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A Tickle in the Throat and Other Cases in Parasitology

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©2009 American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science All rights reserved. 2

A Tickle in the Throat and Other Parasitology Cases

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1. Briefly discuss the lifecycles of nematodes and cestodes causing human infection.

2. Describe the appearance of adult nematodes and cestodes proglottids commonly

associated with human infection.

3. Given a description, identify the ova of nematodes and cestodes commonly associated

with human infection.

©2009 American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science All rights reserved. 4

Written by:
Meridee Van Draska, MS, MT (ASCP), CLS (NCA)

Address for correspondence: Meridee Van Draska, Illinois State University, 5220 Health
Sciences, Normal, IL 61790-5220, 309-438-8269,


Case #1

One afternoon an internist rushed into the microbiology department carrying a specimen

container. He asked if any of the technologists could help him with a strange situation. Earlier

that morning, an eighty-one-year-old, female patient dropped by his office requesting that she be

seen immediately. The women said she had been plagued by a tickling in her throat. She stated

that she coughed and coughed until she coughed-up the object she now held wrapped in a tissue.

The patient showed the nurse the tissue and the nurse was astounded when she saw it contained a

worm. The nurse quickly summoned the physician. The physician placed the worm in a

specimen cup and brought it to the hospital laboratory. The technologist opened the specimen

container and saw a cream colored worm, about 22 centimeters in length. It had a tapered head

and tail and the body appeared to be finely striated.

The physician has several questions he wanted answered. They were: what kind of worm

was it? Could the patient really have “coughed-up” the worm? If she did, should the patient be

treated for a parasitic infection? Finally, was he or any of his staff at risk of contracting the


After examining the worm, the technologist told the physician that based on its size and

color the worm was Ascaris lumbricoides. She told him that Ascaris can indeed migrate through

the human body and sometimes exit through the mouth, which is likely what happened in this

©2009 American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science All rights reserved. 5
case. She suggested that if the doctor wanted further verification, he could have the patient

submit a stool specimen for ova and parasite examination. The technologist told the physician

that as long as he and his staff used gloves to handle the specimen and also practiced good hand

washing afterward they were unlikely to be infected.

Case #2

A woman phoned the microbiology department requesting help with a problem. She said

she was potty-training her son when she saw worms in his stool. She had reported the worms to

the child’s pediatrician who ordered a cellophane tape preparation for pinworms. The cellophane

tape preparation was performed twice and found to be negative both times. Meanwhile, the

mother did some research on her own. She read a description of the adult pin worm and

concluded that what she saw in her son’s stool were not pinworms; these worms were bigger.

Since she was still seeing motile worms in her son’s stool, she phoned the laboratory to see if

they could help her determine what see was seeing.

The technologist had the woman describe what she was seeing in her son’s stool. The

mother said the worms were whitish, and not quite a half an inch in length. She said they

“wiggled around” when the stool was fresh and it was the movement that brought them to her

attention. The woman wanted to know, were these really worms she was seeing? If they were

worms, could they be harming her son?

Working with the patient’s physician, the technologist suggested submitting a fresh stool

specimen for ova and parasite exam. The mother submitted a specimen the next day and insisted

on showing one of the technologists the “worms” that were in the specimen. The technologist

saw the “worms.” They were as whitish and about the size and shape of a pumpkin seed. These

“worms” were too small to be Ascaris but too large in diameter to be pinworms or any of the

©2009 American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science All rights reserved. 6
other adult round worm species adults. The technologist suspected that they could be tape worm

proglottids. Some of the stool was concentrated using formalin-ethyl acetate. Microscopic exam

of the concentrate revealed the presence of Dipylidium caninum (dog tape worm) egg packets.

The technologist concluded that the “worms” were D. caninum proglottids.

Case #3

An obstetric nurse phoned the laboratory in a panic. A woman had just delivered a baby.

During the course of her labor, she had passed some stool and the nurse and attending physician

observed “worms” wiggling around in the stool. The physician was concerned that the patient

had a tapeworm infection. He remembered from medical school, that some types of tape worms

could be transmitted from human to human. The nurse asked what they could do to find out

what kind of worms these were. She also asked if the baby or the staff members could become

infected because of contact with the worms. What should they do next?

The technologist who answered the phone instructed the nurse to use caution handling the

fecal materials. The technologist also asked the nurse to collect some of the worms in a plain

specimen container and some of the stool in a separate container and send both to the laboratory

for processing.

The technologists examined the “worms” macroscopically; they did fit the description of

Taenia proglottids. Because the proglottids were longer that they were wide, and the patient’s

religion prohibited her from eating pork, Taenia saginata was suspected. The technologist tried

to confirm the suspicion by injecting a proglottid with India ink, but was unsuccessful.

Remaining proglottids were preserved and sent to the state public health laboratory for

speciation. Some of the stool was concentrated, Taenia species ova were found. The state

laboratory later confirmed the diagnosis of T. saginata.

©2009 American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science All rights reserved. 7

In the United States, intestinal helminth infections are not as prevalent as they are in other

countries, but with increased immigration, both legal and illegal, laboratories must be prepared to

assist physicians in the identification of these infections.1 Typically, physicians who suspect

their patient has a helminth infection will request a fecal ova and parasite examination. What is

unusual in the cases described above is the fact that instead of stool, the laboratory was initially

contacted to identify either an adult worm or proglottids from adult worms.

Infection caused by Ascaris lumbricoides is the most common helminth disease world-

wide. In the United States, cases of ascariasis are exceeded only by the number of cases of

pinworm infections. Regions where Ascaris is most likely to exist are those with warmer

climates and poor sanitation. In the United States, the majority of cases occur in and around the

Appalachian Mountains.2 Humans become infected when they ingest fertile eggs in food or

water contaminated with human feces. The eggs hatch into larvae in the small intestine. Here

they molt once, then travel through the lymphatics or portal vein to the right side of the heart.

Circulation carries them to the lungs where they reside in the alveoli. In the lungs they undergo

two additional molting cycles. Larvae then travel up the trachea to the throat where they are

swallowed. They return to the small intestine where they mature into adults.1 The adult females

will produce eggs. If a male worm is also present the eggs will be fertilized. Both fertile and

non-fertile ova may be shed in the feces. After a period of about two weeks in warm, moist soil

the eggs become capable of causing infection if ingested. These eggs can remain viable in the

soil for years.3 While adult worms are typically found in the intestine, they can migrate in the

human body, particularly when provoked by fever, certain drugs or anesthesia. The migrating

worms may exit the body through the mouth or anus.4

©2009 American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science All rights reserved. 8
Pinworm infections are common world-wide. Enterobius vermicularis ova are

swallowed by the host. The ova hatch in the small intestine. The larvae migrate through the

digestive tract. Adult worms live in the colon. Fertilized female worms migrate out of the anus

and lay their eggs on the perianal skin.3 In a warm, moist environment, the ova can live for

several weeks until swallowed by a new host.

Trichuris trichiura infections are initiated by the host ingesting an embryonated egg. The

larvae hatch in the small intestine, where they live until mature. The mature worms migrate to

the colon. Here the female lays its eggs which are passed in the host’s feces.2

There are two species of hookworms, Necator americanus and Ancylostoma duodenale.

Human infections caused by hookworms occur when the worm’s filariform larvae penetrate the

skin. These larvae travel through the blood stream to the lungs. In the lungs they penetrate the

alveoli and migrate to the trachea and pharynx. The host then swallows the larvae. The larvae

develop into adult worms in the small intestine.3 The female worm lays eggs which are passed in

the feces. The eggs hatch in the soil becoming rhabditiform larvae. The larvae molt twice

developing into the filariform larvae which can infect another host. The life cycle of

Strongyloides stercoralis is similar to that of the hookworm species. The main difference is that

the ova of S. stercoralis usually hatch in the colon of the host and the rhabditiform larvae are

passed in the stool.2

Dipylidium canium is commonly referred to as the dog tapeworm, the cat tapeworm or

the pumpkin seed tapeworm.2 When an animal is infected, the adult worm resides in the

intestine. Proglottids containing eggs migrate out of the anus. Fleas ingest the ova and act as the

intermediate host. The ova develop into cystcercoid larvae in the flea’s digestive tract. The

primary host, usually a dog or cat, then ingests the flea. Once in the host’s digestive tract, the

©2009 American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science All rights reserved. 9
larva escapes and develops into an adult worm.3 The adult worms can self-fertilize and the cycle

is repeated. Humans become accidental hosts when they ingest dog or cat fleas or they ingest

contaminated food.2 Human infections are rare and occur mainly in children.4

Taenia saginata and Taenia solium are called the beef tapeworm and the pork tape worm

respectively. They are species specific in that T. saginata is only found in cattle and T. solium

on found in pigs. In the United States, T. saginata is found more often than T. solium.3 The two

species share a similar lifecycle with humans acting as the primary host. Infection begins with

adult worms in the small intestine of the human. Eggs and gravid proglottids are passed in the

feces. A cow or a pig then ingests the egg.4 The egg hatches into an onchosphere, which

migrates through the blood to the muscle tissue. In the muscle the onchosphere becomes a

cysticercus larva. Humans ingest the larvae in uncooked or undercooked beef or pork. Once in

the human digestive tract the larvae attach to the intestinal wall and mature into the adult worm.3

One difference between T. saginata and T. solium is ability of the T. solium to cause a

human tissue infection called cysticerosis. In cysticerosis, the human ingests the eggs in

contaminated food or water. The eggs hatch into the onchosphere and migrate to the muscles.

Onchospheres can also travel to the brain which may lead to death.2

Humans contract Diphyllobotrium latum or the fish tapeworm by ingesting the pleurocoid

larva in raw or undercooked freshwater fish. This larva matures into the adult worm, which

attaches to the wall of the small intestine. Eggs are passed in the feces. Any eggs that get into

fresh water will hatch into a coracidium (ciliated larva). The coracdium is ingested by a copepod

and the copepod is in turn ingested by a freshwater fish. In the fish the procercoid larva migrates

to the muscle where it becomes a pleurocoid larva which can infect another human.4

©2009 American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science All rights reserved. 10
Humans are infected by Hymenolepis nana when they ingest the ova. The ova develops

into a larval stage and then into the adult form in the intestine. Adult worms produce eggs that

are passed in the feces. Ova can also remain in the host and hatch repeating the cycle. Unlike

other tapeworms, H. nana requires no intermediate host.

Hymenolepis diminuta is sometimes called the rat tapeworm. Humans are accidental

hosts. Infected rats excrete the ova in their feces. The ova are ingested by fleas or grain beetles.

The ovum develops into a cysticercoids larva in the insect. Another rat or sometimes a human

ingests the insect the larva then develops into a mature worm and the cycle is repeated.

Diagnostic tests:

The cellophane tape test is the test most frequently used to detect either the ova or

sometimes the adults of E. vermicularis. Clear (not frosted) tape is wrapped around a tongue

depressor. The adhesive side of the tape is pressed firmly against the perianal area. In the lab,

the tape is placed adhesive side down on a clean microscope slide. The tape is examined under

the low power objective of the microscope under low light.

Fecal ova and parasite examination is used to detect most other species of intestinal

roundworms and tapeworms. Ova and parasite examination includes both macroscopic and

microscope procedures. Although not common adult worms and gravid proglottids can be found

during the macroscopic examination of the stool specimen. During the microscopic examination,

ova or larvae may be observed.

Collection of fecal specimens is a critical step in the identification process. Fecal

specimens should be collected in a wide-mouthed waxed cardboard or plastic container. The lid

should fit securely to prevent spillage during transport. Specimens should be collected directly

©2009 American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science All rights reserved. 11
into the container. Specimens contaminated with urine or water from the toilet are


Ideally, the patient collects the specimen at the testing facility so it can be processed

immediately. But often, fecal specimens are collected by the patient at home and brought to the

laboratory. Because there may be a delay between the collection and processing, many

laboratories use preservatives to maintain the integrity of the specimen. Commonly used

preservatives are 5% formalin, 10% formalin, polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and sodium-acetate

formalin (SAF).

All fecal specimens submitted for ova and parasite examination should be inspected

macroscopically before they are processed. The macroscopic exam includes evaluating the color

and consistency of the sample. The presence of blood and/or mucus should be noted. Finally,

the technologist should also look for the presence of adult worms and tapeworm proglottids.

Unfortunately, a complete macroscopic exam may not be possible if the specimen is collected

and submitted in preservatives.

Two Ascaris lumbricoides nematodes.

The larger of the two was the female,

while the normally smaller male was

on the right. CDC/ Author unknown,

1960, Public Health Image Library, Accessed

December 9, 2008.

©2009 American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science All rights reserved. 12
A. lumbricoides adult worms are often found in stool specimens as well as in vomitus.

The adult worms are the largest intestinal round worm species that parasitize humans. Female

worms are creamy white, 22-35 cm in length and as thick as a pencil lead. The male is similar

but only up to 30 cm in length.2

The adult worms of Enterobius vermicularis may also sometimes be found in stool

specimens.3 However, E. vermicularis is more often diagnosed using a cellophane-tape

preparation and finding the ova or adult worms on the sticky surface of the tape. Of the other

intestinal roundworms species, adult worms are rarely seen in stool specimens. They all are

significantly smaller than A. lumbricoides adults. The small size and color of these adult worms

add to the difficulty of finding them during the macroscopic exam of the stool specimen. See

table 1 for descriptions of other round worm adults.

Table: 1 Comparison of Adult Nematodes Causing Human Intestinal Infection

Species Description

Ascaris lumbricoides Creamy-white with a pink tint, female 22-35 cm.; male up
to 30 cm.

Enterobius vermicularis Whitish-yellow; female 7-14 mm.; male 2-4 mm.

Trichuris trichiura Colorless; 2.5-5 cm

Necator americanus or Grayish-white to pink; female 9-12 mm.; male 5-10 mm

Ancylostome duodenale

Strongyloides stercoralis Colorless, females 2 mm.; males have not been described

The tapeworm consists of two distinct parts, the scolex which attaches to the host’s

intestine and the strobila. The strobila is made up of a series of segments called proglottids.

©2009 American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science All rights reserved. 13
Each mature proglottid contains both male and female reproductive organs. Individual

proglottids or short chains of proglottids may be shed in the feces.4 Proglottids can exhibit

inchworm-like movement in fresh stool specimens.3 Table 2 contain descriptions of gravid

proglottids of several cestode species that infect man. Except following treatment, the scolex is

not seen in the feces.2

This micrograph depicts a Dipylidium

caninum proglottid. These proglottids,

when mature, average 12mm × 3mm. CDC/

Author unknown, 1979, Public Health

Image Library,

Accessed Dec. 9, 2008.

This image depicts a gravid proglottid,

from a Taenia solium. The uterus has been

injected with India Ink to visualize the

uterine branching. CDC/ Author

unknown, 1979, Public Health Image

Library, Accessed

December 9, 2008.

©2009 American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science All rights reserved. 14
Table: 2 Comparison of Gravid Proglottids of Cestodes Causing Human Infection

Species Description

Taenia saginata Proglottids are longer than they are wide (17-19 x 5-7
mm.); uterus has 15-30 lateral branches on each side

T. solium Proglottids are more square (12 x 5-7 mm.); uterus has 7-
13 lateral branches on each side

Diphyllobothrium latum Proglottids are wider than they are long (3 x 11 mm.); the
central uterus is arranged in a rosette pattern; the
proglottids are often passed in chains

Hymenolepis nana Rarely found in feces, proglottids twice as wide as they are
long (1 x 2 mm); sac-like uterus is filled with eggs

Hymenolepis diminuta Rarely found in feces; proglottids twice as wide as they are
long (1 x 3-4 mm); sac-like uterus is filled with eggs

Dipylidium caninum Proglottids longer than they are wide (12 x 3 mm);
proglottid is filled with eggs.

Specimens are examined microscopically for the presence of protozoa, cysts, ova and

larvae. When liquid specimens are submitted, a direct microscopic exam can be performed.

Otherwise, permanent slides and wet preparations of concentrated stool are made. Concentration

procedures can be done on formalin preserved or SAF preserved specimens. Concentration

increases the likelihood of finding ova and cysts in the specimen. Permanent slides can be

prepared from PVA or SAF preserved samples. Permanent slides can be stained with Wheatley

trichrome, iron hematoxylin or modified acid fast stains.

With the exceptions of the hookworm species and Strongyloides stercoralis, the ova of

parasitic nematodes are distinctive enough to allow diagnosis based on their features. The ova of

A. lumbricoides are found in two forms, fertilized and non-fertilized. The fertilized ova are

©2009 American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science All rights reserved. 15
rounded, measuring 45 x 75 µm.5 They have thick, yellow-brown chitin shells, usually covered

with a mamillated albuminous coating. Inside a unicellular, undeveloped embryo can be seen.

The non-fertilized ova are larger and more oblong, measuring up to 90 µm in length.5 They have

a thin shell which is often covered with a mamillated albuminous coat.

This photomicrograph depicts a

fertilized egg of the parasite Ascaris

lumbricoides. CDC/ Author unknown,

1979, Public Health Image Library, Accessed

December 11, 2008.

As previously noted, E. vermicularis ova are often identified using a cellophane tape

preparation. The ova are oval and a flattened on one side. They are 50-60 µm long and 20-30

µm in width. They have a thick, colorless shell. A developing embryo can be seen inside.

These are eggs of Enterobius

vermicularis, captured on cellulose tape.

CDC/ Author unknown, 1979, Public

Health Image Library, Accessed

December 11, 2008.

©2009 American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science All rights reserved. 16
Trichuris trichiuris ova are barrel-shape with a unique, clear plug at either end. They are

50-55 µm long and 20-25 µm in width. The shell is smooth and yellow-brown in color. An

undeveloped larva can be seen inside.

This micrograph depicts an egg from

the “human whipworm”, Trichuris

trichiura. CDC/ Author unknown, 1979,

Public Health Image Library, Accessed

December 11, 2008.

The ova of N. americanus, A. duodenale and S. stercoralis are similar in appearance.

They are oval with a thin colorless shell. The ova are 60-75 µm in length by 35-40 µm in width

(S. stercoralis is slightly smaller). An embryo of 2-, 4- or 8-cells can be seen inside.

This photomicrograph reveals a

hookworm egg undergoing the process

of cellular division. CDC/ Author

unknown, 1982, Public Health Image


Accessed December 11, 2008.

©2009 American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science All rights reserved. 17
Table: 4 Comparison of Nematodes Ova Causing Human Intestinal Infection

Species Description

A. lumbricoides Fertilized: Roundish; 45 x 75 µm; thick yellow-brown

chitin shell; mamillated albuminous coating may be

Unfertilized: Oblong; up to 90 µm long; thin shell;

mamillated albuminous coating may be present

E. vermicularis Oval with one flattened side; 50-60 µm x20-30 µm;

thick, colorless shell containing a developing embryo

T. trichiura Barrel-shaped with a hyaline plug a each pole; 20-25 µm

by 50-55 µm; thick, yellow-brown shell containing an
undeveloped embryo

N. americanus, A. duodenale Oval; thin-shelled ova; 60-75 µm by 35-40 µm; contain

(or S. stercoralis) 2-, 4- or 8-cell developing embryo

Depending on the species, microscopic observation of cestode ova can also be helpful in

identifying the species present. This was true in Case #2. Dipylidium caninum ova are unique

in that they are found in membrane enclosed packets. These packets may contain from 5-30

ova.2 Individual eggs are only occasionally seen because they tend to collapse in processing.

The ova have a similar appearance to Taenia species.3 They contain a six-hooked onchosphere

(embryo) surrounded by embryophore.2

Egg packet of Dipylidium caninum.

CDC/ Dr. Mae Melvin, 1979, Public

Health Image Library, Accessed

December 11, 2008.

©2009 American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science All rights reserved. 18
The ova of T. saginata and T. solium are identical in appearance. The ova are round, 30-

40 µm in diameter. The shell or embryosphere is thick, yellowish brown with radial striations.

The embryo has six hooklets arranged in pairs. Because the ova of these two species are so

much alike, speciation depends upon examining either the proglottids or the scolex of the worm.

This micrograph depicts an egg from

either a T. saginata, or T. solium.

CDC/Author unknown, 1979, Public

Health Image Library, Accessed

December 16, 2008.

Hymenolepis nana and H. diminuta also have similar ova. H. diminuta is larger

measuring 60-80 µm. A colorless embryophore surrounds the embryo, which displays six

hooklets. H. nana ova are smaller, 40-45 µm in diameter. A key difference is that the

embryophore of the H. nana ova contain filaments that emerge from thickenings on opposite

poles of the embryo.

This micrograph depicts an egg of the

dwarf tapeworm Hymenolepis nana.

CDC/Author unknown, Date unknown,

Public Health Image Library, Accessed

December 16, 2008.

©2009 American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science All rights reserved. 19
This micrograph depicts an egg from a

Hymenolepis diminuta. CDC/Author

unknown, 1979, Public Health Image


Accessed December 16, 2008.

The ovum of D. latum is the only tapeworm ovum seen in humans that is operculated.

The ova are oval; 40-50 µm by 55-75 µm. They are yellow-brown in color and the shell

typically has a small knob on the end opposite the operculum.

This micrograph depicts an egg from a

Diphyllobothrium latum. CDC/ Dr. Mae

Melvin, 1979, Public Health Image

Library, Accessed

December 16, 2008.

©2009 American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science All rights reserved. 20
Table: 2 Comparison of Cestode Ova Causing Human Infection

Species Description

Taenia saginata or Round; 30-35 µm in diameter; thick yellow-brown

T. solium embryophore; embryo features three pair of hooklets

Dipylidium caninum Packets of 5-30 ova; individual ova are round; 35-40 µm
diameter; an embryophore surrounds the six-hooked

Hymenolepis nana Oval; 30-50 µm; filaments originating from poles on the
inner membrane fill the space between the inner and outer
membranes; onchosphere with six hooks

Hymenolepis diminuta Round or oval; 70-85 µm; space between the inner and
outer membrane is smooth or faintly granular;
onchosphere with six hooks

Diphyllobothrium latum Oval; 40-50 µm by 55-75 µm; operculum at one end and a
small knob at the other; smooth yellow-brown shell


In all three cases, the patients were treated with drugs recommended for their individual

types of infection. Stool specimens were submitted following treatment and found to be negative

for adult worms or helminth ova.

©2009 American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science All rights reserved. 21

1. Butts C, Henderson SO. Ascaris. Topics in Emergency Medicine, 2003; 25(1):38-43.

2. Zeibig EA. Clinical Parasitology: A Practical Approach, Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders

Company, 1997.

3. Garcia LS. Practical Guide to Diagnostic Parasitology, Washington, D.C.: American

Society for Microbiology, 1999.

4. Leventhal R, Cheadle RF. Medical Parasitology: A Self-Instructional Text, 5th edition,

Philadelphia: F. A. Davis Company, 2002.

5. United States National Center for Infectious Disease. Division of Parasitic Disease.

January 9, 2007 Accessed

December 9, 2008.

©2009 American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science All rights reserved. 22

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