Aliens Stageone
Aliens Stageone
Aliens Stageone
Humans suffer from peculiarly self-centered notions as to the nature of life. We assume out of hand that other
life forms must somehow conform to our comfortable standards of logic and morality. This, of course, is absurd. Our
human "morality" is a thin tissue of arbitrary principle, easily ignored when expedient. Why should we expect more from
alien life forms than we expect from ourselves?
By Dr. Waidslaw Orona, civilian advisor to the CMC
Alien: FUZION is a Role Playing Game using the FUZION rules created by Hero Games and R. Talsorian Games. It
is not a hack / slash gunfest like other adaptations. This one attempts to make a detailed setting where the characters can have
many adventures that not even have to include the name species of the series. The FUZION game system can be downloaded in
its entirety from the FUZION home page but you will need the PDF viewer. Go to the Waystation from this site to go to those
locations. I do recommend all of R. Talsorian Games because of their immense detail in their setting and artwork (ewwI feel
so dirty). Seriously, I wouldn't choose this format if it wasn't the best.
It is my intent to create an extremely detailed game system / universe based on the Alien movie series.
However, upon constructing the outline, I asked myself one question: Who the hell owns this story? Technically, the origin
comes from Dan OBannon and adapted by Ronald Shusset. Twentieth Century Fox owns the franchise but the original Alien
was created by HR Giger. Who is to say what is official and what is not? Dark Horse has made most of the detail in the last few
years. And what of Lee-Brimmicombe-Wood, the writer of many books including the often ripped off USCM Tech Manual.
The problem is, the consensus seems to point to several sources as being official when there is no legal binding for that to be true.
Legally, the only truly official media are the four movies.
It is surprising to note than the famous USCM TM is not official. In fact, it was only until this book came out that
Colonial Marines were identified as from United States when in the Leading Edge Games and in the second film, they are
identified only as the CMC (Colonial Marine Corps). SoI have deiced to use all the specific information presented in all media.
However, some things might surprise you being included and not.
MOVIES: Everything that could be named is present. Most of the information from the USCM Tech
Manual appears. And Yes, Alien 3 is included. Alien Resurrection is present as a plug-in (see later)
THE NOVELS: Most of the published material is actually adapted from the Dark Horse Comics. I have not read enough of
them to use them.
DARK HORSE: The major addition, what sets this conversion from he rest, is the inclusion of Dark Horse material. The
following publications were utilized: Outbreak, Nightmare Asylum, Earth War/Female War, DHP Aliens, Genocide,
Hive, Rogue, Labyrinth, Music of the Spears, Stronghold, Beserker, Colonial Marines, Alchemy, Salvation,
Pig and Survival.
UNITED STATES COLONIAL MARINE TECHNICAL MANUAL: A major resource but the with the big change is that I
not consider it the bible. You will notice that I do not enforce their name. Refer to the chapter on them for more
ALIENS RPG: Unfortunately, I don't own it. I have pieced together some bits and pieces but it doesn't pass off for the real
thing. If any one is willing to part with it, please e-mail me
INTERNET: A large chunk of information comes from people who fill in the missing pieces but I only refer to respectable
sources for this info. Translation: I took text from other sources instead of typing it out myself.
TOY LINE: I decided against using these becausewellmost are somewhat immature.
COLLECTOR CARD GAME: I don't have all the cards, but I have a lot, and I promptly took advantage of it all.
ALIENS ADVENTURE PC-CDROM: The computer game was written by Dark Horse but it really isn't a very good game.
Besides that, there is not much info continued within it. It has been avoided.
ORIGINAL: Some material is from yours truly but there are names or descriptions for items or places already created for the
series. Like the Combat Buggies in Aliens: Colonial Marines. They don't have a name but they are centrepoint in the
last issue, so I decided to add them.
real enemy. Lock your doors. Arm yourself. The Human race smells its own extinction. Marines here struggle, trying to fight
off, grabbing every chance they get. EG: Outbreak., Music of the Spears
Yeahits war. The aliens are on Earth and it is being turned into a wasteland. Upper classmen witness from sealed
ships as the human race falls apart. The PCs are alone. They fight a loosing fight. They seek out help but find little. The
infrastructure is crumbling. Its all or nothing. EG: Nightmare Asylum, Earth War,
Tech levels should be enforced. They introduce technology in a step-by-step basis. It is recommended that you follow
them with the appropriate Conspiracy Level but exceptions can be made. Earth War, for example, is CL5 and TL1. However, it
is not recommended that you flip then (CL1, TL5) since that gives the PCs a severe advantage. The GM should start with a low
TL and work his way up as the game progresses. It isn't that much fun when the PCs get everything at the start. TLs are used
frequently to denote when technology is introduced and when a GM should and shouldn't use them. If a game uses TL2, you can
leak TL3 technology on occasion but introducing an Anti-Alien Combat Synthetic or a Beserker suit may be unwise.
There aren't very many, I have just added on the existing FUZION rules to increase game enjoyment. Other rules are
just to make my life easier and to seal up holes in my own conversion. A lot of these rules might not make sense unless you read
what they pertain to.
The MV penalty to spacecraft and vehicles effect all shooting and dodging. Thankfully, we have turrets. All weapons
on turrets always add +3 to their existing WA to hit.
The Star Map has distances for each jump. The number given in ship's FTL range is the maximum range the FTL drive
can go in a single jump. When the range is used up, the ship must drop to sublight and recharge its jump drives. This delay is
what makes travel time so long. The FTL speed is how fast the ship goes when jumping. However, before and between jumps, a
ship reduces it to low power and must move on sublight as it charges the drive. Unfortunately, drive recharge rates are high. A
ship that jumps from system to system is cheap and easy but long trips require these charges. A fully stocked spaceport can
charge a drive at 2 ly per day. A major military base, however, can charge a ship at 2 ly per six hours. In the deep and dark of
space, a ship can charge its own drive to full capacity in one week. This is a good lesson to those who run out of gas on the road.
Note: All systems on a ship must be shutdown for the FTL capacitors to recharge. The FTL drive requires so much
energy, it must slave every joule from the reactor to fill it up. As a result, the crew must be in cryosleep since this action includes
shutting down ALL life support and defensive systems. Any interruption stops the recharge and diverts the energy back to their
individual systems (like if the ship is suddenly attacked). If, somehow, something is taking any energy from the capacitors, the
recharge time is extended substantially. Keeping the life support on, for example, would result in the recharge time being
extended by a factor of 10. So no one stays up.
Rolling Astrogation is easy for jumps to colonized planets if the ships computer is working (DV10). The computer
requires two hour to calculate the jump and another to initiate the engine. A human calculating the jump will take one hour per
DV +1 to initiate the engineObviously, Jump drives are black-box technology and not meant to be delved into too intricately.
As a result, and since jumps cannot be done in a heavy gravity environments, jumping out of a combat arena is not possible.
ANY impact on the vessel automatically shuts down the FTL drive since the course has to be re-plotted.
If the computer isnt working: +3
Random cosmic phenomenon: +3-5
To an uncharted system: +5
Into deep space: +2
Precision jumps: +3-10 depending how close the ships want to jump to.
A failed roll is the GMs discretion. A ship can fry is generator, forcing the ship to recharge from scratch to
dropping the ship up to twice its jump range in another direction. A failed roll should never result in death.
A weapon with a set ROF (Like Railcannons and Lasers) keeps that ROF but Missiles don't have that. For Spacecraft,
the missiles can be loaded over multiple hardpoints or filled with only a half capacity of weapons. Generically, the ROF of a
missile pack is selectable with any number but not more than half the capacity of the hardpoint.
A pilot can fire any number of weapons when he pulls the trigger. He can link any of his weapons up with his trigger.
The Weapon's Officer on a spacecraft can do the same. The only exceptions are turrets, which can be automated but never linked
together. One roll is made for the linked weapons but the damage and hit locations are done separately. An UD-4 Cheyenne
Dropship pilot can fire both 150mm missile packs on each of his Hardpoints and make one roll for each salvo coming from the
Hardpoints. The weapons must be of the same type. A Pilot or Gunner can switch weapons instantly without a sacrifice in time.
Remember: Guided weapons need a round to aim.
Large Spacecraft can deploy these to confound sensors. For simplicity sakes, the rules are the same as the Shadow
Imagery in the Mekton Z rules. A ship can deploy half is ballutes in one round.
Every Ballute deployed adds a +1 to the ship's dodge.
If the roll to hit still strikes, then damage is done directly to the craft.
If it fails to strike even the unmodified dodge, the weapon goes wide.
If the roll fall between the unmodified dodge and the modified dodge, then a Ballute is hit and instantly destroyed (each
has a capacity of 1k). The Dodge bonus is dropped by one because one ballute has been eliminated. These rules are identical to
that of the Shadow imager in Mekton Zeta Plus.
These Drones only operate in space. They work similar to Decoy Ballutes but actively seek out weapons. They can be
deployed one at a time. They don't usually let themselves be hit. They have a base skill of 10 to hit and dodge and are simply
armed with a basic laser (0.25K), which is designed to only take out missiles. See Anti-Missile fire below. Each Drone can fire
once to one missile per round. Two drones can take shots at one missile.
Minefields in space operate like their ground counterparts. If a ship comes within 500 m, the Mine will home in and
detonate with a base skill of 8. Connected fields cannot be navigated through. If hit, the mine strikes directly and the ones
connected to the detonated one, close in around the ship for the kill.
Missiles take time to reach their target, especially in the vast distances of space. Any missile can be targeted. Since
missile fire in FUZION is assumed to be instant, anyone with an anti-missile weapon can make a free attack on that incoming
warhead. Some of these weapons are already automatic so the pilot never has to worry. Some are done by turret gunners. The
difficulty to hit an incoming missile is 15. Only one weapon can fire on one missile. Two laser turrets can attempt to fire on two
missiles. The TSAM missiles on the UD4 are an exception. They fire instantly like a chaff or a flare. The pilot can launch as
many as he has missiles to any number of missiles coming to a maximum of the number fired. Anti-Missile weapons with an
ROF can spread their fire over multiple incoming missiles.
The standard difficulty for repairing ships is 22 to finish the repair in one hour (unless reconstructing an engine, then it
is one day). That may seem high but how many engineers do you know can patch a fusion core in one hour with no tools. This
number varies radically.
With every additional hour spent on the repair* -1 With each Engineer assisting*** -2
With Advanced Tool Kit -1 With each non-skilled help assisting -1
With Mechanics Tool Kit -2 For every kill inflicted beyond 0 defenses**** +2
With each additional Technician assisting** -1 With every successful previous roll***** -1
*For hourly repairs only. ***With at least a +3 Engineering skill or Electronics for
**With at least +1 Engineering skill or Electronics for an an Electronics roll. Can work indipendantly and
Electronics roll. Can work indipendantly and roll roll indipendantly but offers no bonus then.
indipendantly but offers not bonus then. ****For rolls required on combat damage.
*****For damage needing compounding rolls. Cannot
offer more than a -5 bonus.
ARMOR PATCHING: Every successful roll will patch one kill of structure or armor. Please note this material must
come from somewhere. All Spacecraft have enough spare materials for HALF their structure and armor. Anything beyond that
must be taken from somewhere, whether is be from vehicles or other aerospace craft or whatever.
ELECTRONICS: A successful roll will activate or repair the electronics system. The GM has discretion as to how
long it will take for the system to Warm Up. Sensors fall into this category.
WEAPON REPAIR: The repair time depends on the complexity of the weapon. Each successful roll will recover
1000 meters of range and 1k DC of damage. Of course, most ships have massive ranges so a huge weapon like the Particle Beam
will take up to two weeks of repair without a dry-dock. Think about itthat is a huge weapon. It stretches almost 50 meters in
length. Usually, several Engineers can work indipendantly to restore at a quicker rate instead of teaming up. Only when the gun
is totally restored, will it work again. If absolutely needed, if the DC the weapon inflicts is restored but the range is still crippled,
an Engineer or team may attempt to splice the weapon into working. A DV of 22 is required (with no bonuses for previous
successes) to patch the weapon. A success will allow the weapon to fire with its current range. An hour must be spent removing
the patch before repairs can start again. Weapons that have ammunition loose it all and, unless the ship carries extra ammo in a
cargo slot, are useless unless reloads can be found. A weapon considered damaged (see below) will be repaired in one hour
after a single repair check.
Vehicle Drivewill recover 10 kmph per hour of work done. If it is destroyed, at least a full day must be spent to reconstruct
the engine for every 20 kmph of the Max Speed. If vaporized, reconstruction is not possible.
Atmospheric / Orbital Engineswill recover 10 MOVE and 1 ORBIT (if it has an ORBIT) per hour of work done. If it is
destroyed, at least a full day must be spent to reconstruct the engine for every 10 MOVE/1 ORBIT of the Max
Speed. This time increases by
day for ships from 5 000 20 000 tones 2 days for ships from 60 000 80 000 tones
1 day for ships from 20 000 40 000 tones 3 days for ships 80 000 tones and above.
1 days for ships from 40 60 000 tones
A ships Mach rating is only restored when the engine is fully functioning. Engineers really dont like pilots
pushing a ship into Mach with a patched engineit just might explode. If MOVE or ORBIT is restored before the
other, repairs must continue until completed. If vaporized, reconstruction is not possible. A reconstructed engine will
not operate until half its speed at least is restored. After that, it must still be reconstructed until completion
FTL Drivewill recover one LY per hour of work done. If destroyed, reconstruction is possible but a full day must be spent per
1 LY of the engines capacity. This time increases by six hours per 10 000 tones of the ships mass (obviously this only
applies to Dreadnaughts). After that, the engine still must charge up. If vaporized, reconstruction is not possible. A
reconstructed engine will not operate until half its range at least is restored. After that, it must still be reconstructed
until completion.
NOTE: Any fuel lost as a result is still lost
Example: Lets take a Conestoga. It just been shot and its Orbital engine was destroyed. The team consists
of one Engineer and three techs. Being a Conestoga, it has a fully stocked repair bay. To get that engine moving again
requires 15 days at 16 DV the three days with a 1 each additional three days. The Conestoga weighs 78 000 tones,
meaning instead of one day per repair job, it requires 3 days. As for the DV: DV 22 1 (Tool Kit) 2 (Mechanics
Kit) 3 (three Technicians assisting). The ship only moves at an ORBIT of 5.
Ships and vehicles reduced to zero are not destroyed. Oh nothey cannot fire or move, but the ship is not destroyed
restoration is possible. Batteries still run gravity and life support. With a clever Engineering role, he might even get a non-
energy weapons functioning. What follows are a series of tables for damage to vehicles and spacecraft. Once any craft or
vehicle is reduced to below twice its total capacity, the craft or vehicle breaks in two. Crewmembers have 75% chance of
dodging a DC8 hit at a DV of 17. 1D6 Cargo bays gutted. All engines and weapons destroyed. Aerospace craft in an
atmospheric crumble. Spacecraft will disintegrate in 1d6 minutes.
Tables are rolled whenever armor on vehicles or craft is punctured. If the damage is not applicable (cargo bay gutted
on an APC), no damage is applied. The requirements are listed below. You first must know what class of vehicle/craft it is.
DAMAGE CLASSES (based on Body of the craft / vehicle)
Light Body = 1 5 Kills Heavy Body = 11- 20 Kills
Medium Body = 6 10 Kills Massive Body = 21 kills and above
LIGHT DAMAGE: Roll once every time a HEAVY DAMAGE: Roll once every time a
Medium Body loses 1 kill of BODY Light Body loses 2 kills of BODY
Heavy Body loses 2 kills of BODY Medium Body loses 4 kills of BODY
Massive Body loses 5 kills of BODY Heavy Body loses 8 kills of BODY
Massive Body loses 20 kills of BODY
MEDIUM DAMAGE: Roll once every time a
Light Body loses 1 kill of BODY CRITICAL DAMAGE: Roll once every time a
Medium Body loses 2 kills of BODY Light Body loses 1 BODY below 0
Heavy Body loses 4 kills of BODY Medium Body loses 2 BODY below 0
Massive Body loses 10 kills of BODY Heavy Body looses 4 BODY below 0
Massive Body loses 10 BODY below 0
Its a forgone conclusion that most Players will have an average to above average body strength. This means they can
withstand more punishment than the average farm boy. However, a bullet through the femur will still hurt. It doesnt matter if
youre Rambo or Woody Allen. I do not believe that a character can walk around with perfect health until their hit points reach
zero. There are two basic schools of thought: 0 Hit Points = Death, and 0 Hit Points = out-of-commission.
FUZION rules need modifications. All Hits are removed from total Hits but some specific situations exist
HEAD: Any HITS on the head that penetrates armor deal DOUBLE DAMAGE. The skull is a wonderful thing with some very
think bone there. It receives an automatic 1 PD of armor, non removable.
ARM: A Character is assumed to NOT be ambidextrous. However, to side in the Players favor, every time an arm is struck
with HIT damage, it is always the OTHER arm.
LEG: Even if crumpled, the Character can still crawl at STR = Meters per minute.
GENERIC: Any Hit to any location that deals more than 5 HITS penetrating damage in one strike causes a MAJOR wound.
This results in 1 additional HIT being inflicted every minute until at least rudimentary treated. This removal may
continue all the way to Death.
ROLL MODIFIERS (revised and altered for game use)
There are two types of combat, quick and slow. For quick combat, use only basic modifiers. Forget about range and just worry
about dodging and shooting. Slow combat feels like the slow-motion sequences from The Matrix. Every move is strategically
set upchoreography is key. Combat will take longer but may feel more fulfilling.
Target crouched or kneeling -1 Very large target (Truck, plane, house) +3
Target prone -2 Aiming +1 per phase,
Behind someone else -4 Up to +6
Tiny target (bulls-eye, bottle) -5 Fast draw / Snapshot -3
Small target (limb, wheel) -4 Blinded by light or dust -3
Large target (car, large animal) +2 Using two handguns -2 each.
To hit a target not dodging (per range): Point Blank / Melee (<1 m) 4
Close (1/4 range) 8
Medium (1/2 range) 12
Long (full range) 16
Extreme (every 50m past long) additional +2
As many know in the Mekton Rules, every time armor is hit, one point of armor is removed. This applies to personal
armor. When the armor reduces to zero, it is useless. Spacesuits with an armor if penetrated will puncture and leak unless stated
otherwise (special armor have special rules). NO personal weapons do less than one point but some spacecraft weapons do. In
Mekton, 1 kill will remove 1 armorany weapons above 1 kill will still only remove 1 kill of armor. However, fraction damage
will only remove fraction armor (eg: 0.25 k will remove 0.25 armor instead of 1. But 4 K will only remove 1kill of armor). Any
weapons that do not have a kill capacity listed will not damage kill armor.
The FUZION rules are incorrect regarding Rate of Fire. Here are the changes:
FIRING BURST: Light, Medium, and Heavy firepower can fire a quick 3 round burst. No bonus and if they hit,
1d6/2 bullets strike (round down).
AUTOFIRE (ROF): Only with Light, Medium, and Heavy firepower weapons with an ROF more than 1. The
difference between the defenders roll and the attackers roll is how many bullets hit. The number of bullets of fired effect the
weapon accuracy. The Player must tell the GM how many rounds the PC is firing before rolling. The Player chooses a ROF up
to the maximum ROF. A +1 WA is added for every 10 shots fired. Because of the advance in technology, there is little recoil.
But there is still some kickback and if the weapon fires more than one-third of its total ROF for more than one combat phase a 1
penalty is incurred on the second round and increases every round after. Also dont forget massive ammo loss. Remember,
changing clips takes one action.
AIMING WITH AUTOFIRE: If you aim at a specific body / vehicle location, only the first shot hits that location,
the additional damage from the other hits are to taken to the main hull / body.
FIRING OVER MULTIPLE TARGETS: If you wish to spray multiple targets, several factors must be considered:
How many shots are fired and how far apart the targets are from each other. The player must first determine how many shots are
fired and calculate the ROF bonus (40 shots = +4). Next the player must determine how many targets he/she is firing at. Then
the GM must denote how far apart these targets are. The player may ask how far apart these possible targets are before firing to
weigh the risks. Simply put, for firing at more than one target, the number of targets = the penalty to fire for each of them. Four
targets would be 4 to hit all of them and so forth. To counter this penalty, the player may burst 40 shots at a +4 for the ROF
bonus but that wastes ammunition, may lead to recoil problems, and only ten bullets can strike each target (shots fired / number
of targets). Then there is target distance. After striking, determine how many additional shots hit. However, for every meter the
last target is from the previous target, remove one bullet (one DC). You can never loose all your shots. If you score a hit, the
first shot WILL hit. This rule only means you wasted the other bullets strafing the gun towards the new target.
NOTE: Whatever CL the GM decided to endorse, read until it is shown, then STOP there. Reading past that
may lessen enjoyment.
The closing years of the 20th Century saw a fading of the great Nations and a rapid increase in the power and influence
of multi-national Corporations. These Corporations were not restricted to a single field; their interests were vast, covering all
aspects of industry and economics, as they diversified into every field that held profit. They were also not defined by country,
society, or ideology. In industry, in business, and in the media, the multi-nationals became more powerful and more visible.
The first planet to have a scientific colony on it was Mars. The moon followed thereafter. Needless to say, Earth's
space exploration was not united; many different countries have established colonies in space. The major colonizers are: The
United Americas (USA, Canada, parts of South America), China, Japan, The European Federation and Russia. Though rare,
conflicts have occurred between countries in space. The most significant cases are between the UA and China, because of the
differences in government between these two powers; diplomatic unrest has occasionally turned into war. China is believed to
back the notorious PRA, a communist extremist group that has been responsible for numerous communist takeovers.
As the corporations grew, they wove together the economic interests of the Nations of the world, and the specter of
large-scale warfare was reduced. With head-to-head warfare economically unacceptable, the advanced states settled for venting
their hostilities and waging wars in Third World nations.
This trend continued through the following decades, as the corporations prospered and the interdependence of the
major Nations of Earth grew. Tensions did not end, but were kept under control and released in ways that did not damage
anyones ability to make money. Humanity entered the age of Space in an atmosphere of controlled tension but not outright war.
The Age of Space came in the wake of two tremendous technological breakthroughs. The first was the reactionless
Displacement drive, which allowed Humanity to travel quickly and cheaply within the Solar System. The Jump Drive soon
followed, expanding on the principles behind the Displacement Drive and taking Humanity out into the stars. As technologies
were perfected, exploration craft went out from Earth.
The search for minerals and other raw materials was only a secondary goal of the explorers; those things were available
within the Solar System itself, in amounts that would keep humanity supplied for many years. The most important things the
stars held were knowledge, the potential of new habitable planets to ease the population pressures of Earth, and the opportunity to
study new life forms.
The greatest value for the corporations lay in the life forms. Each world is like a gigantic laboratory, where the forces
of nature have experimented on for billion of years. The creatures produced in those laboratories, and the complex chemicals
contained within them, possess abilities far beyond those available to Humanity. Many of these abilities are nearly miraculous.
The expansion into Space had been a slow progress, since useful systems were rare and the effort involved in
establishing colonies was great. Still, at least six Earth-like worlds have been found, and dozens more that are at least habitable.
On other worlds, the process of terraforming is underway, as hostile environments are slowly changed into places where Humans
can live.
On every habitable world, colonies have been established. They have expanded at varying rates, depending on the
corporate support they have received and the qualities of the worlds. Shiploads of people and equipment are sent to each Colony,
and eventually the colonies begin to send items of value back to the rest of Humanity; unusual life forms and mineral
combination, the product of local industries, and after a generation, skilled workers.
These skilled workers are part of the rapidly growing populations of the colonies, and the corporations have developed
many techniques for managing them successfully. Colonists have developed many techniques for making them successfully.
Colonists are taught to live active, disciplined lives, to maximize their economic value and reduce the risks of living in the
colonies. Good educations are available for those who are not. By contrast, the disorganized state of the population of Earth
means that there are relatively fewer people who are well disciplined and well-educated, as the quality of life diminished on
Earth. The value of trained, energetic, and obedient workers from the colonies increase.
In addition to the above aspects of corporate life, a major part of each corporations management approach has been the
establishment of a corporate military force. These forces are not large, but they are well trained, and have the best equipment
their Corporation can afford.
With Colonies on many worlds, the power and influence of the Corporations rose rapidly. As they became more
powerful, they became more of a threat to the Nations of Earth. The situation was a very delicate one; the nations had far larger
armies, but the Corporation controlled space and vital high technology. The same economic interdependence, which prevented
war among the Nations now, prevented the Nations from harming the Corporations.
Tensions between the increasingly wealthy Corporates and the Governments of Earth increased.
The governments felt threatened. They saw the fabric of society changing and thought they might not be a part of the future of
humanity. Every political weapon was used, including diplomacy, bribery, blackmail, and economic pressure. Separatist
movements were created to destabilize Nations, which responded by seeing corporate property. Finally, one small crisis got out
of control and erupted into warfare. Dozens of other small wars began within weeks, and the Earth spun into chaos. Fortunately,
the wars remained limited; few nuclear or biological weapons were used.
The wars lasted for five years. The war concluded with the formation of a joint council to oversee the affairs of both
Corp and government for the betterment of humanity. Out of violence came the Interstellar Commerce Commission (ICC), a
coalition of Corporation and Nations, which united Humanity. This organization was in charge or regulating activities among its
members, and the Colonial Marine Corps was created as its military arm under the charter that they did not have to answer to any
single corporation. The wars had taught everyone that it would be valuable to have some sort of police force to discourage
them from using violence to solve their problems.
Throughout the wars, the colonies strongly supported the Corporations. They wanted to remain free from the nations,
and many believed they would receive status as independent entities with increased control over their own affairs. When the ICC
was formed, it became clear this would not be the case; the Colonies were treated as corporate property. Another cycle of
hostility, tension, and intense diplomacy began, an eventually several Colonies rebelled. The Colonial Marine Corps, supported
by corporate forces was given the job of bringing the rebels back under control.
The cause of the Colonies was in danger from the beginning. The tremendous financial and military resources
available to the ICC meant that their losses could be quickly replaced, while the colonies were very weak in technology, industry,
and population. One by one, the Colonies were defeated militarily and economically. There are still underground rebel
movements on most Colonies, but they pose little threat to the ICC at present.
The colonies, having supported the Corps in the war, thought they would win more independence from external rule.
The creation of the ICC confirmed society's view that the colonies were nothing more than Corporate property. Many colonies
rebelled. They were always going to lose. The ICC, Corporate forces and the CMC waged economic and military warfare and
overpowered all but one corner of resistance. The rebel system of Alexandria sealed itself off from the rest of humanity. Soon
after, the Union of Progressive People formed from several rim colonies and set up a military border. Their size is small but
fortified. Attempts to retake their territory proved fruitless. Alexandria acknowledges the UPP's independence but the ICC does
The Colonial Marine Corps was created at the same time as the ICC. The intent was that the Colonial Marines, funded
by coalition of all the space-going Nations, would be an independent force that would resolve disputes among the Nations and
Corporation, and keep the peace in the Colonies as well. Each nation had its own portion of the force made up of its own
citizens, but they shared equipment, training, and doctrine. They were led by the Colonial Marine Corps High Command, which
included representatives from several nations.
Most of the power belongs to the Corporations, however, and the Nations have little influence among the stars. Their
only tool is the Colonial Marine Corps, and its power is dwindling. Every year, the Colonial Marines fall a little further behind in
technology; their weapons are not upgraded, their supplies and other equipment fail to incorporate the latest improvements, and
their ships are faced with the improved designs available to the Corporations.
The shortage of personnel is also a growing a problem for the Colonial Marines. They have not replaced the losses
suffered during the wars against the rebel colonies, and the additional drain imposed by the current turmoil has made the problem
even worse. For the Colonial Marines, the loss of a single Strike Team can mean that large areas will remain un-patrolled and
unmonitored for months or even years. It wasnt until later, from secret grants from corporations that believed the ICC to be
corrupt, did they manage to compete again.
2122 - First contact with Aliens creatures on LV-426. The freighter "Nostromo" made landfall on the planet, one of the
crew members was infected and subsequently the crew and the ship was destroyed by the drone that emerged. Sole survivor,
Ellen Ripley, escaped in a Capsule, the "Narcissus" and floated homewards towards Earth (we assume).
Between 2155 and 2160 - Colony set up on LV-426, which was subsequently known as "Acheron." Due to a sheltering
mountain range and the dire meteorological conditions, the colonists failed to find the "Jockey ship."
2179 - The Narcissus was found floating by a remote mining vessel with Ellen Ripley on board. She was brought back
to gateway station in orbit around Earth where it was learned that she was been in hypersleep for 57 years. Her story was not
believed by the ICC and she was stripped of her rank and duties. One corporate executive, Carter Burke, believed enough of the
story to ask the colonist on LV-426 "Acheron" to go and have a look at the grid references provided by Ripley. Earth
subsequently lost contact with the colony.
Burke, Ripley and a strike team of Colonial Marines made their way to Acheron and had a bad time of it all. The
survivors; Ripley, Rebecca "Newt" Jordon, Corporal Dwight Hicks and a synthetic Bishop headed back towards earth in their
vessel the Sulaco.
Newt and Hicks failed to survive the landing and Bishop was scrapped carelessly by the inmates. Ripley found she
was carrying an Alien queen inside her, lost more people to yet another drone that infected a local dog and ended up arguing the
loss with a corporate bigwig who resembled her beloved Bishop. She threw herself into a boiling vat of molten lead
The report returned was alarming. The aliens somehow, were not exclusive to LV-426. It was very possible they
either escaped or there was another source the infestation was originating from. That location had yet to be found. Colonies had
vanished and several life specimens had been examined. Life specimens had yet to survive to reach a major laboratory. After the
devastating fall of the Anchorpoint station on the UPP border, the CMC realized it had a major problem. The sub-division of the
CMC was given a name (the Silver Twin) and sent back with an arsenal. No longer were they to retrieve information. Now they
were to control the problem. Backlash was felt from the Corporations but CMCs newfound independence with rival Corporates
kept their power base stable. The CMC even managed to recover the lost Sulaco and finally managed to settle a party on LV-
426, quarantined from the critical processor disaster years earlier. The Alien craft there was destroyed to prevent the technology
from being recovered by approaching UPP forces.
Several groups like Grant Corp funded research in the alien technology and even funded a trip to the Alien Proteus, a
planet with the largest infestation and which could also be, the Homeworld. (Alien: Genocide) Research into the aliens
physiology uncovered a royal jelly secreted by queens that can turn humans into supermen, athletes, or homicidal warriors!
Billionaire Daniel Grant wanted to get his hands on the purest form of the jelly, and headed a military expectation to this distant
world inhabited by not one, but two separate hives, each at war with the other. Armed to the teeth with specially designed alien-
killing battlesuits and ready for anything, even these well trained marines ended up getting caught in a barrage of blood and
tactical nukes!
Not learning from their mistakes, another corporation attempted to open a laboratory on a planet with a known hive,
thus not worrying about stock for experiments. This time, the real monsters are the humans, especially project leader Ernst
Kleist, who ignored the extreme greed that ran through his staff. He concentrated on taming his children--the swarm of aliens
that infested the bowels of the installation. But even as the body count rose and more and more people became victims of
accidents in the bug-ridden lab, Kleist revealed a threat that will force every sentient being in the place, synthetic or note, to
stand together: A king alien! And this monster was more twisted, lethal and voracious than any other xenomorph ever
The Silver Twin do benefit and are soon the only force against the infestation and start clearing out one hive after
another, having more and more technology at their disposal.
They realize that the aliens cannot be controlled and start shutting down all but the most needed of alien labs. Even
some of the ones deemed controlled, like the station run by Casper Nordling turns do dust when corruption is revealed. Not even
a super advanced station crewed only by synthetics (including the high priced alien-xenomorph synth and the anti-alien combat
synth) with a sealed, self-enclosed hive could be controlled.
The ST charter expands to complete extermination. Soon the CMC sub-division is directly opposing the corporations
and their funding is cut. This doesnt stop their progress. They soon became the most powerful anti-alien force around. Help
from the UPP and Alexandria pushed back the infestationbut in the future, mans greatest enemy is still himself.
Characters must create their characters in a specific order to ease the creation and to be fair and prevent
using loopholes. Please refer to the FUZION rules included for the following information:
NOTE: For character creation, skills have three stages to themso they are placed after Perks, Talents, and Complications.
NOTE: ALL skills in character creation have a cap of +6. No matter how many bonuses the character earns during lifepath
of Marine training, this +6 remains. So there is some strategy to character creation. HOWEVER, a Player can choose
one military skill and up to two lifeskills up to +7.
Starship, Infantry--OCC). The PC can dabble in a variety of fields but should choose a final career dependant on the characters
history eventually. A tank pilot can switch to OCC but has very few skills useful going in.
Also listed in each template is a rank structure. Every year the PC is in this path he has a chance to go up in rank (ranks
are listed in the USMC/CMC section and below. All players start at the bottom. The Rank listed in the non-career template is
the highest rank available in that path. Career paths have a starting rank but no ceiling rank. When you move into a career path
for the first time, you take this immediate rank. Even though the CMC chapter lists ranks to Admiral, obviously starting
characters cannot reach that. The top rank achieved is listed with the Rank structure below.
Each year requires a Leadership roll (Uses PRE + skill). If above the DV, the new rank is established. If not, the rank
is carried over the next year. The DV then drops by 1 and then an additional 1 every following year. When a new rank is
established, the DV returns to normal. Only when the Character's Rank reaches his current ceiling can he roll to get the jump to a
CAREER OR stay and keep pumping points in what the character has, but promotions are no longer available. Promotions can
always be refused, of course (GM discretion). If the PC, at a ceiling rank, chooses a path, and successfully rolls for promotion,
they dont roll a second time, nor do they JUMP into the career. They must finish their term, then start in their new Career next
Also, if you choose a career but decide against it later, you have to bust yourself back down to the starting rank of the
new career. No PC can take more that THREE careersthe third must be the career of choice. The PC is stuck there unless they
want to be discharged.
NOTE ON LIFEPATH (Fuzion, page 5): PCs roll for lifepath THROUGH the Marines. The GM
must work lifepath into the Marine path. As a result
Mentor: Allows the bonus skill in ANY category, Military or not.
Favor: Player optioncan keep the favor into the game OR get a +2 at the next Promotion DV roll and
+1 in ANY skill, military or not.
Membership: +4 to the every Promotion DV roll until the next promotion.
Imprisonment: GM discretion or roll D6: 1-3 Held Hostage, 4-6 Imprisonment. If held hostage,
the PC may be awarded a POW medal or a Purple Heart (The GM may also add a +1 to the Promotional DV roll
next year). If imprisoned, the PC is reduced ONE rank and the DV for the next promotion increases by FIVE.
Either situation, the PC is returned before the year is out. They also loose two of their bonus skills of the template
for that path (two years, PCs decision).
Falsely Accused: Same as imprisonment above. Develop an enemy. D6 is rolled: 1-3 Acquitted, 4-
6 sentenced for a year, is reduced 1 rank and the DV for the next promotion increases by 5. They also loose two of
their bonus skills of the template for that year (two years, PCs decision).
Accident or Injury: Purple Heart awarded.
Ranks during gameplay are run using experience (see CMC section for details).
The PC stops choosing paths when he/she has run out of OP or has run out of life (Age). If the Character runs out of
life, he/she is considered an up and coming officer. Running out of OP means the character hasnt done much in his/her career
since. You cannot choose a path if you do not have the OP to spend on its skills.
After all your templates are done and have OP leftover, you can spend those are your usual skills or on any of the skills
you have already chosen. The only military skills available are the ones you already have. You cannot take APC pilot if you
have never taken the path. However, if you have three OP leftover, you have one point in APC pilot, and then you can jump it up
to four if you want. Any OP you spend before choosing your first path can be spent on life skills but no military ones. Military
skills are those listed in the templates below (with an M beside them). All life skills are listed after the templates. Some M
skills are not military but since all PCs will be in the Marines (or assumed, there are exceptions), these are skills they can only
develop through military channels.
The GM should consider a maximum number of templates for each character. I recommend 6 or 8. This also caps a
maximum age. A maximum starting skill for a player should be 7. Leave some room for improvement later. The path the
Character has taken the most is his/her position. If they are all equal, choose one and keep it.
INFANTRY OCC (Officer Command College)
BACKGROUND: Infantry are the basic troops of the CMC. --CAREER--
They released are in numbers and are often BACKGROUND: Officer from the infantry or even from the
indistinguishable from each other. Usually, most Heavy Arms who wish to put on nicer clothes move
people start in Infantry because of its general to the hefty training and long hours of the Officer
purpose skills they offer. Command College. Here, a trooper, learns the
MIRROR: OCC details of command and will soon go up in ranks to
CEILING RANK: Lance Corporal command squads, units, even battalions.
BONUS SKILLS (All at +1): Autofire Weapons (M), MIRROR: Infantry, Armor
Firearms, Hand to Hand STARTING RANK: Second Lieutenant
O.P. SKILLS (3 OP must be spent on the following): CEILING RANK: None
Surveillance, Survival, Melee Weapons, Melee BONUS SKILLS (All at +1): Firearms, Leadership,
Evade, Heavy Weapons (M), Hand to Hand, First Aid.
Hand to Hand Evade O.P. SKILLS (3 OP must be spent on the following):
MONEY: 100 cr. Tactics (M), Demolition/Disposal(M),
Interrogation, Survival, Beurocratics, Teacher,
BACKGROUND: These start right into training of the heavy MONEY: 120 cr.
weapons of the CMC. Although many of their
skills are similar to the base infantry, they have less AEROSPACE
training in close combat, and more in the use of BACKGROUND: The rough men and women of the
Heavy Weapons, specifically the M51 Smart Gun Aerospace division (sometimes nicknamed
MIRROR: NCO Starlight) are trained to operate the Shuttles,
CEILING : Lance Corporal Dropships, and Fighters of the CMC. They are
BONUS SKILLS (All at +1): Smart Gunner (M), trained in both operation of the flight systems
Firearms, Hand to Hand and the weaponry armed on these air and space
O.P. SKILLS (3 OP must be spent on the following): craft. These troops are also used for astrogation and
Survival, Demolition(M), Heavy Weapons (M), maneuvering of the massive starships the Marines
Gunnery (M), Hand to Hand, Autofire utilize.
Weapons (M), Hand to Hand Evade, Pilot MIRROR: Starship Command
Power Armor (TL6) CEILING: Corporal
MONEY: 80 cr. BONUS SKILLS (All at +1): Astrogation (M), Pilot
Space-Interceptor (M), Pilot Dropship (M).
NCO (Non Commissioned Officer) O.P. SKILLS (3 OP must be spent on the following):
Pilot Starship (M), Firearms, Navigation, Zero-G
--CAREER-- Maneuvering, Mechanics, Pilot-Atmospheric
BACKGROUND: This is the path for people who want to Interceptor (M), Gunnery (M)
stay on the front line but have some form of MONEY: 90 cr.
authority. This is the usual path for people who
dont want to pursue a command unless it is just a
MIRROR: Heavy Weapons --CAREER--
STARTING RANK: Corporal BACKGROUND: These people are on the path to
CEILING RANK: Sgt. Major commanding their own ship. They may still
BONUS SKILLS (All at +1): Autofire Weapons (M), pilot ships but are being trained in the command
Firearms, Hand to Hand structure. High ranks could earn command of a
O.P. SKILLS (3 OP must be spent on the following): squadron, a starship, or even a fleet.
Demolitions (M), Heavy Weapons (M), MIRROR: Aerospace
Gunnery (M), Leadership, Tactics (M), STARTING RANK: Second Lieutenant
Interrogation, Survival. BONUS SKILLS (All at +1): Leadership,
MONEY: 100 cr. Astrogation (M), Pilot Starship (M).
O.P. SKILLS (3 OP must be spent on the following):
Pilot Space-Interceptor (M), Pilot Dropship
(M), Firearms, Engineer Aerospace, Engineer
Starship, Perception, Tactics
MONEY: 120 cr.
BACKGROUND: These are ground medics basically trained ARMOR
to patching holes. They are not bound by BACKGROUND: These are the drivers of the Tanks,
protecting life, these are marines. They will Buggies, and APC of the CMC. They can also
fight to save their comrades. They are armed operate the weapons of those vehicles as well.
with bullets and bandages. MIRROR: OCC
MIRROR: Sciences or Xenobiology CEILING RANK: Corporal
CEILING RANK: Corporal BONUS SKILLS (All at +1): Gunnery (M), Driving
BONUS SKILLS (All at +1): First Aid, Firearms, (choose either APC, Tank, or Buggy) (M), Firearms
Survival. O.P. SKILLS (3 OP must be spent on the following):
O.P. SKILLS (3 OP must be spent on the following): Engineer Armor (M), Autofire Weapons (M),
Paramedic (M), Autofire Weapons (M), Perception, Driving (the other two types) (M), Survival,
Tracking, Deduction, Research, First Aid. Pilot Power Armor (TL6) (M), Navigation,
MONEY: 100 cr. Hand-to-Hand
MONEY: 80 cr.
BACKGROUND: Expanding on their career, some marines
choose to serve the corps in a support position. One TECHNICIAN
of these is the sciences. Basically, these are marines BACKGROUND: Technicians are assistants to large
that have either trained before as doctors or were starships, and mechanics for smaller vehicles. Most
trained in the corps. They are often sent in large pilots and drivers attribute their success partially to
numbers for medical relief and can often be placed these miracle workers. Being Marines, they often
in command of missions of military aid. Science ride as passengers in large armor as a field
Officers are trained in both medicine as well as all repairman.
the sciences. MIRROR: Engineer
MIRROR: Medical CEILING RANK: Corporal
STARTING RANK: Second Lieutenant BONUS SKILLS (All at +1): Engineer (choose one at +2 or
BONUS SKILLS (All at +1): Paramedic (M), Sciences two and +1): Armor (M), Aerospace (M),
(Choose two or give one +2), First Aid. Starship (M), Firearms, Mechanic.
O.P. SKILLS (3 OP must be spent on the following): O.P. SKILLS (3 OP must be spent on the following):
Research, Perception, Forensic Medicine, Engineer (the two not chosen) (M), Weaponsmith
Criminology, Survival, Sciences, Teacher, (M), Electronics, Computer Programming,
Engineer--Synthetic Autofire Weapons (M), Demolition (M).
MONEY: 140 cr. MONEY: 70 cr.
Within every military force there are the typical foot soldiers, then there is the elite troops. The Colonial Marines are no
exception. Following the traditions of the United States Marine Corp. The Colonial Marines included the marine special forces;
Marine Force Recon, and the sapper, Marine Combat Engineers. Refer to the CMC chapter later for details on descriptions.
The Colonial Marine Corp of Engineers has established a reputation as an elite unit, as Marine Force Recon. These
specialists handle the most hazardous demolition tasks - demolishing strongpoints, clearing mine fields, preparing landing zones
and laying bridges - all while under fire. It would be impossible to list all of the equipment available to the combat engineers
here, though items include all manners of demolitions, mine plows, deep core drills, portable aerospace strips, etc.
Special Rules for Special Forces: Unlike other templates, Special Forces carries requirements. A Player wishing to submit
their Character for this elite must have the following:
When a PC chooses one of the starting paths (Force Recon or Combat Engineer), they are stuck there. It is assumed
that if they make it inthey stay. Special Forces personnel dont leave to be Starship pilots. When you enter the elite, you have
a certain reputation to live by. Unless kicked out, you stay (GM can void this rule though). Also, you can only pick Special
Forces for two paths ONLY. You can move to and from Force Recon and Combat Engineer but you cannot (for game balance)
take either at more than two years total. This may seem drastic, but the PC must spend more OP each path than usual so it
balances somewhat. You either stop, or move onto Force Recon Career. Force Recon Career also carries the same restriction.
Not everything is roses for Special Forces however.
Also, upon entering Force Recon (not Combat Engineer), the PC MUST spend the 12 OP for Marine Hand to Hand.
Entering Force Recon Career can be for NCO and OCCmeaning when you choose Force Recon - Career, you must decide to
go into Force Recon NCO or Force Recon OCC.
MIRROR: Infantry, Heavy Weapons, Medical, Armor
STARTING RANK: Lance Corporal
BONUS SKILLS (All at +1): Autofire Weapons (M), Firearms, HTH, Stealth, Survival, Zero-Gravity Maneuvering, SCUBA,
O.P. SKILLS (5 OP must be spent on the following): Demolitions/Disposal (M), Heavy weapons (M), Melee Weapons,
First Aid, Climbing, Drive -Buggy (M); Gunnery (M), Drive - APC, Tracking, Concealment, Shadowing, Sniper.
MONEY: 100 cr.
MIRROR: Infantry, Heavy Weapons, Medical, Armor
CEILING : Lance Corporal
BONUS SKILLS (All at +1): Smart Gunner (M), Firearms, HTH, Heavy Weapons, Survival, Zero-Gravity Maneuvering,
SCUBA, Parachuting
O.P. SKILLS (3 OP must be spent on the following): Demolitions/Disposal (M), Melee Weapons, First Aid, Climbing,
Drive -Buggy (M); Gunnery (M), Drive - APC, Tracking, Concealment, Shadowing, Autofire Weapons (M),
Hand to Hand Evade,
MONEY: 100 cr.
MIRROR: Infantry, Heavy Weapons, Medical, Armor
CEILING RANK: Lance Corporal
BONUS SKILLS (All at +1): Autofire Weapons (M), Demolitions/Disposal (M), Driving - Heavy Equipment,
Engineering Fortifications (M), Weaponsmith (M), Electronics, HTH, Parachuting
O.P. SKILLS (5 OP must be spent on the following): Security Systems, Heavy Weapons (M), First Aid, Driving -Armor(M),
Gunnery (M), Concealment, Engineering - Armor (M), Engineer: Heavy Equipment, Stealth, Survival,
Engineer: Aerospace.
MONEY: 100 cr.
See "Ranks" in the CMC. Do not invest any points here.
No License
SKILLS (Page 16)
Astrogation (INT) Heavy Weapons (RPG, HIMAT, Sentry Guns,
Autofire Weapons (Pulse Rifles, Machine Guns) (REF) Flame-thrower) (REF)
Demolition / Disposal (TECH ) Gunnery (Mounted Weapons) (REF)
Driving: APC (REF) Paramedic (TECH)
Driving: Tank (REF) Pilot: Dropship (DEX)
Driving: Buggy (REF) Pilot: Interceptor (Space-borne) (DEX)
Engineer: Armor (APC/Tank/Buggy) (TECH) Pilot: Interceptor (atmospheric) (DEX)
Engineer: Weapons (use Weaponsmith) (TECH) Pilot: Starship (DEX)
Engineer: Aerospace (Dropship, Interceptor) (TECH) Pilot: Power Armor (TL 6 only) (DEX)
Engineer: Synthetic (TECH) Smart Gunnery (REF)
Engineer: Starship (TECH) Tactics (INT)
Engineer: Fortifications (Bunkers, Minefields, Airfields) Weaponsmith (TECH)
Sniper Rifle (REF) Xenobiology (INT)
Acrobatics (DEX) Interrogation (PRE)
Acting (PRE) Intimidation (PRE)
Animal Handler (INT) Inventor (TECH)
Athletics (DEX) Languages (INT)
Bribery (PRE) Leadership (PRE)
Bugging (TECH) Lip Reading (INT)
Bureaucratic (PRE) Local Expert (INT)
Business (INT) Lockpicking (TECH)
Climbing (STR) Melee Weapons (DEX)
Computer Programming (INT) Melee Evade (DEX)
Concealment (INT) Mimicry (PRE)
Concentration (WILL) Navigation (INT)
Contortionist (DEX) Oratory (PRE)
Conversation (PRE) Perception (INT)
Cooking (INT) Persuasion (PRE)
Criminology (TECH) Pilot: Civilian Aircraft (DEX)
Cryptography (INT) Pilot: Powerloader (DEX)
Dancing (DEX) Professional (INT)
Deduction (INT) Ranged Evade (DEX)
Disguise (TECH) Research (INT)
Driving: Bike (REF) Riding (DEX)
Driving: Automobile (REF) Science (INT)
Driving: Heavy Equipment (Drillers, Loaders, Cranes) Security Systems (TECH)
Education (INT) Seduction (PRE)
Electronics (TECH) Shadowing (INT)
Engineer: Automobile (TECH) Sleight of Hand (REF)
Engineer: Aircraft (TECH) Stealth (DEX)
Engineer: Heavy Equipment (TECH) Streetwise (PRE)
Expert (INT) Survival (INT)
First Aid (TECH) Surveillance (INT)
Firearms (REF) Teacher (PRE)
Forensic Medicine (TECH) Tracking (INT)
Forgery (TECH) Trading (PRE)
Gambling (TECH) Ventriloquist (PRE)
Hacking (TECH) Wardrobe and Style (PRE)
Hand to Hand (REF) Zero-Gravity Maneuvering (DEX)
Hand to Hand Evade (DEX) Scuba (DEX)
High Society (PRE) Parachuting (DEX)
Standard Equipment applies to whatever position you end up with finally at the end of your character
generation. This is not what your character walks around with but rather the standard gear he/she is equipped
with in combat.
Equipment going into battle can vary drastically with the situation. Additions are common. As a general rule of
thumb, marines can choose any weapon they have training in. (Optional) Any rank Lance Corporal and higher have an
automatic choice of a third weapon as long as they have training in the use of that weapon. The pistol is the only automatic.
Shotgun, Flame-throwers and even Anti-Aircraft/Tank weaponry are available.
@ Indicates items for an encumbered Marine. Every 3 of @ items adds 1 to your DEX. @@ indicates two marks.
NOTE: All equipment is TL1. Anything with a * can be replaced by higher TL equivalents.
BDUs Hand Welder Personal Locator 20 days rations @
Wristwatch Motion Tracker M-3Armor* Binoculars (High Quality) @
M-10 Helmet* Compass Bed Roll @ Short Range Comm
Canteen Nylon Rope @ Entrenching/ Utility Tool @ TNR Lamp@
First Aid Kit Toolknife 3 M1000 Flares M41A Pulse Rifle w. 2 clips*
6 M-94 Flares VP-90 Pistol or M4A3 Pistol 8 M-40 Grenades Personal Data Transmitter
Knife w. 2 clips* Mess Kit @ (implanted)
BDUs Compass M-10 Helmet* 20 days rations@
M-3Armor* First Aid Kit@ Bed Roll @ DemoKit@
3 M1000 Flares Nylon Rope@ Canteen Wristwatch
6 M-94 Flares@ Short Range Comm Entrenching/ Utility TNR Lamp
Mess Kit@ Toolknife Tool@ Personal Locator
Hand Welder M240 Flame-thrower w 2 8 M-40 Grenades VP-90 Pistol or M4A3 Pistol
Binoculars (High Quality)@ canisters or M-56 Smartgun Knife@ w. 2 clips
Flight Fatigues Knife Short Range Comm Gee Suit
Flight Helmet Binoculars (High Quality) Toolknife VP-90 Pistol or M4A3 Pistol
Canteen Compass Wristwatch with 2 clips*
3 M1000 Flares Lantern Personal Data Transmitter Personal Locator
6 M-94 Flares Nylon Rope (implanted)
Flight Fatigues Binoculars (High Quality) Wristwatch Gee Suit
3 M1000 Flares Nylon Rope Personal Data Transmitter VP-90 Pistol or M4A3 Pistol
6 M-94 Flares Short Range Comm (implanted) with 2 clips*
Knife Toolknife Personal Locator Compass
BDUs 6 M-94 Flares Binoculars (High Quality)@ Wristwatch
M-3Armor* Knife Compass Personal Data Transmitter
M-10 Helmet* Mess Kit @ First Aid Kit (implanted)
Bed Roll @ 20 days rations @ Lantern @ Personal Locator
Canteen TNR Lamp Short Range Comm VP-90 Pistol or M4A3 Pistol
3 M1000 Flares Medkit Toolknife with 2 clips*
BDUs Hand Welder Nylon Rope Personal Data Transmitter
Canteen Binoculars (High Quality) Short Range Comm (implanted)
3 M1000 Flares Compass Toolknife VP-90 Pistol or M4A3 Pistol
6 M-94 Flares An armored vehicle of choice. Wristwatch with 2 clips*
Knife Mechanics Tool Kit Personal Locator
BDUs Hand Welder Mechanics Tool Kit VP-90 Pistol or M4A3 Pistol
Bed Roll @ 20 days rations @ Nylon Rope @ with 2 clips*
Entrenching/ Utility Tool @ Motion Tracker Short Range Comm Personal Locator
3 M1000 Flares Orbital Communications Toolknife DemoKit
6 M-94 Flares kit@@ Wristwatch
Knife Advanced Tool Kit@ Personal Data Transmitter
Mess Kit @ Electricians Tool Kit@ (implanted)
Entrenching/ Utility Tool @ 20 days rations @ Electricians Tool Kit@ Personal Data Transmitter
3 M1000 Flares Motion Tracker Mechanics Tool Kit (implanted)
6 M-94 Flares DemoKit Nylon Rope @ VP-90 Pistol or M4A3 Pistol
Knife Orbital Communications Short Range Comm with 2 clips*
Mess Kit @ kit@@ Toolknife
Hand Welder Advanced Tool Kit@ Wristwatch
Team break down includes 2 Infantry, 1 Heavy Weapon, 1 Sniper, 1 NCO/OCC. Team is issued 1 Pulse
Communicator, and 1 Intelligence Unit. Additional equipment available upon request.
BDUs Hand Welder Personal Locator Mess Kit @
Wristwatch Toolknife M-3Armor* or 20 days rations @
M-10 Helmet* Motion Tracker Ghillie Suit *@ Binoculars (High Quality) @
Canteen Compass Bed Roll @ Short Range Comm
First Aid Kit Nylon Rope @ Entrenching/Utility Tool @ TNR Lamp
6 M-94 Flares VP-90 Pistol or M4A3 3 M1000 Flares M41A Pulse Rifle w/2 clips*
Knife Pistol w. 2 clips* 8 M-40 Grenades
BDUs Hand Welder M-3Armor* or 20 days rations @
Wristwatch Compass Ghillie Suit *@ Binoculars (High Quality) @
M-10 Helmet* Nylon Rope @ Bed Roll @ Short Range Comm
Canteen Toolknife Entrenching/ Utility Tool @ M42A Scope Rifle
First Aid Kit VP-90 Pistol or M4A3 3 M1000 Flares w/2 clips*
6 M-94 Flares Pistol w/2 clips* 8 M-40 Grenades
Knife Mess Kit @
BDUs Knife Advanced Tool Kit@ VP-90 Pistol or M4A3 Pistol
M-3Armor* or Mess Kit @ Mechanics Tool Kit w/2 clips*
Ghillie Suit *@ Hand Welder Nylon Rope @ M41A Pulse Rifle w/2 clips
M-10 Helmet* 20 days rations @ Short Range Comm OR M240
Entrenching/ Utility Tool @ Motion Tracker Toolknife Flame-thrower w/2
3 M1000 Flares DemoKit Wristwatch canisters.
6 M-94 Flares Orbital Comm. Kit@@ Mission specific equipment
The National Security Act of 2101 established the Colonial Marines structures as four combat divisions and four
aerospace wings, plus the support services organic to these formations. At present the Colonial Marine Corps strength stands at
165,000 Marines. Reserve manpower stands at around 50,000, comprising a fifth division and aerospace wing.
The Colonial Marine Division is the basic ground element of the Marine Space Force. It is essentially a balanced force
of combat, support and service elements. Organized around three infantry regiments, the division is especially designed to
execute the orbital assault mission, and is capable of sustained surface operations.
The Colonial Marine Aerospace Wing is the aerospace combat element of the Marine Space Force. Designed for
aerospace support and the air mobility mission, the aerospace wing is essentially an administrative formation, since much of it's
fighting strength is directly attached to the Colonial Marine division. Typically, a Marine aerospace wing operates some 300
dropships, 30 heavy-life shuttles and 100 strikeships.
The challenge to Marine logisticians is immense; they must approach their missions with the same aggressive execution
as the infantrymen in the assault. They have finite quantities of supplies at hand, yet have to operate a 'push mode' system,
anticipating the needs of the forward units and moving loads to them even before they realize the need for it. Inevitably, this can
lead to wastage when supplies are pushed forward to units who, for whatever reason, no longer need them; however, such waste
is preferable to the disaster that can occur if supplies are not forwarded until after the need has arisen.
Because, even in a 'hot' conflict, Colonial Marine units are often dispersed in small units across continental distances,
the USCM logistic prime movers are the ubiquitous UD-4 Cheyenne dropship and the N-1 Snakefighter. In the field, the M570
all-terrain transport is the land based prime mover, with powerloaders often used on-site to offload cargoes.
USCM doctrine stresses the need for small, autonomous infantry units capable of operating with or without higher level
support on the non-linear battlefield. Given the fluid nature of battle at the small-unit level, the rifle unit must be capable of
moving great distances rapidly using it's own transport, must carry its won heavy support weapons and sensors, and be able to
apply great concentrations of firepower rapidly. The current organization of the Colonial Marine rifle squad and platoon reflect
the ultimate development of this doctrine.
A rifle squad consists of four Marines, including a Corporal, a Lance Corporal, and two Privates / Privates First Class.
Each squad divides into two-man fireteams: the Rifle Team and Gun Team. The Rifle team consists of a pair of riflemen assigned
together on the 'buddy' system, both equipped with the M41 pulse-rifle. The Gun Team is made up of rifleman with an M41 and a
machine gunner carrying the automatic M56 Smart Gun.
Two squads, led by a Sergeant and riding with a driver in an M577 Armored Personnel Carrier, make up a section. In a
drop operation, a UD-4 dropship is attached to the section from the aerospace company team.
Two sections, led by a lieutenant, form a rifle platoon, for a total paper strength of 25 Marines including the APC and
dropship crews - though in practice this is often less. Platoons commonly carry one or two synthetic humans in a technical or
scientific advisory role, and to assist as medics or backup drivers/pilots. Organic support weaponry available to the platoon
usually includes eight M240 flamethrowers, eight UA-571 remote sentry guns, two M78 PIG phased plasma guns or M5 rocket-
propelled grenade launchers, eighteen M83 SADAR anti-tank smart rockets, and a single M402 multiple-launch fire-support
mortars. Sufficient sensor equipment to establish an overlapping detection matrix with a frontage of 1,000 meters is also carried.
You must achieve a certain Reputation...then be endorsed by a higher-ranking official (at least two ranks higher). PCs
will never meet some positions, but they are all listed so that everyone knows where they stand in the food chain: Listed from
low to high:
Private (Aeroman)* 0 Corporal (Sen.Aeroman)* 8 Second Lieutenant 32
Pvt 1st Class (Aeroman)* 4 Sergeant 15 First Lieutenant 12
Lance Corporal Staff Sergeant 10 Captain 12
(Aeroman First Class)* 4 Gunnery Sergeant 10 Major 40
First Sergeant 10 Lieutenant Colonel 15
Sergeant Major 10 Colonel 15
Brigadier General N/A
Major General N/A
Lieutenant General N/A
General N/A
Admiral N/A
This is not a cost value. When your reputation reaches this number, you are eligible. To get the rank, you
must be sponsored by either another character three ranks higher or by a NPC of higher rank. It is GM's discretion depending on
if the PC has gotten someones attention. The Character will continue to earn Reputation but the GM should have a very good
reason if the requirement for promotion is half than the PCs current reputation.
When the new rank is achieved, the Reputation is set to zero (Remember your MEMBERSHIP in the CMC increases as
ranks get highersee Character Generation) and the PC must start earning again. Remember than if a Career Non-Com want to
pursue a Commissioned rank, he/she bust be busted downall reputation is lost when this happens. GMs can award Reputation
points for acts of bravery or for volunteering for hazardous duty. Most rewards should hover around 2 to 5 for REALLY
amazing acts of loyalty or bravery. You CANNOT trade Reputation for OP but you can trade OP for reputation on a 1:1 basis.
After each adventure, the GM should award REPUTATION. The average should be 1 or 2or even 0. Not every
fight needs an award. Some secret missions are so black-bordered that it doesnt technically exist. No credit can be awards.
Also, the GM is more than allowed to award or even points for small advances. Single sortie missions arent much but can
add up after a while.
Navy Cross: This is the highest Medal that can be awarded by the Department of the Navy / Headquarters
Marine Corps. To get a Navy Cross, essentially you must do something, during a war, that is recognized as a
completely selfless and life threatening act. It must involve saving others as well. This should be SUPREME
heroism on the level with the Congressional Medal of Honor. The difference between the Cross and the CMH is
purely political. Most crosses are awarded posthumously.
Defense Distinguished Service Medal: A medal awarded to individuals that perform above and beyond the call of
duty in a defensive position, rather than an offensive one.
Silver Star: Extreme heroism. One notch below the Cross. The Silver Star is still a very rare and highly
regarded medal. Bishop (do synthetics get medals?) could have been nominated for a Silver Star for crawling out
to the uplink and bringing in the other drop ship.
Defense Superior Service Medal: Similar to the DDSM but of higher importance.
The Medal of Honor: See the Navy Cross. The CMH is the highest medal awarded in the CMC. A medal of honor
winner is accorded courtesies normally reserved for Generals. Everyone must salute a CMH winner,
regardless of rank. The Commandant of the Marine Corps (4 Star) would salute a Private if he somehow managed
to win the CMH. Normally takes years to be awarded. The Medal of Honor (Congressional) is the highest
decoration conferred by the Marines. The Medal is awarded for gallantry and intrepidity in combat, for risk of life,
and/or performance above and beyond the call of duty
(a) while engaged in actions against hostile forces;
(b) while engaged in military operations involving conflict with opposing foreign force; or
(c) while serving with friendly foreign forces engaged in an armed conflict against an opposing armed force
in high the U S. 's not a belligerent.
(d) To justify an individual receiving this award, an individual must conspicuously and undeniably render
behavior above comrades by acts so outstanding that it clearly distinguishes gallantry above and
beyond the "call". The act will be recognized above lesser forms of bravery the type of deed for
which there will be no justified criticism without detriment to the mission or the command.
Legion of Merit: This is much lower than the stars. A legion of merit can be awarded in peacetime for a job well
done. Therefore a Legion of Merit won in combat is distinguished by a combat "V". The Legion of Merit might be awarded a
Gunny at the end of a 13 month tour in for performance exceeding the normal.
Distinguished Flying Cross: The DFC is essentially a silver or bronze star awarded to pilots. Involves combat
heroism involving aviation.
Bronze Star Medal: The lowest of the combat heroism medals, this is still a significant achievement. Vasquez would
rate a Bronze Star for her coolness under fire in Aliens. The Bronze star is often awarded for a less specific action. If she had
managed to cut off the alien advance when she squeezed the grenade, that specific act would have elevated her to possible Cross
level and certainly Silver Star level. As it was she probably would have
gotten the Silver Star, had anyone survived to nominate her!
Purple Heart: Anyone wounded in any way in a combat environment is eligible for the purple heart. One
embarrassed Ranger was awarded the purple heart when he broke a leg jumping out of a slick too soon during the
initial moments of the Panama invasion of '89. Never saw the enemy, but he wears the heart.
Joint Service Achievement Medal: The medal is for exceptional results and process
improvements to your Department. It is not uncommon for officers and senior enlisted to be awarded a JSA upon
completing a tour of duty. More junior enlisted will more often get it for a specific accomplishment.
Prisoner of War: If you get captured and survive, you get the POW medal.
Marine Good Conduct Medal: Marine Corps Good Conduct Medal recognizes enlisted men and women who have
served with good behavior and have provided faithful service in the Corps for a period of three years, and is gained when --
(a) there are no convictions by court-martial; not more than one non-judicial punishment under the Uniform Code of
Military Justice. Article 15; and no lost time by reason of sickness-misconduct or injury- misconduct.
(b) a second non-judicial punishment or court-martial that voided creditability of good service has been removed by
meeting an approved new good conduct period. date for the good conduct period.
(c) a confinement as a result of conviction by court-martial has ended, and a new period has begun with the date of
restoration to duty, even though in a probationary status.
(d) When the foregoing requirements have been met but it is evident that the individual is not deserving of the Good
Conduct Award due to events which preclude receipt, such as: repeated record of letters of valid indebtedness; conviction by civil
court for major offense(s); and/or other acts which are not in keeping with the high moral standards required of all Marines, it is
required that the commanding officer make appropriate recommendations, with justifications, to the Commandant of the Marine
Marine Expeditionary Medal: Complete 90 days service in the Fleet Marine Force during a qualifying mission, you
get the expeditionary medal.
Humanitarian Service Medal: Perform non-combat humanitarian service, you get this one.
Outstanding Volunteer Medal: Like humanitarian service but for volunteer work.
Defense Meritorious Service Medal: Usually an end of career medal awarded at your retirement. Sometimes
awarded after 20+ years of continued service...
Meritorious Service medal: Ditto, slightly lower than the DMS...
Joint Service Comm Medal: See JSA. The JSC would be one level higher.
Marine Commendation Medal: Same as a JSC
National Defense Service Medal: Be on active duty during a war! Awarded to everyone on active duty during
Medal For Humane Action: See humanitarian service medal.
Colonial Defense Service Medal: See national defense service medal.
Organized Marine Reserve Medal: See national defense service medal, awarded for being in the organized reserves
during a war.
Marine Corps awards fall into three classes: personal and unit decorations; commemorative, campaign, and
service medals; and marksmanship badges and trophies.
Personal and unit decorations
a) Personal awards are conferred upon the individual for his or her act of heroism, specific act of gallantry, or for
meritorious service during military or non military feats.
b) Campaign or service medals are issued to "all hands" who take part in particular campaigns or periods of
service for which a medal is authorized. In addition to campaign and service medals, certain commemorative medals have been
struck to commemorate noncombatant but noteworthy achievements such as polar and arctic expeditions or pioneer space flights.
Marksmanship Badges and Trophies
Badges are awarded to individuals who qualify because they have demonstrated some special proficiency or skill.
Marksmanship badges are worn to indicate the individual's prowess with specific weapon(s), pistols and/or rifles, during
specified competitions, matches, or practice exercises. The trophies are awarded at the various levels to include: United States
and international distinguished shooter competitions, Marine Corps rifle and pistol championships, national trophies for rifle and
pistol matches, interservice rifle and pistol matches, regional practices, combat exercises, division and inter-division contests.
Each Medal can be accompanied by one or several points of Reputation.
ERT teams are exclusive to the CMC. Their charter expands beyond the normal requirements for a basic marine corps.
They are needed to meet the demands of the colonies they serve. This expands beyond the need to protect their borders. Often,
the CMC is called in for rescue duty, usually because they have the fastest ships with the longest range. To combat these
demands, the ERT was formed. They are sent in to rescue people from a variety of conditions.
SHIP TYPE: Usually one ship. Conestoga usually.
ADVENUTRE TYPES: Any type of rescue mission. A good way to add variety to a campaign by sprinkling in some Non-
Alien action.
The following list contains the descriptive title and general provisions of selected punitive articles of the UCMJ.
The following are the forms of punishment which may be imposed for violations the of the UCMJ. All forms of
punishment are subject to restrictions specified in the UCMJ. The UCMJ provides limitations of sentences based on the nature of
the crime, the form of adjudication (non-judicial punishment or court-martial), and the position/rank of the individual assigning
the punishment or the type of court-martial that convicted the Marine.
1. REPRIMAND. The convening authority of a court-martial or a commanding officer may punish a Marine by censure. A
reprimand is a severe form of censure that adversely reflects upon the conduct of the person addressed. A reprimand
my be presented either orally or in writing; however, it is normally delivered in the written form.
2. FORFEITURE OF PAY AND ALLOWANCES. A forfeiture deprives the individual accused, of all or specific amount, of
money to be accrued (earned in the future) as a result of service in the armed forces of the United States.
3. FINE. A fine makes the accused immediately liable to the United States for the entire amount of money specified in the
sentence. A fine may only be adjudged by a court-martial, and it may be adjudged instead of or in addition to a
forfeiture. However, a fine is normally used only as a sentence in cases when the accused has been unjustly enriched as
a result of the offense convicted.
4. LOSS OF NUMBERS, lineal position, or seniority. This form of punishment is reserved for commissioned officers only.
5. REDUCTION IN PAY GRADE. A reduction in pay grade causes the accused to be of the rank and pay grade to which
6. RESTRICTION TO SPECIFIC LIMITS. Restriction deprives the accused of normal liberty privileges. The sentence will
specify the physical and geographic locations in which the individual is allowed, how long the restriction shall last, and
when that individual must be present at specific locations. A Marine who is being punished by restriction is not exempt
from performing normal duty requirements.
7. HARD LABOR WITHOUT CONFINEMENT. The hard labor is performed in addition to regular duties.
8. CONFINEMENT. Confinement deprives the Marine sentenced of normal liberty privileges and is a form of physical restraint
, which provides for the assignment of quarters at a specific location - usually a correctional facility. Additionally,
unless specified in the sentencing, the performance of hard labor is also required.
confinement to specific quarters (normally the ship's brig) while enduring a specific reduction of rations (normally
bread and water only). This form of confinement may only be assigned while the Marine sentenced is embarked
aboard Naval vessel and may not exceed 3 days.
10. PUNITIVE SEPARATION. This form of punishment results in the convicted Marine being removed from the service and
given either a dishonorable or bad-conduct discharge.
11. DEATH.
The three types of courts-martial are summary, special, and general. The differences among the three types of courts-
martial are based on their composition, level of authority, and severity of punishments authorized.
1. A summary court-martial is composed of one officer with the rank of Captain or higher.
a) The lowest level of authority to convene a summary court-martial is normally a battalion commander or the equivalent;
however, under special circumstances, a commanding officer of a separate or detached command may be granted the
authority by his superiors.
b) A summary court-martial may adjudge any punishment not forbidden by the UCMJ, except death dismissal, dishonorable.
discharge bad-without confinement for more than 45 days, restriction for more than 2 months, or forfeiture of more
than I months pay. In the case of sergeants and above, a summary court-martial may not award a reduction of rank of
more than one rank, hard labor without confinement, or confinement.
c) A summary court-martial may not try a commissioned officer, warrant officer, cadets, midshipmen for any capital offenses.
However, no Marine can be compelled to accept a summary court-martial. Since a summary court-martial is less formal
than the other two types of courts, a Marine may refuse to accept trial by summary court-martial and may request a
special court-martial. However, he should be aware that conviction by a special or general court-martial constitutes a
felony conviction.
2. A special court-martial can be composed of a military judge alone, not more than three impartial active duty armed service
personnel, or a military judge and not more than three armed services personnel. The impartial personnel; can be
commissioned officers, warrant officers, or enlisted personnel. If the accused is a commissioned officer, no member
can be a warrant officer or enlisted person. If the accused is a warrant officer, no member can be an enlisted person. If
the accused is an enlisted person, he may request that at least one third of the members of the court be enlisted.
a) The lowest level of authority to convene a special court-martial is normally a brigade or regimental commander or the
equivalent. However, under special circumstances, a commanding officer of a separate or detached battalion may be
granted the authority by his superiors.
b) A special court-martial may adjudge any punishment not forbidden by the UCMJ, except death, dismissal, dishonorable
discharge, confinement for more than 6 months, hard labor without confinement for more than 3 months, or forfeiture
of more than two-thirds pay for more than 6 months.
c) Normally, a special court-martial may not try any capital offense where there is a mandatory punishment beyond the maximum
punitive power of a special court-martial.
3. A general court-martial can be composed of a military judge alone or a military judge and not more than five impartial armed
services personnel. The impartial personnel can be commissioned officers, warrant officers, or enlisted personnel. Of
the accused is a commissioned officer, no member can be a warrant officer or enlisted person. If the accused is a
warrant officer, no member can be an enlisted person. If the accused is an enlisted person, he may request that at least
one third of the members of the court be enlisted.
a) The lowest level of authority to convene a general court-martial is normally a division, wing, or base commanding general, or
the equivalent. However, under special circumstances, a commanding officer of a separate or detached unit may be
granted the authority by his superiors.
b) A general court-martial may adjudge any punishment not forbidden by the UCMJ.
The rights of the accused before judicial and non-judicial proceedings are based on the laws of this country and
specified in the UCMJ.
1. Your rights before judicial proceedings include but are not limited to: being considered innocent until proven guilty,
a) being considered innocent until proven guilty,
b) remaining silent and to being informed that if you do make a statement it can be used against you in a court-martial,
c) being represented by a lawyer,
d) being protected from double jeopardy,
e) calling witnesses on your behalf,
f) having your sentence reviewed,
g)having a speedy trial,
h) being informed of all charges against you,
i) having the assistance of an interpreter,
j) protection against illegal searches and seizures,
k) challenging members of the court,
l) having enlisted representation on special and general courts-martial,
m) being tried by a military judge, and
n) being tried by court-martial vice non-judicial punishment
2. Your rights before non-judicial proceedings include but are not limited to:
a) appearing before all boards and fact-finding bodies:
b) examining, objecting to, and challenging She introduction of all physical and documentary evidence;
c) examining, cross-examining, and challenging the testimony of all witnesses;
d) introducing evidence on your behalf;
e) testifying on your behalf; and
f) making a voluntary statement for the official records.
You can use this procedure to discuss any matter with your commanding officer in your chain of command. The
procedures are designed to allow for timely and appropriate responses to your request. If you are following the proper procedures
for requesting mast, no one may prohibit you from speaking with your commanding officer at the proper time and place. This
includes any commanding general who is located in the same geographic area as you.
1. The procedural points for request mast below the commanding general level are contained in the following
a) You may submit your request at the lowest echelon and have it forwarded via the chain of command to the commander with
whom you wish to speak.
b) You do not have to state the matter of concern, either orally or in writing;. to anyone in the chain of command until you have
reached the officer to whom you originally requested mast.
c) You should not have to wait more than 24 hours between levels of the chain of command whenever possible.
d) You may request mast without fear of prejudice to your interest.
e) Upon completion of request mast, you must make a written statement regarding the degree of satisfaction you had with the
outcome of your request.
f) If your request mast to a higher commander is resolved by a lower commander. you must make a written, witnessed statement
indicating the degree of satisfaction you have had and your willingness to withdraw the request to higher authority.
g) Your request mast will be conducted at the earliest reasonable time and not later than 72 hours after submission whenever
possible. If your request is of an emergency nature, it should be heard within 24 hours if at all possible.
2. The additional procedural points for request mast with your commanding general are contained in the following
a) You must prepare a complete written, statement indicating the reasons for the request mast. It must include a list of witnesses
with a summary of the expected testimony of each.
b) You must, if applicable, attach any documents that support your request.
c) Your statement must also include a list of persons in your chain of command that you have already seen and any action that
they have taken.
The purpose of non-judicial punishment is to provide an essential and prompt news of maintaining good order and
discipline to your unit's commanding officer. It also promotes positive behavior changes in Marines without the stigma of a
court-martial conviction.
1. If you are the accused Marine, you have the option of either demanding trial by court-martial or accepting non-judicial
2. Once your commanding officer has passed judgment and sentenced you, if you feel that the punishment awarded to you is
unjust or disproportionate to the offense, you may appeal all or part of your sentence to the next higher authority. He
may set aside, decrease, suspend, or let stand any portion or all of the original sentence. However, he cannot in any
way increase the original sentence.
As a Marine, you may be given one of five different discharges. The type of discharge you are awarded is based on the
method by which it is awarded and the character of your service.
1. To receive a dishonorable discharge, a Marine must be convicted by general court-martial of an offense of a dishonorable
nature. These are offenses generally recognized by the courts as being serious felonies. However, a Marine may also
be awarded a dishonorable discharge if he his been convicted by court-martial of three or more offenses in the last year,
regardless of whether any of the charges were severe enough to result in a dishonorable discharge by themselves.
2. For a Marine to receive a bad-conduct discharge, he must have been convicted by a general or special court-martial of an
offense under the UCMJ, which was serious enough to warrant this form of discharge. A Marine may also receive a
bad-conduct discharge from a court-martial for a minor offense W he has previously been found guilty of repeated
offenses in a combination of judicial and non-judicial proceedings. Additionally, a Marine may be awarded a bad
conduct discharge if he has been convicted by court-martial of two or more offenses in the past 3 years even if none of
the previous or current charges are severe enough to warrant such a discharge.
3. A Marine may receive a general discharge under other than honorable conditions if his service has been characterized by
conduct that was a significant departure from the conduct expected of a Marine. This usually involves illegal acts or
commission of acts that are characterized by violence that result in serious bodily injury, breech of special trust,
disregard for the normal superior-subordinate relationship, drug abuse or trafficking, or endangering the security of the
Marine Corps. Under these conditions, the discharge is awarded in lieu of court-martial.
4. A Marine may receive a general discharge under honorable conditions if his service was characterized by significant negative
aspects reflected in his performance or conduct. This type of discharge is normally awarded to Marines whose average
proficiency or conduct marks fall below 3.0 or 4.0 respectively.
Discipline in combat is essential. Disobedience to the law of war dishonors the Nation, the Marine Corps, and the
individual Marine, and far from weakening the enemy's will to fight, it strengthens it. The following principles require the
Marine's adherence in the accomplishment of any mission. Violations have an adverse impact on public opinion both national and
international and have on occasion served to prolong conflict by inciting an opponent to continue resistance and in most cases
constitute violations of the UCMJ. Violations of these principles prejudice the good order and discipline essential to success in
Many Corps customs are derived from the many years of service afloat. Even ashore Marines customarily use nautical
terms. Floors are "decks," walls are "bulkheads," ceilings are "overheads," ands corridors are "passageways". The order
"Gangway" is used to clear the way for an officer ashore, just as it is afloat. Among
other terms commonly used: "two-block" is to tighten or center; "square-away" is to correctly arrange articles or to take in hand
and direct an individual; "head" is the bathroom, and "scuttlebutt" is a drinking fountain or an unconfirmed rumor. In the Marine
Corps, the nautical expression, "Aye, aye, sir" is used when acknowledging a
verbal order. "Yes, sir" and "No sir" are used in answer to direct questions. "Aye, aye, sir" is not used as this
expression is reserved solely for acknowledgment of orders. Some of the other terms inherent in Corps tradition
and history are:
ADRIFT Loose from towline or moorings; scattered GALLEY Shipboard kitchen; kitchen of a mess hall;
about; not in proper stowage mobile field mess
AFT Referring to or toward the stern (rear) of a vessel GATOR An amphibious ship; one who serves in the
ALL HANDS All members of a command amphibious Navy
ASHORE Any place outside of a naval or Marine GEEDUNK The place (aboard ship) where candy, ice
Corps reservation cream, soda, and smokes can be purchased
AS YOU WHERE Resume former activity HATCH Door or doorway
AWEIGH Said of the anchor. As soon as the anchor LADDER Stairs
has broken away from and is no longer fastened to LIBERTY Absence of enlisted from the ship or command
the bottom for less than 96 hours for purposes of rest and
BELAY To make fast or to secure, as in "belay the recreation which is not charged as leave
line;" to cancel or to disregard a statement just POLICE To straighten or to tidy up
made PORT Left
BELOW To go downstairs QUARTERDECK The ceremonial location on board
BREAKOUT Take out of stock or storage: to prepare ship when the ship is moored or at anchor (It is
for use located close to the brow or accommodation ladder
BRIG A place of confinement; a prison and is the watch station for the Officer of the
BROWN BAGGER A married man Deck.)
BOW The front portion of a ship SEABAG The bag used to stow personal gear
BRIDGE The portion of a ship's structure from which it is SECURE Stop; finish; end; make fast put away in
controlled when underway storage
BROW A portable walkway from the pier or jetty the SHIPPING OVER Re-enlisting
ship's quarter deck SICK BAY Hospital or dispensary
BUTTKIT An ashtray SKIPPER Commanding Officer
CARRY ON The order to resume previous activity SKYLARK Goof-off; to loiter
CHIT A receipt or authorization; a piece of paper STARBOARD Right
FANTAIL The main deck of a ship or the stern STERN The blunt end (rear) of a ship
FIELD DAY Barracks cleanup SWAB A mop
FIELD SCARF Regulation Marine Corps uniform neck TOPSIDE Upstairs
tie TURN TO Begin work; get started
FORECASTLE The upperdeck at the bow on which WARDROOM on board ship, the officer's living room
the ground tackle is located and dining area; also used to signify all of the
officers serving on the ship
Leadership has passed from Marine to Marine since the founding of the Corps. It is the art of influencing and directing
men and women to accomplish the mission of keeping our country free; to obtain their obedience, respect, confidence, and loyal
cooperation; and to maintain the sense of accomplishment. In essence, leadership boils down to three fundamentals: Know your
"stuff" and yourself; be a role model, and set the example; know your people, and look after them.
Concern for and attentiveness to troop welfare not only means providing the basics of survival (food, water, shelter,
and rest), but it also means attending to the numerous other details that make a unit effective. It means training and critiquing so
that "lessons learned" do not have to be relearned. It means talking with military members as if they are members of the family. It
means looking out for Marines as they instinctively look out for their leader and for each other.
1. The Primary Objective of Leadership -- Mission Accomplishment
a) Military discipline. A moral, mental, and physical state in which all hands respond to orders or to the will of the commander or
leader, whether or not he or she is present.
(1) Self-discipline is the basis of discipline.
(2) Effective discipline is the sense of accomplishment of a goal.
(3) Sound discipline is a matter of consistency and firmness.
b) Efficient performance in battle. The ultimate objective of military discipline: Overcome fear and replace it with action
c) Standards of good discipline. Deportment attention to duty, example, and decent behavior, which enable men and women to
accomplish and to give their best,
d) The results of a well-disciplined unit are clearly observable:
(1) All assigned missions are accomplished.
(2) Marines are confident and maintain a sharp appearance.
(3) Marines are proud of their unit; they believe it has a good reputation (esprit).
(4) Weapons and equipment are available and well-maintained.
(5) Marines at all levels are actively engaged in doing their duties they place value on the things that they do.
(6) Marines cooperate and willingly helping one another.
(7) Training is well planned, well conducted, consistent, and thoroughly evaluated for individual and unit strengths and
weaknesses and feedback, for the individual and the group, is immediately provided
(8) In hostile situations, the unit fights successfully under stress.
2. The Secondary Objective of Leadership -- Troop Welfare
a) Counseling, as a leadership tool, is used to improve performance and to aid in solving problems or circumventing potential
problems. The types of counseling are:
(1) performance,
(2) personal,
(3) professional, and
(4) career.
b) Keys to constructive performance counseling are:
(1) Accurate evaluation of performance,
(2) Clear and concise communication of the evaluation to the subordinate,
(3) Mutual agreement concerning performance areas where improvement is required,
(4) Active subordinate response, and
(5) Concrete suggestions for improvement.
c) Keys to effective personal counseling are:
(1) Suggestions and advice are offered only after learning all of the pertinent facts.
(2) Advice on professional matters is left to the professionals.
(3) Problems that are not solved are referred to someone who can handle the problem.
d) Keys in conducting professional counseling include
(1) Finding out what the problem involves and then setting up an appointment for the Marine to talk to the proper specialist
(e.g., medical or drug and alcohol officers, 1st Sergeant, Sergeant Major. or the chaplain); and (2) Using the chain of
command to match a Marine to the proper specialized expert.
e) Keys to career counseling are:
(1) Knowing and understanding the Marine (their motivations, skills, and attitudes),
(2) Knowing the advantages of a career in the Marine Corps and the opportunities and alternatives that are available, and
(3) Knowing the basic qualifications required for reenlistment.
BDU 4 2 0
M3 suit* 14 2 0
M10 ballistic helmet* 25 10 0 Head Only
Gee Suit 4 1 0
Ghillie Suit (Recon) * 6 1 0 Camouflage (see below)
Z-110 Acid Neutralizing Combat Wardrobe (TL4)* 18 10 -1 Acid has no effect.
NeutraGel Modification (TL5) 1 0 0 Acid has no effect.
Polymer/Alloy combat armor rig. (TL3)* 16 10 0
WY Shielded Combat Helmet (TL2) 30 10 0
Flak Jacket 12 2 0
Kevlar (Light) 10 1 0
Kevlar (Medium) 12 2 0
Kevlar (Heavy) 14 3 -1
MK 25 Pressure Suit 5 5 -1 Air Pressurized
MK 50 Compression Suit 10 7 -2 Air Pressurized
ZCT-1 Armored Spacesuit* (TL3) 16 10 -1 Air Pressurized
Portable Force Field 10 20 0 Cannot move when setup
MAX--Mobile Assault eXo-Warrior (SpecialLook under Armor)*
RACK--Powered Armor (SpecialLook under Armor)*
* Prohibited to all except the CMC.
Every time armor is hit, one point of armor is removed. This applies to personal armor. When the armor reduces to
zero, it is useless. Spacesuits with an armor if penetrated will puncture and leak unless stated otherwise (special armor have
special rules). NO personal weapons do less than one point but some spacecraft weapons do. In Mekton, 1 kill will remove 1
armorany weapons above 1 kill will still only remove 1 kill of armor. However, fraction damage will only remove fraction
armor (eg: 0.25 k will remove 0.25 armor instead of 1. But 4 K will only remove 1kill of armor). Any weapons that do not have
a kill capacity listed will not damage kill armor.
BDUs: Each Marine infantryman is provided with a set of battledress utilities (BDUs or fatigues) - two-piece, light
polycotton coveralls with pockets secured by silent fasteners. The weave of the fatigues is sufficient to provide limited protection
against light firearms. The manufacturing processes provide limited IR protection.
M3 SUIT: The standard personal armor of the Colonial Marines, the M3 suit, is worn over these, providing protection
to the Marine's head, torso and shins. M3 personal armor is made up of composite layers providing ballistic protection against
most low-power small arms and fragmentation. It provides torso protection, and leg protection, However, this protection is
doubled against blast-radius fragmentation grenades such as flechette, frag or HE. Built into the armor are the necessary
biosensors that send the Marines physiological data (pulse-rate, respiration, EEG, etc) to the tactical command post.
M10 HELMET: The M10 ballistic helmet issued to all Marines provides SP 20 head protection with the same
fragment-stopping capabilities as M3 armor. It contains a tactical camera, audio microphone, IFF transmitter and PRC 489/4
transceiver system, as well as a passive infrared monocle that flips down over the right eye. The M3 personal armor and M10
helmet confer no Encumbrance modifier. In addition, when combined with BDUs, it aids in
breaking up the wearer's IR signature.
GEE SUIT: Used by Aeromen to counter the effects of the high-G maneuvering. With this suit, a properly trained
pilot can stand up to 11 Gs. It offers little protection.
GHILLIE SUIT: The Recon suit, or "Ghillie" suit, as it is known amongst the corps, is a combination of camo suit
and radar and IR sneak suit. The natural-fiber leaved camouflage makes the Recon marine difficult to spot visually (Heroic
Awareness test), while the suit beneath absorbs radar emissions An optional external heat sink pack regulates the suit's IR
signature. Each Ghillie suit is tailored individually for each Recon Marine, and comes with a pair of BiMex goggles that provide
20x telescopic enhancement and Starlight ambient light vision. Against the proper background, everyone has a 2 to hit the suit.
Z-110 ACID NEUTRALIZING COMBAT WARDROBE (TL4): Efforts to produce an armor resistant to the
intense acidity of the alien blood have proved impractical. The designs were deemed too heavy for a normal man to use
effectively. Therefore, we must not resist, but extirpate. The moment alien blood touches this wardrobe, the threat is eliminated
altogether. It is lined with a gelatinous substance that can neutralize the acid, giving it the PH balance of water. The Z-110 was
developed by Grant Corp for their farmers as Royal Jelly was a valued resource. They were secretly using them since TL3 but
the design was not available to the CMC until later. The armor is also a complete life support system, with a capacity of a full
pressurized environment for up to six hours. Batteries on the back, which runs the life support but also regulates the
interchanging armor plates, power the suit. Not really classified as powered armor, the suit just moved its armor aside as the
person moves. This includes tracking the helmet to follow the eyes of the wearer. This is because the viewer of the Z-110 is
very small. The Grant Corp Nutra-Gel cannot be made transparent, making this small viewer the most vulnerable place on the
suit. It has the same PD and EKD as the rest of the suit but is not protected by the NutraGel technology. Any acid hit in the head
unit has 20% chance of striking the glass. If this happens, 20% of the acid damage is applies to the head but no PD is lost. If
punctured, the suit is no longer pressurized. The Z-1110 can regenerate the Gel completely after a battle and have an in-
exhaustive supply.
NUTRAGEL: At time of the war, Grant Corp starts selling the NutraGel as a modification to be adapted to any armor.
Any surface armor (that cannot be covered) can be used. Every packet will adapt a full suit but will only withstand 100 points of
Acid damage before being completely neutralized. Any location not completely covered (Helmet) has a 50% chance of hitting
an unprotected area.
POLYMER / ALLOY COMBAT ARMOR RIG. (TL3): The PACAR, at TL3, replaces the M3 Combat Armor of
the CMC. It covers a greater area but doesnt sacrifice maneuverability to do so. This is because, unlike the M3, is mostly made
of light weight plastics It is not an enclosed suit. At TL5, GrantCorps NutraGel compound has been added to it. The Head unit
is very similar to the M10 so the stats are considered the same even though it is shaped substantially differently. The Armor is
made up of flexible plates under a overcoat of dense weaved fabric.
WY SHIELDED COMBAT HELMET (TL2): The WY Helmet completely conceals the user's face with a massive
armored plate. This unit seems to be more designed for intimidation than practicality.
FLAK JACKET: A basic chest protector that has remained stylistically unchanged for hundreds of years. The
material and strength however, has radically be improved. It is strong enough to hold back even the most powerful of
armaments. The Flak Jacket is the most common armor used by civilian security groups and planetary forces.
KEVLAR (Light, Medium, Heavy): Kevlars capacity has grown substantially in the last year and the pinnacles are
these combat suits, which are the most powerful on the open market. By TL5 they were being adapted with NutraGel as fast as
GrantCorp was selling them since these suits are the prime heavy choice for combat on the outer veil colonies.
MK25 PRESSURE SUIT: The MK25 is a small, compact space suit designed for ease and maneuverability. It is not
a combat suit and when punctured, is useless. It is a full package, with 12 hours of air and liquid nutrient solution. It is the basic
suit installed in all civilian spacecraft. However, the MK25 is not immune to hazardous environments or extreme pressure. Its
temperature can module +/- 100 degrees C.
MK50 COMPRESSION SUIT: The MK50s design has remained unchanged in almost a hundred years. It is a
heavy duty Space / Environment Suit with hardened body panels for extreme resilience. Most crews in hazardous environments
have these suits. Military craft has these as their primary EVA system. The Helmet is one piece with the environment system,
which supplies almost 24 hours of air. Re-circulators can keep the air going at a low breath rate (no activity) for another six.
Temperature controls can keep it comfortable with the outside as low as absolute zero and has high as 350 degrees C. The MK50
is not a combat suit even with this protection and will be useless if punctured.
ZCT-1 ARMORED SPACESUIT (TL3): Zajer / Comm Technic, to offer the members of their colonies greater
protection from the threats in the outer veil, introduced the pale, white armored combat chassis simply called the ZCT-1. It
remained under license with ZCT and its colonies until TL4 where they opened their doors to open consumers. The CMC
immediately put in an order for 100 000 units. The ZCT-1 is adapted with Nutra-Gel at TL-5 but it already was a formidable suit
when released. The onboard computer can detect holes in the pressure and seal it up by expanding the suit into the new area. It
is not a permanent fix but will keep the air out for the time being. The capabilities of the ZCT-1 are the same as the MK50
Compression suit with 24 hours of air and a temperature range from Absolute zero to 350 degrees C. The ZCT-1 is a heavy
combat suit and has full protection from the hardships of combat.
PORTABLE FORCE FIELD: The PFF is a large unit of launched probes that create a perimeter force screen that
protects anybody in as much as 30 feet by all attacks. The field would seem almost impenetrable. Multiple generators can
combine to double their STR or range. The PFF is not air tight but can keep out all liquid, matter, and energy. Gases have a
tendency of leaking through.
Remember, a starting character can buy these using OP converting 100 cr. to 1 OP.
Advanced Tool Kit 600
Autograppnel (2000 lbs) 100
Bed Roll 25
Binoculars (High Quality) 50
Camera (24 exposures) 50
Camp Stove 30
Canteen 75
CD Player 100
Cell Phone 150
Compass 10
Crowbar 10
Hand Welder 100
Handcuffs 5
Hotel Room 100/night
IR Goggles 200
Jammer (10 m range) 60
Lantern (8 hrs, 40 m range) 50
Lighter (100 lights) 10
Mechanics Tool Kit 10
Medkit 300
Mess Kit 50
Short Range Comm (500 km rng) 100
Skates 40
Skis 80
Snowshoes 40
Stereo System 500
Television (large) 1000
Television (port.) 300
Diving Gear (3 hr time) 250
Entrenching / Utility Tool 40
Electricians Tool Kit 25
First Aid Kit 10
Furniture (Real) 500
(Synthetic) 150
Food (Fresh) 200/week/person
(Prepack) 100/w/p
(Rations) 50/w/p
Flashlight (6 hrs) 10
Geiger Counter (10m range) 90
Movie Camera 100
Nylon Rope (100 m, 500lbs) 100
P-5000 PowerLoader 40 000
Personal Computer 1000
Personal Data Trans. 30
Personal Locator 50
Personal Recorder 200
Portable Holograph (TL3) 1000
Pressure Tent (1/2 man) 500 / 1 000
Radio, Basic Toolknife 100
Utility Belt 50
Wristwatch 20
Timer Clamp (TL3) 50
Infrasonic Suppression Sys. (TL5) 20 000
XM Neural Suppressor (TL5) 8 000
Neutralizer Spray (TL4) 100 / can
Pants 40
Top 40
Jacket 50
Footwear 40
Jewelry 100 - 1000
Mirrorshades 50
Glasses 50
~~Multiply base cost by style~~
Generic Chic x1 cost Businesswear x3 cost
Leisurewear x2 cost High Fashion x4 cost
ADVANCED TOOL KIT: A small kit to help witch can repair any vehicle. The high tech tools inside cover a
variety of different uses easily. Any repairs or modifications of any craft can be made with a +1 with this pack.
AUTOGRAPPNEL: This launches a piton almost 500 meters in the air and can embed itself in solid rock with a 2000
lbs capacity.
BED ROLL: A small sleeping bag that can be compacted into a small cylinder barely 8 inches across and 3 feet wide.
BINOCULARS: Self Explanatory. Digital Readout with distance meter than can measure the range between the
target in the eyesight on the binoculars.
CAMERA: An ultra-small disposable unit with a 24 exposure capacity.
CAMP STOVE: A small unit capable for cookingbut I am sure you know that. Battery powered.
CANTEEN: Three days of water for one person.
CD PLAYER: The discs are half the size of current CDs.
CELL PHONE: Much smaller, these devices only work in the inner colonies but can transmit anywhere
COMPASS: Not the drawing kind.
CROWBAR: Useful tool and a very heavy weapon.
DIVING GEAR: Three hours time limit. Not a totally enclosed suit.
ENTRENCHING / UTILITY TOOL: Basically a shovel with some extra tools built in.
ELECTRICIANS TOOL KIT: Soldering and Electrical Kit. Gives any electronics related skill (computers, high
tech engineering) +1.
FIRST AID KIT: Can stop bleeding and add +1 to a First Aid skill.
FLASHLIGHT: Small but powerful. Palm-held.
HAND WELDER: The ME3 Hand Welder currently employed by the Colonial Marine Corps has been a standard
issue to all Marines for the past 40 years. Extending the range of combat operations to a more urban setting was greatly aided by
the addition of the ME3. Using a thin stream of plasma, the ME3 can cut and fuse metal quickly and cleanly. The fuel is mainly
oxygen taken from the air, and in the absence of an atmosphere, the welder will still work, but will only have fuel for 15 seconds
of use. Normal use is approximately 80 seconds of efficient heat.
IR GOGGLES: A surprisingly small pair of Infrared goggles that allow the viewer to see is gray scales of heat. This
allows the user to see it almost compete darkness.
JAMMER: Disrupts bugs and all communication in 10 meters. Doubling the cost Doubles the range.
MECHANICS TOOL KIT: A Hand Welder is just one small part of this large engineering kit. Only people with
Mechanics or Engineering skills can use it, giving a +2 to these rolls.
MEDKIT: For more advanced medical emergencies. Gives a +2 to First Aid and a +1 to all other Medical skills. The
Medkit is standard issue to all Marine medtechs. It contains several surgical implements such as scalpels, syringes and suction
pumps, anesthetics, antibiotics and antiseptics, bandages, swabbing cotton, a defibrillator and a biomonitor linked to an armband
scanner similar to a wrist PDT. It allows anyone with a Medical skill to stabilize mortal wounds. Replacement kits containing
chemicals, bandages, new surgical blades and other perishables.
MESS KIT: Everything to prepare and eat food except the stove. Gotta love those sporks.
MOVIE CAMERA: Small (1lbs) and with a 2 hours capacity.
P-5000 POWERLOADER: For convenience, it has been lumped in the Armor section
PERSONAL COMPUTER: Advanced. 100 Gig capacity. Super fast. Computers advance so much I wont go into
detail on its stats here.
PERSONAL DATA TRANSMITTER: The PDT is a small computer with biological monitoring systems and a
broadcaster. The computer broadcasts an identification code, which can be cross-referenced by a computer with the wearer's file,
which contains ID data and usually medical history. The device also serves as a locator for colonists and Marine sections, and can
be tracked by computer or by a handheld unit The larger version of the PDT comes in two models; the first is built within the M3
armor suite with contact patches at critical points. The second model is constructed in a wristwatch-style, and fits over the wrist
of the wearer. Both versions of this model are used by the CMC, and transmits data to the section's assigned APC, as well as to
tuned hand locators. PDTs are only used by the military if radio silence is not important, and can be deactivated if they present a
security risk. Smaller versions constructed to be surgically implanted within the human body (at the base of the neck, behind and
to the left of the spinal column) are required by ICC colonial law to be installed within every adult colonist shipping out to a new
colony world and to every person born on the colony when they reach sixteen years of age until the terraforming process is
complete. These usually broadcast to Colony Central, allowing rapid location of specific Colonists within the base.
PERSONAL LOCATOR: The Eigress Mark 7 digital uplinking compass is a standard issue for any soldier. With
many different capabilities and several distinct roles in today's modern battlefield, the Mark 7 is a popular issue for any Marine.
Concealed in the Coleman 6 inch combat knife handle, this unit makes finding your way around the battlefield effortless. The
digital uplinking compass is most commonly used as a personal locator in today's war events. When connected to the micro-
emissions of a personal locator chronometer, the Mark 7 can supply direction, elevation and distance to the target, usually a fallen
comrade or downed pilot. The microbursts emitted by a locator unit are picked up by the Mark 7, giving the unit a stealthy
receive-only capability. When connected via microwave transmissions to an orbital fleet GPS satellite network, the Mark 7
functions as a highly reliable compass. The experimental Mark 8 also has settings for detecting enemy motion trackers. It is
being combat tested by the TSEALs and should be ready for service in the next couple of months. 1000 m Range.
PERSONAL RECORDER: A Micro-recorder barely four inches long and two inches wide. Can record up to 90
PORTABLE HOLOGRAPH: About the size of a hatbox that can transmit any set of 3D images 2 meters across and
10 meters tall. Up to an hour of animation can be recorded.
PRESSURE TENT: An air-pressurized tent for adverse environments. Can hold 12 hours of Oxygen.
RADIO / BASIC: Like a CB system, a short ranged, one-way communicator with a 20 km range.
SHORT RANGE COMMUNICATOR: The common communicator used by the CMC. Has a 500 km range with a
basic system. Cannot be modified for other purposes. There are many variations of this design including Hand held, headset,
and helmet mounted.
TOOLKNIFE: A Swiss Army Knife
TIMER CLAMP (TL3): The Timer Clamp is used to hold the lips of an Alien egg shut to unsure the creature cant
escape during transportation. It automatically falls off when the Timer expires. Nobody is anywhere near the egg when it
activates. It can hold on for up to 999 minutes.
INFRASONIC SUPRESSION SYSTEM (TL5): Nicknamed Beekeepers smoke, this device shuts off the very
unique impulses of what the Alien passes for their nervous systems. It causes them to sleep or any form off deep coma that fits
the description. The Suppression system spreads fifty feed away from the transmitter in every direction. Royal Guards and
Queens are immune. This system is usually used by Beekeepers to safely extract the Royal Jelly. The only disadvantage about
this system is that it is prone to failure. Every minute in operation, the an alien can wake up by rolling above 19 with their WILL
+ D10 (Basically a nine or ten). The Queen can override the ISS by rolling 17 or over with their WILL and a D10. If this works,
all aliens within fifty feet wake up and re always immune, even if they venture outside the range of the Queen. Also, if the
Aliens are frenzied or angry in anyway (any form of heavy aggression) negates the ISS effects.
XM NUERAL SUPRESSOR (TL5): A smaller form of Inhibitor. This one looks like a thickened baton. It operates
for about 3 hours with a 3 meter radius. All aliens that move into this range must make a WILL check and roll above 19 or be
turned as tame as household kitten. They seem to keep their motor skills but cant act aggressively. Royal Guards and Queens
are unaffected. Unlike the ISS, the aliens cannot recover. When hit with the XM, they cant act at all for 2D6 minutes whether
in the field or not. Any Aliens on an attack charge are unaffected as well as any extra aggressive creatures. The XM, therefore,
is not useful as a direct attack weapon but it useful as a defensive and experimentation device. Both this and the ISS are so rare
and the price is so high, they are not common.
NEUTRALIZER SPRAY (TL4): A spray version of the NutraGel with a hundred doses. A player can, instead of
firing back, use the spray to counter an acid splash on one location, neutralizing the acid immediately. Usually one round of acid
damage is still applied.
BDUs / Flight Fatigues 100
M-3Armor* 240
M-10 Helmet* 150
M1000 Flare (3 pack) 30
M-94 Flares (9 pack) 30
Motion Tracker 200
DemoKit 500
Intelligence Unit 1 000
Orbital Communications kit 1 500
Pulse Communicator 1 000
TNR Lamp 200
Gee Suit@ 200
Ghillie Suit (Recon) 600
Z-110 ANCW (TL4) 1 800
NeutraGel Modification (TL5) 100
Polymer/Alloy CAR (TL3) 1 600
Flak Jacket 600
Kevlar (Light) 100
Kevlar (Medium) 150
Kevlar (Heavy) 200
MK 25 Pressure Suit 500
MK 50 Compression Suit 1000
ZCT Armored Spacesuit (TL3) 1 600
Portable Force Field 3 000
MOTION TRACKER: The CMC Motion Tracker uses sonar bursts with Doppler-shift discrimination to scan and
locate movement. Its use is covered by the Electronic Security skill. The device is activated by a trigger mounted in the handgrip;
thus, when not in active use the Tracker cannot be left on, conserving battery power and decreasing the possibility that the tracker
itself will be detected. The location of detected movement is displayed on a small LCD screen mounted on the side of the device
as a set of probability contours ranging from black to white; black indicating no movement and white indicating a high
probability of the location of the movement. An auditory cue is also provided in the form of a reverberating tone that changes in
pitch and reverb. speed based on the size and proximity, allowing Marines to concentrate on their environments whilst keeping
their trackers active. In ideal conditions (ie. Open terrain with no wind) the tracker can scan accurately up to a kilometer,
however in buildings (such as the average colony building with metal and synthesized walls which to a great extent absorb the
sonar bursts and returns) the effective range drops to between twenty and thirty meters. The device does have problems, however.
First, because the tracker emits high-frequency sonar bursts it can be easily detected by passive listening stations as a target for
enemy fire or by cyberaudio with Increased Hearing Range. Second, the tracker is also designed to filter out slight "natural"
movement (such as insects or corn waving in wind), so a very slow target may be able to infiltrate a tracker's scan area. Third,
because the tracker uses Doppler shift to discriminate between immobile objects and targets, a target moving across the tracker's
scanning cone may be effectively invisible. Finally the unit is vulnerable to ultrasound jamming and "jumping-jack" movement
decoys (A small metal sphere or cylinder with rubberized or spring-loaded surfaces). Despite these failings the motion tracker has
seen use with the Corps as a man-portable scanning device for many years, and although not as good as vehicle- or emplacement-
mounted systems, it has come to be a standard component of a Marine team as a supplement to other search and location
techniques. At least one member of each rifle or gun team in a Marine section is equipped with a tracker.
DEMOKIT: The equipment required to arm and disarm a variety of explosives. Five Packs of C-19 are included.
Demolition skills are given +1.
INTELIGENCE UNIT: A modified EBM PCX laptop computer the intelligence unit is issued to Marine Recon,
Exploratory and HazEnv units. It contains data on the USCMC, most Corporate armies and Colonial armies, including uniforms,
weapons, commonly used tactics, vehicles etc Also, the intelligence unit is downloaded with information pertaining directly to
the mission itself; terrain, maps of towns, cities and important buildings, personal data on relevant individuals etc. The unit
carries a scanner capable of digitally processing pictures, allowing identification of included people and location within minutes.
The unit is armored against small arms and impact and is fingerprint and voiceprint locked, so only the assigned individual can
access the data. It is also equipped with a small thermite bomb which will detonate if the unit is tampered with (a maintenance
code must be entered before opening the unit up) or when a concealed switch is pressed, destroying the interior of the unit and
thus eliminating irretrievably all data within.
ORBITAL COMMUNICATIONS KIT: This is a dish and communications kit that requires two minutes of set up
time to operate fully. It is designed to communicate with orbit craft and even remote command ships from a distance. The OCK
has a 5 000 km range and can be setup up with a burst one-way communication of 500 AU. The whole system weighs so much,
anyone transporting this has a 1 to his or her DEX.
PULSE COMMINCASTOR: The pulse communicator is usually issued to Recon Marines, and consists of a
rechargeable 10-burst power cell, a comm unit, a scrambler and a small transceiver dish. It is a microwave burst communicator
able to provide secure, if limited, communication to the Marine team. A complete message is fed into the communicator and
transmitted to its target in a single powerful pulse. Return messages are deciphered by the communicator. The unit can be linked
to an intelligence unit for transmission of entered and scanned data as well as reception of new data. The unit can be taken apart
so it can be placed in a briefcase, and is relatively light (3 kg). Because the communicator is limited to line-of-sight
transmission, the operator is usually limited to transmitting in certain times at certain places, to ensure a receiver dish is pointed
toward him, and he toward it. These times and transmission points are organized with the character before the mission
commences and are fed into their intelligence unit. Thus the operator usually communicates to a relay station on the ground or a
circling aircraft. However, the communicator is almost impossible to jam, intercept or trace, and although full two-way
communication is impossible it allows transmission of vital data to his superiors and the reception of periodic orders.
TNR LAMP: Carried on the left shoulder of Colonial Marines is a detachable high-powered halogen white-light TNR
lamp. The TNR lamp runs off a rechargeable internal battery and incorporates a carrying handle so that it may be detached and
used as a hand torch. The TNR lamp has a range of 200 meters and is effective as an alternative lighting source in combat
situations. The internal battery is good for 6 hours of use, then needs to be recharged or replaced. The lamp can be recharged
using a standard rifle recharge rack. The TNR lamp used by the Colonial Marines is similar to that used by the US Army, with
the exception of a movable motor that tracks the movement of the helmet and shines the light where the soldier looks. This
version only lasts 1 hour on internal battery and was declined in favor of a more efficient use of stored power.
WA: The modifier when shooting. The Smart Gun has special rules.
RANGE: Max range of the weapon in meters.
DC: Damage Capacity.
ROF: The Maximum firing rate. The weapon can be shot in smaller bursts. Tell the GM how many rounds the PC
is firing before rolling. Player chooses a ROF up to the ROF max and decides Burst or Autofire (Burst: 3
Shots, 1d6/2 hit; Autofire: +1 WA for every 10 shots fired.)
SHOTS: All the rounds in the clip of the weapon.
BR: Blast Radius
EV: The penalty to Dexterity for carrying the weapon. Not firing.
CAP: The distinguishing feature of the tip of a grenade.
DEPLOYMENT: The procedure to deploy the weapon on the battlefield.
TARGET: What the weapon can fire at. Anti-missile is a special rule. 'Any' means any target except missile.
CLASS: What type of Hardpoint can this weapon load into and whether or not it is guided or not.
COST: Black Market cost.
(These are weapon systems. See below)
UA 571-C Sentry +1 800 4 50 500 60 000 Any
UA 571-D Sentry +1 1 200 5 40 500 70 000 Any
UA 571-F Sentry 0 100 Grenade 3 30 65 000 Any
LIM-417 Phalanx @ 0 80 000 4k 1 6 120 000 Air only
HIM-122 Lancer@ +1 120 000 5k 1/10* 1 240 000 Air only
HIM-78 Sprint@ 0 540 000 6k 1 4 350 000 Air & Space only
*: One Missile breaks into 10 and can assign different targets for each missile.
All can be linked with other units. Automated (see below).
@: Guided (see below)
ZCT 9mm Avenger 0 50m 2 1 9 0 400 Handgun
Falcon Street 12mm -1 75m 3 1 6 0 700 Handgun
Falcon Street Auto 0 50m 1 6 18 0 800 Handgun
Alphatech .454 -2 50m 4 1 4 0 700 Handgun
Colt Reliable 0 50m 1 2 6 0 350 Handgun
WY Corp. Special +3 75m 3 2 12 0 1200 Handgun
MISSILES (Gunnery for non-automated missiles only)
AGM-204A TSAM +3 60 000 1k n/a 70 000 Missiles Unique, Guided
AGM-220C Hellhound +1 70 000 5k 8m 120 000 Ground Unique, Guided
AIM-90E Headlock +1 24 000 5k 0 150 000 Air / Space Unique, Guided
XIM-28A Long Lance 0 120 000 7k n/a 450 000 Space Unique, Guided
Mk. 16 Banshee M18 -2 12 000 2k 4m 10 000 Any 150mm
Mk. 16 Banshee M451 -2 12 000 4k 3m 15 000 Any 150mm
Mk. 16 Banshee M597 -2 12 000 3k 1m 13 000 Any 150mm, armor
Mk. 16 Banshee M598 -2 12 000 1k 6m 12 000 Any 150mm
Mk. 10 Zeus 0 7 000 1k 1m 5 000 Any 150mm armor
Mk. 88 120mm SGW 0 2 000 1.5k 2m 10 000 Any 150mm, Guided
NIC-79 Captor 0 85 000 10k n/a 550 000 Space Unique, Guided
STG Ballistic 0 450 000 20k 200m 950 000 Any Unique, Guided
CANNONS (Gunnery)
25mm Gargoyle Gattling 0 13000 8(.7k) 20 300 75000 0 Any.
30mm Railcannon 0 100 000 11 (1k) 12 100 120 000 2m Any, Missile
800 MV Particle Beam -5 350 000 0* 1 n/a 1 550 000 40m Any.
80 MW Infrared Laser** 0 30 000 1.5k 3 n/a 350 000 3m Any, Missile
Orbital minefield n/a 0 1k 1 1 50 000 10m Any
*Special, see below
**This is the weapon one spacecraft laser turrets.
Hardpoints are areas where weapons can be placed. Each area must be of the same weapon class. You cannot have
missiles and laser in the same Hardpoint but can have different types of missiles in one area. Weapons not listed below cannot be
placed and are permanent mount are craft. Other can be placed anywhere. Armor (Tank) weapons are too heavy to be placed on
Aerospace craft. However, Aerospace craft can be mounted on Armor vehicles if the weapon as a Ground, Any, or Air
Targeting capacity. No Space can be used. Weapons on a craft of the same type can be linked to fire at the same target. All
weapons in a Hardpoint are automatically linked. Missiles are the exception. Guided missiles fire normally since they are not
aimed. Any number in each Hardpoint can fire. Dumbfire missiles (unguided) can fire one to the maximum in the Hardpoint.
Each missile is considered 1 ROF. Firing all 16 150mm rockets in a Hardpoint has a 16ROF.
AGM-204A TSAM 0.34 (3 per point) AGM-220C Hellhound 0.25
AIM-90E Headlock 0.34 (3 per point) XIM-28A Long Lance 1
Mk. 16 Banshee 0.062 (16 per point) Mk. 10 Zeus 0.062 (16 per point)
Mk. 88 120mm SGW 0.062 (16 per point) 25mm Gargoyle Gattling 1
30mm Railcannon 1 80 MW Infrared Laser 1
Tri-Barrled Particle Beam 1 20mm Gattling Cannon 0.5
Phased Plasma Cannon 0.5 Free-Electron Lasers 0.5
Charged Particle Beam 0.5
A full clip costs %10 of original cost. With the exception of the RPG, weapons with one shot are Disposable.
What follows is how much damage a weapon can take before being rendered inoperable. This is done by
direct fire or by acid spray.
Marine Light Firepower 10 Marine Medium Firepower 20
Marine Heavy Firepower 30 Marine Assault Firepower 35
Marine Miscellaneous Firepower 35 Mines 20
Grenades 5 Marine Aerospace Firepower (Missiles) 1k
Marine Aerospace Firepower (Cannons) 2k Marine Armor Firepower 3k
If carried off its tripod, the weapon is heavy and cumbersome, requiring a STR of 8 to a least use. Still, the weapon has
a 3 to hit anything. The large weapon is capable for taking down aircraft, puncturing tank armor, and incinerating whole
squads. The CMC operates few, preferring to use their lighter Phased Plasma Infantry Gun. Still, the weapon is still the largest
reusable infantry weapon available. The weapons six second recharge rate is a major hindrance, however. Usually, the weapon
is wired into a link system with another cannon. Both guns can be wired into a remote user, safely behind cover and fire both
guns alternatively.
M5 ROCKET PROPELLED GRENADE: The M5 rocket propelled grenade system is a small reloadable shoulder-
launched weapon. The launcher consists of a 140 cm steel alloy tube weighing 2.3 kg, with a rear backblast vent incorporating
backblast diffusers, trigger mechanism and 4x power telescopic sight. Each 2.2 kg round is a 60 mm hypervelocity spin-stabilized
rocket with an impact-fused supercritical HEAT warhead. The rounds are carried separately and hand-loaded into the launch
tube. Sighted visually, the system has an accurate range of approximately 400 m and a maximum range of around 2,000 m.
Though the rocket's warhead has little chance against medium and heavy tank armor, it has proven popular and effective for use
in it's secondary role against infantry in bunkers and building strongpoints.
M78 PHASED PLASMA INFANTRY GUN: The M78 PIG (Phased-plasma Infantry Gun) is a man-portable anti-
armor weapon. Weighting 15.2 kg in its entirety, the PIG consists of two parts: the gun and its power pack. The M78 is a 15 mW
phased plasma system firing vaporized Cadmium Telluride pellets from a 30 round feed. The fast-discharge system powering the
gun's laser and magnetic coil is fed from a 4 mW hydrogen fuel cell in the power pack. The firing cycle takes 3 seconds, most of
which is taken up by the powering up of the discharge generator. The penetrating power of the system is considerable, and it is
claimed to be able to breach the flank armor of a heavy tank at 1,000 meters.
M83A2 SADAR: The M83A2 SADAR (Shoulder-launched Active-homing Disposable Anti-tank Rocket) is a
lightweight one-shot anti-armor weapon capable of engaging enemy vehicles at ranges up to 1,000 m. Fully disposable, the
rocket's launcher is discarded after firing, whilst the rocket, a fire-and-forget weapon, guides itself toward the target. When
stowed, the SADAR system consists of a watertight carbon-fiber composite blast tube, inside of which is an aluminum launch
tube containing the missile and guidance electronics. The weapon is cocked by unlatching the forward ring of the blast tube and
pulling the inner launch tube forwards until it locks. A trigger assembly and thermal acquisition sight are then flipped into
position, and the weapon activated by pushing a charge button on the trigger grip. From this point the weapon can be sighted and
fired from the shoulder.
The M83 acquires and tracks targets with a cooled infrared imaging seeker mounted in the rocket's nose. When the
charge button is pressed, the inert IR seeker is cooled to it's operating temperature within two seconds and begins feeding images
to the operator's thermal acquisition sight. The seeker remains charged for twenty minutes, after which the rocket may only be
fired unguided. When a target enters the acquisition sight, the operator can lock the seeker's field of view, the weapon can be
launched at it. When launched, the SADAR rocket accelerates to maximum velocity. As the rocket approaches the target, the
guidance system selects the hottest part of the target and flies and attack profile the offers optimum penetration. Against a tank, it
will typically climb briefly before diving on the target's thinner upper surfaces. The M83A2 version is capable of identifying
defensive countermeasures such as decoy flares and has improved logic to aid in rejecting them. The shaped-charge HEAT
warhead is capable of defeating most light and medium armor. The SADAR is guided and all rules to it apply. Note: It is listed
with a 3 missile capacity because purchasing one delivers a crate of three launchers.
SIM-118 HORNET: A shoulder launched man-portable SAM (Surface to Air Missile) capable of an all aspect
engagement of targets up to 10 km. The millimeter-wave seeker is capable of acquiring as well as tracking targets, allowing the
infantryman to fire at craft beyond the range of his vision or obscured by cloud. A no-frills hypervelocity missile, the Hornet has
no warhead, relying on its high accuracy, and the kinetic energy of its impact to destroy the target. The Hornet is guided and all
rules to it apply.
M112 HIMAT: The Hypervelocity Intelligent Missile, Anti-Tank is a man portable battlefield brilliant weapon with
a range of over 5 000 m. The versatility of the system allows the field commander many options for its deployment and use. The
core element of the system is a 11.3 kg single-round self-contained disposable launcher is a carbon-fiber composite tube
containing the HIMAT round and RTM ports for the fire control system. The bipod can be set to launch the round horizontally or
at increasing angles up until the vertical, depending on deployment. Fire control for the M112 varies according to mission. For
defensive deployment, the system can be set for either Command Autonomous configuration. In both cases, one or more
launchers are connected by cable to an APS-100 Fire Controller, an 800 Gb intelligent system which imports data from the local
sensor matrix, including motion trackers, infrared scanners, lider, radar and robot sentries. It is also possible to datalink the Fire
Control unit into higher-level assets such as surveillance drones or artillery Forward Observers. The APS-200 unit
analyzes the sensor data, and if it positively identifies a target it will lock-on with one or more missiles under its
command and prepare to launch.
If set to Command mode, the APS-100 is connected to the terminal of an operator who constantly monitors the Anti-
Tank defense plan for the area. If a target is identified, the system will flash a Target Lock indicator to the operator who can
authorize a weapons launch or, if the exact identity of the target is unsure, a further IFF interrogation. If enables for
Autonomous mode, the APS-100 will work through its target identification protocols until it is sure it has lock-on to an enemy
and then automatically launched one of more missiles. The HIMAT is guided and all rules to it apply. It can be fired manually
so it is not classes as a system.
ATM-1 BOLTER (TL2): The Bolter is another heavy weapon by Alphatech designed primarily for combat synthetics
that didnt see wide release until TL4. The weapon was so large, most couldnt even use it. The kickback was enough to knock
smaller people off their feet. Some were modified by Alphatech and the CMC with a tripod unit to ease the firing recoil. This
variant found wide use in heavy armor units. The original came back at TL4 when Combat Synthetics met wide release.
M80 LP-CANNON: This long range, shoulder cannon found use with heavy soldiers to accentuate armor units. The
LP-Cannons basic objective was to give infantry unit a heavy weapon to combat ground military without having to set up heavy
missile systems. The M80 is a clip fed railcannon with a built in-power source. It accelerates a needle-shaped flechette past
Mach. The fact that it has a clip made the weapon popular for field units who didnt need to the constantly reload the weapon in
a pinch.
Only the most popular and most reliable examples are listed. Hundred more have been designed over the course of
centuries but most of the weapons that follow top a very long list.
ZCT 9mm AVENGER: Easy, simple, and cheap to produce. The Avenger is a perfected weapon dating back two
hundred years. Its rugged, reliable, and very common throughout the rim colonies. Its a common pistol with smugglers.
FALCON STREET 12mm: Plain numbers, pretty gun. Made for the showman in mind, the Falcon Street feels
average all around, but it is available in 12 different metallic colors with your choice of Ivory, Gunmetal, Carbon Fiber, Silver, or
Gold Plated grip.
FALCON STREET AUTO: Less glamorous than the 12mm, but offsets this with a high cyclic rate. The Falcon Auto
is more like a miniature submachine gun. They even included a small fold-down second grip for stability. Falcon Autos are
common with Merc groups.
ALPHATECH .454: Why build a 4 round clip for a weapon you ask? With twice the punch of Marine handgun, you
would only need one shot. The Alphatech probably could squeeze one more bullet in the already cramped clip, but then they
would risk fracturing the firing system. The weapon already carries a viscous kickback and barrel length longer than the VP70 in
total. The .454 is never meant to be fired in the air or as a warning shot. It was designed to hit somethingand stop
COLT RELIABLE: The only holdover from a company older than any other corporation. Of course, Colt Inc. is
long gone but a private manufacturer still bangs out these trusty weapons by the boatload. Built like they feel, Colts have been
known to lie freezing in the depths of space for years, sink under water; get blasted by radiation and the harshest elements and
still fire after a good cleaning. Unlike the Falcon Street, the Colt is not made for looks.
WY CORP. SPECIAL: Weyland-Yutanis weapons are designed exclusively for their own people and often are not
seen in the hands of anyone other that a WY card member. The Special is a common sight for all WY bodyguards, mercenaries,
and militia. The weapon was laser cut to a perfect precision and comes standard with a laser sighting. Its an elite weapon of
supreme quality and very few consumers can justify the cost. The weapon is available only in pure silver.
TRADEX ASSAULT AUTO: Tradexs only problem relies with their choice of ammunition. In effort to miniaturize
the weapon and make the design compact and easy to store and ship, Tradex opted for a smaller round. In fact, Tradex uses the
smallest ammunition possible for a submachine. Tradex did succeed with the design and both Tradex automatic models are the
smallest in the market. Because of the size, the weapon has been known to be modified for concealment in briefcases, modified
to be disassembled in several inconspicuous pieces, modified to be held one hand and modified to even act emergency weapons
for secret compartments.
VENTRAL HEAVY RIFLE: The VFR came very close to being the fully endorsed weapon of the Colonial Marines.
It came down to this model and the final they chose. Very similar in almost all respects, the VFR became popular as a cheaper
alternative to local militia units and for Mercenary forces, especially those groups who feel a tangle with CMC to be a side effect
of their occupation. The weapons have similar stopping power, range, and ammo capacities. The VFR cycles slower but the end
result was really technology. The CMC chose to endorse the 10mm explosive tip caseless shell rather than the VFR traditional
9mm hypervelocity standard shell.
BOYARS BUSTER RIFLE: Coming from the What were they thinking? department, the Buster looks like
something from a concept designers dream book. Boyars took a slug similar to the gattling rounds they use in mounted
firepower. Obviously the designers were given an ultimatum from the corporate heads to make the weapon work with the bullet
provided no matter the end result. That end result is a weapon with one huge drum clip feeding into two different firing systems
coming out of two different recoilless barrels. The weapon is clunky and heavy but packs more punch than most.
TRADEX SMG-ALPHA-01: Tradex continued their trend of using smaller ammunition into the Alpha-01. The
Alpha-01 carries a similar round as the Assault, only with a much larger ammo capacity. It also has a better accuracy but at the
risk of a lower rate of fire. The weapon gathered controversy, as an identical design is the standard firearm for infantry n the
UPP. It is unsure if the design was copied or sold. However, Tradex stock did not take the plummet it was expected to take when
this information aroseinstead, they recorded record earnings. The investigation still has not brought any new evidence to the
WEYLAND YUTANI DEFENDER HEAVY AUTO: Continuing WYs commitment to quality, they arm their
personal guards and elite troops with the Heavy Auto. Feeling similar to the M41A Pulse Rifle because they both take caseless
ammunition, the Defenders shells are smaller, allowing more bullets per clip. The weapon is also lighter with a greater range.
The only drawback is a slightly smaller rate of fire. As always, all Weyland Yutani weaponry is prohibited outside their own
personnel, so seeing any WY weaponry in the hands of other groups is rare.
VENTRAL MANIAC ROTARY: Yes, Ventral finally answered the hardened military with that which they always
wanted, a portable rapid-fire gattling cannon. The six-barreled Rotary is cumbersome, loud, and somewhat inaccurate and each
flachette is relatively weak. However, it also fires faster than any other weapon in production and can go into battle with almost
a thousand rounds. The ammo belt feeds into a chest-mounted clip similar to the Smart Gun. The Mk2 Smart Gun was an
attempt by Ventral of combining the two into an effective whole. After that release, the Maniac saw little use and became rarer
as time went on. The weapon is quite inefficient but its effectiveness is measured in intimidation more than actually stopping
VENTRAL PEACEMAKER: The Peacemaker is almost a clone to the LP Cannon. Both weapons were in
contention to be endorsed by the Colonial Marines. Even though the LP won, the Peacemaker found itself on many CMC ships
eventually. Externally, the weapons couldnt be more different. The Peacemakers sole purpose was Armor-killing. It was not
designed to be a throwaway model. It carries more ammunition and is easier to carry. Ventral decided to offer better accuracy.
The weapon would attach itself to the shoulder of its user. A massive recoil system built in the barrel prevented shoulder
damage. It then could easily be fired by a single user without any external assistance. The ammo stows on backpack unit that
also assists in securing the wearer. The weapon is quieter (not that quiet) than the LP and is much more complicated, making it a
rarity in most forces other than CMC and Corporate Military.
ALPHATECH RAILGUN: Alphatech knows Magnetics was a common slogan. Alphatech became such an
authority in the technology; they proved it with a very flashy show off at a weapon convention. A weapon bearing resemblance
to two long shafts of metal, bristling with electricity, exposed itself to the worldthen barreled through nine plates of titanium.
The weapon is expensive, rare, and power hungry, but it will inflict vicious kinetic damage to whatever it is aimed at. Alphatech
has succeeded in a design that fires faster, deadlier, and from a lighter weapon than the Peacemaker and LP Cannon. However
the cost of the weapon prevents its mass use.
VENTRAL AIR SNIPER: A modern day version of old war flak-gun, the Air Sniper boasts far more accuracy. It
can strike from distance and target pilots in a cockpit with it laser system. It fires large explosive-tipped shells frighteningly fast.
Ventral utilizes most of these models on their own worlds and have not often sold them outside their corporate assets.
WY BRILLIANT PEBBLE: The WYBP is a long barrel--almost lance shaped--cannon capable of striking targets
on the ground from 10 kilometers in the air, and vice versa. The Brilliant Pebble is really a highly advanced particle
accelerator capable of taking targets out with extreme accuracy at almost the speed of light. It pounds its target with untold
kinetic kill energy. These weapons have found themselves in almost every field of Weyland Yutani military including on their
tanks, spacecraft, and aircraft, as well as ground units. Its massive cost and technological advancement prevents its use beyond
Weyland Yutani facilities.
though a second shot will sure spell doom since the effect is cumulative (unless the target is the Razzia). Every additional shot
after the ship shuts down extends the shut down by 1D6 hours and increases the difficulty by 2.
80 MEGAWATT INFRARED LASER: Point defense for the large spacecraft used by the CMC is provided by a
80mW free-electron laser capable of vaporizing small targets such as railgun rounds, or disabling incoming missiles and fighter
at ranges up to 20km
ORBITAL MINEFIELD: An Orbital Minefield is dispensed out the rear and can be released in any number. When
deployed, the organize themselves in a lattice fashion and actually construct their own defense network by connecting themselves
with the other units. These lightweight nets, which can stretch tens of kilometers across, are held rigid by alloy framed and
stabilized by tiny thrusters. If the mine is struck on its own, the damage is dealt normally. If the ship strikes the net, the front
mines explode, but the outer ones can bend themselves in and strike the rear or midsection of the ship.
TOTAL COST: Marine cost of the unit. Public cost can vary. M-class vehicles are not available on the open market
LOADED WEIGHT: Total weight with armament and crew.
STRENGTH: For Power armor.
MANUEVERABILITY: Penalties to hitting and dodging.
LOCATIONS: Areas that can be hit.
STRUCTURE: Structure in Hits or Kills
ARMOR: Armor in Hits or Kills
MAX SPEED: Max Acceleration. Basic cruising speed is half. Ever 20km past that add a 1 penalty to Maneuverability.
ACCELERATION: How much the vehicle can accelerate per turn.
VEHICLE HARDPOINTS: How many weapon hardpoints are available. These are vehicle space. Refer to weapons for details
BASIC ARMAMENT: The typical or fixed armaments for that vehicle or variant.
Note: All speed is rated in Kilometers Per Hour
allowing a normal pilot. The MOX is literally built AROUND the pilot where the MAX is more of a powered armor. The back
opens up where the almost surgically implanted pilot can be removed.. Please note the pilot is so dependant on the drugs of the
MAX that he will die in 1D6 hours unless placed on life support if removed. The new pilot will not be dependant on the drugs
unless in side the suit for more than 48 hours. A new pilot can be implanted is six hours. For a normal human, the MAX can be
used in extreme emergencies. A neural implant is drilled in the back of the head (DC4 damage) and the suit applies to the users
command. However, an additional -3 Maneuvering bonus is applied.
The MOX is smaller, more maneuverable, and less armored, and has no chance of pilot removal. Maxs cost a bit
more, so they are recycled. MOXs however, need to be rebuilt entirely to accompany a new pilot. They are both independent
units whose only form of tracking is the homing beacon placed usually in a hive by the Point man (See CMC for the Beserker
rules). Upon activation, they go in he direction of the beacon and destroyed everything in their path. The guns all have safety
kill-switches designed to shut off within three meters of the Point man an anybody programmed for the Beserker to avoid. PDT
of colonists are notable examples.
The Final disadvantage of the MAX and MOX units is the unpredictable lifespan of the pilot. After the tenth flushing
(washing of the sedatives and jacking up with the chemical drugs), the health of the pilot diminishes. The eleventh flushing has
a 5% chance of killing the pilot when activated. This, of course puts the Beserker team in a bad situation. Ever additional
flushing adds 5% to the difficulty. Most Beserkers are replaced after ten missions but some have been pushed to their twentieth
mission. MOX suits are a tad bit safer and only add 4% every additional flushing. Not much, but MOXs are generally pushed
more than MAXs since an emergency pilot can use the Suit if the current one dies. The NutraGel technology was not converted
to Beserker suit until well into TL6 because the heavy armor was considered enough to ward off the alien acid.
MOX: $1,000,000 MAX: $2,100,000
MOX: 8 tones MAX: 10 tones
MOX: 10 MAX: 12
MOX: -1 MAX: -3
MAIN BODY: 2K / 4K 1K / 2K
ARMS (2): 1K (50 SDP) / 2K 0.5 K (25 SDP) / 1K
LEGS (2): 1K (50 SDP) / 2K 0.5 K (25 SDP) / 1K
MOX: 14 MAX: 10
MOX: M56 Smartgun with x3 ammunition, M240 Flame-thrower with x2 capacity, M26 Thumper Grenade Launcher
MAX: One 20 MeV turboalternator powered charged particle beam cannon, M240 Flame-thrower with triple capacity,
M56 Smartgun with triple ammunition, M26 Thumper Grenade Launcher
NOTES: All arm weapons are considered turrets for special rules.
With the advent of galactic colonization, mankind has encountered a greater variety of climates and terrenes than
anyone on Terra could have imagined. Unfortunately, some of these conditions have proven insurmountable to all existing
Terran ATV (all-terrain vehicle) designs. Thus the need for an even more rugged, more capable vehicle was born. To date,
Daihotai Corp., a subsidiary of Weyland-Yutani, has been the leader in this market segment. Indeed, Daihotai has become
synonymous with quality and dependability.
Each model in the ATV series is based on a common 8x8 drivetrain with a 7-meter wheelbase and a 6-meter track. This
wide base ensures even weight distribution and stability on most types of ground. Four legs end in pairs of drive wheels. The
vehicle is sprung by two swing-arm Anderson suspension assemblies, cantilevered at chassis bearings and sprung with internal
torsion bars. Dampening comes courtesy of telescopic shock absorbers. The whole assembly is reined in by hydro-pneumatic
rams. The active suspension is monitored by a dedicated CPU to provide maximum stability and traction in all conditions. The
system can also alter the vehicles ground clearance over a range of 1.5 to .9 meters.
The most common power plant installed in the Daihotai series ATVs are the J-160 and J-180 series gas turbines. Both
units are capable of generating 160 to 180 kW of power that is transferred to the drive wheels. Each wheel has its own
independent transmission system controlled by a central CPU to ensure optimal traction. This unit also handles anti-lock braking
duties. On paved surfaces, the ATV is capable of top speeds near 110 km/hr. Off-road the ATV is capable of handling vertical
obstacles up to 1.4 meters in height and vertical grades near 70%.
A fully provisioned, enclosed cabin is standard equipment on most models of ATV. All cabins possess full life support
capability, with full NBC (nuclear, biological, chemical) protection. The cabins are arranged around a central living space
equipped with a full galley and sleeping accommodations for up to five people. Plenty of storage space is available for stowing
equipment and supplies. Each unit is reinforced by a steel rollcage and may be sealed from the rest of the
space by sliding bulkhead door.
The drivers cab is located at the very fore of the vehicle. This area can double as an airlock in hazardous environs. A
workstation cockpit is at the rear of the vehicle. This area effectively mirrors the driving controls in the main cab, allowing the
tractor to be piloted effectively in reverse. This area also contains controls for all the attachments and specialized tools the ATV
may carry. Some of the more popular attachments are: diggers, cutters, large drills, soil samplers, stamping presses, welders, and
earth-moving blades. However, the overall strength of the design has led to many field modifications, and ATVs can be found
performing nearly any heavy-duty function on a colony somewhere. Indeed, Weyland-Yutani colonies are equipped almost
exclusively with this type of utility vehicle.
TOTAL COST: $100 000
The Caterpillar P-5000 PowerLoader has been selected for use by the USCMC as their prime loading vehicle for
logistics and support operations. Configured as an anthropomorphic exoskeleton power frame, the P-5000 offers an
unprecedented flexibility when handling ordinance and cargo during the rough field operations or when it is conducting heavy
maintenance away from it's fixed workshops. The loader is capable of fine manipulating loads up to 4,000 kg, it is rugged and
reliable piece of machinery compared to forklifts, rigs, and cranes.
The chassis of the loader is made of reinforced steel framework with two upper load-bearing points for its arms. A
hydrogen fuel cell is mounted on the back of the frame, which provides the loader up to 65 kW of power. The legs are attached to
by two semi-universal bearings on either side of the chassis, which allows up to a 60 degree of 'x' axis (hip swivel) movement,
just below this are a set of knee bearings. The leg motions at the hip are controlled by a pair of 20 kW linear motors that are
actuated by a fast-feedback loop slaved to the operators movements. Just below the hips are hydraulic actuators that extend from
the main loading bearing parts to the aft sections of the legs, providing an 'z' axis (fore/aft) movement at the knee joints, while the
pitch control is handled by the second series of actuators at the ankle area. To prevent any toppling while not in operation or
lifting cargo, the chassis is gyrostabilized. The gyros can be rotated rapidly out of phase in order to 'decouple' the chassis
stabilization system along determined the axis of motion and provide the necessary instability required for bipedal movement.
For very heavy lifting, additional stability can be provided by bolting up to 250 kg of concrete ballast to the underside of the
chassis. The arms are attached to the very top of the chassis by a pair of complex universal bearings that are stressed to operate
under loadings of up to 4,000 kg. The arm motions in the 'y' and 'z' axes are all controlled by the linear motors while the
movement of the 'x' axis and also at the elbows is powered by a series of hydraulic actuators. Each of the limbs terminate at a set
of vice manipulators that are configured to handle standard P-60 and O-26 type pallet grips and are capable of full 360-degree
rotations. The manipulator functions is controlled from the operators handgrip/joystick combination on the inside of each limbs
The attachment points for the maintenance tools like the welding torch are seated on the manipulators. Problems only arise
when the loader is walking or reaching its full extension, as the system is likely to encounter movement beyond the fine
tuning capabilities of the operator. The standard operating procedures forbid the users of the loaders to do any of these
maneuvers. If the loader is operating on rough ground, then the loader will provide feedback cues to the operator to help it keep
his/her footing. An automatic lockout system has generally proved safe to use over all but the most treacherous terrain. Through
simple principles, a lot of practice is required to use a loader efficiently and safely, and the equivalent of a Class 2 civilian cargo-
handling license is needed to operate one in the USCMC. The operators must become used to the loaders mass and it's tendency
to lead the operators movements. The operators also must be very careful not to overcompensate for this tendency, otherwise
they may induce an unwanted oscillations into the control systems. To operate a loader requires sureness and the economy of
the movement, since any hesitation and any exaggerated motion tend to place unwanted stress on the load-bearing joints. The
training to use a loader takes about six weeks of simulator training and then hands on experience. Though this is extended to
eight weeks to qualify the USCMC personnel and includes training in rough field operations.
TOTAL COST: $2,000,000
LOADED WEIGHT: 31,255lbs, (15.7 tons)
MAIN BODY: 2K 0.25 K (15 SDP)
ARMS (2): 1K 0.25 K (15 SDP)
LEGS (2): 0.5 K 0.25 K (15 SDP)
tanks-led teams, the armor is grouped en masse with mechanized and airborne infantry in support, rather than the current practice
of parceling out armor piecemeal on an ad hoc basis. However, proponents of this scheme wish to see a radical increase in
Marine armor capability once the U-24 is in service before proper integration with the aero/ground teams can take place.
M34A2: $2,000,000
M22A3: $3 500 000
M40: $5 500 000
M34A2: 19 000 kg (19 t)
M22A3: 28 000 kg (28 t)
M40: 35 000 kg (35 t--Too heavy for the UD-4 Dropship)
M34A2: -4
M22A3: -6
M40: -7
M34A2: 6K 3K
M22A3: 7K 3K
M40: 9K 4K
M34A2: 100
M22A3: 90
M40: 70
M34A2: 35
M22A3: 30
M40: 21
VEHICLE HARDPOINTS: Every vehicle has one hardpoint for their main gun, which is a ERFB (Extended Range
Full Bore) Standard Gun. One additional hardpoint is available for additional firepower. The M40 has two more.
M-442: $1 200 000
P-7999: $650 000
UT-05: $850 000
ST-BETA-5: $1 000 000
M-442: 4
P-7999: 6
UT-05: 7
ST-BETA-5: 5
M-442: 9
P-7999: 12
UT-05: 11
ST-BETA-5: 10
M-442: -1
P-7999: -4
UT-05: -5
M-442: 3K 2K
P-7999: 1K 0.5 (25 SDP)
UT-05: 1.5 K 0.5 (25 SDP)
ST-BETA-5: 2K 1K
M-442: 2K 1K
P-7999: 1K 0.5 K (25 SDP)
UT-05: 1K 0.5 K (25 SDP)
ST-BETA-5: 1K 0.5 K (25 SDP)
M-442: 18
P-7999: 12
UT-05: 10
ST-BETA-5: 16
M-442: One Boyars Pars 150 Phased Plasma Cannon, One Republic Dynamics M2025 40 mW free-electron lasers,
OR one 20 MeV Turboalternator powered charged particle beam cannon as well as a M-240 Flame-thrower.
P-7999: None
UT-05: The only noteworthy form of armament ifs a large flame device similar to the M340 Flame-thrower.
ST-BETA-5: A Pulse Rifle has been added to the arsenal with double capacity ammunition.
NOTES: All arm weapons are considered turrets for special rules.
Body: Structure in kills.
WT: Weight in tones.
Arm: Armor in kills.
MV: Maneuvering Value. Taken off the pilot or navigators Reflex when flying the ship in difficult maneuvers.
Move: Maneuvering speed. Flight in a combat situation when the ship is dodging and weaving. In km per turn. Move is halved
for spacecraft in an atmosphere (if possible). Dedicated Aerospace do not half their move.
Mach: Top atmospheric speed (Straight line).
Orbit: Maximum sublight speed in au / hour
SR: Ground Sensor Range in km. Space sensor range x100. Perimeter Alert is at x1000
Communication range: Range of ground based transmissions. Orbital communication is automatic and unlimited within a star
system Orbital means a craft cannot land and is effectively unlimited. FTL means the ship can communication
with tachyon beamers at a speed of 2 ly/day anywhere.
Crew: Minimum crew to operate the craft as well as the maximum capacity of passengers
Maneuverability: This is a special bonus or penalties to the craft in special conditions like ECM or penalties in an atmosphere.
Additions: Special systems. Full Stock means everything that is available on the gear list including power loaders.
Evacuation: The type of escape procedure, whether it be parachutes, spacesuits, or EEVs
Internal Armament: The weapons stowed on board.
Range: Atmospheric: In kilometers. Usually the for ground thrusters. Unlimited means the space drive and the atmospheric
drive are the same.
Orbital: In AU. Unlimited means it runs it has a FTL drive that provides more than enough power for orbital travel.
The standard velocity is 1 au / hour.
FTL: Range of the FTL drive before it must shut down and recharge (see rules)
FTL Speed: Light years per day.
Drop Slots: Placed in the belly of a craft, each dropslot can hold either: 1 Cheyenne or 1 Stingray. These are designed to eject
craft quickly from the mother ship in one combat round. The Snakefighter is too large to fit in a dropslot.
Crafts Slots: Top, side, or front-loaded bays that allow craft to move easily back and forth. Loading and unloading of craft take
five combat rounds. A craft slot can carry either: 1 Narcissus, 1 Dutton, 1 TSAPC, 1 Snakefighter or 1 Cargo-
Cargo Slots: How many 50-tone cargo spaces are on board. These could be many small bays or one big one. GMs discretion.
Are not designed to bay craft bay but are often used as vehicle bays (e.g.: The UD-4 Dropship can carry one M-577
APC in its bay). All vehicles (including the TSAPC) can fit in one slot.
Automatic Skill: Basic Automatic Pilot skill.
Hardpoints: How many Hardpoints the vehicle has. Each HP has one spacesee weapons for space occupancy.
Basic Armament: Standard Payload.
The UD-4 Cheyenne is a Dropship and tactical transport used by the CMC for a variety of roles. It has a primary place
in the heart of an invading Marine Infantry Platoon. Entering into service at the end of the Tientsin conflict, the Cheyenne is a
multi role light aerospace shuttle with a payload capability of 16,000 kg. It is ideal for it's role as a troop deployment weapon.
Its main feature is its ability to take off and land from unprepared sites. In addition to its role as a transport, the
Cheyenne can act as a gunship with its weapons pods and fixed point rockets, as well as using its internal cannon. All things
considered, this is the ship of choice if you're getting into some heat.
The payload bay is a 9.5 l x 4.5 w x 2.4 h meter (102.6 m3) volume with a 3.92-meter wide deck ramp suspended from
four dual-hydraulic assemblies. The deck ramp can comfortable carry a fully crewed M577 APC (with turret stowed) or a
HALOS stores pallet, and is able to raise the cargo completely into the payload space from ground level. Within the bay, latches
are automatically activated, extending to hold cargoes in place when the deck is raised. A 20-cm cavity to either side of the
payload bay separates the cargo volume from the outer skin and contains the main structural members, cable runs and the blower
pipes from the forward turbines to the aft lift nozzles.
The spacious pressurized cockpit is accessed from the payload bay and features two crew positions, seated in tandem.
Both crews sit in Martin-Siekert R2102 zero-zero ejection seats that are cleared for operation at any altitude below 10,000 m and
speeds below Mach 1. In the event of an emergency, explosive cord blows the canopy off and the crew are ejected clear of the
ship. Canopy transparencies are made from single-crystal quartz, flash coated with gold, germanium, molybdenum and iridium
to provide protection against bright light and short-wavelength lasers. The coatings also act as a radar-reflecting surface,
preventing the entire cockpit volume from becoming a radar-reflecting cavity.
The main fuselage also features the mounting points for the main weapons pods and the secondary weapons bay. The
main weapons pods are attached to cross-folded pylons just forward of the ramrocket intakes, which at supersonic speeds, the 4.4
m pylons can be deployed crosswise to secure the ordnance within the pods. The total span of the pods when deployed is 15.3 m.
The pods cannot be deployed at speeds above transonic because of the adverse effects of drag and the torsion caused by dynamic
pressure on the pylons. The secondary bays also fold flush against the sides of the lifting body, and can be sprung out to expose
all the weapon hardpoints and allow exhaust space for weapons launch. Unlike the main weapon pods, the secondary bays can be
deployed at super-sonic speeds up to Mach 2.4 without adverse effects on dropship handling.
It must be noted that even light damage can prevent a dropship from lifting into orbit. A breach of the fuselage skin will
seriously compromise the ship's high-speed thermal protection, and even a tiny hole can cause oxidation or 'burn through' when
atmospheric speeds exceed Mach 5.0. To prevent such accidents, a sensor net is bonded to the inside of the skinning to monitor
for breaches, differential hull temperature and ionization. If a breach is detected, a warning is flashed to the cockpit monitors to
notify the crew.
The UD-4 is a reliable craft in all realms of its aerospace operating platform, and is a popular craft with its pilots. It
handles well above the specific purpose for which it was designed, but with in the world of war, nothing can be expected to
handle as it was designed, here the Cheyenne delivers above and beyond... but not as well as the pilots who push these craft to
their limits would prefer.
At subsonic speeds, the lifting body configuration generates little lift, and the pilot becomes increasingly reliant on the
flight software. The lift from the vectored thrust engines keep the dropship stable in the air. Stall speed is very high, and as the
Cheyenne approaches the stall it tends to fly increasingly nose-high. As transition is made through the stall speed, vertical lift
from the nose and stern nozzles are bled in to prevent departure. Though the airframe is nominally stressed to +6 g, maneuvers in
conventional flight greater than +3 g are prohibited due to the excessive stall speed, which can cause the Cheyenne to
prematurely depart controlled flight. When fully loaded, turns greater than +1 g are prohibited. At very low speeds and at
altitudes below 500m, VTOL hovering flight is recommended. The Cheyenne is at it's nimblest in the hover; here, response is
crisp in all axes and the dropship is a very steady weapons platform.
The Cheyenne has a crew of two, comprising a Pilot and a Crew Chief / Weapons Officer. Flight control is quadruplex
digital fly-by-light with automatic self-monitoring and reversion to back-up modes, all handled through the Herriman-Weston 5 /
480 flight computer. There is no manual reversion since the dropship is too unstable to be flown with direct control inputs.
Engine thrust and nozzle settings are automatically moved to their optimum positions depending on speed, altitude, throttle and
stick settings. An intelligent autopilot facility allows the automatics to fly all phases of the mission profile, including ingress and
egress to the target zone as well as landing and docking cycles.
Navigation combines an inertial system with ring laser gyros and strapdown accelerometers, backed up by Global
Positioning from reference satellites where available. Dropship communications are handled through an AN / ASC-155 digital
datalink offering HF, VHF, UHF and SHF broadcast options. The hardware includes two 12-channel receiver / transmitters with
the associated antennae capable of establishing high performance voice, video or computer links in a stressed environment.
Antijam features are classified, though they are known to include adaptive HF spectrum techniques to achieve a low probability
of intercept and frequency hopping.
The Cheyenne is a very reliable and complex machine, not to mention a deadly weapon if deployed correctly.
Information on this craft can be broken down into 2 categories, with 3 divisions within each category. The first, "Characteristics,"
gives a general description of the UD-4 as a combat unit. The second category breaks the craft down into individual systems,
where the main focus is specific tasks or advantages. The menu to the right gives you the option of viewing any of these files.
The UD-4 'Cheyenne' is a versatile dropship and tactical transport employed in a primary role in the Colonial Marine Corps.
Derived from and original Department of Defense requirement formulated at the end of the Tientsin conflict for a multi-role light
aerospace shuttle capable of lifting heavy payloads up 10 16,000 kg, the UD-4 has evolved into the definitive dropship design,
influencing the shape of many derivatives and successors.
The Cheyenne's unique flexibility comes from its ability to lift itself into orbit under its own power from unprepared
landing sites with the aid of its vertical takeoff (VTOL) capability. In addition to carrying its large payload, the Cheyenne can
operate in the close-support gunship role by deploying weapons pods and hardpoints for rockets and missiles, as well as using its
own internal gun.
UD-4B - Original production variant powered by Atco Wyoming F23 lift turbines, producing 243 kN thrust each. Shorter by
1.5 m than the later variants and with less payload space, this version was also equipped with the main weapons pods
UD-4C - A gunship variant, this was the first to employ the secondary weapon bays and a dedicated Gattling gun system.
UD-4E - This was the UD-4B re-engined with F29-L-13 turbines to give extended atmospheric range.
UD-4H - The definitive production variant of this type, the UD-4H included a major redesign of many systems and
components. The fuselage was stretched by 1.5 m to allow an extra 16 m3 of payload space, making it the first variant
capable of carrying the M577 APC, and the lift engines were upgraded to a broad-spectrum sensing array and
command datalink. Secondary missile bays and the Gattling guns were now fitted as standard.
UD-4J - A USCMC life-extension program upgraded all existing UD-4B airframes to 'H' standard. This was designated the
UD-4L - An upgrade of the 'H' version assault transport, the UD-4L incorporates an improved sensor and fire control system as
well as being the first to include a comprehensive defensive suite fit.
Variant Body WT Armor MV Move Mach Orbit SR
UD-4B 3 30 1 -2 15 2.5 8.5 11
UD-4C 4 35 1 -3 20 2 7 11
UD-4E 3 35 2 -3 25 3 9 11
UD-4H 5 40 2 -2 30 3 11 20
UD-4J 4 30 2 -2 20 2.5 9 15
UD-4L 5 40 3 -1 30 3 10 20
Nicknamed the Snakefighter by its design team, the NTV Mk1 is a unique super dropship in that it provides a platoon
with interstellar mobility and relative self-sufficiency. Its flanks dominated by enormous thruster pods, the Snakefighter is
capable of rapid atmospheric maneuvering, high sublight velocity in space, and substantial payload hauling. Standard crew
complement is 10, comprising a pilot, copilot, weapons officer / navigator, and engineer. In case of crew attrition, (i.e.
casualties), much of the ships functions can be handled by relatively inexperienced personnel, due to a high level of automation
and user-friendly design. The living quarters are spartan, and the lack of bunk space forces the crewmembers to rotate their
eating and sleeping. The medlab is fairly basic, intended for patching up non-lethal combat injuries.
The main loading ramp is divided into two smaller loading ramps, which can be operated independently of each other.
A crane in the ceiling of the cargo bay aids vehicle maintenance and cab be used for storage. The tactical command post is
similar to a standard APC interior, with maps, monitors, and a sliding command chair.
Variant Body WT Armor MV Move Mach Orbit SR
NTVMk1 10 250 4 -5 10 2 15 100
The AD-17A Cougar is the youngest and perhaps fiercest generation of air superiority fighters in existence today.
Designed by DigArch Corporation as an answer to an ever changing battlefield, the Cougar once again places the advantage into
the hands of the USCM.
The sole mission of the AD-17 is maintenance of a No-Air-Threat zone over the battlefield. Its fast and maneuverable
control, combined with state of the art weapons delivery make it ideal for control of the skies. Logistically, the AD-17 is
indispensable, both keeping enemy air activity under constant control and protecting allied warplanes from sudden attack by
orbiting carrier-based gunships.
Pilots of the AD-17 claim an overwhelming percentage of successful dogfights. This can be attributed to several
distinguishing features in the AD-17 that combine to make the fighter not only highly stealthy, but also quick and agile. The
Cougar can engage and destroy targets before anyone knows it's there. A highly advanced vector matrixing OBCS can provide
for mach +4 NOE flight patterns. This plane can fly invisible, and leave faster than anyone else in the sky.
The AD-17 Cougar Strikeship is the first of a new class of fighter aircraft, incorporating a distinctive Vector Control
Directional Changing jet nozzle system. This new system allows for flight previously restricted to slow hover craft or high speed
helicopters. This new improvement, although still classified, will undoubtedly spawn a new era of combat aircraft.
However, several limiters had to be built in to the computer system to disallow the pilot freedom of movement. UMF
tests of the AD-17 gauged +23G's on standard maneuvers. This would be departmental to a pilot's health, so the System will
perform a 12G lock-out. This still allows the pilot adequate room for pushing this craft to the limits in a dogfight, and the AD-17
remains the most maneuverable warcraft ever created.
The Cougar incorporates a tail-less airframe, thus reducing radar signature and strengthening the airframe, allowing for
high G maneuvers. The traditional tail fins which keep the plan in a straight line with it's AOL and indented direction have been
replaced by Vector Thrust and computer rendered flight paths. The AD-17 handles as well as a plane with tail fins, and the
development of the new vectoring system has given the Cougar freedom of design.
The AD-17 Cougar employs a Fredrickson 20mm "Gargoyle" servo-slaved gattling anti-aircraft cannon. With a cyclic
rate of 300 shells a minute, this is an extremely powerful addition to the Cougar, and allows for greater air dominance and
flexibility in missions. The 20mm "Gargoyle" is contained just to the upper right of the cockpit, and has a Jullet cooling system
running from the engines to cool the gun during use.
Carried in the belly of the AD-17 is a TIAS controlled missile rack. Hidden from view during normal flight, the
offensive weapons of the Cougar can be protected and subtracted from the total air resistance of the plane. When entering
combat, the unique system will cycle out missiles one at a time, moments before the actual firing of the weapon. This gives the
AD-17 an advantage over normal craft in speed and maneuverability.
The Cougar can carry two types of missiles, with a third type being introduced into the new AD-17i versions of the
plane. Up to twelve AGM-204A's or 16 AIM-90E's can be carried on each missile rack, and with two racks the total number of
Missiles is increased to 32 AIM-90's or 24 AGM-204A's. The AD-17i is fitted with a separate targeting system that controls a
new rack, replacing one of the older ones in the plane. This new missile rack can carry and launch two XIM-28A Long Lance
anti-satellite missiles.
AD-17A - Original production and still the only version used in battle. Varies only slightly from the XT-94T, the final
experimental version, the changes made to the battlefield Cougar are few, but due include downgrading the
computer and structural wireframe, cutting the effectiveness of the AD-17 by only 12%, but cutting the cost of
each unit in half.
AD-17i (TL 4) - Not yet employed on the battlefield, this craft has a ceiling of well above low-orbit. Carrying up to two
Long Lance anti ship missiles, the AD-17i can engress orbital targets and fire before returning to NOE cover
and returning to forward base. The engress time of the AD-17i is approximately one tenth that of a
conventional gunship or shuttle, making it a difficult target to intercept.
Variant Body WT Armor MV Move Mach Orbit SR
AD-17A 4 14 2 0 20 4 - 20
AD-17I 4 14 2 +1 25 5 12 20
The Conestoga class vessels were originally designed as a troop and logistic transports with a limited defensive
capability, however, this role has evolved over years of operational use from a fleet prime mover into that of a light assault ship
with secondary responsibilities for space control and orbital bombardment support. Of the 36 Conestogas built, 27 remain in
service at TL3, 35 at TL4, 25 at TL 5 and less than 10 at TL6, filling a niche in the CMC/Marine inventory that will not be filled
until the commissioning next year of the first of the new Bougainville class attack transports.
Over 385 meters in length and massing some 78,000 metric tons, the Conestogas are designed to an 8-17-0 layout, an
asymmetric configuration that offers the optimum cargo capacity within a compact and well-armored hull. The spaceframe
extends forward and aft of the vessel's primary power system, a Westingland A-59 fusion reactor with a maximum generating
output of 3.6 Terawatts. Like most military vessels, the Conestogas use a lithium-hydride or 'dry' fusion plant. The basic fuel for
the plant is the crystalline powder form of lithium-hydride. The specific gravity of the fuel is 0.82 metric tons per cubic meter,
making it extremely space efficient, avoiding the problems of cryogenic storage associated with civilian reactors fueled by heavy
hydrogen isotopes such as deuterium and tritium. The LiH plant accepts the powder in very fine form, allowing it to be shipped
and pumped as if it were a liquid, and administered into the powerplant as a blown dust. The powder must be stored in double-
lined containers to prevent contact with water, otherwise it will dissociate and react violently.
All propulsion units are located aft of the Conestogas main reactor. All Conestoga class vessels employ a dual drive
method for sublight and Faster Than Light (FTL) movement. To maneuver in realspace at sublight speeds, the Conestoga is
equipped with four Gates-Heidman GF-240 rockets than derive power from the main reactor. At maximum power, each rocket
provides a thrust of more than 35,100 metric tons. However, fuel consumption is astronomical, allowing maximum thrust for
short periods. When FTL travel is necessary, the Conestoga employs a Romberg-Rockwell Cygnus 5 tachyon shunt hyperdrive.
The normal cruising speed sustainable by these units is .74 light years per Terran day.
Spaceframe composition consists of bonded alloy and composite beams. These materials provide enough strength for
massive acceleration while remaining flexible enough to withstand atmospheric re-entry. Hull armor consists of one armored
skin, heavier than that on civilian transports. The armor is composed of laminated insulators, micrometeorite shielding, composite
material, and aerogel. Protection against projectile weapons is limited, as with all spacecraft, but the aerogel is capable of
dissipating radiation from lasers and particle beams. The hull is also covered with radar absorbent material. The engine vents are
provided with infrared suppression/dispersion. The hull coating is laser absorbent to reduce lidar detection. The ship is colored in
a dark charcoal scheme to reduce visibility. The foremost hull section provides the main cargo area for the Conestoga.
Five 25x10 meter cargo doors on each side of the hull provide access. They have even been retrofitted into improvised
dropship/shuttle launch bays. Underneath the cargo area reside the Conestoga's dedicated dropship/shuttle hangar with capacity
for up to four UD-4L Cheyenne dropships.
To reduce crew workload, and increase efficiency and safety, operation of the is fully automated. The Conestoga is
equipped with a 28 Terabyte, carbon-60 based core mainframe. In effect, the ship could pilot itself and fight a space battle even if
the crew were all dead or in hypersleep. However, at any time, combat or navigational decisions made by the ship can be
overridden by the commanding officer. Backup is provided by an 8 terabyte mainframe and local terminals dispersed throughout
the ship. Most damage control is automated by the Conestoga's mainframe. If the reactor suffers severe damage, the entire
assembly can be jettisoned before an explosion occurs. If the vehicle is damaged to the point it becomes untenable, emergency
evac is prompted by the CO or automated systems. The Conestoga carries 20 type 337 emergency escape vehicles. If the crew is
in hypersleep, their capsules will be loaded by the automatic systems. The ship may also be scuttled by the CO. Self-destruct
protocols are initiated manually, causing the reactor to go supercritical fifteen minutes after initiation.
The Conestoga carries a light complement of weaponry that allows it to function as a light cruiser. The main space-to-
space punch is provided by eight XIM-28A Long Lance ASAT missiles within a dorsal launch bay. The missile is self guiding,
and is capable of homing through the reception of several different formats of energy emission from the target. Its warhead is a
forged fragment ring that creates a lethal burst of fragments. Secondary punch is provided by several systems. Twin 800
megavolt particle beams run parallel to the ship's main axis. These weapons are powered from storage cells between the main
reactor and the weapons. For close combat, the Conestoga mounts twin railguns in dorsal and ventral turrets. Muzzle velocities
exceed 12 km per second, with a practical range of 100 km. A single hit from a railgun round is often enough to cripple a ship.
Port and starboard laser turrets handle close-in defense. The Conestoga mounts 80 megawatt infrared lasers capable of vaporizing
railgun fire or crippling incoming missiles and fighters. A ventral launch bay carries 60 orbital mines, enough to deny low orbit
to large ships. A dorsal bay amidships also carries 20 decoys designed to present a radar signature mimicking the
Conestoga's. There are also two maneuvering drones designed to confuse enemy spacecraft. A magazine below the cargo bay
and forward of the dropship hangar provides space-to-surface capability. 80 free-fall, self-guiding re-entry vehicles are carried.
The armament carried by the Conestoga enhances her flexibility, allowing her to function as a multi-role platform independent of
a fleet or taskforce. She can carry a sizable Marine complement while defending her from attack, or provide orbital
bombardment in support of a Marine landing or planetary action. This has made the Conestoga the prime movers of the Marine
fleet for almost two decades.
Variant Body WT Armor MV Move Mach Orbit SR
Conestoga 20 78,000 8 -8 8 - 10 100
The Razzia is simply put, the largest spacecraft ever constructed. Oh sure, some space stations and mining platforms
have measured larger. But for pure bulk, the Razzia is the largest man made creation that can move under its own power. At TL
2, there is only the prototype. By TL 4, the second model was released. Two more rolls off the construction by TL 5. Only one,
the original, survives the war by TL 6. The Razzia and its sisters are all owned by Grant-Corp but are often leased to whomever
needs them. Grant Corp uses them almost exclusively. The Prototype is currently on indefinite loan to the CMC at TL3 for an
exchange of information. The Razzia is over 3.5 kilometers long. It is an armored strong point and flagship for whatever flag it
flies under. Like the Conestoga, it is mostly automated, carrying mostly support and mission personnel. The base crew is fifteen.
At least three must operate the flight controls when near a strong gravity field. The Razzia is somewhat flawed this way. It must
keep clear from any maneuvers that could cause it to dangerously approach a planet. It is not even aloud to slingshot around
gravity fields like even Conestogas can. The Razzia is a fast jump ship but a slug at sublight. What it looses it speed, it makes
up for in strength. It may be slow, but it offers the comfort and power of purse mass.
The Razzia has the largest jump drive ever constructed., the McKinley Ion Mark 1. With it, it can traverse half way
across the core worlds without refueling at a top speed of 1.1 light year a day. Four Grant-Corp Pulse Drives occupy the rear of
the ship for sublight travel. Even with its awesome thrust capacity, the ship still crawls through a star system. Besides its base
crew capacity, the Razzia is equipped with over 500 cryotubes. That may seem small but the cargo bays can be filled to an
unprecedented 15 000. The Razzia, sometimes, is employed as a colonizer ship, transporting huge populaces through militarized
zones. Additionally, the Razzia is great for massive evacuations from combat areas. The crew compartments are extremely
cosey Armament-wise, this monstrosity can level entire planets on its own. Its firepower is effectively triple that of the
Conestoga with an additional nuclear payload added for good measure. The Razzia has been prohibited from entering large
trafficked systems by major groups because of its mass and its potential of armageddon if a catastrophic failure were to occur on
board. The Razzia is an experiment in the feasibility of creating one ship to do the job of many. In every field, it succeeds,
except in one, cost. The Razzia is a juggernaut and requires many a dollar to maintain. Multiple contracts run at once on board
as a result. As a money-maker, the Razzia is not much to speak of, but as a weapon of war, it is unstoppable
Variant Body WT Armor MV Move Mach Orbit SR
Razzia 100 950 000 10 -12 5 -- 7 200
Variant Body WT Armor MV Move Mach Orbit SR
Razzia Dropship 15 1 850 6 -9 10 3 15 100
The a M class is one of a large group of transports that seem to change daily. New freighter designs pop up every year.
Other, have been modified so much, are almost unrecognizable to their original specifications. What makes the Mega class
apart from the rest is it pure size. It is the largest of the standard unmodified freightersbut what makes it the most common
was that all current models built (and all the ones refitted It was refitted to be a commercial towing vehicle in 2116, after that, the
M Class have largely been employed running automated ore and oil refineries between systems.
The ships mass, 63,000 metric tons, the M Classs spaceframe is based on a modified Lockmart CM-88B Bison
transporter. It is designed to a 6-10-4 layout with three pressurized decks and four main cargo holds. The spare volume is taken
by the fuel tanking for the fusion reactor and the reaction mass for the thrust engines. An off-axis hooded frame mounts the
docking latches for the towed cargo. The M-Class is sturdy enough of a vehicle to withstand atmospheric re-entries and for
surface landings is supported by three main landing shocks. The micrometeorite and particulate shielding is sufficient enough to
withstand rough re-entries.
The in-flight systems are all controlled by the central "Mother" processor. Mother is a 2.1 Terabyte intelligent
mainframe, which monitors all of the ship's flight and autonomic functions. A 2.0 Terabyte backup mainframe comes on line in
an event of a CPU failure, and a third tier of automatics is also capable of sustaining an autonomic functions should the backup
fail as well. The communications fit is standard, it compromises of a 10 and 4 meter hyperstate antenna for any interstellar
communications and short-range UHF/VHF/HF radio/video links. The sensors are mounted on pylons which are clustered around
the forward hull of the ship and have two 2 m aperture telescopes which are capable of optical, spectrographic and infrared
resolution; a gas chromatograph; centimetric navigation and landing radar; a synthetic aperture ground mapping radar; and a
mass counter for supralight navigation.
The M-Class power core is a Laretel WF-15 2.8 Terawatt fusion reactor. The fusion process is a deuterium/tritium
reaction that can fuse the fuel elements in a containment chamber using conversion lasers. The He4 byproduct of the reaction is
kept separately and is vented at regular intervals. The power is drawn off of the reactor by a closed-cycle liquid potassium
cooling system. Running off into an induction torus, which can use the intense magnetic field created by the superheated
potassium to generate electric power. The ship may be destroyed by an authorized crewmember by overriding the reactor cooling
system and bleed off coolant, which initiates a supercritical reaction in the containment area. After the activation of the self-
destruct device, the crew has ten minutes to get far enough from the ship before its reactor explodes.
The supralight drive is a Yutani T7A NLS tachyon shunt, which is capable of unladen high cruise up to 0.42 ly per
sidereal day (153 cee). When it is towing large amounts of cargo such as automated refineries, the maximum sustainable cruise
speed drops radically, about 0.1-0.12 ly per sidereal day (40-45 cee). For maneuvering at sublight speeds when towing large
amounts of cargo, the immensely powerful mass reaction engines are required. On the M-Class, the original Saturn J-3000
engines have been replaced to two Rolls-Royce N66 Cyclone thrust tunnels with bipolar vectoring for midline lifting functions.
Each of the powerplants develop a 65,830 metric ton of thrust, using water for reaction mass. When running wide open, both of
the engines give a high impulse thrust totaling of 131,660 kN.
The life systems comprise of three decks, which include the bridge, crew quarters, and dining area. Others include the
science station, the CPU module, medical bays, four main cargo bays, storing areas, and the engineering stations. All of these
compromise 1.1 million cubic meters of pressurized volume, including all of the air ducts and the air scrubbing plant. The M-
Class has a crew of seven-Ship's Master, First Officer, Executive Officer, Navigation Officer, Science Officer, Chief Engineer,
and Engineer's Mate. There are seven hypersleep capsules that have been installed for any long-duration flight. The polarized
gravity generators provide the internal gravity and the internal dampening. Beneath the hull, is an external docking bay for a
shuttlecraft. The shuttlecraft is capable of being a lifeboat in the case of a ship's evacuation is necessary.
Variant Body WT Armor MV Move Mach Orbit SR
M-Class 15 63 000 2 -10 3 0.5 7 50
For any long duration in-system flight or interstellar travel, one hypersleep capsule is installed. The Shuttle is powered
by a 9 gW microfusion reactor that drives the two Newington A-24 rocket motors, which employ water as a reaction mass. The
rocket thrust is vectored through the four aft or two forward thrust tunnels. For the interstellar travel, a Romberg 100c tachyon
shunt can drive the shuttlecraft at a low supralight speed. The Lockmart can enter an atmosphere but dont expect it to maneuver
Variant Body WT Armor MV Move Mach Orbit SR
SLI Shuttle 4 150 1 -8 2 - 10 50
The TF-Alphas one of the most widely used short-range freighter around. It was created more than a hundred years
ago and the design is virtually untouched. Some have nicknamed it the bug, comparing it to the 20th century Volkswagen
automobile. Using a modular design, the TF-Alpha can be fitted with a variety of cargo modules although the basic design can
only carry one. These modules have been widely even before this freighter was introduced. The connecting brackets were a
cheap modification to the existing modules. These crates have been found on worlds that dont even operate Cargo-Crawlers.
The TF-Alpha can detach or re-attach a module in less than 30 seconds.
The Cargo Crawler has been manufactured in the hundreds and is used by practically ever corporation and government.
The design is often modified but the standard model run off a regular assembly line hasnt been changed since it was released.
Its charter is to be short range craft but the first modification often given is range booster. This does not cut down on cargo space
or speed. The current drive capacity is a pair of McKinley Ion drives set on slow burn. The TF-ALPHA is slow but uses its fuel
wisely. In an atmosphere, the ship usually only raises and lower altitude and doesnt maneuver much.
The ship is not often used in single sorties but is often used in group of three of more, transporting large supplies across
star systems. When used alone, they are usually only utilized in-system. The crew compliment need only be one, but three more
can be carried. The module can carry its won life support system and can transport up to 500 cryotubes.
Variant Body WT Armor MV Move Mach Orbit SR
TF-Alpha-1 3 350 1 -5 4 0.5 8 10
Variant Body WT Armor MV Move Mach Orbit SR
ZCTV 10 1350 2 -6 10 2 10 50
The Weyland Yutani Trader was constructed to be a cheap transport WY could utilize for its colony demands. They
shunted supplies back and forthOne shipment could equip a colony for months. These ships were huge but could not tow any
cargo. They have the largest cargo capacity of any freighter. Like ZCT, WY does not openly sell the Traders on the open
market. The Traders are shipped off to new colonies and can often set them up with one ship.
More than 70% of the vessel is open cargo space with the remaining are spent on spartan living conditions. Some
Traders have been retrofitted with hardpoints and crew compartment and thus were turned into a massive troop transport. Up to
1000 Marines can be carried on board the retrofitted ships. However, these ships are still operated by Weyland Yutani so are
only used as a transport. The ship and its crew are lent by WY. Unlike some freighters, the Trader is a dedicated space transport.
It can travel between stations with ease but cannot enter at atmosphere unless it wants to hard land. Either way, it is not taking
off again.
The unfortunate news is that the WY Trader has been seem under operation of smugglers. The design is very robust
and the immense size makes it a very efficient transport. It runs of a quad set of Tachyon Shunt Drives that give it good speed
and good range.
Variant Body WT Armor MV Move Mach Orbit SR
Trader 10 58 000 2 -8 4 -- 10 10
Variant Body WT Armor MV Move Mach Orbit SR
SV-90 8 38,000 1-3 -9* 4 - 10 10
*: -6 if pod is dropped
The Re-Entry pod is a controlled rock. It is built and is operated by almost ever military ship. It is an unarmored,
quick drop to lower up to 10 soldiers into a combat area. It was first designed as a combat drop pod for spacecraft too small to
carry armed dropships. However, Re-Entry pods have since been modified and re-designed by major groups as a cheap
alternative to the EEV. The EEV is completely automated and advanced. The REP should only be used above planets.
It is dropped above. It burns through the atmosphere. Upon clearing the upper layer, it fires it engines for
decelerations and finally uses a HALO-style, low altitude parachute deployment to quickly slow it speed down, setting down with
a thump. The crew can then deploy quickly. The one problem with this approach to the dropship is that that REP cannot take
over. It is a one way trip. It is also totally unarmed. Not like anyone can hit it. It drops to quickly, the only time it is vulnerable
is when it slams into the Earth.
Onboard computers handle the entry and deceleration. The craft can make mild maneuvers, avoiding obstacles and
landing at the best possible position. It also changes it course for the type of landing. The ship can land so softly, it wouldnt
crack and egg. Some others needs to be dropped so quickly, the ship is partially destroyed in the landing, having been designed
that way to absorb all damage and prevent the crew compartment from being crushed.
The sinister variation of the REP is the direct drop ordinance, which drops explosive warheads through the atmosphere, directly
on ground targets. Weapon loads can vary
Variant Body WT Armor MV Move Mach Orbit SR
REP 2 10 1 -10 2 8* -- --
*: Straight Down.
In recent years increasing numbers of synthetics humans have been deployed with Colonial Marine line units. Though
the Geneva Convention prohibits the equipping of androids with weapons or uninhibited combat abilities, the Colonial marine
corps regards them as an invaluable resource, supporting front line units as multi-role team-members and mobile database.
Marine androids are always employed in a non-combat role, usually as drivers, pilots, medics and scientific advisors to combat
units at platoon level and above. Though they are an artificial intelligence in the broad sense, legally androids are classified as a
Corps' property. It can be ordered to perform hazardous tasks in place of humans. However, their utility and not-inconsiderable
unit cost is an incentive to any Marine field commander who wishes to treat a synthetic as expendable.
The modern synthetic is a highly complex machine: stronger, faster and better coordinated than an average human. The
basic chassis is a carbon fiber skeleton with latchment point for the artificial musculature. The muscles are vat grown silicon
colloids powered either by pumped micro-hydraulics or electrical stimulation. Power for the android is supplies by a 25kw fuel
cell with a life of approximately 400 days between refueling. At TL5, this was replaced with a more powerful Micro-Nuclear
reactor with a 20 year lifespan. As in a human, the skeletal structure is inherently unstable and is effectively suspended by the
musculature. No limb-locking, join motorization or gyrostabalization is present as in other anthropomorphic frames such as
powerloaders. Instead, the muscles must work actively to keep the chassis standing upright while active feedback systems
control its stability. Though muscles can withstand considerable wear and tear, the lack of a self-repair facility means that they
eventually lose their strength and become increasingly elastic over time. It is recommended that the muscle system be
overhauled on a regular basis and individual elements replaced every two years. At TL5, when Synths are equipped with nano-
repair facilities, these overhauls were no longer necessary. Muscle layout and operation, as with certain other internal function,
are homologous with those of the human body. Military synthetics are designed to be virtually indistinguishable in appearance
from a human.
Although a synthetics cosmetic appearance would seem to be a superfluous feature, especially in a military model,
practical experience has shown that it is a necessary component to maintaining combat unit efficiency and integrity. Most human
soldiers are psychologically unable to interrelate with an inhuman-looking android; as a result, the physical appearance and
simulated behavior patterns of synthetic units are designed to particular specifications. Most synthetics in Colonial Marine
service appear as mature, average males or females around 20 to 40 years of age. Their personalities, idiosyncrasies aside, can
best be described as passive or non-threatening. Some studies published in recent years have suggested that androids have an
important role to play within small infantry units, both as an impassive neutral party, and as a maternal/paternal influence in
nurturing and sustaining the group dynamic at optimum efficiency.
The synthetics mind is an integrated Carbon 60 processor with a processing speed of 1015 floating point
operations per second. Memory capacity includes 1 terabyte of fast cash buffer RAM and 1.2 Terabyte of non-volatile memory.
The system is architectured around a very powerful heuristic logic driver, making decisions based upon imported sensory data,
information drawn from experience and he androids vast inbuilt databases. Intuitive functions are derived from a suite of nested
contextual and semantic programs linked by self-mapping loops of tangled hierarchies. However, an androids ability to
understand and process abstract concepts and symbologies, though powerful, is limited. A synthetic mind and personality is
essentially a construct, and there is no true self-awareness as such, though this may not be all apparent to an untrained observer
interesting with a unit. Androids display synthesized emotion, superficially register self-awareness and, most importantly of all,
have the ability to reason conceptualize and offer opinion. However, these capabilities do not infer human-like consciousness,
even though for all other intents and purposes synthetics are artificial intelligence. At TL5, with the release of the Advanced
Capability Synth, these lines were blurred even more. Refer to the Alien: Resurrection Plug-In for information on their
evolution past this.
Synthetics have proven themselves invaluable in Colonial Marine service across known space. Their chief advantage to
unit commanders is their ability to impart knowledge and experience outside of the training of most combat specialists. In
combat arenas and environments where an ever-greater degree of specialized (usually scientific) information needs to be made
available to a unit commander, a synthetic is the ideal vehicle for storing and relaying that information. In addition, they have the
capacity to perform many non-combat tasks, freeing manpower that would otherwise be unavailable for actual combat.
Despite their advantage in speed and strength over human and their imperviousness pain, synthetics are not especially
tough. Indeed by comparison they are somewhat fragile. Though the graphite composite skeletal structure of an android is study,
the electronics and fluid musculature are extremely vulnerable to hydrostatic shock and explosive effects from small arms fire. A
direct fire to the central processor or fuel cell will result in immediate deactivation of a unit, though in most cases a partially
destroyed android can continue to function, albeit handicapped. In hostile environments, synthetics require a similar breathable
atmosphere, corrosive atmospheres will melt them, extreme pressure will squash them flat and hard vacuum will explode them.
Even prolonged exposure to low atmospheric pressure can cause baratrauma and embolism in the unit due to the high proportion
of fluid colloids used in the manufacture of its musculature and skin.
Watch carefully as the synthetics continue in their development, their personalities increase in variety. The models
become more orientated to specific duties. They also start to become independent. By TL3, they gain very pronounced
personalities. Their specific dispositions depend on each model. Their statistics are an average for that type. One aspect is that
identical models dont necessarily need to look alike nor do they have the same skills or abilities.
1: Unless picking a combat synth from TL4, Synths cannot by action, harm, or by not acting, allow to be harmed, a human being.
They have mild emotional responses but no major emotional personality quirks.
2: Synths have no Stun and are unaffected by all weapons that cause stun.
3: Synths have no luck.
4: Synths have no humanity and are unaffected by what they see.
5: Synths have no psychic defense and are immune of psychic attacks unless it is telekinesis.
6: Synths Endurance is triple that of humans.
7: Synths pre-TL5 have no recovery. They cannot heal themselves until TL5. They must repair themselves directly.
8: Synths have no WILLpower and succeed at all will checks.
9: If the hits are reduced to zero, the Synth still works but at half abilities. Every five points after that reduces every
characteristic by one. When INT is reduced the zero, the brain has been destroyed. Reducing the BODY to zero
destroys the body but the brain can still be salvaged. Either way, at this point, the unit is out of commission.
10: Any major body part that takes the total damage of the synth is lost (arms and legs only). If reduced to more than twice its
Hits, the units is utterly destroyed
11: Killing Defense is generic for the Synth. Energy Killing Defense is the same number.
Mass produced synths are constructed in the thousands for use in every field of use. They change with each model
released but have many similarities. Their Characteristics are given in ranges and only skills are listed with additional points the
GM can spend to configure the robot.
Only general purpose Synths can be characters. Synthetics below are labeled as general or special and there are special
rules for each. For General, a basic model is offered with possible paths available. General Synths can be short, tall, fat, thin, but
the common models are listed below. If designed for character use, the following rules must apply as well as the ones above:
1: The Player picks a template that MUST be a General Purpose, no Special Synths. The Player MUST follow the guidelines
given to that synth.
2: Configure his or her characteristics as long as the total is the same given to the other characters. The models here are listed
using 45 points for average (but it increases if the GM has awarded more points to PCs). Synths only have seven
Characteristics. See above.
3: NO complications
4: Talents not already given only cost one point instead of three.
5: No perks or privileges.
6: Hits are the same. Because they have no stun, ignore this number. You cannot add half your stun to your Hits.
7: Lifepath. A Synthetic can be anywhere from 1-6 years of age. Past that is a rarity. Their immediate family are synthetics of
the same model type.
8: No ceiling limits to skills.
9: No Constitution.
10: Standard Synths take the average Characteristic below.
11: Standard Synths take the skills listed in ( ). Players take the bonuses then add their given OP to them (usually 30 but it
increases if the GM has awarded more points to PCs)
12: Unless a combat Synth, no military skills can be chosen if it involves causing harm (Firearms, Heavy Weapons, etc.). All
other skills are open.
13: Although Synths cannot harm human beings, they are fully able to choose evade skills.
14: Synths can develop as naturally as humans can as long as it stays within the parameters of their model.
COST: $55 000
EXAMPLE MODEL NAMES: Ash, Andy, Lizzy, Doyle, Sylvie
INT: 7-9 PRE: 1-3 TECH: 7-9 REF: 5-7 DEX: 5-7 STR: 6 8
MOVE: 2-4 BODY: 5-7
Business: +1 (+3) Computer Programming: +1 (+3) Education : +4 (+6)
Hacking: +2 (+4) Science: +3 (+5) Research: +2 (+4)
Paramedic: +4 (+6) First Aid: +3 (+5) Engineer--Synthetic: +1 (+3)
Xenobiology: +3 (+5) Electronics: +1 (+3) ExpertCorporation: +5 (+7)
Bugging: 0 (+2) Concealment: 0 (+2) Perception: 0 (+2)
Ambidexterity Common Sense Eidetic Memory Lightening Calculator
Time Sense Speed Reader
These Synths are constructed by almost ever corporation so their exact stats vary like snowflakes. Corporations build
all synths but these designs are used by the groups own staff. These were the first designs ever made in this field. Initial
designs were unstable and twitchy. At TL1, almost all older models have either been recalled or refitted with newer operating
systems. All current models, like all Synthetics, are bound by their behavioral inhibitors. Rumors indicate that some
corporations privately modify their in-store models to break these rules. It is known that this procedure is impossible but that is
just the official statement. The only reports of rogue Synths have all been of corporate models. These designs also seem to
have been hardwired with a loyalty directive from their home corporation to always think of the common good of the Corp before
itself and even others.
COST: $65 000
EXAMPLE MODELS: Bishop, Dawn, Crowe, Brook, Costas
INT: 6-8 PRE: 1-3 TECH: 7-9 REF: 5-7 DEX: 6-8 STR: 5-7
MOVE: 3-5 BODY: 5-7
Education : +4 (+6) Computer Programming: +3 (+5) Science: +3 (+5)
Research: +1 (+3) Paramedic: +1 (+3) PilotDropship: +2 (+2)
First Aid: +4 (+6) Engineer--Synthetic: +1 (+3) Electronics: +2 (+4)
Astrogation: +1 (+3) DrivingAPC: +2 (+4) DrivingBuggy: +1 (+3)
Navigation: +1 (+3) EngineerAerospace: 0 (+2) EngineerArmor: +1 (+3)
PilotStarship: 0 (+2) EngineerStarship: +1 (+2) PilotPowerloader: +1 (+2)
Ambidexterity Common Sense Eidetic Memory Lightening Calculator
Time Sense Speed Reader Double Jointed
CMC Synthetics are known throughout the ICC as being the most reliable. These are constructed by a variety of
corporations but then are sent on with blank memories to be programmed in. Marine Synths are used primarily by The Colonial
Marines but these designs have been spotted as general staff on stations, support on mining colonies, and as support in corporate
affairs, making these designs the second most common variant. In fact, the only real way to identify a Military Synth is by the
crowd it hangs with.
CMC totally prohibits the re-programming of any Synth. Any Synth breaking the coveted unbreakable rule of not
harming a human is to be eliminated on sight by Marine Forces. In fact, Marine Synths arent even used for passive defensive
purposes. They pilot transports but not often military assault vehicles. They are used mainly in support stance as general
purpose synths with training in medical and engineering skills. Both the Marine and corporate models are renown for being very
boring. People skills were not considered a priority.
COST: $100 000
EXAMPLE MODELS: Judith , Claire, Shana, Morgan, Virgil
INT: 4-6 PRE: 5-7 TECH: 6-8 REF: 4-6 DEX: 4-6
STR: 3-5 BODY: 4-6 MOVE: 2-4
Education : +3 (+4) Computer Programming: +1 (+2) Science: +2 (+3)
Research: +1 (+2) First Aid: +2 (+4) Engineer--Synthetic: +1 (+3)
Electronics: +1 (+3) Navigation: +1 (+3) PilotPowerloader: +1 (+1)
Acrobatics: +1 (+3) Performance: +5 (+7) Conversation: +2 (+4)
Seduction: +4 (+5) Wardrobe & Style: +6 (+7) Persuasion: +5 (+7)
Mimicry: +2 (+4) Perception: +1 (+3) Hand-to-HandEvade: 0 (+2)
High Society: 0 (+1)
Ambidexterity Eidetic Memory Beautiful (Level 3)* Double Jointed Night Vision
*Bonuses to Persuasion, Performance, Wardrobe&Style have been added to Skills.
As the personality matrixes of Synths became more advanced, outer-veil colonies, mining outposts, as well as deep
space scout, escort, and towing vehicles requested robots with better socializing skills. However, as the requests rolled in from
the rim colonies, the demands moved beyond just socializing into heavy interaction, and then, finallysex. This synthetic is
really called the Advanced Capability Synthetic, but often, then not, the designs have only been used from a perspective of Sex.
Like many taboos in human history, no one refers to AdCaps in that way even though even the corporation privately admits it.
The evidence is apparent. From a visual perspective already, the Synthetics are exceptional more attractive and with skills that
allow them to utilize that. The models are also the youngest available on the market. Most models are between 19 25 years of
age, (bordering on the illegal), but some have been heard to be constructed even younger but these are kept tightly under wraps
for obvious reasons. Very few are made older although some models ACTUALLY designed to be used for hosting or negotiating
purposes have been constructed up to 35 years of age. Sex Synths have one of the most advanced brains on the market, so their
behavioral inhibitors are the most constricting. All Synthetics have sexual programming but synths designed for such purposes
handle the situations better. Sex Synths are often programmed for a variety of purposes even when they are sent for sexual
purposes. AdCaps are never used for hazardous duty since their cost is exceptionally high. They are often used in the sciences,
medical, and support positions. All are extremely sociable and almost impossible to identify as a Synth unless they are wounded.
They have programming to not intentionally hide their identifies.
NOTE: Fans of Philip K. Dick warn that automatons made to resemble humans in almost every way including their
feelings will eventually and ultimately rebel. Corporations have made the utmost effort to keep the behavior of AdCaps in check
but unconfirmed reports do reveal some of these synths have vanished from time to time.
Special purpose synths cannot be made as characters because the designers only created them for one purpose. Game
play would be quite boring when those requirements do not apply. These are Synths designed for specific jobs and when those
jobs are done, the unit is useless until needed again. Their abilities are fixed.
COST: $1 450 000
INT: 5 PRE: 3 TECH: 5 REF: 8 DEX: 8
STR: 11 MOVE: 10 BODY: 10
Autofire Weapons: +4 EngineerSynthetic: +4 Athletics: +4 Contortionists: +3
Infiltrate Hive: +5 Hand-to-Hand: +4 Hand-to-Hand Evade: +3 Ranged Evade: +2
Shadowing: +3 Xenobiology: +3 Education : +4 Computer Programming: +3
Science: +3` Research: +1 (+3) Paramedic: +1 PilotDropship: +2
First Aid: +4 Electronics: +2 DrivingAPC: +2 DrivingBuggy: +1
Navigation: +1 EngineerAerospace: +2 EngineerArmor: +2 PilotStarship: +2
EngineerStarship: +2 Firearms: +3
Acute Smell Acute Hearing Ambidexterity Blind Reaction +3 Combat Sense
Direction Sense Double Jointed Common Sense Eidetic Memory Lightening Calculator
Night Vision* Time Sense Nutra-Gel (see below)
*: Although blind, the aliens enhanced senses give this ability.
Attack Tongue 1m +2 6 1 Armor Piercing (halves KD)
Teeth 1m +1 4 1 Can also grapple
Claws 1m +1 4 1 Can also grapple
Tail 2m -3 n/a 1 Grapple
(The XL2 does not have Acid for blood)
Jeri is the common name given to the Production model of the Mayakosky prototype. Very few exist considering the
extreme production cost of the model. Jeri looks identical to the Norbet model considering they are both Xenomorphic
Synthetics. However, the similarities end there. Both can infiltrate Hives, but Jeri can simulate a psychic pulse that confuses
Aliens into believing the Synth is part of their Hive. Jeri, However, was designed to monitor Hives already controlled by
mankind. There are sanctioned Corporation hives that are usually monitored and controlled. Jeri is kept inside to monitor
behavior and track irregularities. He is often paired off with a Dean Assault Synth in case control is lost and the hive must be
eliminated. Jeris radical differences come from inside. The removal of the Cold Plasma laser gave additional room for the
personality matrix. The Alien Behavioral protocols have been merged with its standard Synth protocols with a enhanced system
capable of discerning situational awareness. The Synth, therefore, is ALWAYS bound by its Synthetic Behavioral Inhibitors and
cannot harm a human being. These rules cannot be overridden and the Synth will break from its Alien behavior if a human is in
danger unlike the Norbet Synth that would remain in Alien form unless ordered out of it.
Jeris personality is very advanced, actually a slightly modified form of the ADCAP brain seen in General Support and
Sex Synths. Jeris voice box was modified to be more pleasing than robotic even though it still does not need to open its mouth
to talk. Jeri is also trained in standard CMC Support Synth Skills, making Jeri an amazing replacement to standard CMC Synths
assigned to marine teams required to enter hostile bug-infested territories. Jeri has almost all the abilities from a Bishop, Dawn,
or Crowe Synth. This can sometimes cause problems.
Jeri is a amazing fighter but even though he has the programming of a field medic, is not often given the advantage to
use them. His fingers, seemingly clumsy for detailed work, are extremely articulate. The additional thumb improves his abilities
even more. Jeri can even handle weaponry. Even though Jeri is very personable, very few people can accept working alongside
one. In the case of Norbert, which was locked and offline until needed, Jeri has a standard Synth lifespan, given the freedom to
move freely with no shut down override. Jeri understands his position and is eager to please. Because of his advanced
personality, Jeris have been known to have their feelings hurt if they are secluded from the group. Because of their appearance,
it is commonplace. XL2s refer to the XL1 with distinction and think Mayakofsky as their Father. Jeri has only been given one
name since they are way too expensive to be used in pairs. Jeri was designed and built by Grant Corp and is equipped with their
Nutra-Gel compound, making him immune to the aliens acid blood, even if wounded.
SPECIAL NOTE: A GM may allow Jeri to be modified for Player use. Exercise EXTREME caution.
Ambidexterity Blind Reaction +3 Combat Sense Direction Sense Night Vision
Time Sense Nutra-Gel (see below)
ARMS (2): 1K (50 SDP) 0.5K (25 SDP)
LEGS (2): 1K (50 SDP) 0.5K (25 SDP)
Plasma Rifle 0 1000 8 30 1000
Plasma Cannon -2 2000 2k 40
Grenade Launcher -1 50 9 1 30 3 m BR
Flame-thrower 0 3-50 6/6** 3 120
**6 DC is automatically done next round if it hits the first round.
Dean was a successor to the Beserker models once the aliens started appearing in larger numbers. Beserkers were
powerful but unreliable. The Assault Synth was the solution. It is a 3 ton titanium skeleton with a Synthetic interior. Deans
brain is extremely basic, being programmed only with standard Behavioral Inhibitors and command protocols of who to shoot
and who not to. Dean is not allowed to fire on humans but models have been known to be reprogrammed. They are designed to
combat aliens. Even though it has more than four inches of armor, it is still coated with Grant Corps NeutraGel along its outer
skin. Dean is large but is light and small in comparison to the Berserker he replaces. He is not often used in the front
line, but rather kept at sanctioned hives and as battlemovers for large multi-vessel combat squads. Dean is armed with a Plasma
Rifle of obscene concussive force with thermite grenades and flame throwers as backups. Like the Norbet unit, Dean is often
kept shut down until needed. He has no social skills. Dean is a rarity and not often seen. They were never produced in large
The Xenomorphs were created by an ancient race (The Jockey Race) tens of thousands of years ago (Refer to their
plug-in for their past). They were fighting among themselves in a brutal civil war. Their technology was organic in nature and
was so powerful, the death toll ran into the millions. For decades, the war never saw twilight. It seemed to go on foreveruntil
one side got an idea.
It was an experiment to create a biomechanical weapon. It would adapt to its environment, be completely
independent and finallyit would be viscous. This creature would be a living machine with the most grotesque combination
of science and nature. They created a species bent only of the art of killing. The experiment was placed on a distant world
(Alien-Proteus). They designed the species with a hive structure to keep the infestation from running out of control. The ant
methodology was promoted. The object: To keep the infestation under control by keeping the creatures close to their queen.
The experiment was a success. The creatures we know as Xenomorphs were created. The standard infiltrator mission
was as follows: An egg is deposited in a populace, it impregnates, and an alien bursts out of the host and soon find more host
which it can convert into eggs which will also hunt down hosts to impregnate. The creature will kill anything threatening and
convert the rest. Soon, the populace is destroyed and the aliens are left alone on the world or spacecraft where the infestation was
released. It is assumed the Jockeys that created the Xenomorphs had a procedure to eliminate the new infection.
The Jockeys were ready to unleash their creation on their enemy. The Proteus planet was still under control. The
experiment seemed safe. The mother species deposited many life forms to keep their hives intact. These life forms seemed to
reproduce in large numbers. When needed, a transport would simply set down and pick up a queen, a drone, an army, or just a
bunch of eggs as the mission profile specified. The weapon proved useful and the war ended quickly.
But Pandoras box was open.
The Xenomorphs were designed to adapt to current situations but their basic morphology was not to changeit did.
Before the Jockeys could stop their children, they had evolved. One small little change, something seemingly insignificant
connected to the ant structure but not included in the alien designRoyal Jellythe strange substance used to generate a
queen. When the Jockeys discovered infested worlds where there shouldnt be, they got worried.
Given the capability to create their own queens, the infestation could not be bottled. It soon broke out of control. The
Jockeys found their experiment turning against them. They tried to find a weapon to defeat their own creation but they were
already demoralized from a past war. They sent one last ship to pick up evolved egg samples from the Proteus planet to
studyit never came back. The Jockey race vanished. After thousands of years, without transportation, the Xenomorphs
quickly overran the planets they were on, then promptly died out. They might be long lived, but after ten thousand years, even
their lifespan ran out. The eggs fossilized, the bodies disintegrated and the last legacy of the alien species vanished. The ship
from the proteus world crashed landed on a world far away from their Homeworld.
Everything went quiet.
The universe held its breath.
LV-426 was the world were the lone Jockey ship crash landed, across the galaxy from their Homeworld. The Jockey
onboard was killed when an alien egg he carried broke free and impregnated him. Without a pilot, his ship set down on the
hostile world. The stasis fields in the cargo bay were damaged and all but one bay of eggs were unsealed. They all soon died
from exposure. One bay remained sealed and waited--the last living legacy of a past experiment that failed.
It was several millennia later when the Nostromo set down on the planet to investigate the signal the Jockey ship had
sent to keep people away. 57 years later, a colony was placed on that world which was overrun by the species. The infestation
was wiped out when the colonys atmosphere processor went critical. The Jockey ship survived, covered in a lethal dose of
It is unsure how the species got off the world but all bets point towards a human cause. It seemed the race finally died
out when Ellen Ripley dove into a furnace on Fiorina 161. The GM is totally open on how the Alien starts its path. Refer to the
story for details. A salvage ship could pick up another alien wreck with alien specimens on board. Someone might recover the
Sulaco. Someone might even smuggle some life specimens from the radioactive cover of Acheron. Either waythey are out.
--A queen, once born, will develop into full maturity in ten hours, with societys help, can start creating its own eggs six hours
after that.
--A queen can give birth to an egg every 5 minutes.
--A minimum of three drones can convert a regular egg into a queen or royal guard egg in six additional hours.
--A rogue drone can convert a living host into a regular egg in 10 hours.
--An alien can achieve maturity after bursting in ten hours.
--The lifespan of an egg is 200 years.
--The Drones lifespan is 25% of the average lifespan of the host.
--The lifespan of a Royal Guard is 30 years.
--The lifespan of a queen is 100 years.
--Eggs, once born, can release a facehugger instantly.
The skin of the Xenomorph is rigid and extremely resilient. It is immune to all atmospheric effect including zero-G.
The alien does not use air as we know it. It needs air to produce sound of course, but is also uses air in its conversion process. It
also is used to maintain temperature.
The alien uses motion and pressure senses to locate prey. It can also use smell and hearing as well, but it has no form
of visual senses. It cannot be blinded in any way. The alien is also immune to radiation, and all Gases. However, because its
senses are based on pressure and feeling, the creature is sensitive to very loud booms, as sensitive as humans. However, the one
thing the aliens will curdle to is heat. Like most animals, the Alien will retreat from fire .
The aliens blood is the life of the creature. It is a highly corrosive form of molecular acid. Unlike most creature the
blood is under a massive pressure. The creature does have what is known as a heart, however it does work a bit differently. In
comparison, the Alien has the blood pressure and the heart beat of a hummingbird. FUZION rules have a hit location table on
page 48 in the PDF rules. A hit in the knees or arms produces little splash of the acid. But a hit to the torso produces quite
feedback of acidic blood. The splash range is as follows:
Anybody caught in a 90-degree arc from the hit area must make a dodge of roll or avoid the searing effects. The acid
causes DC7 at point blank range and it reduces by one ever 2 meters to the maximum rage of the splatter.
The difficulty to dodge is 18 with 1 for every meter away from the alien. Unless the acid is cleared up the following
round, it will continue to do damage. Every subsequent round, the target will take 1 DC damage from the initial DC until
Remember that ALL targets must check for spray. This includes vehicles, weapons, and walls. Finally, the acid blood
causes so much damage, 50% of all damage taken removes armor (round down). To Kill structures, the continues effect of the
acid means that ever 50 points of acidic damage removes 1 K. This allows even a drone to eat through the armor of an APC.
Any vehicles or structures in the splatter path are hit automatically 1D6 times. Devices hits may still function (GMs discretion).
In case you are wondering, aliens are immune to their own acid.
All alien weapons are listed under their unique profiles.
Aliens are invisible to infrared and therm-optics. They can remain perfectly still and immune to motion sensors unless
they decide to move. All normal detection systems are normal.
The Aliens prime form of communication is direct mental contact. The Queen and the Guards control the Brood that
way. At TL6, the Beekeepers use this as a way of subduing the aliens. If these abilities are readily explored, then the PCs should
be able to develop defense and assault for their abilities. Aliens are very vulnerable to psychic attack. It is assumed that they
were designed that way to answer the calls of their Jockey masters (which were heavy Psychics). However, this couldnt stop the
aliens from wiping them out. These skills use the Mental Powers plug-in:
Aliens are immune to all other psychological problems as well as all known diseases. Electricity has only a half effect.
Aliens can never be fatigued or stunned. Therefore, the following characteristics are not applicable: Humanity, Endurance,
Stun Defense is given a very high number.
All Characteristics not listed are assumed to be One.
INT: Intelligence plus any pluses for Int skills. They are all the same to it has been added, basically awareness.
WILL: All aliens have a Willpower of 10. These are used only when utilizing the Alien Psychic abilities.
REF: This is Reflex plus any pluses for Ref skills. They are al the same to it has been added.
TECH: Aliens have no real tech ability.
DEX: This is Dexterity plus any pluses for Dex skills. They are al the same to it has been added.
CON: Aliens have an amazing constitution.
STR: Strength.
BODY: Really only used to determine the amount of damage an Alien can take.
RUN: The maximum move of the alien.
SWIM / LEAP: Self-explanatory.
HITS: How many hits the Alien can take before dying.
KD (or PD): The Aliens armor
ED (or EKD): The aliens resistance to energy attacks.
STUN: How much stun an alien can take. Generically very high.
SD: Stun Defense.
REC: How much the Alien recovers per day.
WEAPONS: Weapons the alien has access to.
No matter what, even if converted to a Queen, the egg is only used to create and hold the facehugger life form. Any
living organism that approaches within 3 meters will activate it. If it is ignited, the Facehugger will try to escape.
HITS: 20 KD: 2 ED: 5
WEAPONS: Launch Facehuggersee below.
A facehugger is completely centered on one purpose: Just impregnate the closest person. It has a fast move and can
leap amazing distances. Its only direction is its face-grabbing leap. If it misses, it will try again. It can use its tail as a grapple,
which will increase its chances of a full head grapple by +2 next round. If it hits, the victim must make a STR check and beat the
Facehugger every round to avoid the aliens grasp. If that fails, the victim is considered out of commission. Two consecutive
successes are required to pry the Facehugger completely.
1: If the alien is cut of instantly, the victim must take a CON check and beat a DV of 15 or take DC4 Stun immediately. Full
acid splash damage must also be applied. Every minute afterward, the stun damage increases by 1DC. Also add 1DC
of Killing Damage. It is always unwise to cut the facehugger off after the first few minutes.
2: The embryo will be implanted in one hour. The Facehugger can be safely removed without acid blood spilt if a surgical ward
is present and a doctor is prepped. After a single DV of 22, a live facehugger is removed from the host. This difficulty
drops by one for every TL.
3: After the first hour, the embryo is in. The same DV above is required to remove the Facehugger plus a simpler DV of 15 is
required to remove the now dead embryo.
4: After six hours, the Facehugger falls off, the host is ready. If it cant find another host in ten minutes, it will die. Placing it in
stasis will prevent that from happening. The Host will awaken an hour later, fully recovered, no symptoms until the
time is right.
INT: 4 REF: 9 DEX: 9 CON: 10 STR: 10 BODY: 3
RUN: 18 SWIM / LEAP: 6
HITS: 15 KD: 1 ED: 20
STUN: 21 SD: 20
Tail 1m +2 Grapple
Get away, as soon as possible. Use whatever food is nearby and grow. The Chestburster is loyal to only two things:
Its hive and its specific host. It bursts out of its host, which is usually hive in the Host room or Breeding chamber, and moves on
to grow off surrounding food, usually sometimes part of the hive but usually food given to it from other adults. If on its ownit
will flee and try to gain is strength as soon as possible. As above the Chestburster stats are really only applicable for the first
hour. Then it becomes a newborn warrior. At this stage, the alien does not have access to any of its weaponsexcept its teeth.
1: After six hours, the Chestburster newborn has grafted itself inside the host. After that, the alien can still be removed after an
attempt to counter a DV of 26 is made (dropping by 1 for every TL). The chestburster will emerge six hours later.
Every hour another check can be made. Every failure results in a DC4 injury.
2: When the alien emerges, it does DC12 damage to its host with no KD defense.
3: There have been reports of Facehuggers implanting two or more Newborns in the Host body. If this is the case, there is a
chance that one or both of the newborns may be killed. The Body is not designed to carry two. If there are two, the
first has a 20% chance of dying and the second has a 30% chance. If there are three, then the chances of all of them
increase by 10% (3 embryos: 1=30%, 2=40% 3=50%; 5 embryos: 1=50%, 2=60%, 3=70%, 4=80%, 5=90%). Every
extra embryo requires one extra hour of maturation in the host for the entire group and one extra hour as chestbursters
before they can mature as adult warriors.
4: Several situations can delay a chestbursters appearance.
--A queen takes twice as long20 hours total.
--The Chestburster remains still while the subject in cryo. But it takes a lot longer to come out. Whatever time is left
when the host comes out of cryo is multiplied by 10.
INT: 4 REF: 10 DEX: 11 CON: 10 STR: 3 BODY: 5
RUN: 24 SWIM / LEAP: 8
HITS: 25 KD: 5 ED: 20
STUN: 35 SD: 20 REC: 13
Teeth 1m +2 3
Adults have a different agenda depending on the situation. They must find new hosts for the queen above all. If a
threat has encroached upon the hive, the alien will defend and kill. If no Hive is present, the Drone must create a brood of fellow
drones by converting animals into eggs. If a brood is large enough , then they try to create a hive. Aliens only think for
themselves when they are alone.
1: Hybridization, see below. The stats below are for a standard human.
2: The Aliens can hide themselves in their own hive at +5 skill. A player must be actively searching for aliens to spot one.
Aliens uses DEX, Players use Awareness.
3: Aliens never take things personally. Only if their Queen or Host is threatened does the alien react in a violent manner. When
that happens, all of the aliens Characteristics increase by 1.
4: At least 3 drones, after forming a small hive, can convert a regular egg into a queen egg or royal guard egg in six additional
hours by producing Royal Jelly. The Facehugger looks normal but creates the appropriate newborn.
5: A rogue drone can convert a living host into a regular egg in 10 hours. This involves enclosing the subject and slowly
converting the host into an egg. Since one extra host is used up, the Queen route is always preferred. (Note: This
process was shot for the first film but cut. I have included it as an extra bite the creatures have)
INT: 6 WILL: 10 REF: 10 TECH: 3 DEX: 11
CON: 10 STR: 10 BODY: 10 RUN: 24 SWIM / LEAP: 8
HITS: 50 (1 K)* KD: 11 ED: 20
STUN: 70 SD: 20 REC: 20
*A 1 K weapon will kill a drone.
The Queens chosen few. Royal Guards are created much the same way as Queens except they are raised in the
presence of a queen. This, somehow, prevents their growth into a new Queen. The Queen will almost always have 3 guards
near her. For ever 20 Drones in the hive, add 1D drones. Their loyalty is to their queen. These and the queens are the only
aliens without host loyalty. Like the Queen, the host organism is meaningless and hybridization rules do not apply. Royal
Guards always come out the same way. They will always attack to kill. Host gathering is for drones. They protect the queen at
all cost. If the queen is directly threatened, they will attack at +1 to all their abilities like drones. If the queen is hurt, they got
into a frenzy at an additional +1. Royal Guards are never found more than 50 feet away from the queen and will not pursue
opponents past that but can direct drones to do otherwise. All instruction to the Guard are given directly by the Queen. She can
override ALL of the Guard instructions. If she wants a Royal Guard to go half way across the planet to pick up a flower, it will.
Royal Guards are more intelligent than Drones. They are also stronger, faster, and larger. Guards can think independently even
in presence of a hive or even a queen. They will sometimes control the drones when the queen is not present. If the queen is
killed, the guards are responsible for creating a new one.
1: The Royal Guard can hide themselves in their own hive at +7 skill. A player must be actively searching for aliens to spot one.
Aliens use DEX, Players use Awareness.
2: If their Queen is threatened, the Guard will react in a violent manner. When that happens, all of the aliens Characteristics
increase by 1. If the Queen is hurt, add an additional +1
INT: 8 WILL: 10 REF: 13 TECH: 6 DEX: 15
CON: 10 STR: 13 BODY: 15 RUN: 24 SWIM / LEAP: 8
HITS: 75 (1.5 K) KD: 15 (0.2 K) ED: 20 (0.5 K)
STUN: 105 SD: 20 REC: 25
Attack Tongue 1m +2 7 (0.5 K) Armor Piercing (halves KD)
Teeth 1m +1 5 Can also grapple
Claws 1m +1 5 Can also grapple
Acid Spit 12 m -2 6 Continues burn (see above)
Tail 2m -3 n/a Grapple
Tail Spear 2m -3 6 None
Queens do have personalities. They do get angry. Their loyalty is to their Hive. Any threat to any part of their hive is
taken personality. The Queen is generically evil but its heart is with its children. The more helpless the child, the more angry it
gets her. All her Characteristics can increase by one if this happens. Generically, the queen never moves and directs her guards
and drones as per her will. Once removed from her egg sac, she is a monster in every sense of the word. They have four arms,
an extra long attack tongue, and very long tail. Queens are usually only stationary, connected to her egg sack, producing an egg
every five minutes. When her hive becomes too large, she may elect to spread her genes with a new brood to a new hive.
After the newborn is born from its host, the queen would then send an army of her drones with the newborn to a new location to
start a new hive. A queen never gives up her guards. They are betroved to only her. A queen, once detached from her egg sac,
can actually carry up to six eggs on her back. This is necessary if the hive is threatened and the populace must relocate.
1: Queen have two attacks every round because of their limbs.
INT: 13 WILL: 10 REF: 14 TECH: 8 DEX: 12
CON: 13 STR: 18 BODY: 30 RUN: 24 SWIM / LEAP: 8
HITS: 150 (3 K) KD: 30 (0.5 K) ED: 26 (0.5 K)
STUN: 210 SD: 26 REC: 33
Alien Adults have one amazing capability: They seem to adopt the abilities of their host. A Royal Jelly event
seems to override these inherited qualities. These inherited qualities are usually basic characteristics but as
observations showed, these qualities continued into a deeper realm. The aliens seem to gather skills from their
host as well. For those rules, a basic alien without host DNA is given. This is not an alien, just the stats of the
alien without any host abilities, this creature is NOT possible.
INT: 2 WILL: 10 REF: 6 TECH: 0 DEX: 7
CON: 6 STR: 4 BODY: 6
HITS: BODY x 5 ** KD: BODY ** ED: CON x 2
*: WILL is always 10.
**: Ever 50 hits is 1 K
1PRIMARY CHARACTERISTICS: For every Primary Characteristic, +1 for every point. An average human has
characteristics of 4making a regular alien. The only exception is PREsense, which is used below. (EG: A character
with a STR of 8 adds 8 to the alien template making the drone have a STR of 12, higher than the regular adult.
NOTE: If the Characters PRE is below 4, this hybridization stops. However, if PRE is above, more if the original host
moves to its newborn. The Character will often have to make a HOST PRESENSE roll. When asked, roll a D10. Rolling the
original Characters PRE - 4 number or less is a success (A PRE of 8 has a HOST PRESENSE of 4). For simplicity HOST
PRESENSE is referred to as HP, after hybridization is done, this number proves very useful (see below)
2SKILLS: Every characters skill is translated over.
The skill in the adult = Original Skill Value - 5 + (PRE 5)
(eg: A Character with a Hacking skill of 7 and a PRE of 7 will give its newborn a Hacking skill of 4 [7 5 + 2] )
All skills the alien inherits below 1 are gone.
2COMPLICATIONS: Infrequent, Mild, Or Minor Complications are gone. A HP roll is required for all other complications
with the following modifiers to the rolls:
Frequently: 0 Strong Intensity: 0
Constantly: -1 Severe Intensity: -1
Extreme Intensity: -2
Major Importance: 0
Extreme Importance: -1
If successful, the complication is inherited. (A psychopathic alien.hmmm.) One level is reduced
however. (eg: Constantly is reduced to Frequently, Extreme Intensity is reduced to Severe Intensity, etc.). Of course,
role playing will have to be major and final word must be the GMs. It doesnt make sense for Aliens to be Honest
since they dont talk. Social Complications are meaningless. However, some complications can be real interesting
such as Responsibilities and Personality Traits.
3TALENTS: Make an HP test for ever Talent to see if it is inherited. For every extra 3 OP the Character spent (above the
initial 3) = -1 to the HP roll. Some, obviously, cannot be transferred (Beautiful would be a notable example). GMs
4THE SOUL: Whenever this adult Alien with any HP ability comes into contact with anything familiar to the old host, Make
an HP roll with any modifiers the GM decides which is necessary (a loved one can give 3 bonus to the roll for
example). This is called the Trigger Bonus. If successful, the Alien gets confused. At the very least, it hesitates.
When that happens, roll 2D6 and add your HP + The Trigger Bonus given before. (like the +3 loved one). With
exception of the last two entries, the Alien will always respond normally when not in contact with the Trigger.
NOTE: This table is for the trigger being a loved one or a friend. If the Trigger is something displeasing,
like an enemy (that damn corporation guy that sold you to the aliens), then -3 automatically to the roll. If the roll is
above 7, ignore the description. The Alien will just attack the target violently in a rampage of hate. Add +2 to all
abilities and the alien will not think of anything else. The Hive be damned. It will kill that trigger and even a 50%
chance it will kill the alien that bursts from the host if that trigger gets impregnated.
3: The Alien continues as normal. No effect. Hesitation stops.
4-6: The Alien hesitates for 2D6 Combat rounds, giving the other a chance to escape. It will then come around.
7-9: The Alien is confused and hesitates for up to 2D6 minutes and might even be curious of the trigger.but
after that, will come around back to its roots.
10-11: The Alien will run away. It is experiencing emotions it was not designed to handle. It will run away from
any group where the Trigger is present. But will react normally to everyone and everything else.
12-13: The Aliens loyalties are torn. It remembers the trigger but that is all. It will not allow the Trigger to come
to harm. And will kill anything except another alien to keep it that way. All other Alien attributes
Another Alien can attempt to gain control of this alien by Rolling WILL + D10 (or 3D6 depending on what
the GM decides). The DC depends on the alien type (Drone: DC=18, Royal Guard: DC=15,
Queen: DC=13). This roll must be made ever minute or ever time the trigger appears again.
14-16: The Alien has full recall. The Alien IS the host for all intensive purposes as long as the Trigger is present.
Another Alien can attempt to gain control of this alien by Rolling WILL + D10 (or 3D6
depending on what the GM decides). The DC depends on the alien type (Drone: DC=20, Royal
Guard: DC=18, Queen: DC=15). This roll must be made ever minute or ever time the Trigger
appears again.
The personality of the Alien when it is uncontrolled is very GM dependant. Usually, these aliens react
exactly as the host would when the memory trigger is close by. The Host personality is in
influence. When away from the trigger, the Alien must roll its HP+ The Trigger Bonus to keep
control or become an alien again. The moment the trigger appears, it immediately goes back to the
Hosts control (no roll necessary).
17+ (Optional) The soul or mind of the Host seems to have moved into the Alien. All memories are recalled.
All skills and complications go to the hosts original value. Characteristics remain the Aliens. The
alien is now a rogue even when in a hive. No aliens can gain control. When this happens, the
Guards or the Queen usually orders its destruction. This alien will even respond to the original
Hosts name. This alien will never be the same again.
FINAL NOTES: Any alien that becomes a threat to its own Hive is often ordered destroyed by order of the
Royal Guards or the Queen. The Gm can simply create a base character however he/she likes and create any type
of alien he/she wants. Enjoy the attack.
Animals dont have personalities to speak of (people will argue otherwise). Their PREsense is considered too low to
have skills that can be passed down. The GM can make exceptions of course. The GM determines the final abilities. The great
advantage of Animal hybrids are the unique characteristics for each animal. Of course, I cannot write down every animal here,
these are just generic bonuses. The GM can use his imagination to do whatever he likes in the final design.
DEX: 10 CON: 4 STR: 1 INT: 3 REF: 5 TECH: 1
BODY: 2 SWIM / LEAP: 10 / 20 DEX: 6 CON: 4 STR: 3
Runs on all fours. +16 Swim
+10 m Leap. More docile. Automatic 1 round hesitation.
+3 Awareness
Exceptional hostile. Not very useful to the hive DEER/ELK
because it prefers killing hosts. INT: 1 REF: 4 TECH: 0
DEX: 5 CON: 4 STR: 4
DEX: 9 CON: 5 STR: 2 +4 Leap
BODY: 3 SWIM / LEAP: 12 / 16 Small, Black Antlers (WA= 0, DC= 5)
+5 Climbing HORSE
Runs on all fours INT: 2 REF: 4 TECH: 0
+4 Leap DEX: 5 CON: 6 STR: 5
+5 Awareness BODY: 5 SWIM / LEAP: 5
Exceptional hostile. Not very useful to the have MODIFICATIONS:
because it prefers killing hosts. Runs on all fours.
Extra long arms and legs (+1 to all hits with claws)
DEX: 5 CON: 8 STR: 5 INT: 1 REF: 6 TECH: 0
BODY: 5 SWIM / LEAP: 3 DEX: 6 CON: 4 STR: 4
25% larger. MODIFICATIONS:
More docile. Automatic 1 round hesitation. Small Leathery Wings. Cant really fly but can
glide at Move=30 for every twenty feet.
LARGE REPTILE (Gator, Croc) Extended Wing-assisted leap. Extended Leap = 24
INT: 1 REF: 3 TECH: 0
BODY: 6 SWIM / LEAP: 2 INT: 1 REF: 4 TECH: 0
+1 DC to all Damage except Acid. BODY: 3 SWIM / LEAP: 24 / 4
+1m to Tail. +20 Swim (webbed hands and feet)
+5 m range with Acid Spit.
DEX: 4 CON: 8 STR: 10 INT: 1 REF: 6 TECH: 0
BODY: 10 SWIM / LEAP: 12 / 6 DEX: 9 CON: 6 STR: 4
+25% larger MODIFICATIONS:
+1 DC to all attacks except acid. +19 Leap.
+6 Swim. Extra long legs.
--The Parachute-like flying membrane as seen in the flying Monkey (similar to the wings in the Bird Hybrid)
--Sharp quills like the ones seen on Porcupines (WA=-3, DC=4, Armor Piercing)
--Larger claws (extend damage as needed)
--Extra long attack tongue (up to three extra meters)
--Poison. A wounded character must make CON (DV=13-25) check to resist 1-14 DC damage (GM decides).
--Camouflage. The Alien can change its colors to match its surrounding. The Alien has a +5 to hide (uses DEX). A character
must make an awareness and beat the Aliens number to spot it. Ina Hive, this bonus increased to +10, making it
virtually impossible.
--Double REC. The Alien can even regenerate whole limbs back.
--Up to +8 Awareness because of enhanced senses.
--Like the Frilled Lizard, the Alien can have a ruff of skin it can deploy to purely scare people.
We all know how the Aliens operate when they are rogue, but the Hive works differently. In addition to the rules for
Hives already mentioned, there are some unique features of the Hive itself.
When not gathering hosts, moving eggs, or taking care of newborns, Drones spend their time increasing the size of the
Hive. For each one Drone, the Hive can expand one meter into a new location in one day. Usually, only about 20 Drones are
dedicated to this duty. Others venture out of the hive, in search for new hosts. Hives are created using the aliens own acidic
acid, their saliva, and any compounds that they use. This includes empty eggs, dead drones, dead bodies, refined metals, organic
materials but NEVER host bodies
As stated, for ever 20 drones, there are 1D6 Royal Guards. There are a minimum of two in a 20 member hive. The
Hive can reach almost any size but three square kilometers is the recorded top. There are larger ones on the Proteus world. The
average Drone population ceiling is around 150 200 with small ones as little as 6. Once this ceiling is reached, the Queen
usually sends around 6-10 Drones with a Queen newborn to find a new hive.
The first room created in a Hive is the Breeding Chamber. This is where the Queen is located, hoisted above with her
egg sac. The eggs are all stored here until being moved on to their hosts. The Royal guard never deviate more than 50 feet from
this location. This room is generally the largest of all the rooms. No hosts are stored here and no one except The Royal Guards
are allowed to remain after the room is created. Drones come and go but cant stay. If the Hive is threatened, they all come
running, as the Queen sends out a psychic scream that calls them.
Occasionally, a soldier would rest from its labors long enough to gaze upon its own host, now
graying and putrid in its station in the wall. The soldier face could betray no emotional what fond
memories did it hold for the soft one who had been its womb? Once fair and warm and freely
giving of is fluids, now tattered and cold and desiccated, melting into the bony resins of the cocoon.
For a moment, there was no directive in its action as it lifted its bony talon to the dried face, its ouch
oddly loving. Blackened, glistening claws tenderly traced the features of this once vital and nurturing husk.
The opposed thumbs traced the sightless brow, searching the empty sockets for answers. Then the call of
the hive reasserted itself, and the soldier returned to her needs.
If the host is threatened, the Alien will go into a frenzy and do anything except endanger the Hive to kill who
threatened its host. All of its abilities are at +1 when attacking. It is unclear what would happen of the Host survived the birth
and encountered the live Alien.
Aliens are totally camouflaged in their Hive. They can hide perfectly still an not set off any sensors. If the Hive is
entered, then the Aliens will all hide and wait until the intruders get in close, then they are attacks. The aliens can form walls and
columns in their concealment. They can attack almost instantly. They will have a +5 initiative and whether they win or loose
will have a +3 to hit on their first target.
Large hives literally become a maze of mismatched corridors, pits, and crawlspaces. Not surprisingly enough, Aliens
can easily find their way around. Unless someone has a direction sense or a map or if someone in the group knows how to
navigate, getting lost in a hive can be easy.
Drones from other Hives are not welcome and might be destroyed if they trespass. Generically, they leave each other
alone. If they end up competing for hosts, fighting may ensue, but invasion of rival hives dont often take place. There is only
one real exception (see below).
Aliens have already mutated once and turned against their masters. Could it happen again? There are reports
of such mutations:
At CL3, a Spacecraft with a possible alien infection was brought into Anchorpoint Station. The infestation was wiped
out before any specimens could be extracted. Apparently, a radical idea was allowed to flourish. The scientific team there had
gathered the Alien DNA coding and tried to extract the most unique chain in the set: The Hybridization gene. This is the set of
instruction that cause a genetic splicing of human and Alien DNA and making a new life form. However, something went
The Chain turned into an airborne virus. This virus, once in the blood stream, started adapting each cell to a
biomechanical pattern. After a set time had passed, and every cell had been adapted the chain would reform into an alien life
form. A normal Human would be eviscerated and a full grown alien would emerge from the shellevery cell being used to
create a new life form. This dangerous mutation spread. No eggs would be used. No Chestbursters. Instead the host would just
be infected. This infection eventually became airborne, released by the queen and carried along. Drones would simply carry
hosts within the infected areas. The Drones themselves carried the disease and a single bite or scratch would infect a new body.
They apparently could cough up an airborne cloud like they could spit up the acid. This mutation could still hybridize but
couldnt create a hive. This dangerous virus stopped at Anchorpoint but a large chunk of the populace was wiped out. After the
lifespan of the virus died out and the station was cleared, it was repopulated. The Rodina station n UPP was reported completely
lost from the same virus brought by the same ship, which passed through their space before going to Anchorpoint. No other
reports of this virus were reported.
SPECIAL RULES: (The DV of all CON checks is 18)
1: Anyone wounded by one of these Aliens must make a CON roll or be infected.
2: Anyone who breathes in the virus (which is visible as greenish smoke in its intensity) must make a CON roll or be infected.
3: Normal gas masks will screen out the organism.
4: The virus is airborne as well as being transmitted through blood and touch. All should avoid direct contact with an alien or be
forced to roll CON.
5: A blood sample taken any time after the first hour of infection will reveal the virus.
6: Killing the host anytime will destroy the alien virus inside.
7: Everybody unprotected within 1m of a bursting alien must avoid the expulsion of gases. During the viruss bombardment of
the host, the host is totally normal. No symptoms.
8: The Hosts do not release the virus until the Alien is emerged.
9: A heavy assault of anti-virus medicine applied in the first hour could ward off the infection.
10: The Host will die in 6-12 hours and a full grown alien will emerge, ready for the fight. The vision is of the alien bursting
from the human skin, which is the only area not effected. It is assumed because of camouflage.
11: Aliens are the same except none of them have an acid spit. It is replaced by a virus cough with the same range. The effect,
however, is viral infection.
12: The Aliens do not Hive so do not get the +5 Hiding bonus. They also do not have Host loyalty. Royal Jelly events operate
differently. An infected human can be processed to be turned into a Queen. Queens can create Guards the same way.
Queens do not come fully grown and must grow from an adult alien to an adult queen.
13: Aliens are more uncontrollable since they have no hive or host duties. They are much more aggressive this way. Spread the
infection, which is their job.
14: No one ever found a cure for the infection.
15: There were reports of infected humans giving birth to multiple newborns and even Facehuggers. Queens were reported
giving birth to eggs that only released the virus. All of these reports seem to be side effects from past genetic
knowledge and seem not to be part of this new genus but rather a mutation of this breed that pops up once and a while
like double jointed humans.
HUH?!: This mutation was the basis of Williams Gibsons Alien 3 script.
Another species of Xenomorph was discovered on a distant world. For all intensive purposes, they look the same,
except instead of being black, they are red.. It is unclear how they were created. Some figure this is a natural rival species meant
to keep the aliens in check on their Homeworld. Others think this is a genetic fluke that resulted after thousands of years of
evolution. A popular theory is that the rival Jockeys created this species and it was this species that wiped out the side that
created the black ones. Even still, the Blacks outnumber the Red 10 1 across the cosmos when they are introduced at CL4.
Their infestation is substantially less because the gestation period for Red are twice as long as Blacks. Red Aliens are also much
more uncontrolled and much more aggressive. They seem to indulge in killing more than the expansion of the Hive. This flaw
seems to point to the genetic fluke theory
1: Red Aliens have a +1 to all their characteristics because they are always so aggressive. But their Intelligence suffers.
INT is 2 (not effected by the +1). If you get them really angry, their abilities increase another +1
2: Impregnation takes longer for reasons unclear. It is assumed this is the reason of the Red Aliens aggressive nature but the
connection is unclear. Impregnation take a full day after the Facehugger. Falls off.
3: Red Aliens and Blacks are volatile to each other and will attack each other in favor of any other threat. Whole armies fight it
out on the Proteus planet.
At CL4, the Brackens World infestation is one of the strangest. It is unclear which species hosted this breed of alien,
but they must have been dangerous. The Queen for this infestation is assumed to be living under the kelp beds. Royal Guards
have never been encountered. The Drones are the size of small queens and have no legs. They are see-going creatures that are
low in numbers, but are lethal the same. They are blue colored and lack the attack tongue. Their tails are identical to lobsters.
Their carapace is similar to a Queens but these warrior lack all their other features. The Bracken Aliens are hideous
monstrosities that attack and drag down victims and use them to host. It is assumed the underwater Hive there has Oxygen.
INT: 6 WILL: 10 REF: 10 TECH: 3 DEX: 13
CON: 10 STR: 18 BODY: 20 RUN: 10 SWIM / LEAP: 24 / 10
HITS: 100 (2 K) KD: 20 (0.8 K) ED: 20 (0.3 K)
STUN: 140 SD: 26 REC: 28
NOTE: The GM can create any new breeds he wants. These rules are really just guides.