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Guess The Covered Word

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Guess the covered word

The ability to use the consonants in a word along with the context is an important
decoding strategy. Children must learn to do two things simultaneouslythink
about what would make sense and think about letters and sounds. Most children
would prefer to do one or the other, but not both. Thus, some children guess
something that is sensible but ignore the letter sounds they know. Other children
guess something which is close to the sounds but makes no sense in the sentence!
To help children crosscheck meaning with sound, do the following!
"irst, ha#e children guess a missing word that has no letters re#ealed. There
are generally many possibilities for a word that will fit the context.
$ext, re#eal some letters to narrow the number of possibilities.
"inally, show all the letters and help children confirm the word that makes
sense and matches the letters.
"or each crosschecking lesson, you will need to write sentences on the board or
chart and co#er the word to be guessed with two sticky notes. The first sticky note
should co#er the first letters of the word up to the first #owel. %"or the first lessons,
each word will only ha#e a single consonant before the first #owel. & more
ad#anced #ersion of the acti#ity can include words with letter combinations such
as sh, br, and so on.' The second sticky notes will co#er the first #owel and all the
other letters in the word. (hen co#ering the words, tear or cut your sticky notes so
that each is exactly as wide as the letter or letters it co#ers. )y doing so, you will
pro#ide students with the additional clue of word length. Word length, beginning
letters, and common sense are all powerful clues to the identity of an unknown
*ample sentences are pro#ided on the next page. +emember that using your
student,s names helps to keep them engaged.
Carl likes to eat cookies.
Paula likes to eat macaroni.
Miguel likes to eat hamburgers.
Nick likes to eat pizza.
*how the students the sentences and explain that they will read each sentence and
guess the co#ered word. &llow students to try to guess the co#ered words of the
first sentence. -se a space on your chalkboard or chart next to the sentence to
record each guess that makes sense. .f the guess does not make sense, explain why
but do not write this guess.
(hen you ha#e written se#eral guesses, remo#e the paper that co#ers the first
letter. /raw a line through each guess which does not begin with this letter and ask
if there are any more guesses which make sense and start with the letter. .f there
are more guesses, write these. )e sure all the guesses both make sense and start
correctly. *ome children will begin guessing anything that begins with c. +espond
with something like, 0Cars does begin with a c, but . can,t write cars because
people don,t eat cars.1
(hen you ha#e written all guesses which make sense and begin correctly, unco#er
the word. 2et the children see if the word is one they guessed. .f the correct guess
had been made, praise the student,s efforts. .f not, say, 0That was a tough one!1
and go on to the next sentence. Continue with each sentence going through the
same steps!
3. +ead the sentence and write three or four guesses which make sense.
4. -nco#er the letter %up to the #owel'. /raw a line through any guesses which
don,t begin with the correct letter. (rite the guesses.
5. 6a#e students make more guesses which both make sense and begin with
the correct letter. (rite the guesses.
7. -nco#er the whole word and see if any of the students, guesses were correct.
Carl likes to eat c . apples
Paula likes to eat .
Miguel likes to eat .
Nick likes to eat .
(hen the beginning sound is sh, ch, th, or wh, ha#e your first piece of paper co#er
both the letters. 6ere are some examples.
At the Fair
Ride the cars.
Buy some tickets.
Are you thirsty?
Spin the wheel.
Bob wants a watch.
Bo needs a thermos.
Rachel wants a phone.
athy asked !or a shirt.
Pedro asked !or a sailboat.
C" wants a set o! checkers.

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