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Gwenn van Asperdt

Debate - Animal testing

Table of content
o The topics that we could choose from
o Why we should/shouldn’t test on animals
o Who did what?
o Arguments
o Questions
o Reflection

The topics that we could choose from
News websites: NPR, NBC, App news

- China’s oil supplier 

- The war in Russia and Ukraine 
- Animal testing 

‘’ Should we use animals to test human products?’’
‘’ Should the voting age be lowered ‘’
‘’ Should we support Ukraine? ‘’

Should we continue animal testing?
Improves human health:
It is for this reason that animal testing is considered vital for improving human health and it is also
why the scientific community and many members of the public support its use. In fact, there are also
individuals who are against animal testing for cosmetics but still support animal testing for medicine
and the development of new drugs for disease.

Why we should/shouldn't test on

4 main reasons why we should test on animals:
- As models to study disease.
- To develop and test potential forms of treatment.
- To protect the safety of people, animals and the environment.
- To improve our understanding of biology.

Animal testing is important because it helps us develop antibiotics and other medications, as
well as immunizations and surgical procedures. This makes it even more attractive to test on
animals. Even if there are plenty of reasons against it

4 main reasons why we shouldn’t test on animals

- It violates animals: causing them pain, make them suffer and more.
- Animals endure chemicals being dripped into their eyes, injected into their bodies,
forced up their nostrils or forced down their throats.
- Animals can experience pain and distress as a result of being used in experiments
%20with%20disease%20viruses.  website that contains arguments AGAINST animal
I found these reasons as pro arguments as why we should test on animals

 The physiological systems of humans and other species of animals are very sim-

 Humans share more than 85% of their protein encoding DNA with mice.

 Animal research has resulted in the development of vaccines for some of the dead-
liest diseases (e.g. rabies).

 Medical devices, such as pacemakers and cochlear implants, were dependent upon
animal research.

 Vaccinations for polio, tuberculosis, and diphtheria have all been developed
through research on animals.

 Animal research plays a key role in the development of veterinary medicines for
our pets.

 Survival of premature babies, from prenatal corticosteroids to life support ma-

chines, has relied on animal research.

Who did what?
 Medical advancements - Rosa
 Similar DNA - Caddy
 Animals Gain - Hanneke
 Less Legal Problems – Gwenn
 Group leader: Keone
Final statement:

We think animal testing should be supported because it can help prevent legal
problems. By conducting tests on animals, researchers can get important data
on the safety and effectiveness of products before they are used on humans.

This can help avoid harm and legal issues that may become a bigger issue if
unsafe products were going to be used on humans. Without proper testing.

Because animal and humans are biologically similar they are susceptible to
many of the same conditions and illnesses. Because of this they can use
animals testing so they can find medications for humans to cure them from
these conditions and illnesses. The reason that they use animal testing for
finding medications and not humans is because otherwise there could be
consequences for humans because what if the medication is tested on humans
and it makes the person even more sick. You might say that animals can also
get sick from testing the medication but medication and vaccines tested on
animals have saved millions of animal that would otherwise have died from
different kind of diseases. Also Animals often make better research subjects
than humans because of their shorter life cycles. for example animals that only
live for two to three years can help researchers so they can study the effects of
treatments or genetic manipulation over a whole life which would be not really
possible with humans.

By testing on animals, we can investigate what certain substances such as
drugs, makeup and medicines do to the body and how the animal reacts to
those substances. This can be the behaviour, but also the process of damage in
the body. Because we test it on animals we as humans can prevent the same
situations and influence future medicines and products.

(Other page )
Animal testing has saved millions of animal and human lives. Everyone alive
today has benefited from it. It made cancer survival rates rise, because of
animal testing aids is now no longer a disease you cannot survive, it has made
organ transplants possible, without animal testing asthma inhalers couldn’t
have been made, it has helped researchers understand how to treat and
prevent high blood pressure and diabetes and without it antibiotics couldn’t
have been made. These are only a few examples.

Only in the united kingdom consumes 300 times more fish each year than the
amount of animals that have been used for testing the last 2 centuries.
And household cats kill around 5 million animals every week, and this is already
more than the total amount of animals used in medical research every year. In
comparison to the amount of animals that are getting saved because of animal
testing and the amount of animals that would have died naturally, the amount
of animals that are getting used for experiments is really small.


These are the questions they were made by Flora and Mia
 How effective are the alternative methods used instead of animal test-
 For what purpose are the animals burned?
 Most of the animals that are tested on aren’t suitable for living in the
wild. Why set them free if they’re going to die anyway?
 Wouldn’t the alternative method be way more climatically polluting?

Notes made during the debate:

56% of animals gets freed and adopted by loving families who can care for
They say most animals die but according to our sources that is incorrect.
Artificial testing by creating copies of the human organs is dangerous and pol-
luting. Also definitely noy as effective as animal testing.


I think that next time it is maybe better to start earlier, the

information we gathered was good. We depended on the votes of
our classmates. But only 1 counted..
I reflect on this debate as something I learned a lot from!

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