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Released Items: Biology 30

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Released Items

Biology 30

Diploma Examinations Program 2019

This document was written primarily for:

Students 
Teachers  of Biology 30
Administrators 
General Audience

Alberta Education, Government of Alberta 2019–


Biology 30 Released Items

Distribution: This document is posted on the Alberta Education website.

Copyright 2019, the Crown in Right of Alberta, as represented by the Minister of

Education, Alberta Education, Provincial Assessment Sector, 44 Capital
Boulevard, 10044 108 Street NW, Edmonton, Alberta T5J 5E6, and its licensors.
All rights reserved.

Special permission is granted to Alberta educators only to reproduce, for

educational purposes and on a non-profit basis, parts of this document that do
not contain excerpted material.

Excerpted material in this document shall not be reproduced without the

written permission of the original publisher (see credits, where applicable).
Additional Documents...............................................................................................................................1
Biology 30 November 2018 Diploma Examination: Blueprint Summary...............................................2
Biology 30 November 2018 Diploma Examination: Released Items.......................................................5

Please note that if you cannot access one of the direct website links referred to in this document, you can
find diploma examination-related materials on the Alberta Education website.

Biology 30 | Alberta Education, Provincial Assessment Sector

Biology 30 | Alberta Education, Provincial Assessment Sector
The questions in this document are from the Biology 30 November 2018 Diploma Examination. This
material, along with the Biology 30 Program of Studies, Biology 30 Information Bulletin, Biology 30
Archived Bulletin, Biology 30 Student-based Performance Standards, Biology 30 Assessment
Exemplars, and school authority or school reports, can provide insight for teachers to assist them with
instructional programming.

The blueprint summary on the following pages shows the keyed response, outcome classification
according to the program of studies, classification of cognitive level, and difficulty for each question.
An explanation of the cognitive levels can be found in the 2019-2020 Biology 30 Information Bulletin.
The percentage reported in the Difficulty column indicates the proportion of students who answered the
question correctly.

For further information, contact

Shannon Mitchell, Biology 30 Exam Manager, at, or

Claudine Coleman, Biology 30 Examiner, at, or

Deanna Shostak, Director of Diploma Programs, at 780-

422-5160, or

Provincial Assessment Sector at 780-427-0010

To call toll-free from outside Edmonton, dial 310-0000.

Additional Documents
Provincial Assessment supports the instruction of Biology 30 with the following documents and online

These documents contain information about administrations of the diploma examinations for the upcoming
school year, course clarifications, information about standards, sample questions, and assessment samples
for classroom use.

• Biology 30 Information Bulletin

• Biology 30 Archived Information Bulletin

• Biology 30 Assessment Exemplars

• Biology 30 Student-based Performance Standards

The Biology 30 Practice Tests contain questions from some previous diploma examinations and some
practice questions that have been released.

Biology 30 | Alberta Education, Provincial Assessment Sector 1

Biology 30 November 2018 Diploma
Examination: Blueprint Summary
Key: MC—Multiple Choice; NR—Numerical Response RU—Remembering/Understanding; A
—Applying; HMA—Higher Mental Activities

Keyed Cognitive
Question Answer(s) Outcome Level Difficulty (%)

NR1 5431 A1.1K, A1.2S RU 75.9

MC1 D A1.1K A 51.3

MC2 A A1.1K, A1.6K, A1.3STS A 53.2

MC3 C A1.2K, A1.3K A 74.7

MC4 A A1.3K, A1.2K A 45.7

NR2 1324 A1.2K, A1.2S RU 66.4

MC5 B A1.4K, A1.2S, A1.3STS RU 69.3

MC6 C A1.5K, A1.2S RU 77.1

MC7 D A2.3K A 57.5

MC8 C A2.2K, A2.1K HMA 54.5

MC9 A A2.1K, A2.2K A 53.8

MC10 C A2.6K, A2.3K, A2.4K A 54.0

MC11 D A2.6K, A2.2K, A2.3K, A2.4K A 51.8

MC12 D A2.3K, A2.2K RU 59.5

MC13 A A2.2K A 61.4

NR3 2314, 3214, B1.2K RU 78.9

2341, 3241

MC14 A B1.2K, B1.3K, B2.3K, B1.2S A 52.0

MC15 A B2.3K, B2.3S A 67.4

NR4 4578 B1.1K, B1.2K, B1.5K, RU 78.2

(any order) B1.2S, B1.1STS

2 Biology 30 | Alberta Education, Provincial Assessment Sector

Key: MC—Multiple Choice; NR—Numerical Response RU—Remembering/Understanding; A
—Applying; HMA—Higher Mental Activities

Keyed Cognitive
Question Answer(s) Outcome Level Difficulty (%)

MC16 B B1.2K, B1.1K A 75.1

MC17 A B1.4K, B1.1K, B1.2K, A 64.3


MC18 B B3.5K, B2.1K, B3.1STS RU 70.6

MC19 C B2.2K, B2.2S HMA 51.6

MC20 D B2.2K A 62.8

MC21 B B3.1K, B3.3S RU 56.4

NR5 3241 B3.3K, B3.1K RU 52.5

MC22 C B3.2K, B3.4K, B3.2S, HMA 70.2


MC23 D C1.1K, C1.1STS A 37.6

MC24 C C1.1K, C2.1K HMA 55.9

MC25 D C1.2K, C1.1K A 63.9

MC26 B C1.2K, C1.2S RU 73.5

MC27 B C1.2K, C1.2S HMA 57.9

NR6 1432 C1.3K RU 36.9

MC28 A C1.5K, C1.3K, C1.3S HMA 66.9

MC29 D C1.7K, C1.4K, C1.2S A 63.3

MC30 B C1.7K, C1.2S A 66.6

MC31 C C2.2K, C2.3S A 71.3

MC32 A C2.2K, C2.3S A 73.2

MC33 C C2.2K, C2.3S A 49.5

MC34 A D1.3K, D1.3S A 52.9

Biology 30 | Alberta Education, Provincial Assessment Sector 3

Key: MC—Multiple Choice; NR—Numerical Response RU—Remembering/Understanding; A
—Applying; HMA—Higher Mental Activities

Keyed Cognitive
Question Answer(s) Outcome Level Difficulty (%)

MC35 B C2.2K, C2.3S A 73.3

NR7 1010, 2020, C2.2K, C2.3S A 61.5

4040, 8080

MC36 B C2.5K, C2.3S A 64.8

MC37 C C2.2K, C2.3S A 62.0

MC38 D C2.5K, C2.3S A 63.5

NR8 0.25 C2.2K, C2.3S HMA 59.0

NR9 38.7 C2.3K, C2.3S A 46.7

NR10 2413 C3.1K, C2.1K, C2.5K RU 56.1

MC39 C C3.3K, C3.2K, C3.2S RU 67.6

MC40 D C3.3K, C3.2S A 86.4

MC41 A C3.6K, C3.3K, C3.2S A 70.5

MC42 D C3.7K, C1.3K A 49.5

MC43 B D1.1K, D1.2K, D1.4K A 70.8

NR11 0.02 D1.3K, D1.3S HMA 51.3

NR12 1342 D3.2K, D2.1K, D2.3K, A 66.9


MC44 B D2.1K, D2.3S A 65.1

MC45 A D3.1K, D2.1K A 68.6

MC46 C D3.2K, D3.2S A 51.5

MC47 A D3.3K, D3.1K, D3.2K, A 60.6


MC48 B D3.4K, D3.2K A 59.1

4 Biology 30 | Alberta Education, Provincial Assessment Sector

Biology 30 November 2018 Diploma
Examination: Released Items
Use the following information to answer numerical-response question 1.

Some Components of Nerve-impulse Transmission

Numerical Response

1. Match four of the components of nerve-impulse transmission numbered above

with the descriptions given below.
Description: Area into which Increases speed Carries nerve Receives
neurotransmitter of transmission impulses away information
is released from the cell from other
body neurons

(Record all four digits of your answer in the numerical-response section on the answer sheet.)

Biology 30 | Alberta Education, Provincial Assessment Sector 5

Use the following information to answer question 1.

Some neurons have one or more types of potassium channels known as Kir2.1
in their membranes. The presence of these channels causes a greater-than-
normal number of potassium ions to diffuse out of the neuron.
Ottersen, Ole Petter. 2005. Neurobiology: Sculpted by competition. Nature 434, no. 7036 (April 21):
969. doi:10.1038/434969a.

1. The effect of Kir2.1 channels on a neuron is to

A. initiate depolarization of the neuron

B. initiate an action potential in the neuron
C. cause the inside of the neuron to become more positive
D. cause the inside of the neuron to become more negative

Use the following information to answer question 2.

Researchers have found flavour-modulating chemicals that increase the

likelihood that sugar molecules will bind to taste receptors. Small amounts of
sugar taste slightly sweet. However, the combination of the same amount of
sugar and the flavour modulators intensifies the perception of sweetness.

2. Which of the following rows identifies two processes in neurons that could
account for the intensifying of sweetness when sugar is combined with flavour

Row Process 1 Process 2

A. A larger number of neurons is Impulses occur with greater
stimulated. frequency.
B. A larger number of neurons is The response threshold of the
stimulated. neurons is increased.
C. Stimulated neurons produce a Impulses occur with greater
stronger impulse. frequency.
D. Stimulated neurons produce a The response threshold of the
stronger impulse. neurons is increased.

6 Biology 30 | Alberta Education, Provincial Assessment Sector

Use the following information to answer question 3.

The enteric nervous system (ENS) plays an important role in the control of the
involuntary muscles of the digestive system, which are responsible for the
mechanical mixing of food.

3. Which of the following rows identifies the division of the nervous system in which
the neurons of the ENS are classified and identifies the type of neuron that
directly stimulates the muscles of the digestive system?

Row Division of Nervous System Type of Neuron

A. Somatic Motor
B. Somatic Sensory
C. Autonomic Motor
D. Autonomic Sensory

Use the following information to answer question 4.

Guillain–Barré syndrome is an autoimmune disorder in which the immune system

damages the nerves of the peripheral nervous system. The most common type of
Guillain–Barré syndrome is acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy
(AIDP), a condition in which the immune system attacks the myelin sheath.

One symptom of AIDP is a loss of the knee-jerk reflex.

4. A person with AIDP is expected to have a change in the transmission of motor

nerve impulses

A. exiting the spinal cord and entering the PNS

B. exiting the spinal cord and entering the CNS
C. travelling through the PNS and then entering the spinal cord
D. travelling through the CNS and then entering the spinal cord

Biology 30 | Alberta Education, Provincial Assessment Sector 7

Use the following information to answer numerical-response question 2.

The Human Brain

Numerical Response

2. Match each of the areas of the brain numbered in the diagram above with
its function, as given below.
Function: Control of Control of Control of Control of
muscle pituitary voluntary autonomic
coordination secretion activity nervous

(Record all four digits of your answer in the numerical-response section on the answer sheet.)

8 Biology 30 | Alberta Education, Provincial Assessment Sector

Use the following information to answer question 5.

Laser eye surgery involves the use of a laser to remove small amounts of eye
tissue. In one type of laser eye surgery, vision is improved by reshaping the cornea.

The Human Eye

5. Which of the following rows identifies the structure that is reshaped during the type
of laser eye surgery described above and best describes the function of the
structure identified?

Row Structure Function

A. 1 Focuses images on the retina
B. 1 Bends light toward the pupil
C. 2 Focuses images on the retina
D. 2 Bends light toward the pupil

Biology 30 | Alberta Education, Provincial Assessment Sector 9

Use the following information to answer question 6.

Pendred syndrome is a genetic disorder that can result from the development of an
abnormal cochlea.
The Human Ear

6. The structure of the human ear that develops abnormally in a person with
Pendred syndrome is numbered

A. 1, and it is responsible for hearing

B. 1, and it is responsible for balance
C. 2, and it is responsible for hearing
D. 2, and it is responsible for balance

10 Biology 30 | Alberta Education, Provincial Assessment Sector

Use the following information to answer question 7.

Babies are typically born between the 37th and the 42nd weeks of pregnancy.
Babies born before the 37th week are considered pre-term. Researchers studied
whether or not long-term stress in the mother was associated with pre-term births of
their babies. Women with the highest amount of stress in the forms of negative life
impacts and pregnancy-related anxiety throughout their pregnancies were found to
have the greatest risk of pre-term birth.
Dole, N., D. A. Savitz, I. Hertz-Picciotto, A. M. Siega-Riz, M. J. McMahon, and P. Buekens. 2003. Maternal stress and
preterm birth. American Journal of Epidemiology 157 (1): 14–24. doi:10.1093/aje/kwf176.

7. A woman who is at the greatest risk of pre-term birth would be expected to have
A. lower-than-normal levels of epinephrine, and her blood-glucose levels
would be higher than normal
B. lower-than-normal levels of cortisol, and her blood-glucose levels would
be lower than normal
C. higher-than-normal levels of epinephrine, and her blood-glucose levels
would be lower than normal
D. higher-than-normal levels of cortisol, and her blood-glucose levels would
be higher than normal

Biology 30 | Alberta Education, Provincial Assessment Sector 11

Use the following information to answer question 8.

A student was asked to label the glands and hormones on a diagram representing the
hormonal control of cortisol release.

8. Which of the following statements most appropriately evaluates the

diagram labelled by the student?

A. Correct, because high levels of cortisol cause negative-feedback messages

to be sent to Gland 1
B. Correct, because low levels of cortisol cause negative-feedback messages
to be sent to Gland 1
C. Incorrect, because Gland 1 should be the pituitary gland
D. Incorrect, because Gland 2 should be the pituitary gland

12 Biology 30 | Alberta Education, Provincial Assessment Sector

Use the following information to answer question 9.

A tropic hormone stimulates the release of another hormone.

Some Endocrine Structures

9. The structures that secrete tropic hormones are numbered

A. 1 and 2
B. 1 and 4
C. 2 and 3
D. 2 and 4

Biology 30 | Alberta Education, Provincial Assessment Sector 13

Use the following information to answer question 10.

Synthesis of the hormone thyroxine is regulated by levels of TSH and

requires sufficient amounts of iodine in the diet.

10. Which of the following rows describes the expected change in the level of
thyroxine and the resulting change in the level of TSH in a person whose diet
is deficient in iodine?

Row Level of Thyroxine Level of TSH

A. Increases Increases
B. Increases Decreases
C. Decreases Increases
D. Decreases Decreases

Use the following information to answer question 11.

Hashimoto disease is a disorder of the thyroid gland that is caused by an

autoimmune destruction of thyroid cells. Symptoms include swelling of the thyroid
gland and a deficiency of hormones secreted by the thyroid gland.

11. Which of the following rows identifies a hormone in which a person with
Hashimoto disease is expected to be deficient and describes the function of
the hormone?

Row Hormone Function

A. ADH Increases permeability of kidney tubules to water
B. ADH Decreases permeability of kidney tubules to water
C. Calcitonin Increases blood-calcium level
D. Calcitonin Decreases blood-calcium level

14 Biology 30 | Alberta Education, Provincial Assessment Sector

12. The first effect of aldosterone in the maintenance of homeostasis is

A. decreased reabsorption of water from the bloodstream

B. increased reabsorption of water from the bloodstream
C. decreased reabsorption of sodium ions into the bloodstream
D. increased reabsorption of sodium ions into the bloodstream

Use the following information to answer question 13.

In an experiment, a group of mice received injections of a fatty acid known as

palmitoleate in their muscle cells. A separate group of mice did not receive
injections of palmitoleate. The muscle cells of mice that received palmitoleate
absorbed higher levels of glucose than the muscle cells of mice that did not
receive palmitoleate. Glucose metabolism is similar in humans and in mice.
Cao, Haiming, Kristin Gerhold, Jared R. Mayers, Michelle M. Wiest, Steven M. Watkins, and Gökhan S. Hotamisligil.
2008. Identification of a lipokine, a lipid hormone linking adipose tissue to systemic metabolism. Cell 134, no. 6
(September 19): 933–44. doi:10.1016/j.cell.2008.07.048.

13. A hormone that has a similar function to palmitoleate is

A. insulin
B. cortisol
C. glucagon
D. epinephrine

Biology 30 | Alberta Education, Provincial Assessment Sector 15

Use the following information to answer numerical-response question 3.
Some Descriptions of Sperm and Seminal Fluid

1 Provides fructose
2 Provides genetic material
3 Contains digestive enzymes
4 Contains an alkaline substance

Numerical Response

3. Match each description of sperm and seminal fluid numbered above with the name
of the structure or substance associated with it given below. (There is more than
one correct answer.)
Name: Sperm Sperm Seminal fluid Seminal fluid

(Record all four digits of your answer in the numerical-response section on the answer sheet.)

16 Biology 30 | Alberta Education, Provincial Assessment Sector

Use the following information to answer question 14.

Tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) is a molecule that increases in a

person’s body as he or she ages. One effect of TNF-alpha is to inhibit testosterone
Maggio, M., S. Basaria, G. P. Ceda, A. Ble, S. M. Ling, S. Bandinelli, G. Valenti, and L. Ferrucci. 2005. The relationship
between testosterone and molecular markers of inflammation in older men. Journal of Endocrinological Investigation
28 (S11): 116–19.

Two Hormonal Pathways in the Human Reproductive System

14. Which of the following rows identifies the hormonal pathway, numbered in
the diagram above, that is directly affected by TNF-alpha and the type of
cell stimulated by the hormonal pathway?

Row Hormonal Pathway Type of Cell

A. 1 Interstitial
B. 1 Sertoli
C. 2 Interstitial
D. 2 Sertoli

Biology 30 | Alberta Education, Provincial Assessment Sector 17

Use the following information to answer question 15.

Inhibin is a hormone that has a negative-feedback effect on the secretion of FSH

in males.

15. The effect of increased secretion of inhibin on a person’s reproductive system is

A. decreased spermatogenesis
B. decreased secretion of testosterone
C. increased activity of the Sertoli cells
D. increased activity of the interstitial cells

Use the following information to answer numerical-response question 4.

Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted infection caused by the Neisseria gonorrhoeae

bacterium that grows in warm, moist areas of the body. N. gonorrhoeae can grow
in the urethra in men and in the Fallopian tubes, uterus, and cervix in women.

Human Reproductive Structures

Numerical Response

4. In the diagrams above, the four areas where N. gonorrhoeae can grow
are numbered , , , and .
(Record all four digits of your answer in any order in the numerical-response section on
the answer sheet.)

18 Biology 30 | Alberta Education, Provincial Assessment Sector

16. A structure in a man that has a similar function to a Fallopian tube in a
woman is the

A. epididymis
B. vas deferens
C. seminal vesicle
D. seminiferous tubule

Use the following information to answer question 17.

Intersexual fish are genetically male when hatched, but as adults they contain
both ovarian and testicular tissue. Intersexual fish have been found in some
British waterways, and researchers hypothesize that the development of these fish
results from the presence of a reproductive hormone in the waterways.
Jobling, Susan, Richard Williams, Andrew Johnson, Ayesha Taylor, Melanie Gross-Sorokin, Monique Nolan, Charles R.
Tyler, Ronny van Aerle, Eduarda Santos, and Geoff Brighty. 2006. Predicted exposures to steroid estrogens in U.K. rivers
correlate with widespread sexual disruption in wild fish populations. Environmental Health Perspectives 114 (S1): 32–39.

17. Which of the following rows identifies the hormone that is most likely
responsible for the development of intersexual fish between hatching and
adulthood, and the gland that normally produces the hormone identified?

Row Hormone Gland

A. Estrogen Ovary
B. Estrogen Pituitary gland
C. Testosterone Testes
D. Testosterone Pituitary gland

Biology 30 | Alberta Education, Provincial Assessment Sector 19

Use the following information to answer question 18.

During in vitro fertilization (IVF), a particular hormone is administered to women

to stimulate the development of multiple ova.

18. The hormone that is most likely administered to women undergoing IVF
as described above is

C. estrogen
D. progesterone

19. Which of the following graphs represents the levels of estrogen and
progesterone during a typical menstrual cycle, if ovulation occurs on day 14 of
the cycle?

20 Biology 30 | Alberta Education, Provincial Assessment Sector

Use the following information to answer question 20.

Scientists hypothesize that stress decreases both the production and release of
Wang, L., X. Wang, W. Wang, C. Chen, A. G. Ronnennberg, W. Guang, A. Huang, Z. Fang, T. Zang, L. Wang, and X. Xu.
2004. Stress and dysmenorrhoea: A population based prospective study. Occupational & Environmental Medicine 61, no. 12
(December): 1021–26. doi:10.1136/oem.2003.012302.

20. A woman who experiences stress during her menstrual cycle is expected to

A. have increased endometrial development

B. have increased follicular development
C. ovulate more frequently than normal
D. menstruate earlier than normal

Biology 30 | Alberta Education, Provincial Assessment Sector 21

Use the following information to answer question 21.

Beckwith–Wiedemann syndrome (BWS) is a genetic disorder associated with

abnormal growth in children. Mothers of children with BWS often had
enlarged placentas during pregnancy.

Some Structures Associated with Fetal Development

21. Which of the following rows identifies the structure that is often enlarged in
pregnant women who have children with BWS and a hormone produced by
the structure?

Row Structure Hormone

A. 1 LH
B. 1 Progesterone
C. 2 LH
D. 2 Progesterone

22 Biology 30 | Alberta Education, Provincial Assessment Sector

Use the following information to answer numerical-response question 5.

Numerical Response

5. Match four of the boxes numbered in the diagram above with their
descriptions below.
Description: Endoderm Chorion Skeletal Umbilical
muscle cord
development development
(Record all four digits of your answer in the numerical-response section on the answer sheet.)

Biology 30 | Alberta Education, Provincial Assessment Sector 23

Use the following information to answer question 22.

Danazol, a drug that mimics a particular human reproductive hormone, is taken by

both men and women to treat a number of different medical conditions. When
taken by pregnant women, danazol can cause the genitals of a female embryo to
become masculine.

22. If a pregnant woman takes danazol, the time of pregnancy during which her
female embryo is most likely to be affected by the drug is

A. during the first two weeks because the reproductive system

differentiates during this time
B. during the first two weeks because a high rate of cell division occurs
during this time
C. between the fifth and eighth weeks because the reproductive
system differentiates during this time
D. between the fifth and eighth weeks because a high rate of cell division
occurs during this time

24 Biology 30 | Alberta Education, Provincial Assessment Sector

Use the following information to answer question 23.

To produce large rainbow trout for the sport-fishing industry, fish farmers subject
fertilized rainbow trout eggs to high pressure. The pressure causes a fertilized egg
to fuse with the chromosomes in a polar body. The resulting structure develops into
a larger-than-normal rainbow trout that is sterile.

Rainbow trout have a chromosome number of 2n = 58 and normally

produce gametes by meiosis.

23. In a rainbow trout that is produced by subjecting a fertilized egg to high

pressure, the chromosome number of a somatic cell is

A. n = 29
B. n = 58
C. 2n = 58
D. 3n = 87

Use the following information to answer question 24.

In honey bees, female bees develop from fertilized eggs, and male bees
develop from unfertilized eggs.

More than 30 mutations have been described in honey bees, including alterations in
eye colour and wing size. Most of these mutations are recessive.
Harbo, J. R., and T. E. Rinderer. 1980. Breeding and genetics of honey bees. Agriculture Handbook, no. 335: 49–57.

24. The honey bees expected to have a higher proportion of recessive phenotypes are

A. females, because they are haploid

B. females, because they are diploid
C. males, because they are haploid
D. males, because they are diploid

Biology 30 | Alberta Education, Provincial Assessment Sector 25

Use the following information to answer question 25.

Chlamydia pneumonia is a bacterium that attacks cells by inserting its DNA into a
host cell and causing the production of proteins that alter the normal reproduction of
the host cell. One of these proteins is called CopN. In mammalian cells in which
CopN is present, the cell cycle stops in interphase after DNA has replicated.
Huang, Jin, Cammie F. Lesser, and Stephen Lory. 2008. The essential role of the CopN protein in Chlamydia pneumoniae
intracellular growth. Nature 456, no. 7218 (November 6): 112–15. doi:10.1038/nature07355.

25. Compared to mammalian cells in which CopN is not present, mammalian cells in
which CopN is present have

A. half the genetic material, and cytokinesis has occurred

B. half the genetic material, and cytokinesis has not occurred
C. twice the genetic material, and cytokinesis has occurred
D. twice the genetic material, and cytokinesis has not occurred

Use the following information to answer question 26.

The following micrograph shows mitosis in some cells in an onion root tip.

26. The phase of mitosis that has just finished in the cell labelled 1 in the
micrograph is

A. prophase
B. anaphase
C. telophase
D. metaphase

26 Biology 30 | Alberta Education, Provincial Assessment Sector

Use the following information to answer question 27.
and counted the number of cells in each phase of the cell cycle. The student collected data while looking at three different sites

Phase of Number of Cells

Cell Cycle Site I Site II Site III Total
Interphase 171 167 173 511
Prophase 13 17 5 35
Metaphase 8 6 8 22
Anaphase 5 7 7 19
Telophase 3 9 8 20

27. A conclusion supported by the data collected is that in the majority of onion root tip

A. a cell plate is forming

B. individual chromosomes are not visible
C. chromosomes are lined up in the middle
D. spindle fibres are pulling chromosomes apart

Use the following information to answer numerical-response question 6.

Some Events in a Cell Cycle

1 DNA replicates.
2 Sister chromatids separate.
3 Homologous chromosomes separate.
4 Crossing over between non-sister chromatids occurs.

Numerical Response

6. The order in which the events in the cell cycle numbered above
occur is , , , and .
(Record all four digits of your answer in the numerical-response section on the answer sheet.)

Biology 30 | Alberta Education, Provincial Assessment Sector 27

Use the following information to answer question 28.

A Human Karyotype

28. Based on the karyotype above, nondisjunction occurred in the parent during either

A. anaphase I of oogenesis or anaphase I of spermatogenesis

B. anaphase I of oogenesis or metaphase I of spermatogenesis
C. metaphase I of oogenesis or anaphase I of spermatogenesis
D. metaphase I of oogenesis or metaphase I of spermatogenesis

28 Biology 30 | Alberta Education, Provincial Assessment Sector

Use the following information to answer question 29.

Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a yeast that reproduces asexually in favourable

environmental conditions and sexually in unfavourable environmental
Goddard, Matthew R., H. Charles, J. Godfray, and Austin Burt. 2005. Sex increases the efficacy of natural selection in
experimental yeast populations. Nature 434, no. 7033 (March 31): 636–40. doi:10.1038/nature03405.

Two Life Cycles of S. cerevisiae

29. Which of the following rows identifies processes Y and Z as shown in Life Cycle 2?

Row Process Y Process Z

A. Mitosis Mitosis
B. Fertilization Mitosis
C. Meiosis Fertilization
D. Fertilization Meiosis

Biology 30 | Alberta Education, Provincial Assessment Sector 29

Use the following information to answer question 30.

Equisetum is a common wetland plant.

Life Cycle of Equisetum

30. The type of cell division represented by Process X in the life cycle of Equisetum is

A. mitosis, and the cells of the sporophyte are genetically different from the
cells of the embryo
B. mitosis, and the cells of the sporophyte and the embryo are genetically
C. meiosis, and the cells of the sporophyte are genetically different from the
cells of the embryo
D. meiosis, and the cells of the sporophyte and the embryo are genetically

30 Biology 30 | Alberta Education, Provincial Assessment Sector

Use the following information to answer question 31.

Hyperelastosis cutis (HC) is an autosomal recessive disorder in horses that

causes the skin to tear easily.

31. A female horse is known to be a carrier of HC if she is mated with a

A. heterozygous male horse, and 50% of their offspring have HC

B. heterozygous male horse, and 75% of their offspring have HC
C. homozygous recessive male horse, and 50% of their offspring have HC
D. homozygous dominant male horse, and 75% of their offspring have HC

Use the following information to answer questions 32 to 34.

Type 1 neurofibromatosis (NF1) is a genetic disorder that has many

different phenotypes. Symptoms include patches of skin pigmentation,
tumours of the nervous system, learning disabilities, and hypertension. NF1
is an autosomal dominant disorder that occurs in one in 3 000 births in the
Rasmussen, Sonja A., and J. M. Friedman. 2000. NF1 gene and neurofibromatosis 1. American Journal of Epidemiology
151 (1): 33–40.

32. Which of the following pedigrees best represents the inheritance pattern of NF1?

Biology 30 | Alberta Education, Provincial Assessment Sector 31

33. A man who is heterozygous for NF1 and a woman who does not have the
disorder have a child. What is the probability that this child is a son who has

A. 0.00
B. 0.13
C. 0.25
D. 0.50

34. Which of the following expressions represents the frequency of the allele
that causes NF1?

A. p = 0.000 2
B. q = 0.999 8
C. q2 = 0.999 7
D. p2 + 2pq = 0.000 3

Use the following information to answer question 35.

retrievers are black, chocolate, or yellow in colour. Two genes control coat colour in these dogs. Their genotypes and phenoty

Genotype Phenotype
D_B_ Black
D_bb Chocolate
dd_ _ Yellow

35. The crossing of a black Labrador retriever with a chocolate Labrador

retriever produces a litter of five black puppies and one yellow puppy. The
possible genotypes of the parents are

A. DdBb and DdBb

B. DdBB and Ddbb
C. DDBb and Ddbb
D. DdBB and DDbb

32 Biology 30 | Alberta Education, Provincial Assessment Sector

Use the following information to answer numerical-response question 7.
es. The presence of the dominant agouti allele (A) causes more than one colour along a strand of hair, which is necessary to pro

Genotype Phenotype
A_B_ Black tabby
A_bb Chocolate tabby
aaB_ Solid black
aabb Solid chocolate

Numerical Response

7. What is the expected phenotypic ratio in the offspring that are produced by a
cross between a homozygous solid black cat and a heterozygous black tabby cat?
Ratio: : : :
Phenotype: Black tabby Chocolate Solid black Solid
tabby chocolate

(Record all four digits of your answer in the numerical-response section on the answer sheet.)

Biology 30 | Alberta Education, Provincial Assessment Sector 33

Use the following information to answer question 36.

The genome of Drosophila melanogaster, or fruit fly, has been fully sequenced.
One gene that is located on the X chromosome is the gene for crossveinless wings.

D. melanogaster have three pairs of homologous chromosomes and two sex

chromosomes. Female flies carry two X chromosomes, whereas male flies have
one X chromosome and one Y chromosome. The crossveinless trait is recessive.
Campbell, Neil A. 1987. Biology. Menlo Park: The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Inc.

36. A female fly that is a carrier for crossveinless wings mates with a male fly that
has crossveinless wings. What is the probability that this mating produces female
flies with crossveinless wings?

A. 0.13
B. 0.25
C. 0.50
D. 0.75

Use the following information to answer question 37.

Mutations in the MSTN gene are associated with abnormal muscle development
in whippets, dogs that were developed for racing.

Whippets with two copies of the mutated MSTN allele are more muscular than
normal and are known as bully whippets.

Whippets with two unmutated MSTN alleles have normal muscle development.

Whippets with one unmutated and one mutated MSTN allele are more muscular than
normal whippets but not as muscular as bully whippets. The MSTN gene is located
on chromosome 37.
Mosher, Dana S., Pascale Quignon, Carlos D. Bustamante, Nathan B. Sutter, Cathryn S. Mellersh, Heidi G. Parker, and
Elaine A. Ostrander. 2007. A mutation in the myostatin gene increases muscle mass and enhances racing performance in
heterozygote dogs. PLoS Genetics 3 (5): 779–86. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.0030079.

37. The mode of inheritance of the MSTN gene that controls muscle development
in whippets is an example of

A. multiple alleles
B. a sex-linked condition
C. incomplete dominance
D. an autosomal recessive condition

34 Biology 30 | Alberta Education, Provincial Assessment Sector

Use the following information to answer question 38.

The following pedigree illustrates the inheritance of an X-linked

recessive condition.

38. Which of the following rows describes individuals I-2 and II-5?

Row Individual I-2 Individual II-5

A. Affected Unaffected
B. Affected Affected
C. Carrier Unaffected
D. Carrier Affected

Biology 30 | Alberta Education, Provincial Assessment Sector 35

Use the following information to answer numerical-response question 8.

Inheritance of ABO blood types is controlled by three alleles. The alleles for type
A blood (IA) and type B blood (IB) are co-dominant, and the allele for type O blood
(i) is recessive.

Some Descriptions of Blood Type in a Family

Generation I: The father has type A blood and the mother has type AB blood.

Generation II: The oldest child is a son with type A blood; the second-oldest
child is a daughter with type B blood; and the youngest child is a
son whose blood type is unknown.

Numerical Response

8. If the two parents in Generation I have another child, what is the probability
that this child will be a daughter with type A blood?

(Record your answer as a value between 0 and 1 rounded to two decimal places in the numerical-
response section on the answer sheet.)

36 Biology 30 | Alberta Education, Provincial Assessment Sector

Use the following information to answer numerical-response question 9.
Cross-over Frequencies of Some Genes on Human Chromosome 22

Genes Cross-over Frequency

1 and 4 25.9%
1 and 3 18.8%
2 and 3 19.9%
2 and 4 12.8%
3 and 4 7.1%

Numerical Response

What is the cross-over frequency between genes 1 and 2?

Answer: %
(Record your answer as a percentage rounded to one decimal place in the numerical-
response section on the answer sheet.)

Use the following information to answer numerical-response question 10.

Major Contributions of Some Scientists to Genetics

1 Made images of DNA using X-rays

2 Used pea plants to formulate laws of inheritance
3 Built a model that accurately depicted the structure of DNA
4 Compared inheritance patterns for autosomes and sex chromosomes

Numerical Response

Match each of the contributions listed above with the names of scientists
given below who are most closely associated with that contribution.
Scientist: Mendel Morgan Franklin Watson and

(Record all four digits of your answer in the numerical-response section on the answer sheet.)

Biology 30 | Alberta Education, Provincial Assessment Sector 37

Use the following information to answer question 39.

A Cell Process

39. The process illustrated in the diagram above is

A. replication, and it takes place in the nucleus

B. replication, and it takes place in the cytoplasm
C. transcription, and it takes place in the nucleus
D. transcription, and it takes place in the cytoplasm

Use the following information to answer question 40.

Thalassemia is an autosomal recessive disorder that causes a decrease in

hemoglobin in red blood cells.

A Segment of the Gene Associated with Thalassemia


Beldjord, Cherif, Claudine Lapoumeroulie, Josee Pagnier, M. Benabadji, Rajagopal Krishnamoorthy, Dominique Labie, and
Arthur Bank. 1988. A novel  thalassemia gene with a single base mutation in the conserved polypyrimidine sequence at the
3 end of IVS 2. Nucleic Acids Research 16, no. 11 (June 10): 4927–35. doi:10.1093/nar/16.11.4927.

40. The amino acid sequence coded by the segment of the gene associated with
thalassemia shown above is

A. asparagine—aspartate—arginine
B. asparagine—glutamate—serine
C. leucine—histidine—threonine
D. leucine—glutamate—serine

38 Biology 30 | Alberta Education, Provincial Assessment Sector

Use the following information to answer question 41.

In some horses, a particular gene mutation results in the production of a silver mane
and tail. The protein coded by the mutated gene contains the amino acid cysteine
instead of the normal amino acid, arginine.
Brunberg, Emma, Leif Andersson, Gus Cothran, Kaj Sandberg, Sofia Mikko, and Gabriella Lindgren. 2006. A missense
mutation in PMEL17 is associated with the Silver coat color in the horse. BMC Genetics 7 (October 9): 46. doi:10.1186/1471-

41. A change in DNA that could lead to the production of a silver mane and tail in
a horse is the change from


Use the following information to answer question 42.

Leigh syndrome is a serious neurological disorder that is caused by mutations in

more than 30 different genes. While most of these mutations are found in nuclear
DNA, a few of these mutations are located in mitochondrial DNA.

42. Which of the following statements describes the gametes in which the
mutations that cause Leigh syndrome are carried?

A. All of the genes are carried only by ova.

B. All of the genes are carried by both ova and sperm.
C. Most of the genes are carried only by ova while a few are carried by both
ova and sperm.
D. Most of the genes are carried by both ova and sperm while a few are
carried only by ova.

Biology 30 | Alberta Education, Provincial Assessment Sector 39

Use the following information to answer question 43.

Male birds of the species Parus major express one of two different shades of
yellow in their breast feathers. Some males have bright yellow breast feathers, and
other males have pale yellow breast feathers. Males with pale breast feathers
produce sperm that are less mobile than sperm produced by males with bright
breast feathers. Females prefer to mate with males that have bright yellow breast
Helfenstein, Fabrice, Sylvain Losdat, Anders Pape MØller, Jonathan D. Blount, and Heinz Richner. 2010. Sperm of colourful
males are better protected against oxidative stress. Ecology Letters 13, no. 2 (February): 213–22. doi:10.1111/j.1461-

43. Which of the following rows identifies a factor influenced by the expression of
two types of breast feathers of male birds and describes the potential effect of the
factor on the population’s gene pool?

Row Factor Effect of Factor

A. Non-random mating Maintains genetic equilibrium
B. Non-random mating Disrupts genetic equilibrium
C. The bottleneck effect Maintains genetic equilibrium
D. The bottleneck effect Disrupts genetic equilibrium

Use the following information to answer numerical-response question 11.

Congenital nephrotic syndrome of the Finnish type (CNF) is a genetic disorder. A

person must inherit two alleles in order to develop CNF. In Finland, one in 8 000
people is known to have CNF.
Kestilä, M., M. Männikkö, C. Holmberg, G. Gyapay, J. Weissenbach, E. R. Savolainen, L. Peltonen, and K. Tryggvason.
1994. Congenital nephrotic syndrome of the Finnish type maps to the long arm of chromosome 19. American Journal of
Human Genetics 54, no. 5 (May): 757–64.

Numerical Response

11. What is the frequency of the heterozygous genotype in the Finnish population
described above?

(Record your answer as a value between 0 and 1 rounded to two decimal places in the numerical-
response section on the answer sheet.)

40 Biology 30 | Alberta Education, Provincial Assessment Sector

Use the following information to answer numerical-response question 12.

Boswellia papyrifera is a species of tree found in mature forests in northern Ethiopia.

Some Statements About Boswellia papyrifera

1 About 80% of the vegetation in a forest is composed of B. papyrifera trees.

2 The long-horned beetle, Idactus spinipennis, infects B. papyrifera trees.
3 B. papyrifera trees are harvested for their resin, a product that is used to
make incense and perfume.
4 Fires occasionally occur in the forests that contain B. papyrifera trees,
but the population is eventually re-established after the fire.
dema, and Frans Bongers. 2012. Limitations to sustainable frankincense production: Blocked regeneration, high adult mortality and declining populations. Journal of Applied Ecology 49, no

Numerical Response

12. Match each of the statements about B. papyrifera trees numbered above with the
term that best describes the statement given below. (Use each number only
Term: Climax Environmental Secondary Parasitism
communit resistance succession

(Record all four digits of your answer in the numerical-response section on the answer sheet.)

Biology 30 | Alberta Education, Provincial Assessment Sector 41

Use the following information to answer question 44.

Grass can store varying amounts of silica. Rodents called voles use grass as a food
source, and the amount of silica present in the grass affects the growth of the vole
population. High silica content makes grass difficult for a vole to digest, which
leads to decreased growth and reproduction rates in the vole population. Fewer
voles consume grass when the silica content is high.
Massey, Fergus P., and Sue E. Hartley. 2006. Experimental demonstration of the antiherbivore effects of silica in grasses:
Impacts on foliage digestibility and vole growth rates. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 273, no.
1599 (September 22): 2299–304. doi:10.1098/rspb.2006.3586.

44. The relationship between the grass and vole populations is best described as

A. symbiotic
B. producer–consumer
C. interspecific competition
D. intraspecific competition

42 Biology 30 | Alberta Education, Provincial Assessment Sector

Use the following information to answer question 45.

Wild boars were introduced to Alberta farms in the 1990s and then raised in
captivity. Some of the boars escaped from the farms. Despite the harsh climate
in Alberta, the non-captive wild boar population increased rapidly.

Non-captive wild boars compete with other wildlife populations for resources.
Government officials are concerned about the increasing non-captive wild
boar population and its effect on wildlife populations native to Alberta.
Municipal District of Big Lakes. 2010. Wild Boar Program. Accessed October 19.

45. Which of the following rows identifies an expected effect of the non-captive
wild boar population on wildlife populations native to Alberta and the reason for
the effect?

Effect on Wildlife
Populations Native
Row to Alberta Reason
A. Decreased growth Increased interspecific competition
B. Decreased growth Increased intraspecific competition
C. Increased growth Increased interspecific competition
D. Increased growth Increased intraspecific competition

Biology 30 | Alberta Education, Provincial Assessment Sector 43

Use the following information to answer question 46.

The greater sage grouse is a large bird that lives in the Canadian prairies and is
considered to be a species at risk. In 2001, 108 male greater sage grouse were
counted at breeding sites in Alberta. In 2012, 13 male greater sage grouse
were counted at the breeding sites.
Alberta Wilderness Association. 2016. Issues: Wildlife, Sage-Grouse, History.

46. The per capita growth rate of the population of male greater sage grouse in
Alberta between 2001 and 2012 was

A. 0.9
B. 7.3
C. –0.9
D. –7.3

44 Biology 30 | Alberta Education, Provincial Assessment Sector

Use the following information to answer question 47.

The graph below represents growth of a population of Daphnia, which are

small aquatic organisms.

Growth of a Population of Daphnia

47. Based on the graph, the growth pattern of Daphnia over the 160 days is best
described as

A. logistic, because population growth is limited

B. exponential, because population growth is limited
C. logistic, because mortality is always higher than natality
D. exponential, because natality is always higher than mortality

Use the following information to answer question 48.

Female caribou reach sexual maturity at three years of age and will typically give
birth to one calf per year after that.

48. The reproductive strategy of caribou is best described as

A. K-selected, because caribou have a high biotic potential

B. K-selected, because caribou have a low biotic potential
C. r-selected, because caribou have a high biotic potential
D. r-selected, because caribou have a low biotic potential

Biology 30 | Alberta Education, Provincial Assessment Sector 45

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