World Laws of Earth: Jasyn Jones
World Laws of Earth: Jasyn Jones
World Laws of Earth: Jasyn Jones
of Earth
Jasyn Jones
1 Title
World Laws of Earth
Game Design: Jasyn Jones
Commentary: Phil Dack, Ks. Jim Ogle, Winston, Gordon R. Dell
Editing, Layout & Graphic Design: Jasyn Jones
Copyright © 2001-2007 by Jasyn Jones. All rights reserved. (See the copyright section
for Creative Commons licensing terms.)
These are original rules, intended for use with TORG: Roleplaying the Possibility Wars.
The most recent version of these rules (and other TORG resources) can be found on the
TORG is ®, TM, & © 2007 by Purgatory Publishing, Inc. (See the copyright section for
more information.)
1 Wo r l d L aw s o f E a rt h
This genre matches with the nature of Sources and Inspiration
Earth as explored in the game material, While designing these World Laws, the
matches well with the themes and pace of author drew on a wide varety of “near real-
TORG, and is represented by a host of dif- world” action-adventure movies for inspiration,
ferent movies. Die Hard, Lethal Weapon, including the following:
Under Siege, Executive Decision, Mission Die Hard, Die Harder, Die Hard With a
Impossible, The Rock, and other movies Vengeance, Goldeneye, Tomorrow Never Dies,
The World is Not Enough, Lethal Weapon, Lethal
like them form the body of work we can Weapon 2, Under Siege, Executive Decision,
look to for inspiration when designing Murder at 1600, Broken Arrow, Face/Off, Mission
World Laws. Impossible 1, Mission Impossible 2, The Sum of
Even given that, it has been difficult to All Fears, Moonraker, Con Air, The Rock, Bad
identify World Laws for Earth, because so Boys, S.W.A.T., Speed, True Lies, Eraser.
much of the genre tropes of near “real
world” action movies have been subsumed plot of movies like the “Die Hard” series,
into the game as a whole. This is a posi- “Under Siege”, “Broken Arrow”, “Face/
tive feature of TORG- as these are necessary Off”, and others too numerous to mention.
for the game- but it leaves Earth high and This action movie plot template is cen-
dry. tral to the play of TORG, as well. It de-
The solution to the problem lies in the scribes “High Lord of Earth,” “Operation:
game as written and in the essence of the Hard Sell,” “The Gaunt Man Returns,”
“cinematic” nature of TORG’s action movie “When Axioms Collide,” and nearly every
roots. It requires the willingness to look other TORG module or adventure seed. It
deeper into the genre tropes of TORG and even describes most of the TORG fiction. It
to accept a fundamental reimagining of is therefore an assumed part of the “cine-
parts of TORG- to see them in a new way. matic” nature of TORG.
Most action movies follow a similar Yet, the above story template differs
story template: a villain launches a dan- significantly from those that are found in
gerous plot, which a hero accidentally most of the genres of the invading realities.
stumbles upon and, after a struggle against For example, it isn’t the template of horror
great odds, overcomes. This is the central movies or of cyberpunk novels.
Also, in the cinematic game of TORG,
World Law Precis heroes are assumed to win most of the
time. (See the “Adventure Response Form”
The Power of Hope: Whenever villainy mani-
fests, a hero will arise to confront it. If the hero for confirmation.)
perseveres, they can overcome and succeed Yet, when we look at the invading reali-
against incredible odds. No matter how bleak ties, this genre trope simply isn’t true. Not
the situation may seem, there is always hope. in Orrorsh. Not in Aysle. Not in the Cy-
The Threat of Villainy: Heroes and villains are berpapacy. Not in Marketplace. Not in
extraordinary individuals who have made a
Tharkold. It isn’t even true in the Nile.
choice to follow a specific moral path. Heroes
choose the path of benevolence and selflessness, The realities of the High Lords are ones in
villains the path of selfishness and malevolence. which, not only can villains win, but they
Villains will conspire to gain power, wealth, or to usually win.
indulge other selfish drives. Heroes, in the Possibility Wars, usually
The Gift of Imagination: Heroes and villains win. In other realities, removed from the
are larger-than-life. They have access to abilities
Wars, this just isn’t true.
and resources beyond those of ordinary people.
For some reason, the plot templates of
Storm Knights 2
cosms involved in the Possibility Wars dif- the reality of Earth says they can and
fer from those they would normally have. makes this true even in places where it
Heroes win, when they normally wasn’t.
shouldn’t. Obviously, there is some influ- Earth’s central paradigm is this: “Vil-
ence at work in the Possibility Wars that lains plot to do evil, that heroes may strive
changes the normal order of things, even and endure and overcome them.” In
in invading realities. Earth, heroes have the upper hand. This is
What makes the difference? The reality simply not true of the other realities.
of Earth. So why does Earth’s paradigm suffuse
The conceptual breakthrough is this: the Possibility Wars, to the extent of domi-
much of what we assume to be part of the nating the game? The nature of the Earth
default nature of TORG is instead a facet of World Laws provides the answer.
Earth’s reality. Heroes can win, because
3 Wo r l d L aw s o f E a rt h
The World Laws
Storm Knights 4
ing driven by an immense reservoir of Pos- such cases, the World Law will create one-
sibility Energy filtered through the cosm’s it will simply cause an appropriate ord to
Possibility Nexus), it has effects even in the transcend. The ord gains the reality skill at
home cosms of those realities attacking 1 add, 10 possibilities, 10 attribute points
Earth. In those realities, the Power of and 3 skill points.
Hope enforces the above template: when
villainy arises, heroes are there to fight it, Example: A common street cop is at-
and these heroes have a chance to win. tending a Halloween party, when a band
This World Law causes the plot tem- of terrorists take the partiers, including his
plate of Earth to be a force in all the reali- estranged wife, hostage. Though he was
ties of the Possibility Wars. It manifests originally an ord, he is the only potential
itself in other ways as well. hero in the vicinity, so the Power of Hope
The first of which is this: whenever a infuses him with possibility energy, and
Threat of Villainy arises (see the next World causes him to transcend. He becomes a
Law) a Storm Knight will be there to Storm Knight.
counter the plot. Storm Knights are drawn,
through apparent coincidences, to the This event is a modified Moment of
place where Threats of Villainy will mani- Crisis. It occurs when an ord confronts a
fest (or have manifested). Threat of Villainy and chooses to act heroi-
Ords in Earth live lives virtually indis- cally. The Power of Hope responds by
tinguishable from those lived by people in empowering the ord with the ability to
the “Real World.” Storm Knights in Earth overcome the Threat.
tend to be at the center of unusual events The Power of Hope ensures that, no
much of their lives. Coincidence drives matter the ploy a villain (including a High
them to stumble upon Threats of Villainy, Lord) attempts, a Storm Knight will be
and villains seem inexplicably drawn to there to oppose it. This story template-
them. when a Threat of Villainy arises, a Storm
If there were one Storm Knight in all of Knight is there to oppose it- is now true in
California and one vampire in all of Cali- the realities of the High Lords as well.
fornia, the vampire would coincidentally Earth had an abundance of Storm
choose to attack the hometown of the Knights even before the invasion- the
Storm Knight, or his sister, or him. The World Laws of Earth created them. Due to
same stuff can happen to a guy twice, no the intrusion of this aspect of the Power of
matter how outré it seems. Hope, new heroes (that is, Storm Knights)
This World Law has altered the possi- are being created in the home cosms of
bility nexus of Earth in such a way as to the High Lords (see pg. 103 of the TORG
draw Storm Knights to this cosm from Rulebook). These heroes can fight the
other realities, even realities far removed High Lords on their own home ground and
from the Wars. Through coincidence or win.
happenstance, ancient enemies of the The Power of Hope creates new Storm
High Lords are finding themselves drawn Knights, but it also empowers those reality-
to this cosm (see the TORG Rulebook, pg. rated individuals who choose to act like
103). Storm Knights. Reality-rated individuals
In extreme circumstances, there may who are willing to act heroic will find
be no Storm Knights close enough who themselves placed in situations where they
can stumble upon the Threat of Villainy. In can strike back at High Lords.
5 Wo r l d L aw s o f E a rt h
This World Law means that, for any lainy are explained in the next World Law.
High Lord involved in the Wars, the stakes The benefits of heroes are few, but potent.
are very high. Most High Lords rule their The Power of Hope empowers individ-
home cosms unchallenged. Storm ual Storm Knights, that they may succeed
Knights, those who fight the High Lords, when placed into improbable and im-
are rare and rarely succeed. The odds are probably dangerous situations. The Power
just too heavily stacked against them. In of Hope allows Storm Knights to inspire
Earth, this isn’t true. More, because of the their group (as the conflict line advantage,
Power of Hope, it isn’t true in the High see the TORG Rulebook, pg. 60) once per
Lords’ home cosms anymore. module. Heroes can also seize initiative
They may be able to achieve Torg- (as the card) once per module. Lastly,
hood, but the sudden creation of dozens Storm Knights have one additional card in
or hundreds of new Storm Knights- who, their hands and can place one card into
against all odds, have the upper hand- their card pools immediately at the start of
threatens their power base. If they falter, round play.
they may fall. (These effects are only available to
In other realities, reality-rated individu- Earth Storm Knights, or alien Storm Knights
als receive 5 possibilities upon transcend- in the Earth reality who make a contradic-
ing (see the Ravagons Sourcebook, pg. 42). tion check. They are not available to all
In Earth, Storm Knights (those who tran- Storm Knights in the Wars.)
scend because of a heroic choice) receive Even as the Power of Hope empowers
10 possibilities when they transcend. individual Storm Knights, it also seeks to
Also, because of the Power of Hope, empower groups of Storm Knights. The
newly created Storm Knights from the Power of Hope, working through apparent
other realities attached to Earth receive this coincidences again, also drives the crea-
benefit as well. tion of Storm Knight groups (who can
Reality rated individuals, because of manifest Group Powers). Outrageous and
the attribute and skill increases and their improbable circumstances tend to drive
ability to boost skill checks, usually be- complete strangers into close proximity, all
come significant individuals within their of whom are Storm Knights (or potential
home cosms. There is no guarantee of Storm Knights). These strangers then form
this, however. A transcended reality-rated close bonds and quickly learn to trust each
individual is just as likely to be a retiring, other, even when circumstances might in-
bookish type as a great leader or other im- dicate otherwise.
pressive figure. The Power of Hope empowers these
In the reality of Earth, this is different. Storm Knight groups. In Earth (and thus, in
The World Laws of Earth seek to influence the alien realms and the home cosms of
reality-rateds to act as larger than life he- the High Lords attacking Earth), only
roes or conspiring villains. Those who groups of Storm Knights can manifest
transcend from the Earth reality are far Group Powers. Groups of stormers simply
likelier to be heroes or villains because cannot.
this reality proactively acts to transcend Earth’s reality seeks to encourage
heroes and villains. It transcends ords reality-rated individuals to act as either he-
who will fulfill either of those roles and it roes or villains. Not all people in Earth are
provides benefits for those who choose to heroes or villains. The vast majority of
act in those capacities. The benefits of Vil- humanity are just people, without the
Storm Knights 6
drive to conform to heroism or villainy. It its last act before being overwhelmed by
takes great drive and ambition to be a hero the invading reality, creates heroes to fight
or villain. the villains. Thus each new stelae triangle
Ords may be heroic or villainous, but that is created also creates more heroes to
they lack the ability to achieve the signifi- fight the invasion.
cance and power of true heroes and vil- In the past, High Lords only needed to
lains. Those ords who do show such drive, send a few stormers into newly conquered
are proactively transcended by these areas in order to subdue the heroic back-
World Laws. This World Law ensures that lash. This response was inadequate for
Earth has more and more active reality- Earth, and stemmed from a fundamental
rateds than any other cosm. misunderstanding of Earth’s nature. High
This is the reason that the areas that Lords who do not take this into account
have been conquered by the High Lords may find each stelae triangle they take to
exhibit more Storm Knight activity than the be more trouble than it is worth.
High Lords are used to. Earth’s reality, in
7 Wo r l d L aw s o f E a rt h
of any other. They have little concern for making strong moral choices. Many indi-
others, save in those cases where others viduals are morally gray, and there is noth-
can help them achieve their goals. Villains ing that indicates clearly which they are-
are malevolent. They enjoy the suffering of hero or villain. Some may act like a hero
others, or simply ignore it. They have no in certain circumstances, but act like a vil-
desire to help those in need. Villains, in lain in others.
Earth, are known as stormers. Earth’s reality acts to encourage reality-
Earth heroes are those who take up the rated individuals to choose between acting
burden to defend the innocent, protect the heroic or acting villainously. It is intoler-
defenseless, and act with courage in the ant of those who choose to do neither.
face of danger. Heroes are people who Reality-rateds who refuse to act as a hero
have a strong sense of duty, selflessness, or a villain, or who are weak, retiring, or
and responsibility. Heroes seek to aid the vacillating face penalties, as do Storm
needy, protect the helpless, and ease the Knights who refuse to confront a Threat of
suffering of others. They are benevolent, Villainy or villains who refuse to plot to
decent, and charitable. Heroes, in Earth, create a Threat of Villainy. Just as this
are called Storm Knights. World Law causes ords to transcend when
Even those reality-rated individuals necessary, it can also change Earth reality-
who transcended long before coming to rateds back into ords, stripping them of
Earth find themselves being forced to their special abilities.
choose sides. People fighting against the Native Earth reality-rateds (and only
High Lords for the reality of Earth often natives) who do not make a definite moral
take upon themselves the moral outlook of choice and stick with it, but rather drift be-
Earth heroes. Those who act as heroes are tween the two, are often stripped of their
considered Storm Knights. Those fighting status as stormers. Also, Storm Knights
for the High Lords often take upon them- who are placed into a situation where they
selves the moral outlook of Earth villains. can confront a Threat of Villainy, but who
Those who act as villains are considered refuse to do so may find themselves
stormers. These two phenomena are en- stripped of their status as a reality-rated
couraged by the World Law, but are not character. Villains who, upon being of-
mandatory. fered the opportunity to create a Threat of
Unlike the Nile, these categories are Villainy, decline may be stripped of their
not proscriptive- no one is forced to fit into status as well. In each case, the individual
either. On the contrary, these are descrip- loses their reality skill, all Possibilities, 3
tive- they define certain behaviors, and in- skill adds and 10 attribute points.
dividuals who follow those behaviors are This World Law also exists to encour-
proactively transcended, while those who age the Threats of Villainy that heroes en-
do not remain ordinary. counter and fight against. It empowers vil-
Transcendence, in other realities, is a lains to take those actions that cause a
matter of pure chance. Whether by con- Threat of Villainy to manifest.
fronting an alien reality or through the Villains have many goals, chief of
graces of the Everlaw of 4, those who suc- which are wealth and power. In order to
cessfully transcend do so on a random ba- achieve these goals, Earth villains devise
sis. A strong moral choice is required to and enact intricate and improbable plots.
become reality-rated, but this doesn’t Normally, these plots are planned and
mean that the individual will continue launched with no interference (the World
Storm Knights 8
Law ensures that this is so). It is only after will find just the individuals they need to
the plot has progressed far enough to con- carry out their plot. They will find lieuten-
stitute a dangerous threat that a hero will ants with the knowledge and skills that are
stumble upon it. required, they will find officials who can
Not all crimes qualify as a Threat of Vil- be bribed, scientists who can be black-
lainy. Shoplifting or even a normal bank mailed, or inventors who have created the
robbery is simply not intricate enough or exact tool that the villain needs. (Very of-
significant enough to matter. An attempt ten, their chief lieutenants will themselves
to blackmail the President with a satellite be reality-rated villains- assisting in an-
that causes earthquakes (see the Gift of other villain’s plot satisfies the demands of
Imagination, below) is significant enough. the Threat of Villainy as well.)
The police can solve normal crimes. Apparent coincidences will aid the vil-
Threats of Villainy require the direct inter- lain in other ways. The police, the FBI,
vention of a larger-than-life hero, or even a and other mundane authorities will remain
group of heroes. A Threat of Villainy is a ignorant of the plot, allowing the villain to
plot so large, so ambitious, and so danger- carry out most activities completely unop-
ous that only reality-rated heroes have a posed. The villain will conveniently gain
chance to stop it, and then only after a access to plans, blueprints, or other
significant, sustained effort in the face of sources of information. They will gain ac-
nearly overwhelming opposition. cess to enough money to finance the
Villains who organize a plot find that elaborate scheme. Very little will go
this World Law actively aids them. As with wrong, up until the moment when the vil-
the Power of Hope, this World Law ma- lains plan has progressed far enough to
nipulates events through seeming coinci- prove a real threat to a band of heroes. At
dences. These coincidences can even in- that point, the Power of Hope takes effect.
spire the plot in the first place, by provid- The Threat of Villainy causes these
ing the villain with previously unavailable seeming coincidences to occur. Like the
information. Power of Hope, it affects events in other
In a bar, the villain may overhear a cosms. Thus, villains in and from other
whispered conversation about a rare dia- realities attached to Earth will find that the
mond that is coming to a local museum. Threat of Villainy aids them as well. Their
A childhood friend, now working for the plotting and planning will go far better
Pentagon, might inadvertently reveal the than mere chance would dictate, up until
existence of a devastating weapon. The the moment when a hero responds.
villain may accidentally learn about the It may seem that this World Law is op-
peccadilloes of a prominent politician, posed to the Power of Hope. In reality,
making blackmail a real possibility. this World Law seeks to provide the cir-
Whatever the specific manifestation, cumstances that allow Hope to exist. If
the coincidence will provide enough in- there were no dangers, courage would be
formation for the villain to begin plotting impossible. If there were no challenges,
and planning. (Villains who reject an op- hope would be superfluous. Villains exist
portunity thus presented, often find them- to endanger and challenge innocents and
selves stripped of their reality-rated status.) heroes. In this manner, villains make hope
Nor do the coincidences stop there. possible.
Through seeming coincidences, the villain
9 Wo r l d L aw s o f E a rt h
The Gift of Imagination
This World Law states: “Heroes and vil- Earth ensures that these plots remain un-
lains are larger-than-life. They have access discovered and unchecked, until the Threat
to abilities and resources beyond those of fully manifests itself and a hero can rise to
ordinary people.” confront the villain. The reality of Earth
For the vast majority of the population, rewards villains who do not think small.
life in Earth is indistinguishable from the This aspect of the Gift of Imagination
life of people in the real world. Life for affects other realities, like both the Power
villains and heroes is not. Not only are of Hope and the Threat of Villainy. It can
both drawn to plot or to oppose plots (re- affect villains in every cosm and realm,
spectively), but the parameters of the plots driving the villains to launch more ambi-
themselves tend to be both baroque and tious plots. In the cosm of Earth, it has ad-
grandiose, no matter how simple the origi- ditional effects.
nal goal. The reality of Earth acts to Heroes and villains of Earth have ac-
maximize the breadth and impact of any cess to skills and tools that bend or even
individual plot, upping the ante for both break the axioms of this reality. A villain’s
villains and heroes. plan will often include inventions that are
A small robbery, involving two or three not possible at Tech 23 (such as a satellite
individuals and a hundred thousand in that can cause an earthquake), or may in-
cash, can grow into an elaborate scheme, clude mystical or religious relics that do
involving a dozen dump trucks, tons of not operate under the cosm’s normal Spiri-
gold, dozens of co-conspirators, and a se- tual and Magical axiom limits. Likewise,
ries of explosive devices, each with an at- heroes often have access to weapons,
tached riddle that will disarm them. Be- spells, miracles, or other tools that are just
cause minor plots do not qualify as Threats too advanced to be explained by the nor-
of Villainy, the reality seeks to encourage mal axioms of Earth.
and enable larger, more elaborate, and This World Law allows for the existence
more dramatic plots. of tools and effects that exceed the limits
The larger the potential impact of a of the axioms of Earth’s reality. During
plot, the more byzantine and sophisticated character creation, a reality-rated character
it will become. A plot to kill all mankind can replace their normal axiom with one
and reseed the earth with 24 perfect (and only one) of the following axioms:
specimens of humanity may take decades Tech: 23 (24)
to enact, involve the creation of whole Magic: 7 (9)
corporations, the employment of thou- Spirit: 9 (11)
sands of soldiers and flunkies, the This increased axiom is noted as a par-
achievement of groundbreaking scientific enthetical axiom on the character sheet:
research, and may even require the estab- Tech 23 (24). The use of these altered axi-
lishment of a secret space launch facility, oms does not in and of itself create a con-
all before the penultimate moment when tradiction in Earth, nor in other realities
the heroes stumble across the Threat. (unless the tool’s axiom is above the for-
In the real world, such plots would be eign reality’s axiom, of course).
highly implausible, overly complex, and Not only do these axiom levels allow
virtually guaranteed to fail. The reality of the character to use tools that violate the
Storm Knights 10
normal bounds of Earth’s reality, they will (save for the areas around hardpoints).
(through improbable coincidences) find Heroes and villains are extraordinary
themselves in situation where extraordi- individuals. They have abilities beyond
nary tools of the chosen axiom are placed those of ordinary people and, because of
at their disposal. this World Law, beyond those of other
For Example: The hero (who chose the At character creation, Earth stormers
Tech option) must board an airplane in and Storm Knights can get either a type
flight undetected. Against all logic, the specialization or a trademark specializa-
hero gains access to a stealth plane capa- tion without spending any possibilities.
ble of attaching itself to another plane in More, they gain one free roll-again per
flight. This modified stealth aircraft is Tech module to use with that one specialization
24. at any time. In general, characters who
choose such a specialization will gain a
For Example: A hero (who chose to al- reputation as being “the best” at what they
ter his Spirit axiom) is investigating a devil- do- it will become their signature feature,
worshipping cult in New York. His even above a tag skill.
grandmother gives him a cross, an old This World Law seeks to raise the ante
family heirloom that manifests the ward for both heroes and villains. It does so for
enemy miracle. villains by increasing the stakes involved
in their plots. It does so for heroes by
For Example: A villain (who chose the making the Threat of Villainy personal.
Tech option) is seeking to extort the British Whenever a Threat of Villainy mani-
government out of hundreds of millions of fests, a Earth Storm Knight can choose to
dollars. He discovers that the Russian activate a Personal Stake subplot (as the
government has a satellite that can gener- card) without having to draw the subplot
ate a massive electromagnetic pulse, de- from the Drama Deck. This subplot repre-
stroying computer and other electronic sents a friend, relative, partner, or other
circuits for hundreds of miles around. emotionally significant NPC being drawn
Such a satellite is Tech 24. into the villain’s plot. The character must
roleplay the subplot accordingly, evincing
These altered axioms can also affect an a desire to save their NPC, just as if the
area (or realm) of Earth reality. These are Personal Stake subplot was in play. This
rare, but far more common in this cosm may only be declared once per adventure,
than in others. Areas of altered axioms do and does not count towards the player’s
not have to conform to the altered axioms two-subplot-per-adventure maximum. As
listed above, but should almost never be with all subplots, this is subject to GM ap-
higher. An example of such an area is proval.
Haiti, with its increased Magic and Spirit Players can even choose to create a
axioms. dependent, such as a spouse or child, who
In addition, this World Law works with is frequently drawn into their adventures.
the immense amount of Possibility Energy When they player chooses to activate their
of the cosm to make the axiom limits as “bonus” Personal Stake subplot, this de-
flexible as possible. Due to this World pendent is the character who has become
Law, Earth is nearly all dominant zones embroiled in the plot.
11 Wo r l d L aw s o f E a rt h
! No art, no wasted space: page after page of high quality, well written material.
This electronic document (and all other contents of the STORM KNIGHTS website) is copy-
right © 2001-2007 by Jasyn Jones. All Rights Reserved (except as noted below).
West End Games and Purgatory Publishing are hereby granted a license
to this electronic document under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution license. The terms of this license can be found at:
In all cases, full attribution must be included in any derivative works, the text of which
must read:
Based on “World Laws of Earth” by Jasyn Jones, copyright © 2001-2007. Original ar-
ticle can be found at:
These rules are based (in part) on material published in the following TORG rulebook(s):
Angar Uthorion, Aysle, Baruk Kaah, Core Earth, Cosm, Cosmverse, Cyberpapacy,
Darkness Device, Dr. Mobius, Gaunt Man, Gospog, Heart of the Coyote, High Lord, In-
finiverse, Kanawa, Living Land, Maelstrom, Maelstrom Bridge, Nile Empire, Nippon Tech,
Orrorsh, Occultech, Pella Ardinay, Possibility Raiders, Possibility Storm, Possibility Wars,
Ravagon, Stormers, Storm Knights, Tharkold, TORG and the TORG Logo are trademarks of
Purgatory Publishing, Inc.