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The New World Order and Our Current Administration (Public) Version 1.0

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Dear anonymous patriots,

As a patriot in time of our nations need, I’ve taken countless hours in organizing
and compiling this document with the utmost hope that it finally shatters the left ~ right
paradigm once and for all. Compiling this collection of information has taken me a long
time so I ask that anyone who looks at my compiled document send this out to every
person they know. The word must get out about the reality behind this new administration
and it’s continuation of the new world order’s policy for global governance across the
world. This administration must be exposed for its tyranny and high level treason or this
administration will expose all of us patriots to grave danger in the future. I stand as a
patriot in defense of the republic in hopes others will also do the very same by sending
this message out to everyone they know.


Gabriel Morgan Brown


If there are any mistakes or updates that I'm not currently aware of, please take it upon
yourself to expand upon the great body of work presented here.

My Opening Statements

Now that I have a Chance, I’m going to point out what the Main Stream Media is
not telling people most of the time or if they do, they tell people it’s “good”. The media
however would label someone like me a racist, anti-Semitic, anti-American, extremist,
far left, far right, Nazi, Communist, and all the above because I question the very
behavior my government acts upon. The idea of being outspoken today is considered
“extremist” according to what the talking heads in the media claim even though it was
once there job to ask the tough questions they refuse to ask today.

Is asking that our government not spend our future into oblivion or to maintain the very
constitutional liberties that give us these great freedoms really an out of line request in
America today? Our founders faced less forms of tyranny and protested against the
behavior of the ruling aristocracy of European royalty before long, which gave birth to
the American Revolution several years later, after a plea for independence in 1776 was
not taken serious by our former king. The time has come once again where the pleas of
peaceful resolve are left unanswered by the “Authority” who acts upon the people as our
former monarch once did. These pleas for our peaceful resolve should not only be asked
upon but rather they should be demanded upon our imperialist monarch rule of the
European aristocracy if this nation is to survive within our life time. As a descendent of
the Sons of Liberty, it is not only my American duty to stand strong in our nation’s time
of need, but rather this is a required obligation by all descendents of those who fought the
last American Revolution. Today the idea of the Blue Blooded of this nation revolves
around the concept of “Old Money” rather then being of a descendent towards the very
first settlers of this continent before it was known as the independent sovereign nation of
the United States. As a descendent of subjects under the British Crown, it is not only my
duty but a sworn obligation that I stand by this nation in its time of urgency.

The age of decadence is coming to an end with the dawn of a new era in the coming few
years. The new era will be the very choice a global community must prepare itself for in
order to understand why the world around us is filled with the very chaos we bare witness
every single day in the media. The choice we as a people must determine upon ourselves
is the very choices of National Sovereignty vs. Globalism and the most important issue of
all, Liberty vs. Tyranny. If a populous of the world does not have the consciousness of
awareness in determining a choice overall, the choice will be decided upon by the very
victor’s of this debate. The emergence of this outcome will ultimately decide where
humanity stands in terms of liberty vs. tyranny within a 1 world governing society. The
idea of Democrat vs. Republican or Liberal vs. Conservative within the modern
contemporary view are rather meaningless and without content or substance. The policies
of the Democrats when it comes to the most important issues of all are of no different
then Republicans and the term “Conservative” in the modern view of what we know the
Republican party of today is known as NeoConservative. The NeoConservative Wing of
the Republican Party is neither new nor conservative at that. The NeoConservative wing
of the Republican Party should properly be labeled the Trotskyite wing of the Republican
Party. The Combining of the Religious Right through the NeoConservative founders like
Irving Kristol (who’s son William Kristol is a very important Fox News Contributor and
founder of the Weekly Standard periodical Magazine and Co-Founder of the Project for
the New American Century Think Tank) is very key in understand the evolution of where
the Republican Party of today stands opposed to what the Republican Party of Robert A.
Taft (Mr. Republican Himself) once stood for long ago. If the current crop of
“Conservatives” understood the very principles from which they were founded under,
they would be very surprised to learn that they now stand at a major philosophical
difference today compared to what there movement once stood for long ago. The
Republicans have become the party of Big Government with an ungodly spending ability
no different then that of there Democratic counterpart. The very platform of limited
federalized government, pro-constitutional stances, sound economic policies, and civil
rights has ceased to exist under the modern form of “republicanism” through the
NeoConservative wing of right wing ideology. Being of a right wing perspective, I must
say that I’m very disappointed in what the Republicans as well as the Right of this nation
have become in these past few decades. I should say the Democrats are also no better and
the idea of the “Modern Liberal” also does not identify with the Classical Liberal views
of the past. A classical liberal of today would also agree that the left political ideology of
today has drifted so far apart from its original premise that classical liberals are not able
to identify with the modern day progressive liberal view of the NeoLiberals. Classical
Liberals also once believed in the very concept of the constitution as well as understood
the premise of how important the 2nd amendment was. The NeoConservative and
NeoLiberal extremists of the Right and Left have essentially hijacked both the
Republican and Democratic Party for a policy of more federalization with absolutism as
there platform. This Absolutism is a premise of group psychology which leads in the
direction of total fascism eventually whether it is of left wing fascism or right wing
fascism. There are many different types of fascism that exist but most people only
understand the militaristic fascism which Adolf Hitler displayed in Germany opposed to
corporate fascist economic policies. Most people identify Fascism with right wing
ideology because Adolf Hitler was a man who championed himself upon the right in
German Politics against Socialism and Communism. Hitler practiced a brand of socialism
known as National Socialism which in essence is socialistic under a nationalist premise
of compartmentalization. This nationalized version of socialism was said to be a peoples
revolution to bring them out of the economic hardship of the Democratic Weimar
Republic of the 1918 ~ 1933 years but in essence became no different then a totalitarian
dictatorship under a single Fuhrer (Leader) in the end. Hitler did not overthrow the nation
with fascist military might but rather he was elected by the population within a
democratic system.

The Founding Fathers hated the idea of a democracy and thought it was one of the worse
forms of government that was ever formed. The question you may be asking yourself is
why would the founders be against “Freedom”? The reason that the founders were against
this idea of democracy which has been widely taught as “liberty” to the population of this
country, is because this nation was never founded under the premise of a total democracy,
nor should it ever be exercised as such. I’m going to recite something out of the pledge of
allegiance for you in order to make my point very clear and precise.

I Pledge to the allegiance, to the flag, of the United States of America, and to the
“REPUBLIC” for which we stand, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and
justice for all.

If you look at the word Republic, this nation was actually founded as a constitutional
republic with a three vote system opposed to a single one vote democracy that we now
subscribe to collectively. Democracy is no different then 2 wolves fighting over a sheep
for dinner or the idea of a ruling 51% majority over an oppressed 49% minority. The idea
of democracy focuses upon the leadership of a nation opposed to the most basic and
important premises of this great republic. The most important functions of our nation on a
political level are our congress and senators as well as the judicial nominations. Without a
basic understanding as to who has been elected to our congressional district, we are a
people without representation what so ever to that of the executive branch. The Executive
Branch is considered the weakest branch for a reason. The Executive Branch was a
necessary evil but one that was limited in power overall. Congress ultimately is the very
branch of government that represents the people most of all and the founding fathers
understood this idea very well. You must have local government to have more power in
representation of the people if you are to reserve the rights of all liberties and proper
administration of our tax dollars when accountability of oversight is to be maintained.
Without that localized governmental process where people are involved, you are left
without representation which eventually becomes a vacuum effect. The vacuum effect
always ends up with a representative evolving into a politician who receives lobbied
money from the plutocrats of any nation. When a representative is no longer a
representative who has shifted over to a career based politician, you’re essential liberties
are no more and you’re ties to being represented have been severed greatly. The
Executive Branch in today’s political world, alongside the other 2 branches of
government, is greatly influenced by lobbyist organizations who wield policy agendas
more powerful then most people are aware of. It is because we do not know anything
about the local politicians that have left us with the choices we now have today when it
comes to economics and liberties.

The Lobbyists who make up a majority of our “politicians” financiers fall in place of
corporate interests of all industries. You have major lobbyists of the Military Industrial
Complex through the Defense Contractors such as Haliburton, Raytheon, the RAND
Corporation, and Blackwater World Wide for example, The Oil Monopoly of the
Rockefeller Family, The Internationalist Banking Cartel known as the Federal Reserve
System of families such as the Rockefeller & Rothschild interests, Big Pharmaceutical
Corporations like Merck and Phyzer, the Globalist New World Order ideology of think
tanks such as the Council on Foreign Relations, the United Nations, The World Trade
Organization, World Health Organization, International Monetary Fund, World Bank,
Bank of International Settlements, European Union, Royal Institute on International
Affairs, The Milner Group, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Group, American Israel
Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA),
Security & Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP), and the tax free foundations
such as the Ford Foundation, Carnegie Endowment, Rockefeller Foundation. Those
various lobbyists organizations help make up a generalized understanding of the Military
Industrial Complex that Eisenhower once warned this nation of during his farewell
speech, departing political office under the presidency of the United States. These most
powerful of organizations and lobbyists are the true shakers of our political world.
Without even so much as a basic understanding as to why these various groups are
important to understand, you will not ever be able to really understand why politicians
continue to pass unconstitutional policies regardless of party. The Agenda in all of these
compartmentalized committees is that those who work within these committees are in
many ways themselves unaware of the very purpose they serve on the bigger grand chess
board of this game of global monopoly ~ risk.

The few organizations that I have listed here are a few of many influential organizations.
At this point in time as a researcher, I have yet to discover every single organization that
does exist but the most important ones are understood by me enough to formulate an
understanding of what is happening here. Within all of these organizations, you are left
with factional infighting much of the time which is why the world has not been
completely put under the total control of the power elite’s monopoly state. You have
factions such as the NeoConservatives who have there own political agenda within this
organized Round Table Group. The Royal Aristocracy of Europe plays a large role in
these various organizations along side many of those top notch industries I’ve listed
above. If you crave real change in this world, it would be wise to learn of these
organizations and how influential they truly are on the global scale in determining true
policies of our nation and nations abroad. We as Americans must get away from this
mainline Hegelian Dialectic of the left ~ right paradigm of control management that the
Elite love to place the people in. My perspective is of a PaleoConservative, Libertarian,
Constitutionalist, Ron Paul Type, Truther, that’s registered as an Independent but
ultimately the question stands, are we American’s that believe in our civil liberties or are
we pawns in a larger game? PaleoConservatives are known as the enemy of
NeoConservatives and NeoLiberals because we speak of individual liberty based policies
which both those ideologies appear to be opposed in lock step together over. The term
PaleoConservative is not as widely known by many “average” Fox News ~ CNN ~
MSNBC viewers who know nothing more then how to argue about left wing this or right
wing that. That is how uneducated and unimaginative the population has become to the
point where you can only have political view points of left or right opposed to liberty vs.
tyranny. When tyranny is placed upon one group, it is inevitable that all groups
eventually are targeted by there federalized government if that power is not placed into
check periodically.

This will give you the basics of what a PaleoConservative tends to identify with.

I don’t think that any freedom loving individual would disagree with too many of the
platforms that PaleoConservatives represent as the premise is always towards more
constitutional liberties no matter the group. As an individual for myself, my policy is that
all people have the right to be sovereign within themselves and are not to be forced
against there will, even if our policy may be “better” then there policy. We are only able
to determine within ourselves what policy is better if we live by the very principles we
believe in.

The ultimate goal and objective that I’ve concluded within this debate of National
Sovereignty vs. Globalism and Liberty vs. Tyranny, is that the Oligarchy Elite believe in
a system of total monopoly where everything is centralized into there hands, politically,
and monetarily, within a control grid of micromanagement. Within this
micromanagement control grid, these individuals want to have the power to create an
extreme form of collectivism where individuals are not to be shaped in an independent
way but rather individuals become part of a machine that moves, thinks, acts, and looks
virtually the same as a machine would. The idea of creating such a control managed
existences amongst humanity has been the goal of many sociopath, psychopaths
throughout history and this dream and goal exists no different today amongst the very
wealthiest of this world. Money does not determine the level of sanity when in reality
money within the hands of insane individuals is probably the most dangerous threat a
society could ever encounter.

The power Elite of this world when you look at there psychology, you begin to discover a
darker side of humanity that people generally cannot imagine even exists. Various movies
like Saw cannot even compare to some of these very wealthy individuals and the type of
people they truly are. These families ultimately want to have the control over every
person to not only physically own the people that work for them, but they also want to
determine the very management of the population by selective breeding and selective
sterilization. There is a reason why it’s becoming much more common for women to have
issues with fertility and breast cancer as well as the increasing decline in the male fertility
rate. This has much to do with what is being intentionally placed in our environment and
within our food and drinking water. The numbers that I know of in terms of what the
“elite” prefer for a “perfect world” in terms of population control are astronomical
numbers of nearly 80% ~ 95% of all human life depopulated. A mass reduction would be
most desired by these very elite families. Many of these elite families partake in the
activity of inbreeding themselves and have become so in love with there own elite status,
that they believe in actually maintaining there own bloodline through means of forced
inbreeding to keep the purity of there blood within there families exclusively. The reason
that the political picture of the world today makes absolutely no sense overall is because
many of those involved with running the world have to a certain degree participated
within this social Darwinist experiment of interbreeding with there own blood. It is a
known fact that Charles Darwin’s family were involved with a social experiment of
inbreeding there own children for several generations as it was believed that super
humans would be created from the best stock of humanity. These were the policies that
created the Eugenics craze of the early 20th century which individuals like Hitler would
latter follow in justification for mass murder of the Jewish Population.

It is ironic that Adolf Hitler (Himself partially Jewish) along side several of his cabinet
members and administrators for fanatic mass murder being partially Jewish themselves,
would mass murder the very people they themselves were. It is also a widely known fact
that several of Hitler’s storm troops (SA) such as Ernst Rohm was a well known
homosexual who slept with other men while a member of the Nazi organizations if you
also wish to point out the hypocrisies of the very people engaged in behavior that others
would later be sent to gas chambers over. When you read into the history of why Hitler
murdered the Jews, you discover that Hitler’s policy was based upon this Social
Darwinist policy of Eugenics as well as Teutonic Zionist Influences and the Bush ~ Wall
Street Banking ties of the 1930s. The strange history of the 2nd world war is one of the
most fascinating of histories because it explains why the contemporary world we live in
is of this very nature of war after war and religious conflicts. Under this program of
monopoly control, policies are being enacted by the real government which is the World
Government. The very model of the Soviet Union’s 10 planks is currently being
constructed in the United States through the federalization of laws under both political

The Ten Planks of the Communist Manifesto

1. Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public
2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.
3. Abolition of all right of inheritance.
4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.
5. Centralisation of credit in the hands of the State, by means of a national bank with
State capital and an exclusive monopoly.
6. Centralisation of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the
7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the State; the
bringing into cultivation of waste-lands, and the improvement of the soil generally
in accordance with a common plan.
8. Equal liability of all to labour. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for
9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of
the distinction between town and country, by a more equal distribution of the
population over the country.
10. Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children's factory
labour in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production.

When you read the requirements of the 10 planks of the communist manifesto, you begin
to learn the very structure of what our government is beginning to transform into. The
idea of abolishing you’re right of ownership is key into establishing slavery under the
power of the state. You also read how the right to inheritance is removed, the confiscation
of anything opposed to “the system” is punished through forced confiscation of you’re
rights of inheritance on property, and you also learn how this document calls for a
centralized bank (Federal Reserve System we now see today in America) and of the
graduated income tax which we also see today. Under this system the state will
completely control the management of media, transportation, and employment through
state operated industries as well as the very education system from which we learn from.
There is talk about complete removal of national sovereignty between state and township
which means federalized powers coming into you’re town without over sight to what they
do while operating outside of there jurisdiction. This equal distribution as we now know
under this “Utopian Society” resulted in the starvation of many millions of farmers within
the Soviet Union’s outer regional nations. It is known that soviet secret police would
confiscate the seeds of farmers because it was believed no one was allowed owning the
rights to growing there own food under such a system. The wishful thinking was that a
massive food bank would help feed everyone equally when in reality resulted in a
massive food bank for those in power while the rest starved to death. Food was used as a
weapon in the end to cause people to submit to the state and such an idea goes back to
Thomas Malthus within his Malthusian Catastrophe model. This concept of “free”
education under this system sounds very well meaning but the question overall is what
type of education are we discussing here. Will the state be educating individuals on how
to be individuals that are capable of creating innovative industries or will they grow
children to become worker bees under a system designed for enslavement?

If you read these 10 planks of tyranny as I like to call it, you then compare these with the
Bill of Rights and you’re basic constitutional rights, and this document is a complete
contradiction to the premise of a free society in every way you look at it. The thing that I
cannot understand is how so many liberals that I’ve encounter who believe in gay rights
and a more open and fair society would prefer communism over there constitutional
liberties? I’ve encountered people who believe I’m a fascist far right neo-nazi for even
questioning the very government and to support the concept of individual liberties. What
many of those people believe me to be are in fact themselves the very people they would
place judgment upon me as being. Recently on Fox News, they tried to tie anyone who
supports a new investigation for 9/11 and that questions the policy of the Federal Reserve
private cartel as being in league with Radical Neo-Nazi white supremacist ideology.
Glenn Beck of Fox News made a baseless claim of ignorance that people of my thinking
are somehow all white supremacists and hate our country enough to join forces with Al-
Qaeda. He also claimed Ron Paul supporters are all dangerous and should essentially
have the military arrest them on previous occasions. The ironic thing about how “we hate
our country” and that “We would work with Al-Qaeda” is that the US Federal
Government that has been hijacked by globalists are actually the ones who “Hate our
Country’s Liberties” and “Work with Al-Qaeda” as they did on 9/11 through the CIA
connection, according to the many government, military, engineers, scientists that have
gone public since 9/11 about this. How ironic is it that they state a projected psychology
about themselves upon the perceived enemy of the people when they have themselves
engaged in the very treason they claim we are engaged in. There are Solutions to this
mess and the solution is education on the facts, history, patterns, and basic psychology.
Education on who the players are in this grand chess game and to understand the
influences of these compartmentalized organizations like the Council on Foreign
Relations. If we begin to remove politicians who have ties to various Globalist
organizations like the Council on Foreign Relations, the step into the right direction for
real change can be accomplished. If our elected officials are members of any of these
globalist organizations, it should be questioned at the very least how serious they are in
representing the people overall. Being a member of an organization doesn’t necessarily
make them bad individuals but it certain raises questions as to whom they represent when
it comes to policy making overall. In this nation, an awakening is now taking form under
a large majority. The auditing of the Federal Reserve will be the right step in
accountability for taking back our nation as the people should have done long ago. I have
been in promotion of a peaceful revolution opposed to a violent one because the rule of
law must be understood under this peaceful revolution through our god given
constitutional rights.

My concerns with a violent revolution is that any group may attempt to jump into a
vacuum of power struggle in order to establish themselves as supreme rulers over the
land. There are many revolutionaries within this movement for liberty but it is those who
do not have there heart in the right place that I caution to the people. During the end of
the American Revolution, the same thing happened where certain individuals attempted
to establish a dictatorship and had advised Washington to become the nation’s dictator.
The American Revolution was not fought against King George the 3rd so that King
George the 1st of an American Nation would become supreme ruler of the land. The
Founders were students of philosophy from many of the greatest minds in recorded
human history and understood monetary policy very well. There constitution was drafted
up in a compartmentalized way in order to strangle hold the power of the federal
government and restrict it into the hands of the people opposed to the state. Once the
State receives the power of supreme rule, it is only a matter of time before complete
corruption takes form. The Roman Empire did not collapse from that of a standing army
who invaded but rather it collapsed from within. The representatives of the Roman
Empire evolved into career based politicians whose only concern was there career rather
then representing there districts which eventually lead to the decay of society and the end
of Rome. The Holy Roman Empire was known as the 1st Empire. America has essentially
become the 4th Empire which is now falling into place the very same way the Roman,
British, German, and Soviet Empires crumbled.

We as a people have a choice to learn the reality of what governs the world and then
debate polices from ether side or we lose all chance of living our dreams and destiny. We
have a choice to stand up or stand down and if we stand down and accept full submission
into tyranny there will be no choice but slavery. The idea is to influence local government
and work our way upward on any issue we are experts about if those issues bring liberty
for people instead of groups. The argument for Gay marriage cannot be won upon the
federal level because there will always be opposition for or against the practice of gay
marriage. This is a dead end argument for ether pro or anti gay marriage advocates
overall. Gun Rights restrictions should never be enacted upon the people for the reason
we have the 2nd amendment is because it was designed to protect the people from the
federal government’s tyranny. If a well informed and well armed population is not able to
keep government in check, you only guarantee the lost of you’re liberties shortly after.
Gun Control is something that continuously is pushed but its roots go back to tyranny and
racism. In America the first gun control laws were designed for people of African Decent
by preventing them the right to bare arms. Slaves of all nations are disarmed whether it
be Firearms or Swords. All the gun control experts agree that gun control works and who
are these gun control experts? People for gun control were Adolf Hitler, Stalin, Lenin,
Mao, and the countless other dictators who push for gun control. Fear comes from the
unknown and if the unknown is not having the opportunity to learn how to properly use a
firearm, then that fear can be over written by learning how to become an expert in fire
arms. Liberals use to be in support of the 2nd amendment until national socialist policies
were introduced into there policy concepts for government. The Nazi Gun Control act of
1938 is virtually identical to the 1968 Gun Control Act which was passed after Martin
Luther King Jr. was assassinated. With the exception of several words being changes in
the documents text, our gun laws of today are based on Nazi Gun laws from the 3rd Reich.
In fact many of these policies our country now follows came out of Nazi Germany. When
you read about the policies that Nazi Germany had put into place for the people of
Germany, you begin to learn they were ahead of there time in terms of what they did.
They were the leaders of the world in innovative ideas for technology and public policy
as well as military concepts that our country has adopted many of the same policies the
Germans developed before the Second World War. The type of policies Hitler had
presented to the people of Germany is virtually the same as a new age liberal progressive
of today. A majority of the Liberals who voted for Barack H. Obama would incidentally
have voted for Adolf Hitler in the 1930s as well not realizing how similar Barack H.
Obama is. Hitler was “Change” for a better Germany considering the hard times for
nearly a decade existed and the people wanted the madness to stop. History is repeating
itself with the image of the new. The more things change the more they remain the same
and never forget the lessons of the past for if you do, you will inevitably repeat them
exactly the same in the future.

Before I start with posting up the most recent referenced research, I’d like to include a
quote by a man who survived the Holocaust of Nazi Germany.
“When the Nazis came for the communists,
I remained silent;
I was not a communist.
Then they locked up the social democrats,
I remained silent;
I was not a social democrat.
Then they came for the trade unionists,
I did not protest;
I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews,
I did not speak out;
I was not a Jew.
When they came for me,
there was no one left to speak out for me.”
- Pastor Martin Niemöller

I also would like to present another interesting quote by someone who survived the
Gulags of the Soviet Union

"And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if
every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been
uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if,
during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a
quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror
at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had
understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an
ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at
hand? . . ."
- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (The Gulag Archipelago)

Now that I’ve manage to state these concerns of mine, I’d like to give you an abundance
of research so that you may begin to independently research this for yourself. As much as
I’ve explained a great deal of it already, The amount of research in just a few months time
does not do justice for the amount of research I’ve looked into the past 3 years time.

Without further adieu, I shall present various points of information for you to research.

Unplugging from the Matrix and learning reality via Google Video

I suggest you watch the George Carlin clip first.

George Carlin: The Owners of America
The Obama Deception

The Obama Deception is a non-partisan view of Obama’s Administration and also a film
that begins with the exposing of the Bush Administration for its corruption which leads to
the electing of Obama. The film is designed to expose Bush, Obama, and the Wall Street
banking collaboration between the 2 individuals. Before this film was produced, I
manage to do research on every one of Obama’s Cabinet officials and with that being
said, the film is barely even able to touch upon the deepness of corruption this New
Administration is now involved with. For that reason alone, a second film is now in
production for a release date of late July in just exposing the details that this film was
incapable of covering. I can certainly confirm that a film project of this caliber could go
into a 10 or 20 volume series alone in the amount of serious high level corruption we are
dealing with here. View the film, learn the basics of what I independently researched and
verified for myself, and realize the real game behind Obama’s administration.

Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement

Endgame is a very important film because it brings forth the bigger picture of the Global
Empire being constructed around the world that explains various organizations within the
Round Table Group that I’ve discussed earlier in my written statements about the New
World Order.

G. Edward Griffin during an interview with Radio Talk Show Host Alex Jones

In this interview, G. Edward Griffin alongside Alex Jones discusses the psychology of the
Elite and what drives there goals for global dominance. G. Edward Griffin is a very
important figure in terms of exposing corruption of the Federal Reserve and the United

Terrorstorm: A History of Government Sponsored Terrorism

Terrorstorm is the best example I can think of that explains the history of Government
Sponsored terrorism and the answer to how 9/11 is indeed a text book example of a false
flag operation. They chronologically discuss in this film the various methods that foreign
and our domestic governments have used staged terrorist attacks in order to pass policies
that furthered the agenda of which ever administration was in collaboration with the
power elite of the time. I advice you research the subjects in all of these films to better
understand how Government Sponsored Terrorism is just as American as Apple pie in the
20th and 21st Century.
Money as Debt

Money as Debt is a google video about the way our Monetary System operates. This will
explain the fractional reserve banking system to you and explain how economies really
operate opposed to the image of a “savior” no matter which individual is the President in

Fiat Empire

Fiat Empire is also an interesting film because it explains the how the Federal Reserve
System came into being. G. Edward Griffin who’s the author of the Best Selling book
entitled the Creature from Jekyll Island also produced another video about that same
history which I also highly recommend if you wish to understand why the Federal
Reserve is such a key organization to research when it comes to better understanding
American Politics abroad.

G. Edward Griffin: The Creature of the Jekyll Island

CNBC admits Federal Reserve was thought up at Jekyll Island just as G. Edward Griffin
states in his film above. This CNBC clip validates everything G. Edward Griffin States in
his film above which is why it is that much more important.

G. Edward Griffin: Inflation

Inflation is yet another film about the Federal Reserve’s devaluation policy of our
currency and what results from the devaluations of our currency. The infamous hidden
inflation tax which no one seems to notice even exists.

America: From Freedom to Fascism

This film was put together by Aaron Russo who also had a hand in creating the film
Trading Places (Eddie Murphy). This film gets into the issue of the Federal Reserve and a
question as to the legality of the Federal Income Taxes. To this day, there has never been
an established proven law that states anyone is required to pay federal income taxes and
nether has one ever been discovered ether by those who worked from the inside.

Money Masters: How international Bankers Gained Control of America

The Money Masters by far is the most important of the financially informative films
because of the amount of research that was put into the film. This film will teach you
more in 3 and a half hours then you will have learned you’re entire time at school on the
very issue of how our monetary system operates as. The history of the Federal Reserve is
discussed in this film as well as the various points within American History where Money
Changers have made attempts to create centralized banking structures from time to time.
Even though the film is roughly 3 Hours and 30+ minutes, you will again learn more
within that time then you have learned you’re entire life time.

When you realize the banking institutions on a vast level manipulate organizations and
political parties with there financial power, you discover a pattern of manipulation that
has existed for thousands of years back to the period of Jesus Christ.

BBC: Banking with Hitler

This is a documentary about the banking establishment’s that bankrolled the 3rd Reich.

Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Exposed

You may find this interesting because it discusses the double set of books that our
government keeps that you never hear about.

CAFR - Walter Burien - The Biggest Game in Town - documentary

This is another film about CAFRs

One Nation Under Seige

This is a collaboration film about the very system being constructed around America
today if not the world itself. You will begin to learn the historical context about fascism
and how it can be applied to policies of today.
The Corporation

The Corporation is a film about the psychology which exists within a corporate system.
This lists various historical points you see within the Endgame film produced by Alex
Jones. This film presents a left wing perspective of essentially the same resulted history
that people of right wing perspectives such as me have also conclusively discovered. This
will explain the history of the Nazi collaboration that the Bush Family was engaged in as
well as information about the attempted business coup of 1934 to over throw the United
States Government.

The Creation of the Global Union

Sir, Robert Gaylon Ross presents his take upon the global government now being
constructed through economic trade agreements. There is also plenty of video footage of
David Rockefeller and his involvement with various different administrations as well as a
validation of the history as to how the United Nations was formed from the elite’s own
words that you see in the film Endgame by Alex Jones.

Hidden Agenda: An interview with Norman Dodd about the Ford Foundation and its
agenda for the world.

This film is an interview with Norman Dodd which exposes the very concerning policies
that drive the infamous Ford Foundation. The Ford Foundation is currently engaged in
manipulating pro-amnesty illegal immigration groups such as La Raza and M.E.Ch.A. in
order to divide and conquer the American people. They have been financing radicalized
Hispanic groups with slogans like the Plan of San Diego which is an infamous plan from
the 1st world war to murder all whites above age 16 and older through a Hispanic
revolution. I have actual links to the Texas University website about the history behind
the plan of San Diego which promoted such a horrible idea back in the First World War.
You can find that link amongst my vast collection of links at the end of this posted email
if you wish to learn about this.

Taxi to the dark side (Torture documentary about Afghanistan and Iraq)

American Dictators

This film exposes the staged 2004 election and explains how when it involves choice for
a president in the United States, we as a people are left without a choice. This is known as
a Left ~ Right paradigm or should I say the Hegelian Dialectic.

George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

Here is a collection of Police State type films which exposes how Clinton and Bush both
used the Military for training in martial law programs around the country. The Video
footage you are about to witness in the police state trilogy is very shocking and revealing
all at the same time.

Martial Law 9/11 the rise of the police state

Martial Law 9/11 discusses the 2004 Republican Convention and points out the image of
what a Police State based society really is. At the time, peoples emotions were heighten
to an extremity where many were too scared to even coherently think about the very
foundation of there constitutional liberties.

Police State 2000

Police State 2 The Take Over

Police State 3 Total Enslavement

Within these 3 films, you will see the massive corruption of the Clinton and Bush
Administration as you do in many of the films you have watched so far. There is also a
discussion about the phony drug war in the 2nd Police State film that is very revealing
about how the Government is involved with shipping the drugs into the country. Another
film recently produced by Kevin Booth entitled American Drug War gets more intimately
involved with explaining the history of the Drug war since the late 1960s.

Occupation 101: The Israeli ~ Palestinian conflict
This film is a sobering look at the atrocities that the Zionist Occupied Government of
Israel commits upon the Palestinian people. When you hear remarks like Death to Zionist
or Death to Israel, this is not reference to the Jewish people but rather this is reference to
a radical militant government that continues to thumb it’s nose at the rest of the world.
The Israeli government has been lobbying the United States as a lapdog for military
conquest across the Middle East to destabilize the region. One thing that I’ve noticed
with all these “Mainstream” perception’s about the turmoil around the world is that the
groups claiming to fight it are actually the groups perpetuating a continued effort so they
may seek funding to fight against it. The CIA creates the drug problem in America so
they pass laws to fight the drug war and issue the federal government massive amounts of
funding to “fight” a war they created. It’s always about creating an enemy to fight so that
you have a purpose of existing overall. Without an enemy to fight, you have no purpose
to exist and funding tends to reduce overall. It’s always the same tactic over and over
again when it comes to government’s putting fear into there people to accept tyranny for
there safety.

Jim Condit: The Final Solution to Adolf Hitler

This is a film discussing the Zionist connections with Adolf Hitler’s Nazi regime which
presents and interesting take upon the 2nd World War. This view that Zionists helped
finance Hitler is so controversial that it shatters both White Supremacist view points as
well as presents a serious question for any Jewish individual that would so far as accuse
people as being “Anti-Semitic” when the evidence appears to be that Zionists helped
push for the systematic murdering of the Jewish people. These are the same radical
Zionists that are currently occupying the nation of Palestine with the same system of
dehumanizing genocide towards Palestinians that once welcomed them into there land
when they had no land of there own.

When I speak of Zionists, I’m not referring to the entire Jewish people here. Many people
would take these views as anti-Jewish when actually I’m letting Jewish people know who
there true Nazi enemy is that murdered there family members during the Holocaust.
Hopefully you understand that I’m not being anti-Jewish here when really I’m actually
being anti-Zionist.

Jewish Rabbi Talks About Israel Being A Name For Zionism And Not The True Nation
For Jews.

American Drug War (Aired on Showtime Movie Channel)

This will explain the details on how the Bush Administration as well as the Clinton
Administration were intimately involved with the Iran ~ Contra Affair. You will also learn
how the drug war has been used as a money making scam for more federalized programs
and the truth behind the corporately owned prison systems that operate in America.
Prisons have become owned by corporations which then convert its non violent offenders
to work at slave labor prices in producing products these corporations are able to produce
profits from in the market place. If that is not modern day slavery, I do not know what
modern day slavery looks like.

Monarch: CIA Blowback

A rather strange history of the CIA’s program for over throwing nations and
experimenting mind control programs like MKultra.

G. Edward Griffin: Sensitivity Training & Brainwashing

Naomi Wolf discussing her book entitled he End of America during a lecture.

Naomi Wolf his a Liberal who has begun learning how her government has become more
in lock step with the image of fascist Nazi Germany and Mussolini’s Italy then it has a
nation of liberty.

The Clinton Chronicles

The Clinton Chronicles is a film that explains the history behind his cocaine operations
while Governor of Arkansas. One of the individuals in the film was an eye witness to
these operations and came forward with documents which are one of the reasons he’s still
alive out of the many that had evidence but mysteriously ended up dead or committing
suicide. I love how Gary Allen was capable of shooting himself twice in the head with a
shot gun instead of one time or the man who decapitated himself. Every time it came to a
key eye witness that was capable of bring Clinton down, they would end up all
committing suicide or there plane would fall out of the sky mysteriously. The Clinton ~
Bush drug running crime family are all in on the same scam overall.

Waco: Rules of Engagement

This is a film dedicated to exposing the unheard truth and reality behind what really took
place at Waco 10+ years ago.
Fabled Enemies

This is the latest of 9/11 exposing films that Jason Bermas (Co-Creator of Loose Change
Final Cut and current radio host of the Infowarrior internet radio show). I’ve called into
the Jason Bermas Show and have made a recording of my conversation with the host
about current Obama administration programs like the Youth Brigades that are now
currently in the process of being created. I’ll be getting more into the Obama Youth
Korps soon as I point out the various films for you to view on your own.

Core of Corruption (Part 01 of 05)

Core of Corruption is the latest of films that have been released in recent years about the
events surrounding the 9/11 attacks. This is a film that has many updated information and
many news clips that have been long since forgotten for many years.

Here are various older films about 9/11 related issues

Loose Change: final cut

9/11: Road to Tyranny

9/11: Road to Tyranny is a film that helped influence the very film makers of the Loose
Change series.

Masters of Terror

Masters of Terror gets into the startling details surrounding the 9/11 attacks and those
who benefited from the politics of fear the most.

The Power of Nightmares 01 ~ 03

The Power of Nightmares is a 3 part serious done shown through the BBC about the
history behind Neoconservatives and the Radical Islamic similarities that drive there
ideology. This documentary series details the politics of fear that both organizations use
in order to gain power. You learn that most of these beginning efforts during the war on
terror have been fabricated and falsehoods that the media has yet to explain to the people
properly. The reality behind the Bush administration’s war on terror is as fictional as that
of him claiming to be a Texan.

The Matrix of Evil

This is a film about lectures revolving around NeoConservatism and the concept known
as Problem, Reaction, Solution, methodology which always takes place after crisis are
engineered for political gain.

Order of Death: The Bohemian Grove

This is an updated film 5 years after the first film that Alex Jones put out. You will learn
about what the Bohemian Grove is about and how insane this whole thing really is. The
honest truth as to why people like George Bush doesn’t care about what he does when in
power is because he really doesn’t care.

Dark Secrets inside the Bohemian Grove

This is the first film about the Bohemian Grove. The reason that I’m showing you the 2nd
one first is because it spends more time focusing on the actual grove instead of the
investigative journalism that Alex does early on in the first film.

Global Warming or Global Governance?

This is a film dedicated to the debate of global warming by presenting an interesting

question as to whether or not it is for the well being of the planet or the corporate
interests of individuals like Al Gore and his corporate cronies. When Al Gore is
confronted with his connections to Goldman Sachs and various organizations, he was
very nervous about responding back in defense of these very statements made against
him. It is clear that Al Gore at least within my understanding is not interested in the
environment but rather he is interested In using policy to manipulate appropriated
funding through our tax dollars into his direct pockets. The environmentalist movement
of today is not even engage in exposing nearly half of the real environmentally important
issues of our time which I’d like to actually get into later on if not in this text, certainly in
future discussions.

Alex Jones interviews David Meyer De Rothschild about the Global Warming Taxation

Al Gore Confronted on his collaboration with banking institutions and very nervous in
his response towards the questions asked by his critics

Infowars: Climate Cops To Fine “Wasteful” Homeowners & Businesses

Infowars: Redshield, Greenshield

Those are just several of the many films that will bring you up to speed with the
important issues of our times. I have many others that could be listed which is why I’ve
been compiling a list of various films you can download off torrents though various file
sharing websites for free.

Truth Rising: The 9/11 Chronicles Part 01

This film is dedicated to all the patriots who have been standing up against the tyranny of
the New World Order even when there own lives have been put to the test of endurance.
Many of the people in this film are people I’ve personally met and are people of great
courage in what they do.

Another film which I cannot currently find a google video link is a film entitled New
World Order which was produced by IFC. It may be quite possible for you to go on IFC
on demand if you’re a cable subscriber and rent the movie right off TV for your own
viewing. You will learn the stories of many people from different walks of life who are all
engaged in fighting the greater battle for liberty against tyranny.

New World Order – Independent Film Channel (IFC)

This film is very important because it explains the entire movement against the New
World Order in a very fare way with video footage never before seen in certain instances
and an understood history as to why many people in the film began engaging against the
new world order.

Now that I’ve listed many different films you can draw your own independent research
from, I’d like to present the very important work that WeAreChange has engaged in when
it comes to exposing this corruption taking place around America.

The Work of WeAreChange

We the people can change the world if we the people chose to do so. In this
organization, there is no requirement for uniform nor is there requirement for individuals
to do only what a leader says. The organization is made up of individuals who have
gathered together upon there own time to help communicate with one another about
various different understandings we all share to a certain degree. The idea is
communication overall.

We Are Change is a grassroots organization made up of regular people who get together
every Saturday from 1 ~ 5 PM to help bring awareness to many different topics as well as
controversial subject matters down at the World Trade Center’s Path Station. Around 6 ~
7 we then usually head over to Time Square till about 10 PM at night doing the same,
being engaged in good conversations with the people. The group hands out free fliers and
DVDs to anyone who wishes to further research the topics being discussed. This
organization was created by 9/11 family members who felt there was not enough
accountability within government for issues like 9/11 which has since then expanded
upon various other issues. They are in representation of those who lost loved ones on
9/11. Not only is We Are Change engaged in taking action by educating the public on
issues regarding the 9/11 cover-up but they also discuss issues like the Federal Reserve
and the New World Order as well. Luke Rudkowski along with several others have
manage to help raise money for the families and first responders of 9/11 these past few
years at major events during 9/11 over in Manhattan. Another interesting thing that
WeAreChange does besides street actions on Saturday and the 11th of every month is
there confrontations with powerful politicians and media figures by asking them
important questions and then video taping there responses. Many of the important subject
matters that are hardly ever touched upon in the media are the questions that
WeAreChange ask these politicians. For example, Luke Rudkowski asked Charlie Rose
(Channel 13) what was discussed at the Bilderberg meetings and Charlie looked scared
and walked away trying to find any exit he could, while Luke followed him. Luke has
confronted David Rockefeller, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Rudy Giuliani, Michael Bloomberg,
Larry Silverstein, Gov. Patterson, John McCain and many other top people in this world
to great risk towards his own life. There was even at one point where these security guys
who work for Larry Silverstein attempted to set up Luke by claiming he had a bomb in
his bag and that his Camera was a weapon to Port Authority Police. He has also received
death threats along side his family for the work he has done in confronting these powerful
individuals as well.
That's the website WeAreChange runs with all the work they do. WeAreChange has
chapter’s nation wide and internationally with a dedicated mission to expose government
sponsored terrorism or high level corruption no matter where it stems from.

WeAreChange’s Youtube Channel.

Harry John Roland

Some Photos of the street actions located on my myspace page

Street Actions on Saturday at the WTC and Time Square

The 11th of Every Month

Interview with Jim LaPenna who helped clean up the mess at ground zero

A heart breaking video of a man who has been destroyed by the lack of respect that the
government shows for the people who cleaned up at ground zero.

WeAreChange confront’s Larry Silverstein on his “Pull-It” comments with regards to


When I speak about these topic’s I not only discuss them but have also actively
participated in exposing this global criminal cartel on the front lines. Not only do I talk
the talk but also I’ve walked the walk.

Group Photo from a rather cold day out at the World Trade Center of us.

Pictures from WeAreChange’s Website of our street actions down in New York City

This is an article that an Independent website that reported on several individuals

alongside me during last November’s end the fed day. I couldn’t arrive to the WTC till
about 4:30 in the afternoon that day so there for I had missed most of the major actions of
the day but manage to find several individuals down at the World Trade Center bull
horning the truth about the Federal Reserve. Seeing there were a few people still there on
a rather cold November day wasn’t a total lose on my part. So overall I helped out by bull
horning truth. In the first video you see I kind of chocked a bit because my train of
thought went blank when trying to state information about FDR’s trading with the Enemy

A Video of several people at the world trade center bull horning on End the Fed Day
alongside myself (The man is reading quotes out of my notebook)

Jesse Ventura at Ground Zero in January 2009 to help out with WeAreChange

A video from a few yeas ago on the 04th of July in mass demanding the media talk about
real issues

Bloomberg's Train ride from hell

We Are Change interviews people on down at Time Square

WeAreChange’s Live Sunday Feed.

Luke Rudkowski on the Harold Channel with an interview about his story and why he got

Truth Rising 02 Trailer

Core of Corruption Trailer

Activism Trailer (International Truth Movements)

Mark Dice on TV talking about 9/11 and sending gift packages to troops in Iraq and

Michael Reagan putting a hit on Mark Dice for Mark sending DVDs and government
documents to military soldiers.

Alex Jones talking about Michael Reagan’s Comments

As you can see through these last few videos, clearly the establishment is not very happy
with the notion that people are beginning to wake up everywhere. I would like to point
out what happened several months ago to co-founder Luke Rudkowski when he went to
confront Bloomberg for cutting health care benefits from the 9/11 first responders that
helped during September 11th, 2001.

When I went down to help out with WeAreChange, I met people from Australia, Ireland,
Switzerland, Germany and the UK that have come down to help out while visiting the
United States. A Girl from Australia was filming the activities of WeAreChange for a
documentary film she was piecing together from activists globally fighting against the
New World Order. One of the WeAreChange Ireland members who came out to help with
the street actions down at the World Trade Center actually helped prevent the Lisbon
Treaty from becoming law in Ireland last year. This issue was a very important one for
Irish Independence which helped protect Ireland from the European Union’s power grab.
All WeAreChange Ireland did was make a documentary about the issue and put it out on
DVD and then gave the DVDs away for free to people. WeAreChange Ireland took action
and achieved change by just doing something as simple that that. Recently WeAreChange
has begun to broadcast a live internet TV show for 2 hours every Sunday afternoon from
3 ~ 4 PM. Robert Wanek who’s about 15 years old does the first hour while Luke
Rudkowski does the second hour broadcasting about the latest news articles and the latest
video footage from confrontations to street interviews. Others have since also joined onto
the project towards broadcasting liberty across wherever people can listen in.

The opposition towards WeAreChange

For the good WeAreChange does, there have been instances where the authorities
have attempted to set up Luke and other members of WeAreChange because of the fact
that we are beginning to really cause problems for the politicians, private and corporate
interests. As I’ve mentioned earlier, there was an incident where Luke along with several
others were down at the WTC. Once down at WTC Building 7, Larry Silverstein's
security detail attempted to falsely slander Luke and claim he had a bomb in his bag, his
camera was a weapon and he was a terrorist in front of port authority police. There were
several other instances where a man by the name Neko would appear at ground zero
every Saturday acting as a provocateur (Most likely an Undercover police agent)
attempting to get Luke or any other member he could provoke, arrested by New York

Several months ago, Luke Rudkowski along with 2 other members of WeAreChange
were set up on false accusations and trumped-up charges for confronting Michael
Bloomberg at the Hilton Hotel, Michael Bloomberg’s personal security personnel
detained Luke Rudkowski, and the other 2 members of WeAreChange and turned them
over to the NYPD where they spent the night in jail. Luke confronted Bloomberg because
Bloomberg continuously veto’s bills that would help the heroes of 9/11 without so much
as a care. WeAreChange was told by one of Bloomberg’s secretary that if Luke
Rudkowski stopped confronting Michael Bloomberg, Bloomberg would help the first
responders by helping pass legislation bills for them. As much as Luke didn’t want to
back off, he showed tremendous restraint and did not confront Bloomberg for several
months. The First Responders asked Luke to leave Michael Bloomberg alone in hopes
they would receive the well deserved help they needed but when time came for
Bloomberg to vote on the bill again, He again voted against it. This infuriated the First
Responders and Luke Rudkowski who made an important promise to the first responders
not to confront Bloomberg. Luke Rudkowski knew that Bloomberg would betray there
trust but out of respect for the first responders stood by his word. After Michael
Bloomberg’s deceitful lie, WeAreChange decided to go confront him once again for his
lies to these dying first responders who are now depending upon the help of the
government. These women and men stood by there country in it’s time of need but
government has essentially turned its backs upon these heroes. When Luke went to
confront Bloomberg this time around, Bloomberg already knew he was on his way and
prepared for Luke’s arrival. Luke now was unknowingly heading into a trap. Shortly after
Luke, along with 2 other members of WeAreChange had there video camera’s and
equipment confiscated by the Authorities without ever being returned to its proper
owners. That video evidence of police officers and security detail lying under oath is now
locked away where Luke has to hire a Lawyer just to get his property back from the
NYPD. Police along with the mayors’ security detail falsified a report about what
happened down at the Hilton Hotel in New York City. The only reason that Luke was
released after roughly 20 hours in the worse place you can be locked up was because
many who found out called up the 18th Precinct demanding his release. The 18th Precinct
was flooded with phone calls around the clock by people all over the country. The people
explained to the police that Luke Rudkowski was a legitimate reporter for the Genesis
Communications Network which air’s national syndicated radio programs. Luke recently
went on the Jason Bermas Radio Show just days after being held for 20 hours along side
the Alex Jones Radio Show to talk about his experience while locked up. Luke
Rudkowski has received death threats by various unknown callers shortly after the
incident with the bomb claim and after his participation in the Bilderberg Group protest
down in Virginia during June of 2008.

Regardless of how much death threat’s and attacks Luke or WeAreChange has received
over the years, they continue to shed light upon tyranny and of the September 11th
government cover-up.

We Are Change being attacked by a provocateur physically

Here is the article about Luke Rudkowski being arrested at the Hilton Hotel by
Bloomberg's goon squad and the NYPD. In the article is the video where Luke is being
set up with a fake bomb threat by security a few years ago down at WTC Building 7.

Luke Rudkowski on Russia Today for an Interview

The example I’ve presented here is what an average person is capable of doing if they
chose to engage against tyranny. Luke Rudkowski is some average 22 year old kid who’s
from the Bronx that chose to take action against tyranny. If a 22 year old like Luke
Rudkowski can engage in tyranny in the effective ways he has done, then anyone of us
can do that.

Recently, WeAreChange member Manny Badillo was interviewed by Alex Jones about
the prospects of a new 9/11 investigation by an independent panel so that a lawful review
of the events may be looked upon.

NYC Coalition for Accountability Now

For Further Details as to what the goal of NYC Coalition for Accountability Now, you
may listen to the interview that Alex Jones had with Manny Badillo of WeAreChange
who also happens to be a Family member who lost a loved one during 9/11.

Manny Badillo (We Are Change) on Alex Jones Tv: Justice For Joseph Sgroi !!

Here are 3 videos that I are very interesting and motivating if you wish to really
understand what America has become and how you can affect change if you chose to.

Alex Jones: America is a nation of crack-whore, brain-damaged prostitutes-- can we ever

Prison Planet: Alex Jones Talks About Examples of How to Reach People

Alex Jones - Where I Stand!

Recent Updates about the Bush Administration ~ 9/11 Attacks ~ 7/7 Bombings ~
Zionist ~ And Obama’s defense of the Bush Administration

I’m sure after you watch the Obama Deception, you will begin to have an idea as
to the type of administration we are dealing with overall. Before I begin posting up
details about this new administration, let’s point out how Obama’s administration is
currently defending the Bush administration and how the Bush Administration committed
criminal actions these past 8 years. After you look at the most recent developments, the
question that comes to mind will be how can anyone defend the last administration
considering the facts?

Rawstory: It's official: No U.S. prosecution of Bush officials

Rawstory: Obama administration sides with Saudis on 9/11 suit

Newsmax: Obama Officials Fight Bid to Reveal 9/11 Saudi Links

Infowars: Obama Administration Shuts Down 9/11 Families Lawsuit

Alex Jones Smacks Down a 9/11 Kool-Aid Drinker

Fox News Report: Bin Laden Already Dead (Wednesday, December 26, 2001). This story
has yet to be retracted or updated.,2933,41576,00.html

General of all American Intelligence: 911 was a fraud!

Infowars: 9/11 Commission Counsel: Government Agreed to Lie About 9/11
Infowars: How the FBI and 9/11 Commission Suppressed Key Evidence about Hani

Infowars: Investigators Easily Smuggled Bomb Material Into Government Buildings

Infowars: NSA Security running amok to plug leaks about 9/11

9/11 Research: Insider Trading: Pre-9/11 Put Options on Companies Hurt by Attack
Indicates Foreknowledge

Globam Issues: The USA PATRIOT Act Was Planned Before 9/11

Truthout: Jason Leopold | Bush Authorized Domestic Spying Before 9/11

Truthout: Report: Bush Surveillance Program Was Massive

Infowars: New reports of massive spying, criminality by US government

Infowars: D.C. Crash Kills General Who Scrambled Jets on 9/11

CNN: Man killed in D.C. Metro crash ordered jets above Capitol on 9/11

Infowars: Whistleblower who linked Taliban leader to US Intelligence is assassinated

US-born al-Qaeda man describes Jewish ancestry

Infowars: Al-Qaeda Chief In Iraq: Captured, Killed, Never Actually Existed, Now
Captured Again

Infowars: Missing Bush Memos range more then 40 uncovered

Global Research: Did Big Oil participate in planning the invasion of Iraq?

Truthout: Memo Reveals US Plan to Provoke an Invasion of Iraq

Truthout: John Yoo, Donald Rumsfeld and the Systematic Torture of Prisoners

Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center

Kevin R. Ryan: Demolition access to the WTC Towers

Infowars: Did nano-thermite take down the WTC?

History Commons: Context of 'Early 1980: Osama Bin Laden, with Saudi Backing,
Supports Afghan Rebels'

Top Ranking CIA Operatives Admit Al-qaeda Is a Complete Fabrication

Afghanistan’s Operation Phoenix

Good Morning America learns that Bin Laden is CIA

Daily Pakistan: Israeli Secret Service Mossad Link Found to One of Key 9-11 Hijackers

Infowars: 13 doctors demand inquest into Dr David Kelly’s death
Prison Planet: Pop Star Miley Cyrus Asks “What Is Infowars?”

Prison Planet: MTV Star Heidi Montag: Over My Dead Body Would I Take A Microchip

Infowars: Hollywood Gossip Websites Cover Appearance of Pratts on Alex Jones’ Show

Infowars: Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt on Alex Jones TV

Fox News Attacking 9/11 Truth Again.. MTV Spencer Pratt Heidi Montag

Statement of Lt. Col. Shelton F. Lankford, US Marine Corps (ret.): (Retired US Marine
Corps Fighter Pilot with 300+ combat missions.) PLEASE VISIT: and . . . Ooh rah.

Prison Planet: Ex-FBI Agent: Why I Support a New 9/11 Investigation

Truthout: Now Can We Investigate?

Infowars: Famous French Comic Bigard To Address Obama About 9/11

Prison Planet: 9/11 Lawsuit Turns Into a Show Trial

Dick Cheney recently went under fire in the media for “alleged” hit squads running
mercenary operations around the world to assassinate certain targets of opportunity. Dick
Cheney once said shortly after 9/11 that our nation would now have to move towards the
dark side in a world of secret black operations. That is all thanks to the 9/11 attacks upon
America that we now pull off the gloves and take off the restraints that once bounded this
nation to the rule of law. The rule of law has now been thrown out the window and our
name has forever become tarnished with the same conduct as that of the Communist
Scourge of Russia or the Fascist movements of Europe in the early to mid 20th century.
The German’s claimed they knew nothing of the torture or the killings after the Second
World War and people today still refuse to believe such denial of the people. Our
government continues to downplay such atrocities but yet the evidence tells another story
entirely all together. Those who refuse to speak out against any form of torture when they
consciously know of such things happening will forever remain an accessory to its
bidding. When the time comes, history will judge our nation and its people as accessory
to mass genocide in the very same context and light as that of the German people for
decades to come if the people do not denounce such brutal tactics now.

US journo claims Bhutto was killed on Cheney’s orders

Russia Today: CIA linked to Benazir Bhutto's assassination

Prision Planet: Seymour Hersh stands by Cheney hit squad claim

Prison Planet: Lawmaker won’t deny secret CIA program was ‘Cheney assassination

Prison Planet: The Secret Program CAN’T Be Foreign Assassinations, Because Congress
Was Briefed on that in 2001 and the New York Times Wrote About it in 2002

Infowars: Ex-Powell aide suggests CIA assassination program was actually active

Prison Planet: Did Cheney’s Assassination Squad Operate on U.S. Soil?

Report: ‘No geographical limitations’ on CIA assassination program

Here are examples of how “enhanced interrogation” techniques are effective if you want
to false confessions to crimes you did not commit. Barack Obama refuses to repeal or
restrict such policies as he has yet to repeal any executive orders or the patriot act that
gives the executive branch the right to engage in such behavior. These individuals are
“claimed” to be terrorists but when one looks at the track record of lies and deception,
who is to say this won’t be average American Citizens in the future that such brutal
tactics are used upon?

Miami Herald: Accused 9/11 mastermind: 'I make up stories'

Infowars: “If I didn’t confess to 7/7 bombings MI5 officers would rape my wife”

And of course you also have the other incidents where “tough” interrogation tactics were
used to gain “valuable information”.

Infowars: New 'Prisoner Abuse' Photographs Emerge Despite US Bid to Block


Hersh: Children sodomized at Abu Ghraib, on tape

Infowars: U.S. Officials Admitted that Boys Were Sodomized In Iraq Prison

Huffington Post: Busted, Pentagon: Why The Photos Probably Do Show Detainees
Sodomized and Raped

Truthout: Comey Emails Illustrate Concerns Over Torture Policies

This is one of many examples of the brutality that the former administration lured young
soldiers to engage in while then placing blame upon once such details came to light. The
policy is not demonized but rather the individuals who engaged in the very behavior they
were encouraged to act upon. In many ways, these soldiers were themselves placed under
similar circumstances so that they would become accustom to the art of psychopathic
behavior. This is what you learn from the interviews with many of these young soldiers
who engaged in such brutality overall. “We were just following orders” is the same
excuse every time throughout history it would appear.

And of course you also have the Israeli Zionist occupied government currently acting in
ways no different to that of the Waffen-SS during the 2nd World War when you look at the
way the Palestinians have been treated.

Ahmadinejad Meeting With Anti-Zionist Jews

Rabbi Weiss of Naturei Karta on Iranian channel 2
Jews Burning The "Israeli" Flag, 2009 Brooklyn, New York

Jews united against Zionism

Global Research: Hamas is Creation of Mossad

Israeli Spokesperson Says We Control Stupid Americans

Electronic Intifada: Auschwitz survivor: "I can identify with Palestinian youth"

Beating and Torturing Palestinian Children

Israeli Army makes shirts promoting the killing of Pregnant Palestinian Women in Gaza

Haaretz: Housing Minister: Spread of Arab population must be stopped

Information Clearing House: How to Sell Americans on the Idea of Israeli "Settlements"

Infowars: Kwiatkowski: “Operation in Afghanistan is rooted in Israel”

Gaza is a virtual war zone which has caused many children to suffer as a result of this
war like state of affairs surrounding the 2 separate groups of people. When you are
kidnapped by the Israeli government, the media in America tends to display a media
blackout about it. That is what the evidence has shown with regards to former
Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney and her mission to help children in a war torn

Infowars: UN rights mission hears of Gaza children’s suffering

Democracy Now: Nobel Peace Laureate Mairead Maguire Speaks from Israeli Jail Cell
After Arrest on Boat Delivering Humanitarian Aid to Gaza

Infowars: Israel Kidnaps Cynthia McKinney, Human Rights Workers
Infowars: Cynthia McKinney Demands Immediate Release

Infowars: Cynthia McKinney: I’m in jail in Israel

Infowars: Cynthia McKinney: Letter from an Israeli Jail

Infowars: McKinney Kidnapping Ignored By Media

Video leading to capture of Cynthia McKinney and FreeGaza

As you can see, the media refused to talk about how an American Congresswoman being
kidnapped by a foreign government. With the clear evidence in the film Occupation 101
and these following news reports recently, is it not correct to call the current Israeli
Government a National Socialist (Nazi) government of sorts? With that said, take a look
at this most recent article below.

Infowars: Comparing Zionists to Nazis to be Criminalized

This Israeli Zionist occupied government wishes to claim they are not Nazis but yet they
also wish to criminalize free speech in order to justify they are not to be compared to as
Nazis. Ironic, now isn’t it?

There has been a commited effort in the top echelons of CIA and other top secret
programs to mass mind control the population (example: operation mocking bird) for and
a campaign of torture based programs for decade. Latter on I will share with you several
classical examples of Operation Mocking Bird in action.

Infowars: Mockingbird Asset Washington Post Sells Access

Infowars: Walter Cronkite: Most Trusted Asset of Operation Mockingbird

Time: The Army's Totally Serious Mind-Control Project,8599,1841108,00.html

Infowars: KUBARK: The CIA’s 1963 Torture Manual
Infowars: CIA Assassination Program Revealed: Nothing New Under the Sun

Infowars: CIA ‘often lied to congressmen’

Infowars: William F. Buckley and the CIA

Infowars: That commenter on your blog may actually be working for the Israeli

And here is the Latest example of false flag attacks under the CIA’s contracted Al-Qaeda

Two Blasts in Indonesia Covered with Geopolitical Fingerprints

The Obama Deception: News Article after News Article of the reality behind
Obama’s Administration

Now that I’ve manage to point out the documentaries and films to bring you up to
speed with what’s really going on globally, I’ll give you a vast collection of news articles
for reference material to where my conclusive view on Obama’s administration comes
from. The evidence and facts speak for itself so profoundly that regardless of what I’ve
been telling you, at the end of the day, you will most likely come to the same conclusions
that I’ve come to.

Infowars: The two party system has failed America

Daily News: Obama & McCain both have Wall Street ties

PrisonPlanet: Bilderberg 2008 Attendee list

If you look at the Bilderberg 2008 Attendee list, you realize that several of these
individuals have been placed in Obama’s cabinet long before he was even president. In
other words, It does not matter who you elect if you do not know the names of the power
brokers who manage elections. The most recent Bilderberg Group meeting that took place
also included many of the same names you saw in this 2008 list above. Timothy Geithner
and Lawrence Summers are names that should stick.

Infowars: Bilderberg 2009 Attendee List

Infowars: Daniel Estulin on Bilderberg 2009

PrisonPlanet: John Kerry At Bilderberg 2009?

Infowars: Jim Tucker Interviewed at Bilderberg in Greece

Infowars: Leaked Agenda: Bilderberg Group Plans Economic Depression

Infowars: Leaked 1955 Bilderberg Docs Outline Plan For Single European Currency

Writer Detained For Taking Photo Of Sea View Near Bilderberg Hotel

Alex Jones - Charlie Skelton reports from Bilderberg Day 2

Skelton: Stop Bilderberg’s Nightmare Future At All Costs

Prison Planet: Billionaire Praises Hitler, Denounces Democracy

The reason why I’m able to make certain “predictions” is largely because I have the lists
of people who will most likely appear in the media or in government 6 months after these
lists are released. We can call this the TV guide of global dominance where you read
there agenda for the future and then it happens. It would be no different then reading the
TV guide at home, discovering that The Yankee’s Vs. Red Sox is coming on, and then
telling people what time the game is going to air with people completely amazed that I
knew the Baseball game would be airing at 8 PM. The only reason I know these things
are going to happen is because I read there “TV Guide” program which no one seems to
pay attention to. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand that a program is being
followed here.

Everyone wanted Change in this country as the current Bush policies were furthering
America down a road of despotism and defeat. These slogans of “Change” and “Hope”
were constantly used during the campaign, but no one thought for a minute to ask
themselves the actual details behind what this “Change” would entitle or require the
people to sacrifice once Barack Obama became president. No one thought for a minute
what Obama’s overall policy differences from George Bush or John McCain would be
when it came to fixing our nation’s current political and economic problems? Now that
Obama has become President of the United States, let’s take a look at his policies towards
domestic and foreign issues abroad. Campaign rhetoric revolving around slogans is one
thing, but actions speak louder then words in many cases.

The Broken Promises

Before I begin with the Broken Promises, take a look at the predictions that Alex Jones
and Webster Griffin Tarpley made during the inauguration of Barack Obama.

Russia Today: Alex Jones interviewed during Obama’s Inauguration

Webster Griffin Tarpley’s analysis on Barack H. Obama November 5th 2008

Alex Jones medley about Barack Obama

Barack Obama’s Unconstitutional Agenda (Video made by Former Obama Supporter)

Obama's Top Contradictions!

The Barack Obama Hoax

Here is a list of other important articles and questions with regards to Barack H. Obama’s
new administration and the points that he is no different then George W. Bush with policy

Obama before he became president of the United States spoke of promises that he has
now broken on virtually every point.

Obama’s Broken Promises

1. Make Government Open and Transparent
2. Make it “Impossible” for Congressmen to slip in Pork Barrel Projects
3. Meetings where laws are written will be more open to the public
4. No more secrecy
5. Public will have 5 days to look at a Bill
6. We will put every pork barrel project online

When I look at message boards such as the Obama Forum and I see the following
sections listing the following content, what exactly does this mean for the future of the
United States with regards to the constitutionality of this Republic?

“OBAMA NATION WATCH ~ Keeping an eye on our enemies

Use this forum to report traitors, dissenter's and others who are a danger to the Obama

"The Obama Youth Brigade

The Mandatory Obama Youth Paramilitary Service Program. Be Part Of It!"

"Gun Control & Consfication

President Obama's Plan For America. Yes We Can!"

"America Serves
National Compulsory Community Service Program. A Better Tomorrow!"

The Obama Forum which these quotes are directly from

In retrospect to history I can point these supported policy ideas to a European politician
during the 1920s and the 1930s that called for much of these same ideas. Adolf Hitler
called for much of these same policy agendas and it is known that Barack Obama has
made various statements with regards to Civilian National Security Forces during his July
2nd, 2008 speech. Ironically the defenders of Barack Obama claim that he did not mean
paramilitary forces that would rival that of the military but yet the very supporters of his
presidency have forum sections listing that very language “paramilitary” upon it. This
tells me that the defenders speak 2 different public relations languages when you confront
them on there agenda compared to when you are in support of the agenda.

Is it not a little concerning for you to see a man who speaks in the very language of Adolf
Hitler on his own personal website USA Service ( in quote, "We
are one People", "We are one Nation; and together we will begin the next great chapter in
America's Story"?

If your not certain as to what referencing I’m referring to, I will write one of Hitler’s own
personal slogans to you myself, “Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Führer” — "One People, One
Reich (Empire or Nation), One Leader". When a Cult of Personality is sold to the people
like it was with Adolf Hitler, Stalin, or Mao, history has shown that the end results tend to
be extremely dangerous and disastrous towards liberty based nations and the people in
the end.

An image of Obama’s quote has since disappeared but I recently located it once again

If you want to find it in this written text article, hit (Ctrl and F) and type in We are one
People and you will be able to locate this in the text of that website link above.

Infowars: Watching Obama Morph Into Dick Cheney

Infowars: The Emperor’s Seven Signing Statements

Raw Story: Obama standing by Bush secrecy

Computer World: Obama administration defends Bush wiretapping

Prison Planet: Obama threatens to veto law decreasing White House secrecy

Infowars: Obama Breaks Promise, Embraces Healthcare Tax

Infowars: Alex Jones: Obama Breaks Promise Not to Raise Taxes on Middle Class

Infowars: RED ALERT: The Total Takeover Of America Enters Its Final Phase

Obama’s Cabinet of Horrors

Infowars: Obama appoints top notch CFR ~ Bilderberg members

Here is a read up on many of the individuals Obama had ether planned to place in his
Cabinet or has placed in his administrative cabinet. There are many serious red flags with
several of these individuals in terms of “Change” for America. Getting to know the group
now currently Lobbying for power amongst this current administration is key in
understanding Geo-Political global policy for the administration’s future agenda.

By Victor Thorn
FOR TWO YEARS, Americans have heard an unrelenting mantra of change emanating
from the campaign trail. But now that President-elect Barack Obama has begun forming
his cabinet, we’re seeing a cadre of more deeply entrenched insiders than any
administration that has preceded it.

In regard to key foreign policy advisors, all three of Obama’s selections either initially
supported the Iraq war, or still do. On the economic front, each appointee maintains a
close relationship with the Jewish triad of Ben Bernanke, Robert Rubin and Alan
Greenspan—as well as bailout engineer Henry Paulson. Barack Obama himself is a
Council on Foreign Relations member, has strong ties to Zbigniew Brzezinski, and
participated in a clandestine meeting with Hillary Clinton at Bilderberg member Diane
Feinstein’s house at the time when 2008 Bilderberg members were congregating only a
few miles away.

Below is an overview of Obama’s top 14 selections to date. When considering their

collective histories, a trend becomes clear, proving that the more things change under
Obama, the more they stay the same.


Bilderberg, Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, president and CEO of

Federal Reserve Bank of New York, director of policy development for IMF, member
Group of Thirty (G30), employed at Kissinger & Associates, architect of the recent 2008
financial bailouts, mentored by Lawrence Summers and Robert Rubin.


Bilderberg, Council on Foreign Relations, North American chairman of Trilateral

Commission, Federal Reserve chairman during Carter and Reagan administrations,
president of Federal Reserve Bank of New York, G30 member, chairman Rothschild
Wolfensohn Company, key figure in the collapse of the gold standard during the Nixon
administration, longtime associate of the Rockefeller family.


Member of Israeli Defense Force, staunch Zionist, congressman, Board of Directors for
Freddie Mac, member of Bill Clinton’s finance campaign committee, made $16.2 million
during 2.5 years as an investment banker for Wasserstein Perella. His father was a
member of the Israeli Irgun terrorist group.


Bilderberg, Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, treasury secretary

during Clinton administration, chief economist at World Bank, former president of
Harvard University, Brookings Institute board member, huge proponent of globalization
while working for the IMF, prot?g? of David Rockefeller, mentored by Robert Rubin.


Political consultant whose past clients include Sens. Hillary Clinton, John Edwards and
Christopher Dodd; main Obama fixer in the William Ayers and Reverend Wright


Bilderberg, Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, clandestine CIA asset

used to infiltrate the anti-war movement at Yale University and the Watergate hearings,
senior partner at the Rose Law Firm, key figure in the Mena drug trafficking affair,
architect of the Waco disaster, implicated in the murder/ cover-up of Vince Foster, and
many other deaths.


Bilderberg, Council on Foreign Relations, U.S. Senator since 1972, member of the Senate
Judiciary Committee, current chairman of the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign
Relations, strong Zionist sympathizer who recently told Rabbi Mark S. Golub of Shalom
TV, “I am a Zionist. You don’t have to be a Jew to be a Zionist.”


Bilderberg, Council on Foreign Relations, former U.S. congressman, chairman of the

Democratic National Convention in 2004, employee of Kissinger Associates, UN
ambassador, governor of New Mexico, energy secretary, major player in the Monica
Lewinsky cover-up with Bilderberg luminary Vernon Jordan.


Bilderberg, Council on Foreign Relations, former CIA Director, defense secretary under
President Bush, co-chaired CFR task force with Zbigniew Brzezinski, knee-deep in the
Iran-Contra scandal, named in a 1999 class action lawsuit pertaining to the Mena drug
trafficking affair.


Bilderberg, Council on Foreign Relations, former Senate majority leader, Citibank lackey,
mentored by Robert Rubin.


Key person in the pardon of racketeer Marc Rich, deputy attorney general under Janet
Reno, facilitated the pardon of 16 Puerto Rican FALN terrorists under Bill Clinton.


Council on Foreign Relations, Arizona governor, attorney for Anita Hill during the
Clarence Thomas hearings, U.S. attorney during the Clinton administration, instrumental
in the OKC cover-up, where she declared, “We’ll pursue every bit of evidence and every
lead,” described as another Janet Reno, soft on illegal immigration (i.e. pro-amnesty and
drivers licenses to illegals).


Bilderberg, Trilateral Commission, European supreme allied commander, special envoy

for Middle-East Security during Bush administration, board of directors for Chevron and
Boeing, NATO commander, member of Brent Scowcroft’s Institute for International
Affairs along with Zbigniew Brzezinski, Bobby Ray Inman, Bilderberg luminary Henry
Kissinger and former CIA Director John Deutch.


Council on Foreign Relations, Rhodes scholar, campaign foreign policy advisor to

presidential candidates John Kerry and Michael Dukakis, member of Bill Clinton’s
National Security Council and assistant secretary of state for Africa, member of the
Brookings Institute (funded by the Ford Foundation and the Rockefellers), and member
of the Aspen Strategy Group (teaming with Bilderberg insiders such as Richard Armitage,
Brent Scowcroft, and Madeleine Albright).

Recently this note was recently sent to me about the administration’s ties to Monsanto
which Donald Rumsfeld (Former Secretary of Defense under George W. Bush) once
worked for.

Handing Control of FDA To Monsanto: More proof that Obama Is Just Another Crooked
Washington Insider

On Tuesday, July 7, 2009, Barack Obama sold his soul to Monsanto while America's
media were busy covering one of history's major news events: the funeral of the century.
Monsanto has succeeded in getting their ex-attorney Michael Taylor into the highest
echelon of the Obama Administration. Barack Obama made this decision days after his
election victory, but needed a major story such as Michael Jackson's shocking death to
pull the veil over America's eyes. He waited nearly eight months to do the dirty deed,
hoping that it would not spark controversy. Hoping that nobody would notice. Let today's
Notmilk column strike the match. I first suspected something was wrong when Barack
Obama claimed that he visited 57 of the 59 States during his presidential campaign. See:

Obama visited 57 States or so he claims there are 57 states

On his first day in office, President Barack Obama set new ethic rules for his
administration. Obama signed an executive order prohibiting that "revolving door" policy
we've so often witnessed in the past. A policy which allowed Monsanto (developer of the
genetically engineered bovine growth hormone) to send their scientists and attorneys to
high level jobs in the FDA and USDA where regulations favorable to Monsanto were
enacted. That revolving door swung both ways, and more than one ex-FDA commissioner
went to work for Monsanto after his tenure.

In issuing new Presidential Directives, Obama said,

"We should never forget that we are here as public servants and public service is a
service is, simply and absolutely, about advancing the interests of Americans."

Two attorneys from MONSANTO'S law firm (King & Spalding) played interesting roles
in American history. One was Clarence Thomas, now on the Supreme Court (talk about
swing votes!) The second was Michael Taylor who left the "firm" to work at FDA where
he wrote the biotechnology laws that do not require a warning label on a carton of milk to
identify the "new genetically engineered milk." Although Michael Taylor was the man
most responsible for writing the policies which shaped Monsanto's lies regarding
genetically engineered milk, FDA Commissioner Hamburg said this about Taylor's

"His expertise and leadership on food safety issues will help the agency to develop and
implement the
prevention-based strategy we need to ensure the safety of the food we eat."

(What Michael Taylor will really do is to ensure that new global laws are passed
superseding national laws in order that Monsanto maintains control of the food we eat.
That the world’s food supply is limited to GMO Monsanto frankenfood leading to
population reduction through poor nutrition and starvation, while at the same time
ensuring big profits for Monsanto, the rest of Big Agrico and the medical/pharma
Industry.) Yesterday, while using the Michael Jackson story as his hidden ball trick, the
Obama administration quietly announced that Michael Taylor is returning to the Food and
Drug Administration as the senior advisor to FDA Commissioner Margaret Hamburg.

This note was issued by someone who originally voted for Barack Obama but then
shortly after learning the facts behind his administration early on would latter regret there

After looking at this list, I find it hard to believe there is any change at all with this
administration. Ironically, much of this has become a proven fact as time continues
onward overall that this “change” is really more of the same.

The Obama Administration current roster list

The Current Crop of Executive Branch Czars that speak directly to the President. This
term Czar and the amount of Czars that have been appointed are very concerning overall
to the fabric of a “Free” society that believes in the concept of our constitutional rights.

New York Times: Rahm Emanuel’s disrespect to the office of the presidency

Alternet: Bombshell: Rep. Jane Harman Caught on Tape Agreeing to Lobby for Alleged
AIPAC/Israel Spies?

War On You: The Zionist Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing

Infowars: Obamacare: A Health Care Rationing Scheme to Enrich Insurers, Drug

Companies and Large Hospital Chains

Infowars: Goldman Sachs Vice Chairman, CFR Member Picked for State Department

Infowars: Clinton Outlines Continuation of Bush Policies Under Obama at CFR

Infowars: Czar? You Mean Commissar
The recent pick of Sotomayor and John H. Holdren have proven also that Obama is
reluctant to the actual change he claimed America would see for the better. The details
behind John H. Holdren will be posted up in the Eugenics section of the Obama
Administration’s policy section as its pretty shocking once you learn the truth behind
Holdren’s eugenics agenda. Our new supreme court nominee, Sotomayor, represents La
Raza and La Raza is known as a Hispanic Racist organization for it’s slogans of racial
purity amongst Hispanic people.

Infowars: Sotomayor: ‘I Have Friends Who Hunt’

Sotomayor Would Not Concede a Right to Self-Defense

Infowars: GOP Senators Ignore Sotomayor’s Criminal Activities

With Zionist influences surrounding the Obama Administration, there doesn’t appear to
be many different changes from the last Administration in terms of war policy. Let’s take
a look at foreign policy that Obama has been practicing since he began office early 2009.

Foreign Policy: Afghanistan ~ Pakistan

Foreign policy for Obama does not appear to be any different then George Bush’s
foreign policy for our modern war based economy. The Military Industrial Complex is
hard at work to ensure the war’s continue through the lobbying of the Obama
Administration as they did the Bush Administration for 8 years. The Obama
Administration is currently engaged in a “secret” war with Pakistan now as I speak or so
it would appear this way considering air strikes continuously kill the civilian populous of
Pakistan. As a result, Pakistani citizen’s have begun joining up with local Militia’s tied to
Taliban or Al-Qaeda in order to fight this foreign evading threat that continues to kill
innocent people that have nothing to do with what happened on 9/11. In many ways, our
CIA and the current administration is now creating terrorists out of people who would
have otherwise not even engaged in the conflict. These farmers are now becoming militia
members in defense of the region from which they live in because of our interventionalist
policies for “global democracy” as the Neo-Conservatives have called it. The war will
continue as Obama continues to strike Pakistan with CIA missile attacks under the
Zbigniew Brzezinski Model of warfare.

London Guardian: Barack Obama Air Strike into Pakistan

Infowars: Obama asking for more money for the War

Anti-War: Pentagon Budget Seeks More Weapons Spending

Raw Story: Obama sending 17,000 more troops to Afghanistan

Infowars: Obama Considers Expanding Afghanistan Troop Level to 400,000

Agents Say DEA Is Forcing Them Illegally to Work in Afghanistan

“The Responsible Left:” Funding Obama’s Expanding Wars

Truthout: Obama’s undeclared war with Pakistan continues

Infowars: US drone attacks kill 13 in Pakistan

Infowars: Drone Strikes Kill 45 in Pakistan

Infowars: Western Governments Funding Taliban & Al-Qaeda To Kill U.S. Troops,
Destabilize Countries

Infowars: Captured U.S. soldier was ’sold’ to local insurgent group

Infowars: Madsen: Taliban Imported to Conduct False Flag Terrorism in Iraq

Infowars: Thousands of Pakistanis hold anti-US rally

Truck bomb kills at least 13 kids in Afghanistan

Infowars: Obama: Long Way to Go In Afghanistan

Truthout: Escalation Scam: Troops in Afghanistan

Infowars: Stop bombing us: Osama isn’t here, says Pakistan

London Guardian: Three 18-year-olds among troops killed on Afghan mission's bloodiest

Infowars: Soldier balks at deploying, says Obama isn’t president

Infowars: African Media: Obama Returned To “Continent Of His Birth”

Town Hall Confronts Congressman Over Obama Birth Certificate

Infowars: After brutal police rule, Taliban ‘welcomed as liberators’

Infowars: Americans Upbeat on “Progress” in Iraq, Afghanistan

Foreign Policy: Iraq

George W. Bush made claims that Iraq was Weapons of Mass Destruction
(WMDs) in there possession and that they had ties to Al-Qaeda before we invaded that
nation back in March of 2003. The reality on this has been proven to be a complete hoax
flat on its face and 6 years latter, our policies for Iraq are no different then they were 2 or
3 years ago under the Obama Administration. The argument I’ve heard from people are
that Obama Need’s more time to readjust the situation since he’s only been in office for a
short period of time but at the same time, within that short period of time, he has manage
to go back upon everything he claimed he would do for the American People towards
Iraq. According to Congressman Ron Paul, Barack Obama has actually increased funding
for the war and plans to continue it further along. Obama has not changed much in policy
towards Iraq and as time continues to progress, there doesn’t appear to be any incentive
for him to do so as long as his defense contract lobbyists such as Raytheon are involved
with his administration.

Infowars: Deadly market bomb hits Iraq city

Infowars: Al-Sadr demands full U.S. withdrawal from Iraq

Infowars: Troop Movements Are not a ‘Withdrawal’

Infowars: Biden Says His Trip Proves Iraq Remains Priority

Infowars: U.S. Occupation of Iraq Continues Unabated

Infowars: Cheney fears Iraq withdrawal will ‘waste’ U.S. sacrifices

Infowars: Iraq: ancient Babylon archaeological site damaged by military activity

Infowars: So This Is What Victory Looks Like?

Infowars: Iraq’s worst violence since withdrawal

Infowars: Shocking suicide toll on British combat veterans

Foreign Policy: Iran

Iran is a nation which is widely discussed on TV nowadays, because there have

been claims made that Iran is currently on the pathway for Nuclear weapons in order to
wipe out the “Great Satan” the United States as well as Israel. If one looks back
throughout history, you would quickly realize that Iran has been over thrown by the
United States CIA in combination with British Intelligence on at least 2 occasions. We are
looking at a 3rd attempt to overthrow Iran once again but this time the Zionist Israeli War
Machine intends to make the strike. Bush’s policy was to conduct attacks on Iran back in
2007 ~ 2008 so why would Obama continuously pushing for many of the same war based
policies against Iran that Bush pushed for if Obama is Change? Policy versus rhetoric
overall is the defining key to understanding the true agenda of any modern
administration. America is the military pawn of the nation of Zionist occupied
government of Israel and that point has been made very clear through there lobbyists time
and time again.

Russia Today: Mousavi the Beirut butcher

Alternet: U.S. Has Spies On the Ground in Iran: Former National Security Advisor

Infowars: Iranian Interior Minister: Western Intelligence Behind Riots And Unrest

Alex Jones: Obama Claims CIA Involvement In Iran "Patently False"

Telegraph: Bush sanctions 'black ops' against Iran

Infowars: Ignorance is Strength

Zbigniew Brzezinski discusses "intelligent manipulation" in Iran

Infowars: Iran Protesters Using U.S. Navy Internet Encryption Program

Infowars: Obama Moves to Undermine Iran with CIA Linked USAID “Democracy”

Infowars: Protesters, officers clash violently in Iran’s streets

Infowars: AJAX Redux: U.S. Heavy Meddle in Iran

Infowars: Color Revolutions, Old and New

Infowar: Biden Comments Signal Possible Iran Attack
Infowars: Iran: Much ado about nothing?

Prison Planet: Saudis would turn blind eye to Israeli jets en route to Iran: report

Infowars: Israel Air Force preparing for Iranian strike

Infowars: U.S. military chief says clock ticking on Iran nuke

Infowars: Clinton calls for ‘even stricter’ Iran sanctions

Infowars: Obama at G8: Iran Has Until September to Obey or Face Consequences

Infowars: Newt Gingrich: Sabotage Iran’s Oil Infrastructure

Infowars: Israeli warships rehearse for Iran attack in Red Sea

Infowars: Secret US-Israeli meeting to focus on Iran

Prison Planet: Israel planned to assassinate Ahmadinejad: Iran

Infowars: Protesters Call For New Elections in Iran

Infowars: Globalist Think Tank Trots Out Iran Attack Scenario

Infowars: In An Impotent World Even The Bankrupt Can Prevail

Foreign Policy: North Korea

Infowars: Attacks on U.S., Korea sites came from U.K.

Infowars: North Korean Missile Threat: Made in the USA

Infowars: Facts? Don’t bother us with facts when it comes to North Korea (or any

Foreign Policy: Africa

Barack Obama intends to work with Africom (Similar to NorthCom) which

indicates the possibility of an African based conflict in the future where United States
military may be engage in occupation or peace keeping missions. If that be the case, there
will certainly be a request that more young men and women join the armed forces. Africa
is known for its abundance of resources and is considered a region that global powers
desire a great deal of. Do not be surprised if future conflicts develop in Africa under the
Obama administration. Eugenics is a major part of U.S. foreign policy in Africa as well.
You will begin to learn more of this in the Eugenics section of this document.

Infowars: Africom to Continue Under Obama

Foreign Policy: Mexico

Infowars: CFR backs amnesty for illegals, opposes Arpaio-style raids

Infowars: June proves big month for border smuggling via truck

Infowars: Calderón’s U.S. Funded Army Accused of Torture in Drug War

Foreign Policy: Honduras

Infowars: Key leaders of Honduras military coup trained in U.S.
Infowars: Key leaders of Honduras military coup trained in U.S.

Infowars: Hugo Chavez threatens military action in Honduras

Infowars: Honduras, Obama’s First Coup d’etat

Infowars: Honduras leader says country ready to ‘go to war’ as riots flare

Infowars: A Few Thoughts on the Coup in Honduras

Infowars: Protesters Killed in Honduras

Foreign Policy: Guantanamo Bay

Everyone’s impression about Obama’s policy towards Guantonamo Bay is that he

intends to close it down eventually but as evidence just days after he was to become
President of the United States, this claim would be proven nothing more then a falsehood.

Reuters: Obama - Gitmo torture is now worsen

CNN: Rachel Maddow: Indefinite detention? Shame on you... President Obama

Domestic Policy: “Change” we can believe in?

Everyone was given this slogan of Change we can believe in but no one asked
what this change would be on the domestic front. If any of the articles that have been
posted up so far are an indicator as to the falsehoods behind change towards foreign
policy, then you will begin to see a pattern along side the domestic issues as well. The
only change I see in this nation is the very transformation from a constitutional republic
with the rule of law where civil liberties are protected, into the direction of more
restrictive type police state measures being implemented as the replacement under a new
world order. Has Obama repealed the patriot act which can declare anyone a terrorist
under section 802 of the document’s text or the Bush Administration’s Executive Orders?
From the looks of things, he has chosen not only to keep the patriot act and executive
orders in place, but also to ensure new executive orders be signed towards expanding
such totalitarian powers even further along then Bush was able to get away with.

Infowars: Headed to National Socialism

Amiablyme: Nazis A Chilling Comparison Between Nazi Program and Child Protective
Services (CPS)

Prison Planet: Government Creates Human Suffering

Infowars: US launches review of terror warning system

Raw Story: Following Bush’s Lead on Wiretapping

Raw Story: Feinstein denies NSA abuses; Holder refuses to call them ‘illegal’

Infowars: Obama Regulatory Reform Plan Officially Establishes Banking Dictatorship

CNSNews: Obama Fires AmeriCorps Inspector-General; Republicans Wonder, Was It


Prison Planet: State Run News: ABC Turns Programming Over To Government

Infowars: Helen Thomas: Not Even Nixon Tried to Control the Media Like Obama

Infowars: Former Col. Advocates Military Attack on “Partisan” Media

Infowars: NSA to build huge facility in Utah
Green Change: Environmentalists mad at Obama over compromises, sellouts

Infowars: By-the-mile road tax could replace by-the-gallon federal fuel tax

Infowars: House Democrats Will Seek Massive $540 Billion Tax Increase

Truthout: Obama's Tortured Democracy: The Power of Images and the Politics of State

Infowars: Obama Signs Executive Order Barring Release Of His Birth Certificate

Prison Planet: Hillary Clinton: ‘CFR Tells Government What It Should Be Doing’

Prison Planet: Terrifying 57% Tax Looms For Highest Earners

Infowars: Make way for Obama the Bogeyman

Infowars: The wrong kind of transparency

Infowars: Big Pharma Gets Legal Immunity for Flu Vaccines

Infowars: Now Legal Immunity for Swine Flu Vaccine Makers

Infowars: Senate Democrats Attach Hate Crimes Law to “Must Pass” Defense Bill

Infowars: Pro-Hate Bill Calls Flood Senate

Prison Planet: Senate Passes Hate Bill, Yet Democrats Compromise
Domestic Policy: Cyber Space and Free Speech

Under the Obama Administration, people would be left to assume that Obama would lift
all of the police state measures that George W. Bush put into place but in reality the
opposite has now taken place. Instead of more liberty ensured upon internet freedoms,
Obama intents to restrict the Internet further back into the direction that Bill Clinton
began doing during the 1990s. Like the Bush Administration’s wiretapping program,
Obama will now be capable of monitoring all computer activities through one of his
Czars who directly speaks only to Obama’s executive branch without oversight or
transparency in itself.

To those who say you cannot trust the internet for information because anyone can
tamper with it should look at who’s tampering with the information overall. Why would
government be tampering with information across the internet is really the question
people should ask.

Reuters: CIA messing with Wikipedia

BBC News: CIA messing with Wikipedia

To those who take the internet for a grain of salt may want to think about how important
the internet can be towards free speech. The Internet is our last hope in keeping
government accountable and if we as a people loose this important tool, we the people
may loose our country along side it.

Get ready for Internet Taxes on Downloading files

Infowars: YouTube’s Parent Google is a Corporate Member of the Council on Foreign


Infowars: Rupert Murdoch: “Internet Will Soon Be Over”

Infowars: Obama Nominee Advocates Internet “Fairness Doctrine”

Infowars: Is Your Blog a Weapon?

Eweek: Bill Would Grant President Unprecedented Cyber-security Powers

Reuters: Pentagon approves creation of cyber command

Infowars: Cyber-Scare: The exaggerated fears over digital warfare

Infowars: Amazon Fights Back Against Internet Taxes

Infowars: Copyright laws threaten our online freedom

Infowars: Murdoch CEO Labels Bloggers “Political Extremists”

Infowars: Blitz of “Cyber Attacks” as Rockefeller Bill Approaches

Infowars: US State Department under cyberattack for fourth day

Infowars: Internet Attack Propaganda Increases as Cyber Bill Approaches

Infowars: Judge Says Hyperlinks Should Be Banned to Save Newspapers

Infowars: U.S., South Korean cyber attacks no more harmful than spam

Infowars: U.S. Military to Install Global Internet Architecture Giving a “God-like” View
of Planet

Infowars: Obama Official: Gag Free Speech on the Internet

Dprogram: Ex-IBM Employee reveals TV Abandoned Analog Band to Make Room for
RFID Chips

Infowars: NSA’s cyber overkill

Infowars: Snooping through the power socket

Infowars: New York Times may charge for website access

Amazon Erases Orwell Books From Kindle

Domestic Policy: Eugenics – Cap and Trade

Cap and Trade is a carbon taxation scheme designed by Al Gore and his corporate and
banking interests overall that will ultimately bankrupt this nation and create even more
federalization towards home inspections by the government. The days of environmental
police are not as far off as most would like to believe. The modern day conservationist
movements were founded by the Eugenics Movement of the early 20th century.

Infowars: The Green Nazis: Environmentalism in the Third Reich

Infowars: “Green” Global Government Agenda Becoming More Evident

Infowars: Science Fiction ‘Czar’

Infowars: Cap and Trade: $3,900 per Family per Year

Infowars: House Passes the 1,200-page Climate Bill that Congress was Not Allowed to

Washington Times: Obama says climate bill just the beginning
Infowars: Cap and Tr8tors Can Change Vote by July 2 Deadline!

PrisonPlanet: House Passes Nightmare “Cap And Tax” Bill

The list of those who voted in favor and against the Cap and Trade Bill

Infowars: Alex Jones on the Infowarrior: House Passes Climate Bill

Infowars: Global Warming Study Censored by EPA

Infowars: House “Cap & Trade” Bill Final, Call Your Senator Now

Infowars: Inhofe Says ‘Cap And Trade’ Dead in Senate

Infowars: Ron Paul: Democrats Who Opposed Climate Bill Voted For It Anyway

Infowars: Buchanan: Climate Bill Is Transfer Of Wealth To World Government

Patrick J. Buchanan on Climate Bill

Infowars: The Decline of Thinking


Infowars: Gerald Celente on the Cap and Trade Scam

Infowars: Banksters Love Cap-and-Trade
Infowars: Obama’s Cap and Trade Carbon Emissions Bill – A Stealth Scheme to License
Pollution and Fraud

MSM: Global warming alarmism enriches Gore, bankrupts the rest of us

Prison Planet: Gore: U.S. Climate Bill Will Help Bring About ‘Global Governance’

Infowars: Rockefeller Foundation: Climate change ‘will cause civilization to collapse’

Infowars: Climate Bill Spells “Skyrocketing” Energy Rates, Unemployment, Less


Prison Planet: O’ Reilly lies about global warming and makes Glenn Beck look like a

Infowars: Arizona Looks to Outlaw Global Warming Legislation

Infowars: Senate delays climate bill until September

Infowars: Tony Blair: ‘I’m a planet-saving kinda guy’

Infowars: MTV Joins EU to Push Climate Change Propaganda

Infowars: Brown’s Eco Towns Will Increase Rather Than Reduce Pollution

Infowars: Commerce Secretary: Americans ‘Need to Pay’ for Chinese Emissions
Feds Prepare To Tax Toilet Paper In Name Of Climate Change

Carbon is being promoted as this “evil” thing and Al Gore is pushing for all these laws to
tax life but yet the corporate banking environmentalist movement is not discussing real
issues that affect our environment. There are issues of Genetic Engineering of Cross
Species Chimeras, mass sterilization in the food and water, and hormonal imbalances that
are now causing massive problems amongst wildlife and human beings alike. As of now,
there is a massive problem with environmental contaminants which is resulting in a
serious hormonal imbalance amongst our nature’s wildlife and human beings as a whole.
Currently I’m gathering information on the hormonal imbalance humanity and wildlife
subject which will eventually be posted up in an updated version of this information.

The Scotsman: Pigs to be bred for transplants

Spider Goats

There are hundreds of examples of how scientists are now creating genetic engineered
human animal hybrids and various other Island of Dr. Monroe type examples being
created now as I speak. Does Al Gore talk about these issues or do any of the Obama
officials in support of this cap and trade bill wish to actually address these problems? I
think not because it there Lobbyist interests would not be pleased if the Administration
was to actually address real environmental issues like the cutting down of the rain forest.
Instead of demanding we stop cutting down the trees, some have argued that we should
continue cutting them down due to the carbon component.

Stop Global warming - cut down the trees

United Kingdom Times: Walking to the shops ‘damages planet more than going by car’

Clearly, everyone rather be hyped up into hysteria believing the human beings are bad
under this pro-eugenics cult of personality rather then use there brain to think for a
minute and realize that Trees are not bad and Carbon is not bad. The Film Endgame
makes that point very clear that this cap and trade scam is indeed a scam designed to
make billions for the big Oil and Banking industries while restricting basic human rights
under our constitution.

Domestic Policy: Eugenics – Healthcare

Obama is proposing a Universal Healthcare system where everyone will be given

coverage. Everything about this sounds wonderful except for several things… Obama’s
administration as well as advisors all come from the school of thought that supports
eugenics based policies that would have made Adolf Hitler proud had he still been alive
today to see the future. Before asking for this Universal Healthcare plan, maybe it’s time
to look at what to expect from Obama’s Healthcare plan.

The Nazi Euthanasia Program: Forerunner of Obama’s Death Council

Infowars: The Population Reduction Agenda For Dummies

Infowars: Obama Depopulation Policy Exposed

Infowars: Billions of People Expected to Die Under Current Codex Alimentarius


Infowars: Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Eugenicist

Infowars: Too Many (Other) People

Infowars: Genome project leader is selected to head NIH

Infowars: Maurice Strong Interview (BBC, 1972)

Infowars: Obama Administration Resumes Funding of China’s Eugenics Programs

Infowars: Undermining Human Nature: Mass Media & Eugenics

Infowars: 1973 Document Outlines Blueprint for ‘Family Planning’ Propaganda

Infowars: Obama Science Advisor Called For “Planetary Regime” To Enforce

Totalitarian Population Control Measures

Infowars: Alex Jones TV: Obama’s Mad Science Advisor Calls For Forced Eugenics

Infowars: Alex Jones & Paul Joseph Watson: Obama Czar’s Nightmarish Sterilization

Infowars: Obama Science Czar’s Plan To Sterilize Population Through Water Supply
Already Happening

Prison Planet: Holdren Forced To Respond To Controversy Over Totalitarian Population

Control Proposals

Prison Planet: Holdren & Company: The Neo-Malthusian School

Senators Criticized for Not Grilling Holdren Over Eugenics Theories

Infowars: Predictive Programming? Euthanasia, Sterilization in 1971 Movie

Infowars: HR 2749: “Food Safety” Bill Has Martial Law Provisions

Infowars: Blood Samples Raise Questions of Privacy

Infowars: New York Times Poll Showing 72% Support for Obama’s Health Care Plan
Was Stacked With Obama Supporters
CNSnews: Harry Reid Won't Commit to Giving Public a Week to Read Health-Care Bill
Before Senate Votes on It

Infowars: Pelosi Won’t Give Public a Week to Review Text of Health-Care Bill Before
House Votes on It

Infowars: Hoyer Laughs at Idea That House Members Read Health-Care Bill Before
Voting On It

Prison Planet: House Plans to Tax Millionaires to Fund U.S. Health-Care Plan

Freep: Uninsured would face fines under Senate health bill

Infowars: New York Times Advocates Rationed Health Care

Infowars: Health Care Bill Will Fund State Vaccine Teams to Conduct ‘Interventions’ in
Private Homes

Infowars: Democrats’ $540-Billion Tax Hike Will Force People into Government-Run
Health Care

Infowars: Obama Promises Government Health Care in Weeks

Infowars: House Plans to Tax Millionaires to Fund Health Care

Infowars: Sen. Gregg: Force the poor to buy health insurance

Infowars: HHS Bilderberger Sebelius Faces Hostile Town Hall Over Obama Care

Infowars: Military Testing of Gelatinous Goo Story on Unsolved Mysteries

Infowars: High-fructose diets impair memory

Now that you have an idea as to what type of people will be in charge of the healthcare
program, it’s now time to learn about the agenda to forcibly vaccinate the population
against it’s will under this new healthcare proposal that is being pushed by government.
From the evidence overall, it appears that swine flu is a manufactured hoax created here
in the United States in order to sell more deadly vaccines to the mass public. The
vaccines in actuality are much more dangerous then the swine flu itself.

Prison Planet: How to Detox Fluorides from Your Body

New Study Proves Thimerosal Induces Autism-like Neurotoxicity


Excerpt of abstract of new scientific study proving that the mercurial compound used as
vaccine preservative called ‘thimerosal’ induces neural damage similar to that seen in
autism patients:
Thimerosal-induced cellular damage as evidenced by concentration- and time-dependent
mitochondrial damage, reduced oxidative-reduction activity, cellular degeneration, and
cell death in the in vitro human neuronal and fetal model systems studied. Thimerosal at
low nanomolar (nM) concentrations induced significant cellular toxicity in human
neuronal and fetal cells. Thimerosal-induced cytoxicity is similar to that observed in AD
pathophysiologic studies. Thimerosal was found to be significantly more toxic than the
other metal compounds examined.
Mitochondrial dysfunction, impaired oxidative-reduction activity, degeneration, and
death in human neuronal and fetal cells induced by low-level exposure to thimerosal and
other metal compounds
-Link to Abstract
Also referenced in:

Infowars: Weaponizing Deadly Viruses: Historical Precedents

Infowars: The Truth about the Flu Shot

Infowars: Dr. Rebecca Carley: Effects of vaccines on the immune system

Infowars: Canadian Doctor: H1N1 Vaccination a Eugenics Weapon for Mass


London Telegraph: Homeless people die after bird flu vaccine trial in Poland

Prison Planet: Baxter Files Swine Flu Vaccine Patent A Year Ahead Of Outbreak

Infowars: Obama gets billions for ‘pandemic’ Swine Flu

Infowars: Russia Today: Swine Flu Made in USA

Infowars: Journalist Files Charges against WHO and UN for Bioterrorism and Intent to
Commit Mass Murder

Infowars: Mutant swine flu virus weathers medication

Infowars: Voluminous Research Proves Vaccines are Deadly

Infowars: Did leak from a laboratory cause swine flu pandemic?

Infowars: Right to Self-Shield In the Event of a Pandemic

Infowars: Norway Has 23 Case of H1N1, Decides to Vaccinate Entire Population

Infowars: Swine Flu Vaccine: Will We Have A Choice?

Infowars: H1N1 Flu Preparedness Summit Held Today in Bethesda, Maryland

Infowars: U.S. pledges $8.5 billion for fall swine flu shots

Infowars: Florida prepares for huge swine flu shot program

Infowars: Mandatory Swine Flu Vaccinations This Fall?

Infowars: Students 1st in Line For Flu Vaccine

Infowars: Discovery Channel to Run Viral Pandemic Survival Show

Infowars: All Britons to be vaccinated against A/H1N1 flu

Infowars: Mandatory Vaccinations: Precedent and Current Laws

Infowars: U.S. orders $690M in swine-flu vaccine

Infowars: New Mexico Department Of Health Prepares For Influenza Mass Vaccination

Infowars: National Survey Finds Six in Ten Americans Believe Serious Outbreak of
Influenza in Fall

Infowars: Getting the Kids Ready for Soft Kill Vaccinations: “Mission Set: Immuno”

Infowars: Brit Home Secretary: Swine Flu Greater Threat Than Terrorism
Infowars: London Times Censors Mass Opposition to Mandatory Swine Flu Vaccine

Infowars: Health Care Bill Will Fund State Vaccine Teams to Conduct ‘Interventions’ in
Private Homes

Infowars: Government Announces Flu Pandemic PSA Propaganda Contest

Infowars: Agencies to set up mass swine flu vaccinations

Infowars: Public Health Official: Canada Needs “No Fault” Compensation for People
Harmed by Vaccine

EU666 Biodefense Stockpile and US666 Biodefense Stockpile

Infowars: Drug groups to reap swine-flu billions

Domestic Policy: Police State Measures and what it means to anyone who opposes
the Obama Administration

The very thing that disturbs me a great deal about Obama’s regime is this
modernized text book propaganda that is reminiscent of the soviet ~ fascist period of
Europe and Asia. This new youth program is so reminiscing of the Hitler Youth that it
virtually is the same propaganda used to indoctrinate the Youth of Germany. After
watching this video, I've become deeply concerned with the direction of this country even
more so then I was before. The language of these children is the same as the Hitler Youth
in every way it can be. Stripping of individualism for a complete total collectivist
ideology is not only unconstitutional, but extremely dangerous to the fabric of any
nation’s liberty existence if the people wish to claim we are free in the future.

They are even wearing the fascist overtone colors of Red, White, and Black, and going as
far as to call themselves the Red Jackets as if this was a social elite gang. The red coats
are not coming; the red coats are already here... I am not over reacting when I speak
about this because it is the same as the propaganda films from Nazi Germany I watched
in English subtitle 100%.

Infowars: Article about Obama Worship

Obama Youth Program

I urge you to watch a 5 part documentary series about the Hitler Youth that aired on the
history channel nearly 10 years ago, read The Rise and Fall of the 3rd Reich, view the
original Nazi propaganda films, view the film Swing Kids, watch the film the Pianist,
watch the made for 1981 TV film entitled the Wave, and to study the history of the Hitler
Youth and how it was created. The same language that is used in this Obama Commercial
for these children is text book Nazi propaganda and it cannot be denied that this is not
true once you look at everything I just referenced to. I have 2 book shelves filled with
Nazi History in my room and can certainly say it is Nazi propaganda being recycled in
the 21st century for the youth of America today.

The most important history of the 3rd Reich is not 1939 ~ 1945 but rather it is 1918 ~
1938. Learn how National Socialism was founded and why it originally was founded.
This is the early stages of what tyranny starts out as. Everything about this is Nazi in
terms of the symbolism, the fascist overtones, the message, and even the very message
boards in support of Obama that I pointed to earlier.

One of the Hitler Youth Documentaries out of 5

This particular Documentary out of the 5 may interest you the most because it’s about
women particularly who served under the Hitler Youth’s Bund Deutscher Mädel (League
of German Girls) program

The history of what took place within this organization is horrific.

The Wave

The Wave is a film about an actual experiment that took place in 1967 out in California
with high school students. The teacher took the same propaganda techniques he learned
during his research on the holocaust and then placed that collectivist spirit within those
students to learn what the end results would be. Nearly a month ago, I had called into the
Jason Bermas Radio Show to point out this film I saw back in High School years ago
because it was so reminiscent of the world we are now living in today. Surely enough
about a week or 2 latter, Prisonplanet wrote up an article about the film I brought to there
attention. In many ways, I’d like to think that my call may have influenced them to post
up that information shortly afterwards. If you would like to listen to the phone
conversation, I have it recorded on MP3 format and have found it on youtube video
recordings of the Jason Bermas Radio Show.

PrisonPlanet: Article about the Wave Film I called in about a week earlier

Here is the Nazi propaganda Films in English for you to watch.

Swing Kids

Naomi Wolf: The End of America (Giving a Lecture about Fascism in America)

Now that I’ve manage to give you some sort of reference upon the Hitler Youth Program
of Nazi Germany, I’d like to point out today’s program of Fascism.

Newsweek editor Evan Thomas "I mean in a way Obamas standing above the country,
above above the world, hes sort of god."

Infowars: House Passes Mandatory National Service Bill

Infowars: Give Act for Mandatory Service of youths

Infowars: H.R. 675: Building Obama’s Civilian National Security Force
New York Times: National service corps bill clears senate hurdle

Infowars: DHS training 15 year olds to serve in uniform as anti-terrorist squads.

"IMPERIAL, Calif. — Ten minutes into arrant mayhem in this town near the Mexican
border, and the gunman, a (DISGRUNTLED IRAQ WAR VETERAN), has already taken
out two people, one slumped in his desk, the other covered in blood on the floor."

It says Disgruntled Iraq war veteran in the New York Times article. Why would they go
after U.S. military and other U.S. Citizens you may ask? Because it states that we are
potential terrorists in all of there documents, that's why.

Infowars: MIAC Report

Infowars: DHS Documents Right Wing Extremist Document

Infowars: DHS Lexicon

Lou Dobbs Reports On Latest DHS Extremism Lexicon

Obama Administration Targets Environmental And Animal Rights Activists As Eco-


Infowars: Talk Show Host Banned From UK For Political Opinions

Infowars: Kentucky “Hate Crime” Report Mentions Constitution Party

Infowars: DHS Takes Seriously Claim Militias May Collaborate with al-Qaeda on Bio

Infowars: Who’s A Low Level Terrorist? Are You?

Infowars: German Man Who Protested Obama Deemed Insane

As the trend is displaying, those who resist the Obama Administration’s tyranny will be
labeled and marginalized as potential “terrorists” or threats to the establishment. Those
who cried wolf when George W. Bush was doing these very same things are now
completely in support of the very same things that was done to them but on the flip side
of the coin. The fact that the “Anti-War left” or so-called liberals claimed to be would be
in complete support of the Bush agenda under Obama’s new “leftwing” administration is
very revealing in itself. The communistic roots of control freakish power is now
becoming obvious out of the actions that the anti-George Bush, pro-Barack Obama
supporters that now believe “there guy” is in power rather then look at this from a liberty
vs. tyranny point of view. There is allot of Operation Mocking Bird co-intel pro going on
clearly as well in order to divide and conquer those in the left ~ right paradigm who still
believe there is a difference between left ~ right wing monopolized power of tyranny.

Infowars: Obama’s Followers: More Reprehensible than the Neocons

The Tragedy and Farce of Collective Guilt

Infowars: Media Smearing of Truth Movement Reaching a Crescendo

Glenn Beck’s Outrageous Lie: Racist Von Brunn is “Hero of 9/11 Truthers”

Infowars: Blackout: Violence in France

Here’s the video clip of Glenn Beck indicting all of us who question the official story of
9/11 to be false as Racists, White Supremacists, Al-Qaeda Agents, and any other
unimaginable thing you could ever imagine being said about all of us. I don’t know any
single person who’s supportive of a new investigation of 9/11 that glorified this Von
Brunn individual so he’s completely lying on national TV.

Here’s the full video

BATF Arrests “White Supremacists” in Illinois
Jason Bermas (Infowarrior) - Glenn Beck, You Sicken Me!

It’s been a very committed effort by the Media to marginalize us as “threats” to the
“establishment” for several years now.

CNN Glenn Beck denounce Americans and Ron Paul supporters as terrorists (If you ever
seen the film V for Vendetta you would understand this much better but Glen Beck
mentions nothing about that film attempting to claim we are dangerous terrorists inbed
with Al-Qaeda)

Fox News: The new 'White Al-Qaeda' propaganda

Corporate Media Desperate to Shut Down 9/11 Truth

If you watch this clip about “White Al-Qaeda” this guy Mike Baker always appears on
the fox news channel claiming that 9/11 “conspiracy theorists” are working with Al-
Qaeda or implying anyone who questions government as potential terrorists. Mike Baker
was also in the Glenn Beck segment claiming we are all white supremacists. Mike Baker
in my assessment is still operating as a CIA agent and he has become a handler for the
corporate media through CIA programs like Operation Mocking Bird. The Banks ~
Government owns the media and is now using it as a tool to attack anyone who does not
go along with there propaganda. When the media claims that “white supremacists” or
“terrorists” talk about the very issues I’m discussing, I find it rather ironic that you
always find ether ADL, Southern Poverty Law Center, CIA, FBI, Mossad, British
Intelligence, or any other governmental agency actually running the very “White
Supremacist” or “terrorists” organizations they claim we are part of.

London Guardian: Neo-Nazi leader 'was MI6 agent'

Infowars: Canadian Jewish Congress Organized Nazi Party

Glenn Beck and Mike Baker can claim we are all “White Supremacists” that question our
government’s tyranny but at the same time who’s creating these so-called white
supremacists groups and terrorists organizations? Last time I checked, the CIA and the
rest of these federalized organizations were the ones actually organizing and running
these groups, not the people like me exposing terrorists and preserving the Constitution of
the United States.

Infowars: Liberal Journalist Continues Parroting Debunked Smear on Alex Jones

And of course, the scaring of the American people with more Al-Qaeda potential attacks
abroad by hoping for a new 9/11 attack in this country.

Infowars: Beck and Former CIA Employee Agree: U.S. Needs to be Hit by al-Qaeda

Infowars: The Bigger Story Behind Michael Scheuer’s Wish for an Attack on America

Infowars: Decoding Scheuer’s Call for Osama to Kill More Americans

Unplug the Signal: Stewart blasts former CIA analyst for rooting for bin Laden attack

Here are examples of what happens when you display you’re constitutional rights against
this new Administration under the new Department of Homeland Security documents that
were posted up earlier on here.

Infowars: Man detained for displaying "don't tread on me" bumper sticker.

Man detained and harassed at airport for carrying CASH!

Washington Post: TSA Detains Official from Ron Paul group

If you were to take the combined Department of Homeland Security documents and
include that point of referencing with the domestic military operations around the
country, clearly a pretext for a total police state is now on the horizon. There is an effort
to condition the public towards accepting more military equipped police and armed
troops patrolling the streets as a means to “secure” our nation.

“They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve
neither liberty nor safety.”
- Benjamin Franklin
“Naturally the common people don't want war; neither in Russia, nor in England, nor in
America, nor in Germany. That is understood. But after all, it is the leaders of the
country who determine policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along,
whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist
dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the
leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and
denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works
the same in any country.”
- Hermann Goering

PrisonPlanet: U.S. Troops in Homeland “Crowd Control” Patrols From October 1st

Police State - The Militarization of the Police Force in USA

Fox News: Loss Of Civil Liberties, Martial Law & Swine Flu

Martial Law plans discussed a few years ago.

Infowars: Churches, Cops Team Up for “Gun Surrender”

Infowars: Local military, civilian police training builds skills

Infowars: Article on Military spending 6 Million dollars to buy riot equipment

Infowars: Federal Program Distributes Grenade Launchers to Mass Police

FEMA: National Level Exercise 2009 (NLE 09)

Infowars: FEMA, Israeli Defense Forces Home Front Command Partner for Martial Law

Infowars: Homeland Security and U.S. Army Plan Invasion of States
Infowars: Guard units train for militia attacks

Infowars: Missouri National Guard Train to Kill “Militia Insurgents” in Exercise

Infowars: Bill Gives Attorney General Power To Designate Gun Owners, Tax Protesters
As Terrorists

Here is a video clip from the Georgian Riot Police in Tbilisi

Daily Mail: Town halls hire citizen snoopers as young as SEVEN to spy on neighbours
and report wrongs (UK)

Infowars: California cops stage shooter drill at mall.

Infowars: Military Police at the Kentucky Derby.

Infowars: 15 year old arrested under patriot act in the middle of the night

ACLU analyzed version of the Patriot act and section 802

Infowars: Article about Patriot Act 2 back in 2004

PrisonPlanet: Ex-Stasi Spy Chief Markus Wolf Hired By Homeland Security?

Infowars: Scotland Yard Warns of “Far Right Terror Attack”

Infowars: Bill Amendment Gives AG Holder Authority to Decide Who is a Terrorist

Prison Planet: Military Personnel Ordered To Comply With Illegal Private Gun

Examiner: New report: Feds blame US gun owners for Mexico's violence

Infowars: Federal Agents Conducting House by House Gun Checks

Prison Planet: Newark Mayor Encourages Snitches to Turn In Gun Owners

Turn in your Neighbor for $1,000 a “Illegal” or Legal Gun

Infowars: Missouri Democrat: Poor Too Irresponsible to Exercise Second Amendment

Infowars: Cele Castillo ordered to report to federal prison

Infowars: Feds Declare Tennessee Gun Law Invalid

MSNBC: In many states, young kids may hunt alone (More measures to restrict firearms)

Infowars: Kurt Nimmo on Alex Jones TV: Checkpoints & Domestic Terrorism

Infowars: Attack Helicopter “Flyover” On Fourth of July

Infowars: Fourth of July Checkpoints in California

Infowars: Don’t You DARE Scare A Police Officer!

Infowars: Do Police Always Lie, Or Does It Just Seem That Way?

Infowars: Cops tasered 3 kids, threatened one with sodomy

Infowars: DHS’ Border Patrol to Target “Aggressive Driving” in Pennsylvania

Infowars: Maryland Transit Administration Considers Train, Bus Surveillance

Prison Planet: 21st Century Traitors

Henry Paulson appears to have threatened congress with Martial Law if they did not vote
for the Bailouts last year after this broadcast on C-Span below.

Paulson Was Behind Bailout Martial Law Threat

Democrat Brad Sherman admitting martial law was a threat used against congress if it did
not vote for the bailout bill last year.

Republican Michael Burgess mentioning Martial Law briefly during a session in congress

Recently, a friend of mine had attended the Jones Beach Air Show during Memorial Day
Weekend. He had managed to take photo's that were very interesting at that. Apparently
US Military Special Forces Ranger's had been patrolling the Air Show this year compared
to previous years. I had asked my friend who was a former Military Soldier himself what
he thought of the pictures and there were concerns amongst his thoughts with what he
was looking at. In one photo I have in possession, you see one soldier equipped with 390
rounds of ammunition for his Black Assault Rifle and the ammunition is loaded into the
Chamber of the Rifle ready for firing. Another photo that I've manage to get is of a
soldier equipped with a large Belt Fed Machine Gun strapped to his back capable of
firing up to 650+ rounds per minute if fully loaded. Citizen populous was standing
literally within feet of this soldier equipped with a Bet Fed 30 Caliber Machine Gun. The
weapon looked similar to that of a SAW.

As you can see, Homeland Security is recruiting 15 year olds for Domestic Anti-
Terrorism training for what appears returning Iraqi War Veterans who may feel
disenfranchised by what they are returning home to. This is just a tiny fraction of
information I've been following for the past 3 years when it comes to domestic
insurrection by the Military Industrial Complex that the President Eisenhower warned the
people of during his Farewell Speech.

Not only is it becoming evidence that a militarization of our police is now taking place
but also the very military patrolling the streets as well is becoming more evident in
America. Some feel safe knowing there are military with belt fed machine gun’s
patrolling certain sectors of the United States but those people tend to forget that today’s
saviors may be tomorrows imperial enforcers upon them. We not only have military
beginning to patrol public regions but there an effort to create a program of detention
camps around the country under the Federal Management Emergency Administration
(FEMA) that may house American citizens during a time of “civil unrest”. Continued
efforts of this become more evident as time presses forward. Those who do not question
these policies today may burn in the camps tomorrow as Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn once
explained in The Gulag Archipelago.

Prison Planet: New Legislation authorizes FEMA camps in US (H.R. 645)

Secret FEMA Plan To Use Pastors as Pacifiers in Preparation For Martial Law

Dear Glenn Beck, Detention Camps DO Exist In America

Infowars: The Reality of FEMA Camps in the United States

Alternet: White House Drafting Executive Order to Allow Indefinite Detention; Move
Would Bypass Congress

Russia Today: Naomi Wolf: 'Obama can lock any US citizen up without trial'

Infowars: The CIA’s Swine Flu & Your Plastic FEMA Coffin

Readiness Exercise 1984

"Reagan Aides and the 'Secret' Government," Alfonso Chardy, Miami Herald, July 5,

Considering the Obama Administration is pushing the country onto the brink of social
and physical revolution, the population has begun arming up. If the New World Order
attempts to use police or military upon the population, I hope they have thought
everything out considering this next news story is very telling as to what will happen if
they attempt to over throw the constitution and enslave the American people.

In just 3 months Americans bought enough guns to outfit the entire Chinese and Indian
armies combined

As the consciousness of American begins to awaken, so do movements for exercizing

states rights under the 9th and 10th amendment.

Infowars: Palin Signs Alaska Sovereignty Resolution

Domestic Policy: Economics

Barack Obama was elected because the perception of him had this upbeat “change”
where the economy would now improve since the Bush administration was to now be
removed from office. The reality behind the rhetoric of the Obama administration has
been proven to be a falsehood time and time again. With a returning cast of cabinet level
administrators from previous administrations that helped engineer our economic
problems, the concept of “change” went out the window the minute his economic advisor
team was announced on TV. Those who bought into the hype of Obamanomics are the
ones who will be hurt the most by this policy of monopoly capitalism. History is a guide
to the future and if the past is any indicator of what our future will be as this path of
madness continues, the future does not look economically sound.

The Glass Steagall Act

Infowars: Paper Reveals Rothschild Link to Slavery

Looking Back on the Greatest Depression

Global Research: Bob Chapman: The Secrets of the Federal Reserve

How the Wall Street Bankers Bought Congress

Infowars: Top Senate Democrat: bankers “own” the U.S. Congress

Huffington Post: UPDATE: Goldman Sachs Hires Law Firm To Shut Down Dissident
Blogger, Blogger Sues Bank

Corporate CFR Members Get Most of the Bailout Money

The Independent: A fraud bigger then Madoff

Overlooking the Fraud

Here’s an older Bloomberg Financial Articles about what this “Bailout” is costing the US
tax payers overall. This is just what’s been admitted openly without even mentioning the
behind the scenes amount of open looting taking place in America.

Bloomberg Financial: 9.7 Trillion

Bloomberg Financial: Financial Rescue Nears GDP as Pledges Top $12.8 Trillion

The last numbers that I’ve come across were about 14.8+ Trillion about a month or 2 ago.
With the most recent numbers released 2 months latter, they round off to nearly $24
trillion dollars in money that the Federal Reserve will charge interest upon the people.
Take the interest percentage and add that to the amount of money that was essentially
looted from the American people and you get an idea just how astronomical this really is.

Infowars: Cost Of Bailout Hits A Whopping $24 Trillion Dollars

Here is the history of just the past 6 month’s economic history under Obama’s
administrative policies towards economics.

Fox News: Obama laughing at America’s Economic Problems during an Interview

60 Minutes: Obama laughing at America’s Economic Problems during an Interview
Associated Press: Cost of Plane Photo-op Tops $300K

GM spent a lot of money to "buy up and destroy mass transit"

Yahoo: INSIDE WASHINGTON: Taxpayers to get rude surprise

Reuters: Estimated U.S. taxpayer cost for bailout jumps

Infowars: Banks Need Billions More

Infowars: Timothy Geithner: Fed “Best Positioned” to Become “Super Regulator”

Ron Paul on the Fed Power Grab

Ron Paul Slams Federal Reserve’s New Dictatorial Powers

Guardian: Joseph Stiglitz: America's socialism for the rich

Exclusive Conversation With Ron Paul: The Future Of The Federal Reserve

Rep. Burton Questions Fed. Chairman Bernanke on Cover-up of B of A/Merrill Lynch

Merger Pressures

Reuters: Fed engaged in "cover-up" of BofA-Merrill deal-lawmaker

Reuters: Bernanke under fire in Congressional testimony

Infowars: Bernanke fearmongers that Fed audit would be ‘takeover’ by Congress, trigger
economic collapse

Webster Griffin Tarpley: Hyper Inflation & Bonds Market

Bob Chapman Radio Interview

Bob Chapman on Alex Jones Tv: Bank "Holiday" Coming??

Infowars: Goldman Sachs: “Engineering Every Major Market Manipulation Since The
Great Depression”

Congresswoman Kaptur Compares Federal Reserve To Counterfeiters! 06/25/09

DeMint Amendment to Audit Federal Reserve Blocked by Senate Leadership

The New American: Our Monetary Mayhem Began With the Fed

Infowars: Rothschild’s Federal Reserve Must Be Abolished

Infowars: America’s Effective Unemployment Rate at 18.7%?

Infowars: Rolling Stone expose: Goldman Sachs behind every market crash since 1920s

Alex Jones - Analyzes Bernanke Hearing
Infowars: Madoff gets 150 years in prison

Infowars: Dollar Falls Most in Month as China Urges New Reserve Currency

Infowars: Congress Just Gave Itself Nearly 4 Billion For Expenses

Infowars: Worldwide Depression: Review of Global Markets

Infowars: Gloomy U.S. consumers clip housing recovery hopes

Infowars: One in Four Mortgage Defaults Are “Strategic”

Infowars: Can credit default swaps be abolished?

California’s Empty Wallet: Turning Crisis into Opportunity

Infowars: Obamageddon — 2012

Infowars: An Economy Bigger than Russia, Brazil, Canada, India or Spain Is About to

Infowars: Many cities celebrating July Fourth without a bang

Infowars: Payrolls Fall More Than Forecast, Unemployment Rises

Infowars: Seven More Banks Fail

Infowars: Unemployment Worse with Stimulus than Without

Infowars: ‘Sucker’s Rally’ Beginning To Unwind?

Infowars: Big Banks Don’t Want California’s IOUs

Infowars: True unemployment rate already at 20%

Infowars: US lurching towards ‘debt explosion’ with long-term interest rates on course to

Infowars: Economy In Turmoil Can’t Be Fixed With Farcical Regulation

Infowars: Replacing the dollar as reserve currency

Infowars: Keiser & Roberts: “Geithner Works For Goldman

Infowars: FDIC gearing up for bank closures

Infowars: FDIC Insurance Fund: It Doesn’t Actually Exist

Reuters: Would you pledge your soul as loan collateral?

Infowars: Geithner Refuses to Rule Out Using American Taxpayer as Piggy Bank for
Derivatives Loses

Infowars: While Talking About Keynesian Stimulus, Feds Are Really Just Giving Money
to the Big Boys

Max Keiser:
Goldman Sachs market manipulating software stolen by Sergey Aleynikov

Infowars: U.S. Budget Gap Exceeds $1 Trillion

Infowars: Economist: Expect Inverted Recovery

Infowars: Obama Says Jobless Rate Likely to Tick Up for Several Months

Truthout: The Man Who Crashed the World

Truthout: Big Bankers Mounting Sneak Attack on Consumers

Infowars: The Future Is Deflation

Prison Planet: Medvedev Unveils “World Currency” Coin At G8

Infowars: China criticizes dollar

Infowars: These Are The People Who Do Not Want The Fed’s Veil Lifted

Infowars: Can The Economy Recover?

Prison Planet: Joe Biden: ‘We Have to Go Spend Money to Keep From Going Bankrupt’

Prison Planet: Max Keiser: Goldman Sachs Are “Scum,” “Financial Terrorists”

Prison Planet: Paulson Threatened Great Depression, Food Riots To Get Bailout Bill

Prison Planet: Rep. Alan Grayson: “Hank Paulson Had a $700M Conflict of Interest”
Infowars: Governors Discover Resisting the Fed Has Consequences

Infowars: Tighter border hurts economy, officials say

Infowars: Summers: Google Searches Prove Economy on Mend

Infowars: Billboards Tell America to Cheer Up

Infowars: Goldman Sachs: Did it cause the problems in the first place?

Infowars: People Working for Free During Economic Crisis

Infowars: Tories want to give Bank of England greater powers over Britain’s financial

Infowars: Alan Grayson grills Ben Bernanke on Foreign Lending

Here is a solution to our problems in terms of what the Federal Reserve has been engaged

Infowars: HR 1207: Battle To Audit The Fed Has Only Just Begun

Infowars: Ron Paul Strikes Gold

Infowars: Ron Paul On Fed Audit: We Will Not Be Stopped

Infowars: Ron Paul demands audit of Federal Reserve

Infowars: Ron Paul questions Metzger and Gailbrath on Fed Transparency

Federal Reserve Threatens Congress Over HR 1207
Ron Paul: We Shouldn't Be Afraid Of The Truth!

With all this money being created out of thin air, are we to look forward to this situation
where today it’s a complete falsehood error by computers but tomorrow may be the hyper
inflation price upon a valueless currency?

Man Charged $23 Quadrillion for Smokes|aimzones|dl6|

That may be some far fetched that prices could move in those type of hyper inflated
directions but if one remembers the history of the Weimar Republic of Germany, a loaf of
Bread towards the end of hyper inflation amounted to the cost of 4 billion marks. Are we
going to pay for a 4 billion dollar loaf of bread when hyper inflation skyrockets upward?

This is a very interesting quote by Karl Marx’s Das Kapital

"Owners of capital will stimulate the working class to buy more and more of expensive
goods houses and technology, pushing them to take more and more expensive credits,
until their debt becomes unbearable. The unpaid debt will lead to bankruptcy of banks,
which will have to be nationalized, and the State will have to take the road which will
eventually lead to communism."
- Karl Marx, Das Kapital, 1867

You are looking at just a tiny fraction from thousands of examples I can find of martial
law planning by our federal government. I’m literally swimming in a sea of news clip
after news clip of just local media reports that you do not even hear on the nightly news
much of the time. And of course you have the New World Order which is the next section
in this collection of links.

Infowars: Rasmussen: Obama Disapproval Rating Matches Lowest Level Recorded

Infowars: Obama’s Approval Plunges

The New World Order

What is the new world order? The new world order can be described in many
different facets. As no one could be told what the matrix is, you must see for yourself
what the new world order is through the very words of the elite themselves.

"The New World Order is a world that has a supernational authority to regulate world
commerce and industry; an international organization that would control the production
and consumption of oil; an international currency that would replace the dollar; a World
Development Fund that would make funds available to free and Communist nations
alike; and an international police force to enforce the edicts of the New World Order."
- Willy Brandt, former West German Chancellor

If one was to give Barack Obama’s administration a test as to whether or not he

represents the people, the clear results of all the evidence is that he represents the new
world order’s global elite ultimately. A CNN report by Lou Dobbs made that point fairly
clear enough to understand when they stated that Barack Obama was leading us towards a
New World Order.

CNN’s Lou Dobbs: Barack Obama’s push towards a New World Order

Obama To Attend North American Union Meeting

Beyond Barack Obama, this is a joint effort by various round table group councils that to
create a new world order. Obama ultimately is nothing more then a puppet of the elite of
our global political and economic order. By exposing the formula of how this policy
agenda having virtually the same results as the last administration from a completely
different political party explains the formula as to how both parties are essentially
working together towards a new world order.

Obscure 1943 Book reveals German Plan for World Government

Samuel Z. Batten: The New World Order, 1919

Dick Morris who worked for Clinton admitted to Sean Hannity on national TV that we
have been right all along about the UN all along.

Council on Foreign Relations: NSC answers to Henry Kissinger

Henry Kissinger on Charlie Rose discussing the New World Order
Henry Kissinger briefly mentioning the New World Order during a CNBC interview

British Prime Minister Gordon Brown giving a speech about building a Global Society

Here is a Financial Times of London article towards moving in the direction of a World
Government. (You will have to register to read this article as it’s now a few months old)

Here is an interesting article about the New World Order by Market Watch

Time Magazine: New World Order,9171,1877388,00.html

British Prime Minister Gordon Brown talking about the New World Order on TV

Walter Cronkite accepting the global governance award and calling for the removal of
national sovereignty speaking in globalist vocabulary

The many video clips of prominent people calling for a New World Order

Pope Proposes New Financial Order

Infowars: Canadian PM Harper at G8: “There Is Going To Have To Be Global


Stephen Harper "There Is Going To Have To Be Global Governance"

Infowars: Nafta Superhighway Returns From The Dead

Infowars: Egypt Calls for Establishing New World Order to Overcome Crises

Infowars: Pope calls for “world political authority”

Infowars: NAM calls for new world order

Infowars: China may attack India by 2012

Here are several quoted statements and points I would like to refer to with what has been
said about the New World Order by the very individuals I speak of.

"We have before us the opportunity to forge for ourselves and for future generations a
new world order, a world where the rule of law, not the rule of the jungle, governs the
conduct of nations. When we are successful, and we will be, we have a real chance at this
new world order, an order in which a credible United Nations can use its peacekeeping
role to fulfill the promise and vision of the U.N.'s founders."
- George H.W. Bush 1991

What is George Bush referring to when he mentions to fulfill the promise and vision of
the U.N.’s Founders which we know is the Council on Foreign Relations alongside the
Rockefeller Family?

"For more than a century ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum
have seized upon well-publicized incidents such as my encounter with Castro to attack
the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American
political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal
working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me
as "internationalists" and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more
integrated global political and economic structure — one world, if you will. If that's the
charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it."
- David Rockefeller, "Memoirs" autobiography (page 405)

If David Rockefeller states in his Memoirs on page 405 exactly what you just read then
clearly George H.W. Bush's statements refer to the concept and ideology of the New
World Order where a 1 World Global Empire will be established.

"We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other
great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their
promises of discretion for almost forty years.
It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been
subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more
sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational
sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national
autodetermination practiced in past centuries."
- David Rockefeller

That is also a rather interesting statement made by David Rockefeller as well.

Henry Kissinger spoke with Charlie Rose (CFR Member) several years ago about the
New World Order and the very plan to achieve this New World Order. He spoke about
how the People of the United States do not understand foreign policy and how we are not
engaged in it. He also spoke about how after the Bush Administration in a few years
down the road that the emergence of the very beginnings of New World Order will be
possible. Kissinger also stated that in order to achieve this goal they must convert
everyone to the thinking of the globalist mind set which will take several Administrations
to accomplish. There was also statements made recently just weeks ago on CNBC about
how the economic and global turmoil’s are such a great Opportunity for the New World
Order. Henry Kissinger is not just anyone saying New World Order ether considering he
is a major key participant in many of the Round Table Groups such as the CFR, TC, and
BG that I've mentioned before. Every time I listen to David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger,
or Gordon Brown who ironically all attend the same conferences and meetings together
also speak exactly the same terms that H.G. Wells wrote about in his book entitled the
New World Order, for me it sounds as if this goal may become a reality in the not so
distant future or if anything these individuals certainly believe it can be achieved within
there life time.

These statements are very important because what you learn from David Rockefeller is
that his family is committed to the monopoly ownership of the entire world itself. The
United Nations is indeed a Rockefeller investment and has been for many years. You also
discover that The Media is also an investment of the Rockefeller control grid along side
his own admitted statement’s that he is part of a secret cabal to end the United States of
America for this global world governmental organization. This is not my opinion that
wealthy, robber baron, Industrialist, Monopoly Men, European aristocracy, International
Banking Cartel’s are constructing a global empire but rather it is openly stated within
there own written words!!

Henry Kissinger, Gordon Brown, George H.W. Bush and David Rockefeller all speak in
the very same language that H.G. Wells wrote within the books entitled the New World
Order and the Open Conspiracy which were written back in the 1930s. I know of this
because I own copies of both books I just listed above and have read both books as well.
Within these 2 books, there is many references towards collectivism, anti-conservatism, 1
world government, internationalism, world socialism, gun confiscation, United States of
Europe, American Union, anti-national sovereignty, using propaganda to “re-educate” the
masses, New Order, New World, and World Order remarks and statements within these 2
books. When I read a book written by a man who not only preached the very ideology he
wrote about but also practiced much of it in physical manifestation, it does raise many
serious questions as to the ultimate goals, agendas and influences that the roundtable
group intends to achieve and the power they wield upon the geo-political system. H.G.
Wells wrote these books not as fiction like most would assume but rather these were
global policy agenda books written for the future of the world itself.

In the very new world order I see being constructed amongst the roundtable groups from
various resource information that is available to the public through publications such as
foreign affairs, this to me looks like global dominance based upon monetary
manipulation. Now if monetary dominance is the key to control global affairs in the 21st
century, then the United States to me appears to be the best tool to work with if you want
to manipulate world affairs through the use of our currency being that is has been a world
reserve currency for a very long time. Thomas Jefferson made some rather interesting
comments about banking establishments and I would like to cite them here.

"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing
armies. Already they have raised up a moneyed aristocracy that has set the Government
at defiance. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people
to whom it properly belongs."
- Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson understood the power of banking institutions because our American
Revolution was in part a war for independence from this monetary enslavement that the
British Empire attempted to impose upon the people. The founders were very well verse
in history, the great philosophers, economic theory, as well as several being members of
the Free Masons. As students of these understandings, it was not difficult for them to
construct a well thought out document such as the Constitution of the United States.

"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency,
first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks...will deprive the people of all property
until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.... The
issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it
properly belongs."
- Thomas Jefferson

This statement Thomas Jefferson once made has come true exactly lock step as he
warned of 200 years latter. With Thomas Jefferson’s warning of what centralized banking
can lead to, I would like to point out the very words of Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild
who was a member of the House of Rothschild. Mr. Rothschild’s view is in support
towards centralized banking.

"Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes its laws."
- Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild

An article written back in 1865 in the London Times is very revealing if not interesting as
to why money changer’s and the power elite prefer a centralized banking system opposed
to the very system our founder’s constructed here in the United States.

"If this mischievous financial policy, which has its origin in North America, shall become
endurated down to a fixture, then that Government will furnish its own money without
cost. It will pay off debts and be without debt. It will have all the money necessary to
carry on its commerce. It will become prosperous without precedent in the history of the
world. The brains, and wealth of all countries will go to North America. That country
must be destroyed or it will destroy every monarchy on the globe."
- Hazard Circular - London Times 1865

"When a government is dependent upon bankers for money, they and not the leaders of
the government control the situation, since the hand that gives is above the hand that
takes... Money has no motherland; financiers are without patriotism and without
decency; their sole object is gain."
- Napoleon Bonaparte

Napoleon Bonaparte would not play ball with the Money Changers and as a result,
history remembers him in failure. And let’s not forget the very quote by the man who
helped sign the Federal Reserve System into place after it was lobbied to him by Senator
Aldrich. Surely the man who signed this bill into law certainly must have a valid point to
make years after his decision to sign the Federal Reserve into place does he not?

"We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and
dominated governments in the civilized world. We are no longer a government by free
opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a
government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominate men. I have
unwittingly betrayed my country."
- President Woodrow Wilson

President Woodrow Wilson was the very man who signed the Federal Reserve in place
once the Bill was presented upon his desk. I would like to dig out this interesting quote
by Henry Ford who made rather interesting mentions to the state of the very monetary
and banking system this country was operating under the Federal Reserve System many
decades ago.

"It is well that the people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary
system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning."
- Henry Ford

Smedley Darlington Butler made an interesting statement as well when it came to the
overthrowing of nations for investment bankers.

"I wouldn't go to war again as I have done to protect some lousy investment of the
bankers. There are only two things we should fight for. One is the defense of our homes
and the other is the Bill of Rights. War for any other reason is simply a racket.”
- 2 time Medal of Honor winner Marine Major General Smedley Butler (Single Handed
prevented a Fascist coup of the USA in 1934)

From the looks of these different view points towards banking establishments, whether it
is in favor or opposed to centralized banking did however agree that monetary dominance
is the key to managing control over a nation ultimately. If that happens to be the case
throughout history from time to time then clearly it is no different in the modern age.

If you look back throughout American History all the way back to the period of Andrew
Jackson, The Civil War, Abraham Lincoln’s Assassination, The Panic of 1907, The
Creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913, World War I, The League of Nations, The
Creation of the Council on Foreign Relations, Communism ~ Fascism, The Rise of
Eugenics, The Crash of 1929, The Great Depression of the 1930s, The 2nd World War,
The Establishment of the United Nations, The Creation of Israel, The Council of Europe,
The creation of the CIA, Radicalization of Muslims, Overthrow of Iran in the 1950s,
Mao’s rise to power, Project Paperclip, MK Ultra mind control experimentation program,
The Shah of Iran, The Rise of Saddam Hussein, Mossad and the Hamas Connection, Rise
of Saddam Hussein, The Muslim Brotherhood evolving into the CIA creation known as
AL-Qaeda (The Base), The CIA trained and backed Mujahideen against the Soviet Union
in Afghanistan during 1979, Kosovo, the September 11th attacks, the mismanagement of
the war’s in Afghanistan & Iraq, the Bin Laden ~ Bush Carlyle Group connections,
Economic Turmoil’s of now, and the election of Barack H.Obama, you learn that all of
this is connected to extremely wealthy money changers who manipulate both sides of a
war through Problem, Reaction, Solution. This expands and opens up history in a way
that explains these “coincidental” situations that no one quite seems to understand are
very well connected together. The money trail always reveals this to be the reality
regardless of what political persuasion you come from.

When you look into other details of the New World Order you discover strange occult
type rituals that most people couldn’t understand. I’ve discovered that all these fake
conservative pat Robertson type religious neo-conservative wealthy republicans and
democrats are engaging in the very behavior they rant against.

Here is some more reference material about the Bohemian Grove you may find

Alex Jones on Russia Today News Channel talking about the Bohemian Grove

The Bohemian Club ~ Grove

Information about the Bohemian Club

Bohemian Grove confirmed Membership lists

The Bohemian Club Building from the outside

Bohemian Grove Membership List in a video form.

Bohemian Grove Member

Bohemian Grove Photo Collection

Bohemian Grove Google Photo Search

National Geographic Photo. (This photo was taken before the large statue of the Owl was

The Bohemian Club ABC News Broadcast 1981.

Richard Nixon and his comments of the Bohemian Grove.

Alex Jones Asked David Gergen what he thinks about the Grove from the Order of Death

Bill Clinton asked about the Bohemian Grove

Infowars Articles about the Bohemian Grove

San Francisco Chronicle: Bohemian Grove Article

Prison Planet: 2009 Bohemian Grove Gets Underway Amidst Protests
After what you just watched and learned about the Bohemian Grove, certainly you would
imagine this to be a big news story for all the talk radio to have a field day with… right?

Sean Hannity 01.

Surely if “Right Wing” Sean Hannity will not address the Bohemian Grove then maybe a
“Liberal” will expose the Bohemian Grove having all these Wealthy Republicans
attending, right?

Michael Savage.

Bill O'Reilly.

Rush Limbaugh.

Phone Call from the Bohemian Grove.

As you can see, both sides of the political spectrum within the controlled paradigm refuse
to really discuss the issue of what the Elite do which further makes my point.

You’ve been given just an example of the many different resources I have looked at over
the past 3 years. I have documented evidence of the Media caught over and over again
lying with staged actors, I have documented video footage of police brutality of the type
you almost do not want to look at, and video’s of soldiers in Iraq shooting at Iraqi
Civilians as if it was something out of Grand Theft Auto: vice city. Even with all this
resource information in hand, there are those out there that still refuse to even research
anything I’ve talked about. Usually I’m the one labeled the White Supremacist, Right
Wing Extremist, Anti-American, Anti-Semitic, Nazi, the Radical, the Extremist when I’m
the one exposing the real individuals who are all those things I’m accused of being.

My case has been made and the evidence presented forth to you. For more information or
resources, you may view the following links below

Here’s a list of books I been trying to compile together

Here’s a list of DVDs I recommend.

Eventually I plan to update that list but for the time being, that is what I’ve compiled
together so far.

Here are links as well, I’ve updated a few more since this list so I’ll have to add them to
the list in the future for you but here you are.

from 12~4 PM Eastern Time but restreams for 20 hours a day till the next live feed. (Alex Jones Radio Show Windows Media Player Link) (Alex Jones Radio Show Winamp Media Player Link)

Government Websites (White House) (The Library of Congress) (Government Track) (The United States Constitution) (House Committee on Financial Services) (US Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and
Urban Affairs)

Representatives I tend to support (Ron Paul)/ (Ron Paul: Campaign For Liberty) (Dennis Kucinich) (Ralph Nader) (Chuck Baldwin) (Constitution Party National Political Headquarters)

Willie Nelson’s Website (Willie Nelson)

Judicial Watch and there documents from the Security & Prosperity Partnership of North
America (Judicial Watch) (Judicial Watch: S.P.P. Documents)

New Orleans Levees (Linda Stall - Corridor Watch) (Sandy Rosenthal – Levees) (Are We at Risk? - Zip Code Based Search Engine)
Coast to Coast AM Radio Program (1AM ~ 5AM radio show) (George Noory - Coast to Coast AM)

World Net Daily exposed the North American Union ~ New World Order information
from a conservative point of view (World Net Daily)

Bev Harris exposed the Electronic Election Box Fraud on HBO’s Hacking Democracy
Documentary (Bev Harris - Black Box Voting)

Libertarian Website about the New World Order (Lew Rockwell)

Mike Rivero’s Website Exposing New World Order Activities. Mike broke allot of
information on the Clinton Corruption long ago. (Mike Rivero - What Really Happened)

Richard C. Cook (Richard C. Cook - Challenger Revealed)

Daniel Estulin discusses information about the Bilderberg Group. He has investigated the
Bilderberg Group for nearly 19+ years now. (Daniel Estulin - Club Bilderberg)

Alternative Media websites about Geo-Politics you normally do not hear on the
Corporate Media (F. W. Engdahl - GeoPolitics ~ GeoEconomics)

Webster Griffin Tarpley: a Classical Liberal view of the New World Order and the current
Obama Administration, You can find his radio show in the zip folder I sent you. Tarpley
is well versed in Economics and History. (Webster Griffin Tarpley)

Naomi Wolf with classical liberal ~ feminist view point towards American politics and
the New World Order (Naomi Wolf)

Naomi Klein wrote a book entitled Shock Doctrine (Naomi Klein)

Another Alternative Media website (Daniel Hamburg - Voice of the Environment)

More information about Bidlerberg (Tony Gosling - Bilderberg)

Another Alternative Media website perspective about the New World Order (No One Has to Die)

Mark Dice is a Christian Traditional Conservative anti-NeoConservative, exposing 9/11,

The Bohemian Grove, Bilderberg Group, and the New World Order from a Christian
Prespective. He has been plugged on the View which you can see on his Youtube Channel
if you type in Mark Dice on Youtube. (Mark Dice - The Resistance)

A resource for Alternative Media books that you’re government does not want you to
own. (Brave New Books)

GCN Live is a radio network that hosts many different radio shows. There programs tend
to lean more on the conservative view point but at the same time not the type of nonsense
you see on Fox News or CNN. (Genesis Communication Network)

Alex Jones probably has one of the best shows out there in terms of exposing the New
World Order. He brings on the best guests you’re ever going to hear and has even had
people who work for the Elite on his show to debate him. His style of hosting may turn
some people away because of the passionate energy he gives off but if you take the time
to look into the information he’s very passionate about, you will understand it’s more
important to research his claims rather then just say he’s nuts. (Infowars 01) (Infowars 02) (Truth News) (Jones Report) (Prison Planet 01) (Prison Planet 02) (Endgame Site) (Alex Jones Podcast Archives) (Alex Jones Show)

A Downloading site for various films about the New World Order (Conspiracy Central)

John Birch Society is a very conservative view point of the New World Order which may
turn you off but at the same time they have one of the oldest groups exposing the
Corruption of the United Nations as well as the New World Order for many years. (John Birch Society) (John Birch Society – The New American)

A Christian Conservative view about the New World Order’s agenda (Bob Dacy – The Simple Truth)

Alternative Media Website about Economics, The New World Order, and Geo-Politics (Michel Chossudovsky - Global Research)

Alan Watt has been exposing the Occultic nature of the New World Order. He also has
exposed many of the same things I looked into before getting involved with this whole
movement for exposing the New World Order. (Alan Watt - Cutting Through the Matrix)

Jim Marrs is the influence behind the JFK film and he has written books about
government sponsored terrorism revolving the 9/11 attacks. He was an investigative
reporter who use to research criminology for many years. (Jim Marrs)

Jordan Maxwell exposes many occult perspectives within the New World Order. (Jordan Maxwell)

Another Alternative Media website about the New World Order. He has been a guest on
Coast to Coast AM and Alex Jones. (Steve Quayle)

Alternative Media Websites (Eugene Volokh - The Volokh Conspiracy) (Wayne Madsen Report) (Andrew Orlowski) (Max Keiser – Follow the Money)

Hiphop artist KRS-One has been very instrumental in waking up many within the hiphop
community about the New World Order. He also has a degree in philosophy. (KRS-One)

Paris is a less talked about Hip-Hop artist but has been around since the 1980s. He comes
from a leftist prespective about the New World Order. (Paris – Guerilla Funk Recordings)

The Official New World Order IFC movie website (New World Order - The Movie)

The many different WeAreChange & 9/11 Truth Websites (We Are Change) (Meetup: WeAreChange – New York) (WeAreChange - Flickr: Photo Section) (9-11 Truth) (9-11 Blogger) (9-11 Research) (WTC 07) (Architects & Engineers for 9-11 Truth) (Truth Action 9-11) (Patriots Question 9-11) (Pilots for 9-11 Truth)


Money Master’s and it’s monetary reform act for fixing our Economy (The Money Masters) (The Money Masters: Monetary Reform Act)

The Austrian School of Economics free market view point (Ludwig Von Mises Institute)

Bob Chapman is a frequent guest on the Alex Jones show who has been exposing the
New World Order for nearly 50 or so years. He also has a very dead on accurate
perspective towards making predictions as to what will happen with the Global Economy.
This is one of the best sites out there for economic information overall. (Bob Chapman's The International Forecaster)

Yet another prespective on economic information you normally do not hear on TV. (John Williams - Shadow Government Statistics)

Joseph Stiglitz is a Nobel Prize winning top economist who worked with the IMF before
going public in 2003 about the IMF’s agenda to engineer economic collapses in places
like Argentina. He admitted the goal of the IMF was to collapse the American Economy
and this has been the warning for nearly 8 years now. (Joseph Stiglitz)

Walter Burien exposes the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report which you learn
about in one of the google videos I gave you above. This is the double set of books
government does not want you to know about when it comes to deficits. (Walter Burien - Comprehensive Annual Financial Report ~CAFR~)

The daily value of Oil and metals like Gold, Silver, and Patinum. (Oil-Price - Crude Oil Price Forecast) (Coinflation - Current Melt Value of Coins) (Northwest Territorial Mint) (Gold, Silver, Palladium and Platinum Bullion and Precious
Metal Sales)

G. Edward Griffin is a man who has been exposing this for almost a life time now. He
woke up many people to the New World Order and helped influence many who fight the
New World Order today. His videos and lectures are valuable as they age because they
really document a psychology that never changes within the elite. (G. Edward Griffin - Freedom Force International) (G. Edward Griffin - Reality Zone)

Ron Paul’s warning nearly 6 years ago about where America would be if we did not think
about our economic future. (Ron Paul: Paper money

and Tyranny)
Midas Resources helps fund GNC so that Alternative Media radio programs can continue
to exist. You can also purchase gold and silver coins at a discount if you mention Alex
Jones sent you. They also sell a copy of G. Edward Griffin’s Creature from Jekyll Island
along with a Free Silver coin if you order from them. (Ted Anderson - Midas Resources)

The Financial Times of London is the real record of financial information. (Financial Times of London)

Various Mainstream Financial and Economic News Websites (The Wall Street Journal) (Market Watch) (Barrons) (All Things Digital) (CNBC) (NASDAQ) (NYSE) (Down Jones Indexes) (London Stock Exchange) (Tokyo Stock Exchange)

Health Websites
ood_A_Better_America.htm (Farm Aid - Willie Nelson)

Mike Adams does a fantastic job in exposing environmental contaminants and the
corruption of Monsantos Corporation. Monsantos is involved with the GMO problem.
Monsatos is responsible for Agent Orange. (Mike Adams - Natural News)

Another great anti-GMO website in support of organic natural foods. (Jeffrey Smith - Institute for Responsible

Technology) (Jeffrey Smith - Seeds of Deception)

Roger D. Master’s has exposed documented proof that on the eugenics tyranny across the
globe. (Roger D. Masters) (Roger D. Masters - In-depth
Detailed Research) (Russell L. Blaylock, M.D.) (Russell L. Blaylock, M.D. - Wellness Report)

The facts about Vaccines (Barbara Loe Fisher - National Vaccine Information Center)

Our Education System and how it’s intentionally being dumbed down to produce less
informed people. (Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt) (John Taylor Gatto) (Patrick S.J. Carmack -
Homeschooling - Great Books Academy) (Patrick S.J. Carmack - The Great Books
Program) (Mondo Politico - Library - Political Books)

Cele Castillo is a former DEA agent who went public about the CIA shipping in drugs
and his thoughts about how George H.W. Bush is a drug king pin (Cele Castillo - Powderburns)

Officer Jack McLamb is a former Police officer who reminds other officers of there
constitutional oath. (Jack McLamb)

Anti-Drug War websites (Kevin Booth - American Drug War) (Barry Cooper – Never Get Busted Again)

A real pro-second amendment website collection. People do not know that the NRA is a
gun control organization. (Larry Pratt - Gun Owners of America) (Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership) (Revolutionary War Veterans Association - The Appleseed

Websites that sell products to get away from the Matrix Control Grid we live in. (EcolaBlue - Atmospheric Water Generators) (Berkey Water Filter) (Solar Generator) (Marty Schachter - Cal Ben Five Star Soap) (Survival Seeds) (J. Michael Stevens Group - eFoods Direct) (EnerHealth Botanicals)

History about the Plan of San Diego which is promoted by groups such as La Raza and
M.E.Ch.A. The Ford Foundation is financing pro amnesty radical Hispanic organizations
with hardcore racist ideology. “Por La Raza todo. Fuera de La Raza nada" ("For the race
everything, outside the race nothing")

This is a radical La-Reconquesta movement for this mythological nation entitled Atzlan (Handbook of Texas

Online - Plan of San Diego)

Here are mainstream media news sources you can look at (C-Span) (Washington Post) (New York Times) (Austin American Statesman) (San Francisco Chronicle) (Huffington Post) (Newsweek) (London Times) (London Telegraph) (Haaretz) (Pakistan Daily)

Obama’s USA service Website for his paramilitary recruitment (Barack Obama - USA Service)

Army Times (Army Times)

Government Military Websites (U.S. Northern Command ~Northcom~) (United States Africa Command ~Africom~)

This is a private Military Company that does Mercenary Work for the highest bidder.
They are currently now raiding medical marijuana clinics in California and were involved
with gunning down a village in Iraq. Most of these guys are ex-special forces guys who
are pumped up on steroids and doing methamphetamine. I have a book about this
organization if you wish to read it. (Blackwater Worldwide)

No Bid Military Defense Contractor websites (Halliburton) (Raytheon) (General Electric)

The Ford Foundation that finances these illegal immigration groups (Ford Foundation)

The important corporations that manage our government (Rand Corporation) (Carlyle Group)

The Big Oil Corporations (ExxonMobil) (British Petroleum) (Dutch Royal Shell Oil)

Pro-Eugenics ~ Environmentalist Organizations founded in some cases by former Nazi

SS officers like Prince Bernhardt or financed by Oil Monopoly family Rockefeller. (Smart Growth) (Sierra Club) (World Wildlife Fund)

This organization is calling for voluntary human extinction to “save” the earth (Voluntary Human Extinction Movement)

Websites for the Elite and the Roundtable Groups that we aren’t suppose to pay attention
to (Council on Foreign Relations) (New World Economic Order) (Foreign Affairs [Council on Foreign Relations Bi-
Monthly Publication])
world-for-the-new.html (Robert Alan Pastor: Towards a North American Community)
(Council on Foreign Relations - Building a North American Community) (Trans-Texas Corridor) (Security & Prosperity Partnership) (Trilateral Commission) (Royal Institution of International Affairs ~Chatham
House~) (The Club of Rome)

United Nations documents. (United Nations) (United Nations: Department of Economic
and Social Affairs Population Division) (United Nations: Agenda 21) (United Nations: Universal Declaration of Human
Rights) (United Nations: International
Criminal Courts 1998 Rome Statute) (United Nations: Charter) (United
Nations: Law of the Sea Treaty [L.O.S.T.])
URL_ID=29008&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.html (United Nations:
Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization [U.N.E.S.C.O.]) (United Nations: Gun Control) (Convention on Biological Diversity)

The Financial institutions of the world manipulating our economic collapse or played part
in this. (American International Group ~AIG~) (Merrill Lynch – Financial Management and Advisory) (American International Group ~AIG~ –
Corporation) (Goldman Sachs) (J.P. Morgan) (J.P. Morgan Chase & Co.) (Chase) (Deutsche Bank)

The Federal Reserve is the most important banking cartel to know about in the United
States. These are the guys who influence the policy of our government monetarily and
they operate along side many of the other global banking systems. (Federal Reserve System) (Federal Reserve – Board of Governors) (Federal Reserve – Bank of New York) (Federal Reserve - Bank of Atlanta) (Federal Reserve – Bank of Boston) (Federal Reserve Financial Services) (Federal Reserve – Bank of Chicago) (Federal Reserve – Bank of Cleveland) (Federal Reserve – Bank of Kansas City) (Federal Reserve – Bank of Minneapolis) (Federal Reserve - Bank of Dallas) (Federal Reserve - Bank of Richmond) (Federal Reserve – Bank of Philadelphia) (Federal Reserve – Bank of San Francisco) (Federal Reserve - Bank of St. Louis) (Rothschild)

The Banking organizations that work along side the Federal Reserve System (Bank of International Settlements) (World Bank Group) (International Monetary Fund)

World Trade Organization (World Trade Organization)

Project for the New American Century is the NeoConservative think thank that may have
been involved with the 9/11 attacks based upon strange statements made in there own
documents. (Project for the New American Century) (P.N.A.C.:
Rebuilding America's Defenses)

Read page 51 of rebuilding America’s defenses for the Pearl Harbor statement. There is
also discussion elsewhere to legitimize the use of race specific biological weapons as
political tool if I’m not mistaken.

Zionist ~ NeoConservative ~ Pro War ~ Anti Free Speech National Socialist type
organizations. AIPAC is a lobby that funnels at least 50 Billion US tax payer dollars to
Israeli Zionist Occupied Government that uses this money to finance there military
might. (The American Israeli Public Affairs Committee [A.i.P.A.C.])

It’s known that the ADL helped organize the Neo-Nazi movement of the 1990s along side
the Southern Poverty Law Center. It’s ironic that the Grandson of the former Head of the
ADL is now working with Al-Qaeda if that is not crazy enough. When you look at the
evidence, all the Major KKK and NeoNazi organizations mostly created by groups like
the ADL so that they have a reason to exist. The Nazis in Germany at the leadership were
people who happen to be partially Jewish or half Jewish so it’s no big surprise that you
have extremist Jewish Zionist groups creating and financing Nazi groups now. Most of
the people that join the Nazi groups today aren’t even aware that it’s mostly operating
under Zionist control but that’s all part of playing everyone off against each other. It’s no
different then the Ford Foundation which is made up of wealthy white rich guys
financing Hispanics that hate white people. (Anti-Defamation League)

My Closing Statement

People often ask what the solution to this problem is. The answer is you the reader who
now understands the problem at hand. If I can piece together a document as simple as this
in an effort to waking up the masses, then anyone can do that. No one told me to create
this document, I created it upon my own accord knowing this would help better people
ultimately in waking up to the reality of where we now stand. Luke Rudkowski is just 22
years old and he has made change for many people around the country who saw his
example and are now branching off in there own to do the very same. We the people are
Change if we chose to change a system of tyranny towards a system of liberty. Taking
action in the information war will change society for the better ultimately. By exposing
this information to as many people as one can possibly do is the potential solution and
method towards peaceful revolution that will cause the system to collapse from within. If
no one accepts the program of total dehumanized tyranny, then the system will not work
no matter how perfected it appears. Take what issues you know and use that collective
intellect and use it as a means to influence change wherever you feel is most effective.
Start a group, go to city council meetings, start a blog, post up news articles on you’re
facebook or myspace page, elect politicians that represent our constitution, and realize
this is a process that will take time. We as a people have more power then most can ever
imagine if we choose to better ourselves and to make change within ourselves. The tools
have been presented to you the reader, the question however is will you the reader take
this document and use it as a tool towards restoring our republic or will you let this
information stop cold at you’re feet? Knowledge is key to liberty while ignorance is key
to despotism and enslavement. Are you a citizen or are you a subject to a monarch rule?
The world is what you make of it and if you wish to live in a world of liberty, you must
fight for you’re right to liberty. No one else will do it for you and ultimately people who
fight for liberty will end up bettering there own lives and that of the community from
which they live in as well. Leading by example is the key towards liberty and if we as a
people chose to lead by example regardless of how others will judge you, the world will
ultimately become a better place. It’s time to get a gut check and to get out of our comfort
zone, its time to stand up and say were mad as hell and were not going to take it anymore.
Remember… the answer to 1984 is 1776, National Sovereignty will prevail, long live the
Republic, and Death to the New World Order!!!

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