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How Blockchain Technologies Impact Your Business Model: Sciencedirect

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BUSHOR-1558; No.

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Business Horizons (2018) xxx, xxx—xxx

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How blockchain technologies impact your

business model
Vida J. Morkunas a,*, Jeannette Paschen b, Edward Boon c

Luleå University of Technology, Universitetsområdet, Porsön, 971 87 Luleå, Sweden
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Lindstedtsvägen 30, 114 28 Stockholm, Sweden
School of Business & Technology, Webster University Geneva, 15 Route de Collex,
1293 Bellevue, Geneva, Switzerland

KEYWORDS Abstract Much of the attention surrounding blockchain today is focused on finan-
Blockchain; cial services, with very little discussion about nonfinancial services firms and how
Private blockchain; blockchain technology may affect organizations, their business models, and how they
Public blockchain; create and deliver value. In addition, some confusion remains between the block-
Business model; chain (with definite article) and blockchain (no article), distributed ledger technolo-
Blockchain technology; gies, and their applications. Our article offers a primer on blockchain technology
Innovation strategy aimed at general managers and executives. The key contributions of this article lie in
providing an explanation of blockchain, including how a blockchain transaction works
and a clarification of terms, and outlining different types of blockchain technologies.
We also discuss how different types of blockchain impact business models. Building on
the well-established business model framework by Osterwalder and Pigneur, we
outline the effect that blockchain technologies can have on each element of the
business model, along with illustrations from firms developing blockchain technology.
# 2019 Kelley School of Business, Indiana University. Published by Elsevier Inc. All
rights reserved.

1. Blockchain beyond bitcoin transformation (Cohen & Amorós, 2014; Paschen,

Kietzmann, & Kietzmann, in press). According to the
Emerging technologies regularly serve as enabling Gartner Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies, a
forces for economic, social, and business tool to illustrate the maturity and adoption of
specific technologies, blockchain placed among
the top five technology trends in 2018 (Kietzmann,
2019; Panetta, 2018). Much of the attention on
* Corresponding author
E-mail addresses: (V.J. Morkunas),
blockchain today has focused on its ability to change (J. Paschen), the financial services industry fundamentally. But (E. Boon) the impact of blockchain technology goes beyond
0007-6813/# 2019 Kelley School of Business, Indiana University. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
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2 V.J. Morkunas et al.

the financial sector (Hughes, Park, Archer-Brown, & (The Economist, 2015) and was later termed block-
Kietzmann, 2019) and encompasses any business chain. Many other blockchain technologies have
that acts as or relies on an intermediary between been developed since Nakamoto first introduced
two parties–—for example, a buyer and a seller–—and the blockchain.
extracts economic rents from a brokerage position Blockchain provides a decentralized digital da-
in the value chain. Therefore, blockchain is pre- tabase of transactions, also known as a distributed
dicted to challenge existing business models and ledger, which is maintained and updated by a net-
offer opportunities for new value creation. work of computers that verify a transaction before
Unfortunately for businesses, there is little guid- it is approved and added to the ledger. It allows
ance on the different blockchain technologies and transacting parties to exchange ownership of digi-
solutions in existence today and how these might tally represented assets in a real-time and immuta-
affect businesses and business models. While the ble peer-to-peer system without the use of
blockchain technology underpinning Bitcoin is the intermediaries. Figure 1 illustrates the six steps
most discussed variant, it is far from the only one. of asset exchange between two economic actors
While it is easy to find sources that support block- using blockchain technology.
chain’s potential to disrupt all business activity as When a transaction between two parties is about
profoundly as the internet, email, social media, or to take place (Step 1), it is first converted into a
mobile did (Swan, 2015; Tapscott & Tapscott, 2016), hashed transaction proposal and stored as a candi-
it is much harder to find material that explains how date to be printed on the ledger. This proposed
blockchain technologies vary and how the different transaction includes basic information such as
types can offer value to businesses. Furthermore, date/time, sender, receiver, asset type, and quan-
there exists confusion over related terms, such as tity. The proposed transaction is provided with a
the blockchain (with definite article) and block- unique cryptographic signature that ensures the
chain (no article), both distributed ledger technol- integrity and authenticity of the record (Step 2)
ogies, and applications of these by which economic and then broadcast to a network of distributed
actors exchange digital representations of assets. computers for processing and authentication (Step
Our article addresses these gaps. 3). These computers process and authenticate the
transaction (Step 4) and, once authenticated, the
transaction is added to the digital ledger (Step 5),
2. Foundations of blockchain which completes the asset transfer between the
technology two parties (Step 6). Each new transaction is linked
to those recorded previously, providing a complete,
The beginnings of blockchain go back to a white irreversible and verifiable history of all transactions
paper written by Satoshi Nakamoto (2008). Nakamo- ever made on this blockchain.
to introduced a peer-to-peer version of electronic Before proceeding further, it is important to
cash, bitcoin, that allows online payments to be clarify noteworthy blockchain-related terminology.
sent directly between parties without going through Consistent with the approach suggested by Swan
centralized financial intermediaries. As part of the (2015) and Evans-Greenwood, Harper, Hillard, and
implementation of bitcoin, Nakamoto also devised Williams (2016), we herein use the terms as follows:
the ledger, which Nakamoto named “a chain
of blocks” (Nakamoto, 2008, p. 7). This chain of  Blockchain, without the use of an article. Block-
blocks supports the new version of electronic cash chain technology, or a blockchain (indefinite

Figure 1. The six steps of asset exchange using blockchain

Source: Adapted from Coinmama (2018).

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How blockchain technologies impact your business model 3

article), refers to the underlying technology: A new users licenses to participate, or a consortium
network of computers and algorithms that pro- can make participation decisions. In contrast to a
cess Bitcoin and many other distributed ledger public blockchain, a private blockchain offers more
applications. transaction privacy, which is critical for transac-
tions involving sensitive data (e.g., the transmission
 The blockchain, using a definite article, refers to of medical or financial data). The right to read the
the technology underpinning bitcoin specifically. private blockchain may be open in some cases or
this right is restricted to the participants only.
At its core, a blockchain is a decentralized store of Closed blockchains are easier to scale up, cut down
information (Swan, 2015) comparable to an infor- costs, and feature greater transactional through-
mation systems database that is updated in real put. Additional advantages include added security,
time and distributed to its user base for validated lower costs, added reliability, and a higher level of
record keeping. As outlined above, validators re- trust, as only preverified parties are able to initiate
view and authenticate each proposed transaction a new node in the blockchain (Coburn, 2018). Some
before it is added to the ledger. members of the blockchain developer community
With regard to the type of access for the users of do not consider private blockchains to be block-
a blockchain, there exist two types of blockchains: chains; heated discussions continue in web commu-
public and private. Private can take on one of two nities as well as during conferences (Kessels, 2018).
subforms. Examples of closed blockchains include Linux-based
Public or open blockchain technologies allow Hyperledger, which supports the collaborative
anyone to interact with another transacting party. development of blockchains and tools in banking,
The identity between the two parties is either finance, Internet of Things, supply chain,
pseudonymous or even entirely anonymous (i.e., manufacturing, and technology, and R3, a distrib-
the transacting parties do not know each other prior uted ledger technology company that leads a con-
to the transaction; Vaughn, 2015). An open block- sortium of more than 200 firms and develops
chain implies little to no privacy for transactions, applications for finance and commerce on its block-
implying that all participants can view all trans- chain platform (Vaughn, 2015).
actions. An open blockchain also requires a substan- Despite the differences described above, open
tial amount of computational power that is and closed blockchains offer some common fea-
necessary to maintain a distributed ledger on a tures:
large scale (Jayachandran, 2017). More specifically,
to achieve consensus in most public blockchains,  Both are decentralized peer-to-peer networks, in
each node in a network must solve a complex, which each participant maintains a replica of a
resource-intensive cryptographic problem called a shared append-only ledger of digitally signed
proof of work to ensure all nodes of the blockchain transactions;
are in sync. Examples of open blockchain include
Bitcoin, Litecoin (a cryptocurrency designed to be  Both maintain the replicas in sync through a
faster than Bitcoin), and Ethereum, which is proc- protocol referred to as consensus; and
essed in a different manner than Bitcoin and Lite-
coin and is used primarily for smart contracts. A  Both provide certain guarantees on the immuta-
smart contract consists of self-executing code on a bility of the ledger, even when some participants
blockchain that automatically implements the may be faulty or malicious (Coburn, 2018).
terms of an agreement between parties.
Private or closed blockchain technologies allow
only prevalidated individuals or groups of individu- 3. How can blockchain impact your
als to access the ledger and enter and view data. business model?
Here, others know the identities of all users prior to
transacting. A variant of the private blockchain is Blockchain technologies offer many possibilities to
the federated or consortium model, in which the grow entirely new businesses and pose direct
blockchain operates under the leadership of a threats of disruption to traditional incumbents.
group. This type of blockchain is a private network Organizations using conventional business models
that maintains a shared record of transactions ac- built on the predication of acting as an intermediary
cessible only to those who have been prevalidated. between two transaction parties must ask them-
Who grants new entrants permission to use the selves if and how blockchain technologies may im-
blockchain varies: Existing participants can decide pact their value propositions, how they compete,
on future entrants, a regulatory authority can grant and how they operate. Pilot projects are currently
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4 V.J. Morkunas et al.

underway in several industries including the use of target market that was previously not reachable
blockchain to track the transport of goods inside of (Larios-Hernandez, 2017) and therefore creates
an industrial supply chain; use of smart contracts to new customer segments for a business. These
enable secure, faster, and less expensive real estate are the customer segments targeted by Everest in
transactions; and use of blockchain to enable con- Africa, Asia, and South America. Everest, a firm that
sumers to send funds abroad without incurring de- uses a private and permissioned Ethereum-based
lays or high exchange fees. Firms need to consider protocol, provides a decentralized distributed
how their business model may be affected by rap- ledger technology that incorporates a payment
idly growing blockchain applications. To allow for solution, a multicurrency wallet, and a biometric
a structured discussion of the potential impacts identity system to facilitate microfinance transac-
that blockchain can have on business models, we tions, land claims, and medical records to customer
use the business model framework illustrated by segments in developing countries. The potential
Osterwalder and Pigneur (2013, p. 14), who said a market is the group of 2 billion people who have
business model “describes the rationale of how an limited or no access to financial services.
organization creates, delivers, and captures value”
and consists of nine building blocks. These nine 3.2. Value proposition
blocks cover the four main areas of a business: its
customers, the offer, the infrastructure, and finan- The value proposition building block includes all of
cial viability. The nine elements are (1) customer the firm’s activities that create value for customers
segments, (2) value proposition, (3) channels, (Osterwalder & Pigneur, 2013). As Harvard Business
(4) customer relationships, (5) revenue streams, School Professor Theodore Levitt (1974, p. 8) fa-
(6) key resources, (7) key activities, (8) key partner- mously said: “People don’t want to buy a quarter-
ships, and (9) cost structure. When taken together inch drill, they want a quarter-inch hole.” In other
and properly aligned, these elements create and words, customers do not purchase products; they
deliver value. Osterwalder and Pigneur (2013) sum- buy a solution to get an important job done. The
marized the nine essential parts of a business model value derived by the customer will increase in direct
in a visual template termed the Business Model proportion to the importance that the customer
Canvas. The canvas is usually drawn on a large piece places on the job to be done and by the level of
of paper with sections for each of the model’s satisfaction with the current options to complete
elements and thus serves as a tool to define, this job, the availability of other options, and their
change, or evaluate a firm’s business model. cost (Johnson, Christensen, & Kagermann, 2008).
In the following subsections, we provide a blue- Blockchain technology can influence customer
print of how each of the nine essential elements value by providing access to products or services
could be affected by blockchain technologies and that were previously not available or could only be
illustrate our propositions with examples that we garnered by expensing a large amount of time or
collected from blockchain development startups in money. Swedish company Safello uses an open
Europe, North America, and South Africa. We gath- blockchain protocol to provide a transparent
ered public information from the startup firms’ means to exchange bitcoin against fiat currencies.
websites, as well as news articles, press releases, By doing so, it provides resources (e.g., foreign
and other sources. currency) that would have been otherwise not
available or only available at additional expense.
3.1. Customer segments Centbee, in South Africa, enables the users of its
mobile app to send bitcoin to users’ contact lists.
Osterwalder and Pigneur (2013, p. 20) defined cus- Centbee users can move money simply and cheaply
tomer segments as “the different groups of people across borders to support family and friends
or organizations that an enterprise aims to reach without incurring exorbitant currency exchange
and serve.” An organization using blockchain can fees. Safello and Centbee disintermediate by re-
address existing customer segments in a market. ducing the requirement for a centralized bank, or
Individuals wanting to buy or sell real estate in even eliminating a currency exchange service for
Sweden can use a blockchain technology pilot proj- transactions.
ect powered by ChromaWay to purchase or sell Moreover, blockchain technology can also pro-
homes. Customer markets served by blockchain vide faster or less expensive transactions than those
systems can be similar to the segments served by completed in traditional settings. As an illustration,
typical organizations: niche markets, diversified the customer value proposition of certified notaries
markets, and mass markets. However, blockchain for homebuyers is based on facilitating the owner-
is distinctive in that it can facilitate access to a ship transfer of the asset from seller to buyer by
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How blockchain technologies impact your business model 5

authenticating the documentation of the respective 3.5. Revenue streams

contracts. Working with a notary for home pur-
chases or sales requires time and is often expensive. The fifth building block element of a business model
Here, blockchain technologies can reduce the trans- is the revenue streams. The revenue streams block
action cost and time for the respective parties. This represents (Osterwalder & Pigneur, 2013, p. 30):
may be achieved by using smart contracts. As an
The cash that a company generates from each
example, ChromaWay’s private blockchain protocol
customer segment. There are two kinds of
will enable Swedish citizens to use smart contracts
revenue streams: Transaction revenues result-
to purchase or sell a house and reduce time and
ing from one-time payments and recurring rev-
costs during the transaction.
enues resulting from ongoing payments to
either deliver a value proposition to customers
3.3. Channels
or provide post-purchase customer support.
The channels building block “describes how a ABI Research (2018) estimated that $10.6 billion in
company communicates with and reaches its revenue will be generated by blockchain projects by
customer segments to deliver a value proposition” 2023, mainly from software sales and services
(Osterwalder & Pigneur, 2013, p. 26). These channels (Mearian, 2018). Technology companies that pro-
may be the company’s own sales force, website, or vide blockchain-related professional services derive
stores, or the channels may be the stores of its revenues from transaction fees for activity on a
partners or wholesalers. One impact of using block- network, service level agreements for enterprise
chain is the simplification of doing business. Middle clients or platform fees for software-as-a-service
parties may become disintermediated. In the previ- (SaaS) contracts. The greatest revenues from block-
ous section, we mentioned an example of real estate chain, however, have been derived from crypto-
transactions that are facilitated by smart contracts. crowdfunding, using initial coin offerings (ICOs).
This is accomplished by removing the requirement for An ICO is a form of fundraising that uses the power
time and personnel required to complete a validity of cryptocurrencies and blockchain-based trading
check or a transaction. New types of channels may and provides an alternative to classic debt/capital
also be introduced within an organization (e.g., by funding as provided by venture capital and private
sharing common code to strengthen a supply chain; equity firms and banks. An ICO allocates tokens
Montecchi, Plangger, & Etter, 2019). instead of shares to the early investors in a business.
These tokens can be traded on an aftermarket and
3.4. Customer relationships all transactions are verified on a blockchain. In
2017, 800 ICOs raised over $5 billion (CB Insights,
The customer relationship building block “describes 2018), whereas in the first 5 months of 2018, a total
the types of relationships that a company establishes of 537 ICOs closed successfully with a volume of
with specific customer segments” (Osterwalder & $13.7 billion (PwC, 2018a).
Pigneur, 2013, p. 27). These relationships may be
driven by a motivation to acquire customers, to retain 3.6. Key resources and activities
customers, or to boost sales. Examples of categories
of relationships include personal assistance, dedicat- Osterwalder and Pigneur (2013, p. 34) defined key
ed personal assistance, self-service, automated resources as “the most important assets required to
services, the creation of communities, or the co- make a business model work.” These are the re-
creation of new content. For Lantmäteriet, the sources that create the value proposition, reach
Swedish government’s land registry authority, the markets, maintain relationships with customer seg-
pilot workflow powered by ChromaWay streamlined ments, and earn revenues. These resources may be
the process of transacting real estate. The digital physical, financial, intellectual, or human. Key ac-
ledger records each step of a real estate transaction tivities encompass all activities required to deliver
as well as the property title. The application can value (i.e., how a firm transforms the resources in
also be accessed by bank representatives as well as by value-creating ways). While resources and activities
real estate agents and contains secure information are considered as two separate elements in the
that is up-to-date and easy to access. Lantmäteriet Osterwalder and Pigneur (2013) framework, we
remains involved in the purchase throughout the discuss them jointly in this section because these
process–—rather than intermittently–—and fulfills its two elements are tightly linked.
aims of creating greater confidence and transparency Blockchain technologies require firms to recon-
in its dealings with Swedish citizens (Cheng, Daub, sider the key resources that make up their business
Domeyer, & Lundqvist, 2017). model. In the following paragraphs, we discuss two
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6 V.J. Morkunas et al.

aspects of how blockchain technologies influence business model work” (Osterwalder & Pigneur,
resources and activities. The first aspect concerns 2013, p. 38). These partnerships may take forms
the opportunity to make resources more fluid, al- such as strategic alliances, joint ventures, or buyer-
lowing firms to move away from the traditional supplier relationships to ensure reliable supplies.
ownership and to access resources only when re- On the one hand, the use of blockchain may entail
quired. This opportunity is especially pertinent to the disintermediation of traditional intermediaries
the application of public blockchain technologies in (e.g., banks, notaries, currency exchanges) or
which, as described earlier, anyone can transact transform financial institutions (e.g., credit card
with another party in a peer-to-peer network. In companies). The use of blockchain can also enable
some cases, firms can refrain from investments in IT the addition of new partners such as technology
infrastructure build and maintenance because, in companies that develop application programming
the case of public blockchains, the network pro- interfaces (APIs) and software development kids
vides these resources and processes. Furthermore, (SDKs), and maintain the transactional algorithms.
both applications of public and private/federated Centbee developed a merchant payment ecosystem
blockchains enable firms to automate processes in South Africa to enable retailers to quickly and
that were previously manual, enabling human easily accept bitcoin at point of sale without re-
resources to focus on other, more value-added ac- quiring the installation of additional terminal hard-
tivities. Examples of these processes include docu- ware. Blockchain also facilitates peer-to-peer
mentation, verification, and audit reporting. partnerships between businesses, therefore
The second important aspect of how resources strengthening and extending supply chains. Figure 2
and activities can be affected by blockchain summarizes the impact of blockchain technology on
technologies is when the users provide many of a firm’s business model.
the key resources and processes and use block-
chain technologies to facilitate resource ex- 3.8. Cost structure
change. Using the example of smart contracts in
real estate transactions, resources such as human The final building block is the firm’s cost
capital (e.g., knowledge, skills, experience) and structure. The cost structure “describes all costs
physical capital (assets) are provided by the trans- incurred to operate a business model” (Osterwalder
acting parties while blockchain technologies & Pigneur, 2013, p. 40). Blockchain implementa-
facilitate the peer-to-peer exchange of these re- tions can reduce transaction costs such as negotia-
sources. tion costs and search costs, and eliminate the costs
of intermediaries. In the financial services industry,
3.7. Key partnerships blockchain technologies are expected to allow for
annual cost savings of $15—$20 billion by 2022
The building block key partnerships describes “the (Gregorio, 2017). These savings are the result
network of suppliers and partners that make the of a reduction in IT infrastructure costs and the

Figure 2. The blockchain and the business model canvas

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How blockchain technologies impact your business model 7

elimination of manual processes that did not add tracking of the supply chain using Hyperledger is
much value to the firm. expected to result in cost-savings for Walmart, thus
Implementations of blockchain to manage finan- increasing the potential for profit. The key resour-
cial transfers can shorten the authorization holds ces and processes that are part of the supply chain
currently implemented in banking and credit card implementation also contribute to the customer
processing. Authorization holds can hold up funds value. Data about food grown in farms and destined
for several days. Transaction consensus operation for Walmart will be logged on the blockchain at
speeds can reduce these holds to mere minutes in every step of processing and transport, by using
public blockchain protocols. On private block- manual entry as well as with Internet of Things
chains, these holds are reduced to microseconds devices (Corkery & Popper, 2018). Each step in
(Vukolic, 2018). Operations powered by blockchain the supply chain is “not only recorded but trusted
require fewer manual steps in aggregating, amend- because of the features of blockchain are immuta-
ing, and sharing data, or providing regulatory re- ble and use a consensus mechanism” (Mearian,
porting and audit documents. Employees can, 2018).
therefore, focus on activities that add more value The implementation of the blockchain-powered
and generate greater revenues while consumers tracking system enables Walmart to reduce
save time and money. Citizens in Sweden who ne- the length of time required to trace the origin of
gotiate a home purchase by using a blockchain- fresh food–—from the shelf all the way back to the
powered smart contract and exclude previously farm–—from 7 days to only a few seconds (Mearian,
required third parties from the transaction will save 2018), enabling it to act swiftly in case of any
money and time during the transaction. contaminations at source. Well-trained store em-
While our previous discussion considered the ployees will contribute to the swift removal of
business model elements separately and relied tainted food from local shelves. The implemented
on different examples for illustration, we close blockchain-based system is therefore expected to
this section with an explanation of the impact of improve the value proposition to Walmart’s custom-
blockchain technologies by looking at one case ers of a ready supply of inexpensive, fresh, and,
study: How is blockchain application influencing most importantly, safe foods.
Walmart’s business model? Walmart recently
launched a blockchain solution to detect and re-
move recalled food from its products list and 4. Discussion
track every bag of spinach and head of lettuce
(Corkery & Popper, 2018). The system is powered The critical mass of blockchain technology adoption
by IBM’s Hyperledger blockchain-based supply has yet to be reached. Few blockchain projects have
chain tracking system technology. The solution is moved from a pilot stage to full implementation.
implemented in response to a vexing business Recent research by Gartner reveals that only 1% of
problem: tracing and immediately removing from responding CIOs reported any sort of blockchain
shelves any food that is harmful to shoppers and adoption, and only 8% of respondents are engaging
removing only food that is harmful while leaving in short-term planning and pilot planning (Gartner,
items that are safe to eat on the shelves to be sold. 2018). A report by Deloitte (2018a) is more positive:
Upon completing a pilot program with 25 stock “While a majority (74%) of our survey respondents
keeping units (SKUs) and 10 partners, Walmart is report that their organizations see a compelling
now bringing more than 100 suppliers into an im- business case for the use of blockchain technology,
mutable and transparent ledger that can track food only 34% say their company has initiated deploy-
from farm to store in seconds. Walmart expects to ment in some way.” According to Deloitte (Schatsky,
include additional products “on the scale of 50,000 Arora, & Dongre, 2018), several obstacles continue
to 70,000 SKUs” (Mearian, 2018). to limit the mainstream adoption of blockchain
It is instructive to review the potential of this technology:
major project through the lens of the business
model canvas by Osterwalder and Pigneur  Blockchain operations are viewed as slow. De-
(2013). The value proposition to Walmart’s consum- spite their ability to offer a significant increase in
ers is that of increased food safety while keeping efficiency, when compared to standard multiday
Walmart’s promise of Everyday Low Prices. Wal- authorization holds by banks and credit compa-
mart’s dominance in the food retail sector enables nies, consensus operations still generate mi-
it to retain its profit formula with its revenue model nutes-long delays on a public distributed ledger
protected, and cost structure, margins, and inven- network. The additional layers of obfuscation and
tory turnover unchanged; in fact, automating the encryption required to keep data confidential
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8 V.J. Morkunas et al.

add to the processing time (Marvin, 2017). This which participants in a blockchain network come
has a bearing on customer value creation, as to agree that the transactions recorded in the
consumers and businesses expect speedy, nearly digital ledger are valid.
instantaneous operations.
 Standardization efforts continue. There are cur-
 News reports about data breaches on cryptocur- rently more than 60 blockchain consortia initiat-
rency trading platforms, contrasted with corpo- ing projects. These consortia bring together
rate requirements for ironclad data security hundreds of private and public companies and
across disparate systems, are limiting managers’ government organizations eager to explore the
consideration of the technology. potential of blockchain applications. Some de-
velop use cases, set standards, develop infra-
 Blockchain architectures are not standardized. structure and applications, and operate
There were more than 6,500 active blockchain blockchain networks. Others educate, conduct
projects listed on GitHub in 2018, with projects research, or provide advice to their members.
based on different protocols, consensuses, priva- This is a positive sign, as “the value of the
cy measures, and written in different coding network increases with the number of users”
languages. (Deloitte, 2018a). Some examples of these con-
sortia include the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance
 Given this lack of standardization, establishing with more than 600 members and the Hyperledg-
business connections between firms by using er Foundation, which includes over 250 organiza-
blockchain architectures is difficult because of tions. The number of companies that collaborate
the challenges of integrating different architec- with one another outside of established consortia
tures. is also increasing.

 Costs continue to be high: blockchain applica-  The complexity and cost of blockchain implemen-
tions, developed to customer specifications, re- tations are both declining. Amazon, IBM, and
quire expensive specialized developers and Microsoft offer cloud-based implementations of
require complex integration efforts. blockchain as well as templates at a cost that is
lower than specialized development (Patrizio,
 The constraints brought by regulation are an 2018). These templates ease the setup process,
obstacle to consideration, particularly for inno- reduce implementation time from months to
vative projects such as smart contracts. Regula- days, and will enable organizations to reduce
tory constraints, specifically in financial and the costs of these initiatives.
medical applications, prevent the rollout of
smart contracts in several countries.  Finally, regulatory support is improving. Legisla-
tion has been passed in several states in the U.S.
 The final obstacle is the lack of a critical mass of to facilitate the adoption of blockchain for some
users, enabling the mass adoption of blockchain medical applications (Deloitte, 2018a).
technology. Initiatives such as Everest’s large-
scale humanitarian projects for the disenfran- The recent developments noted in Schatsky et al.
chised are built on the belief that using block- (2018) stem from the growth in the number of
chain to address these needs will accelerate a collaborations and the increase in the formation
wider use of the technology. of consortia. Organizations are carefully evaluating
the blockchain movement and launching pilot proj-
However, these obstacles to blockchain adoption ects as proofs of concept. Meanwhile, entrepre-
are being overcome by recent developments in neurs issue and sell blockchain tokens and
regulatory easing, collaborations between orga- reshape entrepreneurship and innovation in fund-
nizations, as well as new development in more raising, investing, community building, and open
efficient blockchain architectures (Schatsky sourcing (Chen, 2018). A major decision for orga-
et al., 2018): nizations undertaking blockchain projects lies in the
selection of the blockchain model: private or pub-
 New consensus mechanisms used in Hyperledger, lic? The two types of blockchains that we described
Stellar, R3, and Ripple implementations are differentiated by unique selling propositions: a
increase throughput and performance, reducing private blockchain can save an organization time
processing time from minutes to milliseconds and cut costs, whereas a public blockchain has the
(Vukolic, 2018). Consensus is the method by potential to disrupt an industry, either through
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How blockchain technologies impact your business model 9

disintermediation, as is the case in financial appli- to rollout, it will be interesting to explore which
cations of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, or by industries will create architectural innovations or
the creation of new business models (Tamayo, generate radical innovations and to confirm wheth-
2017). er these will be supported by private or public
Despite the small number of implementations, it blockchains.
is still encouraging to see an increasing interest by Empirical research can also explore which parts
companies to explore opportunities with block- of the business model canvas are most affected by
chain technology. In his widely-discussed and de- the implementation of a blockchain: customer seg-
bated article “IT Doesn’t Matter,” published over ments, value propositions, channels, customer re-
15 years ago in Harvard Business Review, Carr lationships, revenue streams, cost structures, key
(2003, p. 43) noted that companies “steal a march resources, key activities, or partnerships. An addi-
on their competitors by having a superior insight tional area for further investigation will be to ex-
into the use of a new technology.” New technolo- amine whether a private or a public blockchain
gies offer more efficient operating methods and offers greater benefits for each of these elements.
lead to larger market changes. However, the win- Such an investigation will require a larger sample of
dow for gaining this advantage is open only for a companies running applications on blockchain than
short time. “By the end of the build-out phase,” is currently available.
Carr (2003, p. 43) suggested that “opportunities
for individual advantage are largely gone.” There-
fore, those executives who see a compelling case 5. Concluding remarks
to begin a blockchain pilot should begin sooner,
rather than later. We began this article with an explanation of block-
Whether the new blockchain projects lead to chain technologies and continued with a description
incremental or radical innovations is also worthy of their impact on a firm’s business model. With a
of examination. A useful model for categorization is focus on an audience of general managers and exec-
Henderson and Clark’s (1990) framework for defin- utives, rather than blockchain experts, we highlight-
ing innovation, based on the impact technological ed how blockchain technologies operate and
change has on a firm’s established capabilities. We explained the two major types of blockchain–—public
have observed in our small sample of case studies and private–—currently in application in practice. In
that consortia-led blockchain projects have the addition, we clarified some of the blockchain-related
potential to lead to architectural innovations, terminologies, thus adding to the conceptual clarity
whereas public blockchain projects can engender of the construct.
radical innovations. Architectural innovations re- The main contribution of our article lies in pre-
configure established systems to link existing com- senting the influence blockchain technologies
ponents in a novel way. Walmart’s use of a private can have on a firm’s business model. By using the
blockchain can be considered an architectural in- well-established business model framework from
novation, as it enables it to create “new interac- Osterwalder and Pigneur (2013), we explained
tions and new linkages with other components in how the two types of blockchain technologies de-
the established product” (Henderson & Clark, 1990, lineated in our article present opportunities for
p. 12). It relays information with greater velocity value creation for a firm’s business model (see
and credibility about the origins and freshness of Figure 2). We used illustrative examples, derived
Walmart’s supply of spinach and lettuce. Radical from our investigations of startup companies that
innovation, by contrast, is based on different prin- pilot blockchain technology solutions in the areas of
ciples and leads to new applications and markets real estate transactions, payment systems, curren-
such as those fueled by the recent surge in ICOs. It cy exchange, supply chain management, and appli-
also enables the successful entry of new firms or the cations for the billions of unbanked citizens in the
creation of a new industry (Henderson & Clark, developing world. We also identified directions for
1990). Safello’s Bitcoin exchange for European cus- future research on the types of innovation generat-
tomers and ChromaWay’s use of smart contracts for ed by blockchain innovations and an opportunity for
real estate transactions are also examples of radical empirical examination of impacts to the elements
innovations. of a firm’s business model once a larger sample of
One limitation of our article is the early-stage blockchain implementations can be formed.
nature of the implementations under discussion and Managers can use the business model as an ana-
the resulting small sample of active use cases. Many lytical framework to assess the impact of blockchain
projects are early pilots and have not yet achieved technology for their existing business model; alter-
full rollout. As more projects move from pilot stage natively, they may use the canvas to reinvent or
BUSHOR-1558; No. of Pages 12

10 V.J. Morkunas et al.

develop completely new business models. This ex-  How will using blockchain align with the orga-
ercise is useful because the addition of blockchain nization’s goals and strategies?
technology can affect how firms may run, operate,
and compete. Managers must discern the potential  Does the organization have the right people,
impacts so as to not be left behind (Angelis & Ribeiro partnerships, and resources in place?
da Silva, 2019).
Blockchain holds promise in many organizational  Will the organization reach new customers,
applications with several promising pilot projects strengthen relationships, or increase sales?
underway. These focus on applications such as sup-
ply chain, Internet of Things, digital identity, digital  Will blockchain help service customer needs bet-
records, digital currency, payments, and voting ter and offer more value?
(Deloitte, 2018b). A survey by Credit Suisse
(2016) identified the leading aims of blockchain  Will blockchain tighten relationships inside the
technology pilots as the reduction of operational supply chain?
costs, shorter settlement time, reduction of risk,
new revenue opportunities, and a reduction in the  Could smart contracts be used to transact faster,
costs of capital. accelerate payments, or reduce costs?
Most of the current pilot projects pertain to
financial services (PwC, 2018b). Although many of  Will blockchain improve organizational cost
these projects have improved operations, there structures?
have also been instances of fraud, particularly in
the cryptocurrency blockchain sector in the area of  Can it integrate within the existing IT ecosystem?
ICOs. Although most ICOs are legitimate efforts to
raise funding for startups, with varying degrees of  Will blockchain help reduce search costs and
success, some ICOs have been fraudulent from in- negotiation costs?
ception and enabled fraudsters to abscond with tens
of millions of dollars (Arnold, 2018).  Will blockchain enable the organization to com-
Applications outside of finance also seek to im- pete more effectively?
prove operations. Manufacturing companies seek to
trace goods from purchase to delivery around the Executives who are considering initiating block-
globe reliably and quickly. Healthcare providers chain projects will do well to consider the align-
yearn for immutable and traceable patient records, ment of their project with their overall business
to reduce pharmaceutical and insurance fraud, and strategy and reflect on which element of their
improve data exchanges in clinical trials. Public business model will become most improved by
sector projects include not only land claims but the implementation. To help with this important
also digital identity projects that will facilitate task, our article provides a structured framework by
travel, citizenship records and voting (Syeed, which to assess the impact of blockchain technology
2018). Additional pilots seek to improve operations on each business model element. In addition, man-
for retailers and entertainment and media orga- agers will need to decide whether an open or a
nizations. Blockchain has an opportunity to create closed blockchain will help them realize their orga-
benefits beyond digital currencies and influence all nizational objectives. With a growing number of
sectors of the economy. consortia, a decrease in complexity and costs of
Managers are well advised to continuously moni- implementation, and a larger number of pilots and
tor blockchain technologies to assess their impact experiments underway, blockchain is advancing
and consider the strategic importance of blockchain rapidly toward greater acceptance. Astute execu-
for their business. If they do not do so, they will lose tives and managers should understand how the
their competitive edge to those managers of firms, technology fits in their business and how it can help
whether new or old, who understand blockchain and improve operations in order to capture its advan-
who are ready to innovate their business models. tages ahead of their competitors.
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following questions: References
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