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Visual Thinking of Definite Integral

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American Journal of Educational Research, 2015, Vol. 3, No.

4, 476-482
Available online at
© Science and Education Publishing

Calculus Students’ Visual Thinking of Definite Integral

Chih Hsien Huang*

Department of Electrical Engineering, Ming Chi University of Technology, New Taipei City, Taiwan, ROC
*Corresponding author:

Received March 18, 2015; Revised April 02, 2015; Accepted April 08, 2015
Abstract Visualization as both the product and the process of creation, interpretation and reflection upon pictures
and images, is gaining increased visibility in mathematics and mathematics education. The use of diagrams to
visualize definite integral concept, however, is problematic for many students and may actually hinder their
problem-solving efforts. The purpose of this study, not only extends our understanding of students’ difficulties and
strengths associated with visualization but also identifies types of visual image they utilized while solve integral
problems. Through the detailed analyses of students' work and verbal protocols, the students with high visualization
ability use of imagination images in high percentages along with algebraic representations and linking these two
representations lead to the success of problem solving. The students with low visualization ability use of memory
images. It is discovered that students can produce imagination images that play a significant role in a problem
solving process. As such, a process of visualization allows an articulation between representations to produce
another representation that could help students solve given problems.
Keywords: calculus students, definite integral, representation, visual thinking, visualization
Cite This Article: Chih Hsien Huang, “Calculus Students’ Visual Thinking of Definite Integral.” American
Journal of Educational Research, vol. 3, no. 4 (2015): 476-482. doi: 10.12691/education-3-4-14.

the derivative and antiderivative graphs [10,23], but there

is few research focus on the concept of definite integral.
1. Introduction This study stands apart from other research on learning
calculus because it not only extends our understanding of
The research literature on mathematics education has students’ difficulties and strengths associated with
long discussed the merits of visualization and analysis in visualization but also identifies types of visual image they
mathematical thinking. Visualization has been an area of utilized while solve integral problems. This study
interest for a number of researchers concerned with addressed the following research questions: What aspects
mathematics education. Many researchers emphasize the of the use of different types of imagery and visualization
importance of visualization and visual reasoning for learning are effective in definite integral problem solving? What
mathematics, and visualization is a fundamental aspect to visual or analytic mental processes do calculus students
understand students’ construction of mathematical use to understand the concept of definite integral?
concepts [1,5,21,26]. In their arguments for visualization,
suggest that visual thinking can be an alternative and
powerful resource for students doing mathematics, a 2. Literature Review
resource that can open the way to different ways of
thinking about mathematics than the linguistic and logico- 2.1. Representations of Concepts
propositional thinking of traditional proofs and the symbol
manipulation of traditional algebra. To use this template, Kaput [14] addresses the importance of theoretical
you will need to (1) apply the embedded styles to each framework of representation systems because of the
paragraph-level item in your manuscript or (2) use the difficulties students experience in translating between
specifications shown in Table 1 to format your manuscript, different representations of mathematical concepts. The
with this template as a visual guide. Information about students of the future will be choosing how to represent
paper submission is available from the Journal website. given relationships and the skill of constructing or
According to Zimmerman [25], “the role of visual choosing relationships will be more important than
thinking is so fundamental to the understanding of computational skills. From a constructivist point of view,
calculus that is difficult to imagine a successful calculus “perceiving” is an active process and not a passive one
course which does not emphasize the visual elements of because “the representation does not represent by itself. It
the subject”. Although visualization must necessarily play needs interpreting and to be interpreted, it needs an
a important role in mathematical activity, it clearly need interpreter” [22]. The students’ interpretation resides in
research which helps us understand more about which of their activities not in the objects the students perceive. The
their features contribute significantly to the role in a given students’ concepts, mental representations, and images are
mathematical situation. There have many studies focus on dynamic and are not replicas of external world.
American Journal of Educational Research 477

Representation is an indispensable tool for presenting of symbols. A growing body of research supports the
mathematical concepts, communicating and considering or assertion that understanding of mathematics is strongly
thinking. Hiebert and Carpenter [22] assessed students’ related to the ability to use visual and analytic thinking.
understanding of concepts based on the relationships Researchers contend that in order for students to construct
between the representations they created. They contended a rich understanding of mathematical concepts, both visual
that “the mathematics is understood if its mental and analytic reasoning must be present and integrated
representation is part of a network of representations. The [2,24].
degree of understanding is determined by the number and According to Duval [6], visualization can be produced
the strength of the connections (p. 67)”. This perspective in any register of representation as it refers to processes
supports that proposed by Duval [6]. Duval maintained linked to the visual perception and then to vision.
that the process of mathematical thinking required not Zimmerman and Cunningham [26] contended that the use
only the use of representation systems (which Duval of the term “visualization” concerned a concept or
called registers) but also cognitive integration of problem involving visualizing. Nemirovsky and Noble [16]
representation systems. Based on Duval’s analysis, defined visualization as a tool that penetrated or travelled
learning and comprehending mathematics require back and forth between external representations and
relatively similar semiotic representations. From this learners’ mental perceptions. Goldin [8] and Hitt [12] both
perspective, the understanding of a mathematical concept emphasized the relationships among representation,
is built through tasks that imply the use of different mathematical visualization, and conceptual understanding.
systems of representation and promote the flexible Dreyfus[5] contended that what students “see” in a
coordination between representations. Therefore, learning representation would be linked to their conceptual
mathematics implies “the construction of a cognitive structure, and further proposed that visualization should be
structure by which the students can recognize the same regarded as a learning tool. Noss, Healy, and Hoyles [17]
object through different representations” [6]. described mathematical thinking as being characterized by
The learning of calculus movement emphasizes the use the ability to move freely between the visual and the
of multiple representations in the presentation of symbolic, the formal and the informal, the analytical and
concepts—that concepts should be represented the perceptual, and the rigorous and the intuitive.
numerically, algebraically, graphically, and verbally Visualization involves both external and internal
wherever possible—so that students understand representations (or images), and thus following Presmeg
connections between different representations and develop [19], we define visualization as processes involved in
deeper and more robust understanding of the concepts constructing and transforming both visual images and all
[10,13]. of the representations of a spatial nature that may be used
The essence of the concept of integrals (including other in drawing figures or constructing or manipulating them
mathematical concepts as well) is that the process concept with pencil and paper. This definition emphasizes that in
and object concept can be presented by connected but mathematical thinking and problem solving, an
different representations. A number of studies have appropriate graph can be drawn to represent the
indicated that the representations used by students to solve mathematical concept or question, and that the graph can
an integral problem are related to the meanings they be used to understand a concept or as a problem-solving
attribute to the concept of integrals [4]. The graphical tool. In this study, we investigated the visual images that
representation of definite integrals is typically used in students used to resolve specific problems and how they
calculations that involve areas under a curve, whereas managed given visualizations.
numerical representations are used for Riemann’s
cumulative addition problems [20]. Solving integrals
using common integration techniques demonstrates the 3. Method
need for symbolic representations.
In this study, we situated our investigation of 3.1. Participants and Instruments
representation theory within the context of integrals.
The 15 first-year engineering students who participated
Specifically, we examined students’ ability to use the
in this study were enrolled at a university of technology
relationship between representations to solve integral
and had learned the basic rules of integration using
problems. In our specific case - the understanding of the
primitives, as well as their relationship to the calculation
concept of integral- research conducted with this
of a number of areas under curves. These students’
representational approach highlights as a cause of these
calculus grades in the top 10% among 352 students. The
difficulties the lack of coordination between both the
instruments used for data collection were a questionnaire
graphic and algebraic representations and the
containing problems and interviews. The questionnaire
predominance of the latter in the students’ answers. This
comprised five problems in definite integral (Figure 1),
leads us to pay special attention to the use of the graphical
some of which were referenced from other studies [7,15].
representation and to visualization.
These problems enabled the students’ performance
regarding the visual thinking to be analyzed. The results of
2.2. Visualization in Mathematics Learning the questionnaire necessitated further investigation into
Visualization is a critical aspect of mathematical the visual thinking of students. The clinical interviews
thinking, understanding, and reasoning. Researchers argue were carried out after the answers to the problems had
that visual thinking is an alternative and powerful resource been analyzed [9]. Each interview lasted about 40-50
for students to do mathematics, it is different from minutes and was video- and audio-taped. In order to
linguistic, logico-propositional thinking and manipulation prepare the script for the interview, we analyzed the
478 American Journal of Educational Research

written answers focused on in relation to how the students b

seemed to use and coordinate the different mathematical perform integral operations to determine ∫a f ( x )dx . In
representations needed. During each interview and were the local-visual (LV) level, one can perceive and confirm
asked to think aloud while they were solving the tasks so the relationships among various visual images; however,
that we could describe their responses and strategies as these items may still appear independent of each other.
well as make inferences about their mental processes and For example, students understood the relationship between
images. the integral and area, but were unable to differentiate
between the relationships of areas above and below the x
axis with the integral. In the global-visual (GV) level, one
can use the relationships to construct a consistent structure
based on the relationships among various visual images.
The importance of this consistency lies in the fact that it
determines the scope of visual thinking.

4. Result and Discussion

According to the data analysis, we identify 5
competencies of visual thinking regarding to the concept
of definite integral, and then classify the visual thinking of
the students into three levels (Table 1). Because students’
visual thinking of the definite integral could be reasonably
understood regarding the three levels, we evaluated the
responses to the task interviews, searching for evidence of
the NV, LV, and GV levels. Most students appeared to be
in either the NV or LV levels, and the difference was
usually obvious, as demonstrated by the representative
examples included in the following discussion.

Table 1. Visual thinking abilities of three levels

Visual thinking abilities NV LV GV
Figure 1. The study questionnaire
To understand algebra and geometry as alternative
X 0 0
3.2. Analysis To extract specific information from diagrams X 0 0
The analysis focused on identifying the students’ To represent and interpret problem(or concept)
X Δ 0
mental processes and images used to create meanings for graphically
To draw and use diagrams as an aid in problem
the problems and the justifications provided. For each X Δ 0
problem, we identified: To understand mathematical transformations
-The visual images and representations that the student X 0 0
used. To have in mind a repertoire of important visual
-The relationships that the student established between the images
X denote that students have not demonstrated the competency in the
visual images and representations to generate new problem solving.
information. Δ denote that students have not demonstrated the competency fully in the
This analysis provides information on how the student problem solving.
uses and relates the representations of mathematical 0 denote that students demonstrated the competency completely in the
problem solving.
knowledge to obtain new information.
According to these data analyses, to assess and interpret
the visual thinking of the definite integral concept of 4.1. Visual Thinking of Definite Integral at
students in this study, we constructed the visual thinking the NV Level
structure of definite integrals, employed this structure to The initial level of visual thinking is the non-visual
develop clear standards, and then classify the visual level. We categorized four students into this group. One of
thinking of the students into various levels. The standards the visual thinking characteristics shared by these students
were related to the thinking process adopted and presented was that they could not recognize the relationship between
by the students when problem solving, as well as their the area and integral. These students could only process
potential to construct relationships among the various representations within a representation system, and the
representations and properties, and the degree to which representations used were influenced by the representation
they integrated these relationships into their explanation of format employed for problems. Additionally, they
problem solving. The analysis results indicated that the preferred solving problems using symbolic representations.
visual thinking distribution of 15 students could be The students could solve a number of problems by
categorized to 5 competencies and three levels. In the non- simply applying rules that had been memorized and in
visual (NV) level, one tends to focus on a single visual some cases, incorrectly remembered. Consider the
image, overlooking other representations of a similar following excerpt from the interview conducted with
nature. For example, students believed that they had to Porter, who has a collection of rules that enable him to
integrate fundamental functions, such as the integrals in
American Journal of Educational Research 479

Tasks 4 and 5, however, he could not solve the problems J: (He think about 15 seconds) I can not solve this
using graphical representations. problem by the graph.
R: Can you solve this problem by drawing a graph? R: OK, can you evaluate the sum of the areas of the two
P: No, I do not know what is f(t). triangles?
R: If I assume that the graph of f(t) is a straight line, can J: Of course, 25/2 plus 1/2 equal to 13.
you solve this problem? R: Good, can you tell me what the relationship between
P: (draw a straight line on the coordinate plane) But I do the area of triangles and the integral?
not know how to draw the graph of f(t-1), and I think that J: I know the integral is the area, and the results are the
the graph has nothing to do with this problem. same for this problem, but this problem is to evaluate the
R: Do you know the relationship between the integral and integral…. Do you mean that I can evaluate the area
area? instead of the integration?
P: I know that I can use the integral to evaluate the area. R: Why not? Just you have said that the integral is the area.
R: But you say that the graph has nothing to do with this J: But…
problem. R: Can you tell me what do you think about the integral is
P: Because this problem is to evaluate the integral not the the area?
area. J: I do not know exactly, I just remembered what the
In Task 3, he stated that the proposition was true and teacher said.
provided specific examples of functions as evidence The students at the non-visual level generally used a
without giving graphic representations, failing to provide single representation, and symbolic representation was
suitable justifications. He provided a specific example that used to solve all types of problems. This indicates that
defined two functions f ( x=
) x 2 + 1 and g ( x ) = x 2 , and students consider symbolic representation as a support
tool. Additionally, students in this group were inclined to
calculated two integrals between x=1 and x=2 to obtain rely on analytical thinking instead of visual thinking. This
10/3 for f and 7/3 for g. Subsequently, the interview leads to they tend to be cognitively fixed on standard
progressed as shown below. figures and procedures instead of recognizing the
R: Can you provide a geometric or numerical example? advantages of visualizing the tasks. Presmeg [19] showed
P: (Draws the two curves of f ( x=
) x 2 + 1 and that, visualization could be a hindrance for solving a
mathematical problem, especially when a mental image of
f ( x=
) x 2 + 1 ) Like this? a specific subject controls the student’s thinking. In this
R: Can you do this in graph form without an equation? group students’ cases the mental image of standard figure
P: How do I draw graphs without equations? has dominated their thinking when trying to draw a figure
R: OK, can you draw graphs represent the definite integral? to solve problems.
P: No, I do not know how to do it.
Drawing graphs based on the two functions provided, 4.2. Visual Thinking of Definite Integral at
Porter was unable to think using graphical representations the LV Level
without algebraic formulae. Therefore, Porter’s thinking
style tended to analytic but not visual, he do not The next level of visual thinking of the concept of
understand algebra and geometry as alternative languages, definite integral regarding the existence of cognitive links
represent and interpret problem graphically, and and awareness of these links is the local-vision level. We
understand mathematical transformations visually. Porter categorized nine students into this group. These students
used visual representations are memory image, and the understood the relationships between representation
graphical representations in his memory as standard systems and could change or transfer the representations
graphics. An image of a standard figure may cause in some of the representation systems. However, these
inflexible thinking which prevents the construction of a students had difficulty coordinating these relationships.
non-standard diagram.
Another student, John, was also categorized into the
non-visual level. In Task 5, John defined the step function
and then established two integrals ([–3, 0] and [0, 3]).
When he was asked:
R: Why do you separate the integral into these two
J: Because of absolute value, one integral represents the
value to the left of 0, and the other represents the one to Figure 2. Helen’s problem-solving process for Task 1.
the right of 0.
Helen was one of the students in this group. She could
R: Can you draw the graph of f ( x )= x + 2 ? use correct symbolic representations to perform
J: (Drawing the graph correctly) Is it right? mathematical thinking and could manipulate the area
R: Good, according to the graph, can you examine the using graphical representations according to the changes
integrals that are right or not? in integral symbols in Tasks 1, 4, and 5. Consider Task 1
J: (He think about 25 seconds) Oh, I know, the interval of for example, Helen assumed that F ′ ( x ) = f ( t ) , then
integrals should between [–3, -2] and between [-2, 3].
R: Good, complete this problem.
J: (After 87 seconds) It is 13.
∫1 f ( t )dt = F ( 3) − F (1) = 8.6 . Consequently,
R: Good, can you solve this problem by the graph that you
have drawn? ∫2 f ( t − 1)dt = F ( 3) − F (1) = 8.6 . Figure 2 shows Helen’s
480 American Journal of Educational Research

graphical representation. She knows that because the two this group used visual representations are induced image,
integrals represent the same area, so the two integrals have they induced the visual images mainly from the analytic
the same values. thinking. Although their visual thinking inclines toward
However, for Task 3, she says that the proposition is local not global thinking, this restricted visualization
false and gives graphic representations (Figure 3) but fails actually hinders their solving of the tasks. Additionally,
to make suitable justifications. their chosen visualization only reflects one aspect of the
R: Can you explain what you think of this task? integral concept, which has a number of significant
H: The area enclosed by f, x = a, x = b, and the x axis is consequences on their ability to solve the other tasks.
greater than the area enclosed by g, but the function value According to Zimmerman [25], an important component
of f is smaller than g. of visual thinking is the ability to recognize that an answer
R: But the question involves the integral of f being greater obtained algebraically is false based on geometric grounds;
than that of g. the interviews show that this component is lacking in the
H: The integral value is the area; therefore, a greater minds of many students.
integral means a greater area.
R: Does this has any relevance to the area being above or 4.3. Visual Thinking of Definite Integral at
below the x axis? the GV Level
H: It is irrelevant to the area being above or below the x
axis. Two students were categorized into this group. These
students could recognize the relationships among
representation systems and convert representations
between representation systems. In Tasks 1, 4, and 5,
Keven used correct symbolic representations to perform
mathematical thinking. He also manipulated the area using
graphical representations according to the changes in
integral symbols. Consider Task 4 for example, Keven
actually employed three methods to solve the problem.
The first method was the standard algorithm

∫1 ( f ( x ) + 2=
)dx ∫1 f ( x )dx + ∫1 =
5 5 5
2dx 18 ; the second
method was the mean value theorem for integral
Figure 3. Helen’s problem-solving process for Task 3

∫1 ( f ( x ) + 2 )dx= ( fave + 2 ) × ( 5 − 1=)

Similar to Helen, although the students in this group 18 ; and the third
could convert symbolic representations and graphical method was graphical representation (Figure 5). He knows
representations, they believed that integral value was the how to draw the graph of f(x)+2, and understands the
same as area. Although they understood the relationship relationship between the integrals and areas.
between the area above the x axis and the integral, they
did not understand the relationship between the area below
the x axis and the integral. For example, Mary calculated
that the sum of the areas of the two triangles and one
trapezoidal in Task 2 (Figure 4) equaled an integral value
of 39/8, and that α = −29 / 28 ; however, she did not
realize that the value of was greater than -1 in the graph.

Figure 5. Keven’s problem-solving process for Task 4

For Task 3, Keven stated that the proposition was false

and provided graphical representations (Figure 6).
Subsequently, the interview progressed as shown below.
R: If f(x) is greater than g(x), would the integral of f(x) be
greater than the integral of g(x)?
K: Yes.
R: Why?
Figure 4. Mary’s problem-solving process for Task 2 K: If f(x) is greater than g(x), the difference of f(x) minus
The interview results show that students in this group g(x) would be greater than 0 and a positive value. The
have begun to coordinate the representation systems of integral of f(x) minus g(x) would be a positive value;
definite integrals. These students can perform therefore, the integral of f(x) would be greater than the
representation transformations in separate representation integral of g(x).
systems. Students in this group differ from those at the R: Why do you think Task 3 is incorrect?
non-visual level in that they have understood algebra and K: The situation in Task 3 is opposite to that of your
geometry as alternative languages for the concept of question. The integral values of the function in the interval
definite integral, and developed visual methods to better [a, b] are greater, and the values of the function in the
“see” mathematical concepts and problems. Students in interval [a, b] are not necessarily greater than that of g(x).
American Journal of Educational Research 481

R: Why is that? 5. Conclusion

K: In this graph I drew, the area below f is greater than the
area below g in the interval [a, b]; therefore, the integral of In this study, we recruited first-year calculus students at
f in [a, b] is greater than the integral of g in [a, b]. universities as the research participants to investigate
However, the function value of f in the interval [a, c] is visual thinking of the definite integral concept. Visual
smaller than the function value of g in the interval [a, c]. thinking involves the capacity to make connections
Therefore, the description in this task is incorrect. between both mathematical objects and concepts and
mathematics and the physical world. The data analysis
results show that the main obstacles preventing students
from freely shifting within the representation system for
the concept of definite integrals were that they did not
have the ability involves visualizing the abstracted
relationships and non-figural information into visual
representations and imagery. The development of
visualization ability, which may influence the relationship
Figure 6. Keven’s graphical presentation for Task 3 between graphical representations and the other
representations, increases the performance of solving
Unlike students at the non-visual level who can only
definite integral problems.
apply symbolic representation thinking, Keven could
The students with non- visualization ability the visual
employ graphical representation as a thinking tool.
images used are memory image, the students with low
Additionally, Keven clearly understood that the area
visualization ability use of algebraic representations in
above the x axis was the integral value, and he understood
high percentages, or use of graphical representations are
the relationship between the area under the x axis and
induced from analytic thinking lead to the difficulties of
integral (Task 2, Figure 7).
problem solving. Possible reasons for this tendency
include lecturers’ reliance of a single representation in
their teaching, lecturers’ reluctance to show examples that
enable the use of multiple representations leads to
students’ lack of knowledge of alternative definitions. The
students with high visualization ability use of graphical
representations in high percentages along with algebraic
representations and linking these representations lead to
the success of problem solving. Aspinwall, Shaw and
Presmeg [3] quote MacFarlane Smith as saying that
“gifted individuals have their own internal ‘blackboards’
and can visualize complicated structures without being
aware that they are doing so”. Although not necessarily
gifted, the idea of internal blackboard seems to apply to
Figure 7. Keven’s problem-solving process for Task 2
Moreover, the students are advised to develop their
Keven clearly extract specific information from visualization abilities to improve their abilities of
diagrams, represent and interpret problem (or concept) graphical interpretations. The development of the visual
graphically, and understand mathematical transformations thinking ability, which is needed for the success in
visually. The most significant differences between this teaching mathematics and geometry is helpful for
group and students in the other groups were that they had benefiting from different representations in solving
the ability to perform representation treatments in definite integral problems.
representation systems, and they could perform From a didactic perspective, the introduction of
representation conversions among various representation graphics that illustrate a specific case and a counter-
systems. On the other hand, the visual images that this example may focus attention on the key aspects of the
group students used are imagination images, some kinds representational relationship and render the graphic an
of spontaneous, self-construct, non-structural, a new type integral part of the concept of definite integrals. However,
of organization, to integrate past and current experience in adopting a specific method of teaching visual thinking
the creation of things. Imagination images different from raises the following questions: What conversion processes
memory images to students is, imagination images are not are involved in moving among various mathematical
a real existence in the past, but through the creative representations, including those of a visual nature? How
process students generated. The added accuracy in this can visual, mixed, and non-visual methods be combined in
group students’ drawings could be characterized as class to improve the visual thinking of students?
“introducing suitable notation” which was Polya’s
recommendation when using visual representations [18].
For Keven, visualization is a powerful tool to explore Acknowledgement
mathematical problems and to ascribe meaning to the
concept of definite integral and the relationship between This article is part of a project that is supported by the
them. Additionally, visualization reduces the complexity Ministry of Science and Technology of Taiwan(NSC 102-
when considering a significant amount of information. 2511-S-131-001-MY3).
482 American Journal of Educational Research

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