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Grade 9 English Lesson Plan

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Purok 3, Marawoy, Lipa City

Tel. # (043) 774-2454

School Holistic Academy for Grade Level 9

LESSON Teacher Sallyjoan Ytac Oriol Learning Area English
EXEMPLAR Teaching Time 1:15-2:15 Quarter 3
December 3-8, 2023
Week 1
DAY 1 & 3 DAY 4-5
At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to:
 Identify devices used in a poem (allusion, synecdoche, and
 Identify gerunds in sentences and their functions;
 Enumerate some poetic forms and give their functions;
I. Objectives
 Write a poem;
 Employ appropriate strategies in listening to poems;
 Understand the persona in a poem; and
 Demonstrate confidence in reciting poems.

The learner demonstrates understanding of how Anglo-American literature

A. Content Standards and other text types serve as means of connecting to the world; also how to
use ways of analysing one-act play and different forms of verbals for him/her
to skilfully perform in a one-act play.
The learner skilfully performs in one-act play through utilizing effective verbal and
B. Performance Standards
non-verbal strategies and ICT resources based on the following criteria: Focus,
Voice, Delivery, and Dramatic Conventions.
 EN9RC-IIIa-20: Analyze a one-act play
 EN9LT-IIIa-20.1: Explain how the elements specific to a one-act play
contribute to the development of its theme
 EN9LC-IIIa-6: Employ appropriate listening strategies suited to type
of text
 EN9LC-IIIa-6.1: Extract important information from
argumentative/persua sive texts
 EN9VC-IIIa1.2/2.2: Interpret the message conveyed in a material
C. Most Essential Learning  EN9V-IIIa-29: Get familiar with the technical vocabulary for drama
Competencies and theatre (like stage directions)
(If available, write the  EN9LT-IIIa-16: Analyze literature as a means of connecting to the
MELC) world.
 EN9LT-IIIa16.1: Identify the distinguishing features of Anglo-
American one-act plays
 EN9WC-IIIa-9: Compose forms of literary writing
 EN9WC-IIIa-9.4: Identify types and features of a play synopsis.
 EN9OL-IIIa-3.7: Employ varied verbal and nonverbal strategies while
performing in a one-act play
 EN9F-IIIa-3.11: Produce the English sounds correctly and effectively
when delivering lines in a one-act play.
 EN9G-IIIa-21: Use verbals.
II. Content Lesson 1: My Attention
III. Learning Book, TV, laptop, marker Book, TV, laptop, marker
A. References
e. Teacher’s Guide Pages

f. Learner’s Material pages Page 179 Page 193

g. Textbook Pages

h. Additional Materials You Tube Video

from Learning Resources

B. List of Learning for Audio presentation Word analysis

developing and engagement Reading comprehension Sentence composition

E. Introduction Asking question: Let the students read the poem of
Ben Jonson “To Celia” and ask them
What is poem? some questions to assess if they
understand the poem.
What are the literary devices of a poem?
Let the students analyze the poem by
identifying some literary devices seen
in the poem.

Introducing the 6 Poetic Forms Let the student identify what kind of
Poetic forms is the poem “To Celia”
F. Development The learners will listen to a Poetry scanned in The learners will analyze the
their books. While listening let the students underlined word in the poem that
think of some experience as if they are they read earlier “To Celia”
listening to a simple story being told instead
of a complex piece of art.

Introducing the Types of Verbals : Gerunds,

Participle and Infinitives.

G. Engagement With their group mates, they are task to Let the learners read aloud their
choose a piece, then analyze the poem and chosen poems and present it in the
look for some literary devices shown in the class. Afterwards analyze the poem
chosen piece. Let the students underline also by presenting the literary devices and
some verbals that can be shown in their verbals that they’ve search in the
chosen poem. poem.

H. Assimilation The learners with their groupmates will Individual activity. Learners will
answer the question on Task 1, page 191 of answer the activity (Check-In, task 1)
the text book. Then, will choose one on page 179 of the text book.
representative to read their answer in front of
the class.

With the same group they will make a tableau

presentation showing patriotism.

V. REFLECTION The students will make 5 sentences one The learners will share their
(Reflection on the type of paragraph reflection of what they learned in learning’s about discussion.
Formative Assessment the discussion.
used for the particular
Purok 3, Marawoy, Lipa City
Tel. # (043) 774-2454

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Head Teacher Academic Head

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School Holistic Academy for Grade Level 9

LESSON Teacher Sallyjoan Ytac Oriol Learning Area English
EXEMPLAR Teaching Time 1:15-2:15 Quarter 3
December 11-14, 2023
Week 2
DAY 1 -5
I. Objectives At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to:
 Identify the purpose of the author;
 Define fallacy;
 Point out fallacies in statements or arguments;
 Identify participles in the sentences and their functions;
 Apply the principles of cohesion and coherence in organizing
 Write a report; and
 Create a presentation using multimedia resources.

The learner demonstrates understanding of how Anglo-American literature

A. Content Standards and other text types serve as means of connecting to the world; also how
to use ways of analysing one-act play and different forms of verbals for
him/her to skilfully perform in a one-act play.
The learner skilfully performs in one-act play through utilizing effective verbal and
B. Performance Standards
non-verbal strategies and ICT resources based on the following criteria: Focus,
Voice, Delivery, and Dramatic Conventions.
The learners will be able to…
 EN9RC-IIIb-20: Analyze a one-act play
 EN9LT-IIIb-20.1: Explain how the elements specific to a
one-act play contribute to the development of its theme
 EN9LC-IIIb-6.3: Reflect on the ideas of the speaker
 EN9VC-IIIb1.2/2.2: Interpret the message conveyed in a
material viewed
 EN9V-IIIb-29: Get familiar with the technical vocabulary for
C. Most Essential Learning drama and theatre (like stage directions)
Competencies  EN9LT-IIIb-16: Analyze literature as a means of connecting
(If available, write the MELC) to the world
 EN9LT-IIIb16.1: Identify the distinguishing features of
Anglo-American one-act plays
 EN9WC-IIIb-9: Compose forms of literary writing
 EN9WC-IIIb-9.4: Identify types and features of a play
 EN9F-IIIb-3.11: Produce the English sounds correctly and
effectively when delivering lines in a one-act play.
 EN9G-IIIb-21: Use verbals.
II. Content Lesson 2: My Wisdom

III. Learning You Tube Videos

Resources Book

A. References
e. Teacher’s Guide Pages

f. Learner’s Material pages Page 194-208

g. Textbook Pages n/a

h. Additional Materials from PowerPoint presentation

Learning Resources Activity sheet

B. List of Learning for developing conceptual Diagram, Discussion

and engagement activities.

E. Introduction Give the students a background about the correspondence that they were about to
Purok 3, Marawoy, Lipa City
Tel. # (043) 774-2454

 Cherokee people
 Geaorge Washington
Let them answer page 194 “Check In Task 1”

Ask the students to read the correspondence “Talk of the President of the United
States to His Beloved Men of the Cherokee Nation by Gearoge Washington.
Answer page 198 “Task 1”
F. Development The students will be group into five, each group will do their task page 199 “Wonder
and Wander Task 2”
Group 1: Compose and perform a short song about the Cherokees.
Group 2: Make a research about George Washington and do a character sketch of
him in dealing with the Cherokees.
Group 3: Role play a meeting of Cherokees counsellors and chiefs to discuss the
letter of Washington.
Group 4: Role-play a scenario where the Cherokees liked what Washington
suggested. What could be the result?
Group 5: Role-play a scenario where the Cherokees did not like what Washington
suggested. What could be their reasons?
G. Engagement Discuss the following:
 Fallacies
 Types of Fallacies
 Verbals; Participles
 Writing a report
 Multimedia Resources
H. Assimilation The students will answer the activity page 201 “Try and Explore” Task 2A
Identifying the different fallacies; and page 206 “Try and Explore Task 1B”
Identifying if the underlined words are participle or not.
V. REFLECTION The students will make 5 sentences one paragraph reflection of what they learned
(Reflection on the type of in the discussion.
Formative Assessment used for
the particular lesson)

Checked by: Verified by:


Head Teacher Academic Head

Approved by:


School Holistic Academy for Grade Level 9
LESSON Teacher Sallyjoan Ytac Oriol Learning Area English
EXEMPLAR Teaching Time 1:15-2:15 Quarter 3
January 3-4, 2024
Week 3
DAY 1 & 2 DAY 3-5
At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to:
 Define stereotype;
 Define some terms used in theater;
 Identify the tone and mood of a text;
I. Objectives  Give feedback from materials listened to or watched;
 Identify infinitives in sentences and their functions;
 Identify the features of a soliloquy and a monologue; and
 Write

A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of how Anglo-American literature

Purok 3, Marawoy, Lipa City
Tel. # (043) 774-2454

and other text types serve as means of connecting to the world; also how to
use ways of analysing one-act play and different forms of verbals for him/her
to skilfully perform in a one-act play.
The learner skilfully performs in one-act play through utilizing effective verbal and
B. Performance Standards
non-verbal strategies and ICT resources based on the following criteria: Focus,
Voice, Delivery, and Dramatic Conventions.
 EN9LC-IIIc-6.4: Interpret the information listened to
 EN9VC-IIIc1.2/2.2: Interpret the message conveyed in a poster
 EN9V-IIIc-29: Get familiar with the technical vocabulary for drama
C. Most Essential Learning and theatre (like stage directions)
(If available, write the
 EN9LT-IIIc-16: Analyze literature as a means of connecting to the
MELC) world
 plays EN9WC-IIIc-9: Compose forms of literary writing
 EN9WC-IIIc-9.4: Identify types and features of a play synopsis.
 EN9G-IIIc-21: Use verbals.
II. Content Lesson 3: My Compassion
 Stereotype
 Theater
 Verbals: Infinitives
 Soliloquy and monologue

III. Learning
Resources English for Innovative Minds 9 English for Innovative Minds 9
A. References
e. Teacher’s Guide Pages

f. Learner’s Material pages Page 209-225 Page 209-225

g. Textbook Pages

h. Additional Materials You Tube Video You Tube Video

from Learning Resources Power point presentation Power point presentation

B. List of Learning for Discussion Discussion

developing and engagement Audio listening/ Video Video presentation
activities. Book activity

E. Introduction Let the students look for the meaning Let the students list at least five (5)
of the underlined words. Page 109- stereotypes towards anyone that they
210 “Check In” know.
 Ask the student a
 What is stereotype?
F. Development Let the learners read “The Merchant Learners will answer the questions about
of Venice” by William Shakespeare “The Merchant of Venice” by William
Shakespeare “Wonder and Wander Task 1
page 215”.
G. Engagement Discuss the following: The learners will watched a scene showing
 Providing feedback Prince Hamlet from the eponymous
 Verbals; Infinitives Shakespearean play (in Act III, Scene 1),
 As a noun as portrayed by Mel Gibson. Speech is also
provided in page 221.
 As an adjective
 As an adverb The learners will construct their own
 Soliloquy and Monologue sentences with infinitives that function as
nouns, adjective, adverbs on paper strips.
“Try and Explore” page 223 Task 1
H. Assimilation Form a group of five members, then Each group will recite in front of the class
“Explore On Your Own Task 2A “ what they’ve wrote in Task2A as if
performing a soliloquy in a play. Remember
to internalize the character you portray.

V. REFLECTION Let the learners look back on what Learners will share their answer in the
(Reflection on the type of have they learned in the lesson by class.
Formative Assessment answering these questions:
used for the particular 1. Why are there stereotypes? How
lesson) can you refrain from labelling people?

2. How do you show compassion to

Purok 3, Marawoy, Lipa City
Tel. # (043) 774-2454

Checked by: Verified by:


Head Teacher Academic Head

Approved by:


School Holistic Academy for Grade Level 9
LESSON Teacher Sallyjoan Ytac Oriol Learning Area English
EXEMPLAR Teaching Time 1:15-2:15 Quarter 3
January 8-12, 2023
Week 4
DAY 1-5
At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to:
 Define some terms used in theater;
 Design a play poster;
 Write a synopsis;
I. Objectives
 Use verbals in writing a synopsis;
 Identify the features of one-act plays; and
 Take part in the production of a one-act play.

The learner demonstrates understanding of how Anglo-American

A. Content Standards literature and other text types serve as means of connecting to the world;
also how to use ways of analysing one-act play and different forms of
verbals for him/her to skilfully perform in a one-act play.
The learner skilfully performs in one-act play through utilizing effective verbal
B. Performance Standards
and non-verbal strategies and ICT resources based on the following criteria:
Focus, Voice, Delivery, and Dramatic Conventions.

EN9RC-IIId-20: Analyze a one-act play

EN9LT-IIId-2.1.5: Express appreciation for sensory images used
EN9LT-IIId-20.2: Explain the literary devices used

EN9LC-IIId-6.5: Recognize faulty logic, unsupported facts, and
emotional appeal
 EN9VC-IIId4.3/5.3: Analyze the information contained in the
material viewed
 EN9V-IIId-29: Get familiar with the technical vocabulary for
C. Most Essential Learning
drama and theatre (like stage directions)
(If available, write the MELC)  EN9LT-IIId-16: Analyze literature as a means of connecting to
the world
 EN9LT-IIId2.3: Draw similarities and differences of the featured
selections in relation to the theme
 EN9WC-IIId-9: Compose forms of literary writing
 EN9WC-IIId-9.4: Identify types and features of a play synopsis
 EN9OL-IIId-5: Use the appropriate prosodic features of speech
when delivering lines in a one-act play E
 N9G-IIId-21: Use verbals.
II. Content Lesson 4: My Forgiveness

III. Learning Google Websites

Resources Book
Purok 3, Marawoy, Lipa City
Tel. # (043) 774-2454

A. References
e. Teacher’s Guide Pages n/a

f. Learner’s Material pages Page 226-244

g. Textbook Pages n/a

h. Additional Materials from Video presentation

Learning Resources PowerPoint Presentation

B. List of Learning for developing Class Discussion

and engagement activities. Brainstorming

E. Introduction
Let the students find out the meaning of the underlined words. Answer page
226-227“ Check In Task 1A and Task 1B page 228.

F. Development
The learners will watch a video about a one-act play. Afterwards the learners
will read the “A Wife for a Life” by Eugene O’Neill page 229-235 and answer the
“Wonder and Wander” Task 1.
G. Engagement
Discuss the following:
 Synopsis
 Using Verbals
 One- Act Play

H. Assimilation Class will be divided into three (3). Each group will rewrite the script of “A Wife
for a Life” by O’Neill. The learners will rewrite the script to adapt it to Philippine
setting using Filipino characters. They will present it in the class using the
criteria for judging page 243 “Go Beyond”.
V. REFLECTION The students will make 5 sentences one paragraph reflection of what they
(Reflection on the type of learned in the discussion.
Formative Assessment used for the
particular lesson)

Checked by: Verified by:


Head Teacher Academic Head

Approved by:


School Holistic Academy for Grade Level 9
LESSON Teacher Sallyjoan Ytac Oriol Learning Area English
EXEMPLAR Teaching Time 1:15-2:15 Quarter 2
October 2-6, 2023
Week 1
DAY 1-2 DAY 3-5
At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to:
 Use intimate speech style;
 Define tone in poetry;
 Identify the features of pastoral poems;
 Get information from a material listened to;
 Recognize linear and nonlinear listened to;
I. Objectives  Interpret information in nonlinear text;
 Transcode information from linear to nonlinear texts and vice
 Identify and use adverbs in sentences;
 Distinguish between prose and poetry; and
 Write a short essay;

The learner demonstrates understanding of how Anglo-American literature and

A. Content Standards other text types serve as means of valuing other people; also how to use
processing information strategies, different forms of adverbs and conditionals for
him/her to play an active part in a Chamber Theatre presentation.

The learner proficiently plays an active part in a Chamber Theatre presentation

B. Performance Standards through employing effective verbal and non- verbal strategies based on the
following criteria: Focus, Voice, Delivery, Facial Expressions, Style and Body
Movements or Gestures.

 EN9WC-IIa-10: Distinguish the features present in poetry and in

 EN9G-IIa19: Use adverbs in narration.
 EN9LT-IIa-15: Analyze literature as a means of valuing other
C. Most Essential Learning people and their various circumstances in life.
Competencies  EN9LT-IIa-15.1: Identify the distinguishing features of notable
(If available, write the MELC) Anglo-American sonnets, dramatic poetry, vignettes, and short
 2 EN9RC-IIb-19: Get information from various print media like
brochures, pamphlets, periodicals, and audio-video recordings.

II. Content Lesson 1: My Surroundings

III. Learning English for Innovative Minds 9 English for Innovative Minds 9
Resources YouTube Video YouTube Video

A. References
e. Teacher’s Guide Pages
Page 38 Page 41
f. Learner’s Material pages
Purok 3, Marawoy, Lipa City
Tel. # (043) 774-2454

Page 91-107 Page 91-107

g. Textbook Pages

h. Additional Materials from

Learning Resources PowerPoint presentation PowerPoint presentation
Video presentation

B. List of Learning for

developing and engagement Class Discussion Reading comprehension
activities. Group Reporting Writing a short essay

E. Introduction Ask the learners a question. Introduce the Linear and the non-linear
What is pastoral?
Differentiate the Linear and the non-
What word do you associate with a linear texts.
Learners will accomplish the diagram Discuss the types of non-linear text.
by giving their own insight about the
word pastoral “Task 2 page 92” To assesst if the students understand
the types of linear and non-linear text,
Using a dictionary, learners will look learners will answer the “Try and
for the meaning or synonyms of the Explore” Task 2A and 2B page 100-101.
underlined word in the “Check In”
Task 1 page 92.
F. Development Divide the class into five groups; Let the students read the sets of
each group will be given 10 minutes sentences and verses.
to read the poem “The Passionate
Shepherd to His Love” by Introduce the Adverbs in the sentence
Christopher Marlowe, followed by and its usage.
reading “The Nymph’s Reply to the
Shepherd” by Sir Walter Raleigh.
G. Engagement With their group they will analyze the Discuss the following:
selection by answering the questions
on page 95 “Wonder and Wander”  Difference between Poetry
Task 1, 2 and 3. Afterwards, they will and Prose.
present their answer in the class. Learners will answer “Try and Explore”
Task 1 page 105.

 Essay
Learners will answer “Try and Explore”
Task 2A and Task 2B page 105.
 Topic Sentence
H. Assimilation Let the learners watch the talk Group Activity. Learners will do the task
“Where We Live Impacts How We “Go Beyond” page 106 be guide by the
Lived” by Shannon Kraus on page 96 following standard.
“Make Connection”. Learners will
have to take note the given
questions, and look for the answers
as they’ve watch the video.
In the same group, they will have to
present their gathered information in
the class.

V. REFLECTION Learners will construct 5 sentences Learners will answer the following
(Reflection on the type of to write what they have learned. questions;
Formative Assessment used for
the particular lesson) 1. How does my surroundings affect
how I live, act, and speak?

2. How do I appreciate my

Checked by: Verified by:


Head Teacher Academic Head

Approved by:



School Holistic Academy for Grade Level 9

LESSON Teacher Sallyjoan Ytac Oriol Learning Area English
EXEMPLAR Teaching Time 1:15-2:15pm Quarter 2
October 9-13, 2023
Week 2
Purok 3, Marawoy, Lipa City
Tel. # (043) 774-2454

DAY 1 - 5
At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to:
 Get information from pamphlets and brochures;
 React to materials listened to or watched;
 Use the casual speech style;
I. Objectives
 Perform in a readers theater;
 Identify adverb clauses in sentences; and
 Write a narrative text.

The learner demonstrates understanding of how Anglo-American literature and

A. Content Standards other text types serve as means of valuing other people; also how to use
processing information strategies, different forms of adverbs and conditionals for
him/her to play an active part in a Chamber Theatre presentation.

The learner proficiently plays an active part in a Chamber Theatre presentation

B. Performance Standards through employing effective verbal and non- verbal strategies based on the
following criteria: Focus, Voice, Delivery, Facial Expressions, Style and Body
Movements or Gestures.

 EN9RC-IIb-19: Get information from various print media like

brochures, pamphlets, periodicals, and audio-video recordings.
 EN9LC-IIb-11.1: Listen to get important information from
argumentative/ persuasive texts.
 EN9LC-IIb-2.8: Make inferences from what was said.
 EN9VC-IIb-21: Summarize the information contained in the
material viewed.
 EN9V-IIb-27: Give the appropriate communicative styles for
various situations (intimate, casual, conversational, consultative,
C. Most Essential Learning
(If available, write the MELC)  EN9LT-IIb-15: Analyze literature as a means of valuing other
people and their various circumstances in life.
 EN9LT-II-0-14.2: Explain how the elements specific to a selection
build its theme.
 EN9WC-IIb-10: Distinguish the features present in poetry and in
 EN9OL-IIb-3.7: Employ varied verbal and nonverbal strategies to
create impact on the audience while delivering lines in a Readers
Theatre or in a Chamber Theatre.
 EN9G-IIb19: Use adverbs in narration.
II. Content
Lesson 2: My Home

III. Learning Google Websites

Resources Book

A. References You

e. Teacher’s Guide Pages Page 42-46

f. Learner’s Material pages Page 108-128

g. Textbook Pages n/a

h. Additional Materials from Video presentation

Learning Resources PowerPoint Presentation

B. List of Learning for developing Class Discussion

and engagement activities. Brainstorming

E. Introduction
Learners will read an essay. Since the essay was written more than century ago,
the learners will research the meaning of the given words. “Check In“ Task 1A
and Task 1B page 108-109.

Learners will now read the essay entitled “The Bean-Field” by Henry David

Afterwards, learners will proceed to answer “Wonder and Wander” Task 1 and 2
page 117.
F. Development
The learners will get an information from Pamphlets and Brochures “Make
Connection” page 118.

With a partner, learners will look for atleast three pamphlets and brochures. Then,
make and accomplish the table like the one in given sheet of paper. “Try and
Explore” Task 1 page 119.

G. Engagement
Discuss the following:
 Casual Speech Style
 Readers Theater (provide an example of Readers Theater)
 Adverb Clauses: Time, Place and Manner
Answer page 125 “Try and Explore” Task 2A
 Narrative Writing
Let the learners construct a sentence showing the different types
of adverb.

H. Assimilation
With their group, let the learners perform a readers theatre about the story of the
“Three Little Pigs”.

V. REFLECTION Write 5 sentences about the lesson that they have learned.
(Reflection on the type of
Formative Assessment used for
the particular lesson)

Checked by: Verified by:


Head Teacher Academic Head
Purok 3, Marawoy, Lipa City
Tel. # (043) 774-2454

Approved by:



School Holistic Academy for Grade Level 9

LESSON Teacher Sallyjoan Ytac Oriol Learning Area English
EXEMPLAR Teaching Time 1:15-2:15pm Quarter 2
October 16-20, 2023
Week 3
DAY 1 DAY 2-3 DAY 4-5
I. Objectives At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to:
 Identify the moods of the poems;
 Make inferences from materials listened to or watched;
 Get information from audio-video materials and recordings;
 Use the consultative speech style in appropriate situations;
 Write a critique;
 Perform in a chamber theater; and
 Identify adverb clauses of contrast and reason in sentence.

The learner demonstrates understanding of how Anglo-American literature and other

A. Content Standards text types serve as means of valuing other people; also how to use processing
information strategies, different forms of adverbs and conditionals for him/her to play
an active part in a Chamber Theatre presentation.

The learner proficiently plays an active part in a Chamber Theatre presentation

B. Performance Standards through employing effective verbal and non- verbal strategies based on the following
criteria: Focus, Voice, Delivery, Facial Expressions, Style and Body Movements or

 EN9VC-IId-22: Agree or disagree with the ideas presented in the

material viewed.
C. Most Essential Learning  EN9OL-IIe-5: Use the appropriate prosodic features of speech when
Competencies delivering lines in a Readers Theatre or in a Chamber Theatre.
(If available, write the MELC)  EN9LC-IIc3.12/3.14: Listen to paraphrase and summarize information
from persuasive texts.

II. Content Lesson 3: My Context

III. Learning English for Innovative English for Innovative English for Innovative
Resources Minds 19 Minds 9 Minds 9
You Tube YouTube
A. References
e. Teacher’s Guide Pages PAGE 46-47 PAGE 48-49 PAGE 50-51

f. Learner’s Material pages PAGE 129-136 PAGE 137-141 PAGE 142-144

g. Textbook Pages

h. Additional Materials Video presentation Graphs and charts Video Presentation

from Learning Resources PowerPoint presentation Pictures PowerPoint presentation
PowerPoint presentation
B. List of Learning for Class Discussion Brainstorming Class Discussion
developing and engagement

E. Introduction The students will The students will watch Learners will watch a
complete the crossword again the video “Song of production of the “The
puzzle with words from Myself”. This time they will Lottery” by Shirley Jackson.
the selection “Check In” judge and observe the Let the students describe
Task 1 page 129 language style. how it is similar or different to
a readers theatre production.
The students will write a
title and chorus of a
song about their selves.
Task 2
F. Development The learners will read Try it with a partner! The teacher will discuss what
the long poem “Song of is Chamber and its difference
Myself” by Walt Learners will have a role from Readers theatre. For
Whitman” play where two more reference learners may
participants use in the turn their book on page 142
Learners will answer the consultative speech style. “Make Connection” for more
“Wonder and Wander” Make sure that their information about Chamber
Task 1 to assess if they conversation is Theater.
understand the poem. meaningful. The skit
Purok 3, Marawoy, Lipa City
Tel. # (043) 774-2454

should not exceed two


G. Engagement Discuss the definition of Teacher will introduce the Learners will try and explore
Inference. critique by reading the the topic by doing the Task 1
excerpts from a dialogue and Task 2 page 143.
Learners will watch a between a certain
video “Song of Myself” McStout and a Van
verse 37 by John Tender about Walt
Graham & Chris Whitman’s Leaves of
Freeman. Grass. Page 137 “ “Make
Connections”. Teacher
will discuss the diagram of
the structure of a critique.
H. Assimilation Learners will answer the Learners will do the Task Learners will try and explore
questions. Page 133 2A and Task 2B “Try and the topic by doing the Task 1
about the “Song of Explore page 140-141. and Task 2 page 143.
V. REFLECTION Ask the students How The students will write a Write 5 sentences one
(Reflection on the type of they will use their paragraph about the topic paragraph of what they have
Formative Assessment used learning in the that we have discussed. learned in the discussion.
for the particular lesson) discussion in their daily
life as a student.

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Head Teacher Academic Head

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School Holistic Academy for Grade Level 9
LESSON Teacher Sallyjoan Ytac Oriol Learning Area English
EXEMPLAR Teaching Time 1:15-2:15pm Quarter 2
October 23-27, 2023
Week 4
DAY 1-2 DAY 3-5
At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to:
 Identify jargon in texts;
 Identify irony, symbolism, or allegory in a text;
 Name the parts of an argument;
 Get information from periodicals;
I. Objectives  Deliver a speech using techniques in public speaking;
 Distinguish between frozen and formal speech styles;
 Identify adverb clauses of condition in sentences;
 Enumerate the types of conditional sentences and their functions;
 Identify features of argumentative texts; and
 Compose an argumentative text.
The learner demonstrates understanding of how Anglo-American literature and
A. Content Standards other text types serve as means of valuing other people; also how to use
processing information strategies, different forms of adverbs and conditionals for
him/her to play an active part in a Chamber Theatre presentation.

B. Performance Standards The learner proficiently plays an active part in a Chamber Theatre presentation
through employing effective verbal and non- verbal strategies based on the
following criteria: Focus, Voice, Delivery, Facial Expressions, Style and Body
Purok 3, Marawoy, Lipa City
Tel. # (043) 774-2454

Movements or Gestures.

 EN9RC-IIe-19: Get information from various print media like

brochures, pamphlets, periodicals, and audio-video recordings.
 EN9WC-IIi9.3: Use literary devices and techniques to craft short
C. Most Essential Learning prose forms.
Competencies  Give the appropriate communicative styles for various situations
(If available, write the MELC) (intimate, casual, conversational, consultative, frozen)
 EN9V-IIf-28: Determine the vocabulary or jargons expected of a
communicative style
 EN9G-IIg20: Use conditionals in expressing arguments.
V. Content Lesson 4: My Tools

VI. Learning English for innovative minds 9 English for innovative minds 9

A. References
e. Teacher’s Guide Pages PAGE 51-53 PAGE 54-56

f. Learner’s Material pages PAGE 145-160 PAGE 161-169

g. Textbook Pages PAGE 145-160 PAGE 161-169

h. Additional Materials from Video presentation PowerPoint presentation

Learning Resources PowerPoint presentation

B. List of Learning for Class Discussion Brainstorming

developing and engagement Internet surfing Reading comprehension

E. Introduction Present Jargon words and let the Teacher will discuss the Formal and
students give the meaning of a word to Frozen Speech.
identify Jargon.
Differentiate the Formal and Frozen
Ask the learners. speech.
What is a Jargon? Since, the topic has already been
discussed in the previous lesson, let the
What are the different types of students create their own Formal and
Jargons? Frozen speech.
Let the student read the meaning of
Jargon on page 145 “Check In”

Let the students search for some

Jargon words by answering the Task 1
page 146.

Discuss the other literary devices that

was already been discuss in the
previous lesson. Study more of them
and answer page 147 by giving one
example of each literary devices.
F. Development Let the students read the story.“The Discuss the following:
Time Machine” by H. G Wells page
148-157. Afterwards, learners will  Adverb Clause: Condition
answer the Wonder and Wander Task and it’s four types
1 and 2 page 158.  Argumentative writing

G. Engagement
Discuss the following Group activity. Learners will do the task
 Argument 1 “Try and Explore” page 167.
Watch the video “The Paradox of a
Perfect Words. Then, let them answer
the question on page 159 “Make
 Periodicals
 Public Speaking

H. Assimilation With partner, let the learners answer Answer the following questions on Task
the Task 1, Task 2A and Task 2B “Try 2A, page 167 and Task 2B page 168.
to Explore” page 162-163.

V. REFLECTION The students will make an essay about Look back on what you have learned in
(Reflection on the type of the lesson that we discussed. this lesson by answering the following
Formative Assessment used for questions;
the particular lesson)
What should be the purpose of
technologies I my life and on society.

How do I see change in general?

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Head Teacher Academic Head

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