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Great Compline Service Book

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Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria & All Africa

Archdiocese of Good Hope

The Holy Service of

By the Grace of God Great Compline




PO BOX 28348

TEL/FAX - +27 041 360 3854 or “Marguerite Paizis on Scribd”


Our Eternal Gratitude to Pater Seraphim Dedes & all the contributing Translators for
the Greek & English texts that make our Worship much easier
to understand, to participate and to appreciate.
Glory to God for His Great Mercy!



Tis misousi ke adikousin imas O Lord, Forgive Those who hate us and
sighorison, Kyrie. those who wrong us.
The Holy Service of Compline – in Greek: ‘Apodipnon’ & in Slavic:
‘Povochemiya’ – literally means ‘After Supper’ Prayers and Psalms that Tis agathopiousin agathopiison. Do Good to those who do Good.
are read after Vespers and after the evening meal. Tis adelphis ke ikiis imon, harise ta pros To our Brethren and Relatives, grant
Compline is the final Holy Service of the day in our Daily Liturgical Cycle, Sotirian etimata ke Zoin Eonion. their Requests for Salvation and
which we read before retiring for our nightly rest. Eternal Lie.
The English word ‘Compline’ is derived from the Latin word ‘Completorium’ Tous en asthenia episkepse, ke iasin
for it is the completion of our working day. dorise. Visit the sick and grant them Healing.
The term ‘Compline’ was first used in this sense about the beginning of the Tous en thalassi kivernison. Govern those at sea.
6th Century by St Benedict in His Rule of Prayer and he also used the verb Tis en odipories sinodeson. Accompany the travellers.
‘complere’ to signify Compline: “...All having assembled in one place, let
them say Compline...” To basili simahison, tis diakonousi, ke To those who serve us and those who
eleousin imas, amartion asin dorise. help us, grant Remission of sins.
The Eastern Orthodox Compline has two distinct forms: Small Compline and
Great Compline – and, obviously, the two version are quite different in
Tis entilamenis imin tis anaxiis ehesthe Forgive those who have asked us to
iper afton, sighorison ke eleison kata pray for them, as unworthy as we
to Mega Sou Eleos. are, and have Mercy on them
At Compline – whether Small or Great Compline – a Canon to our Ever
according to Thy Great Mercy.
Blessed Lady Theotokos in the Tone of the Week is normally read – and
these Canons are located in the ‘ Octeochos’ – the Book of the Eight Mnisthiti, Kyrie, panton ton Remember, O Lord, all our Fathers and
Tones. prokekimimenon Pateron ke Brethren who have departed this life,
Service to the Saints and Martyrs according to the Menaion that – for one Adelphon imon ke anapafson aftous, and Rest them where the Light of
reason or another cannot be celebrated on the day assigned to them – entha episkopi to Fos tou Prosopou Thy Countenance shineth forever.
may be chanted on the nearest convenient day at Compline. Sou.
In such cases, the Canon for the Saint or Holy Martyr would be read Mnisthiti, Kyrie, ton Adelphon imon ton Remember, O Lord, the Captives, and
together with the Canon of the Ever Blessed Theotokos, followed by he ehmaloton, ke Litrose aftous apo Deliver them from every tribulation.
Stichera (Verses)of the Saint from the Holy Service of Vespers. pasis peristaseos.
There are also particular days – such as certain Forefeasts, Afterfeasts and
days during the Pentecostarion - that have special Canons for Compline Mnisthiti, Kyrie, ton Karpoforounton ke Remember, O Lord, those who Labour
that have been composed specifically for them. kalliergounton en tes Agies Sou and bring forth Fruit in Thy Holy
The Office of Compline ends with a mutual “Asking for Forgiveness.” Ekklisies, ke dos aftis ta pros Sotirian Church, and grant to them all
In some Traditions - most notably among the Russian Orthodox - Evening etimata, ke Zoin tin Eonion. Requests for Salvation and Eternal
Prayers – Prayers Before Sleep – are read near the end of Compline. Life.
It is an ancient custom that is practised to this day on the Holy Mountain Mnisthiti, Kyrie, ke imon ton tapinon ke Remember us, as well, O Lord, Thy
(Mount Athos) and in other Holy Monasteries, for everyone present at the amartolon ke anaxion doulon Sou ke humble and sinful servants, and
end of Compline to venerate the Holy Relics and Icons in the church and Fotison imon ton noun to Foti tis Illumine our mind with the Light of
to receive the Priest’s Blessing. Gnoseos Sou ke Odigison ias en ti trio Thy Knowledge and Guide us in the
ton Entolon Sou. Way of Thy Commandments.
SMALL COMPLINE: Presvies tis panahrantou Sou Mitros, Through the Intercessions of Thy Most
Small Compline is served on most nights of the year – those nights on which
Despinis imon Theotokou, ke Sacred Mother – our Lady Theotokos
Great Compline is not served.
Aiparthenou Marias ke panton Sou and Ever Virgin Mary – and all Thy
On the Eves of Sundays and Feasts with All Night Vigils, Compline may be
ton Agion. Saints.
either read privately or suppressed altogether.
Among the Greeks, who do not normally hold All Night Vigils on Saturday Oti Evlogitos i is pantas tous eonas tonn For Thou art Blessed unto the Ages of
Evenings, Compline is said as normal. eonon. ages.
The Service of Small Compline is composed of Amin Amen
 three Psalms: Psalm 50, Psalm 69 and Psalm 142,
 the Small Doxology,
 the Nicene Creed,
 the Canon followed by


 ‘Axion Estin’ - “It is truly Meet...”1
Ke i per panton ton proanapafsamenon PRIEST And for all our family and friends  the Trisagion,
pateron ke adelphon imon, ton who have Fallen Asleep before us,  the Troparia of the day,
enthade evsevos kemenon, ke the Orthodox here and everywhere  “Kyrie, eleison” 40 times,
apantahou Othodoxon. who have piously been laid to rest.  the Prayer of the Hours,
Kyrie eleison PEOPLE Lord, have mercy  the Supplicatory Prayer of St Paul the Monk, and
 the Prayer to our Lord Jesus Christ of St Antiochos the Monk.
Ipomen ke iper eafton: P R I E S T Let us also say for ourselves:
 the Mutual Forgiveness and
Kyrie eleison (3) P E O P L E Lord, have mercy (3)  Final Blessing by the Priest ends the Holy Service of Small Compline.
 a Litany and
Panton prostatevis Agathi, ton All those who flee with Faith unto  the Veneration of Icons and Holy Relics.
katafevgonton en Pisti, ti kratea Sou Thee for Refuge, O Good One, Thou
hiri. Allin gar ouk ehomen, amartoli Shelter beneath Thy Mighty Hand. GREAT COMPLINE
pros Theon, en kindinis ke thlipsesin, We, Thy servants, have no other
Great Compline is a Penitential Office, which is served on the following
ai mesitian, i katakampromeni, ipo Intercessor like Thee, always praying
ptesmaton pollon. Miter tou Theou to God for us, in dangers and in
 Tuesday and Thursday nights of Cheesefare Week – the week before
tou Ipsistou. Othen Si prospiptomen sorrows, sinners that we are, bent
Great Lent begins.
rise, pasis peristaseos tous doulous down because of our many
 Monday to Thursday nights of Great Lent
Sou. misdeeds. Therefore, we prostrate
 Friday nights of Great Lent2
ourselves before Thee. Deliver us,
 Monday and Tuesday of Holy Week
Thy servants, from every affliction,
 Monday to Friday during the lesser Lenten Seasons such as 3
since Thou art the Mother of the
 the Nativity Fast,
Most High God.
 the Apostles’ Fast and
 the Dormition Fast.
Sfagin Sou tin adikon Hriste, i Watching, O Christ, Thine unjust  The Eves of certain Great Feasts as a part of the All Night Vigil:
Parthenos vlepousa, odiromeni evoa slaughter, in torment the Virgin  The Nativity of Christ
Si. Teknon glikitaton, pos adikos cried to Thee: O My Sweetest Child,  Theophany
thniskis? Pos to xilo kremase, O pasan how needlessly Thou die, and Thy  Annunciation
gin kremasas tis idasi? Mi lipis hang upon the Wood, Thou Who on
monin me, Evergeta polielee, tin the waters suspended all the Earth. Unlike Small Compline, Great Compline has portions of the Service, which
Mitera ke doulin Sou deome! O Benefactor Most Merciful: do not are chanted by the Choir and during Lent, THE PRAYER OF ST EPHRAIM is
leave Thy Mother and Servant alone, said with Prostrations.4
I pray to Thee! During the first week of Great Lent, THE GREAT CANON OF ST ANDREW OF CRETE is
FINAL BLESSING divided into four portions and read on Monday to Thursday nights.5
In Greek Prayer Books, a modified form of the Midnight Office is used for
Di evhon ton Agion Pateron imon, Kyrie Through the Prayers of our Holy Morning Prayer for laymen, while a modified form of Small Compline is
Iisou Hriste O Theos, eleison ke Soson Fathers, O Lord Jesus Christ our used for our Evening Prayers.
imas. God, have Mercy on us and Save us. Great Compline is composed of three sections – each beginning with the
Amin. Amen Call to Prayer: “O Come! Let us worship...”

Here follow the Evening Prayers in places where they are said at Compline. Certain canons
will call for It is Truly Meet to be replaced by the Irmos of the Ninth Ode.

Among the Greek Orthodox, Small Compline is served on every Friday evening of Great
Lent; the Russians, however, serve Great Compline on Fridays, with some modifications
(see n. 7, below). On Friday night of the Fifth Week of Great Lent, the Akathis to the
Theotokos is solemnly chanted, so Small Compline on that night will be either read
privately or suppressed.
In some places, Great Compline will only be served on the first night of each of the Lesser
Except on Friday night, when most of these parts are read. There are also fewer
Prostrations on Friday night.
Except for Wednesday of the Fifth Week. The Great Canon of St Andrew of Crete will
have been read the evening before, and so Small Compline is appointed for that
Wednesday night.
Kyrie Eleison (3) Lord, have Mercy (3)
 Psalm 4, 6 Pater, Evlogison... Father, Bless...
 Psalm 12, Evxometha iper Irinis tou Kosmou PRIEST Let us pray for the Peace of the
 “Glory to the Father....”
 Psalm 24,
 Psalm 30, Kyrie eleison PEOPLE Lord, have mercy
 Psalm 90, Iper ton evsevon ke Orthodoxon PRIEST For all Pious and Orthodox
 ‘God is with us...’ Hristianon. Christians...
 the Troparia,
 the Creed, Kyrie eleison PEOPLE Lord, have mercy
 ‘O Most Holy Lady Theotokos...’ Iper tou Patros imon Papa ke Patriarhi PRIEST For our Holy Father, Pope and
 the Trisagion ( T H E O D O R O U ) ke Arhiepiskopou imon Patriarch, Theodoros, and our
 the Troparia of the day, (...NAME ...) Archbishop ( . . . N A M E . . . )
 “Kyrie eleison’ (40),
 ‘More honourable than the Cherubim...’ Kyrie eleison PEOPLE Lord, have mercy
 the Prayer of St Basil the Great. Iper tou evsevous imon Ethnous P R I E S T For our Nation and our country...
 Psalm 50,
Kyrie eleison P E O P L E Lord, have mercy

 Psalm 101, Iper evodoseos ke enishiseos tou PRIEST For our Christ-loving Armed
 the Prayer of Manasseh, Filohristou Stratou. Forces...
 the Trisagion
 the Troparion of Repentance7,
Kyrie eleison PEOPLE Lord, have mercy
 “Kyrie eleison’ (40), Iper ton apolifthenton pateron ke PRIEST For our departed relatives and
 More honourable than the Cherubim...’ miteron, ke adelphon imon friends...
 the Prayer of St Mardarios. Kyrie eleison
PEOPLE Lord, have mercy
 Psalm 69, Iper ton diakonounton ke diakonisanton PRIEST For those who have mercy on us
 Psalm 142, imin. and who serve us...
 the Small Doxology8, Kyrie eleison PEOPLE Lord, have mercy
 the Canon,
 ‘Axion Estin...’ Iper ton misounton ke agaponton imas. PRIEST For those who hate us and thos
 the Trisagion, who Love us...
 ‘O Lord of Hosts, be with us...’ Kyrie eleison PEOPLE Lord, have mercy
 Kyrie eleison (40),
 the Prayer of the Hours, Iper ton entilamenon imin tis anaxiis PRIEST For those who haveasked us to
 ‘More honourable than the Cherubim...’ evhesthe iper afton. pray for them, as unworthy as we
 the Prayer of St Ephraim, are...
 the Trisagion, Kyrie eleison PEOPLE Lord, have mercy
 the Supplicatory Prayers of St Paul the Monk,
 the Prayer of St Antiochos the Monk. Iper anariseos ton ehmaloton. PRIEST For the release of all captives...
 the Mutual Forgiveness Kyrie eleison P E O P L E Lord, have mercy

Instead of the normal Final Blessing by the Priest, all the Faithful prostrate
Iper ton en thalassic kalos pleonton. P R I E S T For those who are travelling...

themselves while the Priest reads a Special Intercessory Prayer, followed Kyrie eleison P E O P L E Lord, have mercy
by the Litany and the Veneration of the Holy Icons and Holy Relics.
Iper ton en asthenies katakimenon. P R I E S T For those who are ill...

Kyrie eleison P E O P L E Lord, have mercy

Evxometha ke iper evforias ton karpon PRIEST Let us pray also for the
On Monday through Thursday of the First Week of Great Lent, we begin first with Psalm
69, followed by the appropriate section of the Great Canon (in which case, Psalm 69 tis Gis. abundance of the Fruits of the
will be omitted in the Third Part). Earth...
Or, if it is the eve of a Great Feast, the Kontakion of the day.
On Great Feasts, the order of Great Compline ends here, and we continue the All-Night Kyrie eleison PEOPLE Lord, have mercy
Vigil with the Litia.


Theoforon Pateron imon ... Victorious Martyrs; of our Righteous
and God-bearing Fathers...
Ton en Agiis Pateron imon Megalon Of our Fathers among the Saints the
Ierarhon ke Ikoumenikon Didaskalon, Great Hierarchs and Ecumenical
Vasiliou tou Megalou, Grigoriou tou Teachers: Basil the Great, Gregory
Theologou ke Ioannou tou the Theologian and John
The Holy Service of Great Compline
Hrisostomou; Athanasiou ke Chrysostom; Athanasios, Cyril and
Kyrillou, Ioannou tou Eleimonos, John the Almsgiver, Patriarchs of
Patriarchon Alexandrias. Tou en Alexandria; of our Father among the
Agiis Patros imon Nikolaou, Saints, Nicholas, Bishop of Myra of TRISAGION PRAYERS
Episkopou Myron tis Lukias, tou Lycia the Miracle-worker...
Thavmatourgou. .. ✞ Evlogitos O Theos imon, pantote nin ✞Blessed is our God always now
ke ai ke is tous eonas ton eonon. and ever, and unto Ages of Ages.
Ton Agion, Endoxon Megalomartiron Of the Holy and Glorious Great Martyrs:
Georgiou tou Tropeoforou, Dimitriou George the Victorious, Demetrios the Amin PEOPLE Amen
tou Mirovlitou, Theodorou tou Myrrh-flowing, Theodore Tyron and ✞ Doxa Si, O Theos, Doxa Si! PRIEST ✞ Glory to Thee, O God, Glory to
Tirionos ke Theodorou tou Theodore the General, Menas the Thee!
Stratilatou, Mina tou Thavmatourgou Miracle-worker, and the
ke Ieromartiron Haralambous ke Hieromartyrs Charalambos and ✞Vasilei Ouranie, Paraklite, to Pnevma ✞O Heavenly King, O Comforter, the
Eleftheriou... Eleftherios... tis Aklithias, O Panatahou paron ke Spirit of Truth, Who art in all places
ta panta pliron, O Thisavros ton and Who fillest all things; Treasury
Ton Osion ke Theoforon Pateron imon, Of the Holy and Righteous Ancestors of Agathon ke Zois Korigos elthe ke of Good Things and Giver of Life:
on Agion ke Dikeon Theopatoron our Lord God, Joachim and Anna... skinoson en imin ke katharison imas come and dwell in us and cleanse us
Ioakim ke Annis… apo pasis kilidos ke Soson, Agathe, from every stain, and Save our souls,
Tou Agiou (...NAME/S...) ou .... ke tin Of Saint/s (...NAME/S...) whose memory tas psihas imon. O Gracious Lord.
mnimin epiteloumen, ke panton Sou we celebrate, and of all Thy Saints... ✞Agios O Theos, Agios Ishiros, Agios ✞Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy
ton Agion... Athanatos, Eleison imas. [3] Immortal, have mercy upon us. [3]
Evprosdekton piison tin deisin imon… Make our Petition acceptable to Thee... ✞ Doxa Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati. ✞Glory to the Father, and to the Son,
Amin P E O P L E Amen Ke nin ke Ai ke is tous eonas ton and to the Holy Spirit, now and
eonon. ever, and to the Ages of Ages.
Dorise imin tin afesin ton paraptomaton P R I E S T Grant us the Remission of our
imon… transgressions... Amin Amen
Amin PEOPLE Amen ✞Panagia Trias Eleison imas. Kyrie, ✞All Holy Trinity have Mercy on us.
Elas thiti tes amarties imon. Despota, Lord: Cleanse us from our sins.
Skepason imas en ti Skepi ton Pterigon PRIEST Shelterus under the Shelter of
singhorison tas anomias imin. Agie Master: Pardon our iniquities. Holy
Sou… Thy Wings... Ipiskepse, ke iase tas asthenias imon, God: Visit and Heal our infirmities
Amin PEOPLE Amen eneken tou Onomatos Sou. for Thy Name’s sake.

Apodioxon af imon panta ehthron ke PRIEST Banish from us ever foe and Kyrie Eleison [3] Lord have mercy [3]
polemion, adversary… ✞Doxa Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati. ✞Glory to the Father, and to the Son,
Amin PEOPLE Amen Ke nin ke Ai ke is tous eonas ton and to the Holy Spirit, now and
eonon. ever, and to the Ages of Ages.
Irinefson imon tin Zoin… P R I E S T Make our Life peaceful…
Amin Amen
Amin P E O P L E Amen
Kyrie Eleison imas ke ton kosmon Sou ke P R I E S T Lord, have Mercy on us and Thy EVERYONE PRAYS IN UNISON

Soson tas psihas imon os Agathos ke world, and Save our souls, for Thou Pater imon O en tis Ouranis, Our Father Who art in Heaven:
Filanthropos. art a Good God Who Lovest Agiasthito to Onoma Sou, eltheto i Hallowed be Thy Name. Thy
mankind. Vasilia Sou, genithito to Thelima Kingdom come. Thy Will be done
Amin PEOPLE Amen Sou, os en Ourano ke epi tis gis. on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us
Ton Arton imon ton epiousion dos this day our Daily Bread, and
imin simeron. Ke afes imin ta forgive us our trespasses as we
✞ Doxa Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati, ✞ Glory to the Father, and to the Son, ofelimata imon, os ke imis afiement forgive those who trespass against
ke nin ke ai ke is tous Eonas ton and to the Holy Spirit, now and tis ofiletes imon. Ke mi isenengis us. And lead us not into
eonon. forever, and to the Ages of ages. imas is pirasmon, alla rise imas temptation, but deliver us from the
Amin Amen apo tou ponirou. evil one.


Oti Sou Estin i Vasilia ke i Dinamis ke i P RIE ST For Thine is the Kingdom, the fantasias apillagmenon.
Doxa ✞ tou Patros, ke tou Iou, ke tou Power and the Glory, ✞ of the Dianastison de imas en to kero tis Awaken us at the time of Prayer, rooted
Agiou Pnevmatos, nin ke ai ke is tous Father, and of the Son and of the prosevhis estirigmenous en tes in Thy Commandments, and having
eonas ton eonon. Holy Spirit, now and ever, and to the entoles Sou ke tin Mnimin ton Son unbroken within us the
Ages of Ages. Krimaton en eaftis aparathrafston Remembrance of Thy Ordinances.
Amen ehontas.
Amin P EO P LE

Pannihion imin tin sin Doxaolian Harise Grant that we may sing Thy Glory
THE PROSTRATIONS is to Imnin ke Evlogin ke Doxazin to throughout the night, praising and
MAKE THE SIGN OF THE CROSS AND BOW DOWN EACH TIME TO OUR LORD GOD Pantimon ke Megalorepes Onoma Blessing and Glorifying Thy Most
✞Defte proskinisomen ke prospesomen ✞O come let us worship and bow down Sou,  tou Patros ke tou Iiou ke tou Honourable and Majestic Name: 
to Vasili imon Theo. to our King and God. Agiou Pnevmatos, nin ke ai ke is tous of the Father, and of the Son, and of
✞Defte proskinisomen ke prospesomen ✞O come let us worship and bow down eonas ton eonon. the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and
Hristo to Vasili imon Theo. to Christ, our King and God. unto the Ages of ages.

✞Defte proskinisomen ke prospesomen ✞O come let us worship and bow down Amin. Amen
Afto, Hristo to Vasili ke Theo imon before Christ Himself, our King and PRAYER TO THE EVER BLESSED THEOTOKOS
our God.  Iperevdoxe, Aiparthene, Evlogimeni  Most Glorious, Ever Virgin, Blessed
Theotoke, prosagage tin imeeran Theotokos, present our Prayers
 DURING THE FIRST WEEK OF GREAT LENT, WE BEGIN COMPLINE WITH prosevhin to Iio Sou ke Theo imon, ke before Thy Son and our God, and
PSALM 69: etise ina Sosi dia Sou tas psihas imon. Entreat Him, through Thee, to Save
our soul.
ETERNAL LIFE AT THE END OF OUR LIFESPAN  I Elpis mou O Patir, Katafigi mou O  The Father is my Hope; the Son is
O Theos, is tin voithian mou proshes, O God, make haste to help me... Iios, Skepi mou to Pnevma to Agion, my Refuge; the Holy Spirit is my
Kyrie, is to oithise mi spefson. Trias Agia: Doxa Si! Shelter: O Holy Trinity: Glory to
Eshinthitosan ke enrapitosan i zitountes May those who seek my soul be THEOTOKION
tin psihin mou. dishonoured and shamed.
Tin pasan Elpida mou, is Se O Mother of God, I have committed
Apostrafitosan is ta opiso, ke May those be turned back and
anatithimi, Mitir tou Theou, filaxon my every Hope wholly unto Thee.
kateshinthitosan i voulomeni mi disgraced, who plot evils against me. me ipo tin Skepin Sou. Keep me under Thy Shelter.
Apostrafitosan paravtia eshinomeni, i May those be turned back immediately Irini pasi! PRIESTPeace to you all!
legontes mi: “Evge! Evge! “ who shame me, saying: “Aha! Aha!”
Agalliasthosan ke evfranthitosan epi Si May all greatly Rejoice, and be glad in Ke meta tou pnevmatos sou PEOPLE And to thy soul
pantes, i zitountes Se, O Theos, ke Thee, who seek Thee, O God, and Tas kefalas imon to Kyrio Klinomen PRIEST Let us bow our head before the
legetosan diapantos: “Megalinthito O always say: “Let God be Magnified!” - Lord
Kyrios!” i Agapontes to Sotirion Sou. those who Love Thy Salvation. MAKE THE SIGN OF THE CROSS & BOWN DOWN TO GOD
Ego de ptohos imi ke penis - O Theos, I am poor and needy – O God, help me! ✞ Si Kyrie PEOPLE ✞ To Thee, O Lord
voithison mi!
✞Despota Polielee, Kyrie Iisou Hriste O PRIEST ✞O Most Merciful Master, Lord
Voithos mou ke ristis mou i Si, Kyrie, mi My Helper and Deliverer art Thou, O Theos imon, Presvies tis Panahranton Jesus Christ our God, through the
hronisis Lord – do not delay. Despinis imon Theotokou ke Intercessions of our Most Pure Lady
Aiparthenou Marias, Dinami tou Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary, by
 AFTER THE FIRST WEEK OF GREAT LENT, WE BEGIN WITH PSALM 4 Timiou ke Zoopiou Stavrou, the Power of the Precious and Life-
prostasies ton Timion Epouranion giving Cross; through the Protection
PSALM 4 Dinameon Asomaton... of the Venerable Bodiless Powers in
En to epikalisthe me isikousas mou, O Thou heard me when I called, O God of Ikesies tou Timiou, Endoxon Profitou, Through the Prayers of the Venerable
Theos tis Dikeosinis mou, en thlipsi my Righteousness - Thou Prodromou ke Vaptistou Ioannou, ton and Glorious Prophet and
eplatinas me. Strengthened me when I was in Agion Evdoxon ke Panevfimon Forerunner John the Baptist; of the
distress. Apostolon, ton Agion, Evdoxon ke Holy, Glorious and All-praised
Kallinikon Martiron, ton Osion ke Apostles; of the Holy, Glorious and


filanthropa Splaghna tis aftou His Loving Goodness and – Iktirison me, ke isakouson tis prosevhis Have Mercy on me, and hear my Prayer.
agathotitos ke - paridon mou ta overlooking my innumerable faults –
anarithmita ptesmata - istrepsi me to return me to Repentance and
pros Metanian ke ton Aftou Entolon make me a worthy servant of His Ii anthropon, eos pote varikardii? How long, O you sons of men, will you
ergatin dokimon anadii me. Commandments. be slow of heart?
Ke pareso mi ai os eleimon ke simpathis And stand by me forever – in this life, Ina ti agapate mateotita, ke zitite Why do you love vain things and seek
ke filagathos, en men to paronti vio as a Merciful and Compassionate psevdos? after lies?
thermi prostatis ke voithos, tas ton and Good and Lovingly Warm Ke gnote, oti etavmastose Kyrios ton Know that the Lord made His Holy One
enantion efodous apotihizousa ke Protector and Helper, by repulsing
Osion aftou. Wondrous.
pros Sotirian kathodigousa me. the assaults of the adversary, and
leading me towards Salvation. Kyrios isakousete me, en to kekragene The Lord will hear me when I cry to
Ke en to kero tis exodou mou tin Athlian And at the time of my Repose, by me pros Afton. Him.
mou psihin periepousa ke tas embracing my miserable soul and Orgizesthe, ke mi amartanete. Be angry, and do not sin.
skotinas opsis ton poniron demonon driving far away from it the dark A legete en tes kardies imon, epi tes Have remorse upon your bed for what
porro afis apelavnousa. faces of the evil demons.
kites imon katanigite. you say in your heart.
En de ti Fovera Imera tis Kriseos, tis And on the Awesome Day of
Thisate Thisian Dikeosinis, ke Elpisate Offer the Sacrifice of Righteousness,
eoniou me riomeni kolaseos, ke tis Judgement, by Redeeming me from
epi Kyrion. and Hope in the Lord.
aporritou Doxis tou Sou Iiou ke Theou Eternal Hell, and proclaiming me an
imon Klironomon me apodikniousa. Heir of the ineffable Glory of Thy Polli legousi: ‘Tis dixi imin ta Agatha?’ There are many who say: ‘Who will show
Son and our God. us Good Things?’
Is ke tihimi, Despina mou, iperagia May I enjoy such fate, my Lady, O Most Esimiothi ef’ imas to Fos tou Prosopou O Lord, the Light of Thy Face was
Theotoke, dia tis Sis mesitias ke Holy Theotokos, through Thine Sou, Kyrie. stamped upon us.
antilipseos,  Hariti ke filanthropia Intercessions and Protection;  Edokas evfrosinin is tin kardian mou. Thou put Gladness in my heart.
tou Monogenous Sou Iiou, tou Kyriou through the Grace and Love for
ke Theou ke Sotiros imon Iisou mankind of Thine Only Begotten
Apo karpou sitou, inou ke eleou afton From their season of wheat, wine and
Hristou, i prepi pasa Doxa, Timi ke Son, our Lord and God and Saviour, eplithinthisan. oil they were multiplied.
Proskinisis, Sin to Anarho aftou Patri Jesus Christ, to Whom belong all En Irini epi to afto kimithisome, ke I will both sleep and Rest in Peace, for
ke to Panagio ke Agatho ke Zoopio Glory, Honour and Worship, together ipnoso, oti Si, Kyrie, kata monas ep’ Thou alone, O Lord, cause me to
aftou Pnevmati, nin ke ai ke is tous with His Beginningless father, and elpidi katokisas me. dwell in Hope.
eonas ton eonon. the All Holy and Good and Life- PSALM 6
giving Spirit, now and ever and unto THE SPIRIT OF HUMILITY WHEN WE PRAY
the Ages of ages.
Kyrie, mi to Thimo Sou elegxis me, mide O Lord, do not reprove me in Thine
Amin. Amen ti Orgi Sou pedefsis me. Anger, nor discipline me in Thy
Eleison me, Kyrie, oti asthenis imi iase Have Mercy on me, O Lord, for I am
Ke dos imin, Despota, pros ipnon And grant to us, O Master, as we depart me. weak.
apiousin, anapafsin somatos ke for sleep, rest of body and soul.
Kyrie, oti etarahthi ta osta mou, ke i O Lord, Heal me for my bones are
psihi mou estarahthi sfodra, ke Si, troubled, and my soul is greatly
Ke diafilazon imas apo tou zoferou And Preserve us from the gloomy Kyrie, eos pote? anxious - and Thee, O Lord – how
ipnou tis amartias ke apo pasis slumber of sin, and from every dark long?
skotinis ke nikterinis idipathias. and nocturnal pleasure.
Epistrepson, Kyrie, Rise tin psihin mou. Return, O Lord, and Deliver my soul.
Pafson tas ormas ton pathon, sveson ta Arrest the drives of passion;
Soson me eneken tou Eleous Sou, oti ouk Save me because of Thy Mercy, for there
pepiromena veli tou ponirou ta kath’ extinguish the burning arrows of the
imon dolios kinoumena. evil one, which insidiously fly in our estin en to Thanato - O mnimonevon is no remembrance of Thee in Death
direction. Sou, en de to Adi tis exomologisete Si? - in Hades, who will give Thanks to
Tas tis sarkos imon epanastasis Suppress the rebellions of our flesh,
Ekopiasa en to stevagmo mou - louso I am weary with my groanings – every
katastilon ke pan geodes ke ilikon and calm our every earthly and
imon fronima kimison. material thought. kath’ ekastin nikta tin klinin mou, en night I dampen my bed – with my
dakrisi mou tin stromnin mou vexo. tears I drench my couch.
Ke dories imin, O Theos, grigoron noun, And grant to us, O God, alert mind,
Etarahthi apo thimou O Ofthalmos mou, My eye is troubled by anger; I grow old
sofrona logismon, kardian nifousan, prudent thinking, sober heart, light
ipnon elafron ke pasis satanikis sleep, free of any satanic fantasy. epaleothin en pasi tis ehthris mou. among all my enemies.


Apostite ap’ emou pantes i ergazomeni Depart from me, all you workers of ✞ Doxa Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati. ✞Glory to the Father, and to the Son,
tin anomian, oti isikouse Kyrios tis lawlessness, for the Lord heard the Ke nin ke Ai ke is tous eonas ton and to the Holy Spirit, Now and
fonis tou klavthmou mou. sound of my weeping. eonon. forever, and unto the ages of ages.
Amin Amen
Ikouse Kyrios tis Deiseos mou, Kyrios tin The Lord heard my Supplication – the OUR LORD’S PRAYER
prosehin mou prosedexato. Lord received my Prayer. EVERYONE PRAYS QUIETLY IN UNISON

Eshinthiisan ke tarahthiisan pantes i Let all my enemies be ashamed and Pater imon O en tis Ouranis, Agiasthito Our Father Who art in Heaven:
ehthri mou, apostrafiisan ke greatly troubled – let them turn back to Onoma Sou, eltheto i Vasilia Sou, Hallowed be Thy Name. Thy
kateshinthiisan sfodra dia tahous. and be suddenly ashamed. genithito to Thelima Sou, os en Kingdom come. Thy Will be done on
PSALM 12/13 Ourano ke epi tis gis. Ton Arton Earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this
ATTAIN AN EXCEEDINGLY JOYFUL HEART SINGING TO THE LORD imon ton epiousion dos imin simeron. day our Daily Bread, and forgive us
Ke afes imin ta ofelimata imon, os ke our trespasses as we forgive those
Eos pote, Kyrie, epilisi mou is telos? How long, O Lord? Wilt Thou forget me imis afiement tis ofiletes imon. Ke who trespass against us. And lead
to the End? mi isenengis imas is pirasmon, alla us not into temptation, but Deliver
Eos pote apostrefis to Prosopon Sou ap’ How long wilt Thou turn Thy Face from rise imas apo tou ponirou. us from the evil one.
emou? me? ✞ Oti Sou Estin i Vasilia ke i dinamis ke i PRIEST ✞ For Thine is the Kingdom, the
Eos tinos thisome voulas en psihi mou, How long will I take Counsel in my doxa tou Patros, ke tou Iou, ke tou Power and the Glory, ✞ of the
odinas en kardia mou, imeras ke soul, having grief in my heart day Agiou Pnevmatos, nin ke ai ke is tous Father, and of the Son and of the
niktos? and night? eonas ton eonon. Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto
the Ages of Ages.
Eos pote ipsothisete O ehthros mou ep How long will my enemy be exalted
eme? over me?
Amin PEOPLE Amen
Epivlepson, isakouson mou, Kyrie, O Look upon me and hear me, O Lord my Kyrie eleison (12)
Theos mou. God. Lord, have mercy (12)
Fotison tous ofthalmous mou, mipote Enlighten my eyes lest I Repose in
Ipnoso is Thanaton, mipote ipi O Death - lest mine enemy says ‘I
ehthros mou.: ‘Ishisa pros afton.’ prevailed against him.’ Aspile, amolinte, afthore, ahrante, O Spotless, Unstained, Incorruptible,
Agni Parthen, Theonimfe Despina, i Undefiled, Pure Virgin, Lady Bride of
I thlivontes me agalliasonte, ean Those who afflict me greatly rejoice, if I Theon Logon tis anthropis ti paradox God, who through Thy Wondrous
salevtho. am shaken.
Sou kiisi enosasa ke tin aposthisan Birth-giving, United God the Word
Ego de epi to elei Sou ilpisa - agalliasete But I hope in Thy Mercy – my heart fisin tou genous imon tis Ouraniis with mankind, and linked the fallen
i kardia moue pi to Sotirio Sou. shall greatly Rejoice in Thy sinapsasa. nature of our human race with the
Salvation. Heavenly.
Aso to Kyrio to evergetisanti me, ke I will sing to the Lord Who shows I ton apilpismenon moni elis ke ton The only Hope of the hopeless, and the
psalo to Onomati Kyriou tou Ipsistou. Kindness to me, and I will sing to the plemoumenon voithia, i etimi Help of the persecuted; the Ready
Name of the Lord Most High. antilipsis ton is Se prostrehonton, ke Support of those who seek Refuge in
panton ton Hristianon to Katafigion: Thee, and the Shelter of all
✞ Doxa Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati, ✞ Glory to the Father, and to the Son,
ke nin ke ai ke is tous Eonas ton and to the Holy Spirit, now and Mi vdelizi me ton amartolon, ton enagi, Do not despise me, the wretched
eonon. forever, and to the Ages of ages. ton eshris logismis ke logis ke sinner, who has defiled myself with
praxesin olon emavton ahriosanta, ke shameful thoughts and words and
Amin Amen ti ton idonon tou viou, rathimia deeds, and through negligence of
Kyrie Eleison Lord, have Mercy gnomis, doulon genomenon. thought has become a slave to the
pleasures of life.
Allelouia (3) ✞ Doxa Si, O Theos, Allilioua (3) ✞ Glory to Thee, O God,
Doxa Si! Glory to Thee! All’ os tou Filanthropou Theou Mitir, But as the Mother of our
Filanthropo Splaghnithiti ep emi to Compassionate God, and a Friend of
✞ Doxa Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati, ✞ Glory to the Father, and to the Son, amartolo ke asoto, ke dexe mou tin ek mankind, have Compassion on me
ke nin ke ai ke is tous Eonas ton and to the Holy Spirit, now and
riparon hileon prosferomenin Si the sinner and prodigal, and accept
eonon. forever, and to the Ages of ages.
deisin. this Prayer from my impure lips.
Amin Amen Ke ton Son Iion, ke imon Desotin ke And using Thy Maternal Standing,
Kyrion, ti mitriki Sou parisia hromeni Entreat Thy Son and our Master and
disopison, ina anixi kami ta Lord to open unto me the depths of


tous eonas ton eonon. Ages of ages. PSALM 24/25
Amin Amen
Pros Se, Kyrie, ira tin psihin mou, O To Thee, O Lord, I lift up My Soul, O My
Kyrie eleison (3) Lord, have Mercy (3) Theos mou. God.
✞ Doxa Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati, ✞ Glory to the Father, and to the Son, Epi Si pepitha - mi kateshin thiin is ton I trust in Thee – let Me not be ashamed.
ke nin ke ai ke is tous Eonas ton and to the Holy Spirit, now and eona.
eonon. forever, and to the Ages of ages.
Mide kaagelasatosan me i ehtrhi mou, Let not Mine enemies mock Me, for all
Amin Amen ke gar pantes i ipomenontes Se, ou who wait upon Thee shall not be
Tin Timioteran ton Herouvim, ke Greater in Honour than the mi kateshinthosin. ashamed.
Endoxateran, asingritos ton Cherubim, and more Glorious Eshinthitosan i anomountes diakenis. Let those be ashamed who act lawlessly
Seraphim, tin adiafthoros, Theon beyond compare than the Seraphim, in vain.
Logon tekousan, tin onton Theotokon, Thou who without stain Bore God
Se Megalinomen. the Word and art Truly Theotokos, Tas odous Sou, Kyrie, gnorison mi, ke Make known Thy Ways to Me, O Lord,
we Magnify. tas Trivous Sou didazon me. and Teach Me Thy Paths.
En Onomati Kyriou Evlogison, Pater In the Name of the Lord, O Father, Bless Odigison me epi tin Alithian Sou, ke Lead Me in Thy Truth and Teach Me, for
didaxon me, oti Si i O Theos O Sotir Thou art the God of My Salvation,
O Theos iktirise imas ke Evlogise PRIEST: May God have Compassion on mou, ke Se ipemina olin tin imeran. and on Thee I wait all day long.
imas. Epifane to Prosopon Aftou ef us and Bless us; may His Sight shine
imas, ke eleise imas. upon us and have Mercy on us. Mnisthiti ton iktirmon Sou, Kyrie, ke ta Remember Thy Compassion, O Lord,
Elei Sou, oti apo tou eonos isin. and Thy Mercy, for they are ancient.
Amin PEOPLE: Amen
THE PRAYER OF ST EPHRAIM Amartias neotitos mou ke agnias mou Do not remember the sins of My Youth,
mi mnisthis. Kata to Eleos Sou nor of My Ignorance; but remember
Kyrie ke Despota tis Zois mou, O Lord and Master of my Life: do not mnisthiti mou Si, eneken tis Me according to Thy Mercy, because
pnevma argias, periergias, filarhias permit the spirit of laziness and hristotitos Sou, Kyrie, of Thy Loving Kindness, O Lord.
ke argologias mi mi dos. meddling, the lust for power and idle
speech to enter me.
Hristos ke Evthis O Kyrios, dia touto Good and Upright is the Lord;
nomothetisi amartanontas en Odo. therefore He will instruct sinners in
Pnevma de sofrosinis, tapinofrosinis, Instead, grant me, Thy servant, the His Way.
Ipomonis ke Agapis Harise mi to So Spirit of Prudence, Humility, Patience
doulo. and Love.
Odigisi prais en Krisi - didazi prais He will Guide the Meek in Judgement -
Odous Aftou. He will Teach the Meek His Ways.
Ne, Kyrie Vasilef, dories me tou oran tae Yea, O Lord and King: grant me the
Pase e Odi Kyriou Eleos, ke Alithia tis All the Ways of the Lord are Mercy and
ma ptesmata, ke mi katakrinin to Power to see my own faults and not
ekzitousi tin Diathikin Aftou, ke ta Truth for those who seek His
Adelphon mou. to judge my Brethren.
Martyria Aftou. Covenant and His Testimonies.
Oti evlogitos i is tous eonas ton eonon. For Thou art Blessed unto the Ages of
Eneken tou Onomatos Sou, Kyrie, ke For Thy Name’s sake, O Lord, pardon
ilasthiti ti amartia mou - polli gar My sin - for it is great.
Amin Amen. esti.
TRISAGION PRAYERS Tis estin anthropos O Fovoumenos ton Who is the Man who Fears the Lord?
✞Agios O Theos, Agios Ishiros, Agios ✞Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Kyrion?
Athanatos, Eleison imas Immortal; have Mercy on us [3] Nomothetisi afto en Odo i irestisato. He will instruct Him in the Way He
✞ Doxa Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati. ✞Glory to the Father, and to the Son, chooses.
Ke nin ke Ai ke is tous eonas ton and to the Holy Spirit, Now and I psihi aftou enAgathis avlisthisete, ke to His soul shall dwell among Good
eonon. forever, and unto the ages of ages.
sperma aftou klironomisi Gin. Things, and His Seed shall inherit
Amin Amen. the Earth.
✞Panagia Trias Eleison imas. Kyrie, ✞ All Holy Trinity, have Mercy on us. Krateoma Kyrios ton Fovoumenon The Lord is the Strength of those who
elas thiti tes amarties imon. Despota, Lord, Cleanse us from our sins. Afton, ke i Diathiki Aftou dilosi aftis. Fear Him, [and to those who Fear
singhorison tas anomias imin. Agie Master, Pardon our iniquities. Holy Him, His Name is the Lord,] and He
Ipiskepse, ke iase tas asthenias imon, God, Visit and Heal our infirmities will show them His Covenant.
eneken tou Onomatos Sou. for Thy Name’s sake. I ofthalmi mou dia pantos pros ton Mine eyes are always towards the Lord,
Kyrie Eleison (3) Lord have mercy (3) Kyrion, oti aftos ekspasi ek pagidos for He shall pluck My Feet out of the
tous podas mou. snares.


Epivlepson ep’ eme, ke eleison me, oti Look upon Me and have Mercy on Me,
Monogenis ke Ptohos imi Ego. for I Am Only Begotten and Poor. ✞ Doxa Patri, ke Io, ke Agio Pnevmati ✞ Glory to the Father, and to the Son,
and to the Holy Spirit
E thlipsis tis kardias mou eplithinthisan The Afflictions of My Heart have been
- ek ton anagkon Mou exagage Me. widened - bring me out of My Kyrie, i mi tous Agious Sou ihomen Lord, if we did not have Thy Saints as
Distresses. prsevevtas, ke tin Agathotita Sou Intercessors, and Thy Goodness
simpathousan imin, pos etolmomen, feeling Compassion for us, how
Ide tin Tapinosin Mou, ke ton Kopon Mou Behold My Humiliation and My Pain -
Soter, imnise Se, on Evlogousin would we dare, O Saviour, to sing
- ke afes pasas tas amartias mou. and forgive all My sins.
apafstos Angeli? Kardiognostas, fise Hymns to Thee, Whom the Angels
Ide tous ehthrous mou, oti eplithinthisan, Behold Mine enemies, for they multiply, ton psihon imon. unceasingly Bless? O Thou Who
ke misos adikon emisisan Me. and they hate Me with unjustified know our heart, spare our soul.
hatred. Ke nin ke Ai ke is tous eonas ton Now and ever, and to the Ages of
Filazon tin psihin mou, ke Rise Me, mi Keep My Soul, and Deliver Me; let Me eonon. ages.
kateshinthiin oti Ilpisa epi Se. not be ashamed, for in Thee I Hope. Amin. Amen
Akaki ke evthis ekollonto mi, oti ipemina The Innocent and the Upright cleave to HYMN TO THE EVER BLESSED THEOTOKOS – TONE 2
Se, Kyrie. Me for I await Thee, O Lord.
Polla ta plithi ton emon, Theotoke, Great is the multitude of my errors, O
Litrose, O Theos, ton Israil ek pason ton Redeem Israel, O God, out of all his ptesmaton, pros Se katafigon, Agni, Mother of God; to Thee have I fled,
thlipseon aftou. Afflictions. sotirias demenos. Episkepse tin O Pure One, seeking Salvation; visit
PSALM 30/31 asthenousan mou psihin, ke presveve my ailing soul and Intercede with
A REVELATION OF CHRIST to Iio Souk e Theo imon, dothine mi Thy Son and our God, to grant me
Epi Si, Kyrie, ilpisa - mi katashinthiin is In Thee, O Lord, I hope – may I not be tin afesin, on eoraxa dinon, Moni Forgiveness for all the evils I have
Evlogimeni. done, O Only Blessed One.
ton eona. ashamed forever.
En ti Dikeosini Sou Rise Me, ke exelou In Thy Righteousness Deliver and
Panagia Theotoke, ton hronon tis zois O All Holy Theotokos, during my
mou, mi egkatalipis me, anthropini lifetime, I pray, do not abandon me,
Me. Rescue Me.
prostasia, mi katapistevsis me, all afti nor entrust me to merely human
Klinon pros Me to ous Sou - tahinon tou Incline Thine Ear to Me – Rescue Me antilavou, ke eleison me. protection; rather Help me Thyself
exelesthe Me. speedily. and have Mercy on me.
Genou mi is Theon iperaspistin, ke is Be to Me a God Who Protects Me, and a Tin pasan elpda mou, is Se anatithimi, O Mother of God, I have committed my
Ikon katafigis tou Sose Me. House of Refuge to Save Me. Mitir tou Theou, filaxon me ip tin every Hope wholly unto Thee. Keep
Oti Krateoma Mou, ke Katafigi Mou i Si, For Thou art My Strength and My Skepin Sou. me under Thy Shelter.
ke eneken tou Onomatos Sou Odigisis Refuge, and for Thy Name’s sake PRAYERS
Me, ke Diathrepsis Me. Thou wilt Guide and Sustain Me. Kyrie eleison (40) Lord, have Mercy (40)
Exazis Me ek pagidos taftis, is ekripsan Thou wilt bring Me out from the Snare O en panti kero ke pasi ora en Ourano O Christ our God, Who at all times and
mi, oti Si i O Iperaspistis Mou, Kyrie. they hid for Me, for Thou art My ke epi Gis Proskinoumenos ke at every hour, both in Heaven and on
Protector, O Lord. Doxazomenos Hristo O Theos, O Earth, art worshipped and Glorified;
Is hiras Sou parathisome to Pnevma Into Thy Hands I shall entrust My Spirit. Makrothimos, O Polieleos, O Who art Long-suffering, Merciful and
Mou. Polievsplaghnos, O tous Dikeous Compassionate; Who Lovest the Just
Agapon ke tous amartolous Eleon, O and showest Mercy upon the sinner;
Elitroso Me, Kyrie, O Theos tis Alithias. Thou Redeemed Me, O Lord God of pantas Kalon pros Sotirian dia tis Who Callest all to Salvation through
Truth. epangelias ton mellonton Agathon, the Promise of Blessings to come: O
Emisisas tous diafilassontas mateotitas Thou despise those who maintain their aftos Kyrie, prosdexe ke imon en ti Lord, in this Hour, receive our
diakenis - Ego de epi to Kyrio Ilpisa. empty vanities - but I Hope in the ora tafti tas entevxis ke ithinon tin Supplications, and Direct our Life
Lord. Zoin imon pros tas Entolas Sou. Tas according to Thy Commandments.
psihas imon Agiason, ta somata Sanctify our soul, Hallow our body,
Agalliasome ke evfranthisome epi to Elei I will greatly Rejoice and be Glad Agnison, tous logismous Diorthoson, Correct our thoughts, Cleanse our
Sou, oti epides epi tin Tapinosin Mou. because of Thy Mercy, for Thou tas ennias Katharon ke Rise imas apo mind; Deliver us from all tribulation,
beheld My Humiliation. pasis thlipseos, kakon ke odinis. evil and distress. Encompass us with
Esosas ek ton anagkon tin Psihin Mou, Thou Saved My Soul from Distress, and Tihison imas Agiis Sou Angelis, ina ti Thy Holy Angels, that Guided and
ke ou sineklisas me is hiras ehthron. did not shut Me up into the hands of paremvoili afton frouroumeni ke Guarded by them, we may attain to
the enemy. odigoumeni katatisomen is tin Enotita the Unity of the Faith, and to the
tis Pisteos ke is tin epignosin tis Knowledge of Thine Unapproachable
Estisas en evrihoro tous Podos Mous. Thou set My Feet in a wide place. aprositou Sou Doxis, oti Evlogitos i is Glory, for Thou art Blessed unto

Eleison me, Kyrie, oti thlivome. Have Mercy on Me, O Lord, for I Am
Kyrie ton Dynameon, meth’ imon Lord of Powers, be with us; for no afflicted.
genou. Allon gar ektos Sou other Helper have we in
voithon, en thlipsesin ouk ehomen. tribulations, but Thee. Lord of
Etarahthi en Thimo O Ofthalmos Mou - i My Eye is troubled with Anger – so are
Psihi Mou, Ke I Gastir mou, oti My Soul and My Stomach, for My Life
Kyrie ton Dynameon, eleison imas. Powers, have Mercy on us.
exelipen en odini i Zoi Mou, ke ta eti is wasted with Grief and My Years
Enite ton Theon en tis Agiis Aftou; enite Praise God in His Saints; Praise Him in Mou en stenagmis. with sighing.
Afton en steromati tis Dynameos
the Firmament of His Power. Isthenisen en ptohia i Ishis Mou, ke ta My Strength is weakened with Poverty,
Osta Mou etarahthisan. and My Bones are troubled.
Kyrie ton Dynameon, meth’ imon Lord of Powers, be with us; for no Para pantas tous ehthrous Mou I became a Reproach among all Mine
genou. Allon gar ektos Sou other Helper have we in egenithin onidos, ke tis gitosi Mou enemies, and especially to all My
voithon, en thlipsesin ouk ehomen. tribulations, but Thee. Lord of sfodra, ke fovos tis gnostis Mou. Neighbours, and a Fear to all My
Kyrie ton Dynameon, eleison imas. Powers, have Mercy on us. Acquaintances.
Enite Afton epi tes inasties Aftou; enite Praise Him for His Mighty Acts; Praise I theorountes Me exo efigon ap’ Emou. Those who saw Me outside, fled from
Afton kata to plithos tis Megalosinis Him according to the Abundance of Me.
Aftou. His Greatness.
Kyrie ton Dynameon, meth’ imon Epelisthin osi nekros apo kardias. I Am forgotten like one whose heart is
Lord of Powers, be with us; for no lifeless.
genou. Allon gar ektos Sou other Helper have we in
voithon, en thlipsesin ouk ehomen. tribulations, but Thee. Lord of Egenithin osi skevos apololos, oti ikousa I was made like a Vessel that is utterly
Kyrie ton Dynameon, eleison imas. Powers, have Mercy on us. psigon pollon parikounton kiklothen - broken, for I heard the blame of
Enite Afton en iho salpingos; enite Afton Praise him with the sound of Trumpet; en to episinahthine aftous ama ep’ many who dwell round about when
Eme, tou lavin tin Psihin Mou they were gathered together against
en psalitirio ke kithara. Praise Him with the Harp and Lyre. evoulefsanto. Me - when they plotted to take My
Kyrie ton Dynameon, meth’ imon Lord of Powers, be with us; for no Life.
genou. Allon gar ektos Sou
voithon, en thlipsesin ouk ehomen.
other Helper have we in Ego de epi Si, Kyrie, ilpisa - epa: Si i O As for Me, I Hope in Thee, O Lord - I
tribulations, but Thee. Lord of Theos Mou! said: Thou art My God!
Kyrie ton Dynameon, eleison imas. Powers, have Mercy on us.
Enite En tes hersi Sou i Kliri Mou - Rise me My Times are in Thy Hands – Deliver
Afton en timpano ke horo; enite Praise Him with Timbrel and Dance;
hiros ehthron Mou, ke ek ton me from the hand of My enemies,
Afton en hordes ke organo. Praise Him with Strings and Flute. katadiokonton Me. and from those who persecute Me.
Kyrie ton Dynameon, meth’ imon Lord
genou. Allon gar ektos Sou
of Powers, be with us; for no Epifanon to Prosopon Sou epi ton doulon Make Thy Face shine upon Thy
other Helper have we in Sou. Servants.
voithon, en thlipsesin ouk ehomen. tribulations, but Thee. Lord of
Kyrie ton Dynameon, eleison imas. Powers, have Mercy on us. Soson Me, en to Elei Sou. Save Me in thy Mercy.
Enite Afton en kymvalis evihis; enite Praise Him with resounding Cymbals; Kyrie, mi kateshinthiin, oti epekalesamin O Lord, do not let Me be ashamed, for I
Afton en kymvalis alalagmou. Pasa Praise Him with triumphant Se. call upon Thee.
pnoi enesato ton Kyrion. Cymbals. Let everything that has Eshinthiisan asevis, ke katahthiisan is Let the ungodly be ashamed, and lead
breath, Praise the Lord. Adou. them down into Hades.
Kyrie ton Dynameon, meth’ imon Lord of Powers, be with us; for no Let
genou. Allon gar ektos Sou
Alala genithito ta hili ta dolia, ta deceitful lips become speechless
other Helper have we in lalounta kata tou Dikeou anomian, when they speak lawlessness against
voithon, en thlipsesin ouk ehomen. tribulations, but Thee. Lord of en iperifania ke exoudenosi. the Righteous with arrogance and
Kyrie ton Dynameon, eleison imas. Powers, have Mercy on us. contempt.
Enite ton Theo en tis Agiis Aftou; enite Praise God in His Saints;Praise Him in How
Afton en steromati tis Dynameos
Os poli to plithos tis hristotitos Sou, Great is the abundance of Thy
the Firmament of His Power. Kyrie, is ekripsas tis fovoumenis Se - Goodness, O Lord, which Thou hides
exirgaso tis Elpizousin epi Se from those who Fear Thee - which
Kyrie ton Dynameon, meth’ imon Lord of Powers, be with us; for no enantion ton iion ton anthropon. Thou wilt work for those who Hope
genou. Allon gar ektos Sou other Helper have we in in Thee in the sight of sons of
voithon, en thlipsesin ouk ehomen. tribulations, but Thee. Lord of mankind.
Kyrie ton Dynameon, eleison imas. Thou
Powers, have Mercy on us. Katakripsis aftous en apokrifo tou shalt hide them in the secret of
Prosopou Sou, apo tarahis anthropon. Thy Presence from the disturbance
of mankind.

Ekepasis aftous en Skini apo antilogias Thou wilt Shelter them in Thy Oti para Si Pigi Zois; en to Foti Sou For with Thee is the Fountain of Life; in
glosson. Tabernacle from the contradiction of opsometha Fos. Thy Light we shall see Light.
tongues. Paratinon to Eleos Sou tis ginoskousi Se. Extend Thy Mercy to those who know
Evlogitos Kyrios, oti ethavmastose to Blessed is the Lord, for He Magnified Thee.
Eleos Aftou en Poli Periohis. His Mercy in a Fortified City. ✞Agios O Theos, Agios Ishiros, Agios ✞ Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy
Ego de ina en ti Ekstasi Mou: I said in My Ecstasy: ‘Indeed, I Am cast Athanatos, eleison imas.[3] Immortal, have mercy on us. [3]
‘Aperrimme apo Prosopou ton away from the Sight of Thine Eyes!’ ✞Doxa Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati. ✞ Glory to the Father, and to the Son,
Ofthalmon Sou!’ Ke nin ke ai ke is tous eonas ton and to the Holy Spirit, now and
Dia touto isikousas tis Fonis tis Deiseos Therefore, Thou heard the Voice of My eonon. ever, and to the Ages of Ages.
Mou, en to kekragene Me pros Se. Supplication when I cried to Thee. Amin Amen
Agapisate ton Kyrion pantes i Osii Aftou Love the Lord, all you His Saints, for the ✞Agios Athanatos, eleison imas. ✞Holy Immortal, have mercy on us.
oti Alithias ekziti Kyrios, ke Lord seeks out Truth, and He repays
antapodidosi tis perissos piousin those who act with great arrogance. ✞Agios O Theos, Agios Ishiros, Agios ✞ Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy
iperifanian. Athanatos, Eleison imas. Immortal, have mercy on us.
Andrizesthe, ke krateoustho i kardia Be Courageous, and let your heart be
imon, pantes i elpizontes epi Kyrion. Strengthened, all who Hope in the ✞Agios O Theos, Agios Ishiros, Agios ✞Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy
Lord. Athanatos, Eleison imas Immortal; have Mercy on us [3]
PSALM 90/91 ✞ Doxa Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati. ✞Glory to the Father, and to the Son,
THE INTENSITY OF SPIRITUAL WARFARE Ke nin ke Ai ke is tous eonas ton and to the Holy Spirit, Now and
O katikon en voithia tou Ipsistou, en He Who dwells in the Help of the Most eonon. forever, and unto the ages of ages.
Skepi tou Theou tou Ouranou High shall Lodge in the Shelter of Amin Amen.
avlisthisete. the God of Heaven.
✞Panagia Trias Eleison imas. Kyrie, ✞ All Holy Trinity, have Mercy on us.
Eri to Kyrio: ‘Antiliptor Mou i, ke He shall say to the Lord: ‘Thou art My elas thiti tes amarties imon. Despota, Lord, Cleanse us from our sins.
Katafigi Mou, O Theos Mou, ke Elpio Protector and My Refuge, My God. I singhorison tas anomias imin. Agie Master, Pardon our iniquities. Holy
ep’ Afton, oti Aftos Risete Se ek will Hope in Him, for He shall free Ipiskepse, ke iase tas asthenias imon, God, Visit and Heal our infirmities
pagidos thirevton, ke apo logou Me from the snare of the hunters, eneken tou Onomatos Sou. for Thy Name’s sake.
tarahodous.’ and from every troubling word.’
Kyrie Eleison (3) Lord have mercy (3)
En tis metafrenis Aftou episkiasi Si, ke He shall Overshadow Thee with His
✞ Doxa Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati. ✞Glory to the Father, and to the Son,
ipo tas Pterigas Aftou Elpiis - oplo Shoulders, and under His Wings
kiklosi Se i Alithia Aftou. Thou shall Hope - His Truth shall Ke nin ke Ai ke is tous eonas ton and to the Holy Spirit, Now and
encircle Thee as though with a eonon. forever, and unto the ages of ages.
Shield. Amin Amen
Ou fovithisi apo fovou nikterinou, apo Thou shalt not be frightened by fear at EVERYONE
velous petomenou imeras - apo night, nor from the arrow that flies
pragmatos en skoti diaporevomenou, by day - not by anything moving in Pater imon O en tis Ouranis, Agiasthito Our Father Who art in Heaven:
apo simptomatos ke demoniou darkness, nor by mishap or the to Onoma Sou, eltheto i Vasilia Sou, Hallowed be Thy Name. Thy
mesimvrinou. demon of noonday. genithito to Thelima Sou, os en Kingdom come. Thy Will be done on
Pesite ek tou Klitous Sou hilias, ke A thousand shall fall at Thy Side, and Ourano ke epi tis gis. Ton Arton Earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this
murias ek dexion Sou, pros Se de ouk ten thousand at Thy right Hand, yet imon ton epiousion dos imin simeron. day our Daily Bread, and forgive us
engii. it shall not come near Thee. Ke afes imin ta ofelimata imon, os ke our trespasses as we forgive those
imis afiement tis ofiletes imon. Ke who trespass against us. And lead
Plin tis ofthalmis Sou kaanoisis, ke Thou shalt observe with Thine Eyes, mi isenengis imas is pirasmon, alla us not into temptation, but Deliver
antapodosin amartolon opsi, oti Si, and Thou shalt behold the reward rise imas apo tou ponirou. us from the evil one.
Kyrie, i Elpis mou - ton Ipsiston ethou of sinners, for Thou, O Lord art my
Katafigin Sou. Hope - Thou made the Most High ✞ Oti Sou Estin i Vasilia ke i dinamis ke i PRIEST ✞ For Thine is the Kingdom, the
Thy Refuge. doxa tou Patros, ke tou Iou, ke tou Power and the Glory, ✞ of the
Agiou Pnevmatos, nin ke ai ke is tous Father, and of the Son and of the
Ou proselefsete pros Se kaka, ke mastix Evils shall not come to Thee, and a eonas ton eonon. Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto
ouk engii en to skinomati Sou, oti tis scourge shall not draw near Thy the Ages of Ages.
Angelis Afto enelite peri Sou, tou Dwelling, for He shall command His
diafilaxe Se en pases tes Odis Sou. Angels concerning Thee, to keep
Amin PEOPLE Amen
Thee in all Thy Ways.

polis pantas tous thlivontas tin psihin afflict my soul, for I am Thy servant. Epi hiron arouse Se, mipote proskopsis In their hands they shall bear Thee up,
mou, oti ego doulos Sou imi.
pros lithon ton Poda Sou. lest Thou strike Thy Foot against a
✞Doxa Si to dixanti to Fos. ✞ Glory to Thee Who has shown us the Epi Aspida ke Vasiliskon epivisi, ke Thou shalt tread upon the Asp and the
Light! katapatisis Leonta ke Drakonta. Basilisk9, and Thou shalt trample
✞Doxa en Ipsistis Theo ke epi gis Irini, ✞ Glory to God in the Highest, and on the Lion and the Dragon.
en anthropis Evdokia. Earth, Peace, Goodwill among men. “...Oti ep’ Eme ilpise, ke Risome Afton. “...For he hoped in Me, and I will Deliver
Imnoumen Se, Evlogoumen Se, ✞We Praise Thee, we Bless Thee, we Him.
Proskinoumense, Doxologoumen Se, Worship Thee, we Glorify Thee, we “Skepaso Afton, oti egno to Onoma “I will Shelter Him, because He knew My
Efharistoumen Si, dia tin Megalin Sou give Thee Thanks for Thy Great Mou. Name.
Doxan. Glory.
“Kekraxete pros Me, ke isakousome “He shall call upon Me, and I will hear
✞ Kyrie Vasilef, Epouranie Thee, Pater ✞ Lord, King, God of Heaven, Father
Aftou. Him.
Pantokrator; Kyrie Ie Monogenes, Almighty: Lord, Only Begotten Son,
Isou Hriste, ke Agion Pnevma. Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit. “Me Aftou Imi en thlipsi, Exeloume “I Am with Him in Affliction, and I will
afton, ke Doxaso Afton. Deliver and Glorify Him.
Kyrie O Theos, O Amnos tou Theou, O Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the
Ios tou Patros, O eron tin amartian Father, Who takes away the sin of “Makrotita imeron empliso Afton, ke “With length of days I will satisfy Him
tou Kosmou, eleison imas, O eron tas the world, have Mercy upon us; O dixo Afto to Sotirion Mou. and show Him My Salvation.”
amartias tou kosmou. Thou Who takes away the sins of the
world. ✞ Doxa Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati, ✞ Glory to the Father, and to the Son,
Prosdexe tin deisin imon, O kathimenos Receive our Prayer, Thou Who sits at ke nin ke ai ke is tous Eonas ton and to the Holy Spirit, now and
en dexia tou Patros, ke eleison imas. the right Hand of the Father, and has eonon. forever, and to the Ages of ages.
Mercy on us. Amin Amen
✞Oti Si i Monos Agios, Si i Monos Kyrios, ✞For Thou alone art Holy, Thou alone Kyrie Eleison Lord, have Mercy
Iisous Hristos, is Doxan Theou Patros art Lord, Jesus Christ, to the Glory of
God the Father. Allelouia (3) ✞ Doxa Si, O Theos, Allilioua (3) ✞ Glory to Thee, O God,
Doxa Si! Glory to Thee!
Amin. Amen
Every day I will Bless Thee, and Praise ✞ Doxa Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati, ✞ Glory to the Father, and to the Son,
Kath’ ekastin imeran Evlogiso Se, ke ke nin ke ai ke is tous Eonas ton and to the Holy Spirit, now and
enesio to Onoma Sou is ton eona ke is Thy Name forever and to the Ages of eonon. forever, and to the Ages of ages.
ton Eona tou Eonos. Ages.
Amin Amen
Kataxioson, Kyrie, en ti emera tafti Grant, O Lord, this day to keep us GOD IS WITH US – TONE (6) PLAGAL 2
anamartitous filahthine imas. without sin.
Evlogitos Meth’ imon O Theos, gnote Ethni ke God is with us. Know this, O Gentiles,
I, Kyrie, O Theos ton Pateron Blessed art Thou, O Lord, the God of ittasthe, oti meth’ imon O Theos. and be submissive, for God is with
imon, ke Eneton ke Dedoxasmenon to our Fathers, and Praised and us.
Onoma Sou is tous Eonas. Glorified is Thy Name unto the Ages.
Epakousate eos eshatou tis Gis, oti meth’ Hearken, all you to the very ends of the
Amin Amen imon O Theos. Earth, for God is with us.
Genito, Kyrie, to Eleos Sou ef imas, May Thy Mercy, O Lord, be upon us, as Ishikotes ittasthe, oti meth’ imon O Be defeated although you are strong,
kathaper ilipisamen epi Se. we have put our Hope in Thee. Theos. for God is with us.
✞Evlogitos i, Kyrie, didaxon me ta ✞Blessed art Thou, O Lord, teach me Ean gar palin ishisite, ke palin For even if you should be strengthened
Dikeomata Sou. [3] Thy Statutes [3] ittithisesthe, oti meth’ imon O again, you will be defeated again, for
Kyrie, katafigi, egenithis imin en genea Lord, Thou hast been our Refuge from Theos. God is with us.
ke genea. Ego ipa: Kyrie, eleison me, generation to generation. I said: Ke in an violin voulefsisthe, diaskedasi And whatever Counsel you take, the
iase tin psihin mou oti imarton Si. Lord, have Mercy on me, Heal my Kyrios, oti meth’ imon O Theos. Lord will scatter it abroad, for God is
soul, for I have sinned against Thee. with us.
Kyrie, Pros Se katefigon; didaxon me tou O Lord, to Thee have I fled; Teach me to Ke logon, on ean lalisite, ou mi emmini And whatever word you shall speak, it
piin to Thelima Sou, oti Si I O Theos do Thy Will, for Thou art my God. en imin, oti meth’ imon O Theos. will not continue among you, for

A Basilisk was a legendary or mythical reptile, whose look or breath was fatal.
God is with us. Sotirion Sou.
Ton de Fovon imon ou mi fovithomen ou Do not be afraid of their terror, nor be Ego de ptohos imi ke penis - O Theos, I Am Poor and Needy - O God, help Me!
ou mi tarahthomen, oti meth’ imon troubled, for God is with us. voithison mi.
O Theos. Voithos mou ke ristis mou i Si - Kyrie, mi Thou art My Helper and Deliverer - O
Kyrion de ton Theon imon, afton Sanctify the Lord Himself, and He shall hronisis. Lord, do not delay!
Agiasomen, ke aftos este imin Fovos, be your Fear, for God is with us. PSALM 142/143
oti meth’ imon O Theos. . DIVINE RIGHTEOUSNESS
Ke ean ep Afto pepithos O este mi is And if you trust in Him, He shall be a Kyrie, isakouson tis prosevhis mou, O Lord, hear my Prayer – hear my
Agiasmon, oti meth’ imon O Theos. Sanctuary for you, for God is with enotise tin deisin mou en ti Alithia Supplication in Thy Truth.
us. Sou.
Ke pepithos esome ep’ Afto, ke And I shall wait for God, and I will trust Isakouson mou en ti Dikeosini Sou, ke mi Answer me in Thy Righteousness, and
Sothisome di Aftou, oti meth’ imon in Him, for God is with us. iselthis is krisin meta tou doulou Sou, do not enter into Judgement with
O Theos.. oti ou Dikeothisete enopion Sou tas Thy servant, for no one living is
Idou! Ego ke ta Pedia, a mi edoken O Behold! I and the Children whom God Zon. Righteous in Thy Sight.
Theos, oti meth’ imon O Theos. granted Me, for God is with us. Oti katadioxen O ehthros tin psihin For the enemy persecutes my soul; he
O laos O porevomenos en Skoti, ide, Fos Those who walk in Darkness: Behold, a mou, etapinosen is gin tin zoin mou, humbles my life to the ground; he
Mega, oti meth’ imon O Theos. Great Light! for God is with us. ekathise me en skotinis os nekrous causes me to dwell in Dark Places
eonos., ke ikidiasen ep’ eme to like those who have been long dead,
I katikountes en hora, ke Skia Thanatou, You who dwell in the country of the pnevma mou. and my spirit is in anguish within
Fos lampsi ef imas, oti meth’ imon O Shadow of Death, upon you a Light me.
Theos. will shine, for God is with us.
En emi etarahthi i kardia mou. My heart is troubled within me.
Oti Pedion Enennithi imin, Iios, ke edothi For unto us a Child is Born – unto us a Emnisithin imeron arheon, emeletisa en I remember the days of old and I
imin, oti meth’ imon O Theos. Son is granted, for God is with us.
pasi tis Ergis Sou, en piimasi ton Meditate on the Works of Thy Hands.
Ou i Arhi egenithi epi tou Omou Aftou, The Government will be upon His Hiron Sou emeleton.
oti meth’ imon O Theos. Shoulder, for God is with us.
Diepestasa pros Se tas Hiras mou - i I stretch out my hands to Thee – my
Ke is Irinis Aftou ouk estin orion, oti And of His Peace there is no end, for psihi mou os gi anidros Si. soul thirsts for Thee like a waterless
meth’ imon O Theos. God is with us. land.
Ke kalite to Onoma Aftou, Megalis His Name will be Called ‘the Angel of Tahi isakouson mou, Kyrie, exelipe to Hear me speedily, O Lord, for my spirit
Voulis Angelos, oti meth’ imon O Great Counsel,’ for God is with us. pnevma mou. faints within me.
Mi apostepsis to Prosopon Sou ap’ emou, Turn not Thy Sight from me, lest I
Thavmastos Symvoulos, oti meth’ imon ‘Wonderful Counsellor,’ for God is with ke omiothisome tis katavenousin is become like those who go down into
O Theos. us. lakkon. the pit.
Theos Ishiros, Exousiastis, Arhon Irinis, ‘Mighty God, Master, Prince of Peace,’ Akouston piison mi to proi to Eleos Sou, Cause me to hear Thy Mercy in the
oti meth’ imon O Theos. for God is with us. oti epi Si ilpisa. morning, for I hope in Thee.
Pater tou mellontos Eonos, oti meth’ ‘Father of the Age to come,’ for God is Gnorison mi, Kyrie, Odon, en i Instruct me in the Way wherein I should
imon O Theos. with us. porevsome, oti pros Se ira tin psihin walk, for I lift up my soul to Thee.
✞ Doxa Patri, ke Io, ke Agio Pnevmati ✞ Glory to the Father, and to the Son, mou.
Oti meth’ imon O Theos. and to the Holy Spirit, for God is Exelou me ek ton ehthron Mou, Kyrie, oti Deliver me from my enemies, O Lord,
with us! pros Se Katafigon. for to Thee I flee for Refuge.
Ke nin ke Ai ke is tous eonas ton Now and ever, and to the Ages of Didaxon me tou piin to Thelima Sou, oti Teach me to fulfil Thy Will, for Thou art
eonon. ages. Si i O Theos mou. my God.
Amin. Oti meth’ imon O Theos. Amen, for God is with us! To Pnevma Sou to Agathon odigisi me Thy Good Spirit shall Guide me in the
SLOWLY CHANTED SLOWLY CHANTED: en gi evthia. Land of Uprightness.
Meth’ imon O Theos, gnote Ethni ke God is with us. Know this, O Gentiles, Eneken tou Onomatos Sou, Kyrie, Zisis For Thy Name’s sake, O Lord, grant me
ittasthe, oti meth’ imon O Theos. and be submissive, for God is with me. Life.
En ti Dikeosini Sou exazis ek thlipseos tin In Thy Righteousness Thou shalt bring
psihin mou, ke en to Elei Sou my soul out of Affliction, and in Thy
Exolothresis tous ehthrous mou ke a Mercy, Thou shalt destroy all who

Tin Timioteran ton Herouvim, ke Greater in Honour than the
Endoxateran, asingritos ton Cherubim, and more Glorious Tin imeran dielthon, evharisto Si, Kyrie, Having passed the day, I give Thanks to
Seraphim, tin adiafthoros, Theon beyond compare than the Seraphim, tin esperan, etoume, Sin ti nikti Thee, O Lord; and I ask of Thee to
Logon tekousan, tin onton Theotokon, Thou who without stain bore God anamartiton, parashou mi, Sotir, ke grant me the evening and the night
Se Megalinomen. the Word and art truly Theotokos, Soson me. without sin, O my Saviour, and Save
we Magnify. me.
En Onomati Kyriou Evlogison, Pater In the Name of the Lord, O Father, Bless ✞ Doxa Patri, ke Io, ke Agio Pnevmati ✞ Glory to the Father, and to the Son,
and to the Holy Spirit
Di’ evhon ton Agion Pateron imon, PRIEST: Through the Prayers of our Holy
Kyrie Iisou Hriste O Theos, Eleison ke Fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, Tin imeran parelthon, doxologo Se, Now that the day has gone by, I Glorify
Soson imas. have Mercy on us and Save us. Despota, tin esperan etoume, sin ti Thee, O Master. I ask of Thee to
nikti askandaliston, parashou mi, grant me the evening and the night
Amin PEOPLE: Amen Sotir, ke Soson Me. without sin, O my Saviour, and Save
Despota Thee, Pater Pantokrator, O Master God, O Father Almighty, O Ke nin ke Ai ke is tous eonas ton Now and ever, and to the Ages of
Kyrie Iie Monogenes, Iisou Hriste, ke Only Begotten Son, Lord Jesus eonon. ages.
Agion Pnevma, mia Theotis, mia Christ, and Holy Spirit: One
Dynamis, eleison me ton amartolon, Godhead, One Power: have Mercy on Amin Amen
ke is epistase krimasi, Soson me ton me, a sinner, and in Thy Knowing Tin imeran diavas, imnologo Se, Agie, Having traversed the day, I sing Hymns
anaxion doulon Sou, oti Evlogitos i, is Ways Save me, Thine unworthy tin esperan, etoume, Sin ti nikti to Thee, O Holy One. I ask of Thee
tous eonas ton eonon. servant, for Thou art Blessed unto anepivoulon, parashou mi, Sotir, ke to grant me the evening and the
Ages of Ages. Soson me. night free of plots, O my Saviour,
Amen Amen and Save me.
MAKE THE SIGN OF THE CROSS AND BOW DOWN EACH TIME TO OUR LORD GOD I Asomatos fisis, ta Herouvim, asigitis Se As a Bodiless Nature, the Cherubim
imnis, Doxologi. ever Glorify Thee with Unceasing
✞Defte proskinisomen ke prospesomen ✞O come let us Worship and bow down Hymns;
to Vasili imon Theo. to our King and God. Exapteriga Zoa - ta Seraphim - tes The six-winged beings – the Seraphim –
✞Defte proskinisomen ke prospesomen ✞O come let us Worship and bow down apafstis fones Se, iperipsi. also highly exalt Thee with endless
Hristo to Vasili imon Theo. to Christ, our King and God. voice;

✞Defte proskinisomen ke prospesomen ✞O come let us Worship and bow down Ton Angelon te pasa i Stratia, Trisagiis The entire array of Angelic Hosts sings
Afto, Hristo to Vasili ke Theo imon before Christ Himself, our King and Se Asmasin, evfimi. its praises of Thee with Thrice Holy
our God. Hymns.
PSALM 69/70 Pro gar anton iparhis, O on Patir, ke Thou, existing before all things, O
(READ AT THIS POINT AFTER THE FIRST WEEK OF LENT) sinanarhon ehis, ton Son Iion. Father, have Thy Son Unoriginate
O Theos, is tin voithian Mou proshes. O God, come to My Assistance. Ke isotimon feron, Pnvema Zois, tis And the equally honoured Spirit of Life;
Kyrie, is to voithise mi spefson. Lord, make haste to help Me. Tiados Dikniis, to ameres. thus Thou show that Inseparable
arte the Three.
Eshinthitosan ke entrapitosan zitountes May those be dishonoured and shamed Panagia Parthene, Mitir Theou, i tou O All Holy Virgin Mother of God and
tin Psihin Mou. who seek My Soul.
Logou aftopte, ke ipourgi Thou servants and witnesses of the
Apostrafitosan is ta opiso, ke May those be turned back and Word,
kateshinthitosan i voulomeni mi disgraced who plot evils against Me.
Profiton ke Martyron, pantes Hori, os With the Choirs of Prophets and
Athanton ehontes, tin Zoin. Martyred Saints, all of you who enjoy
Apostrafitosan paravtika eshinomeni, i May those be turned back immediately Everlasting Life:
legontes mi: ‘Evge! Evge!’ who shame Me, saying: ‘Well done!
Well done!’
Iper panton resvevsate, ektenos, oti Intercede in great earnest on our behalf,
pantes iparhomen, en dinis. inasmuch as we all are in dire straits;
Agalliasthosan ke evfranthitosan epi Si May all who seek Thee greatly Rejoice
pantes, i zitountes Se O Theos, ke and be Glad in Thee, O God.
Ina planis risthentes, tou ponirou, ton So that all of us – freed from the deceit
legetosan diapantos. Angelon voisomen, tin odin. of the devil – may sing the Angelic
And let those who Love Thy Salvation Hymn:
Megalinthito O Kyrios, i Agapantes to always say: ‘Let God be Magnified!’

Agie, Agie, Agie, Trisagie Kyrie, Holy, Holy, Holy, Thice-Holy Lord: EVERYONE PRAYS QUIETLY IN UNISON
eleison ke Soson imas. have Mercy on us and Save us.
Amin Amen Pater imon O en tis Ouranis, Agiasthito Our Father Who art in Heaven:
to Onoma Sou, eltheto i Vasilia Sou, Hallowed be Thy Name. Thy
THE NICENE CREED genithito to Thelima Sou, os en Kingdom come. Thy Will be done on
✽ ALL FAITHFUL CHRISTIANS MUST RECITE THE TWELVE ARTICLES OF THE NICENE CREED OR Ourano ke epi tis gis. Ton Arton Earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this
imon ton epiousion dos imin simeron. day our Daily Bread, and forgive us
Pistevo is ENA THEON, PATERA, I believe in ONE GOD, THE FATHER Ke afes imin ta ofelimata imon, os ke our trespasses as we forgive those
PANTOKRATORA, Piitin Ouranou ke gis, ALMIGHTY, Maker of Heaven and
imis afiement tis ofiletes imon. Ke who trespass against us. And lead
oraton te panton ke aoraton. earth, and of all things visible and mi isenengis imas is pirasmon, alla us not into temptation, but Deliver
invisible; rise imas apo tou ponirou. us from the evil one.

Ke is ENA KYRION, IISOUN HRISTON TON ION And in ONE LORD JESUS CHRIST, THE ONLY- ✞ Oti Sou Estin i Vasilia ke i dinamis ke i PRIEST✞ For Thine is the Kingdom, the
TOU THEOU, TO MONOGENI, ton ek tou BEGOTTEN SON OF GOD, Begotten of doxa tou Patros, ke tou Iou, ke tou Power and the Glory, ✞ of the
Patros Gennithenta pro panton ton the Father before all ages; Light of Agiou Pnevmatos, nin ke ai ke is tous Father, and of the Son and of the
eonon. Fos ek Fotos, Theon alithinon, Light, True God of True God, eonas ton eonon. Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto
ek Theou alithinou gennithenta, ou Begotten, not made; one in Essence the Ages of Ages.
piithenta, Omoousion to Patri, di Ou with the Father, by Whom all things
Amin PEOPLE Amen
ta Panta egeneto. were made: THE TROPARION OF REPENTANCE – TONE (6) PLAGAL 2
Ton di imas tous anthropous ke dia tin Who - for us men and for our Salvation Eleison imas, Kyrie, eleison imas. Have Mercy on us, O Lord have Mercy
imeteran Sotirian katelthonta ek ton - came down from Heaven, and was Pasis gar apologias aporountes, taftin on us. For with nothing to say in our
Ouranon, ke sarkothenta, ek Incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the Si tin ikesian os Despoti, i amartoli own defence, we sinners offer this
Pnevmatos Agiou ke Marias tis Virgin Mary, and became Man… prosferomen. Eleison imas. Supplication to Thee, our Master:
Parthenou ke Enanthropisanta. Have Mercy on us.
Stavrothenta te iper imon epi Pontiou And was crucified also for us under ✞ Doxa Patri, ke Io, ke Agio Pnevmati ✞ Glory to the Father, and to the Son,
Pilatou ke panthonta ke tafenta... Pontius Pilate, and suffered and was and to the Holy Spirit
Ke Anastanta ti triti imera kata tas And on the third day He rose again,
Kyrie Eleison imas. Epi Si gar Lord, have Mercy on us, for in Thee
pepithamen. Mi orgisthis imin we Trust. Be not greatly enraged
Grafas. according to the Scriptures… sfodra, mide mnisthis ton anomion with us, nor remember our
Ke anelthonta is tous Ouranous ke And ascended into Heaven, and sits at imon. All’ epivlepson ke nin os iniquities, but look upon us now,
Kathezomenon ek dexion tou Patros; the right Hand of the Father… Evsplaghnos, ke Litrose imas ek ton being Compassionate, and Deliver us
ehthron imon. Si gar i Theos imon, from our enemies, for Thou art our
Ke palin erhomenon meta Doxis krine And He shall come again with Glory to ke imis Laos Sou. Pantes to Onoma God and we art Thy People – the
zontas ke nekrous, Ou tis Vasilias ouk Judge the living and the dead; Sou Erga Hiron Sou, ke Work of Thy Hands – and who now
este telos. Whose Kingdom shall have no end. epikeklimetha. have invoked Thy Name.
Ke is to PNEVMA TO AGION, TO KYRION, TO And I believe in THE HOLY SPIRIT, THE Ke nin ke Ai ke is tous eonas ton Now and ever, and to the Ages of
ZOOPION, to ek tou Patros LORD, AND GIVER OF LIFE, Who
eonon. ages.
Ekporevomenon, ✞ TO SIN PATRI KE IO Proceeds from the Father, ✞ Who
SIMPROSKINOUMENON KE SINDOXAZOMENON together with the Father and the
Amin Amen
to lalisan dia ton Profiton. Son is Worshipped and Glorified; THEOTOKION
Who spoke by the Prophets. Tis Evsplaghnias tin Pilin Anizon imin, Open the Gates of Compassion for
Is MIAN, AGIAN, KATHOLIKIN KE And I believe in ONE HOLY CATHOLIC Evlogimeni Theotokos. Elpizontes is us, O Blessed Theotokos, for Hoping
APOSTOLIKIN EKKLISIAN. AND APOSTOLIC CHURCH. Se, mi astohisomen. Risthiimen dia in Thee, let us not fail in our
Sou ton peristaseon. Si gar i i Sotiria, Purpose. Through Thee may we be
Omologo EN VAPTISMA is afesin I Confess ONE BAPTISM for the remission tou genous ton Hristianon. Delivered from adversities, for Thou
amartion. of sins. art the Salvation of Christians.
Prosdoko ANASTASIN nekron. I look for THE RESURRECTION of the PRAYERS
Kyrie Eleison (40) READER Lord, have Mercy (40)
✞ Doxa Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati, ✞ Glory to the Father, and to the Son,
Amin Amen ke nin ke ai ke is tous Eonas ton and to the Holy Spirit, now and
eonon. forever, and to the Ages of ages.
Amin Amen
Katakamptomenos pollo desmo sidiro, is I am bent down with so many iron
to mi ananefse tin kefalin mou - ke chains that I shake my head over my  Panagia Despina Theotoke, presveve  O All Holy Lady and Theotokos,
ouk esti mi anesis. sins – neither do I have any relief. iper imon ton amartolon. (3) Intercede for us sinners. (3)
Dioti parorgisa ton Thimon Sou, ke to For I have provoked Thine Anger and  Pase e Ouranie Dynamis ton Agion All you Heavenly Hosts of Holy
poniron enopion Sou epiisa - mi piisas done evil against Thy Will - I have set Angelon ke Arhangelon, presvevsate Angels and Archangels, Intercede for
to Thelima Sou, ke mi filaxas ta up abominations and multiple idols iper imon ton amartolon. (2) us sinners. (2)
prostagmata Sou. before Thee.  Agie Ioanni, Profita ke Prodrome, ke Saint John the Baptist, Prophet and
Ke nin, lino goni kardias, deomenos tis And now, I bow the knee of my heart, Vaptista tou Kyriou imon Iisou Forerunner of our Lord Jesus Christ,
para Sou Hristotitos. begging Thy Goodness from Thee. Hristou, presveve iper imon ton Intercede for us sinners. (2)
amartolon (2)
Imartika, Kyrie, imartika, ke tas I have sinned, O Lord, I have sinned, and
anomias mou ego ginosko. I know my lawlessness. Agii Endoxi Apostoli, Profite, ke pantes Holy, Glorious Apostles, Prophets,
Agii, presvesate iper imon ton Martyrs, and all Saints, Intercede for
All’ etoume deomenos: Anes mi, Kyrie, I beseech Thee: forgive me, O Lord –
amartolon. (2) us sinners. (2)
anes mi, ke mi sinaplesis me tes forgive me, and do not destroy me
anomies mou, mide is ton eona because of my lawlessness; neither Osii, Theofori Pateres imon, Pimenes, Devout, God-bearing Fathers,
minisas tirisis ta kaka mi, mide reserve evils for me, nor be wrathful ke Didaskali tis ikoumenis, Shepherds, and Teachers of the
katadikasis me en tis katotatis tis Gis, forever; nor condemn me to the presvevsate iper imon ton amartolon. whole world, Intercede for us
dioti Si i Theos - Theos ton lowest parts of the Earth, for Thou (2) sinners. (2)
metanoounton. art the Lord God – the God of those  (... O Agios tou Naou...) presveve iper  (...Parish Patron Saint), Intercede for
who Repent.
imon ton amartolon. (2) us sinners. (2)
Ke en emi dixis pasan tin Agathosinin And in me, Thou wilt show Thy I aittitos, ke akatalitos, ke Thia O Invincible and Indestructible and
Sou, oti anaxion onta, Sosis me kata Goodness, although I am unworthy,
Dynamis tou Timiou ke Zoopiou Divine Power of the Precious, Life-
to pli Eleos Sou. and wilt Save me according to Thy
Stavrou, mi egkatalipis imas tous giving Cross, do not abandon us
Great Mercy.
amartolous. (2) sinners (2)
Ke eneso Se dia pantos en tes imeres tis And I shall praise Thee continually all
O Theos, ilasthiti imin tis amartolis. O God, be Gracious to us sinners (3)
zois mou. the days of my life.
Oti Se imni pasa i Dynamis ton For all the Powers of Heaven Praise
Ke eleison imas. And have Mercy on us.
Ouranon, ke Sou estin i Doxa is tous Thee, and Thine is the Glory unto
eonas ton eonon. the Ages. Amin Amen
TRISAGION PRAYERS ✞Agios O Theos, Agios Ishiros, Agios ✞Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy
Athanatos, Eleison imas Immortal; have Mercy on us [3]
✞Agios O Theos, Agios Ishiros, Agios ✞Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy
Athanatos, Eleison imas Immortal; have Mercy on us [3] ✞ Doxa Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati. ✞Glory to the Father, and to the Son,
Ke nin ke Ai ke is tous eonas ton and to the Holy Spirit, Now and
✞ Doxa Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati. ✞Glory to the Father, and to the Son,
eonon. forever, and unto the ages of ages.
Ke nin ke Ai ke is tous eonas ton and to the Holy Spirit, Now and
eonon. forever, and unto the ages of ages. Amin Amen.
Amin Amen. ✞Panagia Trias Eleison imas. Kyrie, ✞ All Holy Trinity, have Mercy on us.
elas thiti tes amarties imon. Despota, Lord, Cleanse us from our sins.
✞Panagia Trias Eleison imas. Kyrie, ✞ All Holy Trinity, have Mercy on us.
singhorison tas anomias imin. Agie Master, Pardon our iniquities. Holy
elas thiti tes amarties imon. Despota, Lord, Cleanse us from our sins.
Ipiskepse, ke iase tas asthenias imon, God, Visit and Heal our infirmities
singhorison tas anomias imin. Agie Master, Pardon our iniquities. Holy
eneken tou Onomatos Sou. for Thy Name’s sake.
Ipiskepse, ke iase tas asthenias imon, God, Visit and Heal our infirmities
eneken tou Onomatos Sou. for Thy Name’s sake. Kyrie Eleison (3) Lord have mercy (3)
Kyrie Eleison (3) Lord have mercy (3) ✞ Doxa Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati. ✞Glory to the Father, and to the Son,
Ke nin ke Ai ke is tous eonas ton and to the Holy Spirit, Now and
✞ Doxa Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati. ✞Glory to the Father, and to the Son,
eonon. forever, and unto the ages of ages.
Ke nin ke Ai ke is tous eonas ton and to the Holy Spirit, Now and
eonon. forever, and unto the ages of ages. Amin Amen
Amin Amen

EVERYONE PRAYS QUIETLY IN UNISON ‘Afti apolounte, Si de diamenis, ke ‘They shall perish, and Thou shalt
pantes os Imation paleothisonte, ke remain, and all things shall grow old
Pater imon O en tis Ouranis, Agiasthito Our Father Who art in Heaven: osi perivoleon elizis aftous ke like a garment, and like a cloak Thou
to Onoma Sou, eltheto i Vasilia Sou, Hallowed be Thy Name. Thy allagisonte.Si de O aftos i, k eta eti shalt change them, and they shall be
genithito to Thelima Sou, os en Kingdom come. Thy Will be done on Sou ouk eklipsousin. changed; but Thou art the same, and
Ourano ke epi tis gis. Ton Arton earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this Thy Years shall not fail.
imon ton epiousion dos imin simeron. day our Daily Bread, and forgive us
Ke afes imin ta ofelimata imon, os ke our trespasses as we forgive those ‘I ii ton doulon Sou kataskinosousi, ke to ‘The Children of Thy Servants shall
imis afiement tis ofiletes imon. Ke who trespass against us. And lead sperma afton is ton eona dwell there, and their Seed shall be
mi isenengis imas is pirasmon, alla us not into temptation, but deliver katevthinthsete.’ led to prosperity forever.’
rise imas apo tou ponirou. us from the evil one. THE PRAYER OF MANASSES, KING OF JUDAH

✞ Oti Sou Estin i Vasilia ke i dinamis ke i PRIEST ✞ ForThine is the Kingdom, the Kyrie Pantokratos, O Theos ton Pateron O Lord Almighty, the God of our
doxa tou Patros, ke tou Iou, ke tou Power and the Glory, ✞ of the imon, tou Avraam, ke Issak, ke Iakov, Fathers - of Abraham, Isaac, and
Agiou Pnevmatos, nin ke ai ke is tous Father, and of the Son and of the ke tou Spermatos afton tou Dikeou, O Jacob - and their Righteous Seed;
eonas ton eonon. Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto piisas ton Ouranon ke tin Gin Sin Who made Heaven and Earth with all
the Ages of Ages. panti to kosmo afton; O pedisas tin their ornamentation; Who set the
Amin PEOPLE Amen thalassan to Logo tou prostagmatos, bounds of the sea by the Word of
Sou; O klisas tin Avisson, ke Thy Command; Who closed the
Sfragisamenos aftin to Fovero ke Abyss and Sealed it with Thy Fearful
 IF IT IS A FEAST DAY, THE TROPARIA OF THE FEAST IS CHANTED, IF Endoxo Onomati Sou; on panta frissi and Glorious Name; before Whom
NOT, DAY BY DAY, THE FOLLOWING (WHICH ARE ALSO ENTIRELY ke tremi apo prosopou tis Dinameos all things tremble and Fear because
CHANTED AFTER THE FIRST WEEK OF GREAT LENT) Sou, oti astrektos i Megaloprepia tis of Thy Power, for the Majesty of Thy
Doxis Sou, ke anipostatos i Orgi tis Glory is unbearable, and the Wrath
THE TROPARIA OF THE DAY – TONE 2 epi amartlis Apilis Sou, ametriton te of Thy Threats towards sinners
Fostison tous ofthalmous mou, Hriste O Illumine my eyes, O Christ my God, lest ke anexihniaston to Eleos tis cannot be withstood; yet Thy
Theos, mipote ipnoso is Thanaton, I sleep to Death; lest my enemy says: epangelias Sou. Merciful Promise is Immeasurable
mipote ipi O ehthros ou: ‘Ishisa pros ‘I prevailed over him!’ and Unsearchable.
afton!’ Si gar i Kryios Ipsistos, Evsplaghnos, Thou art the Lord Most High, and are
✞ Doxa Patri, ke Io, ke Agio Pnevmati ✞ Glory to the Father, and to the Son, Makrothimos, ke Polieleos, ke Tenderhearted, Patient, extremely
and to the Holy Spirit Metanoon epi kakias anthropon. Merciful, and Forgive the evils of
Antiliptor tis psihis mou, genou, O O God, be the Protector of my soul, for
Theos, oti meson diaveno pagidon I walk in the midst of many snares; Si, Kyrie, kata to plithos tis hristotitos Thou, O Lord, in the multitude of Thy
pollon, rise me ex afton, ke Soson me, Deliver me from them and Save me, Sou epingilo Metanian, ke afesin tis Goodness, Promised Repentance and
Agathe, os Filanthropos. O Gracious One, as a Good Friend of imartikosi Si, ke to plithi ton iktirmon Forgiveness to those who have
mankind. Sou orisas Metanian amartolis is sinned against Thee, and in Thine
Sotirian. Infinite Compassion, hast appointed
Ke nin ke Ai ke is tous eonas ton Now and ever, and to the Ages of Repentance for sinners that we may
eonon. ages. be Saved.
Amin. Amen Si oun, Kyrie, O Theos ton Dinameon, Thou, O Lord God Almighty, have not
THEOTOKION ouk ethou Metanian Dikeis - to appointed Repentance for the
Avraam, ke Isaak, ke Iakov - tis ouh Righteous – for Abraham, Isaac and
Oti ouk ehomen parrisian, dia tap olla Since we have no standing because of
imartikosi Si, all’ ethou Metanian ep’ Jacob – who have not sinned against
imon amartimata, Si ton ek Sou our many sins, urgently plead with
emi to amartolo, dioti imarton iper Thee, but Thou has appointed
gennithenta disopison, Theotoke Him Who was Born of Thee, O Virgin
arithmon psammou thalassis. Repentance for me, a sinner, beause
Parthen. Polla gar ishii deisis Mitros, Theotokos; for the pleadings of a
I have sinned more than the number
pros evmenian Despotou. Mi paridis Mother have much influence with the
of the grains of sand on the
amartolon ikesias i pansemnos, oti Favour of our Master. Do not
eleimon esti, ke sozin Dinamenos, O overlook the pleas of us sinners, O
ke pathin iper imon, sarki Most Venerable One, for He Who Eplithinan e anomie mou, Kyrie - Multiplied is my lawlessness, O Lord -
katadexamenos. condescended to Suffer for us in the eplithinan e anomie mou, ke ouk imi multiplied is my lawlessness - and I
Flesh, is Merciful and has the Power axios atenise, ke idin to Ipsos tou am not worthy to fix my eyes to
to Save us. Ouranou, apo tou plithous ton behold the Heights of Heaven
adikion mou. because of the multitude of my

domatos. become like a Sparrow, alone on a (OTHER TROPARIA – DAY BY DAY, WHEN APPLICABLE – OTHERWISE AS
housetop. FOLLOWS)

Olin tin imeran onidizon Me i ehthri My enemies reproached Me all day long, PRAYERS
Mou, ke i epenountes Me kat’ Emou and those who praised Me, swore
omnion, oti spodon osi arton efaon ke against Me, for I ate ashes like bread, Kyrie Eleison (40) Lord, have Mercy (40)
to poma Mou meta klavthmou and mixed My drink with Tears ✞ Doxa Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati, ✞ Glory to the Father, and to the Son,
ekirnon apo Prosopou tis Orgis Sou because of the Wrath of Thy ke nin ke ai ke is tous Eonas ton and to the Holy Spirit, now and
ke tou Thimou Sou, oti eparas Countenance and Thy Anger; for eonon. forever, and to the Ages of ages.
katerraxas me. Thou lifted Me up and broke Me
down. Amin Amen
E imere Mou osi skia eklithisan, kago osi My days were far spent like a shadow, ✞ Tin Timioteran ton Herouvim, ke ✞ Greater in Honour than the
hortos exiranthin. and I Am withered like grass. Endoxateran, asingritos ton Cherubim, and more Glorious
Seraphim, tin adiafthoros, Theon beyond compare than the Seraphim,
Si de, Kyrie, is ton eona menis, ke to But Thee, O Lord, remain forever, and Logon tekousan, tin onton Theotokon, Thou who without stain bore God
Mnimosinon Sou is genean ke Thy Remembrance is from Se Megalinomen. the Word and art Theotokos, we
genean. generation to generation. Magnify.
Si Anastas iktirisis tin Sion, oti keros tou When Thy Rise up, Thou shalt have En Onomati Kyriou Evlogison, Pater In the Name of the Lord, O Father, Bless
ikterise Aftin, oti iki keros. Compassion on Zion for it is time to
have Compassion on Her, since the ✞ Di’ evhon ton Agion Pateron imon, PRIEST: ✞ Through the Prayers of our Holy
time has come. Kyrie Iisou Hriste O Theos, Eleison ke Fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God,
Soson imas. have Mercy on us and Save us.
Oti evdokisan i douli Sou tous lithous For Thy servants took pleasure in Her
Aftis, ke ton houn Aftis iktirisousi. stones, and they shall have Amin PEOPLE: Amen
Compassion for Her dust. THE PRAYER OF ST BASIL THE GREAT
Ke fovithisonte ta Ethni to Onoma Sou, And the Gentiles shall Fear Thy Name, Kyrie, Kyrie, O risamenos imas apo Lord, Lord, Who has Delivered us from
Kyrie, ke pantes i Vasilis tis Gis tin Lord, and all the Kings of the Earth pantos velous petomenou imeras, every arrow that flies by day, Deliver
Doxan Sou, oti ikodomisi Kyrios tin Thy Glory; for the Lord shall build Rise imas ke apo pantos pragmatos us from anything that lurks about in
Sion ke ofthisete en ti Doxi Aftou. Zion, and He shall be seen in His en skoti diaporevomenou. Darkness.
Prosdexe Thisian esperinin, tas ton hiron Accept the lifting of our hands as an
Epevlepsen epi tin prosevhin ton tapinon He regarded the Prayer of the Humble, imon eparsis. Evening Sacrifice.
ke ouk exoudenose tin Deisin afton. and He did not despise their
Kataxioson de imas ke to nikterinon Make us worthy to traverse the time of
stadion amemptos dielthin, night blamelessly, untouched by evil,
Grafito afti is genean eteran, ke laos O Let this be written for another apirastous kakon, ke litrose imas apo and Redeem us from every
ktizomenos enesi ton Kyrion, oti generation, and the people who are pasis tarahis ke dilias, tis ek tou Disturbance and Fear caused by the
exekipsen ex Ipsous Agiou Aftou. created shall Praise the Lord, for He diavolou imin prosginomenis. devil.
looked down from the Height of His
Holy Place.
Harise tes psihes imon katanixin, ke tis Grant Contrition to our soul and
logismis imon merimnan tis en ti concern to our mind about the
Kyrios ex Ouranou epi tin Gin epevlepse The Lord looked upon the Earth from fovera ke Dikea Sou krisi exetaseos. Accounting at Thine Awesome and
tou akouse tou stenagmou ton Heaven, to hear the groaning of Just Judgement.
pepedimenon - tou lise tous iious ton those who are bound – to set free the
tethanatomenon, tou anangile en sons of the slain, to declare the
Kathiloson ek tou Fovou Sou tas sarkas Nail down our body with Thy Fear, and
Sion to Onoma Kyriou ke tin Enesin imon, ke nekroson ta meli imaon tae deaden our earthly members, so that
Lord’s Name in Zion, and His Praise
Aftou en Ierousalim, en to sinahthine pi tis Gis, ina ke en ti kath’ ipnon even in the quiet of our slumber we
in Jerusalem, when the peoples and
laous epi to afto ke Vasilis tou isihia emfedrinometha ti Theoria ton may be Enlightened by the
the Kingdoms are gathered together
doulevin to Kyrio. krimaton Sou. Contemplation of Thy Ordinances.
to serve the Lord.
Apekrithi afto en Odo Ishios Aftou: ‘Tin He replied to Him in the Way of
Apostison de af imon pasan fantasia Keep away from us every indecent
oligotita ton imeron Mou anangilon aprepi, ke epithimian vlaveran. fantasy and harmful desire.
Strength: ‘Declare to Me the fewness
mi; mi anagagis Me en imisi imeron of My Days; take Me not away in the Dianastison de imas en to kero tis Awaken us at the time of Prayer,
Mou; en genea geneon ta eti Sou. midst of My Days; Thy Years are prosevhis estirigmenous en ti Pisti, ke rooted in the Faith, and thriving in
throughout all generations. prokoptontas en tis Parangelmasi Thine Instructions;  through the
‘Kat’ arhas Si, Kyrie, tin Gin ‘In the beginning, O Lord, Thou founded Sou;  Evdokia ke Agathotiti tou Good Will and Goodness of Thine
ethemeliosas, ke Erga ton Hiron Sou Monogenous Sou Iiou, meth’ ou Only Begotten Son with Whom Thou
the Earth, and the Heavens are the
isin i Ourani. Evlogitos i, oun to Panagio, ke art Blessed, together with Thine All
Works of Thy Hands.

Agatho, ke Zoopio Sou Pnevmati, nin, Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, Mi aporripsis me apo tou Prosopou Sou, Do not cast me away from Thy
ke ai, ke is tous eonas ton eonon. both now and ever, and unto the
ke to Pnevma Sou to Agion mi Presence, and do not take Thy Holy
Ages of ages.
antanelis ap emou. Spirit from me.
Amin Amen Apodos mi tin Agalliasin tou Sotiriou Restore to me the Joy of Thy Salvation,
THE PROSTRATIONS Sou, ke Pnevmati Igemoniko Stirixon and Uphold me with Thy Guiding
me. Spirit.

✞Defte Proskinisomen ke prospesomen ✞O come let us Worship and bow down Didazo anomous tas Odous Sou, ke Teach transgressors Thy Ways, and the
asevis api Se apistrepsousi. ungodly shall turn back to Thee.
to Vasili imon Theo. to our King and God.
✞Defte Proskinisomen ke prospesomen ✞O come let us Worship and bow down Rise me ex ematon, O Theos - O Theos Deliver me from blood-guiltiness, O
tis Sotirias mou - Agalliasete i glossou God - the God of my Salvation - my
Hristo to Vasili imon Theo. to Christ, our King and God.
mou tin Dikeosinin Sou. tongue shall greatly Rejoice in Thy
✞Defte Proskinisomen ke prospesomen ✞O come let us Worship and bow down Righteousness.
Afto, Hristo to Vasili ke Theo imon. before Christ Himself, our King and Kyrie ta hili mou anixis, ke to stoma O Lord, Thou will open my lips, and
our God.
mou aanangeli tin Enesin Sou. my mouth will declare Thy Praise.
PSALM 50/51
THE PSALM OF REPENTANCE Oti i ithelisas thisian, edoxa an: For if Thou had desired Sacrifice, I
Olokaftomata ouk evdoxisis. would give it – Thou will not be
Eleison me, O Theos kata to Mega Eleos Have Mercy on me, O God, according to pleased with Whole Burnt Offerings.
Sou, ke kata to plithos ton iktrmon Thy Great Mercy. And according to
Sou exalipson to anomima mou. the abundance of Thy Compassion Thisia to Theo, pnevma sintetrimmenon A Sacrifice to God is a broken spirit -
blot out my transgression. - kardian sintetrimmenin ke a broken and humbled heart God
tetapinomenin, O Theos, ouk will not despise.
Epi plion plinon me apo tis anomias Wash me thoroughly from my exoudenosi.
mou, ke apo tis amartias mou lawlessness, and Cleanse me from
katharison me Oti tin anomie mou my sin. For I know my iniquity, and Agathinon, Kyrie, en ti Evdokia Sou tin Do Good, O Lord in Thy Good Pleasure
ego ginosko, ke i amartia mou my sin is always before me. Sion, ke ikodomithito ta tihi to Zion, and let the walls of
enopion mou esti diapantos. Ierousalim - tote Evdoisis Thisian Jerusalem be built – then Thou will
Dieosinis, Anaforan ke Olokaftomata be pleased with a Sacrifice of
Si mono imarton, ke to poniron enopion Against Thee only have I sinned, and - tote anisousin epi to Thisiastirion Righteousness, with Offerings, and
Sou epiisa. Opos an Dikeothis en tis done evil in Thy Sight: that Thou Sou moshous. Whole Burnt Offerings – then shall
Logis Sou, ke nikisis en to Krinesthe may be Justified in Thy Words, and they offer on Thine Altar young
Se. may overcome at Thy Judgement. bullocks.
Idou : gar en anomies sovelifthin, ke en For behold: I was conceived in PSALM 101/102
amarties ekissise me i mitir mou. transgressions; and in sins my THE SUPPLICATION OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST TO GOD THE FATHER
mother bore me. Kyrie, isakouson tis prosevhis Mou, ke i Hear My Prayer, O Lord, and let My cry
Idou: gar Alithian Igapisas. Ta adila ke Behold: Thou Love Truth.
Thou showed kravgi Mou pros Se eltheto. come to Thee.
ta krifia tis Sofias Sou edilosas mi. me the unknown and Secret Things Mi apostrepsis to Prosopon Sou ap’ Do not turn Thy Sight from Me.
of Thy Wisdom.
Pantiis me Issopo, ke katharisthisome - Thou shalt sprinkle me with Hyssop,
En i an imera thlivome, klinon pros Me In the day when I Am afflicted, incline
plinies me, ke iper hiona and I will be Cleansed - Thou shalt
to ous Sou. Thine Ear to Me.
levkanthisome. Wash me, and I will be whiter than
snow. En i an imera epikalesome Se, tahi In the day when I call upon Thee, hear
epakouson Mou, oti exelipon osi Me quickly, for My Days vanish like
Akoutiis mi Agalliasin ke Evfrosinin, Thou shalt make me hear Joy and
kapnos e imere Mou, ke ta Osta Mou smoke, and My Bones burn up like
Agaliasonte ostea tetapinomena. Gladness – my bones that were
osi frigion sinefrigisan. firewood.
humbled shalt greatly Rejoice.
Apostrepson to Prosopon Sou apo tin Turn Thy Sight away from my sins, and Epligin osi hortos ke exiranthi i Kardia I was cut down like grass and My Heart
Mou, oti epelathomin tou fagin tou became withered, for I forgot to eat
amartion mou, ke pasas tas anomias blot out all my transgressions.
Arton Mou. My Bread.
mou exalipson.
Kardian katharan ktison en emi, O A Clean Heart create in me, O God, and
Apo fonis tou stenagmou Mou, ekollithi Because of the sound of My groaning,
to Ostoun Mou ti Sarki Mou. My Bones cleaved to My Flesh.
Theos, ke pvevma evthes egkenison Renew a Right Spirit within me.
en tis egkatis mou. Omiothin Pelekani erimko, egenithin osi I have become like a Pelican in a desert;
Niktikorax en ikopedo; igripnisa ke I have become like an Owl in a
egenomin os Strouthion, monazon epi ruined house; I kept Watch, and have


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