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Trump Presidency 32 - April 28th, 2018 To May 5th, 2918

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Some of the main topics covered include the Russia investigation, Mueller probe updates, and leaked transcripts from court hearings. There are also discussions of corporate earnings and political articles.

The document covers a wide range of topics including Mueller indictments of Russian companies, delays in a FOIA request related to the DNC server investigation, and leaked transcripts of court hearings related to the Paul Manafort case.

The document discusses leaked transcripts from a court hearing related to the Paul Manafort case, including criticism from Judge Ellis about Mueller's handling of the case.

House Intel Committee’s Long-Awaited

Russia Report “No Collusion”

40 Questions Special Counsel
Robert Mueller Needs To Answer Now

The 2017 Trump

Presidency - #32
April 28th, 2018 to May 5tthh, 2918

Corporate 1st Quarter Earnings Are Best

In A Quarter Century!
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Trraannssccrriipptt O
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Not For Sale

____ of 10 Copies

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F.R.E.D. Productions
May 2018


FBI Delays Release Of Communications
With Firm That Examined DNC Servers
Bureau Relied On The Firm For Information About
The DNC's Hacked Servers
BY: Joe Schoffstall
April 28, 2018 5:00 Am

The request additionally sought all communications

spanning from April 1, 2016—one month before the firm
was brought in by the DNC to analyze the servers—and
July 7, 2017, the day the FOIA request was submitted to
the FBI.

After inquiring about the estimated completion date for the

documents in early December, an FBI public information
officer said requests are divided into two processing
tracks: Simple, which are under 50 pages of potentially
responsive documents, and complex, which are more than
50 pages of potentially responsive documents. Complex
requests are further divided into medium, large, and extra-
large sub-tracks based upon the request size.
John Podesta / Getty Images
Simple track requests are averaging approximately 80 days
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has pushed from the date of receipt for processing, the officer said.
back the estimated completion date of a Freedom of Requests in the large complex processing track are
Information Act (FOIA) request for documents pertaining averaging 774 days for processing.
to its communications with the security firm that examined
the Democratic National Committee's hacked servers to The Free Beacon request falls into the complex medium
October. processing track and was given an estimated completion
date of March 2018.
The Washington Free Beacon submitted the FOIA request
in July 2017 with the FBI seeking all communication However, the documents were not made available in
between the bureau and CrowdStrike, Inc., the California- March. The Free Beacon again reached out to the records
based cyber security firm that examined the DNC's servers office.
following the infiltration that led to the release of John
Podesta's emails. The FBI said in December the documents A public information officer later left a message saying the
should be available by March. estimated completion date is now October, seven months
after the initial completion date.
The FBI, which was never granted access to the DNC's
servers for inspection, instead relied on the third-party firm "Our prior estimated date of completion
that was brought in by the DNC for information regarding was based on the best data we had at the
the compromised network who concluded that Russia was time and represented the median
behind the hack. processing time for the size of the track
that request was being processed in,"
The FBI previously awarded an unrelated $150,000 another officer said after inquiring about
contract to CrowdStrike in July 2015. Details and why the date had been pushed back to
communications between the firm and the bureau October. "Please remember that
regarding that past contract were requested as part of the the FBI receives a voluminous amount of

requests on a daily, weekly, monthly, and "Ultimately, what was agreed to is the
annual basis." private company would share with us what
they saw," Comey said last year in
As part of the initial FOIA request, the Free Beacon also reference to CrowdStrike.
sought an expedited delivery of the documents noting its
"widespread and exceptional media interest," but was CrowdStrike was first paid by the DNC on May 5, 2016
denied. and was given more than $400,000 up to the end of the
year, filings show. In early 2017, the firm was paid an
The DNC previously claimed that the FBI had never asked additional $121,000 for its services.
for access to its servers. However, former FBI Director
James Comey testified that the bureau had sought access to
the servers numerous times.

President Trump Calls On Liberal Senator Jon Tester
To Resign After Spreading Lies About
Admiral/Doctor Ron Jackson
By Jim Hoft
April 28, 2018, 8:23 Am

Senator Jon Tester is up for reelection this

Senator Jon Tester (D-MT) was Democrat point year in Montana.
person this week behind the smears and
destruction of Trump VA pick Admiral Ronny On Thursday morning President Trump went after Senator
Jackson. Tester on FOX and Friends.

On Saturday morning President Trump

called on Senator Tester to resign.

President Trump tweeted: Allegations made

by Senator Jon Tester against
Admiral/Doctor Ron Jackson are proving

The Secret Service is unable to confirm (in fact they deny)

any of the phony Democrat charges which have absolutely
devastated the wonderful Jackson family.

Tester should resign. The great people of

Montana will not stand for this kind of
Tester accused Admiral Jackson of being repeatedly slander when talking of a great human
drunk while on duty “where his main job was to take care being.
of the most powerful man in the world.”
Admiral Jackson is the kind of man that those in Montana
Tester also told CNN that Jackson was known as would most respect and admire, and now, for no reason
whatsoever, his reputation has been shattered. Not fair,
“the candy man” inside the White House and Tester!
that during official overseas trips he would hand
out drugs to passengers to “put them to sleep
and then give them the drugs to wake them
back up again.”

Admiral Ronny Jackson was the physician

for George W. Bush, Barack Obama and
then Donald Trump for one year.

Jackson received excellent reviews by the Bush and

Obama administrations.

Tester’s accusations were complete garbage

but Jackson was forced to resign from his
promotion because the damage by Jon
Tester and the Democrat media was too

On Day Unconstitutional Mueller Investigation Created,
FBI Lovebirds Strzok And Page Celebrate:
“We’ve Got One Hell Of A Team Going”
By Jim Hoft
April 28, 2018, 10:26 Am

email scandal who recommended no charges in spite of

emails being deleted, a sever being bleached clean, phones
being destroyed, classified information being handled
recklessly, Hillary being interviewed (by Strzok) not under
oath, not taped and not recorded.)

Another block of texts from FBI Agents Strzok

and Page were released by the DOJ this week.
Although a clearly incomplete inventory of their
texts during the six month time period
requested by Congress, the messages provided
do show the corrupt lovebirds conniving,
colluding and celebrating the creation of the
Mueller investigation.

After delaying for months, five different

Congressional committees received some of On May 17, 2017, a text between the corrupt
the ‘missing’ Strzok-Page text messages investigator and attorney celebrated the
Thursday evening. creation of the corrupt Mueller investigation:
“We’ve got one hell of a team going”.
These text messages are from the crucial 6 months
between December of 2016 up until Mueller was The corrupt lovebirds were celebrating the creation of the
appointed on May 17. Only 49 pages, mostly redacted corrupt Mueller investigation created based on false
were turned over to investigators Thursday. The Daily information in a Clinton created dossier. They had
Caller obtained the 49 pages of Strzok-Page text messages. successfully exonerated Hillary from her email related
crimes and now had created an investigation into President
Members of Congress believe that the DOJ is still Trump based on a lack of evidence and crimes being
withholding the damning text messages between these two committed to be paid for by the US taxpayer.
FBI lovebirds. The FBI previously claimed the messages
were erased due to a tech glitch with the FBI-issued For more than a year, the President and
phones, then the DOJ IG magically recovered them. Now citizens of the United States have endured
the DOJ hands over only a sampling of the text messages. the most corrupt and criminal investigation
in US history. There was no crime
However, per a cursory review of the texts provided from committed by the President, only by those
who condemned him. To date the crimes of
May 17, 2017, the day the corrupt and unconstitutional
the Hillary and Obama teams have gone
Mueller investigation was created shows the lovebirds
unchecked. Good citizens in the US will not
celebrating the creation of the corrupt special counsel.
stand for this much longer.
(Remember Strzok was the lead investigator on the Clinton

“TRUMP TOWN” – Israel May Name Embassy Row In
Jerusalem After 45th President
By Jim Hoft
April 28, 2018, 11:59 Am

On Christmas Day 2016, in a final despicable

act against Christians and Jews, Barack
Obama effectively signed over
Christendom’s and Judaism’s holiest sites
to radical Muslim groups.



In May 2011 Barack Obama urged Israel to hand over half

of Jerusalem, the Wailing Wall, The Temple Mount, Old
Jerusalem, the tomb of Jesus Christ, and the Via Dolorosa And…. The Christian and Jew-hating Obama
to radical Islamic organizations. administration HELPED WRITE the UN draft!

Barack Obama refused to veto a Security Council

resolution condemning settlement construction in the West
Bank and east Jerusalem.

This resolution effectively turns over the Old

City to Palestinian groups. The
Palestinians are led by Hamas
terrorists in Gaza and Fatah
Islamists in the West Bank.

Obama thought this was a good move.

Jewish leaders were very upset with the

The Via Dolorosa is a street within the Old
City of Jerusalem, held to be the path that And the holiest sites of Christendom,
Jesus walked on the way to His crucifixion. according to the UN and Obama, are no
longer Israeli land.
In December 2013, Barack Obama again urged Israel to
hand over holiest sites of Christendom and Judaism to Obama gave all of this away.
Islamist groups.
Map of the Holy City via PlanetWare

Even before the progress made this week
The Trump Administration changed things– toward moving the embassies of the Czech
Republic, Romania, and Honduras, Gallant had
The Trump Administration declared already sent a letter to Construction Ministry
Jerusalem the capital of Israel. director-general Hegai Roznik and chief
architect Vered Solomon-Maman last Friday,
Trump also announced the US will move its embassy to asking them to form a task force that will
Jerusalem. immediately begin working on finding an
appropriate site for many embassies in the
Presidents Clinton, Bush and Obama made the same
promise but did not follow through with move once they
were elected. …“There is an apparent pattern of embassies
moving to Jerusalem, and we have to start
getting ready now,” Gallant said. “We might
Now Israeli officials may name the new have to build dozens of embassies, and we
embassy row in Jerusalem after President would need new land ready for that purpose. I
Trump. asked my ministry to vigorously take action as
fast as possible.”
The Jerusalem Post reported:
Gallant suggested a couple possible names for the area
Construction Minister Yoav Gallant has where the embassies would be located. He initially called
instructed the top officials in his ministry to it “Embassy Town,” but then said he may decide to instead
begin the process of planning and approving a call it “Trump Town,” after US President Donald Trump,
new quarter for embassies from countries who initiated next month’s move of the US Embassy to
around the world that will be built in Jerusalem, Jerusalem.
he revealed on Thursday in an interview from
New York, where he will be speaking at
Sunday’s Jerusalem Post Conference.

Trump Blasts “Lying Machine” James Clapper For
Leaking Dossier Briefing To CNN Then Lying About It
By Cristina Laila
April 28, 2018, 1:23 Pm

President Trump blasted James Clapper

President Trump unleashed on former Intel Saturday morning.
Chief James Clapper Saturday morning after
the House Intel Russia report revealed he Trump tweeted:
leaked the dossier briefing to Jake Tapper
then lied about it.
“Clapper lied about (fraudulent) Dossier leaks to
CNN” @foxandfriends FoxNews He is a lying
machine who now works for Fake News CNN.

The much-anticipated House Intel Russia Clapper also lied about leaking during an
report was released Friday morning, interview with Don Lemon in March of this
officially clearing President Trump of any year.
“collusion” during the election.
Clapper told Don Lemon in March of 2018 that he didn’t
The House Intel report also revealed former DNI Chief, have any contact with the media about the dossier before
James Clapper leaked the dossier briefing to CNN’s Jake he left his government post on Jan 20th.
Clapper then lied about leaking over and over again,
including under oath.

Fake News CNN then ran a story featuring James Clapper,

denying Clapper leaked to CNN.

The Clapper to Tapper leak about the dossier briefing was

precisely the “news hook” Buzzfeed needed to get the
Russia collusion story in full swing leading up to their
decision to publish the dossier in full.

Comey even confirmed this “news hook” in his Trump

memos which were recently published.

Judge Jeanine To Anybody Not Convinced
Jim Comey Was Involved In A Coup:
‘Are You Stupid?’
By Trent Baker
28 Apr 2018

Comey was involved in an attempted coup to take down

President Donald Trump.

“He’s a liar. He’s a leaker. And he’s a leftist

liberal. If anyone was not convinced of
former FBI Director Jim Comey’s
involvement in the attempted coup from
within our own government of the duly
elected winner of the 2016 presidential
election, I have just one question for you —
are you stupid?” Pirro asked.
.@JudgeJeanine to @Comey: "Jim, you
were part of an anti-Trump conspiracy, She continued,
violating the fundamental rules of your own
agency... Power, Jim, don't ever forget it - “Comey’s book tour was supposed to
Power is rented - and you, my friend, have convince us that he was an honorable,
been evicted." likable, decent man doing his darndest to
protect the American people and the
— Fox News (@FoxNews) April 29, 2018
Constitution. … Unfortunately for Jim, it
didn’t quite work out as planned. In fact, the
During her Saturday opening statement on Fox News man is in real legal jeopardy with his leaks
Channel’s “Justice,” Jeanine Pirro had a question for being investigated by the Justice
anyone who was not convinced former FBI Director Jim Department.”

Which One Is Lying?

Former Green Party Candidate Jill Stein Pushes Back
Against Russia Witch Hunt
By Cassandra Fairbanks
April 28, 2018, 4:08 Pm

Former Green Party candidate Jill Stein is pushing back to be Russian immigrants or of Russian
against Senate Intelligence Committee requests from her descent. We reiterate here that the
campaign as part of the Russian meddling witch hunt, responding parties will not participate in a
calling their demands “unconstitutional.” hunt for identification of persons based on
nationality or descent.”

“The Green Party campaign will agree to turn

over some documents, but raised constitutional
objections to the breadth of the inquiry, which
was first made in November 2017, arguing that
elements of it infringe on basic political rights
enshrined in the First Amendment,” the
Intercept reports.

In a letter letter responding to committee chair Richard

Burr, R-N.C., and ranking member Mark Warner, D-Va.,
stating that they will not comply with all requests, the
lawyers for her campaign argued that it was “so overbroad
in reach as to demand constitutionally protected
While looking into whether or not the Stein campaign was
involved in “Russian meddling,” the committee has Some of the material they are refusing to provide includes
requested communication records with “all people of the campaign’s internal communications regarding Russia
Russian descent.” policy, which the lawyers argued are

According to a report from the Intercept, Stein’s campaign “not pertinent to the subject of Russian
is arguing that the broad request unfairly places suspicion interference.”
on all people of Russian lineage, and are refusing to
comply with the request. Stein’s campaign did provide the committee with all
communications with “Russian media organizations, their
The Intercept reports that the campaign has employees, or associates.” The Green Party candidate
said they will absolutely “not be disclosing frequently appeared on Russia Today, as the network was
names of persons with whom they have ever one of the only ones willing to give third party candidates
communicated, including American political a platform.
supporters, targeted because they happen

CNN’s Brian Stelter Has Tantrum Over Trump Skipping
White House Correspondents’ Dinner, Says He
Is ‘Waging War’ On Reporters
By Cassandra Fairbanks
April 28, 2018, 5:16 Pm

While Stelter admitted that the whole WHCA affair is

excessive, he pointed to the importance of press in a
Democratic society.

“No doubt, the weekend full of media-related

festivities can seem excessive. But there’s a
long tradition of the executive branch
recognizing — even begrudgingly — the role of
the press in a democratic society,” Stelter

Brian Stelter had a tantrum on Saturday over President Ironically, CNN’s role appears to be less about the true
Donald Trump “snubbing” the White House intention of the First Amendment — holding politicians to
Correspondents’ Dinner and referring to it as a “Fake account — and more about advocating for the Democratic
News Prom.” Party’s interests, as evidenced by the current scandal
involving James Clapper and Jake Tapper.

“Amid all the champagne and selfies, there’s

usually some roasting by a comedian, some
insidery jokes, but also several award
presentations and some serious talk about
the importance of accountability journalism
in a democracy,” Stelter wrote, completely
lacking self awareness.

On Friday, President Trump posted about the dinner on


Though Stelter frequently attacks WikiLeaks, a publication In a Facebook post about the dinner, Trump wrote,
that has never had to issue an apology or retraction unlike
CNN, his tantrum this weekend was all about pretending “tomorrow night I’m skipping the Fake News
that he cares about press freedom. Prom (White House Correspondents’ Dinner)
to be with American patriots who truly want to
Stelter referred to Trump’s refusal to attend the event for MAGA! Tune in at 7pm to watch the rally LIVE
the second year in a row as a waging “war on the reporters on Facebook!”
who cover him.”
The post also included a video, in which
“It would be one thing if he skipped the dinner to Trump media advisor Mark Serrano said that
oversee crisis response or host a community “the truth is the White House
service event. But instead he is counter- Correspondents Dinner merely exposes the
programming the dinner by holding a campaign cozy, co-dependent relationship that exists
rally in Washington Township, Michigan. If it’s year-round between the political class in
anything like last year’s rally during the dinner, Washington, their mouthpieces in the
more media attacks are sure to come,” Stelter mainstream media, and the Hollywood elites
wrote. who shape our culture with their out-of-

touch liberal ideology,” Serrano continued. “fake news media is celebrating themselves
“As is customary, the President of the with champagne toasts” President Trump will be
United States was invited to this glamorous leading a rally at the exact same time “with
affair and President Trump is in Washington hardworking patriotic Americans.”
that evening — Washington, Michigan, that
is!” The event will be attended by Sarah Sanders, and hosted
by Michelle Wolf, from Comedy Central’s The Daily Show
Serrano continued on to say that while the with Trevor Noah.

‘Very Popular’ Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein Gets Star
Treatment At White House Correspondents’ Dinner
By Kristinn Taylor
April 28, 2018, 7:18 Pm

Variety’s Ted Johnson:

“Also spotted at CBS News party: Rod

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who appointed
Rosenstein, FCC commissioners Brendan Carr
Special Counsel Robert Mueller to investigate President
and Michael O’Rielly, DOJ antitrust chief Makan
Donald Trump over alleged but as yet unfounded Russian
Delrahim, Reince Priebus.”
collusion in the 2016 election, attended the annual White
House Correspondents Association Dinner in Washington,
D.C., Saturday evening where he was received like a star
by the press and guests at pre-dinner parties. Trump is
boycotting the press dinner for the second year in a row
but unlike last year administration officials are attending.

Several reporters posted to Twitter about the ‘very

popular’ reception given Rosenstein.

CNN’s Rebecca Berg:

The BBC’s Tara McKelvey (with the art shot photo):
“Unlikely celeb sighting at the White House
Correspondents Dinner pre-parties: Rod “Here at the White House Correspondents’
Rosenstein. He’s very popular!” dinner, Rod Rosenstein tells me he hasn’t had a
chance to read James Comey’s book but he
says: “I think I get the gist”

Guest attendee Kate Goodall, CEO of Halcyon House:

“If I had a $ for everytime I’ve heard “Rod

Rosenstein is here!”… #whcd #nerdprom

Trump nemesis Michael Avenatti, the attorney for stripper
Stormy Daniels, is also attending the dinner and is making
the most of his star turn.

Senior Trump administration officials attending the dinner

include Press Secretary Sarah Sanders, Counselor
Kellyanne Conway.

Rev. Al Sharpton and House Minority Leader Nancy
Pelosi (D-CA) are attending.

Current and former Fox News reporters are at the dinner.

Was The Russia Collusion Hoax Invented To Cover Up The
Truth About The DNC’s “Awan” Scandal That Funneled
U.S. Intelligence Secrets To Pakistan?
By Ethan Huff

cover for their own crimes? As covered by The Daily


1. Imran had worked for Debbie Wasserman Schultz

since 2004 and had all of the passwords to her
various devices.

As revealed by WikiLeaks when searching for the name

“Awan Imran,” this foreign national was actually
summoned by the DNC when it needed him to unlock and
procure access to Schultz’s devices.

2. During the 2016 election, the House’s Office of

For the past year-and-a-half, Democrats have been Inspector General warned that Imran and his family
obsessed with trying to convince the American public that had “unauthorized access” to sensitive data.
there was “collusion” between the Trump campaign and
Russia during the 2016 election, fueling an endless witch A presentation given on September 30, 2016, shows that
hunt based on nothing but empty conspiracy theories. But Imran Awan and his family were still logging into the
it turns out that the whole charade could be serving as a servers of House members who had previously fired him.
coverup for the Hillary Clinton email server, and It was shown that he was funneling data from the network
particularly the newly-released information about while taking steps to conceal these crimes.
“Pakistani Mystery Man” Imran Awan.
3. Awan family had full access to House computer
Awan, as we earlier reported, is the foreign agent who was network until February 2, 2017, just days after
hired by his “best friend,” former Democratic National Trump’s inauguration.
Committee (DNC) chairwoman Debbie Wasserman
Schultz, to manage the email server for the House of It wasn’t until President Trump’s crew took the reigns that
Representatives. Imran’s entire family, in fact, ended up the Awan family was finally restricted from accessing
being hired by the Democrats to serve as email server confidential information that it never should have had
administrators, which the House Inspector general access to in the first place.
described as giving them the “keys to the kingdom” in
accessing any private file that they wished.
4. Following the release of the IG report in September
2016, the Caucus server containing primary
It all ties in to Hillary Clinton’s 33,000-plus deleted emails evidence in the cybersecurity case physically
and other criminal, and potentially treasonous, activity that disappeared.
took place when the Democrats were the dominant party in
the House during the Obama years. It’s a very serious case In other words, the Democrats appear to have knowingly
that could land many top-level politicians, including destroyed evidence in a federal case.
Clinton and Obama, in prison, which would explain why
the Russian collusion hoax continues to dominate the
mainstream media headlines. 5. Schultz refuses to fire Imran, even after he was
accused of committing serious cybersecurity
So what do we now know about Imran that suggests the
Democrats are using the Russian collusion narrative as a

Even though she had just lost her job as DNC chair, and phone booth in Washington, D.C. Schultz still refused to
knowing that Imran was under investigation for fire Imran at this point, insisting that it was not her laptop.
committing cybersecurity crimes, Debbie Wasserman
Schultz refused to fire Imran Awan. 7. Prosecutors arrest Imran at airport after he began
liquidating assets.
6. Laptop containing username “RepDWS” found in
phone booth after Imran banned from network. Imran and his wife had wired $300,000 to Pakistan from
their federal retirement accounts, prompting the Federal
Not long after Imran was banned from accessing the House Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to arrest Imran at the airport,
network, a laptop containing the username “RepDWS,” at which point he was charged with bank fraud. His wife,
pointing to Debbie Wasserman Schultz, was found in a however, was allowed to leave the country.

Audience Member Shouts ‘We Love You Trump!’ —
President Trump’s Response Lights Up The Room
Justin Caruso - Media Reporter
8:10 PM 04/28/2018

President Trump spoke to a crowd of supporters in

Washington Township, Michigan on Saturday. During his speech, he touched on a number of issues,
including crime, immigration, and trade.
“We love you Trump!” a member of the
audience said. “Everyone here tonight is united by the
“I love you too,” the president responded. same timeless American values. We
defend our constitution. We support the
rule of law. And we support the heroes of
law enforcement,” he said.
“And if others honored our flag, they would
be a lot better off, wouldn’t they? Wouldn’t
that be a lot better off? We put our hands
on our hearts for the Pledge of Allegiance,
and we do that proudly. And we stand for
the national anthem.”

Corey Lewandowski Fires Up
The Crowd At Trump Rally In Michigan (VIDEO)
By Jim Hoft
April 28, 2018, 8:52 Pm

Trump held a rally in Ypsilanti, Michigan


During his speech President Trump had

former campaign manager Corey
Lewandowski come up on stage and say a
few words.

The Michigan crowd LOVED IT!

For the second year in a row President

Trump held a rally with American workers
on the night of the White House
Correspondents’ Ball.

Trump decided it was a better use of his

time to be with the people from Ypsilanti
rather than the White House reporters who
hate him.

Trump In Michigan: If We Don’t Have Funding For The
Wall By September “We’ll Close Down The Country”
By Jim Hoft
April 28, 2018, 9:03 Pm

For the second year in a row President Trump held a rally in Ypsilanti, Michigan
Trump held a rally with American workers tonight.
on the night of the White House
Correspondents’ Ball. Trump told the crowd:

“We have to have borders, and we have to have

them fast, and we need security, we need the
wall – we’re going to have it all…and if we don’t
get border security, we’ll have no choice: We’ll
close down the country.”

Trump decided it was a better use of his

time to be with the people from Ypsilanti
rather than the White House reporters who
hate him.

Trump: If Dems Win In 2018 Midterms,
They'll Impeach Me
By Morgan Gstalter
04/28/18 09:07 PM EDT

President Trump said Saturday that Republicans need to Last week at the Time 100 gala in New York, Waters
maintain the House majority, otherwise he could face urged Trump to “please resign.”
impeachment from Democrats.
“So that I won’t have to keep up this fight of
“We have to keep the House because if we your having to be impeached because I
listen to Maxine Waters, she’s going don’t think you deserve to be there,”
around saying ‘We will impeach him,’ ” Waters said. “Just get out.”
Trump said at a Michigan rally.
However, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.)
has warned against Democratic efforts to impeach Trump,
saying it would end up harming the party before the
midterm elections.

“On the political side I think it’s a gift to the

Republicans,” Pelosi said Thursday. “We
want to talk about what they’re doing to
undermine working families in our country
and what we are doing to increase their
payrolls and lower their costs.”

A Quinnipiac poll released on Thursday shows that if

Democrats win control of the House, more than 70 percent
of their supporters want them to begin impeachment

Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) often calls for Trump to

resign or face impeachment.

FBI Officially Becomes A National Joke: Interviews
Russian MMA Fighter Trump Knew In 2008
By Jim Hoft
April 28, 2018, 9:53 Pm

and Russian President Vladimir Putin was

questioned this week by the FBI, his manager
confirmed Saturday.

Fedor Emelianenko was questioned by agents

who met him in his hotel room on Tuesday,
manager Jerry Millen said before
Emelianenko’s heavyweight fight against Frank
Mir. Millen declined to detail his client’s
conversations with the agents.

“The FBI came to the hotel looking to talk to

Fedor and they were very nice, came in to
Donald Trump and Russian fighter Fedor Emelianenko (Getty) speak with Fedor for a few minutes, spoke to
me, very cool guys, and that’s all I can really
How can the American public ever trust the say about it. Again, the FBI did come to the
FBI again after this ongoing sh*tshow? hotel, they found us, knocked on the door,”
Millen said.
The FBI interviewed a Russian MMA fighter
Donald Trump knew in 2008 when Trump “Hundred percent, kind of surprised,” Millen
briefly was part-owner of Affliction added. “They were very nice, very
Entertainment. professional.”

They must think this is Trump’s golden link The agents were in attendance at Saturday’s
to Putin. fight, Millen said.

Good grief. Putin has attended Emelianenko’s fights, and

the 41-year-old fighter has been photographed
This is how low the FBI has sunk. with the Russian president. His connection with
Trump dates back to 2008, when he was signed
They are losing more credibility by the day. by Affliction Entertainment, a fight league in
which Trump had an ownership stake. Trump
announced a joint venture involving MMA and
Yahoo reported: Emelianenko at a news conference on June 5,
A Russian mixed martial arts fighter who has
connections with President Donald Trump, the
president’s personal attorney Michael Cohen

John Kasich On Trump Getting Nobel Peace Prize:
'It's A Long Way Between The Lip And The Cup'
By Kimberly Leonard
April 28, 2018 10:05 PM

truth, who are going to be objective," he

said. "The people who are extremes on the
poles, they are not the ones that can call
the tune. It's got to be us in the middle, the
ocean. So, those terms are old and we
need to come together as a country."

"It's a long way between the lip and the cup," Gov. John Kasich, R-
Ohio, said when asked about the possibility of Trump being
nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize. (AP Photo/Paul Vernon)

Ohio Gov. John Kasich appeared not to side with other

Republicans who have called for President Trump to be
nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize as a result of
negotiating meetings between North and South Korea.

"It's a long way between the lip and the

cup," Kasich said when asked about the
possibility of Trump being nominated for a
Nobel Peace Prize.
Earlier in the evening, rally attendees in Washington,
Mich., where Trump was delivering a speech began to
Kasich, who is rumored to seek the Oval Office in 2020,
chant, " Nobel! Nobel! " when the president brought up
then pivoted to the topic of and freedom of the press,
ongoing negotiations over North Korea. Trump was
calling the media "one of the most important institutions
praising Chinese President Xi Jinping for putting pressure
that supports our country." Kasich was interviewed while
on North Korea when the crowd began chanting.
heading to the White House Correspondents Association
dinner on Saturday.
Several Republican lawmakers have called for Trump to
be considered for the prize after a historic summit between
"We need to find people who are going to
North and South Korea earlier this week and a planned
be rational, who are going to search for the
meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

AP Reporter Rips White House Correspondents’
Dinner As Sean Spicer Calls Out WHCA
Board Members For ‘Disgrace’
By Kristinn Taylor
April 29, 2018, 1:32 Am

South Carolina based Associated Press reporter Meg between journalists and those who don’t
Kinnard ripped the White House Correspondent’s trust us, even wider. And those of us based
Association Dinner Saturday night for making it harder for in the red states who work hard every day to
reporters in red states to work and be trusted there. The prove our objectivity will have to deal with
dinner featured vile personal attacks by comedienne it.”
Michelle Wolf on senior White House officials Press
Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders and Counselor to the
President Kellyanne Conway.

Photo before the WHCD entertainer unleashed vile attacks

on Sanders and Conway.

Sanders’ predecessor first Trump White House Press

Secretary Sean Spicer, who attended the dinner, slammed
the Correspondents’ dinner as a “disgrace” and called out
WHCA board members in a series of tweets.

“Tonight’s #WHCD was a disgrace”

Spicer then called out the board members of the White

The ‘entertainer’, Michelle Wolf, screen image. House Correspondents’ Association.

Meg Kinnard, “If the #WHCD dinner did “The leadership of

anything tonight, it made the chasm #WhiteHouseCorrespondentsDinner #WHCD
#WHCA has been silent @margarettalev Spicer commented,
@jonkarl @OKnox need respond since they
paid for her to speak #whcd2018” “Any comments from the leadership of
#WHCD2018 ?? @margarettalev @jonkarl
@OKnox If it had not been one of your own you
would be demanding answers but you sweep
under the rug”

“Absolute silence from #WHCA #WHCD2018

#WHCD board member @abc @jonkarl on
tonight’s dinner speech”

Meg Kinnard garnered attention recently for her reporting

on the deadly prison riot in South Carolina and the
proliferation of cellphones behind bars.

Karl hasn’t directly commented but he retweeted a

comment from NBC News’ Kelly O’Donnell that said,

“The spirit of the event had always been jokes

that singe but don’t burn. Reporters who work
with her daily appreciate that @presssec was

Spicer commented on a tweet by the New York Times’

Peter Baker that said,

“Unfortunately, I don’t think we advanced the

cause of journalism tonight.”

Video clips of Wolf’s attacks on Conway and Sanders.


Insiders Warn 'Deep State Treason'
Has Put Entire Country In Danger As America
Faces Tectonic Shift Of Political Landscape
- As Democrats Pay Huge Money For 'Fake News'
On Trump, Their Lips Tell Us Everything
By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die
April 29, 2018

disapproval are both evaluative actions,

which is the common core of lip-

After linking to this April 6th story at the Daily Mail titled

"What is Mark Zuckerberg hiding?

Facebook uses secret tool to delete
founder's private messages from other
people's inboxes", Steve Quayle left the
following SQnote: "Note his lips and glare -
reverting back to programmed response".

As they all seemingly do when caught up in a lie.

In the extremely important photograph above featuring top

members of the administration of Barack Obama, we see a
theme repeated over and over and over again with each
member's lips telling a story which they'd never voluntarily

According to the website Changing Minds and their

section on body language:

Pursed lips which are pulled inwards

from all directions are an indication of
tension and may indicate frustration or With the integrity and credibility of both the Department
disapproval. of Justice and the FBI, what is supposed to be our nation's
most pre-eminent law enforcement agency, under fire with
Pursed lips are a classic sign of anger, the Trump-Russia collusion narrative quite literally
including when it is suppressed. It is exploding in the faces of those who created it as part of an
effectively holding the mouth shut to 'insurance policy' after President Donald Trump decimated
prevent the person saying what they Hillary Clinton's dreams in November of 2016, things are
feel like saying. This may also be an getting very interesting as we move forward in 2018 and
indication of lying or withholding the 'truth' begins to come out from unexpected places.
truth as the person stops themselves
from telling the truth. Truth such as we hear from former FBI agent Terry
Turchie, who joins Tucker Carlson and Fox News in the
Pursed lips can also indicate a person 1st video below and drops a bombshell upon us, telling
who is thinking and who is deciding Carlson that a great deal of evidence exists that the 'REAL
between possible options. Deciding and collusion' took place not between President Trump and
Russia, BUT between the Democratic party and Russia, voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016, following 93% of them
with communist agents from Russia, China and Cuba voting for Barack Obama in 2012, it was the Democratic
likely heavily infiltrating the Democratic party over the party that started the KKK and pushed 'Jim Crow' laws, so
last several years and even decades. why do SO MANY black Americans vote Democrat when
it was the Democrats who were the original party to
Turchie also tells Carlson that the very heads of the Justice systematically oppress them? From
Department, FBI and CIA had conspired against President
Trump, throwing away their loyalty to America (treason?) Founded in 1866, the Ku Klux Klan
to help Hillary Clinton get into office and when that failed, (KKK) extended into almost every
doing everything within their power to strong arm southern state by 1870 and became a
President Trump and make his life and job more difficult, vehicle for white southern resistance to
thus putting all of America in danger. the Republican Party’s Reconstruction-
era policies aimed at establishing
And while some of the information shared by Turchie political and economic equality for
might not come as a surprise to those who've long been blacks.
paying attention to the globalists plans to neuter the
sovereignty of America, while melding our nation into While the website 'The Revolutionary Act' reports this
another part of the burgeoning socialist borg, the rights of growing axis between President Trump, Kanye West and
conservatives in the UK and throughout the European the black community could lead to a tectonic shift is US
Union to speak freely are being stifled. politics, it has long been coming. From the Examiner:

Meanwhile, the UK cements their descent into tyranny by In the aftermath of Charlottesville, an
allowing young Alfie Evans to die without even allowing awful lot of awful things have been said
his own parents to take him somewhere else where he about Republicans and race relations.
might be treated as America approaches a crossroads from
which there may be no turning back. However, the Left's accusations of
racism couldn't be further from the truth
that has played out in the halls of
Congress over the last 150 years.

It is shocking that as talk of statues and

historical racism is being bandied
about, no one has mentioned the
Democrats' utterly shameful treatment
of African Americans throughout

Over the last 100 years, Republicans

have stood up for African Americans
while Democrats not only stood on the
sidelines, but in fact served as
As amazing speaker and American Candice Owens tells us
obstructionists to civil liberties.
in the 2nd video below, while 88% of black Americans

With this new emergence of Conservative African the Obama administration, The Hill
Americans led by amazing people such as Diamond and reported on Wednesday.
Silk, Candice Owens and now even Kanye West making
waves and shattering typical stereotypes, will even more Campbell said Russian nuclear officials
black Americans finally awaken for good and 'break the expected APCO to apply its $3 million
spell' they've long been living under? annual lobbying fee from Moscow
toward the Clintons’ Global Initiative.
Should even 20% more black Americans realize that the The contract detailed four $750,000
Democratic plantation that they've been slaving upon is the payments over a year’s time.
very worst possible thing for them by metaphorically
'swallowing' the 'red pill' that so many others have recently “APCO was expected to give assistance
swallowed, the D's are in huge trouble. free of charge to the Clinton Global
Initiative as part of their effort to create
And if this new story from Zero Hedge is any indication, a favorable environment to ensure the
while the 'great awakening' may not yet be viral across Obama administration made affirmative
America, nearly a million Americans have 'had it' with the decisions on everything from Uranium
increasingly socialist blue states of California and New One to the U.S.-Russia Civilian Nuclear
York, where over 800,000 are expected to flee over the Cooperation agreement,” Campbell
next 3 years, following more than 3.5 million over the past stated.
decade leaving those high-tax, imploding states for low-tax
red states such as Arizona and Texas. And while Clinton spokesman Nick Merrill claimed that
Campbell's statement was just an attempt by the Trump
administration to distract Robert Mueller and the American
public from the 'real collusion' that the Democrats
continually attempt to put upon President Trump, it's
obvious to those paying attention where the 'real collusion'

While talk of treason has been thrown around continuously

surrounding Obama, Clinton, James Comey, Loretta Lynch
and Susan Rice, for the DOJ and FBI to fully regain their
standing and integrity, the former 'elite' will have to fall.

As Republican representative Paul Gossar from Arizona

stated back in February:
As even Newsweek reported back in February, according "The full-throated adoption of this illegal
to an FBI informant, Russia routed millions of dollars to misconduct and abuse of FISA by
the US and the Clinton's 'global initiative' in the Uranium James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Sally
One scandal that saw Mueller, Clinton and Obama caught Yates and Rod Rosenstein is not just
with their hands in the cookie jar, though the Democrats criminal but constitutes treason," Gosar
are still trying to call that story 'a distraction'. From that wrote in a statement.
Gosar said he would urge Attorney
Moscow routed millions of dollars to the General Jeff Sessions to seek "criminal
U.S. expecting the funds would benefit prosecution against these traitors to our
ex-President Bill Clinton’s charitable nation." Treason under the Constitution
initiative while his wife, Hillary Clinton, is punishable by death.
worked to reset relations with Russia,
an FBI informant in an Obama And while much of the 'independent media' struggles just
administration-era uranium deal stated. to 'stay alive' and online, with liberals now attempting to
take away the 1st Amendment from Alex Jones while
In a written statement to three claiming 'conspiracy theories' may not be protected speech
congressional committees, informant (note to NWO: you'll have to kill me to shut me up!), Bill
Douglas Campbell said Russian nuclear Gertz reports today over at the Washington Free Beacon
executives told him that Moscow hired that anonymous donors have donated $50 million to anti-
American lobbying firm APCO Trump researchers to continue to try to dig up more dirt on
Worldwide to influence Hillary Clinton, President Trump.
then secretary of state, among others in
Clinton, then the American people deserve to know that
truth. Yet should the truth be something far more sinister,
and deeply implicate Hillary Clinton and the 'Clinton
crime family', the American people deserve to know the
truth as well, no matter how shocking that might be to

Simply having absolute proof that Hillary and the DNC

conspired to take the Democratic party nomination away
from Bernie Sanders according to former DNC
chairwoman Donna Brazile gives us a taste of what she is
capable of.

With the 'dirt' dug up by the Steele dossier proven to be

'fake news' supported by the DNC, it's becomes obvious
that huge dollars are lining up to push more 'fake news' as
long as it is 'anti-Trump' information. From the Free
Beacon story:

Anti-Trump researchers are continuing

to conduct investigations of President
Trump and were paid $50 million by
unidentified donors in blue states,
according to a House intelligence
committee report made public on

The heavily redacted final report of the We will close with this extremely important excerpt from
House Permanent Select Committee on Greg Hunter's USA Watchdog and his recent interview
Intelligence said the panel is continuing with former CIA officer and whistleblower Kevin
to probe efforts by former British Shipp which sums up everything that we've been
intelligence officer Christopher Steele, witnessing ever since President Trump was elected and
author of the discredited anti-Trump explaining exactly why America is still in such danger as a
dossier, and the research firm 'Constitutional crisis' the likes we've never seen in America
FusionGPS that hired Steele on behalf continues to unfold in the days and weeks ahead. You can
of the Democratic National Committee the entire interview embedded as the final video below.
and Clinton campaign during the
election. Former CIA Officer and whistleblower
Kevin Shipp says what is going on with
The continuing anti-Trump opposition Donald J. Trump “is an ongoing coup to
research operation was contained in a remove a duly elected President.” Shipp
footnote on page 113 of the 243-page contends, “This is a huge constitutional
report. It identified the Penn Quarter crisis like the country has never seen
Group as the research firm that hired before. This makes Watergate look like a
Steele and FusionGPS. [Disclosure: The Sunday school class.”
Washington Free Beacon was once a
client of Fusion GPS. That relationship On Friday, Shipp and other retired top
ended in January 2017. For more officials at the CIA, FBI, DOJ and NSA
information, see here.] held a press conference and demanded
Attorney General Jeff Sessions
While 'crazy Hillary' still scatters blame for her November prosecute top Obama era officials for
2016 loss in EVERY direction except for the one direction obvious crimes against the incoming
where it should be cast perfectly representing the Trump Administration. Shipp says, “We
'victimhood mentality' of many on the left, for the DOJ and have a coup within our government
FBI to fully regain their now tarnished reputation while right now at the senior levels at the CIA,
restoring their integrity, they'll have to get to the bottom of DOJ and the FBI attempting to unseat a
this all. duly elected President who was elected
by the American people and remove him
And should 'the truth' find that President Trump colluded from office. . . .This is, at worst, treason
with Russia to steal the election away from Hillary with senior officials in the shadow
government or Deep State . . . to attack ‘progressive’ document. In other words,
Donald Trump and remove him from the Constitution is outdated and should
office." be redone. They are both directly
connected into George Soros, who
Shipp goes on to explain, “There is wants to destroy the sovereignty of the
essentially a civil war involving parts of U.S. government. . . . The Democrat
senior management and upper parts of Party is now made up of Marxists and
our government that is occurring in the leftists that have penetrated that entire
United States. It’s between the ‘Dark’ organization. . . . Their entire goal is to
side and the ‘Constitutional’ side. There change our form of government and
has never been anything like this in destroy our sovereignty.”
history. It is extremely serious, and this
is an extremely serious hour for our
government and especially for our
constitutional freedoms. . . . This
essentially is a global criminal cabal
that has penetrated into our government
and now has senior level officials
colluding and, I would argue, conspiring
to unseat this president.”

In closing, Shipp says, “People need to

understand that the Democrat Party
today is not the Democrat Party of John
F. Kennedy. The Democrat Party with
Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton is
more Marxist than anything else. They
think the Constitution should be a

Hillary Clinton Insider Philippe Reines:
‘F**K Sarah Sanders’; Melania And Trump Family
‘Diseased Clan’ With ‘Rotten Souls’
By Kristinn Taylor
April 29, 2018, 2:41 Am

“The Paralympics issued a statement defending

its disabled athletes from @realDonaldTrump’s
hurtful comment they are hard to watch. THE
Sarah Sanders & f@ck the Right’s mascara
derangement syndrome.”

Former Hillary Clinton presidential campaigns adviser and

Clinton State Department official Philippe Reines attacked
White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders
with the most profane, sexist language following the
controversial personal attacks on Sanders at Saturday’s
White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner. Reines
also attacked First Lady Melania Trump and the Trump
family as being a “diseased clan” and having “rotten

Reines keyed off a Paralympics response to Trump that


“Record numbers around the world are not

finding @Paralympics tough to watch. Billions of
viewers now take in the Paralympics in
hundreds of countries around the world. We
hope the US President continues to watch and
be inspired by the Paralympics.”

Clinton’s State Department myrmidons: Cheryl Mills and Philippe

Reines with Sec. Hillary Clinton, photo via Free Republic.

Reines was fired up about President Donald Trump’s too

honest comments about the Paralympics at a White House
ceremony this week honoring Olympians and

“It’s a little tough to watch too much.” Instead of

attacking Trump, Reines blasted Sanders,
tweeting, “…So f@ck Sarah Sanders & f@ck
the Right’s mascara derangement syndrome.”
Earlier, in a rant about the Trump administration and
family, Reines included Melania Trump in vile smear
calling her part of a “diseased clan” having “rotten souls”,
“This thread by @MollyJongFast is a reminder
why Sarah Slanders™️, Kellyanne, Spicer,
Bannon, Priebus, Jared, Ivanka, Melania and
their entire diseased clan need to stfu. No
matter how low they felt tonight it’s 1/1000th
what their rotten souls deserve.”

Video of President Trump’s remarks on the Paralympics.

“What happened with the Paralympics was so

incredible and so inspiring to me. And I watched
— it’s a little tough to watch too much, but I
watched as much as I could.”

Reines has recently become a regular guest on the Fox

News Channel.

Screen image in case of deletion (and source.)

Senior Hillary Clinton adviser Philippe Reines on the

Trump administration and the Trump family: “F@ck
Sarah Sanders”, “diseased clan”, “rotten souls”.

Trump Slams White House Correspondents' Dinner
As ‘A Very Big, Boring Bust’
By Jacqueline Thomsen
04/29/18 08:04 AM EDT

President Trump took to Twitter early Sunday to blast the is the one pussy you're not allowed to
White House Correspondents’ Association dinner, grab.”
claiming the event was
She was referring to the infamous “Access Hollywood”
“a very big, boring bust.” tape, during which Trump can be heard bragging about
groping and kissing women without their consent
“While Washington, Michigan, was a big
success, Washington, D.C., just didn’t
work,” Trump said, referring to a rally he Wolf also called Vice President Pence “a weird little guy”
held instead of attending the dinner and criticized press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders and
Saturday night. White House senior adviser Kellyanne Conway.

The president also said that entertainer Michelle Wolf "Kellyanne Conway has the perfect last
“really ‘bombed’ ” during her routine at the dinner, calling name for what she does — Conway," Wolf
her a “so-called comedian” and saying that Fox News host said. "You guys have to stop putting
Greg Gutfeld should host the event next year. Kellyanne on your shows. If you don't give
her a platform, she has nowhere to lie. If a
tree falls in the woods, how do we get
Kellyanne under that tree? I'm not
suggesting she gets hurt. Just stuck. Stuck
under a tree."
"I actually really like Sarah. I think she's
very resourceful," Wolf said of Sanders.
"But she burns facts and then she uses that
ash to create a perfect smokey eye. Like
maybe she's born with it, maybe it's lies."

Trump knocked the White House Correspondents'

Wolf took direct aim at the Trump administration Association dinner during the rally Saturday night.
throughout her routine at the dinner, including the
president himself. "Is this better than that phony Washington
White House correspondents' dinner? Is
“Trump isn't here, if you haven't noticed. this more fun?" Trump asked the crowd to
He's not here,” Wolf said. “And I know, I applause. "I could be up there smiling
know, I would drag him here myself, but it with these people, they hate your guts."
turns out the president of the United States

Presidents Trump And Obama Show Their True Colors:
One Stands Up For WH Doctor After Being Slandered –
The Other Remains Silent
By Jim Hoft
April 29, 2018, 8:20 Am

American people. One pundit on Twitter put it


“The best insight into Obama’s petty

character is the fact that Dr. Ronny
Jackson cared for the Obama family for
eight years and received rave reviews, but
when his name was smeared by Dems,
Obama was dead silent.”

Democrat Senator Jon Tester slandered and lied about President

Trump’s nominee to take over the VA, Admiral Dr. Ron Jackson.
Presidents Trump and Obama showed their true colors in response.
One stood up for the man who was slandered, the other remained

Admiral and Dr. Ron Jackson was nominated by

President Trump to be the new head of the VA. Dr. However the current President understands and
Jackson was Presidents Obama and Trump’s personal stands up for the people who serve him honorably.
doctor. He worked diligently for both. He was President Trump tweeted today:
slandered by Democrat Senator Jon Tester this past
week with made up accusations of being drunk on the “Allegations made by Senator Jon Tester
job and other seedy activities while serving as the against Admiral/Doctor Ron Jackson are
White House doctor. proving false. The Secret Service is unable
to confirm (in fact they deny) any of the
CNN reported earlier this week, on anonymous phony Democrat charges which have
sourcing, that during an overseas trip in 2015 Jackson absolutely devastated the wonderful
got drunk and belligerently banged on a female Jackson family. Tester should resign.
colleague’s hotel door. CNN also reported the Secret The….”
Service stopped Jackson and that agents were worried
he might wake up President Obama.

Turns out, the Secret Service has no record of the

incident (bolding is mine).

President Obama has remained totally silent

regarding the false accusations showing his true
colors of putting politics and lies before the

President Trump’s tweet continued: no such findings. A horrible thing that we in
D.C. must live with, just like phony Russian
“….great people of Montana will not stand Collusion. Tester should lose race in
for this kind of slander when talking of a Montana. Very dishonest and sick!”
great human being. Admiral Jackson is the
kind of man that those in Montana would
most respect and admire, and now, for no
reason whatsoever, his reputation has
been shattered. Not fair, Tester!”

This latest episode shows Presidents Obama

and Trump are polar opposites. One is a
politician who acts based on political
consequences with no regard for the people he
thinks serve him. The other is an honorable
man who acts based on what is right and sees
Later, President Trump tweeted: his role as serving the people. The latter always
trumps the first.
“Secret Service has just informed me that
Senator Jon Tester’s statements on
Admiral Jackson are not true. There were

SENATOR TESTER Cheers Withdrawal Of Admiral
Jackson After He Smeared Him With False Rumors
By Jim Hoft
April 29, 2018, 9:43 Am



Ranking Member: Veterans Deserve a

Strong Leader

(U.S. Senate)-U.S. Senator Jon Tester, who

has voted to confirm all 12 of President
Trump’s VA nominees, issued the following
statement after Rear Admiral Ronny
Jackson withdrew his nomination to lead the

“I want to thank the servicemembers who

Democrat Senator Jon Tester led the charge last week bravely spoke out over the past week. It is my
spreading false rumors against Trump VA pick Admiral Constitutional responsibility to make sure the
Ronny Jackson. veterans of this nation get a strong, thoroughly
vetted leader who will fight for them. The next
Tester played point man to smear and slander Admiral Secretary must have a commitment to reform a
Jackson with false allegations of inappropriate behavior. strained health care system and a willingness to
Admiral Jackson withdrew his nomination after the false stand up to special interests who want to
allegations were released and shared widely by the liberal privatize the VA. My sleeves are rolled up and
mainstream media. ready to work with Chairman Isakson to vet and
confirm a Secretary who is fit to run the VA.”
The Secret Service later came out and said the allegations
were completely false. Tester is urging Congress to continue its investigation into
the White House Medical Unit.
But Tester cheered his smear attacks.
President Trump defended Admiral Jackson
Senator Tester released a statement cheering Admiral and called on Senator Tester to resign on
Jackson’s withdrawal as VA pick.

Comey: House Intel Probe
Into Russia's Election Meddling Is A 'Wreck'
By Julia Manchester
04/29/18 10:32 AM EDT

The committee on Friday released a Republican-authored

report that said it found no evidence of collusion between
the Trump campaign and Moscow.

The former FBI director pushed back on the report on

Sunday, calling it politically motivated.

"That is not my understanding of what the

facts were before I left the FBI, and I think
the most important piece of work is the one
the special counsel's doing now. This
Former FBI Director James Comey on Sunday slammed strikes me as a political document," Comey
the House Intelligence Committee's probe into alleged ties said.
between the Trump campaign and Russia, referring to the
panel as a "wreck."
Comey is currently promoting his memoir, "A Higher
Loyalty: Truth, Lies, and Leadership."
"It wrecked the committee," Comey told
NBC's Chuck Todd on "Meet the Press,"
During his promotional tour, Comey has defended his
referring to the politicization of the panel.
decisions about the 2016 investigation into Hillary
"It damaged relationships with the [Foreign Clinton's emails as well as giving some of his memos
Intelligence Surveillance Act] court, the detailing conversations with President Trump to a friend in
intelligence communities. It's just a wreck," order to make the contents public, and said his decision to
he continued. release the book doesn't hurt special counsel Robert
Mueller's ongoing investigation if he's called to be a

Former Asst. FBI Director:
“I Have No Doubt” Clapper And Brennan Conspired
With Comey Against Trump (VIDEO)
By Jim Hoft
April 29, 2018, 10:37 Am

James Kallstrom:

I think he’s lost his mind, Jim Comey. I don’t

understand what his act is… This consersation
with the President of the United States is
automatically classified. At least it was when I
was in the government. Unless they’ve changed
rules like that. But Maria we’re in a three act
play and it’s not a comedy. It’s a tragedy…

Who are they (Clapper and Brennan) to be

threatening the President of the United
States?… And I have no doubt that they’ve
Former Asst. FBI Director James Kallstrom
conspired with others including Jim Comey,
told Maria Bartiromo on Sunday he has “no
and others unnamed at this point.
doubt” fired FBI Director James Comey
conspired with former Director of National
Intelligence and Former CIA Director John Via Sunday Morning Futures:
Brennan both conspired with Comey to take
down Trump.

Kallstrom joined Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning

Futures earlier today.

'He Actually Wrote The Wrong Book':
Gutfeld Theorizes The Real Reason
Behind Comey's Tell-All
April 29, 2018 10:41am

Weiner to continue with that laptop, which

then had the emails."

Abedin was the former vice chair of Hillary Clinton's 2016

presidential campaign and is married to Weiner, the
disgraced former congressman who was sentenced in
September to 21 months in prison in connection with the
sexting scandal that drove the New York Democrat out of

Greg Gutfeld on Saturday presented his theory about why Gutfeld said that Comey knew NYPD would look to seize
former FBI Director James Comey really wrote his tell-all Weiner's laptop -- which contained classified emails from
book, "A Higher Loyalty." the account of Abedin -- so he would then begin to write
his book.
"He actually wrote the wrong book," Gutfeld
said. "If you're going to write a book, it should be
about Hillary's unwillingness to deal with
"This is really about how Hillary protected Huma, and that cost the election."
Huma Abedin, which allowed Anthony

Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters Changes Course,
Saying ‘70% Of Democrats’ Want Trump Impeached
By Frank Camp
April 29, 2018

According to the same survey, 70% of self-identified

Democrats said they would

“definitely vote for ... a candidate for

Congress who wants to move to impeach
President Trump.”

Previously, Waters claimed that

“70% of women who have been polled say

Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) appeared on MSNBC on Sunday, and that they want [Trump] impeached,”
spoke with host Joy Reid about her desire to see the president
a number that The Daily Wire could not independently
REID: So, Donald Trump says that the reason now – you verify. Despite sending six emails to Rep. Waters’
know, Nancy Pelosi was the reason to vote in 2010 communications director, Rykia Dorsey, over the course of
because President Obama, and apparently now you are the four days, and calling Waters’ Washington D.C. office
reason Republicans should vote in the coming mid-term twice for clarification, we have received no response.
because of impeachment. Your thoughts?
Perhaps Waters simply misspoke when she said that
WATERS: Well, first of all, he's absolutely correct that I
am encouraging impeachment, but he's incorrect when he “70% of women who have been polled say
says and implies that at the rallies, people are saying "but that they want [Trump] impeached.”
he's done nothing wrong." That's not what they're saying
back to me when I say "impeach him." I don't say However, neither she nor anyone at her office clarified in
"impeach him" quite that way. I say "impeach 45," and the following days.
they go nuts, and they agree, and 70% of Democrats in a
recent poll said he should be impeached. It’s nice to see that she’s finally citing real polling data.

Reid followed up by showing a graphic featuring the poll

to which Waters was referring. As The Daily Wire
previously noted:

An NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist survey

conducted between April 10 - 13 found that
49% of women would “definitely vote for ...
a candidate for Congress who wants to
move to impeach President Trump.”

Chuck Todd Makes Comey
Squirm With This Question About Russia
Justin Caruso - Media Reporter
12:06 PM 04/29/2018

NBC News’ Chuck Todd made former FBI

director James Comey squirm with a question Collins said:
about his book on “Meet the Press” Sunday.
I cannot imagine why an FBI
WATCH: director would seek to essentially
cash in on a book when the
investigation is very much alive. He
should have waited to do his
“Should you have waited?” Todd

Comey’s answer didn’t even address the actual


“I hope she’ll read it, and see that

it’s not about the investigation,”
“I’m going to close with this: Susan Comey said. “It’s about—not even
Collins, last week on the show—I about Donald Trump. It’s about
asked her about your book. Here’s something much broader, that I
what she said. I’m curious to get thought it was important to talk
your reaction to what she said.” about now.”

CNN Analyst Shares Ugly Truth About The WHCD
Amber Athey - Media Reporter
12:13 PM 04/29/2018

CNN counterterrorism analyst Phil Mudd washed the glitz “Look, referring to this as the swamp is
and glam off of the White House Correspondents’ Dinner courteous. This is a pain in the ass,” Mudd
on Saturday night, reminding viewers it’s just another asserted. “Let me give you some
elitist “swamp” party. characteristics, seriously, for people who
haven’t been here.”
WATCH: “There’s three thousand people here. If
you’re not a VIP let me give you a couple of
characteristics,” he continued. “Number
one, it’s a watered down drink for a guy
who likes a cocktail. Number two, not
kidding, there’s thousands — you cannot
move. You’ve got like two inches to move.
And number three, let me give you
Washington, D.C. … every person you talk
to … looks at you and then looks over your
shoulder and says, ‘is there anyone else
more important to talk to?'”

The rest of the panel started laughing at Mudd’s analysis,

CNN anchor John Berman noted that he could tell Mudd and Berman added, “Phil Mudd, hating on a party.”
was “judging” the images of journalists and White House
staffers all dressed up and rubbing elbows with one
another at the WHCD.

Gross. WHCD ‘Comedian’ Cracks Gruesome Abortion
Joke — Liberal Reporters Laugh In Delight (VIDEO)
By Jim Hoft
April 29, 2018, 12:14 Pm

The White House Correspondents’s Dinner Michelle Wolf:

was held last night in Washington DC.
Mike Pence is also very anti-choice. He thinks
President Trump skipped the event again abortion is murder. Which, first of all, don’t
this year and held a rally in Ypsilanti, knock it til you try it. And when you do try it
Michigan instead. really knock it. You know, you gotta get that
babe out of there.
The WHCD comedian came with an agenda
this year to hurl vile insults at President
Trump and his administration.

Comedian Michelle Wolf even cracked a gruesome

abortion joke.

The liberal crowd loved it.

Bolton: US Expects North Korean Denuclearization To Go
Down The Way It Did In Libya
Ryan Pickrell - China/Asia Pacific Reporter
12:39 PM 04/29/2018

After Libya forfeited its nuclear arsenal, the country’s

leader, Muammar Gaddafi, was violently overthrown by
Western-backed rebels and brutally executed. North Korea
has long cited the fate of Gaddafi as justification for its
nuclear program.

“The Saddam Hussein regime in Iraq and

the Gaddafi regime in Libya could not
escape the fate of destruction after being
deprived of their foundations for nuclear
development and giving up nuclear
programs of their own accord,” the state-
National security adviser John Bolton arrives for a joint news run Korean Central News Agency
conference between U.S. President Donald Trump and Germany's wrote just two years ago. It is unlikely that
Chancellor Angela Merkel in the East Room of the White House in
Washington, U.S., April 27, 2018. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is a fan
of the Libya model for denuclearization.
The U.S. apparently has the Libya model in mind for
North Korean denuclearization, according to White House Kim has agreed to discuss the denuclearization of the
national security adviser John Bolton. Korean Peninsula, and during Friday’s landmark summit
with South Korean President Moon Jae-in, the two Korean
leaders expressed a commitment to the pursuit of a
“Will President Trump insist that Kim give nuclear-free Korean Peninsula through complete
up, ship out, all of his nuclear weapons, all denuclearization and phased disarmament. The despot’s
of his nuclear fuel, all of his ballistic pledge was even presented to the North Korean people by
missiles, before the U.S. makes any state media.
concessions?” Fox News host Chris
Wallace asked Bolton Sunday morning.
The North Korean leader has already offered to close the
“Yes, I think that’s what denuclearization Punggye-ri nuclear test site and has put a moratorium on
means. We have very much in mind the weapons testing, but skeptics remain suspicious of North
Libya model from 2003, 2004,” Bolton Korea’s intentions.
“There’s nobody in the Trump
WATCH: administration starry-eyed about what may
happen here,” Bolton said Sunday, noting
that North Korea has lied time and time
again when it comes to denuclearization.

President Donald Trump, who is expected to meet with

Kim in the next few weeks, has repeatedly said,

“We’ll see what happens.”

Rep. King: Russia Probe Is A
'Very Shameful Chapter' In History Of The FBI
April 29, 2018 – 12:41pm

"The evidence is none, and yet there is

much more circumstantial evidence, at
least, against the highest levels of the FBI,"
he said.

King also slammed former CIA Director John Brennan for

defending James Clapper, the former director of national
intelligence, over his lies about leaking the dossier on
President Trump.

Brennan called Clapper "a man of integrity,

honesty, ethics and morality" and noted his
Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.) said that the Russia investigation military service in the Vietnam War.
into President Trump is a "very shameful chapter" in the
history of the FBI.

His comments come as the House

Intelligence Committee declared in a report
released Friday that it “found no evidence
that the Trump campaign colluded,
coordinated, or conspired with the Russian

Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) also said on

"Sunday Morning Futures" last week that "there was no
intelligence" found to initiate the Russia probe. "They have the nerve to be criticizing
President Trump when they allowed the
The committee did, however, “find poor judgment and ill- worst leaks probably in the history of
considered actions by the Trump and Clinton campaign.” intelligence," King said of both men.

"It was based on basically gossip, it did not In another tweet, Brennan called the House Intelligence
come through normal channels. It did not Committee's findings "deeply flawed" and that they mean
warrant an investigation like this," King nothing.
"Jim Comey was giving the country the
impression that the president was being
investigated even though he knew the
president was not being investigated, but
refused to make that public," he added.

He also said that there needs to be accountability when it

comes to the top-ranking officials of the FBI.

King said the controversies surrounding Comey and

former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe are "far
more significant" than anything brought up regarding the Watch more from "Sunday Morning Futures" above.

'The President Wins Last Night':
CNN Panel Criticizes WHCD Comedian's Stand-Up
APR 29, 2018 | 1:14 PM

sometimes celebrate ourselves too much, I

think. The reality is that it's an important job
and last night I don't think we lived up
to it.”

King agreed that reporters need to stand up to the White

House but said the dinner wasn't the time or place because
it's supposed to be a relief from the tense relationship
between the press and politicians.

Watch the video below:

A panel of journalists on CNN criticized comedian
Michelle Wolf's stand-up routine at the White House
Correspondents' dinner on the basis that the jokes
counteracted the goal of the night.

John King, host of CNN's “Inside Politics,” wondered

if the media was playing into President Donald Trump's
hand by hosting a dinner that attacked press secretary
Sarah Sanders and possibly “crossed the line.”

The Washington Post congressional reporter Karoun

Demirjian added that even if Wolf's jokes weren't vetted
since she was invited by the WHCA, she was effectively
endorsed by reporters.

“She's effectively speaking for the press at

a very tense moment,” she said. “If you are
someone who's already skeptical of
whether the media is unbiased or not it's
difficult to have the disclaimer 'this is just
“I thought the jokes were one-sided, not an outtake, this isn't really us.'”
necessarily funny, but she was invited by
the White House Correspondents'
Association,” White House
Correspondent Jeff Zeleny, who attended
the dinner, said.

He called going after Sanders' appearance “inappropriate,”

but added that it wasn't the first time the night had some
“awkward” moments. Zeleny explained:

“The press has done a lot of incredible

work this year ... a lot of that was overtaken
by a skit that wasn't very funny and we
Politico congressional reporter Rachel Blade called it a Panelists agreed not all press is “fake news” and despite
“gift” for Trump and a “bad look” for the press to give into what Trump thinks, the media isn't out to get him, but
the natural reflex to defend themselves by making jokes at given the tone of the dinner, Zeleny concluded,
the administration's expense.
“The president wins last night, rhetorically,
However, Perry Bacon, a political writer for no question.”
FiveThirtyEight, disagreed and said that after three years
of Trump attacking the press, any comedian is going to
make a few jokes.

Whiny Jim Acosta Says Trump’s Attacks On Fake News
Worse Than Nasty Abortion Jokes At #WHCD
– Twitter Responds
By Cristina Laila
April 29, 2018, 1:20 Pm

Social media was set ablaze Sunday morning with people

It seems everyone was appalled over the showing their outrage over Michelle Wolf’s ‘abortion
nasty, vile insults ‘comedienne’ Michelle joke.’
Wolf hurled at Sarah Huckabee Sanders
during the annual White House Michelle Wolf said this about Vice President Mike Pence’s
Correspondents’ Dinner Saturday night. pro-life stance on abortion:

Everyone except for CNN’s Jim Acosta. “He thinks abortion is murder, which, first of all,
don’t knock it ‘til you try it–and when you do try
Whiny Acosta took to his Twitter account to say Trump’s it, really knock it. You know, you’ve got to get
attacks on the press (fake news) are worse than vile that baby out of there. And yeah, sure, you can
abortion jokes and disgusting insults hurled at another groan all you want. I know a lot of you are very
woman. anti-abortion. You know, unless it’s the one you
got for your secret mistress.”

Jim Acosta immediately played victim.

Acosta tweeted:

My problem with last night’s dinner is not that

we had a comedian who told some nasty jokes.
It’s that we did not really address the nearly
constant attacks on the press from the
president. The dinner should change with the
times so we send a strong message to the
world. #WHCD

Former Press Secretary for George W. Bush, Ari Fleischer

immediately came out and said the White House staff
should stop attending this dinner.

Trump’s former Press Sec, Sean Spicer called the White

House Correspondents’ Dinner a disgrace.

Matt Drudge was also disgusted with Michelle Wolf and

asked why Kellyanne Conway and Sarah Sanders didn’t
just walk out. Twitter responded…

The outrage from the foul-mouthed ‘comedian’ after her

disgusting display Saturday night spilled into Sunday


Stormy Daniels Attorney:
‘We're Going To Be Able To Prove That The
President Knew About The Agreement’
By Luis Sanchez
04/29/18 01:47 PM EDT

Avenatti argued that Trump's comment last week that

Cohen represented him in issues with Daniels showed that
the president knew of Cohen’s involvement with Daniels
and the original agreement.

Avenatti asked:

“How could Michael Cohen have

represented the president if the president
never knew anything about it?”
“It’s a critical mistake and this is what
Stormy Daniels’s lawyer, Michael Avenatti, said on happens when you are undisciplined in
Sunday that he will prove that President Trump knew litigation,” Avenatti added.
about the nondisclosure agreement between Trump's
“You may be able to be undisciplined in
personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, and the adult-film
politics, you may be able to lie to the press
and the American people, but you can’t lie
in litigation," he added. "It comes back and
Avenatti said on CNN’s “State of the Union” that he bites you every time.”
didn't think Trump learned about the
agreement through media coverage.
Daniels, whose real name in Stephanie Clifford, is
currently suing Trump to formally void the nondisclosure
“I don't think that's possible and I don't think agreement she signed with Cohen just weeks before the
it's probable. And I think, at the end of the 2016 election. She says the $130,000 payment was meant
day, we're going to be able to prove that to buy her silence about an alleged affair with Trump a
the president knew about the agreement decade ago. Daniels is also suing Cohen for defamation.
and knew about the $130,000,” Avenatti

Gowdy: Trump Shouldn’t
Celebrate Until Mueller Probe Is Complete
Amber Athey - Media Reporter
1:52 PM 04/29/2018

Rep. Trey Gowdy advised President Trump on Sunday to witnesses and has far greater resources at his disposal for
avoid claiming there is “no collusion” until the Mueller his investigation. As such, it may be premature for Trump
investigation completes its course. to claim vindication, even if he is correct that there is no
“Be careful in how I phrase this…the best
we can do is say what we learned,” Gowdy
said of the House Intel’s report. “I can’t say
what’s in the universe of witnesses we
have not talked to and I have always
maintained I am awaiting the Mueller
“They have investigative tools we don’t
have,” he continued. “Executive branch
investigations are just better than
congressional ones. So, we found no
evidence of collusion — whether or not it
exists or not, I can’t speak to.”
Gowdy explained on CBS’ “Face the Nation” that
although the House Intelligence Committee’s report found
no evidence of collusion, Mueller is able to interview more

Dershowitz Warns Impeaching
‘Devil Trump’ Will ‘Eliminate Civil Liberties’
Harvard Professor Fears Employing This Tool Against Political Enemies Is
'Going To Come Back To Bite You In The Rear End'
By Kathryn Blackhurst
Updated 29 Apr 2018 At 2:21 PM

“House Intelligence Committee rules that

there was NO COLLUSION between the
Trump Campaign and Russia. As I have
been saying all along, it is all a big Hoax by
the Democrats based on payments and
lies. There should never have been a
Special Counsel appointed. Witch Hunt!”

Democrats and progressives “obviously think” President

Donald Trump is “the devil” and are trying to “eliminate
civil liberties” to impeach him, Harvard Law School
professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz said Saturday on Fox
News’ “Fox & Friends.”

“The way they go after our rights is first to

go after political enemies, establish
precedence on the basis of political
enemies, and then that precedent lies
around like a loaded gun and can be used
about anything,” Dershowitz said.
“It’s always a mistake to expand the
criminal law on the grounds for
impeachment against your political
enemies,” he added, “because it’s going to
come back to bite you in the rear end.”

Republican members of the House Permanent Select Dershowitz then compared how liberals have treated
Committee on Intelligence released their redacted 253- Trump with the movie and play, "A Man for all Seasons,"
page report Friday, summarizing the committee’s findings which recounted the final years of Sir Thomas More, the
during its year-long investigation into allegations of English cleric who refused to support King Henry the
collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. VIII's quest to annul his marriage to Catherine of Aragon
Although the Republicans found “poor judgment” and “ill- in order to marry Anne Boleyn.
considered actions” on the part of the Trump campaign,
they found “no evidence of collusion.”
"Sir Thomas More is asked, 'Would you
give the devil the right of the law?' And he
Trump took to Twitter on Friday to tout the report and says, 'Yes, I would.' And the opponent
slam special counsel Robert Mueller’s “witch hunt,” says, 'No, no, you can't give the devil the
writing, right of the law.' And then Sir Thomas More
says, 'If you knock down the all the laws to
get the devil, the next thing that will happen to porn star Stormy Daniels, who claims she was silenced
is the devil will use that to come after you,'" during the 2016 presidential campaign after an alleged
Dershowitz said. affair with Trump more than 10 years ago.
"Now Democrats and left-wingers obviously
think President Trump is the devil, and "Well, first of all, there are a lot of civil
they're prepared to eliminate civil liberties," libertarians in the ACLU that don't care
Dershowitz warned. "The American Civil about civil liberties. All they care about is
Liberties Union is praising a raid on a left-wing, hard-Left politics," Dershowitz
lawyer's office and praising the fact that the said. "They use civil liberties as an excuse
FBI gets to read potentially lawyer-client and as a justification."
privileged information." "So, you know, everybody is turning
everything around now, and there is so
The FBI conducted raids on the home, office, and hotel much hypocrisy and the ultimate victim is
room of Trump's personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, earlier both truth and civil liberties," Dershowitz
in April, in a move that stemmed from Mueller's probe into continued, noting that each American must
Russian collusion and election interference. "commit yourself to civil liberties without
regard to which side is being attacked."
As a result, Cohen is now under investigation for potential
campaign finance law violations and a $130,000 payment

Democrats Ignore Dossier In Russia Report,
In Stark Contrast To Their Early Rhetoric
Chuck Ross - Reporter
2:45 PM 04/29/2018

California Rep. Adam Schiff and House Intelligence Committee

Democrats. (YouTube screen capture/CNN)

What a difference a year makes.

Steele’s dossier alleged that Manafort directed Page’s
At a House Intelligence Committee hearing just over a contacts with the Kremlin for the purposes of collusion.
year ago, Democrats on the panel focused heavily on the But no evidence has emerged supporting the claim, and
infamous Steele dossier, the salacious and unverified both Page and Manafort have denied ever speaking to each
report alleging that the Trump campaign conspired with other.
the Russian government to influence the 2016 election.
Castro devoted the bulk of his questioning of Comey to
California Rep. Adam Schiff, the top Democrat on the questions about the dossier.
committee, made numerous references to Steele’s claims
during an opening statement for the hearing, which was “I want to take a moment to turn the
held on March 20, 2017. (RELATED: Here Is The Christopher Steele dossier, which was first
House Intel Committee’s Long-Awaited Russia Report) mentioned in the media just before the
election and published in full by media
Texas Rep. Joaquin Castro pressed then-FBI Director outlets in January,” said Castro. “My focus
James Comey about specific allegations made about today is to explore how many claims within
Trump associates in the dossier, which was written by Steele’s dossier are looking more and more
former British spy Christopher Steele. Indiana Rep. Andre likely, as though they are accurate.”
Carson and California Rep. Jackie Speier, two other
committee Democrats, also hyped the dossier. But a Democrat-authored report released Friday suggests
that Schiff & Co. have lost interest in the dossier over the
Democrats seemingly had high hopes for the dossier back past year.
then. The report, published two months earlier by
BuzzFeed News, included damning allegations that if true The report, which was released alongside a report written
would likely lead to Trump’s impeachment. by committee Republicans, makes almost no reference to
Steele’s dossier allegations. Democrats also provided no
“According to Steele, it was Manafort who evidence to back up any of the questions they raised in the
chose Page to serve as a go-between for Comey hearing a year earlier.
the Trump campaign and Russian
interests,” Schiff said in the hearing, The 99-page report, which is dated March 26, mentions the
referring to former Trump campaign word “dossier” 18 times, mostly in reference to allegations
chairman Paul Manafort and former Trump made by committee Republicans about the document.
campaign adviser Carter Page. Steele is mentioned 11 times. Fusion GPS and Perkins
Coie are not mentioned at all.
WATCH: Adam Schiff’s opening statement during
March 20, 2017 hearing

Fusion GPS is the opposition research firm that hired October to acknowledge hiring Fusion GPS. Congressional
Steele in June 2016 to investigate Trump’s alleged ties to Republicans have also forced out details of the FBI’s
Russia. Perkins Coie is the Clinton campaign and DNC reliance on the dossier to obtain spy warrants on former
law firm that hired Fusion in the first place. Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.

Republicans, in contrast, have ramped up their focus on the Republican lawmakers frequently point out in interviews
dossier over the past year. Pressure from committee that none of the dossier’s most disturbing allegations have
Republicans forced Perkins Coie to come forward in been proved in the 15 months since BuzzFeed published it.

John Brennan Viciously Attacks POTUS Trump For
Labeling James Clapper A “Lying Machine”
By Cristina Laila
April 29, 2018, 3:02 Pm

Mr. Trump: Your hypocrisy knows no bounds.

Former CIA Director-turned-Twitter troll, Jim Clapper is a man of integrity, honesty,
John Brennan lashed out at President ethics, & morality. You are not. Jim Clapper
Trump again this weekend after POTUS served his country for over a half century,
rightfully called former Intel Chief James including in Vietnam. You did not. By your
Clapper a “lying machine.” words & behavior, you diminish the Office of the

President Trump unleashed on former Intel And the left claims there is no Deep State.
Chief James Clapper Saturday morning after
the House Intel Russia report revealed he Just look how much hatred the former CIA Chief has for
leaked the dossier briefing to Jake Tapper President Trump. It’s unprecedented.
then lied about it.
Both Clapper and Brennan are stuck in a perjury trap and
Clapper then lied about leaking over and over again, they know it which is why they continue to attack Trump.
including under oath.
On Friday, John Brennan also warned Trump about
Trump tweeted on Saturday: Mueller’s investigation saying,

“Clapper lied about (fraudulent) Dossier leaks to “Stay tuned Mr. Trump…”
CNN” @foxandfriends FoxNews He is a lying
machine who now works for Fake News CNN.
Watch Clapper lie to Don Lemon about leaking the
dossier–this is the type of man Brennan considers to be
honest, full of integrity and morality….


Clapper’s partner-in-crime, John Brennan

promptly came to his rescue and viciously
attacked President Trump.

John Brennan responded:

The Mooch Goes After Michelle Wolf For Tasteless
‘Atrocity,’ Compares Her To Michael Wolff
Nick Givas - Media And Politics Reporter
3:21 PM 04/29/2018

“I think the hostilities need to be de-

escalated on both
sides,” Scaramucci added. “It’s not just the
White House. What happened last night
was an atrocity, and it was like literally
watching Michael Wolff with a wig on. I
thought Michelle Wolf was Michael Wolff,
The Mooch Goes After Michelle Wolf For Tasteless 'Atrocity,'
Compares Her To Michael Wolff -- CNN Reliable Sources 4-29-18 WATCH:

Former White House communications director Anthony

Scaramucci expressed disgust at comedian Michelle Wolf
for her attacks on White House press secretary Sarah
Sanders at the White House Correspondents Dinner.

“I think what you guys are missing is, you

think it’s totally okay to take a cheese
graters to somebody’s face, grate their
face, drop the cheese grater and say, geez,
part of your job is to have the right side of
your face bleeding,” Scaramucci said on
CNN’s “Reliable Sources” Sunday.

Scaramucci called the insults to Sanders an “atrocity” and

compared Michelle Wolf to “Fire And Fury” author
Michael Wolff.

James Woods Destroys Gutter ‘Comedian’
Michelle Wolf In Epic Tweetstorm
By Cristina Laila
April 29, 2018, 4:16 Pm

anti-abortion. You know, unless it’s the one you

Nearly everyone was appalled over the got for your secret mistress.”
nasty, vile insults ‘comedienne’ Michelle
Wolf hurled at Sarah Huckabee Sanders Michelle Wolf also mocked Sarah Sanders as Aunt Lydia
during the annual White House in the Handmaiden’s Tale, a bull-dyke gym teacher and
Correspondents’ Dinner Saturday night. attacked Sanders over her ‘smoky eye’ look. Wolf
concluded with the racist, sexist attack in which she called
The gutter ‘comedian’ even cracked a joke Sanders a traitor to ‘white women.’
about abortion as the audience of liberal
snakes laughed. Social media was set ablaze Saturday night and the shock
spilled over into Sunday after Michelle Wolf trashed Sarah
Pure evil. Sanders and laughed about murdering unborn babies.

James Woods went off on the foul-mouthed ‘comedian’ Patriotic actor James Woods gave this gutter comedian a
and liberal reporters at the WHCD in an epic tweetstorm. piece of his mind on Sunday.

James Woods tweeted called Michelle Wolf

“low class trash” in response to Matt
Drudge asking why Sarah Sanders and
Kellyanne Conway didn’t walk out as Wolf
trashed them:

The annual White House Correspondents’ Dinner on Woods blasted the WHCD Association
Saturday night was an utter disgrace. President:

President Trump did not attend, rather he held a rally in

Michigan to connect with the citizens of middle America.

Michelle Wolf said this about Vice President Mike Pence’s

pro-life stance on abortion:

“He thinks abortion is murder, which, first of all,

don’t knock it ‘til you try it–and when you do try
it, really knock it. You know, you’ve got to get
that baby out of there. And yeah, sure, you can
groan all you want. I know a lot of you are very

James Woods says Republican women
running for office should use the clip of Wolf
trashing Sarah Sanders in their campaigns:

And in the grand finale, James Woods

tweeted out a picture of Michelle Wolf
without makeup on…YIKES

James Woods then blasted lefty New York

Times crank Maggie Haberman:

Truth bomb: Michelle Wolf couldn’t even

memorize her ‘jokes’.

This is why we love James Woods!

BACKLASH: Trump Wants 'Dishonest And Sick' Jon
Tester To Resign For Spreading False Rumors
Byryan Saavedra
April 29, 2018

were forced to intervene during a

Presidential foreign travel assignment in
order to prevent disturbing (former)
President Barack Obama. The Secret
Service has no such record of any incident;
specifically, any incident involving Rear
Admiral Ronny Jackson. A thorough review
of internal documents related to all
Presidential foreign travel that occurred in
2015, in addition to interviews of personnel
who were present during foreign travel that
occurred during the same time frame, has
On Saturday, President Donald Trump suggested that Sen. resulted in no information that would
Jon Tester (D-MT) needed to resign from his position after indicate the allegation is accurate."
a new report from the Secret Service revealed that
allegations he made against Navy Rear Adm. Ronny Earlier on Saturday, Trump suggested that Tester needed
Jackson had no factual basis. to resign over the baseless accusations he made, tweeting:

In a tweet, Trump wrote: "Allegations made by Senator Jon Tester

against Admiral/Doctor Ron Jackson are
"Secret Service has just informed me that proving false. The Secret Service is unable
Senator Jon Tester’s statements on to confirm (in fact they deny) any of the
Admiral Jackson are not true. There were phony Democrat charges which have
no such findings. A horrible thing that we in absolutely devastated the wonderful
D.C. must live with, just like phony Russian Jackson family. Tester should resign."
Collusion. Tester should lose race in
Montana. Very dishonest and sick!"

Tester made the allegations in an interview with CNN

earlier this week which ultimately led to Jackson
withdrawing his name from consideration for the position.

In a statement, the Secret Service wrote:

Over the last 48 hours, media outlets have

alleged that U.S. Secret Service personnel
Fake News Takes Down Another Good Man: Dr. Ronny
Jackson Resigns As White House Doctor After Liberal Lies
By Jim Hoft
April 29, 2018, 6:01 Pm

Via Mike Cernovich:

Democrat Senator Jon Tester led the charge last week

spreading false rumors against Trump VA pick Admiral
Ronny Jackson.

Tester played point man to smear and slander Admiral

Jackson with false allegations of inappropriate behavior.
Admiral Jackson withdrew his nomination after the false
allegations were released and shared widely by the liberal
mainstream media.

The Secret Service later came out and said the allegations
were completely false.

But Tester cheered his smear attacks.

Senator Tester released a statement cheering Admiral White House physician Ronny Jackson will not return to
Jackson’s withdrawal as VA pick. his role as the president’s personal physician, according to
two senior administration officials, after a string of
On Sunday Dr. Ronny Jackson resigned as allegations caused the Navy rear admiral to withdraw his
White House doctor. nomination last week to lead the Department of Veterans
Liberal #FakeNews media took out another
good man. Sean Conley, a Navy officer who took over Jackson’s role
as the president’s personal doctor last month, will continue
in the role, the officials said.

Jackson bowed out last week after Montana Sen. Jon

Tester, the top Democrat on the Veterans’ Affairs
Committee, released a document summarizing allegations
by current and former colleagues that Jackson
overprescribed pills, drank on the job and created a hostile
work environment. Jackson has denied the allegations and
has returned to work in the White House Medical Unit.

Here Are Three Scary FBI Scandal Factors You Must Know
There's An Old Washington Maxim About Being Careful Because 'What Goes
Around Almost Always Comes Back Around'
By Mark Tapscott
Updated 29 Apr 2018 At 7:43 PM

Holder — who would subsequently be held in contempt by

Congress for refusing to turn over subpoenaed documents
in the “Fast and Furious” scandal — thus forced Horowitz
to request in writing any documents he sought from the

There then ensued a three-year struggle in Congress and

the media that culminated in Obama having no choice but
to sign the Inspector General Empowerment Act of 2016,
There are three scary but crucial factors underlying the
which removed all doubt about the IG’s access.
rapidly growing FBI scandal that most people miss, even
though these factors are hidden in plain sight.
During the three years between Holder's blatant subversion
of the 1978 Inspectors General Act and passage of the
Recognizing and understanding this trio goes a long way
2016 law, James Comey succeeded Mueller as FBI chief.
toward explaining what has happened in the scandal —
He continued, however, to wall off Horowitz's access to
and where it is likely to go next.
documents essential to doing his job until the new law was
First, there’s Horowitz’s revenge.
Horowitz has been investigating the FBI's conduct in its
Virtually everybody in the nation’s capital is waiting either investigation of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's
in fear or in eager anticipation for the upcoming use of a private server and email system to conduct official
investigative report of Department of Justice Inspector business as America's chief diplomat. He's also probing the
General Michael Horowitz. bureau's investigation of allegations of collusion between
President Donald Trump's 2016 campaign and elements
Horowitz is among the most respected and effective IGs linked to the Russian government.
ever appointed, but former President Barack Obama, who
nominated him in 2011, may consider that decision among In the course of those two investigations, Horowitz has
the most regrettable from his eight years in the White obtained and reviewed an estimated 1.2 million
House. documents. There is an old saying in Washington that
"things that go around have a way of coming back
Here’s why: The Inspectors General Act of 1978 around."
authorizes the IGs and their investigators and auditors to
obtain and examine any official document necessary to Second, there's Obama's perogative.
carrying out their responsibilities in fighting waste, fraud
and corruption in government. Presidents appoint IGs —
As more facts are uncovered about the lengths to which
but those IGs report to Congress, making them an
former FBI Director James Comey, his then-Deputy
important component of congressional oversight of the
Director Andrew McCabe, and a half-dozen other pro-
executive branch.
Hillary Clinton bureau insiders went to protect the
Democratic nominee in her email scandal, the least
But a few months before Horowitz was sworn into the job discussed element is Obama's role in the affair.
in 2012, Eric Holder, Obama’s attorney general and
previously deputy attorney general under President Bill
But former Attorney General Michael Mukasey and former
Clinton, gutted the IG act provision that mandates their
U.S. Attorney Andrew McCarthy make persuasive cases
access to all necessary documents. Holder acted at the
that protecting Obama in the Clinton email scandal was
behest of then-FBI Director Robert Mueller and others at
key to the FBI's clearly bungled investigation.
the bureau.

Remember Comey's July 2016 nationally televised All these people enjoyed years of unfettered, or nearly so,
announcement that he would not recommend prosecution access to the incredible digital and electronic listening
of Clinton despite her "extreme carelessness" in handling power developed by the U.S. intelligence community in
super secret classified national security information? the wake of 9/11, including the ability to "unmask" any
lawmaker, congressional staffer, corporate executive,
One of the drafts of Comey's announcement referred to philanthropic executive or donor, judge, foreign official,
Clinton emails between her and "the president." But, as presidential appointee, diplomat, or military officer
McCarthy recently pointed out, "a revised draft of Comey's overheard in any of the hundreds of millions of
remarks was circulated by his chief of staff, Jim Rybicki. It conversations intercepted by the listening agencies.
replaced 'the president' with 'another senior government
official.'" Think of the potential leveraging power that attends
knowing all the secrets of all the most important people at
Mukasey recently explained on "The Ingraham all levels of governance in the most powerful country on
Angle" why that change made a huge difference in earth. Just as blackmail is an oft-used technique for
understanding the Clinton email scandal: obtaining intelligence sources at the highest levels of
foreign capitals, it can also provide the necessary tools for
transferring great wealth from one person or place to
"President Obama was sending messages
and receiving messages on Hillary Clinton's
private email server. Jim Comey knew that,
and when President Obama went on This reality may make sense of an otherwise opaque
television and said, 'There's no issue here, Brennan tweet from March 13, which included this key
she didn't really intend to cause harm,' passage in the text:
what he was really saying in essence is,
'You'd better let her off, because if you "With other investigative shoes yet to drop,
wind up accusing her, you wind up legislators who try to
accusing me.' protect @realDonaldTrump will face
"Comey followed that lead. And the notion November reckoning."
that this was somehow something that he
had to do for the welfare of the country, Those "other investigative shoes" could have multiple
there's a lot of disingenuous claptrap." In meanings to numerous hearers when spoken by a guy who
other words, preserving Obama's "plausible spent years running the CIA. After all, who knows what
deniability" was priority number one. secrets he took with him as he walked out the door of the
agency's Langley headquarters, secrets that could be worth
Third, there's the spooks' sting. a fortune when properly utilized in a timely manner.

These two scandals are loaded with spymasters. The most There is a huge industry of former spies who have created
powerful ones weren't even at the FBI. Think former companies and consultancies that are paid billions of
Director of National Intelligence (DNI) James Clapper and dollars by clients around the globe. If you doubt that, just
former CIA Director John Brennan. And don't forget ask Hillary Clinton, because she knows all about them.
former national security adviser Susan Rice or former U.N.
Ambassador Samantha Power.

Fruit Of The Poisonous Tree? Longtime Hillary Clinton
Advisor Lays Out Why Mueller Probe Is “Corrupt”
By Joshua Caplan
April 29, 2018, 8:09 Pm

On Fox News program ‘The Story doctrine called the fruits of the poisonous tree,
with Martha MacCallum,’ this week, former that says when investigations get started like,
Clinton strategist Mark Penn this when searches and seizures are done on
eviscerated special counsel Robert this basis, they should be thrown out. I think
Mueller’s “corrupt” Trump-Russia probe. that’s probably the best way to stop this thing
because, otherwise, we are going all the way to
the end and I don’t think we should waste
another year here.”

Penn isn’t the first commentator to evoke the legal doctrine ‘fruit
of the poisonous tree,’ in reference to the probe.

As The Gateway Pundit reported last year, legal expert Jonathan

Turley asked whether or not the special counsel may have
doomed the Trump-Russia investigation by way of ‘fruit of the
poisonous tree’ theory.

Turley’s piece was written in response to the highly

anticipated meeting between Trump lawyers and special counsel
Credit: Maureen Dowling
investigators, where an attorney for the President demanded
Mueller to return transition documents believed to be unlawfully

Turley wrote for The Hill:

For those familiar with Mueller, the blunt-force

approach taken toward the GSA is something of
a signature of Mueller and his heavy-handed
associates like Andrew Weissmann. As I have
previously written, Mueller has a controversial
record in attacking attorney-client privilege as
well as harsh tactics against targets. […]

Partial transcript via Grabein. It is important to note that Mueller’s move takes
his investigation into uncertain legal territory
MARK PENN: “Well, look, I spent a year and may ultimately create some new law in his
fighting Ken Starr and I think any reasonable favor. Then again it might not. The question is
person looking at what happened here says this why Mueller would take the risk. […]
investigation had no foundation and whatever
foundation it had was not only wrong but This could ultimately fall into the category of
corrupt. I think Christopher Steele was part of being careful what you ask for. Once again, the
the FBI when he leaked, lied, and then was Mueller team showed little hesitation or
fired. Page and Strzok are clearly biased. The circumspection in plowing into this controversial
head of the FBI was clearly biased. The head of area. It is the same attitude that led to the
the CIA appeared to be doing illegal leaks as reversals of Weissmann at the cost of millions
well. This whole thing was corrupt. There is a
(and ruined lives) in failed prosecutions. If the According to Axios founder Mike Allen, Mueller secretly
evidence was improperly seized, it could got his hands on “many tens of thousands,” of emails
contaminate later evidence derived from it in a exchanged by Trump transition officials. Trump
“fruit of the poisonous tree” theory. Mueller lawyer Kory Langhofer penned a blistering response to the
would not be the first to face such a cascading news, accusing Mueller of unlawfully obtaining transition
problem of contamination. […] documents.

However, if he proceeds to an indictment, he may have

created a poison pill factor where indictments could be
brought but prove unprosecutable.

Donald Trump Jr. Breaks The Internet With Epic
Smackdown In Response To #WHCD Attacks On POTUS
By Cristina Laila
April 29, 2018, 8:23 Pm

Don Jr. tweeted:

The White House Correspondents’ Dinner
was held Saturday night in Washington DC. Hearing all the “jokes” about
@realDonaldTrump as a business man from
President Trump skipped the event again this year and last night’s #WHCorrespondentsDinner.
held a rally in Ypsilanti, Michigan instead.
Only problem is they forgot about his best deal
The WHCD comedian came with an agenda this year to ever…
hurl vile insults at President Trump and his administration.
Living rent free for 2 years in the media’s
The entire night was an utter disgrace. heads.

The liberals overplayed their hand this time.

The decent people of America were appalled by the foul-

mouthed, disgusting ‘comedian’ Michelle Wolf.


President Trump lives rent free in the media’s heads. They

are obsessed with Trump.

Donald Trump Jr. broke the internet with a From counting how many scoops of ice cream he eats, to
viral tweet Sunday evening in an epic hiding in the bushes to catch a glimpse of him golfing,
smackdown in response to the White House Trump lives rent free in their minds.
Correspondents’ Dinner.

WOW! Deep State Redacted Comey Comments In House
Intel Final Report On Trump And Russia That Absolve
Gen. Michael Flynn
By Jim Hoft
April 29, 2018, 10:50 Pm

Now GOP lawmakers say Deep State

operatives redacted this information in
their Final Report on the Trump-Russia
witch hunt.

The Deep State is still protecting leaker

James Comey and liar Andrew McCabe.

Byron York at The Washington Examiner reported:

The same sources for my original story say

In February 2018 Republican lawmakers told reporter their original statements are correct — that
Byron York that James Comey told lawmakers General Comey said the agents did not think Flynn
Michael Flynn did not lie under oath when he was lied. In addition, Republican Rep. Trey
interviewed by the FBI in January 2017. Gowdy, in a Thursday appearance with Fox
News’ Tucker Carlson, revealed that there
Deep state operatives Andrew McCabe is a transcript of the Comey session and
and Peter Strzok blindsided Flynn on that, yes, the transcript shows Comey
January 24, 2017, with an unannounced telling lawmakers what the FBI agents
questioning of Trump official. Typically, thought.
a lawyer for the National Security
Council would be informed of such a “Director Comey’s recollection is flawed,”
meeting and be present for it. The Gowdy said. “If he does not remember
unannounced meeting took General telling Congress that his agents told him
Flynn by surprise. they didn’t think Flynn was lying, then he
needs to get his lawyers to go back and
look at the transcript. We did not miss here.
Maybe he misspoke, but that’s in the

Sources say the Comey quotes in question are included in

the newly-released House Intelligence Committee
Republicans’ final report on the Trump-Russia
investigation, but that they were blacked out by the
Intelligence Community. In addition, the sources say a
quote from McCabe making the same point — that the
agents who questioned Flynn did not believe he had lied
— was also in the report and was also redacted.

When the report was issued, committee chairman Devin

Nunes complained that the Intelligence Community had
General Michael Flynn was later charged with lying by the gone overboard with its redactions, and that he, Nunes,
Mueller team. would fight to remove some of those redactions.

“We object to the excessive and unjustified In addition, Republicans pointed out that the Intelligence
number of redactions, many of which do Community quickly removed proposed redactions from the
not relate to classified information,” Nunes House Intel Democrats’ counter-report.
said in a statement . “The committee will
convey our objections to the appropriate “The Democrats got all the redactions on
agencies and looks forward to publishing a their minority views lifted within a day,” said
less redacted version in the near future.” House Intel spokesman Jack Langer
Sunday evening, “while we’re still
struggling to get our concerns addressed.”

President Trump Puts Rally
On Hold For Medical Emergency In The Crowd
Virginia Kruta
12:01 AM 04/29/2018

President Donald Trump abruptly paused his speech those who had stepped in to help. “Those
Saturday evening while doctors attended to a medical are the people we love, those are great
emergency in the audience. The president had opted to people, I’ll tell you. And the doctors, thank
speak at a campaign-style rally in Michigan rather than you, doctor. Great job. Amazing! What
attend the annual White House Correspondents’ Dinner. people we have, what people we have.”

The president spoke for over an hour, but about 50 minutes WATCH:
into his remarks, he abruptly paused in the middle of a
comment about ICE agents dealing with gangs.

“A doctor please? Doctor. A doctor please.”

Shouts of “thank you, sir!” could be heard from the

audience, and President Trump then left the podium. He
walked to the edge of the stage and waited nearly a full
three minutes nodding and clapping along with audience
members once he was satisfied that the situation had been

When he returned to the microphone, he

had nothing but good things to say about

Alabama Congressman: Some Republicans
Are Retiring Because Of Assassination Fears
Guest post by Mike LaChance at American Lookout
April 30, 2018, 7:24 Am

Game after last year’s shooting that left Majority Whip

Steve Scalise severely injured.

“We have multiple rings of security,

plainclothes, uniform, Capitol Police, other
police,” he said. “There was a medical
vehicle nearby just in case there was a

But Brooks said while there were multiple factors that

contributed to a slew of Republicans leaving the House, he
suggested fears of violence was a major one.
The shooting of Steve Scalise and other Republicans by a
Bernie Sanders supporter in the spring of 2017 is having “One of the things that’s concerning me is
an effect on our current political climate. According to the assassination risk may become a
Rep. Mo Brooks of Alabama, this is the reason some factor,” he said.
Republicans are retiring.
Brooks referred to the fact many members of the
Roll Call reported: Republican baseball team are retiring, including Sen. Jeff
Flake and Reps. Ryan Costello, Pat Meehan, Dennis Ross
Brooks Suggests Republicans Are and Tom Rooney.
Retiring Because of Assassination
Fears This is also the reason the media
stopped reporting on the Scalise
Alabama Rep. Mo Brooks suggested in a radio interview shooting as quickly as possible.
that Republicans are retiring en masse because of
assassination fears. No one in the media wants to admit that leftists are willing
to use violence to get their way.
Brooks was speaking on “The Dale Jackson Show” about
the first Republican practice the Congressional Baseball

WHCA Denounces Comedian For
Jokes ‘Not In The Spirit Of’ Civility
Derek Hunter - Contributor
8:25 AM 04/30/2018

For her part, Wolf remained unrepentant in the face of

criticism, many of which came from liberal journalists.

The entire statement from Talev and the WHCA reads:

Dear Members,

I want to tell you how much your kind words meant to

It was supposed to be an event honoring journalism, but me following my personal remarks at last night’s White
the annual White House Correspondents’ Association House Correspondents’ Dinner about the roots of my
Dinner devolved into partisan attacks on President Donald belief in journalism’s essential role.
Trump and White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckacbee
Sanders. For that, Margaret Talev, the outgoing head of
the WHCA, wants people to know, she has regrets. I have also heard from members expressing dismay
with the entertainer’s monolog and concerns about how
it reflects on our mission. Oliver Knox, who will take
The WHCA released a statement Sunday night that, while over this summer as our president, and I, recognize
short of an apology, did express regrets that these concerns and are committed to hearing from
members on your views on the format of the dinner
“the entertainer’s monolog was not in going forward. Last night’s program was meant to offer
the spirit of” the celebratory tone they a unifying message about our common commitment to
aspired to. a vigorous and free press while honoring civility, great
reporting and scholarship winners, not divide people.
The “entertainer” the statement refers to is comedian Unfortunately, the entertainer’s monolog was not in the
Michelle Wolf, who came under fire during the event for spirit of that mission.
her mean-spirited and vicious cracks about the President
and, in particular, Sanders, who was sitting at the head Every day we are working hard to advocate for our
table at the event. members and ensure coverage that benefits the public,
and the dinner is an important opportunity to highlight
The statement includes a reference to future dinners and and maintain our essential work. The White House
holds out the possibility that the current format of having a Correspondents’ Association remains dedicated to that
comedian perform at it may soon change. After complaints mission.
from members, Talev said they
Margaret Talev
“are committed to hearing from members
on your views on the format of the dinner
going forward.”

South Korean Leader:
President Trump Should Win
Nobel Peace Prize
By Jim Hoft
April 30, 2018, 8:40 Am
Moon and North Korean leader Kim Jong
Un on Friday pledged to end hostilities
between the two countries and work
towards the “complete denuclearization” of
the Korean peninsula in the first inter-
Korean summit in more than a decade.
If they can give a peace prize to Al Gore
for junk science you’d think they could
honor Trump for actually bringing peace
to Korea?

Via Varney and Co.:

South Korean President Moon Jae-in
said U.S. President Donald Trump
deserves a Nobel Peace Prize for his
efforts to bring peace to the Korean

CNBC reported:

“President Trump should win the Nobel

Peace Prize. What we need is only peace,”
Moon told a meeting of senior secretaries,
according to a presidential Blue House
official who briefed media.

Congressman DESTROYS
Mueller’s Reputation In 48-Pager
John Wynne
April 30, 2018

The report starts with a detailed history of Mueller’s

GOHMERT: ‘He lacks the judgment and notorious handling of the Whitey Bulger case, a mobster
credibility to lead the prosecution of whom the FBI protected.
Gohmert alleges that instead of going after Bulger, Mueller
framed innocent people while leaking information to the
media to disparage his targets.

“Anyone imprisoned has to have committed

a specific crime for which they are found
guilty,” Gohmert writes. “Not in Mueller’s
world. He has the reverse list of Santa
Claus; and if you are on his list, you get
Robert Mueller/IMAGE: YouTube
punished even if you are framed.”
(John Wynne, Liberty Headlines) Special Counsel Robert “He never apologizes when the truth is
Mueller has a track record of ill repute, alleges a scathing learned, no matter how wrong or potentially
48-page report written by Texas Congressman Louis criminal or malicious the prosecution was.
Gohmert. In his book, you deserve what you get even
if you did not commit the crime for which he
helped put you away.”
The report, “Robert Mueller: Unmasked” is a brutal
takedown of Mueller’s unsavory professional career and
should leave no doubt that he is the last person who should Gohmert then proceeds to the case of Congressman Curt
be leading the investigation of the Trump-Russia Weldon, who alleged the FBI had prior knowledge about
conspiracy theory. 9/11 and could have prevented the attacks.

“Robert Mueller has a long and sordid Mueller, then FBI Director, did not admit the FBI made
history of illicitly targeting innocent people errors or refute the accusations.
that is a stain upon the legacy of American Instead, the FBI raided the home of Weldon’s daughter
jurisprudence,” Gohmert, a Republican, weeks before Election Day.
begins in his report. “He lacks the judgment
and credibility to lead the prosecution of With rumors abuzz that Weldon too was under
anyone.” investigation, the congressman lost re-election.
The raid destroyed Weldon’s political career … and
Based on his findings, the congressman believes that nothing ever came of it.
Mueller is someone who targets individuals for
prosecution and will resort to any measure to bring them

And unlike some Republicans who tell the media that

Mueller’s reputation is above reproach, Gohmert believes
the exact opposite, saying Republicans who defend
Mueller actually want Trump removed from office, or are
ignorant of Mueller’s professional history.
Louie Gohmert Photo by Gage Skidmore (CC)

“The early morning raid by Mueller’s FBI
with all the media outside, obviously alerted
by the FBI, had achieved its goal of
colluding to abuse the federal justice
system to silence Curt Weldon by ending
his political career,” Gohmert concludes.
“People say those kinds of things just don’t
happen in America. They certainly seemed
to when Mueller was in charge of the FBI Rod Rosenstein/photo by Internet Education Foundation (CC)
and they certainly seem to while he is
Special Counsel, as well.” Gohmert goes on to describe Mueller’s role with then-U.S.
Attorney Rod Rosenstein in the investigation of Russia’s
The report speculates that Mueller was placed in charge of effort to obtain uranium from the United States.
the Russian collusion investigation because he could be
relied on to use “extra-legal actions” to take out the “Rosenstein and Mueller’s failure to warn
political enemies of the Deep State. against or stop the sale reeks of its own
form of collusion, cooperation, or
In addition, Gohmert notes that President Barack Obama capitulation in what some consider a
“begged” Mueller to stay on as FBI Director for two more treasonous sale,” Gohmert writes.
years than the 10-year term allowed by the law … a deal
that Congress approved. He further speculates that the Russian collusion
investigation itself may be an attempt by Mueller and
The congressman highlights many more troubling Rosenstein to protect themselves.
incidents concerning Mueller, including even more
framing of political opponents and changing hiring In addition, Gohmert describes how Mueller hired
practices at the FBI to create a bureaucracy packed with “extremely biased attorneys” who worked tirelessly to
yes-men who could be more easily controlled. prevent President Trump from being elected to serve on
the investigation.
Even Mueller’s acceptance of the Special Counsel position
was unethical, Gohmert states, because he had numerous The bottom line: Robert Mueller should never have been
conflicts of interests, and even the appearance of a conflict appointed Special Counsel, and has to go.
of interest in such a position is disallowed by the law.
“If you want answers, and you CAN handle
Gohmert notes that Mueller’s successor as FBI Director, the truth, join me in demanding those
James Comey, was a close friend and confidante of answers from ‘Special Counsel’ Robert
Mueller. Mueller, along with his resignation,” the
report concludes. “If he were to resign, it
Comey, of course, was fired by President Trump. could well be the only truly moral, ethical,
and decent action Mueller has undertaken
And that’s not all. in this entire investigation.”

See complete report, “Robert Mueller:

Unmasked”starting on next page.

More Mueller Conflicts Of Interest – His Former Employer
Is Manafort’s Law Firm! Shut It Down!
By Jim Hoft
April 30, 2018, 8:48 Am

Mueller, remove Mueller and prosecute Rosenstein for

lying and failing his duty as Assistant AG!

Article 600.3.b states in part that that –

Last week we reported that Assistant

AG Rod Rosenstein was required by law
to ensure Mueller had no conflicts of
interest to be Special Counsel and that
there was no way Mueller could have
passed! Now even more conflicts have
been uncovered. “The Attorney General shall consult with
the Assistant Attorney General for
The Special Counsel law requires that the Attorney Administration to ensure an appropriate
General or Assistant Attorney General ensure that the method of appointment, and to ensure that
appointed Special Counsel has no conflicts of interest. a Special Counsel undergoes an
There is no way that Rod Rosenstein could have appropriate background investigation and a
determined that Robert Mueller had no conflicts of detailed review of ethics and conflicts of
interest. Congress should request the data related to this interest issues.”
assessment and address obvious flaws in approving

There is no way that Rosenstein could Counsel. But Mueller has much more. Mueller was the FBI
have performed a conflict of interest Director during the Uranium One scandal. He even
review and determined that Robert delivered uranium to Russia on an airport tarmac in Europe
Mueller had no conflicts of interest. per Hillary Clinton’s instructions! Any conflict of interest
should have disqualified Mueller due to the sensitivity,
Mueller is best friends with James Comey who was and is legal nature and importance of the mandate of the Special
a key player in the FISA and Trump scandals. That alone Counsel. This was a setup!
should have disqualified Mueller from being the Special
Now this week more conflict have been uncovered. Big members of the WilmerHale team over to his federal
League Politics reports that Mueller worked at the same investigation team.
law firm used by Paul Manafort, the same guy Mueller
charged with bogus crimes this past year. Congress should request all document-
tation related to Rosenstein’s
Federal government insiders believe that Deputy Attorney assessment of Mueller’s independence
General Rod Rosenstein did not have the authority to and objectivity in regards to any and all
legally appoint Robert Mueller as special counsel, due to a conflicts of interest.
major glaring conflict of interest in the case.
This information will no doubt show the corrupt nature of
Robert Mueller worked for WilmerHale — the very firm the Mueller Special Counsel from the very start and should
representing Paul Manafort — when Rod Rosenstein put Rosenstein in legal jeopardy for being dishonest in his
contacted Mueller to give him the go-ahead to investigate efforts to appoint Mueller.
Manafort for suspected Russia ties. That should have come
up in any fair (and legally required) background check that And where the hell is AWOL Jeff
Rosenstein should have done on Mueller. Sessions?

Mueller was a partner at WilmerHale when he switched The Mueller Special Counsel was
over to become Special Counsel, and he has brought corrupt from the start. Shut it down!

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough Manages
To Make Sarah Sanders Insults All About Him [VIDEO]
Nick Givas - Media And Politics Reporter
9:04 AM 04/30/2018

mine for 20 years certainly didn’t call me up

and say, ‘Hey, Joe, we’re thinking about
you. So sorry he attacked your fiance’s
appearance,'” Scarborough continued.

President Donald Trump mocked Scarborough’s fiancee

and co-host Mika Brzezinski last June for bleeding from a
face lift, and in November, he highlighted the death of one
of Scarborough’s staffers while he was a congressman on
MSNBC's Joe Scarborough Manages Makes Sarah Sanders Insults Capitol Hill.
All About Him- Morning Joe 4-30-18
Scarborough patted himself on the back for taking
Joe Scarborough managed to make the mockery of Sarah Trump’s criticism in stride and bragged about not having
Huckabee Sanders at the White House Correspondent’s to “bitch about it at the time.”
Dinner all about him on “Morning Joe” Monday and said
she should toughen up and get thicker skin.
“‘Hey, Joe, we’re sorry that Donald Trump
said you’re a murderer and you had to
“The criticism from Trump supporters is explain to your 9-year-old boy.’ I
rich. I must say,” Scarborough said. “There understand it. I’m a big boy. I didn’t bitch
were quite a few people that I’ve known about it at the time,” he concluded. “But for
and I’ve considered friends for some time these people who are so shocked and
saying they were shocked and stunned and stunned and deeply saddened that a
deeply saddened, and they were so comedian did what comedians do and yet
shocked by the personal insults that they they just apologized for Donald Trump over
left early.” and over again and kept their mouths shut,
“And then they went to after parties and what a joke.”
had a great time there, but these friends of

Fired Redstate Writer Can’t Understand Why
Conservative Audience Rejected #Nevertrump Website?
By Jim Hoft
April 30, 2018, 9:23 Am

RedState famously called for protesters

to bring guns to Trump rallies.
On Monday a fired Redstate writer
complained about the mass firings.
She can’t understand why conservative
audiences and her corporate owners
would reject their #NeverTrump
It’s a real head-scratcher.
Hopefully Daily Kos or Huffington Post
has openings for a few more Trump
#NeverTrump troll website Redstate
She contributed this to far left website Mediaite.
suffered mass layoffs on Friday.
Guess there’s just not a market in the The conservative blog RedState experienced “mass
conservative media for Trump-bashing firings” Friday because of what its parent company, Salem
lunacy? Media, characterized as a decision influenced by finances.
But one writer who was laid off said she is skeptical of that
Redstate founder Erick Erickson
characterization, adding that she believes the website is
tweeted this out after the news broke:
effectively trying to silence voices that are not, in their
view, sufficiently supportive of President Trump and his

“As you have heard by now, we are having

to make changes to RedState effective
today,” Jonathan Garthwaite, Vice
President and General Manager of
Townhall Media – a subsidiary of Salem
Media – wrote in an email Friday morning
to an unknown number of independent
contractors and full-time employees.
“Unfortunately,” Garthwaite added, “we
have reached the conclusion that we can
no longer support the entire current roster
of writers.”

The email seemed to imply that the cuts were because of

money. That’s how Susan Wright, a North Carolina-based
writer with whom RedState severed its ties on Friday,
understood Garthwaite’s email. But Wright indicated to
Mediaite that she is skeptical the layoffs are entirely about

Dan Bongino Personally Vouches For Dr. Ronny Jackson:
‘Saved My Butt Many Times’ [VIDEO]
Nick Givas - Media And Politics Reporter
9:27 AM 04/30/2018

Radio host and former Secret Service agent Dan Bongino “I was the law enforcement guy on the
defended Dr. Ronny Jackson on “Fox & Friends” Monday ground. When there was some kind of
and vouched for him based on personal experience. problem on a visit with the doctor or
someone in the military or anyone else, me
“This was a man I knew as a Secret Service lead advance — I
personally, Bongino said. “This was a man would have been notified,” Bongino
who saved my butt when I was sick concluded. “I never saw any of this. This is
overseas many times when I was in the a joke and this was a political hit job of the
Secret Service.” highest order.”

Jackson worked as the White House doctor before being WATCH:

nominated to serve as Veterans Affairs secretary for the
Trump administration. After heavy media criticism,
Jackson withdrew his name from consideration and will
not return to his old post as President Donald Trump’s
personal physician.

Bongino thinks the allegations against Jackson of drinking

on the job and over-prescribing medication sound out of
character and said he would have been notified of any
erratic behavior.

Republican Rep. Louie Gohmert Calls Out
Senators Who Want To Protect Robert Mueller
Nick Givas - Media And Politics Reporter
9:48 AM 04/30/2018

Republican Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas said it’s time for of our uranium,” Gohmert added. “And then
Robert Mueller to hit the road, despite calls from senators Hillary gets 145 million for her foundation. I
to shield the special counsel from President Donald mean, if they don’t put the kibosh on that
Trump. investigation, then that sale doesn’t go
“The reason they’re doing it [protecting “[Mueller] absolutely does [have to go],” he
Mueller] is number one, they are never concluded. “Rosenstein too. Big time.”
Trumpers,” Gohmert said on “Fox &
Friends” Monday. “They want Trump out at
all costs, even if it helps these guys that
are doing a rotten job.”

Gohmert also called out former FBI Director James

Comey and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein for
their role in the Uranium One scandal and said it’s time to
clean house.

“Actually Mueller, Comey, well, Mueller and

Rosenstein, Weissmann. They all
participated in the Russian uranium
investigation. They killed the investigation,
quieted it so that Russia could get the sale

REUTERS POLL: Millennial Support For
Democrats Fell By Nearly 10 Percent Over Past Two Years
Christian Datoc - Breaking News And Engagement Editor
9:54 AM 04/30/2018

The latest poll from Reuters and Ispos shows that U.S. President Donald Trump arrives to speak at a Make America
millennial support for Democrats has significantly dropped Great Again Rally in Washington, Michigan April 28, 2018.
(REUTERS/Joshua Roberts)
over the past two years.
While “overt” support for the Republican party did not
The poll surveyed more than 16,000 registered voters from change from 2016, the same amount of young voters (39
January through March of this year. The data shows that percent) now say they would support a Republican for
only 49 percent of voters between the ages of 18-34 Congress as a Democrat, erasing the 14 percent gap in the
are likely to support a Democrat, a nearly 10 percent drop 2016 poll.
from the 2016 iteration of Reuters’ poll.
Additionally, millennials are now almost evenly split on
which party has a better economic plan: 34 percent favored
Democrats on the issue, while 32 percent favored
Republicans. In 2016, Democrats outperformed
Republicans on the economic question by 12 points.

The Reuters poll comes amid speculation that Democrats

are primed to take back Congressional majorities in the
2018 midterm elections.

You can view the complete poll on next page.


Border Patrol Agent Says Illegal Immigrants Have
No Regard For America’s Laws, And
It’s Backfiring On Democrats
Nick Givas - Media And Politics Reporter
10:03 AM 04/30/2018


Border Patrol agent Brandon Judd said Monday on “Fox &

Friends” that illegal immigrants have no respect for the
U.S. government and are disregarding the rule of law.

Judd was discussing the caravan of illegal immigrants who

tried to break through the southern border Sunday and
accused them of blatantly violating America’s sovereignty. Judd thinks this type of behavior is beginning to backfire
on liberal Democrats who have been stoking the flames of
dissidence from the very beginning.
“What that also shows is it shows that
these people have absolutely no regard for
our laws,” Judd said. “Them sitting on our “They have absolutely no regard for our
fence, they’re in the United States, so they laws and a picture’s worth a thousand
made an illegal entry into the United words,” he concluded. “Thank goodness
States. They are sitting on our fence, this is that everybody is now seeing how these
a fence that we have to maintain. They people act and it’s backfiring on the left
have absolutely no regard for our property.” leaning Democrats.”

Big Media Company Withholds FBI Investigative
Bombshell For Months; Shielding Mueller, Hillary & FBI
Brass From Publicity Disaster
By Investigative Bureau
Posted On April 30, 2018

develop and report because

again, you’ve locked down
sources. Normally we would
work around this but this is a
unique story and we do not
have that luxury as the group of
well-placed sources is very
close knit.
“Cut it loose (publish it or kill it)
or we can write about you not
cutting it loose. And you can
A major media company has tabled and potentially buried answer to other folks —
an investigative blowout on the FBI which implicates including the loyal FBI-linked
Robert Mueller, Andrew McCabe and even Hillary sources — why you sat on the
Clinton, according to well-placed sources. story for months when the
issue of FBI corruption is at its
True Pundit’s Thomas Paine has contacted the editor of the peak of national interest. That
mainstream publication and put the large publisher on is not something I’d like to do
notice: Either publish the story or True Pundit will out the but either way, the story gets
players involved in keeping the story hush and locked out in the public domain.”
down for months.
“We’ve extended a courtesy here,” Paine said. “I’ve
President Obama and key members of his administration
worked major national stories but when a story sits in the
too could be implicated in the story, sources report.
tank for five and six months it indicates something larger
at the publication is at play, something beyond the
The publisher has reportedly been sitting on the reporter’s control.
blockbuster story for five months. Now, FBI sources who
contributed to the story are beginning to question the
“The goal right now is to get the story in print. Mission
publication’s motives.
here before ego. This story is too important not be be seen
by the public”
A cover up or merely editorial complications?
One way or another.
Below is an email Paine dispatched to the Big Media
editor on Sunday demanding the release of this important
If the story is not released this week, Paine said he will
story which details the FBI’s tangled role in negotiating
expose the publication and additional unredacted details.
the release of a U.S. citizen being held hostage abroad.
Tick tock.
Paine’s correspondence, in part, details challenges for
other news publications to gather Intel on the story:

“This is a timely and important

story that neither we nor any
other media has been able to


Law Professor Jonathan Turley Says His High School Kids
Know More About The Trump Dossier
Than James Comey [VIDEO]
Nick Givas - Media And Politics Reporter
10:20 AM 04/30/2018


Law Professor Jonathan Turley Says His High School Kids Know
More About The Trump Dossier Than James Comey - Fox & Friends

George Washington University Law Professor Jonathan

Turley said Monday on “Fox & Friends” that he was
shocked former FBI Director James Comey still believes
the Christopher Steele dossier was funded by Republicans. Turley said even his high school children know the dossier
wasn’t funded by Republicans and claimed to be
Comey had falsely claimed the GOP originally funded the
Steele dossier during a Thursday interview with Fox News
anchor Bret Baier. “I was flabbergasted when Comey said
recently in a an interview that he still
thought Republicans had funded the
“I knew it was first funded by Republicans,” dossier,” Turley concluded. “I mean my
Comey told Baier. high school children know that fact. One
“That’s not true, that the dossier that would have hoped that Comey at this point
Christopher Steele worked on was funded would be aware of that. That it is not true. I
by Republicans,” Baier shot back. hope my boys are watching.”

Turley: James Clapper Lied To Congress
Amber Athey - Media Reporter
10:20 AM 04/30/2018

but he indicated he did speak to CNN in

early January.”
Turley also argued that Clapper could have been one of the
“high level officials” responsible for getting CNN their
“news hook” regarding the dossier,

stating, “if one of those individuals is

Clapper…then he could be accused again
of perjury.”
George Washington University law professor Jonathan
Turley said Monday that former Director of National WATCH:
Intelligence James Clapper “most certainly did lie to

A new congressional report alleges that Clapper lied when

he told them he didn’t leak information to the media while
he was in government. Turley explained on Fox News that
Clapper has been caught lying to Congress before but was
not indicted, adding that the statute of limitations expired
not long before he took his job at CNN.

“There’s a serious issue here,” Turley said.

“Clapper’s already admitted that he did
speak with CNN, now he is insisting he
didn’t speak to any media until January 20,

President Trump Derides White House Correspondents’
Dinner As “Fake News”
By Lucian Wintrich
April 30, 2018, 10:40 Am

disaster and an embarrassment to our

great Country and all that it stands for.
FAKE NEWS is alive and well and
beautifully represented on Saturday night!”

President Trump took to Twitter Sunday and Monday

Believe it or now, a handful of liberal reporters seem to
morning to share his opinion on the
agree with President Trump on the actual lack of
widely criticized White House Correspondents’ Dinner
success of the dinner. New York Times and MSNBC
that took place this Saturday.
contributor Peter Baker wrote,
“Everyone is talking about the fact that the
“Unfortunately, I don’t think we advanced
White House Correspondents’ Dinner was
the cause of journalism tonight.”
a very big, boring bust…the so-called
comedian really ‘bombed.'” Trump, of
course, is referring to “comedian” Michelle
Wolf who spent a large portion of her “Act”
by mocking Sanders as Aunt Lydia in the
Handmaiden’s Tale, a bull-dyke gym
teacher and attacked Sanders over her
‘smoky eye’ look.

On Sunday, Trump suggested that comedian Greg Gutfeld

should host next years dinner. The New York Time’s Maggie Haberman wrote,

“That [Sarah Sanders] sat and absorbed

intense criticism of her physical
appearance, her job performance, and so
forth, instead of walking out, on national
television, was impressive.”

Monday morning, Trump called the White House

Correspondents’ Dinner “fake news.”

Trump tweeted:

“The White House Correspondents’ Dinner

is DEAD as we know it. This was a total
Conservatives Lay Out Demands
For Congress Leading Into Midterms
Robert Donachie - Capitol Hill And Health Care Reporter
11:57 AM 04/30/2018

Conservatives are upset that Republicans they put in office

have repeatedly failed to accomplish many of their top
campaign promises — defunding Planned Parenthood,
funding sanctuary cities (as The Daily Caller News
Foundation exclusively reported), repealing and replacing
Obamacare and building a border wall along the southern
U.S.-Mexico border — and they are ready to put
leadership on notice.

After Congress passed a $1.3 trillion spending bill that

included a host of handouts and wins for congressional
Democrats, conservatives who signed the pledge are
Nearly 100 conservative leaders have signed a pledge to telling members that they need to stop doing backdoor
hold Republican leadership in Congress accountable for deals and legislate in public with open hearings and
trillion dollar backdoor deals and for weeks-long recesses opportunities for amendments.
while they still haven’t accomplished much of the
president’s and conservatives’ policy agendas.
The president said he considered vetoing the spending bill
because it did not include funding for a border wall, but
The pledge was sent Friday to conservatives in the House, ultimately signed it, although begrudgingly. Trump warned
Senate and other groups involved in conservative politics. Congress that he would “never sign another bill like this
It has supporters agree and sign to the following points: again.”

 Congress should delay August recess until government WATCH:

funding legislation has been openly debated in the
House and Senate with a full opportunity for votes on
amendments, and is approved by both houses and
sent to the President.
 The Senate should delay August recess until sufficient
progress has been made confirming the president’s

Conservatives who signed it include: former Sen. Jim

DeMint of South Carolina, former Attorney General
Edwin Meese, Chief Executive Office of American
Legislative Exchange Council Lisa Nelson, President of
the Senate Conservatives Fund Ken Cuccinelli and others.

House and Senate lawmakers are on recess back in their “I say to Congress, ‘I will never sign
districts this week, where many are planning to meet with another bill like this again.’ I’m not going to
constituents and host campaign fundraisers and events do it again. Nobody read it. It’s only hours
leading up to the November midterm elections. old. Some people don’t even know what is
in it. $1.3 trillion dollars–it is the second
Republican leadership is adamant that selling the benefits largest ever,” Trump said.
of the 2017 tax reform bill is the surefire way to maintain
majority in the Senate and fight to keep the majority — a The president justified signing the bill because it was
scenario that looks increasingly unlikely — in the House. “necessary” to fund national security.

House Intel: Witnesses Corroborated
Jeff Sessions’ Claims About Papadopoulos Exchange
Chuck Ross - Reporter
12:13 PM 04/30/2018

A new report from the House Permanent Select Committee Democrats have hammered Sessions for failing to disclose
on Intelligence backs up testimony from Attorney General in his Jan. 10, 2017, Senate confirmation hearing that he
Jeff Sessions about a hotly contested exchange he had met Russia’s ambassador, Sergey Kislyak, during the
during the 2016 presidential campaign with Trump adviser campaign season. Sessions later said that one of his
George Papadopoulos. meetings with Kislyak occurred in relation to his work as a
senator. He’s claimed that two other encounters with
Reuters reported three anonymous sources have disputed Kislyak were inconsequential greetings that occurred on
Sessions’ claim that during a March 31, 2016, meeting of the sidelines of political events.
the Trump foreign policy team, he rebuffed a suggestion
from Papadopoulos that members of the Trump campaign On Friday, the House Intelligence Committee released a
meet with Russian government officials. report that cited two witnesses who testified that Sessions
did indeed reject Papadopoulos’ offer of a Russia meeting.
“Yes, I pushed back,” Sessions told the Two other meeting attendees have said they recall Sessions
House Committee on the Judiciary during a shooting down Papadopoulos’ idea.
Nov. 14 hearing.
The Republican report states:
Sessions told the House Intelligence Committee during a
closed-door interview on Nov. 30: Sessions’ account of his response has
been corroborated by another attendee,
“I felt like, and I’m the chairman of this [redacted]. [Redacted] also attended and
group — I should not do anything that similarly recalled that when Papadopoulos
indicated to Mr. Papadopoulos that he was raised the issue of obtaining contacts with
authorized to go to Russia or anyplace else the Russian government on behalf of the
to represent the Trump campaign and do campaign, Senator Sessions interrupted
some sort of negotiations. So I pushed and began “talking about the Logan Act,”
back pretty sharply on that.” which criminalizes unauthorized
negotiations with foreign governments.
But according to Reuters, one of its anonymous sources
said that Sessions did not contest Papadopoulos, as he has The names of the two sources who corroborated Sessions
claimed. are redacted in the 253-page report, which was authored by
Republicans on the House Intel panel. But the footnotes
reveal the dates on which the testimony was provided, and
One person told Reuters that Sessions responded, “Okay,
interesting,” to Papadopoulos, who has pleaded guilty to a check of a report written by House Intel Democrats
lying to the FBI about his contacts with Russian nationals shows that the two meeting attendees are Walid Phares and
Sam Clovis.
while serving on the Trump campaign.

Phares was an adviser to the committee while Clovis

Reuters’ other two sources recalled a similar response.
served as national co-chairman of the campaign.
“It was almost like, ‘Well, thank you and
Two other meeting attendees have supported Session’s
let’s move on to the next person,'” one
version of events. J.D. Gordon, the director of the
source told Reuters.
campaign’s national security advisory committee, has said
publicly that Sessions rebuffed Papadopoulos.
The Reuters report was picked up by numerous other news
outlets. It fit the narrative that Sessions has made
inconsistent statements about encounters with Russian And a fourth meeting attendee told The Daily Caller last
government officials. August that Sessions shot down Papadopoulos’s idea.

“When it got to George, he said something The campaign adviser vaguely recalled Sessions’ response:
about meeting with Russians,” the attendee
told TheDC in August. “Nope, not going there.”
“It was kind of strange, frankly, because
he’s basically a young kid and he’s raising In their report, House Intel Democrats did not address the
this issue. It just came and went and there Sessions-Papadopoulos exchange.
was really nothing there.”

By FBI, Interrogated, Has Phone Confiscated, Subpoenaed
To Testify In Mueller Special Counsel
By Jim Hoft
March 30, 2018, 12:14 Pm

As we reported on Thursday — “I am coming on ALEX JONES @infowars

(even though sick today) TODAY at 12:00
Ted Malloch is the author of the upcoming Pro-Trump
book: The Plot to Destroy Trump – How the Deep State
Fabricated the Russian Dossier to Subvert the
President By Theodore Roosevelt Malloch Foreword by
Roger Stone

The Gateway Pundit reached out to Dr.

Ted Malloch and we were sent this first
hand account of his run-in with the FBI
in Massachusetts.
Ted Malloch
Malloch was interrogated by FBI officials when he arrived.
The FBI took his phone.
Dr. Malloch, an author, intellectual, political consultant,
and Infowars contributor was detained by the FBI shortly
after his plane arrived at Logan Field on Tuesday. Before he was released he was
subpoenaed to speak with Special
According to conservative Jerome Corsi Malloch was Counsel Robert Mueller next month.
reportedly detained for “making false statements.” Mueller has nothing on President
Donald Trump and now he is using
He was in the US to give a talk and to come home for threats, harrassment and abuse to
Easter. attack Trump insiders and supporters.
It’s too bad the US does not have an
Dr. Corsi reported on Thursday that Mueller and his Attorney General with balls who would
minions were behind Malloch’s detainment. end this madness.
Crooked cop Mueller is grasping at
Dr. Corsi went on a tweetstorm and pounded Mueller and
straws and must be stopped.
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.

Here is a statement from Ted Malloch on I did, however, find it objectionable to
his detention at Boston’s Logan treat me the way they had, as I was
International Airport on Tuesday, March entering my home country, where I am a
citizen and have served at the highest
27, 2018.
levels of government.

********** They did not need to use such tactics or intimidation. I was
a US patriot and would do anything and everything to
On March 27, 2018 I flew on a long international flight assist the government and I had no information that I
into Boston’s Logan International airport. I was to connect believed was relevant.
to a domestic flight en route to my in-laws’ house, just
outside of Cleveland, Ohio for the Easter holidays. They asked for my cell phone and any laptop (I didn’t have
a computer on me) and produced a document to seize it
After exiting the plane, I was escorted to a special line for and perform forensics on it. I gladly signed permission and
passport control. There, I was formally detained and asked asked if at least I could keep my drivers license and credit
to wait, along with my wife who was traveling with me. cards. They said yes and gave them back to me. One of the
They would not say why, and I found it most curious as I agents took the phone into another room and downloaded
am a frequent flier and go back and forth to the US and items but returned to say they would need to keep it and
Europe and elsewhere many times a year. I never had had take it to Washington, DC for a full assessment. I asked
such treatment. when I could get it back. They assured me in a few days
they would definitely get it to me one way or another.
After about twenty minutes left waiting, we were taken by
a TSA official and an FBI agent to a separate hall where The other agent then proceeded for about an hour to
they thoroughly checked my suitcase and asked about any interrogate me and involved himself in various disarming
electronic devices, phones or computers I had in my chitchat about my career, sterling academic credentials,
possession. top-secret code word government clearances in an earlier
era, and my being a fan of the championship Philadelphia
This all seemed very foreboding and I Eagles. All well and good, I presumed. What did they
have never experienced anything like want? Why me? And why in this underhanded fashion?
this before, unless you include trips to What had I done?
communist China or in the old world to
eastern bloc countries as a diplomat. The questions got more detailed about
What’s going on, I thought? my involvement in the Trump campaign
(which was informal and unpaid); whom I
When they found nothing suspicious and would not answer communicated with; whom I knew and how
my questions about why they were detaining me, they well—they had a long list of names.
separated me from my wife and told her to wait in a They seemed to then focus more
lounge, without explanation, while I was to be interviewed. attention on Roger Stone (whom I have
That is all they said. Naturally, this left her in a state of met a grand total of three times and with
total confusion and near panic. groups of people); Jerome Corsi, a
journalist who edited a memoir I had
What had I done? Why Ted Malloch? written some years ago; and about
Wikileaks, which I knew nothing.
I was then escorted to another building and into a secure
conference room where two young FBI agents introduced Had I ever visited the Ecuadorian embassy in London?
themselves to me. they asked.

They said I was being detained to No, I replied truthfully.

answer questions regarding the
Department of Justice Special Counsel I was unfazed and very dubious about why they thought I
probe and showed me their knew anything. I couldn’t help but wonder: had they read a
identification. copy of my soon-to-be-released book? The timing of this
interrogation along with the nearing publication date seems
They seemed to know everything about me and had my to me suggest yes: they had read it.
color photograph and personal details and said in
intimidating ways, that it was a felony to lie to the FBI. I Then they served me with a subpoena,
stated that I realized that, and I would readily, in fact which I noticed had only been issued
gladly, cooperate with them.
that very day in Boston to appear before travel. I told them I had legal representation and asked that
the Mueller grand jury in Washington, they establish contact.
DC that very Friday. They said I could
telephone the lead attorney on that team The Deep State is sending a signal and
and make necessary arrangements. has no doubt read this book.
What could they want from me—a policy
They shook my hand and had agents take me to my wife,
wonk and philosophical defender of
who was very alarmed and in disbelief. They then escorted
us to the adjoining terminal to catch our delayed domestic
flight. I am not an operative, have no Russia
contacts, and—aside from appearing on
I called the Special Counsel’s office the next morning and air and in print often to defend and
they said it would be better to appear later, which we congratulate our President—have done
agreed would be April 13th and they would pay for my nothing wrong. What message does this

CNN’s Cillizza Writes Entire Article
Complaining About Trump’s Rally Speech
Justin Caruso - Media Reporter
12:44 PM 04/30/2018



He also defended the establishment media, responding to

Trump’s allegation that some media outlets make up

“They don’t have sources. The sources

don’t exist in many cases. The sources in
many cases don’t exist,” Trump said.
In an article published Monday, CNN’s Chris Cillizza
complains about the “outlandish, outrageous and offensive “This is simply not true,” Cillizza writes.
lines” from President Trump’s speech at a rally in “Every mainstream media organization has
Michigan Saturday. a rigorous process to ensure not only that
their sources exist but that the sources are
in position to know of what they speak.”
Cillizza takes individual lines from Trump’s speech and
adds on snarky remarks.
Trump’s speech Saturday was a huge hit with his base.
When Trump started to speak about North Korea, the
In response to Trump saying,
crowd broke out into chants of “Nobel! Nobel!”
insinuating that the president should receive the Nobel
“The only collusion is the Democrats Peace Prize for his work on negotiating the
colluding with the Russians, the Democrats denuclearization of the Korean peninsula.
colluding with lots of other people,” Cillizza

Trump Commits To Protecting
Christians Persecuted In Nigeria
Saagar Enjeti - White House Correspondent
12:57 PM 04/30/2018

country. The clashes are largely between Muslim

herdsman and Christian farmers in the region.

“Buhari’s Fulani kin are responsible for

hundreds of deaths already in 2018,
attacking villages and forcing thousands of
people to flee their homes and land. The
scale of the Fulani aggression threatens to
surpass Boko Haram’s reign of terror,
U.S. President Donald Trump pumps his fists to supporters as he based on the sheer number of deaths,”
arrives at Selfridge Air National Guard Base, Michigan, April 28, Open Doors CEO David Curry wrote in an
2018. REUTERS/Joshua Roberts op-ed for USA Today ahead of the visit.

President Donald Trump committed to protecting Christian

believers targeted for their faith during a bilateral
appearance with Nigerian President Muhammad Buhari
“We’ve had serious problems with
Christians who have been murdered, killed
in Nigeria. We’re going to work on that
problem and working on that problem very,
very hard. Because we can’t allow that to
happen,” Trump said during the meeting.

Days before Buhari’s visit, 19 Christians were killed after

a gunman opened fire in a church in a remote region of the

Clapper And Brennan STILL Have Security Clearance As
They Trash Trump And Work At CNN, MSNBC
By Cristina Laila
April 30, 2018, 1:06 Pm

Mary Beth Long, who is a defense analyst and was the first
It is being reported that both former DNI
female to serve as an Assistant Secretary of Defense,
Chief James Clapper and former CIA responded to Sara Carter.
Director John Brennan still have their
security clearances. Clapper and Brennan still have access
Clapper admitted to leaking the dossier to intel…
briefing to CNN after lying about it and Mary Beth Long tweeted:
Brennan is caught in a perjury trap over
his involvement with Hillary’s dossier. “I also understand Clapper and Brennan
still have access to intel. Is that appropriate
To make matters worse, both men enjoy for two now “journalists”? Particularly two
cushy jobs as analysts for the ‘destroy who are so publicly critical of the
Trump’ media. Administration? And in view of the handling
This is unprecedented. of the dossier? And leaks?”

Investigative reporter, Sara Carter said hiring suspected Former CIA Director John Brennan does not hide his
leaker, James Clapper raises ethical questions. hatred for President Trump. He routinely threatens Trump
and lashes out at the President from his Twitter account.
Sara Carter blasted CNN and James Clapper.
Over the weekend, John Brennan warned Trump about
Sara Carter tweeted: Mueller’s investigation, stating,

“I wonder if CNN should have disclosed its “Stay tuned Mr. Trump…”
source was Clapper since they now
contract him as a paid analyst? Seems like The former CIA Director then defended his partner-in-
an ethical problem to pay your sources for crime, Clapper and attacked Trump for rightfully calling
unverified information.” Clapper a “lying machine.”

Brennan also enjoys a cushy gig as an

intel analyst for Trump-hating MSNBC

The House Intel Russia report revealed James Clapper

leaked the dossier briefing to CNN’s Jake Tapper then lied
about it.
Clapper then lied about leaking over and over again, These two corrupt, Trump-hating men still have their
including under oath. security clearances while working with the ‘destroy Trump
media’ and people say there is no Deep State.
Leaker and liar James Clapper is contracted with CNN as
an analyst.

Trump To Fill West Coast EPA Post
With Lawyer Who Coined 'Lock Her Up' Chant
By Miranda Green
04/30/18 02:13 PM EDT

Michael Stoker, a former Republican Santa Barbara to receive a political appointee from the Trump
County supervisor and agriculture attorney, will soon head administration.
the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) regional
office that oversees the entire Pacific Southwest, E&E The administration has reportedly struggled to find people
News reported Monday. interested in taking the appointment. In January it was
widely expected that Ryan Flynn, an oil and gas lobbyist
Stoker is perhaps best known for coining the "lock her up" from New Mexico, would take on the role but he later told
chant about Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary the Los Angeles Times that he was staying put.
Clinton when at the 2016 Republican National
Convention. Stoker's new position was first announced over the
weekend at a fundraiser in Santa Barbara County, E&E
The phrase was then routinely used by President Trump to News reported. The emcee told the crowd that Stoker
attack Clinton on the campaign trail. would be appointed to the Region 9 post this week but that
the information was not to be made public until Monday.
Stoker was also a reported contender for a spot on the
National Labor Relations Board. Under the position, Stoker would lead an office that
oversees more than 700 EPA staffers throughout
He was nominated in January to serve as director of the California, Nevada, Arizona, Hawaii and the Pacific
Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service but never Islands.
came before the Senate for confirmation.
The EPA did not respond to requests for comment.
Stoker's appointment will fill a long-open vacancy in San
Francisco's Region 9 office — the only regional office yet

Deputy Foreign Minister Threatens
Iran’s Withdrawal From Nuclear Deal
Christian Datoc - Breaking News And Engagement Editor
2:23 PM 04/30/2018

Iranian deputy foreign minister Abbas Araghchi appeared clean to the IAEA as required by the
to signal Monday the country’s imminent withdrawal from nuclear deal.”
the nuclear deal negotiated by the Obama administration in
2015. WATCH:

“The Iran nuclear deal is no longer

sustainable for Iran in its present form,
without regard to a US exit,” Araghchi
stated Monday, according to the Iranian
Students News Agency.

President Trump added at a Monday joint press conference

with President Buhari of Nigeria that he was considering
withdrawing from the nuclear deal, a point he has
Araghci added that Iran is “preparing all necessary options consistently made since beginning his presidential
for any scenario.” campaign in 2015.

Iran’s foreign minister Javad Zarif heavily criticized

Trump following the conclusion of his Monday remarks.

The deputy foreign minister’s comments came just before

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gave a speech
claiming that Iran had been in violation of the nuclear deal.

“First, Iran lied about never having a

nuclear weapons program; 100,000 secret “Pres. Trump is jumping on a rehash of old
files proved that they lied,” Netanyahu allegations already dealt with by the IAEA
argued. “Second, even after the deal, Iran to ‘nix’ the deal,” he wrote. “How
continued to preserve and expand its convenient. Coordinated timing of alleged
nuclear weapons knowhow for future use. intelligence revelations by the boy who
Why would a terrorist regime hide and cries wolf just days before May 12.”
meticulously catalog its secret nuclear files
if not to use them at a later date. Third, Iran “Trump’s impetuousness to celebrate blew
lied again in 2015 when it didn’t come the cover.”

Bill Gates Says Trump Casually Asked Him
If He Wanted To Be White House Science Adviser
Eric Lieberman - Tech And Law Reporter
2:29 PM 04/30/2018

President Donald Trump recently seemed to offer “I mentioned: ‘Hey, maybe we should have
Microsoft founder Bill Gates the vacant role of White a science adviser,'” Gates told STAT. “He
House science adviser, the tech mogul said in an interview said: Did I want to be the science adviser?”
published Monday.
Gates recalled telling Trump that such a role wouldn’t be
The fellow billionaires had discussed a number of topics “a good use” of his time. He also told STAT he wasn’t
together — universal vaccines, foreign aid and education sure if it “was a serious thing or not,” as Trump could have
— during the first two times they convened. But in the been asking if he was somewhat subtly vying for the job.
course of their third-ever meeting on March 15, the two
talked mostly about global health and how secure the Gates isn’t the only one to advocate for the need of filling
planet was from potential biological warfare, as well as such a position, as many in the scientific community have
other pandemics natural or imposed, according to STAT, argued the same. Former President Barack Obama used his
which interviewed Gates. highest ranking science adviser to address the spread of the
Ebola virus within the U.S.
A new type of terrorism — in which one conceivable
option could be “using genetic engineering to create a Like Gates, several others perceive a void for that post as a
synthetic version of the smallpox virus” — could sign Trump doesn’t realize the ostensible urgency for the
annihilate more than 30 million people in less than a government to have more involvement in the fields of
year, Gates said in February 2017. health and science. But it’s also possible the president is
having difficulty finding the right person to assume and
A likely part of Gates’ consternations about the world’s stay within the role — a struggle that has seemed to occur
preparedness (or lack thereof) for massive infections is the for other positions.
vacancy of an adviser in the Trump administration to help
address such apocalyptic possibilities, among other

POTUS Trump BLASTS The Swamp –
Puts Congress On Notice About Term Limits
April 30, 2018, 2:48 Pm By Cristina Laila

President Trump met with a group of

bipartisan freshman lawmakers recently
who feel very strongly in favor of
Congressional term limits.
Trump tweeted his support for this
effort and endorsed the lawmakers.

Swamp creatures like Nancy Pelosi, Dianne Feinstein,

John McCain, Maxine Waters et al have been in politics
for decades. They have lost touch with their constituents
and are beholden to lobbyists and other special interest
groups that line their pockets.

How do these politicians become so wealthy on a

relatively mediocre salary?

This is the swamp that must be drained.

Kick the swamp creatures out and prevent them from

becoming lobbyists.

On Monday, President Trump blasted

swamp creatures in DC who make a
career out of politics.

Trump tweeted: I recently had a terrific meeting with a

bipartisan group of freshman lawmakers who feel very
strongly in favor of Congressional term limits. I gave them
my full support and endorsement for their efforts.

The Media Really Wanted The Nigerian President
To Address Trump’s ‘Shithole’ Comment, But …
Justin Caruso - Media Reporter
3:02 PM 04/30/2018

Nigerian president Muhammadu Buhari appeared in a joint Trump here at the White House,” the
press conference with President Trump at the White House reporter said. “Did you address his reported
Monday. comments from earlier this year when he
reportedly used vulgar language to
When a reporter asked about Trump’s infamous alleged describe African nations?”
“sh*thole” comment, both Trump and Buhari refused to
take the bait to divide them. Buhari responded by saying he doesn’t even know if he
believes the media reporting on Trump’s comment.
“I’m very careful what the press says about
other than myself,” Buhari said. “I’m not
sure about, you know, the validity of
whether that allegation against the
president was true or not. So, the best
thing for me is to keep quiet.”
“We didn’t discuss it, and you do have
some countries that are in very bad shape
and very tough places to live in,” Trump
said. “But we didn’t discuss it because the
president knows me and he knows where
I’m coming from, and I appreciate that. We
did not discuss it.”
“I want to ask you, you’re the first leader
from sub-Saharan Africa to visit president

He 'Destroys People': Gohmert Demands
Mueller Resign In Report On Bureaucrat's
'Problematic' Past
By Fox News Insider
April 30, 2018 – 4:30pm

General Rod Rosenstein, participated in the Uranium One


"They killed the investigation [and] quieted

it so that Russia could get the sale of our
uranium. Then, Hillary [Clinton] gets $145
million for her foundation," he said.

In the report, Gohmert lays out in 48 pages why he thinks

Mueller is unfit to continue in his current role.

Robert Mueller has a long and sordid history of illicitly

targeting innocent people that is a stain upon the legacy of
American jurisprudence.
Texas Republican Congressman Louie Gohmert called on
Special Counsel Robert Mueller to resign and discussed a He lacks the judgment and credibility to lead the
lengthy report he published on the former FBI director's prosecution of anyone. I do not make these statements
"problematic" past. lightly.

Steve Doocy played video of Gohmert ripping then- Each time I prepared to question Mueller during
Director Mueller during a hearing on the Boston Marathon Congressional hearings, the more concerned I became
bombing. about his work ethic.

Mueller told Gohmert his "facts are not all Then as I went back to begin compiling all that
together (unintelligible)," prompting the information in order to recount personal interactions with
lawmaker to challenge the director to tell Mueller, the more clearly the big picture began to come
him where he was lying. into focus.

Gohmert told Doocy Mueller was not being completely ...

forthright in statements about visiting a Massachusetts
mosque frequented by the murderous Tsarnaev brothers. If you want answers, and you can handle the truth, join me
in demanding those answers from “Special Counsel”
He said that the Trump-Russia probe is the latest example Robert Mueller, along with his resignation.
of Mueller intending to carry out personal vendettas.
Gohmert said that the bipartisan selection of lawmakers
"He identifies people he doesn't like and who have supported or forwarded legislation to protect
destroys them. [He] leaves terrible Mueller in his special counsel role are mostly "Never
destruction in his wake," Gohmert said. Trumpers" who seek to unseat the president or sabotage
the furtherance of his agenda.
Gohmert said Mueller, along with his Russia probe staff
attorney Andrew Weissmann and Deputy Attorney

Knives Out For Kelly: Leaky White
House Staffers Target Chief Of Staff
Peter Hasson - Reporter
5:05 PM 04/30/2018

“He’ll say it and you think, ‘That is not what

you should be saying.'”

Kelly dismissed the NBC News report as “total BS” in a

statement issued Monday evening.

“I spend more time with the President than

anyone else and we have an incredibly
candid and strong relationship. He always
knows where I stand and he and I both
know this story is total BS,” Kelly said. “I
am committed to the President, his agenda,
and our country. This is another pathetic
attempt to smear people close to President
White House chief of staff John Kelly is on the receiving
Trump and distract from the administrations
end of more damaging leaks from unnamed West Wing
many successes.”

The leaks are the latest indication that Kelly may be losing
NBC News quoted eight current and former White House
influence in the Trump administration.
staffers in a story that described Kelly complaining about
President Donald Trump.
Kelly’s public standing took a hit in February over his
handling of domestic abuse allegations against former
Kelly frequently portrays himself as saving the country
staffer Rob Porter.
from destruction and has repeatedly called Trump an
“idiot,” the anonymous officials claimed. The officials
blamed Kelly for low morale in the White House and Then, too, anonymous White House officials undermined
questioned his judgement. Kelly in the media, leaking meeting details that portrayed
the chief of staff in a negative light.
“He says stuff you can’t believe,” one
senior White House official told NBC News. This story has been updated to include Kelly’s statement.

Michelle Wolf Deleted Tweets Calling
Eric Trump An ‘Abortion,’ Glorifying
Antonin Scalia’s Death
Benny Johnson - Reporter At Large
5:07 PM 04/30/2018
Screenshot/Daily Mail
She also made light of late Supreme Court Justice Antonin
Scalia’s death, saying it was good that it he died after
Beyonce’s Super Bowl halftime performance.

The journalism and political worlds reacted in mutual

disgust to comedian Michele Wolf’s act at the annual
White House Correspondents Dinner.

Wolf hurled insults and bullied members of the Trump

White House, going so far as calling Sarah Sanders a
“liar,” clumsily attacked Kellyanne Conway and made
light of aborting a fetus, saying you should not “knock it
’til you try it.” Screenshot/Daily Mail

She didn’t only mock conservatives. Wolf also deleted glib

However, the comments would not be shocking based on
comments comparing Serena Williams to a man and about
Wolf’s Twitter activity over the last few years. According
the benefits of racism.
to a report by the Daily Mail, Wolf has deleted tens of
thousands of tweets in the months leading up to her speech
in front of some of America’s most influential media

“Michelle Wolf’s Twitter showed the

comedian had over 20,000 tweets in June
2017, but now only has 376,” according to
the Daily Mail report, “The controversial
Screenshot/Daily Mail
comedian deleted thousands of tweets in
which she poked fun at the Trump The ardent Hillary Clinton supporter also tweeted about
administration and made vulgar comments how she found Bill Clinton attractive.
about celebrities.”

Some of those comments mirror the offensive comments

she made Saturday night.
Screenshot/Daily Mail
In the now deleted tweets obtained by the Daily Mail,
Wolf calls president Trump’s son, Eric, an “abortion,” Since the dinner, Wolf has come under heavier and heavier
mocking his father’s pro-Life stance. scrutiny. The White House Correspondents Association
apologized and disavowed Wolf’s performance Sunday
night, and scores of reporters and high-ranking members of
the administration have distanced themselves from her
remarks. The president called the dinner “DEAD” after her

SARA CARTER: VP Mike Pence’s Physician Behind
Attacks Against Ronny Jackson
By Cristina Laila
April 30, 2018, 6:08 Pm

be Secretary of the Veterans Affairs

Democrat Senator Jon Tester led the Administration, have been propelled by
charge last week spreading false media outlets and Democratic members of
rumors against Trump VA pick Admiral the Senate without any proof that those
Ronny Jackson. allegations were true.

Tester played point man to smear and But where did these rumors and
slander Admiral Jackson with false accusations start? Who was fighting to
allegations of inappropriate behavior. keep Dr. Jackson from being nominated
and who wanted to smear his name
Admiral Jackson withdrew his nomination after the false
allegations were released and shared widely by the liberal
mainstream media. According to four administration officials, the main
allegations were brought forth by Vice President Mike
Pence’s Army physician Dr. Jennifer Pena, who the
According to investigative reporter, Sara Carter, VP Mike officials contend has held a long-time grudge against
Pence’s physician is behind the attacks on Ronny Jackson Jackson because of his continuing promotions in the White
out of jealousy. House. She began her career at the White House during the
Obama administration. According to the officials, Pena,
who is still active military and assigned to the White
House Military Office, did not follow proper protocol to
report on the allegations. Instead, she went directly to the
Senate with the support of some current and former White
House medical staff who were her loyalists. None of the
allegations she allegedly brought forth have been

On Sunday Dr. Ronny Jackson resigned as White House


Liberal #FakeNews media took out another good man.

The Secret Service later came out and said the allegations
were completely false. Pena, according to Sara Carter, was appointed to the White
House Medical Unit during the Obama administration.
It’s too late; another good man has been destroyed by lies
and fake news media. Ronny Jackson is currently still in the medical unit,
however; he withdrew his name from nomination of
Veteran’s Affairs.
Sara Carter reports Ronny Jackson was a target by another
physician due to a longtime grudge because of Jackson’s
continuing promotions in the White House. None of the allegations against Ronny Jackson have been
Sara Carter reported:
A White House official told this reporter that there is no
evidence or documentation of the allegations that Jackson
Unsubstantiated rumors and accusations drove drunk and wrecked a government vehicle, quarterly
targeting White House physician Rear audits don’t show any evidence that Jackson
Admiral Ronny Jackson, who was overprescribed medication and there is no evidence or
nominated by President Donald Trump to reports of him drinking on the job.
The onslaught of stories drew attention away from the political television series starring Tea
administration’s mission to fill the post at the Veteran’s Leone, which shows the seedy side of
Affairs Administration and led Jackson to withdraw his Washington D.C. and the backstabbing
name from the nomination last week. tactics of those trying to rise to the top.

“This is like something like out of the show President Trump stuck up for Ronny Jackson while Obama
Madame Secretary,” said a former Bush the coward has remained silent.
Administration official, who knows Jackson
and served with him in the White House. Read Sara Carter’s full report on next page.
The official referenced the American

VP Pence Physician Behind Ronny Jackson Attacks
'This Is Like Something Out Of The Show Madame Secretary...'
Sara Carter
April 30, 2018

Unsubstantiated rumors and accusations targeting White President’s physician are only partially accurate. Jackson
House physician Rear Admiral Ronny Jackson, who was had abdicated his role as the President’s physician when he
nominated by President Donald Trump to be Secretary of was nominated by Trump for the Veteran’s Affairs
the Veterans Affairs Administration, have been propelled Administration but as of Monday, he continues to work in
by media outlets and Democratic members of the Senate the White House Medical Unit.
without any proof that those allegations were true.
Those who have served with Jackson, both in the Bush
But where did these rumors and accusations start? Who administration and Trump administration, describe the
was fighting to keep Dr. Jackson from being nominated attacks against Jackson’s character as flat out wrong and
and who wanted to smear his name publicly? unbelievable, current and former administration officials
told this reporter. A number of former Obama
According to four administration officials, the main administration officials have also come forward in
allegations were brought forth by Vice President Mike Jackson’s defense, along with the U.S. Secret Service,
Pence’s Army physician Dr. Jennifer Pena, who is which shot back at the allegations brought by the top
assigned to Pence by the White House Medical Unit and Democrat on the Veteran’s Affairs Committee member
does not work directly for the office of the Vice President. Sen. Jon Tester from Montana.
Those officials contend Pena has held a long-time grudge
against Jackson because of his continuing promotions in Tester’s office did not return phone calls for comment.
the White House. She began her career at the White House
during the Obama administration. According to the “(Jackson) is disgusted that the
officials, Pena, who is still active military and assigned to accusations have carried so much weight
the White House Military Office, did not follow proper with nothing to back them up,” said a senior
protocol to report on the allegations. Instead, she went Trump administration official, who knows
directly to the Senate with the support of some current and Jackson. “This is a vendetta in particular
former White House medical staff who were her loyalists. and these false allegations were given to
None of the allegations she allegedly brought forth have members of Congress then leaked to the
been substantiated. press. There is absolutely no merit to any
of these stories…he’s disgusted with the
whole thing.”

Pence’s spokesman, Deputy Assistant Jarrod Agen could

not be reached immediately for comment. Pena, who was
appointed to the White House Medical Unit during the
Obama administration, did not return several calls for
comment. According to Democrats with the Senate
Veteran’s Affairs Committee the bombshell allegations
were allegedly backed by 23 individuals, but the A White House official told this reporter that there is no
committee did not release the names of those individuals evidence or documentation of the allegations that Jackson
bringing the allegations. drove drunk and wrecked a government vehicle, quarterly
audits don’t show any evidence that Jackson
overprescribed medication and there is no evidence or
Jackson, who served in the White House under three reports of him drinking on the job.
administrations, withdrew his nomination for Veteran’s
Affairs and stories contending he is no longer the

The onslaught of stories drew attention away from the rumors,” said a current Administration
administration’s mission to fill the post at the Veteran’s official. “Certainly we would never
Affairs Administration and led Jackson to withdraw his nominate anybody who had derogatory
name from the nomination last week. information. Pena has had a long-standing
feud with doctor Jackson…she’s very
“This is like something like out of the show jealous that he’s been consistently
Madame Secretary,” said a former Bush promoted. This isn’t about being a
Administration official, who knows Jackson whistleblower – there are other procedures
and served with him in the White House. for that. She went up to the hill and she
The official referenced the American spoke with approximately twenty-five
political television series starring Tea Democrats…she’s a holdover in the White
Leone, which shows the seedy side of House and didn’t want Jackson to be
Washington D.C. and the backstabbing nominated.”
tactics of those trying to rise to the top.
Trump has called on Tester to resign after the Montana
“Dr. Jackson was always professional and
Senator took the anonymous allegations to the
kind,” said the former Bush official. “I never
press, telling CNN that Jackson was known as the “candy
heard of any of these allegations against
man” for passing out prescription drugs, to include the
him until Pena brought them to Congress. I
sleep aid Ambien, on overseas trips and then giving those
never saw any evidence of this. It’s tragic
staffers drugs to wake up.
what’s happened to him.”

Jackson has endured numerous security clearances and had

never had a disparaging report from the FBI, according to
Administration officials. Those security clearances require
investigators to interview family, friends, former
employers, neighbors, current coworkers and even old
friends. The months-long investigations can be grueling
and investigators ask about everything from that person’s
personal habits to possible foreign contacts and

The White House on Friday said officials conducted a

thorough review of presidential Jackson’s vehicle records.
They only found three minor incidents but there was no
evidence supporting a document released by Senate
Democrats this week that he “wrecked” a car after drinking
at a Secret Service going-away party.
Tester, the top Democrat on the Senate
Veterans’ Affairs Committee, had taken
allegations public by saying on CNN that
Jackson was known as ‘the candy man’ to
staffers in the White House and that
Jackson would give drugs to passengers
traveling with the president overseas to ‘put
them to sleep and then give them the drugs
to wake them back up again.’”

In a rare move, the Secret Service released a statement

denying the details that its agents had to intervene during
an overseas trip because Jackson was drunk and pounding
on a door that would have disturbed then President Obama.

“Sen. Tester even admitted that he

reviewed the FBI files and there was no
derogatory information in there about
Jackson but he still spread malicious Sen. Tester

Tester did not disclose who brought the allegations to his  At one time there was missing Percocet. It threw the
committee. medical staff into a panic, the Tester report found. It
said Jackson had provided a large supply to a staffer in
But the unfounded allegations include: the White House military office, the report said.
 Jackson asked staffers to write prescriptions for each
 Jackson had private stocks of controlled substances, other so that drugs could be given to non-beneficiaries.
suggesting he took advantage of lax record-keeping of According to the report, the physicians felt
drug inventories in the White House medical unit. uncomfortable that they refused to be part of the
culture of loose distribution of drugs to current and
former White House staffers.

Corey Lewandowski Poised To Replace
John Kelly As White House Chief Of Staff
By Cassandra Fairbanks
April 30, 2018, 6:14 Pm

Corey Lewandowski may soon be

replacing White House Chief of Staff Lewandowski was a deeply controversial figure during the
John Kelly, according to sources close campaign, particularly after he was accused of grabbing
to the former campaign manager and the arm of a reporter as she was trying to approach Trump.
the administration.
Despite the bumps, Lewandowski appears to have kept a
very warm relationship with the president, even appearing
with Trump at a rally in Michigan on Saturday.

After introducing him to the crowd, Trump happily

bragged that Lewandowski

“only ran one campaign and he won. So

he’s one for one.”

Following the praise, Trump did something he rarely ever

does, and turned the mic over to Lewandowski to address
the cheering crowd.

Along with the political trips, Lewandowski also goes

The whispers about Lewandowski come as Kelly is in the around Kelly to speak to the president on the phone
news for allegedly calling the president an “idiot” and frequently. He is also heavily involved in political
saying that he doesn’t understand policies such as DACA. decisions and races.

Kelly has denied the claims made in the report from NBC, Lewandowski, according to a friend of both him and the
but sources close to the president say that he may still be president, does not believe Kelly shares the
on the chopping block.
“Make America Great Again” agenda and
“I spend more time with the president than attempts to “rein the president in on who he
anyone else and we have an incredibly sees and what he does.”
candid and strong relationship,” Kelly said “Lewandowski believes the way to win the
Monday in a statement issued by the White midterms and especially in 2020 is to let
House. Trump be Trump. Let the guy who
“He always knows where I stand and he surprised every political expert in America
and I both know this story is total BS,” he by winning follow his instincts, reconnect
said. “I am committed to the president, his with his base, and get back to winning
agenda, and our country. This is another more,” a source explained.
pathetic attempt to smear people close to
President Trump and distract from the
administration’s many successes.”

EPIC: Sarah Sanders Calls Out The MSM’s Actual “War
On Women”, Waged Against “Every Female That Is Close
To This President” (VIDEO)
By Lucian Wintrich
April 30, 2018, 6:26 Pm

Well, the other day, White House Press Secretary Sarah

Sanders had some choice words about the “war on
women” the MSM keeps complaining about.

As we at Gateway Pundit have frequently reported on

before, the women who work in the Trump administration
have been subjected to repeated attacks by the MSM on
everything from their intelligence to their appearance to
the disgusting case of Michael Wolfe claiming that Nikki Speaking on Fox News, Sanders laid out what’s actually
Haley was having an affair with President Trump. going on and what the media chooses to ignore:

These repeated attacks, many of which are no doubt “The only war on women that I see is
*actually misogynistic* are ignored by the same folks in the one that’s being waged against
media who repeatedly put forth “wage gap” myths and every woman and every female that is
claims that women are more attacked and demeaned now close to this president.”
than ever before.

Kanye West Just Tweeted The Most Incendiary Comment
On Democrats And Black Americans Yet
Benny Johnson - Reporter At Large
6:29 PM 04/30/2018

Rap mogul Kanye West sent the music and entertainment

world into a spiral last week when he posted several pro-
Trump tweets.

On Monday, Kanye was back at it, tweeting statements

from other people about Republicans freeing slaves and
the perils of the welfare state.

Kanye sent out a series of screenshots featuring text

conversations from various friends sending him political
quotes. The first quote came from an unidentified Kanye
contact named Steve. In a series of texts, Steve said that
Republicans “freed and protected” slaves and “helped
black people.” Steve went on to say that Democrats
“protected the rights of the slave owners.” Kanye
responded that he was going to tweet the comments.
— KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) April 30,
The tweet went immediately viral and initiated a chain
reaction of criticism. Fellow recording artist John Legend
sent a series of critical texts to Kanye in which he refuted
Steve. Legend reminded Kanye that President Lyndon B.
Johnson passed the Civil Rights Act. Legend also called
the Republican Party “the party of the Confederacy.”

Kanye’s swing rightward has been partly precipitated by
interactions with conservative student activists Charlie
Kirk and Candice Owens. Kirk, the founder of
conservative student group Turning Point USA, and
Owens, the communications director of the group, were
spotted with Kanye this weekend after the rapper tweeted a
number of complimentary comments about Owens.

Kanye then tweeted ideas from conservative

economist Thomas Sowell. A contact named “Tmills” sent
Kanye a variation of a Sowell quote. Sowell is a
conservative thinker, economist and philosopher who is a
Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford
University. The quote attacked the welfare state as not
being for the “masses” but for the “egos of the elites.” It
also claims that socialism has a “record of failure so
blatant” only intellectuals could ignore it.

Paul Ryan: WHCD Jokes Were
‘Extremely Inappropriate’
Justin Caruso - Media Reporter
6:42 PM 04/30/2018

Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan came to the defense

of Sarah Huckabee Sanders Monday. Speaker of the House Paul Ryan speaks with reporters during a news
conference on Capitol Hill in Washington, U.S., April 26, 2018.
REUTERS/Aaron P. Bernstein – RC1351D6F840
Ryan heard about the jokes made by Michelle Wolf at
Sarah Sanders expense, and said,
Wolf poked fun at Sanders, saying that she was a
disappointment to white women. She also went after her
“I heard from people I know and I can trust looks.
it was extremely inappropriate,” the
Washington Examiner reports.
However, Sanders is apparently not thinking much about
Wolf’s bullying. According to her father Mike Huckabee,
Sanders is pretty over it.

“She’s moved on. Again, my daughter’s a

remarkable person and she’s strong.
Things like that aren’t going to cause her to
lose sleep,” Huckabee reportedly said.

CNN Analyst: Stormy Daniels
Lawsuit Has ‘No Merit Whatsoever’
Justin Caruso - Media Reporter
6:52 PM 04/30/2018

CNN legal analyst Joey Jackson said Monday that Stormy “Wolf, there’s a 0.0 percent chance of this
Daniels’ defamation case against President Trump has case moving forward, let’s talk about why.
When you talk about defamation, you’re
“no merit whatsoever.” speaking about a false factual assertion
that impugns reputation,” Jackson said.
“I think it goes nowhere.”
“How is her reputation impugned?” Jackson
also asked. “Are people really saying,
because of Trump’s tweet, she’s a liar,
she’s subject to scorn, to ridicule, to
shame, oh, my goodness! Really, Stormy
“And so, at essence, I get and understand,
and I’m not impugning Michael Avenatti in
any stretch of the imagination, he’s taken it
to the president, he’s been a
counterpuncher himself, but I just this
lawsuit has no merit whatsoever and I think
it goes nowhere,” he added.

Porn star Stormy Daniels’ lawyer Michael Avenatti filed a

lawsuit against Trump Monday, alleging defamation.

Dems Shifting Their Sights From Pruitt To Zinke
Tim Pearce - Energy Reporter
7:02 PM 04/30/2018

buildings and structures, Zinke’s office told The Daily

Caller News Foundation.

Zinke also took heat for chartered flights he booked at

taxpayers’ expense. The flights, which included one to an
airport near his home in Montana, were all pre-approved
by ethics officials and booked only after checking that no
commercial flight was available.

Zinke has defended his transportation spending by

Scott Pruitt is wrapping up his worst month of press and comparing it to that of former-Interior Secretary Sally
scandal since agreeing to run the Environmental Protection Jewell. Jewell spent $385,438 on chartered flights over a
Agency; and Democrats, unable to oust Pruitt, are now three-year period, according to Interior department records
targeting another member of President Donald Trump’s TheDCNF reviewed.
cabinet, E&E News reported Monday.
Politicians and the press have also taken shots at Zinke for
Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke, like Pruitt, is one of the his rhetoric.
most effective members of the Trump administration at
enacting the president’s deregulatory agenda and, also like Zinke allegedly told Interior staff “diversity” is not
Pruitt, one of the most disliked by Democrats. important.

“Secretary Zinke absolutely belongs in the “What’s important is having the right person
same breath as Administrator Pruitt when it for the right job,” Zinke said, according to
comes to wasting taxpayer money and the staffers. “I care about excellence, and I’m
ethical troubles and conflicts of interest and going to get the best people, and you’ll find
the transactional approach to leadership,” we have the most diverse group anyone’s
Center for American Progress Senior ever had.”
Fellow Matt Lee-Ashley told E&E News.
Reports have centered on Zinke’s claim he is a geologist.
Lee-Ashley also served as deputy chief of staff in the The secretary has never held a position as a geologist,
Department of the Interior (DOI) under former-President however, Zinke earned a degree in the subject from the
Barack Obama. University of Oregon before he served as a Navy Seal.

“These two gentlemen are the most Other reports have dug up segments from a radio show
effective at draining the swamp that Zinke hosted. Reports have also pulled clips from a couple
[Trump] has, so the attacks on them are men who raised conspiracy theories while on Zinke’s
not surprising — but the petty nature of show.
these attacks show they’re grasping at
straws,” Western Energy Alliance President
Despite all the negative attention, Zinke has fared far
Kathleen Sgamma told E&E.
better than Pruitt in staving off potential scandal.
While Pruitt has held the spotlight for much of April for
“The threat of actually reining in EPA is so
spending on security and first-class travel, Zinke has dealt
much more threatening to the
with his own criticisms from public officials and the press.
environmental lobby; it’s not surprising that
that’s what they’re [attacking first],”
Zinke’s office, due for a renovation, nearly cost the DOI Sgamma told E&E.
$139,000 to outfit it with new doors. After learning of the
expense, Zinke negotiated the price down to $55,000, the
Though Pruitt’s critics have not secured his ouster, Zinke
secretary said. The expense of the doors was largely due to
may take the spotlight soon, environmentalists warn.
regulations governing any restoration done to historic
“What you’re seeing from whistleblowers very worried about more,” Center for
from inside EPA has been very effective. Western Priorities Media Director Aaron
We’ve seen some of that from inside Weiss told E&E.
Interior. But if I were Secretary Zinke, I’d be

Michelle Wolf Takes Another Jab At Sarah Sanders In
Response To WHCD Backlash
Katie Jerkovich - Entertainment Reporter
7:18 PM 04/30/2018

laughing,”Wolf said. “And I think having the

ability to laugh at yourself is important …
another part of the dinner that wasn’t
televised is they were giving out awards
and everyone was standing to congratulate
the people who were getting awards and
Sarah was sitting.”
“I would say if this is about celebrating the
media she wasn’t there to celebrate the
Michelle Wolf took another jab at Sarah Sanders and said media,” Wolf added, accusing Sanders of
she regrets nothing in response to the backlash from her sitting in protest against the same media
performance at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner. that has attacked President Donald Trump
and his administration.
“I wouldn’t change a single word that I
said,” the former “Daily Show”
comedian explained in an interview that will
air Tuesday on NPR. “I’m very happy with
what I said, and I’m glad I stuck to my

When asked if she was surprised by the backlash, the

comedian said she wasn’t catering to the people in “the
Comedian Michelle Wolf performs at the White House
room.” Correspondents’ Association dinner in Washington, U.S., April 28,
2018. REUTERS/Aaron P. Bernstein
“I wasn’t expecting this level, but I’m also
not disappointed there’s this level. I knew She also defended her jokes about Sanders, claiming they
what I was doing going in,” Wolf said of the weren’t about her looks but about telling “lies.”
criticism. “I wanted to do something
different. I didn’t want to cater to the room. I “Yeah. If there are two people that I
wanted to cater to the outside audience, actually made fun of their looks on
and not betray my brand of comedy. I Saturday it was Mitch McConnell and Chris
actually, a friend of mine who helped me Christie and no one is jumping to their
write, he gave me a note before I went on defense,” Wolf explained. “I made fun of
which I kept with me which was, ‘Be true to Mitch McConnell’s neck and I did a small
yourself. Never apologize. Burn it to the jab at Chris Christie’s weight and no one is
ground.'” jumping to their defense.”

Later, she criticized the White House press secretary’s At the dinner Saturday night, Wolf said Sanders “burns
behavior at the event Saturday night. facts” and talked about her looks.

“There’s plenty where you could look back “She burns facts and then she uses that
and the camera was on [Barack] Obama ash to create a perfect smoky eye. Maybe
when people were making pretty she’s born with it, maybe it’s lies. It’s
aggressive jokes about Obama and he was probably lies,” the comedian told the crowd.

Trump Slams ‘Fake News’
For Using Anonymous Sources,
Calls Them ‘Truly Bad People’
Henry Rodgers - Political Reporter
8:13 PM 04/30/2018

The White House “is running very smoothly

despite phony Witch Hunts,” Trump said.
“Fake News is going ‘bonkers!'”

President Donald Trump slammed the media for using

anonymous sources to write their negative stories about the
president and his allies, saying the sources don’t exist on
Twitter Monday night. “I spend more time with the President than
anyone else, and we have an incredibly
Trump’s tweets come after NBC News published an candid and strong relationship. He always
article that said White House Chief of Staff John Kelly knows where I stand, and he and I both
called Trump an “idiot.” know this story is total BS,” Kelly said in a
statement shortly after the NBC story was
The story cited eight anonymous “current released. “I am committed to the President,
and former White House officials” but was his agenda, and our country. This is
quickly dismissed by Kelly, who called the another pathetic attempt to smear people
story “total BS.” close to President Trump and distract from
the administrations many successes.”

The strong dismissal of the leaks show Trump still has

faith in Kelly, despite the continued attacks from the
anonymous White House sources.

Trump Refuses To Apologize For Muslim Ban
Scott Morefield - Reporter
8:12 PM 04/30/2018

comments would ease concerns about whether or not the

current ban is constitutional, according to Politico.

While Trump arguably could have made his case easier, he

instead chose to double-down.

“He’s not into apologizing,” a former

administration official told Politico.
“Generally speaking, he’s not a big believer
in backing down.”

The travel ban policy currently under review is the Trump

administration’s third attempt, and includes travel
President Trump refused to back down when a reporter restrictions involving eight nations, including Iran, Libya,
asked Monday if he thought apologizing for previous North Korea, Somalia, Syria, Venezuela, and Yemen. The
statements about a “Muslim ban” might help his travel ban ban against Chad was lifted earlier this month following
case currently before the Supreme Court. that nation’s review of its immigration and security
“There’s no reason to apologize,” Trump
said during joint press conference with A final Supreme Court decision on the current policy is
Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari. expected in June.
“Our immigration laws in this country are a
total disaster. They’re laughed at all over
One former administration official called attempts to get
the world, they’re laughed at for their
Trump to apologize for his previous remarks a “political
stupidity. And we have to have strong
immigration laws. So I think if I apologize,
wouldn’t make ten cents worth of difference
to them. There’s nothing to apologize for.” “They are trying to get Trump to say
something everyone in the world knows
he’s not going to do,” the official told
Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts brought up the
Politico. “And, the fact of the matter is it’s
issue of an apology during a SCOTUS hearing last week,
not going to matter.”
asking an attorney challenging Trump’s travel ban if an
apology or disavowal of some of Trump’s inflammatory

Trump Rips Jon Tester For Supporting Open Border
Agenda As Migrant Caravan Approaches US
Henry Rodgers - Political Reporter
8:48 PM 04/30/2018

report detailing allegations against campaign Adm. Ronny

Jackson, the now former nominee to head the Department
of Veterans Affairs (VA).

Jackson was handing out prescriptions illegally and was

drunk on duty, Tester’s report said.

“The migrant caravan … is openly defying

our border,” Trump said and called U.S.
WASHINGTON, DC - APRIL 30: U.S. President Donald Trump
answers questions during a joint press conference with Nigerian
immigration laws “weak & ineffective.”
President Muhammadu Buhari in the Rose Garden of the White
House April 30, 2018 in Washington, DC. The two leaders also met in
the Oval Office to discuss a range of bilateral issues earlier in the
day. (Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images)

President Donald Trump criticized “weak” U.S.

immigration laws as the migrant caravan has reached the
U.S. southern border and ripped Montana Democratic Sen.
Jon Tester for supporting an open borders agenda, in a
tweet Monday night.

Trump’s tweet comes as the caravan of Central American

migrants seeking asylum in North America arrived at the
Trump blamed lawmakers like Tester for supporting the
U.S. border Monday. Many of whose members and
associates have been caught climbing the border fences.
“open borders agenda” and said the U.S.
needs lawmakers “who will put America
Trump targeted the “weak & ineffective U.S. immigration
laws” and Tester specifically for his stance on
Correction: The original published version of this article
identified Tester as a senator from West Virginia. Tester is
The president’s tweet comes days after he called for
from Montana, and this post has been corrected to reflect
Tester’s resignation. The Montana senator published a

The Real “Collusion:” CNN Wins Award At WH
Correspondent’s Dinner Based On Trump-Russia Leak By
Former DNI Clapper — Who Was Then Hired By CNN
By JD Heyes

Months later, in August 2017, Clapper would wind up

being hired by CNN as a paid ‘intelligence analyst.’

Carter notes further:

Some are questioning now if this was

ethical –a pay for play of sorts –as it raises
serious questions about the role and
responsibility that U.S. intelligence officials
have when taking on paid positions as
analysts for news organizations, while still
retaining their high-level security
clearances. It also raises similar questions
about news organizations and their role of
The stinking, fetid Washington swamp got even more remaining objective and not paying their
unbearable for the vast majority of Americans after a sources.
White House Correspondent’s Dinner went off the rails
thanks to the disgusting “comedy” of another Hollywood
reprobate, Michelle Wolf, formerly of “The Daily Show.” CNN reporters Jake Tapper, Jim Sciutto, Evan Perez and
Carl Bernstein won the Merriman Smith Award for
broadcast work and reporting on the debunked, unproven
As President Donald J. Trump, who skipped the event for “Russia dossier” — which was the focus of that January
the second time in two years, spent the evening with real 2017 brief given to the president-elect. (Related: Perjurer
Americans in Michigan, scattered among the tasteless, Clapper says Trump, Sessions were NOT under Obama
degrading, debasing ‘humor’ directed at his White House admin surveillance, in direct opposition to published
entourage who attended in his stead was an “award” given accounts.)
to CNN for reporting the fakest of fake news.
But as Carter notes, Clapper is the intelligence official
As reported by investigative journalist Sara A. Carter, the suspected by Congress of leaking details of the briefing to
network was given “a prestigious journalism” prize for its CNN in the first place, as a way getting the dossier story
role in publicizing a briefing given to then-President-elect ‘out there.’
Trump by intelligence officials in January 2017.
In its original report, CNN noted that the briefing
“included allegations that Russian operatives claim to have
compromising personal and financial information about”  The dossier had been circulating in
Trump. But the entire ordeal was a set-up. Washington and New York media circles
throughout the summer of 2016, but no one
ran with it because not a single thing in it
Details of the meeting were subsequently leaked could be verified (especially one of the
(surprise!) to CNN — and “by one of the same senior most salacious parts that Trump hired
Obama administration officials who orchestrated the hookers to urinate on a bed once used by
briefing” in the first place: Barack and Michelle Obama when they
were in Moscow).
Then-Director of National Intelligence
James Clapper.  The briefing was a way to get the dossier
story into the public’s eye without anyone
actually having to publish it (though source of the briefing leak after he asked Comey to give it
Buzzfeed eventually did — and is now to Trump in a ‘private’ setting on Jan. 6, 2017.
being sued over it). What’s more Clapper,
Comey and former CIA Director John As Carter notes,
Brennan all knew that the DNC and Hillary
Clinton’s campaign paid for the dossier.
“News agencies and reporters never
disclose their sources, it would be
Enter CNN: unethical, but isn’t it also unethical to pay
sources for information or give sources
The network essentially reported that jobs as analysts for your news outlet after
Trump was briefed about ‘all this salacious they’ve been illegally leaking classified
stuff that’s out there’ and even though it’s information?”
unsubstantiated, ‘here’s what is being said,’
yada, yada. The answer is yes.

But all along the network — and Clapper, and former FBI We have a conflict with our “system” here. We have
Director James Comey, and anyone connected to the piece- statutes that prohibit the leaking of classified information
of-trash dossier — used it as a means of undermining the but we have no laws punishing those who publish
Trump presidency, which has been non-stop since he took classified information. Until that conflict is resolved, the
office. leaks will continue and our republic will always be in a
state of compromise by petty Left-wing Deep Staters with
And when CNN hired Clapper, naturally it did not disclose an ax to grind.
that he was believed by some in Congress to have been the

Comey Claims Steele Dossier Was Not
An Essential Part Of Carter Page FISA Applications
Chuck Ross - Reporter
9:35 PM 04/30/2018

would not have been granted if information from the

dossier were not included, a GOP-authored report from the
House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence

Steele’s dossier, which was funded by the Clinton

campaign and DNC, accuses Page of being the Trump
campaign’s liaison to the Kremlin. Page vehemently
denies the allegations.
Former FBI Director James Comey testifies before a Senate
Intelligence Committee hearing on Russia's alleged interference in Comey signed off on three of the four warrant applications
the 2016 U.S. presidential election on Capitol Hill in Washington,
U.S., June 8, 2017. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst | Comey: Steele Doc against Page. The first was granted on Oct. 21, 2016. Two
Unnecessary For FISA others were approved in January and April 2017. Comey
was fired as FBI director on May 9, 2017 — about a month
Former FBI Director James Comey does not believe the before the fourth and final spy warrant was approved
infamous Steele dossier was necessary to obtain against Page.
surveillance warrants against President Donald Trump’s
former campaign adviser, Carter Page, Comey said Comey told Woodruff the allegations made in the dossier
Monday. were still being investigated when he was fired from the
“Could there have been a FISA warrant
without the Steele dossier?” PBS “News Congressional Republicans have questioned why U.S.
Hour” host Judy Woodruff asked Comey. officials included the dossier in its FISA applications given
investigators had not verified Steele’s allegations. They
“It’s not my recollection that it was an
have also questioned why the FBI and DOJ did not
essential part of any application,” he
disclose the Clinton campaign and Democratic National
Committee ultimately funded the dossier. Instead, the
“I have to choose my words carefully here applications for the Page spy warrants reveal only a
because I don’t know exactly what’s been political opponent of Trump’s was behind the dossier.
declassified, but there was a mosaic of
information that convinced a court that that There is some reason to question how closely Comey
individual, Carter Page, there was probable followed dossier-related developments while he was at the
cause to believe he was an agent of a bureau.
foreign power.”
The dossier was initially funded by Republican clients,
Comey’s vague denial is at odds with claims from Comey falsely claimed in an April 26 interview with Fox
congressional Republicans who say the dossier, which was News’ Bret Baier.
written by former British spy Christopher Steele, was a
crucial part of applications the FBI and Justice Department
“My understanding is [Steele’s]
submitted to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court in
order to spy on Page. work started as oppo research funded by
Republicans,” Comey said.
The dossier made up a “significant portion” of the FBI and
Baier corrected Comey. Opposition research firm Fusion
DOJ’s surveillance applications, Republicans on the
GPS hired Steele in June 2016. Fusion had been hired in
Senate Judiciary Committee said. Comey’s deputy,
April 2016 by the law firm that represented the Clinton
Andrew McCabe, testified the FISA warrants against Page
campaign and DNC to continue an investigation of Trump.
Prior to that, Fusion was conducting standard opposition
research of Trump on behalf of The Washington Free
Beacon, a conservative website funded by Republican anti-
Trump billionaire Paul Singer.

WATCH: Comey says dossier was not

‘essential’ in obtaining Carter Page FISA

Mueller Hints At Obstruction
In Trump Questions: Report
30 Apr 2018

The Times said it obtained the list from someone outside

Trump’s legal team.

Mueller’s office did not immediately respond to requests

for comment.

Since at least early this year, Mueller has discussed the

possibility of interviewing Trump for the investigation,
according to the president’s attorneys.
Washington (AFP) – Special Counsel Robert Mueller has
submitted questions to the White House that indicate a But they appear to have been divided on how and how
focus on whether President Donald Trump tried to obstruct much Trump should cooperate.
a probe into Russian interference, The New York Times
reported Monday. Two weeks ago, Trump recruited to his legal team former
New York mayor Rudy Giuliani, who said he would try to
The questions also show Mueller wants to find out what reach a deal with Mueller on how the president would
Trump knew about links between members of his cooperate with the probe.
presidential campaign and Russia, including a June 2016
meeting at Trump Tower with a Russian lawyer offering Most of the questions reported by the Times ask what
damaging information on election rival Hillary Clinton, the Trump knew of certain events, like the June 2016 meeting
Times said. with the Russian lawyer, or what was he thinking when he
did or said something, like firing former FBI director
And they indicate that Mueller wants to know if Trump James Comey.
offered a pardon to his former national security advisor,
Michael Flynn, who has already been charged by Mueller “When did you become aware of the Trump
with lying and is believed to be cooperating with the Tower meeting?” one question asks.
“What efforts were made to reach out to Mr
Flynn about seeking immunity or possible
The questions are the clearest signal yet that Mueller has pardon?” goes another.
enough circumstantial evidence to suspect the president of
obstruction, and also has reason to believe Trump might
have known of the Russia links. Mueller also wants to know if Trump discussed with any
campaign staff arranging a meeting with Russian President
Vladimir Putin.
But there is no indication whether Trump is now an
official suspect of the year-old probe, or that Mueller has
found evidence of active collusion with the Russians, While none of the questions are accusatory, they could
which Trump vehemently denies. carry the risk of Trump being trapped in a lie if any of
several former campaign staff already indicted by Mueller
have provided evidence to the contrary.
The Times obtained a list of questions it said Mueller’s
team read over the telephone to Trump’s legal team, which
compiled them into a list.

John Kelly: Reports I Called Trump An Idiot ‘Total BS’
Saagar Enjeti - White House Correspondent
9:45 PM 04/30/2018

White House chief of staff John Kelly strongly pushed

back Monday against a recent NBC News story alleging
that he has called President Donald Trump an idiot on
multiple occasions.

“I spend more time with the President than anyone else

and we have an incredibly candid and strong relationship.
He always knows where I stand and he and I both know
this story is total BS,” Kelly said in the statement. “I am
committed to the President, his agenda, and our country.
This is another pathetic attempt to smear people close to
President Trump and distract from the administration’s
many successes.”

The NBC story, citing multiple current and former White

House officials, alleges that Kelly has at different points
referred himself as the savior of the country and maligned
the president’s intelligence.

DOJ OIG Releases Report On Retired FBI Special Agent
Found Involved In Numerous Corrupt Criminal Acts
By Jim Hoft
April 30, 2018, 9:52 Pm

The Department of Justice (DOJ) Office of the Inspector

General (OIG) initiated this investigation after receiving
information from the Federal Bureau of Investigation
(FBI), Inspection Division, alleging that an FBI Special
Agent (SA), who has since retired, may have contacted
witnesses during a federal criminal investigation for an
improper purpose.

The OIG found that the SA contacted individuals who he

either knew were, or had reasonable belief would be
witnesses in the criminal investigation and that the SA’s
Earlier today the Department of contacts with several individuals appeared to be designed
Justice’s Office of Inspector General to improperly influence their prospective testimony.
released a report on the review of a Accordingly, the OIG concluded that the SA’s contacts
retired FBI Special Agent involved in with the witnesses were improper and constituted
numerous activities that appear criminal misconduct.
in nature.
During the investigation, the OIG also found that the SA
divulged law enforcement sensitive information to
unauthorized individuals; misused his government issued
electronic devices; provided misleading testimony during a
related civil deposition; mishandled classified information;
misused his position during contacts with local law
enforcement officers; and provided false information to the
OIG. Criminal prosecution of the SA was declined.

The OIG has completed its investigation and provided its

report to the FBI.
The DOJ OIG released a report today that shows that a
retired FBI Special Agent involved in numerous what It is currently unknown who the report is about.
appear to be criminal acts –

Here Are The Questions
Robert Mueller Wants To Ask Trump
Chuck Ross - Reporter
10:31 PM 04/30/2018

It remains unclear whether Mueller is investigating

Manafort’s campaign activities. But some of Manafort’s
campaign emails showed he offered to provide campaign
briefings to Oleg Deripaska, a Russian oligarch close to
Vladimir Putin.

Deripaska and Manafort had been in a dispute over a $19

million business deal involving a Ukrainian cable

On the Russia front, Mueller also hopes to ask Trump

Special Counsel Robert Mueller has submitted a list of 48
when he first learned of the June 9, 2016, Trump Tower
questions to President Donald Trump’s legal team he
meeting. Trump’s son, Donald Trump Jr., accepted the
hopes to have answered in a prospective interview as part
meeting with a Russian delegation after being offered dirt
of the investigation into possible obstruction of justice and
on Hillary Clinton. The meeting’s participants, which
campaign collusion with Russia.
included Manafort and Kushner, have claimed the meeting
was insignificant and a waste of time.
The New York Times obtained the list of questions, which
are moistly related to a potential obstruction of justice case
Mueller also wants to quiz Trump about whether he knew
against Trump.
about Russian hacking during the campaign. One of the
unproven theories of collusion is members of the Trump
Five questions relate to Michael Flynn, the former national campaign coordinated with the Russian government to
security adviser who was forced to resign on Feb. 13, release emails stolen from the Clinton campaign and
2017. Eighteen questions focus on James Comey, who Democratic National Committee.
Trump fired as FBI director on May 9, 2017. Eight
questions center on Attorney General Jeff Sessions, and 13
“During the campaign, what did you know about Russian
regard possible coordination between the Trump campaign
hacking, use of social media, or other acts aimed at the
and Russian government.
campaign?” Mueller’s question reads.

Perhaps the most intriguing question regarding possible

Another question on the list deals with Trump’s visit to
collusion is about Paul Manafort, the former Trump
Moscow for the 2013 Miss Universe pageant. Mueller
campaign chairman.
specifically asks what communication Trump had with
Russian government officials and the Agalrovs, an
“What knowledge did you have of any outreach by your Azerbaijani-Russian family who partnered with Trump on
campaign, including by Paul Manafort, to Russia about the pageant. Aras and Emin Agalarov also helped arrange
potential assistance to the campaign?” one question reads. the 2016 meeting at Trump Tower.

“It is not clear whether Mr. Mueller knows something new, Regarding Flynn, Mueller wants to know what Trump
but there is no publicly available information linking Mr. knew about the retired general’s phone calls with Russian
Manafort, the former campaign chairman, to such ambassador Sergey Kislyak. Flynn pleaded guilty to lying
outreach,” The Times noted. to FBI agents about those phone calls, which occurred in
December 2016. He was fired on Feb. 13, 2017 —
Mueller has indicted Manafort on money laundering and purportedly because he lied to Vice President Mike Pence
bank fraud charges related to his work for a Ukrainian about the phone calls.
political party several years before he joined the Trump
campaign in April 2016. Rick Gates, a former Manafort The bulk of Mueller’s questions focus on Comey, and
business partner and Trump campaign aide, is cooperating Trump’s conversations with the ousted FBI director.
with Mueller’s prosecutors as part of a plea deal. Mueller hopes to ask Trump the purpose for several
meetings he had with Comey during the early days of his Trump’s legal team is reportedly undecided about whether
presidency. Comey wrote memos following those he should sit for an interview with Mueller. John Dowd,
meetings. Trump asked Comey to back off of the who was the top lawyer on the legal squad, reportedly
investigation of Flynn, the former FBI director claimed in opposed an interview. Mueller’s team has reportedly told
a Feb. 14, 2017 memo. Trump’s lawyers he is not a target of the investigation.
That would suggest charges are not expected against
Mueller also wants to find out Trump’s thought process in Trump. But an interview with Mueller could open Trump
deciding to fire Comey. up to perjury charges if he gives false statements.

“When was it made? Why? Who played a role?” Another

question on the list states.

What Mueller Wants To Ask Trump
About Obstruction, And What It Means
The Questions Show The Special Counsel’s Focus On Obstruction Of Justice
And Touch On Some Surprising Other Areas.
By Matt Apuzzo And Michael S. Schmidt
April 30, 2018

 What did you know about phone calls that Mr.

Flynn made with the Russian ambassador, Sergey
I. Kislyak, in late December 2016?

These questions revolve around whether Mr. Trump tried

to obstruct justice to protect Mr. Flynn from prosecution.
His phone calls with Mr. Kislyak are at the heart of that

During the calls, Mr. Flynn urged Russia not to overreact

to sanctions just announced by the Obama administration.
But Mr. Trump’s aides publicly denied that sanctions were
discussed and, when questioned by the F.B.I., Mr. Flynn
The special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, recently denied it, as well. Mr. Mueller wants to know whether Mr.
provided President Trump’s lawyers a list of questions he Flynn was operating on Mr. Trump’s behalf. Prosecutors
wants answered in an interview. The New York Times may already know the answer: Mr. Flynn has pleaded
obtained the list; here are the questions, along with the guilty to lying and is cooperating with investigators.
context and significance of each. The questions fall into
categories based on four broad subjects. They are not
quoted verbatim, and some were condensed.  What was your reaction to news reports on Jan. 12,
2017, and Feb. 8-9, 2017?

Questions related to Michael T. Flynn, In January, the Washington Post columnist David Ignatius
the former national security adviser revealed Mr. Flynn’s phone calls with Mr. Kislyak. Mr.
Ignatius questioned whether those conversations had
violated a law prohibiting private citizens from attempting
to undermine American policies. In February, The
Washington Post revealed the true nature of Mr. Flynn’s
conversations with Mr. Kislyak.

Mr. Mueller wants to know, among other things, whether

Mr. Trump feared that his national security adviser had
broken the law and then tried to shield him from

 What did you know about Sally Yates’s meetings

about Mr. Flynn?

Ms. Yates, the acting attorney general for the first weeks
of the Trump administration, twice warned the White
Michael T. Flynn in December 2017.CreditChip Somodevilla/Getty House that Mr. Flynn was lying, and those lies made him
Images North America vulnerable to Russian blackmail. No one from the White
House has ever said how much Mr. Trump knew about
those warnings.

 How was the decision made to fire Mr. Flynn on Trump has repeatedly cast doubt on these conclusions and
Feb. 13, 2017? said he believes the Russian president, Vladimir V. Putin,
who denies any interference.
Eighteen days after Ms. Yates’s warning, Mr. Flynn was
asked to resign. The White House said that Mr. Trump lost  What was your reaction to Mr. Comey’s briefing
confidence in Mr. Flynn because he had lied. But the that day about other intelligence matters?
White House has never fully explained why, after learning
about the lie, officials waited so long to act. This question addresses documents written by a retired
British spy, Christopher Steele, who said that Russia had
 After the resignations, what efforts were made to gathered compromising information on Mr. Trump. The
reach out to Mr. Flynn about seeking immunity or documents, which became known as the Steele Dossier,
possible pardon? also claim that the Trump campaign had ties to the Russian
government. Mr. Comey privately briefed Mr. Trump
The Times recently revealed that, when Mr. Flynn began about these documents.
considering cooperating with the F.B.I., Mr. Trump’s
lawyers floated the idea of a pardon. Mr. Mueller wants to  What was the purpose of your Jan. 27, 2017, dinner
know why. with Mr. Comey, and what was said?

A few weeks after his briefing, Mr. Comey was called to

the White House for a private dinner. Mr. Comey’s notes
Questions related to James B. Comey, say that Mr. Trump raised concerns about the Steele
the former F.B.I. director Dossier and said he needed loyalty from his F.B.I. director.
This question touches on Mr. Trump’s true motivation for
firing Mr. Comey: Was he dismissed because he was not
loyal and would not shut down an F.B.I. investigation?

 What was the purpose of your Feb. 14, 2017,

meeting with Mr. Comey, and what was said?

That was a key moment. Mr. Comey testified that the

president told him, “I hope you can see your way clear to
letting this go, to letting Flynn go.” Mr. Trump has denied

CreditBrendan Smialowski/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images  What did you know about the F.B.I.’s investigation
into Mr. Flynn and Russia in the days leading up to
 What was your opinion of Mr. Comey during the Mr. Comey’s testimony on March 20, 2017?
Mr. Comey’s testimony publicly confirmed that the F.B.I.
The questions about Mr. Comey relate to whether Mr. was investigating members of the Trump campaign for
Trump fired Mr. Comey last year to shield Mr. Flynn, or possible coordination with Russia. Mr. Mueller wants to
anyone else, from prosecution. Mr. Trump has denied that, know what role that revelation played in Mr. Comey’s
saying he fired Mr. Comey because of his mishandling of firing.
the F.B.I.’s investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a
private email server.  What did you do in reaction to the March 20
testimony? Describe your contacts with
This question is important because, if Mr. Trump truly was intelligence officials.
upset about the Clinton investigation, he would have
shown an early distaste for Mr. Comey. In the aftermath, The Post reported, Mr. Trump asked the
United States’ top intelligence official, Daniel Coats, to
 What did you think about Mr. Comey’s intelligence pressure Mr. Comey to back off his investigation. Mr.
briefing on Jan. 6, 2017, about Russian election Mueller wants to ask Mr. Trump about his contacts with
interference? Mr. Coats as well as the C.I.A.’s director at the time, Mike
Pompeo, and the National Security Agency’s director,
The briefing revealed that American intelligence agencies Michael S. Rogers. The conversations could reflect Mr.
had concluded that Russian operatives meddled in the Trump’s growing frustration with Mr. Comey — not about
election to hurt Mrs. Clinton and to boost Mr. Trump. Mr.
the Clinton case, but about his refusal to shut down the revealed, Mr. Trump suggested he had fired Mr. Comey
Russia inquiry. because of the pressure from the Russia investigation.

 What did you think and do in reaction to the news “I just fired the head of the F.B.I. He was crazy, a real nut
that the special counsel was speaking to Mr. job,” Mr. Trump said. “I faced great pressure because of
Rogers, Mr. Pompeo and Mr. Coats? Russia. That’s taken off.”

It is not clear whether Mr. Mueller knows something  What did you mean in your interview with Lester
specific about Mr. Trump’s reaction to these interviews, Holt about Mr. Comey and Russia?
but the question shows that Mr. Mueller is keenly
Shortly after firing Mr. Comey, Mr. Trump undercut his
interested in how Mr. Trump responded to each step of his
own argument when he told NBC News that he had been
thinking about the Russia investigation when he fired Mr.
 What was the purpose of your calls to Mr. Comey
on March 30 and April 11, 2017? I was going to fire Comey knowing there was no good
time to do it. And in fact, when I decided to just do it, I
said to myself — I said, you know, this Russia thing with
Mr. Comey said that Mr. Trump called twice to ask him to
Trump and Russia is a made-up story. It's an excuse by the
say publicly that he was not under F.B.I. investigation. In
Democrats for having lost an election that they should've
the second call, Mr. Comey said, the president added: “I
have been very loyal to you, very loyal. We had that thing,
you know.”

 What was the purpose of your April 11, 2017,

statement to Maria Bartiromo?

While the White House ultimately said Mr. Comey was

fired for breaking with Justice Department policy and
discussing the Clinton investigation, Mr. Trump expressed
no such qualms in an interview with Ms. Bartiromo of Fox
Business Network. “Director Comey was very, very good
to Hillary Clinton, that I can tell you,” he said. “If he
weren’t, she would be, right now, going to trial.”
 What was the purpose of your May 12, 2017, tweet?
 What did you think and do about Mr. Comey’s May After The Times revealed the president’s private dinner
3, 2017, testimony? with Mr. Comey, Mr. Trump responded on Twitter.

In this Senate appearance, Mr. Comey described his

handling of the Clinton investigation in detail. Mr. Comey
was fired soon after. Mr. Mueller’s question suggests he
wants to know why Mr. Trump soured.

 Regarding the decision to fire Mr. Comey: When

was it made? Why? Who played a role?

Over the past several months, Mr. Mueller has asked

White House officials for the back story, and whether the Mr. Comey appeared unworried. “Lordy, I hope there are
public justification was accurate. He will be able to tapes,” Mr. Comey said. The White House ultimately said
compare Mr. Trump’s answers to what he has learned that, no, there were no tapes.
 What did you think about Mr. Comey’s
 What did you mean when you told Russian June 8, 2017, testimony regarding Mr.
diplomats on May 10, 2017, that firing Mr. Comey Flynn, and what did you do about it?
had taken the pressure off?
After he was fired, Mr. Comey testified about his
The day after Mr. Comey’s firing, Mr. Trump met with conversations with Mr. Trump and described him as
Russian officials in the Oval Office. There, The Times preoccupied with the F.B.I.’s investigation into Russia.
After the testimony, Mr. Trump called him a liar.
 What was the purpose of the September Mr. Trump has criticized Mr. Sessions’s recusal from the
and October 2017 statements, including Russia investigation. The Times reported that Mr. Trump
tweets, regarding an investigation of Mr. humiliated him in an Oval Office meeting and accused him
Comey? of being disloyal. Mr. Sessions ultimately submitted his
resignation, though Mr. Trump did not accept it. Along
Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the White House press secretary, with the next two questions, this inquiry looks at whether
said that Mr. Comey had testified falsely to Congress and Mr. Trump views law enforcement officials as protectors.
suggested that the Justice Department might investigate.
Mr. Trump followed up with tweets suggesting that he  What efforts did you make to try to get
should be investigated for rigging an inquiry into Mrs. him to change his mind?
Clinton. Such comments reinforced criticism that Mr.
Trump views the Justice Department as a sword to use The Times has reported that Mr. Trump told his White
against his political rivals. House counsel, Donald F. McGahn II, to stop Mr. Sessions
from recusing himself. Mr. McGahn was unsuccessful, and
Mr. Trump erupted, saying he needed an attorney general
who would protect him.

 Did you discuss whether Mr. Sessions

would protect you, and reference past
attorneys general?

Mr. Trump has spoken affectionately about past attorneys

general who he said were loyal to their presidents. He cited
 What is the reason for your continued Robert F. Kennedy and Eric H. Holder Jr. as examples.
criticism of Mr. Comey and his former “Holder protected the president,” he said in a Times
deputy, Andrew G. McCabe? interview in December. “And I have great respect for that.”

Mr. Comey and Mr. McCabe are among Mr. Trump’s

 What did you think and what did you do
favorite targets. Mr. McCabe is a lifelong Republican, but
in reaction to the news of the
Mr. Trump has criticized him as a Clinton loyalist because
appointment of the special counsel?
Mr. McCabe’s wife, a Democrat, ran unsuccessfully for
office in Virginia and received donations from a Clinton In a twist, Mr. Mueller’s very appointment has become
ally. This question suggests that Mr. Mueller wants to part of his investigation. Mr. Trump has repeatedly
know whether Mr. Trump’s criticism is an effort to denounced the inquiry as a “witch hunt.” Mr. Trump
damage the F.B.I. while it investigates the president’s blames the appointment on Mr. Sessions’s recusal.
 Why did you hold Mr. Sessions’s
resignation until May 31, 2017, and with
whom did you discuss it?
Mr. Trump rejected Mr. Sessions’s resignation after aides
Questions related to Attorney General
argued that it would only create more problems. The
Jeff Sessions details of those discussions remain unclear, but Mr.
Trump’s advisers have already given Mr. Mueller their
accounts of the conversations.
 What discussions did you have with Reince
Priebus in July 2017 about obtaining the Sessions
resignation? With whom did you discuss it?
Mr. Priebus, who was Mr. Trump’s chief of staff, has said
he raced out of the White House after Mr. Sessions and
implored him not to resign. Mr. Mueller has interviewed
Mr. Priebus and would be able to compare his answers
with those of Mr. Trump.
 What discussions did you have regarding
Attorney General Jeff Sessions in April in terminating the special counsel, and what did you
Washington.CreditLawrence Jackson for The New York Times
do when that consideration was reported in
 What did you think and do regarding the January 2018?
recusal of Mr. Sessions?
Again, Mr. Mueller’s investigation intersects with its own When The Times found out about the meeting, Mr. Trump
existence. The Times reported that, in June 2017, Mr. helped draft a misleading statement in his son’s name,
Trump ordered Mr. McGahn to fire Mr. Mueller. Mr. omitting the true purpose of the meeting. After The Times
McGahn refused. Though Mr. Trump’s own advisers obtained the younger Mr. Trump’s emails, he published
informed Mr. Mueller about that effort, Mr. Trump denied them on Twitter.
it: “Fake news,” he said. “A typical New York Times fake
story.”  During a 2013 trip to Russia, what communication
 What was the purpose of your July 2017 criticism and relationships did you have with the Agalarovs
of Mr. Sessions? and Russian government officials?

Mr. Trump unleashed a series of attacks on Mr. Sessions in The Trump Tower meeting was arranged through the
July. Russian singer Emin Agalarov, his billionaire father, Aras
Agalarov, and a music promoter. Mr. Mueller is
scrutinizing the nature of connections between the
Agalarovs, Mr. Trump and Russian officials.

 What communication did you have with Michael D.

Cohen, Felix Sater and others, including foreign
nationals, about Russian real estate developments
during the campaign?

Mr. Mueller is referring to a failed effort to build a Trump

Campaign Coordination With Russia Tower in Moscow. Mr. Sater, a business associate,
proposed the idea to Mr. Cohen, the longtime personal
lawyer to Mr. Trump. Emails show that Mr. Sater believed
that the project would showcase Mr. Trump’s deal-making
acumen and propel him into the presidency.

 What discussions did you have during the

campaign regarding any meeting with Mr. Putin?
Did you discuss it with others?

Journalists and lawmakers have uncovered several

examples of Russian officials trying, through
intermediaries, to arrange a meeting between Mr. Trump
and Mr. Putin. Senior campaign officials rejected some
overtures, but Mr. Trump’s involvement has been a

 What discussions did you have during the

Donald Trump Jr. arranged a meeting with a Russian campaign regarding Russian sanctions?
lawyer at Trump Tower in June 2016.CreditLeah
Millis/Reuters Even as the Obama administration stepped up sanctions on
Russia, Mr. Trump struck a laudatory tone toward Mr.
 When did you become aware of the Trump Tower
 What involvement did you have concerning
platform changes regarding arming Ukraine?
This and other questions relate to a June 9, 2016, meeting
at Trump Tower with a Russian lawyer who offered
political dirt about Mrs. Clinton. Mr. Trump’s eldest son, A portion of the Republican platform was changed in a
Donald Trump Jr., arranged the meeting. He said he did way more favorable to Russia.
not tell his father about it when it happened.
 During the campaign, what did you know about
 What involvement did you have in the Russian hacking, use of social media or other acts
communication strategy, including the release of aimed at the campaign?
Donald Trump Jr.’s emails?

This is a key question. Mr. Trump praised the release of Mr. Stone, a longtime adviser, claimed to have inside
hacked Democratic emails and called on Russia to find information from WikiLeaks, which published hacked
others. Mr. Mueller’s investigation has unearthed evidence Democratic emails. He appeared to predict future releases,
that at least one member of Mr. Trump’s campaign — and was in touch with a Twitter account used by Russian
George Papadopoulos — was told that Russia had obtained intelligence. This question, along with the next two, show
compromising emails about Mrs. Clinton. But Mr. Trump that Mr. Mueller is still investigating possible campaign
has repeatedly said there was “no collusion” with the cooperation with Russia.
Russian government.
 What did you know during the transition about an
attempt to establish back-channel communication
to Russia, and Jared Kushner’s efforts?

Mr. Kushner, Mr. Trump’s son-in-law, has testified that

the Russian ambassador proposed getting Mr. Flynn in
contact with Russian officials to discuss Syria. In response,
Mr. Kushner said, he proposed using secure phones inside
the Russian Embassy — a highly unusual suggestion that
was not accepted.

 What do you know about a 2017 meeting in

Seychelles involving Erik Prince?
 What knowledge did you have of any outreach by
your campaign, including by Paul Manafort, to The meeting was convened by Mohammed bin Zayed Al-
Russia about potential assistance to the Nahyan of the United Arab Emirates. It brought Mr.
campaign? Prince, an informal adviser to Mr. Trump’s team, together
with a Russian investor close to Mr. Putin.
This is one of the most intriguing questions on the list. It is
not clear whether Mr. Mueller knows something new, but  What do you know about a Ukrainian peace
there is no publicly available information linking Mr. proposal provided to Mr. Cohen in 2017?
Manafort, the former campaign chairman, to such
outreach. So his inclusion here is significant. Mr. Mr. Cohen, the lawyer, hand-delivered to the White House
Manafort’s longtime colleague, Rick Gates, is cooperating a peace proposal for Ukraine and Russia. This unusual bit
with Mr. Mueller. of backdoor diplomacy is of interest because it involved a
Ukrainian lawmaker who said he was being encouraged by
 What did you know about communication between Mr. Putin’s aides. Mr. Cohen has said he did not discuss
Roger Stone, his associates, Julian Assange or the proposal with Mr. Trump.

Trump Reportedly Tells Rand Paul
US Getting Out Of Afghanistan
Autumn Price
8:37 AM 05/01/2018

Paul was reportedly pleased with his conversation with the

president, adding that the funds spent overseas should be
concentrating on improving infrastructure projects in the
United States.

“Senator Rand Paul fully supports

President Trump’s vision for America first,”
Sen. Paul’s office told The Daily Caller.
“We should refocus on building roads and
President Donald Trump arrives for a Wounded Warrior Project bridges in the United States, and not all
Soldier Ride event at the White House in Washington. April 26, 2018. over the world. Senator Paul stands with
REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque
President Trump in a desire for less US
intervention in every corner of the globe.”
President Trump has reportedly told Sen. Rand Paul that
U.S. involvement in Afghanistan is coming to an end.
Paul has previously noted he and President Trump were
the only candidates in the 2016 Republican primary who
Paul, who has long called for an end to the war in share foreign policy views, especially when it comes to the
Afghanistan, has repeatedly called on President Trump to war in Afghanistan and Iraq.
live up to his campaign promises and bring the troops
“He said it’s probably only he and I of the
whole 16 that shared any of this vision of
According to The Washington Post, Trump has told Paul foreign policy that these wars had been a
that he plans on doing just that. “In general, we’re getting mistake,” Paul said of the president. “[…]
the hell out of there,” the president reportedly said. that’s an amazing opening for people like
me who think we have made so many
The comments reportedly came from a private mistakes.”
conversation the libertarian-leaning senator had with the
president, where Paul encouraged the president to abandon
the hawkish views of cabinet members like National
Security Advisor John Bolton.

Nolte – Media Fail: Trump’s
Approval Rating Average Hits Year-Long High
By John Nolte
1 May 2018

While Trump’s job approval sits at 43 percent, trust in the

media sits at just 41 percent. But even that 41 percent is
skewed. It is only Democrats who support the media at a
respectable level of 62 percent. But, of course, they do.
Now that the media are 24/7 anti-Trump and keep the left
on the hook waiting for the smoking gun of impeachment
(that will never come), why wouldn’t Democrats trust in
the media to pull a coup d’état out of their twee beanie?

Meanwhile, only 14 percent of Republicans believe the

media get the facts straight. Most telling of all, only 37
percent of independents say the same.

In other words, outside of the far-left, mainstream America

no longer trusts the media, and why would they? The
media are a fake news factory that for nearly two years
According to the Real Clear Politics poll have told us lie after lie about Trump’s colluding with
of polls, and despite an unprecedented Russia — and now, we have learned that was a big, fat
media jihad against him, President hoax fabricated by the Deep State, CNN, and BuzzFeed.
Donald Trump’s average job approval
rating sits at a relatively healthy 42.9
Credit for his improving numbers also goes to Trump, who
percent, a high he has not reached in
has not allowed the media plot to undo his election to
nearly a year.
distract him. From the economy to North Korea to Syria to
trade to immigration and taxes, Trump has kept his eye on
The last time Trump eked into the 43 percent range was the ball, and concrete things are happening. Real things are
early May 2017. getting done.

To anyone who still believes the establishment media have Bottom line: what Americans want more than anything are
some influence or moral authority over public opinion, this peace and prosperity, and after eight years of the Bush
news probably seems counterintuitive. After all, why wars and eight years of Obama’s hideous economy,
would voters increase their approval of a racist, sexist, Trump’s presidency so far epitomizes peace and
pussy-grabbing, porn star-boinking, serial adulterer who prosperity.
colluded with the Russians to steal the election and who
turned the White House bowling alley into a gallows
where every night after watching Hannity, Trump eats a In the end, that is what voters will judge Trump on. They
bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken while fingering the can see through the smoke of the media lies and the pundit
nuclear button as 11 illegal immigrant children are hysteria, and they are starting to understand that “sources
hanged? tell us” is Greek for “this is fake news.”

What we have here is more proof that the media are no

longer able to sway public opinion or move the needle.

Rush Limbaugh Reveals The REAL Scandal Behind The
White House Correspondent’s Dinner —
And It Isn’t Michelle Wolf
Posted On May 1, 2018

Media Scandal: On his Monday program, talk radio

legend Rush Limbaugh spent some time dissecting the Clapper, you may recall, was President Obama’s director
anti-Trump “hate-fest” that was the White House of national intelligence. Some in Congress suspect he was
Correspondent’s Dinner held on Saturday. the one who leaked to CNN details of a meeting then-FBI
Director James Comey had with then-President-elect
Donald J. Trump to “brief” him about the dossier.
Most news from the event covered the foul-mouthed
‘comedy’ of Michelle Wolf, who was extremely
disrespectful to Trump administration women — White Clapper is now a paid consultant for the network.
House spokeswoman Sara Huckabee Sanders and senior
political advisor Kellyanne Conway. The reporters “knew what they thought they knew” simply
because Clapper leaked it to them, Limbaugh continued.
But Limbaugh said the “real scandal” of the evening was
an award given to CNN and some of its correspondents “Worse than that, it was all part of a
regarding reporting on the fake “Russia dossier” that is at calculated setup to give CNN a news hook
the heart of special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation so that they could start reporting on the
and Obama-era FISA court abuse. Steele dossier and make it public. The
Steele dossier had been known for months.
“The real news of the evening is that the It was floating around Washington, and
White House Correspondents’ Dinner everybody knew what it was,” he said.
Association gave reporters Jake Tapper, “And everybody knew that it was unverified,
Jim Sciutto, Evan Perez, and Carl uncorroborated. Everybody in the media
Bernstein an award for their January 10th, knew that none of it could be established to
2017, report on the Steele dossier,” have happened, none of it could be proved,
Limbaugh said. none of it could be verified. But the media
“You know the story. Hillary Clinton, as in a wanted it in the public domain,” Limbaugh
work of art, commissions this thing as explained.
opposition research. She hires Fusion “How to do that? CNN needed a news
GPS, which then hires a law firm to make hook. A news hook is a reason to report on
the payment to wash the money so that it’s it aside from its contents. You couldn’t
not traceable back to Clinton,” he report on the details ’cause none of it was
continued. verified. So they needed a way to get this
“And they hire this Christopher Steele guy thing known by the American people. The
to go out and make up a bunch of garbage way this happened, James Clapper
about Trump for the express purpose of essentially told Comey to go brief Trump on
using it as so-called legitimate intelligence the existence of the dossier.”
on Trump that is designed to drive down
public opinion on Trump so as to make it He said Comey did Clapper’s “bidding” so Clapper could
easy to get rid of him!” he said. then leak details of the meeting to his future employer.
“So the White House Correspondents’
Dinner Association gave Jake Tapper, Jim “This is like giving an award to a
Sciutto, Evan Perez… and Carl Bernstein stenographer taking dictation, because
an award for their January 10th report on that’s exactly what these reporters did,”
the dossier, 2017. Now, we now know, Limbaugh said.
folks, that their report was nothing but
dictation from James Clapper.”
He also noted that the House Intelligence Committee’s high-level government briefings about it to CNN … he
recently released report concluded that “Clapper not only also may have lied to Congress about the matter.”
leaked information about the infamous Steele dossier and

Trump Takes Aim At Mueller Probe:
‘Can’t Obstruct If There’s No Crime’
Saagar Enjeti - White House Correspondent
8:52 AM 05/01/2018

The questions Mueller wishes to ask Trump were revealed

late Monday evening by The New York Times.

President Donald Trump took aim at special counsel

Robert Mueller’s desire to ask him dozens of questions
regarding the 2016 presidential election, in a Tuesday
morning tweet.

The questions span the gamut from inquiring as to Russian

interference in the 2016 presidential election to the
circumstances surrounding the firing of former FBI
director James Comey. Trump has been accused of
possibly obstructing of justice when he allegedly asked
Comey in a private oval office meeting to drop a criminal
probe into then national security advisor Mike Flynn.

POTUS Trump Destroys Deep State’s Latest
Leak From Mueller’s Witch Hunt
By Cristina Laila
May 1, 2018, 11:08 Am

 What was your reaction to Mr. Comey’s briefing

that day about other intelligence matters?
 What was the purpose of your Jan. 27, 2017, dinner
with Mr. Comey, and what was said?
 What was the purpose of your Feb. 14, 2017,
meeting with Mr. Comey, and what was said?
 What did you know about the F.B.I.’s investigation
into Mr. Flynn and Russia in the days leading up to
Mr. Comey’s testimony on March 20, 2017?
The New York Times reported on a list of questions  What did you do in reaction to the March 20
provided to Trump’s lawyer by Mueller’s team of liberal testimony? Describe your contacts with
hacks. intelligence officials.
 What did you think and do in reaction to the news
No questions about Russian collusion. that the special counsel was speaking to Mr.
Rogers, Mr. Pompeo and Mr. Coats?
The New York Times reported:  What was the purpose of your calls to Mr. Comey
on March 30 and April 11, 2017?
 What was the purpose of your April 11, 2017,
The special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III,
statement to Maria Bartiromo?
recently provided President Trump’s
lawyers a list of questions he wants  What did you think and do about Mr. Comey’s May
answered in an interview. The New York 3, 2017, testimony?
Times obtained the list; here are the  Regarding the decision to fire Mr. Comey: When
questions, along with the context and was it made? Why? Who played a role?
significance of each. The questions fall into  What did you mean when you told Russian
categories based on four broad subjects. diplomats on May 10, 2017, that firing Mr. Comey
They are not quoted verbatim, and some had taken the pressure off?
were condensed.
And the questions go on and on about Trump’s transition
What did you know about phone calls
and early months of his presidency.
that Mr. Flynn made with the Russian
ambassador, Sergey I. Kislyak, in late
December 2016? Trump blasted the latest leak from
Mueller’s corrupt team.
 What was your reaction to news reports on Jan. 12,
2017, and Feb. 8-9, 2017? Trump tweeted:
 What did you know about Sally Yates’s meetings
about Mr. Flynn? So disgraceful that the questions concerning the Russian
 How was the decision made to fire Mr. Flynn on Witch Hunt were “leaked” to the media. No questions on
Feb. 13, 2017? Collusion. Oh, I see…you have a made up, phony crime,
 After the resignations, what efforts were made to Collusion, that never existed, and an investigation begun
reach out to Mr. Flynn about seeking immunity or with illegally leaked classified information. Nice!
possible pardon?
 What was your opinion of Mr. Comey during the
 What did you think about Mr. Comey’s intelligence
briefing on Jan. 6, 2017, about Russian election

Comey: Trump ‘Is Actively
Undermining The Rule Of Law’
By Pam Key
1 May 2018

Monday at an event broadcast by CSPAN’s “Book TV,” “I don’t know whether it’s a message. Even
former FBI director James Comey said President Donald if it’s not a message to anybody, it’s an
Trump was attack on the rule of law. It’s really
important that people be prosecuted for
“actively undermining the rule of law.” lying blatantly, which is what that was, in
the criminal justice system. Without that,
the rule of law just melts away.”
When asked about Trump pardoning Scooter Libby,
Comey said,
When asked about preemptive pardons, Comey added,
“I think it’s an attack on the rule of law.
There’s a reason why George W. Bush, for “In this environment where you have a
whom Scooter Libby worked, declined to president who is actively undermining the
pardon him after deep review of all the rule of law and the institutions that we
facts. President Bush concluded that count on—no matter what your political
justice was done. The rule of law system affiliations—we count on as a country to
worked here. As an act of mercy, he uphold this democracy. The routine attacks
commuted his sentence. To now have a on the Justice Department, the FBI, in the
president, 12, 14 years later, say he courts, at least to me, and the quick
deserves to be pardoned with no review condemnation of the FBI for acting like
and no consultation, as best as I can tell, thugs, allegedly, when executing a court-
with the prosecutors and investigators, I ordered search warrant—all of that
can’t think of a sensible reason consistent together along with the president’s habit of
with the rule of law to do that. So I think it is not telling the truth repeatedly tells me it’s a
an attack on the rule of law.” president that might do something like
He continued,

Mueller’s Former Assistant Says ‘Grammatical Errors’
Prove Trump Leaked Questions To NY Times
By Cristina Laila
May 1, 2018, 11:26 Am

The New York Times reported on a list

of questions provided to Trump’s lawyer
by Mueller’s team of liberal hacks.
No questions about Russian collusion.
Who leaked the list of questions to the
New York Times?
Mueller’s former assistant is pointing
the finger at President Trump based on
certain grammatical errors.
Mueller’s former assistant, Michael Zeldin said Tuesday
on CNN that because of certain grammatical errors, he
believes Trump leaked the questions to the New York

Via The Hill:

Michael Zeldin, a CNN legal analyst and

former assistant to Robert Mueller, said
Tuesday he believes President
Trump leaked the list of nearly 50
questions the special counsel allegedly
wants to ask Trump.
“I think these are notes taken by the
recipients of a conversation with Mueller’s
Mueller has a list of over 40 questions for President Trump office where he outlined broad topics and
that have nothing to do with Russia collusion. these guys wrote down questions that they
thought these topics may raise,” Zeldin said
on CNN’s “New Day.”
The President blasted the latest leak from his Twitter
account Tuesday morning. “Because of the way these questions are
written … lawyers wouldn’t write questions
this way, in my estimation. Some of the
grammar is not even proper,” he continued.
“So, I don’t see this as a list of written
questions that Mueller’s office gave to the
president. I think these are more notes that
the White House has taken and then they
have expanded upon the conversation to
write out these as questions.”

Meghan McCain — Many People Think
The Media Hates ‘The People In The
Middle Of The Country’
Justin Caruso - Media Reporter
12:03 PM 05/01/2018

The View’s Meghan McCain blasted the establishment

“I will say, this is a big gift to Trump
media Tuesday, saying that many Americans believe they
supporters. 77 percent of Americans — 77
report fake news and hate “people in the middle of the
— believe that the national television
and newspaper media outlets report fake
news, 89 percent of Republicans believe
McCain also called out CNN’s Jim Acosta by name. that,” McCain claimed.
“There’s already this implication when you
WATCH: hear people like Jim Acosta saying Trump
supporters, their brains don’t, whatever the
quote is, their ‘elevators don’t go to the top
“There’s an idea that the media, especially
people in DC, hate the Trump
administration, hate Republicans, hate the
people in the middle of the country,” she
continued. “And when you’re sitting there,
and by the way, Jonathan Karl, Andrea
Mitchell, Mika Brzezinski, these are not
people I would certainly not call
conservatives, or people in my vein,
came out and criticized the dinner as well.”

US Claims Of “Russian Meddling”
Exposes Its Own Global Meddling
By Tony Cartalucci
May 1, 2018

The FBI indictment claims that monthly funding for the

Internet Research Agency’s “influencing operations”
peaked at $1.25 million, but did not provide any additional
information regarding the organization’s budget, or how
significant this peak was when compared to monthly

The Western media has presented this number as

significant. The BBC in its article, “Russia-Trump inquiry:
Russians charged over US 2016 election tampering,”
would claim (emphasis added):
After well over a year of accusing the Russian government
of interfering in the 2016 US presidential elections, the
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has finally indicted On Friday, Robert Mueller’s team released
13 Russians for what it calls “interference operations a slate of indictments that lays bare what
targeting the United States.” it asserts is the full shape of the
Russian meddling apparatus.
The 13 Russians indicted allegedly represent the “Internet And what an apparatus it was. In the run-
Research Agency” merely referred to as “the organization” up to the US presidential election “Project
throughout the FBI’s highly publicized indictment (PDF). Lakhta”, as it was called, had an operating
The Internet Research Agency was allegedly run by budget of more than $1m a month.
Concord Management and Consulting.
Yet, to put that “$1m a month” budget into perspective, the
However, the FBI failed to establish any link between the BBC alone operates on an annual budget of between 4-6
Internet Research Agency’s supposed operations and the billion – or up to $500 million a month. This is a monthly
Russian government. It attempts to claim that Concord budget up to 400 times larger than that of what the BBC
Management and Consulting and Concord Catering are calls the “full shape of the Russian meddling apparatus.”
“related Russian entities” with various Russian
government contracts – however the FBI failed to detail Considering that the BBC coordinates its own “influence
what this statement meant, merely insinuating that the operations” with other multi-billion dollar media
Internet Research Agency may have been another Russian corporations in the United Kingdom, across Europe, and of
government contract. course in the United States, the gargantuan disparity
between the “full shape of the Russian meddling
The “Russian meddling” described in the FBI indictment apparatus” and that of the West’s own “influencing
consists of Facebook ads and the creation of accounts operations” is put into proper perspective.
posing as American social media personalities
commentating on US political issues. The FBI’s When considering the role of US-based corporate lobbyists
indictment failed to list any instances of Russian and their role in influencing both political candidates and
government money, or money from an alleged the American public ahead of elections – this disparity
intermediary being funneled into any actual US political widens even further.
parties, opposition or activist groups, or any US-based
media organizations. To suggest that “the full shape of the Russian meddling
apparatus” had any significant effect on the outcome of the
Putting the “Full Shape” of “Russian US election is far fetched at best. To suggest that the
Meddling” Into Perspective Russian government would have conducted such feeble
attempts to influence the US presidential election when it

is fully aware that large, corporate-financier interests NED funds such influencing operations in over 100 states
actually determine US policy, is also implausible. globally, from South America to Africa, from Eastern
Europe to East Asia, and everywhere in between.
That accusations against Russia are meant to deflect away
from America’s own growing problems both domestically If what the FBI’s recent indictment against the Internet
and abroad, including its attempts to justify a wider Research Agency constitutes what it calls the “improper
confrontation with Russia itself, is a much more likely foreign influence on U.S. elections and on the U.S.
explanation. political system,” then what the US itself is doing abroad
through organizations like NED is exposed as the US’
US Exposes the Illegitimacy of its Own own, highly-industrialized version of such “improper
Global Meddling foreign influence.”

Should the Russian government have intentionally and Beyond NED, the US government also directly funds and
directly attempted to interfere in US elections or operates other fronts, including NED’s subsidiaries – the
America’s internal political affairs, it would constitute an National Democratic Institute (NDI), the International
attack upon American sovereignty and warrant a vigorous Republican Institute (IRI), and Freedom House – as well
US response. However, nothing of the sort has been as the United States Agency for International Development
established yet, with the US having sought to target Russia (USAID). Together with NED and USAID, the US
with wider sanctions and provocations long before the government works through and coordinates with other,
2016 US elections appeared on the horizon. privately owned intermediaries like George Soros’ Open
Society Foundation.
That the US has attempted to use what it calls “improper
foreign influence on US elections and on the US political Foreign opposition groups working on behalf of US
system” as a pretext for attacking Russia, its media both in interests and funded by the US government are almost
Russia and its US-based networks, its diplomatic mission always jointly funded by Open Society, as well as the
in the United States, as well as the Russian economy governments and local embassies of the United Kingdom
through sanctions, indicates that Washington is more than and European Union members.
aware of how inappropriate it is for one nation to attempt
to interfere with or influence the internal political The recent attempt to accuse Russia of and punish it for
processes of another nation. supposed “meddling” in the US openly illustrates that the
US itself understands the impropriety it is involved in as it
Yet this is precisely what the United States itself has done conducts its own campaign of global meddling on a much
– for decades, openly – around the globe. larger scale. What is perhaps most ironic is that the left-
leaning individuals manning Washington’s global army of
subversive meddlers in targeted nations around the globe
Unlike the FBI’s indictment, which fails to establish any
have eagerly promoted anti-Russian propaganda, including
direct link with the Russian government or define any
specific examples of what could be considered political condemning supposed Russian “meddling,” either
interference – beyond Russian-based media operations – oblivious or indifferent to the fact they themselves are
the US conducts vast efforts to interfere in the elections engaged in reality for decades in what the US has accused
and political processes of nations around the globe. Russia of without evidence over the last year.

Through US government-funded agencies like the National The further the US pushes this politically-motivated public
Endowment for Democracy (NED), operating on an annual relations campaign dressed up as counteracting “improper
budget of hundreds of millions of dollars, the US controls foreign influence” in the US, the easier Washington will
entire opposition parties, opposition groups and so-called make it for the nations it is really targeting around the
globe with very real interference to expose, condemn, and
“activist” organizations inside targeted nations. This also
includes the creation and funding of media organizations – dismantle the networks the US uses to carry out this
not based in the US and commentating on foreign politics interference.
– but operating inside targeted nations, often concealing
their foreign funding from their audiences. Targeted nations can not only cite America’s own efforts
to uproot foreign influence it claims is targeting the US, it
NED also funds lawyers to defend its agents of influence can use the same sort of legal and public relations ploys
when exposed and targeted by the very sort of legal action the US is currently using to attack Russia with to do so.
the FBI claims its recent indictment represents.

Roger Stone Demands
Correction To House Intel Report
Saagar Enjeti - White House Correspondent
12:22 PM 05/01/2018

Stone’s tweet has long been cited as alleged evidence that

he not only had advance knowledge of Wikileaks’ decision
to release Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John
Podesta’s email, but also possible collusion with the
Russian government.

“By incorrectly quoting Mr. Stone’s Tweet,

the Committee’s Report ascribes a
meaning never intended by Mr. Stone, and
in fact imparts a meaning which is
specifically denied,” Smith said.

Republican political operator Roger Stone is demanding a Stone has maintained that his Podesta tweet is in reference
correction to the House Intelligence Committee’s report on to John and Tony Podesta’s lobbying operation.
Russian interference in the 2016 election, a letter from his
attorney provided to The Daily Caller reveals. “What Mr. Stone did know prior to his
Tweet, and what he testified to under oath
Stone’s attorney, Grant Smith, cited page 75 of the house in front of the Committee, was that the
intelligence committee report released Friday which Podesta brothers (John and Tony) had long
incorrectly cites a tweet from Stone during the 2016 term and extensive business interests in
presidential campaign. The report cited the tweet as “Trust Ukraine and with Russian banking and oil,”
me, it will soon Podesta’s time in the barrel. Smith continued. “This knowledge came to
#CrookedHillary.” be known by Mr. Stone through published
news reports and the publicly released
Panama Papers, all of which predated Mr.
Smith’s letter notes that the report omitted the word “the”
Stone’s Tweet.”
before “Podesta’s.”
Final House Report Stone Correction Letter 4.30.18 by
Christian Datoc on Scribd is on next page.

Bush Intel Officials Defend
Nomination Of Gina Haspel For CIA
Amber Athey - Media Reporter
12:14 PM 05/01/2018

Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice also went to

bat for Haspel during a Tuesday morning interview on
“Fox & Friends.”
Former Bush officials Condoleezza Rice and Michael
Hayden are defending Trump’s nomination of Gina Haspel WATCH:
for CIA director.

Haspel’s nomination raised controversy because of her

involvement in enhanced interrogation techniques after the
September 11 attacks, but former colleagues are stepping
up to support confirming her to the position.

Hayden, who served as the CIA director under George W.

Bush, said on Hugh Hewitt’s radio show Tuesday that
Haspel is the “absolute best choice” to lead the CIA.

“I know how…unfairly contentious this has

been for Gina,” Hayden said. “She is the “If you were not in a position of authority on
absolute best choice to be the director of September 11 you have no idea the
CIA and when people want to bring up the pressures we faced to try and make sure
past I’m happy to re-litigate that if they like, that this country was not attacked again,”
but I want to talk about the present and the Rice said of people questioning Haspel’s
future.” involvement in torture. “Walk a mile in our
Rice added that she is “offended” that people who were
not in leadership on 9/11 want to “second guess” the
actions of people who had to make “tough calls.”

Mueller Question To Trump On Ukraine Based On
Debunked Conspiracy Theory
By Joel B. Pollak
1 May 2018

platform to weaken its stance on Russia’s invasion of


The Times presents the question, followed by its own

explanation as to why it is relevant (original emphasis):

 What involvement did you have

concerning platform changes regarding
arming Ukraine?

A portion of the Republican platform was changed in a

way more favorable to Russia.

The Times‘s explanation is false, as is the assumption upon

which Mueller’s question appears to have been based.
The New York Times published a list of
questions Monday that, it said, were The conspiracy theory was debunked by Washington
prepared by Special Counsel Robert Examiner columnist Byron York in an extensive
Mueller to ask President Donald Trump. investigative article in March 2017 titled, “How pundits
One of them, oddly, referred to a long- got key part of Trump-Russia story all wrong.”
debunked conspiracy theory about the
2016 Republican Party platform. York explained that the Republican platform not only
retained its criticisms of Russian policy in the Ukraine, but
Most of the questions had nothing to do with allegations that these were made even stronger during the process of
that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia. Instead, drafting, including after instructions were allegedly
they focused on the possibility that President Trump received from “New York.”
obstructed justice when he fired former FBI director James
Comey last May. As it turns out, a look at the original draft of the platform
— which has never been released publicly — shows that it
In that regard, the questions seem to ignore arguments that always had tough language on Russian aggression in
the president cannot obstruct justice when he acts in Ukraine. And not only did that language stay in the final
furtherance of his constitutional duties, or indeed that there platform — nothing was taken out — it was actually
is no underlying crime to conceal. strengthened, not weakened, as a result of events at the
But there are some questions on Russia — and few of them
go beyond theories that have appeared in the mainstream …
Not long after the platform subcommittee meeting, the
If these are indeed the questions Mueller wishes Trump to [Washington] Post’s “Trump Campaign Guts GOP’s
answer, it would seem his inquiry has uncovered almost Anti-Russia Stance On Ukraine” story was published
nothing in a year of work that would suggest any [here, in the opinion section], and a new conventional
substantive connection to, let alone collusion with, Russia. wisdom began to form:

One of the question in particular seems based on a faulty The Trump team, doing the bidding of Vladimir Putin,
premise — a conspiracy theory that Trump intervened in gutted the GOP platform’s position on behalf of Russia.
the process of drafting the Republican Party’s 2016
That is precisely the opposite of what happened. In the some Republicans — from repeating the false charge that
end, the platform, already fairly strong on the Russia- he intervened to water down the position on Russia and
Ukraine issue, was strengthened, not weakened, as a result Ukraine.
of the subcommittee meeting. The Trump campaign agreed
to a platform condemning Kremlin belligerence, calling for It is odd that the Special Counsel, who presumably has
continued, and perhaps increased, sanctions against Russia, access to the Washington Examiner and the underlying
for the full restoration of Ukrainian territory, for refusing facts and witnesses, would taint his inquiry by including a
to accept debunked conspiracy theory among the questions to be put
to the president.
“any territorial change in Eastern Europe
imposed by force, in Ukraine or elsewhere,” The fact that Mueller did so — assuming the Times report
is accurate — lends weight to claim that the investigation
and pledging to aid Ukraine’s armed forces. has become so partisan as to call its credibility into
The fact that the conspiracy theory has been debunked has
not stopped Trump’s opponents — including

Manafort Lawyers Say Special Counsel
Unable To Produce Evidence Of Russia Contacts
Chuck Ross - Reporter
12:28 PM 05/01/2018

The court filing, submitted in the U.S. District Court for

the Eastern District of Virginia, lists seven news articles
about the Manafort investigation that rely on U.S.
government sources.

“The government-sourced leaks concerning

surveillance of Mr. Manafort with foreign
individuals is particularly troubling,” the
attorneys wrote.

Downing and Zehnle say that they have filed “multiple”

Paul Manafort, senior advisor to Republican U.S. presidential
candidate Donald Trump, exits following a meeting of Donald
requests for discovery with the special counsel’s office
Trump's national finance team at the Four Seasons Hotel in New for any evidence of Manafort’s contacts with Russian
York City, U.S., June 9, 2016. REUTERS/Brendan McDermid government or intelligence officials.

 The special counsel’s office has said it does not They wrote that the special counsel’s office, which is
have evidence of any contacts between Paul being led by Robert Mueller, “has not produced any
Manafort and Russian government and intelligence materials to the defense — no tapes, notes, transcripts or
officials other material evidencing surveillance or intercepts of
 Manafort is a longtime political consultant who has communications between Mr. Manafort and Russian
been indicted on money laundering and bank fraud intelligence officials, Russian government officials (or any
charges other foreign officials.)”
 The former Trump campaign chairman laundered
millions of dollars and failed to properly register as “The Office of Special Counsel has advised
a foreign agent, prosecutors say there are no materials responsive to Mr.
Manafort’s requests,” they add.
The special counsel’s office has told lawyers for Paul
Manafort that it does not have evidence of any contacts The lawyers assert that
between the former Trump campaign chairman and
Russian government and intelligence officials. “the natural implication of this is that these
government leaks were intentionally
That’s at least according to Manafort’s attorneys, who designed to create a false narrative in order
disclosed details of the interactions in court papers filed on to garner support for the appointment of a
Monday night. Special Counsel to investigate Mr.
Manafort for purportedly coordinating with
The lawyers say they want a hearing to look government Russian intelligence/government officials
officials’ leaks to the media regarding Manafort, a despite the lack of any such evidence.”
longtime political consultant who has been indicted on “If this proves to be true, then Mr. Manafort
money laundering and bank fraud charges. should not have been referred to the
Special Counsel for investigation of
“By their actions, it is self-evident that the coordination with the Russian government,
objective of these government sources was nor for any other matters,” they wrote.
to create unfair prejudice against Mr.
Manafort and thereby deprive him of his The special counsel’s office declined comment in response
Fifth and Sixth Amendment rights,” wrote to Manafort’s filing.
Manafort lawyers Kevin M. Downing and
Thomas E. Zehnle.

The indictments against Manafort center on work he did The question raises the possibility that Mueller’s team has
through 2014 for former Ukrainian President Viktor information about Manafort that has yet to be made public.
Yanukovych. Manafort laundered millions of dollars in
payments for the Ukraine work and failed to properly Manafort’s relationship with Russian oligarch Oleg
register as a foreign agent, prosecutors say. Deripaska could be one avenue for any campaign
collusion, if it occurred. Manafort sent emails to a
Manafort was investigated in 2014 for the Ukraine work, Ukrainian business associate during the campaign saying
but the Obama Justice Department declined to press that he would be willing to provide briefings on the
charges. campaign to Deripaska, an ally of Russian President
Vladimir Putin.
Mueller and his team of prosecutors have yet to make any
allegations against Manafort regarding his work on the Manafort’s camp says that the briefing never happened.
Trump campaign. There has been some speculation that Campaign emails also show that Manafort rejected offers
the investigation is moving in that direction. from Trump adviser George Papadopoulos to set up
meetings with Russian government officials.
Rick Gates, a former Manafort business partner and Trump
campaign aide, is cooperating with Mueller’s team as part Manafort’s team has strongly denied that he coordinated or
of a plea deal. Manafort is also mentioned in one of the 48 conspired with Russians to influence the election.
questions that Mueller wants to ask in a prospective
interview with President Donald Trump regarding possible “Paul Manafort did not collude with the
collusion with Russia. Russian government to undermine the
2016 election or to hack the DNC,” Jason
“What knowledge did you have of any Maloni, a spokesman for Manafort, told
outreach by your campaign, including by reporters in August 2017.
Paul Manafort, to Russia about potential
assistance to the campaign?” reads one of
the questions.

CNN Legal Analyst Calls
Stormy Daniels Defamation Lawsuit
A 'Publicity Stunt'
By P.J. Gladnick
May 1, 2018 1:55 PM EDT

Tension rose to the red hot level on the set of CNN's -- why filed this defamation suit and how you -- how the president
AC360 on Monday when CNN legal analyst Paul Callan defamed Stormy Daniels with that tweet.
condemned the defamation lawsuit of Stormy Daniels
against President Donald Trump as a "publicity stunt." MICHAEL AVENATTI: Well, Anderson, we made it known in the
Sitting right next to Callan was Daniels' lawyer, Michael day after the president sending this tweet that we were going to
Avenatti, who went absolutely ballistic over finally being bring this case. We were considering whether to bring it in Los
challenged in one of his countless interviews on CNN (or Angeles, in connection with the other lawsuit or a separate
MSNBC). lawsuit. We decided to file it here. You know, we believe
effectively that the president called my client a liar...
Although CNN has been spending quite a bit of time
hyping the Stormy Daniels banana, the occasional COOPER: By saying it's a con job?
contrarian Callan calmly obliterated their narrative on this
occasion with a hard legal apple. Another prominent AVENATTI: That by saying it's a con job, and effectively accused
example of Callan going against the CNN anti-Trump her of committing a crime, in that it's -- she maintains that she
grain was his December 30 column, Trump is right about was assaulted by the side of her car, difference between assault
the FBI. and battery, but she was assaulted at the side of her car, and she
identified this individual by way of this sketch, which took a
The video of the encounter between the lawyers at times considerable amount of time to prepare and publish. And we
looked more like Avenatti was about to pull a Zell Miller want to hold the president accountable for his statement.
and challenge Callan to a duel to a duel than a legal
discussion (click "expand" below the video to see more) COOPER: Paul, I mean, reading the case file, is this a provable
case of defamation? Because defamation against a public figure,
it's a higher bar than it is against somebody who's not, right?

Uh-oh! Stand by for the analysis that Michael Avenatti is

definitely not going to like in 3, 2, 1:

PAUL CALLAN: Yes, and you know, Anderson, defamation

cases -- even good defamation cases are hard to win in
court, and because they're of the discovery involved in
proving actual damages in the case. But this case I think is
going to be extraordinarily difficult. And the defense will be
that this is simply an expression of opinion by the president,
which he's allowed to express and that is considered non-
ANDERSON COOPER: Tonight, there's a new lawsuit against defamatory under defamation law.
the president over one of his tweets. The porn star Stormy
Daniels is suing the president for defamation. This is separate
from her lawsuit against the president's attorney Michael Cohen. And also because Stormy Daniels has really voluntarily
The new lawsuit is over the sketch of a man who Daniel says become a public figure herself, you now have the additional
threatened her years ago after talking about her alleged sexual burden that Michael will have to prove that the president
encounter with the President. The President tweeted, quote, a acted with actual malice in making the statements that he
sketch years later about a non- existent man, a total con job did. And I think there's a very, very strong likelihood that this
playing the fake news media for fools, but they know it. Joining case will get tossed by a judge in early stage.
me now is Stormy Daniels' attorney Michael Avenatti, and CNN
Legal Analyst Paul Callan, former professor of media law at COOPER: Do you find that malice would be something hard
Seton Hall University. So, Michael, explain to me how you -- how to prove that the person that has towards Stormy Daniels?

AVENATTI: I think it probably will be hard to prove, Anderson. CALLAN: Well, it's nice to be able to walk directly into the
But two points, I mean, first of all, I've been proven hard cases studio in New York.
my entire career and I'm confident in this one. And secondly, if
the president continues to do what he's done over the last seven Publicity hound venues should at least be conveniently
weeks, he's going to probably take a lot of steps to help us along accessed. And now the tension is about to boil over with Avenatti
the way. I mean, he's going to probably be the second best going apoplectic that someone would suggest that he was offline:
attorney for us on the case, and I'm confident that he's going to
help us.
AVENATTI: So, I'm confident that we're going to be able to put --

So Avenatti agreed that his defamation suit will be hard to prove

CALLAN: What would they be?
and then Anderson Cooper brought up an ulterior motive for filing
the lawsuit:
AVENATTI: You got to stop interrupting me.
COOPER: There are those -- you know, I've heard some legal
analysts say that because your actual lawsuit against Michael CALLAN: Well, I'm just curious. What would the special damages
Cohen has -- there's a 90-day stay, that this is some sort of be?
maneuver either to, you know, keep the case going in some way
in just a different avenue in the state of New York. AVENATTI: So, all I'm asking is that you stop interrupting
me. We're going to be able to prove special damages. We're
AVENATTI: Well, I mean, that's completely bogus. It's baseless, going to be able to prove per se defamation...
Anderson, because like I said, two weeks ago when the tweet
was made, I made it known publicly at that time that we were Callan then brough up why it would be hard to convince a jury
going to be bringing a lawsuit or a claim over this tweet. I that a porn star has been defamed which really means this
announced it publicly. It widely spread and we were either going lawsuit is just a publicity stunt:
to bring that claim in Los Angeles or bring it as a separate matter
in a separate venue. CALLAN: Anderson, I've tried a lot of cases through the years, all
right? And as a may a matter of principle, you're probably right,
So he basically admitted that he made it known publicly that he somebody who's made 500 pornographic films can be
(and Daniels) were going to be bringing a lawsuit that they know defamed in theory. But you put 12 ordinary people on a jury
will be ultimately going nowhere. and say to them, award her money because somebody
called her a liar, I think you'd have a hard time getting a
Callan then turns up the heat as to why Avenatti filed the substantial damage award. Now, maybe you'd get a symbolic
lawsuit in New York. award, sometimes jurors say will award a dollar in damages to
send a message that we won't tolerate this sort of thing, but
actual damages justifying all of the effort that's gone into
CALLAN: But the question is, but why here in New York? The
this lawsuit, I don't see it -- which means the lawsuit is a
tweet was sent from Washington, D.C. by the president. Your
publicity lawsuit and a publicity stunt.
client lives in California. It seems to me California would
have been the more appropriate venue or possibly even
Washington, D.C. What a snowflake Avenatti was there! The fact that
Avenatti couldn't stand even hearing legitimate criticism
being leveled against him showed what a tough time he
However, there are an awful lot of television stations here in could have in court because bravado alone usually doesn't
New York, which a lot of people say that's the reason that
win you a court case. Put simply, Callan didn't waste his
you've decided to come to New York with the litigation.
chance to take Avenatti on and it certainly left the porn
star's attorney more than a tad bit furious.
AVENATTI: Well, if you've been paying attention, I don't have
any problem getting on TV, number one. Number one, I could be
Well, it sure is getting a lot of publicity on the Stormy
on TV anywhere in the world at any given time at this point. So I
Daniels Network.
don't need to file in New York to be on TV.

President Trump Recognizes Army Lieutenant General —
Stops Speech To Thank Him
Justin Caruso - Media Reporter
2:08 PM 05/01/2018

“How do you like it Bob? Bob Caslen, you

know, you remember our meeting, right?
But I’m glad you did what you did, and you
have done a fantastic job. I made the right
choice with you,” he added.
“General, you’re a great leader at a
legendary institution that has been a
source of pride and strength for our country
for more than two centuries,” President
Trump added.
President Donald Trump was speaking at the United States
Military Academy at West Point Tuesday, when he read
part of his speech thanking the superintendent of the

When Trump turned around and saw him, he immediately

remembered meeting him and shook his hand.

“Special thanks to West

Point Superintendent, Lieutenant General
Bob Caslen. Where’s Bob? Where’s Bob?”
Trump said.

Trump then turned to West Point Superintendent and

Lieutenant general Robert L. Caslen, and shook his hand.

Obviously written by a brainwashed idiot!

The Attacks On James Comey

By Melvin Goodman
May 1, 2018

legally dubious to activities that were unlawful and even

unconstitutional. Two brilliant DoJ lawyers made this
determination, but it was James Comey who challenged
NSA director Michael Hayden and President Bush to
prevent reauthorization of the program without
congressional approval.

Photo By Thierry Ehrmann | CC BY 2.0

Now the liberals are attacking James Comey and his

important book, A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies and
Leadership. MSNBC’s Ari Melber and The New York
Times’ oped writers, Charles Blow and Frank Bruni, have
made outrageous attacks on Comey and his book in the
past several weeks. Blow argues that neither Donald
Trump nor James Comey should be held in high esteem
and that both men have “raging egos and questionable
motives.” Bruni states that watching Comey promote his
book is “to see him descend” and that Comey has “joined It was Comey who told the president that parts of the
Trump almost as much as he’s defying him.” Melber Stellar Wind program could not be supported and that the
dismisses Comey as someone who has “doubled-down on DoJ “just can’t certify to its legality.” And it was Comey
his own mistakes.” who threatened to resign, and who convinced the president
that he had “been badly misled by your staff.” Do
Journalists such as Melber, Bruni, and Blow are fortunate Comey’s liberal critics have evidence of similar examples
in never having faced the kind of challenges and threats to of courage?
U.S. governance that James Comey faced over a fifteen-
year period as an official at the Department of Justice and Comey told Vice President Dick Cheney that the
the Federal Bureau of Investigation. In each one of these surveillance memorandum was “so bad as to be ‘facially
cases, Comey carefully explains the challenges to law and invalid’” and that “no lawyer could rely upon it.” Cheney’s
to governance that had to be addressed. In doing so, villainous lawyer, David Addington interjected, “I’m a
Comey became an “inside” whistleblower willing to take lawyer,” and I relied upon it. Again, it was Comey who
on the establishment. In my 42 years of federal service, added “No good lawyer.” Comey doesn’t say so, but It
I’ve never encountered anyone more willing to challenge was Addington’s safe that held the secret presidential order
both presidents and cabinet officers. that put into place the massive surveillance of American
citizens. Do Comey’s liberal critics understand any of
In the wake of 9/11, President George W. Bush signed a this?
secret presidential finding that allowed the National
Security Agency to create a highly classified program, A year or so later, Comey formally withdrew the DoJ legal
code-named “Stellar Wind,” that violated the constitutional opinions from 2002 and 2003 that permitted the CIA to
rights of American citizens. NSA actually went beyond conduct its unconscionable and sadistic program of torture
what was authorized by the White House, moving from the
and abuse. Comey knew that the DoJ had made serious both cases, a CIA director and a Secretary of State got
legal mistakes in advising the president and his away with behavior that would have sent me to jail.
administration about these surveillance and interrogation
practices. In fact, all of the legal opinions involved the In the case of Comey v. Trump, we have Frank Bruni
sanctioning of unconstitutional behavior. And just as the arguing that “Comey is playing Trump’s game, on
NSA exceeded what the DoJ had sanctioned, the CIA Trump’s terms. And in that sense, he has let the president
exceeded DoJ authorities in its conduct of sadistic torture get the better of him.” No, Mr. Bruni, in this case we have
and abuse. Again, it was Comey who forced the DoJ to fix a president of the United States who is unfit to serve, who
its errors. has surrounded himself with a cabinet of “grifters and
miscreants,” in the words of Paul Krugman, and who lacks
The matter of Hillary Clinton’s emails is far more a moral compass. As for James Comey, he has been a
complicated from a legal point of view, and Comey did public servant in the best sense of that term, challenging
break with tradition in his handling of the matter. But if the unconscionable decision making of Presidents Bush
Hillary Clinton had not been so arrogant and deceitful in and Trump and filling the void created by two inept
her efforts to skirt rules for the handling of sensitive attorneys general, Alberto Gonzalez and Loretta Lynch.
classified information as well as the rules for safekeeping
government records, there would have been no case. And There are few examples of genuine ethical leadership in
if General David Petraeus had not benefitted from a double my experience, but James Comey would be at the top of a
standard in not getting charged with a felony for lying to very short list of those who qualify. Liberal critics would
the FBI, then perhaps Hillary Clinton would not have been do well to read Comey’s book more carefully and
handled so delicately by the Department of Justice. In reconsider their simplistic assertions.

Reporter Asks If It’s ‘Insensitive’ For Trump To Speak At
The NRA — Sarah Sanders Responds
Justin Caruso - Media Reporter
3:33 PM 05/01/2018

A reporter asked White House press secretary Sarah “There are a lot of Americans who say this
Sanders on Tuesday if it’s “insensitive” for President is an insensitive time to be speaking to the
Trump and Vice President Mike Pence to speak at the NRA given the epidemic of gun violence
National Rifle Association (NRA) meeting. which the president himself has talked
about,” he said.
Sanders didn’t even bat an eye when she answered this “What’s the administration’s response to
silly question. that? Why make the decision to speak at
the NRA now, as the president said before
WATCH: a lot of presidents have not spoken before
the NRA at the convention?”
“Certainly as we’ve indicated on many
occasions, safety is a big priority. Security
is a big priority for the administration,”
Sanders said.
“But we also support the Second
Amendment, and strongly support it,
and don’t see there to be a problem with
speaking at the National Rifle
Association’s meeting,” she added.

Sarah Sanders Shoots
Down Question About Adam Schiff
Christian Datoc - Breaking News And Engagement Editor
3:36 PM 05/01/2018

Chambers had originally pressed the White House on

whether or not there were fears that the 48 questions
special counsel Robert Mueller has submitted to President
Donald Trump’s legal team point to POTUS being under
investigation for obstruction of justice.

Sanders pushed and suggested reporters ask the question to

Trump’s personal lawyers.
White House press secretary Sarah Sanders shot down a
question about House Intelligence Committee ranking “A question about the White House
member Adam Schiff at Tuesday’s briefing. specifically, then,” Chambers continued. “Is
the White House concerned as
Congressman Adam Schiff has said, that
The putdown occurred during an exchange between
so many of the questions point to
Sanders and Daily Mail White House correspondent
obstruction of justice?”
Francesca Chambers.
“We here at the White House try never to
be concerned with anything dealing with
Adam Schiff,” Sanders flatly responded.


WASHINGTON, DC – APRIL 28: Sarah Huckabee Sanders attends

the 2018 White House Correspondents’ Dinner at Washington Hilton
on April 28, 2018 in Washington, DC. (Photo by Tasos
Katopodis/Getty Images)

CNN Analyst Asks Sarah Sanders
What’s Potentially The Dumbest Question In WH History
Benny Johnson - Reporter At Large
3:57 PM 05/01/2018

said, lacking any semblance of basic

sentence structure. “Do these issues give
support to those who offer questions about
the president’s legitimacy?”

The White House press secretary looked confused and


“I’m not sure I follow the question.”

April Ryan might have asked the worst question in the
history of the White House press briefing on Tuesday. Sanders then added

Ryan, the White House correspondent for American Urban “millions of Americans came out and voted
Radio Networks and a CNN political analyst, first asked a for and continue to support this presidency
perfectly legitimate question about the recent Waffle makes him pretty legitimate.”
House shooting, namely if the administration had reached
out to hero James Shaw Jr. about visiting the White House
and so that his selfless action could be honored by
President Trump. Sanders responded that they had reached
out to Shaw.

Ryan then launched into a nonsensical follow-up.

“Chaos, hush money, Russia trolls,

Facebook, Wikileaks, D.N.C. Hacks,
Comey email investigation on the eve of
the election, allegations of collusion,” she

GOP Lawmakers Draft Articles Of Impeachment
Against Rod Rosenstein As “Last Resort”
By Cristina Laila
May 1, 2018, 4:43 Pm

Freedom Caucus members drafted “My frustrations about their inability to

“articles of impeachment” against respond to simple requests could warrant
Deputy Attorney General Rod further action,” Meadows said, adding that
Rosenstein as a “last resort” this week. many of his colleagues are nearing a
breaking point with Rosenstein.

The articles of impeachment would then be referred to the

House Judiciary Committee where lawmakers clash over
the idea of impeaching Rosenstein.

Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle argue the removal of

Rosenstein is a direct attack on Mueller’s probe being that
Rosenstein drafted the special counsel’s jurisdiction.

Democrats fear Trump could carry out his own ‘Saturday

Night Massacre’ by removing Rosenstein, Sessions and
ultimately Mueller.

Congress has been at odds with the Justice Department

The document, which was first obtained by the because Rosenstein is stonewalling investigations by
Washington Post reveals, Freedom Caucus Chairman refusing to hand over documents under subpoena in a
Mark Meadows (R-NC) finalized the draft this week. timely manner.

Conservative House allies of President Trump have drafted Chairman Nunes previously threatened
articles of impeachment against Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein with contempt charges in order
Rod J. Rosenstein, who oversees the ongoing special to receive the 2-page “Electronic
counsel probe, setting up a possible GOP showdown over Communication” document.
the federal investigation into Russian interference in the Legal analyst for Fox News, Gregg
2016 election. Jarrett recently unleashed on Mueller
and Rosenstein, calling for both to
Meadows acknowledged the draft in an interview Monday, resign after they ‘colluded to break the
calling the one-page document “a last resort option, if the law.’
Department of Justice fails to respond” to his requests for
more information.

Rod Rosenstein Hits Back At
Impeachment Threats [VIDEO]
Chuck Ross - Reporter
3:46 PM 05/01/2018

Rosenstein was asked about reports that the House

Freedom Caucus has drafted articles of impeachment
against him over his alleged failure to produce documents
related to the Hillary Clinton email and Trump-Russia

Several congressional committees have battled with

Rosenstein over the documents, going as far as issuing
subpoenas for them.

North Carolina Rep. Mark Meadows, the chairman of the

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein speaks at Freedom Forum
Institute, May 1, 2018. (YouTube screen capture/Freedom Forum
House Freedom Caucus, told The Washington Post that
Institute) impeachment is a “last resort option” that will be filed if
the Justice Department fails to respond to pending
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein hit back hard document requests.
Tuesday at House Republicans who have threatened to file
articles of impeachment against the Trump appointee over “My frustrations about their inability to
his handling of requests for documents related to various respond to simple requests could warrant
Department of Justice investigations. further action,” said Meadows, a confidant
of President Donald Trump.
“The Department of Justice is not going to
be extorted,” Rosenstein said during an Trump has reportedly considered firing Rosenstein over
event hosted by the Freedom Forum his decision last May to appoint a special counsel to lead
Institute in Washington, D.C. the Russia investigation.

WATCH: Rod Rosenstein responds to impeachment “I just don’t have anything to say about
threats documents like that that nobody has the
courage to put their name on and that they
leak in that way,” Rosenstein said Tuesday
of the House Freedom Caucus.
“There have been people that have been
making threats privately and publicly
against me for quite some time, and I think
they should understand by now the
Department of Justice is not going to be
extorted,” he said.
“Any kind of threats that anybody makes
are not going to affect the way we do our
job,” added Rosenstein.

Dirty Cop Mueller Requests Michael Flynn
Sentencing Be Delayed Two Months
By Jim Hoft
May 1, 2018, 4:56 Pm

General Michael Flynn was later charged with lying by the

Mueller team.

Now GOP lawmakers say Deep State

operatives redacted this information in
their Final Report on the Trump-Russia
witch hunt.

The Deep State is still protecting leaker

James Comey and liar Andrew McCabe.

On Tuesday Dirty Cop Robert Mueller

In February 2018 Republican lawmakers told reporter requested that sentencing of Michael
Byron York that James Comey told lawmakers General Flynn be delayed.
Michael Flynn did not lie under oath when he was
interviewed by the FBI in January 2017.
The Hill reported:
Deep state operatives Andrew McCabe
and Peter Strzok blindsided Flynn on Special Counsel Robert Mueller on
January 24, 2017, with an unannounced Tuesday requested that sentencing for
questioning of Trump official. Typically, former Trump national security adviser
a lawyer for the National Security Michael Flynn be delayed by at least two
Council would be informed of such a months.
meeting and be present for it. The Mueller’s team and attorneys for Flynn
unannounced meeting took General submitted that Flynn is not ready for
Flynn by surprise. sentencing “due to the status of the special
counsel’s investigation,” according to a
court filing in U.S. District Court in
Washington, D.C.
Flynn pleaded guilty in December to lying
to the FBI as part of Mueller’s probe into
Russian meddling in the 2016 election.

Congress Wants Details Of
Comey Friend’s Handling Of Trump Memos
Chuck Ross - Reporter
5:14 PM 05/01/2018

The Justice Department’s Office of the Inspector General

is investigating Comey’s handling of the documents.

After Comey was fired by Trump on May 9, 2017, he

instructed Richman to share details of one of the memos
with The New York Times. Comey has said that his goal
was to force the appointment of a special counsel to
continue the Russia investigation.

FILE PHOTO: Then-FBI Director James Comey testifies before the The leaked memo was from Comey’s Feb. 14, 2017 White
House Intelligence Committee hearing into alleged Russian meddling
in the 2016 U.S. election, on Capitol Hill in Washington, U.S., March
House conversation with Trump regarding former national
20, 2017. REUTERS/Joshua Roberts/File Photo security adviser Michael Flynn. Comey claimed that
Trump asked him to back off of an investigation of Flynn.
The chairmen of two House committees are asking the
Justice Department for records related to Daniel Richman, Details of Comey’s memo have trickled out slowly over
the FBI “special government employee” who handled the past year despite heavy pressure from Congress to
former FBI Director James Comey’s memos of make them public. The Justice Department released the
conversations he had with President Donald Trump. documents on April 20, following subpoenas issued by
Goodlatte, Gowdy and California Rep. Devin Nunes, a
Virginia Rep. Bob Goodlatte and South Carolina Rep. Republican who chairs the House Intelligence Committee.
Trey Gowdy, the GOP chairmen of the House Judiciary
and House Oversight and Government Reform In their new letter, Goodlatte and Gowdy are asking for
Committees, are asking Attorney General Jeff Sessions details about who all received Comey’s memos.
and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein for
Richman’s work records as well as information regarding They want to know the timeline of Richman’s work as a
his security clearance. contractor, consultant or employee of the FBI as well as
any of his job titles. Congressional sources have told The
Comey gave Richman four memos that he wrote after his Daily Caller News Foundation that Richman enjoyed open
meetings and conversations with Trump. Two of the access to the FBI’s offices during Comey’s tenure.
documents contain classified information. Comey redacted
classified portions of one of the memos before giving it to Comey told Fox News’ Bret Baier in an interview on April
Richman. The Justice Department recently determined that 26 that Richman began serving as his attorney after he was
another one of the memos contained classified information fired from the FBI.
that Comey did not redact.

AP Fact Check Hits Trump,
Not Tester On False Ronny Jackson Charges
By Tim Graham
May 1, 2018 5:34 PM EDT

Our News Analysis Division has given this fact checker a

rating of: TRUMP:

“What Jon Tester did to this man is a

Kind of True disgrace. ... He’s a great, great guy... and
he started studying and then he started
getting hit with vicious rumors — vicious.
And the Secret Service told me just coming
in, ‘Sir, we checked out all of those things.
Sir, they’re not true.’” — rally Saturday
night in Washington Township, Michigan.


It’s inaccurate for Trump to characterize

the allegations against Jackson as
“Democrat” or to suggest that
Jackson’s nomination failed entirely
because of them.
The determination of AP’s Fact Check cops to pull over The allegations, which centered on a
Donald Trump and not his enemies came through in an “pattern” of loosely prescribing drugs,
article on the withdrawn nomination of Adm. Ronny drunken behavior on the job and a “toxic”
Jackson to run the Department of Veterans Affairs. work environment, were based on
Jackson withdrew even though his critics lacked any interviews with more than 20 military
evidence to match allegations of drunk driving. personnel, according to Tester. The time
period covered Jackson’s tenure as a
The Fact Check headline wasn’t centered on the White House physician dating to 2006 and
unsubstantiated allegations against Jackson. It asserted involved colleagues who served in both
“Trump’s rhetoric misleading on VA issues.” Trump Republican and Democratic
needed to be corrected when he claimed the Democrats administrations....
smeared Jackson.
Tester’s staff compiled a summary of the allegations and
If facts were paramount the headline should have been released it last Wednesday with the support of [GOP Sen.
something like "Tester's fact-challenged personnel file on Johnny] Isakson, the chairman of the Senate Veterans
Jackson." AP’s Hope Yen came to Sen. Jon Tester's Affairs Committee. Isakson earlier had called the
defense and insisted the rumors were bipartisan: allegations “serious” in his decision to postpone Jackson’s
Wednesday hearing.
Yen's fact check included the obvious point that
“Allegations made by Senator Jon Tester
against Admiral/Doctor Ron Jackson are "On Friday, The Associated Press reviewed
proving false. The Secret Service is unable internal records from the White House,
to confirm (in fact they deny) any of the including police reports, that show Jackson
phony Democrat charges which have had three minor incidents in government
absolutely devastated the wonderful vehicles during the past five years, but
Jackson family.” — tweet Saturday none involved the use of alcohol, and he
afternoon. was not found to be at fault."

But Trump remained the fact-check target: Likewise, PolitiFact has zero fact checks on Sen. Tester,
who was elected in 2006.
"As to Trump’s claim that the Secret
Service 'checked out all of those things' We have rated this "fact-check" by AP Fact Check as Kind
and said they were untrue, it’s not clear if of True. The facts aren't incorrect, but they are stacked to
he was referring to the full allegations or defend Adm. Jackson's detractors. For similar analyses,
just the purported car crash." please visit our Fact-Checking the Fact-Checkers site.

Fact-checkers bring out those "not clear" lines when they

want to cast doubt on Trump and defend his critics. Tester
is defended, not reprimanded.

WATCH: Trump Responds To Suggestion
That He Should Get The Nobel Peace Prize
Justin Caruso - Media Reporter
5:36 PM 05/01/2018

“Well I just think that President Moon was

very nice when he suggested it,” Trump
said in response to a reporter asking about
the president possibly receiving the Nobel
Peace Prize.
“I want to get peace. The main thing, we
want to get peace. It was a big problem
and I think it’s going to work out well. We’ll
“We’re setting up meetings right now, and I
think it is probably going to be announced
over the next couple of days, location and
President Trump responded to the suggestion that he date. But I thought it was very generous of
should receive the Nobel Peace Prize at the White House President Moon of South Korea to make
Tuesday. that statement, and I appreciate it. But the
main thing is to get it done. I want to get it
“The main thing is to get it done. I want to done. Thank you, all.”
get it done.”

BREAKING: Mueller Warns
He May Subpoena President Trump
By Cristina Laila
May 1, 2018, 7:22 Pm

subpoena for the president to appear before a grand jury,

according to four people familiar with the encounter.

Mueller’s warning — the first time he is known to have

mentioned a possible subpoena to Trump’s legal team —
spurred a sharp retort from John Dowd, then the
president’s lead lawyer.

“This isn’t some game,” Dowd said,

according to two people with knowledge of
his comments. “You are screwing with the
work of the president of the United States.”

The flare-up set in motion weeks of turmoil among

Trump’s attorneys as they debated how to deal with the
special counsel’s request for an interview, a dispute that
ultimately led to Dowd’s resignation.

A list of questions Mueller sent Trump’s legal team leaked

earlier to The New York Times.
Mueller has over 40 questions for Trump that have nothing
Mueller warns he may subpoena President Trump. to do with Russia collusion.

The Washington Post is reporting Mueller raised the And the questions go on and on about Trump’s transition
prospect of presidential subpoena in a recent meeting with and early months of his presidency.
Trump’s legal team.
This is a total witch hunt. There is no underlying crime to
In a tense meeting in early March with the special counsel, even justify a special counsel investigation.
President Trump’s lawyers insisted he had no obligation to
talk with federal investigators probing Russia’s Where the hell is AG Sessions??
interference in the 2016 presidential campaign.
Where are the Republicans??
But special counsel Robert S. Mueller III responded that
he had another option if Trump declined: He could issue a

Sure, Trump SHOULD Sit Down With Special Counsel
Mueller, But Only Under THESE Conditions
Posted On May 1, 2018

by Mr. Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner,

to set up a back channel to Russia during
the transition; any contacts he had with
Roger J. Stone Jr., a longtime adviser who
claimed to have inside information about
Democratic email hackings; and what
happened during Mr. Trump’s 2013 trip to
Moscow for the Miss Universe pageant.

Based on a reading of the questions a couple of things have

become apparent:

1) Mueller hasn’t found anything on “Trump-Russia

collusion;” and
2) He seeks to entrap the president into making a false or
(National Sentinel) Legal Trap: On Tuesday The New conflicting statement he can later use as “evidence” or
York Times published a story regarding — allegedly — a “proof” that Trump is unfit, guilty of something, and thus
set of questions special counsel Robert Mueller wants to impeachable.
ask President Donald J. Trump if he can ever get the
president to sit down for an interview. But should the president actually sit down to be deposed
by Mueller? Sure, but only under the following
As Fox News reports, the leak was the “latest” in a “string” conditions,
of purposeful disclosures regarding the ongoing ‘witch
hunt’ investigation in which there appears to be no end, no each of which were afforded to Hillary
limits, and no evidence or reason to continue. Yet it does. Clinton when she was under ‘investigation’
for criminal mishandling of classified
In describing the questions (which you can read here), the emails:
Times notes:
 Trump should demand that an exoneration letter is
The open-ended queries appear to be an written for him prior to sitting down with Mueller.
attempt to penetrate the president’s  He should demand that several of his closest aides be
thinking, to get at the motivation behind granted immunity before speaking.
some of his most combative Twitter posts  Those aides should also be considered “lawyers” so
and to examine his relationships with his that anything they say during the sit-down is protected
family and his closest advisers. They deal by attorney-client privilege.
chiefly with the president’s high-profile  If there is any evidence of criminal wrongdoing, he
firings of the F.B.I. director and his first should be permitted to destroy it.
national security adviser, his treatment of  Trump alone should decide what emails and other
Attorney General Jeff Sessions and a 2016 documents and communications to turn over to
Trump Tower meeting between campaign Mueller, not the special prosecutor.
officials and Russians offering dirt on  Another exoneration statement should be prepared for
Hillary Clinton. release within three days of questioning.
 Mueller should be required to produce the evidence
But they also touch on the president’s
he’s found thus far proving the allegations for his
businesses; any discussions with his
appointment in the first place (Trump-Russia collusion).
longtime personal lawyer, Michael D.
 Mueller should also be required to cite which law
Cohen, about a Moscow real estate deal;
Trump was alleged to have broken justifying his
whether the president knew of any attempt
appointment, as per the special counsel statutes.
 The special counsel should have a pre-determined Mueller doesn’t want to talk the president to get his side of
judgment that Trump is innocent before being the story, to hear his version of events, and then balance
questioned or, barring that, that even if Trump did them with what other evidence and statements he’s found
commit a crime, Mueller should be prepared to state and received.
that Trump never intended to do so.
He has one job:
Otherwise, the president should pass on this obvious legal
trap designed to get Trump on a “process” crime — like To help get rid of a president the Deep
“lying to a federal investigator,” which is a charge Mueller State doesn’t believe has the ‘right’ to be in
could bring simply by choosing to believe someone else the Oval Office.
instead of the president.
Trump should not help Mueller get rid of him.

‘Extortion’ Rosenstein Freaks After GOP Lawmakers
Draft Articles Of Impeachment – Rep. Mark
Meadows Hits Back Harder
By Cristina Laila
May 1, 2018, 8:09 Pm

As previously reported, Freedom makes are not going to affect the way we
Caucus Chairman, Mark Meadows do our job.”
drafted “articles of impeachment”
against Deputy Attorney General Rod Rep. Mark Meadows wasted no time and hit back harder
Rosenstein as a “last resort” this week. with a statement on Tuesday.

On Tuesday, Rosenstein freaked and referred to the Meadows called Rosenstein’s response to the draft articles
impeachment threat as “extortion.” of impeachment

Rep. Meadows was not fazed by Rosenstein and hit back “a lot of rhetoric with little facts.”
Rep Meadows then blasted Rosenstein for not producing
any of the FISA abuse documents requested in a timely
manner, embarrassing the Justice Department.

“If he believes being asked to do his job is

‘extortion,’ then Rod Rosenstein should
step aside and allow us to find a new
Deputy Attorney General—preferably one
who is interested in transparency,” Mark
Meadows concluded.

Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC), Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein

The document, which was first obtained by

the Washington Post reveals, Freedom Caucus Chairman
Mark Meadows (R-NC) finalized the draft this week.

Rosenstein called the draft articles of impeachment The articles of impeachment would be referred to the
“extortion” while speaking at the Newseum’s Law Day House Judiciary Committee where lawmakers clash over
event: the idea of impeaching Rosenstein.

“There have been people who have been Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle argue the removal of
making threats privately and publicly Rosenstein is a direct attack on Mueller’s probe being that
against me for quite sometime and I think Rosenstein drafted the special counsel’s jurisdiction.
they should understand the Justice
Department is not going to be extorted. We Rosenstein is blatantly ignoring the various Congressional
are going to do what is required by the rule committees that have oversight over the DOJ. He should
of law and any kind of threats anybody be thrown out and investigated along with Mueller.

The only person who is threatening and intimidating Gregg Jarrett: I can tell you a congressional source tells
people is Rosenstein. me that Rod Rosenstein in a meeting three weeks ago
threatened Chairman Nunes and members of Congress he
According to attorney Gregg Jarrett, Rosenstein threatened was going to subpoena their texts and messages because he
Chairman Nunes and members of Congress in January: was tired of dealing with the intel committee. That’s
threats and intimidation.

Screenshot of Meadows’ statement provided by Sara Carter.

Kathy Griffin Goes On PROFANE
Anti-Trump Rant: ‘F— Him! I’m Not Holding Back!’
Mac Slavo
May 1st, 2018

claiming her apology was only because of

those who had experienced decapitation by
terrorists directly.

Comedienne Kathy Griffin went on a profanity-laced anti-

Trump tirade on the left-leaning TV show The View. She
said, among other things, that she was taking back her
apology for holding up a bloody mask in the likeness of
President Donald Trump. “And then when I found out that I was really
just kind of part of the Trump wood chipper
which [comedienne] Michelle Wolf is in
Griffin had to have her mic cut several times for using now and, you know, I didn’t know they had
such profane language. The 57-year-old once again took this apparatus already set up before my
back her apology after she nearly lost her career for posing silly picture of a $5 Halloween mask and
with a bloodied Trump mask in 2017. The imagery from ketchup and wanted to make a statement
her photoshoot with the mask was incredibly graphic. about what a misogynist he is.”

“Yeah, I take the apology back,” she told Griffin added that while she doesn’t mean to disrespect the
the hosts of The View. “F— him. And Don presidency, she believes Trump is different from previous
Jr. and Eric, or as I call them Eddie presidents in office. She also added that it was “OK” for
Munster and Date Rape. I’m not holding some to portray Barack Obama lynched and post it all over
back on this family. This president is Facebook. She must be delusional because it’s difficult to
different and I have been through the mill find anyone who thought that was “OK” and acceptable
and so now I’m back on the road. I sold out imagery.
Carnegie Hall in less than 24 hours.”
* Please be aware that although the “You know, I was doing stand-up for so
profane language is censored in the video long, there was a time in the Bill Clinton
below, it may not be suitable for those at days you could make fun of that Monica
work. However, the video is entertaining if [Lewinsky] dress all day long and nobody
you’d like to see Griffin act like a grotesque thought you were a terrorist,” she said. “But
lunatic for almost eight minutes straight. now, like, you said things have gotten not
“I’ve performed in Iraq and Afghanistan,” only politically incorrect but this
she explained. “Two places Trump has administration and learned it firsthand
never been and can’t find on a map. Of because I got a call the next day from the
course with my connection with the military Department of Justice and I was under a
I thought of literally Daniel Pearl’s mother two-month federal investigation for
and so I thought, OK, obviously not very conspiracy to assassinate the president
many people literally witnessed that of the United States. F– him!”
horrendous event, but when I thought of
her I thought, OK, apologize,” she said,
“I don’t blame the theater owners,” she said When asked if she went too far, Griffin said she didn’t.
about her canceled events due to bomb
threats. “Because they’re used to doing “I didn’t commit a crime,” Griffin said at the
‘Mamma Mia’ or ‘Stomp’ and all of a time. “I didn’t rape anybody. I didn’t assault
sudden it’s ‘I’m going to bomb Kathy Griffin anybody. I didn’t get a DUI. I mean, my
in her va—-.'” Griffin’s mic was then cut off God, there are celebrities that f—ing kill
as she pointed down. “They were very people.”
specific,” she said, smiling.

Clinton Fixer’s ‘Second Dossier’
Was Met With Skepticism
Chuck Ross - Reporter
9:32 PM 05/01/2018

prostitutes. The Russian government was blackmailing

Trump with the footage, Steele alleged.

Cody Shearer, a longtime Clinton insider, was peddling dirt on

President Donald Trump as early as Aug. 2016,
Sidney Blumenthal arrives to be deposed by House Select Committee (Screenshot/YouTube/merrywriter B)
on Benghazi, June 16, 2015. (Jonathan Ernst/REUTERS)

Shearer said he did not have the supposed tapes,

Clinton operatives pushed a dossier during the 2016 TheDCNF’s source said, adding that Shearer’s situation
presidential campaign that appeared to be a classic “rope- sounded like a “rope-a-dope story where the FSB throws
a-dope” scheme being peddled by purported Russian this stuff out there, sucks people in, tries to get money.”
spies, according to a person who was briefed on the
documents by one of the Clinton insiders during the 2016
A U.S. government official who was briefed on the
presidential campaign.
Shearer memos in Aug. 2016 — though not by Shearer —
told TheDCNF that the allegations were not taken
The dossier in question was written by Cody Shearer, a seriously because Shearer was “not a guy with a whole lot
notorious Clinton fixer. It was passed to the Department of of credibility.”
State by Sidney Blumenthal, a friend of Shearer’s and
another Clinton operative.
“The whole thing stinks,” recalled the
official, who spoke on the condition of
The eight-page document eventually made its way to the anonymity because of the sensitivity of the
FBI through Christopher Steele, the former British spy Russia investigation.
who wrote a dossier of his own.
The official said that Shearer’s effort showed that Clinton
While the FBI is reportedly investigating the claims made loyalists were
in the Shearer memos, one person who discussed the
document with Shearer during the campaign says it
“doing their best to get this stuff out into the
appeared at the time to be a ruse.
mainstream media before the election.”
According to the source, who spoke to The Daily Caller
Shearer’s memos have received little media attention since
News Foundation on condition of anonymity, Shearer
their existence was revealed in January. The Guardian
claimed that members of Russia’s spy service, the FSB,
broke the story that the documents had been passed to the
had video tape of Trump engaged in sexually
FBI through Steele and that the bureau was attempting to
compromising acts.
ascertain their accuracy. Steele reportedly told the FBI that
the information came ultimately from Shearer.
That allegation was similar to the one contained in Steele’s
dossier, which was funded by the Clinton campaign and
Shearer first gained notoriety in 1991 when he was
Democratic National Committee. Steele, a former MI6
involved in spreading the false claim that Dan Quayle, the
officer, cited a source who said that the Kremlin has video
vice president, purchased drugs from Brett Kimberlin, a
of Trump in a Moscow hotel room in 2013 with
drug dealer who was the culprit behind the Speedway
bombings. It turned out that Kimberlin made up the story Steele provided information from his own dossier to
about Quayle. He is now a left-wing political activist. Winer. Winer wrote a two-page memo summarizing
Steele’s allegations and passed them up the chain of
Shearer, whose brother-in-law is Brookings Institutions command at the State Department. Sec. of State John
President Strobe Talbott, was also reportedly investigated Kerry ultimately decided that the dossier information
by the State Department’s inspector general in the late should be shared with the FBI.
1990s for allegedly misrepresenting himself as State
Department official during negotiations with associates of According to Lee Smith, the Real Clear Investigations
a Bosnian warlord. Shearer was reportedly paid at least reporter, Shearer’s memos also detail conversations he had
$25,000 in exchange for helping the warlord. with two journalists who heard rumors about Trump’s
activities in Moscow. Both of the journalists, ABC News’
New details of Shearer’s memos emerged on Thursday Brian Ross and The Wall Street Journal’s Alan Cullison,
with a report from Real Clear Investigations. had been in contact with Fusion GPS, the opposition
research firm that hired Steele.
Journalist Lee Smith reported that Shearer created two
four-page reports entitled “Donald Trump —
Background Notes — The Compromised Candidate”
and “FSB Interview,” a reference to the Russian spy

Shearer wrote that he relied on information from an

unnamed Turkish businessman who claimed to have
“excellent contacts within the FSB.” The businessman said
the FSB source knew of a “cut out” between the Trump
campaign and Russian President Vladimir Putin. The
Trump campaign was “also involved hacking his
opponents and trying to alter votes on election day,”
Shearer’s source claimed.

Shearer wrote that his FSB source said that the spy agency
knew of Trump’s predilection for women and used it
against him.
Jonathan Winer/YouTube
“From observing Trump for years in previous visits to
Moscow, the FSB knew he had a weakness for women,”
reads the Shearer memo, according to Real Clear According to Shearer, Ross said that he would report on
Investigations. the story if he would “fly to Moscow to tape and air for
broadcast,” which he would do if he could find a “talking
head source” to back up Shearer’s claims. While Ross did
Trump was also aware that the Kremlin had compromising
not secure the explosive interview he sought, he
material on him.
did interview Sergei Millian, a Belarus-born businessman
who is alleged to be “Source D,” the dossier’s main source
Copies of the video were in Bulgaria, Israel and in vaults for the Moscow hotel room allegation.
in Moscow, Shearer’s source said.
The recent book “Russian Roulette” suggests that Ross
Shearer’s memos wove a twisted path to the FBI, with learned about Millian from Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn
Blumenthal being the initial conduit. Simpson. Simpson hired Steele in June 2016 to investigate
Trump’s activities in Russia.
In Summer 2016, Blumenthal shared Shearer’s documents
with a friend, a State Department official named Jonathan “For Simpson, Millian was now an
Winer. At the time, he was serving as special envoy to investigative target. He tipped off ABC
Libya, provided the Shearer reports to Steele, who he had News, which conducted an on-air interview
known since 2009. with Millian, in which he said Trump ‘likes
Russia, because he likes beautiful ladies —
Steele gave the Shearer reports to the FBI. The London- talking to them, of course,'” write Michael
based Steele first contacted the bureau in July 2016 to Isikoff and David Corn, the authors of
share his information on Trump. He continued meeting “Russian Roulette.” Corn is the Washington
with investigators through that October.

bureau chief of the left-wing Mother Jones Shearer claimed in his memo that Cullison told him that
magazine. the DNC was paying Fusion GPS to corroborate the story
about Trump’s Moscow visit.
Millian’s alleged involvement as a source for the dossier
has raised questions about the veracity of the document. The Journal has denied that Cullison knew who hired
Former business associates of Millian have claimed that he Fusion GPS. But as Lee Smith notes in his report at Real
has embellished his business achievements and Clear Investigations, even if Cullison did not know that the
connections. According to “Russian Roulette,” Fusion DNC had hired Fusion GPS, Shearer clearly had that
GPS’s Simpson was concerned that Millian was a source information.
for Steele.
It remains unclear how Shearer knew that the DNC was
“Simpson had his doubts. He considered involved with Fusion GPS and how he happened to speak
Millian a big talker,” the book reads. with two reporters who were in contact with the opposition
research firm.

Shearer’s memos show he also spoke to Robert Baer, a

former CIA operative who currently works for CNN.
Shearer said that Baer claimed that “the Russians had
established an encrypted communication system” between
the Trump campaign and Russian president Vladimir

Baer told Real Clear Investigations that he picked up that

story “from acquaintances at The New York Times who
were trying to run the story down.” He recalled speaking
Sergei Millian, chairman of the Russian-American Chamber of with Shearer in March or April 2016. As Smith notes, if
Commerce (YouTube screen capture/Sergei Millian)
that timeline is accurate, Shearer was investigating the
salacious Trump claims at around the time that Fusion
Cullison, a former Moscow correspondent for The Wall GPS was hired by the Clinton campaign and DNC.
Street Journal, was one of the three reporters who broke
the Jan. 11, 2017 story revealing that Steele was the author
Shearer has refused to provide comment to TheDCNF.
of the dossier. According to Real Clear Investigations,

Rep. Meadows Blasts Rosenstein
Over ‘Extortion’ Remark
John Wynne
May 2, 2018

Meadows pointed out that the articles were a draft only.

‘Deputy Attorney General’s
response…is reminiscent of our “If the Deputy Attorney General believes no
interactions with him over the past few members signed this because they are
months: a lot of rhetoric with little pleased with his work, he is mistaken,” he
facts…’ stated.

In addition, Meadows noted Rosenstein failed to provide

documents pertaining to alleged FISA abuses currently
being investigated by Congress, and that requests from the
legislative branch had been “slow-walked, stonewalled,
and impeded at each step of the way” under Rosenstein.

Meadows also brought up the Department of Justice’s

repeated redactions of high-ranking officials in the Obama
White House, as well as high-ranking FBI officials, and
evidence of conflicts of interests.
Mark Meadows/Photo by Gage Skidmore (CC)

“Rosenstein’s stonewalling of this

(John Wynne, Liberty Headlines) U.S. Representative
investigation has already embarrassed the
Mark Meadows (R-NC) returned fire Tuesday evening at
Department of Justice and the rule of law,”
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who yesterday
Meadows concluded. “If he believes being
said articles of impeachment drafted by Congress
asked to do his job is ‘extortion,’ then Rod
amounted to extortion.
Rosenstein should step aside and allow us
to find a new Deputy Attorney General –
In a press release from Meadows’s office, the congressman preferably one who is interested in
said Rosenstein’s response to the draft articles was typical. transparency.”

“The Deputy Attorney General’s response President Trump referenced the controversy in a tweet this
to the draft articles of impeachment is morning:
reminiscent of our interactions with him
over the past few months:
A lot of rhetoric with little facts,” Meadows

The Freedom Caucus chairman also pointed out several

inaccuracies made by the second-in-command at the
Department of Justice, including his statement that charges
against him lacked merit because no member of Congress
signed on to them.

Trump: Obstruction Of Justice
Allegations Are ‘Set Up And A Trap’
Saagar Enjeti - White House Correspondent
8:52 AM 05/02/2018

threatened to subpoena the president during a March

meeting with Trump’s legal team.

President Donald Trump hit back against allegations that

he obstructed justice by attempting to stymie the ongoing
investigation into Russian interference in the 2016
presidential election.

The questions span the gamut from inquiring as to Russian

interference in the 2016 presidential election to the
circumstances surrounding the firing of former FBI
director James Comey. Trump has been accused of
possibly obstructing of justice when he allegedly asked
Comey in a private oval office meeting to drop a criminal
probe into then national security advisor Mike Flynn.
The president’s tweet follows the leak of dozens of
questions that special counsel Robert Mueller wishes to
discuss with Trump in his probe. Mueller also reportedly

REPORT: After A Year In Office Trump Out Performs
By Jim Hoft
May 2, 2018, 9:39 Am

milestones when it reached 26,000 on January 17th.

It only took 6 days to increase 500 points from
 As a matter of fact, since President Trump’s
election the DOW has set records for the fastest
500, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000 and 7000
point increases in the DOW’s history!
 2017 was the best year ever for the DOW. It
increased more points than ever in its history
(4,956) and it reached more all-time highs (71) than
any year in history!

President Trump has now been in office

a year and a quarter. The results of his
administration when compared to those
of President Obama at the same time
are stunning. In every economic
measurement, President Trump far out
performs President Obama.

The main stream media (MSM) and Democrat Party

continue to smear the current President with the fake
Russia collusion narrative. In doing so they also continue
to not share the truth about President Trump’s many
(chart from Yahoo Finance)
accomplishments. When compared to Obama [and really
any President], President Trump’s efforts to shore up the
economy are outstanding. President Trump’s economy is So how does this compare with President Obama?
just plain on fire!
Under Obama the DOW never reached a
US Stock Markets new all-time high in his entire first term,
let alone his first year and a quarter.
In President Trump’s first year and a
quarter since the election and since his
US Debt
inauguration the US Stock Markets
reached record highs and millions of
Americans are benefitting in their As of May 1st, 2018, President Trump
retirement savings accounts. has increased the US Debt since his
inauguration by $1.1 Trillion or 5.5%.
 Since President Trump’s election the DOW daily
closing stock market average has risen as much as
44%. (On November 9th the DOW closed at 18,332 –
in January the DOW reached heights of over 26,500.).
 On February 28th, 2017, President Trump matched
President Reagan’s 1987 record for the most
continuous closing high trading days when the DOW President Obama on the other hand
reached a new high for its 12th day in a row! increased the US debt in his first year
 Under President Trump the DOW set the record for and a quarter by twice as much or $2.3
the fastest 500 point increase between major Trillion or 21.8%.

President Obama on the other hand
again moved in the opposite direction.

In his first year and a quarter as President the US

unemployment rate increased from 7.8% in January 2009
Obama increased the US debt in his first to 9.9% as of March 2010. The unemployment rate during
year and a quarter by $1.2 Trillion more this time reached as high as 10%, some of the worst
than President Trump or by more than unemployment rates in US history and the highest since
twice as much! the early 1980’s after the Jimmy Carter years.

And to be fair, President Trump’s debt is at interest rates

more than 1% higher than Obama and President Trump
started with $10 Trillion more in debt than Obama. The
higher rates and debt cause higher interest rate payments
for President Trump‘s Administration to endure.


According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics

President Trump has added nearly 3
million jobs since January of 2017 (2.793
million). President Obama on the other Decrease in Regulations
hand lost nearly (-5) million jobs in his
first year and a quarter in office (-4.923
million). That’s an 8 million job One of the first things that President Trump did in office
difference! was to reduce the number or burdensome regulations put in
place during the Obama era. In January President Trump
signed his 2 for 1 executive order mandating that for every
President Obama was so bad at creating jobs that by the new regulation, two regulations needed to be revoked.
end of his second term he said that jobs were not coming Even far left Politico noted that significant federal
back. regulations since Trump’s inauguration have slowed to an
almost total halt.

Regulations cost Americans and American companies

money to implement and maintain. Reducing or halting
regulations allows companies to spend their money on
more prudent money making areas.

In Summary
Overall based on the above data it is
clear that President Trump is doing a
solid, if not excellent job.
Unemployment The mainstream liberal media won’t
report this, but when looking at the
economy, President Trump the
Also according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics President
businessman crushes the former
Trump decreased unemployment to its current level of
community organizer Barack Obama in
4.1%. The unemployment rate in January 2017 was 4.8%
every meaningful measurement.
and it has reached a low of 4.1% for the last six months in
a row.

Trump Hints Mueller Questions
May Be ‘Intrusion’ Of His Presidential Powers
Saagar Enjeti - White House Correspondent
9:56 AM 05/02/2018

“It is a symptom of how ridiculous this

appointment was by Rod Rosenstein when
he made the appointment with no evidence
of a crime.”

Trump has railed against the investigation in recent weeks,

and described the recently leaked questions a “set up.”

President Donald Trump cited former U.S. attorney Joe

DiGenova’s analysis Wednesday of the questions special
counsel Robert Mueller wants to ask him.

DiGenova first made his analysis during a hit on The

Michael Smerconish Program on Tuesday. Sean Hannity
played it Fox News later that night.

The former U.S. attorney continued

“to ask questions as Mr. Mueller apparently

processed to do about what the president
was thinking when he fired Comey or Flynn
or anybody else is in outrageous
sophomoric, juvenile intrusion into the
president’s unfettered power to fire anyone
in the executive branch.”

ONCE AGAIN… Where The Hell Are GOP Leaders As
Mueller’s Stalinist Witch Hunt Moves
To Take Down Trump?
By Jim Hoft
May 1, 2018, 10:18 Pm

In a tense meeting in early March with the special counsel,

President Trump’s lawyers insisted he had no obligation to
talk with federal investigators probing Russia’s
interference in the 2016 presidential campaign.

But special counsel Robert S. Mueller III responded that

he had another option if Trump declined:

He could issue a subpoena for the president to appear

before a grand jury, according to four people familiar with
the encounter.

Mueller’s warning — the first time he is known to have

mentioned a possible subpoena to Trump’s legal team —
spurred a sharp retort from John Dowd, then the
president’s lead lawyer.

And once again the GOP elites,

including Mitch McConnell and Paul
Ryan, are silent.
The GOP party elites are NEVER there to
defend this president from the ongoing
coup d’état of the fascist left.
The Republican elites are never around
when this president comes under his
daily assault by the liberal mainstream
So where the hell are the Republican
The Republican elites are never around
This unconstitutional Stalinist witch
when the Trump supporters are being
hunt as gone on for over a year now.
bludgeoned and bloodied in the streets.
They have found nothing.
The Republican elites are never around
There is no crime. to defend this president from this deep
There was never any crime. state coup.

This was all a witch hunt to take down It’s clear who the GOP elites stand with
President Trump. — and it’s NOT the American people.
Just like Joseph Stalin’s regime.

Earlier Tuesday the Washington Post reported Dirty Cop

Robert Mueller threatened to subpoena President Trump to
testify before his far left panel of activist lawyers.

Joe Digenova: ‘If Mueller Issues Subpoena For An
Interview With Trump We Are Headed To A
Constitutional Crisis’ (VIDEO)
By Cristina Laila
May 1, 2018, 10:31 Pm

Former US Attorney Joe diGenova told spurred a sharp retort from John Dowd, then the
Fox News host Laura Ingraham Tuesday president’s lead lawyer.
evening that if Mueller issues Trump a
subpoena we are headed to a Mueller is out of control.
Constitutional crisis.
We’re already there… Mueller wants to ask Trump over 40 questions and none of
them are about ‘Russian collusion.’

Two of the more outrageous questions Mueller wants to

ask Trump is why he continues to “criticize” Comey and
McCabe. Seriously? It’s none of Mueller’s business.

Dirty cop Mueller also wants to know who Trump

discussed Sessions’ May 31, 2017 resignation with. Again,
none of Mueller’s damn business.

President Trump is allowed to criticize whomever he

wants to and he’s allowed to hire and fire his appointees,
according to the Constitution.
As reported earlier, Mueller warned he
may subpoena President Trump.
We entered a Constitutional crisis when Hillary’s phony
dossier, illegal spying and illegal leaks is what led to a
The Washington Post reported earlier Tuesday Mueller
special counsel to investigate Trump without an underlying
raised the prospect of presidential subpoena in a recent
meeting with Trump’s legal team.
In a tense meeting in early March with the special counsel,
President Trump’s lawyers insisted he had no obligation to
talk with federal investigators probing Russia’s
interference in the 2016 presidential campaign.

But special counsel Robert S. Mueller III responded that

he had another option if Trump declined:

He could issue a subpoena for the president to appear

before a grand jury, according to four people familiar with
the encounter.

Mueller’s warning — the first time he is known to have

mentioned a possible subpoena to Trump’s legal team —

Katy Tur Confesses: I'm Not Sure
There's Any Smoking Gun Of Collusion
By Tim Graham
May 2, 2018 7:02 AM EDT

Matt Vespa at Townhall reports MSNBC host Katy Tur Tur said
expressed doubt about whether Robert Mueller is going to
find collusion in his investigation of the Trump campaign's "The question is not what he finds, but how
associations with Russians. In an Australian interview, her damning does it need to be to convince
questioner brought up "the holy writ of the Mueller five, ten percent of the hard-rock 30
investigation" [!] and that "a lot of people are hoping it percent of Americans who believe in
will lead to an indictment" (of Trump). Donald Trump and who think the Mueller
investigation is a bunch of BS that it's real
First, he mentioned the possibility of Oprah running and that it matters. And until we can get to
against Trump in 2020, and Tur gave a small digression a point where we can chip off that
into how Democrats need to figure out if they need a certain 'I'm going to believe in you no
scrappy Joe Biden to get down into the mud with Trump or matter what happens, we're gonna be in a
an unemotional policy wonk who takes the high road. rough situation. I just don't know how it
"As for the Mueller investigation," she then
declared, "As an American, as a citizen, I Don't miss the royal "We" in "we can chip off" Trump's
am fascinated to know what he finds. I’m supporters. This is exactly how the liberal media elite is
not so sure that he’s going to find this functioning. It's their mission to end the "rough situation"
smoking gun of coordination or of Trump being in power.
collusion. Then again, I wouldn’t be
surprised if he did."

Liberals rarely admit when one of their beloved scandals

isn't exactly blossoming. In this case, it's possible Tur was
simply trying to tell her "Holy Mueller" interviewer from
Down Under that he should calm down a bit about his
expectations. Tur then suggested that the "solution" to
defeating Trump isn't necessarily in court, but in
convincing Trump voters to abandon him.

One A Day: CNN Hosts Porn Star's Lawyer Michael
Avenatti 59 Times In Less Than Two Months
By Bill D'Agostino
May 2, 2018 9:05 AM EDT

CNN has exhibited a fetish for the Stormy Daniels story, Here’s another statistic that should put CNN’s interest in
particularly for her Trump-smacking lawyer, Michael Avenatti into perspective:
Avenatti. In less than two months (from March 7 to April
30), Avenatti has been a guest on CNN a total of 59 times
From March 7 to April 30, all 51 Republican
– an average of more than once per day.
Senators combined received just 34
interviews on the cable network.
MRC analysts combed through transcripts of all of CNN’s
2018 coverage looking for references to interviews with
Though CNN has eagerly hosted Avenatti at seemingly
Avenatti, and then double-checked using our video
every opportunity, some at the network have commented
archive. Since Avenatti’s first appearance on March 7, he
on his inordinate on-air presence. On April 6, New Day
has been interviewed on CNN a whopping 59 times, more
stand-in host David Gregory elicited a laugh from his
than one-third of which (19) were with Anderson Cooper
fellow panelists when he sarcastically referred to “rare
— who, of course, interviewed Stormy Daniels on CBS’s
public comments from Michael Avenatti.” And on April
60 Minutes back in March.
30, CNN legal analyst Paul Callan characterized the
lawyer’s most recent lawsuit against the President as “a
By comparison, CNN hosted House Democrat Adam publicity stunt” during yet another appearance by Avenatti
Schiff (CA) – who had been a favorite of the network – ten on Cooper’s show.
times during the months of March and April. That would
be a generous portion of airtime for any politician, but it
Despite these remarks by Gregory and Callan, it remains to
was barely one-sixth the exposure granted to a lawyer
be seen whether CNN will ratchet back the absurd amount
overwhelmingly known for representing a porn star.
of coverage they have given Avenatti. But if their current
pace of 1.09 interviews per day (including weekends)
Unfortunately for the Congressman, CNN’s interest in continues for the rest of the year, the network will have
Schiff was noticeably higher before Avenatti showed up. bombarded viewers with a total of 327 Avenatti
In January and February, the Trump-bashing Democrat appearances for all of 2018.
was interviewed a total of 17 times; in March and April,
that fell to just ten times, a decline of roughly 40%.
Stay tuned.

Nets Dismiss Netanyahu’s
Iran Presentation: ‘No Smoking Gun’
By Kyle Drennen
May 2, 2018 9:44 AM EDT

On Tuesday, all three network morning shows worked to arguably the most momentous decision
discredit and dismiss Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin since he took office.
Netanyahu’s Monday presentation detailing Iran’s
deception about its nuclear weapons program prior to the On ABC’s Good Morning America, co-host George
2015 international deal to prevent that program’s progress. Stephanopoulos announced: “Israeli Prime Minister
While secret Iranian files obtained by Israel clearly Benjamin Netanyahu now has revealed documents which
demonstrated that the authoritarian regime lacked any he says are proof that Iran lied about pursuing nuclear
credibility on the issue, anchors and correspondents made weapons. That’s just days before President Trump’s
Netanyahu the target instead. deadline to pull out of the Iran nuclear deal.”

Reporting for NBC’s Today show, Chief Foreign Affairs Chief Global Affairs Anchor Martha Raddatz downplayed
Correspondent Andrea Mitchell threw cold water on the the findings:
“But the documents predate the Iran
“Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu nuclear deal of 2015. In fact, the White
documenting Iran’s past nuclear House quietly corrected a statement last
program and claiming Iran remains a night saying the documents show the
nuclear threat....Evidence he says that Iranians ‘had’ a clandestine nuclear
Iran once was trying to build a nuclear program instead of ‘have’ such a program.”
weapon....But no smoking gun that Iran
still has a nuclear weapons program Stephanopoulos reiterated:
“Right, but it does – as you point out, it
does not show that Iran is violating the
deal right now.”

After he asked about the impact the President’s Iran deal

decision could have on the Korean peace process, Raddatz
worried: “And you know, Kim Jong-un must be asking
himself, ‘Can you trust a country that signs a deal and ten
rips it up?’”

On CBS This Morning, co-host Norah O’Donnell

introduced a report on the topic by actually quoting Iran’s
She feared that the Israeli leader was goading President foreign minister attacking Netanyahu:
Trump into withdrawing from the agreement:
“Iran’s foreign minister mocked
Netanyahu is trying to counteract a Netanyahu on Twitter writing, quote,
parade of European leaders trying to ‘The boy who can’t stop crying wolf is at
save the deal....Israeli officials say that it again.’”
Netanyahu did brief the President on this
intelligence back in March, when he was in In the story that followed, Face the Nation moderator
D.C. He provided no evidence yesterday Margaret Brennan emphasized:
that Iran has cheated on the Iran deal,
but his theatrical presentation is timed
“Most of the intelligence Netanyahu
to dominate the debate this week as
cited was from before the 2015 deal had
President Trump is about to make

been signed, and he did not present any Correspondent Andrea Mitchell has the very latest. Andrea, good
evidence that Iran had violated it.” morning.

She later highlighted: ANDREA MITCHELL: Good morning, Hoda. Israel’s Prime
Minister Netanyahu documenting Iran’s past nuclear program
“This morning, the IAEA, which is the and claiming Iran remains a nuclear threat. And doing it in
U.N.’s nuclear watchdog, said they had, English for an audience of one, President Trump, who is
quote, ‘No credible indications of activities reportedly leaning toward withdrawing from the nuclear deal as
in Iran relevant to the development of a soon as next week.
nuclear explosive device after 2009.’”
[ON-SCREEN HEADLINE: Trump to Abandon Iran Deal?; Battle
Brennan added, Over Nuke Program as Israel Accuses Tehran of “Lies”]

“In other words, we already knew this.” President Trump today closing in on whether to withdraw from
the Iran nuclear deal, as Israel’s prime minister, Netanyahu,
makes a dramatic case against it. Showing off copies of
Co-host John Dickerson fretted:
thousands of documents and disks.
“And given the fact that policy makers base
their policy on the idea that Iran was lying.
Who was this for? Was this an audience of
one, in Donald Trump? And was it to MITCHELL: Reportedly stolen by Israeli spies from a warehouse
convince him give him backing for what he in Tehran. Evidence he says that Iran once was trying to build a
might do?” nuclear weapon.

Brennan replied: NETANYAHU: The nuclear deal is based on lies. It’s based on
Iranian lies and Iranian deception. 100,000 files right here prove
that they lied.
“It was an all-English presentation, it was
multimedia. It appealed to many of the
things that the President likes in these
presentations. And he used TV clips, as
well. So it spoke to the President’s

Dickerson then raised the peace negotiations with North

Korea. Like Raddatz, Brennan warned:

“Yes, all our partners in this deal say how

can we partner with you again when you’re
gonna break your own word? And how can
anyone agree to sign on if you’re gonna do
that?” MITCHELL: But no smoking gun that Iran still has a nuclear
weapons program today. The elaborate powerpoint to bolster
President Trump’s inclination to tear up the deal next week, Mr.
Durning interviews with Israeli Ambassador Ron Dermer Trump reacting 20 minutes later.
and former Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice later in the
program, the CBS hosts feared the "damage" that would
be done if the U.S. decided to pull out of the Iran nuclear DONALD TRUMP: What we’ve learned has really shown that I’ve
deal. been 100% right.

Here is a full transcript of Mitchell’s May 1 report on MITCHELL: Echoing his newly-minted secretary of state, with
NBC’s Today show: Netanyahu in Tel Aviv two days ago.

7:12 AM ET MIKE POMPEO: President Trump’s been pretty clear, this deal is
very flawed. He’s directed the administration to try and fix it. And
if we can't fix it, he is going to withdraw from the deal.
HODA KOTB: We have a lot more to get to this morning,
including new claims that Iran has lied about the nuclear
weapons. As President Trump faces a deadline to decide the fate
of the Iran nuclear deal. NBC’s Chief Foreign Affairs
MITCHELL: Even though Mike Pompeo only weeks ago, then still TRUMP: We got nothing. We got nothing. So that doesn’t mean I
CIA Director, acknowledged Iran is adhering to the nuclear wouldn’t negotiate a new agreement, we’ll see what happens.
MITCHELL: Israeli officials say that Netanyahu did brief the
POMPEO: With the information I have been provided, I have no – President on this intelligence back in March, when he was in D.C.
I’ve seen no evidence they are not in compliance today. He provided no evidence yesterday that Iran has cheated on the
Iran deal, but his theatrical presentation is timed to dominate the
MITCHELL: But Netanyahu is trying to counteract a parade of debate this week as President Trump is about to make arguably
European leaders trying to save the deal. Macron of France, the most momentous decision since he took office. Savannah
Merkel of Germany, and May of Great Britain on the phone. The and Hoda?
President, so far, not swayed.
KOTB: Alright, Andrea Mitchell, thanks.

TRUMP Unloads On Deep State Mueller
In Epic Wednesday Tweet Storm
By Jim Hoft
May 2, 2018, 10:39 Am

On Tuesday the Mueller witch hunt question list for

President Trump was published by The New York Times.

President Trump destroyed the Deep State for their latest

leak to their partners in the liberal mainstream media.

Conservative author and radio host Mark Levin told his

audience this was a clear message that Dirty Cop Mueller
is looking for a reason to charge President Trump with a
President Trump:
crime to lead to his impeachment.
There was no Collusion (it is a Hoax) and
The Washington Post reported Tuesday Mueller raised the
there is no Obstruction of Justice (that is a
prospect of a presidential subpoena in a recent meeting
setup & trap). What there is is Negotiations
with Trump’s legal team.
going on with North Korea over Nuclear
War, Negotiations going on with China over
On Wednesday morning President Trade Deficits, Negotiations on NAFTA,
Trump unloaded on the Stalinist Mueller and much more. Witch Hunt! The questions
witch hunt. are an intrusion into the President’s Article
2 powers under the Constitution to fire any
Executive Branch Employee…what the
President was thinking is an
outrageous… to the President’s
unfettered power to fire anyone…” Joe
Digenova, former US Attorney…

Trump also hit the Assistant AG Rod Rosenstein:

A Rigged System – They don’t want to turn

over Documents to Congress. What are
they afraid of? Why so much redacting?
Why such unequal “justice?” At some point
I will have no choice but to use the powers
granted to the Presidency and get involved!

Can Mueller Subpoena The President?
Derek Hunter - Contributor
10:48 AM 05/02/2018

President Trump is significantly better than it was under

Barack Obama. People tend to vote their wallets, and the
ability to have a job under Trump, an ability that wasn’t
there under Obama, is not lost on young people. And that
ability tends to make a lasting impression on people, who
generally retain party loyalty to the party in charge when
they experience good economic times after they enter the
workforce. This is part of the reason Democrats want to
lower the voting age to 16 and grant amnesty and eventual
citizenship/voting rights to illegal aliens — they’re having
WASHINGTON, DC - NOVEMBER 29: U.S. President Donald difficulty attracting voters, so they want to create new
Trump shouts at journalists from across the South Lawn as he voters.
departs the White House November 29, 2017 in Washington, DC.
Trump is traveling to St. Charles, Missouri, where he will address a
rally and "give remarks on tax reform," according to the White
House. (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images) | Trump Slams
'Fake News' About Sources

Can an employee of the executive branch of government

subpoena the person who is ultimately his boss? This is a
question we may soon face as news leaks out that Special
Counsel Robert Mueller floated the idea of issuing a
subpoena in an attempt to force President Donald Trump to
testify in the Russian collusion investigation.

It seems unlikely, considering the Constitution provides

only one remedy — impeachment — for holding the
president accountable, and nothing reported has come
close to the level of a high crime or misdemeanor. But
what could be done short of that Supreme Court

A deal could be cut to have the president answer an

agreed-upon number of questions in writing, which would
eliminate a lot of the perjury traps, a la Martha Stewart and
Scooter Libby, and prevent the inquiry to straying into
other, unrelated areas. Will this be the path they choose, or Cultural appropriation stupidity continues because liberal
are we headed to a Constitutional crisis? stupidity is as close to a perpetual motion machine human
beings have created. A girl wears a dress to prom and the
left loses their minds. Are we really ready to go down the
Millennials, it turns out, are favoring Republicans in
road of only being able to use/like things created by people
shocking numbers compared to the way the liberal media
of your ethnicity and race? We talk about what that would
portrays them. Why? Because the economy under
mean, and it ain’t pretty.

Mueller’s ‘Witch Hunt’ Probe Has Now
Risen To The Level Of A National Security Threat
By J. D. Heyes, Editor-In-Chief
Posted On May 2, 2018

buddies and former colleagues, firing an

Executive Branch employee is “obstruction
of justice?”

As to the charge of collusion:

There is no evidence for this — and there

never will be. Mueller knows this because
the allegation is based on a bogus
“dossier” paid for by the Clinton campaign
and the Democratic National Committee.
That document is as fictitious as this
investigation; even the House Intelligence
Committee, in a recent report, has fully
(National Sentinel) Presidential Obstruction: I awoke to cleared Trump and his campaign by stating
the headline on Drudge this morning, “Mueller Warns: as plainly as it can be stated: There is no
May Subpoena Trump,” followed by a second, evidence of collusion on the Trump side
“Obstruction Key Focus.” (though the chairman of the committee,
Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., says there is
The first article reports details from a meeting between plenty of evidence to suggest Clinton
President Donald J. Trump’s legal team in early March and campaign collusion, since the guy hired to
special counsel Robert Mueller, in which the president’s write the dossier — Christopher Steele —
attorneys insisted he had no obligation to sit down and reportedly got his ‘information’
answer questions posed by Mueller. from Russian operatives).

The second is an analytical piece by The Associated Press Which brings me back to Mueller and his quest to question
assessing the potential meaning of a series of leaked the president.
questions that Mueller ostensibly wants to ask the
president during a sit-down, notably whether Trump During that early March meeting, the story linked above
“obstructed justice” when he fired FBI Director James claims, Mueller responded to the Trump legal team’s claim
Comey and whether Trump “colluded” with Russia to that the president had no obligation to talk to Mueller with
“steal the election” from Hillary. a threat: The special counsel may resort to issuing a
subpoena requiring our sitting president to appear before
Let’s unpack the second report first. the grand jury for questions under oath.

As to the charge of obstruction: That drew the ire of Trump’s lead attorney at the time,
John Dowd.
Until this president, firing Executive Branch
employees like FBI directors was a fully- “This isn’t some game,” Dowd said,
recognized and unchallenged presidential according to two people with knowledge of
authority. Such firings were not always his comments. “You are screwing with the
universally approved of by various political work of the president of the United States.”
factions, but no one questioned the
president’s lawful authority to do so. Let me be as clear as I can be:
Suddenly, because it’s Trump — and
because it was one of Mueller’s best Dowd is exactly right.
This pretend investigation, where there is but one objective There are a few Republican lawmakers in Congress who
— to undermine and potentially remove a duly-elected, are attempting to cover Trump’s back with a threat to
sitting president — has reached the level of a national impeach Rosenstein, but they are too few and thus, the
security threat. threat is empty.

President Trump is on the precipice of settling one of the So the question remains:
thorniest, most dangerous situations in modern times —
North Korea — and in the process not only ending a 65- If Mueller does subpoena the president,
year state of technical war but also a rising nuclear threat what should Trump do? What can he do?
against U.S. allies in the region and the American people.
He can invoke Executive Privilege, which is not in the
At the same time, Trump must deal with two near-peer Constitution, but which has been invoked by many
revisionist powers — Russia and China — while presidents including George Washington. Trump could
attempting to contain a third regional revisionist power make a national security claim as his reason for invoking
with nuclear ambitions in the Middle East — Iran. the privilege, and some of his aides have already declined
to answer categories of questions in appearances before
And these are just the most visible national security issues congressional committees in the premise that Trump may,
and threats to our country. As president, you can bet that at some point, invoke it formally.
Trump is aware of far more threats than you and I because
he has access, daily, to all the threat information being That could lead to a legal challenge from Mueller, which
tracked by our intelligence community. — in this environment — is likely given the purpose of
this “probe,” which is entirely political.
For this reason alone, Mueller has no legal right to
subpoena Trump. But then Mueller may be forced to reveal more than he
cares to in court while arguing against Trump’s claim of
The problem is, Trump doesn’t seem to have any support executive privilege. And at that point, the president’s
in the places he needs it most. The Justice Department is lawyers may even produce findings that prove this entire
led by a man Trump trusted to be his attorney general, but investigation is based on a lie.
who has willingly taken himself out of the loop regarding
anything relating to Russia. Jeff Sessions is perhaps the That may be the president’s best legal option because he
biggest error that Trump has made thus far in his doesn’t have enough friends in high places to help him.
What is clear is that this investigation is dangerously
The deputy AG, Rod Rosenstein, is complicit in the distracting to our president at a time when we need him to
scandal; he has signed off on Foreign Intelligence be fully focused on the very real threats to our country.
Surveillance Court requests to spy on Trump and Trump
campaign figures based on the “dossier” everyone knows is Fake investigations should never outweigh real-world
phony. Plus, Rosenstein just signed off on an FBI raid of challenges.
Trump’s personal lawyer, Michael Cohen.

Trump Threatens To Force DOJ
To Hand Over Unredacted Docs To Congress
Saagar Enjeti - White House Correspondent
11:13 AM 05/02/2018

General Rod Rosenstein’s memo detailing the scope of

special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation.

President Donald Trump is threatening to use the powers

of his office to force the Department of Justice to turn over
unredacted documents to Congress, he announced in a
Wednesday tweet. The pair of lawmakers also are demanding to learn the role
of Attorney General Jeff Sessions in authorizing a raid on
Trump’s tweet is likely in reference to demands from Trump’s personal attorney Michael Cohen. Jordan and
Congressmen Mark Meadows and Jim Jordan who are Meadows have noted that articles of impeachment may be
demanding an un-redacted version of Deputy Attorney drafted against Rosenstein if he does not comply.

White House Looking To Roll Back
$25 Billion From Massive Spending Bill
Robert Donachie - Capitol Hill And Health Care Reporter
11:27 AM 05/02/2018

outrage about the deal Senate Majority Leader Mitch

McConnell and Speaker of the House Paul Ryan struck
with Democratic leadership, characterizing it as a back
door deal that illustrates Washington’s dysfunctional
working environment.

The president even threatened to veto the bill only hours

before he signed it into law,

calling it a “waste of money.”

President Donald Trump’s administration is going to roll A recision package would make its way from the White
out a recision package in the coming weeks that will roll House to the House and Senate appropriations committees,
back $25 billion from the $1.3 trillion spending bill where lawmakers would have up to 25 days to amend,
Congress passed in April, a source with first-hand approve or shoot down the president’s proposal.
knowledge told The Daily Caller News Foundation.
If lawmakers on the respective appropriation committees
“I will never sign another bill like this again. fail to do something within the 25 day timeframe, the
I’m not going to do it again. Nobody read it. package would likely make its way out of committee,
It’s only hours old. Some people don’t even where the full House and Senate bodies would have the
know what is in it. $1.3 trillion dollars–it is opportunity to act.
the second largest ever,” the president said
in late March when he signed the House and Senate lawmakers would have 45 days to
Republicans’ spending bill. consider the recision package. If they disprove of the
president’s proposal, the White House would then be
The White House was expected to release a recision forced release the withheld funds to the federal agencies.
package — a request to rescind funds Congress previously
appropriated — Tuesday, but that did not materialize. The The package would fail if either appropriations committee
administration was reportedly looking at rolling back or the House or Senate bodies shoot it down. The one
between $30 and $60 billion from the $1.3 trillion potential caveat working in the president’s favor is that
spending bill. lawmakers can approve the package with a simple-
majority vote.
Trump proposed a 2018 budget that was, notably, $114
billion less in domestic spending than what Congress
passed in March. The president has since expressed

Trump Aide GOES OFF On Senate Intel Committee Over
Russia Witch Hunt “God Damn You To Hell”
By Cristina Laila
May 2, 2018, 11:47 Am

Michael Caputo, a former campaign aide with Russia are costing my family a great
to President Trump unloaded on the deal of money — more than $125,000 —
Senate Intel Committee Tuesday over and making a visceral impact on my
their Russia witch hunt in a blistering children.”
“I want to know who cost us so much Michael Caputo pointed the finger at the Senate Intel
money, who crushed our kids, who forced Dems such as Mark Warner and Dianne Feinstein who are
us out of our home, all because you lost an either directly or indirectly involved perpetuating the
election. I want to know because God Trump-Russia hoax.
Damn you to Hell,” Caputo said to
Democrat snakes on Tuesday. ‘Here’s how I know: how many of you know
Daniel Jones, former Senate Intelligence
staffer for Senator Dianne Feinstein? Great
guy, right? Most of you worked with him.
One of you probably just talked to him this
‘Of course, very few of us in flyover country
knew Daniel until recently. Now we know
that he quit his job with your Senate
committee not long ago to raise $50 million
from ten rich Democrats to finance more
work on the Fusion GPS Russian dossier.
The one the FBI used to get a FISA
warrant and intimidate President Donald
Michael Caputo is outraged over the Russia witch hunt Trump, without anyone admitting — until
which has cost him over $125,000 in legal fees, forcing months after it was deployed — that it was
him to uproot his family. paid for by Hillary Clinton.
‘In fact, good old Dan has been raising and
The Deep State is pure evil; they are destroying everyone spending millions to confirm the
in Trump’s inner circle with outrageous legal fees and unconfirmable – and, of course, to keep all
threats of prison all because Hillary Clinton lost the his old intel colleagues up-to-speed on
election. what Fusion GPS and British and Russian
spies have found. Got to keep that Russia
The Washington Examiner reported: story in the news.
‘Of course Dan’s in touch with you guys.
In Caputo’s closing statement obtained by We know from the news that he’s been
the Washington Examiner, he said the briefing Senator Mark Warner, vice
panel’s investigation “forced” his family out chairman of this committee. Which one of
of their home and “crushed” his children you works for Senator Warner? Please give
due to mounting legal costs associated with Danny my best.
the inquiry.
Caputo blasted Daniel Jones as being a source for the
“Today, I can’t possibly pay the attendant
recent fake news story about Michael Cohen visiting
legal costs and live near my aging father,
raising my kids where I grew up,” Caputo Prague reported by McClatchy
said. “Your investigation and others into the
allegations of Trump campaign collusion “But who is McClatchy’s second source? It
couldn’t be Dan; he was the first source …
So who could it be — perhaps one of his Remember. Dianne Feinstein unilaterally
former Senate Intelligence colleagues? I released Glenn Simpson transcripts without
mean, you’re all in this together. You’re the consulting with fellow Senate Intel Panel
swamp.” members then blamed her decision to do
Caputo then called for an investigation into so on a bad cold.
the investigators working together to
coordinate this attack against President Partial transcript via Daily Mail.

In his closing statement to the Senate Intel Democrat

snakes after a 3 hour interview, he really let them have it.

“Forget about all the death threats against

my family. I want to know who cost us so
much money, who crushed our kids, who
forced us out of our home, all because you
lost an election,” Caputo said. “I want to
know because God damn you to hell.”

Senator Mark Warner and Senator Dianne Feinstein are

both top Democrats who are involved in this attempted
coup of Donald Trump.

Mark Warner tried to set up a secret meeting with

Christopher Steele via Adam Waldman who is a lobbyist
for Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska.

Senator Dianne Feinstein’s former staffer, Daniel Jones is

still working with Fusion GPS.

BREAKING: Trump Lawyer
Ty Cobb OUT As In-House Russia Counsel
By Cristina Laila
May 2, 2018, 12:09 Pm

Attorney Ty Cobb is set to leave President

BREAKING NEWS. Trump’s in-house legal team and will be
Trump’s lawyer Ty Cobb is retiring at replaced by Emmet Flood, who defended
the end of the month and Clinton former President Bill Clinton during his
impeachment lawyer Emmet Flood is impeachment, Fox News confirms.
joining the President’s legal team.
President Trump turned up the heat on Mueller and
Rosenstein Wednesday morning, threatening to “get

Fox News reported:

Trump is reshuffling his legal team as he gears up to take
Attorney Ty Cobb is set to leave President Trump’s in- Mueller on.
house legal team and will be replaced by Emmet Flood,
who defended former President Bill Clinton during his Rudy Giuliani recently joined Trump’s legal team in an
impeachment, Fox News confirms. effort to end the Mueller witch hunt as quickly as possible.

Story developing…please refresh page for updates. Mueller is out of control.

President Trump turned up the heat on Mueller and A list of questions Mueller has for Trump leaked to the
Rosenstein Wednesday morning, threatening to “get New York Times Tuesday.
Mueller is asking Trump over 40 questions and none of
Fox News reported: them have anything to do with Russia collusion; the key
focus is obstruction.

Ty Cobb Retires As White House Lawyer,
Likely Replaced With Clinton Impeachment Lawyer
By Tyler Durden
Wed, 05/02/2018 - 12:58

Some days, it seems like President Trump's legal team gets this year that Flood was being courted to join Trump's
more press than he does. team, though he never officially joined.

And today is definitely one of those According to the Times, Flood is expected to take a more
days. adversarial approach with Mueller than Cobb, who had
urged the president to embrace a conciliatory path that
We're referring, of course, to the New York Times' latest would end with him sitting for an interview with
Trump legal team exclusive (its second in three days) – investigators (and quite possibly walking into a perjury
a report that White House lawyer Ty
Cobb is "retiring" from the president's Mr. Flood is expected to take a more adversarial approach
service. to the investigation than Mr. Cobb, who had pushed Mr.
Trump to strike a cooperative tone.
President Trump is reportedly in talks
with Emmet T Flood, the veteran
Washington lawyer who represented Bill Mr. Flood initially spoke with the White
Clinton during his impeachment, to take House last summer about working for
Cobb's place. the president, but the talks ultimately
fell apart because Mr. Flood did not
want to deal with Mr. Trump’s longtime
Cobb's retirement was unexpected, and is the latest major New York lawyer,
shakeup on Trump's legal team, which is struggling to
negotiate with Special Counsel Robert Mueller over the
terms of a potential presidential interview. Marc E. Kasowitz, who was overseeing the president’s
dealings with the special counsel at the time.
Just this morning, Bloomberg reported that Cobb is the
only person on Trump's legal team who has a valid [...]
security clearance. But since Cobb is technically employed
by the White House, he can't serve as Trump's lead It was not clear what prompted Mr. Flood to sign on. The
personal attorney. president’s legal team for the special counsel investigation
has been marked by turnover and uncertain strategy,
complicated by a client liable to dismiss his lawyers’

That factor prompted Mr. Trump’s lead

lawyer on the case, John Dowd, to quit
this year. Rudolph W. Giuliani, the
former mayor of New York who is a
longtime confidant of the president,

Ty Cobb has come on board pledging to negotiate an interview for

"It has been an honor to serve the country the president with the special counsel.
in this capacity at the White House," he
said. "I wish everybody well moving Rudy Giuliani, who joined Trump's legal team last month
forward." to take on the "minor role" of negotiating the terms of an
interview with Mueller, might now find himself stymied
Of course, this isn't Flood's first go-round at the Mueller by Flood.
probe media circus. News organizations reported earlier

Flood is best-known for his work as a member of Clinton's review the documents and weigh whether to assert
legal team during his impeachment proceedings, but Flood executive privilege.
did not have a high-profile role.
But his departure is the surest sign that Trump's legal team
Cobb's tenure at the White House was marred by clashes might be leaning toward denying Mueller the in-person
with former Trump lead attorney John Dowd and with interview with Trump that he so desperately craves. Jay
White House Chief Counsel Don McGahn, who had Sekulow, the current lead attorney, is said to be in favor of
warned Cobb that he was rushing to turn over documents asserting executive privilege to avoid an interview.
requested by Mueller, and that he should take the time to

Trump Threatens To Use His ‘Presidential Powers’ After
DOJ Refuses To Turn Over Unredacted Rosenstein Memo
Detailing Scope Of Mueller Probe
By Cristina Laila
May 2, 2018, 1:29 Pm

President Trump threatened to use his “Although we are working to accommodate

‘presidential powers’ and to “get the requests of the House Oversight and
involved” after the DOJ once again Government Reform Committee in a
stonewalled the House GOP’s efforts to number of oversight matters, we cannot
obtain key documents about Mueller’s provide the requested information
witch hunt. pertaining to the Special Counsel’s ongoing
investigation consistent with longstanding
This week, the DOJ refused to hand
principles of investigatory independence.”
over to Congress the unredacted
Rosenstein memo detailing the scope of
Mueller’s probe. Turning over the unredacted memo would “threaten the
integrity” of Mueller’s investigation, the letter reads.
Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows drafted articles
of impeachment against Rosenstein and now the President It would also violate Justice Department policy of “against
is unleashing fury. confirming or denying information about active
investigations,” wrote Boyd.

President Trump has had enough of the

stonewalling and unconstitutional witch
On Wednesday morning, in response to
the stonewalling by the DOJ, Trump
threatened to use his presidential

Trump tweeted: A Rigged System – They don’t want to

turn over Documents to Congress. What are they afraid of?
Why so much redacting? Why such unequal “justice?” At
As previously reported, Freedom some point I will have no choice but to use the powers
Caucus Chairman, Mark Meadows granted to the Presidency and get involved!
drafted “articles of impeachment”
against Deputy Attorney General Rod As previously reported, Freedom
Rosenstein as a “last resort” this week. Caucus Chairman, Mark Meadows
drafted “articles of impeachment”
On Tuesday, Rosenstein freaked and referred to the against Deputy Attorney General Rod
impeachment threat as “extortion.” Rosenstein as a “last resort” this week.

Rep. Meadows was not fazed by Rosenstein and hit back On Tuesday, Rosenstein freaked and referred to the
harder. impeachment threat as “extortion.”

Assistant AG Stephen Boyd said in a letter from the Rep. Meadows was not fazed by Rosenstein and hit back
Justice Department, obtained by the Washington harder.
Examiner, the DOJ will not turn over the unredacted
Rosenstein memo detailing Mueller’s scope: Assistant AG Stephen Boyd said in a letter from the
Justice Department, obtained by the Washington
Examiner, the DOJ will not turn over the unredacted On Wednesday morning, in response to
Rosenstein memo detailing Mueller’s scope: the stonewalling by the DOJ, Trump
threatened to use his presidential
“Although we are working to accommodate powers.
the requests of the House Oversight and
Government Reform Committee in a Trump tweeted:
number of oversight matters, we cannot
provide the requested information A Rigged System – They don’t want to turn
pertaining to the Special Counsel’s ongoing over Documents to Congress. What are
investigation consistent with longstanding they afraid of? Why so much redacting?
principles of investigatory independence.” Why such unequal “justice?” At some point
Turning over the unredacted memo would I will have no choice but to use the powers
“threaten the integrity” of Mueller’s granted to the Presidency and get involved!
investigation, the letter reads.
It would also violate Justice Department
policy of “against confirming or denying
information about active investigations,”
wrote Boyd.
President Trump has had enough of the
stonewalling and unconstitutional witch

Another Trump Win: North Korea Releases
Three US Prisoners From Labor Camp
By Jim Hoft
May 2, 2018, 1:44 Pm

Prior to talks with President Donald

Trump the North Korean regime
released three US prisoners from
dreadful labor camps.
The Kim Jong Un regime in North Korea
handed President Trump another win
The brutal regime released three US
prisoners from its labor camp system.

President Trump Formally Nominated For Nobel Peace
Prize By 18 Republican Members Of Congress
By Cassandra Fairbanks
May 2, 2018, 1:51 Pm

President Donald Trump has officially

been nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize Rep. Luke Messer, who lead the charge to nominate
by a group of 18 Republican members Trump, had announced last week that he would be
of Congress. nominating him.

The lawmakers sent a formal letter to the Norwegian

Nobel Committee on Wednesday, nominating him for his
work to create peace in the Korean Peninsula.

“We, the undersigned members of the

United States Congress, respectfully
nominate President Donald J. Trump to
receive the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize in
recognition of his work to end the Korean
War, denuclearize the Korean Peninsula,
and bring peace to the region,” the letter
states. “We are seeing unprecedented progress
toward peace, and it’s a direct result of
President Trump’s strong leadership.”
The letter went on to say that
Messer said in a statement last week.
“Following this historic announcement,
“Since taking office, President Trump has President Trump should get the Nobel
worked tirelessly to apply maximum Peace Prize. Our peace through strength
pressure on North Korea to end its illicit strategy is delivering never before seen
weapons program and bring peace to the results.”
South Korea’s foreign minister has credited
“His Administration successfully united President Trump for bringing the two sides
the international community, including together, saying “Clearly, credit goes to
China, to impose one of the most President Trump…He’s been determined to
successful international sanctions come to grips with this from day one.”
regimes in history,” the letter continued.

Trump Administration Stands Behind Appointee
Ximena Barreto, Rejects CNN’s Smear Job
Attempt To Get Her Fired
By Cassandra Fairbanks
May 2, 2018, 2:45 Pm

Ximena Barreto, a pro-Trump Latina woman who was

appointed to the Department of Health and Human
Services (HHS), will retain her job despite massive efforts
by CNN to get her fired.

Barreto has been subjected to a lengthy smear and

harassment campaign lead by CNN’s Andrew Kaczynski.
The liberal political commentator has been echoing various
left-wing organizations that are seemingly targeting pro-
Trump appointees one-by-one.

Kaczynski even implied that Barreto is anti-Semitic —

despite the fact that she actually has “Stand with Israel” in
her Twitter bio.

In December 2017, Barreto was appointed as a deputy

communications director in the department and moved
herself and her young child from California to DC to help
fulfill Trump’s policy objectives.

Barreto had worked tirelessly during the campaign to reach

out to Latino and Hispanic voters. She set up events, held
rallies, did media coordination in Southern California and
acted as a surrogate.

After it was revealed that she had been given a position for
her fantastic work during the campaign, liberal
organizations including David Brock’s American Bridge
opposition research firm scoured Barreto’s social media
for anything that could be used to claim she is racist,
though she herself is an immigrant.

This level of harassment has not been seen with any other
appointees for previous administrations.

At the time, it seemed as though the administration was

going to allow this woman who uprooted her entire life to
be hung out to dry over out-of-context comments made
when she was a private citizen — but thankfully that was
not the case.

On May 1, HHS announced that she would be returning to


In a statement about the controversy, Barreto apologized to

anyone who may have been offended by her statements.
Following a hit piece from Media Matters, HHS put out a
statement saying that Barreto had “Comments I made as a private citizen
before I was hired at HHS were brought to
“been placed on administrative leave while light by concerned members of the press.
the matter is reviewed.” In the heated and hyper-passionate
political campaign environment, I made
generalized comments regarding race
The young mother received countless death threats during
relations and radical Islam. I fully
this time.
understand that these emotionally-charged
comments were hurtful, and I deeply
apologize to members of both
communities,” Barreto said.

“I love America and it’s people. I have
many, many friends of all races and
religions, and I look forward to working
hand-in-hand with them all as we labor to
improve our nation for future generations.
America is the land of opportunity, I hope
for the opportunity of understanding and
forgiveness,” the statement concluded.

Those close to Barreto are extremely grateful to

the Presidential Personnel Office (PPO) and administration
for not caving to pressure from the attacks.

Inspector General Investigating Whether Strzok-Page
Texts May Have Been Deleted – Gaps In Record Flagged
By Cristina Laila
May 2, 2018, 3:40 Pm

After a delay, five different

Congressional committees received GOP sources told Fox News that some text messages
some of the ‘missing’ Strzok-Page text between the FBI lovebirds cut off mid-sentence or many
messages last Thursday evening. text messages in a row from Strzok to Page go
These text messages we are waiting for are from the
crucial 6 months between December of 2016 up until The texts show numerous messages in a
Mueller was appointed on May 17. row sent to Page from Strzok’s phone, on
different dates, without a response from
Only 49 pages, mostly redacted were turned over to Page.
investigators Thursday. Others show texts cutting off mid-sentence,
like a Strzok message that says, “They
Some of the latest batch of Strzok-Page text messages may think he is unstable, that he can be
have been deleted, Fox News is reporting. manipul.”
Page responds, “Super. I’m not reading
tonight, I’m going to try t,” again cutting off
Another example is Strzok texting Page,
“So please don’t share with Andy [McCabe]
yet, I wonder if they’ve al.“ It continues,
“And both bill and I have an utter lack of
faith in.”
Page responds, “GOD HAVE I

Fox News reported: Rep. Ron DeSantis told Sean Hannity last week that it
appears the DOJ is holding text messages from Congress.
Justice Department Inspector General
Michael Horowitz has investigated whether Rep. DeSantis:
the DOJ or FBI might have deleted text
messages between bureau officials Peter Well Sean I think this is an incomplete
Strzok and Lisa Page, according to GOP production. I mean we know their texting
sources who have spoken with members of habits. How often there were texting in
the IG’s team. other periods. This is the period, December
2016 all they way up to the firing of James
Comey and then the appointment of Robert
The sources told Fox News that the IG’s Mueller to the Special Counsel. Yet, there’s
office, so far, has not found evidence that only 40-some pages there.
officials from either agency deleted any
messages. It is unclear at this point if the Both Peter Strzok and Lisa Page are still employed and
office is still investigating the matter, and have security clearance.
whether technical glitches might instead be
at issue.

MSNBC Legal Analyst: America Will Be
‘Authoritarian Dictatorship’ If Trump Refuses
Mueller Subpoena
By Curtis Houck
May 2, 2018 3:47 PM EDT

Well, that’s one way to show you’re unable to provide Jackson didn’t bat an eye at this plea to overthrow an
legal analysis without a political bias. entire branch of our U.S. government and characterization
of the Trump presidency as a “dictatorship.”
Our friends at Grabien flagged down an interesting
moment on Wednesday morning as MSNBC contributor Instead, she was intrigued, telling McClatchy Newspapers
and former Watergate prosecutor Jill Wine-Banks argued White House correspondent Anita Kumar:
that if President Trump refuses to comply with a possible
subpoena by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, Americans “Anita, I want to you weigh in on that
should “rise up against” the government because then because Jill is bringing up not just the
we’d be living “in an authoritarian dictatorship.” legal perspective in the prism through
which this is seen but the political one
and that exists. There's a political
component and piece to this as well.”

Kumar also moved right along, replying that Trump is the

one who’s been stating for quite sometime that he wants to
answer Mueller’s questions but that’s been up in the air
more recently and especially following The New York
Times publication of the “huge...wide-ranging” questions.

To see the relevant transcript from May 2's MSNBC Live

with Hallie Jackson, click “expand.”

Host Hallie Jackson set Wine-Banks up by asking for her MSNBC Live with Hallie Jackson
take on the legal debate about whether May 2, 2018
10:08 a.m. Eastern
“a sitting president can be indicted”
HALLIE JACKSON: Here’s — is the bigger question, though,
and particularly in the Mueller probe’s search for Russian related to — and again there are a lot of building blocks that
collusion or obstruction of justice by the President in the would have to go into place, but about whether a president, a
May 2017 firing of then-FBI Director James Comey. sitting president can be indicted.

Wine-Banks stated that Trump could be

indicted even though “this is
inconsistent” with the view of “the Office
of Legal Counsel.”

Nonetheless, she stated that Trump could definitely be

subpoenaed and that’s when she played her Resistance

He is definitely not above that rule and he would have to

comply and if he doesn’t, I think America should think that
we are now in an authoritarian dictatorship, that we must
rise up against. That would be unthinkable to me that he
wouldn’t comply with the valid subpoena.
JILL WINE-BANKS: There is a question about whether he can be ANITA KUMAR: Right.
indicted, but that, I believe, would be answered, yes, he can be.
Obviously this is — JACKSON: And that exists. There's a political component and
piece to this as well.
KUMAR: Right. Remember, this is the president who said over
WINE-BANKS: — inconsistent with the Office of Legal Counsel. and over now I want to comply, I'm going to answer questions.
But that is not the same question as whether he can be He —
subpoenaed? And the answer to that seems to me is a clear,
yes, he can be. He is definitely not above that rule and he would JACKSON: But recently, he's been saying if my lawyers let me,
have to comply and if he doesn’t, I think America should think right?
that we are now in an authoritarian dictatorship, that we must rise
up against.
KUMAR: — yeah, right, obviously and now we're starting over
with Rudy Giulani who said he's going to take a few weeks to
JACKSON: So — decide and you see the President really pushing back. He's
pushing back, though, because he's seen the potential questions
WINE-BANKS: That would be unthinkable to me that he wouldn’t that The New York Times reported this week and they're huge.
comply with the valid subpoena. They're wide-ranging. Each question is three questions really. I
mean, it would take a lot of preparation and a lot of work for him
JACKSON: Anita, I want to you weigh in on that because Jill is to go through — through those questions.
bringing up not just the legal perspective in the prism through
which this is seen but the political one

Trump Campaign Official Michael Caputo: Mueller Team
“Warned Me” Not To Talk About Investigation (VIDEO)
By Jim Hoft
May 2, 2018, 7:47 Pm

Michael Caputo, a former campaign aide to President Michael Caputo: I don’t really want to
Trump unloaded on the Senate Intel Committee Tuesday interfere with the investigation. I was
over their Russia witch hunt in a blistering statement. warned about that.
Tucker Carlson: They warned you not to
“I want to know who cost us so much talk about it?
money, who crushed our kids, who forced
us out of our home, all because you lost an Michael Caputo: Well they warned about
election. I want to know because God interfering to be careful…
Damn you to Hell,” Caputo said to Tucker Carlson: Exercising your freedom
Democrat snakes on Tuesday. of speech?
Michael Caputo: My attorneys told me to
As TGP’s Cristina Laila reported earlier Michael Caputo is be careful… What’s happening to me and
outraged over the Russia witch hunt which has cost him my family is happening to many others in
over $125,000 in legal fees, forcing him to uproot his this investigation.
Caputo then told Tucker Carlson he
WILL NEVER work in Republican
politics again.
The opposing party will destroy you.

And the Republican Party is absent.

Tonight former Trump campaign official Michael Caputo

joined Tucker Carlson to discuss his interview.

Caputo told Tucker Carlson that Special Counsel Robert

Mueller’s team told him to talk to no one.

Tucker Carlson: Where do they think the

collusion took place?

Rudy Giuliani: Comey Is Disgraceful –
Pathological Liar, I’m Embarrassed For Hiring Him
By Jim Hoft
May 2, 2018, 8:46 Pm

Rudy Giuliani:

Mueller investigation is “totally tainted”

because Comey “seems to be the core of
their investigation” and he’s “a disgraceful

Trump attorney and former New York City Mayor Rudy

Giuliani joined Sean Hannity Wednesday to discuss the
Trump presidency and Mueller witch hunt.

Rudy Giuliani repeatedly attacked fired FBI chief James


Rudy told Sean that Comey wsa a disgraceful liar, a

pathological liar. He then told Hannity he was embarrassed
for ever hiring James Comey.

Joe Digenova: Mueller Has No Authority Under Federal
Law To Issue Presidential Subpoena To Get Testimony To
Prompt Impeachment (VIDEO)
By Cristina Laila
May 2, 2018, 8:57 Pm

Former US Attorney, Joe diGenova The Washington Post reported Tuesday Mueller raised the
blasted Robert Mueller over his prospect of presidential subpoena in a recent meeting with
presidential subpoena threat in his Fox Trump’s legal team.
News appearance with Tucker Carlson
Wednesday evening. In a tense meeting in early March with the special counsel,
President Trump’s lawyers insisted he had no obligation to
Joe diGenova even taunted Mueller and told him to go talk with federal investigators probing Russia’s
ahead and issue Trump a subpoena because it will be interference in the 2016 presidential campaign.
unconstitutional and illegal.
But special counsel Robert S. Mueller III responded that
Former US Attorney Joe diGenova told Tucker Carlson the he had another option if Trump declined:
point of the Mueller investigation is to make sure Trump is
a one term president. He could issue a subpoena for the president to appear
before a grand jury, according to four people familiar with
They are going for impeachment; they want the Democrats the encounter.
to take Congress as well.
Mueller’s warning — the first time he is known to have
Joe diGenova taunted Mueller, “Go ahead. Please issue the mentioned a possible subpoena to Trump’s legal team —
subpoena because it will be an unconstitutional subpoena spurred a sharp retort from John Dowd, then the
and an illegal subpoena.” president’s lead lawyer.

“There is no authority under federal law A list of questions Mueller sent Trump’s legal team leaked
to issue a subpoena to a president of Tuesday to The New York Times.
the United States to get testimony from
him so it can be used at an Mueller has over 45 questions for Trump that have nothing
impeachment proceeding,” diGenova to do with Russia collusion.
Two of the more outrageous questions Mueller wants to
VIDEO: ask Trump is why he continues to “criticize” Comey and
McCabe. Seriously? It’s none of Mueller’s business.

Dirty cop Mueller also wants to know who Trump

discussed Sessions’ May 31, 2017 resignation with. Again,
none of Mueller’s damn business.

President Trump is allowed to criticize whomever he

wants to and he’s allowed to hire and fire his appointees,
according to the Constitution.

Shut the witch hunt down already!

Rudy Comes Clean: Trump’s Payment To Stormy Daniels
Was Legal, “That Money Was Not Campaign Money”
By Jim Hoft
May 2, 2018, 9:09 Pm

Rudy told Sean that Comey wsa a disgraceful liar, a

pathological liar. He then told Hannity he was embarrassed
for ever hiring James Comey.

On Cohen, Giuliani told Sean,

“Paying Stormy Daniels $130,000 turning

out to be perfectly legal.
That money was not campaign money.
Sorry, I’m giving you a fact not that you
don’t know. It’s not campaign money…
Trump attorney and former New York [Trump] knew he would take care of things
City Mayor Rudy Giuliani joined Sean like this — like I take care of this stuff with
Hannity Wednesday to discuss the my clients, I don’t burden them with every
Trump presidency and Mueller witch single thing.”

Rudy Giuliani repeatedly attacked fired FBI chief James


BREAKING: Giuliani Calls For Comey
To Be Prosecuted For Leaking Classified
Information (VIDEO)
By Cristina Laila
May 2, 2018, 9:19 Pm

Trump attorney and former New York City

Mayor Rudy Giuliani joined Sean Hannity
Wednesday to discuss the Trump
presidency and Mueller witch hunt.

Giuliani called for Comey to be prosecuted

and to end the Mueller investigation.

Rudy Giuliani called Comey a disgraceful liar then stated the

fired FBI Director should be prosecuted for leaking classified
President of Judicial Watch Tom Fitton reacted to Giuliani’s call
Giuliani also called for the Mueller witch hunt to end in the to shut down Mueller’s witch hunt:
interest of justice.

Fox News reported:

In a wide-ranging interview, Giuliani called for

former FBI Director James Comey to be
prosecuted for leaking classified information, at
one point calling him “a disgraceful liar.”
“I have never, ever… leaked a damn thing,” said
Giuliani, referring to his time as a U.S. Attorney.
“I would have considered resigning if I ever did
Story developing…

BOOM! Black Male Support For President Trump
Kanye West (VIDEO)
By Jim Hoft
May 2, 2018, 10:55 Pm

support for the president stood at 11


After Kanye’s endorsement black male

support for Trump shot up to 22%.

This is devastating news. As Bill Whittle reported in his

video today — if black support for Democrats drops to
85% the Democrat Party is in serious trouble.

Via The Ingraham Angle.

New York Times bestselling author Raymond Arroyo
joined Laura Ingraham on Wednesday night to discuss
cultural issues.

Raymond dropped this bomb during

their interview. According to the latest
Reuters polling black voters support for
President Trump doubled in one week.
This is a stunning development!

Before Kanye West announced his

support for President Trump black male

Rudy Mauls Mueller, Crimes
‘All Committed By The Government’
'The Scales Have Fallen From The Eyes Of The White House Lawyers,' According
To Harmeet Dhillon, California Attorney And GOP Leader
By Kathryn Blackhurst
Updated 03 May 2018 At 7:03 AM

the appointment of a special counsel. Shortly after the leak,

Rosenstein appointed Mueller.

Because four of the seven memos contained classified

information, Giuliani insisted that Comey, whom he called
a “disgraceful liar,” should be prosecuted.

“I have never, ever … leaked a damn thing”

Federal officials should end their fruitless probe of as a U.S. attorney, Giuliani said. “I would
allegations that President Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign have considered resigning if I ever did
colluded with Russia because that.”

“the crimes now have all been committed Dozens of questions that Mueller hopes to ask Trump
by the government,” former New York during an interview that were leaked to The New York
Mayor Rudy Giuliani said Wednesday on Times concerned four main topics: Trump’s firing of
Fox News’ “Hannity.” Comey, former national security adviser Michael Flynn,
Sessions, and Trump campaign officials’ contact with
“I believe that Attorney General [Jeff] Russian interests.
Sessions, my good friend, and [Deputy
Attorney General Rod] Rosenstein, who I Giuliani told Hannity that Trump fired Comey “because
don’t know, I believe they should in the Comey would not — among other things — say that he
interest of justice end this investigation,” he wasn’t a target of the investigation. He’s entitled to that.
told Fox News host Sean Hannity.
Hillary Clinton got that and he couldn’t get that. So he
“There’s been too much government fired him and he said,
misconduct. The crimes now have all been
committed by the government,” said ‘I’m free of this guy.'”
Giuliani, who joined the president’s outside
counsel team earlier this week. “You can’t blame the president for feeling, ‘I
am not being treated the same way [Clinton
was],” Giuliani said.
Special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into
collusion allegations has been fraught from its outset with
concerns about anti-Trump bias and pro-Hillary Clinton Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.), a member of the House
bias within the Department of Justice (DOJ) and FBI. Committee on the Judiciary, reacted to Giuliani’s claims
Although no concrete evidence of collusion has been
found, Mueller’s team has shown even greater apparent “too much government misconduct,”
interest in whether Trump could be charged with saying, “I think my impression is that he’s
obstruction of justice for firing former FBI Director James got it right.”
Comey in May 2017. “My frustration is that we’ve gone a year
and there’s no — there’s no criminal
But Comey’s conduct came under scrutiny after he activity” on Trump’s part, Biggs (above, far
admitted that he asked a friend to leak to the news media right) said on Fox News’ “The Ingraham
memos detailing his personal conversations with Trump Angle.” “And this is just — that [the] Mueller
prior to his firing because he thought doing so would spur investigation is not objective, and that really
resonates with me because it’s not

objective. It’s biased, and they’re trying to trial. It could not be clearer," Dhillon (above, second from
use these questions and this interview is right) said.
going to be a trapfest for … Mueller against
the president.” "And I'm glad, as a supporter of the
“It gets to the whole thing — they just want president and a lawyer, to see that they
to go after President Trump,” Biggs said. have finally woken up."

Giuliani spoke to Hannity after the president’s legal team Noting that Giuliani's interview "was amazing" and "very
experienced its latest shakeup, with Ty Cobb’s departure encouraging to me," Dhillon said it was refreshing to see
and Emmet Flood’s arrival. Flood worked on former that the Trump team is "smartening up and girding for
President Bill Clinton’s legal team during his impeachment battle."
proceedings and also served as a special counsel during
former President George W. Bush’s administration. "I mean, [Mueller team members] are not
people you can trust at their face value. We
have seen the crimes. We have seen the
deception. And we have seen the absolute
unethical conduct that's been committed
against this president so far," Dhillon said.

But Giuliani raised eyebrows when he appeared to

contradict Trump's April 6 claim that he did not know
about the $130,000 payment his personal lawyer, Michael
Cohen, made to porn star Stormy Daniels to keep her quiet
about an alleged affair with Trump more than 10 years

"I think we have seen in the last 24 hours Giuliani claimed that Cohen's payment was a "perfectly
since the release of these proposed legal" one and wasn't made with campaign funds.
questions from Mueller and now with this
Rudy interview on 'Hannity' — I think we've "Sorry, I'm giving you a fact now that you
seen a dramatic change in this case," don't know. It's not campaign money. No
Washington Examiner senior political campaign finance violation," Giuliani said,
columnist and Fox News contributor Byron noting that it was "funneled through a law
York told host Laura Ingraham. firm, and then the president repaid it."
"I mean, it's become much more
confrontational. The lawyers, John Dowd York said that Giuliani raised "real questions" with that
and Ty Cobb, who were counseling a more new information. "Rudy just gave us a completely
conciliatory approach toward Mueller, they different version of this," York said.
are now gone," York (above, far left) noted.
"And we've just had the president's lawyer Giuliani later clarified, telling Fox News that Trump repaid
go on TV for an hour. I mean, you didn't Cohen "over several months" through placing the lawyer
see Dowd and Cobb doing that." on a "retainer of $35,000 when he was doing no work for
the president."
Attorney Harmeet Dhillon, Republican
National Committeewoman for California,
told Ingraham that Trump's legal team is "I said, 'That's how he's repaying it, with a
"signaling here" by "picking somebody with little profit and a little margin for paying
impeachment experience" that "the scales taxes,'" Giuliani said, noting that Trump
have fallen from the eyes of the White "didn't know about the specifics of [the
House lawyers, and they realize that the payment], as far as I know, but he did know
stakes are about impeachment here." about the general arrangement that
Michael would take care of things like this.
Like I take care of things like this for my
"When you see the questions and the Mueller leak, the clients. I don't burden them with every
questions are clearly not about any crime that the president single thing that comes along."
may have committed. It's clearly doing some free research
for the Democrats with respect to a potential impeachment

As Predicted: Corporate 1st Quarter Earnings Are Best In
A Quarter Century – Stocks Ready To Rise!
By Jim Hoft
May 3, 2018, 8:01 Am

We were right!

Marketwatch reported yesterday that the first quarter’s

earnings are the best in a quarter century –

According to Thomson Reuters I/B/E/S, of

the 343 companies, or about 70%, of S&P
500 members that have reported
earnings to date, 79.9% have reported
earnings per share that were above
analysts’ expectations, putting the
We predicted that this would be one of season on track for the highest earnings
the greatest quarters ever in the history beat rate on record, going back to 1994.
of corporate earnings and we were
right. So far, the first-quarter growth rate for EPS is 22%,
compared with consensus earnings growth of 16.3% as of
We reported on April 12th that “because of President April 12, according to Lindsey Bell, investment strategist
Trump’s economic measures, the ‘bottom line’ or net at CFRA. That outperformance is underpinned by some of
profits for these companies will be the best 1 st Quarter the most highly valued companies, including JPMorgan
results ever!” We also said – Chase & Co. JPM, -0.50% Apple Inc. AAPL, -0.44%
Facebook Inc. FB, -0.32% and Inc. AMZN, -
As a result of these tax cuts, most US
Corporation will deliver a net income in
their financial results that is 14% greater Bell said recent quarterly results have seen outperformance
than prior year. of about 3 to 4 percentage points better than analysts’
consensus estimates on average, compared with the 5.7
percentage points earnings are currently running ahead.
This starts in the 1st Quarter of 2018 and the results for
many major companies will begin being reported in the
next few weeks. Bell said what’s really impressive is that expectations were
already lofty and this quarter represented the first in which
the bar was raised to factor in fiscal stimulus measures
This means that for every large
such as corporate tax cuts, which took effect in late 2017.
corporation reporting financial results in
the US, the net income after taxes will
be increased by 14% – an unheard of “It’s significant because we haven’t seen a
increase! change like this from the very beginning to
(the) start of reporting season,” Bell said.
With many companies reporting their best year’s results
ever in 2017, and the economy on fire, and taxes being cut MarketWatch went on to state that the markets haven’t
by 14% – expectations are that the net income for these reacted of late to this amazing news due partially to
companies in the 1st Quarter of 2018 will be the best ever volatility in the markets, strengthening of the dollar and
and this will continue from this point forward! rising rates.

This may be accurate, but with results

this good, the markets are due for
another major burst into bull territory!

Mika On Morning Joe Implies President Trump Is
Suffering From Effects Of Long-Term STD
By Jim Hoft
May 3, 2018, 8:26 Am

Their latest assumption is that Trump is suffering from


This is NBC–
Mika Brzezinski on Morning Joe implied
Wednesday morning that President
Trump suffers from the effects of having
a long-term STD.
Then MSNBC pundits just can’t
understand why President Trump and
they want to destroy him.
This is the despite his major economic
and foreign policy victories.

Rudy Giuliani: The Basis For The Mueller
Case Is Dead – Sessions Should Step In And Close It
By Jim Hoft
May 3, 2018, 8:52 Am

Unfortunately, the likelihood of Jeff Sessions taking action

at this time is about the same as Hillary Clinton running a
flight of stairs.

It just won’t happen.

Sessions continues to be a huge


Trump attorney and former New York

City Mayor joined FOX and Friends on
Thursday morning after his explosive
interview with Sean Hannity on
Wednesday night.

Rudy told the FOX and Friends crew that Sessions needs
to step in and close the Mueller witch hunt down.

Rudy Giuliani: Everybody forgets the basis for the case is

dead. Sessions should step in and close it and say enough’s

President Trump Announces His Team
Will Seek Damages From Porn Star Stormy Daniels
By Jim Hoft
May 3, 2018, 9:13 Am

President Trump: Mr. Cohen, an attorney, received a

monthly retainer, not from the campaign and having
nothing to do with the campaign, from which he entered
into, through reimbursement, a private contract between
two parties, known as a non-disclosure agreement, or

These agreements are very common

among celebrities and people of wealth.
In this case it is in full force and effect
and will be used in Arbitration for
damages against Ms. Clifford (Daniels).

The agreement was used to stop the false and extortionist

accusations made by her about an affair despite already
having signed a detailed letter admitting that there was no
affair. Prior to its violation by Ms. Clifford and her
Trump attorney and former New York attorney, this was a private agreement. Money from the
City Mayor Rudy Giuliani joined Sean campaign, or campaign contributions, played no roll in this
Hannity Wednesday to discuss the transaction.
Trump presidency and Mueller witch

Rudy Giuliani repeatedly attacked fired FBI chief James


Rudy told Sean that Comey wsa a disgraceful liar, a

pathological liar. He then told Hannity he was embarrassed
for ever hiring James Comey.

On Cohen, Giuliani told Sean, “Paying Stormy Daniels

$130,000 turning out to be perfectly legal.

That money was not campaign money.

Sorry, I’m giving you a fact not that you
don’t know. It’s not campaign money…

[Trump] knew he would take care of things like this —

like I take care of this stuff with my clients, I don’t burden
them with every single thing.”

On Thursday President Trump tweeted

out that he will seek damages from
Stormy Daniels for breaking contract.

COMEY RESPONDS: Blasts Giuliani
For Comparing FBI Raiders To “Stormtroopers”
By Cristina Laila
May 3, 2018, 11:06 Am

Trump attorney and former New York

City Mayor Rudy Giuliani joined Sean Giuliani then ripped rogue New York FBI agents for
Hannity Wednesday to discuss the raiding Michael Cohen’s home and office to look for
Trump presidency and Mueller witch Stormy Daniels dirt, calling FBI agents “stormtroopers.”
Giuliani said,
Giuliani ripped fired FBI Director James Comey apart
calling him a disgraceful liar and said he should be “The settlement payment, which is a very
prosecuted for leaking classified information. regular thing for lawyers to do. The
question there was, the only possible
On Thursday morning, Comey lashed out at Giuliani. violation there would be:
Was it a campaign finance violation? Which
usually results in a fine, by the way, not this
big stormtroopers coming in and
breaking down his apartment and
breaking down his office.”

He also called for the Mueller witch hunt to end in the

interest of justice.

On Thursday morning, Comey lashed out from his Twitter

account over Giuliani’s “stormtrooper” reference.

Comey tweeted:

I know the New York FBI. There are no

“stormtroopers” there; just a group of
Giuliani’s interview with Sean Hannity Wednesday people devoted to the rule of law and the
evening was explosive. truth. Our country would be better off if our
leaders tried to be like them, rather than
Rudy came clean about the $130,000 payment to Stormy comparing them to Nazis.
Daniels; it was perfectly legal.

On Cohen, Giuliani told Sean,

“Paying Stormy Daniels $130,000 turning

out to be perfectly legal. That money was
not campaign money. Sorry, I’m giving
you a fact not that you don’t know. It’s
not campaign money…[Trump] knew he
would take care of things like this — like I
take care of this stuff with my clients, I don’t
burden them with every single thing.”

“I’m Sorry Jeff To Say This” –
Rudy Giuliani: My Biggest Regret Is
Not Taking Attorney General Job (VIDEO)
By Jim Hoft
May 3, 2018, 11:20 Am

Rudy Giuliani: I think Comey is a bigger liar than

McCabe. McCabe is a situational liar. He’s a much bigger
liar. So if this were an equal system of justice they’d all be

Sean Hannity: Let me ask you…

Rudy Giuliani: My biggest regret, I’m sorry
Jeff to say this, in not having taken that job.
Sean Hannity: You were offered that job?
Rudy Giuliani: Yeah, I wanted to be
Trump attorney and former New York Secretary…
City Mayor Rudy Giuliani joined Sean
Hannity Wednesday to discuss the Sean Hannity: My biggest regret. And I
Trump presidency and Mueller witch like Jeff Sessions but he never should have
hunt. recused himself.
Rudy Giuliani: Well, he never should have
Rudy Giuliani repeatedly attacked fired FBI chief James appointed Rosenstein.
Via Hannity:
Rudy told Sean that Comey wsa a disgraceful liar, a
pathological liar. He then told Hannity he was embarrassed
for ever hiring James Comey.

Rudy also told Sean his “biggest regret”

was not taking the Attorney General job
when asked.

Instead we have AWOL Jeff Sessions

who sits back as the deep state works
overtime to destroy President Trump.

Colbert Applauds Avenatti For ‘Using The Media’
To Trash Trump: ‘You’ve Been On CNN Like 60 Times’
By Kyle Drennen
May 3, 2018 11:54 AM EDT

During an interview with Stormy Daniels attorney Michael shows to keep the pressure on the
Avenatti on Wednesday’s CBS Late Show, aired early President?”
Thursday morning, host Stephen Colbert congratulated the
porn star’s legal counsel for effectively “using the media” Avenatti smugly declared:
to attack President Trump and even alluded to a Media
Research Center study finding that Avenatti has made 59
“I mean, you’re dealing with a defendant
appearances on CNN in less than two months.
that’s very undisciplined, can be easily
baited into making mistakes. And I think
While introducing his guest, we’ve been very, very successful in doing
just that. And we’re going to keep doing
Colbert hailed Avenatti as the person what we’re doing.”
who “has helped turn a civil dispute
with a porn star into an existential threat After cheers and applause from the promised friendly
to the Trump presidency.” As the liberal audience, Colbert wondered:
interview began, the comedian jokingly
reassured the media-savvy attorney: “Now, But you’re using the media. I mean,
I don’t want you to be nervous if you’ve people are – people are fascinated in
never been on TV before. These are just your client. Certainly CNN, also, is
cameras. These people all like you.” fascinated with your client. They always
have a good, you know, over the-shoulder
shot of her under the shoulder when you
guys are talking. Are you trying to out-
Trump Trump by using the media?

For mock dramatic affect, the host removed his glasses as

he asked:

“And if so, won’t that be Pyrrhic victory?

You will have won, but at what cost,
Michael Avenatti? At what cost?” Avenatti
satisfyingly responded: “Well, look, we’re
Colbert observed: gonna continue to use the media. I think
we’ve used it with great success.”
“Lawyers don’t normally do talk shows.”
Avenatti replied: “I’m not your normal Playing to the crowd, the lawyer proclaimed:
lawyer, I guess.” Using MRC numbers,
Colbert noted: “You’ve been on CNN, “And I’m confident that we’re going to win
we did a count, something like 60 times, the case. And I’m gonna stand by what I’ve
so far.” said recently, which is, I think the President
will not serve out his term.”
Clearly impressed by the excessive number of media hits,
the late night host eagerly asked: The studio erupted in loud cheers and applause.

“60 times, so far. What – what is – what Colbert gushed:

is that? Is that part of the strategy of the
case to constantly be on camera, “I have never seen anyone pander to an
constantly be on this show or other audience like you just did.” Avenatti then
raised his arms and called for more COLBERT: 60 times, so far. What – what is – what is that? Is that
adulation. Colbert pretended to admonish part of the strategy of the case to constantly be on camera,
him: “No! We don’t have time. We don’t constantly be on this show or other shows to keep the pressure
have time. This isn’t CNN, I keep things to on the President?
AVENATTI: Well, Stephen, I think you’re absolutely right. I mean,
Later in the softball exchange, Colbert followed up on this is not your normal case, and it’s not your normal defendant. I
Avenatti’s assertion that Trump would be forced to leave mean, you’re dealing with a defendant that’s very undisciplined,
office: can be easily baited into making mistakes. And I think we’ve
been very, very successful in doing just that. And we’re going to
Now, you said just a little while ago, and you said on CNN keep doing what we’re doing. [Cheers and applause]
last week, you said you think Trump will resign, that he
won’t last out his term. What makes you think he’ll resign? COLBERT: But you’re using the media. I mean, people are –
He is nothing, if not shameless. So what is it that would people are fascinated in your client. Certainly CNN, also, is
make him step down? He’ll fight tooth and nail to the end. fascinated with your client. They always have a good, you know,
over the-shoulder shot of her under the shoulder [Laughter] when
Avenatti argued: you guys are talking. Are you trying to out-Trump Trump by using
the media? And if so, won’t that be Pyrrhic victory? You will have
won [Takes off glasses], but at what cost, Michael Avenatti? At
“Well, Stephen, here’s the problem. You
what cost? [Laughter]
have the personal attorney to the president
of 12-15 years who is going to face serious,
serious charges....That attorney knows AVENATTI: Well, look, we’re gonna continue to use the media. I
where all kinds of bodies are buried....And I think we’ve used it with great success. And I’ve said that this
don’t think the President is going to be able entire process is all about results, and that’s what we’re
to withstand the heat at the end of the day, ultimately interested in. And I’m confident that we’re going to win
I just don’t.” the case. And I’m gonna stand by what I’ve said recently, which
is, I think the President will not serve out his term. [Cheers and
Given all the fawning attention Avenatti receives from the
media, it’s no wonder why he’s happy to do so many
appearances. COLBERT: Okay, we’ll get to that, we’ll get to that in a moment.
[Cheers and applause]
Here are excerpts of the Late Show segment, aired early on
the morning of May 3: AVENATTI: Tough crowd. This is a very tough crowd.

12:12 AM ET COLBERT: I have never seen anyone pander to an audience like

you just did.
STEPHEN COLBERT: Well, folks, my next guest has helped turn
a civil dispute with a porn star into an existential threat to the AVENATTI: Thank you, thank you.
Trump presidency. Please welcome attorney Michael Avenatti!
[Cheers and applause] COLBERT: How dare you, sir.

Now, I don’t want you to be nervous if you’ve never been on TV [Avenatti raises his arms, calling for more cheers and applause]
before. These are just cameras. These people all like you.
Lawyers don’t normally do talk shows. COLBERT: No! We don’t have time. We don’t have time. This
isn’t CNN, I keep things to pace.
MICHAEL AVENATTI: I’m not your normal lawyer, I guess.
AVENATTI: I thought that was – I thought that was a challenge.
COLBERT: Well, you don’t have the normal case.
AVENATTI: That’s correct.
12:19 AM
COLBERT: You’ve been on CNN, we did a count, something like
60 times, so far. COLBERT: Now, you said just a little while ago, and you said on
CNN last week, you said you think Trump will resign, that he
AVENATTI: That’s it? won’t last out his term. What makes you think he’ll resign? He is
nothing, if not shameless. So what is it that would make him step
down? He’ll fight tooth and nail to the end.
AVENATTI: Well, Stephen, here’s the problem. You have the buried, there’s no question about that. And I don’t think the
personal attorney to the president of 12-15 years who is going to President is going to be able to withstand the heat at the end of
face serious, serious charges. The FBI seized 16 cell phones the day, I just don’t.
when they conducted those raids, an enormous amount of
information. That attorney knows where all kinds of bodies are (...)

BREAKING: Feds Wiretapped Trump Lawyer’s
By Cristina Laila
May 3, 2018, 12:09 Pm

alleged she had an affair with Trump,

according to two people with knowledge of
the legal proceedings involving Cohen.

It is not clear how long the wiretap has been authorized,

but NBC News has learned it was in place in the weeks
leading up to the raids on Cohen’s offices, hotel room, and
home in early April, according to one person with direct

At least one phone call between a phone line associated

BREAKING NEWS. with Cohen and the White House was intercepted, the
person said.
Feds have reportedly wiretapped
Michael Cohen’s phone lines and have
intercepted at least one phone call with The Feds raided Michael Cohen’s office and residence in
the White House. early April at the request of Mueller with Rosenstein’s

They were looking for dirt on Stormy Daniels and seized

records about the “Access Hollywood” tape.

It was also reported taped conversation between Cohen

and Trump may have been seized during the raid being
that Cohen had the proclivity to tape convos with his

According to NBC, sources close to Giuliani say President

Trump made a call to Cohen a few days after the FBI
raided the lawyer’s residence and office.

NBC reported: It was during this phone call that Cohen

reportedly told Trump not to call him
Federal investigators have wiretapped the anymore because he feared he was
phone lines of Michael Cohen, the longtime being recorded by prosecutors.
personal lawyer for President Donald
Trump who is under investigation for a Story developing…
payment he made to an adult film star who

Reporter Screams At Trump About
Stormy Daniels At National Day Of Prayer Ceremony
Benny Johnson - Reporter At Large
12:34 PM 05/03/2018

President Trump welcomed a diverse range of religious on you” from one of the attendees, directed at the press
leaders to the White House for the National Day of Prayer pen.
Thursday. The event was uplifting – but the behavior of a
reporter at the end of the ceremony disgusted the guests.

Trump spoke about religious persecution and the

importance of faith in his remarks. Trump welcomed a
one-time inmate turned Christian convert, and the man
who arrested him, onstage to share a story of faith and
forgiveness. The president, surrounded by religious leaders
of all faith backgrounds, then signed an official White
House Faith Initiative.

As the president was leaving the event, an unidentified

reporter screamed “What about Stormy Daniels?”

WATCH: Enjeti says that “several” guests of the religious ceremony

were visibly upset at the press.

Other White House reporters confirmed the interactions.

Stormy Daniels is a porn star who had an affair with

Trump. The two are embroiled in legal battles over alleged
payments Trump’s attorney made to her and the
president’s knowledge of the payment.

The question, yelled at religious event, disgusted some in

the audience. Daily Caller White House correspondent
Saagar Enjeti says the question prompted an angry “shame

Huh?… Stormy’s Lawyer Michael Avenatti Says HE
KNEW Cohen’s Text Messages Were Tapped! (VIDEO)
By Jim Hoft
May 3, 2018, 12:55 Pm

On Thursday NBC reported that the feds were wiretapping

Michael Cohen’s phone lines.
Cohen is president Trump’s private attorney.
This means the Deep State has
wiretapped and/or spied on Donald
CNBC reported:
Trump’s administration, his transition
team, his family, his business and now Among the items seized from Cohen last
his lawyer’s phone lines. month were files related to a $130,000
payment he made to porn star Stormy
Daniels shortly before the 2016 presidential
CONDUCT has ever been identified.
election. Daniels has said the money was
Now this… in exchange for her promise to keep quiet
about an affair she says she had with
Today on MSNBC porn star Stormy Trump in 2006. The White House has
Daniels’s lawyer Michael Avenatti said denied the affair happened.
HE KNEW Cohen’s text messages were
also being tapped! Daniels lawyer Michael Avenatti, during an appearance on
MSNBC said he knew that Michael Cohen’s text messages
Michael Avenatti: Here’s what I think ultimately we’re were also tapped by investigators.
going to find out. I don’t think we’re going to find out that
this was confined just to email or voice wiretap. “It’s a fact,” Avenatti said.
I think they’re also, my understanding It has been previously known that federal prosecutors were
was, they were also wiretapping text monitoring Cohen’s email accounts for some time before
message communications for the weeks the April 9 raid.
leading up to the FBI raids.
If true this is likely illegal.
How would Avenatti know? The story
broke this morning.
Is the deep state working with Stormy
the porn star?

GIULIANI FURIOUS! After Wapo Reporter
Reads NBC Cohen Wiretap Report To Him
By Cristina Laila
May 3, 2018, 1:15 Pm

Media ignited after it was revealed the

Feds reportedly wiretapped Michael
Cohen’s phone lines and even
intercepted at least one phone call with
the White House.
Rudy Giuliani responded Thursday, outraged feds are once
again imposing on attorney-client privilege.

Giuliani hasn’t spoken with POTUS

about the report as of 1:15 PM EST.
Costa tweeted: Giuliani says he hasn’t spoken to POTUS
yet about the NBC News story but is about to call him to

The Feds reportedly wiretapped Cohen’s phone lines

leading up to the early April raid of his residence and
According to NBC, sources close to Giuliani say President
Robert Costa then tweeted:
Trump made a call to Cohen a few days after the FBI
raided the lawyer’s residence and office. Giuliani to Wash Post: If true, “It’s not
appropriate. I mean, he’s a lawyer. You
It was during this phone call that Cohen reportedly told
mean, I call up my lawyer and the
Trump not to call him anymore because he feared he was
government is wiretapping him? That’s
being recorded by prosecutors.
pretty damn — I mean, they’ve already
Giuliani immediately responded to this outrageous abuse eviscerated the attorney-client privilege.
of power, once again pointing out attorney-client privilege This would make a mockery of it.”
has been eviscerated.
WaPo reporter Robert Costa spoke to
Giuliani over the phone Thursday for
Costa tweeted:
NEW: Giuliani tells me he can’t confirm
there were wiretaps, hasn’t been informed.
But when read NBC report, he was furious.
“If they picked up the president, they would
have had to notify him.” Said if true, wld be
a “mockery” of attorney-client privilege and
“gov’t misconduct”

Sanders Shoots Down
Questions About Stormy Daniels Payment
Justin Caruso - Media Reporter
1:47 PM 05/03/2018

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders was

swarmed by reporters shouting questions outside the White
House Thursday.

She responded by saying that she has no comment, “no

matter how many times you guys ask the same question.”

Sanders was asked about Rudy Giuliani’s revelation that

Trump reimbursed his personal lawyer Michael Cohen for
a payment to Stormy Daniels.

“Mayor Giuliani has spoken at length about

this, both last night and this morning.
There’s ongoing litigation. I’m not going to
be able to comment, no matter how many
times you guys ask me the same question,”
she said.


Mika Brzezinski On Giuliani Interview:
'Oh My God, I Can't Even, I Can't'
By Bill D'Agostino
May 3, 2018 2:09 PM EDT

with Kim Jong-un. For his part, the Senator did not appear
to mind.

On Thursday, Morning Joe co-hosts Joe Scarborough and

Mika Brzezinski spent less than 40 minutes of their three-
hour MSNBC show talking about anything other the Avenatti’s appearance unfolded predictably. He opened by
President’s legal troubles. staring sternly at the camera and making a statement which
resembled a WWE wrestling promo:
The pair were particularly incensed at two television
interviews given by former New York Mayor Rudy “Mr. President, you and your advisers and
Giuliani, who had recently joined the President’s legal your lawyers need to bring it. Bring it.” After
team. The show continuously played and replayed clips hurling a few obligatory insults (“liar,”
from those appearances until Brzezinski collapsed into a “disgrace,” etc.)
sputtering heap.
Avenatti took aim at a recent string of tweets from the
"Oh my God," she cried, "I can't even, I President’s Twitter account:
If anybody thinks that Donald Trump wrote those tweets,
Scarborough decried Giuliani’s explanation of the then they haven't been paying attention over the last couple
$130,000 that had been paid to porn star Stormy Daniels, years. I don't know the lawyer that wrote this, but you can
which seemed to contradict previous statements made by tell a lawyer wrote it because you can – all you have to do
the Trump team. is count the number of commas in the run-on in the first
tweet. Whoever the lawyer is that wrote this, that lawyer is
“A Little League baseball team would be also a moron.
able to get their story more straight than
the President of the United States and this The paltry few segments that morning which were not
confederacy of dunces,” he marveled. about Trump ended up being about Trump anyway. For
example, while interviewing political scientist Ian
In addition to a handful of contributors and panelists, the Bremmer about his front-page Time article titled “Rise of
show brought on a cavalcade of guests to dissect Giuliani’s the Strongman,” Brzezinski posited that Trump ought to
television interviews on Hannity and Fox and Friends. have been pictured on the cover. Later, a third-hour
Among them were liberal Democratic Senator Richard segment about “the state of black America” opened with a
Blumenthal of Connecticut, and, of course, Daniels clip of the President discussing the black unemployment
attorney Michael Avenatti. rate.
No panelist bothered to ask Blumenthal about anything It remains to be seen whether MSNBC executives will
germaine to his role as a sitting Senator, such as pending eventually modify the morning program’s name to The
legislation or the upcoming midterms. Instead, Trump Show. Regardless, Scarborough and Brzezinski will
Blumenthal’s interview focused entirely on the President’s likely continue to behave as though such a change has
legal troubles, aside from one tack-on question from already taken place.
MSNBC’s Willie Geist about Trump’s upcoming summit

BEAUTIFUL! Sarah Huckabee Sanders
SHUTS DOWN Liberal Hack April Ryan (VIDEO)
By Jim Hoft
May 3, 2018, 2:29 Pm

It’s always fun to watch Sarah Huckabee office about his impacting stellar
Sanders chew up a liberal reporter and statements about what’s happening?
spit them out.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders: The White
House Press Office wouldn’t coordinate
with the president’s outside legal team on
legal strategy.
April Ryan: You said yourself you were
Sarah Huckabee Sanders: I actually didn’t
use that term.
April Ryan: Well, I said it. But you were
blindsided with what you said.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders: With all due
respect you actually don’t know that much
about me in terms of what I feel and what I
At the White House press conference on don’t… I think we’re done here.
Thursday far left crank April Ryan
accused Sarah Sanders of being
“blindsided” by Rudy Giuliani’s

That was a bridge too far — Sarah unloaded.

April Ryan: Now, going to Rudy Giuliani.

Did Rudy Giunliani do harm to the
president today and last night with his
conversations to FOX?
Sarah Huckabee Sanders: I don’t believe
so. Next.
April Ryan: Why didn’t he, why didn’t he
why didn’t he talk to the White House press

GIULIANI IS ON A ROLL – Calls Comey A “Sensitive
Little Baby” In Response To Comey’s Tweet Over
“Stormtroopers” Comment
By Cristina Laila
May 3, 2018, 2:40 Pm

[Trump] knew he would take care of things

Trump attorney and former New York like this — like I take care of this stuff with
City Mayor Rudy Giuliani joined Sean my clients, I don’t burden them with every
Hannity Wednesday to discuss the single thing.”
Trump presidency and Mueller witch
hunt. Giuliani then ripped rogue New York FBI agents for
raiding Michael Cohen’s home and office to look for
Stormy Daniels dirt, calling FBI agents “stormtroopers.”
Giuliani ripped Comey apart, calling him a disgraceful liar
and said he should be prosecuted for leaking classified
information. Giuliani said,

Comey lashed out at Rudy on Thursday morning for “The settlement payment, which is a very
calling the FBI agents who raided Michael Cohen’s office regular thing for lawyers to do. The
and residence “stormtroopers.” question there was, the only possible
violation there would be:
Rudy took a shot at Comey in response and it was Was it a campaign finance violation? Which
glorious. usually results in a fine, by the way, not
this big stormtroopers coming in and
breaking down his apartment and
breaking down his office.”

On Thursday morning, Comey lashed out from his Twitter

account over Giuliani’s “stormtrooper” reference.

Comey tweeted:

I know the New York FBI. There are no

“stormtroopers” there; just a group of
people devoted to the rule of law and the
truth. Our country would be better off if our
leaders tried to be like them, rather than
comparing them to Nazis.
On Wednesday evening, Rudy came clean about the
$130,000 payment to Stormy Daniels; it was perfectly

On Cohen, Giuliani told Sean Hannity,

“Paying Stormy Daniels $130,000 turning

out to be perfectly legal.
That money was not campaign money.
Sorry, I’m giving you a fact not that you
don’t know. It’s not campaign money…
Rudy Giuliani moved in with a kill shot.
When WaPo reporter Robert Costa spoke to Giuliani on
the phone about NBC’s report that the feds wiretapped
Michael Cohen’s phone lines, he also asked about
Comey’s tweet.

Giuliani told Robert Costa that Comey is a

“sensitive little baby.” Hah!

Intimidation? CBS Reporter Major Garrett
Implies Sarah Sanders Faces Legal Jeopardy
For Press Briefings
By Kristinn Taylor
May 3, 2018, 2:50 Pm

Major Garrett, Chief White House Correspondent for CBS appears your position is you’re not going to
News, implied White House Press Secretary Sarah comment because it’s ongoing litigation.
Huckabee Sanders faces legal jeopardy for statements she
Have you been advised not to wade into
has made to the press. This writer is hard-pressed to recall
this to protect yourself from any
any previous White House press secretary who has ever
potential legal exposure by giving either
been threatened like this by the media or federal false information or information that
proves later not to be able to be
withstood in court?”

Sarah Sanders:

“No, but I would always advise against

giving false information. And as a person of
human decency I do my best to give
correct information…”

CBS News proudly posted a video clip of Garrett trying to

intimidate Sanders during Thursday’s press briefing that
was dominated by questions about Rudy Giuliani’s
statements made Wednesday night about the Stormy
Daniels payment by Michael Cohen, President Donald
Trump’s private attorney, that Giuliani said were later
reimbursed by Trump.

CBS video clip:

“When you say you gave the best

information at the time & it turns out not to
be correct or accurate, are you then trying
to limit the liability that you may encounter
by not dealing with any of the questions
now, pushing it all off because you say it’s
ongoing litigation?”

Major Garrett:
(Talking over Sanders) “But the point of
Jonathan’s question before, when you say
“When you’ve given answers around this before that you gave the best information
general topic you gave us the best you had at the time…”
information you had at the time. Now it

Sanders: (Interjecting) “And I continue to dealing with any of those questions now
do that today.” and pushing it all off because you says it’s
all ongoing litigation?”
Garrett: “But it turns out not to be correct or
accurate are you then trying to limit the Sanders, “Again, I’m giving the best
liability that you may encounter by not information I have. Some information…”

EXCLUSIVE: Giuliani Calls
For Sessions To 'Step In' On Cohen Investigation
By Niall Stanage
05/03/18 03:09 PM EDT

Rudy Giuliani called for Attorney General Jeff Sessions to

intervene in the Michael Cohen case and put the people Speaking when the original story was still operative,
behind the probe “under investigation” in a phone call with Giuliani said that a wiretapping of Cohen would amount to
The Hill on Thursday. “gross misconduct” by the government. He added
sarcastically, “And they don’t even notify us? I mean, he’s
only the president of the United States.”
“I am waiting for the Attorney General to
step in, in his role as defender of justice,
and put these people under investigation,” Sessions's deputy at the Justice Department, Rod
Giuliani said. He was reacting to an NBC Rosenstein, reportedly signed off on the Cohen raid after
News report that had initially stated phones prosecutors in New York received a criminal referral from
belonging to Cohen, President Trump’s special counsel Robert Mueller.
longtime personal attorney, had been
tapped by investigators. The NBC report in its updated form also stated that “at
least one phone call between a phone line associated with
The former New York City mayor argued that if the Cohen and the White House was logged” by law
reported wiretapping of Cohen were true — and he enforcement.
emphasized he was not sure that it was — it would be a
blatant transgression of attorney-client privilege. Before the furor over the monitoring of Cohen's phones
erupted Thursday, Giuliani dropped a bombshell by telling
Giuliani, who joined President Trump’s personal legal Sean Hannity of Fox News Channel on Wednesday
team about two weeks ago, predicted that Trump would evening that the president reimbursed Cohen for the
share his anger at the matter, though he said he had not yet $130,000 that the attorney paid to adult-film actress
spoken to the president about it. Stormy Daniels a short time before the 2016 presidential
When he does so, Giuliani predicted,
Trump told reporters aboard Air Force One last month that
“He is going to say to me, ‘Isn’t there an he was not aware of the payments to Daniels and that he
attorney-client privilege?’ And I am going to did not know where Cohen had gotten the money.
tell him, ‘No, the Department of Justice
seems to want to trample all over the Trump is battling on several legal fronts, including the
Constitution of the United States.’ ” Cohen matter, the ongoing Russia investigation led by
Mueller and accusations of sexual misconduct from
Giuliani’s explosive comments were made, however, women.
before NBC News issued a significant correction to its
story. Giuliani reiterated in his phone call with The Hill that
Trump was aware in general terms that the former New
The news organization changed its original piece to reflect York City mayor was going to put out the version of
that "three senior U.S. officials" were disputing the idea events he presented on “Hannity” — though not exactly
that a wiretap was placed on Cohen's phones. Those when he would do so.
officials said, according to NBC, that
As if to push back against those who suggested that he had
"the monitoring of Cohen's phones was committed a gaffe, Giuliani said he had spoken to the
limited to a log of calls, known as a pen president “several times” since his Wednesday evening
register, not a wiretap where investigators Fox News appearance.
can actually listen to calls."
Asked if Trump was content with his performance, country would be better off if our leaders
Giuliani responded: tried to be like them, rather than comparing
them to Nazis.”
Giuliani countered that he had not made a Nazi
Giuliani also hit back at criticism — including from fired comparison, arguing, “there are stormtroopers all over.”
FBI Director James Comey — about his use of the term
“stormtroopers” in relation to the FBI raids last month on But, he added, “If you don’t like it, don’t act
Cohen’s home, office and hotel room. that way.”

On Twitter, Comey wrote: This story was originally published before NBC News
issued a correction to its original report, which contended
“I know the New York FBI. There are no that Michael Cohen's phones had been wiretapped. The
'stormtroopers' there; just a group of people Hill's story has been updated to reflect the NBC
devoted to the rule of law and the truth. Our correction.

Sarah Sanders Wipes
The Floor With April Ryan
Amber Athey - Media Reporter
3:13 PM 05/03/2018

White House press secretary Sarah Sanders smoked CNN Sanders first smacked down Ryan by explaining to her that
analyst April Ryan on Thursday after the reporter the White House press office would not talk to the
purported to know Sanders’ feelings about the president’s president’s legal team about legal strategy. Ryan got hit
legal strategy. again after she claimed Sanders said she was “blindsided”
by Rudy Guiliani’s comments on Fox News last night.
“You said yourself you were blindsided,”
Ryan claimed.
“I didn’t use that term,” Sanders shot back.
“Well I said it, but you were blindsided by
what you said,” Ryan asserted.
“Well, with all due respect, you actually
don’t know much about me in terms of what
I feel and what I don’t,” Sanders retorted
with some serious sass. “Okay, I think
we’re done here.”

Trump Cracks Joke About Election Night
That Will Drive Hillary Clinton Insane
Justin Caruso - Media Reporter
3:15 PM 05/04/2018

President Donald Trump recalled how so many people said Trump recalled election night 2016, saying, “We really
he couldn’t get enough electoral college votes to win the had a big night.”
2016 election during a speech at the National Rifle
Association (NRA) convention Friday. “Remember they said there’s no way, electoral
college, there is no way to win for me. There is
Trump dropped a joke that will drive Hillary Clinton no way to 270.”
insane, mocking those who said he couldn’t get to 270.
“They were right–but 306 was okay, right?”
WATCH: Trump said.

He continued,

“306. So, we had a great time. I think we are

doing better now than ever before. I think we
are more popular now from the standpoint now
we produce. You know, when I was running I
said we would give you tax cuts.”

Dershowitz Explodes:
‘I Don’t Want To Live In A Police State’
Christian Datoc - Breaking News And Engagement Editor
3:19 PM 05/03/2018

Constitutional scholar Alan Dershowitz delivered a heated Clinton who could have been elected and
takedown Thursday of lawyers and civil libertarians had the same thing happen to her, or
pursuing Donald Trump for a crime, despite multiple Donald Trump that civil libertarians ought
probes failing to find evidence after more than a year of to express concern.”
“I don’t want to live in the surveillance
state,” he continued. “I want to do
WATCH: everything in my power no matter who the
target is to prevent this from occurring.”
“It was Lavrentiy Beria who told Stalin,
‘show me the man, and I’ll find your crime.’
You can go through the federal criminal
code and find crimes that virtually any
businessman, any politician has
committed,” Dershowitz stated. “It is so
easy to get a warrant. It is so easy to
persuade a judge to give you a wiretap
warrant. That simply doesn’t protect
American citizens, and any civil libertarian
who was exposed to what’s going on here
today — if Hillary Clinton were the subject
“I do not trust the government. I do not trust — would be taking exactly the opposite
judges. I do not trust prosecutors when position.”
they are zealously seeking to go after a “There is so much hypocrisy, partisan
particular target, in this case Donald hypocrisy out there. I don’t mind if
Trump,” the lawyer stated on MSNBC. conservatives take the view we ought to
“Nobody would have been going after trust government or former prosecutors
Michael Cohen if he weren’t Donald take the view we ought to trust
Trump’s lawyer. That’s the reality.” government. My gripe is against civil
“People don’t investigate campaign libertarians and criminal defense lawyers
contribution lapses or campaign rule who are always on the side of challenging
violations generally about people who the government, the ACLU, who have
aren’t in the public life, and I just worry that suddenly lost its way and forgotten what
when you have somebody with a target on they’ve preached for 50 years because it is
his or her back – whether it is Hillary Donald Trump they’re after.”

Dirty Cop Robert Mueller Seeks
70 Blank Subpoenas In Manafort Case
By Cristina Laila
May 3, 2018, 3:24 Pm
SHUT IT DOWN. In a filing Monday night, Manafort’s lawyer argued his
client wouldn’t get a fair trial because of leaks to media
Robert Mueller is seeking 70 blank
from government officials.
subpoenas in the Manafort case
according to a Thursday court filing by
the Special Counsel. Screenshot of page one of court filing showing Mueller
seeking 70 blank subpoenas:

Court House reported:

Special Counsel Robert Mueller on

Thursday filed a request for 70 blank
subpoenas in the Virginia court presiding
over one of two criminal proceedings
involving former Trump campaign chairman
Paul Manafort.
The two-page filing doesn’t offer much in
the way of details, but each subpoena
orders the recipient to appear at the federal
courthouse in Alexandria on July 10 at 10
a.m. to testify at Manafort’s trial on charges
stemming from Mueller’s investigation of
Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential Trump’s former campaign manager, Paul Manafort is
election. battling Mueller in court.

Although Manafort faces no charges related to the Trump Paul Manafort first made arguments in a suit with Robert
campaign, he is accused in cases filed both in Alexandria, Mueller, Rod Rosenstein and Jeff Sessions as Head of the
Virginia and Washington, D.C. of hiding the work he did DOJ, related to illegalities in the way that Rosenstein set
for and the money he made from a Russia-friendly political up the Mueller special counsel. Rosenstein’s special
party in Ukraine and former Ukrainian president Viktor counsel order was not based on a crime and
Yanukovych. unconstitutionally stated that Mueller could basically look
at anything he wanted to look at. These provisions are
against the law and are now for the courts to settle.
In addition to the above suit, Robert Barnes recently wrote The memo is dated August 2, 2017 and is from Rosenstein
at Law and Crimes that Mueller’s actions not related to the to Mueller supposedly directing Mueller to look into
2016 campaign are outside the scope of Jeff Sessions Manafort actions with a Russian operative perhaps before
recusal as AG and therefore unconstitutional. 2016. This however is clearly outside the scope of
Sessions’ recusal as argued by Manafort and doesn’t even
In early April, Mueller and Rosenstein presented to the address Manafort’s argument that these actions are not for
courts a rebuttal for Manafort’s latest action – they Mueller to take or Rosenstein to order but are Sessions
presented a previously undisclosed memo to a federal actions alone as AG.
court in Washington supposedly addressing Manafort’s
argument. The problem is it doesn’t. Mueller and Rosenstein are out of control. The witch hunt
must be shut down.

Robert Mueller Hires ANOTHER
Liberal Hack Lawyer Who Donated To Hillary Clinton
By Cristina Laila
May 3, 2018, 3:42 Pm

Dirty cop Mueller has stacked his team with liberal hack
Robert Mueller has hired another lawyers who are all registered Democrats. Over half of
Democrat to join his team of liberal hack them have donated to Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.
Mueller’s team is a who’s who of corrupt and conflicted
And surprise surprise, the new lawyer
Obama and Hillary cronies.
donated to Hillary Clinton.

As we reported over the past year Mueller’s team consists

of the following:

 Rush Atkinson, an attorney on detail from the Criminal

Division’s Fraud Section at the Department of Justice
— Donated $200 to Clinton in 2016
 Peter Carr – DOJ spokesman under Barack Obama.
 Andrew Goldstein, a public corruption prosecutor on
detail from the U.S. Attorney’s Office in the Southern
District of New York
— Worked under Trump-basher Preet Bharara in
the liberal New York southern district.
 Adam Jed, an appellate attorney on detail from DOJ’s
Chuck Ross of The Daily Caller reported:
Civil Division. — Defended Obamacare at the DOJ.
 Elizabeth Prelogar, an appellate attorney on detail
The latest addition to special counsel from the Office of the Solicitor General. -Fluent in
Robert Mueller’s team of prosecutors Russian; former law clerk to Justices Ruth Bader
contributed to Hillary Clinton’s 2008 Ginsburg and Elena Kagan.
presidential campaign, according to federal  James Quarles, a former partner at WilmerHale and a
campaign records. former assistant special prosecutor for the Watergate
Uzo Asonye, an assistant U.S. Attorney for Special Prosecution Force. –Former assistant special
the Eastern District of Virginia, is joining prosecutor on the Watergate Special Prosecution
Mueller’s stable of prosecutors to work as Force.
local counsel on the case against Paul  Jeannie Rhee, a former partner at WilmerHale who
Manafort, President Donald Trump’s former has served in the Office of Legal Counsel at DOJ and
campaign chairman who has been indicted as an assistant U.S. attorney for the District of
on money laundering and bank fraud Columbia. — Rhee is a Clinton Foundation
charges. Lawyer and former Deputy Assistant Attorney
Asonye worked at the firm O’Melveny & General in the Office of Legal Counsel under
Myers before joining the U.S. attorney’s Barack Obama.
office in 2010. Asonye donated $900 to  Brandon Van Grack, an attorney on detail from the
Clinton’s presidential campaign from Justice Department’s National Security Division.
January to April 2008, according to Federal — Led a grand jury inquiry in Northern Virginia
Election Commission records. He has not scrutinizing former Trump associate Michael
donated to any other national political Flynn’s foreign lobbying.
campaigns since then.  Aaron Zebley, a former partner at WilmerHale who
has previously served with Mueller at the FBI and has
served as an assistant U.S. attorney in the Eastern
Asonye is just the latest Democrat to join Mueller’s team.
District of Virginia. — Worked with Robert Mueller at
the WilmerHale firm.

 Zainab Ahmad, a top national security prosecutor on Peter Strzok and his mistress Lisa Page were thrown off of
detail from U.S. Attorney’s Office in the Eastern District the investigation after Trump-hating text messages
of New York. between the two FBI agents were discovered by the IG.
 Michael Dreeben, an appellate attorney on detail from
the Office of the Solicitor General, described by former WHERE THE HELL IS AG SESSIONS??
colleagues as one of the brightest criminal law experts
of the past two generations.

CNN Goes Nuclear On Sanders After WH Briefing;
‘She Has Lost Credibility’ With The Country
By Curtis Houck
May 3, 2018 4:33 PM EDT

Conditions reached DEFCON-1 over at CNN on Thursday

afternoon following a tense White House press briefing He continued uninterrupted :
filled with questions about the administration’s credibility.
These frenzied inquiries were sparked by Rudy Giuliani's Well, when the spokesperson for the
stunning admission that the President reimbursed Michael President of the United States of America
Cohen for the Stormy Daniels hush payment. comes to that podium and provides
incorrect, false, bad information, they have
CNN political director David Chalian and senior political no credibility to continue with that job. I'm
reporter Nia-Malika Henderson went ballistic over Sanders not suggesting she's on her way out. I'm
having "lost credibility with the American people” and sure Sarah Sanders will stay there because
bolstered the lewd claims about Sanders made by Michelle she's pleasing an audience of one. But she
Wolf at Saturday’s White House Correspondents Dinner. has acknowledged she can only go out
there with information, the best available. If
the best available is false, bad, and untrue
information, she's failing at her job and I
think we saw that time and again in this
press briefing today and I think it will go
down as the real time that Sarah Sanders
has lost her credibility with the American

To Hill’s credit, she pushed back on Chalian’s diatribe,

making the point that the blame lay with the President for
lying and giving conflicting information.

Chalian dismissed that argument outright, telling Hill that

This stands in contrast to how the liberal media treated
then-White House Press Secretary Mike McCurry, who
served during the height of Bill Clinton’s sex scandals and “[i]f she can't verify what she's going
spent countless briefings arguing that at the end of the day, out with to that podium to answer
he knew nothing about Clinton’s exploits. questions” with absolutely certainty, then
“she shouldn’t be speaking about it at
First, the 2018 shenanigans. Fill-in CNN Newsroom host
Erica Hill started with a question for Chalian, wondering:
She remarked to Henderson that this scenario echoed Sean
Spicer's actions at the behest of the President on
“[H]ow can we trust anything we're Inauguration Day, in which he uttered
hearing when this President has such a
blatant disregard for the truth?”
“a falsehood about something really
Chalian unloaded, declaring that viewers should
She further argued that Sanders' behavior lent credence
“[c]ircle May 3rd on your calendar Wolf’s crass routine from Saturday :
because this is the day we will look
back on in his briefing where Sarah
Sanders made it so painfully clear she Here is Sarah Sanders, who, of course,
has lost credibility with the American was mocked, right? If you remember the
people, with the reporters in that room.” White House Correspondents Dinner, I
mean, this was part of the theme of that
comedienne’s attack, the idea that Sarah
Sanders had a problem with the truth. And I Richard Nixon's spokesman Ron Ziegler
think we got plenty of evidence today and during the stonewalling of Watergate.
through these last couple of months that
By the time the country learned that Clinton
she does have a problem being candid and
had been lying for seven months, McCurry
part of her job there is almost like a
had already announced his departure,
reporter, right? I mean, it's almost digging
turning over the job to his deputy, Joe
for as much information as she can get, Lockhart.
verifying that information and presenting
that information, right? And if she has
doubts about that information, then she A final review for the Mike McCurry show?
shouldn't go out there presenting that
information as if it's truthful and that's what He was, of course, an unwitting participant in the Monica
she has done and you saw here today Lewinsky coverup, but he was far more helpful to
basically deflect, go to outside counsel, I’m reporters in private conversations, when the cameras were
giving you the best information I can. But turned off.
it's not the best information if it isn’t vetted
if it’s a falsehood. That’s not good See the relevant transcript from May 3's CNN Newsroom,
information. That’s terrible information. below.

As for the press secretary's non-verbal cues, Chalian CNN Newsroom

replied that Sanders was May 3, 2018
2:54 p.m. Eastern
“wearing it on her face, in her words,
that she knows because....she ERICA HILL: David Chalian, I'm not sure where to begin here,
recognizes that working in that role in but I will say. A few things that stuck out from the very beginning.
this White House under this level of There is this obvious question which we cannot ignore and we've
scrutiny has demolished her been talking about now for — I would say since the campaign the
credibility.” fact that the President is continually changing stories and what
we're hearing, the “facts” seem to keep changing. Sarah Sanders
Now back to the 1990s. When McCurry left the White said today and quoting here “I would always advise against
House in 1998, then-Reliable Sources host Howard Kurtz giving false information” and yet there's a question, David, of how
offered a fawning October 1, 1998 piece for can we trust anything we're hearing when this President has
such a blatant disregard for the truth?
NBC’s John Palmer told him:

“Reporters perceived Mike McCurry as a

good and a decent person, first of all,
and that counts for a lot. He has never,
at least that we know of, lied to us, that
counts for a lot.”

Using language that will never be heard on CNN to portray

Spicer or Sanders in a positive light, Kurtz hyped that

“bobbed and weaved his way through

plenty of scandals” and during the DAVID CHALIAN: Well, and of course, and if the President does,
Lewinsky scandal, “McCurry proudly then that infects the people on his behalf. Circle May 3rd on your
proclaimed himself to be ‘out of the calendar because this is the day we will look back on in his
loop’” and thus “couldn't respond to briefing where Sarah Sanders made it so painfully clear she has
questions.” lost credibility with the American people, with the reporters in that
room. She completely would sidestep and say that she could only
give the best information she has. She was acknowledging to Jim
Here’s more from the post:
Acosta’s question that she came out and provided incorrect
information. Well, when the spokesperson for the President of the
But his best efforts were overwhelmed by United States of America comes to that podium and provides
the Lewinsky scandal, leaving McCurry in incorrect, false, bad information, they have no credibility to
the uncomfortable posture of President continue with that job. I'm not suggesting she's on her way out.

I'm sure Sarah Sanders will stay there because she's pleasing an NIA-MALIKA HENDERSON: Well, I mean, I think you go back to
audience of one. But she has acknowledged she can only go out day one with Sean Spicer, right? Blatantly going out and telling a
there with information, the best available. If the best available is falsehood about something really small, right? Crowd size and
false, bad, and untrue information, she's failing at her job and I from what we could tell, he was basically sent out there by the
think we saw that time and again in this press briefing today and I President who was unhappy about the comparisons of his crowd
think it will go down as the real time that Sarah Sanders has lost size to Obama's crowd size. So this is a book end and echo
her credibility with the American people. event. Here is Sarah Sanders, who, of course, was mocked,
right? If you remember the White House Correspondents Dinner,
HILL: But, David, let me press you on that for just a moment I mean, this was part of the theme of that comedienne’s attack,
because, yes, there is a fact that she said repeatedly, as you the idea that Sarah Sanders had a problem with the truth. And I
point out today, I'm giving you the best information I have at the think we got plenty of evidence today and through these last
time. Is this Sarah Sanders failing in her job or is this Sarah couple of months that she does have a problem being candid and
Sanders doing her job? She's giving us the information that she part of her job there is almost like a reporter, right? I mean, it's
has at the time, which then continues to change based on the almost digging for as much information as she can get, verifying
giver of that information, the President. that information and presenting that information, right? And if she
has doubts about that information, then she shouldn't go out
there presenting that information as if it's truthful and that's what
CHALIAN: But Erica, she's speaking on behalf of the President of
she has done and you saw here today basically deflect, go to
the United States. If she can't verify what she's going out with to
outside counsel, I’m giving you the best information I can. But it's
that podium to answer questions with is truthful, accurate
not the best information if it isn’t vetted if it’s a falsehood. That’s
information, she shouldn't be speaking about it at all. That's not
not good information. That’s terrible information.
the case here. She spoke with bad information because we are
now learning it was not truthful when she walked out there in
March and delivered those answers and she — I thought she CHALIAN: And, Erica, just to add to what Nia is saying there, I
was clear in acknowledging that today. think Sarah Sanders is wearing it on her face, in her words, that
she knows because she is totally — to Nia’s point, she’s
completely changed her approach to all this. It is all now about go
HILL: There’s also — maybe if you look at sort of, as you point
to outside counsel, go to outside counsel, I can only give the best
out, circle this date on our calendars, May 3 and Nia-Malika, the
information I had at the time. That is a shift because she
question is where do we go from here in terms of information and
recognizes that working in that role in this White House under
being able to trust anything that comes out of this White House?
this level of scrutiny has demolished her credibility. So she's
taking a different approach.

HILL: And I will say to your point, David, I thought there was
definitely a change in her demeanor today.

Catching Up To CNN?
Avenatti Gets 8 MSNBC Appearances In 4 Days
By Kyle Drennen
May 3, 2018 4:36 PM EDT

After a Media Research Center study found that Stormy the attorney once again appeared on the cable channel with
Daniels attorney Michael Avenatti appeared on CNN an Last Word host Lawrence O’Donnell. On Wednesday,
astonishing 59 times in less than two months, a number Avenatti talked to MSNBC’s Ali Velshi in the 3:00 p.m
which has already risen in the last 24 hours, MSNBC ET hour. In the 10:00 p.m. ET hour, the porn star’s legal
seems to be trying to catch up, featuring the porn star’s counsel once again appeared on The Last Word, calling in
lawyer on its airwaves a total of eight times in just four to discuss breaking news about the case with O’Donnell.
days, including three separate appearances on Thursday.
Avenatti doubled all those appearances on Thursday. First,
he joined the cast of Morning Joe in the 7:00 a.m. ET
hour. Next, he took softball questions from anchor Andrea
Mitchell in the 12:00 p.m. ET hour. Finally, he participated
in panel discussions during the 1:00 p.m. ET and 2:00 p.m.
ET hours, as anchors Kasie Hunt and Steve Kornacki
covered the breaking news that federal investigators had
been wiretapping President Trump’s personal attorney
Michael Cohen for months.

Avenatti is hardly an impartial legal expert, in addition to

filing a lawsuit against the President,

On Monday, Avenatti sat down for an interview with he has repeatedly proclaimed that Trump
Deadline: White House anchor Nicole Wallace in the 4:00 will be removed from office and has well-
p.m. ET hour. Later that night, in the 10:00 p.m. ET hour, established ties to the Democratic Party.

NBC Corrects Michael Cohen Wiretap Story:
Feds Monitored “To And From” Calling
And Texting Info But Not Content
By Cristina Laila
May 3, 2018, 4:43 Pm

Media ignited after NBC published an Giuliani had his doubts when speaking to WaPo reporter,
article claiming the Feds wiretapped Robert Costa and initially said he had not confirmed the
Michael Cohen’s phone lines and even wiretaps.
intercepted at least one phone call with
Robert Costa then tweeted:
the White House.
WaPo reporter Robert Costa spoke to Giuliani over the Giuliani to Wash Post: If true, “It’s not
phone Thursday for reaction. Giuliani was furious over the appropriate. I mean, he’s a lawyer. You
NBC report, however; he had his doubts about the validity mean, I call up my lawyer and the
of he report. government is wiretapping him? That’s
pretty damn — I mean, they’ve already
NBC backpedaled and issued a correction. eviscerated the attorney-client privilege.
This would make a mockery of it.”

NBC reporter, Ken Dilanian corrected the record several Interesting how it took hours for NBC to correct their
hours after their initial report that feds wiretapped Michael bombshell report.
Cohen’s phone lines and even intercepted a phone call
with the White House.
Ken Dilanian tweeted:
NBC News has corrected its story:
Michael Cohen’s phones were being monitored by a pen
register, not a wiretap, senior U.S. officials say. Pen
registers capture “to and from” calling and texting
information, but not content.

What Blue Wave? Senate Polls Show
Generic GOP Sweeping Democrat Incumbents From Office
By Kristinn Taylor
May 3, 2018, 4:51 Pm

GOP 39 (+5)
Donnelly (D – incu) 34

Hawley (R) 38 (+5)
McCaskill (D – incu) 33

GOP 42 (+5)
For all the media hype about a ‘Blue Wave’ sweeping Tester (D – incu) 37
Republicans from power in this November’s House and
Senate mid-term elections, a comprehensive Morning
Consult poll shows a Republican wave in the making in
U.S. Senate elections across the country with five
Democrat incumbents decisively losing by at least five
percent and four other Democrat incumbents in statistical
ties. Naturally, the poll has been ignored by much of the
mainstream media.

Morning Consult describes the poll’s breadth,

“2018 Midterms Featuring data from over

250,000 interviews with registered voters
across the country.”

The Twitter account @PpollingNumbers posted the

Morning Consult Senate results. @PpollingNumbers
Twitter about reads,

“We are a non-partisan group dedicated to #FLSen:

keep you informed with recent political polls Scott (R) 38 (+1)
from trusted polling companies and Nelson (D – Incumbent) 37
predictions from reputable pundits.”
#WVSen: Casey (D – incu) 39 (+1)
GOP 43 (+14) GOP Candidate 38
Manchin (D – incumbent) 29
#NDSen: Brown (D – incu) 38 (+2)
GOP 38 (+8) GOP 36
Heitkamp (D- incu) 30
#AZsen: Tim Kaine (D – incu) 39 (+3)
GOP 40 (+6) GOP 36
Dem 34

Yes this is May, and the election is in November and
Republicans have been known to blow sure-thing Senate
elections, but the hype of a ‘Blue Wave’ is overblown.

Dershowitz On Cohen Wiretaps: We Are Moving Closer
And Closer To The Surveillance State (VIDEO)
By Jim Hoft
May 3, 2018, 5:08 Pm

Constitutional scholar and attorney Alan Alan Dershowitz:

Dershowitz delivered a scathing rebuke
Thursday of the intelligence I think we are moving closer and closer to
community’s wiretaps on President the surveillance state where phone calls
Trump’s personal attorney. are tapped, where emails are secured
without a real basis. Seeking wiretaps on
lawyers’ offices and search warrants and
subpoenas for lawyers, email files, unless
they have very serious evidence of very
serious crimes. Campaign contributions
don’t qualify for the kind of crime that
should justify the wiretapping of a lawyer.

On Thursday NBC reported that the feds were wiretapping

Michael Cohen’s phone lines.

Michael Cohen is president Trump’s private attorney.

NBC later updated their story and said Cohen was only
monitored and not wiretapped.

The Deep State FBI raided Cohen’s

office and home last month.
Dershowitz told the country is moving
closer and closer to a surveillance state.

This should frighten every American — but it won’t.

MSNBC Issues HUGE Correction
To Michael Cohen ‘Wiretap’ Story
Chuck Ross - Reporter
5:32 PM 05/03/2018

WATCH MSNBC correct Michael Cohen ‘wiretap’


MSNBC issued a massive on-air correction Thursday to an

NBC News report the U.S. government has wiretapped
Michael Cohen, the personal lawyer to President Donald

“Feds Tapped Trump Lawyer Michael Cohen’s It was “a fact” investigators had a wiretap on
Phones,” read the headline of the initial NBC News story. Cohen, Michael Avenatti, a lawyer for Daniels, claimed —
hours before MSNBC’s correction.
At least one phone call Cohen had with someone at the
White House was intercepted, according to the report. It “I don’t think we’re going to find out that this
was not clear when investigators began wiretapping was confined just to email or voice
Cohen, but NBC News reported it was in place in the wiretaps. My understanding is that they
weeks before FBI agents raided Cohen’s home, office and were also wiretapping text message
hotel room in connection with an investigation into communications for the weeks leading up
payments he made to Stormy Daniels, the adult film star to the FBI raids,” Avenatti said on MSNBC,
who claimed to have had an affair with Trump. where he appears frequently.
“I’m not speculating; that’s a fact,” he
But later Thursday, MSNBC ran a correction to the story. added.

“Correction: Feds are monitoring, not Avenatti believed investigators obtained information from
listening to Cohen’s calls,” read a chyron the wiretap suggesting Cohen planned to destroy evidence
correcting the report. relevant to the case, Daniels’ lawyer told MSNBC. And
because of that, he said investigators decided to carry out a
Instead of a wiretap, investigators obtained
raid of his properties.
what’s known as a pen register warrant,
reporter Tom Winter said. That allows
investigators to obtain information about “I also think that it will ultimately be
calls placed to and from a particular phone disclosed that during these wiretaps, the
such as phone numbers and phone-call FBI learned of means by which Michael
length. Cohen and others were going to potentially
destroy or spoliate evidence or
Three U.S. law enforcement officials provided the correct documentation,” Avenatti continued.
details of the warrant against Cohen, Winter said. Winter’s “That’s what served as the predicate or the
initial sources were described as basis for them to be able to go in and get
the warrant to search the home, the office
“two people with knowledge of the legal and the hotel room of Michael Cohen.”
proceedings involving Cohen.”

FITTON: New Memo Leak Details Are Further Evidence
Of FBI Corruption Under Comey ‘This Wasn’t The
First Time Leaks Occurred’ (VIDEO)
By Cristina Laila
May 3, 2018, 6:12 Pm

President of Judicial Watch says this is further evidence

the FBI was politicized and corrupt under Comey’s watch.
Fitton also suggests given this peculiar dynamic between
Comey and Richman, he believes Comey’s memo leaks
wasn’t the first time the Fired FBI Director leaked to the
“You can bet that given Richman’s role at
the FBI and [he and Comey’s] close
relationship that this wasn’t the first time
that leaks like this occurred,” Fitton said.
Comey went on a lying spree with Fox News’ Bret Baier
New details have emerged about last Thursday night then named the THREE people who he
gave his classified Trump memos to.
Comey’s law professor “friend” Daniel
Richman and Tom Fitton says this is Bret Baier asked Comey if he had written permission from
just further evidence the FBI was the FBI to hand over contents of his memos to other
corrupt under Comey’s directorship. people.
“No, and I didn’t consider it a part of an FBI
file…it was my personal memoir,” Comey
said of his classified memos.
Comey continued to say that he thought of his memos as a
Bret Baier then asked Comey who else he gave (leaked)
the memos to.
“I gave the memos to my legal team after I
gave them to Dan Richman after I asked
him to get it out to the media–I gave 4
memos to my legal team, which included
Patrick Fitzgerald” Comey said.
It was reported Thursday that Daniel Richman worked for
James Comey for 19 months as a “special government Comey answered in the affirmative when Bret Baier asked
employee.” him if Fitzgerald was a part of his legal team at the time he
gave him the memos.
Daniel Richman was given talking points about the Hillary
Clinton FBI investigation and defended Comey in media Comey insists giving the memos to Richman to then leak
interviews without disclosing he reported to the FBI to the New York Times is not technically considered a leak
Director. because they weren’t classified.
James Comey never identified Daniel Richman as a man At this point he’s desperate to spin his criminal behavior
who worked for the FBI during his testimony to the Senate any which way; Comey is just making up the rules as he
Intel Committee, rather he referred to Richman as a goes.

NBC Issues Massive Correction To Cohen Surveillance
Story, Admits He Was Not Wiretapped
By Curtis Houck
May 3, 2018 6:30 PM EDT

What a time to be at NBC. First, Ronan Farrow won a citing two separate sourcing with
Pulitzer Prize on April 16 for his Harvey Weinstein knowledge of the legal proceedings
reporting NBC supposedly tried to suppress. Then, two involving Cohen. But we’ve got a correction
stories broke one week ago that the network botched its to that now. It’s not a wiretap where they
response to the Matt Lauer scandal and former NBC were listening into the phone calls but
Nightly News anchor Tom Brokaw was accused of sexual something else specifically.
Winter started his mea culpa with the qualifier that the
Now, Thursday saw another embarrassment as NBC News
was forced to run a correction on MSNBC’s MTP Daily “two independent sources” at the heart
that, contrary to their original reporting, longtime Trump of this false report “have a long-term
attorney and fixer Michael Cohen was not being track record of credibility in providing
wiretapped. accurate information to this news

Translation? It’s not our fault!

He recapped what he and Ainsley had originally reported

then pivoted to what was wrong with that information
(click “expand” to read more):

Now, three senior U.S. officials are telling

us that this is a — it was not a wiretap.
Instead, it was what is referred to a pen
register. In plain English, that means it is a
log of phone calls that were made from a
The original story’s headline read specific phone line or a specific phone
lines. In this case, we know Michael Cohen
“Feds tapped Trump lawyer Michael had several phone lines and so, in this
Cohen’s phones” case, they were able to see who he called
or who somebody using his phone lines
and reported that at least one Cohen call with someone called but they were not able to listen in
originating at the White House was picked up. real time or record those conversations.
So, it’s an important distinction, Chuck. I
want to add to that by saying it doesn't
Reporters Julia Ainsley and Tom Winter also wrote that it
change necessarily the legal bar here in
was unclear when the wiretapping specifically started, but
order to get a warrant of this type. It's still a
it was weeks before the April 9 raids on Cohen’s hotel
very serious matter because they would
room, home, and office.
have needed to fill out a significant affidavit
and be able to go down a significant road
Alas, none of that was true. MTP Daily host Chuck Todd to get this approved by a federal judge.
stated at the top of the program:
The remainder of the four-minute-and-28-second segment
But before we get further into the Giuliani revolved around Winter trying to explain what this
news, we have a correction via NBC News. correction meant or, in other words, offer spin.
Earlier today, NBC News reported there
was a wiretap on the phones of Michael
For good measure, here’s the correction that can now be
Cohen, Trump's longtime personal attorney
found at the top of the piece:
CORRECTION: Earlier today, NBC News words wiretap and surveillance and the de — the level of detail of
reported that there was a wiretap on the the surveillance, sometimes it's monitoring when a phone call
phones of Michael Cohen, President comes in. Sometimes, it's overhearing. Explain what we reported
Trump’s longtime personal attorney, and what we now know.
citing two separate sources with
knowledge of the legal proceedings TOM WINTER: So, Chuck, based on information from two
involving Cohen. independent sources who have a long term track record of
But three senior U.S. officials now credibility in providing accurate information to this news
dispute that, saying that the monitoring organization they today — earlier today, based on that
of Cohen’s phones was limited to a log information, we reported that there was a wiretap on Michael
of calls, known as a pen register, not a Cohen's phone meaning they were able to listen in to
wiretap where investigators can actually conversations from phone lines associated with Michael Cohen
listen to calls. to any other person that he might have talked to and in part of
that reporting we said one of those phone calls was between a
NBC News has changed the headline phone line associated with Michael Cohen and the White House.
and revised parts of the original article. Now, three senior U.S. officials are telling us that this is a — it
was not a wiretap. Instead, it was what is referred to a pen
The Daily Caller’s Chuck Ross noted that, at one point register. In plain English, that means it is a log of phone calls that
during MSNBC’s afternoon programming promoting this were made from a specific phone line or a specific phone lines. In
lie, Stormy Daniels lawyer and CNN BFF Michael this case, we know Michael Cohen had several phone lines and
Avenatti asserted that this now-false claim about a Cohen so, in this case, they were able to see who he called or who
wiretap wasn’t speculation but “a fact.” somebody using his phone lines called but they were not able to
listen in real time or record those conversations. So, it’s an
Avenatti also predicted that, among other things, the important distinction, Chuck. I want to add to that by saying it
wiretaps will show that doesn't change necessarily the legal bar here in order to get a
warrant of this type. It's still a very serious matter because they
“Michael Cohen and others were going would have needed to fill out a significant affidavit and be able to
to potentially destroy or spoliate go down a significant road to get this approved by a federal
evidence or documentation.” judge.

See the relevant transcript from MSNBC’s MTP Daily on TODD: Essentially, to bring back a phrase we used to use a lot
May 3 below. during the Snowden revelations and, frankly, during the
investigation in the Boston marathon, this is metadata.
May 3, 2018 WINTER: Exactly.
5:03 p.m. Eastern
TODD: Is — meaning he is being surveilled, but they’re trying to
figure out who he is talking to not necessarily what he’s talking

WINTER: Right. So, this would be as if I was going to call you

earlier today to get caught up, they would see Tom Winter’s
phone call — they would see my number and see that I dialed
Chuck Todd. They would not know what you and I said to each
other. We could have talked about everything — anything. And
with respect to your point with respect to metadata. That's exactly
what this is. It's a phone number, it’s a time and based on what
we saw by three U.S. officials, earlier the reporting was too far
where it was a wiretap here where there was real time
monitoring. In this case, they were just able to see that
CHUCK TODD: But before we get further into the Giuliani news, somebody called somebody else and so, that’s what this is
we have a correction via NBC News. Earlier today, NBC News about.
reported there was a wiretap on the phones of Michael Cohen,
Trump's longtime personal attorney citing two separate sourcing
TODD: Do we know the extent right now -- there have been
with knowledge of the legal proceedings involving Cohen. But
some filings. And you and I were talking about it. The
we’ve got a correction to that now. It’s not a wiretap where they
government has admitted to some surveillance that they’ve been
were listening into the phone calls but something else
doing for months over Cohen. But we don't know the extent. Do
specifically. Let me bring in my colleague Tom Winter here to
we know the extent of how much they have been surveilling
explain. There’s always a difference here when you hear the
Cohen? How thoroughly? Has it been e-mails? Texts? Phone look at it and then hand over the relevant matters to the
calls? What do we know? investigators that are working on the case. So, we know for a fact
it’s e-mails. We’re being told now there was some sort of a pen
register that was being used. So, we know that, you know, what
calls he may have been making or people using his phone lines
were making. Now, as part of this, could there be other types of
things that were monitored real-time as it relates to
communications? Obviously, everybody now uses texts. They
use various types of apps to communicate. That's something we
haven't yet seen come out and that’s something we haven’t been
guided to or told explicitly at this point.

TODD: Alright, Tom Winter, coming on here, an important

correction to our earlier report that we know has gotten some big
headlines. Michael Cohen's calls are being monitored but they’re
not being listened in to at least as far as our sources are
WINTER: So, Chuck, it’s a great question. So, we know from
public filings that they were able to do surveillance on his e-mails.
The federal prosecutors put that in open court. Anybody with
access or who wants to get the record can get it themselves and WINTER: Precisely.
for that, they had a filler team because there could be attorney-
client communications in that and so, they had a separate team TODD: Tom Winter, thank you very much.

Lou Dobbs: ‘Weak-Kneed’ Paul Ryan
And Mitch McConnell Don’t Rise To The Level
Of A Snake’s Belly (VIDEO)
By Jim Hoft
May 3, 2018, 6:43 Pm

And I hate to be the one to keep saying

this. There has been no oversight from any
committee other than the House
Intelligence Committee. You are talking
about the most weak-kneed, just pathetic
leadership when you talk about Paul Ryan
and Mitch McConnell. They don’t rise to the
level of a snake’s belly.
So true.
Where are the conservative leaders?

Lou Dobbswent off on the weak

Republican leadership in Congress. Top
Republicans have done nothing to
defend this president or his supporters
from the onslaught of the Deep State
and far left.

Lou Dobbs:

Former Hillary Clinton Chief Strategist:
How Does Robert Mueller Justify His
“Stormtrooper Tactics”? (VIDEO)
By Jim Hoft
May 3, 2018, 7:58 Pm

Mark Penn is the former chief strategist to Hillary Clinton Remember Tucker I worked for a year
in her 2008 campaign. working with President Clinton against Ken
Starr and that effort. And I just find that that
This week Mark Penn penned a piece in The Hill on the was child’s play to what’s going on here.
outrageous conduct of the Mueller Special Counsel. Penn Well Mueller has some questions about
argued that Mueller has nothing implicating President what the president was thinking when he
Trump ans so his special counsel wants to catch Trump in fired Comey. Well I certainly have some
a perjury trap to find their crime. questions about what he was thinking when
first he went to apply for the FBI job, with
Rosenstein. And then turns around the next
day, he didn’t already have a plan. Boy
when he put that team together and there
wasn’t a single Trump donor. What was he
thinking then? And when you look at these
dossiers and discovered that there was no
foundation here how did he deal with that?
And how does he justify these really storm-
trooper tactics. Which is really not an
exaggeration when you go guns drawn to
political consultants, wiretaps all over the

Mark Penn asked Mueller several questions including this It was stunning to listen to this rare Democrat who still
one: When you picked your team, what was going through holds some honesty and integrity.
your mind when you picked zero donors to the Trump
campaign and hired many Democratic donors, supporters
Via Tucker Carlson Tonight:
of the defiant actions of Sally Yates, who at the time was
deputy attorney general, and prosecutors who had been
overturned for misconduct? What were you thinking in
building a team with documented biases?

On Thursday Mark Penn joined Tucker Carlson to discuss

the Mueller witch hunt. Penn says what they did to Bill
Clinton is “child’s play” to what Mueller is doing to
destroy President Trump and those around him.

Mark Penn:

The Definitive List Of Media
Screw-Ups On The Trump-Russia Story
Amber Athey - Media Reporter
8:36 PM 05/03/2018

national security adviser Michael Flynn was

prepared to testify that then-candidate
Donald Trump ordered him to make contact
with the Russians.
The stock market dropped a few hundred
points at the news — but it turned out to be
ABC clarified that Flynn was actually
prepared to testify that Trump asked him to
contact Russia while the administration
The major correction issued by NBC Thursday on a story
was transitioning into office. Pretty
about wiretaps and Michael Cohen was just another
standard preparation for an incoming
reminder of the many media mistakes on the Russian
collusion story.
3. The Mooch Is NOT Under Investigation
NBC initially claimed that federal investigators were
listening in on Cohen’s phone calls, but it turns out they
had what’s called a “pen register warrant,” which means CNN earns another spot on this list for their
they could see who Cohen spoke to on the phone but could shoddy reporting about former Trump
not hear what was said. (RELATED: MSNBC Issues adviser Anthony Scaramucci. In June, CNN
HUGE Correction To Michael Cohen ‘Wiretap’ Story) relied on a single unnamed source to claim
that Scaramucci was under investigation
for a meeting he took with a Russian
Unfortunately for the press, the obsession to prove
banker prior to Trump’s inauguration.
collusion has dampened their journalistic abilities, leading
to a seemingly endless list of corrections, retraction, and The Mooch denied the story and CNN later
apologies. gave him a much-deserved apology. Oh…
and three CNN employees resigned over
We’ve compiled a list of some of the worst media the botched piece.
screwups when it comes to Russia.
4. Bloomberg’s Dirty Deutsche Bank Scoop
1. CNN Accuses Don Jr. Of Wikileaks Collusion
Bloomberg initially reported in December
Last December, CNN’s Manu Raju that special counsel Robert Mueller had
reported that Wikileaks emailed Donald “zeroed in” on Trump by subpoenaing
Trump Jr. to give him access to stolen Deutsche Bank records for the incoming-
documents a full ten days before they were president and his family.
released to the public. Bloomberg later admitted that Mueller was
Unfortunately for CNN, it turns out their looking for records relating to “people
sources gave them the wrong date. Don Jr. affiliated” with Trump.
actually received an email with access to
the stolen docs on Sept. 14, 2016, after 5. Sessions Exonerated
they had already been released publicly.
Last May, CNN was sure that Attorney
2. ABC Tanks Stock Market With Fake Flynn News General Jeff Sessions had botched
protocol when he didn’t list meetings he
ABC was forced to suspend Brian Ross had with the Russian ambassador on his
after he falsely reported that former security clearance forms. To CNN and

other establishment media outlets, this was “During our one-on-one meeting at Trump
proof that Sessions was hiding something Tower…I offered that assurance [that he
related to Russia. was not under investigation].”
A little over six months later, CNN quietly
walked back the scandal, explaining the 9. The ’17 Intel Agencies’ Lie
FBI sent emails informing Sessions’ aide
that he did not need to disclose the The media perpetuated a false claim from
meetings on his forms because they were presidential candidate Hillary Clinton for
carried out in the course of his duties as a months, insisting that all 17 intelligence
senator. agencies agree that Russia interfered in
the 2016 election. The New York Times, for
6. Russians Aren’t Just Hacking The Election — example, rated that claim as true only to
They’re Hacking Our Power Grid later say the exact opposite.
Only four intelligence agencies ultimately
The Washington Post claimed in January deemed Russia responsible for meddling
2017 that Russians were hacking the U.S. because the other 13 have no business
power grid through a company in Vermont, making judgments on the claim. As NYT
only to change the story to say that only succinctly explained, “the rest were doing
one laptop was infiltrated. It turns out that other work.”
one laptop was never even connected to
the power grid. 10. Manafort Notes Are A Nothing Burger

7. Republicans Funded The Dossier! NBC botched its big scoop claiming that
Paul Manafort’s notes from a meeting with
A number of news outlets have consistently a Russian lawyer included the word
claimed that Republicans initially paid for “donations” near a reference to the
the anti-Trump Steele dossier, failing to Republican National Committee.
note that Steele wasn’t even contracted by
Turns out that not only did the word
Fusion GPS until after the GOP donors “donations” not appear in Manafort’s notes,
pulled funding. The Republican donors say
but the word “donor” didn’t either.
they paid Fusion for standard opposition
POLITICO had to correct the NBC report,
research and that they have zero leaving the legacy network looking awfully
connection to the controversial dossier.
The media has perpetuated this falsehood
so consistently that even former FBI BONUS: Did Cohen Go To Prague?
director James Comey was confused,
repeating the lie in an interview with Fox
Questions are being raised about a recent
News’ Bret Baier.
McClatchy report that states special
counsel Robert Mueller has evidence
8. CNN’s Gets Comey Prediction Wildly Wrong Michael Cohen visited Prague in the
summer of 2016. The story would be huge
Prior to former FBI director James Comey’s because it would seem to corroborate the
congressional testimony last June, CNN portion of the Steele dossier claiming
asserted that Comey was prepared to Cohen visited Prague at that time to meet
contradict a key claim by President Trump with a Kremlin official.
— that Comey told him he was not under
investigation. However, no other outlets have confirmed the report and
Sadly for them, Comey’s prepared even anti-Trumpers are questioning its sourcing.
testimony was released with the line,

NYT’s Chozick Tells Rolling Stone:
Trump ‘Bullied’ Poor Hillary With Bill’s Accusers
By Clay Waters
May 3, 2018 8:47 PM EDT

to cancel an interview after she learned he

was reporting on Harvey Weinstein.
CHOZICK: I certainly don’t blame her for
the bad-behaving men around her, but I do
think there was a fascinating swirl of these
alleged sexual abusers. Here was Hillary
Clinton, married to an alleged sexual
abuser, trying to defeat an alleged sexual
abuser -- and then with the Anthony Weiner
email story prompted the Comey letter and
Rolling Stone’s Tessa Stuart interviewed New York Times all that -- could lose because of this alleged
campaign reporter Amy Chozick about her new book on sexual abuser. It was really something. I
covering the Hillary Clinton campaign, and revealed don’t blame Hillary that one of her donors
Chozick to be amazingly forgiving of Clinton and quite was Harvey Weinstein, but Trump really
uncaring about female victims of male predation – at least took advantage of all of that: the way he
those whose stories could conceivably hurt Hillary’s used Bill Clinton as a human shield when
chances. the Access Hollywood tape hit. His first
statement was 'Bill Clinton said far worse to
First, Chozick again apologized about her paper actually me,'
covering campaign news -- the leaked emails from the
Clinton camp, purportedly obtained by sources in Russia: and he trotted out Bill Clinton’s
accusers, which frankly at the time I
[I think we need to ask ourselves:] What do really thought would help Hillary -- I
voters or readers really need to know about really thought it would earn her
these, can we confirm that they’re sympathy. How could any woman watch
accurate, contextualize them. Can we be that and watch what he’s putting her
as transparent as possible about the through and not think Trump is
source? Because sources usually have relentlessly bullying this poor woman
agendas -- almost always have some whose already been through a lot in her
motivation – and can we be pretty clear marriage?
about documents that have been not even
"obtained," but stolen and released? I think STUART: The question isn’t "Should Hillary
we can be concerned about sourcing and be held responsible for Weinstein’s crimes
confirm what’s really newsworthy versus because she cashed his checks?" The
just what’s salacious. There’s something in question is: "Should she be held
between juicy, salacious clickbait and responsible for withholding access to a
ignoring the whole trove. reporter because he was working to
expose Weinstein’s crimes?" That’s a
Then Chozick showed amazing leniency from the specific decision. She made decisions --
supposedly strong woman Hillary Clinton, who smeared when [she] stayed with Bill and counseled
her husband’s sexual harassment accusers as he ascended Huma Abedin, who ultimately stayed with
to the presidency and kept sliming them to help keep him Anthony Weiner -- to excuse certain
in office. Chozick also demonstrated no empathy for behavior. I wonder if you think she bears
female victims of male harassment, if they could some kind of responsibility for that?
conceivably hurt Hillary:
CHOZICK: I don’t think so; I wouldn’t put
STUART: Is there something particular to the responsibility on her. What you’re
Hillary Clinton, though, that she’s telling me about her canceling or not doing
surrounded by all these awful men? Ronan the interview with Ronan, that to me just
Farrow, for instance, recently said she tried speaks to the sensitivity, the

controllingness -- I don’t know what Chozick herself admits in Chasing Hillary that her Clinton
exchange was like, but I think if Hillary coverage was “neutral to positive, with plenty of wet
declined to do an interview it would be out kisses thrown in,” and one can certainly take that statement
of an abundance of caution. at face value.

Nets Spend 13 Mins On Stormy,
Ignore House Dem Accused Of ‘Child Sex Abuse’
By Nicholas Fondacaro
May 3, 2018 9:31 PM EDT

victims” who come forward to “call out

misconduct when it has actually occurred.”
“The court filing, which was first
reported by the Los Angeles Times,
alleges that “John Doe” first met the
plaintiff in 2005 at a golf tournament
when she was 14 and subsequently
became a close friend of her family’s,”
The Post reported. “Two years later, the
document claims, he fondled her
breasts and genitals while driving her to
the emergency room after the two
On Thursday, The Washington Post reported played golf at Hillcrest Country Club in
that Democratic Congressman Tony Cardenas (CA) had Los Angeles.”
named himself as the mystery defendant in a Los
Angeles County court filing late last week. The The paper reports the girl was being rushed to the hospital
Congressman was accused of fondling a then 16-year-old after ingesting a cup of water that “tasted distinctly
girl while she was being transported to a hospital for different from both tap and filtered water” and eventually
medical treatment. It’s a disturbing allegation that got collapsing.
absolutely ZERO time on the evening broadcasts of ABC,
CBS, NBC and the Spanish-language networks
of Telemundo and Univision. “The suit claims the actions constituted
childhood sexual abuse under California
law because she was under 18 at the
In contrast, the big three networks dedicated a combined time. The plaintiff asked for unspecified
13 minutes and 35 seconds to the latest Stormy Daniels- damages and a jury trial,” The Post
related news. The networks were so enthralled with the added. “He was a member of the council
Daniels story that they all led their evening broadcasts with at the time of the alleged abuse.”
it. Individually, ABC’s World News Tonight gave it the
most attention with six minutes, 23 seconds while the CBS
Evening News had four minutes, 17 seconds of coverage And according to The Post, Cardenas had been reaching
and NBC Nightly News had the least with two minutes, 55 out to his Democratic colleagues and pressing his
seconds. innocence:

The time totals included coverage of the revelation Cárdenas has been calling colleagues in recent days about
President Trump knew about the “hush money” payment the lawsuit and telling them he is innocent, according to a
and a related story that investigators were monitoring the House Democratic aide. The three-term congressman is the
phones of Trump lawyer Michael Cohen. chair of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus’s political
action committee. Two other House Democratic aides
confirmed that Cárdenas has been contacting colleagues
The accusations against Cardenas dated back to 2007 and about the lawsuit.
are disturbing, He also vehemently denied the allegations
made against him.
It’s disappointing that the networks would put chasing the
shiny object ahead of a serious allegation against a sitting
“My client is sickened and distraught by member of Congress. Although, all three did cover the 27
these horrific allegations, which are 100%, new women who had come forward with allegations
categorically untrue,” his lawyer, Patricia against former CBS and PBS host Charlie Rose.
Glaser said. She did say they “respect

Former Asst. FBI Dir.
Slams Bureau For Cohen Pen Register
Amber Athey - Media Reporter
9:37 PM 05/03/2018

you have to talk about the threat to national

“I think it’s far-fetched — I’ll be corrected if
I’m wrong, but to see what kind of predicate
they could have possibly had in this case,”
he added.

Kallstrom also attacked Special Counsel Robert Mueller,

recalling how he raided Manafort’s house at “4 or 5 in the
morning with weapons shown” over what was probably
Former assistant FBI director James Kallstrom said white-collar crime.
Thursday it is unlikely the Bureau has enough evidence of
a crime to be monitoring the phone calls of Trump lawyer
Michael Cohen.

During an interview with Fox News’ Tucker Carlson,

Kallstrom said that he is disappointed in the leadership at
the FBI and noted that not one law firm was served with a
search warrant in the 1990s when FBI corruption was at a

“You know, to get a search warrant from a

federal judge on the criminal side, you have
to talk about a criminal act that’s taking
place,” Kallstrom explained. “On the
national security side for the FISA judge,

GOP Lawmaker Introduces Resolution To End Mueller
Witch Hunt ‘Provide Evidence Or Terminate
Probe’ Within 30 Days
By Cristina Laila
May 3, 2018, 10:00 Pm

“no one in government should be without

Rep. Todd Rokita (R-IN) introduced a accountability” and accurately stated
resolution on Thursday to end the Americans believe the Mueller witch hunt is
Mueller witch hunt. “an attempt by the Washington elite to
destroy President Trump with
Provide evidence of Trump-Russia collusion or shut the
innuendo, leaks, and baseless allegations
investigation down, says GOP lawmaker Todd Rokita.
than to provide justice.”
Rokita is currently running for U.S. Senate and has been a
very big supporter of Trump’s. He runs on the MAGA
platform of “defeat the elite.”

The Hill reported:

Rep. Todd Rokita (R-Ind.), who is currently
running for Senate, introduced a resolution
in the House on Thursday calling for an
end to special counsel Robert Mueller‘s
Russia investigation unless evidence of
collusion is produced within the next 30
Rokita argued the investigation needs to be
resolved quickly to “preserve the integrity of
our democratic institutions.” Rokita added
Rep Todd Rokita (R-IN)
he believes it’s fiscally irresponsible to drag
out the probe, estimating it has cost Mueller won’t stop until his witch hunt is forcefully shut
taxpayers upward of $17 million. down.
“The Mueller investigation has dragged on In fact there are no signs of him slowing down.
for nearly a year at a cost of tens of millions
of dollars without producing a shred of Robert Mueller just hired another liberal hack lawyer who
evidence of collusion—the matter it was donated to Hillary Clinton.
tasked with investigating in the first place,” Also, according to a Thursday court filing, Mueller is
he said in a statement. “I expect a valid seeking 70 blank subpoenas in his case against Trump’s
progress report within the next 30 days or former campaign manager, Paul Manafort.
the investigation should be terminated.”
Both Rosenstein and Mueller should be fired and
Rep Rokita also said prosecuted.

Inspector General Reportedly Gearing
Up To Release Scathing Assessment On James Comey
By Cristina Laila
May 3, 2018, 10:37 Pm

presidential campaign. That year-long

The much-anticipated Inspector General probe, sources familiar with it tell TIME, is
report will likely be very rough on fired expected to come down particularly hard
FBI Director James Comey, according to on former FBI director James Comey, who
sources. is currently on a high-profile book tour. It
will likely find that Comey breached Justice
Department protocols in a July 5, 2016,
Although the exact release date of the IG report on Comey press conference when he criticized Hillary
is unknown, it is expected to be released very soon. Clinton for using a private email server as
Secretary of State even as he cleared her
of any crimes, the sources say. The report
is expected to also hit Comey for the way
he reopened the Clinton email probe less
than two weeks before the election, the
sources say.

The Inspector General released a scathing report on former

FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe in mid-April.

The report by the Office of Inspector General criticized

McCabe for “lack of candor” regarding his disclosure to
Wall Street Journal reporters before the 2016 election.
Sources tell TIME Magazine, Comey faces a punishing
report from Inspector General Michael Horowitz.
McCabe lied at least three times under oath, he lied to the
Inspector General and lied to James Comey.
Horowitz is currently investigating the FBI’s handling of
Hillary Clinton’s investigation into her private server and
mishandling of classified information. As a result of these investigations and reports, Andrew
McCabe has been criminally referred to the Justice
Department twice.
This particular IG report on Comey will focus on his
misconduct over the Hillary investigation.
Inspector General Horowitz opened a separate
investigation into James Comey on April 20th over
TIME reported: classified information stemming from his memo leaks.

The Justice Department’s Inspector The release date of the IG report on Comey’s memo leaks
General, Michael Horowitz, will soon is unknown at this time.
release a much-anticipated assessment of
Democratic and Republican charges that
officials at the FBI interfered in the 2016 Unfortunately without an active Attorney General, the
criminal referrals remain stagnant.

Chris Bedford: Mueller Is ‘Waging Proxy
War’ On Trump Through Cohen Raid [VIDEO]
Henry Rodgers - Political Reporter
10:42 PM 05/03/2018

The comments come after news broke that investigators

obtained a pen register warrant for Cohen, which allows
investigators to obtain information about calls placed to
and from a certain phone such as phone numbers and the
length of a call.

“Earlier on, when the legal team for Donald

Trump was led by the folks before Rudy
Giuliani came in here, they seemed to be
really unwilling to step in,” Bedford
continued. “It’s also been portrayed as a
battle between Stormy Daniels, but I think
that it’s much more than that, and I think
Special Counsel Robert Mueller is “waging a proxy war” Mayor Giuliani thinks it’s more than that.”
against President Donald Trump by raiding Trump’s
personal lawyer Michael Cohen, The Daily Caller News Bedford’s comments also come as Trump decided to hire
Foundation Editor-in-Chief Chris Bedford said. Giuliani to join his personal legal team April 19.

“Here’s what it looks like from the outside: it “What we have seen this past week,
looks like Mueller and his friends at The when Giuliani has gone on the offensive,
Department of Justice are waging a proxy when he has tried to say this is not
war on the President of The United States campaign finance reform, this money was
right now by assigning this task to New reimbursed, which would imply there is no
York and saying, ‘We washed our hands; bank fraud involved,” Bedford said. “When
but hey, it would be good if someone took he tries to do that, he has decided that the
care of this,'” Bedford said on Fox Business Department of Justice and the folks in New
News’ “Kennedy” Thursday night. York are trying to pick off one President
Donald Trump’s oldest and closest
WATCH: confidants and remove one of his officers
from the battlefield.”
“They’re pretending it’s got nothing to do
with the Russia investigation, but all of the
same players back here in Washington
would had to have signed off on any of this
for all of this to have happened,” Bedford

The Next Democratic Nominee
Will Emulate Kathy Griffin
Scott Greer - Deputy Editor
10:58 PM 05/03/2018

Griffin has found a cheering section among the press and

Resistance liberals who love her for blaming her own
idiotic photo shoot on the president, indulging the
millionaire’s sense of vicitimization and entitlement in the

The anti-Trump entertainer isn’t the only one who has

found fans by swearing at Trump and Republicans — so
have politicians. It’s not out of the question to think the
next Democratic presidential nominee will try to imitate
Trump and curse at their political foes as much as possible.

Kathy Griffin is back in the news after telling a White Griffin’s unhinged rage, complete with four-letter words
House official to suck her “dick.” and sexual insults, represents a large portion of the
progressive base. Remember all the ridiculous costumes
Griffin attended the White House Correspondents’ Dinner and signs of the Women’s March? Griffin is distilling all
Saturday, which offered her the opportunity to yell at of that anger into telling random White House staffers to
White House deputy press secretary Hogan Gidley. She suck her non-existent penis.
first demanded to know how Gidley slept at night working
for President Trump, and then proceeded to berate him for Two possible presidential contenders have taken note of
asking, “Are we really going to do this?” that rage and tried to emulate in their speeches. In 2017,
California Sen. Kamala Harris decided to drop an f-bomb
“Yes we are, suck my dick! No, really, suck during a public appearance.
my dick!” the profoundly unfunny comedian
shouted at Gidley. As the White House In attacking a Republican lawmaker’s suggestion on food
official departed, she added, “Fuck you!” stamps, Harris declared,

Griffin was still proud of herself for this act as she boasted “What the fuck is that?”
about it on Twitter on Tuesday.
to wild applause from a progressive audience.

New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand has also felt the need to
drop f-bombs in public, saying last year about her job,

“[W]e’re here to help people, and if we’re

not helping people, we should go the fuck

Not as wild as Griffin’s comments, but both Harris and

The disgraced comedian, who saw her career go down in Gillibrand could get there. Many others like to get on that
flames last year after doing a photo stunt with a fake same act as well when speaking about Trump.
severed head of Trump, is going all in on being a foul-
mouthed enemy of the president.
Former Mexican President Vicente Fox exploits every
television appearance to say Mexican won’t pay for that
She took back her apology for the anti- “fucking wall.” Several CNN personalities have made a
Trump stunt, telling “The View” Monday, point to swear about the president and his policies on live
“Fuck him.”
TV. All of these antics seem to be a hit with a liberal By the 2020 primary, Democratic primary voters are going
audience. to be furious at the state of affairs in the country. They will
hate Trump even more than they do now, and they will
This foul-mouthed resistance does mirror Trump’s own look to the candidate who will best express their rage.
In the age of Trump, it’s a good bet to say it will resemble
In the 2016 Republican primary, he demanded America Kathy Griffin’s outburst:
bomb the shit out of ISIS and called one of his opponents a
pussy. Angry GOP voters loved how he channeled their Loud, profane and full of venom. Trump’s bluster
anger at the establishment and political correctness in blunt represented the agitation of working-class whites — the
terminology. One of his opponents, Marco Rubio, decided next Democratic presidential nominee will probably be the
to imitate Trump late in his bid by making fun of the future champion of single female outrage.
nominee’s hands.
Prepare for a nasty battle between the two.
It didn’t work out, as it appeared contrived and didn’t
channel the anger of the base, unlike Trump’s insults.

Rolling Stone Insists John Podesta’s Emails
Were 'Leaked By The Russian Government'
By P.J. Gladnick
May 3, 2018 11:13 PM EDT

Democratic Party documents he published

during last year’s election did not come
from Russia and promised additional
helpful information about the leaks in the
near future.

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, a California Republican who is

friendly to Russia and chairs an important House
subcommittee on Eurasia policy, became the first
American congressman to meet with Assange during a
three-hour private gathering at the Ecuadorian Embassy in
London, where the WikiLeaks founder has been holed up
for years.
John Podesta's emails were leaked by Wikileaks which
means they were really leaked by the Russian government.
That's a fact? At least it is a "fact" being pushed by Rolling “Our three-hour meeting covered a wide
Stone and much of the rest of the mainstream media array of issues, including the WikiLeaks
despite that fact that Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has exposure of the DNC [Democratic National
denied that Russia was the source. Committee] emails during last year's
presidential election,” Rohrabacher said,
“Julian emphatically stated that the
Rolling Stone again pushed the Russians as hackers of
Russians were not involved in the
Podesta's emails scenario right at the start of their
hacking or disclosure of those emails."
interview with New York Times reporter Amy Chozick,
author of Chasing Hillary. Interviewer Tessa Stuart
included the Russian hacking claim in the very first Paging Robert Mueller wherever you are!
sentence of the interview.
U.S. intelligence has insisted it has solid proof — which it
You spend a considerable amount of time has not made public — that Russia was behind last year’s
reflecting on the impact of the stories you election hacks that embarrassed Democrats, including
wrote for the Times after John Podesta’s unflattering revelations about nominee Hillary Clinton and
emails were leaked, as we now know, by her campaign chairman, John Podesta, whose personal
the Russian government. Jack Shafer at email account was also hacked.
Politico wrote a piece dismissing your
concerns, titled, "No, Amy Chozick, You mean solid proof obtained by the FBI when they did a
You’re Not a Russian Agent." complete forensic examination of the hacked DNC server?
It turned out that the DNC refused to allow the FBI to do
Hmmm... So if the Russians hacked Podesta's emails and that examination, preferring instead to allow it's own
sent them to Wikileaks, then Robert Mueller's team would security company, Crowdstrike, to do the examination
want to question Julian Assange himself. Guess what? instead.
They never have.
Hopefully the report that will soon be issued by DOJ
Although a congressman did interview Assange in London Inspector General Michael Horowitz will reveal more
as reported by The Hill on August 16: about this episode of the FBI absurdly agreeing not to
inspect the DNC server.
Julian Assange told a U.S. congressman
on Tuesday he can prove the leaked

This Is CNN: April Ryan Trash Talks About Street
Fighting Sarah Sanders, Calls Her ‘Gutter’
By Kristinn Taylor
May 4, 2018, 1:40 Am

CNN Political Analyst April Ryan spoke repeatedly about White House transcript:
engaging White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee
Sanders in a violent street fight following a confrontation MS. SANDERS: …I’ll take one last question. Lalit. Sorry, April.
late in Thursday’s press briefing where Sanders called out
Ryan for making up a statement by Sanders and Ryan
Q Okay, Sarah, really fast. Two questions. Can you — if you’re
getting angry at Sanders in response.
not ready — (laughter) —

MS. SANDERS: I was looking for him. I thought he was over

here. He’s usually standing over there. I’ll come to you next.

Q So, Sarah, at this point, can you tell us definitively if the

President plans to answer any questions from Bob Mueller? And
if not, what is now in place here at the White House to go through
that process of a subpoena, a possible indictment, a possible
grand jury?

MS. SANDERS: Again, those are all questions you would need to
refer to the outside counsel.
Ryan’s anger stayed with her all afternoon and evening
Q Okay. Well, now, going to Rudy Giuliani — did Rudy Giuliani
with Ryan making mentions of “street”, “fist fights”
do harm to the President today and last night in his conversations
“physical fights” and “street fight” when talking about
to Fox?
Sanders on CNN and Twitter, even going so far as to call
Sanders “gutter”.
MS. SANDERS: I don’t believe so.
Ryan also accused Sanders of using her as a “whipping
post”, invoking slave-era imagery. Q And are you —

Ryan’s day job is White House Correspondent & MS. SANDERS: Sorry, I’m going to take Lalit’s question like I
Washington Bureau Chief for American Urban Radio promised to do.
Networks. Ryan was hired by CNN last year to provide
political commentary after she became a heroine of the Q Why didn’t he talk to the White House Press Office about his
anti-Trump ‘resistance’ by repeatedly clashing with first impacting stellar statements about what was happening?
Trump White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer. Everyone (inaudible).

Ryan has an antagonistic relationship with Sanders such MS. SANDERS: The White House Press Office wouldn’t
that she accused Sanders of faking a photo of a coordinate with the President’s outside legal team on legal
Thanksgiving Day chocolate pecan pie. When Sanders said strategy.
she would bake another pecan pie just for her, Ryan
demurred implying Sanders would poison her with the pie. Q But you were blindsided — you said yourself, I was blindsided
by what he said.
Thursday’s confrontation began with Ryan bullying her
way past another reporter whom Sanders was trying to call MS. SANDERS: I actually didn’t use that term.
on for the last question of the briefing and ended with
Ryan angry with Sanders for calling out her sloppy Q Well, I said it. (Laughter.) But you were blindsided, from what
reportage. you said.

MS. SANDERS: Well, with all due respect, you actually don’t impeachment, I’ve seen war, I’ve seen
know much about me in terms of what I feel and what I don’t. peace. So I understand the process. I’m
not a dummy and do not discredit me.
Q (Inaudible) been here for 21 years, so I understand how this That’s what my comeback was,” Ryan said.
operates. Do not discredit me.

MS. SANDERS: All right. I think (inaudible).”

Afterward Baltimore native Ryan went back and forth with

former Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, a
fellow professional Black woman, on Twitter in which the
two spoke about fighting Sanders, a professional white


“@AprilDRyan unsolicited comeback

suggestions for @PressSec, “I may not
know you, but I damn sure know a LIE!
And you are wearing it Sis, all over your
face -oh wait is that a smudge in your liner”


“Lol stop. Bmore in the house I know you

have my back. That you don’t know me
stuff begins fist fights. She needs to know
what she is saying. I am not the one” Later on Thursday evening Ryan appeared on CNN
Tonight with Don Lemon:

“I already took my earrings off and Vaseline

in my purse”


“That is what I am talking about! Take off

that pretty ring to forn the street fight Lol”

Screen shot via the Daily Caller.

April Ryan appeared on CNN Thursday afternoon and

accused Sanders of acting “street” toward her, reported
The Hill.

“She was watching, she found out all of the

information while she was watching Fox
last night. So she was blindsided. This was
not a personal attack on her. And for her to
say something like, ‘You don’t know me’ —
Ryan began her segment on Sanders saying,
that was very street,” Ryan said.
“I know there are street politics here but “You know, I think she’s feeling some kind
that was very street. I’ve been here 21 of way, she’s catching feelings from this
years from this White House, from the weekend and I guess I was her whipping
second term of Bill Clinton until the first post but I’m not a whipping post. She’s
term of Donald J. Trump. I’ve seen thirty-five, I’m fifty. I’ve been at the White
House for twenty-one years, to her what quarters in this nation that starts a physical
one, if that.” fight. I was very shocked, it was street, I
will even go beyond that, it was gutter. And,
Ryan described her experience covering the Bill Clinton uh, there is no room, no place for that in
impeachment saying President Clinton’s lawyers briefed that White House briefing room. And you
his staff, contrasting that with Giuliani not telling the know what she can be mad at what I say
Trump staff beforehand what he was going to say on right now, tough. I’m a reporter who’s
Hannity Wednesday night. gonna continue to ask questions and there
was nothing wrong with that question.”
Ryan went on to her confrontation with Sanders, saying,
A visibly perturbed Ryan finished as Lemon tried to wrap
up her monologue, saying,
“But what I will say to you, is that for her to
say, for Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the
presidential spokesperson, the mouthpiece “Am I little upset about it? Yes. I am. I am. I
for the president of the United States to am.”
say, “You don’t know me,” in certain

Comey’s Leaking May Get His
Accomplice Leaker Buddy 10 Years In Prison
By Jim Hoft
May 4, 2018, 7:45 Am

<blockquoteclass=”twitter-tweet” data-
THREAD: As explained on @foxnewsnight
w/ @ShannonBream, there is probable
cause @Comey committed CRIMINAL
ESPIONAGE against Trump when he
leaked #ComeyMemos. The law punishes
espionage w/ a 10 year federal prison
sentence & can be found at 18 USC 793(f).
— Robert Barnes (@Barnes_Law) April 24,

Next Barnes notes –

The Gateway Pundit reported on April
25th that former FBI Director and Dirty Contrary to what you may hear, a person
Cop James Comey’s leaks to the media can be convicted of CRIMINAL
were highly likely to place Comey in ESPIONAGE even if they do not leak
prison [where he belongs] for many classified material & even if they only
years. Since then Comey says that his remove, but do not share, national security
best friend, the now obviously corrupt information. Criminal Espionage laws were
professor Daniel Richman, previously written before we had a classification
worked as a “special government system.
employee” for the FBI on an unpaid
basis, and Richman leaked information — Robert Barnes (@Barnes_Law)
Comey gave him to the NY Times. If this
is the case, it looks like Comey just set
up his best friend forever, professor
Richman, for probable cause that he
committed criminal espionage –
punishable by 10 years in prison.

On April 25th we reported that Robert Barnes from Barnes

Law provided the following set of tweets about the legal
jeopardy that crooked Comey put himself in by leaking
classified information to the New York Times –

THREAD: As explained on @foxnewsnight

w/ @ShannonBream, there is probable
cause @Comey committed CRIMINAL
ESPIONAGE against Trump when he
leaked #ComeyMemos. The law punishes
espionage w/ a 10 year federal prison
sentence & can be found at 18 USC 793(f). His 3rd tweet on the subject –
793 …
3/ Criminal Espionage only requires proof
that a person entrusted w/ “national
defense related” information remove that judgment of the jury as to what constitutes
information from its proper place or national defense related information.
disclose that information to an
unauthorized person in either an intentional
act or because of their “gross negligence.”
— Robert Barnes (@Barnes_Law)

4th tweet –

4/ The courts have defined “national

defense related” information very broadly in
the seminal Supreme Court case of Gorin
v. United States, effectively deferring to the

WATCH: Morning Joe Turns
Into Sarah Sanders Hate-Fest
Justin Caruso - Media Reporter
8:08 AM 05/04/2018

thinking,” Willie Geist said. “Well, in this

case she didn’t know what the president is
thinking, because Trump and Rudy Giuliani
are making strategy together, Daniel,
independent of the White House
communications shop. So she goes out
there and says something, meanwhile she
doesn’t know that behind the scenes
Giuliani and Trump have cooked up an
A panel on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” turned into a hate- idea he should go on Hannity and say that
fest directed against White House press secretary Sarah he reimbursed repayments without the
Huckabee Sanders. press office knowing.”
“So yes, she often lies, but sometimes she
WATCH: isn’t told what’s going on in the office
behind her,” he added.
“It’s almost worse that she maintains the
lie,” guest Daniel Goldman said. “She
doesn’t correct herself, she doesn’t come
and say, you know what, that was a
misstatement, some explanation or some
degree of vulnerability that. ‘I wasn’t
informed of the whole thing,’ and to your
point about Giuliani and Trump, it’s almost
as if they’re sitting around sofa together
spit-balling ideas.”
“Oh, it’s unbelievable,” host Mika
Brzezinski said.
“Beside not telling the truth, [Sander’s] job
is to go out and represent to the American
people and the press what the president is

‘Our Mistakes Live Forever’ —
Kellyanne Conway Blasts The Media For Hypocrisy
Justin Caruso - Media Reporter
8:17 AM 05/04/2018

White House counselor Kellyanne Conway called out “We really only had four and a half hours of
media hypocrisy on “Fox & Friends” Friday, saying that stories that they said Michael Cohen had
there is a double standard in judging Trump’s mistakes his lines wiretapped, and that was walked
versus mistakes in establishment media. back at about 5:30 on MSNBC,” Fox
News’ Brian Kilmeade said.
WATCH: “I want to add one more thing, people do
make mistakes, but at the Trump White
House our mistakes live forever, right?”
Conway said.
“I think those, just like — that’s the problem
here, isn’t it? The media protect each other,
like ‘Oh, well they corrected it. They said
they were sorry.’ Excuse me, even after
Saturday night I told people those who are
seeking mercy and instant absolution and
forgiveness, ought to have demonstrated
the capacity to have offered some over the
last 16 months,” she added.

WATCH: Leaf Blower
Interrupts Kellyanne’s TV Hit
Justin Caruso - Media Reporter
8:24 AM 05/04/2018

Conway also used her hit this morning to slam the media
for hypocrisy.

“The media protect each other, like ‘Oh,

well they corrected it. They said they were
sorry.'” Conway explained. “Excuse me,
even after Saturday night I told people
those who are seeking mercy and instant
absolution and forgiveness, ought to have
White House counselor Kellyanne Conway appeared on demonstrated the capacity to haved offered
Fox News Friday morning, when a leaf blower on the some over the last 16 months.”
White House lawn interrupted her.
“Things here move so fast that volume and
velocity and the press corps will tell you
that. People who have worked in comms
and press in Democratic and Republican
administrations will tell you will, they’ve
never seen anything like it.”
“It is something, just like every time you’re
on TV the guy with the leaf blower, comes
up behind you,”
“Our friend! There aren’t any leaves here
by the way,” Conway said.
“But how beautiful is the White House?
Look at this,” she added.

John Bolton: New York
Times Story Is ‘Utter Nonsense’
Saagar Enjeti - White House Correspondent
8:26 AM 05/04/2018

South Korea,” Bolton declared strongly in

an official statement from The White

TheNYT reported Thursday evening that

“President Trump has ordered the

Pentagon to prepare options for drawing
down American troops in South Korea, just
weeks before he holds a landmark meeting
with North Korea’s leader,” adding that
National security advisor John Bolton beat back a
“Reduced troop levels are not intended to
Thursday New York Times story claiming that President
be a bargaining chip in Mr. Trump’s talks
Donald Trump ordered the Pentagon to plan a reduced
with Mr. Kim about his weapons program.”
troop presence on the Korean peninsula.

The NYT report came days after NBCNews reported that

“The New York Times story is utter
White House chief of staff John Kelly had to dissuade
nonsense. The President has not asked
Trump from ordering troops off the Korean peninsula
the Pentagon to provide options for
before the February Winter Olympic Games.
reducing American forces stationed in

Scott Adams Posts The Definitive List On
Why President Trump Deserves The Nobel Peace Prize
By Jim Hoft
May 4, 2018, 8:53 Am

Author and Dilbert creator Scott Adams

put together the definitive list on why
President Trump deserves the Nobel
Peace Prize.

There was much talk this week on how Barack Obama won a Nobel Peace Prize for winning an
President Trump deserves a Nobel election and then later destroying the Middle East.
Peace Prize.
Al Gore won a Nobel Peace Prize for junk science.
On Monday South Korean President Moon Jae-in said
U.S. President Donald Trump deserves a Nobel Peace Certainly President Trump deserves a
Prize for his efforts to bring peace to the Korean peninsula.
Nobel for bringing peace to the Korean
peninsula. Right?
On Wednesday 18 US lawmakers officially nominated
President Trump for the Nobel Peace Prize.
Here is a copy of his list on next page.
Now this…

‘As Bad As Fake News CNN’ —
Trump Blasts NBC For Botched Cohen Report
Justin Caruso - Media Reporter
8:59 AM 05/04/2018

President Trump blasted NBC News for a report on federal government. This report turned out to be
Michael Cohen that turned out to be false on Twitter misleading, as the government was only monitoring basic
Friday. information about his phone calls, not listening in.

Trump tweeted: Trump also tweeted about the immigration crisis at the
border Friday morning.

This comes after NBC News reported that Michael Cohen,

Trump’s personal lawyer, had been wiretapped by the

‘Amazing’: Unemployment
Hits Lowest Rate In 18 Years
Tim Pearce - Energy Reporter
9:13 AM 05/04/2018

months. The average wage also rose 4 cents an hour, and

it’s up 2.6 percent since the start of the year.

“We’ve continued to add jobs routinely

every month for so long, and the
unemployment rate we have reached is
amazing,” ZipRecruiter Chief Economist
Catherine Barrera told The New York
Times. “This is the economy doing well.”

Unemployment dropped to 3.9 percent in April, the lowest March jobs numbers were revised up from 103,000 up to
unemployment rate since 2000, after remaining unchanged 135,000 while February’s were revised down slightly from
at 4.1 percent for several months, the Department of 326,000 to 324,000.
Labor reported Friday.
Labor force participation has remained low, however,
The latest Bureau of Labor Statistics report revealed falling for the second straight month to 62.8 percent, near
roughly 164,000 jobs were added last month, about the lowest level recorded in the past half century,
30,000 fewer than some experts predicted but continuing according to WSJ.
the longest streak of consecutive monthly job growth at 91

‘Fox & Friends’ Nails NBC For
Cohen Wiretap Story: ‘Completely Wrong’
Nick Givas - Media And Politics Reporter
9:33 AM 05/04/2018

The hosts of “Fox & Friends” slammed NBC Friday for

having to issue a correction after the network claimed the “They had to come out with this correction.
federal government had tapped the phones of attorney NBC did. Earlier today NBC News — keep
Michael Cohen. in mind four hours after they broke that
original false story,” Ainsley Earhardt
“Did you see this — it was an NBC News added.
alert. The headline online was ‘Feds
Tapped Trump Lawyer Michael “Three officials now dispute that, saying the
Cohen’s Phones,'” host Steve Doocy said. monitoring was limited to a log of calls, a
“In other words, what that says is a judge pin register, not a wiretap of Cohen’s line.
approved listening to phone calls. A We will continue to report.”
wiretap. It was such a big story. It was on “Obviously that was very embarrassing,”
all the channels where they were talking Doocy concluded.
about it, until it was discovered that NBC
got the story completely wrong.” NBC also issued a correction after the network got the
March for Life numbers wrong in late March. Originally,
Host Brian Kilmeade said the media is neglecting the truth NBC claimed 800,000 people had registered to vote at
and “ratcheting up an attack” on Cohen to hurt President the event. They later put out a correction on Twitter stating
Donald Trump. 800,000 people were present, but did not sign up to vote.


Story ‘Corrections’ Haunt Legacy Media. Meanwhile, On
CNN, They’re Young Frankenstein-Ing Rod Rosenstein
Virginia Kruta
9:41 AM 05/04/2018

Amid a virtual sea of media screw-ups and story

“corrections” in legacy media, CNN took some time Friday
morning to get to the bottom of a very serious issue:

How to correctly pronounce the last name of Deputy

Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.

And they used Mel Brooks’ “Young Frankenstein” to do

so. “New Day” hosts Chris Cuomo and Alisyn Camerota spent
a fair amount of time covering the White House’s
WATCH: developing “credibility problem,” citing different stories
from President Trump, new counsel Rudy Giuliani, advisor
Kellyanne Conway, and White House press secretary
Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

What they left out of their broadcast entirely was the

growing “credibility problem” that has been developing
within the media and came to a head on Thursday.

• NBC News falsely reported Trump’s lawyer was
• CNN falsely reported Trump’s son colluded with
• ABC News falsely reported Trump told Flynn to meet
w/Russians during the campaign
• Bloomberg falsely reported Mueller issued subpoena
targeting Trump allies

— Ryan Saavedra

President Trump: I Would Like To Speak To Mueller But
“It Is A Pure Witch Hunt” – I Must Be Treated Fairly
By Jim Hoft
May 4, 2018, 9:58 Am

President Trump spoke with reporters

on Friday before he left to speak at the That’s not going to happen. Mueller has no evidence of
annual NRA convention in Dallas, any crime committed by the Trump campaign. Yet this
Texas. witch hunt continues.

This is like a scene from some banana republican sh*thole

– not the United States.

The Mueller witch hunt has lasted now over a year and the
far left investigators have yet to find one iota of evidence
that Trump colluded with the Russians to take down
Hillary Clinton.

Mueller has yet to speak with Julian Assange from

Wikileaks or look at the DNC servers which were “hacked”
according to the DNC and media outlets.

President Trump told reporters he

would like to speak with Special
Counsel Robert Mueller but that the
Russia-collusion investigation is a
“pure witch hunt.” President Trump
added that he must be treated fairly by
Mueller and his band of liberal lawyers
before he would agree to speak with

'Canoe Fake' Kosinski Lectures
State Department On 'Fake News' Accusations?
By Tim Graham
May 4, 2018 9:51 AM EDT

I noted on Tuesday that The Weekly Standard reported that say what they want. You don't have to
CNN's Michelle Kosinski strongly questioned State agree with it, others don't have to agree
Department senior official Michael Kozak on Trump with it, but that is certainly within his own
bashing the press when the department's human-rights right to do.
report came out. Jack Heretik at the Washington Free
Beacon pointed out that Kosinski did it again on Thursday, Nauert lectured that journalists in Turkey or Afghanistan
or World Press Freedom Day, suggesting that any charge would be arrested, harassed, or subject to death threats just
of "fake news" is somehow "disinformation," as if, for for reporting the news.
example, NBC's false report on Michael Cohen
wiretapping couldn't be criticized as wrong. Kosinski shot back:

“So because that's not happening here, the

White House lying and saying ‘fake news’
is a better deal?"
"Look, it's the right of the free press and of
the president, and he has the right to speak
his mind and has a right to be concerned
about stories that he feels are inaccurate,"
Nauert said. “I’ll leave it at that.”

But who is Michelle Kosinski to lecture about fake news?

Mark Finkelstein rushed to the fakery for NewsBusters in
2005, when she attempted to illustrate flooding in New
MICHELLE KOSINSKI: You had a whole
Jersey by reporting from inside a canoe...but then two men
lot to say about press freedom, basically
walked in front of the canoe and the water barely came up
speaking to the world on that. So when the
to their ankles. Matt Lauer tried to make light of it:
President of the United States and those
around him repeatedly say the words ‘fake
news,’ isn't that disinformation? "Are these holy men, perhaps walking on
top of the water?"
HEATHER NAUERT: We've discussed this
as well. You and I have had many
That story might not be typical for NBC or CNN, but it
exchanges on this, and that's part of what
ought to inspire a little humility, and that sometimes the
the beauty of a free press and the beauty
"news" isn't as real as their lectures imply.
of a First Amendment, when people can

National Review’s Andrew McCarthy
Says DOJ Should Stop Trump’s Mueller Interview
Nick Givas - Media And Politics Reporter
10:05 AM 05/04/2018


Former assistant U.S. attorney and National Review

columnist Andrew McCarthy said Friday the Justice
Department should do everything in its power to stop
Robert Mueller from interviewing President Donald
McCarthy said Mueller’s team should not be able to secure
“They should not at the Justice Department an interview with the president under oath, unless they can
allow Mueller to even request an interview, actually prove he was involved in something nefarious.
unless they can show there is a serious
crime that President Trump is somehow “You would want that. You would want an
complicit in it,” said McCarthy on “Fox & arrangement where he’d be under oath,”
Friends.” “If they can’t show those things, McCarthy said. “But because he’s the
the Justice Department should not allow president, they shouldn’t be allowed to get
Mueller even to request an interview.” it unless they can make that high showing.”

MSNBC SHOCK: Predicts Trump ‘Landslide’
Due To 3.9% Unemployment, N. Korea
By Julia A. Seymour
May 4, 2018 10:14 AM EDT

Eisen called the 3.9 percent rate “a wow number” and said
the stock market “loves this number.

The unemployment rate dropped below 4 percent for the

first time since 2000, prompting analysts to call it a “wow”
number. It also provoked a surprising election analysis
from MSNBC Morning Joe contributor Donny Deutsch on
May 4. The also told MSNBC there aren’t a lot of inflation signals
so the Federal Reserve won’t need to be “super aggressive
“3.9 jobs, if he does the North Korea thing, when it comes to interest rates.”
ISIS. This man, unless there’s some real
serious stuff in these indictments is gonna Of course, it wouldn’t be MSNBC’s Morning Joe if
get reelected in a landslide,” Deutsch said someone didn’t throw cold water on the administration.
following Sara Eisen’s update on April 2018 The show’s economic analyst Steve Rattner, told fellow
unemployment. Morning Joe panelists that “Donny is right, it’s a good
The CNBC correspondent and co-anchor number,” and “Sara is right" that the numbers are at a
Eisen told MSNBC about the “big headline "sweet spot,” before implying that the economy won’t
3.9 percent” unemployment, which is the remain this good.
lowest rate since December 2000. The
Bureau of Labor Statistics also announced “I take Donny's point, in the fall of 2020, if
that 164,000 jobs had been added in April. the economy looks like this, it will be very
They included a 32,000 job upward revision good for Donald Trump,” Rattner admitted,
to the March numbers, and a downward but added it "has a long way to go from
revision of 2,000 to February’s data, for an here to there without some kind
added 30,000 total jobs. of economic bump in the road."

EXCLUSIVE: Roger Stone
Explains Relationship With Rick Gates
Saagar Enjeti - White House Correspondent
10:30 AM 05/04/2018

Trump campaign officials to discuss the selection of New

York delegates to the Republican National Convention
after Trump swept the New York Primary.

He added that,

“in this case, the dinner was supposed to

be with then-Trump Convention manager
Paul Manafort, who canceled at the last
minute and sent Gates in his stead.”

Stone claims to have never attended any meetings with

Republican consultant Roger Stone filled The Daily Caller Gates at Trump tower or
on the details of his relationship with former deputy Trump
campaign manager Rick Gates after reports surfaced “any substantive meeting with Gates
regarding its interest to special counsel Robert Mueller. elsewhere.”

“Special counsel Robert Mueller is focusing The Republican political operative continued that while the
intensely on alleged interactions between CNBC story alleged they worked together in the 1980’s
former top Trump campaign official Rick that he has
Gates and political operative Roger Stone,”
CNBC reported Thursday, adding “the “no memory of Gates from this period and
questions have been largely about what never worked with him on anything- if he
was discussed at meetings, including was even really there.”
dinners, between Stone and Gates, before
and during the campaign.” He noted however that he had one interaction with Gates
in which the deputy campaign manager called him about a
Stone said an exclusive statement to TheDC, however, that personal matter that later resolved itself during the
he “only attended ONE dinner with Gates and New York campaign.

Insider Exclusive: Roger Stone Blasts
‘Bogus’ CNBC Story, Another Distraction
In Ongoing Witch Hunt
By Assistant Editor
May 4, 2018, 10:31 Am

a system where the delegates were

selected after the primary and we were
working on a strategy to make sure that
those appointed were loyal to the person
who won the primary, Donald Trump. There
were forces at work to try and appoint
delegates that were hostile to the winner.
CNBC says I worked with Gates at Black,
Manafort and Kelly in the 1980’s where I
was a partner and Gates was an intern. I
have no memory of Gates from this period
and never worked with him on anything- if
he was even really there.
Gates did call me late in the campaign
Yesterday, CNBC was on the attack with another one of
when a woman campaign staffer who’s
their trademark bogus “sources tell us” stories. Their target
family I knew accused him of sexual
this time was Trump confident and political strategist,
harassment, a charge I thought was a
Roger Stone.
bogus concoction of Corey Lewandowski, a
talentless thug who’s firing Manafort and
CNBC claims their “anonymous Gates had successfully engineered. The
sources” say that Muller is focusing in woman recanted her claim before I made
on Roger Stone as a top subject for the any inquiry about the matter. To the extent
investigation into Russian collusion. that I had any contact with Gates it was to
“Stone, a longtime advisor to Trump, is discuss how to rid the campaign of this
apparently one of the top subjects of the miscreant.
Mueller investigation into potential collusion Like the false claim that I received allegedly
between the Kremlin and the Trump hacked e-mails from “the Russians” and
campaign, sources told CNBC on condition passed them on to Wikileaks or that I
of anonymity.” -CNBC received allegedly hacked e-mails from
Wikileaks and passed them on to Donald
We reached out to Stone to get his take on this story; is this Trump or that my now entirely public twitter
another example of CNBC fake news or is it legitimate? direct message exchange with Guccifer 2.0
long after Wikileaks had already published
Here is Roger Stone: the devastating e-mails from the DNC is
anything other than innocuous or that I
The story in CNBC yesterday “predicted ” the hacking of John Podesta’s
suggesting extensive ties between e-mail which only seems to be the case if
myself and Rick Gates is categorically you purposely misquote my now iconic
incorrect. tweet that “THE” Podesta’s time in the
barrel is coming- a clear reference to the
That being said, the story did refresh my Podesta’s brothers shady business
memory of one dinner I had with Mr. Gates dealings in Russia exposed in the Panama
and others in the weeks following the NY paper in early 2016, this media created
Republican primary where we discussed “Rick Gates” narrative is categorically false.
the delegates that would be going to the
convention from New York. New York has
All of this is of course designed to distract because I was working for the election of
from the fact the the Obama Justice Donald Trump. The use of the state’s
Department and the Obama FBI used a authority and capability to spy on Trump
fabricated ‘dossier” prepared with the supporters is an unconstitutional abuse of
assistance of Russians as the legal power that makes Watergate look like small
rationale for the surveillance of the potatoes. What did Obama know and when
campaign of the Republican candidate for did he know it ?
president or that I was , as the New York
My interactions with Gates were minimal
Times reported on January 20, 2017
and innocuous- this is a witch hunt.
subject to an bogus FISA warrant simply

CNN Cillizza: Sarah Sanders
Should Quit Her Job
Justin Caruso - Media Reporter
11:00 AM 05/04/2018

“no matter how many times you guys ask

the same question.”

She also got into quite the war of words with April Ryan,
telling her, with all due respect, you actually don’t know
much about me in terms of what I feel and what I don’t.”

CNN’s Chris Cillizza is now arguing that White House

press secretary Sarah Sanders should quit her job.

In an article published Thursday night, Cillizza

claimed that,

”A boss who would not only mislead you,

but also do so knowing full well you would
then put your credibility on the line publicly
to defend that misinformation, is a boss no
one should be willing to work for. That
includes Sarah Sanders.” WASHINGTON, DC – MAY 10: White House Principal Deputy
Press Secretary Sarah Sanders conducts a daily news briefing at the
James Brady Press Briefing Room at the White House May 10, 2017
Despite Cillizza thinking that Sanders should lose her job, in Washington, DC. Sanders held a daily news briefing to answer
she dealt with the press handily all day Thursday. In the questions from members of the White House Press Corps. (Photo by
Alex Wong/Getty Images)
morning, she deftly told off reporters shouting questions at
her outside the White House. Sanders told journalists that
she refused to comment on a story,

Hearing – Says Mueller’s Goal Is To
Oust Trump From Office!
By Cristina Laila
May 4, 2018, 11:02 Am

Robert Mueller is out of control; he is moving full steam

The Federal Judge in Paul Manafort’s ahead and won’t stop until he’s forced to end his witch
case cast doubt on Friday over hunt.
Mueller’s bank fraud case against the
Mueller is seeking 70 blank subpoenas in the Manafort
former Trump campaign manager. case according to a Thursday court filing by the Special
Judge T.S. Ellis lost his temper and blasted prosecutors,
Paul Manafort first made arguments in a suit with Robert
saying he believes Mueller is using the Manafort case to
Mueller, Rod Rosenstein and Jeff Sessions as Head of the
provide material that would lead to Trump’s “prosecution
DOJ, related to illegalities in the way that Rosenstein set
or impeachment”.
up the Mueller special counsel. Rosenstein’s special
counsel order was not based on a crime and
unconstitutionally stated that Mueller could basically look
at anything he wanted to look at. These provisions are
against the law and are now for the courts to settle.
In early April, Mueller and Rosenstein presented to the
courts a rebuttal for Manafort’s latest action – they
presented a previously undisclosed memo to a federal
court in Washington supposedly addressing Manafort’s
argument. The problem is it doesn’t.
The memo is dated August 2, 2017 and is from Rosenstein
to Mueller supposedly directing Mueller to look into
Manafort actions with a Russian operative perhaps before
CNN reported: 2016. This however is clearly outside the scope of
Sessions’ recusal as argued by Manafort and doesn’t even
address Manafort’s argument that these actions are not for
A federal judge expressed deep skepticism
Mueller to take or Rosenstein to order but are Sessions
Friday in the bank fraud case brought by
actions alone as AG.
special counsel Robert Mueller’s office
against former Trump campaign chairman Judge T.S. Ellis is 100% correct. Mueller’s case against
Paul Manafort, at one point saying he Manafort is being used to oust President Trump from
believes that Mueller’s motivation is to oust office.
President Donald Trump from office.
“You don’t really care about Mr. Manafort’s
bank fraud,” District Judge T.S. Ellis said
to prosecutor Michael Dreeben, at times
losing his temper. Ellis said prosecutors
were interested in Manafort because of his
potential to provide material that would lead
to Trump’s “prosecution or
impeachment,” Ellis said.

“That’s what you’re really interested in,”

said Ellis, who was appointed by President
Ronald Reagan.
Trump Says His Story
On Stormy Daniels Hasn’t Changed
Saagar Enjeti - White House Correspondent
11:03 AM 05/04/2018

President Donald Trump claimed his story regarding his

knowledge of payments his personal lawyer made to
pornstar Stormy Daniels has not changed in recent days
during a gaggle before he boarded Air Force One.

“I didn’t change any story,” he claimed,

adding “You take a look at what I said. You
go back and take a look and see what I
said. Excuse me, excuse me. Take a look
at what we said.” Trump originally told
reporters aboard Air Force One in early
April that he had absolutely no knowledge
of the payments.

Trump’s newly appointed personal attorney Rudy Guiliani

told Fox News Wednesday that the president reimbursed
his personal attorney Michael Cohen for a 130,000 silence
payment to Daniels.

“Michael knew when he laid out the

$135,000 he’d get it back and the president
was always going to make sure he got it
back — and enough money to pay the
taxes,” Guiliani told The Washington Post
late Wednesday.

Trump later noted on Twitter:


GOP Lawmaker Introduces Legislation Requiring Mueller
‘Provide Evidence’ Against POTUS Or
‘Terminate’ Probe In 30 Days
Posted On May 4, 2018

“I expect a valid progress report within the

next 30 days or the investigation should be

Rokita’s resolution demands a status report from Mueller

to members of the House along with an estimate on how
much longer he thinks his investigation will last.
Republicans who have criticized the probe say it is
purposefully being dragged out to undermine Trump into
the 2018 midterm elections and beyond.

The lawmaker also said that various federal agencies

including the Justice Department and FBI, as well as
congressional committees, have all looked into the
(National Sentinel) Witch Hunt: Tiring of special counsel allegations of collusion but thus far no evidence has been
Robert Mueller’s endless “Russian collusion” probe that found.
many experts believe is proving dangerously distracting to
President Donald J. Trump, a Republican lawmaker
proposed a resolution that would require Mueller to In fact, the House Intelligence Committee has formally
provide evidence within 30 days or be forced to end his cleared the president, saying after more than a year nothing
probe. has been found.

Rep. Todd Rokita, R-Ind., who is currently running for the For his part, Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin
U.S. Senate, introduced his resolution on Thursday, Nunes, R-Calif., has said there is plenty of evidence that
arguing that the investigation should be quickly resolved to the Hillary Clinton campaign colluded with Russian
“preserve the integrity of our democratic institutions.” sources to produce the so-called “Russia dossier” — a
collection of salacious and unverified allegations that the
FBI used to obtain FISA court surveillance warrants to spy
In addition, Rokita said he believes it the ongoing probe is on Team Trump in 2016 and beyond.
a waste of taxpayer money, estimating that thus far it has
cost some $17 million, The Hill reported.
“No one in government should be without
accountability, and for many Americans,
“The Mueller investigation has dragged on this investigation looks more like an
for nearly a year at a cost of tens of millions attempt by the Washington elite to
of dollars without producing a shred of destroy President Trump with innuendo,
evidence of collusion—the matter it was leaks, and baseless allegations than to
tasked with investigating in the first place,” provide justice,” said Rokita.
he said in a statement.

HUGE NEWS! As TGP Predicted — Judge In Manafort
Lawless “Unfettered Power”
By Jim Hoft
May 4, 2018, 11:13 Am

up the Mueller special counsel. Rosenstein’s special

counsel order was not based on a crime and
unconstitutionally stated that Mueller could basically look
at anything he wanted to look at. These provisions are
against the law and are now for the courts to settle.

In addition to the above suit, Robert Barnes wrote last

week at Law and Crimes that Mueller’s actions not related
to the 2016 campaign are outside the scope of Jeff
Sessions recusal as AG and therefore unconstitutional –

Paul Manafort‘s legal team brought a motion to dismiss on

In April The Gateway Pundit reported
Tuesday, noting that Rosenstein could not appoint Mueller
that the US is now in a constitutional
to any investigation outside the scope of the 2016
crisis due to the unconstitutional and
campaign since Sessions did not recuse himself for
corrupt Mueller investigation kept in
anything outside the campaign. I agree with this take on
place by corrupt FBI and DOJ
Mueller’s authority. If we follow that argument that would
mean Sessions himself has exclusive authority to appoint a
special counsel for non-collusion charges, and Sessions
Former Trump Campaign Manager Paul has taken no such action. Sessions himself should make
Manafort may soon be the one to shut it that clear to Mueller, rather than await court resolution.
all down. Doing so would remove three of the four areas of inquiry
from Mueller’s requested interview with President Trump.

Sessions formally notifying Mueller that he does not have

authority to act outside of campaign-related cases and
cases related to obstruction of Mueller’s investigation
would be doing what the Constitution compels: enforcing
the Appointments Clause of the Constitution. Additionally,
Sessions notifying Mueller that he does not have authority
to act outside of campaign-related cases would be
exercising Sessions’ court-recognized Constitutional
obligation to “direct and supervise litigation” conducted by
the Department of Justice. Furthermore, Sessions notifying
Mueller that he does not have authority to act outside of
Mueller’s illegal Trump-Russia investigation continues to campaign-related cases protects against the inappropriate
take corrupt and unconstitutional actions while criminal use of the federal grand jury that defendant Manafort now
activities in Obama’s FBI, DOJ and State Department are rightly complains about.
ignored. If there is justice, America will soon have a real
investigation looking into the Obama and Clinton criminal Sessions limiting Mueller to the 2016 campaign would
acts while in office. also be restoring confidence in democratic institutions, and
restore public faith that democratically elected officials.
Paul Manafort first made arguments in a suit with Robert
Mueller, Rod Rosenstein and Jeff Sessions as Head of the One thing to remember about Sessions’ recusal:
DOJ, related to illegalities in the way that Rosenstein set

Sessions only recused himself from “any
existing or future investigations of any
matters related in any way to the
campaigns for President of the United

This recusal letter limits the scope of Sessions’ recusal to

the 2016 campaigns;

It does not authorize Sessions’ recusal for

anything beyond that. Constitutionally,
Sessions has a “duty to direct and
supervise litigation” conducted by the
Department of Justice. Ethically,
professionally, and legally, Sessions
cannot ignore his supervisory obligations
for cases that are not related to the
“campaigns for President.”
In April Mueller and Rosenstein
presented to the courts a rebuttal for
Manafort’s latest action – they
presented a previously undisclosed
memo to a federal court in Washington
supposedly addressing Manafort’s
argument. The problem is it doesn’t.

The memo is dated August 2, 2017 and is from Rosenstein

to Mueller supposedly directing Mueller to look into
Manafort actions with a Russian operative perhaps before
2016. This however is clearly outside the scope of
Sessions’ recusal as argued by Manafort and doesn’t even
address Manafort’s argument that these actions are not for
Mueller to take or Rosenstein to order but are Sessions
actions alone as AG.

On Friday a federal judge agreed with

Paul Manafort that the Mueller witch
hunt was out of control and out of

U.S. Judge Questions Special
Counsel's Powers In Manafort Case
Sarah N. Lynch
4 May 2018

Manafort is facing charges in both Virginia and

Washington. The Virginia case charges him with offenses
including tax and bank fraud.

The other case in Washington accuses him of conspiring to

launder money and failing to register as a foreign agent
when he lobbied for the pro-Russia Ukrainian government.

None of the charges relate, however, to Trump’s 2016

presidential campaign or possible collusion with Russia.
Trump has denied any collusion.

Manafort’s attorney Kevin Downing has argued that the

charges must dismissed because the FBI investigation
FILE PHOTO: FBI Director Robert Mueller testifies before the dates back to 2014, and therefore did not arise from
House Judiciary Committee hearing on Federal Bureau of
Investigation oversight on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, U.S., June Mueller’s probe.
13, 2013. REUTERS/Yuri Gripas/File Photo
The bulk of Friday’s questions by the judge were aimed
ALEXANDRIA, Va. (Reuters) - A federal judge on Friday squarely at Michael Dreeben, the deputy solicitor general
sharply criticized Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s who is currently working in Mueller’s office.
criminal case in Virginia against President Trump’s former
campaign manager, Paul Manafort, and openly questioned While Dreeben conceded that Mueller had inherited the
whether Mueller exceeded his prosecutorial powers by probe into Manafort after his May 2017 appointment by
bringing it. Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, he insisted the
office is on solid legal ground and has the power to
“I don’t see what relationship this proceed with prosecuting the case.
indictment has with anything the special
counsel is authorized to investigate,” U.S. “Our investigative scope does cover the
District Judge T.S. Ellis III in the Eastern activity” in the indictment,” Dreeben told the
District of Virginia said. judge.
“Cover bank fraud in 2005 and 2007? Tell
At a tense hearing at the federal courthouse in Alexandria, me how!” Ellis retorted.
Virginia, the judge said Mueller should not have
“unfettered power” in his Russia probe and that the
charges against Manafort did not arise from the Friday marked the third time now that Manafort has tried
investigation into Moscow’s alleged meddling in the 2016 to get the charges against him dropped.
U.S. election.
He first filed a civil case alleging the Justice Department’s
“It’s unlikely you’re going to persuade me order appointing Mueller was overly broad in violation of
the special counsel has unfettered power to Justice Department rules, but the case was tossed last
do whatever he wants,” said Ellis, who was month.
appointed to the bench by Republican
President Ronald Reagan. He is also seeking to get the Washington-based criminal
charges against him dismissed on similar legal grounds
that were presented to the Virginia judge on Friday.

The federal judge in Washington, Amy Berman Jackson, could not be handed over to the U.S. Attorney’s Office in
has not yet ruled on the request to dismiss that indictment. the Eastern District of Virginia.

Friday, however, marked the first time that Manafort’s As an example, he pointed to the FBI’s probe into Trump’s
arguments about the scope of Mueller’s powers appeared personal lawyer Michael Cohen, and mused that the
to have gained some traction. special counsel had turned that matter over to prosecutors
in Manhattan.
During the oral arguments, Ellis repeatedly chided
Mueller’s $10 million budget. Dreeben declined to discuss the Cohen case, but said that
Mueller’s probe into Manafort was authorized by
He also asked whether Rosenstein, who oversees the probe Rosenstein.
and is considered an important witness into whether
Trump tried to obstruct justice, is recused from the case. Rosenstein’s May 2017 order laying out the scope of the
probe, he told the judge, did not reveal all the details
And he repeatedly claimed that the indictment appeared to because they involve sensitive national security and
serve as a way for Mueller to “assert leverage” over counterintelligence matters that could not be divulged
Manafort. publicly, but were conveyed to Mueller.

“The vernacular,” he said “is to sing.” Ellis balked, saying Dreeben’s answer essentially means
the Justice Department was “not really telling the truth”
Ellis did not issue a ruling on Manafort’s motion to about the probe and invites someone to respond by saying,
dismiss the indictment Friday. “Come on, man!”

Dreeben also stressed that Rosenstein wrote another memo

two months later, in August 2017, explicitly granting
Mueller the power to investigate Manafort’s Ukraine
dealings years before the 2016 election.

Ellis complained that the bulk of that August memo he has

received was highly redacted.

He directed Mueller’s office to take two weeks to consult

with U.S. intelligence agencies to see if they will sign off
so that he can personally review a sealed, unredacted
version of the memo.

Dreeben told him the redacted portions did not pertain to

President Trump's former campaign manager Paul Manafort
departs U.S. District Court after a motions hearing in Alexandria,
the Manafort case.
Virginia, U.S., May 4, 2018. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst
“I’ll be the judge,” Ellis said.
But he asked why a run-of-the-mill bank fraud case with
no “reference to any Russian individual or Russian bank”

‘I Figured You Would Ask That’ —
Trump Claps Back At Reporter Who Interrupts Him
Justin Caruso - Media Reporter
11:17 AM 05/04/2018

“We’re doing very well with the hostages,”

Trump said.
“We’re in constant contact with the
leadership. We are in constant contact with
North Korea. We have actually worked out
a time and a place which will be announced
“Where?!” a reporter interrupted.
“And, very soon–I figured you would ask
President Trump chirped back at a reporter who shouted a
that question,” he clapped back.
question at him Friday.
Trump also told reporters that he hasn’t changed his story
“I figured you would ask that question.” on the Stormy Daniels affair.

WATCH: “I didn’t change any story. You take a look

at what I said. You go back and take a look
and see what I said. Excuse me, excuse
me. Take a look at what we said.”

BREAKING: Judge In Manafort Case Orders Govt To
Hand Over Unredacted Rosenstein Memo
Detailing Mueller’s Scope
By Cristina Laila
May 4, 2018, 11:54 Am

The Judge told Mueller’s prosecutors, “We don’t want

The Federal Judge in the Manafort case anyone with unfettered power.”
is not messing around.
Judge T.S. Ellis lost his temper Friday in Mueller’s prosecutors argued they have certain authorities
a Manafort hearing and accused given to them which were laid out in Rosenstein’s August
Mueller’s prosecutors of using the case 2017 memo.
against Trump’s former campaign
chairman to oust the President from Judge Ellis scoffed at Mueller’s prosecutors who argued
office. the memo has to be kept a secret because of ongoing
investigations and ordered the unredacted memo to be
released within a two week time frame.

Fox News reported:

Mueller’s team says its authorities are laid

out in documents including the August
2017 scope memo – and that some powers
are actually secret because they involve
ongoing investigations and national
security matters that cannot be publicly
Ellis seemed amused and not persuaded.
He summed up the Special Counsel’s
Office as, “We said this was what [the]
Mueller’s wheels are falling off. investigation was about, but we are not
bound by it and we were lying.”
CNN reported:
He referenced the common exclamation
from NFL announcers, saying: “C’mon
“You don’t really care about Mr. Manafort’s man!”
bank fraud,” District Judge T.S. Ellis said
to prosecutor Michael Dreeben, at times The judge also gave the government two
losing his temper. Ellis said prosecutors weeks to hand over the unredacted “scope
were interested in Manafort because of his memo” or provide an explanation why not
potential to provide material that would lead — after prosecutors were reluctant to do
to Trump’s “prosecution or so, claiming it has material that doesn’t
impeachment,” Ellis said. pertain to Manafort.
“I’ll be the judge of that,” Ellis said.
“That’s what you’re really interested in,”
said Ellis, who was appointed by President On Monday, the Assistant Attorney General said in a letter
Ronald Reagan. that the DOJ would not be handing over the unredacted
Rosenstein memo detailing Mueller’s scope.
Judge Ellis also ordered the government to hand over the
unredacted Rosenstein memo.

In response, Freedom Caucus Chairman, Mark Meadows On Wednesday morning, in response to the stonewalling
drafted “articles of impeachment” against Deputy Attorney by the DOJ, Trump threatened to use his presidential
General Rod Rosenstein as a “last resort.” powers in order to get the unredacted Rosenstein memo.

On Tuesday, Rosenstein freaked and referred to the

impeachment threat as “extortion.”

Federal Judge Brutally Slams Mueller Witch Hunt: 'C'mon
Man!' Accuses Special Counsel Of 'Lying'
& No 'Unfettered Power'
By Susan Duclos - All News Pipeline
May 4, 2018

He referenced the common exclamation

from NFL announcers, saying: "C'mon
Judge Ellis also accused the special counsel of not caring
about Manafort and just using him to target President
Trump by making Manafort "sing."

"I don't see what relation this indictment

has with what the special counsel is
authorized to investigate," Ellis said during
an hourlong hearing in Alexandria, Virginia.
"You don't really care about Mr. Manafort's
bank fraud. ... What you really care about is
what information Mr. Manafort could give
you that would reflect on Mr. Trump or lead
Paul Manafort, indicted by special counsel Robert Mueller to his prosecution or impeachment."
on charges unrelated to the 2016 election, has filed another
motion to dismiss the charges within the 18-count According to a Reuters article, Judge Ellis repeatedly made
indictment on tax and bank fraud-related charges, on a the point that they were attempting to "assert leverage,"
variety of grounds, including that the charges by team over Manafort.
Mueller were beyond the scope of his initial mandate,
which was to investigate; any links and/or coordination “The vernacular is to 'sing,' is what
between the Russian government and individuals prosecutors use. What you got to be
associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump," careful of is they may not only sing, they
including " any matters that arose or may arise directly may compose,” Ellis said, according to
from the investigation." Politico.

U.S. District Court Judge T.S. Ellis is hearing the motion Ellis is also demanding the special counsel's office hand
to dismiss, and his statements to the attorney arguing the over to him the original "scope memo," to justify charging
case on behalf of Mueller's team, were at times brutal and Manafort for bank fraud from 2005 and 2007, which had
sarcastic as he accused them of "lying" to the American nothing to do with the the mandate to investigate links
people with the initial DOJ release detailing Mueller's between Russia and the Trump campaign.
scope, after Deputy Solicitor General Michael Dreeben
explained to the court that some of the special counsel's Via Reuters:
"powers" were secret, not revealed to the public, because
they involved ongoing investigations and national security None of the charges relate, however, to
matters. Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign or
possible collusion with Russia. Trump has
He summed up the argument of the Special denied any collusion.
Counsel’s Office as, "We said this was
what [the] investigation was about, but we Manafort’s attorney Kevin Downing has
are not bound by it and we were lying." argued that the charges must dismissed
because the FBI investigation dates back
to 2014, and therefore did not arise from
Mueller’s probe.
The bulk of Friday’s questions by the judge As skeptical as Ellis appeared regarding
were aimed squarely at Michael Dreeben, the government’s arguments, he also had
the deputy solicitor general who is currently questions for Manafort’s lawyer that
working in Mueller’s office. suggested he hadn’t made up his mind.
Even if there were issues with the breadth
While Dreeben conceded that Mueller had of Mueller’s original appointment order, the
inherited the probe into Manafort after his judge asked, didn’t the August memo
May 2017 appointment by Deputy Attorney address that by specifically referring to
General Rod Rosenstein, he insisted the Manafort’s work in Ukraine as falling under
office is on solid legal ground and has the Mueller’s jurisdiction?
power to proceed with prosecuting the
case. “Let me ask you: So what?” Ellis asked
Manafort’s lead attorney Kevin Downing.
“Our investigative scope does cover the Downing replied that Rosenstein couldn’t
activity” in the indictment,” Dreeben told the retroactively fix the problems with the
judge. “Cover bank fraud in 2005 and original appointment order. If it was
2007? Tell me how!” Ellis retorted. unlawful, Mueller lacked authority to
conduct the investigation and convene a
After being informed that a subsequent memo by grand jury, Downing said.
Rosenstein gave Mueller the authority to pursue charges
on Manafort that occurred before the 2016 election, the Ellis asked Downing if one possible
Judge pointed out the memo turned over to him was highly outcome would be that he could send the
redacted, and demanded an unredacted version be case to the US attorney's office in Virginia
submitted to him. When Dreeban attempted to tell the to handle. Downing said that could be an
Judge the redacted portions did not apply Manafort, the option.
Judge retorted
Judge Ellis has not ruled on Manafort's motion to dismiss
"I'll be the judge of that." and has given the special counsel's office two weeks to
provide the unredacted "scope memo" from August.
The proceedings highlighted the Judge is suspicious as to
the charges against Manafort being within Mueller's scope, The Judge also reportedly chided Mueller's budget and
as some of the information obtained to charge him, did not specifically asked if Deputy Attorney General Rod
"arise directly from the investigation," as was stated in the Rosenstein has been recused from the case as he is an
original announcement of a special counsel being important witness in the case.
appointed, but stemmed "from an earlier Justice
Department probe – in the U.S. attorney’s office for the I find it highly interesting that the Judge specifically and
Eastern District of Virginia," as Fox News reports. deliberately brought up Rod Rosenstein and whether he
was recused since he is a witness, leading me to believe
It is noteworthy that at the time of the original the Judge has been keeping an eye on the whole witch
investigation, the U.S. attorney's office for the Eastern hunt, bringing up the same concerns other legal experts
District of Virginia chose not to pursue the case against have.
In February, renowned attorney Alan M. Dershowitz, who
"What we don't want in this country, we is the Felix Frankfurter Professor of Law, Emeritus, at
don't want anyone with unfettered power," Harvard Law School, highlighted five key points to answer
Ellis said. "It's unlikely you're going to the question as to whether Rosenstein should be recused
persuade me the special counsel has from his oversight position of Robert Mueller.
unlimited powers to do anything he or she
wants." Five facts are indisputable.

Related: MONUMENTAL: The Naked Truth About First, Rosenstein is currently supervising
Robert Mueller Robert Mueller, who he appointed to be
special counsel to investigate the Russia
As Buzzfeed notes, while the majority of the questions and matter and all ancillary issues.
scorn were aimed at the Mueller team lawyer, Ellis did
ask Manafort’s lead attorney Kevin Downing a few Second, these ancillary issues include any
pointed questions as well: possible obstruction of justice growing out
of the Russia investigation.

Third, President Trump’s firing of former nothing more than part of a witch hunt to "assert leverage"
FBI Director James Comey may be an over Manafort, in an attempt by team Mueller to get him to
important building block in any possible "sing," as an attempt to find something, anything, to justify
obstruction case against the president. his multi-million dollar investigation in order to
"prosecute" or "impeach," the President of the United
Fourth, Rosenstein played a central role in States.
that firing, having written the memorandum
justifying the president’s action. If that is the case, than after more than a year-and-a-half of
FBI/DOJ investigations, and nearly a year of a special
Fifth, Rosenstein would be an important — counsel investigation, they still have absolutely nothing on
perhaps the most important — witness in President Trump and are desperate to find something.
any investigation of the reasons behind the
firing. Final Note: American taxpayers are still paying for this
witch hunt.
The fact that Judge Ellis is asking about Rosenstein shows
he is just as concerned about the ethical aspect of
Rosenstein's involvement.


While the decision to dismiss the charges against Manafort

brought by team Mueller has not be made by Judge Ellis
yet, and it could go either way, it is noteworthy that no one
indicted by Mueller, to date, has been charged with
"collusion" with Russia regarding the the 2016 election,
which was his original mandate, until Rosenstein
retroactively expanded his scope in August.

No matter what the judge decides regarding the motion to

dismiss, it is now on record, with a federal judge brutally
slamming Robert Mueller's case against Manafort as

Federal Judge Accuses Mueller's Team Of 'Lying,' Trying
To Target Trump: 'C'mon Man!'
By Jake Gibson | Fox News
May 4, 2018

A federal judge on Friday harshly rebuked Special Counsel

Robert Mueller’s team during a hearing for ex-Trump The special counsel argues that Deputy Attorney General
campaign chairman Paul Manafort – suggesting they lied Rod Rosenstein granted them broad authority in his May 2,
about the scope of the investigation, are seeking 2017 letter appointing Mueller to this investigation. But
“unfettered power” and are more interested in bringing after the revelation that the team is using information from
down the president. the earlier DOJ probe, Ellis said that information did not
“arise” out of the special counsel probe – and therefore
"You don't really care about Mr. Manafort,” may not be within the scope of that investigation.
U.S. District Judge T.S. Ellis III told
Mueller’s team. “You really care about what “We don’t want anyone with unfettered
information Mr. Manafort can give you to power,” he said.
lead you to Mr. Trump and an
impeachment, or whatever."
Mueller’s team says its authorities are laid out in
documents including the August 2017 scope memo – and
Further, Ellis demanded to see the unredacted “scope that some powers are actually secret because they involve
memo,” a document outlining the scope of the special ongoing investigations and national security matters that
counsel’s Russia probe that congressional Republicans cannot be publicly disclosed.
have also sought.
Ellis seemed amused and not persuaded.
The hearing, where Manafort’s team fought to dismiss an
18-count indictment on tax and bank fraud-related charges,
took a confrontational turn as it was revealed that at least He summed up the argument of the Special Counsel’s
some of the information in the investigation derived from Office as,
an earlier Justice Department probe – in the U.S. attorney’s
office for the Eastern District of Virginia. "We said this was what [the] investigation
was about, but we are not bound by it and
Manafort’s attorneys argue the special counsel does not we were lying."
have the power to indict him on the charges they have
brought – and seemed to find a sympathetic ear with Ellis. He referenced the common exclamation from NFL
announcers, saying:
The Reagan-appointed judge asked Mueller’s team where
they got the authority to indict Manafort on alleged crimes "C'mon man!"
dating as far back as 2005.

Trump himself drew attention to the judge’s comments The judge also gave the government two weeks to hand
later Friday afternoon, during an NRA convention in over the unredacted “scope memo” or provide an
Texas. explanation why not -- after prosecutors were reluctant to
do so, claiming it has material that doesn’t pertain to
“It’s a witch hunt,” he said. “I love fighting Manafort.
these battles.”
“I’ll be the judge of that,” Ellis said.

House Republicans have also sought the full document,

though the Justice Department previously released a
redacted version, which includes information related to
Manafort but not much else.

The charges in federal court in Virginia were on top of

another round of charges in October. Manafort has pleaded
not guilty to both rounds. The charges filed earlier this
year include conspiring against the United States,
conspiring to launder money, failing to register as an agent
of a foreign principal and providing false statements.

Attorneys for former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort Earlier this year, Ellis suggested that Manafort could
argue that the special counsel does not have the power to indict their face life in prison, and “poses a substantial flight risk”
client on the charges they brought. (AP) because of his “financial means and international
connections to flee and remain at large.”

MSNBC Spends Hours On False Story,
NBC Gives Seconds To Correction
By Kyle Drennen
May 4, 2018 12:04 PM EDT

After MSNBC spent four hours on Thursday breathlessly

promoting what turned out to be a false story that federal
investigators had been “wiretapping” President Trump’s
personal attorney Michael Cohen for months, NBC’s
Today show on Friday only managed 41 seconds of air
time to correct the phony bombshell.

On Thursday, starting at 1:00 p.m. ET and continuing until

the beginning of the 5:00 p.m. ET hour, when MTP Daily
host Chuck Todd issued a correction, one MSNBC
anchor after another hyped the fake news that Cohen had Meanwhile, President Trump is up
been “wiretapped.” In reality, federal authorities only tweeting about NBC News this morning.
maintained a log of who called the lawyer and for how It follows an NBC report yesterday that
long, no content of any of those phone calls was recorded. there was a wiretap on the phones of
Michael Cohen, the President’s longtime
personal lawyer, citing two separate
sources with knowledge of the legal
proceedings involving Cohen. But three
senior U.S. officials now dispute that,
saying that the monitoring of Cohen’s
phones was limited to a log of calls, not
a wiretap, where investigators can
actually listen in to the calls. The
President going off, writing, “NBC News is
wrong again! They cite ‘sources’ which are
constantly wrong. Problem is, like so many
others, the sources probably don’t exist,
they are fabricated fiction!” he writes.
That evening, on NBC Nightly News, despite the 5:00 p.m. “NBC, my former home with The
ET hour MSNBC correction, White House Correspondent Apprentice, is now as bad as fake news
Kristen Welker offered no such clarification to viewers. At CNN. Sad!”
the end of a report on the Stormy Daniels scandal and
Cohen, Welker offered this single sentence:

“Adding to the concerns here, NBC News

has learned federal investigators were
keeping a log of Michael Cohen’s phone
calls and identified at least one call placed
from a Cohen phone line to a White House

The reporter never explained that NBC’s initial reporting

on the topic was wrong, she just simply changed the
information to be accurate.
The President’s criticism of NBC was completely valid.
Finally, on Friday’s Today show, correspondent Peter It’s amazing how much time the media will devote to
Alexander offered 41 seconds actually correcting the reporting fake news and how little time they spend
record, though he framed it in the context of President correcting it.
Trump attacking the network on Twitter:
BREAKING: Mike Pence’s Physician Who Targeted
Admiral Ronny Jackson RESIGNS
By Cristina Laila
May 4, 2018, 12:21 Pm

Trump’s physician Adm. Ronny Jackson

As previously reported, VP Mike were proven to be unsubstantiated. The
Pence’s physician was behind the onslaught of unfounded allegations – also
attacks on Admiral Ronny Jackson out propagated by Montana Sen. Jon Tester –
of jealousy, according to investigative led to Jackson’s decision to withdraw his
reporter, Sara Carter. name from consideration after being
nominated by Trump to lead the Veteran’s
It is now being reported that Mike Affairs Administration.
Pence’s physician, Dr. Jennifer Pena
has resigned. Dr. Pena officially left the White House Friday, according
to sources who spoke with Sara Carter.

Democrat Senator Jon Tester led the

charge last week spreading false
rumors against Trump VA pick Admiral
Ronny Jackson.
Tester played point man to smear and
slander Admiral Jackson with false
allegations of inappropriate behavior.

Admiral Jackson withdrew his nomination after the false

allegations were released and shared widely by the liberal
mainstream media.
Sara Carter previously reported Ronny Jackson was a
target by Dr. Pena due to a longtime grudge because of The Secret Service later came out and said the allegations
Jackson’s continuing promotions in the White House. were completely false.

Dr. Pena was appointed to the White House Medical Unit It’s too late; another good man has been destroyed by lies
during the Obama administration. and fake news media.

Sara Carter reported: Ronny Jackson is currently still in the medical unit,
however; he withdrew his name from nomination of
Veteran’s Affairs.
Vice President Mike Pence’s physician,
Army Dr. Jennifer Pena, resigned from the
White House Wednesday according to None of the allegations against Ronny Jackson have been
several senior Administration officials. substantiated.
Pena’s resignation comes just as the
allegations she brought against President Good riddance, Dr. Pena.

POTUS Trump Announces He Will Seek DAMAGES From
Stormy Daniels Over Breach Of NDA
Posted On May 4, 2018

between two parties, known as a non-

disclosure agreement, or NDA,” he wrote.
“These agreements are very common
among celebrities and people of wealth. In
this case it is in full force and effect and will
be used in Arbitration for damages against
Ms. Clifford (Daniels),” he continued.
“The agreement was used to stop the false
and extortionist accusations made by her
about an affair despite already having
signed a detailed letter admitting that there
(National Sentinel) Contract: President Donald J. Trump was no affair. Prior to its violation by Ms.
announced Thursday his legal team would be seeking Clifford and her attorney, this was a private
damages from adult film star Stormy Daniels for breaking agreement. Money from the campaign, or
a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) regarding allegations campaign contributions, played no roll in
of an affair he says are bogus. this transaction.”

Trump’s announcement, via Twitter, comes after one of

his attorneys, former NYC mayor Rudy Giuliani, made a
surprise statement the night before during an appearance
on Fox News‘ Sean Hannity program that $130,000 paid to
Daniels by the president’s personal lawyer, Michael
Cohen, was reimbursed by POTUS.

“Paying Stormy Daniels $130,000 turning

out to be perfectly legal. That money was
not campaign money. Sorry, I’m giving you
a fact not that you don’t know. It’s not
campaign money,” Giuliani said.
“[Trump] knew he would take care of things
like this — like I take care of this stuff with
my clients, I don’t burden them with every
single thing.”

The FBI raided Cohen’s offices and hotel room last month,
in part, to obtain information related to the payoff,
claiming it could be a violation of campaign finance laws.

Trump noted in his tweets that Cohen’s reimbursement

was part of retaining his services.

“Mr. Cohen, an attorney, received a

monthly retainer, not from the campaign
and having nothing to do with the
campaign, from which he entered into,
through reimbursement, a private contract
40 Questions Special Counsel
Robert Mueller Needs To Answer Now
A Republican Lawmaker Contends The Prosecutor Has A Lot To
Explain About His Present Job And Prior Posts As Well
By Rep. Louie Gohmert
Updated 04 May 2018 At 12:51 PM

3.) Andrew Weissman has unsightly political ties,

having attended Clinton’s election-night celebration in
New York City. He also sent an email to acting Attorney
General Sally Yates, praising her boldness on the night she
was fired for refusing to enforce President Trump’s travel
ban. Not to mention his vast history of prosecutorial abuses.

Both of you were involved in the investigation into Russia’s

illegal efforts to obtain U.S. uranium. Did either of you
alert the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United
A firestorm was ignited earlier this week when The New States to the crimes being committed? The plea deals? Did
York Times published a list of 40 questions that special either of you profit in any way from the $145 million in
counsel Robert Mueller allegedly wants President Donald donations to the Clinton Foundation or from those who
J. Trump to answer under oath. benefited from the sale of U.S. uranium that would ultimately
end up in the hands of Russian owners? Do you consider
It is a revealing list of questions, proving that after a year this to be a potential conflict of interest to the current
of strong-arming Trump family and friends, bankrupting investigation?
Trump campaign volunteers and former staff, and leaking
like a sieve, Mueller has found no evidence of any crime 4.) What efforts have you undertaken to identify the
by the president whatsoever. leakers in your team who’ve revealed investigative
details to the media? Were the leaks done with your
But since Mueller has wasted millions of tax dollars and permission or encouragement? When do you believe the
endless hours of Trump’s time, it’s time for the special statutes of limitations would run on possible prosecutions of
counsel to answer some questions. Let’s start with a few you or your team for any such criminal leaks?
on the present runaway railroading of the president, then a
look back to prior instances of the same sordid behavior by 5.) Have you threatened White House officials with
Mueller. investigative actions or public statements regarding
opposition by the White House to your partisan
Regarding Your Trump “Investigation” personnel decisions? Have you asked staff of the deputy
attorney general’s office to issue these threats on your
1.) Why did you hire only lawyers with backgrounds as behalf?
Democratic Party donors for your investigative team?
Were there no Establishment Republicans willing to help 6.) Were you aware that Judge Rudolph Contreras, who
railroad President Trump? accepted former national security adviser Michael
Flynn’s guilty plea, also served on the FISA court and
2.) Peter Strzok was removed from your team after more had a personal relationship with team member
than 10,000 texts between him and fellow team member Strzok? Did you know that Strzok interviewed Flynn? Was
Lisa Page were found to contain vitriolic anti-Trump Contreras angry about being recused for all his conflicts of
tirades. These texts were not simply anti-Trump. They were interest?
more in the nature of desperate attempts to stop him from
becoming president and talk of a nefarious insurance policy 7.) Do you believe it was proper for the case against
to orchestrate his removal if he were elected. Did they ever Flynn to be brought before FISA Judge Contreras, even
speak this way about Donald Trump in your presence? Why though he was such a close personal friend of Strzok?
were you so determined to have people with outright hatred Did Contreras also hear the Steele dossier evidence in his
of Donald Trump on your special counsel team? FISA court? Who actually recused Contreras?

14.) Did you purposefully allow these innocent men to
remain in prison for murder to protect FBI informant
Vincent "Jimmy" Flemmi?

15.) Whom do you think should be held responsible for

the $100 million paid to compensate the four defendants
wrongly framed by FBI agents on your watch?

16.) Did you leak or authorize the leaks of any

information to anyone associated with organized crime
during the Whitey Bulger investigation? There was a
pattern of leaks to organized crime figures to disparage your
8.) Are you investigating the unmasking of American
targets in the Whitey Bulger investigations.
citizens in these matters? For example, Flynn's name was
somehow unmasked in the NSA surveillance, which
apparently allowed the Obama administration to peruse his Rep. Curt Weldon Defeated by Mueller's FBI
meetings and conversations. Are you investigating this
unmasking of American citizens? In the wake of 9/11 while Mueller was FBI director, Rep.
Curt Weldon (R-Pa.) tried to hold those accountable in the
9.) Was Flynn made aware of the exculpatory evidence, FBI and CIA that he believed mishandled actionable
before he entered his guilty plea, that the interviewing intelligence from a top-secret program organized at the
FBI agents did not believe he intentionally lied to request of the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff using
them? Was the judge who took the plea aware of the intelligence assets to focus on al-Qaida. This secret program
agents' belief that Flynn did not have intent to deceive? was called Able Danger.

10.) Where are the FBI's notes from the Flynn interview? 17.) Though you were not yet director of the FBI, do you
If they were provided to Flynn, when? know why the FBI would not accept the intelligence
information from the U.S. military regarding 9/11
attacker Mohammed Atta? In January and February 2000,
11.) Did you or anyone else on your team get the
one year before 9/11, members of the program Able Danger
required signoff from then-national security adviser H.R.
identified the Brooklyn al-Qaida cell and Mohammed Atta. In
McMaster, as required on any retasking of NSA
September 2000, Able Danger attempted to provide
surveillance, in April of 2017 when the direct FISA
information to the FBI on three separate occasions, but
surveillance of Carter Page and indirect surveillance of
administration lawyers denied the transfer of information.
Trump was again extended, this time with approval by
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein?
18.) If the FBI had received that information from the
Able Danger team, what actions could have been taken
Now on to Mueller's multiple past prosecutorial abuses.
to prevent 9/11?
On Mobster Whitey Bulger
19.) Did you leak information to the press or authorize
the leak about nonexistent allegations against Weldon?
As head of the criminal division while assistant U.S. Did you leak to the media or authorize a leak about the raid
attorney, then as acting U.S. attorney in Boston, Mueller of the Weldon family property? Whose idea was it to do the
oversaw a cluster of prosecutions tied to protected FBI search two weeks before Weldon's re-election? Could the
informant and mob kingpin Whitey Bulger. FBI's raid have achieved its purposes if it had been done
two weeks after Weldon's re-election? Did you investigate
Mueller's stewardship of these prosecutions led to wrongful how the media knew of the raid and its location?
murder convictions, cover-ups and a $100 million settlement
to the victims or their families, as two of these men died in 20.) Was a grand jury convened to hear evidence in the
prison. The Boston Globe only had one "lingering question" alleged investigation of Weldon and his daughter?
— I have a few more.
21.) What was the outcome of that investigation, if there
12.) Why did the U.S. Attorney's office, under your was one? What follow-up has occurred to attempt to
direction, let the FBI protect known mobster Whitey remedy the loss that the FBI participated in causing?
Mueller's Illegal Raid on Congressional Offices
13.) Why did you work so hard to prevent the parole of Rep. William Jefferson (D-La.) was secretly videotaped
the four men who were exonerated for the murder of taking bribes in an undercover sting and, subsequently,
Teddy Deegan?
Mueller's FBI found $90,000 in cold, hard cash in his freezer Mueller's Witch Hunt Against Sen. Ted Stevens
during a raid at his home. Sen. Ted Stevens (R-Alaska) was falsely charged and
prosecuted in 2008 just 100 days before his re-election bid
The Constitution frames our government with three coequal for what the FBI alleged was not paying full price for
branches, but Mueller doesn't seem to care too much about improvements to a cabin he owned in Alaska. In the midst of
constitutional restraints. Mueller's FBI agents raided the the prosecution, Stevens lost his re-election bid and, two
offices of a sitting member of Congress — for the first time in years later, lost his life.
our nation's history — without attorneys in the House of
Representatives first reviewing the material seized to ensure Large-scale misconduct was revealed through a
nothing privileged was obtained by the FBI. whistleblower in an audit of the case, in which FBI agents
and prosecutors, among many other things, withheld
The Supreme Court sided with the legislative branch against exculpatory evidence.
the executive branch to throw out Mueller's illegal raid of
Jefferson's federal office. There are set processes by which 26.) Were you aware of any exculpatory evidence, or
these coequal branches cooperate for warrants. Which attempts to conceal evidence, that would have
leaves this lingering question: exonerated Stevens?

22.) As FBI director, why did you authorize the raid of 27.) Did you take any actions of any kind to prevent FBI
Jefferson's office without first consulting with House of agent Mary Beth Kepner from being fired? Did you take
Representatives attorneys? Did you intend the raid to put any actions to pursue disciplinary procedures against her for
fear into members of Congress that you could raid them the wrongdoing in the Stevens case?
whenever you wanted? In the wake of that raid did you state
that you might decide to assign 400 agents to investigate all 28.) Why was the whistleblower, FBI agent Chad Joy,
of the members of Congress, or words to that effect? Was it permanently restricted from participating in any more
your intent to intimidate members of Congress and dissuade criminal cases? Whose decision was that? Did you
them from asking further questions or making demands approve of it? Is it true that whistleblowers against the FBI
upon your office? while you were FBI director were routinely disciplined or
dismissed, despite any wrongdoing they unearthed or
National Security Letter Abuses caused to be corrected?

National Security Letters (NSL) are a tool that allows the 29.) Why was a critical witness in the case with
Department of Justice (DOJ) to bypass the formality of exculpatory evidence sent back to Alaska by FBI agents
subpoenas, warrants, and instead simply send a letter to an before the information could be shared with Stevens'
individual, business or any entity they so choose to demand defense attorneys? Did you ever consider advocating to
documents. have the case against Stevens dropped when you learned of
all the improprieties, instead of waiting for a new attorney
The letter also informs the recipient that it is a federal felony general to take over and drop the charges the following
to reveal to anyone that the letter was received or what it year?
requires to be produced, and if he or she has done so,
prosecution will follow. Under Muller's tenure as FBI director, Ruin of Dr. Steven Hatfill's Reputation, Productive Life
there was incredibly widespread abuse of the NSLs. And a few questions on the wrongful, malicious prosecution
of Dr. Steven Hatfill, accused by Mueller of mailing anthrax
23.) Are you responsible for the FBI's misusing the letters in the wake of 9/11, a Mueller/Comey twofer. They
Patriot Act, NSLs and other methods to obtain ruined Hatfill's life and his relationship with friends,
information on American citizens without probable neighbors, and potential employers.
30.) Despite a 100 percent absence of any admissible
24.) Other than the attorney general, did anyone lose his evidence of Hatfill's guilt, why did you work so hard to
or her job as a result of the widespread abuse of NSLs convince people he was the perpetrator? Did you find it
and the Patriot Act? helpful for your purposes to move public attention away from
the radical Islamic jihadis who had attacked us on 9/11 and
instead place the attention on a white male?
25.) When you said at the time that you were
accountable for that massive assault on the
constitutional rights of American citizens, how exactly 31.) Was any research done into the disposition of
were you held accountable? Did you write or find some cases involving the dogs you had brought in from
way to apologize to or compensate the thousands of California to smell Dr. Hatfill? Did you know these same
Americans whose records were improperly seized? dogs were involved in many cases in which the defendants
were later exonerated? Do you believe that every time a dog
seems to appreciate having his ears rubbed, as these did Mueller's Unethical Acceptance of Special Prosecutor
when Dr. Hatfill petted them, it is an "alert" to evidence of a Appointment
crime? Federal law at 28 CFR 600.7 prohibits anyone from serving
as a special counsel if there is the appearance of a conflict
33.) Whom do you feel is most responsible for the of interest.
settlement in excess of $6 million paid out to Dr. Hatfill
for your FBI's maliciously and wrongful persecution of 37.) How long have you been a mentor and friend to
an innocent man who never had any contact with Comey? Did he mention to you that he was thinking about
anthrax? leaking information to try to get a special counsel appointed?
Have you spoken to Comey since you have been special
The Framing of Scooter Libby counsel? If so, was it recorded? Were there witnesses to
your conversation? Did you write a 302 memo immediately
after your conversation?
Another Mueller/Comey twofer came in 2003 — a fabricated
and politically charged FBI investigation "searching" for the
leak of CIA agent Valerie Plame's identity to the media. 38.) Have you reviewed the standards for recusing
oneself from prosecuting a case? Are you aware that
under 28 CFR 600.7, you are prohibited from serving as
34.) Did you encourage James Comey to ask then-
special counsel even if there is only the appearance of a
Attorney General John Ashcroft to recuse himself from
conflict of interest?
the Plame investigation? Did you bother to discern that
Plame was not in a protected status at the time her identity
was allegedly outed and before Scooter Libby, a former aide 39.) Do you have a conflict of interest in your
to Vice President Richard Cheney, was wrongfully relationship with Comey? Since Comey is necessarily a
convicted, as we now know? witness in any potential case against Trump regarding a
potential obstruction of justice, can you admit that you are
disqualified from investigating or prosecuting the case?
35.) When did you learn that the source of Plame's
identity leak was Deputy Secretary of State Richard
Armitage? Wasn't it before U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald 40.) Do you consider your role as special counsel to be
(godfather to one of Comey's children) was sworn in as the protector of those who want President Trump
special counsel? Why, as FBI director, did you not stop the removed from office because you believe he never
witch hunt, since you knew that there was no crime should have been elected? Do you realize that actions to
committed — and if there was one, Armitage committed it? remove a duly elected president for crimes he did not
Did it cross your mind that not only would you avoid an commit may reasonably fit the definition of sedition?
innocent man's being convicted, but also save millions of
dollars to stop the unnecessary special counsel Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) is a member of the House
prosecution? How much did Fitzgerald's investigation cost Judiciary Committee and former chief justice of the 12th
American taxpayers? Circuit Court of Appeals (Texas).

36.) Was Scooter Libby at all involved in the leak of

Plame's identity to reporters?

BREAKING: Giuliani Issues Statement
Clarifying Recent Comments About Stormy Payment
By Cristina Laila
May 4, 2018, 1:20 Pm

Trump attorney and former New York Screenshot of response:

City Mayor Rudy Giuliani joined Sean
Hannity Wednesday to discuss the
Trump presidency and Mueller witch

Rudy came clean about Trump’s payment to Stormy

Daniels and blasted James Comey as a disgraceful liar.

On Cohen, Giuliani told Sean Hannity Wednesday,

“Paying Stormy Daniels $130,000 turning out to be
perfectly legal.

That money was not campaign money.

Sorry, I’m giving you a fact not that you
don’t know. It’s not campaign money…

[Trump] knew he would take care of things like this —

like I take care of this stuff with my clients, I don’t burden
them with every single thing.”

On Friday, Giuliani released a correction to a few of his

recent comments.

Rudy reiterated,

“There is no campaign violation. The

payment was made [to Stormy Daniels] to
resolve a personal and false allegation in
order to protect the President’s family. It
would have been done in any event
whether he was a candidate or not.

Giuliani also said the President’s firing of Comey was

clearly within his Article II power.


Trump: Time And Place Set For North Korea Summit
‘We’ll Be Announcing It Soon,’ President Says
Mikael Thalen | Infowars.Com
May 4, 2018

While the summit’s location has yet to be revealed, Trump

took to Twitter on Monday to question whether the
meeting should be held at the truce village of Panmunjom,
the site of last month’s historic face-to-face between Kim
and South Korean leader Moon Jae-in.

“Numerous countries are being considered

for the MEETING, but would Peace
House/Freedom House, on the Border of
North & South Korea, be a more
Image Credits: Alex Wong/Getty Images. Representative, Important and Lasting site
than a third party country? Just asking!” the
U.S. President Donald Trump president tweeted.
announced Friday that a time and place
has been set for his summit with North
Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

While speaking to reporters on the White House South

Lawn, Trump confirmed that

“we now have a date and we have a

“We’ll be announcing it soon,” the president

Trump also stated that progress had been made in regards The summit will be the first ever between a sitting U.S.
to the release of three Americans currently detained in president and the leader of the Democratic People’s
North Korea. Republic of Korea.

“A lot of things have already happened with The Trump administration’s goal, according to Secretary
respect to the hostages,” the president of State Mike Pompeo, is
“the permanent, verifiable, irreversible
South Korean and U.S. media outlets reported this week dismantling of North Korea’s weapons of
that the U.S. detainees had been removed from labor mass destruction program.”
camps in early April and sent to a hotel outside of

Eric Holder Takes A Shot At Giuliani For
“Stormtroopers” Comment – Calls FBI Agents Who
Raided Michael Cohen’s Home “Patriots”
By Cristina Laila
May 4, 2018, 2:05 Pm

“The settlement payment, which is a very

regular thing for lawyers to do. The
question there was, the only possible
violation there would be: Was it a campaign
finance violation? Which usually results in a
fine, by the way, not this big
stormtroopers coming in and breaking
down his apartment and breaking down his

The corrupt former Attorney General who was held in

criminal contempt, Eric Holder lashed out at Giuliani for
Eric ‘Fast and Furious’ Holder lashed
his “stormtroopers” comment.
out at Rudy Giuliani for calling rogue
FBI agents in New York City who raided
Michael Cohen’s home “stormtroopers.” Holder then called the FBI raiders “patriots.”

Holder then called the raiders “patriots.” As if Eric Holder knows what true patriotism is…

Of course he did. Holder tweeted:

Former United States Attorney Giuliani

essentially called FBI agents
“stormtroopers”. People he worked with
and to whom he owes much of his success.
The 82nd Attorney General of the United
States – me – calls them what they actually
are: patriots.

Trump attorney and former New York

City Mayor Rudy Giuliani joined Sean
Hannity Wednesday to discuss the
Trump presidency and Mueller witch
The internet responded.
Giuliani tripped rogue New York FBI agents for raiding
Michael Cohen’s home and office to look for Stormy
Daniels dirt, calling FBI agents “stormtroopers.”

Giuliani said,


DOJ Inspector General's Testimony Postponed,
Amid New Leads In Clinton Case Review
By Catherine Herridge | Fox News
May4, 2018

During a speech Friday, Deputy Attorney General Rod

Rosenstein said he expects Horowitz’s review will be
finalized soon.

“Within the next few weeks, I anticipate that our

inspector general will complete a
comprehensive, fair and nonpartisan report that
answers many questions about how the
Department of Justice handled a high-profile
investigation during the last presidential
campaign,” Rosenstein said. “We will learn from
it, and our Department will do better in the
Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s widely anticipated
testimony next week before the House Oversight
Committee has been postponed, as the Justice Department
IG has pursued new leads in his review of the Hillary
Clinton email investigation, according to a congressional
letter and sources familiar with the matter.

“It is of the utmost importance that your review

be as fulsome, complete and unimpeded as
possible,” Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., the
chairman of the committee, wrote in a recent
letter to Horowitz obtained by Fox News.

Horowitz was scheduled to appear before the committee

on May 8. But Gowdy told Horowitz he wants to Elements of a related review already have been made
reschedule his testimony public. In April, a Horowitz review faulted former FBI
Deputy Director Andrew McCabe for his role in a media
“as close to the day the report is finalized as is leak about the Clinton Foundation. In that report, Horowitz
practicable.” said McCabe lied four times -- three times under oath --
and referred the matter to the U.S. Attorney’s office for
possible criminal prosecution.
Gowdy said the decision to postpone is based on “the
representations” in an April 23 letter from Horowitz.

DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s widely

anticipated testimony has been postponed.

The developments suggest Horowitz is still working to

complete his review of the FBI and DOJ's handling of the
Clinton case. Sources familiar with the review have told
Fox News that Horowitz has continued to pursue new
leads and witnesses in recent weeks.

McCabe has vowed to fight the allegations, saying then- had spoken with Horowitz’s team about his handling of
FBI Director James Comey knew of his media engagement memos documenting his conversations with President
with the Wall Street Journal, but wanted to distance Trump.
himself from disclosures.
Gowdy did not set a new date for the testimony, but,
Horowitz’s forthcoming report is also expected to examine considering the short congressional calendar in May, it’s
actions taken at the bureau by Comey. The former director possible Horowitz’s testimony could be put off until June.
confirmed in an interview with Fox News last week that he

Trump Goes To NRA Convention –
Takes Direct Aim At John Kerry And His Broken Leg
Benny Johnson - Reporter At Large
3:23 PM 05/04/2018

President Trump gave a rowdy speech to the NRA Trump said the broken leg was a sign of weakness for
convention in Dallas Friday, during which he took a shot at Kerry negotiating with Iran.
former Secretary of State John Kerry’s bike accident.
“I said, ‘Don’t tell him you broke your leg. Stay
The record audience listened to the president talk about inside and say you don’t want to negotiate and
subjects ranging from Kanye West to the Iran Deal. you will make a much better deal,'” he said, “But
he broke his leg. At 73 years old, you never go
POTUS compared his leadership style to his predecessor into a bicycle race. Okay?”
Barack Obama. Trump said the Obama administration had
a policy of capitulation on a world stage. Kerry was 71 when he broke his leg.

“The last administration had a policy of silence,” WATCH:

he stated, “Don’t talk! You may make them and
him angry! Don’t talk. If a horrible statement is
made about the United States, don’t say

In particular, Trump noted how weak of a negotiator John

Kerry was.

“Not the best negotiator we have ever seen,”

Trump said of Kerry, “He never walked away
from the table. Except to be in that bicycle race
where he fell and broke his leg.”

Kerry famously broke his leg while bicycling in France as

secretary of state, interfering with his duties on the job.

If Federal Judge Rules In Favor Of Manafort,
Case Would Be Handed Over To Trump Appointee
By Cristina Laila
May 4, 2018, 3:45 Pm

Judge Ellis asked why Manafort’s case is with the special

counsel and not with prosecutors in Virginia. The Judge
then suggested Manafort’s case could be handed over to
the US Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia.

Currently, Tracy Doherty-McCormick is the acting US

Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia; she was
appointed in February of 2018.

WaPo reported:
T.S. Ellis, III, Senior U.S. District Judge for the Eastern District of
Va, at the Investiture ceremony of Stuart Nash to be Associate Judge
at the D.C. Superior Court. June 4, 2010. Photo by Diego M.
But the judge did question why an investigation
Radzinschi/THE NATIONAL LAW JOURNAL. into Trump attorney Michael Cohen was handed
over to federal prosecutors in New York while
The Federal Judge in Paul Manafort’s case the Manafort case was kept with the special
cast doubt on Friday over Mueller’s bank counsel.
fraud case against the former Trump
campaign manager. Ellis suggested that if he ruled in Manafort’s
favor, the case could simply be returned to
Judge T.S. Ellis lost his temper and blasted the U.S. attorney’s office for the Eastern
prosecutors, saying he believes Mueller is District of Virginia.
using the Manafort case to provide material
that would lead to Trump’s “prosecution or It is precisely because the probe into Manafort’s
impeachment”. financial dealings began years ago with federal
prosecutors in that office, Manafort’s defense
If Judge T.S. Ellis rules in favor of Paul attorneys argued, that the special counsel
Manafort, the case will be handed over to should not be involved.
Trump-appointed US Attorney Tracy
Doherty-McCormick. Judge Ellis also accused Mueller’s prosecutors of lying
and ordered the government to hand over the unredacted
Rosenstein memo detailing Mueller’s scope.

The Judge told Mueller’s prosecutors,

“We don’t want anyone with unfettered power.”

Mueller’s prosecutors argued they have certain authorities

given to them which were laid out in Rosenstein’s August
2017 memo.
Rosenstein and Mueller got raked over the coals on Friday
by Judge T.S. Ellis. Judge Ellis scoffed at Mueller’s prosecutors who argued
the memo has to be kept a secret because of ongoing
The Federal Judge accused Mueller’s hack prosecutors of investigations and ordered the unredacted memo to be
lying and ordered the government to hand over the released within a two week time frame.
unredacted Rosenstein memo detailing Mueller’s scope.

IG Horowitz Postpones Testimony To Pursue New Leads In
His Review Of Hillary Clinton Email Investigation
By Cristina Laila
May 4, 2018, 4:12 Pm By Cristina Laila

The Office of Inspector General is very close

to completing a comprehensive report on
how the FBI and DOJ handled Hillary
Clinton’s email investigation.

Deputy Attorney General, Rod Rosenstein

said on Friday, IG Horowitz will have a
complete report “within the next few

The slight delay is due to new leads Horowitz is pursuing Fox News reported:
in his review of Hillary Clinton.
Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s widely
anticipated testimony next week before the
House Oversight Committee has been
postponed, as the Justice Department IG has
pursued new leads in his review of the
Hillary Clinton email investigation, according
to a congressional letter and sources familiar
with the matter.

“It is of the utmost importance that your review

be as fulsome, complete and unimpeded as
possible,” Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., the
chairman of the committee, wrote in a recent
letter to Horowitz obtained by Fox News.

Horowitz was scheduled to appear before the committee

on May 8. But Gowdy told Horowitz he wants to
Fox News Producer Jake Gibson reported reschedule his testimony
on Friday that Rosenstein anticipates
Horowitz’s report to be completed soon. “as close to the day the report is finalized as is
Jake Gibson tweeted:
The Inspector General released a scathing report on former
Rosenstein: ”Within the next few weeks, I FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe in mid-April.
anticipate that our Inspector General will
complete a comprehensive, fair and The report by the Office of Inspector General criticized
nonpartisan report that answers many McCabe for “lack of candor” regarding his disclosure to
questions about how the DOJ handled a high- Wall Street Journal reporters before the 2016 election.
profile investigation during the last presidential
campaign.” McCabe lied at least three times under oath, he lied to the
Inspector General and lied to James Comey.

As a result of these investigations and reports, Andrew The release date of the IG report on Comey’s memo leaks
McCabe has been criminally referred to the Justice is unknown at this time.
Department twice.
Unfortunately without an active Attorney General, the
Sources tell TIME Magazine, Comey faces a punishing criminal referrals remain stagnant.
report from Inspector General Michael Horowitz.

Inspector General Horowitz opened a separate

investigation into James Comey on April 20th over
classified information stemming from his memo leaks.

Reporter Criticizes Trump For Sitting Down With Kim
Jong Un – Sanders NUKES The Whole Press Room
Benny Johnson - Reporter At Large
4:00 PM 05/03/2018

Sarah Sanders had a deeply contentious White House press “I think that the president feels like stopping
briefing Thursday afternoon. a nuclear war and helping preventing
nuclear war and helping protect the safety
The president’s spokesperson got into verbal spats with and the security of people across globe
multiple reporters over a variety of issues. Questions about would be the number one priority of the
Stormy Daniels, torture techniques and classified memos president of the United States.”
were flying and Sanders once told a reporter
Sanders continued,
“You don’t know me.”
“And certainly I would think would be the
Few got it as bad as Brian Karem, however, the White priority that most Americans would share in
House correspondent for Playboy Magazine. Brian asked if support the president doing.”
the president believes “he is above the law?”
Sanders immediately said “No.”

He then asked,

“Does [Trump] prefer to sit down with Kim

Jong un versus Bob Mueller?”

Brian was referring to Trump’s planned meeting with the

North Korean leader in the effort of denuclearization of the

Sanders torched the question, saying


Secretly Met With Foreign Leaders To Salvage Iran
Nuclear Weapons Program
By Cristina Laila
May 4, 2018, 5:56 Pm

state took him to New York on a Sunday

afternoon two weeks ago, where, more than a
year after he left office, he engaged in some
unusual shadow diplomacy with a top-ranking
Iranian official.

He sat down at the United Nations with Foreign

Minister Javad Zarif to discuss ways of
preserving the pact limiting Iran’s nuclear
weapons program. It was the second time in
about two months that the two had met to
strategize over salvaging a deal they spent
years negotiating during the Obama
administration, according to a person briefed on
the meetings.

With the Iran deal facing its gravest threat since

it was signed in 2015, Kerry has been on an
aggressive yet stealthy mission to preserve it,
using his deep lists of contacts gleaned during
his time as the top US diplomat to try to apply
pressure on the Trump administration from the
outside. President Trump, who has consistently
criticized the pact and campaigned in 2016 on
scuttling it, faces a May 12 deadline to decide
whether to continue abiding by its terms.
Barack Obama’s former Secretary of State,
John Kerry has been secretly meeting with John Kerry also reportedly met with French President
foreign officials to salvage Iran’s nuclear Emmanuel Macron in both New York City and Paris.
weapons program.
President Trump is set to withdraw from the pact calling it
one of the worst deals he’s ever witnessed; he faces a May
12th deadline.

Earlier this week, Benjamin Netanyahu presented over

100,000 files that he claims Israel had obtained proving
Iran lied to the world when it said it never had a nuclear
weapons program.

U.S. Intelligence later confirmed this.

The Boston Globe reported: The Obama-Iran echo chamber led by Obama’s former
aide Ben Rhodes was quiet after this news broke on
John Kerry’s bid to save one of his most Monday.
significant accomplishments as secretary of
It’s outrageous that Obama and his corrupt cabal continue
to undermine President Trump’s administration at every

Tom Fitton dropped a truth bomb after the

news broke about John Kerry secretly
huddling with foreign leaders to salvage his
Iran nuke deal.

Read the full report by the Boston Globe on next page.


Kerry Is Quietly Seeking To
Salvage Iran Deal He Helped Craft
By Matt Viser Globe Staff
May 04, 2018

The rare moves by a former secretary of state highlight the

stakes for Kerry personally, as well as for other Obama-era
diplomats who are dismayed by what they see as Trump’s
disruptive approach to diplomacy, and who view the Iran
nuclear deal as a factor for stability in the Middle East and
for global nuclear nonproliferation. The pact, which came
after a marathon negotiating session in Vienna that
involved Iran and six world powers, lifted sanctions in
return for Iran stopping its pursuit of nuclear weapons.

“It is unusual for a former secretary of state to

engage in foreign policy like this, as an actual
diplomat and quasi-negotiator,” said Michael
O’Hanlon, a foreign policy expert at the
WASHINGTON — John Kerry’s bid to save one of his Brookings Institution. “Of course, former
most significant accomplishments as secretary of state took secretaries of state often remain quite engaged
him to New York on a Sunday afternoon two weeks ago, with foreign leaders, as they should, but it’s
where, more than a year after he left office, he engaged in rarely so issue-specific, especially when they
some unusual shadow diplomacy with a top-ranking have just left office.”
Iranian official.
Kerry declined to be interviewed for this story. The quiet
He sat down at the United Nations with Foreign Minister lobbying campaign — by him and others — is being
Javad Zarif to discuss ways of preserving the pact limiting conducted below the radar because he and his allies
Iran’s nuclear weapons program. It was the second time in believe a high-profile defense of the deal by prominent
about two months that the two had met to strategize over Democrats would only backfire and provoke Trump,
salvaging a deal they spent years negotiating during the making it more likely the president would pull the United
Obama administration, according to a person briefed on States out of the deal.
the meetings.

With the Iran deal facing its gravest threat since it was
signed in 2015, Kerry has been on an aggressive yet
stealthy mission to preserve it, using his deep lists of
contacts gleaned during his time as the top US diplomat to
try to apply pressure on the Trump administration from the
outside. President Trump, who has consistently criticized
the pact and campaigned in 2016 on scuttling it, faces a
May 12 deadline to decide whether to continue abiding by
its terms.

Kerry also met last month with German President Frank- Ronald Zak/Associated Press
Walter Steinmeier, and he’s been on the phone with top Former energy secretary Ernest Moniz.
European Union official Federica Mogherini, according to
the source, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to “Part of the equation is if Ernie [Ernest Moniz,
reveal the private meetings. Kerry has also met with the former US energy ecretary] or John made a
French President Emmanuel Macron in both Paris and bold statement, [Trump] is . . . crazy, and he
New York, conversing over the details of sanctions and might do the opposite just to spite them,” said
regional nuclear threats in both French and English. one source who has worked with Kerry. “You’re

liable to spur this guy in a direction you don’t “Every detail PM Netanyahu presented
want him to go in, just to be spiteful.” yesterday was every reason the world came
together to apply years of sanctions and
Moniz was a key part of the negotiating team, meeting negotiate the Iran nuclear agreement —
with his Iranian counterpart as they determined some of because the threat was real and had to be
the technical scientific details. stopped,” Kerry wrote on Twitter Tuesday. “It’s
A former Obama White House official said there is little to
be gained by aiming the effort directly at Trump.

“At least from our network, you’re not going to

find messages aimed at him directly,” said the
official. “It would be counterproductive. Anything
with our brand attached to it, he’ll run in the
opposite direction.”

Democratic lawmakers in Congress also have been

relatively quiet, and not all share Kerry’s belief that the
deal is essential for preventing a nuclear arms race in the
volatile region. Kerry has quietly tried to bolster support in
Congress. In recent weeks he’s placed dozens of phone ABIR SULTAN/AFP/Getty Images
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
calls and, often with Moniz by his side, has lobbied
members of Congress, including House Speaker Paul
Ryan. While he is not negotiating as he did as secretary of Kerry is coordinating his push with a group of officials
state, he is attempting through quiet advocacy to preserve who were his top advisers at the State Department, and
what he accomplished. who helped craft and negotiate the Iran deal in the first
place. The group, called Diplomacy Works, has an
advisory council that includes lead Iran-deal negotiator
Kerry supporters see in this campaign some of his Wendy Sherman, former State Department chief of staff
trademark traits, especially his unflagging energy even in Jon Finer, and former spokeswoman Jen Psaki.
the face of potential failure. Critics see something else, a
former office holder working with foreign officials to
potentially undermine the policy aims of a current The group claims to be responsible for 100 news articles,
administration. 34 television and radio hits, and 37 opinion pieces on the
Iran question. They do fact checks of criticisms of the
agreement and blast them out to an e-mail list of nearly
The White House did not respond to a request for 4,000 policy makers and foreign policy experts.
But the group determined that the most influential voices
Under terms of the deal, the United States is supposed to would not be Democrats, and instead would focus on
waive sanctions, which come up for review every three or Europeans, Israelis, and nonpartisan experts to try and
four months, as long as Iran remains in compliance. Trump salvage the deal, according to a person involved in the
is threatening to reimpose sanctions on Iran when the next effort. As a sign of the their success, Kerry has pointed to
deadline comes on May 12, which would essentially mean an April 25 letter signed by 26 former top-ranking Israeli
the United States is pulling out of the deal. Trump has military and security officials urging the United States to
ridiculed Kerry for a deal that he says is not harsh enough stay in the agreement.
on Iran, saying that inspectors should have broader access,
portions of the deal should never expire, and that Iran’s
ballistic missile program should also be curtailed. “Our effort is self-aware,” said David Wade, a
longtime Kerry adviser who was chief of staff at
the State Department and is helping advise
Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu provided Diplomacy Works. “We are in uncharted waters.
further ammunition for critics of the deal, unveiling The bipartisan, traditional foreign policy
documents that showed Iranian efforts to build its nuclear community remains on the president’s enemies
program before the 2015 deal was reached. list from 2016. The president delights in
dismissing anything accomplished under his
Kerry and others said the documents were nothing new, predecessor, so we know traditional validators
and illustrated the need for an inspections regime to make wouldn’t be compelling to him.”
sure Iran is complying with the current agreement.

“This isn’t President Obama’s agreement. It’s
the world’s agreement,” he added. “Maybe
Macron, Merkel, and Great Britain can
persuade the administration, but if they can’t
they’ll be even more essential to protecting the
deal absent the United States. We know these
voices are powerful. They have an audience
with the president and our allies are popular at

They are not ignoring the domestic audience.

Kerry and Moniz met in February with Ryan, who has Jae C. Hong/Associated Press
been outspoken in his opposition to the Iran deal. Kerry Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer.
also held a breakfast briefing last week with members of
the House and Senate, which was designed to answer Most Democrats have remained fairly quiet about the Iran
questions as well as underscore how, if Trump pulls out, deal. Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer opposed the
Europe could hold the deal together. deal from the start, even though he’s not in favor of
ripping it up now. Senator Robert Menendez, the top
Kerry’s activities could raise questions if they are Democrat on the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations,
perceived as a direct effort to counter current has been consumed with his own troubles, having spent
administration foreign policy. last year in a federal corruption trial that ended without a
conviction. He was admonished last month by the Senate
The Trump administration got entangled with controversy Ethics Committee for bringing “discredit upon the Senate.”
when Michael Flynn, the incoming national security
adviser, tried to undermine Obama policies in the “No one has really led the charge. You could
administration’s last few weeks. His actions appeared to argue that’s what needs to be done by Obama,
some legal experts to violate the Logan Act, an obscure Kerry, Susan Rice, and the others who were
18th century law meant to crack down on private citizens involved,” said Daniel Kurtzer, who served as
acting on behalf of the United States during a dispute with Bill Clinton’s ambassador to Egypt and George
foreign governments. W. Bush’s ambassador to Israel. “But nobody
knows how to deal with [Trump].”
The Logan Act prohibits US citizens from having private
correspondence with a foreign government The president doesn’t listen much to the voices of the
foreign policy establishment. And they don’t really know
“with intent to influence the measures or how to reach him through conservative media.
conduct of any foreign government . . . in
relation to any disputes or controversies “It’s a legitimate question to ask why is Obama
with the United States, or to defeat the not out front with the cognoscenti. But those
measures of the United States.” aren’t the ones Trump cares about anyway,”
Kurtzer said. “My guess is the phone has been
Stephen Vladeck, a law professor at the University of ringing off the hook between European leaders
Texas, said the law is a red herring — since it’s never been and Obama. The Europeans are trying. They’re
used to prosecute anyone — and almost certainly would giving it their best shot.”
not apply to anything Kerry is doing.
A spokeswoman for Obama declined to comment on
“The act only applies to conduct that is whether the former president is doing anything to preserve
designed to ‘defeat the measures of the United the Iran deal.
States’ or influence the conduct of foreign
governments,” Vladeck said. “If all Kerry is Kurtzer said the most articulate public advocate for the
doing is working to keep in place something pact right now is Moniz, although he said that the former
that’s still technically a ‘measure of the United energy secretary may not have the name recognition
States,’ I don’t see how the statute would apply required to drive a national debate (Kurtzer himself
even if someone was crazy enough to try it.” initially could not correctly recall his name).

“He really knows his stuff,” he said. “He’s very

calm . . . . The problem is, who knows who he
Moniz declined several requests for an interview this week “It’s something that has been in Trump’s cross-
about his efforts. hairs even before he was inaugurated,” said the
former Obama administration official. “That
Public support for the deal was initially low, with nearly we’re in May 2018 and still in ‘will-they-or-won’t-
60 percent of those surveyed in August 2015 saying they they’ speaks to the utility the administration has
were opposed, according to a survey from Morning found in the Iran deal. Otherwise they would
Consult. Those numbers are now reversed, with 56 percent have been out of it on day one.
supporting it; the number opposed, 26 percent, is the
lowest level since the group began polling on the Iran deal. “A lot of us are somewhat skeptical,” the official
added. “But we’ve been skeptical for the past
Democrats are strongly in favor, while Republicans are 18 or 19 months now.”
evenly split, according to the survey conducted from April
26 to May 1. Some on the left believe Trump has kept it
alive for political reasons, to provide a convenient foil.

John Kerry Lashed Out At Israeli PM Netanyahu After His
Secret Meeting With Iranian Foreign Minister
By Jim Hoft
May 4, 2018, 6:22 Pm

John Kerry with Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif at a previous

Barack Obama’s former Secretary of State,
John Kerry has been secretly meeting with
Iranian officials to salvage Iran’s nuclear Now this…
weapons program.
John Kerry LASHED OUT at Israeli Prime
Minister Benjamin Netanyahu after his
meeting with Iranian official Javad Zarif.

Kerry trusts the Iranians but not the Israelis!

John Kerry tweeted this out.

Every detail PM Netanyahu presented yesterday was every

reason the world came together to apply years of sanctions
and negotiate the Iran nuclear agreement – because the
There is video from Iranian Foreign Minister threat was real and had to be stopped. It’s working! That’s
Javad Zarif entering the Council on Foreign why Israeli security experts are speaking out… Read their
Relations on April 24th for a meeting. unprecedented letter in its entirety here:
Our source says this was Zarif’s meeting with
John Kerry. .

Everything that PM Netanyahu laid out was exactly why

we needed this agreement. It’s worth remembering that the
early 2000’s – when his evidence comes from – was the
period where the world had no visibility into Iran’s
program. More and more centrifuges were spinning each
month and the world wasn’t united like it is now:

… There was no negotiation – and all of that changed with

JCPOA. Blow up the deal and you’re back there

Kerry argued the US needs the Iranian
nuclear deal because Iran continues to build
nukes… This was after they were caught
breaking the deal!

FBI Has Not Requested
Anti-Trump Agents’ Personal Email Records
Chuck Ross - Reporter
6:26 PM 05/04/2018

Strzok and Page worked closely on both the Trump-Russia

investigation and the Clinton email probe. Their politically
biased texts were discovered as part of a Justice
Department inspector general’s investigation into the
FBI’s handling of the Clinton email investigation. The
Justice Department has provided Congress with thousands
of text messages Strzok and Page exchanged during the
course of both investigations.

Grassley has pointed to text messages Strzok and Page

FBI Director Christopher Wray (REUTERS/KEVIN LAMARQUE) | exchanged “show substantial reason” to believe the two
FBI Has Not Requested Strzok Emails
FBI officials conducted government work on their private
email accounts.
The FBI says it has not requested information from the
personal email accounts of Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, the
In one exchange, Strzok wrote to Page:
two bureau officials who exchanged anti-President Donald
Trump text messages while working on the investigation
into possible Trump campaign collusion with Russia. “Gmailed you two drafts of what I’m thinking of
sending Bill, would appreciate your thoughts.”
The disclosure was made in a letter sent May 2 to Iowa
Sen. Chuck Grassley, the chairman of the Senate Judiciary In another text, Strzok wrote:
Committee. Grassley, a Republican, questioned why the
bureau has not sought Strzok and Page’s personal email “Sent something to your gmail, work-related.”
records, noting they referred to using private email
accounts to conduct government-related business. “Although, as your letter notes, the FBI is not
‘obligated’ to collect all communications
“FBI has not requested from Ms. Page or Mr. between employees; it is obligated to collect
Strzok any information from their personal email and preserve federal records,” Grassley wrote
accounts, nor has the FBI conducted searches Friday to FBI Director Christopher Wray.
of non-FBI issued communications devices or
non-FBI email accounts associated with Mr. Grassley asked Wray why the FBI has not requested
Strzok or Ms. Page,” Charles A. Thorley, the Strzok and Page to turn over any government records they
acting assistant director at the FBI’s office of may have on their personal devices. He also wants to know
congressional affairs, wrote to Grassley. why the FBI has apparently not conducted a search of
Strzok and Page’s non-FBI email accounts.

Report: John Kerry Colludes
With Iran To Undermine American Foreign Policy
Amber Athey - Media Reporter
6:28 PM 05/04/2018

Frank-Walter Steinmeier, European Union official

Federica Mogherini and French President Emmanuel

Michael O’Hanlon, a foreign policy expert at the

Brookings Institution, admitted to the Globe that while it is
normal for former government officials to keep in touch
with foreign contacts, it is highly unusual for them to
lobby on a specific policy position.

Kerry’s actions are even more troubling because he is

John Kerry (Alex Wong/Getty Images) actively seeking to undermine the current administration
and its policies on the deal with a rogue state.
Former secretary of state John Kerry is reportedly working
with world leaders to undermine American foreign policy In fact, according to the Globe, Kerry is conducting his
and try to salvage the Iran deal. meetings “below the radar” because he recognizes that
they would “provoke Trump.”
According to a new report by The Boston Globe, under the
threat of President Donald Trump pulling out of the Iran Another concerning aspect to the story are the parallels to
Deal, Kerry “engaged in some unusual shadow diplomacy the actions of former national security adviser Michael
with a top-ranking Iranian official.” Flynn, who was accused of violating the Logan Act by
talking to foreign officials prior to Trump taking office.
Pulling from his list on contacts he collected while Kerry is possibly even more out of bounds because he is a
working at the State Department, Kerry has met private citizen as opposed to a member of the transition
with Foreign Minister Javad Zarif, German President team for an incoming president.

BREAKING: Newly Unredacted Portion Of House Intel
Report Proves Comey Is Lying To Reporters Today
By Cristina Laila
May 4, 2018, 7:06 Pm

They saw nothing that indicated to them that he

A newly unredacted portion of the House knew he was lying to them….’
Intel Report reveals Comey told lawmakers
that the FBI agents who interviewed General Screenshots of pages 53 and 54 from House Intel report
Flynn did not detect any deception. showing Comey’s testimony to Congress:

Comey’s testimony to lawmakers proves he’s lying to

reporters today about General Flynn.

In a March 20017 briefing then-FBI Director James

Comey had with the House Intel Committee, he told
members that the FBI agents who interviewed General
Flynn “saw nothing that indicated to them that [General
Flynn] knew he was lying to them.”

The report further reveals Andrew McCabe was conflicted

because even though the FBI agents had detected no
deception in Flynn, the former NatSec Advisor’s
statements clashed with what the FBI knew because of
wiretapped conversations between Flynn and Russian
Ambassador Kislyak.

Perhaps General Flynn just didn’t recall everything


It’s obvious they were looking to trap General Flynn in

anyway possible.

“Director Comey testified to the committee that

‘the agents…discerned no physical indications
of deception. They didn’t see any change in
posture, in tone, in inflection, in eye contact.

Byron York reported:

Comey has been asked about the matter in

some of the publicity interviews he has given for
his new book, A Higher Loyalty. In those
interviews, Comey has denied telling lawmakers
that the agents who interviewed Flynn did not
believe Flynn had lied.

“No,” Comey told Fox News’ Bret Baier. “I don’t

know what — maybe someone misunderstood
something I said. I didn’t believe that and didn’t
say that.”

“Not true,” Comey told NBC’s Chuck Todd.

“I don’t know where that’s coming from,” Comey

told ABC’s George Stephanopoulos. “That —
unless I’m — I said something that people
misunderstood, I don’t remember even
intending to say that. So my recollection is I
never said that to anybody.”

Investigative reporter Sara Carter also blasted Comey after

the newly unredacted portion of the House Intel report was

Comey has been traveling around giving media interviews

about his newly released book, “A Higher Loyalty.”

James Comey has told Bret Baier, George Stephanopoulos

and Chuck Todd conflicting statements about General
Flynn’s interview with FBI agents.

Notice how carefully weasel Comey talks in media blitzes

‘not to my recollection’ or ‘I don’t remember intending to
say that.’

BREAKING: Trump-Hating FBI Lawyer
Lisa Page And Comey Confidant James Baker Resign
By Cristina Laila
May 4, 2018, 8:19 Pm

BREAKING NEWS. “I want to believe the path you threw out

for consideration in Andy’s office…that there’s
Trump-hating FBI lawyer Lisa Page resigned no way [Trump] gets elected…but I’m afraid we
Friday. can’t take that risk,” Strzok text messaged to
Page in an Aug. 15, 2016 exchange, referring to
Comey confidant James Baker also turned Andrew McCabe.
in his resignation Friday.
“It’s like an insurance policy in the unlikely event
you die before you’re 40,” Strzok added.

Other profanity-laced text messages between Strzok and

Page showed their contempt for Donald Trump.

Lisa Page was also the key person named in Horowitz’s

scathing report about Andrew McCabe.

McCabe instructed Lisa Page to leak to The Wall Street

Journal information about the ongoing Clinton email
Lisa Page

The Office of Inspector General then claimed McCabe

Chuck Ross of the Daily Caller has confirmed Lisa Page
‘lacked candor’ for denying he authorized Lisa Page to
turned in her resignation Friday.
leak to the Wall Street Journal.
The FBI attorney who exchanged anti-Trump text
Lisa Page and Peter Strzok should have been let go long
messages with another bureau official resigned on Friday,
The Daily Caller News Foundation has learned. ago.

The New York Times is also reporting that Comey’s closest

The FBI confirmed that the lawyer, Lisa Page, tendered
confidant James Baker also turned in his resignation
her resignation.
Page has faced months of scrutiny over the text messages,
Two top F.B.I. aides who worked alongside the former
which she exchanged with Peter Strzok, the former deputy
director James B. Comey as he navigated one of the most
chief of the FBI’s counterintelligence division.
politically tumultuous periods in the bureau’s history
resigned on Friday.
Lisa Page left the Special Counsel investigation in
September of 2017.
One of them, James A. Baker, was one of Mr. Comey’s
closest confidants. He served as the F.B.I.’s top lawyer
FBI’s chief of counterintelligence, Peter Strzok and Lisa until December when he was reassigned as the new
Page were caught exchanging anti-Trump text messages director, Christopher A. Wray, began installing his own
over the summer of 2017. advisers. Mr. Baker had been investigated by the Justice
Department on suspicion of sharing classified information
In what is believed to be the most damning text exchange with reporters. He has not been charged.
between the FBI lovebirds was a discussion about an
“insurance policy” to keep Trump out of office. The decisions by Mr. Baker and Ms. Page to leave the
bureau were unrelated. Mr. Baker said in a telephone

interview that he would be joining the Brookings
Institution to write for Lawfare, its blog focused on
national security law.

Comey reacted to James Baker’s resignation.

BREAKING: Embattled
FBI Lawyer Lisa Page Has Resigned
Chuck Ross - Reporter
8:32 PM 05/04/2018

The FBI attorney who exchanged anti-Trump text “OMG THIS IS F***ING TERRIFYING,” Page
messages with another bureau official resigned on Friday, wrote to Strzok on Election Day, Nov. 8, 2016.
The Daily Caller News Foundation has learned.
“F Trump,” Strzok wrote in another text.
The FBI confirmed that the lawyer, Lisa Page, tendered
her resignation. The Justice Department’s office of the inspector general
discovered the biased text messages as part of the
watchdog’s investigation into the FBI’s handling of the
Clinton email investigation.

Page and Strzok also worked closely on the Clinton probe.

As the FBI’s No. 2 counterintelligence official, Strzok

oversaw the FBI’s investigation into possible Trump
campaign collusion with the Russian government. On the
Clinton email investigation, Strzok conducted interviews
with Clinton and her top aides.

Both Strzok and Page also served on Special Counsel

Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation, which began on
May 17, 2017.
Both Strzok and Page also served on Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s
Russia investigation Page worked for several weeks on the Mueller team before
returning to her position as one of McCabe’s counselors.
Page has faced months of scrutiny over the text messages, Strzok worked on the Mueller investigation until July 28,
which she exchanged with Peter Strzok, the former deputy 2017, when Michael Horowitz, the DOJ’s inspector
chief of the FBI’s counterintelligence division. general, notified Mueller of the scandalous text messages.

The exchanges show a deep hostility to President Donald Page is also a central player in Horowitz’s investigation of
Trump at a time when the two officials were working on McCabe. She is the FBI official who McCabe instructed to
the FBI’s investigation into possible Trump campaign speak to The Wall Street Journal regarding an October
collusion with the Russian government. Some of the texts 2016 article about the FBI’s handling of the Clinton email
show Strzok and Page cryptically discussing how to investigation. McCabe authorized Page to leak to The
proceed with the investigation, which was opened on July Journal
31, 2016.
“in a manner designed to advance his personal
“I want to believe the path you threw out for interests at the expense of Department
consideration in Andy’s office — that there’s no leadership,” Horowitz determined.
way [Trump] gets elected — but I’m afraid we
can’t take that risk,” Strzok wrote to Page in an Attorney General Jeff Sessions fired McCabe on March 16
Aug. 15, 2016 text referring to then-FBI Deputy based upon a recommendation from the FBI’s Office of
Director Andrew McCabe. Professional Responsibility (OPR).

“It’s like an insurance policy in the unlikely event Horowitz released a report on April 13 that alleged
you die before you’re 40,” he added. McCabe gave inaccurate and incomplete statements about
his authorization of the media leaks. The report, which
dinged McCabe for a “lack of candor,” said he initially

denied to both the OPR and the inspector general that he sent to the FBI’s human resources division after his
authorized Page to speak with The Journal. removal from the Mueller team.

Horowitz is expected to release a report this month that An attorney for Page did not respond to requests for
will focus more heavily on Strzok and Page. Strzok was comment about the resignation.

VIDEO=> Watch James Comey
OPENLY LIE To Bret Baier About
Mike Flynn’s Testimony
By Jim Hoft
May 4, 2018, 8:50 Pm

“Director Comey testified to the committee that

Fired FBI Chief James Comey is a leaker ‘the agents…discerned no physical
AND a liar. indications of deception. They didn’t see
any change in posture, in tone, in inflection,
A newly unredacted portion of the House in eye contact. They saw nothing that
Intel Report reveals Comey told lawmakers indicated to them that he knew he was lying
that the FBI agents who interviewed General to them….’
Flynn did not detect any deception.
Comey has been traveling around giving
Comey’s testimony to lawmakers proves he’s lying to media interviews about his newly released
reporters today about General Flynn. book, “A Higher Loyalty.”

Comey openly lied to FOX News host Bret

Baier last week.

Comey suggested he never told lawmakers Mike Flynn did

not show signs of lying during testimony.

Here is Comey lying:

In a March 20017 briefing then-FBI Director James

Comey had with the House Intel Committee, he told
members that the FBI agents who interviewed General

“saw nothing that indicated to them that

[General Flynn] knew he was lying to them.”

Dan Bongino: Media Has
‘Failed Us’ On Mueller Story
Amber Athey - Media Reporter
9:28 PM 05/04/2018

Bongino joined Fox News’ Tucker Carlson to discuss a

judge going off on Mueller for seemingly using Paul
Manafort’s financial crimes to try to eventually remove the
president from office.

“The press are accomplices in this,” Bongino

said. “With a fair and free press you would
expect that they would do basic things like
Screen Shot Tucker Carlson and Dan Bongino (Fox News: May 4, journalism and say something, Tucker, like,
2018) ‘Hey, is there actually a predicate crime that
we’re investigating?'”
Former Secret Service agent Dan Bongino accused the
media of being “accomplices” in Special Counsel Robert “Journalism has completely failed us, this is the
Mueller’s Russia probe during a Friday night interview. most embarrassing moment in a series of
embarrassing moments over the last few
WATCH: decades,” he added.

Carlson, a co-founder of The Daily Caller, noted that

journalists should be worried if the president can be
targeted by an investigation with such a broad purview as
Mueller’s since it can also happen to ordinary citizens.

Bongino agreed, adding,

“I know we have liberal viewers…what happens

when your president, someone walks in and
says, ‘I want to investigate John Smith…for
what…I don’t know, we’ll find something.'”

“That’s not how it works,” he concluded.


The Media’s No Good, Very Bad Week
Amber Athey - Media Reporter
9:52 PM 05/04/2018

In actuality, the Secret Service was responsible for the

firearm ban, as they do not allow firearms to be present at
events with the president and/or vice president.

NBC hit another snag immediately thereafter by

mishandling sexual harassment claims against Tom
Brokaw, reportedly pressuring female employees into
signing a letter of support for the anchor and then
instructing anchors to report on the letter on-air.
Additionally, instead of opting for an external review on
The establishment media suffered a series of self-inflicted the allegations, NBC is handling the claim in-house,
wounds this week that diminished its own credibility far seemingly to minimize fallout.
more than the president ever could.
Just days later, in a callback to the lack of decorum at the
The trouble started Saturday night at an event that bills White House Correspondents’ Dinner, at least one
itself as a celebration of press freedom and the First journalist showed their lack of class by screaming
Amendment. questions at the president during the National Day of
Historically, the White House Correspondent’s Dinner is
meant to raise money for journalism scholarships and to In front of a diverse array of faith leaders, one reporter
honor the good work of reporters. Most recently, however, shouted a question about Stormy Daniels, horrifying the
the event has simply become an opportunity for elitist many guests who were present to pray. One guest
journalists to rub elbows with celebrities and listen to bitter reportedly even said “shame on you” to the reporter and
comedians mock conservatives. asked him to have some respect for the ceremony.

The shift in tone of the WHCD was evident this year when If guests were shocked by that reporter’s actions, they
comedienne Michelle Wolf mean-spiritedly attacked White would have been seriously disturbed by another Thursday
House press secretary Sarah Sanders, accusing of her of event.
everything from acting like an angry softball coach to
being an “Uncle Tom” for white women. NBC News, clearly stumbling through the week at this
point, claimed in a report that federal investigators had
Many journalists publicly and privately expressed dismay been listening in on Trump lawyer Michael Cohen’s phone
with the “entertainment” and quickly tried to distance calls. The story led to breathless coverage throughout the
themselves from Wolf’s act, including avoiding asking media, but like many of the media’s anti-Trump stories, it
Sanders any questions about it at the next White House turned out to be fake news.
press briefing.
MSNBC later issued an on-air correction clarifying that
While the WHCD eventually disappeared from the front investigators had a pen register warrant on Cohen, which
page, the press made a number of other major missteps that allowed them to see his call logs but did not allow them to
discolored the week. actually listen to any of his calls. It was nowhere near the
“wiretap” the network initially claimed.
On Monday, a number of news outlets got basic facts
wrong about Vice President Mike Pence’s planned speech To summarize, the media kicked off this week with an
at the National Rifle Association’s annual meeting. elitist dinner to “honor the First Amendment,” only to
Politico, USA Today, MSNBC and a number of local cripple themselves with a series of fake news stories,
outlets ran with false headlines claiming the NRA was rancorous behavior and yet another sexual harassment
banning guns from its own meeting. scandal.

Keep up the good work, guys.

BOOM! Dirty Cop Mueller Seeks Delay In
Junk Russia Bot Case After Indicted Company
Calls His Bluff
By Jim Hoft
May 4, 2018, 9:54 Pm

Prosecutors from special counsel Robert

Mueller’s office are seeking to delay the first
court hearing in a criminal case charging three
Russian companies and 13 Russian citizens
with using social media and other means to
foment strife among Americans in advance of
the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

The 13 people charged in the high-profile

indictment in February are considered unlikely
to ever appear in a U.S. court. The three
It’s been a rough day for Dirty Cop Robert businesses accused of facilitating the alleged
Mueller. Russian troll farm operation — the Internet
Research Agency, Concord Management and
First a federal judge browbeat the liberal Consulting, and Concord Catering — were also
Mueller team in court. expected to simply ignore the American criminal
Judge T.S. Ellis lost his temper Friday and
accused Mueller’s prosecutors of using the Last month, however, a pair of Washington-
case against Trump’s former campaign area lawyers suddenly surfaced in the case,
chairman to oust the President. notifying the court that they represent Concord
Management. POLITICO reported at the time
Mueller has TWO WEEKS to hand over unredacted that the move appeared to be a bid to force
documents to the Ellis – the Senior United States District Mueller’s team to turn over relevant evidence to
Judge of the United States District Court for the Eastern the Russian firm and perhaps even to bait
District of Virginia. prosecutors into an embarrassing dismissal in
order to avoid disclosing sensitive information.
Now this…
On Friday, Mueller’s prosecutors disclosed that
Concord’s attorneys, Eric Dubelier and Kate
Robert Mueller’s team is seeking a delay in the first court
Seikaly, had made a slew of discovery requests
hearing in a criminal case against one of the companies
demanding nonpublic details about the case
charged in Mueller’s Russian bot investigation.
and the investigation. Prosecutors also asked a
judge to postpone the formal arraignment of
The company is requesting documents from Concord Management set for next week.
the Mueller witch hunt team and now they’re
The prosecution team sought the delay on the
They never expected one of the alleged
grounds that it’s unclear whether Concord
Russian bot companies to call their bluff.
Management formally accepted the court
summons related to the case. Mueller’s
Robert Mueller is a national disgrace and will go down as prosecutors also revealed that they tried to
a national disgrace. deliver the summonses for Concord and IRA
through the Russian government, without
Politico reported: success.

Porn Star Stormy Daniels Admits
She’s Not Paying For Her Attorney Fees – Who Is?
By Jim Hoft
May 5, 2018, 7:52 Am

fact not that you don’t know. It’s not

campaign money… [Trump] knew he would
take care of things like this — like I take care of
this stuff with my clients, I don’t burden them
with every single thing.”

Daniels has an attorney with a sordid and dubious business

past. Michael Avenatti is noted for numerous complaints
and court cases with just one of his prior business
activities, Tully’s Coffee –
Liberal media darling and porn star Stormy
Since his investment firm bought bankrupt Tully’s Coffee
Daniels admitted in a tweet this past week
for $9.15 million at auction five years ago, Avenatti’s
that she is not paying for her attorney fees.
company has been named in more than 50 state and federal
legal complaints, including commercial lawsuits, breach of
If she’s not, then who is? lease actions and warrants for unpaid taxes, court records
The porn star who the MSM will not stop talking about
due to her statements that she slept with President Trump a All the while, Tully’s has shuttered store after store —
dozen years ago admitted this past week that she is not from Everett to Bellevue, Tacoma to Seattle, and beyond
paying for her attorney fees. — with employees left in limbo, landlords left unpaid and
customers left holding now seemingly worthless loyalty

And late last month, the list of grievances against Avenatti

only intensified, with new allegations of wrongdoing.

It is known that Avenatti is loud and obnoxious but it is

unknown how much he is charging for working with

Daniels reportedly signed a document stating she did not

have sex with citizen Donald Trump a dozen years ago.
Then Daniels came out and said that she did have sex with
Trump and that she was paid $130,000 to keep it a secret.

Trump friend, attorney and former New York City Mayer,

Rudy Giuliani told Sean Hannity this past week,

“Paying Stormy Daniels $130,000 is turning out

to be perfectly legal. That money was not Hmmm… So who is paying for this porn star
campaign money. Sorry, I’m giving you a to keep talking?

Crooked Rod Rosenstein Appears Unconcerned About
Upcoming DOJ IG Report?… What Does He Know?
By Jim Hoft
May 5, 2018, 8:11 Am

conflicted and corrupt. They’re aligned with Obama and

Clinton in numerous ways and have a history of corrupt
and suspicious, if not criminal practices.

In spite of the many constitutional conflicts pointed out

previously by TGP, the Mueller investigation moves
forward. Rosenstein and AG Sessions allow the most
corrupt group in US history to charge forward with the
Mueller ‘Witch Hunt’ and Coup D’Etat’!
Crooked and Corrupt Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein is
currently showing no signs that he’s concerned about the upcoming Rosenstein appears oblivious to the outrage concerning the
release of the Department of Justice’s (DOJ’s) Inspector General fraudulent Mueller investigation. Rosenstein shared this
(IG) report on the Hillary investigation. What does he know?
week his thoughts about the IG’s report on the Hillary
investigation expected to come out soon –
This past week it was announced that the DOJ IG David
Horowitz will not appear in front of Congress next week
“Within the next few weeks, I anticipate that our
and his report will be delayed – inspector general will complete a
comprehensive, fair and nonpartisan report that
Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s widely anticipated answers many questions about how the
testimony next week before the House Oversight Department of Justice handled a high-profile
Committee has been postponed, as the Justice Department investigation during the last presidential
IG has pursued new leads in his review of the Hillary campaign,” Rosenstein said. “We will learn from
Clinton email investigation, according to a congressional it, and our Department will do better in the
letter and sources familiar with the matter. future.”

Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s widely anticipated In December Congressman Jim Jordan grilled Rosenstein
testimony next week before the House Oversight who again appeared to have confidence in the DOJ IG’s
Committee has been postponed, as the Justice Department pending report:
IG has pursued new leads in his review of the Hillary
Clinton email investigation, according to a congressional
letter and sources familiar with the matter.

Asst AG Rosenstein appears to have no concerns about the

upcoming report in spite of numerous corrupt and arguably
criminal actions taken on his part. Rosenstein is tied to the
Uranium One scandal where Obama and Clinton approved
the sale of twenty percent of US uranium reserves to
Russia. He also is aligned with the Russia scandal to spy
on President Trump where he even signed one of the
suspicious FISA warrants to spy on the President.

Rosenstein’s biggest crimes may relate to the way he

handled the Mueller investigation. In spite of his obvious
conflicts of interest, Rosenstein felt compelled to appoint Why is it that Rosenstein appears oblivious
Mueller as special counsel in the fake investigation a day to the pending DOJ IG report?
after Mueller was turned down for the new FBI job. By not
recusing himself, Rosenstein proved that he’s corrupt and Does Rosenstein know that the IG’s report is not coming
above the law. Since then, the entire Mueller team is out any time soon? In December he said it would be out
soon and then again this past week. Maybe Rosenstein Comey’s July 2o16 press conference and late October
knows that the report will not come out until after the 2018 2016 actions to re-open the Hillary scandal and nothing
elections? else? Will the report neglect to focus on Hillary’s obvious
Does Rosenstein know that the DOJ IG has prepared a
report that will be soft and not implicate anyone involved As every day passes it becomes more and
in the Hillary email scam? It is not unusual and may be more clear that Rod Rosenstein is one of the
even customary for an auditor or inspector to provide the most corrupt individuals in US history. He’ll
audited or inspected party a chance to review the draft go down as an embarrassment in the history
report before being issued. In cases of fraud there may be books. One thing is sure, he cannot be
restrictions to this. Has Rosenstein seen the report or is the gone soon enough.
report going to be concerned only on the actions related to

Laura Ingraham Hammers Devin Nunes On Not Reading
Requested Documents — ‘How Serious Are You?’
Scott Morefield - Reporter
10:18 AM 05/05/2018

your show and other, is that Mr. Gowdy, our

lead investigator, Mr. Gowdy is the one who
reviews all the initial documents with our
investigators. I’m not going to get into the
processes that we use, but as the chairman of
the committee, when they need documents,
they come to me. We use the power that we
have vested in us by the Constitution to try to
force the Department of Justice and the FBI to
Fox News host Laura Ingraham pulled no punches during a comply with these document requests.”
Friday night interview with House Intelligence Committee
chairman Devin Nunes over recent CNN criticism about “I know, but you can see the criticism,
the chairman’s handling of documents. Congressman,” Ingraham responded. “When
they come after you and say Nunes is getting
The two were discussing FBI and DOJ documents that the these documents–I think a lot of people want
committee “needed yesterday” when Ingraham brought up you to have these documents–then you don’t
a recent CNN report claiming that Nunes himself “opted read them, it opens you up to criticism. So I
not to read” un-redacted documents already made available don’t understand why it compromises the
to him and Rep. Trey Gowdy at the Department of Justice. investigation for you to say, ‘I read the
The report said Nunes instead chose to leave the task to documents that are necessary to do this
staffers and Gowdy. investigation and I consult with my staff on the
primary documents.’ So I don’t understand your
“Now you’re getting slammed in response by reluctance to say whether you read them or
CNN and now others that you asked for these don’t read them. I don’t get that.”
documents and then you, Devin Nunes, have a
staffer read them,” the Fox News host said. Nunes responded by calling the criticism “process games,”
and stating that the “page and a half” that CNN was
“You don’t read them. So how serious are you?” referring to did not contain the “official intelligence” he
Ingraham asked, mimicking the hypothetical was looking for.
voice of a media critic. “You just want to help
the president. You’re not even reading the WATCH:
documents. What about that CNN report that
came out today?”

“Yeah, so look,” Nunes said. “I enjoy being

attacked, and the first thing I will tell you is
whatever CNN and the New York Times write or
talk about I don’t read their information.”

“We’re not going to get into the specifics about

how we conduct our investigation,” the
congressman continued. “But I will tell you,
Laura, and I’ve said this numerous times on

LOCK THEM UP! Newly Released Unredacted Documents
Were Not A National Security Threat – Instead Show DOJ-
By Jim Hoft
May 5, 2018, 10:31 Am

TGP reporter Cristina Laila posted the unredacted

documents last night:

See Screenshots of pages 53 and 54 from House Intel

report showing Comey’s testimony to Congress.

Now this…

The newly unredacted documents do not

disclose any information that is a threat to
national security as the DOJ claimed.
On Friday night the Department of Justice
released the requested unredacted It appears that someone was trying to hide
documents to to the House Intelligence the info on Comey and McCabe connection
Committee on the investigation of Donald as well as what Comey said in testimony
Trump and the interview of Michael Flynn by
corrupt agents Andrew McCabe and Peter Via Sean Davis: Do you see what DOJ/FBI tried to cover
Strzok. up? McCabe said they hadn’t substantiated anything
against Flynn, and the ambush of Flynn at the WH was
The newly unredacted portion of the House Intel Report directed by Comey.
revealed Comey told lawmakers that the FBI agents who
interviewed General Flynn did not detect any deception.

This was a complete opposite to what Comey has been

telling reporters these past few weeks while promoting his
new book.

Michael Flynn Jr. posted this last night:

Not only do the latest documents reveal that

Comey was lying – The documents also
reveal the Deep State DOJ was lying to
Congress and the American people.


Don Lemon: If Trump Isn’t Racist,
‘He’s Certainly Racist-Adjacent’ (VIDEO)
By Cassandra Fairbanks
May 5, 2018, 11:06 Am

Lemon added that it’s his job as a journalist to declare that

he is racist.

“If you have the evidence that shows you,

that indicates, that leads you to nothing else
but this president being racist, then I feel it’s
my obligation as a journalist to say it. On
that night I said it, and I don’t regret saying
it. I believe that to be true,” Lemon said.

The CNN host also declared that he does not believe

CNN’s Don Lemon went on a lengthy rant about how President Trump has black friends.
President Donald Trump is a racist at Variety’s
Entertainment & Technology Summit in New York City “Show me some evidence otherwise, besides I
on Friday. have black friends, I don’t really have any
evidence of that either. I don’t. I mean when you
say you have black friends, let’s just be honest
here, when you say you have black friends, that
doesn’t mean it’s people who come over to your
office because they want something. It doesn’t
mean it’s the people you work with because you
have to be around them. If you have black
friends it means these people have been in your
life forever. You’ve been to their weddings. You,
you know, hang out with them. You go for a run
with them. You go to lunch with them. You
vacation with them. You do things with them.
You have dinner with them, you have lunch with
them, you have breakfast with them. You hang
out, you know their families. You spend
Christmas, you spend holidays. That is what
having a black friend means. I see no evidence
of that either,” he said.

Lemon’s rant comes as support for the president has

doubled among black men. According to Reuters weekly
“If he is not racist he’s certainly is racist- tracking poll, his approval among the group jumped from
adjacent,” Lemon declared. 11% to 22% for the week ending on April 29, the highest
they have been since taking office.

FBI Faced ‘Conundrum’
In Its Investigation Of Michael Flynn
Chuck Ross - Reporter
12:18 PM 05/05/2018

“that he authorized the closure of the

[counterintelligence] investigation into General
Flynn by late December 2016,” according to the

“However, the investigation was kept open due

to the public discrepancy surrounding General
Flynn’s communications with Ambassador

McCabe testified that he was not aware that the closure of

FILE PHOTO: Former U.S. National Security Adviser Michael Flynn the Flynn investigation was “imminent” as of late 2016.
departs after a plea hearing at U.S. District Court, in Washington, U.S.,
But he told House Intel in a Dec. 19, 2017 interview that
December 1, 2017. REUTERS/Joshua Roberts
the FBI
In late 2016, then-FBI Director James Comey was ready to
shut down a counterintelligence investigation the bureau “really had not substantiated anything
had open on Michael Flynn, the retired general who was particularly significant against General Flynn.”
set to serve as President Donald Trump’s national security
adviser. Flynn and three other Trump campaign associates —
George Papadopoulos, Carter Page, and Paul Manafort —
were subjects in the FBI’s counterintelligence probe at the
Investigators “had not really substantiated
anything particularly significant” in its
investigation into Flynn’s possible links to
foreign governments, Comey’s deputy, Andrew Why Flynn was being investigated is still not clear. A
McCabe, told Congress late last year. former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, Flynn
had accepted a paid appearance at a gala hosted in
But the case took on new life just days into Flynn’s White Moscow in Dec. 2015 by RT, the Kremlin-controlled news
House tenure. agency. Flynn sat next to Russian president Vladimir Putin
at the event.
As is now widely known, Flynn lied to two FBI agents
during a Jan. 24, 2017 interview about his contacts several Flynn spoke to Kislyak by phone on several occasions in
weeks earlier with Sergey Kislyak, the Russian late Dec. 2016 about a round of sanctions that the Obama
ambassador at the time. Flynn, who resigned on Feb. 13, administration had placed against Russia for meddling in
2017, has since pleaded guilty in the special counsel’s the election.
Russia investigation to making false statements to the FBI.
Flynn initially denied to others in the administration that
But newly unredacted portions of a report from the House the conversations involved U.S. sanctions against Russia.
Intelligence Committee show that FBI leaders faced a But intercepts of Kislyak’s phone calls showed otherwise.
“conundrum” about how to proceed with the Flynn The story blew up on Jan. 12, 2017, when Washington
investigation. Post columnist David Ignatius reported that Flynn and
Kislyak indeed discussed sanctions. Ignatius’s leaker was a
U.S. government official who has yet to be identified.
The report cites testimony provided by both Comey and
McCabe regarding Flynn.
Comey directed McCabe to set up an interview with Flynn
at the White House in an effort to explain the discrepancy
Comey testified in March 2017 in Flynn’s statements about his Kislyak conversations.

The interview took place on Jan. 24, 2017. One of the He noted that the lack of apparent deception “was not [a]
agents who interviewed Flynn was Peter Strzok, the former great beginning of a false statement case,” according to the
FBI counterintelligence division official who is currently House Intel report.
ensnared in scandal for sending anti-Trump text messages
to an FBI lawyer. McCabe also described the

Both Comey and McCabe told the House Intel panel that “conundrum that we faced on their return from
the agents did not detect deception from Flynn during the the interview is that although [the agents] didn’t
White House interview. detect deception in the statements that he
made in the interview … the statements were
Comey said that they interviewers inconsistent with our understanding of the
conversation that he had actually had with the
“discerned no physical indications of deception. ambassador.'”
They didn’t see any change in posture, in tone,
in inflection, in eye contact. They saw nothing The implications of Comey and McCabe’s initial
that indicated to them that he knew he was lying assessment of the Flynn investigation are unclear.
to them.” Supporters of the retired general are likely to argue that the
White House interview was a last-ditch effort to trap Flynn
McCabe confirmed the FBI agents’ perception of the into committing a crime. Flynn’s critics have maintained
Flynn interview. that his decision to lie about his Kislyak contacts is
evidence of a larger cover-up.
“The two people who interviewed [Flynn] didn’t
think he was lying.” An attorney for Flynn declined to discuss the House Intel
report because of the special counsel’s ongoing
investigation. Flynn is cooperating with the investigation
as part of his plea deal.

Newly Unredacted Docs Reveal Illegal Counterintel Leak
About Flynn’s Call To Kislyak Enabled Obama FBI To
Keep Operation Open On General Flynn
By Cristina Laila
May 5, 2018, 12:27 Pm

On Friday night the Department of December 31th 2016: Kislyak calls Flynn again
Justice released the requested unredacted with good news Russia won’t escalate
documents to to the House Intelligence retaliation for sanctions Obama placed on
Committee on the investigation of Donald Russia. Flynn then relates this message to
Trump and the ambush interview of Michael transition officials.
Flynn coordinated by corrupt agents
Andrew McCabe and Peter Strzok.

The unredacted portion revealed Comey testified to House

Intel members the FBI agents who ambushed Flynn did not
detect any deception.

Obama’s corrupt agencies had a counterintelligence

operation open on General Flynn during the Trump
transition and kept it going because of an illegal media
leak about his call to Russian Ambassador Kislyak.

No where does Comey even mention there was an

investigation into the illegal media leak about General
Flynn’s phone call. Disgusting.

Screenshot of Comey’s testimony revealing he authorized

the closure of the CI (counterintelligence) investigation
into General Flynn by late December 2016 but kept it open
“due to the public discrepancy surrounding General
Flynn’s communications with Ambassador Kislyak.”

Not one word about investigating who illegally leaked the

phone call. The investigation kept going because of the

No doubt this was all done in coordination to give the FBI

and DOJ an excuse to keep monitoring Flynn.

The Deep State take down of General Flynn timeline: January 10th 2017: Buzzfeed publishes entire
Russia dossier.
December 28th 2016: General Flynn has a
flurry of calls with Russian Ambassador Kislyak January 12th 2017: An unknown illegally leaks
as part of his transition work as National General Flynn’s phone calls discussing
Security Advisor. Russia’s sanctions with Kislyak to the media.
Media goes wild as Russian fever is in full gear.
December 29th 2016: Flynn calls senior Trump
transition officials to discuss his phone calls January 14th: Flynn tells Pence he didn’t
with Kislyak. discuss Russia sanctions with Kislyak.

January 24th 2017: Peter Strzok So Comey wasn’t concerned about who illegally leaked
ambushed General Flynn with the help of General Flynn’s phone calls.
McCabe with a surprise ‘interview’ about his
conversations with Russian Ambassador This is more proof that Obama’s corrupt DOJ and FBI care
Kislyak. This led to Flynn’s firing. not about national security.

February 13th 2017: General Flynn resigns as In fact, the redactions made to the House Intel report
NatSec Advisor. weren’t about national security either, they were made to
December 1st 2017: General Flynn pleads
guilty to lying to the FBI about his conversations
with Kislyak.

Chuck Todd Conducts Softball Interview With Reporter
Who Broke Contested Michael Cohen Prague Story
Chuck Ross - Reporter
12:53 PM 05/05/2018

Chuck Todd had a prime opportunity to get to the bottom that claims to have knowledge about our
of a potentially game-changing report that deals with the investigation and dig deep into what they claim
question of possible Trump campaign collusion. before reporting on it,” the spokesperson said.

On Friday, the MSNBC host interviewed Greg Gordon, a “If another outlet reports something, don’t run
McClatchy journalist who reported on April 13 that the with it unless you have your own sourcing to
special counsel’s office has been provided evidence that back it up,” a spokesperson for the special
Trump lawyer Michael Cohen visited Prague in August or counsel’s office told TheDCNF.
September 2016, as alleged in the infamous Steele dossier.
The sourcing for the McClatchy story — which is
If true, the report would be a major bombshell on the described as “two sources familiar with the matter” — has
Russia collusion front. invited speculation, most notably from former Trump
campaign aide Michael Caputo. During testimony before
Cohen has vehemently denied visiting Prague ever since the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence on Tuesday,
BuzzFeed News published the dossier on Jan. 10, 2017. Caputo speculated that a former committee staffer named
The dossier, written by former British spy Christopher Daniel Jones was one of the sources for the McClatchy
Steele, claims that Cohen met with Russian government article.
officials to coordinate the dissemination of documents
hacked from Democrats. “But who is McClatchy’s second source? It
couldn’t be Dan [Jones]; he was the first source
WATCH: McClatchy reporter defends murky Michael … So who could it be — perhaps one of his
Cohen Prague story former Senate Intelligence colleagues? I mean,
you’re all in this together. You’re the swamp,”
Caputo said in the interview.

Jones has worked with Fusion GPS and Steele on a project

aimed at verifying allegations in the dossier. Jones told the
FBI in March 2017 that he had received $50 million in
funding from a group of seven to 10 wealthy donors.

An attorney who met with Jones that same month has told
The Daily Caller News Foundation that Jones claimed to
be working closely with Fusion GPS, which he described
as a “shadow media organization” that was helping the
government. The attorney, Adam Waldman, also said that
If Cohen lied about visiting the European city, his and Jones claimed that billionaire philanthropist George Soros
President Donald Trump’s denials about collusion with the was a Fusion GPS donor. Jones also told Waldman that he
Russian government would invite heavy scrutiny. personally helped place anti-Trump news stories with
media oulets.
But the McClatchy report has some problems. No other
outlets have confirmed the reporting. In response to In his interview on Friday, Todd glossed over many of the
inquiry about the report, the special counsel’s office issued questions that could help determine how seriously the
a cryptically-worded statement to The Daily Caller News McClatchy report should be taken.
Foundation warning against vague reports.
“You were one of the bylines along with Peter
“What I have been telling all reporters is that Stone on a pretty blockbuster report a couple
many stories about our investigation have been weeks ago that other news organizations
inaccurate. Be very cautious about any source haven’t been able to match…which is this idea
that Mueller has proof that Michael Cohen — or distinction. Nor did he ask how the evidence was presented
has evidence of Michael Cohen traveled to or who presented it.
Prague,” Todd began.
“We checked with our two sources who we
He noted the frustration reporters have with major stories trust, and they told us that they were happy with
that other outlets are unable to corroborate. the story,” Gordon said.

“I know that as a reporter, you want to be first, “So you stand by it?” asked Todd.
but you want to know that others have that,”
said Todd. “We stand by it, and of course we’ll find out
what happens presumably. And if Michael
Gordon clarified to Todd that his report said that Mueller Cohen ends up becoming a government
has been presented with “evidence” — and not “proof” — witness, we might find out more,” Gordon
of Cohen’s trip to Prague. But Todd did not tease out the replied.

Dershowitz: Comey And Mueller
Treat Trump Like ‘A Mafia Boss’
Virginia Kruta
1:43 PM 05/05/2018

Alan Dershowitz laid out the dangers of allowing Special

Counsel Robert Mueller to treat President Donald Trump According to Dershowitz, however, the prosecution of
like a mafia boss during a Saturday morning “Fox & Gen. Flynn has much larger implications.
Friends” appearance.
“Comey says that Trump is like a mafia boss.
“Witnesses understand the rules of the game,” And now we know that Comey and Mueller
he explained. “The better the story the better are treating Trump as if he were a mafia boss.
the deal.” Trying to find the soldiers, the underlings,
squeeze them, threaten them, and maybe
The Harvard Law professor emeritus has said repeatedly they’ll sing.”
that he doesn’t really see an intentional crime in the case of
former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn. On The risk inherent is that the witnesses, who are watching
Saturday, Dershowitz claimed that the only reason Mueller the investigation play out in the public eye as well,
would have to going after Flynn is the hope that he would
“turn on the boss.”
“understand the rules of the game — the better
the story the better the deal.”

“This is a common tactic and Americans ought

to know that and we ought to be concerned
about it, and every civil libertarian should be
speaking out about this,” Dershowitz added.

Trump Campaign Launches MSM “Accountability
Survey” Against “Liberal Propaganda Machine”
By Lucian Wintrich
May 5, 2018, 1:52 Pm

The questionnaire, which you can take for yourself here, is

very straight forward with questions such as:

 Do you trust the mainstream media to put the

interests of Americans first?
 On which issues does the mainstream media do
the worst job of representing President Trump?
 Do you feel that the media is too eager to slur
conservatives with baseless accusations of racism
and sexism? (YES!!! CONTINUOUSLY)
 Do you believe the media fails to report on
Democrats’ scandals?
The Trump campaign has quietly rolled out a
“Mainstream Media Accountability Survey” to it’s Most of the questions are easy to answer, albeit frustrating
millions of email subscribers. – after all the MSM has done an immense disservice to the
American public. To progress from fawning over Obama
This survey should come as a surprise to no one as the to continuously attacking President Trump on basis
President has made his distain to the MSM clear to all accusations is more than transparent – it’s bad for
Americans; which makes sense, after all we currently have America.
reporters such as Don Lemon claiming that it’s their moral
“obligation” to attack the President and claim he’s a racist. This survey can be seen on next page.

Mainstream Media Accountability Survey
 Do you trust the mainstream media to put the interests  Do you believe that the media sensationalizes and
of Americans first? exaggerates stories in order to paint President Trump
and conservatives in a bad light?
 Do you trust the mainstream media to report fairly on
our presidency?  Do you believe that the media purposely tries to divide
Republicans in order to help elect Democrats?
 Do you trust NBC to fairly report on our presidency?
 Based on your answers above, do you believe that the
 Do you trust CNN to report fairly on our presidency? Republican Party should spend more time and
resources holding the mainstream media accountable?
 Do you trust MSNBC to fairly report on our presidency?
 Do you agree with President Trump’s strategy of
 Do you trust Fox News to fairly report on our communicating directly with his supporters through
presidency? Twitter, email, and Facebook videos?

 What television source do you primarily get your news  Do you believe the media is biased when it covers
from? President Trump’s stances on illegal immigration (ex:
the Wall, ending Sanctuary cities)?
 Do you use a source not listed above?
 Do you believe the media is biased when it covers
 On which issues does the mainstream media do the President Trump’s restriction on immigration from
worst job of representing President Trump? (Select as countries compromised by radical Islamic terrorism?
many that apply.)
 Do you believe the media is biased when it covers
Immigration people of faith and supporters of religious liberties?
 Do you believe that the media unfairly reported on
Radical Islamic Terrorism President Trump’s executive order granting Americans
Pro-life values/social issues the freedom to buy health care across state lines?

Religion  Do you believe that the media holds Democrats to a

Health care different standard than Republicans?

Second Amendment rights  Do you agree with the President’s decision to break
with tradition by giving lesser known reporters and
 Do you feel that the media is too eager to slur bloggers the chance to ask the press secretary
conservatives with baseless accusations of racism and questions?
 What percentage do you believe is an accurate
 Do you believe that the mainstream media does their representation of President Trump’s positive news
due-diligence fact-checking before publishing stories coverage by the mainstream media?
on the Trump Administration?
 Are there any other thoughts you’d like to share with
 Do you believe the media fails to report on Democrats’ the President when it comes to mainstream media
scandals? accountability?

A Kid Yells To Trump While He’s On Stage
— His Response Will Warm Your Heart
Justin Caruso - Media Reporter
2:19 PM 05/05/2018

President Trump was at a pro-business event in Cleveland,

Ohio on Saturday when a kid in the crowd yelled “Thank you, thank you very much,” Trump told
the crowd. “It’s a great honor to be here. This
“Hi!” was the–”

Trump turned his head and had the perfect response. Then, what appeared to be the voice of a child yelled “hi!”
to Trump.
Trump laughed and said, “Thank you.”

“So many of those beautiful hats. Do we love

those hats?” he continued. “Remember, you
have to win the great state of Ohio, and did we
win the great state of Ohio. I always say this,
how are we doing now compared to the
election? We’re doing great. We just had a
couple of meetings with some of the folks. We
have great, great people in this state. This is a
very, very special place.”

McCain Tells Inner Circle He Does Not
Want President Trump At His Funeral – Send Pence
By Jim Hof
May 5, 2018, 2:33 Pm

Those close to Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.)

To his death Senator John McCain is have told the White House that their plan for the
holding his grievance against President Arizona Republican’s eventual funeral is to
Donald Trump. have Vice President Pence attend — but not
President Trump, The New York Times reports.

The funeral is expected to take place at the

Washington National Cathedral, according to
the Times.

But Trump, with whom McCain has had a

tempestuous relationship, is not expected to
attend the service, at least not according to
current planning, the Times reported.

McCain was diagnosed with an aggressive form

of brain cancer last year, and is undergoing
treatment. Despite his illness, the senator has
Senator McCain frequently speaks out continued to visit with friends and field
against the Republican president. McCain conference calls with his staff back in
was the deciding vote against Obamacare Washington.
reform after he ran on a platform to gut the
bloated program.
Still, some of his associates have said that they
want a “McCain person” appointed to fill his
And now as he makes plans for his funeral the Arizona Senate seat in the event of the senator’s death,
senator has told his close friends he wants Vice President according to the Times. Among the list of
Mike Pence at his funeral — NOT Trump. potential picks is McCain’s wife, Cindy McCain.

The Hill reported:

‘Orwellian Nonsense’: Trump Says US Companies Are
Done Playing China’s Political Correctness Game
Ryan Pickrell - China/Asia Pacific Reporter
3:23 PM 05/05/2018

President Donald Trump, who ran against political

correctness at home,

“will stand up for Americans resisting efforts by

the Chinese Communist Party to impose
Chinese political correctness on American
companies and citizens,” a White House
statement released Saturday read.
A boy who is waiting to greet U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
at the National Museum makes a face while holding the U.S. and Calling Beijing’s coercive practices pure
Chinese flags in Beijing May 4, 2012. REUTERS/Shannon Stapleton

“Orwellian nonsense” and “part of a growing

The Trump administration made it clear Saturday that trend by the Chinese Communist Party to
Beijing will not be allowed to export censorship and its impose its political views on American citizens
own Communist Party brand of political correctness to the and private companies,” the administration
rest of the world. warned, “China’s efforts to export its censorship
and political correctness to Americans and the
The Chinese government sent a threatening letter on April rest of the free world will be resisted.”
25 to dozens of international airlines warning that they
would face severe consequences if they failed to identify “We call on China to stop threatening and
Taiwan as a part of China, according to The Washington coercing American carriers and citizens,” the
Post, which obtained a copy of the letter. The letter from statement concluded, reportedly marking the
China’s Civil Aviation Administration is the latest in a strongest rebuke to date by the U.S.
series of similar actions Beijing has taken to force foreign government of China’s efforts to manipulate
companies to advance its questionable interests. foreign companies to ensure that they meet
Beijing’s demands. No previous administration
The White House says it will resist Chinese efforts to has pushed back this hard on this particular
make the world bend to its will. issue.

New FOIA Documents Reveal FBI LOST
Chain Of Custody Of Hillary’s Server For Five Weeks
By Jim Hoft
May 5, 2018, 4:08 Pm

In the document the FBI — the world’s most

distinguished investigative service – admits
that they lost the chain of custody of Hillary
Clinton’s confiscated server for five weeks
in 2015.

The chain of custody was lost from August 2015 to

October 2015.

The FBI released a 229 page file on the How does this happen?
investigation of Hillary Clinton’s
mishandling of classified – sensitive
investigative matter.

The chain of custody was lost from August 2015 to

October 2015.

Once again, Hillary Clinton caught a break from the FBI.

Via Wikileaks:

President Trump Celebrates Cinco De Mayo By Lauding
‘Significant Contributions Of Mexican Americans’
Scott Morefield - Reporter
4:41 PM 05/05/2018

President Trump’s annual Cinco de Mayo statement lauded

“the significant contributions of Mexican

Americans to the United States.”

“Today, we honor the heritage of our neighbors

to the south, and we celebrate the significant
contributions of Mexican Americans to the
United States,” Trump said in the statement.

Trump’s statement also praised the “incredible courage

and resolve” of the Mexican soldiers who “defended their
freedom” against the French in 1862 at the Battle of

“On May 5, 1862, General Ignacio Zaragoza’s

Mexican forces withstood the French assault on
the town of Puebla de Los Angeles, despite
being outnumbered and underequipped. The
Battle of Puebla remains an important symbol of
Mexican bravery and tenacity.”

“We also honor the Mexican-Americans whose

fighting spirit and patriotism have been
influential in shaping the character of our great
Nation,” the statement said.

“Melania and I hope everyone enjoys the

festivities. Happy Cinco de Mayo!”

While running for president, Trump marked the Mexican

holiday by tweeting a picture of himself eating a taco

Sarah Sanders Calls Out Dem
‘Hypocrisy’ On Women’s Empowerment
Saagar Enjeti -White House Correspondent
4:53 PM 05/05/2018

The press secretary’s tweet is a shot across the bow of

Democratic lawmakers before an expected contentious
debate. Haspel is slated to testify before the Senate
Intelligence Committee next week where she is likely to
face increasing questions over her role in the CIA’s
enhanced interrogation program in the mid-2000s. She
joined the CIA in 1985 and has served in a variety of
different postings across the globe.

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders White House legislative affairs director Marc Short
called out Democratic lawmakers for opposing the lamented to a roundtable the attacks in recent weeks on
administration’s nominee to be the next CIA director in a Admiral Dr. Ronny Jackson, who was briefly nominated to
Saturday tweet. be the secretary of veterans affairs.

“We would expect some more antics with Gina

in the coming days,” Short told the assembled
group. “We’re trying to get her story out before
members come back.”

“She may be incredibly well qualified, but we

live in a very politically charged environment
right now,” Short continued, noting, “We
recognize the environment we face.”

‘Let Me Assault YOUR Reputation’
— MSNBC Panel Turns Into Dumpster Fire [VIDEO]
Peter Hasson - Reporter
5:40 PM 05/05/2018

“Then let me assault your reputation,”

Dershowitz fired back. “Let me talk about
your reputation. Painter is trying to turn —
parlay his anti-Trump zealotry into a position.”

The conversation further deteriorated from there, as

Dershowitz — who was hard to hear because of a spotty
Skype connection — accused Painter of lying “repeatedly
about my background and expertise,” while Painter
continued accusing the professor of smearing Mueller.
An MSNBC panel quickly deteriorated on Saturday after
Harvard Law School professor Alan Dershowitz and Painter at one point accused Dershowitz of
Democratic Senate candidate Richard Painter got into a
heated dispute and began slinging accusations at each “assaulting the reputation of Robert Mueller, a
other. good American.”

The two panelists initially clashed over Dershowitz’s Dershowitz’s reply:

negative characterization of Robert Mueller, but the
disagreement soon turned into personal attacks.
“He may be, but you are not, sir.”
Dershowitz noted “two tragedies” with regard to the
Mueller investigation. WATCH:

“One, the way the White House has behaved

and second, the way Mueller, who has a
mixed reputation when I was in Boston with
regard to four innocent people who spent their
life and two of them died in jail — “ Dershowitz
said, before Painter interrupted him.

“That is not true. You cannot say that,

professor. That’s a lie,” said Painter, who has
made a name for himself with his hysterical
attacks on President Donald Trump. “Do not
assault his reputation. That’s just not true.”

House Intel Committee Chairman Nunes:
“Send In The G-Men” To Arrest John Kerry
For Violating Logan Act
By Jim Hoft
May 5, 2018, 5:45 Pm

John Kerry with Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif at a previous


Barack Obama’s former Secretary of State,

John Kerry has been secretly meeting with
Iranian officials to salvage Iran’s nuclear
weapons program.

After the news broke on Friday Rep. Devin

Nunes (R-CA) the chairman of the House
Intelligence Committee called on G-men to
arrest John Kerry for his treasonous acts.
There is video from Iranian Foreign Minister
Javad Zarif entering the Council on Foreign Raw Story reported:
Relations on April 24th for a meeting.
The chairman of the House Permanent Select
Our source says this was Zarif’s meeting with John Kerry. Committee on Intelligence is calling for former
Secretary of State John Kerry to be the very
first person ever arrested under a
constitutionally dubious 1799 law.

Congressman Devin Nunes (R-CA) made his demand to

imprison the former Massachusetts Democrat under the

Logan Act, which could theoretically result in three year in
federal prison.

The allegations followed a new Boston Globe report on

former Secretary of State Kerry working to save the Iran
nuclear deal.

Of course, the left was outraged at Nunes’s


But security expert Tony Shaffer pointed out the latest

hypocrisy of the left.

Security Expert Tony Shaffer:
The Question Of Why Flynn Pleaded Guilty Is Now Clear –
He Was Lied To By Mueller
By Jim Hoft
May 5, 2018, 6:15 Pm

3.) Andrew Weissman has unsightly political

ties, having attended Clinton’s election-night
celebration in New York City. He also sent an
email to acting Attorney General Sally Yates,
praising her boldness on the night she was fired
for refusing to enforce President Trump’s travel
ban. Not to mention his vast history of
prosecutorial abuses.

Both of you were involved in the investigation

into Russia’s illegal efforts to obtain U.S.
uranium. Did either of you alert the Committee
Earlier this week The New York Times published a list of on Foreign Investment in the United States to
40 questions Dirty Cop Robert Mueller wants President the crimes being committed? The plea deals?
Trump to answer under oath in connection to the ongoing Did either of you profit in any way from the $145
Russia-collusion witch hunt. million in donations to the Clinton Foundation or
from those who benefited from the sale of U.S.
Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) a former judge then posted uranium that would ultimately end up in the
his own 40 questions for Special Counsel Robert Mueller hands of Russian owners? Do you consider this
in response at Lifezette. to be a potential conflict of interest to the
current investigation?
Here are a few of the questions:
4.) What efforts have you undertaken to identify
Regarding Your Trump “Investigation” the leakers in your team who’ve revealed
investigative details to the media? Were the
1.) Why did you hire only lawyers with leaks done with your permission or
backgrounds as Democratic Party donors for encouragement? When do you believe the
your investigative team? Were there no statutes of limitations would run on possible
Establishment Republicans willing to help prosecutions of you or your team for any such
railroad President Trump? criminal leaks?

2.) Peter Strzok was removed from your team Security expert Tony Shaffer believes he
after more than 10,000 texts between him and now understands why Michael Flynn
fellow team member Lisa Page were found to pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI.
contain vitriolic anti-Trump tirades. These texts
were not simply anti-Trump. They were more in Shaffer believes Michael Flynn was lied to.
the nature of desperate attempts to stop him
from becoming president and talk of a nefarious The Department of Justice released the
insurance policy to orchestrate his removal if he requested unredacted documents to the
were elected. Did they ever speak this way House Intelligence Committee on the
about Donald Trump in your presence? Why investigation of Donald Trump and the
were you so determined to have people with interview of Michael Flynn by corrupt agents
outright hatred of Donald Trump on your special Andrew McCabe and Peter Strzok.
counsel team?

The newly unredacted portion of the House Intel Report
revealed Comey told lawmakers that the FBI agents who
interviewed General Flynn did not detect any deception.

Months later Michael Flynn pleaded guilty to

lying to federal agents.

Tony Shaffer believes Flynn was lied to.

HAH! Trump-Appointed Judge REJECTS Dirty Cop
Mueller’s Request For Delay In Junk Russian Bot Case
By Cristina Laila
May 5, 2018, 6:49 Pm

Investigative reporter Paul Sperry spoke with a veteran

Dirty cop Robert Mueller got smacked down FBI official who said the Russians named in the indictment
by another judge and we couldn’t be are in Russia and will never be arrested or incarcerated; the
happier. indictment was all a public relations stunt.

It has been a bad week for Mueller. According to Sperry, a veteran FBI agent said the 13
indictments by Mueller are moot and it was done for show
First his prosecutors were raked over the to solely justify the Special Counsel’s existence and salary.
coals by Judge Ellis, now his request for
delay on the junk Russian bot case has been Well, now one of the companies wants to play ball and
DENIED. Mueller is running scared.

It gets better….

The judge denied Mueller’s request for a delay.

Politico reported:

A federal judge has rejected special counsel

Robert Mueller’s request to delay the first court
hearing in a criminal case charging three
Russian companies and 13 Russian citizens
with using social media and other means to
foment strife among Americans in advance of
the 2016 U.S. presidential election.
As previously reported, Robert Mueller’s team was
seeking a delay in the first court hearing in a criminal case In a brief order Saturday evening, U.S. District
against one of the companies charged in Mueller’s Russian Court Judge Dabney Friedrich offered no
bot investigation. explanation for her decision to deny a request
prosecutors made Friday to put off the
Concord Management and Consulting is requesting scheduled Wednesday arraignment for Concord
documents from the Mueller witch hunt team and now Management and Consulting, one of the three
they’re balking. firms charged in the case.

They never expected one of the alleged Russian bot […]

companies to call their bluff.
The Concord lawyers said Mueller’s attorneys
Mueller’s indictment of 13 Russians and three companies were seeking “to usurp the scheduling authority
involved in so-called ‘Russian interference’ was a of the Court” by waiting until Friday afternoon to
publicity stunt to justify his salary. He wasn’t expecting to try to delay a proceeding scheduled for next
actually have to fight any of them in court. Wednesday. Dubelier and Seikaly complained
that the special counsel’s office has not replied
at all to Concord’s discovery requests. The
In fact, Fox News cited The Gateway
lawyers, who work for Pittsburgh-based law firm
Pundit’s report on a scoop that Mueller’s
Reed Smith, also signaled Concord intends to
indictment was one big publicity stunt:
assert its speedy trial rights, putting more

pressure on the special counsel’s office to turn
over records related to the case.

Friedrich, a Trump appointee based in Washington, sided

with Concord and said the arraignment will proceed as
scheduled Wednesday afternoon.

Judge Dabney Friedrich was appointed by

President Donald Trump in December of

Finally honest judges are standing up to Mueller and

calling him out for the dishonest, corrupt liar he is.

Leaked Transcript Of Manafort Hearing
Shows Mueller’s Team Of Corrupt Hacks TOOK A
BEATING From Judge Ellis
By Cristina Laila
May 5, 2018, 7:50 Pm

So far we’ve seen highlights from Friday’s hearing, but to

read the transcript with analysis really shows how out of
control Mueller and Rosenstein are.

Judge Ellis knows Mueller’s team is a group of corrupt

lawyers and he lets them have it.

Fox News analyst Brit Hume even gave Techno Fog a


The Federal Judge in Paul Manafort’s case The Gateway Pundit unrolled the entire thread here:
cast doubt on Friday over Mueller’s bank
fraud case against the former Trump
campaign manager.

Judge T.S. Ellis lost his temper and blasted prosecutors,

saying he believes Mueller is using the Manafort case to
provide material that would lead to Trump’s “prosecution
or impeachment”.

Judge Ellis also ordered the government to hand over the

unredacted Rosenstein memo.

We have the transcript of the hearing and Mueller’s team

took one hell of a beating.

A Twitter fellow by the name of ‘Techno Fog,’ who says

he’s a lawyer in his Twitter bio provided leaked transcript
of Friday’s hearing on the Manafort case.

You can read the full 48 pages starting on next page:

Fox News’ Brit Hume gave Techno Fog a shout:


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