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Lesson 8

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Lesson Plan 8

Topic Focus: Year Level: Learning Area: Strand:

Poetry 6/7 English Literacy/Language
Content Descriptors: Achievement Standards:
 Compare the ways that language and images  Understand how text structures can influence the
are used to create character, and to complexity of a text and are dependent on audience,
influence emotions and opinions in different purpose and context.
types of texts ACELT1621.  Understand how the selection of a variety of language
 Experiment with text structures and features can influence an audience.
language features and their effects in  Create structured and coherent texts for a range of
creating literary texts ACELT1805. purposes and audiences.
 Analyse and explain the ways text structures
 They make presentations and contribute actively to
and language features shape meaning and
class and group discussions, using language features to
vary according to audience and purpose
engage the audience.
 When creating and editing texts they demonstrate
 Plan, draft and publish imaginative,
understanding of grammar, use a variety of more
informative and persuasive texts, selecting
specialised vocabulary and accurate spelling and
aspects of subject matter and particular
language, visual, and audio features to
convey information and ideas ACELY1725.

Lesson Students are introduced to Acrostic Poetry and will eventually produce their own
Objective: Acrostic Poems.

Improvements:  Ensure videos and information is suitable for year 6/7s.

Structure Time Process Resources

 Give students 10 minutes to have their crunch and sip.  Poetry L8 PowerP
Introduction: 20  Get the student’s attention and wait until the students  Literacy Books
mins are listening. Get students to summarise what they know  Whiteboard
about Free Verse Poetry.
 Inform the students that they will be learning about
Acrostic poetry today. Ask if any students have heard of
this poem type before and have a class discussion.
 Go through what Acrostic poems are and their key
features. Show the examples of Acrostic poems.
 Create an Acrostic poem together as a class.
Activity 1: Acrostic Poetry  Poetry L8
Learning 30  Go through the criteria of the student’s acrostic poetry PowerP
Experience: Mins submissions.  Literacy Books
 Hand out the criteria sheet for the students to tick off  Criteria sheet
once they have completed each step.
Conclusion: 5  Give students a chance to share their Poems.  Student’s poems
mins  Collect the student’s work and get the students ready for
Extension If students finish early get the students to look at my feedback on their previous poems.
Get the students to type up their good copy. Ensure all of the student’s poem have been

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