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Physiology of Parturition PDF

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Joselito A. Santiago, MD, FPOGS

January 13, 2014;8:00-10:00 AM
Obstetrics and Gynecology

February 4, 2014, 3:00-5:00 PM

Definition of Parturition  Myometrial gap  Atrial and Brain
Phases of Parturition junctions Natriuretic peptides
 Phase 1  Cell surface receptors  Phase 2
 Uterine quiescence  Phase 1  Progesterone
 Cervical softening  Progesterone and withdrawal
 Phase 2 estrogen  Oxytocin receptors
 Myometrial changes  G-protein coupled  Uterine stretch
 Cervical ripening receptors  Relaxin
 Phase 3 – Stages of Labor  Beta adrenoreceptors  Fetal contribution
 Phase 4 - Puerperium  Luteinizing hormone  Phase 3 and Phase 4
Biomolecular Basis for the and Human Chorionic  Prostaglandins
Physiologic changes that Gonadotropic  Oxytocin
regulate parturition Receptors  Contributing tissues
 Myometrial contractions  Relaxin  Amnion
 Actin myosin  Corticotrophin  Chorion laeve
interactions Releasing Hormone  Decidua parietalis
 Intracellular calcium  Prostaglandins


“The bringing forth of the young”
Action of giving birth or process of birthing that
starts from:
 the retreat from pregnancy maintenance to
the delivery of the fetus, expulsion of the
placenta and subsequent return to the non
pregnant state.
 Describe the course of delivery with
associated difficulty
 Cervix dilates
 Uterus contracts
 Labor pains
 a woman in labor
First 36-38 weeks AOG
 Myometrium is unresponsive
 After this prolonged period of quiescence, a
transitional phase is required where the:
 Uterus is prepared for labor
 Cervix is softened and effaced
 Cervical structural integrity is
Forceful contractions of the myometrium and
eventual increasing of the intraabdominal
pressure force the delivery of the fetus and the
Parturition ends when the non pregnant anatomic
and functional parts of the uterus are regained. This image is very important. Have a very good grasp of
When parturition is abnormal, preterm labor, this concept. *Sorry about this orientation. Costcutting
dystocia, or postterm pregnancy may result
Prelude to parturition
Time of contractile tranquillity and cervical rigidity observed from before implantation until late in gestation at about
35 – 38 weeks

Transcriber: Aibhen B. Naguna

Formatting: Aibhen B. Naguna DLSHSI Medicine Ba tch 201 6 |1
Editor: Jan David C. Monzon
Comprises 95% of pregnancy Cervical functions during pregnancy include:
Uterine smooth muscle tranquility (1) maintenance of barrier function to protect the
Maintenance of cervical structural integrity reproductive tract from infection,
Observed from before implantation until late in gestation (2) maintenance of cervical competence despite the
at about 35-38 weeks increasing gravitational forces imposed by the
Some myometrial contractions may occur but do not expanding uterus, and
normally cause cervical dilatation. (3) orchestrating extracellular matrix changes that
 Unpredictable allow progressive increases in tissue compliance in
 Low intensity preparation for birth.
 Brief duration Nonpregnant
 Discomfort chiefly in lower abdomen and groin  the cervix is closed and firm,
 Braxton-Hicks contractions  consistency is similar to nasal cartilage.
 near the end of pregnancy By the end of pregnancy
 more common in multiparous women  the cervix is easily distensible
 do NOT cause cervical dilatation  consistency is similar to the lips of the oral
 FALSE LABOR* cavity.
First stage of this remodeling—termed softening
 characterized by an increase in tissue
compliance, yet the cervix remains firm and
 Hegar first described palpable softening of the
lower uterine segment at 4 to 6 weeks'
 once used to diagnose pregnancy (Hegar’s
 increased vascularity
 stromal hypertrophy
 glandular hypertrophy
 hyperplasia, and
 compositional or structural changes of the
extracellular matrix1
In humans, the clinical importance of these matrix
changes is shown by the greater prevalence of cervical
incompetence in women with inherited defects in
collagen and elastin synthesis or assembly—for
example, Ehlers-Danlos and Marfan syndromes

FIBRILLAR COLLAGEN SYNTHESIS AND ORGANIZATION. Three chains (A) are synthesized to form procollagen. B. Amino
terminal and carboxy terminal propeptide (indicated in green) are cleaved from procollagen by specific proteases outside the cell. C.
Tropocollagen results from this cleavage. D. Removal of these propeptides results in a decline in solubility of collagen and self-assembly of
collagen chains into fibrils. The enzyme lysyl oxidase catalyzes the formation of nonreducible cross-links between two triple helical regions
to make stable collagen fibrils (E). F. Fibrils, in turn, are assembled into collagen fibers. G. Fibril size and packing are regulated in part by
small proteoglycans that bind collagen such as decorin. Before cervical ripening, fibril size is uniform, and fibrils are well-packed and
organized. H. During cervical ripening, fibril size is less uniform, and spacing between collagen fibrils and fibers is increased and
To prepare for labor, the myometrial tranquility of phase 1 of parturition must be suspended through what has been
called uterine awakening or activation
progression of uterine changes during the last 6 to 8 weeks of pregnancy

Transcriber: Aibhen B. Naguna

Formatting: Aibhen B. Naguna DLSHSI Medicine Ba tch 201 6 |2
Editor: Jan David C. Monzon
Phase where the functional changes in myometrium and cervix occur in preparation for labor.
shifting events associated with phase 2 can cause either preterm or delayed labor
Clinically, the distinctive signs that happen during the last days of pregnancy are:
 Ripening of the cervix
 Increased frequency of painless contractions
 Development of lower uterine segment [image below]
 Increased responsiveness of myometrium to stimuli


Most myometrial changes during phase 2 prepare it Prior to the initiation of contractions, the cervix must
for labor contractions undergo more extensive remodeling.
 This shift probably results from alterations in the  Results in cervical yielding and dilatation upon initiation
expression of key proteins (CAPs - contraction- of forceful uterine contractions in the third phase of
associated proteins) that control contractility. parturition
CAPs include: Cervical modifications during this second phase
 oxytocin receptor principally involve connective tissue changes—so-called
 prostaglandin F receptor cervical ripening.
 connexin 43 The transition from the softening to the ripening phase
Thus, myometrial oxytocin receptors markedly begins weeks or days before onset of contractions.
increase along with increased numbers and surface During this transformation, the total amount and
areas of gap junction proteins such as connexin 43. composition of proteoglycans and glycosaminoglycans
 Together these lead to increased uterine within the matrix are altered.
irritability and responsiveness to Many of the processes that aid cervical remodeling are
UTEROTONINS—agents that stimulate controlled by the same hormones regulating uterine
contractions. function.
Formation of the lower uterine segment from the  Molecular events of each are varied because of
isthmus. differences in cellular composition and physiological
 With this development, the fetal head often requirements
descends to or even through the pelvic inlet—so-  Uterine corpus – smooth muscle
called LIGHTENING  Cervix – connective tissue
 The abdomen commonly undergoes a change in  Cellular components: smooth muscle, fibroblasts,
shape, described as "the baby dropped" and epithelia
 baboon studies that demonstrate differential proliferate such that endocervical glands occupy a
expression of prostaglandin receptors within significant percentage of cervical mass by the end of
myometrial regions. pregnancy
 human studies that report an expression lined with mucus-secreting columnar and stratified
gradient of oxytocin receptors, with higher squamous epithelia
expression in fundal myometrial cells  protect against microbial invasion cervical epithelia
 aid cervical remodeling by regulating tissue hydration
and maintenance of barrier function.
 Hydration may be regulated by expression of
aquaporins—water channel proteins
 paracellular transport of ion and solutes and
maintenance of barrier function is regulated by
tight junction proteins, such as claudins 1 and 2


only 10 to 15 percent smooth muscle
 80 – 85% extracellular connective tissue: type I, III, and IV collagen, glycosaminoglycans, proteoglycans and
major component of the cervix and largely responsible for its structural disposition
most abundant mammalian protein

Transcriber: Aibhen B. Naguna

Formatting: Aibhen B. Naguna DLSHSI Medicine Ba tch 201 6 |3
Editor: Jan David C. Monzon
Collagen fibrils interact with small proteoglycans such as decorin or biglycan, as well as matricellular proteins such as
thrombospondin 2.
 These interactions determine fibril size, packing, and organization so collagen fibrils are of uniform diameter and
are packed together in a regular and highly organized pattern
During cervical ripening, collagen fibrils are disorganized, and there is increased spacing between fibrils.
Collagenase members of the Matrix metalloproteases (MMP)
 degrade collagen.
Collagen solubility—a marker of less mature collagen—is increased early in the cervical softening phase in mice and
continues for the remainder of pregnancy
 Increased solubility – decline in expression of the cross-linking enzyme, lysyl oxidase, during pregnancy
Dynamic changes in collagen structure may regulate remodeling.
These are high-molecular-weight polysaccharides that contain amino sugars and can form complexes with proteins
to form proteoglycans.
HYALURONAN (HA), a carbohydrate polymer whose synthesis is carried out by hyaluronan synthase isoenzymes.
In both women and mice, hyaluronan content and hyaluronan synthase 2 expression is increased in the cervix
during ripening
Hyaluronans' functions are dependent on size
Hyaluronidases – breakdown
Administration of hyaluronidase to the cervix of term pregnant women
 Resulted in a reduction in labor duration and a reduced incidence of cesarean delivery due to cervical
Activation of intracellular signaling cascades and other biological functions requires interactions with cell-associated
HA-binding proteins.
 Proteoglycan,
 Versican,
 Cell surface receptor, CD44
These glycoproteins are found in abundance in the cervix, and changes in proteoglycan composition within the
cervical matrix also accompany cervical ripening.
 two small leucine-rich proteoglycans are expressed in the cervix
Decorin and other family members interact with collagen and influence the packing and order of collagen fibrils
The net result of their decreased expression is a rearrangement of collagen such that collagen fibers are weakened,
shortened, and disorganized.
Mice deficient in decorin have loose, fragile skin due to the inability of collagen fibrils to form uniform, packed
accompanied by stromal invasion with inflammatory cells
cervical ripening is considered an inflammatory process such that cervical chemoattractants attract inflammatory
 which in turn release proteases that may aid degradation of collagen and other matrix components.
In phase 3 or 4 of parturition, there is increased cervical expression of chemokines and collagenase/protease activity.
 no correlation between the degree of clinical cervical ripening with cervical interleukin 8 tissue (IL-8)
 Interleukin 8, a cytokine that chemoattracts neutrophils, however, is present in increased levels in cervical tissue
collected after vaginal delivery—phases 3 and 4.
Word and colleagues (2005) described an animal model in which parturition fails due to a small rigid cervix despite
uterine contractions. Although this model has a robust recruitment of inflammatory cells to the stromal matrix,
cervical ripening does not develop. In mouse models, monocyte migration, but not activation, takes place prior to
labor (Timmons and Mahendroo, 2006, 2007; Timmons and associates, 2009). Furthermore, tissue depletion of
neutrophils before birth has no effect on the timing or success of parturition. Finally, activation of neutrophils,
proinflammatory M1 macrophages, and alternatively, activated M2 macrophages is increased within 2 hours after
birth, suggesting a role for inflammatory cells in postpartum cervical remodeling.
Therapies to promote cervical ripening for labor induction include direct application of prostaglandins E2 (PGE2) and
F2α (PGF2α).
 These modify collagen and alter relative glycosaminoglycan concentrations.
 This property is useful clinically to aid labor induction
In some nonhuman species, the cascades of events that allow cervical ripening are induced by decreasing serum
progesterone concentrations.
In humans, administration of progesterone antagonists causes cervical ripening.
 Humans may have developed unique mechanisms to localize decreases in progesterone action in the cervix and

Transcriber: Aibhen B. Naguna

Formatting: Aibhen B. Naguna DLSHSI Medicine Ba tch 201 6 |4
Editor: Jan David C. Monzon
active labor, that is, uterine contractions that bring about progressive cervical dilatation and delivery
 begins when widely spaced uterine contractions of sufficient frequency, intensity, and duration are attained to bring about cervical thinning, termed effacement.
 This labor stage ends when the cervix is fully dilated—about 10 cm—to allow passage of the fetal head.
 stage of cervical effacement and dilatation
 begins when cervical dilatation is complete, and
 ends with delivery
 stage of fetal expulsion
 begins immediately after delivery of the fetus and
 ends with the delivery of the placenta
 stage of placental separation and expulsion

Composite of the average dilatation curve for labor in nulliparous women.

The first stage is divided into a relatively flat latent phase and a rapidly progressive active phase. In the active phase, there are three identifiable component parts: an acceleration phase, a linear phase of
maximum slope, and a deceleration phase

Transcriber: Aibhen B. Naguna

Formatting: Aibhen B. Naguna DLSHSI Medicine Ba tch 201 6 |5
Editor: Jan David C. Monzon
In some women, forceful uterine contractions In many nulliparas, engagement of the head is As the neonate is born, the uterus spontaneously contracts around its diminishing
that effect delivery begin suddenly. accomplished before labor begins. contents.
In others, the initiation of labor is heralded by The head may not descend further until late in Normally, by the time the infant is completely delivered, the uterine cavity is nearly
spontaneous release of a small amount of labor. obliterated.
blood-tinged mucus from the vagina. In the descent pattern of normal labor, a typical  almost solid mass of muscle
"show" or "bloody show." hyperbolic curve is formed when the station of  several centimeters thick, above the thinner lower segment.
There is very little blood with the mucous the fetal head is plotted as a function of labor  The uterine fundus now lies just below the level of the umbilicus.
plug, and its passage indicates that labor is duration. This sudden diminution in uterine size is inevitably accompanied by a decrease in the area
already in progress or likely will ensue in Station describes descent of the fetal biparietal of the placental implantation site
hours to days diameter in relation to a line drawn between  For the placenta to accommodate itself to this reduced area, it increases in thickness,
maternal ischial spines but because of limited placental elasticity, it is forced to buckle.
UTERINE LABOR CONTRACTIONS Active descent usually takes place after  The resulting tension pulls the weakest layer of the decidua—the decidua spongiosa—
The pain's cause is not known definitely, but dilatation has progressed for some time from that site.
several possibilities have been suggested:  Thus, placental separation follows disproportion created between the unchanged
 Hypoxia of the contracted myometrium— PELVIC FLOOR CHANGES DURING LABOR placental size and the reduced size of the implantation site
such as that with angina pectoris The most important structures are the levator  During cesarean delivery, this phenomenon may be directly observed when the
 Compression of nerve ganglia in the ani muscle and the fibromuscular connective placenta is implanted posteriorly
cervix and lower uterus by contracted tissue covering its upper and lower surfaces. Cleavage of the placenta is aided greatly by the loose structure of the spongy decidua,
interlocking muscle bundles There are marked changes in the biomechanical which may be likened to the row of perforations between postage stamps.
 Stretching of the cervix during dilatation properties of these structures and the vaginal  HEMATOMA forms between the separating placenta and the decidua.
 Stretching of the peritoneum overlying wall during parturition resulting from changes in  The hematoma is usually the result
the fundus. structure or composition of the extracellular  in some cases bleeding is negligible
Paracervical infiltration with a local matrix  accelerate cleavage
anesthetic usually produces appreciable pain The levator ani consists of the pubovisceral, placental separation is through its spongy layer, part of the decidua is cast off with the
relief with contractions puborectalis, and iliococcygeus muscles, which placenta, whereas the rest remains attached to the myometrium.
Uterine contractions are involuntary and for close the lower end of the pelvic cavity as a The amount of decidual tissue retained at the placental site varies.
the most part, independent of extrauterine diaphragm. The placenta ordinarily separates within minutes after delivery.
control.  concave upper and a convex lower surface  Occasionally, some degree of separation begins even before the third stage of labor.
Neural blockade from epidural analgesia are presented  This probably accounts for certain cases of fetal heart rate decelerations that occur
does not diminish their frequency or  The levator ani muscle varies in thickness just before fetal expulsion.
intensity. from 3 to 5 mm, although its margins
Myometrial contractions in paraplegic encircling the rectum and vagina are SEPARATION OF FETAL MEMBRANES
women and in women after bilateral lumbar somewhat thicker. amniochorion and the parietal decidua—into innumerable folds
sympathectomy are normal but painless. During pregnancy, Membranes usually remain in situ until placental separation is nearly completed.
FERGUSON REFLEX  the levator ani usually undergoes These are then peeled off the uterine wall, partly by further contraction of the
 Mechanical stretching of the cervix hypertrophy, forming a thick band that myometrium and partly by traction that is exerted by the separated placenta, which lies
enhances uterine activity in several extends backward from the pubis and in the lower segment or upper vagina.
species, including humans  encircles the vagina about 2 cm above the the body of the uterus normally forms an almost solid mass of muscle, the anterior and

Transcriber: Aibhen B. Naguna

Formatting: Aibhen B. Naguna DLSHSI Medicine Ba tch 201 6 |6
Editor: Jan David C. Monzon
 Its exact mechanism is not clear, and plane of the hymen. posterior walls of which, each measuring 4 to 5 cm in thickness, lie in close apposition
release of oxytocin has been suggested On contraction such that the uterine cavity is almost obliterated.
but not proven.  the levator ani draws both the rectum and
Manipulation of the cervix and "stripping" the the vagina forward and upward in the PLACENTAL EXTRUSION
fetal membranes is associated with an direction of the symphysis pubis and Placenta expelled by increased abdominal pressure.
increase in blood levels of prostaglandin F2α  acts to close the vagina. Women in the recumbent position, however, frequently cannot expel the placenta
metabolite (PGFM). The posterior and lateral portions of the pelvic spontaneously.
 this could also increase contractions floor, which are not spanned by the levator ani, Completion of the third stage is accomplished usually by alternately compressing and
The interval between contractions diminishes are occupied bilaterally by the piriformis and elevating the fundus, while exerting minimal traction on the umbilical cord
gradually from about 10 minutes at the onset coccygeus muscles. SCHULTZE MECHANISM OF PLACENTAL EXPULSION
of the first stage of labor to as little as 1 minute
The most marked change consists of the  blood from the placental site pours into the membrane sac and does not escape
or less in the second stage. stretching of levator ani muscle fibers. externally until after extrusion of the placenta.
Periods of relaxation between contractions,  This is accompanied by thinning of the  RETROPLACENTAL HEMATOMA forms and pushes the center forward and causes it
however, are essential for fetal welfare. central portion of the perineum, to separate toward the uterine cavity.
 Unremitting contractions compromise  transformed from a wedge-shaped, 5-cm-  the placenta descends, drags the membranes, and peels them from their uterine
uteroplacental blood flow sufficiently to thick mass of tissue to a thin, almost attachment.
cause fetal hypoxemia. transparent membranous structure less than  Glistening amnion, covering the placental surface, presents at the vulva.
In active-phase labor, the duration of each 1 cm thick.  retroplacental hematoma either follows the placenta or is found within the inverted
contraction ranges from 30 to 90 seconds, When the perineum is distended maximally, the sac.
averaging about 1 minute. There is appreciable anus becomes markedly dilated and presents an DUNCAN MECHANISM
variability in contraction intensity during opening that varies from 2 to 3 cm in diameter  the placenta separates first at the periphery.
normal labor. and through which the anterior wall of the  blood collects between the membranes and the uterine wall and escapes from the
Specifically, amnionic fluid pressures rectum bulges. vagina.
generated by contractions during spontaneous The extraordinary number and size of the blood  placenta descends sideways, and the maternal surface appears first.
labor average approximately 40 mm Hg, but vessels that supply the vagina and pelvic floor REMEMBER!
with variations from 20 to 60 mm Hg result in substantive blood loss if these tissues Shiny Schultze
are torn Dirty Duncan
uterine divisions become increasingly evident most important force in fetal expulsion is that produced by maternal intra-abdominal pressure
By abdominal palpation, even before rupture of the membranes, the two segments can PUSHING
sometimes be differentiated.  Contraction of the abdominal muscles simultaneously with forced respiratory efforts with the
 upper segment is firm during contractions glottis closed
 lower segment is softer, distended, and more passive.  similar to that with defecation, but the intensity usually is much greater.
This mechanism is imperative because if the entire myometrium, including the lower The importance of intra-abdominal pressure is attested to by prolonged descent during labor in
uterine segment and cervix, were to contract simultaneously and with equal intensity, the paraplegic women
net expulsive force would be decreased markedly.  pushing accomplishes little in the first stage
 upper segment contracts, retracts, and expels the fetus.  It exhausts the mother, and its associated increased intrauterine pressures may be harmful to
 softened lower uterine segment and cervix dilate and thereby form a greatly expanded, the fetus
thinned-out tube through which the fetus can pass.

Transcriber: Aibhen B. Naguna

Formatting: Aibhen B. Naguna DLSHSI Medicine Ba tch 201 6 |7
Editor: Jan David C. Monzon
The myometrium of the upper segment does not relax to its original length after CERVICAL CHANGES DURING FIRST-STAGE LABOR
contractions. Instead, it becomes relatively fixed at a shorter length. two fundamental changes take place in the already-ripened cervix
The upper active uterine segment contracts down on its diminishing contents, but  effacement
myometrial tension remains constant.  dilatation
Concurrently, the uterine musculature is kept in firm contact with the uterine contents. For an average-sized fetal head to pass through the cervix, its canal must dilate to a diameter of
 upper part of the uterine cavity becomes slightly smaller with each successive approximately 10 cm.
contraction.  At this time, the cervix is said to be completely or fully dilated.
 upper active segment becomes progressively thickened throughout first- and second- CERVICAL EFFACEMENT
stage labor  "obliteration" or "taking up" of the cervix.
 This process continues and results in a tremendously thickened upper uterine  shortening of the cervical canal from a length of about 2 cm to a mere circular orifice with
segment immediately after delivery. almost paper-thin edges.
 musculature of the lower segment must stretch.  internal cervical os are pulled upward, or "taken up," into the lower uterine segment
 This permits increasingly more of the uterine contents to occupy the lower segment  external os remains temporarily unchanged
 lower segment distends and the cervix dilates.  compared with a FUNNELING PROCESS
 Relaxation of the lower uterine segment mirrors the same gradual progression of  appreciable effacement of a softened cervix sometimes is accomplished before active labor
retraction begins.
 successive lengthening of the fibers with labor is accompanied by thinning, normally  causes expulsion of the mucous plug as the cervical canal is shortened
to only a few millimeters in the thinnest part. CERVICAL DILATATION
As a result of the lower segment thinning and concomitant upper segment thickening, a  Due to the centrifugal pull is exerted on the cervix
boundary between the two is marked by a ridge on the inner uterine surface—THE  As uterine contractions cause pressure on the membranes
PHYSIOLOGICAL RETRACTION RING  the hydrostatic action of the amnionic sac in turn dilates the cervical canal like a wedge.
When the thinning of the lower uterine segment is extreme, as in obstructed labor, the ring  In the absence of intact membranes, the pressure of the presenting part against the cervix and
is prominent and forms a PATHOLOGICAL RETRACTION RING/BANDL RING lower uterine segment is similarly effective.
 Early rupture of the membranes does not retard cervical dilatation so long as the presenting
UTERINE SHAPE CHANGES DURING LABOR fetal part is positioned to exert pressure against the cervix and lower segment.
elongation of the ovoid uterine shape with a concomitant decrease in horizontal diameter.  divided into latent and active phases.
This change in shape has important effects on the process of labor.  active phase is subdivided further into:
 First.  acceleration phase
 there is increased fetal axis pressure. o usually predictive of a particular labor outcome.
 decreased horizontal diameter serves to straighten the fetal vertebral column o Completion of cervical dilatation during the active phase is accomplished by cervical
 This presses the upper pole of the fetus firmly against the fundus, whereas the lower retraction about the presenting part.
pole is thrust farther downward.  phase of maximum slope
 The lengthening of the ovoid shape has been estimated at 5 and 10 cm.  deceleration phase
 Second.  The duration of the latent phase is more variable and sensitive to changes by extraneous
 with lengthening of the uterus, the longitudinal fibers are drawn taut factors.
 As a result, the lower segment and cervix are the only parts of the uterus that are  sedation may prolong the latent phase
flexible, and these are pulled upward and around the lower pole of the fetus  myometrial stimulation shortens it.
 latent phase duration has little bearing on the subsequent course of labor,
 The first stage ends when cervical dilatation is complete. Once the second stage commences,
only progressive descent of the presenting part will foretell further progress.

Transcriber: Aibhen B. Naguna

Formatting: Aibhen B. Naguna DLSHSI Medicine Ba tch 201 6 |8
Editor: Jan David C. Monzon
Immediately and for about an hour or so after delivery
 myometrium remains in a state of rigid and persistent contraction and retraction >> OXYTOCIN
 directly compresses large uterine vessels and allows thrombosis of their lumens
 severe postpartum hemorrhage is prevented
maternal-type behavior pattern develops and maternal-neonatal bonding (begins early puerperium)
 onset of lactogenesis and milk let-down in mammary glands also is, in an evolutionary sense, crucial to the
bringing forth of young.
 Both compression of uterine vessels and maternal-type behavior patterns are mediated by OXYTOCIN
Uterine involution and cervical repair, both remodeling processes that restore these organs to the nonpregnant
state, follow in a timely fashion.
 These protect the reproductive tract from invasion by commensal microorganisms and restore endometrial
responsiveness to normal hormonal cyclicity.
 Reinstitution of ovulation signals preparation for the next pregnancy.
 This generally occurs within 4 to 6 weeks after birth, but it is dependent on the duration of breast feeding.
 Infertility usually persists as long as breast feeding is continued because of lactation-induced, prolactin-
mediated anovulation and amenorrhea

Friedman’s Curve

Transcriber: Aibhen B. Naguna

Formatting: Aibhen B. Naguna DLSHSI Medicine Ba tch 201 6 |9
Editor: Jan David C. Monzon
Features of smooth muscle cells:
 Contraction greater in magnitude than striated muscles
 Forces are exerted in multiple directions
 Outer layer = longitudinal fibers; middle layer = figure-eight fibers; inner layer = circular fibers
 Greater force in the fundal fibers/cells than in the lower uterine segment
controlled by the transcription of key genes, which produce proteins that repress or enhance cellular contractility.
These proteins function to:
(1) enhance the interactions between the actin and myosin proteins that cause muscle contraction;
(2) increase excitability of individual myometrial cells; and
(3) promote intracellular cross talk that allow development of synchronous contractions.
essential to muscle contraction. Prostaglandin F2α and oxytocin bind their receptors during aid the passage of electrical or ionic can directly regulate myocyte contractile
requires that actin be converted labor, which opens ligand-activated calcium channels. coupling currents as well as metabolite state.
from a globular to filamentous Activation of these receptors also releases calcium from coupling. Three major classes are
form. internal stores in the sarcoplasmic reticulum. The transmembrane channels that  G-protein-linked
actin must be attached to the This leads to a drop in electronegativity within the cell. make up the gap junctions consist of  ion channel-linked, and
cytoskeleton at focal points in Voltage-gated ion channels open, additional calcium ions two protein "hemi-channels" –  enzyme-linked.
the cell membrane to allow move into the cell, and cellular depolarization follows. connexons Multiple examples of each have been
development of tension The increase in [Ca2+] is often transient, but contractions can  composed of six connexin subunit identified in human myometrium.
Actin must partner with myosin, be prolonged through the inhibition of myosin phosphatase proteins These further appear to be modified during
which is comprised of multiple activity  These pairs of connexons establish the phases of parturition.
light and heavy chains. Conditions that decrease [Ca2+] and increase intracellular a conduit between coupled cells for
The interaction of myosin and concentrations of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) or the exchange of small molecules G-PROTEIN LINKED
actin causes activation of cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) ordinarily promote that can be nutrients, waste Most are associated with adenylyl cyclase
adenosine triphosphatase, uterine relaxation. products, metabolites, second activation
adenosine triphosphate Animal studies reveal the importance of small conductance messengers, or ions.  CRHR1α and the LH receptors
hydrolysis, and force calcium-activated K+ isoform 3 (SK3) channels in maintenance At least 21 human connexin genes Other G-protein-coupled myometrial
generation. of uterine relaxation. have been identified. receptors, however, are associated with G-
This interaction is effected by Expression of the SK3 channel declines at the end of pregnancy Four described in the uterus are protein–mediated activation of
enzymatic phosphorylation of as contractility is increased connexins 26, 40, 43, and 45. phospholipase C.
the 20-kDa light chain of Agents such as corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) and  Because connexin 43 junctions are Ligands for the G-protein-coupled
myosin prostaglandin E2 increase intracellular cAMP. scarce in the nonpregnant uterus, receptors include:
This phosphorylation reaction is Another potential mechanism for maintenance of relaxation is they are thought to be most  Neuropeptides
catalyzed by the the promotion of actin in a globular form rather than in fibrils, important in gap junction  hormones, and
enzyme myosin light-chain which is required for contraction formation during parturition.  autacoids.
kinase, which is activated by In addition to myocyte contractility, myocyte excitability is  Most certainly, these increase in Many of these ligands are available to the
calcium. also regulated by changes in the electrochemical potential size and abundance during human myometrium during pregnancy in high
Calcium binds to calmodulin, a gradient across the plasma membrane. parturition concentration by several routes.

Transcriber: Aibhen B. Naguna

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Editor: Jan David C. Monzon
calcium-binding regulatory Prior to labor, myocytes maintain a relatively high interior  mouse models deficient in Modes include:
protein, which in turn binds to electronegativity. connexin 43-enriched gap junctions  endocrine, via maternal blood;
and activates myosin light-chain This state is maintained by the combined actions of the exhibit delayed parturition, further  paracrine, via contiguous tissues or
kinase. ATPase-driven sodium-potassium pump and the large supporting their role adjacent cells; or
conductance, voltage- and Ca2+-sensitive K channel—maxi-K  autocrine, by direct synthesis in the
channels myocyte
During uterine quiescence, the maxi-K channel is open and Importantly, myometrial response to a
allows potassium to leave the cell to maintain interior hormone can change during pregnancy.
electronegativity. It therefore is conceivable that hormonal
At the time of labor, changes in electronegativity lead to myometrial action is regulated by
depolarization and contraction expression of the G-protein-coupled
Another important facet of uterine contractility is the need for receptor, its associated G-proteins, and the
myocytes to work in synchrony to allow powerful waves of effector plasma membrane proteins.
myometrial contraction. These contractions must be
coordinated, be of sufficient amplitude, and be interspersed
with periods of uterine relaxation to allow appropriate
placental blood flow.
As parturition progresses, there is increased synchronization of
electrical uterine activity.
Uterine Quiescence and Cervical Competence
It is likely that all manners of molecular systems—neural, endocrine, paracrine, and autocrine—are called on to implement and coordinate a state of relative uterine unresponsiveness.
Moreover, a complementary system that protects the uterus against agents that could perturb the tranquil state of phase 1 also must be in place
Phase 1 of human parturition and its quiescent state are likely the result of many factors that include:
 Actions of estrogen and progesterone via intracellular receptors
 Myometrial cell plasma membrane receptor-mediated increases in cAMP
 The generation of cGMP
 Other systems, including modifications in myometrial cell ion channels.
In humans, both estrogen and progesterone are components of a broader-based molecular system that implements and maintains phase 1 of parturition.
Plasma levels of estrogen and progesterone in normal pregnancy are enormous and in great excess of the affinity constants for their receptors.
increased progesterone-to-estrogen ratio in the maintenance of pregnancy
decline in the progesterone-to-estrogen ratio for parturition
administration of the progesterone-receptor antagonist mifepristone (RU486) or onapristone will promote some or all key features of parturition.
 cervical ripening, increased cervical distensibility, and
 increased uterine sensitivity to uterotonins
The exact role of estrogen in regulating human uterine activity and cervical competency is even less well understood.
 estrogen can act to promote progesterone responsiveness, and in doing so, promote uterine quiescence.
 The estrogen receptor, acting via the estrogen-response element of the progesterone-receptor gene, induces progesterone-receptor synthesis, which allows increased progesterone-mediated

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Editor: Jan David C. Monzon
Progesterone likely increases uterine quiescence by direct or indirect effects that cause decreased expression of the contraction-associated proteins (CAPs)
Progesterone has been shown to inhibit expression of the gap junctional protein connexin 43 in several rodent models of labor, and progesterone administration prevents or delays labor
Conversely, inhibition of progesterone activity at midgestation using the progesterone-receptor antagonist RU486 leads to a premature induction of myometrial connexin 43 protein production,
and thus stimulates labor.
Estrogen treatment also promotes myometrial gap junction formation in some animals by increasing connexin 43 synthesis.
The simultaneous administration of anti-estrogens prevents this
Progesterone treatment, however, negates the stimulatory effect of estrogen on the development of gap junctions in some animals.
A number of G-protein-coupled receptors that normally are associated with Gαs-mediated activation of adenylyl cyclase and increased levels of cAMP are present in myometrium.
These receptors together with appropriate ligands may act—in concert with sex steroid hormones—as part of a fail-safe system to maintain uterine quiescence
The ß-adrenergic receptors have served as prototypes of cAMP signaling in causing myometrium relaxation.
ß-adrenergic receptors mediate Gαs-stimulated increases in adenylyl cyclase, increased levels of cAMP, and myometrial cell relaxation.
The rate-limiting factor in the ß-receptor system is likely the number of receptors expressed and the level of adenylyl cyclase expression.
The number of G-proteins in most systems far exceeds the number of receptors and effector molecules.
These properties have led to development of ß-mimetic agents that are used clinically to promote uterine quiescence and thereby forestall labor.
 ritodrine and terbutaline,
The G-protein-coupled receptor for LH-hCG has been demonstrated in myometrial smooth muscle and blood vessels
Levels of myometrial LH-hCG receptors during pregnancy are greater before than during labor
This decreases contraction frequency and force and decreases the number of tissue-specific myometrial cell gap junctions
Thus, high circulating levels of hCG may be one mechanism causing uterine quiescence.
This peptide hormone consists of an A and B chain and is structurally similar to the insulin family of proteins
mediates lengthening of the pubic ligament, cervical softening, vaginal relaxation, and inhibition of myometrial contractions.
Relaxin may promote myometrial relaxation.
 Although it inhibits contractions of nonpregnant myometrial strips, it does not inhibit those of uterine tissue taken from pregnant women.
Relaxin also effects cervical remodeling through cell proliferation and modulation of extracellular matrix components such as collagen and hyaluronan
 Consistent with a role in cervical remodeling, mice deficient in relaxin or its RXFP1 receptor have difficult parturition and in some cases, are unable to deliver their young
CORTICOTROPHIN RELEASING HORMONE (Take note of its varying actions in all stages 1-3)
This hormone is synthesized in the placenta (in addition to the hypothalamus).
CRH plasma levels increase dramatically during the final 6 to 8 weeks of normal pregnancy
implicated in the mechanisms controlling the timing of human parturition
Recent studies reveal a dual role of CRH during pregnancy and labor that is mediated by specific CRH-receptor variants and the signalling pathways they initiate
At term, CRH via cAMP and PLC pathways increase Ca++ levels in myometrium to increase contractility
Augments contraction-inducing potency of oxytocin and sensitizes myometrium to PGF2-alpha which also raises myometrial contractility (viable up to Phase 3)]

Transcriber: Aibhen B. Naguna

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Editor: Jan David C. Monzon
Prostaglandins most commonly have been considered as uterotonins: overall they both promote contraction AND relaxation
 diverse effects
 smooth muscle relaxants
Through prostaglandin isomerases, prostaglandin H2 is converted to active prostaglandins, including PGE2, PGF2α, and PGI2.
Prostaglandin isomerase expression is tissue-specific – controlling the relative production of various prostaglandins.
Another important control point for prostaglandin activity is its metabolism, which most often is through the action of 15-hydroxyprostaglandin dehydrogenase (PGDH).
 Expression of this enzyme can be regulated in the uterus, which is important because of its ability to rapidly inactivate prostaglandins to their 15-keto metabolites.
Both PGE2 and PGI2 could potentially act to maintain uterine quiescence by increasing cAMP signaling, yet PGE 2 can promote uterine contractility through binding to EP1 and EP3 receptors.
And also, PGE2, PGD2, and PGI2 have been shown to cause vascular smooth muscle relaxation and vasodilatation in many circumstances.
Expression of COX-2
 spatially regulated in myometrium and cervix in pregnancy and labor,
 increasing concentration gradient from the fundus to the cervix was noted
it is entirely possible that prostanoids contribute to myometrial relaxation at one stage of pregnancy and to regional—fundal—myometrial contractions—after initiation of parturition


Activation of guanylyl cyclase increases intracellular cGMP levels, which also promotes smooth muscle relaxation
Guanylate cyclase activity and cGMP content is increased in pregnant myometrium before labor starts compared with after labor has begun
Intracellular cGMP levels can be stimulated by either atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) and brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) receptors, which are both present in myometrium during pregnancy
BNP is secreted by amnion in large amounts
ANP is expressed in placenta
Uterine Activation and Cervical Ripening
Progression of parturition to labor can be blocked by administering progesterone to the mother.
Clinically, any advantages to the use of progesterone or its metabolite, 17-hydroxyprogesterone, to decrease the incidence of preterm labor in high-risk populations seem minimal
The 17-hydroxyprogesterone molecule binds and activates the progesterone receptor less so than progesterone.
When the steroidal antiprogestin, mifepristone or RU486, is administered during the latter phase of the ovarian cycle, it induces menstruation prematurely
Effective abortifacient during early pregnancy
Mifepristone is a classical steroid antagonist, acting at the level of the progesterone receptor.
Although less effective in inducing abortion or labor in women later in pregnancy, mifepristone appears to have some effect on cervical ripening and increasing myometrial sensitivity to
humans have a mechanism for progesterone inactivation, whereby the myometrium and cervix becomes refractory to the blocking actions of progesterone.
Functional progesterone withdrawal or antagonism could be mediated through several mechanisms:
 Changes in the relative expression of the nuclear progesterone receptor (PR) protein isoforms, PR-A, PR-B, and PR-C
 Changes in the relative expression of membrane-bound progesterone receptors

Transcriber: Aibhen B. Naguna

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Editor: Jan David C. Monzon
 Posttranslational modifications of the progesterone receptor
 Alterations in progesterone receptor activity through changes in the expression of co-activators or co-repressors that directly influence receptor function
 Local inactivation of progesterone by steroid-metabolizing enzymes or synthesis of a natural antagonist.
progesterone receptor activity is decreased late in gestation
 PR coactivators have also been shown to decline in term myometrium which may contribute to reduced progesterone action
 Modification of PRs  decrease cAMP levels, increases myosin phosphorylation promotion of uterine contractility
PR-B is the principal mediator of progesterone actions
PR-A and PR-C decrease progesterone responsiveness by repressing the transcriptional activation of the PR-B isoform.
antiprogestin-like activities of glucocorticoids on progesterone receptor activity
Increase in progesterone-catabolizing enzymes: steroid 5a-reductase type 1, 20a-hydroxy-steroid dehydrogenase
The increase in oxytocin receptors in nonhuman species appears to be mainly regulated either directly or indirectly by estradiol
Progesterone on the other hand increases degradation of Oxytocin receptors and inhibits activation of Oxytocin on its receptors
Activation of these receptors increase PLC activity  increase in Ca++  increase in contractility
Remodeling of the extracellular matrix of the uterus, cervix, vagina, breast, and pubic symphysis as well as promoting cell proliferation and inhibiting apoptosis.
Appears to mediate synthesis of glycosaminoglycans and proteoglycans and to degrade matrix macromolecules such as collagen by induction of matrix metalloproteases.
Relaxin promotes lengthening of the pubic ligament, growth of the cervix, vaginal relaxation, and is necessary for breast remodeling for lactation.
Mice deficient in relaxin or the RXFP1 receptor have protracted labor, reduced growth of the cervix, vagina, and symphysis, and are unable to nurse because of incomplete nipple development
Fetal growth  increase in myometrial tensile stress  increase in amnionic fluid pressure
With uterine activation, stretch is required for induction of specific contraction-associated proteins (CAPs).
Stretch increases expression of the gap junction protein—connexin 43, as well as oxytocin receptors  increase in myometrial contraction
Stretch plays an integrated role with fetal–maternal endocrine cascades of uterine activation
MECHANOTRANSDUCTION – Cell signaling systems used by stretch to regulate the myometrial cell continue to be defined.
 include activation of cell-surface receptors or ion channels, transmission of signals through extracellular matrix, or release of autocrine molecules that act directly on myometrium

The human fetal adrenal glands are morphologically, functionally, and physiologically remarkable organs.
At term, the fetal adrenal glands weigh the same as those in the adult and are similar in size to the adjacent fetal kidney
The daily steroid production by the fetal adrenal glands near term is estimated to be 100 to 200 mg/day
Within the fetal adrenal gland, steroidogenic function and zonation differ from the adult.
Fetal cortisol levels increase during the last weeks of gestation. During this same period, levels of dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA-S) production also are increasing significantly, leading to
increases in maternal estrogens, particularly estriol.
Fetal pituitary adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) levels, which do not increase until actual labor onset.
Many favor CRH of placental origin to be a critical agent for fetal adrenal hypertrophy and increased steroidogenesis in late pregnancy

Transcriber: Aibhen B. Naguna

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Editor: Jan David C. Monzon
Placental CRH has been proposed to play several roles in parturition regulation.
Placental CRH may enhance fetal cortisol production to provide positive feedback so that the placenta produces more CRH.
 Resulting high levels of CRH may modulate myometrial contractility via interaction with the CRH receptor isoform, CRH-R1d.
 CRH-R1d is known to enhance myometrial contractile response
 It has also been proposed that cortisol affects the myometrium indirectly by stimulating the fetal membranes to increase prostaglandin synthesis.
Increased production of estrogens would shift the estrogen-to-progesterone ratio and promote the expression of a series of contractile proteins in the myometrium
Placenta and fetus, through endocrinological events, influence the timing of parturition at the end of normal gestation.
Surfactant protein A (SP-A) produced by the fetal lung is required for lung maturation.
Induce a transcription factor—nuclear factor-kB
 This factor activates inflammatory response genes in the myometrium, which in turn promote uterine contractility.
 Pulmonary surfactant and components of surfactant such as platelet activating factor, when secreted into human amnionic fluid, have been reported to stimulate prostaglandin synthesis
(PGE2) and uterine contractility.
There is fragmentary evidence that pregnancies with markedly diminished estrogen production may be associated with prolonged gestation.


Uterotonin theory of labor initiation
 Oxytocin
 Prostaglandins
 Serotonin
 Histamine
 Platelet activating factor
 Angiotensin II
Oxytocin—literally, quick birth—was the first uterotonin to be implicated in parturition initiation.
Synthesized in the magnocellular neurons of the supraoptic and paraventricular neurons
 Prohormone is transported with its carrier protein, neurophysin, along the axons to the neural lobe of the posterior pituitary gland in membrane-bound vesicles for storage and later release.
Oxytocin does not appear to cause the initiation of parturition, it may be one of several participants to ensure labor effectiveness
Logically suspected in parturition initiation.
Oxytocin is a potent uterotonin and occurs naturally in humans
 The number of oxytocin receptors strikingly increases in myometrial and decidual tissues near the end of gestation
 Oxytocin acts on decidual tissue to promote prostaglandin release
 Oxytocin is synthesized directly in decidual and extraembryonic fetal tissues and in the placenta
Important role during second-stage labor and the puerperium—phase 4 of parturition.
Increased maternal serum oxytocin levels:
(1) during second-stage labor—the end of phase 3 of parturition,

Transcriber: Aibhen B. Naguna

Formatting: Aibhen B. Naguna D L S H S I M e d i c i n e B a t c h 2 0 1 6 | 15
Editor: Jan David C. Monzon
(2) in the early postpartum period, and
(3) during breast feeding—phase 4 of parturition
Immediately after delivery of the fetus, placenta, and membranes—completion of parturition phase 3—
 Firm and persistent uterine contraction and retraction are essential to prevent postpartum hemorrhage
 Oxytocin likely causes persistent contractions
Late in pregnancy, during phase 2 of parturition, there is a 50-fold or more increase in the number of myometrial oxytocin receptors
Prolonged gestation is associated with a delay in the increase of these receptors
Levels of prostaglandins—or their metabolites, in amnionic fluid, maternal plasma, and maternal urine are increased during labor
Treatment of pregnant women with prostaglandins, by any of several routes of administration, causes abortion or labor at all stages of gestation
Administration of prostaglandin H synthase type 2 (PGHS-2) inhibitors to pregnant women will delay spontaneous labor onset and sometimes arrest preterm labor
Prostaglandin treatment of myometrial tissue in vitro sometimes causes contraction, dependent on the prostanoid tested and the physiological status of the tissue treated
During labor, the production of prostaglandins within the myometrium and decidua is an efficient mechanism of activating contractions.
PG synthesis is high and unchanging in the decidua during phase 2 and 3 of parturition, in support of a role of prostaglandins in activation and stimulation.
The receptor for PGF2α is increased in the decidua at term, and this increase most likely is the regulatory step in PG action in the uterus.
The myometrium synthesizes PGHS-2 with the onset of labor, but most PG likely comes from the decidua.
The fetal membranes and placenta also produce prostaglandins.
Prostaglandins, primarily pge2, but also pgf2α, are detected in amnionic fluid at all stages of gestation.
As the fetus grows, prostaglandins levels in the amnionic fluid increase gradually.
 The major increases in amnionic fluid, however, are demonstrable after labor begins
 Increased levels in the forebag as compared with the upper compartment
 Believed to be the result of an inflammatory response that signals the events leading to active labor.
 increases in cytokines and prostaglandins further degrade the extracellular matrix, thus weakening fetal membranes.


This mediator is produced in basophils, neutrophils, eosinophils, monocytes, and endothelial cells.
The PAF receptor is a member of the G-protein–coupled receptor family of transmembrane receptors.
Its stimulation by PAF increases myometrial cell calcium levels and promotes uterine contractions.
Levels of PAF in amnionic fluid are increased during labor, and PAF treatment of myometrial tissue promotes contraction
This factor is inactivated enzymatically by PAF-acetylhydrolase (PAF-AH), which is present in macrophages, which are found in large numbers in decidua
Myometrium may be protected from PAF action by PAF-AH during pregnancy.

There are two G-protein-linked angiotensin II receptors-expressed in the uterus—AT1 and AT2.
In nonpregnant women, the AT2 receptor is predominant but the AT1 receptor is preferentially expressed in pregnant women
Angiotensin II binding to the plasma-membrane receptor evokes contraction.
Facilitates uterine contraction when AT receptors are activated

Transcriber: Aibhen B. Naguna

Formatting: Aibhen B. Naguna D L S H S I M e d i c i n e B a t c h 2 0 1 6 | 16
Editor: Jan David C. Monzon
Virtually all of the membrane's tensile strength—resistance to tearing and rupture—is provided by the amnion along with a capacity to filter potentially harmful substances and secretions
This avascular tissue is highly resistant to penetration by leukocytes, microorganisms, and neoplastic cells
Late in pregnancy, amnionic prostaglandin biosynthesis is increased and phospholipase a 2 and pghs-2 show increased activity
It is likely that amnion is the major source for amnionic fluid prostaglandins, and their role in activation of cascades that promote membrane rupture is clear.
This tissue layer also is primarily protective, and it provides immunological acceptance.
 Enriched with enzymes that inactivate uterotonins—for example, prostaglandin dehydrogenase (pgdh) and oxitocinase.
 Pgdh inactivates amnion-derived prostaglandins.
 Upon chorionic rupture, this barrier would be lost, and prostaglandins could readily influence adjacent decidua and myometrium.
 Increased prostaglandin-stimulated matrix metalloproteinase (mmp) activity associated with membrane rupture.
 It would further allow PG entry into the maternal compartment to promote myometrial contractility
Production of uterotonins
Production of steroid metabolizing enzymes that may regulate local progesterone withdrawal
Decidual activation localized to exposed decidual fragments lining the forebag
Trauma, hypoxia and exposure to endotoxins, microorganisms and Ils in vaginal fluid
Cytokines produced that increase uterotonin production or directly act on myometrium


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REMARKS Correlate with pictures in William’s Obstetrics 23 rd Ed. Chapter 6.
This is a 125 slide powerpoint with footnotes incorporated.
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Transcriber: Aibhen B. Naguna

Formatting: Aibhen B. Naguna D L S H S I M e d i c i n e B a t c h 2 0 1 6 | 17
Editor: Jan David C. Monzon

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