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Ovbs 15

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Memory Verse:

1. Hebrews 11:1 Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the

evidence the concept of Faith as follows.
2. Hebrews 11:6 Without faith it is impossible to Please Him, for he
who comes to God must believe that He is, and that he is a
rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.

How do we experience the presence of God?

St.John, the Apostle give us answer to enable us to know that God lives
in us.

1. I John 4 : 12 - If we love one another God lives in us, and is

perfected in us.
2. I John 4 : 13 - If we have been given His spirit, By this we know
that we abide in Him and he is in us.
3. I John 4 : 15 - If we can confess Jesus is the son of God and they
abide in God.
4. I John 4 : 16 - If we abide in the love of God has for us. God is live
and those who abide in love abide in God, and God abides in

Is there only one God?

According to world religions say that,

Hindu religion 33 Crore Gods. Eg. Krishna, Brahma, Rama, Surya, Agni,
Saraswathi, Lakshmi etc.

Christians Christ ( I corithians 8: 5,6)

Islam Allah


Memory Verse:

1. Psalms 14:1 The fool has said in his heart, there is no God. They
are corrupt, they commit abominable acts; there is no one who
does good.

What are the popular world views concerning the existence of



Memory Verse:

1. I John 4: 20 Those who say, : I love God, and hate their brothers
or sisters, are liars; those who do not love a brother or sister
whom they have not seen.
2. St.Luke 17: 21 He answered them and said Indeed, the Kingdom
of God is within you

God in different religions

Fundamental messages of the three basic religions of

Hinduism: In Hinduism, Aum is a Hindu sacred sound that is

considered the greatest of all mantras. God first created sound and the
universe arose from it. As the most sacred sound, Om is the root of the
universe and everything that exists and it continues to hold everything
together. The syllable Aum(Om) is composed of the three sounds a-u-m
and the symbol's threefold nature is central to its meaning. This is
Oldest religion in the world. They believe that their present life is based
on actions in the previous life. Moksha( liberation) is their goal

Buddhism: Buddhists do not worship any Gods or God. Their aim is to

attain spiritual enlightment. They consider Gautama Buddha as a role
model. Buddha lived in the year 563BC to 483 BC. A royal prince of
Kapilavasthu in Bihar. Now Buddhism spreads Eastern countries like
China, Mangolia, Korea, Japan, Vietnam, Tibet and Sri Lanka.

Islam: Muslims believe that there is only one perfect God: Allah. Based
on Ones faithfulness to religious duties, a Muslim hopes to enter
paradise. Prophet Muhammad is the authority in which they primarily

Indian population percentage based on religion

World population pecentage based on religion

World Religions - symbols

Memory Verse:

1. St.Mathew 3:17 This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well


Canonical Lents of Malankara Orthodox Church

The Fast of Ninevites
This is one of the most strictly observed fasts in the Syrian Church
tradition. This fast lasts for three days beginning on the Monday, the third
week before the beginning of the Great Lent. It is observed for three days, it
is commonly known as Moonnunoimbu (three days fast) in the Malankara
Church. It is also known as the fast of Jonah since it commemorates the
conversion of Nineveh through the preaching of prophet Jonah.

The Great Fast

The importance of this fast is much evident from the name itself. The
Monday, the beginning of the Lent, there is a special service called the
service of reconciliation (Subukono) and the purpose of which is that the
faithful enter into the season of fast having reconciled with all. This means
that the fast is holy and being holy it would become proper only if it is
approached with preparation. The Church recommends the faithful to get
content with one meal a day and avoid all delicious food.

The Apostles Fast

The Apostles, following the example of Jesus Christ, fasted twice forty
days each, namely from the day of Pentecost and the days before the feast of
Epiphany (Denha). In the Malankara Church, this fast is reduced into 13 days
corresponding to the number of 12 apostles and St.Paul (June 16-29). This fast
is observed in order to become aware of the responsibility of the faithful in
the Church and missionary activities.

The Fast before the Migration of Virgin Mary the Mother of God
The migration of the blessed Virgin and it came to be called the feast of
Sunoyo (Migration) of the Mother of God. This fast starts from the first day of
August and ends with the Sunoyo feast on the fifteenth day. This is the time
for the faithful to prepare themselves for their death because the death of the
Mother of God is a desirable and exemplary death for all.
The Fast before the Nativity of our Lord or Twenty Five days
lent(Eldo Lent)
This Lent lasts for 25 days, from the first of December till the Christmas day,
and all the faithful are bound to observe it with great vigour.


Memory Verse:

1. I John 2:20 But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and
you know all things.

Ingredients and preparation of Holy Mooron (Holy Chrism)

Consecration of the Holy Chrism (Holy Mooron) The preparation of the Holy Chrism (Ho
them in the service. Now it is being held after a gap of ten years. Given below a list of M

The olive oil the main ingredient itself is prepared with much care and
attention, if not purchased. These days we buy the virgin olive oil. In olden
days the olive was prepared after special selection of the seeds and following
certain formalities with utmost attention. As soon as the olive oil is ready, the
ingredients like cinnamon (1/8 portion of the Olive oil), Nard (Jatamansi) (3/20
portion of the Olive oil), Nutmeg (1/20 portion of the olive oil), Saffron (1/20
portion of olive oil), Storax ( portion of the olive oil), Clove (1/20 portion of
the olive oil), Dry Ginger (1/20 portion of the olive oil), Black Pepper (1/20
portion of the olive oil) and Balsam Peru (Half portion of the olive oil) will be
taken in the exact proportions. Among these Nard (Jatamansi), Cinnamon,
Nutmeg, Clove, Dry Ginger and black Pepper are locally available and they
will be powdered nicely after the needy warming up. Jatamansi (Nard) is a
local medicine, which has a tail like thing as that of the squirrel, having the
same color of the squirrels tail. Olive oil of good quality, Storax, Saffron and
Balsam Peru are usually imported from the Middle East. Storax is a gum like
thing usually taken from a tree Styrax. It is in ivory color and is a semi loose
compound. When it is heated, we will get loose liquid. The Holy Mooron will
be prepared in big glass jars. The jars will be completely covered with coir
systematically to avoid breakage. The powder of the six local ingredients will
be put into the jars equally. And olive oil will be poured into the jars and the
powder will be mixed into the oil. The oil and the mixture in a jar will be up to
the 3/4th portion of the jar and portion of the jar will be left free for boiling
of the substance. The number of jars will be decided in accordance to the
quantity to be prepared. As soon as the powder and the oil are poured into
the jars, they will be kept in the hanging position on strong iron rods above
the big stainless/brass vessels. portion of the vessel will be filled with
water, while the jar will be immersed in the water in it. Then only the vessels
will be kept on the fire grate. Saffron will not get dissolved in olive oil so
easily. So usually saffron will be dissolved in pure water and the liquid will be
made highly concentrated. Balsam peru is clear and red in color. If a small
drop is taken on a needle and shown to burning light, it will produce extra
shining light. Pure Balsam will remain sink in the water and it will produce
bright light when shown to the burning light. On this basis the quality of the
Balsam is identified. As soon as the powder is mixed in the olive oil, the
concentrated saffron will also mixed in the proper proportion in the jars.
When the water in the stainless steel/brass vessel will be boiled, the jars will
be kept open. Whenever more quantity is to be produced, more number of
vessels, jars and proportionate quantity of the ingredients are to be arranged.
After boiling the water in the vessel for three hours continuously storax will
be added in the due proportion into the jars. Again the same water is to be
boiled for one more hour. After this process, the water in the vessel is to be
allowed to cool down. In due course of time the temperature of the jar will
also get down. When the jar will get cooled, it could be removed from the
vessel. Again the substance in the jar is to be stirred well with a metal rod.
The mixture of olive oil and the ingredients will be transferred to bid clean
vessels with wide openings. From there perfumed oil will be transferred to the
bottles meant for the consecration.

The perfumed oil has to be prepared at least two weeks before the
consecration. This is the usual practice and teaching of our Church Fathers.
Interpretation of the preparation of the Holy Chrism (Mooron) When the
ingredients are mixed together and processed as mentioned above and
finally Storax is added to it, we get the final mixture of the Holy oil. This
represents the manhood incarnated from the Virgin Mother of God. When
Balsam is added to it during the consecration process, it symbolizes the
Godliness of our Savior. When the both are mixed together, it becomes the
personality of our Lord in which manhood and Godhood were mixed together
as inseparable. When the prayers for the indwelling of the Holy Spirit would
be recited and prayed in awe feeling, it symbolizes the Holy Spirit indwelled
in the divine manhood of Lord Jesus. When the Holy oil is utilized for
anointing, Holy Spirit transfers the graces and blessings from the divine
manhood of the Savior to the one who is anointed. This is what is happening
during the Holy Baptism, Anointing of the Holy Mooron, Consecration of the
Church buildings, including the Altars and the Tablets. In such events
blessings ideal for each occasion will be granted. Above all the blessings of
the Holy Spirit, especially the co-existence of the Holy Spirit in us will be
granted in addition to the graces and fruits of the Holy Spirit. Long time back
Maundy Thursday was considered as the ideal day for the consecration of the
Holy Mooron.

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