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Cloverbuds Listening and Coloring Activity PDF

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Have you ever given any thought to the words “hearing” and “listening”? They may sound like the same
thing, but they are different. Hearing is described as “the function of perceiving sound” while listening is
described as “paying attention in order to hear.” The definitions make it easy to see that listening and hear-
ing are different. You may be able to hear, but that does not mean that you listen. To be a listener, you
must pay attention.

You will need at least two people to complete the following activities. You will need someone who will
read the instructions and someone who will follow the instructions. You will also need to print all the in-
structions and the coloring sheets.

As you do the activity, it is important that the instructions are read (one at a time) to the listener who will
follow the directions as they are given. The instructions will only be given once. Nothing will be repeated
so the reader must read slowly and the listener must listen closely.

When the activity is finished, the reader and the listener will check the pages together. Did the listener fol-
low all of the instructions perfectly? Probably not! Sometimes we think we are listening, but we may not
be listening as well as we think.

Follow-up Questions:
Through this activity, did you discover that you are a good listener? Did you pay attention as the instruc-
tions were given? What about in real life? Are you a good listener?

Did you discover that you are a good reader, or speaker? Did you talk slowly so the listener could under-
stand your instructions? What about in real life? Do you speak so that others can hear you and will pay at-

We all need to work on our listening skills. After all, hearing and listening are not the same thing!

Developed by: Janine Yeske, Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Development

Ohio State University Extension, Jefferson County, Ohio 2/06
Artwork by: Cheryl Goodrich, FNP Program Assistant, Monroe County, Ohio
The Shopping Trip
1. Color the dog’s tail green and the cat’s tail yellow.
2. Color the woman’s lips purple and her purse blue.
3. Color the package that the cat is standing on: one side orange, and the other side red.
4. Write your name in the top right corner of the page.
5. Draw a blue cloud under your name.
6. Draw a black line for the dog to stand on.
7. Color the tubes of paper under the lady’s arms: one red, one blue, and one green.
8. Color the dog your favorite color (except for his tail which is already another color.)
9. Make rain fall from your cloud and put a rainbow anywhere in the sky.
10. Color the package that is above the striped package yellow.

When everyone is finished, check the pages together. Did anyone get all of the instructions perfect? Probably not!
Sometimes we think we are listening, but we may not be listening as well as we think.

After going over the pages together, allow the Cloverbuds to finish coloring the pictures any way they want.

How did you do? Want to try again. Here are a few more coloring pages with a lot more instructions. Can you listen
and complete the pages correctly? Good luck!

It’s A Big World We Live In

1. Color the boy’s face brown (the face you can see.)
2. Color the other boy’s striped shirt yellow and the girl’s shirt blue.
3. Write your name in the top left corner.
4. Color the base of the globe stand orange.
5. Color the part of the globe stand that holds the globe in place purple. (This is the part of the stand that has lines
and numbers that show latitude.)
6. Draw wavy lines through the oceans on the globe.
7. Color the United States of America red, white, and blue. You decide how to use the three colors together.
8. Color the legs on the table black.
9. Color the land seen at the bottom of the globe green. This is called the South Pole.
10. Color the water at the North Pole green. (There is no land shown on the map at the North Pole, so just color a
small portion of water.)

Let’s Go See It
1. Color the man’s hat red and the boy’s hat yellow.
2. Color the canoe green with orange polka dots. (You decide how many polka dots.)
3. Color the car headlights yellow and make yellow lines coming out of the lights showing that they are turned on.
4. Color the suitcases green, yellow, OR red. You decide which colors on which suitcases.
5. Color the pool toy on the top of the pile purple.
6. Make a little bit of smoke come out of the back of the car.
7. Write your name on either top corner.
8. Draw a sun on the other top corner.
9. Color the car your favorite color and color its tires black.
10. Draw a smiley face on the front door of the car.

(Number 4 may present a few difficulties for the Cloverbuds. Some may color all the suitcases the same color and
others may color the suitcases all different colors. This is another example of the fact that listening can be difficult.
Some people may hear something one way, while someone else may hear the same thing completely differently.)
The Shopping Trip
It’s a Big World We Live In
Let’s Go See It

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