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Elt 7 Compilation

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Activity 14

Learning Competency: Compose an informative essay

Topic: The importance of education in our lives


Instruction: A video about education will be provided by the teacher, wherein a father is able to

send his son to school. The students are going to observe in the video to obtain an idea.

During Writing: “My Video and Your Reflection”

Instruction: In a short bond paper, Write your reflection about the video, at least 5-10 sentences

each paragraph. Follow the format below. Informative essays outline is generally divided

into three main parts: Introduction, body and conclusion.


 Students must attentively comprehend the video.

 The teacher will provide an illustration of how to write an informative essay.

 Each student will have the opportunity to write an interesting essay about the video.

















Post-Writing: “PASS. FRIEND. READ. WORK”

Instruction: Students will pass their bond paper to their close friend, let his/her read your work.

Everyone must listen carefully.

Activity 15

Strategy in Writing Short Story

Pre-Writing: “Pick a random sentence”

The teacher will let the student to read a short story from their favorite book or a

piece of writing and after that, the student will pick a random sentence from their favorite book

or piece of writing.

During Writing:

After picking a random sentence from their favorite books they will use it as the first sentence of

their short story. For example, from Cinderella short story, once upon a time there was a girl…

Then, their story will follow the main structural features of a short story: the

exposition/introduction, rising action, climax/turning point, falling action, and

resolution/denouement, but it starts with someone else’s words. This is a helpful creative writing

exercises to promote their own idea to encourage writing.

Note: The students will be grade according to the rubrics below.

Rubrics in writing short story


(20) (10pts) (5pts)

Good Fair Poor

Presents events that Presents sequence of Presents a confusing

create a clear events. sequence of events.


Good Fair Poor

Presents details Presents details suited Presents few details

targeted at a unique to an audience; suited to an audience;

audience; narrates the events of some ides conflict

Audience/ Purpose
successfully narrates a story. with narration of

the events of a story. story

Good Fair Poor

Correct grammar and Appropriate grammar A numerous amount

Grammar and
spelling is used with and spelling are used of spelling and
little or no mistakes. but with some grammar mistakes

mistakes. occur throughout the

Post-Writing: ‘’Story interpretation’’

After writing,the class will group into five to choose the best story among of all. The

teacher will give them 10 minutes to prepare and interpret the best short story in front of the class

and explain why they choose that as the best story.

Strategy in Writing Poetry


Description: The students begin by generating a list of ideas or topics that you want to explore

in the poem. This can be anything from a particular emotion or feeling, admiration or


Pre Writing:

The students will ask to write a list of ideas or theme using their feelings or experiences
During Writing:

• Students must create acrostic style of poem, each stanza consists four sentences and

each sentences consist 6 words in their chosen theme

• Each word written in chronological order or in vertical form

• Then each first word creates a poetic line

Post Writing:

• The teacher will ask the students to post their work in their official Facebook account

and mentioning Facebook friend is highly prohibited. Let them react!

• Each reaction equivalent points.

Example poetry: LOVE

Loving you is an endless joy

Only with you, I feel complete

Valuable and cherished like a gem

Every moment spent with you, a priceless treasure

Rubrics in writing Poetry
Activity 16

THEME 1: My Last Year of School Experience

Instruction: Elaborate your experiences from grade 7 level. List down your goal in grade 8

level. Write at least 10-20 sentences.

THEME 2: My Inspiration to Pursue My Study

Instruction: Write all your inspiration, motivation and more, how it helps you to pursue your

study. At least 5-10 sentences.

THEME 3: The Adventure of an Eighth Grader

Instruction: Share your adventure as an eighth grader. Write at least 3 paragraph with 5

sentences in a paragraph.

THEME 4: Navigating challenges of junior high

Instruction: Share on how you navigate your challenges in Junior High. Write at least 3

paragraph with 5 sentences in a paragraph.

THEME 5: My Daily Life as A Student

Instruction: The students will write their daily life. The teacher will identify the life of his/her

students. The students will write this one on their formal theme at least 1000 words.

THEME 6: 10 My Preparation for the Next Chapter

Instruction: Through this activity, students are encouraged to think back of the entire academic

year, plan for the future, and establish goals for the next school year. Students will complete the

task while reviewing their previous work, which will help them focus their studies in the weeks

leading up to the following chapter.


Content 40%

Grammar 20%

Cleanliness 10%

Total: 70%
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Poblacion, Talisay City, Cebu

Date:04-27-2023 Learning Area: English Grade Level: 9 Quarter: 1 Duration: 90

Learning Competencies:  Identify types and features of poetry Code: EN9WC-If-9.1

 Identify different types and features of poetry through chalk and card

group activity.

 Compose a creative written piece of poetry that demonstrates

understanding of the subject matter.

Attitude:  Appreciate poetry through written reflection.


LEARNING MasterClass. (2022, August 31). Poetry 101: Learn About Poetry, Different

RESOURCES: Types of https://www.masterclass

MATERIALS:  laptop

 projector

 ¼ black card board

 chalk

 paper

 pencil

 used newspaper
 used magazines

 junk mails

 scissor

 glue


(20 mins.)

Instructions: In this activity, students will use a variety of texts such as

newspapers, magazines, or even junk mail to create a paragraph with 3-4

sentences. They will cut out words or phrases and arrange them in a way that

creates a new and meaningful sentence or idea.


1. Begin by introducing the activity and its purpose, which is to promote

creativity, critical thinking, and experimentation with form.

2. Materials that are required to bring should be present but if there is

student that forgot to bring then provide the materials such as

newspapers, magazines, scissors, glue, and paper.

3. Ask students to select a words that catches their attention from each of

the texts provided.

4. Instruct them to cut out words or phrases from each sentence and

arrange them in a way that creates a new and meaningful sentence or


5. Provide a specific time limit for the activity, for example, 15 minutes.
6. Once the time limit is up, ask the students to write down the new

sentence they created.

The success of this activity can be evaluated based on the following


 Appropriateness- 15 points: The ability of the students to choose

meaningful and appropriate sentences.

 Originality- 10 points: The creativity and originality of the new

sentence created.

 Clarity 15 points: The ability of the student to create a paragraph with

a clear and easy to understand idea.

 Grammar- 10 points: The coherence and grammatical correctness of

the new sentence.

Total of 50 points

Explain mo besh!

Analysis: (10

mins.) Instructions: After completing the first activity, students are tasked to share

their new come up sentences and explain the thought process behind it then

answer this one question, WHAT IS THE IMPORTANCE OF WORDS IN

CONSTRUCTING IDEAS? Use one whole sheet of paper. After, the teacher

will just randomly pick 3 students to explain and share their thoughts about
this tasked.



1. Begin by reviewing the previous activity, where students created new

sentences by rearranging words and phrases from various texts.

2. Ask students to share the new sentences they created and explain the

thought process behind them.

3. Introduce the new question for discussion: "What is the importance of

words in constructing ideas?"

4. Instruct students to write their thoughts on the importance of words in

constructing ideas on one whole sheet of paper.

5. Allow time for students to write down their thoughts and ideas.

6. Once students have finished writing, randomly pick three students to

share and explain their thoughts on the importance of words in

constructing ideas to the class.

7. Encourage feedback and discussion on the different perspectives


The success of this activity can be evaluated based on the following

 Explanation- 15 points: The ability of students to share their new

sentences and explain the thought process behind them.

 Organization of thoughts- 15 points: The quality and depth of thought

put into the response to the question, "What is the importance of words

in constructing ideas?"

 Clarity- 10 points: The clarity and coherence of the written response on

one whole sheet of paper.

 Performance- 15 points: The ability of the randomly picked students to

clearly and effectively explain their thoughts on the importance of

words in constructing ideas to the class.

Total of 55 plus 5 points for those present is equal to 60 points

Abstraction: Let us now Learn!

(30 mins) What Is Poetry?

 Poetry is a type of literature that conveys a thought, describes a scene

or tells a story in a concentrated, lyrical arrangement of words. Poems

can be structured, with rhyming lines and meter, the rhythm and

emphasis of a line based on syllabic beats. Poems can also be freeform,

which follows no formal structure.

What Is a Stanza in Poetry?

A stanza is a series of lines grouped together in order to divide a poem.

Types of Stanza in Poetry

• Monostich. A one-line stanza. Monostich can also be an entire poem.

• Couplet. A stanza with two lines that rhyme.

• Tercet. A stanza with three lines that either all rhyme or the first and

the third line rhyme—which is called an ABA rhyming pattern. A poem made

up of tercets and concludes with a couplet is called a “terza rima.”

• Quatrain. A stanza with four lines with the second and fourth lines


• Quintain. A stanza with five lines.

• Sestet. A stanza with six lines.

• Septet. A stanza with seven lines. This is sometimes called a “rhyme


• Octave. A stanza with eight lines written in iambic pentameter, or ten

syllable beats per line.

• Isometric stanza. Isometric stanzas have the same syllabic beats, or the

same meter, in every line.

• Heterometric stanza. A stanza in which every line is a different length.

• Spenserian stanza. Named after Edward Spenser’s unique stanza

structure in his poem “The Faerie Queene.” A Spenserian stanza has nine line,

eight in iambic pentameter—ten syllables in a line with emphasis on the

second beat of each syllable—and a final line in iambic hexameter—a twelve-

syllable beat line.

• Ballad stanza. Often used in folk songs, a ballad stanza is a rhyming

quatrain with four emphasized beats (eight syllables) in the first and third
lines, and three emphasized beats (six syllables) in the second and fourth lines.

What Is a Rhyme Scheme in Poetry?

 A rhyme scheme is the pattern of sounds that repeats at the end of a

line or stanza. Rhyme schemes can change line by line, stanza by

stanza, or can continue throughout a poem.

10 Types of Poetic Forms

From sonnets and epics to haikus and villanelles, learn more about 15 of

literature’s most enduring types of poems.

1. Rhymed poetry. In contrast to blank verse, rhymed poems rhyme by

definition, although their scheme varies.

2. Free verse is poetry that lacks a consistent rhyme scheme, metrical

pattern, or musical form.

3. An epic poem is a lengthy, narrative work of poetry. These long

poems typically detail extraordinary feats and adventures of characters

from a distant past.

4. Narrative poetry. Similar to an epic, a narrative poem tells a story.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s “The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere”

and Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”

exemplify this form.

5. A haiku is a three-line poetic form originating in Japan. The first line

has five syllables, the second line has seven syllables, and the third line

again has five syllables.

6. Sonnet. A sonnet is a 14 line poem, typically (but not exclusively)

concerning the topic of love. Sonnets contain internal rhymes within

their 14 lines; the exact rhyme scheme depends on the style of a


7. Elegies. An elegy is a poem that reflects upon death or loss.

Traditionally, it contains themes of mourning, loss, and reflection.

However, it can also explore themes of redemption and consolation.

8. limerick. A limerick is a five-line poem that consists of a single stanza,

an AABBA rhyme scheme, and whose subject is a short, pithy tale or


9. Lyric poetry. Lyric poetry refers to the broad category of poetry that

concerns feelings and emotion. This distinguishes it from two other

poetic categories: epic and dramatic. Learn more about lyric poetry


10. Soliloquy. A soliloquy is a monologue in which a character speaks to

him or herself, expressing inner thoughts that an audience might not

otherwise know. Soliloquies are not definitionally poems, although

they often can be—most famously in the plays of William


Application Poetry Jeopardy

(15 mins)

Instructions: In this activity, students will work in teams to identify

questions related to different types of poems and features of poetry. Then,

teacher will give each group card board and chalk. The teacher will repeat the

question twice and give each student 30 seconds to come up with an answer

then write it down to the card board and the teacher will count 1 to 10 to raise

each cards.


1. Divide the class into teams of 3-4 students.

2. Give each team a cardboard and chalk.

3. Teacher will repeat the question twice and give each student 30

seconds to come up with an answer then write it down on the


4. After 30 seconds, the teacher will count from 1 to 10, and on the count

of 10, all teams should raise their cardboards for the teacher to check

the answers.

5. If the answer is correct, the team will get a point.

6. Continue playing until all the questions have been answered or until a

designated number of rounds has been completed.

7. Declare the winning team based on their final score but this score will

serve as your individual score then, the group score will be based from
the provided criteria.

Criteria as group activity:

 Collaboration- 10 points: Each team member should actively

participate in the game and work together to identify questions related

to different types of poems and features of poetry.

 Accuracy- 15 points: The answers should demonstrate a clear

understanding of the different types of poems and features of poetry.

 Time Management- 10 points: Each team should be able to answer as

many questions as possible within the given time limit.

 Engagement- 10 points: The activity should promote a sense of

excitement and engagement among the students.

 Critical Thinking- 15 points: The questions should encourage critical

thinking and reflection on the different types of poems and features of


 Sportsmanship- 10 points: Teams should exhibit good sportsmanship

and respect towards each other throughout the activity.

 Feedback- 10 points: Students should be receptive to feedback and

willing to learn from their mistakes.

Total of 80 plus 20 points for those present and able to submit it is equal to

100 points
Assessment Creative Piece of Poem Creation

(15 mins)

Instructions: Students are asked to use the types and features of poetry they

have learned to write their own creative piece of poetry. Note that students are

given freewill to choose whatever type of poetry they want to write.


1. Encourage students to brainstorm ideas for their poem and consider the

type of poem they want to write.

2. Have students work independently to write their own original poem,

utilizing the types and features of poetry they have learned.

3. Provide feedback and support to students throughout the writing

process, as needed.

4. Allow students time to revise and edit their poems, emphasizing the

importance of proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

5. Once students have completed their poems, provide opportunities for

them to share their work with the class, either through readings or



 Form- 10 points: The poem should demonstrate an understanding of

the form and structure of the selected type of poem.

 Creativity- 15 points: The poem should be original and demonstrate

creative use of language, imagery, and sound devices.

 Clarity- 10 points: The poem should be clear and easy to understand,

with a consistent tone and message.

 Grammar and Spelling- 5 points: The poem should demonstrate proper

grammar, punctuation, and spelling.

 Depth- 10 points: The poem should explore and convey deeper

meaning or emotion beyond surface level.

 Length- 10 points: The poem should be an appropriate length for the

selected type of poem.

 Originality – 15 points: The poem should be the original work of the

student and not plagiarized

Total of 65 plus 45 points for those present and able to submit it is equal to

100 points

Assignment Poetry Analysis through Reflective Written Work of your created Poem

(2 mins)

Instructions: Students will write a reflective analysis of their poem,

discussing the meaning and purpose of their creative work.


1. Begin by asking students to review their poem and think about the

meaning and purpose behind it.

2. Have students take notes as they read through their poem, jotting down

any thoughts or insights that come to mind.

3. Once students have reviewed their poem, have them begin drafting

their reflective analysis. The analysis should include the following


4. Introduction: Begin by introducing the poem and providing some

context about its creation. Students should also briefly summarize the

main theme or message of their poem.

5. Meaning: In this section, students should explore the deeper meaning

behind their poem. They should discuss what inspired them to write

the poem, and what emotions or experiences they were trying to

convey. They may also want to analyze specific lines or stanzas of the

poem that are particularly meaningful to them.

6. Form and Structure: In this section, students should discuss the

creative choices they made in terms of the form and structure of their

poem. They should consider things like rhyme scheme, meter, line

length, and stanza structure, and explain how these choices contribute

to the overall meaning and effect of the poem.

7. Reflection: In this final section, students should reflect on their

experience of writing the poem. They may want to discuss what they

learned about themselves or their writing process, and how they can

apply this knowledge in future creative projects.

To ensure that students meet the goals of the assignment, the reflective

analysis should meet the following criteria:

 20 points: The analysis should be well-organized and clearly written,

with a strong introduction, body, and conclusion.

 20 points: The analysis should demonstrate a clear understanding of

the meaning and purpose of the poem, and should provide specific

examples to support its claims.

 20 points: The analysis should discuss the form and structure of the

poem, explaining how these choices contribute to the overall meaning

and effect of the poem.

 20 points: The analysis should include a thoughtful reflection on the

student's experience of writing the poem, and should offer insights into

their writing process and creative choices.

 15 points: The analysis should be free of grammatical errors and

demonstrate strong writing skills, including proper sentence structure,

punctuation, and spelling.

Total of 95 plus 5 points for those who able to submit on time that will equal

to 100 points

Prepared by: Group 4 Submitted to: Mr.Bernard V. Jamon


Claire S. Bacarro

Kate Louise Montesclaros

Janice Geramil


Think of a strategy in writing poem and short story among your learners. Follow the pre-

writing, during writing, and post-writing method. Craft also an analytic or holistic rubric

in accessing the poem and short story. Share your answer with the class.
Strategy in Writing Poetry

Pre-Writing: The teacher will draw a rainbow on the board and will label it with each corresponding

color, the ROYGBIV (Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet). After that, the teacher

will ask the students to get a 1 whole sheet of paper and right down on the top-right part of the paper

their TOP 3 favorite colors from ROYGBIV.

During Writing: The students must use the same paper and the exact 3 colors they wrote on top to

create a poem. Here’s the directions:

The students must create a 3-stanza poem. The first stanza must be about the Top 1 st color they wrote,

the second stanza about the Top 2 color they wrote and the third stanza about the Top 3 color they

wrote. Each stanza must contain at least 3-5 lines each, and they are free to be creative in writing their

poem. A title is of course a must.


Cohesiveness – 20 pts

Use of poetic elements – 10 pts

Creativity – 10 pts

Originality – 10 pts _

Total – 50 pts

Post-Writing: The students must draw an illustration that best describes their poem and they must

color their illustration using only the 3 colors they used in their poems. And their drawing will be

attached together with their poems and will be pinned on the classroom’s Student Work Board.
Strategy in Writing Short Story

Pre-Writing: The teacher will ask the students to get a 1-whole sheet of paper. The teacher will then

ask them to write down on their paper the following:

1. Their favorite animal (ex. Lizard)

2. Their favorite movie genre (ex. Romance)

During Writing: This time, the teacher will ask the students to write a 1-whole page short story using

their favorite animal as the main character and their favorite movie genre as the genre of the short

story. They have the freedom to decide how long or short their short story would be as long it doesn’t

exceed to a 2nd page and as long as it has all the element of plot (exposition, rising action, climax,

falling action and denouement).


Characterization – 10 pts

Plot – 15 pts

Theme – 15 pts

Creativity and Originality – 10 pts

Total – 50 pts

Post-Writing: The teacher will group the class into groups with 10 members. They must encode their

short story and print it in a long size bond paper. They must compile all the stories like a big book with

different stories inside.

Group: 1


Penton, Benjie

Mara-an, Chelou Mae

Cañete, Marist

Reyes, Novamae

Submitted to:

Dr. Bernard Evangelicom Jamon

Activity 15

Learning Competency: Compose an argumentative essay.

Topic: Argumentative Essay

Grade Level: 10

Strategy In Teaching Writing

Pre- Writing : The Teacher will provide the students with a picture that depicts

a situation of a family, student must analyze the picture given and read the

situation. The situation in the picture shows statements of the two siblings asking

their parents to give them money for different reasons. The daughter is asking for

money to go shopping and hang out with her friends while the son is asking for

money to buy a phone that he can use to support his studies. After, students are

asked to generate and write at least 15 words that they can think of in regards

with the situation in the picture given.

During Writing : The students are now going to write an argumentative essay

using the 15 words that the students have generated from the pre-writing activity

conducted awhile ago. In writing the Argumentative Essay it must answer the

question “Who do you think is more convincing ? Why ?”. Students should

strictly follow the three basic parts in writing the argumentative essay like it

should have an introduction with a minimum of 3 sentences, body with a

minimum of 7-10 sentences and conclusion with a minimum of 3-5 sentences.

Students must bold the 15 generated words upon writing the argumentative essay

so that it is visible to the teacher’s eyes.

Post – Writing : The Teacher will randomly call one by one student from the

class record book to read the Argumentative Essay writings done by their co-

classmates in the during writing activity and as well call one by one student who

will be letting their writings to be read. After the student have read the writings,

he/she must provide an honest feedback in regards with the writing like if there is

something that needs to be enhanced or addressed like the grammars, writing

organization, the information of the arguments, proper punctuation or the correct

spelling. Whatever the feedback of that student should be based upon the criteria

provided above.


Strategy In Writing Poetry

Pre - Writing : The teacher will have a box with folded paper in it. All the first
names of the students are written on the folded papers. The teacher will call

students one by one to pick one paper each. After picking, the students should

not tell anyone, not even their friends, which classmate they have picked.

During Writing : When everyone has already picked, the teacher will now ask

students to write an acrostic poem using the letters of the name of the person

they have picked. In their poem, the student should describe the person they have

picked using the letters written in the paper. For better understanding, the teacher

will give an example of acrostic poem using the letters of the first name of a



J is for Joy, you're magnificent

U is for Understanding, a noble character

L is for Lovable, a caring heart

I is for Imaginative, full of delightful surprises

A is for Angelic, beauty beyond compare

Julia, is much more a name

Post Writing : After writing, the teacher will call the students one by one. Once

their name is called (Person A), they will state the name of the person they have

picked (Person B), and the person that they have picked (Person B) should be the

one to read the poem that Person A has written. After reading the poem, Person

B should give his or her insight, reaction, and comments about the poem.
Strategy In Writing Short Story

Pre – Writing: The students will make a funny fantasy short story that tackles

their life if they are given a chance to write it. Like what kind of fantasy life they

want to be and it should be funny.

During Writing: The students will now make their own short story.


Content wise: - 20 points

Grammar: - 20 points
Organization: - 20 points
Creativity: - 40 points
Total: 100 Points
Post Writing: The teacher will pick a paper randomly to call a student that will

perform their short story in front of the class and whoever can make their

classmates laugh will have plus points.


Formal Themes
Grade Level: 12

Formal Theme # 1 : The biggest challenge you have face and overcome in life.

Instructions : Write a narrative essay with the formal theme presented above. In

writing your narrative essay proper outlining must strictly follow like your writings

should have an introduction, body and conclusion. How many sentences upon

writing and making the narrative essay is up to you.

Formal Theme # 2 : Explain what does it mean to be a Human

Instructions : Write an argumentative essay with the formal theme presented

above. In writing your argumentative essay proper outlining is a must or observed

like it should have an introduction with a minimum of 5 sentences, another is body

with a minimum 10-15 sentences and lastly it should have a conclusion with a

minimum of 5 sentences.

Formal Theme # 3 : "What my parents do not know about me"

Instructions: Think of things or anything that your parents do not know about you

and write them down in 10–15 sentences.

Formal Theme # 4 : "The Most Unforgettable Thing I Did When I Turned


Instructions: Think about the things you did when you turned 18. Among those,

choose the one that you think is the most unforgettable. Write it in at least 10


Formal Theme # 5 : How you met a special person in your life ?

Instructions: Think of a person that is so special in your life and write it down on

how you two met in at least 15 sentences.

Formal Theme # 6 : Books that changed my world view.

Instructions: Choose at least two books and write it down on how it changed your

world view in at least 15 sentences.

General Criteria For Formal Theme:

Content - 30 points
Writing Organization - 35 points
Writing Mechanics - 35 points
GROUP 6 ELT 7 (Midterm)

Activity 14

Learning Competency: Compose forms of literary writing

Code: EN9WC-IIf-9

Grade Level: 9 (2ND quarter)

Topic: Short Story

Pre –Writing: KNOW ME WELL!

 In this activity, the teacher will show pictures from different famous short


 Afterwards, the students will choose one among the stories that they

considered their favorite.

During Writing:

 After the students have picked their favorite short story, from the moral

lesson of that short story, write a self-made short story where the moral

lesson will be integrated.

 The short story must compose of one paragraph containing ten sentences.

Post –Writing

 The students will be divided into 5 groups composed of five members.

 From their own short story, they must select the best output among all.
 Based on the short story they have chosen, they must create a script and

perform through a role play.


 Originality- 35 points

 Creativity-30 points

 Pronunciation-25points

 Teamwork-10 points

Total: 100 points


Name of the activity: THINK-CREATE-CONNECT

Description: Students will think and create poem about their crush or idol.


Idea -35%

Organization – 30%

Word Choice – 25%

Neatness – 10%

Total : 100%

Strategy in Making Poetry

Pre- Writing:

 The students will be asked to think of their crush or idol.

During writing:

 Students must create two sentences with exact 8 words each (1

sentence is composed of 2 stanzas) that describe their crush or idol.

Each word of the sentence must be written in chronological order and

in vertical form (acrostic style but in a sentence form).

 Then, they connect the first word to create a poetic line.

 Each sentence is composed of two stanzas; two sentences is

equivalent to four stanzas.


 The teacher will create a Facebook page where the finish outputs will be


 The outputs that had gathered the most reactions will get a reward.


I keep on idolizing you from a far.

I wish I can be with you forever.













Activity 15

Name of Activity: Story Tower

Description: The students will be grouped into 6 groups with 8 members each.

They will create their own short story. The teacher will provide a guide in writing

their own short story.


Idea – 35%
Organization – 30%

Word Choice – 25%

Collaboration – 10%

Total: 100%

Strategy in writing Short Story


 Students are going to choose their own main character and the setting of their

short story.

During Writing:

 Students are going to write two sentences that best describes the main character.

 They will write 2-3 sentences that describes the place, time, and setting.

 Students are going to write 2-3 sentences describing the events or problem in the


 Students will write 3-4 sentences describing the intense part of the story.

 Students will write 2-3 sentences on how the conflicts were being resolved.
 The students will write 5 sentences describing the ending of the story.

Post Writing:

 Students will perform their finished output through reading aloud in front of the


Activity 16

Grade Level: 9


My Pre-Pandemic Experience

DIRECTIONS: Students are ask to write their pre-pandemic experience in 2-3 paragraphs .Each

paragraph must contain 3-8 sentences.


Contents- 30%

Relevance - 30%

Choice of Words - 25%

Neatness- 15%

Total: 100 points





My First Face-to-face classes

DIRECTIONS: Students are ask to write their first face-to-face classes experience in 2-3

paragraphs .Each paragraph must contain 3-8 sentences.


Contents- 30%

Relevance - 30%

Choice of Words - 25%

Neatness- 15%

Total: 100 points






My Intramurals experience

DIRECTIONS: Students are ask to write about their intramurals experience in 2-3
paragraphs .Each paragraph must contain 3-8 sentences.

Contents- 30%

Relevance - 30%

Choice of Words - 25%

Neatness- 15%

Total: 100 points






The Love of My life

DIRECTIONS: Students are ask to write about the love of their life in 2-3 paragraphs. Each

paragraph must contain 3-8 sentences.


Contents- 30%

Relevance - 30%

Choice of Words - 25%

Neatness- 15%

Total: 100 points






My First Heartbreak

DIRECTIONS: Students are ask to write about their first heartbreak experience in 2-3

paragraphs .Each paragraph must contain 3-8 sentences.


Contents- 30%

Relevance - 30%

Choice of Words - 25%

Neatness- 15%

Total: 100 points





My Best Summer Break Experience

DIRECTIONS: Students are ask to write about their best summer break experience in 2-3

paragraphs .Each paragraph must contain 3-8 sentences.


Contents- 30%

Relevance - 30%

Choice of Words - 25%

Neatness- 15%

Total: 100 points





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