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Blockchain & Cyber Security.

Let’s Discuss
Written by the Deloitte EMEA Grid Blockchain Lab with
insights from Deloitte global cyber SMEs from members firms
including Ireland, the United States of America, China, U.K,
Argentina, Germany, Spain, Portugal and Israel

Eric Piscini (Deloitte U.S.), David Dalton (Deloitte Ireland) and
Lory Kehoe (Deloitte Ireland)

Special Acknowledgements:
Niamh O’Connell (Deloitte Ireland) and
Guilherme Campos (Deloitte Portugal)

For more information please contact:

Eric Piscini David Dalton Lory Kehoe
Principal Partner Director
T: +14046312484 T: +353 1 417 4801 T: +353 1 417 3084
E: E: E:
Blockchain is gaining traction today, but critics who
question the scalability, security, and sustainability
of the technology remain. Deloitte member firms
across the globe are continuing to collaborate to
build blockchain capabilities to develop world class
solutions and services for clients.

In this paper Deloitte’s global blockchain such consortia and properly authenticated. Deloitte U.S., “the technology provides
and cyber security experts from around a way of recording transactions or any
the globe have joined forces to assess Blockchain Context digital interaction in a way that is secure,
specifically the security of blockchain Blockchains (or distributed ledger transparent, highly resistant to outages,
technology. technology) evolution has been compared auditable, and efficient”3. Such is the interest
to the early rising of the internet with in the technology that in 2016 alone over
More specifically, this global point of view comments and arguments of the $1.billion was invested in blockchain
will review and address: technology’s potential to disrupt multiple by financial services and technology
industries including Healthcare, Public firms globally & such investments are
•• Blockchain’s current level of security
Sector, Energy, Manufacturing and predicted to increase exponentially
from a system and data perspective for
particularly Financial Services, where over the next five years4. According to a
both public and private ledgers
it is predicted to be the beating heart 2016 Gartner report, the technology is
•• The CIA security triad model, composed of finance2 and the ultimate provider at the peak of a hype cycle5 and it has
of three areas; (1) Confidentiality, (2) of a new industry fabric. According to become a priority for industry leaders to
Integrity and (3) Availability will be David Schatsky, Managing Director at understand how it can transform their
referenced to assess the current
maturity level of blockchain technology

•• Authentication, Authorization and

Audit (AAA), and Non Repudiation,
fundamental security aspects for
protecting information and designing /
managing new systems and networks1
will also be addressed

For the purpose of this article public

blockchains are defined as permission-
less, where data is publically available to
anyone who wishes to participate in the
network. Whereas, private blockchains are
permission based platforms established
generally by groups of firms, individual
firms or divisions within an organization
(e.g. a consortia), where data can only be
accessed by those users who are part of

Blockchain & Cybersecurity Point of View

business models and alter value chains to monetizing data access through the use
gain competitive advantage and perhaps of advanced ransomware techniques or
more fundamentally to remain relevant. by disrupting overall business operations
However, today the technology remains through Distributed Denial of Service
at the peak of inflated expectation and (DDoS) attacks7. In October 2016, one of
is about to dive down into the trough of the biggest domain name service (DNS)
disillusionment. Milan Sallaba, Deloitte providers Dyn experienced a major
Germany’s Technology-Sector Leader distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack
points out “some of the early use cases we that disrupted the service of several high
have seen were deploying blockchain for traffic websites such as Twitter, Netflix, and
the sake of it, without sufficiently focusing Spotify8. Deloitte’s cyber risk professionals
on the core attributes of the technology, suggest organizations follow the secure,
which indeed has the potential to generate vigilant and resilient approach when
substantial process efficiencies across many managing cyber regardless of the type of
industries and is likely to contribute to entirely technology adopted9.
new business models.” For this reason the
blockchain industry is now moving beyond So what about blockchain? Will the
proof of concepts to production pilots technology be a cyber security help
with business cases being built to identify or hindrance? According to Ed Powers,
just how beneficial the technology is. A Deloitte’s U.S. Cyber Risk Lead, “while
fundamental component of such reviews is still nascent, there is promising innovation
a focus on security and privacy which must in blockchain towards helping enterprises
be addressed and tested if this technology tackle immutable Cyber Risk challenges such
is to become the real catalyst for social and as digital identities and maintaining data
industrial change that so many think it can integrity.” Blockchains could potentially
be. help improve cyber defense as the
platform can secure, prevent fraudulent
Cyber Security Context activities through consensus mechanisms,
The high level of dependency on and detect data tampering based on its
technology and the internet today has underlying characteristics of immutability,
resulted in new business models and transparency, auditability, data encryption
revenue streams for organizations but with & operational resilience (including no
this comes new gaps and opportunities for single point of failure). However as Cillian
cyber attackers to exploit. Cyber-attacks Leonowicz, Senior Manager at Deloitte
have become increasingly targeted and Ireland opines “blockchain’s characteristics
complex due to more sophisticated pieces do not provide an impenetrable panacea to
of malware being leveraged and the all cyber ills, to think the same would be naïve
increasing threat of professional cyber at best, instead as with other technologies
organizations6. These cyber criminals are blockchain implementations and roll outs
attempting to steal valuable data, such must include typical system and network
as intellectual property (IP), personal cyber security controls, due diligence, practice
identifiable information (PII), health and procedures”.
records, financial data, and are resorting
to highly profitable strategies such as


Blockchain & Cybersecurity Point of View

According to the National Institute assume that, because of its private nature, security controls to protect the most
of Standards and Technology (NIST), local networks and systems are already important assets. It’s essential to address
confidentiality refers to “the property protected well behind an organizations weak points along the end-to-end process,
that sensitive information is not disclosed perimeter by several internal security with the awareness that insiders, vendors
to unauthorized individuals, entities, or layers (such as firewalls, virtual private and trusted partners at any point can
processes”10. networks, VLANs, Intrusion Detection & be the source of errors or intentional
Prevention Systems, etc.), through the actions that open the door to incidents.
Ensuring only interested and authorized adoption of a so called defense in depth Organizations should implement an
parties’ access the correct and appropriate strategy. However, perfect world scenarios overall cyber security program to address
data to them is a common concern are a utopia, especially in security, and these challenges including a governance
for organizations considering using a relying solely on the effectiveness of such framework with roles, processes,
blockchain today. Protecting blockchain security controls is clearly insufficient. accountability measures, well-articulated
network access is fundamental in securing For this reason, security best practices performance metrics, and most of all, an
data access (particularly in private recommend security controls (such organization-wide shift in mindset.
blockchains). If an attacker is able to gain as access controls) should also be In line with these requirements, blockchain
access to the blockchain network, they implemented directly at the application can provide advanced security controls,
are more likely to gain access to the data, level, being that the first and most for example, leveraging the public key
hence authentication and authorization important line of defense, particularly infrastructure (PKI) to authenticate and
controls11 need to be implemented, in scenarios such as an attacker gaining authorize parties, and encrypt their
as is the case with other technologies. access to the local network or where communications (PKI is a set of roles,
Although the technology was originally a malicious insider is already present. policies, and procedures required to
created without specific access controls Organizations, when considering their create, manage, use, store, and revoke
(due to its public nature), there are some blockchain network architecture, will digital certificates and manage public-key
blockchain implementations starting to also need to consider how to treat encryption14).
address the data confidentiality and access uncommunicative or intermittently active
control challenges, by providing out of the nodes as the blockchains will need to Public blockchains could potentially
box full block data encryption and AAA continue functioning without these offline be compared to the internet, where
capabilities12. Full encryption of blockchain nodes but also must be able to bring them organizations could exchange and retrieve
data ensures data will not be accessible by back up to speed providing they return to information with anyone who has access
unauthorized parties while this data is in their original function13. to a service provider. Whereas private
transit (especially if data is flowing through chains could be compared to organizations
untrusted networks). “Every organization has to consider the intranet pages, where information is
inherent link between performance, only shared and exchanged internally
Network Access innovation and cyber risk, and realize that with those who have been authorized to
In public blockchains there is no necessity protecting everything would be economically access the site. If blockchains become
to control network access as the chains impractical and would likely impede some widely adopted organizations will need to
protocols allows anyone to access and of the most important strategic initiatives”, ensure they implement security controls
participate in the network, providing according to Andres Gil, Deloitte’s LATCO to provide authentication, authorization,
they firstly download the software. In Cyber Risk Lead. Organizations must and encryption in order to properly protect
contrast, private blockchains require assess its changing risk profile and data access. “Attackers always seek for low
that appropriate security controls are determine what level and type of cyber hanging fruit from site to site, and confidential
in place to protect network access. In a risks are acceptable, considering what’s information stored on a blockchain will likely
perfect world it would be tempting to most important and invest in cost-justified become a high priority target if such controls


Blockchain & Cybersecurity Point of View

were inadequate”, according to Eva Yee the blockchain ecosystem: protection of produce a public/private key pair and an
Ngar Kwok, Risk Advisory Technology Risk user information, confidentiality of data, address which is derived using hashing and
Partner at Deloitte China / Hong Kong. and authentication and authorization checksum operations on the public key.
to the network. According to Lior Kalev, Exposure of the address alone is not high
Data Access & Disclosure Director leading Deloitte Israels Cyber risk. However exposure of the address
Today, if an attacker gains access to a Risk Services, “People want and need to and the public key required to transact
blockchain network and the data, this does be connected to their data at all times from will potentially, given sufficient advances in
not necessarily mean the attacker can read any location and any device which bring quantum computing, enable the derivation
or retrieve the information. Full encryption about new cyber risks which makes network of the private key. Jacky Fox highlights
of the data blocks can be applied to data access management in enterprise and “while commercial quantum computing is
being transacted, effectively guaranteeing global organizations inherently challenging”. not available as a large scale reality it makes
its confidentiality, considering the latest Organizations need to be conscious that sense to plan now for the move to quantum
encryption standards are followed. The accessing their blockchain account from resistant cryptography. NIST is currently in
use of end to end encryption, which has multiple devices puts them at a higher the process of developing quantum resistant
become an important topic of discussion risk of losing control of their private cryptography standards and the NSA are
in recent years15, where only those who keys. Considering this, its important recommending their suppliers plan to
have authorization to access the encrypted entities follow suitable key management implement SHA-384 instead of SHA-256”.
data i.e. through their private key, can procedures (such as the IETF or RFC
decrypt and see the data. Using encryption 4107 cryptographic key management
keys in conjunction with PKI can provide guidelines)17 and develop secure key
organizations with a higher level of governance practices internally, since
security. Encrypting data on a blockchain this will be fundamental to the security
can provide organizations with a level of the blockchain network. According to
of protection from a data confidentiality Artur D’Assumpção, head of Cyber Risk /
and data access control perspective. Cyber Security at Deloitte Portugal “In an
As an example, implementing secure enterprise environment it will be fundamental
communication protocols on blockchain to properly secure secret key material as to
(assuming the latest security standards not jeopardize the ledger confidentially and
and implementation guides), guarantees integrity. An example of adequate protection
that even in a situation where an attacker is the use of special purpose key vaults that
tries to do a man-in-the-middle attack implement technologies such as Hardware
the attacker won’t be able to either forge Security Modules to secure master secrets and
the interlocutor’s identity or disclose any provide a highly secure and tamper-resistant
data while in transit. Even in an extreme environment.”
situation scenario where long-term private
keys are compromised, past sessions Today’s cryptographic algorithms, used
are kept confidential due to the perfect for public/private key generation, rely on
forward secrecy properties of security integer factorization problems, which are
protocols16 . hard to break with current computing
power. According to Jacky Fox, Deloitte
Although blockchain users generally back Ireland’s Cyber Lead, “Advances in quantum
up their private key in a secondary place computing will become significant for the
such as a cold storage, theft of private keys security of blockchain due to their impact on
remains a high risk. It’s important to note current cryptography practice. For example
that keys are used for several purposes in Bitcoin uses cryptographic algorithms to


Blockchain & Cybersecurity Point of View

Integrity is defined as the “guarding Immutability agree a transaction is valid before it is
against improper information modification Blockchain technology can be regarded then subsequently added to the platform.
or destruction, and includes ensuring as a secure technology, from the point Organizations can implement further
information non-repudiation and of view that it enables users to trust that mechanisms to prevent and control ledger
authenticity”according to NIST”18. the transactions stored on the tamper splitting in the event of a 51% cyber control
proof ledger are valid. The combination attack occurring for example monitor if
Maintaining data consistency, and of sequential hashing and cryptography one of the nodes increases processing
guaranteeing integrity, during its entire along with its decentralized structure power and is executing a significantly
life cycle is crucial in information systems. makes it very challenging for any party to higher number of transactions21.
Data encryption, hash comparison (data tamper with it in contrast to a standard
digesting), or the use of digital signing, are database19. This provides organizations Right to be Forgotten
some examples of how system owners using the technology with assurance With regards to data immutability, it is
can assure the integrity of the data, about the integrity and truthfulness of important to consider how blockchains
regardless of the stage it is in (in transit, the data. The consensus model protocols will fit side by side with data privacy laws.
at rest and in use storage). Blockchain’s associated with the technology also How to implement the right to be forgotten
built in characteristics, immutability and present organizations with a further in a technology that guarantees that
traceability, already provide organizations level of assurance over the security of nothing will be erased is an interesting
with a means to ensure data integrity. the data, as generally 51%20 of users in challenge for which, fortunately, there
public and private blockchains need to are multiple solutions. One solution is
to encrypt the personal information
written in the system, to ensure that,
when the time comes, forgetting the keys
will ensure that sensitive information is
no longer accessible. Another possibility
is to focus on the value of blockchain to
provide unalterable evidence of facts by
writing the hash of transactions to it, while
the transactions themselves are stored
outside of the system. This maintains the
integrity of transactions, while enabling
the ability to erase the transactions,
leaving only vestigial traces of forgotten
information in the blockchain.


Blockchain & Cybersecurity Point of View

Traceability the language itself or implementation of oracle could potentially cause a domino effect
Every transaction added to a public or contracts. During the DevCon 2 event across the entire network. An attack on an
private blockchain is digitally signed in Shanghai a DDoS attack exploiting a oracle could either be direct or indirect via
and timestamped, which means that vulnerability in the Go-based Ethereum third parties connected to the oracle”. Oracles
organizations can trace back to a specific client’s smart contract implementation result in untrusted data entering a trusted
time period for each transaction and prevented miners from mining further environment and so organizations might
identify the corresponding party (via their blocks24. need to consider using multiple oracles
public address) on the blockchain. This to increase the trust in the integrity of
feature relates to an important information Blockchain brings a new paradigm to the data entering the blockchain from the
security property: non repudiation22, which software development and, as such, oracle.
is the assurance that someone cannot secure development standards and
duplicate the authenticity of their signature practices (such as implementing secure Providing the inputted data is accurate,
on a file or the authorship a transaction coding and security testing) need to be blockchain technology can play a
that they originated. This out of the box implemented (and updated) to account powerful role in transforming the data
functionality of the blockchain increases for smart contract life cycle (creation, output as the technologies near real
the reliability of the system (detection testing, deployment, and management). time capabilities, grant organizations to
of tamper attempts or fraudulent According to Diego Rodriguez Roldan, verify transactional data faster than any
transactions), since every transaction is Director at Deloitte Advisory practice other system, facilitates organizations
cryptographically associated to a user. in Spain, “it will be necessary to apply to take more proactive actions. Given
methodologies such as the Secure Software that data will inevitably be transmitted
Any new transaction added to a blockchain Development Life Cycle (S-SDLC) in order to from an organizations source system to
will result in the change of the global state minimize the threat of a critical bug during a blockchain, entities must ensure the
of the ledger. The implication of this is that the life cycle smart contracts”. The attack exchange channels are secure as this is
with every new iteration of the system, the on The DAO, a decentralized organization no doubt a point of attack and entry for
previous state will be stored, resulting in a built on top of Ethereum, is an example attackers.
fully traceable history log. The technology’s where smart contracts was attacked. An
audit capability provides organizations with attacker managed to exploit a bug in a
a level of transparency and security over smart contract that led to the theft of 60M
every interaction. From a cybersecurity Ether25.
perspective, this provides entities with an
extra level of reassurance that the data is Data Quality
authentic and has not been tampered with. Blockchain technology does not guarantee
or improve data quality. Private and public
Smart Contracts blockchains can only take responsibility
Smart contracts, computer programs for the accuracy and quality of the
running on the ledger, have become a information once it has been inputted
core feature of blockchains today23. This into the blockchain, meaning that you
type of program can be used to facilitate, need to trust the data being pulled from
verify, or enforce rules between parties, organizations existing source systems is of
allowing for straight through processing good quality, as is the case with all other
and interactions with other smart technology systems. According to Prakash
contracts. Such software provides a large Santhana, Advisory Managing Director
surface area for attack, so an attack on at Deloitte U.S. “the biggest vulnerability in
one smart contract could have a domino the blockchain framework will lie outside the
effect on other parts of the platform i.e. framework in ‘trusted’ oracles. A corrupted


Blockchain & Cybersecurity Point of View

NIST defines availability as “ensuring attacks. They are costly as they attempt to to Peter Gooch, Partner at Deloitte UK,
timely and reliable access to and use of overpower the network with large volumes Risk Advisory practice, “this is likely to
information”26. of small transactions (or in the case of the happen again, and estimates that DDoS
recent Ethereum DDoS attacks, actions attacks will increase in size and scale, with
Cyberattacks attempting to impact with disproportionately low gas costs regular Terabit / second attacks straining
technology services availability continue costing €3,000)30. The decentralization the capacity of regional and even global
to increase27. DDoSs, being one of the and peer-to-peer characteristics of the internet infrastructure”. This increase will
most common type of attacks28, can also technology make it harder to disrupt be due largely to the growing installed
cause the most disruption to internet than conventional distributed application base of insecure Internet of Things (IoT)
services and hence blockchain enabled architectures (such as client-server), yet devices, the online availability of DDoS
solutions. The resulting implications they are also subject to DDoS attacks, and malware, and the availability of ever higher
are that websites get disrupted, mobile as such adequate protection measures are bandwidth speeds. Although resilient,
apps become unresponsive, and this still necessary, both at the network and decentralised blockchain solutions depend
can generate ever increasing losses, and application level31. The Bitcoin network on high availability, and DDoS attacks will
costs, to businesses29. Given blockchains withstood a DDoS attack in 201432, remain a persistent threat.
are distributed platforms, DDoS attacks where attackers attempted to overflow
on blockchains are not like regular the network with requests. According

26, pg 21

Blockchain & Cybersecurity Point of View

No Single Point of Failure Operational Resilience tested and evidenced by the firm to gain
Blockchains have no single point of failure, The combination of the peer to peer regulatory assurance. Senior management
which highly decreases the chances of nature and the number of nodes within should be able to articulate the key risks
an IP-based DDoS attack disrupting the the network, operating in a distributed underpinning the blockchain solution and
normal operation33. If a node is taken and 24/7 manner, make the platform the governance and control framework that
down, data is still accessible via other operationally resilient. Given that both has been established to manage them”. The
nodes within the network, since all of public and private blockchain consists of importance of involving regulators to
them maintain a full copy of the ledger multiple nodes, organizations can make facilitate in blockchain development and
at all times. The distributed nature of the a node under attack redundant and adoption is further mentioned by Deloitte’s
technology solves the Byzantine General’s continue to operate as business as usual. Asia Pacific Investment Management
problem34 of false consensus. So, even if a major part of the blockchain Leader, Jennifer Qin, who notes “to make
network is under attack, it will continue to blockchain commercially viable to be fully
Bitcoin, to date, is the most tried and operate due to the distributed nature of adopted by business and governments, it
tested platform in the market, which has the technology. has to be fully compliant with regulatory
successfully withstood cyber-attacks requirements, business customs and various
for more than 7 years35 . Blockchain This does not mean that the network business environments”.
infrastructure evidently provides a further is completely “bullet-proof”. Since
level in data accessibility, given that data blockchain’s inception, in 2008, platforms
is accessible through any of the nodes in have faced threats where attackers
the network, even in the event of a DDoS have attempted to jeopardize their
attack disrupting some of the nodes. stability, using different attack vectors.
Transaction malleability, a bug found when
Even though a blockchain network is transactions are in a pending validation
considered to have no single point of status, resulted in an attack to the Bitcoin
failure, organizations could still face risks network in 201436, which impacted the
from external events outside of their users experience. In 2016, an attacker
control. For example, a global internet exploited the smart contracts in Ethereum,
outage would disrupt even a public and the way they can be used, to create an
blockchain network as distributed as overflow in the network, to the point where
Bitcoin or Ethereum, creating outages the creation of blocks, and validation of
which would impact an organization’s transactions were severely impacted,
operations as with any other technology. slowing the network 37. This has been
Private blockchain networks with a lower addressed with the creation of a hardfork
number of nodes would need to ensure (permanent divergence from the previous
that their network is sufficiently distributed blockchain version)38. According to Suchitra
globally and resilient with no single points Nair, Director at Deloitte U.K.’s Risk
of failure on an organization or platform Advisory practice “Operational resilience
level to ensure continuous operation of the blockchain will be a key focus area for
even in the event of a natural disaster or regulators and will need to be rigorously
coordinated attack.


Blockchain & Cybersecurity Point of View

Secure. Vigilant. Resilient.

Cyber Risk Program
No cyber defense or information system Deloitte cyber professionals across the As Eric Piscini, Deloitte’s Global Blockchain
can be regarded as 100 % secure. What globe suggest entities follow our Secure, Lead, U.S., highlights “while cyber security is
is deemed safe today won’t be tomorrow Vigilant & Resilient (SVR) cyber approach critical to the large adoption of blockchain,
given the lucrative nature of cybercrime which will not only support entities to operations, technology architecture,
and the criminal’s ingenuity to seek remain secure but also become more consortium building, talent and global
new methods of attack. Although some vigilant and resilient to evolving cyber regulations are key components to be
of blockchains underlying capabilities threats. We believe that adopting this considered as well“. To learn more about
provide data confidentiality, integrity secure, vigilant and resilient approach protecting your blockchain or more
and availability, just like other systems, to cyber is a key step in helping leaders generally your business from cyber-attacks
cyber security controls and standards continue to drive performance at their please contact our cyber and blockchain
need to be adopted for organizations organizations39. teams in your region.
using blockchains within their technical
infrastructure in order to protect their
organizations from external attacks.

Strategy and Governance

Secure Vigilant Resilient

Being secure means having Being vigilant means having Being resilient means having
risk-prioritized controls to threat intelligence and the ability to recover from,
defend against known and situational awareness to and minimize the impact of,
emerging threats. identify harmful behavior. cyber incidents.


Blockchain & Cybersecurity Point of View

Deloitte Global Contributors List





Latin America

Abhishek Biswas ( – Deloitte US Advisory Senior Manager

Andres Gil ( – Deloitte LATCO Cyber Risk Lead
Artur D’Assumpção ( – Deloitte Portugal Cyber Risk / Cyber Security Lead
Charles Ho Lam Low ( – Deloitte China Risk Advisory Technology Risk Manager
Cillian Leonowicz ( – Deloitte Ireland Senior Manager
Dave Clemente ( – Deloitte UK Risk Advisory Senior Manager
Diego Roldan Rodriguez ( – Deloitte Spain Advisory Director
Edward Powers ( – Deloitte U.S Cyber Risk Lead
Eva Yee Ngar Kwok ( – Deloitte China Risk Advisory Technology Risk Partner
Fernando Picatoste ( – Deloitte Spain Risk Advisory Partner
Irfan Saif ( – Deloitte US Advisory Principal
Jacky Fox ( – Deloitte Ireland Cyber Lead
Jennifer Yi Qin ( – Deloitte Asia Pacific Investment Management Lead
Lior Kalev ( – Deloitte Israel Cyber Risk Services Lead
Luciana Gaspari ( – Deloitte Latin America Risk Advisory Senior Manager
Milan Sallaba, Deloitte Germany’s Technology-Sector Lead
Pablo Cabellos Rodriguez ( – Deloitte Spain Risk Advisory Manager
Peter Gooch ( – Deloitte UK Risk Advisory Partner
Prakash Santhana ( – Deloitte US Advisory Managing Director
Suchitra Nair ( – Deloitte UK Risk Advisory Director
Vikram Bhat ( – Deloitte US Advisory Principal
Yang Chu ( – Deloitte US Advisory Senior Manager

Blockchain & Cybersecurity Point of View

Blockchain Lab
U.S. Deloitte Blockchain Lab
140 Broadway, 49th Floor
New York, NY 100005
United States
T: +1 212 492 4000

EMEA Deloitte Blockchain Lab

Whitaker Court
Sir John Rogersons Quay
Dublin 2
T: +353 1 417 2200

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