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DLP Found Poetry

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DAILY Teacher SHIREEN DUMANGENG Learning Creative Writing/
LOG Pagsulat
GRADE 12 Teaching July 11, 2019 Quarter First
Dates and 1:00-2:00 PM
Time Grade 12 HUMSS A

Session 1
A. Content Standards / The learners shall have an understanding of poetry as a genre and
Teacher’s Activity how to analyze its elements and techniques
B. Performance The learners shall be able to produce a short, well-crafted poem
Standards / Learner’s
C. Learning The learners…
Competencies/Object  use selected elements of poetry in short exercises
ives (HUMSS_CW/MP11/12c-f-8);
Learner’s Output  explore innovative techniques in writing poetry
 write a short poem applying the various elements, techniques,
and literary devices (HUMSS_CW/MP11/12c-f-10)
A. References

1. Teacher’s Guide Curriculum Guide

2. Learner’s Materials
3. Text Book Pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource (LR) Portal
B. Other Learning Materials: slide decks, manila paper, activity sheets
Resources LED TV, laptop, scissors, glue, word cutouts

Online Sources:
A. Reviewing previous ELICIT/Practical Display/Group Work
lesson or presenting Preliminaries: Greetings and checking of attendance
the new lesson
Activity 1: IT’S A SIGN
Show the class pictures of signs they often see around them and ask
them what these signs mean. Next, ask them if it is possible to make
these signs into one meaningful poem.

B. Establishing purpose ENGAGE/Group work

for the lesson Tell the class to go to their assigned groups. Each group will be given
a Manila paper, glue and an envelope with different signs and
symbols which are usually found around the community. The group
will arrange the signs and come up with a poem that revolves around
the theme “Life’s Journey.” Their poem should be composed on 10
lines. Give them 8 minutes to do this.

(Monitor the students while they are doing their task)

EXPLORE/Group Work/Switch
When the groups are done with their output, tell them to discuss the
meaning and the message of their poem then have them post their
outputs on the board.

After which, ask one representative from each group to explain their

After the presentation of outputs, give positive feedbacks and then

point out that it is possible to make a poem from signs or words that
can be found anywhere else as exhibited in the activity that they just
did and this kind of poetry is called a found poem.
C. Presenting EXPLAIN/Lecture/Practical Display
examples/instances Through a power point presentation, discuss what found poetry is.
of the new lesson Show them examples of found poetry and explain how one can make
a found poem.

Let the students read the definitions, etc. to keep theme involved in
the discussion.
D. Discussing new ELABORATE/Group Work
concepts and Activity 2: I FOUND A POEM
practicing new skills 1. Using the same grouping from the first activity, give each group
#1 a manila paper and set of word/s and phrases.
2. Instruct them to logically arrange the word/s or phrases and
come up with a 10 line poem.
3. Tell them to have a title for their poem also from the word/s or
phrases given to them.
4. Give them 10 minutes to work on their outputs.

Monitor their progress.

E. Discussing new After ten minutes, tell the groups to post their outputs on the board.
concepts and
practicing new skills Compare and contrast their outputs with regards to the form and
#2 structure of their poem.

Give feedbacks regarding their outputs.

Emphasize how they were able to come up with profound poems with
just using word/s or phrases from newspaper articles, magazine
articles and the like.
F. Developing mastery

G. Finding practical Highlight how writing found poetry can not only helps them enhance
applications of their creativity and express themselves but they are also helping in
concepts and skills in reusing paper that people see as trash.
daily living
Call attention to the fact that there are certain things in life that we
disregard but it turns out they are still useful and can bring about
major changes in another person’s life. Much like the inspiration a
reader gets when he/she reads a found poem.
H. Making Call two students to share a “hugot” related to the lesson.
generalizations and
abstractions about Underscore that with the right inspiration, they can easily make a
the lesson poem from everyday reading materials and even from the signs and
symbols that they see around them every day which they pay little
attention to.
I. Evaluating learning EVALUATE/Individual Activity
For their individual activity, distribute a photocopy of the article “Life
is Your Biggest Creative Work” by Kate Terry taken from the internet.

1. Instruct them to come up with their own block poem.

2. Tell them to read the article then think of a theme for their
3. They are to choose words from the article that are related to
their chosen theme and then choose 15-20 word/s or phrase
for their poem.
4. Tell them to highlight the title of their poem.
5. Lastly, give them the liberty of designing their output just like
the examples shown during the lecture.

Criteria for their found poem will be the following:

 CONTENT (Poem must contain clear examples of tone/mood,
figurative language, and other related elements of poetry that
directly relate to the chosen theme) 25 points
 ORGANIZATION (Create 10-20 lines of well-organized and
logical poem) 10 points
 PRESENTATION (The poem should be presented with
exceptional use of color, creativity and imagery that is
attractive to the viewer) 15 points

TOTAL = 50 points
J. Additional activities EXTEND (Practical Display)
for applications or Instruct the class to bring with them old magazines, brochures or
remediation newspapers, scissors, glue, and art paper for the activity tomorrow
which is to make a Remix Poem.


A. No. of learners who

earned 80% on the
formative assessment
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or
supervisor can help
me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials
did I use/discover
which I wish to share
with other teachers?

Prepared by:

Teacher II

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