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Operational Safety Practices For Working On and Around Rails

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Operational Safety Practices

for Working On and Around Rails

Using rails in an industrial setting can checklists technicians complete to the you of the status of both machine and
help streamline and expedite everyday last brake application after the closing employee. For employees, this includes
business practices; it also introduces shift, clear policies on employee certificates of completed training
an element of risk. The presence of conduct should govern every action that qualify them as operators or
large machines moving in uncertain undertaken in a rail environment. groundmen for your Trackmobile. For
and fluctuating conditions calls for Keeping clear records is the foundation the machine itself, regular assessments
dedicated vigilance and care from of all internal safety procedures. The and operator checklists ensure that it is
employers and employees alike. In an same way Material Safety Data Sheets in good working order, able to be used
environment where small errors can (MSDS) are kept for any chemicals with the reasonable assumption of
lead to large-scale consequences, using used on-site, good records can apprise safety with proper use.
strong safety practices and common
sense can be the best preventative
measures a company can take.
Training Procedure
Through a combination of robust By formalizing your
It is important to establish a training
internal safety protocols and excellent training procedure, you procedure. Internal training and
external resources, organizations can
minimize the risks of working with can be assured that each certification is a necessary part of
working in an industrial environment,
rails and reap the full benefits of their employee that gets especially when heavy machinery
optimized use.
behind the wheel of the is involved. We value and stress
the importance of training being
Internal Safety Protocols machine or is part of the conducted by a third party, but your
ground crew has been organization must still have a system
The establishment of internal thoroughly prepared and by which new employees are taught
safety procedures is of the utmost and officially deemed ready for work.
importance to an organization’s empowered to perform to Another company may carry out the
continued function, as is the regular, the best of their ability. actual instruction on how to operate
consistent enforcement of those certain machinery, but only you know
procedures. From the daily machine what precise combination of in-house

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education and practice is necessary for element they lack is the train air sustaining multiple severe injuries. One
your employees. brakes to control multiple cars in a method OSHA cited for potentially
string, without which the potential preventing the injury was to “utilize an
Most companies that use Trackmobiles hazard of moving railcars increases equipment designed to safely pull rail
emphasize a set number of classroom dramatically. Not only are the lives of box cars”. The company was penalized
hours along with mandatory hours operators and technicians being put at $4,500, which does not include any
in the machine, riding along with an risk—rail beds, ties, and cars sustain amount paid to the injured employee
experienced operator. By formalizing damage when you use inappropriate or the lost productivity experienced
your training procedure, you can be machinery. Repurposing an existing due to the accident. In their attempt
assured that each employee that gets machine might be tempting when to use a repurposed machine, this
behind the wheel of the machine or faced with the upfront cost of company earned themselves an OSHA
is part of the ground crew has been buying new equipment, but the cost citation, financial losses in both fines
thoroughly prepared and empowered of repairing split rails and broken and reparations, lost productivity, and
to perform to the best of their ability. couplers—not to the mention the an injured employee. Their experience
In addition to general industry best possibility of harm coming to an only emphasizes how the initial cost of
practices, also be mindful of the employee—adds up. appropriate machinery is an investment
specific existing rules and procedures in your operational safety.
of your organization, which
supersede other recommendations.
Company rules take precedent and
are the standard by which you should
determine any new procedures for
The initial
consistent company policy.
cost of
Appropriate Equipment appropriate
A major factor in protecting employees
on a moment-to-moment basis is
making sure you are using the best,
most appropriate equipment for the
job. First and foremost that means
is an Common-Sense Safety
that you are using equipment that was
designed for its intended purpose. investment in
When companies use machines that When proper machinery is being
are not designed to perform the tasks used in conjunction with thorough
for which they are being used, an safety protocols, the last internal factor

attempt to save money often backfires to provide for is the consistent use
and becomes a crippling liability issue. of common-sense safety practices.
One common mistake companies These practices may be less concretely
make when moving railcars is trying
to use repurposed vehicles to do the
job of a railcar mover. Some examples
safety. quantifiable than other safety rules,
but they should nevertheless be
established and taught. For instance,
we’ve seen include wheel loaders, all employees working on or near
tractors, forklifts, skid loaders, and rails should wear proper safety attire
even pickup trucks. None of these One notable example of the true cost at all times, including visibility vests,
have guide wheels, positive coupling of using equipment not designed for hard hats, protective glasses, gloves,
or train air brakes, all of which are its intended use is in the case of OSHA steel-toed boots, or any combination
vital to the safe movement of railcars. Violation #109176719. A company thereof. Also necessary for site safety is
The same applies to other, non- used a front-end loader and chain to a thorough knowledge and awareness
vehicular forms of railcar movement, pull railcars rather than a dedicated of your surroundings. This includes any
like car progressioners and cable or railcar mover; an employee, in the pro- grade or curves in the tracks, as well as
rope pullers. In addition to the risk cess of hooking up a car, was hit by the any known hazards, like poor visibility,
of a breaking rope or chain, the key loader and crushed against the railcar, close clearances, or a tendency to ice
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over in cold weather. A base knowledge before the curve, rather than on it. release a warning sound, then initiate
of the work site, combined with active, Always use handbrakes and chocks to an emergency stop.
ongoing situational awareness is critical park or permanently stop the machine.
to avoiding the most common and
preventable of workplace accidents.
Safety Features
Traditional rail safety should also always
be practiced: never walk in between the
rails or on the railheads and be mindful In conjunction with good internal
of blue flags, which indicate an inactive safety practices on the individual and
switch. organizational level, the next step is
using machinery that comes equipped
with safety features specifically
designed to reduce the kinds of
Trackmobile is risks present in a rail environment.
Trackmobile is constantly innovating
constantly innovating our machines to achieve new heights
our machines to achieve of productivity and safe operation.
Features like our Ground Control
new heights of System and remote control option
productivity and safe reduce the manpower needed to
operate a trackmobile while making it
operation. possible for the operator to stay clear
of the machine itself and eliminating
the risks of assuring the proper
Braking Systems
communication between operator and
Risk Prevention groundman. Arguably the most critical safety-
related feature of Trackmobile
Where a Trackmobile is concerned, a Our Safe-T-Vue™ cameras make it machines is the presence of three
significant amount of risk prevention easier to mount the rails, couple with separate braking systems: machine
can be performed simply in the way cars, and keep the driver aware of any brakes, train air brakes, and parking
operators start and stop the machine. potential dangers or obstructions in brakes. Machine brakes control the
Prior to starting, an employee should the immediate vicinity. By providing Trackmobile itself, while the train air
complete the daily checklist to ensure a 360° view of the Trackmobile, it also brakes give the operator the ability
that the machine is in good working helps to eliminate blind spots. Built- to stop each car in the string. Train
condition for the day. in diagnostics that can be monitored air brakes, however, should not be
from inside the cabin ensure that expected to hold a parked railcar in
After boarding using the 3-point all operators and technicians are place; for this, Railcar handbrakes need
contact rule of mounting and continually kept aware of the machine’s to be applied for secured, unattended
dismounting, they should check that condition. railcar placement. These features were
the parking brake is set and that no all designed with the express purpose
one is under or around the machine. of making Trackmobile machines
The main display will show gauges of Speed Control and Vigilance easier and safer to use; they make the
various pressures and temperatures, all Control both determine the way the difference between a machine that
of which should be verified as proper Trackmobile is driven, enforcing is designed appropriately to fulfill
and correct, along with the train air specific safety parameters. Speed its intended purpose and one that
pressure gauge. Finally, before moving Control (typically set manually by proactively decreases risk to employees
the machine, the operator should individual company managers) limits and property.
confirm that the horn is working and how fast the machine can move, which
blow the horn to alert all in the area is especially helpful when braking is While all of these factors are vital
that it is on and potentially in motion. a concern. Vigilance Control requires to the health and success of your
When braking, always use the train input from the operator at regular employees, there is one last external
air brakes, and brake well in advance, intervals to ensure operator awareness element that must be in place for
in accordance with your speed. When and attention; if the operator fails to your organization to have thoroughly
going through a curve, be sure to brake provide the input, the machine will addressed its safety concerns:
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the establishment of hard-and-fast

safety protocols to ensuring that
A well-trained operator your equipment is designed for its
is as beneficial to an
organization as a poorly
trained operator is
intended function. Additionally,
external factors like choosing
machines that use innovative
safety solutions and providing for
the proper training of operators
can ensure that your organization
expensive, it’s

Safety isn’t

has done everything in its power priceless.

to give employees a safe working
environment. TM

Comprehensive Rail
Safety Training

When it comes to operating a

Trackmobile, so much depends on
the person in the driver’s seat, and
much of your site safety is dependent
upon their actions at the wheel. A
well-trained operator is as beneficial
to an organization as a poorly trained
operator is dangerous. We place so
much stock in thorough third-party
rail safety training, we include a free
seat in a course of rail safety training
with every new machine we sell.

In those courses, future operators

learn the fundamentals of working
on a crew and in a railyard. They are
then instructed in the actual operation
of their machine by Trackmobile
distributor representatives, from
initiating on-track movement to using
the air brake system.

They learn how to mount, dismount,

and cross over rail equipment, as
well as coupling and uncoupling with
railcars. The benefit of this third party
training extends well beyond the basic
operation of the machine—it gives
rail yard employees ownership of their
own safety, as well as the safety of their
coworkers and their entire facility.

Minimizing risk and making your

organization as safe as possible is top
priority for anyone working with, on,
or around rails. Accomplishing these
goals relies on fulfilling a number of
internal requirements, ranging from
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