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2017 IEEE Technology & Engineering Management Conference (TEMSCON)

Blockchain Technology Innovations

Tareq Ahram1, Arman Sargolzaei2, Saman Sargolzaei3,4, Jeff Daniels5, and Ben Amaba6
Institute for Advanced Systems Engineering, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, USA
Department of Electrical Engineering, Florida Polytechnic University, Lakeland, FL, USA
Rancs Group LLC, Wilmington, DE, USA
Department of Neurosurgery, University of California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Lockheed Martin, Dallas, TX, USA
IBM Corporation, Miami, FL, USA

Abstract— Digital world has produced efficiencies, In 2008, Satoshi Nakamoto introduced the world to
new innovative products, and close customer Bitcoin by releasing the paper, “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer
relationships globally by the effective use of mobile, IoT Electronic Cash System.”[1] The proposal was to
(Internet of Things), social media, analytics and cloud distribute electronic transactions rather than maintain
technology to generate models for better decisions. dependency on centralized institutions for the exchange.
Blockchain is recently introduced and revolutionizing the When looking at Bitcoin the new concept is the
digital world bringing a new perspective to security, Blockchain framework based on research for time
resiliency and efficiency of systems. While initially stamping packages and protecting the chain of custody.
popularized by Bitcoin, Blockchain is much more than a
Blockchain is essentially a simplified payment
foundation for crypto currency. It offers a secure way to
verification system. Bitcoin and by extension,
exchange any kind of good, service, or transaction.
Industrial growth increasingly depends on trusted Blockchain, are realizing steady growth. At the time of
partnerships; but increasing regulation, cybercrime and this paper, statistics from indicate a
fraud are inhibiting expansion. To address these $15.3B market cap and $314.7M in transactions per day.
challenges, Blockchain will enable more agile value Despite the growth, many questions surround widespread
chains, faster product innovations, closer customer adoption of Bitcoin. However, the underlying
relationships, and quicker integration with the IoT and framework has gained attention with application outside
cloud technology. Further Blockchain provides a lower of the financial world.
cost of trade with a trusted contract monitored without
intervention from third parties who may not add direct
Blockchain will mature in a number of areas as the
value. It facilitates smart contracts, engagements, and body of research grows. Researchers are working to
agreements with inherent, robust cyber security features. apply a number of use cases included smart contracts,
This paper is an effort to break the ground for presenting supply chain, and healthcare [2] (PHI) as this paper
and demonstrating the use of Blockchain technology in demonstrates. Associate Professor of Computer Science
multiple industrial applications. A healthcare industry at Cornell Emin Gün Sirer, has observed, “The Internet
application, Healthchain, is formalized and developed on of Things could be an enormous application area where
the foundation of Blockchain using IBM Blockchain people want to communicate with devices, but not
initiative. The concepts are transferable to a wide range of through intermediaries. There is no killer app yet, but it is
industries as finance, government and manufacturing likely to feature the transparency of Blockchain [3].”
where security, scalability and efficiency must meet. Today, researchers are focused on security, privacy, and
scalability of Blockchain. In his April, 2016 piece,
Keywords—Blockchain; Business; Cloud computing; “Might Blockchain Outlive Bitcoin?” Hurlburt addresses
Cloud services; Control Systems; Cybersecurity; DevOps; the need for ethics and operational guidance observing
Finance; Government; Healthcare; IoT; Industry 4.0. before Blockchains become commonplace replacement
I. INTRODUCTION for traditional transaction databases, strict standards,
including acceptable behavioral guidelines, must be lay
Blockchain is a distributed ledger technology, out[1].
commonly used in the crypto currency Bitcoin. The
Financial Times (2016) defines Blockchain as a We started with a financial application for
“network of computers, all of which must approve a transactions in Bitcoin. The ceiling is high and
transaction has taken place before it is recorded, in a expectations are boundless for Blockchain. Applications
‘chain’ of computer code. The details of the transfer are vary and many technologists are bullish on the future.
recorded on a public ledger that anyone on the network For example, digital entrepreneur Blythe Masters
can see.” indicates “you should be taking this technology
[Blockchain] as seriously as you should have been taking

978-1-5090-1114-8/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE

2017 IEEE Technology & Engineering Management Conference (TEMSCON)

the development of the Internet in the early 1990’s. It’s had to consider was we had to place the API platform on
analogous to email for money [4].” Michael Harte, CTO a secure infrastructure, which supports deployment of
at Barclays suggests the transformative nature of regulated workloads through extensive compliance and
Blockchain, “we could go the way that file transfer clear delineation of roles and responsibilities. The project
technology changed music, allowing new businesses like was able to reuse important best practices and patterns to
iTunes to emerge [5].” insure success of the information system and the life
cycle from end to end for the project.
Cognitive computing, IoT, supply chain, and
healthcare applications hold promise for integration with III. PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY
Blockchain. The paper surveys the promises of
Blockchain technology from the cybersecurity With the conversion from analog to digital devices,
perspective. Next is a discussion on professional goals and approaches have changed overnight in the
responsibility of Blockchain technology. HealthChain is products, processes and services enabled with software.
then introduced where Blockchain technology powers Public infrastructures are becoming more advanced
security, scalability and efficiency in the healthcare through sensors, computing chips, actuators and better
industry application. The paper concludes with a power sources. Software, hardware, and networks are
summary of how Blockchain is changing the world. transforming all the digitalization of transportation, air
quality, water purity, buildings, materials, and
II. CYBER SECURITY environment. Although the technologies will continue to
change; the technical, ethical and moral responsibility for
As part of the discussions at the 2013 VSAE Annual
professionals only increase. Post-accident root-cause
Conference (, data and currency have analyses often point to operator error: a human mistake is
similar challenges [6]. Data may be a more important
almost always involved somewhere in the chain of
asset than money in certain scenarios. Money and other events. When one delves into the big engineering
valuables such as jewelry can be kept under your
disasters (Chernobyl, Fukushima, Deep Water Horizon,
mattress – a premises solution – or in a bank – a cloud and Bhopal), one finds that failures of social and
solution. Which has the better security? The bank can
professional engineering surface. Usually, behind the
afford stronger security in terms of vaults with foot thick human mistake, one finds a series of organizational and
hardened steel walls, and can have a security team made
management actions that make that mistake more and
up of security professionals and one or more people on more likely [7].
payroll who stay abreast of new burglary strategies and
determine and implement counterstrategies. The Professionals must protect the public’s safety,
platforms and components were chosen to ensure a security, health and welfare as their top priority. Due to
robust framework on the prevention, isolation and pressure on many teams, quality and outcome was not
remediation of cyber-security breaches. For example, the the primary goal while time and resource conservation
IBM Bluemix platform leverages the security API detracted from the public’s well-being. Recent
(application programming interface) to secure workloads misconduct in emissions standards of vehicles to the
against the latest threats and comply with regulatory EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) signifies the
requirements efficiently. importance of continual education of ethical and moral
standards in conjunction with technical competence.
The platform is used to simplify the management of
Civil, mechanical, electrical, chemical, and sanitation
who can sign in to cloud applications, and scan those professional engineers have been in place to insure the
applications for vulnerabilities, embed security controls
public’s well-being. Until recently, system and software
into data management and big data services. Protect engineers were not compelled to conform to the
access to apps and workloads, scan apps for
minimum standards.
vulnerabilities, and protect the data are very important as
part of the security control and vulnerability analysis. Today, software engineers can obtain their software
With the platform, we can easily add user authentication professional engineering license through the National
and single sign-on capabilities into web and mobile apps, Society of Professional Engineers like their peers.
deploy policy-based authentication interfaces to allow Licensure is the process by which a federal, state or local
quick creation of multi-factor authentication, assess web governmental agency grants an individual permission to
and mobile applications for vulnerabilities, strengthening practice in a particular occupation or profession that is
both security and regulatory compliance efforts by subject to regulation under the government’s authority
scanning apps before deployment, you can identify and to refer to oneself as “licensed” or authorized to
issues, generate reports, and make recommended fixes. practice. Within the practice acts are mandates for
practitioners to become licensed, usually based upon
To protect the data, the platform approach will utilize requirements such as education, examination, experience
built-in security and privacy controls within big data and
and moral character. Obtaining a license in order to
data management services, including data masking, practice a profession is mandatory, and state laws may
discovery, and audit. Taking the API approach, we can
provide for criminal or administrative penalties for
then combine the security API with other APIs including unlicensed practice. Also, systems engineering has
IoT (Internet of Things), DevOps, Cloud Integration,
become integrated into the other engineering disciplines
Mobile and Business Analytics. Another aspect that we
2017 IEEE Technology & Engineering Management Conference (TEMSCON)

as part of the National Society of Professional Engineers’ safety, security and environmental protection as a
Engineering Body of Knowledge as one of the key priority, licensing bestows accountability and liability to
technical capabilities. Therefore, for the new complex those developing and operating digital systems and
digital devices, there is responsibility and a path to privacy records. There is a tremendous responsibility to
professional licensure that not only incorporates persons, institutions and our environment when new
minimum technical competency, but ethical and moral technology is introduced. There are several risks that
principles to protect the public. Misconduct, negligence should be considered. By offering a minimum standard
and incompetence are aspects too risky for digital of care or benchmark of not only technical, but ethical
construction and infrastructure projects. Therefore, as and moral responsibility, we will be able to mitigate risks
licensing continues to span the profession with the with the customers’ best interest as top of mind.
minimum standard of care, it becomes vitally important
to understand the process in the context of the type of IV. BLOCKCHAIN POWERED HEALTHCHAIN
project, risk, environment and skills. The American Following HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and
Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) has been Accountability Act of 1996) privacy rule, individually
proactive regarding computer programs too, as digital identifiable health information including demographic
controls and analysis become more the norm. In 2011, and genetic information, that is transmitted or maintained
Westinghouse failed to appropriately dedicate in any form or medium, is categorized as Protected
commercially procured software in accordance with the Health Information (PHI) [8], [9]. HIPAA privacy rule
law. Specifically, Westinghouse did not conduct a sets standards on keeping the privacy of the individuals’
technical evaluation to identify safety function, critical PHI under control and gives patient’s rights over the
characteristics, and acceptance methods for a information. Although the rapid growth of cloud
commercially procured version of the ANSYS finite- utilization for creation of HIPAA-compliant database
element analysis software. In 2013, the Nuclear boosted the physical safeguarding of information and
Regulatory Commission (NRC) inspection team reduced HIPAA violations, however this mitigation to
determined that Ultra Electronics did not appropriately distributed databases on the cloud would not alone solve
control Lab View, a 3rd Party Software, in accordance the health care payee and provider’s dilemma of privacy
with released procedures and instructions or demonstrate breaches. The situation worsens when facing different
by another means of verification (i.e. dedication or infrastructure deployed by different health care providers
conducting tests not relying on the same software used or even further when the statistics show a significant rise
for design) that the software was capable of performing of mobile device uses, including smart phones and tablet
its safety function as related to the testing of safety related computers, among physician and patients to
components. communicate with each other, or access to PHI [10].
These events and others have raised the professional Much has been achieved by introducing mobile apps and
accountability of not only the control systems software, software for clinical practices, yet despite the traditional
the analysis and support software that could affect the encryption and password settings applied by HIPAA for
performance of the nuclear system. Even the emerging a covered entity, breaches may still occur and PHI may
Blockchain technology looks to professional engineers to be compromised[11]. Necessity of proper use and
help govern and manage its maturation. Major power integration of new devices, which have access to PHI, is
industry transformations are likely to emerge as an utmost priority in an efficient health care era. The
Blockchain matures. While initially popularized by current work considers Blockchain technology use case
Bitcoin, Blockchain is much more than the foundation to tackle the above-mentioned barrier of accommodating
for crypto currency. It offers a secure way to exchange novel technologies into the existing HIPAA compliant
any kind of good, service, transaction or information with network facilitating excellent care and patient comfort.
the potential to build new global networks and drive new Fig. 1 describes how Blockchain technology can
business models for manufacturers and power improve the system efficiency while optimizing security
companies. The continued similarities between the goals and scalability. A sample lifecycle of an individuals’ PHI
of Blockchain protocol and the professional engineering where each of the networks (Urgent Care Network,
protocol are remarkable thus demonstrating that, Primary Care Physician (PCP), and Referral Network)
individually, Blockchain ideas are not new and may in create and update their own versions of PHI. In this
fact be more compatible to existing institutions than scenario, each network may/may not have access to the
previously considered. Professional licensure now plays full updated version of the PHI (Original updated version
a major role in new engineering disciplines such as hypothetically kept with the patient) and therefore may
software engineering or Blockchain because of the not be providing the individual with proper diagnosis and
impact it is now playing in all of our traditional treatment. The other disadvantage of the currently
engineering disciplines and infrastructure that is digitally utilized scenario its requirement for the patient to fill out
transforming. the questionnaires based on which a new copy of the PHI
Blockchain as a software technology would naturally is created for each individual network and is kept locally.
fit into the professional software engineering licensure Prior explanation on the exponential growth of the use of
minimum standard of care. With public health, wealth, mobile devices technologies in each of the involved
networks could potentially increase security concerns
2017 IEEE Technology & Engineering Management Conference (TEMSCON)

due to the fragmented supporting information system. transaction is not finalized until Consensus is achieved.
Considering individuals’ PHI as a digital asset, All updates to the PHI are visible to the members of the
Blockchain technology offers a robust solution where chain with right permissions. Retaining robustness,
every authorized provider, including patient, can access, security, privacy and validity of the PHI are continuously
analyze and update an agreed record (shared ledger) of insured with the use of proven decentralized
the PHI, irrespective of the network they belong to. A cryptocurrencies joined with Blockchain technology
proposed Blockchain implementation of the lifecycle of ( The utilized 3 tier
PHI, which we refer to it as HealthChain, targets architecture of HealthChain is implemented as a private
multiple facets of the optimized design simultaneously. Blockchain network on IBM Blockchain and deployed
The patient creates the first version of the PHI record on Bluemix (
during initial visit to one of the provider networks. Initial computing/bluemix/). Top layer of the architecture is
version of the PHI (our digital asset in the chain) is then populated with a web page interface where user interacts
loaded on to the Blockchain. Utilization of the Smart with the HealthChain. Web page is hosted on the middle
Contracts [12],[13] insures that the patient can only layer where a NodeJs ( ) server is
create the initial version of PHI and load it onto the responsible to communicate with the HyperLedger fabric
Blockchain. and chain code. User interface of the implemented
system is shown in Fig. 2 along with background node
Invoking a transaction by the patient can lead into
transferring the asset (PHI Record) to the provider. The

Fig. 1. (above) Current lifecycle of Protected Health Information (PHI) on the healthcare provider
networks. Each of the involved networks, “urgent care network”, “primary care physician (PCP) network”,
“Referral network”, creates and updates its own version of an actual correct PHI; (right) HealthChain, a
proposed implementation of Blockchain technology architecture. This design facilitates the access to a
most up-to-dated and complete version of the patients’ PHI while setting a higher standards for security and

Fig. 2.HealthChain system User Interface (UI) with the

backgorund blockchain network construction data
highlighting the creation of blockchain peers on IBM cloud.

HealthChain powered by Blockchain largely benefits from

the modular architecture of Hyperledger fabric which
enables confidentiality, scalability and security in health
informatics. Its implementation of smart contracts ensures
the proper authorization and set privileges on its
permissioned network. HealthChain is equipped with
PBFT consensus[14] algorithm which provides a
2017 IEEE Technology & Engineering Management Conference (TEMSCON)

continuous reliable service delivery in asynchronous agile value chains, faster product innovations, closer
environment (populated with software bugs, operator customer relationships, and faster integration with the
mistakes and malicious attacks) and yet minimizing the Internet of Things (IoT) and cloud technology. Blockchain
computational complexity burden required by allows immediate contracts, engagements, and agreements
conventional solutions to encrypt PHI transfers between with inherent, robust cyber security features. This paper
healthcare network providers and/or mobile devices within presented how Blockchain is changing the world.
the networks. REFERENCES
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