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Soal Klasifikasi Kelas 7 SMP

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1. The purpose of classifying the living organisms is….

(Purpose:tujuan,simplifly:menyederhanakan, search: mencari, define: mendefinisikan, naming:
menamai, easing:mempermudah)

A. Simplifying the study of livingorganisms

B. Searching and defining the origin of living organism

C. Naming every living organism

D. Easing the identification of livingorganism

2. Living organism which are able to breed with each other and produce fertile offspring are
classified into the same… (able: dapat, breed:kawin, produce:menghasilkan, offspring: keturunan,

A. Variety

B. Species

C. Genus

D. Organism

3. Similarities and differences between living organisms create diversity. The diversitywithin the

same species is called…. (Similarity: persamaan, which:yang mana, difference: perbedaan, create:
menimbulkan ,within: dalam, classify: pengklasifikasian)

A. Biodiversity.

B. Variety

C. Characteristic.

D. Classify

4. Statements which show the variety of living organisms within one species, is….

(Statement: pernyataan, cassava: ketela, potato: kentang, thick: tebal, thin: tipis ,while: sementara,
stem:batang, coconut: kelapa, mango: manga,segment: segmen)

A. A cassava leaf is different to potatoleaf

B. A black cat with thick hair,

C. white catwith thin hair

D. A tiger body is big, while cat’s is smalld.

5. The stem of a coconut is segmented,while the stem of a mango tree is not A cactus is
considered plant. (considered:dianggap)

A. Hydrophytic

B. Xerophytic

C. Hallofit

D. Hygrophyticd.

E. Saprophytic

6. Grasshoppers and butterflies are classifiedinto one group, because both of them have….
(grasshopper: belalang, butterfly: kupu2, both: keduanya, pair:sepasang, compound: majemuk)

A. A pair of wingsb

B. Compound eyes

C. Three pairs of legsd.

D. Segmented bodies.

7. Pay attention to the following table.

The correct pair of plants in the abovetable is shown i number…. (correct: benar, above: diatas,
moss: lumut, caladium: talas, clover: semanggi)
1. A.

2. B.

3. C.

4. D..

8. Pay attention to the following plantsnames.

1. Rice plant

2. Cassava

3. Corn

4. Kumis kucing

5. Turmeric

6. Cotton

From the above list, plats which are classified as plants for food, are…. ( Turmeric : kunyit, cotton:
kapas, cassava: ketela, corn: jagung)

A. 1, 2, and 3

B. 2, 3, and 4

C. 3, 4, and 5

D. 4, 5, and 6

9. Examples of plant classification based on their functions, are…. (based: berdasarkan, naked:

terbuka , enclosed: tertutup, seed:biji)

A. Dicots and monocots

B. Plants for food and for clothing

C. Xerophytes, hydrophytes, andhygrophytes

D. Naked-seeded and enclosed-seededplants

10. Pay attention to the following animal names.

1. Whales
2. Tigers

3. Javan pangolins

4. horses

5. cows

6. goats

Animals which are classified into herbivores, are…. (whale: paus, pangolin:trenggiling, goat: kambing

A. 1, 2, and 3

B. 2, 3, and 4

C. 3, 4, and 5

D. 4, 5, and 6

11. Xerophytes, hydrophytes, and hygrophytesplants are classified based on their….

(morphology:bentuk tubuh, body parts:bagian tubuh)

A. Morphology

B. Function

C. Habitat

D. Body parts

12. Study the following figures. (1)(2)(3)(4) The groups of animals which have similarities on their
vivipar are…(similarity: persamaan, locomotory : alat gerak )

A. 1 and 3

B. 1 and 4
C. 2 and 3

D. 2 and 4

13. Pay attention to the animal figures below.

Animals which are considered as Poikilothermic animals, are….

A. 1 and 2

B. 2 and 3

C. 3 and 4

D. 4 and 1

14. The following groups of plants with the closest genetic relationship are….

(closest:terdekat,relationship:hubungan,gr ass:rumput,guava:jambu)

A. Grasses, corn, coconuts, and riceplants

B. Coconuts, mangoes, rice plants, and bamboo

C. Grasses, melinjo, rice plants, and bamboo

D. Bamboo,pakis haji, mangoes, and guavas

15. Pay attention to the following figure of a plant

The plant morphology as shown in the figure above is an adaptation to …. (plenty: banyak, obtain:
mengumpulkan, interest: menarik, disease: penyakit)

A. An environment with plenty of water

B. A competition to obtain food

C. A interest some insect

D. A hot and dry environment

16. Pay attention to the following list of animal.

1. grasshopper

2. spider

3. worm

4. butterfly

5. milipede

6. rice bug

The group of animals with the closest genetic relationship is….

A. 1, 4, and 5

B. 1, 4, and 6

C. 2, 3, and 4

D. 2, 4, and 6

17. The level or taxon of plant kingdom consecutively is…. (consecutive:berurutan)

A. division – class – order – family – genus – species

B. division – family - order- – class – genus – species

C. phylum – class – order – family – genus – species

D. phylum – family – order – class – genus – species

18. The level or taxon in which the members have many similarities is….

A. Species

B. Genus

C. Family

D. Order

19.The correct scientific name of orangutan is…. (scientific:ilmiah)

A. Pongo pygmaeus

B. Pongo Pygmaeus

C. Pongo pygmaeus

D. pongo pigmaeus

20. The scientific name of a rice plant is Oryza sativa. The word Oryza is its….

A. Genus

B. Species

C. Class

D. Family

21. The difference in shape, size, color, structure, organ function, and habitat in

living organisms will generate…. (shape: bentuk, size: ukuran)

A. Variety
B. Species

C. Diversity

D. Similarity

22.The statements below which is an exampleof change in environment that causes a

change in morphology is….(example: contoh, change: perubahan, cause: menyebabkan, various:

bermacam-macam, kind:jenis, existence: adanya)

A. Various kinds of animals live in theKalimantan forest

B. Various kinds of cendrawasih bird slive in the Papua land

C. The existence of carnivores,herbivores, and omnivores

D. The existence of sharks, ray fish, andtuna fish which live in the sea

23. According to the Robert H. Whittaker classification, living organism may be grouped into….


A. Two kingdoms, there are plantae andanimal

B. Three kingdoms, there are fungi,plantae, and animalia

C. Four kingdoms, there are Protista,fungi, plantae, and animalia

D. Five kingdoms, there are monera,Protista, fungi, plantae, animalia

24. The plant organ which produces a malereproductive cell (sperm) in ferns is….

(produce: menghasilkan, male: jantan, fern: paku, sperm:sperma)

A. Protonema

B. Archegonium

C. Antheridium

D. Sporogonium

25. Pay attention to the following figures.

These are some characteristic of livingorganism that shown in the picture above, except

A. Reproduce with spores

B. Do not have chlorophyll

C. Live as saprophyte

D. Do not possess a nuclear envelope

26. Hasan found a plant which possesses partslike a root, stem and curled green youngleaves. The
plant may be classified into the group of….

A. Fungi

B. Algae

C. Fern

D. Moss

27. Pay attention to the figures below.

The true ferns are shown in figures….

A. 1 and 2

B. 2 and 3

C. 3 and 4

D. 4 and 1

28. Spores in fern are produced by…. (Spores:spora, older:lebih tua)

A. Older leaves

B. Fertile leaves

C. Young leaves

D. Sterile leaves

29. Characteristics of vascular plants are….

(vascular: berpembuluh, having: mempunyai)

A. Having true seeds, flower, and stems

B. Having true roots, stems and flowers

C. Not having flowers, seeds and fruits

D. Having true roots, stems and leaves

30. Pay attention to the moss life cycle below.

Parts in figure which are indicated by P, Q, and R are….


A. Archegonium, mosses, antheridium

B. Antheridium, mosses, archegonium

C. Antheridium, protalium, archegonium

D. Archegonium, protalium, mosses

41. Study the list of animals below.







Mammals are shown in number….

(turtle: penyu, porcupine: landak, crocodile: buaya, mammals: mamalia)

A. 1, 2, 3
B. 1, 2, 4

C. 1, 3, 6

D. 1, 4, 5

32. Pay attention to the following table.

From the table, a plant which shows fern characteristics is….

A. P

B. Q

C. R

D. S

33. Pines (pakis haji / Cycas rumphii), and melinjo 9Gnetum gnemon), are classified into

Gymnospermae, because….

(pines:cemara,possess:mempunyai,petal:k elopak,ovules:bakalbiji,enclosed:tertutup)

A. They have flowers with similar shapes

B. The flowers do not possess petals

C. They don’t produce flowers, and only have ovules

D. The ovules are not enclosed

34. Pay attention to the reproductive organ of the gymnospermae in the figures below.
The male strobillus Ginko biloba shown in figure number….

(cone:buah cemara,pine:cemara)
A. 1

B. 2

C. 3

D. 4

35. The figure which shows the development of a seed of the Gymnospermae is…


A. 1

B. 2

C. 3

D. 4

36. An example of a naked-seeded plantwhich is generally used as a decorative plant, is ….

Plant. (generally: secara umum, used as: biasanya disebut sebagai decorative: hiasan)

A. pakis haji

B. pine

C. melinjo

D. damar

37. The following characteristic which distinguishes a Gymnospermae from Agiospermae is the

(distinguish: membedakan, vascular:pembuluh, bundle: berkas)

A. fruit shape

B. location of seeds

C. leaf shape

D. vascular bundle

38. the group of Angiospermae which areconsidered trailing plants are….

(trailing: pagar, rose: mawar, alamanda: bunga alamanda, rasamala: , watermelon: semangka,
rattan: rotan, squash: labu, betel: sirih, teak: jati, jasmine: melati)

A. Roses, alamandas, jasmines

B. Rasamalas, alamandas, water melon

C. Rattans, squashes, betels.

D. Betels, teaks, jasmines

39. The following animal which are classified as invertebrate, are….

(snake: ular, earth worm: cacing tanah, jellyfish: ubur2 , eel: belut, tortoise: kura2 ,shrimp : udang,
snail: keong)

A. Snakes, earthworms, jellyfishes, andeels

B. Earthworms, tortoises, shrimps andeels

C. Snails, grasshoppers, ells, snakes, andshrimps

D. Earthworms, shrimps, crickets, andsnails

40. Pay attention to the following table.

According to the table, the fish class and reptile class are shown in numbers…

(method: cara, lung: paru2 , gill: insang, feather: bulu, scale: sisik, hairy: berambut, constant :tetap,
changing: berubah, laying egg : bertelur, giving birth: beranak)

A. 1 and 2

B. 2 and 3

C. 3 and 4

D. 1 and 4

41. Study the following figures below.

Animals which are classified into invertebrates are….

A. 1 and 2

B. 2 and 3
C. 3 and 4

D. 1 and 4

42. Birds are animal that classified as a homoiothermic. This is mean to ….

A. The body temperature is capable of maintaining independently from theirenvironment

B. The temperature body is higher thanthe environment

C. The internal temperature varies alongwith its environment temperature.

D. Adaptable to the environment

43. Amir found an animal with the following characteristics:

A thorny body

Lay eggs

Possess a mammary gland

The animal found by Amir is….

(thorny:berduri, lay egg:bertelur, possess:memiliki, mammary gland :kelenjar mamae, porcupine:

landak, armadillo: trenggiling, raccoon: rakun, echidna: ekidna)

A. A Porcupine

B. An Armadillo

C. A Raccoon

D. A Echidna

44. A scorpion is considered an animal with jointed appendages. It is included in the

group of ….

(scorpion: kalajengking ,jointed: berbuku-buku, appendages: anggota badan, insect:ser angga,

spider: laba2, myriapod: hewan berkaki banyak,crustacean: udang2an)

A. Insects

B. Spiders

C. Myriapods
D. Crustaceans

45. Mammals which front appendages in the form of fins, are ….

(front: bidang, form: bentuk, fins: sirip, whale: paus, porpoise: lumba2 , bat: kelelawar, plat ypuse :
platypus, ape: kera, echidnas : ekidna)

A. Dolphins and whales

B. Porpoises and bats

C. Platypuses and apes

D. Whales and echidnas

46.A reptile which possesses body coverscalled carapaces and plastrons, is …

(tuatara:kadal gurun)

A. Turtle

B. Tree snake

C. Komodo

D. Tuatara

47. Pay attention to the following table

. The specific characteristics of dolphin are shown in animal….

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. D

48. Pay attention to the following table

The characteristics of snakes are shown in animal ….

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. D

49.Vertebrate animals which experience metamorphosis are …. (experience:mengalami)




D. Tortoise

50. A worm which has a cylindrical body shape is a….

(cylindrical: bulat, tape worm:cacing pita, liver worm: cacing hati, intestinal round worm : cacing
perut , Earth worm : cacing tanah )

A. Tape worm

B. Liver worm
C. Intestinal round worm

D. Earth worm


1. Makhluk hidup dibagi menjadi dua kingdom. Pernyataan ini dikemukakan oleh ….

A. Carolus Linnaeus

B. Darwin

C. Einstein

D. Lamark

E. Aristoteles

2. Pemberian tata nama ganda diatur dalam Kode Internasional yang disebut dengan ….

A. binomial nomenklatur

B. kunci determinasi

C. klasifikasi

D. pengelompokan

E. identifikasi identifikasi Identifikasi

3. Tingkatan terendah dari klasifikasi tumbuhan dan hewan adalah ….

A. Kingdom

B. Spesies

C. Filum

D. Kelas

E. Divisi

4. Urutan takson tumbuhan dari kelompok terbesar ke kelompok terkecil adalah ….

A. kingdom-filum-bangsa-kelas-suku-marga-jenis

B. kingdom-filum-kelas-bangsa-suku-marga-jenis

C. kingdom-divisio-kelas-bangsa-suku-marga-jenis

D. kingdom-divisio-bangsa-kelas-suku-marga-jenis

E. kingdom-kelas-divisio-bangsa-suku-marga-jenis

5. Suku kata pertama pada tata cara pemberian nama ganda menunjukkan ….

A. Kelas

B. Ordo

C. Genus

D. Spesies

E. Bangsa

6. Pisang, mangga, kelengkeng, dan durian dikelompokkan dalam tumbuhan buah-buahan.

Pengklasifikasian ini tergolong dalam klasifikasi sistem ….

A. natural Natural

B. Artifisial

C. Praktis

D. Manfaat

E. Buatan

7. Penulisan nama Latin padi yang benar adalah ….

A. Oryza sativa

B. oryza sativa

C. Oriza Sativa

D. Oryza sativa

E. Oriza sativa
8. Pada taksonomi dari kingdom ke spesies, kondisi jumlah makhluk hidup yang berbeda dalam
setiap takson akan ….

A. semakin sedikit semakin sedikit semakin sedikit

B. berubah-ubah

C. konstan

D. semakin banyak

E. mengikuti posisi taksonnya

9. Euglena kurang cocok jika hanya dimasukkan dalam animalia, karena Euglena juga memiliki ciri
yang dimiliki oleh Plantae, yaitu ….

A. cara makannya autotrof

B. selalu bergerak

C. cara makannya heterotrof

D. bersifat tidak bergerak

E. cara hidup berkoloni

10. Filum dalam klasifikasi hewan yang disebut juga ….

A. divisio

B. genus

C. marga

D. ordo

E. spesies

11. Semakin dekat hubungan kekerabatan makhluk hidup, semakin banyak ….

A. perbedaan sifat

B. persamaan sifat

C. keunikannya keunikannya

D. keragamannya
E. perbedaan dan persamaannya

12. Daftar yang memuat sejumlah keterangan suatu makhluk hidup yang dapat digunakan
untuk mengidentifikasi dan menentukan kelompok makhluk hidup berdasarkan ciri-ciri yang
dimilikinya disebut ….

A. kunci dikotomi

B. kunci determinasi

C. klasifikasi

D. pengelompokan

E. animalia

13. Spirogyra sp. mampu melakukan fotosintesis, tetapi dalam sistem klasifikasi kingdom bukan
termasuk ke dalam Plantae, melainkan Protista. Alasannya adalah ….

A. memiliki flagelata

B. tidak memiliki dinding sel

C. belum memiliki akar, batang, dan daun sejati

D. belum memiliki membran inti

E. hidup secara anaerobik

14. Jenis makhluk hidup yang menyerupai tumbuhan dan hewan, tetapi bukan tumbuhan dan
bukan hewan disebut ….

A. Monera Monera

B. Fungi

C. Protista

D. Plantae

E. Animalia

15. Pasangan yang memiliki kekerabatan paling dekat adalah ….

A. rubah dan serigala

B. rubah dan berang-berang

C. rubah dan anjing

D. serigala dan anjing

E. serigala dan beruang

16. Dalam klasifikasi makhluk hidup sering digunakan kunci determinasi sederhana yang disebut

A. kunci klasifikasi

B. kunci determinasi

C. klasifikasi

D. kunci dikotomi

E. identifikasi

17. Difa adalah seorang ahli ekologi. Manfaat taksonomi bagi Difa adalah ….

A. menemukan adanya spesies baru menemukan adanya spesies baru

B. menemukan adanya senyawa antibodi berciri khusus pada suatu makhluk hidup

C. dapat memperkirakan tentang nenek moyang makhluk hidup tertentu

D. mempelajari deversitas makhluk hidup yang ada

E. mencocokkan pasangan hibrid agar dapat disilangkan dengan makhluk hidup lain

18. Berikut ini yang bukan termasuk variasi dalam spesies adalah ….

A. cara reproduksi

B. jenis makanan

C. bentuk tubuh

D. ukuran tubuh

E. warna tubuh
19. Spesies adalah unit dasar dari klasifikasi biologi. Alasan dua individu yang berbeda
dikelompokkan dalam satu spesies yang sama adalah ….

A. mempunyai kesamaan nenek moyang

B. mempunyai banyak persamaan

C. mempunyai banyak perbedaan

D. dapat saling kawin dan menghasilkan keturunan fertil

E. dapat saling kawin dan menghasilkan keturunan steril

20. Kata maniculata dari nama Latin Felis manuculata domesticus menunjukkan ….

A. kelas

B. spesies

C. genus

D. marga

E. kingdom

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