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Lemurian Crystal Band of Light Eng Manual

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The key takeaways are that the Lemurian Crystal Band of Light is an electromagnetic force field created by the Lemurians that surrounds the Earth and emanates love, harmony and peace. Its purpose is to help raise humanity's vibration for ascension.

The Lemurian Crystal Band of Light is an electromagnetic force field of crystal energy light that surrounds the planet Earth. It emanates a high energy love force and holds the power of creation, unconditional love, harmony, unity and peace.

The purpose of the Lemurian Crystal Band of Light is to raise humanity's vibrations and help transition them to higher dimensions of love, harmony and peace in order to create a golden age on Earth during the ascension process.


Lemurian Crystal Band of Light © 

ofira levi © 




©2011, By Mahadevi Healing. All Rights Reserved 

©2011, By Mahadevi Healing. All Rights Reserved 
Lemurian Crystal Band of Light

The Lemurian crystal band of light is an electromagnetic force field of

crystal energy light that surrounds planet earth. The crystal band of
light emanates a high energy love force that holds the power of
creation. The crystal band of light holds inside it the high vibration of
unconditional pure love, harmony, unity and peace.

The Councils of Light allowed the Lemurians, before the Land of

Lemuria sank in the ocean, to create a crystal band of light that was
placed around planet earth to assist Gaya and humanity when the time
for ascension comes. Its intention is to raise the vibrations of humanity
and help them transition into higher dimensions of light and
consciouness of love, harmony, and peace to create the golden age on

Humanity doesn’t have to remember how to activate the Lemurian

crystal band of light, but to attune and align with the energies of the
light energy field.

The Lemurians

The Lemurians are star people, descendents of Sirius, the Blue Star or
The Great Central Sun. It is called the Great Central Sun because it is
the brightest star in our solar system; its brighter than the sun.
This is the source of life, light, and love coming to earth and nurtures
all of her inhabitants. Sirius is the seat of the Blue Lodge of Creation
inhabited by souls of the high level who create our planet and seeded
it first with Lemurians. The Lemurians brought to earth, from Sirius
the blue light and the Law of the four, which is the four directions of
earth: North, East, South and West. Like the Lemurians, we all come
from stardust. The Lemurians were the first inhabitants of earth.
They came to live here in peace, harmony, love, and oneness, and
they share the beautiful gifts of earth with all her creatures.
When Lemuria sank, the Lemurians worked in oneness to sink her into
the earth under the water. Lemuria exists under the earth in another
dimension not visible to our eyes.

©2011, By Mahadevi Healing. All Rights Reserved 
The Lemurian vibrations rise once again, and they come in this great
time of shift in consciouness on earth, to assist the planet in ascension
and to share with us their way of life, wisdom, beauty, love, purity,
harmony and light.

They come to assist us and teach us how to live in oneness with each
other, with earth and all her creatures in peace, harmony, beauty, and
love. They are here to teach us how to heal ourselves and others, and
the earth.

Lemurian Crystal Band of Light Attunement

The attunement to the Lemurian Crystal Band of Light aligns you with
the crystal band of light that surrounds planet earth. You are aligned
with the vibrations of the crystal band of light and your own vibrations

The alignment with the Lemurian Crystal Band of Light will awaken the
consicouness of humanity to remember its divinity and role in assisting
Gaya to return to its higher place among the stars. You are aligned
with the highest realms of light. It is a key to enter other dimensions
and realities beyond your world to connect with high Light Beings and
high light wisdom for assisting the spiritual evolution of earth. It
awakens you to your divinity and works directly with your chakras and
your divine blueprint.

The Initiation

During the initiation you may experience a rainbow of sensations and

emotions and it can vary from person to person. Each experience is
individual. There is no good or bad in what you feel or experience, as it
is possible you won't feel anything also.

Some of the sensions you might experience during the attunement

are: love, harmony, peace, light, serenity. You may see colors, or
flashes of light. Or you may not have any visions. Each person’s
experience is unique.

©2011, By Mahadevi Healing. All Rights Reserved 
To accept the Initiation:

Surround yourself with protection and call upon your guides and
angels and any other high Light Beings that you want to assist you.
Pray for a perfect attunement , and ask to recieve the pure energies of
the attunement , with mental intention say:

"I now accept the Lemurian crystal band of light attunement from
(name of your teacher). Thank you, I'm grateful."

To pass the Initiation:

Before you start it is recommended you shield yourself with protection

of golden white bubble of protection and pure light. Call your guides,
angels, and any other high light beings to assist you in the
attunement. When you are ready say,

"I ask the Great Central Sun, the Source of All that is, and the
Lemurians to attune (name) to the Lemurian Crystal Band of Light that
he/she may get the pure energies of this attunement for his/her
highest spiritual good. And so it is. Thank you, I'm grateful."

©2011, By Mahadevi Healing. All Rights Reserved 
Working with the Energies

To activate the energies say with mental intention: "Lemurian Crystal

Band of Light energies activate. Thank you , I'm grateful.”

You can use these energies to enhance manifestation , deep healing,

connect to higher realms of light , and to connect to lost parts of your
soul or other past life.

The Lemurian Crystal Band of Light clears your nadies, meridians, and
channels, and your consiousness. You can use the energies of the
Lemurian Crystal Band of Light to clear your third eye, negative
thoughts or energies in your field, your emotions and heart. Just by
intention ask the Lemurians to assist you in clearing, and activation of
the energies of the Lemurian Crystal Band of Light and see, feel it
doing what you want it to do.

See your energy field sparkling crystalline energy light divine.

Always thank the Lemurians for their help.

Meditation with the Band of Light

Focus on your heart chakra and activate the energies with mental
intention say:

"Lemurian Crystal Band of Light energies activate!"

With intention, think or say "I now connect with the Lemurian Crystal
Band of Light, I'm one with you!"

Imagine the universe as a round ball wrapped in the Crystal Band of

Light Sparkling love, and you are in the middle. The field of crystal
light surrounds you. You are becoming one with the crystalline energy.
You merge with the crystal band of light. You breathe deeply its
particles into your whole being and your aura until you become one
with it in all your levels of existence. You can direct its energy in your
mind into any area of your body (physical, mental, emotional,

©2011, By Mahadevi Healing. All Rights Reserved 
When you are inside the crystal band of light and you connect with
your heart, you will find the courage to rise above all the obstacles in
your life path. You will be transformed and infused by the crystalline
high energy and the love vibration of the Lemurian Crystal Band of
Light to connect with the higher dimensions of light beyond your world
and divine power to create your heart’s desires.

The attunement to the Lemurian Crystal Band of Light will activate a

deep transformation within all your energy fields and bodies. You will
align with the highest frequencies to assist your own ascension.
You will take a quantum leap in ascension and you will develop and
expand your light body. You can use it also to assist in the planetary
evolution of planet earth when you imagine the Lemurian Crystal Band
of Light surrounding the earth and humanity with you as you all merge
with the love and light that emanate from the Crystal Band of Light
and unite as one heart.

If you use it in hand-on healing session for others, just place your
hands above their shoulders and activate the energies.

Wishing you Light & Love with Lemurian Blessings


Thank you to Linda Colibert for editing  

©2011, By Mahadevi Healing. All Rights Reserved 
Lemurian Crystal Band of Light manual & art is channeled and
copyrighted by Ofira Levi May 2011 with the Love of the Council of
Light & Lemurians.

Reiki is a form of energy healing that always helps and never harms.
If you are ill, please see your physician. Reiki works hand in hand with
the medical profession. Results may vary.

Do not change anything in the Lemurian Crystal Band of Light Manual.

Do not add or remove anything to or from the Lemurian Crystal Band

of Light Manual.

Lemurian Crystal Band of Light is not affiliated with any other Reiki
System or energy system that may exist now or in the future.

Lemurian Crystal Band of Light has a fixed resale price of 45$ USD
each or the equivalent in your currency. Always provide this manual
with any Lemurian Crystal Band of Light attunement, fully intact, with
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Lemurian Crystal Band of Light may NEVER be traded for another

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This System Can't Be Passed For Free By Yahoo or Any Other Online
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Please ask permission of the founder before translating the Lemurian

Crystal Band of Light Manual.

©2011, By Mahadevi Healing. All Rights Reserved 



©2011, By Mahadevi Healing. All Rights Reserved 

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