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Attunements Demystified PDF

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The key takeaways are that an attunement is part of the Reiki training process where the energy channels are opened and cleared, allowing for greater healing abilities and the ability to transmit Reiki energy. An attunement attunes one to the universal life force energy.

An attunement is a process done by a Reiki master to initiate students into the use of Reiki by opening and clearing their energy channels.

During an attunement, the recipient is asked to close their eyes and become still while the Reiki master performs the ritual to open and clear the energy channels.

Reiki Rays


Attunement Ritual, Attunement Tips,

Healing Crisis, Attunement Misconceptions and more

Table of Contents

What are Attunements All About? ......................................................................4

The Attunement Ritual ........................................................................................ 7
Seven Attunement Tips for Reiki Teachers.........................................................9
Guided Meditation for After a Reiki Attunement ............................................. 12
Attunement Triggers Healing Crisis ................................................................. 14
Psychic Ability after Reiki Attunement ............................................................. 16
Misconceptions of the Attunement Process...................................................... 18
Assimilating an Attunement .............................................................................22
About the Authors ......................................................................................... 24

What are Attunements All About?

By Angie Webster
One of the most strange and mysterious things about Reiki to those first
word attunement leaves a bit of mystery. It sounds like a vague and
unknown thing that is impossible to wrap the mind around because there is
nothing in the experience to compare it to. This can even make it seem a little
scary to some. So lets explore the attunement and bring some understanding
to what it is, what it does, how it feels and what happens afterward.

An attunement is a part of the Reiki training process. It is something that only

a Reiki Master is trained to do. The process can be seen as accomplishing two
things. One is to do a very intense healing on the recipient, which goes very
deeply into the energy channels, opening and clearing them. This makes way
for rapid healing to begin for the newly attuned Reiki practitioner. Opening
and clearing these energy channels not only allows for a greater healing, it
allows for the Reiki energy to flow more freely through them, so that the
recipient of the attunement will now freely receive Reiki at all times,
particularly when intending to receive it, and will also allow Reiki to transmit
through them, flowing more easily through these energy channels.
We all have Universal Energy flowing through us and around us. It is
everywhere, in fact. The Reiki attunement allows us to open up to this energy
and become more aware of it than we normally are. It literally attunes us to it.
When we come into the world as infants, we are much more in tune with this
energy and as we become habitualized to this world, we lose the awareness of
it. A Reiki attunement helps us to open our awareness to it.
Most people who have a Reiki attunement, even at the first level, can feel the
energy flowing through their body, their hands, and sometimes their feet right
away, sometimes even as the attunement is being done. This doesnt happen
to everyone and a few only report minor sensations or none at all. They may
not feel the energy flowing through them, but when they practice Reiki on

another, they will be told that the energy is felt and shifts will be seen. In
doing Reiki self-treatment after an attunement, even the newly attuned will
feel peace, even if they dont feel a lot of heat or other sensations coming from
their hands. The perception of the sensations are somewhat different for
everyone and will vary from session to session, which is normal.
During the attunement, the Reiki Master will ask you to close your eyes and
become still and prayerful or meditative, looking within yourself for the
meaning and symbolism of the process to you. You may be asked to focus on
your breath and to notice your center. The Master will then draw symbols
which represent various healing energies, such as the power of love, harmony,
the Unity of All or God with us, and one that helps to dissolve the illusion of
time and space. These will be drawn in your aura and on your hands. There
are some slight variations aside from this in the ways that different Masters do
an attunement, so these are only the basics, not the entire process. Most
Masters begin and end the process with a brief prayer or intention, which may
or may not be spoken aloud.
People experience various different things during an attunement and your
experience will be your own. Whatever you experience is exactly what is
appropriate for you at the time. Dont get concerned about comparing with
others or with what you read on the internet. Many people feel sensations of
heat or tingling or of vibration rising up their spine or flowing down from the
crown to the base of the spine or the feet. Some feel their hands grow hot.
Many see colors or have visions. A few hear sounds such as music or bells or
angelic voices. There are many possibilities. It is a rather profound and
moving experience for many.
In the days after an attunement, many people have a healing response, often
referred to as a healing crisis. This can last for up to two or three weeks,
fluctuating in the symptoms and severity, and many teachers will teach that
you should expect it to last 21 days. In truth, it varies from person to person
and from one attunement to the next. Some people have no healing response
at all, for some it is very mild, others are very sick for the first day or two with
flu-like symptoms and then feel a lot better, with only mild emotional
fluctuations for a week or two after that. For some, the healing response is
almost entirely emotional, with emotions arising and releasing, maybe with
crying spells or anger coming out and releasing. It may be gentle or not. It is
best to simply observe and let the energies pass, journaling and processing as
needed. Nearly everyone will notice that their life changes in some way after
an attunement, even if it is only that their responses to things shift. Keeping a

journal in the weeks after and attunement can help you track the process and
is very interesting to look back on later, even if the changes seen mild or
insignificant at the time.

The Attunement Ritual

By Deborah Lloyd
Have you ever wondered why the attunement process has so many steps? It
took me many hours of practice to get all the steps down, in the right order, to
prepare for my first class as a Reiki Master. Often, I wondered why it had to be
so complicated! Does Spirit really need this whole process to give someone the
gift of being a Reiki practitioner?
The answer came to me one day. The attunement process is for the student
and for me not for Spirit. Spirit does not need it, but we do!

Image by suc

The attunement process is a ritual, and the lives of human beings are filled
with rituals. A couple falls in love, spend much time together for months or
years, and then expend many hours of planning, and money, for their wedding
day. Why? The marriage ceremony is a ritual full of special meaning. A couple
declares to each other, and to family and friends, a lifelong commitment to
honor and love each other. Similarly, levels of education end with a
graduation ritual; employees retire with the going-away party; even our
birthdays and anniversaries are marked with ritualistic activities.
Rituals appear in every culture and belief system. Recently, a young client
reported to me she greatly disliked the traditional religion of her youth as the
service was always the same, long and boring affair. Then, she stated she had
found a new pagan practice that had many ceremonial aspects. Soon, she
started to laugh, realizing how she had rejected one set of ritualistic practices
for another! We continued the discussion, and she recognized there are always
beliefs underlying ritual practices. She now practiced ceremony in accordance
with her core beliefs. While the rituals had similarities, the reasons for the acts
were not the same.
Rituals can be powerful, sacred ceremonies; each ritual generates an unique
energy to those participating in it. Rituals mark an end to a particular phase of
our lives, and the beginning of a new one. Gone is an old way of being, with

many new possibilities ahead of us - that is certainly true of the Reiki

attunement process. Gone are old beliefs that healing is not possible, that
there is nothing that can change this physical, emotional or spiritual issue.
Gone are old paradigms that never worked in the first place.
Many people have asked me what actually happens during the attunement
process. My answer, as I was trained to answer, is we keep the process secret,
to maintain the sacredness of the event. I reply that the Universe works in
opening the students channels to energy healing. There is truth in that
statement, for sure. Perhaps, the main reason it is a secret is it would be very
difficult to explain how a series of steps can have such a large impact on
someones ability to bring healing to others and self. It is one of those
mysteries of life, and it is one of those mysteries that we need to accept, on
faith. There is no simple, logical explanation.
That is the true beauty of ritual. This element of mystery is much deeper than
our humanistic level of understanding. As always, we express gratitude for the
mystery of the Reiki attunement process.

Seven Attunement Tips for Reiki Teachers

By Haripriya Suraj
The main purpose of the Reiki attunement is to activate the innate healing
ability of the individual. But it is often so much more than that. Every time I
attune someone, I experience a positive internal shift myself. Over time, I have
grown to love giving Reiki attunements. Every attunement experience has
been different. But what has been common to all is that I have benefitted as
much from the ritual as the people getting attuned. Our vocabulary does not
have the words that can describe the beauty of a Reiki attunement. In the
early days of my practice, I did the attunements exactly as I had learnt them. I
rehearsed the steps and practised tirelessly before I started offering them to
others. With time though, I began to let the creative wisdom of my heart into
the process. This decision changed the quality of the attunements being
If you are a Reiki Master who attunes people, the following tips may help you
offer the best to everyone who gets attuned by you.
1. Create a Divine Healing Space
It would be good to prepare a special space for the attunements. This is
something many of you would be doing already. But for those who are new, it
may help you to know that candles, lamps, incense, music, pictures of Higher
Beings and the like invite pure loving energy into your attunement space and
render it ready for the next step. Ensure the space is physically clean as well.
2. Surrender to the Heart
Do the attunement from your heart. Reiki teachers put in time and effort to
learn the steps of offering an attunement. This is no doubt important. But
once we are thorough with the steps, it is more important for us to surrender
to the process and flow with the experience. If we are too focused on the steps
alone, we would be operating from the mind. The best attunements happen
from the heart centre. Use your mind to the extent necessary but allow your
heart to take the lead. You will then create a more loving space. The heart is
not as forceful as the mind. So, unless you are in a state of surrender, you will
not be able to tune into the wisdom of your heart centre.

3. Trust your Intuition

Let go of the need to be mechanical and attune everyone the same way. You
must certainly follow all the steps of offering an attunement but it is OK to add
a dash of guided creativity along the way. If in the midst of an attunement, you
intuitively feel that you must do something differently, trust your intuition
and do it. Every person receiving an attunement is different and they may
benefit more when they are attuned in a way that they need it. Remember you
are tuned in to very high frequencies when you give an attunement. So, any
positive guidance you receive during the process can be safely followed.
4. Call in Higher Beings
The Reiki attunement is always graced by Higher Beings such as Ascended
Masters, Reiki Guides, Spirit Guides, Archangels and Angels. Make a
conscious connection with these Beings before the attunement. Request them
to do the attunement through you. That way you can truly let go and flow with
the experience. This will bring in more energies of love and raise the vibration
of the space to much higher levels.
5. Take your time
Do not rush through the attunement. It is perfectly possible to effectively
complete an attunement in as less as five minutes. But when you take your
time and really put your heart and soul into every step, it takes on a different
quality. This may take a few minutes more of your time but is totally worth it.
No matter how many people you may have attuned already, do every
attunement like you are doing it for the very first time. Connect with the
learner from your heart and be very aware as you perform the attunement.
6. Allow Time for Integration
Once attuned, allow the new Reiki channel to integrate the energies and the
entire experience. Rather than have them return to the happenings of the class
immediately, give them ten minutes or so to relax and absorb the energies.
7. Meditate
Before you resume the class, spend a few minutes in meditation. This will help
you integrate the experience and allow the high vibrations generated during
the ritual to work on you. This practice brings in a deep sense of calm and


helps you get closer to your Higher Self. Feel gratitude for this blessed
These tips apply in the case of in person as well as distant attunements. In
case of distant attunements, do the attunement exactly like you would if your
client were present in person, because your client is truly with you in spirit. If
you have a large number of people enrolled in a class, it may not be practically
possible for you to spend a lot of time doing personalised attunements. The
fewer the number you accommodate in each class, the more time you will have
to offer the best. Every attunement we do is a great blessing for us. It gives us
yet another opportunity to reconnect with our Higher Self and to consciously
experience our innate state of love, peace and bliss.
Love and Light!


Guided Meditation for After a Reiki Attunement

By Justine Melton
Anyone who has gone through a Reiki Attunement knows that it brings on a 21
day cleanse. During this time you may feel a great release and feel light and
joyous. It is also possible that you may feel all sorts of things, experience flu
like symptoms and in more serious cases may even go through a healing crisis.
Some people may experience a mix of both high and low feelings and go back
and forth between the two. My experience consisted of an assortment of
different symptoms and a deep purging of toxins with each attunement I
received. Basically, I got to experience the stomach flu with all 3 of my
attunements! J
After an attunement it is very important to take good care of yourself. Make
sure to get out and exercise, drink a lot of water, take a salt bath, practice daily
self-reiki, meditate and most of all listen to your body. During this time notice
if any colors speak out to you. Colors have amazing healing properties and can
add a special extra touch to your Reiki sessions.
Once I became a Reiki Master I was guided to start recommending the use of
the color blue after a Reiki attunement. The color blue is a wonderful healing
color, eases stress, helps with grounding and cools down inflammation.

Image by Minhimalism

Here is a simple guided meditation with the color blue that is

perfect for the 21 days after a Reiki attunement
1. Begin by Reiki-ing the space that you will be doing your meditation
session in. I like to use the Master symbol but use whatever calls out to
2. Turn on some relaxing, soft music that will help you more easily get
into the zone.
3. Light a candle that helps you relax. Blue or white are recommended
here but if something else speaks out to you go with your gut. This is
about healing YOU after all and not what may be best for someone else.


4. Lay down in your space and close your eyes. Spend two min allowing
yourself to just slowly breathe. Concentrate on your breathing and
notice how your chest slowly fills up and then slowly empties with each
5. Picture a big ball of crystal blue light hovering right above your body.
Let this blue ball of light slowly fill the entire room with its healing
energy. Visualize the blue light expanding out into every corner of your
6. Allow yourself over a period of five min to then slowly breathe this light
in and out. With each inhale imagine the blue light coming into your
body full of healing energy. With each exhale imagine the blue light
carrying away anything that is bothering you.
7. After this step picture a glass pitcher filled with over flowing blue light
above you. Imagine your spirit guide or angel holding this pitcher and
gently pouring this blue light over you, starting at your head and slowly
going down to your feet. The blue light gently and slowly washes over
you just like water. Allow yourself to feel this blue light that is like
refreshing water to wash over you for a good five min. Imagine that all
that is troubling you washes away as the light passes over you.
8. Pay attention to any messages you may feel you are getting from your
angel/spirit guide or source during this time. You may be surprised at
what transforming thoughts come to you.
9. At this point picture that a loving ball of blue healing light moves over
to you and then surrounds you like a soft bubble. Imagine that it is
there to stay for the rest of your day. It is protecting you, healing you,
and surrounding you with loving healing energy. At this time open your
eyes and be grateful for the healing you just received with the help of
the color blue.
10. Lastly, ground yourself with the version of the Reiki grounding symbol
you were taught.
This meditation can be done at any time you feel that you need to heal or
Wishing you all love and light.


Attunement Triggers Healing Crisis

By Angie Webster
Lots of people believe that once they are attuned to Reiki they will never be
sick for very long again. They think they will be able to heal themselves from
any illness they previously struggled with, no matter how long it went on. I
thought this as well. The truth is, many people who are led to Reiki have a
long history of being ill or of dealing with repeated loss or abuse in their life. I
think perhaps some of them are guided to Reiki to help them learn to heal
these patterns of illness and dysfunction.
But part of the learning process with Reiki is to learn that healing does not
mean the same as cure. And healing rarely happens overnight and it almost
never happens the way our logical minds plan for it. Healing is a messy
process and it is not passive. Receiving Reiki is passive, but the healing itself is
never passive. Inner work is done and shifts take place in the life of the person
being healed. This is often a very uncomfortable process. And it can look and
feel an awful lot like being very, very sick.
I often think of this the same way as I think of spring cleaning. You clean out a
closet, a cabinet, a drawer or even a crowed, cluttered and messy room, filled
with junk. When you do this, you have to pull all that junk out. It makes a
huge mess all over your house. It looks terrible for a while and you may
wonder what you got yourself into. It takes careful sorting through all the
clutter and wiping all the dust out from the rooms, closets, and drawers of
your house before you finally have a lovely, fresh smelling and tidy home
again. It's well worth the work when you keep at it. If you stop in the middle or
become disgusted and shove it all back in the closet, then you are left with the
same mess you started with or worse.
I think the attunement process can often trigger a very long term healing crisis
for some of us. It's a process and it comes in cycles. Particularly when we have
had many years of illness or dysfunction in our lives, we must allow time for
these layers to peel away. It took many years for them to build up and our
system has stored many memories of the traumas associated with these
things. All of these must be cleared out. Letting go of these and forming new
patterns can be very painful, even though it sounds as though it should be a
joyful thing.


To change our lives, we must allow room for things to be shaken up, just like
our house during spring-cleaning. The Universe will bring into our lives just
what we need, and when we open to it, we don't resist the changes or the
lessons they bring. It doesn't mean there will not be discomfort, but remember
births almost always bring a healthy level of discomfort with them!
If you have had more upheaval or illness in your life since becoming attuned,
try taking a new look at the possibilities surrounding why that may be. Allow
yourself to grieve each layer of the old life that lifts away from you.
Understand the fear that comes with facing new things, even things you wish
for. Ask for guidance from the Universe and your angels and guides. Ask for
peace and don't forget to keep doing self-Reiki every day!


Psychic Ability after Reiki Attunement

By Rinku Patel
Everyone has some sort of psychic ability which they call intuition or gut
feelings. Psychic awareness differs from person to person. Reiki can allow you
to enhance your psychic awareness and removes blockages. It does not mean
all Reiki practitioners have great psychic abilities. When the time is right in
your spiritual journey, your psychic awareness will improve. There are three
main types of psychic awareness: Clairaudience, Clairsentience and

Image by Bonnybbx

Clairaudience- Means clear hearing

After Reiki attunement, some people start hearing messages from their Guides
and Angels very clearly. Some becomes medium who hears messages from
discarnate ones (who are no more alive). Some communicates with their
departed loved ones. Some evolve to higher extensions and can hear Ascended
Masters. This hearing may be like actual hearing or the words appears in
form of thoughts. Example- when you ask yourself a question, you get the
answer even before you finish the thought. Another example is, when your
thoughts converse with YOU and not I. When you are self-talking,
generally I is used. When your guides or higher-self conversing, you will
hear YOU.
Clairsentience- Means clear sensing
After Reiki attunement, some develops awareness of sensing subtle energies.
This ability increases as their experience with Reiki increases. The people who
are clairsentience can detect different layers of aura and blockages, which take
their Reiki experience to another dimension. Some also develop the ability to
sense the presence of their departed loved ones, spirits, entities, angels and


Clairvoyance- Means see clearly

After Reiki attunement, some develops the ability of clear sight. They can see
auras, detect blockages in chakras and see impurities in energy field. This
ability improves and develops more with Reiki experience as Reiki opens and
balances the third eye. Some are so extremely clairvoyant that they can get
flashes of past and future. Some can also see their angels and guides or
discarnate ones.
I am not saying you can definitely develop these psychic awareness once you
are attuned to Reiki. As the time elapses, you will definitely see the changes in
your psychic awareness, depending how much you practice Reiki. The more
you bring Reiki to your life, the more increased chances of developing above
psychic abilities.
Easiest Reiki method to develop and increase your psychic awareness and
intuitive power is to use Reiki symbols on your third eye/brow chakra. Your
brow chakra/third eye is the base if insights, inspirations and intuitions.
Draw CKR and SHK on both palms. Those who are attuned to DKM
can draw DKM too. Draw these symbols on the third eye aura as well as
on the third eye.
Hold one palm on your forehead and other at exact level on back of the
Intend that Reiki flows through third eye to increase your psychic
ability for your highest good. Give Reiki for few minutes.

Do not practice this for long as you may develop headache.

Those who have set crystal grids or Reiki box, can put the intention slip in the
grid/Reiki box Draw symbols on paper and write I wish to develop and
enhance my psychic awareness for my highest good.
Meditating on master symbol DKM also increases psychic awareness.


Misconceptions of the Attunement Process

By Phillip Hawkins
Science has a habit of supporting spiritual teachings even though they may
first appear to be at odds with one another. For years science and spiritual
teachings were thought by many to be antagonistic yet as ignorance and fear
has given way to knowledge and understanding that apparent gap has closed
as we have come to realise that both science and spiritual teachings are
discussing the same realities albeit in languages alien to one another. That is
until quantum physics became the universal language that both the scientist
and the teacher could relate to and identify with in relation to their own
particular school of thought.

Spiritual teachings that were once considered no more than woolly abstract
concepts are now being validated by the sciences that provide both the
mathematical equations and the necessary evidence to be considered as
scientific proof of spiritual truths. Teachers tell us that we are beings of
light and quantum physics now confirm that all matter, including matter
that makes up the human body, is itself made up of waves and particles of
Physicists such as Max Planck, David Bohm and J. S. Bell were able to prove
that matter including the physical body doesnt exist in the way we think it
does, and the concept of an empty space is an illusion, that at the heart of
our universe, there are no separate parts to anything, and that everything is
connected to everything else. This means that we do not exist in a
universe; we were created as part of a universe that illuminates
and animates all things.
This has far reaching implications to Reiki students and teachers alike as we
must accept that given such evidence Reiki, which by our own definition is a
universal energy, cant exist separate from the rest of the universe. Reiki is


part of creation and as such common sense and logic must lead us to the
conclusion that we are already connected to the universe and Reiki even if we
are unaware of the fact. If this is so, and quantum physics and spiritual
teachings appear support one another in this conclusion you cant connect
through an attunement, empowerment or otherwise what is already
So what is an attunement and what purpose does it serve?
Before I offer an answer for your consideration let us take a moment to
consider that there a reported 300 Reiki derivatives worldwide and I think its
reasonable to accept that the majority if not all of them will have some
variations on the teaching and attunement theme as part of their training.
With all of these variations there has to be a common denominator that links
them all together. There is; if we accept for a moment that they are all Reiki
regardless of their brand name or individual identity, then that common
denominator is our attention and intention which allows us to work with the
energetic connection that already exists to bring about a desired outcome in
the form of raised awareness in the student. Not to connect but to
If we further accept that atunements work to educate with all of their
variations then we must also accept that structure the atunement process isnt
as important as our attention and intention which underpins the whole
procedure no matter what form it takes.
Its recorded that Dr Usui would at times empower/attune his students when
he was nowhere near them simply by using his attention and intention. Now
we can dis-empower ourselves by saying this was Dr Usui and he was able to
do things we cant do because of who he was. Or we can adopt a more
pragmatic approach and simply accept that he was able to do what he did
because he understood, accepted and worked with the realities discussed at
the beginning of this article. Not as we may have first thought to connect his
students to Reiki, but to simply make his students aware of the connection
that already existed. He did this by raising their level of awareness through
increased knowledge and understanding, the basis of all healing, education
and awareness. As Dr Usui himself said the only person we can heal is
ourselves and we do this by taking ownership for the life we lead and investing
time and energy in our health and wellbeing. This we can only do when there
is a shift in our level of awareness to such an extent that we are willing and


able to consider new ideas and apply that knowledge and understanding in the
way we live life.
If you believe we are spiritual beings developing through a physical expression
of life, then you must also accept that this connection is infinite regardless of
how many transformations it may go through. If however, you believe we are
mortal with an indeterminate time between our first and last breath then our
physical connection to the universe begins at the moment of our conception
and is reinforced at birth. Either way the connection exists; what is missing is
the awareness.
So what purpose does the attunement serve?
The attunement is guided learning and a teaching aid; we all learn in different
ways and to do this we need to be able to absorb information in a way that
resonates with us and makes sense. Attunements work on several levels and
provides a physical experience that gives the student a point of reference; a
date in their diary to refer back to and say thats when I was connected to the
universe. The only thing it cant do is initiate a connection that
already exists.
If we can accept this train of thought then it must lead us to a natural
conclusion that whatever educates the student to the connection they already
have with the universe can be defined as an attunement. If on reading this you
feel it is a step too far, I would ask you to consider that Dr Usui wasnt attuned
or empowered by anyone. His moment of enlightenment came not in the form
of an attunement but through the dawning of his own spiritual awareness.
Sitting in meditation he realised it was through the existing connection that
his journey of spiritual development had gained a new direction, purpose and
meaning. It was not to connect but to understand the nature of our
relationship to a universe that sustains us.
This does not in any way dis-empower the Reiki teacher, if anything it places a
greater responsibility on their shoulders to provide ongoing support, to
educate and empower their students to gain a greater knowledge and
understanding of their relationship with universe and the role we have chosen
to play.
Healing in relation to Reiki is a by-product and was never meant to be the
defining principle of what Reiki is all about. Reiki is and always has been
a discipline of personal spiritual development. Its through this that


we educate and then heal ourselves. The only person we can heal is ourselves
and we have neither the responsibility nor the authority to arbitrarily heal
others. Educate and empower yes; so that they can take ownership and live
their lives in such a way that promotes their own health and well being.
As a teacher I have a duty of care to educate and to challenge my students to
think for themselves to ask questions and seek out the truth where ever that
may be. To do so is not to dishonour or disrespect what has gone before but to
use the established as a solid foundation from which we can gain a new
perspective and raise our level of awareness, which is the basis of all personal
development. The word Reiki is a label; the problem with labels is that once
attached they take on a life of their own and we can then begin to identify
more with the packaging instead of the content, and buy into the belief that
tradition, manuals, hand positions, symbols and attunements are Reiki. They
are not; they are a man made physical interpretations of a
spiritual truth. Reiki when stripped back is a distillation of
knowledge and understanding, a prerequisite for all education
and healing, for without knowledge and understanding neither
one would be possible.
Attunements have their place in Reiki; they along with the rest of the students
training provide a point of reference to which the student can relate to and
identify as the start of their Reiki journey. As teachers we need to be able to
put this timeline into context. Their Reiki journey may just be beginning but it
comes not as a starting point in life but simply as a continuation of a spiritual
journey that began long ago when we became a part of creation.
Are we immortal spirit or mere mortal that is for each of us to decide for
knowledge and understanding never comes to us complete? No matter
when we believe our journey began or where we think our chosen
path may lead us, our destination is that of spiritual
enlightenment. It is our home, and like the prodigal son of old it is a place
that we will all return to one day.


Assimilating an Attunement
By Paula Vanderzon
When we make a vibrational shift in our energy body then our physical bodies
need to also make a shift. Because our 3 Dimensional bodies are the densest
part of us, it can take time for our bodies to catch up to any awareness or
vibrational changes that we make. This can be a painfully slow process, but
can be made smoother if we can bring awareness to what is happening.
A Reiki attunement changes the energetic vibrational state of our being.
Energy centres are cleared and aligned and new vibrations of energy are
channelled through us. This of course affects the physical body. We cannot
make a change in one part of us and not have it affect the other parts. Our
emotional, mental, spiritual and physical bodies are intricately linked; they
are all separate parts of us but make up the whole. A change in one part will
send a change through the other parts.

Because we are all unique individuals the assimilation process of these energy
shifts can be different for everyone who has an attunement. Generally in my
teaching practice, I find that students have some sort of adjustment phase
after a Reiki 1 class that involves the physical body. At the extreme end this
could be diarrhoea for a day (or two), runny nose, feeling tired and lethargic
(so that the body can slow down and integrate the energy changes). For me
personally, I remember getting tonsillitis after an attunement as my Throat
chakra cleared and adjusted physically. Most people will feel only very slight
changes physically. But if you do have some sort of physical clearing or
adjustment after an attunement, listen to your body, slow down if you need to,
and bring awareness to how awesome this is as your body is changing its
vibration and integrating the energy changes.
If we have a lot of old stuck energy inside of our bodies, then an attunement
can be like a super charged energy healing session, and our bodies will show
us the evidence of how powerful the energy shift actually was by responding
and adjusting.


Generally after Reiki level 1 there most commonly seems to be a physical

clearing or adjustment; whereas after Reiki level 2 many students will
experience an emotional clearing or adjustment. This could be general
grumpiness or moodiness or maybe remembering childhood experiences that
bring up emotions and therefore healing. When we have stuck emotions that
need to be put into motion to be cleared and healed, we can feel this as
sadness, grief, happiness, or any other type emotion. Even feeling teary and
melancholic can be a symptom of clearing and assimilating energy after an
attunement. Again, bring awareness to this happening as a great and
wonderful thing, all part of the process of enabling you to be a clearer channel
of Reiki energy and healing yourself in the process.
For the higher vibrating energies of a Reiki Master attunement or even a
Seichim attunement, some students may even have a physical body
adjustment BEFORE their attunement. The body seems to prepare itself for
the attunement and clears out certain energy channels and shifts old energy
patterns as soon as the commitment has been made to attend the class.
Sometimes this may even happen to my students before Reiki level 1 or 2
classes, and bringing their awareness to this possibility makes them embrace
these clearing symptoms and make the whole process more enjoyable and
Please do not be afraid of this clearing and assimilation process. We only
experience what is right for us and for our highest and best. Some students
need a very impactful proof that an energy shift did indeed take place, and
they might experience this through their physical body changes. For most
students it will be hardly noticeable. Embrace whatever changes your body
goes through, Reiki yourself, love and support your body, drink lots of water
and know that once you have fully integrated the vibrational changes into your
body, the change is permanent and wonderful!


About the Authors

Angie Webster is a freelance writer, Reiki Master Teacher
and meditation teacher. She lives in central Illinois with
her husband and her cat. She incorporates yoga,
meditation, healthy food, Reiki and spiritual practice to
guide and heal her body, mind and life. Reiki and a
healthy lifestyle contributed to her recovery after a 20year struggle with neurological and other health issues.
She comes out the other side with a new perspective on
life and now seeks to empower others, reminding them of
their own healing abilities. You can follow her at:,,
Justine Melton is a Reiki Master/Teacher and an Intuitive
Counselor. Reiki came into her life a few years ago and
changed it in amazing ways. It is her passion now to
bring Reiki to others and help them to heal in a holistic
way. Justine is lucky enough to be an Empath,
Clairaudient, Clairsentient, and Clairvoyant. She is able
to use these gifts with Reiki if asked to give extra
messages during a session for the clients highest good.
Justine believes that love is the greatest healing energy.
She has founded a holistic healing association called
Amore Holistic Health Group where people can go and
choose from a variety of different healing modalities.
Deborah Lloyd is a Usui and Karuna Reiki Master and
certified holistic therapy practitioner, providing Reiki
sessions and trainings in Asheville, NC. She is the author
of Believe and it is True: A Story of Healing and Life
Lessons. Reach Deborah
at, deb@deblloydheali and at Deb Lloyd Healing on Facebook
Haripriya is a Reiki Master, Angel Healer, and Spiritual
Teacher. She was drawn to Reiki right from her
childhood and Reiki went on to become part of her lifes
purpose. Reiki is her constant companion from which she
derives peace and contentment. After reaping the fruits of
Reiki practice in her life, she was inspired to spread the
joy of Reiki. She is the founder of Aananda Holistic Center
where she conducts as well as teaches Reiki and Angel
Healing. Haripriya resides in Bangalore, India. Reach
Haripriya at and
at Aananda Holistic Center on Facebook.


Phillip Hawkins is a practicing psychic medium. He has

been practicing Reiki since 1999, and hes been a Reiki
teacher since 2000. In addition to teaching, when time
allows he gives talks and leads discussion groups on the
above topics. Applying Reiki on a daily basis has
transformed his life and continues to do so as each day
brings with it a new and deeper understanding of Reiki
and of life. Phillip would like the opportunity to share that
knowledge experience with others in an open minded and
non judgemental way in a Reiki Rays community of
Paula is a Reiki Master/ Teacher from Adelaide, South
Australia. Facing a debilitating health condition in 2006
Paula was lead to Reiki for self-healing and has been on a
deep spiritual energetic and physical transformation
since. A teacher of Reiki since 2008 and Isis Seichim since
2009 Paula also teaches Soul Writing and is passionate
about helping people discover who they are at a Soul level
so they can be their unique selves in life. Connect with
Paula through her website or Facebook
Rinku Patel is a Reiki Usui Master, Karmic Reiki healer,
Kundalini Reiki, Angel Reiki Healer, Crystal Healing,
Dowsing, Soulmate Reiki and Angel card Reading. Chi
Ball and Psychic surgery are her personal favorite tools.
Classes and Healing: Usui Reiki, Karmic Reiki, Kundalini
Reiki, Angelic Reiki, Soulmate Reiki, Crystal healing,
Angel card reading and Dowsing. Rinku can be reached
via her email address
and on Facebook at


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