Blockchain Technology
Blockchain Technology
Blockchain Technology
With factories becoming more and more
linked, blockchain technology is being utilized
Fig2. Services of blockchain
globally. A wide range of products,
V. FUTURE SCOPE accessories, equipment, and value-chain
Implementing blockchain technology is not partners, including logistics firms and
without its challenges. equipment suppliers, will be part of the
It can be employed by hundreds of financial construction of the future plant. With this
organizations and blockchain stocks are technology, creating a tamper-proof ledger
recognized investment options despite a for digital assets like cryptocurrency is the
number of obstacles. It primary objective. By preserving data
is clear that the financial industry is aware of integrity, blockchain applications let musicians
the potential benefits of blockchain receive just compensation for their original
technology and believes it will become even works and marketers target the right
more important to financial services in the consumer categories.
The use of this technology for bank payments application platform. Ethereum White
is growing. Paper.
Since bank accounts are the primary means of • Catalini, C., & Gans, J. S. (2016). Some
exchanging money, payments are essential. Simple Economics of the Blockchain. MIT
Banks have been in the vanguard of the digital Sloan Research Paper.
revolution for a long time, printing their own • Croman, K., Decker, C., Eyal, I., et al.
digital currencies and accepting disruptive (2016). On Scaling Decentralized
innovations in return for dependable Blockchains. International Conference on
payments. Banks can now track every Financial Cryptography and Data
transaction in real-time thanks to blockchain
technology. Banks will be able to settle
• Lacity, M. C., & Van Hoek, R. I.
transactions on a public blockchain thanks to
(2019). What We’ve Learned So Far
this technology. For banking executives to
become a commonly utilized technology in
About Blockchain for Business. MIT Sloan
the banking industry, they must meet a Management Review.
number of standards. • Nakamoto, S. (2008). Bitcoin: A Peer-
to-Peer Electronic Cash System.
Use case selection, security standards, and
interoperability with existing systems are all • Peters, G. W., & Panayi, E. (2016).
important factors to take into mind while Understanding Modern Banking Ledgers
developing a blockchain application. through Blockchain Technologies: Future
of Transaction Processing and Smart
Contracts on the Internet of Money.
Springer Lecture Notes in Business
Information Processing.
• Schär, F. (2021). Decentralized Finance:
On Blockchain- and Smart Contract-Based
Financial Markets. Federal Reserve Bank
of St. Louis Review.
• Sedlmeir, J., Buhl, H. U., Fridgen, G., &
Keller, R. (2020). The Energy
Consumption of Blockchain Technology:
Beyond Myth. Business & Information
Systems Engineering.
• Szabo, N. (1997). Formalizing and
Securing Relationships on Public
Networks. First Monday.