including
Committee on Wednesday, saying he is confident that the
former Director James Comey and current deputy director
FBI was politicized by the previous administration to work
Andrew McCabe, in addition to ranking officials in the
against then-GOP nominee Donald J. Trump.
Department of Justice, colluded with Democrats to
undermine Trump’s campaign.
After grilling Rosenstein over a series of reports that
appear to show both FBI and Department of Justice
Here’s the interview:
malfeasance during last year’s election cycle, Jordan, the
Ohio Republican joined Lou Dobbs on Fox News to
discuss the testimony and what his panel and others in the
House have learned in the year since Trump defeated
Democrat Hillary Clinton.

“Listen you can’t make this stuff up. It gets

worse each and every day,” Jordan told
“What deep down scares me, if this actually
happened the FBI had a concerted effort
with the people at the top to go after one

Omarosa Says She Has A "Profound Story" To Tell About
The Trump Administration
By Tyler Durden
Dec 14, 2017 3:45 PM

After reportedly setting off alarms in the White House When asked about her reportedly threatening response to
after trying to enter the residence after she’d been sacked being fired, Manigault Newman denied the reports, saying
by Chief of Staff John Kelly, Omarosa Manigault Newman they were the work of one journalist with a grudge.
is threatening to go nuclear. In an interview with Good
Morning America's Michael Strahan, Manigault Newman She added that, if so many people witnessed her alleged
said there were a lot of things she was “very unhappy confrontation with John Kelly, then where are the photos
with” during her almost 12 months in the White House. and video?

"I have to be very careful about how I Like many Trump administration alumni, Manigault
answer this but there were a lot of Newman insisted she resigned, while anonymous media
things that I observed during the last reports claimed she had been fired, and the White House
year that I was very unhappy with, that I declined to specify. Manigault Newman explained that she
was very uncomfortable with, things resigned after raising certain unelaborated "concerns" with
that I observed, that I heard, that I Kelly.
listened to," she said.
“I’m the only African American woman
After spending the entire interview denying reports about who sits at the table with the 30
her rumored feud with Kelly and the involvement of the assistants to the president and we all
Secret Service in her removal from the White Wing, had to adjust to his militaristic style."
Manigault Newman abruptly switched gears, turning
suddenly critical of her former colleagues.
According to rumors reported in the mainstream press,
Manigault Newman’s closeness with the president initially
“As the only African American woman led to her having “walk in” privileges to the Oval Office.
in this White House…I’ve seen things As part of his attempt to instill order on the chaotic West
that have affected me deeply and Wing, Kelly has been trying to circumscribe these
emotionally, that has affected my privileges. His efforts reportedly brought him into conflict
community and my people. And when I with Manigault Newman.
can tell my story it is a profound story
that I know the people will want to hear."

Technically, Manigault Newman said her tenure at the

With Omarosa gone, we can add one more name to the list
White House doesn’t end until Jan. 20 – the first
of high-profile Trump administration departures.
anniversary of Trump’s inauguration. Which means she
survived the first year, at least on paper.
Sally Yates
Michael Flynn
Katie Walsh
Preet Bharara
James Comey
Michael Dubke
Walter Shaub
Mark Corralo
Sean Spicer
Micheal Short
Reince Priebus
Anthony Scaramucci
Steve Bannon
Sebastian Gorka

Tom Price President Donald Trump marked
Omarosa Manigault Newman Manigault Newman's departure with a
goodbye tweet:

Meanwhile, at least one person at the White House will

miss the former reality TV show villain - even though
many have said they didn't know what she did in her role,
which was officially styled as communications director for
the Office of Public Liason.

Trump 'Prophet' Makes Bold Prediction About Media
'There Is No Spirit Of Truth ... And That's
What God Is Going To Restore'
Mark Taylor And Mary Colbert
December 14, 2017

“The enemy’s timeline has been denied by

the Most-High God, and it’s through Donald
Trump a lot of this is being denied right
now,” Taylor said, according to CBN. “And
what God is saying right now is, ‘No, it’s not
time right now because there are many
things that God wants to accomplish on the
Earth right now.'”

Taylor also predicts the church will score “victory after

victory after victory,” and he believes Trump will win a
In the early morning hours of Nov. 9, 2016, while most of second term.
the world watched dumbfounded as Donald Trump was
elected president of the United States, one man was “When people see the good that the
completely unsurprised. country is coming into, the prosperity, the
economy, the jobs – he’s going to sail into
Mark Taylor, a retired firefighter from Orlando, Florida, the second term,” Taylor said.
claims the voice of God came to him in April 2011 and
told him Trump would become president. Taylor wrote Taylor says God’s voice first came to him while he was
down what he says the Holy Spirit told him, and he later watching Trump on the news in April 2011. The voice
told his full story in a book called “The Trump declared,
“You’re hearing the voice of a president.”
Taylor says nearly everything God told him is coming to
pass. However, there is one major exception: His prophecy Taylor grabbed a pen and paper and started to write down
said, “Even mainstream news media will be captivated by the rest of what he heard from God.
this man and the abilities that I gift to him and they will
even begin to agree with him.”
Here is the full text of Taylor’s prophecy:
CBN News recently asked Taylor what he thought was
“The Spirit of God says I’ve chosen this man Donald
about to happen to make the mainstream media begin to
Trump for such a time as this. For as Benjamin
agree with Trump.
Netanyahu is to Israel, so shall this man be to the
United States of America, for I will use this man to
“God’s going to clean out the news media,” bring honor, respect and restoration to America.
Taylor replied. “God is looking for His America will be respected once again as the most
people right now, His millionaires and powerful, prosperous nation on Earth other than
billionaires basically to come in and start Israel. The dollar will be the strongest it has ever been
investing in these places and buying them in the history of the United States and will once again
out, taking over. God is going to rebuild be the currency by which all others are judged.
them and restore them because there is no
spirit of truth in them right now – and that’s “The Spirit of God says the enemy will quake and
what God is going to restore.” shake, and fear this man I have anointed. They will
even quake and shake when he announces he is
running for president. It will be like the shot heard
Taylor believes God has already used Trump to halt the
across the world. Then you will say what shall we do
anti-Christian agenda that was gripping America.
now? This man knows all our tricks and schemes. him. This man’s word is his bond and the world and
We’ve been robbing America for decades. What America will know this, and the enemy will fear this,
should we do to stop this? The Spirit says, ha, no one for this man will be fearless.
shall stop this that I have started, for the enemy has
“The Spirit says when the financial harvest begins so
stolen from America for decades and it stops now. For
shall the parallel in the spiritual for America. The Spirit
I will use this man to reap the harvest that the United
of God says in this next election they will spend
States has sown for and plunder from the enemy what billions to keep this president out. It will be like money
he has stolen, and return it back sevenfold to the
down the toilet. Let them waste their money, for where
United States.
it comes from is being used by evil forces at work, but
“The enemy will say, ‘Israel, Israel, what about Israel?’ they will not succeed. This next election will be a clean
Israel will be protected by America once again. The sweep for the man that I have chosen. They will say
Spirit says yes, America will once again stand hand in things about this man, the enemy, but it will not affect
hand with Israel and the two shall be as one, for the him and they will say it rolls off of him like a duck. For
ties between Israel and America will be stronger than even as the feathers of a duck protect it, so shall my
ever and Israel will flourish like never before. The feathers protect this next president. Even mainstream
Spirit of God says I will protect America and Israel, for news media will be captivated by this man and the
this next president will be a man of his word. When he abilities that I gift to him and they will even begin to
speaks the world will listen and know that there is agree with him, says the Spirit.”
something greater in him than all the others before

Eric Holder Warns GOP: 'Any Attempt
To Remove Bob Mueller Will Not Be Tolerated'
By Mallory Shelbourne
12/14/17 10:23 AM EST

Former Attorney General Eric Holder on Thursday warned Holder’s tweet comes as some conservatives have tried to
congressional Republicans not to make any moves to discredit Mueller and his ability to lead the probe into
remove special counsel Robert Mueller, saying such an Russia’s meddling in the 2016 presidential election
attempt “will not be tolerated.” and any potential ties between Trump campaign staff and
“Speaking on behalf of the vast majority of
the American people, Republicans in Some Republicans have tried to capitalize on news that
Congress be forewarned: any attempt to FBI agent Peter Strzok was taken off the Russia probe
remove Bob Mueller will not be tolerated,” because he purportedly sent anti-Trump text messages
Holder wrote on Twitter. during the presidential campaign as evidence of bias on
Mueller's team.
“These are BS attacks on him/his staff that
are blatantly political-designed to hide the
real wrongdoing. Country not party,” he Holder was attorney general under former President
said. Obama.

Do Texts Exchanged Between FBI Officials
Who Worked On Mueller’s Russia Probe Show
Conspiracy To Keep TRUMP
Out Of Office?
By JD Heyes
Thursday, December 14, 2017

Ross noted that “Andy” is very likely to be FBI Deputy

Director Andrew McCabe, who has come under fire from
Republicans and conservative groups after it was learned
that his wife Jill received nearly $500,000 from Virginia
Gov. Terry McAuliffe, a Democrat who has ties to Bill and
Hillary Clinton, when she ran for a seat in the state Senate.

McCabe was scheduled to appear before the House

Intelligence Committee this week but abruptly canceled it
on Monday, reportedly over concerns he would be
questioned about the wife of recently-demoted Justice
Department official Bruce Ohr following reports that last
year during the election she worked for Fusion GPS, the
A pair of FBI officials who assisted special counsel Robert firm that produced the bogus “Trump dossier.” (Related:
Mueller’s bogus “investigation” into “Trump-Russia Carter on Hannity: ‘IG report looking at 27 leakers;’ set to
collusion” appear to have colluded themselves to prevent cause ‘major shakeup at FBI’.)
Donald J. Trump from becoming president.
As for the Strzok texts, it is one of 375 released on
It’s becoming more obvious by the day that the Tuesday evening ahead of a Wednesday appearance before
the House Judiciary Committee by Deputy Attorney
1) There really is such a thing as the “Deep General Rod Rosenstein, the DoJ official who appointed
State;” and Mueller.
2) It really did conspire against Trump, and
continues to do so, making “draining the A number of congressional panels have been demanding
swamp” nothing short of a Republic-saving the text messages since it was revealed earlier this month
effort. they existed, Ross reported.

As reported by The Daily Caller’s Chuck Ross, the Strzok was a top investigator on both the Trump Russia
officials exchanged text messages in which they ‘appear’ probe and Hillary Clinton’s criminal email investigation in
to have discussed what they could do to prevent Trump which she was ultimately cleared by fired FBI Director
from beating Democrat Hillary Clinton. James Comey in July 2016, despite the fact that he said she
violated a number of statutes regarding the handling of
“I want to believe the path you threw out for classified information.
considering in Andy’s office — that there’s
no way [Trump] gets elected — but I’m Strzok was removed from Mueller’s team over the summer
afraid we can’t take that risk,” noted FBI after the content of the text messages was discovered.
counterintelligence agent Peter Strzok
wrote in a cryptic message to FBI lawyer In them, Strzok shows a deep disdain for
and mistress Lisa Page. the president, at one time referring to him
“It’s like an insurance policy in the unlikely as a “f**king idiot.”
event you die before you’re 40,” Strzok
wrote in a message dated Aug. 15, 2016.
In an Aug. 6 text, Strzok responded to an week, people need to be escorted out of FBI and DoJ “in
article Page shared with him with this reply: handcuffs.”
“F Trump.”
McCabe should be one of them, she said.
Later the same day, the two also exchanged another cryptic
message. (Follow more news on real conspiracies at
“Maybe you’re meant to stay where you are
because you’re meant to protect the
country from that menace,” Page wrote.
“I can protect our country at many levels,
not sure if that helps,” Strzok replied.

There is this as well: Strzok is the agent who interviewed

top Hillary aides Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills, both of
whom appeared to give false statements regarding their
prior knowledge of their boss’ secret, private email server.
Unlike former Trump national security advisor Michale
Flynn, however, neither of them were charged with lying
to the bureau.

This entire mess — from the FBI’s and the DoJ’s

monitoring of Team Trump during the campaign, to
statements made by top Justice officials, to relationships
and collusion between career Justice and FBI bureaucrats
and the Democratic Party’s nominee — stinks to high
Heaven and, as Fox News’ Judge Janine Pirro said this

Rosenstein REFUSED To Say Whether
FBI Paid For Infamous ‘Trump Dossier’
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On December 14, 2017

“I’m not in a position to answer that “I believe I know the answer, but the
question” Intelligence Committee is the appropriate
committee…” Rosenstein began.

That led DeSantis to interject that his panel “had every

right to the information” about payments related to the
dossier, especially since the Judiciary Committee has
oversight over the Department of Justice, which the FBI
falls under.

Congressional Republicans have long sought information

about who created and helped finance the dossier.
(National Sentinel) NOversight: During testimony before
the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday, Deputy
Attorney General Rod Rosenstein refused to answer a Earlier reports have noted that the Democratic National
congressman’s direct question as to whether the FBI Committee and the campaign of Hillary Clinton helped
helped pay for the now-infamous “Trump dossier.” finance at least some of it.

In response to the question from Rep. Ron DeSantis, R- The dossier was compiled by former British spy
Fla., Rosenstein suggested he knew the answer but would Christopher Steele. Earlier this year reports noted that
not say for certain.
“Steele and the FBI struck an informal
“Did the FBI pay for the dossier?” DeSantis agreement that he would be paid to
asked. continue his investigation into Trump’s ties
to Russia,” The Daily Caller reported.
“I’m not in a position to answer that
question,” Rosenstein responded. “It has been reported that Steele was never
paid for his work, though the FBI and DOJ
“Do you know the answer to the question?” have not publicly disclosed those details.”
the Republican DeSantis followed up.
Earlier as well, CNN reported that Steele was compensated
at least partially for his work investigating Trump.

Court Filing Confirms Fusion GPS Hired
DOJ Official's CIA Wife To Dig Up Dirt On Trump
By Tyler Durden
Dec 14, 2017 2:45 PM

The head of opposition research firm Fusion GPS admitted infamous Trump Tower "set up" with a Russian lawyer,
in a court filing this week that his firm paid the wife of a and a failed attempt to link Donald Trump to billionaire
senior Justice Department official to help dig up damaging pedophile Jeffrey Epstein.
information on then-candidate Donald Trump.
Also of note, the Daily Caller reported last month
that heavily redacted Fusion GPS bank records reveal
DNC law firm Perkins Coie paid Fusion a total
of $1,024,408 in 2016 for opposition research on then-
candidate Donald Trump - including the 34-page dossier.
And who did Perkins Coie operate on behalf of?

Hillary Clinton and the DNC.

Bruce Ohr, Glenn Simpson, Nellie Ohr

Glenn Simpson, co-founder of Fusion GPS, filed the

signed declaration in a D.C. court this week affirming that
Nellie Ohr, wife of demoted DOJ official Bruce Ohr, was
contracted by Fusion through the summer and fall of 2016

"to help our company with its research

and analysis of Mr. Trump,"

according to the filing. The House Intelligence Committee

determined that in November 2016, Simpson met with
Bruce Ohr shortly after the election to discuss their
findings regarding Russia and Trump. Bruce Ohr lost his
senior-level position at the DOJ as associate deputy
attorney general after his meetings with Simpson and
British spy Christopher Steele, who assembled the
Trump-Russia dossier, were discovered.

And why would Fusion GPS hire Nellie Ohr? Aside from
the obvious connection to her DOJ husband who was in a
position to provide Fusion GPS with information on So, as part of a million-dollar effort by Fusion GPS to dig
Trump gathered by US intelligence agencies, up dirt on then-candidate Donald Trump,

Nellie Ohr also represented the CIA's Hillary Clinton and the DNC paid Fusion
"Open Source Works" group in a 2010 GPS, which employed the wife of a
"expert working group report on senior DOJ official in this endeavor,
international organized crime" along who represented the CIA's "Open
with Bruce Ohr and Glenn Simpson. Source Works" department during an
"expert working group."
In addition to the dossier which served as the basis for the
DOJ and FBI to obtain FISA surveillance last year on a A group of House Republicans has been calling for the
Trump campaign advisor, Fusion GPS was also behind the appointment of a second special counsel to investigate

Obama and Clinton-linked controversies, which Attorney In a statement issued hours after Sekulow's appearance on
General Jeff Sessions said he is considering hours after Fox News, Sessions said:
a Tuesday call by President Trump's outside counsel Jay
Sekulow for a second special counsel to investigate Bruce "I've put a Senior Attorney, with the
and Nellie Ohr's association with Fusion GPS during the resources he may need, to review cases in
summer and fall of 2016. our office and make a recommendation to
me, if things aren't being pursued that need
to be pursued, if cases may need more
resources to complete in a proper manner,
and to recommend to me if the standards
for a special counsel are met, and the
recommended one should be established"

Jay Sekulow

Thom Hartmann: Trump's Tweet
Slamming Gillibrand Is 'Impeachable' Offense
By Jack Coleman
December 14, 2017 8:29 PM EST

Yeah, good luck with that. CALLER: This needs to be in the Congressional Record.
Tweets are great, social media's great, but this needs to be
The perpetual outrage machine that is the left's there for history and it's just undeniable, it needs to be
pathological loathing for President Trump keeps reaching written in stone. And the Democrats and people of
new lows in absurdity, albeit only on an hourly basis. conscience of this country have to get serious about this
person who is -- I hate to say it -- our president.
Plenty of liberals have labeled Trump's tweet slamming
Democrat Senator and potential 2020 opponent Kirsten HARTMANN: At the very least there needs to be a
Gillibrand as "sexual harassment." But liberal radio host resolution of censure, a censure resolution coming out of
Thom Hartmann went beyond that and described it -- I'm both bodies, you know, which is, of course, the
not making this up -- as grounds for impeachment. Republicans control them and the Republicans are
absolutely shameless. They care about money and power,
Here's Hartmann suggesting this during a conversation they don't care about people or principles, and so it's
with a caller to his show on Tuesday -- probably not going to happen. But I think that what you're
doing is very noble.
Your browser does not support the audio element.
I totally salute it and encourage other
people to do the same, is call your elected
HARTMANN: Merlin in Madison, Wisc. Hey, Merlin, officials and say, it is time to, at the very
what's on your mind today? least, censure, you know, Donald Trump
and, at the most, I mean, you know, is,
CALLER: Hi. I'm calling to ask your listeners to do as I'm is this an impeachable offense?
spending the day doing. I'm calling every single member
of Congress, I'm just north of 200 phone calls now, and The impeachment mechanism in the Constitution is not
asking them to go out on the floor of the House or the legal, it's political. It's very, very vague. It was
Senate and denounce Donald Trump for his sexual intentionally made very, very vague. In fact, in the
harassment of a sitting senator. Federalist Papers, Alexander Hamilton comes right out and
says what's impeachable is whatever the politicians decide
is impeachable. In other words, you know, we wanted it to
be vague so that, you know, we could cover a wide variety
of possible exigencies, or however you say that word. And
this is clearly one of them.

I think this tweet, you know, arguably is

even impeachable. It's just absolutely
horrifying. So Merlin I'm spot on, I'm with

Hartmann apparently refers to Federalist #65 in which

Got that? "Merlin" from the moonbat magnet that is Hamilton describes the Senate's role as "a well-constituted
Madison is spending her day phoning every member of court for the trial of impeachment." Hamilton then outlined
Congress to insist that what she tells them must be carved its "subjects of jurisdiction" as --
in stone. (The goddess is alive and magic is afoot!). In
other words, the absolute last person you'd want sitting ... those offenses which proceed from the
next to you during an extended meal. More of this misconduct of public men, or, in other
scintillating chat -- words, from the abuse or violation of some
public trust. They are of a nature which
may with peculiar propriety be

denominated POLITICAL, as they relate demonstrations of innocence or guilt.
chiefly to injuries done immediately to the (emphasis added)
society itself. The prosecution of them, for
this reason, will seldom fail to agitate the But the actual wording of the Constitution, in Article II,
passions of the whole community, and to Section 4, cites specifics --
divide it into parties more or less friendly or
inimical to the accused. In many cases it The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the
will connect itself with the pre-existing
United States, shall be removed from Office on
factions, and will enlist all their animosities,
Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery,
partialities, influence, and interest on the
and other high crimes and misdemeanors.
one side or on the other; and in such
cases there will always be the greatest
danger that the decision will be Suffice it to say this one skirts much closer to the
regulated more by the comparative misdemeanor end of impeachable offenses instead of "high
strength of the parties , than by real crimes."

Julian Assange Just Warned Of A Deep
State Coup Meant To Install Mike Pence As President
The Founder Of Wikileaks Is Warning The Public About A Deep State Plot
To Overthrow Trump, And Install Mike Pence As
President Of The United States.
By Jay Syrmopoulos
December 14, 2017

In fact, Wikileaks’ Assange, tweeted back

in March, that there was a plan afoot by
Hillary Clinton and her loyalists within the
Intelligence Community to force a “Pence

As the Washington Post’s Josh Rogin observed back in


“Pence is seen by many in Washington as

a figure who might stand up for the
Washington, D.C. – In a tweet this morning, WikiLeaks traditionally hawkish views he espoused
founder, Julian Assange, made a prescient observation that while in Congress, a proxy of sorts for the
the ongoing deep state coup against President Trump is an GOP national security establishment.”
operation by establishment forces to unseat Trump and
replace him with Vice President Mike Pence.
Assange’s position about the Pence coup has been
acknowledged by independent journalist, Mike Cernovich,
Assange noted that Trump’s political capital who broke the Susan Rice unmasking story, and has
has “been openly looted for months now by previously said that inside sources have confirmed that
GOP, CIA, Netanyahu, Goldman Sachs, Pence is working to remove Trump in a deep state coup.
Back in August, Cernovich reported having inside
Essentially, Assange is saying is that the aforementioned information from White Houses sources that claimed
stakeholders who want to see Trump gone have played a Pence was working behind the scenes to count Republican
long-game, whereby they have worked votes in Congress for a possible impeachment vote to
remove Trump.
“to extract as many unpopular positions as
possible (e.g tax cuts for the super rich), Rumors of an internal coup began during the election
push the resulting political corpse to campaign when it was reported that Pence began plotting a
Mueller & install Mike Pence.” coup after a tape of Trump boasting about groping women
was made public.
This, of course, was done as means of severing Trump
from his political base, which largely opposes CIA The tape’s release, one month before the election, caused
interventionism, Zionism, and globalist banking cartels. dissent among senior Republicans and led to several
The idea behind it being that when Mueller moves to withdrawing their endorsements and calling for Trump to
recommend impeachment, Trump will have strayed so far withdraw as the party’s presidential candidate.
from the positions that got him elected that there will be a
minimal public outcry in his defense.
Pence, known as a deeply religious man, was said to be
“beside himself” over Trump’s comments on the tape.
This follows chatter earlier this year that some saw Mike Pence’s wife Karen was reportedly disgusted and called
Pence as “the Deep State’s insurance policy.”

Trump “reprehensible—just totally vile,” according to the attempted to offer Trump $800 million in order to
Atlantic. voluntarily quit the race, according to the Atlantic.

Sources close to the campaign have claimed that the The fact of the matter is that Trump, while considered an
situation was so serious that Trump held a meeting to outsider to politics, has operated as a consummate
determine what step to take next. politician by catering to many of the special interest groups
he ran on not allowing to have influence in his
Reince Priebus, who would become Trump’s first Chief of administration—which may ultimately be his undoing if
Staff, was reportedly bombarded with calls from party his base abandons him as Mueller moves toward a
officials and donors pleading with him to get rid of Trump, potential impeachment.
with some suggesting replacing him with Pence and
making Condoleezza Rice his running mate. As Democratic Sen. Chuck Shumer told MSNBC’s Rachel
Maddow in reference to Trump taking on the Intelligence
Priebus reportedly told him he would suffer a huge defeat Community:
if he did not drop out.
“Let me tell you, you take on the
At the time, RNC lawyers attempted to find a legal intelligence community, they have six
mechanism by which they could remove Trump as the ways from Sunday at getting back at
Republican candidate, while a group of billionaires you.”

Comey Edits Revealed: Remarks On Clinton Probe Were
Watered Down, Documents Show
By Jake Gibson, Judson Berger | Fox New
December 14, 2017

“The edited statement deleted the

reference to gross negligence – a legal
threshold for mishandling classified
material – and instead replaced it with an
exculpatory sentence.”

The edits also showed that references to specific potential

violations of statutes on “gross negligence” regarding
classified information and “misdemeanor handling” were

The final statement also removed a reference to the “sheer

Newly released documents obtained by Fox News reveal volume” of classified information discussed on email.
that then-FBI Director James Comey’s draft statement on
the Hillary Clinton email probe was edited numerous times “While the precise dates of the edits and
before his public announcement, in ways that seemed to identities of the editors are not apparent
water down the bureau’s findings considerably. from the documents, the edits appear to
change the tone and substance of Director
Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., chairman of the Senate Comey’s statement in at least three
Homeland Security Committee, sent a letter to the FBI on respects,” Johnson wrote Thursday.
Thursday that shows the multiple edits to Comey’s highly
scrutinized statement.

In an early draft, Comey said it was

“reasonably likely” that “hostile actors”
gained access to then-Secretary of State
Hillary Clinton’s private email account. That
was changed later to say the scenario was
merely “possible.”
Another edit showed language was
changed to describe the actions of Clinton
and her colleagues as “extremely careless”
as opposed to “grossly negligent.” This is a That includes, Johnson said,
key legal distinction.
“repeated edits to reduce Secretary
Johnson, writing about his concerns in a letter Thursday to Clinton’s culpability in mishandling
FBI Director Christopher Wray, said the original classified information.”

“could be read as a finding of criminality in Johnson continued,

Secretary Clinton’s handling of classified
material.” “In summary, the edits to Director Comey’s
public statement, made months prior to the
He added, conclusion of the FBI’s investigation of
Secretary Clinton’s conduct, had a
significant impact on the FBI’s public
evaluation of the implications of her According to Johnson, Comey emailed a draft statement to
actions.” top FBI officials clearing Clinton of criminal wrongdoing
in May of 2016 -- two months before the FBI completed
Johnson referenced newly revealed anti-Trump text two dozen interviews, including with Clinton herself.
messages exchanged between FBI officials who at one
point worked on the Robert Mueller Russia probe. “I’ve been trying to imagine what it would
look like if I decided to do an FBI only press
Fox News has confirmed that one of those officials, Peter event to close out our work and hand the
Strzok, a former deputy to the assistant director for matter to the DOJ,” Comey wrote at the top
counterintelligence at the FBI, was the person who of the draft. “To help shape out discussions
changed the language from “grossly negligent” to of whether that, or something different,
“extremely careless.” makes sense, I have spent some time
crafting what I would say, which follows. In
my imagination, I don’t see me taking any
“This effort, seen in light of the personal
questions. Here is what it might look like.”
animus toward then-candidate Trump by
senior FBI agents leading the Clinton
investigation and their apparent desire to Comey delivered his statement on the Clinton case in July
create an ‘insurance policy’ against Mr. 2016, calling her actions “extremely careless” while
Trump’s election, raise profound questions recommending against criminal charges.
about the FBI’s role and possible
interference in the 2016 presidential The Senate Homeland Security Committee is doing
election and the role of the same agents in oversight of the Office of Special Counsel's investigation
Special Counsel Mueller’s investigation by into whether Comey violated the Hatch Act with his
President Trump,” Johnson said. statement. The Hatch Act limits the political activities of
federal employees.

WINNING: President Trump
Symbolically Cuts Red Tape Of Government Regulations
By Tyler O'Neil
December 14, 2017

This practice separates the people's representatives from

the results of their lawmaking. If constituents complain,
lawmakers can blame the agency, or promise to add yet
another law to fix the problem in question.

"So many of these enormous regulatory

burdens were imposed on our citizens with
no vote, no debate, and no accountability,"
the president explained.

Trump articulated the problem with this principle, and the

Grabien screenshot of President Trump cutting red tape signifying
federal regulations. fact that it is a threat to the Constitution, which gives
Congress — and only Congress — the ability to make
laws. The Constitution did this in order to make the
On Thursday, President Donald Trump celebrated his
lawmakers accountable to the people. Regulation sidesteps
administration's dedication to cutting government
this process.
regulations, with a ceremony where he physically cut a
huge strand of red tape. Corny, but impressive nonetheless.
Trump made another excellent point, however, declaring
that "regulation is still taxation." Many studies have
"This excessive regulation does not just
suggested the average American family pays more in
threaten our economy, it threatens our
hidden regulatory costs than in direct taxes. A report this
entire Constitution. And it does nothing,
May estimated that if regulatory costs trickled down, they
other than delay and cost much more,"
would leave the average American family with a $1,409
President Trump declared.
bill, in addition to the taxes they already pay.
On the campaign trail, Trump had promised that for every
"By ending excessive regulations, we are
new regulation, he would cut two old ones. On Thursday,
defending democracy, and draining the
he announced his administration had overshot that goal —
swamp," the president declared.
annihilating 22 regulations for every new one.
"Unchecked regulation undermines our
freedoms and zaps our national spirit. It
In a statement that would make every small-government destroys our economy. So many
conservative glow with pride, the president declared, companies that are destroyed by
regulation. And it destroys jobs."
"Congress has abandoned much of its
responsibility to legislate, and has instead Here's What Federal Regulations Cost Your Family
given unelected regulators extraordinary This Year
power to control the lives of others."
"When Americans are free to thrive,
Conservatives have long complained of the way Congress innovate, and prosper, there is no
really works. Rather than passing regulations directly so challenge too great, nor task into large, and
that individual congressmen are tied to every piece of no goal beyond their reach," Trump said.
government red tape, Congress passes a bill like the Clean "We are a nation of explorers and pioneers
Air Act. The act sets out a goal — Americans should have and innovators and inventors, and
clean air — and sets up an agency to make rules to achieve regulations have been hurting that and
that goal. hurting it badly."

In a flourish, the president concluded,

"So, together, let’s cut to the red tape. Let’s his impeachment. His refusal to push for entitlement
set free our dreams, and yes, let’s make reform still weakens his small government credentials.
America great again."
Even so, Trump's commitment to cutting regulation and his
Towards the end of the event, the president held up a choice of administration leaders have been nothing less
diagram showing how difficult it would be to get the right than an inspiration to conservatives. Any president who
permits for a highway or roadway. He had Chris Liddell, a cuts 1,500 regulations in less than a year deserves praise
New Zealand-born U.S. businessman who serves as the from libertarians and small-government conservatives,
assistant to the president for strategic initiatives, hold up whatever his other faults.
the diagram.
Nevertheless, these reforms need to be accompanied by
"You had to go through this process and it legislative action, not just in tax reform, but in reforms to
would take many years. Many, many years, entitlements and to the way Congress sets up the system of
right, Chris?" Trump asked. "You had to go regulation in the first place. Trump is making powerful
through nine different agencies, make 16 steps in the direction of smaller government, but a
different decisions under 29 different laws. Democratic president could reverse these steps. Trump
It would take from 10-20 years, and in needs Congress to finish the job.
some cases, longer than that."
"We want to take that process down to The Average American Family Pays
maybe one year. We have it down to two," More Money in Regulations Than in
Trump said. Taxes

At last, he turned to the main event. The president stood

between two large stacks of papers, one marked "1960"
and the other marked "Today." He explained that in 1960,
the Code of Federal Regulations ran to 20,000 pages, but
that today it runs to 185,000 pages.

Between the two massive stacks hung a long red ribbon,

which Trump symbolically cut.

Donald Trump has cost the Republican Party a great deal.

His hyperbole, pride, and declarations of "fake news" have
complicated his presidency and led Democrats to call for

FLASHBACK: Democrats Praised
The Investigation That Unveiled Strzok Texts
Chuck Ross - Reporter
10:39 PM 12/14/2017

The Justice Department inspector general’s decision in Horowitz, an Obama appointee, discovered the Strzok-
January to open an investigation into the FBI’s handling of Page texts after submitting a request to the FBI for the
the Hillary Clinton email investigation was met with communications of key figures in the email probe.
widespread praise from Democrats.
After seeing the biased messages, Horowitz made two
“My reaction is that it’s entirely appropriate additional requests from the FBI for Strzok’s
and very necessary but also not communications. He informed Mueller and Deputy
surprising,” Clinton campaign press Attorney General Rod Rosenstein of the messages on July
secretary Brian Fallon told MSNBC on Jan. 27. Strzok was immediately demoted to the FBI’s human
12, the day that inspector general Michael resources department.
Horowitz announced the investigation.
“I welcome it,” Illinois Sen. Dick Durbin said For reasons unexplained, Mueller’s office, the FBI and
the same day. DOJ refused for more than four months to explain why
Strzok was removed from the investigation. The existence
“I support what they’re doing. It’s long of the texts were revealed earlier this month. Nearly 400 of
overdue.” the messages were released on Tuesday.

Republicans have cited the texts to argue that the Mueller

investigation now falls under the “fruit of the poisonous
tree” doctrine. Strzok’s involvement in the early stages of
the Trump investigation has spoiled Mueller’s probe, GOP
lawmakers have argued.

Democrats have downplayed the texts, in which Strzok

refers to Trump as a “fucking idiot” while praising Hillary
Clinton’s presidential bid. Many have argued that
Republicans are using the fruits of Horowitz’s
investigation in order to end Mueller’s investigation.
But nearly a year later, Democrats are much less
enthusiastic about Horowitz’s probe. California Rep. Adam Schiff, the top Democrat on the
House Intelligence Committee, argued on Sunday that
The change of heart is due to the revelation that one of the Republican focus on the text messages and other evidence
top investigators on the email investigation sent politically- of bias on the Mueller team were intended to undercut
charged text messages to his mistress, an FBI lawyer. Mueller.

Those messages, exchanged between Peter Strzok and Lisa “The intent here is nothing short of
Page, have undermined the federal investigation into discrediting Mueller, then discrediting the
possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Justice Department, then discrediting the
Kremlin. That’s because in addition to being a top FBI, then discrediting the judiciary,” Schiff
investigator on the Clinton email probe, Strzok supervised told CNN’s Jake Tapper.
the Russia investigation, which began several weeks after
the Clinton inquiry was closed in July 2016. Back in January, Schiff praised one of his Democratic
colleagues for submitting a request that spurred the
Strzok and Page both transferred to Special Counsel inspector general investigation.
Robert Mueller’s team after he inherited the investigation
following the firing of James Comey as FBI director. “I say hats off to my colleague, [Maryland
Rep.] Elijah Cummings, for making the
request for this investigation some months Neera Tanden, a former Clinton campaign adviser and
ago,” Schiff said. president for Center for American Progress, called the
He was joined in his endorsement by Clinton campaign
manager Robby Mook. “absolutely the right thing to do.”

“It’s a troubling pattern that the FBI seems Joshua Earnest, who served as Obama’s press secretary,
to have chosen a horse in this election, and also endorsed Horowitz’s inquiry.
we welcome this investigation so this
doesn’t happen again,” he said back in “Decisions that are made by inspectors
January. general across the administration are
independent,” he told reporters at a White
Matthew Miller, a former Justice Department spokesman House press briefing.
who openly supports Democrats, told Chris Hayes of the
“Hopefully they will follow the evidence
watchdog investigation:
where it leads.”

“I’m glad they’re doing it.”


Unlike Nixon, Trump Will Not Go Quietly
Pat Buchanan Figures Mueller's Team Is
Investigating The Wrong Campaign
Patrick J. Buchanan
December 14, 2017

WASHINGTON – On Aug. 9, 1974, Richard Nixon And Comey had usurped the authority of Justice
bowed to the inevitability of impeachment and conviction Department prosecutors when he announced in July 2016
by a Democratic Senate and resigned. that Hillary Clinton ought not to be prosecuted for having
been “extremely careless” in transmitting security secrets
The prospect of such an end for Donald Trump has this over her private email server.
city drooling. Yet, comparing Russiagate and Watergate,
history is not likely to repeat itself. We now know that the first draft of Comey’s statement
described Clinton as “grossly negligent,” the precise
First, the underlying crime in Watergate, a break-in to statute language for an indictment.
wiretap offices of the DNC, had been traced, within 48
hours, to the Committee to Re-Elect the President. We also now know that helping to edit Comey’s first draft
to soften its impact was Deputy FBI Director Andrew
In Russiagate, the underlying crime – the “collusion” of McCabe. His wife, Jill McCabe, a candidate for state
Trump’s campaign with the Kremlin to hack into the senate in Virginia, received $467,000 in campaign
emails of the DNC – has, after 18 months of investigating, contributions from the PAC of Clinton bundler Terry
still not been established. McAuliffe.

Campaign manager Paul Manafort has been indicted, but Comey has also admitted he leaked to the New York
for financial crimes committed long before he enlisted Times details of a one-on-one with Trump to trigger the
with Trump. naming of a special counsel – to go after Trump. And that
assignment somehow fell to Comey’s predecessor, friend
and confidant Robert Mueller.
Gen. Michael Flynn has pleaded guilty to lying about
phone calls he made to Russian Ambassador Sergey
Kislyak, but only after Trump had been elected and Flynn Mueller swiftly hired half a dozen prosecutorial bulldogs
had been named national security adviser. who had been Clinton contributors and Andrew
Weissmann, a Trump hater who had congratulated Acting
Attorney General Sally Yates for refusing to carry out
Flynn asked Kislyak for help in blocking or postponing a
Security Council resolution denouncing Israel, and to tell Trump’s travel ban.
Vladimir Putin not to go ballistic over President Obama’s
expulsion of 35 Russian diplomats. FBI official Peter Strzok had to be been removed from the
Mueller probe for hatred of Trump manifest in texts to his
This is what security advisers do. FBI lady friend.

Strzok was also involved in the investigation of Clinton’s

Why Flynn let himself be ensnared in a perjury trap, when
email server and is said to have been the one who
he had to know his calls were recorded, is puzzling.
persuaded Comey to tone down his language about her
misconduct, and let Hillary walk.
Second, it is said Trump obstructed justice when he fired
FBI Director James Comey for refusing to cut slack for
In Mueller’s tenure, still no Trump tie to the hacking of the
DNC has been found. But a connection between Hillary’s
campaign and Russian spies – to find dirt to smear and
But even Comey admits Trump acted within his authority. destroy Trump and his campaign – has been fairly well-

By June 2016, the Clinton campaign and DNC had begun Is the Trump investigation the rotten fruit of a poisoned
shoveling millions of dollars to the Perkins Coie law firm, tree?
which had hired the oppo research firm Fusion GPS to go
dirt-diving on Trump. Is Mueller’s Dump Trump team investigating the wrong
Fusion contacted ex-British MI6 spy Christopher Steele,
who had ties to former KGB and FSB intelligence agents There are other reasons to believe Trump may survive the
in Russia. They began to feed Steele, who fed Fusion, deep state-media conspiracy to break his presidency,
which fed the U.S. anti-Trump media with the alleged dirty overturn his mandate and reinstate a discredited
deeds of Trump in Moscow hotels. establishment.

While the truth of the dirty dossier has never been Trump has Fox News and fighting congressmen behind
established, Comey’s FBI rose like a hungry trout on him, and the mainstream media are deeply distrusted and
learning of its contents. widely detested. And there is no Democratic House to
impeach him or Democratic Senate to convict him.
There are credible allegations Comey’s FBI sought to hire
Steele and used the dirt in his dossier to broaden the Moreover, Trump is not Nixon, who, like Charles I,
investigation of Trump – and that its contents were also accepted his fate and let the executioner’s sword fall with
used to justify FISA warrants on Trump and his people. dignity.

This week, we learned that the Justice Department’s Bruce If Trump goes, one imagines, he will not go quietly.
Ohr had contacts with Fusion during the campaign, while
his wife actually worked at Fusion investigating Trump. In the words of the great Jerry Lee Lewis, there’s gonna be
This thing is starting to stink.
a “whole lotta shakin’ goin’ on.”

Morning Joe: Republican Congressmen Questioning
Mueller Are ‘Jackasses’ ‘Trying To
Undermine Rule Of Law’
By Chris Reeves
December 14, 2017 4:43 PM EST

On Thursday’s Morning Joe, the show’s liberal panel once the person, Peter Strzok, the FBI agent
again rallied to the defense of Robert Mueller in response that [the Republican congressmen] were
to recent calls by Republican House representatives for the waving their papers about,-
former FBI director’s special counsel division to be
officially investigated for serious political conflicts of SCARBOROUGH: Right.
interest that have been revealed within it by the reporting
of a variety of different news outlets.
GEIST: -was removed from the
investigation last summer.
Co-host Joe Scarborough was especially annoyed by
Republican Representatives Bob Goodlatte, Louie
SCARBOROUGH: [interrupting] Oh, wait, wait a second, hold on
Gohmert, Steve Chabot, John Ratcliffe, Matt Gaetz, and Willie. Wait, are you telling me that the Inspector General-
Jim Jordan for questioning Deputy Attorney General Rod conducted investigation found these texts? By the way,
Rosenstein about Mueller’s impartiality during a House
Judiciary Committee hearing on Wednesday.
I'd love to see these guys’ text
messages during their hearings.
Scarborough collectively referred to
these congressmen, and presumably
anyone else who agrees with them, as [some chuckling from the panel]
“jackasses” who are “trying to
undermine the rule of law.” You guys wanna play that game? Show
your text messages during Benghazi.
Joe prophesied that this would ultimately lead to their
political “demise.” Show your te- -- why don't you reveal your text messages and
what you were texting each other while you were conducting an
impartial investigation of Benghazi for like eight years? But
anyway, I digress.

GEIST: He was removed from the, he was removed from the



GEIST: -by Bob Mueller. And so was the other,-

MIKE BARNICLE: [interjecting] Last summer.

After playing selected clips from the hearing yesterday and GEIST: -the attorney -- last, yeah, during the summer when this
offering some preliminary commentary on how ridiculous was revealed back [inaudible].
they thought the above representatives’ queries to
Rosenstein were, Morning Joe proceeded by trying to SCARBOROUGH: [interrupting] Oh, so the process works?
downplay the significance of reports calling the integrity
of Mueller’s operation into question:
GEIST: So yeah. He found the texts, and
they're bad. You know, they, they go,
WILLIE GEIST: What’s important to point out is – they go after Donald Trump. They say
“F” Trump. They call him an idiot. This
and that. And when those were revealed Four months later, Strzok and Page
and, and discovered, they were removed exchanged messages mocking Trump
from the investigation. and his family at the Republican National
MIKA BRZEZINSKI: So, so, the right
thing was done? "Oooh, TURN IT ON, TURN IT ON!!! THE
JOE SCARBOROUGH: [cutting in over Mika] And as An-, as OUT," Strzok texted Page on July 19. "You
Andrew McCarthy writes for Nat-, National Review, Andrew can tell by the excitable clapping."
McCarthy of National Review said hey, FBI agents -- a
conservative who’s been very skeptical on the whole Russia (...)
probe, said:
On Aug. 6, Page texted Strzok a New York Times article about
These people are professionals, they're Muslim lawyer Khzir Khan, who became embroiled in a war of
allowed to have their own professional words with Trump after Khan spoke at the Democratic National
opinions. [quoting McCarthy tweet] The Convention.
“Strzok and Page texts look like a big
nothing - no hint of corruption in their "Jesus. You should read this. And
jobs. Lots of people (me included) Trump should go f himself," Page wrote
speak crudely in private about politics. in a message attached to the article.
"God that’s a great article," Strzok
If you’re ok with Trump’s outbursts, I don't see getting whipped
answered. "Thanks for sharing. And F
up over this BS.” Andrew McCarthy, who said that he worked as
a prosecutor in Manhattan, and he was a conservative constantly
trashing liberals in private.
But, when it came to being fair, you put
that aside. Everybody has opinions. Strzok also oversaw the bureau’s
interviews with ousted National Security
Adviser Michael Flynn – who pleaded
SUSAN DEL PERCIO: Right, everyone does have opinions.
guilty to lying to FBI investigators in the
And as Willie said, this guy was removed from the investigation.
Russia probe.

Contrary to the panel’s repeated assertions, Strzok was actually

How can Joe and his compatriots possibly rationalize the notion
involved in several of the crucial months of Mueller’s investigation
that two people who worked for Mueller for months could
into purported Trump-Russia “collusion” (stretching from the
objectively, rationally,
2016-17 transition period to July of this year). Moreover, although
Geist did mention a few of the more choice examples of Strzok
and his colleague Lisa Page’s texts, he omitted how extensive or fairly conduct an investigation into
and strongly felt the two investigators’ hatred of Trump was. somebody that they viewed as a
According to Fox News [emphasis mine]: despicable, idiotic “douchebag”?

Page texted Strzok, "God, Trump is a Would Scarborough or anyone else at MSNBC have reacted the
loathsome human." same way to the Strzok and Page texting story if the FBI
investigators were instead saying similarly hate-filled things about
"Yet he many[sic] win," Strzok responded. Hillary Clinton and her family during the FBI investigation that
"Good for Hillary." Strzok led against the Democratic presidential candidate in
Later the same day, Strzok texted Page, 2016? At the very least, it seems unlikely that Morning Joe (or
"Omg [Trump's] an idiot." anyone else) would label the inevitably outraged Democratic
lawmakers reacting to such a story as “jackasses.” Yet, that was
"He's awful," Page answered. exactly what Joe did in the case of the Republican
(...) representatives who were unhappy with who Mueller selected to
participate in his investigative efforts:
[A]fter Trump took a commanding lead in the Republican
delegate race with victories in key "Super Tuesday" primaries, [W]hen you're trying to disrupt Bob Mueller's investigation that
Page texted Strzok, has already brought down three or four people extraordinarily
close to the President of the United States,
"I can not believe Donald Trump is likely to
be an actual, serious candidate for you’re making a fool of yourself. And
president." you’re trying to undermine the rule of
law. And I've said it before and I'll say it You guys wanna play that game? Show your text messages
again, and you jackasses don't have to during Benghazi. Show your te- -- why don't you reveal your text
listen to me. I just -- I’m, I’m a broken messages and what you were texting each other while you were
record here, but you’re only leading to conducting an impartial investigation of Benghazi for like eight
your own demise. You’re gonna get years? But anyway, I digress.
GEIST: He was removed from the, he was removed from the
And next year in the elections -- and we’ve been warning you investigation-
about this 33% thing. Listen, if you’re auditioning for the number
one kiss-up, to be the number one kiss-up to Donald Trump – too SCARBOROUGH: Right.
late. Lindsey Graham won that award this past weekend. He's on
his tourist advisory board now for Trump enterprises. Right? All
GEIST: -by Bob Mueller. And so was the other,-
you’re doing is actually hurting Republicans in swing districts and
you’re making Nancy Pelosi move one step closer to being the
next Speaker of the House. MIKE BARNICLE: [interjecting] Last summer.

Don't undermine the rule of law. This GEIST: -the attorney -- last, yeah, during the summer when this
will stay with you the rest of your life. was revealed back [inaudible].

Scarborough preceded this rant by admitting that an investigation SCARBOROUGH: [interrupting] Oh, so the process works?
into former FBI head James Comey’s 2016 probe of Hillary
Clinton’s alleged mishandling of classified information would be GEIST: So yeah. He found the texts, and they're bad. You know,
legitimate, but oddly, neither he nor anyone else on the panel they, they go, they go after Donald Trump. They say “F” Trump.
seemed to know that Strzok was appointed by Comey to lead They call him an idiot. This and that. And when those were
that probe. This fact inextricably links the investigations of Trump revealed and, and discovered, they were removed from the
and Clinton together as both being potentially tainted by the investigation.
same agent’s political bias and cannot simply be brushed aside
or dismissed by special pleading on Mueller’s behalf. MIKA BRZEZINSKI: So, so, the right thing was done?

If re-examining Comey and Strzok’s conduct in the Clinton case JOE SCARBOROUGH: [cutting in over Mika] And as An-, as
is a worthy endeavor, it is hard to imagine how looking more Andrew McCarthy writes for Nat-, National Review, Andrew
carefully at any part of Mueller’s current investigation that McCarthy of National Review said hey, FBI agents -- a
involved Strzok would not be. conservative who’s been very skeptical on the whole Russia
probe, said: These people are professionals, they're allowed to
See the full transcript of the segment below for more context: have their own professional opinions. [quoting McCarthy tweet]
The “Strzok and Page texts look like a big nothing - no hint of
6:42 AM EST corruption in their jobs. Lots of people (me included) speak
crudely in private about politics. If you’re ok with Trump’s
outbursts, I don't see getting whipped up over this BS.” Andrew
WILLIE GEIST: Well, it’s probably because they know what’s
McCarthy, who said that he worked as a prosecutor in
coming, so they have to undermine the source of the information.
Manhattan, and he was a conservative constantly trashing
It’s what President Trump, Trump has done for the last 11
liberals in private. But, when it came to being fair, you put that
months. Consider the source, he says. Don't believe them. Don't
aside. Everybody has opinions.
believe the press. Don't believe the women. Now, don't believe
the FBI. Don't believe Bob Mueller. What’s important to point out
is – the person, Peter Strzok, the FBI agent that they were SUSAN DEL PERCIO: Right, everyone does have opinions. And
waving their papers about,- as Willie said, this guy was removed from the investigation. Bob
Mueller is a Republican. Let's not forgot that. If they're so worried
about party politics, there's a Republican in charge of this
investigation. What's even more disturbing about the testimony --
so I'm not sure if they were auditioning for a potential cabinet
GEIST: -was removed from the investigation last summer. post or whatever it was, but it was just about making grand
statements that were meaningless. They had enough to go with.
SCARBOROUGH: [interrupting] Oh, wait, wait a second, hold on They ha- -- this, this investigation, there have been hiccups along
Willie. Wait, are you telling me that the Inspector General- the way. That's enough you wanna call it into question, but do it
conducted investigation found these texts? By the way, I'd love to with some moderation, because then at least you look like you
see these guys’ text messages during their hearings. can set up the table. But what’s even worse is what they di- --
how they did it and took away basically the President's -- wind
[some chuckling from the panel] out of the President’s sail as he’s trying to [inaudible].

SCARBOROUGH: [interrupting] Talk about taxes. SCARBOROUGH: The President [inaudible], the Pre- -- the
President of the United States then, Barack Obama, twice
DEL PERCIO: Exactly. So,-. saying: Oh, there's nothing to see here. There's been, there’s
been, uh, no -- nothing to do with national security in all of this.
The President, you know, putting, basically putting his hands on
SCARBOROUGH: [interrupting] They got -- they stepped on the
the scale twice. Those are legitimate questions about the Hillary
Clinton investigation.
DEL PERCIO: This oppor- -- you know, the White House
operation, as much as they wanna kind of feed the Congress of
what they wanna say to undermine the Mueller investigation, they
should really focus on their own agenda.

SCARBOROUGH: And you know, Mika, if they, if they want to

focus on a real hearing and they really wanna get to the bottom
of something, then focus on Jim Comey’s investigation of Hillary


SCARBOROUGH: Ask why -- all the questions we asked.

BRZEZINSKI: In real time. SCARBOROUGH: Go for it. But when you're trying to disrupt Bob
Mueller's investigation that has already brought down three or
SCARBOROUGH: Wait a second, why, why, why di- -- why every four people extraordinarily close to the President of the United
time did you interview her on holiday weekends? States, you’re making a fool of yourself. And you’re trying to
undermine the rule of law. And I've said it before and I'll say it
BRZEZINSKI: [agreeing] M-hm. again, and you jackasses don't have to listen to me. I just -- I’m,
I’m a broken record here, but you’re only leading to your own
SCARBOROUGH: Why, why did you not press her? Why did you demise. You’re gonna get crushed. And next year in the elections
let Cheryl Mills be in there as somebody who actually was a -- and we’ve been warning you about this 33% thing. Listen, if
participant in all of this? Why did you let her sit there as an you’re auditioning for the number one kiss-up, to be the number
attorney? Why, like -- there are a lot of questions to ask. one kiss-up to Donald Trump – too late. Lindsey Graham won
that award this past weekend. He's on his tourist advisory board
now for Trump enterprises. Right? All you’re doing is actually
BRZEZINSKI: Bill Clinton meeting with the Attorney General on a
hurting Republicans in swing districts and you’re making Nancy
Pelosi move one step closer to being the next Speaker of the
House. Don't undermine the rule of law. This will stay with you
SCARBOROUGH: Bill Clinton meeting with the Attorney General the rest of your life.
on the plane.
BRZEZINSKI: Democrats, thank you.
BRZEZINSKI: [talking under Joe] We were there, we talked about
it in real time.

Former High-Level Officials Submit 'Unusual' Russia Brief
In Lawsuit Against Trump And Roger Stone
Natasha Bertrand
December 14, 2017

Among the former officials who filed the amicus brief on

December 8 are John Brennan, a CIA director; James
Clapper, a director of national intelligence; and Michael
Hayden, a director of the National Security Agency; Avril
Haines, a deputy national security adviser; Michael
McFaul, a US ambassador to Russia; and Michael Morell,
an acting CIA director.

The former officials emphasized in the neutral brief that

they could not disclose classified information. But their
John Brennan. Thomson Reuters message was clear: The Kremlin uses local actors to help
amplify the scope and impact of its influence operations,
 Fourteen former national security, intelligence, and including the one targeting the US election in 2016.
foreign policy officials recently wrote an amicus
brief as part of a lawsuit brought against President The cutouts can range from "the unwitting accomplice who
Donald Trump's campaign and Roger Stone, his is manipulated to act in what he believes is his best
longtime adviser. interest, to the ideological or economic ally who broadly
 Among the former officials are John Brennan, a shares Russian interests, to the knowing agent of influence
CIA director; James Clapper, a director of national who is recruited or coerced to directly advance Russian
intelligence; and Michael Hayden, a director of the operations and objectives," the former officials wrote.
National Security Agency.
 The brief explained how the Kremlin used local Cutouts can be anyone, they explained, from journalists
actors to help amplify the scope and impact of its and academics to "prominent pro-Russian businessmen."
influence operations, including the one targeting
the US election in 2016.
These local actors help the Kremlin further its foreign
influence operations and "active measures" campaigns,
Fourteen former national security, intelligence, and foreign they wrote. Those operations often involve the spread of
policy officials who have served at senior levels in disinformation and conspiracy theories and cyberattacks
Republican and Democratic administrations recently wrote — all in an attempt to "undermine confidence in
an amicus brief as part of a lawsuit brought against democratic leaders and institutions" and "discredit
President Donald Trump's campaign and Roger Stone, his candidates for office perceived as hostile to the Kremlin."
longtime confidant.
This type of brief is 'certainly unusual'
The lawsuit was filed in July by three private citizens —
Roy Cockrum, Scott Comer, and Eric Schoenberg —
whose personal information was stolen in hacks of the It is "certainly unusual" for a group of such high-profile
Democratic National Committee and published by former officials to write and submit a brief to a district
WikiLeaks. The plaintiffs have argued that the Trump court, said Renato Mariotti, a former federal prosecutor.
campaign, Stone, "and those they conspired with arranged
for the hacked information to be provided to WikiLeaks." But it is a way for the former officials to "draw attention"
to an issue they believe is important for the public to
The Trump campaign and Stone have filed motions to understand, Mariotti said, even if the point they make
dismiss the complaint. The plaintiffs responded on "doesn't really move us far down the road to establishing a
December 1, laying out, among other things, a "motive to conspiracy."
collaborate" between the campaign and Russia, as well as
points of contact.
Michael Carpenter, a former deputy assistant secretary of earlier this month to lying to FBI agents about the nature
defense for Russia, Ukraine, and Eurasia who helped write of his conversations last December with Sergey Kislyak,
the brief, said the goal was "to inform the court, and by Russia's ambassador to the US at the time.
extension the American public, about the subversive
character of Russian 'active measures' campaigns." A young foreign policy adviser to the campaign, George
Papadopoulos, pleaded guilty in October to a similar
"One of the key points we make," Carpenter said on charge.
Thursday, "is that active measures campaigns are almost
always carried out using local actors who enable Kremlin Paul Manafort, the campaign chairman, and his longtime
agents to get closer to their target and gather information associate Rick Gates were indicted in October on charges
on how best to achieve their desired goal (for example, that included money laundering, tax fraud, and failure to
establishing a corrupt relationship that can be later register as a foreign agent. Much of their money, the
exploited for purposes of blackmail or manipulation)." government said in court filings, came from Ukrainian and
Russian oligarchs.
Michael Flynn, the former national security adviser who
was a top Trump campaign surrogate, pleaded guilty Read the full brief starting on next page:

Official Christmas Photo Released: ‘Merry Christmas
From President Donald J. Trump And First
Lady Melania Trump’
By Kristinn Taylor
Friday, December 15, 2017

Cropped version via the Daily Mail:

Breitbart’s John Binder reported Melania’s fashion,

First Lady Melania Trump posted the official Christmas choices,
portrait for herself and President Donald Trump on
Thursday. The photo shows President Trump wearing a
black tuxedo and Melania wearing a black sleeveless dress. “Fashion Notes: First Lady Melania Trump
wears a beaded, black custom-made
cocktail dress by Delpozo and Christian
The photo was posted to the First Lady’s Twitter page with Louboutin stilettos for official White House
Christmas greetings and details about the photograph: Christmas portrait.”

“Merry Christmas from President Donald J.

Trump and First Lady Melania Trump.
@POTUS & @FLOTUS are seen Tuesday,
December 5, in their official 2017
Christmas portrait, in the Cross Hall of the
White House in Washington, D.C. (Official
White House Photo by Andrea Hanks)”

Merry Christmas!

President Trump: It’s A Shame What Happened To The
FBI — Hillary Clinton Investigation Was A
Rigged System (VIDEO)
By Jim Hof
Friday, December 15, 2017

President Donald Trump briefly spoke with reporters on sad when you look at those documents.
Friday morning before his visit to the FBI headquarters in And how they’ve done that is really, really
Quantico. disgraceful… It’s a very sad thing to watch.
The level of anger with what they are
President Trump slammed the FBI corruption and witnessing at the FBI is certainly very
collusion that is now evident at the bureau. President sad… Russia was a Democrat hoax. I had
Trump said it was “a shame” what has happened to the FBI nothing to do with Russia. I did not even
in the past few years. FBI brass altered their findings of make a call to Russia. Even the Democrats
Hillary Clinton’s criminal actions to ensure she was able to admit there was no collusion… When you
run for president in 2016. There is now plenty of proof that look at the Hillary Clinton investigation. I ‘ve
this happened during the 2016 presidential campaign. been saying it for a long time. That was a
rigged system folks. That was a rigged
system. When you look at what they did in
respect to the Hillary Clinton investigation it
was rigged.

Via Varney and Co.:

President Trump:

We’re going to rebuild the FBI. It will be

bigger and better than ever. But it’s very

NEW Comey Edits: Hillary’s Private Emails
Containing Classified Info Likely HACKED By
‘Hostile Forces’
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On December 15, 2017

“The edits appear to change the tone and substance of colleagues as “extremely careless” rather than “grossly
Director Comey’s statement in at least three respects” negligent,” which is a key legal distinction.

In writing about his concerns Thursday in a

letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray,
Johnson said that the original draft “could
be read as a finding of criminality in
Secretary Clinton’s handling of classified

He noted further,

“The edited statement deleted the

(National Sentinel) Clinton/Comey Scandal: Newly
reference to gross negligence – a legal
released documents by Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., on
threshold for mishandling classified
Thursday indicate that fired FBI Director James Comey
material – and instead replaced it with an
made more edits to his statement exonerating Hillary
exculpatory sentence.”
Clinton over her email scandal than previously known, and
in ways that appeared to significantly downplay the
seriousness of her alleged crimes. In addition, the final edits indicated that references to
specific violations of statutes regarding “gross negligence”
in the handling of classified information and
According to the documents, one of the more shocking
“misdemeanor handling” were removed as well.
changes that Comey made included comments that her
private email server, through which classified information
passed, was very likely hacked by “hostile forces,” Fox Also, the final statement also removed a reference to the
News reported. “sheer volume” of classified information discussed on
Johnson, who chairs the Senate Homeland Security
Committee, sent a letter to the FBI on Thursday that shows “While the precise dates of the edits and
there were multiple edits to Comey’s July 5, 2016, identities of the editors are not apparent
statement, which was heavily scrutinized at the time. from the documents, the edits appear to
change the tone and substance of Director
Comey’s statement in at least three
In an early draft, the former FBI director noted that it was
respects,” Johnson wrote.
“reasonably likely” that “hostile actors” gained access to
Clinton’s private email account at the time she was
secretary of state. Johnson said there were

Later, that claim was changed to say the scenario was only “repeated edits to reduce Secretary
“possible.” Clinton’s culpability in mishandling
classified information.”
An additional edit featured language that was changed to “In summary, the edits to Director Comey’s
describe the actions of Clinton and her aides and public statement, made months prior to the
conclusion of the FBI’s investigation of

Secretary Clinton’s conduct, had a The senator has said that Comey emailed a draft of the
significant impact on the FBI’s public statement to senior FBI officials in May 2016 that cleared
evaluation of the implications of her Clinton of any criminality, two months before he made his
actions,” he concluded. public statement exonerating her.

Earlier reports noted that FBI counterintelligence agent The May date is also well before FBI agents interviewed
Peter Strzok changed the portion of the statement dealing Clinton herself, which occurred just days before Comey’s
with “extremely careless” to “grossly negligent.” statement.

“This effort, seen in light of the personal “I’ve been trying to imagine what it would
animus toward then-candidate Trump by look like if I decided to do an FBI only press
senior FBI agents leading the Clinton event to close out our work and hand the
investigation and their apparent desire to matter to the DOJ,” Comey wrote at the top
create an ‘insurance policy’ against Mr. of the draft. “To help shape out discussions
Trump’s election, raise profound questions of whether that, or something different,
about the FBI’s role and possible makes sense, I have spent some time
interference in the 2016 presidential crafting what I would say, which follows. In
election and the role of the same agents in my imagination, I don’t see me taking any
Special Counsel Mueller’s investigation by questions. Here is what it might look like.”
President Trump,” Johnson said.

Rep. Desantis RIPS Rotten Rosenstein After He Smugly
Refuses To Answer Whether FBI Paid For
Garbage Dossier (VIDEO)
By Cristina Laila
Friday, December 15, 2017

Deputy AG Rosenstein admitted to Rep. “I’m not in position to answer that

Ron DeSantis (R-FL) whether he knew if question,” Rosenstein answered.
the FBI paid for the garbage dossier, yet
“Do you know the answer to the question?”
he smugly refused to answer the DeSantis asked.
“I believe I know the answer but uh the
Intelligence Committee is the appropriate
committee-” Rosenstein smugly said.

Rep. DeSantis interrupted Rosenstein and ripped into him.

“That’s not true! We have oversight over

your department and the FBI and whether
public funds were spent on a dossier-that’s
not something that is classified! We have
every right to that information. You should
provide it,” DeSantis said.

Rosenstein continued to obfuscate as DeSantis grilled him

over the conflicts of interest and corruption in the FBI and

Where the hell is AG Sessions?? Shut this

witch hunt down and go after all of the
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein testified before criminals in the FBI and DOJ who were in
the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday. on this conspiracy to take down a duly
elected President.
First, Ron DeSantis asked Rosenstein,
VIDEO via Media Buzz:
“The Russia investigation. Who started it?
Who was the agent? Was it Strzok who
started it? Who opened the case?”

Rosenstein fidgeted as he said,

“That matter is under review by the

Intelligence Committee and there is nothing
that I can talk about publicly regarding the
initiation of the investigation.”

Then DeSantis point blank asked rotten Rosenstein if the

FBI paid for Hillary’s garbage dossier.

Alt-Left Plans To Roll Out Nationwide ‘Rapid Response’ If
FBI Mueller Is Fired From Trump-Russia Investigation
By Shepard Ambellas -
December 15, 2017

According to the post,

“Donald Trump is publicly considering firing special

counsel Robert Mueller” which the group feels is just an
effort to conceal illicit activities with the Russians, despite
the fact that both Hillary Clinton and former FBI Director
Robert Muller were actually involved in the embezzlement
of U.S. Uranium, as reported by Intellihub in the
bombshell piece titled “Hillary Clinton Requested FBI
Dir. Mueller Deliver Highly Enriched Uranium To The
Russians In 2009 In Secret ‘Plane-Side Tarmac

Now the snowflakes at are saying that it

would be a “constitutional crisis” if Trump were to fire
Darij & Ana/Flickr Mueller and vow to hold emergency “Nobody Is Above
Snowflakes to assemble nationwide if the Law” rallies in all 50 states.
Robert Mueller is fired from Trump-
Russia investigations The Alt-Left group’s plan is as follows:

(INTELLIHUB) — The Alt-Left group is  If Mueller is fired BEFORE 2 P.M. local time —>
planning to roll out massive nationwide ‘rapid response,’ events will begin @ 5 P.M. local time
rallies, that “will begin hours after news breaks of a  If Mueller is fired AFTER 2 P.M. local time —> events
Mueller firing,” according to a new event post on the will begin @ noon local time the following day
group’s official website.

Gregg Jarrett: Hillary Clinton, James Comey, Huma
Abedin Should Be Very Worried Tonight (Video)
By Jim Hoft
Friday, December 15, 2017

FOX News attorney Gregg Jarrett, Investigative reporter Sean Hannity: Should Huma Abedin be
Sara Carter and Judicial Watch founder Tom Fitton all worried?
agreed tonight on Hannity that after the latest revelations
Gregg Jarrett: Yes.
Hillary Clinton, James Comey, Huma Abedin should be
worried about pending investigations. Sean Hannity: Cheryl Mills?
Greg Jarrett: Yes.
Sean Hannity: James Comey?
Gregg Jarrett: Yes.

Via Hannity:

Sean Hannity: How close do you think we

are now to getting to the truth and who’s in
trouble tonight?
Gregg Jarrett: Well, I think Congress is
going to start demanding the truth and
holding people in contempt of Congress if
they continue to defy… Clinton should be
very, very worried tonight.

FBI Edits To Clinton Exoneration
Go Far Beyond What Was Previously Known;
Comey, McCabe, Strzok Implicated
By Tyler Durden
Dec 15, 2017 9:30 AM

The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs decide which Clinton emails were destroyed before turning
Committee has discovered that edits made to former FBI over the remaining 30,000 records to the State Department.
Director James Comey's statement exonerating Hillary
Clinton for transmitting classified info over an unsecured, Of note, the FBI agreed to destroy
private email server went far beyond what was previously evidence on devices owned by Mills and
known, as detailed in a Thursday letter from committee Samuelson which were turned over in the
chairman Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) to FBI Director investigation.
Christopher Wray.

Heather Samuelson and Heather Mills

James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok Sen. Johnson's letter reads:
The letter reveals specific edits made by
senior FBI agents when Deputy Director According to documents produced by the
Andrew McCabe exchanged drafts of FBI, FBI employees exchanged proposed
Comey's statement with senior FBI edits to the draft statement.
officials, including Peter Strzok, Strzok's On May 6, Deputy Director McCabe
direct supervisor, E.W. "Bill" Priestap, forwarded the draft statement to other
Jonathan Moffa, and an unnamed senior FBI employees, including Peter
employee from the Office of General Strzok, E.W. Priestap, Jonathan Moffa,
Counsel (identified by Newsweek as DOJ and an employee on the Office of
Deputy General Counsel Trisha Anderson) General Counsel whose name has been
- in what was a coordinated conspiracy redacted. While the precise dates of the
among top FBI brass to decriminalize edits and identities of the editors are not
Clinton's conduct by changing legal terms apparent from the documents, the edits
and phrases, omitting key information, and appear to change the tone and
minimizing the role of the Intelligence substance of Director Comey's
Community in the email investigation. statement in at least three respects.
Doing so virtually assured that then-
candidate Hillary Clinton would not be
It was already known that Strzok - who was demoted to the
FBI's HR department after anti-Trump text messages to his
mistress were uncovered by an internal FBI watchdog -
Also mentioned in the letter are the immunity agreements was responsible for downgrading the language regarding
granted by the FBI in June 2016 to top Obama advisor Clinton's conduct from the criminal charge of "gross
Cheryl Mills and aide Heather Samuelson - who helped negligence" to "extremely careless."

"Gross negligence" is a legal term of art in criminal law understand what indications there might be
often associated with recklessness. According to Black's of compromise by hostile actors in
Law Dictionary, gross negligence is connection with the private email
“A severe degree of negligence taken as
reckless disregard," and "Blatant The edited version removed the references to the
indifference to one's legal duty, other's intelligence community:
safety, or their rights.” "Extremely
careless," on the other hand, is not a legal [W]e have done extensive work
term of art. [removed] to understand what indications
there might be of compromise by hostile
According to an Attorney briefed on the matter, actors in connection with the personal e-
"extremely careless" is in fact a defense to "gross mail operation.
Furthermore, the FBI edited Comey's
statement to downgrade the probability
"What my client did was 'careless', maybe that Clinton's server was hacked by
even 'extremely careless,' but it was not hostile actors, changing their language
'gross negligence' your honor." The FBI from "reasonably likely" to "possible"
would have no option but to recommend
prosecution if the phrase "gross - an edit which eliminated yet another justification for the
negligence" had been left in. phrase "Gross negligence." To put it another way,
"reasonably likely" means the probability of a hack due to
18 U.S. Code § 793 "Gathering, transmitting or losing Clinton's negligence is above 50 percent, whereas the hack
defense information" specifically uses the phrase "gross simply being "possible" is any probability above zero.
negligence." Had Comey used the phrase, he would have
essentially declared that Hillary had broken the law.

18 U.S. Code § 793

It's also possible that the FBI, which was not allowed to
In addition to Strzok's "gross negligence" --> "extremely inspect the DNC servers, was uncomfortable standing
careless" edit, McCabe's damage control team removed a behind the conclusion of Russian hacking reached by
key justification for elevating Clinton's actions to the cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike.
standard of "gross negligence" - that being the "sheer
volume" of classified material on Clinton's server. In the The original draft read:
original draft, the "sheer volume" of material "supports an
inference that the participants were grossly negligent in
Given the combination of factors, we
their handling of that information."
assess it is reasonably likely that hostile
Also removed from Comey's statement actors gained access to Secretary Clinton's
were all references to the Intelligence private email account."
Community's involvement in
investigating Clinton's private email The edited version from Director Comey's July 5 statement
server. read:

Director Comey's original statement acknowledged the Given that combination of factors, we
FBI had worked with its partners in the Intelligence assess it is possible that hostile actors
Community to assess potential damage from Secretary gained access to Secretary Clinton's
Clinton's use of a private email server. The original personal e-mail account.
statement read:
Johnson's letter also questions an "insurance policy"
[W]e have done extensive work with the referenced in a text message sent by demoted FBI
assistance of our colleagues elsewhere investigator Peter Strzok to his mistress, FBI attorney Lisa
in the Intelligence Community to Page, which read
"I want to believe the path you threw out in Special Counsel Mueller's
to consideration in Andy's office -- that investigation of President Trump."
there's no way he gets elected -- but I'm
afraid we can't take that risk." It's like an Johnson then asks the FBI to answer six questions:
insurance policy in the unlikely event
you die before you're 40...."
1. Please provide the names of the Department of
Justice (DOJ) employees who comprised the "mid-
One wonders if the "insurance policy" Strzok sent to Page year review team" during the FBI's investigation of
on August 15, 2016 was in reference to the original Secretary Clinton's use of a private email server.
counterintelligence operation launched against Trump of 2. Please identify all FBI, DOJ, or other federal
which Strzok became the lead investigator in "late July" employees who edited or reviewed Director
2016? Of note, Strzok reported directly to Bill Priestap - Comey's July 5, 2016 statement. Please identify
the director of Counterintelligence, who told James which individual made the marked changes in the
Comey not to inform congress that the FBI had launched a documents produced to the Committee.
counterintelligence operation against then-candidate 3. Please identify which FBI employee repeatedly
Trump, per Comey's March 20th testimony to the House changed the language in the final draft statement
Intelligence Committee. (h/t @TheLastRefuge2) that described Secretary Clinton's behavior as
"grossly negligent" to "extremely careless." What
evidence supported these changes?
4. Please identify which FBI employee edited the draft
statement to remove the reference to the
Intelligence Community. On what basis was this
change made?
5. Please identify which FBI employee edited the draft
statement to downgrade the FBI's assessment that
it was "reasonably likely" that hostile actors had
gained access to Secretary Clinton's private email
account to merely that than [sic] intrusion was
Transcript, James Comey Testimony to House Intel "possible." What evidence supported these changes?
Committee, March 20, 2016 6. Please provide unredacted copies of the drafts of
Director Comey's statement, including comment
The letter from the Senate Committee concludes; "the edits bubbles, and explain the basis for the redactions
to Director Comey's public statement, made months prior produced to date.
to the conclusion of the FBI's investigation of Secretary
Clinton's conduct, We are increasingly faced with the fact that the FBI's top
ranks have been filled with political ideologues who
had a significant impact on the FBI's helped Hillary Clinton while pursuing the Russian
public evaluation of the implications of influence narrative against Trump (perhaps as the
her actions. This effort, seen in the light "insurance" Strzok spoke of). Meanwhile, "hands off"
of the personal animus toward then- recused Attorney General Jeff Sessions and assistant
candidate Trump by senior FBI agents Attorney General Rod Rosenstein don't seem very excited
leading the Clinton investigation and to explore the issues with a second Special Counsel. As
their apparent desire to create an such, we are now almost entirely reliant on the various
"insurance policy" against Mr. Trump's Committees of congress to pursue justice in this matter.
election, raise profound questions Perhaps when their investigations have concluded,
about the FBI's role and possible President Trump will feel he has the political and legal
interference in the 2016y presidential ammunition to truly clean house at the nation's swampiest
election and the role of the same agents agencies.

Crooked Cop Mueller Requests Emails From Trump
Campaign Data Firm In Continued Witch Hunt
By Jim Hoft
Friday, December 15, 2017

The Hill reported:

The witch hunt continues.
Special counsel Robert Mueller’s office has
Dirty Cop Robert Mueller requested reportedly requested information from
emails from Cambridge Analytics, the Cambridge Analytica, the data firm utilized
firm used by the Trump Campaign by the Trump campaign during the 2016
during the 2016 election. presidential election.

Mueller has yet to interview Julian Assange – the person The Wall Street Journal reports that Mueller’s team has
who could end the witch hunt against President Trump. requested all emails from employees at the firm who
worked with the campaign.
Assange and Wikileaks know who gave them John Podesta
and Hillary Clinton’s emails. But Mueller won’t speak The request, which wasn’t previously known, was
with Assange. voluntary, as was another request the firm complied with
from the House Intelligence Committee, the newspaper
Instead, Mueller is charging Trump
officials with unrelated crimes and
continuing this bogus investigation on Cambridge Analytica CEO Alexander Nix also
the Trump Administration. interviewed with the House Intelligence Committee over
video call this week, according to the report.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions is still hiding under his
desk. Nix was reported earlier this year to have been in contact
with top Trump donor Rebekah Mercer about better
organizing emails being released by WikiLeaks.

WikiLeaks chief Julian Assange tweeted that he could

confirm that he was contacted by Nix prior to November
2016, and that Nix’s request was declined.

Nobody Is Above The Law—
Mueller Firing Rapid Response
December 15, 2017
applies to all of us, and it's essential that it also applies to
the most powerful people in our country.

Donald Trump is publicly considering firing special

counsel Robert Mueller, the person leading the
Department of Justice investigation of possible illegal
actions by Donald Trump and members of his presidential
campaign, and the efforts to conceal those activities.

This would be a constitutional crisis for our country. It

would demand an immediate and unequivocal response to
show that we will not tolerate abuse of power from Donald
Trump. All Events
Our response in the minutes and hours following a
AK: Anchorage, Juneau
power grab will dictate what happens next, and whether
Congress—the only body with the constitutional power
and obligation to rein Trump in from his rampage—will do AL: Birmingham, Huntsville, Tuscaloosa
anything to stand up to him.
AR: Bentonville and Fayetteville, Fort Smith, Little Rock
That's why we're preparing to hold emergency "Nobody
is Above the Law" rallies around the country in the event AZ: Flagstaff, Payson, Phoenix, Show Low, Tucson
they are needed.
CA: Arcata, Berkeley, El Cerrito, Escondido, Fort Bragg,
Use the map or search below by ZIP code to find an Fresno, Healdsburg, Huntington Beach, Lake Arrowhead,
event near you, or create one if none exists. Lakeport, Long Beach, Los Altos, Los Angeles, Mill Valley,
Novato, Oakland, Palo Alto, Portola Valley, Ramona,
Rallies will begin hours after news breaks of a Mueller Redlands, Sacramento, San Diego, San Francisco, San
firing: Jose, San Luis Obispo, San Mateo, San Rafael, San
Ramon, Santa Ana, Santa Barbara, Santa Clara, Santa
Clarita, Santa Cruz, Santa Rosa, Sherman Oaks, Sonoma,
 If Mueller is fired BEFORE 2 P.M. local time —> Torrance, Truckee, Ukiah, Ventura, Walnut Creek
events will begin @ 5 P.M. local time
 If Mueller is fired AFTER 2 P.M. local time —> events
CO: Boulder, Colorado Springs, Denver, Durango, Fort
will begin @ noon local time the following day
Collins, Grand Junction, Gunnison, Lakewood, Longmont,
o This is the general plan—please confirm
details on your event page, as individual
hosts may tailor their events to their local
plan. CT: Greenwich, Hartford, New Haven, New London,
Norwalk, Willimantic, CT
This is our moment to stand up to protect our democracy.
Let's mobilize to show that we won't let Donald Trump DC: Washington, Washington, DC
become the authoritarian that he aspires to be. The law
DE: Newark
FL: Daytona Beach, Doral, Fort Lauderdale, Fort Walton NC: Asheville, Black Mountain, Brevard, Charlotte, Concord,
Beach, Gainesville, Jacksonville, Key Largo, Key West, Durham, Fayetteville, Greensboro, Greenville, Pittsboro,
Leesburg, Melbourne, Orlando, Palm Coast, Palm Harbor, Raleigh
Pembroke Pines, Pensacola, Port Richey, Punta Gorda,
Saint Petersburg, Sarasota, St. Augustine, Stuart, NE: Alliance, Chadron, Grand Island, Hastings, Holdrege,
Tallahassee, Tampa, West Palm Beach, Winter Haven Kearney, Lincoln, McCook, Norfolk, North Platte, O'Neill,
Omaha, Peru, Scottsbluff, Wayne
GA: Athens, Atlanta, Columbus, Savannah
NH: Hanover, Littleton, Manchester, Portsmouth, Wilton
HI: Hilo, Honolulu, Kahului, Lihue
NJ: Cherry Hill, Fair Lawn, Marlton, Mays Landing,
IA: Ames, Cedar Rapids, Davenport, Des Moines, Iowa City, Morristown, Red Bank, Toms River, Trenton, Westfield
West Des Moines
NM: Albuquerque, Las Cruces, Santa Fe, Truth or
ID: Boise, Idaho Falls, Sandpoint Consequences

IL: Aurora, Champaign, Chicago, Dixon, Evanston, NV: Carson City, Las Vegas, Reno
Galesburg, Glenview, Libertyville, Maryville, Naperville,
Rockford, Springfield, West Chicago NY: Albany, Batavia, Beacon, Binghamton, Buffalo,
Canandaigua, Canton, Cobleskill, Glens Falls, Ithaca,
IN: Bloomington, Columbus, Evansville, Indianapolis, Jamestown, Kinderhook, New City, New Hartford, New
Lafayette, Muncie, South Bend, Terre Haute York, Oneonta, Patchogue, Peekskill, Rochester, Syracuse,
White Plains, Williamsville
KS: Manhattan, Wichita
OH: Akron, Athens, Chillicothe, Cincinnati, Cleveland,
KY: Bowling Green, Covington, Danville, Hopkinsville, Columbus, Dayton, Norwalk, Oberlin, Toledo, Westerville
Lexington, Louisville, Morehead, Paducah
OK: Norman, Oklahoma City
LA: Baton Rouge, New Orleans
OR: Albany, Astoria, Bend, Eugene, Grants Pass, Klamath
MA: Boston, Gloucester, Greenfield, Haverhill, Lowell, Falls, McMinnville, Portland, Salem
Northampton, Pittsfield, Rockport, Salem, Springfield,
Worcester PA: Bloomsburg, Carlisle, Hershey, Hollidaysburg, Indiana,
Langhorne, Lewisburg, Milford, Mt Lebanon, Norristown,
MD: Baltimore, Bel Air, Catonsville, Cumberland, Salisbury, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Reading, Selinsgrove, Springfield,
Silver Spring West Chester, Williamsport, York, state College

ME: Augusta, Bangor, Bar Harbor, Belfast, Biddeford, PR: Mayaguez

Brunswick, Eastport, Houlton, KITTERY, Lewiston, Machias,
Newcastle, Portland, Rockland RI: Providence

MI: Ann Arbor, Detroit, East Lansing, Ferndale, Grand SC: Beaufort, Columbia, Greenville, Mount Pleasant, Myrtle
Rapids, Jackson, Kalamazoo, Marquette, Traverse City Beach, Rock Hill

MN: Burnsville, Duluth, Eden Prairie, Minneapolis, SD: Rapid City, Sioux Falls
Northfield, Rochester, Saint Paul, Saint Peter, Wadena,
Winona TN: Cookeville, Crossville, Greeneville, Jackson, Knoxville,
Memphis, Murfreesboro, Nashville
MO: Jefferson City, Kansas City, Saint Louis, Springfield
TX: Austin, Dallas, Denton, El Paso, Fort Worth, Hereford,
MS: Hattiesburg, Starkville, Tupelo Houston, Kerrville, Lufkin, Nacogdoches, San Antonio,
MT: Billings, Bozeman, Helena, Missoula, Polson
UT: Salt Lake City

VA: Charlottesville, Glen Allen, Harrisonburg, Norfolk, WI: Appleton, Fond du Lac, Kenosha, La Crosse, Madison,
Richmond, Roanoke, Sterling, Tappahannock, Winchester Milwaukee, Rhinelander, Superior

VT: Burlington, Montpelier, Springfield WV: Huntington, Parkersburg

WA: Bainbridge Island, Bellingham, Issaquah, Langley, WY: Cheyenne, Pinedale

Lynnwood, Mount Vernon, Olympia, Port Angeles, Port
Townsend, Richland, Seattle, Spokane, Tacoma, Vancouver

Adam Schiff, Unchallenged On CNN:
Where Are The Anti-Hillary Texts?
By Tom Blumer
December 15, 2017 6:55 AM EST

What was the impact of the Justice

Department releasing those text

SCHIFF: From my point of view, it violates the very

injunction fact that Rod Rosenstein took such issue with,
with James Comey.

He’s revealing internal department of

justice materials during the pendency of
an investigation and providing them to
the press. What is the explanation for
that? [1]
In a Thursday interview with Wolf Blitzer, frequent CNN
guest and Democratic Congressman Adam Schiff (Calif.)
There’s no real good explanation for that except a self-
inanely wondered why only anti-Donald Trump texts and
serving one from the department. And I also think that
no anti-Hillary Clinton texts from Robert Mueller's
when you look at the context of the allegations that the
partisan Democrat-dominated investigative team have been
DoJ Inspector General is investigating, they were very
presented to Congress.
selective in what they released.
Naturally, Schiff engaged in this pathetic misdirection on
There were multiple reports last year
CNN, where he was confident he wouldn't be challenged
that the FBI was heavily predisposed
— and he wasn't.
against Hillary Clinton and in favor of
Donald Trump. [2] If there are text
The California congressman also attempted to draw a false messages that run in the other
equivalence between reports that FBI agents were outraged direction, why have they not also been
before the presidential election at the free-pass treatment released? [3]
Mrs. Clinton received for her e-mail scandal and the
Trump-antagonistic attitudes recently exposed among
Why only this selective release? That’s the problem with
members of the Bureau's top management and Mueller's
doing it this way. And —

Additionally, in the interview clip which follows, readers

will see Schiff essentially criticizing FBI and DOJ
leadership for cooperating with Congress — as if the
Bureau is somehow above Congress's constitutionally
mandated oversight function:

Transcript (bolds are mine throughout this post):

BLITZER: Let’s get back to the deputy attorney general

rod Rosenstein, faced a lot of questions about these text
messages, controversial text messages, that were sent
between two FBI officials. One — First of all, you raised
BLITZER: Because the ones that have
this earlier but I want you to elaborate.
been released that are very anti-Trump.

SCHIFF: “The ones released are — to the degree they bear interviewed her and several others involved, and Trump-
at all, as far as I can tell, are anti-Trump. Does that mean hating FBI agent Peter Strzok helped him water down the
they are not investigating the same allegation running in related document's language to ensure that Mrs. Clinton
the opposite direction? Does that mean that they have been would not be publicly accused of having committed a
selective in what they’re releasing to the public? crime.

I think what this does mean, Wolf, is the Contuining on with the notes:
Deputy Attorney General and the
Justice Department are feeling the [3] — How naive does Schiff think we are?
pressure, and they cannot allow We already knew that the Mueller team is
themselves to be bullied this way. [4] overloaded with campaign contribution-
giving Democrats. Thanks to the texts, we
They allow themselves to be bullied by lifting the gag rule know that two team members were so
on this witness at the White House urging, that was a intensely and blindly partisan that they
mistake. That violated policy, also. couldn't abide the idea that Donald Trump
might become President.
This is the second demonstration of the [4] — Translation: "You guys are on the
department of justice, I think, violating front lines of the Resistance. You need to
their own best practices because of strengthen your resistance."
pressure. [5]
[5] — If anything, FBI and DOJ haven't
been subjected to enough pressure. Exhibit
And it doesn’t lend itself to a neat ending if it they
A is their repeated refusal, effectively
continue down this path. behaving like they are above the
law" for over two years, to respond to
Here's a few things to consider: congressional and even judicial requests
for information and even subpoenas.
[1] — Schiff "pendency" argument is bogus.
Based on what is known about them, the As seen in his statement in the middle of the transcript
texts reveal nothing specific about matters above, CNN's Wolf Blitzer either didn't know or chose to
directly germane to the Mueller team's be willfully ignorant of the partisan Democrat bias that
investigation, only attitudes that are so some have argued has enveloped Mueller's team. He also
hostile towards Trump, their primary failed to challenge Schiff when he falsely implied that FBI
target, they would lead any reasonable resistance to Mrs. Clinton's kid-glove treatment originated
person to believe that they are unable to in the Bureau's top management.
conduct an impartial investigation.
[2] — All that was revealed last year before Viewers who can stand it can go to 23-minute mark of the
the presidential election was that FBI video of the related full hour of Blitzer's The Situation
agents on the ground were appalled at the Room and see that the host failed to follow up on Schiff's
free pass Hillary Clinton received, and that, false equivalence, instead moving on to a discussion of
in an usual move, those involved in the who will be involved in planned interviews of specific
Clinton probe were placed under an witnesses.
investigation-specific gag order.
Despite engaging in his usual dodgy performance, Schiff
Based on this piece, some FBI agents believed that the betrayed a demeanor that was clearly not quite
investigation's conclusions were cooked from the the practiced calm we've been used to seeing since he's
beginning, and that the Bureau's top management and the become the designated Democratic Party defender of the
Department of Justice did the cooking. Mueller probe and the Russia-stole-the-election-for-Trump
narrative. That's because it appears that despite their best
At the end of the day, their concerns aren't without merit. efforts, Democrats and their media enablers may be losing
James Comey had his conclusion that Mrs. Clinton should control of that narrative.
not be charged with a crime written "months" before he

PREDICTION: Rep. Gowdy Believes
Deputy Director McCabe Will Be FIRED In A Week
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On December 15, 2017

“I’ll be a little bit surprised if he is still an A text exchange in August 2016 between FBI agent Peter
employee of the FBI this time next week” Strzok and FBI lawyer Lisa Page, who were romantically
involved with each other, appears to implicate McCabe in
a plot to prevent then-GOP nominee Donald J. Trump
from becoming president.

Sources told Fox News reporter Chad Pergram that they

though McCabe canceled over fears he would be asked
about recently-demoted Justice Department official Bruce
Ohr’s wife, who worked for Democratic opposition
research firm Fusion GPS last year during the presidential

(National Sentinel) Draining the Swamp: Rep. Trey

Fusion is responsible for the creation of the now-
Gowdy made a prediction Thursday evening that FBI
discredited “Trump dossier” which alleged Trump
Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, who has recently been
campaign ties to Russian government officials.
swept up in controversy, will be out of a job by next week.
“FBI’s McCabe was expected to appear
During an appearance on Fox News, the South Carolina
before Hse to Intel Cmte Tues. Now told
Republican said he believes McCabe will be fired before
he’s not coming. Expect subpoenas to
his scheduled appearance before a House committee next
compel McCabe to appear this wk. Source:
“McCabe has an Ohr problem,” tweeted
“I’ll be a little bit surprised if he is still an
employee of the FBI this time next week,”
Gowdy told Fox News when asked his
thoughts on McCabe’s upcoming hearing.

McCabe’s appearance was rescheduled for Dec. 19.

“We have a commitment, again, that

McCabe is going to show up next Tuesday
[Dec. 19] at 2:00,” Rep. Devin Nunes told
Fox News.

McCabe abruptly canceled a scheduled appearance before “[S]o we will be following up with letters …
the House Intelligence Committee earlier this week. if none of that is followed up with, then we
will move forward with contempt and we
will issue additional subpoenas,”
added Nunes.
Trump Says He's Not Ready To Talk About Pardoning
Mike Flynn 'Yet' And Roy Moore Should Throw In The
Towel In Alabama Senate Race As He Attacks
'Rigged System' That Cleared Hillary
 Trump Hinted That He Might Issue A Presidential Pardon To Mike Flynn
 Flynn Pleaded Guilty To Lying To The FBI About His Contacts With Russia's Ambassador
 President Also Said Alabama Republican U.S. Senate Candidate Roy Moore Should Admit
He Lost Tuesday's Election
By David Martosko, Us Political Editor For Dailymail.Com
Published: 10:16 EST, 15 December 2017 | Updated: 11:22 EST, 15 December 2017

Donald Trump said Friday that he's not ready 'yet' to talk
about a possible presidential pardon for former National Flynn pleaded guilty last month to a charge of lying to the
Security Advisor Michael Flynn. FBI about his pre-Inauguration contacts with Russia's
ambassador to the U.S.
And he told reporters that Alabama Republican U.S.
Senate candidate Roy Moore should admit he lost
Tuesday's election.

Flynn pleaded guilty last month to a charge of lying to the

FBI about his pre-Inauguration contacts with Russia's
ambassador to the U.S. the U.S.

'I don't want to talk about pardons with

Michael Flynn yet. We'll see what
happens,' the president said as he left the
White House for a speech to FBI agents in
Donald Trump said Friday that he's not ready 'yet' to talk
about a possible presidential pardon for former National 'When you look at what’s going on with the
Security Advisor Michael Flynn FBI and the Justice Department, people
are very, very angry,' he added.

Trump also threw a jab at the Justice Department for

clearing Hillary Clinton in the case of her mishandling of
classified information on a private email server.

That declaration came in the context of a question about

whether his campaign colluded with Russia to tilt the 2016
election in his favor.

'They found tremendous things on the

other side,' he said. 'When you look at the
Hillary Clinton investigation, it was – I've Trump also said Moore should throw in the towel instead
been saying for a long time – that was a of contesting his loss in a recount.
rigged system, folks. That was a rigged
system. 'I think he should. He tried,' he said.
'When you look at what they did with 'I want to support – always I want to
respect to the Hillary Clinton investigation, support the person running. We need the
it was rigged. And there's never been seat.'
anything like it in this country that we've
ever found before. It's very, very sad. Very, But Moore, he said, should admit he lost and move on.
very sad.'
'As Roy Moore, yeah, it's certainly – I would
certainly say he should.

The embattled former judge was knocked off his perch by

Democrat Doug Jones in a stunning upset.

Alabama is a deep-red state that hadn't elected a Democrat

to the U.S. Senate in a generation.

Trump said Moore should throw in the towel instead of

contesting his loss in a recount:

'I think he should. He tried'

Anti-Trump Texts Put Fbi Deputy Director
McCabe Under Spotlight: What Part Did He Play?
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On December 15, 2017

“This is just one of several new revelations

that have cast doubt on the FBI’s integrity
“What deep down scares me, if this actually
and objectivity,” Fox News reported.
happened the FBI had a concerted effort
with the people at the top to go after one
party’s nominee” Newly released documents obtained by the network also
reveal that then-FBI Director James Comey’s draft
statement on the Hillary Clinton email probe was edited
numerous times in ways that seemed to water down the
bureau’s findings.

A growing number of Republicans are not only convinced

that the FBI played a highly politicized role in last year’s
presidential election on behalf of Democratic nominee
Hillary Clinton, but that the bureau and Obama’s
Department of Justice also worked to actively undermine
(National Sentinel) Scandal: Republicans in Congress a the campaign of a political rival.
focusing on an anti-Trump text message exchanged
between FBI agent Peter Strzok and FBI lawyer Lisa Page On Wednesday during an appearance on Fox Business‘
that seems to implicate current FBI Deputy Director Lou Dobbs program, Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, stated he
Andrew McCabe in an “insurance policy” aimed at believes that Congress has “proof” the FBI worked against
keeping Donald J. Trump out of office. the Republican Party in undermining Trump.

As reported by Fox News, the text message was revealed “Listen you can’t make this stuff up. It gets
on Tuesday after the Justice Department released hundreds worse each and every day,” Jordan told
of messages between Strzok and Page, who were having Dobbs.
an extramarital affair.
“What deep down scares me, if this actually
happened the FBI had a concerted effort
“I want to believe the path you threw out for with the people at the top to go after one
consideration in Andy’s office — that party’s nominee to help the other party’s
there’s no way he [Trump] gets elected — nominee,” he continued.
but I’m afraid we can’t take that risk,”
Strzok texted on Aug. 15, 2016. “If that actually happened in the United
States of America and everything each and
“It’s like an insurance policy in the unlikely every day points to more and more likely
event you die before you’re 40.” that that is what took place, it is sad for our
country if that took place.
Some lawmakers are convinced that “Andy” refers to
“And I think it did based on everything I am
McCabe, and want to know more from him about his
seeing. All the evidence points to that,” he
communications with Page and Strzok.

MSNBC’s Stephanie Ruhle:
It ‘Isn’t An Opinion’ To Say That Trump Is A ‘Bully’
By Scott Whitlock
December 15, 2017 12:01 PM EST

Okay, but the demagogue isn't living in the

castle alone. He is surrounded by senior
advisers. And take Kellyanne Conway and
Sarah Huckabee Sanders who have made
it clear Sean Spicer-style they're there at
the pleasure to serve, to please the
President. But to the generals who are
around him, to the cabinet members, do
they not see that and want to hide under
the covers? Just saying, "Please, Mr.
President, we're on the eve of getting
massive tax reform through." In their eyes,
a huge win. And he muddied the water by
It’s hard to notice, given all the other vitriol on the cable giving that red meat to the media where he
network, but MSNBC’s 9am hour has morphed into one of spouted nonsense.
the liberal network’s most biased. On Friday, an agitated
Stephanie Ruhle flat-out declared that it “isn’t an opinion”
to say Donald Trump is a “bully.” Apparently, it’s just a As for Trump being a "bully," MSNBC journalists weren’t
fact. exactly concerned when Barack Obama intimidated and
investigated a journalist who just happened to work for
Fox News. Or when the Democrat declared he should get
Reacting to Trump preparing to speak to the FBI, Ruhle his way simply because he won an election.
A partial transcript is below:
“ President Trump, and I'm not speaking —
this isn't an opinion. If you look at his
pattern, he has a pattern of bully


Later, MSNBC analyst Tim O’Brien declared, PETER ALEXANDER: What was striking to me is how everybody
is to blame except for the president here, right, the Democrats
“He's a demagogue. This is classic are to blame for their failure to help on children's issues as he
demagoguery.” insisted there today. The FBI has been problematic and corrupt
and has been after him for months and more. Only Vladimir Putin
Ruhle quickly agreed, decrying: has been looking at it and saying nice things about the U.S. That
was sort of striking in this moment as we heard from the
President right now. What is notable, as we hear from him within
the next hour or so as he goes to speak before some of these TIM O’BRIEN (MSNBC contributor): You know why he does it,
graduates at this FBI National Academy is how he will address right? He's a demagogue. This is classic demagoguery. He is
them when he speaks before that group. It's one thing to say it to trying to convince people watching him on TV that he's the only
us when you're not speaking to the people that you're attacking. one who should be believed. And anyone who's a critic of the
What do you say when you're speaking to that community that's President, whether they're in law enforcement or the media or in
under attack? We look forward to hearing that. Obviously he's Congress, shouldn't be believed. De facto.
gone after all these different groups. Often times not afraid to say
it to their face. What does he say on camera? We’ll be RUHLE: Okay, but the demagogue isn't living in the castle alone.
watching. He is surrounded by senior advisers and take Kellyanne Conway
and Sarah Huckabee Sanders who have made it clear Sean
STEPHANIE RUHLE: I mean, Peter, you know the answer. Spicer-style they're there at the pleasure to serve, to please the
President Trump, and I'm not speaking –- this isn't an opinion, if President. But to the generals who are around him, to the cabinet
you look at his pattern, he has a pattern of bully behavior. What members, do they not see that and want to hide under the
he says when they're not in the room. He goes after them super covers? Just saying, “Please, Mr. President, we're on the eve of
hard. And then when he walks in, it’s hugs and kisses. getting massive tax reform through.” In their eyes, a huge win.
And he muddied the water by giving that red meat to the media
... where he spouted nonsense.

Trump Opens Up 80,000
White-Collar Jobs To Americans
By Neil Munro
15 Dec 2017

— Todd Schulte (@TheToddSchulte)

December 15, 2017
This policy rollback makes zero actual
sense. It is only justified by the belief that
its best to make life hard for immigrants so
they leave. Just awful.
— Todd Schulte (@TheToddSchulte)
December 15, 2017

The group was created by investors to raise the

supply — and thus, lower the costs — of white-collar labor
The administration’s decision to reverse for the information technology industry. The investors
President Barack Obama’s expansion of include Bill Gates.
the H-1B program has been met with
criticism by advocates for cheap foreign The Wall Street Journal reported:
white-collar labor.
The spouses of highly skilled foreign
workers would no longer be able to work
The pro-American decision by President Donald Trump’s legally in the U.S. under a regulatory
deputies will launch a lengthy regulatory process which change proposed by the Trump
will open up roughly 80,000 jobs to Americans graduates administration on Thursday …
over the next two years.
“This announcement places into jeopardy
In 2015, Obama’s deputies began awarding H4 work thousands of hardworking, contributing
permits to the spouses of H-1B guest-workers who manage individuals who have started their own
to get into the line for residency and green cards. The H4 businesses—and often have U.S. citizen
program did not have any approval from Congress but was children—who will needlessly be forced to
one part of Obama’s pro-immigration strategy. revert to a status of inactivity,” said Leon
Fresco, an immigration attorney who
worked for the Obama administration.
Most of the H4 recipients are Indians because the per-
country annual caps for green cards ensure that the many Finally me & Abinav have agreed on
Indians in line must wait for several years while jumping something. I have H4 & EAD permit to work
from the H-1B program to green cards. full time till Sept 2020, will concentrate on
PhD part time from Sept! Trying for a full
Todd Schulte, the director of Mark Zuckerberg’s time Lecturer job in New Jersey for next 3
lobbying group, Tweeted his opposition to the promised yrs! Let us see how it goes with PR in
change: #EB1 etc. :-)
— Nanditha Abinav (@AshonIndia)
Horrible decision to strip work authorization December 15, 2017
away from the spouses of high-skilled
immigrants on H1-Bs. Rougbly 200,000 The promised change was revealed in Donald Trump’s
people living in the US (~85% women) will report on planned regulatory changes.
be barred from contributing to the
The end of the H4 program will nudge down the annual The Washington-imposed economic policy of mass-
award of “Employment Authorization Document” work immigration floods the market with foreign labor, spikes
permits to roughly 2 million foreigners. In combination profits and Wall Street values by cutting salaries for
with Trump’s decision to close Obama’s DACA program, manual and skilled labor offered by blue-collar and white-
the 2018 number may drop down to 1.5 million. collar employees. It also drives up real estate
prices, widens wealth-gaps, reduces high-tech investment,
However, some observers criticize the increases state and local tax burdens, hurts kids’
move as too slow, and too limited. schools and college education, pushes Americans away
from high-tech careers, and sidelines at least 5 million
.@USCIS @ICEgov @DHSgov expected marginalized Americans and their families, including
to issue notice of H1B & OPTproposed many who are now struggling with opioid addictions.
rules n OCT 2018???@POTUS
@realDonaldTrump @ChuckGrassley
Another 1-1 1/2yrs (for notice, comments The cheap-labor policy has also reduced investment and
period &to finalize new rule) w no change n job creation in many interior states because the coastal
H1B or OPT. cities have a surplus of imported labor. For example,
almost 27 percent of zip codes in Missouri had fewer jobs
Just ridiculous. or businesses in 2015 than in 2000, according to a new
— M (@mavchicago) December 15, 2017 report by the Economic Innovation Group. In Kansas,
almost 29 percent of zip codes had fewer jobs and
businesses in 2015 compared to 2000, which was a two-
Four million Americans turn 18 each year and begin
decade period of massive cheap-labor immigration.
looking for good jobs in the free market.
Because of the successful cheap-labor strategy, wages for
But the federal government inflates the supply of new
men have remained flat since 1973, and a large percentage
labor by annually accepting 1 million new legal
of the nation’s annual income has shifted to investors and
immigrants, by providing work-permits to roughly 3
away from employees.
million resident foreigners, and by doing little to block the
employment of roughly 8 million illegal immigrants.

“Mainstream” Media Created “FAKE NEWS”
As A Way To Delegitimize And Dispose Of Trump
By JD Heyes
Friday, December 15, 2017

Within a day of that Nov. 24 report the Post the paper’s

editors were forced to issue a partial retraction (it should
have been a full retraction), admitting that its reliance on a
single document along with a couple of unsubstantiated
allegations does not a Russian scandal make.

And poof! Just like that, the same legacy media

complaining about so-called “fake news” became the first
to create it in the Trump era. (Related: FAKE NEWS
Media Censors Trump Ad That Accurately Describes
Media As Fake News.)

One phrase we in the media business have become very “The realization that this is how the
familiar with since Donald J. Trump dared to defeat the Washington Post pursues ‘journalism’ is a
political establishment’s chosen candidate in November disgrace to the entire profession of
2016, Hillary Clinton: Fake News. journalism and an admission that the
Washington Post has abandoned any
We’ve become familiar with it in the year that Trump has semblance of journalistic integrity,” wrote
been president not because the “establishment” media Natural News founder/editor Mike Adams,
never intentionally misreported the news, but because the the Health Ranger, at the time, decrying
term was created out of whole cloth by the same political the fact that our news organization was on
and media establishment stung by Trump’s election to the list of 200 sites.
“explain” to low-information voters how he ‘managed’ to
win. Since then the Post — along with CNN, ABC News, The
New York Times and other legacy media outlets — have
Fake news was a big part of that, we’re now told, and if published multiple fake news stories regarding the Trump
you recall shortly after the election, the spread of fake transition team and administration, generally in an attempt
news was a big Russian operation (until that lie morphed to continue trying to “prove” that the president colluded
into “Trump-Russia collusion” to “steal the election” from with Russia.
There’s no evidence of that — because it didn’t happen.
Shortly after Trump’s victory we began hearing Democrat- But that hasn’t stopped networks and newspapers from
leaning groups and politicians (and Hillary’s failed continuing to look for the “smoking gun” evidence.
campaign) blaming the big tech-media conglomerates like
Facebook and Google for spreading “fake news” about For example, just last week there was a pair of fake news
Hillary’s various scandals — even though most of the stories published by CNN and ABC News, both of which
reporting wasn’t fake, it was just harmful to her campaign attempted to prove the collusion angle:
(because reports were true).
— ABC’s Brian Ross reported that during
Then, the Washington Post became the first legacy media his campaign then-GOP nominee Donald J.
outlet to “officially” proclaim that ‘Russia-supplied fake Trump implored advisor Michael Flynn to
news’ was very likely responsible for Clinton’s loss. Citing make contact with Russian officials. Never
a bogus report from some obscure, never-before-heard-of happened that way. The president did
“group,” the Post claimed that Russian-based anti-Clinton indeed ask Flynn to make contact with
propaganda had been spread via hundreds of independent Russian officials and Flynn did so, but only
websites (including many within the Natural News after Trump became president-elect. And
Network). incoming administrations always reach out

to foreign governments during a transition, But rather than own up to the fact that its own reporter and
so they can hit the ground running. several “sources” aren’t even competent enough to read a
date on an email (or reach out to Don Jr. for a comment —
For this latest blunder, Ross was suspended for a month. standard journalistic practice), CNN’s White House
correspondent Jim Acosta tried defending the fake news in
a back-and-forth with Trump spokeswoman Sarah
— CNN reported that a Wikileaks
Huckabee Sanders on Monday.
representative reached out to Donald
Trump Jr. Sept. 4, 2016, to offer a trove of
emails and data belonging to the DNC and She shut him down because he was wrong and because
Clinton campaign that was ‘hacked by he’s a buffoon.
Russia.’ In reality, the rep reached out to
Don Jr. on Sept. 14, a day after Wikileaks Fake news exists now because the legacy media created it
published the entire trove online for all to — as a way to ensnare Trump.

Donald Trump Federal Judge Nominee Is Asked
Basic Legal Questions And Can’t Answer A Single One
Matthew Spencer Petersen Admits He Has Never Tried A Criminal
Or Civil Case Under Questioning From Senators
Tom Barnes
December 15, 2017

One of Donald Trump’s nominees to become a federal “I would probably not be able to give you a
judge has failed to answer a string of basic questions about good definition.”

Matthew Spencer Petersen admitted he was unfamiliar

with several common legal terms during questioning by
Republican Senator John Kennedy at a hearing earlier this

Mr. Petersen, a member of the Federal Election

Commission, had been selected by the President to become
a federal judge on the US District Court for the District of

However, he admitted during questioning that he had never

tried a criminal or civil trial.

Video of the hearing posted to Twitter by

Democratic Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, showed Mr.
Peterson failing to explain basic legal terms such as
“motion in limine” - a request filed by a party to a lawsuit
which asks the court for an order or ruling limiting or
preventing certain evidence from being presented by the
other side at the trial of the case. President Trump has already been forced to withdraw
another judicial nominee this week amid concerns over his
Mr. Petersen attempted to defend his poor knowledge of lack of experience.
terminology to senators.

He told the hearing:

“My background is not in litigation. I

understand the challenge ahead of me if I
were fortunate enough to become a district
court judge. I understand that the path that
many successful district court judges have
taken has been a different one than I have

Senator Kennedy responded:

“I have read your resume. Just for the

record, do you know what a motion in
limine is?

Mr. Peterson replied:

Brett Talley, who was being lined up for a lifetime Mr. Talley had been described by the American Bar
Alabama federal judgeship, had never tried a case and had Association as “not qualified” and drew criticism for
only been practicing law for three years. failing to disclose he was married to a White House lawyer
when asked about potential conflicts of interest.

Snotty Chris Cuomo Ignores Evidence,
Taunts GOP For Calling Out Bias In FBI Investigation
By Kristine Marsh
December 15, 2017 3:04 PM EST

conflict of interest that has infected the

Mueller investigation,” the Republican
lawmaker stated the facts.
Gaetz added,
“We just need the Justice Department to
step up and seize control. I don’t know
where the Attorney General and Rod
Rosenstein are in this but I think they need
to fire Mueller and cure us of these
Cuomo interjected to doubt the veracity of the Harvard
Republican Congressman Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida was poll, and outrageously denied the words he said just a few
grilled by the tirelessly snarky CNN anchor, Chris Cuomo, seconds before.
in a lengthy 13-minute- “interview” on Friday
morning's New Day. From the very beginning, Gaetz was “First, polls are not equal. I did say not
attacked, insulted, interrupted, and berated by Cuomo over exclusively Republican--” he huffed.
his “partisan” position calling for Mueller to be fired for “It's Harvard, Chris,” Gaetz quipped.
conflicts of interest on the Russia probe.
“What do you know that Rod Rosenstein
CNN started by playing a clip of Deputy Attorney General does not?” Cuomo shot back. “He's in
Rod Rosenstein being asked by House Republicans about charge of the situation. He knows the
the ethical implications of the Russia investigation being people better than you and he knows
conducted by “partisan Democrat” FBI agents. New Day what is going on better than you and
host Chris Cuomo snarked after the clip, you heard him there saying that's not
“So partisanship is certainly at play in my concern, we can handle it,” the CNN
that hearing.” host lectured.

“Again, this comes amid these growing Gaetz then explained to Cuomo what has been known for
calls, almost exclusively from weeks about the bias among certain FBI agents, as Cuomo
Republican lawmakers, saying this acted oblivious to the conflicts of interest:
probe is biased and he should be fired,” Well, Chris, all the American people can
Cuomo added before introducing his guest, see the text messages that were forced to
Republican Congressman Matt Gaetz, as be released because Devin Nunes was
“among that number” calling the probe’s about to subpoena them, but time and
neutrality into question. again, you don't only see the reflection of
Below Cuomo, the CNN chyron read, people’s political beliefs, you see Peter
“Republicans take aim at Mueller, claim Strzok, an essential FBI agent, that not
Russia probe ‘biased’” and yes “biased” only worked on the Hillary Clinton e-mail
was in scare quotes if you didn’t get the scandal, but also, he was drafted under the
picture already where CNN was going with Mueller probe, saying that he thinks Hillary
this segment from Cuomo’s loaded opener. Clinton should’ve won the election, 100
million to zero. He didn’t think there was a
Gaetz immediately pushed back on Cuomo’s rhetoric: single person who could reasonably vote
“I will say it's not just Republicans for Donald Trump, and then you see that
making these calls. Harvard University he calls himself the insurance policy for the
release a poll where more than half of country, that he has multiple ways he can
the American people believe there is a save the American people and he praises
his girlfriend's role in laying out a plan to
disrupt the president’s election back in answered that there may have been prosecutorial
August, and so, these aren’t just the miconduct, particularly when you had agents openly
expression of beliefs this is an action plan protecting Hillary Clinton’s investigation from the normal
to disrupt the presidency of Donald Trump-- procedures.
But Cuomo couldn’t stop with the dismissive attitude Once again, Cuomo boiled this down to Republican
towards Gaetz. grumbling.
“That’s your interpretation,” he slammed, "Do you remember that during the probe,
“An inspector general is a heck of a lot Hillary Clinton and her supporters were
more independent than you or any of making this same argument you are
the partisan,” he snarked. making right now, these people in the FBI
hate me, they are all coming up to Comey
“So why are you concerned beyond the
and they’re saying she’s dirty, she’s a liar,
politics of a probe that you don’t like?”
these Clintons always lie. I don’t
Cuomo asked the loaded question.
remember you being concerned, about
Cuomo erroneously claimed there was only person who their obvious political animus,” Cuomo
Republicans had a problem with, so Gaetz explained how grinned smugly at Gaetz.
it wasn’t just Strzok who was found to be heavily biased:
But Gaetz wouldn’t fall for that trap.“Chris,
Let's name another. Bruce Ohr, one of the top officials at there is actual evidence that Hillary
the Department of Justice. His wife, Nellie Ohr, was an Clinton got special treatment,” he
employee at Fusion GPS a company getting paid by the reiterated. “It's literally a reading of the e-
FBI and the DNC potentially to go and collude with mails from Andy McCabe saying ‘Hillary
Russians to pay Russians to dig up dirt on the president. Clinton is going to get special treatment.’
How about the fact that more than half of the people on the So again, these are not opinions on my
Mueller probe donated to either Obama or Clinton and part, they are the actual messages that
none of them donated to Trump. This is not just the case of people in the FBI were sending to one
one person. This is pervasive conflict of interest. It's as if another,” he slammed.
when Bob Mueller picked his team, he was fishing in the
After more examples of bias in the agency, Cuomo
Never Trump aquarium, Chris.
shrugged and said,
But Cuomo again acted as if Gaetz had not made any point
“You will find political opinions in
at all, continuing to hammer him for his conservative
everybody in government,” as if that’s
what this was about.
“Bob Mueller interviewed with the president
“This is not an opinion, it's action,
considering a position within the
Chris,” Gaetz argued,
administration. He has been a Republican
longer than you had even considered being offering more examples from the released texts. After
a Republican,” Cuomo quipped. “He is a pointing out that millions of dollars have been spent on
decorated war veteran who ran the FBI and this investigation that’s led to nowhere, Cuomo again tried
who everybody in your party said was an to put the congressman in his place, by saying that time
excellent choice. What has changed and money shouldn’t matter.
since then other than your
“I’m saying, if you’ve been around them, if
disenchantment with the direction of
you’ve monitored them, the idea that this
this probe?” Cuomo asked
investigation is taking too long is absurd.
Gaetz explained that Republicans have been trying to get a They always take a long time,” he taunted.
special counsel to investigate the bias of the probe for over
“This is very intricate stuff that they’re
four months now.
looking at and they’re not doing it with a
“So it’s not as if these are new revelations,” lot of help from you guys. You’re caught
he added. up in the political mishegas of it,” the
CNN host lectured again.
Cuomo questioned why there would be a need for a special
counsel when they only investigate crimes. Gaetz

President Trump: Economy
Will 'Start to Rock' After Tax Plan
By Jonathan Lemire and Stephen Ohlemacher / AP
December 16, 2017

No stranger to hyperbole, Trump also predicted the

legislation would cause the economy to soar beyond its
current 3 percent rate of growth.

“I think we could go to 4, 5 or even 6

percent, ultimately,” the president said. “We
are back. We are really going to start to

Many economists believe that attaining consistent 4 or 5

percent annual growth would be challenging. The nation
(WASHINGTON) — Closing in on the first major
last topped 5 percent growth in 1984.
legislative achievement of his term, President Donald
Trump on Saturday defended the Republican tax cut as a
good deal for the middle class while boldly suggesting it The Republican plan is the widest-ranging reshaping of the
could lead to explosive economic growth. tax code in three decades and is expected to add to the
nation’s $20 trillion debt. The tax cuts are projected to add
$1.46 trillion over a decade.
The legislation, which the GOP aims to muscle through
Congress next week, would lower taxes on the richest
Americans. Benefits for most other taxpayers would be Under the bill, today’s 35 percent rate on corporations
smaller, but Trump attempted to sell the bill as a would fall to 21 percent, the crown jewel of the measure
“Christmas present” for middle-class Americans in part for many Republicans. Trump and GOP leaders had set 20
because it would trigger job growth. percent as their goal but added a point to free money for
other tax cuts that won over wavering lawmakers in final

“This is happening. Tax reform under

Republican control of Washington is
happening,” House Speaker Paul Ryan of
Wisconsin told rank-and-file members in a
conference call Friday. “Most critics out
there didn’t think it could happen. … And
now we’re on the doorstep of something
truly historic.”

The bill would repeal an important part of President

“It’ll be fantastic for the middle-income Barack Obama’s Affordable Care Act — the requirement
people and for jobs, most of all,” Trump told that all Americans have health insurance or face a penalty
reporters on the White House lawn before — as the GOP looks to unravel a law it failed to repeal and
traveling to Camp David for the weekend. replace this past summer. It came together as Republicans
“And I will say that because of what we’ve cemented the needed support for the overhaul, securing
done with regulation and other things our endorsements from wavering senators.
economy is doing fantastically well, but it
has another big step to go and it can’t take Marco Rubio of Florida relented in his high-profile
that step unless we do the tax bill.” opposition after negotiators expanded the tax credit that
parents can claim for their children. He said he would vote
for the measure next week.

Sen. Bob Corker of Tennessee, the only Republican to vote local income, property and sales taxes would be capped at
against the Senate version earlier this month, made the $10,000. That’s especially important to residents of high-
surprise announcement that he would back the legislation. tax states such as New York, New Jersey and California.
Corker, the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Deductions for medical expenses that lawmakers once
Committee, has repeatedly warned that the nation’s considered eliminating would be retained.
growing debt is the most serious threat to national security.

“I realize this is a bet on our country’s

enterprising spirit, and that is a bet I am
willing to make,” Corker said.

The bill embodies a long-standing Republican philosophy

that a substantial tax break for businesses will trigger
economic growth and job creation for Americans in a
trickle-down economy. Skeptical Democrats are likely to
oppose the legislation unanimously.

“Under this bill, the working class, middle

class and upper middle class get skewered The bill would allow homeowners to deduct interest only
while the rich and wealthy corporations on the first $750,000 of a new mortgage, down from the
make out like bandits,” said Senate current limit of $1 million.
Minority Leader Chuck Schumer of New
York. “It is just the opposite of what People who inherit fortunes would get a big break. The bill
America needs, and Republicans will rue would double the exemption, meaning the estate tax would
the day they pass this.” apply only to the portion of an estate over $22 million for
married couples.
The bill would drop today’s 39.6 percent top rate on
individuals to 37 percent. The standard deduction — used Members of a House-Senate conference committee signed
by around two-thirds of households — would be nearly the final version of the legislation Friday, sending it to the
doubled, to $24,000 for married couples. two chambers for final passage next week.

The $1,000-per-child tax deduction would grow to $2,000, Republicans hold a slim 52-48 majority in the Senate, and
with up to $1,400 available in IRS refunds for families two ailing GOP senators missed votes this past week.
who owe little or no taxes. Parents would have to provide
children’s Social Security numbers to receive the child tax
John McCain of Arizona, who is 81, is at a Washington-
credit, a measure intended to deny the credit to people who
area military hospital being treated for the side effects of
are in the U.S. illegally.
brain cancer treatment, and 80-year-old Thad Cochran of
Mississippi had a non-melanoma lesion removed from his
Those who itemize would lose some deductions. The nose earlier this week. GOP leaders are hopeful they will
deduction that millions use in connection with state and be available next week.

'Nation' Writer On Russia 'Hacking':
'I’ve Never Seen Media Malpractice Like This'
By Tom Blumer
December 16, 2017 4:29 PM EST

different headline ("How Trump's Pursuit Of Putin Has

Left The U.S. Vulnerable To The Russian Threat")
from the online version ("Doubting The Intelligence,
Trump Pursues Putin And Leaves A Russian Threat
Unchecked"), has a subhead — "Hacking Democracy"
— which assumes facts Cohen contends are not in

The full video segment from the show is here. The first
excerpt which follows begins after Cohen was introduced,
and deals with that Washington Post item:

On Friday, Fox News's Tucker Carlson interviewed

Stephen F. Cohen, a contributing editor at The Nation.
Cohen sharply criticized coverage at the Washington Post
and the New York Times, and more generally stated that he
has "never seen media malpractice" like the establishment
press's year-long effort to breathe life into what he insists
has been a completely ginned-up claim that Russia tried to
influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

Given that it has leaned hard-left during its entire

existence, it might stun readers here to know that Cohen,
who is married to magazine editor Katrina vanden Heuvel,
strongly believes, based on what he claims is his own Transcript (bolds are mine throughout this post):
extensive research, that there is no evidence of Russian
U.S election influence. (Snip 1, from 0:28 to 1:47 of full segment)

Readers should keep in mind, as they view and digest TUCKER CARLSON: So I'm reading the Washington
Cohen's contentions, that they, if true, completely refute Post today, which is the Jeff Bezos publication. And right
the "fact-checkers" at Politifact, who have decided that on the front page, there's a piece about Russia.
"Russian election interference is a 'made-up story'" is
2017's "Lie of the Year."
And the subhead says here, "Hacking
Democracy," as if it is a known and
Politifact, which concedes that universally accepted fact that our
democracy was, quote, "hacked."
"It seems unlikely — though not impossible
— that Russia interference changed the Do we know that?
outcome of the election," contends that STEPHEN COHEN: We do not.
"one man" — President Donald Trump —
"keeps saying it didn’t even happen," It's been alleged. Originally it was said that 17 intelligence
strongly implying that Trump is all alone in agencies made that finding. Turned out it was a few people
his belief. That's wrong — and Cohen is on in a couple intelligence agencies.
Politifact's side of the aisle.
If you read on in the Washington Post story in the first
Carlson began by pointing to the print edition version of a paragraph, they go back to this claim that it's the consensus
Friday Washington Post story. The print story, which has a of intelligence agencies. So it's simply not true.
I have to say that in addition to being a professor, for a CARLSON: Yes, of course.
long time I was also a paid consultant of a major American
television network. I admire mainstream media. I learned a COHEN: You may not be old enough to remember, but I
lot. remember when the media, and particularly the liberal
media, was deeply suspicious of intelligence agency
But I have never seen media malpractice sources.
like this before in my life.
What that constitutes is essentially making allegations for
which there is no verified facts, information, or evidence, COHEN: And now we have a situation where they seem to be
and then basing your commentary on it. the Holy Writ. If they whisper it to you on the telephone, it's true,
and you print it.
So briefly put, it said that somehow Trump has been
compromised by Putin, the leader of Russia. (Snip 3, from 3:20 to 3:48)

Then, when Trump does diplomacy with CARLSON: ... Do we have and have you seen any evidence at
Putin, the New York Times literally calls all that the Russian government materially affected the
it "treason." I haven't seen anything like outcome of the 2016 election?
this before.
COHEN: I have heard you say repeatedly there is no
The next video below contains two snips. In the first, evidence. I've looked harder than you have. I've looked here
Cohen reacts to the press's heavy reliance on leaks in the in America, but I also have looked in Moscow. I mean, when I am
absence of substance, and notes the heavy irony in the left there, as people I know, and yes, I confess, I do know people
completely switching sides on the intelligence agencies' who are or have been Russian intelligence agents. I haven't
presumptive credibility. In the second, Carlson directly found anybody in Moscow who believes this story.
asks Cohen if he seen any evidence of Russian attempts to
influence the 2016 election: Cohen has been consistently critical of media conduct and the
Russian narrative for months. Headlines at a few of his recent
columns at The Nation include the following:

 December 12 — "Media Malpractice Is Criminalizing

Better Relations With Russia"
 November 27 — "Russia Is Not the ‘No. 1 Threat’—or
Even Among the Top 5"
 November 15 — "'Russiagate' Zealots (Mainly
Democrats) Have Become a Major Threat to US
National Security"

How utterly fascinating it is that a longtime leftist fellow traveler at

one of its furthest-left publications completely disputes the
Transcript: Washington Post's "Hacking Democracy" assumption, and
insists, in the face of Politifact's contention that there is "a
(Snip 2, from 2:12 to 2:35 of full segment) mountain of evidence" supporting Russia's alleged attempts to
influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election, that there is none..
COHEN: ... A leaker, by definition, has a political agenda. We'd
agree on that, right?

Last-Minute Real Estate Tax Break
In GOP Bill Will Benefit Trump
By Josh Keefe @Thejoshkeefe AND David Sirota
@Davidsirota AND Alex Kotch @Alexkotch

President Donald Trump has made tens of millions of amendment to eliminate the provision, which experts say
dollars of a specific kind of income that could be subjected would reduce the amount of money that Trump, Corker
to a last-minute tax break inserted into the Republicans’ and other wealthy lawmakers owe to the IRS on their real-
tax legislation released Friday, according to federal records estate-related pass-through income.
reviewed by International Business Times. The same is
true for Tennessee GOP Sen. Bob Corker — a commercial The revelations about the provision potentially enriching
real estate mogul who suddenly switched his vote to “yes” Trump, Corker and other Republican lawmakers drew a
on the tax bill after the provision was added to the swift rebuke from Democratic U.S. Sen. Chris Van
legislation. Previously, Corker was the only Republican to Hollen.
vote against the Senate version of the bill.
“Writing a tax bill that puts the very wealthy
Trump told a Missouri crowd on Nov. 29 that he would and special interests before working
personally take a hit from the GOP tax plan. “This is going families was bad enough – but to slip in a
to cost me a fortune, this thing, believe me...I have some last minute provision that could give even
very wealthy friends. Not so happy with me, but that’s more of a windfall to people like President
OK," Trump said. But a variety of experts have concluded Trump and some Republicans in Congress
that the tax bill overwhelmingly favors the wealthiest is unconscionable,” Van Hollen told IBT.
Americans — especially those with complex real-estate “It’s not too late for my colleagues to do the
investments. right thing. I urge them to put politics – and
personal profit – aside, and stop this scam
The reconciled tax bill includes a new 20 percent that will leave millions of middle class
deduction for so-called “pass-through” entities, business Americans paying more and cause the debt
structures such as LLCs, LPs and S-Corporations that to skyrocket.”
don’t pay corporate taxes, but instead “pass through”
income to partners who pay individual tax rates on that Trump And Corker Made Millions Off Pass Through
money. The Senate version of the bill included safeguards Income
that would only allow businesses to take advantage of the
new break if they paid out significant wages to employees. Federal filings reviewed by IBT show that in 2016, Trump
But the new provision, which wasn’t included in either disclosed that he earned between $41 million and $68
version of the bill passed by the House and Senate, and million of rental income from 25 pass-through LLCs and
was only added during the reconciliation process, gives LPs — most of which are invested in real estate. Those
owners of income-producing real estate holdings a way properties are collectively worth between $527 million and
around that safeguard, effectively creating a new tax break $704 million, according to the documents. Trump’s senior
for large landlords and real estate moguls. adviser and son-in-law Jared Kushner also lists dozens of
income-generating real estate pass-through entities on his
"This change will primarily benefit wealthy financial disclosures.
investors with lots of assets and few
employees,” Matt Gardner, a Senior Fellow Trump announced in January he would put his assets in a
at the Institute on Taxation and Economic trust for the duration of his presidency, and later that
Policy, told IBT in an email. “You can't month he released a summary of the trust. But the full trust
describe this as a job-creation strategy with agreement has not been made public, and a ProPublica
a straight face, which begs the question of report in April found that Trump can remove profits from
why anyone thinks this last-minute change the trust at any time without disclosing those transactions.
was a good idea." Trump has turned his eponymous organization to his sons
Donald Jr. and Eric, but he refused to divest from the
Because the new language wasn’t in the bills passed by the company despite calls from ethics watchdogs to do so. The
House and Senate, Democrats cannot offer a floor

White House did not immediately respond to a request for However, when it came time to decide whether to support
comment. the final GOP tax bill that will add up to $1.5 trillion to the
debt, Corker indicated he would join his party in voting
Corker’s 2016 financial disclosure form says that he “yes” on the bill.
earned between $1.2 million and $7 million of annual
rental income from real-estate related LLCs that year. Trump and Corker are not the only lawmakers who could
Those properties are worth between $16 million and $35 get a new tax break on the type of income targeted by the
million. The value of Trump and Corker’s real-estate new provision. IBT previously reported that 13 Republican
partnerships and rental income for 2017 has not been lawmakers directly overseeing the tax bill — including
disclosed. U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan — make up to $16 million
a year from the kind of real-estate related pass-through
As of 2015, Corker was the fourth-richest member of the entities that could benefit from the tax bill.
Senate with a net worth of nearly $70 million, according to
the Center for Responsive Politics. Corker first began Experts told IBT they could not calculate precisely how
amassing his fortune through his construction company, much of a tax benefit Trump, Corker or the GOP
but eventually moved into real estate. The Senator, who lawmakers could make from the provision, because the
made headlines when he warned the president’s benefit is based in part on the original value of the real
recklessness could lead the U.S. into “World War III” in estate assets, not the current value. The original value of
October, has announced he will not run for reelection in the assets is not disclosed on federal disclosure forms.
2018. Corker was not one of the Congressional conferees
tasked with negotiating the tax bill. In a summary released just before the final bill was made
public, Republican lawmakers said “strong safeguards” on
“Senator Corker is not a member of the tax- the pass-through income deduction would help to
writing committee and made no requests
for specific provisions throughout this “ensure that Main Street tax relief goes to
debate," Micah Johnson, Corker's the local job creators it was designed to
communications director, told IBT in an help most.”
email. Johnson also told IBT Corker was
unaware of the new real estate tax break
But experts say the new provision would mean the
when she asked him about it in response to
deduction could be taken by real estate partnerships with
IBT's questions. few employees.
"His sole focus has been on making the bill
more fiscally sound. At the end of the day, “The new bill expands the pass through
he supported the legislation because he loophole to now even cover firms that don’t
believes our country will be better off with it pay much or any wages to employees.
than without it," Johnson said. Real estate partnerships and others with
property but not employees would be the
When the Huffington Post asked Corker if the bill’s impact beneficiaries,” David Kamin, a New York
on his own finances had crossed his mind earlier in the University law professor who served as a
week, he replied special assistant to the president for
economic policy in the Obama
“Have I thought about it? Uh, no.” administration, told IBT in an email. “We
don’t know the details of Donald Trump’s
In July, Corker said that the national debt was “the greatest tax situation because he hasn’t released
threat to the nation,” even larger than escalating tensions his tax returns. But, this is the kind of
with North Korea. loophole that has the potential to cut the
taxes of some of the richest Americans by
many millions per year.”
"We have $20 trillion in debt and we're
continuing to do things that make that
In addition to the new real estate provision, the final tax
worse every day," Corker said on CNBC.
bill will also lower the top tax rate for the richest
"And I believe unless something abruptly
Americans, like Trump and Corker, from 39.6 to 37
changes very soon, we will have a fiscal
calamity, and it's going to make all the
other ills that we're dealing with in the
nation pale."

Ex-FBI Assistant Director:
Strzok Fabricated Information And
"Belongs In Leavenworth"
By Tyler Durden
Dec 16, 2017 2:14 PM

Former FBI Assistant Director James Kallstrom called GOP lawmakers honed in on a specific
disgraced FBI agent Peter Strzok a "total moron" who exchange in which Strzok references an
belongs in Leavenworth federal prison, during a TV "insurance policy" in the "unlikely
appearance on Thursday. event" Trump was elected President.

James Kallstrom

Kallstrom, a former Marine captain and Vietnam veteran,

told FBN host Liz MacDonald that if an FBI agent wanted
to stop someone from becoming President,

"I think he can do what [Strzok] tried to do,"

"He can fabricate things, he can make
stuff up, he can lie, he can be a total Now, it appears, that "insurance policy"
moron." may have been the entire Russia
"You know, he belongs in Leavenworth investigation, cooked up using the
this guy, in my personal view." Trump-Russia dossier provided by DNC-
Clinton funded opposition research
Kallstrom's comments come after two weeks of stunning firm, Fusion GPS.
revelations about the FBI's top brass actively engaging in
an effort to help then-candidate Hillary Clinton by Fusion has been linked to several attempts to undermine
"decriminalizing" her actions in the email case, while Trump - including hiring Nellie Ohr - the CIA wife of DOJ
pursuing a case against then-candidate Donald Trump - official Bruce Ohr, who was demoted for obfuscating his
using a discredited 34-page 'Trump-Russia' dossier to meetings with Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson.
launch an investigation, according to several GOP
members of Congress. Last week, Kallstrom said he believes
there is a "Fifth Column conspiracy"
When a subset of 10,000 text messages sent between Peter within the FBI designed to "destroy
Strzok - lead investigator in the Trump-Russia case, and President Donald Trump" –
his FBI-Attorney mistress Lisa Page emerged,

and the agency may have committed a "serious felony" in basically take away the presidency of
doing so. In an interview last Sunday with radio host John the United States,” Kallstrom said,
Catsimatidis on 970 AM in New York, Kallstrom said: adding “This whole thing with Russia is just
a farce. If we find out that that phony
“Ninety-nine percent of the people in the [Russian dossier] was brought to the
FBI are doing a fantastic job... It’s a small U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance
cabal of people running the FBI, the James Court in the form of an affidavit for a
Comey sycophants.” judge’s authority, and if we find out that
the people signing that affidavit in the
“I’m coming more and more to the bureau knew that that was phony
conclusion that this is a conspiratorial information, that is a serious serious
cabal among the fifth column to felony.”

The Danger Facing Trump From
His Severe, Deadly Diet Coke Addiction
Trump's Bizarre Obsession With Diet Coke Reveals
A Major Problem Facing The Soda Giant
By Dr. Betty Martini,D.Hum

Article after article from around the world discusses President Trump using 12 Diet Cokes a day, many analyzing a New York
Times article. The one below has"several" quotes from President Trump himself on the subject. Because the FDA lies to the
public most have no idea aspartame is a killing machine . In the beginning they tried to have the manufacturer, G. D. Searle,
indicted for fraud and the FDA Board of Inquiry revoked the petition for approval. Aspartame was never proven safe:

If President Trump has exposed Diet Coke for not working one would ask why he uses it in the first place. Aspartame is an
addictive, excitoneurotoxic, carcinogenic, genetically engineered drug, adjuvant (immune stimulator) and teratogen that
damages the mitochondria or powerhouse of the cell and interacts with drugs and vaccines. A dozen Diet Coke's a day can do
serious damage, and even trigger sudden cardiac death, Here are explanations from several aspartame experts:

Aspartame_and_sudden_death.htm Below are the real facts. You need more than the Secret Service to save his life. You have
to educate President Trump and remove the Diet Coke because it contains aspartame, a chemical poison masquerading as an
additive. As neurosurgeon Dr. Russell Blaylock said at a lecture:

"Understand the reactions from aspartame are not allergic but toxic like arsenic and cyanide."
"I note in the picture above President Trump's skin is splotchy red. I don't know if this is the quality of the photo or if he
has rosacea. Rosacea is usually genetic and incurable.
genetic-basis-for-rosacea/ Rosacea from aspartame is from the methanol and usually disappears when the victim
abstains after a few months. This can also happen with Splenda or sucralose from the chlorine. When Charles Fleming
died of methanol poisoning from aspartame he was on two rosacea drugs. From a rosacea support group here are
people discussing aspartame:

In this URL are 33 patients discussing aspartame and rosacea:,Rosacea/?a=s

I've been taking case histories on aspartame for 28 years and have seen rosacea disappear over and over again when they
abstain from aspartame. If President Trump is drinking 12 Diet Coke's a day this can easily happen. Charles Fleming is
discussed in the documentary,

"Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World".

Here are the real facts on what aspartame can do to the president's body documented:


There is a lot of emphasis on addiction to caffeine and I think this is misleading to a certain extent because the real addiction is
the aspartame. The methyl ester immediately becomes free methyl alcohol which is classified as a narcotic. It causes chronic

methanol poisoning. This affects the dopamine system of the brain and causes the addiction. One victim told me she had used
cocaine in high school but it was more difficult to get off aspartame than cocaine. Here is an indepth article on aspartame
addiction by H. J. Roberts, M.D. published in Townsend Letter for Doctors. addiction.htm


Consider that President Trump does not drink alcohol because that's how his brother died. At least he thinks he is not drinking
but what he is getting is methyl alcohol. Here is an indepth article published by the National Health Federation "Rotgut
Aspartame: Methanol Mania" -
dr-betty-martini . One of my aunts on flying to Atlanta said: "I was so scared, the plane kept going up and down and the pilot
was slurring his words!" I explained he was drinking a Diet Coke and the methanol causes people to slur their words.", In the
case of Dr. James Bowen he was drinking Diet Kool Aide. He began to slur his words and it was thought he was on drugs or
alcohol: in reality it was both - aspartame. He was admitted to a mental hospital but since he was no longer using aspartame
the slurring and alcohol appearance disappeared. He said, "If I had ever seen the formula I would have never touched it." Dr.
Bowen is not only a physician but also a biochemist.

Over the years thousands of victims of Rumsfeld's Plague, Aspartame Disease, have called. One victim said, "I got a DUI and
all I was drinking was Diet Coke." What happens if you mix diet pop with alcohol? Here are those findings: Here is another study as aspartame can trigger
steatohepatitis. Naturally the methanol can cause blindness just like
it did during prohibition when thousands died or went blind. Many victims start out with optic neuritis and in the end
blindness. Here is a peer reviewed article by Dr. Woodrow Monte - "Aspartame: Methanol and the Public Health": Dr. Monte went on to publish a medical text on the
methanol called, "While Science Sleeps: A Sweetener Kills",

What's happening to the body with consumption of methanol? Dr. Bowen explained, " "Only after longer aspartame usage
does liver damage cause blood methanol levels to measurably rise because the liver mitochondria are so damaged that the liver
no longer quickly processes either methyl or ethyl (drink) alcohol. Then the acute methanol poisoning is directly measurable
from lab results, as the blood methanol level elevates. This entire sequence or "toxic axis" begins with your very first dose of
aspartame. Both acute and chronic poisonings from this methanol toxic axis, and other additive and synergistic aspartame
poisonings, steadily accumulate in the aspartame consumer. We continue to get reports of people dying of methanol poisoning.
Charles Fleming died and his wife, a Sunday School teacher, for 15 years remains in a prison in Virginia. The detective on the
case said,"Diane is innocent but because I was promoted I could not stop the indictment." The police refused to indict Diane
because they said she was innocent. She was indicted by a grand jury., She has been in prison for 15 years and just recently
had two operations and is ill. What a heinous crime to put an innocent woman in prison. I did send the case to President

Be warned no diabetic should ever consume wood alcohol. The FDA did no NOAEL on methanol. Without it you cannot set
an ADI, allowable daily intake. Besides, there is no safe dose:

Dr. Monte said to me recently: "The methanol produced from Aspartame in the human body is the most dangerous chronic
poison found in the food supply. Non profit industrially funded organizations like the Methanol Institute and the
Formaldehyde Council have been spending millions of dollars a year to keep the disease causing potential of methanol from
the scientific community........they need to be brought down" So let's talk about the formaldehyde.


The methanol converts to formaldehyde. Dr. M. Alemany did the Trocho Study which showed the formaldehyde converted
from the free methyl alcohol embalms living tissue and damages DNA. Here is that study: So what is happening to the President's body? It's being
embalmed. In "Aspartame Disease: An Ignored Epidemic", by H. J. Roberts, MD. he says on page 673: "USDA #13,
published in 1908, reported that formaldehyde is poisonous even in small amounts and should be prohibited for use in food."
So the president is being embalmed. What are the mechanisms of Toxicity? Dr. Roberts explains on page 674:

"Alcohol dehydrogenase and formaldehyde dehydrogenase are the enzymes chiefly involved in methanol metabolism. The
retina, cornea and liver have the greatest alcohol dehydrogenase activity. ..The highly reactive formaldehyde molecule becomes
bound to proteins and nucleic acids, forming adducts. (These are little groupings of formaldehyde molecules that grow as more
molecules become placed on top of existing ones.) They are difficult to eliminate through usual metabolic pathways."

Dr. Roberts on page 675 explains the pre-embalming. "Inferences by funeral directors about the "pre-embalming of persons
who had been heavy aspartame consumers initially evoked considerable skepticism... But this theme kept surfacing. One
experienced undertaker literally warned his family against using diet sodas after repeatedly detecting the deposition of
formaldehyde crystals deposited in the organs of such individuals. Some funeral directors even insisted on closing the caskets
of persons who had consumed large amounts of aspartame because formaldehyde seeped through the skin."

Dr. Roberts further mentioned "This issue has religious ramifications. Jewish law forbids embalming because it considers
prompt burial a sign of respect for the deceased."

Having taken the case histories for 28 years I've heard these kind of cases. Jeanette Soto who wrote "Blinded Sight" about
aspartame belongs to a religion that doesn't use alcohol so she was stunned when her husband went blind. His physician said
his blindness was from wood alcohol, methanol. He recently died. Jeanette's father-in-law also refused to get off of it, also
addicted, and he was diabetic. No doubt aspartame is responsible for the diabetic epidemic because it can precipitate the
disease. When he died it was a closed casket because the funeral director told her formaldehyde was seeping out of his body,
Reginall Bundrage who worked for the EPA, not FDA, a pathologist, told me he repeatedly asked his superiors how
aspartame could be kept on the market killing so many people. He was told in the early 1990's the FDA would have to remove
it. Here it is 2017 and as Dr. Monte said in his medical text, "aspartame is a killing machine". He also explained that the
formaldehyde turns the tissues to plastic.

I think this quite adequately explains what is going on in the body of a diet pop user from the formaldehyde. If you want to
know more about the formaldehyde here is a recent article by Dr. Woodrow Monte: Formaldehyde as a Trigger for Protein
Aggregation and Potential Target for Mitigation of Age-Related, Progressive Cognitive Impairment :


In the above article notice Dr. Monte goes into cognitive impairment. A recent new study proved aspartame causes dementia
although we've known about it for decades. I think most important is what this addictive excitoneurotoxic, carcinogenic,
genetically engineered drug, adjuvant and teratogen can do to the President's brain. Here is a recent article I wrote on
aspartame and Alzheimers:


Can aspartame give President Trump cancer? First of all, the molecule breaks down to diketopiperazine, a brain tumor agent
that gave brain tumors to rats in original studies. Read the "Bressler Report" : The chief FDA ,scientist and investigator on aspartame, Dr. Adrian
Gross, told the Senate on 8/1/85 that because aspartame beyond a shadow of a doubt caused brain tumors and brain cancer it
violates the Delaney Amendment which forbids putting anything on the market you know will cause cancer. He said the FDA
should not have been allowed to set an allowable daily intake for that reason. His last words were "And if the FDA violates its
own laws who is left to protect the public." The question is what happens to your body if you drink 12 cans of Diet Coke a
day. You have to understand there is no safe dose.

Here is one of Dr. Morando Soffritti's studies at the Ramazzini Institute in Italy showing aspartame to be a multipotential
carcinogen. He did three of them but this one even shows a low dose of aspartame can cause cancer. Dr. Russell Blaylock,
neurosurgeon, author of Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills" on aspartame, explains: Aspartame is cumulative. Here is the cover study by the National Health Federation:
"Eat, Drink and Be Buried":

An interesting comment by Chris Whewell , a patent agent, who wrote yesterday:

"Hi Dr. Betty ! Something you might find of interest, is the chemical reaction which occurs when formaldehyde and
hydrochloric acid are mixed. The reaction product is called bis-chloromethyl ether. Cl-CH2-O-CH2-Cl. This material is one
of the most potent carcinogens known.

"Now, since methanol is liberated from aspartame and is oxidized to formaldehyde, and since stomach acid is about 0.1 N
hydrochloric acid, I would expect that some bis-chloromethyl ether should be formed in vivo. Clearly, the extent of its
formation depends on the other contents of the stomach at the time of ingestion. I would predict that consuming aspartame on
an empty stomach would be a very bad thing for a person to do.
"I haven't seen anyone discuss this, which is odd. The formation of bis-chloromethyl ether from HCl and formaldehyde is
well-known in the chemical literature. I just thought I'd pass this on, as something you might find interesting." He also said:
"The info is also in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, here's the reference: J. Nat. Cancer Institute, Vol. 43, pp 481
I wonder if it can be detected in blood or urine...." We should find out.

In correspondence from Chris he really says it like it is: "I've been surprised many years, this has not come up in discussion.
In the pdf I just sent, you can see on the second page the top reaction is very simple, formaldehyde + HCl ------> bis-
chloromethyl ether. These people are running around sipping on carcinogenic precursors, and then they wonder why cancer
rates are so high. Duh !!

So let's see now, the FDA admitted it causes cancer and being on the market violates the law. Three Ramazzini Studies
showed every kind of cancer from mammary and liver cancer to lung and blood cancers like leukemia and lymphoma which
starts in the white blood cells, or lymphocytes. Lymphoma is a cancer of the lymph nodes and lymphatic system. The
aspartame molecule breaks down to a brain tumor agent and it caused malignant brain tumors in original studies. A translator,
Norma Vera, said G. D. Searle did studies in 6 countries and used lots of aspartame and people came from poor villages where
they wouldn't be missed. Vera translated the studies and said while admittedly they used a lot of aspartame it turned the brain
to mush. Some people got brain tumors and others had seizures., A pregnant woman lost her baby, hemorrhaged and
disappeared. Harvard also did a study and said it was the longest and strongest study to link aspartame to cancer, then
apologized for publishing it. Industry must have
gotten to them before the ink dried. I think Chris Whewell really understands the situation. Will aspartame give cancer to the
President? Using aspartame is like playing Russian Roulette with an automatic. I have sent him information and Dr. Roberts
wrote him years ago.


Psychiatrist and aspartame expert Ralph Walton, M.D. wrote an excellent paper on the psychiatric problems. In his paper you will find the URL to one of his studies. It had to be stopped
because the administrator who took part in the study had a retinal detachment and lost his vision in one eye, and another
subject had conjunctival bleeding. Some said they were being poisoned. Dr. Walton did not even use the maximum ADI.
Aspartame not only causes psychiatric and behavioral problems but interacts with all antidepressants. The interaction with
drugs and vaccines is due to damage to the mitochondria. You simply cannot do a study on a poison and not have it reveal

Dr. Walton also did research for 60 Minutes on scientific peer reviewed studies and funding. Almost 100% of independent
studies reveal the injuries. . G. D. Searle could not get aspartame to show safety in original studies and the FDA tried to have
them indicted for fraud. Searle hired Don Rumsfeld to get aspartame on the market after the FDA Board of Inquiry voted to
revoke the petition for approval. Rumsfeld said he would call in his markers so President Reagan wrote an executive order
which prevented FDA Commissioner Dr. Jeri Goyan from signing the revoked petition into law. Then he had someone from
the transition team call Goyan at 3:00 AM and fire him according to a conversation and letter from his wife. If they couldn't
get aspartame to prove safety in original studies they can't do it now the reason you can only accept studies from truly
independent researchers who are unbiased. Even a Wikileak exposed corruption in getting this chemical poison on the market:


Will aspartame cause President Trump to gain weight? To ask the question is to answer it. President Trump himself has
admitted the diet soda doesn't work and he's never seen a thin person drinking it. Calling a product diet when you know its
going to cause weight gain is deceptive and false advertising. Going all the way back till before aspartame was added to pop
the National Soft Drink Assn (now American Beverage) protested to the FDA ,
This protest was even added to the congressional record and includes an affidavit from Dr. Richard Wurtman of MIT stating
that aspartame makes you crave carbohydrates so you gain weight. Read the issue Science Daily: or even in Forbes:
science/#6d05d6b462f8 Study after study has shown aspartame triggers weight gain. Sharon Fowler of the University of Texas
did a study in 2005 that linked aspartame with obesity. They have now done even more studies:

In summary aspartame has been on the market so long we are now dealing with an epidemic of obesity of such proportions the
AMA has declared obesity to be a disease and the CDC says one out of three is overweight. Today something is being done
about it as 6 class actions have been filed, three in New York and three in California. Here is the information on it and who to
contact in New York and California.

It is sad indeed that ALL presidents of the US since Reagan have been addicted to diet pop with aspartame, leaders of the free
world: The only president I know of who got off of it was President
Reagan. He told the Atlanta Journal Constitution that he didn't know in the beginning what he knew now and no longer used
it. It was too late, however, because he died of Alzheimers. He did a favor for Rumsfeld and now the world is dealing with
"Rumsfeld's Plague". One of Rumsfeld's homes in Maryland is called "Mount Misery". The whole issue is in the movie,
"Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World" - get your copy from

To list everything aspartame does to the body you would have to write a book, a very large book. That's just what world
expert, the late Dr. H. J. Roberts, did. About the size of the New York phone directory: "Aspartame Disease: An Ignored
Epidemic", Just before Dr. Roberts died he said he needed to add 200 pages more because there were so
many new studies proving everything from cancer to metabolic syndrome.

If President Trump was standing beside me today I would say, "Mr. President, please save your life by getting off Diet Coke,
and save the rest of the world by removing aspartame from the market. As Dr. James Bowen said, "the only responsible action
would be to immediately take aspartame off the market, fully disclose its toxicities, offer full compensation to the injured,
public and criminally prosecute anyone who participated in the fraudulent placement of aspartame on the marketplace. That
includes those who work so diligently to keep in on the market as well." "Mr. President, the issue went all the way to the
Supreme Court because of the blindness and seizures aspartame triggers but they wouldn't hear it. Big Chem and Big Pharma have enormous power
and nobody seems to care that Aspartame Disease has erupted into Rumsfeld's Plague killing millions around the world. It's
like Dr. Bowen told FDA years ago, that's its mass poisoning of the US and 70 countries of the world, now over 100. He has
Lou Gehrigs from it. The FDA called me to say they had no intention of removing aspartame. When I said, "People are sick
and dying everywhere" his response was "So what? We need to depopulate." If you want to drain the swamp this is where to
begin to save not only the people but yourself. Even the hospitals are no longer safe as they put more and more aspartame in
generics. We had to prepare a hospital form with a chapter on drug interaction. Even I stopped breathing three times because they prescribed drugs with
aspartame and it violently interacts with pain medication. This is why so many are dying in my opinion and after taking the
case histories of the sick and dying on aspartame for 28 years."

Dr. Betty Martini, D.Hum, Founder

Mission Possible World Health Intl
9270 River Club Parkway
Duluth, Georgia 30097
779 242-2599

More info on,, files on

Trump's Dangerous Addiction To Diet Coke

Reveals A Major Problem Facing The Soda Giant
By Kate Taylor

Donald Trump Instagram

 President Trump drinks up to 12 cans of Diet Coke a day, according to a report by the New York Times.

 The president has previously mocked the brand, tweeting "I have never seen a thin person drinking Diet
 Diet Coke sales have been declining for years.
 Coca-Cola is unable to make adjustments despite Diet Coke's struggles because of people reportedly
including Trump who are dedicated to Diet Coke the way it is.

A report that President Donald Trump drinks up to a dozen cans of Diet Coke a day reveals a paradox that
is plaguing one of Coca-Cola's most iconic brands

For the last few years, Diet Coke has been the weakest link in the company's cola lineup. In October,
Coca-Cola reported brand's sales by volume declined in the mid-single digits last quarter. Industry
publication Beverage Digest reported Diet Coke US sales by the dollar dropped 1.9% in 2016.

In many ways, Diet Coke doesn't fit health-conscious customers' needs in 2017. Americans are
increasingly cutting sugar out of their diets, meaning that they're drinking less and less sugary sodas.
However, shoppers remain suspicious of Diet Coke's use of artificial ingredients.

Trump provides a particularly notable case study, as both a Diet Coke superfan and someone who has
helped perpetuate the drink's negative reputation.

In 2012, Trump tweeted: "I have never seen a thin person drinking Diet Coke."

Donald Trump's Twitter

As seen by Trump's tweets, even people who might drink Diet Coke don't fully see the beverage as a
healthy choice or trust the brand.

Swapping sweeteners does little to reassure customers. Diet Pepsi sales declined 7.2% in 2016 after the
company tried to win over customers concerned about the ingredient aspartame by rolling out an
aspartame-free diet cola.

Diet Coke

"Diet CSD [carbonated soft drinks] sales were supposed to be the solution to the industry's calorie dilemma,"
Monica Kvamme, a consultant at Zenith Global Ltd, said at Beverage Digest's Market Smarts conference last week.
"But, that was short-lived, as diet sales peaked in 2005 and have been falling ever since."

Since 2005, diet soda sales have dropped a whopping 34%. By all counts, it's a struggling sector in the soda

Yet, Coca-Cola has avoided making any major changes to Diet Coke. That is because of super fans like Trump who
are dedicated to the soda as is.

"I don't think we're likely to change Diet Coke," Coca-Cola CEO James Quincey said in a call with reporters in
October. "It has a large following."

While Coca-Cola has found success with its Coke Zero Sugar reformulation, Diet Pepsi's struggles proves changing
a drink's recipe can cause even larger problems. That's especially true when a brand has a cult follow, like Diet
Coke does.

So, as Coca-Cola works to find a way to turn the brand around, Diet Coke is banking on loyal fans drinking dozens
of cans of cola a week including, apparently, the president.

New York Times' Latest Flimsy
'Fact-Check' On Trump 'Deceit' Falls Flat On Its Face
By Clay Waters
December 16, 2017 7:04 PM EST

New York Times “fact-checker” Linda Qiu's latest lame before offering a sobering statistic. “For the
“gotcha” attempt against President Trump appeared under second year in a row, a person was shot in
a strongly hostile headline, “Deceit And Confusion In Chicago every three hours.”
Talk On Law And Order.” It comes on the heels of a
backfired Times investigation -- a graph purporting to The national murder rate climbed 20 percent from 2014 to
compare the lies of Donald Trump (103 after 10 months in 2016, the highest two-year increase since the 1960s. The
office) and Barack Obama (just 18 during eight full years). steep rise concerned many criminologists.

Qiu has previously used a misleading argument to falsely But the murder rate itself was far higher
slam a defense of gun rights as “spurious.” over all in the 1990s.

On Saturday, she focused on four alleged Trump Did Trump say it wasn’t higher in the 1990s? No. Trump
falsehoods on Saturday, two of which aren’t actually false, told nothing but the truth, but Qiu comes armed with
and the other two of which are sufficiently vague as to useless context:
avoid classification entirely:
That since 2017 is on track to have a
At a ceremony on Friday honoring police decline in shootings from 2016, Trump’s
officers and sheriffs, President Trump point about Chicago’s high murder rate is
praised the courage and devotion of law somehow misleading.
enforcement -- and presented a not entirely
accurate picture of the difficult conditions In 2016, Chicago experienced its most
they face. violent year in nearly two decades, but
Mr. Trump’s points require some
context and updating.
In the morning, before speaking at the F.B.I. Academy in
Quantico, Va., Mr. Trump lamented the reputation of the
bureau. Then, as he addressed police officers who The Chicago Tribune tracks shootings in the city and has
graduated from the academy’s training program, he reported that 3,429 people have been shot so far this year,
claimed that they and the bureau’s agents were “great as of Dec. 9.
people” and “heroes for all of us.”
That does amount to the shooting of at
The about-face kicked off a series of misleading least one person every three hours....
statements Mr. Trump made about crime, his predecessor
and immigration. Here’s an assessment. So Trump was right? Not so fast.

[Editorial note: For the sake of clarity, numerals and Shootings have declined 21 percent from the same period
italics have been added to Qiu’s four topics.] last year, according to the Chicago Police Department’s
most recent crime report. Murder has declined 15 percent
1. He asked “what the hell is going on in Chicago,” and aggravated battery 8 percent, while robbery has not
where most types of violent crime have declined changed and sexual assault has increased 12 percent.
since last year.
Trump not including the Chicago Police Department’s
Mr. Trump spoke of “the steepest two-year consecutive most recent report for 2017 (which isn’t even over yet)
increase in murders in nearly half a century” in 2015 and does not make it a falsehood for him to state that the
2016, and focused on Chicago. murder rate was historically high in 2015 and 2016. So
why would Qiu suggest Turmp was wrong?
“What the hell is going on in Chicago?
What the hell is happening there?” he said,
2. He misleadingly claimed the Obama administration immigration, have no close relatives living here and lack
refused to equip police with military gear. special skills.

In detailing his administration’s support for law Mr. Trump’s claim that other countries use the program to
enforcement, Mr. Trump said he was expel undesirable members from their own societies is
unfounded and implausible.
“allowing our local police to access surplus
military equipment -- something the It certainly sounds possible, knowing that Cuba’s former
previous administration for some reason Communist dictator Fidel Castro sent some violent
refused to do. Explain that one.” prisoners and inmates of mental health facilities to the
United States during the Mariel Boatlift in 1980.
In August, Mr. Trump fully restored a program supplying
military equipment to local police. But he is exaggerating 4. He suggested that sanctuary cities protect
the restrictions placed on the program by President Barack criminals.
Obama and inaccurately suggested that Mr. Obama’s
decision came without a cause. Sanctuary cities limit their cooperation with federal
immigration officials. But they do not stop law
.... enforcement from pursuing criminals, as Mr. Trump
suggested when he claimed,
In 2015, the Obama administration prohibited police
departments from obtaining track armored vehicles, “Our cities should not be sanctuaries for
weaponized aircraft grenade launchers and bayonets, criminals.”
among other weapons, at the recommendation of a task
force it assembled after the Ferguson protests. Did the case of Katherine Steinle, killed by an illegal
immigrant and five-times deported felon, truly not reach
Since the program allowed other kinds of police Qiu?
equipment, Qiu labels Trump’s assertion false.
This story appears the day after a ridiculous report, due to
3. He claimed, without evidence, that countries give appear in the paper’s Sunday section, claimed President
“us their worst people” through the diversity Obama told only 18 whoppers during his entire eight-year
immigration visa program. term got some pushback on MSNBC’s Morning Joe
program. Tim Carney of the Washington Examiner
The program, known as the diversity visa lottery, provides focused on how Leonhardt’s compilation of Obama lies
an immigration pathway for people who come to the did not include some extremely obvious whoppers on the
United States from countries with low levels of part of Obama.

Forged The Trump-Russia Dossier
By Yoichi Shimatsu - Exclusive To Rense

Quote of the Year – Moscow Mules

“To the career men & women at DOJ/FBI:
your actions and integrity will be unfairly The Ohrs’ relationship with the retired MI-6 spy
questioned. Be prepared, be strong. Duty. Christopher Steele, the supposed author of the Russia
Honor. Country.” Dossier, began at least than three years ago, long before
Trump contemplated a presidential bid and in all
- Eric Holder (@EricHolder) June 30, likelihood much earlier during the FIFA soccer
2017 investigation.

That shameless hypocritical tweet is proof of In his role as Assistant Deputy Director at DOJ, Bruce Ohr
Shakespeare’s observation that met Steele in Russia in mid-May 2013 at the third St.
“The devil can cite Scripture for his Petersburg International Legal Forum. The Korean-
purpose. An evil soul producing holy American Ohr presented a paper titled “Criminal Matters
witness is like a villain with a smiling cheek” and Allegations of Crimes in International Arbitration”, a
(from The Merchant of Venice) choice of topic timed to undermine Russian counter-claims
in the Magnitsky affair. In hindsight it’s ironic that his
Holder-Lynch loyalists at DOJ and the FBI have rallied to lecture synopsis included an apt description of the yet to-
the traitorous battle cry, waving the pocketbook be drafted Russia Dossier: “a party (in a dispute) may
constitution like a demented Khizr “Kaiser” Khan. What introduce false testimony or forged documents.”
utter fools to pervert justice and think they won’t be caught
in lie after lie! This “trahison de clerks”, or treason of At the time of that annual conference sponsored by the
bureaucrats and lawyers, led to the grotesque forgery Russian Federation’s Justice Ministry, the Kremlin was
known as the Trump-Russia Dossier. locked in a controversy over U.S. congressional retaliation
for the 2009 prison death of Russian-Jewish accountant
To the shock and dismay of those crooked bureaucrats, the Sergei Magnitsky. As auditor for Hermitage Capital, co-
credibility of the Trump-Russia Dossier is collapsing now owned by British-American financier Bill Browder,
that the House Intelligence Committee has disclosed that Magnitsky was investigating dozens of Russian tycoons
veteran Department of Justice (DOJ) official Bruce allied with President Vladimir Putin as to their links with
Genesoke Ohr was in secret contact with the report’s organized crime figures. Who paid for this monumental
British author Christopher Steele. It’s also surfaced that his survey remains unclear, although a likely conduit of
colleague-wife Nellie Hauke Ohr, a CIA analyst, worked funding was the MI-6 team in Moscow, which had been
for months prior to the presidential election on salary at led until his retirement by agent Chris Steel.
Fusion GPS, the opposition research firm hired for the
faked report on Trump’s alleged Russian connections, a hit Federal attorney Bruce Ohr was then chief of the
job paid for by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Organized Crime and Racketeering Section, which had a
Democratic National Committee (DNC), although the keen interest in shady “businessmen” who were moving
source of funding was likely a secret slush fund in the their capital holdings into American financial institutions
Clinton Foundation. and the U.S. real-estate market with the intent of money
laundering. Surveillance of transnational drug-trafficking
Here, the relationships between the members of the dossier was also part of his role as head of DOJ’s international
team are laid out in chronological order (despite numerous drug-trafficking investigations. (His cyber-surveillance
missing links due to their bureaucratic secrecy). The network would later focus, outside of its authority, on the
conspirators are frequently referred to as spies, operatives, activities of Trump adviser Carter Page in Russia and
agents and traitors due to willful violation of their oaths to Croatia.)
uphold the U.S. Constitution, as required of management-
level personnel at the CIA, FBI and DOJ. Of course, these Agent Steele was in attendance at St. Petersburg due to the
treacherous government bureaucrats did not act on their fact that a Russian Interior Ministry official had filed a
own but are minions of the Democratic Party leadership lawsuit in London against Hermitage Capital. This Russian
and its organized-crime benefactors. attempt at legal judo in a British court was prompting the
UK Foreign Office to patch up diplomatic relations with Ohr’s office is on the executive 4th floor, just four doors
Moscow and depoliticize crime issues. With the Magnitsky down from the suite of then Deputy Director Sally Quillian
affair gradually simmering down, the next target for Yates, and since late April her replacement Rod
Anglo-American intelligence cooperation was the Rosenstein. A virtual unknown to the press and public, the
upcoming Moscow and St. Petersburg event-planning visit, low-visibility Ohr served as the assistant to Rosenstein,
scheduled for just a month later, by Miss Universe following the latter’s transfer from the Maryland DOJ
impresario Donald Trump. office, showing the newcomer the ropes and keeping watch
on him on behalf of Yates, Loretta Lynch, Holder and,
Under the Church Committee rules, U.S. intelligence ultimately, Barack Obama and the Clintons. Ohr, in short,
agencies are banned from spying on American citizens is a partisan watchdog for the Democratic establishment,
abroad, and therefore the private-eye surveillance by who’s shown absolutely no respect for the Constitution.
Steele, a Briton, was negotiated to keep watch for possible
Russian mafia involvement in the high-profile beauty The role of the Ohrs in joint operations and surveillance
contest. As it turned out, Miss Venezuela was crowned reveals how the CIA (whose charter forbids spying inside
Miss Universe 2013, meaning Ohr had wasted a lot of the borders) has operated a secret system of control over
American taxpayer money on a wild goose chase. That domestic law enforcement and, through it, the judicial
dated information from 2013 was recycled three years later branch. There are only five stories inside the RFK
into the Russia Dossier. Building, the topmost housing the draconian tribunal
known as the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court
Orbis London (FISC). Since these are the same ilk of insiders behind the
series of unjustifiable wars, the 911 sabotage and
assassination of the Kennedys, the building’s name is a
As part of Five Eyes intelligence cooperation between
warning to anyone who dares contemplate a challenge to
Anglo-Saxon countries, the DOJ/FBI cooperates with the
the hidden alliance of organized crime, politicians and
UK Ministry of Justice (MOJ) during investigations within
the Commonwealth and the EU, much like the fictional federal agents. The elimination of this cabal cannot be
done piecemeal; they all must be knocked in a single
partnership of the CIA’s Felix Leiter and James Bond. Not
sweep, as discussed below.
much earlier, in 2006, Steele served as head of the MI-6
Russia desk. On his retirement from government service in
2009, he co-founded a for-hire investigative firm called The Ohrs are two operatives inside the very heart of a
Orbis Business Intelligence, which produced a series of system of perpetual treason, far more dangerous to the
100 reports on the Ukraine-Russia crisis, which erupted in principles of American democracy that the Rosenbergs
2014, on contract with the U.S. State Department. In other who got the electric chair for much-lesser crimes. After
words, the main author of the Trump-Russia Dossier had a examining their role in producing the dossier, this essay
lucrative contract under Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will go up the leadership ladder to identify their superiors.
before her presidential campaign.
Out of Africa
There is a strong possibility that Bruce Ohr met Steele as
early as 2010. The FBI, which in international operations Espionage is a family tradition for Nellie Ohr, much as his
is synonymous with DOJ, traveled to London for a briefing maternal lineage has been for Barack Obama among the
by Orbis on the Sepp Blatter corruption scandal at FIFA. CIA’s Dunham clan of Honolulu. Her mother Kathleen
The Feds were interested in the role of organized crime in Armstrong Hauke was a Cold War liberal and promoter of
match-fixing as related to worldwide online gambling. The racial integration in Atlanta, where she wrote biographies
score-rigging was allegedly arranged by a Singaporean of pioneering leftist black journalist Ted Poston. Later in
syndicate and Malaysian-Macanese gambling boss Paul the late 1980s, Kathleen taught English in Nairobi, Kenya
Phua, who was later entrapped by a joint CIA-DOJ/FBI (two decades after Ann Dunham met her paramour Barack
sting operation at the Las Vegas Sands. As chief of the Obama Sr. in Kenya while on CIA assignment) Race-
DOJ international organized crime bureau, Bruce Ohr mixing was not solely an individual choice in that era, not
likely attended the London briefing, where he would have when the CIA actively promoted interracial marriages in
been first introduced to veteran spy Christopher Steele. competition against the Soviet Union’s propaganda of
racial equality. The American South and Africa were two
Married to the CIA battlegrounds where mixed-blood youths, like Barack
Obama Jr., were groomed as leaders by either side of the
Cold War.
Before proceeding, mention must be given to Nellie Hauke
Ohr’s role as a CIA analyst. Bruce Ohr shares his “room
with a view” at the Robert F. Kennedy Building, the DOJ The 2004 obituary of Kathleen Hauke mentioned that her
headquarters, with his wife Nellie, which indicates that the daughter Nellie was a resident of McLean, Virginia the
married couple are part of a high-level inter-agency (township of the Langley neighborhood location of CIA
intelligence team. headquarters). Fluent in the Russian language and

Russophile, Nellie Hauke Ohr recently applied for a ham direct Russian involvement. One of the supposed Russian-
radio license, probably to maintain communications sponsored “fake news” centers turned out to be a USAID-
(external to hack-vulnerable cyberspace) with her anti- Soros dominated region in Macedonia. On closer
Putin contacts in Russia funded by the CIA and Soros. inspection, the entire Russian election interference is
This apparently is in anticipation of Trump’s cut-off of US turning out to be an false-flag creation out of Langley and
funding for those clandestine subversive operations. the RFK building.

Shortwave radio hearkens back to the late Cold War era, An Agency Cut-out
when Nellie would have monitored Russian signals for the
CIA. Since that Stone Age for telecommunications, Nellie Fusion GPS, therefore, was hired as a “cut out”, spy
Ohr became part of the CIA cyber-intelligence program terminology for a neutral go-between created to shield the
known as Open Source Works (OSW), discussed below, actual perpetrators in an exchange of stolen information. A
which explains her intelligence role inside Fusion GPS, the psychological operation aimed at political intervention at
private investigation group that hired Orbis and this level required the direct involvement of and
Christopher Steele to draft the Trump-Russia Dossier. authorization from CIA director John Brennan and
Attorney General Loretta Lynch, and this was to interfere
What a tangled web they weave! The Ohr-Steele encounter in the elections in favor of their former colleague at State,
in St. Petersburg turned out to be the very seed from which Hillary Clinton, and not a matter of national security.
sprang the Trump-Russia Dossier, in a handshake between Director of National Intelligence (DNI) James Clapper
the DOJ/FBI and MI-6. Just a month later, in June 2013, should have been aware of these illicit activities and was
Donald Trump arrived with his advance team to make the responsible for shutting down political subversion,
arrangements for the Miss Universe pageant, scheduled for meaning that he, too, bears some degree of responsibility
November 2013 at the Crocus hall in the Moscow suburb for the bureaucratic assault on democracy.
of Krasnogorsk.
Fabricating the Dossier
Plausible Deniability of Authorship
Christopher Steele provided some of the intelligence for
Fusion GPS, the private investigation firm led by three the dossier, but much of the material strongly appears to be
former Wall Street Journal reporters, was hired by two based on CIA and NSA intercepts of phone calls and
different clients to go after Trump: emails, along with human intelligence from informants.
There is also an equally strong possibility that many,
- First, in late 2015, the Washington Free Beacon, perhaps most, of the claims in the dossier are fabrications,
owned by conservative financier and LGBT supporter Paul lies. Nellie Hauke Ohr and her husband at DOJ reviewed
Singer commissioned a probe of Trump to bolster the and copied from classified files for the dossier in blatant
candidacy of Marco Rubio (who has since been outed with violation of intelligence regulations. The method of direct
allegations of his gay nightlife), but this early stab at translation, for example, “Russian regime” without the
Trump did not involve Russia; article “the”, indicates the CIA protocol followed by Nellie
Ohr in radio intercepts. The tiny lapse shows that source is
not Moscow but Langley, Virginia.
- Next in mid-2016, the Seattle law firm Perkins
Coie, representing the Hillary Clinton Foundation and
Democratic National Committee, hired Fusion GPS to The notes from CIA and DOJ/FBI classified files, which
probe the Russian relationships of Trump and his Nellie Ohr compiled during her several months, during
associates with the aim of discrediting and defeating his summer and autumn 2016, on the payroll of Fusion GPS
presidential campaign. while in Washington D.C.. Those materials were then
“laundered” through Orbis for plausible deniability at the
CIA. Fusion GPS paid the London-based firm more than
By the Democratic National Convention, rigged against
$160,000, meaning the total budget for consultants,
rival Bernie Sanders to guarantee the nomination of
services, travel and communication was probably about a
Hillary Clinton, her campaign team had foreknowledge of
the Russian preference for Donald Trump, and the source half-million dollars from the original source of funding
of that information was obviously the CIA-DOJ team, (prior to DNC-Hillary, which was probably provided by a
slush fund at the Clinton Foundation. To the heisted CIA
which included the Ohrs. Besides intelligence gathering
material and forged information, Christopher Steele added
from Russian sources, Open Source Works also had the
his recollections from Donald Trump’s Miss Universe
technical capability to launch cyber attacks against the
visits in 2013, supplemented by whatever hearsay picked
DNC, leaving behind bread crumbs from a faked Russian
hack. This illicit political invervention also had support in up immediately after the contest. Examination of the
London, Moscow and Kiev, due to the DOJ-FBI and State dossier is similar to the findings from a forensic autopsy
on Frankenstein’s monster: A lot of body parts that don’t
Department contracts with Steele’s Orbis Intelligence
fit together, laced together and patched with putty.
group. In reality, there probably was next to nothing in
Open Source Works Next to nothing has been disclosed by and about Cheng,
except that his alma mater was Swathmore, which has
Nellie Ohr’s inchoate and disorganized editing, in contrast hardly any trace of him except at a debate club and his
to the minimal standards at any daily newspaper, reveals enthusiasm for “The West Wing” television drama series.
the sloppiness that’s the norm at her post inside the CIA What’s interesting about Dennis Cheng and Bruce
bureau known as Open Source Works, which itself is Genesoke Ohr is their avoidance of any mention of
highly classified and anything but open. ethnicity, even though Cheng is Chinese and Ohr a
Korean. Oddly, since his Harvard years when Asian-
American identity politics was popular among students,
In the Gutenberg era, open source referred to media in
Ohr has listed his ethnic origin as “American”, which is a
print, publications, as in “Three Days of the Condor”,
nationality not an ethnicity.
which cast Robert Redford as a CIA analyst assigned to
reading spy novels in search of leaks of classified
information. The category of Open Source has vastly Both of these dubious characters have compelling reasons
expanded in the Cyber-Age due to the explosive growth of to avoid the “Asian” label, since the Democratic Party
electronic information and data, for example, Facebook relies so heavily on large unreported donations of cash
pages, blogs and websites, but also any data accessible to from the urban Chinese and Korean business communities,
hackers, including back accounts, wire transfers, medical suspect Asia-based businessmen and major crime groups.
records, email accounts, and GPS locations attached to This tradition since the end of the Chinese Exclusion era is
smartphone photos. a feudal tribute legacy, by which Asian “leaders” (triad or
organized crime figures) pay protection money (aka
bribery) to Democrat politicians to enable illegal
Private and even classified communications can be made
immigration of underpaid laborers, exemption from
Open Source by illegal interception or hacking and
minimum wage laws and mandatory benefits for
decryption, followed by disclosure through Wikileaks and
employees, unhealthy tenant crowding of buildings, and
Wikipedia, thereby scrubbed and transformed into “public
information”, which can used to blackmail or silence police neglect of the illicit trade in contraband, including
methamphetamines, heroin and more recently synthetic
targeted individuals. Open Source is now the major
enterprise of the CIA in its effort to intimidate world
leaders, corporate executives, military officers and media
personalities. The Trump-Russia Dossier is an end-product Asians, of course, are not alone in groveling before the
of illicit CIA privacy violations, enhanced by selective powers that be, since most immigrants have had to pay
editing and outright fabrication to incriminate the victim, their dues to Tammany Hall and dirty cops, from the Irish
in this case the President of the United States. The Frank to the current wave of Arabs. Despite their strong
Church amendments need to be upgraded to deal with academic performance, East Asians are perpetually under
terror by fake media, so that the offending bureaucrats and the Democratic Party heel due to the substandard status of
their political patrons can be locked away without access the small-business economy. That is changing, for all the
to cyberspace. wrong reasons, with the pay-for residency by super-
wealthy “businessmen” from East Asia, many of them
wanted for economic crimes at home, including illicit
Follow the Money
capital flight. The United States is a sanctuary for Asian
fraudsters and gangsters, which is why Dennis Cheng
Former DNC chairwoman Donna Brazile complained in never drops the names of donors to the Clinton
her new book about being treated by Hillary insiders like a Foundation, Hillary campaign and DNC.
slave and denied a workable budget. Despite the penny-
pinching to pay staff and expenses, the DNC and Hillary
campaign generously forked over up to a half-million DOJ/FBI Collusion with Drug Lords
dollars for the Trump-Russia fabrication.
Asian-style corruption also factors in at the DOJ and FBI,
which has tolerated drug trafficking through Asian
The financial bursar for both entities was Dennis Cheng,
communities in New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles,
the secretive mandarin in the shadows, who previously
Houston, Chicago and, the transshipment center to Europe,
served as chief development officer (fundraising treasurer)
of the Clinton Foundation, and also as finance director for Boston. This past decade’s rise of opium poppy production
Hillary’s Senate race in New York State. Obviously, the in northern Laos by Vietnamese-run international gangs
has gone completely unreported at the DEA, which is
non-for-profit Clinton Foundation, against U.S. Treasury
under the authority of Bruce Ohr’s International Organized
regulations for nonprofits, was illegally used a political
Crime Drug office. The DOJ has also ignored nearly the
slush fund and for black operations behind the Trump-
entire CIA-run Afghan drug importation, at least since the
Russia Dossier. The DOJ and Treasury Department has
never once challenged the fraudulent bookkeeping by Eric Holder years. Cocaine, of course, is being targeted by
Cheng and his staff. the DEA/DOJ, but that elite-status drug was never in style
with the millennial generation, which prefers depressants

like heroin mixed with synthetic opioids, on the path to scriptwriter for “Infernal Affairs”, the original movie
Nirvana. before the Scorsese-DiCaprio remake “The Departed”. I
asked him how he ever thought up the unlikely story of
Ohr’s bailiwick of organized crime also had a major role in lifelong infiltration of the police department by organized
enabling Eric Holder’s murderous Fast and Furious gun- crime families (Hong Kong triads). His answer was
walking program, which supplied semi-automatic weapons simple: It happens in real life.
to the Mexican drug-trafficking mafia at sales points along
the border. Here’s one case in point. That exactly is why and how the DOJ/FBI and CIA are
enabling Chinese triads, the Taiwanese mob, Vietnamese
In his July 2001 testimony to the Senate Indian Affairs mafia, Japanese yakuza and Korean gangsters to run heroin
Committee, Ohr whitewashed the possibility of organized smuggling, prostitution rings and counterfeits products
crime penetration of casinos on Indian reservations. The unimpeded into the United States. The fix is in with the
sole case he mentioned was the attempts by a Chicago mob Democratic Party, and the bad guys every hour of every
group and then the Pittsburg mafia to run the casino at the day are winning the battle against the industrial economy
Rincon reservation in San Diego County. He mentioned and ethical principles of the USA. Nancy Reagan got it
this as an “isolated incident of organized crime attempting half-right: “Just say no”, with a pair of cuffs.
to infiltrate Indian gaming,” This is laughable, were it not
for the irreversible destructive effects of criminal The Buck Stops
operations on the cultural and ethical values of Indian
tribal society. Just how high up does the sponsorship of the Trump-
Russia Dossier go?
What Ohr completely failed to mention is how Indian
casinos along the U.S.-Mexico border were becoming Certainly, due to their management-level positions inside
money-laundering centers for the Mexican mafia, lucrative the Justice Department, Bruce and Nellie Ohr did not act
enough for the Caesar’s team of Drexel Lambert junk- on their own volition, not when hundreds of thousands up
bond dealer to build a Harrah’s casino resort at Rincon to millions of dollars were spent for the clandestine
reservation. Caesar’s Entertainment Group spectacularly international effort to libel Trump and wage psychological
collapsed two years ago, amid angry charges by warfare though the mainstream media.
institutional investors of fraud, financial crimes on a much
greater scale than small-time gangster scams.
There are only 6 degrees of separation between the Ohrs
and President Barack Obama: Bruce and Nellie Ohr - DOJ
It is common knowledge in the surrounding region of Deputy Director Sally Quillian Yates Attorneys General
Southern California that the Rincon Airfield on the Loretta Lynch and Eric Holder Director of National
reservation is used by the top bosses of the Mexican mob Intelligence James Clapper White Chief of Staff Denis
to fly in contraband and money for laundering, as well as McDonough and President Barack Obama.
to socialize with the local distributors and Democratic
Party politicians in need of campaign funding. Treaty law
Obama had to have known all along, even if the funding
mean that local police cannot do anything about these
came from another (former) president, Bill Clinton.
enclaves, which are sanctuaries for human smuggling and Former Attorney General Loretta Lynch insists that her
drug trafficking. Scratch the surface of the California tete-a-tete with Bill Clinton inside a private jet on the
paradise to sniff hell on earth.
tarmac at Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport on 28 June 2016 did
not touch on the following topics: Benghazi, Hillary’s
Borderline reservations, including the vast Tohono email server and Brexit. The Attorney General’s list of
O’odham, which straddles the Arizona and Mexico, is a denials, however, did not include the clandestine project
major center of drug trafficking, illegal immigration by being hatched inside her department, the Trump-Russia
gang-linked “coyote” human smugglers, and which now Dossier.
hosts three major casinos. The politically correct attitudes
toward ethnic minorities, here again, has enabled massive
One question that now remains: Is Attorney General Jeff
expansion of the organized crime, which is ultimately Sessions being paralyzed by Democrat “kompromat” (the
detrimental to the minority groups to achieve genuine Russian term for compromising material used for
economic development and security from violence. The
blackmail)? If so, he get out of the line of fire and return to
DOJ/FBI, run by front-men for crime, is big part of the
civilian life immediately.
problem and not the solution.
The near-total breadth and width of untrustworthy lawyers
Infernal Affairs at DOJ/FBI means that the Trump administration has only
one recourse: appoint a special crisis team from the
The roles of Cheng and Ohr remind me of a pre-production military Judge Advocate General’s Corps (JAG) to take
conversation in Hong Kong with Felix Chong, the over control of the RFK Building in a crisis intervention
on grounds of constitution principles. The CIA has long presidency should all be retired to a 5-star Caribbean resort
outlived any usefulness it might once have had, and should like the one called Guantanamo. Orange is the new blue.
be shut down. Far more dangerous than any terrorist threat, Shackle them.
the culprits behind the current fake news coup against the

CNN Media Panel Claims Trump
Is Leading World Dictators on Press Crackdown
By Nicholas Fondacaro
December 17, 2017 4:36 PM EST

“The denial of his asylum is basically

sending a signal to the world that the
United States does not want to promote
democracy and freedom of expression,”
he smeared.

The next guest to assert that Trump was aiding foreign

dictators was Courtney Radsch, the advocacy director for
the Committee to Protect Journalists. Noting Stelter’s
earlier statistic on imprisoned journalists in Turkey, China,
and Egypt, Radsch lamented how

If you thought CNN’s open anti-Trump hysteria couldn’t “sadly, these are also three of the
get any wilder, then buckle up, because at the end of countries that President Trump chose to
Reliable Sources on Sunday host Brian Stelter led a meet with their leaders at the beginning
segment dedicated to press crackdowns by dictators and of his term and as far as we know didn't
how the President’s “fake news” call-outs were helping raise this.”
And she blamed the use of the “fake news” tag for the
Stelter began the segment with a monologue about the case increase in arrests.
of “award-winning Mexican journalist, Emilio
Gutierrez, and his son,” who was staying in the U.S.
illegally and were now detained and facing deportation.

“Emilio was tried, he sought refugee

status. He was denied and his appeal
failed. So he fled to the U.S. in 2008 after
threats on his life because of his
reporting on Mexican military
corruption,” Stelter explained, noting that
the reporter feared for his life if he
was forced to return.

Admitting that Gutierrez’s case was “unique,” Stelter “Meaning these dictatorships are using
juxtaposed it other counties whose murderous leaders lock the term “fake news” as a slur in order
up reporters for exposing corruption. to attack journalists,” Stelter asked in
shock. “Absolutely,” Radsch claimed, to
“In fact, there are 262 journalists jailed Stelter’s “God” exclamation.
worldwide with the bulk of them in three
counties: Turkey, China, and Egypt,” he Radsch continued by noting how conditions for journalists
recalled. had gotten worse over the last two years, and according to
her, it was all because of Trump.
When the panel was brought on, Stelter first talked with
Gutierrez’s lawyer, Eduardo Beckett who went on a rant “So, what this is saying is that
slamming the Trump administration for “promoting journalists are in a very perilous
tyranny” around the globe. position and it’s made worse by the
President of the United States deciding

to pillory the news industry and target (…)
individual journalists. And this is having
an impact,” she lambasted. STELTER: So the U.S. says he's here illegally and has to go
“We can see the fake news, you know, home. Is it that simple?
rhetoric being used by leaders around
the world to legitimize a crackdown on EDUARDO BECKETT: He entered legally back in 2008. And he
the press from everywhere from Russia basically turned himself in to ask for asylum. He has openly been
to Egypt, even Poland, and Hungary,” criticizing Mexican government security forces in particular, the
Radsch added, making seem like Trump military. He's right now being treated like a criminal. We call it
was leading a worldwide effort. the criminalization of asylum. The denial of his asylum is
basically sending a signal to the world that the United States
It has become an essential narrative for CNN to claim that does not want to promote democracy and freedom of
Trump has threatened the lives of journalists at home and expression. And if they deny him again, then what the U.S. is
abroad. During the summer, Stelter and a panel of other actually promoting-- and not the U.S. in particular but I
anti-Trump media flacks suggested that Trump was would say the Department of Justice under Jeff Sessions, or
sending a death threat to the cable network in the form of under the Trump administration, I would say that they're
a juvenile tweet featuring a gif from a WWE match he was promoting tyranny and that's the message that they're
a part of. sending, right? That we don't care about free expression and I
believe that we have to protect our journalists here at home and
abroad because that is fundamental to the promotion of
CNN’s unbridled hysteria was paid for by Garlique,
democracy and freedom all over the world. And that's something
Omaha Steaks, Volvo, Whole Foods, Stein Mart, Red
that the U.S. has always fought for.
Lobster, and Planters.

Transcript below:

COURTNEY RADSCH: But if we look at imprisonment, more

than half of the 262 journalists imprisoned around the world
Reliable Sources
are in Turkey, China, and Egypt. Sadly, these are also three
December 17, 2017
of the countries that President Trump chose to meet with
11:54:51 AM Eastern
their leaders at the beginning of his term and as far as we
know didn't raise this. We know that journalists are generally
BRIAN STELTER: Detained and facing deportation, that's the being jailed on anti-state charges which mean they're doing
reality facing this award-winning Mexican journalist, Emilio journalism but it's equated with supporting terrorism and we're
Gutierrez, and his son, as well. Emilio was tried, he sought also seeing that the whole false news issue has landed more
refugee status. He was denied and his appeal failed. So he than twice as many journalists in jail as last year.
fled to the U.S. in 2008 after threats on his life because of his
reporting on Mexican military corruption. Now, he fears those
threats will be carried out if he's forced to return. Emilio’s case is
just one of many. In fact, there are 262 journalists jailed
worldwide with the bulk of them in three counties: Turkey, China,
and Egypt. Now, his case is unique. Let's start with that. His
attorney joins me now. Eduardo Beckett, he’s the attorney for
Emilio. Also with me, Courtney Radsch the advocacy director at
the Committee to Protect Journalists. So, let's start with this
cases in Texas involving Emilio.

STELTER: Meaning this dictatorships are using the term

“fake news” as a slur in order to attack journalists?

RADSCH: Absolutely. We're seeing—


RADSCH: -- it's being used to imprison and attack

journalists, but to kick them out of the country as in the case

of Cambodia, kicking out Radio Free Asia, in terms of RADSCH: It is getting worse. This is the worst year on record
delegitimizing journalists. So, this year there are 21 since we began keeping records in the early 1990s, and last year
journalists behind jail on false news charges. Usually, this was the worst year before this. So, what this is saying is that
means they were reporting on something that the government journalists are in a very perilous position and it’s made
didn't like or didn't agree with or would prefer to remain silent. worse by the President of the United States deciding to
pillory the news industry and target individual journalists.
STELTER: A very disturbing situation. The take way I found from And this is having an impact. We can see the fake news, you
your report is that it's getting worse, it’s not getting better. We're know, rhetoric being used by leaders around the world to
at the same numbers as we were this time last year. legitimize a crackdown on the press from everywhere from
Russia to Egypt, even Poland, and Hungary.

Frustrated Donald Trump Plots
Counterpunches And Talks Lawsuits
The White House Says It Isn’t Contemplating Firing Robert Mueller.
But The President Is Eager To Undercut Him And
The Russia-Focused Press Corps.
Lachlan Markay - Asawin Suebsaeng
12.17.17 9:00 PM ET

The General Services Administration, from which Mueller

obtained them, and the Office of Special Counsel have
both disputed that claim. And legal scholars have sided
with Mueller in this dispute. But the pair of transition leaks
demonstrate that Team Trump’s legal strategy is
increasingly turning to methods of preemptively
discrediting Mueller. Trump has publicly demanded that
the special counsel’s investigation wrap up by year’s end,
and those close to him say the president will be furious if
that dubious, if not artificial, timeline is not met.

But Trump’s fury isn’t just directed inside the boundaries

President Donald Trump increasingly believes that he is of government.
surrounded by enemies intent on his political destruction.
Trump also increasingly considers the political press an
The battle lines, as he sees them, are numerous, spanning explicit foe—or an “enemy of the people,” as he’s put it.
from the halls of Congress to the courtroom to the evening And according to knowledgeable sources, the president is
news. And, more than any time prior in his presidency, he growing more prone toward musings about potentially
seems prepared to go on the counterattack, with a mix of using the legal system to go after those journalists he
bare-knuckled politics and legal maneuvering, including deems hostile.
the contemplation of filing lawsuits.
In the aftermath of highly publicized errors in recent
The foremost threat is from the team of investigators being reporting by CNN and ABC News on the Mueller
led by special counsel Robert Mueller. Trump’s team investigation, Trump has privately told associates how
appears to be laying the groundwork for allegations that satisfying and “great” it would be to sue journalists—
Mueller has acted improperly, with malice toward the ABC’s Brian Ross in particular for erroneously reporting
president, and even in violation of the law himself. Though that Trump’s former national security adviser Michael
Trump himself denied on Sunday that he is thinking of Flynn reached out to Russian officials during the
firing Mueller, efforts to undermine the special counsel campaign—whom he believes intentionally spread lies and
appear underfoot. “fake news” about him and his team, according to two
sources close to the president.
The latest datapoint came by way of a pair of press leaks.
Sources on Trump’s transition team told Axios on Saturday Trump has threatened numerous lawsuits against
that Mueller had obtained thousands of emails from adversarial reporters over the years and has only
officials on that team, including embarrassing and occasionally followed through. The latest missive struck
potentially incriminating messages between senior allies and advisers as a revival of his campaign-trail
transition aides. fantasizing about opening up and weaponizing libel laws
and not a genuine statement of intent to do so.
Hours after the Axios story dropped, the transition team
leaked a letter to Fox News in which it accused Mueller of Nevertheless, Trump’s pique toward both the length of the
illegally obtaining those emails. Russia investigation and the media’s reporting on it
reflects a larger sense of frustration he feels about being

politically hamstrung even while occupying the world’s Reached for comment on Sunday, White
most powerful office. House press secretary Sarah Sanders
declined to comment on Trump’s views on
Trump has taken keen note of recent revelations that top Ross’ reporting and the controversial texts
FBI officials on the investigation sent cryptic notes to each from Mueller investigators, saying both
other last year about an “insurance policy” in the event of have previously been addressed.
his win. Shortly after that story broke, he began repeatedly
asking those around him if they had seen it, according to But Trump allies continue to beat that drum, even as they
White House sources. say Mueller probably isn’t going anywhere. Asked
whether he thought the president would fire the special
“He sees that story as a smoking gun,” one counsel, Michael Caputo, a former senior Trump campaign
senior official said, noting that Trump has aide, told The Daily Beast,
voraciously consumed Fox News coverage
of supposed scandal, and that it has helped “No, but Director Mueller better get his
fuel his recent anti-FBI animus and attack dogs under control.”
suspicions. “They seem headed for the same arrogant
overreach and persecution, this time
For its part, Fox has gleefully stoked that perception. politically motivated,” Caputo added.
When weekend anchor Jesse Watters interviewed White
House counselor Kellyanne Conway on Saturday about the If the president were to seek Mueller’s ouster, he would
recently revealed text messages between those FBI need to enlist Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to
officials, the chyron below Conway read, do so. Though technically a subordinate of the president,
Rosenstein told the House Judiciary Committee last week
“A COUP IN AMERICA?” that he would not fire the special counsel absent cause, and
that he had not seen cause to do so thus far.
Top congressional Democrats, including Intelligence
Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA), believe that That hasn’t allayed the fears of Democrats both on the Hill
frustration may soon boil over in the form of a Mueller and off of it. Liberal activist group is already
firing or an early end to congressional inquiries. A source planning for snap rallies in the event that the special
with knowledge of the House Intelligence Committee counsel is sacked.
investigation told The Daily Beast that—rather
conspicuously—no interviews have been scheduled after Even more sober voices appear to be caught up in the
this coming week and that no voluntary requests for new potential fallout.
documents or interviews have been made in weeks, despite
dozens of requests for additional witnesses and documents,
some of which have lingered for weeks or months. “This weekend I’m stocking up on portable
phone chargers, warm clothes, & gear
needed for when we take the streets,”
House Republicans have not entirely dismissed the idea of wrote Walter Shaub,
ending their chamber’s probe at year’s end. White House
lawyers have more forcefully rejected theories about
Mueller’s impending demise. the former director of the Office of Government Ethics,
announcing his participation in’s rallies.
“As the White House has consistently said
for months, there is no consideration of “I’m concerned the assault on the rule of
firing the special counsel,” attorney Ty law is coming over the holidays when we’re
Cobb said on Saturday. Those around the distracted,” Shaub wrote on Twitter. “It’ll be
president have consistently warned him a defining moment for the Republic.”
against sacking Mueller, and Trump
reiterated that he had no plans to do so in —with additional reporting by Sam Stein
remarks to reporters on Sunday evening.

President Trump: "I'm Not" Considering
Firing Robert Mueller, But It's "Not Looking Good"
By Tyler Durden
Dec 17, 2017 6:03 PM

After a week of rumors, denials, whistleblowers, backlash, counsel Robert Mueller amid the ongoing investigation
demands, threats, lies, bias, and anti-bias surrounding into Russia's election interference.
Robert Mueller and his investigation,

President Trump said Sunday that he is

not considering firing the Special

"I don't have any reason to think that

the president is going to do that, but
that's obviously up to him," Mnuchin told
host Jake Tapper on CNN's "State of the
Union," adding that the topic did not arise
"No, I’m not,” Trump told reporters, when he dined with Trump and Vice
when asked if he intended to fire President Pence on Saturday night.
Mueller, according to Politico.
The finance chief argued, however, that
the ongoing probe is "a giant
The president was returning to the White House from a distraction" that needs to wrap up
weekend at the Camp David presidential retreat. "quickly."

Trump's allies complained this weekend about the way

Mueller's team went about obtaining from the presidential
transition. Mueller's spokesman Peter Carr said Sunday
that the office had followed appropriate steps to obtain the
transition emails. Pro-Trump lawmakers and pundits also
have accused the special counsel's office of bias after it
was revealed that two FBI officials who previously served
on Mueller's team had exchanged anti-Trump text

And while Trump said "I'm not," Axios notes

that he did criticize the fact that Mueller
accessed "many tens of thousands" of Going by Trump's previous comments, we would not be
emails from the presidential transition, surprised in the least if news breaks tomorrow of Mueller's
saying it was "not looking good." firing.

Additionally, as The Hill reports, Treasury

Secretary Steven Mnuchin on Sunday said he has no
reason to believe President Trump intends to fire special
Top 10 Ways Media Distorted
Business, Economic News In 2017
By Julia A. Seymour And Aly Nielsen
December 18, 2017 10:27 AM EST

Liberal media bias has existed for years, but in 2017, it

appeared to reach unprecedented levels given the media’s He then showed “Superstorm” Sandy footage as supposed
hostility to President Donald Trump. evidence he’d been right.

The media distorted many stories in 2017, in many But that wasn’t true.
different ways. They ranged from lies such as Al Gore’s
claim that “Superstorm Sandy” proved a global warming
prediction from An Inconvenient Truth was true, to using
Big Bird to mislead about public broadcasting budget cuts.

There was also plenty of distortion by censorship. Signs of

a strengthening economy were often unreported by the
network news, billions spent by powerful lefties like
George Soros and Tom Steyer were ignored rather than
exposed, and the networks even protected their own as
ABC settled a $5.7 billion defamation lawsuit with a beef

Here are just 10 of the worst examples of distorted In 2006, Gore didn’t mention storm surges at all. He was
coverage of business and economic news this year. talking about

1. Gore Twists Climate Prediction to Look Prophetic, “If Greenland broke up and melted or if half
Sell Sequel of Greenland and half of West Antarctica
broke up and melted”
One of the biggest complaints of former Vice President Al
Gore’s first film, An Inconvenient Truth, was that major then many places around the world would drown –
cities including lower Manhattan would be underwater due including parts of New York City.
to severe Arctic and Antarctic ice melting (because of
global warming). The distortion didn’t help him sell the film though, which
turned out to be a box office bomb.
In January 2017, Gore tried to rewrite that history and
pretend he had been right in order to sell his sequel, An 2. Yellow Journalism: Media Use Big Bird to Mislead
Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power. on PBS Cuts

In promotional footage for the new film Gore claimed,

“Ten years ago when the movie An

Inconvenient Truth came out, the single
most criticized scene was an animated
scene showing that the combination of
sea level rise and storm surge would put
the ocean water into the 9/11 memorial
site, which was then under construction.
And people said, ‘That’s ridiculous. What a
terrible exaggeration.”

It is no secret that the liberal media hate the thought of percent). The networks ignored later upward revisions to
government funding cut, and when it appeared left-wing 1.2 percent.
public broadcasting might get axed by the Trump
administration the media were outraged. All four quarters of 2017 GDP will have to be averaged by
the government in early 2018, to come up with the official
CNN and other media quickly seized upon Big Bird and annual rate of the 2017 U.S. economy.
other Sesame Street characters to persuade people against
President Donald Trump’s proposed budget cuts. USA 4. Where’s the Beef? Nets Ignore ABC Defamation
Today asked if the budget would “kill” Big Bird, while the Settlement over ‘Pink Slime’
UK’s Daily Mail cried “Save Sesame Street!” Left-wing
magazine The Atlantic used an image of Elmo, Bert, Ernie Even before ABC’s Brian Ross was suspended without
and other characters to top its defense of public pay for “incorrect reporting” about Trump’s contact with
broadcasting. Russian officials, ABC was in court fighting a huge
defamation lawsuit against the news network. Their parent
But that was all a great, big, yellow lie. HBO has been company Disney wound up paying out more than $177
producing and airing Sesame Street since 2015, and PBS million to settle.
doesn’t get to air new episodes until nine months later. The
media knew that HBO owned the show (often admitting it)
— but it didn’t stop them from using it to mislead their
audience about the consequences of possible funding cuts.

3. Networks Spend 52 Seconds on 2017 GDP


President Donald Trump campaigned on pro-growth

economic policies of deregulation and tax reform,
especially corporate tax cuts. In September 2016, he said
he thought that under such policies the U.S. economy
(measured by gross domestic product or GDP) could grow
at a rate of 4 percent or higher.
But the broadcasts networks refused to cover the case.
Beef Products Inc (BPI) sued ABC News for disparaging
Only time will tell if his policies are adopted or his
its lean finely textured beef (LFTB) as “pink slime,” in
predictions come true, but one thing is undeniable: 2017
multiple 2012 broadcasts. ABC could have been liable for
marked strong GDP gains in the two most recent quarters.
up to $5.7 billion if they lost in court under South Dakota’s
Second quarter GDP rate was 3.1 percent and the third
Agricultural Food Products Disparagement Act.
quarter at 3.3 percent according to the latest data.
BPI accused to ABC News of making more than 200
The government released its most recent estimate of 3.3
“false and misleading and defamatory” statements about
percent growth (Q3) Nov. 29, but all three network
their product. Consumer fears drove down demand for the
evening shows ignored the great news of the strongest
product, forcing BPI to let go of hundreds of employees
quarter in three years. That wasn’t the first time Evening
and close three of four plants.
News, World News with David Muir and Nightly News
ignored the GDP data.
Between June 27 and July 5, ABC, CBS and NBC
morning and evening news shows on ignored the progress
Those shows barely covered the rate announcements, often
of the case and the conclusion in a confidential settlement,
ignoring them entirely. CBS Evening News and World
just as they ignored the start of the trial.
News with David Muir said very little about the growth on
days that the government released new data — spending
just 52 seconds combined — on 2017 economic growth BPI spokesman Tom Becker told the Media Research
those nights. NBC Nightly News said nothing at all. Center the settlement was “a great point for the company.
They’ve been vindicated.”
This year’s GDPs estimates from the Bureau of Economic
Analysis came out once a month since April. That gave the “This is a lesson about the power news
evening shows eight specific nights it made sense for all organizations have if they run with
three networks to cover how the strength of the economy inaccurate information,” he added. “The
or what sectors were growing. Yet, those shows aired just media have tremendous power and they
three briefs combined. That included two reports of the can do real damage.”
“disappointing” initial estimate of first quarter GDP (0.7
5. Media Turn Blind Eye as Soros, Steyer Expand Nightly News spent 8 minutes and 6 seconds on the
Influence important economic issue.

Liberal billionaires George Soros and Tom Steyer both But that doesn’t mean CBS and NBC always had their
extended their reach in 2017, mostly with silent cover from priorities right. On Dec. 8, Evening News spent more time
ABC, CBS and NBC news. on the graduation of CIA dogs than the national
employment situation.
In October, Soros shifted an astonishing $18 billion from
his hedge fund to his network of liberal foundations — Unemployment rate forecasts were also underreported. In
Open Society Foundations. That was more than Soros had November, Goldman Sachs’ economists issued a forecast
previously given away in his whole life. Yet, the only that the national unemployment rate could fall to 3.5
network story about it was from CBS This Morning. Even percent or lower by late 2019. That would be a
that it did not accurately report Soros’ liberal bias. dramatically low unemployment rate, and the prediction
was reported by CNN, The Wall Street Journal and
The three broadcast networks also ignored Soros’ links to Bloomberg Markets – but not by ABC, CBS, NBC, The
groups involved with the anti-Trump Women’s March New York Times, The Washington Post, Los Angeles Times
early this year. The billionaire had given more than $246 or USA Today.
million to 100 March partners. ABC, CBS and NBC said
nothing about the connections. 7. Media’s Climate Alarmists Want to Criminalize
Network silence also greeted Steyer’s increased political
advocacy even as he sought to impeach President Donald This year more liberal climate alarmists in the media
Trump. After the environmental advocate spent more than joined the small left-wing chorus wanting to criminalize
$165 million through his NextGen climate PAC trying to and punish climate skepticism.
push that issue in 2014 and 2016 elections, he changed his
approach. In mid-2017, Steyer rebranded NextGen Climate “Climate change denial should be a crime,”
as NextGen America to focus on a “broader plan of Motherboard editor Brian Merchant wrote
resistance” to Trump including immigration and on Sept. 1, 2017.
healthcare. Broadcast networks and many other media
outlets failed to report it. Motherboard is a science and technology outlet for Vice
Steyer closed out 2017 with a $20-million advertising
campaign promoting his call for Trump impeachment. Merchant used the tragedy of Hurricane Harvey, which
Although the ads aired on CNN, MSNBC and Fox, the devastated Houston, Texas, to insist
network news shows have still ignored Steyer’s
impeachment crusade.
“it’s time to treat science denial as gross
negligence – and hold those who the
6. 1.9 Million New Jobs Not a High Priority for the denying accountable.”
Liberal Press
Naomi Klein, a favorite liberal activist of left-wing media
The economy added more than 1.9 like Democracy Now! Called for prosecution of oil and
million jobs so far in 2017, yet ABC coal companies following the destruction of Hurricanes
World News Tonight with David Muir Harvey and Irma.
often skipped reporting of the monthly
jobs reports entirely. The
unemployment rate sits at 4.1 percent, a She claimed on the program Sept. 18,
17-year low.
“these are not just natural disasters. These
ABC shortchanged its 8.3 million viewers with less than are disasters that have become unnatural,
half the employment focused coverage on jobs Fridays (the that have become unnaturally catastrophic,
day of the month the Bureau of Labor Statistics announces because of the impact of climate change,
the latest data on employment and unemployment) as NBC but also because of the impacts of
and CBS rival news programs. deregulation, because of inequality, of
racial injustice.”
Combined, World News Tonight with David Muir spent
just 3 minutes 55 seconds on those nights (jobs Fridays After lengthy anti-fossil fuel ranting she said the
between Feb. 3, and Dec. 8, 2017). In contrast, CBS companies should all be “in the dock” (prosecuted in a
Evening News spent 8 minutes 43 seconds, while NBC court of law).
8. Dow Jones Sets 67 Highs in 2017, But Networks The New York Times also editorialized against it calling it
Often Silent a “boondoggle” and complaining about the effect on the
deficit. It wasn’t that the Times opposed deficit spending
The Dow Jones Industrial Average positively soared in as a rule, but that they only support increasing the deficit
2017, setting 67 record highs. Initially, analysts and even when it’s meant for “repairing the country’s dilapidated
some liberal admitted a “Trump” effect based on optimism infrastructure” or “hurricane recovery.”
for potential tax reform was one cause. Strong corporate
earnings also boosted the Wall Street index. The liberal media’s opposition was rooted in their
opposition to tax cuts, in spite of economists and Wall
In spite of gaining more than 4,700 Street records suggestion tax cuts and other reforms could
points in a single year, the three lead to significant economic growth. The media also
broadcast networks ignored many of the frequently turned to the Tax Policy Center, a joint project
records. Of the first 31 records following of two left-wing groups, to criticize Trump’s goals. Media
Trump’s inauguration as president, labeled the group “nonpartisan” again and again, rather
broadcast evening news programs than using more accurate terms like “left-leaning.”
censored a whopping 80 percent of the
records on nights they occurred. 10. Media Mogul Bloomberg Spends Another $114
Million on Anti-Coal Efforts
The censorship didn’t end there. ABC World News Tonight
with David Muir and NBC Nightly News both ignored the
record Dow high set on Sept. 19, while CBS Evening News
mentioned the rising stock market without acknowledging
the new record.

Two more records, including the 23,000

milestone for the DJIA, were set Oct. 17
and 18. The three network evening shows
minimized that great economic news, with
only Nightly News reporting the “record-
setting day.” Evening News and World
News both ignored it.
Former Mayor Michael Bloomberg is a billionaire with a
Correspondent Tom Costello said, media empire who opposes coal power.

“That milestone coming just over two He already spent more than $100 million funding the
months since the Dow crossed over Sierra Club’s Beyond Coal campaign before 2017. The
22,000. This has been the year of Beyond Coal campaign works to shut down U.S. coal
records day after day, since Jan. 1, the plants and counts every closure as a victory. This year,
Dow Jones index of 30 leading stocks is Bloomberg committed another $114 million to stop the use
up a whopping 16 percent.” of coal power -- $64 million to the Sierra Club and $50
million to international anti-coal projects.
9. Newspapers Blast Tax Plan as ‘Lie,’ ‘Boondoggle,’
Turn to Liberal Experts He also released a climate alarmist book this year, co-
written by former Sierra Club executive director Carl
Even before the Trump administration had a tax bill to Pope, and an anti-coal documentary From the Ashes.
promote, when it was a mere outline of tax reform goals
the liberal media pounced with columnists and editorials In spite of that obvious and long-standing bias against
spewing opposition. coal, CNN’s Anderson Cooper brought Bloomberg on his
show June 20, to promote the film. Cooper failed to
Washington Post’s editorial board wrote “Trump’s tax challenge Bloomberg about the millions he’s spent to shut
‘miracle:’ down the coal industry in America. Instead of pointing out
the former politician’s biases, Cooper treated him as an
expert on coal and let him look good by saying his
Cowardice and dishonesty” while its philanthropy was spending money to help retrain coal
business section provided a similar workers.
“perspective” with the headline: “Why The
Trump Tax Plan Sinks.”
‘Don’t Let Nazis Govern’: 1,000s Protest New Coalition
Govt In Austria (PHOTOS)
Published Time: 18 Dec, 2017 10:52 Edited Time: 18 Dec, 2017 16:01

Some 1,500 police officers were deployed in Vienna,

Kleine Zeitung newspaper reported. Photos on social
media show protesters setting off firecrackers at the
rally.The protesters began a fire in Heldenplatz, police
later wrote on Twitter.

Protesters hold banners in front of the parliament during the

swearing-in ceremony of the new government in Vienna, December
18, 2017 © Heinz-Peter Bader / Reuters

Thousands of demonstrators have gathered in Vienna to

protest the swearing-in of the new Austrian government.
The rally targeted the anti-immigrant Freedom Party of
Austria (FPO), which has joined the coalition government.

Up to 6,000 people gathered in the Heldenplatz area near The FPO officially joined Austria’s new coalition
the official residences of the Austrian president and government on Friday, having spent two months
chancellor, Vienna police said on Twitter. Members of negotiating with Sebastian Kurz’s Austrian People’s Party
anti-fascist, feminist and left-wing student groups are (OVP) following the OVP’s resounding success in
among those protesting against the coalition between the October’s parliamentary elections. The FPO came third
conservative Austrian People's Party and the nationalist with 26 percent of the vote, less than 1 percent behind the
FPO. The demonstrators held banners reading “Nazis out” second-placed Social Democrats.
and “Don't let Nazis govern.”

The FPO, which returned to the Austrian government after
an absence of almost 18 years, is known for its hardline
anti-immigrant stance – helping it gain public support
amid a massive inflow of refugees to Austria in recent
years. Since 2015, the Alpine country has taken in some
150,000 asylum seekers – over 1 percent of its population,
one of the largest per capita figures alongside Sweden.

The signs of the FPO’s growing popularity were evident in

December last year, when their candidate Norbert Hofer’s
bid to become modern Austria’s president was only
narrowly defeated in a neck-and-neck contest with centrist
Alexander Van der Bellen.

The Nonexistent Russian Threat
By Stephen Lendman

The neocon/CIA-connected Washington Post won’t quit,

falsely claiming a Russian threat, calling it “unchecked.” Congressional and special council Mueller
investigations are illegitimate witch-hunts,
Only followers of media disinformation might believe it, finding nothing after months of fruitless
no one with any intelligence relying on reliable alternative work because there’s nothing to find - no
sources for news, information and analysis. Russian meddling in America’s political
process, no improper or illegal collusion
WaPo: between Trump, his team and the Kremlin.

Russia “intervened in the 2016 election Fact:

with the intention of harming
US democracy; that it will almost certainly All the king’s horses and the king’s men
seek to do so again; and that there has can’t put together what doesn’t exist- other
been no concerted effort to defend the than faking it.
country from this national security threat.”
“What is clear is that, whether out of
Neither Russia or any other country venality or vanity, Mr. Trump is failing to
interfered in America’s presidential or any protect the country against a serious
other US elections. WaPo continues threat.”
turning truth on its head, serving its CIA
master, reporting what it wants published. Fact:

Fact: America’s only serious threat is internal by

its debauched political system, corrupted
Democracy in America exists in name only, officials, and dishonest media - producing
not reality. How could it with money- daily disinformation, fake news and Big
controlled one-party governance, each of Lies, suppressing hard truths on major
its two right wings taking turns in power, issues, the Russiagate scam exposing
both in lockstep on issues mattering most. them at their worst.
Voters have no say when farcical elections
are held. WaPo:

WaPo: Trump “is still intent on restoring good

relations with Mr. Putin rather than fighting
Trump “never held a cabinet-level meeting a threat he refuses to believe in. To cover
on the Russian intervention or on how to up his past actions, or satisfy his ego, he is
prevent its recurrence.” exposing the American political system to
unacceptable danger.”
WaPo is a national disgrace, supporting Wall Street, war-
Why should he hold a high-level meeting on what never profiteers, other corporate predators, America’s imperial
happened - Russiagate a disgraceful hoax. agenda, and the Russiagate hoax - opposing peace, equity
and justice for all.

'Media Malpractice': MSM Covering 'Russia Meddling'
With No Evidence, Says New York Uni Professor
Published Time: 18 Dec, 2017 14:02 Edited Time: 19 Dec, 2017 07:59

worked as a consultant for CBS News,

said. "What that constitutes is essentially
making allegations for which there is no
verified facts, information, or evidence, and
then basing your commentary on it."
Cohen also described allegations that
"somehow [US President Donald] Trump
has been compromised by [Vladimir] Putin,
the leader of Russia… when Trump does
diplomacy with Putin, the New York Times
literally calls it treason. I've never seen
anything like this before."
US media and government members baselessly accuse
Russia of influencing the 2016 presidential election, Going back to the Washington Post article,
presenting any attempt to improve relations with Moscow Cohen said the report "said something
as treason, Professor of Russian Studies Stephen Cohen amazing" – that Trump has an "aversion to
says. this Russiagate intelligence." This isn't a
bad thing, the professor believes, as "a
president who is skeptical about
Cohen, who is a professor emeritus of Russian studies at
intelligence, critical minded of it, is a good
New York University and a contributing editor at The
Nation, made his latest comments during an interview with
Fox News on Friday. He pointed out that mainstream
media continue to use allegations such as the claim Russia To support that claim, he cited other times in history when
“hacked” America’s democracy, often citing 17 the US would have been better off if its leaders had been
intelligence agencies as supporting this conclusion. This equally skeptical of intelligence.
citation was ultimately proved untrue, Cohen stressed.
"How nicer would it have been if John F.
"Turned out it was a few people and a Kennedy had an aversion to the
couple intelligence agencies," Cohen told intelligence that led to the Bay of Pigs?
Fox News’ Tucker Carlson. He proceeded How nicer would it have been if President
to note that a recent Washington Johnson had an aversion to the intelligence
Post article"goes back to this claim that it's that led us ever deeper into Vietnam?
a consensus of intelligence agencies... it's Nobody need recall Bush's reliance on
simply not true." intelligence when we went to war in Iraq..."

In conclusion, Cohen said he has looked hard for evidence

that Russia influenced the 2016 presidential election, but
simply can't find it.

"I've looked here in America, but I've also

looked in Moscow. When I'm there, I ask
people I know and yes, I confess I do know
people who are or have been Russian
intelligence agents. I haven't found
anybody in Moscow who believes this

"I have never seen media malpractice like Cohen's comments come as special counsel Robert Mueller
this before in my life," Cohen, who also continues to lead the investigation into alleged Russian
meddling, despite a complete lack of evidence that “They are absolutely reluctant to admit this,
Moscow interfered in the 2016 election process in any and prefer deluding themselves and others
way. Trump has called the probe a "witch hunt," while into thinking it was not their fault, that their
Putin has said the accusation is the result of Hillary policy was correct, they did all the right
Clinton's supporters not wanting to admit the Democratic things, but someone from the outside
candidate lost the election fair and square. thwarted them. But it was not so. They just
lost and they have to admit it,” Putin told
French newspaper Le Figaro in May.

Rep. Jim Jordan: I'm Convinced FBI
Was Trying To Stop Trump From Being Elected
By Todd Starnes | Fox News
December 18, 2017
“We are at risk of a coup d’etat in this
country if we allow an unaccountable
person with no oversight to undermine the
duly-elected president of the United
States,” Gaetz said. “And I would offer that
is precisely what is happening right now
with the indisputable conflicts of interest
that are present with Mr. Mueller and
others at the Department of Justice.”

I asked Jordan if he bought into the argument that

something nefarious was afoot.
Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, told the Todd Starnes Show he is
convinced the FBI was actively trying to stop Donald “The whole pretext is wrong. Think about
Trump from being elected president of the United States. this – you had – I’m convinced now – the
FBI actively seeking with intent – actively
Last week, Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., called for the firing of trying to stop Donald Trump from being
special counsel Robert Mueller. president of the United States,” Jordan told

Watch Live: President Trump Unveils Anti-New-World-
Order National Security Strategy
By Tyler Durden
Dec 18, 2017 2:05 PM

Live Feed: As we detailed earlier, President Trump is expected to

release the new National Security Strategy for the United
States this afternoon. We discussed the potential drivers
behing his reportedly aggressive stance yesterday, but the
bigger questions remain...

Will it rein in some of the global

adventurism of the Bush and Obama

Will it correct the gaping disconnect between what the

White House says about places like North Korea and what
the Secretary of State says?

Update: The White House has released the Full National Will the neocons successfully parlay the
Security Strategy document: document into a road-map for more

While initial reports showed Trump attacking

China...taking a much tougher stance on China than
previous administrations.

“The national security strategy is likely to

define China as a competitor in every
realm. Not just a competitor but a threat,
and therefore, in the view of many in
this administration, an adversary,” said
one person.
“This is not something that they just cooked
up. Mar-a-Lago interrupted the campaign
rhetoric, and Xi Jinping took a little gamble
and came here and embraced Trump.
Trump said ‘fine, do something on North
Korea and on trade’, but that didn’t work
out so well.”

President Trump is due to speak at 1430ET.

* * *

It appears that Russia is also in the crosshairs - merely A senior administration official who briefed reporters said
serving to confirm our perspective that this is a pro- Russia and China were attempting to revise the global
unipolar-world-order-defending national security strategy - status quo - Russia in Europe with its military incursions
as opposed to trade-related nonsense. into Ukraine and Georgia, and China in Asia by its
aggression in the South China Sea.

And while 'trade' is the cover, perhaps it

was comments from HR McMaster, US
national security adviser who oversaw the
strategy, this week that confirm the threat
to dollar hegemony as he said China -
along with Russia - was a “revisionist
power” that was “undermining the
international order."

And that would be the unipolar world order with

As for Russia’s ambitions, The Wall Street Washington on top.
Journal reports that the strategy says the
Kremlin is developing new military The Daily Caller has seen a copy of the
systems, cyber capabilities and document and Peter Hasson notes the
subversive tactics, including the use of stark contrast between President
paid social-media actors, to interfere in Trump’s America First National Security
the internal political affairs of other Strategy and former President Barack
nations. Obama’s most recent national security
strategy in 2015.
American intelligence officials have concluded that Russia
interfered in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. Renewed Focus On Islamist Terrorism

Russia’s broader calculation is that it can engage in such Trump’s new national security strategy places an emphasis
activities without risk of a military confrontation. on stopping Islamist terrorism and calls it out by name.
Obama’s 2015 national security strategy referred to Islam
The Kremlin assumes that “the United just twice: once because it’s part of ISIS’ name and once to
States often views the world in binary say the administration rejected
terms, with states being either ‘at peace’
or ‘at war,’ when it is actually an arena “the lie that America and its allies are at
of continuous competition.” war with Islam.”

But Russia’s actions have led to an increased risk of a The new national security strategy explicitly links Islamist
military conflict as a result of Russian miscalculation, ideology to jihadist terrorism.
according to the strategy.
“The United States continues to wage a
As Reuters reports, the singling out of long war against jihadist terrorist groups
China and Russia as “revisionist such as ISIS and Al Qaeda. These groups
powers” in the document reflects the are linked by a common radical Islamist
Trump administration’s wariness of ideology that encourages violence against
them despite Trump’s own attempts to the United States and our partners and
build strong relations with Chinese produces misery for those under their
President Xi Jinping and Russian control,” the new strategy states.
President Vladimir Putin.
Trump’s strategy also notes, “jihadist terrorists such as
“They are determined to make economies less free and less ISIS and al-Qaida continue to spread a barbaric ideology
fair, to grow their militaries, and to control information that calls for the violent destruction of governments and
and data to repress their societies and expand their innocents they consider to be apostates. These Islamist
influence,” according to excerpts of Trump’s strategy terrorists attempt to force those under their influence to
released by the White House. submit to Sharia law.” A source familiar with the
strategy’s drafting process described the reference to
Sharia law as a “huge” inclusion by the Trump
Dumping Climate Change As A ‘National Security Trump’s strategy states that — despite Obama officials’
Threat’ claims to the contrary — the Iran nuclear deal has done
nothing to stop any of the above activities.
Obama’s 2015 national security strategy prioritized
climate change as a national security threat. Obama’s “These activities have continued unabated
strategy devoted more space to the threat posed by climate since the 2015 nuclear deal,” the document
change than to the threat posed by North Korea. “Climate states. “Iran continues to perpetuate the
change is an urgent and growing threat to our national cycle of violence in the region, causing
security, contributing to increased natural disasters, grievous harm to civilian populations. Rival
refugee flows, and conflicts over basic resources like food states are filling vacuums created by state
and water,” Obama’s national security strategy said. collapse and prolonged regional conflict.”

Trump’s national security strategy reverses that approach Trump’s national security strategy explicitly blames Iran,
and does not identify climate change as a national security rather than Israel, for conflicts in the Middle East.
threat. In fact, it goes one step further.
“For generations the conflict between Israel
“U.S. leadership is indispensable to and the Palestinians has been understood
countering an antigrowth energy agenda as the prime irritant preventing peace and
that is detrimental to U.S. economic and prosperity in the region,” the strategy
energy security interests,” the new strategy states.
states. “Given future global energy “Today, the threats from radical jihadist
demand, much of the developing world will terrorist organizations and the threat from
require fossil fuels, as well as other forms Iran are creating the realization that Israel
of energy, to power their economies and lift is not the cause of the region’s problems.
their people out of poverty.” States have increasingly found common
interests with Israel in confronting common
The 2015 strategy noted that the administration was threats.”
“working toward an ambitious new global climate change
agreement,” which became the Paris Climate Accords. The strategy notes that the U.S. will work

Trump withdrew the United States from the climate deal “with allies and partners to deter and
last summer, denouncing it as a threat to American disrupt other foreign terrorist groups that
sovereignty. threaten the homeland—including Iranian-
backed groups such as Lebanese
In what appears to be a reference to the Paris deal, Hizballah.”
Trump’s new strategy states that “it should be clear that
the United States will not cede sovereignty to those that The Obama administration, in contrast, torpedoed a DEA
claim authority over American citizens and are in conflict operation against Hezbollah for money laundering and
with our constitutional framework.” narcotics trafficking in order to preserve the Iran nuclear
deal, according to a bombshell report in Politico Sunday
Iran — Not Israel — Is The Threat To Peace In The night. The report said that the Obama administration’s
Middle East reluctance to confront Hezbollah allowed the group to
grow rapidly in size and expand its influence across
Lebanon in particular and the Middle East as a whole.
In perhaps the sharpest contrast to Obama’s national
security strategy, Trump’s new strategy takes a hardline
stance on Iran, which it describes as “the world’s most Immigration: Ending Chain Migration, Increasing
significant state sponsor of terrorism.” Obama’s strategy Vetting, Tougher Border Security
emphasized the need to protect the Iran nuclear deal — a
pillar of his legacy as president. Obama’s 2015 national security strategy placed an
emphasis on giving amnesty to illegal immigrants by
Trump’s strategy notes that Iran “has taken advantage of giving them a “pathway to citizenship,” while paying lip
instability to expand its influence through partners and service to the need for border security. The 2015 strategy
proxies, weapon proliferation, and funding. It continues to framed the flood of illegal immigrants to the US-Mexico
develop more capable ballistic missiles, intelligence border as a “major consequence of weak institutions and
capabilities, and it undertakes malicious cyber activities.” violence” and emphasized the need for America to help
those countries.

“American leadership, in partnership with Reforms Could Have Stopped Last Two Terror
these countries and with the support of Attacks)
their neighbors, remains essential to
arresting the slide backwards and to Economically Competing With China
creating steady improvements in economic
growth and democratic governance,” the
Obama strategy stated. President Obama’s national security strategy emphasized
its “scope of cooperation with China” on economic issues,
which the administration touted as
Trump’s strategy frames the immigration issue in terms of “unprecedented.” Trump’s national security strategy
sovereignty, saying the U.S. “affirms its sovereign right to rejects this approach as a failure and embraces a more
determine who should enter our country and under what competitive view of global economics.
“For decades, U.S. policy was rooted in the
The document emphasizes the importance of knowing and belief that support for China’s rise and for
controlling who enters the country through tactics like its integration into the post-war
increased vetting, ending chain-migration, end the international order would liberalize China,”
Diversity Visa Lottery program and increase border the document states. “Contrary to our
security. hopes, China expanded its power at the
expense of the sovereignty of others in the
“The United States affirms its sovereign region. China gathers and exploits data on
right to determine who should enter our an unrivaled scale and spreads features of
country and under what circumstances. its authoritarian system, including
The United States understands the corruption and the use of surveillance.”
contributions immigrants have made to our
Nation throughout its history. Illegal Under the subhed “A Competitive
immigration, however, burdens the World,” the strategy reads: “China and
economy, hurts American workers, Russia challenge American power,
presents public safety risks, and enriches influence, and interests, attempting to
smugglers and other criminals,” the Trump erode American security and prosperity.
strategy states. They are determined to make
economies less free and less fair, to
grow their militaries, and to control
The document continues: information and data to repress their
societies and expand their influence.”
The United States will continue to welcome
lawful immigrants who do not pose a “These competitions require the United
security threat and whose entry is States to rethink the policies of the past two
consistent with the national interest, while decades—policies based on the
at the same time enhancing the screening assumption that engagement with rivals
and vetting of travelers, closing dangerous and their inclusion in international
loopholes, revising outdated laws, and institutions and global commerce would
eliminating easily exploited vulnerabilities. turn them into benign actors and
We will also reform our current immigration trustworthy partners. For the most part, this
system, which, contrary to our national premise turned out to be false,” the section
interest and national security, allows for concludes.
randomized entry and extended-family
chain migration. Residency and citizenship Elsewhere in the document, the Trump administration
determinations should be based on notes that
individuals’ merit and their ability to
positively contribute to U.S. society, rather “China is gaining a strategic foothold in
than chance or extended family Europe by expanding its unfair trade
connections. practices and investing in key industries,
sensitive technologies, and infrastructure.”
Two recent terrorist attacks, the October truck attack in
New York City and last week’s attempted bombing, were The Trump strategy also calls out China by name for
committed by individuals who entered the country through stealing American intellectual property — something
either chain migration or the Diversity Visa Lottery Obama’s strategy did not do.
program. (RELATED: Trump’s Desired Immigration
* * *
Finally, here is Ron Paul, joined by veteran foreign affairs
analyst and former US diplomat Jim Jatras, to discuss the
hopes and fears for Trump's critical strategy outline...

See Full Report starting on Next Page

Trump’s ‘Orwellian’ Strategy Speech:
Triumph Of The Neocons?
Published Time: 18 Dec, 2017 23:08 Edited Time: 19 Dec, 2017 08:00

Many observers of US foreign policy, however, were

alarmed by the strategy’s continued insistence on
American global dominance.

Trump promised to preserve peace through strength, but

the US is not at peace today, scholar Nicolas J.S. Davies
told RT. Washington has 291,000 troops in 183 foreign
countries, and sent special operations troops to 149
countries in 2017 alone, Davies pointed out.

“Pretending we are at peace and vowing to

US President Donald Trump’s new national security
preserve it by diverting even more of our
strategy pledges to maintain global supremacy while
resources to the military industrial complex
defending America at home. Many observers noted
is not a national security strategy. It is an
disconcerting echoes of neoconservative policies Trump
Orwellian deception taken straight from the
himself once criticized.
pages of 1984,” added Davies, author of
Blood On Our Hands: the American
Trump administration officials welcomed the new strategy. Invasion and Destruction of Iraq.
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson praised it for bringing
Matthew Hoh, a former US Marine and now a leader of
“all elements of American power to protect Veterans For Peace, called Trump’s speech
our people, generate new economic
opportunities, and advance our interests “both more Orwellian and less polished
and democratic principles.” than we have seen before from the White
Attorney General Jeff Sessions lauded its commitment to
protecting the US by securing the borders and reforming “Trump’s actions overseas have not been
immigration. much different than any of his
predecessors,” Hoh told RT. “His actions
have been a military-first, interventionist
and hypocritical foreign policy, not based
on cooperation between nations and a
respect for human rights and dignity, but
rather a preservation of American
hegemony and primacy that results in mass
suffering and death.”

Trump is continuing with his predecessor’s confrontational

stance in Europe against Russia and the “pivot to Asia”
against China, while giving the US military more money
than it knows what to do with, noted Dave Lindorff,
founding editor of

“His calls back during the presidential

campaign for the US to be done with
‘nation building’ appear to have been
forgotten as the US forges ahead with
increased combat in Afghanistan. It looks

like after appearing to be on the run, the “I was pleased that Russia and China were
neocons have taken control of foreign described as rivals, not as enemies,” added
policy again,” Lindorff told RT. Giraldi.

In the speech announcing the strategy Monday, Trump Some of the rhetoric in Monday’s speech can be
criticized his predecessors for engaging in nation-building understood as catering to Trump’s domestic political base,
abroad while neglecting the American homeland, but did maintaining the narrative of American exceptionalism and
not say he would abandon the practice going forward. He a
also framed the world relations as a competition between
the US and other countries, which America was “religious worldview that views the US as
determined to win. inherently good and moral, despite the
reality of US actions,” said Hoh.
“There was a considerable amount of
boasting, some of it quite ridiculous, as in Monday’s speech sounded a lot like Trump’s inauguration
the implication that it was the Trump address, and the big takeaway is that imperialism is still on
administration that had succeeded in track while
defeating ISIS,” former CIA officer and
counter-terrorism specialist Philip Giraldi
“the man who said that he would drain the
told RT. “There were only two concrete
swamp has taken up residence right in the
pledges: we will built a wall along the
middle of it,” Jason Hirthler, author of The
Mexican border and we will spend more
Sins of Empire, told RT.
money on the military.”

SWAMP: Trump Lawyer Alleges Mueller Engaged In
“Unlawful Conduct” In Obtaining Transition Documents
By JD Heyes
Tuesday, December 19, 2017

In his letter, Langhofer argued that the alleged improper

transfer of materials

“impair the ability of future presidential

transition teams to candidly discuss policy
and internal matters that benefit the country
as a whole. He is requesting that Congress
“act immediately to protect future
presidential transitions from having their
private records misappropriated by
government agencies, particularly in the
context of sensitive investigations
As special counsel Robert Mueller faces increased scrutiny intersecting with political motives.”
from Republicans and the White House over conflicts of
interest and anti-Trump bias among some of his lawyers The Trump transition lawyer sent his letter to the House
and investigators, an attorney for the president’s transition Oversight Committee and the Senate Homeland Security
team may be about to drop another problem into his lap. Committee.

In a letter sent to House and Senate committees obtained What’s been collected: As per Axios, Muller’s team —
by Fox News, Kory Langhofer, counsel to Trump for which is filled with Democrat-supporting investigators and
America, said he believes that Mueller’s office lawyers and a host of other conflicts of interest — has
inappropriately obtained transition documents as part of obtained “many tens of thousands of emails” sent by Team
the ongoing Russia probe, including some confidential and Trump during the transition.
privileged attorney-client communications.
The site noted that Trump attorneys figured out that
Langhofer alleged that the career staffers at the General Mueller had the emails based on questions his team was
Services Administration engaged in “unlawful conduct” asking witnesses. Mueller obtained emails from 12
when they turned over transition documents to Mueller’s accounts and include the Trump team’s political leadership
team. Those who are familiar with the case and the and foreign-policy officials. (Related: OUTRAGE:
allegations say it’s very possible Mueller may have a Lawmakers demand to know how and why anti-Trump
Fourth Amendment problem, which protects Americans FBI agents and prosecutors wound up investigating his
against unreasonable searches and seizures. campaign.)

In his letter, Langhofer wrote that the GSA Axios reported further:

“did not own or control the records in The transition emails are said to include
question.” Nevertheless, Mueller and his sensitive exchanges on matters that
team have “extensively used the materials include potential appointments, gossip
in question, including portions that are about the views of particular senators
susceptible to claims of privilege.” involved in the confirmation process,
speculation about vulnerabilities of Trump
Trump for America is a nonprofit group that facilitated the nominees, strategizing about press
transition between President Obama and President-elect statements, and policy planning on
Donald J. Trump. The GSA provided the transition team everything from war to taxes.
with office space and hosted the group’s email servers,
Fox News reports.

“Mueller is using the emails to confirm Axios said that in one “twist” Trump transition team
things, and get new leads,” one source told members went through the trove of emails after the
Axios. transition and separated out those considered to be
privileged. But that didn’t matter in the long run; Mueller
That Mueller even bothered to obtain the emails was and his biased attorneys managed to obtain them anyway.
confounding to transition team members, mostly because
they haven’t impeded Mueller’s investigation in the least. The bottom line is this:

“They ask us to waive NDAs [nondisclosure Nothing that Mueller will find or allege
agreements] and things like that,” said one eventually will be considered credible,
source. “We never said ‘no’ to anything.” given the incredible bias that exists within
his own team and the huge conflict of
If Congress — or a federal court — decides that indeed interest he has.
Mueller’s team improperly (illegally) obtained the emails,
then none of the information revealed in them could be
used against the president or any member of his team.

Fox News Under Fire For Reporter’s
Claims Of White House ‘Coup’ (VIDEO)
Published Time: 18 Dec, 2017 15:53 Edited Time: 19 Dec, 2017 07:59

Backlash in response to the comments was swift and

widespread across social media, coming from political
commentators and educators, journalists and even a former
2016 US presidential candidate.

Never one to shy away from controversy, Fox News may

have crossed the line between biased news coverage and
self-satire – intentionally or otherwise – as host Jesse
Watters alleged a coup may be underway in the US on

The highly inflammatory comments were made during the

course of a discussion on special counselor Robert
Mueller's investigation into the so-called 'Russiagate'
scandal of alleged collusion between the Trump
presidential campaign and the Russian government.

“We may now have proof the

investigation was weaponized to
destroy [Trump’s] presidency for
partisan political purposes and to
disenfranchise millions of American
voters,” Watters said on his show
'Watters’ World' on Sunday. “Now, if
that is true, we have a coup on our
hands in America.”

to further hammer home the White House position on the

"The fix was in against Donald Trump from

the beginning, and they were pro-Hillary.
We understand that people have political
views but they are expressing theirs with
such animus and such venom towards the
now president of the United States they
Ever since explosive revelations last week surrounding can't possibly be seen as objective or
private correspondence between counterintelligence agent transparent or even-handed or fair,”
Peter Strzok and FBI lawyer Lisa Page, in which US Conway said, without a hint of irony, while
President Trump was described as an “idiot” and appearing above a chyron which read "A
“douche," Fox News, a trusted source for Trump, has gone coup in America?"
on the offensive. Strzok was removed from the Mueller “It’s toxic, it’s lethal, and it may be fatal to
investigation months ago, but Fox has attempted to the continuation of people arguing that
delegitimize the whole enterprise since it was announced. matter is since behind us, he won he’s the
president, and the Mueller investigation is
something separate,” she added.

Fox News firebrand Sean Hannity described Mueller as

“a disgrace to the American justice

system,” who had put the US "on the brink
of becoming a banana republic.” Legal
commentator Greg Jarrett later argued on
Hannity's show that Mueller “has been
using the FBI as a political weapon. And
the FBI has become America’s secret

It seems there was an editorial directive handed down at

Fox News head offices, as notorious rabble-rouser Judge
Jeanine Pirro also gave her two cents on the issue.
Rather conspicuously, Trump counselor Kellyanne
Conway appeared shortly after Watters’ opening remarks "Folks, this is not about politics. It’s much
bigger. I doubt in American presidential
election history that there has been as
great a crime or as large a stain on our
democracy than that committed by a
criminal cabal in our FBI and the
Department of Justice who think they know
better than we who our president should
be," she said on Sunday.

This is not the first time such inflammatory rhetoric has

been employed in discussions of the Mueller investigation,

“We are at risk of a coup d’état in this

country if we allow an unaccountable
person with no oversight to undermine the
duly-elected President of the United

Republican Representative for Florida Matt Gaetz said in a

speech on the House floor in November, as cited by
the Washington Post.

Trump Sex Accuser BEGGED Him
For A Job Before Her Assault Claims Came To Light
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On December 19, 2017

“I also want to put it out there that I would be In yet another email in which Harth attempted to meet
willing to say at a rally or somewhere how Trump personally, she offered to be a campaign surrogate
[Trump] helped me with my self-confidence and who was willing to tell voters how the future president
all positive things about how he is with women”
“helped me with my self-confidence and all
positive things about how he is with women.”

Those words are very different from words she used in a

withdrawn federal lawsuit in 1997 and allegations which
surfaced in the weeks before the November 2016
election, Solomon noted.

Harth is one of 19 women who have accused President

Trump of inappropriate sexual conduct.
(National Sentinel) Accusation Industry: A woman who
has accused President Donald J. Trump of sexual She acknowledged to The Hill that in 2015 and 2016, as
misconduct once pleaded to be his makeup artist before her Trump’s campaign was ramping up, that she approached
charges surfaced shortly before the November 2016 the future president’s corporate assistant, while also
election. sending him emails personally.

As reported by The Hill‘s John Solomon, New York Harth claimed that the “flattering nature” of her business
cosmetics executive Jill Harth lobbied to become the soon- pitches “were necessary to satisfy Trump’s ‘huge’ ego,”
to-be president and pitch her new line of makeup before and that she believed enough time had passed since his
accusations that he allegedly assaulted her sexually in the alleged misconduct that she felt comfortable approaching
1990s became public. him again.

“Hi Donald, you are doing a tremendous job of “Yes, I had moved on but had not forgotten the
shaking things up in the United States. I am pain he brought into my life,” she said, saying
definitely on Team Trump as so many others she underwent therapy to deal with her prior
are,” Jill Harth wrote the future president in an experiences. “I was older, wiser. Trump was
Oct. 1, 2015, email sent to him through his New married to Melania and I had hoped he was a
York company’s headquarters. changed man.”

“I can’t watch television without seeing you or Harth said she eventually got a chance to pitch her “Made
hearing your name everywhere! It’s a good Man” product line to Trump after securing VIP tickets to a
thing for sure but PLEASE let me do your campaign event in South Carolina in January 2016.
makeup for a television interview, a debate, a
photo session, anything!” Harth wrote.
“I went to a rally for Trump in January 2016 in
South Carolina. We met and we had an
“It kills me to see you looking too orange and understanding that we would let ‘sleeping dogs
with white circles under the eyes. I will get your lie’ in regards to that old complaint,” she said in
skin looking smoother and even toned,” she an email to The Hill.
added, bragging that she would “sculpt your
face” to look presentable on high-definition
television sets.
Trump has denied he sexually harassed any women while [Trump] helped me with my self-confidence and
he was amassing his business fortune. all positive things about how he is with women
to counter any potential negativity that may
In a Jan. 5, 2016, email to Trump assistant Rhona Graff, come out at some point in the campaign,” she
she also volunteered to attest publicly that Trump treated wrote.
women nicely, including herself.
“I have always been very fond of Donald and I
“I also want to put it out there that I would be CARE about him,” Harth wrote to Graff in
willing to say at a rally or somewhere how August.

Left Is Trying To GOAD Trump Into Firing
‘Dirty Cop’ Mueller With Threats Of Violence, COUP
By J.D. Heyes, editor-in-chief
Posted On December 19, 2017

The Swamp understands that Mueller is their last, best the FBI and Department of Justice, including agent Peter
hope to get rid of Trump, one way or another Strzok, FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, FBI lawyer
Lisa Page, and Department of Justice official Bruce Ohr.

And of course, it’s an open secret that special counsel

Robert Mueller is completely compromised and has a
major conflict of interest in investigating Team Trump for
alleged “collusion” with Mother Russia during last year’s
election. In fact, some of the same anti-Trump players
have managed to ‘find’ themselves on Mueller’s team —
which, of course, is not by accident, as no one gets on
Mueller’s team unless he hires them. And since Mueller
has been swimming in the DC Swamp for a long, long
(National Sentinel) Political Baiting: As President Donald time, he knows everyone he hired — including their
J. Trump becomes more successful in reviving our country animus towards the president.
after it was rendered moribund by former President Obama
and his top-down, bureaucracy-heavy, one-size-fits-all,
Through it all, however, Trump has survived. And now
economy-killing approach to government, the far-Left is
that he and Republicans in Congress are onto the plot,
getting more and more unhinged.
there is widespread concern among the radical Left that
Mueller’s days may be numbered.
And angry.
Since Mueller represents the best remaining opportunity to
You see, they were all in for Obama’s “transformation” of get rid of Trump, the Left is already gearing up for the
America from a successful, growing, robust, powerful special counsel’s possible demise by agitating supporters
global leader into a declining, weak, economically drained and inciting them to “resist.”
shell of its former self. But they don’t want to have
anything at all to do with the Trump revival, and in fact,
As noted by PJ Media, there appeared to be a coordinated
they are doing all they can to disrupt Trump and destroy
effort by Left-wing groups and individuals over the
any chance he has at making America great again.
weekend to “take to the streets” if or when Mueller is fired
by Trump.
That’s why the angry Left is pushing for widespread civil
unrest, perpetual outrage, and outright destruction if “dirty
The call to riot is not simply being issued by radical Leftist
cop” Robert Mueller winds up being out of a job, thanks to
groups. Radical Leftist individuals, including former
being fired by the head of the Executive Branch.
Obama officials like Eric Holder, who is a former attorney
general, are also calling for resistance.
In recent days Americans have learned a great deal about
the operation put in place during Obama’s reign to
As reported by The National Sentinel, Holder issued his
undermine Trump’s chances of pulling off what many
second thinly-veiled threat in a week that there would be
considered to be an election upset against Democratic rival
hell to pay if “Republicans” or the president fire Mueller.
Hillary Clinton.
(Related: CHAOS ALERT: Dem leader calls for
deploying UN troops on the streets of America.)
What’s more, Americans have learned that there may even
have been an actual coup planned by some members of

“ABSOLUTE RED LINE: the firing of Bob will not be tolerated.These are BS attacks on
Mueller or crippling the special counsel’s office. him/his staff that are blatantly political-designed
If removed or meaningfully tampered with, there to hide the real wrongdoing. Country not party.”
must be mass, popular, peaceful support of
both. The American people must be seen and Why should this surprise me? After all, Obama’s CIA
heard – they will ultimately be determinative,” director, John Brennan, suggested over the summer that
tweeted Holder on Sunday. there be a coup against Trump if he fires Mueller.

The thing is, none of this is real. They goad the president
with these threats.

The Swamp understands that Mueller is their last, best

hope to get rid of Trump, one way or another:

Either Trump gives them the opening they need

to impeach him, or Mueller finds evidence of
“high crimes and misdemeanors.”

Earlier last week Holder tweeted, The latter is far less likely than the former.

“Speaking on behalf of the vast majority of the

American people, Republicans in Congress be
forewarned: any attempt to remove Bob Mueller

President Trump Literally Breaks The Media As CNN Hits
Rock Bottom In 2017 - The Deliberate Dumbing Down Of
A Huge Part Of America Is Now Complete
By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine
December 19, 2017

notes added, and in one humiliating instance, after being

threatened with a $100 million lawsuit, was retracted and
deleted, completely removed from the Internet, with
subsequent forced resignations of three very high profile

ANP has been documenting the preponderance of fake

news articles from the mainstream media since well before
the presidential election, from selectively editing Trump
speeches in order to bash him to outright lies, as well as
how much worse the issue has gotten in the year since the
election, to the point where even the majority of
Over the last year since President Trump was elected, there Americans (including Democrats!) said they believe the
has not been one mainstream news outlet, paper, or MSM publishes fake news, so putting aside the agenda
television network that has not been caught in major false driven and deliberate disinformation campaign many
reporting, from the New York Times being called out by MSM outlets are engaging in, we also note examples of
name during congressional testimony for inaccurate things that are extremely bad in optics.
reporting, to an overall claim in front of Congress that
"many, many" Russia-related stories dependent on leaks of CNN'S OPTICS PROBLEM
classified information by anonymous sources were "dead
wrong." CNN "journalists" publicly grandstanding and acting like
they are the "opposition party" rather than an objective
Despite mistakes and missteps by Washington Post, CBS news organization, consistently reading directly from
News, MSNBC, and NYT, along with the recent huge Democratic politicians scripts, with CNN's White House
screwup by ABC News, causing a 350 point drop in the correspondent Jim Acosta constantly throwing a foot
stock market, and the suspension of on-air personality stomping temper tantrum to garner some liberal "likes" and
Brian Ross after major clarifications, edits, and retractions, video hits.
no network has had quite as bad a year as CNN, in optics
as well as the loss of any and all credibility. That is not just the opinion of Trump supporters or
conservatives as there have been multiple other outlets,
During the 2016 campaign season, when Trump rally and writers such as Carl Golden from Center for Public
attendees would chant "CNN Sucks," it was amusing to Policy, who wrote at Times-Gazette in August 2017 that
see the hyperbolic reactions from CNN personalities, as Acosta's antics are "an embarrassment to himself, his
well as other mainstream media employees circling the colleagues, his network," saying Acosta reinforces "the
wagons, screeching about threats to press freedom when perception that the media is no longer an independent
Trump would call them out for their consistent dribbling of broker and purveyor of news, but a group of opinionated,
"fake news." While present day Trump rallies continue to smarmy individuals intent on expressing their own biases."
see some members starting that same "CNN Sucks" chant, Even Acosta's colleagues within CNN accuse him of using
the disdain and disgust of Americans towards the these antics as "auditions" while "angling" for his own
mainstream media, but specifically CNN itself, has grown opinion show.
Other CNN personalities like Chris Cuomo have been
Supposed bombshell after bombshell reported on busted pushing outright fake news onto his audience, when
"exclusively" by CNN in 2017, all anti-Trump propaganda he laughably claimed it was illegal for the general public
stories, have had to be changed, edited, have an editor's to read the Wikileaks leaked emails during the 2016

election cycle, telling the audience that anything they need "because he is a private citizen who has issued an
to learn about the leaked emails they had to learn from the extensive statement of apology, showed his remorse by
media. saying he has taken down all his offending posts, and
because he said he is not going to repeat this ugly behavior
Remember Cuomo is also the one that admitted, before on social media again," then article stated. "…CNN
Hillary Clinton even announced she was running for reserves the right to publish his identity should any of
President in the 2016 election, that the media were her that change."
biggest promoters and had given her a "free ride."
If that sounds a little bit like blackmail to those just
hearing about this for the first time, you are not alone, in
fact so many thought the threat to dox a random user if his
"behavior" online didn't meet CNN's standards of good
behavior, should be labeled blackmail, that
#CNNBlackMail instantly started trending on Twitter, with
CNN issuing excuses, justifications and denials in order to
make the whole bad optics of what they did, go away.

Another optical nightmare for CNN is their penchant,

when they run out of "fake news" stories, or anti-
Trump/Russia material, is their weird obsession they have
with Donald Trump's eating habits, which started before
the election with blockbuster reporting about how the then-
candidate Trump ate Kentucky Fried Chicken with a fork!

That does go a long way towards explaining why the

media has declared all out war on President Trump..... he
beat their preffered candidate and he did so despite 90+
percent "hostile" coverage before the election.

Other optical problems CNN has inflicted on themselves

include an event from July 2017, when President Trump
tweeted out an amusing GIF created from his 2007 video
of him body slamming and punching WWE CEO Vince
McMahon, where a random internet meme maker had
superimposed the CNN logo over McMahon's head and

CNN's fixation didn't stop there, as we see multiple articles

and CNN videos about Trump's Road meals and fast foods,
and "Even without the buns, Trump's favorite fast-food
meal is a diet-buster," and how CNN was so concerned
about President Trump's liking of Diet Coke, that they
immediately rushed out to find a Gastroenterologist to
interview (screen shot above), while also dedicating other
segments to the same topic.

One would think there was nothing else going on that day
that was newsworthy.... something like, oh yeah, a terror
attack in New York!

Needless to say, Twitter users relentlessly mocked CNN

for finding the President's penchant for drinking Diet Coke
The mainstream media WAS. NOT. AMUSED. more important than a breaking story about an attempted
terror attack.
Accusations of Trump endangering media members,
inciting violence against them was all the rage within the Who can forget CNN's amazing coverage, both in creating
MSM, but CNN took it a step further and used their a video and headlining an article, to the fact that President
resources to hunt down the random Internet user that Trump likes two scoops of ice-cream on his pie! Fair
originally created the meme, then put out an article, saying warning, you will never get the two minutes of your life
they would not expose his identity for safety purposes, and back that it takes to watch the video below which was
published on CNN's website and on their YouTube Last but not least, we have breaking news this morning
channel. from Alisyn Camerota and Chris Cuomo, who could find
nothing more important to "report" on than how the
President sipped from a glass of water.


All snark aside, CNN has not only become the joke among
other news outlets, and considering the MSM's less than
stellar reporting of late is really saying something, but they
have become the joke of the internet. The more disturbing
aspect of this is not just how a network that bills itself as a
"news" network spends more time on utter and complete
fake news, crappy news or items that absolutely have no
"news" value, but it absolutely proves how they are
deliberately dumbing down their entire audience.

The saddest part of this for CNN is that their "reporting"

on President Trump's eating habits are about the only
stories they don't get wrong these days. It appears that is
all they are capable of "confirming" and they even had to
get that from the New York Times, who also thought
Trump's eating habits was newsworthy.

The mainstream media has had a credibility problem, with

distrust of them and their reporting rising throughout the
past decade, but is appears that President Donald J. Trump
has quite literally broken them and exposed them for the
frauds they are.

Cher, Patricia Arquette To March
Against ‘Pariah’ Trump ‘If Mueller Is Fired’
By Corinne Weaver
December 19, 2017 6:38 PM EST

Liberal Hollywood is ready to spring into action at the first “The rumor on the Hill when I left yesterday
whisper of a rumor that President Donald Trump might not was that the president was going to make a
get impeached. significant speech at the end of next week,”
she told a California news outlet “And on
After The Hill reported Friday that Democratic December 22, when we are out of D.C., he
Congresswoman Jackie Speier (Calif.) hinted that Trump was going to fire Robert Mueller.”
might fire special counsel Robert Mueller, two Hollywood
actresses called for a strong protest. Singer Cher On Sunday, Donald Trump denied that he had any plans to
announced the idea on Twitter. fire Mueller. But as of Monday, The Hill also reported that
several groups have amassed pledges to protest Trump if
he fires Mueller.

“Over 100,000 Americans have vowed to

take part in more than 500 protests across
the country should the firing occur,
according to a press release,” wrote
reporter Mallory Shelbourne.

On Tuesday, Cher tweeted again about Mueller.

“We protest if Mueller gets fired,

Rosenstein gets fired, Sessions gets fired,”
she insisted. “These 3 thing mean exactly
same thing!! We cannot let these men who
would do harm to our beloved America, do
so without any consequences. We will
march!! We will protect you.”
PEACE & UNITY!! WE R AMERICAN When a follower asked why Cher would protest if
CITIZENS.” Cher tweeted out on Dec. 18. Attorney General Jeff Sessions was fired, she warned
“IT IS NOT RUSSIA YET.” about the “consequences” of a replacement.

Actress Patricia Arquette responded, “You don’t understand consequences. If

Sessions Is fired, Trump has chosen new
AG LOYAL 2HIM, who has not recused
“I will be there too-and I will bring a couple
himself,” she said. “Trump controls NEW
of backpacks full of sandwiches and
AG completely. He will shut down Mueller
snacks to Share with others!”
unless we take the streets in the
thousands. And stay. We can spell one
In its report, The Hill included a statement by Rep. Jackie another & stay protesting.”

The Greatest Things Trump Has Accomplished
In Just His FIRST Year (That You Never Heard Of,
Thanks To The FAKE News Media)
By JD Heyes
Tuesday, December 19, 2017

In fact, thanks to wholly dishonest anti-Trump media,

there are many great things this president has managed to
accomplish that almost no one who relies on the “drive-by
media,” as Rush Limbaugh calls it, knows anything about.

To hear those outlets tell it:

 Trump is deeply unpopular

 Trump is on the verge of being run out of office
 Trump hasn’t accomplished anything of substance
 Trump isn’t responsible for anything good in the
country today.

President Donald J. Trump managed to do more for None of that is true.

securing the Middle East for democracy in less than a year
than all the U.S. presidents in modern history.
For example, did you know that since Trump won the Nov.
8 election last year, there have been 70 stock market highs
That assessment comes from evangelical leader Dr. — the most ever in the history of the Dow Jones markets?
Michael Evans, who established the Jerusalem Prayer Probably not, because after all, reporting that bit of good
team. news goes against the “mainstream” media and
Democratic narrative that the everything is terrible under
“Donald Trump did more to build the Sunni this president. (Related: Great again: Trump-era
alliance in one week than all American employment, pay rates, stock market the BEST in years.)
presidents did in their lifetimes, and the
Crown Prince is now an ally of Israel and
an ally of Donald Trump and helping,” he
told CBN News recently.
“We need the Sunni alliance especially in
light of Iran so it was absolutely genius on
Trump’s part,” he added.

Okay, so Middle Eastern geopolitics is complicated, I get

it. But the fact is there are regional experts out there
praising Trump’s ability to make the kind of progress But it’s not.
toward eventual peace and stability in one of the most
diplomatically challenging parts of the world no other “Let’s start with the economy. 228,000 jobs
president has managed in decades of trying. created last month. An almost 30 percent
gain in the stock market since Trump was
Only, chances are unless you’re a fan of CBN News, elected,” said conservative commentator
Tomi Lahren in a recent “Final Thoughts”
you would never know of this yuuuge segment on Fox News.
accomplishment. “Gross domestic product is set to hit three
consecutive quarters of more than three

percent growth. The jobless rate is at a 17- dropped to a 45-year low,” she noted
year low,” she continued. further. “That’s down 25 percent from this
time last year. It’s amazing what happens
In addition, the unemployment rate for
when the president vows to secure the
black Americans aged 16 and older is the
border, isn’t it?”
lowest its been since lace-up jeans and
frosted lip gloss were fashion trends (17 “Trump also keeps his promises, unlike the
years ago). last three presidents, who promised to
recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, but
And the employment rate for Hispanic
Americans has fallen from 5.7 percent to never did,” she continued.
4.7 percent, it’s lowest in 44 years.
Noting that it would be a “Christmas miracle” if the media
Obama is trying to take credit for these economic would report the president’s amazing progress, Lahren
achievements, but after spending eight years in office said,
without ever seeing the economy hit three percent growth
in a single quarter, he has no credibility. The fact is, “It’s time for these idiots to realize we didn’t
businesses and real economists are crediting Trump’s pro- elect Donald Trump to be nice. We elected
growth policies — slashing regulations and backing major him to get stuff done. And that’s exactly
tax reform, which looks set to pass Congress — as the real what he’s doing.”
reasons for the dramatic uptick in the economy.
It’s a scandal in and of itself that most Americans who rely
“How about immigration? Wall prototypes on the famously fake “mainstream” news media don’t
are in the works,” Lahren continued. know these things.
“Beyond that, the Department of Homeland
Security reports border patrol arrests have

Trump's CDC Word Ban Is Institutional Warfare
The Banned CDC Words Represent The Deliberate Erasure Of Certain
Concepts—And People—From The Bureaucratic Categories That Are
Channels For State Power.
Jared Keller
Dec 19, 2017

On Friday, the Washington Post reported that the Trump Trump—and the fact that most Americans believe Trump
administration would prohibit the Centers for Disease tried to obstruct the subsequent investigation into foreign
Control and Prevention (CDC) from using seven particular meddling in the 2016 presidential election—the Trump
words in official government documents during the next ecosystem continues to seize on journalistic errors as
federal budget cycle. Those banned phrases include evidence of complete narrative falsehood despite
"vulnerable," "entitlement," "diversity," "transgender," and overwhelming evidence to the contrary. And it's working
"fetus," according to the Post. Two other target phrases, in the White House's favor: Despite the press' adversarial
"evidence-based" and "science-based," were scrapped in role, its public standing has never been worse.
favor of a suggested alternative: "[the] CDC bases its
recommendations on science in consideration with But despite its political inflection, most of the "fake news"
community standards and wishes." deployed on Facebook isn't done so with the intent of
shifting the existing political status quo; it's to sow doubt
Despite what some might call the dire inflection of the the and undermine trust around anything. "If everybody
CDC's latest directive, the Department of Health and always lies to you," as Hannah Arendt once wrote, "the
Human Services, which houses the CDC, denied any consequence is not that you believe the lies, but rather that
wrongdoing. "The assertion that HHS has 'banned words' nobody believes anything any longer. And with such a
is a complete mischaracterization of discussions regarding people you can then do what you please."
the budget formulation process," HHS spokesman Matt
Lloyd said in a statement to the New York Times. "HHS Indeed, it's the "do[ing] what you please" that's the concern
will continue to use the best scientific evidence available to many here. Consider the exclusion of the term
to improve the health of all Americans. HHS also strongly "transgender" from CDC paperwork: While the move
encourages the use of outcome and evidence data in sends a symbolic message that transgender isn't a
program evaluations and budget decisions." "legitimate" identity in the eyes of the state, it also has
real-life consequences for transgender Americans. The
Lloyd's rebuttal isn't totally inaccurate: Lawmakers and the CDC doesn't have a complete picture of issues like suicide
various federal agencies that vie for their among transgender youth because the death certificates
attention certainly fixate on costs and benefits rather than sampled by the organization's Youth Risk Behavior
the political semantics of specific federal budget line Surveillance Survey don't include gender identity. As a
items. But his response also reflects a more result, the CDC assesses the estimated 41 percent of
visceral element to the Trump administration's language transgender Americans who have attempted suicide
politics: Rather than being a bludgeon to shape the rules of through the National Violent Death Reporting System,
public opinion, the word ban is a tool of institutional which samples data from only 32 states with wildly
warfare. different jurisdictions and standards for documenting
gender identity. It's almost impossible for the government
Until now, the Trump administration's particular brand of to actually address an issue if it has no idea of the size and
language politics has focused on developing its own scope of the problem in the first place.
arsenal of piercing broadsides to shape public ideology.
Consider "fake news," once a post-Election Day diagnostic The same logic applies to "fetus," an easy target for pro-
by disaffected liberals that's been impressively co-opted by life activists who have pursued aggressive language in
the alt right as a tool of epistemic warfare. Despite the fact state-level laws that could ostensibly restrict abortion
that Facebook recently told lawmakers that Russian rights. And there could be further implications: As the
operatives at a St. Petersburg troll farm bought 3,000 ads Verge points out, the ban on the term may create
across 470 popular pages to deliberately damage unexpected difficulties for research surrounding the Zika
Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton and promote Donald virus and its characteristic symptoms of microcephaly in

unborn children. But the ramifications of the ban also The CDC's word ban represents not just a deliberate
extend to such topics of research as toxic stress across perversion of politically charged language, but the
socioeconomic groups, a phenomenon that may help deliberate erasure of certain concepts—and people—from
explain behavioral problems and long-term economic the bureaucratic categories that are channels for state
outcomes among certain demographic groups; with the power. In the United States government, real power is
CDC's ban on "vulnerable" populations and issues shaped on forms and figures, and should transgender or
involving "entitlement," the country's top health organ is "vulnerable" Americans find themselves erased from
effectively positing that economics don't affect public- bureaucratic language, they'll be without care or recourse
health outcomes.

Is Mueller Timing Release Of His Findings To SABOTAGE
The GOP And Trump In Time For 2018 Elections?
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On December 19, 2017

“That means it is, as it has always been, an associates and friends they expect to be working through
impeachment investigation” most of 2018.

That has triggered speculation among some in Trump’s

corner that the special counsel’s findings could be timed
for release in a manner that would do the most damage to
the president’s party at the polls.

Already, Republicans in Congress are pointing to evidence

of bias. They have noted that the special counsel’s office is
filled with Democratic donors, including giving money to
Trump’s election opponent, Hillary Clinton, with one
Mueller prosecutor even attending Clinton’s election night
(National Sentinel) Political Timing: Special counsel party.
Robert Mueller’s investigation into President Donald J.
Trump and his campaign over alleged “collusion” with They also point to a suspicious email exchange between
Russia may take at least another year to complete, fueling former lead FBI investigator Peter Strzok and his mistress,
speculation in some quarters he may time the release of his FBI lawyer Lisa Page, which appears to indicate a plot to
findings to coincide with the 2018 elections. deny Trump the White House or, if he should win, find a
way to have him removed. Further, the exchanged texts
As reported by the Washington Post, members of Trump’s indicate that the plot was discussed in the presence of
legal team who are scheduled to meet with the special current FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe.
counsel’s office this week are hopeful that Mueller’s probe
is wrapping up. Trump allies also note that the creation of the special
counsel in the first place was suspicious. During testimony
However, the Post said, citing individuals familiar with the before a House committee earlier this year, fired FBI
probe, the meeting could actually spur further investigation Director James Comey told lawmakers he purposefully
and create new tensions between the special counsel’s leaked a memo describing an alleged meeting he had with
office and an increasingly frustrated President Donald J. Trump in the Oval Office specifically for the purpose of
Trump. having a special counsel appointed.

Those close to the investigation told the paper that it could Former U.S. attorney Andrew McCarthy, in a column
last another year, referring to ongoing cooperation from earlier this month, speculated that Mueller doesn’t have
witnesses such as former Trump campaign adviser George much evidence to support the original contention that
Papadopoulos and former national security adviser Team Trump colluded with Russia. As such, he believes
Michael Flynn. Mueller is now conducting an “impeachment
Also, there could even be a trial involving a pair of former
Trump officials. “For all practical purposes, the collusion probe
is over. While the ‘counterintelligence’ cover will
As the special counsel’s office continues to request new continue to be exploited so that no jurisdictional
documents, those working on the probe have told limits are placed on Special Counsel Robert

Mueller, this is now an obstruction “It may never come to that. We have no idea
investigation,” he wrote. what Bob Mueller will provide,” Rep. Zoe
Lofgren, D-Calif., told The New York Times.
“That means it is, as it has always been, an She will likely compete with Rep. Jerrold Nadler
impeachment investigation,” he added. of New York to become chairperson of the
powerful House Judiciary Committee, which
That is noteworthy, say political observers, given that would be responsible for returning articles of
Republicans may be in danger of losing control of the
House in next year’s elections, and some Democrats are
already discussing impeaching Trump. “Should it come to that, I hope that I would have
the experience to cope with that in a very
orderly and fair and informed manner,” she
All they lack thus far, say observers, is a reason.

CNN's Stelter Questions If Fox News Is News,
NPR Guest Claims Fox Is 'Not About News'
By Alex Xenos
December 19, 2017 6:28 PM EST

This past Sunday on CNN’s Reliable Sources, host Brian The point is that it's CNN's hypocrisy here that's troubling
Stelter asked this irony-filled question to NPR media (not to mention that Fox News does excellent journalistic
correspondent David Folkenflik: “You and I have covered work and covers stories that the major broadcast networks
Fox News for years. Is it appropriate to call the channel a refuse to even consider).
news channel?”
Sean Hannity is not a journalist. He is a pundit and admits
to being one. Fox & Friends has had their reputation of
being a right-of-center news program for years
while Special Report will never be confused
with Hardball or The Ingraham Angle. To Stelter's credit,
he admitted as much regarding Shepard Smith and Special
Report host Bret Baier. Using the former two examples to
blugeon Fox News as an illegitimate news source is

Below is the more complete transcript of the conversation:

CNN's Reliable Sources

Well, is it appropriate to call CNN a news channel?
Folkenflik used this opportunity to declare:
11:05:08 AM
Fox News is not about news. Fox News is about Fox. Fox
News is about getting a tonal point of view, making sure BRIAN STELTER: So, David Folkenflik, do we call this collusion?
that viewers get what they think viewers need to get,
whether or not that involves, much of the time, facts. DAVID FOLKENFLIK: I think you've seen an almost total erosion
between what you're hearing from Trump administration officials
desperately spinning and trying to defend the president, Trump
surrogates who appear on cable networks all the time and the
Fox News talent, the hosts, the commentators, the people being
paid by Rupert Murdoch and by 21st Century Fox and Fox News.
They're offering the same message.

And the message is, don't look at or think about what may be
under investigation. Let's find whatever we can to undermine the
pillars of the respect that we tend to confer upon institutions like
the FBI and the Justice Department.

STELTER: You and I have covered Fox News for years. Is it

appropriate to call the channel a news channel?
Everybody understands that Fox & Friends presents a
friendly viewpoint toward the Trump
administration. Meanwhile, CNN still acts as if they are FOLKENFLIK: It's such a good question. I think that --
the arbiter of news as they fret over the President’s Diet
Coke consumption and how he's a bully for taking an extra STELTER: Shepherd Smith is a journalist. He works for Fox.
scoop of ice cream.
FOLKENFLIK: Here's what I would say --

STELTER: Bret Baier is a journalist. He works for Fox. know it's true because it's true at the most highly rated times of
day. It's true for who is being paid, who is being promoted, why
FOLKENFLIK: Here's what I would say, here's what I would say, are they being promoted. You see anchors who are slipping into
and I think it's only more true now in the Trump era. I would say some of those "Fox & Friends" host guest slots and they start
that there are journalists, there are reporters, there are taking a sharper tone. They start taking a more kind of
producers, there are people who care about the news who work incredulous look on their faces. They are pushing out the same
at Fox News. Fox News is not about news. Fox News is about message of incredulity about prosecutors, investigators, doing
Fox. Fox News is about getting a tonal point of view, making sure their job, trying to look at some very serious issues being raised
that viewers get what they think viewers need to get, whether or about people who are around this president.
not that involves, much of the time, facts. And you see it -- you

Former Asst. FBI Director:
“Patriots” Within FBI Set To Expose Mueller & Comey
“Something Is About To Happen”
Paul Joseph Watson Infowars.Com
December 20, 2017
Kallstrom agreed with host Stuart Varney that a “cabal”
within the FBI and DOJ that protected Hillary Clinton has
been attempting to bring down Donald Trump for the past

The former assistant director then dropped a bombshell,

suggesting that insiders within the FBI are about to go
public with new revelations about Mueller and Comey.

“I think recent events, that I’m aware of, are

Former FBI Assistant Director James
going to improve that, because there’s
Kallstrom told Fox Business that
going to be something actually something
patriots within the FBI are about to go
that’s going to happen in my view,” he said.
public with huge new revelations that
could sink the credibility of the ‘Russian “I think there’s a lot of patriots that have
collusion’ investigation. just had it up to here, with what’s going on.
And they’re to step forward and tell people
Kallstrom said that a “5th estate” has been working to what the shenanigans have been, how they
sabotage President Trump, lead by “a bunch of sycophants shut down the Clinton Foundation
in the FBI” who are guilty of “obstruction of justice”. investigation, how other things, you know,
were done that are so anti what the FBI
and United States is all about,” Kallstrom
He added that the goal from the outset was to “destroy the
presidency of the United States,” a claim backed up by the
revelation that top anti-Trump FBI agents had settled on an
“insurance policy,” namely the ‘Russian collusion’
investigation, to topple Trump if he defeated Hillary.

“They were in Andy (McCabe’s) office

plotting some kind of thing and I think that
‘some kind of thing’ is what we are seeing
right now,” said Kallstrom, remarking that
the entire Russian investigation was “very
depressing” for many patriotic FBI agents.

When Donald Trump Joined Forces With Darth Vader
To Watch It Now Is Truly Surreal.
Marlow Stern
12.20.17 12:45 AM ET
referred to the rapper Lil Jon as an “Uncle Tom”; laughed
when a female employee presented him with a groping
allegation by Gary Busey; and subjected former Playboy
model Brande Roderick to a near-constant string of sexual
harassment, complete with marriage proposals, while
married to Melania.

He also fired Chewbacca.

A wee Grand Jedi Master once cautioned, “Beware of the

dark side. Anger, fear, aggression: The dark side of the
Force are they. Easily they flow, quick to join you in a

And few public figures, with the notable exception of

accused sexual predator and all-around prick Harvey
Weinstein, have a capacity for anger and aggression quite
like that of Donald J. Trump.
On Nov. 10, 2005, NBC aired a special Star Wars-themed
Whether it be punctuation-heavy Twitter tirades, episode of The Apprentice. During the episode, which was
occasionally coated in rank sexism, or volcanic outbursts made with the full cooperation of Lucasfilm, contestants
at underlings—“Multiple men of distinction, with long were tasked with creating eye-catching store displays for
careers in public service, say the dressings-down that have both the DVD launch of Star Wars: Episode III—Revenge
sprung from [President] Trump’s lips are the most of the Sith, the last of George Lucas’ regrettable Star Wars
demeaning they’ve enduring in their adult lives,” reported prequels, and the video game Star Wars: Battlefront II.
CNN—few have escaped The Donald’s wrath. His own The winning team’s marketing materials would
ex-wife once accused him of a violent rape, saying he subsequently be featured in Best Buy stores across
lashed out at her over an alleged scalp reduction surgery America.
gone awry, while a former dorm-mate of Donald Trump
Jr.’s recalled witnessing the elder Trump slapping the crap “Star Wars: Episode III is the biggest movie
out of his son in front of a gaggle of his fellow college of the year and broke box-office records.
freshmen. It’s the DVD event of the year, and the
candidates really have their work cut out for
Very un-Jedi. them making sure they please the creators
of the most successful entertainment
Which brings us to Donald Trump’s affiliation with Darth franchise of all time,” Trump said in a
Vader. You see, prior to his stint as a rage-harnessing prepared statement at the time, adding,
populist politician, Trump served as host of NBC’s The “When someone gets fired in this episode,
Apprentice—a reality-competition show that was not it’s for very good reason.”
nearly as popular as he thinks it was. On the series, which “We needed to create a massive retail
was followed by its even less popular spin-off, Celebrity event for the combined release of Episode
Apprentice, Trump subjected his contestants to a parade of III and Battlefront II, so we wanted to work
indignities. According to staffers, he mocked the Oscar- with someone who really understands how
winning actress Marlee Matlin for being deaf; repeatedly to create excitement and generate

interest—and who could be better than The Trump Death Star.
Donald Trump and some of the best young
business minds in America?” added Jim But wait, there’s more. The skit also has Vader teaching
Ward, senior vice president of Lucasfilm. Trump to Force-choke stormtroopers in lieu of his
customary point-and-fire—he obliges, naturally—and
But before the deliberations, the show aired a segment of Trump chewing the hell out of Chewie before sending him
Trump in the boardroom, flanked by two other judges: packing.
George H. Ross, executive vice president of the Trump
Organization, and… Darth Vader. Across the table? Five “I’m sorry, but you made this easy: No one
stormtroopers. can understand a word you say, you’ve got
a terrible temper, and let’s face it, your
“Squashing the Rebellion is a $32 billion grooming habits are seriously lacking. I just
industry, so this next task is really going to have to say: Chewbacca, you’re fired.”
be fantastic. You will be judged by these
two executives, and based on their report, Poor Chewie lets out a wookie wail, and in the taxi ride to
one of you will be fired,” offers Trump. After the airport, moans to himself,
Vader whispers in his ear, he adds, “And
sliced into tiny pieces by a lightsaber,”
“Bad grooming habits? What’s that on his
before telling the baddie, “I like your style.”
head? A squirrel? Sheesh!”

Trump is not done, of course. He has his own proposal for

A lighthearted bit, to be sure, though it’s still surreal to
Vader, boasting it to be
think that this man, this reality-TV jester, currently
occupies the most powerful office in the land.
“the biggest, the best, absolutely the most
technologically sophisticated battle station And, in a bizarre twist, the man who helped guide him
ever, in the entire galaxy”:
there once compared himself to Darth Vader.

LOCK HER UP! Rosie O’Donnell Caught Bribing GOP
Senators With Millions Of Dollars To Kill Tax Bill
Rosie O’Donnell Offered Senators $4 Million To Vote Against The
GOP Bill Tuesday Evening Which Is A Felony
By Cristina Laila 196 Comments
Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Of course it didn’t work because the Senate passed the bill

51-48 in a midnight showdown.

In a desperate attempt to stop Trump’s tax bill Tuesday

evening, O’Donnell frantically tweeted she was willing to
pay Senator Collins and Senator Flake $2 million each to
vote against Trump’s tax bill.

Rachel Meadow? You drinking again, Rosie?

(B) to influence such public official
or person who has been selected to be a
public official to commit or aid in
committing, or collude in, or allow, any
fraud, or make opportunity for the
commission of any fraud, on the United
States; or
(C) to induce such public official or
such person who has been selected to be a
public official to do or omit to do any act in
violation of the lawful duty of such official or
UNHINGED: person;
…shall be fined under this title or not more
than three times the monetary equivalent of
the thing of value, whichever is greater, or
imprisoned for not more than fifteen years,
or both, and may be disqualified from
holding any office of honor, trust, or profit
under the United States.


Rosie doubled down when people took notice:

Bribery is illegal according to Federal law.

Here’s the relevant portion of 18 USC §201(b): (Via The

Daily Wire)

(1)directly or indirectly, corruptly gives,
offers or promises anything of value to
any public official or person who has been
selected to be a public official, or offers or
promises any public official or any person
who has been selected to be a public
official to give anything of value to any
other person or entity, with intent—
(A) to influence any official act; or
Uh Oh! Rosie is triggered!

#Nevertrump Conservatives Soften,
HAIL The President’s First-Year Achievements On Way To
Making America GREAT AGAIN
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On December 20, 2017
“This is one of the best stories of the young many of the battles were fought under
Trump administration” Obama, Trump pursued the enemy
relentlessly. He delegated decision-making
to commanders in the field, they fought
within the laws of war, and they prevailed.
Trump promised to defeat ISIS, and he has
delivered a tremendous victory.
The so-called ‘dean’ of the #nevertrump
movement, NR editor Rich Lowry has
written a piece in which he listed Trump’s
accomplishments in office, which he calls a
“solid record of achievement.”
(National Sentinel) Coming Around: A cabal of ‘never
Trump’ conservatives have begun to soften their tone “It’s hard to see how a conventional
towards President Donald J. Trump and have begun to take Republican president would have done
note of his first-year accomplishments, Breitbart News much better, except if he had managed to
reported. get Obamacare repealed, which was
always going to be a dicey proposition
given the narrow Republican majority in the
Earlier this week in his New York Times column, Ross Senate,” Lowry writes.
Douthat, a frequent critic of the president, praised Trump’s
strategy in taking on and helping defeat the Islamic State. “If any Republican would have done much
of what Trump has, three acts stand out —
“[I]f you had told me in late 2016 that pulling out of the Paris accords,
almost a year into the Trump era the decertifying the Iran deal, and declaring
caliphate would be all-but-beaten without Jerusalem the capital of Israel,” he added.
something far worse happening in the “All three demonstrated an imperviousness
Middle East, I would have been surprised to polite opinion that is one of Trump’s
and gratified. So very provisionally, credit signature qualities.”
belongs where it’s due — to our soldiers
and diplomats, yes, but to our president as Also, the Washington Examiner, a conservative outlet that
well,” Douthat wrote in a column titled, “A has frequently criticized the president, said in an editorial
War Trump Won.” that he’s “on a roll.”

He went on to take the establishment media to task for not “One of the narratives of 2017 has been
making more of the victory, noting that the media’s failure that Trump and Republicans on Capitol Hill
to do so was likely because it conflicts with the narrative have failed to achieve anything
of “Trumpian disaster.” substantive. This has always been untrue,
but in recent weeks it has become a
Prominent Trump critic David French of National ridiculous fiction,” it said. “Amid drama,
Review echoed Douthat’s sentiment on the defeat of ISIS. protest, miscues, and unprecedented
political vitriol, real conservative victories
are being achieved for America.”
“This is one of the best stories of the young
Trump administration,” he wrote. “While

Trump Secures Major Victory As Senate Republicans Pass
$1.5 Trillion Tax Cut Bill Despite Democrats Warning
They'll 'Rue This Day' And Protesters Screaming 'Don't
Kill Us' - Paving The Way For A Final House
Vote Today After Earlier Hiccup
 The Senate Passed A $1.5 Trillion Tax Cut Early In The Early Hours Of Wednesday
 Vote Was Along Strict Party Lines. Only GOP Sen. John McCain Was Absent
 The House Earlier Passed The Tax Cut By A Vote Of 227-203 But Two Provisions Fell Foul
Of Parliamentary Test Meaning They Have To Vote Again On Wednesday
 President Donald Trump Fired Off A Pair Of Tweets In The Morning
 Mike Pence Described It As A 'Historic Win For The American People'
By Geoff Earle, Deputy U.S. Political Editor For Dailymail.Com And David Martosko, U.S.
Published: 00:48 EST, 20 December 2017 | Updated: 10:03 EST, 20 December 2017
Not a single Democrat voted for it, just as none in the
House voted for a similar bill earlier on Tuesday.

Moments after the measure passed, Trump was quick to

voice his approval and said if the House succeeds in a final
re-vote Wednesday morning, there will be a White House
news conference at 1:00 p.m.

'The United States Senate just passed the

biggest in history Tax Cut and Reform Bill,'
he tweeted just after 1:00 in the morning.
The Senate passed the GOP’s $1.5 'Terrible Individual Mandate
trillion tax cut early Wednesday (ObamaCare)Repealed. Goes to the House
morning, leaving just one technical tomorrow morning for final vote.'
hurdle and President Trump’s signature
as the final steps before the president’s With a final House vote not expected until around
top legislative priority becomes reality. lunchtime, the White House announced that Trump would
hold a 'bill passage event.' The president will have to sign
There was little last-minute drama in the Senate, where the the bill later.
final tally was 51-48, hardly different from the original
version that cleared the Senate earlier this month. House Speaker Paul Ryan tweeted:

Not a single Democrat voted for it, just as no House 'Great news. The Senate just passed the
Democrat voted for a version Tuesday. Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. After years of work,
we are going to enact the most sweeping,
The Senate passed the GOP’s $1.5 trillion tax cut early pro-growth overhaul of our tax code in a
Wednesday morning, leaving just one technical hurdle and generation.'
President Trump’s signature as the final steps before the
president’s top legislative priority becomes reality. A wave of protesters provided one of the biggest bursts of
emotion. One small group yelled out
There was little last-minute drama in the Senate where the
final tally was 51-48 – hardly different from the original ‘Kill the bill, don't kill us!’ as the final vote
version that cleared the Senate earlier this month. was being taken.

‘The Sergeant at Arms will restore order in
the gallery,’ said Vice President Mike
Pence, who was presiding over the

Pence's appearance was a flourish that put him in the

spotlight – though party leaders knew in advance his
potential tie-breaking vote was not needed.

One protester yelled at GOP Sen. Jeff Flake of Arizona,

'Have you no shame?'

The final vote was 51 to 48, with all Democrats opposed
and Arizona GOP Sen. John McCain absent while Flake voted for the bill, weeks after warning colleagues
recovering from cancer treatment in his home state against complicity with Trump.

Moments after the decision, far-left Democratic Sen.

Bernie Sanders tweeted:

'Senate Republicans just passed their tax

reform bill. What an utter disgrace.'

Before the vote, as the debate stretched toward midnight,

Pence tweeted out a photo of himself huddling with
Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin and Trump economic
advisor Gary Cohn.

The House still had to sort through one legislative hiccup –

Vice President Mike Pence presided over the historic vote. after Democrats raised a procedural objection to minor
He later described it as a provisions in the bill that the Senate parliamentarian ruled
were not allowable.
'historic win for the American people'
The parliamentary ruling, which was sustained after
Republicans failed to strike it down, requires the House to
re-vote Wednesday morning so that the House and Senate
versions are identical and President Trump can sign it.

'After eight straight years of slow growth

and under-performance, America is ready
to take off,' said Senate Majority Leader
Mitch McConnell of Kentucky at a press
conference after passage.

Asked about a need to 'sell' the bill, McConnell said:

The outcome of the vote was known in advance after
wavering senators made their views known 'If we can’t sell this to the American people
I think we ought to go into another line of

House Speaker Paul Ryan backed the tax plan Wednesday

morning, telling a CBS audience that Americans will 'see
their paychecks getting bigger in February'

Ryan made the rounds on Wednesday morning's TV

shows, saying on CBS that Democratic detractors
predicting tax increases for the middle class are dead
Schumer called for order during his floor speech and
barked at colleagues who were talking rather than

'When people see their paychecks getting

bigger in February because withholding
tables have adjusted to reflect their tax
cuts, when businesses are keeping more of
what they earn, when they can write off
their expensing and investment in their President Donald Trump (pictured on Monday) is expected to sign
the tax cut as soon as Wednesday once it clears the House for a
businesses, and hire more people, that's second time
going to change its popularity. I am
convinced,' he said. 'This is serious stuff. We believe you’re
messing up America. You could pay
'So I think there's just tons of confusion out attention for a couple of minutes,' the New
there as to what this does or doesn't do. A York Democrat grumbled.
lot of people think it's going to raise their
taxes, when every income tax group on
Another Democrat, Rep. Tim Ryan of Ohio, said
average gets a tax cut. So the proof is in
Wednesday morning on CNN that while
the pudding, and I think the results will
speak for themselves.'
'a few people are going to get some
Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer, the top crumbs' in the form of tax relief, 'the
Democrat in the upper chamber of Congress, ripped the wealthiest people in the country are going
measure as as 'sloppy' and 'as partisan as the process used to get all of the benefits here.'
to draft it.' 'It is going to be a great Christmas for the
big corporations who are sitting on more
cash than they've ever had in their lives,'
he groused.

Wavering senators removed most of the drama Tuesday

night by announcing their support in advance. Tennessee
Sen. Bob Corker, who Trump mocked as 'little Bob' during
an earlier feud, flipped from opposing the earlier version to
supporting the final conference report that cleared the
Senate Tuesday night.

Sen. Susan Collins of Maine also tipped her hand hours

before the vote, saying she would back the bill.

Republican Senator from Utah and Chairman of the Senate Finance Sen. John McCain, who provided a dramatic thumbs-down
Committee Orrin Hatch (center) speaks beside Senate Majority to the GOP's Obamacare repeal bill months ago, is
Leader Republican Mitch McConnell (center right) and other
Republican Senators during a news conference after Republicans recovering at home from his treatment for brain cancer and
pass Trump's $1.5 trillion tax cut bill didn't vote Tuesday night.

He warned his colleagues: 'Vote no. Otherwise, I believe He had announced his backing for an earlier version of the
the entire Republican Party, and each of you, will come to tax cut.
rue this day.'
The hours-long debate Tuesday was mostly kabuki

Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch Democrats saw their hopes dashed of scoring another
bemoaned the lack of Democratic support – although dramatic defeat of a GOP initiative, after seeing the
leaders decided to move the bill through procedures that Obamacare repeal tank earlier this year.
allowed them to circumvent Democrats and pass it by a
simple majority vote. With passage all but assured, Sen. Ron Wyden of Oregon,
the leading Democrat on the Finance Committee, turned
his focus to future battles, warning Americans that
Republicans would be ‘coming for your Social Security
and Medicare before you take you Christmas tree down.’

Now, all that is left for the House to do is vote again

following an earlier technical parliamentary error.

Protesters are taken into custody as the Senate votes on tax

reform legislation on Capitol Hill

‘Where is this bipartisanship that this

country desperately needs?’ asked Hatch.
‘Our tax policy is for the birds,’ he added.

Sen. Jeff Merkley of Oregon called the final bill an

‘abomination’ as well as ‘the biggest bank heist – not just
in American history but in the history of the world.’

As the hours drew on, senators continued to inveigh one

way or the other to a mostly empty chamber but with an Protesters who yelled 'Kill the Bill' are removed by Capital
eye toward C-Span and cable audiences. Police during the senate vote

‘Not a single Democrat would break from Speaker Ryan, who earlier said 'this is a day I've been
party discipline,’ complained Texas looking forward to for a long time', will get to relive his
Republican Sen. Ted Cruz. ‘Why? Because dream Wednesday, because a few minor provisions in the
they are so united in their rage at President House bill were out of order.
Trump,’ the president’s former primary rival
said. That would require another procedural motion to ensure
both chambers are passing identical measures.
He said families would see benefits in their pay stubs
within weeks.

In that case, the House would meet at 9am Wednesday and LETS DO THIS (AGAIN)! House GOP leaders hailed the
then vote. bill minutes after the House passed it. Speaker Ryan hailed
it as 'profound change.' Now the House may have to do a
The rule prevents certain types of legislating in what is re-vote on a slightly-modified bill
nominally a revenue bill – crammed into a special
procedure that only requires a simple majority to pass to
avoid having to negotiate with Democrats.

There are a 'couple little glitches,' Senate Majority Leader

Mitch McConnell told Fox News Tuesday night, but they
are only 'minor adjustments.'

One of the out-of-order provisions lets people save in tax-

deferred 529 plans to home school their kids, Politico
reported. Another may deal with a college's exemption
from an endowment tax.

It is up to Democrats or any senator to raise an objection to

force a ruling. President Trump tweeted congratulations for those 'who
voted in favor of cutting your taxes!'
A Senate leadership aide downplayed the hiccup in the
final stretch. An amendment by Texas Sen. Ted Cruz made it into the
final conference report, allowing parents to withdraw up to
'No one’s fault. They’re tiny provisions that don’t affect $10,000 from tax-deferred 529 college savings plans for
the overall bill. These small provisions were all that Dems home schooling their kids at a younger age.
could find. The House will pass again,' the aide said.
The plans could now be used for K-12 elementary and
secondary tuition, including for home-schooling.

Aides were still scrambling to figure out how the technical

ruling would affect the legislation.

Cruz touted the amendment on his Senate and campaign

web site.

'By expanding choice for parents and

opportunities for children, we have
prioritized the education of the next
generation of Americans,' Cruz said on the
Not a single Democrat voted for the GOP-crafted Senate floor when the amendment passed
conference report, and in the end Republicans lost only 12 on a tie vote with an assist from Vice
of their own members President Mike Pence.

A Senate GOP aide told the only portion

likely to be knocked out involved home schooling – not
the bulk of the amendment for the first time making 529s
eligible for K-12 schools including private or parochial

In states that define home-schooling as a type of private

school, it is possible that funding could still be eligible.

In another blow, of the PR variety, Senate Democrats

objected to the pleasing name Republicans attached to the
bill, the so-called short title, the 'The Tax Cuts And Jobs

WHAT'S IN THE FINAL TAX BILL? House Republicans who voted in favor of
cutting your taxes!' he wrote.
 Top income tax bracket has dropped to 37 per cent
from 39.6 per cent
 Other brackets are zero, 12, 22, 24, 32 and 35 per
 'Standard' deduction for non-itemizers nearly doubles
 Interest is deductible only on the first $750,000 of new
home mortgages
 Only individuals making more than $500,000 and
couples earning $600,000 are in the top bracket
 Corporate tax rates drop from 35 per cent to 21 per
 Deduction for medical expenses and student loan
interest and an exemption for graduate school tuition
 Ends Obamacare tax penalty for failing to buy health
 Doubles child tax credit to $2,000 for families earning
up to $400,000
 $1,400 of child credit is refundable even for families
that don't pay any income tax
 Doubles estate tax exemption to the first $11.2 million
of inheritances
 Opens a portion of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
to oil and gas drilling
 'Pass-through' corporations can deduct 20 per cent of
 Elimination of corporate Alternative Minimum Tax
 No repeal of Johnson Amendment barring churches
and religious organizations from election activity

The bill's remaining long title is: 'An Act to provide for
reconciliation pursuant to titles II and V of the concurrent
resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2018.'

Just 12 Republicans voted against the final conference

report in the House. Among them were Reps.
Rodney Frelinghuysen of New Jersey, the House
Appropriations Committee chairman, Rep. Darrel Issa of
California, and Rep. Dana Rohrabacher of California.

All three of them represent high-tax states where some

constituents could get slammed by a provision that caps Not a single Democrat voted for the GOP-crafted
the deduction for state and local taxes. conference report – a steep partisan split that is already
leading to questions about whether the cuts will be able to
There was just one GOP opponent outside of the endure for the long term.
Democratic-leaning states of New Jersey, New York, and
California – Rep. Walter Jones of North Carolina. The White House maintained that the president could be
facing a tax increase, even as it said his business would
President Trump lauded House Republican supporters on fare well.
'We expect that it likely will, certainly on the
'Congratulations to Paul Ryan, Kevin personal side, could cost the president a lot
McCarthy, Kevin Brady, Steve Scalise, of money. Again, the president's focus
Cathy McMorris Rodgers and all great hasn't necessarily been at all on himself,'

said White House press secretary Sarah Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin sat in the House
Huckabee Sanders. chamber for a portion of the final debate.

Pressed on whether the billionaire president would have to

pay more, despite the doubling of the estate tax exemption,
changes for 'pass through' corporations, and the top rate
reduction, Sanders responded:

'I said that in some ways, particularly on the

personal side, the president will likely take
a big hit, but on the business side he could
benefit. But the biggest focus for this White
House has been to make sure all
Americans are better off today, after this
tax package passes, then they were

Key McCain Surrogate Who Handled Bogus TRUMP
Dossier Talking To House INTEL Panel
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On December 20, 2017

What Kramer knew about the dossier has, for months, “It was revealed soon after the dossier was
remained a mystery published that McCain and Kramer were
first told about the uncorroborated report in
Nov. 2016 by Sir Andrew Wood, a former
British ambassador to Russia who is a
business associate of Steele’s,” The Daily
Caller reported.

McCain asked Kramer to go to London later in the month

to meet with Steele, once an officer for MI6.

The two arranged for the Arizona Republican and frequent

Trump critic to obtain a copy of the dossier via Fusion
(National Sentinel) Russian Connection: A surrogate of GPS, the Democrat-aligned opposition research firm that
Sen. John McCain who handled the now-infamous but commissioned the project and hired Steele.
discredited “Trump dossier” met with the House
Intelligence Committee on Tuesday, The Daily Caller
reported. What Kramer knew about the dossier has, for months,
remained a mystery because he has not agreed to talk to
various media outlets that have contacted him for
David Kramer, a former State Department official, met interviews. One question that has yet to be answered is
with the panel Tuesday morning. Kramer was the one who whether he gave the dossier to Buzzfeed.
handled the dossier that was compiled by former British
spy Christopher Steele and paid for, in part, by the Hillary
Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Lawyers for Aleksej Gubarev, a Russian businessman
Committee. suing BuzzFeed for defamation over the dossier, have
attempted to depose Kramer.
Kramer has been a key figure in the dossier drama since
January, when Buzzfeed published it in full with the caveat However, as of last month, the attorneys disclosed in court
that none of it had yet been verified. The news site is being filings that Kramer had so far dodged their subpoenas.
sued by figures mentioned in the dossier for slander.

EPIC! POTUS Trump’s Assistant
Dan Scavino Goes After ‘Leaker Adam Schiff’
By Cristina Laila
Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Everyone is calling out ranking member

of the House Intelligence Committee
Adam Schiff (D-CA) as one of the

Adam Schiff was seen leaving the room many times during
Donald Trump Jr.’s 8 hour closed door testimony to the
House Intelligence Committee and mysteriously CNN
began publishing tidbits of information from the hearing.
Scavino slammed Adam Schiff!
Dan Scavino is President Trump’s assistant and director of
social media. He took a swipe at “Leaker Adam Schiff”
Tuesday night in a viral tweet. “Perhaps they are waiting to hear back
from Leaker Schiff?” Scavino tweeted.

It’s becoming increasingly obvious that Adam Schiff is the


Dan Scavino called out Adam Schiff as a leaker Tuesday night in a

response to a tweet sent by former White House Deep State swamp creature
Press Secretary Ari Fleischer. Andrew McCabe testified for 7.5
hours behind closed doors to the House
Fleischer tweeted, Intel Committee Tuesday and not one
tidbit of information was leaked to CNN.
“Just a reminder that CNN, CBS and All eyes are on ranking member of the
MSNBC have yet to explain how numerous House Intelligence Committee Adam
“independent” sources all misread the date Schiff (D-CA) as House Republicans
on an email in calls to each of those three launch a probe into Russia investigation
outlets. No explanation. None.” leakers.
Three House Republicans called for an
Fleischer was referencing the botched CNN story about inquiry into House Intelligence
Wikileaks sending Donald Trump Jr. an encryption key to Committee Russia investigation leaks
access hacked DNC emails. Their ‘sources’ got the dates Monday. The Reps demanded members
wrong; the encryption key had already been available to and staff responsible for violating rules
the public for days by the time Don Jr. was sent the email. be removed from the investigation.

Watch Ed Henry explain how Adam Schiff was seen

leaving the room multiple times as Donald Trump Jr
testified before the House Intel Committee. Coincidentally,

tidbits of information from Don Jr.’s testimony started
popping up on CNN as it was happening!

Fmr. Asst. FBI Director Kallstrom:
‘Patriots’ Will SOON EXPOSE Why Probe Into CLINTON
Foundation Was Shut Down (Video)
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On December 20, 2017

“No grand jury, giving witnesses immunity, he’s the lone ranger, this Peter Strzok. If
putting all the subjects in one room at the that’s his thinking, and they were obviously
same time. I mean it’s crazy. It’s nuts what in Andy’s office plotting some kind of thing,”
they did.” he added in a reference to FBI Deputy
Director Andrew McCabe.
(National Sentinel) Deep State: Former FBI Assistant
Director James Kallstrom said Tuesday he believes that He also said that the Clinton investigation
agents working for then-FBI Director James Comey likely
obstructed justice during the bureau’s investigation into “was phony from the beginning.”
Hillary Clinton’s mishandling of classified materials over
her private email server. “No grand jury, giving witnesses immunity,
putting all the subjects in one room at the
same time. I mean it’s crazy. It’s nuts what
Moreover, in an interview with Fox Business‘ Stuart
they did,” he added.
Varney, Kallstrom hinted that more information was yet to
come, hinting that “patriots” will soon expose why the
probe into the Clinton Foundation was “shut down.” Varney asked Kallstrom what the morale was like among
current FBI agents and supervisors, and that’s when he
suggested there could be more information forthcoming.
Kallstrom was also critical of Attorney General Jeff
Sessions for failing to hand over documents that House
committees have requested as they continue their “Well I think there’s a lot of patriots that
investigations into potential FBI and Justice Department have had it up to here with what’s going on,
collusion to keep President Donald J. Trump out of the and they’re going to step forward and tell
Oval Office during last year’s election. people what the shenanigans have bene.
How they shut down the Clinton
Foundation investigation, how other things
“We started off with Jim Comey and his were done that are so anti-what the FBI
crazy actions that I thought were outside and the United States and this country is
the main of how the FBI should operate. about,” he said.
And now we come to this focus on the fifth
estate that I’ve talked about, that includes
multiplicities of people,” Kallstrom said. Watch:

“But now we know it also includes a bunch

of sycophants in the FBI – they were part of
the Comey team, apparently. And people in
justice also that I believe have exposure
now for obstruction of justice,” he added.
“People tweet each other and they send
text messages, but they don’t plan. The FBI
is not in the business of planning to destroy
a President of the United States,” Kallstrom
“I think they were trying, I think they were
way above their capability. This guy thinks

Crooked Cop Comey Fires Off Cryptic Tweet After
McCabe Finishes 7.5 Hour Testimony
To House Intel Committee
By Cristina Laila
Wednesday, December 20, 2017
Crooked cop Comey fired off another “Don’t let them get you down: “We cannot
cryptic tweet shortly after his swamp absolutely prove that those are in error who
buddy Andrew McCabe finished his 7.5 tell us that society has reached a turning
hour closed door testimony to the point, that we have seen our best days. But
House Intel Committee. so said all before us, and with just as much
apparent reason. “ Thomas Babbington
Macaulay (1830),” Comey tweeted.

The swamp must be sharing notes because fired acting AG

Sally Yates said something similar earlier:

As previously reported, Deep State

swamp creature Andrew McCabe
testified for 7.5 hours behind closed
doors to the House Intel Committee
Tuesday and not one tidbit of
information was leaked to CNN.

Perhaps things didn’t go well for McCabe?

At approximately 10 PM EST it was reported McCabe

finished his testimony after more than 7.5 hours.

Barely an hour later, crooked cop Comey fired off a

cryptic tweet.

Andrew McCabe, Lisa Page, FBI Chief Of Staff
Targeted For ‘Transcribed Interview’ By House Panels
By Usafeaturesmedia
Posted On December 20, 2017

Republican lawmakers have grown frustrated with what ties between Trump campaign associates
they have said is an unwillingness by the the FBI to share and Russia,” The Hill reported.
details about its handling of both investigations”
McCabe, who has come under increasing scrutiny by
Republicans over his alleged involvement in plotting a
scheme to prevent Trump from becoming president,
testified before the House Intelligence Committee for
nearly eight hours Tuesday.

McCabe was implicated the plot in a series of texts

exchanged between FBI counterintelligence agent Peter
Strzok and Page. Strzok disparaged political figures of
both parties in the texts, including Trump, whom he called
an “idiot.”
(National Sentinel) Crosshairs: Two members of the
powerful House Judiciary and Oversight Committees have The three may have discussed what Strzok described as an
subpoenaed key figures in an ongoing probe into FBI and “insurance policy” against a Trump victory, which
Department of Justice corruption last year involving the mentioned “Andy’s office.”
campaigns of President Donald J. Trump and Hillary
Clinton. Andy is believed to be McCabe.

As reported by The Hill, Reps. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., and What is odd to some observers is that Strzok appears to
Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., have sent a letter to Attorney have escaped scrutiny by Goodlatte and Gowdy for now,
General Jeff Sessions and his deputy, Rod Rosenstein, as his name did not appear on the short list of key figures
asking them to make FBI Deputy Director Andrew both committees are now seeking to interview.
McCabe, FBI lawyer Lisa Page and FBI chief of staff Jim
Rybicki available for “transcribed interviews.” “Republican lawmakers have grown
frustrated with what they have said is an
“In particular, the investigation is looking unwillingness by the the FBI to share
into the FBI and the Justice Department’s details about its handling of both
handling of two investigations: the probe investigations,” The Hill reported further,
into Hillary Clinton‘s use of a private email adding that the request could be a
server during her tenure as secretary of precursor to a subpoena.
State and the investigation into possible

Hmm… McCabe Testified For 7.5 Hours To House Intel
Committee Today And NOTHING Was Leaked To CNN
By Cristina Laila
Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Deep State swamp creature Andrew

McCabe testified for 7.5 hours behind
closed doors to the House Intel
Committee Tuesday and not one tidbit
of information was leaked to CNN.
And everyone took notice.

Twitter was set ablaze with conservative journalists taking

jabs at Adam Schiff, implying he’s the one who leaked
Don Jr.’s testimony to the House Intel Committee to CNN.
No leaks this time around, Schiff?

Washington Times reports:

Mr. McCabe’s closed-door hearing on

Tuesday is part of the committee’s probe
into Russian meddling in the 2016
presidential election.
Republicans say the political bias Mr.
McCabe represents extends across the
FBI, Justice Department and Special
Counsel Robert Mueller’s Trump-Russia
They expect to focus on hundreds of text
messages between an FBI
counterintelligence agent and an FBI
lawyer that show the officials using words
like “idiot” and “loathsome human” to
characterize Mr. Trump as he was running
for president in 2016.

Interestingly, after a whopping 7.5 hours of closed-door

testimony, no stories were leaked to CNN. Hmmm wonder

tidbits of information from Don Jr.’s testimony started
popping up on CNN as it was happening!

So Adam Schiff wasn’t walking in and out of the room like

he did during Don Jr.’s 8 hour testimony?

Watch Ed Henry explain how Adam Schiff was seen

leaving the room multiple times as Donald Trump Jr
testified before the House Intel Committee. Coincidentally,

WHOOPS! Just ONE Problem With How Rosie
O’Donnell’s Pimping Her Own Stunning Bravery
By Sarah D.
Posted At 11:36 Am On December 20, 2017

As Twitchy told you, Rosie O’Donnell bravely offered to

bribe GOP Senators Jeff Flake and Susan Collins with $2
million apiece for voting against tax reform. Going to
prison is evidently a risk she’s willing to take:

No, he didn’t.

A risk she’s willing to take because she’s so brave. You

know, just like Gandhi:


Of course we will.

That’s nice, dear.

We’ll move on eventually. Promise!

Trump Blasts ‘Fake News’ For Working
With Democrats To Demean Tax Cut Bill
By Charlie Spiering
20 Dec 2017

President Donald Trump did not appear

pleased by media coverage of the The bill also included a provision that would repeal
passage of the monumental Republican Obamacare’s individual mandate for health insurance. The
tax cut bill. House is expected to pass the final vote on Wednesday.
“The Tax Cuts are so large and so
Trump will host House and Senate Republican leaders on
meaningful, and yet the Fake News is
Wednesday afternoon to celebrate their achievement:
working overtime to follow the lead of their
friends, the defeated Dems, and only
demean,” he wrote on Twitter. The Tax Cuts are so large and so
meaningful, and yet the Fake News is
The tax cut bill passed the Senate early Wednesday working overtime to follow the lead of their
morning with a vote of 51-48. The president told friends, the defeated Dems, and only
Americans that the massive tax cut bill would produce jobs demean. This is truly a case where the
and fuel an economic rebound in the country. results will speak for themselves, starting
very soon. Jobs, Jobs, Jobs!
“This is truly a case where the results will — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
speak for themselves, starting very soon,” December 20, 2017
he wrote. “Jobs, Jobs, Jobs!”

UH OH! Ben Shapiro Telling Trump How To Get On Mt.
Rushmore TRIGGERS Rosie O.
By Doug P.
Posted At 10:41 Am On December 20, 2017
As Twitchy told you last night, Rosie O’Donnell made two to change their votes aside, there’s another issue with that
GOP senators an offer that can be refused: tweet:

With that in mind, Ben Shapiro offered this prediction:

Ha! But guess who didn’t find it funny.

The irony of somebody who warns that “the rich” control

the government offering a few million dollars to senators

Well, there it is…

We’re starting to think O’Donnell is consumed by hatred

for Trump!

Maybe she should up the offer to THREE million each.

Wikileaks Lawyer's Office Stormed In "Professional
Operation"; Assange Then Tweets Video
With Seth Rich Hint
By Tyler Durden
Dec 20, 2017 1:19 PM

Three hooded figures dressed in black broke into the

Madrid office of WikiLeaks lawyer Baltasar Garzon at
dawn on Monday morning, in what police are describing
as a "very professional" operation they are treating as an
attempted robbery, according to Spain's largest
newspaper, El País. Garzon heads Assange's legal defense,
in particular working to avoid extradition to Sweden and
preparing to face charges thought to be pending by U.S.

Baltasar Garzón

The intruders covered security cameras with tape, and

there were no signs that anything was taken - however
police are analyzing Garzon's computer equipment to
determine whether or not any files were taken or copied.

"They have not taken what they have

been looking for,"

Garzon told El Periodico, and told Ser magazine that

his clients’ security “has not been affected,” and that the Hours after the break-in, and shortly before WikiLeaks
people "acted very quickly." tweeted the original article from El País, Julian Assange
called a Jimmy Dore video "Brilliant" which prominently
features Assange's interview with a Dutch television host
WikiLeaks tweeted the article from El País, which was
in which the WikiLeaks founder all but used sign language
followed 90 minutes later by a tweet from Assange
to indicate slain DNC Seth Rich was his source. (Assange
regarding the break-in.
clip at 21:30)

heavily implies Seth Rich was Wikileaks'

"The Wikileaks, Julian Assange, I saw with

my own eyes intimate on an interview
that the person who did that download...
In the video Assange calls "Brilliant," Dore opines that the
...he intimated that their source couldn't
Obama administration was evil.
have been Seth Rich. "
"What we did in Libya, Iraq, Gantanamo, "My question to you on this is not
black ops sites," was evil. Dore mentions whether it was Seth Rich or not, why are
the torture report, increased weapons sales we not allowed to ask that question
to the Saudis under Clinton, chemical without being called a kook?"
weapons the United States sold Iraq." The rest of the Dore video continues to
"Those weren't the evil days?" Dore asks, skewer the MSM for stoking Russophobia
adding "We've created millions of with terrible propaganda, and destroys the
refugees because Barack Obama Russian collusion narrative - bringing up
bombed the shit out of them, but people the fact that the "Trump-Russia" dossier
are mad because Trump wants to block was paid for by Hillary Clinton and
them at the airport?" theDNC, and created by former MI6 spy
Christopher Steele with the assistance
of high level Russian government
Next Dore goes after the MSM - calling MSNBC's Chuck
Todd a "tool of the establishment," who after suggesting
Donna Brazile was a "dupe of the Russians," Dore Wikileaks revealed in 2015 an internal
exclaims: Clinton campaign poll suggested that her
biggest vulnerability was the Uranium One
"And now you know why that guy didn't deal (30 minutes into video), and that
graduate college." Robby Mook and John Podesta cooked
up the Russia narrative. Dore then points
out that John Podesta now works for the
Dore then goes into the DNC server hack investigation -
CIA-linked Washington Post, and how
noting that the FBI never looked at the allegedly hacked
short-lived Trump campaign manager Paul
servers, and relied on a report from cybersecurity firm
Manafort funneled money to the Podesta
CrowdStrike, while subsequent forensic analysis revealed
Group, run by Tony Podesta - who Dore
that the hacked files were transferred at 23 MB/s - about
suspects will be charged soon.
the speed a computer transfers files to a thumb drive,
making makes a hack over the internet highly unlikely.
Between Wikileaks attorney Baltasar Garzon's
'professional' office raid and Assange's subsequent tweet,
Dore then segues into a Dutch TV
it's clear that the cloak and dagger war over intelligence,
interview with Seth Rich in which he
narratives and Julian Assange is as hot as ever.

Rosie O'Donnell Offers $2 Million
To GOP Senators To Vote Against Tax Bill
By Fox News Insider
December 20, 2017

O'Donnell has long been an outspoken critic of President

Trump, calling him "mentally unstable" and questioning if
she'll be able to "live through" his presidency.

Despite O'Donnell's offer, all 51 Republican senators voted

“yes” on the tax bill, which passed the Senate early
Wednesday morning. Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), who is
recovering from side effects from chemotherapy treatment
for brain cancer, missed the vote.

The bill is headed back to the House for a final vote before
it goes to President Trump to sign into law.
Rosie O'Donnell went on a tweetstorm Tuesday night,
offering $2 million to any Republican senator who would
vote against the GOP tax reform bill.

In one tweet, O'Donnell mentioned Sens. Jeff Flake (R-

Ariz.) and Susan Collins (R-Maine) by name.

When a Twitter user asked O'Donnell if this could actually

stop the Senate from passing the bill, she doubled down,

"I will write them a check."

Another user pointed out that giving lawmakers money to Watch the "Fox & Friends" report above.
vote a certain way is bribery, but O'Donnell was having
none of it and reiterated her offer of $2 million to any
Republican senator who "votes no on killing Americans."

REVEALED: The FBI Plot To Overthrow The Presidency
And Commit Organized TREASON In America
By Jayson Veley
Wednesday, December 20, 2017
leftists within the mainstream media, have been hellbent
on convincing the American people that something illegal
occurred. Eventually, they were rewarded for their efforts
with the appointment of Special Counsel Robert Mueller,
who has gone on to conduct one of the most biased and
politicized FBI investigations in American history.

To give just one example, it was recently revealed that a

top FBI agent at the center of the investigation into the so-
called “Russia collusion scandal,” Peter Strzok, exchanged
several anti-Trump text messages with FBI lawyer Lisa
Page, who was also appointed to Mueller’s investigative
team. Although Strzok was suspended from the
Most people never thought they would see the day that the investigation for his overwhelming bias, it goes to show
FBI would become so politicized that many of its members that Robert Mueller really didn’t take enough time to
actively lie and commit treason in an attempt to bring ensure that his team was fair and honest in the first place.
down the President of the United States, but alas, here we (Related: The bogus “Trump-Russia collusion” story is
are. nothing but a political hatchet job cooked up by Obama
loyalist John Brennan.)
While our criminal justice system was originally
established to give all Americans, regardless of their It’s also worth noting that Peter Strzok was the FBI’s lead
background and political ideology, fair and equal treatment investigator on the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s
under the law, that all changed when Barack Obama mishandling of classified emails during her time as
became the 44th president of the United States. With the Secretary of State. Strzok even interviewed Clinton on July
Department of Justice under his control, Obama was able 2, 2016, just days before then-FBI Director James Comey
to appoint radical leftists like Eric Holder and Loretta announced that he would not be recommending any
Lynch to do his bidding, which mostly consisted of race- charges. If Peter Strzok is this biased and this willing to
baiting and using the law to specifically target defend liberal Democrats, why would Robert Mueller
conservative Americans. In this way, the justice system recruit him for his team?
became not only entangled in rampant corruption, but also
a weapon used by the left to destroy their political Of course, Peter Strzok is only one of many individuals on
enemies. Robert Mueller’s team that has an obvious left-wing slant.
FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, for example, was
Today, even though Donald Trump has taken over Barack involved in both the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s
Obama’s seat inside the Oval Office, rogue Obama email server and the investigation into the uranium one
appointees that still reside in the Department of Justice are sale, neither of which conveniently resulted in legal
doing what they’ve always done; the only difference is that consequences for Clinton. McCabe’s wife also received
now they have the advantage of working to dismantle the roughly $675,000 from Clinton supporters and left-wing
conservative movement from within. organizations during her campaign for Virginia state
senate. Other people on Mueller’s team with liberal biases
Perhaps one of the most outrageous and desperate include Andrew Weissmann, Justin Cooper, Jeannie Rhee,
allegations made by the left in recent history is the idea Bruce Ohr, and others.
that President Trump and various members of his team
colluded with the Russians throughout the 2016 If all of this isn’t enough to convince you that this entire
presidential election, which ultimately helped Trump investigation into Russia’s role in the 2016 presidential
defeat Hillary Clinton last November. Despite no concrete election is just a politicized witch hunt designed to destroy
evidence whatsoever, the liberals, including and especially President Trump and his administration, then what is?

McCabe Draws Blank On Democrats’
Funding Of Trump Dossier, New Subpoenas Planned
By James Rosen, Jake Gibson
December 20, 2017

to help them build a case against President Trump for

obstruction of justice in the Russia-collusion probe. “If he
could have, he would have,” said one participant in the

EXCLUSIVE: Congressional investigators tell Fox News

that Tuesday’s seven-hour interrogation of Deputy FBI
Director Andrew McCabe contained numerous conflicts
with the testimony of previous witnesses, prompting the
Republican majority staff of the House Intelligence
Committee to decide to issue fresh subpoenas next week Bruce G. Ohr was demoted at the DOJ for concealing his meetings
with the men behind the anti-Trump 'dossier.' (AP)
on Justice Department and FBI personnel.

While HPSCI staff would not confirm who will be Investigators say McCabe recounted to the panel how hard
summoned for testimony, all indications point to demoted the FBI had worked to verify the contents of the anti-
DOJ official Bruce G. Ohr and FBI General Counsel Trump “dossier” and stood by its credibility. But when
James A. Baker, who accompanied McCabe, along with pressed to identify what in the salacious document the
other lawyers, to Tuesday’s HPSCI session. bureau had actually corroborated, the sources said,
McCabe cited only the fact that Trump campaign adviser
Carter Page had traveled to Moscow. Beyond that,
The issuance of a subpoena against the Justice investigators said, McCabe could not even say that the
Department’s top lawyer could provoke a new bureau had verified the dossier’s allegations about the
constitutional clash between the two branches, even worse specific meetings Page supposedly held in Moscow.
than the months-long tug of war over documents and
witnesses that has already led House Speaker Paul Ryan to
accuse DOJ and FBI of “stonewalling” and HPSCI The sources said that when asked when he learned that the
Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., to threaten contempt-of- dossier had been funded by the Hillary Clinton campaign
Congress citations against Deputy Attorney General Rod and the Democratic National Committee, McCabe claimed
Rosenstein and FBI Director Christopher Wray. he could not recall – despite the reported existence of
documents with McCabe’s own signature on them
establishing his knowledge of the dossier’s financing and
“It’s hard to know who’s telling us the truth,” provenance.
said one House investigator after
McCabe’s questioning.
The decision by HPSCI staff to subpoena Ohr comes as he
is set to appear before the Senate Intelligence Committee,
Fox News is told that several lawmakers participated in the which is conducting its own probe of Russian interference
questioning of McCabe, led chiefly by Rep. Trey Gowdy, in the 2016 election.
Until earlier this month, when Fox News began
Sources close to the investigation say that McCabe was a investigating him, Ohr held two titles at DOJ: associate
“friendly witness” to the Democrats in the room, who are deputy attorney general, a post that placed him four doors
said to have pressed the deputy director, without success, down from his boss, Rosenstein; and director of the
Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Forces Glenn Simpson, shown here, met with DOJ official Bruce
(OCDETF), a program described by the department as “the Ohr in 2016.
centerpiece of the attorney general’s drug strategy.”
Former FBI Director James Comey, testifying before the
Ohr will retain his OCDETF title but was stripped of his House in March, described the dossier as a compendium of
higher post and ousted from his office on the fourth floor “salacious and unverified” allegations against then-
of “Main Justice.” Department officials confirmed that Ohr candidate Donald Trump and his associates. The Nunes
had withheld from superiors his secret meetings in 2016 panel has spent much of this year investigating whether
with Christopher Steele, the former British spy who DOJ, under then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch, used the
authored the dossier with input from Russian sources; and dossier to justify a foreign surveillance warrant against
with Glenn Simpson, the founder of Fusion GPS, the Page, a foreign policy adviser to the Trump campaign.
opposition research firm that hired Steele with funds
supplied by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the DOJ and FBI say they have cooperated extensively with
Democratic National Committee. Nunes and his team, including the provision of several
hundred pages of classified documents relating to the
Subsequently, Fox News disclosed that Ohr’s wife Nellie, dossier. The DOJ has also made McCabe available to the
an academic expert on Russia, had worked for Fusion GPS House Judiciary Committee for a closed-door interview on
through the summer and fall of 2016. Thursday.

The Justice Department and FBI declined to comment for

this report.

Donald Trump And Hillary Clinton Are Now Equally
Unpopular, Have Identical Favorability Ratings
By Greg Price
12/20/17 At 8:59 AM

She's not even in office, but former Democratic from 33 percent to 27 percent among independents since
presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is now more June, and from 11 percent to 5 percent among
unpopular than ever before, with her favorability ratings in Republicans.
a leading poll plummeting just as far as the historically low
approval scores for President Donald Trump. Clinton slipped only one percentage point, from 79 to 78,
with Democrats.
The former first lady and secretary of state registered a 36
percent favorability rating in Gallup’s latest poll released Since losing her shot at becoming the first female
Tuesday, which shows a five-point drop for Clinton since president, Clinton has spoken extensively about the factors
June and her worst score ever in the survey. Clinton’s that she believes cost her the White House at the last
previous all-time low of 38 percent was between August minute. She toured this year behind a tell-all campaign
and September of last year, at the height of her race against memoir, "What Happened," in which she cited
the Republican candidate who is now president. interferences from Russian hackers and former FBI
Director James Comey as central causes for her loss.
The telephone-interview poll drew results from 1,049
adults age 18 and older between December 4 and 11. Trump continues to attack the candidate he deemed
"Crooked Hillary" and still fires off tweets mocking her
Clinton has broken a trend of losing presidential surprise defeat more than a year after the election. The
candidates who previously saw their ratings increase president has routinely called for the Justice Department
afterward. and FBI to further investigate Clinton's private email
scandal and the “Dems,” while also dubiously accusing
Clinton of pay-for-play in the widely-panned Uranium One

Over the 25 years that Gallup has polled about Clinton, her
Hillary Clinton in December 2017. Getty Images/Vivien Killilea figures have flummoxed between scandals. She notched a
“In fact, her image has gotten worse in 67 percent favorable rating, her highest to date, when her
recent months as Democratic leaders, husband, former President Bill Clinton, was impeached in
political observers and Clinton herself have 1998. But numbers slipped after her private email server
attempted to explain how she lost an scandal broke in 2015 and jumped up and down through
election that she was expected to win,” the campaign, which saw the two most unpopular
according to Gallup. candidates in modern history vying for the White House.

Clinton registered her highest-ever unfavorable rating at 61 Bill Clinton now registers a 45 favorable rating, his lowest
percent, though she has maintained support from in Gallup’s poll since March 2001, which was three
Democrats. The poll found Clinton lost ground with months after he finished his second term in the Oval
independents and Republicans. Her favorability rating fell Office.

Trump, who received more than three million fewer News/Wall Street Journal (41 percent), CNBC (42 percent)
popular votes than Clinton last year, isn’t faring much and Public Policy Polling (41) have shown stronger
better than her as he finishes his first year in office. Gallup numbers for Trump. His average approval rating in
recently slotted the president’s approval rating at 36 mainstream polls stands at 38 percent, according to
percent, though other recent national polls by NBC RealClearPolitics.

Trump’s Report Card

Paul Adams
December 20, 2017

[next page]

Washington Threatens To Ignite
The Korean Peninsula Tinderbox
By Stephen Lendman - Stephenlendman.Org

Permanent war is official US policy, peace and stability

anathema notions. The danger of nuclear war perhaps is Russia’s UN envoy Vasily Nebenzya warned that
greater than any previous time.
“(b)elligerent rhetoric and reckless show of
Interviewed by the BBC on Monday, US National Security muscle have led to a situation when the
Advisor HR McMaster said Washington has whole world is making guesses about the
probability of a war,”
“to be prepared, if necessary, to compel the
denuclearization of North Korea” adding:
“It is a fact of life that in such a tense
- barely stopping short of declaring war on the country, situation any reckless or wrongly
perhaps ahead at the Trump administration’s discretion. interpreted step may trigger deplorable
McMaster lied calling the DPRK
North Korea will never abandon its nuclear and ballistic
“a grave threat to all civilized people across missile programs, given the ominous threat of possible US
the globe” - a dubious distinction applying aggression.
solely to America, NATO, Israel and their
imperial allies. On Monday, an editorial in Pyongyang’s Rodong Sinmum
broadsheet said its leadership rejects talks with America,
Separately, McMaster added knowing its aim is getting the DPRK to abandon its most
important deterrent weapons, stressing:
“(w)e’re out of time with this problem,” an
ominous warning. “The US is trying to shift responsibility for
tensions on the Korean Peninsula to us
He blasted Russia as well, outrageously saying the with its offensive dialogue.”
Kremlin “is engaged in a very sophisticated campaign of
subversion to affect our confidence in democratic “The move is seen as being intended to set
institutions, in democratic processes - including elections,” the tone for manipulating new UN Security
adding: Council resolutions that may include a
maritime blockade if we do not accept
“What they want to do is create the kind of dialogue aimed at discussing the
tension, the kind of vitriol, which abandonment of our nuclear weapons.”
undermines our confidence in who we are.”
“There is no change in our stance that we
Washington gave China a new draft resolution for tougher will not budge an inch in our march toward
Security Council sanctions on North Korea. strengthening our nuclear force.”

When will Beijing and Moscow say no more? Both The broadsheet accused the Trump administration of
countries admitted sanctions are counterproductive, duplicity - on the one hand threatening “fire and fury” to
encouraging the DPRK to continue advancing its nuclear destroy North Korea, then suggesting talks with no
and ballistic missile programs. preconditions to exert maximum pressure on the country
for denuclearization.
An earlier US draft resolution rejected by both countries
called for a naval blockade and total oil embargo, similar Tensions remain high, the threat of regional nuclear war
unacceptable provisions perhaps in what the Trump ominously real. America’s imperial madness makes
administration intends proposing. anything possible.

America’s New National Strategy
‘Potential Threat To The World’ – Russia’s Security Chief
Published Time: 20 Dec, 2017 16:59

“these aspects of the new document will be

taken into consideration in Russia’s future
planning of its own national security

Meanwhile, the security focus is turned away from the

immediate dangers of North Korea, and towards Russia
and China, which purportedly

“challenge American power, influence, and

The head of the Russian National Security Council has hit interests, attempting to erode American
out at Washington’s national security strategy, unveiled on security and prosperity.”
Monday, saying it is filled with “groundless accusations”
and will cause instability around the globe. Patrushev said that the US attitudes in the text have a
“The realization of the aims outlined in the direct lineage from the Cold War to the recent discord with
document, including the strengthening of the Obama administration.
America’s international positions through
power could carry a potential threat to “Despite noticeable changes in the wording
regional and international security,” Nikolai compared to similar documents in the past,
Patrushev told journalists in Moscow. there is a certain ideological continuity,”
said Patrushev. “You can particularly see it
In the preface to the 55-page document, the first national in relation to our own country, which is
strategy published since February 2015, US President openly named as a leading security threat.”
Donald Trump promises Specifically, Moscow is accused of
“developing advanced weapons and
“a strategic vision for protecting the capabilities that could threaten our critical
American people and preserving our way of infrastructure” and “using information tools
life, promoting our prosperity, preserving in an attempt to undermine the legitimacy
peace through strength, and advancing of democracies,” in the process creating
American influence in the world.” “an unstable frontier in Eurasia.”
“Every mention of Russia in the document
is a groundless accusation,” Patrushev
said. “Nonetheless, as before, Russia will
work on ensuring peace, and developing
international relations on the basis of
mutual respect for sovereignty and national
Earlier, the Kremlin described Trump’s
vision as “imperialistic in nature,” while
Beijing called on “the US side to stop
deliberately distorting China’s strategic
Donald Trump delivers remarks regarding the Administration's
National Security Strategy in Washington D.C., U.S. December 18,
intentions and abandon such outdated
2017. REUTERS/Joshua Roberts / Reuters concepts as the Cold War mentality and
the zero-sum game.”
Patrushev said that

Trump’s National Security Speech
Paul Craig Roberts
December 19, 2017

What do we make of Trump’s national security speech? is this a loss of confidence? It is massive arrogance and
First of all, it is the military/security complex’s speech, hubris. The problem is not a loss of confidence by the
and it is inconsistent with Trump’s intention of rulers but an overbearing hubris.
normalizing relations with Russia.
Then Trump claims that through him, Americans again
The military/security complex, using Trump’s position as rule their nation.
President, has defined Russia and China as “revisionist
powers,” Washington’s rivals who seek to put their own He says that now Washington is serving the citizens.
national interests ahead of Washington’s unilateralism. Looking at the tax bill, he must mean that citizens consist
Russia and China are “revisionist powers” because their of the One Percent.
assertion of their national interests limits Washington’s
hegemony. He next associates making America first with more money
for the military.
In other words, Washington does not accept the validity of
other countries’ interests if those interests are contrary to
Then he blames Iran for terrorism, something that Iran
Washington’s interests. So, how does Trump expect to
lives in fear of, but he does not mention Saudi Arabia’s
work with Russia and China when he reads a speech that support for terrorism or that of the US military/security
Russia and China seek to “shape a world antithetical to our complex’s which encourages terrorism as a weapon against
interests and values.”
Iran and Russia and as an excuse for its massive budget
and power.
“Our values” means, of course,
Washington’s dominance. Trump then claims credit for the Russian/Syrian defeat of
ISIS. It has been proved that ISIS is supported and
Trump begins by honoring the military, police, Homeland financed by Washington. Trump’s claim is even more
Security, and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. In ridiculous than the previous claims of the Obama regime
other words, “America first” means domination by that the US defeated National Socialist Germany. Russia,
Washington over the citizenry as well as over foreign which did defeat Germany, was not invited to the
countries. anniversary celebration.

Trump then cloaks himself in the American Trump next demands that the countries we defend pay for
people who “voted to make America great it. Who are these countries and who do we defend them
again.” from? He can only mean Europe, Canada, Australia, Israel,
and Japan. Is Washington defending them from Russia,
Then Trump’s speech picks up the Israel Lobby’s line China, North Korea and Iran or from the terrorists
about a bad deal with Iran and asserts that previous Washington creates, arms, and supplies to overthrow
administrations tolerated ISIS, when in fact they created it Libya, Syria and whatever countries Washington is
and set in upon Libya and Syria. successful siccing terrorists on. Apparently, some of these
CIA-created terrorist organizations break loose from their
Then he attacks environmental protection and complains of creator and conduct operations on their own. So,
illegal aliens, while ignoring the refugees Washington’s Washington is a government that creates its own enemies.
wars imposed on Europe.
Trump next brags on the sanctions he has imposed on “the
In an era of neoconservative celebration of US world North Korean regime.” He doesn’t mention, and I would
hegemony, Trump accuses his predecessors of losing bet he does not know, that Washington has withheld a
confidence in America. This is extraordinary. When a peace treaty since the 1950s from North Korea.
country’s entire foreign policy is based on the assumption Washington has kept the war status open for 64 years.
that it is the “exceptional and indispensable country,” how Having seen the fate of Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria,

Somalia, etc., little wonder North Korea wants nuclear In the past two decades Washington has destroyed in
weapons. whole or part eight countries and overthrown democratic
governments in others. Is Trump equating peace with
Trump, standing there threatening the world, says that Washington’s wars? No other country has initiated wars
Washington will take all necessary steps to prevent North and invasions and bombings and aggressive military
Korea from threatening the world. actions on other countries’ borders. Trump says that
America is threatened by enemies and to protect us the
Trump then delivers the establishment’s propaganda that military will be enlarged. He said he was overturning the
unemployment is at an all time low and the stock market at “defense sequester,” something that clearly does not exist.
an all time high. So, what is Trump rescuing Middle
America from if unemployment is at an all time low? What My conclusion is that Trump has surrendered to the real
happened to Trump’s case against jobs offshoring? rulers of America—the powerful interest groups such as
the military/security complex, the Israel Lobby, the
This is nothing but feel-good talk. Trump is repeating the environmental polluters, Wall Street and the banks “too
big to fail.”
lies because the lies make him look good. What Trump
should be doing is pointing out the meaninglessness of the
unemployment rate, because it doesn’t count the America is a country in which despite the hopes flyover
unemployed, only those few who looked for a job in the America had in Trump, an oligarchy rules. The American
last 4 weeks. He should be pointing out that the stock people, regardless of who they elect, have no voice, no
market is not a sign of a growing economy but a sign of input, no representation.
massive money creation by the central banks of the US,
EU, UK, and Japan. The massive printing of money has The governments of Ronald Reagan and George H. W.
flooded into paper assets, driving up their price and further Bush were the last governments that were subject to any
enriching the One Percent. accountability. With the Clinton regime the United States
entered into the age of tyranny.
Trump says that one leg of the strategy is to “preserve
peace through strength.” What peace is he talking about?

Republicans Are About To Pass
The Most Important Tax Bill In A Generation
By Michael Snyder
December 19, 2017

deliver the $1.5 trillion package to President Trump before

Christmas, as he requested.

Even though there is still so much work to be done, at least

this is a step in the right direction. Any time we can lower
tax rates we should do so, and this bill also includes many
other desperately needed fixes. The following list of 16
major things that this bill accomplishes comes from

1. Lowers (many) individual rates

2. Nearly doubles the standard deduction
3. Eliminates personal exemptions
Republican members of Congress are racing to pass the tax
reform bill so that they can get home in time for 4. Caps state and local tax deduction
Christmas, and it looks like it is actually going to happen. 5. Expands child tax credit
The key is the Senate, and at this point it looks like there
will be enough votes, but we have seen surprises before. 6. Creates temporary credit for non-child
As I have stated previously, I would have voted for this dependents
bill, but nobody should pretend that this fixes our tax
system. The tax code is still going to be more than two 7. Lowers cap on mortgage interest deduction
million words long, the regulations are still going to be 8. Curbs who’s hit by AMT
more than seven million words long, and Americans are
still going to spend billions of hours and tens of billions of 9. Preserves smaller but popular tax breaks
dollars complying with the most complicated tax system 10. Exempts almost everybody from the estate
on the entire planet.
The House of Representatives passed the tax reform bill on 11. Slows inflation adjustments in tax code
Tuesday, but because of a couple minor snags they are
going to have to vote again on Wednesday. The following 12. Eliminates mandate to buy health insurance
summary of where we are currently at in the process 13. Lowers tax burden on pass-through
comes from USA Today…
House Republicans on Tuesday passed the most significant 14. Includes rule to prevent abuse of pass-
overhaul of the tax code in three decades, but the bill hit a
through tax break
late-afternoon glitch when the Senate parliamentarian
ruled that three minor provisions in the bill did not comply 15. Slashes corporate rate
with strict budget rules and would have to be stripped out.
16. Change how U.S. multinationals are taxed

That means the Senate will likely vote on a revised bill

Tuesday night, forcing the House to vote again Sadly, none of these changes apply for the 2017 tax year.
Wednesday on the tweaked tax package before So when you are preparing your tax return next spring all
Republicans can claim their first major legislative win and of the old rules will still apply. For much more on the
details of this tax bill, please see my previous article households would see an average tax cut of $900 next
entitled “Do You Know What Is In The Tax Bill That year, while the wealthiest 1 percent would see an average
Congress Is About To Pass?” cut of $51,000, according to the nonpartisan Tax Policy
As I discussed in that article, the most important change
that this tax reform bill makes is a dramatic reduction in Some 52 percent of adults oppose the tax plan, while 27
the corporate tax rate. percent support it, according to Reuters/Ipsos polling.

You may be thinking that the big corporations don’t need Once again, if I was already a member of Congress I
more money, and you wouldn’t be wrong. But that is not would have voted in favor of this bill. It is a step in the
the point of this change. right direction, but eventually the goal should be to do
away with our current tax system altogether. From 1872 to
Right now, the U.S. corporate tax rate is much, much 1913 there was no federal income tax, and that turned out
higher than almost everywhere else in the world. This to be the best period of economic growth in United States
gives corporations an incentive to locate operations history.
elsewhere, and that means fewer good jobs for American
workers. Our current system of taxation is a complete and utter
nightmare, and I don’t understand why so many politicians
We want corporations to locate operations inside the believe that we should keep it.
United States, and so it is imperative that our corporate tax
rate is competitive with other industrialized nations. This is just another reason why it is time to boot out the
professional politicians and start restoring some common
Unfortunately, the Republicans have done an extremely sense to Washington. It is time to take our government
poor job of selling this tax plan to the American people, back, and I hope that you will join the team. It isn’t going
and as a result support for this tax reform bill is extremely to be easy, but Donald Trump showed us that anything is
low… now possible in American politics, and if we all work
together we can get the job done.
The plan includes a steep tax cut for businesses and
temporary tax cuts for individuals. Middle-income


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