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Service Book Orthodox Church

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The key takeaways are that this book aims to translate Orthodox church services into English for use by Russian churches in America. It discusses differences that have arisen between the Russian and Greek churches in practice, though not in doctrine.

The purpose of this service book is to translate Orthodox church services from Old Church Slavonic into English for use by the Russian Orthodox Church in America.

Some differences that have arisen between the Russian and Greek churches are in arrangement and practice, not in dogma, and are similar to differences between the Church of England and the Protestant Episcopal Church in America.







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ALL R I G a r S R E S X R V W

SOME explanation is necessary touching the aim and scope of 'this Service Book, and my methods in compiling it. I t has always been the policy of the Holy Orthodox-Catholic Apostolic Church of the East to have her services celebrated in the languages of the countries inhabited by her members. In accordance with this policy it is desired, eventually, to make English the language, in this country, of the Russian Church, which was the first to bring Christianity t o Alaska, and now has more parishes in all sections of the land than either of the other representatives of that Communion, -the Greek and Syro-Arabian branches. Moreover, the adoption of the English language i#he sole solution of many difficulties encountered by the priests of that church in administering to the spiritual wants of their flocks, who come from many countries, each of which has its own language or dialect, Great R u s sia, Little Russia, Galicia (in Eastern Austria), Hungary, Servia, Montenegro, Bulgaria, Rumania, Syria, Greece, and, possibly, other localities. English is the Pan-Slavonic language in America, as German is the Pan-Slavonic language on the Continent of Europe. The children are reared in our American public schools, as a rule, and it will be difficult to teach them their church services in the original tongue, under the prevailing conditions. An English version of the services is also desirable for the pupils in such parish schools as exist, where much attention is given to instruction in English. I have used the Old Church-Slavonic books of the Russian Church, rather than the original Greek, because my work has been done, primarily, for the use of the Russian Church in America Slight differences in arrangement and practice (not in dogma) have arisen between the Russian Church and the Greek Church, similar to those between the Church of England and the Protestant Episcopal Church in America I have carefully compared everything with the original Greek. My object has been to make a book which shall show, as precisely and clearly as possible, all the services in general use; and that in a manner which shall be practical, not only for the ecclesiastics who are familiar with them and their congregations, but also for students of Liturgies and for travellers in the various lands where the Orthodox Church exists, as well as visitors to the churches in America and in numerous capitals and cities of Europe. T o that end I have adopted a n arrangement of my own devising. The difficulty and intricacy of the undertaking have been very great, owing to this arrangement and t o other factors in the case. The treasure of services in the Orthodox*



Catholic Church is so vast and so rich that a complete version, within a reasonable, conveljknt compass, is utterly out of the question. Accordingly, I have selected those services which are generally used, and include, practically, all that are ordinarily required. For instance, I have omitted even the skeleton of such services as the Midnight Service (Polunhshichnitza), Little Vespers, the Blessing of a Ship (atlaunching), and many of a private nature, such as the Blessing of a Pectoral Cross, the Blessing when a Well is dug, and so forth. In the original the Litanies, Prayers, and certain of the Hymns in the unchanging framework of the Liturgies, Vespers, Compline, and Matins are printed consecutively. The movable portions and specially appointed Hymns are inserted according to the rubrics, at the proper points, from various other volumes. I have combined the fixed parts and have arranged them in such way as to show what takes place simultaneously within the Sanctuary and outside. I have also indicated the usual variations during pontifical Services, Feasts, Fasts, and so forth, selecting these and the most important representative Hymns for various occasions from the numerous volumes in which they are dispersed. For the sake of convenience, I have combined the Liturgies of St. John Chrysostom, St. Basil the Great, and the Pontifical Liturgy, thus avoiding repetition, but keeping them as distinct, otherwise, as in the original. I have been obliged to leave the service for Vespers almost in a skeleton state, as it appears in the original service books (instead of filling it out, as in the case of the other services), because of its very great flexibility, which causes immensely wide variations dependent upon the seasons - the proximity of Fasts, Feasts, and so forth. If in actual practice it shall prove desirable to have the more infrequent services (or others, which are abbreviated here) in fuller form, I shall endeavour to complete thzm, either in a new edition of the present work, should there be a demand for it, or in special volumes. In that case I shall hope to take advantage of all competent and unprejudiced criticism for the perfecting of a book which has long-been so near my heart; also of any new translation into the Old ChurchSlavonic, or revised edition of the Russian Service Books. In several cases I have preferred for this volume the older, rather than the more recent, editions. It has seemed practical and advisable t e retain the Slavonic nomenclature for the parts of the service, in addition to the corresponding English terms. Had I introduced the original Greek terms also, great confusion would have ensued. But the omission of the Greek is unimportant. Most of the Slavonic terms are sufficiently near those from which they were borrowed to make comprehension perfectly easy. In the exceptional cases there is no difficulty in determining the correspondence. Thus the book will be as useful for a comprehension of the Greek services as of those in the Slavonic countries.


There have been two or three previous translations, from the Greek or Slavonic, of portions of these services, by other persons than myself. But in practice they have proved unsatisfactory, either in language or arrangement or both, or because neither singly nor combined do they furnish the services in that completeness which is imperatively necessary. My aim has been to remedy these defects. A list of the service books which have entered into the composition of my volume will afford some idea of the difficulties of the problem. ( I ) The Sl~~ahPbnik, or Service Book, which contains most of the fixed portions of the Liturgies of St. John Chrysostom and St. Basil the Great, and of the Presanctified Gifts ; also the Litanies and Prayers of Vespers and Matins, together with the Graduals and Benedictions appropriate to all occasions. This is used by the Priest and the Choir. (2) 'The Tc~soslov, or Book of the Hours (Horologion), which contains, in addition to the Hours and the Typical Psalms, those fixed portions of Vespers, Compline, Matins, Midnight Service, and so forth, which are used by the singers and the readers; also a selection of Hymns for various occasions. (3) The Pontifical Service Book (Tchinovnfk), which contains the fixed portions of the Liturgies above mentioned, as celebrated by a Bishop ; together with all the Offices of Ordination, ecclesiastical promotion, the blessing of an antimins (corporal), and so forth. (4) The ORtdi&h,-orRook of the Eight Tones, which contains the Canons and certain of the Hymns used during Little and Great Vespers, Compline, Midnight Service, and Matins; the Hymn for the Day and the Collect-Hymn from the Canons being used also at the Liturgy on the following morning. There are eight complete sets for each service mentioned, for every day in the week, all during one week being sung in the same Tone. ( 5 ) T h e Monthly Mittha, in twelve volumes, which contain the order of services for all the fixed days in the year celebrating some special event in the history of the faith or the Church, or commemorating a Saint or Saints. All the Mindya contain the Prayers for Vespers and Matins, while some have special Prayers for the Hours, Liturgies, Compline, and the Midnight Service. (6) T h e volume known as the AnthoCbgz'on, or Prdaditch?raya Minkya (Festival MitzPya) contains the Services for the Twelve Great Feasts. (7) T h e Fasting Tri6dion (Pdsinaya Tn'6d) contains the variable portions of the services on the movable days which constitute the preparation for the Great Fast (Lent), and during the entire Great Fast. It is so called because the Canons have only Three Odes (or ThemeSongs), instead of the' customary nine- practically eight -which are in t h e Book of the Eight Tones (Oktdikh). (8) T h e Tavysttufya Tridd (Flowery Triddion), or Pentic~strf~on, contains the order of services during Easter-tide, beginning with Easter and ending with Pentecost, including the following day, Whitsun


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Monday, - which is the real Pentecost, or Day of the Spirit, Sunday being called Trinity Day. (9)The Apbsfol contains the Acts of the Apostles, the Epistles, and the Graduals, Introits and Anthems for the Feasts. For their guidance in the use of these complicated volumes the ecclesiastics have a volume entitled the Typikdn, Usirfv, or Rule, which provides regulations for all possible contingencies. (10) The Great Trdbnik, or Book of Needs, which contains all the Sacraments (except the Holy Communion and Ordination), - Baptism, Chrismation, Confession, Matrimony, Unction of the Sick; together with various other services, such as the Reception of Converts from various other Churches, the Tonsure of Monks, the Anointment of the Emperor at his Coronation, and so forth ; also private services, such as Prayers at the Birth of a Child. the several Funeral Services, the Consecration of a Church, the Blessing of a New Dwelling, and so forth. ( I I ) A Book of Te Deums and Prayer Services (MoliPbny) for different occasions. (12) The Irmoldgian, which contains the Theme-Songs of the Canons, and certain Services of Song in honour of Our Lord, the Birth-giver of God, St. Nicholas, and others. It will be seen that I have been confronted with the problem of rejection, as well as of judicious selection. I may add, that many things are done or said "by custom " which are not mentioned in the printed books. These I have included. I have used the King James version of the Bible for the Scripture lessons ; and the Psalter contained in the Book of Conlmon Prayer for the Psalms and Verses, with occasional exceptions, when the exigencies of the Slavonic version or adaptation to special cases or services required slight changes. My book has been revised by a very able and thoroughly competent priest, to whom I am greatly indebted for indispensable services in supplying me with the unrecorded points of the ritual (established by usage) referred to above, and for making sure that I have accurately expressed the dogmas of his Church, and have properly carried out the complicated arrangement entailed by my plan for rendering the services intelligible. I alone am personally responsible for everything : the suggestion that the book was needed, and the plan without which it would have been impossible; for the execution ; for occasional invented words, and for the language, in general and in particular, except in the case of the incomparable rendering of the Prayer of St. Chrysostom, which I have taken from the Episcopal Book of Common Prayer ; and of course the passages from the Bible, as above stated. His Grace, the Most Reverend Tikhon, Archbishop of North America and the Aleutian Islands, has, by his deep interest and practical aid, been of inestimable service, and I thank him most warmly.



His High Excellency, K. P. Pobyedonostzeff, formerly Procurator of the Holy Synod of Russia, has for years past shown sympathetic and practical interest in my work, which has encouraged me during serious difficulties, and has been profoundly appreciated. The Holy Synod of Russia has defrayed in part the cost of publishing this volume ; and his High Excellency Count Sergius I. Witte has contributed very liberally to this object. I am sincerely grateful to them. I wish, ako, to express my obligations to the late mitred Archpriest, Father Feodor Pavlovitch, of Tzirskoe Se16, for many books and much important information. Memory Eternal ! I t is fitting that I should commemorate last of all my book's first friend, -his Grace, the Most Reverend Archbishop Nicholas, formerly Bishop of Aleutia and Alaska, now appointed a member of the Council of the Empire, and of the Holy Synod. H e was the first person to whom I imparted my intention of making this gift of love to his Church, the first to see and to approve of my systematic arrangement and of the manuscript. He gave me a complete set of the valuable Slavonic Service Books above mentioned, and others, and has constantly used his power to the fullest extent to render possible this publication, affording me, meanwhile, the invaluable help of his fervent sympathy in my long and difficult task. To all these friends I now say, with sincerest gratitude, in the language of the Church which they love so well, Many Years ! It is my earnest hope that this/Service Book may not only be of some use to the Russian Church in North America, for the use of which, in public worship, it is designed, but that it may help the other Churches -especially those of the Anglican Communion, to one of which I am myself attached - to a right understanding of the Holy Orthodox- , Catholic Apostolic Church of the East.
NEW YORK, October, 1 9 0 6 . '

Annunciation. Special Service . . . Artos (Blessing). Breaking of the Ascension. Special Service . . . Assumption (Falling Asleep). Special Service Baptism : Prayers at the Reception of Catechumens Baptism Chrismation . Explanation (Appendix) . Blessing. of any object . . of Bread. Wine. and Oil (Litiyi) of Cheese and Eggs (Easter) . . of Fruit (Transfiguration) . of Grapes (Transfiguration) for a Journey (by land) . (bywater) . of Meat (Easter) . . of Palms (Palm Sunday) of the Waters (Grand. at Epiphany) (Lesser) . Burial of the Dead : Child . . . . AtEaster Laymen . Priests . . Explanation (Appen*) . Canons for the Eight Tones Chrismation : Ordinary of Converts . Explanation Christmas (see Nativity of Christ) Church. Consecration of a Founding (Laying Comer-stone) . Explanation (Appendix) .

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Churching of Women 269 Collect-Hymns in the Eight Tones 577 Communion. Prayers in preparation for 570 of Thanksgiving after . 123 Compline (Grand) . 147 Confession 287 Converts. Reception of 454 Chrismation of . 463 Jews. Mahometans. Heathen 467 Easter. Special Service . 226 Blessing ; Breaking ; of the Artos 240 Cheese and Eggs ; Meat . . 241 Burial at . . . 435 Table to find . . xix Eight Tones. Hymns and Canons in the . 577 Elevation of the Cross. Special Service . . . 167 Entrance into Temple of the Birth-giver of God, Special Service 171 204 Entrance of the Lord into Jerusalem (Palm Sunday). Special Service Epiphany. Special Service . . 182 Blessing of Waters at 189 xxi Epistles and Gospels. Matins and the Liturgy Requiem Services . xxii . . . Great Feasts . xxiii xxiv Saints in general . 264 Falling Asleep (Assumption). Special Service Fasts and Seasons xv Feasts and Fasts (Table) xiii 214 Friday. Great (Good). Special Service Hours First . . 38 . . . . Third . 43 Sixth . . 48 Ninth 53 * Explanation (Appendix) 596 House. Prayers at Founding of a ; Taking up abode in New 557 Hymns. for the Eight Tones . 577 Journey. Blessing for a 524 by Water . 529 Litiyi Liturgy of St John Chrysostom. St Basil the Great, Pontifical : 80 Catechumens (beginning of visible service) 64 Prefatory Note and Directions

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Office of Oblation Explanation (Appendix) Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts Explanation (Appendix) . Many Years (Long Life). Grand (for the Emperor) for the Holy Synod and others . Matins (Alone) in Vigil Service . . Explanation (Appendix) Matrimony : Betrothal Crowning (Marriage) . . . Removal of Crowns . SecondMarriage Explanation (Appendix) . . . . Meeting of the Lord (Purification of the Virgin), Special Service MoliCben (see Prayer Service) Naming of a Child Nativity of the Birthgiver of God. Special Senrice of Christ (Christmas). Special Services : Vigil and Liturgy . . . . Thanksgiving (Te Deum) New Year. Thanksgiving Service (Te Deum) Ordinations : Abbot Archdeacon or Proto-Deacon Archimandrite . . Archpriest Bishop. Election . Consecration 3 2 Explanation (Appendix) Deacon . Priest . Readers and Chanters Sub-Deacons . Explanations (Appendix) Palm Sunday. Special Service Panikhida (General Requiem) Panikhfdi (Requiem) Canon for Dead Warriors . Explanation (Appendix) .

. . . . . . . . . . 67 . . . . 597 . . . . 127 .


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Parting of the Soul from the Body 361 Pentecost (Whitsunday), Special Service . . 246 PetitionforRulers . 616 Prayer Service : at the Birth of a Child . . . . . 267 at the Naming of a Child, on the Eighth Day . 268 for Children beginning Instruction 519 General (MoliCben) . 559 . 269 for a Woman on the Fortieth Day after Childbirth Presentation in the Temple of the Birth-giver of God, Special Service 171 Psalms, Selections of, Table . . xx Purification of the Birth-giver of God, Special Service . 198 Requiem for the Dead (see Panikhidi). . . 220 Saturday, Great (Holy), Special Service . Symbolism of the Church . . xxvi Thanksgivings (Te Deums) : for an Answer to Prayer . 512 . . . Christmas . 541 Great Office (Anniversary of Emperor's Accession, Coronation) , 550 New Year 534 Thursday, Great (Holy), Special Service . . 208 Transfiguration, Special Service 2.59 Blessing of Fruit . 263 of Grapes . . 262 Typical Psalms .58 Explanation (Appendix) 597 Unction, Holy . 333 Explanation 607 Vespers, Great 1 Explanation (Appendix) 592 Vigil, All-Night . I Explanation . 592 Whitsunday (see Pentecost).

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(The Church Year begins on September 1-14) The Feasis are dividcd into severnl categories, consisting o f three prinn ~ a l g r a d e s which, , agai?~, are subdivided into Lesser and Greater. The TWELVE GREATFEASTS are classijied asfollows :

a. The Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ. December 25 (Jan. 7, N. S.). b. The ~anifestation of God (Epiphany). Jan. 6-19. c. T h e Meeting of the Lord Feb. 2-15. (The Purification of the Virgin.) d. +Palm Sunday. e. t T h e Ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ. f. ?Pentecost. (Trinity Sunday, and the Day of the Spirit.) g. T h e Transfiguration of our Lord Jesus Christ. Aug. 6-19. h. The Exaltation (Setting-up) of the Precious and Life-giving Cross. Sept. 14-27.
t Movable.



a. The Nativity of the Birth-giver of God. September 8 (21, N. S.). b. The Presentation in the Temple of the Birth-giver of God. Nov. z I (Dec. 4, N. S.). c. The Annunciation of the Birthgiver of God. March 25 (April 7, N. S.). d. The Falling-asleep (Assumption) of the Birth-giver of God. Aug. 15 (28, N. S.).


Jan. 1-14 The Circumcision of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the Feast of St. Basil the Great. Jan. 30 (Feb. 12, N. S.). The Feast of the Three Saints (Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian, and John Chrysostom). May 9-22. The Translation of the Relics of St. Nicholas, the Wonderworker, from Myra in Lycia to Bari in Italy, A. D. 1 0 9 6 . May I 1-24. The Feast of St. Cyril and St. Methodius, the Evangelizers of the Slavic races. J u n e 24 (July 7, N. S.). The Nativity of St. John the Forerunner. J u n e 29 (July 12, N. S.). The Feast of St. Peter and St. Paul.



July 15-27. The Feast of S t Vladimir, Equal-to-the-Apostles, the Evangelizer of Russia. Aug. 29 (Sept. I I, N. S.). The Beheading of St. John the Baptist. Sept. 26 (Oct. 9, N. S.). The Death of St. John the Divine. Oct. 1-14. The Protection of the most holy Birth-giver of God. Nov. 8-21. The Feast of St. Michael the Archangel, and of the other Bodiless Powers of Heaven. Dec. 6-19. The Feast of St. Nicholas the Wonderborker. In addition to the Feasts enumerated above, every day in the Church Calendar is a minor feast, dedicated to the memory of various Saints, Apostles, Martyrs, sacred events, and so forth.

In Russia the following w e r i a l Days are celebrated: The Birthdays of: The Emperor, the Empress, and the Heir. The Days of the Angel (Namedays) of: The Emperor, the Empress, and the Heir. T h e Anniversaries of: The Accession to the Throne, and the Coronation. The Dcsi&tations of the Chumh Movable Seasons are asfollows: The Sunday of : The Publican and Ten weeks the Pharisee ii The Prodigal Son Nine weeks Meat Fast Eight weeks Cheese Fast Seven weeks . Before Seven weeks Easter. T h e Great Fast (Lent) begins Orthodoxy Six weeks The Adoration of the Cross is Four weeks are Lazarus's Saturday, and One week Palm Sunday

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The Sunday of: St. Thomas The Myrrh-bearing Women T h e Impotent Man The Woman of Samaria The Blind Man Ascension Day The Holy Fathers of the Council of Niczea Trinity Day The Day of the Spirit (Pentecost) All Saints T h e Fast of St. Peter and St. Paul

One week Two weeks Three weeks Four weeks Five weeks (Thursday)

Six weeks (Seven weeks Eight weeks (Monday)

After Easter.



T H E F A S T S A N D SEASONS O F T H E CHURCH The Movable Feasts and two Fasts are regulated by the date upon which Easter falls. A t times this coincides with its date in the Western Church. See the table for Easter, page xvii THE GREATFAST(Lent) begins on Monday ; not, as in the Western Church, on Ash Wednesday. (There is no Ash Wednesday.) I t lasts for forty-eight days. As a chieftain, before the battle, encourages his warriors with wise and timely words, so the Church prepares us in advance for feats of fasting and penitence, and then bids us to the performance of those feats. This preparation begins on the Sunday preceding that which is known in the Western Church as Septuagesima Sunday, and is called "The Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee." Because pride, conceit of one's own righteousness, and scorn of his neighbour is the first and chiefest obstacle to repentance, the Church has appointed the condemnation of this sin as the theme of her hymps and readings on that day, taking the Gospel narrative of the Publican and the Pharisee as the key-note. In like manner, the next week of preparation (coinciding with S e p tuagesima Sunday) is called after the Prodigal Son, and the sinner is reminded that, when he scrupulously examines his evil deeds, he will perceive how deeply he has offended God. Hence he is encouraged to repentance and confession. The Prodigal Son is made the theme of the hymns and readings for the day. On the Saturday preceding the following Meat-fast Sunday a Requiem Liturgy is celebrated for all Orthodox believers departed this life, who are awaiting the Last Judgment. Therefore this Saturday is known as " Ancestors' Saturday." On tbe Sunday corresponding to Sexagesima Sunday begins the Meat-fast Week After this day no more meat may be eaten. The Second Coming of the Lord, founded upon the Lesson from the Gospel about the Last Judgment, is the special theme of this Sunday: in order that the sinner may not fall into carelessness concerning his salvation through too secure a trust in the ineffable loving-kindness of God, but may call to mind that the Lord God is also a righteous Judge. After the Sunday (corresponding to Quinquagesima) on which begins the Cheese Fast, no more cheese, eggs, butter, or milk may be eaten. T h e services of this Sunday aim to impress upon us that only by strict abstinence can we hope to recover that Paraclise which Adam lost through the lack of abstinence. Therefore Adam, fallen and banished, is the special theme of the Church. I t is customary on this day to ask and accord mutual forgiveness, and to effect mutual reconciliation. This custom is founded on the words of Jesus Christ in the Gospel lesson for t h e day : " For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father




will also forgive you." Hence it is generally called " Forgiveness Sunday." More reverences to the earth are appointed for the Great Fast (Lent) than for the services at other seasons, and the penitential character of the Offices is augmented. In the songs and prayers the moan of the contrite soul, bitterly bewailing its sins, is audible. The first week is the most severe of all as to restrictions upon food and drink : and the Offices have less of a triumphal and festival character than during the remaining weeks. Hence, during the Fast the full Liturgy is celebrated only on Saturday and on Sunday, while on the remaining days the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts is used. The strictest fasting is prescribed, although the Orthodox Church usually prescribes abstinence during all fasts, not only from meat, but also from cheese, eggs, milk, butter, and so forth. On the evenings of Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of the first week of the Great Fast, the Great Canon-the Penitential Canon -of St. Andrew of Crete is read. .The first Sunday in the Great Fast is known as "Orthodoxy Sunday," and thereon is celebrated the triumph of the Church over the Iconoclasts, and the reestablishment of reverence for Holy Pictures (Images- Ihbnr], in the year 842 ;as also the victory of the Church over f Orrhdoxy other heresies. In some Cathedral Churches the O f i e o is celebrated by the Bishop before the Divine Liturgy, or near the end thereof. In this Office athletes and champions of Orthodoxy are extolled, and Anathema is proclaimed upon their opponents. On the third Sunday, and during the week which follows, is celebrated the Adoration of the Holy Cross, which is brought forth from the Sanctuary for the refreshment and strengthening of the faithful. On the evening of Saturday in the Fifth Week is chanted the Canticle (Akdfst) of the most holy Birth-giver of God, in especial commemoration of her aid during two assaults from the Saracens upon Constantinople, in the years 673 and 716. On the Saturday before Palm Sunday the Church commemorates the resurrection of Lazarus, wherein the Lord Jesus showed forth His divine might to the people before His suffering and death ; thus assuring them of His own Resurrection, and of the universal Resurrection of all the dead. On the Eve of Lazarus's Saturday the Great Fast proper (called "the Forty Days ") comes to an end, and on the Monday next following the "Fast of Christ's Passions " begins, lasting until Easter.

On Monday after the Sunday of All Saints, which follows Pentecost, begins the Fast of St. Peter and St. Paul, ending on June 29 (July 12, N. S.). The length of this fast is regulated by the date of Easter and of Pentecost ; and therefore it varies from two weeks to five weeks and five days.



The Fast which precedes the Feast of the Falling-asleep of the Holy Birth-giver of God (called "The Assumption " in the Western Church), on August I 5-28, begins on August 1-14. The Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross (the Setting-up), that of the Beheading of St. John the Forerunner, and the Eve of the B a p tism of Christ (Epiphany), are reckoned as fasts. (See the Table, for the dates). The Fast preparatory to Christmas, corresponding to Advent, is called "The Christmas Fast," and begins on November I 5-28. In addition to these Chief Fasts and the Great Fast, all Wednesdays and Fridays are fastdays, except during what are known as the " compact weeks;" from Christmas to the Eve (Fast) of the Epiphany ; the Week between the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee and the Sunday of the Prodigal Son ; Meat-fast Week, when cheese, eggs, and milk are permitted ; the Bright Easter week ; and the week preceding the F&t of St. Peter and St. Paul. The joyous character of the Offices at the great Feast of Feasts, Easter, can be seen on page 226. The second Sunday after Easter Day is called St. Thomas's Week, or " Anti-Paskha," from the Gospel Lesson for the day; and commemorates the appearance of the Lord to His disciples after the Kesurrection, and the viewing of His wounds by Thomas. The third Sunday after Easter is called after the Myrrh-bearing Women, who witnessed the burial and resurrection of Christ. And with them are commemorated Joseph of Primathea and Nicodemus, Here, as on the Sunday which precedes and the Sundays which follow, the special title is derived from the Gospel Lesson for the day. On the fourth Sunday is commemorated the Impotent Man whom Christ healed at the Pool of Bethesda. T h e Lesson for the fifth Sunday, about the Woman of Samaria, shows Jesus Christ as One who knows the secrets of the heart, and as the true Messiah. T h e Sunday of the Blind Man (the sixth after Easter) commemorates the healing by Christ of the man who was born blind. Ascension Day falls on the following Thursday, and, as in the West. ern Church, is followed, ten days later, by the Feast of Pentecost. But what is called Whit-Sunday in the Western Church is Trinity Sunday in the Eastern Church, and the next day is The Day of the Holy Spirit (or Ghost), that is Pentecost. T h e seventh Sunday after Easter is the Day of the Holy Fathers of the Council of Nicza. T h e first Sunday after Pentecost is All Saints' Day.




There are eight Plain Chants, or Tones. During the Bright Easter week the Tone changes in regular order every day. On the second Sunday after Trinity Sunday (Pentecost), and during the week which follows, the First Tone is used, with its appointed Gradual (Prokimen), Canon, Hymns (Tropnrt), Verses (StikhPra o f the StiR/r6vnz], Hymns to the holy Birth-giver of God (Bogor6ditc/rni1or Dogmdtikz], CollectHymn ,(KondifR), and so forth. Thereafter the Tone changes on each successive Sunday, until all eight Tones have been used. On the tenth Sunday after Pentecost, the First Tone is used again; and so on, throughout the year.






2000, INCLUSIVE Easter Day, on which all the Movable Feasts and Holydays depend, is the first Sunday after the Full Moon which happens upon or next after the Twenty-first of March ; and if the Full Moon happen upon a Sunday, Easter Day is the Sunday after. This is the same rule which is used in the Western Church, but Easter Day does not always coincide in the Holy Catholic Church of the East with that Feast in the Western Church. The Eastern Church still observes the rule laid down by the Council of Nicza (A. D. 325), and now disregarded by the Western Church, that the Christian Easter shall never either precede or coincide with the Jewish Passover, but must always follow it. Easter cannot fall earlier than March 23, 0. S., or later than April 25, 0. S. T h e Eastern Church still uses the Julian Calendar, which, since March I , 1901, has been thirteen days behind the Gregorian Calendar. The years in which the Easter Feast falls on the same day in the Eastern and the Western Churches are indicated by a cross in the following Table. The Full Moon used for the purposes of the Easter reckoning is the Fourteenth Day of a Lunar Month reckoned according to the ancient Ecclesiastical computation, and not the real Astronomical Full Moon.





t 1906

1910 191I t1912 19'3 79'4 v915 t19r6 19'7 1918 1919 1920 1921 t 1922 '923 I924 1925

:g tI909

April 15 May 5 April 26



2 22

31 23 27 '9 4 23 I5 May 5 April 20


13 March29 April18

1926 I927 1928 tr gjo 1929 1931 1932 t1933 1934 1935 t1936 1937 1938 t1939 I940 1941 tI942 t r ~ 3
I 944

May 2 April 24 15 May 5 April 20


April 19
2 22

March 25 ' April14 6 March 22 April 10


31 I6 8 28


31 16 8 27 '9

7 March 29 April 18 3 March26 April I4 6

May 2 April 24 g 28

7 March30 April 18 3 March 26 April 15 March 30 April 19,



5 25 16 May 6

March 27 April 15 7 March 23 April 12 3 23






t1946 1947 1948 I949 t1950 1951 1952 t 1953 1954 I955 1956 tI957 1958



May 2 April 24 g 29


April 8 March 31 April 19


1961 1962


v963 1964

:g 969
1970 1971 I972 I973

5 25 17 May 6 April 21 13 May 3 April 17 g 29 I4 May 3 April 25 lo 30


March 27 April 16 7 March 23 April 12 4 23 8 March31 April 20 4 March 27 April16

I . 20 12

t19f4 I975 1976 t1977 1978 I979

April 14 Alay 3 April 25



I 20 12



26 I8 May 8 April 22 14 May April 19

1982 I983 t1984


March 28 April 17 9 March24 April 13 5 25


$2 t1987
1988 1989 trggo I991 Iggz I993 '994

I 20

13 26 I8 9 29

March 28 April 17 8 March31 April 13 5 27




30 15 7 26 18 31 23 44 27 I9 May I

6 March 28 April 17

March 25 April 13 5 18



March 29 April 17





Psalms j.-ix. IX.-xviii. xviii.-xxv. xxv.-xxxiii. xxxiii.-xxxviii. xxxviii.-xlvii. xlvii.-lvi.

8. Psalms 1vi.-lxv. kv.-lxxi. 10. lxxi.-lxxviii. I I. Lxviii.-lxxxvi. 12. bryvi.~xcii. XCII.-cII. 131 4 cii.-cvi.

r 5. Psalms cvi.? I 6. CX.-CXIX. 17. cxix. 18. CXX.-CXXXV. 1 9 curxv.-cxliv. 20. div.4.

The whole Psalter is read through every week. During seasons of more fervent devotion, as in the Great Fast, it is read through twice every week. On Feasts less is read. On Easter Day and during Easter Week none is read.




EASTER. Liturgy: Epistle : Acts i. 1-8. - -1 Vespers : John xx. 1 ~ 2 5 .

THE GOSPEL : (Saturday Evening.) For the First Week after Easter Matt. xxviii. 1 6 2 0 Second Mark xvi. 9-20 Third Luke xxiv. 1-1 2 Fourth John xx. 1-10



Fifth Sixth

John xx. I 1-18 John xxi. 1-14

Seventh John xx. 19-23. First Week of All Saints Matt. xxviii. 16-20 Second Third Fourth Fihh Sixth Seventh Eighth Ninth Tenth Eleventh Twelfth Thirteenth Fourteenth Fifteenth Sixteenth Seventeenth Eighteenth Nineteenth Twentieth Twenty-first Twenty-second Twenty-third Twenty-fourth Twenty-fifth Twenty-sixth Twenty-seventh Twenty-eighth Twenty-ninth Thirtieth Thirty-first Thirty-second Mark xvi. 1-8 Mark xvi. 9-20 Luke xxiv. 1-12 Luke xxiv. 12-35 Luke xxiv. 36-53 John xx. 1-10 John xx. I 1-18 ohn xxi. 1-14 ohn xxi. 15-25 Matt. xxviii. 16-20 Mark xvi. 1-8 Mark xvi. 9-20 Luke xxiv. 1-12 Luke xxiv. 12-35 Luke xxiv. 36-53 John xx. 1-10 John xx. I 1-18 John xx. 19-31 John xxi. 1-14 John xxi. 15-25 Matt. xxviii. 16-20 Mark xvi. 1-8 Mark xvi. 9-20 Luke xxiv. 1-12 Luke xxiv. 12-35 Luke xxiv. 36-53 John xx. 1-10 John xx. I 1-18 John xx. 19-31 John xxi. 1-14

John ix. 1-38 John xvii. 1-13 John vii. 37-52; viii. 12 Matt. x. 32-33; 3738; xix. 27-30 Matt. iv. 18-23 Rom. ii. 1-16 Kom. v. 1-10 Matt. vi. 22-33 Matt. viii. 5-13 Rorn. vi. 18-23 Matt. viii. s i x . I Rom x. 1-10 Rom. xii. 6-14 Matt. ix. 1-8 Kom. xiii. 1-7 Matt. ix. 27-35 Matt. xiv. 14-22 I Cor. i. 10-18 Matt. xiv. 22-34 I Cor. iii. 9-17 Matt. xviii. 14-23 I Cor. iv. 9-16 Matt. xviii. 23-35 I Cor. ix. 2-12 Matt. xix. 16-26 I Cor. xv. 1-11 Matt. xxi. 33-42 I Cor. xvi. 13-24 z Cor. i. 21-ii. 4 Matt. xxii. 1-14 Matt. xxii. 35-46 2 Cor. iv. 6-15 Matt. xxv. 14-30 2 Cor. vi. 1-10 2 Cor. vi. 16vii. I Matt. xv. 21-28 2 Cor. ix. 6-1 I Luke v. 1-1 I 2 Cor. xi. 31-xii. g Luke vi. 31-36 Luke vii. I 1-16 Gal. i. I 1-19 Gal. ii. 16-20 Luke viii. 5-1 5 Luke xvi. 19-31 Gal. vi. I 1-18 Luke viii. 26-39 Eph. ii. 4-10 Luke viii. 41-56 Eph. ii. 14-22 Luke x. 25-37 Eph. iv. 1-6 Luke xii. 16-21 Eph. v. 9-19 Eph. vi. 1-1 7 Luke xiii. 10-17 Luke xiv. 16-zq Col. i. 12-18 Luke xvii. 12-19 Col. iii. 4-1 I Luke xviii. 18-27 Col. iii. 12-16 Luke xviii. 35-43 I Tim. i. 12-17 I Tim. iv. 9-15 . Luke xix. 1-10

Acts v. 12-20 Acts vi. 1-7 Acts ix. 32-42 Acts xi. 19-26; 29-30. Acts XVl. 16-34 Acts xx. 16-18; 28-36 Acts ii. 1-1 I Heb. xi. 33-xii. 2


John xx. 19-31 Mark xv. 43-xvi. 8 John v. 1-15 John iv. 5-42




THE LITURGY EPISTLE Cial. vi. I 1-18 Gal. ii.

16-20 GOSPEL

Sunday before the tation of the Cross Sunday after the Exaltation of the Cross Sunday before Christmas Sunday after Christmas Sunday before Epi hany Sunday after ~ ~ l ~ f Week of Publican and Pharisee Week of Prodi Son Meat-fast Wee Cheese-fast Week

John iii. 13-17 Mark viii. 34-38 ; ix. 1 Matt. Matt. Mark Matt.


Grcaf F a t ( k t ) : First Week

Heb. xi. p r o , 1740 Gal. i. I 1-19 2 Tim. iv. 5-8 i a (The n ~ Gospels Eph. iv. 7-13 in the regular W e e k 1 S equenceoLleven 2 Tim. iii. 1-15 r Lessons - as I Cor. vi. 12-20 shown above - I Cor. viii. 8-ix. 2 be 'nning with Rom. xiii. r I-xiv. d'~aints.1 4 Heb. xi. 24-26,32xii. 2 Heb. i. 10; ii. 3; vii. 26-viii. 2 Heb. iv. 14-v. 6 Heb. vi. 13-20 Eph. v. 9-19 Heb. ix. I 1-14 Gal. iii. 23-29

i. 1-25
ii. 13-23 i. 1-8 iv. 12-17

Luke xviii. 1-14 Luke xv. I 1-32 Matt. xxv. 31-46 Matt. vi. 14-21 John i. 43-5

Second Week Third Week Fourth Week Fifth Week


Mark ii. 1-12 John x. 9-16 Mark viii. 34-ix. I Mark ix. 17-31 Matt. iv. 25-v. 12 Mark x. 32-45 Luke vii. 36-50

: MATINS LITURGY PASSION-WEEK Monday Matt. xxi. 18-43 Matt. xxiv. 3-15 Matt. xxiv. g&unri. 2 Matt. xxii. I 5-23 ; 39 Tuesday Wednesday John xii. 17-50 Matt xxvi. 6-16 For Thursday, Friday, i n d Saturday, see the Special Services for these days.



Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

EpistIrs Rom. d v . 6-g I Cor. xv. 39-57 2 Cor. v. 1-10 I Cor. xv. -28 I Cor. xv. 46-57 I Thess. iv. 13-17


John v. 17-24 John v. 24-30 John vi. 35-39 John vi. 40-44 John vi. 48-54 John v. 24-30



MOST HOLY MOTHEROF OUR LORD. Liturgy. Epistk. Phil. ii. 5-11. Gospel. Luke x. 38-42 ; xi. 27, 28. EXALTATION OF THE HOLY AND LIFEGIVINGCROSS. Matins. John xii. 28-36. Liturgy. E#istle. I Cor. i. 18-24. GoJPd. John xix. 5-1 I, 13-20, 25-28, 30-35. PRESENTATION OF THE VIRGIN. Matins. Luke i. 39-4~56. Liturgy. E#istle. Heb. ix. 1-7. Gospel. Luke x. 38-45 xi. 27-28.


Matins. Luke i. 39-49, 56.

CHRISTUS : THE NATMTY OF JESUS CHRIST. Liturgy. E#istIr. Gal. iv. 4-7. Gmpcl. Matt. ii. 1-12. EPIPHANY. Liturgy. Ejistlc. Titus ii. 11-14; iii. 4-7. Matins. Mark i. 9.1 I. Gospel. Matt. iii. 13-1 7. OF CHRISTIN THE TEMPLE(PURIFICATION OF THE VIRGIN). PRESENTATION Matins. Luke ii. 25-32. Liturgy. E#istk. Heb. vii. 7-17. Go@cl. Luke ii. 22-40.
Matina Matt. i. 18-25 Matins. Luke i. 39-49, 56. Liturgy. Epistle. Heb. ii. I 1-18.

Gospel. Luke i. 24-38.

Matins. Luke ix. 28-36.

THE TRANSFIGURATION Liturgy. Eflistk. 2 Peter i. 10-19 Gospel. Matt. xvii. 19.

Matins. Luke i. 39-49, 56.


FALLING-ASLEEP (ASSUMPTION) OF THE VIRGIN. Liturgy. Epistk. Phil. ii. 5-1 I. Gos#c~. Luke X. 38-42 ; x i . 27, 28.
1-1 1,

Matins. Matt. xxi.

LORDINTO JERUSALEM (PALMSUXDAY). Liturgy. E#istZe. Phil. iv. 4-9. 15-17. Gm#el. John xii. 1-18.
THE OF THE LORD. THE ASCENSION Liturgy. EPistle. Acts i. 1-12. Gospel. Luke xxiv. 3 6 j 3 .

Matins. Mark xvi. 9-20.

HOLY PENTECOST (TRINITYDAY, AND THE DAY OF THE SPIRIT). Matins. Trinity Day. John xx. Liturgy. E#istle. Acts ii. 1-1 I . 9-23. GosfleZ. Luke xvi. I 2-18 ; xvii. 1-4. Day of the Spirit. Epistle. Eph. v. 9-1 g. Gosfil. Matt. xviii. 10-20.




SERVICE OF THE MOST HOLYBIRTH-GIVER. Matins. Liturgy. Gospcl. Luke i. 39-4956. . Efiistle. Phil. ii. 5-1 I ;or Heb. ix. 1-7. Gospel. Luke x. 38-42; xi. 27, 28. SERVICE O F ALL THE HOLYBODILESS POWERS O F HEAVEN. Liturgy. Gospel. Luke x. 16-21 ; or Matt xiii. Epritk. Heb. ii. 2-10. 24-3093643. GENERAL SERVICEO F THE HOLY PROPHETS. EpistCc. I Cor. xiv. 20-25 ; or Heb. vi. Gospel. Matt. xxiii. 29-39 ; or Luke xi. 13-20; or James v. 10-20. 47-54. OF THE HOLYAPOSTLES. GENERAL SERVICE Gospel. Luke x. 1-15 ; or x, 16, 21. Epistle. I Cor. iv. 9-16. SERVICE OF A SAINTED PRELATE. Epistle. Heb. vii. 26viii. 2. Gospel. John x. 9-16. Matins. Gospel. John x. 19. Liturgy. Epistle. Heb. xiii. 17-21. Cosjcl. Matt. v. 14-19; or John x. 9-16.

SERVICE OF VENERABLE SAINTS, AND O F FOOLS FOR CHRIST'S SAKE.( I Cor. iv. 10.) Liturgy. Gospel. Matt. xi. 27-30 ; or Luke vi. Episflc. Gal. v. 22-vi. 2. 17-23. SERVICE OF A MARTYR Liturgy. Gospel. Luke xii. 2-12; or John xv. Epistle. z Tim. ii. 1-10. 17-xvi. 2. Liturgy. Gospel. Matt. x. 16-22 ; or Luke xxi. Epistle. Rom. viii. 28-39 ; or Heb. xi. 33-40. 12-19. Liturgy. Episflc. Heb. xiii. 7-16. Gospel. Luke xii. 32-40. GENERAL SERVICE OF MARTYRED PRIESTS. , Matins. Liturgy. Epistle. Heb. v. 4-10 ; m Phil. iii. 20-iv. 3. Gospel. Luke ~ i I. 7-23 ; m x. 22-24 ; Or XlV. 25-35. Liturgy. Gospel. Mark viii. 34-ix. r.


Tim. i. 8-18.



GENERAL SERVICE OF MARTYRED MONKS OR NUNS. Liturgy. Gospcl. Matt. x. 32-33, 37, 38; xix. Ejisfle. Rom. viii. 28-39. 27-30 ; or Luke xii. 8-12. GENERAL SERVICE OF HOLYWOMEN MARTYRS. Liturgy. Ejfitlc. 2 1-10; or Gal. iii. 23-29. Go@el. Matt. xv. 21-28; or Mark v. 24-34 Liturgy. Gospel. Matt. xxv. 1-13 ; or Luke vii. 36-50. Liturgy. Gos#el. Luke xii. 8-12. Liturgy. Gospel. Matt. x . I, 5-8.

E j i s t k . Gal. iii. 23-29.

EjistIc. Eph, vi. r e 1 7 .


Cor. xii. 27-xii. 8.


The Exterior. A Temple has sometimes a single dome, sometimes many domes. One dome serves as a symbol of the One Head of the Church, Jesus Christ. Three domes typify the three Persons of the Holy Trinity. Five are symbolical of our Lord Jesus Christ and the Four Evangelists. Each dome -and where there is no dome the apex of the Temple is crowned by a Cross, the emblem of victory. Belle. A Belfry is generally constructed in connection with the church, either in a separate tower or in one of the domes. The direct use of the belfry is to summon the faithful' to worship, although the rubric concerning the use of the different bells and their manner of chiming and pealing is very detailed and complicated. It is impossible to make it clear, in a foreign language, to those who are not personally acquainted with the beautiful Russian bells, which are treated in a peculiar way, wholly unknown in the Western Church. They are rung at certain points in the service, in order that the faithful who, for any reason, are not in church, may unite their prayers with those of the worshippers in the Temple at the most solemn moments. At Matins, for example, they are rung before the Gospel is read, while the lights are being kindled, and the choir is singing: Praise ye the Lord. At the Divine Liturgy one bell is rung while the Holy Gifts are being conse-

T h e Interior. The
e is usually built in rm of a ship (the salvation), or of a he emblem of salvation). The Temple is divided into four parts: I. The Sanctuary (Altar), beyond the Image-screen (IRonosl&). 2. The pro-


T h e s e explanations are derived chiefly from the valuable work of Archpriest Konstantfn Ni61sky : An Rid to irk Study of irk Orthodox Church. St. Petershrg, 1894.


longation of the Sanctuary platform outside the Imagsscreen, called t h e Soled, which consists of : (a) the Amvdn, or Tribune, which is the portion immediately in front of the Holy Door, in the centre of the Screen, and (b) the railed Klftvs,or places fqr the two choirs, on either side of the Amv6n. 3. The Body of the church. 4. The Porch (Pritn,dr). The Sanctuary must be built, except when that is impossible, at the eastern end of the church. The Altar (PhsZdl) represents the throne of God in heaven, and the

Lord God Almighty himself is present thereon. It also represents the tomb of Christ, since his Body is placed thereon. The first covering of the Altar, the white linen Sratchftza, represents the winding-sheet in which the body of our Lord was wrapped. The upper Altar-cloth ( I n d f h ) , of rich and brilliant material, represents the glory of God's throne. Both cloths cover the Altar to the ground. On the Altar is placed the Corporal (Antimfns), a silken (formerly a linen) cloth, having upon it the representation of the Deposition of Christ in the tomb and the four Evangelists. This is spread out only in the Divine Liturgy, a t the beginning of the Liturgy of the Faithful, and is folded up again as soon as that is finished. If any accident



should happen to the holy Altar, the Holy Oblation can be made upon the Corporal alone, in an unconsecrated building or suitable place. In this Corporal (Alotimfns),or Vice-Altar, are placed relics of the Saints. Other relics are placed under and in the Altar itself, in a specially prepared coffer; because the blood of the Martyrs, after that of Christ himself, serves as the foundation of the Church. And also because, in the early days of Christianity, the Holy Eucharist was celebrated in the Catacombs, on the tombs of the Martyrs. Under the Corporal, and upon the upper Altar-cloth is placed a square of fine linen or rich material called the Ilitdn, which symbolizes the swaddling-clothes wherein the Lord was wrapped after his birth ; and also the winding-sheet wherein his body was enveloped in the tomb, as the Altar repre sents the gravestone. Behind the Altar a seven-branched candelabra is usually placed (seven being the customary sacred number) ; and, sometimes a large Cross, for carrying in processions. The Book of the Holy Gospels, being the Word of God, is laid upon the Altar, to denote that God himself is mystically present thereon ; and the Cross stands on the Altar as upon the place where is celebrated the unbloody sacrifice offered up to God. A s the Altar represents the sepulchre of the Lord, an Ark ( K o v t c e ) is set thereon, being the Tabernacle in which are placed the Holy Gifts, the Body and Blood of Christ reserved for the sick, and (during the Great Fast Lent) for the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts. Upon the Altar is kept the Holy Chrism for Chrismation after Baptism. Tapers are placed upon the Altar to typify the light of Christ, which illumines the world; and, at Pontifical Services, the double and triple branched candlesticks (Dikfvi, T T r i R i r i ) representing, respectively, the dual nature of Christ (human and divine) and the Holy Table o f Oblation Trinity wherewith t h e



Bishop bestows his blessing on the people. It is strictly forbidden to place anything whatsoever on the Altar save the objects which are here enumerated. A sponge is usually placed beside the Corporal, for the more careful brushing off of the particles from the Paten into the Chalice. In some places a Canopy ( S y h ) is suspended over the Altar, to represent the heavens outspread above the earth, upon which was offered up the sacrifice for the sins of the world. Behind the Altar is the High Place (Gdmoye &#yPsio), an elevation upon which stands the Bishop's throne. At certain times during the service the Bishop sits thereon, representing the King of Glory. On either side of the " High Place" are seats for those who celebrate with the Bishop, and represent the Apostles and their successors. At either side of the " High Place," during Pontifical services, are placed the Sacramental Fans (RQidz], representing the six-winged Seraphim, with which the Holy Gifts are fanned SaV+men"' Fan to keep away insects. The Credence (Table of Oblation - ZhPrtvennik) is in the northern part of the Sanctuary, and on it-the Holy Gifts are p r e pared for consecration.




For their preparation and for communicating them the following sacred vessels and implements are used : The Paten (Dfskos), for the bread ; the Star-cover (Zvyesdffza), which supports the Veil above the Paten so that it may not touch the Holy Body; the Chalice (Pofir), for the wine ; the Spear (Kopyd), with which the particles are taken from the Altarbreads (Prosforf ), and represents . the spear with which the Saviour's side was pierced ; the sacramental Spoon (Lshitsa), with which the Holy Body and Blood are administered to the laity ; the Sponge (Gdbka)



with which the Chalice is wiped out at the .end of the Communion; three Veils (Pokrhy) ; two smaller, for covering the Paten and Chalice, and one which is called the Air (Vdsdukh), for covering both Paten and Chalice ; the Ladle (Kwsk), in which the holy tepid water and wine are offered (together with portions of the bread), to the communicants, after they have received the Holy Gifts ; two salvers for the Altar-breads. The Censer ( K d o ) , which, with the incense placed therein, is symbolical of the gifts offered by the Wise Men to the infant Christ, gold, frankincense, and myrrh, -is also necessary for most services. The southern side of the Sanctuary is usually appointed as the Repository (Dirikonnik) for the vestments, church books, and the vessels used in l.adle the divine service. The Sanctuary is separated from the choir-place and the body of the Temple by a solid Image-screen (Ikomstrfs), which corresponds to the chancel-rail in the Western Church. Three doors give access through it t o the different parts of the Sanctuary above mentioned. The central opening is called the Royal Gate ( TzdrsKtya Vrattf), because through it, at the Divine Liturgy, the King of Glory comes forth to feed his faithful people with his own Divine Body and Blood ; or the Holy Door (Svyatja Vraitf), because the Mystery of the Eucharist is celebrated in the Sanctuary, and through this door (or gate) the Holy Gifts are brought forth. Unordained men are not permitted to pass through it. No woman may enter the Sanctuary at any time. The opening and closing of the Holy Door, at different points of the various services, signify several things: sometimes the opening of the gates of Paradise ; sometimes the throwing open of the entrance into the Kingdom of Heaven. The Entrances and Exits through it of the clergy symbolize the progress to and from those places where the Saviour of the world abode ; since the priest, at different points, represents the Saviour himself or the Angel of God proclaiming the Resurrection of Christ ; while the Deacon represents the Angel of the -Q%/ Lord, or John the Baptist. 6 ? % S % The Curtain inside the Holy Door is drawn or withdrawn at appointed times during divine service. The Image-screen (Ikonosirfs) portrays those who dwell in heaven. In the Image-screen are the Holy Pictures (Images-Ikbni) of the Lord God magnified in the Trinity; of the most holy Birth-giver of our






gels, Prophets and Apostles, and other presentments of sacred events which ur salvation. The customary arrangement is as follows : On the right of the Holy e image of the Saviour, and next it (or next the south door, if that be next), the Image of the Temple, or of the Patron Saint of the Temple. On the left of the Holy Door is the Image of the holy Birth-giver of God. On the leaves of the Holy Door itself (which represents the Entrance into Heaven) is the Image of the Annunciation, that being the forefront of our salvation ; together with the Images of the Four Evangelists, who also, like the Archangel Gabriel, announced to the world the glad tidings of the Saviour. Over the Holy Door is the Image (IR6na) of the Last Supper; because in the Sanctuary is celebrated the Mystery of the Eucharist, reminding us that those who wish to follow Christ and obtain entrance to the kingdom of heaven must be accounted to partake of the Lord's Supper, he Holy Door, and offered to the uthern doors are depicted the mesAngels, sent to serve those who desire to ;or holy Deacons, the types of the Angels, those parts of the Sanctuary into which


A t each Klfros(Choir-place) stands a holy Banner (K.onigv) ; that is, a holy picture mounted upon a staff, typifying the victorious Banner of Christ's Church, which wages incessant warfare with the enemies of salvation. In large churches, in line with the Images of the Saviour and the holy Birth-giver of God in the Image-screen, are placed Images of the more especially revered Saints. Above them, in the second row, are the Images of the Feasts of our Lord, and of the holy Birth-giver of God. In the third row are the Images of those Saints who, on earth as in heaven, were deemed worthy to be nearest to the Saviour, namely : Over the Image of the Last Supper is placed the Image of Jesus Christ himself, in royal or episcopal robes, having on his right hand the holy Birth-giver of God,and on his left St. John the Baptist. This Image is called the D h i s (Prayer), the Holy Mother and St. John being turned toward the Saviour in supplication ; and on either side it has the Images of the Apostles. In the next row are placed the Images of the Old Testament Saints,



-the Prophets : and among them is placed the holy Birth-giver of

God with the Divine Child, who is from everlasting, and who was their hope, their consolation, and the subject of their prophecies. Images and the fittings of the Temple are used in accordance with the command of God : Exodus xxv. I 8-20; xxvi. I, 3 I .* The Body of the Church. T h e space extending from the Sanctuary platform (Soled) to the Porch (Pritv61) is appointed for the lay worshippers, who generally stand throughout the service, -- usually in two groups, -the men on the right and the women on the left. In this part of the church, during Pontifical services, in the centre there is placed a raised dais, called the Kdthedra. Here the Bishop is vested, and here, also, he performs a portion of the service; and sometimes, even, the entire service, praying like a father surrounded by his children.


In spacious churches, there is also placed, close to the Sanctuary platform, the Tomb for the Winding-sheet (Plashtschanitm); and a small table for Requiem services, with the Requiem-stand (Panzkhidrrik),t with places for tapers and a vessel for grain. The Vestibule (Pn'tv6r), or inner porch, was appointed, in early times, for the Catechumens, or learners, and for penitents. Here they listened to exhortations and instruction, and here they prayed. The rubric decrees that the Ofie for the Reception o f Converts shall be performed in this Vestibde. Several of the penitential Offices, also, are appointed to be said here, such as the Litiyrf (a litany of fervent supplication, with oft-repeated " Lord, have mercy" in response) at Vespers. Lights. Lights are always used during divine service, even though it be performed in full sunlight. This is done not onlyfor illumination, but also to show that the Lord, who dwells in light ineffable, illumines the world with spiritual radiance ; to denote that the hearts of faithful believers are warmed by a flame of love toward God and his Saints ; and, also, to show forth spiritual joy and the triumph of the Church. Wax and olive oil, as the purest of substances, and free from animal
Concerning the use and significance of these Holy Images (Ildni),see the O5ce for tbe Reception o f Converts. t See Appendix B, XII.



matter, are used for lighting before sacred things. Artificial light also is permitted, but only for illumination. The wax and oil are symbolical of the purity and sincerity of the gifts which provide them, made in the holy Name of God. The lights in the Temple are kindled in accordance with the songs and services. T h e more vivid the joy of the Church in the Lord, the more solemn the service, the more numerous are the lights. On Great Feasts all the lights are not kindled at the beginning of the service, but at the approach of the most solemn hymns and readings. The rubrics on these points are detailed and precise. More lights are used at the Divine Liturgy than at the other services, as a rule. Attitude. Only two attitudes are recognized as befitting the house of God : standing and kneeling. There are some moments of the service when sitting is proper. But usually it is tolerated only as a concession to physical weakness. On Sundays and Feast Days, with few exceptions, the rubric of the Church does not permit kneeling; that is, reverences to the earth. From holy Easter Day until Pentecost (Trinity Sunday) no kneeling is appointed. The joy of the worship pers at that season is held to outweigh even their sense of lowly penitence for sin, which prompts to kneeling. The Sign of the Croes is made with the thumb and the first two fingers of the right hand joined at the tips (the third and fourth fingers being closed on the palm), as a symbol of the Trinity, by touching the brow, the breast, the right shoulder and the left shoulder: in token that every power of mind, heart, soul and strength are dedicated to the service of God. It is made, accompanied by a simple inclination of the head and body, always at the occurrence in prayers and litanies of the words : "Let us attend," " Lord, have mercy," "Grant it, 0 Lord," "Come, and take up thine abode in us," " Let us pray to the Lord," and so forth. The sign of the Cross, accompanied by a reverence to the very earth, is made when the following words occur : " Let us worship and Pmitionof the fin of the right hanrin fall down ;" " Let us give thanks Position of the fin making the sign of unto the ~~~d ; or when the the cross of the right h a n E sing, " Meet and right is it to adore Bishojzand ~ r i d s i ~ , thee," "We praise thee, we bless thee ;" "Our Father, &, ,AEi"~ ," ,!";; who art in heaven ;" and when the holy Chalice is l e t t e r s ~XC,Jesus , Christ, brought forth, during the Divine Liturgy, with the words : " Always, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages ;" " In the fear of God and with faith draw near." A reverence, unaccompanied by the sign of the Cross, is made when



the Priest pronounces the words, Peace be with you all," 'I The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all," " The blessing of the Lord be upon you ;" or when he exclaims, " Bow your heads unto the Lord." Bishops and Priests, in bestowing the Benediction, hold the fingers in such a manner as to represent the Greek letters IC, XC- the first and last letters of Jesus Christ. Incensa The Holy Images (Ikbnr'),the Holy Things, and the people . who are present at the divine service, are honoured with incense. The censing before the Holy Door signifies the desire of the worshippers that their prayers shall be borne up to the throne of God, as the incense from the censer is wafted heavenward ; and that their petitions shall be well-pleasing to God like fragrant incense. The censing of the people is symbolical of the grace of the Holy Spirit, which is shed abroad everywhere, upon all men. The censer (Kadih)represents the Divine Ember, even Christ. For the special significance of the censing at different points of the services, see the Explanations provided in Appendix B.

Reader. A short Tunic (FcMn), which barely covers the shoulders, is put upon the Reader when he is set apart by the Bishop, and (at the present time) is rarely worn except upon that day. It symbolizes his c o m i n g under the yoke of the Priesthood, and his dedication to the service of God. His usual vestment is a Dalmatic (Stikhdr). Sub-Deacon and Deacon The Dalmatic (StiKMr) and the Stole (Ovdr). The D a l m a t i c , a long, straight v e s t men t with wide sleeves, which c o v e r s t h e whole person, is called "the robe of salvation and the garment of Stole (Odr) Dalmatic (SiiOMr) joy." I t is symbolical of a pure and tranquil conscience, a spotless life, and the spiritual joy in the Lord which flows therefrom, in him who wears it. The Stole is a long, wide band of material which is sometimes worn over the left



shoulder, sometimes crossed upon the breast and back, in the case of the Deacon. The Sub-Deacon wears his Stole always crossed, for convenience in the fulfilment of his duties. But the Deacon binds. his Stole about him in the form of a cross shortly before the Holy Gifts are consecrated, thus typifying the wings of the Angels who serve about the Altar, as the Deacons themselves typify the Cherubim and Seraphim. Sometimes the Angelic song, " Holy, Holy, Holy," is embroidered upon the Stole. The Stole is bound about the Sub-Deacon in the form of a ' cross at his Ordination, as a symbol that, through the meekness and continence of his members and the purity of his heart, he is to put upon him the robe of purity. The Deacon wears, also, the Gauntlets

Zone, or Girdle

(PWckz'), for convenience during the service, and to remind him that he must not put his trust in his own strength alone, but in the right hand of the Lord, the Almighty and merciful God, and in His strength and aid. Priests. ' The Priest's stikkdr, or cassock (PodrLsnik), has close sleeves. His Stole (Epitrakhfl) consists of a long piece of stuff like the Deacon's, but broader than the latter, which passes round his neck, is joined in front for its entire length, and falls low upon his cassock. It typifies the consecrating grace of the Priesthood. The Priest, like the Deacon, can celebrate no Office without his Stole. In it, without the Chasuble, he celebrates the less solemn Offices : Lesser Vespers, ordinary Compline, Lauds (PoZun6ichrzitza), the Hours (if the Gospel be not appointed to be read in them) ; also various Prayer-services in private dwellings, such as that at the birth of a child, and the like. The Zone (Pdyar) is sort of belt wherewith the Priest girds himself



above his cassock and stole, for convenience in serving the Altar. It is symbolical of the gift of strength, wherewith God aids him in his service, and exhorts him to blamelessness of life. His Gauntlets (Pdruicht) typify the bonds wherewith the hands of our Lord were bound. The Epigonition (Nabkdrelinik)is an oblong piece of brocade, which is suspended upon the hip of a priest, and signifies the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. I t is also explained as being symbolical of the towel wherewith the Saviour girded himself to wash the disciples' feet. The PdZiiaa is identical with the Epigoncftion, except that it is sus-



Biretta (Kamil&vRa)


pended by one comer instead of by two comers. It is always worn on the right hip. The Epigonition is worn on the right hip ; but if the Priest have also a Pdlitza, the Epigonkion is worn on the left hip. Both the Epigonition and the Pilitza are typical of profound zeal for the faith, and for the salvation of Christ's flock, and are conferred as rewards of honour. The distinguishing vestment of the Priest is the Chasuble (Feldn),a long, ample garment without sleeves, short in front and with an ,opening for the head, which is put on over the other vestments. Archpriests and Priests also receive, as tokens of distinguished service, the pointed and the upright Biretta- the skufyd and the kamiZdvka. A Biehop wears all the vestments of a Priest, save the Chasuble and Epigonition, his biretta being perpendicular, black, and draped with



the monastic veil or cowl. In place of the Chasuble a Bishop wears a Dalmatic, which closely resembles the widesleeved Dalmatic of the Deacon. This Dalmatic (SdRkos) is symbolical of Christ's coat without a seam, woven from top to bottom. The Bishop's Stole (Onofbr- Pall) is very broad, and hangs down in front and behind over his other vestments. His Pall t y p ifies the wandering sheep, and the Prelate, when arra ed in this vestment, bears the image o the Saviour Christ, who, as the Good Shepherd, took upon his shoulders the wandering sheep and bare it to those who wander not; that is, to the Angels, in his Father's house. The Mitre is typical of a diadem or crown, and serves as an emblem of the A, Dalmatic WkhoJ). B,Pall power bestowed upon a minister of the Church. (The Mitre is conferred also upon Archimandrites, or Abbots, and upon certain Archpriests.) The Panagfa, which is worn on his breast by a Bishop, is generally a . small, circular Holy Image, or viour and the Birth-giver of God. The Panagfa (or " all-holy ") reminds the Bishop that he must always bear in his heart our Lord and his holy Mother, the Intercessor with God ; , . . " /--+ and, to that end his heart must be pure, and his spirit Mitre upright. The Bishop's Mantle (Mdnfiyn)is a monastic vestment, which covers the whole person with the exception of the head Its freely flowing lines typify the wings of the Angels ; hence it is called "the Angelic vestment." The folds of the Mantle are symbolical of the all-embracing power of God ; and also of the strictness, piety and meekness of the monastic life; and that the hands and other P Irmge (PaIU1sidl members of a monk do not live, and are not fitted for worldly activity, but are all dead. All monks, when present at divine senrice, must be robed in their mantles.

i !


The peculiarity of a Bishop's mantle is that it is not black in hue, like ' the monastic mantle, but of purple, or some other colour; and upon it are sewn the so-called "Tables of the Jaw " (SRnkhdli), and, in particular, the 'I Fountains " (Isidtchnikz'). The Tables (squares of velvet at neck and foot) typify the Old and the New Testament, whence the miriisters of God should draw their doctrine The "Fountains " are ribbons, usually red and white in hue, sewn horizontally round the Mantle, and represent the streams of teaching which flow from the mouth of the Bishop. Small bells are attached to the Mantle of a Bishop, and to his Dalmatic, as to the upper robe of the High Priest of the Jews. The Crozier, or Pastoral Staff (Pdsokh), is given to Bishops and to Archimana is hop's Mantle drites, in token of their spiritual authority over the monasteries or cities which they rule; and as a sign that it behooves them to feed the flock of Christ. The Eagle (Orldtz)is a small circular rug, with the representation of a one-headed eagle soaring over a battlemented city. A Bishop stands on this rug during divine service, and to him alone is its use accorded. H e is led upon a large " Eagle " at his Consecration, as. the Office of Consecration sets forth. (See that Office.) The view of the city betokens the Prelate's rule over the city ; the Eagle denotes the loftiness and purity of his teaching. Thus the Eagle-rug spread for a Bishop to stand upon signifies that he, by his life croaer and doctrine, must resemble the eagle, which soars above all lower Eagle things, and aspires unto heaven.


T k H o b D m s arc opm. T k Pricsf stands btforc tk Altar wikk tk CC~LSCI,and fkc Deacon wifh fkc ta#er.

Deacon. Arise, Master, give the blessing. Priest. Glory to the Holy, Consubstantial, Life-giving and Undivided Trinity always, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. (2) Choir. Amen. P n b s t . '0 come, let us worship God our King. 0 come, let us worship and fall down before Christ, our King and our God. 0 come, let us worship and fall down before the Very Christ, our King and our God. 0 come, let us worship and fall down before him. (Three reverences.) From Eastter until Ascension Day, in place oA 0 come, let us worship, shall be
sung :

Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down Death by death, t m and upon those in the tomb bestowing life. Zkn shall be said or sung PSALM CN. ; and tk Prirsf, #rcccdrd by fk Deacon
PSALM CIV. Praise the Lord, 0 my soul. Blessed art thou, 0 Lord 0 Lord my God, thou art become exceeding glorious. Blessed art thou, 0 Lord. In wisdom hast thou made them all. Glory to thee, 0 Lord, who hast made them all.
Tkc Pricrt now fokctk his stand bcfoc t k Holy Door, with h a d uncovered, and rccifOF LIGHT, secretly. (4) eth frhc PRAYERS

beankg a C a p , shall cmsc fk whole fern#&, after whkh tk N d y D0w.i.r closed. (3)

0 Lord, bountiful and compassionate, long-suffering and plenteous in mercy, give ear unto o u r prayer, and attend to the voice of our supplication. Work upon us a sign for good. Lead us in thy way, that we may walk in thy truth. Thus much is generally used. Make glad our hearts, that we may fear But somctima the who& is thy holy Name. For thou art great and read or sung, as follow- doest wonders. Thou alone art God, ctk : and among all the gods there is none Praise the Lord, 0 my like unto thee, 0 Lord, mighty in soul : 0 Lord my God, mercy, gracious in strength, to aid and
For an explanation of the Symbolism indicated by reference-numerals in the text, see Appendix B, I.


thou art become exceeding glorious ; thou art clothed with majesty and honour. Thou deckest thyself with light as it were with a garment, and I spreadest out the heavens l k e a curtain. Who layeth the beams of his chamhers in the waters, and maketh the ,.louds his chariot, and walketh upon the wings of the wind. H~ maketh his angels spirits, and his ministers a flaming fire. H~ laid the foundations of the earth, that it never should move at any time. ~h~~ coveredst it with the deep like as a garment ; the waters stand in the hills. thy r e ~ u k ethey flee ; at the voice of thy thunder they are afraid. They go up as high as the hills, and down the beneath; even the place which hast for hast set them their which Pass, neither turn again to cover the He sendeth the into the rivers, which run the among the beasts the drink and the asses quench their thirst. Beside them the of the air have their hahitation, and sing among the branches. H e watereth the hills from above ; the earth is filled with the fruit of thy works. H e

to comfort and save all those who put their trust in thy holy Name. For unto thee are due all glory, honour and worship, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

0 Lord, rebuke us not in thy displeasure, neither chasten us in thy wrath : but deal with us according to thy mercy, 0 Physician and Healer of our souls. Guide us unto the haven of thy will. Enlighten the eyes of our hearts to the knowledge of thy truth, and vouchsafe that the residue of this day and our whole life may be peaceful and without sin ; through the intercessions of the holy Birth-giver of God, and of all the Saints. For thine is the majesty, and thine are the kingdom and the power and the glory, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and ages ages. Amenc.

0 Lord our God, remember us sinners and thine unprofitable servants when we call upon thy holy Name, and put us not to shame in our expectation of thy mercy : but grant us, 0 Lord, all our petitions which are unto salvation, and vouchsafe that we may love and fear thee with all our hearts, and do thy will in all things. For thou art a gracious God, and lovest mankind : and unto thee do we ascribe glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

0 thou who, with never-silent hymns and never-ceasing songs of praise to thy glory, art hymned by the holy Powers: Fill our mouths with thy praise, that we


bringeth forth grass for the cattle, and green herb for the service of men; That he may bring food out of the earth, and wine that maketh glad the heart of man: and oil to make him a cheerful coqntenance, and bread to strengthen man's heart. The trees of the Lord also are full of sap, even the cedars of Libanus which he hath planted ;. wherein the birds make their nests ; and the fir-trees are a dwelling for the stork The high hills are a refuge for the wild goats; and so are the stony rocks for the conies. H e appointed the moon for certain seasons, and the sun knoweth his going down. Thou makest darkness that it may be night; wherein all the beasts of the forests do move. The lions, roaring after their prey, do seek their meat from God. The sun arisethand theyget them away together, and lay them down in their dens. Man goeth forth to his work, and to his labour, until the evening. 0 Lord, how manifold are thy works ! in wisdom hast thou made them all ; the earth is full of thy riches. So is the great and wide sea also; wherein a r e creeping things innumerable, both small and great beasts. There go the ships, and there is that Leviathan,

may magnify thy holy Name And grant unto us part and inheritance with all those who fear thee in truth and keep thy commandment ; through the intercessions of the holy Birth-giver of God, and of all thy Saints. For unto thee are due all glory, honour and worship, to ,the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
E .

0 Lord, Lord, who upholdest all things in the all-pure hollow of thy hand;
who showest long-suffering upon us all, and repentest thee at our calamities : Remember thy bounties and thy mercy. Visit us with thy loving-kindness : and grant that, through the residue of thy day, by thy grace, we may avoid the divers subtle snares of the Evil One, and preserve our lives unassailed ; through the grace of thine all-holy Spirit. Through the mercy and love toward mankind of thine Only-begotten Son, with whom thou art blessed, together with thine all-holy, and good, and lifecreating Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
F .

0 God, great and wonderful, who with wisdom inscrutable and great riches of providence orderest all things, and bestowest upon us earthly good things ; who hast given us a pledge of the promised kingdom through the good things already bestowed upon us, and hast made us to shun all evil during that part of the day which is past : Grant that we may also fulfil the residue of this day without reproach before thy holy glory, and hymn thee, the only good one, our God, who lovest mankind. For thou art our God, and unto thee we ascribe glory, to the Father, and to


whom thou hast made to take his pastime therein. These all wait upon thee, that thou mayest give them meat in due season. When thou givest it them, they gather it ; and when thou openest thy hand, they are filled with good. When thou hidest thy face, they are troubled ; when thou takest away their breath, they die, and are turned again to their dust. When thou lettest thy breath go forth, they shall be made: the Lord shall rejoice in his works. The earth shall tremble at the look of him ; if he do but touch the hills, they shall smoke. I will sing unto the Lord as long as I live ; I will praise my God while I have my being. And so shall my words please him : my joy shall be in the Lord. As for sinners, they shall be consumed out of the earth, and the ungodly shall come to an end. Praise thou the Lord, 0 my soul. Praise the Lord.

the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

0 great and most high God, who alone hast immortality, and dwellest in light unapproachable ; who hast made all creation in wisdom ; who hast divided the light from the darkness, and hast a p pointed the sun to rule the day, the moon and stars also to rule the night ; who hast vouchsafed unto us sinners at this present hour also to come before thy presence with confession, and to offer unto thee our evening sacrifice of praise: Do thou thyself, who lovest mankind, direct our prayer as a censer before thee, and accept it for a savour of sweet incense ; and grant that we may pass this present evening and the coming night in peace. Endue us with the armour of light. Deliver us from the terror of the night, and from everything that walketh in darkness ; and grant that the sleep, which thou hast appointed for the repose of our weakness, may be free from every imagination of the Devil. Yea, 0 Master, Bestower of all good things, may we, being moved to compunction upon our beds, call to remembrance thy holy Name in the night season : that, enlightened by meditation on thy statutes, we may rise up in joyfulness of soul to glorify thy goodness, offering up pra ers and supplications unto thy tender ove * for our own sins and for those of all thy people : whom do thou visit in mercy, through the intercessions of the holy Birth-giver of God. For thou art a gracious God, and lovest mankind, and unto thee do we ascribe glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.



Zkm the Priest (or the Deacon, if there be one)shall come out through the North Door, and taking his stand in the usrralplacc, shall recite

THE GREAT LITANY ( YcIfRaya Ekttniya). In peace let us pray to the Lord. Choir. Lord, have mercy. For the peace that is from above, and for the salvation of our souls : I$ For the peace of the whole world ; for the welfare of God's holy Churches, and for the union of them all : I$ For this holy Temple, and for those who with faith, devoutness, and in the fear of God have entered therein: I$ For our Holy Synod (orPatriarch) ; for our Bishop (orArchbishop, or Metropolitan), N. ; for the honourable Presbytery, the Diaconate in Christ ; for all the clergy and the laity : I$
Here follow~efitions for the R u b r of the Landand for a(l the Authorities (Emperor, or King, and Reigning House, or President, according to the elements and natzonalifies of which the P a h h is constituted).


E 7
i ;


t ' S


That he will aid them and subdue under their feet every foe and adversary: I$ For this city, for this holy Temple, and for every city and land, S a and for those who with faith dwell therein: I$ For healthful seasons; for abundance of the fruits of the earth, < CD and for peaceful times : % For those who travel by sea or by land ; for the sick and the suf- E l fering ; for those who are in captivity, and for their salvation : I& That he will deliver us from all tribulation, wrath, peril and u necessity : I$ SUCCO US,U save ~ us, have mercy upon us, and keep us, 0 God, by thy grace : I$ Calling to remembrance our most holy, undefiled, most blessed and glorious Lady, the Birth-giver of God and ever-virgin Mary, with all the Saints, let us commend ourselves, and each other, and all our life unto Christ our God. Choir. To thee, 0 Lord.


Priest. For unto thee are due all glory, honour and worship, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. ( 5 ) Choir. Amen. T h shall be said or sung several verses from the First Selection of tke Psrrlms
(Stikhsldvie Kaflmz]. (6)

PSALMS I., 11. Blessed is the man that hath not walked in the counsel of the ungodly. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.


For the Lord knoweth the way of the righteous, and the way of the ungodly shall perish. Alleluia (Thrice.) Serve the Lord with fear, and.rejoice unto him with reverence. Alleluia (Thrice.) Blessed are all they that put their trust in him. Alleluia (Thrice.) (7) Arise, 0 Lord : Save me, 0 my God. Alleluia (Thrice.) Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia. Glory to thee, 0 Lord. ( T h k e . )
Then the Deacon saifh

THELITTLE LITANY ( M i a y a Ekihriya). Again, yet again, in peace let us pray to the Lord. Choir. Lord, have mercy. Succour us, save us, have mercy upon us, and keep us, 0 God, by thy grace. Choir. Lord, have mercy. Calling to remembrance our most holy, undefiled, most blessed and glorious Lady, the Birth-giver of God and ever-virgin Mary, with all the Saints, let us commend ourselves, and each other, and all our life unto Christ our God. Choir. To thee, 0 Lprd.

Priest. For thine is the majesty, and thine are the kingdom and the power and the glory, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Hol Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. d o i r . Amen. .
And here skaN be snng immediafeCy,Lord, I have cried unto thee, with its Verses as appointed. And in the mean time the Deacon censefh the Sanctu(SfikAi), ary and all the Temjle. Thr Pricst fiayefk, secretly. PSALMS CXLI., CXLII., CXXX.,

Lord, I have cried unto thee, hear me. Hear me, 0 Lord. Lord, I have cried unto thee, hear me: receive the voice of my prayer when I call upon thee. Hear me, 0 Lord. Let my prayer be set forth in thy sight as incense, and let the lifting up of my hands be an evening sacrifice.

In the evening, and in the morning, and at noonday we praise thee, we bless thee, we give thanks unto thee, and we pray unto thee, 0 Lord of all : Direct thou our prayer before 2 thee as incense, and incline not urhearts unto words or thoughts ' f wickedness ; but deliver us from all who seek after our souls. For unto thee, Lord, 0 Lord, 2% Canfx'ck(Stikhf'Y; see lift we up our eyes, and in thee dix A ) are then sung or read in &# y o p n Tone, a infed, #re- have we trusted. Put us not shame, 0 our God. ccdrd by V n ~ c(Stik s ).




(On the Lords Day and the For unto thee are due all glory, Great Feasts) : Bring my soul out honour and worship, to the Fa- b of prison, that I may give thanks ther, and to the Son, and to the unto thy Name. Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and a !. unto ages of ages. Amen. The righteous await me, until thou shalt requite me. (On F e a s t Days) : Out of the depths have I cried unto thee, 0 Lord : 0 Lord, hear my voice. 0 let thine ears consider well the voice of my complaint. (On Ordinary Days): If thou, Lord, wilt be extreme to mark what is done amiss, 0 Lord, who may abide it. For thy Name's sake I have patiently waited for thee, 0 Lord ; my soul hath waited patiently for thy word; my soul hath trusted in the Lord. (Or): My soul fleeth unto the Lord before the morning watch, I say, before the morning watch. For with the Lord there is mercy, and with him is plenteous redemption. And he shall redeem Israel from all his sins. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
T&r shall be sung tkc HYMN TO tkc #ro#er Tone.

BIRTHGIVEROF GOD(Dogmdtik) (8) in

TONE I.* (Example.) Let us sing the praises of Mary, Virgin, Door of heaven, Glory of all the world, sprung forth from man, who also bare the Lord ; the Song of the Bodi- n e n the Deacon, having censed the HoZy Pictures (ikdni),shall less Powers, and the Enriching of the say in a low voicc to the faithful. For she revealed herself as Priest : Heaven and the Temple of the Godhead. Bless, Master, the Holy EnShe destroyed the bulwarks of enmity, trance. and ushered in peace, and threw open the kingdom. Wherefore, in that we And tire Priest, blessin with tht the cross, s h 5 say : st+ possess this confirmation of our faith we have a defender, even the Lord who Blessed is the Entrance of was born of her. Be bold, therefore, be thy Holy Ones, now, and ever, bold, ye people of God, for he, the All- and unto ages of ages. Powerful, will vanquish your foes. Deacon. Amen.
And when the Dogmdtik is jinished the Deacon shall lzyt up the censer, as he
stanrlctir in the micide of the HoZy Door, and shall say alorrd:

Wisdom, 0 believers !
For the Dogmhtiki, see Appendix A.

Then shall b e sung the Hymn (Tro$rfr) com$osed by So$hronius, Patrrirrch of JemsaLem.

0 gladsome radiance of the holy glory of the Father immortal, heavenly, holy, blessed, Jesus Christ ! In that we now are come unto the setting of the sun, and behold the l i ~ h of t even, we hymn thee, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, God. For meet is it that at all times thou shouldest be magnified by voices propitious, 0 Son of God, who bestowest life. For which cause all the world doth glorify thee.
TAc Prissf and tAc Deacon cnfrr thc Sattctnary andgo to tAc High Place. Dearon. Let us attend. Wisdom! Priest. Peace be unto all.

On Sundiry Evening, Tone Y M . : Behold now, praise the Lord, all ye servants of the Lord. Verse (Stikh) : Ye that stand in the temple of the Lord, even in the courts of the house of our God.

Reader. And to thy spirit. Deacorz. Wisdom ! Let us attend. -The Gradual (Prokimen) of the . . Tone. (10)

On Monday Evening, 7'' ZV. :

When I call upon the Lord, he will hear me. Verne: Hear me when I call, 0 God of my righteousness.
On Tuesday Evming, Tone I. :

Thy mercy, 0 Lord, shall follow me all the.days of my life. Verse: The Lord is my shepherd, therefore can I lack nothing : he hath.led me in a green pasture. On Wcdncsday Evming, Tonc K : Save me, 0 God, for thy Name's sake, and judge me in thy strength. Verse: Hear my prayer, 0 God, and hearken unto the words of my mouth.
On Thursday Evcnkg, Tone VI.:

My help cometh even from the Lord, who hath made heaven and earth. Verse : I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.
On Friday Evming, Tone VII.:

Thou art my defence, 0 God, and thy goodness preventeth me. Verse: Deliver me from mine enemies, 0 God, and save me from them that rise up against me.
On Saturday Evening (the Lord's Day) :

The Lord is King, and hath put on glorious apparel. Vme: The Lord hath put on his apparel, and hath girded himself with strength


Verse: For he hath made the round world so sure that it shall not
be moved.

Verse: Holiness becometh thy house, 0 Lord, forever.

Here, on certain Feasts and ajjointed dhyJ only, are read fhe PARABLES (I I) (Paremif), the Dcacon having said beforE each Parablc: Wisdom ! Let us attend ! The Gradual being nishcd, the Deacon shufteth the Holy Dom, and goeth m t , thraugh fhNort Door, and saifh

THEAUGMENTED LITANY (SugrSbaya E k f h i y a ) .

Let us say, with all our soul and with all our mind let us say, Choir. Lord, have mercy. 0 Lord Almighty, the God of our fathers, we beseech thee, hearken and have mercy. Choir. Lord, have mercy. Have mercy upon us, 0 God, according to thy great mercy, we 0 5 beseech thee : hearken, and have mercy. I$
Hmfollowjetitionsfor the Ruler of thc Land and for all fhAuthori2ies (Emperor, oi King, and Reigning House, or Pres~denf according to t h elements and nafwnalifies of whuh fhPariSh is constitwtcd)..


Furthermore we pray for our Holy Synod (or Patriarch); for our Bishop (or Archbishop, or Metropolitan), N. ; and for all our d brethren in Christ. Furthermore we pray for all their Christ-loving Army and Navy. @ 3 Furthermore we pray for the blessed and ever-memorable founders of this holy Temple; and for all our devout fathers and brethren, Y Orthodox believers, departed this life before us, who here and in all the world lie asleep in the Lord. I$ 3 Furthermore we pray for mercy, life, peace, health, salvation, for- 3. giveness and remission of sins for the servants of God,our brethren 2 of this holy Temple. Furthermore we pray for those who bear fruit and do good works in this holy and all-honourable Temple ; for those who labour in its service ; for the singers; and for the people here present, who await i r m hope thy great and rich mercies. I$ in f


t '


Priest. For thou art a merciful God, who lovest mankind, and unto thee we ascribe glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen. Reader. Vouchsafe, 0 Lord, to keep us this night without sin. Blessed art thou, 0 Lord, the God of our fathers, and raised and glorified is thy name forever.. Amen. Let thy mercy be upon us, 0 Lord, even as we have set our hope on thee. Blessed art thou, 0 Lord; teach me thy statutes. Blessed



art thou, 0 Master; make me to understand thy commandments. Blessed art thou, 0 Holy One; enlighten me with thy precepts. Thy mercy, 0 Lord, endureth forever : 0 despise not the works of thy hands. To thee belongeth worship, to thee belongeth praise, to thee belongeth glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, unto ages of ages. Amen. Dencon. Let us complete our evening prayer unto the Lord. Choir. Lord, have mercy. Succour us, save us, be merciful unto us, and keep us, 0 God, by thy grace. Choir. Lord, have mercy. An evening all-perfect, holy, peaceful and sinless, let us beseech of the Lord : I& An Angel of Peace, the faithful guide and guardian both of % our souls and bodies : l$ 0" The pardon and remission of our sins and transgressions : I& ;3 $ All things which are profitable to our souls and bodies, and 3 , ~ . , o peace to the world : @ That we may pass the residue of our life in peace arld peni- b tence: I& . A Christian ending to our life, painless, blameless, peaceful ; and 3 a good defence before the dread Judgment Seat of Christ : I& p. Calling to remembrance our most holy, undefiled, most blessed and glorious Lady, the Birth-giver of God and ever-virgin Mary, with all the Saints, let us commend ourselves, and each other, and all our life unto Christ our God. C h i r . T o thee, 0 Lord.


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Priest. For thou art a gracious God, and lovest mankind, and unto thee we ascribe glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. C h i r . Amen. Priest. Peace be with you all. T A c Priest, secretly. Choir. And with thy spirit. 0 Lord our God, who didst Demon. Let us bow our heads bow the heavens and come down unto the Lord. for the salvation of mankind : Choir. To thee, '0 Lord. Look upon thy servants and thine inheritance ; for unto thee, the 3 awful Judge, who yet lovest mankind, have thy servants bowed their heads, and submissively inclined 9 their necks, awaiting not succour from men, but expecting thy mercy and looking confidently for thy salvation. Guard them at all times, both during this present evening and. in the approaching night, from every foe, from all adverse powers of the Devil, and from vain thoughts and from evil imaginations.



Aloud. Blessed and glorified be the majesty of thy kingdom, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Chir. Amen.
Then the StiRkhy na Stikhbvm (Sdected Verses) shall be sung, and :As Song of St. Simum folZowcfh :Lord, now lettest: (Sce#agc 13.)

THE LITIYA. ( 1 2 ) Bwf sometimes (es$ecially on the Eve o f a Great Feast) tkcrcfollowcth & Litiy6, that is, the Pcfirions of Frrumt Devotimr. W k m f k m is a Lited, thc Priest nnd Deacon, fieceakd by tajer karcrs, come together to the m d of the Tem$le 0##0n'ce the Sanctuary, while the Choir rj\ sanging fhe Canticles (SfikhtryLifiyiny)offhe Temple or of the Feusf. T h e n the Deacon saifh, aloud, &following Prayer:

0 God, save thy people, and bless thine heritage. Visit thy world with mercy and bounties; exalt the horn of Orthodox Christians, and send down upon us thy rich mercies. Through the prayers of our all-undefiled Lady, the Birth-giver of God and ever-virgin Mary: through the might of the precious and lifegiving Cross : through the protection of the honourable Bodiless Powers of heaven; of the honourable, glorious Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist, John ; of the holy, glorious and all-laudable 8 Apostles ; of our Holy Fathers, great Hierarchs and (Ecumenical $ Teachers, Basil the Great, Gregory the Divine and John Chry- , , . , sostom; of our Holy Father Nicholas, Archbishop of Myra in Lycia, the Wonderworker; of our Holy Fathers of All-Russia, r: Wonderworkers, Peter, Alexis, Jonah and Philip; of the holy, $' glorious, right-victorious Martyrs ; of our reverend and God- 2 2 bearing Fathers, the holy and righteous ancestors of God, g .\' Joachim and Anna ; of Saint N. (the Patron Saitrt o f the Tmjle); and of all thy Saints : We beseech thee, 0 all-merciful Lord, give p ear unto us sinners, who make our supplications unto thee, and have mercy upon us. I$ u P UerefolZow $eh'fimrs m tkc Rukr offhe L M d and m all the Aufhwitics (Emperor, or Ing, and Reignin House, or if resident, accmding $


to the elenurfs and nationalities oj w i d the Parish i r constifuteli).

Furthermore we pray for our Holy Synod (or Patriarch) ; for our Bishop (or Archbishop, or Metropolitan), N. ; for the honour- so gy able Presbytery, the Diaconate in Christ ; and for all our brethren g in Christ ; and for every Christian soul that is a i c t e d and weary, in need of God's mercies and succour ; for the protection of this $ holy Temple, and for those who dwell therein ; for the peace and -2 quietness of the whole world; for the welfare of God's holy : Churches ; for the salvation and assistance of our fathers and brethren who, with diligence and in the fear of God, do labour 3




and serve; for those who are absent and abroad; for the heal- 3 ing of those who lie in sickness; for the repose, refreshment, blessed memory and remission of sins of all our devout fathers * and brethren, Orthodox believers, departed this life before us, who here, and in all the world, lie asleep in the Lord; for the deliverance of captives ; and for our brethren who are taking part -2 in these ministrations; and for all who minister and have minis tered in this holy Temple, let us say : g*& Furthermore we pray that he will preserve this city andthis holy Temple, and every city and land from pestilence, famine, 2 earthquake, flood, fire, the sword, the invasion of enemies, and from civil war ; and that our good God, who loveth mankind, will be graciously favourable and easy to be entreated, and will turn 3 away from us all the wrath stirred up against us, and deliver us 2 ' 3 from all his righteous chastisement which impendeth against us, and have mercy upon us. B Furthermore we pray that the Lord God will hearken unto the voice of petition of us sinners, and show mercy upon us. C h i r . Lord, have mercy. (Thrice.) T h the Priest maketh lrntion, secretly, of w h s o m e r h t un'll, both of the


. .c'


living and of tkc h d .

Pricsi, aloud. Hear us, 0 God our Saviour, the hope of all the ends of the earth, and of those who are far off upon the sea ; and show mercy, show mercy, 0 Master, upon us sinners, and be merciful unto us. For thou art a merciful God and lovest mankind, and unto thee we ascribe glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen. P h i . Peace be with you all. Choir. And with thy spirit. Deacon. Let us bow our heads unto the Lord.
Z k a , ar all bow their kcads, tkc Prisst reaMteth tkc follmuing Prayer, so that all may hear :

0 most merciful Master, Lord Jesus Christ our God, through the prayers of our all-undefiled Lady, the Birth-giver of God and ever-virgin Mary (and thence as in the precedingprayer, page I I , ending with) : and of all thy Saints : Make our prayer acceptable ; grant us remission of our transgressions ; hide us under the shadow of thy wings ; drive far from us every foe and adversary; make our life peaceful, 0 Lord. Have mercy upon us and upon thy world; and save our souls: for thou art gracious and lovest mankind.
Here are sung the a #oinfed Canfirles (Stikhiry)in the #r@er Tone, or of /kc Feust; an so sinpirg we refnrn fo fke centre of the Tem#le, where in Spechl vessels the b r e d , wine, oil and wkcot are alreudy #r@ared



Choir. Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, e w according to thy word. For mine eyes have seen thy salva- V tion, which thou hast prepared before the face of all people. T o be a light to lighten the Gentiles, and to be the glory of thy people Israel. Reader. 0 Hol God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal One, have mercy upon us. ( ~ 7 z r L e . j Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. 0 all-holy Trinity, have mercy upon us. 0 Lord, wash away our sins. 0 Master,. pardon our transgressions. 0 Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for thy Name's sake. Lord, have mercy. (Thrice.) Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, As it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, As we forgivethose who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation ; But deliver us from the Evil One: Priest. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen,
TAm shall be sung the Hymn ( T r e d r )of the Feast.*

Hail, 0 Virgin Birth-giver of the Lord! Mary full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb. For thou hast borne the Saviour of our souls.
After the Dcacon h t h ccnsedabout t h tablc whcrcon stand the bread, euhcat, wine and oil. (12) the Pri'cst, taking one of the loavcs, shull m d e fhcrrzvith the sz@ o fhc cross ovcr the other loavcs, and shall Oil st say ahdthefollowing daYcrIPtina with Air ri At hand fo the R.* loaves, wheaf, wine, and oil, us c uttercfh the Do thou, the same Lord, bless :


0 Lorcl Jesus Christ our God, who didst bless the five loaves and didst therewith feed the five thousand : Do thou, the same Lord, bless these loaves, wheat, wine and oil ; and multiply them in this holy habitation, and in all thy world ; and sanctify all the faithful who shall partake of them. For it is thou, 0 Christ our God, who dost bless and sanctify and nourish all things; and unto thee we ascribe glory, with thy Father which bath no beginning, and thine all-holy, good, and lifecreating Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen. '
For Hymns of the Twelve G r e a t Feasts,see the Special Services.



And immediately after fk Amen :

V -

Choir. Blessed be the Name of the Lord, henceforth and forever. ( Thnce.)

Reader. I will alway give thanks unto the Lord ; his praise shall ever be in my mouth. My soul shall make her boast in the Lord ; the humble shall hear thereof, and be glad. 0 praise the Lord with me, and let us magnify his Name together. I sought the Lord, and he heard me; yea, he delivered me out of all my fear. They had an eye unto him, and were lightened, and their faces were not ashamed. Lo, the poor crieth, and the Lord heareth him ; yea, and saveth him out of all his troubles. The angel of the Lord tanieth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them. 0 taste, and see, how gracious the Lord is: blessed is the man that trusteth in him. 0 fear the Lord, ye that are his saints ; for they that fear him lack nothing. The lions do lack, and suffer hunger ; but they who seek the Lord shall want no manner of thing that is good.
And the Priest comcfkforfh, arid sfanriefkbefore t k Holy Door. A n d when the Psalm isjnished, he trrrnetk and saifh to the I'eople :

The blessing of the Lord, through his grace and loving-kindness, be upon you always, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen.
And at Easfcrtia2 :

Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down Death by death, and upon those in the tomb bestowing life.

And 1 7if be tkc VIGILOFFICE,and not VESPERSonly, fkc R c d r immediately of the MATINSofice. (Seepage 18.) beptancth t h SIXPSALMS But f i t be GREAT VESPERSalone :

Deacon. Wisdom. Chir. Bless, Master. Pricst. The Existing is blessed, even Christ our God, always, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen. Establish, 0 Lord, the Holy Orthodox Faith, and Orthodox Christians, unto ages of ages. Priest. Save us, 0 most pure Birth-giver of God. Choir. More honourable than the Cherubim, and beyond compare more glorious than the Seraphim, thou who without defilement barest God the Word, true Birth-giver of God, we magnify thee. P&t. Glory to thee, 0 Christ our God, our sure hope ; glory to thee. Chir. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Lord, have mercy. Bless, Master.



And fk Prirst, hrrning from the Holy Door towara5 t k $cojlc, #ronormceth : the BENEDICTION

May Christ, our true God, through the prayers of his most-holy f the day) ; and of all the Saints, have Mother ; of Saint N. (the saint o mercy upon us and save us, in that he is gracious and loveth mankind. T H E ORDER F O R MATINS*
Whcrr the ALLNIGHT VIGIL is celebrated consecutivc(y, as L :kc cneral cnstom, on the Eve o f the h # s n a y or # a east, all t h t fo~twet~ h, w n to Glory to God in the highest (see$a c 18), shull be omitted. When, Aou,cvcr, fro~nrec~ssify or or convenirme, k t i m are celebratedscparate~, the P&sf shull begin (the ofy Door is being closul):

Blessed is our God always, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Reader. Amen. 0 Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal One, have mercy upon us. (Thricc.) Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. 0 all-holy Trinity, have mercy upon us. 0 Lord, wash away our sins. 0 Master, pardon our transgressions. 0 Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for thy Name's sake. Lord, have mercy. ( Thrice.) Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, As it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive those who trespass against us, And lead us not into temptation ; But deliver us from the Evil One : Priest. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Reader. Lord, have mercy. (Twelve times.) Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. 0 come, let us worship God our King. 0 come let, us worship and fall down before Christ, our King and our God. 0 come, let us worship and fall down before the Very Christ, our King and our God. 0 come, let us worship and fall down before him.
Wkile the following Psalms arc beirrg read, the Pt-icst cmseth the Hol Altar, ( I ) arrd coming orth through fhe North Door, he c-eth tk HoJ Images and t k Ye@ c.


PSALM xx. The Lord hear thee in the day of trouble; the Name of the God of Jacob defend thee : send thee help from the sanctuary, and
For m explanation of the Symbolism, see Appendix B, IL




strengthen thee out of Sion : remember all thy offerings, and accept thy burnt-sacrifice: grant thee thy heart's desire, and fulfil all thy mind. We will rejoice in thy salvation, and triumph in the Name of the Lord our God: the Lord perform all thy petitions. Now know I that the Lord helpeth his Anointed, and will hear him from his holy heaven, even with the wholesome strength of his right hand. Some put their trust in chariots, and some in horses ; but we will remember the Name of the Lord our God. They are brought down and fallen ; but we are risen and stand upright. Save, Lord ; and hear us, 0 King of heaven, when we call upon thee.
XXI. PSALM The King shall rejoice in thy strength, 0 Lord; exceeding glad skall he be of thy salvation. Thou hast given him his heart's desire, and hast not denied him the request of his lips. For thou shalt prevent .him with the blessings of goodness, and shalt set 'a crown of pure gold upon his head. H e asked life of thee ; and thou gavest him a long life, even for ever and ever. His honour is great in thy salvation ; glory and great worship shalt thou lay upon him. For thou shalt give him everlasting felicity, and make him glad with the joy of thy countenance. And why ? because the King putteth his trust in the Lord ; and in the mercy of the Most Highest he shall not miscarry. All thine enemies shall feel thy hand ; thy right hand shall find out them that hate thee. Thou shalt make them like a fiery oven in time of thy wrath: the Lord shall destroy them in his displeasure, and the fire shall consume them. Their fruit shalt thou root out of the earth, and their seed from among the children of men. For they intended mischief against thee, and imagined such a device as they are not able to perform. Therefore shalt thou put them to flight, and the strings of thy bow shalt thou make ready against the face of them. Be thou exalted, Lord, in thine own strength ; so will we sing, and praise thy power. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. 0 Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal One, have mercy upon us. ( Thricr.) 0 all-holy Trinity, have mercy upon us. 0 Lord, wash away our sins. 0 Master, pardon our transgressions. 0 Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for thy Name's sake. Lord, have mercy. (Thrice.) Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, As it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into t e m p tation ; But deliver us from the Evil One :

MATINS Priest. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. A n d the follwuing Hymns ( T r e a d ):


0 Lord, save thy people, and bless thine inheritance, granting to the most God-fearing (Emperor, King, o r Pres,ident), N., victory over all adversaries, and by thy Cross preserving thine Estate. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Do thou who, of thine own good will, upon the Cross wast lifted up, bestow thy bounties upon the new State which is called by thy Name, 0 Christ, our God; make glad with thy might our most Godfearing (Emperor, King, or President), N., granting victory over his adversaries unto him who hath thine aid, which is a panoply of peace, a trophy invincible. Now. and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. HYMN TO THE BIRTH-GIVER OF GOD (Bogorbditchen). 0 Champion dread, who cannot be put to confusion, despise not our petitions. 0 Good One, all-lauded Birth-giver of our God, stablish thou the State of those who hold the Orthodox faith: save the (Emperor), N., whom thou hast called to ~ l over e us ; bestow upon him victory from heaven : for thou didst give birth unto God, 0 only-blessed One.
ZZen skall the Pricst say :

Have m'ercy upon us, 0 God, according to thy great mercy, we beseech thee : hearken, and have mercy. Chir. Lord, have mercy.
Hcrc follow #ctitims for the Ruler of the Land and or all the Authorities (Emperor, or King, and Reigning House, or Presi ent, according to the clcmmts and nationalilics of which the Parirh is constitufcd).

Choir. Lord, have mercy. (Thrice.) Furthermore we pray for our Holy Synod ( o r Patriarch) ; and for our Btshop ( mArchbishop, or Metropolitan), N. Choir. Lord, have mercy. (Thrice.) Furthermore we pray for all our brethren, and for all Christians. Ckoir. Lord, have mercy. (Thrice.)
Exclamation. Pt-iest. For thou art a merciful God, who lovest mankind, and unto thee we ascribe glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Ckoir. Amen. Bless, Father, in the name of the Lord. Priest. Glory to the Holy, Consubstantial, Life-giving and Undivided Trinity, always, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen.



When the ALLNIGHT VIGIL is celebrated in i& usualfbrm,all the jorcgoin shall be omitfed; and a f l r the Blessin (sce#agc 14) the Hofy Doors shall closed, and ihe Reaa2r shall immedialef$ say :

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. (Thrice.) 0 Lord, open thou my lips, and my mouth shall show forth thy praise. (Twice.) mstarChrist is risen from the dead, trampling down Death by death, and upon those in the tomb bestowing life. (Thrice.)
Z% R c d r t k n r e d t k the


PSALM 111. Lord, how are they increased that trouble me ! many are they that rise against me. Many one there be that say of my soul, There is no help for him in his God. But thou, 0 Lord, art my defender; thou art my worship, and the lifter up of my head. I did call upon the Lord with my voice, and he heard me out of his holy hill. I laid me down and slept, and rose up again ; for the Lord sustained me. I will not be afraid for ten thousands of the people, that have set themselves against me round about. Up, Lord, and help me, 0 my God ! For thou smitest all mine enemies upon the cheek-bone ; thou hast broken the teeth of the ungodly. Salvation belongeth unto the Lord ; and thy blessing is upon thy people. I will lay me down in peace and take my rest : for it is thou, Lord, only that maketh me dwell in safety. PSALM XXXVIII. Put me not to rebuke, 0 Lord, in thine anger ; neither chasten me in thy heavy displeasure. For thine arrows stick fast in me, and thy hand presseth me sore. There is no health in my flesh, because of thy displeasure ; neither is there any rest in my bones, by reason of my sin. For my wickednesses are gone over my head, and are like a sore burden, too heavy for me to bear. My wounds stink, and are corrupt, through my foolishness. I am brought into so great trouble and misery, that I go mourning all the day long. For my loins are filled with a sore disease, and there is no whole part in my body. I am feeble and sore smitten; I have roared for the very disquietness of my heart. Lord, thou knowest all my desire ; and my groaning is not hid from thee. My heart panteth, my strength hath failed me, and the sight of mine eyes is gone from me. My lovers and my neighbours did stand looking upon my trouble, and my kinsmen stood afar off. They also that sought after my life laid snares for me ; and they that went about to do me evil talked of wickedness, and imagined deceit all the day long. As for me, I was like a deaf man, and.heard not; and as one that is dumb, who



doth not open his mouth. I became even as a man that heareth not, and in whose mouth are no reproofs. For in thee, 0 Lord, have I put my trust ; thou shalt answer for me, 0 Lord my God. I have required that they, even mine enemies, should not triumph over me ; for when my foot slipt, they rejoiced greatly against me. And I truly am set in the plague, and my heaviness is ever in my sight. For I will confess my wickedness, and be sorry for my sin. But mine enemies live, and are mighty; and they that hate me wrongfully are many in number. They also that reward evil for good are against me ; because I follow the thing that good is. Forsake me not, 0 Lord my God ; be not thou far from me. Haste thee to help me, 0 Lord God of my salvation. PSALM LXIII. 0 God, thou art my God ; early will I seek thee. My soul thirsteth for thee ; my flesh also longeth after thee, in a barren and dry land where no water is. Thus have I looked for thee in holiness, that I might behold thy power and glory. For thy loving-kindness is better than the life itself: my lips shall praise thee. As long as I live will I magnify thee in this manner, and lift up my hands in thy Name. My soul shall be satisfied, even as it were with marrow and fatness, when my mouth praiseth thee with joyful lips. Have I not remembered thee in my bed, and thought upon thee when I was waking? Because thou hast been my helper ; therefore under the shadow of thy wings will I rejoice. My soul hangeth upon thee; thy right hand hath upholden me. These also that seek the hurt of my soul, they shall go under the earth. Let them fall upon the edge of the sword, that they may be a portion for foxes. But the King shall rejoice in God ; all they also that swear by him shall be commended ; for the mouth of them that speak lies shall be stopped. In the night watches have I trusted in thee: For thou hast been my helper, and under the shadow of thy wings will I rejoice. My soul cleaveth unto thee: and thy right hand shall uphold me. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia Glory to thee, 0 God. (Thrice, without reverences.) Lord, have mercy. ( Thn'cc.) Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.



The Priest now saifh, secret1 the MORNING PRAYERS ; tkfirst three in S.IY~*~V.

0 Lord God of my salvation, I have cried day and night before thee : 0 let my prayer enter into thy presence, incline thine ear unto my calling ; for my soul is full of trouble, and my life draweth nigh unto hell. Iamcountedas one of them that go down into the pit, and I have been even as a man that hath no strength. Free among the dead, like unto them that are wounded, and lie in the grave, who are out d remembrance, and are cut away from thy hand. Thou hast laid me in the lowest pit, in a place of darkness,and in the deep. Thine indignation lieth hard upon me, and thou hast vexed me with all thy storms. Thou bast put away mine acquaintance far from me, and made me to be abhorred of them. I am so fast in prison that I cannot get forth. My sight faileth for very trouble; Lord, I have calleddailyupon thee, I have stretchedforth my hands unto thee. Dost thou show wonders among the dead? or shall the dead rise

We give thanks unto thee, 0 Lord our God, who hast raised us up from our beds, and hast put into our mouths the word of praise, that we may adore and call upon thy holy Name. And we entreat thee, by thy mercies which thou hast exercised always in our life, send down now also thine aid upon those who stand before the presence of thy holy glory, and await the rich mercy which is from thee. And grant that they may always with fear and love worship thee, praise thee, hymn thee, and adore thine inexpressible goodness. For unto thee is due all honour, glory and worship, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
I I.

From the night season our soul awaketh 2 early unto thee, 0 our God ; for thy precepts 3 are a light upon the earth. Teach us to per- 9 fect righteousness and holiness in thy fear ; for we glorify thee, our God, who existest in verity. Incline thine ear and hear us; and call to remembrance by their names all those who are with us and pray with us ; and save them by thy might. Bless thy people and sanctify thine inheritance. Grant peace to thy world, to thy Churches, to the priests, to the AUTHORITIES, and to all thy people. For blessed and glorified is thine all-honourable and majestic Name, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen
1 1 1 .

In the night season our soul awaketh early unto thee, 0 God, for thy precepts are light. Teach us thy righteousness, thy commandGents and thy statutes, 0 God. Enlighten the eyes of our understanding, lest at an time we sleep unto death in sins. Dispel





up again, and praise thee? Shallthylovingkindness be showed in the grave? or thy faithfulness in destruction ? Shall thy wondrous works be known in the dark? and thy righteousness in the land where all things are forgotten ? Unto thee have I cried, 0 Lord ; and early shall my prayer come before thee. Lord, why abhorrest thou my soul, and hidest thou thy face from m e ? I am in misery, and like unto him that is at the point to die ; even from my youth up thy terrors have I suffered with a troubled mind. Thy wrathful d i s p l e a s u r e goeth over me, and the fear of thee hath undone me. They came round about me daily like water, and compassed me together on every side. My lovers and friends hast thou put away from me, and hid mine acquaintance out of my sight. 0 Lord God of my salvation I have cried day and night before thee: 0 let my prayer enter into thy presence, incline thine ear unto my calling.

darkness from our hearts. Graciously give unto us the Sun of Righteousness, and preserve our life unassailed, by the seal of thy Holy Spirit. Guide our steps into the way of peace. Grant us to behold the dawn and the day with joy, that we may raise our morning prayers unto thee. For thine is the dominion, and thine are the majesty and the power and the glory, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. The Priest now cometh forth, and standing with uncovered head before tke Holy Door, he saith the remaining Prayers.

0 Lord God, holy and unsearchable, who didst command the light to shine forth from the darkness ; who hast refreshed us by the slumber of the night, and hast raised us up to glorify and supplicate thy goodness, being implored of thine own tender loving-kindness : Accept us also now who bow down in adoration before thee, and render thanks unto thee according to the measure of our strength; and grant us all our petitions which are unto salvation. Make us children of the light, and of the day, and heirs of thine everlasting good things. Call to remembrance, 0 Lord, in the multitude of thy bounties, all thy people here present with us who make their supplications unto thee, and all our brethren on land, on the sea, and in every place of thy dominion, who are in need of thy loving-kindness and of thy succour, and vouchsafe unto them all thy great mercy, that being always preserved in safety of soul and body, we may with boldness magnify thy wondrous and blessed Name, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. For thou art the God of bounties and of loving-kindness, and unto thee we ascribe glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the



PSALM CIII. Praise the Lord, 0 my soul; and all that is within me, praise his holy Name. Praise the Lord, 0 my soul, and forget not all his benefits: who forgiveth all thy sin, and healeth all thine infirmities ; who saveth thy life from destruction, and crowneth thee with mercy and lovingkindness ; who satisfieth thy mouth with good things, making thee young and lusty as an eagle. T h e Lord executeth righteousness and judgment for all them that are oppressed with wrong. H e showed his ways unto Moses, his works unto the childrenof Israel. T h e Lord is full of compassion and mercy, long-suffering, and of great goodness. H e will not alway be chiding; neitherkeep eth he his anger forever. H e hath not dealt whh us after our sins ; nor rewarded us according to our wickednesses. For look how high the heaven is in comparison of the earth ; so great is his mercy also toward them that fear him. Look how

Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

v. 0 Treasury of good things, Fountain eternal, 0 Father all-holy who workest wonders,

all-powerful and almighty: W e all adore thee and entreat thee, calling thy mercies and thy compassion t o the aid and defence of our lowliness. Call to remembrance thy suppliants, 0 Lord ; accept the morning prayers of us all as incense before thee ; and let none of us be found reprobate, but encompass us with thy bounties. Call to remembrance, 0 Lord, those who watch and sing praises to thy glory, and t o the glory of thine Only-begotten Son who is our God, and of thy Holy Spirit. Be thou their helper and their s u p port. Receive thou their supplications upon thy most heavenly and spiritually discerning altar. For thou art our God, and unto thee we ascribe glory, t o the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

W e give thanks unto thee, 0 Lord God of our salvation ; for thou doest all things which are for the welfare of our life, that we may ever look upward unto thee, our Saviour and the Benefactor of our souls. For thou hast refreshed us in that part of the night which is past, and hast raised us up from our beds, and hast led us t o stand here in adoration of thy precious Name. Wherefore we entreat thee, 0 Lord, vouchsafe unto us grace and power, that we may be enabled with understanding to sing praises unto thee, and to pray without ceasing, in fear and trembling working out our own salvation, through the succour of thy Christ. Call to remembrance, 0 Lord, those who cry aloud unto thee in the night season ; hearken unto them and have mercy, and crush under their feet invisible and warring enemies. For thou art the King of Peace and the


. wide

also the east is from the west : so far hath he set our sins from us. Yea, like as a father pitieth his own children ; even so is the Lord merciful unto them that fear him. For h e knoweth whereof we are made; he remembereth that we are but dust. T h e days of man are but as grass ; for he flourisheth as a flower of the field. For as soon as the wind goeth over it, it is gone; and the place thereof shall know it no more. But the merciful goodness of the Lord endureth for ever and ever upon them that fear him ; and his righteousness upon children's children; even upon such as keep his covenant, and think upon his commandments t o do them. The Lord hath prepared his seat in heaven, and his kingdom mleth over all. 0 praise the Lord, ye angels of his, ye that excel in strength ; ye that fulfil his commandment and hearken unto the voice of his word, 0 praise t h e Lord, all ye his hosts ; y e servants of his that do his plea-

Saviour of our souls,and unto thee we ascribe glory, t o the Father, and to the Son, and t o the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

0 God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hast raised us up from our beds, and hast gathered us together a t this hour of prayer: Grant us grace in the opening of our lips, and accept our thanksgivings as we have power t o make them; and instruct us in thy statutes. For we know not how to pray as we ought unless thou, 0 Lord, by thy Holy Spirit, dost guide us: Wherefore we beseech thee : Pardon, remit, forgive whatsoever sins we may have committed unto this present hour, whether by word, or deed, or thought, whether voluntarily or involuntarily ; for if thou wilt be extreme to mark iniquity, 0 Lord, Lord, who shall stand ? For with thee is redemp tion. For thou only art holy, a mighty helper and t h e defender of our life; and our song shall be ever of thee. Blessed and glorified be the might of thy kingdom, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto I ages of ages. Amen.

0 Lord our God, who hast banished from us the sluggishness of sleep, and hast assembled us together by a holy bidding, that in the night-season also we may lift up our hands, and make unto thee thankful acknowledgment of thy righteous judgments : Accept our prayers, petitions, confessions of thanks and nocturnal worship; and grant unto us, 0 God,faith invincible,love unwavering, hope unfeigned. Bless our goings out and our comings in ; our deeds and works, and words and thoughts. And grant that we may come to the beginning of this day praising, singing and blessing the goodness of thine ineffable beneficence. For blessed is thine all-holy Name, and all-



sure. 0 speak good of the Lord, all ye works of his, in all places of his dominion: praise thou the Lord, 0 my SOUL In all places of his dominion, praise thou the Lord, 0 my soul.
PSALM CXLIII. Hear my prayer, 0 Lord, and consider my desire ; hearken unto me for thy truth and righteousness' sake. And enter not into judgment with thyservant; for in thy sight shall no man living be justified. For the enemy hath persecuted my soul ; he hath smitten my life down to the ground ; he hath laid me in the darkness, as the men that have been long dead. Therefore is my spirit vexed within me, and my heart within me is desolate. Yet do I remember the time past : I muse upon all thy works; yea, I exercise m self in the works o thy hands. I stretch forth my hands unto thee ; my soul gaspeth unto thee as a thirsty land. Hear me, 0 Lord. and that soon ; for my spirit waxeth faint : hide not thyface from

magnified is the kingdom of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Illumine our hearts, 0 Sovereign Master. who lovest man, with the pure light of thy wisdom, and open the eyes of our understanding to the comprehension of the proclamation of thy Gospel. Implant in us, also, the fear of thy blessed commandments; that trampling down all carnal appetites, we may lead a godly life, both thinking and doing always such things as are well pleasing in thy sight. For thou art the sanctification and the illumination both of our souls and bodies, 0 Christ our God, and unto thee we ascribe glory, together with thy Father, who hath no beginning, and thine all-holy and blessed and life-giving Spirit, now, and ever, andunto ages of ages. Amen.
X .


0 Lord our God, who hast granted unto men pardon through repentance, and hast set us, as an example of the acknowledgment of sin and of the confession which is unto forgiveness, the repentance of the Prophet David : Do thou, the same Lord, have mercy upon us according to thy great mercy, notwithstanding the manifold and great iniquities into which we have fallen ; and through the multitude of thy bounties, blot out our transgressions. For unto thee have we sinned, 0 Lord, who knowest the secret and hidden things of the heart of man, and who alone hast power to remit sins ; and as thou hast created a clean heart within us, and established us with thy guiding Spirit, and made known unto us the joy of salvation, cast thou us not away from thy presence. But inasmuch as thou art good and lovest man, graciously vouchsafe unto us that even until our uttermost breath, we may offer unto thee the sacrifice of righteousness, and an offering upon thy holy altars.


me, lest I be like unto them that go down into the pit. 0 let me hear thy loving-kindness betimes in the morning ; for in thee ismytrust: show thou me the way that I should walk in ; for I lift up my soul unto thee. Deliver me, 0 Lord, from mine enemies; for I flee unto thee to hide me. Teach me to do the thing that pleaseth thee ; for thou art my God : let thy loving Spirit lead me forth into the land of righteousness. Quicken me, 0 Lord, for thy Name's sake : and for thy righteousness' sake bring my soul out of trouble. And of thy goodness slay mine enemies, and destroyall them that vex my soul ; for I am thy servant. Hearken unto me in thy righteousness, 0 Lord,and enter not into judgment with thy servant (twice). Thy gracious spirit shall direct my paths upon earth. Glory to the Father, and t o the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Through the mercies and bounties and love toward mankind of thine Only-begotten Son, with whom thou art blessed, together with thine all-holy, and good, and life-giving Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

0 God, our God, who hast brought into

subjection to thy will all the powers endowed with speech and reason, we beseech thee and supplicate thee : Accept our praises, which together with all thy creatures we offer according to our strength ; and reward us with the rich gifts of thy goodness. For unto thee every knee doth bow, whether in heaven or on the earth, or in the regions under the earth, and every breath and created being doth sing thine ineffable glory. For thou only art the true and most merciful God. For all the powers of heaven maghify thee, and unto thee we ascribe glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

W e praise thee, we hymn thee, we bless thee, we give thanks unto thee, 0 God of our fathers, that thou hast brought us in safety through the shades of night, and hast shown unto us once again th'e light of day. And we entreat of thy goodness : Be gracious unto our sins, and accept our prayer in thy great tenderness of heart. For we flee unto thee, the merciful and almighty God. Shine in our hearts with the true Sun of thy Righteousness ; enlighten our mind and guard all our senses ; that walking uprightly as in the day, in the way of thy statutes, we may attain unto life eternal (forwith thee is the sourceof life); and graciously be permitted to come unto the fruition of the light unapproachable. For thou art our God, and unto thee we ascribe glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Then the Deacon, or tjcthere be none, t k Pt-iest, standakg in t k customary placc, inftont of the Holy Door, shall recite

THEGREATLITANY (Vc(fkya EKIhiya). In peace let us pray to the Lord. Choir. Lord, have mercy. For the peace that is from above, and for the salvation of our -2 souls: l$ For the peace of the whole world ; for the welfare of God's holy churches, and for the union of them all : 2 For this holy Temple, and for those who with faith, devoutness, 4 .-? and in the fear of God have entered therein : l$ 0 For our Holy Synod (or Patriarch) ; for our Bishop (or Arch- .-? bishop, or Metropolitan), N. ; for the honourable Presbytery, the Diaconate in Christ ; for all the clergy and the laity : l$ t '
Here f o l l m petitionsfor t k Ruler qf tk b n d a n d f o r all the Authorities (Emperor, or King, and Reigning House, or President, according to the elements and nationalities of whkh t k Parish is constituted). 0

That he will aid them and subdue under their feet every foe $ and adversary : l$ For this city, for this holy Temple, and for every city and land, and for those who with faith dwell therein : I$ it For healthful seasons ; for abundance of the fruits of the earth, -= P , and for peaceful times : l$ C For those who travel by sea or by land ; for the sick and the suffering ; for those who are in captivity, and for their salvation : That he will deliver us from all tribulation, wrath, peril and 2 U necessity: I$ Succour us, save us, have mercy upon us, and keep us, 0 God, by thy grace : I$ Calling to remembrance our most holy, undefiled, most blessed and glorious Lady, the Birth-giver of God and ever-virgin Mary, with a l l the Saints, let us commend ourselves, and each other, and all our life unto Christ our God. Choir. To thee, 0 Lord.

Priest. For unto thee are due all glory, honour and worship, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen.
Then immediately the Deacon cxclaimeth, and the Choir singeth :(3)

God is the Lord, and hath revealed himself unto us. .that cometh in the,Narne of the Lord. (Four timss.)

Blessed is he



A d the Deacon, mccmwhilc, i n ~ o s c t the h follolving V i s e s (StiRhi): (4) Vme I : 0 give thanks unto the Lord, for he is gracious ; because

his mercy endureth forever. V s r s s 2 : All the nations compassed me about, but in the Name of the Lord have I driven them back. V e r s e 3 : I shall not die but live, and declare the works of the Lord. Vme 4 : The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the comer. This is the Lord's doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes.
T h skall bc $ung the Hymn (T?dr) of the Feast, or of fhc Saint, w of t k TO T H E BIRTHGIVER OF $r+ Tone or the Sundby (twzce); and the HYMN Goo ( B o g o r L k k n ) qf the sane T a r ( A H c W A )

. shaN be d the Sclectth o f Psalms aHoirrfed (Sfikhoslbvir KafFrrnt>

Sekcfwn shall be said


And afhr f k j r s t j o r f i o n of*

Again, yet again, in peace let us pray to the Lord. Choir. Lord, have mercy. Succour us, save us, have mercy upon us, and keep us, 0 God, by thy grace. Choir. Lord, have mercy. Calling to remembrance our most holy, undefiled, most blessed and glorious Lady, the Birth-giver of God and ever-virgin Mary, with all the Saints, let us commend ourselves, and each other, and all our life unto Christ our God. I Choir. T o thee, 0 Lord.

Pricst. For thine is the majest , and thine are the kingdom and the power and the glory, of the ather, and of the Son, and of the Hol Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. doi~ Amen.


Then shaZl be read thc second porith ofthe Sclcctwn of Psalms. And w k n i f isjnishe4 t h e shall bc said .

Again, yet again : . membrance : . . .

. . Succour us, save us : . . . Calling




to re-

Priest. For thou art a good God, who lovest mankind, and unto thee we ascribe glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Hol Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen




Then the Holy Door rj. opened, and the Priest, accom$anied by th Deaton ( 5 ) bearing a lzghted t a w , censeth t k Sanctuary, t k Holy Images, and the People, and all the Temjle (Policliy).(6) And the POLIEL~Y is sa4ng:
I. Praise ye the Name of the Lord, 0 ye servan;s of the Lord Alleluia (Thrice.) 2. Praised be the Lord out of Zion, who dwelleth at Jerusalem. Alleluia (Thrice.) 3. 0 give thanks unto the Lord, for he is gracious, for his mercy endureth forever. Alleluia. (Thrice.) 4. 0 give thanks unto the God of heaven ; for his mercy endureth forever. Alleluia. (Thrice.)


then by the Choir,before the Holy Image of the Day, UJ the Prirst censPth it where it l e t h on thefolding-sfand.

if it be a Great Feast, or other a##ointed Saint's Day, the $ro#er EXALTATION * shall be chanted,Jrst by the Priest and the Deacon, and

Then shall be sung tk Hymns (Trojarf), with the Refrain ;but on& on tlht Lord's Day.

Refrain. Blessed art thou, 0 Lord : teach me thy statutes. The company of the Angels was amazed, when they beheld thee numbered among the dead, yet thyself, 0 Saviour, destroying the power of death, and with thee raising up Adam and releasing all men from Hell. & Wherefore, 0 Women Disciples, do ye mingle sweet-smelling spices with your tears of ,pity? the radiant Angel within the sepulchre cried unto the Myrrh-bearing Women : Behold the grave, and understand ; for the Saviour is risen from the tomb. & Very early in the morning did the Myrrh-bearing Women run lamenting unto thy tomb; but an Angel came toward them, saying : The time for lamentation is passed ; weep not; but announce unto the Apostles the Resurrection. I$ The Myrrh-bearing Women mourned as, bearing unguents, they drew near thy tomb, 0 Saviour. But the Angel spake unto them, saying : Why number ye the living among the dead? In that he is God he is risen from the grave. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

HYMN TO THE TRINITY (TrbitrAny). We adore the Father, as also his Son, and the Holy Spirit, the Holy Trinity in One Essence, crying with the Seraphim: Holy, holy, holy art tho,u, 0 Lord. Now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

* For Exaltations (or Magnifyingo), see the Special Setvices of the Gnat Feasts.



H m TO THE BIRTH-GIVER OF G ~ (Bogo7bdikAm). D In that thou didst bear the Giver of Life, 0 Virgin, thou didst redeem Adam from sin, and didst give to Eve joy in place of sadness ; and He who was incarnate of thee, both God and man, hath restored to life those who had fallen therefrom. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia. Glory to thee, 0 God. (Thrice.) . Then thc LITTLE LITANY. Deacon. Again, yet again, in peace let us pray to the Lord. C h i r . Lord, have mercy. SUCCOW US,save us, have mercy upon us, and keep us, 0 God, by thy grace. Choir. Lord, have mercy. Calling to remembrance our most holy, undefiled, most blessed and glorious Lady, the Birth-giver of God and ever-virgin Mary, with all the Saints, let us commend ourselves, and each other, and all our life unto Christ our God. Choir. To thee, 0 Lord.

Priest. For blessed is thy Name, and glorified is thy kingdom, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen. 7&7# fhc DEGREES OF THE ANTIPHON (Sfqhhfly Antz@ti)are M g , accwding to Me Torre of fhc week. Anf@hon. Tom I V: From my youth up many passions have warred against me. But do thou succour and save me, 0 my Saviour. Ye who hate Zion shall be put to confusion of the Lord ; like grass in the fire shall ye be withered up. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Through the Holy Spirit is every soul quickened and exalted in purity, and illumined by the Triune Unity in mystic holiness. Deacon. Let us attend. Prirst. Peace be with you all. Deacon. Wisdom ! The Gradual (Proktmen) of the . . . Tone. GradrraLF (Prokimmd)in fk EIGHT TONES. Tone I. :Now will I arise, saith the Lord : I will set myself for salvation, I will make no tarrying therein. Verse: The wordsbf the Lord are pure words. Tone 17.: Rise up for me, 0 Lord, in the judgment that thou hast commanded. And so shall the congregation of the people come about thee. Verse: 0 Lord my God, I have put my trust in thee : save me. Tone I n : Tell it out among the heathen that the Lord is King, and



that it is he that hath made the round world' so fast that it cannot be moved. Verse: 0 sing unto the Lord a new song. Tone / E : Arise, 0 Lord, and help us, and deliver us, for thy Name's sake. Verse: 0 God, we have heard with our ears. Tone E : Arise, 0 Lord my God, and let thy hand be lifted up, for thou reignest forever. V e r . : I will confess unto thee, 0 Lord: with my whole heart, I will proclaim all thy wondrous works. T o m VL : 0 Lord, stir up thy might, and come and save us. Veue: Hear, 0 thou Shepherd of Israel, who leadeth Joseph like a sheep. Tone VII. : Arise, 0 Lord, my God, and let thy hand be lifted up : forget not thy poor forever. Verse: I will confess unto thee, 0 Lord: with my whole heart, I will proclaim all thy wondrous works. Tone V77.l: The Lord shall reign forever ; thy God, 0 Zion, from generation to generation. Verse: Praise the Lord, 0 my soul: while I live will I praise the Lord. Deacon. Let us pray to the Lord. Ckoir. Lord, have mercy.
T k c P k t exclainret.4 :

For holy art thou, 0 our God, who restest in the Saints, and unto thee we ascribe glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen. T h the Deaon and the Choir sing: Let everything that hath breath praise the Lord. (Fwrtimes.) Verse: Praise ye God in his Saints. Praise him in the firm foundation of his power.
TAcn tke Deacon ~roclaimcth :

And that he will graciously vouchsafe unto us to hear his Holy Gospel, let us pray to the Lord God. Choir. Lord, have mercy. (Thrice.) Deacon. Wisdom, 0 believers. Let us listen tb the Holy Gospel. Priest. Peace be with you all. T h e People. And with thy spirit.
Zmmediafely he &tA

Priest. The Lesson from the Holy Gospel according to N.* (7)
See Table of the Gospel Lessons. page xix.


Choir. Glory to thee, 0 Lord; glory to thee. Deacon. Let us attend.


Then the Pnbst readeth the Holy Go@el.

Chir. Glory to thee, 0 Lord ; glory to thee.

T A c Choir then sin eth, while the book of the Holy Gosflels is laid tlpotr the tnble
at the centre c f t%e Temflle :

In that we have beheld the Resurrection of Christ, let us bow down before the holy Lord Jesus, the only sinless One. Thy Cross do we adore, 0 Christ, and thy holy Resurrection we laud and glorify : for thou art our God, and we know none other beside thee ; we call upon thy Name. 0 come, all ye faithful, let us adore Christ's holy Resurrection. For lo, through the Cross is joy come into all the world. Ever blessing the Lord, let us sing his Resurrection : for in that he endured the Cross he hath destroyed Death by death.
This Hymn i s always sung at tbe tord's Day Matins, with rare excefltions. Zf is sun on Lnaanrs's Saturday, and on all week-daysfrom Easfcr until Ascmsion-&. And ryit be the Eve of Palm Sunday, Psalm li. is read, and the Pricst censctk the P a l m . A n d w&en it isjnisbed, he blesseth the Palms.. by. Buf i f i t be the ordinav VIGIL OFFICE:

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Through the prayers of the Apostles, 0 Merciful One, blot out the multitude of our transgressions. Now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Through the prayers of the Birth-giver of God, 0 Merciful One, blot out the multitude of our transgressions. Have mercy upon me, 0 God, according to thy great goodness; according to the multitude of thy mercies do away mine offences
On the Lorcfs Day:

~ e s u s having , risen from the grave as he foretold, hath given unto us life eternal and great mercy.
On Fcizst Days, instead of this, the Canticles (Stikhiry)ofthe F e e t .


Deacon. 0 Lord, save thy people, and bless thine heritake. Visit

thy world with mercies and bounties. Exalt the horn of Orthodox Christians, and send down upon us thy rich mercies. Through the intercessions of our all-undefiled Lady, the Birth-giver of God and evervirgin Mary ; through the might of the precious and lifegiving Cross ; through the protection of the honourable Bodiless Powers of Heaven ;
See the Service for Blessing the Palms,at end of Service for Palm Sunday (Special Services).



of the honourable, glorious Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist, John ; of the holy, glorious and all-laudable Apostles; of our Holy Fathers, great Hierarchs and CEcumenical Teachers, Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian and John Chrysostom ; of our Holy Father Nicholas, Archbishop of Myra in Lycia, the Wonder-worker ; of our Holy Fathers of All-Russia, Wonder-workers, Peter, Alexis, Jonah and Philip ; of the holy, glorious and right-victorious Martyrs; of our reverend and God-fearing Fathers, the holy and righteous Ancestors of God, Joachim and Anna ; of Saint N. (the holy patron o f the Temple) ; and of all thy Saints, we beseech thee, 0 most merciful Lord, give ear unto the petitions of us sinners who make our supplications unto thee, and have mercy upon us. Choir. Lord, have mercy. (Twelve times.) Priest. Through the mercies and bounties of thine Only-begotten Son, with whom thou art blessed, together with thine all-holy, and good, and life-giving Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen.
The Pt-iest, the Deacon and tk Peele now sabte tk Holy Gospels and tke Holy Image of tke Feast.
Qrrt mast&

And if the bread and wine and oil &vc been blessed &rin Ye ers, drfre the Matins, the Pnirt now anointeth the f a i t k t wit? t b oil, and the bread is distributed. (9) The CANON of the#r@er Tone,*or ofthe Feast, is t k n sung. (10) After the Third Theme-Song(lrmds)trb LITTLE LITANY (seepage zg)fol~owetk.

Exckzmation. Ptiest. For thou art' our God, and unto thee we ascribe glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen.
After the Sixfh Theme-Song of the Canon also the LITTLE LITANY (seepage 29) followeth, with the Edatqation at the end:

For thou art the King of the world, and the Saviour of our souls, and unto thee we ascribe glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Before the Ninth O & the Magn$icat (or the Refrain appointed for Matins on certaita of t k Great Feasts) is sung. The Deacon cometh and standcth before the NO&Inuage of t k Birth-giver of God, and censing it, he saitk :

T h e Birth-giver of God and Mother of the Light let us honour and extol in song. Choir. My soul doth magnify the Lord, and my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour.

Seo Appendix A.



Refain. More honourable than the Cherubim, and be ond compare more glorious than the Seraphim, thou who without defi ement barest God the Word, true Birth-giver of God, we magnify thee. For he hath regarded the lowliness of his handmaiden; for behold from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed. More honourable than the Cherubim, . . . For he that is mighty hath magnified me, and holy is his Name; and his mercy is on them that fear him, throughout all generations. I$ H e hath showed strength with hie arm ; he hath scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts. I) H e hath put down the mighty from their seat, and hath exalted the humble and meek. H e hath filled the empty with good things, and the rich hath he sent empty away. & H e remembering his mercy hath holpen his servant Israel, as he promised to our forefathers, Abraham and his seed forever. I$ ALo the SONG OF ZACHARIAS (Luke i. 68-79). Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, for he hath visited and redeemed his people ; and hath raised up a mighty salvation for us, in the house of his servant David ; as he spake by the mouth of his holy prophets, which have been since the world began ; that we should be saved from our enemies, and from the hand of all that hate us. To perform the mercy promised to our forefathers, and to remember his holy covenant ; to perform the oath which he sware to our forefather Abraham that he would give us ; that we being delivered out of the hand of our enemies, might serve him without fear; in holiness and righteousness before him all the days of our life. And thou, child, shalt be called the prophet of the Highest, for thou shalt go before the face of the Lord to prepare his ways ! To give knowledge of salvation unto his people, for the remission of their sins, through the tender mercy of our God, whereby the day-spring from on high hath visited us : to give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, and to guide our feet into the way of peace.
The Ninth O&followcth, and then :

THEL ~ L LITANY. E Deacon. Again, yet again, in peace let us pray to the Lord. Choir. Lord, have mercy. SUCCOUT US,save us, have mercy upon us, and keep us, 0 God, by thy grace. Choir. Lord, have mercy. Calling to remembrance our most holy, undefiled, most blessed and. glorious Lady, the Birth-giver of God and ever-virgin Mary, with all t h e Saints, let us commend ourselves, and each other, and all our life unto Christ our God. Choir. T o thee, 0 Lord.




Pricst. For all the powers of heaven praise thee, and unto thee we ascribe glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen. 7% EXAPOSTIL~RION o f the Lord's Day. (I I ) V m c I : Holy is the Lord our God. (Thrice.) V e m 2 : Over all men is our God. Let everything which hath breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord of heaven : praise Him in the height. Refrain. To thee, 0 God, is due our song. Praise him all ye Angels of his : praise him all his host. Refrain. T o thee, 0 God, is due our song. And here begin the Verses (Stikkfry)o f t h Tm, or o f th Fcast. And t h : Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. HYMNTO THE BIRTHGIVERO F GOD (Bogorddifche11). ( 0 1 1 the fir8.s Day

Most blessed art thou, 0 Virgin Birth-giver of God : For through him who became incarnate of thee Hell is led captive, Adam is recalled from the dead, the curse is made void, Eve is set free, Death is slain, and we have been endowed with life. Wherefore we cry aloud, extolling in song : Blessed art thou, 0 Christ our God, in whose sight it is thus well-pleasing. Glory to thee. Pn'cst. Glory to thee, who hast shown us the light. (12) Choir. Glory be to God on high, and on earth peace, good will towards men. We praise thee, we bless thee, we worship thee, we glorify thee, we give thanks to thee for thy great glory, 0 Lord God, heavenly King, God the Father Almighty. 0 Lord, the only-begotten Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit; 0 Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, that takest away the sins of the world, have mercy upon us. Thou that takest away the sins of the world, receive our prayer. Thou that sittest at the right hand of God the Father, have mercy upon us. For thou only art holy ; thou only art the Lord, thou only, 0 Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit, art most high in the glory of God the Father. Amen. Every day will I give thanks unto thee, and praise thy Name forever and ever. Vouchsafe, 0 Lord, to keep us this day without sin. Blessed art thou, 0 Lord God of our fathers, and praised and glorified be thy holy Name forever. Amen. Let thy merciful kindness, 0 Lord, be upon us, as we do put our trust in thee. Blessed art thou, 0 Lord : 0 teach me thy statutes. (Thrice.) Lord, thou hast been our refuge from one generation to another. I said : Lord, be merciful unto me; heal my soul, for I have sinned



against thee. Lord, I flee unto thee. Teach me to do the thing that pleaseth thee ; for thou art my God. For with thee is the well of life, and in thy light shall we see light. 0 continue forth thyloving-kindness unto those who know thee. 0 Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal One, have mercy upon us. (Thrice.) Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. 0 Holy Immortal One, have mercy upon us.
Then in a lord voicc:

0 Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal One, have mercy upon us.
Then shall be snng the appointed Hymn of Dhmirsal. 22e Saturday Evrnrirg (Srndny)Hymns : In Tones I., ID., K, VIf.:

Today is salvatidn come into the world. Let us, sing praises unto him who rose again from the grave, the Author of our life : For in that by death he hath destroyed Death, he hath given unto us the victory and great mercy. In T o w s II., IK, VI., VI/I. : When thou hadst risen again from the tomb, and hadst burst the bonds of Hell, thou didst loose the condemnation of death, 0 Lord, redeeming all men from the snares of the enemy. When thou hadst revealed thyself to thine Apostles, thou didst send them forth to proclaim thee. And through them thou hast granted thy peace unto the universe, 0 only All-merciful One. T k n the AUGMENTEDLITANY (SUglSbaya EktLniya). Deacon. Have mercy upon us, 0 God, according to thy great mercy, we beseech thee: hearken, and have mercy. Q Choir. Lord, have mercy. $Here follnu #etitions f m the Rrlcr ofthe Land and for all the Autkdcics, -?' (Emperor, m King, and Reigning House, m President, according to thu r
element3 and nationalities of whW the Parisk
rj constituted).

Again we pray for our Holy Synod (or Patriarch) ; for our Bishop (or Archbishop, or Metropolitan), N. ; and for all our brethren in Christ. CD -4 Furthermore we pray for all their Christ-loving Army and Navy. F ) g Furthermore we pray for the blessed and ever-memorable found- 7 ers of this holy Temple ; and for all our devout fathers and brethren, 9 Orthodox believers, departed this life before us, who here and in all the world lie asleep in the Lord. I$ Y Furthermore we pray for those who bear fruit and do good works 2in this holy and all-honourable Temple ; for those who labour in its 2 service ; for the singers ; and for the people here present, who await in firm hope thy great and rich mercies. I$





Priest. For thou art a good and merciful God, who lovest mankind, and unto thee we ascribe glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen. Deacon. Let us complete our morning prayer unto the Lord. Choir. Lord, have mercy. Succour us, save us, have mercy upon us, and keep us, 0 God, by thy grace. Ckoir. Lord, have mercy. A day all-perfect, holy, peaceful and sinless, let us beseech of 2 5 2 the Lord : I$ An Angel of Peace, the faithful guide and guardian of our s'; souls : I$ The pardon and remission of our sins and transgressions: ljt OH All things which are profitable to our souls and bodies, and peace =;.Om to the world : I$ That we may pass the residue of our life in peace and penitence: I$ A Christian ending to our life, painless, blameless, peaceful ; , , and a good defence before the dread Judgment Seat of Christ. I$ * * Calling to remembrance our most holy, undefiled, most blessed and glorious Lady, the Birth-giver of God and ever-virgin Mary, with all the Saints, let us commend ourselves, and each other, and all our life unto Christ our God. Ckoir. To thee, 0 Lord.




Priest. For thou art the God of mercies and of bounties, and of love toward mankind, and unto thee we ascribe glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages Choir. Amen. , Priest. Peace be with you all. People. And with thy spirit. Deacon. Let us bow our heads unto the Lord. Choir. Unto thee, 0 Lord.
And the Pricst saith this Prayer, secretly :

0 holy Lord, who dwellest on high, and regardest the humble of

heart, and with thine all-seeing eye dost behold all creation, unto Thee have we bowed the neck of our soul and body, and we entreat h thee : Stretch forth thine invisible hand from thy holy dwelling- 8 place and bless us all. And if in aught we have sinned, whether voluntarily or involuntarily, forgive, inasmuch as thou art a good God, and lovest mankind; vouchsafing unto us thy earthly and heavenly good things.

MATINS ExcZamaCion.


For thine it is to show mercy and to save us, O o u r God, and unto thee we ascribe glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Chir. Amen. Deacon. Wisdom! Ckoir. Bless. Pn'cst. H e who in verity existeth, even Christ our God, is blessed 1 always, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen. Establish, 0 Lord, most God-fearing (Emperor, King, or President), N., and the Holy Orthodox faith, and Orthodox Christians, unto ages of ages. Ptiest. Save us, 0 most holy Birth-giver of God. Chir. More hpnourable than the Cherubim, and beyond compare more glorious than the Seraphim, thou who without defilement barest God the Word, in very truth the Birth-giver of God, we magnify thee. PrieJt. Glory to thee, 0 Christ our God, our sure hope; glory to thee. Choir. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages Amen. Lord, have mercy. (Thrice.) Bless. T A c n fire Pricsf besfowcfhthe BENEDICTION. On Safw&y Evening: May he who rose again from the dead, Christ our true God ; through the prayers of his most holy Mother, of the holy, glorious and allpraiseworthy Apostles, and of all the Saints, have mercy upon us and save us ; inasmuch as he is good and loveth mankind. Tkm the Choir nngefh f& MANY YEARS: Preserve, 0 Lord, our (Emperor, o r King, and Reigning House, or President) ; our (Patriarch, or Holy Synod) ; our (Metropolitan, Archbishop, or Bishop), N. ; and all Orthodox Christians, for many years.
Tk Hob D m s or curfain skall be closed, and THEFIRST HOUR a kf


0 come, let us worship God our King. 0 come, let us worship and fall down before Christ, our King and our God. 0 come, let us worship and fall down before t h e Very Christ, our King and our God. (Thretreverences. )

Ponder my words, 0 Lord, consider my meditation. 0 hearken thou unto the voice of my calling, my King, and my God : for unto thee will I make my prayer. My voice shalt thou hear betimes, 0 Lord; early in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee, and will look up. For thou art the God that hast no pleasure in wickedness ; neither shall any evil dwell with thee. Such as be foolish shall not stand in thy sight ; for thou hatest all them that work vanity. Thou shalt destroy them that speak lies : the Lord will abhor both the blood-thirsty and deceitful man. But as for me, I will come into thine house, even upon the multitude of thy mercy; and in thy fear will I worship toward thy holy temple. Lead me, 0 Lord, in thy righteousness, because of mine enemies ; make thy way plain before my face. For there is no faithfulness in his mouth ; their inward parts are very wickedness. Their throat is an open sepulchre ; they flatter with their tongue. Destroy thou them, 0 God ; let them perish through their own imaginations ; cast them out in the multitude of their ungodliness ; for they have rebelled against thee. And let all them that put their trust in thee rejoice : they shall ever be giving of thanks, because thou defendest them ; they that love thy Name shall be joyful in t h e e ; for thou, Lord, wilt give thy blessing unto the righteous, and with thy favourable kindness wilt thou defend him, as with a shield. Lord, thou hast been our refuge, from one generation to another. Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever the earth and the world were made, thou art God from everlasting, and world without end. Thou turnest man to destruction ; again thou sayest, Come again, ye children of men. For a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday; seeing that is past as a watch in the night. As soon as thou scatterest them they are even as a sleep ; and fade away suddenly like the grass. I n the morning it is green, and groweth u p ; but in the evening it is cut down, dried up, and withered. For we consume away in thy displeasure, and are afraid a t thy wrathful indignation. Thou hast set our misdeeds before thee ; and our secret sins in the light of thy countenance. For when thou art angry all our days are gone : we bring
See Appendix B, 111.



our years to an end, as it were a tale that is told. The days of our age are threescore years and ten ; and though men be so strong that they come to fourscore years, yet is their strength then but labour and sorrow ; so soon passeth it away, and we are gone. But who regardeth the power of thy wrath ? for even thereafter as a man feareth, so is thy displeasure. So teach us, to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom. Turn thee again, 0 Lord, at the last, and be gracious unto thy servants. 0 satisfy us with thy mercy, and that soon : so shall we rejoice and be glad all the days of our life. Comfort us again now after the time that thou hast plagued u s ; and for the years wherein we have suffered adversity. Show thy servants thy work, and their children thy glory. And the glorious Majesty of the Lord our God be upon us : prosper thou the work of our hands upon us ; 0 prosper thou our handy-work. cr. PSALM My song shall be of mercy and judgment ; unto thee, 0 Lord, will I sing. 0 let me have understanding in the way of godliness! When wilt thou come unto me? I will walk in my house with a perfect heart. I will take no wicked thing in hand ; I hate the sins of unfaithfulness ; there shall no such cleave unto me. A froward heart shall depart from me; I will not know a wicked person. Whoso privily slandereth his neighbour, him will I destroy. Whoso hath also a proud look and high stomach, I will not suffer him. Mine eyes look upon such a s are faithful in the land, that they may dwell with me. Whoso leadeth a godly life, he shall be my servant. There shall no deceitful person dwell in my house ; he that telleth lies shall not tany in my sight. I shall soon destroy all the ungodly that are in the land ; that I may root out all wicked doers from the city of the Lord. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia. Glory to thee, 0 God. (Thrice; three rcveremcs.) 1-ord, have mercy. ( Thrice.) Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
T k n the Hymn ( T r @ d r )fw fkDay, in /kcpro@ Tone, is rid.*

Now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. What shall we call thee, 0 thou who art full of grace ? Heaven, for from thee shone forth the Sun of Righteousness; Paradise, for thou hast budded forth the Flower of Immortality ; Virgin, for thou hast remained undefiled : Pure Mother, for thou hast held in thy holy embrace thy Son, who is God of all. Beseech thou him that he will save our souls.
For the Hymns in the Eight *ones, see Appendix A.




if it be during Great Fast ( k t ) , we say /As Hymn (TrOprfr)in T i VZ. 1 0 hearken thou betimes unto the voice of my calling, my King and my God. Verse (Stikh) I : Ponder my words, 0 Lord : consider my meditation. Verne 2 : For unto thee will I make my prayer. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Andagain the Hymn to the Birth-giver ofGod: What shall we call thee :

Order my steps in thy word, and so shall no wickedness have dominion over me. 0 deliver me from the wrongful dealings of men, and so shall I keep thy commandments. Show the hght of thy countenance upon thy servant, and teach me thy statutes. Let my mouth be filled with thy praise, 0 Lord, that I may sing of thy glory and honour all the day long. 0 Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal One, have mercy upon us. (Thrice.) Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto k e s of ages. Amen. 0 all-holy Trinity, have mercy upon us. 0 Lord, wash away our sins. 0 Master, pardon our transgressions. 0 Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for thy Name's sake. Lord, have mercy. ( Thticc.) Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, As it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation ; But deliver us from the Evil One : Priest. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
If it be not the Great Far: (Len the Collect-Hymn (Konddk) of t k Tone, or of the Saint for the Day, or of t c a##roaching Feast, is then read,. But if it be the Great Fast, or if there be no s#enirl Colkct-Hymn, on Mon&y, r u e s h y and Thursdcry, the f o ~ ~ o w i nHYMN g TO T H E BIRTH-GIVER OF COD (Bogordditcken)shall be read:

With heart and lips let us continually magnify the glorious Mother of God, more holy than the Angels, confessing her to be the true Birth-giver of God, who did, in very truth, bring forth God incarnate, and who unceasingly doth intercede for our souls.
Bwt on Wednesdhy and Fridby the following shall be read:


Speedily prevent, ere he lead us into captivity, the enemy which

For Collect-Hymna for the Twdve Great F-ts,
see the S p d Scrvi&s.



blasphemeth thee and constraineth us, 0 Christ our God: Overcome by thy Cross those who war against us, that they may know what power hath the faith of Orthodox believers ;through the intercessions of the Birth-giver a f God, 0 thou who alone lovest mankind.
On Sainrdhy thefol&wing shuN bf said:

Unto thee, 0 Lord, the Author of Creation, the universe doth offer the God-bearing martyrs as the first-fruits of nature. By whose supplications, through the Birth-giver of God, do thou preserve in peace profound thy Church, which is thine estate, 0 most merciful One. Lord, have mercy. (Fmiytimes.) Thou who, at all times, and at every hour, both in heaven and on earth, art worshipped and glorified, 0 Christ our God, long-suffering and plenteous in mercy and compassion ; who lovest the just and showest mercy to those who are hardened in sin ; who callest all men to repentance through the promise of good things to come : Do thou, the same Lord, receive also our supplications at this present time, and direct our lives according to thy commandments. Sanctify our souls ; purify our bodies; set aright our minds; and deliver us from all calamity, wrath and distress. Compass us round about with thy holy Angels; that, guided and guarded by their host, we may attain unto the unity of the faith, and unto the comprehension of thine ineffable glory. For blessed art thou unto ages of ages. Amen. Glory to the Father, And to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. More honourable than the Cherubim, and beyond compare more glorious than the Seraphim, thou who without defilement barest God the Word, true Birth-giver of God, we magnify thee. In the Name of the Lord bless, Father. Pricst. God be bountiful unto us, and bless us, and show us the light of his countenance, and be merciful unto us. And if it be the Great Fast, we make three p a t reverences to Me earth,

reciting the jrescridrd

PRAYEROF ST. EPHRAIM THE SYRIAN. 0 Lord and Master of my life, grant not unto me a spirit of slothfulness, of discouragement, of lust of power, of vain babbling. (Reverme. ) But vouchsafe unto thy servant the spirit of -continence,of meekness, of patience, and of love. ( R m c r m . ) Yea, 0 Lord and King, grant that I may perceive my own transgressions, and judge not my brother. For blessed art thou unto ages of ages. Amen. (Reverence. Then tweZve ksscr revereMes, God, cleanse thou me, a sinner. Then t h whole saying a t e a . : 0. Prayer i s rejeated; with one m a t reverence in conclusion.)



0 Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal One, have mercy upon us. (Thrice.) Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. 6 0 all-holy Trihity, have mercy upon us. 0 Lord, wash away our sins. 0 Master, pardon our transgressions. 0 Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for thy Name's sake. Lord, have mercy. (Thrice.) Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, As it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses,As we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation ; But deliver us from the Evil One: Pnkst. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the. glory, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Reader. Amen. Lord, have mercy. (Twelve times.)
And this Prayer :

0 Christ, the true Light, whidh illumineth and sanctifieth every man who cometh into the world ! Let the light of thy countenance be showed upon us, that in it we may behold the light ineffable; and guide our footsteps aright, to the keeping of thy commandments; through the intercessions of thine all-pure Mother, and of all the Saints. Amen. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Lord, have mercy. ( Thrice.) Bless. Priest. Through the prayers of our holy Fathers, 0 Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy upon us.

HYMN TO THE BIRTH-GIVER OF GOD(Bogor6ditcAen). We, thy servants, in that we have been delivered from calamities, do offer unto thee, 0 Birth-giver of God, who as victorious Chieftain warrest for us, songs of triumph and thanksgiving : Do thou also, in that thou hast might invincible, free us from all assaults, that we may cry unto thee : Hail, 0 Bride unwedded ! Ptiest. Glory to thee, 0 Lord, our hope ; glory to thee. Choir. Glory to the F,ather, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Lord, have mercy. (Thnke.) Bless. BENEDIWON. Prirst. May Christ, our true God, through the prayers of his allf pure Mother ; of the holy, glorious and all-laudable Apostles ( a d o



the Saint to whom the church is dedicated; atrd of the Saint for the h y ) ; of the holy ancestors of God, Joachim and Anna; and of all the Saints, have mercy upon us, and save us : for he is gracious and he alone loveth mankind. C h i r . Lord, have mercy. ( Thricr.)


Afhr the Pnest hatk bestowed the bkssing, we say :

Amen. Glory to thee, our God ; glory to thee. 0 heavenly King, the Comforter, Spirit of Truth, who art in all places and fillest all things ; Treasury of good things and Giver of life : Come and take up thine abode in us, and cleanse us from every stain ; and save our souls, 0 Good One. 0 Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal One, have mercy upon us. (Thrice, and three reverences.) Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. 0 all-holy Trinity, have mercy upon us. 0 Lord, wash away our sins. 0 Master, pardon our transgressions. 0 Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for thy Name's sake. Lord, have mercy. (Thnce.) Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, As it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, A s we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation ; But deliver us from the Evil One : Priest. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Reader. Amen. Lord, have mercy. (Thrice.) 0 come, let us worship God our King. 0 come, let us worship and fall down before Christ, our King and our God. 0 come, let us worship and fall down before the Very Christ, our King and our God. (Three reverences.) PSALM XVII. Hear the right, 0 Lord, consider my complaint, and hearken unto my prayer, that goeth not out of feigned lips. Let my sentence come forth from thy presence ; and let thine eyes look upon the thing that is equal.

* See Appendi B, 111.



Thou hast proved and visited mine heart in the night-season ; thou hast tried me, and shalt find no wickedness in me ; for I am utterly purposed that my mouth shall not offend. Because of men's works that are done against the words of thy lips, I have kept me from the ways of the destroyer. 0 hold thou up my goings in thy paths, that my footsteps slip not. I have called upon thee, 0 God, for thou shalt hear me: incline thine ear to me, and hearken unto my words. Show thy marvellous loving-kindness, thou that art the Saviour of them which put their trust in thee, from such as resist thy right hand. Keep me as the apple of an eye ; hide me under the shadow of thy wings, from the ungodly, that trouble me ; mine enemies compass me round about, to take away my soul. They are inclosed in their own fat, and their mouth speaketh proud things. They lie waiting in our way on every side, turning their eyes down to the ground; like as a lion that is greedy of his prey, and as it were a lion's whelp lurking in secret places. Up, Lord, disappoint him, and cast him down; deliver my soul from the ungodly, which is a sword of thine ; from the men of thy hand, 0 Lord, from the men, I say, and from the evil world ; which have their portion in this life, whose bellies thou fillest with thy hid treasure. They have children at their desire, and leave the rest of their substance for their babes. But as for me, I will behold thy presence in righteousness; and when. I awake up after thy likeness, I shall be satisfied with it.

Unto thee, 0 Lord, will I lift up my soul ; my God, I have put my trust in thee: 0 let me not be confounded, neither let mine enemies triumph over me. For all they that hope in thee shall not be ashamed; but such as transgress without a cause shall be put to confusion. Show me thy ways, 0 Lord, and teach me thy paths. Lead me forth in thy truth, and learn me : for thou art the God of my salvation ; in thee hath been my hope all the day long. Call to remembrance, 0 Lord, thy tender mercies, and thy loving-kindnesses, which have been ever of old. 0 remember not the sins and offences of my youth ; but according to thy mercy think thou upon me, 0 Lord, for thy goodness. Gracious and righteous is the Lord ; therefore will he teach sinners in the way. Them that are meek shall he guide in judgment ; and such as are gentle, them shall he learn his way. All the paths of the Lord are mercy and truth, unto such as keep his covenant, and his testimonies. For thy Name's sake, 0 Lord, be merciful unto my sin ; for it is great. What man is he that feareth the Lord? him shall he teach in the way that he shall choose. His soul shall dwell at ease, and his seed shall inherit the land. The secret of the Lord is among them that fear him ; and he will show them his covenant. Mine eyes are ever looking unto the Lord ; for he shall pluck my feet out of the net. Turn thee unto me, and have mercy upon me ; for I am desolate, and in misery. The



sorrows of my heart are enlarged : 0 bring thou me out of my troubles. Look upon my adversity and misery, and forgive me a l l my sin. Consider mine enemies, how many they are ; and they bear a tyrannous hate against me. 0 keep my soul, and deliver me : let me not be confounded, for I have put my trust in thee. Let perfectness and righteous dealing wait upon me ; for my hope hath been in thee. Deliver Israel, 0 God, out of all his troubles. Have mercy upon me, 0 God, after thy great goodness ; according to the multitude of thy mercies do away mine offences. Wash me throughly from my.wickedness, and cleanse me from my sin. For I acknowledge my faults, and my sin is ever before me. Against thee only have I sinned, and done this evil in thy sight ; that thou mightest be justified in thy saying, and clear when thou art judged. Behold, I was shapen in wickedness, and in sin hath my mother conceived me. But lo, thou requirest truth in the inward parts, and shalt make me to understand wisdom secretly. Thou shalt purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean ; thou shalt wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. Thou shalt make me hear of joy and gladness, that the bones which thou hast broken may rejoice. Turn thy face from my sins, and put out all my misdeeds. Make me a clean heart, 0. God, and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from thy presence, and take not thy Holy Spirit from me. 0 give me the comfort of thy help again, and stablish me with thy free Spirit. Then shall I teach thy ways unto the wicked, and sinners shall be converted unto thee. Deliver me from blood-guiltiness, 0 God, thou that art the God of my health ; and m tongue shall sing of thy righteousness. Thou shalt open my lips, Lord, and my mouth shall show thy praise. For thou desirest no sacrifice, else would I give it thee ; but thou delightest not in burnt-offerings. The sacrifice of God is a troubled spirit : a broken and contrite heart, 0 God, shalt thou not despise. 0 be favourable and gracious unto Sion ; build thou the walls of Jerusalem. Then shalt thou be pleased with the sacrifice of righteousness, with the burnt-offerings and oblations ; then shall they offer young bullocks upon thine altar. Glory to the Father, and to the Son; and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia. Glory to thee, 0 Lord. ( T h e . ) Lord, have mercy. (Thrke.) Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

T h n /Re Hymn for fka Day (Tropdr):

Now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

For Hymns in the Eight Tonee, Servias.

Appendix A ; for the Great Feortssee the Special




0 Birth-giver of God, thou art the true Vine who didst bud forth the Fruit of Life : Implore thou him, we beseech thee, 0 Lady, together with the Apostles and all the Saints, that he will have mercy on our souls.
But Y i t be the Great Fast (Lent),then this Hymn ( T r e d r ) ,in Tone VZ., is sain:

0 Lord, who at the Third Hour didst send down upon thine Apostles thy Holy Spirit : Take not the same from us, 0 Good One, but renew it in us who make our supplications unto thee. Verse (StikR) I : Make me a clean heart, 0 God, and renew a right spirit within me. Vent 2 : Cast me not away from thy presence, and take not thy Holy Spirit from me.
A n d t o these we add: 0 Lord. who at the Third Hour: and the rest of the Hymn again, to the end, making one reverencefor each.


Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. And again the HYMNTO THE BIRTHGIVER OF GOD (Rogordditchen) : 0
Birth-giver of God, thou art the true Vine.


Praised be God, praised be God daily, even the God who helpeth us and poureth his benefits upon us. H e is our God, even the God of our salvation. 0 Holy God, Holy Mighty, . . . 0 all-holy Trinity, . . . Lord, have mercy. (Thrice.)
Then (as at the beginning of the Hour) :

Glory .

. . now, and ever. . . . Our Father, who art in



Then the Collect-Hymn (Konddk)of the Day, or of the Saint.* But zyit be a Fast, we say the following Hymns (Tr@art), in Tone VII/.:

Blessed art thou, 0 Christ our God, who hast revealed fishers most wise, sending down upon them the Holy Spirit, and thereby catching the universe as in a net. 0 Christ our God, who lovest mankind, glory to thee. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Grant speedy and steadfast consolation unto thy servants, 0 Jesus, when our spirit is cast down within us. Depart not from our souls in affliction; be not far from our thoughts in time of trouble ; but always defend us. Draw near unto us, draw near unto us, thou who art omnipresent! As thou art ever with thine Apes tles, so, also, 0 Bountiful One, unite thyself unto those who long for thee ; that with one accord we may sing praises unto thee, and laud thy most holy Spirit. Now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

For Collect-Hymns in the Eight Tones, sqe Appendix A : for the Great Feasts, see the Special Services.



The Hope and Chieftain, and Wall Impregnable of Christians art thou, and the Haven unvexed by storms, 0 pure Birth-giver of t , God; but in that thou dost save the world by thine unceasing inter- a cessions, call thou us also to remembrance, 0 Virgin, all-lauded. Lord, have mercy. (Fon'y times.) Thou who, at all times, and at every hour, both in heaven and on earth art worshipped and glorified, 0 Christ our God, long-suffering, plenteous in mercy and compassion ; who lovest the just and showest mercy to those who are hardened in sin ; who callest all men to salvation through the promise of good things to come : Do thou, the same Lord, receive also our supplications at this present time, and direct our lives according to thy commandments ; sanctify our souls ; purify our bodies ; set aright our minds ; and deliver us from all calamity, wrath and distress. Compass us round about with thy holy Angels ; that, guided and guarded by their host, we may attain unto the unity of the faith, and unto the comprehension of thine ineffable glory. For blessed art thou unto ages of ages. Amen. Lord, have mercy. ( Thrice.) Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. More honourable than the Cherubim, and more glorious beyond compare than the Seraphim, thou who without defilement barest God the . Word, true Birth-giver of God, we magnify thee. I n the Name of the Lord bless, Father. Priest. Through the prayers of our Holy Fathers, 0 Lord Jesus Christ, our God, have mercy upon us.
And #;fit be the Great Fast (Lent), we make three great reverences, recitisg fkprescn'bed


0 Lord and Master of my life, grant not unto me a spirit of

slothfulness, of discouragement, of lust of power, of vain babbling. (Reverence.) Rut vouchsafe unto thy servant the spirit of continence, of meekness, of patience, and of love. (Reverence.) Yea, 0 Lord and King, grant that I may perceive my own transgressions, and judge not my brother. For blessed art thou unto ages of ages. Amen. (Reverence. T h n twelve lesser reverences, saying at each: 0 God, cleanse thou me, a sinner. Then the wholt Prayer is repeated; with one g-reat revereme in conclusion.)
And when we have$nisLcd the reverences, we say this


0 Lord God, Father almighty, 0 Lord the Only-begotten Son, Jesus Christ, and 0 Holy Spirit, one Godhead, one Power, have


mercy upon me, a sinner. And by the judgments which thou hast established, save me, thine unworthy servant. For blessed art thou unto ages of ages. Amen.


0 come, let us worship God our King. 0 come, let us worship and fall down before Christ, our King and our God. 0 come, let us worship a l l down before the Very Christ, our King and our God. ( T k r r r and f reverences.) PSALM LIV. Save me, 0 God, for thy Name's sake, and avenge me in thy strength. Hear my prayer, 0 God, and hearken unto the words of my mouth. For strangers are risen up against me; and tyrants, which have not God before their eyes, seek after my soul. Behold, God is my helper ; the Lord is with them that uphold my soul. H e shall reward evil unto mine enemies : destroy thou them in thy truth. An offering of a free heart will I give thee, and praise thy Name, 0 Lord ; because it is so comfortable. For he hath delivered me out of all my trouble, and mine eye hath seen his desire upon mine enemies.
Hear my prayer, 0 God, and hide not thyself from my petition. Take heed unto me, and hear me, how I mourn in my prayer, and am . vexed. The enemy crieth so, and the ungodly cometh on so fast; for they are minded to do me some mischief, so maliciously are they set against me. My heart is disquieted within me, and the fear of death is fallen upon me. Fearfulness and trembling are come upon me, and an homble dread hath overwhelmed me. And I said, Oh that I had wings like a dove! for then would I flee away, and be at rest. Lo, then would I get me away far off, and remain in the wilderness. I would make haste to escape, because of the stormy wind and tempest. Destroy their tongues, 0 Lord, and divide them, for I have spied unrighteousness and strife in the city. Day and night they go about within the walls thereof: mischief also and sorrow are in the midst of it. Wickedness is therein ; deceit and guile go not out of their streets. For it is not an open enemy that hath done me this dishonour ; for then I could have borne it : neither was it mine adversary that did magnify himself against m e ; for then peradventure I would have hid myself from him : but it was even thou, my companion, my guide, and mine own familiar friend. We took sweet counsel together, and walked in the house of God as friends. Let death come hastily upon them, and let them go down quick into hell ; for wickedness is in their dwellings,
See Appendi

B, 111.



and among them. As for me, I will call upon God, and the Lord shall save me. In the evening, and morning, and at noonday will I pray, and that instantly ; and he shall hear my voice. I t is he that hath delivered my soul in peace from the battle that was against me ; for there were many with me. Yea, even God, that endureth forever, shall hear me, and bring them down ; for they will not turn, nor fear God. H e laid his hands upon such as be a t peace with him, and he brake his covenant. The words of his mouth were softer than butter, having war in his heart ; his words were smoother than oil, and yet be they very swords. 0 cast thy burden upon the Lord, and he shall nourish thee, and shall not suffer the righteous to fall forever. And as for them, thou, 0 God, shalt bring them into the pit of destruction. The blood-thirsty and deceitful men shall not live out half their days : nevertheless, my trust shall be in thee, 0 Lord. Whoso dwelleth under the defence of the Most High, shall abide i l l say unto the Lord, Thou under the shadow of the Almighty. I w art my hope, and my strong hold ; my God, in him will I trust. For he shall deliver thee from the snare of the hunter, and from the noisome pestilence. H e shall defend thee under his wings, and thou shalt be safe under his feathers ; his faithfulness and truth shall be thy shield and buckler. Thou shalt not be afraid for any terror by night, nor for the arrow that flieth by day; for the pestilence that walketh in darkness, nor for the sickness that destroyeth in the noonday. A thousand shall fall beside thee, and ten thousand at thy right hand ; but it shall not come nigh thee. Yea, with thine eyes shalt thou behold, and see the reward of the ungodly. For thou, Lord, art my hope; thou hast set thine house of defence very high. There shall no evil happen unto thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling. For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. They shall bear thee in their hands, that thou hurt not thy foot against a stone. Thou shalt go upon the lion and adder : the young lion and the dragon shalt thou tread under thy feet. Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him; I will set him up, because he hath known my Name. H e shall call upon me, and I will hear him ; yea, I am with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and bring him to honour. With long life will I satisfy him, and show him my salvation. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Alelluia, alleluia, alleluia; glory to thee, 0 Lord. (Tkricr.) Glory t o the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
And tkr Hymn for fke Day (T.o#dr).

Hymns in the Eight Ton- see Appendix A ; for the Great Fur& see the Special




iyif be the Great Fkst(Lmf),we recite the following Hymn, in Tone 1 1 1 .: 0 thou who, on the sixth day and Hour didst nail to the Cross

the sin which Adam, through presumption, committed in Paradise : Tear asunder also the handwriting of our iniquities, 0 Christ our God, and save us. Verse (Stikh) r : Hear my prayer, 0 God, and hide not thyself from my petition. Verse 2 : A s for me, I will call upon God, and the Lord shall save me. Now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Seeing that we have no boldness, because of the multitude of our sins, do thou, 0 Virgin Birth-giver of God, fervently entreat him who was born of thee: for the prayer of a Mother availeth much to the good will of the Lord. Despise not the supplications of sinners, 0 allpure One ; for merciful and mighty to save is he who graciously deigned to suffer for us. With thy bounties speedily prevent us, 0 Lord, for we have grievously sinned ; help us, 0 God our Saviour, for the glory of thy Name. 0 Lord, deliver us, and purge away our sins, for thy Name's sake. 0 Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal One, have mercy upon us. (Thrice.) Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. 0 all-holy Trinity, have mercy upon us. 0 Lord, wash away our sins. 0 Master, pardon our transgressions. 0 Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for thy Name's sake. Lord, have mercy. ( Thrice.) Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, As it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation ; But deliver us from the Evil One : Priest. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Then the Collect-Hymn (KondrfR)of the Day or of the Tone.. 1 .: But zyit be the Great Fast, we say these Hynrns (Troparf),in Tone 1

Thou hast wrought salvation in the midst of the earth, 0 Christ our God. Thou didst stretch out thine all-pure hands upon the Fa Cross ; thou hast gathered together all the nations, who cry aloud $ unto thee : Glory to thee, 0 Lord. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
For Collect-Hymns in the Eight Tones, see Appendix A ; for the Great Feasts,see the Special Services.



We bow down in reverence before thy holy Image, 0 Good One, entreating forgjveness for our transgressions, 0 Christ our God; for of thine own good will thou didst graciously deign to ascend the Cross in the, flesh, that thou mightest deliver from the works of the enemy those whom thou hadst fashioned. Wherefore we cry aloud unto thee in thanksgiving : With joy thou didst fill all things, 0 our Saviour, when thou didst come to save the world.
And f h n immediate&, on M o h y , Tiresaky and Thursahy :

Now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Vouchsafe unto us thy mercy, 0 Birth-giver of God, thou who art a Fount of tender compassion. Look upon the people who have sinned; manifest, as always, thy power. For trusting in thee we cry unto thee : Hail ! as did aforetime Gabriel, Chief of the Bodiless Powers. On Wcdncsahy and F&y : Now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

CROSS-HYMN TO THE BIRTH-GIVER OF 'GOD (~rcstob~g~rbditch~). Exceedingly blessed art thou, 0 Virgin Birth-giver of God, and we sing thy praise: for by the Cross of thy Son was Hell overthrown and Death was slain ; and we who were dead have risen again, and have mercifully been deemed worthy of life, and have received Paradise, which was our delight of old. For which cause, with thanksgiving we magnify Christ our God, in that he is mighty and in that he alone loveth mankind. Lord, have mercy. (Twelve times.) Thou who, at all times and at every hour, both in heaven and on earth, art worshipped and glorified, 0 Christ our God, long-suffering, plenteous in. mercy and compassion ; who lovest the just and showest mercy to those who are hardened in sin ; who callest all men to repentance through the promise of good things to come : Do thou, the same Lord, receive also our supplications at this present time, and direct our lives according to thy commandments. Sanctify our souls ; purify our bodies ; set aright our minds; and deliver us from all calamity, wrath and distress. Compass us round about with thy holy Angels ; that, guided and guarded by their host, we may attain unto the unity of the faith, and unto the comprehension of thine ineffable glory. For blessed art thou unto ages of ages. Amen Lord, have mercy. (Forty times.) Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. More honourable than the Cherubim, and beyond compare more



glorious than the Seraphim, thou who without defilement barest ' ~ o d the Word, true Birth-giver of God, we magnify thee. In the Name of the Lord, bless, Father. Priest. Through the prayers of our holy Fathers, 0 Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy upon us.
And if it be a Fast, we make threegreat reverences to the very earth a d say the #rescridcd

1 . 1

0 Lord and Master of my life, grant not unto me a spirit of slothfulness, of discouragement, of lust of power, of vain babbling. (Reverence.) But vouchsafe unto thy servant the spirit of continence, of meekness, of patience, and of love. (Rev~~.ence.) Yea,0 Lord and King, grant that I may perceive my own transgressions, and judge not my brother. For blessed art thou unto ages of ages. Amen. (Reverence. Then twelve ksser reverences, saying at each : 0 God, cleanse thou me, a sinner. T h n t h whole Prayer zj. repeated; with one great reverence in conclusion.) % i this PRAYER OF ST. BASIL THE GREAT. 0 God and Lord of hosts, 'and Maker of all things created, who through the tender-hearted compassion of thine incomparable mercy didst send down thine Only-begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, for the redemption of our race, and by his precious Cross didst destroy the handwriting of our sins, and didst thereby triumph over the Origin and Powers of darkness : Do thou, the same Lord, who lovest mankind, accept also these thanksgivings and fervent prayers of us sinners. And l l deliver us from every harmful and gloomy transgression, and from a enemies, both visible and invisible, who seek after us to destroy us. Nail our flesh to the fear of thee, and incline not our hearts to words or thoughts of guile : but wound our souls with the love of thee ; that looking ever unto thee, and guided by thee in the light, beholding thee, the Light Ineffable and Everlasting, we may ascribe unto thee ceaseless praise and thanksgiving : unto the Father who hath no beginning, together with thine Only-begotten Son, and thine all-holy, and good, and life-giving Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen
Generally the DIVINELITURGY begnneth here. But if i t be the Great Pas/ ( e n ? , after this zk read the NINTH HOUR; a n d the NINTHHOUR, w k z t f o 'aoweth the SIXTH HOUR, begimeth thus:

0 Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal One, have mercy upon us. ( Tkn'ce.) 0 all-holy Trinity, . . .



Priest. Blessed is our God always, now, and ever, and unto ages of

And We. Amen. Glory to thee, 0 our God ; glory to thee. 0 heavenly King, the Comforter, Spirit of Truth, who art in all places, and fillest all things ; Treasury of good things and Giver of life : Come, and take up thine abode in us, and cleanse us from every stain ; and save our souls, 0 Good One. 0 Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal One, have mercy upon us. (Thrice.) Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. 0 all-holy Trinity, have mercy upon us. 0 Lord, wash away our sins. 0 Master, pardon our transgressions. 0 Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for thy Name's sake. Lord, have mercy. (Thrice.) Glory to the Father, and to the Son,and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, As it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread And forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation ; But deliver us from the Evil One: Priest. For thine is the.,kingdom, and the power, and the glory, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Reader. Amen. Lord, have mercy. (Twelve times.) Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. 0 come, let us worship God our King. 0 come, let us worship and fall down before Christ, our King and our God. 0 come, let us worship and fall down before the Very Christ, our King and our God. ( Three reverences.) 0 how amiable are thy dwellings, thou Lord of hosts I My soul hath a desire and longing to enter into the courts of the Lord ; my heart and my flesh rejoice in the living God. Yea, the sparrow hath found her an house, and the swallow a nest, where she may lay her young ; even thy altars, 0 Lord of hosts, my King and my God. Blessed are they that
Sot Appendix B, IIL




dwell in thy house ; they will be alway praising thee. Blessed is the man whose strength is in thee; in whose heart are thy ways. Who going through the vale of misery use it for a well ; and the pools are filled with water. They will go from strength to strength, and unto the God of gods appeareth every one of them in Sion. 0 Lord God of hosts, hear my prayer ; hearken, 0 God of Jacob. Behold, 0 God our defender, and look upon the face of thine Anointed For one day in thy courts is better than a thousand. I had rather be a door-keeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of ungodliness. For the Lord God is a light and defence; the Lord will give grace and worship; and no good thing shall he withhold from them that live a godly life. 0 Lord God of. hosts, blessed is the man that .putteth his trust in thee. Lord, thou art become gracious unto thy land ; thou hast turned away the captivity of Jacob. Thou hast forgiven the offence of thy people, and covered all their sins. Thou hast taken away all thy displeasure, and turned thyself from thy wrathful indignation. Turn us then, 0 God our Saviour, and let thine anger cease from us. Wilt thou be displeased at us for ever? and wilt thou stretch out thy wrath from one generation to another ? Wilt thou not turn again and quicken . us, that thy people may rejoice in thee ? Show us thy mercy, 0 Lord, and grant us thy salvation. I will hearken what the Lord God will say concerning me; for he shall speak peace unto his people, and to his saints, that they turn not again. For his salvation is nigh them that fear him ; that glory may dwell in our land. Mercy and truth are met together: righteousness and peace have kissed each other. Truth shall flourish out of the earth, and righteousness hath looked down from heaven. Yea, the Lord shall show loving-kindness ; and our land shall give her increase. Righteousness shall go before him ; and he shall direct his going in the way. Bow down thine ear, 0 Lord, and hear me ; for I am poor, and in misery. Preserve thou my soul, for I am holy: my God, save thy servant that putteth his trust in thee. Be merciful unto me, 0 Lord ; for I will call daily upon thee. Comfort the soul of thy servant ; for unto thee, 0 Lord, do I lift up my soul. For thou, Lord, art good and gracious, and of great mercy unto all them that call upon thee. Give ear, Lord, unto my prayer, and ponder the voice of my humble desires. In the time of my trouble I will call upon thee; for thou hearest me. Among the gods there is none like unto thee, 0 Lord ; there is not one that can do as thou doest. All nations whom thou hast made shall come and worship thee, 0 Lord ; and shall glorify thy Name. For thou art great and doest wondrous things ; thou art God alone. Teach me




thy way, 0 Lord, and I will walk in thy truth : 0 knit my heart unto thee, that I may fear thy Name. I will thank thee, 0 Lord my God, with all my heart ; and will praise thy Name for evermore. For great is thy mercy toward me ; and thou hast delivered my soul from the nethermost hell. 0 God, the proud are risen against me: and the congregations of naughty men have sought after my soul, and have not set thee before their eyes. But thou, 0 Lord God, art full of compassion and mercy, long-suffering, plenteous in goodness and truth. 0 turn thee then unto me, and have mercy upon me : give thy strength unto thy servant, and help the son of thine handmaid. Show some token upon me for good ; that they who hate me may see it, and be ashamed, because thou, Lord, hast holpen me, and comforted me. And again: Show some token upon me for good ; that they who hate me may see it, and be ashamed, because thou, Lord, hast holpen me, and comforted me. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia ; glory to thee, 0 God. (Thrice.) Lord, have mercy. ( Thrice. ) Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit


Day (Tr+dr).* it be the Great F a J i (Lcnf),this Hymn, in Tone VTZL, is used:

And we read the Hymn fw

0 thou who, at the Ninth Hour, for our sake didst taste of death
of our flesh, and save us, in the flesh : Mortify thou the presun~ption 0 Christ our God. Vme (Stikh) I : Let my complaint come before thee, 0 Lord : give me understanding, according to thy word. Verse 2 : Let my supplication come before thee, 0 Lord : deliver me according to thy word. Now, and ever, and unto ages of ages Amen.

Thou who for our sake wast born of a Virgin, and didst suffer crucifixion, 0 Good One, and didst despoil Death through death, and as God didst reveal Resurrection : Despise not those whom thou hast created with thine own hand; show forth thy love for mankind, 0 Merciful O n e ; accept the Birth-giver of God who bare thee, and who entreateth thee for us ; and save thy despairing people, 0 our Saviour. Forsake us not utterly, for thy holy Name's sake, and destroy not thy covenant ; and take not thy mercies from us, for the sake of Abraham whom thou lovedst, and for the sake of Isaac thy servant, and of Israel, t h y Holy One. 0 Holy God, Holy Mighty, . . . (ar at the beginning of t h Hour)

* For H p n a in the Eight Tones, see Appendix A ; for the Great Feasts, see the Special


. . . Glory . . . now, and ever . . . 0 all-holy Trinity, . . . Lord, have mercy. (Thrice.) . . . Glory . . . now, and ever . . . Our Father, who art in heaven, . . .
And fz ; it be a Feast, we say the CoC&ct-Hymn(KondriR) thereof.*

if not, this Hymn, in Tone YffL : When the thief beheld the Author of life hanging upon the Cross, he said : If thou wert not God incarnate, who art here crucified with us, then had the Sun not veiled its rays, neither would the earth have shaken with trembling. But do thou, who sufferest for all men, remember me, 0 Lord, when thou comest into thy kingdom. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. In the midst, between two thieves, was thy Cross found the balancebeam of righteousness ; for while the one was led down to hell by the burden of his blaspheming, the other was lightened of his sins, unto the knowledge of things divine. 0 Christ our God, glory to thee. . Now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Whenshe who bare thee beheld upon the Cross thee, the Lamb, and Shepherd, and Saviour of the world, she weeping said : The world rejoiceth, in that it hath received redemption, but my heart kindleth with yearning as I look upon thy crucifixion, which thou sufferest for all men, 0 my Son and my God. Lord, have mercy. (Forty times.) Thou who, at all times and at every hour, both in heaven and on earth, art worshipped and glorified, 0 Christ our God, long-suffering, plenteous in mercy and compassion ; who lovest the just and showest mercy to those who are hardened in sin ; who callest all men to repentance through the promise of good things to come : Do thou, the same Lord, receive also our supplications at this present time, and direct our lives according fo thy commandments. Sanctify our souls ; purify our l l calamity, wrath bodies ; set aright our minds ; and deliver us from a and distress. Compass us round about with thy holy Angels; that, guided and guarded by their host, we may attain unto the unity of the faith, and unto the comprehension of thine ineffable glory. For blessed art thou unto ages of ages. Amen. Lord, have mercy. (Thrice.) Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. More honourable than the Cherubim, and beyond compare more glorious than the Seraphim, thou who without defilement barest God the Word, true Birth-giver of God, we magnify thee. Priest. God be merciful unto us, and bless us, and show us the light of his countenance, and be merciful unto us. For Collect-Hymns in the Eight Tones, see Appendix A ; for the Great Feasts, see the
Special Semim.




In the ho(Y Great Fast (Lcnt), three great reverences shall be m&,

and fhc Pruycr of St. E#hraim shall be recifed once. B s f otherwise, after t h Exclamation, God be merciful unto us, t h e shall be said this

0 Master, Lord Jesus Christ our God, who art long-suffering toward our sins, and who hast led us even to the present hour, in the which, as thou didst hang upon the life-giving Tree thou didst make a way into Paradise for the penitent thief, and by death didst destroy Death: Cleanse us sinners and thine unworthy servants ; for we have sinned and have dealt iniquitously, and we are not worthy to lift up our eyes and look upon the heights of heaven, inasmuch as we have departed from the path of thy righteousness, and have walked after the desires of our own hearts. But we implore of thy boundless goodness : Spare us, 0 Lord, according to the multitude of thy mercies, and save us, for thy holy Name's sake ; for our days have passed away in vanity. Wrest us out of the hand of the adversary, and forgive our sins, and mortify in us carnal imagination ; that putting off the old man we may be clothed upon with the new man, and may live unto thee, our Master and our Benefactor; and that so following after thy commandments, we may attain unto rest eternal, where is the abode of all those who rejoice. For thou art, in verity, the true joy and exultation of those who love thee, 0 Christ our God, and unto thee we ascribe glory, together with the Father, who is without beginning, and thine all-holy, and good, and life-giving Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen W k the NINTH HOUR is read se$arate& from the TYPICAL PSALMS : Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Lord, have mercy. ( Thrice.) Bless.

Prisst. May Christ, our true God, through the prayers of his most holy Mother (of the holy, glorious and all-laudable Apostles) ; of Saint N. (the Saint o f the &y) ; of Saint N. (the Saint o f the church) ; and of all the Saints, have mercy upon us and save us: for he is gracious and loveth mankind. But zjc it be the Great Fast (Lent), then the TYPICAL PSALMS immediate& follow, and Psalms ciii. and cxvi. are omitted.


T h e beginning o f f h e TYPICAL PSALMS shall be said thus.

Bless the Lord, 0 my soul : blessed art thou, 0 Lord. Bless the Lord, 0 my soul; and all that is within me, bless his holy name. Bless the Lord, 0 my soul, and forget not all his benefits : who forgiveth all thine iniquities, and healeth all thy diseases ; who redeemeth thy life from destruction ; who crowneth thee with loving-kindness and tender mercies ; who satisfieth thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle's. The Lord executeth righteousness and judgment for all that are oppressed. H e made known his ways unto Moses, his acts unto the children of Israel. The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy. H e will not always chide ; neither will he keep his anger forever. H e hath not d'ealt with us after our sins, nor rewarded us according to our iniquities. For as the heaven is high above the earth, so great is his mercy toward them that fear him. As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us. Like as a father pitieth his children, so the Lord -pitieth them that fear him. For he knoweth our frame ; he remembereth that we are dust. As for man, his days are as grass ; as a flower of the field, so he flourisheth. For the wind passeth over it, and it is gone ; and the place thereof shall know it no more. But the mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting, upon them that fear him, and his righteousness unto children's children ; to such as keep his covenant, and to those that remember his commandments to do them. The Lord hath prepared his throne in the heavens ; and his kingdom ruleth over all. Bless the Lord, ye his angels, that excel in strength, that do his commandments, hearkening unto the voice of his word Bless the Lord, all ye his hosts ; ye ministers of his that do his pleasure. Bless the Lord all works of his, in all places of his dominion : bless the Lord, 0 my soul. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit : The $rst Choir, with heightened voices. Now, and ever, and unto ages of ages : The second Choir. T h e First CAoir. Bless the Lord, 0 my soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name. Blessed art thou, 0 Lord. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
See Appendix

B, 111.



PSALM CXLVI. Praise the Lord, 0 my soul. While I live will I praise the Lord : I will sing prdses unto my God while I have any being. Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help. His breath goeth forth, he returneth to his earth; in that very day bis thoughts perish. Happy is he that hath the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the Lord his God : which made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that therein is; which keepeth truth forever: which executeth judgment for the oppressed: which giveth food to the hungry. The Lord looseth the prisoners : the Lord openeth the eyes of the blind : the Lord raiseth them that are bowed down : the Lord loveth the righteous : the Lord preserveth the strangers ; he relieveth the fatherless and widow : but the way of the wicked he turneth upside down. The Lord shall reign forever, even thy God, 0 Zion, unto all generations. Now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. 0 Only-begotten Son, and Word of God! Thou who art immortal yet didst deign for our salvation to become incarnate of the Holy Birthgiver of God and ever-virgin Mary ; and without change of essence wast made man ; who also wast crucified for us, 0 Christ our God, trampling down Death by death ; who art one of the Holy Trinity and art glorified with the Father and the Holy Spirit : Save us.
In fke Great F a t , after the NINTH HOUR, and fke Prayer, 0 Master, Lord Jesus Christ our God (page 57), we sing, in Tone VfII.. :

In thy kingdom remember us, 0 Lord, when thou comest into thy kingdom. Blessed are the poor in spirit : for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
And z y it be tke Great Fast, to every verse &d as, 0 Lord, when thou comest into thy kingdom.

fke Repain :Remember

Blessed are they that mourn : for they shall be comforted. I$ Blessed are the meek : for they shall inherit the earth. I$ Blessed are they that do hunger and thirst after righteousness : for they shall be filled. I$ Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy. I$ Blessed are the pure in heart : for they shall see God. I$ Blessed are the peacemakers : for they shall be called the children of God. I$ Blessed are theywhich are persecuted for righteousness' sake : for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. I$ Blessed are ye when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. I$ Rejoice, and be exceeding glad, for great is your reward in heaven. B

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Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Remember us, 0 Lord, when thou conlest into thy kingdom. Remember us, 0 Master, when thou comest into thy kingdom. Remember us, 0 Holy One, when thou comest into thy kingdom. (And one reverence at each.) The heavenly choir doth hymn thee, and doth cry, Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of Hosts : heaven and earth are full of thy glory. Verse: Come unto him and be enlightened, and your faces shall not be ashamed. The heavenly choir doth hymn thee, and doth cry : Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of Hosts : heaven and earth are full of thy glory. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. The Choir of holy Angels and Archangels, with all the Powers of heaven, sing thy praises and do cry, Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of Hosts : heaven and earth are full of thy glory. Now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. I believe in one God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, And of all things visible and invisible: And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, Begotten of his Father before all worlds ; Light of Light, Very God of very God, Begotten, not made; Being of one Essence with the Father; By whom all things were made; Who, for us men, and for our salvation, came down from heaven, And was incarnate by the Holy Ghost of the Virgin Mary, And was made man. And was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate, and suffered and was buried. And the third day he rose again, according to the Scriptures. And ascended into heaven, And sitteth on the right hand of the Father. And he shall come again with glory to 'judge both the quick and the dead ; Whose kingdom shall have no end. And in the Holy Ghost, the Lord and Giver of Life, Who proceedeth from the Father, Who with the Father and the Son together is worshipped and glorified, Who spake by the Prophets. In one Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. I acknowledge one Baptism for the remission of sins. I look for the Resurrection of the dead, And the Life of the world to come. Amen. Loose, remit, pardon, 0 God, our transgressions, voluntary and involuntary ; whether of word or of deed ; whether of knowledge or of ignorance ; whether of the day or of the night ; whether of the mind, or of the intention : Forgive us all, for thou art' good and lovest mankind. Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come Thy will be done on earth, As it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive those who trespass against us. .And lead us not into temptation ; But deliver us from the Evil One :





Priest. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
If it be Saturday :

Unto thee, 0 Lord, the Author of Creation, the universe doth offe; the God-bearing Martyrs as the first-fruits of nature : By whose prayers, through the Birth-giver of God, do thou preserve in peace profound thy Church, which is thine estate, 0 most merciful One. Thou wast transfigured on the Mount, and in so far as they were able to receive it, thy disciples, with wonder, beheld thy glory, 0 Christ our God. And when they beheld thee crucified, they understood thy voluntary Passion, and proclaimed unto the world that thou art, of a truth, the Radiance of the Father. COLLECT-HWNS FOR :
Mon&y :Hymn &f the Bodiless Powers, Tom II. :

0 ye Chieftains of God, servitors of the divine glory, Guides of men

and Captains of the Bodiless Powers : Enmeat that which is profitable for us, and great mercy ; in that ye are the Chieftains of the Bodiless Powers.
Tuesday :Hymn of the Fwcnmrrcr, Tone I/. :

0 Prophet of God, and Forerunner of Grace, in that we have found

thy holy head as a most sacred rose budding forth from the earth, we receive always thy healing. For still, as aforetime in the world, thou dost preach repentance. Wednesday and F r t i i i r y : Tone IIL : Do thou who, of thine own good will, upon the cross wast lifted up, bestow thy bounties upon the new State which is called by thy Name, 0 Christ our God; make glad with thy might our most God-fearing (Emperor, King, o r President), N., granting victory over his adversaries unto him who hath thine aid, which is a panoply of peace, a trophy invincible.
Thursday :the Holy A#ostles, TOM/I. :

Thou hast received thy steadfast Preachers, God-inspired in speech, the Crown of thy Disciples, 0 Lord, into the delights and the repose of thy blessed ones ; for thou hast accepted their labours and their death as greater than any whole burnt-offerings, 0 thou who alone knowest the secrets of the heart.
Tkc same &y :the Collect-Hymn (KonaXk) of St. Nicholas,Tone I . :

In Myra, 0 Saint, wast thou shown forth a sacrificing priest ; for fulfilling the Gospel of Christ, 0 Holy One, thou didst lay down thy life



for thy people, and didst save the innocent from death. For which cause thou wert proclaimed a Saint, as one deeply initiated into the mysteries of the goodness of God. Tkcn, on evny day : Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. T o the souls of thy servants, 0 Lord, give rest with thy Saints, where there is neither sickness nor sighing, but life everlasting. Tkcta immediately, on every day excejt Saturday, is said: Now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. 0 Protection of Christians that maketh not ashamed, 0 Mediitrix never-failing with the Creator : Despise not the sinners' voice of s u p plication ; but in that thou art good, come speedily to the aid of us who faithfully call upon thee ; make haste to our petition and further our prayer, 0 Birth-giver of God, who ever protectest them that do thee honour. And if it be the Great Fast : Lord, have mercy. (Eight times.) Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of age< Amen. More honourable than the Cherubim, and beyond compare more glorious than the Seraphim, thou who without defilement barest God the Word, true Birth-giver of God, we magnify thee. In the Name of the Lord, bless, Father. Pnest. God be merciful to us, and bless us, and show us the light of his countenance, and be merciful unto us.


0 Lord and Master of my life, grant not unto me a spirit of slothfulness, of discouragement, of lust of power, of vain babbling. (Agrcat reverence to the eadh.) But vouchsafe unto thy servant the spirit of continence, of meekness, of patience, and of love. (Reverence.) Yea, 0 Lord and King, grant that I may perceive my dwn transgressions, and judge not my brother. For blessed art thou unto ages 2 of agea Amen (Reverence. T h twelve Zesser reverences, saying a each reverence: 0 God, cleanse thou me, a sinner. Then tkc whole Prayer is repented, wi'ih ons great reverence in concltc~wn.) Lord, have mercy. (Twelve times.)
And tkc Prayer :

0 all-holy Trinity, Might one in Essence, Kingdom undivided, Origin of all good things, be graciously inclined also unto me, a sinner. Establish thou me ; give understanding unto my heart, and purge away all my vileness. Enlighten my mind, that I may glorify, sing praises, and



adore thee, and say : Thou only art holy, thou only art the Lord, 0 Jesus Christ, in the glory of the Father. Amen. Meet is it in very truth to bless thee, 0 Birth-giver of God, everblessed and all-undefiled One, and the Mother of our God. PricJi. Wisdom ! 0 most holy Birth-giver of God, save us. Choir. More honourable than the Cherubim, and beyond compare more glorious than the Seraphim, thou who without corruption barest God the Word, true Birth-giver of God, we magnify thee. Priest. Glary to thee, 0 Christ God our hope ; glory to thee. Choir. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Lord, have mercy. (Thrice.) Bless.
Thn the BWBDICTION. Prirst. May Christ, our true God, through the prayers of his most holy Mother, and of all the Saints, have mercy upon us and save us ; for he is gracious and loveth mankind.



PREFATORY NOTE AND DIRECTIONS The word LITURGY, which in the Greek means " A public work " or " Ministry," is particularly applied (heightened by the adjective " Divine ") to the chief service of the day, in which the Holy Eucharist, or Service of Thanksgiving, is celebrated. Three Liturgies are used in the Holy Orthodox Catholic Apostolic Church of the East : That of St. John Chrysostom ; that of St. Basil the Great ; and that of the Presanctified Gifts. The Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom and that of St. Basil the Great are divided into three parts. In the first part, the clergy prepare the bread and wine, and it is called 2'716 0Bct of Oblation. The second part consists of prayers, reading and singing, with which the faithful prepare themselves for the Holy Sacrament, and at which alone Catechumens (or learners) were allowed, in former times, to be present : it is called The Liturgy of the Cat& c h u m . The third part, called 7716 Lihrrgy of the Eirithful, is the celebration of the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist ; and in the early Church only the Faithful - that is to say, members of the Christian Church -were permitted to be present at it. The Liturgy of St. Basil the Great differs from that of St. John Chrysostom only in certain of the Secret Prayers, one Hymn, and three phrases in the Consecration of the Holy Gifts (as duly indicated at the proper places), the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom being a later and abbreviated form of St. Basil's Liturgy, as the latter, in turn, was a later and abbreviated form of a still earlier Liturgy. It is appointed to be used on the Sundays of the Great Fast (Lent), except on Palm Sunday; on Holy Thursday and Holy Saturday; and on Christmas Day and the Epiphany, when those feasts fall upon Sunday or Monday ; otherwise, on the days preceding those feasts. Also, on St. Basil's Day, January I; in all, ten times in the course of the year. The Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts, so called because the Holy Gifts which have previously been consecrated are used for the Holy Communion, has existed from ancient times, although, in its present form, it is ascribed to St. Gregory Homiliastes of Rome (sixth century). The Orthodox Church decrees that this Liturgy shall be celebrated during the Great Fast (but at no other time), since the triumphantly joyous feelings associated with the cornplete Liturgy and the consecration of the Holy Gifts are incompatible with the strictness of the Fast. Hence it is ordained that the complete Liturgy shall be celebrated only on Saturdays and Sundays during the weeks of the Great Fast (Lent). The customary days for the celebration of the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts are Wednesday and Friday of every week, and on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of Passion Week. The Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts consists of Vespers (and therefore is



appointed for a late hour in the day), and of a portion of the ordinary Liturgy, omitting the most essential part of the latter, namely, the consecration of the Gifts. The Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts is usually preceded by the reading of the Third, Sixth and Ninth Hours, and of the Typical Psalms. Under certain circumstances an earlier celebration is admissible. The usual hour for celebrating the ordinary Liturgy is, not earlier than dawn, and wt later than noon. For the celebration of the Mystery of the Eucharist the following are indispensable : A Priest or a Bishop regularly ordained, and having a steadfast will and intention to fulfil the Mystery of the Lord's Body and Blood. Of material things : five Altar-breads, made of pure wheaten flour, and leavened ; wine of the grape. The accomplishment of the Mystery through prayer and words, with the blessing of the Priest's hand: "And make this bread the precious Body of thy Christ, and also that which is in this cup the precious Blood of thy Christ, transmuting them by thy Holy Spirit." In addition to the above, the following things are indispensable for the Liturgy : A Corporal (Antimfm),* consecrated by a Bishop ; vestments for the Priest, consisting of a cassock (stikhdr), a stole (cpitraRhfI), gauntlets (p6m/chz], girdle (pbynr), and chasuble w16n) ; vessels, -a chalice, a paten, a star-cover, a spear, a spoon ; veils, a censer, a service book ; lights burning on the altar ; and an acolyte. Only one Liturgy may be celebrated on any Altar in the course of one day ; and no Bishop or Priest may celebrate more than one Liturgy in the course of one and the same day. The Priest who enters upon the celebration of the Liturgy must be free from inhibition, and from mortal sin, and must prepare himself,- spiritually, by reconciling himself with all men, by penitence, and the appointed devotions ; bodily, by abstinence from food and drink(from midnight at the least), and from fleshly desires, and'by cleanliness of body and garments. The appointed devotions consist of the celebration or the hearing of the Evening and Morning Services and Prayers ; and there must also be read : . On Monday: The Canon to the Lord Jesus, the Invocation to the Birthgiver o f God, the Canon to the Archangels; and, if he so desire, to his Guardian Angel. On Tuesday: The Canon to the Lord Jesus, the Invocation to the Birth-giver of God, to John the Forerunner, and to his Guardian Angel. On Wednesday: The Canon to the Lord Jesus, the Canon to the Birth-giver of God, and to his Guardian Angel. On Thursday: The Canon to the Lord Jesus, the Invocation to the Birth-giver of God, to his Guardian Angel, to the Holy Apostles ; and, if he so desire, to St. Nicholas. On Friday, the Canon to the Life-giving Cross, the Invocation to the Birth-giver of God, and to his Guardian Angel. On Saturday: The Canon to the Lord Jesus, the Chant of Prayer and Praise (Akd@t) to the Birth-giver of God, to his Guardian Angel, and to all the Saints. On Sunday : The Canon to the Lord Jesus, the Invocation to the Birth-giver of God, and to his Guardian Angel. In addition to these, on every occasion, the Canon of the Communion, and the Prayers before the Communion. (See I&.)
For explanation, see introductory chapter on The Sydlbolism of the Church, page u i v .



THECURTAIN AND THE HOLY DOOR. At Divine Service fk curtain is drawn aside before the beginning ofthc Lifurgy, w/mt t k benediction is given at the endof the Oblation. The Holy Door is opmd befre the Lesser Entrance, and chscd bcfmc the Litany of the Cafcchumem. It is opened again bcjare the C k b i m u Hymn, andc(0sedafterthe Great E n frame, at which time the curtain ah0 isdrawn. The curtain is drawn aside at the words : The Doors I The Doors ! . . N is drawn again at the Exclamatim : Holy Things to the Holy. The curtain is drazcm aside and the Holy Door is opened before :In the fear of God . ; and isjiMlZy closcd ajer thc Dismissal. AT A PONTIFICAL SERVICE : The Hb(y Door is opmd at the beginning of the service, and so rrmains until the Exclamation : Let us attend I Holy Things to the H 01 y. Ajter that if is o p e d and c(ostd as usual. THEBISHOP'S PALL AND MITRE.A t a Potltifical Smirc, the pall (omoflr) is removed brjore the Apistlc ; is put on while theparticles are being takenfrom the sacred breads bcfore the Great Entrance, and rj. immediat* laid aside again. Ajier theprayer: With them also . . (and the Hymn: Holy, holy, holy. .), it is put on ;and it is renwz~ed when the HoIy Spirit ti invoked. At the Ex&mation : Let us attend ! Holy things to the holy : it is put on, and is then worn until the Dismissal. I n addition to the above, the Bishop p u b on his Pall when he ordains n Deacon or a Priest. THEMITREis remoz~edwhile the $articlcJ are being taken from the h o b breads, and at the Commemoration of Pe~sons at the Great Zntrana ;whik :Let us love one another . : is being said, and whiljr the Creed is being chanted; aZso,from: Take, eat . . ; and until: More especially for the Most Holy (d during the rec@rion of the Holy Communion by the Bishop).


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Whm the time is come to ccWratc the Divine Liturgy, the Pricst cntcrctk the T+&, and, in comflany with the Deacon, d t A thrcc lowly r~~~crcnccs bcforc the Holy Door. T h the Dcacon saiih :

Bless, Master.

Pnisf. Blessed is our God always, now, and ever, and unto ages
of ages. Amen. Deacon. 0 heavenly King, the Comforter, Spirit of Truth, who art in all places and fillest all things ; Treasury of good things and Giver of life : Come, and take up thine abode in us, and cleanse us from every stain ; and save our souls, 0 Good One. 0 Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal One, have mercy upon us (Thrice.) Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. 0 all-holy Trinity, have mercy upon us. 0 Lord, wash away our sins. 0 Master, pardon our transgressions: 0 Holy One, visit and h heal our infirmities, for thy Name's sake. 2 Lord, have mercy. ( Thrice.) a Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, As it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation ; But deliver us from the Evil One : Pnest. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, of the Fqther, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

And tkm shall t h y say :

Have mercy upon us, 0 God, have mercy upon us. For in that we sinners are devoid of all defence, we offer unto thee, as to our Master, this supplication : Have mercy upon us. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Have mercy upon us, 0 Lord, for in thee have we trusted, and be not very wroth with us, neither call thou to remembrance our
See Appendu

B, IV.



iniquities ; but look down even now upon us, inasmuch as thou art of tender compassion, and deliver us from our enemies : for thou art our God, and we are thy people, we are all the work of thy hand, and we call upon thy Name. Now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. HYMN TO THE BIRTHGIVER OF GOD( B o g o r 6 d f c h ) . Open unto us the door of thy loving-kindness, 0 blessed Birthgiver of God. In that we set our hope on thee may we not fail, but through thee may we be delivered from all adversities; for thou art the salvation of all Christian people.
T k n s h d l they approach the koly putnre ( i k h a ) of Chnkt, and shall kiss i f , saying :

W e do homage to thy pure image, 0 Good One, entreating forgiveness of our transgressions, 0 Christ our God ; for of thine own good will thou wast graciously pleased to ascend the Cross in the flesh, that thou mightest deliver from bondage to the enemy those whom thou hadst fashioned; for which cause we cry aloud unto thee with thanksgiving : With joy hast thou filled all things, 0 our Saviour, in that thou didst come to save the world.
In like manner t h y skall kiss also the holy pic/wrr of tk Birth-giver of God, reciting the whale this Hymn, secretly:

0 Birth-giver of God, in that thou art a wellspring of loving-kindness, vouchsafe unto us thy compassion. Look upon the people who have sinned. Manifest thy power as ever ; for trusting in thee we cry aloud unto thee : Hail! as aforetime did Gabriel, Chief C a p tain of the Bodiless Powers..
T k n , with bavcdhearis, they say t k follozuing Prayer:

Stretch forth thy hand, 0 Lord, from thy holy dwelling-place on high, and strengthen me for this, thine appointed service; that standing uncondemned before thy dread Altar, I may fulfil the sacred, unbloody rite. For thine is the power, unto ages of ages. Amen.
Then they make one reverence to the Peo#le, saying, secretly :.

and enter the Sanctuary

I will enter into thy house, I will worship toward thy holy 'Temple in thy fear. Guide me, 0 Lord, with thy righteousness ; make straight my path before thee, because of mine enemies. For there is no truth in their mouth; their heart is vanity; their throat is an open sepulchre ; with their tongues have they dealt deceitfully. Judge them, 0 God. Let them fall through their own counsels : according to the multitude of their iniquities cast thou them out, for they have provoked thee exceedingly, 0 Lord. And let all those who trust in thee be joyful ; and so shall they rejoice evermore ; and thou shalt dwell in them forever. And those who love thy


Name shall make their boast of thee. For thou, 0 L o r d , wilt bless the upright man. As with the panoply of thine approval hast thou crowned us.
When tAry enter the Sanctuary, they make three h l y rcz,crmces of &ration before the Holy Altar, and kiss the book of the Holy GoJPeIS,und the Holy A lhr, saying :

0 God, cleanse thou me, a sinner.

Zbn the Deuon a$#rouheth the Pricst, holding i n his right hand his ak6

ing ""' I his

stikktr), his stole (ordr),and his auntkts ( p h t c h z ] ; and bow e d btfore the ~ r i c s the , saith :


Bless, Master, the dalmatic and the stole. Priwt. Blessed is our God always, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
2% Deacon then rctirctk, &seth the cross on his a k l m o t , and #utfeth it on, #raying thus :

My soul shall exult in the Lord. For he hath endued me with the robe of salvation, and with the garment of joy hath he clothed me. He hath set a crown upon my head, like unto a bridegroom, and as a bride hath he adorned me with comeliness. Then, having kissrd his stole, b hyctk it on his rigkt shoukzkr. And when
b pnfteth the gauntkts on his d t s , he saith, as he #uttcth that on the
right :

Thy right hand, 0 Lord, is glorified in strength. Thy right hand,

0 Lord, hath shattered the enemy, and through the multitude of

thy glory hast thou crushed the adversaries.
A n d wt'rh the left he saa'rh :

Thy hands have made me and fashioned me. Enlighten my mind, and I shall learn thy commandments.
(The c l e r ~ y usually Riss each vestment bcfore#utting it on.) T h ,going to the Table of Oblation, he #re#areth the No& Things. The holy #dm he sctteth on the left siric; the h& chalice, which is the h l y cull, on the n g k t ; and with them the other holy utensilr. And the Priest vcstcfh himself i n this wise : Taking his Almatic ( odrFsnik) i n his l c f l hand, an2 makin three low2 reverences toward t e cast, as #oresaid, he s i p e t h it with t% sipl o f cross, saying :


Blessed is our God always, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen
Z&n he 9utteth it on, saying :

My soul shall exult in the Lord :

. . . as the Deacon h t h said


Then taking his Priest& stole (e#itrakhil), and sr&ing it wzzh the s r & the cross, he#uttcth it on, saying:

Blessed is God, who poureth out upon his priests his grace, like
For uplanation, see introductory chapter on The Symbolism of the Church, p. m v .



unto the precious ointment on the head, which ran down upon the beard, even upon the beard of Aaron ; which ran down to the skirts of his garment.
Then, faking thegii.d(e, andgtkding kimseIf; he saith :

~ l e s s e dis God, who girdkth me with strength, and hath made my path blameless, and hath given me feet like unto those of a hart, and hath set me on high.
Tlicn he puttcth on tkcgauntlets, as already described for the Deacon. A n d if he kath that dignity, he blesseth it, saying: taking kis ept~ondtwn,

Gird thy sword upon thy thigh, 0 Mighty One, in thy vigour, and in thy beauty: and go forth, and prosper, and reign, because of tnith, and meekness, and righteousness ; and thy right hand shall guide thee wondrously always, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Then, taking his chasuble Cfeldn),he blesscth it, and, Kissing it, he puthth it on, saying :

Thy priests, 0 Lord, shall clothe themselves with righteousness, and thy Holy Ones shall rejoice with exultation always, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
T h n they skall wash their &an&, saying:

I will wash my hands among the innocent, and so will I compass thine Altar, 0 Lord ; that I may hear the voice of thy praise, and tell of all thy wondrous works. Lord, I have loved the beauty of thy house, and the place where thy glor dwelleth. Destroy not my soul with the ungodly, nor my life wit the men of blood, in whose hands is iniquity, and their right hand is full of gifts. But I have walked in mine innocency : Deliver me, 0 Lord, and have mercy upon me. My foot hath been set on righteousness. In the churches will I bless thee, 0 Lord.


And thus they go forth to tke Chapel of Oblation, making three lowly r m mces before tkc Table of Oblation. And each saith wifhin himserf:

0 God, cleanse thou me, a sinner, and have mercy upon me.. And: By thy precious Blood hast thou redeemed us from the curse of the Law: in that thou wast nailed to the Cross, and wast pierced with a spear, thou hast poured forth immortality upon mankind, as from a fountain, 0 our Saviour. Glory to thee. I f it be not a Pontt@cal Snvice, the HOURS are now read, whilc the Holy Gzjii

are prepared for t h HoCy Sacrament. But ifit be a Pontz@cal Service, then the HOURS are readkzter, as indicafrd

Deacon. Bless, Master (aloud, it be not a Pontr3cal Service). Pnist. Blessed is our God always, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Deacon. Amen.


Zia Uc Pricst taketh in his left hand one o the altar-breadr, and in h L n' h f hand the holy spear; and making f erczv~~th the st@ of tk cross, t f L , dove the seal @the bred, he sath :


In remembrance of our Lord, and God, and Saviour, Jesus Christ. ( Thrice.)
Andimmc&tc(y k th~usfeth the s w r info tk n;4ht sh2 of tk seal and as k cnffcfhit, k salh :

He was led as a sheep to the slaughter.

And as he cuftcth the k f t sicii :

And as a spotless lamb before his shearers is dumb, so opened he not his mouth.
Andat the to# of fk seal:

In his humiliation his judgment was taken away.

And at tke k f t o m :

For his generation, who shall declare it ?

And t%cDeacon, axing rmerently at the Hol Mystic Rife, as each hahim is . . n saith, ~ Lldilg his stole in his d t k while :

Let us pray to the Lord.

And w k n the Priest, having thtust the s ear, obliqxely,from b c h , info the ri At sia2 of the b r d , taketh away t c who&#ar/ with the seal, thvs cwt, t i ~ e a c o n suit* :

Master, take away.

After thaf, ks saith :

For his life is taken away from the earth.

And having laid it, inverted,on the ~ l y #and ~ the , Deacon huving s&:

Sacrifice, Master.
He samf~cefh, cutting if crosswise, andsaying:

. world, for the life of

Sacrificed is the Lamb of God who taketh away the sins of the the world, and for its salvation.

He then hrrncfh ##ward the other sicir, which hath upan it tk emblem of the Cross. And as kc #ierccth the nghf sicir with the s#car, the Deacon salh :

Pierce, Master. A n d the Pnest: One of the soldiers did pierce his side with a spear, and straightway there came forth blood and water. And he that saw. it bare witness, and his witness is true.


ZXm the Demon pourefh info the holy chalicr the mingled wine and water,

in amount according to the nu& fk PriLs1:

of communicants, having j r s f said to

Bless, Master, the holy union.

A d the Pricst blesseth if, saying:

Blessed be the union of thy Holy Things always, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Th, taking in his h n d another altardrcprd, the Pricst s h N say : In honour and commemoration of our most blessed Lady, the Birth-giver of God and ever-virgin Mary ; through whose intercessions accept, 0 Lord, this sacrifice upon thy most heavenly Altar.
And with the spear taking out a#orfwn, he laydh it on fkc nghf sidir of tk Holy Bred, near the centre dere05 saying:

On thy right hand stood the Queen, clothed in a vesture wrought with gold and divers colours. In commemoration of the most honourable and glorious prophet, Forerunner and Baptist, John.
And taking out tk rsf #arficle, he#lacefk it on fk l c f t kand of the HoIy Bread, making f h! beginning o f thejrsf row. T h he saith :

Of the holy, glorious Prophets, Moses and Aaron; Elijah and Elisha; David and Jesse; of the Three Holy Children, also of Daniel the Prophet ; and of all the holy prophets.


A n d taking onf ~ o f k #arficIc, r k j l a c c f h if below fke jirst, in due or&. Thkcsaifh:

Of the holy, glorious and all-laudable Apostles, Peter and Paul ; and of all the other holy Apostles.
In the same manner, kplaceth a fhird particle below fk second, fkus con:j k t i n g tkejirsf rank. A n d he saifh :

Of our holy Fathers and Saints, the Prelates Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian and John Chrysostom ; Athanasius and Cyril, Nicholas of Myra in Lycia ; Peter, Alexis, Jonah and Philip of Moscow ; Nikita, Bishop of Novgorod, Lebnty, Bishop of Rost6ff; and of all thy holy Prelates.
A n d faking out a fourth parfule, k t placefh ifbesiric f k j r s f #article, making a s e m d beginning. A n d kc saifh :

Of the holy Apostle and First Martyr and Archdeacon, Stephen ; of the holy Great Martyrs Demetrius, George, Theodore of Tyre, Theodore the Strategist ; and of all holy Martyrs, both men and women ; of Thekla, Barbara, Euphemia, Kyriaka, Paraskeva, Katherine ; and of all other holy martyred women.
A n d faking out a j f f hpartic&, ke placefh if below fkjirsf, wkick is in tk second row. And k saifh :

Of our devout and God-bearing Fathers, Anthony, Euthymius, Sabba, Onuphrius, Athanasius of Mount Athos, Anthony and Theodosius of the Catacombs, Sergius of Rad6nezh, Barlaam of Kh6tinsk ; and of all our devout fathers ; and of our devout mothers in God, Pelagia, Theodosia, Anastasia, Eupraxia, Fevronia, Theodulia, Euphrosyne, Mary of Egypt ; and of all our holy and devout mothers.
A n d i n like manner, faking out a sixth $article, k placefh if below the second, com#lefing the second row. Af f e r which k saifh :

Of the holy and wonder-working Unmercenaries Cosmas and Damian, C y s and John, Panteleimon, Hermolaus ; and of all the Holy Unmercenaries.
And faking out a scvenfh#arficle, k # k c e f h ifabove, ma kin^ tk beginning of fk fhird row. Tken kc saifh :

Of the holy and righteous Ancestors of God, Joachim and Anna And of Saint N. (the Saint of the h y ) ; and of Saint Methodius and Saint Cyril, the Equals of the Apostles; and of all the Saints; through whose supplications do thou visit us, 0 Lord.
Then. he layefh fhezgkfh parfule below fkformer, in due order. A n d f k r c after he sa?h :

Of our Father in the Saints, John Chrysostom, Bishop of Constantinople ( g k r j Liturgy is to be celebrated. But v t h e Liturgy of



St. Basil the Great is to be celsbrated, then shall be br c o m m m o r a t e d

Then taking out tk ninth #article, he p k e t h it at the end o tk third row, contplefing if. And taking fhefonrth altar-bread, he s o i d

Remember, 0 Lord, Lover of mankind, every Bishopric over Orthodox Christians ; the Most Holy Governing Synod, and Orthodox Patriarchs ; and our Bishop, N. ; the honourable Priesthood, the Diaconate in Christ, and every Sacerdotal Order ; our brethren and fellow-ministers, the priests, the deacons, and all our brethren whom thou hast called into thy communion, through thy tenderness of heart, 0 all-good Lord.
And taking out a#ortion, kc layeth it below the HoCy B r d . T h he commemorafeth fkc Emjeror, saying :

Call to remembrance, 0 Lord, our most God-fearing Sovereign, N., the Emperor of All the Russias; and all the Reigning House. (4)
Then he makefh mention, by name, of the livtkg who are to be prayed for, any svch t k r e be ;a d at e a h name he trrketh out a partule, saying:

Call to remembrance, 0 Lord, N.

Having thus taken out tk particles, the Pticst placcth them below tke Holy Bread Tlkn taking thefifth altar-brcad,he saith :

In memory, and for the remission of sins, of the most holy patriarchs ; of the Orthodox and God-fearing Tzars and God-fearing Tzaritzas ; and of the blessed founders of this holy Temple.
T k shall k make mention oftkc Bbhop who orakincd him ; a d of whatsoever crsons he may &sire, who have &jarfed this lzye, b y name. A n d at e a ~ n a m ehe , shall take out a particle, s ~ y i n g :

Call to remembrance, 0 Lord, N.

And, in conclusion, he shall say asfolloweth :

And of all our Orthodox fathers and brethren who ha& fallen asleep in the hope of resurrection, of life eternal, and of communion with thee, 0 Lord, who lovest mankind.
And he taketh out a #ar/icle. TAcrcafler he sailh :

Call to remembrance, 0 Lord, my unworthy self, and pardon me every transgression, whether voluntary or involuntary.
And he taketh out ofthe foudh prosford a particle. Then, takin the @on c, he gathereth to e t k r ik partkles fakmfiom t k f o n r t h a d h t h prosjri on fk jaten. filow the Hol Bread, so that they may be in safe&, and that nene . f them may f a l Then the Deacon taketh the censer, a d h a v i n g p k e d incense therein, he saith to the P n k t :

Bless, Master, the censer.

T H E DIVINE LITURGY A d straiglrtway he saith :

Let us pray to the Lord.

TACI the P & s ~ ~


Unto thee, 0 Christ our God, do we offer incense for an odour of spiritual fragrance : which do thou accept upon thy most heavenly Altar, and pour forth upon us in return the grace of thine all-holy Spirit. Deacon. Let us pray to the Lord.
Thn tke Pricst, huving c
Bread, saying : ~ thedstarzovrr, ploceth it over the Holy

And the Star came and stood over the place where the young Child was. D~acm.Let us pray to the Lord.
2% Pricst, hamtag censed thefirst veil, coz,ereth thereun'rh the Holy Bread, saying :

The Lord is King, and hath put on glorious apparel ; the Lord hath put on his apparel, and girded himself with strength. H e hath made the round world so sure, that it cannot be moved. Ever since the world began hath thy seat been prepared: thou art from everlasting. The floods are risen, 0 Lord, the floods have lift up their voice ; the floods lift u p their waves. The waves of the sea are mighty, and rage horribly ; but yet the Lord, who dwelleth on high, is mightier. Thy testimonies, 0 Lord, are very sure : holiness becometh thine house forever. Deacon. Let us pray to the Lord. Cover, Master.
TAr Pticst, huving c m ~ r the d second veil, cmneth IArrewa'rk the holy chalice, sapng :

Thy virtue, 0 Christ, hath covered the heavens, and the earth also is full of thy praise. Deacon. Let us pray to the Lord. Shelter, Master.
The Priest, h v i n g celurd the veil, fkf rj to say, the air (vdsdukh),covereth tkerewith the paten and ckalue, saying :

Shield us with the shelter of thy wings, and drive away from us every foe and adversary. Order our lives in peace, 0 Lord ; have mercy upon us, and upon thy world, and save our souls ; for thou art good and lovest mankind. Tkn, takingthe censer,the Pricst cnrrcfh the Tablc o f ObLzfion,saying t h & : Blessed art thou, 0 our God, who herein art well pleased. Glory to thee.



A n d each time the Deacon shaN resykmd:

Always, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Then both make three k v m t reverences. A n d the Deacon, taking the coaxer, saW:

For the Precious Gifts now offered up, let us pray to the Lord.
Then t h Priest maketh the PRAYER OF OBLATION :

0 God our God, who didst send forth the Heavenly Bread, the Nourishment of the whole world, our Lord and God, Jesus Christ, to be our Saviour and Redeemer and Benefactor, blessing and sanctifying us : Do thou, the same Lord, bless also this oblation, and accept it on thy most heavenly Altar. Call to remembrance those who offer it, and those for whom it is offered, inasmuch as thou art good and lovest mankind ; and preserve us blameless in the holy ministry of thy Divine Mysteries. For sanctified and glorified be thy most honourable and majestic Name, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
T h the PticSt#rononncetfi the DISMISSAL, saying:

Glory to thee, 0 Christ our God ; glory to thee. Deacon. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Lord, have mercy. (Thrice.) Master, bless. May he who rose again from the dead, Christ our true God,


But if it be not Sunday : May Christ, our true God, through the intercessions of his allundefiled Mother; of our Father among the Saints, John Chrysos7 the Littrrgy o f Sf. Basil be tom, Bishop of Constantinople (or, 2 used: of Basil the Great, of Caesarea in Cappadocia) ; and of all the Saints, have mercy upon us, and save us : for he is good and loveth mankind. Deacon. Amen. A f l r the Benediction, the Deacon censetfi the Holy Oblation. Then ( i f the Pontr#caf Servire is to follow, see$# e 78. If not : ) fiegoeth and cmrctfi tk Hofi A l t a r r o n n d a d a t , ir t f i e f % m y a cross, sayzng, secretly: (5)

In the grave with the body, but in Hell with the soul, in that thou art God; in Paradise with the thief, and on the throne with the Father and the Spirit, wast thou, 0 Christ, filling all things, in that thou art infinite.


T k h skull recite Psalm li. : Have mercy upon me, 0 Cod,after thy great
goodness ;

. . . (See$age 45).

Meanwfiile,he censetfi the Sanchrary andall the Tem$le, andretnmetfi again to the Holy Altar; and having a ain lensed it and the Priest, ke #utteth the censer in its # h e , anfa$$roacheth the Pn'cst. A d standing fogeffier before the Holy Altar, they make three lowly rrerences,#raying secretly, and saying :

0 heavenly King, the Comforter, Spirit of Truth, who art in all places and fillest all things ; Treasury of good things, and Giver of life: Come, and take up thine abode in us, and cleanse us from every stain; and save our souls, 0 Good One. Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will towards men. (Twice.) 0 Lord, open thou my lips, and my mouth shall show forth thy praise.
Tirm the Pricst kissetfi the book of the Holy Gospels, and the Deacon Rissetfi the Holy Altar. Then the Deacon, bowing fits h a d before the Priest, and holding his stole with threefingers, saitfi :

I t is time to sacrifice unto the Lord. Bless, Master.

A n d the ( B i s w or the) PricJt, signing him with the sz& of tke moss, saiffi :

Blessed is our God always, now, and ever, and unto ages of

Deacon. Pray for me, holy Master. (Biskop or) P n ' c s t .May the Lord direct thy steps unto every good work. Deacon. Remember me, holy Master. (Bidtop or) P r i e s t . May the Lord God remember thee in his kingdom always, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Deacon. Amen.
And f i a v i n ~ maa2 a finmble reverence, ke ~ o e t fout i throu f i the north &or, a d s f a d n in his accustomed #lace *gore the H O ~ DOOY,he thrice boweth 16 &ad r ~ n e n t l ya , d s a i t f i , secretly :

0 Lord, open thou my lips, and my mouth shall show forth thy praise.
ThereaPer fie beginnetfi, aloud :

Bless, Master. (Seepage 79)

If t h Priest cekbrafe eur'tkout a Deacon, tlr words a s s w to the Deacon i n the OFFICE OF OBLATION and in the LITURGY, be ore the Gospel is read; and in res#mr :Bless, Master ; and: Pierce, aster ; and: It i s time to sacrifice: sku22 not be said. As, liHmmke, the litany and oblation of ran&. But i many Priests s o w , as in a Cathdral, o n 9 one Priest shaN jerform t O@ce of ObCalion, and shnN say wkaf rr herein set & f ~ t; h bw f no otker of tke Pricsts sku22 say tkuf Ofice s@aratel . T are alZoOYUI only to take out the #articlesfm tlr living and the d a d .




I f a Ponh2cal Sew& is to follow, then, after the Benediction of tk

Oflce of Oblation, the Pricst who hath celebrated the OBce of Oblation (and the of& Pricsts, in their cassocks), bearing a cross upon a salver, accom#anicd by the Proto-Deacon or Deacon with the censer and taper, the nosier-bewer wa'rh the Bish@'s crorin, and tk Sub-Deacons with the mantle and the eagle-~llgs, go forth to meet the B i s w at the western door. A s the Bishop mtereth the Temple, the Deacon exchimeth : Wisdom ! A n d the Bish saith, secret&; 1 w i l l enter into thy house . . (see jagc 68). He is t n vested in his mantk, and kisseth the cross, and giueth it lo bc Rissed by all the Pn'rsts who are Prejaring to celebrate the Liturgy; and t k n , while the Choir singeth : Meet IS it : . More honourable . (see page m f i o r f i n g himself on his crozier, he approacheth the Hol Door, and there giueth the bkssingfor fke PRAYER or ENTRANCE, as s l m n adme. (Sn#age 68.) Afterthe Prayer; Stretch forth th hand, 0 Lord . . . (seepage 68), the Bis tumeth his face tmara3 the J e @ k , and bksseth tke worsh@pers, ?hi e tk Choir singeth :



Ton Desp6tin kai ArkhierCa irndn, Kjrie fjlatte. Eis polli Cti, DCspota (Preserve, 0 Lord, our Master and Bishop. For many years, 0 Master.)
The Buh@ then goeth to his ahis; the C k r ask AL bkssing, andwithdraw info tke Sanctuary a vest themelurr. Priest who hath celebratrd the Oflce of Oblation blesseth the beginning of the Hours :

Blessed is our God always, now, and ever, and unto ages of b ages. 2Rcadcr. Amen. aAndhe readeth the THIRD HOUR and the SIXTH HOUR.

Meanwhile the Sub-Deacons begin to vest t k B L w , havin fist remuwed his mantle, c l c t o r a l h o a a d c o c k . d z l e the Bishop's vestments are being put u on him, the Proto-Deacon, censer in hand, re cifeth tke same Verses w id the Priests recite as they vest themselves. the Choir, the Proto(See about.) Or, sometimes, they are chanted Deacon exchiinin before each :Let us pray to e Lord ; and using the second person, anfsnbsh'ruting for sL Pricsts " the word *'Biskqps," and so fwth.

When the pall (omofdr)L put on, the Deacon saith :

When thou hadst taken upon thy shoulders human nature which had gone astray, 0 Christ, thou didst bear it to heaven, unto thy God and Father, always, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen,
And with tke pectwal holy image he saith :

May God create in thee a clean heart, and renew a right spirit within thee, always, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen
A t the secondpectoral image (if there be one), he saith :

Thy heart is inditing of a good matter; thou shalt speak of thy deeds unto the King, always, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

THE DIVINE LITURGY A d wi'th the moss he saith :

If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, saith the Lord, and take up his cross and follow me, always, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
A n d with the mitre he saith :

The Lord hath set upon thy head a crown of precious stones. Thou askedst life of him, and he shall give thee length of days, always, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Z h n the Proto-Demon sfan&th mi&,andthe Sub-Dracoll~ enter the Sanctuary, and takingfiom tht Ckrgy the dikiri and t h trikfri, ;key bear them to the Bis/MP. And the Proto-Dracon saith :

May thy light so shine before men that they may see thy good works and glorify our Father which is in heaven, always, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
A n d tht Bishojb besfoweth the blessing, z h cros~fmm, with the dikfra' and the trikfri, to the east, and the west, and the south, and the north, whik the Choir singeth slowly :

c' 6 'p


Ton Desp6tin kai ArkhierCa imdn, Kqrie fjlatte. Eis polli &ti, Despota. (Preserve, 0 Lord, our Master and Bishop. For many years, 0 Master.) (6)

Then the ewer and basin arr bron i t by tht Proto-Dracon and tk Deacon, a d the Bhho wash& f i s ran&, $ t k r e k no Setfing+part q a Re& or Cl!anter, or t k Ordination 4 a SubDracon. But z f there br a S e t f i n g q a r t or an Ordinafion, then k who is to be set OMa; aflart or w h i n e d bnngeth the ewer and basin, aflrr k hath been vested i n his dalmatic, i n the manner set forth in thr O r a hfor thr 8.bLayingon of H a d . DY4U

$ ,-

-r . e-

W h e n the SIXTH HOUR a##roacheth its close, all thr C&r&v,havingvrstrd themselues, come orth from fhe Sanctuary through the norfh &or, a d laking ;ha+ stand ens& t h Bish+, begin to #nay :

0 God, cleanse thou me, a sinner. (Thrice.) 0 Heavenly King . . . (See page 67), with kana3 u p Bish*. Igted Glory to God in the highest, . . . (Twice.) 0 Lord, open thou my lips, . . . Proto-Deacon. It is time to sacrifice unto the Lgrd. Bless, Right Reverend Master. ( S e e page 80. )
TXe First Priest and the Proto-Deacon kiss thr BisAop's hand, a d the P h i goeth itrto the Snnctrrary,andojbeneth the Holy Door, whik the Proto-Deacon remainrth sfanding outsid, in front of tht holy picture o f tht Saviour. The Birh remaineth on his dais (kdtkdra),rrnfil thr tittle Entrance. The other C ~y enter tht Sancfuary after the Exclamatioas at the Great and Little Litanies.





Deacon. Bless, Master. Ptiest (bestowing the bhssing, in cross-form, with the book o f the GospcLFfrom the Altar). Blessed is the kingdom of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of . ages. Chir. Amen.
A n d i f i t & at EartwfaZe:

Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down Death by death, and upon those in the tomb bestowing life.

THE GREAT LITANY (Vclfknyu Ekhiya). Deacon. In peace let us pray to the Lord. Choir. Lord, have mercy. If a Bkh@ be the c e b b a 4 he For the peace that is from saith k r e , secretly, the PRAYER above, and for the salvation of OF OBLATION. our souls, let us pray to the R 0 God our God, who didst Lord. & g For the peace of the whole send forth the Heavenly Bread, world ; for the welfare of God's the Nourishment of the whole holy Churches, and for the world, our Lord and God, Jesus Christ, to be our Saviour and union of them all : & For this holy Temple, and Redeemer and Benefactor, for those who with faith, deblessing and sanctifying us: Do voutness, and in the fear of Q thou, the same Lord, bless also God have entered therein : & p. this oblation, and accept it on thy most heavenly Altar. Call lo For our Holy Synod (or Patriarch); for our Bishop (or 9 to remembrance those who offer it, and those for whom it Archbishop, or Metropolitan), is offered, inasmuch as thou art 9 N. ; for the honourable Presbytery, the Diaconate in Christ ; p good and lovest mankind ; and for all the clergy. and the Q preserve us blameless in the holy ministry of thy Divine laity: I$ Mysteries. Here follow pefitions for fhe Ruler 5 For sanctified and glorified aft& Land and for all fheAu- $ , fhori'ties (Emperor, or King, and 3 be thy most honourable and Reigning House, or President, 0 majestic Name, of the Father, accordin lo the elemenfs and 2 and of the son, and of the nathnafftks which the P a f i h Y Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and is constifirfed). unto ages of ages. Amen.



That he will aid them and subdue under their feet every foe 5 and adversary : & 9. 3 For this city, for this holy Temple, and for every city and land, and for those who with faith dwell therein: I$ t?.? For healthful seasons ; for abundance of the fruits of the earth, 2 arr and for peaceful times : I$ For those who travel by sea or by land; for the sick and the suffering; for those who are in captivity, and for their salva- CD 0 B F tion: I$ . That he will deliver us from all tribulation, wrath, peril and 3 necessity: & S U C C OUS, U ~save us, have mercy upon us, and keep us, 0 God, by thy grace. Choir. Lord, have mercy. Calling to remembrance our most holy, undefiled, most blessed and glorious Lady, the Birth-giver of God and ever-virgin Mar , with all the Saints, let us commend ourselves, and each other, and a1 our life unto Christ our God. Choir. To thee, 0 Lord.




Pricst. For unto thee are due all glory, honour and worship, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen.
A n d the Deacon, having ma& a reverence, shaN leave his place, and shaN go and stand before the holy piclure (ikdna) of Christ, holdirrg his stole wzth threelingers of his nght hand. Here shall be sung tIAc FIRST ANTIPHON, Psalm czzi. (or on the Great Feasts its appointed substitute).* And the Priest saith, secretly, the PRAYER OF THE FIRST ANTIPHON.

Bless the Lord, 0 my soul : Blessed art thou, 0 Lord. Bless the Lord, 0 my soul, and all that is within me bless his holy Name. Bless the Lord, 0 my soul, and forget not all his benefits. Who forgiveth all thy sin, and healeth all thine infirmities. The Lord is full of compassion and mercy, long-suffering and of great goodness. H e will not alway be chiding, neither keepeth he his wrath forever. H e hath not dealt

0 Lord our God, whose might is ineffable, whose glory is inconceivable, whose mercy is infinite, and whose love toward mankind $ is unutterable : Look down, 0 u Master, in thy tender cornpar sion, upon us and upon this holy Temple ; and deal with us and with those people who here pray with us, according to the riches of thy mercies and thy bounties.
with us after our sins, nor rewarded

See the Special Services for the Great Feasts.



us according to our iniquities. Bless the Lord, 0 my soul, and all that is within me bless his holy Name. Blessed art thou, 0 Lord.
And at the conclwwn o the Antiphon, the Deacon sha I come and stand again in his accustomed #lace, and sku22 say :

(likewise the BisAop) While the saith, secretly, the PRAYER OF T H E SECOND ANTIPHON.

0 Lord our God, save thy peoLITANY ( u wiYb ple, and bless thine heritage. h dnzya). Preserve the fulness of thy 2 Again, yet again, in peace let Church: sanctify those who us pray to the Lord. love the beauty of thy house: 9 Choir. Lord, have mercy. glorify them by thy divine might Succour us, save us, have in recompense ; and forsake not mercy upon us, and keep us, 0 us who put our trust in thee. God, by thy grace. Chozr. Lord, have mercy. Calling to remembrance our most holy, undefiled, most blessed and glorious Lady, the Birth-giver of God and ever-virgin Mary, with all the Saints, let us commend ourselves, and each other, and all our life, unto Christ our God. Choir. To tfiee, 0 Lord.



Priest. For thine is the majesty, and thine are the kingdom and the power and the glory, of the Father, and of the Son, and of tbe Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen.
The Deacon skull& as he Aath ribne a t the First Antzj5hon. Here shall be sung the SECOND ANTIPHON, Psalm cxlvi. (or on tAc Great F d s its afioinied substitute).*

Praise the Lord, 0 my soul : while I live, will I praise the Lord ; yea, as long as I have any being, I will sing praises unto my God. Blessed is he that hath the God of Jacob for his help, and whose hope is in the Lord his God ; who made the sea, and all that therein is ; who keepeth his promise forever. Who helpeth them to right that suffer wrong; who feedeth the hungry. The Lord looseth men out of prison ; the Lord giveth sight to the blind. The Lord helpeth them that are fallen ; the Lord careth for the righteous. The Lord careth for the strangers ; he defendeth the fatherless and widow : as for the way of the ungodly, he turneth it upside down. The Lord thy God, 0 Sion, shall be King forevermore. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages,of ages. Amen.
Here skull be m a g the Anthem.

0 Only-begotten Son and Word of God ! Thou who art immortal yet
See the Special Services for the Great Feaats.



didst deign for our salvation to become incarnate of the Holy Birth-giver of God and ever-virgin Mary; and without change of essence wast made man; who also wast crucified for us, 0 Christ our God, trampling down Death by death ; who art one of the Holy Trinity, and art glorified together with the Father and the Holy Spirit : Save us. Deacon. Again, yet again, in Then b y (the Bish and) the Priesf peace let us pray to the Lord. is sard, secretly, t e PRAYER OF THE THIRD ANTIPHON. Choir. Lord, have mercy. 0 thou, who hast given us Succour us, save us, have mercy upon us, and keep us, 0 grace at this time, with one accord, to make our common suppliGod, by thy grace. Chair. Lord, have mercy. cations unto thee ; and dost proCalling to remembrance our mise that when two or three are h 2 most holy, undefiled,most blessed gathered together in thy Name 5 and glorious Lady, the Birth-giver thou wilt grant their requests. Q ' of God and ever-virgin Mary, Fulfil now, 0 Lord, the desires with all the Saints, let us com- and petitions of thy servants as mend ourselves, and each other, may be most expedient for them ; and all our life unto Christ our granting them in this world knowledge of thy truth, and in God. the world to come, life everC h i r . T o thee, 0 Lord. lasting.



Priest For thou art a good God, and lovest mankind, and unto thee we ascribe glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen.
T h e Deacon then mtercth the Sanctuary, and the Ckuir dantet.4 the THIRD ANTIPHON. The Priest saith the PRAYER OF THE LITTLEENTRANCE while the last portion of the Beatitnrks is being

In thy Kingdom remember us, 0 Lord, when thou comest into thy Kingdom. Blessed are the poor i n spirit : for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are they that mourn : for they shall be comforted. Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth. Blessed are they that do hunger and thirst after righteousness : for they shall be filled. Blessed are the merciful : for they shall obtain mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart: for they. shall see God. Blessed are the

0 Master, Lord our God, who hast appointed in heaven ranks and hosts of Angels and Archangels for the ministry of thy glory : Cause that with our entrance may enter also the holy Angels with us serving thee, and with us glorifying thy goodness. For unto thee are due all glory, honaur and worship, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

? !


THE DIVINE LITURGY peacemakers : for they shall be If it be a Pontt)ical Service, the head Priest givefh the book of t k Hol called the children of God. Gospels to tke Profo-Deac01~, Blessed are they which are perbearefh it, preceded b y t h Sub- ba secuted for righteousness' sake : Deacons with the dzkfriand fri- 5' kin' and the sacramental fans for theirs is the kingdom of hea(r@idi). ven. Blessed are ve when men shall revile you,andapersecuteyou, The Prirsts o l l o q i n the or&r of their ran{- and the whole $ r e and shall say all manner of evil cession, while the Beatitrr&s against you falsely, for my sake. are being sun maketh the

Proto-Deacon. Bless, Right Rejoice, and be exceeding glad; Reverend Master, the Holy Enfor great is your reward in heaven. trance. The Deacon, takzng his stand before Bishop. Blessed is the Ent h Holy Door, saifh : trance of thy Holy Ones, always, Deacon. Bless, Master, the now, and ever, and unto ages of Holy Entrance. ages. Pricst. Blessed is the EnChoir. Amen. trance of thy Holy Ones dways, The Bish@ Kissefh the Holy Gosnow, and ever, and unto ages of pels. ages. Proto-Deacon. Wisdom, 0 BeChoir. Amen. lievers !
the Deacon skufl go fo The Clergy who are taking part in Priest, and the Priest skull kiss fh the service sing : book of the Holy Goq5eLr; and the O let us worship and Deacon shall come to the centre of the ~ o l Door, y and there sfandin down before Christ. Save, 0 tke Priest, k s h 6 Son of God, who didst rise again Holy Go~$I/S, and f the dead,* us who sing unto skull say, so that all may hear: thee : Alleluia. Wisdom, 0 believers ! (8) T h Bisk@ bestoweth the blessin with fhe dikiri and tn2lri. on a$ Then skull t& go to the Holy dlfour si&s, as after his vesting. t a r ; andthe Deacon shall lay the A n d all proceed to the SancfuGospeh on t h Altar, and the ary, where the Bishop, bearing the Choir skull sing : dikM and Censer, accompanied 0 come, let us worship and fall by the Proto-Deacon bearing the Christ. Save, 0 trikiri, censeth the Holy Altar, Son of God, who didst rise again the ima e screen, and the People, while ckantcth : from the dead,* us who sing unto I thee : Alleluia ' Eis pollA &ti,DCspota (Thice.)

T h m the Priest, taking the book of the Holy Gospels from the Altar, @eth i t to the D r a m ; andpreceded by a ltght, they both make the Lesser Entrance.

circit o f t a adcom- ~ r r r ing forth, through the north &or, goeth to the Bishop's dais. And there the Proto-Deacon standeth in front of fhBishop.

P m n t


tk khir

Then d a N be sung the*r@er Hymn ( T r e d r )and Collect-Hymn (Korraiik)for the Day. (See Appendix A.)
If it bt a wed day : who art wonderful in the Saints. Or, at Feasts, t k popcr Rr/rain, from the Antiphon o f lht Ftazt.





The Priest, secretly.

I f i t be a t a Ponti/ical Snvicc, the last Collecf-Hymn is omitted, a n d the Proto-Deacon, coming forth from the Sanctrrary, saifh :

0 holy God, who restest

in the Saints; who art hymned by the Seraphim with a thrice-holy cry, and glorified by the Cherubim, and adored by every heavenly Power; who out of nothingness hast brought all things into being ; who hast created man after thine own image and likeness, and hast adorned him with every gift of thine; who givest unto those that ask of thee wisdom and understanding ; who despisest not the sinner, but hast appointed repentance unto salvation ; and hast vouchsafed unto us, thy humble and unworthy servants here, at this hour, to stand before the glory of thy holy Altar, and to render unto thee that adoration and praise which are thy due: Do thou, the same Lord, accept from the mouths of us sinners, the Thrice-Holy song, and visit us with thy beneficence. Pardon us every transgression, whether voluntary or involuntary. Sanctify both our souls and bodies, and grant that we may serve thee in uprightness all the days of our life : through the intercessions of the holy Rirt h-giver of God, and of all the Saints of all the ages who have been well-pleasing unto thee.


0 Lord, save the God-fearing.

A n d the C h i r singeth the samc.

Proto-Deacon. And hear us. Chir. And hear us.

T h n (in Russian Chrrrches)the ProtoDcacm sai/h the GREATEULOGY.

To the Most Holy Synod of Russia, many years !

A n d the Clergy and t h Choir rr#eat the same.

Proto-Deacon. T o our Most Godfearing Sovereign, N., the Emperor of All the Russias, and to all the Reigning House (and to the Ruler y i t be in a foreign o f the Land, z country, mentioning kis name and title), many years !
A n d the Choir singeth the same.

Proto-Deacon. To our Lord, the Right Reverend, N., of N., many years !
A n d the Clergy and the Choir r @ e d the same.


Proto-Deacon. To the Right Reverend Patriarchs, Metropolitans, Archbishops and Bishops, many years !
A n d the Clergy and the Choir sing the same.

To the Orthodox Governing Council, and Commanders of the Army and the Navy ; to Governors of Towns, and the Christ-loving Army; and to all Orthodox Christians, many years !
The Choir repeat the same, and the " Bishop, after each " many years ! blesseth all, and thcn reciteth, secretly, OF THE THRICE-HOLY. the PRAYER


THE DIVINE LITURGY The Clergy in the Sanctuary :

AH,^ whfn the Chiy come to the

losf Hymn, the Deacon skull fo P k f , both bow

their stole with threefingers and " hIdcth :


Bless, Master, the time of the Thrice-Holy.

And the ~ r i c s ts k l l bless him, with the si of the cross, and shall say, =cud :

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen, We, thy servants, in that we have been delivered from calamity, do offer unto thee, 0 Birth-giver of God, who as a victorious Chieftain warrest for us, songs of triumph and thanksgiving. Do thou also, in that thou hast might invincible, free us from all assaults, that we may cry unto thee: Hail, 0 Bride Unwedded ! Proto-Deacon. Bless, Right Reverend Master, the time of the Thrice-Holv.

For holy art thou, 0 our And standiw in front of t h Holy God, and unto thee we ascribe Door, he shall say : glory, to the Father, and to the Let us pray to the Lord. Son, and to the Holy Spirit, Bishop. For holy art thou, 0 our now, and ever ; God, and unto thee we ascribe glory, And when the Hymn is jinished, to the Father, and to the Son, and the Deacon shall come close to to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever;
to the Holy Door, and jointin with his ~ t o l t , f i r n to t*r #icture of Christ, he shaZl say : And the Profo-Deacon, standin near the Holy Door, and holding stole with threejingers,andjointing thenwith to the PeqPle, saith :

0 Lord, save the God-fearing, and hear us.


Even unto ages of ages.


Choir. Amen. 0 Holy God, Then shaN he joint, in like manncr, to tkosc who stand without, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal One, and shaN say : have mercy upon us. (Once.) Even unto ages of ages. The Priests rejeat the same once.. Choir. Amen. The Choir r@eatetk the same once. And then the Choir : Aflcr the third rrgetition, the B i s w , holding the cross and the diRiri, saith, 0 Holy God, Holy Mighty, with hisface towar& the P e e k : Holy Immortal One, have mer-


cyupon us. (Fivc times.)* (9)

At Cltis-, the Epiphany, on t Ea.s&hic and a f P&cosf, in place of fke Thkt-Holy shall be n m g : An many as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. Alleluia. (10) At tke Fmrt of the Srtfing-up (Exaffafion) of fk Holy Cross; and a f the third week o t& Crtaf F d ( L m t ) , whrn is d r Feast of fht Admafion of fhc Cross, in p l a t of lXrirr-Holy thcre sluff be n m g: Thy Croas do we worship. 0 Master, and we glorify thy Resurrection.

Look down from heaven, 0 God, b Ew of P a l m Sunday, & H H o l y Sahtrday, du&



And the Deacon shall say to the Pricst :

Command, Master.

TXen tAry a##roacrh Holy Throne, and as he a##roacheth, the Priest shall say :


and behold and visit this vine which thou hast planted with thy right band, and establish it.
And whife the Choir singdk the ThriceHoly for the fovrth time, the Bisho# bestoweth the blessing with the cross and the diRfn'. Then the Clergy and the Choir each r e a t the Thrice-Holy once more. Here Bakho#s are wdaincd.
ot BW ordim

Blessed is he that corneth in the Name of the Lord. D e ~ Bless, ~ . Master, the seat on high. P h t . Blessed art thou on the throne of glory of thy kingdom, who sittest on the Cherubim always, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages.
The Priest h t h not ascend the Hzgh P h , nor sit @on it, but d e t h f i seat b e . & % it, to the smU.


Proto-Deacon. Bless, Right Reverend Master, the seat on high. BWof. Blessed art thou on the throne of glory of thy kingdom, who sittest on the Cherubim allhymned and exalted forever. ( I I )
The Birhoj then ascenrkth the HipA Place, and stanrkth there, lookan towar& the Peojk And he @vet$ the dikfri to the Deacon. And the Proto-Deacon givcth the t d f r i to Ue Bishoj, reahkg the Hymn.

In Jordan was the Trinity made manifest ; for the Most-Divine Person of the Father Himself proclaimed : H e that is baptized, the same is my beloved Son. And the Spirit descended upon Him that was like unto Himself. For which cause men shall bless Him and exalt him forever.
The Bisho# taketh the t r i k i i , andbless8th thrice with the trikfri,as vsvaf. the Deacon shall say : After the 72riceCWoly,

Let us attend
( B i d @ or) Priest. Peace be with you all. Reader. And with thy spirit. Deacon. Wisdom ! R t a d e r . The Gradual (Prokfmen), in the . . . Tone. ( 1 2 ) Tom /. : Let thy mercy, 0 Lord, be upon us, as we have set hope on thee. Verse: Rejoice in the Lord, 0 ye righteous: for it becometh just to be thankful. Tone 1 1 : The Lord is my strength and my song, and is become salvation.


Verse: The Lord hath chastened and corrected me ; but he hath not given me over unto death. Tone (I/.: 0 sing praises, sing praises unto our God : 0 sing praises, sing praises unto our King. Verse : 0 clap your hands together, all ye people : 0 sing unto God with the voice of melody. Tonc IV. : 0 Lord, how manifold are thy works : in wisdom hast thou made them all. Verse: Bless the Lord, 0 my soul : 0 Lord my God, thou art become exceeding glorious. Tone V. :Thou shalt keep us, 0 Lord : thou shalt preserve us from this generation henceforth forever. Verse: Save me, 0 Lord, for there is not one godly man left. Tone V I . : 0 Lord, save thy people, and bless thine inheritance. Verse: Unto thee will I cry, 0 Lord my strength : keep thou not silence towards me. Tonc V I L : The Lord shall give strength unto his people : the Lord shall give his people the blessing of peace. Vevse: Bring unto the Lord, 0 ye sons of God, bring young rams unto the Lord. Tone.VIIL : Pray ye unto the Lord our God, and render thanks. Verse : In 'Jewry is God known, his Name is great in IsraeL Deacon. Wisdom ! Reader. The Lesson from the Epistle of the holy Apostle (N. to the N.). Deacon. Let us attend.
ZZe Rea&r Andwhile the Ejisfle is bein read, fk.t Deacon a a h e censer, and ujjroaching fke Pn'csC shaa receive his blesnirg, and shall cmse the WO& Altar r p n d about, and a l l t * S a n c f u a ~ , a n d fke Prirsf9 and PIP j l e . (13)

then r e d f h the E#isfle: Brethren . . . I f n Biskoj be fke celebrant, fke Proto-Deacon fukefh the censer, and a Deacon fhc incense, a n d they aflroach fke Bishop. Andthe Biskoj, putting incense info the censer, recifefh f i e whilc b OF THE CENSER. the PRAYER


We offer unto thee the censer, 0 Christ our God, for the savour of a sweet spiritual odour ; which do thou accept upon thy most heavenly Altar, requiting us with the grace of thy Holy Spirit.

A n d when the Ejisfle is/inished, the PricJf shaN say :

THE PRAYER BEFORE THE GOSPEL. Peace be with thee. I to Reader. And with The Pnkst, secretly. : : thy spirit. D~acon. Wisdom ! ' mankind, with the pure light of thy divine 9 Reader. Alleluia knowledge, and open the eyes of our underW C r a r E istk is kin read the Bishop nnttefha the High P h ,a d the Priestr iif desi& it. i d r h e t k CO&S beiug wad, they stami ott&rpLaces.



standing to the comprehension of the proclamation of thy Gospel. Implant in us, likewise, the fear of thy blessed commandments ; that, trampling down all carnal desires, we may pursue a godly life, both thinking and performing such things as are well-pleasing unto thee. For thou art the light of our souls, and of our bodies, 0 Christ our God, and unto thee do we ascribe glory, together with thy Father who is from everlasting, and thy holy, and blessed, and life-giving Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Bless, Master, him who proclaimeth the good holy Apostle and Evangelist, N.
(For a Bish@ :Bless, Right Reverend Muter, him who And the Bishop or the Priest, blessing him with the sign say :

May God, through the all-laudable Apostle and Evangelist, N., grant power unto thee, who proclaimest the good filment of the Gospel of his beloved Son, Deacon. Amen.
taketh it,and oeth smna2th on t%r

Wisdom, 0 believers ! Let us listei to the Holy Gospel. The Bidtop. Peace be with you all. Chir. And with thy spirit. Deacon. The Lesson from the Holy Gospel according to N. Choir. Glory to thee, 0 Lord ; glory to thee. Priest. Let us attend.
And the Dcacon, or the PricEt, z y t h n e be no Deacon, reaakth the Gosjcl; atrd when he h t h j i n h h e d , the Pricst shull say ;(14)

Peace be unto thee, who hast announced the good tidings. Chir. Glory to thee, 0 Lord ; glory to thee.
And $;fit be a Pontgcal Service, tke Choir singeth :

Eis pollit dti, Ddspota. (Many years, 0 Lord.)

While tkr Bishop blesseth the People wi'rh the friRfri and the diktri. Then tkc Deacon shall go to the Holy Door, and shaN ive the book of thc GUSje& to the Pnkst, who jlareth i t a the A oar, bchin&he co@oml (antimfnh


T H E DIVINE LITURGY And the Deacon, standing in his accusfomedpCacr, shaZl say :

Let us all say, with all our soul and with all our mind let us say : ( 1 5 ) Chir. Lord, have mercy. 0 Lord Almighty, the God of our fathers, we beseech thee, hearken, and have mercy. Choir. Lord, have mercy. Have mercy upon us, 0 God, according to thy great mercy, we beseech thee : hearken, and have mercy. Chzr. Lord, have mercy. (Thrice.)
Here f o l l o w # e t i t ~ s f o r the R u i n ofthe Land cardfor aN the Ruthm'ties (Emperor, or King, and Reignin House,or President, accora'ing to the elements and nationalities o f zuhkh tht $ankh is mstituted).

For our Holy THEPRAYER OF THE LITANY OF FERVENT SUPPLICATION. Synod (or Patriarch) ; for our The Pricrf, secretly. Bishop (orArch0 Lord our God, accept this, the fervent s u p bishop, or Me- plication of thy servants, and be gracious unto us, tropolitan), N. ; according to the multitude of thy mercy; andsend for the honour- down thy bounties upon us, and upon all thy able Presbytery, who here await the rich mercy which is the Diaconate in people, from thee. Christ : for all the cldrgy and ~kcorporal (antimins) is now unfolded, except the ~ ~ p ~ e r edp. the laity. & Furthermore ' i we pray for all their ~hrist-loving Army and Navy. & 9 Furthermore we pray for our brethren the Priests; for ordained Monks, and for all our brotherhood in Christ. & 2. 3 Furthermore we pray for the blessed and ever-memorable most r holy Orthodox Patriarchs, and God-fearing Tzars and Tzarftzas ; and for the founders of this holy Temple ; and for all our devout fathers and brethren, Orthodox believers, departed this life be- g. 3. fore us, who here and in all the world lie asleep in the Lord. I$ 2 $ Furthermore we pray for those who bear fruit and do good 3 works in this holy and' all-honourable Temple ; for those who labour in its service; for the singers; and for the people here 9 present, who await in firm hope thy great and rich mercies. I$


Priest. For thou art a merciful God, who lovest mankind, and unto thee we ascribe glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Hol Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.




9 1

[A*, 9 if be in Russia, fk Priest saztk this Prayer :

Deacon. Let us pray to the Lord. C h o i r . Lord, have mercy.

0 Lord our God, who art great and full of compassion, in meekness of heart we make our humble s u p plication unto thee : Preserve beneath the shelter of thy loving-kindness from every calamity our most God-fearing Emperor, N. Guard him in his ways by thy holy Angels, and let no enemy by any means prevail against him, nor any son of iniquity aim to offend him. Satisfy him with length of days and plenitude of strength ; and enable him to accomplish all things to thy glory, and to the welfare of his people. So we, rejoicing in thy abounding grace toward him every day and every hour. shall bless and glorify thy most holy Name, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Ckoir. Amen.] 7 k PRIEST,secretly. And z y /Acre be o erings on bekuCf 01' the L a d ,fk eacon or the Priest 0 God of spirits, and of s h l l say the following LITANY : all flesh, who hast trampled Have mercy Won O God, down death, and overthrown according to thy great mercy, we the ~ ~ ~and i lgiven , life beseech thee : hearken, and have unto thy world : D~ thou, mercy. the same Lord, give rest to Lord, have mercy. the souls of thy departed (T k r i c c . ) b servants, NN., in a place of Furthermore we pray for the brightnesq a place of verrepose of the souls of the servants $ 3 dux, a place of repose, b of God departed this life, NN. ; g. whence all sickness, 3 and that thou wilt pardon all their 2 and sighing have fled away. sins, both voluntary and involunPardon every tnnsgression 9 Q tar & 2 which they have committed, the God enfab whether by word, or deed, or lish their souls where the just re- % thought, For thou artagood p o s e @ God, and lovest mankind ; The mercies of God, the kingbecause there is no man who dom of heaven, and the remission liveth and sinneth not ; for of our sins we entreat of Christ, thou only art without sin, our King Immortal and our God. and thy righteousness is to Chuir. Grant it, 0 Lord. all eternity, and thy word is Let us pray to the Lord. true. Choir. Lord, have mercy.


Priest. For thou art the Resurrection, and the Life, and the Repose of thy departed servants, NN., 0 Christ our God, and unto thee we ascribe glory, together with thy Father, who is from everlasting, and thine all-holy, and good, and life-giving Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. - C k o i r . Amen.




The Priest, secretly.


yerntO the 0 Lord our God, who dwellest on Lord, ye Catechumens. high, and dost regard the humble of Choir. mercy- heart; who hast sent forth as the Ye pray ye unto salvation of the race of men thine the for the Catechu- Only-begotten Son and God, our Lord ; that the wlll Jesus Christ : Look down upon thy have mercy upon them. servants the Catechumens, who have Choirhave mercy- bowed their necks before thee. Grant That he teach them unto them in due season the laver of the word of truth. regeneration, remission of sins, and Choir. Lord*have mercy. the robe of incorruption. Unite them That he to them unto thy Holy Catholic and Apostolic the gospel righte0usness. Church, and number them with thy h Choir. Lord, have mercy. chosen flock 3 That h e will unite them 3 Here e & c of corporal z i $ unto his Holy Catholic and spread out. Apostolic Church. [Or, z;f it b t a l t h LITURGY O F ST. BASIL Choir. Lord, have mercy. THE Save them, have mercy 0 Lord our God, who dwellest in upon them, succour them, and keep them, 0 God, by the heavens, and lookest down upon 1 all thy works : Look upon thy serthy grace. Choir. Lord, have mercy. vants, the Catechumens, who have Bow your heads upto the bowed their necks before thee, and grant them the light yoke Make Lord, ye Catechumens. them honourable members of thy holy Choir. T o thee, 0 Lord. - Church; and vouchsafe unto them the laver of regeneration, the remission of sins, and the robe of incorruption, unto the knowledge of thee, our true God.]


Pnkt. That with us they may magnify thine all-honourable and majestic Name, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen.
2 % Prirst makeih the s&n o the cross o v e fkc ~ corporal with the @onge, prkicA h then kisscth, and layci on one si&.

Deacon. Depart, all ye Catechumens, depart. Depart, all ye Catechumens : let no Catechumen remain : but let us who are in the faith again, yet again, in peace pray unto the Lord. (16) Chic Lord, have mercy.


. 111. THE LITURGY OF THE FAITHFUL Succour us, save THEFIRST PRAYER OF THE FAITHFUL. us, have mercy upon T%ePriest, secretly. us, and keep us, O We give thanks unto thee, 0 Lord God of God, by thy grace. the Powers, who hast graciously vouchsafed chary- Lord, have unto us to stand now before thy holy Altar, mercy. and fall down in adoration before thy compassion toward our sins, and the errors of the people. Accept our supplications, 0 God ; make us worthy to offer unto thee prayers and supplications, and unbloody sacrifices for all thy people. And enable us, whom thou hast appointed to this thy ministry, by the power of thy Holy Spirit, at all times, and in every ! $ place, blamelessly, without offence, and in the witness of a pure con- 2 science, to call upon thee ; that hearing us thou mayest show mercy $ upon us, according to the plenitude of thy goodness. [Or, i,f%heLITURGY OF ST. BASIL THE GREATbe used: Thou, 0 Lord, hast shown us this great mystery of salvation. Thou hast graciously permitted us, thy humble and unworthy servants, to be the ministrants of thy holy Altar. Do thou enable us with the power of thy Holy Spirit for this ministry; that,.standing uncondemned before thy holy glory, we may offer unto thee an oblation of praise. For thou art he who worketh all things in all men. Grant, therefore, 0 Lord, that our sacrifice for our own sins, and for the errors of thy people, may be acceptable and well-pleasf ing in thy sight.]


Pricst. For unto thee are due all honour, glory and worship, to the Father, and t o the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. C h o i r . Amen. THESECOND PRAYER OF THE Deacon. Again, yet again, in FAITHFUL. peace let us pray to the Lord. Choir. Lord, have mercy. T A p Pnhst, secretly. Again and oftentimes we fall Whm :he driest semeh m~hout a Deacon, thefoflowing#art of this down before thee, and beseech h Litany is 0mjfteda.s zndicated. thee, 0 Good One who lovest man- 8 kind, that, looking down upon our a For the peace that is from above, and for the Q 9 petition, thou wilt purify both our 9 salvation of our souls, let s 3 souls and bodies from all defileus pray to the Lord. $ ment of the flesh and of the Spirit; and grant that in blamelessChoir. L o r d , have A $ % ness and without condemnation we mercy.




For the peace of the whole world; for the welfare of God's holy Churches, and for the union of them all, let us pray to the Lord. Choir. Lord, have mercy. 3 For this holy Temple, and B s for those who with faith, devoutness, and in the fear of 2 God have entered therein, S let us pray to the Lord Choir. Lord, have mercy. That he will deliver us k from all tribulation, wrath, peril and necessity, let us pra to the Lord. b o i r . Lord, have mercy. SUCCOU US, ~ save us, have mercy upon us, and keep us, 0 God, by thy grace. Choir. Lord, have mercy.

may stand here- before thy holy ( Altar. Grant also, 0 God, unto us and unto those who here with us make their supplications unto thee, prosperity of life and increase of faith, and of spiritual understanding. Grant that they may serve thee continually with love and fear, ! and that they may partake of thy I Holy Mysteries in blamelessness of heart and without condemnation, and be deemed worthy of thy heavenly kingdom.


0 God, who in mercy and bounties hast visited our lowliness; who hast set us, thy humble, and sinful, and unworthy servants before thy holy glory, to serve thy holv Altar: Strengthen us bv the power of thy Holy Spirit for thii ministry, and @ant us utterance, in the opening of our lips, to invoke the grace of thy Holy Spirit upon the Gifts which we are about to set forth.] Deacon. Wisdom !
Thcn shall fhc Deacon enter through the n d &I.

1 Pricst. That being kept always by thy might, we may ascribe glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen. ' THEPRAYER OF THE CHERUBIMIC THE CHERUBIMIC HYMN. HYMN. i Choir. Let us, the Cherubim The PriCst, secretly. mystically representing, and No one who is in bondage unto 1 unto the Life-giving Trinity the thrice-holy chant intoning, carnal desires and sensual pleasures all cares terrestrial now lay is worthy to approach, or to come h near, or to serve thee, 0 King of 3 aside. ( I 7) (Here t h Great Entrance, with the Glory : For to serve thee is a great 2 ? HoQ G i Is, is m a & . Andafter and terrible thing even to the ' ymn is/inirhed:) it the f / Heavenly Powers. Nevertheless, That we may raise on high the through thine unutterable and King of all, like conqueror on boundless love toward mankind shield and spears, by the Angelic thou didst become man, yet without change, and without transmutation, Hosts invisibly up-borne.




and art become our High Priest, and hast committed unto us the ministry of this unbloody Sacrifice, in that thou art Lord over all. For thou alone, 0 Lord our God, rulest over those in heaven and on earth; who art borne on the throne of the Cherubim; who art Lord of the Seraphim and King over Israel ; who alone art holy and restest in the Saints. Therefore do I now make my entreaty unto thee, who alone art good and art ready to listen : Look down upon me, a sinner, and thine unprofitable servant, and cleanse my soul and my heart from an evil conscience ; and by the might of thy' Holy Spirit enable me, who am endued with the grace of the priesthood, to stand before this thy holy Altar, and perform the sacred Mystery of thy Holy and Pure Body and Precious Blood. For unto thee do I draw near, and bowing my neck I implore thee: turn not thy face from me, neither cast me out from among thy children ; but gracious1 vouchsafe that I, a sinner and thine unworthy servant, may o er unto thee these Holy Gifts. For it is thou who offerest and art offered, who receivest and art thyself received, 0 Christ our God: and unto thee we ascribe glory, together with thy Father, who is from everlasting, and thine all-holy, and good, and life-giving Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages.

( A t a Pontz#cal Service the Bistrop washetk his hands.) Then the g Derrcon tkketh tk censer, and having received the Priesf s blessin he c ~ e t the h Xo& Altar round abouf, and the Sanctuary, sa ing, s e c R f i , to hime& Psalm li. : Have mercy upon me, 0 Cod, accordng to thy great goodness. Then the Pn'rst and Deacon stand before the Altar, and make three reverences, saying :

0 God, cleanse thou me, a sinner.

The P e s t , elevating his hands, saith i n a Cow voice : Let us, the Cherubim mystically re resenting . . . now lay aside. (Thrirr.) (See Then tachfinisheti t h H'jmn :That r e may raise on high . . . t h g kiss the Altar, andgo to the Chapel of Oblation, which the Priest censeth.


I f it be a Ponh#cal Semi-el the Bishoj taketh out the particles at the Table o Oblation, making mention of the living, and the &ad, and
his f e l ozu-cler-.


13 9

Then shull the Deacon say to the Priist

Take up, Master.

A n d the Priest, taking the air (vdadukh), shall lay it on the Deacon's lef shoul&r, andshall say :

Lift up your hands unto the Holy Things, and bless the Lord. T A c n takin the holy paten (dikkos),in like manner, he shall set i t on U e

head o f t f f iDeacon, with all reverence, the Deacon holdin the censer the while on one of his jngers. But the Priest h i m s t y s L l l take in his hund the h o b chalice (potfr),and they shall go forlA through the north door, prececicd & a tajer, and shall stund facing the Peele. ( B u t the Bishoj rcuzuiucth in the Sanctnary.)

THE D I V I N E LITURGY THE GREATENTRANCE Cfolfowing the Russian Semire Book). Deacon. Our most God-fearing Sovereign, N., the Emperor of All the Russias, may the Lord God remember in his kingdom always, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Priest. And all the Reigning House (and the Rtrler ofthe country), may the Lord God remember in his kingdom always, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Deacon. The most Holy Synod of Russia, and our Archbishop, N., may the Lord God remember in his kingdom always, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Pnnest. All you Or- / f i t be a Pont$cal Service, the Bhh@ now BUbm comethforurardin the Sanctuary, to the Hol Christians, may DOOY,and taketh the holy $dm from t L the b r d ~~d rememDeacon. ber in his kingdom al(Deacon. Thy Bishopric may the Lord ways, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages, God remember in his kingdom always, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages.) Choir. Amen.

Our most God-fearing Sovereign, N., That we may raise the Emperor of All the Russias, and all On high the King the Reigning House, may the Lord God On like remember in his kingdom always, now, and and spears, by ever, and unto ages of ages. the Angelic Hosts inchoir. A ~ ~ ~ . visibly upborne.
Then the Deacon shall enter in through the Holy Door, and shall

Then the Choir finirkth the Cherubimu Hymn :

And exclaimeth :

The Bhh@, having $laced the Paten on the Altar, censeth the chalice, and taketh it fiom the Pn'csl.


(Priest. Thy Bishopric may the Lord On God remember in his kingdom always, now, the nght,andshaN and ever, and unto ages of ages. - Biskop. say to the pnist, Thy priesthood may the Lord God rememthe latter entryeth : ber in his kingdom always, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages.) May the Lord Bi~/rop.The Most Holy Governing SyGod remember thy G, nod may the Lord God remember in his priathood in his kingdom always, now, and ever, and unto kingdom. f ages of ages. And the Prirst shall The right Reverend Patriarchs, Metrosay to him : politans, Archbishops, Bishops, and all orMay the Lord ders of the clergy and of monks may the God remember thy Lord God remember in his kingdom always, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. diaconate in his The Faithful Governing Councils, and kingdom always, Commanders of the Army, Chiefs of Cities, now, and ever, and and the Christ-loving Army and the Navy unto ages of ages.




n n
skfl IkcAofickuzire upon tkc Holy Al, to , . taking the k o o 3 9from head qf the Deacon, s k u l l ~ l o c c9 it aka %$on tkc Holy A l t a ~to , tkr &fi, sayittg :
& l a d ,


, ,

(and the Rvlcr o f the if a f m b couniv, N ) , may the Lord God remember in his kingdom always, now, and ever,, and b unto ages of ages. E. Char. Amen.

A& ~ Z ~ Z ~ c r mter g y the Sanctnary. TAc B r i w s h Z l s d the Aoly chZire Holy Altar, saying : the

Noble Joseph, when he had taken thy pure Body from the tree, did wrap it in fine linen and spices, and sorrowing did lay it in a new sepulchre. ' I n the Grave with the body, but in Hell with the soul, in that thou art God ; in Paradise with the thief, and on the throne with the Father and the Spirit, wast thou, 0 Christ, filling all things, in that thou art infinite. How life-giving, how than Paradise more fair and, of a truth, more splendid than any king's chamber, 0 Christ, is shown forth thy tomb, the fountain of our resurrection.
T h skull kr take the vriLFfrom tAc holy paten and tkc Aoly chnlice, and skull la thou on one s& of the Holy Altar; and having taken the air fmn Deacon's shml&r, a d censed it, he skull cover tkervi* fke Holy Gzyts, and skull say :


Noble Joseph, when he had taken thy pure Body from the tree, did wrap it in fine linen and spices, and sorrowing did lay it in a new sepulchre.
Eim faking the censerfrom the kana3 of the D e a n , ke shZl thrice cense t k Holy Gzyts, saying:

Exalt thou Zion in thy favour, 0 Lord, and let the .walls of Jerusalem be built Then shalt thou be pleased with the sacrifice of righteousness, with sacrifices and burnt-offerings ; then shall they offer young bullocks upon thine altar.
T h m k skull give tke censer to tke Deacon, and shall bow his head, saying :

If a B i s e be the celebrant, he ,aifh to those , A , s e e , wyh him :

Remember me, 0 brother, and fellow-minister.

And Deacon shall Say fo him :

Brethren. fellow-servitors, Abpray May the Lord God remember ( bots and ~Aests; - for me. thy priesthood in his kingdom.
Thr Deacon also. bow in^ his head. a n d holding h& stoleowifk three jngers of his ngkt h a d , shall say to the Priest :

I I L/,

And they all answer :

Pray for me, holy Master.




T h e Pricst (or all the Clergy). May the Holy Spirit come upon thee, and the power of the Most High overshadow thee. h Deacon. May the Holy Spirit himself minister together with us, 8 and with you, all the days of our life. And again : Pray Bish@. May the Lord direct your steps. 9 for me, holy Master. CZergy. Remember us, holy Master. BisW or Pn'est. May the Lord God remember you (thee) in his kingdom always, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. - M Deacon. L e t u s T h BLhqb bksseth with t h dikfrr' and irr;hfri, Our prayer whik fhd C h i r danteth :Eis poU dti, D6pota. unto the Lord. T h B&hO#, w P ~ ~ s secretly. I, 1 Chir. Lord, have mercy. 0 Lord God Almighty, who alone art holy; these who acceptest the sacrifice of praise from now those who call upon thee with their whole let us Pray to heart : Accept also the prayer of us sinners, the Lord. and bear it to thy holy Altar ; and enable us Choir. have to offer unto thee gtfts and spiritual sacrimercy. fices for our sins and for the errors which this Tern- thy people have committed through ignp and rance. And graciously grant us to obtan with faith* de- grace in thy sight, that our sacrifice may be voutness, and in the acceptable unto thee; and that the good fear God have en- spirit of thy grace may rest upon us, and tered let us upon these Holy Gifts, now offered up unto Pra to the thee, and upon all thy people. h i r . Lord, have k' [Or, g f h e LITURGY OF ST.BASIL THE GREATbe mercy. That he will deliver 0 Lord our God, who hast created us, and us from all tribulation, wrath, peril and hast brought us into this life ;who hast shown necessity, let us pray us the way of salvation, graciously bestowing upon us the revelation of heavenly Mysteries : to the Lord. Choir. Lord, have Thou art he who hath appointed us to this ministry in the power of thy Holy Spirit. mercy. Succour us, save Graciously grant us, therefore, 0 Lord, to us, have mercy upon be servitors of thy new Covenant, minis us, and keep us, 0 ters of thy Holy Mysteries. Accept us who draw near to thy holy Altar, according to God, by thy grace, Choir. Lord, have the plenitude of thy mercy, that we may be worthy to offer unto thee this reasonable and mercy. A day all-perfect, unbloody sacrifice for our own sins, and for holy, peaceful and the errors of thy people : which do thou ac- I sinless, let us beseech cept upon thy holy, and heavenly, and supersensual Altar for the savour of a sweet odour. of the Lord.

g , ,



Choir. Grant it, 0 Send down upon us the grace of thy Holy I Lord. Spirit. Look upon us, 0 God, and behold An Angel of Peace, this our service, and accept it as thou didst the faithful guide and accept the gifts of Abel, the sacrifices of guardian both of our Noah, the burnt-offerings of Abraham, the souls and bodies, let priestly offices of Moses and Aaron, the us beseech of the peace-offerings of Samuel. Even as thou Lord. didst accept at the hands of the holy Apos- 9 CMY. Grant it, 0 tles this true ministry, so also do thou in thy ? Lord. beneficence, 0 Lord, accept from the hands ' The pardon and re- of us sinners these gifts ; that having been mission of our sins accounted worthy blamelessly to minister at and transgressions, thy holy Altar, we may receive the recomlet us beseech of the pense of wise and faithful stewards, in the Lord. terrible day of thy just requiting.] Choir. Grant it, 0 Lord. All things which are profitable to our souls and bodies, and peace to the world, let us beseech of the Lord Choir. Grant it, 0 Lord. That we may pass the residue of our life in peace and penitence, let us beseech of the Lord. C h i r . Grant it, 0 Lord. A Christian ending to our life, painless, blameless, peaceful; and a good defence before the dread Judgment Seat of Christ, let us beseech of t h e Lord. CICLoir. Grant it, 0 Lord. Calling to remembrance our most holy, undefiled, most blessed and glorious Lady, the Birth-giver of God and ever-virgin Mary, with all the Saints, let us commend ourselves, and each other, arid all our life unto Christ our God. Choir. To thee, 0 Lord Exclamatimr. Through the bounties of thine Only-begotten Son, with whom thou art glorified, together with the most holy, and good, and life-giving Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen. Priest. Peace be with you all. Choir. And with thy spirit. Deacon. Let us love one another, that with one accord we may confess : C h i r . Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, the -Trinity, one in Essence and undivided.




2% Pricst s h N & rcvc~ence, and shall say pn'vatcly, within h i d f :

Deacon. The Doors ! The Doors ! Wisdom ! Let us attend. (I 8) THESYMBOLOF THE FAITH. Choir. I believe in one God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, And of all things visible and invisible : And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, Begotten of his Father before all worlds ; Light of Light, Very God of very God, Begotten, not made; Being of one Essence with the Father; By whom all things were made; Who, for us men, and for our salvation, came down from heaven, And was incarnate by the Holy Ghost of the Virgin ~ a r i And was made man. And was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate, and suffered and was buried. And the third day he rose again, according to the Scriptures. And ascended into heaven, And sitteth on the right hand of the Father. And he shall come again with glory to judge both the quick and the dead ; Whose kingdom shall have no end. And in the Holy Ghost, the Lord and Giver of Life, Who proceedeth from the Father, Who with the Father and the Son together is worshipped and glorified, Who spake by the Prophets. In one Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. I acknowledge one Baptism for the remission of sins. I look for the Resurrection of the dead, And the Life of the world to come. Amen. Deacon (or Pn'cst). Let us stand aright, let us stand with fear, that we may offer in peace the Holy Oblation. Chir. A mercy of peace, a sacrifice of praise.

I will love thee, 0 Lord my strength; the Lord is my f i r m foundation, and my deliverer. (Thrice.)
And kc shaN Riss thc Hol G @ , t& ba*astiuC~cYed firsf the to$ of the ho(y$afen, and likewise the to# o the ~ o ( chalice, y and the c gc of the H o b Altar before him. I f there be s m r u l Pricsts, t& shall both kiss aN the Holy Things, a d each 0 t h on the shorrlak.


iy a BLhoj be the cele dranf,hcsaifh, secretly, a s k &isscfh the jatcn : 0 Holy God ; and the holy ckaZire : 0 Holy Might Altar: 0 One, have mercy upon us.


Then the BLho~5 m Pricst shall say :

Christ is in the midst of us.

And having been kissed orr the shmr&r and on the hand, he L answered:

H e is and shall be.

The Pricst shaN an the Holy Ekmcnfs witxfthe air. scvnnl Prirrts take art zn the servicc, they shal aN fan the Holy Elements with the air, in liRP manner, a d shall reficat, as do the Pcofll~ also, the S Y M B O LOF T H E FAITH.

T h the Pricst shall take the

om the Holy EZcmats, Z L v i a fiseda, he s u l
h y i f a s d



Pnist. The grace of our Lord Jesus f l a BisW crlcbrafeth, as Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with diklri and triRCri. you all. Ckm-r. And with thy spirit. Pnist (pointing upward). Lift up your hearts. Chir. We lift them up unto the Lord. Pnkt. Let us give thanks unto the Lord.
this Prayer, secretly.

$e$$ha2b /;s$rG.t$J iE

~b (~isw) priest $hall ofe

is meet and right we should laud thee, bless thee, praise theelgive thanks unto thee, and adore thee in all places of thy dominion : for thou art God ineffable, incomprehensible, invisible, inconceivable; thou art from everlasting and art changeless, thou, and thine Only-begotten Son, and thy Holy Spirit. Thou frbm nothingness hast called us into being ; and when we had fallen away from thee, thou didst raise us up again ; and thou hast not ceased to do all things until thou hadst brought us back to heaven, and hadst endowed us with thy kingdom which is to come. For all which things we give thanks unto thee, and thine Only-begotten Son, and thy Holy Spirit; for all the things whereof we know, and whereof we know not; for all thy benefits bestowed upon us, both manifest and unseen. And we render thanks unto thee for this ministry which thou dost deign to accept at our hands, although before thee stand thousands of Archangels and myriads of Angels, with the Cherubim, and Seraphim, six-winged, many-eyed, who soar aloft, borne on their pinions. [Or, zytk LITURGY OF ST. BASIL THE GREAT k used, this P r y t r : 0 thou who in verity existest, Master, Lord God, Father Almighty adorable : Meet is it, in truth, and just and befitting the majesty of thy holiness, that we should magnify thee, praise thee, bless thee, adore thee, give thanks unto thee and glorify thee, the only God which verily existeth, and offer unto thee, with contrite heart and humbleness of spirit, this our reasonable sen-ice : for it is thou who hast graciously bestowed upon us the knowledge of thy truth. And who hath power enough to express thy mighty acts, to make all thy praises t o be heard, or to utter forth all thy wonders at all times, 0 Master? 0 Sovereign Master of all things, Lord of heaven and earth, and of all created things both visible and invisible; who sittest on the throne of glory and beholdest the depths ; who art from everlasting, invisible, inscrutable, ineffable, immutable, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, our great God and the Saviour, our. hope, who is the image of thy goodness, the seal of equal type, in himself showing forth thee, the Father, the living Word, the true God, the Wisdom

! $ t



before all the ages, the Life, the Sanctification, the Might, and t h e true Light, through whom, also, the Holy Spirit was manifested ; the Spirit of Truth, the Gift of Adoption, the Earnest of an inheritance to come, the First-fruits of eternal good things, the life-giving Power, the Fountain of holiness ; by whom enabled every creature endowed with reason and intelligence doth serve thee, and evermore doth send up unto thee a n everlasting tribute of praise; for all things are thy servants. For Angels and Archangels, Thrones, Dominions, Principalities, Authorities, Powers, and the many-eyed Cherubim do laud thee. Before thee, round about, stand the Seraphim, having each six wings ; for with twain do they cover their faces, and with twain their feet, and with twain do they fly,crying one to another continually, with never-ceasing praises.]

Pn'est. Singing the triumphant song, crying, calling aloud,and saying : Choir. Holy, holy, holy, Lord of Sabaoth ; heaven and earth are full of thy glory : l-I~sanna in the highast: Blessed is he that cometh in the Name of the in the highest.

77uDeacon now taking the ho(y star-coverfrom the holy paten, J a i l make the sign of tk cross above it, and shall kiss it, and lay it on one siak. He shaU then go and stand on tk nght of the Holy Altar. The P r i e s t p r y d h , secretly.

And we also, 0 Lord who lovest mankind, in company with these blessed Powers do cry aloud and say: Holy art thou, and all-holy thou, and thine Only-begotten Son, and thy Holy Spirit ; holy and allholy and majestic is thy glory. Who hast so loved thy world that thou gavest thine Onlybegotten Son, that whosoever believeth on him should not perish, but should have everlasting life; who, when he had come and had performed all the dispensation for us, in -the night in which h e was given up, -in the which, rather, he did give himself for the life of the world, -took bread in his holy and pure and sinless hands; and when he had given thanks, and blessed it, and so sanctified it, he gave it to his holy disciples and apostles, saying : [Or, ifthe LITURGY OF ST. BASIL THE GREAT be used, this p 7 - a : ~~ With these blessed Powers, 0 Master who lovest mankind, we sinners also do cry aloud and say : Holy art thou, of a truth, and allholy, and there are no bounds to the majesty of thy holiness, and just art thou in all thy works ; for in righteousness and true judgment hast thou ordered all things for us. When thou hadst created man, and hadst fashioned him from the dust of the earth, and hadst honoured him with thine own image, 0 God, thou didst set him in the midst of a Paradise of plenty, promising him life eternal and the enjoyment of everlasting good things in keeping thy commandments.



But when h e disobeyed thee, the true God, who had created him, and was led astray by the guile of the serpent, and rendered subject to death through his own transgressions, thou didst banish him, in thy righteous judgment, 0 God, from Paradise into this present world, and didst turn him again to the earth from which he was taken, providing for him the salvation of regeneration, which is in thy Christ himself. For thou didst not t u n thyself away forever from thy creature, whom thou hadst made, 0 Good One, neither didst thou forget the work of thy hands ; but thou didst visit him in divers manners, through the tender compassion of thy mercy. Thou didst send forth Prophets; thou didst perform mighty works by thy Saints who, in every generation, were well-pleasing unto thee ; thou didst speak t o us by the mouths of thy servants the Prophets, who foretold unto us the salvation which was to come ; thou didst give us the Law to aid u s ; thou didst appoint guardian Angels. And when t h e fulness of time was come, thou didst speak unto us by thy S o n himself, by whom also thou madest the ages ; who, being the Brightness of thy glory, and the Express Image of thy Person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, thought it no robbery to be equal to thee, the God and Father. But albeit he was God before all the ages, yet he appeared upon earth and dwelt among men ; and was incarnate of a Holy Virgin, and did lay aside his godhead, taking on the form of a servant, and becoming conformed to the fashion of our lowliness, that he might make us conformable to the image of his glory. For as by man sin entered into t h e world, and by sin death, so it seemed good unto thine Only-begotten Son, who is in thy bosom, our God and Father, to be born of a woman, the holy Birth-giver of God and ever-virgin Mary; t o be born under the Law, that he might condemn sin in the flesh ; that they who were dead in Adam might be made alive in thy Christ. And becoming a dweller in this world, and giving commandments of salvation, he released us from the delusions of idols, and brought us unto a knowledge of thee, the true God and Father, having won us unto himself for a peculiar people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation ; and having purified us with water, and sanctified us with his Holy Spirit, he gave himself a ransom to Death, whereby we were held, sold into bondage under sin. And having descended into Hell through the Cross, that he might fill all things with himself, he loosed the pains of death, and rose again from t h e dead on the third day, making a way for all flesh through the Resurrection from the dead -for it was not possible that the Author of Life should be holden of corruption -that he might be the first-fruits of those who have fallen asleep, the first-born from the dead ; and he shall be all things, the first in all things. And ascending into heaven, he sat down at the right hand of thy Majesty o n high ; and he shall come again to render unto every man



according to his works. And he hath left with us, as memorials of his saving Passion, these Things which we have spread forth according to his commandment. For when he was about to go forth to his voluntary, and ever-memorable, and life-creating death, in the night in which he gave himself for the life of the world, he took bread in his holy and stainless hands, and when he had shown it unto thee, his God and Father, he gave thanks, blessing it, sanctifying it, and breaking it, he gave it to his holy disciples and apostles, saying :]

Pn'est. Take, eat, this is my Body which is broken for you, for the remission of sins.
As kc saith this, the Deacon shall point out the ho(y Pafen to fbPricst, holding his stole wifh threajingers of his rtght hand.

Pn'est. And in like manner, after supper he took the cup, saying :
As k saifh this, tk Deacon #ointefh to the holy chalice.


The Pricsf, secretly.

I n like manner, having taken the cup of the fruit of the vine, and mingled it, given thanks, blessed it, and sanctified it,

He gave it to his holy disciples and apostles, saying :]

Priest. Drink ye all of this : for this is my Blood of the New Testament, which is shed for you, and for many, for the remission of sins. T A c Pricst, secretly. I Bearing in remembrance, therefore, this commandment of sdvation, and all those things which came to pass for us; the Cross, the Grave, the Resurrection on the third day, the Ascension into Heaven, the Sitting on the right hand, the Second and glorious Coming-again : [Or, ~ y f h LITURGY t O F ST. BASIL THE GREATbC used: This do, in remembrance of me : for as often as ye shall eat this Bread and drink of this Cup ye do prodaim my death and confess my Resurrection. Wherefore, we also, 0 Master, having in remembrance his redeeming Passion and life-gi~ingCross, his three days' Burial, and his Resurrection from the dead, his Ascension into Heaven, and his Sitting on the, right hand of thee, the God and Father, and his glorious and temble Coming-again :]


B ~ m a ~ .


Priest. Thine own, of thine own, we offer unto thee, in behalf of all, and for all.
W m the D e a c o n , crossing hL hand, s h t d l l z ~ trr# the holy aten and the holy chalice, and making wa2h them the s z * of fhcross, he s ZZ AimseIf mdke a A n d & rcz,c~encc. T4e Pricst prayefh, secretly.


Again we offer unto thee this reasonable and unbloody service. And we beseech and implore thee, and offer our supplications unto thee, that thou wilt send thy Holy Spirit upon us, and upon these Gifts here spread forth. [Or, 2,ftk LITURGY OF ST. BASIL THE GREAT 6.9 used: Wherefore, 0 all-holy Master, we also, thy sinful and unworthy servants, whom thou hast graciously permitted to minister at thy holy Altar, not through our own righteousness (for we have done no good deed on earth), but because of thy mercies and bounties, which thou hast richly poured out upon us, now have boldness to draw near unto this, thy holy Altar; and presenting unto thee the holy emblems of the sacred Body and Blood of thy Christ, we pray thee and implore thee, 0 Holy of Holies, by the favour of thy goodness, that thy Holy Spirit may descend upon us, and upon these Gihs here spread forth before thee, and bless them, and sanctify and manifest them.]
T k n the Deacon shall afljroach t h Pnksf ;and sfandin siciir by sicic, they s M l 6a* make three lowly rcz,ercuce.s 6rfre fk~ 0 % Altar, praying zilmtly thus :


Pnksi. 0 Lord, who at the Third Hour didst send down upon thine Apostles thy Holy Spirit: Take not the same from us, 0 Good One, but renew it in us who make our supplications unto thee. De~con. Make me a clean heart, 0 God, and renew a right spirit within me. P&t. 0 Lord, who at the Third Hour . . . Deacon. Cast me not away from thy presence, and take not thy Holy Spirit from me. Pn'cst. 0 Lord, who at the Third Hour . . .
Z b n the Dearon, bowing his head and#ointing with his stole to the Holy Bread, shall say :

Bless, Master, the Holy Bread.

A d fkr Pricst, stan&ng erccf, shall sz& the Holy Bread WW the sign of the cross, and shaN say :

And make this bread the precious Body of thy Christ.



[Or, i f t k LITURGY O F ST. BASILTHE GREAT be wdd:

For this bread is in very truth the precious Body of our Lord, and God, and Saviour, Jesus Christ.] Deacon. Amen. Bless, Master, the holy chalice.
And the Pricst shall bless it, and shaN say :

And make that which is in this chalice the precious Blood of thy Christ. ,

GREATbe used:

For this chalice, in very truth the precious Blood of our Lord, and God, and Saviour, Jesus Christ (Demon. Amen), which was poured y out for the life of the world.] Deacon. Amen.
A n d again, the Deacon, jointing to both tk Holy Elemenfs, shall say




Master, bless both.

A n d the Priest, blessing both, shaN say

Transmuting them by thy Holy Spirit. Deacon. Amen, amen, amen.

And bowing his head to the Pricsf, the Demon shall say :

/ 1

I f a Bishop bc the celebrant, the

Proto-Deacm saith

Bear us in remembrance, holy Master. Bishop. May the Lord God Andthe Pricst shall say: remember you in his kingdom May the Lord God ember always, now, and ever, and unto thee in his kingdom always, now ages of ages. and ever, and unto ages of ages. Pnht and Demon. Amen. Demon. Amen. I

Bear me in remembrance, holy Master.

And r a Pricst hath been orahitledat this same Lit# , tke Bishop now bid- I, a2tIkim to draw near, and taking the HoZy B r e a g n d breaking the jar. g tion XCfrom tkc t o j thereof, where ike cross is, he gzketk i t a him, saying : 2.

Receive thou this pledge, and preserve it whole and unharmed until thy last breath, because thou shalt be held to an accounting $ therefor in the second and terrible Coming of our great Lord, God, and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
And takin it, the Pnist kisseth the Rirkop's hand, and withdrawin he standetfmind ike Ho& Allor ;andjloring his hand on the HO& A f a r , kc prayeth, saying :


Have mercy upon me, 0 God. . .

(Psalm li.).

And when : Holy thinm to the holy : is to be said, he who hoth received Ordination restoreth the Bread, and the Birhoj in cth it on the hoZy#atm ;I a ~ the d new& orctiined Phest is coia*rnnicrrte,iYbCforethe other Pricsts. 1

The Pnest prayeth.


That to those who shall partake thereof they may be unto soberness of soul, untothe remission of sins, unto the fellowshipof thy Holy Spirit, unto the fulfilling of the kingdom of Heaven, and unto boldness toward thee ; and not unto judgment or unto condemnation. And again we offer unto thee this our reasonable service, for all thy servants departed this life before us in the faith ; for our ancestors, fathers, the Patriarchs, Prophets, Apostles, Preachers, Evangelists, Martyrs, Confessors, Ascetics ; and for every righteous soul who hath died in the faith :
[Or, ifthe LITURGY OF S T . BASIL THE GREATbe med: And unite all us who partake of the one Bread and the one Cup, one to another in the communion of the Holy Spirit; and grant that no one of us may partake of that holy Body and Blood of thy ,Christ unto judgment or unto condemnation ; but that we may find mercy and grace, together with all the Saints who, in all the ages, have been acceptable unto thee, our ancestors, fathers, the Patriarchs, Apostles, Preachers, Evangelists, Martyrs, Confessors, Teachers; and with the spirits of just men made perfect in the faith :] A n d the Deacon shall ccnse the Hol Altar round about, and shaU makc mentia. qf the living and qf the h a d Then the Pricst shalt say, aloud :

Especially our most holy, all-undefiled, most blessed and glorious Lady, the Birth-giver of God and ever-virgin Mary : And Saint John, the Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist ; the holy, glorious and all-laudable Apostles ; Saint N. (the Saint of the day), whose memory we commemorate; and all thy Saints: through . whose prayers visit thou us, 0 God, and call to remembrance all those who have fallen asleep in the hope of Resurrection unto life eternal.
(Hnr he maketh mention of the Names, i r r the or&r of their rank.) OF ST. JOHN CHRYSOSTOM: If it be at the LITURGY

Choir. Meet is it, intruth, to bless thee, the Birth-giver of God, ever- blessed, and all-undefiled, and the Mother of our God. More honourable than the Cherubim, and beyond compare more glorious than t h e Seraphim,

Furthermore we beseech thee, 0 Lord, that thou wilt call to remembrance all Bishoprics of Orthodox Christians, which rightly dispense the word of thy truth ; all the Priesthood, the Diaconate in Christ, and every order of the Clergy. Furthermore we offer unto thee this our reasonable worship on behalf of the whole universe ; of the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church ; of those who continue in chastity and soberness of life ; of our most God-fear-

thou who without defilement barest God the Word, true Birthgiver of God, we magnify thee.

ing Sovereign, N. (& Russia, the Emperor of All the Russias); and all the Reigning House, and all their Council and Army and Navy. Grant unto them, 0 Lord, a peaceful reign, and that we, through their tranquillity, may pass our time in rest and quietness, in all godliness and soberness of life. And give them rest where the light of thy countenance shall visit them. Have in remembrance, also, 0 Lord, we beseech thee, thy Holy Catholic and A p o s tolic Church, which is from end to end of the Universe; and give peace unto Her whom thou hast purchased with the precious Blood of thy Christ : and establish thou firmly this holy Temple, even unto the end of the world. Remember, 0 Lord, those who have offered unto thee these Gifts; and those for whom, and by whom, and in behalf of whom they have offered them. Have in remembrance, 0 Lord, those who bear fruit and do good works in thy holy churches, and those who are mindful of the poor. Requite them with thy rich and heavenly gifts. Give them things heavenly for things earthly ; things eternal for things temporal ; things incorruptible for things corruptible. Have in remembrance, 0 Lord, those who are in the deserts, and mountains, and caverns, and in the subterranean pits of the


Choir. In thee rejoiceth, 0 thou who art full of Grace, every created being, the Hierarchy of the Angels, and all mankind, 0 Consecrated Temple and supersensual P a r a d i s e , Glory of Virgin?, of whom God, who is our God before all the ages, was incarnate and became a little child. For he made of thy womb a throne, and thy belly did he make more spacious than the heavens. In thee doth all Creation rejoice, 0 thou who art full of Glory : Glory to thee.
Or, at the di erent Feasts, t h e be strng the a jointed Hymn to Birthgrvw of God.

Have in remembrance, 0 Lord, all those who continue in virginity and godliness, and in asceticism and devoutness of life. Have in remembrance, 0 Lord, our most God-fearing and Christ-loving Sovereign, N. (in Russia, the Emperor of All the Russias), to whom thou hast given the right to reign in the earth. Crown him with the armour of truth, with the panoply of contentment. Overshadow his head in the day of Mttle. Strengthen his arm, exalt his right hand ; make mighty his kingdom ; subdue under him all barbarous nations which seek wars; grant unto him peace profound and inviolate ; inspire his heart with good deeds toward thy Church, and toward




all thy people ; that through his serenity we may lead a quiet and tranquil life, in all godliness and soberness. Remember, also, 0 Lord, all the Reigning House. Have in remembrance, 0 Lord, all Rulers and Authorities, as also our brethren who are in their Council ; and all their Army and Navy. In their goodness, preserve thou the good, and through thine own goodness make thou the evil good. Have in remembrance, 0 Lord, this congregation here present, and those who are absent for reasonable cause; and have mercy . upon them and upon us, according to the multitude of thy mercies. Fill their treasuries with every good thing ; maintain their marriagebond in peace and concord ; rear the infants ; guide the young ; s u p port the aged ; encourage the faint-hearted. Collect the scattered, and turn them from their wandering astray, and unite them to thy Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. Set at liberty those who are vexed by unclean spirits ; voyage with those who voyage, journey with those who journey ; defend the widows ; protect the orphans; r/: free the captives ; heal the sick. Have in remembrance those who 8 are under trial, and in the mines, and in exile, and in bitter slavery, and in all 'diction, distress and tribulation. L" Have in remembrance, 0 God, all those who invoke thy great loving-kindness ; those also who love us, and those who hate us, and those who have enjoined us, unworthy though we are, that we should pray for them ; and all thy people, 0 Lord our God: And upon them all pour out thy rich merc , granting unto all such of their petitions as are unto salvation d those whom we, through ignorance, or forgetfulness, or the multitude of names, have not remembered, do thou thyself call to mind, 0 God, who knowest the age and the name of each, and knowest eve man even from his mother's womb. For thou, 0 Lord, art t e Helper of the helpless, the Hope of the hopeless, the Saviour of the stormtossed, the Haven of the voyager, the Healer of the sick. Be thyself all things unto all men, 0 thou who knowest every man, his petition, his abode, and his need. Deliver, 0 Lord, this city, and every city and land from famine, plague, earthquake, flood, fire, sword, the invasion of enemies, and from civil war.]

And when the Hymn zkfinished, the Pricst shall say, aloud :

Among the first And all the people. Choir. And all the people. have in remembrance, 9r Lord' the Most Andthe Bishop reci'ieth the Prayerj3r the Synod: Governing S ~ n - Among the first . . . 3 od (or Patriarch) ; The Sm"r Pn'est then s a i d : grant that they Have in remembrance, 0 Lord, our Right (or he) may rightly

If a Bishop be the celebrnnt, the Prot~Deacon, standing at the Holy Dow; and looking on m . the Peqjle, sai'ih : I


I 10

THE DIVINE LITURGY Reverend Bishop, N., granting that in peace, safety, honour, health and length of days he mzy guide thy holy Church, rightly administering the word of thy truth.
He kisseth the BisAofs mitre, and tke B i s w , blessing him, saitk :

dispense unto thy Church t h e word of thy truth, in peace, safety, health, honour and length of days.
And tkc Choir singeth :

And all the people.

May the Lord have in remembrance thy b Fpriesthood.

Th Senior Deacon, turning to the Peojle (in RyssM) : b T h e Most Holy Governing Synod, and the Right Reverend N., who offereth these Holy Elements unto the Lord our God. For the salvation of our most God-fearing Sovereign, N., Emperor of All the Russias ; and for all the Reigning House ; and for all their Council and Army and Navy. Choir. And for all the people.
The Deacon then commemorateth the l i ~ i r g wkile , the Priest$rayeth,secretly.

Have in remembrance, 0 Lord, this city in which we dwell ; and every city and country, and all those who with faith dwell therein. Have in remembrance, 0 Lord, all those who journey by sea or by land, all sick persons and sufferers and captives, and their salvation. Have in remembrance, 0 Lord, those who bear fruit and do good works in thy holy Churches, and those who are mindful of the poor ; and send down thy grace upon us all. [If the LITURGY OF ST. BASIL THE GREAT be used; this Prayer is s d ,
secretly :

Priest. Have in remembrance, 0 Lord, every Bishopric of the Orthodox which rightly administereth the word of thy truth. Have in remembrance, also, 0 Lord, my unworthiness, according to the multitude of thy bounties ; pardon me every transgression, c/r ,a whether voluntary or involuntary, and withhold not, because of my sins, the grace of thy Holy Spirit from the Gifts now spread forth p unto thee. Have in remembrance, 0 Lord, the Priesthood, as also the Diaconate in Christ, and all sacerdotal orders, and put not to confusion any one of us who stand about thy holy Altar. Visit us with thy loving-kindness, 0 Lord ; manifest thyself unto us in thy rich bounties. Vouchsafe unto us temperate and healthful seasons. / Give gentle showers upon the earth, unto fruitfulness. Bless the ' crown of the year of thy beneficence. Make schisms to cease in the Church. Quench the ragings of the nations ; speedily destroy, by the might of thy'Holy Spirit, all uprisings of heresies. Receive us all into thy kingdom, making us children of the light and of the day ; and grant unto us thy peace, and thy love, 0 Lord our God ; for all I things hast thou given unto us.]



PricJt. And grant that with one mouth and one heart we may glorify and praise thine all-honourable and majestic Name, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen.
A n d turning to the PeqPlc and blrssing them, the Priest saith :

And may the mercy of the great God, and of our Saviour Jesus Christ, be with you all. C h i r . And with thy spirit. ~ a~ r n maxu m * And the Deacon shall stand at hL accustomedp&uc, and shall say : Calling to remembrance all the Saints, again, yet again, in Q peace let us pray to the Lord. & For the Precious Gifts which have been offered and sanctified, let us pray to the Lord. & 3 That our God, who loveth mankind, will accept them upon his 2 holy, and most heavenly, and supersensual Altar, for an odour of spiritual fragrance; and will send down upon us in return his divine = grace and the gift of his Holy Spirit, let us pray to the Lord. & $ 0 That he will deliver us from all tribulation, wrath, peril and necessity, let us pray to the Lord. & SUCCOU~ US, save us, The Pricstprayefrh, secretly. have mercy Won and Unto thee do we commit our whole keep O by thy life and hope, 0 Lord, who lovest rnangrace. kind. And we entreat thee, and beseech Lord, have thee, and implore thee : Vouchsafe that mercy. we may partake of thy heavenly and terA day all-pe*ect, rible Mysteries, of this sacred and spiritpeaceful and ual food, with a pure conscience, unto let beseech the remission of our sins, unto the pardon of the Lord. of our transgressions, unto the communGrant *, O q ion of the Holy Spirit, unto inheritance $' Lord. 3' of the kingdom of Heaven, and unto 3 A n A n gel ' boldness toward thee; not unto judgment $ Peace, the faithful or condemnation guide and guardian 5 [Or, ifthe LITURGY OF ST.BASIL THE GREAT both of our souls and *cused: .bodies,letusbeseech 0 of the Lord. B 0 our God, the God of salvation, do The pardon and rethou teach us how we may worthily give mission of our sins ' ; L thanks unto thee for thy benefits, which and transgressions, thou hast ever bestowed and yet dost belet us beseech of the stow upon us. Do thou, 0 our God, who Lord I$ acceptest these Gifts, purify us from All things which every defilement of flesh and spirit, and




are profitable to our souls, and peace to the world, let us beseech of the Lord. fZ1 q That we may pass $ theresidue of our life Y in peace and penitence, let us beseech 2 of the Lord. B A Christian ending n to our life, painless, blameless, peaceful ; and a good defence before the dread . & Judgment Seat of Christ, let us beseech of the l o r d fZ1 Having made our petition for the unity of the faith, and the communion of the Holy Spirit, let us commend ourselves, and each other, and all our life unto Christ our God. Chit:To thee, 0 Lord.

teach us to perfect holiness in thy fear; that we, receiving a portion of thy Holy Things in the witness of a pure conscience toward thee, may be made one with the holy Body and Blood of thy Christ; and that having received them worthily, we may have Christ abiding in our hearts, and may become a Temple of thy Holy Spirit. Yea, 0 our God, cause also that none of us may be guilty of these thy terrible and heavenly Mysteries, or sick in soul or in body through an unworthy partak- 8 ing of the same : but enable us, even unto 5 our last breath, worthily to receive a portion of thy Holy Things, which is a s u p port upon the road to life eternal, an acceptable defence at thedread Judgment Seat of thy Christ. That we also, together with all the Saints who, in all the ages, have been acceptable unto thee, may be made partakers of thine everlasting blessedness, which thou hast prepared for those who love thee, 0 Lord.]

Pricst. And vouchsafe, 0 Lord, that boldly and without condemn* tion we may call upon thee, God the heavenly Father, and say:
2 % P&.pk: Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, As it is in heaven Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, A s we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation ; But deliver us from the Evil One :
Here t b Deacon birulh his sto& about him in tkt fown of 0 cross. (19)


Priest. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. C k o i r . Amen. &st. Peace be with you all. Choir. And with thy spirit.




Deacon. Let us bow our heads unto the Lord. Chit-. T o thee, 0 Lord.
The Pricst#rayeth, secretly.

W e give thanks unto thee, 0 King invisible, who by thine illimitable power hast made all things, and by the plenitude of thy mercy hast called into being all things from nothingness. Do thou, the same Lord, look down from heaven upon those who have bowed their heads before thee ; for they have not bowed down unto flesh and blood, but unto thee, the terrible God. Do thou, therefore, 0 Lord, render this oblation efficacious to us all, according to the individual need of each. Voyage with those who sail upon the seas ; journey with those who travel on dry land. Heal the sick, 0 thou who art the healer of our souls and bodies.
[Or, if the LITURGY OF ST. BASIL THE GREAT be used, the fol(muing Prayer :

0 Master, Lord, the Father of bounties, and the God of all comfort, bless, sanctify, guard, strengthen, fortify those who have bowed their heads unto thee ; withdraw them from every evil work ; unite them to every good work ; and graciously grant that, without condemnation, they may partake of these, thy pure and life-giving Mysteries, unto the remission of their sins, and unto the communion of the Holy Spirit.] ,?hCza&w#. Pricst. Through the grace, and bounties, and love toward mankind of thine Only-begotten Son, with whom thou art blessed, together with thine all-holy, good and life-giving Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages C h i r . Amen.
2% Priestjrayefh, secretly :

Give heed from thy holy dwelling-place, and from the throne of glory of thy kingdom, and come and sanctify us, 0 Lord Jesus Christ our God, who sittest on high with the Father, and art invis- $ ibly here with us. And deign, with thine own mighty hand, to impart thine all-pure Body and most precious Blood unto us, and $ through us unto all the people.

Then tkc Priest skull rib hamagc, and the Deacon, standing before the Hob D w , shall r@cat, secretly, fhticr:

0 God, cleanse thou me, a sinner.

When the Dcacon secth the Priest stretch out his hand and touch thc Holy Bread in the act of making the Holy Oblation. he skull say. Here the Holy Door loudly : is closed,and the cnrfain is drawn. Let us attend.

THE DIVINE LITURGY And the Priest, as k clevatefh the NO& Bread, sku22 say : Holy things unto the Holy. Choir. One only is holy, one only is the Lord, Jesus Christ, in the glory of God the Father. Amen.

Then shall the Choir chant the Anthem for the Day (or o

'" Feast) :



And the Pricsf, breaking it in our puccs, with praise ye the ~~~d all heedfulness and awe, shu 2 say : from heaven : praise Broken and divided is the Lamb of God, him in, the height. which is broken, yet not disunited ; which is Alleluia ever eaten, yet never consumed, but sanctifieth those who partake thereof.


A n d the Deaco* shall enter the Sanctuury, and standing at the ri ht hand o the Pqkst, who h o t heo r e he sIL2 2 say :

Break, Master, the Holy Bread.


After dividing the UoZy Lamb, the Pricst musf place the #ortzbns in the form of a cross upon the ho? paten, with a pro ound reverence,such as he hath made before when censzng. He shaN lay t e fNC at the u Per part of the holy#aten, which lieth towards the east. The X C shall e #&ce in a Zinc beneath it, on that side of the$aten which lieth to the west; and the N f ##on fke north side, while the K A skull be opposite, upon the south sicle, as is here set forth. (20)



When the portion f U C hafh been removed, it shall be j k e d in the holy chulice. Theportion XCshall be#artakcn o f & the Clergy who take art i n W Litur y. The two otherprtzbns, namely, the N f and the K d a r e broken t communion of the &zit . A n d from the portion which representeth ike Holy Birth-giver o/ ~ o ~ o r f r o fke mpartirlrr re resenting the nine ranks of the Heavenly Hierarchy, which are upon t e holy paten, s M l no one be communicated: but only from the two #orlions ofthe Holy Lamb w,hich remain shall the laity be communicated. I Tken the Deacon,#oznting with his stole to the holy chalice, skull exclaim :


Fill, Master, the holy chalice.

A n d the Pn'est, taking theportwn fkiC~?om tke place where it lieth, skull make fher-ewith the S@ of the cross above the holy chalice, saying : The fulness o f the Holy Sp~rit : and shall~5lace it in the holy chalice.

Deacon. Amen.

(2 I )

And taking the warm water, he shall say to tke Pricst :

Bless, Master, the warm water.

A n d the Pnkst shall bless it, saying:

Blessed is the fervour of thy Saints always, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
7Zcn the Deacon shall pour into the holy c h a l k , in the form of a moss, what ir required, saying:

The warmth of faith, full of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

W h m the divine Blood of the Lord is mingled with the holy warm wafer, if m w t be cione with heed, and in amount according to the number of those wku h i r e to receive the Holy Sacrament. The Pn'cst breaketrh the portwn XC When a Bisho$ is the celebrant, he into a n m b e r ofjieces, c o ~ ~ e s ~ o n d dividcfh the)or/io. XC,and havto the number of Ckrgy who ingjrayed: I believe, 0 Lord, and I confess, that thou art, in very z e p a r t in the Liturgy. truth, the Christ, the Son o f the livm n the Pricst saith : ing God: . . he consumrth part of the portion xc, saying : Deacon, draw near.


The precious, and all-holy, and most pure Body of our Lord, and God, and Saviour, Jesus Christ, 1 is imparted to me, the unworthy, .; Lo, I draw near unto the King N., Bishop, unto the remission $ Immortal and to God. of my sins, and unto life eternal. Impart unto me, Master, the (In the Name of the Father, and precious and holy Body of our of the Son, and of the Holy Lord, and God, and Saviour, Spirit. Amen.) Jesus Christ.
And the Dearon shaN approach, and skull make a devout reverence, fnfreafing or veness; andhavzng kirsed"'ar* say'

And the Pn'est skull give him a porfabn of*r Holy Bo& andskall say :


To N., Deacon, is imparted the

I 16

THE D I V I N E LITUKCY T k n , taking t k s&mfi k wzjktk his kand; and vzng kissed t k sjonge, he layeth it ash&. Zhm, taking the ho(y ved and the chafice with both h a n k , kc mmmnnicateth himse(f therefrom thrice, saying :

precious, and holy, and dl-pure ; Body of our Lord, and God, and , Saviour, Jesus Christ,. unto the remission of his sins, and unto life everlasting.
Andthc Demon shall kiss the Priest's hand as he taketh the Holy Body, and shall withdraw behind the HoCy Altar ; and bowing kis head over tk Holy Altar, he skall Pray like the Priest :

I believe, 0 Lord, and I confess, that thou art, in very truth, the Christ, the Son of the living God : . . .

The precious, and holy, and life-giving Blood of our Lord, and God, and Saviour, Jesus Christ, is imparted to me, the unworthy! N., Bishop, unto the remission of my sins, and unto life everlasting. (In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.)

quities, and shall purge away my Lo, I draw near unto the King sins. Immortal, and to God. Then kissing the holy chalice, k The precious and all-holy Body saith : of our Lord, and God, and SaGlory to thee, 0 God. ( Tknke.) viour, Jesus Christ, is imparted Proto - Deacon. Archimanto me, N., Priest, unto the remission of my sins, and unto life drites, Archpriests, Priests, Deacons, draw near. everlasting.
Then each taketh a Picce of tht U o l Bod , and bowing low mn $ H O Altar, ~ and anring a h o n f l y u on the Ho(y %oaj Christ, t cy say jnbafcly, eac to himself: Then the other Cler aHroack tk Bishoj in the o r g r of their reniorify and kiss the edge of the pitar, and having said:

A l l the Priests, i n the orrier oftheir Then he wz$eth his fz$s and tk seniorify,jrst make an obeisance chalice wifh the veil which is i n to each other, and to tke Peojle; his hand, sayrirg : and having besonghtfor iveness : Forgive me, fathers and frethren . Lo, this hath touched my lips, and kissed tk sidr of the ~ l t a r ; and shall take away mine inithcy say :


I believe, 0 Lord, and I confess, that thou art, in very truth, the Christ, the Son of the living God, who didst come into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief. And I believe that this is, of a truth, thine all-pure Body, and that this is thine own precious Blood. Wherefore, I beseech thee, have mercy upon me, and forgive my transgressions,

Lo, I draw near unto the King Immortal and to God. Impart t o me, Right Reverend Master, the precious and holy Body of our Lord, and God, and Saviour Jesus Christ:
Each receiveth rom him a #ortioff of the Hol ody, the Bishoj saying to eacL-


To thee, Priest (or Deacon, or as his rank may be), is imparted the precious, and all-pure, and

. 7



whether voluntary or involuntary; whether of word or of deed; whether committed with knowledge or in ignorance. And vouchsafe that I may partake without condemnation of thine all-pure Mysteries, unto the reof my unto life eternal. Of thy Mystical Supper, 0 Son of God, accept me to-da~ as a communicant : for I will not speak of thy Mystery to thine enemies, neither, like Judas, will I give thee a kiss ; but like the thief 1 confess thee : Remember me, 0 Lord, in thy kingdom. And let not this participation in thy Holy Mysteries be unto judgment upon me, or unto condemnation, 0 Lord, but unto the healing of soul and M y .

immortal Body of our Lord, and God, and Saviour Jesus Christ, unto the remission of thy sins, F. and unto life everlasting. (In $ the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.)
A n d * y kissthe handandfhesbu& and to his greet&ofthe Bishop ; ing:

Christ is in the midst of us, Thry reply: , H, is, and shall be.
t h h of them t h d Th8n kc ~ ~ZO a the ho$chalice, saying :

Lo, this hath touched thy lips, and shall take away thine iniquities, and shall purge away thy sins.

Andso shall t/rcy$artake of the Holy Body which t h y hold in their hand, wifh awe, and allgodlyfear.

2 $-

The precious and holy Blood of our Lord, and God, and Saviour, Jesus Christ, is imparted to me, the servant of God, Priest, N., unto the remission of m sins, and unto life everlasting. I n the Name o the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Sametimes :0 Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal bne, have mercy upon us.

Then having mYed his mouth and the holy cha2ice with the veif, whuh he holdeth in his h q d , tAs P n k t shall say :

Lo, this hath touched my lips, and shall take away mine iniquities, and shall purge away my sins.
Then the Senior Prirst saith again :

Deacon, draw near.

And the D e u m shall a$ploach, a d shall make one reverence. saying:

Lo, I draw near unto the King Immortal, and to God.

I 18


And the Priest, giving him the chalice, shall say :

The servant of God, N., Deacon, partaketh of the precious and all-holy Blood of our Lord, and God, and Saviour, Jesus Christ, unto the remission of his sins, and unto life everlasting.
And kabing communicated the Deacon, tk Priest shall say ;

Lo, this hath touched thy lips, and shall take away thine iniquities, and shall purge away thy sins.
If t h be any a~ho &sire to # a r t a h of the No2 Mysfcris, t k P n k t sku22 divi& t k remaining fiations, the NI and KA, info stxull #articCcs, sujicient for all, andjlace them in the chalice. n e n the Deacon, setting the holy #akn above the AoZy ckalicc, soil6 these Hymns of t b Resurrection :


In that we have beheld the ~ e s h r e c t i o nof Christ, let us bow down before the holy Lord Jesus, the only sinless One. Thy Cross do we adore, 0 Christ, and thy holy Resurrection we laud and glorify : for thou art our God, and we know none other beside thee ; we call upon thy Name. 0 come, all ye faithful, let us adore Christ's holy Resurrection. For lo, through the Cross is joy come into all the world. Ever blessing the Lord, let us sing his Resurrection : for in that he endured the Cross he hath destroyed Death by death. Shine, shine, 0 new Jerusalem, for the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee ! Shout now and be glad, 0 Zion ! And do thou, 0 Pure $ One, Birth-giver of God, rejoice in the Rising-again of him whom 2 ' . " thou didst bear. 0 Christ, Passover great and most Holy ! 0 Wisdom, Word, and Power of God ! Vouchsafe that we may more perfectly partake of thee in the days which know no evening of thy kingdom.
While wa2h tk s#onge he w i 8th all the #articles into fhe chalice with all care and reverence, he suit :

Wash away, 0 Lord, the sins of all who are ,here commemorated, by thy precious Blood, through the prayers of thy Saints.
And he skall crmer the holy chalice wa'fh fhe veil; and in like manner he shall cover the holy paten with the star-cover and the veil. Then the Priest s h d recite the

PRAYER OF THANKSGIVING, secretly. I We give thanks unto thee, 0 Lord, who lovest mankind, Bene- ' factor of our souls and bodies, for that thou hast vouchsafed this I day to feed us with thy heavenly and immortal Mysteries. Guide our path aright ; stablish us all in thy fear ; guard our life ; make sure our steps : through the prayers and supplications of the glorious Birth-giver of God and ever-virgin Mary, and of all thy Saints. [Or, zythe LITURGY OF ST. BASILTHE GREATbe used, this Prayer .W e give thanks unto thee, 0 Lord our God, for the participation



in thy holy, pure, immortal and heavenly Mysteries, which thou hast given unto us for the welfare and sanctification and healing of our souls and bodies. Do thou, the same Lord of all, grant that the communion of the holy Body and Blood of thy Christ may be for us unto faith which cannot be put to confusion, unto love .unfeigned, unto increase of wisdom, unto the healing of soul and body, unto the turning aside of every adversary, unto the fulfilment of thy commandments, unto an acceptable defence' at the dread Judgment Seat of thy Christ.]
the HoZy D m is ojcncd, and tke Deacon, making a reverence, shall aPproach the HoZy Door; and he taketh from the Birhoj or the PricEt the holy chalice, and c h a f i n g it, ke saith :

In the fear of God and with faith draw near. Chir. Blessed is he that cometh in the Name of the Lord ; God is the Lord and hath revealed himself unto us. Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down Death by m m ti& death, and upon those in the tomb bestowing life.
T h s e who &sire to c m m u n u a k shall then approach. They shall come singly, and shall a% reverence, wifh all &&ness a d awe, wi'rh their handr crossed on tkeii. breasts :and in this Manner shall they receive the Holy Mystrrics, a f e r the Priest kath said aloud the Prayer :

I believe, 0 Lord, and I confess,


(Seepage I 16.)

A d as he cmlaunicateth cach o m , tk Priest shall say :

The servant of God, N., partaketh of the precious and holy Body 3 and Blood of our Lord, and God, and Saviour, Jesus Christ, unto the remission of his (or her) sins, and unto life everlasting. (22) ,

0 -

And as each #erson fi cmmunuated, t k Choir singetk :

Receive ye the M y of Christ ; taste ye of the Fountain of Life.

i W n the communuant's mouth shaN be wajkd wt'rh the h Z y v d , and he shall kiss tk rho& chalice, and ma kin^ a reverence, he skallgo arriir, where he irgrirm the antidbron and the koCy warm water. And when all havefiished, the Choir singeth :


Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.

And the Prirst s h d l set the chalice on the Altar, a d skull blcss the People, saying :

0 God, save thy people, and bless thine inheritance.

Eis polli eti, ~ ~ * t a .
(The B i s w btesseth with the &iri and the :?+kin:)



Choir. We have beheld the Then the Prkst and t k Deacon shall true Light ; we have received the ~~s~~~~ $ :: ~ , f ~ > ~ n ~ ~ f heavenly Spirit ; we have found to /rimrey: the true faith. Let us bow down Be thou exalted i n heaven, 0 ; in worship to .the Trinity UndiGod, and thy glory above all the vided, for it hath saved us. earth.
Or, at Eaterti& :

Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down Death by death, and upon those in the tomb bestowing life.

go lo the ing a ' ~ n * , Table of Oblation, and set if&vn there. The Priest, having done reverence a&o, shall take the holy chalice W o m the Bislrop, i f it be a Ponti/Zcal Service) ;and t~rrning to face the Holy Door, he shall look upon tke People, while k saith, secretly :(23)

Blessed is our God ! Then, aloud: Always, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Chm-r. Amen. Let our mouths be filled with thy praise, 0 Lord, that we may extol thy glory, for that thou hast deigned to make us partakers of thy holy, divine, immortal and life-giving Mysteries. Establish us in thy Sanctification, that all the day long we may meditate upon thy righteousness. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.

Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down Death by death, and upon those in the tomb bestowing life.

And the Demon, corning fwth through the north door, and standing in his au-nstomed place, saith :

Having received the divine, holy, pure, immortal, heavenly, life-giving and terrible Mysteries of Christ, 0 believers, let us worthily give thanks unto the Lord. Choir. Lord, have mercy. Succour us, save us, have mercy upon us, and keep us, 0 God, by thy grace. Choir. Lord, have mercy. Beseeching that this whole day may be perfect, holy, peaceful and sinless, let us commend ourselves, and each other, and all our life unto Christ our God. Choir. To thee, 0 Lord. T h the Priest, folding the corporal (antimins), shall make over. it, with tke
book of the Holy Gospels, the s t & of the cross.


Priest. For thou art our sanctification, and unto thee we ascribe glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages.


Choir. Amen. Pricst. Let us depart in peace. Choir. In the Name of the Lord Deacon. Let us pray to the Lord. Choir. Lord, have mercy.
Then the 9 n w r Priest c m e t h forth, and, standirg at trtc foot of the Tribwru, r~crdcth the PRAYER BEFORE THE TRIBUNE.

0 Lord, who blessest those who bless thee, and sanctifiest those who put their trust in thee : Save thy people and bless thine inheritance. Preserve the fulness of thy Church ; sanctify those who love the beauty of thy house; glorify them in recompense with thy divine might, and forsake not us who set our hope on thee. Give peace to thy world, and to thy Churches, and to thy Priests: and ( i f i n Russia, to our most God-fearing Sovereign, N., the Emperor of All the Russias), to the Army and Navy, and to all thy people. For every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh from thee, the Father of Lights. And unto thee we ascribe glory, and thanksgiving, and worship, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen. B l e s s e d be the Name of the Lord henceforth and forever. (Thrice.) k c Deacon shall stand at the nkht Reader: Psalm n.zxiv. 1 will T SidC Of imaP*cy~m (ikonost'f~), alway give thanks unto the Lord : before the holy #icture (ikbrra) of ye and hearken our Lord Christ, holding his stole unto me : I will teach you the fear a his hand, and &tA bowed h a d , until the conilusion of :kc PRAYER of the Lord. What man is he that lusteth to live, and would fain see good Keep tongue from enter through the Holy Door, and evil, and do good : seek peace, and goin to the ~ a b i e of Oblation, kc s h a b ray, secretly, t h f o l l ~ ~ u i n ~ ensue it. The eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers. The coun'l'%ou who art the fulfilling tenance of the Lord is again st them that do evil, to root out the remem- of the Law and the Pro~llets, brance of them from the earth. The 0 Christ our God, and hast righteous cry, and the Lord heareth accomplished all the dis~ensathem, and delivereth them out of all tion of the Father : Fill thou I , their troubles. The Lord is nigh our hearts with joy and glad- 2 unto them that are of a contrite ness always, now, and ever, 5 heart, and will save such as be of and unto ages of ages. L" an humble spirit. Great are the troubles of the righteous, but the A ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ a c ~ ~ ; ~ Lord delivereth him out of all. He the H ~ ~ I g ~twith ~ , all rcvcrkee~eth all his bones. so that not one encc and awe. I of them i s broken. ~ umisfortune t




~ ~

shall slay the ungodly, and they that hate the righteous shall be desolate. The Lord delivereth the souls of his servants, and all they that put their trust in him shall not be destitute. Christ is risen from the ' ~ b . dead, trampling down ~ ~ by death, ahd upon those in the tomb bestowing life.



~ ~


a ~ ' ~ ~ ~ alhe to fall or re main ; and/tafk$ovredinto fke h l y ckalicc of the water and fhe wine, and kafh w$ed away with me sjon e aN the no&fure, he skull %y the ko& vesst& togefber, set them in ~ t h and f k i r accustomed $hue, saying : LO^, now lettest thou thy servant depart:

. ..

And when the Psalm Aath been mad, fkPriest s M l say :

The blessing of the Lord, through his grace and love towards mankind, be upon you always, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen. Priest. Glory to thee, 0 Christ our God ; glory to thee. Choir. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Lord, have mercy. (Thnke.) Master, bless. Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down Death by death, and upon those in the tomb bestowing life.

(TbBzkkop or) the Pricsf saifk fk BENEDICTION.* May (Sunday: he who rose from the dead) Christ, our true God, through the prayers of his all-holy Mother ( Wednesday and Fn'hy: through the might of the precious and life-giving Cross), (Monday : through the intercessions of the honourable Bodiless Powers of Heaven), ( T u e s h y : of the honourable and glorious Prophet and Forerunner and Baptist, John), of the holy, glorious and all-laudable Apostles ( S a t u r h y : of the holy, glorious and right victorious Martyrs ; of our reverend and God-bearing Fathers) ; (according to the Liturgy w e d : of our Father among the Saints, Basil the Great or John Chrysostom), (Thursdny: of our Father among the Saints, Nicholas, Archbishop of Myra in Lycia, the Wonder-worker), of Saint N. (of the Temple), of Saint N. (of the M),of the holy and righteous Ancestors of God, Joachim and Anna, and of all the Saints, have mercy upon us and save us, for he is good and loveth mankind.

At a PonfzJcal Snvice :Choir. Eis poll&eti, Dhpota.

Ckoir. Preserve, 0 Lord in Russia: our most God-fearing Sovereign, N.,, the Emperor of All the Russias; and all the Reigning
House ; the Most Holy Governing Synod), our Master, the Right Reverend N., Bishop of N., and all Orthodox Christians, for many years.
For Benedictions a t the F e a s t s ,s e e Spscid Services of the Feasts.




The Pricst holricfh fk cross for the People to Kiss, a d drjtributeih the anti&on (24,after wkuh 68 withdrawelh to the Sanctuary, and the HoCy Door is closed. And (zyhehave celebrated w i h u t a Deacon) the Priest consurrrefh a f e r which k recifefh the POST-COMHU NION PRAYERS. the H o b Gif/s;

Glory to thee, 0 God. ( T h i c e . ) I thank thee, 0 Lord my God, that thou hast not rejected me, a sinner,.but hast deemed me worthy to become a partaker of thy Holy Things. I thank thee that thou hast gracious1 granted unto me, though unworthy, to receive thy pure and heavenly iifts. But, 0 Master who lovest mankind, who for our sake didst die, and didst rise again, and hast graciously bestowed upon us these terrible and life-giving Mysteries, for the blessing and sanctification of our souls and bodies : Vouchsafe that they may be efficacious for me also unto the healing of my soul and body, unto the averting of everything contrary thereto ; unto the enlightenment of the eyes of my heart ; unto the peace of my spiritual powers ; unto faith invincible ; unto love unfeigned ; unto the fulfilling of wisdom ; unto the keeping of thy commandments ; unto the increase of thy divine grace and the attainment of thy kingdom : that by tbee preserved in thy holiness I may ever bear in mind thy grace, and live not unto myself, but unto thee, our Master and Benefactor. And so, this life ended in the hope of life everlasting, I may come unto that rest eternal, where the voice of those who keep high festival ceaseth never, and where endless is the sweetness of those who behold the beauty inexpressible of thy countenance. For thou art the true desire and the happiness unutterable of those who love thee, 0 Christ our God, and every created being shall laud thee unto ages of ages. Amen.
A Prayer of Sf. Basil the Great.

0 Lord Christ, God, King of the Ages, and Maker of all men, I thank thee for all the good things which thou hast bestowed upon me, and for this Communion of thy most pure and life-giving Mysteries. Therefore I entreat thee, 0 Good One who lovest mankind, keep me in thy tabernacle and under the shadow of thy wings ; and grant that, with a pure conscience, even unto my uttermost breath, I may worthily partake of thy Holy Things, unto the remission of my sins, and unto life eternal. For thou art the Bread of Life, the Fountain of all holiness, the Giver of good things ; and unto thee we ascribe glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
A Prayer of St. Simcon Mctaphrasfis.

0 thou who, of thine own good will, dost give me thy body as .my
food ; thou who art a Fire consuming the unworthy : Consume me not, 0 my Creator. But enter thou rather into my members, into my whole being, all my joints, my reins, my heart. Consume thou the thorns of all mine iniquities. Cleanse my soul. Sanctif my thoughts. Make stable my knees, and my bones likewise. En 'ghten my five simple

senses. Knit me wholly to the fear of thee. Ever cover me, guard me and keep me from every word and deed which may hurt the soul. Purify me and wash me clean, and bring me into concord. Adorn me, give me understanding and enlighten me. Manifest me as the dwelling of thy one Spirit, and in nowise as the dwelling of sin. That being made thy tabernacle through the reception of thy holy Communion every evil thing, every carnal passion may flee away from me. I offer unto thee as intercessors all the Saints, the Chieftains of the Bodiless, Powers, thy Forerunner, the wise Apostles, and joined with them thy Mother pure and undefiled; whose prayers do thou accept, in thy tender lovingkindness, 0 my Christ, and make thy servant to be a child of the light. For thou art the only sanctification and splendour of our souls, 0 Good One, and unto thee, as God and Lord over all, do we, as it behooveth us, every day ascribe all glory.
Anofher Prayer.

May thy holy Body, 0 Lord Jesus Christ our God, profit me unto life eternal, and thy precious Blood unto the remission of my sins. May this Eucharist be unto me for joy, and health, and gladness, and render me, a sinner, worthy to stand at the right hand of thy glory in thy terrible and second Coming-again; through the intercessions of thine all-pure Mother, and of all the Saints.
Another Prayer, to t h Most Holy Birth-giver of God.

0 all-holy Lady, Birth-giver of our God, of my darkened soul the

light, hope, shelter, refuge, the consolation and the joy :I thank thee that thou hast deemed me, all unworthy as I am, worthy to be a partaker of the pure Body and precious Blood of thy Son. 0 thou who didst bring forth the true Light, enlighten the intellectuallydiscerning eyes of my heart; 0 thou who didst bear the Fountain of Immortality, quicken thou me, who lie dead in sin. 0 compassionately loving Mother of the merciful God, have mercy upon me, and grant unto me repentance and contrition of heart, and humbleness of mind, and d e liverance from bondage to evil thoughts. And vouchsafe that even unto my last breath I may, without condemnation, receive the sanctification of these Holy Mysteries, unto the healing of both soul and body. And grant me tears of penitence and of confession, that I may laud and glorify thee all the days of my life. For blessed art thou and all-glorified unto all the ages. Amen. Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word. For mine eyes have seen thy salvation, which thou hast prepared before the face of all people. To be a light to lighten the Gentiles, and to be the glory of thy people Israel. 0 Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal One, have mercy upon us. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.



0 all-holy Trinity, have mercy upon us. 0 Lord, wash away our sins. 0 Master, pardon our transgressions. 0 Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for thy Name's sake. Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, A s it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation ; But deliver us from the Evil One : For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. T k Hymn ( T r e A r ) of Dismissal, in Tone K : T h e grace of thy lips, shining forth like a beacon-fire, hath illumined the universe, and hath bestowed upon the world the treasure of non-avariciousness, and hath shown us the height of humility. But as thou instructest us with thy words, 0 Father John Chrysostom, so also intercede thou with Christ our God, that our souls may be saved. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Collect-Hymn (KO&&), in Tone VZ.: From heaven hast thou received grace divine, and with thy lips dost thou teach all men to adore the One God in three Persons. 0 John Chrysostom, all-blessed Saint, we rightly praise thee: for thou art our Teacher, in that thou dost reveal things divine. Now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. [But zyfbLITURGY OF ST. BASILTHE GREAT AafA been used, this Hymn
(TrOpAr), in Tone I. :

Thy voice is gone out into all the world, in that it hath received thy word, wherewith thou hast taught in manner well pleasing unto God, hast expounded the nature of existing things, and hast adorned the customs of mankind. 0 Royal Priesthood, Sainted Father, pray thou unto Christ our God that our souls may be saved. Collect-Hymn ( K o n d k ) ,ia Tone ZK : Thou hast shown thyself a foundation immovable of the Church, dispensing unto all men the dominion inviolate, sealing it with thy decrees, 0 Saint Basil, who wast manifested from heaven.]

0 Protection of Christians that maketh not ashamed, 0 Mediatrix never-failing with the Creator: Despise not the sinners' voice of supplication ; but in that thou art good, come speedily to the aid of us who faithfully call upon thee; make haste to our petition and further our prayer, 0 Birth-giver of God, who ever protectest them that do thee honour.



reverence fogetircr, the Priest shuN pronounce the Lmissal. And gi m a d s wnto God for all things, they rhaN soy, also, the f r 4 n iYyrnnfi? Day. TAm ; Lord, have mercy. ( Zivelve times.)

2 % Pnkst arrdDeacon wash their rhana5 nt thu ajjointed lace; and having a h t

More honourable than the Cherubim, and beyond compare more glorious than the Seraphim, thou who without defilement barest God the Word, true Birth-giver of God, we magnify thee. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.


firing the Holy and Great Fart, when the Prirst
i r to celebrate the LITURGY OP THE PRESANCTIFIED, a t the Ofice of Oblation orr the Sunnhy receding, ( I ) after

he hath cur the first altardread, and s a r n ~ c c d a x d $ierced% (as indicated i n the Ritual of the preceding Liturgy), he nrtteth the extra breads, saying over eack one of them these words following: In commemoration of our Lord, and God, and Saviour, Jesus Christ. H e was led as a lamb to the slaughter. And as a spotless lamb before its shearers is dumb, s o opened he not his mouth. Sacrificed is the Lamb of God, who taketh away the sins of the world, for the life of the world, and for its salvation. One of the soldiers did pierce his side with a spear, and straightway there came forth blood and water. And he that saw it bare witness, and his witness is true. Then hepanreth trke wine and water into the holy chalice, saying the customa waa5 ;and rovereth them with the holy veil, and censeth them, re eating Prayer o Oblation. Andthen he beginneth the Divine Liturgy an celebrateth as u s u a L A n d w h m k c is to s i the breadr, a t the invocation ofthe Holy Spirit, he saith : Make this bread tcprecious Body of thy Christ, i n fke singular, and he abth not speak of the breads i n the l~dral. A n d when he maketh the oblation, ht ofercth them all together. A n he breaketh only thefirst bread, and layeth the forfion i n fke holy chalice, andpourefh i n the w a r m water as usual T en, taking fhc holy s oon i n his rtght hand, he d+jeth it i n the Holy Blood. W i t h h L left hand e takefh one of the b r e d , and toucheth it with the holy spoon, which k t h been wetfed with the Holy Blood, i n the form o a cross, on the silk whereon is drpicted the cross, under the soft portion, a n placcth it in the tabernacle. l 7 u n he abth the same with the other breads, andjlaceth them all i n the tabernacle. Thereafter the PtiEst jrayeth as usual, and communicateth as usual, andperformeth the Divine Liturgy as usual.


A t a Pontz2cal Seruice the Bishoj B W h e n n Priest is to celebrate the i . Lilvr ofthe PrcsancfiJFcd,afler is met i n the usual manner, and the he h a g r e a d fhe Entrance Prayer, usual Entrance Prayers are read, with the exce tion o f : Stretch forth as in the ordinary L i t u r g (exthy hand, o ord. He is V C S ~ C ~ c@t: Stretch forth thy hand, 0 as , Lord : a t the endofthe Hours and usual, i n the centre of the Temple, the Typical Psalms, and what is but without thr Verses, and only cnerally readbefore the Litur t) with the exclamations : Let us pray to the Lord. entereth the c h a w @ &aBefore V e e r s is be tioff, a n d vesteth himself, $@in stan, i n his pg;n?zC?tB! with the cross and kissin w s t n m t , but saying n o t k n as the Temjlc, and bestoweth his lessing on the Rector a n d the Deacon he h t h so, except: ~ o r d ,fave * For Explanation of the Symbolism, see Appendix B, V. t See the ordinary Liturgy.






: over each of them. And z d e a c o n , takzng the time ft-om Rim, goeth and taketh hir stand at his @jointed place, and (the Holy Door being closed, and the curtain drawn asidc), exclaim6th :

to bep'n Yes ers, he himsel remaining on hir until ihe fitZe Entrance. The Priest readcth the h Prayers ofOfL&ht in the Janctunry. 2 The Holy Door is Dpened at the Eu- 2 clamations,and during the litanies, $ . but remaineth closed the rest of the timt until the Entrance.


Deacon. Bless, Master. Pnesi. Blessed is the kingdom of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen. Reader. 0 come, let us worship God our King. 0 come, let us worship and fall down before Christ, our King and our God. 0 come, let - worship and fall down before the Very Christ, our King and our *us God.
Then the Preliminary Psalm, nu., is r e d . And in the mean whik the Prirst reciteth in front of the Holy Door the Prayers of Lzght (see Veq5crs);t h d is to say, the Vesjer Prayers, beginning with the ourth Prayer; t h e f i t three bein said later on, after the Litanus. (The &st entereth the Sancfuary.) ~njwhen the Psalm irjnirhed, the Deacon saith the



Deacon. In peace let us pray to the Lord. Choir. Lord, have mercy. For the peace that is from above, and for the salvation of our souls : I$ For the peace of the whole world ; for the welfare of God's hol Churches, and for the union of them all: For this holy Temple, and for all those who with faith, devoutness, and in the fear of God have entered therein : & For our Holy Synod (or Patriarch) ; for our Bishop (or Archbishop, or Metropolitan), N., for the honourable Presbytery, the Diaconate in Christ; for all the clergy and the laity: &

u c


And the Pricst r e citeth, secretly, the





FIRST ANTIPHON (The & s t of the Yesper Prayers).

a lQ

2 ''

That he will aid them, and subdue under 8 '? their feet every foe and adversary : & For this city, for this holy Temple, and

Here ollow petitions or the Ruler offhe l a n d . p an for all the Aut nnties (Em ror, or King, and Reigning House, or ~ r e s i g n t , accordin P to fhe elements and nationulities of whW d Parish is constittrtkd). 3


0 Lord, bountiful and compassionate, long-suffering and plenteous in mercy, give ear unto our prayer, and attend to the voice of our supplication. Work upon us a sign for good. Lead us in thy way, that we may walk in thy truth. Make glad our hearts, that we ma fear thy holy Kame. For thou art great, and doest wonders. Thou alone art God, and among all



the gods there is for every city and land, and for those who Q a nonelike unto thee, with faith dwell therein : I$ For healthful seasons; for abundance 5' E 0 Lord, mighty in of the fruits of the earth, and for peace- p m mercy, gracious in 2 strength, to aid, ful times: I$ For those who travel by sea or by b': and to comfort and 2 save all those who 6 land ; for the sick and the suffering; for ' those who are in captivity, and for their 2 $ put their trust in salvation : I$ 3 p thy holy Name. That he will deliver us from all tribu- 2 Q lation, wrath, peril and necessity : I$ '? * Succour us, save us, have mercy upon us, and keep us, 0 God, by thy grace. Choir. Lord, have mercy. Calling to remembrance our most holy, undefiled, most blessed and glorious Lady, the Birth-giver of God and ever-virgin Mary, with all the Saints, let us commend ourselves, and each other, and all our life unto Christ our God. Chir. To thee, 0 Lord.



Priest. For unto thee are due all glory, honour and worship, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen.
Tht Re& then reluieth the E i hf Psalmr teenth Sefection o flrrna): FIRST ANTIPHON(Psalms cxx., crriii.)


PSALM cxx.

When 1 was in trouble, 1 called upon the Lord, and he I beard me. Deliver my soul, 0 Lord, from lying lips, and from 0 Lord, rebuke us not in thy a deceitful tongue. What re- displeasure, neither chasten us ward shall be given or done in thy wrath: but deal with us unto thee, thou false tongue? according to thy mercy, 0 Pbyeven mighty and sharp arrows, sician and Healer of our souls. with hot burning coals. Woe is Guide us unto the haven of thy me, that I am constrained to will. Enlighten the eyes of our dwell with Mesech, and to have hearts to the knowledge of thy my habitation among the tents truth, and vouchsafe that the of Kedar ! My soul hath long residue of this day and our whole dwelt among them that are en- life may be peaceful and without

unfoZ&th the cor-oral (which Zieth upon the Altar), and setteth the holy paten thtreon. Then he @eneth the tabernncfc, andfilaceth the Presancti/edLamb =#on the paten, making a low& reverence. A n d the Pricsf ren'teth, secretly, the PRAYER OF THE SECOND ANTIPHON (the second fi@er Prayer).

Tk P&f




emies unto peace. I labour for peace; but when I speak unto them thereof, they make them ready to battle.
CXXIII. PSALM Unto thee lift I up mine eyes, 0 thou that dwellest in the heavens. Behold, even as the eyes of servants look unto the band of tbeir masters, and as the eyes of a maiden unto the hand of her mistress, even so our eyes wait upon the Lord our God, until he have mercy upon us. Have mercy upon us, 0 Lord, have mercy upon us ; for we are utterly despised. Our soul is filled with the scornful reproof of the wealthy; and with the despitefulness of the proud. Deacon. Again, yet again, in peace let us pray to the Lord. C h i r . Lord, have mercy. Succour us, save us, have mercy upon us, and keep us, 0 God, by thy grace. Choir. Lord, have mercy. Calling to remembrance our most holy, undefiled, most blessed and glorious Lady, the Birth-giver of God and ever-virgin Mary, with all the Saints, let us commend ourselves, and each other, and all our life unto Christ our God. Choir. To thee, 0 Lord.



For thine is the majesty, and thine are the kingdom and the power and the glory, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen.
The Rea&r continucth flu Selcrfinn of Psalms: T H ESECOND ANTIPHON (Psalms cxxiv., cxxix.). Thc Priest, accomjanird by f&Deacon holding a taper, or alone, censefh the Alfa?: Then he saifh, secretly, the PRAYER OF THE THIRDA N T I P H O N (the third Yesfier Prayer).

If the Lord himself had not been on our side, now may Israel say ; if the Lord himself had not been on our side, when men rose up against us ; they had swallowed us up quick ; when they were so wrathfully displeased at us. Yea, the waters bad drowned us, and the stream had gone over our soul. The deep waters of the proud had gone even over our soul. But praised be the Lord, who hath not given us over for a prey unto their teeth. Our soul is escaped even as a bird out of the snare of the fowler; the snare is broken, and we are delivered.

0 Lord our God, remember us sinners and thine unprofitable servants, when we call upon thy holy Name, and put us not to shame in our expectation of thy



Our help standeth in the Name of the Lord, mercy : us, 0 Lord, but all grant our who hath made heaven and earth. petitions which are unto salvation, and Many a time have they fought against vouchsafe that we me from my youth up, may Israel now say : may love and fear yea, many a time have they vexed me from thee with all our my youth u p ; but they have not prevailed hearts, and do thy against me. The plowers plowed upon my will in all things. back, and made long furrows. But the Priest. For thou art righteous Lord hath hewn the snares of the a good God, and lovungodly in pieces. Let them be confounded est mankind, and unand turned backward, as many as have evil to thee do we ascribe will at Sion. Let them be even as the grass glory, to the Father, growing upon the house-tops, which wither- and to the Son, and to eth afore it be plucked up ; whereof the the Holy Spirit, now, mower filleth not his hand, neither he that and ever, and unto bindeth up the sheaves his bosom. So that ages of ages. Amen. they who go by say not so much as, The P h t maketh Lord prosper you ; we wish you good luck The fhrre lowl reverences in the Name of the Lord. c the &o& blyfl.5

Through the prayers of our holy Fathers The THIRDANTIPHOX (Psalms cxli., cxZii., cxxx., 0 ~~~d J~~~~ chriSi crvii.). our God, have mercy Choir. Lord, I have cried unto thee, upon hear me. Hear me, 0 Lord. Lord, I have hegoefh to t k Alcried unto thee, hear me. Receive the voice Then cwtar, foldcth of my prayer, when I call upon thee. Hear porn[, and settcth the Gospels thereon. me, 0 Lord. Let my prayer be set forth in thy sight as the incense, and let the' lifting rhe p n b t saitb, secretly, the PRAYER OF up of m y hands be an evening sacrifice. THE 1 3 x R A N C E . Readcr. Set a watch, 0 Lord, before my In the evening, and mouth, ,andkeep the door of my lips. 0 let

Deacon. Again, yet again, in peace . . . C b i r . Lord, have mercy. SUCCOU~ US,save us . . . Choir. Lord, have mercy. Calling to remembrance our most holy, undefiled . . . (page 130). Choir. To thee, 0 Lord. Priest. For thou art our God, the God of mercy and salvation, and unto thee do we ascribe glor to the Father, and to the Son, and to the fioly Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

sctkth tht paten on his he&, and beareth it to fht Table of 06lation,~rccericdSy the Deacon wifh the tapcr and cmscr. Thm. on /kc Table of 0blaiwn AepourcfA wine and water into the chalirc, cmscfh the starcovrr and the veil, and covercth therewith paten and

:E wF>



not mine heart be inclined to any evil thing ; 1 let me not be occupied in ungodly works with the men that work wickedness, lest I eat of such things as please them. Let the righteous rather smite me friendly, and reprove me. But let not their precious balms break my head; yea, I will pray yet against their wickedness. Let their judges be overthrown in stony places, that they may hear my words ; for they are sweet. Our bones lie scattered before the pit, like as when one breaketh and heweth wood upon the earth. But mine eyes look unto thee, 0 Lord God ; in thee is my trust ; 0 cast not out my soul. Keep me from the snare that they have laid for me, and from the traps of the wicked doers. Let the ungodly fall into their own nets together, and let me ever escam them.

in the morning, and at noonday we praise thee, we bless thee, we give thanks unto thee, and we pray unto thee, 0 Lord of all : Direct thou ourprayer before thee asincense, and incline not our hearts unto words or thoughts of wickedness : but deliver us from all who seek after our souls For unto t h q . Lord, 0 Lord, lift we up our eyes, and in thee have we trusted. Put us n o m o shame, 0 our

I cried unto the Lord with my voice ; yea, For unto thee are even unto the Lord did I make my suppli- due all glory, honour cation. I poured out my complaints before and worship, to the him, and showed him of my trouble. When Father, and to the my spirit was in heaviness, thou knewest Son, and to the H o v my path ; in the way wherein I walked, have Spirit, now, and ever, they privily laid a snare for me. I looked and unto ages of ages. also upon my right hand, and saw there tHas Amen. no man chat would know me. I had no place to flee unto, and no man cared f i r my soul. ' I cried unto thee, 0 Lord, and said, Thou art my hope, and my portion in the land of the living. Consider my complaint, for I am brought very low. 0 deliver me from my persecutors ; for they are too strong for me. Bring my soul out of prison, that I may give thanks unto thy Name ; which thing if thou wilt grant me, then shall the righteous resort unto my company.
Then s M l be sun Hymns to the Marfyrs, and Hymns from the Tn'ddion(tk H y m n s f i the great ~ m t )andfrom , the Min&a. (2)

Glory to the Father, aLd to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
7 k z the Hymn to t b BirflGgrvn. of God (Bogorddirckm w'DopdtikX in

#r@e~ Tone.*

* For these Hymns, in the Eight Tones, ace Appendii A.


T k Holy Door is now med, and the Entrance L with fhe Ceusw. But when the Gospel is a be r e d ( a t the Feast Day ofthe Temple, or of a Sainf), the Entr-e is m d wifh the Ho& GoJPeLF.


A t a Pontr$cal S d e the En- .kLop. tranceisalways mdwiththebookof the Gos#els,andinpreciselythesame manner as fhe Enframe at the Liturgy;exc@t thafthEveningPrayer of the Enfranrr is r e d and that in place of: 0 come, let us worship: there is sung: 0 gladsome radiance :

Whenthe Hymn to the Birth-giber of Godisjnished, the Deacon s h d l ntab wi'th the c m w the sr& of the cross, as he s t a d f . 4 in fhmiddle of the Hall, Door, and shaN mfer the Samfnary, a d shall say, aloud :

Wisdom, 0 believers ! Choir. 0 gladsome radiance of the hol glory of the Father immortal, heavenly, holy, blessed, Jesus Christ! n that we now are come unto the setting of the sun, and behold the light of even, we hymn thee, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, God. For meet is it that at all times thou shouldest be magnified by voices propitious, 0 Son of God, who bestowest life. For which cause all the world doth glorify thee.

T h Pricst and the Demon n m go to fhe H&h P l w .

Deacon. Let us attend. Wisdom ! Pn'esi. Peace be unto all. Ready. And to thy spirit. Deacon. Wisdom ! Let us attend. The Gradual, in the Deacon. Wisdom ! Readr. The Lesson from Genesis. Deacon. Let us attend 1

. . . Tone.

7 % CAoir &en sirrg~th the Grprkral (Prokkrrm) for the Day, dticc.

The R e d r then r e d t h the Lesson, as appointed. (lk Holy Dow is closed.) When the Lrsson from GenesL is #nirAe4 the Holy Dow is opened. And the Re& saifh,andthe Choir r@eateth, in the u s w l manner, the Second Gradual (Prokfmm). The Deacon exclaimeth :Command I And the Pricst taketh the candlestick I f it be a Ponfi cal Service, a m'1h its fa@, and the cmser, in his the BisAop fa eth the tri&frr' and the Jan&, censer, and standing before the Ho(y A ltar, and making t h e ~ d the h s r h of the cross, he exclaimcth :

Wisdom, 0 believers !
TAm, fuming to the People, he saith :

The light of Christ illumineth all men. (3)

And the Pe@lc kneel.

Deacon. Wisdom ! (The H o b Door is cZosed) Rcadcr. The Lesson from the Proverbs. Deacon. Let us attend I

THE DIVINE LITURGY OF THE PRESANCTIFIED 3ikrr the Rea&r r c d t h t k ajpointed Lesson. And w h e ~ ht huthfinakhed, the Priest sa ith :

Peace be unto thee. Reader. And to thy spirit. Deacon. Wisdom ! (The No& Door is o p e d )
T h e Choir then chantefh: I : Let my prayer be set forth in thy sight as the incense, and let the lifting up of my hands be an evening sacrifice. 2 : 0 Lord, I have cried unto thee, hear me ; give ear unto the voice of my petition, when I cry unto thee. 3 : Set a watch, 0 Lord, before my mouth, and a door of enclosure about my lips. 4 : Incline not my heart to the words of wickedness, to contrive excuses for sins. 5 : Let my prayer be set forth in thy sight as the incense. And let the lifting up of my hands be an evening sacrifice.
When the C h i r chanteth : Let m pmy.y.r (1-1). aJ whoare~rcsenf in fhe Temple, a d andprcy. ~ ~ d t b Priest fakefh the ccnseyand censcfk b ore tke Hol A a r (verses oretaeTe of 0 fation ( v m 4). And d ~ n n

2 :

, {

gg 5: y2i and hneekfh a d


0 Lord and Master of my life, grant not unto me a spirit of slothfulness, of discouragement, of lust of power, of vain babbling. (Rmerence.) But vouchsafe unto thy servant the spirit of continence, of meekness, of patience, and of love. (Reverence.) Yea, 0 Lord and King, grant that I may perceive my own transgressions, and judge not my brother. For blessed art thou unto ages of ages. Amen. (Reverence.)
If it be the Feast of a Saint, or of t%e Temple, then the P&st or the Demon saith : Darn

Let us attend ! Priest. Peace be with you all. Choir. And with thy spirit. Deacon. Wisdom ! Readar. The Gradual, in the .

. . Tone.

Then fhe Re& rea&fh the ajjointed Gradual (Prokfmm), a d the C h f r singeth if,in the usual manner.

Deacon. Wisdom ! b Reader. The Lesson from the holy Apostle, N. (to the Romans; Q 9 or to the Corinthians ; o r otherwise, as appointed). Deacon. Let us attend !
And when ifirflnirherl, t k Priul saith :

Peace be unto thee. Reader. And to thy spirit.


And f k Pnisf saifk, secretly, the PIUYER BEFORE THE GOSPEL. Deacon. Wisdom ! Illumine our hearts, 0 God who lovest mankind, with the pure light of thy divine knowledge, and open the eyes of our understanding to the comprehension of the proclamation of thy Gospel. Implant in us, likewise, the fear of thy blessed commandments ; that, trampling down all carnal desires, we may pursue a godly life, both thinking and performing such things as are well pleasing unto thee. For thou art the light of our souls and of our bodies, 0 Christ our God, and unto thee do we ascribe glory, together with thy Father, who is from everlasting, and thy holy, and blessed, and life-giving Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Priest. Wisdom, 0 believers ! Let us listen to the Holy GospeL Peace be with you all. People. And with thy spirit. Dcacon. The Lesson from the Holy Gospel according to N. Choir. Glory to thee, 0 Lord ; glory to thee.


ZXc Dcacou then reariith the Gos#el. Aud wkm i f irjuiskd: Priest. Peace be with thee, who hast announced the good tidings. Choir. Glory to thee, 0 Lord; glory to thee.
OF THE LITANY O F FERVENT PETITION. TION. Deacm. Let us all say, with 0 Lord our God, accept this, the all our soul and with all our fervent supplication of thy servants, h and be gracious unto us, according 3 mind, let us say, Choir. Lord, have mercy. to the multitude of thy mercy. And 0 LordAlmighty,theGodof send down thy bounties uponus, and 9 our fathers, we beseech thee ; upon all thy people, who here await the rich mercy which is from thee. hearken, and have mercy. C h i r . Lord, have mercy. Have mercy upon us, 0 God, according to thy great mercy, we beseech thee, hearken and have mercy. IjE (Thrice.) @ Again we pray for (the Ruler of the Land, Emperor, or King, 3' and Reigning House, or President, according to the eZements and natiodities of zuhich the Pan'sh is constitt4ted) ; for his might, , p victory, maintenance, peace, health, salvation ; and that the Lord % our God will abundantly aid and prosper them in all things, and $-a m- 3 , fkp ~ s t subdue under their feet every foe and adversary. l$ H 3 p, Again we pray for our Holy Synod (or Patri- u n f ~ ~ d ~ t ~ h 2 arch) ; for our Bishop (or Archbishop, or Metro- co@oral,eaz@f politan), N., and for all our brethren in Christ. IjE thu.ere&e2 Furthermore we pray for all their Christ-loving Army and $ Navy. TF

Tik LITANY OF FERVENT PETI- Andtkc PrirstsaW, secretly, fkc PRAYER



Furthermore we pray for our brethren the Priests; for or: dained Monks; and for all our brotherhood in Christ. &. Furthermore we pray for the blessed and ever-memorable most holy Orthodox Patriarchs, and God-fearing Tzars and Tzaritzas ; and for the founders of this holy Temple; and for all our devout fathers and brethren, Orthodox believers, departed this life before us, who here and in all the world lie asleep in the Lord. & Furthermore we pray for those who bear fruit and do good works in this holy and all-honourable Temple ; for those who labour in its service; for the singers; and for the people here present who await in firm hope thy great and rich mercies. &


3 P, w<



Priest. For thou art a merciful God, who lovest mankind, and unto thee do we ascribe glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to t h e Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages . . chi^ Amen. The Pricst'saith, secret1 I& Th? LITANY O P THE CATECHUMENS. PRAYER Fort THE CHUYENS. Deacon. Pray ye unto the Lord, ye Catechumens. 0 God, our God, the CreChoir. Lord, have mercy. ator and Maker of all things ; Ye faithfu1* pray ye the who wiliest that all men Lord for the Catechumens, that $ should be saved, And the Lord have mercy upon come unto the knowledge of them. I$ the truth: Look upon thy b ?t That he them the servants the Catechumen% 3 word of truth. I$ and deliver them from their 3 That hewill reveal to them the $ ? errors, and from the $ Gospel of righteousness. I$ 4 wiles of the adversary. And call them unto life eternal, ( Ht k ~ plicSi u # f o m t ~ ik c a t c& illumining tbeir souls and of tAc coqbraf.) m a t be will unite them unto Y bodies, and numbering them with his Holy Catholic and Apostolic flock, which is called by thy Church. & holy Name. Amen Save them, bave mercy upon them, succour them, and keep them, 0 God, by thy grace. B Bow your heads unto the Lord, ye Catechumens. C h i c T o thee, 0 Lord.




Pricrt. That with us they may magnify thine all-honourable and majestic Name, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. - C h i c Amen.



(2% PriEst maketh the s z * of the cross over the cor#oral wW the sjongc, which he then ktsseth and laycth on one si&.)

Then the ollowing EXHORTATION TO THE CATECHUMENS is said; but on& d , fiom 'edncs&y of the Fourth Week of the Great F& until the e ~ of the F a t . (4) b

Deacotl. As many as are Catechumens, depart. Catechumens, depart. Ye who are ready for Illumination, depart. Pray, ye who are preparing for Illumination.* Choir. Lord, have mercy. secretly, 14e Ye faithful, for these who are The Z+%=st PRAY~R ARE preparing for holy Illumination, PREPARING FOR ~LLUMINATION. and for their salvation, let us Show the light of thy counpray to the Lord. tenance, 0 God, upon those who Chir. Lord, have mercy. That the Lord our God will are preparing for. holy Illuminastablish and strengthen them. I$ tlon, and who desire to Put away That he will illumine them the defilementof sin. Enlighten with the light of wisdom and of their understanding. Establish them in the faith. Strengthen piety. I) That he vouchsafe unto them in hope. Perfect them in them, in his own good time, the love. Make them honourable laver of regeneration, the remis- members of Christ, who gave sion of sins, and the garment of himself a ransom for our souls. incorruption. & That he will beget them with water and the Spirit. I$ That he will grant unto them the perfection of the faith. I$ That he will number them with his holy and chosen flock. I$ Save them, have mercy upon them, succour them, and keep them, 0 God, by thy grace. I$ Y e who are ready for Illurninat~on,bow your heads unto the Lord. Choir. T o thee, 0 Lord.
lom mat ion.

$ 2 9
S 2


I;' 2 i ?

For thou art our illumination, and unto thee do we ascribe glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen. Deacon. A s many as are preparing for Illumination, depart. Ds part, ye who are preparing for Illumination.

* Baptism.



Catechumens, depart. Let none of the Catechumens remain ; but let us who are in the faith again, yet again, in peace pray unto the Lord. Choir. Lord, have mercy. T h P n k t saith, secretly, the FIRST

0 God, great and worthy to be praised, who through the lifegiving death of thy Christ hast translated us from corruption to incorruption : Deliver thou all our senses from deathdealing carnal desles, setting over them as a $ good ruler the understanding that is in us. Let our eye have no 2 part in any evil sight ; let our hearing be inaccessible to all idle $ words; and let our tongue be purged from unseemly speech. Purify our lips which praise thee, 0 Lord. Make our hands to abstain from evil deeds, and to work only such things as are acceptable unto thee, establishing all our members and our minds by thy grace. Deacon. Wisdom !

Priest. For unto thee are due all glory, honour and worship, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen. Deacon- Again, yet again, $ T 'PrieJt saith, secretly, the SECOND in peace let us pray to the g OP THE FAITHFUL. PRAYER . Lord. I$ 0 Master, holy and exceeding If f k r e be no D-n, the ol- u good, we beseech thee, who ai.t " N y s i Omitted s rich in mercy, that thou wilt show For the peace that is from 5 compassion on us sinners, and above, and for the salvation render us worthy to receive thine of our souls : I$ Only-begotten Son and our God, the King of glory. For behold, his h For the peace of the whole world ; for the welfare of most pure Body and his life-giving $ God's holy Churches, and g- Blood, entering at this present 2 for the union of them all : I$ s. hour, are about to be spread forth For this holy Temple, and upon this mystical Altar, invisibly for those who with faith, q escorted by a great multitude of devoutness, and in the fear . ! a the Heavenly Host. Enable us to of God have entered there- 5 partake of them in blamelessness; in: I$ 2 that, the eyes of our understandThat he will deliver us 3 ing being enlightened thereby, we from all tribulation, wrath, may become children of the light peril and necessity : I$ y and of the day.



Succour us, save us, have mercy upon us, and keep us, 0 God, by thy grace. Chir. Lord, have mercy. Deacon. Wisdom !
Exclamation. Pkesi. Through the gift of thy Christ, with whom thou art blessed, together with thy most holy, and good, and life-giving Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen. (Here the Holy Door is opened.) I n lncr of the Chmbimic Hymn A n d while this is being sung the Deat re shall now be sung : con entereth theSanctuary fhr+ the north &or, andcenseth the Holy the Powers Heaven Altar and the hol oblation and with us invisibly do minister. the pr*rr. ~ n tiq d st& *nr, saying: -Now the Powers of For lo ! the King of Glory en-

tereth now. Behold the Mystical Sacrifice, all accomplished, is ushered in.

g tk Chaprl Of Oblation ;and the ~ r i c sbnirgcth t tk f f o Gzytr, ~ as usual, after he hath mads three ( H m tAc Great Entrance is d.) lowly reverences b e @ the Table Let us with faith and love ofoblafion,saying: 0 God,cleanse thou me, a sinner. Whi& tke Didraw near, that we may become vine Mysferirs are beingbme i n partakers of life everlasting. Alsolemn si'Ience from tk Chapel of leluia, alleluia, alleluia. ObZarion to the Altar, all the PeoA t a Ponti cal Seruicr the BisA@ ple a d fke Sin ers, knculing hum- 4 washet his kana3 in front of , retrricr dtgvine reverence to the HoQ Door. Then his pall d r i s t our GO^ who is in t i e H O Z ~ (omofdr) is put on Aim, and he Mysteries; for tkty are presanctimaketh three low+ reverences jicd. After the Holy Ggts have be ore the Holy Altar, snying: been brought to the Altar, all stand, d w the Powers of Heaven. . . . and the Sin crs jnish the H mn. Then he goeth to the Table of as indicate/ Let us with faidand Obhtion, a d maketh three rcvlovi draw near : rrcnces, sayinq :0 God, cleanse Placed Aficr the Hob' Gif/shave thou me, a sinner; removeth his $ ' on the Altar, the Pricst taketh the mi/rc,grgrveth his all to the Dea: veil from the Holy Gifts and t k con. and censet the Table o air from the shouldcr of tke DeaO b W i m thrirc, after which e con, a##roacheth the air to t h ccn~ pueth the censcr to the Protoser, and covcreth therewith with Deacon; and takin,q the air in fragrance the HoZy Gz;fls. both h a n d , he layeth i t on the shoulab of the Proto-Deacon. /'he Bishop then taketh the holy paten with both h a n d , and having kissed it, he setteth it on the head of the senior Priest, but saith nothing. The PricJt Risseth the Bishop's hand. Another Pricst, after making a reverence b to the Buh taketh rom him the kol chalicr, and kisseth his hand. $ The other r h t s w o take part in t e crlcbratwtr carry the cross, the s oon, the sfiear, and the rest o f the ho& utensils, and kiss the Bishofls d n d . A n d all come orth in the same ordcr as at the Great Entrance in the Liturgy of St. 70n Chrysosfom or St. Basil the Great.

~ ;evf~-~~~~ ~ ~


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1 P

W h n tAs B i s w cometh to the Holy Door, tkc Proto-Deacon taketh his stand +$ositc him and censeth him. T k Bishop, taking the censer, censeth the , Holy Giffs thrice, and having madc a reverence, he receivetk the hol Paten from Zlrc head o f t h Senior Priest, Risseth it, and showeth il fo C. Peo#le, withurrt saying anyfhing. A n d t k Priest bearing the chalict me r e the a n c a a o h But the BishoP setteth the hZy chalice upon the Altar. T k other #&fs enter the Sanctuary wa'ihout saying anything. T h Bishop removeth the air from fhshoul&r of th Proto-Deacot~, hol&th it over the censer, and covereth the paten and the chalice with fra ance, $ saying nothing. Then h jutteth on his mifre, and censeth the H O ~ G ~ 3 C S only, and maketh three reverences, and giveth the censer to the Deacon, 2 without censing any one. 9 A n d he bestoweth his blessing on the Pe@le, as w a f ,with the dikiri a d t b trikiri, while #As Choir singeth : Eis poll6 t?ti, DCspota.


ZXen the Priest saiih, aloud, the PRAYER OF ST. EPHRAIM THE SYRIAN; and makcth t h e j r e s c d e d reverences, the Peojle kneeling with kim.

0 Lord and Master of my life, grant not unto me a spirit of slothfulness, of discouragement, of lust of power, of vain babbling. (Reverence.) But vouchsafe unto thy servant the spirit of continence, of meekness, of patience, and of love. (Revereme.) Yea, 0 Lord and King, grant that I may perceive my own transgressions, and judge not my brother. For blessed art thou unto ages of ages. Amen. (Reverence.) Her# the H o e Door is closed, andthe curt& is drawn hrfway. (5)
T h the Deocon goeth to his accustomcd~lacc, and sai'rh :


Let us complete our evening prayer unto the Lord. Choir. Lord, have mercy. The Priest prayeth, secretly. For the Precious Gifts spread forth and sancti0 God of ineffable and infied : @ visible Mysteries, with whoh That our God, who loveth $ are the hidden treasures of : mankind, accepting them u p ' wisdom and knowledge, who on his holy and most heavenly p m hast revealed unto us the serand supersensual Altar, in the 2 vice of this Ministry, and hast odour of a spiritual sweet appointed unto us sinners, savour, will send down upon through thy great love towards r/l us in return his divine grace 2 $ mankind, to offer unto thee and the gift of the Holy 3 r gifts and sacrifices for our 6 ' Spirit : @ 9! : sins, and for the errors of thy That he will deliver us $ * peopl: : Do thou, the same from all tribulation, wrath, Invisible King, who doest peril and necessity : & things great and inscrutable, . Succour us, save us, have mercy glorious and marvellous, which upon us, and keep us, 0 God, by thy cannot be numbered, look u p grace. on us, thine unworthy servants who stand at this Holy Choir. Lord, have mercy.





An evening all perfect, holy, 5 Altar as at the Cherubimic peaceful and sinless : & c throne, upon which lieth thine An Angel of Peace, the faithOnly-begotten Son and our ful guide and guardian both of $ God, in the dread Mysteries our souls and bodies : I$ 2 spread forth thereon ; and The pardon and remission of $ having delivered us and all thy faithful people from every our sins and transgressions : I$ All things which are profita- 5 impurity, hallow all our souls ble to our souls and bodies, and a and bodies with the sanctificat ' tion which cannot be taken peace to the world : I$ away. That partaking with a That we may pass the residue pure conscience, with faces of our life in peace and penitence: I) q unashamed, with hearts illuA Christian ending to our $ mined, of &hese divine, conselife, painless, blameless, peace- 3' crated Gifts, and being quickful ; and a good defence before 0 ened through them, we maybe united unto th Christ himthe dread Judgment Seat of self, our true od, who hath Christ: I$ Calling to remembrance our , said : Whoso eateth my flesh = ; ' most holy, undefiled, most 0 and drinketh my blood abideth blessed and glorious Lady, the t ' ' in me and I in him ; that thy Word, 0 Lord, making its Birth-giver of God and evervirgin Mary, with all the Saints, abode in us and accompanylet us commend ourselves, and each ing our path, we may become other, and all our life unto Christ the temple of thine all-holy our God. and adorable Spirit, redeemed Choir. T o thee, 0 Lord. from every wile of the Devil, wrought either by deed or word or thought ; and may o b tain the good things promised unto us, with all thy Saints, who in all the ages have been acceptable in thy sight.

2 $

And vouchsafe, 0 Lord, that with boldness, and without condemnation, we may dare to call upon thee, the God of heaven and our Father, and say : Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, As it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, A s we forgive those who trespass agai st us. And lead us not into temptqtion ; But deliver us from the Evil ne : Priest. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and,the glory, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and I unto ages of ages. C k o i r . Amen. . Pricst. Peace be with you.



Choir. ~ n d w i t h thy spirit. Pnncst. Bow your heads unto the Lord. Choir. To thee, 0 Lord Priest, bowing his kad,#rayeth secretly. I 0 God, who alone art good and of tender compassion; who dwellest on high and regardest the humble of heart: Look with G, 2 the eye of thy tender loving-kindness upon all thy people, and pre- 3 serve them. And graciously enable us all to partake without con- 5 ' demnation of these thy life-giving Mysteries: for unto thee have we bowed our heads, in the hope of thy rich mercies.

P h i . Through the grace, and bounties, and love towards mankind of thine Only-begotten Son, with whom thou art blessed, together with thine all-holy, and good, and life-giving Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. C h i r . Amen. 7% Pricsf, secretly. Attend, 0 Lord Jesus Christ our God, from thy holy dwelling place, and from the throne of glory of thy kingdom ; and come and cleanse us, 0 thou who sittest on high with the Father, and art here invisibly present with us: and graciously vouchsafe, by thy mighty hand, to impart unto us thy most holy Body, and thy most precious Blood, and by us to all thy people. .s h Andaficr I k Prayer, tkc Priest a n d Deacon make three reverences, saying: 0 God, cleanse thou me, a sinner. Then t k Priest, tk Holy Gzf/J being still covered, &yin on A i r hand &fh (6) fouch the lqi-giving Bread wifh great rcvernrcc d f e a r . And tk Deacon saifh : Let us attend. Z k Pricst erckimrth : The Presanctified Holy Things to the holy. Ckoir. One only is holy, one only is the Lord, Jesus Christ, in the glory of God the Father. Amen ( T k rest o f t k curtain is now drawn.) A d when t k Priest h f h said: The Presanctified Hoiy Things to the holy : he hyeth mi& the holy veil, and the Deacon nrtereth the ho& Sanctuary; and standing near f k Priul, k smlh : r/l Break, Master, the holy Bread. 2 And tk Priest, wi'th great heedf Zness, breakcfh it intofour picas, saying: 5 Broken and divided is the Lamb of God, which is broken, yet not 9 disunited; ever eaten, yet never consumed, but sanctifieth those who partake thereof.



And he hyeth a portion on the#atm, saying nofkin :and the Deacon our& * *r w a n water into th rhalke, sayng mtRng. ~ n t irc i stanktk a little apart. T h n the Pricst saith :

Deacon, draw near.

And the Deacon, afiroaching, mmaRc a ahout reverence, asking forpveness, and saitk :

Lo, I draw ?ear untb the King immortal, and to God. Impart unto me, Master, the precious and holy Body of our Lord, and God, and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
And the Priest, faking a portion of the Holy Mysterics,ga~cth it to the Deacor ,saying :

T o N., Deacon, is imparted the precious, and holy, and all-pure Body and Blood of our Lord, and God, and Saviour, Jesus Christ, unto the remission of his sins, and unto life everlasting.
A r d the Deacon, having kissed the Priest's hand, shall wi'thdraw,and stand behind fhe Holy Altar; and bowing his head, he shall pray, like the Priest, I believe, 0 Lord, and I confess. . And the Priest d o , taking in the same manner a portion of the Holy Mystcrics, saith :


T h e precious and all-holy Body and Blood of our Lord, and God, and Saviour, Jesus Christ, is imparted to me, N., Priest, unto the remission of my sins, and unto life everlasting. 8
And bm'ng his ircad, he prayeth, saying :

I believe, 0 Lord, and I confess, that thou art, in very truth, the Christ the Son of the living God, who didst come into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief. And I believe that this is, of a truth, thine all-pure Body, and that this is thine own precious Blood. Wherefore I beseech thee, have mercy upon me, and forgive my transgressions, whether voluntary or involuntary ; whether of word or of deed; whether committed with knowledge or in ignorance. And vouchsafe that I may partake without condemnation of thine all-pure Mysteries, unto the remission of my sins, and unto life eternal. Of thy Mystical Supper, 0 Son of God, accept me today as a communicant: for I will not speak of thy Mystery to thine enemies, neither like Judas will I give thee a kiss ; but like the thief will I confess thee : Remember me, 0 Lord, in thy kingdom. And let not this participation in thy Choir. THE Holy Mysteries be unto judgment 0 taste, and see how good the upon me, or unto condemnation, Lord is. Alleluia, alleluia, alle- 0 Lord, but unto the healing of luia. soul and body. A d i n this manwr they #arta&e ofthe Holy Mystcriu, d b a m affd
g o d y fear.




T h m he tarFcik the holj, chalice wt'cb the v d i n both han&, a d dri&U from it, sayin nothin ; and wzj5eth his month and the holy chalice e m u the veil w l i i f i s in $ h a d , setteth it on the Holy A l t w , a d ma&, secretly, f / ~ e PRAYER OF THANKSGIVING :

We give thanks unto thee, 0 God, the Saviour of all men, for all h the good things which thou hast vouchsafed unto us, and for the $ Communion of the holy Body and Blood of thy Christ. And we be- 2 . ' seech thee, 0 Lord, who lovest mankind, to peep us under the ' shelter of thy wings. And grant that, even to our last breath, we may worthily partake of thy Holy Things, unto the illumination of soul and body, and unto the inheritance of the kingdom of heaven. The Deacon &tk not d k k f r o m the chalke at this lime, bnt nflcr tkc Prayer
before the Ttidurrc,a d aflcr the remainin #artkles of tke H o b MystIrtirs have been couunrd. (But if the Pn'est celefrate alone, witkont a Deacon, kc, also, doth not drank om the c h a l h after his Comrnnnion, but a k r the Lilu r D is jnishtd, d P e r the HO& M s t e k s have been c m n m e d or q t h e wixt be sanctz ed b y #lnring in it $ #artirll, yet hatk it not been t r r mufed info t Divine BCood, seeing that the ww& of c o n s e ~ d h are not recited over it in this smiCC, as they are in tkc Litur 2 s of B a d the Gtmi and yohn Cb sostom.) Andthe Deacon, takin tke ko& #aten, aj#roacheth P to the holy c ~ l i r ead#ntteth , in the H o b LYts, saying nothing. A d haw ing made three reverences, he draweth asah2 the curiain, and @encth the Holj, Door.


Bat r;fthere be ~ommnkcants from the Pe@le, tkc Deacon, having covercd the Holy Things as nsnal, and drawn ash2 tke curtain, and @ e n d the Ho& Door, taketh tke s a d chulicefrom the ha%& of the Pncst or t h Bfiht@,and saifh :

In the fear of God, and with faith, draw near. A n d the Communiorr is odminbtered ax usrrcrl. ( A s a
admitted to this Commnnwn.) Choir. I will bless the Lord at all


infanrrk are twt



Pnkst. 0 God, save thy people, and bless thine heritage. Choir. His praise shall continually be in my mouth. Taste ye the heavenly Bread and the Cup of Life, and see how good the Lord is. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.
And when he hafh cemed #kc Holy Things, ke vetk t i e censer Co the Deacon. head of fke Deacon. And UI And taking the holy paten. he setteth z t or Dencon, taking it w t d a22 reverence,gaxeth or/ tkrorr 1 the Holy Dow, but a'ofh not say anything; nnd ke oeth to t i e Chapel g f ~ b % t handtheresetteth . it down. Then the Pnkst /a& the holy chalice, and fuming towar& tke Holy Door, he lookethforth %#on the Pe@&, saying, secretly:

Blessed is our God. Always, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages.

T H E DIVINE LITURGY OF T H E PRESANCTIFIED A n d k bcareth flu H o b ?Zings to the Chajtl of Oblatimr.


Chir. Amen. Let our mouths be filled with thy praise, 0 Lord, that we may extol thy glory: for that thou hast deigned to make us partakers of thy holy, divine, immortal and life-giving Mysteries. Establish us in thy Sanctification, that all the day long we may meditate upon thy righteousness. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia Deacon. Having received the divine, holy, pure, immortal, heavenly, life-giving and terrible Mysteries of Christ, 0 believers, let us worthily give thanks unto the Lord Chir. Lord, have mercy. Succour us, save us, have mercy upon us, and keep us, 0 God, by thy grace. Choir. Lord, have mercy. . Having besought an evening all-perfect, holy, peaceful and sinless, let us commend ourselves, and each other, and all our life unto Christ our


Ckoir. To thee, 0 Lord.
(Uric l k c w j w a l rjfoli;rd, a d /kt book of t k Holy Gosjck is set njon it.)


PricJt. For thou art our sanctification, and unto thee we ascribe glory, to t h e Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Ckoir. Amen. Priest. Let us depart in peace. C h i r . In the Name of the Lord. Deacon. Let us pray to the Lord Choir. Lord, have mercy.

0 Almighty Lord, who hast made all created things in wisdom, and
by thine inexpressible Providence and great goodness hast brought us to these all-holy days, for the purification of body and soul, for the controlling of carnal passions, and for the hope of the Resurrection; who, during the forty days didst give into the hand of thy servant Moses the Tables of the Law, in characters divinely traced by thee: Enable us also, 0 Good One, to fight the good fight ; to accomplish the course of the Fast ; to preserve inviolate the faith ; to crush under foot the heads of invisible serpents; to be accounted victors over sin ; and uncondemned to attain unto and adore the holy Resurrection. For blessed and glorified is thine all-honourable and majestic Name, of the Father, and of t h e Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages.



The Priest, secretly :

0 Lord our God, who hast Choir. Amen. days, Blessed be the Name of the brought us to these all~holy Lord henceforth and for ever. and hast made us partakers of thy terrible Mysteries: Unite us to ( Thn'ce.) thy rational flock, and make us And Psalm xxxiv.: I will alway heirs of thy kingdom, now, and give thanks. . . . (Scc page J 21.) ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Then the Priest comcthforth, and standing in his accnstomed$lace, he saith :

The blessing of the Lord, through his grace and love towards mankind, be upon you always, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Chir. Amen. TAm irc bestowefh tirc BENEDICTION. May Christ our true God, through the prayers of his all-holy Mother ; of the holy, glorious and all-laudable Apostles ; and of Saint N. (the Saint of the day) ; and of our father in the Saints, Gregory Homiliastes, and of, all the Saints, have mercy upon us and save us, for he is good and loveth mankind.
After this Finnl Benediction, the rest ofthe ceremony followeth as at Lhe w&mq Liturn ; except that instead of tirc Hymns there used, t k Hymn here follow ing is read: Hymn in Tone ZV.

That which constituteth the verity of things revealeth thee as a Rule of the faith, a Pattern of meekness and a Preceptor of continence to thy flock : wherefore thou, through humility, didst win exaltation, and by poverty didst win wealth. 0 Father Gregory, sainted Leader, pray thou unto Christ our God, that he will save our souls. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

HYMN TO THE HOLY BIRTHGIVER OF GOD. 0 Protection of Christians that maketh not ashamed, 0 Mediatrix never-failing with the Creator : Despise not the sinners' voice of s u p plication ; but in that thou art good, come speedily to the aid of us who faithfully call upon thee; make haste to our petition and further our prayer, 0 Birth-giver of God, who ever protectest them that do thee honour.

(GENERAL NOTE. - I f a B i s w be the celebrant, k commrrnicatetk hi&


tk Chrgy aa i n a a t e d ir the Litur .f St. ohm Chrysostom a r d St. B a i l ; f the r r u a ~ l a r e rrls g s polld (ti, Ddspota.) and t k Choir chanteth a


Th Priest saith : Blessed is our God always, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Reader. Amen. Glory to thee, our God ; glory to thee. 0 heavenly King, the Comforter, Spirit of Truth, who art in all places and fillest all things ; Treasury of good things and Giver of life : Come and take up thine abode in us, and cleanse us from every stain ;and save our souls, 0 Good One. 0 Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal One, have mercy upon us. (Thrice, and three reverences.) Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. 0 all-holy Trinity, have mercy upon us. 0 Lord, wash away our sins. 0 Master, pardon our transgressions. 0 Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for thy Name's sake. Lord, have mercy. ( Thrice.) Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. O u r Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, As it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation ; Rut deliver us from the Evil One : P h i . For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Lord, have mercy. (Thrice.) Rcuder. Amen. 0 come, let us worship God our King. 0 come, let us worship and fall down before Christ, our King and our God. 0 come, let us worship and fall down before the Very Christ, our King and our God. (Three reverences.) And z y it be during the first week of the Great F i t (Lena we begin : PSALM LXX. b Haste thee, 0 God, to deliver m e ; make haste to help me, 0 3 Lord. L e t them be ashamed and confounded that seek after my soul ; let them be turned backward and put to confusion that wish me evil. Let them for their reward be soon brought to shame, that

Grand Compline is said not only alone, but also in conjunction with Matins (Vespera bein &d separately) to form the All-Ni ht Vigil Service on the Eves of Christmas and the epip$My ; and sometimes on the Eve ofthe Annnciation.



cry over me, There! there ! But let all those that seek thee be joyful and glad in thee : and let all such as delight in thy salvation say alway, The Lord be praised. A s for me, I am poor and in misery : haste thee unto me, 0 God. Thou art my helper and my $ redeemer : 0 Lord, make no long tarrying.
And when this isfinislrcd, t k Great Canon of St. Andrew of Crete rj chunkd. But otherwake, the beginning is as foZIoweth :



Hear me, when I call, 0 God of my righteousness : thou hast set me at liberty, when I was in trouble ; have mercy upon me, and hearken unto my prayer. 0 ye sons of men, how long will ye blaspheme mine honour, and have such pleasure in vanity, and seek after falsehood? Know this also, that the Lord hath chosen to himself the man that is godly ; when I call upon the Lord he will hear me. Stand in awe, and sin not ; commune with your own heart, and in your chamber, and be still. Offer the sacrifice of righteousness, and put your trust in the Lord. There be many that say, Who will show us any good ? Lord, lift thou up the light of thy countenance upon us. Thou hast put gladness in my heart, since the time that their corn, and wine, and oil increased. I will lay me down in peace, and take my rest ; for it is thou, Lord, only, that makest fne dwell in safety.
0 Lord, rebuke me not ih thine indignation, neither chasten me in thy displeasure. Have mercy upon me, 0 Lord, for I am weak ; 0 Lord, heal me, for my bones are vexed. My soul also is sore troubled: but, Lord, how long wilt thou punish me? Turn thee, 0 Lord, and deliver my soul; 0 save me, for thy mercy's sake. For in death no man remembereth thee ; and who will give thee thanks in the pit ? I am weary of my groaning : every night wash I my bed, and water my couch with my tears. My beauty is gone for very trouble, and worn away because of all mine enemies. Away from me, all ye that work vanity; for the Lord hath heard the voice of my weeping. T h e Lord hath heard my petition ; the Lord will receive my prayer. All mine enemies shall be confounded, and sore vexed ; they shall be turned back, and put to shame suddenly. PSALM XIII. How long wilt thou forget me, 0 Lord ; for ever? how long wilt thou hide thy face from me ? How long shall I seek counsel in my soul, and be so vexed in my heart ? how long shall mine enemies triumph over me ? Consider, and hear me, 0 Lord my God ; lighten mine eyes, that I sleep not in death; lest mine enemy say, I have prevailed against him : for if I be cast down, they that trouble me'will rejoice at it. But my trust is in thy mercy,and my heart is joyful in thy salvation. I will



sing of the Lord, because he hath dealt so lovingly with me; yea, I will praise the Name of the Lord most Highest. Consider, and hear me, 0 Lord my God : lighten mine eyes, that I sleep not in death ; lest mine enemy say, I have prevailed against him. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia. Glory to thee, 0 God. (Thrice, and three rmerertces.) Lord, have mercy. (Thrice.) Glory . . . now, a d ever, . . .
PSALM xxv. Unto thee, 0 Lord, will I lift up my soul ; my God, I have put my trust in thee : 0 let me not be confounded, neither let mine enemies triumph over me. For all they that hope in thee shall not be ashamed ; but such as transgress without a cause shall be put to confusion. Show me thy ways, 0 Lord, and teach me thy paths. Lead me forth in thy truth, and learn me : for thou art the God of my salvation ; in thee hath been my hope all the day long. Call to remembrance, 0 Lord, thy tender mercies, and thy loving-kindnesses, which have been ever of old. 0 remember not the sins and offences of my youth ; but according to thy mercy think thou upon me, 0 Lord, for thy goodness. Gracious and righteous is the Lord ; therefore will he teach sinners in the way. Them that are meek shall he guide in judgment : and such as are gentle, them shall he learn his way. All the pathsof the Lord are mercy and truth, upto such as keep his covenant aqd his testimonies. For thy Name's sake, 0 Lord, be merciful unto my sin ; for it is great. What man is he that feareth the Lord? him shall he teach in the way that he shall choose. His soul shall dwell at ease, and his seed shall inherit the land. The secret of the Lord is among them that fear him ; and he will show them his covenant. Mine eyes are ever looking unto the Lord ; for he shall pluck my feet out of the net. Turn thee unto me, and have mercy upon me ; for I am desolate, and in misery. The sorrows of my heart are enlarged : 0 bring thou me out of my troubles. Look upon my adversity and misery, and forgive me all my sin. Consider mine enemies, how many they are ; and they bear a tyrannous hate against me. 0 keep my soul, and deliver me ; let me not be confounded, for I have put my trust in thee. Let perfectness and righteous dealing wait upon me ; for my hope hath been in thee. Deliver Israel, 0 God, out of all his troubles.

I n thee, 0 Lord, have I put my trust ; let me never be put to confusion ; deliver me in thy righteousness. Bow down thine ear to me ; make haste to deliver me. And be thou my strong rock, and house of defence, that thou mayest save me. For thou art my strong rock, and



my castle : be thou also my guide, and lead me for thy Name's sake. Draw me out of the net that they have laid privily for m e ; for thou art my strength. Into thy hands I commend my spirit; for thou hast redeemed me, 0 Lord, thou God of truth. I have hated them that hold of superstitious vanities, and my trust hath been in the Lord. I will be glad, and rejoice in thy mercy; for thou hast considered my trouble, and hast known my soul in adversities. Thou hast not shut me up into the hand of the enemy; but hast set my feet in a large room. Have mercy upon me, 0 Lord, for I am in trouble, and mine eye is consumed for very heaviness; yea, my soul and my , body. For my life is waxen old with heaviness, and my years with mourning. My strength faileth me, because of mine iniquity, and my bones are consumed. I became a reproof among all mine enemies, but especially among my neighbours ; and they of mine acquaintance were afraid of me ; and they that did see me without, conveyed themselves from me. I am clean forgotten as a dead man out of mind ; I am become like a broken vessel. For I have heard the blasphemy of the multitude, and fear is on every side; while they conspire together against me, and take their counsel t o take away my life. But my hope hath been in thee, 0 Lord ; I have said, Thou art my God. My time is in thy hand ; deliver me from the hand of mine enemies, and from them that persecute me. Show thy servant the light of thy countenance, and sake me for thy mercy's sake. Let me not be confounded, 0 Lord, for I have called upon thee ; let the ungodly be put to confusion, and be put to silence in the grave. l e t t h e lying lips be put t o silence, which cruelly, disdainfully, and despiteful1 speak against the righteous. 0 how plentiful is thy goodness, which t ou hast laid up for them that fear thee, and that thou hast prepared for them that put their trust in thee, even before the sons of men ! Thou shalt hide them privily by thine own presence from the provoking of all men : thou shalt keep them secretlyin thy tabernacle from the strife of tongues. Thanks be to the L o r d ; for he hath showed me marvellous great kindness in a strong city. And when I made haste, I said, I am cast out of the sight of thine eyes. Nevertheless, thou heardest the voice of my prayer, when I cried unto thee. 0 love t h e Lord, all ye his saints; for the Lord preserveth them that are faithful, and plenteously rewardeth the proud doer. Re strong, and h e shall establish your heart, all ye that put your trust in the Lord.

Whoso dwelleth under the defence df the Most High, shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say unto the Lord, Thou art my hope, and my stronghold ; my God, in him will I trust. For h e shall deliver thee from the snare of the hunter, and from the noisome pestilence. H e shall defend thee under his wings, and thou shalt be safe under his feathers; his faithfulness and truth shall be thy shield and



buckler. Thou shalt not be afraid for any terror by night, nor for the arrow that flieth by day; for the pestilence that walketh in darkness, nor for the sickness that destroyeth in the noonday. A thousand shall fall beside thee, and ten thousand at thy right hand ; but it shall not come nigh thee. Yea, with thine eyes shalt thou behold, and see the reward of the ungodly. For thou, Lord, art my hope; thou hast set thine house of defence very high. There shall no evil happen unto thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling. For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. Tliey shall bear thee in their hands, that thou hurt not thy foot against a stone. Thou shalt go upon the lion and adder : the young lion and the dragon shalt thou tread under thy feet. Because he bath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him; I will set him up, beca'use he hath known my Name. H e shall call upon me, and I will hear him ; yea, I am with him in trouble ; I will deliver him and bring him to honour. With long life will I satisfy him, and show him my salvation. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia : glory to thee, 0 God. (Thrice, a n d three rarerences.) Lord, have mercy. ( Thrice.) Glory . . . now, and ever, . . .
Zkn the C h o i ~ chanttth the Vmsts, singing them d h sweet nulody,slow& a d loudly.

God is with us: understand, ye nations, and submit yourselves: for God is with us.

And the s r d ~ k o i rq6eatrth r the same.

Zkn each Choir singeik a Vwse in turn. A d to uach V m e tke aefrrrin h

snug :

For God is with us. Hear ye, even unto the uttermost ends of the earth : qb If again ye shall rise up in your might, again shall ye be overthrown : & If any take counsel together, them shall the Lord destroy : & And the word which ye shall speak shall not abide in ou : qb For we fear not your terror, neither are we troubled : But the Lord our God, he it is to whom we will ascribe holiness, and him will we fear : qb And if I put my trust in him, he shall be my sanctification : l& I will set my hope on him, and through him shall I be saved: I& Lo, I and the children whom God hath given me : qb T h e people that walked in darkness have seen a great light : And they that dwelt in the land of the shadow of death, on them hath the light shined : I& For unto us a son is born, unto us a child is given : & And the government shall be upon his shoulder : &

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And of his peace there shall be no end : & And his Name shall be called in the great Council of the Angels : & E. $ Wonderful, Counsellor : & $ 3 The Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of 5 Peace: c r o P 1 The Father of the world to come : I$


And w h m the Verses huve been sung by the Choirs affernafely,as rnab-ed, fknc is w a g :

God is with us : understand, ye nations, and submit yourselves : for Then both C h i n sing, once :Glory . . . First Choir. For God is with us. Now, and ever, . . . Second Choir, For God is with us. Then both Chirs. For God is with us.
And immediafely, the following Hymns :

God is with us.

The day is past; I thank thee, 0 Lord: Grant me, I entreat thee, that this evening and this night I fall into no sin ; and save me, 0 my Saviour. Second Chir. Glory . . The day is past ; I sing praises unto thee, 0 Master. Grant, I entreat thee, that this evening and this night I may be without guile ; and save me, 0 Saviour. Both Choirs. Now, and ever, . . . The day is past : I hymn thee, 0 Holy One. Grant, I entreat thee, that this evening and this night I may be assailed by no temptation ; and save me, 0 Saviour. The Choirs, in unison: With songs unceasing the Bodiless Powers of the Cherubim glorify thee ; the six-winged beings, the Seraphim, with voices perpetual, extol thee exceedingly. With t hrice-holy songs, all the Host of the Angels laud thee. For thou art the Father before all worlds, and hast with thee thy Son, who also is from everlasting; and hast also the Spirit of Life, coequal in honour, and showest forth the Trinity Undivided. 0 most holy Virgin, Mother of God, and ye e e-witnesses and servants of the Word, with all the company of the rophets and the Martyrs, who have attained unto life immortal : Pray ye zealously for us all, for all we are in dire distress ; that, being delivered from the wiles of the Evil One, we may loudly sing the Angelic Song : Holy, Holy, Holy Thrice-Holy Lord, have mercy upon us, and save us. Amen.

And inrmcdiafely, in a lower voice :

I believe in one God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, And of all things visible and invisible : And in one Lord Jesus Christ; the only-begotten Son of God, Begotten of his Father before all worlds; Light of Light, Very God of very God, Begotten, not made, Being of one Essence with the Father ; By whom all things were made ; Who, for us men, and for our salvation,



came down from heaven, And was incarnate by the Holy Ghost of the Virgin Mary, And was made man. And was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate; and suffered and was buried. And the third day h e rose again, according to the Scriptures. And ascended into heaven, And sitteth on the right hand of the Father. And he shall come again with glory to judge both the quick and the dead ; Whose kingdom shall have no end. And in the Holy Ghost, the Lord and Giver of Life, Who proceedeth from the Father, Who with the Father and the Son together is worshipped and glorified, Who spake by the Prophets. In one Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. I acknowledge one Baptism for the remission of sins. I look for the Resurrection of the dead, And the Life of the world to come. Amen.
Then straightway the ALLHOLY :

0 all-holy Sovereign Lady, Birth-giver of God, pray for us sinners.

( Thrice. )

0 all 'ye heavenly Host of Angels and Archangels, pray for us sinn e r s ( Twice.) 0 holy John, Prophet, and Forerunner, and Baptist of our Lord Jesus Christ, pray for us sinners. (Twice.) 0 holy, glorious Apostles, Prophets and Martyrs, and all Saints, pray for us sinners. (Twice.) 0 ye, our reverend and God-fearing Fathers, Pastors and CEcumenical Teachers, pray for us sinners. (Twice.)
Tlirn the Patron Saint of the Church iz invoked:

0 invincible, and ineffable, and divine power of the Honourable and Life-giving Cross, forsake not us sinners. (Twice.) 0 God, cleanse us sinners. (Twice.) 0 God, cleanse us sinners, and have mercy upon us. 0 Holy God, Holy Mighty, . . Glory . . . now, and ever, . . . 0 all-holy Trinity, . . Lord, have mercy. (Thrice.) Glory . . . now, and ever, . . . Our Father, . . . Lord, have mercy. (Twelve limes.) Glory . . . now, and ever, . . . (Seepage 147.) And z y a F e a t be impending, then the Hymns for that Feast are sung. Ofhe+--

wire, thefollowing Hymns are used: On Monday and Wednesday Evenings, Tone I/.:

Lighten mine eyes, 0 Christ my God, that I sleep not unto death; lest mine enemy say : I have prevailed against him. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Be thou the defender of my soul, 0 God, for I walk amid a multitude of snares. Deliver me from them and save me, 0 Good One: for thou lovest mankind. Now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. And since, through our manifold iniquities, we have no boldness, do



thou, 0 Virgin Birth-giver of God, make fervent entreaty unto him who was born of thee : for the prayer of a mother availeth much unto the benignity of the Master. Despise not the petitions of sinners, 0 AllPure One; for gracious and mighty to save is he who deigned to suffer for us.
VZIZ.: Thou knowest, 0 Lord my Creator, the sleepless vigilance of mine invisible enemies, and the frailty of my miserable flesh. Into thy hands, therefore, will I commit my spirit. Cover me with the wings o f thy goodness, that Isleep not unto death ; and enlighten the eyes of my spiritual understanding, that I may delight in thy divine words: and make me, in a time, acceptable unto thee, to glorify thee in praise, as the only Good One, who loveth mankind. Verse; Look upon me, and give ear unto me, 0 Lord my God. How terrible is thy Judgment, 0 Lord, when the angels stand round about, and men are led before thee ; and the books are opened, and deeds are tried; and all thoughts are searched out. What judgment shall then be awarded unto me, who was conceived in sins? Who shall quench the flame for m e ? Who shall enlighten my darkness, if not thou, 0 Lord, who showest mercy upon me because of thy love towards mankind ? Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit Grant me tears, 0 God, as once to the sinning woman of old: And graciouslyvouchsafe that I may wash thy feet which delivered me from the path of straying, and that I may offer unto thee an incense of sweet savour, even.a pure life, fashioned by my repentance. And so shall I, also, hear thy voice which I long for, saying : Thy faith hath saved thee ; go in peace. Now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
On Tuesdzy and Thursday Evenings the following Hymns s h N be sung, T i



In that I have in thee, 0 Birth-giver of God, that hope which maketh not ashamed, I shall be saved ; in that I possess thy intercession, 0 All-Pure One, I will not fear. I will follow hard after mine enemies, and put them to flight, invested only, as it were in a cuirass, with thy protection and all-powerful aid. Fervently imploring I cry unto thee : 0 Lady, save me by thy prayers, and raise me up again from gloomy sleep to glorify thee in song, by the might of the Son of God, who through thee was made flesh. Lord, have mercy. (Forly rimes.) Glory . . now, and ever . . . More honourable than the Cherubim, and beyond compare more glorious than the Seraphim, thou who without defilement barest God the Word, true Birth-giver of God, we tnagnify thee.



Bless, Father, in the Name of the Lord. Priest. Through the prayers of our holy fathers, have mercy upon us, 0 Lord Jesus Christ our God. Amen.

fly by day, deliver thou us, also, from all the things that infest the darkness. Accept our evening sacrifice, even the lifting-up of our hands. Grant that we ma pass through the course of the night without sin, untempted of ev' things ; and deliver us from every alarm and cowardice that cometh to us from the Devil. Grant unto our souls contrition, and unto our minds anxiety concerning that strict searching out of the thoughts which shall come in the dread and just Day of Judgment. Nail our flesh to the fear of thee, and mortify our earthly members : that, in the quietness of sleep, we may be illuminated by the vision of thy judgments. Remove from us, also, every unseemly imagination and hurtful carnal passion. Raise us up again at the hour of prayer fortified in the faith, and advancing in thy commandments ; through the favour and goodness of thine Only-begotten Son, with whom thou art glorified, together with thine all-holy, and good, and life-giving Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
0 Lord, Lord, who deliverest us from all the arrows that


Then immediately the Pricst shall exclaim :

0 come, let us worship God our King. 0 come, let us worship and fall down before Christ, our King and our God. 0 come, let us worship and fall down before the Very Christ, our King and our God. ( Three reverences.) PSALM LI. Have mercy upon me, 0 God, after thy great goodness ; according to the multitude of thy mercies do away mine offences. Wash me throughly from my wickedness, and cleanse me from my sin. For I acknowledge my faults, and my sin is ever before me. Against thee only have I sinned, and done this evil in thy sight ; that thou mightest be justified in thy saying, and clear when thou art' judged. Behold, I was shapen in wickedness, and in sin hath my mother conceived me. But lo, thou requirest truth in the inward parts, and shalt make me to undtrstand wisdom secretly. Thou shalt purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean ; thou shalt wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. Thou shalt make me hear of joy and gladness, that the bones which thou hast broken may rejoice. Turn thy face from my sins, and put out all my misdeeds Make me a clean heart, 0 God, and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from thy presence, and take not thy holy Spirit from me. 0 give me the comfort of thy help again, and stablish me with thy free Spirit. Theri shall I teach thy ways unto the wicked, and sinners shall be converted unto thee. Deliver me from blood-guiltiness, 0 God, thou that art the God of my health, and my



tongue shall sing of thy righteousness. Thou shalt open my lips, 0 Lord, and my mouth shall show thy praise. For thou desirest no sacrifice, else would I give it thee; but thou delightest not in burnt-offerings. The sacrifice of God is a troubled spirit : a broken and contrite heart, 0 God, shalt thou not despise. 0 be favourable and gracious unto Sion : build thou the walls of Jerusalem. Then shalt thou be pleased with the sacrifice of righteousness, with the burnt-offerings and oblations: then shall they offer young bullocks upon thine altar. Hear my prayer, 0 Lord, and let my crying come unto thee. Hide not thy face from me in the time of my trouble ; incline thine ear unto me when I call; 0 hear me, and that right soon. For my days are consumed away like smoke, and my bones are burnt up as it were a firebrand. My heart is smitten down, and withered like grass ; so that I forget to eat my bread. For the voice of my groaning, my bones will scarce cleave to my flesh. I am become like a pelican in the wilderness, and like an owl that is in the desert. I have watched, and am even as it were a sparrow, that sitteth alone upon the house-top. Mine enemies revile me all the day long ; and they that are mad upon me are sworn together against me. For I have eaten ashes as it were bread, and mingled my drink with weeping ; and that, because of thine indignation and wrath ; for thou hast taken me up, and cast me down. My days are gone like a shadow, and I am withered like grass. But thou, 0 Lord, shalt endure forever, and thy remembrance throughout all generations. Thou shalt arise, and have mercy upon Sion ; for it is time that thou have mercy upon her, yea, the time is come. And why? thy servants think upon her stones, and it pitieth them to see her in the dust. The heathen shall fear thy Name, 0 Lord : and all the kings of the earth thy majesty; when the Lord shall build up Sion, and when his glory shall appear ; when he turneth him unto the prayer of the poor destitute, and despiseth not their desire. This shall be i d t ten for those that come after, and the people which shall be born shall pkaise the Lord. For he hath looked down from his sanctuary: out of the heaven did the Lord behold the ,earth ; that he might hear the mournings of such as are in captivity, and deliver the children appointed unto death ; that they may declare the Name of the Lord in Sion, and his worship at Jerusalem ; when the people are gathered together, and the kingdoms also, to serve the Lord. He brought down my strength in my journey, and shortened my days. But I said, 0 my God, take me not away in the midst of mine age ; as for thy years, they endure throughout all generations. Thou, Lord, in the beginning hast laid the foundation of the earth, and the heavens are the work of thy hands. They shall perish, but thou shalt endure : they all shall wax old as doth a garment ; and as a vesture shalt thou change them, and t h e shall be changed ; but thou art the same, and thy years shall not

f d



The children of thy servants shall continue, and their seed shall stand fast in thy sight.

0 Lord Almighty, thou God of our fathers, of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob, and of their righteous seed ; who hast made heaven and earth, with all the firmament thereof; who hast bound the sea with the word of thy commandment ; who hBst shut up the deep and sealed it with thy terrible and glorious Name: All creatures fear thee, yea, they do tremble before the presence of thy power ; for the majesty of thy glory cannot be borne, and not to be resisted is the anger of thy threatening toward sinners; but thy merciful promise is unmeasurable and unsearchable. For thou art the Lord most high, of tender compassion, longsuffering, rich in mercy, and grievest over the evils of men. Thou, 0 Lord, according to the multitude of thy loving-kindness, hast promised repentance and forgiveness to those who have sinned against thee ; and in the plenitude of thy compassions hast appointed repentance unto sinners, that they may be saved Thou, therefore, the Lord God of Hosts, hast not appointed repentance to the just, to Abraham, and to Isaac, and to Jacob, who have not sinned against thee ; but thou hast appointed repentance to me a sinner: for my sins are more in number than the sands of the sea. My transgressions are multiplied, 0 Lord, my transgressions are multiplied, and I am not worthy to behold and see the height of heaven because of the multitude of mine iniquities. I am bowed down with many iron bands, so that I cannot lift up my head by reason of my sins, neither have I any respite : for I have provoked thy wrath, and have done that which is evil in thy sight : I have not done thy will, neither have I kept thy commandments. Now, therefore, I bow the knees of my heart, supplicating grace of thee. 1 have sinned, 0 Lord, I have sinned, and I acknowledge mine iniquities : but I humbly beseech thee, forgive me, 0 Lord, forgive me, and destroy me not together with mine iniquities, neither preserve thou thy divine wrath against my evil deeds forever ; neither condemn me to tJe lower parts of the earth. For thou, 0 Lord, art the God of those who are penitent ; and in me wilt thou manifest all thy goodness ; for thou wilt save me, unworthy though I be, because of thy great mercy, and I will praise thee henceforth, all the days of my life. For all the Host of heaven doth sing thy praise, and thine is the glory, unto ages of ages. Amen. 0 Holy God, Holy Mighty, . . . (See jage 147.) (Thrice, with three reverences.) Glory . . . now, and ever, . . . 0 all-holy Trinity, . . Lord, have mercy. (Thrice.) Our Father, . . . Lord, have mercy. ( Twelve times. ) Glory . . . now, and ever . .

TArn shall be sung,in Tone VI., thefollowing Hymns : Have mercy upon us, 0 Lord, have mercy upon us. For we sinners,



void of all defence, do offer unto thee this petition, as unto our Master : Have mercy upon us. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Have mercy upon us, 0 God, for we have put our trust in thee. Be not exceeding wroth with us, neither call to mind our iniquities ; but look down upon us now, also, in thy loving-kindness, and deliver us from our enemies. For thou art our God, and we are thy people, we are all the work of thy hands, and we call upon thy Name. Now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Open unto us the gate of thy loving-kindness, 0 blessed Birth-giver of God. In that we have set our hope on thee, may we not fail ; but through thee may we be delivered from adversities ; for thou art the salvation of the race of Christians. Lord, have mercy. (Forty times.) . . . Glory . . . now, and ever . . . More honourable than the Cherubim, . . . (Seepage 154.) I n the Name of the Lord bless, Father. Pn'esC. Through the prayers of our holy fathers, 0 Lord Jesus 'Christ our God, have mercy upon us. Amen.
And the Prayer :

0 Sovereign Master, God, 0 Father Almighty, 0 Lord, the Onlybegotten Son, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, one Godhead, one Power, have mercy upon me, a sinner ; and by means which are known unto thee, save me, thine unworthy servant : for blessed art thou unto ages of ages. Amen. Then: 0 come, let us worship . . . (Seepage 147.)
And then s h l l be read (excejt w h n the Great Canon is w e d ) :

PSALM LXX. Haste thee, 0 God, to deliver me ; make haste to help me, 0 Lord Let them be ashamed and confounded that seek after my soul ; let them be turned backward and put to confusion that wish me evil Let them for their reward be soon brought to shame, that cry over me, There ! there ! But let all those that seek thee be joyful and glad in thee : and let all such as delight in thy salvation say alway, The Lord be praised. As for me, I am poor and in misery : haste thee unto me, 0 God. Thou art my helper, and my redeemer : 0 Lord, make no long tarrying. Hear my prayer, 0 Lord, and consider my desire ; hearken unto me for thy truth and righteousness' sake. And.enter not into judgment with thy servant; for in thy sight shall no man living be justified. For the enemy hath persecuted my soul ;he hath.smitten my life down



to the ground ; he hath laid me in the darkness, as the men that have been long dead. Therefore is my spirit vexed within me, and my heart within me is desolate. Yet do I remember the time past : I muse upon all thy works ; yea, I exercise myself in the works of thy hands. I stretch forth my hands unto thee; my soul gaspeth unto thee as a thirsty land. Hear me, 0 Lord, and that soon ; for my spirit waxeth faint: hide not thy face from me, lest I be like unto tIhem that go down into the pit. 0 let me hear thy loving-kindness bet~mes in the morning ; for in thee is my trust : show thou me the way that I should walk in; for I lift up my soul unto thee. Deliver me, 0 Lord, from mine enemies ; for I flee unto thee to hide me. Teach me to do the thing that pleaseth thee; for thou art my God: let thy loving Spirit lead me forth into the land of righteousness Quicken me, 0 Lord, for thy Name's sake ; and for thy righteousness' sake bring my soul out of trouble. And of thy goodness slay mine enemies, and destroy all them that vex my soul ; for I am thy servant. Glory be to God on high, and on earth peace, good will towards men. We praise thee, we bless thee, we worship thee, we glorify thee, we give thanks t o thee for thy great glory, 0 Lord, heavenly King, God the Father Almighty. 0 Lord, the Only-begotten Son, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, 0 Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, that takest away the sins of the world, have mercy upon us. Thou that takest away the sins of the world, receive our prayer. Thou that sittest at the right hand of God the,Father, have mercy upon us. For thou only art holy; thou only art the Lord, 0 Jesus Christ, with the Holy Ghost, in the glory of God the Father. Amen. Every night will I give thanks unto thee : and praise thy Name for ever and ever. Lord, thou hast been our refuge, from one generation to another. I said, Lord, be merciful unto me : heal my soul, for I have sinned against thee. I flee unto thee. Teach me to do thy will ; for thou art my God. For with thee is the well of life, and in thy light shall we see light. 0 continue forth thy loving-kindness unto them that know thee. Vouchsafe, 0 Lord, to keep us this night without sin. Blessed art thou, 0 Lord, the God of our fathers, and praised and glorified is thy Name forever. Amen. Let thy mercy, be upon us, 0 Lord, even as we have set our hope on thee. Blessed art thou, 0 Lord ; teach me thy statutes. Blessed art thou, 0 Master; make me to understand thy commandments. Blessed art thou, 0 Holy One ; enlighten me with thy precepts. Thy mercy, 0 Lord, endureth forever: 0 despise not the works of thy hands. To thee belongeth worship, to thee belongeth praise, to thee belongeth glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, unto ages of ages. Amen. / f i t be fke Eve o f Chrisfmar. the EPi hny, o r the Annunciation, then shall be
m11gthe CMou o f t k C Saint o f tht a ? !y. OY of the Birth-giver o f God.

I 60


And at t k conclnsimr of the Canon and fkHymns :

0 Holy God, Holy Mighty, . (Thrice, with three revertrrces.) Glory . now, and ever, . 0 all-holy Trinity, . Lord, have . mercy. (Thrice.) Our Father, . . . For thine is the kingdom, Lord, have mercy. (Twelve times.) Glory . now, and ever, . . . (Seepage 147.1 Zien shall be rung, in Tone Y Z . : 0 Lord of Hosts, be with us, for beside thee we have no other helper in adversity. Have mercy upon us, 0 Lord of Hosts.



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First Choir, Vem I : 0 praise God in his holiness : praise him in the firmament of his power. Refrain. 0 Lord of Hosts, be with us ; for beside thee we have no other helper in adversity. Have mercy upon us, 0 Lord of Hosts Second Chir, Verse 2 : Praise him in his noble acts : praise him according to his excellent greatness.
And the Repain after every Verse.

Praise him in the sound of the trumpet : praise him upon the lute and harp. Praise him in the cymbals and dances : praise him upon the strings and pipe. Praise him upon the well-tuned cymbals : praise him upon the loud cymbals. Let everything that hath breath praise the Lord. 0 praise God in his holiness: praise him in the firmament of his power. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. 0 Lord, if we had not thy Saints as our intercessors,and thy gracious loving-kindness which showeth mercy upon us, how should we presume, 0 Saviour, to sing unto thee, whom the Angels unceasingly do glorify in song ? 0 thou who knowest hearts, spare thou our souls. Now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Exceeding great, 0 Birth-giver of God, is the multitude of my transgressions ; I have fled unto thee, 0 Pure One, entreating salvation. Visit thou my feeble soul, and pray to thy Son and our God that he will grant me remission of the terrible deeds which I have wrought, 0 Only-Blessed One. 0 all-holy Birth-giver of God, forsake me not all the days of my life : Give me not over to the protection of men, but do thou.thyself defend me and have mercy on me. In thee put I my whole trust, 0 Mother of God : Keep me under thy protection. -Lord, have mercy. (Forty Cimes.) Thou who, at all times and at every hour, . . (Seepage 5 I.) Lord, have mercy. (Thke.) Glory . . . now, and ever, . . . More honourable than the Cherubim, . . . (Seepage 154.)

Bless, Father, in the Name of the Lord. Priest. God, be merciful unto us, and bless us, and show us the light of his countenance, and be merciful unto us.
2 % ~we make three great reverences, and reale tk Prayer of S f . Ejhraim the Sytian. (Seepage 41.)

Then :0 Holy God, Holy Mighty, . . . (Thrice, with three reverences.) Glory . . . now, and ever, . . . 0 all-holy Trinity, . . Lord, have mercy. (Thrice.) Our Father, . . . For thine is the kingdom, . . . Lord, have mercy. (Twelve times.) Glory . . . now, and ever, . . . (Seepage 147.) And fk PRAYER OF SUPPLICATION TO THE MOST HOLY BIRTHOIVEROF GOD,

of Paul, a Monk of the M o n a r k r y of fkBenefafress.

0 Virgin, pure, spotless, incorrupt, undefiled, all-pure ; thou Bride of God and Sovereign Lady, who didst unite the Word of God with men through thy most glorious birth-giving, and hast yoked the apostate nature of our race with the heavenly ; who art the sole hope of the hopeless, and the helper of the assailed, a speedy defender of those who flee unto thee, and the refuge of a l l Christians: Hold not in loathing me, a sinner and polluted, who have made myself of no worth through my shameful thoughts, and words, and deeds, and who, through slothfulness of mind have been a slave to the carnal lusts of life. But, in that thou art the Mother of the God who loveth mankind, have compassion upon me, a sinner and a prodigal, and accept my prayer which is offered unto thee with lips impure ; and exercising thy maternal boldness, importune thou thy Son, who is also our Master and our Lord, that he will open unto me also the compassionate loving-kindness of his goodness, and disregarding my countless wickednesses, will turn me again unto repentance, and show me forth a well-skilled doer of his commandments. And be thou ever present with me, in that thou art gracious, and pitiful, and full of loving-kindness : For thou art a fervent Mediatrix and Helper who, in this present life, repellest theassaults of adversaries, and guidest me unto salvation, and at the hour of death carest diligently for my wretched soul, driving far from it the dark forms of evil spirits ; and in the dread Judgment Day thou shalt deliver me from punishment eternal, and shalt manifest me an heir of the glory ineffable of thy Son and our God: All which I shall obtain, 0 Lady and most holy Birth-giver of God, by thy mediation and intercession, through the mercy and love toward mankind of thine Onlybegotten Son, to whom are due all glory, honour and worship, together with his Father, who is from everlasting, and his all-holy, and good, and lie-giving Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Another Prayer, TO OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, Anfiochws, a M o n k of t k
Momufery of the P a d c f .

And grant unto us, 0 Master, as we lay us down to sleep, repose



both of bod and of soul, and preserve us from the gloomy slumber of sin, and rom every dark and nocturnal sensuality. Calm thou the impulses of carnal desires : quench the fiery darts of the Evil One which are craftily directed against us. Assuage the rebellions of our flesh. Still our every earthly and material anxiety ; and vouchsafe unto us, 0 God, a watchful mind, a chaste reason, a sober heart, sleep gentle and free from every vision of the Devil ; and raise us up again at the hour of prayer, strengthened in thy precepts, and holding steadfastly within us the memory of thy commandments. Grant that all the night long we may sing praises unto thee, and that wemay hymn, and bless, and glorify thine all-honourable and majestic Name, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. 0 exceeding glorious, ever-virgin Mother of Christ our God, bear thou our petitions unto thy Son and our God, and implore thou him that, through thee, he will save our souls.
Another Prayer, by St. Zoannikius.

The Father is my hope; the Son is my refuge; the Holy Spirit is my protector. 0 Holy Trinity, glory to thee. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Lord, have mercy. (Thrice.) Bless.
And immediately the Priest saith, aloud, while we kneel humbly :

0 Master, great in mercy, Lord Jesus Christ our God : through the prayers of our all-pure Lady, the Birth-giver of God and ever-virgin Mary ; through the might of the precious and life-giving Cross ; through the prayers of the Bodiless Powers of Heaven ; of the honourable, glorious Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist, John ; of the holy, glorious and all-laudable Apostles ; of the holy, glorious and gloriously triumphant Martyrs ; of our venerable and God-bearing fathers ; of the holy, righteous Ancestors of God, Joachim and Anna ; and of all the Saints : Make our prayer acceptable. Grant unto us remission of our iniquities. Hide us under the shadow of thy wings. Drive far from us every foe and adversary. Give peace to our life. Have mercy upon us and upon thy world, 0 Lord, and save our souls, in that thou art merciful and lovest mankind.
a n the Sn#erior maketh a reverence to the earth ( 2 7 it be in a rnanaskry) and saifh to the Brethren :

Bless me, holy Fathers. Pardon me, a sinner.

And the Brethren :

May God pardon thee, holy Father. Let us pray for our Holy Synod (or Patriarch) ; for our Bishop ( o r Archbishop, or Metropolitan), N., for the honourable Presbytery, the Diaconate in Christ, and for all the clergy and the laity : C h i r . Lord, have mercy.



H e n f o l h petitions for the Ruler of the Land and for all the Authorztics (Emperor, or King,and Reigning House, or President, according to the
elements and mafionulities of whkh the Parish is constituted).

For the welfare and strengthening of the Christ-loving Army and Navv: Rb ~ 6 o"r r Father (N)., and for all our brdthren in Christ : I# For those who hate us and who love us: I# For those who are kind to us and who serve us : I# For those who have enjoined us to pray for them, unworthy though we be : & For the release of prisoners : I# For our departed fathers and brethren : I$ For those who sail upon the sea : & For those who lie sick : I$ Let us pray, also, for abundance of the fruits of the earth : I# And for every soul of Orthodox Christians : & Let us intercede for our God-fearing Tzars : I$ F o r Orthodox Bishops, and for the wardens of this holy Temple (or habitation) : & For our parents and brethren, and for all Orthodox believers, departed this life before us, who here, and in all the world, lie asleep in the Lord : I# Strperior. Let us say also for ourselves. We. Lord, have mercy. (Thn'ce.) Through the prayers of our holy Fathers, 0 Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy upon us.
And wego forth after we have said this Prayer :

Forgive, 0 Lord who lovest man, those who hate us, and those who have wronged us. Do well .unto those who do well. Grant unto our brethren and our kin those petitions which are unto salvation and life eternal. Visit the sick, and grant them healing. Guide thou those who sail upon the sea Journey with those who journey. Succour thou our Sovereign. Unto those who have served us and have been kind to us, grant forgiveness of their sins. Upon those who have enjoined us, unworthy though we be, to pray for them, have mercy, according to thy great goodness. Have in remembrance, 0 Lord, our fathers and brethren who have fallen asleep, and give them rest where the light of thy countenance shall visit them. Remember, 0 Lord, our brethren who are in captivity, and release them from all the difficulties which beset them. Remember, 0 Lord, those who bring gifts, and the benefactors of thy holy churches, and grant them those petitions which are unto salvation and life eternal. Remember, also, 0 Lord, us, thy humble, and sinful, and unworthy servants, and illumine our minds with the light of thy wisdom, and guide us in the way of thy commandments. Through the prayers of our all-pure Lady, the Birth-giver of God and ever-virgin Mary, and of all t h y Saints : For blessed art thou unto ages of ages. Amen.





At the All-Night Vi0.2. Th Stansa (Stikhtra)for: Lord, I have cried : 1% Tone VI. Today hath God who sitteth on supersensual thrones prepared for himself upon earth a holy throne. H e who in wisdom established the heavens bath, in his love toward mankind, made a living heaven ; for from a barren root hath he made to bourgeon forth to us a life-bearing garden, even his Mother. Thou who art the God of wonders, and the hope of the hopeless, 0 Lord, glory to thee. ' Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. And again the Stanza: To-day hath God who sitteth . . . . T h Gmdual (Proktmen)for the Day. The Parables (Paremif). Genesis xwiii. 10-1 7 ; Ezek. xliii 27, xliv. 1-4; Prov. ix. 1-11. T h Stantra at the Lit+&, in Tone WII. (by P a t r i a d Se&u.r). On this blessed illustrious day of our Feast, let us sound the spiritual trumpets : for she who is of the seed of David is born this day as the Mother of Life, dispersing darkness ; who also is the renewal of Adam and the recall of Eve, the fountain of incorruption, and the annihilation of corruption ; through whom, also, we have become godlike, and have been delivered from death. And unto her, with Gabriel, let us cry, 0 ye faithful : Hail, thou that art full of grace ! The Lord is with thee, for thy sake giving unto us great mercy. The Hymn for the Day (Tr@&r), in Tone IV: T h y holy Nativity, 0 virgin Birth-giver of God, hath proclaimed joy unto all the universe; for from thee is risen the Sun of Righteousness, even Christ our God. And having destroyed the curse, he hath bestowed a blessing; and having brought Death to naught, he hath given unto us life eternal. T h Exaltation ( Velitchinie). W e magnify thee, 0 most holy Virgin, and do homage to thy holy Parents, and exalt thy glorious Nativity. T h Gradual (Proktmm),in the Fmrth Tone. I will call to remembrance thy name from generation to generation. Verse (Stikh): M y heart is inditing of a good matter.



Verse: Praise ye God in his Saints. T h Gospel. Luke i. 39-49, 56.


T b First Canon. Tone ZZ. (St. rohn of Damascus.) T h w - S o n s (Irmosf). I. Come, 0 ye people, let us sing a song

unto Christ- od, who parted asunder the Sea, and guided through it the nation which h e had brought forth from the bondage of Egypt : for gloriously hath he beeh glorified. 1 1 1 . Establish us in thee, 0 Lord, who through the Tree didst annihilate sin, and implant the fear of thee in the hearts of us who sing praises unto thee. IV. I have heard, 0 Lord, the fame of thy dispensation, and have glorified thee, who alone lovest mankind. V. 0 thou who didst dispel the dim obscurity of the dark sayings in the Scriptures, and didst illumine the hearts of the faithful by the advent of truth through the God-Maiden: Guide thou us, also, by thy light, 0 Christ. VI. From within the whale Jonah cried unto the Lord: Lead me forth, I beseech thee, from the depths of Hell unto thee ; that unto thee, as the deliverer, with the voice of praise, and in the spirit of truth, I may offer sacrifice. VII. The bush which upon the mount burned with fire and the Chaldaean furnace which dropped dew, clearly foreshadowed thee, the Bride of God: for, unconsumed by the flame, thou didst receive the immaterial Fire Divine in thy material womb. For which cause we cry unto him who was born of thee: Blessed be thou, 0 God of our fat hers. VIII. In the furnace of the Children thou didst, of old, foreshadow thy Mother, 0 Lord, and this foreshadowing saved from the fire those who walked in the midst thereof unconsumed. Her who, through thee, is manifested unto the ends of the world, to-day we hymn and magnify exceedingly. ZX. Thee, who from thy Virgin womb didst incarnate God, the Light which shone forth before the Sun was made, and came down to us in the flesh, 0 blessed, all-pure Birthgiver of God, we magnify.
Znpkace of: M y soul doth magnify the Lord : the Refrains :

Magnify, 0 my soul, the most glorious Nativity of the Mother of God. Magnify, 0 my soul, Mary the Virgin, who of the barren one was born. At the Lilurgy. The Introit: T h e Hymn for the Day. (Seepage 164.) T k P CoUect-Hyrrn ( K d ) .Joachim and Anna were delivered



from the reproach of childlessness, and Adam and Eve from the corruption of death, at thy holy Nativity, 0 All-pure One.. This do thy people celebrate, being redeemed from the guilt of transgressions, when they cry unto thee : The barren giveth birth to the Birth-giver of God and the Nourisher of our Life. The Gradual (Prokfmen),in t h Fouyfh Tone. My soul doth magnify the Lord, and my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour. Verse (Stikh) : For he hath regarded the lowliness of his handmaiden. For behold, from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed. The Epistle. Phil. ii. 5-1 I. Alleluia (Tone Viii.)Hearken, 0 Daughter, and behold, and incline thine ear. Verse: A rich nation shall worship before thy presence. The Gospel. Luke x. 38-42, x i 27, 28. The Hymn in place o f : Meet is it : The Ninth Theme-Song of tke Second Canon. Alien to mothers is virginity, and strange unto virgins is child-birth ; in thee, 0 Birth-giver of God, were both achieved. Wherefore all we nations of the earth unceasingly do magnify thee. The Communion Hymn. I will take the cup of salvation, and call upon the Name of the Lord.



The Stanza (Stzkhira)for: Lord, I have cried: I n Tone Vl. The Cross, being set up, doth command every created being to sing the most pure Passion of him who was lifted up thereon. For having upon the same slain him who had slain us, he endowed with life those who were slain, and adorned them, and vouchsafed that they might dwell in heaven, forasmuch as he is compassionate, throubh the rich abundance of his goodness. Wherefore, rejoicing, let us exalt his Name, and magnify his exceeding condescension. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. 0 come, all ye nations, let us adore the blessed Tree, through which the righteousness eternal hath come to pass : for he who beguiled our forefather Adam with the tree is himself beguiled by the Cross, and he who, like a tyrant, did lord it over that which the King had fashioned, falleth, being overthrown by a downfall strange. The poison of the serpent is washed away by the blood of God, and the curse of just condemnation is abolished, in that the Righteous One hath been condemned by unrighteous judgment : for it was meet that the tree should be healed by the Tree, and that by the passion of the Passionless One upon the Tree, the passions of the condemned one should be destroyed. But glory, 0 Christ our King, unto thy wise providence to usward, whereby thou hast saved all men, forasmuch as thou art good and lovest mankind. The Gradual (Prokfnren) for the Day. The Parables (Paremif). Exodus xv. 22-27, xvi. I ; Prov. iii. I 1 - 1 8 ; Isaiah lx. I 1 - 1 6 . The Stanza at the Liiiyd, in Tone I. To-day, of a truth, hath the sacredly prophetic saying of David received its fulfilment; for lo! we visibly bow down before the footstool of thine allspotless feet, and putting our trust under the shadow of thy wings, 0 all-bountiful One, we cry aloud unto thee : Lift thou up the light of thy countenance upon us. Exalt thou the horn of thine Orthodox people through thy precious Cross, 0 greatly merciful Christ. The Hymn (Tqrfr),in Tone I. 0 Lord, save thy people, and bless thine inheritance, grantingvictory over enemies unto our Sovereign, N., and through thy Cross preserving thine Estate. (Thrice.)



T k Exaltation ( VeZiicMnie). We magnify thee, 0 life-giving Christ, and do homage to thy holy Cross, whereby thou hast saved us from the works of the enemy. The Gradual (Proktmen), in the Foudh Tone. A l l the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God. Verse (Siikh): Sing unto the Lord a new song, for the Lord hath done marvellous things. Verne: Praise ye God in his Saints. Let everything that hath breath praise the Lord. T k GoQeZ. John x i i ~ 28-36.

The First Canon. Tone VIII.


Cosmas o f Maium.)

Tktne-Songs (Imrosf). I. Moses, having with his rod made a long line, divided the Red Sea for Israel journeying on foot; and having again struck the same with a transverse blow, thus tracing the Cross which is the weapon invincible, he united it against the armies of Pharaoh. Wherefore we sing unto Christ our God, for he hath been glorified. 111. The Rod is accepted as the symbol of a mystery; for by its budding-forth it designated the Priest ; and in the Church, which of late was barren, there now hath budded forth the Tree of the Cross for her power and strengthening. IV. I have given heed to the mystery of thy dispensation, 0 Lord, . I have understood thy works, and have glorified thy divinity. V. 0 Tree thrice blessed, whereon was crucified Christ our King and our Lord ! Through thee he is fallen who by a tree did beguile, having himself been beguiled by Him who was nailed upon thee in the flesh, even God, who granteth peace unto our souls. VI. Jonah, when he stretched forth his arms in the form of a cross within the belly of the sea-monster, did clearly t pify the Redeeming Suffering ; and when he came forth thence after t ree days, he imaged forth by anticipation the supernatural Resurrection of Christ our God, who was crucified in the fleshland hath illumined the world by his rising on the third day. VII. The mad behest of the impious tyrant breathing forth threats and horrible blasphemies troubled the people : yet neither the brutal rage nor the roaring fire terrified the Three Children ; but when, a s they stood amid the flames, a dew-bearing breath was wafted against it, they sang: Blessed be thou, 0 God of our fathers, exceedingly praised, and our God ! VIII. 0 Children, in number equal to the Trinity ! Bless y e God the Father, the Creator ; sing ye the Word who came down and turned the fire into dew ; and magnify ye the Spirit all-holy, who giveth life unto all men, unto all the ages.


I n $ h e o f : M y soul doth magnify the Lord : tke Refrains :! !
. , ' \,. ."

p i

Magnify, 0 my soul, the all-precious Cross of the Lord. Magnify, 0 my soul, the Elevation of the life-giving Cross of the Lord. IX Thou art the mystical Paradise, 0 Birth-giver of God, who though untilled didst bud forth Christ, by whom the life-bearing Tree of the Cross was planted upon earth. For which cause, now, at its Elevation, adoring it, we magnify thee.
While tke Canon is bein sung, tke S m w r Priest $utteth on all Ais vestments. a d a f e r fhe Great (Glory be to God on high) hufh been sung slavly a d r e l o d ~ u l yand , ke%th censed dl abmt the AUar wkereon lieth tke $re&s Cross, while: 0 Hol Cod,Holy Mighty : i r being ckanted: ke Placeth tke Cross on his had, am! making tke m u i t of tk ANar therewith, $reacca2-d b y a Ta#er-bearer, he kalkth in fiDnt of tke Holy Door, and kavinq$roclaimed: Wisdom, 0 believers ! hegoeth to the foldin stand, which i r m the miaWe of the Tern#&, w h i k tke C h i r chantetk *r &mn :0 Lord, save th people : Aflrr this, the Pricst censcth ronnd about tke Cross, and kavisg maaz tknrrtomary reverences,ke beginnetti :Thy Cross do we adore, 0 Master, and thy holy Resurrection do we glorify. (Thrice.) Tke C M r aLro singetk t h t thrice ; and fke Stansa, i n Tone VZIZ. :

1: :t

Today is the Master of creation and the Lord of glory nailed upon the Cross, and is pierced in the side, and of gall and vinegar doth the Sweetness of the Church partake. With a crown of thorns is he invested who covereth the heavens with.clouds, and with the robe of scorn is he endued ; and he who with his hand did fashion man is smitten by a human hand. H e who clotheth the heavens with clouds is beaten upon his shoulders, and receiveth spitting and wounds, indignities and buffetings in the face; and he, my Redeemer and my Saviour, doth endure all these things for the sake of me, the accursed, that He ma save the world from guile, forasmuch as he is compassionate. $ h tk Litanies; a d theBenediction : May Christ, our true God, through the prayers of his most pure Mother ; through the might of the precious and life-giving Cross : a d so f o d , as usual. A t t h Liturgy.
1 % #&ace of: Bless the Lord, 0 my soul : Rntr$kon I., Tone /I.

V w I : 0 God, my God, hear me : why hast thou forsaken me ? Rcfrak Through the prayers of the Birth-giver of God, 0 Saviour, save u a . Verse 2 : Far from my salvation are the words of my transgression : IJ V c 5 : 0 my God, I c in the daytime and thou hearest not, and in the nightseason also I t e no rest : I$ Vene 4 : And thou continuest holy, 0 thou Worship of Israel : &



Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen : l$ Aniz$Aon I/., Tone 1 1 . Verse I : 0 God, wherefore art thou absent from us so long ? Refrain. Save, 0 Son of God, who wast crucified in the flesh, us who sing unto thee, Alleluia. V m e 2 : 0 think upon thy congregation, whom thou hast purchased and redeemed of old : l$ Verse 3 : And Mount Zion, wherein thou hast dwelt : I$ Verse 4 : For God is our King before the ages : he hath done salvation upon earth : I$ Glory . . . now, and ever. 0 Only-begotten Son and Word of God! Thou who art immortal yet didst deign for our salvation to become incarnate of the Holy Birth-giver of God and ever-virgin Mary; and without change of essence wast made man ; who also wast crucified for us, 0 Christ our God, trampling down Death by death ; who art one of the Holy Trinity, and art glorified together with the Father and the Holy Spirit : Save us. Antijhon IIL. Tone L Verse 1 : The Lord is King, be the people never so impatient. Repain : The Hymn for the Day ( Troprfr). 0 Lord, save tby people and bless thine inheritance, .granting victory over enemies unto our Sovereign, N., and through thy Cross preserving thine Estate Verse 2 : The Lord is King, be the people never so impatient : he sitteth bet ween the Cherubim, be the earth never so unquiet : I& Verse 4 : The Lord is great in Zion, and high above all people : I$ Z r r #lace o f : 0 Holy God, Holy Mighty : The Introit. 0 magnify 'the Lord our God, and fall down before his footstool, for he is holy. Thy Cross do we adore, 0 Master, and thy holy Resurrection do we glorify. The Collect-Hymn (Konliitk). Do thou who, of thine own good will, . . . (Seepage 61). The Grad~dal (Prokimen),in the Seventh Tone (thesame as the Introit). Verse: The Lord is King, be the people never so impatient. Alleluia ( Tone 1) Verse: 0 think upon thy congregation, whom thou hast purchased and redeemed of old. Verse: God is our King before the ages: he hath done salvation upon earth. The Epistle. I Cor. i. 18-24 The GospeL John xix. 6-1 I, 13-20, 25-28, 30-35. The Communion Hymtl. The light of thy countenance hath been showed upon us, 0 Lord.

At the All-Night Vi@ Service. The Stansa (Stikhtra)for . Lord, I have cried : In Tone /. To-day let us faithful exult, singing unto the Lord in psalms and songs, and doing honour unto his holy Tabernacle, the Ark imbued with life, which containeth the uncontainable Word : for in wise supernatural is she brought unto the Lord, being still of tender age in the flesh, and Zacharias, the High Priest, doth with joy receive her, as the abode of God. ( Twice.) Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. After thy nativity, 0 Lady, Bride of God, thou didst come into the temple of the Lord, as one consecrated, to be reared in the Holy of Holies. Then, also, was Gabriel sent unto thee, 0 all-undefiled One, bearing nourishment unto thee. All the powers of Heaven were amazed when they beheld the Holy Spirit take up its abode in thee. Wherefore, 0 most pure and undefiled Mother of God, who art glorified in heaven and on earth, Save thou our race. The Gradual (Prok h e n )for the Day. The Parables (Paremit). Exodus xl. 1-5, 9, 10,16,34, 35 ; I Kings viii. I, 3-7, 9-1I ; Ezek. xliii. 27, xliv. 1-4. The Stcznza at the Litzyd, in Tone N. Today is the Tabernacle which containeth God, even the Birth-giver of God, brought into the temple of the Lord, and Zacharias receiveth the same : Today doth the Holy of Holies rejoice, and the Angelic Choir doth mystically triumph. With them also keeping festival today, let us cry aloud with Gabriel : Hail, thou that art full of grace ! The Lord most merciful is with thee. The Hymnfor the Day (Tt-opdr). To-day is the foreshadowing of the beneficence of God which is to come, and the heralding of man's salvation. The Virgin is clearly manifested in the temple of God, and in anticipation announceth Christ untqall men. Unto her let us, also, cry aloud : Hail, thou who art the fulfilment of the Creator's providence ! ( Thyice.) T k ExdtatMn ( Velitddnie). We magnify thee, 0 all-holy Virgin, Maiden chosen by the Lord, and do homage to thy Presentation in the temple of the Lord. Thc Gradual (Prokfmm),in the Fout~h Tone. Hearken, 0 daughter, and behold, and incline thine ear.



Verse (Stikh): My heart is inditing of a good matter. The Gospel. Luke i. 39-49, 56.

The First Canon. Tone I K (2% Blessed George.)

T k e - S o n g s (Irmosf). I. I will open my mouth, and it shall be filled with the Spirit, and I will utter a saying to the Queen-Mother ; I will reveal myself, as one keeping high festival, and with joy will I sing her Presentation. 111. 0 Birth-giver of God, Fountain living and inexhaustible, estab lish thou those who hymn thee, convoked in a spiritual choir, and vouchsafe unto them crowns of glory for thine august Presentation. IV. As he contemplated the unfathomable counsel of God concerning the incarnation by a Virgin, of thee, the Most High, Habakkuk the Prophet cried aloud : Glory to thy power, 0 Lord ! V. All creation marvelled at thine august Presentation ; for thou, 0 Virgin who knewest not wedlock, didst enter into the temple of God as the Temple most pure, giving peace unto all those who sing thy praises. VI. In celebration of this divine and all-honourable feast of the Mother of God, come, 0 ye godly-minded, let us clap our hands and glorify God, who was born of her. VII. The godly-minded ones worshipped not the creature rather than the Creator, but valiantly trampling under foot the threatened fire, they rejoiced in s ng, saying: Blessed be thou, 0 Lord and God of our fathers, exceedin\lly praised. VIII. Hearken, 0 Maiden, Virgin pure ! Let Gabriel announce the true will of the Most High, which was from of old. Make thou ready to receive God; for through thee the Uncontainable hath dwelt among men: For which cause I cry aloud with joy: 0 all ye works of the Lord, bless ye the Lord ! IX. Let no hand profane in any wise touch the living Ark of God ; but let the lips of the faithful unceasingly chanting the Salutation of the Angel to the Birth-giver of God, c aloud with rejoicing: Thou art, in very truth, higher than all men, 0 irgin pure !


In placa of: M y soul doth magnify the Lord :

; I l i r Repains :

The Angels marvelled when they beheld the Presentation of the Allpure One : how that with glory she entered into the Holy of Holies. The Angels marvelled when they beheld the Presentation of the Virgin : how that with glory she entered into the Holy of Holies. 0 ye Angels and men, let us do homage to the Presentation of the Virgin : for with glory hath she entered into the Holy of Holies. The Angels marvelled when they beheld the Presentation of the Virgin : how she who was well-pleasing unto God did enter into the Holy of Holiea


O F GOD 173

Ye Angels, with the Saints, leap for joy! Ye Virgins, sing together with exultation! For the God-Maiden hath entered into the Holy of Holies. 0 ye Angels and men, let us magnify the Virgin in Hymns : for in godlike wise hath she entered into the Holy of Holies.

At thc Liturgy. The Itrtroit: T h Hymn for the Day. ((Seepage I 7 r .) T h Collect-Hymn (Konriak). The all-pure Temple of the Saviour, the most precious Bridal-chamber and Virgin, the Treasure-house of the glory of God, to-day is led into the temple of the Lord, bringing with her the grace which is in the Divine Spirit ; whom also the Angels of God do celebrate in song : This is the Abode of Heaven. The Gradual ( Prohimen), in thc Fout-th Tone. My soul dot h magnify the Lord, and my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour. Vcrse (Stihh) : For he hath regarded the lowliness of his handmaiden : for, behold, from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed. T h Epistle. Heb. i x . 1-7. Alleluia (Tone VIII.) Hearken, 0 daughter, and behold, and incline thine ear. E m : A rich nation shall worship befoie thy presence. The Gospel. Luke x. 38-42, xi. 27, 28. The Hymn in place of: Meet is it : T h Nirzth Theme-Song of the Canon : Let no hand profane . . . (See above.) T k Communion Hymn. I will take the cup of salvation, and call upon the Name of the Lord.


Thefaithfirl#re$are fhemselvesfor this eat Feusf by a #rolongcd F&, whkh beginneth on ~ ~ o v e m b e r and is c a R d me Christmas ~ a s tor r 5, , the ~ a sg/ t St. Philt?. The Eve of the Fead (SotchJlnik)is dedicatcd to a sPecially st& abstinence. On Christmas Eve the customaryfesti.r~alComjline service is celebrated If the Eve falleth on any llay cxce$f -5aturda or Sunday, then on the mornin of that &zy the IMPERIAL H ouns are readand, later on. the Liturgy o f St. i&si~ the Great L celebrated, receded by Vespers. But z y the llay before the Feast br Skfurllay or Sunday, t en the Imperial Hours are read on Fn'aky, while the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom is celebrated on the Precedin~ day (Sotchkhik) I f the Liturgy of St. Basil the Great be used on the $receding day (Sotchklnik) then on the Feast of the Aativity itself the Liturgy of St. 3ohn Chrysosiom is used; and contrariwise. The other general a'zyerences of this festival service are asfolloweth :Mdins are #recetled, not by Vesjers, but by GRAND COMPLINE : and afler the L i t u w , on the day of the Feast, in Russian churches, a service of thanksgivn i s celebrated, in commmoration of Russta's victory over A'a#oleon I. a n f t k e French. T H EIMPERIAL HOURS,* to precede Christmas.



I n addition to many of fhc Prayers and so f w t h which are used in the liaiiy Hours, and the Christmas Hymns, the folloluing are r e d :

FIRST HOUR. Psalms v., xlv., xlvi. The Parable (Parnnrjrf). Micah v. 2-4. The Ejistie. Heb. i. 1-12. The Gospel. Matt. i. 18-25. THIRD HOUR. Psalms lxvii., l u x v i i , li. The Parable (Paremiyd). Jer. (Baruch iii. 36-38, iv. 1-4). The Ejistie. Gal. iii. 23-29. T ~ c Gospel. Luke ii. 1-20. SIXTH HOUR. Psalms lxxii, cxxxii., xci. The Parable (Parcmrjd). Isaiah vii. 10-16, viii. 1-4,9, 10. Ilhe Epistle. Heb. i. 10-14, ii 1-3. The Gospel Matt. ii. 1-12. NINTH HOUR. Psalms cx., cxi., Ixxxvi.
In Russin, Many Years are Proclaimed for the E m eror, the Holy Synod the Bish@, the Orthodox Patriarchs o Constantin@ e, Alexandria, Antwch and 3emsalem, and others ;and the hoir respondeth : Many years !




A t the Ves$crs which immediately $recede the Liturgy, the Stanza ( . ' h ( r a ) for: Lord, I have cried: I n Tone II.

0 come, let us rejoice in the Lord, as we declare this present mystery: The partition wall of disunion hath been destroyed, the flaming sword is turned back, and the Cherubim withdraw from the
The Emperors of Byzantium were wont to attend the Hours on certain of the great Feasts of the Church, which received their name of "the Imperial Hours " from that circumstance, as well as from their extraordinary splendour and importance.




Tree of Life, and I partake of the food of Paradise, whence, because of disobedience, I was expelled. For the Image Immutable of the Father, the Image of his Eternity, taketh the form of a servant, having come forth from a Mother unwedded, yet having suffered no change : for that which he was, that he remaineth, being very God; and that which he wiu not he hath assumed, becoming very man because of his love toward mankind. Unto him let us cry aloud : 0 God, who wast born of a Virgin, have mercy upon us. (Twice.) When Augustus reigned alone upon the earth, the polygarchy of men came to an end : and when thou didst become incarnate of the Pure One, the polytheism of idols was annulled. Under one earthly sway were the cities, and in one dominion of the Godhead did the Gentiles believe. By the command of Czsar were the people inscribed ; and we faithful have been inscribed with the name of the Godhead, of thee our God, who hast become man. Great is thy mercy. 0 Lord, glory to thee.
Tlu E~ztrancet mas% with the book of the H o b Gospels, and the H y m n : 0 gladsome radiance! . . .

The Gradual (Prokfmen) for the Day. The Parables (Paremif). Gen. i. 1-13; Num. xxiv. 2, 3, 5-9, 17, 18; Micah iv. 6, 7, v. 2-4 ; Isaiah xi. 1-10 ; Jer. (Baruch iii. 36-38, iv. 1-4) ; Dan. ii. 31-36, 44-46; Isaiah ix. 6, 7, vii. 10-15, viii 1-4, g-I I. The Liiilc Litany: Again, yet again, in peace . . : with the Exclamation: For holy art thou, 0 our God, and unto thee do we ascribe glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. The Gradual (Proktmen), in the First Tone. The Lord said unto me, Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee. Verse ( S t i M ) : Ask of me, and I will give the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession. The Epistle. Heb. i. 1-12. The Gospel. Luke ii. 1-20.


Compline and Matins.

Compline is read in the usual order, wi7h the Hymns and Coflrci-Hymnof the Feast in lace of the ordnary ones. Afler: Glory be to God on hjgh : hath bem r e a t h e n e r y mmt forth to the centre ofthe Temple, a n d # e m the Litzyd, with the B essing of the Loaves.

The Stanzas (StikAfrz'> of the Lited, in Tone I. Let heaven and earth to-day prophetically exult, and let Angels and men spiritually rejoice : for God hath revealed himself in the flesh unto those who were in darkness and sat in the shadow, and hath been born of a Virgin. The cavern and the manger have received him; Shepherds proclaim the



marvel, and Magi from the Orient bring gifts unto Bethlehem. And we, also, with lips unworthy, do bring unto him praise in Angelic wise: Glory be to God on high, and on earth peace : for the Hope of the nations is come, and having come hath saved us from bondage to the enemy. The Hymn a~ the Blessing of the Loaves, and: God is the Lord : Tone N. Thy Nativity, 0 Christ our God, hath arisen upon the world as the light of wisdom. For at it, they who worshipped the stars were, by a Star, taught to adore thee, the Sun of Righteousness, and to know thee, the Orient from on high. 0 Lord, glory to thee. TXv Exalkztion of the Feast. We magnify thee, 0 Life-giving Christ, who for our sakes now art born in the flesh of the Virgin Mary, unwedded and most pure. The Gradual (Prokimcn), in the Foudh Tow. Out of the womb, before the morning star, have I begotten thee. The Lord sweareth and will not repent. Verse (Siikh): The Lord said unto my Lord : Sit thou at my right hand until I make thine enemies thy footstool. TXe Gos-2. Matt. i. 18-25.

In Tone 1. (Cbmposed by St. Cosmar, about 760.)

Canticle 1.

T h e - S o n g (Imds). Christ is born: extol him! Christ from heaven: go to meet him! Christ on earth : be ye lifted up! Sing unto the Lord, all the whole earth, and praise him in sang with joy, 0 ye people : For he hath glorified himself. Hymns ( Trqarf). Man who, being made in the image of God, had become corrupt through sin, and was full of vileness, and had fallen away from the better life divine, doth the wise Creator restore anew : For he hath glorified himself. When the Creator beheld man, whom he had made with his hands, about to perish, he bowed the heavens and came down ; and was endued with man's nature in very truth, becoming incarnate of a Virgin divinely pure : For he hath glorified himself. The Wisdom, Word, and Might, the Son and Effulgence of the Father, Christ our God, without the knowledge of the supramundane Powers, and the Powers of the earth, is become incarnate and hath renewed us : For he hath glorified himself. T h e - S o n g ( I d ) . Unto the Son who, in wise immortal, was born of the Father before all the ages, and in these latter days is become incarnate without seed of a Virgin, Christ our God, let us cry aloud: 0 Lord, who hast exalted our horn, holy art thou!



Hymns ( T ~ q a r i )Adam, . mortal, made of clay, yet a participant of t h e divine inspiration, who had become subject to corruption through a woman's seduction, when he beheld Christ sprung from a woman, exclaimed : Holy art thou, 0 Lord, who for my sake hast made thyself like unto me. 0 Christ, who hast conformed thyself unto our base, mortal mould, and by that participation in our lowly flesh hast imparted unto us a share of the nature divine; who, though thou didst become earthborn, yet didst remain still God, and hast exalted our horn : Holy art thou, 0 Lord. Rejoice, 0 Bethlehem, which art King over the princes of Judah ; for he who feedeth Israel and is borne on the shoulders of the Cherubim is visibly come forth from thee; and he who exalteth our horn is enthroned over all. Canticle IY: Thcnrc-Song( l m d s ) . The Rod of the Root of Jesse and its Flower, from a Virgin didst thou bud forth, 0 most-lauded Christ. From the Mount covered with dense shadow art thou come, being incarnate of a Maid who knew not man, 0 thou Immaterial One and God: Glory to thy might, 0 Lord. Hymns (Tropari). Thou, 0 Christ, the Expectation of the nations, whom Jacob did foretell of old, art risen from the tribe of Judah, and art come to annihilate the power of Damascus, and the spoils of Samaria, turning error into truth meet for God : Glory to thy might, 0 Lord. By thy rising as a Star from Jacob, 0 Lord, thou didst fill with joy the wise initiates in the word of Balaam the Prophet of old, the Watchers of the Stars, who were led unto thee as the first-fruits of the Gentiles, and didst manifestly receive them : Glory to thy might, 0 Lord. Like the rain upon the fleece, and like drops of dew falling upon the earth, 0 Christ, didst thou descend into the Virgin's womb. Ethiopia and Tarshish, the Isles of Araby, and Sheba of the Midians, the Rulers of all the earth, fell down in adoration before thee, 0 Saviour : Glory to thy might, 0 Lord.
Canticle K

T h e - S o n g ( 1 d s ) . 0 God of peace, the Father of mercies, thou hast sent unto us the Angel of thy Great Council, who giveth peace : wherefore we, in that we have been led unto the light of godly wisdom, waking right early from the night, do sing praises unto thee, 0 thou who lovest mankind. H y m n s (Trqpari). In obedience to the command of Caesar, 0 Christ, thou didst enroll thyself among the slaves, and didst set free us who were slaves of the enemy and of sin ; and didst make thyself a beggar, in every way like unto us ; and through that same union and community didot sender the mortal d i v k



Lo, a Virgin, as it was foretold of old, having conceived in her womb, hath brought forth God incarnate, yet remaineth Virgin still. Let us ' sinners, in that we have become reconciled unto God through her, magnify her in song as the true Birth-giver of the Lord.

Theme-Song (Zrtnds). The sea-monster cast forth Jonah from its belly unharmed as it had swallowed him. And when the Word took up his abode in a Virgin, and was made flesh, He came forth preserving her undefiled. For in that H e Himself suffered not corruption, H e preserved unharmed her who bare Him. Hymns (Trojart). Christ our God, whom the Father begat of his own loins before the morning star, is come in the flesh. He who ruleth the most pure Powers lieth in a manger of dumb beasts, and is wrapped in swaddling-bands of rags ; yet doth he loose the thick-entangled bonds of transgression. Born of Adam's nature and given unto the faithful as a little child is the Son : yet he is also the Father and the Ruler of the world to come, and is called the Angel of the Great Council. He is the mighty God who ruleth the Universe by his power.
To-day a Virgin bringeth forth the Supersubstantial, and earth offereth a cavern to the Unapproachable ; Angels together with the Shepherds sing praises ; the Wise Men journey on with the Star. For, for our sakes, God, who is before all the ages, is born a little Child.

Bethlehem hath opened Eden : 0 come, let us gaze ! We have found f nourishment in a secret place: 0 come, let us receive the things o Paradise within the cavern ! There hath appeared the Root Unwatered which buddeth forth remission. There hath been found the Well Undigged, from which David of old. longed that he might drink. There a Virgin hath brought forth a Child ; and straightway the thirst of Adam and of David hath been assuaged. Wherefore let us go unto him where He is born a little Child, yet is God before the ages. Canticle Vfl. Thme-Song (Imds). The youths reared together in godliness, despising the unrighteous command, were not terrified by the threatened fire, but standing in the midst of the flames did sing : 0 God of our fathers, blessed art thou. Hymns (Trojarf). The shepherds skilled upon the tuneful pipes beheld a revelation marvellous of light ; for the glory of the Lord shone round about them, and the Angel proclaimed : Sing praises, for Christ is born. 0 God of our fathers, blessed art thou. Suddenly, at the word of the Angel, the Heavenly Hosts began to



cry aloud: Glory to God in the highest, and on earth beace, good will toward men ; Christ hath shone forth : 0 God of our fathers, blessed art thou ! What meaneth this saying ? spake the shepherds : Let us go, let us gaze upon that which is come to pass, upon Christ divine. And when they werecome unto Bethlehem, they fell down in worship before him, together with her who had given him birth, singing: 0 God of our fathers, blessed art thou.
Canticle VI/I.

The?=-Song (Ids). The dew-shedding, fiery furnace imaged forth the type of a marvellous wonder : for its flames scorched not the Holy Children whom it had received, even as the fire of the Godhead scorched not the Virgin when it entered into her womb. Therefore let us raise the song : Let all creation bless the Lord, and magnify him unto all the ages. Hymns ( T ~ o f a r f ) The . Daughter of Babylon doth bear away unto herself the children of David as captives, out of Zion : but she sendeth her children, the Magi, bearing gifts, to do homage unto the Daughter of David. who had received within her God: wherefore. chanting songs of pr&e, let us sing : Let all creation bless the ~ o r d , an8 magnify him unto all the ages. Grief put aside the instruments of song ; for the children of Zion sang not in alien lands. But Christ, in that he hath shone forth in Bethlehem, setteth free every error, and the musical harmony of Babylon. Wherefore let us sing the song : Let all creation bless the Lord, and magnify him unto all the ages. Babylon carried the spoil and the spear-won wealth of the kingdom of Zion into captivity. But Christ draweth unto Zion the treasures of the same and its Kings, the Watchers of the Stars, guiding them by a Star. Wherefore, let us sing the song : Let all creation bless the Lord, and magnify him unto all the ages.
Canticle IX.
With U e Ninth Them-Song, imtcadof: More honourable than the Cherubim: the REFRAINS of the Feast are sung:

Refrain I . Magnify, 0 my soul, the Virgin, the all-pure Birth-giver of God, more honourable and more glorious than the hosts on high. Them-Song (Imds). A mystery strange and most glorious I behold : The cavern, Heaven ; the Virgin, the Cherubimic Throne ; the manger, the receptacle wherein lieth Christ our God, whom nothing may contain. Him, therefore, do we magnify, praising him in song. Refrain 2. Magnify, 0 my soul, God born in the flesh of a Virgin. R~frain 3. Magnify, 0 my soul, the King born in a cavern. Hymn (Tyofdr). When the Wise Men beheld the unwonted course of the wondrous, newly revealed Star, illuminating the heavens with



exceeding brightness, they divined that Christ the King was born on earth in Bethlehem, for our salvation. Refrain 4. Magnify, 0 my soul, God who was worshipped by the Magi. Refrain 5. Magnify, 0 my soul, him who was announced unto the Wise Men by a Star. Hymn. When the Wise Men said : Where is the new-born Infant King whom the .Star hath revealed ? For we are come to worship him. Then the wrathful Herod was troubled, and, raging against the Lord, that impious man sought to slay Christ. Refrain 6. Magnify, 0 my soul, the pure Virgin and only Birthgiver of God, who gave birth unto Christ the King. ReJrain 7. The Wise Men and the shepherds came to worship Christ who was born in the town of Bethlehem. Hymn. Herod inquired the time of the Star, through whose guiding the Wise Men were come to Bethlehem to worship Christ with gifts But being by it led again unto their own country, they left confounded behind them the dread slayer of the children. The Bencdictim. (Seepage I 8 I .)

At the Liturgy.
Antrj5k.m I., Tone 1 1 .


Em I : I will give thanks unto the Lord with my whole heart. Refrain. Through the prayers of the Birth-giver of God, 0 Saviour, save US. Verse 2 : In the council of the faithful and in the congregation, the great works of the Lord. & V e m 3 : Sought out of all them that have pleasure therein. I# Vme 4 : His work is honour and majesty, and his righteousness endureth forever. &
Antzj5Ron I I . , Tone 1 1 .


Verse I : Blessed i s the man that feareth the Lord, that hath great delight in his commandments. Refrain. 0 Son of God, who wast born of a Virgin, save us who sing unto thee : Alleluia. Verse 2 : His seed shall be mighty upon earth, the generation of the faithful shall be blessed. I# V e m 3 : Riches and plenteousness shall be in his house, and his righteousness endureth forever. @ V m 4 : Unto the godly there ariseth up light in the darkness : he is merciful, loving and righteous. @ Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now. and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. 0 Only-begotten Son and Word of God ! . . . (Seepage 170.)



V m I : The Lord said unto my Lord : Sit thou on my right hand. Hymn. Thy Nativity, 0 Christ our God, . . (Seepage 176.) Vwsc 2 : Until I make thine enemies thy footstool. I$ (Hymn.) VCISC 3 : The Lord shall send the rod of thy power out of Zion : be thou ruler, even in the midst among thine enemies. I$ (Hymn.) Vcrsc 4 : In the day of thy power with an holy worship. Introit. Out of the womb, before the morning s t i r have I begotten thee : the Lord hath sworn and will not repent: thou art a Priest forever, after the order of Melchizidech. Instcad of: 0 Holy God, Holy Mighty : is sung: A s many as are baptized into Christ have put on Christ. Alleluia Tk Gradual (Prokimm),in t h Eighth Tow. Let all the earth worship thee, and hymn thee, yea, let it hymn thy Name, 0 Most Highest. Vtrsc: Shout unto the Lord, all ye lands, sing unto his Name, give glory to his praise. V c m : The heavens declare the glory of God, and the dry land proclaimeth the work of thy hands. Vme: Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto ni,aht proclaimeth knowledge. TAXEpistle. Gal. iv. 4-7. Th Gospel. Matt. i i 1-12. Instead o f : Meet is i t : TZe Ninth Tknc-Song g-the Canon : A mystery


. . . (Seepage 179.)

The Communion Hymn. The Lord hath sent deliverance unto his people. The Benediction. May he who was born in a cavern, and lay in a manger, for the sake of our salvation, Christ our true God, through the prayers of his most pure Mother ; of the holy, glorious and all-laudable Apostles; of our holy and God-bearing fathers; of the holy and righteous Ancestors of God, Joachim and Anna; and of all the Saints, have mercy upon us and save us, forasmuch as he is good, and loveth mankind.

On the Eve of the Epz$hany the same strict fast is observed, and the same services are celebrated as on tke E v e of Christ's Nativity (Christmm). T h t k to say : The IMPERIAL HOURS are r e d , andthe Liturgy of S f . Basil the Great i s celebrated ( 2 7 the Eve abth not all upon S u f u r d ~ y or Sunday), #rece&d by V~@CYS ;whiie in tke evmin t servite c o d t e t h of Grand Cbmj line joined fo Matins. Tke d@rences ktween these servkes and those fl Chnitmas f i in the festival hymns and the consecration of the water. At this Feast there are two Blessings of the Waters :the first, on the Eve, irt Church; the second, after the Divine Lifurgy, on the aky of the Feust, xn&r the @en sky, o rivers, lakes, #oo& and wells. I n ancient times the former waa i n t m d dfor t Catechumens who werepre ared to receive bafltism, and WCII then baptized. The second was institute later, in imilation of the custom the Christians o Jerusalem, who WCTC wont to go forth to the JmdDIl Y z h r a t e tke fcstiva , and to $ray ;a h in runory o f the consecratabn of tke watcrs ofthe rordan at tke time our Lord Jesns Christ was bat fixed therein. This Bkssang of tke Wafers is often called " T k e Jorrian Festzval " for that reuson.


THEIMPERIAL HOURS, topreccd the Epz$hany.

FIRST HOUR. Psalms v., xxiii., xxvii. ; Isaiah xxxv. 1-10. The Epistle. Acts xiii. 25-33. The Gospel. Matt. iii. 1-12. THIRD HOUR Psalms xxix., xlii., li. ; Isaiah i. 1 6 2 0 . The Epistle. Acts xix. 1-8. The Gospel. Mark i. 1-8. SIXTH HOUR. Psalms lxxiv., lxxvii., xci. ; Isaiah xii. 3-6. The Epistle. Rom. vi. 3-1 I. The Gospel. Mark i. 9-1 5. NINTHHOUR. Psalms xciii, cxiv., lxxxvi. ; Isaiah xlix. 8-15. The E p i s t l e . Titus ii. I 1-14, iii 4-7. The Gospel. Matt. iii. 13-17.

Vespers and the L i t t t r ~ on , yunuary5ih. The Stangas (Siikiri) for: Lord, I have cried : In Tone I1 The Forerunner, beholding our Illuminator who illumineth every man, coming to be baptized, rejoiceth in his soul; and he trembleth, and with his hand doth he point Him out to the people, saying: Lo, this is he who redeemeth Israel, setting us free from corruption. 0 Christ our God, the Sinless One, glory to thee ! (Twice.) Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Thou didst bow thy head unto the Forerunner, and thereby didst crush the heads of the serpents. And having entered into the streams, thou didst illumine all things, that they might glorify thee, 0 Saviour, even the Illuminator of our souls.



The Entrance is nrade m'th the book of the Gospels.

The Gradual (Prokimen)for the Day. TXe Parables (Paremii). Genesis i 1-13 ; Exodus xiv. 15-18, 21-25, 27-29, xv. 22-27, xvi. I ; Joshua iii. 7, 8, 15-17; 2 Kings ii. 6-14, v. 9-14; Isaiah i. 16-20 ; Genesis xxxii 1-10 ; Exodus ii. 5-10; Judges vi 36-40 ; I Kings xviii. 30-39 ; 2 Kings ii. 19-22 ; Isaiah xlix. &I 5. The Little Litany. Again, yet again, . . . Exclamation. For holy art thou, 0 our God, and unto thee do we ascribe glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. T h Gradzul (Prokimen),in the Third Tone. The Lord is my light and my salvation : whom shall I fear ? V i m (Stikh) : The Lord is the strength of my life : of whom shall I be afraid ? T X e Ephtle. I Cor. ix. 19-27, x. 1-4. TZe Gbspel Luke iii. 1-18.
After the Prayer before the Tribune the Blessing of the Water iaketh place.

Grand Compline and Matins.

Corn line is cckbratcd in its usual or&r, the Hymn for fhc Day and the ColkctJrnn being sxbstitutcdfor fie ordinary ofits. After: Glory be to God on hi h : the #recession from t h Sanctuary for the Li/iyd taketh p l a t . pee the L L - N I ~ VIGIL T ~ ~ r ~ c q j 11.1 ngr

The Stanxa for the Litiyd, in Tone VIIL Today is creation illumined, to-day do all things both heavenly and earthly rejoice. Angels and men are intermingled ; for whithersoever the King cometh, there also cometh orderliness. Let us make haste then unto Jordan, and we shall all behold John, as he baptizeth the head not made with hands and sinless. Wherefore, singing the song of the Apostles, let us cry with one accord : The grace of God, which is saving unto all men, hath manifested itself, illumining the faithful and bestowing upon the same great mercy. The Hymn (Trofdr)at the Blessing of the Loaves: The Hymn of the Feast. When in Jordan thou wast baptized, 0 Lord, the worship of the Trinity was made manifest. For the voice of the Father bare witness unto thee, calling thee his beloved Son, and the Spirit, in the form of a Dove, confirmed the steadfastness of that word: 0 Christ our God, who didst manifest thyself, and dost enlighten the world, glory to thee. The Ekalfatwrr ( Velitchdnie). We magnify thee, 0 life-giving Christ, for our sakes now baptized of John in the waters of the Jordan. The Gradml (Prokime?~), in the F o u v i k Tom. The sea saw that and fled : Jordan was driven back. Verse (Stikh) : What aileth thee, 0 thou sea, that thou fleddest, and Jordan that thou wast driven back ? The Gospel. Matt. i. g-II.

1 84


In Tone IL ( S f .Cosmas of Maium.) Canticle I.

Theme-Song (Ids). The Lord mighty in battle hath laid bare the depths of the sea, and hath led forth his people on dry ground, after having overwhelmed therein their adversaries : For he hath glorified himself. Hymns (Tropart). The Lord, the King of the ages, reneweth corrupt Adam by the waters of Jordan, and crusheth the heads of the dragons which lurked therein : For he hath glorified himself. The Lord having become incarnate of aVirgin and clothed the immaterial fire of the Godhead in material flesh, is encompassed by the River Jordan : For he hath glorified himself. . The Lord, who, through his own cleansing in Jordan, washeth away the vileness of men, to whom he was graciously pleased to conform himself, remaining still as he was before, giveth light unto those who are in darkness : For he hath glorified himself.
Canticle 111.


T h e - S o n g (Imdr). The Lord, who giveth strength unto our Kings and exalteth the horn of his Anointed, is born of a Virgin, and - , cometh unto Baptism. Unto him will we faithful cry aloud : There is none holy like unto our God. Hymns (Tropart). Rejoice thou today, 0 Church of Christ, which aforetime wast sterile and barren of children ; for through water and the Spirit have sons been born unto thee, who with faith do cry aloud : There is none holy like unto our God. With a loud voice crieth the Porerunner in the wilderness : Prepare ye the way for Christ, and make straight the paths for our God, crying aloud with faith : There is none holy like unto our God. Canticle ZY: T h e - S o n g (Im6s). I have heard, 0 Lord, thy voice which thou didst call the voice of one crying in the wilderness, which, when thou didst thunder over many waters, bearing witness to thy Son, being filled with the Spirit which had revealed itself, did cry aloud : Thou art Christ, the Wisdom and the Power of God. Hymns ( Troparf). Hath any one -crieth the Messenger -beheld the Sun, which is by nature radiant, cleansed ? Shall I then wash clean with the waters thee who art the Brightness of Glory, the Express Image of the Father who is from everlasting? And shall I, who am but grass, touch the fire of thy divinity? For thou art Christ, the Wisdom and the Power of God. Moses, when he drew near to thee, manifested the God-inspired awe wherewith he was seized. When he understood that it was thou speaking



from the bush, he straightwa turned aside his face. How then shall I gaze openly upon thee, and shall I lay my hand upon thee ? For thou art Christ, the Wisdom and the Power of God. I n that I have a rational soul, and am honoured with the gift of speech, I stand in fear of things without a soul ; for if I baptize thee, the mountain which smoked with fire, the sea which was parted in twain, and that Jordan which rolleth back itswaves shall be my accusers : For thou art Christ, the Wisdom and the Power of God.

ThentcSong ( I d s ) . Jesus, the Chieftain of Life, cometh to abolish the condemnation of Adam the firstcreated ; and though, in that he is God, he hath no need of cleansing, yet for the fallen is he cleansed in Jordan, where, having slain enmity, he bestoweth the peace which passeth understanding. H y m n r . When a multitude innumerable of people had gathered together to be baptized of John, he stood in their midst and cried aloud unto those who were present : Who hath warned you, ye disobedient, to flee from the wrath to come? Bring ye worthy fruits unto Christ ; for now revealing himself he bestoweth peace. The Husbandman and Creator, standing in the midst as one of the throng, searcheth hearts ; and having taken in his hand the winnowing fan, with exceeding wisdom doth he purge the threshing-floor of the universe, burning up the chaff, but granting unto the fruitful grain life eternal. Canticle V/. Theme-Song (Imds). The Voice of the Word, the Candlestick of the Light, the Morning Star, the Forerunner of the Sun, crieth aloud in the wilderness unto all men : Repent ye, and be ye cleansed in preparation. For lo ! Christ cometh, who redeemeth the world from corruption. Hymns. Christ, whose latchet -when the Word had taken our form upon Him -it is impossible to unloose, as the Forerunner teacheth, in that he was born without corruption of God the Father, is without defilement made flesh of a Virgin : For he redeemeth the earth-born from their guile. With extirpating fire doth Christ baptize the froward and those who acknowledge him not as God. But with the Spirit, by means of water, doth he graciously renew those who confess his divinity, freeing them from their sins. Theme-Song (Imds). A rushing mighty wind bearing dew, and the descent of the Angel of God preserved unscathed the Children who held converse together in the fiery furnace. When, therefore, the were bedewed amid the flames, with gratitude did they sing aloud : 6lessed be thou, 0 exceeding glorious God of our fathers and our God !

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Hymns. With trembling and amazement, as over heaven itself, did the Angelic Host stand over Jordan, gazing down upon such condescension of God ; beholding how he who ruleth the firmament of the waters on high, the God of our fathers, bearing bodily form, stood in the water. The marvel of the baptism divine was foreshadowed of old by the cloud and the sea, wherein as they journeyed onward the ancient people were baptized into the Tables of the Law. The sea was the symbol of the water, and the cloud of the Spirit ; being made perfect in which, let us cry : Blessed be thou, 0 Lord God forever! Let all us faithful, speaking perpetually of God in whom we have received sanctification, in company with the Angels glorify the Father, Son and Holy Spirit : for it is a Trinity in Persons, but one in Essence, one God ; to whom, also, let us sing: Blessed be thou, 0 Lord God forever ! CanticCc V///. Theme-Song (Irmds). The Babylonian furnace, dew-dropping, foreshadowed the image of the wondrous mystery that Jordan was to receive into its waters the Fire Immaterial, and contain the Creator when he should be baptized in the flesh ; whom also all men do bless and exalt unto all the ages. Hym?zs. Put away all fear, said the Redeemer to the Forerunner; obey me, come unto me, as unto the Gracious One, for that am I in my Essence. Submit thyself to my command, and baptize me, who have condescended to come down hither ; whom also all men do bless and exalt unto all the ages. The Baptist, when he heard the words of the Lord, stretched forth his hand with trembling ; but when he had touched the crown of his Creator's head, he cried unto him who was receiving baptism : Sanctify thou me, for thou art my God ; whom also all men do bless and exalt unto all the ages. In Jordan was the Trinity made manifest ;for the M o s t Divine Person of the Fat her Himself proclaimed : H e that is baptized, the same is my beloved Son. And the Spirit descended upon him that was like unto Himself. For which cause men shall bless Him and exalt Him forever.
Canticlc ZX. Befort the Ninth Thcmc-Song: More honourable than the Cherubim : is not suttg, btlt instead thereof the Refrain of thc Feast :

Magnify, 0 my soul, her who is more honourable than the hosts on high, even the most pure Virgin Birth-giver of God. Theme-Song ( I d ) . No tongue hath power worthily to praise thee, and even the supra-mundane mind is perplexed how to hymn thee, 0 Birth-giver of God. But inasmuch as thou art gracious, accept thou our faith ; and our Godinspired love thou knowest. For thou art the Intercessor of Christians. We magnify thee.



And the remaining six Refrains are sung once m2h each Hymn.

Rcfrain 2 . Magnify, 0 my soul, him who desireth baptism of the Forerunner. Refrain 3. Magnify, 0 my soul, him who is come unto the Jordan to be baptized. Hymn. Come thou in sgirit, 0 David, unto those who are being illumined by the Spirit, and sing, saying : Draw near now unto God and be ye illumined by faith. That poor man, Adam, cried in his fall, and the Lord heard him as he came, and in the waters of Jordan did he renew that corrupted one. Refrain 4 Magnify, 0 my soul, him to whom the voice of the Father bare witness. Refrairz 5 . Magnify, 0 my soul, One of the Trinity who hath bowed his neck and accepted baptism. Hymn. Wash you, make you clean, saith Isaiah ; put away the evil of your doings before the Lord. Ye who thirst, come ye unto the Living Water; for Christ sprinkleth with water which giveth new life those who make supplication unto him in faith, and baptizeth them with the Spirit unto the life which waxeth not old. Refrain 6. 0 Prophet, come thou unto me ; stretch forth thy hand, and baptize me quickly. RPfvain 7. 0 Prophet, lay aside now all other things, and baptize me who desire it ; for I am come to fulfil all righteousness. Hymn. May the grace and seal (of the Spirit) preserve us, 0 faithful! For as the Hebrews of old were delivered from destruction when their door-posts were smeared with blood, even so also shall this divine bath of regeneration be made a deliverance for us, and even so also shall we behold the light of the Trinity which knoweth no setting.
At the Liturgy.
Antz9hon I., Tom I.

Verse I : When Israel came out of Egypt, and the house of Jacob from among the strange people : Refrain. Through the prayers of the Birth-giver of God, 0 Saviour, save us. Verse 2 : Judah was his sanctuary, and Israel his dominion : I& Verse 3 : The sea saw it and fled : Jordan was driven back : I& Verse 4 : Why hast thou fled, 0 sea : and why art thou driven back, 0 Jordan ? I& Antzj5kon ZZ,, Tone 11. verse I : I am well pleased that the Lord hath heard the voice of my prayer. Refrain. 0 Son of God, who wast baptized in Jordan, save us who sing unto thee, Alleluia.

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Verse 2 : That he hath inclined his ear unto me : therefore will I call upon him as long as I live. I$ Verse 3 : The snares of death compassed me round about, and the pains of hell gat hold upon me. I shall find trouble and heaviness, and I will call upon the Name of the Lord : 0 Lord, I beseech thee, deliver my soul : I$ Verse 4 : Gracious is the Lord, and righteous : yea, our God is merciful : I$ Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. 0 Only-begotten Son and Word of God ! . . (Seepage I 70.)

Anfz;bAon IlZ., Tone I.

V m e I : 0 give thanks unto the Lord, for he is gracious : his mercy endureth forever. Refrain: The Hymn for the Day Tropdr). When in Jordan thou wast baptized, 0 Lord, the worship o the Trinity was made manifest. For the voice of the Father bare witness unto thee, calling thee his beloved Son, and the Spirit, in the form of a dove, confirmed the steadfastness of that word. 0 Christ our God, who didst manifest thyself, and dost enlighten the world, glory to thee. V e n t 2 : Let Israel now confess that he is gracious, and that his mercy endureth forever : I$ Verse 3 : Let the house of Aaron now confess that he is gracious, and that his mercy endureth forever : I$ V m e 4 : Yea, let them that fear the Lord now confess that his mercy endureth forever : I$ The Intmit. Blessed is he that cometh in the Name of the Lord. We have blessed you from the house of the Lord : God is the Lord, and hath revealed himself unto us. The CoNect-Hymn (Kondfk). To-day hast thou revealed thyself unto the universe, and thy Light, 0 Lord, hath showed a sign unto us, who with understanding sing unto thee : Thou art come, and hast revealed thyself, 0 Light Unapproachable. In place of: 0 Holy God : A s many as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. The Gradual (Prokfmm),in t h Fourik Tone. Blessed is he that cometh in the Name of the Lord. God is the Lord, and hath revealed himself unto us. Verse ( S f i k h ): Confess unto the Lord that he is gracious, that his mercy endureth forever. The Epistle. Titus ii. I 1-14, iii. 4-7. Alleluia. (Tone IV.) Offer thanks unto the Lord, ye sons of God. Verse: The voice of the Lord upon the waters. The Gosprl. Matt. iii. 13-17.



T h Cornnunion Hymn ( The saving grace of God hath manifested itself unto all men. Fm the BENEDICTION, see #age 197,E # W n y (end of Great Blessing of Waters).


A t the end of the Divine Lifur-y, after the Prayer before the Tribune :0 Lord, who blessest those who bless thee: Aath been said by the Priest, we all o forth to the Bajtfimal Font, jrecea2d dy the fa er-bearers, a f e r whom go Dencon and the Pn'e.~t bcann the book of the oly Gos#eLr and the censer, and tke B r e t h m , singing the f o ~ A i n g fiYrnn, in Tone Y M .:


The voice of the Lord crieth out over the waters, saying : Come, receive ye all the spirit of wisdom, the spirit of understanding, the spirit of the fear of God, even Christ who is made manifest. (Thrice.) To-day is the nature of water sanctified, and Jordan is cloven asunder, and rolleth back the current of its flood, as it beholdeth the Lord baptized. ( Twicc.) As a man didst thou come unto that river, 0 Christ our King, and didst earnestly desire to receive the baptism of a servant, 0 Good One, at the hands of the Forerunner, because of our sins, 0 thou who lovest man kind. ( Twice.) Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
In the same Tone:

Unto the voice of him crying in the wilderness : Prepare ye the way of the Lord : thou didst come forth, 0 Lord, having taken on the form of a servant, and asking'baptism, though thou knewest not sin. The waters beheld thee and were affrighted. The Baptist became all trembling, and cried aloud, saying: How shall the candlestick illumine the light ? How shall a slave lay hands upon his Lord ? Sanctify thou me and these waters, 0 Saviour, who takest away the sins of the world.
A n d taking his stand besicic the Fonf , the Deacon immediately saith :

Wisdom ! The Reader. The Parable from the Prophecy of Isaiah. Deacon. Let us attend. Thus saith the Lord (ch. xrxv.) : The wilderness and the solitary place shall be glad for them ; and the desert shall rejoice, and blossom as the rose. It 'shall blossom abundantly, and rejoice, even with joy and singing : the glory of Lebanon shall be given unto it, the excellency of Carmel and Sharon, they shall see the glory of the Lord, and the excellency of our God. Strengthen ye the weak hands, and confirm the feeble knees. Say to them that are of a fearful heart, Be strong, fear

'90 THE EPIPHANY not: behold, your God will come with vengeance, even God with a recompense ; he will come and save you. Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the. ears of the deaf shall be unstopped. Then shall the lame man leap as an hart, and the tongue of the dumb sing : for in the wilderness shall waters break out, and streams in the desert. And the parched ground shall become a pool, and the thirsty land springs of water : in the habitation of dragons, where each lay, shall be grass with reeds and rushes. And an highway shall be there, and a way, and it shall be called, The way of holiness ; the unclean shall not pass over it ; but it shall be for those: the wayfaring men, though fools, shall not err therein. No lion shall be there, nor any ravenous beast shall go up thereon, it shall not be found there; but the redeemed shall walk there : and the ransomed of the Lord shall return, and come to Zion with songs and everlasting joy upon their heads : they shall obtain joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away. Deacon. Wisdom ! Reader. The Parable from the Prophecy of Isaiah. Deacon. Let us attend. Thus saith the Lord (ch. Zv.) : Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money ; come ye, buy, and eat ; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price. Wherefore do ye spend money for that which is not bread ? and your labour for that which satisfieth not ? hearken diligently unto me, and eat ye that which is good, and let your soul delight itself in fatness. Incline your ear, and come unto me : hear, and your soul shall live ; and I will make an everlasting covenant with you, even the sure mercies of David. Behold, I have given him for a witness to the people, a leader and commander to the people. Behold, thou shalt call a nation that thou knowest not, and nations that knew not thee shall run unto thee, because of the Lord thy God, and for the Holy One of Israel ;.for he hath glorified thee. Seek ye the Lord while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near: let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts : and let him return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him ; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon. For my tho2ghts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater : so shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth : it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent i t For ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace: the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands. Instead of the thorn shall come up the fir-tree, and instead of the brier shall



come up the myrtle-tree : and it shall be to the Lord for a name, for an everlasting sign that shall not be cut off. Deacorr. Wisdom ! Rrader. The Parable from the Prophecy of Isaiah. Deacon. Let us attend Thus saith the Lord (ch. xii. 3-6) : Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation And in that day shall ye say, Praise the Lord, call upon his name, declare his doings among the people, make mention that his name is exalted. Sing unto the Lord; for he hath done excellent things: this is known in all the earth. Cry out and shout, thou inhabitant of Zion : for great is the Holy One of Israel in the midst of thee. Deacon. Let us attend. Priest. Peace be with you all. Reader. And with thy spirit. Deacon. Wisdom ! Reader. The Gradual (Prokfmen),in the Third Tone. The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear? Verse: The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid ? Deacon. Wisdom ! Reader. The Lesson from the Epistle of the holy Apostle Paul to the Corinthians. Deacon. Let us attend. Brethren ( I Cor. x. 1-4): I would not that ye should be ignorant how that all our fathers were under the cloud, and all passed through the sea; and were all baptized unto Moses in the cloud and in the sea; and did all eat the same spiritual meat ; and did all drink the same spiritual drink (for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them ; and that Rock was Christ). Priest. Peace be with thee. Reader. And with thy spirit. Deacon. W isdom ! Alleluia. ( Tone IV.) V e n e : The voice of the Lord upon the waters, the God of glory hath thundered: the Lord upon many waters. Deacon. Wisdom, 0 believers ! Let us listen to the Holy Gospel. Pricst. Peace be with you all. People. And with thy spirit. Priest. The Lesson from the holy Gospel of Mark. Choir. Glory to thee, 0 Lord ; glory to thee. Dcncon. Let us attend. (Ch. i . p-rr.) Pnkt. And it came to pass in those days, that Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee, and was baptized of John in Jordan. And straightway coming up out of the water, he saw the heavens opened, and the Spirit like a dove descending upon him. And there

THE EPIPHANY came a voice from heaven, saying, Thou art my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. Choir. Glory to thee, 0 Lord ; glory to thee.

Then the Deacon recifefhtAe LITANY.

In peace let us pray to the Lord Chir. Lord, have mercy. For the peace that is from above, and for the salvation of our souls : & For the peace of the whole world ; for the welfare of God's holy Churches, and for the union of them all : I$ For this holy temple, and for those who with faith, devoutness, and in the fear of God have entered therein : & For our Holy Synod (or Patriarch); for our Bishop (or Archbishop, or Metropolitan), N. ; for the honourable Presbytery, the Diaconate in Christ, and for all the clergy and the laity : & For our most God-fearing Sovereign, N.; and for all the Reigning House; and for all their Council and Army and Naby : & That he will aid them and subdueunder their feet every foe and adversary : & For this city (if in a tnonastety, for this holy habitation), and for those who in the faith dwell therein : & For healthful seasons ; for abundance of the fruits of the earth ; and for peaceful times : & For those who travel by sea or by land ; for the sick and the suffering ; for those who are in captivity, and for their salvation : & That these waters may be sanctified by the power, and effectual operation, and inspiration of the Holy Spirit : I$ That there may descend upon these waters the cleansing operation of the super-substantial Trinity : & That he will endue them with the grace of redemption, the blessing of Jordan, the might, and operation, and inspiration of the Holy Spirit : J$

Andwhile this L bcin said, the l'riest saitf secretly, the following Prnyer ;

0 Lord Jesus Christ, the Only-begotten Son, who art in the bosom of the Father, the true God, Source of Life and 2 of Immortality,Light E of Light, who art m come into the world to illuminate it: Enlighten our minds , with thy Holy Spirit, $ and accept us who p offer unto thee ma$ jesty and 'thanksgiv.a ing for thy marvellous mighty works, Q which are from all g- eternity ; as, also, for g. thy saving providence in these latter ages, -3, ih which thou hast clothed thyself in our $ frail and lowly substance, and hast condescended to the stature of a servant ; who '? yet art King of all; who also didst receive baptism in Jordan at the hands of a servant: that thou,O Sinless One, having sanctified the nature of water,mightest make for us a way which should be unto a new


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That Satan may speedily be crushed birth, through water under our feet, and that every evil counand the Spirit, and cil directed against us may be brought unto the deliverance then first instituted to nought : I$ That the Lord our God will free us for us. Celebrating the memory of which from every aspersion and temptation of the enemy, and make us worthy of divine mystery, we the good things which he hath probeseech thee, 0 Lord who lovest mankind, mised : & ' That he will illumine us with the light sprinkle us, thine unof understanding and of piety, and with 5 worthy servants, acthe inspiration of the Holy Spirit : I$ cording to thy divine That the Lord our God will send down promise, with pure the blessing of Jordan and sanctify these 3 water, the gift of thy waters : I$ tenderness of heart. That this water may be unto the be- i ; And may the supplistowing of sanctification ; unto the remis- g cations of us sinners sion of sins ;,unto the healing of soul over this holy water and body : and unto every expedient be well pleasing unto service : I$ ' ; t thy goodness : and 4 That this water may be a fountain may thy blessing welling forth unto life eternal : I$ through it be vouch- 9 That it may manifest itself effectual q. safed unto us, and unto the averting of every machination .Y unto all thy faithful of our foes, whether visible or invispeople, to the glory ible : I$ 2. of thy holy and ador! a able Name. For those who shall draw of it and . take of it unto the sanctification of their & For unto thee behomes : & longeth ail glory, That it may be for the purification of 3 honour and worship, the souls and bodies of all those who, @ together with thy with faith, shall draw and partake of $ Father who is from everlasting, and thine it: I$ That he will graciously enable us to all-holy, and good, perfect sanctification by participation in and life-giving Spirit, these katers, through the invisible maninow, and ever, and festation of the Holy Spirit : I$ unto ages of ages. That the Lord God will hearken unto Atad he saifh wifhin the voice of petition of us sinners, and Aimse&: Amen. will have mercy upon us : I$ That he will deliver us from all tribulation, wrath, peril and necessity : I$ Succor us, save us, have mercy upon us, and keep us, 0 God, by thy grace. Choir. Lord, have mercy. Calling to remembrance our most holy, undefiled, most blessed and


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glorious Lady, the Birth-giver of God and ever-virgin Mary, with all the Saints, let us commend ourselves, and each other, and all our life unto Christ our God. Choir. TOthee, 0 Lord.
Atrd when the Deacon hath/Snished the Litnny, the Pn'est reciteth, aloud, tkr

following Prayer :

Great art thou, 0 Lord, and marvellous are thy works, and speech sufficeth not to sing the praises of thy wonders. (Thrice.) For thou, by thy will, from nothingness hast brought all things into being ; by thy majesty thou dost uphold all creation, and by thy providence thou dost direct the world. When thou hadst framed the universe out of four elements, thou didst crown the circle of the year with four seasons. All the reason-endowed powers tremble before thee. The Sun singeth thy praises, and the Moon glorifieth thee; the Stars, also, stand before thy presence. The Light obeyeth thee. The deeps shudder with awe before thee; the water-springs do thy bidding. Thou hast spread out the heavens like a curtain. Thou hast established the earth upon the waters. With sand hast thou walled in the sea. Thou hast shed abroad the air for breathing. The Angelic Powers serve thee. T h e Archangelic hosts adore thee. T h e many-eyed Cherubim and the six-winged Seraphim, as they stand round about and do fly, veil their faces with awe before thine unapproachable glory. For thou, the God which cannot be circumscribed, who art from everlasting and ineffable, didst come down upon earth, taking on the form of a servant, and being made in the likeness of men. For thou couldst not endure, 0 Master, because of thy tender-hearted mercy, to behold the children of men tormented by the devil ; but thou didst come, and didst save us. We confess thy grace ; we proclaim thy mercy ; we conceal not thy gracious deeds. Thou hast set at liberty the generations of our race; by thy birth thou hast sanctified a Virgin's womb. All creation singeth praises unto thee, who didst reveal thyself; for thou art our God, who hast been seen upon earth, and didst dwell among men. Thou didst hallow, also, the streams of Jordan, in that thou didst send down from heaven thy Holy Spirit, and didst crush the heads of the serpents which lurked there.
Then the Priest rt#eateth, thrice, tkcfollowing, and blesseth the water with krj kandaf each rrpetition.

Wherefore do thou, 0 King who loveth mankind, come down now also through the inspiration of thy Holy Spirit, and sanctify this water. ( Thrice.) And impart unto it the grace of redemption, the blessing of Jordan. Make it a fountain of immortality, a gift of sanctification, a remission of sins, a healing of infirmities, a destruction of demons ; unapproachable by hostile powers, filled with angelic might. And may it be unto all those who shall draw it, and shall partake of it unto the purification of their souls and bodies, unto the healing of their passions, unto the



sanctification of their houses, and unto every expedient service. For thou art our God, who through water and the Spirit dost renew our nature, which had fallen into decay through sin. For thou art our God, who with water didst drown sin in the days of Noah. For thou art our God/ who by the sea, through Moses, didst set free from slavery to Pharaoh the Hebrew race. For thou art our God, who didst cleave the rock in the wilderness, so that water gushed forth, and who madest the floods to well forth abundantly ; and didst satisfy thy thirsty people. For thou art our God, who by fire and water, through Elijah, didst set Israel free from the errors of Baal. Do thou, the same Master, sanctify now also this water by thy Holy Spirit. (Thrice.) Grant also unto all who shall be sprinkled therewith, and shall partdke thereof, and shall anoint themselves therewith, sanctification, blessing, purification and bodily health. (In Russia :) And save, 0 Lord, thy servant, our most God-fearing Sovereign, the Emperor N., and all the Reigning House. Save, 0 Lord, and show mercy upon the most holy Governing Synod, and keep them in peace beneath thy shelter. Subdue under them every foe and adversary ; grant unto them all their petitions which are unto salvation and life eternal ; that with the elements, and menland Angels, and with all things visible and invisible, they may magnify thy most holy Name, together with the Father, and the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Pn'est. Peace be with you Ckoir. And with thy spirit. Deacon. Bow your heads unto the Lord. Choir. To thee, 0 Lord.
And the Pticst, bowing his head, jrayeth

Incline thine ear, 0 Lord, and hear us, 0 thou who wast graciously pleased to receive baptism in Jordan, and didst sanctify the waters. Bless all us who, by the bowing of our necks, do outwardly signify our humility of mind : and graciously grant that we may be filled with thy sanctification, through our partaking of this water, and through sprinkling therewith. And may it be unto us, 0 Lord, for the health of our souls and bodies.

Priest. For thou art the sanctification of our souls and bodies, and unto thee we ascribe glory, and thanksgiving and worship, together with thy Father, who is from everlasting, and thine all-holy, and good, and life-giving Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
And again blessing the water in cross-form with the holy cross, Ar d$jeth it theran, uflnkht, elevating and lowenkg it, holding it with both handr, and singzing tAr following Hymn in Tone I. :

When in Jordan thou wast baptized, 0 Lord, the worship of the



Trinity was made manifest. For the voice of the Father bare witness unto thee, calling thee his beloved Son, and the Spirit, in the form of a dove, confirmed the steadfastness of that word. 0 Christ, who didst manifest thyself, and dost enlighten the world, glory to thee.
And the Choir singetk the same. Tlicn kc dCcssefA the wafers a sccond time, in like manner. And fhe Singers rejcat. And CiRewisc, a 'third time. T h n the Priest takcth of the holy water in a vcsscl, and ftrrnetk his f i e h m d the PcOplt, holding thc cross in hak lc t Lana', and in his ri ht the asper . And ihc P c q k a jrouch, and kiss t e jrecious cross; anfthe Pnrrl d esscth them, and s t p e t them, on thafate, with the szjp of fhe moss, &A the , 4 0 4 water on the ~ e r g r ' I l n s .


Then t h q enter the Churck again, singairg, in Tonc VZ.:

Let us praise in song, ye faithful, the greatness of God's favour to usward. For, having become man because of our transgressions, by our purification is he purified in Jordan, he, the only pure and spotless One, who sanctifieth me and the waters, and crusheth the heads of the serpents in the water. Wherefore, 0 brethren, let us draw of that water with joy; for the grace of the Spirit is invisibly imparted unto him who, with faith, iloth draw thereof, by Christ our God, who also is the Saviour of our souls. Choir. Blessed be the Name of the Lord, henceforth, and- forever. ( Thrice.)

I will alway give thanks unto the Lord ; his praise shall ever be in my mouth. My soul shall make her boast in the .Lord ; the humble shall hear thereof, and be glad. 0 praise the Lord with me, and let us magnify his Name together. I sought the Lord, and he heard me ; yea, he delivered me out of all my fear. They had an eye unto him, and were lightened ; and their faces were not ashamed. Lo, the poor crieth, and the Lord heareth him ; yea, and saveth him out of all his troubles. T h e angel of the Lord tameth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them. 0 taste, and see, how gracious the Lord is : blessed is the man that trusteth in him. 0 fear the Lord, ye that are his saints ; for they that fear him lack nothing. T h e lions do lack, and suffer hunger ; but they who seek the Lord shall want no manner of thing that is good. Come, ye children, and hearken unto me ; I will teach you the fear of the Lord. What man is he that lusteth to live, and would fain seegood days ? Keep thy tongue from evil, and thy lips, that they speak no guile. Eschew evil, and do good ; seek peace, and ensue it. T h e eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers. The countenance of the Lord is against them that do evil ; to root out the remembrance of them from the earth. T h e righteous cry, and the

' 9 Lord heareth'them, and delivereth them out of all their troubles. The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a contrite heart, and will save such as be of an humble spirit. Great are the troubles of the righteous ; but t h e Lord delivereth him out of all. He keepeth all his bones, so that not one of them is broken. But misfortune shall slay the ungodly ; and they that hate the righteous shall be desolate. The Lord delivereth the souls of his servants ; and all they that put their trust in him shall not be destitute.
A n d havingfirst dmnk of the h l y water, the Peojle take the ANTID~RON, that rj., the blessed bread,,frorn the PriEst. a 3 $romnnced: Then the BENEDIC~ON


May he who was graciously pleased to accept baptism from John, in Jordan, for the sake of our salvation, Christ our very God, through the prayers of his most pure Mother, and of all the Saints, have mercy upon us and save us ; for he is gracious and loveth mankind


The Stanza (Stikhfva) for : Lord, I have cried : In Tone I. Let us also come : with hymns divine let us meet Christ and receive him whose salvation Simeon beheld. For this is he of whom David prophesied : This is he who spake by the prophets ; who for our sakes became incarnate, and proclaimed the law. Him let us worship. (Tzttice.) Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Tone VI. To-day let the door of heaven be opened : for the Father's Word, which is from everlasting, having taken his beginning in time from a Virgin, without renouncing his Godhead, is of her own free will brought by his mother, as a babe of forty days, into the temple under the law: and an aged man receiveth him in his arms, crying : Let thy servant depart, 0 Lord ; for mine eyes have seen thy salvation, which is come into the world to save the race of men. Glory to thee, 0 Lord. The Pambles (Paremif). Exodus xii. 51, xiii. 1-3, I 1-12, 14-16 ; Lev. xii 2-4, 6, 8 ; Isaiah vi. 1-1 3, xix. I, 3-5, 12, 19-2 I . The Stanea at the Litrjcf, in Tone I. (by Anatolius). The Ancient of Days, who of old gave the Law unto Moses, on Sinai, today is seen as a little Child ; and in accordance with the Law, as the creator of the Law, fulfilling tbe Law, is brought into the temple, and given to an aged man. And Simeon the Righteous, having received him, and perceived the fulfilment of the prarnises accomplished, cried aloud with joy : Mine eyes have seen the mystery hidden from eternity in these latter days revealed, the light which destroyeth the darkness of unbelieving heathen, and giveth glory unto newly chosen Israel. Wherefore, release thou thy servant from the bonds of this flesh unto the life which waxeth not old, marvellous and unending ; granting unto the world great mercy. The Hymn for the Day (Tropcfr), in Tone I. Hail, 0 Virgin Birtbgiver of God: for from thee hath shone forth the Sun of Righteousness, Christ our God, who givetb light to those who are in darkness. And rejoice, thou aged, righteous man, that didst receive in thine arms the Redeemer of our souls, who giveth unto us resurrection. The Exaltation ( Velitchcfnie). We magnify thee, 0 life-giving Christ, and we do homage to thy Mother most pure, by whom thou hast now been brought into the Temple of the Lord, according to the Law. The Gradual (Prokfmen),in the Fourth Tom. I will call to rernenlbrance thy Name from generation to generation.



Verse ( Stikh) : My heart is inditing of a good matter. The Gospe(. Luke ii. 25-32. The Benrdiclion. May he who, for the sake of our salvation, deigned to be held in the arms of the righteous Simeon, Christ our true God: and the rest. (See page I 2 2 . )

The First Canon. Tone I//. (St. Cosmar of Maiurn.)

Theme-Songs (Imosi?). I. The sun once, of old, rose over the dry land born of the deep: for the water was hardened into walls upon either side, and the people passed on foot over the sea, and sang, in manner well-pleasing unto God : Let us sing unto the Lord, for gloriously hath he been glorified. 111. 0 Lord, the Confirmation of those who set their hope on thee, confirm thou thy Church, which thou hast bought with thy precious blood. IV. Thine excellence, 0 Christ, hath covered the heavens ; for when thou hadst come forth from the ark of thy Holy Place, even thy Mother undefiled, thou didst appear in the temple of thy glory as a little Child borne in arms : and all things were filled with thy glory. V. When Isaiah symbolically beheld God borne on high upon the throne, attended by a body-guard of Angels of glory, he exclaimed : 0 miserable man that I am, I have foreseen God Incarnate, who hath dominion over the Light which knoweth no setting, and the Peace which reigneth forever. VI. The Aged Man, when with his eyes he beheld the salvation which was come from God unto the nations, cried aloud unto thee : Thou art my God, 0 Christ ! VII. Thee, 0 God the Word, who didst shed dew upon the Children which sang praises unto God in the fire, and who didst take up thine abode in a Virgin undefiled, do we hymn, devoutly singing : Blessed is the God of our fathers ! VIII. T h e Youths supreme in godliness, when they were thrust into the fire insupportable yet suffered no hurt from the flame, sang aloud the song divine: 0 all ye works of the Lord, bless ye the Lord, and magnify him unto all the ages !
In place o f : My soul doth magnify the Lord : The Refrains

0 Virgin Birth-giver of God, the Hope of Christians, protect, guard and save thou those w'ho put their trust in thee. 0 Virgin Birth-giver of God, gracious Helper of the world, protect and keep us from all need and distress. 0 God-bearing Simeon, come and take in thine arms Christ, to whom Mary t h e Virgin Pure hath given birth. Sirneon the aged encompasseth in his embrace the Creator of the Law, and the Lord of all.

2 0 0


The Aged Man holdeth not Me, but I hold him : .for he entreateth of Me that he may depart in peace. Ye Pincers mystical, how shall ye bear the coal of fire ? How shall ye nourish the Nourisher of all ? 0 Daughter of Phanuel, come and abide with us, and bless Christ the Saviour, the Son of God. Anna the Chaste foretelleth terrible things, confessing Christ to be the Maker of heaven and earth. Incomprehensible unto Angels and unto men is that which is born of thee, 0 Virgin Mother Pure. A pure dove, a spotless lamb bringeth into the Church the Lamb and the Shepherd. 0 Christ, King of all ! Grant me burning tears, and I will weep for my soul which is all ruined. IX. In the Law -in the shadow and in the Scriptures -do we, the faithful, behold the symbol. Every male child which first opened the womb was consecrated to God : wherefore, also, the first-born Word of the Father, who is from everlasting, the first-born Son of his Mother who knew not man, do we magnify.



At the Liturm. T h Introit. The Lord hath declared his salvation, he hath revealkd his righteousness in the presence of the nations. T h Collect-Hymn (Kondfk). Thou who by thy birth didst sanctify the Virgin's womb, and didst bless the arms of Simeon, as it was meet, having preserved us in anticipation from condemnation, hast now also saved us, 0 Christ-God. But grant tranquillity amid the alarms of war unto our Emperor, whom thou hast adopted into thy love, 0 thou who alone lovest mankind. The Gradual (Prokfmen),in the Fourth Tow. My soul doth magnify the Lord, and my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour. Verse : For he hath regarded the lowliness of his handmaiden. The Epistle. Heb. vii 7- I 7. Alleluia (Tone VIZZ.) Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word. Verse: A light to lighten the Gentiles, and the glory of thy people Israel. The Gospel. Luke ii. 22-40. The Cornmuttion Hymn. I will take the cup of ~~alvation, and call upon the Name of the Lord. The Betcedictwn. (See page 199.)


This Feast almost always falleth in the Great Fast (Lent). If the Feast of the Annunciation fall upon any dizy upon the eve w h e o f Vespers huth been cekbrated alone, or an con-unction with the Liturgy of the Presanct z e d G27ftE, then the V i @ Y Seruicc be 'nnetk with Great Com$linc. i t p N u$on Snndiz or Mondizy, t g yip7 Service bepinnet* with Great VesY O H Great (Good) FnZay, or Great (Holy) Saturday, the pers. B U ~if it I V z s l Service @innet directly with Matins.


The Stanza (Stikhfra)for: Lord, I have cried : 11t Tone VI. Gabriel, when he revealed unto thee, 0 Maiden, the counsel of God which was from everlasting, did stand before thee, saluting thee, and proclaiming : Hail, 0 Earth Unsown! Hail, 0 Bush which Burned,-yet was not consumed ! Hail, 0 Abyss Unfathomable ! Hail, 0 Bridge which leadeth unto, heaven, and Ladder lofty, which Jacob saw! Hail, 0 Pot Divine of Manna! Hail, 0 Abrogation of the curse ! Hail, 0 Recall of Adam ! The Lord is with thee. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Gabriel the Archangel was sent from heaven to announce the glad tidings of conception unto a Virgin ; and when he was come to Nazareth, he mused within himself, being astonished at the marvel : 0, how can he who on high is beyond comprehension be born of a Virgin ! He who hath heaven for his throne, and earth for his footstool, taketh up his abode in the womb of a Virgin ! H e upon whom the Six-winged and the Many-eyed are unable to gaze deigneth, by his word alone, to become incarnate of her, and he is the true Word of God. Wherefore then stand I thus, and say not unto the Virgin : Hail, 0 pure Virgin ! Hail, 0 Bride unwedded, the Lord is with thee ! Hail, 0 Mother of the Life, blessed is the fruit of thy womb ! The Parables (Parc7nii) arc the same as at the Feast of the Nativity of the Virgin (seepage 164), and Exodus iii. 1-8 ; Prov. viii. 22-30.
At Great Compline.
TAcre is a procession from tAL Sanctuary, for tk Litiyd (see #age I I), a f k r : Glory to God in the highest: hath been read.

The Stanza for the Lit*, in Tone I. In the sixth month was the Chieftain of the Archangels sent unto thee, a Virgin undefiled, to announce unto thee the word of salvation and to proclaim unto thee : Hail, thou who art made glad, the Lord is with thee ! Thou shalt bear the Son of the Father who was before the ages, and he shall save his people from their sins.



The Hymnfor the Day ( Tropd~)), in Tone IV. Today is the ,crown of our salvation, and the manifestation of that mystery which is from everlasting: The Son of God becometh the son of a Virgin, and Gabriel announceth the glad tidings of grace. Wherefore let us also c with him unto the Hirth-giver of God : Hail, thou that art full the Lord is with thee ! The Exaltation ( Velztchrfnie). The song of the Archangel sing we unto thee, 0 Pure One: Hail, thou that art full of grace, the Lord is with thee! 7Xe Gradual (Prokimen), in the Foudh Tone. Proclaim ye, from day unto day, the glad tidings of the salvation of our God. Verse (Sizrkh) : Sing unto the Lord a new song, sing unto the Lord, all the whole earth. The Gospel. Luke i. 39-49, 56.



The First Canon. In Tone I K

The Blessed The@hanbs a d St. John of


Theme-Songs (/mrosi). I. I will open my mouth, and it shall be filled with the Spirit, and I will utter a saying to the Queen-Mother. I will reveal myself radiantly keeping high festival, and with rejoicing will I sing her marvels. 111. 0 Birth-giver of God, Fountain living and inexhaustible! Establish thou those who hymn thee, convoked in a spiritual choir, and vouchsafe unto them crowns of glory in thy glory divine. IV. Jesus, the Most Divine, who sitteth in glory upon the throne of the Godhead, is come, upon a light cloud borne by a palm undefiled, and hath saved those who cry : Glory to thy power, 0 Christ ! V. All things marvelled at thy glory divine; for thou, 0 Virgin, though thou knewest not wedlock, didst have in thy womb God who is over all, and didst give birth to the timeless Son, who granteth peace unto all that sing praises unto thee. VI. Jonah the Prophet, typifying the three days' burial, exclaimed, as he prayed within the whale : Deliver me from corruption, 0 Jesus, King of the Powers ! VII. The godly-minded ones worshipped not the creature rather than the Creator, but valiantly trampling under foot the threatened fire, they rejoiced in song, saying: Blessed art thou, 0 Lord and God of our fathers, exceedingly praised ! VIII. Hearken, 0 Maiden, Virgin Pure, and let Gabriel announce the true will of the Most High, which was from of old : Make thou ready to receive God ; for through thee the Uncontainable shall dwell among men. For which cause, also, I cry aloud with joy: 0 all ye works of the Lord, bless ye the Lord ! In place o f : My soul doth magnify the Lord : The Refrain :0 Earth,



proclaim.the great gladness ! and ye Heavens, praise ye the glory of God! IX. Let no hand profane in anywise touch the living Ark of God; but let the lips of the faithful unceasingly singing the Salutation of the Angel to the Birth-giver of God, cry aloud with rejoicing: Hail, thou that art full o,grace, the Lord is with thee !
The Litur nt the Feast of the Anmnnciation bcginneth with Yespcrson tkose dbys when t z HOURSOP THE GREATFAST ore cclebrafed; but on fhe Saturhys a d Sunahys of the third,fourth, jifth and sixth weeks of the Fasf Yes ers crated a he i t . The L i t n r - wed i r either that of St. $hn Ch~sostom OY of Sf. ~ a s it l g Great; never tho/ ofthe Prcsonct@ed Giflr.

The Stanza (Sti&hfrrr)for : Lord, I have cried : In Tone IV. In the sixth month was an Archangel sent unto a Virgin pure; and when he had said unto her, Hail ! he announced unto her the glad tidings that from her should come forth the Redeemer. Wherefore, having received the salutation, she conceived thee, the God who is before the ages, who in wise unutterable didst deign to become man for the salvation of our souls.
TZe Entrance is made with the book ofthe Holy Cos#els. 0 gladsome radiance . . .

The GmduaC (Prokfmen) for the Day. (See Vespers, page 8.) The Parables (Paremif). The same as on the Eve. (Seepage I 64.) The Little Litany. Again, yet again, . . . The Exchmation. For holy art thou, 0 our God ; and unto thee d o we ascribe glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Choir. 0 Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal One, have mercy upon us. (Thrice.) At the Liturgy. The Collect-Hymn (Kondrfk). We, thy servants, . . . (See page 42.) The G'raduul (Prokfmen),in the Fourth Tone: Proclaim ye, from day unto day, the glad tidings of the salvation of our God. Verse (Stikh) : Sing unto the Lord a new song, sing unto the Lord all the whole earth. He shall descend like dew upon the fleece, and like drops of rain dropping upon the earth. Verse: His Name shall be blessed forevermore : his Name endureth before the sun. 7x8 Epistle. Heb. ii. 11-18. Alleluia (Tone Vl) The Gospel. Luke i 24-38. T h Hymn in place o f : Meet is it : The Ninth Them-Song of the Canon : Let no hand profane . . . (See above.) The Communion Hymn (Pn'tchcfrten). For the Lord hath chosen Zion : h e hath desired it for his habitation.


At Vespers, on tke Eve. T h Stamas (Stikhiri) for: Lord, I have cried : In Tone VL To-day hath the grace of the Holy Spirit assembled us together, and taking up thy cross let us all say: Blessed is he that cometh in the Name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest ! H e who hath the heavens for his throne, and the earth for his footstool, the coeternal Word and Son of God the Father, to-day is come to Bethany, to humble himself upon the dumb foal of an ass. For which cause the Hebrew children, taking branches of trees in tbeir hands, exalted him with the shout : Hosanna in the highest ! Blessed is he that cometh in the Name of the Lord. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. To-day hath the grace of the Holy Spirit . . . (See above.) The Parables ( P a r m i f ) . Genesis xlix. I - I 2 ; Zeph. iii. 14- 19; Zech
At the Lit*, in Tone 1 The all-holy Spirit, which taught the Apostles to speak in other and strange tongues, the same commandeth the Hebrew children devoid of guile to cry in words : Hosanna in the highest ! Blessed is the King of Israel who cometh. The Hymnfor the Day (Tropdr). Thou didst raise Lazarus from the dead, 0 Christ our God, making certain the universal resurrection, before thy Passion. For which cause we also, like unto the children, bearing the emblems of victory, cry aloud unto thee, the Conqueror of Death : Hosanna in the highest! Blessed is he that cometh in the Name of the Lord. Anathr. Having been buried with thee in baptism, 0 Christ our God, we have acquired life immortal through thy Resurrection, and singing praises unto thee, we cry : Hosanna in the highest ! Blessed is he that cometh in the Name of the Lord. The Exaltation. We magnify thee, 0 Life-giving Christ ! Hosanna in the highest ! And we cry aloud unto thee : Blessed is he that cometh in the Name of the Lord. The Gradual ( P d f m e n ) ,in Tone IV: Out of the mouths of babes and sucklings hast thou ordained praise. Verse: 0 Lord, the Lord our God, how wonderful is thy Name in all the earth. The Gospel. Matt. xxi. 1-1 I, 15-1 7.




Afirr fhc Gospel, Psalm li., and the PRAYER AT THE BLESSING OF THE PALMS. Priest. 0 Lord our God, who sittest upon the Cherubim, who didst restore the might of thine Only-begotten Son, our Lord Jesus C13rist, that through his Cross and Grave and Resurrection he might save the world ; whom, also, when to-day he was come into Jerusalem, unto his voluntary Passion, the people who sat in darkness and in the shadow of death, taking the symbols of victory, even boughs of trees and branches of palms, emblematical of the Resurrection, did go forth to meet: Do thou, the same Lord, preserve us also w h on this eve of the feast in imitation of them do bear in our hands palms and branches of trees. And may we also; who like unto those multitudes and children offer unto thee Hosanna! in hymns and spiritual songs, attain unto the life-giving Resurrection on the third day, through the same Christ Jesus our Lord; with whom thou art blessed, together with thine all-holy, and good, and life-giving Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. . ' T Pricst drjfributcth the palms to fbPeo$le, af* they have s a l u f e d t k Gospels and received his benediction. The $to le then liglrt their tapers andso sfanduntil the end of the service, holding t cir$alms.

PALM SUNDAY. T k First Canon. In Tone ZK ( S f .Cosmas of Maium.) Theme-Songs (Irmosf). I. The springs of the deep were seen to be bereft of water, and the foundations of the sea surging with a tempest were laid bare. For thou, by a sign, didst lay thine interdiction upon it, and didst save thy chosen people, who sang a song of victory unto thee, 0 Lord. 111. The Children of Israel drank from the solid rock which, when its edge was cleft at thy command, poured forth water abundantly. But that rock and that life art thou, 0 Christ, upon whom is founded the Church which crieth : Hosanna! Blessed art thou who comest. IV. Christ our God, who cometh visibly, shall come and shall not tarry, from the Mount grove-shadowed, born of a Maiden without husband, saith the Prophet of old : wherefore, let us all cry aloud : Glory to thy might, 0 Lord ! V. 0 thou who announcest the good tidings, get thee up into the Mount Zion, and lift up thy voice with strength, thou who proclaimest unto Jerusalem : Glorious things are spoken of thee, 0 city of God ; peace upon Israel, and salvation unto the nations. VI. T h e spirits of the righteous have cried aloud with joy : Now is a new covenant appointed unto the world, and all people shall be renewed through sprinkling with the blood divine. VII. Thou who didst save thy children of Abraham in the fire, and didst annihilate the Chaldaeans, who were overtaken by that righteous judgment : Blessed art thou, 0 Lord and God of our fathers, exceedingly praised !

r: 206


'.VIII. Rejoice, 0 Jerusalem ! Keep high festival, 0 ye who love Zion ! For the Lord of Hosts is come, who reigneth throughout the ages. Let all the earth fall down in adoration before his presence, and cry aloud : 0 all ye works of the Lord, bless ye the Lord ! IX. God is the Lord, and hath revealed himself unto us. 0 come, let us make ready a feast, let us magnify Christ with gladness and with palms and branches of trees, crying aloud unto him in hymns : Blessed is he that cotigth in the Name of the Lord our Saviour. The Benedicth. May he who, for the sake of our salvation, did a1 of an ass, Christ our true God : and the rest, deign to sit upon as u s u a ~ (seepage I 2 . At the Liturgy.

%--Aniaj5hon I., Tone ZZ.

Verse I : I am well pleased that the Lord hath heard the voice of my prayer. Rcfain. Through the prayers of the Birth-giver of God, 0 Saviour, save us. 2 : H e hath inclined his ear unto me : therefore will I call upon him as long as I live. @ 3 : The snares of death compassed me round about, and the pains of hell gat hold upon me. @ 4 : I found trouble and heaviness, and I called upon the Name of the Lord. & Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Anfi#hon /I., Tonc /I. Verse I : I believed, and therefore have I spoken : but I was sore troubled. Refrain. Save, 0 Son of dod, who didst sit upon the foal of an ass. us who sing unto thee : Alleluia 2 : What reward shall I give unto the Lord, for all the benefits he hath done unto me? @ 3 : I will receive the cup of salvation, and call upon the Name of the Lord. @ 4 : I will pay my vows unto the Lord now, in the presence of all his people. @ Glory . . . now, and ever, . . . 0 Only-begotten Son and Word of God ! . . . (Seepage 170.)

Ant@hon IZI., Tone I.

V m I : 0 give thanks unto the Lord, for he is gracious, because his mercy endureth forever. Rtfmin: T k e Hymn fm the Day ( Tvopdr). Thou didst raise Lazarus . . . (See page 204)



2 : Let the house of Israel now confess that he is gracious, and that his mercy endureth forever. I$ 3 : Let the house of Aaron now confess that his mercy endureth forever. I$ 4 : Yea, let all that fear the Lord confess that his mercy endureth forever. I$ The Introit. Blessed is he that cometh in the Name of the Lord : w e have blessed ye from the house of the Lord. God is the Lord, and hath revealed himself unto us. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. (Tone


Having been buried with thee in baptism, . . . (Seepage 204.) Now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. T h e Collec~Hymn (Kondak). 0 Christ-God, who in heaven art borne upon the throne, and on earth upon the foal of an ass, thou didst accept the praises of the Angels, and the hymns of the children that cried unto thee: Blessed art thou who art come to recall Adam from t h e dead ! TAc Epistle. Phil. iv. 4-9. T h Gospel. John xii. 1-18. I n pfacc of: Meet is it : The Ninth T h e - S o n g of tkc Canon. Thc Commzmion Hymn. Blessed is he that cometh in the Name of t h e Lord. God is the Lord, and hath revealed himself unto us.


# t ~ f m e d as , a lesson to us that we shonld serve one another. I n the Catkdrai of t k Falling-ake$ of the Birth-givcr of God (tke Assum lion), in Moscow ;and in the Monastery of the Catacombs, in Kze conclusion of the Divine Liturgy on Holy Thursda i s consecrate tkat Holy Ch&ai, whzkh ir used in ( l l lRussMs churches, i n t d Samament qf C d k m a tion, aflcr Ba#tism :aLro at the Coronation o the E m # i w a d Empress of God commanded &is Russaia, when t h y arc atwinlcd to the+ h i j r o j k t s @OM to m i r t tk kings a u n T Consecration of the rim taketh #tam at fhAltar, a f t i t k Great E ~ ~ ~ Y M c .

iF ~noJi

MATINS. Pn'esi. Blessed is our God always, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages.
7X.m ar w a l (see MATINS) until: God is.the Lord : in #lace of whzkh Alleluia, i n t h Fzyth TOM, is smg.

T k Deacon readlrth the V i s e s (Stikhi).

I. With my soul have I desired thee in the night, 0 God ;before the
dawn : thy judgments are in the earth. Choir. Alleluia. ( Thrice.) 11. The inhabitants of the earth will learn righteousness. I$ 111. Envy shall seize the people who have not been chastised. I$ IV. Thou hast increased evil, 0 Lord, thou hast increased evil t o the high ones of the earth. l$ Hymn When the glorious disciples were illumined by the Washing at the Supper, then was the impious Judas, ailing with covetousness, darkened. And to the unjust judges doth he betray thee, the just Judge. Behold his money beloved, for the sake of which he hanged himself. Flee the insatiate soul which dared such things against the Master. 0 Lord who art good above all men, glory to thee. (Tonc VIII.) Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. When the glorious disciples . . . Now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. When the glorious disciples . .

Then the Deacon exclaimeth :

And that he will vouchsafe us grace to hear the Holy Gospel, let us pra to the Lord. b i r . Lord, have mercy.




Deacon. Wisdom, 0 believers ! Let us listen to the Holy GospeL Priest. Peace be with you all. Choir. And with thy spirit. Pricst. The Lesson from the holy Gospel of Luke. Choir. Glory to thee, 0 Lord ; glory to thee. Demon. Let us attend !
7% Priest ~ readcth t k Goq5el: Luke xx. 1-39

Choir. Glory to thee, 0 Lord ; glory to thee.

T k n Psdm li. L read: Have mercy upon me, 0 God, according to thy great mercy. . . (Seepage 45.) 2% P r a y : 0 Cod, save thy people : is not read but t k Singers immrdMzc&



In Tons K (St. Carmas ofMaPrn.)

The Theme-Songs (Imosf). I. The Red Sea by a stroke is parted in twain, and the depth which feedeth the waves is dried up, the same being trodden by the unarmed, and becoming a grave to those fully armed. And a song well-pleasing unto God is sung: Gloriously hath Christ our God been glorified ! 111. He who is the Lord of all, and God the Creator, the Passionless On%-unitedthe creature with himself, in that he did humble himself; and himself becoming the Passover, did offer himself in anticipation unto those on behalf of whom it was his will to die, crying : Eat ye my body, and ye shall be strengthened in faith. IV. .The Prophet, when tie beheld the ineffable secret of thy Mystery, 0 Christ, cried out in anticipation : Thou, 0 merciful Father, didst appoint the firm love of thy might : for thou didst give thine Only-begotten Son to the world as an Atonement, 0 Good One. V. The Apostles, united in the bond of love, having dedicated themselves unto Christ, who reigneth over all, made beautiful their feet to go and proclaim the glad tidings of peace unto all the world. VI. The nethermost abyss of sins hath compassed me about, and unable to endure the billows thereof, like Jonah I cry aloud unto thee, 0 Master : Lead me forth from corruption. T 'Collect-Hymn (KonciaR), Tone II. The Traitor, having taken bread in his hand, privily stretcheth forth the same, and taketh a price for him who with his hands had made man ; and Judas, the slave and the deceiver, remaineth reprobate. VII. T h e Children in Babylon felt no fear of the furnace's flames ; but when they were cast into the midst of the fire, being besprinkled with dew, they cried aloud in song: Blessed art thou, 0 God of our fathers ! VIII. T h e blessed Youths in Babylon, braving danger for the laws of their fathers, despised 'the mad behest of the potentate ; and when they were encompassed by the fire in which they were not consumed,



they sang a worthy song unto the Almighty : 0 all ye works of the Lord, bless ye the Lord, and magnify him unto all the ages. Let us praise, bless and worship the Lord, hymning and magnifying him unto all the ages. IX. Come, 0 ye faithful, let us enjoy the hospitality and the banquet immortal of the Lord, in the upper chamber, with minds uplifted, in that we have learned the Word from the Word who hath gone up on high : Whom also we do magnify.
Thcn the Choir: Exa#oshhldrwn.

I behold thy richly adorned dwelling-place, 0 my Saviour, and I have no festal raiment, that I may enter in. Illumine thou the raiment of my soul, 0 Light-giver, and save me. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. I behold . . . Now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. I behold . . .
Thcn the Re& r e a I t h & three customary Psalms: 0 praise the Lord o f heaven (Psaltn cxlviii.) ; 0 sing unto the Lord a new song (Psalm cxlir.); 0 praise Cod in his holiness (Psalm 62.).

Glory to thee who hast shown us the light. Glory be to God on high, and on earth peace, good will toward men : We praise thee : and the rest, as usual, to the en4 as shown in the 0 f i ~ for mah'ns,when celebrated separate&. THE FIRST HOUR.
TXt Order for the Firsl ~ o i is r as usual (see FIRSTHOUR, #age 38), wilrk l h Hymn for srhe Day (Trojdr).

When the glorious disciples . . . (Seepage 208.) And then : What shall we call thee, . . . (See page 39.)

0 Lord, who wast buffeted in the face for the sake of the human race, and yet waxed not wroth, deliver thou our life from corruption, and save us. (Twice.) Pn'cst. Let us attend. Rcader. The Gradual ( ~ r o k i h e n ) ; in the First Tone. Let the heathen understand that thy Name is the Lord. The Choir regeateth. Verse (Stikh) : Who is like unto thee, 0 God. Priest. Wisdom ! Reader. The Parable (Parmiyrf) from the Prophecy of Jeremiah. Priest. Let us attend.
TZe R c d r then rcadeth the Parable: Jer. xi. 18--23, xii. 1-5, 9-1I (~ekctefi


Pnest. Let us attend. Wisdom !


21 I

Reader. T h e Gradual (Prokimen), in the Eighth Tone. Pray and return thanks unto the Lord our God. Verse: We have seen God in Judah ; great is his Name in Israel. Render. Order my steps in thy word, and so shall no wickedness . . . (See FIRST HOUR, page 40.) The BENEDICTION. May the Lord who, for the sake of our salvation, cometh to his voluntary Passion, Christ, our true God ; through the prayers . . (See page 122.)


T A c L i t n r - , which is always that of St. Basil the Great, begihneth with

Vespers. Vesjers is celebrated as usual, with thefollawingexccptions :

The Verses (Stikhin') for: Lord, I have cried : I n Tone I. Bring my soul out of prison, that I may give thanks unto thy Name. The whole multitude of the Jews assembleth together, and delivereth over unto Pilate the Maker and Creator of all men. 0 iniquitous! 0 faithless! They prepare for judgment him who shall come to judge both the quick and the dead ; him who healeth passions they prepare for his Passion. 0 Lord long-suffering, great is thy mercy: glory to thee. Out of the depths have I cried unto thee, 0 Lord: 0 Lord, hear my voice. Judas the impious, when he had dipped his hand in the salt with thee, 0 Lord, stretched forth to the impious his hand to receive the pieces of silver ; and having meditated upon the price of the ointment, was not afraid to betray thee, the Priceless O n e : For he stretched forth his foot to be washed, he deceitfully kissed the Master, that he might betray him to the impious ones ; h e was cast out from the company of the Apostles, and flung down the thirty pieces of silver, and beheld not thy rising on the third day: Through which show thou mercy upon us. If thou, Lord, wilt be extreme to mark what is done amiss, 0 Lord, who may abide it ? Judas the traitor, being deceitful, with a deceitful kiss did betray the Saviour, and Lord and Master of all men, in that he sold him like a slave to the Jews; like a sheep to the slaughter even so went the Lamb of God, the Son of the Father, the only All-Merciful One. My soul doth wait upon the Lord, before the morning watch, I say, before t h e morning watch. Judas showed hiniself a slave and deceiver, a tlisciple and a calumniator, a friend and a devil in his deeds ; for having followed the Teacher and learned the doctrine from him, he said within himself: I will betray him, and acquire the possessions which he hath accumulated; for he sought t o sell the ointment, and to take Jesus by guile. H e gave a kiss,



he betrayed Christ. And like a sheep to the slaughter, even so went the Lamb of God, the only Compassionate One who loveth mankind. 0 praise the Lord, all ye heathen : praise him, all ye nations. T h e Lamb which was prophesied by Isaiah cometh to his voluntary slaughter, and giveth his back to the smiters and his cheeks to them that plucked off the hair, and his face hath he not turned away from the ignominy of the spitting, and h e is condemned to a shameful death. T h e Sinless One of his own will accepteth all things, and unto all men giveth he resurrection from the dead. Glory . . . now, and ever, . . . Tone VL Judas was, of a truth, the descendant of the vipers who ate manna in the wilderness, and murmured against Him who fed them : for while the food was still in their mouths, the ingrates spake evil against God. And this godless man, while he bare in his mouth the heavenly bread, committed treachery against the Saviour. 0 nature insatiable, and audacity inhuman ! H e selleth the One who feedeth him, and betrayeth unto death the Master who loveth him. Of a truth is he the son of the impious, and with them hath he inherited perdition. But spare thou our souls, 0 Lord, from such inhumanity, 0 thou who alone art of ineffable long-suffering.
TAc Entrance is then madc with the Gospels.

Deacon. Wisdom, 0 believers ! Ckoir. 0 gladsome radiance . . . (Seepage 8 . ) Deacon. Let us attend. Priest. Peace be with you all. Deacon. Wisdom ! Let us attend. Reader. T h e Gradual (Prokfmen),in the First Tone. Deliver m e from the deceitful and wicked man, 0 Lord. Vene (Siikk) : Who hath imagined evil in his heart all the day long. Deacon. Wisdom l Reader. T h e Parable (Paremrjd) from Exodus. Deacon. Let us attend.
The R e d r then r e d t h the Parable (Paremiyd): Exodus xix.

Reader. T h e Gradual (Prokfmen),in the Seventh Tone. Remove me from mine enemies, 0 God, and deliver me from them that rise up against me. V m e (Stikh): Deliver me from them that work wickedness. Deacon. Wisdom ! Reader. T h e Parable ( P a r m r j d )from Job. Deacon. Let us attend.
The Rea& then rerrdeth tire Parabb: Job xxxviii.



Deacou. Wisdom !



Re& The Parable (Paremiyd) from the Prophecy of Isaiah. Deacon. Let us attend.
The Re& t k n r c a a 2 t ~ :Isaiah 1.4-1 1 . Then fhc Lifflc Litany, with the Exclamation :

For holy art thou, 0 our God, and unto thee do we ascribe glory, to t h e Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. k rest, as usual. Choir, Amen. 0 Holy God; Holy Mighty : and i (See page 86.) Reader. The Gradual (Prokimen), in the Seventh Tone. The princes of the people are assembled together against the Lord, and against his Anointed. Verse (Stihi) : Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? Reader. The Lesson from the First Epistle of St. Paul to the Corinthians.
And the Reodcr reodctk the E p i s f k : I Cor. x i . 23-32.

Deacon. The Lesson from the holy Gospel of Matthew.

And tkc Deacon reodctk thc Goq5cl: Matt. xxvi. 1-20; John xiii. 3-17; M a t t . xxvi. 21-39 ; Luke xxii. 43-45 ; Matt. xxvi. 40, u v i i . 1-2.

In place of the Chernbimu Hymn, the Choir singeth, in irom VI. :

Of thy Mystical Supper, 0 Son of God, accept me to-day as a communicant ; for I will not speak of thy Mystery to thine enemies, neither like Judas will I give thee a kiss; but like the thief will I confess thee : Remember me, 0 Lord, in thy kingdom.
A n d in p&ce of: Meet is it :

Come, 0 ye faithful, let us enjoy the hospitality and the banquet immortal of the Lord, in the upper chamber, with minds uplifted, in that we have learned the Word from the Word who hath gone up on high : Whom we do magnify.
And in #(ace of tkc Communion Hymn

Of thy Mystical Supper,

Of thy Mystical Supper,

. . . (See above.)

Also, in place of: Let our mouths be filled :


Priest. May he who, because of his surpassing graciousness, showed unto u s the most excellent way of humility, when he washed the disciples' feet, and condescended even unto the Cross, and burial, Christ our true God : and the rest, as usual. (See page I 22.)


On Great Friduy we commemorate the rehemin s u f m n g s of our Lord J e w Christ, who for OYY sakes voluntari& enduredfeing spat upon, beaten, bupted in tke face, jeered at, #ierced with the nails and the spear, and, in conclusron,&at& upon tke Cross. Wherefore, the Service for Matins is entifled: THE OFFICE OF T H E HOLY A N D REDEEMING SUFFEKINGS O F OUR LORDJESUS and its characteristicfeature consisteth in tke reading of the Twclvc CHRIST; Gospels, which narrate the same. Matins be nneth in the same manner ns otr Thursday. While : Alleluia, and: When glorious disciples . . . (see GREAT THURSDAY) are beingsung, tlt Clergy come mth front the Sanctuaty wifh the book of t b Gospels to tkt centre of the ernple,place the book on the lectern, Czght tapers ( a do the Peo$lt also), andcense the Temple and tkose present. Then the little Litany : Again, yet again, . . . with the Exclamation : For thine are the kingdom and the power . . .


That he will graciously vouchsafe unto us : a n d t h e rest. ( S e e p a g e 30.) Glory to thy Passion, 0 Lord. (Before eack Gospel.) Then the Gospels. ( I ) John xiii. 31-xviii. I. (2) John xviii. 1-28. (3) Matt. xxvi. 57-75. (4) John xviii. 28-xix. 16. (5) Matt. xxvii. 3-32. (6) Mark xv. 16-32. (7) Matt. x w i i . 33-54. (8) Luke xxiii. 32-49. (9) John xix. 25-37. (10) Mark xv. 43-47. (I I) John xix. 38-42. (I a) Matt xxvii. 62-66. Glory to thy long-suffering, 0 Lord. (After eack Gospel.)
A f W thefirst Gospel, the Antz$hon, in Tone VII/.

T h e Princes of the people are assembled against t h e Lord, and against his Christ. Thou hast laid upon me the word of transgression, 0 Lord : Lord, forsake me not. Let us offer unto Christ our pure affections, and as his friends let us sacrifice our souls for his sake ; and let us not be oppressed, like unto Judas, with t h e cares of life, but in our closets let us cry aloud : Our Father, who art in heaven, from the Evil One deliver thou us.
After the second Gospel, the Ant@hon, in Tone K T o d a y doth Judas abandon the Master, and accept the devil : he is blinded by the passion of cupidity; being darkened, he falleth away from the light. For how can h e see who, for thirty pieces of silver, hath sold the L i g h t ? But he who hath suffered for :he world hath shone upon us. Unto him let us cry aloud : 0 Lord, who hast suffered, and who hast compassion upon men, glory t o thee. After the fkird Gospel, the Antr$korr, in Tone VZTZ. Unto those who unlawfully did seize thee, having suffered much, thus didst thou cry, 0 Lord : If ye smite the Shepherd, and scatter



abroad the twelve sheep, my disciples, I might present more than twelve legions of Angels. But I will forbear, that the obscure and secret things, which I have revealed unto you through my prophets, may be fulfilled. Glory, 0 Lord, to thee.
After thefourth Gospel, the Antz;bhon, i n Tone W. H e who decketh himself with light as it were with a garment, stood naked at the judgment seat, and received buffetings upon the cheek from the hands of those whom he had created. The iniquitous people, also, did nail to the Cross the Lord of glory. Then was the veil of the Temple rent in twain, and the sun was darkened, for it could not endure to behold God dronted, before whom all things do quake. Unto him let us bow down. After thefifth Gospel, the Ant$hon, in Tone V . . . T h e assembly of the Jews besought Pilate to crucify thee, 0 Lord. For though they found no fault in thee, they liberated the guilty Barabbas, and condemned thee, the Just One, and became guilty of the sin of foul murder. But grant, 0 Lord, their reward unto those who vainly wrought evil against thee.

But bcsirlcs the above Antl;bhons, between the reading of tAc second, third,fourth, j f t h and sixth Goeels, are sungthree more Anf+hmu. The Little Litany and a Sitting-Hymn (Syeddlen)are saidand sung; and the customary casing of the Temple is$erformed. Aftc~the sixth Go el, the B e a f i t ~ ~ wifh ~ s , their Hymns ( T e a + arc chanted, and the Cradwa (Proktmen):

They parted my garments among them, and upon my vesture did they cast lots. .
After the seventh GoJpcZ, Psalm

;r read.

CANON, in Tone VZ. Aflcr the eaghtrk Gos#el, is sung the THREE-SONG Theme-Song K ( i m h s ) . My soul awaketh early unto thee, 0 God, who through tenderness of heart didst exhaust thyself for the fallen, yet without change of Essence; and being thyself without passion, didst condescend unto thy Passion. Grant peace unto me who have fallen, 0 thou who lovest mankind. (Twice.) Refrain. Glory to thee, 0 our God ; glory to thee.
A n d its two H mas, each six- times, w'rk Me R e ailr :Glory . . . now, and ever, . . ;the ~Lmc-~on ;the Little L i h n y ; t e Collect-Hymn (KondAi)(seepage t I 7); and the ~ k o s .


Theme-Song VIIL ( I m h s ) . The divine Children put to shame the monument of blasphemous wrath. And the unlawful Council, raging against Christ, took counsel in vain, when they sought to slay him who hddeth life in the hollow of his hand; whom, also, let all creation bless, magnifying him unto all the ages. &


And itsfour Hymns, witk the Refain.

T h e - S o n g IX. (imds). More honourable than the Cherubim, and beyond compare more glorious than the Seraphim, thou who without defilement barest God the Word, true Birth-giver of God, we magnify thee.
A d its f m r Hymns, with the Repain.

The Exapostikfnon. In one moment thou didst graciously vouchsafe Paradise unto the wise thief, 0 Lord: Illumine thou me, also, by the tree of the Cross, and save me.
After tke ninth Gos e l : Let everything that hath breath praise tht? Lord: with its Stangas (StG hi). As :

Two treacherous things hath my first-born son, Israel, done: He hath abandoned my fountain of living water, and hath digged for himself a well of contrition ; he hath crucified me on the Cross, and hath asked for himself and hath released Barabbas. Heaven was affrighted thereat, and the sun hid its rays, but thou, 0 Israel, hast not been ashamed, but hast delivered me over unto death. Forgive them, Father ; they know not what they have done.
A f t w fkc tenth Gos e l : Glory be to God on high, . . (sea $age 3q) is read; tken tke Litany : t us complete our morning prayer . . . A f l n t h e l m n t h Gosjel, tke CANTICLES OF T H E PSALMS. AS :


All creation was confoundkd with terror when it beheld thee suspended on the Cross, 0 Christ. T h e sun was darkened, and the foundations of the earth were shaken : all things suffered in sympathy with him who had created all things. 0 Lord, who of thine own good will didst suffer for us, glory to thee. T h t h s j n a l censing. I t is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord, . . . 0 Holy God, Holy Mighty, . . . Our Father, . . . The Hymn (Tropdr), in Tone I K Thou hast ransomed us from the curse of the law by thy precious blood ; when thou wast nailed to the . Cross and pierced with a spear, thou didst pour forth im'mortality for men, 0 our Saviour : glory to thee. Th Augmented Litatty, a n d the Benediction. May he who, for the sake of us men, and for our salvation, deigned to endure terrible sufferings, and the life-giving Cross, and voluntary burial, Christ, our true God : and the rest, a usual. (See page 122.)
7% First Hour is not joined to Matins, but is read se#arateCy, t o g c t k m'fk fkc mid, Sixth and Ninth Hours.
Aftcr tke t w e ~ t k Go@el, t h ending of Matins.

THEIMPERIAL HOURS. (Com$osed by Cyn'l of Alrxandrirr.) FIRST HOUR. Psalms v., ii., xxii.



Hymtr ( Trbpdr). When thou wast crucified, 0 Christ, the tormentor was overcome, the power of the enemy was shattered; for neither Angel nor man, but the Lord himself hath saved us : Glory to thee. The Parable (ParemQd). Zech. xix. 1-13. 2 kc Epistle. Gal. v i 14-1 8. Tkr Gospel. Matt. xxvii 1-56. The Cofhct-Hywn (KotrrMK),in Tone V ' Come, all ye, let us sing him who was crucified for us. For him did Mary behold on the Tree, and say: Even though thou sufferest crucifixion, yet art thou my Son and my God. THIRD HOUR Psalms xxxv., cix., li. The Hymn, in Tone VL The Jews who had passed through the Red Sea by the rod, condemned to death and crucified on the Cross thee, 0 Lord, the life of all men; and they who had sucked honey from the rock brought gall unto thee ; but of thine own good will didst thou suffer, and free us from the works of the enemy. 0 Christ, glory to thee. T k Parable (Paremiyd). Isaiah 1. 4-1 I. The Epistle. Rom. v. 6-10. Thc Gospel. Mark xv. 1-41. The Collect-Hymn. Come, all ye, . . . (See First Hour, above.) SIXTH HOUR. Psalms liv., cxl., xci. The H y m , in Tone II. Thou hast effected salvation on earth, 0 Christ our God, thou hast stretched out thy most pure hands on the Cross, collecting - together all the Gentiles, who cried : Glory to thee, 0 Lord. The Parable (Paremiyd). Isaiah l i i I 3-1 5, liii. 1-1 2, liv. I. The Epistle. Heb. ii. I 1-18. 2x8 G O S ~ C C . Luke xxiii. 32-49. Thc Collect-Hymn (KondR). Come, all ye, . . . (See above.) NINTHHOUR Psalms lxix., lxx., Ixxxvi. The Hymn (Tropdr). When the thief beheld the Author of Life hanging upon the Cross, he said : If thou, who art crucified with us, wast not God incarnate, the sun would not have hidden its rays, neither would the earth have quaked with trembling, But do thou, who sfierest all things, remember me in thy kingdom, 0 Lord. The Parable (Parcthiyd). Jer. xii. 18-23, xii. 1-15. The Epistle. H eb. x. I 9-3 I. The Gospel. John xviii. 28-, xix. 1-37. The Collect-Hymn. (See above.) The Typical Psalms are as usual.

In or& that fhe fast which the Holy Church imposeth uupm the faithfir( in kcr great afliction at the removal of kcr Bri&gt-oonr may not be broken, the is not celebrated on Great Friday. Tke sacrrjSce, on that day, is ofired ~ i % ~ o t h a .(Only in case fhe Feast ofthe Annunc&atwn falleth on that aby ihe Liturgy of St. John Chrysostonr i r celebrated.)



VESPERS. Especially a ecting is Ye@ars, which is celebrated on Great Friahy a t fmr o'clock, w en the winding-sheet (Plashtschanttza) is brought into the cenh.e o/ the Tem#le. Be9re the beginning of the servicc the winding-sheet is laid on t h Altar. Tk Senior P m s t vesteth h i m s t y in a i l the eccfesiasticai vestments pertaining to his rank. 7Xe beginnzng of the service is as usual. The Stanzas (Stikhtn] of: Lord, I bave cried :

I. Tone I. All creation was confounded with terror when it beheld thee suspended on the Cross, 0 Christ. The sun was darkened, and the foundations of the earth were shaken : all things suffered in sympathy with him who had created all things. 0 Lord, who of thine own good will didst suffer for us, glory to thee. 11. Tone 1 1 . Today the Virgin undefiled, beholding thee, the Word, uplifted upon the Cross, weeping with the tender love of a mother, was sore wounded in the heart, and moaned grievously from the depths of her soul, wiping her face with her hair. Wherefore also beating her hands, she cried piteously : Woe is me, 0 my Son divine ! Woe is me, 0 Light of the World ! Why hast thou departed from mine eyes, 0 Lamb of God? For which cause also the host of the Bodiless Powers were seized with trembling, and said : 0 Lord Ineffable, glory to thee! Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. 111. Tone Vi. A mystery dread and most glorious to-day is seen to be accomplished : he who is intangible is held fast ; he who loosed Adam from the curse is bound ; he who trieth the heart and reins unlawfully is tried ; he is confined in darkness who confined the abyss ; before Pilate standeth he before whom stand the Powers of Heaven ; the Creator is buffeted in the face by the hand of the creature ; to the Tree is adjudged he who judgeth the living and the dead ; the Destroyer of Hell is confined in the tomb. 0 Benignant Lord, who compassionately endurest all things, and savest all men from the curse, glory to thee. The Entrance with the Go~pels.0 gladsome radiance . . . (Page 8.) The Gradual (Prokimm). They parted my garments among them, and upon my vesture did they cast lots. T k Parables (Paremif). Exodus xxxiii. I 1-23 ; Job xlii I 2-17 ; Isaiah lii 13-15, liii. 1-12, liv. I. The Epistle. I Cor. i. 18, ii. I, 2. The Gospel. Matt. xxvii 1-38 ; Luke xxiii, 39-43 ; Matt. xxvii. 3954 ; John xix 3 1-37 ; Matt. xxvii 55-61. T k Augmented Litany. Let us aU say, . . . ; TAe Litany of Supplication. Let us complete . . . (Setpage 35.) When Joseph, together with Nicodemus, had taken from the Tree thee, who clothest thyself in light'as in a garment, and beheld thee dead, naked and unburied, that compassionate man was seized with weeping, and with lamentation said: Woe is me, 0 sweetest Jesus, whom so




little while ago the sun beheld hanging on the Cross, wrapped in darkness, while the earth did quake and the veil of the Temple was rent in twain ! But lo, now I behold thee, who for my sake, of thine own good will, hast endured death. How shall I bury thee, 0 my God ? Or with what winding-sheet shall I enshroud thee! With what hands shall I touch thy body incorruptible? Or what songs shall I sing at thy forthgoing, 0 Bountiful One? I exalt thy sufferings. In song also will I glorify thy burial, with Resurrection, crying: 0 Lord, glory to thee !

God, Holy Mighty, . , . Our Father, dom, . . . (See page I 3.)

Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, . . . 0 Holy . . . For thine is the kingAnd the C b i r singetk

this time, fhe Senior Pricst, accompanied b y the Deacon wifh a taper, censctk round doat the Altar, f h k .

Noble Joseph, when he had taken thy pure Body horn the Tree, did wrap it in fine linen and spices, and sorrowing did lay it in a new sepulchre. An Angel stood before the Myrrh-bearing Women at the tomb, crying: Spices are meet for the dead, but Christ hath revealed himself as a stranger to corruption.
Wkile these Hymns arc bn% Wng, the C b ~ lzyf y fkc winding-skccf fi-om fhe Altar, arrd$rcccdcd b y assasfontsbearing fa$ers, flrcy make the caizarif of thr Altar, bearing the winding-skeet on t h r he&. And f k q go fo tke centre of the Temple and la if on the kmb there $re arcd. Then folloY,~tk a triple c-kg of fke m'mdng-sheef,andof fie w b l e em$le, a d 9f fkosepresmf. An d r e s s afiroptialc to fkc dby is generally maa2 here. T h n the

May he who for the sake of us men, and for our salvation, deigned to endure terrible sufferings, and the life-giving Cross, and voluntary burial, Christ, our true God : a d the rest, as wwzl. (Seepage 122.) T h efki'fkfirl,following the examfllc of fluPricsf,approach f k g r a v c of the Lmd.
&neeling and &sing it.

On Great Safairaky fk Church commemorafefh fk Bairial of the body of o w L w d Jesus Chnst, and his rirJcmt info Hell. A s a watch was set over t h tomb of fk Saviour, in like manner, d u n n ~ fk whok course of t h M h service fk C I u - hurdly dcparf fiom fkc fornb of :kc windinguhcef ;w W during the Hours and the U u r all fk txils from the samtxaty are performed around fk win&ng-sEt; as,for ezam#Ze, t k LittZc a d G t z z t Enhances. 7 2 be nnin of Matins is as w a l . WhiCe :God is the Lord : is bein a fk #09 d o r is opened,and t k Clergy c o r u f i h fo the rmfre of :kc T k mnding-shcet and the TemjZe arc ccnsed.

The Hymns (Troparf), in Tone 1 1 I. Noble Joseph, when he had taken thy pure Body from the Tree, did wrap it in fine linen and spices, and sorrowing did lay it in a new sepulchre. 11. When thou didst descend into Hell, 0 Life Immortal, then didst thou annihilate Hell with the radiance of thy divinity. And when thou hadst raised up all the dead from the nethermost regions, all the Powers of heaven cried aloud : 0 Life-giver, Christ our God, glory to thee ! 1 1 1 . An Angel stood before the Myrrh-bearing Women at the tomb, crying: Spices are meet for the dead, but Christ hath revealed himself as a stranger to corruption.
n n , dirccf2y in fi-onf ofthe mndin -sheet, fk Seventeenth Sclechbn of Psalms

is r e a m c ie r e n o e by E s dtk r i r d axti bu&d b d . This selectkn o Psalms i r d i v s d info t E e #arts, s@ara&d b y t k Little Litany, and an xclamafion.

Exam#ks of the Eulogies. Tone K Part I.

I. Thou didst lay down thy life in the grave, 0 Christ, and the Angelic Host was affrighted, glorifying thy condescension. 11. 0 Life, how shalt thou die ? How shalt thou dwell in the grave? But thou shalt annihilate the kingdom of Death, and shalt raise up the dead out of Hell. 111. We magnif thee, 0 Jesus the King, and we reverence thy burial and thy su erings, whereby thou hast saved us from corrup tion. ExcZamafwn. (After the Litany.) For blessed is thy Name, and glorified is thy kingdom, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen.

Part 1 1 .

Eulogies. I. Meet is it that we should magnify thee, the Life-giver, who hast stretched out thy hands upon the Cross, and hast shattered the dominion of the enemy.



T h hands have made me, and fashioned me ;give me understanding, that may learn thy commandments. 11. Meet is it that we should magnify thee, the Creator of all men : for by thy sufferings we have immortality, 0 thou who deliverest us from corruption. 111. The earth was affrighted, and the sun hid itself, 0 Saviour, when it beheld thee, the light which knoweth no setting, 0 Christ, entering into the grave in the flesh. IV. Thou didst fall asleep in the grave, 0 Christ, with sleep which is natural to creatures, and from the heavy sleep of sin didst raise up the human race. Enciamation. ( A f e r the Litany.) For holy art thou, 0 our God, who restest on the cherubimic throne of glory, and unto thee do we ascribe glory, together with thy Father who is from everlasting, and thine allholy, good and life-giving Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen. Part I Z I .T o n c1 1 1 . Eulo&es. 1. All nations bring a song to thy burial, 0 my Christ. 0 look thou upon me, and be merciful unto me, as thou usest to do unto those that love thy Name. 11. H e of Arimathea, having taken thee from the Tree, and wrapped thee in a winding-sheet, interreth thee in the tomb. 111. The Myrrh-bearing Women came, most wisely bringing spices unto thee, 0 my Christ. IV. 0come, all creation, let us bring the parting songs to the Creator. ficlamation. For thou art the King of Peace, 0 Christ our God, and unto thee do we ascribe glory, together with thy Father who is 'from everlasting, and thine all-holy, good and life-giving Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen.
Tke Errlagies are followed by the H mns, The company of the Angels SunMatins, page @), Psalm a d


. . . (See


Theme-Smgs (Irmosf). I . The children of those that were saved, hid under the earth Him who of old drowned in the waves of the sea the tormentor pursuing. And let us like the virgins sing unto the Lord, for gloriously hath he glorified himself. 111. When Creation beheld thee, who didst suspend the whole earth immovably upon the waters, hanging upon Calvary, it quaked with great amaze, and cried : There is none holy, save thou, 0 Lord. IV. When Habakkuk by anticipation beheld thy exhaustion divine upon the Cross, he cried in amaze : Thou hast destroyed the dominion of the mighty, 0 Good One, in that hast joined thyself unto the company .of those who were in Hell : for thou art almighty.



V. When Isaiah beheld the light which knoweth no setting of thy divine manifestation, that was graciously made unto us, 0 Christ, his soul longed for thee in the night-season, and he cried: The dead shall rise, and those who lie in the grave shall be awakened, and all the earth-born shall rejoice. VI. Jonah was seized but was not held in the belly of the whale, in that he represented the type of thee, who didst suffer and give thyself over unto burial ; and he came forth from the monster as from a chamber of repose, and spake unto the guards : Ye that regard lying vanities have forsaken your own mercy. T k r Collect-Hymn (Konddk). The Immortal One who imprisoned the deep is beheld dead, and, wrapped with spices and a winding-sheet, is laid in the tomb as he were mortal ; and the women have come to anoint him with spices, weeping bitterly and crying : This is the blessed Saturday whereon Christ, having fallen asleep, shall rise again on the third day. VII. 0 marvel unutterable ! H e who delivered the Holy Children in the fie furnace from the flames, is laid dead, bereft of breath, in the grave, or the salvation of us who sing : 0 God our Redeemer ! Blessed art thou VIII. Fear with trembling, 0 ye heavens, and let the foundations of the earth be shaken ! For lo, he who dwelleth on high is numbered among the dead and is lodged in the narrow grave. Ye Children, bless ; ye Priests, sing praises ; ye People, magnify him unto all the'ages I IX. Lament not for me, 0 Mother, when thou beholdest in the tomb the Son whom, without seed, thou didst conceive in thy womb, for I shall rise again, and glorify myself; and in that I am God, I will raise in glory that hath no ending those who, with faith and love, do magmfy thee. (W h & the Canon L being srrng, the Scnior Pricsf arrayefk himserf in kis full


Holy is the Lord our God. . . . Let everything which hath breath praise the Lord. . . . (Tone 11) Most blessed art thou, 0 Virgin Birth-giver . . . (Seepage 34.) Pn'esi. Glory to thee, who hast shown us the light. Ckoir. Glohy be to God on high, . . Wha fAc G l m a in Exce2.d~hatk bear /tnisAcd, and wkilc the afeck'rrg T k r i ~ ~ . Holy (0 Holy God, Hol Mighty, . . . ) u being swag, a n d a l l f hbcILr a r c m


the Prim; ;dc$rom the winriing-sheet UI book ilr HO+ wifk if, bcncafh fkwinding~hccf, w h k b L u - hd & whuk lictk fhcreon, a :kc Pricsfs, while ;kc Deacons cease, A r erfwmcfh the ~rocession of &anfl . t k evrirding-she; am& f i Ckurch. the -it ha* co f@ cony t h d d n she#* back info fAr Chwrch,and tke#rocesnim h z f k in f"nt . f tkr Hol & o r . H m the ExckamaiMn : Widom ! t nndrj nl the Hymn : ~ o b Jose 6 b, (see )agr 220) ir irmg. Tke w i d n p k c f then laced on the tJ, a d u-on ~e wid#=-sheet is & a the h k # * Hob %*cr.

c ? %





Then f o l h :l % Parrrbks (Pareweif), Ezek. xxxvii. 1-14; the Epistle, 1 COT. v. 6-8 ; fke GoSpeZ, Matt. xxvii. 62-66; the Augmcnfed t i f a y , Let us ray, and the Limy of Su##lic&n, Ikt us complete (Seepage 36)

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Th Benrdichon. May he who, for the sake of us men, and for our salvation, endured dire sufferings, and the life-giving Cross, and voluntary burial in the flesh, Christ our true God: and the rest. (See page 122.)
The Choir then singcth the Stanza (SfikAlra), in Tone Y:

0 come, let us bless Joseph ever-memorable, who came by night unto Pilate, and begged the Life of all men: Give me this stranger, who hath not where to lay his head ; give me this stranger, whom a crafty disciple hath betrayed unto death ; give me this stranger, whose Mother, when she beheld him hanging on the Cross, cried with weep ing, and with maternal feeling exclaimed: Woe is me, woe is me, my child ! W o e is me, my Light, and the beloved of my bosom ! that which was foretold in the church by Simeon to-day hath come to pass! A weapon shall pierce thy heart, but into the joy of the Resurrection shall thy lament be changed. We worship thy sufferings, 0 Christ ; we worship thy sufferings, 0 Christ ; we worship thy sufferings, 0 Christ, and thy holy Resurrection.
77rm the First H m r is read.

On Great Saturday, the Third, Sixth and Ninth Hours, as usual; the Hymn; Noble Joseph, . . . (see page 220); the Collect-Hymn ( K o d . 4 ) : The Immortal One who imprisoned the dee . . (See $a e 222.) The f i t u r - of St. B a d the Great is wed, a d is ce~bratrda f l m fies#ers. But as the Y l f i r s n f e r to thefollowing day, i n it tkc joyous songs o f the Resurrection are nnitcd with the songs of Great Sahtrdhy.

C/c#ws be kwfh :Blessed is the kin dom ; tkc Sunday Verses (.PtiRhfrz] o the First X e , to: Lord, 1 have callef; the Hymn to the Bi~fh-gr~vcr ofCd (Bogordditchen):

Let us sing the praises of Mary, Virgin, Door of heaven, Glory of all the world, sprung forth from man, who also bare the Lord; the Song of the Bodiless Powers, and the Enriching of the faithful. For she revealed herself as Heaven and the Temple of the Godhead. She destroyed the bulwarks of enmity, and ushered in peace, and threw open the kingdom. Wherefore, in that we possess this confirmation of our faith, we have a defender, even the Lord who was born of her. Be bold, therefore, be bold, ye people of God,for he, the All-Powerful, shall vanquish your foes. The Entrance is macir with the Gosjcls. Afler: 0 gladsome radiance . . .
($age 8); t h Parables (Paremif), Genesis I. 1-13; Isaiah Ix. 1-16; Exodus xii. 1-11: Jonah i. 1-16, ii. 1-11, iii. 1-10, iv. 1-11; Joshua v. 10-15; Exodus riii. 20-22, xiv., xv. 1-19.


Du7-ing the readin of the concludin vcrses of the sakth Parable (Parcmrjd), the CUrshqeth: ~ a r ~ h a t f b e g k x i 6 c d ~


T k Parabks (Paramif). Zeph. iii. 8-15; I Kings xvii. 8-24; Isaiah h i .lo, 11. x i . 13; 2 Kings iv. 8-37 ; Isaiah lxiii. lxii. 1-5; Genesis wii. 1-18; Isaiah l 11-19 xliv. 1-5; Jer. xxxi. 31-34; Dan. iii. 1-23 (and tk Song of the Holy Children, Apocrypha). During tkc reading of tkc concluding verses o Fz$tecntk Lcsson, tk Choir singetk: Sing ye unto the Lord, and ex t him forever. T k Liitlc tilany ;Exclamation : For hol art thou . . .: I n #lacto ih Thrirrh& :Ye r h o have been ba tired into &st have put on Christ k Cr&, in t h F$th T o m : Let a l l tRe earth worshi thee, and sing thee, yea, let it sing f unto thy Name, k 0 Most # Highest Tke l Romans vi. 3-11. Ifisteati of: Alleluia : Arise, 0 God, judge the earth ; for thou shalt inherit a l l nations : witk its Verscs (Stikht); (Psalm k i i . ) . W h i k tkesc arc being sung,thc CCergy ckangc tho? sombre vestments for light vestments, i n preparation for U e reading of tkc GoJpcl concerning Chmf's Resuwatwrr : Matt. xxviii. 1-20.


I n #lace of tke Ckcmbimic Hymn

Let all mortal flesh hold its peace, and stand with fear and trembling. and meditate nothing earthly within itself: for the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords cometh to be slain, and to give himself to be the food of the faithful. And before him also come the Angelic Hosts with all dominion and power, the many-eyed Cherubim, and the six-winged Seraphim, covering their faces, and crying aloud the song : Alleluia.
T k Communion Hymn.

The Lord is risen, as though he slept, and he who saveth us is risen from the dead.
I n $lacs o f : Meet is it :

Lament not for me, 0 Mother, when thou beholdest in the tomb the Son whom, without seed, thou didst conceive in thy womb : for I shall rise again and glorify myself ; and in that I am God, I will raise in glory that hath no ending those who with faith and love do magnify thee.
AfCcr the L i t u r a it L customary to kave the Blessing of fhc Loaves and the Wins, wkercwitk the faitkftll may s t r e n g t h tAcmselves &fore they listen to the reading of the Acts ofthe A#ostles. of the Acts of t h Afistlcs takcth place. T h Priul I n fke m n i n the r c a d i n ~ beskweth blessing :Through the prayers of our holy fathers, 0 Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy upon ua. Z hfollowcth t h read* of the Acts. It is t k custom to kawe a nu& of rca&s, wko succeed one anotkr, and read /kc Acts usti( t h vny beginning o the Easter Midnagkt Service (Polundtchnitaa), which #rcce&th the Easter Latins. The Easter Midnzght Scruicc ennnlCy be nnctk in such a way that a 2 skaN Bc jnished at midn&ht, as the bginnin oAhe Easter RCfrain is always n a a 2 to rmirciric vi* the midnight stroke o f i k bells. T ~ or& I tk ~ a k h SOt vice is osfolloweth : Pnkst. Blessed is our God . . Rerrdcr. 0 Holy God, Holy Mighty, .: Our Father, 0 come, let us worship . .; tk Canon of Great Saturdoy : The children of those . (Sscpage 221.)


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Whik :Lament not for me, 0 Mother, . (fkeNinfh 2bm-Song)ir bein sun the P n k t m n N y b~arefk fhc wildin skeet om the cenfre o f ikr the Sanctury, a d &yet* it on tkr h z r . the a h r s are chsrd. fke Lircrn :Have mercy upon us, 0 God, . ; 0 Holy God, Holy Mi hty, Our tather, .; the Hynr (Trojdr) in T o n e 11..When Urm d i k t descend i n t o Hell, . . (see#agd 2zo)fw Sumlay ;fht i f f & B~~lddictiOn.

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Easter, the Feast of Feasts, is cclebratcd by the Church wifh S p e d solmuity. Tkc Trmple is j l k d with t h fragance o imcusc and myriadr of 2' kfs; the C l n are awayed in their ckoicest I&-had vestments. All the y 4 t 2 hold l i g g d ta#ns in their hat&. AN UIse thin s &note fheflod of&y d gnvr v h f i roceea~ om * r ~esuwection hvhur. At mi&@t HoZy z r is e s d ; and it remkneth @en for tkc mhob tf Eastn week. The Rector, wit the cmser and the t@k candlrstitk arrdnoss, censeth the Altar; then, accom#anicd by hisfellow-clergy, wko bccv fhe book o/ tkc Holy Gospels and the koZy images, and the Deacons wko ccruc, and fircelllrd by a procession of tkc cross with the church banners and I@&, k @ k foriA from tkc church, all singzkg with him the chunt of jo The Angeb I. heaven, 0 Christ our Saviour, sing thy Resumetion. T h i s c d i t is fakm and continued by the Choir and the Pea* thus : And do thou enable us on earth to glorify thee with a pure heart. They hrirmphantZy make tkc circuit of the church, the bells pealing the wkik and then all enter the porch, the doors leading therefrom into the THIt remaining closed. Amass this westarrr door the #rocessw~ rangeth itself d the GospeZs, and &ages ;and the Pn'rst, holding tkc censn in his lal, and tkc triple c d c s t i c k with tkc cross in his left, cmscth the Holy T gs, a d %kc Brethren, andall the Pe l e , ctrrd also the c l d d o o r , in tkcfomr of a CTOSS. A f t n this he beganstk :


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Glory to the Holy, Consubstantial, Lie-giving and Undivided Trinity, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen. Priest. Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down Death by death, and upon those in the tomb bestowing life. (Thrice.)
And tkr Ckoirs sing this th& aho. Then tkc Priest inimuth the Ynsu:

Let God arise, and let his enemies be scattered, and let them also that hate him flee before him.
I :

A d after each Verse fkc CRoirs r e o n d :

Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down Death by death, and upon those in the tomb bestowing life. 2 : Like as the smoke vanish&, so shall they vanish, and like as wax melteth at the fire. & . 3 : So let the ungodly perish at the presence of God, but let tbe righteous rejoice. & 4 : This is the day which the Lord hath made : we will rejoice and be glad in it. IjI Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. & Now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. IjI
Tlirn fhPriest chantctk, in 4 lm&r voicc :

Cbrist is risen f r m the dead, trampling dawn Death by death.



T h n the cbsed &ws art qbened, and ths Prirst enfcr~fh with the ho~onrable cross,fiece&d by the tapers, and by t h Brethren singrgrng :

And upon those in the tomb bestowing life.

And fhrcypon t h Prirsts go to the holy Sancfnary.* T b t h Deacon saifh t h Litany of Peace (#age 26).


For unto thee are due all glory, honour and worship, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
T h n t h principal P e s t begiffnrth the Canon, comg5oscd by St. John of D a m e a s . And at the b e nning of h Canon the Pn'cst ccnsefh the holy picrures, a d t h Choirs, a ~ / Brethren, u accorliing to their rank. A d 2 7 t h Feast of the Annnnciatim chance to faN on Easter Day (in whick case t h F e d is calfid Kinbpaskha), the Hymns f w the Anrw&wn are &d to thosef m Easta: THE CANON. (During each neme-Song the Pn'cst rcnseth.) Canticle I., Tone I.

T a - S o n g ( 1 m d s ) . The Day of Resurrection ! Let us be illumined, 0 ye people! The Passover, the Passover of the Lord ! From death unt6 life, and from earth unto heaven hath Christ our God brought us over, singing a song of victory! Refrain. Christ is risen from the dead ! Hymn (Trojdr). Let us purify our senses and we shall behold Christ, radiant with the light ineffable of the Resurrection, and shall hear him say, in accents clear: Rejoice ! as we sing the song of victory. Refrais. Christ is risen from the dead! Hymn. For meet is it that the heavens should rejoice, and that the earth should be glad, and that the whole world, both visible and invisible, should keep the Feast. For Christ is risen, the everlasting joy ! T h Choirs. The Day of Resurrection ! . Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down Death by death, and upon those in the tomb bestowing life. (Thrice.)

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The Little Litany.

Deacon. Again, yet again, in peace let us pray to the Lord. Chit-. Lord, have mercy. Succour us, save us, have mercy upon us, and keep us, 0 God, by thy grace.
It is customary to make the circait of the church outside, to typif the women who came, v e q early in the mornin bearing spices, to anoint the body of our &rd. The Easter Matins are thus begun outsick the church, in memory of the hf~h-bearing Women and the disciples having b t received tidings of Christ's resurrection ore the entrance to h i s tomb.



Choir. Lord, have mercy. Calling to remembrance our most holy, undefiled, most blessed and glorious Lady, the Birth-giver of God and ever-virgin Mary, with all the Saints, let us commend ourselves, and each other, and all our life unto Christ our God. Choir. To thee, 0 Lord.

P r i e s t . For thine is the majesty, and thine are the kingdom and the power and the glory, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choit: Amen.
CiznCicZe ZZL

Thew-Song ( I d s ) . 0 come, let us quaff a beverage new, not from a barren rock miraculously called forth ; but the Fountain of Immortality springing from the tomb of Christ : on whom also we are founded. Rgrain. Christ is risen from the dead ! Hymn (Troprfr). Now are all things filled with light ; heaven, and earth, and the places under the earth. All Creation doth celebrate the Resurrection of Christ, on whom also it is founded. I) Hymn. Yesterday, 0 Christ, was I buried with thee, and today I rise again with thy rising. Yesterday was I crucified with thee: Do thou thyself glorify me, 0 Saviour, in thy kingdom. I ) T k the Choirs rt$eaf, fh&, the Ziieme-Song: 0 come, let us quaff . . . a d : Christ is risen . . . trampling down Death . . (Thrice).

TAc Li,llc Litany (see#age 227).


P n ' e s t .For thou art our God, and unto thee do we ascribe glory, t o the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Ckoir. Amen.
Zjakdi, TOM111.

When they who with the Marys came, forestalling the dawn, and found the stone rolled away from the sepulchre, they heard from the Angel: Why seek ye among the dead, as he were mortal, him who abideth in everlast~nglight? Behold the grave-clothes. Go quickly, and proclaim to the world that the Lord is risen, and hath slain Death. For he is the Son of God who saveth mankind.
Canticle ZV.

Theme-Song (Imds). May Habakkuk, divinely speaking, now stand with us in watch divine, and show the radiant Angel crymg clearly:



Today is salvation come into the world : For Christ is risen, in that he is almighty. Refrain. Christ is risen from the dead ! Hymn (Twpd3. Christ revealed himself as of the male sex when he opened the Virgin's womb, and as mortal was called the Lamb. Without blemish, also, is our Passover, in that he tasted not corruption ; and as very God perfect was proclaimed I$ Hyms. Christ, the blessed Crown, like unto a yearling Lamb, of his own good will did sacrifice himself for all, a Passover of purification : and from the grave did he, the glorious Sun of Righteousness, shine forth again upon us. & Hymn. David, the ancestor of our God, danced with leaping befoie the symbolical Ark of the Covenant. Let us also, the holy people of God, beholding the fulfilment of the symbol, rejoice in godly wise : For Christ is risen, in that he is almighty. I$
Z h n the Choirs s i n g the T h S o n g : May Habakkuk risen . trampling down Death (Thrtcc.) The Little Litany (see#age 227).



. . . and:

Christ is


Priest. For thou art a gracious God, and lovest mankind, and unto thee do we ascribe glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. C G r . Amen. Cantic& V. Theme-Song(1ds). Right early let us wake, and unto the Lord bring a song instead of myrrh, and we shall behold Christ, the Sun of Righteousness, who lighteth the life of all mankind. Refain. Christ is risen from the dead! Hymn (Tropcfr).When they who were led captive in the bonds of Hell beheld thy loving-kindness infinite, 0 Christ, they hastened to the light with joyful feet, exalting the Passover Everlasting. I$ Hymn. Bearing lights, let us go forth to meet Christ, who cometh forth from the grave like a bridegroom. And with the hierarchy of Angels who love and praise, let us celebrate the ransoming Passover of God. I$ T h the Choir rqkat the Theme-Song: Right early let us wake . . .and: Christ
is risen

. . . trampling down Death . . . (Thrice.)

Tka Little Litany (see#age BxdamatMn.


Priest. For sanctified and glorified be thine honourable and majestic

Name, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. C h i r . Amen.


Canticle Vl.

T h e - S o n g (Imds). Thou didst descend into the nethermost parts of the earth, 0 Christ, and didst shatter the bonds eternal which held the prisoners itl captivity: and after three days thou didst rise again from the grave, like Jonah from the whale. Refrain. Christ is risen from the dead ! Hymn (Trddr). 0 Christ, who didst not break the Virgin's gate by thy birth, thou didst rise again from the dead, having kept intact the seals ; and thou hast opened unto us the gates of Paradise. I$ H y n r r r .0 my Saviour, the sacrifice living and unslain, which, inas much as thou art God could not be slain ! When thou, of thine own will, hadst offered up thyself unto the Father, thou didst raise up with thee also, in that thou thyself didst rise from the grave, Adam, the father of our race. &
T k n t k Chm'rs sing thc Tkme-Song: Thou didst descend risen . . trampling down Death ., (?%rice.) The Little Litany (sec#nge 227).


. . . and:

Christ is

Pricst. For thou art the King of Peace and the Saviour of our souls, and unto thee do we ascribe glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen. Thc Collcct-Hymn (Konaiik). Though thou didst descend into the grave, 0 Deathless One,yet didst thou annihilate the power of Hell, and didst rise again as conqueror, 0 Christ our God, announcing unto the Myrrh-bearing Women : Rejoice ! and giving peace unto thine Apostles, and bestowng Resurrection upon the fallen. T h Zkos. The Myrrh-bearing Women forestalled the dawn, ere the rising of the sun, seeking, as it were day, the Sun which had once set in the tomb, and cryiag one to another : 0 friends ! Come, let us anoint with sweetsmelling spices the life-bringing and buried body of him who raiseth again in the flesh fallen Adam, which lieth in the grave. Let us go, let us seek, like the Wise Men, and let us fall down in worship before him, and bring unto him an offering of myrrh ; not unto him in swaddlingclothes, but in his winding~heet. And let us weep and cry aloud : Arise, 0 Master, who givest Resurrection unto the fallen ! In that we have beheld the Resurrection of Christ, let us bow down e before tlie holy Lord Jesus, the only sinless One. Thy Cross do w adore, 0 .Christ, and thy holy Resurrection we laud and gloyify: for thou art our God, and we know none other beside thee, we call upon thy Name. 0 come, all ye faithful, let us adore Christ's holy Resur-


23 1

rection : for lo, through his Cross is joy come into d the world. Ever blessing the Lord, let us sing his Resurrection : for in that he endured the Cross, he hath destroyed Death by death. Hymn. Jesus having risen from the grave, as he foretold, hath given unto us life eternal, and great mercy. (Thricr.)
Canticle V Z Z .

Theme-Song (Innds). H e who delivered the Holy Children from the fiery furnace, when he was made man did suffer like unto a mortal; and through his Passion he doth clothe the mortal in the dignity of immortality, he, the only God of our fathers, blessed and exceedingly glorified. Rcfrain. Christ is risen from the dead ! Hymn (Twrfr). The godly-wise women followed after thee in haste with sweet-smelling spices. But him whom they sought with tears as dead, they joyfully adored as the living God, and announced unto thy disciples, 0 Christ, the glad tidings of the mystical Passover. & Hymn. We celebrate the death of Death, the annihilation of Hell, the beginning of a life new and everlasting. And in ecstasy we sing praises unto the author thereof, the only God of our fathers, blessed and exceeding glorious. I$ Hymn. For holy, in very truth, and worthy of all solemn triumph, is this redeeming and radiantly effulgent night, the harbinger of the bright-beaming Day of the Resurrection, on which the Light Eternal that hath no bounds shone forth in the flesh from the grave for all mankind.
Z h the Choir n n the ~ ZXemc-3ng :H e who delivered the Holy Cbildren and: Christ is nsen . . . trampling down Death (~ricr.) . T X c Little Litany (scdg5age 227).



Priest. For blessed and all-glorified be the majesty of thy kingdom, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen. Canticlr VZZI. Thme-Song (Inads). This is the chosen and holy Day, like unto no other, the King and Lord of Sabbaths, the Feast of Feasts, and the Triumph of Triumphs: Wherein let us bless Christ forevermore ! Refrain. Christ is risen from the dead ! Hymn (Tropbr). 0 come, on this auspicious day of the Resurrection, let us partake of the fruit from the new vine of divine gladness of the kingdom af Christ, in song magnifying him as God forevermore. 8.



Hymn. Cast thine eyes about thee, 0 Zion, and behold ! For lo ! from the West and from the North, and from the Sea and from the East, as to a light by God illumined, have thy children assembled unto thee, blessing Christ forevermore. Refrain. 0 most Holy Trinity, our God, glory to thee ! Hymn. 0 Father Almighty, the Word and the Spirit, one Essence in Three Persons, exceeding high and most divine ! Into thee have we been baptized, and thee will we bless unto all the ages.
T b n the Tknte-Song: This is the chosen and holy Day, . . and: Christ i s risen . . . trampling down Death . (Thrice.) T& Littlc Litany (see#age 227).



Priest. For blessed be thy Name, and glorified be thy Kingdom, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen
Canticlr I X .

Rrfrain I . My soul doth magnify the Life-giver, who rose again from the grave on the third day. T h e - S o n g (lrmds). Shine, shine, 0 New Jerusalem ! for the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee. Keep high holiday now and be glad, 0 Zion I And rejoice thou, 0 pure Birth-giver of God, in the rising again of him whom thou didst bear! Refrain 2. My soul doth magnify him who, of his own good will, suffered and was buried, and rose again on the third day. Choir. Shine, shine, . . . @ Refrain 3. Christ the New Passover, the living Sacrifice, the Lamb of God, taketh away the sins of the world. Hymn ( Tmpdr). 0 how divine ! 0 how loving-kind ! 0 how most sweet is thy word, 0 Christ ! For thou hast faithfully promised to be with us, even unto the end of the world. Having, therefore, this firm foundation of hopei we faithful do rejoice. (Twice.) m- And f it bc also the Feast of the Annuntidon, then the I'crscs fw tAol
F'at shall be sung with the Versesfor Em&.

RPfrain 4 The Angel cried unto her who is full of grace: Hail, 0 Pure Virgin ! And again, I say : Hail! Thy Son is risen from his three days' sojourn in the grave, and hath raised up the dead : Rejoice, 0 ye people ! Refrein 5. In that thou thyself didst sleep in death, thou hast raised up again the dead of all the ages, roaring royally, like unto the Lion of Judah. Refrnin 6. Mary Magdalen ran to the sepulchre, and when she beheld Christ, she questioned him, as he had been the gardener.



H;vmn (Tr~pcfr). 0 Christ, the Passover great and most holy ! 0 Wisdom, Word and Power of God ! Grant that we may more' perfectly partake of thee in the day which knoweth no night of thy kingdom. Refraitz. The Angel, dazzling the Women, cried : Desist from tears, for Christ is risen. Refrain. Christ is risen, trampling down Death and raising again the dead : Rejoice, 0 ye people ! Rcfrain. To-day doth every creature rejoice and shout for joy. For Christ is risen, and Hell is led in captivity. Refrain. To-day hath the Lord led Hell in captivity, raising up the prisoners which from eternity it had held in bitter bondage. Refrein. My soul doth magnify the majesty of the Godhead, of Three Persons and undivided. Refain. Rejoice, 0 Virgin! Rejoice, 0 Blessed One ! Rejoice, 0 greatly glorified One ! For thy Son is risen from his three days' sojourn in the grave.
ZXrn thc Choirs r cat the /Erst Refrain, and thc Thc~u-Song :Shine, shine, 0 New Jerusalem . . . and: Christ is risen . trampling down Death . . (TArice.) The tittle Litany (seepage 26).


. .


Pricst. For all the Powers of heaven magnify thee, the Father, the

Son, and the Holy Spirit, and ascribe unto thee glory, now, and ever,
and unto ages of ages. Amen. After that thou hadst fallen asleep, as thou wert mortal, 0 King and Lord, thou didst rise again on the third day, and didst 'raise up Adam from corruption, and abolish D&th : 0 Passover of incorruption ! 0 Salvation of the world I ( Thrice.) Let everything that hath breath praise the Lord. 0 praise the Lord of heaven : praise him in the height. To thee, 0 God, is due our song. ( T i I.) Verse (Stikh): Praise him in his noble acts : praise him according to his excellent greatness. W e sing thy redeeming Passion, 0 Christ, and glorify thy Resurrection. Veme : Praise him in the sound of the trumpet : praise him upon the lute and harp. Hymn (Tropdr). 0 thou who didst endure the Cross, and abolish Death, and didst rise again from the dead, give peace to our life, 0 Lord: For thou alone art almighty. Verse: Praise him in the cymbals and dances, praise him upon the strings and lute. H?'zr ( T r o p d r ) . 0 thou who didst despoil Hell, and raise man again



from the dead by thy Resurrection, 0 Christ, grant that with a pure heart we may hymn and glorify thee. V e m : 0 praise him upon the well-tuned cymbals : praise him upon the loud cymbals. Hymn. Lauding thy condescension divine, we sing thy praises, 0 Christ! For thou wast born of a Virgin, yet didst thou remain unseparated from the Father. Thou didst suffer as a man, and of thine own good pleasure didst thou endure the Cross ; and thou didst rise again from the tomb, as thou hadst come forth from a lordly chamber, that thou mightest save the world : 0 Lord, glory to thee !
T X e Easter Canticles (Stikhfn], in The K Verse (Stikh) : Let God arise, and let his enemies be scattered Hymn ( Tropcf~). To-day is the holy Passover revealed unto us : the

Passover new and holy: the Passover mystical, the Passover all-august, Christ, the Passover and the Atonement. The spotless Passover, the great Passover, the Passover of the faithful, the Passover which openeth unto us the gates of Paradise ; the Passover which sanctifieth all the faithful. Verse: Like as the smoke vanisheth, so shalt thou drive them away. Hymn. 0 come from the vision, ye Women, heralds of good tidings, and say ye unto Zion: Receive from us the glad tidings of joy of the Resurrection of Christ. Adorn thyself! Leap for joy and rejoice, 0 Jerusalem, in that thou beholdest Christ the King, like a Bridegroom come forth from the grave. Verse: Let the ungodly perish at the presence of God. But let the righteous rejoice. Hymn. When the Myrrh-bearing Women stood, very early in the morning, befor'e the sepulchre of the Life-giver, they found an Angel sitting upon the stone. And he proclaimed unto them, saying : Why seek ye the living among the dead ? Why mourn ye the Incorruptible amid corruption ? Go, proclaim the glad tidings to his disciples. Verne: This is the day which the Lord hath made : we will rejoice and be glad in it. Hymn. The Passover joyful, the Passover, the Passover of the Lord, the Passover all-majestic hath shone forth upon us ! The Passover ! With joy let us embrace one another ! 0 Passover, release from sorrow! For to-day from the tomb, as from a chamber of repose, hath Christ shone forth, and hath filled the Women with joy, saying: Proclaim the glad tidings to the Apostles. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Hymn. The Day of Resurrection! ~ e us t be illumined with the solemn Feast ! Let us embrace one another. Let us say: Brethren ! And because of the Resurrection let us forgive all things to those who hate us, and in this wise exclaim :



Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down Death by death, and T k r i c c . ) upon those in the tomb bestowing life. (
A n d this is sung many hints, while fhc PC lc exc%ange t k E m t n k k . Thc manrvr o thc Clergy's saluting o m a m t n. wifhirr the hol Sanctnary z i as foZlowcf~* Hc who rometh to kirr fhc ScniDI Prirn saitdl. Christ is risen ! And hc racii,cth thc r ly : He is risen indeed ! Tkcn thc S e n h P r i u f ,takhg fhc ho/y c m s , standct mrisidc, infront o thc Holy Door. And all fhc Prirs(s, prhafmcr ma bc thcir nu&, and thc cacons, cad holding onc o the Holy Things (thc d o k o f fhc H o b GoSpcls, and the holy J5icfurcs ( i k hI according to fhcirsmcral rank), take fAni.j(crccs in Zinc, on thc t-i k f hand of fhc S m w r Pnksf. Thc PC@& then afiroach, onc b y at; and %wing slaghtly fo fhc Pricst, th Kiss thc holy cross, thc Gos els a d fhc ho& jufnrcs which fhc Clngl ho%. T k n tkcy kiss the Pt-i'rst kmscrj;saying: Christ is risen ! A d he rcjlicfh :H e is risen indeed ! And in the samc manncr thcy kiss thc o f k CZn.&v, and onc anothcr.


A n d after fk s a h fafion is jnished, tht Scnior Pticst rcadcth thc Catahutical Address of St. yohn Chtysostom. A d thc Peelc shall mt sit whilc ifis being r d , but shull Zisttn to it sfanding.

If any man be devout and loveth God, let him enjoy this fair and radiant triumphal feast. If any man be a wise servant, let him rejoicing enter into the joy of his Lord. If any have laboured long in fasting, let him now receive his recompense. If any have wrought from the first hour, let him to-day receive his just reward. If any have arrived at the sixth hour, let him have no misgivings ; because he shall in nowise suffer therefor. If any have delayed until the ninth hour, let him draw near, fearing nothing. If any have tarried even until the eleventh hour let him, also, be not alarmed at his tardiness; for the Lord, who is jealous of his honour, will accept the last even as the first ; he giveth rest unto him who cometh at the eleventh hour, even as unto him who hath wrought from the first hour. And he showeth mercy upon the last, and careth for the first; and to the one he giveth, and upon the other he bestoweth gifts. And he both accepteth the deeds, and welcometh the intention, and honoureth the acts and praiseth the offering. Wherefore, enter ye all into the joy of your Lord ; and receive ye your reward, both the first, and likewise the second. Ye rich and poor together, hold ye high festival. Ye sober and ye heedless, honour ye the day. Rejoice today, both ye who have fasted and ye who disregarded the fast. The table is full-laden ; feast ye all sumptuou ly. The calf is ample ; let no one go hungry away. Enjoy ye all the feast of faith : Receive ye all the riches of loving-kindness. Let no one bewail his poverty, for the universal kingdom hath been revealed. Let no one weep for his iniquities, for pardon hath shone forth from the grave. Let no one fear death, for the Saviour's death hath set us free. Inasmuch as he was held captive of it, he hath annihilated it. By descending into Hell, he made Hell captive. H e angered it when it tasted of his flesh. And Isaiah, foretelling this, did cry : Hell, said he, was angered, when it encountered thee in the lower regions. It was angered, for it




was abolished. It was angered, for it was mocked. It was angered, for it was slain. It was angered, for it was fettered in chains. It took a body, and met God face to face. I t took earth, and encountered Heaven. It took that which was visible, and fell upon the invisible. 0 Death, where is thy sting ? 0 Hell, where is thy victory ? Christ is risen, and thou art overthrown. Christ is risen, and the demons are fallen. Christ is risen, and the Angels rejoice. Christ is risen, and life reigneth. Christ is risen, and not one dead remaineth in the grave. For Christ, being risen from the dead, is become the first-fruits of those who have fallen asleep. To him be glory and dominion unto ages o f ages. Amen.
TAcn is sung the Hymn of Sf. John CAlysostonr.


The grace of thy lips, shining forth like a beacon-fire, . . Liturgy, page I 25.)
T . the Deacon saith the A~lgnrartrd Lifany.

. (See ih

Have mercy upon us, 0 God, according to thy great mercy, . . . (Set Matins, page 35) and: Let us complete our morning prayer unto the Lord. . . . (See Matins, page 36.)
A d a f l r the Exclamation, the Deacon saith :

Wisdom ! Choir. Bless ! Priest. Blessed is Christ our God always, OW, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen. Preserve, 0 Lord, our most God-fearing . . . (Seepage 37.)
Then the Pn'est, holding the cross, chanteth :

Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down Death b death. T h ePea*. And upon those in the tomb bestowing lze.
A d strazghtway the Pn'est @onmmceth the BENEDICTION. May Christ who is risen from the dead, trampling down Death by death, and upon those in the tomb bestowing life, our true God, through the prayers of his most pure Mother, and of all the Saints, have mercy upon us and bless us, forasmuch as he is good and loveth mankind.

TAm elcvnting the cross, he sni/A : Christ is risen ! (Thricr.) And the P e l t r& :He is risen indeed ! (ZXnke.) Then the closing Hymn is sung.

Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down Death b death, and upon those in the tomb bestowing life. And unto us hath e given life eternal Wherefore, let us adore his Resurrection on the third day. And tke M M ~ Ym.



week, unlil Saturday, the Hours are read in the following

P k s t . Blessed is our God always, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down Death by death, and upon those in the tomb bestowing life. (Thrice.)
The Chmi. also singetk the Hymn : Christ is risen

. . . (Tkricc.)

I n that we have beheld the Resurrection of Christ, let us bow down before our holy Lord Jesus, the only sinless One. Thy Cross do we adore, 0 Christ,.and thy holy Resurrection we laud and glorify. For thou art our God, and we know none other beside thee, we call upon thy Name. 0 come, all ye faithful, let us adore Christ's holy Resurrection : for lo, through the Cross is j q come into all the world. Ever blessing the Lord, let us sing his Resurrection. For in that he endured the Cross, he hath destroyed Death by death. (Thrice.)

When they who came with the Marys came, for;stalling the dawn, and found the stone rolled away from the sepulchre, they heard from the Angel : Why seek ye among the dead, as he were mortal, him who abideth in everlasting light? Behold tJe graveclothes. Go quickly, and proclaim to the world that the Lord is risen, and hath slain Death. For he is the Son of God who saveth mankind.
Collect-Hymn (Konddk).

Though thou didst descend into the grave, 0 Deathless One, yet didst thou annihilate the power of Hell, and didst rise again as conqueror, 0 Christ our God, announcing unto the Myrrh-bearing Women : Rejoice ! and giving grace unto thine Apostles, and bestowing Resurrection upon the fallen.
And the Hymns (Trqparf).

In the Grave with the body, but in Hell with the soul, in that thou art God; in Paradise with the thief, and on the throne with the Father and the Spirit, wast thou, 0 Christ, filling all things, in that thou art infinite. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As life-bearing, as of a truth than Paradise more fair, and than every royal palace more bright hath been revealed thy tomb, the source of our Resurrection, 0 Christ. Now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Hail, 0 thou hallowed, divine abode of the Most High ! For through thee, 0 Birth-giver of God, was joy given unto those who cry aloud to thee : Blessed art thou among women, 0 Lady all-undefiled !


Lord, have mercy. (Forty times.) Glory . . . now, and ever, . . . More honourable than the Cherubim, and beyond compare more glorious than the Seraphim, thou who without defilement barest G o d the Word, true Birth-giver of God, we magnify thee. In the Name of the Lord bless, Father. Pricst. Verse (Stikh) : Through the prayers of our holy fathers, 0 Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy upon us. Choir. Amen. Christ is risen . . and upon those in the tomb . . . (Thrice.) Glory . . . now, and ever, . . . Lord, have mercy. (Thrice.) Bless.


May Christ who is risen from the dead, trampling down Death by death, and upon those in the tomb bestowing life, our true God, through the prayers of his most pure Mother, and of all the Saints, have mercy upon us, and bless us, f0rasrnuch.a~ he is good and loveth mankind.
And in like manner the W i r d , t k Sixth, and the Ninth Hours arc read; also Comjlinc. Thm the Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom b cekbratcd. After: Blessed is the kingdom . the Priest and Deacon chant (thnke): Christ is risen . . . trampling down Death . . . irAe Choir rty5eateth this thrice. The Priest. T k Verses :Let God arise . . and t k rest. T A c Choir. Christ is risen trampling down Death . . . (Secthebeginningo/ t h Easter Matins.) Meanwhile tk Pricsf, with tk tnj5le candlestick in kis hand, censeth the A l w and t k Temple. In place o f : Bless the Lord, 0 my soul . . . the .Ant+hons are sung in fill.



Ant9hon I., Tone I / .

Verse I : 0 be joyful in the Lord, all ye lands. Refrain. Through the prayers of the Birth-giver of God, 0 Saviour, save us. V m 2 : 0 be joyful in the Lord, all ye lands : sing praises unto his Name ; make his praise to be glorious. I$ Verse 3: Say unto God: How wonderful art thou in thy works: through the greatness of thy power shall thine enemies be found liars unto thee. I$ Verse 4 : For all the world shall worship thee, sing of thee, and praise thy Name. I$ Glory . . . now, and ever, . . . I$
Rntz9hon I.., Totu 11.

Verse I : 0 God, be merciful unto us, and bless us. R e f a i n 0 Son of God, who rose again from the dead on the third day, save us who sing unto thee, Alleluia



V i e 2 : That th way may be known upon earth : thy saving health among all nations. Verse 3 : Let the people praise thee, 0 God : yea, let all the people praise thee. I$ Glory . . . now, and ever, . . . I$

Antzj5hon ZZZ., TOM K

V c r s e I : Let God arise, and let his enemies be scattered : let them \ also that hate him flee before him. Refrain. Christ is risen . . . and upon those in the tomb . . . Verse 2 : Like as smoke vanisheth, so shalt thou drive them away, and like as wax melteth at the fire, so let them perish. I$ V m 3 : Even so let the ungodly perish at the presence of God. But let the righteous rejoice and be glad, yea, let them rejoice before God. @ The Introit. Bless the Lord in his temples, the Lord from the sources of Israel
0 Holy God, Holy M i g h , I n place baptize into Christ have pot on Christ.

. . . is wed:

A8 many as have been

The Gradual (PmRfmm),in the Eighth Tonc. This is the day which the Lord hath made: we will rejoice and be glad in it. Verse: Praise ye the Lord, for he is gracious : for his mercy endureth forever.
Thc Lcssonfrm thc Apostlc :Acts i.
1-1 2.

Alleluia. (Tone I K ) Thou, 0 Lord, art risen, and hast been bountiful to Zion. Verne: The Lord looked down from heaven upon the earth.
TAc Goecl is :John i. 1-19 : w k k h setteth fodh thc diviirify o onr Lord rcsus Christ. And, as our Lord gavc command that his Gos#ef s M be prcached t h r o n g h f thc world, to every creafurc,it is cnstomary,on Easter Day, to read it in as many kngnagcs as $ossiblc; cs#cciofly in Hcbrcw, Grcck and Latin. ihc tongues in w k k h war writkn thc sn$erscripiwn on thc cross. Zn#face of: Meet is it: . . The An el cried: (Src Re ain 4page 232); and the 7lcrc- son^ of thc N i n e cantzkl: Shine, shine, New Jerusalem! . . .; Thc Communwn,Hymn: Receive ye the Body of Christ; taste ye of the Fountain of Life.

A f t u the Excfamotioms : In the fear of God . . . ; 0 God, save thy people . . . : Always, now, and ever, . . ; and in $fact of: Blessed be the Name of the Lord: is sung thc Hymn: Christ is risen . .

In larc o f : Glory to thee, 0 Christ our God, . . is sun :Christ is risen from dead, trampling down Death by death. Choit-. f n d upon those in the tomb bestowing life.


TXr Bmeliiction is the same as at the cnd of Mdikr.



Aftrt. the Prayer before the Tribune,at the end of !he Divine Liturgy, the k r t o s is brmr ht to the Priest i n the Sanctrrary. The Artos, or universal altar-bread. bearetf the ima e o f the cross, and, somefimes, a rq5resentafion o f Chht's Resrrwectabn. the Paschal Lamb, by God's command, corruenorafcd i n t k Old Testament the deliverance of his;Fpeojlefrom bondage to Pharaoh, a d also, the Lamb which takcth away the sins of the world; so,in commemoratwn of the Resurrection in the New Testament of the Lord Jesus Christ, whereby we a,r freedfrom eternal bonaizge to the enemy, the Artoz is ofered, s y n b o b ing the angelic bread, the Bread of Eternal Lz e, which came h w n from haven ; even our Lord Jesus Chnst. During t whole of Easter week t k drtos lieth on the Altar, or on the Zectern, with the ho(yjicfure (ikdna)of tkt Lord's Resurrection. On Saturday, after the Lifurgy, the is brokm rp and distributed.


0 God Omnipotent and Lord Almighty, who by thy servant Moses, at the exodus of Israel from Egypt, and the liberation of thy people from the bitter bondage of Pharaoh, didst command that a Lamb be slain, foreshadowing the Lamb which, because of our deeds, of his own good will, was slain on the cross, and taketh away the sins of the whole world, thy beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ : Do thou now, also, we humbly entreat thee, look upon this bread, and bless and sanctify it. For we thy servants, in honour, and glory, and commemoration of the glorious Resurrection of the same, thy Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom, also, we have received freedom and release from the eternal works of the enemy and the unalterable bonds of Hell, now before thy majesty, on this exceeding bright, and all-glorious, and saving day of Easter, do offer this. Vouchsafe that we who offer it, and those who shall kiss it and shall taste of it, may be partakers of thy heavenly benediction ; and by thy might root out from us all sickness and infirmity, granting health unto all. For thou art the source of blessing, and the bestower of health, and unto thee do we ascribe glory, to the Father who is from everlasting, together with thine Onlybegotten Son, and thine all-holy, and good, and life-giving Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Andimmediately the Priest s#rirrkleth the ~ r f owith s hoty water, saying:

This Altos is blessed and hallowed by the sprinkling of this holy water, in the Name of the Father, and of the Son,.and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. (Thrice.)
Then he cometh forth, and layeth it .on the folding stgnd; and t h Peojle, as t h y receive the Anticidron, kiss the Artos.
AT THE BREAKING OF THE ARTOS on Saturaizy of the Bnght Tke PRAYER Week. Aflcr the Divine Litur when, in front of the stand upon which the A r h l&&, Christ is risen from dead, trampling down Death by death, and upon those in the tomb bestowing life: hnth been sung thrice; and after: Our Father, who art in heaven : hath been r e d , wifh a reverence, the Deacon saith :



24 I

Let us pray to the Lord. T 'Brethren. Lord, have mercy.

T k n t k Priest saith this Prayer ovcr the Artos :

0 Lord Jesus Christ, our God, the Angelic Bread, the Bread of life eternal, who came down from heaven, and hast fed us on these mostbright days with the spiritual food of thy divine benefits, for the sake of thy three days' burial and redeeming Resurrection : Look now also, we humbly entreat thee, upon our prayers and thanksgivings ; and as thou didst bless the five loaves in the wilderness, so now also do thou bless this bread, that all who shall partake of it may be vouchsafed bodily and spiritual blessing, through the grace and bounties of thy love toward mankind. For thou art our sanctification, and unto thee do we ascribe glory, together with thy Father who is from everlasting, and thine all-holy, and good, and life-giving Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. T h Brethren. Amen.
And having broken tk Artus in the usual manner, k &fWC if to all, before their meal. He may also break it dnrin the Litur , after the Prayer e bgore fk Tribune, auldistribufc it to thefaitkid, i n s t r y ~ t h Anfiddron. The PRAYER AT of Easter.

BLESSING OF FLESH-MEAT in the H o b and Great Week

Peest. Blessed is our God always, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down Death by death, and upon those in the tomb bestowing life. (Thn'cc.) Let us pray to the Lord. Lord, have mercy. Look down, 0 Lord Jesus Christ our God, upon these flesh-meats, and sanctify them, as thou didst sanctify the ram which faithful Abraham offered unto thee, and the lamb which Abel brought unto thee as a holocaust ; likewise the fatted calf which thou didst command to be slain for thy son who had gone astray, and had returned again to thee; that even as he was accounted worthy to enjoy thy good things, so may we, also, enjoy these things which are sanctified and blessed by thee, to the nourishment of us all. For thou art our true nourishment, and the Giver of all good things, and unto thee do we ascribe glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
T h PRAYER AT THE BLESSINGO F CHEESEAND EGGS. 0 Master, LO;^ our God, the Creator and Maker of all things : Bless thou this curdled milk, and likewise these eggs ; and preserve us in thy loving-kindness. That as we partake of them, even so, also, we may be filled with thy gifts, which ungrudgingly thou bestowest, and with thine



unspeakable goodness. For thine are the kingdom and the power and the glory, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
The Vespe~ seruice L celebrated in f i l l vesfmcnts. A t the beginning, the Verses (as at thr beginning of Matins), acorn-anird censing. Entrance with the book of the Holy Gospels. The Grand Gradual (Prokimm): What God is so great as our God ; thou art the God which doest wonders. After the Gradual the G o * :John ur. 19-26. After the Litany, t h Eastar Verses: Let God arise, . . . (See Matins, page 2 2 4 )


The Stanza (Stikhim) for: Lord, I have cried : In Tone VI. The Lord hath ascended into heaven, that he may send the Comforter unto the world. The heavens have prepared his throne, the clouds his ascension. The Angels marvel, beholding a man exalted over them. The Father awaiteth him whom, as coeternal, he hath in his bosom; i f t up your gates, and t h e Holy Spirit commandeth all his Angels : L ye Princes ; clap your hands, all ye people, for Christ is ascended up to the place where he was before. (Twice.) Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Tone VI. 0 sweetest Jesus, who, without leaving the bosom of the Father, hast, as a man, dwelt among the earth-born, to-day art thou ascended in glory from the Mount of Olives, and graciously hast borne on high our fallen nature, and hast sat down with the Father. For which cause the Bodiless Powers of heaven, amazed at the marvel, were affrighted with dread, and seized with trembling, they magnified thy love toward mankind. With them also, we earth-born, glorifying thy condescension toward us, and thine Ascension from us, pray, saying : Do thou, who, at thine Ascension, didst fill with joy unutterable thy disciples and the Birth-giver of God who bare thee, vouchsafe unto us, thine elect, joy also, through their prayers, because of thy great mercy. The Gradual (ProRfmm)fmthe Day. The Parables (Paremif). Isaiah i i 2-3, Ixii. 10-1 2, lxiii. 1-3, 7-10 ; Zech. xiv. I , 4, 8-1 I. T h Sfama for the Litzyd, in Tone I. Being ascended up into heaven, whence also thou hadst come down, leave us not comfortless, 0 Lord But let thy Spirit come, bearing peace unto the world, and show the works of thy might upon the sons of men, 0 Lord who lovest mankind. Tlu Hymnfor the Day (Tropdr),in Tone I. Thou art ascended up into glory, 0 Christ our God, having made joyful thy disciples by the promise of thy Holy Spirit, the blessing which was announced unto them. For thou art the Son of God, the Redeemer of the world. The Collect-Hymn (Kmciak). When thou hadst accomplished thy dispensation to usward, and hadst united things earth1 with things heavenly, thou didst ascend into glory, 0 Christ our (rod, yet in no wise departing but abiding uninterruptedly with us, and crying unto t b w who lave tbec : I am with you, and none shall prevail against you.



Tkc ExaCtation ( VelitcMnic). We magnify thee, 0 life-giving Christ, and do homage to thy divine Ascension into heaven in thy holy flesh. Tke Gradual (Prokfmen), in the Fouyfk Tone. God is gone up with a merry noise, and the Lord with the sound of the trump. Verse (Stikh) : 0 clap your hands together, all ye people : cry aloud unto God with the voice of gladness. The Gospel. Mark xvi 9-20.

l 3 e First C a m . In T'V. (St. 'j%hn of Damarms.) T h e - S o n g s (Itmusf . I. Unto God the Saviour, who led his people through the sea with oot unwet, and drowned Pharaoh with all his host, unto him alone will we sing : For he hath glorified himself. 111. By the might of thy Cross, 0 Christ, establish thou my mind, that I may sing and glorify thy redeeming Ascension. IV. I heard the fame of the might of thy Cross, how that through it Paradise was opened ; and I cried : Glory to th might, 0 Lord ! V. In the morning, waking early, we cry alou unto thee, 0 Lord, Save us ! For thou art our God : we know none other beside thee. VI. The abyss compassed me round about, the whale became unto me a tomb: but I cried unto thee who lovest mankind, and thy right hand saved me, 0 Lord. VII. Blessed is the God of our fathers, who saved the Youths which sang in the fiery furnace. VIII. The Son of God, who was born of the Father before the ages, and in these latter days became incarnate of a Virgin-Mother, sing, 0 ye Priests; and ye people, magnify him unto all the ages. In place of; My soul doth magnify the Lord : tkr Rcfrcns : Magnify, 0 my soul, the Life-giver, who hath ascended up from earth into heaven. The Angels, when they beheld the Ascension of the Lord, were amazed with awe to see how that he, with glory, was taken up from earth on high. IX. Thee, who above understanding and speech didst become the Mother of God, and ineffably didst bring forth in time him who knoweth not time, we faithful, with one accord, do magnify. Tkc Benediction. May he who is ascended up in glory from us into heaven, and sitteth at the right hand of God, Christ our true God : a d ikc rest. (Seepage I 22.) At the Liturgy.

Antt$hm I., Tom I / .

Yese I : 0 clap your hands together, all ye people : cry aloud unto God with the voice of gladness.



Refrain. Through the prayers of the Birth-giver of God, 0 Saviour, save us. Verse 2 : For the Lord is high and to be feared : he is the great King upon all the earth. B Verse 3 : He shall subdue the people under us, and the nations under our feet. l$ Verse 4 : God is gone up with a merry noise, and the Lord with the sound of the trump. l$
Rntt2hn IZ., Tone 1 1 .

V e m I : Great is the Lord, and highly to be praised, in the city of our God, even upon his holy hilL Refrain. Save, 0 Son of God who art ascended up in glory, those who sing unto thee : Alleluia. V m 2 : Upon the north side of the hill of Zion fieth the city of the great King. l$ Verse 3 : God is well known in her palaces as a sure refuge. l$ V e m 4 : For lo, the kings of the earth are gathered and gone by together. l$ Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. 0 Only-begotten Son and Word of God ! . . . (Seepage 170.) AntrjMon ZI/., Tom IV. Verse I : 0 hear ye this, all ye people ; ponder it with your ears, all ye that dwell in the world. R e f a i n : The Hymn for the Day (Tropdr). Thou art ascended up into glory, 0 Christ our God, having made joyful thy disciples by the promise of thy Holy Spirit, the blessing which was announced unto them. For thou art the Son of God, the Redeemer of the world. Vnsc 2 : M y mouth shall speak of wisdom, and my heart shall muse of understandtng. I) V i e 3: I will incline mine ear to the parable, and show my dark speech upon the harp. l$ The Introit. God is gone up with a merry noise, and the Lord with the sound of the trump. I) The Gradual (Prokfmen),in the Seventh Tone. Be thou exalted in heaven, 0 God, and thy glory above all the earth. V m (Stikh): My heart is fixed, 0 God, my heart is fixed ; I will sing and give thanks. T h EHtIc. Acts i. 1-1 I . The Gospc(. Luke xxiv. 36-53.
In plncc of: Meet is it : The Ninth ZXemc-Song off& C a m : Thee, who above understanding (Seepage 244.)


The Communwn Hymn. God is gone up with a merry noise, and the Lord with the sound of the trump.

The date of Pentecost is re &fed b y the date of Easter. But that Su&y is called T k Day ofthe XiorTnkily. The Feast o f tke Xo& Sfiinl (in Unl He is separate,yet equal in essence, honolrr and glo witk tkc Father atui tkt San) ir cekbrated a. t h e f i l l m k h y , ~ U ~ a t ad n~ zs , c&d t k Day o f the S rif. i f ir wtona?-y to &cornate c h e s and housa at thir F~nulo i f h frrr b mf trees andjowers, and to stand at t k Divine Litur holding$owcrs. ZXir custom ir foun&d u on tkut o f fhe Old Testannt 811rch(LN. zxiii. 10-0; Num. xxvt'ii. 16) k t trees and$owcrs, Zkc t o k m of tke rencwsl of Natnta ix tkt S ' % , Qfi3 aLro the renewal of mankind througk tkt indwellingof lrtr Ho& Spzril. Th Speml fealurcs in the celcbratiOn of tkir Feast c m i t of ccrtain pctitwns ix the Lifany ;and of Prayers 9.ecited kneeling at VeSpns, whuh, as a rwk, immcdiatclyfolloweth t h Litrrrgy.

A t t h All-Night Vigr'I. The Stanza (Stikhfra)for: Lord, I have cried : I n Tons I. Let us celebrate Pentecost, and the coming of the Spirit, and the appointed day of the promise, and the fulfilment of hope, and the mystery which is as great as it is precious. Wherefore unto thee, 0 Lord, the Maker of all things, do we cry : Glory to thee. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Come, 0 ye people, let us worship the Godhead in three Persons, the Son in the Father with the Holy Spirit. For the Father before time was begat the Son, who is coeternal and is equally enthroned, and the Holy Spirit who was in the Father, and was glorified together with the Son; one Might, one Essence, one Godhead. Adoring the same let us all say: 0 Holy God, who by the Son didst make a l l things through the cooperation of the Holy Spirit: 0 Holy Mighty One, through whom we have known the Father, and through whom the Holy Spirit came into the world : 0 Holy Immortal One, the Spirit of comfort, who proceedest from the Father, and restest in the Son : 0 Holy Trinity, glory to thee. The Gradual (Prokfmen The Parables ( P a r m i f 17, 24-29 ; Jd i i 23-32 ; Ezek m i . 24-28. The Stanza at the Litiyd, in Tone VIIL k e n thou didst send thy Spirit, 0 Lord, while the Apostles sat, then were the Hebrew children affrighted with dread as they gazed; for they heard them speak one to another in strange tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. For though unlearned they were made wise, and bringing the Gentiles unto the faith, proclaimed things divine. Wherefore, we also




do cry unto thee, 0 Lord, who hast revealed thyself upon earth, and hast saved us from guile : Glory to thee. The Hymn for the Day (Trofdr),in Tone VIII. Blessed art thou, 0 Christ our God, who hast revealed fishers most wise, sending down upon them the Holy Spirit, and thereby catching the universe as in a n e t 0 Christ our God, who lovest mankind, glor to thee. T h Collcci-Hymn ( K d k ) . When the Most igh confounded the tongues, he dispersed the nations : but when he distributed the tongues of fire, he called all men unto unity. Wherefore, with one accord, we glorify the All-holy Spirit. T X e Exaltation ( Velitchfnie). We magnify thee, 0 lif e-giving Christ, and do homage to thine all-holy Spirit, whom thou didst send from the Father upon thy disciples divine. T k c Gradual (Prokfmen), in the Fourik Tone. Thy good spirit shall lead me into the land of righteousness. V m (Stikh) : 0 Lord, hear my prayer, give ear to my petition , T b Gospel. John xx. 19-23.

THE CANON. Tone ZK (St. Cosmas o f Maium.)

Theme-Songs (Innosf). I. He who shattereth the enemies with his lofty arm overwhelmed with the sea Pharaoh and his chariots : To him let us sing, for gloriously hath he been glorified. 111. Tarry ye in Jerusalem until ye shall be endued with power from on high, thou didst say unto thy disciples, 0 Christ; for I will send another, like unto myself, even the Comforter, my Spirit and the Father's, in whom ye shall be established. IV. When he foresaw thy comjn in the latter days, 0 Christ, the Prophet exclaimed : I have heard o thy power, 0 Lord, that thou art come to save all thine anointed. V. The Spirit of salvation, through thy fear, 0 Lord, conceived in the womb of the Prophets, and born upon earth maketh pure the hearts of the Apostles, and in that it is righteous, is renewed in the faithful. For thy statutes are light and peace. VI. Sailing on the stormy sea of earthly cares, drowning in the billows of .the sins which compass me round about, and cast forth unto the souldestroying monster, like Jonah I cry unto thee, 0 Christ: Lead thou me forth from the deathdealing abyss. VII. When they were cast into the fiery furnace, the God-fearing Children transmuted the fire into dew, crying aloud, after this manner, in song: Blessed art thou, 0 Lord God of our Fathers. VIII. The bush which could not be consumed, though surrounded by fire, on Sinai revealed God unto Moses, slow of tongue and halting of speech : and the zeal toward God of the Three Children showed the singers untouched of the fire. 0 all ye works of the Lord bless ye l l the ages. the Lord, and magnify him unto a


IX 0 Maiden Birth-giver of God, who in birth-giving suffered not defilement, and didst lend flesh unto the All-creating Word ; Mother Unwedded, Receptacle of Him who cannot be contained, Abode of thy Maker illimitable, we magnify thee. Benediction. May he who sent down the Most Holy Spirit, in the form of fiery tongues, upon his holy disciples and apostles, Christ, our true God : and soforth, as usual. (See page I 2 2 . )
Antz9hn I , Tonc /I.

Verse i : The heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament showeth his handiwork. Refain. Through the prayers of the Birth-giver of God, 0 Saviour, save us. Verse z : Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night showeth knowledge. B Verse 3 : Their voice is gone out into all the earth, and their words unto the end of the world. B
Anfz9hon /I., Tonc Z L

Verne I : The Lord hear thee in the day of trouble : the Name o f the God of Jacob defend thee. Refrain. Save, 0 blessed Comforter, us who sing unto thee, Alleluia. Verse 2 : Send thee help from the sanctuary, and strengthen thee out of Zion. I$ V m e 3 : Grant thee thy heart's desire, and fulfil all thy mind. ljt Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. 0 Only-begotten Son and Word of God ! . . . (See page 170.)

Antiphon 111, Tone VZIZ.

Verse I : The King shall rejoice in thy strength, 0 Lord : exceeding glad shall he be of thy salvation. Refrain : The Hymn for the Day ( Tropdr). Blessed art thou, 0 Christ our God, who hast revealed fishers most wise, sending down upon them thy Holy Spirit, and thereby catching the universe as in a net. Glory to thee, 0 thou who lovest mankind. Verse 2 : Thou hast given him his heart's desire, and hast not denied him the request of his lips. I$ Verse 3 : Thou shalt prevent him with the blessings of goodness, and shalt set a crown of pure gold upon his head. B The Introit. Exalted be thou, 0 Lord, in thy power. We will praise and sing thy mighty acts. I&


4 9

i n lace o

Holy God, Holy Mighty, . . . As many as have been baptized into ( hrist i f ;ave0put on Christ.

T h Gradual ( P d i n r e n ) , in t h Eighth Tow. Their voice is gone l l the earth, and their words to the end of the world. out into a V m : The heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament showeth his handiwork. T h Efistle. Acts i i 1-12. Alleluia (Tone I.) By the word of the Lord were the heavens made, and all the host of them by the word of his mouth. V e m (Str'Rk): The Lord looked down from heaven, and beheld all the children of men. T l t e Gospel. John vii. 37-52, viii 12. In plate of: Meet is it : Thc Ninth T h e - S o n g of ih Second Canon. Hail, 0 Queen, thou glory of motherhood and maidenhood ! For every mouth, however eloquent and sweet of speech, is incapable of worthily singing thy praise; and every mind reeleth when it would fain understand thy birth-giving. For which cause, with one accord, we glorify thee. Tlte Communion Hymn. Thy good Spirit shall guide me into the land of righteousness. Yesfers.
( WhichfoZ(0Yreth immediaieZy after the Liturgy.)

Aftcr t k nrstomary bepnning, and the Prefatory Psalm, the Litany : In peace let us pray to the Lord. Ckir. Lord, have mercy.
And the resf. A f t w tk Petitwn : For those who travel by sea or by land : l$

For the people here present who await the grace of the Holy rS Spirit : $-g For those who have bowed their knees and their hearts before y' the Lord : I$ That he will strengthen us in the performance of those things " , Y which are well pleasing in his sight : l$ r G That he will send down upon us the riches of his grace : l$ s , That he will accept this, the bending of our knees, as incense 2 5 before him : l$ 3 P 2q For those who entreat from him his aid : l$ That he will deliver us from all tribulation, wrath, peril and 9 P. necessity : l$ Succour us, save us, have mercy upon us, and keep us, 0 God, by thy grace. Calling to remembrance our most holy, undefiled, most blessed and glorious Lady, the Birth-giver of God and ever-virgin Mary, with all the Saints, let us commend ourselves, and each other, and all our life unto Christ our God.




Choir. To thee, 0 Lord. Ext&zmation For unto thee are due all glory, honour and worship, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. T ~Stan~a E (Stikhfra) for: Lord, I have cried : In Tom IV: Marvellous things have all the nations beheld this day in the city of David, when the Holy Spirit descended in tongues of fire, as Luke, preaching the word of God, doth relate; for he saith: The disciples of Christ being assembled in one place, there came a sound as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And they all began to speak in strange tongues with strange doctrines, by the strange commands of the Holy Trinity. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now,and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. 0 heavenly King, the Comforter, Spirit of Truth, who art in all places and fillest all things ; Treasury of good things and Giver of life : Come, and take up thine abode in us, and cleanse us from every stain; and save our souls, 0 Good One. me Entrance i r mads with t h censer. 0 gladsome radiance . The Great Gmdual ( P r - o k i ~ ) in , the Seventh T m . Who is so great a God as our God ? Thou art God who doest wonders. Verse (Stikh) I : Thou hast declared thy power unto the nations. Verse 2 : And I said : Now have I made a beginning ; these are the

. .

charges of the right hand of the Most High. V e m 3 : I have remembered the works of the Lord, as I have remembered thy marvels from the beginning.
Then Ih Pnkst exclaimeth (or U c Deacon):

Again, yet again, on bended knees let us pray to the Lord. Choir. Lord, have mercy. (Thrice.)
T h First Prayer.

Priest. 0 Lord most pure, spo~less, who art from everlasting, invisible, ineffable, unsearchable, unchanqng, unsurpassable, immeasurable, longsuffering; who alone bast immortality; who dwellest in light unappmachable ; who hast made heaven and earth and the sea, and all that therein is ; who grantest unto all men their petitions before they ask : We pray thee, and beseech thee, 0 Master who lovest mankind, the Father of our Lord, and God, and Saviour Jesus Christ, who for us men and for our salvation came down from heaven, and was incarnate by the Holy Spirit of Mary the ever-virgin and exceeding-glorious Birth-giver of God ; who first did teach in words and afterwards did manifest himself in deeds, when he had suffered his redeeming Passion ;who hast given unto us, thy humble, and sinful, and unworthy servants, a command that we should offer supplications unto thee with bending of the neck




and of the knees, both for our own iniquities and for the ignorances of the people: Do thou, the same all-merciful God who lovest mankind, hear us in that day when we shall call upon thee, and more especially upon this day of Pentecost, whereon, after that our Lord Jesus Christ had ascended up into heaven, and had sat down at the right hand of thee, who art both his God and his Father, he did send down the Holy Spirit upon his holy disciples and apostles: which also did rest upon each one of them, so that they were all filled with its inexhaustible grace, and did declare thy majesty in divers unknown tongues, and did prophesy. Wherefore we beseech thee to hear us, and to remember us, humble and condemned as we are, and to turn again the captivity of our souls, exercising thy loving-kindness toward us who now offer up our petitions unto thee. Accept us who fall down before thee, and who cry aloud unto thee, We have sinned ! For we have cloven unto thee even from our mother's womb : thou art our God. But because we have passed our days in vanity, we have stripped ourselves of thine aid, we have deprived ourselves of every valid defence. But confidently trusting in thy pity, we call unto thee : Remember not the sins of our youth and our ignorances ; and cleanse thou us from our secret sins ; and forsake us not in the days of our old age, when our strength faileth us. Even until we return again into the earth, abandon us not; vouchsafe us grace to have recourse unto thee; and receive us, because of thy favour and graciousness. Measure our wickedness according to the measure of thy bounties. Set over against the multitude of our transgressions the abyss of thy compassions. Look down from thy holiness on high, 0 Lord, upon thy people now present before thee, who await thy rich mercies. Visit us with thy loving-kindness : deliver us from the assaults of the Devil. Establish our life in thy holy and sacred commandments. Commit thy people unto an Angel, a faithful guardian. Gather us all into thy kingdom. Grant pardon unto those who put their trust in thee. Put away from them and from us all sins. Purify us b the operation of thy Holy Spirit ; bring to naught the machinations o the enemy against us.

And thereto i s a &

the following Prayer:

Blessed art thou, 0 Lord, Master Almighty, who hast illumined the day with the light of the sun, and hast made bright the night with fhe brilliant flashes of the lightning; who hast graciously enabled us to pass through the long day, and to draw near to the beginning of the night. Hear our petitions, and the petitions of all thy people, and grant pardon unto us for all our sins, both voluntary and involuntary. Accept our evening prayers, and send down the multitude of thy mercy and thy bounties upon thine inheritance. Guard us with thy holy Angels. Arm us with the armour of thy righteousness. Encompass us round about with the ramparts of th truth. Guard us by thy might. Deliver us from every assault, and rom every treacherous plot of the adversary. And grant unto us that this present evening and the approaching night,



and all the days of our life, may be perfect, holy, peaceful, slnless, without stumbling, untroubled of dreams ; through the prayers of the holy Birth-giver of God, and of all the Saints, who, in all the ages, have been acceptable in thy sight.
Then the Little Litany. Deacon. Again, yet again, in peace let us pray to the Lord. Choir. Lord, have mercy.

Succour us, save us, have mercy upon us, and keep us, 0 God, by thy grace. Choir. Lord, have mercy. Calling to remembrance our most holy, undefiled, most blessed and glorious Lady, the Birth-giver of God and ever-virgin Mary, with all the Saints, let us commend ourselves, and each other, and all our life unto Christ our God. Choir. To thee, 0 Lord.
Then the Pricst maketh tke Exclamation :


For thine it is to show mercy upon us and to save us, 0 Lord our God, and unto thee do we ascribe glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen.
Then the Priest, or the Deacon, saith thir Litany :


Let us all say, with all our soul and with all our mind let us say: Choir. Lord, have mercy. Deacon. 0 Almighty Lord, the God of our fathers, we beseech thee: hearken, and have mercy. Choir. Lord, have mercy. Have mercy upon us, 0 God, according to thy great mercy we beseech thee : hearken, and have mercy.

.'t ments and nationaNies o f w h k f the Pnrirh ir r o l l s t ~ t ~ ~ t e d l For our Holy Synod ( o r Patriarch) ; for our Bishop (or Archbishop, o r Metropolitan) N. ; for the honourable Presbytery, the 2 Diaconate in Christ ; for all the clergy and the laity : & 3Furthermorewe pray for all their Christ-loving Army and Navy : @

U r nfollqw#etitions for the Ruler o the Land andfor all the Anthon'his S (Emperor,or King, and Krignin o r President. nccorn'ng to the elc 2.

d o u s e ,

Furthermore we pray for the blessed and ever-memorable founders 3 of this holy Tenlple : & Furthermore we pray for mercy, life, peace, health, salvation, visitation, forgiveness and remission of the sins of the servants of Y God, the brethren of this holy Temple (or habitation : if it be a ,
motursiery) :


Furthermore we pray for those who bear fruit and do good works in this holy and all-honourable Temple; for those who labour in its service; for the singers; and for the people here present, who await the great and rich mercies which are from thee: &

2 3.



For thou'art a merciful God, who lovest mankind, and unto thee do we ascribe glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen.
And immediately the Deacon saith :

Again, yet again, on bended knees let us pray to the Lord. C h i r . Lord, have mercy. (Thrice.)
The Second Prayer.

0 Lord Jesus Christ our God, whb hast bestowed upon men thy peace and the gift of- thy Holy Spirit; who, while thou wast yet with us in this present life, didst give unto thy faithful people an inheritance which shall not be taken away from them forever; who this day didst send down thy grace upon thy disciples and apostles, in manner most clear, and didst furnish their lips with fiery tongues; by whom now,. we also, together with all mankind, having received, through the hearing of our own ears divine knowledge in our own tongues, have been illumined with the light of the Spirit, and have put away the delusion of darkness by the distribution of the material and visible tongues of fire, a s also by the marvellous operation of the same, whereby we have been inspired unto faith toward thee, and to glorify thee, together with the Father and the Holy Spirit in one Godhead and might ; and have been enlightened with power: Do thou, who art the Brightness of the Father, of his Essence and his Nature the Express and Immutable Image, the Fountain of Wisdom and of Grace, open the lips of me, a sinner, and teach me in what manner and for what needs I ought to pray; for thou knowest the great multitude of my sins, but thy lovingkindness shall overcome the enormity thereof. For lo ! I stand in awe before thee, and have cast into the great deep of thy mercy the despair of my soul. Govern my life, 0 thou who governest all creation by a word, with the unutterable might of thy wisdom, 0 tranquil Haven of the storm-tossed ; and make known unto me the way in which I should walk Grant unto my understanding the spirit of thy wisdom, bestowing upon my ignorance the spirit of thy understanding. Overshadow my deeds with the spirit of thy fear, and renew a right spirit within me; and by thy sovereign Spirit make stable the instability of my thoughts. That being daily guided by thy good Spirit in that which is profitable for me, I may be enabled to keep thy statutes, and ever bear in mind thy glorious Coming-again, and those things worthy of torment which I have committed. And give me not over to be led astray by the corrupt pleasures of this present world, but strengthen in me the desire t o strive for the treasures to come. For thou hast said, 0 Master: whatsoever a man shall ask in thy Name, that shall he freely receive from thy coeternal God and Father, who is from everlasting. Wherefore I, also, a sinner, at this descent of thy Holy Spirit, do entreat thy



goodness, that thou wilt grant me whatsoever things I have asked which are unto salvation. Yea, 0 Lord, the bounteous Giver of every benefit, and the Distributor of blessings, -for it is thou who givest most bountifully unto those who ask of thee, thou art pitiful and gracious, and also wast made a partaker of our flesh, yet without sin, and dost incline thine ear with infinite loving-kindness unto those who bow the knee before thee; who, also, wast made the Propitiation for our sins. Wherefore, 0 Lord, grant thy bounties unto thy people. Hearken unto us from thy holy heaven. Sanctify us by the saving might of thy right hand. Cover us with the. shelter of thy wings; and despise thou not the work of thy hands. Unto thee alone have we sinned, but thee alone do we serve. We know not to adore a strange god, neither have we stretched out our hands, 0 Lord, unto any other god. Pardon our iniquities, and accept this our prayer, which we make unto thee on bended knees. Extend unto us all the hand of thine aid. Receive the petitions of all men, as it were incense well-pleasing, acceptable before thine all-blessed kingdom.

And therefo is e

d thtfoloou~ng Prayer:

0 Lord, Lord, who deliverest us from all the arrows that fly by day, deliver thou us, also, from all things that infest the darkness. Accept our evening sacrifice, even the lifting-up of our hands. Grant that we may pass through the course of the night without sin, untempted o f evil things ; and deliver us from every alarm and cowardice that cometb to us from the Devil. Grant unto 'our souls contrition,'and unto our minds anxiety concerning that strict searching out of the thoughts which shall come in the dread and just Day of Judgment. Nail our flesh to the fear of thee, and mortify our earthly members : that, in by the vision of thy judgthe quietness of sleep, we may be illumii~ated ments. Remove from us, also, every unseemly imagination and hurtful carnal passion. Raise us up again at the hour of prayer, fortified in the faith, and advancing in thy commandments.
And t k DCOCOII saith :

S U C C OUS, U ~save us, have mercy upon us, and keep us, 0 God, by thy grace. Choir. Lord, have mercy. Calling to remembrance our most holy, undefiled, most blessed and glorious Lady, the Birth-giver of God and everyirgin Mary, with all the Saints, let us commend ourselves, and each other, and all our life unto Christ our God. Choir. To thee, 0 Lord.
And t k PricJf nakcfh f b E x c l a d :

Through the loving-kindness and goodness of thine Only-begotten


25 5

Son, with whom thou art blessed, together with thine all-holy, and
good, and life-giving Spirit, now, and ever, knd unto ages of ages.

Choir. Amen. Then: Vouchsafe, 0 Lord, to keep us this night without sin. (Page 10.)
Then the Deacon saifh :


et again, on bended knees let us pray to the Lord. Again, Choir. t ord, have mercy. ( Thrice.)
And the Pricst reaa2fh the Third Prayer.

0 Fountain, ever-flowing, living, illumining ; Power creative, coeternal with the Father, 0 Christ our God, who bast most excellently fulfilled all the plan for the salvation of mankind ; who didst shatter the bonds indestructible of Death, and the bolts of Hell, and didst trample under foot a host of evil spirits ; who didst offer thyself a blameless victim for us, giving thine all-holy body for a sacrifice inviolate, and unassailed of every sin, and who, through that terrible and ineffable act of sacrifice, didst bestow upon us life eternal ; who didst descend into Hell, and break the everlasting bars, and show a way up unto those who abode in the lower world ; and having enticed, by divinely wise allurements, the origin of mischief and the serpent of the abyss, and bound him with cords of nethermost gloom and fire unquenchable in Tartarus, and in outer darkness, through thine infinite and fettering might, 0 Wisdom greatly glorified of the Father, thou didst manifest thyself as a mighty helper of the abused; and didst enlighten those who sat in darkness and in the shadow of death. 0 Lord of the everlasting glory and Son beloved of the Father most high, Light Eternal of Light Eternal, the Sun of Righteousness : Hear thou us, who now make our fervent s u p plications unto thee, and give rest to the souls of thy servants our fathers and brethren, and our other kinsmen after the flesh, and of all who w e of the household of faith, who have fallen asleep, and whom we now call to remembrance. For thou hast power over all things, and in thy hand thou upholdest all the ends of the earth. 0 Master Almighty, the God of our fathers and Lord of mercy, Creator of the race of mortals and immortals, and of every nature of man ; of that which is brought together and is again put asunder; of life and of death; of sojourn in the world that now is, and of translation to the world which is to come: thou metest out the years of life, and appointest the time of death ; thou bringest down to Hell, and again raisest up ; thou bindest unto impotency and loosest unto power, ordering things present according to their necessity, and appointing things to come as is expedient, quickening with the hope of Resurrection those who were smitten with the sting of death. For thou art, of a truth, the Mastei of all men, 0 God our Saviour, the hope of all the ends of the earth, and of those who are afar off upon the sea ; Who, on this last, and great, and redeeming day of .the Pentecostal feast, didst reveal unto us the




mystery of the Holy Trinity, one in Essence, coeternal, undivided and unmingled ; and didst pour out the inspiration and descent of the holy and life-giving Spirit, in the form of tongues of fire, upon thy holy apostles ; and didst appoint the same to be the heralds of the glad tidings and teachers of the of our holy faith ; and didst make then~.confessors true divine knowledge; who, also, on this all-perfect and saving Feast, art graciously pleased to accept propitiatory prayers for those who are imprisoned in Hell, promising unto us who are held in bondage great hope of release from the vileness that doth hinder us and did hinder them; and that thou wilt send down thy consolation. Hear us, thy humble ones, who make our supplications unto thee, and give rest to the souls of thy servants who have fallen asleep, in a place of light, a place of verdure, a place of refreshment whence all sickness, sorrow and sighing have fled away : And speedily establish thou their souls in the mansions of the Just ; and graciously vouchsafe unto them peace and pardon ; for thedead shall not praise thee, neither shall they who are in Hell make bold to offer unto thee confession. But we who are living will bless thee, and will pray, and offer unto thee propitiatory prayers and sacrifices for their souls.
And thereto is alided the following Prayer:

0 God great and eternal, who art holy and lovest mankind; who hast vouchsafed unto us at this present hour to stand before thine ineffable glory, and to sing and to praise thy wonders : Purify us, thine unworthy servants, and grant us grace that, with a contrite heart, and without presumption, we may offer unto thee the Thrice-Holy hymn o f praise and thanksgiving for thy great gifts, which thou hast bestowed and always dost bestow upon us. Remember, 0 Lord, our weakness, and destroy us not in our iniquity, out show great mercy upon our humility ; that, fleeing from the darkness of sin, we may walk in the daylight of righteousness ; and that, putting on the armour of ligbt, we may remain unassailed by any despiteful attack of the Evil One, and with boldness may glorify in all things thee, theonly true God, who also lovest mankind. For thine, 0 Lord and Creator of all men, is that great and veritable mystery, the dissolution of thy creatures for a season, and thereafter their redintegration and their rest forever. We acknowledge thy grace in all things ; for our coming into this world and our going out of it ; for our hopes of resurrection and of the life immortal faithfully pledged unto us through thine unfailing promises, the which we shall receive hereafter in thy Second Coming. For thou art the Chieftain of our Resurrection, and the Judge impartial and benignant of the dead, and the Master and Lord of recompense, who didst become a partaker, on equal terms, of our flesh and blood, because of thine exceeding great condescension ; and when, of thine own will, that thou mightest-.$ace thyself under temptation, thou didst accept our unavoidable passions, because of thy compassion, apd didst suffer through



25 7

them, being thyself untempted thereby, thou didst become for us who are tempted the helper which thou thyself hadst promised ; and thereby hast thou led us to thy passionlessness. Wherefore, 0 Master, receive thou our prayers and supplications, and give rest unto the fathers, mothers, children, brothers and sisters, blood-relations and kinsfolk of each and all of us, and unto all souls which have fallen asleep before us ; and establish their spirits in the hope of Resurrection unto life eternal; and inscribe their names in the Hook of Life, in the bosom of Abraham, and of Isaac, and of Jacob, and in the land of the living, in the kingdom of heaven, in the Paradise of sweetness; by thy radiant Angels guiding all into thy holy mansions; raising up with thee, also, our bodies, in that day which thou hast appointed by thy holy and faithful promise. Because there is no death, 0 Lord, for thy servants when we depart from the body and come unto thee, our God, but a change from things very sorrowful unto things most benignant and most sweet, and unto repose and gladness. If, therefore, we have in aught transgressed against thee, be merciful unto us and unto them ; because there is no one pure from stain in thy sight, even for a single day of life, save thou alone, who didst manifest thyself sinless . upon earth, 0 our Lord Jesus Christ ; through whom also we all trust to receive mercy and the remission of our sins. Wherefore, in that thou art a gracious God and lovest mankind, do thou, both to them and to us, pardon, remit, forgive our sins; both voluntary and involuntary, which we have committed whether wilfully or through ignorance ; whether those which are manifest or those which have escaped our notice; whether of deed, or of thought, or of word, whatsoever they may be, in all our acts and lives. And unto the departed also grant thou release and pardon ; and bless us who are here present, granting unto us, and to all thy people, a good and peaceful ending, and opening unto us the tenderness of thy mercy and love toward mankind at thy dread and terrible Coming-again; and make us worthy of thy kingdom.
And thereto f i &d the Srventh Evening Prayer. (See Yespers, Prayer G, page'4.) Then the Deacon saW :

Succour us, save us, have mercy'upon us, and keep us, 0 God, by thy grace. Choir. Lord, have mercy. Calling to remembrance our most holy, undefiled, most blessed and glorious Lady, the Birth-giver of God and ever-virgin Mary, with all the Saints, let us commend ourselves, and each other, and all our life unto Christ our God. Choir. To thee, 0 Lord. Priest. For thou art the repose of our souls and bodies, and unto thee do we ascribe glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen.


Deacon. Let us complete our evening prayer unto the Lord. Choir. Lord, have mercy. And the rest, a s usual: (See page
The Prim: :hen saifh, secretly, the c ~ ~ t o m a Prayer. ry


0 Lord our God, who didst bow the heavens and come down (See page I 0.)


For thou art a gracious God, who lovest mankind, and unto thee do we ascribe glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen. Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word. For mine e es have seen thy salvation, which thou hast prepared before the face o a l l nations ; a light to lighten the Gentiles, and the glory of thy people Israel. The Hymn for the Day (Troprfr). Blessed art thou, 0 Christ our God, who hast revealed fishers most wise, sending down upon them thy Aoly Spirit, and thereby catching the universe as in a n,et. Glory to thee, 0 thou who lovest mankind. Then the Prkst#ronounceth the BENEDICTION. May he who emptied himself from the bosom of God and the Father, and descended from heaven upon the earth, and took upon himself all our nature, and rendered it divine ; and after that ascended again into heaven, and sitteth at the right hand of God and the Father; who also sent down upon his holy disciples and apostles the divine and holy Spirit, which is of one Essence, equal in power, and equal in glory with himself, and thereby enlightened them, and through them the whole universe - even Christ our true God ; through the prayers of his most pure and all-undefiled Mother, of the holy, glorious and all-laudable preachers of God and Spirit-bearing apostles, and of all the Saints, have mercy upon us and save us, forasmuch as he is good and loveth mankind.

A t Ves-en, on the Eve.

T h e Stansas (Stikhfri) for: Lord, I have cried : 1 % Tone Il? Refore thy Crucifixion, 0 Christ, the Mount became like unto the heavens, and a cloud was outspread like a canopy, while thou wast transfigured, and while the Father bare witness unto thee. There was Peter, together with James and John, inasmuch as they desired to be with thee at the time of thy betrayal also ; that, having beheld thy marvels, they might not be affrighted at thy sufferings. Make us also worthy to adore the same in peace, for the sake of thy great mercy. Before thy Crucifixion, 0 Lord, having taken thy disciples into a high mountain, thou wast transfigured before them, dazzling them with rays of might ; being desirous to show unto them the radiance of the Resurrection, both because of thy love toward mankind and for the sake of thy power. Make us also worthy of the same, 0 God, inasmuch as thou art merciful and lovest mankind. T h e mountain that of old was gloomy and smoking is nowhonourable and holy, for thereon thy feet have stood, 0 Lord; for the mystery which was hidden from eternity, even thy dread Transfiguration, was made manifest in these last days unto Peter and John and James, who, unable t o endure such splendour of thy countenance and radiance of thy garments, fell with their faces to the earth, and covered themselves : and overcome with dread, they beheld Moses and Elijah talking with thee, touching those things which should happen unto thee. And there came, also, a voice from the Father, bearing witness unto thee, and saying : This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased: hear ye him, who also giveth unto the world great mercy. When the Saviour was transfigured on the high mountain, having with him the chief disciples, he made them most gloriously radiant, showing that inasmuch as they were radiant with the height of virtues, they shall be accounted worthy also of divine glory. Moses and Elijah, who talked with Christ, made manifest that he ruleth both the quick and the dead, and that he is the God who spake of old through the Law and the Prophets. And unto him also did the voice of the Father from the cloud bear witness, saying: Hear ye him, who hath taken Hell captive by his Cross, and giveth life everlasting unto the dead. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. (By Anatolirrs. ) Tone Vl. Thou didst prefigure thy Resurrection, 0 Christ our God, when thou didst take three of thy disciples, Peter and James and John, and didst ascend Mount Tabor. And when thou



wast transfigured, 0 Saviour, Mount Tabor was covered with light, and thy disciples, 0 Word, did throw themselves prone upon the earth, being unable to bear the sight of the form which may not be looked upon. Angels ministered with fear and trembling; the heavens were affrighted, and the earth did quake, when they beheld on earth the Lord of glory. The Gnzdual (Prokfmen)for the Day. The Parab/es (Paremif). Exodus xxiv. I 2-18, xxxiii I 1-23, xxxiv. 4-6, 8 ; I Kings x i x 3-9, 11-13. 15-16. Tire Staitza at the Litiyd, in Tome /I. Thou who didst illumine the whole universe with thy light, wast transfigured on a high mountain, 0 Good One, manifesting unto thy disciples thy power, inasmuch as thou deliverest the world from transgression : For which cause we cry aloud unto thee : 0 merciful Lord, save thou our souls. The Hymn ( Trojdr), in Tone V Z I . Thou wast transfigured upon the Mount, 0 Christ-God, revealing unto thy disciples thy glory in so far as they were able to bear it. Let thy light everlasting illumine us sinners also ; through the prayers of the Birth-giver of God. 0 Lightgiver, glory to thee ! The Collect-Hymn (Kondrfk),in Tone Vll. Upon the Mount wast thou transfigured, and thy disciples, in so far as they were qualified, beheld thy glory, 0 Christ-God ; that when they should see thee crucified they might comprehend that thy suffering was voluntary, and proclaim it unto the world : For thou art, of a truth, the effulgence of the Father. The Exaltation. We magnify thee, 0 life-giving Christ, and we do homage to the exceedingly glorious Transfiguration of thy Body most pure. T h Gradunl (Prokfmen),in the Foudh Tone. Tabor and Herrnon shall rejoice in thy Name. Verse (Stikh): Thine are the heavens, and the earth is thine The Gospel. Luke ix. 28-36.
T H E CANON. The Firsf Canon. Tone ZV. (Sf. Cosmos o f Mainm.)

Theme-Songs (Innosf). I. The hosts of Israel, when they had passed with foot unwet through the watery abyss of the Red Sea, and beheld the warriors and the horsemen of the enemy drowned therein, sang aloud with joy : Let us sing praises unto our God, for gloriously hath he been glorified ! 111. The bow of the mighty is become feeble, and those who had no strength have girded themselves with might. For which cause my heart is become steadfast in the Lord. I V. I have given heed to thy glorious providence, 0 Christ our God, how that thou wast born of a Virgin, to the end that thou mightest deliver from error all those who cry unto thee : Glory to thy might, 0 Lord.



V. 0 thou who didst divide primeval chaos from the light, that thy works might sing thee in the light, 0 Christ their Creator : Guide thou our paths in thy light. VI. I cried unto the Lord in my trouble, and the God of my salvation heard me. VII. The Children of Abraham in Babylon of old trampled upon the flame of the furnace, and raised the song of praise : Blessed be thou, 0 God of our fathers ! VIII. The Children in Babylon, flaming with zeal divine, valiantly trampled under foot the threat of their tormentor, and the flame ; and when they were cast into the midst of the fire, being watered with dew, they cried : 0 all ye works of the Lord bless ye the Lord !
I n place o)--: My soul doth magnify the Lord : TAURcfiazn :

Magnify, 0 my soul, the Lord who was transfigured on Tabor. IX. Thy birth-giving was shown to be without defilement ; God came forth from thy loins, manifested himself as a bearer of the flesh upon earth, and dwelt among men: Wherefore we all do magnify thee, 0 Birth-giver of God. T h Benediction. May he who on Mount Tabor was transfigured in glory in the presence of his holy disciples and apostles, Christ, our true God, through the prayers of his most holy Mother : and the rest, as usual. (See page I 22.)
At the Liturgy. An%z;dhon I., Tone I I . V e m I : 0 be joyful in the Lord all ye lands : sing praises unto the honour of his Name; make his praise to be glorious. Refrain. Through the prayers of the Birth-giver of God, 0 Saviour, save us. Verse 2 : The voice of thy thunder was heard round about, thy lightnings illumined the universe; the earth was moved and shook witKal. @ Vcrse 3 : Thou art clothed with majesty and confession : thou deckest thyself with light as it were a garment. @
An%z2Aon II., Tone I I . m e I : On the north side of Mount Zion lieth the city of the great King. Refmin. 0 Son of God who wast transfigured upon the Mount, save us who sing unto thee, Alleluia Verse 2 : And he brought them unto the mount of his sanctuary, even the mountain which he had purchased with his right hand. @ Verse 3 : The hill of Zion which he loved, and built there like the unicorn his sanctuary. I$



Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. 0 Only-begotten Son and Word of God ! . . . (Seepage 170.) Ant@hon ( / I . , Tone V//. Verse I : They that put their trust in the Lord shall be even as the Mount Zion, which may not be removed forever. Refrain : The Hymn (Trqkfr), in Torte 11. Thou wast transfigured upon th_e Mount, O Christ-God, revealing unto thy disciples thy glory in so far as they were able to bear it. Let thy light everlasting illumine us sinners also ; through the prayers of the Birth-giver o f God. 0 Light-giver, glory to thee ! Verse 2 : The hills stand about it, and the Lord about his people, forevermore. I$ Verse 3 : Lord, who shall dwell in thy tabernacle, or who shall rest upon thy holy hill ? I$ Verse 4 : Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord, or who shall rise up in his holy place ? I$ The Introit. 0 Lord, send forth thy light and thy truth, and they shall instruct me and shall lead me unto thy holy hill. The Gradttaf (Prokirnen), irr the Fotzrth To~te. 0 Lord, how marvellous are thy works : in wisdom hast thou made them all. Verse: Bless the Lord, 0 my soul : 0 Lord my God, thou art greatly exalted. The Epistle. 2 Peter i. 1-19. Alleluia. (Tone VIII.) The heavens are thine, and the earth is thine. Verse: Blessed are the people who understand the shout of joy. The Gospel. Matt. xvii 19. I n phce of: Meet is it : The Ninth Theme-Song o f the Canon. Thy birth-giving was shown to be without defilement ; . . . (Seepage 261.) The Communion Hymtr (Pritchiskn). 0 Lord, in the light of thy countenance will we walk, and in thy Name will we rejoice forevermore. Aflcr the L i f u r - on this day it is customary to bless the fruifs.
The Prayer at the Partaking of Grapes, on A u p s t 6th.

Let us pray to the Lord. Lord, have mercy. Bless, 0 Lord, this new fruit of the vine, which thou hast graciously been pleased to permit to come to maturity, through salubrious seasons, and drops of rain, and peaceful times : and let it be unto joy for those of us who shall partake of this offspring of the vine ; and may we offer it as a gift to thee unto the purification of our sins, through the sacred and holy Body of thy Christ : with whom thou art blessed, together with thine all-holy, and good, and life-giving Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. . Amen.



ZZis Prayer is said over grapes which are brou k t into the Temple to be blessed a t h sixth &y o f A w p s t , at places where t k r e are vintyurds. But in Great RussM, whem there arc no vineyard, a@les are brought into the Tem#le on that rkry, and the Prayer for those who bring the Jirst-fmits of vegelables is said. Euch vegetabZe is brought to the Tem#le i n its season, and the Prayer is saidn/cr it also.
The Prayer for those who bring the jrst;frwits of vegetables.

0 Lord our God, who hast commanded that we should bring unto
thee an offering of each of thine own things, and who requitest the same with the gift of thine eternal good things; who didst graciously accept the offering of the widow, according to her ability : Accept thou now also these things which are offered unto thee by thy servant, N., and vouchsafe to place the same among thine eternal treasures ; granting unto him (her) an abundant harvest of thy worldly benefits, together with all things profitable unto him (her). For blessed is thy Name, and glorified is thy kingdom, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.


(This Feast hjrccedcd by a Fizd o f two wccks' duration.) The Stansa (Stikhira)for: Lord, I have cried : I n Tone I . 0 marvel wonderful ! The Source of life is laid in the grave, and the tomb becometh the ladder unto heaven. Rejoice, 0 Gethsemane, thou holy abode of the Birth-giver of God ! In that we have Gabriel for our chieftain, let us cry aloud, ye faithful : Hail, thou that art full of grace ! The Lord is with thee, through thee granting unto the world great mercy. (Twice.) Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. A t the sovereign command of God were the God-bearing apostles caught up on high in the clouds from every place ; and when they were come to thine all-holy and life-originating body, they kissed the same with love. The heavenly powers most high also, when the were come 'c ! the all-pure with their Master, were seized with dread as they escort e body which had received God ; with stately mien, also, they went before, and invisibly cried aloud unto the Powers most high : Lo, the Queen over all, and the Maiden of God cometh. Be ye lifted up, 0 gates, and lift ye up, in more than earthly wise, Her who is the Mother of the Everlasting Light. For through her was salvation universal brought to pass for men : and we cannot gaze upon her, and it is not possible to render unto her the honour that is meet : for her surpassing merit exceedeth all understanding. Wherefore, 0 Birth-giver of God most pure, who abidest ever with the life-bearing King, who also is thy Son, entreat thou him that he will ever preserve thy new people, and save them from every hostile assault ; for we have acquired thine interces sion, blessing thee both in light and darkness forever. The Gradual (ProRit~en) for the Day.
Th P a r d s (Paremif),the same asfor the NATMTY OF THE BIRTHGIVER OF COD. The Stansa a t the Litzjtd, in Tone V: Sing, 0 ye people, sing the Mother of our God ; for to-day she doth yield up her all-radiant soul into the palms most pure of Him who, without seed, was incarnate of her : Whom, also, she doth unceasingly entreat that he will give unto the world peace and great mercy. T k c Hymn for the Day (Tropbr), in T o n c I. In Birth-giving thou



didst preserve thy virginity ; in thy Falling-asleep thou hast not forsaken the world, 0 Birth-giver of God. Thou hast passed over into life, thou who art the Mother of Life, and through thine intercessions dost deliver our souls from death. T h Exaltation ( Ve/itcMnir). We magnify thee, 0 Mother all-undefiled of Christ our God, and we glorify thine all-glorious Fallingasleep. The Gradual(Prokfmfn),.in the Fourth Tone. I will call to mind thy name f mm generation to generation. Verse (Stikh) : Hearken, 0 daughter, and behold, and incline thine ear. The Gospel. Luke i. 39-49, 56.

The First Canon. Tone I. (St. Cosmasof


Theme-Songs (Innosf). I. Adorned with glory divine thy holy and illustrious memory, 0 Virgin, hath gathered together all the faithful unto joy ; that under the leadership of Miriam, with chpirs and cymbals, they may sing thine Only-born : For gloriously hath he been glorified. 111. 0 Christ, the Wisdom and the Power of God, who createth and maintaineth all things, establish thou the Church steadfast and immovable. For thou only art holy who restest in the Saints. IV. The predictions and dark sayings of the Prophets proclaimed beforehand thine incarnation of a Virgin, 0 Christ : The splendour of thy flashing forth shall come for the enlightenment of the nations ; and the deep with joy shall cry unto thee : Glory to thy might, 0 thou who lovest mankind. V. The beauty divine and ineffable of thy perfection will I declare, 0 Christ; for thou who didst shine forth from the Glory eternal, as an effulgence coeternal and one in Essence, when thou didst become incarnate of avirgin's womb, didst shine as the sun upon those who sat in darkness and the shadow. VI. The fire within the whale of the sea, the denizen of the deep, in which the Prophet Jonah was found, was the prototype of thy three days' burial; for remaining unscathed, as before the swallowing, he cried aloud : With the voice of praise will I sacrifice unto thee, 0 Lord. VII. Love divine, resisting the wrath audacious and the fire, did sprinkle the fire with dew, but laughed to scorn the wrath, resounding above the instruments of music upon the God-inspired, supersensual and triple-stringed lyre of the Righteous Ones amid the flanie : Blessed be thou, 0 God of our fathers, and our God, exceeding glorious! VIII. As dewdropping for the Godly Ones, but as consuming to the impious, did the all-powerful Angel of God manifest forth the flame to the Children. And the Birth-giver of God did he make a life-originating Fountain, pouring forth destruction to Death and life to those who


sing : The only Creator do we, who have been delivered, praise in song and magnify unto all the ages. Inplace of: My soul doth magnify the Lord : The Refrain :We, even all the nations, do bless thee, the only Birth-giver of God. O r : When the all-holy Angels beheld thine Assumption they marvelled how a Virgin should ascend from earth 'into heaven. IX. The laws of Nature were conquered in thee, 0 Virgin pure; for in birth-giving was virginity preserved, and with death is life conjoined. Thou who, after birth-giving, a Virgin didst remain, though dead, art yet alive, 0 Birth-giver of God, and savest always thine inheritance. A t the Liturgy.


The Gradual (Prokfmen),i r r the Third Tone. My soul doth magnify the Lord, and my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour. Verse: For he hath regarded the lowliness of his handmaiden; for behold, from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed. The Epistle. Phil. ii. 5-1 I. Alleluia (Tone I/.) Arise, 0 Lord, in thy rest, thou, and the tabernacle of thy holiness. Verse: The Lord sware truth unto David, and he shall not abjure it The Gospc(. Luke x. 38-42, x i 27, 28. The Hymn in place of: Meet is it : The Ninth Theme-Song of the Canon :The laws of Nature were conquered in thee, . . . (Seeabovt.) The Communion Hymn. I will take the cup of salvation, and call upon the Name of the Lord.


Pricsi. Let us pray to the Lord. 0 Master, Lord Almighty, who healest every infirmity and every weakness : Heal thou also this thy servant, N., who this day hath given birth to a child, and raise her up from the bed whereon she lieth. For, according to the words of the Prophet David, in sin are we conceived, and we are all vile in thy sight. Preserve her and this child which she hath borne. Cover her with the shadow of thy wings, from the day that now is even unto her last end ; through the prayers of the all-pure Birth-giver of God, and of all the Saints. For blessed art thou unto ages of ages. Amen. Let us pray to the Lord. 0 Master, Lord our God, who wast born of our all-pure Lady, the Birth-giver of God, and as a babe didst lie in a manger, and as a little child wast held in arms : Show mercy also upon this thy servant, who today hath borne a child ; and forgive her sins, both voluntary and involuntary ; and preserve her from every oppression of the Devil ; and preserve the child which hath been bqrn of her from every poison and perplexity, from every storm of adversity, and from evil spirits, whether of the day or of the night. Keep her under thy mighty hand, and grant that she may speedily arise, and purify her from uncleanness, and heal her sickness ; and vouchsafe unto her health and strength both of soul and body ; and hedge her round about with bright and shining Angels ; and preserve her from every invasion of invisible spirits. Yea, Lord, and from infirmity and weakness, from jealousy and envy, and from t h e evil eye ; and have mercy upon her and upon the child, according to thy great mercy ; and purify her from bodily uncleanness, and from t h e divers inward troubles which assail her. And lead her forth by thy speedy mercy, in submissiveness of her body, unto recovery. And grant that the child that hath been born of her may do reverence to the earthly temple which thou hast prepared to glorify thy holy Name. For unto thee are due all glory, honour and worship, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Let us pray to the Lord. 0 Lord our God, who wast graciously pleased to come down from heaven, and to be born of the holy Birth-giver of God and ever-virgin Mary, for the salvation of us sinners, and who knowest the frailty of



man's nature : Forgive thy servant, N., who today hath given birth, according to the multitude of thy bounties. For thou hast said, 0 Lord : Increase, and multiply, and fill the earth, and possess it. For which cause also do we, thy servants, pray, and emboldened by thy long-suffering love towards mankind, with awe do cry aloud to the kingdom of thy holy Name : Look down from heaven and behold the weakness of us who are condemned ; and pardon this thy servant, and all the house wherein the child hath been born, and those who have touched her, and all those who are here present ; inasmuch as thou art a good God and lovest mankind ; for thou only hast power to remit sins. Through the prayers of the all-holy'Birth-glver of God and of all the Saints.

The Priest makefh fhe s e n o f fhe cross upon the fordead, Izj5s and breast oftkc lnfartt, and sai#h this Prayer :

Let us pray to the Lord. 0 Lord our God, we pray unto thee, and we beseech thee, and implore thee, that the light of thy cou~~tenance may be shown upon this thy servant, N. ; and that the cross of thine Only-begotten Son may be graven in his (her) heart, and in his (her) thoughts : that h e ( s h ) may flee from the vanity of the world and from every evil snare of the enemy, and may follow after thy commandments. And grant, 0 Lord, that thy holy Name may remain unrejected by him (her) ; and that he (she) may be united, in due time, to thy holy Church ; and that the dread Sacraments of thy Christ may be administered unto him (her): That, having lived according to thy commandments, and preserved without flaw the seal, he (she) may receive the bliss of the elect in thy kingdom ; through the grace and love towards mankind of thine Onlybegotten Son, with whom also thou art bl'essed, together with thine all-holy, and good, and life-giving Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Then, faking the Infant in his gyms, he sfandeth before fhe liow of the Tem#Zc, or before the holy imnge of the most holy Birth-giver of Go4 and rnaketh t h sz@ of the cross, saying :

Hail, 0 blessed Virgin Birth-giver of God ! For from thee hath shone forth the Sun of Righteousness, Christ our God, who giveth light to them that are in darkness. And rejoice, thou aged, righteous man, that didst receive in thine arms the Redeemer of our souls, who giveth unto us resurrection !


2 %


On the fortieth riay the Infant is brought to the Temjle to be chtrrched; that is, to n:ake a beginning of bein$ fake~z into the C'kxrch. And it is brought t k Mother, who, being already cleansed and washed, standefh there a f f e Entrance, and dcsireth to receive the /tile, affer Btt$tism. BcnAng abwn his head to the Mother, as she slnndeth with the Infan t, the P n i s t ntaketh the sz@ of*the cross over the Infant; and fonching its head, he saiCA the Prayer :

Let us pray to the Lord. 0 Lord God Almighty, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who by thy word hast created all things, both men endowed with speech and dumb animals, and hast brought all things from nothingness into being, we pray and implore thee : Thou hast saved this thy servant, N., by thy will. Purify her, therefore, from all sin and from every uncleanness, as she now draweth near unto thy holy Church ; and make her worthy to partake, uncondemned, of thy Holy Mysteries. ( A n d if the Child be not living, the Prayer is read only thus far. i ' k t the E x c b

For thou art a good God, who lovest mankind, and unto 'thee do we ascribe glory, to the Fatber, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

iy the

Child be alive, the follmuing is a&d,

to tk end;)


And bless thou the child which hath been born of her. Increase him (Ircr) ; sanctify him (her); enlighten him (her) ; render him ( h r )chaste, and endow him (her) with good understanding. For thou hast brought him (her) into being, and hast shown him (her) the physical light, and hast appointed him (her) to be vouchsafed in due time spiritual light, ant1 that he (she) may be numbered among thy chosen flock. Through thine Only-begotten Son, with whom, also, thou art blessed, together with thine all-holy, and good, and lifegiving Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Peace be unto alL Bow your heads unto the Lord.
The Prayer f m the M o t h of tk Child.

0 Lord our God, who didst come for the redemption of the human race, come thou also upon thy servant, N., and grant unto her, through the prayers of thine honourable Priest, entrance into the temple of thy glory. Wash away her bodily uncleanness, and the stains of her soul, in the fulfilling of the forty days. Make her worthy of the communion of thy holy Body and of thy Blood. For sanctified and glorified is thine all-honourable and majestic Name, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.



The Prayer for the Child. The Pn'rsf, muking over t h Child the sign of /kc cross, prayefh :

Let us pray to the Lord. 0 Lord our God, who wast brought, on the fortieth day, as an infant into the Temple according to the Law, by Mary the Bride Unwedded, who also was thy holy Mother; and wast borne in the arms of Simeon the Just : Do thou, 0 Master all-powerful, bless also unto every good deed this infant which hath been brought hither, that he (she) may present himself (kerseCf) unto thee, the Creator of all men, and may grow up well-pleasing unto thee in all things ; and drive far from him ( h r ) every adverse power, through sealing with the sign of thy cross; for thou art he who preserveth infants, 0 Lord. And grant that having been vouchsafed holy Baptism, he (she) may receive the portion of the elect ones of thy kingdom, and be preserved, together with us, through the grace of the holy, and consubstantial, and undivided Trinity. For unto thee are due all glory, thanksgiving and worship, together with thy Father who is from everlasting, and thine all-holy, and good, and life-giving Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Peace be with you all. Bow your heads unto the Lord. 0 God the Father Almighty, who by thy trumpet-voiced Prophet Isaiah didst foretell unto us the incarnation through a Virgin of thine Only-begotten Son and our God ; who in these latter days, by thy good pleasure and the coiiperation of the Holy Spirit, for the salvation of us men, and because of thy boundless compassion, didst graciously deign to become a babe by her; and according to the custom of the holy Law didst suffer thyself to be brought into t l y holy Sanctuary, after that the days of purification were fulfilled, being thyself the true law-giver ; and didst condescend to be borne in the arms of the righteous Simeon, of which mystery we have recognized the prototype, revealed by the coal in the tongs to the prophet aforesaid ; which thing, also, we faithful, by grace do imitate : Do thou now also, 0 Lord, who preservest children, bless this Infant, together with his (her) parents and his (her) sponsors; and grant that, in due season, he (she) may be united, through water and the Spirit of the new birth, unto thy holy flock of reason-endowed sheep, which is called by the name of thy Christ. For thou art he who dwelleth on high, and looketh down upon the humble of heart ; and unto thee do we ascribe glory, to the Father, and to the Son,and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

z y not, he dot6 this after the Baptism. And t c sncdicfion to the Prayers
mcrdi hrre.

t h Child be already bajhbed, the Pripst e ormcth the durching. But



May Christ our true God, through the prayers of his most pun f t h Mother, of the holy, glorious and all-laudable Apostles (and o


27 1

Patron Saint o f the Temjl'c;and of the Saint o f the h y ) ; of the holy and righteous Ancestors of God, Joachim and Anna, and of all the Saints, have mercy upon us, and save us, in that he is good and loveth mankind.
Then fhc Priest taketh the Infant, and maketh wiik it the sz@ of the cross in fron f of the dOar of fk Temple, saying .-

T h e servant of God, N., is churched: In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
T k n hc bearefh him into the Templc, saying :

H e (she) entereth into thy house, t6 worship towards thy holy Temple.
Andgoing to fhc middle of the Temple, k saith :

T h e servant of God is churched: In the Name of the Father, and of t h e Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Thcn kc saifh :

I n the midst of the church shall he (she) sing praises unto thee.
T k n kc bearefh him before fhe cibor of tkc Sanctuary, saying:

T h e servant of God is churched: In the Name of the Father, and of t h e Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
A n d h i bearefh it info U c holy Sanctuaty, r;f it be a male child; but f e d child, to the Holy Door only, saying:

it be a

Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word. F o r mine eyes have seen thy salvation, Which thou hast prepared : before the face of all people ; To be a light to lighten the Gentiles, and to be the glory of thy people Israel. And rifler this, at the door of the Sanctuary, h g i v e t h the Child to tke Sponsor,
who makefh three lowly rmcrcncex, and taheth the Child. A s d i k e Prirst#ronovnceth tke customary Benediction. (See above.)


f the Person who aksirefh IZZnminatiorr, and reThe Pri'esf loosefh the X e o him ;and placeth him with his fmtoward. ntoveth if,and$utteffit f l f i o ~ n the east, clothed in one armenf on&, mshod, nnd with head r m c ~ v t l and e~ with his arms hangin his r i d s ;and he breatheth thrice in his fa; and s@efh his brow anfhis breast fhlirr with b e s&n qf the cross; and &yet.+ Irs hand upon his head, saying:

Let us pray to the Lord. (I) Choir. Lord, have mercy. In thy Name, 0 Lord God of truth, and in the Name of thine Onlybegotten Son, and of thy Holy Spirit, I lay my hand upon thy servant, N., who hath been found worthy to flee unto thy holy Name, and to take refuge under the shelter of thy wings. Remove far from him (her) his (her) former delusion, and fill him (her) with the faith, hope and love which are in thee ; that he (she) may know that thou art the only true God, with thine Only-begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, and thy Holy Spirit. Enable him (her) to walk in all thy commandments, and to fulfil those things which are well-pleasing unto thee ; for if a man do those things, he shall find life in them. Inscribe him (her) in thy Book of Life, and unite him (her) to the flock of thine inheritance. And may thy holy Name be glorified in him (her), together with that of thy beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, and of thy life-giving Spirit. Let thine eyes ever regard him (her) with mercy, and let thine ears attend unto the voice of his (her) supl~lication. Make him (her)to rejoice in the works of his (her) hands, and in all his (her) generation; that he (she) may render praise unto thee, may sing, worship and glorify thy great and exalted Name always, all the days of his (her) life.


For all the Powers of Heaven sing praises unto thee, and thine is the glory, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
The First Erorcism.

Let us pray to the Lord. The Lord layeth thee under ban, 0 Devil : He who came into the world, and made his abode among men, that he might overthrow thy tyranny and deliver men ; who also upon the Tree did triumph over the adverse powers, when the sun was darkened, and the earth did quake, and the graves were opened, and the bodies of the Saints arose ; who also by


* For explanations, indicated by numbers in text, see Appendix B, VI.


death annihilated Death, and overthrew him who exercised the dominion of Death, that is thee, the Devil. I adjure thee by God, who hath revealed the Tree of Life, and hath arrayed in ranks the Cherubim and the flaming sword which turneth all ways to guard it : He thou under ban. For I adjure thee by him who walketh upon the surface of the sea as it were dry land, and layeth under his ban the tempests of the winds; whose glance drieth up the deepland whose interdict maketh the mountains to melt away. The same now, through us, doth lay thee under ban. Fear, begone and depart from this creatureland return not again, neither hide thyself in him (her), neither seek thou to meet him (her), nor to influence him (her), either by night or by day; either in the morning, or at noonday : but depart hence to thine own Tartarus, until the great Day of Judgment which is ordained. Fear thou God who sitteth upon the Cherubim and looketh upon the deeps ; before whom tremble Angels and Archangels, Thrones, Dominions, Principalities, Authorities, Powers, the many-eyed Cherubim and the six-winged Seraphim ; before whom, likewise, heaven and earth do quake, the sea and all that therein is. Begone, and depart from this sealed, newly-enlisted warrior of Christ our God. For I adjure thee by him who rideth upon the wings of the wind. and maketh his Angels spirits, and his ministers a flaming fire : Begone, and depart from this creature, with all thy powers and thine angels. Exclamation. For glorified is the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen
The Second Exorcism.

Let us pray to the Lord. God, holy, terrible and glorious, who is unsearchable and inscrutable in all his works and might, hath foreordained for thee the penalty of eternal punishment, 0 Devil : the same, through us, his unworthy servants, doth command thee, with all thy confederate hosts, to depart hence, from him (her) who hath been newly sealed in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ, our true God. Wherefore I adjure thee, 0 most crafty, impure, vile, loathsome and alien spirit, by the might of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath all power, both in heaven and on earth, and who said unto the deaf and dumb demon, Come out of the man, and in nowise enter thou a second time into him : Depart ! Acknowledge the vainness of thy might, which hath not power even over swine. Call to mind him who, at thy request, commanded thee to enter into the herd of swine. Fear God, by whose decree the earth is established upon the waters ;who hath made the heavens, and hath set the mountains with a line, and the valleys with a measure; and hath fixed bounds to the sands of t h e sea, and a firm path upon the stormy waters; who toucheth the mountains and they smoke ; who clotheth himself with light as w t h a



garment ; who spreadeth out the heavens as it were a curtain ; who covereth his exceeding high places with the waters ; who hath made fast the earth upon its foundations, so that it shall not be removed unto ages of ages ; who collecteth the water of the sea and poureth it out upon the face of the whole earth : Begone, and depart from him ( h e r ) who hath Illumination. I adjure thee by the made himself ( h e r s t l f ) ready for h ~ l y redeeming Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by his precious Body and Blood, and by his terrible Coming-again ; for he shall come, and shall not tarry, to judge the whole earth ; and he shall chastise thee and thy collllederate host with burning Gehenna, committing thee t o outer darkness, where the worm ceaseth not, and the fire is not quenched. For of Christ our God is the dominion, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. A m e n
The Third Exorcism.

Let us pray to the Lord. 0 Lord of Sabaoth, the God of Israel, who healest every malady and every infirmity: Look upon thy servant; prove him (her) and search him (her), and root out of him ( h e r ) every operation of the Devil. Rebuke the unclean spirits and expel them, and purify the works of thy hands; and exerting thy trenchant might, speedily crush down Satan under his (her) feet ; and give him (her) victory over the same, and over his foul spirits ; that, having obtained mercy from thee, he (she) may be made worthy t o partake of thy heavenly Mysteries ; and may ascribe unto thee glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
A Fourth Prayer.

Let us pray to the Lord. Thou who in verity existest, 0 Lord the Master; who hast created man in thine own likeness, and hast bestowed upon him t h e power of life eternal ; who also despisest not those who have fallen away through sin, but hast provided salvation for the world through the incarnation of thy Christ: Do thou, the same Lord, delivering also this thy ) thy creature from the bondage of t h e enemy, receive him ( k ~ rinto heavenly kingdom. Open the eyes of his (her) understanding, that the light of thy Gospel may shine brightly in him (Rcr). Yoke unto his (key) life a radiant Angel, who shall deliver him (AEY) from every snare of the adversary, from encounter with evil, from the demon of the noonday, and from evil visions.
T h n the Pnkst breathefir ujon his mouth, his brow, and his breast, saying: Expel from him (her) every evil and impure spirit which hideth and maketh its lair in his (Acr) heart. (And this he snith thrice.)

T h e spirit of error, the spirit of guile, the spirit of idolatry and of every concupiscence; the spirit of deceit and of every uncleanness



which operateth through the prompting of the Devil. And make him (her) a reason-endowed sheep (2) in the holy flock of thy Christ, aq honourable member of thy Church, a consecrated vessel, a child of the light, and an heir of thy kingdom ; that having lived in accordance with thy commandments, and preserved inviolate the seal, and kept his (her) garment undefiled, he (she) may receive the blessedness of the Saints in thy kingdom.
In a lovd voice.

Through the grace, and bounties, and love towards mankind of thine Only-begotten Son, with whom thou art blessed, together with thy most holy, and good, and lifegiving Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
T k n the Priest turncfh the jcrson who is come to Bajfism to ace the wesf, (3) .nc&ui, wnshd, and having his h a 3 ujlFed. A Alid he s a i d .

Dost thou renounce Satan, and all his Angels, and all his works, and all his service, and all his pride ?
And the Catechumen maketh answer, or his Sjonsor for him, and saith :

I do. (And this question and answer are thrice repeated.)

Again fk Pn'Est qlrcstioncfh t k Catechumen.

Hast thou renounced Satan ?

And the Catechumen, or his Sjonsor for him, makefh answer:

I have. ( A n d this question and answer, likewise, arc thrice repeated)

Then saitk fks Priest :

Breathe and spit upon him.

And when he h f h &ne this, fk Pricst turneth him lo fhe emf,(4) witk his hands lowered, and*saith :

Dost thou unite thyself unto Christ ?

And the Cafechumen,or his Sjonsorfor him, makefh answer:

I do. (And this question and altswer are thn'ce repeated.)

Then the Pn'cst saz'fhto him :

Hast thou united thyself unto Christ ?

And he rejlieth:

I have. Dost thou believe in him? I believe in him as King and as God.




I believe in one God the ath her Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, And of all things visible and invisible : And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, Regotten of his Father before all worlds; Light of Light, Very God of very God, Begotten, not made; Being of one Essence with the Father; By whom all things were made ; Who, for us men, and for our salvation, came down from heaven, And was incarnate by the Holy Ghost of the Virgin Mary, And was made man. And was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate, and suffered and was buried, And the third day he rose again, according to the Scriptures And ascended into heaven, And sitteth on the right hand of the Father. And he shall come again with glory to judge both the quick and the dead; Whose kingdom shall have no end. And in the Holy Ghost, the Lord and Giver of Life, Who proceedeth from the Father, Who with the Father and the Son together is worshipped and glorified, Who spake by the Prophets. In one Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. I acknowledge one Baptism for the remission of sins. I look for the Resurrection of the dead, And the Life of the world to come. Amen.
A n d when he hafh$nisked the Holy Symbol of the Faifk the Pricst inquiretk of Aim :


Hast thou united thyself unto Christ? I have. (This qursfzon and arrswer are frtrn'cc repeated.) Bow down also before him.
A n d the Catechumen bowcth himself; saying :

I bow down before the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, the Trinity, one in Essence and undivided. Priest. Blessed is God, who willeth that all men should be saved, and should come to the knowledge of the truth, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Then he reciteth this Prayer:

Let us pray to the Lord. 0 Master, Lord our God, call thy servant, N., to holy Illumination, and grant unto him (her) that great grace of thy holy Baptism. Put off from him (her) the old man, and renew him (her) unto life everlasting; and fill him (her)with the power of thy Holy Spirit, in the unity of thy Christ : that he (she) may be no more a child of the body, but a child of thv kingdom. Through the good will and grace of thine Only-begotten Son, with whom thou art blessed, together with thy most holy, and good, and life-giving Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen




Tk Pricst entercth the Sanctuaty and j u t t f t k on white vestments, and his
guut~tlefs.A n d when he hnfh fr Lted a l l the tajers, (5) As takefh the censc~, andgoeth to the Font, and m s e t f r a n d about i t ; and kavinggivcn ihe teaser to be held, he maketk a reverence. Then the Ucncon saifh :

Eless, Master.
A n d the Priist saith, aloud :

Blessed is the kingdom of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen !
A n d stra~ghtway t k Deacon saith the L I T A ~ Y .
Andtkt Pricst prayeth, secretly.

I n peace let us pray to the Lord. Choir. Lord, have mercy. That this water may be sanctified with the power, and effectual operation, and indwelling of the Holy Spirit : Ij That there may be sent down into it the grace of redemption, the blessing of Jordan : Ij That there may come upon this water the purifying operation of the supersubstantial Trinity: I$ That we may be illumined by the light of understanding and piety, and by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit : I$ That this water may prove effectual unto the averting of every snare of enemies, both visible and invisible : I$ That he (she) who is b a p tized therein may be made worthy of the kingdom incor3 ruptible: l For him (her) who is now come unto hol Baptism, and for his (her) sa r vation : I$ That he (she) may prove





! J 2


0 compassionate and merciful God, who triest the heart and the reins, and who alone knowest the secret thoughts of men (for no deeds are hidden before thee, but all things are naked and manifest before thineeyes); Thou who knowest all things concerning me, regard me not with loathing, neither turn thou thy face from me ; but consider not mine iniquities at this present hour, 0 thou who disregardest man's h sins unto his repentance. And 2 wash away the vileness of my body, and the pollution of my 9 soul. And sanctify me wholly by thine all-perfect, invisible might, and by thy spiritual right hand; lest, while I proclaim liberty unto others, and administer this rite with perfect faith in thine unutterable love toward mankind, I myself may become the base slave of sin. Yea, 0 Master, who alone art good and full of love toward mankind, let not thy humble servant be led astray ; but send thou down upon me power



himself (herself) a child of the -- from on high, and strengthen light, and an heir of eternal thou me in the administration vl good things : @ of thine impending Mystery, That he (she)may be a mem- 2 which is both great and most ber and partaker of the death 4 heavenly : and create the image and resurrection of Christ our g of thy Christ in him (her) who God : I$ s now desireth to be born again That he (she) may preserve rp through my unworthy ministry. his baptismal garment and the And build him (her) up upon earnest of the Spirit pure and I the foundation of thine Apostles and Prophets, that he (she) may $ undefiled unto the dread Day of ! Christ our God : I$ not be overthrown; but im- ;t plant him (her)firmly as a plant $ That this water may be to ' him (her) a laver of regenof truth, in thy Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, that he eration, unto the remission of sins, and a garment of incor(she)be not plucked out. That, ruption : I) il. as he (she) increaseth in godliness, through him (her) may That the Lord God will hearken unto the voice of our be glorified thineall-holy Name, petition: I$ of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now, That he will deliver him (her)and us from all tribulation, 2 and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. wrath, peril and necessity : I) Succour us, save us, have mercy upon us, and keep us, 0 God, by thy grace. Choir. Lord, have mercy. Calling to remembrance our most holy, undefiled, most blessed and glorious Lady, the Birth-giver of God and ever-virgin Mary, with all the Saints, let us commend ourselves, and each other, and all our life unto Christ our God. Choir. T o thee, 0 Lord.


$ s.

or > 5

T h e Priest saith also t h e f o l h i n g Prayer, but aloud:

Great art thou, 0 Lord, and marvellous are thy works, and there is no word which sufficeth to hymn thy wonders. (Thnie.) For thou, of thine own good will, hast brought into being all things which before were not. and by thy might thou upholdest creation, and by thy providence thou orderest the world. When thou hadst joined together the universe out of four elements, thou didst crown the circle of the year with four seasons. Before thee tremble all the Powers endowed with intelligence. The sun singeth unto thee. The moon glorifieth thee. The stars meet together before thy presence. The light obeyeth thee. The deeps tremble before thee. The water-springs are subject unto thee. Thou hast spread out the heavens as it were a curtain. Thou hast established the earth upon the waters. Thou hast set round about the sea barriers of sand. Thou hast shed abroad the air



for breathing. The Angelic Powers serve thee. The Choirs of the Archangels fall down in adoration before thee. The many-eyed Cherubim and the six-winged Seraphim, as they stand and fly, do veil their faces in awe before thine ineffable glory. For thou, who art God inexpressible, existing uncreated before the ages, and ineffable, didst descend upon earth, and didst take on the semblance of a servant, and wast made in the likeness of man : for, because of the tender compassion of thy mercy, 0 Master, thou couldest not endure to behold mankind oppressed by the Devil; but thou didst come, and didst save us. We confess thy grace. We proclaim thy mercy. We conceal not thy gracious acts. .Thou hast delivered the generation of our mortal nature. By thy birth thou didst sanctify a Virgin's womb. All creation magnifieth thee, who hast manifested thyself. For thou, 0 our God hast revealed thyself upon earth, and hast dwelt among men. Thou didst hallow the streams of Jordan, sending down upon them from heaven thy Holy Spirit, and didst crush the heads of the dragons who lurked there. Wherefore, 0 King who lovest mankind, come thou now and sanctify this water, by the indwelling of thy Holy Spirit. (Thrice.) And grant unto it the grace of redemption, the blessing of Jordan. Make it the fountain of incorruption, the gift of sanctification, the remission of sins, the remedy of infirmities; the final destruction of demons, unassailable by hostile powers, filled with angelic might. Let those who would e,nsnare thy creature flee far from it. For we have called upon thy Name, 0 Lord, and it is wonderful, and glorious, and terrible unto adversaries.
T h n he w e t k ' the wafer thrice with the s z @ therein. And breathing upon it, hr saifh : of the cross, dzj5jing his fingers

Let all adverse powers be crushed beneath the sign of the image of thy cross. ( Thrice.) W e pray thee, 0 God, that every aerial and obscure phantom may withdraw itself from us ; and that no demon of darkness may conceal himself in this water ; and that no evil spirit which instilleth darkening of intentions and rebelliousness of thought may descend into it with him ( A 4 who is about to be baptized. But do thou, 0 Master of all, show this water to. be the water of redemption, the water of sanctification, the purification of flesh and spirit, the loosing of bonds, the remission of sins, the illumination of the soul, the laver of regeneration, the renewal of the Spirit, the gift of adoption to sonship, the garment of incorruption, the fountain of life. For thou hast said, 0 Lord : Wash ye, be ye clean ; put away evil things from your souls. Thou hast bestowed upon us from on high a new birth through water and the Spirit. Wherefore, 0 Lord, manifest thyself in this water, and grant that he ( s h )who is baptized rtherein may be transformed ; that he ( s h )may put away from him (her) the old man, which is corrupt through the lusts of the flesh, and that



he ( s h ) may be clothed upon with the new man, and renewed after the image of him who created him (her) : that being buried, after the pattern of thy death, in baptism, he (she) may, in like manner, be a partaker of thy Resurrection; and having preserved the gift of thy Holy Spirit, and increased the measure of grace committed unto him (her), he (skr) may receive the prize of his (her) high calling, and be numbered with the first-born whose names are written in heaven, in thee, our God and Lord, Jesus Christ. For unto thee are due glory, dominion, honour and worship, together with thy Father, who is from everlasting, and thine all-holy, and good, and life-giving Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages, Amen. Peace be with you all. Bow your heads unto the Lord.
And he brentheth thn'cc upon the vesscl contatiring t k oil, and makefh thrice ouer it the si of the cross, as it is kcld by the Deacon. And when the Ucacon hath s a f

Let us pray to the Lord. . ' T Priest saith the following Prayer: 0 Lord and Master, the God of our fathers, who didst send unto them that were in the ark of Noah thy dove, bearing in its beak a twig of olive, the token of reconciliation and of salvation from the flood, the foreshadowing of the mystery of grace; and didst provide the fruit of the olive for the fulfilling of thy Holy Mysteries ; who thereby fillest them that were under the Law with thy Holy Spirit, and perfectest them that are under grace : Bless also this holy oil with the power, and operation and indwelling of thy Holy Spirit, that it may be an anointing unto incorruption, an armour of righteousness, to the renewing of soul and body, to the averting of every assault of the devil, t o deliverance from all evil of those who shall be anointed therewith in faith, or who are partakers thereof; unto thy glory and the glo of thine Onlybegotten Son, and of thine all-holy, and good, and 1' e-giving Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen. Deacon. Let us attend.

Then the Pnkst, sin$ng Alleluia (thrice), with the Peojle, makctk three s a @ of the cross in the water wifh the oil. And he saif.4 :

Blessed is God, who illumineth and sanctifieth every man that cometh into the world, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen. Then U c Person who hnth been ba#tixed is #rcsmtcd. Tke Priest takcth of tk
oil with fwo$grrs, and r/taketh the sign of t'. breast, and betwem his shoulders, saying : cross n#on h L brow, k h

T h e servant of God, N., is anointed with the oil of gladness; (5) in( the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.


A n d h anoakfefhhis breast and d o d a k r s . On tAc brcasf, saying:


Unto the healing of soul and body.

On the ears.

Unto the hearing of faith.

On the h a n d .

Thy hands have made me and fashioned me.

On the feet.

That he may walk in the way of thy commandments.

A n d when his whole body is fhns anointed, the Priest ba#h'zcfh him, holding him u#r&ht, and looking toward the east, as he sai2h :

T h e servant of God, N., is baptized, in the name of the Father, A m e n And of the Son, Amen. And of the Holy Spirit, Amen.
A t each invocation he immersefh kim,and misefhhim a ain. And after the Bafi firm the P r k t washetk his hands, singing with the h @ l e psalm a-XXZ.

Blessed is he whose unrighteousness is forgiven, and whose sin is covered. Rlessed is the man unto whom the Lord imputeth no sin, and in whose spirit there is no guile. For whilst I held my tongue, my bones consumed away through my daily complaining. For thy hand is heavy upon me day and night, and my moisture is like the drought in summer. I will acknowledge my sin unto thee; and mine unrighteousness have I not hid. I said, I will confess my sins unto the Lord ; and so thou forgavest the wickedness of my sin. For this shall every one that is godly make his prayer unto thee, in a time when thou mayest be found ; but in the great water-floods they shall not come nigh him. Thou art a place to hide me in; thou shalt preserve me from trouble ; thou shalt compass me about with songs of deliverance. I will inform thee, and teach thee in the way wherein thou shalt go; and I will guide thee with mine eye. Be ye not like to horse and mule, which have no understanding ; whose mouths must be held with bit and bridle, lest they fall upon thee. Great plagues remain for the ungodly ; but whoso putteth his trust in the I.ord, mercy embraceth him on every side. Be glad, 0 ye righteous, and rejoice in the Lord ; and be joyful, all ye that are true of heart.
Then, as he juffeth his garment u#on him, the Priest saifh :

The servant of God, N., is clothed with the robe of righteousness; in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Then shall be snag the following Hymn ( T r e d r ) , in Torre VZZL Vouchsafe unto me the robe of light, 0 thou who clothest thyself with light as with a garment, 0 Christ our God, plenteous in mercy.



And when he h t h j r t thegarmcnf on him the Pricst jrayefh thus:

Blessed art thou, 0 Lord God Almighty, Source of all good things, Sun of Righteousness, who sheddest forth upon them that were in darkness the light of salvation, through the manifestation of thine Onlybegotten Son and our God; and who hast given unto us, unworthy though we be, blessed purification through hallowed water, and divine sanctification through life-giving Chrismation ; who now, also, hast been graciously pleased to regenerate thy servant that hath new1 received Illumination, by water and the Spirit, and grantest unto him ( r) remission of sins, whether voluntary or involuntary. Do thou, the same Master, compassionate King of kings, grant also unto him (her) the seal of the gift of thy holy, and almighty, and adorable Spirit, and participation in the holy Body and the precious Blood of thy Christ. Keep him (Itrr) in thy sanctification ; confirm him (her) in the Orthodox faith ; deliver him (her) from the Evil One, and from the machinations of the same. And preserve his (her) soul in purity and uprightness, through the saving fear of thee ; that he (she) may please thee in every deed and word, and may be a child and heir of thy heavenly kingdom.

For thou art our God, the God who showeth mercy and saveth ; and unto thee do we ascribe glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
And afirr this Prayer he anointeth with the hol Chrism (6)the erson whu hat& fhe brow, an on the ge.r, and been ba#tized making the s M of the cross : the nostrils, and the lzj5s, and on both cars, and the breast, and the h a n d , and tkefccl, saying, each time :


T h e seal of the gift of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

T h m the Priest, accomjanicd by the Sjonsors, bearing the Infant, mnhtk the circuit of the Font. (7) And all sing :

A s many as have been baptized into Christ have put on Alleluia. ( Thrice,) Deacon. Let us attend. Priest. Peace be with you all. Reader. And with thy spirit. Deacon. Wisdom ! Reader. The Gradual (Prokfmen),in the Third Tone. T h e my light and my salvation : whom then shall I fear ? Verse: The Lord is the strength of my life : of whom then be afraid ? Dencon. Wisdom ! Reader. T h e Lesson from the Epistle of the holy Apostle the Romans.


Lord is
shall I

Paul to



Deacon. Let us attend. Reader. ((Rom. vz.3-11.) Brethren: Know ye not that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ, were baptized into his death ? Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death : that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life. For if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death, we shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection : knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin. For he that' is dead is freed from sin. Now, if we be dead with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with him : knowing that Christ, being raised from the dead, dieth no more ; death hath no more dominion over him. For in that he died, he died unto sin once : but in that he liveth, he liveth unto God. Likewise reckon ye also younelves t o be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord. Pn-est. Peace be unto thee. Reader. And to thy spirit. Deacon. Wisdom ! Reader. Alleluia Deacon. Wisdom, 0 believers ! Let us listen to the Holy Gospel. Prirst. Peace be with you all. Chir. And with thy spirit. Plt'cst. The Lesson from the holy Gospel according to Matthew. Chir. Glory to thee, 0 Lord ; glory to thee. DIbcon. Let us attend. Pricsi. (Matt.xxviii. 16-20.) Then the eleven disciples went away into Galilee, into a mountain where Jesus had appointed them. And when they saw him, they worshipped him : but some doubted. And Jesus came, and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in t h e name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost; teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you : and lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen. Ckmi. Glory to thee, 0 Lord ; glory to thee.

T A r n s h i i be said the LITANY (u~ually omitted). Have mercy upon us, 0 God, according to thy great mercy, we beseech thee : hearken, and have mercy. C h i r . Lord, have mercy. (Thrice.) Furthermore we pray for mercy, life, peace, health, salvation and remission of sins of the servant of God, N., the Sponsor. Choir. Lord, have mercy. Furthermore we pray for the newly-illumined servant of God, N.



Choir. Lord, have mercy. That he may be kept in the faith of a pure confession, in all godliness, and in the fulfilling of the commandments of Christ all the days of his life. Choir. Lord, have mercy. For thou art a merciful God, who lovest mankind, and unto thee do we ascribe glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. C b i r . Amen. P h t . Glory to thee, 0 Christ-God our hope ; glory to thee. Choir. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Bless. Lord, have mercy. (Thrice.)

And the Pricst bestowcth fkBENEDICTION (usnally omitted).

May Christ, our true God, through the prayers of his all-pure Mother; of the holy, glorious and all-laudable Apostles ; of Saint N. (the Patnm Saint of the Tem$le) ; of Saint N. (the Saint of t/u h y ) ; of the holy and righteous ancestors of God, Joachim and Anna; and of all the Saints, have mercy upon us and save us, in that he is good and loveth mankind.
And on the ezghth day the Ba#tiscd Person is brought w i n to Me chrrch fw Ablution. ( 8 ) And the Pricst looscth his pidlc and his garment. saying tkis Prayer which followeth :

Let us pray to the Lord. Choir. Lord, have mercy. 0 thou who, through holy Baptism, hast given unto thy servant re& sion of sins, and hast bestowed upon him (her) a life of regeneration: Do thou, the same Lord and Master, ever graciously illumine his (k) heart with the light of thy countenance. Maintain the shield of his (kn) faith unassailed by the enemy. Preserve pure and unpolluted the garment of incorruption wherewith thou hast endued him (b), upholding inviolate in him (her),by thy grace, the seal of the Spirit. and showing mercy unto him (her) and unto us, through the multitude of thy I mercies. For blessed and glorified is thine all-honourable and majestic Name, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. I Choiv. Amen. I

A Second Prayer.

Let us pray to the Lord. Choir. Lord, have mercy. 0 Master, Lord our God, who through the Font bestowest heavenly Illuminkion upon them that are baptized; who hast regenerated thy



newly-baptized servant by water and the Spirit, and hast granted unto him ( k r ) remission of his (her) sins, whether voluntary or involuntary : Lay thine almighty hand upon him (her)and preserve him (her) by the power of thy goodness. Maintain unassailed the earnest of the Spirit, and make him (her) worthy of life everlasting, and of thy favour. For thou art our sanctification, and unto thee do we ascribe glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Chir. Amen. Pvicst. Peace be with you all. Choir. And with thy spirit. Pn'est. Bow your heads unto the Lord. Choir. T o thee, 0 Lord. Priest. He (she)who hath put on thee, 0 Christ our God, boweth also his (kcr) head with us, unto thee. Keep him ( k r )ever a warrior invincible in every attack of those who assail him ( h r )and us; and make us all victors, even unto the end, through thy crown incorruptible. For thine it is to show mercy and to save us, and unto thee do we ascribe glory, together with thy Father who is from everlasting, and thine all-holy, and good, and life-giving Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Chair. Amen.
TAcr the Pricst &&5etk the sponge in pure water, and sjrinkfetk the child, s a y
ing :

Thou art justified. Thou art illumined. Thou art sanctified. Thou art washed: (9) in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by the Spirit of our God.
A n d w i f k fbs f i n e he washcfh the face and head o f the child fherewi'rk,and his breast, and t L rest, saying :

Thou art baptized. Thou art illumined. Thou hast received anointment with the holy Chrism. Thou art sanctified. Thou art washed : in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Prayer at the cutting ofthe h i r .

Deacon. Let us pray to the Lord. 0 Master, Lord our God, who hast honoured man with thine own image, thou hast fashioned him from a speech-endowed (2) soul and a comely body (inasmuch as the body serveth the speech-endowed soul) : for thou didst set the head on high, and endow it with the chiefest portion of the senses, which, nevertheless, impede not one another: and thou hast covered the head with hair, that it be not injured with the changes of the weather, and hast fitly joined together all his members, that with them all he may give thanks unto thee, the Great Artificer. Thou, the same Master, through thy chosen vessel, the



Apostle Paul, hast given us a commandment that we should do all things to thy glory : Bless, now, thy servant, N., who is come to make a first offering shorn from the hair of his head, and likewise his Sponsor ; and grant that they may all exercise themselves in thy law, and do those things which are well pleasing in thy sight For thou art a merciful God, who lovest mankind, and unto thee do we ascribe glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen. Pricst. Peace be with you all. Choir. And with thy spirit. Deacon. Bow your heads unto the Lord. Choir, T o thee, 0 Lord. TAcn fke Pricsf shall recite lAis Prayer. 0 Lord our God, who, through the fulfilling of the baptismal font, by thy goodness dost sanctify them that believe on thee : Bless this child here present, and let thy blessing descend upon his (her) head. And as thou didst bless David the King by the hand of thy Prophet Samuel, bless also the head of thy servant, N., by the hand of me, a sinner, inspiring him (her) with thy Holy Spirit; that as he ( s h ) increaseth in stature, and even unto hoary old age, he (s/u) may ascribe glory untu thee, and behold the good things of Jerusalem all the days of his (hey) life. For unto thee are due all glory, honour and worship, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. C h r . Amen.
Tkm A e shearefk the hair in theform of a cross, saying:

N., the servant of God, is shorn : In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Choir. Amen. Deacon. Have mercy upon us, 0 God, according to thy great mercy, we beseech thee : hearken, and have mercy. Choir. Lord, have mercy. Furthermore we pray for the newly-illumined servant of God, N. B That he ( s h ) may be kept in the faith of a pure confession, in all godliness, and the fulfilling of the commandments of Christ, all the days of his (her) life. I$ For thou art a merciful God, who lovest mankind, and unto thee do we ascribe glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen.
And he maketh the cnsfomaty Bmedicfiorr. (Seep a p 284.)

The S#iri/uaC Fdher l e d t h tAc Person who a2sirtth to confrs be w e the holy imuge (ikdna) of o r r Lmd Jesns Christ-Not-madc-~,itA-Hank. nd A c saith :

0 Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal One, have mercy upon us.
( Thrice.)
' ~ l o j t the o Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. 0 all-holy Trinity, have mercy upon us. 0 Lord, wash away our sins. 0 Master, pardon our transgressions. 0 Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for thy Name's sake. Lord,. have mercy. ( Thritc.) Glory . . . now, and ever, . . . Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, A s it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation ; But deliver us from the Evil One : For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Lord, have mercy. (Twelve times.) 0 come, let us worship God our King. 0 come, let us worship and fall down before Christ, our King and our God. 0 come, let us worship and fall down before the Very Christ, our King and our God. (TAW ) rco~~ences. PSALM LI. Have mercy upon me, 0 God, after thy great goodness ; according to the multitude of th mercies do away mine offences. Nrash me throughly from my wic edness; and cleanse me from my sin. For I acknowledge my faults, and my sin is ever before me. Against thee only have I sinned, and done this evil in thy sight ; that thou mightest be justified in thy saying, and clear when thou art judged. Behold, I was shapen in wickedness ; and in sin hath my mother conceived me. But lo, thou requirest truth in the inward parts ; and shalt make me to understand wisdom secretly. Thou shalt purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean : thou shalt wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. Thou shalt make me hear of joy and gladness ; that the bones which thou hast broken may rejoice. Turn thy face from my sins, and put out all my misdeeds. Make me a clean heart, 0 God ; and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from thy presence ; and take not thy holy Spirit from me. 0 give me the comfort of thy help again; and stablish me



with thy free Spirit. Then shall I teach thy ways unto the wicked ; and sinners shall be converted unto thee. Deliver me from blood-guiltiness, 0 God, thou that art the God of my health ; and my tongue shall sing of thy righteousness. Thou shalt open my lips, 0 Lord ; and my mouth shall show thy praise. For thou desirest no sacrifice, else would I give it thee : but thou delightest not in burnt-offerings. The sacrifice of God is a troubled spirit : a broken and contrite heart, 0 God, shalt thou not despise. 0 be favourable and gracious unto Sion : build thou the walls of Jerusalem. Then shalt thou be pleased with the sacrifice of righteousness, with the burnt-offerings and oblations : then shall they offer young bullocks upon thine altar.
And fh f o l h i n g H y m s (Tro$arf), in Tone VL :

Have mercy upon us, 0 God, have mercy upon us. For in that we sinners are devoid of all defence, we offer unto thee, as to our Master, this supplication : Have mercy upon us. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Have mercy upon us, 0 Lord, for in thee have we trusted, and be not very wroth with us, neither call thou to remembrance, our iniquities ; but look down even now upon us, inasmuch as thou art of tender cornpassion, and deliver us from our enemies ; for thou art our God, and we are thy people, we are all the works of thy hand, and we call upon thy Name. Now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Open unto us the door of thy loving-kindness, 0 blessed Birth-giver of God. In that we set our hope on thee may we not fail, but through thee may we be delivered from all adversities ; for thou art the salvation of all Christian people. Lord, have mercy. (Twelve times.) Let us pray to the Lord. 0 God our Saviour, who by thy Prophet Nathan didst grant unto repentant David pardon of his transgressions, and didst accept Manasses' prayer of penitence : Do thou, with thy wonted love towards mankind, accept also thy servant, N., who repenteth him ( b y ) of the sins which he ( s b ) hath committed ; overlooking all that he (she) hath done, pardoning his (her) offences, and passing by his (her) iniquities. For thou hast said, 0 Lord : With desire have I desired not the death of a sinner, but rather that he should turn from the wickedness which h e hath committed, and live; and that even unto seventy times seven, sins ought to be forgiven ; forasmuch as thy majesty is incomparable, and thy mercy is illimitable. For if thou shouldest regard iniquity, who should stand? For thou art the God of the penitent, and unto thee do we ascribe glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.


Thm another Prayer :


Let us pray to the Lord

0 Lord Jesus Christ, Son of thy living God, both Shepherd and Lamb,
who takest away the sins of the world ; who didst remit the loan unto t h e two debtors, and didst the woman who was a sinner t h e remission of her sins : Do thou, the same Lord, loose, remit, forgive t h e sins, transgressions and iniquities, whether voluntary or involuntary, whether of wilfulness or of ignorance, which have been committed unto guilt and disobedience by these thy servants. And if they, bearing flesh and dwelling in the world, in that they are men, have in any way been beguiled of the devil; if in word or deed, whether wittingly or unwittingly, they have sinned, either contemning the word of a pnest, or falling under his anathema, or have broken their oath : Do thou, t h e same Master, in that thou art good and cherishest not ill-will, graciously grant unto these thy servants the word of absolution, remitting unto them their anathema and oath, according to thy great mercy. Yea, 0 Lord and Master, who lovest mankind, hear thou us who make our petitions unto thy goodness on behalf of these thy servants, and l l their errors, inasmuch as thou art exceedingly mercidisregard thou a ful ; and loose them from punishment eternal. For thou hast said, 0 Master: Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. For thou alone art without sin, and unto thee do we ascribe glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
TAcn shall the PricJt say to the Pcnirmt :

Behold, my child, Christ standeth here invisibly, and receiveth thy confession : wherefore, be not ashamed, neither be afraid, and conceal thou nothing from me : but tell me, doubting not, all things which thou hast done ; and so shalt thou have pardon from our Lord Jesus Christ. Lo, his holy image is before us : and I am but a witness, bearing testimony before him of all things which thou dost say to me. But if thou shalt conceal anything from. me, thou shalt have the greater sin. Take heed, therefore, lest, having come to the physician, thou depart unhealed.
oint, and shall await And t h shall he qrrcstion him di(igently, joint b r e r e j h to e v q qushbn. A n d j r s t o f N . he J R i n q r r i r r concerning his faith :

Tell me, my child, dost thou believe that which hath been transmitted and is taught by the Catholic, Apostolic Church, which was planted and nurtured in the East, and hath spread from the East throughout the world, and which abideth even unto this day, immovable and unchangeable ? And dost thou doubt any of her doctrines ?



THE FAITH : I believe in one God .the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, And of all things visible and invisible : And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, Begotten of his Father before all worlds ; Light of Light, Very God of very God, Begotten, not made ; Being of one Essence with the Father; By whom all things were made ; Who, for us men, and for our salvation, came down from heaven, And was incarnate by the Holy Ghost of the Virgin Mary, And was made man. And was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate, and suffered and was buried. And the third day he rose again, according to the Scriptures. And ascended into heaven, And sitteth on the right hand of the Father. And he shall come again with glory to judge both the quick and the dead ; Whose kingdom shall have no end. And in the Holy Ghost, the Lord and Giver of Life, Who proceedeth from the Father, Who with the Father and the Son together is worshipped and glorified, Who spake by the Prophets. In one Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. I acknowledge one Baptism for the remission of sins. I look for the Resurrection of the dead, And the Life of the world to come. Amen.

if he belicveth nghtCy and nnrioubtinge he shall



And @hen he hathfiished the Pn'csf shun interrogate him in &tail.

NOTE. The Pricst cibth not trrr the questions of ol&n days, which are still retained in the Ritual, but interrogateth the Penitent discreet@ ; a d at the k t , when he hath qnestioned him concerning the seven h d l y sms, he saith tht fol~ O Z V I ~ ~ ~

EXHORTATION : In all these points thou must henceforth be upon thy guard For thou hast received a second Baptism, according to the Christian Mystery. And thou must see to it that, God helping, thou make a good beginning. But, above all, thou must not bear thyself lightly towards these things, lest thou become a cause of scorn to men ;for these things do not befit a Christian. But may God, by his grace, aid thee to live honourably, uprightly and devoutly.
And when the Pn'es/ hath said o f f these things vnto him; and when he kafh rcucnled all things concerning himserf, concealing nothing, the Priest s h d f say to him :

Kneel down.
Then the Persomho hath mari;?his Confessaon boweth his head. end the Cmjusor reciteth this Prayer :

Let us pray to the Lord. 0 Lord God of the salvation of thy servants, gracious, bountiful and long-suffering, who repentest thee concerning our evil deeds, and desirest not the death of a sinner, but rather that he should turn from his wickedness and live : Show thy mercy now upon thy servant, N., and grant



unto him (her) an image of repentance, forgiveness of sins, and deliverance, pardoning his ( h e r ) every transgression, whether voluntary or involuntary. Reconcile and unite him (/MY) unto thy holy Church, through Jesus Christ our Lord, with whom also are due unto thee dominion and majesty, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
After this Prayer t b Priest pronounccih the Absolution over the Penitent, who knceleth humbly, saying as follows, in com~letionof the Holy Sacramcut of confcssimr :

May our Lord and God Jesus Christ, through the grace and bounties 'of his love towards mankind, forgive thee, my child, N., all thy transgressions. And I, his unworthy Priest, through the power given unto me by him, do forgive and absolve thee from all thy sins, in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the ,Holy Spirit. Amen.
And having nished the Absolution, the Pricst maketh with his hand over the Pmilrnt t c s&n of thc cross.



the Priest bcin in the Tcm#lc, tkose wko &nit to & After the Divine Litnr jto e t k t a ~ ti% e s t a d ywe fcCtCTn. ~ / two u nirgs lir OH d&e *kthmisi&of the Hofy Altar. T e Pnkst makefh, thhce, the szjy o f the cross over the baa3 of the briciafjair; andgiveth them fzghtcd tajers. (1) And the Deacon saith :

Bless, Master. Pricst. Blessed is our God always, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Chir. Amen. Deacon. In peace let us pray to the Lord. Choir. Lord, have mercy. For the servant of God, N., and for the handmaid of God, N., who now plight each other their troth, and for their salvation : I$ That there may be granted unto them children for the con- 25 tinuation of their race, and all their petitions which are unto sal- ~ ' g vation : I$ L v That he will 'send down upon them petfect and peaceful love, 0 3 &Y and succour : I$ That he will preserve them in oneness of mind, and in stead- & g fastness of faith : I$ 2 That he will bless them with a blameless life : I$ 3t ' That the Lord our God will grant unto them an honourable. q q marriage, and a bed undefiled : I$ $* That he will deliver us from all tribulation, wrath, peril and necessity: I$ SUCCOU~ US,save us, have mercy upon us, and keep us, 0 God, by thy grace. Choir. Lord, have mercy. Calling to remembrance our most holy, undefiled, most blessed and glorious Lady, the Birth-giver of God and ever-virgin Mary, with all the Saints, let us commend ourselves, and each other, and all our life unto Christ our God. Chir. To thee, 0 Lord. Pnest. For unto thee are due all glory, honour and worship, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen.

Appendix B, V 1I.



0 eternal God, who hast brought into unity those who were sundered, and hast ordained for them an indissoluble bond of love ; who didst bless Isaac and Rebecca, and didst make them heirs of thy promise : Bless also these thy servants, N. and N., guiding them unto every good work. For thou art a merciful God, who lovest mankind, and unto thee do we ascribe glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen. Pn-est. Peace be with you alL Choir. And with thy spirit. Deacon. Bow your heads unto the Lord. Choir. To thee, 0 Lord. Pn'cst. 0 Lord our God, who hast espoused the Church as a pure Virgin from among the Gentiles : Bless this Betrothal, and unite and maintain these thy servants in peace and oneness of mind. For unto thee are due all glory, honour and worship, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Chir. Amen. ..
72m tahin the rings, the P n i s t bkssetk the briricrl pair tkerewith, making the cross viu fie ring ofthe Bride over the Brdegroom, andwith that :The B d g r m m over the B+, saying'to the Man :(2)

. rfk

The servant of God, N., is betrothed to the handmaid of God, N.: In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
And to the Woman :

The handmaid of God, N., is betrothed to the servant of God, N.: In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
And when he kath @ohen thus to each one thrice, heplaceth the rin s on their ri ht hand. Then the briribl #air erchange the rings, and the k n e s t mith tkfollowing Prayer :

Let us pray to the Lord.

0 Lord our God, who didst accompany the servant of the patriarch
Abraham into Mesopotamia, when he was sent to espouse a wife for his lord Isaac ; and who, by means of the drawing of water, didst reveal unto him that he should betroth Rebecca: Do thou, the same Lord, bless also the betrothal of these thy servants, N. and N., and confirm the word which they have spoken. Establish them in the holy union which is from thee. For thou, in the beginning, didst make them male and female, and by thee is the woman joined unto the man as a helpmeet, and for the procreation of the human race. Wherefore, 0 Lord our God, who hast sent forth thy truth upon thine inheritance, and thy covenant unto thy servants our fathers, even thine elect, from generation to generation : Lookthou uWn thy servant, N., and upon thy handmaid, N.,



iI .



and establish and make stable their betrothal in faith, and in oneness of mind, in truth and in love. For thou, 0 Lord, hast declared that a pledge should be given and confirmed in all things. By a ring was power given unto Joseph in Egypt; by a ring was Daniel glorified in the land of Babylon ; by a ring was the uprightness of Tamar revealed ; by a ring did our heavenly Father show forth his bounty upon his Son ; for he saith : Put a ring on his hand, and bring hither the fatted calf, and kill it, and eat, and make merry. By thine own right hand, 0 Lord, didst thou arm Moses in the Red Sea; by the word of thy truth were the heavens established, and the foundations of the earth were made f i r m; and the right hands of thy servants shall be blessed also by thy mighty word, and by thine upraised arm. Wherefore, 0 Lord, do thou now bless this putting-on of rings with thy heavenly benediction: and let thine Angel go before them all the days of their life. For thou art he who blesseth and sanctifieth all things, and unto thee do we ascribe glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. C h o i r . Amen. THE ORDER OF MARRIAGE, OR OF CROWNING (3)

Pn'cst and Choir. Glory to thee, 0 Lord our God ; glory to thee. Blessed are all they that fear the Lord. I$ All they who walk in his paths. I$ Thou shalt eat of the fruit of thy labours. I$ 0 blessed art thou, and happy shalt thou be. I$ Thy wife shall be as the fruitful vine upon the walls of thine house B Thy children like a newly-planted olive-orchard round about thy table. I$ Lo, thus shall the man be blessed that feareth the Lord. I$ The Lord in Zion shall so bless thee, that thou shalt see the good things of Jerusalem all thy life long. I$ Yea, that thou shalt see thy children's children, and peace upon Israel. I$
Then the Pricst shall make them an exhortahbn, teffin them wherein the Sacrament ofhfarriagc ronsisteth, and how fhy+ / to Z % e ur*od~~ and u n 'k t 4 .in the w e a d state. Andwhen his exhorfahon u finished, the Ptiest s L l h n q m n of t h Bn'rkgroom, saying :

Hast thou, N., a good, free and unconstrained will and a firm intention to take unto thyself to wife this woman, N., whom thou seest here before thee ?
And the Rtltlciirgroom nraketh answer :

I have, reverend Father. Pn.est. Thou hast not promised thyself to an other bride? T h e Btidcgrom. I have not promised mysell reverend Father.



A n d stra&kfway Ue Pricsf, looki~g at the Bn'dc, shall inquire o f kcr, saying:

Hast thou, N., a good, free and unconstrained will and a f i r m intention to take unto thyself to husband this man, N., whom thou seest here before thee ? A n d fke Bride maketh answcr, saying : I have, reverend Father. Ptiest. Thou hast not promised thyself to any other man ? The Bti&, I have not promised myself, reverend Father. Than fht Deacon sai'Ih : Bless, Master. Priest. Blessed is the kingdom of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit always, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. C h i r . Amen. Deacon. In peace let us pray to the Lord. Choir. Lord, have mercy. For the servants of God, N. and N., who are now being united to each other in the community of marriage, and for their salva$2 tion : I# That he will bless this marriage, as he blessed that in Cana of 3' & Galilee: I$ That he will grant unto them chastity, and of the fruit of the , per womb as is expedient for them : I$ That he will make them glad with the sight of sons and $ daughters : I$ 2g That he will grant unto them the procreation of virtuous off- 3 r CD 1 1 o spring, and an upright life : I# That he will grant to them and to us 'all our petitions which 9 a are unto salvation : I$ SUCCOU~ US, save us, have mercy upon us, and keep us, 0 God, by thy grace. Choir. Lord, have mercy. Calling to remembrance our most holy, undefiled, most blessed and glorious Lady, the Birth-giver of God and ever-virgin Mary, with all the Saints, let us commend ourselves, and each other, and all our life unto Christ our God. Choir. To thee, 0 Lord. Pn'est. For unto thee are due all glory, honour and worship, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen. Deacon. Let us pray to the Lord. Choir. Lord, have mercy. Then tke Pricsf recifeth, aloud, the f o l l m n g Prayer : 0 God most pure, the Creator of every living thing, thou didst

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transform the rib of our forefather Adam into a wife, because of thy love towards mankind, and didst bless them, and say unto them : Increase, and multiply, and have dominion over the earth; and didst make of the twain one flesh: for which cause a man shall leave his father and mother and cleave unto his wife, and the two shall be one flesh : and what God hath joined together, that let no man put asunder. Thou who didst bless thy servant Abraham, and opening the womb of Sarah didst make him to be the father of many nations ; who didst give Isaac to Rebecca, and didst bless her in child-bearing ; who didst join Jacob unto Rachel, and from that union didst make known the twelve Patriarchs; who didst u d t e Joseph and Asenath, giving unto them as the fruit of their procreation Ephraim and Manasses ; who didst accept Zacharias and Elizabeth, and didst make their offspring to be the Forerunner; who, from the Root of Jesse according to the flesh, didst bud forth the ever-Virgin One, and wast incarnate of her ; and wast born of her for the redemption of the human race; who, through thine unutterable gift and manifold goodness didst come to Cana of Galilee, and didst bless the marriage there, that thou mightest make inanifest that it is thy will that there should be lawful marriage and the begetting of children : Do thou, the same all-holy Master, accept the prayer of us thy servants. As thou wert present there, so likewise be thou present here, with thine invisible protection. Bless this marriage, and vouchsafe unto these thy servants, N. and N., a peaceful life, length of days, chastity, mutual love in the bond of peace, long-lived seed, gratitude from their posterity, a crown of glory which fadeth not away. Graciously grant that they may behold their children's children. Preserve their bed unassailed, and give them of the dew of heaven from on high, and of the fatness of the earth. Fill their houses with wheat, and wine, and oil, and with every beneficence, that they may bestow in turn upon the needy; granting also unto those who are here present with them all those petitions which are for their salvation. For thou art the God of mercies, and bounties, and love towards mankind, and unto thee do we ascribe glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen. Deacon. Let us pray to the Lord. Choir. Lord, have mercy.
Then the Priest reciieth, aloud, the following Prayer:

Blessed art thou, 0 Lord our God, the Priest of mystical and pure marriage, and the Ordainer of the law of the marriage of the body, the Preserver of immortality, and the Provider of good things ; do thou, the same Master, who in the beginning didst make man and set him to be, as it were, a King over thy creation, and didst say: I t is not good for man to be alone on the earth; let us make a helpmeet for him ; and taking one of his ribs didst fashion Woman, which when Adam beheld,


he said : This is now bone of my bone, and flesh of my flesh ; she shiu be called Woman, for she was taken out of man ; for this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave unto his wife, and the twain shall be one flesh ; and those whom God hath joined together let no man put asunder :-Do thou now also, 0 Master, our Lord and our God, send down thy heavenly grace upon these thy servants, N. and N. ; and grant that this thy handmaid may, in all things, be subject unto her husband; and that this thy servant may be the head of his wife, that they may live according to thy wilL Bless them, 0 Lord our God, as thou didst bless Abraham and Sarah : Bless them, 0 Lord our God, as thou didst bless Isaac and Rebecca: Bless them, 0 Lord our God, as thou didst bless Jacob and all the patriarchs : Bless them, 0 Lord our God, as thou didst bless Joseph and Asenath : Bless them, 0 Lord our God, as thou didst bless Moses and Sepphora: Bless them, 0 Lord our God, as thou didst bless Joachim and Anna : Bless them, 0 Lord our God, as thou didst bless Zacharias and Elizabeth : Preserve them, 0 Lord our God, as thou didst preserve Noah in the ark : Preserve them, 0 Lord our God, as thou didst preserve Jonah in the belly of the whale: Preserve them, 0 Lord our God, as thou didst preserve the three Holy Children from the fire, sending down upon them dew from heaven ; and let that gladness come upon them which the blessed Helena had when she found the precious Cross. Remember them, 0 Lord our God, as thou didst remember Enoch, Shem, Elijah : Remember them, 0 Lord our God, as thou didst remember thy Forty Holy Martyrs, sending down upon them crowns from heaven : Remember them, 0 Lord our God, and the parents who have nurtured them ; for the prayers of parents make f i r m the foundations of houses. Remember, 0 Lord our God, thy servants the groomsman and the bridesmaid of the bridal pair,-who are come together in this joy. Remember, 0 Lord our God, thy servant, N., and thy handmaid, N., and bless them. Grant them of the fruit of their bodies, fair children, concord of soul and of body: Exalt them like the cedars of Lebanon, like a luxuriant vine. Give them seed in number like unto the full ears of grain ; that, having sufficiency in all things, they may abound in every work that is good and acceptable unto thee. And let them behold their children's children, like a newly-planted olive-orchard, round about their table; that, obtaining favour in thy sight, they may shine like the stars of heaven, in thee, our God. For unto thee are due all glory, honour and worship, to the Father, and to the Son, and to C h i r . Amen. the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Deacon. Let us pray to the Lord. Choir. Lord, have mercy.

And again fke Pricsf prayeih, aloud, as followcfh :

0 holy God, who didst create man out of the dust, and didst fashion his wife but of his rib, and didst yoke her unto him as a helpmeet ; for

@ .THE KITE OF HOLY MATRIMONY it jeemed good to thy majesty that man should not be alone upon =&h : Do thou, the same Lord, stretch out now also thy hand from thy holy dwelling-place, and conjoin this thy servant, N., and this thy , . handmaid, N. ; for by thee is the husband united unto the w i f e . Unite * them in one mind: wed them.into one flesh, granting unto them of the fruit of the body and the procreation of fair children. For thine is the m'ajesty, and thine are the kingdom and the power and the glory, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. -C h i r . Amen.
A d afCer the Amen,the Pricst fakctrh the crowns B~&grooom, say in^ :

(4, and crown4A 3rd

t h

The servant of God, N., is crowned unto the handmaid of God, N. : In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Choir. Amen.
In like man#er he fhcn crowncfh tAc Bna&,saying :

The servant of God, N., is crowned unto the servant of God, N. : In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Choir. Amen.



TbnA c bksscfh them thrice, saying, thrice:

0 Lord our God, crown them with glory and honour.

Deacon. Let us attend. Pricst. Peace be with you all. Reader. And with thy spirit. Deacon. Wisdom ! Reader. The Gradual (Prokfmen),in Tone VIII. Thou hast set upon their heads crowns of precious stones ; they asked life of thee, and thou gavest it them. Verse: For thou wilt give them thy blessing forever and ever: thou wilt make them to rejoice with gladness through thy presence. Deacon. Wisdom! Reader. The Lesson from the Epistle of the holy Apostle Paul to the Ephesians. Deacon. Let us attend. Reader. (Eph. v. 20-33.) Brethren : Give thanks always for all things unto God and the Father, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ ; s u b mitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God. Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church : and he is the Saviour of the body. Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything. Husbands, love our wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for ; that he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, that he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle, or any such thing ; but that it should be holy and without blemish. So ought men to love their wives, as their



own bodies. H e that loveth his wife loveth himself. For no man eve; yet hated his own flesh ; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church : for we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones. For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh. This is a great mystery : but I speak concerning Christ and the church. Nevertheless, let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself : and the wife see that she reverence her husband. Pricst. Peace be unto thee. Reader. And to thy spirit. Deacon. Wisdom ! Reader. Alleluia Deacon. Wisdom, 0 believers! Let us listen to the Holy Gospel. Priest. Peace be with you all. Choir. And with thy spirit. Priest. The Lesson from the holy Gospel according to John. C h i r . Glory to thee, 0 Lord ; glory to thee. Deacon. Let us attend. (John ii. 1-12.) And the third day there was a marriage in Cana of Galilee ; and the mother of Jesus was there. And both Jesus was called, and his disciples, to the marriage. And when they wanted wine, the mother of Jesus saith unto him, They have no wine. Jesus saith unto her, Woman, what have I to do with thee? mine hour is not yet come. H i s mother saith unto the servants, Whatsoever he saith unto you, do it. And there were set there six water-pots of stone, after the manner of the purifying of the Jews, containing two or three firkins apiece. Jesus saith unto them, Fill the water-pots with water. And they filled them up to the brim. And he saith unto them, Draw out now, and bear unto the governor of the feast. And they bare it. When the ruler of the feast had tasted the water that was made wine, and knew not whence it was (but the servants which drew the water knew), the governor of the feast called the bridegroom, and saith unto him, Every man at the beginning doth set forth good wine ; and when men have well drunk, then that which is worse: but thou hast kept the good wine until now. This beginning of miracles did Jesus in Cana of Galilee, and manifested forth his glory ; and his disciples believed on him. Choir. Glory to thee, 0 Lord ; glory to thee. Deacon. Let us all say, with all our soul and with' all our mind let us say : I$ 0 Lord Almighty, the God of our fathers, we beseech thee : hearken, and have mercy : I$ 2$ Have mercy upon us according to thy great mercy, we beseech o s. thee : hearken, and have mercy : I$ r Furthermore we pray for mercy, life, peace, health, salvation ; :q and visitation for the servants of God, N. and N. (and he also y p tluzketk mention of whomromer else he will) : gi



Priest. For thou art a merciful God, who lovest mankind, and unto t ee do we ascribe glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the oly Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. ,' Choir. Amen.


And the Priest recifefh this Prayer.

0 Lord our God, who in thy saving providence didst vouchsafe by thy presence in Cana of Galilee to declare marriage honourable : Do thou, the same Lord, now also maintain in peace and concord thy servants, N. and N., whom it hath pleased thee to join together. Cause their marriage to be honourable. Preserve their bed blameless. Mercifully grant that they may live together in purity ; and enable them to attain to a ripe old age, walking in thy commandments with a pure heart. For thou art our God, the God whose property it is to show mercy and to save, and unto thee do we ascribe glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen. D~acon. Succour us, save us, have mercy upon us, and keep us, 0 God, by thy grace. Choir. Lord, have mercy. Deacon. A day all-perfect, holy, peaceful and sinless : & An Angel of Peace, the faithful guide and guardian both of $2 our souls and bodies : & : . g3 The forgiveness and remission of our sins and transgresI sions : $ 9; All things which are good and profitable to our souls, and peace to the world : & -' 0 That we may pass the residue of our life in peace and peni- *; tence: & OZ A Christian ending to our life, painless, blameless, peace- r ful; and a good defence before the dread Judgment Seat of 9 6 Christ : & The unity of the faith, and the communion of the Holy Spirit let us beseech of the Lord : and let us commend ourselves, and each other, and all our life unto Christ our God. C h i r . T o thee, 0 Lord.


And the Priest makefh the ExcZamation :

And vouchsafe, 0 Lord, that boldly and without condemnation, we may dare to call upon thee, God, the heavenly Faqher, and to say :
And the Pe@Ze recite fht Lord's Prayer to U c end.

Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingi l l be done on earth, As it is in heaven. Give us this dom come Thy w day our daily bread, And forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive those



who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation ; But deliver us from the Evil One : Priest. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen. Pn-tst. Peace be with you all. Choir. And with thy spirit. Pn'cst. Bow your heads unto the Lord. Choir. To thee, 0 Lord.
Tbn the Common Cup ( 5 ) is brought, and tke Pricrf blessefh it, and reciteth
this Prayer :

Deacon. Let us pray to the Lord. Choir. Lord, have mercy. 0 God, who hast created all things by thy might, and hast made Cr, fast the round world, and adornest the crown of all things which 3 thou hast made : Bless now, with thy spiritual blessing, this common 5 cup, which thou dost give to those who are now united for a com- 9 munity of maniage. Aloud: For blessed is thy Name, and glorified is thy kingdom, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen.
Thm, takin fke Cu# in hir hand, fk Priest gibeth it thrice to them :/Trsflo fk Matt, anithen to the Woman. Then immediate& the Priest fakefh them, tke groomsmen behind them holding their crowns, and l e d t h them in a nicle (6) round about the lectnrr. And the Priest, or the People, sing the following Hymn, in Tone V: :

Rejoice, 0 Isaiah! A Virgin is with child, and shall bear a Son, Emmanuel, both God and man : and Orient is his name ; whom magnifying we call the Virgin blessed.
Another, in Tone VZZ.

0 Hol Martyrs, who fought the good fight and have received your crowns: ntreat ye the Lord that he will have mercy on our souls. Glory to thee, 0 Christ our God, the Apostles' boast, the Martyrs' joy, whose preaching was the Consubstantial Trinity.


Thm, taking the crown of tkc BntTd?groom, he saith :

Be thou exalted, 0 Bridegroom, like unto Abraham; and be thou blessed, like unto Isaac ; and do thou multiply like unto Jacob, walking in peace, and keeping the commandments of God in righteousness.
Z i m , faking fhe crown of the Bride, he saith :

And thou, 0 Bride: Be thou exalted like unto Sarah ; and exult thou, like unto Rebecca; and do thou multiply, like unto Rachel :



and rejoice thou in thy husband, fulfilling the conditions of the law : for so is it well-pleasing unto God. Deacon. Let us pray to the Lord. Choir. Lord, have mercy.
The Pricst praycth :

0 God, our God, who didst come to Cana of Galilee, and didst bless there the marriage feast : Bless, also, these thy servants, who through thy good providence are now united together in wedlock. Bless their goings out and their comings in : replenish their life with good things : receive their crowns into thy kingdom, preserving them spotless, blameless, and without reproach, unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen. Pn'cst. Peace be with you all. Choir. And with thy spirit. Deacon. Bow your heads unto the Lord. Choir. To thee, 0 Lord.
And the Prirst prayeth :

May the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, the all-holy, consubstantial and life-giving Trinity, one Godhead, and one Kingdom, bless you ; and grant unto you length of days, fair children, prosperity of life, and faith : and fill you with all abundance of earthly good things, and make you worthy 'to obtain the blessings of the pr* mise : through the prayers of the holy Birth-giver of God, and of all the Saints. Amen.
And the Deacon sai'rh :

Wisdom ! More honourable than the Cherubim,


(Seepage 303.)

Then the P n k t bestoweth the j n a l BENEDICTION. May he who by his presence at the marriage feast in Cana of Galilee did declare marriage to be an honourable estate, Christ our true God ; through the prayers of his all-holy Mother ; of the holy, glorious and alllaudable Apostles; of the holy, Godcrowned Kings and Saintsequalto-the-Apostles Constantine and Helena; of the holy Great Martyr, Procopius ; (7) and of all the Saints, have mercy upon you and save you : for he is good, and loveth mankind. Then the Priest rrrdeth an exhorfafionto the nmly-maminpnir. And the Peojlc come nndconp-atulafe them ;and thy kiss each o t k r ~ .


PRAYER AT T H E REMOVAL OF T H E CROWNS ON THE EIGHTH DAY (8) 0 Lord our God, who hast blessed the crown of the year, and permittest these crowns to be laid upon those who are united to one another by the law of marriage, and thus grantest unto them, as it were



a reward of chastity ; for they are pure who are united in the marriage which thou hast made lawful : Do thou bless also in the removal of these crowns those who have been united to one another, and preserve their union indissoluble; that they may evermore give thanks unto thine all-holy Name, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Priest. Peace be with you all. Choir. And with thy spirit. Deacon. Bow your heads unto the Lord. Choir. To thee, 0 Lord. Priest. These thy servants having come together in concord, 0 Lord, and having accomplished the compact of mamage, as at Cana of Galilee, and contracted the pledges thereof, ascribe glory unto thee, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
And the Dismissal.

Wisdom ! Choir. 0 most holy Birth-giver of God, save us. More honourable than the Cherubim, and beyond compare more glorious than the Seraphim, thou who without defilement barest God the Word, true Birth-giver of God, we magnify thee. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Lord, have mercy. (Thrice.) Bless.

And the Priest beslowelh the BENEDICTION. (.!kflagc



The Pricst beginneth :

Blessed is our God always, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Chir. Amen. 0 Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal One, have mercy upon us. (Thnke.) Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. 0 all-holy Trinity, have mercy upon us. 0 Lord, wash away our sins. 0 Master, pardon our transgressions. 0 Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for thy Name's sake. Lord, have mercy. (Thrice.) Glory . . . now, and ever, . . . Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, As it is in heaven Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, A s we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation ; But deliver us from the Evil One :



Priest. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen. Deacon. In peace let us pray to the Lord. For the servants of God, N. and N., and for the protection which is from God ; and for their life together : let us pray to the Lord C h i r . Lord, have mercy. That they may dwell together uprightly and in oneness of mind : let us pray to the Lord. Choir. Lord, have mercy. Succour us, save us, have mercy upon us, and keep us, 0 God, by thy grace. Choir. Lord, have mercy. Calling to remembrance our most holy, undefiled, most blessed and glorious Lady, the Birth-giver of God and ever-Virgin Mary, with all the Saints, let us commend ourselves, and each other, and all our life unto Christ our God. Choir. To thee, 0 Lord Priest. For unto thee are due all glory, honour and worship, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Rely Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen. Deacon. Let us pray to the Lord. Choir. Lord, have mercy.
The Priest saith this P m y n :

0 eternal God, who hast brought into unity those who were sundered, and hast ordained for them an indissoluble bond of love ; who didst bless Isaac and Rebecca, and didst make them heirs of thy promise : Bless also these thy servants, N. and N., directing them unto every good work For thou art a merciful God, who lovest mankind, and unto thee do we ascribe glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. C h i r . Amen. Priest. Peace be with you all. Choir. And with thy spirit. Deacon. Bow your heads unto the Lord. Choir. To thee, 0 Lord.
The Priest Prayeth :

0 Lord our God, who hast espoused the Church as a pure Virgin from among the Gentiles : Bless this Betrothal, and unite and maintain these thy servants in peace 'and oneness of mind. For unto thee are due all honour, glory and worship, to the Father,



and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Chai. Amen
i%m tke Pn'csf, faking the nirgs, givcth one$rst to f h Man, and h t& Woman

cnrothn; and saifk fo the Man :

T h e servant of God, N., is betrothed to the handmaid of God, N. : In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
And in Zikc manner to the Woman :

T h e handmaid of God, N., is betrothed to the servant of God, N. : I n the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Then he maketh with the rings fie sz& of the cross over their he&, and put. t e d the rings on the fingers of their rzght h a d . The S-or of the bn'ahl Pair e x c h g e f h them. Then the Deacon :

Let us pray to the Lord. Chir. Lord, have mercy. Pn'cJt. 0 Master, Lord our God, who showest pity upon all men, and whose providence is over all thy works ; who knowest the-secrets of man, and understandest all men : Purge away our sins, and forgive the transgressions of thy servants, calling them to repentance, granting them remission of their iniquities, purification from their sins, and pardon of their errors, whether voluntary or involuntary. 0 thou who knowest the frailty of man's nature, in that thou art his Maker and Creator ; who didst pardon Rahab the harlot, and accept the contrition of the Publican : remember not the sins of our ignorance from our youth up. For if thou wilt consider iniquity, 0 Lord, Lord, who shall stand before thee ? Or what flesh shall be justified in thy sight? For thou only art righteous, sinless, holy, plenteous in mercy, of great compassion, and repentest thee of the evils of men. Do thou, 0 Master, who hast brought together in wedlock thy servants, N. and N., unite them to one another in love: vouchsafe unto them the contrition of the Publican, the tears of the Harlot, the confession of the Thief; that, repenting with their whole heart, and doing thy commandments in peace and oneness of mind, they may be deemed worthy also of thy heavenly kingdom. For thou art he who ordereth all things, and unto thee do we ascribe glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen. Priest. Peace be with you all. Choir. And with thy spirit. Pricst. Bow your heads unto the Lord. Choir. T o thee, 0 Lord.



The Priest saifh this Prayer:

0 Lord Jesus Christ, the Word of God, who wast lifted up on the
precious and life-giving cross, and didst thereby destroy the handwriting against us, and deliver us from the dominion of the Devil : Cleanse thou the iniquities of thy servants ; because they, being unable to bear the heat and burden of the day and the hot desires of the flesh, are now entering into the bond of a second marriage, as thou didst render lawful by thy chosen vessel, the Apostle Paul, saying, for the sake of us humble sinners, I t is better to marry in the Lord than to bum. Wherefore, inasmuch as thou art good and lovest mankind, do thou show mercy and forgive. Cleanse, put away, pardon our transgressions ; for thou art he who didst take our infirmities on thy shoulders ; for there is none sinless, or without uncleanness for so much as a single day of his life, save only Thou, who without sin didst endure the flesh, and bestowest on us passionlessness eternal. For thou art God, the God of the contrite in heart, and unto thee do we ascribe glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. People. Amen. Deacon. Let us pray to the Lord. Chir. Lord, have mercy. T k the Pn'csf saith lh Praycr : 0 holy God, who didst create man out of the dust, . . .
And fkc rest, as in the First Rite of Marriqqe, #age 297.


H e who is to be maa2 a Taper-bearer is led by the SubDeacon into the centre of the Chrrch, befwc the beginning of the Divine Liturgy (see page 7 ) , a d thee mmn* Uree rmermces: and t m i n he mlrtfefhthe Bishopl tfrice. Then, drawin near to the B i r h e , he bowetfhir head; and the s i eth hi= on the 6 a d with hir hand. T h , h y i n g his kand %#on the c a n d e l s he& fhB a k e s d h the followkg Prayer :

0 Lord, who enlightenest all created beings with the light of thy marvels, and knowest the intent of every man before it is formed, and strengthenest those who are desirous of serving thee: Do thou, the same Lord, array in thy fair and spotless vesture this thy servant who desireth to become a Taper-bearer (these thy sewants who desire to become Taper-bearers) before thy Holy Mysteries; that he (te) may be illumined ; and that attaining unto the world to come he ( t h y ) may receive the incorruptible crown of life, and rejoice with thine elect in bliss everlasting. For hallowed is thy Name, and glorified is thy kingdom, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
B r f when there is no L i t Y r u the Bishop beginneth cu follozvs:

Blessed is our God always, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
T h m skull be sung :

0 heaven1 King, the Comforter, Spirit of Truth, who art in all places and fil est all things; Treasury of good things and Giver of life: Come, and take up thine abode in us, and cleanse us from every stain; and save our souls, 0 Good One. 0 Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal One, have mercy upon us. (Thrice.) Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. 0 all-holy Trinity, have mercy upon us. 0 Lord, wash away our sins. 0 Master, pardon our transgressions. 0 Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for thy Name's sake. Lord, have mercy. (Thrice.) Glory . . . now, and ever, . . . Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, As it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive

See page b i .


those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation ; But deliver us from the Evil One : For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Lord, have mercy. (Twelve times.) Choir. Amen. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Then the Hymn (Tro#dr)for the Day shaN bc read. But ifthere be a Litur ,then 0 .Heavenly King,and 0 Hol God,and Our Father shall be omrlteyand on& thefollowiirg Hymns shall r d :


0 holy Apostles, entreat the merciful God that he will grant our
souls remission of their sins. The grace of thy lips, shining forth like a beacon-fire, hath illumined the universe, and hath bestowed upon the world the treasure of nonavariciousness, and hath shown us the height of humility. But a s thou instructest us with thy words, 0 Father John Chrysostom, so also intercede thou with Christ our God, that our souls may be saved. Thy voice is gone out into all the world, in that it hath received thy word, wherewith thou hast taught in manner well-pleasing unto God, hast expounded the nature of existing things, and hast adorned the customs of mankind. 0 Royal Priesthood, Sainted Father, pray thou unto Christ our God, that our souls may be saved. The shepherd's reed of thy divine theology hath confounded the trumpets of the rhetoricians, the same being bestowed upon thee as upon one who hath searched out the deep things of the spirit, and grace of proclamation. Wherefore, 0 Father Gregory, entreat thou ChristGod that our souls may be saved. Glory . . . now, and ever, . . . Through the prayers of all the Saints, and of the Birth-giver of God, 0 Lord, grant us thy peace, and have mercy upon us : for thou only lovest mankind.
Then the Bisho# skroreth the can&fe's head in theform of a cross, s a y i w :

In the Name of the Father.

Then the Proto-Dwm, and the Rea&r, or a Chanter, shall say :

Amen. B i s w . And of the Son. Proto-Deacon. Amen. Bishop. And of the Holy Spirit. Proto-Deacon. Amen.
Then the Bisho# putteth upon him the short chasuble, and again makvth, f k h , with hir hand, tke s&n of the cross upon his head, and reciteth this Prayer:

0 Lord God Almighty, elect this thy servant ( t h e thy servants),and


sanctify him (them) ; and enable him (them), with all wisdom and understanding, to exercise the study and reading of thy divine words, preserving him (them) in blamelessness of life. Through the mercies and bounties and love towards mankind of thine Only-begotten Son, with whom also thou art glorified, together with thine all-holy, and good, and life-giving Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen.
Andafter the Prayer, the Bish @encth fhc book of the E isfles upon the head .f the ~ t & r . ~ n the d s u b e a c m l e d himilr a r d f l h him in the middle of the Church, with his face to the east; an the book of tkr E#istles isgivcn to him, and he rerrdcth, a liffle,wheresocvn it may chance to & all, and turnin he boweth to the Bis thrice, accordin to tk rnbric. X e n the tunic ir $ought to tk Bish@, a s h e slpncth it wit5 hfi hand, o v n the moss. A d he who hafh becn set afiart (wordarned),having srjptcd himsty d h the cross, Risseth the cross uflon t k funk, and the hand of fk Bish@ : Andthe SubDeacm vest him in tkr tunic; and the B i s w exhorteth him ihw :



My son(s), the first degree in the Priesthood is that of Reader. I t behooveth thee (ymc) therefore, to peruse the divine Scriptures daily, to t h e end that the hearers, regarding thee (you) may receive edification ;that thou (ye) in nowise shaming thine (your) election, mayest prepare thyself (trur-prepareyourselves) for a higher degree. For by a chaste, holy and upnght life thou shalt (ye shall) gain the favour of the God of loving-kindness, and shalt render thyself ( s h l I renderyourselves) worthy of a greater ministry, through Jesus Christ our Lord; to whom be glory unto ages of ages. Amen.
Then shaN t k B i s W say :

Blessed is the Lord. Lo, the servant(s) of God, N. (NN), is (arc) become a Reader (Readers) of the most holy Church of N. : In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
Then tkc B i z w grveth him (or them) a holy lamp, a d kc slarulith (they stand) before the B i s e with the lam#, in the a##m'nted#&ce.


If the Candidate is to receive the Laying-on o f Hands to the SnbDiotonafe (#r Pa~c 79) on the same A y , after he hath been invested with the funk, the SrbDeacons brin the AlmaCic and the ACmatu idle (that r j the stoh) h L k gird~e with the cross, a d he Bishop. Anfwhcn the Bish? hnth s i g r r d and the kand of the Bish*, f.&v who ts to receive Ordination ath Risscd if, gird him therewith. And the Birho) signetk him wifh hak kand, irr t kfmn of a cross; after w h d t k Arch#ricJt saith :

Let us pray to the Lord.

And the Bishop laying hir kand on the Candidirtc's head, rccaCIteth the following Prayer :

0 Lord our God, who, through one and the same Holy Spirit distrib uting gifts of grace to each one of those whom thou hast chosen, hast given to thy Church divers Orders ; who, through thine inscrutable providence hast appointed degrees of ministry therein, for the service of thy holy, spotless Mysteries ; and who, through thine ineffable foreknowledge, hast ordained this thy servant to be worthy to serve in thy Holy Church : Do thou, the same Lord, preserve him uncondemned in all things. And grant that he may love the beauty of thy house, stand before the doors of thy holy Temple, and kindle the lamps in the tabernacle of thy glory. And plant him in thy holy Church like a fruitful olive-tree, which bringeth forth the fruits of righteousness. And make him thy perfect servant in the time of thine advent, that he may receive the recompense of those who are well-pleasing in thy sight. For thine are the kingdom and the power and the glory, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
And after the Prayer, the SubDeacons give the ewer and basin to him who ir Lb receive the /Laying-on of Hand, and lay a towelon his shouldirrs. R n d t k Bishoj washeth h u h a d . And he wko is to b e wdained SubDcarorr #mrrcfk wnter ovcr fke Lands of the Bishop. Then he and the S u d - D e ~ m Riss & k &and of thr.Biskqj, and @art to their a ointed#ke. And kc who is to be orahined SubDeacon standcth, kolding t e ewer and basin, .m'th the towe4 until the Cherrbirnic Hymn. And he saitk, secretly :

0 Holy God, Holy Mighty, . . . (Thrice). Glory . . . now, and ever, . . . 0 all-holy Trinity, . . . Lord, have mercy. (Tricr.) Our Father, who art in heaven, . . . For thine is the kingdom, 5 . . . Lord, have mercy. (Thrice.) I believe itl one God, . . . L" Pardon, remit, forgive, 0 God, our transgressions, both voluntary

* For explanation, see Introductory Chapter on the Symbolism of the Church. dppendix B, VIII ( I ) .



and involuntary, whether of word or of deed, whether of knowledge r/, or of ignorance, whether of the day or of the night, whether of the 8 mind or of the intentions : forgive us all inasmuch as thou art good % 9 and lovest mankind.
A d zyhe &sirefk to say anything firrt/ur, ke &fh so secret&. At the fine of the Ckerubimic Hymn, kc is led in fionf o the Ho& Dams, to the Bish* : and the BisAoj wastieth Air kandi, accork. fo the rite, and
saifh the P r a y .

Tken Ac s e e f k fke wafer wifh his A a n l in the orm o f a cross, tkricc. And the BirAop, wifk this Aol wafer, weffefhthe andidirfe's eyes and ears nostn7s, and lipr. And at Great Enhance, fli CanaYahte for No& Or&rs wcrlketh bekznd all fke clergy. T b tke Brjlhsp suit%:


And may the mercy of the great God, and of our Saviour Jesus Christ, be with you all. ( S e t Liturgy, page 79.)
And g t e r the ExcZamfion Ar is led info ilr S a n c f v y flr ~ u b ~ e a c k s , accordin4 to the rubric, andkauing recei~cd fke Brjkop's b esszirg, ke fakvfk & s i a d untk flr SubDemons. (2)


After the B i s w hath said: (.See tke Liturgy, page r r I .) And may the mercy of the great God, and of our Saviour Jesus Christ, be with you all:
The Sub-Deacons brin the BishqSs #onti cal seat and place it in front, and i somewhat toward l.ft side fie oly Altar, that he nuy not t u n h back upon the Holy Thit~gs.A n d the B i s h e seafeth himserf thereon ;d h o Sub-Deacons take him wko 6 to receive tke Luyin -on of H a n d porn the m d dlr of the Church, having him between then, anfcach laying m e k a d u h 6 neck, and holding h m b y the h d r with tke otker: a d they bow dbwn as low as posszbk. And one Deacon in tke Sanctuary saifh : .


A n d l c d n g him fonvard a ldtle, thy bow him k Deacon saith : n agairr. And anotkcr

Command (3).
And thereupon fhty h a w w a r to the Holy Door, bowing him cibzvrr brfwe t k Bisho#. T h m the Proto-Deacon saith :

Command, Most Reverend Master.

Then the SubDeacons leave him who is to receive Ordination at the Holy Door: w k r e n on two others, a Proto-Deacon and n Deacon, taRc him, the one by trtr right and, the other by the left; and he k w e t h before :kc BisAop. Thn fAr Brsho# signeth him with his h n d i n the form of n cross, and they walk r m d the Holy Altar, (4)they that lead him and the rest, s i n f i g :

0 holy Martyrs, who fought the good fight and have received your crowns : Entreat ye the Lord that our souls may be saved.
TArn tkose who are withoxt the Sanctuary sing the same, once. A n d k who ir io receive the Laying-on of Hands kisseth the four corners of tk Holy Altar, and tke hand and knee of the B i s A e . ( 5 ) T k n they compass about the Altar again, singing :

Glory to thee, 0 Christ our God, the Apostles' boast, the Martyrs' joy, whose preaching was the consubstantial Trinity.
A n d the Choir wi'thout singeth the same, once. And again he who & a% rcceiw Ordination Kisseth the Holy Altar, and the epz&nation and handof the B i r w . Then they compass about the A lLar again, singing :

Rejoice, 0 Isaiah! A Virgin is with child, and shall bear a Son, Emmanuel, both God and man : and Orient is his name; whom magmfying we call the Virgin blessed.

* See Appendix B, VIII (2).


And they clb accwding to the Rifual. And those without sing the same.
T h the Bishop rbeth, and the #ontzjFtol chair is removed,. and he who is t o rcceii,e the laying- of h a n h octh to the tigAt sidc of the B h W , and bowstk saying : abwn bc~%ethe Holy A ltar,

Lord, have mercy upon me, a sinner.

And bending the rigAt &nee (6)kc Cayelk his palms upon th Holy Altar, in t h form of a cross, and platcth his brow between his ha& on the Holy R ltar. Then tk B i s W layetk the end of his stole %#on kis head, and (7) blessetk him, thricr, n f i n the had, and when tk Proto-Deacon, or the D e m , hath said :

Let us attend :


laying his hand on tk Candidate's head, saith, aloud, in the Iuaring of all t se who are in the Church ;

T h e grace divine, which always healeth that which is infirm, and completeth that which is wanting, elevateth, through the laying-on of hands, N., the most devout Sub-Deacon, to be a Deacon : Wherefore, let us pray for him, that the grace of the all-holy Spirit may come upon him.
T h n the Priests in the Sanctna on t k nght sic&, chant: Lord, have merc . (Thnie.) Likewise, t h e on l@: Lord, have mercy. (Thrice.) And n i r ers without in the rigkt and lefC C h i n : Kyrie eleison (thrzke,slowly), w k l e the Bishop reciteth this (8)



A d the Bis eth, tkirce,% Ofiim *at is recop ing Ordination.

T k Proto-Deacon k a u Scrid, in a low voice :


0 Lord our God, who by thy foreknowledge dost send down the fulness of the Holy Spirit upon those who are ordained by thine inscrutable power to be thy servitors, and to administer thy spotless Sacraments : Do thou, the same Sovereign Master, pre- q serve also this man, whom thou hast been ing-on oftoHands, pleased ordain,to through the service me, by of the theLayDi-

Let us Pray to the


, $

aconate, in all soberness of life, holding the mystery of the faith in a pure conscience. Vouchsafe unto him the grace which thou didst grant unto Stephen, thy first Martyr, whom, also, thou didst call to be the first in the work of thy ministry ; and make him worthy to administer after thy pleasure the degree which it hath seemed good to thee to confer upon him. For they who minister well prepare for themselves a good degree. And manifest him as wholly thy seivant. For thine are the kingdom and the power and the glory, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.


T k n the Profo-Deacon saifhsoflly, in a low voicc :
And thc BbAOp. k @ i n Air hand on the head o him is re&- ! i~ H O d ~k y s , ) Y I I Y C ~ ~ UI , wfiire :

z v h


In peace let us pray to the I Lord. 0 God our Saviour, who by Choir. Lord, have mercy. thine incorruptible voice didst the peace that from appoint unto thine Apostles the above, and for the salvation of law of the Diaconate, and didst c our souls: I$ c n manifest the first Martyr, S t s For the peace of the whole world ; for the welfare of God's 3 phenl to be of the same ; and didst proclaim him the first who and for the should exercise the office of a union of them all : I$ Deacon, as it is written in thy 1 For our Bishop N., of N., 2 Holy Gospel : Whosoever deand for his priesthood, succour, maintenance, peace, health and r sireth to be first among you, let b salvation ; and for the work of & him be your servant : Do thou, 2 0 Master of all men, fill also 5 his hands: & this thy servant, whom thou 9 For the servant of God' N'y who bath now received the F; hast graciously permitted to Layingsn of H~~~~ to be a 2' enter upon the ministry of a Deacon, and for his salva- p Deacon, with all faith, and love, power, and holiness, tion : & S and the of through .!! That the God who loveth and life-giving Spirit ; for mankind will vouchsafe unto him a pure and blameless Di- 2 not through the Laying-on of my hands, but through the aconate : & For our most God-fearing 2 visitation of thy rich bounties, is grace bestowed upon thy sovereign Lord, N. & worthy ones : That he, being For this city, and for every devoid of all sin, may stand city and land; and for those who blameless before thee in the terwith faith dwell therein : & rible Day of th Judgment, and That he will deliver us from receive the un ailing reward of all tribulation, wrath, peril and thy promise. necessity : & SUCCOUT US, save us, have mercy upon us, and keep us, 0 God, by thy grace. Choir. Lord, have mercy. Calling to remembrance our most holy, undefiled, most blessed and glorious Lady, the Birth-giver of God and ever-virgin Mary, with all the Saints, let us commend ourselves, and each other, and all our life unto Christ our God. Chir. To thee, 0 God.

Exchmatton. T k c Bizhop. For thou art our God, and unto thee do we ascribe glory,

? @ F



to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen.
m e n they raise the Candiciirte,and loose hrj stole, which is b a n d cross-wise. And taking the stole, the Bishop layeth it on h L left skouldcr, saying in a loud voicc :

Axios ! (Worthy !) (8)

And t h q within the Sanctuary sing, tA&e :

And likewise they without, in both Choirs,sing, tkrice :

Tkm the gauntlets aregiven to him, and the Bishop saith :

And they within the Sanctuary, and they without, sing the same, as before. Then the sacramentalfan is given to Aim, and the Birho$ saith :

A n d t h y whe are within, and m'fhout, the Sanctuary, sin as before. And he kisscth the Bishop on the shoulakr, and placeth hiwe&at the Alfar, and fannefh the Holy Gifis.


H c that is to be mired to the Archdinconate is led, by a ProtPDcacm a n d a Deacon, to the Reverend Riskop, in the m i M e o f the Church, oclkere the Bbrkop shndcth, at the time when the Lesser Entrance with the boo&o f the Holy GusPels is ma&. (See #age 84.) And he boweth, thrzke, before the Biskop, evm to his .rdle, and benlicth his head Then the Bishop, sitting, muketh the s@ ol CYOSS, thrice, with his hand, ##on his head; and rising, layeth hii haad u#on his he&. And when thc Deacon kath said:


Let u s pray t o t h e Lord : The B h h e recifeth thefollowing Prayer: 0 Master, Lord o u r God, who hast bestowed upon our race t h e Archdeaconship, granting, through thine unspeakable providence, t h a t they who are endued therewith may order a n d serve t h y Divine Mysteries as lesser ministers : D o thou, t h e s a m e Lord, e n d u e with this g r a c e of t h e Archdeaconship this t h y servant, N., a n d adorn him with t h i n e integrity, t o stand a t t h e head of t h e Deacons of t h y people, a n d t o be a n example of good t o those who a r e under him. Cause him to attain unto a ripe old age, t h a t h e may magnify t h y glorious Name, of t h e Father, and of t h e Son, and of t h e Holy Spirit, now, and ever, a n d u n t o ages of ages. Amen. f thecross upon his Acad,saying: Then the Bishop maketh the sign o Blessed is God. Lo, t h e servant of God, N., becometh a n Archdeacon (or a Proto-Deacon) : I n t h e N a m e of t h e Father, a n d of the Son, and of t h e H o l y Spirit. And laying his hund @on the head o f him that is elevate4 the B i s w e z chimeth : Axios ! (Thrice.) And the Choir singeth, thrice ; Axios. And then they crrte; the Sanctuwy, according to fhe Rz2ual.

* See Appendix B, VIII (8).


A f l n the Chernbimic Hymn hafh been Bnished (see Page 98), he who is to be ordained Priest is led by an Archdeacon, or bnother Deacon, in the same manner, and after the same exclamations of Command nnd Command, as at the ordination of a Deacon, t/trough the Holy Dow, to the Holy Altar be ore the B i s h f , at the r k h t hand side thereoJ The Bisho) s&teth him e ; i t l h i s hand, in t e f m m of a cross :and he is fed thnce round the Rltur, as is described i n the OFFICE FOR MAKING A DEACON, while all within the Sanctuary sing thefollowing Hymns :

0 holy Martyrs, who fought the good fight and have received your crowns : Entreat ve the Lord that our souls may be saved. Glory to thee, 0 Christ our God, the Apostles' boast, the Martyrs' joy, whose preaching was the consubstantial Trinity. Rejoice, 0 Isaiah ! A Virgin is with child, and shall bear a Son, Emmanuel, both God and man : and Orient is his name ; whom magnifying we call the Virgin blessed.
Then he who is to be orciaincd bnrriirfh both knees, and #liuetA his g5alms crosswise ##on the Ho* Alfur, and the Bishop lnyeth the e d o f his stole ujon fhr Aeudof him who as to receive the Layin -on of Han&,and blesseth him, fhrice, u#on the head. And when the#rincz9afPriest hafh said:

L e t us attend :
The Bisirop, laying his hand upon his head, #ronounceth, aloud, i n the hearing of all those who stand in the Clurch :

T h e grace divine, which always healeth that which is infirm, and completeth ( I ) that which is wanting, elevateth through the laying-on of hands, N., the most devout Deacon, to be a Priest. Wherefore, let us pray for him, that the grace of the all-holy Spirit may come upon him. A n d the B i s w reciteth, secretly, the T k n the Profo-Dearon saifh in a
low voice :

Let us pray to the Lord.

A n d the Priests m'rhin the Sancfwnry ~ o r d ,have mercy, thrice on the nkht si&, and again fkricc on tht left si&. A n d tA.9 S i n ~ c r sd h o u f , i n n k k f a n d left Choirs, sinz: Kyrie el ,ison (thrice, slowly), w k i k the BLh@ recitefh the Prayer.

p l b w i n g prayer

0 God, who hast no beginning and no ending; who art older than every createdv thing ; who crownest with the name of Presbyter I? those whom thou deemest worthy ? to serve the word of thy truth in the divine ministry 'of this " degee : Do thou, the same lOord of all men, deign to preserve in pureness of life and in unswerv(10).

Appendix B . VIII



ing faith this man also, upon whom, through me, thou hast graciously been pleased to lay hands. Be favourably pleased to grant unto him the great grace of thy Holy Spirit, and make him wholly thy servant, in all things acceptable unto thee, and worthily exercising the great honours of the priesthood which thou hast conferred upon him by thy prescient power. 'For thine is the majesty, and thine are the kingdom and the power and the glory, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen. And the Bishop, blessinfi fkrirc, Cmu voice : him who is receiving Ordination, Keepefh kis hand on the CizndiLet us p v the 5 &tess he& and jrayeth, st . .. cretly : n c n the P h t , in a low voice, g recifefh the LITANY OF PEACE. 0 ~~d great in might and 21 inscrutable in wisdom, marvelIn peace let us pray to the Lord. lous in counsel above the sons : of men : Do thou, the same Choir. Lord, have mercy. i Lord, fill with the gift of thy For the peace that is from Holy Spirit this man whom it above, and for the salvation of S hath pleased thee to advance our souls : & For the peace of the whole & to the degree of Priest; that he may be worthy to stand in ( world ; for the welfare of God's , innocency before thine Altar; 8 holy Churches, and for the p , union of them all : & 2 to proclaim the Gospel of thy For our Bishop, N. of N., 8' kingdom ; to minister the word of thy truth ; to offer unto thee his priesthood, succour, maintenance, peace, health and sal- 2 spiritual gifts and sacrifices ; to vation; and for the works of , * renew thy people through the r laver of regeneration. That his hands :& P , For the servant of God, N., 2 when he shall go to meet thee, who now hath received the a at the Second Coming of our Laying-on of Hands to the 2 great God and Saviour, Jesus Priesthood, and for his salvaChrist, thine Only-begotten tion : & Son, he may receive the reward That the God who loveth of a good steward in the degree mankind will vouchsafe unto committed unto him, through him a pure and blameless minthe plenitude of thy goodness. istry: I$ For our most God-fearing Sovereign Lord, N. : For this city ; and for every city and land ; and for those who with faith dwell therein : I$
A n d the Proto.Deacon saith, in a



Succour us, save us, have mercy upon us, and keep us, 0 God, by thy grace Choir. Lord, have mercy. Calling to remembrance our most holy, undefiled, most-llessed and glorious Lady, the Birth-giver of God and ever-virgin Mary, with all the Saints, let us commend ourselves, and each other, and d l our life unto Christ our God. L c , - -Ckoir. T o thee, 0 Lord. .

- * - *


Bzk/rop. For blessed and magnified is thine all-holy and majestic Name, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now, and
ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen. 2 % ~t& raise u # the Candiakfe,and bring the PricJt's stole; and takin tk UeaconJsstolrf~om him that 6 t h rcccivedtke Layinpn ofkianak, tke k k o P mdueth him wifh the #nksfly stole, after he Lath blessed it; and he t k d recciveth it kisseth it, and the h n d o f fk BisA*. And the B i s * (0yct.k it abmrt his neck, saying, loudly : Axios ! (Worthy !) And they within tkc Sanctnary sing the same : Axios. ( Thnke.) And the Singers withont, in both Choirs, sing also : Axios. (Thrice.) The Bishop then, in like manner, endneth him with tk zone, and he kisseth it, and tkc hand of tkc Bish*, ar~dgirdcth himst& Andtkc Bish* saitk : Axios. ( 8 ) Andthcy within the Sanctuary a d they without a 2 1 the same. Thus they o ! a also with the chasuble :and with the Service-Book,wkich is @ e n to hirn as his p i & in the holy ministry; for k saith notfrom memory t k Prayers, but reatteth them. Then tkey sin as usual, and the Pn'est who hafh received fkc Laying-on of k i n d g o e t ~ t hnfln , he hat* kissed tkc Bir 's stole and his hand, and kisseth the rchimand~ites, and all his fcllow-c e r n , on fkc skoula2r; and taketh his place among tkc PricJLs.



v , He who is to bc adL& to the rank of 2?chpricst is conducted by a Proto-Dcacon, or by tulo ~ e a r o n s h a c /I'i#t Rewerend Bisho$, in the mi&Zt of fhe Church, at the time when thcZitflr Etrtrarrce with the book of thc Holy Gos9th is tnndc. He bowcth before the Bishop, cve~r to thegt~dle, thrice, arrdbena2fA his he&. And the Bish*, as hc sitteth,sz&acth him, thrice, upon thc ha4 in crossfor~n, with his hand. Then, risin hc iayeth his hand upon the Priesfs head. A n d n/er U c Proto-Deacon h a t f said:


Let us pray to the Lord :

The Bishop saith the following Prayer:

0 Master, Lord Jesus Christ, our God, who hast bestowed the priesthood upon our race, and hast endued us with the grace of this gift and honour, and hast appointed us who are duly devout to exercise command over the members of the Priesthood, and the other servitors in lesser degree of thy Mysteries: Endue thou now, also, with thy grace, our brother N., and adorn him with integrity; that he may stand at the head of the Priests of thy people. And enable him to set a good example to those who are with him ; and graciously grant that he may attain, in piety and veneration, unto a good old age ; and have mercy upon us all, inasmuch as thou art a good God. For thou art the bestower of wisdom ; and unto thee doth all creation sing praises unto ages of ages.
Then the Birhoj signeth hi& upon tk head with the s + of tke cross, sayimg:

Blessed is God. Lo, the servant of God, N., is made an Archpriest of God's holy Church, N. : In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
Then, laying his hand upon the Pricsfs head, the B L r w exclaimrtA :

Axios ! (Thrice.)

Appendix B, VIII (8).

Then they place thc Arch rirst with thc otirer c l w , according to their rank, and ! rough the Holy Door, and minister with tke Clrrgy. enter the Sanctuary tA


H e who is to be elevated to the rank o Abbot is fed by a ProfoDeacon,or by two Deacons, to the Bishop, in the m i d e ofthe Chttrch, where the Bishop stanrilrth, a t the fintc o f f h e Lesser Etttrante with the book the Holy Goq3cCs (seepage so be that the Bishop hilrrself' oflciate at the Liturgy. But if not, then 84), they bring to the Bishop his priest4 sfofe,ganntfets and onro/dr. arld he ?~esteth hirasef ' where he sfanrilrfh. He who is to be ndvanced to the rank of Abbot is broug t to his a#ointed~face, and bowefh low to the Bishop, even to his giidle, thrice, and betrdeth his head And the Bishop, sitting, sslgncth his head, fhtfce, with his hand, in the f o r ~ n of a cross. A n d rising, he Cayefh his hand upon his head; and when the Profo-Deacon hath said:


L e t us pray t o the Lord :

The Bishop recitefh the following Prayer:

0 God, who ever exercisest divine foresight concerning the salvation of men, and hast gathered into one this reason-endowed flock: Do thou, 0 Master of all, through thy boundless love for mankind, preserve t h e same spotless, ever keeping thy commandments, that not one sheep perish therefrom, or be devoured by the wolf. And make this thy servant, whom thou hast been graciously pleased to set over it as Abbot, worthy of thy goodness ; and adorn him with all virtues, that through his own deeds he may offer a good example to those who are subject unto him ; that they, being moved t o emulate his blameless life, may, with him, stand uncondemnd before thy dread Judgment Seat. F o r thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen. Bishop. Peace be with you all. C/toir. And with thy spirit. Proto-Deacon. Bow your heads unto the Lord. Choir. T o thee, 0 Lord.
Then the Biskoj saith, secretly, the following Prayer:

Incline thine ear, 0 Lord, and hear our prayers ; and cause this thy servant, the Abbot of this venerable habitation, to be a wise and faithful steward of the reason-endowed flock which, through thy h grace, hath been entrusted unto him, working thy will in all things, 2 i and becoming worthy of thy heavenly kingdom. 9 Through the grace and love towards mankind of thine Onlybegotten Son, with whom thou art blessed, together with thine all-holy, and good, and life-giving Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.



Then the Proto-Deacon saith, &nd& :

Command, Master.
A n d the Bishop, also, with a loud v& :

The grace of the all-holy Spirit, at the hands of our humble person, promoteth thee to be Abbot of the honourable habitation of the Lord God, and our Saviour, Jesus Christ, N. ( 1 7 the Temple be dedicated to him) ; or of our most holy Sovereign Lady, the Mother of our Lord, N. (gthe Temple be h d k a t e d to her) ; or of Saint N. (gthe ;Tcmpfe be dedicated to a Saint).
T k n , Laying his hand upon his h e 4 the Bishop excku'mctA:

Axios ! ( T~H'cc.)
And the Choir singefh :

Axios. (Thvice.)
T h m he who hafh k e n invcsfed with the ofice o Abbot kissetA the pall* o . the Bishop on the r i ht, and on the left s h u &r: and being Zed awa taketh hir place wit% the other Abbots, according to their rank: and?% enter the Srnctua ihrouC.Athe Holy Door; and Ac min&tcrcfh' wi16 other c~ergy, acmXng to the B i t y a ~ .
See Appendix B, VIII (11).


H e who is to be installed as Archimandrite is led by the Proto-Deacon,or by two Urncons,to the Bishop, in the m i M e of the Church, where the Bishoj standeth, at the time of the Lzttle Entrance with the book ofthr Holy Gosjels (seepage 84), z y the Bishop himseCf be the celebrant at the Divine Litrrrgy. b u t if not, then they bringto the LZtshop hispriestly stole, hisgauntlets, and his all, and he vrsteth himsep where he strrndefh. He who is to be itrstallrd 11s rchimandn'le, being brou ht to his ap#ointedjluce, boweth before the Bishop, even to his rdle, and bend% his head. A n d the Bishop, sittin ~ a k e t h thrice, wifh his find, W sign o/ the cross over his hmd. A x d if Candidah /or the rank of Archimandrite be already an Abbot, the Prayers at the Elevation of an Abbot are not used, and the Proto-Deacon saith only, aloud :

Command, Master :
And the Bishop saith, in a loud voice :

The grace of the all-holy Spirit, through our humility, doth promote thee to be Archimandrite of the venerable habitation of our Lord, and God, and Saviour, Jesus Christ ; or of our most holy Lady, the Birthgiver of God (if the Temple be dedicated to h e r ) ; o r of Saint N . (if it be dedicated to a Saint).
T h m , layin his hand upon the head of him who is being elevated the Bishop ezclaimeti :

'Axios ! ( Thrice.) * Choir. Axios. (Thyice.) . And zya m i h is to be c o n f e d wpm a n Archimandrite, then, after the Little

Entrance from the Sanctuary, with the book of the Holy Gospels, the Archimandriie is led to tke Bishop. A n d the Bishop saith no prayer, but onl blesset/c the Archimandrite with his hand. A n d Nu Archimandrite kisseth handof the Bishoj, and the mitre ;and the mitre is then j u t upon the Archimandrite. Then he is led away, and laced with the other Archimannrifes arrd Abbots, accordirg to his rank. A n they enter the .Sanctuary thmugh the Holy Door, and minister with the Clerg;y zuho are celrbmtrrrg, according to the Ritual. A n d at the end of the Divine Liturgy the Bishop, giving the Archimandn'te (or Abbot) his pastoral s t a z saith :


Take this staff and with it establish and rule thy flock : seeing that thou must answer therefor to our Lord God, on the Day of Judgment. T k r n the Eishoj exhorteth him and hisflock to the observance of tkeir resjective
See Appendix

B,VIII (8).


When the time is come or electing a Bishqj to h vacant E#iscqjaZ Throne, the Most Holy Synod of ussia taketh counsel as to who k n o w of a n incumbent o f such a dy-nifu ;a d when sxch jtrson hath been seLectcd, tge m i nation of him w o a s rksignated to the Bishqjru is maa2 after #hefolhwing manner : When the time is come, the Bis s and CandzXzabelect are srrmmoncd fo the Mod Holy G m i n g Synod; an when they are assembled, the Presiding Biskq5 #vtteth on his jricstly dole. ZZen annorrnccment is madc to the Bishopekct by the Chicf Secretary in tkis wise :

Honourable Father Archimandrite (or Hiero-Monk), N. : Our Sovereign I.ord, N., the Emperor of All the Russias, by an edict signed with his Majesty's name, commandeth, and the Most Holy Synod of Russia assenteth thereto, that pour Holiness shall be the Bishop of the God-saved cities, NN.
And thereto the Bishoj-rlect makefh answer :

Seeing that our Sovereign Lord, N., the Emperor of All the Russias, hath commanded my preferment, and that the Most Holy Governing Synod of All the Russias hath judged me worthy of this ministry, I return thanks, and accept, and say nothing contrary thereto.
Then the Presiding B i r w beginnrth :

I3lessed is our God always, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen.
The others say :

0 heavenly King, the Comforter, Spirit of Truth, who art in al: places and fillest all things ; Treasury of good things and Giver of life: Come, and take up thine abode in us, and cleanse us from every stain ; and save our souls, 0 Good One. 0 Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal One, have mercy upon us. (Thrice.) Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, As it is in heaven. Give us
Appendix B, VIII.




this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation; But deliver us from the Evil One : The Presiding Bishop. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
The others recite the following Hymrr (Trojdr):

Blessed art thou, 0 Christ our God, who hast revealed the fishers most wise, sending down upon them thy Holy Spirit, and thereby catching the universe as in a net. Glory,to thee, 0 thou who lovest man kind. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
And the Collect-Hymn ( K o n d k ):

When the Most High confounded the tongues, he dispersed abroad the nations : but when he distributed th: tongues of fire, he called all men unto unity. Wherefore, with one accord, we glorify the all-holy . Spirit.
Then the Presiding Bljko$ rcci'reth this L h n y :

Have mercy upon us, 0 God, according to thy great mercy, we beseech thee : hearken, and have mercy. I$ Furthermore we pray for our most God-fearing Sovereign Lord, N., the Emperor of All the Rwsias ; and for all the Reigning House. I$ Furthermore we pray for the Most Holy Governing Synod. I$ Furthermore we pray for the all-honourable Archimandrite (or Hiero-Monk), N., the newlyelected Bishop of the God-saved cities, NN. I$ Furthermore we pray for all the brotherhood, and for all Orthodox Christians. I$



b. ! a



For thou art a merciful God, who lovest mankind, and unto thee do we ascribe glory, to the Father, and to the Son,and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. C/roir. Amen. . Deacon. Wisdom ! Choir. More honourable than the Cherubim, and beyond compare more glorious than the Seraphim, thou who without defilement barest God the Word, true Birth-giver of God, we magnify thee. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Lord, have mercy. ( Thrice.) Bless, Master.



May he who, in the form of tongues of fire, sent down from heaven the Holy Spirit upon his Disciples and Apostles, Christ our true God; through the prayers of his all-pure Mother, of the honourable, glorious Prophet, the Forerunner and Baptist, John, and of Saint N. (whose day it is), and of all Saints, have mercy upon us and save us, for h e is good and loveth man. Then the Choir chanteth MANYYEARS to his most Godfeatirr Imperhzl Majesty
the Emfleror, to the Most Holy Govrming Synod, and to t % Birhoj-elect. A~td when this is finished, fhe Chief Bkhop riseth and blesseth the Bishop-ekct with the cross, and sprinkleth him with holy water, and each one of them then &parteth to his own abode.

On the &y when the Consecration is to take place, the bells arc pealed for the Vr$l Service, accordi~rg to the Ritual: and at the Ninth Theme-Song of' tke Canon the great bell peals. A n d the Bisho#s and others assemble in the Cathedral Church,and havin vested themstlzes according to the Ritual, t h v ascend the tribune, ppredrf by ihe Archimandrite, the Abbot, and the Archpriest, and all t k Clergy. And in the mi& of the Church, near the tribune, on the ecclesiastical caert, there is placed the *re of a one-headed eagle, having its wings orrtsprcari, stnnding n n k h t on its feet ;and u n d r its feet is a cit with walls and towers, an the eagle, as it were, treading u#on fhe tw*l t t r c o f . A n d thir i s gnardcd so that no one may step upon the eagle. ( I 2) T k n the B i ~ h @ s command the A rchpriest and the Proto-Deacon to summon him who is to receive consecration : and they, doing reverence and kissing the h a d of the Bishops, take the Candidate for consecration, who is i n the Sanctuary, clad i n all the vestments of a Priest, and lead him #$on the fail of the ea le axd he make/* 1 r e e revwenas. he proto-~eacon first l e d t h the ~ i r 5 q i elect,proclaiming and saying, in an audible voice, these things follaving :

The God-beloved, elect and confirmed Archimandrite (or HieroMonk), N., is led forth for consecration to the Bishopric of the Godsaved city, N. (cities NN.).
And to the Z?isho#-clect,holding i n his &an& the holy wriling of the Ortkoabx faith, the Chief Brjho# saith :

Wherefore art thou come, and what dost thou ask of our meekness?
The Bisho#-elect maketh answer, saying :

The laying-on of hands, unto the grace of the hishop's office, Most Reverend Sirs.
And the Bakho# questiomth him, saying:

And how believest thou ?

A n d the Bkh@-efect recilrth, aloud, TEE SYMBOL OF T H E FAITH :

I believe in one God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, And of all things visible and invisible :


And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only-begotten Son of God, begotten of his Father before all worlds ; Light of Light, Very God of very God ; Begotten, not made ; Being of one Essence with the Father; By whom all things were made; Who, for us men, and for our salvation, came down from heaven, And was incarnate by the Holy Ghost of the Virgin Mary, And was made man. And was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate, and suffered and was buried. And the third day he rose again, according to the Scriptures. And ascended into heaven, And sitteth on the right hand of the Father. And he shall come again with glory to judge both the quick and the dead ; Whose kingdom shall have no end. And in the Holy Ghost, the Lord and Giver of Life, Who proceedeth from the Father, Who with the Father and the Son together is worshipped and glorified, Who spake by the Prophets. In one Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. I acknowledge one Baptism for the remission of sins. I look for the resurrection of the dead, And the Life of the world to come. Amen.
A n d when kc hafh said this, the Biskoj blcsseth him w i t h the sign ofthe cross, and saifh :

The grace of God the Father, and of our Lord Jesus Christ, and of the Holy Spirit, be with thee.
Tkc Bishop-elect is then ledto the middle ofthe eagle, /kc Proto-Deacon proclaiming his being led, ar war ex$laitred above :

The God-beloved

. . . is led . . . and so forth, as brfore.

A n d when the Bzkkop-elect katk been placed rr on the ccntrc of thccaglc, t h Ckicf Biskq5 dirccteth his w w a k to him, and sait :

Reveal unto us more particularly how thou believest concerning the properties of the three Persons of the ineffable Godhead, and concerning the Incarnation of the Person of the Son and Word of God
A n d tke Bisk -elect immediately rca&th, aloud, fhc SECOND CONFESSION OF FAITH, a s f o lowcfh :

I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and

earth, and of all things visible and invisible ; For he is without beginning, unbegotten, and without cause, but is himself the natural beginning and cause of the Son, and of the Spirit. And I believe in his Only-begotten Son, without mutation and w~thout time begotten of him, being of one Essence with Him by whom all things were made. And I believe in the Holy Spirit, who proceedeth from the same Father, and with him is glorified as coeternal, being of one Essence with him, and equal in glory, and enthroned together with him, the Author of creation. I believe that one of the same supersubstantial and life-giving Trinity, the Only-begotten Word, came down from heaven, for us men, and for our salvation, and was incarnate by the Holy Spirit of the Virgin


Mary, and was made man ; that is to say, was made perfect man, yet remaining God, and in nowise changing his divine essence by his participation in the flesh, neither being transmuted into anything else: but without mutation assuming man's nature, he therein endured suffering and death, being free in his divine nature from every suffering. And on the third day he rose again from the dead ; and ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of his God and Father. And I believe those traditions and narrations concerning the one Catholic and Apostolic Church which we have received from God and the men of God. I acknowledge one Baptism for the remission of sins. I look for the Resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. Furthermore I confess the one Person, the Word made flesh ; and I believe and proclaim that Christ is one and the same in two natures after his incarnation, preserving those things which were in them and from them. Therefore, also, I adore two wills, in that each nature retaineth its own special will and its own action. I reverence, relatively, but not in the way of worship, the images divine and reverence-worthy of Christ himself, and of the all-undefiled Mother of God, and of all the Saints, addressing to their originals the honour shown to them. I reject as ill-advised those who think otherwise. And I literally and truly confess our Sovereign Lady, Mary the Birth-giver of God, as having borne in the flesh one of the Trinity, even Christ our God. And may the same be my helper, protector, and defender all the days of my life. Amen.
And immediately fhB i s h j saith, blessing in /kc form of a cross him who k receiving Consecration :

The grace of the Holy Spirit be with thee, enlightening, strengthening and endowing thee with wisdom all the days of thy life.
T h n the Bishoj-clecf is led @on the had of the ea le, and a f w t h e Proto-Deacon kafh$ra&imed Aiijrlfmmt, as adow drscngd, and h f h$Caccdhimt on fke head of the eagle, fke Bishop saith to him :

Declare unto us, also, what thou thinkest concerning the Canons of the holy Apostles and the holy Fathers, and the traditions and regulations of the Church.
A d the BishOp-CZccfimmediately rca&th, in a loud voice, the THIRD CONFESSION OF FAITH:

*In this my confession of the holy faith, I promise to observe the Canons of the holy Apostles, and of the Seven CEcumenical Councils, and of the pious Provincial Councils, the traditions of the Church, and the decrees, orders and regulations of the Holy Fathers. And all things whatsoever they have accepted I also accept ; and whatsoever things they have rejected those will I also reject. I pronlise also to preserve the peace of the Church, and firmly to hold and zealously to teach the people entrusted to me,and not to devise anything whatsoever which is contrary to the Orthodox Catholic Christian


faith of the East all the days of my life ; and that I will, in all things, follow and always obey the Most Holy Governing Synod of All the Russias, recognized and confirmed by the Four Patriarchs of the Catholic Church of the East as equal in dignity and power with themselves ; and to be, in all things, of one mind with the Most Reverend Metropolitans, Archbishops and Bishops, my brethren, and conjointly with them submissive to the divine law, and the sacred rules of the Holy Apostles and Holy Fathers ; and with all sincerity to cherish towards then1 spiritual affection ; and to regard them as brethren. And I promise to rule the flock committed unto me in the fear of God and in devoutness of life; and with all diligent heed to guard it against all heresies of doctrine. And I also confess, in this my written profession of faith, that neither by the promise nor by the gift of gold or of silver am I come to this ministry ; but, on the contrary, I have received it by the election of the Most Holy Governing Synod of All the Russias, and by the election of our most God-fearing Emperor, N., the Sovereign of All the Kussias. And herewith I promise also to do nothing through constraint, whether coerced by powerful persons, or by a multitude of the people, even though they should command me, under pain of death, to do something contrary to divine and holy laws : nor to celebrate the Divine Liturgy in another diocese than my own, nor to exercise any other priestly function without the permission of the Bishop of that diocese ; and that I will not ordain either a Priest, or a Deacon, or any other ecclesiastic in another's diocese, nor receive such into my diocese without letters of dismissal from their own Bishops. I will deal with the opponents of the Holy Church with reasonableness, uprightness and gentleness, according to the Al~ostle Paul ; And the servant of the Lord must not strive, but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, forbearing, in meekness instructing those who oppose themselves; if God, peradventure, will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth. I promise to visit and watch over the flock now confided to me, after the manner of the Apostles, whether they remain true to the faith, and in the exercise of good works, more especially the Priests ; and to inspect with diligence, and to exhort and inhibit, that there may be no schisms, superstitions and impious veneration, and that no customs contrary to Christian piety and good morals may injure Christian conduct. And all those things, my bounden duty, which I have this day promised in word, I also promise to perform in deed unto my uttermost breath, for the sake of the covenanted good things to come. And may God, who seeth the heart, be the witness to my vow. And may our Saviour himself be my helper, in my sincere and zealous government and my performance thereof; and unto Him, together with the Father and t h e Holy Spirit, be glory and dominion, honour and worship, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen


A n d when this is completed, the Presiding Bishq5, blessing him, sai'Ih :

The grace of the Holy Spirit, through my humility, exalteth thee, most God-beloved Archimandrite ( o r Hiero-Monk), N., to be the Bishopelect of the God-saved cities, NN.
And the Billr@+Icct arakefh fhree reverences to fhe Presiding B i s h c a d tkc Proto-Deacon lcadrth kiln to the Bishops. A n d he, drliver~n~q to t same tht wrifterr statc~nenf of his faith and hispronrise, kisseth fheir right h a n k And thus he dcsccn&thfrom the tribune (amvdtz),and tnaketh a reverence. And the Presiding Bisirop, signing him with his h d , in theform of a cross, saifh :

The grace of the Most Holy Spirit be with thee.

And they lead him upon the eagle, and the Choir chantcth MANYYEARS Zo His Imperial .WajesQ, to the Synod, and to fhe nmuly-clccted Bishop. ( T eDivine Lituryy is the%be n, the Bixhop-clcct standing until his Consecratzon (or Ordinatm) in the X a c o n s chajel (Diakdnni), or fhe chaje! on fhr soufh of fhe Altar,fitlly vested ns a Priest). And after the THRICEHOLYhath been sung, (13) who is fo receive Ordination is led forth by the Archpriest and U e Profo-Deacon,in ront of the Hofy Door see age 87); and is received by the Bish@s in the ho y Sanctna)y, before tkr Ho y Altar. And he sfrarghtway kneeleth h w n on both knees, in the mziAFt o f the Bishops. And they take the book of the Holy Gos els, and @min if, fkcy &ty it, with fhe wrz'fing hwnward, ujon his head, ho ding i f here anf i b . (14) T k n the Presiding B k h @ saith, so that a f f may hear:


By the election and approbation of the most God-loving Bishops, and of all the consecrated Council, The grace divine, which always healeth that which is infirm, and completeth that which is wanting, through the laying-on of hands elevateth thee, the most God-loving Archimandrite (or Hiero-Monk) N., duly elected, to be the Bishop of the God-saved cities, NN. Wherefore let us pray for him, that the grace of the all-holy Spirit may come upon him.
A n d a Pricst saith

Let us pray to the Lord. (Thnie.)

And while the B i s h e s hold the book o the Holy Gospels, the Presidin Bis* nxaketh three rrosscs above W him who is being r o n s ~ a t e ~ b I c s s t k g Aim :


In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages.
And while fhc Bishops lay fhcir n k h t h a n d upon his head, the Presiding Birhqb saifh this Prnyer :

0 Master, Lord our God, who through thine all-laudable Apostle Paul hast established for us an ordinance of degrees and ranks, unto the service and divine celebration of thine august and all-spotless Mysteries upon thy holy Altar ; first, Apostles, secondly, Prophets, thirdly, teachers: Do thou, the same Lord of all, who also hast graciously


enabled this chosen person to come under the yoke of the Gospel and the dignity of a Bishop through the laying-on of hands of us, his fellow Bishops here present, strengthen him by the inspiration and power and grace of thy Holy Spirit, as thou didst strengthen thy holy Apostles and Prophets ; as thou didst anoint Kings ; as thou hast consecrated Bishops : And make his Bishopric to be blameless ; and adorning him with all dignity, present thou him holy, that he may be worthy to ask those things which are for the salvation of the people, ant1 that thou mayest give ear unto him. For blessed is thy Name, and glorified thy Kingdom, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen, And nfter the Amen, one of the other consecratin~ Bishops recitetk thefollowing
petitions in a Cow v o k , so that only the Prelates there present can hear and re.@ond:

In peace, let us pray to the Lord. Lord, have mercy. For the peace that is from above, and for the salvation of our souls : I$ For the peace of the whole world; for the welfare of h God's holy Churches, and for the union of them all : @ For the Most Holy Governing Synod, their holiness, suc-cour, maintenance, peace, health and salvation, and for the $ ~h work of their hands : I$ "u For the servant of God, N., now ordained to be a Bishop, ,,r 2 and for his salvation : @ 3 That our God who loveth mankind will grant him to exercise his episcopal office without stain or blame : I$ For our most God-fear~ngSovereign Lord, N., the Em- g 2 peror of All the Russias; and for all the Reigning Ilouse ; and for all their Council and their Army and Navy : @ For this city, and for every city, and for all those who entreat of God aid and protection : @ That he will deliver us from all tribulation, wrath, peril and necessity ; @ Succour us, save us, have mercy upon us, and keep us, 0 God, by thy grace. Lord, have mercy. Calling to remembrance our most holy, undefiled, most blessed and glorious Lady, the Birth-giver of God and ever-virgin Mary, with all the Saints, let us commend ourselves, and each other, and all our life unto Christ our God. To thee, 0 Lord.

4 :


F2 R 6-



A n d wken the- things have been said, the Prcsidinx Bishop, who also hath h k hand ujon the head of him who is receiving Ordirration,p r y c t h thus :

0 Lord our God, who, forasmuch as it is impossible for the nature of


man to endure the Essence of the Godhead, in thy providence bast instituted for us teachers of like nature with ourselves, who maintain thine Altar, that they may offer unto thee sacrifice and oblation for all thy people; Do thou, the same Lord, make this man also, who hath been proclaimed a steward of the episcopal grace, to be an imitator of thee, the true Shepherd, who didst lay down thy life for thy sheep ; to be a leader of the blind, a light to those who are in darkness, a reprover of the unwise, a teacher of the young, a lamp to the world: that, having perfected the souls entrusted unto him in this present life, he may stand unashamed before thy throne, and receive the great reward which thou hast prepared for those who have contended valiantly for the preaching of thy Gospel. For thine it is to show mercy, and to save us, 0 our God, and unto thee do we ascribe glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
A n d after the Amen they lay the book o f f h e Holy GosjeLr ujon the Altar. A d the Presiding Bishop f h m jutteth the da/rnatic (sdkkos) and the o h r e@cojai vestments ujon him who hafh received Consecration, saying:

Axios ! ( I 5)
A n d the Choir singcih the same. Then the Bishops kiss him who h t h received consecration; and whoa the cnstonrary thanks ivin s have been said, the Presiding Rixhop jroclainutb t h Peace bflore fhe f#irtg. And fhe Bithopsgo b the e)iscOpal seats i n Ul a#se, and sit there. A n d thr celebration of f.4e Divine Liiurgy is continued A n d when it isjinished, they unvest in the holy Sanchra and lead the new& consecrnted Bishop to the Presidin Bishoj, who juttrtx'ujon him the masor~k . f a Birhqb; also the #ectorai h o f image, the rnant/e and cowl, bkssing Aim with his hand as he aW.4 i t ; andlhgiveth him the rosaty. Then the Bubgr comeforth from the Sanctuary, and ascend the &is (kdthedra)w h d hafh been #rc#arcd; and the Arch)riest and the Proto-Deacon lead him who Aath recei71cd L'onsccration ujon the &is ;and the Presiding Bisho9 riclivcrtth to him thc#artoraZ staf(#dsokh), with an EXHORTATION.

Right Reverend Bishop N. : .


Or, when the l?is@drlivereth the stalp; kc useth this bricf Erkortation :

Receive thou the pastoral staff, that thou mayest feed the flock of Christ entrusted unto thee: and be thou a staff and support unto those who are obedient. But lead thou the disobedient and the wayward unto correction, unto gentleness, and unto obedience ; and they shall continue in due submission.
7Xen they @art to their nbodrs, the Archjricst and tk PreteDeacon cscwnirg fhe newly-orahined Bishq5 to his h o w .


A smull tabk is prc#arcd, upon whkh r j set a 7~cssrl containing wheat: and on the wheat an em#ty shrine-lamp. And round about are set seven w a d , wraj#ed with cotton jbr the Anointin and thrust into the wheat :and the book of the Holy Go els lir* tkrr a% :and t a p l l l ( z j are 'ven to all W Pn'rsts. These stan round about the t d e vcslcn in their kgsublcs. Then fhc jirst Pri2st taktth a censer with incense therein, and ccnseth round about the table of the Holy C)il find thr whole church or house: and taking his stand befort the table, with his f w to the east, he bepnneth :

Blessed is our God always, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Chit: Amen.
And we begin :

0 Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal One, have mercy upon us. ( T h k e . ) Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. 0 all-holy Trinity, have mercy upon us. 0 Lord, yash away our sins 0 Master, pardon our transgressions. 0 Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for thy Name's sake. Lord, have mercy. (Thrice.) Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation ; But deliver us from the Evil One : P ~ e s t .For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen. Lord, have mercy. (Twelve times.) 0 come, let us worship God our King. 0 come, let us worship and fall down before Christ, our King and our God. 0 come, let us worship and fall down before the Very Christ, our King and our God. (Three rcvcre~ces.) See Appendix B . IX (I).



Hear my prayer, 0 Lord, and consider my desire ; hearken unto m e for thy truth and righteousness' sake. And enter not into judgment wit11 thy servant ; for in thy sight shall no man living be justified. For the enemy hath persecuted my soul ; he hath smitten my life down to the ground ; he hath laid me in the darkness, as the men that have been long dead. Therefore is my spirit vexed within me; and my heart within me is desolate. Yet do I remember the time past; I muse upon all thy works ; yea, I exercise myseif in the works of thy hands. I stretch forth my hands unto thee; my soul gaspeth unto thee as a thirstyland. Hear me, 0 Lord, and that soon ; for my spirit waxeth faint : hide not thy face from me, lest I be like unto them that go down into the pit. 0 let me hear thy loving-kindness betimes in the morning; for in thee is my trust; show thou me the way that I should walk in; for I lift up my soul unto thee. Deliver me, 0 Lord, from mine enemies; for I flee unto thee to hide me. Teach me to do the thing that pleaseth thee; for thou art my God ; let thy loving Spirit lead me forth into the land of righteousness. Quicken me, 0 Lord, for thy Name's sake ; and for thy righteousness' sake bring my soul out of trouble. And of thy goodness slay mine enemies, and destroy all them that vex my soul ; for I am thy servant. Glory . . now, and ever, . . . Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia ; glory to thee, 0 Lord. (Thnie.)

And fhe Demon ren'refk fke Little Litany :

Again, yet again, in peace let us pray to the Lord. C h i c Lord, have mercy. Succour us, save us, have mercy upon us, and keep us, 0 God, by thy grace. Choir. Lord, have mercy. Calling to remembrance our most holy, undefiled, most blessed and glorious Lady, the Birth-giver of God and ever-virgin Mary,'with all the Saints, let us commend ourselves, and each other, and all our life unto Christ our God. Choir. To thee, 0 Lord. Pn'est. For unto thee are due all glory, honour and worship, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen. And imnrcdiafcfy Alleluia, in Tone VI.,is sung. Verse (Stikh) I : 0 Lord, rebuke me not in thine anger, neither chasten me in thy sore displeasure. Verse 2 : Have mercy upon me, 0 Lord, for I am weak.
Then fke Hymns ( Troparf):

Have mercy upon us, 0 Lord, have mercy upon us. For we sinners,



void of all defence, do offer unto thee this petition, as unto our Master: Have mercy upon us. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Have mercy upon us, 0 Lord, for in thee have we trusted, and be not very wroth with us, neither' call thou to remembrance our iniquities; but look down even now upon us, inasmuch as thou art of tender compassion, and deliver us from our enemies ; for thou art our God, and we are thy people, we are all the work of thy hand, and we call upon thy Name. Now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Open unto us the door of thy loving-kindness, 0 blessed Birth-giver of God. I n that we set our hope on thee, may we not fail, but through thee may we be delivered from all adversities ; for thou art the salvation of all Christian people. Have mercy upon me, 0 God, after thy great goodness ; according to the multityde of thy mercies do away mine offences. Wash me throughly from my wickedness, and cleanse me from my sin. For I acknowledge my faults, and my sin is ever before me. Against thee only have I sinned, and done this evil in thy sight; that thou mightest be justified in thy saying, and clear when thou art judged. Behold, 1 was shapen in wickedness, and in sin hath my mother conceived me. But lo, thou requirest truth in the inward parts, and shalt make me to understand wisdom secretly. Thou shalt purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean ; thou shalt wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. Thou shalt make me hear of joy and gladness, that the bones which thou hast broken may rejoice. Turn thy face from my sins, and put out all my misdeeds. Make me a clean heart, 0 God, and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from thy presence, and take not thy holy Spirit from me. 0 give me the comfort of thy help again, and stablish me with thy free Spirit. Then shall 1 teach thy ways unto the wicked, and sinners shall be converted unto thee. Deliver me from blood-guiltiness, 0 God, thou that art 'the God of my health ; and my tongue shall sing of thy righteousness. Thou shalt open my lips, 0 Lord, and my mouth shall show thy praise. For thou desirest no sacrifice, else would I give it thee ; but thou delightest not in burnt-offerings. The sacrifice of God is a troubled spirit : a broken and contrite heart, 0 God, shalt thou not despise. 0 be favourable and gracious unto Sion ; build thou the walls of Jerusalem. Then shalt thou be pleased with the sacrifice of righteousness, with the burnt-offerings and oblations ; then shal; they offer young bullocks upon thine altar. A n d the CANON, of which the cross-acrostic is : The Prayer of the Oil, a Song of

Canticlc I., Tone /Y.

Thenre-Song ( h ~ ~ ~ b When s ) . Israel of old had passed through the



Red Sea's abyss with foot unwet, through the cross-wise stretching forth of Moses' hands, they overthrew the host of Amalek in the wilderness. Hymns (Tropari). 0 Master, who ever makest glad the souls, and likewise also the bodies of mortal men, with the oil of loving-kindness, and preservest also thy faithful by oil: Show compassion also unto those who now draw near unto thee through the Oil. The whole earth is full of thy mercy, 0 Master: Wherefore we, in faith, do beseech thee, that thou wilt bestow upon us, who to-day shall be anointed with thy divine and precious Oil, thy mercy which passeth understanding. Glory . . . 0 thou who lovest mankind, who through thine Apostles didst mercifully give us a command to perform Holy Unction upon thy sick scrvants : Do thou, through the prayers of the same, have mercy upon us all, by thy seal. Now, and ever, . . . Hymn to thc Birth-giver of God (Bogorbditchen). 0 only Pure One, who didst give birth to the fathomless Abyss of Peace : By thine unceasing prayers unto God deliver thou thy servant from infirmities and afflictions ; that he (she) may unceasingly magnify thee.
Canticle / / I .

Theme-Song (limbs). The Church rejoiceth in thee, 0 Christ, crying : Thou art my fortress, 0 Lord, my refuge and my strength. Hymns (Tropad). Thou who alone art wonderful and merciful unto faithful men: Grant thy grace from on high unto thy servant who lieth in sore sickness, 0 Christ. 0 Lord, who once didst show forth an olive-branch unto the abating of the Flood, through thy divine command : Save the sufferer, through thy mercy. Glory . . . With the lamp of light divine, in thy mercy make bright, through this Unction, 0 Christ, him (hcr) who now, in faith, maketh haste to thy mercy. Now, and ever, . . . Nywn to the Birth-giver of God (Bogorddilckm). Graciously look down from heaven, 0 Mother of the Creator of aU men, and through thy prayers dispel the sufferer's bitter pangs. Sifting-Hymn ( S y e d l e n ) , in Tone V M . Thou art like a river divine of mercy, like a bottomless gulf of great loving-kindness, 0 Bountiful One. Show forth the god-like streams of thy mercy, and heal all men. Pour forth abundantly floods of wonders, and wash clean all men : For resorting ever unto thee, we fervently implore thy grace. Artother, in Tone IY: 0 Physician and Helper of the suffering, 0 Redeemer and. Saviour of the sick : Do thou, the same Master and Lord of all, grant healing unto thy sick servant. Show compassion, have



mercy upon him (her) who hath grievously sinned. And deliver him (her), 0 Christ, from his (her) iniquities, that he (she) may glorify thy might divine.
Canticle IV;

Theme-Song ( I m d s ) . The Church, beholding thee uplifted upon the Cross, 0 Sun of Righteousness, standeth in its stateliness, worthily crying : Glory to thy might, 0 Lord. Hymns ( 7 ~ o p i t r i ) . 0 Saviour, who like unto chrism incorruptible dost empty thyself utterlyain grace and purify the world : Show mercy and bounty, in god-like wise, upon the bodily wounds of him (her) who, with faith, is now about to receive Unction. Forasmuch as, with the tranquillity of thy mercy's seal, thou hast now signed the senses of thy servant, 0 Master, make inaccessible, impenetrable the entrance of all adverse powers. Glory . . . Thou who bast commanded the ailing to summon thine inspired ministers, and to procure salvation through prayers, and the anointing with thy holy Oil by the same: Save the sufferer by thy mercy, 0 thou who lovest mankind. Now, and ever, . . . Hymn to the Birth-giver of God (Bogorbditchen). 0 Birth-giver of God, ever-virgin, all-pure, steadfast Refuge and Fortress, Haven and Wall, Ladder and battlemented Bulwark : Have mercy and show compassion upon this sick person ; for unto thee alone hath he (she)fled for refuge.
Canficlc K

Theme-Song ( I m b s ) . Thou art come, 0 my Lord, for a light to the world, a holy light, which turneth from the darkness of ignorance those who with faith sing praises unto thee. Hymtts (Trojari). 0 Good One, who art a great deep of mercy; through thy mercy divine, 0 Merciful One, show thou mercy upon this sufferer : For thou art tender of heart. 0 Christ who, in wise ineffable, hast sanctified both our souls and bodies from on high, by the divine impress of thy seal : Heal us all by thy hand. Glory . . . 0 Lord, exceeding good, who, through thine unspeakable love, didst. accept anointing with precious ointment at the hands of the woman who was a sinner : Have compassion upon thy servant. Now, and ever, . . . Hymn to the Birth-,pz,er of God (Bogordditchen). 0 all-lauded, pure, exceeding gracious Birth-giver of God, have mercy upon those who are now to be anointed with the Oildivine : and save thy servant.
Canticle V%

Theme-Song(1mrbs). I will sacrifice unto thee with the voice of thanks-



giving, 0 Lord, the Church crieth aloud unto thee, in that s h e hath purified herself from the blood of demons by the blood which for the sake of mercy flowed from thy side. Hymns (Trofari). 0 thou who lovest mankind, who didst institute anointment for kings by thy words, and by the hands of High Priests didst accomplish the same : Save also this sufferer by thy seal ; f o r a s much as thou art of great loving-kindness. Let no interposition of malignant demons, 0 Saviour,'touch the senses of him (her) who is marked with thine anointing divine; but hedge him (her) -. about with the bulwark of thy glory. Glory . . Stretch forth thy hand from on high, 0 thqu who lovest mankind, and having sanctified thine Oil, bestow it, 0 Saviour, on thy servant, unto healing, and unto release from all his (Irer) ills. Now, and ever, . . Hymn to the Birth-giver of God (Bogor6ditcltcn). Thou hast manifested thyself a fruitEul olive-tree, in the abode of thy God, 0 Motber of the Creator, and thereby the world is seen to be filled with mercy. And thereby, also, thou dost save the sensibility of thy sufferer by thy * prayers. Cbllrct-Hymn (Konddk), itr Tone I(. 0 Fountain of mercy, who art exceeding good : Deliver thou from every adversity these persons who, with fervent faith, adore thy mercy unspeakable, 0 Tenderly-compassionate One ; and taking away their maladies, vouchsafe thou unto them grace divine from on high.


Theme-Song ( I m d s ) . T h e Abrahamic Children in the Persian furnace, fired rather by love of godliness than by the flame, cried aloud : Blessed art thou, 0 Lord, in the tabernacle of thy glory. Hymns (Troparf). Thou who in thy mercies and compassions, 0 Saviour and only God, dost heal both the passions of the soul and tbe bodily afflictions of all men : Do thou, the same God, restore this person who suffereth from bodily infirmities, and heal thou him (her). When the heads of all men are anointed with the oil of Unction, vouchsafe thou the joy of gladness unto this person, who seeketh the mercy of thy redemption, 0 Christ, bestowing the riches of thy grace, 0 Lord. Glory . . . Thy seal is a sword against demons, 0 Saviour, a fire that consumeth the passions of the soul, through the prayers of priests. Wherefore, we who have received healing, in faith, do sing praises unto thee. Now, and ever, . . Hyrnrz to the Birth-giver of God (Bogodditchen). 0 Mother of God, who within thy womb, in god-like wise didst hold, and ineffably didst incarnate him who holdeth all things in the hollow of his hand, mercifully assuage the pangs of this sufferer, we beseech thee.


Canticle Y I I I .

Theme-Song ( I m d s ) . Daniel stretched forth his hand, and stopped the gaping mouths of the lions in the pit. And the Holy Children, zealous in piety, girding themselves with virtue, quenched the raging fire, a s they cried : 0 all ye works of the Lord, bless ye the Lord. Hymns (Troparf). Thou showest mercy on all men, 0 Saviour, because of thy mercy infinite and divine : For which cause all we have assembled ourselves together, mystically representing the worship of thy bounties, and have brought in faith the anointing with the holy Oil unto thy servant : whom also do thou visit. By the streams of thy mercy, 0 Christ, and through anointing by thy priests, wash away, in that thou art full of loving-kindness, 0 Lord, the pains and hurts, and the sudden assaults of suffering of him (her) who is tormented by the violence of passions ; that he (she) may glorify thee with thanksgiving, in that he (she) hath been saved Glory . . . Forasmuch as thy mercy divine hath been decreed to us from on high, 0 Master, as a token of condescension and of tranquillity : Take not away thy mercy, neither despise thou him (her) who, with faith, continually doth cry unto thee: 0 all ye works of the Lord, bless ye the Lord. Now, and ever, . . . Hymn to the Birth-giver of God (Bogordditchn). Nature accepted thy divine birth-giving, 0 Pure One, as a crown exceeding glorious, which crushed the hosts of the adversary, and conquered their dominion. Wherefore, crowned with the joyful radiance of thy grace, we sing praises unto thee. 0 all-hymned Lady.
Canticle ZX.

' ~ h e m e - ~ (oIn m~ d s ) . T h e Corner-stone unhewn by hands from thee was hewn, 0 Virgin Mount unquarried, even Christ, who hath bound together Nature that had been divided. Therefore, rejoicing, we magnify thee, 0 Birth-giver of God. Hymns (Tropari). Look down from heaven, 0 Bountiful One, and show forth thy mercy upon all men. Give now thy succour and thy strength unto him (her) who draweth near unto thee through divine Unction at the hands of thy priests, 0 thou who lovest mankind. 0 Saviour most good, rejoicing have we beheld the Oil divine, which by thy condescension inspired thou hast received, and above the merits of the participants hast symbolically imparted unto those who have shared in the laver divine. Glory . . Show thy bounty, have mercy, 0 Saviour ; deliver from terrors and pains, rescue from the darts of the Evil One the souls and bodies of thy servants : Forasmuch as thou art a merciful Lord, who healest by thy grace divine. Now, and ever, . .



Hynzrz to the Birth-giver of God (Bogorbditchen). A s thou receivest the songs and supplications of thy servapts, 0 Virgin, so also deliver thou from irksome ills and maladies, him (her) who, through us, fleeth unto thy divine protection, 0 All-pure One. For meet is it, in truth, to bless thee, the Birth-giver of God, everblessed, and all-undefiled, and the Mother of our God. More honourable than the Cherubim, and beyond compare more glorious than the Seraphim, thou who without defilement barest God the Word, true Birth-giver of God, we magnify thee.

In mercy, 0 Good One, cast thine eyes upon the petitions of us who today are come togethei in thy holy temple, to anoint thy sick servant(~) with thine 011divine. Then the Stanzas ( S t i & h f 4 in , Tone IV. Thou hast given thy grace, 0 thou who art easy to be entreated and lovest mankind, through thine apostles, by thy holy Oil, for the healing of the wounds, as also the infirmities of all men. Have mercy, therefore, upon him (her) who now, with faith, hath recourse unto thine Oil, and sanctify, and show mercy, in that thou art of tender compassion. Purge him (her) from every ailment, and vouchsafe unto him (hrr) thy food incorruptible, 0 Lord Look down from heaven, 0 Ineffable One, in that thou art of tender loving-kindness, who with thy hand invisible hast sealed our senses, 0 thou who lovest mankind, upon him (her) that, through thine Oil divine, in faith appealeth unto thee, aqd asketh remission of his (her) transgressions. And grant healing for both soul and body, that with love he (she) may glorify thee, magnifying thy sovereign power. Through anointing with thine Oil. and the touch of thy priests, 0 thou who lovest mankind, sanctify thou from on high thy servant. Free him (her) from his (her) inti rmities. Purge away his (her) spiritual vileness. Wash him (her), 0 Saviour, and deliver him (her) from greatly entangling temptations. Assuage his (her) maladies. Banish all obstacles Utterly destroy thou all his (her) afflictions; forasmuch as thou art bountiful and full of loving-kindness. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Hymn to the Birth-giver of God (Bogorbditchen). 0 most pure Palace of the King, 0 greatly extolled One, purify, I implore thee, my mind which is stained with all manner of sln, and make it the fair abode of the Trinity exceedingly divive; that, being saved, I, thine unprofitable servant, may magnify thy power, and thy boundless mercy. 0 Holy God, Holy Mighty, . . . (Seepage 333.) Glory . . . now, and ever, . . . @ all-holy Trinity . . . Lord, have mercy. (Thrice.) Glory . . . now, and ever, . . . Our Father, . . . For thine is the kingdom, . . . Then the Hymn, in Tone /V. Thou who alone art a speedy succour, 0 Christ, manifest thy speedy visitation from on high upon thy sick


servant ; deliver him (her) from his (her) infirmities, and cruel pain ; and raise him (her) up again to sing praises unto thee, and without ceasing to glorify thee : through the prayers of the Birth-giver of God, 0 thou who alone lovest mankind.
Tken the Deacon, or fhc #rincaipal Pricst, sai'Ih tkc f o l h i n g Litany :

In peace, let us pray to the Lord. Choir. Lord, have mercy. For the peace that is from above, and for the salvation of our souls : B For the peace of the whole world ; for the welfare of God's 95 g 3' c holy Churches, and for the union of them all : B For this holy Temple, and for those who with faith, devout- ~ T 0 7 ness. and the fear of God have entered therein : I$ That he will bless this Oil by the power, and operation, and indwelling of the Holy Spirit : B TO P For the servant of God, N., and for his (her) visitation in God ; 2 $ and that the grace of the Holy Spirit may come upon him 3



(w : B That he will deliver him (htr)and us from all tribulation, wrath,

peril and necessity : Succour us, save us, have mercy upon us, and keep us, 0 God, by thy grace. Chorr. Lord, have mercy. Calling to remembrance our most holy, undefiled, most blessed and glorious Lady, the Birth-giver of God, and ever-virgin Mary, with all the Saints, let us commend ourselves, and each other, and all our life unto Christ our God. C h i r . T o thee, 0 Lord. Then fkc principal Pricst reciteth the PRAYER OF T H E OILOVW t h shriru&PI#. And in some chrtrckcs, wine is #orrred into fhs A n n e k t ~ # wifh , t h oil, insfend of water. (3) ? . % i Prirst, secretly. Let us pray to the Lord.

0 Lord who, in mercies and thy While the Pro n o f U e Oil is being r a 2 , the bounties, healest the Choir siugetnthc /.110win~H ' r u : disorders of our souls Tonr IV. and bodies : Do thou, r/, Thou who alone art a speedy succour, the same Master, 4 sanctify this Oil, that 2 0 Christ, . . ,( S e e p a ~ 340.) e it may be effectual 9 Blind of my spiritual eyes, I come unto thee, 0 Christ, as did the man blind from for those who shall his birth, in repentance crying unto thee: be anointed thereHave mercy upon me, 0 thou who illumin- with, unto healing, est with exceeding brightness them that are and unto relief from every passion, every in darkness.

Lbrd, have mercy.



malady of the flesh and of the spirit, and every ill ; and that therein may be fied thy most holy Name, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, 2 Torre 11. now, and ever, and : As a disciple* of the Lord, 0 Righteous unto a g e of ages- L One, thou diclst receive the Gospel; as a Amen. Martyr, thou hast that which surpasseth And the 0 t h Priests utterance ; as the brother of God thou hast boldness; as a hierarch, thou bast power in prayer. Implore thou Christ our God hirn. that he will save our souls. By thine intercession divine, 0 Lord, raise thou up my soul, which is cruelly paralyzed by all manner of sin, and by unseemly deeds, as thou aforetime didst raise up the paralytic ; that, being saved, I may cry unto thee : Grant me healing, 0 compassionate Christ.

Tone 111.

:zyy'e tg&z

Tone ZK

The Only-begotten Word of God the Father, who in these latter days hath sojourned among us, ordained thee, 0 James divine, who wast sent by God, to be the first shepherd and teacher of them that dwelt in Jerusalem, and a faithful steward of spiritual mysteries : Wherefore, 0 Apostle, we all revere thee.
Tone 111.

To them of Myra, 0 Saint t thou didst reveal thyself as a minister of Holy Mysteries. For fulfilling the Gospel of Christ, 0 Venerable One, thou didst lay down thy life for thy people, and didst save the innocent from death. For which cause thou art canonized as a great Initiate into the grace of God.
Tone IZZ.

The world hath found in thee a champion great in affliction, 0 Endurer of Pain, who didst put to flight the heathen. For like as thou didst humble Lyaeus' pride, and encourage Nestor in his striving for the prize, even so, 0 Saint Demetrius, pray thou unto Christ our God, that he will grant unto us great mercy. (4)
Tone I / / .

0 holy Endurer of Pain, and Healer, Panteleimon, beseech thou the merciful God that he will grant remission of sins unto our souls. ( 5 )
Tone VZZZ.

0 sainted Unmercenaries and Wonderworkers, visit ye our infinnities. Freely ye have received, freely give ye unto us.
Saint Jamu.

t Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker.


Tone I/.

Thy grandeur, 0 Chaste One,* who shall declare? For thou aboundest in wonders, and pourest forth streams of healing, and intercedest for our souls, as learned in wisdom divine, and as the friend of Christ. 0 fervent Intercession, and Wall Impregnable, 0 Fountain of Mercy, 0 Refuge of the world; unto thee we earnestly do cry : 0 Birth-giver of God, 0 Lady, come thou to our aid, and deliver us from adversity, 0 thou who art a speedy Intercessor. Deacon. Let us attend. Pricst. Peace be with you all. Clroir. And with thy spirit. Deacon. Wisdom ! Let us attend. Reader. The Gradual (Prokfwzen),in the First Tone. Let thy mercy be upon us, 0 Lord, even as we have put our trust in thee. Verse (Stikh) : Rejoice in the Lord, 0 ye righteous; for praise becometh the righteous. Demon. Wisdom ! Reader. The Lesson from the General Epistle of James. Pricst. Let us attend. Deacon. ( r a m e s v. 10-17.) Take, my brethren, the prophets, who have spoken in the name of the Lord, for an example of sufferingaffliction, and of patience. Behold, we count them happy which endure. Ye have heard of the patience of Job, and have seen the end of the Lord; that the Lord is very pitiful, and of tender mercy. But above all things, my brethren, swear not, neither by heaven, neither by the earth, neither by any other oath : but let your yea, be yea ; and your nay, nay ; lest ye fall into condemnation. I s any among you afflicted? let him pray. I s any merry? let him sing psalms. I s any sick among you ? let him call for the elders of the church ; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the Name of the Lord : and the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up ;and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him. Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. First Priest. Peace be with thee. Reader. And with thy spirit. Deacon. Wisdom ! Let us attend. Reader. Alleluia, in the Eighth Tone. Verse (Stikh) : I will sing unto thee of mercy and judgment, 0 Lord. Priest. Wisdom, 0 believers ! Let us listen to the Holy Gospel. Peace be with you all. Peojle. And with thy spirit. Priest. The Lesson from the holy Gospel of Luke Choir. Glory to thee, 0 Lord ; glory to thee Deacon. Let us attend.

* St. John the Divine.



The Priest then reu&th the Gosjcl (Luke x. 25-38.)

And behold, a certain lawyer stood up, and tempted him, saying, Master. what shall I do to inherit eternal life ? H e said unto him, What is written in the law ? how readest thou ? And he answering said, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strengthland with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself.. And he said unto him,Thou hast answered right: this doland thou shalt live. But he, willing to justify himself, said unto Jesus, And who is my neighbour ? And Jesus answering, said, A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell among thieves, which stripped him of his raiment,and wounded himland departed, leaving him half dead. And by chance there came down a certain priest that way ; and when he saw him, he passed by on the other side. And likewise a Levite, when he was at the place, came and looked on him, and passed by on the other side. But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was : and when he saw him, he had compassion on him, and went to him, and bound up his wounds, pouring in oil and wine, and set him on his own beast, and brought him to an inn, and took care of him. And on the morrow, when he departed, he took out two pence, and gave them to the host, and said unto him, Take care of him : and whatsoever thou spendest more, when I come again, I will repay thee. Which now of these three, thinkest thou, was neighbour unto him that fell among the thieves ? And he said, he that showed mercy on him. Then said Jesus unto him, Go, and do thou likewise. Choir. Glory to thee, 0 Lord ; glory to thee.
Then the Deacon saith the Litany.

Have mercy upon us, 0 God, according to thy great mercy, we beseech thee ; hearken, and have mercy. Choir. Lord, have merc . ( 72mi.e.) Furthermore we pray or mercy, peace, life, health, salvation and remission of sins for the servant of God, N. I$ \ That he (she)may be pardoned his (her) every transgression, whether voluntary or involuntary, let us pray to the .Lord. I$


Priest. For thou art a merciful God, who lovest mankind, and unto thee do we ascribe glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen. Deacon. Let us pray to the Lord Choir. Lord, have mercy.
Prirst. 0 thou who art without beginning; eternal, the Holy of Holies, who didst send down thine Only-begotten Son to heal every



infirmity and every wound, both of our souls and bodies : Send down thy Holy Spirit, and sanctify this Oil ; and cause it to be for thy servant, N., who is about to be anointed therewith, unto perfect remission of his (her) sins, and unto inheritance in the kingdom of heaven.
Somc say this Prayer only thus far, d i n g here the Exclatnation :For thy property it is to show mercy . . . U t k r s recite if to the end.

F o r thou art a great and marvellous God, who keepest thy covenant and thy mercy towards them that love thee ; who givest remission of sins through thy Holy Child, Jesus Christ ; who regeneratest us from sin ; who givest light to the blind ; who raisest up them that are cast down ; who lovest the righteous, and showest mercy unto sinners ; who leadest us forth again out of darkness and the shadow of death, and sayest unto them that are in captivity : Come forth ; and unto them that sit in darkness : Be ye unveiled. For he shined in our hearts with the light of the knowledge of his presence when, for our sakes, he revealed himself upon earth, and dwelt among men ; and unto as many as accepted him, to them gave he the power to become the sons of God, vouchsafing unto us the adoption of sonship through the laver of regeneration, and causing us to have no share in the assaults of the Devil. And inasmuch as it hath not pleased thee that we should be cleansed by blood, but by holy Oil, thou didst give unto us the image of his Cross, that we might become the flock of Christ, a royal priesthood, a holy nation ; and didst purify us by water, and sanctify us by thy Holy Spirit. Do thou, the same Master, 0 Lord, vouchsafe unto us grace in this thy ministry, as thou didst vouchsafe it unto Moses, thy servant, who found favour in thy sight ; and unto Samuel, beloved of thee ; and unto John, thy chosen one ; and unto all those who, from generation to generation, have been acceptable unto thee. In like manner, make us also to be ministers of the new Covenant of thy Son upon this Oil, which thou hast acquired unto thyself through the precious blood of thy Christ ; that putting away earthly lusts, we may die unto sin, and live unto righteousness, being clothed upon with hini through the anointing with sanctification of this Oil which we are about to summon to our aid. Let this Oil, 0 Lord, become the oil of gladness, the oil of sanctification, a royal robe, an armour of might, the averting of every work of the Devil, the seal of immunity from snares, the joy of the heart, an eternal rejoicing; that they who shall be anointed with this Oil of regeneration may be terrible unto their adversaries, and may shine in the radiance of thy Saints, having neither spot nor wrinkle ; and that they may attain unto thy rest everlasting, and receive the prize of their high calling. For thy property it is to show mercy and to save us, 0 our God ; and unto thee do we ascribe glory, together with thine Only-begotten Son, and thine all-holy, and good, and life-giving Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen.




Aflrr the Prayer, the Priest takefh one of the wan&, and clij5#eth if in the b l Oil, and nnointeth the sickjerson, in rros.+r,,t; on the brow. fke nostri'Is, t L checks, thc lips, the breast, and on both sides of the h a n k , rejcafing the wrtiCc this Prayer:

0 holy Father, Physician of souls and bodies, who didst send thine Only-begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, which healeth every infirmity and clelivereth from death : Heal thou, also, thy servant, N., from the ills of body and soul which do hinder him (her), and quicken him (h), by the grace of thy Christ ; through the prayers of our most holy Lady, the Birth-giver of God and ever-virgin Mary ; through the intercession of the holy Bodiless Powers of Heaven ; through the might of the precious and life-giving Cross ; through the protection of t h e honourable, glorious Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist, John ; of the holy, glorious and all-laudable Apostles ; of the hbly, glorious and right-victorious Martyrs ; of our reverend and God-bearing fathers ; of the holy and healing Unmercenaries, Cosmas and Damian, Cyrus and John, Panteleimon and Hermolaus, Samson and Diomedes, Photius and Anicetas ; of the holy and righteous Ancestors of God, Joachim and Anna ; and of all the Saints. For thou art the Fountain of healing, 0 our God, and unto thee do we ascribe glory, together with thine Only-begotten Son, and thy Spirit, . one in essence, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
This Prayer is said by each of fire Priests, aftcr he kath remithe Gos#elad uccom#anying I'rayer, whiie he anoiniefh thc#crson with the Oil.


Deacon. Let us attend. Second Priest. Peace be with you all. Choir. And with t h y spirit. Deacon. Wisdom ! Let us attend. Render. T h e Gradual (Prokimen),in the Second Tone. T h e Lord is my fortress and my song, and shall be my salvation. Verse (Siikh) : In chastening hast thou chastened me, 0 Lord ; yet give me not over unto death. Dtacon. Wisdom ! Reader. T h e Lesson from the Epistle of the holy Apostle Paul to the Romans. Priest. Let us attend. Deacon. (Romans XZI. 1-8.) Brethren, we then that are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak, and not to please ourselves. Let every one of us please his neighbour for his good to edification. For even Christ pleased not himself; but, as it is written, T h e reproaches of them that reproached thee fell on me. For whatsoever things were written aforetime, were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope. Now the God of patience and consolation grant you to be like-minded one toward another according to Christ Jesus: that ye may with one mind and



one mouth glorify God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Wherefore receive ye one another, as Christ also received us, to the glory of God. P k s t . Peace be with thee. Reader. And with thy spirit. Deacon. Wisdom ! Let us attend. Reader. Alleluia, in the Fifth Tone. V m (SriRh): I will sing of thy mercy, 0 Lord, forever. Priest. Wisdom, 0 believers ! Let us listen to the Holy Gospel. Peace be with you all. Clhoir. And with thy spirit. Second Priest. The Lesson from the holy Gospel of Luke. C k o i r . Glory to thee, 0 Lord ; glory to thee. Deacon. Let us attend.
The Prlkst then readth the Gar#eI (Luke xix. 1-1 I ).

Then Jesus entered and passed through Jericho. And )behold, there was a man named Zaccheus, which was the chief among the publicans, and he was rich. And he sought to see Jesus who he was ; and could not for the press, because he was little of stature. And he ran before, and climbed up into a sycamore-tree to see him ; for he was to pass that way. And when Jesus came to the place, he looked up, and saw him, and said unto him, Zaccheus, make haste, and come down: for to-day I must abide at thy house. And he made haste, and came down, and received him joyfully. And when they saw it, they all murmured, saying, That he was gone to be guest with a man that is a sinner. And Zaccheus stood, and said unto the Lord ; Behold, Lord, the half of my goods I give to the poor; and if I have taken any thing from any man by false accusation, I restore him fourfold. And Jesus said unto him, This day is salvation come to this house, forasmuch as he also is a son of Abraham. For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost. Choir. Glory to thee, 0 Lord ; glory to thee.
T h m the Deacon strcraghhay reciteth the Litany :Have mercy upon us, 0 God, according to thy great mercy, . . . with the Exclamation: For thou art a merciful God, . (Seepage 344.)


. Dencon.

Let us pray to the Lord. C h o i r . Lord, have mercy.

And the Second PriPSt saith the following Prayer:

0 God great and supreme, who art adored by all created beings, Fountain of wisdom, Abyss of goodness in very truth unfathomable, and Sea illimitable of loving-kindness : do thou, the same Master who lovest mankind, the God of things eternal, and of wonders, to the understanding of whom none among men by taking thought can attain, look down and hear us, thine unworthy servants, and wheresoever in thy great Name we shall bring this Oil, send thou down the gift of thy



healing, and remission of sins : and heal him (her), in the multitude o f thy mercies. Yea, 0 Lord who art easy to be entreated; who alone art merciful and lovest mankind ; who repentest thee of our evil deeds; who knowest how that the mind of man is applied unto wickedness, even from his youth up; who desirest not the death of a sinner, but rather that he should turn again and live ; who for the salvation o f sinners didst become incarnate, yet still remaining God, and didst thyself become a created being for the sake of thy creatures ; thou bast said : I am not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance ; thou didst seek the wandering sheep ; thou didst diligently seek out the lost piece of silver, and having found it, thou didst say : H e that cometh unto me I will in no wise cast out ; thou didst not abhor the sinful woman who washed thy precious feet with her tears ; thou didst say : As often as thou fallest arise, and thou shalt be saved ; thou art he who didst say : There is joy in heaven over one sinner wbo repenteth. Do, thou, 0 tender-hearted Master, look down from the ' height of thy sanctuary, overshadowing us sinners, who are also thine unworthy servants, with the grace of the Holy Spirit, at this hour, and take up thine abode in thy servant, N., who acknowledgeth his ( h r ) iniquities, and draweth near unto thee in faith ; and accepting him (kn) because of thy love towards mankind, forgiving him (h) whatsoever he (she) hath done amiss, whether by word, or deed, or thought, forgive him (her), cleanse him (her), make him (her) pure from every sin ; and abiding ever present with him (her), preserve him (her) all the remaining years of his (her) life; that, walking ever in thy statutes, he (sh) may in no wise again become an object of malignant joy to the Devil ; and thy holy Name may be glorified in him (her). For thy property it is to show mercy and to save us, 0 Christ our God ; and unto thee do we ascribe glory, together with thy Father who is from everlasting, and thine all-holy, and good, and life-giving Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Andstra&hfway after this Pra er, the Second Priest taketh the second w a d and &$Ping it in fhe hol o i l h e anointct.4 the sick #erson, recitzkg ih d i k the Prayer: 0 holy ~ a d e rPhysician , of soul. and bodies, . . (Sn&e y6)

Deacon. Let us attend. Third Priest. Peace be with you all. Choir. And with thy spirit. Deacon. Wisdom ! Let us attend. Reader. The Gradual (Prokinrm), in the Fourth Tone. The Lord is my light and my salvation ; whom shall I fear? Veme (Stikh) : The Lord is the strength of my life ; of whom shall I be.afraid ? Deacon. Wisdom ! Rader. The Lesson from the Epistle of the holy Apostle Paul to the Corinthians.



Priest. Let us attend. Deacon. ( I Cor. xii. q-riii. 1-8.) Brethren, now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular. And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues. Are all apostles ? are all prophets ? are all teachers ? are all workers of miracles ? Have all the gifts of healing ? do all speak with tongues ? do all interpret ? But covet earnestly the best gifts. And yet shew I unto you a more excellent way. Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understa~dall mysteries, and all knowledge ; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing. Charity suffereth long, and is kind ; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil. Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth ; beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things. Charity never faileth. Third Priest. Peace be with thee. Reader. And with thy spirit. Deacon. Wisdom ! Let us attend. Reader. Alleluia, in the Second Tone. Verse (Stiktr) : 0 Lord, in thee have I trusted: let me never be confounded. Pnest. Wisdom, 0 believers! Let us listen to the Holy Gospel. Peace be with you all. I Choir. And with thy spirit. Third Pn'cst. The Lesson from the holy Gospel of Matthew. C h i r . Glory to thee, 0 Lord ; glory to thee. Deacon. Let us attend.
The Third Priest then recuicth the Gos$el (Matt.x.

5 9 ) .

And when Jesus had called unto him his twelve disciples, he gave them power against unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all manner of sickness, and all manner of disease. These twelve Jesus sent forth, and commanded them, saying, Go not into the way of the Gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not. But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. And as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of ,heaven is a t hand. Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils : freely ye have received, freely give. Choir. Glory to thee, 0 Lord; glory to thee.



And strazghtway the Deacon recitefh the Lifany : Have mercy upon us, 0 God, . . . with the Exclamation : For thou art a merciful God, . . (See#agc w)

Deacon. Let us pray to the Lord. Choir. Lord, have mercy.

The Third Pricst then saifh thefollmirg Prayer:

0 Master Almighty, 0 holy King, who chastenest and yet slayest not; who raisest up them that fall, and restorest them that are cast down ; who relievest the bodily afflictions of men : We beseech thee, 0 our God,that thou wilt direct thy mercy upon this Oil, and upon all who shall be anointed therewith in thy Name; that it may be effectual unto the healing of their souls and bodies, and unto cleansing, and unto the putting away of every infirmity, and disease, and malady, and every defilement, both of body and spirit. Yea, Lord, send down from heaven thy healing might ; touch the bodies ; quench the fever : soothe the pangs, and banish every hidden ailment. Be thou the physician of thy servant, N. Raise him (her) up from his (her) bed of sickness, and from his (her) couch of suffering, and from his (her) bed of wasting disease, whole and perfectly restored to health, vouchsafing unto him (k), through thy Church, those things which are well-pleasing unto thee, and which work thy will. For thy property it is to show mercy and to save us, 0 our God; and ' unto thee do we ascribe glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Atad after this Prayer, the Third Pricsf dz$ eth the third wand in the h o b 02, and anoinfefh fhe sic& #erson therewit{ rq5eafing Me w h i k fbe Praytr:

0 holy Father, Physician of souls and bodies,

. . . (Seejagc346.)

Deacon. Let us attend. Fourth Priest. Peace be with you all. Choir. And with thy spirit. Readek The Gradual (Prokimen), in the Fourth Tone. Hear me speedily, 0 Lord, in that day when I shall call upon thee. V e r s c (Sfikh) : 0 Lord, hear my prayer, and the voice of my crying. Deacon. Wisdom ! Readcr. The Lesson from the Epistle of the holy Apostle Paul to the Corinthians. Pricsf. Let us attend. Deacon. (2 Cor. vi. 16-vii. I . ) Brethren, ye are the temple of the living God ; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them ; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing ; and I will receive you ; and will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty. Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse our selves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.



Fozrdh Priest. Peace be with thee. Reader. And with thy spirit. Deacon. Wisdom ! Let us attend. Reader. Alleluia, in the Second Tone. Verse (Stikh) : I waited patiently for the Lord, and he heard me. Fou~h Priest. Wisdom, 0 believers! Let us listen to the Holy Gos, pel. Peace be with you all. Choir. And with thy spirit. Foudh Priest. The Lesson from the holy Gospel of Matthew. Choir. Glory to thee, 0 Lord ; glory to thee. Dcacon. Let us attend. T A c Fourth Priest readcth the Goq5cl (Matt. viii. 14-24) And when Jesus was come into Peter's house, he saw his wife's mother laid, and sick of a fever. And he touched her hand, and the fever left her: and she arose, and ministered unto them. When the even was come, they brought unto him many that were possessed with devils : and he cast out the spirits with his word, and healed all that were sick ; that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Esaias the prophet, saying, Himself took our infirmities and bare our sicknesses. Now when Jesus saw great multitudes about him, he gave commandment to depart unto the other side. And a certain scribe came, and said unto him, Master, I will follow thee whithersoever thou goest. And Jesus saith unto him, The foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests ; but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head. And another of his disciples said unto him, Lord, suffer me first to go and bury my father. But Jesus said unto him, follow me ; and let the dead bury their dead. And when he was entered into a ship, his disciples followed him. Choir. Glory to thee, 0 Lord ; glory to thee.
TAcs fhr Deacon saith the Litany: Have mercy upon us, 0 God, . Exchmatwn : For thou art a merciful God, . . . (Seepage m.)

. . &th


Deacon. Let us pray to the Lord. Choir. Lord, have mercy.

Then the Fourth Priest #rayeth :

0 good Lord who lovest mankind, compassionate and exceeding merciful, plentiful in mercy, and rich in beneficence, the Father of bounties and God of all comfort, who through thy holy Apostles hast empowered us to heal the infirmities of thy people by oil and prayer : Do thou appoint this Oil unto the healing of those who shall be anointed therewith ; unto relief from every ailment, and from every malady ; unto deliverance from evils of those who await, in firm hope, salvation from thee. Yea, 0 Master, Lord our God, we beseech thee, 0 Almighty One, that thou wilt save us all. 0 only Physician of souls and bodies, sanctify us all. 0 thou who healest every infirmity, heal also thy servant, N.



Raise him (her) up from his (her) couch of sickness, through the mercies of thy goodness. Visit him (her)with thy mercies and thy bounties. Cast out of him (her) every ailment and weakness ; that, being raised up by thy mighty hand, he (she) may serve thee with all thanksgiving ; and that we also, who now do share thine inexpressible love towards mankind, may sing praises and glorify thee who performest deeds great and maivellous, both glorious and transcendent. For thy property it is to show mercy and to save us, 0 our God ; . . . (SeePagc 345.)
And sfrcu@fway after this Prayer, the Fourth Pnest t d e t h thefourth w a d , and di jing i f in t k holy Oil, he anointeth therewith fksick person, rec2'Ihg the w f i k the Prayer: 0 holy Father, Physician of souh and bodies, . . (Seepage 346.)

Deacon. Let us attend. Fvth Priest. Peace be with you all. Choir. And with thy spirit.' Deacon. Wisdom ! Let us attend Rea&r. The Gradual (Pmkfmen), in the Fifth Tone. Thou, 0 Lord, shalt keep us and protect us, from this generation, forevermore. Verse (Stikh): Save me, 0 Lord, for the righteous are become few. Deacon. Wisdom ! Reader. The Lesson from the Epistle of the holy Apostle Paul to the Corinthians. Priest. Let us attend. Dencon. ( 2 COY.i. 8-12.) For we would not, brethren, have you ignorant of our trouble which came to us in Asia, that we were pressed out of measure, above strength, insomuch that we despaired even of life: but we had the sentence of death in ourselves, that we should not trust in ourselves, but in God which raiseth the dead : who delivered us from so great a death, and doth deliver: in whom we trust that he will yet deliver us ; ye also helping together by prayer for us, that for the gift bestowed upon us by the means of many persons, thanks ma be given by many on our behalf. &th Priest. Peace be with thee. Reader. And with thy spirit. Deacon. Wisdom ! Let us attend. Reader. Alleluia, in the First Tone. Verse (Stikh): I will sing praises unto thy mercy, 0 Lord, forever. Fzyth Prz'est. Wisdom, 0 believers ! Let us listen to the Holy Gospel. Peace be with you all. Choir. And with thy spirit. Priest. The Lesson from the 'holy Gospel of Matthew. Deacon. Let us attend. Chir. Glory to thee, 0 Lord ; glory to thee. The Priest. (Matt. zxv. 1-14) The Lord spake this parable : Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took



their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom. And five of them were wise, and five were foolish. They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them : but the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps. While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept. And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh ; go ye out to meet him. Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps. And the foolish said unto the wise, Give u s of your oil : for our lamps are gone out. But the wise answered, saying, Not so ; lest there be not enough for us and you : but go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves. And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came ; and they that were ready, went in with him to the marriage : and the door was shut. Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open unto us. But he answered and said, Verily, I say unto you, I know you not. Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh. Choir. Glory to thee, 0 Lord ; glory to thee.
T k n the Deacon saifrh the Litany: Have mercy upon us, 0 God, wifh the Exclamation : For thou art a merciful God,who lovcst mankind, . . (See Page 344.)

Deacon. Let us pray to the Lord. Choir. Lord, have mercy.

And thc Fzytrh Priest saith t k following Praycr :

0 Lord our God, who chastenest and again healest ; who. raisest up the beggar from the earth, and exaltest the poor man from the dunghill ; 0 Father of orphans, and Haven of the tempest-tossed, and Physician of the ailing, who painlessly didst bear our weaknesses, and accept our infirmities ; who showest mercy with gentleness, and passest over our wickedness, and takest away our unrighteousness ; who art quick to help, and slow to wrath ; who didst breathe upon thy disciples and say : Receive ye the Holy Spirit : whosesoever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them ; who acceptest the contrition of sinners, and hast power to pardon sins manifold and grievous, and bestowest healing upon all who continue in weakness and long-enduring sickness ; who hast called me, also, thy humble, and sinful, and unworthy servant, entangled in manifold sins, and wallowing in the lusts of pleasures, to the holy and exceeding lofty degree of the Priesthood, and to enter in within the innermost veil, into the Holy of Holies, whither also the Angels desire to penetrate, and to hear the voice of the Lord God which announceth glad tidings, and to behold with mine eyes the presence of the sacred Oblation, and to take delight in the divine and sacred Liturgy : Thou who graciously enablest me to administer, as a priest, thy heavenly Mysteries, and to offer unto thee gifts and sacrifices for our sins, and for the ignorances of thy people, and to act as a mediator for thy speech-endowed sheep, that thou, through thy great



and unspeakable love towards mankind, mayest cleanse them from their iniquities : Do thou, the same exceeding good King, give ear unto my prayer in this same hour and holy day, and at every time and place, and receive the voice of my supplication, and vouchsafe healing unto thy servant, N., who is weak both in soul and in body, granting unto him (her) remission of his (her) sins, and pardon of his (her) transgressions, both voluntary and involuntary. Bind up his (her) incurable wounds, and every ailment, and every malady. Give health to his (her) soul, 0 thou who didst touch the mother-in-law of Peter, whereupon the fever left her, and she arose, and ministered unto thee. Do thou, the same Master, grant healing also to thy servant, N., and alleviation of every hurtful illness; and call to mind thy rich bounties and thy mercy. Call to mind how perpetually the mind of man inclineth unto evil, even from his youth up, and that not so much as one sinless man is to be found upon the earth; for thou alone art without sin, who didst come down and save the human race, and free us from bondage to the enemy. For if thou wilt enter into judgment with thy servants, none shall be found pure from stain, but every mouth shall be sealed, having nought to answer in extenuation ; for like unto cast-off rags is all our righteousness in thy presence. Wherefore, 0 Lord, remember thou not the sins of our youth : For thou art the hope of the hopeless, and the rest of those who labour and are heavy-laden with iniquity. And unto thee do we ascribe glory, together with thy Father who is from everlasting, and thine all-holy, and good, and life-giving Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen.
And stra&htway after this Prayer, the Fzyfh PricJt tnketh the.jftA w a d , and &y@ing it in the holy Oil, he anointeth the sick @erson therewith, rccililr t k while the Prajvr: 0 holy Father, Physician of souls and bodies, witf tke Exclamation. (Seepage 346.)

Deacon. Let us attend. Sixth Priest. Peace be with you all. Choir. And with thy spirit. Deacon. Wisdom ! Let us attend. Reader. The Gradual (Prokfmen),in the Sixth Tone. Have mercy upon me, 0 God, according to thy great mercy. Verse (Stikh): Make me a clean heart, 0 God, and renew a right spirit within me. Deacon. Wisdom ! Reader. The Lesson from the Epistle of the holy Apostle Paul to the Galatians. Ptl-tst. Let US attend. Deacon. (Gab v. 22-vi. 1-2.) Brethren, the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance : against such there is no law. And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh, with the affections and lusts. If we live in the



Spiriti let us also walk in the Spirit. Let us not be desirous of vainglory, provoking one another, envying one another. Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such a one in the spirit of meekness ; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted. Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ. Priest. Peace be with thee. Reader. And with thy spirit. Deacon. Wisdom ! Let us attend. Reader. Alleluia, in the Sixth Tone. Verse (Stikh): Blessed is the man that feareth the Lord. In his commandments he rejoiceth exceedingly. Priest. Wisdom, 0 believers! Let us listen to the Holy Gospel. Peace be with you all. Choir. And with thy spirit. Pn'Pst. The Lesson from the holy Gospel of Matthew. Choir. Glory to thee, 0 Lord ; glory to thee. Deacon. Let us attend.
The Sixth Priest then readeth the Gosjel (Matt. xiv. 21 -29).

Then Jesus went thence, and departed into the coasts of Tyre and Sidon. And behold, a woman of Canaan came out of the same coasts, and cried unto him, saying, Have mercy on me, 0 Lord, thou son of David ; my daughter is grievously vexed with a devil. But he answered her not a word. And his disciples came and besought him, saying, Send her away ; for she crieth after us. But he answered and said, 1 am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel. Then came she and worshipped him, saying, Lord, help me. But he answered and said, I t is not meet to take the children's bread and to to dogs. And she said, Truth, Lord, yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their masters' table. Then Jesus answered and said unto her, 0 woman, great is thy faith : be it unto thee even as thou wilt. And her daughter was made whole from that very hour. Choir. Glory to thee, 0 Lord ; glory to thee.
T h n the Deacon saith the Litnny : Have mercy upon us, 0 God, Exclamation. (Seepage 344-)

. . . with fhr

Deacon. Let us pray to the Lord. Choir. Lord, have mercy.

And the Sixfh Priest saifh the following Prayer :

W e thank thee, 0 Lord our God, who art good and lovest mankind, the Physician of our souls and bodies, who painlessly hast borne our infirmities, by whose stripes we have all been healed, thou good Shepherd, who didst come to seek the wandering sheep; who givest consolation to the faint-hearted, and life unto those who are broken of heart ; who didst heal the flow of the woman who had had an issue of blood twelve years ; who didst free the daughter of the Canaanitish



woman from the cruel demon ; who forgavest their debt unto t h e two debtors, and didst grant remission of sins unto the woman that w a sa sinner; who didst vouchsafe healing unto the Paralytic, and likewise the remission of his sins ; who didst justify the Publican by thy word, and didst accept the Thief at his last confession ; who takest away the sins of the world, and wast nailed t o the Cross : W e beseech thee, and entreat thee, in thy goodness loose, remit, forgive, 0 God, the errors of thy servant, N., and his (her) iniquities, whether voluntary or involuntary, whether of knowledge or of ignorance, whether of excess or of disobedience, whether of the night or of the day ; whether he (ske) be under the ban of a priest, or the curse of father or mother ; whether through the sight of his (her) eyes, or his (her) sense of smell ; whether through the union of adultery or the taste of fornication, or through whatsoever impulse of the flesh and of the spirit he (she) bath departed from thy will, and from thy holiness. If we, also, have sinned in like manner, forgive ; forasmuch as thou art a good God who rememberest not evil, and lovest mankind : and let not him (her) or us fall into evilness of life, neither run in hurtful ways. Yea, 0 Master, Lord, hearken unto me, a sinner, in this hour, on behalf of thy servant, N., and overlook all his (her) trespasses, forasmuch as thou art a God who rememberest not evil. Free him (her) from torment eternal; fill his (her) mouth with thy praise; open his (her) lips that he (she) may glorify thy holy Name ; stretch forth his (her)hand to the performance of thy statutes. Guide his (her) feet aright in the way of thy Gospel, strengthening all his (her) members and his (her) thoughts, by thy grace. For thou art our God, who hast given us a commandment by thy holy Apostles, saying: Whatsoever ye bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatsoever ye loose .on earth shall be loosed in heaven. And again : Unto whomsoever ye remit sins, unto him they shall be remitted, and if ye retain them, they shall be retained. And as thou didst hearken unto Ezekiel in the sorrow of his soul, at the hour of his death, and didst not despise his supplications, so also, in like manner, give ear unto me, thy humble, and sinful, and unworthy servant at this hour. For thou art the Lord Jesus Christ, who didst command us to forgive the erring their sins, even unto seventy times seven, through thy goodness and love towards mankind, and who repentest thee of our wickedness, and rejoicest over the return of those who have gone astray. For as is thy majesty, so also is thy mercy, and unto thee do we ascribe glory, together with thy Father who is from everlasting, and thine all-holy, and good, and life-giving Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen.
A n d after this Prayer, the Sixth Priest tabeth the sixth wand, and di$$ingif in the holy Oil, he anointcth therewith fke sick erson, recifin the whrk ikc Prqyet-: 0 holy Father, Physician of souls and godies, w i t h t& Exc&zmutrk(See page 346.)

Deacon. Let us attend.





Seventh Pnest. Peace be with you all. Choir. And with thy spirit. Deacon. Wisdom ! Let us attend. Reader. The Gradual (Prokimen),in the Seventh Tune. 0 Lord, rebuke me not in thine anger, neither chasten me in thy sore displeasure. V e m (Stikk) : Have mercy upon me, 0 Lord, for I am weak. Deacon. Wisdom ! Rrader. The Lesson from the Epistle of the holy Apostle Paul to t h e Thessalonians. Pn'cst. Let us attend. Deacon. ( I 7hes. v . 14-24) Now we exhort you, brethren, warn them that are unruly, comfort the feeble-minded, support the weak, be patient toward all men. See that none render evil for evil unto any man ; but ever follow that which is good, both among yourselves, and to all men. Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In every thing give thanks : for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. Quench not the spirit. Despise not prophesyings. Prove all things ; hold fast that which is good. Abstain from all appearance of evil. And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly ; and I pray God your whole spirit, and soul, and body, be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Seventh Pn'cst. Peace be with thee. Reader. And with thy spirit. Deacon. Wisdom ! Let us attend. Reader. Alleluia, in the Seventh Tone. Verse (Stikh) : The Lord hear thee in the day of trouble ; the Name of the God of Jacob defend thee. Pricst. Wisdom, 0 believers ! Let us listen to the holy Gospel of Matthew. Peace be with you all. Choir. And with thy spirit. Priest. The Lesson from the holy Gospel of Matthew. Choir. Glory to thee, 0 Lord ; glory to thee. Deacon. Let us attend.
The Smentk Priest t k n readetk tks Go@el (Matt. i x . 9-14).

And as Jesus passed forth from thence, he saw a man named Matthew, sitting at the receipt of custom : and he saith unto him, Follow me. And he arose, and followed him. And it came to pass, as Jesus sat a t meat in the house, behold, many publicans and sinners came and sat down with him and his disciples. And when the Pharisees saw it, they said unto his disciples, Why eateth your Master with publicans and sinners ? But when Jesus heard that, he said unto them, They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick But go ye and learn what that meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice: for I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. Choir. Glory to thee, 0 Lord; glory to thee.



T/utt the Deacort saith the Litany: Have mercy upon us, 0 God. and the 'El.chrnation. (See page 344.) A n d the Seventh Priest saith the following Prayer:

0 Master, Lord our God, thou art the Physician of souls and bodies, who assuagest temporal sufferings and healest every infirmity and every wound of men ; who desirest that all men should be saved, and should come to the knowledge of the truth ; who desirest not the death of a sinner, but that he should turn him again and live : for thou, 0 Lord, in the ancient Covenant, didst ordain repentance unto sinners, unto David and the Ninevites, and unto those who went before them, and l i k e wise, at the advent of thy dispensation in the flesh, thou calledst not the righteous but sinners to repentance, the Publican, the Woman who was a sinner, and the blaspheming Thief, and Paul the Persecutor, and Peter, thy chief Apostle, who also thrice denied thee; and gavest unto him a promise, saying: Thou art Peter, and on this rock will I build my Church, and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against i t ; and I will give thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven. For which cause, 0 Good One, who lovest mankind, we also have boldness, according to thy faithful promise, and we beseech thee, and implore thee, at this present hour : Give ear unto our supplication, and receive it as incense offered unto thee ; and visit thy servant, N. ; and if h e (she) hath done aught amiss, either by word, or deed, or thought, either by night or by day; if he (she) hath fallen under the ban of a priest, or under his (her) own anathema ; or hath been embittered by an oath, and hath cursed himself (herself) : We beseech thee, and supplicate thee : loose, pardon, forgive him (her), 0 God, overlooking his (her) sins and wickednesses, both those which he (she) hath done knowingly, and those which he (she) hath committed in ignorance. And if h e ( s h ) hath transgressed thy commandmenfs, or hath sinned because h e (she) beareth flesh, and dwelleth in the world, or through the wiles of the Devil, do thou, forasmuch as thou art a good God and lovest mankind, forgive; for there is no man who liveth and sinneth not. For thou only art sinless, thy righteousness is righteousness to all eternity, and thy word is truth. Because thou hast not created man for destruction, but for the keeping of thy commandments, and for the inheritance of life incorruptible; and unto thee do we ascribe glory, together with the Father, and the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
A n d after thB Pra er, the Seventh Priest taketh the seventh wand, and di#in i t in the ho& 0 i f h e anointeth thcrewi2h the sick #crson, reciting the while t h Prayer: 0 holy Father, Physician of souls and bodies, with the Exchnration. (Seepage 346.) A t the conclusion of the Atzointin.e, the sick#erson, if he dcnble, shall hirnseifp among the Priests; or, suP#ortedby his own $cop&, he shall standor sit among them.

T H E OFFICE OF HOLY UNCTION But if he be not able, the Priests shallgather about him, as he lieth on his couch. A n d theprincz$al Prust, takin the book o f f h e Holy Gospels, and @enin it, rhaif fay it, with the writing A n , on the head of the rick $erron, the fook being held by all the Priests. A n d the firincipal Pricst doth not lay otr his hand, but reciteth, aloud, this Prayer: ( 7 )

0 holy King, compassionate and all-merciful Lord Jcsus Christ, Son and Word of the living God, who desirest not the death of a sinner, but rather that he should turn from his wickedness and live : I lay not my sinful hand upon the head of him (her) who is come unto thee in iniquities, and asketh of thee, through us, the pardon of his (her) sins, but t h y strong and mighty hand, which is in this, thy Holy Gospels, that is now held by my fellow-ministers, upon the head of thy servant, N. And with them I, also, beseech and entreat thy merciful compassion and love of mankind, which cherisheth no remembrance of evil, 0 God our Saviour, who by the hand of thy prophet Nithan didst give remission of his sins unto penitent David, and didst accept Manasses' prayer of contrition : Do thou, the same Lord, receive also with thy wonted tender love towards mankind, this thy servant, N., who repenteth him (her) of his (her) sore transgressions, regarding not all his (ker) trespasses. For thou art our God, who hast commanded that we forgive, even unto seventy times seven, those who fall into sin. For as is thy majesty, so also is thy mercy : and unto thee are due all glory, honour and worship, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Then, takin the booi of the Holy Go@clsfrom the head o f the sick person. they giw it to Sit,, to kiss. A n d the Deacon straz,+tway reciteth the Litany: Have' mercy upon us, 0 God, with the Exclamation, . . . (Seepage 344-) Then the Choir singeth: Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.


Hymn (Trofdr), in Tone IV: Forasmuch as ye have a fountain of healing, 0 Unmercenary Ones, ye bestow healing upon all those who ask it, in that ye have been accounted worthy of exceeding great gifts from the Fountain ever-flowing, our Saviour. For the Lord hath said unto you, as unto zealous labourers, equal in zeal to the Apostles : Behold, I have given you power over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and t o heal every infirmity, and every malady. Wherefore, as ye have nobly lived, according to his commandments, freely ye have received, and freely do ye give, healing the ills of our souls and bodies. Now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Hymn to the Birth-giver o f God, in the same Tone. Regard the prayers of thy servants, 0 all-undefiled One, who quenchest the fierce attacks upon us, giving us release from every adversity : for thee alone have we as an anchor firm and assured, and have acquired thy protection, 0 Lady ; and all we who call upon thee shall not be put to con-



fusion. Make haste to the petitions of those who with faith cry unto thee: Hail, 0 Lady! 0 Help of all men ! 0 Joy and Refuge, and Salvation of our souls ! Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Lord, have mercy. (Thrice.) Bless.

May Christ our true God, through the prayers of his most pure Mother; by the might of the precious and life-giving Cross ; of the holy, glorious and all-laudable James, the Apostle and the first Bishop o f Jerusalem, the brother of God ; and of all the Saints; save us and have mercy upon us, forasmuch as he is good, and loveth mankind.
And the Person who hfth received Uncfion with P r a y n makefh a reverence, saying :

Bless me, holy Fathers. Pardon me, a sinner. (Thrice.)

And havin received their blessing and #ardon, kc goeth thence, giving thanks unto GO$ ,


The Abbot corneth to a monk, or his Father Confessor to a layman, and inguireth if there be arty word or deed which Lath been forgotten, or baseness, or any wrath against any brother, which hath remained vncon fesscd, or is un forfierr ; he must search all there is, and interrogate the dying man concerning each me.

Blessed is our God always, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. 0 Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal One, have mercy upon us. (Thrice.) Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. 0 all-holy Trinity, have mercy upon us. 0 Lord, wash away our sins. 0 Master, pardon our transgressions. 0 Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for thy Name's sake. Lord, have mercy. ( Thrice.) Glory . . . now, and ever, . . . Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, As it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, A s .we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation ; But deliver us from the Evil One : For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Lord, have mercy. (Twelve times.) 0 come, let us worship God our King. 0 come, let us worship and fall down before Christ, our King and our God. 0 come, let us worship and fall down before the Very Christ, our King and our God. (Three rmrrcrs.) Have mercy upon me, 0 God, after thy great goodness ; according to the multitude of thy mercies do away mine offences. Wash me throughly from my wickedness, and cleanse me from my sin. For I acknowledge my faults, and my sin is ever before me. Against thee only have I sinned, and done this evil in thy sight ;that thou mightest be justified in thy saying and clear when thou art judged. Behold I was shapen in wickedness, and in sin hath my mother conceived me. But lo, thou requirest truth in the inward parts, and shalt make me to understand wisdom secret1 . Thou shalt purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean ; thou shalt was me, and I shall be whiter than snow. Thou shalt make



me hear of joy and gladness, that the bones which thou hast broken may rejoice. Turn thy face from my sins, and put out all my misdeeds. Make me a clean heart, 0 God, and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from thy presence, and take not thy Holy Spirit from me. 0 give me the comfort of thy help again, and stablish me with thy free Spirit.. Then shall I teach thy ways unto the wicked, and sinners shall be converted unto thee. Deliver me from blood-guiltiness, 0 God, thou that art the God of my health ; and my tongue shall sing of thy righteousness. Thou shalt open my lips, 0 Lord, and my mouth shall show thy praise. For thou desirest no sacrifice, else would I give it thee ; but thou delightest not in burnt-offerings. The sacrifice of God is a troubled spirit: a broken and contrite heart, 0 God, shalt thou not despise. 0 be favourable and gracious unto Sion : build thou the walls of Jerusalem. Then shalt thou be pleased with the sacrifice of righteousness, with the burnt-offerings and oblations : then shall they offer young bullocks upon thine altar.
A Canon of Prayer to the Alf-un&Jled Birth-pRZver of God, with Theme-Sonp (Irtnosf) in the Sixth Tone. on behalf of a man whose soul is rkparting, and

who cannot speak. Canticle I.

Theme-Song (Irmds). When Israel passed on foot over the deep, as it had been dry land, and beheld their pursuer Pharaoh engulfed in the sea, they cried aloud : Let us sing unto God a song of victory. Refrain. 0 all-holy Birth-giver of God, save us.* Hymru ( 7 ~ o p a d ) . Like drops of rain my evil days and few, dried up by summer's heat, already gently vanish : 0 Lady, save me. Through thy tenderness of heart and thy many bounties, by nature inclined thereto, 0 Lady, in this dread hour intercede for me, 0 Helper Invincible ! Great terror now imprisoneth my soul, trembling unutterable and grievous, when forth from the body it must go: Comfort thou it, 0 All-undefiled One. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. 0 Refuge renowned for the sinful and contrite, make thy mercy f known upon me, 0 Pure One, and 'deliver me from the hands o demons : For many dogs have compassed me about. Now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Lo, now is the hour for succour, lo, now the hour for thine intercession ; lo, now, the time because of which, day and night I have bowed down before thee, and prayed fervently unto thee, 0 Lady.
Canticle 1 1 1 .

Theme-Song (Imzbs). There is none holy like unto thee, 0 Lord, my God, who hast exalted the horn of thy faithful, 0 Good One, and hast established us upon the rock of thy confession.

After each I h 6 s and Hymn, except the Collect-Hymn and the Ikos.




Hyr~trs (Trojart). Inasmuch as I foresaw this day from afar, 0 Lady, meditating ever upon it as though it were come, with hot tears I have prayed unto thee that thou wouldst not forget me. The assembly of the crafty, gaping, have compassed me round about, and seek to bear me away and bitterly torment me. Crush thou their jaws and save me, 0 Pure One. For as an organ of speech I am altogether extinguished, and my tongue is bound, and mine eye closeth. In contrition of heart I entreat thee: 0 my Deliverer, save me. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Incline thine ear unto me, 0 Mother of Christ my God, from the height of thy great glory, 0 Good One ; and hear my last groan, and give me thy hand. Now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Turn not from me thy many bounties ; shut not the bowels of thy love toward mankind, 0 Pure One: but intercede for me now, and in the hour of judgment remember thou me.
Canticle ZY.

Theme-Song ( l m d s ) . Christ is my strength, my God and my Lord, the august Church doth sing in God-befitting wise, crying aloud and out of a pure mind keeping festival unto the Lord. Hymns (Tropari). Appoint thou now a washing for sin, a stream of tears, 0 Good One, receiving the contrition of my heart. In thee have I set my hope, 0 Good One, when thou deliverest me from frightful fiery torment ; forasmuch as thou art the Fountain of Grace, 0 Birthgiver of God. 0 Refuge which maketh not ashamed, and infallible unto all who are in need, Lady all-undefiled, be thou my defender in the hour of trial. Stretch forth, 0 All-pure One, thine all-honourable hands, like unto the wings of a holy dove, under whose protection and shelter cover thou me, 0 Lady. Glory . . . 0 Conqueror anhTormentor of the fierce Prince of the air, 0 Guardian of the dread path, and Searcher of these vain words, help thou me to pass over unhindered, as I depart from earth. Now, and ever, . . . Lo, terror is come to meet me, 0 Lady, and I fear it ; lo, a great ordeal hath seized hold upon me, wherein be thou my helper, 0 thou Hope of my salvation.
Canticle K

Theme-Song (lmds). With thy light divine, 0 Good One, illumine thou, I pray thee, the souls of those who wake early unto thee with love : that they may know thee, 0 Word of God, who callest forth from the gloom of sin.


Hymns (Tropart). Forget me not, 0 Good One, neither turn thou away thy face from me, thy child ; but hear me, for I am in trouble ; and receive thou my soul, and deliver it. Ye who are my kinsfolk in the flesh, and ye who are my brethren in the spirit, my friends and wonted acquaintance, weep ye, sigh, wail: For lo, now am I departing from you. No one now delivereth, and, of a truth, there is none to aid. Succour thou me, 0 Lady ; else as a helpless man shall I be captive in the hands of mine enemies. Glory . . . Having entered, 0 ye my holy Angels, before the Judgment Seat o f Christ, bending in thought your supersensual knees, cry ye with weep ing unto him : Have mercy, 0 Maker of all men, upon the work of thy hands, 0 Good One ; and cast it not away. Now, and ever, . . . Bowing down before the Sovereign Lady and all-pure Mother of my God, pray ye that she will bend her knees together with you ; and she shall bend Him to mercy : For the true Mother and Nourisher will be heard. Canticle VI. Theme-Song(/mds). Forasmuch as I behold the sea of life surging high with the tempest of temptations, I have fled to thy tranquil haven and cry aloud unto thee: Lead thou my life forth from corruption, 0 Most Merciful One. Hymns (Trojari). My mouth is silent, and my tongue speaketh not, but my heart maketh utterance : For that fire of contrition which inwardly devoureth is kindled, and in tones inexpressible invoketh thee, 0 Virgin. Look down upon me from on high, 0 Mother of God, and mercifully hearken now to my supplication ; that having beheld thee I may go forth from the body rejoicing. The destruction of ties, and the overthrow of nature's laws of union, and of the whole corporeal structure, cause me anguish and distress intolerable. Glory . . . To the honourable arms of the holy Angels transfer me, 0 Lady; that covered with their wings I behold not the ignominious and revolting and gloomy forms of devils. Now, and ever, . . 0 All-honourable Abode of God,grant unto me the heavenly, the supersensual abode, after that thou hast kindled my expiring and nnradiant light by the holy oil of thy mercy.

Collect-Hymn (Konaifk), in Tone VZ. Arise, 0 my soul, why sleepest thou ? The end draweth near, and



thou must speak Arise, therefore, from thy sleep, and Christ our God, who is in all places and filleth all things, shall spare thee.

T h e Devil, when he beheld the healing of Christ thrown open, and the health which flowed therefrom unto Adam, being sore smitten as it were with a calamity, wailed and cried unto his friends : What shall I do unto the Son of Mary ? The Bethlehemite, who is in all places and filleth all things, doth slay me. Canticle VZZ. Theme-Song (Imrbs). An Angel made the fiery furnace to drop dew for the Holy Children, but the command of God, consuming the Chaldaeans with fire, prevailed upon the tormentor to cry aloud : Blessed art thou, 0 God of our fathers ! Hymns (Trojlari). The night of death, gloomy and moonless, hath overtaken me, still unprepared, sending me forth on that long and dreadful journey. But let thy mercy accompany me, 0 Lady. Lo, all my days are vanished, of a truth, in vanity, as it is written, and my years also in vain; and now the snares of death, which of a truth are bitter, have entangled my soul, and have compassed me round about. Let not the multitude of my sins conquer thy great tenderness of heart, 0 Lady. But let thy mercy compass me round about, and it shall cover all my transgressions. Glory . . . They who shall lead me hence are come, and hem me in on every side ; but my soul holdeth back and is dismayed, being filled with much rebellion ; the which allay thou, 0 Pure One, by thy manifestation. Now, and ever, . . . Not one have I found who grieveth over my affliction, or who comforteth me, 0 Lady : For all my friends and acquaintance have abandoned me. But do thou, 0 my Hope, in no wise forsake me.

Canticle VI/I.

Tlwme-Song (Irmds). Out of the flames thou didst shed forth dew upon the Godly Ones, and with water didst kindle the sacrifice of the Righteous One. For thou doest all things which thou willest, 0 Christ. Thee will we exalt unto all the ages. Hymns ( Trqari). As the Mother loving mankind of the God who loveth mankind, look thou with calm and merciful eye when my soul from its body shall part ; and I will glorify thee forever, 0 holy Birthgiver of God. Vouchsafe that I may escape the hordes of bodiless barbarians, and rise through the abysses of the air, and enter into heaven ; and I will glorify thee forever, 0 holy Birth-giver of God. 0 thou who didst bear the Lord Almighty, banish thou far from me


when I come to die, the chieftain of bitter torments who ruleth the universe ; and I will glorify thee forever, 0 holy Birth-giver of God. Glory . . When the last great trump shall sound unto the frightful and dread Resurrection of the Judgment Day, and all shall rise from the dead ; then remember thou me, 0 holy Birth-giver of God. Now, and ever, . . . 0 lofty Palace of Christ our Master, who hast sent down thy grace from on high, aid thou me now, in the day of wrath ; and I will glonfy thee forever, 0 holy Birth-giver of God.

Canticle IX: Theme-Song ( I m d s ) . It is not possible that men should see God, upon whom the Orders of the Angels dare not gaze : but through thee, 0 All-pure One, was the Word Incarnate manifested unto men ; Whom magnifying, together with the Heavenly Hosts, we call thee blessed. Hymns ( Tropnd). Oh, how shall I look upon the invisible? How shall I endure its vision dread ? How shall I dare mine eyes to open ? How shall I dare to gaze upon my Master, whom I have not ceased, from my youth up, ever to grieve ? 0 Holy Maiden, Birth-giver of God, look with mercy upon my meekness. Receive this propitistory and final prayer, and from the fire that tortureth to all eternity make thou haste to deliver me. I, who have defiled the holy temples, on quitting this vile temple o f the body, do beseech thee, 0 all-honourable Temple of God, Maiden, Virgin Mother, that my soul may escape outer darkness, and the burning of fierce Gehenna Glory . . . Forasmuch as I now behold the end of my life draw near, and am a worker of unseemly thoughts and deeds, 0 All-pure One, I am cruelly smitten with the stings of conscience, 0 Maker of my soul. But do thou mercifully incline unto me ; and be thou my Interc-ssor. Now, and ever, . . . The Son will give himself unto us for mercy, the Son of God and King of the Angels, the Man Eternal, coming forth from thy pure blood ; Whom do thou propitiate, 0 Maiden, on behalf of my passiontossed soul, which is cruelly wrested from my body accursed. Meet is it, in truth, to bless thee, the Birth-giver of God, ever-blessed and all-undefiled, and the Mother of our God. More honourable than the Cherubim, and beyond compare more glorious than the Seraphim, thou who without defilement barest God the Word, true Birth-giver of God, we magnify thee.

The Prayers said by the Pricst at the Departure of a Soul.

0 Lord God Almighty, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who willest that all men should be saved, and should come unto the know-



ledge of the truth ; who desirest not the death of a sinner, but that he should turn again and live : We pray thee and implore thee, absolve thou thy servant, N., from every bond, and deliver him ( A H ) from every curse. Pardon his (her) transgressions, both of knowledge and of ignorance, both of deed and of word, which he (she) hath committed from his (her) youth up, and hath cleanly confessed or hath concealed, either through forgetfulness or through shame. For thou alone loosest those things which are bound, and guidest aright the contrite, and art the hope of the despairing, and mighty to remit the sins of every man who putteth his trust in thee. Yea, 0 God who lovest mankind, give thou command, and he shall be released from the bonds of the flesh and of sin ; and receive thou in peace the soul of this thy servant, N., and give it rest in the everlasting mansions, with thy Saints ; through the grace of thine Only-begotten Son, our Lord, and God, and Saviour Jesus Christ: with whom also thou art blessed, together with thine allholy, and good, and life-giving Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. O r : Let us pray to the Lord. Lord, have mercy. 0 Master, Lord our God Almighty, who wiliest that all men should be saved and should come to a knowledge of the truth ; who desirest not the death of a sinner, but that he should turn again and be saved : We pray thee and beseech thee, deliver thou the soul of thy servant, N., from every bond, free it from every curse. For thou art he who delivereth them that are bound, and guideth aright them that are cast down, 0 Hope of the hopeless. Wherefore, 0 Master, command that the soul of thy servant, N., may depart in peace, and may rest in thine everlasting mansions with all thy Saints ; through thine Only-begotten Son, with whom thou art blessed, together with thine all-holy, and good, and life-giving Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Another Prayer for a Person wko hath sufbred long, and is on the point of &atk.

0 Lord our God, who in thine ineffable wisdom hast created man, fashioning him out of the dust, and adorning him with comeliness and goodness, as an honourable and heavenly acquisition, to the exaltation and magnificence of thy glory and kingdom, that thou mightest bring him into this image and likeness ; but forasmuch as he sinned against the command of thy statute, having accepted the image but preserved it not, for which reason, also, evil shall not be eternal: Thou hast ordained remittance unto the same, through thy love toward mankind ; and that this indestructible bond, which as the God of our fathers thou hadst sanctified by thy divine will, should be dissolved, and that his body should dissolve, but his soul should be translated to that place where it shall take up its abode until the final Resurrection. Therefore we pray unto thee, the Father who is from everlasting, and immortal,. and


unto thine Only-begotten Son, and unto thine all-holy Spirit, that thou wilt deliver N. from the body unto repose And if he ( s h ) in any wise, whether of knowledge or in ignorance, hath offended thy goodness, or is under the ban of a priest, or hath embittered his (h) parents, or hath broken a vow, or hath fallen into devilish imaginations and shameful sorceries, through the malice of the crafty demon: Yea, 0 Master, Lord our God, hearken unto me a sinner and thine unworthy servant in this hour, and deliver thy servant, N., from tbis intolerable sickness which holdeth him (her)in bitter impotency, and give him (her) rest where the souls of the righteous dwell. For thou art the repose of our souls and of our bodies, and unto thee do we ascribe glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.


When an Orthodox belicvcr dieth, his relatives stmightway e not& t k r e unto W Priest, who, when he L come to the h a r e in w h i c G c remains o f t &ad man lie, and hath @ t on his Priest& stole (@itraRhfl),and hath Placed incense in the censer, cnrrcth the body of t k d a d , and those #resent; and beginneth as usual .

Blessed is our God always, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
And t h e who stand there begin :

0 Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal One, have mercy upon us. (Thrice.)
Glory t o the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. 0 all-holy Trinity, have mercy upon us. 0 Lord, wash away our sins. 0 Master, pardon our transgressions. 0 Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for thy Name's sake. Lord, have mercy. ( Thrice.) Glory . . . now, and ever, . . . Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, As it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation ; But deliver us from the Evil One: Pn'rst. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
And immediately the f o l h i n g Hymns ( T r e a d ) , in Tone ZK, are sung :

With the souls of the righteous dead give rest, 0 Saviour, to the soul of thy servant, preserving it unto the life of blessedness which is with thee, 0 thou who lovest mankind. I n the place of thy rest, 0 Lord, where all thy Saints repose, give rest also to the soul of thy servant ; for thou only lovest mankind. Glory . . . Thou art the God who descended into Hell, and loosed the bonds of the captives. Do thou give rest also to the soul of thy servant. Now, and ever, . . . 0 Virgin alone Pure and Undefiled, who without seed didst bring forth God, pray thou that his (her) soul may be saved.
For explanations, indicated by numbers, see Appendix, B, X.



And the Priest, meanwhile, saitk, ' Deacon. Have mercy upon us, secretly, fhefofl"Wlirgpra~m: 0 God, according to thy great 0 God of spirits, and of all mercy, we beseech thee : hearkflesh, who hast trampled down en, and have mercy. Choir. Lord, have mercy. Death, and overthrown the Devil, and given life unto thy world : (Thrice.) Furthermore we pray for the Do thou, the same Lord, give , repose of the soul of the servant rest to the soul of thy departed , of God departed this life, N. ; and servant, N., in a place of brightthat thou wilt pardon his (her) ness, a place of verdure, a place , r, sins both voluntary and involun- of repose, whence all sickness, ' 5 sorrow and sighing have fled tary. @ That the Lord God will estab- away. Pardon every transgres lish his (her) soul where the just sion which he (she) hath committed, whether by word, or deed, repose. @ T h e mercies of God, the king- or thought. For thou art a good dom of heaven, and the remis- God, and lovest mankind; besion of his (her) sins, we entreat cause there is no man who liveth of Christ, our King Immortal and and sinneth not : for thou only art without sin, and thy righteous our God. Choir. Grant it, 0 Lord. ness is to all eternity, and thy Exclamation. For thou art the word is true. f Resurrection, and the Life, and the Repose of thy departed servant, N., 0 Christ our God, and unto thee we ascribe glory, together with thy Father who is from everlasting, and thine all-holy, and good, and life-giving Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Deacon. Wisdom ! Choir. More honourable than the Cherubim, and beyond compare more glorious than the Seraphim, thou who without defilement barest God the Word, true Birth-giver of God, we magnify thee. Lord, have mercy. (Thrice.) Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Bless.

$ >

And straz~htway fhPriesf givLfh the BENEDICTION.

May Christ, our true God, who hath dominion over the living and the dead : through the prayers of his all-holy Mother ; of our righteous and God-bearing fathers ; and of all the Saints, establish the soul of his servant, N., departed this life, in his holy mansions, and number him (her) among the just ; and have mercy upon us : Forasmuch as he is good and loveth mankind.
And i f a N things arc now ready for the departure, t h Priest ~ beginueth again :

Blessed is our God .


(Seepage 369.)

And we be n lo sing, with aN awe and cmofion: 0 Holy God, Holy Mighty, (2) . &eepagr 3%)



And taking u j the mortaf remains o f the &#wird, we come, bearingiapers, vnto y tkc Deacon with the censer. And the Church, precekd by the Ptiest, and b when we come to the Church, the remains are eosited in the porch (or in the Church, as is the custom in Russia). And the bepnning is :

Whoso dwelleth under the defence of the Most High, shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say unto the Lord, Thou art my hope, and my stronghold ; my God, in him will I trust. For he shall deliver thee from the snare of the hunter, and from the noisome pestilence. H e shall defend thee under his wings, and thou shalt be safe under his feathers ; his faithfulness and truth shall be thy shield and buckler. Thou shalt not be afraid for any terror by night, nor for the arrow that flieth by day ; for the pestilence that walketh in darkness, nor for the sickness that destroyeth in the noon-day. A thousand shall fall beside thee, and ten thousand at thy right hand ; but it shall not come nigh thee. Yea, with thine eyes shalt thou behold, and see the reward of the ungodly. For thou, Lord, art my hope; thou hast set thine house of defence very high. There shall no evil happen unto thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling. For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. They shall bear thee in their hands, that thou hurt not thy foot against a stone. Thou shalt go upon the lion and adder : the young lion and the dragon shalt thou tread under thy feet. Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him ; I will set him up, because he hath known m Name. H e shall call upon me, and I will hear him ; yea, I am wit him in trouble; I will deliver him, and bring him to honour. With long life will I satisfy him, and show him my salvation. Blessed art thou, 0 Lord : teach me thy statutes. Then thejrstporiion o f PSALM cxrx. is danfed, in Tone VL :Blessed are those

that are undefiled in the way, and walk in the law of the Lord.

Blessed are those that are undefiled in the way, and walk in the law of t h e Lord. I& Refain. Alleluia Blessed are they that keep his testimonies, and seek him with their whole heart. I& For they who do no wickedness, walk in his ways. I& Thou hast charged that we shall diligently keep thy commandments. I$ 0 that my ways were made so direct, that I might keep thy statutes! I& S o shall I not be confounded, while I have respect unto all thy commandments. I$ I will thank thee with an unfeigned heart, when I shall have learned the judgments of thy righteousness. I& I will keep thy ceremonies ; 0 forsake me not utterly. I&
For the abbreviated form generally used, see page 378.


Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? even by ruling himself after thy word. I$ With my whole. heart have I sought thee ; 0 let me not go wrong out of thy commandments ! & Thy words have I hid within my heart, that I should not sin against thee. I$ Blessed art thou, 0 Lord; 0 teach me thy statutes ! I$ With my lips have I been telling of all the judgments of thy mouth. & I have had as great delight in the way of thy testimonies, as in all manner of riches. I$ I will talk of thy commandments, and have respect unto thy ways. My delight shall be in thy statutes, and I will not forget thy word. & 0 do well unto thy servant ; that I may live, and keep thy word. J$ Open thou mine eyes ; that I may see the wondrous things of thy law. I$ I am a stranger upon earth ; 0 hide not thy commandments from me! & My soul breaketh out for the very fervent desire that it hath alway unto thy judgments. I$ Thou hast rebuked the proud ; and cursed are they that do err from thy commandments. I$ 0 turn from me shame and rebuke; for I have kept thy testimonies. & Pnnces also did sit and speak against me ; but thy servant is occupied in thy statutes. I$ For thy testimonies are my delight, and my counsellors. I$ My soul cleaveth to the dust ; 0 quicken thou me, according to thy word. @ I have acknowledged my ways, and thou heardest me : 0 teach me thy statutes ! I$ Make me to understand the way of thy commandments; and si shall I talk of thy wondrous works. I$ My soul melteth away for very heaviness ; comfort thou me according unto thy word. @ Take from me the way of lying, and cause thou me to make much of thy law. @ I have chosen the way of truth, and thy judgments have I laid before me. @ I have stuck unto thy testimonies ; 0 Lord, confound me not ! @ I will run the way of thy commandments, when thou hast set my heart at liberty. I$ Teach me, 0 Lord, the way of thy statutes, and I shall keep it unto the end. I$ Give me understanding, and I shall keep thy law ; yea, I shall keep it with my whole heart. I$



Make me to go in the path of thy commandments ; for therein is my desire. I$ Incline mine heart unto thy testimonies, and not to covetousness. @ 0 turn away mine eyes, lest they behold mnity ; and quicken thou me in thy way. I$ 0 stablish thy word in thy servant, that I may fear thee. It. Take away the rebuke that I am afraid of ; for thy judgments are good. I$ Behold, my delight is in thy commandments ; 0 quicken me in thy righteousness. I$ Let thy loving mercy come also unto me, 0 Lord, even thy salvation, according unto thy word. I$ S o shall I make answer unto my blasphemers ; for my trust is in thy word. I$ 0 take not the word of thy truth utterly out of my mouth ; for my hope is in thy judgments. I$ S o shall I alway keep thy law ; yea, forever and ever. @ And I will walk at liberty; for I seek thy commandments. F$ I will speak of thy testimonies also, even before kings, and will not be ashamed. & And my delight shall be in thy commandments, which I have loved. I$ My hands also will I lift up unto thy commandments, which I have loved ; and my study shall be in thy statutes. I$ 0 think upon thy servant, as concerning thy word, wherein thou hast caused me to put my trust. I$ T h e same is my comfort in my trouble ; for thy word hath quickened me. I$ T h e proud have had me exceedingly in derision; yet have I not shrinked from thy law. I$ For I remembered thine everlasting judgments, 0 Lord, and received comfort. & I am horribly afraid, for the ungodly that forsake thy law. F$ T h y statutes have been my songs, in the house of my pilgrimage. I$ I have thought upon thy Name, 0 Lord, in the night-season, and have kept thy law. I$ This I had, because I kept thy commandments. F$ Thou art my portion, 0 Lord ; I have promised to keep thy law. Rr I made my humble petition in thy presence with my whole heart ; 0 be merciful unto me, according to thy word. I$ I called mine own ways to remembrance, and turned my feet unto thy testimonies. & I made haste, and prolonged not the time, to keep thy commandments. I$ The congregations of the ungodly have robbed me ; but I have not forgotten thy law. @ '


A t midnight I will rise to give thanks unto thee, because of thy righteous judgments. @ I am a companion of all them that fear thee, and keep thy commandments. @ T h e earth, 0 Lord, is full of thy mercy : 0 teach me thy statutes ! I$ 0 Lord, thou hast dealt graciously with thy servant, according unto thy word. @ 0 learn me true understanding and knowledge ; for I have believed thy commandments. @ Before I was troubled, I went wrong; but now have I kept thy word. @ Thou art good and gracious ; 0 teach me thy statutes ! I$ The proud have imagined a lie against me ; but I will keep t h y commandments with my whole heart. @ Their heart is as fat as brawn; but my delight hath been in thy law. & I t is good for me that I have been in trouble ; that I may learn thy statutes. I$

T h e law of thy mouth is dearer unto me than thousands of gold and silver. Refmin. Have mercy upon thy servant. T h y hands have made me and fashioned me : 0 give me understanding, that I may learn thy commandments. @ They that fear thee will be glad when they see me ; because I have put my trust in thy word. @ I know, 0 Lord, that thy judgments are right, and that thou of very faithfulness bast caused me t o be troubled. @ 0 let thy merciful kindness be my comfort, according to t h y word unto thy servant. @ 0 let thy loving mercies come unto me, that I may live ; for thy law is my delight. @ Let the proud be confounded, for they go wicked1 about t o destroy me ; but I will be occupied in thy commandments. Let such as fear thee, and have known t h y testimonies, b e turned unto me. @ 0 let my heart be sound in thy statutes, that I be not ashamed. I$ My soul hath longed for thy salvation, and I have a good hope because of thy word. @ Mine eyes long sore'for thy word ; saying, 0 when wilt thou comfort me? @ For I am become like a bottle in the smoke ; yet do I not forget thy statutes @ How many are the days of thy servant? when wilt thou be avenged of them that persecute me ? I$ T h e proud have digged pits for me, which are not after t h y law. I$


All thy commandments are true : they persecute me falsely ; 0 be thou my help. & They had almost made an end of me upon earth ; but I forsook not thy commandments. I$ 0 quicken me after thy loving-kindness; and so shall I keep the testimonies of thy mouth. & 0 Lord, thy word endureth forever in heaven. & T h y truth also remaineth from one generation to another ; thou hast laid the foundation of the earth, and it abideth. & They continue this day according to thine ordinance ; for all things serve thee. & If my delight had not been in thy law, I should have perished in my trouble. & I will never forget thy corrynandments; for with them thou hast quickened me. B I am thine : 0 save me, for I have sought thy commandments. & T h e ungodly laid wait for me, to destroy me ; but I will consider thy testimonies. I see that all things come to an end, but thy commandment is exceeding broad. & Lord, what love have I unto thy law! all the day long is my study in it. .-.. ~ B ~ho< through thy commandments, hast made me wiser than mine enemies ; for they are ever with me. & I have more understanding than my teachers; for thy testimonies are my study. I$ I am wiser than the aged ; because I keep thy commandments. 8 I have refrained my feet from every evil way, that I may keep thy word. & I have not shrunk from thy judgments ; for thou teachest me. 0 how sweet are thy words unto my throat ; yea, sweeter than honey unto my mouth ! & Through t h commandments I get understanding; therefore I hate d l evil ways. T h y word is a lantern unto m feet, and a light unto my paths. I have sworn, and am stead l astly purposed, to keep thy righteous judgments. 8 I am troubled above measure : quicken me, 0 Lord, according to thy word. & L e t the free-will offerings of my mouth please thee, 0 Lord ; and teach me thy judgments. 8 My soul is alway in my hand ; yet d o I not forget thy law. T h e ungodly have laid a snare for me ; but yet I swerved not from thy commandments. & T h y testimonies have I claimed as mine heritage for ever ; and why ? they are the very joy of my heart. @


I have applied my heart to fulfil thy statutes alway, even unto the end. @ I hate them that imagine evil things ; but thy law do 1 love. Ijc Thou art my defence and shield; and my trust is in thy word. ljt Away from me, ye wicked; I will keep the commandments of my God. @ 0 stablish me according to thy word, that I may live ; and let me not be disappointed of my hope. @ Hold thou me up, and I shall be safe ; yea, my delight shall be ever in thy statutes. @ Thou hast trodden down all them that depart from thy statutes ; for they imagine but deceit. & Thou puttest away all the ungodly of the earth like dross ; therefore I love thy testimonies. @ My flesh trembleth for fear of the:; and I am afraid of thy judgments. @ I deal with the thing that is lawful and right ; 0 give me not over unto mine oppressors ! Ijc Make thou thy servant to delight in that which-is good, that the proud do me no wrong. @ Mine eyes are wasted away with looking for thy health, and for the word of thy righteousness. & 0 deal with thy servant according unto thy loving mercy, and teach me thy statutes. @ I am thy servant ; 0 grant me understanding, that I may know thy testimonies. & I t is time for thee, Lord, to lay to thine hand ; for they have destroyed thy law. @ For I love thy commandments above gold and precious stones. I$ Therefore hold I straight all thy commandments ; and all false ways I utterly abhor. @ Thy testimonies are wonderful ; therefore doth my soul keep them. Ijc When thy word goeth forth, it giveth light and understanding unto the simple. & I opened my mouth, and drew in my breath ; for my delight was in thy commandments. @

0 look thou upon me, and be merciful unto me, as thou usest to do unto those that love thy Name. Refrain. Alleluia Order my steps in thy word ; and so shall no wickedness have d e minion over me. -& 0 deliver me from the wrongful dealings of men ; and so shall I keep thy commandments. & Show the light of thy countenance upon thy servant, and teach me thy statutes. @


Mine eyes gush out with water, because men keep not th law. Righteous art thou, 0 Lord ; and true is thy judgment. The testimonies that thou hast commanded are exceeding righteous and true. & My-zealhath even consumed me; because mine enemies have forgotten thy words. & Thy word is tried to the uttermost, and thy servant loveth it. & I am small and of no reputation ; yet do I not forget thy commandments. & Thy righteousness is an everlasting righteousness, and thy law is the truth. & Trouble and heaviness have taken hold upon me ; yet is my delight in thy commandments. & T h e righteousness of thy testimonies .is everlasting: 0 grant me understanding, and I shall live. & I call w i t h my whole heart ; hear me, 0 h r d ; I will keep thy statutes. & Yea, even unto thee do I call ; help me, and I shall keep thy testimonies. & Early in the morning do I cry unto thee; for in thy word is my trust. & Mine eyes prevent the night watches ; that I might be occupied in . thy words & Hear my voice, 0 Lord, according unto thy loving-kindness ; quicken me, according as thou art wont. & They draw nigh that of malice persecute me, and are far from thy law. & Be thou nigh at hand, 0 Lord ; for all thy commandments are true. I& A s concerning thy testimonies, I have known long since, that thou hast grounded them forever. B 0 consider mine adversity, and deliver me, for I do not forget thy law. & Avenge thou my cause, and deliver me ; quicken me according to thy word. & Health is far from the ungodly ; for they regard not thy statutes. I& Great is thy mercy, 0 Lord ; quicken me, as thou art wont. & Many there are that trouble me, and persecute me ; yet do I not swerve from thy testimonies. & I t grieveth me when I see the transgressors ; because they keep not thy law. & Consider, 0 Lord, how I love thy commandments ; 0 quicken me, according to thy loving-kindness. & Thy word is true from everlasting ; a l l the judgments of thy righteousness endure for evermore. & Princes have persecuted me without a cause ; but my heart standeth in awe of thy word. I$


I am as glad of thy word, as one that findeth great spoils & A s for lies, I hate and abhor them ; but thy law do I love. & Seven times a day do I praise thee ; because of thy righteous judgements. & Great is the peace that they have who love thy law ; and they are not offended at it. & Lord, I have looked for thy saving health, and done after thy commandments. & My soul hath kept thy testimonies, and loved them exceedingly. I& I have kept thy commandments and testimonies ; for all my ways are before thee. & Let my complaint come before thee, 0 Lord ; give me understanding according to thy word. I$ Let my supplication come before thee ; deliver me according to thy word. I$ My lips shall speak of ;hy praise, when thou hast taught me thy statutes. I$ Yea, my tongue shall sing of thy word ; for all thy commandments are righteous. & Let thine hand help me ; for I have chosen thy commandments. & I have longed for thy saving health, 0 Lord ; and in thy law is my delight. I$ 0 let m soul live, and it shall praise thee ; and thy judgments shall help me. I have gone astray like a sheep that is lost; 0 seek thy servant, for I do not forget thy commandments. &

Rlessed are those that are undefiled in the way, and walk in the law of the Lord. Refrain. Alleluia Blessed are they that keep his testimonies, and seek him with their whole heart. I$ For they who do no wickedness, walk in his ways. & i t is good for me'that I have been in (rouble : that I may l&n thy statutes. & Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Alleluia And thc Pn'cst r r Deacon. Again, yet again, in peace let us pray citcth, secret1 Prayer : o &ti to the Lord. Choir. Lord, have mercy. (Thnke.) spirits, ...(seep.370.) Again we pray for the repose of the soul of the servant of God, N.,

< ;

Generally all is omitted, except the first and last verses of each portion, as here shorn: or selected verses (with the Kefmns) only are used.


departed this life ; and that he (she) may be pardoned all his (her) sins, both voluntary and involuntary. I$ T h a t the Lord God will establish his (her) soul where the Just repose. TJc T h e mercy of God, the kingdom of heaven, and the remission of his ( h e r ) sins, we entreat of Christ, our King Immortal and our God. Choir. Grant it 0 Lord. Deacon. Let us pray to the Lord. Choir. Lord, have mercy. Then the abbreviated second portion of PSALM CXIX. (verses 72-131). Refrain at the end of e u h verse: Have mercy upon thy servant. T h e law of thy mouth is dearer unto me than thousands of gold and silver. Refmin. Have mercy upon thy servant. T h y hands have made me and fashioned me : 0 give me understanding, that I may learn thy commandments. & T h y testimonies are wonderful ; therefore doth my soul keep them. TJc W h e n thy word goeth forth ; it giveth light and understanding unto t h e simple. TJc I opened my mouth, and drew in my breath ;. for my delight was in t h y commandments. I$ Glory . .. Have mercy upon thy servant. Now, and ever, . . . Deacon. Again, yet again, . . (And the rest, as onpage 378.) A n d the Priest, in the meanwhile, saith the Prayer; 0 God of spirits, . . (See

P a p 370.1 Then ihe abbreviated thirdportion of PSALM CXIX. (verse 132to the endof Psalm). Refrain at ihe end of e u h verse : Alleluia.

0 look thou upon me and be merciful unto me, as thou usest to do unto those that love thy Name. Refrain. Alleluia 0 let my soul live, and it shall praise thee;,and thy judgments shall help me. I$
I have gone astray like a sheep that is lost ; 0 seek thy servant, for I do not forget thy commandments. I$ Refrain. Blessed art thou, 0 Lord : teach me thy statutes.
T h e Choir of the Saints have found the Fountain of Life and the Door of Paradise. May I also find the right way, through repentance.. I a m a lost sheep. Call me, 0 Saviour, and save me. Refrair2. Blessed art thou, 0 Lord : teach me thy statutes. Y e who preached the Lamb of God, and like unto lambs were slain, and are translated unto the life eternal, which waxeth not old ; ye holy Martyrs, pray ye unto him that he will vouchsafe us remission of our sins. B


Ye who have trod the narrow way most sad ; all ye who, in life, have taken upon you the Cross as a yoke, and have followed Me through faith, draw near: Enjoy ye the honours and the crowns which I have prepared for you. I$ I am an image of thy glory ineffable, though I bear the brands of transgressions : Show thy compassions upon thy creature, 0 Master, and purify him (her) by thy loving-kindness ; and grant unto me the homecountry of my heart's desire, making me again a citizen of Paradise, @ 0 thou who of old didst call me into being from nothingness, and didst honour me with thine image divine, but because I had forgotten thy commandments hast returned me again unto the earth from which I was taken: Restore thou me to that image, and to my pristine beauty. Ijt Give rest, 0 Lord, to the soul of thy servant, and establish him ( A m ) in Paradise. Where the choirs of the Saints, 0 Lord, and of t h e Just, shine like the stars of heaven, give rest to thy servant who hath fallen asleep, regarding not all his (her) transgressions. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Devoutly do we hymn the triune Effulgence of the one Godhead, crying aloud : Holy art thou, 0 Father, who art from everlasting, 0 Son coeternal, and Spirit divine ! Illumine us who, with faith, do worship thee ; and rescue us from fire eternal. Now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Hail, 0 August One, who for the salvation of all men didst bring forth God in the flesh ; through whom, also, mankind hath found salvation. Through thee. have we found Paradise, 0 pure, most blessed Birth-giver of God. Alleluia. ( Thnie.) Dcacon. Again, yet again, . . (Seepage 378.)

And the rest, as before, while the Priest saifh the Prayer: 0 God of spirits, (See page 3 70.) Then the following Hymn,in Tone I/., is sung:


Give rest with the Just, 0 Saviour, unto thy servant, and establish him (her) in thy courts, as it is written: Regarding not, in that thou art good, his (her) sins, whether voluntary or involuntary, and all things committed either with knowledge or in ignorance, 0 thou who lovest man kind. Glory And all things, committed either with knowledge or in ignorance, 0 thou who lovest mankind. Now, and ever, . . .

. ..



BIRTHGIVEROF GOD (Bogordditchen).

0 Christ our God, who from a Virgin didst shine forth upon the world, through her making us children of the light, have mercy upon us.
Then shall be read PSALM LI.

Have mercy upon me, 0 God, after thy great goodness ; according to



the multitude of thy mercies do away mine offences. Wash me throughly from my wickedness, and cleanse me from my sin. For I acknowledge my faults, and my sin is ever before me. Against thee only have I sinned, and done this evil in thy sight ; that thou mightest be justified in thy saying, and clear when thou art judged. Behold, I was shapen in wickedness, and in sin hath my mother conceived me. But lo, thou requirest truth in the inward parts, and shalt make nle to understand wisdom secretly. Thou shalt purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean ; thou shalt wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. Thou shalt make me hear of joy and gladness, that the bones which thou hast broken may rejoice. Turn thy face from my sins, and put out all my misdeeds. Make me a clean heart, 0 God, and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from thy presence, and take not thy Holy Spirit from me. 0 give me the comfort of thy help again, and stablish me with thy free Spirit. Then shall I teach thy ways unto the wicked, and sinners shall be converted unto thee. Deliver me from blood-guiltiness, 0 God, thou that art the God of my health ; and my tongue shall sing of thy righteousness. Thou shalt open my lips, 0 Lord, and my mouth shall showthy praise. For thou desirest no sacrifice, else would I give it thee ; but thou delightest not in burnt-offerings. The sacrifice of God is a troubled spirit : a broken and contrite heart, 0 God, shalt thou not despise. 0 be favourable and gracious unto Zion: build thou the walls of Jerusalem. Then shalt thou be pleased with the sacrifice of righteousness, with the burnt-offerings and oblation : then shall they offer young bullocks upon thine altar.
Then the CANON is sung. (Com#oscd b y Theojhanns.) Canticle I., Tone VL Thme-Song ( I m b s ) . When Israel passed on foot over the deep as it had been dry land, and beheld their pursuer Pharaoh engulfed in the sea, they cried aloud : Let us sing unto God a song of victory. H y m n s (Trcyart). In the heavenly mansions the valiant Martyrs continually do pray with fervour unto thee, 0 Christ. Graciously enable him (her) whom thou hast called as a faithful one from earth, to obtain eternal good things. Thou who adornest all things hast created within me a blended creature, half-abject, half-august. Wherefore, 0 Saviour, give rest to the soul of thy servant. Glory . . . A citizen and husbandman of Paradise didst thou create me in the beginning ; hut when I transgressed thy cnmmandment thou didst drive me forth. Wherefore, 0 my Saviour, give rest to the soul of thy servant. Now, and ever, . .

H e who aforetime fashioned the first mother of our race, Eve, from


a rib, assumed flesh through thy most holy womb, and thereby, 0 Pure One, he destroyed the power of death.

Theme-Song (1rmb.r). There is none holy like unto thee, 0 Lord my God, who hast exalted the horn of thy faithful, 0 Good One, and hast established us upon the rock of thy confession. Hymns. Thy martyrs lawfully contended, 0 Life-giver, and being by thee adorned with the crown of victory, they eagerly adjudge unto the dead who is departed hence in faith redemption everlasting. After that, with many signs and wonders, thou hadst first chastened me who had gone astray, thou didst, at the last, exhaust thyself, forasmuch as thou art of tender compassion ; and didst seek, and find, and save. Glory . . . Mercifully vouchsafe, 0 Good One, that he (shr) who from the transitory, unstable things of corruption hath passed over unto thee, may dwell with joy in the heavenly mansions, 0 God, being justified by faith and by grace. Now, and ever, . . . There is none undefiled, like unto thee, 0 most pure Mother of God : for thou alone, in all the ages, hast conceived in thy womb the true God, who hath shattered the power of Death. Dcacon. Again, yet again, in peace let us pray to the Lord. Again we pray . . .
(And the rest; see$age 378 ; wkik fhe Priest saif.4the Prayer : 0 God of spirits,. .. ) Siffi~zg-Hymn (Syeddlm),m Tone I//.



Of a truth, all things are vanity, and life is but a shadow and a dream. For in vain doth every one who is born of earth disquiet himself, as saith the Scriptures. When we have acquired the world, then do we take up our abode in the grave, where kings and beggars lie down together. Wherefore, 0 Christ our God, give rest to thy servant departed this life ; forasmuch as thou lovest mankind. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. HYMN TO THE BIRTH-GIVER OF GOD (Boprd&fchen). 0 all-holy Birth-giver of God, forsake me not all the days of my lie, and give me not over to the mediation of mortal man. But do thou thyself succour me, and show mercy upon me. TAe Litany :Again, yet again : andfhc Prayer :0 God of spirits, . . .(See#age 370.)
Canficle Z K

Theme-Song ( I m b s ) . Christ is my strength, my God, and my Lord, the august Church doth sing in God-befitting wise, crying aloud, and out of a pure mind keeping festival unto the Lord.


Hymns. In that thou didst reveal a great token of wisdom, and through the abundance of gifts the fulness of perfection of thy goodness, 0 August Master, thou didst unite the company of the Martyrs unto the Angels. Mercifully enable him (her) who hath now appeared before thee to obtain thy glory unspeakable, 0 Christ, where is the abode of those who rejoice, and the voice of gladness pure. Glory . . . Him (her) who singeth thy majesty divine; him (her) whom thou bast taken away from earth, receive thou, making him (her) a child of the light, and cleansing him (her) from the gloom of sin, 0 exceedingmerciful One. Now, and ever, . . . HYMN TO THE BIRTH-GIVER OF GOD. 0 Receptacle most pure, 0 Temple all-undefiled, 0 Ark all-holy, 0 virgin Place of sanctification : the Lord hath chosen thee, the Excellency of Jacob. Canticle V. Theme-Song (Irmds). With thy light divine, 0 Good One, illumine thou, through love, I pray thee, the souls of those who wake early unto thee : that they may know thee, 0 Word of God, of the true God, who callest forth from the gloom of sin. Hymns. The Martyrs, in that they offered themselves unto God allglorified, as it were a sacred whole burnt-offering and the first-fruits of the human race, perpetually intercede for our salvation. To the faithful member of thy household who hath fallen asleep before us, vouschafe, 0 Lord, a heavenly abiding-place, a meed of thy gifts, granting unto him (her) redemption from his (her) sins. Glory . . . 0 thou who art the sole Author of life; who art by nature, in truth, a fathomless abyss of goodness : graciously bestow upon the departed thy heavenly kingdom, 0 Bountiful, Only Immortal One. Now, and ever, . . . HYMN TO THE BIRTH-GIVER O F GOD. H e who was born in the world of thee, 0 Lady, is becomk the strength, and the song, and the salvation of the lost, delivering from the gates of Hell those who, with faith, do call thee blessed. Canticle Y Z . Theme-Sonq ( I d s ) . Forasmuch as I behold the sea of life surging high with the tempest of temptations, I have fled to thy tranquil haven and cry aloud unto thee : Lead thou my life forth from corruption, 0 Most Merciful One. Hymrzs. When thou wast nailed to the Cross, thou didst gather unto thyself the company of the Martyrs who imitated thy Passion, 0 Blessed


One. We beseech thee, therefore : Give rest unto him (her) who hath now been translated to thy presence. When thou shalt come terribly, in thy glory ineffable, to judge the wholeworld in the clouds, gracioi~sly enable him (her) whom thou hast taken from the earth, thy faithful servant, to meet thee, the Redeemer, in brightness. Glory . . . 0 Lord, who art the Fountain of life through thy manhood divine; who settest at liberty them that are bound: establish thou in the bliss of Paradise thy servant who, in faith, hath departed unto thee. Now, and ever, . . HYMN TO THE BIRTH-GIVER OF GOD. We have returned back to the earth because we have sinned against the command~nentsdivine of God. But through thee, 0 Virgin, we have ascended from earth unto heaven, shaking off the corruption of death. Deacolz. Again, yet again, in peace, let us pray to the Lord. I$ Again we pray . . . (Seepage 378.)

(And the rest; while thr Pricst saith the Prayer: 0 Cod of spirits, Page 370.1 The Collect Hymn (Kondtfk),in Tone I f f .

. . . See

With the Saints give rest,-0 ~ h r i s tto , the soul of thy servant, where there is neither sickness, nor sorrow, nor sighing, but life everlasting.
The Ikos.

Thou only art immortal, who hast created and fashioned man. For out of the earth were we mortals made, and unto the earth shall we return again, as thou didst command when thou madest me, saying unto me : For earth thou art, and unto the earth shalt thou return. Whither, also, all we mortals wend our way, making of our funeral dirge the song : Alleluia (Then the Litany: Again, yet again: and the Prayer: 0 God of spirits, . . .
see P w 370.1 Canticle VfI.

Theme-Song ( l m b s ) . An Angel made the fiery furnace to drop dew for the Holy Children, but the command of God consuming the Chaldaeans with fire prevailed upon the tormentor to cry aloud : Blessed art thou, 0 God of our fathers. Hymns. Thy Martyrs, redeemed by thy blood from the primal transgression, were stained with their own blood, and plainly image forth thy sacrifice. Blessed art thou, 0 God of our fathers. Thou didst slay Death the insolent, 0 Life-originating Word. Accept thou now him (her)who now hath fallen asleep and with faith doth glorify thee, and doth say, 0 Christ : Blessed art thou, 0 God of our fathers . Glory



0 Master, who hast animated me, a man, with thy breath divine, graciously grant thou unto the dead thy kingdom, that he (she) may sing unto thee, 0 Saviour : Blessed art thou, 0 God of our fathers. Now, and ever, . . .




Thou wast made more excellent than every created being, 0 all-undefiled One, when thou didst conceive God, who destroyed the gates of Death, and burst the bars. For which cause, we faithful do magnify thee in songs as the Mother of God, 0 Pure One.
Canticle V(I/.

Theme-Song (Imds). Out of the flames thou didst shed forth dew upon the Godly Ones, and with water didst kindle the sacrifices of/ the Righteous One. For thou doest all things which thou willest, 0 Christ. Thee will we exalt unto all the ages. Hymns. When ye were shown as having steadfastly contended for the prize, ye Martyrs of Christ, as conquerors were ye adorned with the crown of victory, crying : We exalt thee, 0 Christ, unto all the ages. Those who have continued faithful in godly living, and now are translated unto thee, do thou accept, 0 Master. Graciously give rest, forasmuch as thou art of tender compassion, unto those who exalt thee unto all the ages. Glory . . . Graciouslv vouchsafe. 0 Saviour, to establish now in the land of the meek all th6se who havk fallen asleep before us, who having been justified through faith in thee and through grace exalt thee unto all the ages. Now, and ever, . . .


W e all do call thee blessed, 0 All-blessed One, which didst bring forth the Word, Who in very truth is blessed; Who, for our sins, became flesh ; Whom also we will exalt unto all the ages.
Canticle ZX.

Theme-Song ( I m d s ) . It is not possible that men should see God, upon whom the Orders of the Angels dare not gaze. But through thee, 0 All-pure One, was the Word Incarnate manifested unto men ; whom magnifying, together with the Heavenly Hosts, we call thee blessed. Hynzns. Hope made strong the company of the Martyrs, and incited them ardently toward thy love, thereby foreshadowing the future rest, which, in very truth, cannot be shaken: Unto which, 0 Good One, grant that he ($1,)may attain who hath been taken hence. Graciously vouchsafe, 0 Christ, that he (she) who hath departed in the faith may receive of thy dazzling radiance divine ; granting unto him



(hpr) rest in Abraham's bosom ; forasmuch as thou only art merciful ; and vouchsafing unto him (her) blessedness eternal. Glory . 0 thou who art of nature gracious and loving-kind, and desirest mercy, and art an abyss of loving-kindness ; who, also, 0 Saviour, hast translated him (her) from this place of affliction and the shadow of death: In that place where thy light shineth establish thou him (her). Now, and ever, . . .





We know thee, 0 Pure One, that thou art the holy Tabernacle, and the Ark, and the Table of the Law of grace: for through thee was redemption given unto those who are justified by the blood of him who waslmade flesh through thy womb, 0 All-undefiled One. Demon. Again, yet again, in peace let us pray to the Lord. I$ Again we pray for the repose . . ( S e e p a g e 378.)

(And the rrst, while the Priest saith the Prayer: 0 God of spirits, Page 370.1 Then the Anthem, by John, the Monk of Damasnrs, is bcgnn :

. . . Su

Tone I. What earthly sweetness remaineth untnixed with grief? What glory standeth immutable on earth ? All things are but shadows most feeble, but most deluding dreams : yet one moment only, and Death shall supplant them all. But in the light of thy countenance, 0 Christ, and in the sweetness of thy beauty, give rest unto him (h) whom thou hast chosen : forasmuch as thou lovest mankind. Tone II. Woe is me ! What manner of ordeal doth the soul endure when from the body it is parted ! Woe is me ! how many then are its tears; and there is none to show compassion ! I t turneth its eyes to the Angels ; all unavailing is its prayer. It stretcheth out its hands t o men; and findeth none to succour. Wherefore, my brethren beloved, meditating on the brevity of our life, let us beseech of Christ rest for him (hm) who hath departed hence ; and for our souls great mercy. Torre IIf. All mortal things are vanity and exist not after death. Riches endure not, neither doth glory accompany on the way: for when death cometh, all these things vanish utterly. For which cause let us cry unto Christ the immortal : Give rest, in the abode of those who are glad, to the dead translated from among us. Tone I K Where is earthly predilection ? Where is the pomp of the ephemeral creatures of a day ? Where are the gold and the silver? Where is the multitude of household servants and their clamotir ? All dust, all ashes, all shadows. But come, let us cry aloud unto the deathless King: 0 Lord, of thine eternal good things vouchsafe thou unto him (her)who hath been translated from among us, giving unto him (her) rest in thy blessedness which waxeth not old. Tone K I called to mind the Prophet, how he cried : I am earth and


ashes; and I looked again into the graves, and beheld the bones laid bare ; and I said : Who then is the king or the warrior, the rich man or the needy, the upright or the sinner? Yet give rest with thy Saints unto thy servant, 0 Lord. Tone V% Thy creating command was my origin and my foundation : for thy pleasure it was out of nature visible and invisible to fashion me, a living creature. From the earth thou didst shape my.body, and didst give me a soul by thy divine and quickening breath. Wherefore, 0 Lord, give rest to thy servant in the land of the living, in the habitations of the Just. Tone VU. When, in the beginning, thou hadst created man after thine own image and likeness, thou didst set him in Paradise to reign over thy creatures. But when, beguiled by the malice of the Devil, he tasted of the food, he became a transgressor of thy commandments. For which cause, 0 Lord, thou didst condemn him to return again unto the earth whence he was taken, and to entreat repose. Tone VZlL I weep and I wail when I think upon death, and behold our beauty, fashioned after the image of God, lying in the tomb disfigured, dishonoured, bereft of form. 0 marvel ! What is this mystery which doth befall us? Why have we been given over unto corruption, and why have we been wedded unto death ? Of a truth, as it is written, by the command of God, who giveth the departed rest. Remember us, 0 Lord, when thou comest into t4y kingdom. Blessed are the poor in spirit : for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are they that mourn : for they shall be comforted. Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth. Blessed are they that do hunger and thirst for righteousness' sake : for they shall be filled. Blessed are the merciful : for they shall obtain mercy. 0 Christ, who, because of his repentance, didst pronounce in anticipation a citizen of Paradise the Thief that upon the Cross cried unto thee : Remember me ! Make thou me, a sinner, worthy also of the same. Blessed are the pure in heart : for they shall see God. 0 thou who reignest over life and death, in the courts of thy Saints grant rest unto him (her) whom thou hast removed from temporal things. And remember me also, 0 Lord, when thou comest into thy kingdom. Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God. 0 thou who rulest over souls and bodies, in whose hand is our breath, the Consolation of the afflicted : In the land of the Just give rest unto thy servant whom thou hast taken from us. Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake : for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. May Christ give thee rest in the land of the living, and open unto



thee the gates of Paradise, and make thee a citizen of his kingdom ; and give thee remission of those things wherein thou in life hast sinned, 0 thou who lovest Christ. Blessed are ye when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you, falsely, for my sake. Let us go forth, and gaze into the tombs : for man is naked bones, food for the worms, and stench ; and we shall learn what are riches, and comeliness, and beauty, and strength. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven : for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you. Let us hearken unto what the Almighty crieth: Woe unto those who seek to behold the terrible day of the Lord ! For lo, it is darkness : for all things shall be fire. Glory . Him who hath no beginning in birth or cause, the Father, I worship ; I glorify the Son ; unto the Holy Spirit, who shineth together with the Father and the Son, I sing praises. Now, and ever, . . .






How dost thou press milk in abundance from thy breasts, 0 Virgin ? How dost thou nourish the Nourisher of creation ? H e knowethit who made the water to quel) forth from the rock; streams of water for a people that were athirst, as it was written. Deacon. Let us attend. P r i e s t . Peace be with you all. Choir. And with thy spirit. Deacon. Wisdom ! Reader. The Gradual (Prohimen),in the Sixth Tone Blessed is the way in which thou shalt walk today, 0 soul; for a place of rest is prepared for thee. Verse (StiM): Unto thee will I cry, 0 Lord, my strength : think no scorn of me : lest if thou make as though thou hearest not, I become like them that go down into the pit.
And the Choir sing the Gradual, as usual.

Deacon. Wisdom ! Reader. The Lesson from the Epistle of the holy Apostle Paul to the Thessalonians. Deacon. Let us attend. Reader. ( I Thess. iv. r3-18). Brethren : I would not have you to be ignorant concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lbrd shall not prevent them


which are asleep. For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first : then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air : and so shall we ever be with the Lord Priest. Peace be with thee. Ready. And with thy spirit. Deacon. Wisdom ! Reader. Alleluia ( Thrice.) Verse, in Tone Vl.: Blessed is he whom thou hast chosen and taken, 0 Lord. Deacon. Wisdom, 0 believers ! Let us listen to the Holy Gospel \ Pn'cst. Peace be with you all. Choir. And with t?hY spirit. Pricst. The Lesson from the holy Gospel of John. Choir. Glory to thee, 0 Lord ; glory to thee. Priest. (Yohn v. 24-30.) The Lord said to the Jews which came unto him : Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation, but hath passed from death unto life. Verily, verily, I say unto you, The hour is coming, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God : and they that hear shall live. For as the Father hath life in himself, so hath he given to the Son to have life in himself ; and hath given him authority to execute judgment also, because he is the Son of man. Marvel not at this : for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice, and shall come forth ; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life ; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation. I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge : and my judgment is just ; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me. Choir. Glory to thee, 0 Lord ; glory to thee.
Then the Deacon saith the Litany :

Have mercy upon us, 0 God, . . . Choir. Lord, have mercy. (Thrice.) Furthermore we pray for the repose . . (And the rest; seepage 370.)

And when this is nished, the principal Priest, or the Bishop, i one be present, shall say, in a oudvoice, as he stan&th near the dcad, whi c all the Priests (Seepafl 370.) firesent a% the same, U c Prayer: 0 God of spirits, . As many times as the Deacon reciteth the Litany, so often skull t h Priests each, secretly, recite, the while, accordin to his rank, this Prayer, standing near the &ad. And Ike Exclamation s h 8 h made, aloud : For thou art the Resurrection, and the Life : and the rest. (Seepage 370.) Z k t the principal Priest, w the Bishop, shall recite, aloud. the Prayer which rbc h t h said above: 0 God of spirits, . .




after the Exclamation, the h i kiss is given,and thefollowing Stanzas, in Tone If., are sung ; Come, brethren, let us give the last kiss unto the dead, rendering kin, thanks unto God. For he ($/re)hath vanished from. among his (/MY) and presseth onward t o the grave, and vexeth himself (herse/f) no longer concerning vanities, and concerning the flesh, which suffereth sore distress. Where are now his (her)kinsfolk and his (kcr)friends? Lo, we are parted. Let us beseech the Lord that he will give him (her) rest. What is this parting, 0 brethren ? What is this wailing, what this weeping at the present h o u r ? Come ye, therefore, let us kiss him (he?) who was but lately with u s ; for he (she) is committed to the grave ; he (she) is covered with a stone ; he (she) taketh up his (her) abode in the gloom ; he (she) is interred among the dead, and now i s parted from all his (her) kinsfolk and his (her) friehds. Let us beseech the Lord that he will give unto him (her) eternal rest. Now is all life's solemn triumph of vanities destroyed. For t h e spirit hath vanished from its tabernacle ; its clay groweth black. T h e vessel is shattered, voiceless, bereft of feeling, motionless, dead : Committing which unto the grave, let us beseech the Lord that he will give him (her) rest. What is our life like unto ? Unto a flower, a vapour, and the dew of the morning, in very truth. Come ye, therefore, let us gaze keenly a t the grave. Where is the beauty of the body, and where its youth ? Where are the eyes and the fleshly form ? Like the grass all have perished, all have been destroyed. Come ye, therefore, let us prostrate ourselves at the feet of Christ with tears. A great weeping and wailing, a great sighing and agony, and Hell and destruction is the departure of the soul. This transitory life is a shadow unreal and an illusive dream ; the trouble of the life of earth is a phantasm importunate. Let us, then, flee afar from every earthly sin, that we may inherit heavenly things. A s we gaze on the dead who lieth before us, let us all accept this example of our own last hour. For he (she)vanisheth from earth like the smoke ; like a flower he (she) fadeth ; like the grass he (she) is cut down. Swathed in a tattered garment he (s/u) is concealed in the earth. As we leave him (her) hidden from sight, let us beseech Christ that he will give unto him (her) eternal rest. Draw nigh, ye descendants of Adam, let us gaze upon him (her) who is laid- low in the earth, made after our own image, all comeliness stripped off, dissolved in the grave; by decay, by worms in darkness consumed, and hidden by the earth. As we leave him (her) hid from sight, let us beseech Christ that he will give unto him (her eternal r e s t When the soul from the body is about to be rent wit l! violence by Angels dread, it forgetteth all its kinsfolk and acquaintance, and is troubled concerning its appearance before the judgment which shall come upon the things of vanity and much-toiling flesh. Come ye,


then, importuning the Judge let us implore that the Lord will pardon him ( / M Y ) all his (her) deeds which he (she) hath done. Come, 0 brethren, let us gaze into the grave upon the dust and ashes from which we are made. Whither go we now? What are we become ? Who is poor, who rich ? Who is the master ? Who a freeman ? Are not we dl ashes? The beauty of the countenance is mouldered, and Death hath withered up all the flower of youth. Vanity and corruption, of a truth, are all the illusions and the inglorious things of life. For all we shall pass away: all we shall die, kings and princes, judges and rulers, rich and poor, and every mortal creature.. For now they who were erst alive are cast down into the grave. Wherefore, let us beseech the Lord that he will give rest. Now are all the bodily organs seen to be idle, which so little while ago were filled with motion ; all useless, dead, inactive. For the eyes have withdrawn inward, the feet are bound, the hands lie helpless, and the ears withal ; the tongue is imprisoned in silence, committed to the tomb. Of a verity, all mortal things are vanity.


Save thou those who fix their hope on thee, the Mother of the Sun that knoweth no setting, 0 Progenetrix of God. With thy pra ers entreat, we beseech thee, the God exceeding good, that unto him &rr) who hath now been translated he will give repose where the souls of the righteous rest. Manifest him (her) an heir of eternal good things in the courts of the Just, unto everlasting memory, 0 All-undefiled One. Glory to the ~a;her, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Tone V/. As ye behold me lie before you all speechless and bereft of breath, weep for me, 0 friends and brethren, 0 kinsfolk and acquaintance. For but yesterday I talked with you, and suddenly there came upon me the dread hour of death. But come, all ye who loved me, and kiss me with the last kiss. For nevermore shall I walk or talk with you. For I go hence unto the Judge with whom is no respect of persons. For slave and master stand together before him, king and wairior, the rich and the poor, in honour equal. For according to his deeds shall every man receive glory or be put to shame. But I beg and implore you all, that ye will pray without ceasing unto Christ our God, that I be not doomed according to my sins, unto a place of torment ; but that he will appoint unto me a place where is the light of life. Now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
HYMNTO THE BIRTH-GIVER O F GOD, in tht same Tom. Through the prayers of her who gave thee birth, 0 Christ ; and of thy Forerunner ; of the Apostles, Hierarchs, the Holy Ones, and of the Just, and of all the Saints: Give rest unto thy servant who is fallen asleep.


0 Holy God, Holy Mighty, . . . (Secpagc 369.) Glory . . . now, and ever, . . . 0 all-holy Trinity, . . . Lord, have mercy. (Thn'cc.) Glory . . . now, and ever, . . . Our Father, . . . For thine is the kingdom, . . .
Then :With the souls of the righteous dead . . (See P a p 369.) And the rest. And the Deacorr saith the Litany: Have mercy upon us, 0 God, . . . (See page 370.) Whrle the Pricst saith, secretly, the Prayer : 0 God of spirits, . . . (Seepage 370). Andafter the Exclamation :Glory . . . now, and ever, . .


May he who rose again from the dead, Christ our true God ; through the prayers of his all-pure Mother ; of the holy, glorious and all-laudable Apostles ; of our holy and God-bearing fathers, and of all the Saints, , establish in the mansions of the righteous the soul of his servant, N who hath been taken from us ; give him ( k r ) rest in Abraham's bosom, and number him (her) with the Just; and have mercy upon us, in that he is good and loveth mankind. Choir. Amen.
Then the BisIwj or the #rincz$al Pricst saith, thrice :


Eternal be thy memory, 0 our brother, who art worthy to be deemed happy and ever-memorable. Or: Give rest eternal in blessed falling asleep, 0 Lord, to the soul(s) of thy servant(s), N. ( N N ) ,departed this life, and make his (kct;rkn'r) memory to be eternal.
And the Choir singeth :

Memory eternal ! (Thrice.) T h n strazghtwcry the Birhop, if one be present, or the Pricst, reciteth, aloud, the PARTING PRAYER : May the Lord Jesus Christ our God, who gave his divine commands by his holy Disciples and Apostles, that they should bind and loose the sins of the fallen (we, in turn, having received from them the right to do the same) pardon thee, 0 spiritual child, all thy deeds done amiss in this life, both voluntary and involuntary : Now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen But in # l a c of thisfinyer, tb.followin., called the PRAYER OF ABSOLUTION, is
now general& read: akd being Printed s@arate&, wherr the Ptirst M finished it, he lnyeth it in the Ladperson's hand.

Our Lord Jesus Christ, by his divine grace, as also by the gift and power vouchsafed unto his holy Disciples and Apostles, that they should bind and loose the sins of men : (For he said unto them : Receive ye the Holy Spirit : Whosesoever sins ye remit, they are remitted ; and wbosesoever sins ye retain they are retained. And whatsoever ye shall bind and loose


upon earth shall be bound or loosed also in heaven.) By that same power, also, transmitted unto us from them, this my spiritual child is absolved, through me, unworthy though I be, from all things wherein, as mortal, he (she) hath sinned against God, whether in word, or deed, or thought, and with all his (her) senses, whether voluntarily or involuntarily ; whether wittingly or through ignorance. If he (she) be under the ban or excommunication of a Bishop, or of a Priest ; or hath incurred the curse of his (her)father or mother; or hath fallen under his (hcr)own curse ; or hath sinned by any oath ; or hath been bound, as man, by any sins whatsoever, but hath repented him (her) thereof, with contrition of heart : he (she) is now absolved from all those farilts and bonds. May all those things which proceed from the weakness of his ( b r ) mortal nature be consigned to oblivion, and be remitted unto him (her) : Through His lovingkindness ; through the prayers of our most holy, and blessed, and glorious Lady, the Mother of our Lord and ever-virgin Mary; of the holy, glorious and all-laudable Apostles, and of all Saints. Amen.
T h e n takingup the remains we oforth to thcgrave,foClowcd by all thc$cople,
y the P&st, anis*nging .and$rece&d b

0 Holy God, Holy Mighty, . . . Glory . . . now, and ever, . . . 0 all-holy Trinfty, . . Lord, have mercy. (Thrice.) Glory . . . now, and ever, . . Our Father,. . . For thine is the kingdom, . . . (Page 369.)

And the mortal remains are bnricd with thanksgiving and with joy :and with the song: Open, 0 earth, and receive that which was made from thee. Then the body is laid in the grave, and the Birhop or the PriEst, taking a shoveffirl of dust, strcweth it crosswise u$on the remaiq, saying:

The earth is th& Lord's, and the fulness thereof : the round world, and they that dwell therein.
Then hc$orrrcth upon Me body oil om the shrine-lam$, (3) and streweth ashes (4) -from thecmsrr upon it. And t reafterthegraveisfilZedu$ in the usualway, wkifc t k s e Hymns arc sung.

With the souls of the righteous dead, give rest, 0 Saviour, to the soul of thy servant, preserving it unto the life of blessedness which is with thee, 0 thou who lovest mankind. In the place of thy rest, 0 Lord, where all thy Saints repose, give rest, also, to the soul of thy servant: For thou only lovest mankind. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, arid to the Holy Spirit. Thou art the God who descended into hell, and loosed the bonds of the captives: Do thou give rest, also, to the soul of thy servant. Now, and ever, and unto es of ages. Amen 0 Virgin alone Pure and ndefiled, who without seed didst bring forth God, pray thou unto him that his (hpr) soul may be saved.


When one o the Secular Clerg departeth unto t b Lorn, three Pricsls come and undress i m and ( 2 ) rub him with pure oil. Then they a m y hitn i n hir customary~nrments; (3)and over them, in his #&st& vestmcrats; and they c m w h i s f h with a chalice-veil, and lay the book ojthe Holy Go@cls on his breast. Then come the Pricsts, vested in their priestly robes. And the Senior Pricrt beginneth :

Blessed is our God always, . . . (And the rest, as at t h Bunal of of Laymen. Seepage 369). 0 Holy God, Holy Mighty, . . . Glory . . . now, and ever, . . . 0 all-holy Trinity, . . . Lord, have mercy. (Thritr.) Glory . . . now, and ever, . . . Our Father, . . . For thine is the kingdom, . . . With the soulsof therighteous dead, . . I n the place of thy rest, . . . Thou art the God . . . 0 Virgin, alone Pure . . . The Litauy: Have mercy upon us, 0 God, . . . and the Prayer: 0 God of spirits, . . For thou art the Resurrection, . . . More honourable than the Cherubim, . . . Lord, have mercy. (Thricc.9 Glory . . . now, and ever, . . . Bless. The Benediction: May Christ, our true God, . . .

Blessed are those that are undefiled in the way, . . . Alleluia. (And the rest, as nt the Burial of Laymen (see page 371), to the end of the Hymn: 0 Christ our God, who from a Virgin didst shine forth upon the world, through her making us children of the light, have mercy upon us. Seepage 380.) Then the Degrees (SfepCnni)of Antiphon I., in T h e VZ. I will lift up mine eyes unto the heavens, unto thee, 0 Word. Show thy bounty upon me, that I may live unto thee. Have mercy upon us who are humble of heart, making us thy vessels meet for thy service, 0 Word. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. T h e Holy Spirit is of all things the all-redeeming Source. If upon any man he breatheth because the same is worthy, quickly doth H e take him from earthly objects, endueth him with wings, raiseth him up, and establisheth him on high. Now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
For explanations, indicated by numbers, see Appendix B, XI.

T h n t h y take up the remains of the Priest, and bear them to the porck (or the body) of the Church ;and the book of the Holy Go+?s (whuh Lath been borne in fkont of them) is laid ujon them, as bath already been said; and can& sticks, with their tapers, are s d round about, in crossform. A n d a Chanter beginrrelh, in lone VI.,Psalm cxix. :



The Holy Spirit is of all things the all-redeeming Source. (See pagc 394) Deaco/r. Let us attend. Priest. Peace be with you all. Choir. And with thy spirit. Dt-acon. Wisdom ! Readtr. The Gradual (Prokfmen),in the Sixth Tone: Blessed is the way in which thou shalt walk today, 0 soul ; for a place of rest is prepared for thee. first (Stikh) : Return thou unto thy rest, 0 my soul, for the Lord hath dealt graciously with thee. Deacon. Wisdom ! Reader. The Lesson from the Epistle of the holy Apostle Paul to the Thessalonians. Deacon. Let us attend. Reader. (r Tht-ss. iv. 13-18.) Brethren: I would not have you to be ignorant concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep. For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead i n Christ shall rise first : then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air : and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Priest. Peace be with thee. R e a h r . And with thy spirit. Deacon. Wisdom ! Reader. Alleluia, in the Eighth Tone. (Thrice.) Blessed is he whom thou hast chosen and taken, 0 Lord. Deacon. Wisdom, 0 believers ! Let us listen to the Holy Gospel. P h t . Peace be with you all. Choir. And with thy spirit. P r k t . The Lesson from the holy Gospel of John. Choir. Glory to thee, 0 Lord ; glory to thee. Priest. (John v. 2 4 - 9 . ) The Lord said to the Jews which came unto him : Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condenlnation ; but is passed from death unto life. Verily, verily, I say unto you, The hour is coming, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God : and they that hear shall live. For as the Father hath life in himself ; so hath he given to the Son to have life in himself; and hath given him authority to execute judgment also, because he is the Son of man. Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice, and



shall come forth ; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life ; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation. I can of mine own self do nothing; as I hear, I judge : and my judgment is just ; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me. Choir. Glory to thee, 0 Lord ; glory to thee. Deacon. Let us pray to the Lord. Choir. Lord, have mercy.
And the Pn2rl saith this Prayer:

0 Master, Lord our God, who alone hast immortality, and dwellest in light unapproachable ; who slayest and makest alive ; who castest down into Hell, and again raisest up ; Thou in wisdom hast created man, and returnest him to the earth again, exacting the spiritual debt: Receive, we beseech thee, the soul of thy servant, and grant him rest in the bosom of Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob; and give him the crown of thy righteousness, the portion of the saved, in the glory of thine elect. And for those things which in this world he hath wrougl~t for thy Name's sake, may he receive a rich reward in the mansions of thy Saints ; through the grace, and bounties, and love toward mankind of thine Only-begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. Hymn, Tone 1 1 . Today part I from my kinsfolk, and flee unto thee, the Only Sinless One. In the mansions of the righteous with thine elect grant me rest. Then PSALM XXIII. is recited. The Lord is my shepherd ; therefore can I lack nothing. Refvain. Alleluia. (Thrice.) H e shall feed me in a green pasture, and lead me forth beside the waters of comfort. B (Thrice.) H e shall convert my soul, and bring me forth in the paths of righteousness for his Name's sake. @ (Thrice.) Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff comfort me. ]EE ( Thrice.) Thou shalt prepare a table before me against them that trouble me ; thou hast anointed my head with oil, and my cup shall be full. J$ ( Thrice.) But thy loving-kindness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life ; and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. I$ (Thrice.) Tken, in Tone V I . .this Sifting-Hymn ( S y e d d h ) : Forasmuch as we all are constrained to that same dread abode, and shall hide ourselves beneath a gravestone like to this, and shall ourselves shortly turn to dust,let us implore of Christ rest for him who hath been translated hence. For such is our life here, brethren, a mockery upon the earth ; when we have no being, to receive it, and when we have being to


dissolve into corruption. We are a fleeting dream ; a breath which endureth not ; the flight of a passing bird ; a ship which leaveth no trace upon the sea. Wherefore, let us cry aloud unto the King Immortal: Deem him worthy of thy bliss never-ending, 0 Lord.
(The#refaes to the Gmdual, and the E#isfle,as usual. Seepage 395.) .


Reader. The Gradual (Prokimen), in the Sixth Tone. Blessed is he whom thou hast chosen and taken, 0 Lord. Verse: Unto thee belongeth song, 0 God, in Zion. Reader. The Lesson from the Epistle of the holy Apostle Paul to the Romans. (Rom.v. 13-22.) Wherefore, brethren, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin ;and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned. (For until the law, sin was in the world : but sin is not imputed when there is no law. Nevertheless, death reigned from Adam t o Moses, even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam's transgression, who is the figure of him that was to come. But not as the offence, so also is the free gift. For if through the offence of one many be dead, much more the grace of God, and the gift by grace, which is by one man, Jesus Christ, hath abounded unto many. And not as it was by one that sinned, so is the gift. For the judgment was by one to condemnation, but the free gift is of many offences unto justification. For if by one man's offence death reigned by one ; much more they which receive abundance of grace, and of the gift of righteousness, shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ.) Therefore, as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation, even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life. For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous. Moreover the law entered, that the offence migbt abound. But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound : that as sin hath reigned unto death, even so might grace reign through righteousness unto eter. . nal life by Jesus Christ our Lord. Pn'rst. Peace be with thee. RE& And with thy spirit. Deacon. Wisdom ! Readn. Alleluia, in the Fourth Tone. (Thrice.) Verse (StiRk): Blessed is he whom thou hast chosen and taken, 0 Lord.
(And the#refaces lo fhe Gospel, as usual. See P a p 395.)

My Father worketh hitherto, and I work. Therefore the Jews sought the more to kill him, because he not only had broken the sabbath, but said also, that God was his Father, making himself equal with God. Then answered Jesus, and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for

(John v. r7-25.) The Lord said to the Jews which came unto him :


what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise. For the Father loveth the Son, and showeth him all things that himself doeth : and he will show him greater works than these, that y e may marvel. For as the Father raiseth up the dead, and quickeneth them, even so the Son quickeneth whom he will. F o r the Father judgeth no m a n ; but hath committed all judgment unto the Son: that all men should honour the Son, even as they honour the Father. H e that honoureth not the Son, honoureth not the Father which hath sent him. Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation ; but is passed from death unto life. Choir. Glory to thee, 0 Lord ; glory to thee. Dcacon. Let us pray to the Lord. Choir. Lord, have mercy. Priest. W e give thanks unto t h e e 0 Lord our God, for thou only bast life immortal, and thy glory is ineffable, and thy love toward mankind is unutterable, and thy kingdom faileth not forever, and with thee there is no respect of persons ; for unto all men thou hast appointed a common debt of life, whose measure must be fulfilled. Wherefore we entreat thee, 0 Lord our God : Give rest in the bosom of Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob unto thy servant, N., erstwhile a priest and our fellowminister, who hath fallen asleep in the hope of resurrection unto life eternal. And as thou didst appoint him to be a minister of thy Church on earth, so also do thou make him the same at thy heavenly altar, 0 Lord. A s thou hast adorned him with spiritual honour among men, so also receive thou him uncondemned into the glory of the A n g e l s Thou thyself hast dignified his life upoh the earth ; in like manner, also, make thou glorious the exit of his life a t his entrance among thy holy Saints, and number his soul with all those who from all the ages have been well-pleasing in thy sight. For thou art the Resurrection, and the Life, and the Rest of thy servant, N., who hath fallen asleep, 0 Christ our God ; and unto thee do we ascribe glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. A m e n If the Lord had not been on our side, we had not been able t o withstand the assaults of the enemy : hence they who conquer shall be exalted. Let not my soul be caught like a bird, in their teeth, 0 Word. For, woe is me! How shall I escape from the enemy, wedded a s I am unto sin ? Glory to the Father, and to t h e Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Through the Holy Spirit unto all men come adoration, good will, wisdom, peace and blessing : For equally with the Father and t h e Son h e hath effectual power. Now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Through the Holy Spirit . . . (Repeat.)


Then PSALM xx~v.

T h e earth is the Lord's, and all that therein is ; the compass of the world, and they that dwell therein. Refrain. Alleluia (Thrire.) For he hath founded it upon the seas, and prepared it upon the floods. @ (Thrice.) Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord? or who shall rise up in his holy place ? @ (Thrice.) Even he that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; and that hath not lift up his mind unto vanity, nor sworn to deceive his neighbour. @ ( Thrice.) H e shall receive the blessing from the Lord, and righteousness from the God of his salvation. Ijl (Thn'cc.) This is the generation of them that seek him ; even of them that seek thy face, 0 Jacob. @ (Thrice.) Lift up your heads, 0 ye gates ; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors ; and the King of Glory shall come in. @ (Thrice.) W h o is the King of Glory? It is the Lord, strong and mighty, even the Lord mighty in battle. @ (Thrice.) Lift up your heads, 0 ye gates ; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of Glory shall come in. @ (Thrice.) W h o is the King of Glory ? Even the Lord of Hosts, he is the King of Glory. B (Thricr.) Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Alleluia Now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Alleluia
Then the Hymn, in Tonr I / .

In faith, and hope, and love, in meekness and purity and in priestly worth, uprightly hast thou discharged thy sacred functions, 0 E v e memorable One. For which cause the God eternal, whom thou h a d served, shall himself establish thy spirit in a place of brightness, and of beauty, where the Righteous r e s t ; and thou shalt receive pardon at the Judgment Day of Christ, and great mercy.
Sifting+yym (SyeaVfen),in Tone K

Thou knowest, 0 our God, that we are born in sin ; Wherefore we entreat thee : Give rest unto him who hath departed this life, regarding not,'forasmuch as thou art good, the iniquities which in life he, as man and mortal, hath committed; through the prayers of the Birth-giver of God, 0 thou who alone lovest mankind.
(Then the prefaces to the Gradual, as usual.)

Reader. T h e Gradual (Prokimen), in the Sixth Tone. Blessed is he whom thou hast chosen and taken, 0 Lord. Verse : And his remembrance is from generation to generation.

T H E ORDER FOR T H E BURIAL OF T H E DEAD (PRIESTS) (And the#refaces, as usnal, to the E#isfZe.)

The Lesson from the Epistle of the holy Apostle Paul to the Corinthians. ( r Cor. xv. 1-12.) Brethren: I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; by which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. For I delivered unto you first of all, that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures ; and that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures: and that he was seen of Cephas, then of the twelve: after that, he was seen of above five hundred brethren at once; of whom the greater part remain unto this present, but some are fallen asleep. After that, he was seen of James ; then of all the apostles. And last of all he was seen of me also, as of one born out of due time. For I am the least of the apostles, that am not meet to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of God. But by the grace of God I am what I am : and his grace which was bestowed upon me, was not in vain ; but I laboured more abundantly than they all : yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me. Therefore whether it were I or they, so we preach, and so ye believed. Alleluia Blessed is he whom thou hast chosen and taken, 0 Lord.
( T h n the customary j r e f a e to the Cos$cl.)

The Lesson from the holy Gospel of John. (yoha vi. 35-39.) The Lord said to the Jews which came unto him: I am the bread of life : he that cometh to me, shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me, shall never thirst. But I said unto you, That ye also have seen me, and believe not. All that the Father giveth me, shall come to me ; and him that cometh to me, I will in no wise cast t. For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the 1 of him that sent me. And this is the Father's will which hath sent me, that of all which he hath given me, I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the last day. Choir. Glory to thee, 0 Lord; glory to thee. Deacon. Let us pray to the Lord. Choir. Lord, have mercy.
Andfhe Pricsf saifh this Prayer :

0 Lord of Hosts, who art the consolation of the afflicted, and'the comfort of those who mourn, and the succour of all those who are fainthearted : Comfort, through thy loving-kindness, those who are distressed with weeping for him who hath fallen asleep, and heal every pain that doth oppress their hearts. And give rest in Abraham's bosom unto thy servant, N., who hath fallen asleep in the hope of resurrection unto life eternal. For thou art the Resurrection, and the Life, and the Repose of thy servant, N., 0 Christ our God ; and unto thee do we ascribe


glory, with thy Father who is from everlasting, and thine all-holy, and good, and life-giving Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Those who put their tnist in the Lord are terrible unto their enemies, and wonderful unto all men, for their eyes are fixed on high. The Assembly of the Just, in that they have thee, 0 Saviour, for their helper, will not lift up their hands unto iniquity. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. The dominion of the Holy Spirit is over all men. Before him the heavenly hosts bow down, together with everything that hath breath here below. Now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. The dominion of tae Holy Spirit . . . ( R e p a t . )

0 how amiable are thy dwellings, thou Lord of hosts ! Rrfrain. Alleluia. (Thrice.) My soul hath a desire and longing to enter into the courts of the Lord ; my heart and my flesh rejoice in the living God. B (Thnke.) Yea, the sparrow hath found her an house, and the swallow a nest, where she may lay her young ; even thy altars, 0 Lord of hosts, my King and my God @ (Thn'ce.) Blessed are they that dwell in thy house ; they will be dway praising thee. (Thrice.) Blessed is the man whose strength is in thee; in whose heart are thy ways. EE. (Thrice.) Who going through the vale of misery use it for a well ; and the pools are filled with water. B (ThticP.) They will go from strength to strength, and unto the God of gods appeareth every one of them in Sion. B (Thrice.) 0 Lord God of hosts, hear my prayer ; hearken, 0 God of Jacob. I$ ( Thrice.) Behold. 0 God our defender, and look u w n the face of thine ~ n o i n t e d . @ (Thrice.) For one day in thy courts is better than a thousand. (Thn'cc.) I had rather be a door-keeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of ungodliness. l$ (Thrice.) For the Lord God is a light and defence ; the Lord will give grace and worship ; and no good thing shall he withhold from them that live a godly life. @ (Thrice.) 0 Lord God of hosts, blessed is the man that putteth his trust in thee. @ (Thyice.)
ZZen the Hymn ( T e d r ) ,in Tone VZ.

My brethren beloved, forget me not when ye sing unto the Lord,



but call to mind our brotherhood, and pray ye fervently unto God, that with the righteous the Lord will give me rest. Hymn, in Tonc V I . Suddenly hath Death removed me, and severed me from mine own this day. But do thou who hast called me hence, 0 Christ, in places of refreshing grant me rest. Glory . . Have mercy upon us, 0 Lord, for in thee have we trusted, and be not very wroth with us, neither call thou to remembrance our iniquities; but look down even now upon us, inasmuch as thou art of tender compassion ; and deliver us from our enemies ; for thou art our God, and we are thy people, we are all the work of thy hand, and we call upon thy Name. Now, and ever, . . . HYMN TO THE BIRTHGIVERO F COD (B~g~rddil&n)). Open unto us the door of thy loving-kindness, 0 blessed Birth-giver of God. In that we set our hope on thee may we not fall, but through thee may we be delivered from all adversities ; for thou art the salvation of all Christian people.

(Then the customary ~5refmes lo the Gradual.)

Reader. The Gradual (Prokimm), in the Sixth Tone. I n the courts

of the blessed shall his soul be established. Verse: Unto thee, 0 Lord, will I cry : Think no scorn of me, 0 Lord, my strength.
(The customary #refacs to thc E#rjlZc.)

T h e Lesson from the Epistle of the holy Apostle Paul to t h e Coriothians. ( I COY. xu. 20-29.) Brethren: Now is Christ risen from the dead. and become the first-fruits of them that slept. For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead. For a s in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. But every man in his own order: Christ the first-fruits; afterward they that are Christ's at his coming. Then cometh the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when he shall have put down-all rule, and all authority, and power. For he must reign, till he hath put all enemies under his feet. The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death. For he hath put all things under his feet. But when h e saith all things are put under him, it is manifest that he is excepted which did put all things under him. And when all things shall be subdued unto him, then shall the Son also himself be subject unto him that put all things under him, that God may be all in all. Else what shall they do, which are baptized for the dead, if the dead rise not a t all? why are they then baptized for the dead?


Alleluia. Blessed is the man that feareth the Lord. Verse : H i s seed shall be mighty in the earth.
(Therr the customary #refaces to the Gospel.)

T h e Lesson from the holy Gospel of John. (John vi. +-&) T h e Lord said to the Jews which came unto him, And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth--on him, may have everlasting life : and I will raise him up at the last day. T h e Jews then murmured at him, because he said, I am the bread which came down from heaven. And they said, Is not this Jesus the son of Joseph,whose father and mother we know? how is it then that he saith, I came down from heaven ? Jesus therefore answered and said unto them, Murmur not among )iourselves. No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him : and I will raise him up at the last day.
Then fhe Benfifudes. Tone /I.

I n thy kingdom remember us, 0 Lord, when thou comest into thy kingdom. Blessed are the poor in spirit : for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are they that mourn : for they shall be comforted. Blessed are the meek : for they shall inherit the earth. Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness : for they shall be filled. Blessed are the merciful : for they shall obtain mercy. For when Adam, of old, had eaten of the tree which was for food, he was driven forth from Paradise. But when the Thief, as he hung upon t h e cross, confessed thee God, he was made a citizen of Paradise. And we, who have been saved by thy Passion, 0 Master, imitating the Thief, with faith do cry: Remember us, also, when thou comest into thy kingdom. Blessed are the pure in heart : for they shall see God. Taking clay from the earth, H e created me, and fashioned my body through his will divine ; and having breathed into it a soul, with his lifebearing breath, h e laid upon it a holy command. Therefore hast thou called me, who am subject to the corruption of sin, 0 thou who lovest mankind, because of thy boundless tenderness of heart. But grant rest with t h e Saints, 0 God, unto him whom thou hast called. W h e n the soul from the body is parted, fearful is the mystery and terrible to all men ; for the soul goeth forth lamenting, and the body is committed to the earth, and hidden from sight. Wherefore, in that we, also. have learned our final end, let us make appeal unto the Saviour, crying aloud, with tears : Remember us also, 0 Lord, when thou comest into thy kingdom. Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake : for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. W h y mourn ye me so violently, 0 men ? Why clamour ye so vainly ?

404 T H E O R D E R FOR T H E


H e who is called hence proclaimeth unto all, Death is a rest unto all men. Therefore let us listen to the voice of Job, when he saith : Death is rest unto man. But grant rest with thy Saints, 0 God, unto him whom thou hast taken. Blessed are ye when men shall revile you, and shall persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you, falsely, for my sake. Paul, all-wise, clearly did foretell translation hence, teaching all men that the dead shall rise again incorruptible, and we shall be changed by command divine. Then shall the trumpet ring out with dreadful clang, and they who in all the ages have gone unto their rest shall arise from their sleep. But grant rest with thy Saints, 0 God, unto him whom thou hast taken. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad : for great is your reward in heaven. H e who is gone hence and lieth dead in the grave, in gracious reconciliation crieth unto all : Come unto me, ye earth-born ; behold the beauty of the body all turned to blackness. Wherefore, 0 brethren, forasmuch as we have learned therefrom the end, unto the Saviour let us make appeal, crying with tears : Grant rest with thy Saints, 0 God, unto him whom thou hast taken. Glory . . . now, and ever, . . . HYMNTO T H E BIRTH-GIVER OF COD. In supernatural wise, 0 Lady, without seed thou didst conceive in thy womb the God who was before all the ages, and didst bear him in the flesh, both God and man, without change of Essence, and with Essence still unmingled. Wherefore, we acknowledge thee ever as the Birth-giver of God, and unto the God who was born of thee with faith we cry: Remember us, also, in thy kingdom. (Thecnsfomary Prefaces t o the Gradual.) The Gradual (Prokimen), in the Sixth'Tone. Blessed is he whom thou hast chosen and taken, 0 Lord. Cl'rrse: Among the blessed shall his soul take up its abode. (Thc customary Prefaces t o the E$istZc.) The Lesson from the Epistle of the holy Apostle Paul to the Romans. (Rom. xiv. 6-9 ) Brethren : H e that regardeth the day, regardeth it unto the Lord : and he that regardeth not the day, to the Lord he doth not regard it. H e that eateth, eateth to the Lord, for he giveth God thanks ; and he that eateth not to the Lord he eateth not, and giveth God thanks. For none of us liveth to himself, and no man dieth to himself. For whether we live, we live unto the Lord ; and whether we die, we die unto the Lord : whether we live therefore, or die, we are the Lord's. Alleluia, in the Sixth Tone. Blessed is he whom thou hast chosen and taken, 0 Lord. Vkrse: Among the blest shall his soul take up its abode.

T H E O R D E R FOR T H E BURIAL OF T H E DEAD (PRIESTS) ~5 (Tkc cnstomary jrrfnccs to tkc Gospel.)

T h e Lesson from the holy Gospd of John. (YoArt vi. 4-54.) T h e Lord said to the Jews which came unto him, I a m that bread of life. Your fathers did eat manna in the wilderness, and are dead. This is the bread which cometh down from heaven, that a man may eat thereof, and not die. I am the living bread which came down from heaven : if any man eat of this bread, he shall live forever: and t h e bread that I will give is my flesh, which I will give for the life of t h e world. T h e Jews therefore strove among themselves, saying, How can this man give us his flesh to e a t ? Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you. Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life ; and I will raise him up a t t h e last day.
Then Psalm li. (sccpage 380). And tkc Canon. Tonc V l . Canticle I.

Theme-Song ( I m d s ) . T h e children of those that were saved hid under the earth him who, of old, drowned in the waves of the sea the tormentor pursuing. And let us like the virgins sing unto the Lord : For h e hath gloriously glorified himself. Refrain. Unto the soul of thy departed servant give rest, 0 Lord. Nymrrs (Tr@ari?). With burning tears fall we down before thee, 0 Beneficent One, and before Christ the Lord of all, and utter forth with wailing this funeral song : Give rest to thy faithful servant, in that thou art full of loving-kindness. Graciously grant, 0 Word, that he may stand in holiness with thine elect on thy right hand, in the hope of resurrection from the dead. 0 thou who lovest mankind, we fervently entreat thee with the voice of praise. Graciously grant, 0 thou who lovest mankind, that thy chosen servant, who hath been taken from earth, may radiantly rejoice in thy heavenly, august: kingdom ; regard not his transgressions, forasmuch as thou art of tender loving-kindness. Glory . . W o e is me! For earthly glory hath suddenly sprung up like the grass, and straightway hath withered. What is rank in the grave? W h a t is comeliness or beauty there? Therefore, 0 Lord, spare thou thy servant, fotasmuch as thou art full of loving-kindness. Now, and ever, . . .


A s is our bounden duty, we all with love sing praises unto thee, 0 Mary, Virgin all-undefiled, the Mother of God, in that me have the sleepless eye of thy prayers. From sin deliver us now, and from the condemnation of death.


Theme-Song. There is none holy like unto thee, 0 Lord my God, who hast exalted the horn of thy faithful, 0 Good One, and hast established us upon the rock of thy confession. Hymns. There is no man upon the earth who sinneth not, 0 Word. Accept, therefore, the petition of us humble ones; and pardon, remit, 0 Saviour, all the iniquities of thy servant. And who is full of love toward mankind like unto thee, 0 merciful Lord, who with great power forgivest sins both to the living and also to the dead ? Wherefore, save thou thy servant, by the same power. Glory . . . Of thy heavenly calling, 0 Saviour, make thou an heir him who, in faith, hath been translated hence, accepting this last tearful prayer, 0 only Sinless One. Now, and ever, . . . Hymn to the Birth-giver of God. Cease not thou, who art our true Lady, 0 Virgin most holy, to implore God whom thou hast borne, that unto him who hath departed this life in the faith he will mercifully vouchsafe his heavenly kingdom.
Sittinx-Hymn(Sye&flen), in Tour V7. Of a truth, all things are vanity, and life is but a shadow and a dream. For in vain doth every one who is born of earth disquiet himself, as saith the Scriptures. When we have acquired the world, then do we take up our abode in the grave, where kings and beggars lie down together. Wherefore, 0 Christ our God, give rest to thy servant departed this life ; forasmuch as thou lovest mankind. Canticle ZV: Theme-Song. When Habakkuk, by anticipation, beheld thine exhaustion divine upon the Cross, in amaze he cried: Thou hast destroyed the dominion of the mighty, 0 Good One, in that thou hast joined thyself unto the company of those who were in hell ; For thou art almighty. Hymns. Forasmuch as the judgment of that dread day of wrath is not to be endured, let us diligently entreat of Christ remission of all iniquities for him who hath departed this life in faith and in the hope of resurrection. Mercifully vouchsafe, 0 Christ, unto this thy servant, who, through repentance ere his death burned before thee as a bright light thy mansions of light, 0 Master, Saviour, tenderly compassionate. Glory . . . When thou shalt reveal all secrets, and shalt convict us of our sins, 0 Christ, spare him whom thou hast taken unto thyself, calling to mind his confession, 0 Good One. Now. and ever, . . . Hymn to the Birth-giver of God. Forget not all us who, with wailing,


diligently do call upon thee, 0 holy Birth-giver of God. Entreat thou, 0 Good One, that thy faithful servant departed this life may obtain rest. Canticle K Thme-Song. When Isaiah beheld the light which knoweth no setting of thy divine manifestation, that was graciously made unto us, 0 Christ, his soul longed for thee in the night-season, and he cried : The dead shall rise, and those who lie in the grave shall be awakened, and all the earth-born shall rejoice. Hymns. In the assembly of the Elect, and the delights of Paradise, 0 Bountiful One, establish thou him whom in the faith thou hast trans lated from us. For thou hast appointed, 0 our Saviour, godly-inspired repentance unto all us sinning mortals. Fol-asmuch as thou art the Lord, unto this man also graciously vouchsafe thy heavenly kingdom. Through thy power as God, in sovereign wise dost thou show mercy, 0 Lord, upon thy creatures whom thou hast brought into subjection to mortal law, 0 thou who lovest mankind. Wherefore, 0 Saviour, pardon, remit, forgive the sins of him who in the faith hath departed this life ; and vouchsafe unto the same thy kingdom. Glory . . . None shall escape the dread judgment of thy throne. Side by side with their slaves stand all the mighty kings, and the terrible voice of the Judge ordereth sinful man to the condemnation of Gehenna ; from the which deliver thou thy servant, 0 Christ. Now, and ever, . . . Hymn to the B i r t h g i v e rof God Of thee, in supernatural wise, was the Redeemer born after the nature of men: Whom also do thou entreat, 0 Virgin unwedded, that from all torments, and from fierce, dread pains in hell, he will deliver and will save him who now in the faith hath departed from us. Canticle VZ. Theme-Song. The nethermost abyss of sin hath compassed me about, and unable to endure the billows thereof, like Jonah I cry aloud unto thee, 0 Master : Lead me forth from corruption. Hymns. Death and the grave await us, and the judgment, which shall reveal all deeds. Deliver thou therefrom thy servant whom thou hast taken hence, 0 thou who lovest mankind. Unto him who is gone hence, 0 my Saviour, open thou, we beseech thee, the door of thy mercy, 0 Christ ; that he may rejoice in glory, as he partaketh of the joys of thy realm. Glory . . . Through thy mercy deliver thou from his iniquities, 0 Saviour, thy servant whom thou hast now translated hence in the faith. For out of the things which he hath done in the body shall no man be justified, 0 thou who lovest mankind Now, and ever, . . .



Hymn to the B i d - g i v e r of God. 0 Progenetrix of God, in the flesh hast thou borne the Destroyer of Death, and the Release from the curse, the Creator who saveth all them that die in the faith, forasmuch as he is good and loveth mankind.
The Litany.

Deacon. Again, yet again, in peace let us pray And the rnisf, meanwhile, saiih to the Lord. Choir. Lord, have mercy. (Thrice.) the God o Prayer: f spirits. .0 .. Again we pray for the repose of the soul of N., (set page 37% BURIALOF LAYthe servant of God who hath fallen asleep ; and that % ' E N . ) he may be pardoned every transgression, whether voluntary or involuntary. Iji That the Lord God will establish his soul where the Just repose. I$ The mercies of God, the kingdom of heaven, and the remission of his sins let us ask of Christ, our King Immortal, and our God. Choir. Grant it, 0 Lord. The CbZ/ect-Hymn (fin&&), in Tone YZZI. Give rest with the Saints, 0 Christ, to the soul of thy servant, where there is neither sickness, nor sorrow, nor sighing, but life everlasting.
Thou only art immortal, who hast created and fashioned man. For out of the earth were we mortals made, and unto the earth shall we return again, as thou didst command when thou madest me, saying unto me: For earth thou art, and unto the earth shalt thou return. Whither, also, we mortals wend our way, making of our funeral dirge the song: Alleluia. In thought I implore ye, hearken unto me : For with difficulty do I announce these things. For your sakes have I made moan ; perchance it may profit one of you. But when ye shall sing these things make mention, now and then, of me whom ye have known. For often have we walked together, and together in the house of God have sung: Alleluia. Rise now, all ye, and make ready, and when ye are set, hearken ye unto the word. Terrible, my brethren, is the Judgment Seat before which all we must appear. There is neither bondman nor freeman there; there is neither small nor great; but we shall all stand naked there. Wherefore, it is good to. sing together the psalm : Alleluia Let us all be consumed with tears, when we behold the eartbly remains lying low ; and when we shall all draw near to kiss, and peradventure to utter such things as these : Lo ! thou hast abandoned us who love thee. Why speakest thou no more with us, 0 friend ? Why speakest thou not, as thou wert wont to speak, but holdest thus thy peace who before with us didst say : Alleluia Why these bitter words of the dying, 0 brethren, which they utter



as they go hence? I am banished, brethren. All my friends do I abandon, and go hence. But whither I go, that understand I not, neither what shall become of me yonder; but only God, who hath summoned me knoweth. But make commemoration of me with the song: Alleluia But whither now.go the souls ? How dwell they now together there ? This mystery have 1 desired to learn, but none can impart aright. Do they call to mind their own people, as we do them? Or have they already forgotten those who mourn them and make the song : Alleluia ? Accompany ye the dead, 0 friends, and come ye to the grave with beed, and there gaze ye steadfastly, with understanding; and make ready your feet. All youth is fallen to dissolution there; there all the flower of life is faded ; there are dust, and ashes, and worms ; there all is silent ; and there no man saith : Alleluia. Lo! now behold we him who lieth here, but ne'er shall lie before us more. Lo! already is his tongue stilled, and lo ! his mouth hath ceased to speak. Fare ye well, 0 my friends, my children. Fare ye well, 0 brethren ! Fare ye well, 0 my comrades ; for I go forth upon my way. But make commemoration of me with the song : Alleluia None of the dwellers yonder have returned to life to tell us howthere they fare, our erstwhile brethren and our offspring gone before us to the Lord. Wherefore, again and oft we say : Shall we see each other there? Shall we see our brethren there? Shall we there again together say the psalm : Alleluia ? We go forth on the path eternal, and as condemned, with downcast faces, present ourselves before the only God. Where then is comeliness ? Where then is wealth ? Where then is the prlorv of this world ? There shall none of these things aid us, but oily i o say oft the psalm : Alleluia Why dost thou untimely vex thyself, 0 man ! Yet one hour, and all things shall pass away. For in Hell there is no.repentance, nor further remission there. There is the worm that sleepeth not; there is the land, all dark and gloomy, where I must be judged. For I made not haste to say the psalm : Alleluia. Naught is so easily forgot as mortal from his brother-mortal parted. If for a brief space we call to mind, yet straightway forget we Death, as we had not ourselves to (lie. Parents, also, are utterly forgotten of their children, whom from their own bodies they have borne and reared ; and they have dropped tears with the song : Alleluia. I remind ye, 0 my brethren, my children, and my friends : Forget me not, when unto the Lord ye pray. I entreat, I beseech, I implore, that ye learn by heart this thing, and mourn for me night and day. As said Job unto his friends, so say I also unto you: Sit ye again and say: Alleluia Leaving all things behind us, forth we go, and naked and grieving must present ourselves to God. For like the grass doth beauty fade, and man is but allured therewith. Naked wast thou born, 0 wretched


one, and naked there must every man appear. Dream not, 0 mortal, of sweetness in this life, but only groan ever with the moan : Alleluia If thou hast shown mercy unto man, 0 man, that same mercy shall be shown thee there ; and if on an orphan thou hast shown compassion, the same shall there deliver thee from want. If in this life the naked thou hast clothed, the same shall give thee shelter there, and sing the psalm : Alleluia. Toilsome the way in which I must go hence, the which, in truth, I never yet have trod ; and unknown is that land, and thereof knoweth no one anywhere. Awesome is it to behold my guides ; most terrible he who hnth called me, the Ruler of life and death, who also calleth us, when he willeth, thither: Alleluia. If journeyingfrom a home-land we stand in need of guides, what shall we do when forth we fare to a land to us still all unknown? Many leaders wilt thou then require, many prayers to accompany thee, to save the wretched sinner's soul ; until thou come to Christ and say to him : Alleluia. They who are in thrall to the material passions shall find no pardon whatsoever there. For there are the dread accusers; there, also, the books are opened. Where, then, around about thee wilt thou gaze, O man? And who then shall succour thee? Unless thou hast led an upright life, and hast done good to the needy, singing: Alleluia Youth and the beauty of the body fade at the hour of death, and the tongue then burneth fiercely, and the parched throat is inflamed. The beauty of the eyes is quenched then, the comeliness of the face all altered, the shapeliness of the neck destroyed ; and the other parts have become numb, nor often say : Alleluia Hush, then ; be dumb. Henceforward keep ye silence before him who lieth there, and gaze upon the mighty mystery; for terrible is this hour. Be silent, that the soul may issue forth in peace. For it to a great ordeal is constrained, and in fear doth oft petition make to God : Alleluia I have beheld a dying child, and I have mourned my life. He was all agitated, and trembled greatly when the hour was come, and cried, 0 father, help me! 0 mother, save me! And no one then could succour him, but only pined away as they gazed on him, and wept for him in the grave: Alleluia How many suddenly are snatched even from the plighting of their troth, and united by a bond eternal ; and without avail have made their moan unending, and have not risen from that bridal chamber! But there was both marriage and the grave, both union and disunion, both laughter and weeping, and the psalm : Alleluia. With ecstasy are we inflamed if we but hear that there is light eternal yonder ; that there is the fountain of our life, and there delight eternal ; that there is Paradise, wherein every soul of Righteous Ones rejoicetb Let us all, also, enter into Christ, that all we may cry aloud thus unto God : Alleluia.



Hymn to the Birth-gfver of God. 0 all-holy Virgin unwedded, who hast brought forth the Light Ineffable, I make petition never ceasing, and beseech thee, and entreat thee : Implore thou the Lord perpetually for thy servant who hath fallen asleep, 0 most pure One; that he may find there remission of his iniquities in the Day of Judgment, 0 Allpure One. For thou, 0 Lady, hast boldness ever to beseech thy Son : Alleluia.
The Collect-Hymn.

Give rest with the Saints, 0 Christ, to the soul of thy servant, where there is neither sickness, nor sorrow, nor sighing, but life everlasting.
Canticle Vl/.

T h e - S o n g . 0 marvel unutterable ! He who delivered the Holy Children in the fiery furnace from the flames is laid dead, bereft of breath, in the grave, for the salvation of us who sing : 0 God our Redeemer, blessed art thou. Hymns. From the fires of Hell and the dread sentence of condemnation deliver thou, 0 Christ, forasmuch as thou lovest mankind, thy servant whom thou hast now taken hence in the faith. And grant that thy servant may sing unto thee : 0 God our Redeemer, blessed art thou. 0 God, who hast been graciously pleased to establish in the land of the meek, in the delights of Paradise, in the marvellous tabernacle of glory, thy servant who hath fallen asleep, grant that he may sing unto thee : 0 God, our Redeemer, blessed art thou Glory . . . Great is the judgment, and indescribable is the distress of Hell, 0 my brethren : for the souls of sinners are burned therein, together with their bodies. And with pain do they weep and cry aloud: 0 God our Redeemer, blessed art thou. Now, and ever, . . . H y m n to the Birth-giver of God. 0 Birt h-giver of God all-undefiled, encompass thou ever with thy prayers the living who with understanding sing praises unto thee as, beyond a doubt, the Mother of God ; and deliver thou from bitter torments those who have departed this life; that they may cry aloud unto Christ : 0 God our Redeemer, blessed art thou.
Cantic& VWI.

Theme-Song. Fear with trembling, 0 ye heavens, and let the foundations of the earth be shaken. For lo! he who dwelleth on high is numbered among the dead, and is lodged in the narrow grave. Ye Children, bless ; ye Priests, sing praises ; ye People, magnify him unto all the agesHymns. What a dread hour awaiteth sinners, 0 brethren ! 0 what is t h e terror then, when Hell's fire unquenchable shall consume and torture evermore ! Wherefore, 0 Christ, bountiful Master, deliver thou



from the dread ban him who this day hath been translated from us, that he may escape the torments of Hell. 0 the joy of the Righteous, which they shall receive when the Judge shall come ! For there a mansion is prepared, and Paradise, and all Christ's kingdom : wherein establish thou thy servant, making him glad with the Saints, 0 Christ, unto all the ages. Glory . . . Who shall withstand, 0 Christ, the dread menace of thy coming again? For then shall the heavens be rolled up like a scroll, in terrible wise ; and the stars shall fall; and all creation shall quake with fear; and the light shall suffer sombre change. But in that day, 0 Word, spare thou him who hath been translated from us. Now, and ever, . . . Hymn to the Birth--ver o f God He who, in more than mortal w i s e , was incarnate of thee as thy Son, 0 Pure One, the same is the Judge both of the quick and of the dead, and judgeth all the earth, and saveth from torment whomsoever he willeth : More especially those who, with love, do worship him in his manifestations; and who sing pl'aises unto thee, 0 Birth-giver of God, unto all the ages.

Theme-Song. Lament not for me, 0 Mother, when thou beholdest in the grave thy Son whom, without seed, thou didst conceive in thy womb. For I shall rise again and glorify myself; and in that I am God, I will raise in glory that hath no ending those who, with faith and love, do magnify thee. Hymns. Mourn not for all who have died in the faith: for Christ hath endured for us the flesh, the cross, and the grave, making children of immortality all those who cry aloud unto him : Enter thou not into judgment with thy servant. Let us fervently entreat Christ, 0 ye faithful, that he will establish in the abode of the blessed our brother who hath fallen asleep in the faith, and in the hope of resurrection. For there is the stem judgment seat, and the dread trial, and none can aid himself ; but only good deeds and the prayers of the faithful. And so let us cry aloud : Enter thou not into judgment with thy servant, 0 Lord. Glory . . . In thy glory which waxeth not old, in the sweetness of Paradise, establish thou now, 0 Good One, him who hath been translated from us ; forasmuch as in the true belief and in repentance he hath hastened unto thee in faith. And make him an elect defender of thy kingdom. Now, and ever, . . Hymn to the Biyth,qiver o f God. Thee, as the Mother of the Life, and in more than mortal wise the Virgin Birth-giver of God, we faithful devoutly magnify. For through thee we, who before were dead, have become immortal; we have found life, arid lo! unto thee do we make this song.

T H E ORDER F O R T H E BURIAL OF T H E DEAD (PRIESTS) 413 Then t h Litany : Again, yet again (seepage 378) : with the Prayer :0 Cod of Spirits, . . . (Seepage 370). Exapostildrion.

Now am I at rest, and have received great allevation, in that I have been taken from corruption and translated unto life. Glory to thee, 0 God. Th People. Verse (Stikli) : As for man, his day is like the grass, like the flower of the field. Veyse: For his spirit goeth forth, and he ceaseth to be. Verse: But the truth of the Lord abideth forever.
And aflcr each Verse fhExaposfildrion is rcpeafed.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Now have I chosen the Maiden Mother of' God: for Christ, the Redeemer of all men, is born of her : Glory to thee, 0 God.
And then imwrcdiafely PSALM CL.

0 praise God in his holiness : praise him in the firmament of his

Refrain. To thee, 0 God, is due a song.

Praise him in his noble acts: praise him according to his excellent greatness. I$ Praise him in the sound of the trumpet: praise him upon the lute and harp. I$ Praise him in the cymbals and dances : praise him upon the strings and pipe. I$ Praise him upon the well-tuned cymbals : praise him upon the loud cymbals. I$ L e t every thing that hath breath praise the Lord. I$
Tkcrr the Stanzas (Stikhiri), in Tone VI.

Thy godly minister, made a partaker of the nature divine in his translation hence, through thy life-giving mystery, 0 Christ, is now come unto thee. Receive thou his soul in thy hand, as it were a bird, 0 Saviour. Establish thou him in thy courts, and in the choir of the Angels; and because of thy great mercy, 0 Lord, give rest unto him whom thou hast taken by thy command. Strange is the mystery of death : for it cometh to all untimely. Nature is dissolved by force. I t taketh old men, abbots and learned men ; it slayeth the teachers of vain philosophies, bishops and pastors, and every nature of mortals. But let us cry aloud, with tears : Bemuse of thy great mercy, 0 Lord, give rest unto him whom thou hast taken by thy command. H e who lived in godliness, and was adorned as thy priest, the sacrificer and minister of thy mysteries divine, by thy divine command hath


passed over from life's clamour unto thee. Save him whom, as Priest, thou didst accept, 0 Saviour ; and because of thy great mercy, give unto him rest with the Just. . now, and ever, . . . Glory Hymn to the Birth-giver of God We have come to the knowledge of God who was incarnate of thee, 0 Virgin Birth-giver of God : Entreat thou him that he will save our souls.


T . n shull be read:

Glory be to God on high, and on earth peace, good will towards men. We praise thee, we bless thee, we worship thee, we glorify thee, we give thanks to thee for thy great glory, 0 Lord God, heavenly King, God the Father Almighty. 0-Lord, the Only-begotten Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit; 0 Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, that takest away the sins of the world, have mercy upon us. Thou that takest away the sins of the world, receive our prayer. Thou that sittest at the right hand of God the Father, have mercy upon us. For thou only art holy ; thou only art the Lord ; thou only, 0 Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit, art most high in the glory of God the Father. Amen. Every day will I give thanks unto thee, and praise thy Name forever and ever. Vouchsafe, 0 Lord, to keep us this day without sin. Blessed art thou, 0 Lord God of our fathers, and praised and glorified be thy holy Name forever. Let thy merciful kindness, 0 Lord, be upon us, as we do put our trust in thee. Blessed art thou, 0 Lord : 0 teach me thy statutes. (Thrice.) Lord, thou hast been our refuge from one generation to another. I said: Lord, be merciful unto me: heal my soul, for I have sinned against thee. Lord, I flee unto thee. 0 teach me to do the thing that pleaseth thee ; for thou art my God. For with thee is the well of life, and in thy light shall we see light. 0 continue forth thy loving-kindness unto those who know thee.
Then t r k e following Stanzas (Stikhirr'), by St. John of Damascus. Tone I.

What earthly sweetness remaineth unmixed with grief ? What glory standeth immutable on earth ? All things are but shadows most feeble, but most deluding dreams : yet one moment only, and Death shall sup plant them all. But in the light of thy countenance, 0 Christ, and in the sweetness of thy beauty, give rest unto him whom thou hast chosen : forasmuch as thou lovest mankind. lrcrse (StiRh): The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. In very deed, 0 my Saviour, dost thou show forth that thou art the



Resurrection of all men, who, by thy word, 0 Word, didst raise up Lazarus from the dead. Then were the bars shattered, and the gates of Hell were confounded. Then was man's death shown to be but a sleep. But do thou, who art come to save thy creation, and not to condemn it, give rest unto him whom thou hast chosen: forasmuch as thou lovest mankind Glory . . . now, and ever, . . . Hymn to th Birtkgrgrver o f God. Thou hast manifested thyself a fervent Intercessor for all men, 0 Birth-giver of God ; the Protector of all men, and the Power of God to those who have recourse unto thee ; the Succour of those who are in need ; a speedy Deliverance unto those who are captive. For Christ hath appointed thee to be a Defender and a Champion against the barbarian, and a Wall indestructible, and a Fortress impregnable for the weak; and the Bestower of peace upon our souls. Sianzas (Stirkhin], in Tone II. Woe is me! What manner of ordeal doth the soul endure when from the body it is parted ! Woe is me! how many then are its tears; and there is none to show compassion! I t turneth its eyes to the Angels ; all uhavailing is its prayer. It stretcheth out its hands to men; and findeth none to succour. Wherefore, my brethren beloved, meditating on the brevity of our life, let us beseech of Christ rest for him who hath departed hence; and for our souls great mercy. V e m : I called upon the Lord when I was in trouble, and he heard me. Come, let us a11 gaze upon the marvel that is past understanding: he who but yesterday was with us now lieth dead. Come, let us learn how that, in a little while, we also shall end in the swathing-bands of death. How lie they in stench, who were anointed with sweet-smelling spices! How lie they who erst bedecked themselves with gold, now unadorned, bereft of form ! Wherefore, my brethren beloved, let us meditate upon the brevity of our life, and entreat of Christ rest for him who hath been translated hence; and for our souls great mercy. Verse: Deliver my soul, 0 Lord, from the mouths of the ungodly. Farewell, vain life! Farewell, all ye, my kinsfolk, friends and children! For I tread a way wherein I ne'er have walked. But come, remembering my love for you, follow me, and commit this, my mortal clay, unto the grave : And make entreaty with tears, unto Christ who shall judge my humble soul, that he will snatch me from the fire unquenchable. Glory . . . now, and ever, . . . H y m n to the Birthkgiver o f God. Thou Gate Impassable, mystically sealed, 0 blessed Virgin Birth-giver of God, accept thou our petitions, and bear them unto thy Son and God ; that through thee he may save our souls. S t a n z a , in Tone III. Lo, here I lie, my brethren beloved, silent and voiceless amid you all. My mouth is idle, my tongue is stopped, and




my lips are curbed ; my hands are bound, and my feet are fettered ; my semblance is changed, mine eyes are quenched, and behold not those who make moan ; mine ears receive not the wail of the mourners, my nose perceiveth not the sweet fragrance of the incense. But true love can in no wise die. Wherefore I beseech all my dear ones : Remember me before the Lord in the Day of Judgment, that I may find mercy at that dread Judgment Seat. Verse : I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, whence cometh my help. All mortal things are vanity, and exist not after death. Riches endure not, neither doth glory accompany on the way: for when death cometh, all these things vanish utterly. For which cause let us cry unto Christ the Immortal: T o him who hath been translated from among us, give thou rest where is the abode of those who are glad. Verse: ,The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in, from this time forth, even forevermore. 0 men, why vex we ourselves in vain ? Swift and grievous is the course we run. Life is a smoke, and vapour, and ashes, and clay ; and soon shall we be dust, and like a flower shall we wither away. Wherefore, unto Christ, the King Immortal, let us cry: To him who hatb been translated from among us, give thou rest where is the abode of those who are glad. Glory . . . now, and ever, . . . Hymn to the Birth-giver of G o d Thee as a Haven of salvation, 0 Virgin Birth-giver of God, have we who are tempest-tossed on the sea of life. Wherefore, entreat thou him who, without seed, was incarnate of thee, and in wise ineffable was made man, that he will save our soulsi Stansas, i n Tone I E Where' is earthly predilection ? Where is the pomp of the ephemeral creatures of a day ? Where are the gold and the silver? Where is the multitude of .household servants and their clamour? All dust, all ashes, all shadows. But come, let us cry aloud unto the King Immortal : 0 Lord, thine eternal good things vouchsafe thou unto him who hath been translated from us, giving him rest in thy blessedness which waxet h not old. Verse: I rejoiced when they said unto me : Let us go into the house of the Lord. Death came like a robber ; he came, the corrupter, and laid me low ; he came, the corrupter, and made me as one that existeth not ; he came, and being earth, I lie as though I were not. Of a truth are we mortals a dream ; of a truth are we a vision. .But come, unto the King Immortal let us cry: Thine eternal good things vouchsafe thou, 0 Lord, unto him who hath been translated from us, granting him rest in the life which waxeth not old. Glory . . now, and ever, . . . H p n to the Bib-giver of God. 0 Virgin alone Pure and Undetiled, who without seed didst bring forth God : Pray thou that our souls m a y be saved.



Stanzas, in Tone C . : I called to mind the Prophet, how he cried : I am earth and ashes ; and I looked again into the graves, and beheld the bones laid bare ; and I said : Who then is the king or warrior, the rich man or the needy, the upright or the sinner ? Yet give rest with thy Saints, unto thy servant, 0 Lord Yme: Our feet have stood in thy courts, 0 Jerusalem. Thou hast said, 0 Christ, that he who believeth on thee shall not see death ;and forasmuch as I, from the Light in the Light, am the Light, so also shall ye be illumined with me in my glory. For, being very God, I am come to save those who, in true right belief, do honour me, the only Lord God, twofold in nature, of flesh and Godhead, and one in Person. Wherefore, in the light of thy countenance, with the Saints, give rest unto this thy faithful servant, who hath confessed me : forasmuch as thou lovest mankind. Glory . . now, and ever, . . . Hymn to the Birth-giver o f God. We entreat thee, as the Mother of God, 0 Blessed One: Beseech thou him that he will save our souls. Stamas, in T o n e Vl. Thy creating command was my origin and my foundation: for thy pleasure it was, out of nature visible and invisible, to fashioh me, a living creature. From the earth thou didst shape my body, and didst give me a soul by thy divine and quickening breath. Wherefore, 0 Lord, give rest to thy servant, in the land of the living, in the habitations of the Just. Verse: Unto thee have I lifted up mine eyes, 0 thou who dwellest in the heavens. With thine own image hast thou honoured the work of thy hands, 0 Word, depicting in material form the likeness of thine Essence supersensual ; whereof, also, thou hast made me a participant, placing me on earth to rule with independent lordship over created things. Wherefore, 0 Saviour, ive rest unto thy servant, in the land of the living, in the habitations o the Just. . now, and ever, . . Glory Hymn to the Bib-giver o f God. We have beheld God who was incarnate of thee, 0 Virgin Birth-giver of God. Wherefore entreat thou him that he will save our souls. Stanzas, in Tone VZl. When, in the beginning, thou hadst created man after thine own image and likeness, thou didst set him in Paradise to reign over thy creatures. But when, beguiled by the malice of the Devil, he tasted of the food, he became a transgressor of thy commandments. For which cause, 0 Lord, thou didst condemn him to return again unto the earth whence he was taken, and to entreat repose. Verse: How amiable are thy tabernacles, 0 Lord of hosts. Death which looseth every sorrow is granted unto the race of Adam. Forwe became subjeet unto corruption through the eating of the fruit ; for we know that, as we were made of earth, dust shall we be again, and ashes, as we were before. Wherefore, with the voice of entreaty, let us




beseech the Creator that he will grant pardon and mercy unto him who hath been translated hence. Glory . . now, and ever, . . . Hymn to the Birthgiver of God. We faithful have thee, 0 Birth-giver of God, for a Wall impregnable and a steadfast Hope. Wherefore, cease thou not, 0 Lady, to entreat for thy servants who have fallen asleep, that they may receive pardon at the Judgment Day, when thy Son and God shall sit as Judge (for thou knowest our nature, how that of every manner of sin are we now commingled); that we may all bless thee. Stanzas, in Tone VIII. I weep and I wail when I think upon death, and behold our beauty, fashioned after the image of God, lying in the tomb, disfigured, dishonoured, bereft of form. 0 marvel 1 What is this mystery which doth befall us ? Why have we been given over unto corruption, and why have we been wedded unto death ? Of a truth, as it is written, by the command of God, who giveth the departed rest. How are we become subject unto corruption, we who have borne the image of the Incorruptible, and have received a soul immortal through the breath divine, and so are become of blended nature, as it is written ? How have we sinned against the commands of God ? 0 marvel ! How have we, abandoning the food of God, eaten the fruit which begetteth death and bitterness ? How, being led astray, have we bereft ourselves of life divine? Henceforth let us cry unto Christ : In thy courts establish thou him whom thou hast translated hence. Glory . . . now, and ever, . . . Hymn to the Birth-giver of God. Thy protection, 0 Virgin Birtbgiver of God, is spiritual healing. For having recourse thereunto, we are released from our spiritual ills. Stanzas in Tone VII% Measureless is the torment of those who have lived lewdly; gnashing of teeth and wailing unconsoled ; gloom unlightened and outer darkness, the worm that sleepeth not, tears unavailing, and judgment without mercy. For which cause, ere the end shall come, let us cry aloud and say: Unto this man whom thou hast chosen, 0 Lord Christ, give rest with thine elect. The trump shall thunder forth its sound, and the dead shall rise as it were from sleep, desiring with great longing to receive the heavenly life, setting their hope on thee, their Creator and their Lord. Condemn thou not, therefore, thy servant, 0 Immortal One, who for our sake didst become mortal. For which cause, ere the end shall come, let us cry aloud and say: Unto this man whom thou bast chosen, 0 Lord Christ, give rest with thine elect. Lo ! the elements and heaven and earth shall be changed ; and all creation shall put on immortality, and mortality shall be destroyed ; and darkness shall flee away at thy coming. For thou shalt come again in glory, as it is written, to requite unto every man according to what he hath done. Unto this man whom thou hast chosen, 0 Lord Christ, give rest with thine elect.






Glory . . . T o n e VI. Ceme ye all, and behold a sight strange and terrible, familiar unto all, the image t ~ d a y beheld ; and vex yourselves no longer about temporal things. To-day is the soul severed from the body, and translated to the world eternal ; for it setteth out upon a path which it hath never trod, and goeth to the Judge who respecteth not persons, where the Angelic Hosts stand round about. For terrible, 0 my brethren, is that Judgment Seat, where all we naked must appear. For some shall be put to shame,and some shall receive crowns. Wherefore, let us cry unto the King Immortal : When thine it shall be to try the secret things of man, spare thy servant whom thou hast taken, 0 Lord who lovest mankind. Now, and ever, . . . Hymn to the Birthgiver o f God. By the prayers of her who bare thee, 0 Christ, and of thy Forerunner ; of the Apostles, Prophets, Hierarchs, Holy Ones, and Just, and of all the Saints : Give rest unto thy servant who hath fallen asleep.

It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord, and to sing praises unto thy Name, 0 Most Highest ; to tell of thy loving-kindness early in the morning, and of thy truth in the.night-season; upon an instrument of ten strings, and upon the lute; upon a loud instrument, and upon the harp. For thou, Lord, hast made me glad through thy works; and I will rejoice in giving praise for the operations of thy hands. 0 Lord, how glorious are thy works! thy thoughts are very deep. An unwise man doth not well consider this, and a fool doth not understand . it. When the ungodly are green as the grass, and w h e ~ all the workers of wickedness do flourish, then shall they be destroyed forever; but thou, Lord, art the Most Highest for evermore. For lo, thine enemies, 0 Lord, lo, thine enemies shall perish ; and all the workers of wickedness shall be destroyed. But mine horn shall be exalted like the horn of an unicorn ; for I am anointed with fresh oil. Mine eye also shall see his lust of mine enemies, and mine ear shall hear his desire of the wicked that arise up against me. The righteous shall flourish like a palm-tree, and shall spread abroad like a cedar in Libanus. Such as are planted in the house of the Lord, shall flourish in the courts of the house of our God. They also shall bring forth more fruit in their age, and shall be fat and well-liking; that they may show how true the Lord my strength is, and that there is no unrighteousness in him. 0 Holy God, Holy.Mighty, . . . Glory . . . now, and ever, . . . 0 allholy Trinity, . . . Lord, have mercy. ( Thn'ce.) Glory . . . now, and ever, . . . Our Father, . . . For thine is the kingdom, . . . (See the Burial of Laymen, page 369.) Give rest with the Just, 0 Saviour, unto thy servant, and establish him in thy courts, as it is written: Regarding not, in that thou art good, his sins, whether voluntary or involuntary, and all things com-



mitted either with knowledge or in ignorance, 0 thou who lovest mankind. In the place of thy rest, 0 Lord, where all thy Saints repose, give rest also to the soul of thy servant : for thou only lovest mankind. 0 Holy Mother of the Light Ineffable, with songs angelic honouring, devoutly do we magnify thee.
Then the Lilany : Have mercy upon us : and the Prayer: 0 God of spirits, (SeePage 370.) And after the Exrhmafian, the last kiss is given, whi& the Chair singefk :


Come, brethren, let us give the last kiss unto the dead, rendering thanks unto God. For he hath vahished from among his kin,and presseth onward to the grave, and vexeth himself no longer concerning vanities, and concerning the flesh, which suffereth sore distress. Where are now his kinsfolk and his friends? Lo, we are parted. Let us beseech the Lord that he will give him rest. What is this parting, 0 brethren? What is this wailing, what this weeping at the present hour? Come ye, therefore, let us kiss him who was but lately with us ; for he is committed to the grave ; he is covered with a stone ; he taketh up his abode in the gloom ; he is interred among e t the dead, and now is parted from all his kinsfolk and his friends. L us beseech the Lord that he will give unto him eternal rest. Now is all life's solemn triumph of vanities destroyed. For the spirit hath vanished from its tabernacle; its clay groweth black. T h e vessel is shattered, voiceless, bereft of feeling, motionless, dead. Committing which unto the grave, let us beseech the Lord that he will give him rest. What is our life like unto ? Unto a flower, a vapour, and the dew of the morning, in very truth. Come ye, therefore, let us gaze keenly at the grave. Where is the beauty of the body, and where its youth ? Where are the eyes and the fleshly form ? Like the grass all have perished, all have been destroyed. Come ye, therefore, let us prostrate ourselves at the feet of Christ with tears. A great weeping and wailing, a great sighing and agony, and Hell and destruction is the departure of the SOUL This transitory life is a shadow unreal and an illusive dream ; the trouble of the life of earth is a phantasm importunate. Let us, then, flee afar from every earthly sin, that we may inherit heavenly things. As we gaze on the dead who lieth before us, let us all accept this example of our own last hour. For he vanisheth from earth like the . like a flower he fadeth ; like the grass he is cut down Swathed smoke ; in a tattered garment he is concealed in the earth. As we leave him hidden from sight, let us beseech Christ that he will give unto him eternal rest. Draw nigh, ye descendants of Adam, let us gaze upon him who is laid low in the earth, made after our own image, all comeliness stripped



off, dissolved in the grave ; by decay, by worms in darkness consumed, and hidden by the earth. As we leave him hid from sight, let us beseech Christ that he will give unto him eternal rest. When the soul from the body is about to be rent with violence by Angels dread, it forgetteth all its kinsfolk and acquaintance, and is troubled concerning its appearance before the judgment which shall come upon the things of vanity and much-toiling flesh. Come ye, then, importuning the Judge, let us implore that the Lord will pardon him all his deeds which he hath done. Come, 0 brethren, let us gaze into the grave upon the dust and ashes from which we are made. Whither go we now? What are we become? Who is poor, who rich ? Who is the master ? Who a freeman ? Are not we all ashes ? The beauty of the countenance is mouldered, and Death hath withered up all the flower of youth. Vanity and corruption, of a truth, are all the illusions and the inglorious things of life. For all we shall pass away : all we shall die, kings and princes, judges and rulers, rich and poor, and every mortal creature. For now they who were erst alive are cast down into the grave. Wherefore, let us beseech the Lord that he will give rest. Now are all the bodily organs seen to be idle, which so little while ago were filled with motion; all useless, dead, inactive. For the eyes have withdrawn inward, the feet are bound, the hands lie helpless, and the ears withal ; the tongue is imprisoned in silence, committed to the tomb. Of a verity, all mortal things are vanity. Hymn to the Birth-giver of God. Save thou those who fix their hope on thee, the Mother of the Sun that knoweth no setting, 0 Progenetrix of God. With thy prayers entreat, we beseech thee, the God exceeding good, that unto him who hath now been translated, he will give repose where the souls of the righteous rest. Manifest him an heir of eternal good things in the courts of the Just, unto everlasting memory, 0 Allundefiled One. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Tone VL As ye behold me lie before you all speechless and bereft of breath, weep for me, 0 friends and brethren, 0 kinsfolk and acquaintance. For but yesterday I talked with you, and suddenly there came upon me the dread hour of death. But come, all ye who loved me, and kiss me with the last kiss. For nevermore shall I walk or talk with y o u For I go hence unto the Judge with whom is no respect of persons. For slave and master stand together before him, king and warrior, the rich and the poor, in honour equal. For according to his deeds shall every man receive glory or be put to shame. But I beg and implore you all, that ye will pray without ceasing unto Christ our God, that I be not doomed according to my sins, unto a place of torment ; but that he will appoint unto me a place where is the light of life. Now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. H e who hath been translated hence hath crossed life's ever-troubled



sea, and hath sailed into thy haven through faith ; but in thy tranquillity and sweetness immortal, with the Saints instructing him, give rest, 0 Christ, to the soul of thy servant. Tone IY: To-day is fulfilled the all-praised word of devout David, who said : Man is like the grass, his days are as the flower of the field when it is withered. For erstwhile we beheld him living and speaking; lo, now he lieth dead, motionless, bereft of breath. He is gone forth, and hath departed from present things, thither where is the recompense of his deeds ;thither, where is the joy of all the Saints. With the same give rest, 0 God, unto him that is gone hence : in that thou art merciful and lovest mankind. Tone VIIL Give rest, 0 Lord Almighty, to the soul of thy servant, in the mansions of the Just, where the light of thy countenance shineth upon all that are worthy, 0 thou who alone lovest mankind. I have vanished from among my kin, and have abandoned the residue of my life, and have fled unto thee, 0 Lord: Save me. Through the prayers of the Birth-giver of God, give peace to the life of us who cry unto thee : 0 Life-giver, glory to thee ! 0 Holy God, Holy Mighty, . . . and the rest to the end of the Prayer: Our Lord Jesus Christ by his divine grace, . . . (Seepage 392.)
Thtr, as thy o forfh to the grave, the Priests sing the T h e - S o n g s (Irmosf) of the GREAT$ANON OF ST. ANDREWOF CRETE.

A helper and protector hath revealed himself to me unto salvation ; H e is my God, and Him will I glorify; the God of my fathers, and Him will I exalt : For greatly hath he glorified himself. Hear, ye heavens ; I will proclaim and sing praises unto Christ, come in the flesh through a Virgin. On the rock immovable of thy statutes, 0 Christ, establish thou my thoughts. The prophet heard of thy coming, 0 Lord, and was affrighted, that thou shouldest will to be born of a Virgin, and to reveal thyself unto men ; and he said : I have heard the tidings, and was sore afraid : Glory to thy might, 0 Lord. I have longed for thee in the night-season, 0 thou who lovest mankind ; illumine me, I beseech thee, and guide me in thy commandments. And teach me, 0 Saviour, to do thy will. With my whole heart cried I unto God, rich in mercies, and he heard me from the nethermost hell, and led forth my life from corruption. We have sinned, we have dealt unlawfully, we have wrought evil in thy sight, neither have we observed, neither have we done those things which thou hast commanded us : yet cast us not away utterly, 0 God of our fathers. Him whom all the Hosts of heaven glorify, before whom tremble Cherubim and Seraphim ; praise ye, bless ye, and magnify forever, everything that hath breath and every creature.


Passing understanding is the Nativity of seedless conception, incorruptible is the fruit of the mother unwedded; for the birth of God reneweth nature: Wherefore all generations, and we with them, right gloriously do magnify thee, as Bride and Mother of our God. 0 Holy God, . . Glory . . . now, and ever, . . . 0 all-holy Trinity, . . . Lord, have mercy. ( Thrice.) Glory . . . now, and ever, . . . Our Father, . . . For thine is the kingdom, . . . In the place of thy rest, . . . Thou art the God who didst descend into Hell, . . . 0 Only Pure and Spotless Virgin, . . . (page 369J And the Litany: Have mercy God of spirits, . . . (page 370) upon us, 0 God : with tk.e Prayer: and the rest, as at the Burial of Laymen.

W i t h tkis dzrerence : That in tke Benediction, and in the ' l E t e n ~ a i memory," the name of the Priest is mentioned. The Prayer of Absolution i s rtaa' by the BGh@ (i one be resent), or b y the Prirtcz;bal Pricst ;and it is t k m $ i d in tAc ha of the a d Priest in the cofln by his Confessor.


The Priest. Blessed is our God always, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen.
Then Psalm xci.: Whoso dwelleth under the defence of the Most High, shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. Alleluia, in Tone K (Seepage 371, the Burial of Laymen.)

Vene (StiKh) : Blessed is he whom thou hast chosen and taken,

0 Lord.
Choir. Alleluia. Vme.: -And his remembrance is from generation to generation. Choir. Alleluia. 0 Holy God, Holy Mighty, . . . Glory . . . now, and ever, . . . 0 all-holy Trinity, . . . Lord, have mercy. (Thrice.) Glory . . . now, and ever, . . . Our Father, . . . For thine is the kingdom, . . . (Set f Laymen.) page 369, Burial o 0 Thou who, with wisdom profound, mercifully orderest all things, and givest that which is expedient unto all men, thou Only Creator : Give rest, 0 Lord, to the soul of thy servant who hath fallen asleep; For he (she) hath set his (her)hope on thee, our Maker, the Author o f our being and our God. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. For he (she) hath set his (her) hope on thee, our Maker, the Author of our being, and our God. Now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Thee have we as a Wall and a Defence, and a Mediatrix well-pleasing unto God whom thou hast borne, 0 Virgin Birth-giver of God, the salvation of the faithful.
Then Psalm li., Have mercy upon me, 0 God, Andafttr that begirmefh the CANON FOR

. . . (Seepage 380.)

DEAD, over fh~ a r f e cW. d

Canticle I., Tone YIII...

Theme-Sorzg (Irmds). When Israel had passed through the water as it had been dry land, and had esca~jed from the malice of the Egyptians, they cried : Let us sing praises unto our deliverer and our God. Refrain. Give rest to the child, 0 Lord. Hymns. 0 Word of God, who didst humble thyself even unto the flesh, and wast graciously pleased to become a babe, yet without change :

* The Order for the Burial of a Chid under seven years of age differcth from that of B u d of Adults, inasmuch as it is celebrated over innocent, sinlw beings.



Ordain thou that this child whom thou hast accepted may be received into Abraham's bosom, we beseech thee. Thou wast beheld a little child, thou who existest before all the ages, and forasmuch as thou art good, unto children hast promised thy kingdom : Number therein this child here present. .Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Thou hast taken unto thyself, 0 Saviour, this spotless child, ere he (she) had been tempted of earthly pleasures, bestowing upon him (her) thine eternal good things ; forasmuch as thou lovest mankind. Now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Hymn to the Birth-giver of God. 0 thou who, in wise inexpressible, didst bear the Wisdom and Word of the Father, heal thou the cruel wound of my soul, and soothe the pang of my heart.
Canf icle 1 1 1 .

Theme-Song (Imds). 0 Master and Creator of the vault of heaven, and Founder of the Church, establish thou me in thy love, 0 thou who alone lovest mankind ; the Summit of desire, the Confirmation of the faithful. Refrain. Give rest to the child, 0 Lord. 0 Word all-perfect, who as perfect child didst manifest thyself, thou hast translated unto thyself this child imperfect in the flower of life.. Give him (her) rest with all the just who are well-pleasing unto thee, 0 thou who alone lovest mankind. This uncorrupted child, whom thou hast translated through thy command divine, torn hence ere he (she) had tasted the sweets of earth, show thou forth a partaker of supermundane good things, we beseech thee, 0 Beneficent One. Glory . . . A partaker of heavenly mansions, and of radiant rest, and of the holy Choir of the Saints, make thou, 0 Lord, this child most pure, whom it hath seemed good to thee, 0 Saviour, to call unto thyself. Now, and ever, . . . Hymn to the Birth-giver of God Bereft of all things I flee to thy sole shelter, 0 Lady Most Pure : Succour thou me. For I have heaped up a treasure of iniquity, and am all filled with poverty of virtues.
Then fhe Theme-Song :0 Master and Creator Then the P&f

recitefh fhe following Litany :

Again, yet again, in peace let us pray to the Lord. Choir. Lord, have mercy. Furthermore we pray for the repose of this blessed child, N. And that, according to his word, H e will graciously vouchsafe unto him (her) his heavenly kingdom. C . r . Lord, have mercy. ( Thn'ce.)



That the Lord our God will appoint his ( b y ) soul where all the Just repose. Choir. Lord, have mercy. ( Thrice. . The mercies of God, the kingdom o heaven, and rest with tbe Saints, for him (her) and for ourselves, let us beseech of Christ, our King Immortal and our God. Chair. Grant it, 0 Lord. Pn'csi. Let us pray to the Lord. Choir. Lord, have mercy. 0 Lord Jesus Christ our God, who hast promised to bestow the kingdom of heaven upon them that have been born of water and of the Spirit, and in spotlessness of life have. been translated unto thee, and hast said, Suffer the little children to come unto me, for of such is the kingdom of heaven : We humbly entreat thee that thou wilt give unto thy servant, the spotless child, N., now departed from us, the inheritance of thy kingdom, according to thine unfailing promise. And grant that we may continue in innocency of living, and make a Christian ending of our life, and attain to an abode in the heavenly mansions, with all thy Saints. For thou art the Resurrection, and the Life, and the Repose of all thy servants, and of thy servant, this child, N., now taken from us, 0 Christ . our God ; and unto thee do we ascribe glory, together with thy Father who is from everlasting, and thine all-holy, and good, and life-giving Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. , Choir. Amen. Hymn. Of a truth, all things are vanity, and life is but a shadow and a dream. For in vain doth every one who is born of earth disquiet himself, as saith the Scriptures. When we have acquired the world, then do we take up our abode in the grave, where kings and beggars lie down together. Wherefore, 0 Christ our God, give rest to thy servant departed this life ; forasmuch as thou lovest mankind.

Canticle IK

Theme-Sm,q(Irmds). I have heard the mystery of thy dispensation, 0 Lord, and have considered thy works, and have glorified thy divinity. Rtfrain. Give rest to the child, 0 Lord. Hymns. Let us not mourn the child, but rather weep heavily for ourselves who sin always ; that we may be delivered from Gehenoa. Thou hast deprived the child of earthly joys, 0 Mgster. Grant unto him (her) thy heavenly good things; forasmuch as thou art he who judgeth righteously. Glory . . . A citizen of ~aradise,'O truly blessed child, shall he make thee who summoneth thee from earth, and numbereth thee with the company o f the Saints. Now, and ever, . .



Hymn to the Bidh-givcr of God. All we who are illumined know thee, 0 Birth-giver of God most pure. For thou hast borne the Sun of Righteousness, 0 Ever-Virgin O n e
Canticle Y;

T h m - S o n g ( I d s ) . Wherefore hast thou cast me away from thy countenance, 0 Light which knowest no setting? And why hath hostile darkness encompassed me, the wretched one? But turn thou me again, and guide thou my paths in the light of thy commandments, I beseech thee. Refrain. Give rest to the child, 0 Lord. H ' n r . By thy righteous judgment hast thou mowed down, ere like a green shoot it had put forth buds, the child whom thou hast called to thyself, 0 Lord But in that thou hast led the same unto the mount of blessings everlasting, implant thou him (her) firmly there, 0 Word. T h e sword of death hath come and cut thee off like a tender branch, ere thou hadst tasted earthly joys, 0 Blessed One. But lo ! Christ doth open unto thee the heavenly gates, numbering thee with the elect. For he is full of loving-kindness. Glory . . . Grieve ye not for me, for he hath ordained nothing worthy of grief. But weep ye rather always for yourselves who have sinned sore, 0 kin and friends, the dead child crieth: that when ye shall be proved ye receive not chastisement. Now, and ever, . . . Hymn to the Bidh-giver of God Of myself do I despair, when I look upon the multitude of my deeds. But when I take thought of thee, who beyond understanding didst bear the Lord, 0 Mother of God, I am refreshed with hope. For thee alone do we possess as our Protector.
Canticle VI.

Theme-Song ( I d s ) . I will pour out my petition unto the Lord, and unto him will I proclaim my grief. For evil hath filled my soul, and my life hath drawn nigh unto the pit ; and like Jonah will I pray : Lead me forth from corruption, 0 God. Refrtrin. Give rest to the child, 0 Lord. Hymns. A s a child thou wast laid in a manger, and didst yield thyself to the embrace of an aged man who had begotten babes in his loins. And ere this child had attained unto his (her) full stature, thou hast trandlated him (her) into life. For which cause we glorify thee with thanksgiving. Thou didst cry unto the Apostles, 0 Word: Suffer the little children t o come unto me, for unto such as are like unto them in spirit is my kingdom given. Grant, therefore, thy light unto the child who hath been translated unto thee. . Glory. . . Thou hast despoiled thy child of earthly good things, that thou



mightest manifest him (her) apartaker of heavenly good things, inasmuch as he (she) had not offended against thy commands divine. Let us glorify the depth immeasurable of thy providence, 0 Blessed One. Now, and ever, . . . f Hymn to the Birth-giver of God. Thee have we as a vast wall o refuge, 0 Maiden, and an all-perfect salvation for our souls, and an abiding-place in sorrow; and in thy light will we rejoice evermore. 0 Lady, save us now from our griefs and woes.
Then the Theme-Song: I will pour out my petition


Z7un the Pricst reciteth the Litany :Again, yet again : with t h Prayer: 0 Lord Jesus Christ our God, . . . andthe Exclamation. (Seepage 425.) T k n is sung the CuZlect-Hymn (Kon&k), in Tone VZII.

With the Saints give rest, 0 Lord, to the soul of thy servant, where' there is neither sickness, nor sorrow, nor sighing, but life everlasting.
The Zkos.

. Thou only art immortal, who hast created and fashioned man. For


out of the earth were we mortals made, and unto the earth shall we return again, as thou didst command when thou madest me, saying unto me : For earth thou art, and unto the earth shalt thou return. Whither, also, all we mortals wend our way, making of our funeral dirge the song : Alleluia.
Also the folhwing Zkosi:

Naught is more pitiable than a mother, naught more wretched than a father; for their affections are sore distressed when they send their children forth bdore them to the grave. Great, also, is the pang o f their hearts because of their children, and yet the more when these are sweet of speech, as they call to mind their sayings with the song: Alleluia -. . --. Oft do they beat their breasts before the grave and say : 0 my son, and sweetest child, hearest thou not what thy mother crieth unto thee? Behold, also, the womb that bare thee. Why speakest thou not with us, as thou wert wont to speak, but thus holdest thy peace, and sayest not with us : Alleluia. 0 God, 0 God, who hast called me hence, be thou the consolation of my household now; for a great affliction hath befallen them. For all hold their gaze fixed steadfastly on me, having me as their onlybegotten one. But do thou, who wast born of a Virgin Mother, refresh the bowels of my mother, and water with dew the heart of my father, even with this : Alleluia.
- -

Then the Collect-Hymn, in Tons VZZZ.

With the Saints give rest, 0 Lord, to the soul of thy servant, where there is neither sickness, nor sorrow, nor sighing, but life everlasting.


Canticle Vff.


Thme-Song (Imds). The Hebrew Children in the furnace trod boldly on the flames, and the fire was transformed into dew as they cried: Blessed art thou, 0 Lord God, forevermore. Refrairz. Give rest to the child, 0 Lord. Hymns. Inscribe this child in the Book of the Redeemed, in that thou lovest mankind, 0 Bountiful One; that, rejoicing, he may cry aloud to the majesty of thy glory: Blessed art thou. With the radiant light of thy countenance illumine thou, 0 Word, thy child who, in the faith, hath been translated unto thee in unripe age, and singeth unto thee : 0 Lord God, blessed art thou. Glory . . . A cause of woe doth thy going hence now seem to those who love thee; but of a surety to thee a cause of joy and gladness. For thou, 0 child, hast inherited life unto all the ages. Now, and ever, . . . Hymn to the Birth-giver o f God Behold, 0 Virgin, the affliction which the multitude of my evil deeds hath brought upon me ; and ere I go hence, give me refreshing with thy maternal prayers, that G-od may show mercy upon me. Canticle VffZ. Theme-Song ( I d ) . With seven-fold heat did the Chaldaean tyrant in his rage cause the furnace to be heated for the Godly Ones ; but when he beheld them saved by a better power, he cried aloud unto their Maker and Redeemer : Ye Children, bless; ye Priests sing praises; ye People exalt him unto all the ages. Refrain. Give rest to the child, 0 Lord. Hymns. In Abraham's bosom, in the mansions of rest, where abideth ever the joy of those who make glad ; in the places of refreshing where is the water of life, may Christ establish thee, in that he himself became a little child for the sake of us who continually do cry unto him: Ye Priests, sing praises ; ye People, exalt him forevermore. Thy going hence is, of a truth, the all-sufficient and ever-memorable cause of our grief and of our tears. For ere thou hadst tasted the pleasant things of this present life, thou hast left the earth, and thy parents' bosom. But Abraham's bosom shall receive thee ; for thou art but a little child, and hast no part in any stain. Glory . . . Why mourn ye me, the child translated hence ? he crieth invisibly, as dead he lieth. There is no cause for grief. For unto children who have committed no deeds worthy of tears is appointed the joy of all the Righteous. For unto Christ they sweetly sing : Ye Priests, sing praises ; ye People exalt him forevermore. Now, and ever, . . . Hynrn to t h Birth-giver of God. Arise to my succour, 0 Birth-giver



of God. Receive my supplications, and deliver me from condemnation dread, from rigorous searching-out, from outer darkness, and fire, and from gnashing of teeth ; from the spiteful abuse of demons, and from every distress, 0 Hope of the hopeless, 0 Life of the despairing.
Cantaide I X .

Thew-Song (lrmds). Heaven was affrighted, and the ends of the earth were amazed : For God revealed himself unto men in the flesh, and thy womb became more spacious than the heavens. For which cause the chieftains of men and of Angels do glorify thee, 0 Birthgiver of God. Refrain. Give rest to the child, 0 Lord. Hymns. 0 Christ, who didst become a little child, yet without change of essence ; and of thine own good will didst unite thyself unto the Cross ; and with pity didst look upon the maternal sorrows of her who gave thee birth : Assuage thou the sadness and sore grief of the faithful parents of thy dead child : that unto thy majesty we may sing praises. 0 King of all men, in that thou hast sent from on high, and taken this blessed child, like a pure little bird, to its heavenly nest, thou hast saved this soul from snares of many kinds, 0 Lord, and hast united it with the spirits of the righteous who enjoy the delights of thy kingdom. Glory . . Thou hast bestowed a heavenly abode, 0 Word of God, upon children who have wrought no evil : for thus hath it seemed good in thy sight, 0 Blessed One. With the same number thou also thy creature, the child who is now come unto thee. Assuage thou the grief of his (her) parents ; forasmuch as thou art pitiful, and lovest mankind. Now, and ever, . . . Hymn to the Birikgtgrver of God. With the eye of the heart gazing ever steadfastly unto thee, who makest supplication maternal to him who was born of thee, I implore thee, 0 all-blameless One: Quench thou the passions of my soul ; move me betimes to penitence, 0 Virgin, and illumine me with thy light.

ZZen the Litany :Again, get again : with the Prayer : 0 Lord Jesus Christ om God, . . . andthe Exclamation. (Seepage 425.) Exa#ostildrion.

Now am I at rest, and have found great release ; for I have been translated from corruption, and have passed over into life. Glory to thee, 0 Lord.
(Andthe Choir repeateth the same after each of the following Vrrsrs.)

V m (Stikh) : Man is as the grass : his days are as the flower of the field. & Verse: For his spirit goeth forth from him, and he ceaseth to be. 8



Veyse : But the truth of the Lord endureth forever. @ Glory to the Fath'er, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Now have I chosen the Maiden Mother of God; for of her was Christ, the Redeemer of all men, born. Glory to thee, 0 Lord.
And strazghtway the Pricst shaN cxcZaim :

For holy art thou, 0 Lord our God, and restest in the Saints ; and unto thee do we ascribe glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. C h i r . Amen. 0 Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal One, have mercy upon us. (Thrice.) Deacon. Let us attend. Priest. Peace be with you all. ReadPr. And with thy spirit. Dearon. Wisdom ! ReadPr. The Gradual (Prokimen), in the Sixth Tone. Blessed is the way in which thou shalt walk, 0 soul ; for a place of rest is prepared for thee.
And the Choir repcatcth this.

Verse: Return unto thy rest, 0 my soul. Deacon. Wisdom ! Reader. The Lesson from the Epistle of the holy Apostle Paul to the Corinthians. Deacon. Let us attend. ( I Cur. xu. 39-46.) Brethren : All flesh is not the same flesh : but there is one kind of flesh of men, another flesh of beasts, another of fishes, and another of birds. There are also celestial bodies, and bodies terrestrial : but the glory of the celestial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another. There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars ; for one star differeth from another star in glory. So also is the resurrection of the dead. I t is sown in corruption, it is raised in incorruption : it is sown in dishonour, it is raised in glory : it is sown in weakness, it is raised in power: it is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body. And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul, the last Adam was made a quickening spirit. Pn'PSt. Peace be with thee. Re&. And with thy spirit. Deacon. Wisdom! Render. Alleluia. (Thrice.) V e n e : Blessed is he whom thou hast chosen and taken, 0 Lord. V m : His soul shall be established in good things. Pt'ESt. Wisdom, 0 believers! Let us listen to the Holy Gospel. Peace be with you all.



Choir. And with thy spirit. Deacon. The Lesson from the holy Gospel of John. Choir. Glory to thee, 0 Lord ; glory to thee. Priest. Let us attend. (John vi.35-41.)The Lord said unto the Jews which came unto him : I am the bread of life : he that cometh unto me shall never hunger, and he that believeth on me shall never thirst. But I said unto you, that ye also have seen me and believe not. All that the Father giveth me shall come to me : and him that cometh unto me, I will in no wise cast out. For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me. And this is the Father's will, which hath sent me, that of all which he hath given me, I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the last day. Pn'csf. Peace be unto thee, who hast announced the good tidings. Choir. Glory to thee, 0 Lord ; glory to thee.
And straz~ktway the last kiss is given,while tke CAoir siHgctk tke foZ&wzag Stanzas (Sfikhiri) :

T o m YIiI. Who would not weep, my child, thy lamentable translation from this life! For a babe immature from thy mother's arms, like a birdling small, now hast thou flown swiftly hence, and hast fled unto the Creator of all men. Who would not w a i l , 0 child, beholding thy rosy face so early faded, which before was beautiful as the crimson lily of the field? 0, who would not wail, my child, and cry aloud with weeping, because of thy great comeliness, and the beauty of thy pure life ? For like some ship that leaveth no wake behind, with equal swiftness hast thou vanished from my sight. Come ye, my friends, my kins folk, and my neighbours, and with me kiss ye him ( h r ) whom we are committing to the tomb. Death is a release for babes ; for they are not accounted sharers in life's evil, and have attained unto rest and heavenly gladness; and in Abraham's ,bosom they rejoice, and now with choirs divine of children they make glad, and faithfully exult : because from sin's corruption pure have they escaped. Glory . . . Tone VI. Painful to Adam of old in Eden was the tasting of the tree, when the serpent belched forth his poison. For thereby did Death universal enter in, which devoureth man. But then the Master came, subdued the dragon, and gave us rest. For which cause let us cry aloud unto him : Spare, 0 Saviour, and give rest among the Saints to him ( h r ) whom thou hast taken. Now, and ever, . . . Hymn to t h Bidh-giver of God. Thou who art the Consolation o f mourners ; thou Deliverance of the weak, 0 Virgin Birth-giver of God; save thou the city and its people, 0 thou Peace of those who battle, thou Calm of the tempest-tossed, and sole Defender of the faithful.



and ever, . . . Our Father,. . . For thine is the kingdom,. page 369, Buvial of Laymen).
T h n the Hymn.

0 all-holy Trinity, . . . Lord, have mercy. (Thrice.) Glory . . . now,

0 Holy God, Holy Mighty,

. . . Glory . . .

now, and ever, .


. . (See

With the souls of the righteous dead give rest, 0 Saviour, to the soul of thy servant, preserving it unto the blessedness which is with thee, 0 thou who lovest mankind.
T h n the Litany :Again, yet again,

. . . (See-age


Priest. Let us pray to the Lord. Choir. Lord, have mercy. Aloud For thou art the Resurrection, . . . (Seepage 426.) Choir. Amen. Deacon. Wisdom ! Choir. More honourable than the Cherubim, and beyond compare more glorious than the Seraphim, thou who without defilement barest God the Word, true Birth-giver of God, we magnify thee. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Lord, have mercy. (Thrice.) Bless. And the Pricst bestoweth t h BENEDICTION. Do thou who rose again from the dead, and bast dominion over both the quick and the dead, Christ our very God, through the prayers of thy most holy Mother, and of all thy Saints ; establish in thy holy tabernacles the soul of the child, N., who hath now been translated from us ; and number him (her) among the Righteous : Forasmuch as thou art good and lovest mankind. Choir. Amen.
And after the Benediction the Priest said :

Then t h Priest, bomng his he&, r e d t k , secretly, this P r a y n : 0 Lord Jesus Christ our God, . (See-age 426.)

. .

Eternal be thy memory, 0 N., worthily-blessed and ever-memorable child ! And the Choir singeth :Memory eternal ! (Thnke.)
There%-ontke PricJt saith the follow in^ Prayer ;

Deacon. Let us pray to the Lord. Choir. Lord, have mercy. Priest. 0 Lord, who guardest little children in this present life, and hast prepared for them in the life which is to come a spacious place, even Abraham's bosom, and angelic abodes brightly radiant which befit their purity, wherein the souls of the righteous dwell: Do thou, the same Christ, receive the soul of thy servant, the child, N., with



peace. For thou hast said : Suffer the little children to come unto me, for of such is the kingdom of heaven. For unto thee are'due all glory, honour and worship, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen '
And taking u$ fke body, they go forth to the grave, $receded by tke Pri'cst, t h Deacon, and the Choir, all singing :

0 Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal One, have mercy upon us. (Thrice.) ,
And when the bod h t k been laid i n the grave, tke Senior Pticsf, l d i n g bit shovel, scatteref fearth info the grave, saying :

The earth is the Lord's, and the fulness thereof: the round world, and they that dwell therein.
And so they w a r t , pgrmng thank xnto God.

It must be Ktwuln that z;f any one is called rrnto Godat Hol Easter, or on any &y qf fhe B r k h t Week, up to S f . Thomas's Sun&y, v q i t t l e of tht customary Ofice for the Dead is sung, because of the majesty and honour of the joyful Feast of t k Rcsuwection : for it is the estival of joy and gladness, not of hmmfation. And as all who have died% the nm Chrirt, in t k h@e of re~urr~cti and m o lzfe eternal, have been taken unto God throu h Christ's Resurrectionfiom d s o r r o w f u l fhings ofthis world to things andblzifil, the Church proclaimeth the hymns of Resvrrection over these &ad. A n d by a ew ttin,q hymns, litanies and pra crs we bear testimony that the dradpnson iat/dzed in mifence:h t $ he L t h not ma& ati is fact ah or hzk sins,they are remitte to him through the prayers of the Church, an he zi freed from &tottion. When the Priest is come, with his assistants, to the house where the body of th dean person lieth, and hath put on h i s p n k t l stole and chasuble, and hath censed the remains, he maketh the custonzary dginning: Blessed is our Cod. A n d the Choir chanteth :Christ is risen (see pa c 226h i n Tone V. And the Priest snith the customary verses, to wit: ~ eBt o d arise (see a e 226) : and the rest. A n d w k n * u e h u e b u r sung, t h Priest sprinkletRtRc 6 0 4 ofthe &ad person with hofy water; as also hzs cofin, both within and without. And tht dcadperson is immediately laid therein. A n d w h m the singing isfinished, tke Deacon saith the customary litany for the &ad. A n d the Pricst reciteth, secretly, the Prayer: 0 God of spirits, . . . (Seepage 37a) Affcrthc Exclamation : In that we have beheld the resurrection of Christ, &read, and taking up the remains o the dead, they go forth to the Church, the Pricst leading, and the Deacon an all the Choir and the laymen following. A n d as they o, the ecclesiastics and the Choir d n n t the Easter Canon, that is to say : he %ay of Resurrection ! (seepage lrgh in regular or&, as much as tlry will, until the Church is reached. A t the Church, aftcr the rcmainr have been set down, they f i i s h the Canon which hnth been begun, the Priest censing according to thccustom. A n d a t thefourth Theme-Song there is the usual Litany, with the Prayer. Exclamation. For thou art the Resurrection, and the Life, . . (Seepage 370.) n e n :When they who with the Marys came, . . . (Seepage 2 2 8 . ) Then the fourth Theme-Song is sun in due or&r. After the sixfh Theme- son^. there is fhe usual Lifany for the g a d , with the Prayer. Exclamatwn. For thou art the Resurrection, and the Life, . . . (Seepage 370.) 7Zen the Collect-H mn: With the Saints give rest, . . . And the Ikos: Thou only art imrnortd . . (Slrpage 428.) A n d i n lace o :0 Holy Cod, Holy Mighty, . . . As many a s have been baptized into hrist ave put on Christ. Tht Epistle for the Day,from the Acts of the Apostles. * The full text of the litanies, prayem end hymne will be found in the other Burial Orders and in the Easter Service.

P f



1 . Alleluia, in Tone 1

2% Gospelfor t k j r s t Suluiay. And then :In that we have beheld the Resurrection of Christ (see#age 230) : and the rest o f fk Songs of the Canon. And whcn fhc Canon is c o m ~ I c t ~the d , Exaposta'Idrion is read or snng :After that thou hadst fallen asleep in the flesh, . . . (Twice.) (Seepage 233.) T k n is s m g : ~ l e s s e dart thou, 0 Lord ; teach me thy statutes. T h e company (Seepage 28.) of the Angels was amazed, . TAcn the Eastcr Cantirlcs (Stikkfri), with their Verses. (Seepage 234.) Glory . liow, and ever, . . The Day of Resurrection, . (Thrice.) (Su page 227.) And: Christ is risen . . . (Thrr'ce.) And whcn these Canticles have been sung, thcra is t h caislonaly Rizsing of t h &ad, as they say :Christ is risen. And after the Canticles,tk w u a l Litary for the &ad, with the Prayer, wurkuh is read aloud, close to the dead person, b y I k Bishop or PrirFt. Exclamufion. For thou art the Resurrection, and the Life, . . (Sce#lrgc 370.) 7Xm the customnry Bcnedicfibn. (Seepage 391 .) Then the concluding Prayer: May the Lord Jesus Christ our God, . . (Str page 392.) And wegoforth to the ave, bearing tk bod of the dcad or burial. A n d the Priest, and all the g o , goin brfre remains, c L n t : Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down Beath by death, and upon those in the tomb bestowing life. And the bod is burit4 with thanks 'vin and joy,all things kaving brerr &nt and said w h h are written i n U e ~nizfqf a Layman. And the Hymn (Tr@dr) having been sung: Open, 0 earth, and receive that which was made from thee.

.. .





The Parastha. that is to say, the Great Re uirm Seruicc ( I ) for afi m r fathers and brethren who haue/aflen asleq3 in $ Lord, and for all Ortkoribx Christzians ayarfed t h L life. ( A n d the O B c for Orthohx Warriors, who have died in battle for the Faith and the Fathcrlatrd; celebrated on A u p t 29 (Sq3tetnber r I , N.S.).) TAc Priest, vested in his stole and chtzstrblc. and the h c o n in h L akfmatic,come f w t h from the sanctuary to the pordh,prccecird a R e d r bearing a ltght. A n d they stand in their wontcd$lacrs, on either srdc of a ladle, upon which is a d k h of kdfiva. (2)

Then the Deacon saith :

Bless, Master.
A n d the Priest, taking the censer with the incense', exclaimeth :

Blessed is our God always ; now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen.
the Deacon wilh the li kt, he shall ccnsc the kdliva, in the TAcn,jrcceded urwal manner, in the form o j a cross, w h l e the Reader nn2eth :

0 Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal One, have mercy upon us. (Thrice.) ' Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now,and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. 0 all-holy Trinity, have mercy upon us. 0 Lord, wash away our sins. 0 Master, pardon our transgressions. 0 Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for thy Name's sake. Lord, have mercy. (Thrice.) Glory . . . now, and ever, . . . Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, A s it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, A s we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation ; But deliver us from the Evil One : Priest. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. I Choir. Amen. Reader. Lord, have mercy. (Twelve times.)

* For explanations, indicated by numbers in the t a t , see Appmdu B, XII.



0 come, let us worship God our King. 0 come, let us worship and fall down before Christ, our King and our God. 0 come, let us worship and fall down before the Very Christ, our King and our God. (irkrcc reverences.) PSALM xc1. Whoso dwelleth under the defence of the most High, shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say unto the Lord, Thou art my hope, and my strong hold ; my God, in him will I trust. For he shall deliver thee from the snare of the hunter, and from the noisome pestilence. H e shall defend thee under his wings, and thou shalt be safe under his feathers ; his faithfulness and truth shall be thy shield and bukkler. Thou shalt not be afraid for any terror by night, nor for the arrow that flieth by day; for the pestilence that walketh in darkness, nor for the sickness that destroyeth in the noonday. A thousand shall fall beside thee, and ten thousand at thy right hand ; but it shall not come nigh thee. Yea, with thine eyes shalt thou behold, and see the reward of the ungodly. For thou, Lord, art my hope; thou bast set thine house of defence very high. There shall no evil happen unto thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling. For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways They shall bear thee in their hands, that thou hurt not thy foot against a stone. Thou shalt go upon the lion and adder; the young lion and the dragon shalt thou tread under thy feet. Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him ; I will set him up, because he hath known my Name. H e shall call upon me, and I will hear him; yea, I am with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and bring him to honour. With long life will I satisfy him, and show him my salvation
Then the Deacon, taking the censerfrom the Priest, censeth before the table, re& kg the GREATLITANY.

In peace let us pray to the Lord. Choir. Lord, have mercy. For the peace that is from above, and for the salvation of our sods, let us pray to the Lord. IJc For the remission of the sins of him (her) who hath (those w h kante) departed this life in blessed memory, let us pray to the Lord. @

if the souls of aN our fathers and brethren arc#rayedfor

For the souls of all our fathers and brethren who, from all time, have fallen asleep in the true faith, and in hope of the Resurrection, and o f life everlasting: and of the blessed wardens and benefactors of tbis holy Temple (or habitation), let us pray to the Lord. IJc
But zyonly a ccrtain number are to &#rayedfm:

For the ever-memorable servant of God, N. (or servants of God, NN.) ; for his ( k r , their) repose, tranquillity and blessed memory, let us pray to the Lord. I$



[For the repose, tranquillity and blessed memory of the ever-memorable servants of God, the Orthodox Warriors who have valiantly contended: and for all who have laid down their w life in battle for the Faith and the Fatherland, let a s pray to the Lord. &I That he will pardon him (her, i h ) every transgression, whether voluntary or involuntary : & That he (she, they) may present himself (herself, themselves) blameless before the dread throne of the Lord of glory: & $2 For the sorrowing and the sick who have set their hope in the 5. consolation of Christ : & That he will release him (her, them) from all sickness, sorrow and sighing, and appoint him (her, t h m ) where the light of God's " 2 : countenance shall visit him (her, them): & tfO That the Lord our God will establish his (her) soul (their souls) $ S in a place of brightness, a place of verdure, a place of rest, where " 3 r all the Righteous dwell : & S That he (she, they) may be numbered with those who are in q n p. Y the bosom of Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob : I$ That he will deliver us from all tribulation, wrath, peril and necessity: & Succour us, save us, have mercy upon us, and keep us, 0 God, by thy grace. Choir. Lord, have mercy. Having implored for him (Im;them) the mercies of God, the kingdom of heaven, and remission of sins, let us commend ourselves, and each other, and all our life unto Christ our God. Choir. To thee, 0 Lord.



And when tkc Lilany isfinisheti, t k Priest skull rccik, secretly, vkilc all stand with h c d kc&, tkcfollounng Prayer :

0 God of spirits, and of all flesh, who hast trampled down Death, and overthrown the Devil, and given life unto thy world : Do thou, the same Lord, give rest to the soul of thy departed servant, N. (semanls, N N ) , in a place of brightness, a place of verdure, a place k of repose, whence all sickness, sorrow and sighing have fled away. 3 Pardon every transgression which he (she) hath ( t h y have) corn- 5 mitted, whether by word, or deed, or thought. For thou art a good 9 God, and lovest mankind ; because there is no man who liveth and sinneth not ; for thou only art without sin, and thy righteousness is to all eternity, and thy word is true.
Priest. For thou art the Resurrection, and the Life, and the Repose of thy departed servant, N. (senads, NN.), 0 Christ our God, and

4 4

THE REQUIEM OFFICE FOR T H E DEAD unto thee we ascribe glory, together with thy Father who is from everlasting, and thine all-holy, and good, and life-giving Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Chir. Amen. [For thou art the Resurrection, and the Life, and the Repose of the ever-to-be-commemorated Orthodox Wamors who have fallen Warxiom asleep, and of all those who have laid down their life in battle for the Faith and the Fatherland, 0 Christ our God : (and the rest, as above).]
o r t h m

Alleluia (Thrice.) I n Tone VIII. Verses (Stikhi) I : Blessed is he whom thou bast chosen and taken, 0 Lord. Alleluia (Thrice.) 2 : The remembrance of them is from generation to generation Alleluia ( Thrice.) 3 : Their souls shall dwell with the blessed. - Alleluia ( T h k e . ) T h m the Hymn, in Tone V Z Z Z . 0 Thou who, with wisdom profound, mercifully orderest all things, and givest that which is expedient unto all men, thou Only Creator: Give rest, 0 Lord, to the soul of thy servant, N., who hath (souk o f thy smtatrts, N N , who h v e ) fallen asleep; For he (she) hath (they k) set his (her, their) hope on thee, our Maker, the Author of our being, and our God. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. For he (she) hath set his (her, they have set their) hope on thee, our Maker; the Author of our being, and our God. Now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.




Thee have we as a Wall and a Defence, and a Mediatrix well-pleasing unto God whom thou hast borne, 0 Virgin Birth-giver of God, the salvation of the faithful. Then shall be sung Psnlm cxix.. in two porfions. (But in the briefer O @ fa
Orthodox Warriors it is omitted.)

Blessed are those that are undefiled in the way, and walk in the law
of the Lord.

Refrain. Remember, 0 Lord, the soul(s) of thy sewant(s). Blessed are they that keep his testimonies, and serve him with tbeir whole heart. Refrain. Remember, 0 Lord, the soul(s) of thy servant(s). (To rlerse 94). (FW the remain& o f t k ~ ~ asee l m the ORDER FOR THE BURIAL: OF LAYYES,
P a . 371.1




DEPARTED shall be said.

Deacon. Again, yet again, in peace let us pray to the Lord. Choir, Lord, have mercy. Furthermore we pray for the repose of the soul of the servant(s) of God, N. (Nil?),departed this life : and that he ( s h , t h y ) may be pardoned all his (her, their) sins, both voluntary and involuntary. Choir. Lord, have mercy. [Furthermore let us pray for the repose of the souls of the servants of God who have fallen asleep, Orthodox Warriors, and of all who have laid down their life in battle for the Faith and the w e Fatherland : and that H e will pardon them every sin, both voluntary and involuntary.] Choir. Lord, have mercy. That the Lord our God will establish his (/m; f k r ) soul(s) where the Just repose. Ctroir. Lord, have mercy. The mercies of God, the kingdom of heaven, and the remission of his (her, their) sins let us entreat of Christ, our King Immortal, and our God. Choir. Grant it, 0 Lord. Deacon. Let us pray to the Lord. Choir. Lord, have mercy.
llim the Pn'asf saifh,secretly, fhPrayer: 0 God of spirits, . . . (Seepage 439.)
And the Third Priest makcth t h Exclamation, as mual (see Page 439), or for Warriors: For thou art the Resurrection, . (Sce#agc 440.) Tkn /kc secondportion of Psalm cxix. ; from verse 94 to the end.

. .

I am thine, 0 save me, for I have sought thy commandments. Refrain. Give rest, 0 Lord, to the soul(s) of thy servant(s). The ungodly laid wait for me, to destroy me : but I will consider thy testimonies. Refrain. Give rest, 0 Lord, to the soul(s) of thy servantjs).
And fhsame Refrain shall be sung after every verse. (See the ORDER FOR THE BURIAL OF LAYMEN, page 378.)

0 let my soul live, and it shall praise thee : and thy judgments shall help me. I have gone astray like a sheep that is lost ; 0 seek thy servant, for I do not forget thy commandments. (Thrice.) Give rest, 0 Lord, to the soul($) of thy servant(s.)
Then sh& be sung, lhe Requiem-Hymns, in Tone V. Refrain. Blessed art thou, 0 Lord : teach me thy statutes. (To each Hymn.)



The Choir of the Saints . . . (See thc ORDER FOR THE BURIAL OF LAYMEN, Page 379). & Ye who preached the Lamb of God, . . . Ijl Ye who have trod the narrow way . . & I am an image of thy glory . . . 0 thou who of old . . : & Give rest, 0 Lord, to the soul(s) of thy servant(s) and establish it (them). Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Devoutly do we hymn the triune Effulgence . . .. Now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Hail, 0 August One, . . .


Then tke Deacon saith the Litany :Again, yet again, in peace . . . (Seejagc MI.) - WhiZe the Third Pricst saith, secretly, the Prayer :0 God of spirits : and t k Fout-fhPricst nuketh the Exclamafion :For thou art the Resurrection : bt.for O~fhoabxWarriors. Then shaff be sung, in Tone K,the Hyam. (See the ORDER FOR THE BURIAL OF LAYMEN, $age 380.)

Give rest with the Just, . . Glory . . . And all things . . . Now, and ever, . . . 0 Christ our God, who from a Virgin . . .
T k Psalm fi. is read: Have mercy upon me, 0 God, . (Seejagc 380.) Then the Canonfor those who havefalfen asleep is sung. Its Ammtic being:


Unto those who have died in the faith I will sing the eighth song.

Tone VfIL

( A se#arale Canon is usedfor Orthociox Warriors. See#age 449.)

CantirCc I.

Theme-Sdg (limbs). When Israel had passed through the water as it had been dry land, and had escaped from the malice of the Egyptians, they cried : Let us sing praises unto our deliverer and our God. Refraitz. Wonderful is God in the Saints, the God of Israel. Hymns (Trofarf). Having imitated in their deaths the death of Christ, and in their passions the precious Passion of Christ, all the Martyrs divine and blessed have received life and now pray for the salvation of our souls. Refrain Give rest, 0 Lord, to the soul(s) of thy servant(s). Regarding not the transgressions and the sins in youth of thy servant(~) who hath (kavc) fallen asleep before us, and setting aside his (her, their) iniquities, number thou him (her, them) among thine elect, 0 Christ our Saviour. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. 0 all-merciful One, who didst receive glory and gladness when thou



' I

hadst acquired an existence of bliss : Grant rich reward unto thy servant(~),whom thou hast taken. Now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.


Thou didst conceive the Word of the Father, uniting I t to the flesh after Its essence which is from thee, 0 Virgin all-undefiled, triumphing over Hell with might divine. Beseech thou the Same that he will give life unto him (her, them) who hath (have) died in the faith. Theme-Song (lrmds). 0 Master and Creator of the vault of heaven, and Founder of the Church, establish thou me in thy love, 0 thou who alone lovest mankind ; the Summit of desires, the Confirmation of the faithful. Hymns. Having washed away the fall of our forefather of old by baptism and a new birth, and having been sprinkled with streams of your blood, ye reign in Christ, 0 Blessed Ones. Thou who, of thine own good will, didst lay thyself dead in the grave, and didst call forth those who lay in the graves, 0 Saviour : Be graciously pleased to establish him (her, thtm) whom thou hast taken from us, in the mansions of thy Righteous Ones. Glory . Thou who art entreated of thy loving-kindness divine, and who, instructed by thy dual nature, art moved to mercy, 0 Master : Grant remission of his (her, their) sins unto thy servant($), 0 Saviour; and give him (her, them) rest. Now, and ever, . . Intercede, we beseech thee, 0 Birth-giver of God, with him who was incarnate in thy womb, and was made man: and who, especially, in that h e alone loveth mankind, doth save man from the gates of death ; that he will grant repose with his saints to t h e soul(s) of his servant($) who have fallen asleep.

. .

T A c n !he Theme-Song is re$eatea', and the Deacon saith the Litany :Again, yet a ain, . . (Seep a p 441.) While the Pricst snith, secret1 the Prayer : 0 Cod

o spirits, . . . (see $age 4391, and the Fourth Priest a r a t b z the Exclamation ; For thou art the Resurrection, . . . (Seepage 439.)

Then the Sitting-Hymn (Syeddlen), in Tone VL

Of a truth, all things are vanity, and life is but a shadow and a dream. F o r in vain doth every one who is born of earth disquiet himself, as saith the Scriptures. When we have acquired the world, then do we take up our abode in the grave, where kings and beggars lie down together. Wherefore, 0 Christ our God, give rest to thy servant($) departed this life ; forasmuch as thou lovest mankind.



Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

BIRTHGIVEROF GOD (Bogordditchen).

0 all-holy Birth-giver of God, forsake me not all the days of my life, and give me not over to the mediation of mortal man. But do thou thyself succour me, and show mercy unto me.
Canticle l Y.

Theme-Song. Thou art my fortress, 0 Lord, and thou art my strength : Thou art my God, thou art my joy. Thou didst not leave the bosom of the Father, yet hast thou visited our wretchedness. Wherefore, with the prophet Habakkuk cry I unto thee : Glory to thy might, 0 thou who lovest mankind. Hymns. May thy Martyrs divine, 0 Lord, who with patience have endured every manner of torment, behold also all the brightness of thy glory shining with radiance in the heavens, as they sing unto thee, 0 Christ: Glory to thy might, 0 thou who lovest mankind. Many are thy mansions, 0 Saviour, meted out in inheritance unto all men according to their merits. Wherefore, 0 Bountiful One, graciouslyvouchsafe to fill the same with those who have departed this life in thy faith and fear, devoutly crying unto thee : Glory to thy might, 0 thou who lovest mankind. Glory . . . As a man like unto us hast thou revealed thyself, 0 Immortal One; and like unto all men hast thou suffered death, and hast shown us the way of life. Unto him (her, them) who hath (have) departed this life grant remission of his (her, t/.ir) sins : forasmuch as thou lovest mankind, and as Master supreme bestowest gifts and givest participation in the light. Now, and ever, . : . Thou art the boast of the faithful, 0 Unwedded One; thou art the Intercessor, and the Refuge of Christians, a Wall of defence and a Stronghold. Thou bearest petitions to thy Son, 0 all-undefiled One, and savest from adversity those who, with faith and love, acknowledge thee to be the pure Hirth-giver of God. Entreat thou now the Same that unto this person (thesepersons) he will grant rest with the Saints.
Canticle K

Theme-Song. Why hast thou cast me away from thy countenance, 0 Light which knowest no setting, and why hath strange darkness covered me? Hut turn thou me, and guide my paths in the light of thy commandments, I beseech thee. Hymns. Mercifully grant thy glory ineffable, and thy blessedness which words cannot express, in the mansions of the Saints, where fair is the voice of those who keep high festival, unto him (her, t h ) who



hath (have) departed hence; recompensing him (her, them) unto the life that knoweth no passion, 0 thou who alone lovest mankind. Where the Angelic hosts, where the assembly of the Righteous rejoice, in the bosom of Abraham, grant an abode to thy servant(s), 0 Saviour; and graciously vouchsafe that with boldness he (she, thcy) may stand before thy throne dread and divine, 0 Compassionate One. Glory . . . As purification and righteousness and deliverance hast thou revealed thyself unto us; and by thy wounds hast thou healed our infirmities. Wherefore, 0 Bountiful One, forasmuch as thou art gracious, establish in the delights of Paradise him (her, t/wse) who hath (have) departed hence. Now, and ever, . . . Mercifully, 0 Merciful One, didst thou accept the stature of mankind ; and having endued flesh in a Virgin's womb, inspired by the word, and having thereby overthrown Death, thou givest life unto the faithful. Wherefore, through the intercessions of her who bare thee, grant thou rest with the Saints unto him (her, those) who hath (have) fallen asleep. Canticle VI. Thme-Son Purge me, 0 Saviour, for mine iniquities are manifold; and lead me f r t h from the abyss of evil, I beseech thee: For I have cried unto thee. And hear me, 0 God of my salvation. Thy Martyrs, 0 Christ, endured many pains, being wounded in soul by the love of thee, 0 .Holy One, and desiring thy glory everlasting, and thy sweet communion. Wherefore, through their pra ers, grant repose unto the soul(s) of him (her, them) who bath (havc) allen asleep. Thou didst rend the belly of the enemy by death, 0 Saviour, and didst raise again all those who were held captive therein, bestowing life upon them. Grant the same also unto him (her, t h ) who is (are) gone from us, 0 Beneficent One. Glory . . . From the tears and the sighing which are in Hell deliver thy ser0 Saviour : For thou alone art of tender mercy, and hast wiped vant(~), away all tears from the faces of all those who, with faith, do bless thee. Now, and ever, . . H e who is the Creator of all Nature doth beget in thy womb: he who is full, in that he is God, doth empty himself, 0 all-undefiled One. The Only Immortal One dieth the death for the salvation of all men, and giveth life unto those who die in the faith.

T b n Ike Deacon saith the Litany : A ~ a i nyet , wain, . . . (Seepage 441.) M'rhile /Re Priest saith, secretly, the Prayer: 0 Cod of spirits, . . . (seepage 439) ; and t h FzYth Pn2st saith. aloud, the ExcZamntiou : For thou art the Kesurrectlon, . . or the Exclamaliou for Ortkoabx Warrzb-J. (Seepage 439)



Thc Collect-Hymn (KonciaR).

With the Saints give rest, 0 Christ, to the soul(s), of thy servant(s), where there is neither sickness, nor sorrow, nor sighing, but life everlasting. T X e 1,605. Thou only art immortal, who hast created and fashioned man. For out of the earth were we mortals made, and unto the earth shall we return again, as thou didst command when thou madest me, saying unto me : For earth thou art, and unto the earth shalt thou return. Whither also all we mortals wend our way, making of our funeral dirge the song: Alleluia. Canticle Vl/. Theme-Song. The Hebrew Children in the furnace trod boldly upon the flames, and the fire was transmuted into dew as they sang: Blessed art thou, 0 Lord God, forevermore. Hymns. All the desire of the Martyrs reached out unto the only Lord, in love united unto him, and singing : Blessed art thou, 0 Lord God, forevermore. 0 thou who givest unto those who have departed this life in faith the brightness of thy kingdom divine, grant also the robe of incorruption unto those who cry aloud : Blessed art thou, 0 Lord God, forevermore. Glory . . . Fill with joy and gladness thy servant(s) whom thou hast taken from life, 0 Bountiful One, who hast enabled him (her, them) to call upon thee, and to sing : Blessed art thou, 0 Lord God, forevermore. Now, and ever, . . . Annulling the curse of Eve, thou didst take up thine abode in a Virgin undefiled, pouring forth a fountain of blessing upon those who cry aloud: Blessed, 0 most holy One, is the fruit of thy womb. Canticle VZII. Theme-Song. The Three Children obeyed not when the instruments of music sounded in harmony, and thousands numberless of people bowed down before the image on Dura's plain ; but praised and magnified the Lord unto all the ages. Hymns. The Martyrs true, having passed through earthly feats of might and received heavenly crowns, cry aloud unto thee unceasingly: Praise ye the Lord, and magnify him unto all the ages. When thou hadst descended into the nethermost pit, thou didst raise again, through thy life-giving palm, those who abode in the grave. Grant rest, also, by the same, we beseech thee, unto thy servant(s) who before us hath (have) fallen asleep in the faith, 0 Bountiful One. Let us praise the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, the Lord Forasmuch as thou art the Fountain of Life everflowing and a stream of sweetest pleasures, grant that thy servant(s) who hath (have) been



translated to thy presence may devoutly praise and magnify thee unto all the ages. Now, and ever, . . . 0 Mary, Virgin, Birth-giver of God, who didst bear God the Saviour, as man, in the flesh: Save thou those who, with faith, do laud thy birth-giving, and extol thee throughout all the ages. Cantick IX. Thme-Son Every ear hath been amazed at the unutterable condescension o God; for of his own good will, the Most High hath condescended even unto the flesh, becoming man by a Virgin's womb. For which cause we faithful do extol the most holy Birth-giver of God. Hymns. The Martyrs of Christ, having a stronghold impregnable and invincible, brought to naught the godless commands of their tormentors; and while yet in the flesh were visibly granted the kingdom of heaven, being illumined by the beams of the Trinity who is all-worthy of praise. Hell the bitter was destroyed when thou didst destroy it, 0 Thou who lovest mankind ; forasmuch as thou didst die, and didst raise from the dead those who, throughout all the ages, had lain asleep therein. But do thou now, also, mercifully grant unto him (her, them) who is (are) come unto thee, in that thou art gracious, thy light which knoweth no setting, 0 Tenderly-loving One. Glory . . . Thou art all sweetness, 0 Saviour; thou art all desire and love, in very truth inexhaustible ; thou art all goodness unspeakable. Wherefore deign thou to admit him (her, t/rose) who hath (have) now appeared before thee to delight in thy beauty ; and grant thou unto him (her, them) thy goodness divine. Now, and ever, . . . Save me, 0 Mother of God, who hast borne Christ my Saviour, both God and man, two in nature but not in essence, the Only-begotten of the Father and of thee, the First-born of all created beings. And forasmuch as thou art the Mother who loveth mankind, entreat thou him that he will grant unto him (her, them) who hath (have) departed this life repose with his Saints.

And after the Ninth Canticle the Priest saith :

T h e Birth-giver of God and Mother of the world let us magnify in song. Choir. The spirits and souls of the righteous bless thee, 0 Lord.
Andthe Theme-Song: Every ear hath been amazed,. . . 0 Holy God, Holy Mighty, . . . and the rest. (Seefiagc 437.) Exclamation. The Priest. For thine is the kingdom, . . . Then the Hymns, in Tone IV:

With the souls of the righteous dead, give rest, 0 Saviour, to the



soul(s) of thy servant(s), preserving it (them) unto the life of blessedness which is with thee, 0 thou who lovest mankind. In the place of thy rest, 0 Lord, where all thy Saints repose, give rest also unto the soul(s) of thy servant(s); for thou only lovest mankind. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Thou art the God who descended into Hell, and loosed t h e bonds of the captives : Do thou give rest also to the soul(s) of thy servant(s). Now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Hymn to the Birth-~iiver o f God. 0 Virgin alone Pure and Undefiled, who without seed didst bring forth God, pray thou that his (her) soul (their souls) may be saved.
Then the Litany.

Have mercy upon us, 0 God, according to thy great mercy, we beseech thee : hearken, and have mercy. Choir. Lord, have mercy. ( Thrice.) Again we pray for the repose of the soul of N. ( N N ) ,the servant(s) of God, de arted this life, and that he (she, they) ma be pardoned all his (her, theiry sins, both voluntary a d involuntary. That the Lord God will establish his (her) soul (their souls) where the Just repose. I$ T h e mercies of God, the kingdom of heaven, and remission of his (her, their) sins, let us ask of Christ, our King immortal and our God. Choir. Grant it, 0 Lord. , And the Priest saith, aloud, the Prayer: 0 God of spirits, . . . (Seep a p 439.) And t k Senior Priest maketh lhe Exclamation : For thou art the Resurrection, and the L i e ,. . . (Scc#age 439.)

A Priest or the Deacon sailh : Wisdom I

Choir. More honourable than the Cherubim, and beyond compare more glorious than the Seraphim, thou who without defilement barest God the Word, true Birth-giver of God, we magnify thee. Senior Prirst. Glory to thee, 0 Christ-God, our hope ; glory t o thee. Choir. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Lord, have mercy. (Thrice.) Bless.

Priest. May he who rose again from the dead, Christ our true God, through the prayers of his all-pure Mother ; of the holy, glorious and all-laudable Apostles ; of our holy and God-bearing fathers, and of a11 the Saints, establish in the mansions of the righteous the soul(s) of his servant(s), N. (NN.),who hath ( h u e ) been taken from us (or for the souls of his servants, the Orthodox Warriors who have fallen asleep and of all those who have laid down their life in battle for the Faith and the Fatherland) ; give him (her, them) rest in Abraham's bosom, and



number him (her, them) with the Just ;and have mercy upon us, in that he is good and loveth mankind.
And after the Benediction the Deacon proclairneth :

Give rest eternal in blessed falling asleep, 0 Lord, to the soul(s) of thy servant(s) N. (NN.), departed this life (or of his servants, the Orthodox Warriors who have fallen asleep, and of all those who have laid down their life for the Faith and the Fatherland) ; and make his (her, their) memory to be eternal.
And the Choir singcfh :

Memory Eternal ! ( Thrice.)

A n d when there is no Deacon, the Choir szageth :

To N . (NN.), the sewant(s) of God, Memory eternal !


Canticle I., Tone V i I i .

Theme-Song (Imds). When Israel had passed through the water as it had been dry land, and had escaped from the malice of the Egyptians, they cried: Let us sing raises unto our deliverer and our God. Verse (Stikh) : Give rest, 0 Lord, to the souls of thy servants who have fallen asleep. Hymns. Having opened my.mouth, 0 Saviour, give me speech to pray, 0 Compassionate One, for those who have wrought valiant deeds of the Faith and the Fatherland ; and give rest to their souls, 0 Master. Do thou who wast dead in the flesh, 0 Saviour, and wast laid in the grave with the dead, give rest unto the souls of thy servants in a place of verdure; forasmuch as thou art compassionate. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Receive thou the voice of our supplication, 0 Triune God, and e s t a b lish thou the souls of thy servants in Abraham's bosom, 0 Redeemer. Now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. HYMN TO THE BIRTHGIVER OF GOD (Bogordditchcn). 0 most holy Birth-giver of God, who didst give birth after that thou hadst conceived without having known man, entreat thou thy Son that he will grant rest unto thy servants ever worthy of remembrance.
Canticle I / / .

Thema-Song. 0 Master and Creator of the vault of heaven, and Founder of the Church, establish thou me in thy love, 0 thou who alone lovest mankind; the Summit of desire, the Confirmation of the faithful. Hymws. In a place of verdure, a place of repose, where the company of the Saints rejoice, give rest, 0 Christ, to the souls of thy servants



who have valiantly wrought for the Holy Church and their Fatherland, 0 only Merciful One. Where the company of the Saints abide, 0 Master, establish thou those who have served thee for thy Holy Church with all their hearts, and have borne thy yoke upon their shoulders: For thou alone art Lord over life and death. Glory . . . 0 heavenly Father Almighty, and Only-begotten Son, and Holy Spirit issuing forth : Regard thou not the transgressions of these dead, but establish them as first-fruits in thy Church ; that they may glorify thee, together with all those who are acceptable in thy sight.' Now, and ever, . . . Forasmuch as thou art the Holy Mother of the Most Holy God, the Lady of all, Mary the Bearer of the Lord, pray thou unto him, together with all the Saints, that he will give rest in heavenly mansions unto the souls of thy servants.
Theme-Song: 0 Master and Creator, . . . , the Litany (seepage MI), with the Prayer and Exclamation. (Seepage 4 39.) Canticle Z V:

Thetrte-Song. I have heard the mystery of thy providence, 0 Lord ; I have understood thy deeds, and have magnified thy Godhead.
Hymns. When thou hadst descended into the nethermost depths,

0 Christ, thou didst raise up again with thee all those who were dead. Give rest, also, 0 Saviour, to those who have been translated from
among us, forasmuch as thou art bountiful. There is none without sin, save only thee, 0 Master. Wherefore pardon thou the sins of those who have suffered for thy Holy Church and the Fatherland ; and establish the same in Paradise. Glory . . . Give ear, 0 holy Trinity, to the voices of supplication which are offered unto thee in the Church for those who have perished in battle for the sake of thy Holy Church. And illumine, with thy divinely sovereign light, their souls which have been darkened by affection for earthly vanities. Now, and ever, . . . Without seed of man thou didst give birth, 0 Virgin most pure, unto him who, both perfect God and perfect man, doth take away our sins. Intercede thou with him, 0 Lady, that unto thy servants who have suffered death he will give rest.
Carrticle V;

Theme-Song. Enlighten us with thy precepts, 0 Lord, and with thy lofty arm give us thy peace, 0 Merciful One. Hymns. 0 Christ our God, who hast power over life and death, grant rest unto those who have been translated from among us: F o r thou art the Saviour, and the Rest, and the Life of all men.



Upon thee, 0 Saviour, did they set their hope who have suffered for t h y Holy Church and the Fatherland, and now have departed from us. Be thou bountiful unto them, 0 Lord, forasmuch as thou art a very merciful God. Glory . . . Illumine thou, 0 thrice-holy and praised Lord, us who entreat thee that we may receive thy heavenly peace. And establish thou in the abodes of peace the souls of those who have departed from things temporal in the hope of life eternal. Now, and ever, . . . Entreat thou thy Son, 0 Lady, that he will deliver the dead from condemnation to stand at his left hand: For thou art the Mother of our Saviour and our God.
Canficfe VI.

Theme-Song. I will pour out my petition unto the Lord, and unto him will I confide my grief. For my soul is filled with sorrow, and my life hath drawn nigh unto Hell ; and like unto Jonah will I pray : Lead thou me forth from corruption, 0 God. Hymns. Thou didst overthrow Hell, 0 Lord; thou didst raise up those who lay dead from all the ages. Those who have died for thy Holy Church establish thou in Abraham's bosom, 0 Lord, remitting all their transgressions ; forasmuch as thou art of tender compassion. If we have sinned, 0 God, against the commandment which thou gavest us, and have become subject unto death, nevertheless do thou, the God who didst descend into the grave, and hast raised up thence the souls of all the ages, revive us not unto torment, but unto rest, 0 Lord. Those who have died for thy Holy Church and the Fatherland cry unto thee through us, 0 thou who art full of mercy. Glory . . . W e entreat thee, 0 Father, who art from everlasting, and 0 Son and 0 Holy Spirit, reject thou not into the abyss of Hell the souls of those who were infected by the plague of the soul-attainting world, and now are come unto thee, the Creator, 0 God our Saviour. Now, and ever, . . . From heaven did Christ our God descend upon thee, 0 most Pure One, like the dew upon the fleece, slaking the thirst of all the world, and drying up every godless water-spring, and flooding the whole earth with his wisdom, 0 Ever-virgin One. Entreat thou him that unto the souls of thy servants who have suffered death he will give rest. ?%erne-Song. I will pour out my petition . . . ,the Litany (seepage 441), with tkc
Prayer and Exclamafion. (See#age 439.) Tkc CoZCccf-Hymn(KodRX i i Tone VIII.

With the Saints give rest, 0 Christ, to the soul(s) bf thy servant(s), where there is neither sickness, nor sorrow, nor sighing, but life everlasting.

45 2


Thou only art immortal, who hast created and fashioned man. For out of the earth were we mortals made, and unto the earth shall we return again, as thou didst command when thou madest us, saying unto me: For earth thou art, and unto earth shalt thou return. Whither, also, all we mortals wend our way, making of our funeral dirge the song: Alleluia. Canficlc VZL Theme-Song. The Holy Children, sprung from the Jews of in Babylon, through the faith of the Trinity did trample under oot the fiery furnace, singing : 0 God of our fathers, blessed art thou. Hymns. 0 Master, Christ our God, when thou shalt come to judge the world, q a r e thou the souls of thy servants who have suffered for thy Holy Church and the Fatherland, and whom thou hast taken from us, crying : 0 God of our fathers, blessed art thou. In the pastures of Paradise, where abide the souls of the Righteous who have served thee, number thou also, with them, 0 Christ, t h e souls of thy servants who sing unto thee : 0 God of our fathers, blessed art thou. Glory . . . 0 thou who didst save the three Hebrew Children from the fire, and in Three Persons art exalted, deliver from fire eternal the dead who in faith do laud thee: 0 God of our fathers, blessed art thou. Now, and ever, . . Isaiah called thee the Sceptre, 0 most Pure One ; and Daniel, tbe Mount Uncloven; and Ezekiel, the Door whence issued forth Christ. And we also, naming thee the true Mother of God, do magnify thee. Cantick VUZ. Theme-Song. With a furnace seven times heated did the Chaldaean tormentor fiercely scorn the God-fearing Ones; but when he beheld the same saved by a better power, unto their Maker and Deliverer he cried : Ye Children, bless ; ye Priests, sing praises ; ye People, magnify forevermore. Hymns. They who have finished their course, and have fled for refuge unto thee, 0 Lord, and have suffered for thy Holy Church, now cry aloud unto thee : Pardon our iniquities, 0 Christ our God, and condemn not, when thou shalt come to judge all men, us who with faith have cried unto thee: 0 all ye works of the Lord, praise ye the Lord and magriify him forevermore. Establish thou, 0 Lord, those who have borne upon their shoulders, though it be not always, thy yoke and thy burden which are light. Yea, in the place of thy Saints, establish thou the souls of those who sing praises unto thee, 0 Christ our God : Ye Children, bless ; ye Priests, sing praises ; ye People, magnify forevermore. Let us bless the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, the Lord.




0 holy Trinity, who art from everlasting, God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, in the company of the blessed number thou the souls of thy servants who have suffered ; and deliver them from fire eternal, that they may laud thee, and sing praises unto thee forever. Ye ChiE dren, bless ; ye Priests, sing praises ; ye People, magnify forevermore. Now, and ever, . . . The company of the prophets foretold thee, 0 Virgin : for beholding thee with vision perspicacious, one called thee the Sceptre ; another, the Door of the East; another, the Mount Uncloven of Man. And we, also, confess thee to be the true Mother of the Lord, who hast borne the God of all men. Beseech thou him that unto those who have suffered in all the ages he will give rest.
Canticle ZX.

T h e - S o n g . The heavens marvelled thereat, and the ends of the earth were amazed, when God manifested to men himself incarnate; and thy womb was more spacious than the heavens. For which cause the chieftains of Angels and of men do magnify thee, 0 Birth-giver of God. Hymns. 0 Jesus, God and Saviour, thou didst take upon thee Adam's sin, and didst taste of death, that thou mightest deliver men therefrom, 0 Compassionate One. For which cause we beseech thee, 0 Merciful One : In the courts of thy Saints give rest unto those who have suffered, in that thou art good : For thou only art good, and lovest mankind. There is none among men who sinneth not, 0 Compassionate One, save only thee, 0 Jesus Christ, who takest away the sins of the whole world. Wherefore, after that thou hast purged thy servants from their iniquities, establish thou them in the courts of thy Saints: For thou art the Life, and the Rest, and the Light, and the Joy of all who are well-pleasing in thy sight. Glory . . . All mortal nature marvelled thereat, that thou, the Only-begotten Son of the Father who is from everlasting, from a Virgin, through the operation of the Holy Spirit didst take flesh, and as man didst suffer, and didst give life unto those who were dead. Wherefore, we fervently entreat thee, forasmuch as thou art good : In the land of the living establish thou those who have suffered for thy Holy Church and the Fatherland. Now, and ever, . . . W e call thee the Bride of the Father Invisible, 0 most Pure One, and Mother of the Son who by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of thee: And we offer unto thee our supplications OI? behalf of those who have suffered for the Church of thy Son, and for their Fatherland. For in thee we, who are of the earth, have a Mediatrix, and singing with love thy praises, we magnify thee.


The power of p a n t i n absolufwn to snch persons, and of nrritin them to the Church, proper& r/y~olveth o o r a B i d @ . Nevertkless, that conuerlr fo Orthorioxy may not be fet@ted to return to their heresy by reason of &lny,it is wiser and more expedient that the Bishoj'should delegate his $ewer, a n d p r r t his blessing therewith, to a Priest well versed in divine lore, and who is competent to instruct such a person in the articles of' the Orthoriox faith, and to correct his erroneous o inions. Therefore,first of all, t e penitent shall be examined with due canfion (tit& by the Bishop or by the person to whom he hafh &legated his aufhorily) as to the partir.ulars of his errors. Then must he be convinced of them. Thereafter, k shall be insttarcted i n the dbclrine of the Orthodox faith, andconf i m e d therein. And when the aflointedexamitration and insttarctwn have been compleCcd, w i i k all precaution shall the Bishop require from the penitent the con fesswn of dl his sins, which he can recall, from his youth up. Andthc BisRqP shall not immediately fhcreaftcr rant Aim absokfion; but afLrr the con ession and erhortatzhn. he shrN yo witRbim into the Church, and s h / i place irn before the chrrrck h r s , i n the church porch. A n d the Bishop, vested in his priestly stole and pall (ornofir) and mitre, and having in his left hand his pastoral s t a s shall take his seat upon his t b o m (but i;f a Pricst h o l h power to this end from the Bisk@ oflciatc, he shah' be vested in his priest$ stole and chasuble, and shall stand), at the door of the Church. And z;f the convert cometh to the Orthodox Faifhlrom the Roman-Latin Colfessiotz (or from a Protestant Confession), the Birhoj shall qncstwn him, cud shall say :


Wilt thou renounce the errors and false doctrines of the Roman-Latin (or Armenian, or Lutheran, or Reformed) Confession ? And he shall refly : I will.
Then the Bishop &mun&th of him,from whutmer tonfcssion he may comer

Dost thou desire to enter into the communion of the OrthodoxCatholic Faith ? Answer. I do.
Then the Bishop, rising, srgncth Aim with his r&ht hand, i n thr fornr o f a cross, saying :

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

* The Office for the Reception of Jews, Saracens and Heathens will be found on page&.


And laying his hand upon the k w e d head of t k convert, k shall re& f o l h i n g Prayer : T h e Deacon s a i t h : Let us pray to the Lord. T h Choir. Lord, have mercy.



I n thy Name, 0 Lord God of truth, and of thine Only-begotten Son, and of thy Holy Spirit, look upon thy servant, N., whom thou hast graciously enabled to have recourse unto thy Holy Orthodox Church, and to take refuge under the shadow of her wings. Remove far from him ( h r ) his (her) former errors, and fill him (her) with the true faith, and hope, and love which are in thee. Enable him (her) to walk in all thy commandments, and to fulfil those things which are well-pleasing unto thee; for if a man do these things, he shall also find life in them. Inscribe him ( h e r ) in thy Book of Life, and unite him (her) to the flock of thine inheritance: and may thy Name be glorified in him (her), together with that of thy beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, and of thy Life-giving Spirit. L a thine eyes ever look upon him (her) with mercy, and let thine ears alway receive the voice of his (her) supplication. Make him ( h r r ) to rejoice in the work of his ( h ~ rhands, ) and in all his (her) generation, that he (she) may render praise unto thee, may sing, worship and glorify thy great and exalted Name, and magnify thee alway, all the days of his ( h e r ) life. Exclamation. For all the Powers of heaven sing praises unto thee, a ~ thine d is the glory, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto'ages of ages. Amen.
Aftm U e Prayer, the Bfihoj (or Prirst) shall say to the convert :

Wherefore renounce now, with all thy heart, thine errors, and false doctrines, and mistakes of judgment, and confess the Orthodox-Catholic Faith.
And the B i s b j qnestioneth the convert from the Roman-Latin Confession.

Dost thou renounce the false doctrine that, for the expression of the dogma touching the Procession of the Holy Spirit, the declaration of our Saviour Christ himself: "who proceedeth from the Father " : doth not suffice ; and that the addition, of man's invention : " and from the Son" : is required ? Answer. I do.

head of Christ's Body, that A n s w ~ r . I do. Bishop. Dost thou renounce the erroneous belief that the holy Apostles did not receive from our Lord equal spiritual power, but that the holy Apostle Peter was their Prince: And that the Bishop of Rome alone is his successor : And that the Bishops of Jerusalem,



Alexandria, Antioch and others are not, equally with the Bishop of Rome, successors of the Apostles ? A~tswer.I do. Bishop. Dost thou renounce the erroneous belief of those who think that the Pope of Rome is superior to the CEcumenical Councils, and infallible in faith, notwithstanding the fact that several of the Popes have been heretics, and condemned as such by the Councils ? Answer. I do. Bishop. Dost thou renounce all the other doctrines of the Weste m Confession, both old and new, which are contrary to the Word of God, and to the true tradition of the Church, and to the decrees of the seven (Ecumenical Councils ? Answer. I do. The convert from the Armenian Confesrion is questioned as foffows b y the Bxihoj : l

Dost thou renounce the erroneous belief that in our Lord Jesus Christ there are not two natures, Divine and human, but one only; the human nature being swallowed up by the Divine ? Answer. I do. 9
The Bishop qucstioneth the convertfrom the Lutheran Confessahon thus :

11 7

Dost thou renounce the false doctrine that, for the expression of the dogma touching the Procession of the Holy Ghost the declaration of our Saviour Christ himself: "who proceedeth from the Father" : doth not suffice ; and that the addition, of man's invention : "and from the Son " : is required ? Amwer. I do. BisAop. Dost thou renounce the erroneous belief that in the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist the bread is not transmuted into the Body of Christ, and doth not become the Body of Christ ; and b that the wine is not transmuted into the Blood of Christ, and doth $ not become the Blood of Christ ; but that the presence of Christ's Body only for a short time doth touch the bread, which remaineth simple bread ? Answn: I do. Bishop. Dost thou renounce the erroneous belief of the teachers who do not accept as Sacraments Chrismation, Marriage, Anointing with Oil, and the Priesthood itself, and presume t o administer Baptism and the Eucharist, never having received. through the laying-on of hands by a Bishop, that Ordination which hath been transmitted from one to another, even from the holy Apostles ? Atuwm. I do. Bishop. Dost thou renounce the erroneous belief of the teachers




who receive not the traditions of the Holy Church, reverence not the Saints, and deprive the dead of spiritual aid and the living of a spiritual consolation, in that they reject prayers for the dead? Answer. I do. 3

The wise :

qucstioncth the convert from the Reformed Confessssio a f b thz3

Dost thou renounce the false doctrine that, for the expression of the Holy Spirit, the declarathe dogma touching the Procession tion of our Saviour Christ himself? " who proceedeth from the Father :" doth not suffice; and that the addition, of man's invention : "and from the Son " : is required ? A~zswtr. I do. Bishop. Dost thou renounce the false doctrine, that the predestination of men to their salvation, or their rejection, is not in accordance with the Divine foreknowledge of the faith and good works of the former, or of the unbelief and evil deeds of the latter; but in accordance with some arbitrary destiny, by reason of which faith and virtue are robbed of their merit, and God is held accountable for the perdition of sinners ? k Answer. I do. $ B k w . Dost thou renounce the erroneous belief that in the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist the bread and wine are not trans- a muted into the Hody and Blood of Christ, and are merely emblems fL of the Body and Blood of Christ? Auswer. I do. Bkhop. Dost thou renounce the erroneous belief of the Reformed teachers, who reject five Sacraments : Chrismation, Confession, Marriage, Anointing with Oil, and the Priesthood itself; and presume to administer Baptism and the Eucharist, never bavingreceived, through the laying-on of hands by a Bishop, that Ordination which hath been transmitted from one to another, even from the holy Apostles? Answer. I do. Bishop. Dost thou renounce the erroneous belief of the Reformed teachers who receive not the traditions of the Holy Church, reverence not the Saints, and deprive the dead of spiritual aid, and the living of consolation, in that they reject prayers for the dead? A~~swer. I do. -

And after tikcst special uesfions,a pointed for the convcrts from dyercnt Confessions, the Bubo# s h l l # r o c ~ e with the cutechising which i s common to all, and shall ask :

Birhop. Hast thou renounced all ancient and modern heresies and false doctrines which ate contrary to the teachings of the Holy Orthodox-Catholic Eastern Church ? Answer. I have.



Bishop. Dost thou desire to be united unto the Holy OrthodoxCatholic Eastern Church ? Answcr. I desire it with all my heart. Bishof. Dost thou believe in one God, who is adored in the holy Trinity, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit : and dost thou worship him as thy King and thy God ? Airswer. I believe in one God who is glorified and adored in the Trinity, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; and I worship him as my King and my God.
T h m he makcth one lowly r/erence, Kneeling and bowing his had to the ear* and recitefh the Creed.

I believe in one God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, And of all things visible and invisible: And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, Begotten of his Father before all worlds ; Light of Light, Very God of very God, Begotten, not made ; Being of one Essence with the Father ; By whom all things were made ; Who, for us men, and for our salvation, came down from heaven, And was incarnate by the Holy Ghost of the Virgin Mary, And was made man. And was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate, and suffered and was buried. And the third day he rose again, according to the Scriptures. And ascended into heaven, And sitteth on the right hand of the Father. And he shall come again with glory to judge both the quick and the dead ; Whose kingdom shall have no end. And in the Holy Ghost, the Lord and Giver of Life, Who proceedeth from the Father, Who with the Father and the Son together is worshipped and glorified, Who spake by the Prophets. In one Holy C a t h ~ lic and Apostolic Church. I acknowledge one Baptism for t h e remission of sins. And I look for the Resurrection of the dead, And the Life of the world to come. Amen. Bis/rop. Blessed is God, who enlighteneth every man that cometh into the world.
And again the B i s w saifh :

Dost thou accept the Apostolical and ~cclesiasticalcanons framed and established at the Seven Holy Universal and Provincial Councils, and the other traditions and ordinances of the Orthodox Church ? Aizswer. I do. Bishop. Dost thou acknowledge that the Holy Scriptures must be accepted and interpreted in accordance with the belief which hath been handed down by the Holy Fathers, and which the Holy Ortho-

Or tkc Biskoj (or Prirst) may, a t rtir discretion, use the Skoricr O@cc, as fotio'tv~th :

Tell us of the other dogmas of our Orthodox Church, its traditions and ordinances ; how thou holdest concerning them ?
A n d kc rcplieih :

I accept and confess the Apostolic and Ecclesiastical Canons, established at the Seven Holy (Ecumenical and Provincial Couociis, and the other traditions of the Holy Orthodox-Catholic Apostolic



dox Church, our Mother, hath always held and still doth hold ? Amwer. I do. Ris/~op.Dost thou believe and confess that there are seven Sacraments of the New Testament, to wit : Baptism, Chrismation, the Eucharist, Confession, the Priesthood, Marriage, and Anointing with Oil, instituted by Jesus Christ and his Church, to the end that, through their operation and recep tion, we may obtain blessings from on high ? Answer. I believeand confess it. Btshop. Dost thou believe and confess that in the Divine Liturgy, under the mystical forms of the holy bread and wine, the faithful partake of the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, unto the remission of sins, and unto life eternal ? Anrwer. I believe and confess it. Bishop. Dost thou believe and confess that it is proper to reverence and invoke the Saints who reign on high with Christ, according to the interpretation of the Holy Orthodox Church ; and that their prayers and intercessions before God avail with the beneficent God unto our salvation : and that it is well-pleasing in the sight of God that we shodd do homage to their relics, glorified through incorruption, as precious memorials of their virtue ? Answer. I believe and confess it. Bishop. Dost thou confess that the images of our Saviour Christ ; and of the Ever-virgin Mother of God, and of the other Saints are worthy of being owned, held and honoured ; not unto idolatry, but that, through contemplation there-

Church of the East, its rules and ordinances ; and I likewise will accept and understand Holy Scrip ture in accordance with the interpretation which the Holy OrthodoxCatholic Church of the East, our Mother, hath held, and doth hold. I believe and confess that there are Seven Sacraments of the New Testament, to wit : Baptism, Chrismation, the Eucharist, Confession, the Priesthood, Marriage, and Anointing with Oil, instituted by Jesus Christ and his Church, to the end that, through their operation and reception, we may receive blessings from on high. I believe and confess that, in the Divine Liturgy, under the mystical forms of bread and wine, the faithful partake of the holy Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, unto the remission of their sins, and unto life eternal. I believe and confess that it is proper to reverence and invoke the Saints who reign on high with Christ, according to the interpretation of the Holy Orthodox-Catholic Church of the East ; and that their prayers and intercessions avail with the beneficent God unto our salvqtion : Likewise that it is wellpleasing in the sight of God that we should do homage to their relics, glorified through incorrup tion, as the precious memorials of their virtues. I acknowledge that the images of our Saviour Christ, and of the Ever-virgin Mother of God, and of other Saints are worthy to be owned and honoured ; not unto idolatry. but that, through contemplation thereof, we may be incited unto piety, and unto emula-



of, we may be incited unto piety, tion of the righteous deeds repreand unto emulation of the righteous sented by those images. I confess that the prayers of the deeds represented by these images ? Answer. I do. faithful, which are offered up to Bishop. Dost thou confess that God for the salvation of those who the prayers of the faithful which have departed this life in the faith, are offered up to God, and more are favourably received, through especially when accompanied by the mercy of God. I believe and confess that power the oblation of the unbloody sacrifice, for the salvation of those hath been given by our Saviour who have departed this life in Christ unto the Holy Orthodoxthe faith, are favourably received, Catholic Church, to bind and to through the mercy of God ? loose: and that whatsoever, by virtue of that power, is bound or Answer. I do. Bishop. Dost thou believe and loosed on earth will be bound or confess that power hath been given loosed in heaven. by our Saviour Christ unto the I believe and confess that the Orthodox-Catholic Church to bind Foundation, Head, and Great High and to loose: and that whatsoever, Priest and Chief Shepherd of the by virtue of that power, is bound Holy Orthodox-Catholic Church or loosed on earth will be bound is our Lord Jesus Christ : and that or loosed in heaven ? Bishops, Pastors and Teachers are Answer. I believeandconfessit. appointed by him to rule the Bishop. Dost thou believe and Church : and that the Guide and confess that the Foundation, Head, Pilot of that Church is the Holy and Great High Priest and Chief Spirit. Shepherd of the Holy OrthodoxI confess that this Church is the Catholic Church is our Lord Jesus Bride of Christ, and that therein Christ ; and that Bishops, Pastors is true salvation. I promise true obedience, unto and Teachers are appointed by him to rule the Church ; and that the my life's end, to the Most Holy Guide and Pilot of that Church is Governing Synod of All the Rusthe Holy Spirit? sias (if it be in a Diocese, frlvn tkr Answer. I believe and confess Bishop of t h t Diocese is named), that this Church is the Bride of as the true Pastor of the Russian Christ, and that therein is true Church, and to the Priests a p salvation, which was in the Ark of pointed by them. Noah at the Flood. ' Bishrp. Dost thou promise true obedience, unto th life's end, in guidance which is salutary unto the soul, to the Most oly Governing Synod of All the Russias ; to the Most Holy Patriarch, the Equal-of-the-Apostles (or to the Ecclesiastical Authorities of the Autocephalous Provincial Church); and to the Bishop of this Diocese, as the true Pastors appointed by the Holy Spirit ; and to the Priests ordained by them ? Answer. I promise it, with heart unfeigned.



TAcn flu Bish gr'vcth Aim fkc end of his pall (omo dr) (r a Prirst oJicMtc, he giveth him t c end of his priestly stole (epitrakhi ) m rs n k h t h a d , saying:

n f - r'

Enter thou into the Orthodox Church ; and cast away all the errors and false doctrines wherein thou hast dwelt: and honour the Lord God, the Father Almighty, and his Only-begotten Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, one true and living God, the holy Trinity, one in Essence and indivisible.
A n d h a 7 h thus s$o&en. he leadetk the convert into the Church, holding the end oftke$a% (or of the priest& stole), and plnccth kim in ront o the tn'bune, where, upon a table, i r laid the book of ike HoZy Goslp$: andwkcn he bath faken kisplare, the convert immediately looseth the end of the Pall from his Aand. A n d as they cntrr the Church, the Rcadcr shall read:

PSALM LXVII. God be merciful unto us, and bless us, and show us the light of his countenance, and be merciful unto us; that thy way may be known upon earth, thy saving health among all nations. Let the people praise thee, 0 God; yea, let all the people praise thee. 0 let the nations rejoice and be glad ; for thou shalt judge the folk righteously, and govem the nations upon earth. Let the people praise thee, 0 God ;yea, let all the people praise thee. Then shall the earth bring forth her increase; and God, even our own God, shall give us his blessing. God shall bless us ; and all the ends of the world shall fear him.
A n d w k n the Psalm is nisked, the B i s w commandti the convcrf lo k c Z doylll &fore the Holy osjels. A n d when kc kafk done this, the Bisllop reciteth the following V m s :

Send thy Holy Spirit, and they shall be created ;.and renew the face of the earth. Turn again, 0 Lord, how long? And be entreated for thy servant. T h e crooked places shall be made straight, and the rough ways plain. 0 Lord my God, save thy servant, who putteth his trust in thee. Be thou unto him, 0 Lord, a pillar of strength against the face of t h e enemy. Let the enemy in nowise prevail against him, and let not the son of iniquity go about to offend him. Hear my prayer, 0 Lord, and let the voice of my cry come unto thee.
Then immediately the Deacon shall say :

Let us pray to the Lord. Choir. Lord, have mercy.

A n d thc Bisllop, with aZl clivonfncsr,shall re& thefollolving Prayer :

0 Lord God Almighty, who alone art holy, and restest in the Saints ;
who, because of thy great and incalculable love toward mankind, dost alwayoffer unto them that have sinned divers manners of repentance,and dost show unto them that have wandered from the truth the right path



unto knowledge of thee, the only true God, who art glorified and adored in the Trinity, that not one of them should perish, but that all may be saved, and come unto the knowledge of the truth: We thank thee, we glorify thee, and we magnify thee, for that thou hast now shed down into the heart of this, thy reasonendowed creature, N., the lixht which is unto the knowledge of thy truth; and hast graciously enabled him (her) to have recourse unto thy Holy Apostolic Orthodox-Catholic Church. Illumine his ( b r ) heart, 0 Lord, we humbly beseech thee, with the perfect light of the grace of thy Holy Spirit unto the enlightening of his (her) mind in the truth of thy Holy Gospel. Grant that he (she) may unfeignedly, irrevocably and without hypocrisy unite himself (herse(f) unto thy Holy Catholic Church, and truly accept and confess the Orthodox-Catholic faith. Number him (her)with thy chosen flock, and unite him (her) to the body of thy Holy Church. Make him (her) a vessel of honour, and the temple of thy Holy Spirit; that, being ever nourished and guided by the Same, he (she) may keep thy saving commandments ; and that doing thy gracious, acceptable and perfect will, he (she) may be counted worthy to receive thy heavenly good things, together with all those who are well-pleasing in thy sight. For thou art the God of mercy and compassion and love toward mankind, and willest that a11 men should be saved ; and unto thee do we ascribe glory, t o the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen.
And after the Prayer, the Bishop commantth him to s t u d , saying :

Rise, and stand aright : stand with fear.

And he, t-iszirg, saith :

This true faith of the Holy Orthodox-Catholic Church, which I now voluntarily confess and unfeignedly hold, I will firmly maintain and confess whole and in its fulness and integrity, until my last breath, God being my helper; and will teach it and proclaim it, so far as in m e lieth ; and will strive to fulfil its obligations cheerfully and with joy, preserving my heart in purity and virtue. And in confirmation of this, my true and sincere profession of faith, I now kiss the word of Christ m y Saviour. Amen.
Then the Bish pi/etk him the Holy Go@els and the cross to hiss And a f W ric hath kissed t em, he saiih :


Blessed is God, who willeth that all men should be saved, and should come unto the knowledge of the truth: Blessed is he foyevermore. Choir. Amen.
Then he saith to the convert :

Bow thy knees before the Lord God, whom thou hast co:qfessed, and receive remission of thy sins.



And the c o ~ v e r f &n~clethu h m and bowcfh his head, huving h L eyes cast dbwn.

Thcn fhe B i s h e (or he who Lath received fhis powerfiom him),$ronoumeth the absolution thus : (Theform of absoZvingsuch a convert from Excommrmicafion,andporn his sins, and ofjozninghim unto the Holy Catholic Church.)

Our Lord and God Jesus Christ committed unto his Apostles the keys *of the kingdom of heaven, and bestowed upod them the full power through his grace, both to bind and to loose a man from his sins upon earth : May the same, through his unspeakable mercy, pardon and absolve thee. And I, by his almighty power, given unto me, an unworthy Bishop (or Priest), through his holy Apostles and their successors, do pardon and absolve thee, my child (N.), from all thy 'sins: and do unite thee unto the assembly of the faithful, and unto the body of Christ's Church : and do communicate thee with the Divine Sacraments of the Church : In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
T h m the Bishop saith to him : Rise, brother (sister), and as a faithful servant of Jesus Christ pray

thou unto him with us, that he will vouchsafe unto thee, through anointment with the holy Chrism, to receive the grace of the Holy Spirit.
A n d rising, the convert standtth with all emotion.

When the fore oing 0 cc hath been cotrrpletea',one o tk Priests, or a Profo-Deacon the jisho# fmsey celebrate. these O8ces{takin the vessel with the holy Chrism, a n d a e o n e, and a wand, and in a srnaf! vessel, w a r a water for wetting fhes#onge, t i a t the laces anointed with the holy Chrism may be setteth them on the ta le t which Lath bee# $re$ared, njlon which, also, ww"//: the boo of the HoZy Gospels shall be laid, and fhc L i egiving Cross; and on which, also, shall bc$Iaced two Zzihtcd tapers, in can lcsficks. And when fhesc fhif1.g~ Rave been mask ready, the Bishop (or fhe Pricsf) makefk three reverences towardthe east, as do all those who are$rescn/. The Deacon saith :


Bless, Master.
Priest. Blessed is the kingdom of the Father, and of the Son, and

of the Holy Spirit. Choir. Amen.

Then shnN be sung, in Tom VZ. 0 heavenly King, the Comforter, Spirit of Truth, who art in all places and fillest all things; Treasury of good things and Giver of life: Come, and take up thine abode in us, and cleanse us from every stain ; and save our souls, 0 Good One.



And wkcn the singing is finkhta', t k Deacon str&hfway sai'rh the LITANY OF HOLY CHRISMATION.

In peace let us pray to the Lord. Choir. Lord, have mercy. For the peace that is from above, and for the salvation of our souls : & For the peace of the whole world ; for the welfare of God's holy Churches, and for the union of them all : I$ For our Holy Synod (or Patriarch); for our Bishop (or Archbishop, or Metropolitan), N. ; for the honourable Presbytery, the Diaconate in Christ ; for all the clergy and the laity : I$
X m follow #cfifionsf w the Rnler of the Land andfor all the Authurities
(Emperor, or King, and Reignin House, or President, orcording to the e l . r e n t s and matinolifzes of w h d t h Parish is rowti'Iuted).


Furthermore we pray, that through anointment with the all-holy, Y beneficent and all-perfect Chrism, divine power may be vouchsafed unto the servant of God, N., who is now united unto the Holy 2 Orthodox-Catholic Church ; unto the overcoming and the treading " down of all adverse wiles of the Devil, and of the assaults which come through the flesh and the world. & That he (she) may be a valiant and victorious soldier of Christ our God, through the power, and effectual operation, and grace, and 3 indwelling 6f the Holy Spirit : Ifi S That he (she) may remain steadfast, and strong, and immovable 3' in the Orthodox Faith, and in love and hope, through anointment p with the most holy Chrism, all the days of his ( k r ) life : & $ That grace may be granted unto him (her), through anoint- -* ment with the holy Chrism, to the end that with boldness, without fear, and unashamed, he (she) may confess the Name of Christ our 2 God before all men, and ever be ready, for his sake, lovingly to 3 suffer and to die : Ifi 2 That he (she) may increase in all virtues, and prosper in the commandments of Christ our God, through anointment with the all-holy Chrism : & That with holy fear he (she) may preserve his (her) soul in purity and truth, through anointment with the all-holy Chrism : & That he (she) may ripen unto the perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ, by the power, and effectual operation, and grace, and indwelling of the Holy Spirit : Ifi That he (she) and we, with him (her), may be delivered from all tribulation, wrath, peril and necessity : and may attain unto the unity of the faith, and unto the knowledge of the Son of God : Ifi Calling to remembrance our most holy, undefiled, most blessed and glorious Lady, the Birth-giver of God and ever-virgin Mary, with all




4 5

the Saints, let us commend ourselves, and each other, and a l l our life unto Christ our God Choir. To thee, 0 Lord. '
Priest. For unto thee are due all glory, honour and worship, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen. Deacon. Let us pray to the Lord. Choir. Lord, have mercy.
lZnr t k Prirsf recifcfhthis Prayer, aloud, with all attention :

Blessed art thou, 0 Lord God Almighty, Source of all good things, Sun of Righteousness, who sheddest forth upon them that were in darkness the light of salvation, through the manifestation of thine Only-begotten Son and our God ; and who hast given unto us, unworthy though we be, blessed purification through hallowed water, and divine sanctification through life-giving Chrismation ; who now, also, art graciously pleased to regenerate this thy servant, N., that hath newly received Illumination by water and the Holy Spirit, and grantest unto bim (her) remission of sins, whether voluntary or involuntary: Do thou, the same Master, corppassionate King of kings, grant also unto him (her)the seal of the gift of thy holy, almighty and adorable Spirit, and participation in the holy Body and precious Blood of thy Christ. Keep him (her)in thy sanctification ; confirm him ( h e )in the Orthodox faith ; deliver him (hm) from the Evil One, and from all machinations of the same. And preserve his (her) soul in purity and uprightness, through the saving fear of thee; that he (she) may please thee in every deed and word, and may be a child and heir of thy heavenly kingdom. For thou art our God, the God whose property it is to show mercy and to save ; and unto thee do we ascribe glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen.
Andaflcr fhis Prayer, fhe Priest sfrazj+way anointefh the Convert with tke holy L'kTism, nmbing fhe stin of the cross upon his brow and eyes, and nostrils and l@s, and on both cars, and bremf,and hana3 andfeet, saying :

T h e seal of the gift of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

And when fhis Lath been &nc, kc snifh tkc following Prayer:

0 Lord our God, who hast graciously vouchsafed to show this thy servant, N., perfect, through the true faith which is in thee, and through the seal of the gift of the Holy Spirit, in thy holy and most heavenly anointing : Do thou, 0 Lord of all, maintain in him (her) the true faith ; further him (ker) in righteousness and verity; and adorn him (her) with all thy gifts.



For thou art our God, and unto thee do we ascribe glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen.
Then, t o w the sponge, and dz$$ing it in the warm water, he wz$eth fhcpCarrs which have been anoilrted with the holy Chrism, saying :

Thou art justified. Thou art illumined. Thou art sanctified; in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by the Spirit,of our God. Thou hast received anointment with the holy Chrism, in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen. Priest. Peace be with you all. Choir. And with thy spirit. Deacon. Bow your heads unto the 'lord. Choir. To thee, 0 Lord.
A n d aN bow their hen&, and the Pricst reci'fefh,secretly, the following Prayer:

H e (sh)who hath put on thee, 0 Christ our God, now boweth his (her) head with us unto thee. Keep him (her)always a warrior invincible in every attack of those who assail him (her) and us : and make us all victors even unto the end, through thy crown incorruptible..

For thy property it is to show mercy and to save; and unto thee do we ascribe glory, together with thy Father who is from everlasting, and thine all-holy, and good, and life-giving Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen.
Then the Lifany.

Have mercy upon us, 0 God, according to thy great mercy, we beseech thee : hearken, and have mercy. Choir. Lord, have mercy. (Thrice.) Furthermore we pray for our most God-fearing Sovereign, qu 5 N. ; and for all the Reigning House ; and for all their Council 5.5 and Army and Navy : I$ Furthermore we pray for the Most Holy Governing Sypy nod: lj~ 9% Furthermore we pray for mercy, life, peace, health, salvation $-a5 and remission of sins of the servant of God, N., the sponsor: Iji 3' Furthermore we pray for the newly illumined servant of God, 2n N. : That he (she) may be preserved in the faith of a pure a confession, in all godliness, and in the fulfilling of the corn2 L' mandments of Christ all the days of his (her) life : I$ 9' For thou art a merciful and compassionate God, and unto thee do



we ascribe glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. C h i r . , Amen. Pviest. Glory to thee, 0 Christ-God, our hope ; glory t o thee. Choir. Glory to the Father, and t o t h e Son, and t o the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Lord, have mercy. ( Thrice.) Bless.

And the Pnest #ronomceth the Benediction. He who katk received Anointment with the holy Chrism is blessed unto the recet)tion of tkc Most Hol Sacrament of the Body a d Blood of the Lord at tke Divine L i t n r ~ .For t d s e ihings are don# d r f a r ihe Liturgy. (There are several differences in this Office, as celebrated in the Greek Church; but they are not important.)

Dz~erethfi-om that for persons who have already received holy Baplism. Afrcr the Choir bath sung PSALM XXXIV. :

I will alway give thanks unto the Lord ; his praise shall ever be in my mouth. My soul shall make her boast in the Lord ; the humble shall hear thereof, and be glad. 0 praise the Lord with me, and let u s magnify his Name together. I sought t h e Lord, and he heard m e ; yea, he delivered me out of all my fear. They had an eye unto him, and were lightened ; and their faces were not ashamed. Lo, the poor crieth, and the Lord heareth him ; yea, and saveth him out of all his troubles. T h e angel of the Lord tarrieth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them. 0 taste, and see, how gracious the Lord is : blessed is the man that trusteth in him. 0 fear the Lord, ye that are his saints ; for they that fear him lack nothing. T h e lions do lack, and suffer hunger; but they who seek the Lord shall want no manner of thing that is good. Come, ye children, and hearken unto me ; I will teach you the fear of the Lord. What man is he that lusteth t o live, and would fain see good days ? Keep thy tongue from evil, and thy lips, that they speak no guile. Eschew evil, and do good ; seek peace, and ensue it. T h e eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears a r e open unto their prayers. T h e countenance of the Lord is against them that do evil, to root out the remembrance of them from the earth. T h e righteous cry, and the Lord heareth them, and delivereth them out of all their troubles. T h e Lord is nigh unto them that are of a contrite heart, and will save such as be of an humble spirit. Great are the troubles of the righteous ; but the Lord delivereth him out of all. He keepeth all his bones, so that not one of them is broken. But misfor-



tune shall slay the ungodly ; and they that hate the righteous shall be desolate. The Lord delivereth the souls of his servants ; and a l l they that put their trust in him shall not be destitute.
T k B i s h j , or Priest, inquireth, at the &or of tk Church :

Who art thou ? Answer. I am one who desireth to know the true God, and seeketh salvation Priest. Why art thou come to the Holy Church ? Answer. That I may learn from her the true faith, and unite myself unto her. Pn'cst. What profit dost thou hope t o receive from the true faith ? A~zswer. Life eternal and blessed.
T k Catechumen is then asked io renorrnce his n r w s and confiss his belirf:

The Jew renozmceth : The blasphemies of the Jews against Jesus Christ our Saviour, his most holy Mother and his Saints ; circumcision ; the observation of Saturday, and all Jewish festivals and ceremonies ; the Rabbinical interpretation of the Scriptures contained in the Talmud and ancient and modern writings; the doctrine that the Messiah is not yet come ; and the vain expectation of his coming.
(The Jew acceptefk the bclicf: That tk FafAcr,the Son, and tke Holy S#id on one God, divi&d in three Persons, but in Essence undivuicd; that Jesus Ckrirl, the Only-be otfen Son of God, was incarnate by the Holy Spit+ of the Virgin M a y for sake of our salvation. and betame v e y man. yet remaining voy God, one in Essence, but in two Persons, divine and human ;that our Lord Jesus Christ, of his own rce will, i n very inrtk, and not in a#arorrce only, s u m e d f o r us i n thePCsii(but not in his divinify, and, having died a d bm bun'rd as man, ruse a ain by virfue of his divinify, and asccnlicd into haven in t e e s ; a the i na a s d r a i n e d truly Yir i ,andtkerr/me i r worthy 0 r r v n n c e as the c ief intercessorfor us with G%; and Uor f h Cross of C risl was the instnrment and ernblrm of our salvatian.)


The Mahorntan renounceth : T h e bhistries ; Mahomet, as being a false false legends, laws and traditions therein contained; the age to Mecca for worship, as salutary to the soul ; the of polygamy in this life, and the teaching as to sensual Paradise ; and the blasphemies which Mahometans Christ our Saviour, his most holy Mother, and
(He a c e ieth all the points sct forth or the yew, and in addition ike brliefihat the oCy Scriptures contained i n t e Old and New Tesfaments,as accepted by the Ckurch, are the Word of God, .gii~en for our sal~~ation, and were wrilten fhe holy men of God w h were illumined by thc Holy Spirit ;tkui U e 14trow, rc.qulations and prayers which have come down ronr the A#ostCu n d the holy Fathersofthe Chunk aresalutary or the s o u l a n d that the A#osth, bfurfyrs, andall tk Sainfs reve~edby fke oly Church are, a k very truth, & i d s




of Cod, abide with Christ in the ki+m of heavm, and pray for us sinners. He also flrofisseth beltif touching t h holy imagex (see page 459) required from all converts.)

The Heathen renounceth: Heathen superstitions ; the adoration of created things; the worship of material statues, and down to idols ; the offering and eating of sacrifices idolatrous priests and magicians, and their soothsaying.
(He accejteth the same as the Mahometan.) The Convert then makcth oath of allegiance.

I, N., who am come from Judaism (Mahometanism, Heathenism) to the Christian faith, to-day take my oath before omniscient God, that I
renounce the false doctrine of the Jews (Mahutnetam, Heathens), and all the heresies and calunlnies therein contained, and enter the saving faith of Christ, not because of any compulsion or fear, nor because of the oppression of m fellow-believers, and not for the sake of gain, neither by reason o any hidden guilt on my part, but solely for the salvation of my soul. Being convinced of the very truth of this faith, and drawn by the love of my heart unto Christ the Saviour, I desire to become a Christian, and that holy Baptism may be vouchsafed unto me. And if I now assert these things through hyprocrisy, and come not unto Christ my God through the desire of my heart; and if I shall hereafter dare to renounce the Christian faith, and return unto Judaism (Mahometanism, Hea.f/lenism), may the wrath of God and everlasting damnation befall me.

And a m ihis, he rstciu~th Bafltism, Chrismatwn and fk Holy Communios.

A small fable, covered with a cloth, is placed in fhe rmfre o fhe churck, a i the on his customary s of, and water thereon in a vessel. And the rirsf,jwffing n'cstl sto e and his chasuble, and holding in his hand fk$reciotu cross and a ? W ~ e r / fke h o b water, isprcccdedby the Demon with the censer,and& M fa er-bearers with faflers. Andwhen he cometh to the table, he laycth the moss f reon, and taking the cenm; he cerrscfh the water in crossfom, a d makefh the usual beginning. (See page 479: Blessed is our Cod . . to end of tAr Lord's Prayer.) Andaflar the Pricft hafh#ronovmed the bkssing, the D e u m beginnefh :

Reader. Hear my prayer, 0 Lord, and consider my desire ; hearken unto me for thy truth and righteousness' sake. And enter not into judgment with thy servant ; for in thy sight shall no man living be justified. For the enemy hath persecuted my soul ; he hath smitten my life down to the ground ; he hath laid me in the darkness, as the men that have been long dead. Therefore is my spirit vexed within me, and my heart within me is desolate. Yet do I remember the time past: I muse upon all thy works ; yea, I exercise myself in the works of thy hands. I stretch forth my hands unto thee ; my soul gaspeth unto thee as a thirst land. Hear me, 0 Lord, and that soon ; for my spirit waxeth faint : ide not thy face from me, lest I be like them that @ down into the pit. 0 let me hear thy loving-kindness betimes in the morning; for in thee is my trust: show thou me the way that I should walk in ; for I lift up my soul unto thee. Deliver me, 0 Lord, from mine enemies ; for I flee unto thee to hide me. Teach me to do the thing that pleaseth thee ; for thou art my God : let thy loving Spirit lead me forth into the land of righteousness Quicken me, 0 Lord, for thy Name's sake, and for th9 righteousness' sake bring my soul out of trouble. And of thy goodness slay mine enemies, and destroy all them that vex my soul ; for I am thy servant. Deacon. God is the Lord, and hath revealed himself unto us. Blessed is he that cometh in the Name of the Lord. (Thnke.) I n Tone I K

A n d these Hymns ( Trojarf),in Tom IV:

Unto the Birth-giver of God let us sinners and humble ones now diligently have recourse, and let us bow down, in penitence exclaiming, from the bottom of our soul : 0 Sovereign Lady, help us, having compassion upon us ! Show zeal, for we perish with the multitude of our sins ; turn not thy servants empty away : for we have thee as our only hope. ( Twice.) Never, 0 Birth-giver of God, will we cease to proclaim thy powers : for if thou didst not come to our aid, making intercession, who would


47 I

deliver us from our manifold adversities ? Who would have preserved us free unto this day? We will not forsake thee, 0 Lady: for thou ever savest thy servants from all ruthless foes.
Then Psalm li. : Have mercy upon me, 0 God,

. . . (Seepage 380.)

l k n tAafollowing Hymns (Tro$ari) are sung, in Tom VZ.

0 Virgin who didst receive from the Angel " Hail ! " and didst thereafter give birth to thy Creator, thou savest those who magnify thee.
(Tit&First Hymn is surrg twice.)

W e sing thy Son, 0 Birth-giver of God, and cry aloud: From all adversities save thou thy servants, 0 Lady all-pure. The Eulogy of kings, prophets, apostles and martyrs art thou, and Intercessor for the world, 0 all-undefiled One. Every tongue of right believers laudeth, and blesseth, and glorifieth thine all-pure birth-giving, 0 Mary, Bride of God. Give unto me also, though unworthy, 0 my Christ, remission of my trespasses, I beseech thee, through the prayers of her who hath borne thee, in that thou art compassionate. Upon thee have I set my trust, 0 Birth-giver of God : save me by thy prayers, granting unto me remission of my sins. Quicken me, 0 thou who hast borne the Life-giver and Saviour: save, through thy prayers, 0 Blessed Hope of our souls. 0 Virgin undefiled, who didst conceive in thy womb the Creator of all men, through thy prayers, save thou our souls. 0 Birth-giver of God all-lauded, who through the word of the Angel, in manner which no word can utter, didst give birth to the Word, pray thou the Same that he will save our souls. Through thy prayers, 0 Lady, make thou thy Son to be a merciful judge of me who am a sinner above all other men. In duty bound we cry aloud unto thee : Hail, 0 pure Birth-giver of God ever-virgin ! Through thy prayers are saved those who pray. Deliver me from fire eternal, and the torments which await me, 0 Birth-giver of God, I entreat thee. Despise not the petitions of thy servants, we beseech thee, 0 Allpraised Lady, that we may be delivered from every assault. From infirmities and every malady deliver thou us, who have recourse to thy holy protection. Marvellous was the wonder shown in thee, 0 Birth-giver of God: For for our sakes the Creator of all and our God was born of thee, and like unto us. Thy temple, 0 Birth-giver of God, was shown forth a remedy without price for ills, and a consolation for wounded souls. 0 Birth-giver of God all-holy, who hast borne the Saviour, save thou thy servants from all adversities and from all other necessities.



Deliver thy servants from every ban under which they lie, and from every ailment, both spiritual and bod~ly,0 Lady all-holy. Through thy prayers, 0 Virgin Birth-giver of God, save thou all who have recourse unto thee; and deliver them from all necessity and sorrow. Who that hath recourse unto thy temple, 0 Birth-giver of God, doth not receive speedy healing, both of soul and of body, 0 All-pure One? Entreated by all the high and holy Heavenly Powers, 0 Bountiful One, through her who hath borne thke, cleanse thou me. Spare, 0 Saviour, the souls of our brethren who have died in the hope of life ; and loose, remit their sins. Hail, 0 Virgin, Mercy-seat of the world ! Hail, thou Haft and Candelabrum all-golden, thou Manna and Light Divine, 0 Bride of God ! We sing thee, One God in Three Persons, crying aloud the ThriceHoly song, entreating that we may rective salvation. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. 0 Virgin, who hast borne the Saviour, and Sovereign and Lord of the world, pray thou him that he will save our souls. Now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Hail, 0 Mount ! Hail, 0 Bush that burned and yet was not consumed! Hail, 0 Gate! Hail, 0 Ladder! Hail, 0 Altar divine ! Hail, 0 Sovereign Lady, the helper of all men. Through 'the prayers of thine all-holy Mother, and of all thy Saints, 0 Merciful One, grant th mercies unto thy people. Through the prayers o the glorious Archangels, and Angels, and of the Heavenly Hosts, preserve thou mightily thy servants, 0 Saviour. Through the prayersof thine honourable and glorious Baptist, Prophet and Forerunner, and of all thy Saints, grant thou thy mercies unto thy people. Through the prayers of the glorious Apostles and Martyrs, and of all thy Saints, grant thou thy mercies unto thy people. Through the prayers of the glorious Unmercenaries, 0 Birth-giver of God, preserve thou thy servants, in that thou art the Intercessor and the Confirmation of the world. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. The Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit do we glorify, saying: 0 Holy Trinity, save thou our souls. Now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. 0 Virgin, who in wise ineffable didst, in the latter days, conceive and bring forth thy Creator, save thou those who magnify thee. The*: Open unto us the door of thy loving-kindness, 0 Blessed Birth-giver of God. In that we set our hope on thee may we not fail, but through thee may we be delivered from a l l adversities; for thou art the salvation of all Christian people. Then : Let us pray to the Lord. Priest. For holy art thou, 0 our God, and unto thee are due an



glory, honour and worship, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Chrr. Amen. Then these Hymns (Tr@atJ), in Tone VI. Now is drawn nigh the time which sanctifieth all men, and a just Judge awaiteth us ; but turn thou, 0 my soul, unto repentance, like the adulteress crying with tears : Have mercy upon me, 0 Lord. 0 Christ, the Fountain, who dost bedew with the waters of healing, in the all-honourable temple of the Virgin thou to-day, through the sprinkling of thy blessing, dost expel the maladies of the ailing, 0 thou Physician of our souls and bodies. A s a Virgin who had not known man thou didst give birth, and as Mother unwedded a Virgin didst remain, 0 Mary, Birth-giver of God : Entreat thou Christ our God that he will save us. 0 all-holy Virgin Birth-giver of God, guide thou aright the works of our. hands, and entreat thou pardon for our transgressions, when we chant the angelic song :0 Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy upon us. A n d w k n the Thrice-Holyhufh been sung, in the usual manner, the Deacon saith: Let us attend. Priest. Peace be with you all. Choir. And with thy spirit. Render. The Gradual (Pvokfmen),in the Third Tone. The Lord is my light and my Saviour; whom shall I fear? Verse: The Lord is the defender of my life; of whom shall I be afraid ? Reader. The Lesson from the Epistle of the holy Apostle Paul to the Hebrews. (Heb. ii. 11-18.) Brethren : Both he that sanctifieth and they who are sanctified are all of one: for which cause he is not ashamed to call them brethren ; saying, I will declare thy name unto all my brethren ; in the midst of the church will I sing praises unto thee. And again, I will put my trust in him. And again, Behold I and the children which God hath given me. Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same ; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of .death, that is, the devil: and deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage. For verily he took not on him the nature of angels ; but he took on him the seed of Abraham. Wherefore in all things it behoved him to be made like unto his brethren, that he might be a merciful and faithful high priest in things pertaining to God, to. make reconcilation for the sins of the people. For in that he himself hath suffered-beingtempted, he is able to succour them that are tempted, Prrest. Peace be with thee. Render. And with thy spirit.



Deacon. Wisdom ! Alleluia, in the Sixth Tone. Verse I : My heart is inditing of a good matter. Verse 2 : I will tell my deeds unto the king. Priest. Wisdom, 0 believers! Let us listen to the Holy GospeL Peace be with you all. People. And with thy spirit. Deacon. The Lesson from the holy Gospel of John. Choir. Glory to thee, 0 Lord ; glory to thee. (John v. 1-4.) At that time Jesus went up to Jerusalem. Now there is at Jerusalem by the sheep market, a pool, which is called in the Hebrew tongue Bethesda, having five porches. In these lay a great multitude of impotent folk, of blind, halt, withered, waiting for the moving of the water. For an angel went down at a certain season into the pool, and troubled the water: whosoever then first after the troubling of the water stepped in, was made whole of whatsoever disease he had. Choir. Glory 'to thee, 0 Lord; glory to thee.
Then fke Deacon saifh Me Litany (EKtCntj.~).

In peace let us pray to the Lord. Choir. Lord, have mercy. For the peace that is from above, and for the salvation of our c . souls : qi For the peace of the whole world ; for the welfare of God's holy 2 ~n Churches, and for the union of them all : & For this holy Temple, and for those who with faith, devoutness, and in the fear of God have entered therein : I$ IY For our Holy Synod (or Patriarch) ; for our Bishop (or Archbishop, , 6 or Metropolitan), N.; for the honourable Presbytery, the Diaconate 5 (P in Christ; for all the clergy and the laity : qi


Here follow #efifions for the Ruler of the Land and for all the A n t h o d i e s (Emperor, or King, and Reignin House, or President,according to fRc elrmenfs and nationalities O J the Parish is consfifwted.)


That he will aid them and subdue under their feet every foe and adversary: qi S. For this city (if in a monastery, for this holy habitation), and for 5 t' those who with faith dwell therein : qi For healthful seasons ; for abundance of the fruits of the earth, and for peaceful times : I$ r For those who travel by sea or by land ; for the sick and the suf- $ 0 . fering; for those who are in captivity, and for their salvation: & That these waters may be sanctified by the power, and effectual operation, and indwelling of the Holy Spirit : I$ o I That there may descend upon these waters the cleansing opera- /Y tion of the super-substantial Trinity : I$ 1




That this water may be unto the healing of souls and bodies, and unto the banishing of every hostile power: I$ Q?F That the Lord God will send down the blessing of Jordan, and sanctify these waters : I$ For all those who entreat of God aid and protection : I$ That he will illumine us with the light of understanding, with -Zw the consubstantial Trinity : B That the Lord our God will show us forth sons and heirs of his kingdom, through partaking of and sprinkling with these co co waters: I$ ~m 3 r o That he will deliver us from all tribulation, wrath, peril and 2 U . necessity: I$ Succour US,save us, have mercy upon us, and keep us, 0 God, by thy grace. Choir. Lord, have mercy. Calling to remembrance our most holy, undefiled, most blessed and glorious Lady, the Birth-giver of God and ever-virgin Mary, with all the Saints, let us commend ourselves, and each other, and all our life unto Christ our God. Choir. To thee, 0 Lord.

g. 2



For unto thee are due all glory, honour and worship, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen. B e n this Prayer : 0 Lord our God, who art mighty in counsel, and wonderful in thy deeds, the Creator of all things, who keepest thy covenant and thy mercy unto those who love thee and keep thy commandments, and receivest the devout tears of all who are in distress : (For for this cause thou didst come in the similitude of a servant, scorning not our image, but giving true health to the body, and saying: Lo, thou art healed, sin no more; and with clay thou didst make the man's eyes whole, and having commanded him to wash, didst make him, by thy word, to rejoice in the light, putting to confusion the floods of passion of enemies, and drying up the bitter sea of the life of the same, and subduing the waves of sensual desires heavy to be endured) : Do thou, the same King who lovest mankind, who hast granted unto us to clothe ourselves in the garment of snowy whiteness by water and the Spirit, send down upon us thy blessing, and through partaking of this water, through sprinkling therewith wash away the defilement of passions. Yea, we beseech thee, visit thou our weakness, 0 Good One, and heal our infirmities, both spiritual and bodily, by thy mercy ; Through the prayers of our all-pure, most blessed Lad , the Birth-giver of God and ever-virgin Mary ; through the might o the honourable and life-giving Cross ; through the intercession of the honourable Bodiless Powers of heaven ;



of the honourable, glorious Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist, John ; of the holy, glorious and all-laudable Apostles ; of our holy and God-bearing Fathers; of our Fathers among the Saints, the great Hierarchs and E c u menical teachers, Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian and John Chrysostom ; of our Fathers among the Saints Athanasius and Cyril, Patriarchs of Alexandria; of our Father among the Saints Spiridon,the Wonderworker of Trimethuetus; of our Father among the Saints, Nicholas, the Wonderworker, Archbishop of Myra in Lycia; of our Holy Fathers of All Russia, Wonderworkers, Peter, Alexis, Jonah and Philip; of the holy and glorious great martyr, George the Victorious ; of the holy and glorious great martyr, Demetrius the exhaler of chrism ; of the holy right-victorious Martyrs; of our holy and righteous ancestors of God, Joachim and Anna; of the holy! glorious and wonderworking Unmercenaries, Cosmas and Damian, Kir and John, Panteleimon and Ermolaus, Samson and Diomid, Mokius and Anikita, Thalaleus and Tryphon ; and of Saint N., whom we commemorate ; and of all thy Saints. And preserve, 0 Lord. thy servant, our most God-fearing Sovereign, N., the Emperor of All the Russias. (Thrice.)And all the Reigning House. Save, 0 Lord, and have mercy upon the Most Holy Synod, granting unto it health, spiritual and bodily; and be merciful unto this Christian habitation which laboureth for thee. Have in remembrance, 0 Lord, every Bishopric over the Orthodox, which rightly administereth the word of thy truth, and every priestly and monastic Order, and their salvation. Have in remembrance, 0 Lord, both those who hate us, and those who love us, the brethren who serve with us, the people who are here present, and those who for a cause worthy of blessing have gone forth and have empowered us, unworthy though we be, to pray for them. Have in remembrance, 0 Lord, our brethren who are in cap tivity and affliction, and show mercy upon them, according to thy great mercy, delivering them from all distress. For thou art the Fountain of healing, 0 Christ our God, and unto thee do we ascribe glory, together with thy Father who hath no beginning, and with thine all-holy, and good, and life-giving Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen. Priest. Peace be with you all. Choir. And with thy spirit. Deacon. Bow your heads unto the Lord. Choir. To thee, 0 Lord.
And the Prr'cst sailh, secretly, tkic Praycr :

Bow thine ear, and hearken unto us, 0 Lord, who didst deign to C, be baptized in Jordan, and didst sanctify the water : and bless all 2 of us who by the bowing of our necks do show forth our apprehension'that we are thy servants; and grant that we may be filled with 4 thy sanctification, through partaking of this water; and let it be to us, 0 Lord, for the health of soul and body.



For thou art our sanctification, and unto thee do we ascribe glory, and thanksgiving, and worship, together with thy Father who hath no beginning, and thine all-holy, and good, and life-giving Spirit, now, and ever, a n d unto ages of ages: Choir. Amen.
Then, tuking the AmurabZe cross, ke blesscth tke water thrice, in cross-fim, dzjbpin it and moving it in due fmhwn, and chanting the following Hymn YO$ I ) tn (T . Tone I. ( Thn'cc.)

0 Lord, save thy people and bless thine inheritance, granting to the most God-fearing (Emperor, King, or President), N., victory over all adversaries, and by thy Cross preserving thine Estate. T k n tAe following Hymn, in Tone IZ.,is sung: Make us worthy of thy gifts, 0 Virgin Birth-giver of God, disregarding our transgressions, and bestowing healing, through faith, upon those who accept thy blessing, 0 all-pure One.
T ' . the Pricsf kisseth the honourable cross, and so a5 likewise all the 9eople; and he s#n.nklcth them all with the hoZy water, and all the Sanctuary and tke Church. And the people sing flufollowing Hymns (Tro#ari), in Tone I K :

0 holy Unmercenaries, who had a fountain of healing, give ye healing unto all who ask it, in that ye have been vouchsafed gifts most excellent from the everflowing fountain our Saviour. For the Lord saith unto you, as unto your fellow-zealots the Apostles : Lo, I have given unto you power over unclean spirits, that ye may drive them out, and heal every infim~ity, and every wound. Wherefore, abiding fully in that command, freely ye have received, freely do ye give, healing the passions of our souls and bodies. Have regard to the prayers of thy servants, 0 All-undefiled One, allaying the fierce risings against us, assuaging our every woe ; for in that we have thee as a confirmation certain and renowned, and have acquired thy intercession, we shall not be put to shame, 0 Lady, when we call upon thee. Strive thou earnestly for the petition of those who faithfully cry unto thee : Hail, 0 Lady, 0 Help of all men, 0 Joy and Protection and Salvation of our souls. Receive, 0 Lady, the prayers of thy servants, and deliver us from every distress and sorrow.
Andafter the Sprinkling, the Litany (EkfPniya).

Have mercy upon us, 0 God, according to thy great mercy, we beseech thee : hearken, and have mercy. Choir. Lord, have mercy. (Thn'ce.) Furthermore we pray that he will preserve this city and this holy Temple, and every city and land from pestilence, famine, earthquake, flood, fire, the sword, the invasion of enemies, and from civil war; and



that our good God, who loveth mankind, will be graciously favourable and easy to be entreated, and will turn away from us all the wrath stirred up against us, and deliver us from all his righteous chastisement which irnpendeth against us, and have mercy upon us. Choir. Lord, have mercy. (Forty times.) Then the Priest ixclaimcth : Hear us, 0 God our Saviour, the hope of all the ends of the earth, and of those who are far off upon the sea; and show mercy, show mercy, 0 Master, upon us sinners, and be merciful unto us. For thou art a merciful God and lovest mankind, and unto thee we ascribe glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen. Priest. Peace be with you all. Choir. And with thy spirit. Deucon. Let us bow our heads unto the Lord. C h i r . To thee, 0 Lord.
TAcn the Priest readeth, in a low' voice, thefollowing Prayer :

0 greatly merciful Master, Lord Jesus Christ our God, favourably fulfil our prayer ; through the prayers of our all-pure Birth-giver of God and ever-virgin Mary; through the might of the honourable and life giving Cross; through the intercession of the honourable Bodiless Powers of heaven ; of the honourable, glorious Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist, John ; of the holy, glorious and all-laudable Apostles ; of the holy, glorious and righteous Martyrs; of our holy and God-bearing Fathers and (Ecumenical great teachers and saints, Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian, and John Chrysostom ; of our Father amopg the Saints, Nicholas, Archbishop of Myra in Lycia, the Wonderworker; of our Holy Fathers of All Russia, Wonderworkers, Peter, Alexis, Jonah and Philip; of the righteous ancestors of God, Joachim and Anna (and of t h Patron Saint of the Temple); and of all thy Saints : Grant us remission of our sins. Cover us with the shelter of thy wing ; root out from us every foe and adversary ; render tranquil our life and thy world ; have mercy upon us, 0 Lord, and save our souls, in that thou art gracious and lovest mankind. C h i r . Amen. Then the BENEDICTION. May Christ, our true God, through the prayers of his all-holy Mother, and of all the Saints, have mercy upon us and save us, for he is good and loveth mankind.


t on the stonc: In the Name of the Father, followin zrsscnj5tion shall be and of t i % Son, and of the Ho g Spirit this church is founded, in honour and memory of (here the name o a Feast, or of the Patron Saint o the Tern#& is inserted) ; in the reign of t e most God-fearing Sovereign, in Russia). If it be i n a fwcz> land, the title and name of the Ruler are here inserted) ; in the Episcopac of the Ri ht (or Most) Reverend N., of N. ; in the Year of the World. . , andYfrom the %irth in the flesh of God the Word . (with the month and dhy). A church can be fmrn&d without the Relics o f a Saint and the above-mentioned inscn>tion, bui not wa'rhont the square stone: I n addtion to this, a large wooden cross is prepared, and fhis cross is planted in a trench dug at U c spot where the altar is to b e . B u t zf the church is to be of wood, no excavations are ma&, with the excc$tion of one under the wall of the Sancfua at the eastern extremity, wherein to set the s uare stone, andanotnfoor t z p l a n t i n K o f fhe cross at fhe q5ot where the a is to be. The beams, or planks whereon the church is to rest, are also pr@ared. A l l these pre aratwns havin been made, the Bishoj or his representative, huvin vested i m e y i n the c L r c h which is neartst tk lace where the Laying ofthe corner-stone is to be, cometh firth wild all t e c l w ~preceded , by a Deacon wifh the ccnser, a n d a Priest m2h the cross, two and two. And the cier~y chant the Stanzas (StiRAiri)of the Litiyrf for church. A n d on arriving at the lace, they lay upon tkc book ofthe H o b Gospels, an the cross ;and the censer, and having c e n d tkerewifh the table, itr crossrform, thrirr, the Deacon saith :




- -

Bless, Master.
A n d the Rector befi'nneth, as usual :

Blessed is our God always, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen. 0 heavenly King, the Comforter, Spirit of Truth, who art in all places

* See the Services for the Feasts.



ahd fillest all things; Treasury of good things and Giver of life: Come, and take up thine abode in us, and cleanse us from every stain ; and save our souls, 0 Good One.
And until the singing isjnislrcd, the Rector stanriith in front of tke kook of& Holy Gos~eLc, censrng it. Then he censeth all the trrcAcs, where the fan&fion is to lie, beginnzn fiom t h c j r s f w a n of the Sanctuary, and #roceedix against the run, until% comth back to the # h e whence he began. 7 h censeth the Clergy and the People. And the Headcr readcth :

0 Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal One, have mercy upon us. (Thrice.) Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. 0 all-holy Trinity, have mercy upon us. 0 Lord, wash away our sins 0 Master, pardon our transgressions. 0 Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for thy Name's sake. Lord, have mercy. (Thrice.) Glory . . . now, and ever, . . . Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, As it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive those who trespass against us. .And lead us not into temptation ; But deliver us from the Evil One : Priest. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, o f the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen. 0 come, let us worship God our King. 0 come, let us worship and fall down before Christ, our King and our God. 0 come, let us worship and fall down before the Very Christ, our King and our God.

Hear my prayer, 0 Lord, and consider my desire; hearken unto me for thy truth and righteousness' sake. And enter not into judgment with thy servant ; for in thy sight shall no man living be justified. For the enemy hath persecuted my soul ; he hath smitten my life down to the ground; he hath laid me in the darkness, as the men that have been long dead. Therefore is my spirit vexed within me, and my heart within me is desolate. Yet do I remember the time past ; I muse upon all thy works; yea, I exercise myself in the works of thy bands. I stretch forth my hands unto thee; my soul gaspeth unto thee as a thirsty land. Hear me, 0 Lord, and that soon ; for my spirit waxeth faint : hide not thy face from me, lest I be like unto them that go down into the pit. 0 let me hear thy loving-kindness betimes in the morning; for in thee is my trust : show thou me the way that I should walk in ; for I lift up my soul unto thee. Deliver me, 0 Lord, from mine encmies ; for I flee unto thee to hide me. Teach me to do the thing tbat




pleaseth thee ; for thou art my God : let thy loving Spirit lead me forth into the land of righteousness. Quicken me, 0 Lord, for th Name's sake ; and for thy righteousness' sake bring my .soul out o trouble. And of thy goodness slay mine enemies, and destroy all them that vex my soul ; for I am thy servant. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Alleluia. ( Thrice.)

And the Deacon saith this Litany :

In peace let us pray to the Lord. C/ioir. Lord, have mercy. For the peace that is from above, and for the salvation of our souls : @ For the peace of the whole world ; for the welfare of God's holy Churches, and for the union of them all : @ For this holy Temple, and for those who, with faith, devoutness, and in the fear of God have entered therein : I& For our Holy Synod (or Patriarch) ; for our Bishop (or Archbishop, or Metropolitan), N. ; for the honourable Presbytery, the Diaconate in Christ ; for all the clergy and the laity : @

Herr follow$efitwns or the Ruler of the Land and for all t h Aufhon'ties (Emperor, or ing, and Rdgning House, or President, according to the elermnts and n a t ~ ~ l i t of zk which the Parish is constituted).

That he will aid them and subdue under their feet every foe and adversary: I& For this city ( t y i t be in a monastery, for this holy habitation), for every city and land, and for those who with faith dwell therein : I& For healthful seasons ; for abundance of the fruits of the earth, and for peaceful times : @ F o r those who travel by sea or by land ; for the sick and the suffering ; for those who are in captivity, and for their salvation : @ That he will look graciously upon this place chosen for the foundation of a church to the glory of his all-holy Name, and will bless it with his heavenly blessing: @ That he will bless this good intention and work of his servants (or of his servant, N., and the Wardens of the church are cotnmemo-

mtt-4: I&

That he will bless the commencement of founding this building, and that its beginning may be successfully laid to the glory of his Name, and continued with speed and without hindrance unto its conclusion, through the power, and effectual operation, and grace of the all-holy Spirit : @ That he will prosper the labourers who work thereon in all things, and grant them to accomplish the work of their hands, and



through the power, and effectual operation, and grace of the allholy Spirit, to carry it to a speedy ending : & 2z That he will prosper this blessed labour of his servants, NN. 2 -. (or of his servant, N.), with all abundance, through the power, and x* effctual operation, and grace of the all-holy Spirit: & That he will appoint to this work, and to the promoters thereof, L'Z his holy guardian Angel, who shall invisibly repel all assaults of aenemies, both seen and unseen ; and that in everything he will 2 $ , grant prosperity and wisdom unto its erection, and strength for its completion: through the power, and effectual operation, and 3 grace of the all-holy Spirit : & -t I That he will deliver us from all tribulation, wrath, peril and ne- $ cessity : & Succour us, save us, have mercy upon us, and keep us, 0 God, by thy grace. Choir. Lord, have mercy. Calling to remembrance our most holy, undefiled, most blessed and glorious Lady, the Birth-giver of God and ever-virgin Mary, with all the Saints, let us commend ourselves, and each other, and all our life unto Christ our God. Choir. To thee, 0 Lord.



And the Rector maketh the Exclamatabn :

For unto thee are due all glory, honour and worship, to the Father, ' and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen.
And the Ckoir chanteth :

God is the Lord, and bath revealed himself unto us. Verses. See page 5 I 5 . )

. . . (Andth

If the Temple is to b e named afterthe Lord, this is sung in the Tone of the Hymn for the Feast; andafter the Hymn orthe Day, at the Glo . . . the Hynrn oft& Feast o f Foundation is sung :at t e Now, and ever, . . tx Hymn Of the Fcast. But f the Temple is not to b e named afler the Lord, then the God is the Lord is sung in Tone I/., and the Hymn of Foundation :

0 God, the Maker and Creator of all things, speedily guide aright with thy blessing the work of our hands, which hath been begun unto thy glory, and through thy might bring thou the same presently unto completion; forasmuch as thou alone art almighty, and alone lovest mankind.
But if tkc Temple is to b e namedafter the Birth-giver o God, the Hymn o f Fmnhtim is sung twice, re#eating at the Glory . the ymn of the Temp&. And z y it is to be called after any one of the Saints, then Ue Hymn o f Fwdtion, and at the Glory . to the Saint. Now, and ever, . . . the Hymn to tht Birthgiver of God, in the Tone of the Hymn to the Saint. And imnreaWt~ after the Hymns, Psalm li. is read: Have mercy upon me, 0 God, after thy great goodness ; . . . (See#age 380.)





Thn t w o vessels are brought and laced on the table, one containing#nre water and the other oil. A n d when t e Psalm i s Pnirhed, the followrng Hymn ir
srmg, in Tone VI., thrice:

Send down grace from heaven, 0 Life-giver, and sanctify this water, and show it to be a purification of all uncleanness. Deacon. Let us pray to the Lord. Ckoir. Lord, have mercy.
The Recior r e d t h over the water the following Prayer :

0 God greatly-exalted, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who alone workest wonders which cannot be numbered : whose voice is on many waters, and beholding whom the waters are afraid, and the deeps are thrown into confusion,and the water roareth greatly; for thy way is in the sea, and thy path in the great waters, and thy footsteps are not known ; Who, through the baptism of thine Only-begotten Son incarnate, and the descent upon him of the all-holy Spirit in the form of a dove, and thy voice as the Father hast sanctified the streams of Jordan : T o thee do we, thine unworthy servants, now make our supplications, and implore thee : Send thou the grace of the all-Koly Spirit upon this water, and with thy heavenly benediction bless, purify and hallow it, and give unto it the grace and the blessing of Jordan, and the might which purifieth all uncleanness, and healeth every infinnity, and expelleth the assaults of all demons and their snares. And show it forth through the power, and effectual operation, and grace of the all-holy Spirit, unto all thy senrants who, with faith, shall drink of the same, receive it, and be sprinkled therewith, to be for a remission of sins, a release from passions, an expelling of every evil thing, an increase of virtue, a healing of infirmity, and a blessing to homes and to every place, a driving away of all pernicious breezes, and the acquirement of thy grace. For thou art he who blesseth and sanctifieth all things, 0 our God, and unto thee do we ascribe glory, together with thine Only-begotten Son, and thine all-holy, good, and life-giving Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen. Pricsi. Peace be with you all. Choir. And with thy spirit. Deacon. Bow your heads unto the Lord. Chit-. T o thee, 0 Lord.
A n d the Prirst readeth, secretly, this Prayer :

Incline thine ear, 0 Lord, and hear me, thou who didst sanctify the waters of Jordan by the manifestation of thy Christ; and bless h all us who, by the bending of our necks, express obedience unto thee ; and enable us to perfect sanctification by the reception of this water; and may the same be unto us for health to our souls and Q bodies. Exclamaiwn. For thou art our sanctification, and unto thee do we


ascribe glory, together with thine Only-begotten Son, and thine all-holy, and good, and life-giving Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages Choir. Amen.
And the Rector, taking the cross, dz$#eth it in the water, in crossform, c h t i n ~ the Hymn, in Tone VI(I. :

0 Lord, save thy people and bless thine inheritance, granting to the most God-fearing (Emperor, King, or President), N., victory over all adversaries, and by thy Cross preserving thine Estate. (Thrice.)
Then he blesseth the oil, thrice, with his nght hand, saying:

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. A men. Deacon. Let us pray to the Lord. C h i r . Lord, have mercy.
The Pricst then reciteth this Prayer :

0 Lord God of our fathers, unto whom the pouring out of theoil that Jacob poured upon the stone, which he set upon a pillar and called the house of God, was well-pleasing and- acceptable : Look thou now also, in mercy, we beseech thee, upon this oil, and bless it with thy heavenly blessing, and sanctify it and bestow upon it power through the grace of thine all-holy Spirit, that everything which shall be anointed therewith to th glory may be consecrated and blessed, well-pleasing and accepta le unto thee : Through the bounties of thine Only-begotten Son, with whom thou art glorified, together with thine all-holy, and good, and life-giving Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen.

Then the Rector taketh the holy wafer, and s#rinR&th therezuifA thejlacr w h c thr cross is to be planted, saying :

Graciously vouchsafe, 0 Lord Jesus Christ our God, with the dread emblem and might of thy Cross to guard this place, to the glory of thee, our crucified God, and of thy Father who is from everlasting, and of thine all-holy Spirit: and may the all-pernicious Angel and adverse powers withdraw therefrom. For thine is the majesty, and thine are the kingdom and the power and the glory of our great God and Saviour Jesus Christ, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
And the Priests. (akin the cross, plant it in the #lace whick h t h &en jrcpared for it, chanting, 1 .: - witfthe Recfor,tkir Hymn, in Torre 1

Through the planting of the cross on earth hath the assault of foes perished and been utterly annulled: and man, who before was cast out, entereth again into Paradise : But glory to thee, our only God, for so was it well-pleasing unto thee. Then they sing the Collect-Hynm ( K o n a k ) for the Forrrrdiztion, in Tone M.: 0 thou who art speedy to succour and strong to help, manifest thyself now through the grace of thy might, and having blessed, strengthen,



and bring to an auspicious conclusion the works of thy servants : For whatsoever things thou willest thou canst perform, in that thou art God Almighty. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. 0 Protection of Christians that maketh not ashamed, 0 Mediatrix never-failing with the Creator : Despise not the sinners' voice of supplication ; but in that thou art good, come speedily to the aid of us who faithfully call upon thee; make haste to our petition and further our prayer, 0 Birth-giver of .God, who ever protectest them that do thee honour. Deacon. Let us pray to the Lord. Choir. Lord, have mercy. T h e Rector then r e d t h tke following Prayer, in front of the moss which hath
been #lanted, looking toward the east the while .

0 Lord God Almighty, who didst foreshadow by the staff of Moses

the precious and life-giving Cross of thy beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ: Do thou, the same Lord, bless and sanctify this place, through the power and effectual operation of that precious and life-giving Tree (upon which thou hast bestowed a sprinkling of the precious blood of thy Son), unto the expelling of demons, and of every adverse power, preserving this place, and those who shall serve thee here unhurt of every evil thing; through the prayers of our all-glorious Birth-giver of God and ever-virgin Mary, and of Saint N. (the Saint who is to be the Patron of the Temjle). For blessed and glorified be thy kingdom, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen.
The Rector tkmgoeth to the trench where tke laying of U e corner-stone i r to fake #lace, and the square stone which hatk been @e#arcd liefh b * e him on a table. And the Choir singcth :

PSALM LXXXIV. 0 how amiable are thy dwellings, thou Lord of hosts ! .My soul hath a desire and longing to enter into the courts of the Lord ; my heart and my flesh rejoice in the living God. Yea, the sparrow hath found her an house, and the swallow a nest, where she may lay her young ; even thy altars, 0 Lord of hosts, my King and my God. Blessed are they that dwell in thy house ; they will be alway praising thee. Blessed is the man whose strength is in thee ; in whose heart are thy ways. Who going through the vale of misery use it for a well; and the pools are filled with water. They will go from strength to strength, and unto the God of gods appeareth every one of them in Sion. 0 Lord God of hosts, hear my prayer ; hearken, 0 God of Jacob. Behold, 0 God our defender, and look upon the face of thine Anointed. For one day in thy courts is better than a thousand. I had rather be a door-keeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of ungodliness. For



the Lord God is a light and defence; the Lord will give grace and worship ; and no good thing shall he withhold from them that live a godly life. 0 Lord God of hosts, blessed is the man that putteth his trust in thee. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Alleluia. ( Thrice.) Deacon. Let us pray to the Lord. Chir. Lord, have mercy.
The Rector then readcth m r the stone this Prayer:

0 Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, who art the true God and the Brightness and Image of the Father which'is from everlasting, and the Life Everlasting ; and art the Comer-stone, hewn without the aid of seed of man from the Virgin Mount; as also the Foundation immovable of thy Church; who also, through the shedding of thy precious blood, hast founded thy Church,'and hast raised it up by thy death, and perfected it by thy Resurrection and blessed it by thine Ascension, and hast sanctified and enlarged it by the descent of thy Holy Spirit : Unto thee do we now humbly pray : Send down the grace of thy Holy Spirit, and bless the laying of this stone, and all the foundation of the building which is now begun to the glory of thine allholy Name (and if it be a Feast o f the Lord, he saith : ) and in honour and memory of thy holy (Nativity, or whatever it may be; w: of the f zu/ratsoevn Falling-asleep (Assumption) of thine all-holy Mother, o r o other Feast o f the Birth-giver o f God or Saint i t may be, mentioning it by name). And be thou, who art the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, who from eternity hast created all things, the beginning, the increase, and the completion of this work ; bless the wardens and the workers, and prosper thou the work of their hands, and by thy divine providence abundantly multiply all things necessary for the building and completion of this Temple : that the Temple may be perfect and filled with thy glory, and that in it may be glorified thy great and allholy Name, together with thy Father and thine all-holy Spirit, always, .now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen.
Andthe Princ@al Pnest, taking the holy water, sprinkleth the s f o m thc~rwitk, saying :

This stone is blessed through the sprinkling of this holy water, unto the foundation imperishable of the Temple erected in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
And ifthe relus of Saints arc to be inserted, one of the Pn'esls reacikth the inscMtwn, and Cayefh the relics in the place prejared for them, saying :

0 praise God in his saints, praise him in the firmament of his power. For the righteous shall praise thee in glory, and shall rejoice on their beds



And wken he hath said this, he covereth them. But YtAcrc be no relks, nothin r stone in his h a d , kzyefh it in t k offhis b rbN. And the Rertw, takin * mortar which is #re#ared in the trenc saying :


This Church is founded to the glory of our great God and Saviour Jesus Christ, in honour and memory of (the nnme of the Feast of the Lord or of the Birth-giver of God, or of thc Patron Saint of the T w l e ) , in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Tken, taking the oil, he saith :

The Most High God, who hath founded this Church, is in the midst of it, and it shall not be removed. God shall help it, and that right early.
And he pmreth the oil on tke stone, set in its place, saying:

Blessed and illustrious be this place for a house of prayer, to the honour and glory of God, glorified in the Holy Trinity, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Tken, witk the whole Choir, he singeth the following, in Tone VZ.: Jacob rose up early in the morning, and took the stone that he had put for his pillows, and set it up for' a pillar, and poured oil upon the top of it, and said : Surely, the Lord is in this place, and I knew it not ; how dreadful is this place ! this is none other'but the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia. Z f the foundation be for a woolierr church, when all the fore oing katk been per~ b r m e dfke , Rector, taking a r are, sniteth it fkrirr ikto t d rentraldran qftht Sanctuary, saying :

This work is begun in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and in honour and memory of (the name o f thc Feast or of tjte Saint). Amen. ohmh.
Then kc beginneth to sprinkle all the orlndations rozctrd about, starting from the northern silie, against the sun, art saying:

I n the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of thy Holy Spirit. Amen. IVkile the Choir singeth PSALM LXXXVXI. Her foundations are upon the holy hills : the Lord loveth the gates of Sion more than all the dwellings of Jacob. Very excellent things are spoken of thee, thou city of God. I will think upon Rahab and Babylon, with them that know me. Behold, yea the Philistines also, and they of Tyre, with the Morians ; lo, there was he born. And of Sion it shall be reported that he was born in her; and the Most High shall stablish her. The Lord shall rehearse it, when he writeth up the people, that he was born there. The singers also and trumpeters shall he rehearse : All my fresh springs shall be in thee.



And the workmen skaN immediatefi b e ir tkeir labour with speed, in tke Name o f fhe Lord And when the Rector g t h asmi me?-thejfrsi portim o/ tkc founahtion, on the northern stik, he shal s t d with his face to the &A; and whm tke Psalm isjnished, and the Deacon kath said: Let us pray to the Lord : and the Choir kath answered: Lord, have mercy :

Tke Rector sku22 read this Prayer :

0 Lord our God, who hast made the North and the sea, and all things ; whom heaven and earth are not able to contain ; who didst deign to have for thyself on earth a Temple for the perpetual praise of thine all-holy Name : Humbly falling down before thee we entreat thy loving-kindness : bless thou the foundations of this Temple, and its whole edifice ; and establish it by thy might, and make it immovable and impregnable, to the glory of thee, the only God glorified in the Trinity, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen.

And after the Prayer, i tke church is to b e of wood, ke faketh fke axe a ain, and smiteth t erewith tke centra(beam, sayinx the same as u ! $ j r s t smiting.

Then hc goeth on, sprinkling tke seconhportion ofthejbu&tion,

a d saying:

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. And the ~ k a ckanteth h PSALM CXXVII. Except the Lord build the house, their labour is but lost that build it. Except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain. I t is but lost labour that ye haste to rise up early, and so late take rest, and eat the bread of carefulness ; for so he giveth his beloved sleep. Lo, children, and the fruit of the womb, are an heritage and gift that cometh of the Lord. Like as the arrows in the hand of the giant, even so are the young children. Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them ; they shall not be ashamed when they speak with their enemies in the gate.
And k a v i n ~ come to the western sink, and sfanding m'Ih his farc Zozvard fht west, after the Psalm isjfnished, and the Deacon hath said: Let us pray to the Lord: and the Choir kafh responbd: Lord, have mercy: the Rector reci/eth tkefollozuing Prayer:

0 Lord our God, whose Name is praised from the rising of the sun even unto the going down of the same, and who, by thy divine providence, hast chosen this place for an abode for thyself: Send now, we humbly pray thee, thy heavenly blessing upon it, and bless the beginning of this building, and strengthen and establish it, and bring it to successful completion. For thou art he who doeth all things for the profit of our souls, and unto thee do we ascribe glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen.


Andafter U i s Prayer, he again smifetk thnke d h the axe, r;f tkcchurck is to be of wood, saying tke same as before.


g =

T h n kegoeth and s#rinkleth the thirdpart of thefoundation, and saaIh :

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. And t k Choir singetk, the wkile, PSALM cxxxr. I was glad when they said unto me, We will go into the house of the Lord. Our feet shall stand in thy gates, 0 Jerusalem. Jerusalem is built as a city that is at unity in itself. For thither the tribes go up, even the tribes of the Lord, to testify unto Israel, to give thanks unto the Name of the Lord. For there is the seat of judgment, even the seat of the house,of David. 0 pray for the peace of Jerusalem, they shall prosper that love thee. Peace be within thy walls, and plenteousness within thy palaces. For my brethren and companions' sakes I will wish thee prosperity. Yea, because of the house of the Lord our God I will seek to do thee good.
And coming to the southern side of the oundatwn, and standin with hrjfacc to the south, when the Psalm C j i n i s d 4 and the Deacon hatf m i d : Let us pray to the Lord : and the Choir kath respondid: Lord, have mercy : the Rector

reciieth this Prayer:

0 Lord Jesus Christ our God, who didst come from the south for our salvation, and from the shady Virgin Mount as holy didst reveal thyself, and didst dwell among men : Look with mercy, we beseech thee, upon the wardens of the Temple, the building whereof bath been begun in thy Name, and bless them in all things; and give them strength and steadfastness, together with vigour and abundance of health, and prosper them in all ways, unto the completion of the work which hath been begun to thy glory. For thou art the God of mercy, and bounties, and of love toward mankind, and unto thee do we ascribe glory, together with thy Father who is from everlasting, and thine all-holy, and good, and life-giving Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen.
A ' m this Prayer he &th as be+.

And ke goeth and s#rinkleth the fourth

portion of the foundation, saying:

I n the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. While the Choir chanteth PSALM CXXXII. Lord, remember David, and all his trouble : how he sware unto the Lord, and vowed a vow unto the Almighty God of Jacob ; I will not come within the tabernacle of mine house, nor climb up into my bed ; I will not suffer mine eyes to sleep, nor mine eyelids to slumber; neither the temples of my head t o take any rest; until I find out a place for the temple of the Lord ; an habitation for the Mighty God of Jacob. Lo, we heard of the same at Ephrata, and found it in the wood.



We will go into his tabernacle, and fall low on our knees before his footstool. Arise, 0 Lord, into thy resting-place ; thou, and the ark of thy strength. Let thy priests be clothed with righteousness ; and let thy saints sing with joyfulness. For thy servant David's sake, turn not away the presence of thine Anointed. The Lord hath made a faithful oath unto David, and he shall not shrink from i t ; of the fruit of thy body shall I set upon thy seat. If thy children will keep my covenant, and my testimonies that I shall learn them; their children also shall sit upon thy seat forevermore. For the Lord hath chosen Sion to be an habitation for himself; he hath longed for her. This shall be my rest forever; here will I dwell, for I have a delight therein. I will bless her victuals with increase : and will satisfy her poor with bread. I will deck her priests with health, and her saints shall rejoice and sing. There shall I make the horn of David to flourish : I have ordained a lantern for mine Anointed. As for his enemies, I shall clothe them with shame ; but upon himself shall his crown flourish.
And when he is come to the #lme where Ire began to s#rinkie, he st@#eth, and

standin in front of the cross planted in the earth, with his f a t toward tke easf, w i n the Psalm is jnished, the Rectar beginneth, w i t h all emtion, to sisg, accom#anied by all the Choir :

0 heavenly King, the Comforter, Spirit of Truth, who art in all places and fillest all things ; Treasury of good things and Giver of life: Come, and take up thine abode in us, and cleanse us from every stain ; and save our souls, 0 Good One. Deacon. Let us pray to the Lord. Choir. Lord, have mercy.
Then the Rector realicth this Prayer:

0 Lord our God, who hast deigned at this place, and upon the stone laid thereon and blessed in thy Name, to found for thyself a Church, mercifully accept those who bring unto thee thine own of thine own, for the erection to thy glory of the Temple which hath been founded in honour and memory of N. (the Feast o r the Saint) : Requite thou the same with the multitude of thy heavenly and earthly good things ; granting also unto all who shall lend their aid in the building and completion of this church bodily health and spiritual salvation. Strengthen the labourers, preserving them unharmed of every evil thing; and preserve these foundations indestructible and immovable, and bring this thy Temple speedily to completion : that therein unceasingly, with allexalting hymns and praises and unbloody sacrifices, we may glorify and sing thee, our only true God. For unto thee are due all glory, honour and worship, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen. T h Rectm. Peace be with you all. Choir. And with thy spirit.


Andthe Deacon, with all emotion, saith :


Again, yet again, on bended knees let us pray to the Lord. Choir. Lord, have mercy. ( Thrice.)
And all kneel dourn. And the Rector, himself kneeling, re&th this Prayer : with ernotiorr

W e praise thee, 0 Lord God of hosts, our Saviour, that because of the great multitude of thy goodness and loving-kindness toward mankind, thou hast chosen and sanctified this place, and hast founded thereon a church to the glory of thine all-holy Name, through us, thine unworthy servants. Wherefore, bowing the knees of our souls and bodies, we,humbly beseech thee: Graciously vouchsafe to found also upon this place an Altar for the offering up of the unbloody sacrifice of the all-holy Body and the precious Blood of thy Christ, unto thy glory, and unto the salvation of our souls. And bring thou this Temple, and this Altar, speedily to completion by thy divine might; that therein and thereon, even until the end of the ages, the praise of thine all-holy Name, and thine unbloody, supersensual sacrifices may be offered up and performed unto thee unceasingly withoat hindrance, by thine Orthodox people : For with thee all things are possible; and unto thee do we ascribe glory, together with thine Only-begotten Son, and thine all-holy, and good, and life-giving Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen.
And all standing, the Deacon saith this Litany :

Have mercy upon us, 0 God, according to thy great mercy, we beseech thee : hearken, and have mercy : B
Hcre follow #eh'hCIm for the Ruler ofthe Land and JOY all the Authorifics (Emperor, or King,and Reigning House, or President, accora'ing to the tiements and nationalities of which the Parish is constituted),

Furthermore we pray for our Holy Synod (or Patriarch) ; for our Bishop ( o r Archbishop or Metropolitan), N., for the honourable Presbytery, the Diaconate in Christ ; for all the clergy and the laity : Furthermore we pray that the Lord our God will hearken unto the voice of our petition, and will bless the work of our hands: and let us all say: 0 Lord, hearken, and have mercy. @ Furthermore we pray for the God-fearing Wardens, and for the founders to the glory of God, of the Temple, N., which hath been begun and is to be built to the glory of God ; and for the prosperous forwarding of their holy work, and for their health, salvation, and the remission of their sins : and let us all say: 0 Lord, hearken, and have mercy. I$ Furthermore we pray that he will appoint to this work a holy Angel, a guardian against every evil assault of foes both visible and invisible, who shall deliver from impediments, and shall defend and strengthen the labourers : and let us all say: 0 Lord, hearken, and j c have mercy. l



And the Rector cxcl~u~meth :

Hear us, 0 God our Saviour, the hope of all the ends of the earth, and of those who are far off upon the sea ; and show mercy, show mercy, 0 Master, unto us sinners, and be merciful unto us, and unto the founders of this Temple : For thou art a merciful God and lovest mankind, and unto thee we ascribe glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and t o the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen.
And he #ronounceth the Benediction a##r@riate to the T w l e . Awd h u h blessed the Pt@le, the B i d @ or the Ar~h#riest, he b t h come with t i titi ti, ar said above, rtturneth'also with the Litzjvi to the Church w k u e ht hat~corne, while the Choir sing the Stanmas ofthe Tem$le, o a r whatsorucr t/n they wish. to the glory of God


W h tke Ckwrch isflnisked, there cometh a person, sent from the Bishop, one da
m more bqorehand, andfle#areth t h s e thin s which are necessary for $ Consecration. not only within the Sanctuary, &t also in dl the Church. A n d es#ecially he is careful that the Altar shall stand upon four columns, with a flfth column bearin a small cofer, i n the mi&; and the co er must be in the centre, unabAltar, about ourtee= i n c h higk, and t e Altar tkirQa k h f inches in heikht, and its w i fh in roportion to the Sanctuary, and the to# of the Altar in pr wtion to the A tar. Tlic Table of Oblation, a so, shaN be of the same hei ht, width and length, in proPo& to the Sanctuary. I n the to# o f tke A h r s o l w m n s cavitzes are hollowed out, a cou#le of inches in dPpth, where the wax-mastic is to be :in these same colwmns, six inches rorn the poor, notches shall be cut for holding the cord; and round about t e table of the Altar, a cou le of inches from the top, 0 t h such notches d a l l be cut,for holding tke c o r k andholes are fo be bored in the corners of the tablesfor the Altar and the Table of Oblation where the nails are to be, and hollow spaces shaN be $re#ared wkere the headr of the nails are to be, so that the baa3 of the nails may lie on a level with the table of the Altar; and thecolumns are to be pierced in such a mannertkat the nails skall m f e r them sfrark/rt. Thefollowin things are required: For making ast the table qfthe Altar, four nails, andgas many more are requiredfor the Able of Oblation; four storres, wherewith to drive the nails; one altar-cloth for drajing the AZtar, and another or the Table of Oblation; uppCr altarslotks,for cmmmng the Altar and the Tab c of Oblation; veils; cloths wherewith to w i e the Altar ; a cnrtain for the Holy Door; two palls, for the Altar and tk able of Oblation ; one lass each of rose-wafer and of church wine; holy Chrism, and an anointin f m s h ;a s#on,qe or the co~#oral; a sponge p r the sacred chalice ; a small &a&n boxfor the oly re/ics un&r the A l f a ~ ;tapersfor the Bishop, and m distribution among the other Ecclesiastics and the laity; incense, both o f t efinest sort, and also of the ordinary sort; two large tapers,for cawyin mproce~sion ; the chunh banners, i / t k be any. And roundabout the ~ h u r c s it m w t be clean. Then the fable-board shallbe taken from the Altar, andplacedagainst the wall, on the nght-hand sidr, and note must be taken befiehand of the positaha i n which it lay upon the Altar columns. Then a fa& is laced in front of the Hal Door, and upon it is sjread an altarcloth :And t e book ofthe Holy Gos e 4 and theprecious cross. and fhe sacred vessels are set thereon; the spoon, t e spear, the altarsloths, together with the veils, the cord the covering of the A ltarandof the Table of Oblation. the nails, a d t h e s onges; and they are covmed with an altar-cloth ; andfour candlesticks are set t ere, one at each corner; and another smaN table is placed within the Sanctuary, near the Bishop's throne, and an altarsloth is spread thereon ;and upon thrs table are #fared the holy Chrism, the church-wine and the rosewater i n tkeir glasses, an anointing-brnsh, an m~erg'Ilus, the stones wherewith the nails are to be driven, and tke wax-mastac. A n d the holy relics are placed ujon the paten, covered wifh the star-cover and the wail, and on t k eve o the Consecration are set @on a lectern be ore the holy #kture qf the S a v h r , the sidr qf the HoZy Door, i n the Churc i f s e y ; and *,See Appendix B,XIII.






T H E OFFICE AT T H E CONSECRATION OF A CHURCH outsriie the Sanctuary is celebrated the V I G I L OFFICE, by whomromr the B i s e shall appoint. And before the blessing of the water, the relics s h d l be bmnr thence, witk all reverence,to a azghbourin Church, a ter an early Liturgy, 4 there placed upon the hofy Altar; and$ book o f t Gosgr(r shaZl b e # M from the east over the hofy relics; and a candlestick shall be placed be o n the holy relics. But if there be no other church in the vicinie, fAnr t e ys M stand i n the same sjot until they are wed.

h When the time for the Divine Litur y is come, and the Bishop hath entered t Church which is to be consecrate8 he vesteth himseF i n his ejiscojal robes, andarlrirth thereto a special white arment (sratchitsa).(2) A n d thus arrayedk entereth the holy Sanctuarv ; a n k h Prihsts who are to serve, weanirgsimilar garments over their rirstly vestments, bear before the B i s e the table w i d dl fhinf nee!Julf? t e Consecrafion, and set it on the right-hand s * . A n d the Bis @,gzvrt~g h u pastoral straft0 a Sub-Deacon as he cometh to the Holy D m , entereth the Sanctuary :and after he Aath jra ed he maketh the sign of t k cross in blessing over t h o who are serving on &>Lab. A t this time fhe Dmcon bringetk ho/y water ( 3 )to the Bishop, and the B i s h e , taking the asjiergilhs, s rinklefh the columns with the holy water. Then the Sacnitan brairgeth tkc wax-mastic to the Bislrop, and the B i s h p spnnk~eththe wax-must& wifh hol wafer,and taketh the vessel with the wax-mastic,andpoureth it upon the rodnrns, in the form o f a cross, to the requisite amount, compassin them about; then he 'veth the vessel to the Sacristnn, and again sprinkletithe columns with h o g water, that the wax-mastic may hara2a quickly; and W Priests breathe upon the columns where the wax-mastic is, until it is hard. (4)

d f

A n d when this isfinisked, the Archriracon saitk

Let us pray to the Lord. The Pyicsts. Lord, have mercy.

A n d the Biskop reciteth this Prayer, in the hearing of a l l :

0 Lord God our Saviour, who createst all things and makest the race of man for salvation, accept the prayer of us, thine unworthy servants; and enable us at this present hour without condemnation to accomplish the consecration of this holy Temple, founded to thy praise in the name of Saint N. ; and to consummate the erection therein of an Altar. Enclamation. For unto thee are due all glory, honour and worship, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever. and unto ages of ages. PrieSis. Amen.
Then the Priests bring thc table o the Altar, andthe Bish@ sprinkleth it on d sidcs, and layeth it upon the co umns ofthe Altar. A n d whiZe this is being &ne, the following Psalm is sung :

PSALM CXLV. I will magnify thee, 0 God, my King; and I will praise thy Name forever and ever. Every day will I give thanks unto thee ; and praise



thy Name forever and ever. Great is the Lord, and marvellous worthy to be praised; there is no end of his greatness. One generation shall praise thy works unto another, and declare thy power. As for me, I will be talking of thy worship, thy glory, thy praise, and wondrous works ; so that men shall speak of the might of thy marvellous acts ; and I will also tell of thy greatness. The memorial of thine abundant kindness shall be showed ; and men shall sing of thy righteousness. The Lord is gracious and merciful ; long-suffering, and of great goodness. The Lord is loving unto every man ; and his mercy is over all his works. All thy works praise thee, 0 Lord ; and thy saints give thanks unto thee. They show the glory of thy kingdom, and talk of thy power ; that thy power, thy glory, and mightiness of thy kingdom, might be known unto men. Thy kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and thy dominion endureth throughout all ages. The Lord upholdeth all such as fall, and lifteth up all those that are down. The eyes of all wait upon thee, 0 Lord ; and thou givest them their meat in due season. Thou openest thine hand, and fillest all things living with plenteousness. The Lord is righteous in all his ways, and holy in all his works. The Lord is nigh unto all them that call upon him ; yea, all such as call upon him faithfully. He will fulfil the desire of them that fear him ; he also will hear their cry, and will help them. The Lord preserveth all them that love him ; but scattereth abroad all the ungodly. My mouth shall speak the praise of the Lord ; and let all flesh give thanks unto his holy Name forever and ever.
And when the Psalm isjinisbed, the B i s h e saith :

Blessed is our God always, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. The Pnests. Amen.
And when the wax-mastic h t h become hard, and the places upon which if@ed huve been cleaned, they say PSALM XXIII.

The Lord is my shepherd ; therefore can I lack nothing. He shall feed me in a green pasture, and lead me forth beside the waters of comfort. He shall convert my soul, and bring me forth in the paths of righteousness for his Name's sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil ; for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff comfort me. Thou shalt prepare a table before me against them that frouble me ; thou hast anointed my head with oil, and my cup shall be full. But thy loving-kindness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.
T h n the Bishop.

Blessed is our God always, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Priests. Amen.



The Sacristan dringeth our nails, and layeth them on the Altar; ( 5 ) andthe Biz sprinkleth them wit holy water andplaceth them in thecolumns. Again, t Sacristan bringeth the four stones ;andthe Bishop having / d m o m s t m c 4 the oBcintin ecclesiastics the others, they make/irm the Altar. A d w h e n tke Altar hath Len established, the car@ is immerhlreb spread *@re tk Holy Door, and (the Holy Door being now qPcnedX the upper end is h i d i n # h And when the Bzihoj is come forth from the Sanctuary, the Deaam sWZ exclaim :


Again, yet again, on bended knees, let us pray to the Lord.

And the Priests within the Sanctuary chant : Lord, have mercy. (Thrice.) Aflrr which the Bi~hop, kneeling, saith the following Prayer:

0 God, without beginning and eternal, who callest all things into being from nothingness; who dwellest in light unapproachable, and hast the heavens for thy throne, and the earth for thy footstool ; who didst give a law and pattern unto Moses, and didst inspire Bezaleel with the spirit of wisdom, and didst enable them to complete the perfect building of the Tabernacle of thy Covenant, wherein ordinances of divine worship were instituted, which were the images and types of the true ; who didst bestow upon Solomon breadth and greatness of heart, and thereby didst rear of old the Temple ; and upon thy holy and all-laudable Apostles didst renew the service in the Spirit,and the grace of the true Tabernacle, and through the same, 0 Lord of Hosts, didst plant thy churches and thine altars in all the earth, that there might be offered unto thee consecrated and unbloody sacrifices ; who, also, hast graciously been pleased to found this Temple, in the name of Saint N., to thy glory, and to the glory of thine Only-begotten Son, and of thine all-holy Spirit: Do thou, the same immortal and munificent King, call to mind thy bounties and thy mercies, which are from everlasting, and abhor not us who are defiled with a multitude of sins, neither annul thou thy Covenant because of our uncleanness ; but disregard thou now our iniquities, and strengthen us with the grace and inspiration of thy life-giving and holy Spirit, that without condemnation we may accomplish the renewal of this Temple, and fulfil the consecration of the Altar(s) therein ; that therein blessing thee in Psalms, and songs, and mystical rites we may always magnify thy loving-kindness. Yea, 0 Master, Lord our God, the hope of all the ends of the earth, hear us sinners who make our supplications unto thee, and send down thine all-holy, and adorable, and almighty Spirit, and sanctify this Temple and this Altqr (these Altars) : Fill it ( t h m ) with the light everlasting; elect it (them) for thy dwelling-place; make it (thtm) the abode of thy glory. Adorn it ( t k m ) with thy divine and supernal gifts. Appoint it (them) for a haven of the tempest-tossed, for a healing of passions, for a refuge of the weak, for an expelling o f evil spirits. Let thine eyes be open upon it (them) day and night, and let thine ears be heedful of the prayer of those who shall enter therein in thy fear and in devoutness, and shall call upon thine all-honourable and adorable Name ; that whatsoever they shall ask of thee, thou wilt hear



it in heaven above, and wilt show mercy and be gracious unto them. Preserve it indestructible even unto the end of the ages, and show forth the holy Altar(s) therein, the Altar(s) of thy Holy Things through the power and effectual operation of thy Holy Spirit. Glorify it (them) above the Mercy-Seat according to the Law ; that the holy offices which shall be celebrated thereon may attain unto thy holy, and most heavenly, and supersensual Altar, and obtain for us the grace of thy most pure over-shadowing; for we trust not in the service of our unworthy hands, but in thine unspeakable goodness.
And when the Prayer is fznished, the Bisliop stanlicth, andgoetk into the Sanctuay, to tk hol Altar; and the Proto-Deacon, within the holy Sanctuary, suit (the Holy d m r being closed) :

SUCCOU~ US, save us, have mercy upon us, and keep us, 0 God, by thy grace. The Ptiests. Lord, have mercy. For the peace that is from above, and for the salvation of our souls : 9; For the peace of the whole world ; for the welfare of God's holy Churches, and for the union of them a l l : 9; % For the Most Holy Governing Synod (or Patriarch), and for 2 the Right Reverend Bishop N., and for the works of his hands; h rn and for the Priests and Deacons who are with him : 9; That he will sanctify this holy Temple, and the Altar that is (the Altars that are) therein, through the descent and might of gu the Holy Spirit : 9; -a



H mfollozu#ctitionsfm tk Rulrr ofthc Landand f w all the Authorities

3 4 For this city, and for every city and land, and for those who q p with faith dwell therein : 9;
That he will deliver us from all tribulation, wrath, peril and necessity: 9; Calling to remembrance our most holy, undefiled, most blessed and glorious Lady, the Birth-giver of God and ever-virgin Mary, with all the Saints, let us commend ourselves, and each other, and all our life unto Christ our God. The Priests. To thee, 0 God.
Then a.jorringcr is brought,j l M with warm water. and red wine and rosewater. And the Proto-Dracon saith :

(Emperor, or King, and Reignin House, w President), according to the ele-ts and natwnalitics of wfich tk Parish t k constituted.)

Let us pray to the Lord.

And t k Bishlrp, tvwinghis head, saith this Prayer over the wafrr and the wine :

0 Lord our God, who didst sanctify the streams of Jordan by thy redeeming manifestation : Do thou, the same Lord, send down now also the grace of thy Holy Spirit; and bless this water and this wine,



unto the sanctification and completion of this thine Altar ( i k s e tky Altars) : For biessed art thou unto ages of ages. Amen.
A n d after the Prayer, he poureth the warm water, thricc, upOn the Altar, saying :

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
A n d mingling the red wine and the rose-wafer,hepowreth them into one ?~d~sel. Then the Sacrisfnn bnngefh four c(otks. A n d the B b h o j fakin blesseth his feliow-ministers to take the others; andthey9w@ede0%;< with. A n d when these things arejnished, PSALM LXXXIV. is said.


0 how amiable are thy dwellings, thou Lord of Hosts ! My soul hath a desire and longing to enter into the courts of the Lord ; my heart and my flesh rejoice in the living God. Yea, the sparrow hath found her an house, and the swallow a nest, where she ma lay her young; even thy altars, 0 Lord of Hosts, my King and my od. Blessed are they that dwell in thy house ; they will be alway praising thee. Blessed is the man whose strength is in thee; in whose heart are thy ways. Who going through the vale of misery use it for a well ; and the pools are filled with water. They will go from strength to strength, and unto the God of gods appeareth every one of them in Sion. 0 Lord God of Hosts, hear my prayer ; hearken, 0 God of Jacob. Behold, 0 God our defender, and look upon the face of thine Anointed. For one day in thy courts is better than a thousand. I had rather be a door-keeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of ungodliness. For the Lord God is a light and defence ; the Lord will give grace and worship; and no good thing shall he withhold from them that live a godly life. 0 Lord God of Hosts, blessed is the man that putteth his trust in thee.

A n d when the Altar kath been washed and wipe4 the Birkq&sm2k :

Glory to our God unto ages of ages. Priests. Amen.

The Bishop then taketk from the Sacrislan the red wine minglcnwifh rosc-watn. and polrreth it @on the Altar, thrice, i n crossform, liberally, a n d t h wei the Altar abunliirntly, stretchittq nrth their kana5 :and with this same mirtnre the Bishop sprinkleth the ot er h o b corporals. (6) A n d as ke dot& trkir, k saith at each sprznkling ;

Thou shalt sprinkle me with hyssop, and I shall be clean: thou shalt wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.
A n d after the Altar and the COY-orals have been fjnirklcd, the foll&g be &d (PSALM LI. verses 8-1 g) : shd

Thou shalt make me hear of joy and gladness, that the bones which thou hast broken may rejoice. Turn thy face from my sins, and put



out all my misdeeds. Make me a clean heart, 0 God, and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from thy presence, and take not thy holy Spirit from me. 0 give me the comfort of thy help again, and stablish me with thy free Spirit. Then shall I teach thy ways unto the wicked, and sinners shall be converted unto thee. Deliver me from blood-guiltiness, 0 God, thou that art the God of my health ; and my tongue shall sing of thy righteousness. Thou shalt open my lips, 0 Lord, and my mouth shall show thy praise. For thou desirest no sacrifice, else would I give it thee; but thou delightest not in burnt-offerings. The sacrifice of God is a troubled spirit : a broken and contrite heart, 0 God, shalt thou not despise. 0 be favourable and gracious unto Sion; build thou the walls of Jerusalem Then shalt thou be pleased with the sacrifice of righteousness, with the burnt-offerings and oblations ; then shall they offer young bullocks upon thine altar.
Z h n the Sactlitan bniigeth the sponges. Tlte Bishop takcth one s on e, and his fillowministers take the others; and they w@e the Altar wit$ sjon es. T h they Spread the cor#oral (or the co@orals) at the u#jer edge @the ~ k r . Then the BisAoj saith :


Blessed is our God always, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages.

Priests. Amen.
Then the Sacristan bn'ngefh the holy Chrism. The Bish@, taking the brush, anointcfh the Altar, in crossrform. The Prot~Dcacon saith, at the Altar, and at each COY-oral: Let us attend. The Bishop maketh w on the Altar three crosses, one i n the mi&, and one on each siliic, a littfe ower down, saying : Alleluia, thrice, at tack. A n d he anointeth also the #illars of the Altar, on two s i b , and on the mi&le, and on the edges. Thereaftrr the Pncsfs take tkc co oral (corporals)and lay if (fhem)on the Altar, one by one, below the crosses, w ich are traced with the koly Chrism, that these crosses be not crarrd. The Bishoj makcfh three crosses on each cm#oral (antimfns)( 7 ) with the hob Chrism, whzkh is on the Altar. A n d when this is accomjlished, PSALM CxxxIIr. is r e d :


Behold, how good and joyful a thing it is, brethren, to dwell together in unity ! I t is like the precious ointment upon the head, that ran down unto the beard, even unto Aaron's beard, and went down to the skirts of his clothing. Like as the dew of Hermon, which fell upon the hill of Sion. For there the Lord promised his blessing, and life forevermore.
T h the Biskoj saith :

Glory to thee, 0 Holy Trinity our God, unto ages of ages. The Priests. Amen.
A n d they place the lor-oral (or the cor-orals)on the salvcr. T h m the Priests Spn'ukleth it without and brin thefirst covering o f f h e Altar; (8) the Bis un'txk with holy water, and t h put it on t e Altar. T h the cord is brought. (9) Tke Biskop s$tl'nklctX the c o d , and t h y bind B e A lfar about therewith ;and this is the manner of the binding. The BisL@ hol&th fhe cord n on the nght si&, at t h e j r s t Pillar, and they allgo with the cord round to t e second~illar towardr the cast, whence it is carried to the bottom of the third pii&r, aldgoeth to thd bottom of the fonr-ih pillar. and is carricd again




And when these things are accom#lirhed, /hut is to say, when the Aliar h t . 4 been robed in thejrst cmenttg and bound about with the cord, PSALM CXXXII. is said, once, twice, and thn'ce.

Lord, remember David, and all his trouble : how he sware unto the Lord, and vowed a vow unto the Almighty God of Jacob ; I will not come within the tabernacle of mine house, nor climb up into my bed ; I will not suffer mine eyes to sleep, nor mine eyelids to slumber ; neither the temples of my head to take any rest ; until I find out a place for the temple of the Lord ; an habitation for the mighty God of Jacob. Lo, we heard of the same at Ephrata, and found it in the wood. We will go into his tabernacle, and fall low on our knees before his footstool. Arise, 0 Lord, into thy resting-place ; thou, and the ark of thy strength. Let thy priests be clothed with righteousness ; and let thy saints sing with joyfulness. For thy servant David's sake, turn not away the presence of thine Anointed. The Lord hath made a faithful oath unto David, and he shall not shrink from it ; of the fruit of thy body shall I set upon thy seat. If thy children will keep my covenant, and my testimonies that I shall learn them; their children also shall sit upon thy seat forevermore. For the Lord hath chosen Sion to be an habitation for himself ; he hath longed for her. This shall be my rest forever : here will I dwell, for I have a delight therein. I will bless her victuals with increase, and will satisfy her poor with bread. I will deck her priests with health, and her saints shall rejoice and sing. There shall I make the horn of David to flourish : I have ordained a lantern for mine Anointed. As for his enemies, I shall clothe them with shame ; but upon himself shall his crown flourish.
And when this isfinished, the Bishop saith :

Glory to our God unto ages of ages.

Then the Priests bring the ujj5er covcring(theindftak). (lo) The Bishop spnnkleth it with holy water w W i n and without, and they put it on the hoiy Altar, and spread thej5aN (the iiitdn),(1 I ) and trpon it place the corjoral (co~#wais), a d the book o the Holy Gos els, and the precious cross upon the Altar, and c a w them wit the aifar-clot~; and ail these things are s#rin&led with h o b w. AndaN these things being accomplished, PSALM X C I I I . is read:

The Lord is King, and hath put on glorious apparel ; the Lord hath



put 'on his apparel, and girded himself with strength. H e hath made the round world so sure, that it cannot be moved. Ever since the world began hath thy seat been prepared : thou art from everlasting. T h e floods are risen, 0 Lord, the floods have lift up their voice ; the floods lift up their waves. T h e waves of the sea are mighty,and rage horribly; but yet the Lord, who dwelleth on high, is mightier. T h y testimonies, 0 Lord, are very sure : holiness becometh thine house forever.
Andafter the Psalm the BishqP saith :

Blessed is our God always, now,'and ever, and unto ages of ages. The Priests. Amen.
Zien the Bishop commandcth the chief of the oJ7ciating clergy to away the Table of Oblation,with rinklin of holy water: and they #lnce the vessels, and the veils thereos, ana",over t%m with an aZtar-cloth, saying nothing, but only sjrinkling them with holy wafer. Then the BLho$ is divested o the special whitegarment; and the ProteDeacon brin eth the cenm to the lirhop. And the BuhqP censeth the A l f a ~ and the T d o f Oblation r a m ' admt, and aN the Sanctuary ;and the Prot~Deacon peth bcfm him wiih a taper, reciting


Be thou my Judge, 0 Lord, for I have walked innocently: my trust hath been also in the Lord, therefore shall I not falL Examine me, 0 Lord, and prove me ; try out my reins and my heart. For thy lovingkindness is ever before mine eyes ; and I will walk in thy truth. I have not dwelt with vain persons; neither will I have fellowship with the deceitful. I have hated the congregation of the wicked; and will not sit among the ungodly. I will wash my hands in innocency, 0 Lord ; and so will I go to thine altar; that I may show the voice of thanksgiving, and tell of all thy wondrous. works. Lord, I have loved the habitation of thy house, and the place where thine honour dwelleth. 0 shut not up my soul with the sinners, nor my life with the blood-thirsty ; in whose hands is wickedness, and their right hand is full of gifts. But as for me, I will walk innocently : 0 deliver me, and be merciful unto me. My foot standeth right: I will praise the Lord in the congregations,
many times, until the Sancfuary and the whole Church have been cmsed. And as the Bishop cmseth, two Archimandn'res, or Abbots, or Priests, fo2low him. One s$rinRleth the walls with hol w&; the second, holdis4 the vessel the hofy C ~ Y Laminteth C~, fhem witithe brush, in crossform, dz@ing it in the Chrism,jirst in the Sanctuary over the Bishop's seat, above the w i n h w ; then over the western doors o the church; then on the south sia2 and the north sidc ovcr the cioors ;and z;f t ry be lofty, stejs are used.

And when the cetzsing and the P s a h arejinirhed, the Bishop cniereth the Sanctuary and saith :

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.



A n d the Proto-Deacon takefh the censer and censeth f& B i s w thrirc. T.&U ke saifh,infront ofthe Altar, on the left side, the Little Lilany.

Again, yet again, in peace let us pray to the Lord. Choir. Lord, have mercy. Succour us, save us, have mercy upon us and keep us, 0 God, by thy grace. Choir. Lord, have mercy. Calling to remembrance our most holy, undefiled, most blessed and glorious Lady, the Birth-giver of God and ever-virgin Mary, with all the Saints, let us commend ourselves, and each other, and all our life unto Christ our God. Choir. To thee, 0 ~ o r d . And the Bisliop &th not make the ExcCamaCion, brrt t k ProlPDracm Let us pray to the Lord.
Then the Bi~liop's mitre is retnovcd. And standing in front of fhe h l y Al/or, kc saith, very loudly, the following Prayer :

0 Lord of heaven and earth, who with wisdom ineffable hast founded thy holy Church, and hast appointed the Order of the Priesthood upon the earth for an antitype of the Angels' service in heaven : Do thou, 0 niunificent Lord, receive also us who now make our petitions unto thee, not as being worthy to ask such great things of thee, but that the exceeding excellence of thy goodness may be manifested; for thou hast not ceased in manifold wise to be gracious unto mankind. And, as the chiefest of thy benefits, thou hast bestowed upon us the coming in the flesh of thine Only-begotten Son, who was seen upon earth, and shedding forth the light of salvation upon them that sat in darkness, did offer himself a sacrifice for us, and became a propitiation for the whole world, making us to be partakers of his Resurrection ; and after that he had ascended into heaven, he endued his Apostles and Disciples, a s he had promised, with power from on high, which is the Holy Spirit, adored and almighty, who proceedeth from thee, our God and Father; through whom, also, they became mighty in deed and in word, administered Baptism unto the adoption of sonship, builded churches, estab lished Altars, and instituted the laws and precepts of the Priesthood. And we sinners, having preserved the tradition thereof, do fall down before thee, the everlasting God, and implore thee, 0 Loving-kind One: Fill with thy glory divine this Temple erected to thy praise, and show thou forth the holy Altar(s) therein set up as the Holy of Holies; that we who stand before it (them), as before the dread throne of thy kingdom, may serve thee uncondemned, sending up unto thee petitions for ourselves and for all the people, and offering the unblood sacrifice of thy goodness, unto the remission of sins both voluntary an involuntary, unto the governing of our life, the attainment of a good conversation, and the fulfilling of all righteousness.



For blessed b e thine all-holy Name, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Pn'ests. Amen.
And the Bishop saith :

Peace be with you all. Priests. And with thy spirit. Proto-Deacon. Bow your heads unto the Lord. T o thee, 0 Lord.
And t h Bishop saitk, secretly, the f o l h i n g Prayer :

W e thank thee, 0 Lord God of Hosts, for that thou hast graciously vouchsafed to continue also even unto us sinners and thine unworthy servants, because of thy great love toward mankind, that ,-c grace which thou hast poured out upon thy holy Apostles, and upon 3 our sainted fathers. Wherefore we pray thee, 0 all-merciful Lord: $ Fill with glory, and holiness, and grace this Altar (these Altars), that 9 the unbloody sacrifices which shall thereon be offered unto thee may be transmuted into the most pure Body and precious Blood of thine Only-begotten Son, who is our Lord, and God, and Saviour Jesus Christ, unto the salvation of all thy people, and of our unworthiness. Exclamation. For thou art our God, the God whose property it is to show mercy and to save ; and unto thee we ascribe glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Priests. Amen.
And thcm@on there is brou~ht to the Bishop a candlcJtick, and therein a new, unli htedtaprr, which the Bishop lzkhtcth with kis own h a n k , ( I 2 ) and#laceth on f f c H&h Pkaa (the Bishop's seat) behindthe Altar.* 7Xen the Sacrisfandirectcth how they are to go to another church, with the cross, for the holy relics :the Bishopgiveth the book ofthe Holy Gospels andfkccross to the Pn'csfs, and distributeth the capers irr the Sancfwry to those#resmt, and &suin.g 07thfrom the Sanctuary upon the tribune, to flu lai9. Then the Bishop enteret the S a n c t u a ~ :a n d r r i e d $ fkc jn'csts, the Bishop goefh j w t k from the Sanctua through t church orsfor the holy relics, takrng krrpasford stof at fie Z o Q Doorfiom a Chanter,andsaith :

Let us go forth in peace.

Then they o for the hob relics, accordin to the ritual: in front are borne the durch and the hog #icfkres ~ k d ~ z as ] ,is h n e in the cross. The Bishop is su p d z two Deacons. And the ricsts walk fore fhe Bisicop, bearing tke ok of t Holy Gospels and the cross, and the ProtoDeacon and the Deacon cense. The Singers ckanf the Hymn, in Tone ZV.


~~ %

Thy Church which, in all the world, thou hast adorned with the blood of thy martyrs, as it were purple and fine linen, crieth aloud through them unto thee, 0 Christ-God : Send down thy bounties upon thy people, giving grace unto thine Estate, and great mercy unto our souls.
Note that up to this point no tapers have been lighted in the Sanctuary.



Glory to the Father, . . . now, . . . ( T o m V7I.l.) The universe offereth unto thee, 0 Lord, the God-bearing martyrs, the first-fruits of nature, as to the Founder of Creation: Through the prayers of the same, and of the Birth-giver of God, 0 merciful One, preserve in peace profound thy Church, which is thine Estate. And when the Btkhq5 cometh to the Temple where the haly relics arc # k c 4 L

enterefh the Sanctuary throvgh the Holy Door, with two of the Eccleziasricr there present. And at the Holy Uomhe gr'veth his #astoraZ s t a f f 0 M awljrfz. And the Bishop and Ecclehtics d o reverence to the holy relics; a d tk Bishop nrakefh the szgn of the cross over those who stand t k c .

Then the Prot~Deacon, standing in front of the Holy Door, reciletk the Lift& Litany. (Setpage 502.)

Again, yet again, in peace Lord, have mercy.

. ..

And the Priests outs1'& the Sarrctwry res9ond: And after the Litany, the Bid@ #ronounceth the Exclamation in front of the Altar:

For holy art thou, 0 our God, who restest on the honourable Maxqn, which have suffered for thee ; and unto thee do we ascribe glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen. 0 Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal One, have mercy upon us. (Thrice.) Proto-Deacon. Let us pray to the Lord. Choir. Lord, have mercy.
And the B i d is &sled of his mibe, whkh is laid ujon the salver. And k saith the fo &wing Prayn:


0 Lord our God, faithful in thy words, and steadfast in thy promises, who hast enabled thy holy Martyrs to fight the good fight and to fulfil the course of godliness, and to keep the faith of the true confession: Be thou, the same all-holy Lord, entreated of their prayers, and vouchsafe unto us thy servants to have a part and inheritance with them; that being followers of them, we also may obtain the good things which await them. Exclamation. Through the mercy and love toward mankind of thine Only-begotten Son, with whom thou art blessed, together with thine all-holy, and good, and life-giving Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen. B a k e . Peace be with you alL Choir. And with thy spirit. Proto-Deacon. Bow your heads unto the Lord. Choir. To thee, 0 Lord.


And the B i S W saiyh, secretly, thefollmirrg Prayer :


0 Lord our God, through the prayers of our most holy Lady,

the Birth-giver of God, and of all thy Saints, direct thou the works 3 of the hands of us, thine unworthy servants ; and vouchsafe that $ we may, in all things, prove acceptable unto thy goodness. Exclamation. Blessed and all-glorified be the majesty of thy kingdom, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen.
The Bishop then takctk the censerfrom the Profo-Deacon, and cmseth the hol relirr thnkc three times ;andgiving fhe censer to be held, and taking the ho$ @ten with the h l y relicr, covered with a v d over thr star-cover, b setteth it n#on bir head, and octh out t h r m k the Holy Door, su##ortcd b the chief Eccksil*r. But ~ i s h ohimse$holdsth j t h j aten wifh bofh d n k . And thus they go forth, according to thcfr rank. I n front are borne the church banners, and the holy imagc (ikdna)ofthe Tern &. Before the holy image the Singers ;then fhe Pricsts, then the Ta#u e m u with the #astoral s f a x and trhr mitre is b m e in the midd(e.




TAm the Profo-Deacon and a Deacon go wi'zh censers and cmsc the holy relia and the BiShajh; and over the Pafen Deacons bear hw or our sacramental fins. Before t e Birh SubDeacons bear the hubk-hanc d and tripk-brauched cana'Lesfkks (dikz' and fdfi).

ZXm the Singers chant f h Hymn, in Tonc 1 1 1 .:

0 Good One, who didst found thy Church upon the rock of faith, direct thou aright our petitions therein; and accept thou the people who, in faith, do cry unto thee: Save us, 0 our God, save us.
4 - t k r e be time, t h y sing d o tkfollbzuing Theme-Songs (Zrmosf): Tow ZZZ., Song ZZZ.

0 Lord, the Confirmation of those who set their hope on thee, confirm thou thy Church, which thou hast bought with thy precious blood
Tone YZZZ., Song ZZZ.

0 Master and Creator of the vault of heaven, and Founder of the Church, establish thou me in thy love, 0 thou who alone lovest mankind; the Summit of desire, the Confirmation of the faithful.
Tonc K,Song 1 1 1 .

Thou who upon nothing, by thy command, didst erect the earth, and didst suspend it, hanging unsupported : Upon the rock immovable of thy commandments, 0 Christ, establish thou thy Church, 0 thou who alone art good and lovest mankind.



When thcy come to the Church w h k h is to be consecrated, tkcy circk round abont it from the western door to the southern side, and so on to the rust; (13) A n d a P r k t gocth before, and sprinkleth the Church with holy water. And when they come in p o n t of thegreat door of the Church, the Singers chunt t&e Hymns, in Tone VZI.:

0 holy Martyrs, who fought the good fight and have received your crowns : Entreat ye the Lord that our souls may be saved. Glory to thee, 0 Christ our God, the Apostles' boast, the Martyrs' joy, whose preaching was the consubstantial Trinity.
Then the Bish takethfrom his head thc pafen with trhr hol relics, and settetk it on the tab e #re#ared i n p o n t o f the church hors. ~ d h &CIA e reverence to the holy relics thricc :and pntteth on his mitre, and szgneth the Priests on eifher si& with the sign of the cross. A n d while the Singers chunt tke Hymnr. they enfrr the Tempk. A n d the abors being shut or screened with a c~rrtain,the Clergy stand with the hoZy images, the Gospels and the cross, behind the tab& w h f A is i nfiont of tkc &or, turning toward the west; and on the table is spread an altariloth, a d at the corners stand fonr candlesficks, or two; and the Deacons hoId t& sacramental fans over the holy relics. Then the Proto-Deacon bringeth the censer to the Bishop. A n d the Bishoj5, laR ing it, censcth the koly Pafen thrice three times, as also the boo& of tke Hol Gosfiels, and the cross, and the hoZy images (ikdni). on the nkk a d or t i left; andako the C-y. A n d after the censing, the Proto-Deacon taketh the censer fiom the Bishop, and cettseth the Bid* thrice.

A n d the Bishop, standing before the holy relics. saith :

Blessed art thou always, 0 Christ our God, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages.
And the Singers within the Temp& resy5ond: Amen. Then the Bishop saifh :

Receive your princes, 0 ye gates, and be ye lifted up, ye everlasting doors, and the King of Glory shall come in.
A n d the Singers within the Temple sing :

Who is this King of Glory ?

A n d again, for the second Pimc, the B i d @ #roc&inui.h :

Receive your princes, 0 ye gates, and be ye lifted up, ye everlasting doors, and the King of Glory shall come in. Singers. Who is this King of Glory ? Proto-Deacon. Let us pray to the Lord. Singers. Lord, have mercy.

The Bishop's mitre is then rcmvve4 and hc saith, in a bud voice, t i s Pmyw:

Blessed be thou forever, 0 God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who through the veil of his flesh hath consecrated for us an entrance into the Church of the first-born, who are written in heaven, whert is



the abode of those who rejoice, and the voice of gladness : Do thou, the same Lord who lovest mankind, look upon us, thy sinful and unworthy servants, who now celebrate the renewal of the honourable Temple of N., after the pattern of thy most holy Church, that is, of our own body, which thou hast vouchsafed unto us by thine all-laudable Apostle Paul to call thy Temple (and members of thy Christ) ; and establish thou it immovable unto the end of time, and glorified in thee. And vouchsafe that without condemnation we may offer therein praises and exaltations unto thy glory, and unto thine Only-begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, and thy Holy Spirit, with understanding, and with all emotion ; and that those who worship thee in thy fear may show themselves worthy of thy divine bounties, and may be acceptable unto thy goodness, through these prayers offered up by us and by all thy people unto thine unspeakable loving-kindness : through the prayers of our most holy Lady, the Birth-giver of God, and ever-virgin Mary.

For holy art thou, 0 our God, who restest on the Saints. And unto thee do we ascribe glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Hol Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. d o i r . Amen. Bishop. Peace be with you all. Choir. And with thy spirit. Proto-Dcacon. Bow your heads unto the Lord Choir. To thee, 0 Lord.
And the Bishoj reciteth, secretly, this Prayer :

0 Master, Lord our God, who hart appointed in heaven, ranks

and hosts of Angels and Archangels for the ministry of thy glory: Cause that with our entrance may enter also the holy Angels, with us serving thee and with us glorifying thy goodness.


For unto thee are due all glory, honour and worship, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen.
Then the Bishoj takefh the paten with the holy relics, and szgncth the dbors of the Church in crossfornx, saying :

T h e Lord of Hosts, he is the King of Glory.

And the Choir singeth :

The Lord of Hosts, he is the King of Glory.

And while the Choir sinxeth this or the last time, the table is removed, and the Bkh@ setteth tkejafen wifk t holy refirs on Air head; and t@ enter the T e m j b . A t that moment the Choir singeth the Hymn in Tone I K

Forasmuch as thou hast shown forth the splendour of the firmament



on high, and the beauty of the holy habitation of thy glory here below, 0 Lord: Establish thou the same forever, and accept our petitions continually offered unto thee therein ; through the Birth-giver of God, 0 thou who art the life and the Resurrection of all men.
A n d the Bishop p e t h into the holy Sanctuary, through the Holy Door, a d setteth the paten with the holy relics on the holy Altar,and doeth reverence to tke holy relics. A n d the Bishop's mitre is j u t upon him. Then the Proto-Beacon bringefh the censer to the bishop, and the Bishop taketh it, and censeth the holj relics thrice thrte times, and his fellow-cCcr~,ON both sides. A n d the Pro& Deacon, taking the censerfrom the Bishop, censeth the Bkhop drirc. The Risho$ jrayefh, andblessetk his fellow-ministers, andtakefh the wilandstarcrmcr frotn the aten; and fhe Sacrirtan brin eth the holy Chnitn, and tke c m rfor fhe ho y relks, which is beneath the A%r. After him the SubDbriureth the wax-mastic, somewhat cooled. A~lrrithe Bishop taketk the kdy rclih, rtnfolding them from the Paper in w h k h they have &en w~njpcri, in three portions, encased in wax, and placeth them i n the cofer, havin first anointed them with the ho/y Chriim ; andpoureth ofthe wax-mas&, a 4 i v e f k the cofer to the Sacrisbn. And the Sacrisfan, faking i f , nnd kissinp the ho& hand o the Bb*, c l o d the coyer, and layeth it rrnder the Altar, zrz the centraljil ar. Then the Bishop layeth fhe#rearedarticZes i n the coq5oral (or corporals), Law in Jrst anointedinsih a liltle ba in fhe centre of each corjmal with the rho& c f r i s n , andmnakfh themfast witfwax-n~astic wzfh as#ecialsanl/#&. (14 [When there is no other church i n the vicinity of the Temfllc to be c m r ~ e c r a f the e~ holy relics are set, in the same manner, on the preceding evening, upon a Icetern in front of the ho/ypicture (ikdna)ofthe S a ~ ~ i o nir n, the TI le which t i to be consecrated. A nd when the time b come to g o p the ho y re&cs, the Bishop issueth forth rom the doors of the Church, an standth over against the relics, on his eag e rug, and praying, he blessetk hir fellow-cZer amitkc Bishop toketh the censer, and censefh the h o b relics fhrirr: a n y h e Chir singcth tkr Hymn alredy set forfh ( j e 503): T h Church which, in all the world, . . . Glory . . . now, . . . ; arrd$e ~ o l l e c t - h $ n : ~T h e universe offereth unto thee, 0 Lord, . (Seepage 504.) A n d when the Clrmi hathjnished singin the ProteDeacon sai'th the Little Lib an. : Again, yet amin, . . . (Page 502) f&re the ha& r e k and aN fhirpl nn h n c according to the ritual, as hereinbefore set forth. A n d the Bish@ fakefk the holy relics on his head, w d octh with the cross r a n d about the Church, , accordinr to the ritual. And w f e n it is in no wise jossible to make the cirrnit of the Church wifh the h o b i-elics. then they go forth before thc great &r of the Temp/e. and the Bishofi settefh the holy relics on the table there ma& ready, and doeth reverence to the holy relics, and tabeth the censer from /kt Proto-Dcacon,and censefh thc holy relics three t i n t s ; - and everything i r doat according to the ora'er already prescribed. And after all hafh been accomjliskrd. the Bishop setfefh the holv relics on his head, and havin blessed fherewifh tkt great h o r o f the church. he setteth t h m again 3 o n head: and atcring the Sanctuary. he maketh the circuit of'ths Sanct~rary once wifh the holy rrlics, instead r, goinx round about the Tetn le, as should have bccn done ;arrd k setteth t e holy relics rtpon the h o b Itor, and layeth thrtn i n the (of@ a d i n the corporals, and doth the rest, according to the order set forfh a h e . ] A n d when this hath &en accomjlished, the ProteDe(1~011 saith :


. .

'Let us pray to the Lord. Priests. Lord, have mercy.



Tkr Bishop saith tkcfoffowing Prayer:

0 Lord our God, who hast bestowed upon the 9oly Martyrs which
suffered for thy sake this glory also, that their relics should be sown abroad in all the earth, in thy holy churches, and should bring forth fruits of healing : Do thou, the same Master, who art the giver of all good things, through the intercessions of the saints whose relics thou hast graciously permitted to be placed in this thy most honourable Altar (these thy most lionourable Altars), enable us uncondemned to offer unto thee thereon the unbloody sacrifice: And grant us all those petitions which are unto salvation, vouchsafing also to the relics therein of those who have suffered for thy holy Name, that they may work miracles unto our salvation. Exclamation. F o r thine are the kingdom and the power and the glory, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. The Priests. Amen. Again, yet again, on bended knees, let us pray to the Lord. And tk Rishop. kneeling (and the fie Ie tkere firesmt in fke Temple kneel aha), rerim, in Ue haring of aff, tkir $ a y ~ : 0 Lord our God, who by thy word alone didst bring into existence creation, and who in wise unutterable didst adorn it diversely, and didst send down thy Holy Spirit, gathering it together, and hast poured forth this light of the sun unto its renewal; who didst inspire Moses, well-pleasing in thy sight, to add unto thine exceedingly good creation a certain special praise, and to say : Thou didst behold the light, that it was good, and didst call it Day : which, also, we have beheld, even this most radiant sun that every day reneweth creation, and do glorify thee, the Sun of the true day, and thy light which hath no setting ; Who, through thy Son, hast commanded us to renew our nature by thy Holy Spirit, that through the gift thereof thy Saints may shine like the sun : We pray thee, and beseech thee, the Father of the Word, our Lord and our God (forasmuch as, through thine unutterable love toward mankind and thy boundless mercy, creation and the ancient covenant, - which was the image of the new covenant, - in thy divine revelation of thyself on Mount Sinai, and that wondrous Bush that burned, and he tabernacle of assembly, and the exceeding beautiful Temple of Solomon, received renewal): with merciful eyes look thou upon us, thy sinful and unworthy servants, who are here present in this house like unto heaven, which is the praise of the universe, a true a!tar of thine ineffable glory. And send down upon us, and upon thine inheritance thy most Holy Spirit, and after the manner of the divine David renew within our hearts a right spirit, and establish us with



thy sovereign Spirit. And grant unto our most God-fearing Sovereign victories and conquests over enemies both visible and invisible ; and unto us peace and concord. And give remission of sins to those who have diligently completed this building and co~lsecrationof a temple out of love to thee, 0 God : Grant them those petitions which are unto salvation; stir them up to do thy commandments; vouchsafe unto them the renewal of the gift of thy Holy Spirit, that uncondemned they may worship thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent: f N,the Saint t o Through the prayers of the Birth-giver of God (and o whom the Church is dedicated), and of all thy Saints. Amen.
A n d afler the Prayer the Bishoj rrjeth, as a % likewise fhe others, and the ProtoDeacon saith :

Succour us, save us, have mercy upon us, raise us up, and keep us, 0 God, by thy grace.
( A n d the rest of the Little Litany. Seejagc The Ascri$tion : The Bisho#.

For holy art thou, 0 our God, and restest on the holy, honourable Martyrs, who have suffered for thy sake ; and unto thee do we ascribe glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. -Choir. Amen.
Then the Bisho#~oethto the # l a c where he is vested, rysuch a #lace t h e &, m'rk hisjasforal s t a s Butf ;z there be no vesting-jlacc, he standcth on tht tribYIv i n fiont of the Sanctuary. A n d the Pra'rsfs take their stand on either sidr, according to the ritual. A n d when the Bishop hath stood there andjrayed, L blcsseth those jresent. The Proto-Deacon rccitrth the Litany. ! Have mercy upon us, 0 God, according to thy great mercy, we ' beseech thee : hearken, and have mercy. & Herr f o l h j5etitions for the Rulrr of the t a n d a n d f o r all the Authorities 2. (Emperor, or King, and Reigning House, w President, according to t k t elements and nationalitks of which the P a h h is cmh'lirted).

Furthermore we pray for our Holy Synod ( m Patriarch) ; for our b Bishop (or Archbishop, or Metropolitan), N. ; for the honourable -2 Presbytery, the Diaconate in Christ; for all the clergy and the laity. & o c Furthermore we pray for all their Christ-loving Army and Navy. I$ Furthermore we pra for the blessed and ever-memorable founders 7 of this holy Temple. Furthermore we pray for mercy, life, peace, health, salvation, forgiveness and remission of sins for the servants of God, our * 2 brethren of this holy Temple. 9; Furthermore we pray for those who bear fruit and do good work in this holy and all-honourable Temple : for those who labour in its u service ; for the singers, and for the people here present, who await in f i r mhope the great and rich mercies which are from thee. I$


And the Biz@ maketh the Exckr~~~tiolr.


For thou art a merciful God, who lovest mankind, and unto thee do we ascribe glory, to t h e Father, and t o t h e Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen. Tken tke Sacristan brin eth to tkc Biskqb a cross upon a salver. And the Biskqb taketh the cross, a n h n d i n on tkat same vesting+lace (aon tke tribvne b#ae the Sanctuary) blessetfthnke with the cross, on all f a r si&s :to the #&,and the west, and the sunfk, and the north. And the Yroto-DeatoncmsetA o v e against ~ tke cross tk& on each sidc, andjarsing over, saitk : Let us a l l say, Lord, have mercy. (Tkrirc.) Choir. Lord, have mercy. (Thrice.) Afte~ tke bkssing, the Proto-Deacon saith : Wisdom! And tke Biskqb, laying the cross u on the Sacristan's salver, goeth (if he hatk bcm standing u on the vesting+ ace)to tk tribune before the Sanctuary, bearing his jartora stafi saying :

and beyond compare more glorious than t h e Seraphim, thou who without defilement barest God the W o r d , true Birth-giver of God, we magnify thee. Bisllcop. Glory t o thee, 0 Christ-God our hope; glory t o thee. Choir. Glory . . . now, and ever, . . . Lord, have mercy. (Thrice.) Master, bless. And the Bishop, ascending the t d u n e , and@ving kis #artoral staA w i n taketh the cross, adgiveth tke Benediction with tke cross. Anda ter t& Bcnedzctwrr fie Proto-Deacon roclaimeth Many years. And a ter ! tI e Many ears. tke ~ e m bnirgeth m t e Bish@ holy water. And the s P I * k d with the holy wain-the wall, west, north and south. Af?er the sprinkling, the Bishop himself kissetk tkejrecions cross,and a ter him the other Eccles~tics and the Prqle kiss it likewise; and he s rink eth each of ikem with hofy water. And whzle the Peopk salute it, the C oir sintlqetk: Many Years. And when this kath been sung, tke Hours are begnn. At the Liturgy, the Gradual (Prokfmcn) o the Consecration andoftke Saint of tke Temjlt are used. The E@t& is : ebrews ix. I -8, and that of tk Trmjle. The Gospel is :John X. 22-27, and that of the Temjle.

0 most holy Birth-giver o f God, save us. Choir. More honourable than t h e Cherubim,


R f



Every Orthodox Chrirtian should know in what manner he is borrnd to refurn thatrks to God our Benefactor,for every answer to prayer, a?rmformryf a o u r received at his hanlis, whether for the sorrl or body ;either irmividual/y or fm all the peo@fe; either $rivately in his own chamber or publicly irr church. I f the following Thatrksgiviw is to be ~elebrafed, trot i n corrnrctahn with the Lilurgy but after the M<ztirrs or Vesjer Service, the Prhsl, vested in his stole a d chasubfe.and s/artdin,g in front of the holy Altar after having cemrrd fhsamt in the form of a cross, begintrelh asfollows ;

Glory to the Holy, and Consubstantial, and Undivided Trinity, always, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen.
Then is read:

0 heavenly King, the Comforter, Spirit of Truth, who art in all places and fillest all things; Treasury of good things and Giver of life: Come, and take up thine abode in us, and cleanse us from every stain; and save our souls, 0 Good One. 0 Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal One, have mercy upon us. ( Thrice.) Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. 0 all-holy Trinity, have mercy upon us. 0 Lord, wash away our' sins. 0 Master, pardon our transgressions. 0 Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for thy Name's sake. Lord, have mercy. (Thrice.) Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, As it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, A s we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation ; But deliver us from the Evil One : For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen. 0 come, let us worship God our King. 0 come, let us worship and fall down before Christ, our King and our God. 0 come, let us worship and fall down before the Very Christ, our King and our God. 0 come, let us worship and fall down before him. (Three reverences.)



0 give thanks unto the Lord, for he is gracious : because his mercy endureth forever. Let Israel now confess that he is gracious, and that his mercy endureth forever. Let the house of Aaron now confess that his mercy endureth forever. Yea, let them now that fear the Lord confess that his mercy endureth forever. I called upon the Lord in trouble, and t h e Lord heard me at large. T h e Lord is on my side, I will not fear what man doeth unto me. T h e Lord taketh my part with them that help me, therefore shall I see my desire upon mine enemies. I t is better to trust in the Lord than to put any confidence in man. I t is better to trust in the Lord than to put any confidence in princes. All nations compassed me round about ; but in the Name of the Lord will 1.destroy them. They kept me in on every side, they kept me in, I say, on every side, but in the Name of the Lord will I destroy them. They came about me like bees, and are extinct even as the fire among the thorns ; for in t h e Name of the Lord will I destroy them. Thou hast thrust sore at me, that I might fall : but the Lord was my help. T h e Lord is my strength and my song; and is become my salvation. T h e voice of joy and health is in the dwellings of the righteous : the right hand of the Lord bringeth mighty things to pass. T h e right hand of the Lord hath the preeminence ; the right hand of the Lord bringeth mighty things to pass. I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the Lord. T h e Lord hath chastened and corrected me, but he hath not given me over unto death. Open me the gates of righteousness, that I may go into them, and give thanks unto the Lord. This is the gateof the Lord: the righteous shall enter into it. I will thank thee, for thou hast heard me, and art become my salvation. T h e same stone which the builders rejected is become the head-stone in the corner. This is the Lord's doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes. This is the day the Lord hath made: we will rejoice and be glad in it. Help me now, 0 Lord: 0 Lord, send us now prosperity. Blessed be he that cometh in the Name of the Lord. W e have wished you good luck, ye that are of the house of the Lord. God is the Lord who hath showed us light : bind the sacrifice with cords, yea, even unto the horns of the altar. Thou art my God, and I will thank thee. 0 give thanks unto the Lord, for he is gracious, and his mercy endureth forever. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the IIoly Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia. Glory to thee, 0 God. (Thrice.)
Tken the Deacon rccifetk fire customary Litany.

I n peace let us pray t o the Lord. Choir. Lord, have mercy.



For the peace that is from above, and for the salvation of our souls : & For the peace of the whole world ; for the welfare of God's holy Churches, and for the union of them all : & For this holy Temple, and for those who with faith, devoutness, and in the fear of God have entered therein : & For our Holy Synod (or Patriarch) ; for our Bishop (or Archbishop, or Metropolitan), N. ; for the honourable Presbytery, the Diaconate in Christ ; for all the clergy and the laity : &
H m f o l h #ttitionsjbr the Ruler of the Land atrd for all the AuthmiZirs



(Emperor, or King, and Reigning House,

or President, according to fh ekmcnts and nationalitits of which the Paririr is constituted>

That he will aid them in all things, and subdue under their feet every foe and adversary : & For this city, and for every city and land; and for those who with faith dwell therein : & For healthful seasons, for abundance of the fruits of the earth, and for peaceful times : I$ For those who travel by sea or by land ; for the sick and suffering ; for those who are in captivity, and for their salvation : I) That he will graciously accept this present thanksgiving and s u p I;. plication of us unworthy sinners on his most heavenly Altar, and in his compassion have mercy upon us : & S That he will not despise the thanksgiving of us his unprofitable 2 servants, which we offer with humble hearts for the benefits that j we have received from him ; but that it may be acceptable unto him $ ID ) as sweet-smelling incense, and a whole burnt-offering : I That he will hearken now unto the voice of petition of us, his 3 unworthy servants, and will always fulfil the good intention and $ desire of his faithful, as may be most expedient for them ; and, in 'le that he is bountiful, may always bestow his benefits upon us, and grant unto his holy Church and unto every faithful servant of his their petitions : & That he will deliver his holy Church (and his servants, NN. ; or his servant, N.)and us all from every tribulation, wrath, peril and necessity, and from all enemies, both visible and invisible ; and that he will always hedge about his faithful people with health, long life, and peace, and the host of his holy Angels : & Succour us, save us, have mercy upon us, and keep us, 0 God, by thy grace. Choir. Lord, have mercy. Calling to remembrance our most holy, undefiled, most blessed and glorious Lady, the Birth-giver of God and ever-virgin Mary, with all the Saints, let us commend ourselves, and each other, and all our life unto Christ our God.




Choir. T o thee, 0 Lord Pricst. For unto thee are due all glory, honour and worship, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen. Then: God is the Lord, and hath revealed himself unto us. Blessed is he that cometh in the Name of the Lord. Verse (Stikh) I : 0 give thanks unto the Lord, for he is gracious; because his mercy endureth forever. Verse 2 : All the nations compassed me about, but in the Name of the Lord have I driven them back. Verse 3 : I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the Lord. Vrrse 4 : The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner. This is the Lord's doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes. And the following Hymns (Tr@ari),in Tonc ZK : We, thine unworthy servants, 0 Lord, grateful for thy great benefits which thou hast showed upon us, glor~fyingthee do praise, bless, give thanks, sing, and magnify thy loving-kindness, and with love do cry aloud unto thee in humble submissiveness : 0 our Benefactor and our Saviour, glory to thee. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. [ Tone 1 1 1) 0 aster, who hast freely vouchsafed thy benefits and gifts unto thine unprofitable servants, zealously resorting unto thee, we offer unto thee thanksgiving according to our strength, and glorifying thee as our Benefactor and our Creator, we cry aloud : Glory to thee, 0 God most bountiful. Now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. (Tonc I . ) 0 Birth-giver of God, the Helper of Christians, having acquired thy protection, we thy servants gratefully do cry aloud unto thee: Hail, most pure Birth-giver of God ! And from all calamities deliver thou us always by thy prayers, 0 thou who alone art a speedy Helper in trouble. Deacon. Let us attend. Priest. Peace be with you all. Rcader. And with thy spirit. Deacon. Wisdom ! Let us attend. Reader. The Gradual (Prokimen), in the Fourth Tone. I will sing of the Lord, because he hath dealt so lovingly with me, yea I will praise the Name of the Lord most highest. y e , : My heart shall rejoice in thy salvation.
Then the E j f i t l c is rcad:

( ~ ~ h e s $ nv. r 8-21.) Brethren, walk ye as children of the light (for the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth) ;



proving what is acceptable unto the Lord. And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret. But all things that are discovered are made manifest by the light : for whatsoever doth make manifest is light. Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light. See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is. And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess ; but be filled with the Spirit ; speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord ; giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ ; submitting yourselves one to another in the fear o f God
[On the Birtkahys of fkeir Zm#cnaC Majesfies, and of fkeir Irn#erial and Royal Hlk/rnesses: The First Epistle to Timothy ii. 1-6. (See tke Thanksgrving Swvice fm N e w Year's Day.) On DRYSrommemorating Yicfmix,as such fke Anniversary of the Baffle of Poifava, artd the like :

(2 Cor. ii. 14-16.) Now, brethren, thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest the savour of his knowledge to us in every place. For we are unto God a sweet savour of Christ, in them that are saved, and in them that perish : To the one we are the savour of death unto death ; and to the other the savour of life unto life. And who is sufficient for these things ? ( I Tim. i. 17.) NOW unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, be honour and glory unto ages of ages. Amen.] PriESt. Peace be unto thee: Reader. And to thy spirit. Deacon. Wisdom ! Render. Alleluia, in the Fourth Tone. Deacon. And that he will graciously vouchsafe unto us to hear his Holy Gospel, let us pray to the Lord. Choir. Lord, have mercy. (Thrice.) Dencon. Wisdom, 0 believers ! Let us listen to the Holy GospeL Pricsi. Peace be with you all. Choir. And with thy spirit. Priest. The Lesson from the holy Gospel of Luke. Dcacoir. Let us attend. Choir. Glory to thee, 0 Lord ; glory to thee. 7% Priest fken rcadefk the Gospel.

(L~rke xvii. 1 2 - ~ 9 ) .And as Jesus entered into a certain village, there met him ten men that were lepers, which stood afar off: and they lifted up their voices, and said, Jesus, Master, have mercy on us. And when he saw them, he said unto them, Go show yourselves unto t h e priests



And it came to pass, that, as they went, they were cleansed. And one of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back, and with a loud voice glorified God. And fell down on his face at his feet, giving him thanks: and he was a Samaritan. And Jesus answering said, Were there not ten cleansed ? but where are the nine ? There are not found that returned to give glory to God, save this stranger. And he said unto him, Arise, go thy way: thy faith hath made thee whole. Choir. Glory to thee, 0 Lord ; glory to thee.
And immediately the Deacon recittth tAcfoZZowfng Litany :

Have mercy upon us, 0 God, according to thy great mercy, we beseech thee : hearken, and have mercy. Ijc Returning thanks with fear and trembling, as unprofitable servants, unto thy loving-kindness, 0 Lord, our Saviour and our Master, for thy benefits which thou hast poured out abundantly upon thy servants, we fall down in worship, and offer unto thee praise as God, and with fenour do cry aloud unto thee : Deliver thou thy servants from all calamities,and in that thou art merciful fulfil thou always the desires of us all as may be expedient for us, we diligently entreat thee : hearken, and have mercy. Ijc In that thou now hast mercifully hearkened unto the supplications of thy servants, 0 Lord, and hast manifested upon us the tender compassion of thy love for mankind, so also, in time to come, despising us not,do thou fulfil, unto thy glory, all good desires of thy faithful people, and reveal unto us all thy rich mercy, disregarding all our iniquities, we beseech thee: hearken, and have mercy. Ijc And may this our thanksgiving be as sweet-smelling incense, as a fat whole burnt-offering before the majesty of thy glory, 0 allgracious Master; and send thou down always upon thy servants, in that thou art beneficent, thy rich mercies and bounties; and deliver from all assaults of enemies both visible and invisible, thy holy Church, and this city ; and grant unto all thy people length of days, sinless and healthful, and increase in all virtue, we beseech thee, 0 all-bountiful King : mercifully hearken, and speedily show mercy. I$

Pn'csi. H q r us, 0 God our Saviour, the hope of all the ends of the earth, and of those who are far off upon the sea ; and show mercy, show mercy, 0 Master, upon us sinners, and be merciful unto us. For thou art a merciful God and lovest mankind, and unto thee we ascribe glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now. and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen.
And making tkrcc reverences befoe the holy Altar, fke Deacon.saitk :

Let us pray to the Lord. C/wir. Lord, have mercy.




Then the Priest, wi2h all heed and devoutness, rca&th the f o l h i n g Prayrr. aloud :

0 Lord Jesus Christ our God, the God of all mercies and bounties, whose mercy is immeasurable, and whose love for mankind is an unfathomable deep : falling down in adoration before thy majesty, with fear and trembling, as unprofitable servants, and now humbly rendering thanks unto thy loving-kindness for thy benefits bestowed upon thy servants, NN. (or upon thy servant, N.), we glorify thee, we praise thee, we sing thee, and we magnify thee as our Lord, and Master, and Benefactor ; and again falling down before thee, and we humbly thank thee, supplicating thy boundless and inexpressible mercy. And in that thou hast now graciously vouchsafed to accept the petitions of thy servants and to fulfil them, so also henceforth grant that thy holy Church and this city may be delivered from every hostile assault, and may be vouchsafed peace and tranquillity, and that increasing in true love of thee, and of all virtues,'all thy faithful people may receive all thy benefits; and that we may ever offer thanksgiving unto thee, together with thy Father who is from everlasting, and thine all-holy, and good, and lifegiving Spirit, God glorified in one Person ; and that we may say exceeding good things, and sing:
Andimmediately he exclaimeth, in a very loud voice :

Glory to thee, 0 God our Benefactor, unto ages of ages.

Andsfanding in the centre ofthe Church, the Choir singeth :Amen. Then immeiate(y is sunp the Great Anthem of Praise :Glory be to CJod 'm high (see#a e 34) : Or mstead, fhc Anthem of S f . Ambrose, Bishop o f Milan, i r sung: praise thee, 0 God, . . . (Seepage 539.) And when it iffinished, the Deacon saifh :

Wisdom ! Reader-. More hbnourable than the Cherubim, and beyond compare more glorious than the Seraphim, thou who without defilement barest God the Word, true Birth-giver of God, we magnify thee. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Lord, have mercy. ( Thrice.) Bless.
And the Priest$ronouncrth t h customary BENEDICTLON.

May Christ, our true God, through the prayers of his most holy Mother, of Saint N. (the Saintfor the dny), and of all the Saints, have mercy upon us and save us, in that he is good and loveth mankind.
And blessing the Peo@le with his hand, he saith :

May the blessing of the Lord, through his grace, and bounties, and love of mankind, be upon you always, now, and ever, and unto ages o f ages. Amen.


The Priest beginneth: Blessed is our God, always, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. 0 heavenly King, . . . Reader. 0 Holy God, Holy Mighty, . . . Glory . . . now, and ever, . . . 0 all-holy Trinit , . . Lord, have mercy. (Thrice.) Glory, . . . now, and ever, . . . ur Father, . . . For thine is the kingdom, . . . 0 come, let us worship . . . (Seepage 512.)

d .

I will alway give thanks unto the Lord; his praise shall ever be in my mouth. My soul shall make her boast in the Lord; the humble shall hear thereof, and be glad. 0 praise the Lord with me, and let us magnify his Name together. I sought the Lord, and he heard me ; yea, he delivered me out of all my fear. They had an eye unto him, and were lightened ; and their faces were not ashamed. Lo, the poor crieth, and the Lord heareth him ; yea, and saveth him out of all his troubles. T h e angel of the Lord tarrirth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them. 0 taste, and see, how gracious the Lord is : blessed is the man that trusteth in him. 0 fear the Lord, ye that are his saints ; for they that fear him lack nothing. The lions do lack, and suffer hunger ; but they who seek the Lord shall want no manner of thing that is good. Come, ye children, and hearken unto me ; I will teach you the fear of the Lord. What man is he that lusteth to live, and would fain see good days ? Keep thy tongue from evil, and thy lips, that they speak no guile. Eschew evil, and do good ; seek peace, and ensue it. The eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers. The countenance of the Lord is against them that do evil, to root out the remembrance of them from the earth. The righteous cry, and the Lord heareth them, and delivereth them out of all their troubles. The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a contrite heart,and will save such as be of an humble spirit. Great are the troubles of the righteous ; but the Lord delivereth him out of all. H e keepeth all his bones, so that not one of them is broken. But misfortune shall slay the ungodly ; and they that hate the righteous shall be desolate. The Lord delivereth the souls of his servants ; and all they that put their trust in him shall not be destitute. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Alleluia. (Thnke.)



And fhe usual Litany: In peace let us pray to the Lord, and fhrest ( r u page 5) to the endoffkcpetition:For those who travel by sea or by land, . . . after whkh thefollowing#etifwns are a&d:


That he will send down upon these children the spirit of wisdom 5 and understanding, and will open their minds and their lips, and enlighten their hearts, unto the receiving of precepts of good instruc- g tion, let us pray to the Lord. Y Choir. Lord, have mercy. That he will implant in their hearts his godly fear, which is the o" beginning of wisdom, and will thereby expel from their hearts the g turbulence of youth, and enlighten their minds, that they may turn r aside from evil and do that which is good : & That he will open their minds to receive, and to understand, and . to remember all instruction which is good and profitable for the soul: & That he will grant them the wisdom which abideth with his throne, and will implant it in their hearts, so that he may teach them that which is well-pleasing in his sight : & That he will prosper them in wisdom and in stature, to the glory ; of God : & 1 That they may have a wise and virtuous life, and prosperity in ro the Orthodox faith, and may be a joy and consolation to their par- % 3 ents, and pillars of the Orthodox-Catholic Church: & That they and we may be delivered from all tribulation, wrath, U peril and necessity : R Succour us, save us, have mercy upon us and keep us, 0 God, by thy grace. Choir. Lord, have mercy. Calling to remembrance our most holy, undefiled, most blessed and glorious Lady, the Birth-giver of God and ever-virgin Mary, with all the Saints, let us commend ourselves, and each other, and all our l i e unto Christ our God. Choir. To thee, 0 Lord.



For unto thee are due all glory, honour and worship, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages Choir. Amen. TAm fkefoZZowing Hymns ( Trojarf ) arc read. T m V Z .: As thou didst come h t o the midst of thy Disciples, 0 Saviour, bestowing upon them peace, so also come thou unto us, and save us. Of thine unlettered Disciples thy Holy Spirit made teachers, 0 Christ our God ; and by the commingling of tongues H e annulled idol* try in that H e is almighty. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. (Tom Vll..)



Blessed art thou, 0 Christ our God, who hast revealed fishers most wise, sending down upon them the Holy Spirit, and thereby catching the universe as in a net. 0 Christ our God, who lovest mankind, glory to thee. Now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. 0 Protection of Christians that maketh not ashamed, 0 Mediatrix never-failing with the Creator: Despise not the sinners' voice of supplication; but in that thou art good, come speedily to the aid of us who faithfully call upon thee; make haste to our petition and further our prayer, 0 Birth-giver of God, who ever protectest them that do thee honour. Deacon. Let us attend. Priest. Peace be with you all. Reader. And with thy spirit. Deacon. Wisdom ! Let us attend. Reader. The Gradual (Prokimm), in the Fourth Tone: Out of the mouths of babes and sucklings hast thou ordained praise. V c m : My heart shall rejoice in thy salvation.
Then the Rc&r reaa2th the E#irflc.

(Epkhians i. 16-19; iii. 16-a.) Brethren : I cease not to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers ; that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him : the eyes of your understanding being enlightened ; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints, and what is the exceedidg greatness of his power to usward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power. And that ye may know the love of Christ which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God. Now unto him who is able t o do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, unto him be glory in the Church by Christ Jesus, throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.
Then the Deacon saW :

Wisdom, 0 believers ! Let us listen to the Holy Gospel. Pricst. Peace be with you all. Choir. And with thy spirit. Pnki. The Lesson from the holy Gospel of Luke. Deacon. Let us attend. Choir. Glory to thee, 0 Lord; glory to thee. (Mark x. 13-16.) At that time they brought young children to him, that he should touch them : and his disciples rebuked those that brought them. Rut when Jesus saw it, he was much displeased, and said unto them, Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not ; for of such is the kingdom of God. Verily I say unto you,



Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, h e shall not enter therein. And he took them up in his arms, put his hands upon them, and blessed them. Choir. Glory to thee, 0 Lord ; glory to thee.

Then the Demon recitetk the Augmenfed Litany asfar as :Furthermore we p a y for all their Christ-lovingArmy and Navy. (Seepage go.) Then: Furthermore we pray unto the Lord our God, that he will look graciously upon these children, and will send down into their hearts, their minds, and their lips the spirit of wisdom, and of understanding, and of piety, and of his fear ; and that he will illumine them with the light of his knowledge, and will bestow upon them strength and stedfastness, that they may quickly apprehend and speedily become wonted to the instruction in his Divine Law, and to all good and profitable learning : furthermore, that he will prosper them in wisdom and understanding, and in all good works to the glory of his holy Name, and will give them health, and make them long-lived, unto the building up and the glory of his Church, let us all say : 0 Lord, hearken and mercifully have mercy. Choir. Lord, have mercy. (Twelve times.) Then the Priest exclai~licth :Hear us, 0 Cod our Saviour, . . . (Scc~5age 517.) Choir. Amen. Deacon. Let us pray to the Lord. Choir. Lord, bave mercy. And the Pnkst, with all heed and emofion,r e d t h , aloud, thefol(ozving Prayer : 0 Lord our God and Creator, who hast honoured us men with thine own image; who hast taught thine elect, so that wonderful are they who give heed to thy teaching; who revealest wisdom unto babes ; who hast imparted thy teaching unto Solomon and unto all who have sought thy wisdom : Open thou the hearts, the minds, and the lips of these thy servants, that they may receive the power of thy law, and successfuily apprehend the useful precepts which shall be taught them, to the glory of thine all-holy Name, to the profit and building up of thy holy Church, and that they may understand thy good and perfect will. Deliver them from every hostile oppression ; preserve them in Orthodoxy and the faith, and in all uprightness and purity all the days of their life, that they may advance in wisdom, and in the fulfilling of thy commandments: that, being thus prepared, they may glorify thine all-holy Name, and become heirs of thy kingdom. For thou art God mighty in mercy, and gracious in strength ; and unto thee do we ascribe glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Deacon. Wisdom ! Choir. More honourable than the Cherubim, and beyond compare




more glorious than the Seraphim, thou who without defilement barest God the Word, true Birth-giver of God, we magnify thee. Priest. Glory to thee, 0 Christ-God, our hope ; glory to thee. Choir. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Lord, have mercy. ( Thrice.) Bless.
And t i e customary BENEDICTION.

May Christ, our true God, through the prayers of his all-holy Mother; of the holy, glorious and all-laudable Apostles ; of the holy, righteous Ancestors of God, Joachim and Anna; and of all the Saints, have mercy upon us, and save us, forasmuch as he is good, and loveth mankind.
Then fhPriest, blessing the Children with the cross, saifh:

T h e blessing of the Lord, with his grace, and bounties, and love toward mankind, be upon you always, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Then the ChiMrcn kiss the koly cross, and the Priest sjrinklefh thetrt with ho(y wafer.


The Priest, vested in his priest& stole and chasrrdZe, if the n'te be said apIlrtfiom the Liturgy, be;einneth as usual: Blessed is our God always, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Reader. 0 heavenly King, . . . 0 Holy God, Holy Mighty, . . . Our Father, . . . Lord, have mercy. (Twelve times.) Glory . . . now, and ever, . . . 0 come, let us worship . . . ( Ihricc.) (See page 5 I 2.)

Hear my prayer, 0 Lord, and consider my desire; hearken unto me for thy truth and righteousness' sake. And enter not into judgment with thy servant; for in thy sight shall no man living be justified For the enemy hath persecuted my soul ; he hath smitten my life down to the ground ; he hath laid me in the darkness, as the men that have been long dead. Therefore is my spirit vexed within me, and my h e m within me is desolate. Yet do I remember the time past: I muse upon all thy works; yea I exercise myself in the works of thy hands. I stretch forth my hands unto thee; my soul gaspeth unto thee as a thirsty land. Hear me, 0 Lord, and that soon; for my spirit waxeth faint: hide not thy face from me, lest I be like unto them that go down into the pit. 0 let me hear thy loving-kindness betimes in the morning; for in thee is my trust: show thou me the way that I should walk i n ; for I lift up my soul unto thee. Deliver me, 0 Lord, from mine enemies; for I flee unto thee to hide me. Teach me to do the thing that pleaseth thee ; for thou art my God : let thy loving Spirit lead me forth into she land of righteousness. Quicken me, 0 Lord, for thy Name's sake; and for thy righteousness' sake bring my soul out of trouble. And of thy goodness slay mine enemies, and destroy all them that vex my soul ; for I am thy servant. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia Glory to thee, 0 God. (Thrice.)
A n d the Deacon, r y there be one, o r the PricJt himself; rcaa2tA t k L i m y :

In peace let us pray to the Lord. Choir. Lord, have mercy. (Seepage 80.)



For those who travel by sea or by land ; for the sick and the suffering; for those who are in captivity, and for their salvation : & That he will show mercy upon his s e ~ a n t ( s )and , pardon him (her, thrm) every sin, both voluntary and involuntary, and bless his (her, their) journey : & 2" That he will send him (her, them) an Angel of Peace, as fellow- 3' E traveller and guide, to guard, defend and succour him (her, them), r w and preserve him (her, them) unharmed of every evil assault : & 0 2 That he will shield him (htr, them) from all attacks and assaults of enemies, and bring him (hcr, them) to his (her, their) journey's & 0, end and home again unharmed : & . (D < s (P That he will give him (hrr, them) a sinless and peaceful journe 3 p and a prosperous return in health, and in all piety and honour: 34 That he will preserve him (her, them) unharm'ed and invincible $ a against all foes, both visible and invisible, and from the wrath of wicked men : @ That he will bless his ( k r , their) good in tent ion, and prosper it, through his grace, unto spiritual and bodily profit: & SUCCOU~ US, save us, have mercy upon us, and keep us, 0 God, by thy graceChoir. Lord, have mercy. Calling to remembrance our most holy, undefiled, most blessed and glorious Lady, the Birth-giver of God and ever-virgin Mary, with all the Saints, let us commend ourselves, and each other, and all our life unto Christ our God. CAoix To thee, 0 Lord.

a :


For unto thee are due all glory, honour and worship, to the Father,and t o the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen. T h : God is the Lord, and hath revealed himself unto us. Blessed is he that cometh in the Name of the Lord. (Tone I1 A d th Verses. Seepage 5 I 5.)
A d this Hymn ( Trq4dr).

0 Christ, who art the Way and the Truth, send now thine Angel as a fellow-traveller to thy servant(s), preserving him (ker, tlrcnz) like Tobias of old, and guarding him (her, them) unharmed of every evil thing, and in all prosperity, unto thy glory : through the prayers of the Birth-giver of God, 0 thou who alone lovest mankind.
In the same Tone.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. 0 Saviour, who didst accompany Luke and Cleopas unto Emmaus, accompany thou now also thy servant who is (seraants who are) minded



to travel, delivering him (key, t h m ) from every evil assault: For thou canst do all things whatsoever thou wilt, in that thou lovest mankind. Now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. 0 Protection of Christians that maketh not ashamed, 0 Mediatrix never-failing with the Creator : . . . (Seepage 52 I .) Deacon. Let us attend. Pnest. Peace be with you all. Deaxon. Wisdom ! Let us attend.
The Choir singefh the Graa'ual (Prokimcn), Totre ZK

Teach me thy way, 0 Lord, and I will walk therein, for unto thee have I lifted up my soul. Verse: Deliver me from mine enemies, 0 Lord ; unto thee have I fled for refuge. The Epistle: Acts u k . 26-39. And in those days the Angel of the Lord spake unto Philip, saying, Arise, and go toward the south, unto the way that goeth down from Jerusalem unto Gaza, which is a desert. And he arose and went : and, behold, a man of Ethiopia, an eunuch of great authority under Candace, Queen of the Ethiopians, who had the charge of all her treasure, and had come to Jerusalem for t o worship, was returning; and sitting in his chariot, read Esaias the prophet. Then the Spirit said unto Philip, Go near, and join thyself to this chariot. And Philip ran thither to him, and heard him read the prophet Esaias, and said, Understandest thou what thou readest ? And he said, How can I, except some man should guide m e ? And h e desired Philip that he would come up and sit with him. T h e place of the scripture which he read was this, H e was led as a sheep to the slaughter; and like a lamb dumb before his shearer, so opened he not his mouth : in his humiliation his judgment was taken away : and who shall declare his generation ? for his life is taken from the earth. And the eunuch answered Philip, and said, I pray thee, of whom speaketh the prophet this ? of himself, or of some other man? Then Philip opened his mouth, and began at the same scripture, and preached unto him Jesus. And as they went on their way, they came unto a certain water : and the eunuch said, See, here is water ; what doth hinder me to be baptized ? And Philip said, If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God. A n d he commanded the chariot to stand still : and they went down both into the water, both Philip and the eunuch ; and he baptized him. And when they were come up out of the water the Spirit of the Lord caught away Philip, that the eunuch saw him no more; and he went on his way rejoicing. Alleluia. (According to the Tone.) Verse I : The footsteps of a man are guided by the Lord: h e bath longed greatly for his ways.



Verse 2 : Reveal thy path unto the Lord, and trust in him, and he shall bring it to pass. Dracon. Wisdom, 0 believers! Let us listen to the Holy Gospel. Priest. Peace be with you all. Choir. And with thy spirit. Deacow. T h e Lesson from the holy Gospel according to John. Choir. Glory t o thee, 0 Lord ; glory t o thee. Priest. L e t us attend. (John xiv. 1-20). T h e Lord said unto his disciples : Let not your heart be troubled : ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself ; that where I am, there ye may be also. And whither I go ye know, and the way ye know. Thomas saith unto him, Lord, we know not whither thou goest, and how can we know the way ? Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, and the truth, and the life : no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. If ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also : and from henceforth ye know him, and have seen him. Philip saith unto him, Lord, show us the Father, and it sufficeth us. Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip ? h e that hath seen me hath seen the Father ; and how sayest thou then, Show us the Father? Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me ? And n f t n the Go@clthe Deacon or the Priest saitk this Litany (EktCnia). 0 Lord, who dost guide the footsteps of man, graciously look upon thy servant, N. (servants, NN.); and pardoning him (her, them) every sin, both voluntary and involuntary, bless the good intention of his (hcr, their) counsel, and guide his (her, their) goings out and comings in on the journey, we earnestly pray: hearken, and have mercy. &. 0 Lord, who didst most gloriously deliver Joseph from the wrath of his brethren, and didst lead him to Egypt, and through the blessing of thy goodness didst make him to prosper in all things: Bless also this thy servant (thcse thy servants) who purposeth (putpose) t o travel, and cause his (her, their) journey to be tranquil and prosperous, we pray thee: hearken, and have mercy. & 0 thou who didst send an Angel as companion on their way unto Isaac and Tobias, and thereby didst ensure unto them a peaceful and prosperous journey, and return: Send now also, 0 Most Gracious One, thine Angel of Peace unto thy servant who through us entreateth (servants who entreat) thee, that he may guide him (her, them) unto every good deed; .and deliver him (her, them from enemies both visible and invisible, and from every evil assau t ; and enable him (her, them) to return in safety, peace and prosperity,



unto thy glory, we earnestly pray thee : hearken and have mercy. I) 0 thou who didst accompany Luke and Cleopas on the way to Emmaus, and didst make them to return rejoicing unto Jerusalem through that most glorious knowledge of thee: Accompany thou now also, with thy grace and thy blessing divine, this thy servant who earnestly prayeth (thcss thy servants who earnestly pray) with us ; and prosper him (her, them) in every good work, to the glory of thine all-holy Name, preserving him (her, them) in health and wellbeing, and bringing him (her, them) back again in due season, we pray unto thee, as unto an all-bountiful benefactor : hearken, and have mercy. I$
And U e Priest edairnefh: Hear us, 0 God our Saviour,

. . . (See page 517.)

Deacon. Bowing our heads and our knees devoutly unto the Lord, let us pray to the Lord. Choir. Lord, have mercy. ( Thrice.)
And all & d i n g ,the Pn'rsf fumcth toward f&cm ; a d t h Holy Door being qkn, he rea&fA, in a loud voicr, this Prayer :

0 Lord Jesus Christ our God, the true and living Way, who didst deign to journey with thine ostensible father Joseph, and thine Allpure Virgin Mother, into Egypt, and didst accompany Luke and Cleopas on their way to Emmaus : We now humbly entreat thee, 0 all-holy Master, accompany now with thy grace this thy servant (t/lese thy snvatlrs). And send unto him (hn; them), as unto thy servant Tobias, an angel guardian and guide, preserving and delivering him (her, them) from every evil assault of enemies both visible and invisible ; and directing him (her, them) unto the fulfilment of thy commandments; and prospering him ( b r , thmm) in peace, happiness and health; and bringing him (her, them) back again in safety and tranquillity. And grant that he (she, they) may fulfil all his (her, their) good purpose unto thy good pleasure, and favourably to thy glory. For thine it is to show mercy and to save us, and unto thee do we ascribe glory, together with thy Father who hath no beginning, and thine all-holy, and blessed, and lifegiving Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen.
Then the P n k f , fahing the holy cross, givefh it to Aim (her, them) to kiss, and Jprinklrfh him with holy water, saying:

May the Lord bless thee (you) out of Zion ; and so shalt thou (shall ye) behold the good things of Jerusalem all the days of thy (yorrr) life: and may he direct thy (your) journey in peace, unto the glory of his holy Name. Amen.
And imrnediafcly he pronolrnceth the cWomnry Benedittwn for tkc b y .

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The Pricst, vested in his stole and chasuble, bcginncth as usual:

Blessed is our God always, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen. Reader. 0 heavenly King, . . (See page 5 I 2 . ) 0 Holy God, Holy Mighty, . . . Glory . . . now, and ever, . . . Our Father, . . . For thine is the kingdom, . . . Lord, have mercy. ( Twelve times.) Glory . . . now, and ever. 0 come, let us worship Christ our King. 0 come, let us worship and fall down before Christ, our King and our God. 0 come, let us worship and fall down before the Very Christ, our King and our God.


1 will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh even from the Lord, who hath made heaven and earth. H e will not suffer thy foot to be moved, and he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep. The Lord himself is thy keeper: the Lord is thy defence upon thy right hand : so that the sun shall not burn thee by day, neither the moon by night. The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil ; ye+ it is even he that shall keep thy soul. The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in, from this time forth, even forevermore. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia. Glory to thee, 0 God. (Thm'cc.)
And the Deacon snith tAr Great Litany.

In peace let us pray to the Lord. Choir. Lord, have mercy. (Seepage 80.)
And the rest, asfar as:

For those who travel by sea or by land ; for the sick and the suffering ; for those who are in captivity, and for their salvation: let us pray to the Lord. Choir. Lord, have mercy. That he will be merciful, and condescending, and easy to be entreated toward his servant, who now, through us, maketh his (hey) (sewanis w h now make their) earnest supplications unto him ; and pardoning all his



(her, their) sins, both voluntary and involuntary, will bless his (her, their) voyage on the sea : I$ That, in that he is merciful, he will lull the tempest, restrain the winds, and will grant unto him (her, them), as unto his Apostles of old, tranquil seas for a voyage undisturbed: I$ That he will send him (her, them) his Guardian Angel to guide 9 him (her, thetn), and to shield him (/MY, thcm) from foes both $= visible and invisible, and to deliver him (hey, them) from drowning in the watery tempest : & That he will bring him (her, them) over in peace and safety, and ;tu conduct him (her, them) back again in health and tranquillity : B & g That he will bless the purpose of his (her, their) counsel and ru his (her, their) deeds, unto expedient fulfilment of the same, to the glory of his all-holy Name, and to his (her, their) spiritual 3 P 2Q and bodily profit : I$ That by the might of his grace he will deliver him (kn, i/-) from all calamities and distress, both of soul and of body ; and from sickness, and from sudden death, and from all mortal wounds : and that he will graciously grant him (hey, them), in due season, restoration to his (her) home (their F r m s ) , in health and safety : I$ Succour us, save us, have mercy upon us, and keep us, 0 God, by thy grace. Choir. Lord, have mercy. Calling to remembrance our most holy, undefiled, most blessed and glorious Lady, the Birth-giver of God and ever-virgin Mary, with all the Saints, let us oommend ourselves, and each other, and all our life unto Christ our God. Choir. T o thee, 0 Lord.


For unto thee are due all glory, honour and worship, to t h e Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen. Then: God is the Lord, and hath revealed himself unto us. Blessed is he that cometh in the Name of the Lord. (Tone I / . )
(And the rest. S e e p a p 5 r 5.) And the folZowrirg H y m n s ( T q b a r i ):

Despise not, 0 Saviour, those who have recourse unto thee, and who seek from thine omnipotent right hand, as from their Creator and their Master, both aid and blessing. But forasmuch as of old thou didst, by thy word, give unto thine Apostles tranquillity upon the sea, in like manner give thou now also unto this person (thesepersons) a calm and untroubled voyage, and good health : through the prayers of the Birthgiver of God, 0 thou who alone lovest mankind.


Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. (Tone Y;) Seeing that he (she) bath set his (her) (they have set their) hope on thee, 0 Saviour, be thou his (her, their) helper and deliverer: and bless the good purpose of his (her, their) deed, as also his (key, their) journey; that we all may glorify thee, the sole Giver of all good things. Now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. W e flee unto thy-protection, 0 Virgin Birth-giver of God. Despise not thou our prayers in affliction, but from distress deliver us, 0 only Pure and Blessed One. Deacon. Let us attend. P n i s f . Peace be with you all. Choir. And with thy spirit. Deacon. Wisdom ! Let us attend. Reader. The Gradual (Prokimen) in the Fourth Tone. Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for thou art with me. Verse : And thy mercy shall follow me all the days of my life. T h e Epistle, from the Acts of the Apostles. (Acts xri. 1-7.) And in those days it came to pass, that after we were gotten from them, and had launched, we came with a straight course unto Coos, and on the day following unto Rhodes, and from thence to Patras. And finding a ship sailing over unto Phenicia, we went aboard, and set forth. Now when we had discovered Cyprus, we left: it on the left hand, and sailed unto Syria, and landed at Tyre : for there the ship was to unlade her burden. And finding disciples, we tarried there seven days: who said unto Paul by the Spirit, that he should not go up to Jerusalem. And when we had accomplished those days, we departed and went our way, and they all brought us on our way, with wives and children, till we were out of the city : and we kneeled down on the shore and prayed. And when we had taken our leave one of another, we took ship; and they returned home again. And when we'had finished our course from Tyre, we came to Ptolemais, and saluted the brethren, and abode with them one day. Alleluia. (According to the Tone.) Verse I : Deliver me from them that hate me, and from the deep waters. Verse 2 : Let not the watery tempest drown me, neither let the deep swallow me up. Deacon. Wisdom, 0 believers ! Let us listen to the Holy GospeL Priest. Peace be with you all. Choir. And with thy spirit. Deacon. The Lesson from the holy Gospel according to Mark. Choir. Glory to thee, 0 Lord ; glory t o thee. Pricst. Let us attend. (Mark iv. 35-41.) The Lord said unto his disciples, Let us pass over



unto the other side. And when they had sent away the multitude, they took him even as he was in the ship : and there were also with him other little ships. And there arose a great storm of wind, and the waves beat into the ship, so that it was now full. And he was in the hinder part of the ship, asleep on a pillow: and they awake him, and say unto him, Master, carest thou not that we perish ? And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm. And he said unto them, Why a r e ye so fearful ? how is it that ye have no faith ? And they feared exceedingly, and said one to another, What manner of man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey him ? Choir. Glory to thee, 0 Lord ; glory to thee.
Then the Prirst o r the Deacon saifh the Augmented Litany. -

Have mercy upon us, 0 God, according to thy great mercy, we beseech thee : hearken, and have merc . Choir. Lord, have mercy. {~hnke.) A n d the rcst (seepage go). TOthis he aaWctA : Do thou, who once didst rebuke the winds and the sea, and unto the ship tossed by the waves didst give calm by thy word; and didst render thy disciples untroubled: Regard now, also, 0 Merciful One, the prayers of thy servant who diligent1 worshippeth (sen~ants W/IO diLigent(y worship) thee, and bless his h e r , tluir) voyage, granting unto him (her, them) a calm, peaceful and untroubled journey, we beseech thee : hearken, and have mercy. I$ 0 Saviour, who didst walk upon the water as upon dry land, and didst deliver Peter from drowning by thy right hand almighty: Deliver thou, 0 Lord, him (her) who in faith hath (those who in faith have) recourse unto thee, and is directing his (her) (arc directing their) steps to a journey, from all calamities and stormy winds; mercifully granting unto him (her; them) a favourable journey and restoration to his (her, their) home(s), we beseech thee, 0 allbountiful Lord : hearken, and have mercy. & Send thine Angel, 0 all-merciful Lord, to accompany him (her, them) on the way, and to be the guardian of his (her) soul and body (their souls a n d bodies), preserving him (her, them), and sheltering him (her, them) from all enemies, both visible and invisible; and by thy might divine delivering him (her, them) from all tribulation, calamity and necessity, from sickness and from mortal wounds; and in due season restore thou him (her, them) again to bis (her) home (their homes) in safety: to the glory of thine all-holy Name, we beseech thee, 0 omnipotent Master: mercifully hearken, a n d have mercy. I$
And the Pnest makcth the Exclamation:

Hear us, 0 God, our Saviour,


(See page 5 I 7.)


And the Deacon saith :

Bowing our knees and our heads devoutly unto the Lord, let us prky t o the Lord. Choir. Lord, have mercy. (Thn'ce.)
Then, as all kneel, the Priest, turninr to the west and standing at the &or of the Church, saith, in a loud voicr, this f'rayer :

0 Master, Lord Jesus Christ our God, who didst walk upon the waters as upon dry land, ant1 didst deign to have thy holy Disciples and Apostles' as thy fellow-voyagers in the ship; and didst rebuke the stormy wind, and command the waves of the sea to be still : Be pleased now also (we humbly entreat thee, 0 Saviour), to sail with this thy senrant (these thy servants) in this ship (or boat), allaying every contrary wind and tempest : And raise up special and timely winds for a prosperous voyage, being thyself ever unto him (her, them) a pilot, and a saving, untempestuous and tranquil haven unto the same, and unto his (her, their) ship (or boat). And as thou -didst save Peter from drowning, so also, in sovereign wise, deliver thou this person (thesepersons) from all assaults of enemies, both visible and invisible, and from calamity, and distress, and fear, by thy right hand omnipotent: And graciously vouchsafe that h e (she, they) may return in peace to his (her) home (their homes) in health and happiness, having accomplished his (her, their) purpose and good undertaking, richly bestowing upon all his (her, their) deeds thy rich and inexhaustible grace, and preserving the vessel whole and unharmed. For thou art the Saviour, the Deliverer, and the rich Giver of all good things, both heavenly and earthly, and unto thee do we ascribe glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. A m e n
Tksn taking the ionourable cross, the Pn'cst @veth i t to the #crson(s) to kiss ; and Ar s#rinRleth the#e~son(s) wi%hh o e water, saying:

May the Lord bless thee (you) out of Zion ; and so shalt thou (shall y e ) behold the good things of Jerusalem all the days of thy (your) life : and may he direct thy (your) journey in peace, unto the glory of his holy Name Amen.
And immediately ke#rom7mceth the usual Beneliictwnfor the day.


A f t n the Liturgy is m&d, the Deacon saiiA :

Bless, Master. Priest. Blessed is the kingdom of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. CAoir. Amen. Reader. 0 come, let us worship God our King. 0 come, let us worship and fall down before Christ, our King and our God. 0 come, let us worship and fall down before the Very Christ, our King and our God. 0 come, let us worship and fall down before him. (Three rcz~erences.) And PSALM LXV. Thou, 0 God, art praised in Sion ; and unto thee shall the vow be performed in Jerusalem. Thou that hearest the prayer, unto thee shall all flesh come. My misdeeds prevail against me : 0 be thou merciful unto our sins. Blessed is the man whom thou choosest, and receivest unto thee: he shall dwell in thy court, and shall be satisfied with the pleasures of thy house, even of thy holy temple. Thou shalt show us wonderful things in thy righteousness, 0 God of our salvation ; thou that art the hope of the ends of the earth, and of them that remain in the broad sea. Who in his strength setteth fast the mountains, and is girded about with power. Who stilleth the raging of the sea, and the noise of his waves, and the madness of the people. They also that dwell in the uttermost parts of the earth shall be afraid at thy tokens, thou that makest the out-goings of the morning and evening to praise thee. Thou visitest the earth and blessest i t ; thou makest it very plenteous. The river of God is full of water : thou preparest their corn, for so thou providest for the earth. Thou waterest her furrows ; thou sendest rain into the little valleys thereof; thou makest it soft with the drops of rain, and blessest the increase of it. Thou crownest t h e year with thy goodness ; and thy clouds drop fatness. They shall drop upon the dwellings of the wilderness, and the little hills shall rejoice on every side. The folds shall be full of sheep ; the valleys also shall stand so thick with corn, that they shall laugh and sing. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia. Glory to thee, 0 God. (Thyice.)
Then the Deacon saith the following Litany:

In peace let us pray to the Lord. Choir. Lord, have mercy.



For the peace that is from above, and for the salvation of our souls : & For the peace of the whole world ; for the welfare of God's holy Churches, and for the union of them all : & For this holy Temple, and for those who with faith, devoutness, and in the fear of God have entered therein : Ijc For our Holy Synod ( o r Patriarch) ; for our Bishop ( o r Archbishop, o r Metropolitan), N. ; for the honourable Presbytery, the Diaconate in Christ ; for all the clergy and the laity : Ijc
Ntrr follow~efifions for fhc Ru&r of thc Land and fm all the Altfhon'rics (Emperor, or King, and Reignin House, or President, according to the e&n e n h and nufionulificso/ whic fhr Purirh ir consfitufed).

That he will aid them in all things, and subdue under their feet all heathen who are hateful unto Christ, and every foe and adversary: & For this city, and for every city and land, and for those who with faith dwell therein : Ijc That he will graciously accept this present thanksgiving and supplication of us unworthy sinners on his most heavenly Altar, and in his compassion have mercy upon us : Ijc That our prayers may be well-pleasing in his sight, and that he will forgive us and all his people their transgressions, both voluntary and involuntary, which we have wickedly committed in the year that is past : Ijc That he will bless the beginning and continuance of this year with the grace of his love for mankind: and will grant unto us peaceful times and favourable temperatures, and that we may live without sin, in health and plenty: Ijc That he will turn aside from us his wrath, which hath been justly kindled against us because of our sins : B That he will banish from us a l l souldestroying passions and corrupting usages : and that he will implant in our hearts his divine fear, unto the fulfilment of his commandments : & That he will renew a right spirit within us, and confirm us in the Orthodox faith ; and make us to be zealous in the performance of good deeds, and the fulfilment of all his commandments : & That he will overthrow all heresies and schisms, and everywhere plant right belief and piety, and convert all who have departed from the true faith unto a knowledge of his truth, and unite them all unto his holy Orthodox Church : Ijc That he will deliver his holy Church, and us all, from every tribulation, calamity, wrath and distress, and from all enemies, both visible and invisible; and that he will always hedge about his faithful people with health, long life and peace, and the host of his holy Angels : &

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Succour us, save us, have mercy upon us and keep us, 0 God, by thy grace. Choir. Lord, have mercy. Calling to remembrance our most holy, undefiled, most blessed and glorious Lady, the Birth-giver of God and ever-virgin Mary, with all the Saints, let us commend ourselves, and each other, and all our life unto Christ our God. Choir. To thee, 0 Lord. Exclumation. Priest. For unto thee are due all glory, honour and worship, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen. 7&.n: God is the Lord, and hath revealed himself unto us. Blessed is he that cometh in the Name of the Lord. Verse (Siikh) I : 0 give thanks unto the Lord, for he is gracious, because his mercy endureth forever. K.rse 2 : All the nations compassed me about, but in the Name of the Lord have I driven them back. Verse 3 : I shall not die but live, and declare the works of the Lord. 4 : The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner. This is the Lord's doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes. And tkefollowing H y rntrs, in T o n eI K : We, thine unworthy servants, 0 Lord, grateful for thy great benefits which thou hast showed upon us, glorifying thee do praise, bless, give thanks, sing and magnify thy loving-kindness, and cry aloud unto thee in humble submissivness: 0 our Benefactor and our Saviour, glory to thee. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. ( T m

111) 0 Master, who hast freely vouchsafed thy benefits and gifts unto
thine unprofitable servants, zealously resorting unto thee. we offer unto thee thanksgiving according to our strength, and glorifying thee as our Benefactor and our Creator, we cry aloud : Glory to thee, 0 God most bountiful. Now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. ( T o m 11.) 0 thou Author of all created things, who hast set the seasons and the years in thy power, bless thou the crown of the year with thy goodness, 0 Lord, preserving in peace the Emperor and thy city, through the prayers of the Birth-giver of God ; and save us. Deacon. Let us attend. Priest. Peace be with you all. Render. And with thy spirit. Deacon. Wisdom ! Let us attend.


Reader. The Gradual (Prokinen), in the Fourth Tone. I will sin praises unto the Lord who hath dealt bountifully with me, and will t h e Name of the Lord Most High. Ve,e (Stikh) : My heart shall rejoice in thy salvation. ,

Then he rcaa2fh the E#istlc. ( I Timothy ii. 1-6.) My son Timothy, I exhort thee, thak$rst of all,

supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of than& be made for all men. For kings and for all that are in authority ; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty, For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; who will have all men t o be saved, and to come to the knowledge of the truth. For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Jesus Christ ; who gave himself a ransom for all. To him be honour and glory unto . ages of ages. Amen. Pn'esi. Peace be unto thee. Reader. And to thy spirit. Demon. Wisdom ! Reader. Alleluia, in the Fourth Tone.
Then the Deacon :

And that he will graciously vouchsafe unto us to hear his Holy Gospel, let us pray to the Lord God. Choir. Lord, have mercy. ( Thrice.) Deacon. Wisdom, 0 believers ! Let us listen to the Holy Gospel. Priest. Peace be with you all. Choir. And with thy spirit. Pnest. The Lesson from the holy Gospel of Luke. Dcacon. Let us attend. Choir. Glory to thee, 0 Lord ; glory to thee.
And immcdiatcly the Priest rerrdefk the Goq5cl. (Lrlke iv. 16-22). Then came Jesus to Nazareth, where he had been brought up : and as his custom was, he went into the synagogue on the

Sabbath day, and stood up for to read. And there was delivered unto him the book of the prophet Esaias. And when he had opened the book, he found the plaoe where it was written, The spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor ; he hath sent me to heal the broken-hearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, to preach the acceptable year of the Lord. And he closed the book, and he gave it again to the minister, and sat down. And the eyes of all them that were in the synagogue were fastened on him. And he began to say unto them, This day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears. And all bare him witness, and wondered at the gracious words which proceeded out of his mouth. Choir. Glory to thee, 0 Lord ; glory to thee.



TXen immediateZy the Deacon saifh thef o l h i n g Litany :

b e t us all say, with all our soul and with all our mind let us say, Choir. Lord, have mercy. ( lhricc.) 0 Lord Almighty, the God of our fathers, we beseech thee: hearken, and have mercy. I$ Have mercy upon us, 0 God, according to thy great mercy, we beseech thee: hearken, and have mercy.
Herefollow petitions for the R ~ ~ lof e r the Land and for alt,ihc Authon'rics (Emperor, or King, and Reigning House, or Pres~dent,according to the elements and nationalities of which the Parish is constituted).

For our Holy Synod ( o r Patriarch) ; for our Bishop ( o r Archbishop, or Metropolitan.), N. ; for the honourable Presbytery, the Diaconate in Christ ; far all the clergy and the laity. I$ Returning thanks with fear and trembling; as unprofitable servants, unto thy loving-kindness, 0 Lord, our Saviour and our Master, for thy benefits, which ,thou hast poured out abundantly upon thy servants, we fall down in worship, and offer unto thee praise as God, and with fervour do cry aloud unto thee : Deliver thou thy servants from all calamities, and in that thou art merciful fulfil thou always the desires of us all, as may be expedient for us, we diligently entreat thee : hearken, and have mercy. I$. That thou wilt bless the crown of the coming year with thygoodness, and quench within us all enmities, discords and civil strife ; that thou wilt give us peace, love steadfast and unfeigned, as also a decorously ordered and virtuous life, we beseech thee, 0 all-gracious Lord : hearken, and have mercy. fF That thou wilt not call to mind our innumerable transgressions and evil actions, which we have committed during the year which is past, and that thou wilt not requite us according to our deeds ; but that thou wilt remember us in mercy and bounty, we beseech thee, 0 tenderly-compassionate Lord : hearken, and have mercy. I$. That thou wilt give rain in due season, both the early and the latter rains, fruitful dew, temperate and healthful breezes ; and that thou wilt illumine with the warmth of the sun, we beseech thee, 0 all-bountiful Lord : hearken, and have mercy. That thou wilt call to mind thy holy Church, and strengthen and establish it, enlarge it, and give it peace, and preserve it unscathed by the gates of hell, and impregnable against all assaults of enemies both visible and invisible forever, we beseech thee, 0 all-sovereign Lord : hearken, and have mercy. I$ That thou wilt root out and extinguish every blasphemous impiety of the pagan world and speedily destroy its kingdom, and give it into the hand of the right believers, we beseech thee, 0 all-powerful Lord : hearken, and have mercy. &



That thou wilt deliver us through the coming year, and all the days of our life, from pestilence, famine, earthquake, flood, hail, fire, the sword, the invasion of enemies, and from civil war, and from all death-dealing wounds, calamity and distress, we beseech thee, 0 tenderly-compassionate Lord : hearken, and have mercy. Choir. Lord, have mercy. ( Thn'ce.) Hear us, 0 God our Saviour, the hope of all the ends of the earth, and of those who are far off upon the sea; and show mercy, show mercy, 0 Master, upon us sinners, and be merciful unto us. For thou art a merciful God who lovest mankind, and unto thee we ascribeglory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen. Deacon. Again, yet again, on bended knees let us pray to the Lord. Choir. Lord, have mercy. ( Thnce.)
And the Ptl'csf readcfk fkcfolZ&ing Prayer:

0 Master, Lord our God, the Source of life and of immortality, the Author of all created things both visible and invisible, who hast placed all seasons and years in thy power, and dost direct all things with thy mod-wise and all-gracious providence : We thank thee for thy bounties, which thou hast pcured out upon us during our life that is past, and we entreat thee, 0 all-bountiful Lord ! Bless the crown of the coming year with thy goodness : preserve thy beloved servant, our (zn Russia) Sovereign, N., the Emperor of All the Russias; and all the Reigning House. Multiply the days of their life in health unalterable, and grant them progress in all virtues. Bestow thy good things from above upon all thy people, as also health and salvation, and good furtherance in all things. Deliver thy holy Church, this city, and all cities and lands from every evil assault, and vouchsafe unto them peace and tranquillity; and grant that we may always offer thanksgiving unto thee, the Father who is from everlasting, together with thine Only-begotten Son, and thine allholy, and good, and life-giving Spirit, God glorified in one Essence, and to hymn thine all-holy Name.


Glory to thee, 0 God, our Benefactor, unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen.
Then is sung: Glory be to God on hi h : (Seepage 3 4 ) Or, in place of if,the Hymn o / S f . A~nbrosc, Bid@ o f ~ i k n :

W e praise thee, 0 God ; we acknowledge thee to be the Lord. All the earth doth worship thee, the Father everlasting. To thee all Angels cry aloud ; the Heavens, and all the Powers therein. To thee Cherubim and Seraphim continually do cry, Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of Sabaoth ; heaven and earth are full of the Majesty of thy Glory. The glorious company of the Apostles praise thee. The goodly fellowship



of the Prophets praise thee. The noble army of Martyrs praise thee. The holy Church throughout all the world doth acknowledge thee; the Father of an infinite Majesty ; thine adorable, true, and only Son; also the Holy Ghost, the Comforter. Thou art the King of Glory, 0 Christ. Thou art the everlasting Son of the Father. When thou tookest upon thee to deliver man, thou didst humble thyself to be born of a Virgin. When thou hadst overcome the sharpness of death, thou didst open the Kingdom of Heaven to all believers. Thou sittest at the right hand of God, in the glory of the Father. We believe that thou shalt come to be our Judge. We therefore pray thee, help thy servants, whom thou hast redeemed with thy precious blood. Make them to be numbered with thy Saints, in glory everlasting. 0 Lord, save thy people, and bless thine heritage. Govern them, and lift them up forever. Day by day we magnify thee; and we worship thy Name, ever, world without end. Vouchsafe, 0 Lord, to keep us this day without sin. 0 Lord, have mercy upon us, have mercy upon us. 0 Lord, let thy mercy be upon us, as our trust is in thee. 0 Lord, in thee have I trusted ; let me never be confounded.
And when i f isfinhhcd, fh.c Deacon saifh:

Wisdom ! . Pn'est. 0 most holy Birth-giver of God, save us. Ckoir. More honourable than the Cherubim, and beyond conlpare more glorious than the Seraphim, thou who without defilement barest God the Word, true Birth-giver of God, we magnify thee. Priest. Glory to thee, 0 Christ-God, our hope ; glory to thee. Choir. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Lord, have mercy. (Thrice.) Bless. Priest. May Christ, our true God, who for our salvation condescended to be circumcised in the flesh, through the prayers of his most holy Mother, and of all the Saints, have mercy upon us and save us, in that he is gracious and loveth mankind.
The Deacon then #roclaimefh :

Grant, 0 Lord, a prosperous and peaceful Mfe, health and safety, and furtherance in all things, as also conquest and victory over his .enemies, unto our most God-fearing Sovereign, N., Emperor of All the Russias, and to all the Reigning House (and to the Ruler of the Land, mmlha'ng him by his title, rjc it be in a f o r e i p country) : and preserve them for many years.
And the C h i r singefh : Many years.



W h the Divine Liturgy kafh been said, the Clergy come fd from the Sanctuary, and take th& stand in the middle of the Temjle; and making ihree rmwences, they begin :

Deacon. Bless, Father. Priest. Glory to the Holy, Consubstantial, Life-giving and Undivided Trinity always, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen. 0 heavenly King, the Comforter, Spirit of Truth, who art in all places and fillest all things ; Treasury of good things and Giver of life : Come, and take up thine abode in us, and cleanse us from every stain ; and save our souls, 0 Good One. Reader. 0 Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal One, have mercy upon us. (Thrice, and three revermces.) Glory to the Father, and to the Son,and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. 0 all-holy Trinity, have mercy upon us. 0 Lord, wash away our sins. 0 Master, pardon our transgressions. 0 Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for thy Name's sake. Lord, have mercy. ( Thrice.) Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, As it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation ; But deliver us from the Evil One : Priest. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, of theFather, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Reader. Amen. Lord, have mercy. (Thrice.) 0 come, let us worship God our King. 0 come, let us worship and fall down before Christ, our King and our God 0 come, let us worship and fall down before the Very Christ, our King and our God. 0 come, let us worship and fall down before him. (Three rcvcrmces.)


Thrn the Choir singeth the Pro#hecy of the holy Projhet Isazkh (vii'i., ix.):

God is with us : Understand, ye nations, and submit yourselves : For God is with us. Reader. Hear ye, even unto the uttermost ends of the earth : Fji Yield yourselves, ye mighty : Fji If again ye shall rise up in your might, again shall ye be overthrown : qb And if any take counsel together, them shall the Lord destroy : & And the word which ye shall speak shall not abide in you : F j i For we fear not your terror, neither are we troubled : & But the Lord our God, he it is to whom we will ascribe holiness, and him will we fear : qb And if I put my trust in him, he shall be my sanctification : qb I will set my hope on him, and through him shall I be saved : & Lo, I and the children whom God hath given me: qb The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light : Fji a And they that dwelt in the land of the shadow of death, on them r' hath the light shined : qb -. E 3 For unto us a son is born, unto us a child is given : F$ c And the government shall be upon his shoulder : Fji P And of his peace there shall be no end : F j i And his Name shall be called in the great Council of the Angels : IF. Wonderful. Counsellor : & The ~ i ~God, h the t ~ Father, the Prince of Peace : qb The Father of the world to come : I$ God is with us : Understand, ye nations, and submit yourselves : & Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. qb God is with us : Understand, ye nations, and submit yourselves : I$ Now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Choir. God is with us: Understand, ye nations, and submit yourselves : For God is with us. Reader. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia. Glory to thee, 0 God. (Thrice.) Deacon. In peace let us pray to the Lord. Choir. Lord, have mercy. For the peace that is from above, and for the salvation of our 2 0 5 souls: IF. For the peace of the whole world; for the welfare of God's :'g holy Churches, and for the union of them all : IF. ~7 For this holy Temple, and for those who with faith, devoutness, 4 , and in the fear of God have entered therein : IF. For the most Holy Synod of Russia, and for our Bishop ( o r $ : Archbishop), N., of N. ; for the honourable Presbytery ; for the 2 ? Diaconate in Christ; and for all the clergy and laity : qb 3F For our most God-fearing Sovereign, N., the Emperor of All ? ? the Russias: I$


veila as tin^



That he will aid them in all things, and subdue under their feet every foe and adversary : If. For this city, and for every city and land ; and for those who with faith dwell therein: If. For healthful seasons ; for abundance of the fruits of the earth, FQ and for peaceful times : IF. 3For those who travel by sea or by land ; for the sick and the = P suffering; for those who are in captivity, and for their salvation: IF. 2 5 That this our prayer may be set forth as incense before our God a a and Saviour, and these free will offerings of our hearts and lips may be accepted from us who have rendered thanks in the day of 2 & ' salvation, unto the Lord who heard us in the day of trouble: If. That he will look with benignity and mercy upon our most Godfearing Emperor, and his conquering Empire, who now lay their crowns of victory before the footstool of Him who hath the heathen for His inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for His possession, the King of kings and Lord of lords ; falling down in worship before whom let us pray. Chuir. Lord, have mercy. That he will give unto us grace, with faith and love, henceforth and forever to proclaim salvation, and the might and the kingdom of our God, and the dominion of his Anointed One, let us beseech the Lord, who hath granted the power to his kingdom, and requiteth us with the joy of his salvation. Choir. Lord, have mercy. That he will deliver us from all tribulation, wrath, peril and necessity. Choir. Lord, have mercy. Succour us, save us, have mercy upon us, and keep us by thy grace. Choir. Lord, have mercy. Calling to remembrance our most holy, undefiled, most blessed and glorious Lady, the Birth-giver of God, and ever-virgin Mary, with all the Saints, let us commend ourselves, and each other, and all our life unto Christ our God. Choir. To thee, 0 Lord. .


Priest. For unto thee are due all glory, honour and worship, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen. God is the Lord, and hath revealed himself unto us. Blessed is he that cometh in the Name of the Lord. V m (Stikh) I : 0 give thanks unto the Lord, for he is gracious, because his mercy endureth forever. Verse 2 :. All the nations compassed me about, but in the Name of the Lord have I driven them back.


Verse 3 : I shall not die but live, and declare the works of the Lord. Verse 4 : The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner. This is the Lord's doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes. Then the following shall be sung, in Tone V I . : Choir I. Glory be to God on high, and on earth peace. To-day doth Bethlehem receive him who sitteth with the Father forever enthroned. To-day Angels majestically magnify the Child who is born Glory be to God on high, and on earth peace, good will toward men. Choir 11. (Tone I/.) Glory be to God on high, and on earth peace. Behold,'the Lamb of Bethlehem hath crushed under his feet the lion and the adder for us, and hath given peace unto his world. Wherefore, unto the Child who is the Sovereign Lord of the universe, do we, together with the Angels, offer glorious praise. Glory be to God on high, and on earth peace, good will toward men. Choir I. (Tom I.) Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. 0 Lord, save thy people, and bless thine inheritance, granting to our most God-fearing Emperor, N., victory over all adversanes, and by thy Cross preserving thine Estate. Now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen HYMN TO THE BIRTH-GIVER O F COD (Bogwdditchen). Tone 1. Let us sing the praises of Mary, Virgin, Door of heaven, Glory o f all the world, sprung forth from man, who also bare the Lord ; the Song of the Bodiless Powers, and the Enriching of the faithful. For she revealed herself as Heaven and the Temple of the Godhead. She destroyed the bulwarks of enmity, and ushered in peace, and threw open the kingdom. Wherefore, in that we possess this confirmation of our faith, we have a Defender, even the Lord who was born of her. Be bold, therefore, ye people of God, for he, the All-Powerful, will vanquish your foes. Deacon. Let us attend. PricJt. Peace be with you all. Reader. And with thy spirit.
Zit f o l h i n g Parable (Paremrjrrf)i r tkcn read b y the Rea&r or a Deacon :

Principal Deacon. Wisdom ! Deacon or Reader. The Lesson from the Prophecy of Isaiah. Principal Deacon. Let us attend. (IsaMhriv. 13-18; 24-28.) Thus saith the Lord to the King of Babylon: For thou hast said in thy heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north : I will ascend above the heights of the clouds ; I will be like the Most High. Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit. They that see thee shall



narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee, saying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms: that made the world as a wilderness, and destroyed the cities thereof : that opened not the house of his prisoners ? The Lord of hosts hath sworn, saying, Surely as I have thought, so shall it come to pass ; and as I have purposed, so shall it stand : that I will break the Assyrian in my land, and upon my mountains tread him under foot : then shall his yoke depart from off them, and his burden depart from off their shoulders. This is the purpose that is purposed upon the whole earth : and this is the hand that is stretched out upon all the nations. For the Lord of hosts hath purposed, and who shall disannul i t ? and his hand is stretched out, and who shall turn it back? Deacou. Let us attend. Priest. Peace be with you. Reader. And with thy spirit. Deacon. Wisdom! Reader. The Gradual (Prokimen), in the Seventh Tone. Who is so great a God as our God ? Thou art God, and doest wonders. Verse (Sfikh) I : Thou hast declared thy power among the nations. Verse 2 : I said : Today have I begotten thee. These are the rewards of the right hand of the Most High. Verne 3 : I have remembered the works of the Lord ; for I recall thy* marvels from the beginning. And again: Who is so great a God as our God ? Thou art God, and doest wonders. Dcacotr. Wisdom ! Reader. The Lesson from the Epistle of the holy Apostle Paul to the Hebrews. Deacon. Let us attend. Reader. (Heb. xi. 32-35; xii. 1-2.) Brethren : What shall I say more? for the time would fail me to tell of Gedeon, and of Barak, and of Samson, and of Jephthae, of David also, and Samuel, and of the prophets: who through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions, quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, waxed valiant in fight, turned to flight the armies of the aliens. Wherefore, seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth So easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith. Priest. Peace be unto thee. Reader. And to thy spirit. Deacon. Wisdom ! Reader. Alleluia. ( T o m VIL) The Lord shall give strength unto his people : the Lord shall give his people the blessing of peace.


Deacotr. That he will mercifully vouchsafe unto us to hear his Holy Gospel, let us pray to the Lord God. Choir. Lord, have mercy. (Thrice.) Deacon. Wisdom, 0 believers ! Priest. Peace be with you all. People. And with thy spirit. Pviest. The Lesson from the holy Gospel of Matthew. Choir. Glory to thee, 0 Lord ; glory to thee. Deacon. Let us attend. 1 3 5 . . ) Jesus said unto his disciples : Ye Priest. (Matt. xxiv. 6-8,2 shall hear of wars, and runlors of wars : see that ye be not troubled : for all these things must come to pass, but the end is n6t yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom : and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes in divers places. For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened. Choir. Glory to thee, 0 Lord; glory to thee.
Then strazkhtway the Dsacon reciicfh th& Litany : ' Let us all say, with all our soul and with all our mind let us say,

Choir. Lord, have mercy.

0 Lord Almighty, the God of our fathers, we beseech thee : hearken,

and have mercy. Choir. Lord, have mercy. Have mercy upon us, 0 God, according to thy great mercy, we beseech thee : hearken, q,nd have mercy. I$ Again we pray for our most God-fearing Sovereign, N., the q Emperor of All the Russias; for his might, victory, maintenance, $ peace, health, salvation; and that the Lord our God will abundantly 3. aid and prosper him in all things, and subdue under his feet every foe and adversary. I$ And for all the Reigning House. ( A n d for Nir R u b o f ih L a d , by his title, if it be in a foreign country.) I$ z P r , Again we pray for our Holy Synod (or Patriarch) ; for our Bishop (or Archbishop, or Metropolitan), N., of N. ; and for all our brethren in Christ. I$ Furthermore we pray for all their Christ-loving Army and Navy. I$ Furthermore we pray that our Lord and Saviour will accept the confession and thanksgiving of us, his unworthy servants : for he hath not dealt with us according to our sins, neither rewarded us 2 according to our iniquities. But in the hour of trial also, which came upon all the world, he delivered us ; and when our enemies compassed us round about, he revealed unto us his salvation. I& 0 thou who, at the hand of Melchisedec, didst accept the tithe of




Abraham, after that he had overthrown four kings, and had set free the captives ; and when Pharaoh together with his host was engulfed in the Red Sea, didst give heed from the cloudypillar to the Song of Moses and Miriam, to the trumpets also and dancing; and didst teach David, the king after thine own heart, to write Psalms 2 of triumph unto theealone : Do thou, the same Lord of Hosts, now, also, in that thou hast overcome him who was an enemy and alien r from thee, and hast saved thine Anointed, and glorified the majesty of Russia, and established the Church, as out of the mouths of babes make the praises out of the mouths of all us acceptable unto thee ; receive into thy salvation as a burnt-offering our souls cp which had vanished away. Hearken to the voice of our rejoicing ; 3 and, as of old, we fervently beseech thee, show mercy upon us in 4 the day of trouble. I) Furthermore we pray for our victorious chieftains and warriors, , and for all those zealous defenders of the Faith and of righteousness, 2 who have laid down their lives for their brethren in the year of tribulation: that the King of Glory will recompense them, in the 2 day of his just requiting, with life everlasting and the crown which facleth not away; and that he will confirm us all in their spirit, and in faith and concord. @ Hear us, 0 God our Saviour, the hope of all the ends of the earth, and of those who are far off upon the seas; and show mercy, show mercy, 0 Master, upon us sinners, and be merciful unto us. For thou art a merciful God who lovest mankind, and unto thee we ascribe glory, to the Father, and t o the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen. Deacon. Let us attend, and in lowliness of heart bowing the knees of our souls and bodies, let us pray to the Lord.



Then the Priest, kneeling d w n (as doth also tkt whole congregation),shall recite, aloud, WWall fervour and ernofion, the following Prayer:

0 God, great and inscrutable, 0 Father, who hast no beginning, 0 Son who likewise hast no beginning, and Spirit who equally existest from everlasting; who bringest into being that which had no being, and savest those who are ready to perish, and givest life to the dead, working after thy will among the heavenly hosts, and in the dwellings of earth, and by thy marvellous Providence directing all things! Incline thine ear from thy holy place on high, and accept from us, thy humble and unworthy servants, upon whom thou hast manifested thy great salvation from calamity and utter destruction, these prayers of gratitude, praise and thanksgiving which we offer unto thee with our heart, and with our lips. For not according to our transgressions hast thou dealt with us, 0 Lord, neither rewarded us according to our iniquities. Thou didst say of old unto the Children of Israel, that if they would not




hearken unto thy voice to keep and t o do all thy commandn~ents,thou wouldest send upon them the heathen shameless of countenance, who should crush them in their cities, where also their walls should be cast down ; and we have seen how this terrible word came upon us, and upon our fathers. Yet fearing not thy warning, and despising thy compassion, we departed from the way of thy righteousness, and walked after the lusts of our own hearts, and strove not t o have in our hearts thee, the God of minds and of hearts ; and heeding not the traditions of our fathers, we angered thee through strangers. For which cause, also, like unto the Children of Israel of old, a fierce host encompassed u s round about, and those in whose customs we were zealous, these same turbulent and brutal-natured ones have we had as our enemies. But thou, 0 Lord God, who art pitiful and merciful, long-suffering and rich in loving-kindness, and faithful, keeping righteousness and showing mercy unto thousands, taking away iniquities and transgressions, after that thou hadst departed from us for a little space, with great mercy hast been merciful unto us : and having visited our wrongdoings with thy rod, like as a father is bountiful unto his children, even so hast thou been bountiful unto us. For thou hast regarded our affliction and the wasting away of the Imperial City, wherein, from ancient days, thy Name hath been invoked, and our supplications which, trusting not in our own righteousness but in thy great bounties, we have laid a t thy feet, 0 Lord. And thou hast given us the ascendency over our ungodly adversaries ; thou hast crowned our most God-fearing Emperor, Alexander PAvlovitch, with the panoply of thy favour, that vanishing thine enemies might vanish before the face of thy Christ even as t h e smoke, and that they who love thee might shine even a s t h e rising sun in his splendour. W e have seen, 0 Lord, we have seen, and all nations have seen in us, that thou art God, and that there is none beside thee. Thou slayest and makest alive; thou smitest and healest, and there is none who shall wrest us out of thy hand. Therefore is our heart fixed upon our Lord, who hath exalted our horn in God, and we have rejoiced in thy salvation. We thank thee, 0 Lord, that thou hast chastised us for a little space, but hast not given us over unto death forever. Enable us, 0 Lord, unceasingly and steadfastly to bear within us t h e memory of this, thy glorious visitation, unto the establishment in us of filial fear, together with love and faith in thee. And vouchsafe that, compassed about by thy protection, we may ever henceforth, as this day, praise and magnify thy holy Name. Confirm th good will upon our most God-fearing Sovereign, N., the Emperor o All the Russias: and may thy blessed spirit abide upon him evermore. Grant in his godly dominion : t o t h e Pastors, holiness ; to the Rulers, judgment and uprightness ; t o the People, peace and quietness in the law, and advancement in the faith. 0 most merciful Lord ! satisfy with thy mercy those who have known thee ; and unto those who have not possessed thee, reveal thou thyself; and turn thou also the hearts of our enemies unto thee ; and be thou known unto all


tribes and nations in thy Christ. And let all the peoples, from the rising of the sun even unto the going down of the same, cry aloud with praise unto thee, in every tongue, with the voice of rejoicing.
T h n he#roclaimcfh, with a l m d voice :

Glory to thee, 0 God, Saviour of all, unto ages of ages ! Choir. Amen.
T h is snng the GREAT HYMN OF PRAISE ( l k Clwia in ExceLsir. See page 341,
or We praise thee, 0 God ; .

. . (Sec#age 539.)

And fh f o l h i n g BENEDICTION is~ronmnccd:

May he who, like a lamb, did lie in the manger at Bethlehem, yho also, like a lion, doth overthrow the power of the enemy and doth guide his own faithful sheep in the way of righteousness and salvation, Christ our true God and Saviour ; through the intercessions of his most holy Mother, and of all the Saints, have mercy upon us and save us, in that h e is gracious and loveth mankind.
T h t h Deacon #roclaimctk :

Grant, 0 Lord, a prosperous and peaceful life, health and safety, and furtherance in all things, as also conquest and victory over his enemies, unto our most God-fearing Sovereign, N., the Emperor of All the Russias ; and to all the Reigning House (and to the Ruler 4 the Land, mentionitlg him by his title, if it be in a foreign country) : and preserve them for many years. Choir. Many years. Deacon. Unto thy departed servant, our most God-fearing Sovereign, the Emperor Alexander the First, grant repose eternal in the assump tion of the blessed, 0 Lord ; and make his memory to be eternal. Choir. Memory eternal ! (Thrice.) T o the Christ-loving Army of Russia, Many years. Chir. Many years. (Thrice.) And when the Many years h t h been srmg, fkc bells be& to jcrrl, and so continue
until hs#crs.



Priest. Blessed is ;he kingdom of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen. 0 heavenly King, the Comforter, Spirit of Truth, who art in all places and fillest all things ; Treasury of good things and Giver of life: Come, and take up thine abode in us, and cleanse us from every stain; and save our souls, 0 Good One. 0 Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal One, have mercy upon us. ( T h k e , and three reverences.) Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. 0 most Holy Trinity, have mercy upon us. 0 Lord, wash away our sins. 0 Master, pardon our transgressions. 0 Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for thy Name's sake. Lord, have mercy. (Thrice.) Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name. T h y kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, As it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, A s we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation ; But deliver us from the Evil One : Priest. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, o f the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen. Lord, have mercy. (Thyice.) Prirsi. 0 come, let us worship God our King. 0 come, let us worship and fall down before Christ, our King and our God. 0 come, let us worship and fall down before the Very Christ, our King and our God. 0 come, let us worship and fall down before him. (Three rcverefltcs.)
Then the Choir chunteth ths Im$crial Psalm :

The King shall rejoice in thy strength, 0 Lord ; exceeding glad shall he be of thy salvation. Thou hast given him his heart's desire, and hast not denied him the request of his lips. For thou shalt prevent him with the blessings of goodness, and shalt set a crown of pure gold upon



his head. H e asked life of thee, and thou gavest him a long life, even for ever and ever. His honour is great in thy salvation : glory and great worship shalt thou lay upon him. For thou shalt give him everlasting felicity, and make him glad with the joy of thy countenance. 'And why? Because the King putteth his trust in,the Lord; and in the mercy of t h e Most Highest he shall not miscany. All thine enemies shall feel t h i n e hand : thy right hand shall find out them that hate thee. Thou shalt make them like a fiery oven in the time of thy wrath ; the Lord shall destroy them in his displeasure, and the fire shall consume them. Their fruit shalt thou root out of the earth, and their seed from among t h e children of men. For they intended mischief against thee, and imagined such a device as they are not able to perform. Therefore shalt thou put them to flight, and the strings of thy bow shalt thou make ready against the face of them. Be thou exalted, 0 Lord, in thine own strength : so will we sing and praise thy power. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia Glory to thee, 0 God. (Thrice.)
Then the Deacon saith the Litany :

I n peace let us pray to the Lord. I$ F o r the peace that is from above, and for the salvation of our souls : I$ F o r the peace of the whole world ; for the welfare of God's holy Churches, and for the union of them all : I$ F o r this holy Temple, and for those who with faith, devoutness, and in the fear of God have entered therein : I$ F o r the Most Holy Synod, and for our Bishop, N., of N. ; for the honourable Presbytery; for the Diaconate in Christ; and for all the clergy and laity : & For our most God-fearing Sovereign, N., the Emperor of All the Russias: & That his sceptre may be strengthened by the right hand of the Most High: I$ That he may receive from heaven strength and wisdom, unto rule and righteous judgment : I$ That he may receive from heaven prosperity in all things, and length of reign : I$ That the Lord God will hear him in the day of trouble, and that the Name of the God of Jacob may defend him : I$ That the Lord will send him help from his holy dwelling-place, and defend him out of Zion : I$ That the Lord will give him the desire of his heart, and fulfil all his counsel : I$ That he will preserve free from venality and partiality the judges who are subject unto him : I$ .



That the Lord of hosts will ever strengthen his armed hosts : I$ 3 That he will subdue under his feet every foe and adversary : & 2 For this imperial city, and for every city and land; and for 3 . E those who with faith dwell therein : I$ For healthful seasons; for abundance of the fruits of the earth, and for peaceful times : I$ fie For those who travel by sea or by land; for the sick and the $ suffering ; for those who are in captivity, and for their salva- 2 tion : qb 3 t+ That he will deliver us from all tribulation, wrath, peril and $ S necessity: IF. 9* Succour us, save us, have mercy upon us, and keep us, 0 God, by thy grace. C h o i r . Lord, have mercy. Calling to remembrance our most holy, undefiled, most blessed and glorious Lady, the Birth-giver of God and ever-virgin Mary, with all the Saints, let us commend ourselves, and each other, and all our life unto Christ our God. Chit-.To thee, 0 Lord



P h t . For unto thee are due all glory,, honour and worship, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen. Thm: God is the Lord, and hath revealed himself unto us. Blessed is he that cometh in the Name of the Lord. V e r s e (Stikk) I : 0 give thanks unto the Lord, for he is gracious ; because his mercy endureth forever. V e r s e 2 : All the nations compassed me about, but in the Name of the Lord have I driven them back. V e r s e 3 : I shall not die but live, and declare the works of the Lord. V e r s e 4: The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner. This is the Lord's doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes.
Apd t h e Hymns (Tqbarf), in Tom I K

We, thine unworthy servants, 0 Lord, grateful for thy great benefits which thou hast shown upon us, glorifying thee, do praise, bless, give thanks, sing, and magnify thy loving-kindness, and do cry aloud unto thee in humble love: 0 our Benefactor and our Saviour, glory to thee ! Tone I. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. 0 Lord, save thy people, and bless thirie inheritance, granting to the most God-fearing (Emperor, King, or President), N., victory over all adversaries, and by thy Cross preserving thine Estate. Tone II. Now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.



D o thou who, of thine own good will, upon the Cross wast lifted up, b e s t o w thy bounties upon the new State which is called by thy Name, 0 Christ, our God; make glad with thy might our most God-fearing (Emperor, King, or President), N., granting victory over his adversaries u n t o him who hath thine aid, which is a panoply of peace, a trophy invincible. Deacon. Let us attend. Priest. Peace be with you all. Reader. And with thy spirit. T h e Gradual (Prokfmen), in Tone IV. : The King shall rejoice in t h y strength, 0 Lord ; exceeding glad shall he be of thy salvation. Verse (Stikh) : Thou hast given him his heart's desire, and hast not denied him the request of his lips. Deacon. Wisdom ! Reader. The Lesson from the Epistle of the holy Apostle Paul to t h e Romans. Deacon. Let us attend. Reader. (Rom. xiii. 1-8.) Brethren: Let every soul be subject unto t h e higher powers. For there is no power but of God : the powers that b e a r e ordained of God. Whosoever, therefore, resisteth the power resisteth the ordinance of God : and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation. For rulers are not a terror to good works, but t o t h e evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same. For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid ; for he beareth not the sword ip vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil. Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but also for conscience' sake. F o r this cause pay ye tribute also: for they are God's ministers, attending continually upon this very thing. Render therefore to all their dues : tribute to whom tribute is due ; custom to whom custom ; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour. Owe no man anything, but to love one another : for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law. Alleluia. (Thrice.) Deacon. Wisdom, 0 believers ! Let us listen to the Holy Gospel. Priest. Peace be with you all. Choir. And with thy spirit. Priest. The Lesson from the holy Gospel of Matthew. Choir. Glory to thee, 0 Lord ; glory to thee. Deacon. Let us attend. PrieJt. (Matt.xxii. 15-22.) Then went the Pharisees and took counsel how they might entangle him in his talk. And they sent out unto him their disciples, with the Herodians, saying, Master, we know that thou art true, and teacheth the way of God in truth, neither carest thou for any man ; for thou regardest not the person of men. Tell us, therefore, What thinkest thou ? Is it lawful to give tribute unto Caesar, or



not ? But Jesus perceived their wickedness, and said, Why tempt ye me, ye hypocrites? Show me the tribute money. And they brought unto him a penny. And he saith unto them, Whose is this image and superscription? They say unto him, Caesar's. Then saith he unto them, Render therefore unto C z s a r the things which are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's. When they had heard these words, they marvelled, and left him, and went their way. Choir. Glory to thee, 0 Lord; glory t o thee. Deacon. Have mercy upon us, 0 Lord, according to thy great mercy, we beseech thee : hearken, and have mercy. Choir. Lord, have mercy. Again we pray for our most God-fearing Sovereign, N., t h e Emperor of All the Russias ; for his might, victory, maintenance, peace, health, salvation ; and that the Lord our God will abundantly aid and prosper him in all things, and subdue under his feet every foe and adversary. & Furthermore we pray for his Consort, the most God-fearing Sovereign Lady, the Empress, N. ; and for his Mother, the most Godfearing Sovereign Lady, the Empress, N. &. Furthermore we pray for his Heir, the Orthodox Lord (Tzesar- q h i t c h ) , and Grand Duke, N. ; and for his Consort, the Orthodox >' Lady (Tzesardvna), and Grand Duchess, N.; and for all the Reign- r f the L a d , by his title, if it be in a ing House (and for the Ruler o f o r e i p country). I$ Furthermore we pray for the Most Holy Governing Synod (or Patriarch) ; for our Bishop (or Archbishop, or Metropolitan), N., of $ , N. ; and for all our brethren in Christ. & 3 Furthermore we pray for all their Christ-loving ~ r m and y Navy. I$ $ Returning thanks with fear and trembling, as unprofitable ser- y vants, unto thy loving-kindness, 0 Lord, our Saviour and our Master, for thy benefits, which thou hast poured out abundantly upon thy y servants, we fall down in worship, and offer unto thee praise a s God, $ and with fervour do cry aloud unto thee: Deliver thou thy servants 3 from all calamities, and in that thou art merciful fulfil thou always " the desires of us all, as may be expedient for us, we diligently entreat thee: hearken, and have mercy. & 0 Lord our God, inscrutable in mercy, grant unto thy servant, our most God-fearing Sovereign, whom thou hast appointed t o reign over us, the succour vouchsafed t o Moses, the valour of David, and the wisdom of Solomon, to the glory of thy Name, we beseech thee, 0 King Almighty : hearken, and have mercy. l$ 0 Master, who art the Creator of all wisdom and the Ruler of all created things, establish thou the Supremacy of thy servant, our Sovereign, the Emperor, N. Fulfil the desire and petitions of his heart ; and exalt the horn of thy Christ, we beseech thee : hearken, and have mercy. &



Priest. Hear us, 0 God our Saviour, the hope of all t h e ends of the earth, and of those who are far off upon the s e a ; and show mercy, show mercy, 0 Master, upon us sinners, and be merciful unto us. For thou art a merciful God who lovest mankind, and unto thee we ascribe glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen. Deacon. Again, yet again, in peace let us pray t o the Lord.
Then tkr Biiho# m tke Priest, Kneeling h n , shall recite this Prayer:

0 God, great and wonderful, who by thine inscrutable goodness and

rich providence rulest all things ; by whose all-wise yet unsearchable judgments the life and sojourn upon earth of mankind receiveth differe n t bounds : With gratitude we acknowledge that not according to our iniquities hast thou dealt with us, neither according to our sins hast t h o u rewarded us. W e have sinned, 0 Lord, we have wrought evil, and have rendered ourselves worthy of thine extreme displeasure. But thou, 0 Ineffable Loving-kindness ! art merciful and long-suffering, and grievest over the wickedness of men, 0 Master. Having chastened us with a brief visitation of sorrow, lo! thou hast filled our hearts abundantly with joy and gladness, in that thou hast appointed to rule over u s thy beloved servant, our most God-fearing, Supreme Sovereign, N., t h e Emperor of All the Russias. Wherefore, endue thou him with wisdom, and direct thou him, that without hindrance he may discharge t h i s great service unto thee. Grant him reason and understanding, t h a t he may judge thy people uprightly; and preserve this thine inheritance in tranquillity, and without affliction. Make him victorious over his enemies ; terrible to evildoers, gracious unto those who are good and worthy to be trusted. Kindle his heart unto consideration of t h e needy, unto hospitality to strangers, unto the defence of those who are assailed ; that, guiding those who are subject to his rule in the way of truth and of righteousness, and putting aside all dissembling a h d venality, he may maintain in loyalty unfeigned all the people whom thou hast committed to his authority. Make him to be a joyful father of children, and show forth thy marvellous mercies upon us. Multiply thou the days of his life in health unalterable and prosperity unchangeable. Vouchsafe, also, in his day and unto us all peace, tranquillity and prosperity, favourable seasons, abundance of the fruits of the earth, and all things necessary t o life both temporal and eternal. 0 our Lord all-merciful, the God of Bounties, and Father of all consolation ! turn not thy face from us, and put not to confusion in our sure hope us, who, in firm expectation, make our supplications unto thee, and entreating thee, do set our trust upon thy bounties. For thou only knowest our necessities, and givest before we ask, and confirmest thy gifts : and every good gift and every pe;fect gift is from above, and cometh down from



thee, the Father of lights. Unto thee be glory and dominion, together with thine Only-begotten Son, and thine all-holy, and good, and lifegiving Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen. Thm immeriiately is sung the Great Hymn of Praise: G l o r y be to God on

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(Seepage 34.)

Or, in its sfcad, the Anthem of Sf. Ambrose, Bishop of Milan :

We praise thee, 0 God ; we acknowledge thee t o be the Lord. (See pagt 539.)

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And when it kfinkhed, the Priest bestowcth the customary BENEDICTION.

May Christ, our true God, through the prayers of his most holy Mother; of Saint N. (the Saitlt of the day) ; and of all the Saints, have mercy upon us and save us, in that he is gracious, and loveth mankind
And after the Benediction, the Deacon #roclaimcth MANY YEARS (LONG 'LIFE) To his Im#eriol Majcsfy as followefh :

Unto our most God-fearing Sovereign, N., the Emperor of All the Russias, grant, 0 Lord, length of days, a peaceful life, health, salvation and prosperity in all things; as also, conquest and victory over his enemies ; and preserve him for many years. Choir. Many years.


0 God Almighty, who hast made the heavens with wisdom, and hast established the earth upon its firm foundations, the Creator and Author of a l l men : Look upon thy servant, N., to whom it hath seemed good t o s e t up a house for his dwelling in the dominion of thy power, and to r e a r it by building. Establish thou the same upon a stable rock, and f o u n d it according to thy divine word in the Gospel, so that neither w i n d nor flood nor any other thing shall be able to harm it. Graciously g r a n t that he may bring it to an ending; and deliver all those who shall wish t o dwell therein from every attack of the enemy. F o r thine is the dominion, and thine are the kingdom and the power a n d t h e glory, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.



0 God our Saviour, who didst deign to enter into the house of Zaccheus, unto the salvation of the same and of all who were in the house : Do thou, the same Lord, keep safe also from all harm those who have now desired to dwell here, and who together with us unworthy ones do offer unto thee prayers and supplications ; blessing this their dwelling, and preserving their life free from aspersion. For unto thee are due all glory, honour and worship, together with thy Father who hath no beginning, and thine all-holy, and good, and life-giving Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
A f r r r the cusfomary beginning: The Tknce-No& (0Holy God, Holy Mi hty). Then: Our Father, . . . (See9age 550.) AH^ nfln I e Exrhmlim, the firiesf saifk :

L e t us pray to the Lord. Lord, have mercy.

And he readefh fhis Prayer:

0 Creator and Author of the human race, Giver of spiritual graces and Bestower of eternal salvation : Do thou, the same Lord, send down thy Holy Spirit with a blessing from on high upon this object; that



fortified by the might of heavenly protection, it may be potent unto bodily salvation and succour and aid, unto all who shall desire to make use of it, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
He then s$rinklcth the objecf tlm'ce w i f h holy water, and pronounccfA the cnsfornary Benedicfiorr.


Deacon. Bless, Master. Pn'cst. Blessed is our God always, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen. 0 heavenly King, the Comforter, Spirit of Truth, who art in all places and fillest all things ; Treasury of good things and Giver of life : Come, and take up thine abode in us, and cleanse us from every stain ; and save our souls, 0 Good One. Reader. 0 Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal One, have mercy upon us. (Thrice.) Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. 0 all-holy Trinity, have mercy upon us ; 0 Lord, wash away our sins ; 0 Master, pardon our transgressions ; 0 Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for thy Name's sake. Lord, have mercy. (Thrice.) Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, As it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation ; But deliver us from the Evil One : Priest. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen. Deacon. God is the Lord, and hath revealed himself unto us. Blessed be he who cometh in the Name of the Lord. Verse I : 0 give thanks unto the Lord, for he is gracious ; because his mercy enduret h forever. Verse 2 : All the nations compassed me about, but in the Name of the Lord have I driven them back Verse 3 : I shall not die but live, and declare the works of the Lord. Verse 4 : The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner. This is the Lord's doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes. Chuir. God is the Lord, . . . (as above).



And ryit be a Prayer Sewice to the Saviorrr, this Hymn :

We do homage to thy pure image, 0 Good One, entreating forgive ness of our transgressions, 0 Christ our God: for of thine own good will thou wast gracious1 pleased to ascend the Cross in the flesh, that thou mightest deliver rom bondage to the enemy those whom thou hadst fashioned. For which cause we cry aloud unto thee with thanksgiving : With joy hast thou filled all things, 0 our Saviour, in that thou didst come to save the world. I f it be a Prayer Service to the Birth-giver of God, this Hymn ( B o g o r ' d d k h ) : Unto the Birth-giver of God let us sinners and humble ones now diligently have recourse ; and let us fall down in penitence exclaiming, from the bottom of our souls : 0 Sovereign Lady, help us, having compassion on us! Show zeal, for we perish with the multitude of our sins; turn not thy servants empty away; for we have thee as our only hope.

If it be a Prayer Service to a Saint, the Hymn (Tropcfr)of the Saikt to w h a##eal is being mork?.

Priest and Deacm. (To the Saviour.) Glory to thee, our God;, glory to thee. Priest and Deacon. (To the BirtIr-jpiverof God.) 0 most holy Birthgiver of God, save us. Priest and Dencon. (To a Saint.) 0 holy Saint N., pray unto God for us. Pricst and Deacon. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Clwir. Now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Than they sing:

(To the Saviour.) Deliver from distress thy servants, 0 greatlymerciful One ; for we have diligent recourse unto thee, the merciful Deliverer of all men, 0 Lord Jesus Christ. ( To the Birth-giver of God.) Deliver from distress thy servants, 0 Birth-giver of God ; for unto thee in God we have recoursepasto a Wall Impregnable, and to thy intercession. Look with benignity, 0 allhymned Birth-giver of God, upon my dire 'bodily suffering, and heal thou the sickness 'of my soul. (To a Saint.) Pray thou unto God for us, 0 holy N. ; for we diligently have recourse unto thee, who art a speedy help and intercessor for our souls. Deacon. Have mercy upon us, 0 God, according to thy great mercy, we beseech thee : hearken, and have mercy. Chir. Lord, have mercy (Thrice.)



Furthermore we pray for our most God-fearing Sovereign, N., the Emperor of All the Russias ; for his might, victory, maintenance, peace, health, salvation ; and that the Lord our God will abundantly aid and succour him in all things, and subdue under his feet every foe and adversary ; and for all the Reigning House (andfor the Ruler of the Larid, if it be in a foreign country). & Furthermore we pray-for the Most Holy Synod (or Patriarch) and for our Bishop (or Archbishop, or Metropolitan), N. ; and for a l l our brethren in Christ. & Furthermore we pray for the mercy, life, peace, health and salvation of the servants of God, NN., and for the persons here present, and who pray. & Furthermore we pray for all the brethren and for all Christians. &

Priest. For thou art a merciful God who lovest mankind, and unto thee do we ascribe glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. C h i r . Amen.
The Refrains (seepage 560) are thm r@utsd.

Th LITTLELITANY. Deacon. Again, yet again, in peace let us pray to the Lord. Choir. Lord, have mercy. Succour us, save us, have mercy upon us, and keep us, 0 God, by thy grace. Choir. Lord, have mercy. Calling to remembrance our most holy, undefiled, most blessed and glorious Lady, the Birth-giver of God and ever-virgin Mary, with all the Saints, let us commend ourselves, and each other, and all our life unto Christ pur God. Choir. T o thee, 0 Lord.

Pn'est. For blessed be thy Name, and glorified be thy kingdom, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. C h i r . Amen. Deacon. Let us attend. Priest. Peace be with you all. Deacon. Wisdom ! The Gradual (Prokfmm). To the Saviour: Lord, we will walk in the light of thy countenance and rejoice in thy Name forevermore. To the Birth-giver of God: I will call upon thy name from generation to generation.



To a Saint: Right dear in the sight of the Lord is the death of his Saints. Th C h i r then singeth the Gradual, in the usual manner. Deacon. Let us pray to the Lord. Choir. Lord, have mercy. Exclamation. Priest. For holy art thou, 0 our God, and restest in the Saints, and unto thee do we ascribe glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen. Deacon. Let everything that hath breath praise the Lord. V m e : Praise the Lord from heaven, praise him in the heights. The Choir repcateth the same. ( Thrice.) Deacon. And that he will vouchsafe us grace to listen to the Holy Gospel, let us pray to the Lord God. Choir. Lord, have mercy. (Thrice.) Priest. Peace be with you all. Choir. And with thy spirit. Priest. The Lesson from the holy Gospel according to N. Choir. Glory to thee, 0 Lord ; glory to thee. Deacon. Let us attend.
Here the Gospel is read, aflro#riate to the Saint, or to the $etitzkn, Matt. vii. 8-1 I . If the Service is to the Saviour, M a t t xii. 27-30. If lo the Birth-giver of God, Luke i. 39-49, 56.

Then the C h i r . Glory to thee, 0 Lord ; glory to thee.

Then again the Refrains, as above.

Then the Choir siftgeth : Meet is it of a truth to bless thee, 0 Birthgiver of God, ever-blessed, and all-undefiled, and Mother of our God. More honourable than the Cherubim, and beyond compare more glorious than' the Seraphim, thou who without defilement barest God the Word, true Birth-giver of God, we magnify thee. Deacolz. Have mercy upon us, 0 God, according to thy great mercy, . (Seepages 560-561.)


Exclamation. Prirst. Hear us, 0 God our Saviour, the hope of all the ends of the earth, and of those who are far off upon the s e a ; and show mercy, show mercy, 0 Master, upon us sinners, and be merciful unto u s For thou art a merciful God who lovest mankind, and unto thee we ascribe glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Choir. Amen. Deacon. Wisdom !



P n k t . 0 most holy Birth-giver of God, save us. Choir. More honourable than the Cherubim, and beyond compare more glorious than the Seraphim, thou who without defilement barest God the Word, true Birth-giver of God, we magnify thee. Priest.. Glory to thee, 0 Christ-God our hope; glory to thee. Chir. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Lord, have mercy. ( Thrice.) Bless. 1 Prirst. May Christ our true God, through the prayers of his most pure Mother ; of Saint N. (the Patron Saint of the Temple); (of Saint N . , to whom the Scruice is s a i d ) ; and of all the Saints, have mercy upon us and save us, for he is good and loveth mankind. C h i r . Lord, have mercy. ( Thricr.)
And the Prirsf holdeth the cross to be kissed.


(This service is celebrated, as a rule, in the centre of the Church, in froxf of a movablc stand, whereon nre$lnccd a vessel containing rice, and lighted ta9crs. The censing continueth, alinost unmfcrru#tedZy, fhroughorrf fAc servicr.)

Deacon. Bless, Master. Priest. Blessed is our God always, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. C h i r . Amen.
The Litany.

Deacon. In peace let us pray to the Lord. Choir. Lord, have mercy. For the peace that is from above, and for the salvation of our souls : I$ For the remission of the sins of those who have departed this life in blessed memory : @ For the ever-memorable servants of God, NN. ; for their repose, tranquillity and blessed memory : I$ That he will pardon them every transgression, whether volun- $ 5 tary or involuntary : I$ ?c a That they may present themselves blameless before the dread throne of the Lord of glory : I$ For the sorrowing and the sick who have set their hope in the 5 0 consolation of Christ : I$ That he will release them from all sickness, sorrow and sigh- 2 9 n6 ing, and make them glad where the light of God's countenance shall visit them : I$ That the Lord our God will establish their souls in a place of ' 5 verdure, a place of repose, where all the Righteous dwell : That they may be numbered with those who are in the bosom of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob : @ That he will deliver us from all tribulation, wrath, peril and hecessity : @ Succour us, save us, have mercy upon us, and keep us, 0 God, by thy grace. Choir. Lord, have mercy. . Having implored for them the mercies of God, the kingdom of heaven, and remission of sins, let us commend ourselves, and each other, and all our life unto Christ our God. C h i r . To thee, 0 Lord.

s% ; :



A n d whea the Litany isfinirhed t b Priest, bowing his head, rcariirfh,secretly, the Prayer :

0 God of spirits, and of all flesh, who hast trampled down Death, and overthrown the Devil, and given life unto thy world : Do thou, the same Lord, give rest to the souls of thy departed servants, NN., in a place of brightness, a place of verdure, a place of repose, whence b all sickness, sorrow and sighing have fled away. Pardon every 2 transgression which they have committed, whether by word, or deed, 3 or thought. For thou art a good God and lovest mankind; because there is no man who liveth and sinneth not : for thou only art without sin, and thy righteousness is to all eternity, and thy word is true. Exclamation. For thou art the Resurrection, and the Life, and the Repose of thy departed servants, NN., 0 Christ our God, and unto thee do we ascribe glory, together with thy Father who is from everlasting, and thine all-holy, and good, and life-giving Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Chzr. Amen. Deacon. Alleluia, in the Eighth Tone. Verse I : Blessed are those whom thou hast chosen and taken, 0 Lord. Verse 2 : The remembrance of them is from generation to generation. Vene 3 : Their souls shall dwell with the blessed. Choir. Alleluia (Thn'cc.) 0 Thou who, with wisdom profound, mercifully orderest all things, and who givest that which is expedient unto all men, thou Only Creator: Give rest, 0 Lord, to the souls of thy servants who have fallen asleep; For they have set their hope on thee, their Maker, the Author of their being, and their God. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Thee have we as a Wall and a Defence, and a Mediatrix well-pleasing unto God whom thou hast borne, 0 Virgin Birth-giver of God, the salvation of the faithful.

Then thc Reqrricm Hymns (Tropari), with the following Refrain :

Blessed art thou, 0 Lord ; teach me thy statutes. The Choir of the Saints have found the Fountain of Life and the Door of Paradise. May I also find the right way, through repentance. I am a lost sheep. Call me, 0 Saviour, and save me. R. Ye who preached the Lamb of God, and like unto lambs were slain, and are translated unto the life eternal, which waxeth not old : ye holy Martyrs, pray ye unto him that he w ~ i l us remission of our sins. l$ Ye who have trod the narrow way most sad; all ye who, in life, have




taken upon you the Cross as a yoke, and have followed Me through faith, draw near : Enjoy ye the honours and the crowns which I have prepared for you. l$ I am an image of thy glory ineffable, though I bear the brands of transgressions : Show thy compassions upon thy creature, 0 Master, and purify him by thy loving-kindness ; and grant unto me the homecountry of my heart's desire, making me again a citiqen of Paradise. & 0 thou who of old didst call me into being from nothingness, and didst honour me with thine image divine, but because I had forgotten thy commandments hast returned me again unto the earth from which I was taken: Restore thou me to that image, and to my pristine beauty. l$ Give rest, 0 Lord, to the souls of thy servants, and establish them in Paradise, where the choirs of the Saints, 0 Lord; and of the Just, shine like the stars of heaven. Give rest to thy servants who have fallen asleep, regarding not all their transgressions. l$ Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Devoutly do we hymn the triune Effulgence of the one Godhead, crying aloud : Holy art thou, 0 Father who art from everlasting, 0 Son coeternal, and Spirit divine! Illumine us who, with faith, do worship thee and rescue us from fire eternal. Now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Hail, 0 August One, who for the salvation of all men didst bring forth God in the flesh ; through whom, also, mankind hath found salvation. Through thee have we found Paradise, 0 pure, most-blessed Birth-giver of God. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia
The Pricsf meanwhzlc recifefA, seDeacon. Again, yet again,in peace let us pray to cretly, t h Prayer: o God of spirits, . the Lord. Choir. Lord, have mercy. (see P a p 565.) The Litany.


for the ;epose of the souls of the servants of God, Again we NN., departed this life : and that they may be pardoned all their sins, both voluntary and involuntary. Choir. Lord, have mercy. That the Lord God will establish their souls where the Just repose. Choir. Lord, have mercy. The mercies of God, the kingdom of heaven, and remission of their sins, let us entreat of Christ, our King Immortal and our God. Cnoir. Grant it, 0 Lard. D m o n . Let us pray to the Lord.
Priest. For thou art the Resurrection, and the Chir. Amen.

L i f e ,. . . (Seep. 565.)



Give rest with the Just, 0 Saviour, unto thy servants, and establish them in thy courts, as it is written: Regarding not, in that thou art good, their sins, whether voluntary or involuntary, and all things, committed either with knowledge or in ignorance, 0 thou who lovest mankind. 0 Christ our God, who from a Virgin didst shine forth upon the world, through her making us children of the light, have mercy upon us. T k c Refrain. Pn'est andDeacon chant: Give rest, 0 Lord, to the souls of thy servants departed this life. The Choir rtjeateth the same. Pn'esi and Deacon. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Choir. Now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Tlie ZZeme-Song (Irmds)of the Sixth Canticle of the Canon al the Parting of fkc Soul from the Body.

Forasmuch as I behold the sea of life surging high with the tempest of temptations, I have fled to thy tranquil haven and cry aloud unto thee : Lead thou my life forth from corruption, 0 Most Merciful One.
The Litany.

Deacvn. Again, yet again, in peace . . . (Seepage



The P r h t meanwhile recifeth, secretly, thePraycr: C O ~ I of spirits, . (SmPags 565.)

. .

Priest. For thou art the Resurrection, and the Life, . . (Seepage 565.) Choir. Amen. With the Saints give rest, 0 Christ, to the souls of thy servants, where there is neither sickness, nor sorrow, nor sighing, but life everlasting. Thou only art immortal, who hast created and fashioned man. For out of the earth were we mortals made, and unto the earth shall we return again, as thou didst command when thou madest me, saying: For earth thou art, and unto the earth shalt thou return. Whither also all we mortals wend our way, making of our funeral dirge the song. Alleluia 1 Refrain. Give rest, 0 Lord, to the souls of thy servants departed this life.

The Theme-Son of the Ninth Canticle of the Canon at the Parting of the Soul from the 8 0 .

I t is not possible that men should see God, upon whom the Orders of the Angels dare not gaze: but through thee, 0 All-pure One, was the Word Incarnate manifested unto men : Whom magnifying, together with the Heavenly Hosts, we call thee blessed.



Reader. 0 Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal One, have mercy upon us. (Thrice.) Glory . 0 all-holy Trinity, . . . Lord, have mercy. (Thrice.) Glory . . . now, and ever, . Our Father, . . . (Seepage 559.) Priest. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. C h i r . Amen. With the souls of the righteous dead, give rest, 0 Saviour, to the souls of thy servants, preserving them unto the life of blessedness which is with thee, 0 thou who lovest mankind. In the place of thy rest, 0 Lord, where all thy Saints repose, give rest also to the souls of thy servants : For thou only lovest mankind Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Thou art the God who descended into hell,.and loosed the bonds of the captives : Do thou give rest, also, to the souls of thy servants. Now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. 0 Virgin alone Pure and Undefiled, who without seed didst bring forth God, pray thou unto him that their souls may be saved. The Litany. 0 Deacon. Have mercy upon us, 0 God, according to thy great a qg mercy, we beseech thee : hearken, and have mercy. & 9 3' Again we pray for the repose of the souls of NN., the servants of God departed this life : and that they may be pardoned all 2-& their sins, both voluntary and involuntary. I$ 3. a That the Lord God will establish their souls where t h e Just ? D; -(D repose. I$ The mercies of God, the kingdom of heaven, and the remission o f their sins, let us entreat of Christ, our King Immortal and our God. C h i r . Grant it, 0 Lord Deacon. Let us pray to the Lord. T ~ Cpriest m r ~ while recitetk, seChoir. Lord, have mercy. fhePrayw: 0 Pricst. For thou art the Resurrection, and the cretly, Gd of spiritr, . . Life, . . . ( S e e p . 565.) ( s e t PW 565.1 Choir. Amen. Deacon. Wisdom ! Priest. 0 most holy Rirth-giver of God, save us. Choir. More honourable than the Cherubim, and beyond compare more glorious than the Seraphim, thou who without defilement barest God the Word, true Birth-giver of God, we magnify thee. Priest. Glory to thee, 0 Christ-God, our hope; glo to thee. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the g o l y Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Lord, have mercy. (Thrice.) Bless.





The Prirsf besfowcch Lke BENEDICTION.


May he who hath power over both the living and the dead, who himself rose again from the dead, Christ our very God : through the prayers of his all-pure Mother ; of the holy, glorious and all-laudable Apostles ; of our holy and God-bearing fathers ; and of all the Saints, establish in t h e mansions of the righteous the souls of his servants who have been t a k e n from us ; give them rest in Abraham's bosom, and number them among the Just; and have mercy upon us, in that he is good and loveth mankind. Deacon. Give rest eternal, in blessed falling-asleep, 0 Lord, to the souls of thy servants, NN., departed this life ; and make their memory t o be eternal. Choir. Memory eternal ! (Thrice.)


0 Master, Lord Jesus Christ our God, the Fountain of life and of immortality, the Author of all creation, both visible and invisible, t h e Son coeternal with the Father and equal with the Father which hath no beginning, who through thy great goodness hast, in the'se latter days, endued flesh, and hast offered thyself a sacrifice for us ungrateful and evilnatured men, and hast renewed with thy blood our nature which was become corrupt through sin : Do thou accept, 0 King immortal, my repentance and my sinful self; incline thine ear unto me, and give heed unto my words: for I have sinned, 0 Lord, I have sinned against heaven and before thee, and am not worthy to look upon the loftiness of thy glory. I have affronted thy goodness, in that I have transgressed thy commandments, and have not obeyed thy behests. But thou, 0 Lord, inasmuch as thou art not vengeful, but long-suffering and of great mercy, hast not delivered me over unto destruction with my transgressions, for that thou didst, at every moment, await my return. For thou who lovest mankind has said, by the mouth of thy prophet: I desire not t h e death of the sinner, but that he should turn again and live. Thou dost not desire, 0 Master, to destroy the work of thy hands, neither desirest thou the destruction of the human race, but willest that all men should be saved, and should come to the knowledge of the truth. Wherefore I, also, albeit I am unworthy of heaven and of earth and of this transitory life, in that I have made myself all sin and have defiled thine image ; yet, inasmuch as I am thy creature and the work of thy hands, I d e s p r not of my salvation, accursed though I be, and I draw near with confident hope to thine illimitable compassion. Accept me also, 0 Lord who lovest mankind, as thou didst accept the sinning woman, the thief, the publican, the prodigal Son ; take thou my heavy burden of sin, 0 thou who hast borne the sins of the world, who healest human infirmities, who invitest to thyself, and givest rest unto, those who labour and a r e heavyladen ; who didst come to call not the righteous but sinners to repentance Purify me from all uncleanness, both bodily and spiritual, and teach me to fulfil holiness in thy fear ; that having received a portion of thy Holy Things with a pure conscience, I may be united unto thy holy Body and Blood, and may possess thee, dwelling within me and abiding with the Father and thy Holy Spirit. Yea, 0 Lord Jesus Christ my God, let the


communion of thine All-pure and Life-giving Mysteries be not unto me for condemnation, and let me not be infirm in body and soul because I have partaken unworthily. But grant that, even unto my last breath, I may partake uncondemned of thy Holy Things, unto communion with the Holy Spirit, unto guidance to life eternal, unto an acceptable defence a t thy dread Judgment Seat. And let me, together with all thine elect, be a partaker of the incorruptible good things which thou hast prepared, 0 Lord, for those who love thee ; in whom, also, thou art glorified forever. Amen.

I know, 0 Lord my God, that I am unworthy and am not meet that thou shouldest enter beneath the roof of the temple of my soul, because it is all empty and dead; and there is in me no worthy place wherein thou mayest lay thy head. But inasmuch as thou from thy loftiness didst humble thyself for our sake, so likewise do thou now humble thyself for the sake of my humility: and as it seemed good unto thee to lie in the cavern and in the manger of dumb beasts, so also now graciously vouchsafe to lie in the manger of my dumb soul, and to enter into my defiled body. As thou didst not disdain to enter into the house of Simon the leper, and there to sit at meat with sinners, so also graciously vouchsafe to enter into the house of my humble soul, which is leprous and sinful. A s thou didst not reject the sinning woman like unto me, who came and touched thee, so also show thou mercy upon me, a sinner, who now come unto thee and touch thee. As thou didst feel no loathing for the polluted lips of the sinning woman which kissed thee, so also loathe thou not my even more defiled lips and my polluted, unclean tongue. But may the fiery coal of thine all-pure Body and of thy precious Blood be unto the consecration, enlightenment and health of my humble soul and body, unto the alleviation of my many sinful burdens, unto preservation from every operation of the Devil, unto the expulsion and interdiction of my evil and wicked manner of life, unto the mortification of passions, unto instruction in thy commandments, unto the incorporation in me of thy divine grace, unto the inheritance of thy kingdom. For I come unto thee, 0 Christ-God, not with disdain, but trusting in thine unspeakable goodness, and in order that through long absenting of myself from communion with thee I be not seized by the invisible wolf. Wherefore I pray thee, in that thou alone art holy, 0 Master: Sanctify thou my soul and body, my mind and heart, my belly and my reins, and renew thou me altogether. Establish thy fear in my members, and make thy consecration to be inalienable from me. Re thou my helper and defender, preserving my life in peace, enabling me to stand at thy right hand with thy Saints: through the prayers and supplications of thy Mother ; of thy bodiless servitors, the all-pure heavenly hosts ; and of all who, in all the ages, have been well-pleasing unto thee. Amen.


Like as I were now standing before thy dread and upright Judgment f Seat, 0 Christ-God, receiving sentence and rendering an accounting o the sins I have committed, so also now, ere that day of my condemnation be come, standing before thee at thy holy Altar and before thy terrible and holy angels, convicted by mine own conscience, I offer as a sacrifice unto thee my evil and iniquitous deeds, declaring and condemning them. Look upon my humility, 0 Lord, and pardon all my sins. Behold, mine iniquities have exceeded the number of the hairs upon my head For what evil is there that I have not done? What sin is there that I have not committed ? What evil thing is there that I have not meditated in my soul ? I am guilty of fornication and of adultery, of pride, arrogance, condemnation of others, censure, idle conversation, unworthy laughter, drunkenness, gluttony, hatred, envy, cupidity,avarice, usury, self-love, ambition, rapacity; of untruthfulness, unjust acquisition, jealousy, calumny, and of other sins. I have polluted, conupted and rendered lewd all my senses and members, in all things fulfilling the will of the Devil. I know, 0 Lord, that mine iniquities are gone over my head ; but thy bounties are immeasurable, thy benignant goodness is unutterable, and there is no sin which can overcome thy love o f mankind. Wherefore, 0 King most marvellous, 0 Lord benign, reveal thy mercies also upon me, a sinner; show forth the power of thy clemency ;manifest thine ineffable tenderness of heart, and accept me, a sinner, who now have recourse unto thee. Accept me as thou didst accept a s the prodigal son, as thou didst accept the thief and the woman who w a sinner. Accept me, who have beyond measure sinned against thee in word, in deed, in carnal desires and in thoughts. As thou didst receive those who came unto thee at the eleventh hour, and had done nothing worthy, so also receive thou me, a sinner; for I have sinned greatly, I have defiled myself, I have offended thy Holy Spirit, and have grieved thy love both in deed, and in word, and in thought, both by day and by night, both secretly and openly, both voluntarily and involuntarily. I know, 0 Lord, that thou wilt set my sins before me as they were committed by me, and wilt demand of me an accounting of that wherein I have transgressed both consciously and unpardonably. But 0 Lord, Lord ! Convict me not at thy just Judgment Seat, and chastise me not with thy wrath ; for I am not only helpless, but I am also the work of thy hands. Thou, 0 Lord, hast confirmed thy fear upon me, yet I have done evil in thy sight. Against thee only have I sinned ; but I entreat thee: Enter thou not into judgment with thy servant : for if thou, Lord, wilt regard iniquity, who shall stand ? I am an abyss of sin, and unworthy to look up and behold the heights of heaven because of my many sins, which are without number. For in me there is no lack of every sort of



misdoing, neither of guile, nor of satanic wiliness, of presumption, of sinful thoughts, and of many other passions. With what sins have not I defiled myself! Unto what evil habits have not I been in bondage! I have filled my soul with every sort of uncleanness, and have become worthless for thee, my God, and for men. Who shall reestablish me, who have fallen into such evil and countless transgressions? 0 Lord, my God, on thee do I set my trust! If it be possible to hope for salvation, if the multitude of my iniquities are vanquished by thy love for mankind, -then be thou unto me a Saviour : according to thy bounties and thy mercies, loose, remit unto me, forgive all things wherein I have sinned against thee, seeing that my soul is filled with many sins and there is no hope of salvation in me. Have mercy upon me, 0 God, according to thy great mercy ; judge me not according to my d e d s ; judge me not according to my acts ; but turn thou me again ; be thou my defender ; deliver thou my soul from mine increasing iniquities and from my frightful thoughts. Save me for thy mercy's sake, that where sin was multiplied there also may thy grace abound. And I will laud and glorify thee forever, all the days of my life; for thou art the God of the penitent and the Saviour of those who have sinned ; and unto thee do we ascribe glory, together with thy Father who hath no beginning, and thine all-holy, and good, and life-giving Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.



From lips defiled, from heart iniquitous, from tongue impure, from soul polluted, receive thou my prayer, 0 my Christ, and despise not my words, imaginations and presumption. Vouchsafe that I may speak boldly, 0 my Christ, that which I desire. Teach me, moreover, that which I ought to do and to say. I have sinned above the sinning woman who, having learned where the Lord was, and having bought ointment, came fearlessly to anoint thy feet, my God, my Master and my Christ. A s thou didst not repulse her, when she came with heartfelt contrition, so also despise thou not me, 0 Word, and grant t h a t I, also, may clasp thy feet and kiss them and fearlessly anoint them with floods of tears, as with precious ointment. Wash me and purify me with my tears, 0 Word ; remit my transgressions and grant me pardon. Thou knowest the multitude of my evildoings ; thou knowest also my footsteps ; thou seest my wickedness. But thou knowest also my faith, and beholdest my earnest desire, and hearest my sighing. Not a single tear-drop, nor even a single portion of a drop, is hidden from thee, 0 my God, my Maker, my Deliverer. Thine eyes behold also that which I have not yet done. In thy book is written also that which, as yet, is not performed. Thou seest my humility, thou seest my infirmities and all my sins. Remit them, 0 God of all men, that with a pure heart, with



trembling mind and contrite soul I may partake of thine undefiled and all-holy Mysteries, which quicken and refresh every man who eateth and drinketh thereof with a pure heart. Thou hast said, 0 my Lord: Every one who eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood abideth in me, and I in him. True is every word of my Lord and God. Partaking of the divine Mysteries which make men like unto God, I am no longer alone, but abide, 0 my Christ, with thee, the all-effulgent Light which illumineth the world. And I shall not be left without thee, the Life- 'ver, my Breath, my life, my joy, the salvation of the world. Where ore I draw near unto thee, as thou seest, with tears and a contrite soul, and implore thee that thou wilt vouchsafe unto me to receive remission of my transgressions, and to partake, uncondemned, of thy life-giving Mysteries. Abide with me, the accursed one, that the Evil One may not tempt me, and having tempted, may not lead me astray from thy precepts which render god-like. And therefore I fall down before thee, and with my whole heart I cry unto thee: A s thou didst accept the prodigal son, as thou didst accept the sinning woman who came unto thee, so also receive thou me, who am a prodigal and vile, 0 Bountiful One! Having now recourse unto thee with a contrite soul, I know, 0 my Saviour, that no other man hath so sinned against thee as have I, no other man hath wrought such deeds as have I. But I know, also, that neither the magnitude of the transgression, nor the multitude of the sins can transcend the great long-suffering and unutterable love toward mankind of my God. According to thy mercy and condescension thou cleansest those who repent with their whole heart ; thou enlightenest them, and makest them participants of the light, and sharers of thy Divinity. And, albeit it is strange for angels and men to comprehend, thou ofttimes holdest converse with them as with thy true friends. All this doth render me bold, all this doth give me wings, 0 my Christ. And confidently setting my hope on thy gracious deeds t o usward, both with joy and trembling, I partake of fire, being myself but grass. And 0 marvellous wonder ! - I am not consumed but am sprinkled with dew, as was of old the bush which burned yet was not consumed Now, with grateful thoughts, with grateful heart, with grateful members both .of my soul and of my body, I bow in worship, I laud and glorify thee, 0 my God, who art blessed now and forevermore.

I stand before the doors of thy temple, yet refrain not from wicked thoughts. But 0 Christ-God, who didst justify'the publican, and didst show mercy upon the woman of Cana, and didst open t h e doors of Paradise to the thief, -open thou unto me also thy loving-kindness, and accept thou me, who am come and who touch thee, as thou didst accept also the woman who was a sinner, and the woman who had an



issue of blood. One of them, through touching the hem of thy garment, received perfect healing ; and the other, clasping thine all-pure feet, carried away the forgiveness of her sins. And let me not be consumed, all-accursed though I be, through daring to receive thy Body. B u t accept thou me, as thou didst accept them, and illumine my spiritual senses, consuming my sinful offences : through the prayers of Her who bore thee without seed, and of the heavenly Powers : For blessed a r t thou, unto ages of ages. Amen.

VI. I believe, 0 Lord, and I confess, that thou art in very truth the Christ, t h e Son of the living God, who didst come into the world to save sin' ners, of whom I am chief. And I believe that this is, of a truth, thine all-pure Body, and that this is thine own precious Blood. Wherefore, I beseech thee, have mercy upon me, and forgive my transgressions, whether voluntary or involuntary ; whether of word or of deed ; whether committed with knowledge or in ignorance. And vouchsafe that I may partake without condemnation of thine all-pure Mysteries, unto the remission of my sins, and unto life eternal. Amen.


Hymns f w :Lord, I have cried unto thee. Hymns to the Birth-give o f God (Dogmcftik>. f Tropad (Hymni for t/rr Day), Bogwbditchny (Hymns to the Birth-giver o God), Kondaki (CoIltzt-Hymns), and Ganmts :In the E&ht Toncz.
Hymns fw: Lord, I have cried unto thee.

Accept our evening petitions, 0 holy Lord, and grant us remission of our sins : For thou only revealest Resurrection unto the world. Go ye round about Zion, ye people, and encompass her, and give glory therein to him who is risen from the dead: For he is our God who delivereth us from our sins. 0 come, ye people, let us sing praises and worship Christ, glorifying his Resurrection from the dead : For he is our God, who delivereth the world from the wiles of the enemy. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Hymn to the Birth-giver o f God (Dogrmfiik). Let us sing the praises of Mary, Virgin, Door of heaven, Glory of all the worv, sprung forth from man, who also bare the Lord ; the Song of the Bodiless Powers, and the Enriching of the faithful. For she revealed herself as Heaven a n d the Temple of the Godhead. She destroyed the bulwarks of enmity, ushered in peace, and threw open the kingdom. Wherefore, in that we possess this confirmation of our faith we have a defender, even the Lord who was born of her. Be bold, therefore, be bold, ye people of God, for he, the All-Powerful, will vanquish your foes. Hymn (Tropdr). While the stone was sealed by the Jews, and soldiers stood on guard over thy body undefiled, thou didst rise on the third day, 0 Saviour, who givest life unto the world. For which cause t h e Heavenly Powers cried aloud unto thee, 0 Giver of Life : Glory to thy resurrection, 0 Christ ! Glory to thy kingdom ! Glory to thy providence, 0 thou who alone lovest mankind ! Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Hymn to the Bit-th;giver o f God (Bogodditchen). As Gabriel proclaimed unto thee, 0 Virgin : Hail ! With that cry did the Lord of all become incarnate in thee, the Holy Tabernacle, as spake the righteous David : Thou hast manifested thyself more spacious than the heavens,




in that thou hast borne thy Creator. Glory to him who abode in thee ! Glory to him who came forth from thee ! Glory to him who through thy birth-giving hath set us free ! Collect-Hymn (Konddk). As God thou didst arise from the grave in glory, and with thee didst raise the world; and the race of men singeth praises unto thee as God ; and Death hath vanished ; and Adam leapeth for joy, 0 Lord ; and Eve, now released from her bonds, exulteth, crying : Thou art he who giveth Resurrection unto a11 men, 0 Christ.
T H E CANON. Canticle I. (Founhd on Exodus xv. I-m.)

Theme-Song ( i m d s ) . In godlike wise hath thy victorious right arm been glorified in strength ; for in that it was all-powerful, 0 Immortal One, it shattered the adversaries, and made for the Israelites a new path through the deep. - Refrain. Glory to thy holy Resurrection, 0 Lord. Hymns ( T r o j a r f ) . Thou who, with hands most pure, in the begin- ning, in that thou art God, divinely created me out of the dust, didst stretch forth thine arms upon the cross, summoning from the earth my corruptible body, which thou thyself also didst accept from a Virgin. I) Unto dissolution thou didst subject thyself for my sake, and didst yield up thy soul unto death, 0 thou who with thy divine in-breathing didst infuse into me a soul. And when thou hadst rent asunder the bonds which were from everlasting, and with thee didst raise up the dead, thou wert glorified in incorruption. B Hynn to the Birth-giver of God (Bogordditchen). Hail, 0 Fount o f Grace ! Hail, 0 Ladder, and Gate of Heaven ! Hail, 0 Candlestick and Golden Pot, and Mount Unhewn, who gavest birth to Christ, the Life giver of the world !
(Canticle ZZ. i t general& omitted.) Canticle ZZL (Formhd on r Samuel ii. I-rr.)

Theme-Song ( I m d s ) . 0 thou who alone knowest the fmilty of m a n ' s nature, and in tender compassion didst transform thyself into his likeness : Gird me with might from on high, that I may cry aloud unto thee, 0 Holy One : Inspired is the temple of thine ineffable glory, 0 thou who lovest mankind. Refrain. Glory to thy holy Resurrection, 0 Lord.
( A n d tkc other Hymns ( T r e a r i ) ,ajjoinfed, as after the/irst Theme-Song.) Canticle ZV: (Foundedon Habakkuk iii. 2.)

Theme-Song ( I m d s ) . When Habakkuk, with vision prophetic, beheld thee as a Mount overshadowed by the grace of God, he proclaimed in anticipation that from thee should come forth the Holy One of Israel for our salvation and regeneration.


(Refrain as before, and the a##oinlcd Hymns.) Cantuie V. (Forruakd on Isaiah xxvi. 9-20.)

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Theme-Song ( I m d s ) . Thou who, by the brightness of thy coming, hast illumined, and by thy Cross hast enlightened the uttermost parts of the universe 0 Christ: Enlighten with the light of thy wisdom divine the hearts of true believers who hymn thy praises.
(Refrain as befm, and the a#$ointcd Hymnr.) Canficie YZ. (Forrriid on Jonah ii. 2-7.)

Theme-Song (1md.s). The nethermost pit hath compassed us about. There is none that delivereth; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter. Save thy people, 0 God, for thou art the strength of the weak and their restoration.
(Rcfrain as before, and the appointed Hymns.) Cant& YZZ. (Founded on Danid iii. 656.)

Theme-Song ( I m d s ) . Upon thee, as a supersensual furnace, do we faithful fix our eyes, 0 Birth-giver of God ; for as he, the greatlyexalted, saved the Three Children, so also did he, the God of our fathers, worthy of praise and exceeding glorious, wholly renew the world through thy womb.
(Rrfrain as before, and the a##oinfed Hymns.) Canfick YYZL (Fmrn&d on Daniel iii. 57-72 (A$ocg@h).)

We praise, bless and adore the Lord, singing praises and exalting him unto ages of ages. Theme-Song (Imds). In the furnace, as in a smelting-forge, did the Hebrew Children shine with the beauty of godliness more pure than gold, saying : 0 all ye works of the Lord, bless ye the Lord : praise him and magnify him unto all the ages.
(Refrain as before, and the appointed Hymns.) IX. (Formakd on Exodus iii. ag.)

Theme-Song ( I m d s ) . The bush that burned with fire yet was not consumed, showed forth the type of thy pure birth-giving. Quench now, also, we beseech thee, the fiery furnace of the fierce temptations which assail us, that we may perpetually magnify thee, 0 Birth-giver of God.
(Rcfain as brfore, and t h aflointcd Hymns.)



m a d Hymns (Stikh4ri)for: Lord, I have cried unto thee.

0 come, let us worship him who was begotten of the Father before the ages, the Word of God incarnate of the Virgin Mary ; for when he had endured the cross he was delivered over to the tomb, for his own good will it was so to do ; and when he rose again from the dead he saved me, the man who had gone astray.




Christ our Saviour, when he had nailed to the cross the handwriting against us, brought it to naught and annihilated the dominion of death. We adore his awakening again from death on the third day. With the Archangels let us sing the Resurrection of Christ : for he is the Redeemer and Saviour of our souls ; and he shall come again, in glory most terrible, in power most mighty, to judge the world which he hath made. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Hymn to the B ~ r t h - ~ v e ofr God (Dopzdtik). T h e shadow of the Law passed away when grace came ; for as the bush burned with fire yet was not consumed, even so as a Virgin didst thou bring forth yet remainedst Virgin still. In place of the pillar of fire there rose the Sun of Righteousness; in place of Moses, Christ, the Salvation of our souls. Hymn (Tt-opdr). When thou didst condescend unto death, 0 Life Immortal, thou didst slay Hell with the lightning flash of thy divinity. When also thou didst raise up the dead from the subterranean abodes, all the Powers of heaven cried aloud: 0 Life-giver, Christ our God, glory to thee ! Hymn to the Birth-giver of God (Bogordditckm). Beyond the power of thought, exceeding glorious are all thy mysteries, 0 Birth-giver of God ; sealed in purity and preserved in virginity, thou art acknowledged to be, in very truth, the Mother who didst bring forth the true God; wherefore entreat thou him that our souls may be saved. Collect-Hymn (Konddk). Thou didst rise from the tomb, 0 Saviour almighty, and Hell was affrighted when it beheld the marvel; and the dead arose ; Creation, also, beholding, exulted with thee, and Adam rejoiced exceedingly. And the world, 0 my Saviour, singeth thy praises forevermore.

Theme-Songs ( I m d s ) . I . In the deep, aforetime, did the overwhelrning force overthrow all the host of Pharaoh; and the Word, when it became incarnate, utterly annihilated sin most pernicious. Exceeding glorious is the Lord, for he hath triumphed gloriously. Refrain. Glory to thy holy Resurrection, 0 Lord. ( Then the aj$ointed Hymns, comjosed aft47 the mociel of those shown i n T m I.) 111." The desert hath blossomed like the lily of the field, 0 Lord, as also the barren church of the Gentiles, through thy coming, wherein, also, my heart is established. (Rcfrain and appointed Hymns.) IV. From a Virgin didst thou come forth ; neither as a Prince nor as Angel, but the very Lord himself made flesh, and didst wholly save me, a man. For which cause I cry aloud unto thee : Glory to thy might, 0 Lord. R. and H s .

* As already explained, Themc-Song 11. is usually omitted.

TONE 111


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V. A s Mediator between God and man didst thou come, 0 Christ our God; for through thee, 0 Lord, we have access from the night of ignorance unto thy Father, the Author of Light. R. and Hs. VI. Wallowing in the abyss of sin, I appeal unto the abyss unfathomable of thy loving-kindness. Raise thou me up from corruption, 0 God. R. and Us. VII. The impious command of the cruel tyrant forced the flame on high; but Christ, the One who Existeth, blessed and most glorious, bore unto the God-fearing Children spiritual dew. Blessed and most glorious is he. R. and Us. VIII. The fiery furnace of old in Babylon divided in twain its action, by the command of God consuming the Chaldaeans, but sprinkling with dew the faithful who sang: 0 all ye works of the Lord, bless ye the Lord. R. and Hs. I X . The Son of the Begetter who hath no beginning, both God and the Lord, hath revealed himself unto us incarnate of a Virgin, to illumine those who sataindarkness, and to gather together those who were scattered abroad: for which cause we magnify the all-hymned Birthgiver of God. R. and Hs.
TONE 111.
Versa and H y m n s for : Lord, I have cried unto thee.

By thy cross, 0 Christ our Saviour, the dominion of death hath been destroyed and the delusion of the Devil overthrown ; the generation of men also, being saved by faith, doth offer unto thee a perpetual song. All things have been illumined by thy Resurrection, 0 Lord, and Paradise hath been opened once again ; and all creation extolling thee doth offer unto thee a perpetual song. I glorify the might of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit I sing the power ; the Godhead, undivided, uncreated, the Trinity of one Essence, who reigneth unto ages of ages. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Hymn to the Birth-giver of God (Dogmtftik). How can we. refrain from wonder at thy human-divine birth-Giving, 0 All-August One? For though thou receivedst not the embrace of man, 0 All-Undefiled One, yet didst thou bear, without a father, a son in the flesh born of the Father without mother before the ages : who suffered no change, neither mingling nor division, but preserved intact the peculiar natures of both. Wherefore, d Maiden Mother, Sovereign Lady, beseech thou him that the souls of those may be saved who, in the true faith, confess thee to be the Birth-giver of God. Hymn (Tropdr). Let the heavens rejoice and let the earth be glad, for the Lord hath showed strength with his arm ; he hath trampled down Death by death ;he is become the first-born of the dead; from the




womb of Hell hath he delivered us, and unto the world hath he vouchsafed great mercy. Hymn to the Birth-giver of God (Bogorbditcken). Thee, who was the Mediatrix of the salvation of our race, we sing, 0 Birth-giver of God and Virgin. For in the flesh assumed from thee, after that he had suffered the passion of the cross, thy Son and our God delivered us from corruption, in that he loveth mankind. Collect-Hymn (KottddR). To-day art thou risen from the tomb, 0 Bountiful One, and hast led us forth from the gates of death ; today Adam exulteth and Eve rejoiceth, and the Prophets, together with the Patriarchs, continually do sing the power divine of thy might.

Theme-Songs ( I m o s f ) . I. H e who of old, by his rod divine, did gather together into one mass the waters and cleave the sea for the people of Israel, the same is our God exceedingly glorious : To him alone will we make our song, for he hath glorified himself. Refrain. Glory to thy holy Resurrection, 0 Lord.
(Thm the aflointedHymns, comjosed a f e r the morkrl of t h e s h u n in T o m I.)

111. 0 thou who from nothingness didst call forth all things created by the Word, and perfected by thy Spirit, 0 Ruler of the Universe: Stablish thou me in thy love. R. and H.. IV. Thou hast established a steadfast love to usward, 0 Lord ; for thine Only-begotten Son hast thou given unto death for us. Wherefore we cry aloud with thanksgiving unto thee: Glory to thy might, 0 Lord R. atzd Us. V. Right earlydo I wake unto thee, 0 Maker of all things,the Peace which passeth understanding; for thy commandments are the light: Guide thou me therein. R. arzd Us. VI. The nethermost abyss of sins hath compassed me about, and my soul forsaketh me. But stretch forth thy lofty arm, 0'Lord, and save me, as thou savedst Peter of old, 0 my Pilot. R. and Hs. VII. As thou of old didst refresh with dew the three godly Children in the Chaldzean flames, even so illumine thou with the radiant fire of the Godhead us who cry unto thee: Blessed art thou, 0 God of our fathers. R. and Hs. VIII. When the godly Children were thrust into the fire intolerable, yet remained without hurt from the flame, they sang the song divine : 0 all ye works of the Lord, bless ye the Lord and exalt, him unto all the ages. R. and Hs. IX. A marvel new and befitting the Godhead! Through the closed gates of a Virgin the Lord passeth forth ; naked at his going-in, and at his coming-forth a bearer of the flesh did God manifest himself, and the gate remaineth closed: Her, who in wise ineffable is the Mother of God, we magnify. R. and U s .



Hymnsfm: Lord, I have cried unto thee.


Unceasingly do we adore thy life-giving Cross, 0 Christ our God,and glorify thy Resurrection on the third day; for thereby, 0 Almighty One, thou didst renew the nature of man, which had become corrupt, and didst point out to us the way to heaven: For thou only art good and lovest mankind. Thou hast done away with the penalty of the tree of disobedience, 0 Saviour, in that thou, of thine own good will, wast nailed to the tree of the Cross; and when thou hadst descended into Hell, thou didst break the bonds of death, in that thou wert God : For which cause we worship thy Resurrection from the dead, joyfully crying unto thee : 0 Lord Almighty, glory to thee. Thou hast destroyed the gates of Hell, 0 Lord, and by thy death hast annihilated the kingdom of Death, and hast freed the human race from corruption, giving life and incorruption and great mercy unto the world. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Hymn to the Birth-giver of God (Dogmdtik). T h e Prophet David who, through thee, was the forefather of God, did prophesy in melody concerning thee, to him who wrought mighty things for thee : Upon thy right hand did stand the Queen. For God, who was graciously pleased without father t o become incarnate of thee, hath manifested thee as the Mother and Ambassador of life, that he might restore again his image, which had become corrupted bypassions ; and that Christ, who is great and rich in mercy, when he had found the sheep which was gone astray wandering on the mountains, and had laid it on his shoulders, might bring it to his Father, and according to his will unite it to the heavenly powers, and save the world, 0 Birth-giver of God. Hymn (Tropdr). When the Women Disciples of the Lord had learned from the Angels the glad tidings of the Resurrection, and had cast away the condemnation of their forefathers, they spake exultingly to the Apostles : Death is no more; Christ-God is risen, granting unto the world great mercy. Hymn to the Birth-bver of God (Bogorddiichen). T h e mystery which was hidden from everlasting and was unknown of the Angels, through thee, 0 Birth-giver of God, was revealed to those who dwell upon earth, in that God having become incarnate in unblended union, of his own good will accepted the Cross for our sakes ; whereby he raised again the first created and hath saved our souls. Collect-Hymn (Konddk). My Saviour and Redeemer from the grave, in that he was God, rose from earth-born bonds, and shattered the gates of Hell ; and in that he was the Lord, he rose again on the third day.




St. John of Damascns.

Theme-Songs ( / m o s t ) . I. When Israel of old had passed through the Red Sea's abyss with foot unwet, through the cross-wise stretching forth of Moses' hands, they overcame the host of Amalek in the wilderness. Refrain. Glory to thy holy Resurrection, 0 Lord.
( T h m fhe appointed Hymns, com#osed after the model of f h s c shown in Tone I.)

111. Thy Church rejoiceth in thee, 0 Christ, crying: Thou art my fortress, 0 Lord, my refuge and my strength. R. and Us. IV. The Church, beholding thee uplifted upon the Cross, 0 Sun of Righteousness, standeth in its stateliness, worthily crying: Glory to thy might, 0 Lord. R. and Us. V. Thou art come, 0 my Lord, for a light to the world, a holy light, which turneth from the darkness of ignorance those who with faith sing praises unto thee. R. and Us. VI. I will sacrifice unto thee with the voice of thanksgiving, 0 Lord, the Church crieth aloud unto thee, in that she hath purified herself from the blood of demons by the blood which for the sake of mercy flowed from thy side. R. and Hs. VII. The Abrahamic Children in the Persian furnace, fired rather by love of godliness than by the flame, cried aloud : Blessed art thou, 0 Lord, in the tabernacle of thy glory. R. and Us. VIII. Daniel stretched forth his hand, and stopped the gaping mouths of the lions in the pit. And the Holy Children, zealous in piety, girding themselves with virtue, quenched the raging fire, as they cried: 0 all ye works of the Lord, bless ye the Lord. R. and Us. IX. The Corner-stone unhewn by hands from thee was hewn, 0 Virgin, Mount unquarried, even Christ, who hath bound together Nature that had been divided. Therefore, rejoicing, we magnify thee, 0 Birth-giver of God. R. and Hs.
Hymns for: Lord, I have cried unto thee.

By thy precious Cross, 0 Christ, thou didst put to shame the Devil, and by thy Resurrection thou didst dull the sting of sin, and save us from the gates of death: We glorify thee, 0 Only-begotten One. H e who giveth Resurrection to the generation of men was led as a sheep to the slaughter. The Princes of Hell were terrified by him, and the gates of lamentation were lifted up. For Christ, the King of Glory, entered in, saying unto those who were in bonds: Go forth; and to those who were in darkness : Unveil yourselves. 0 mighty marvel ! The Creator of things invisible, through his love




toward mankind, after having suffered in the flesh, is risen again immortal. Come, ye descendants of the nations, let us bow in worship before him. For in that, through his tender loving-kindness, we have been delivered from going astray, we have learned to sing the praises of the One God in three persons. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. H y m n to the Birth-giver of God (Dogmdtik). In the Red Sea of old was set forth the type of the Bride unwedded: there Moses was the divider of the water ; but here Gabriel was the assistant of the miracle. Then Israel passed over the deep with foot unwet; but now a Virgin hath, without seed, given birth to Christ. The sea, after Israel had passed over, remained impassable ; the Blameless One, after the concep tion of Emmanuel, remained undefiled. Thou who Art, and who from ever-lasting Hast Been, hast revealed thyself in fashion as a man : Have mercy upon us, 0 God. Hymn (Tropdr). The Word, who with the Father and the Spirit hath no beginning, and who, for our salvation, was born of a Virgin, let us faithful believers hymn and adore. For it was his good pleasure to ascend the cross in the flesh, and to suffer death, and through his own glorious Resurrection to raise the dead. Hymn to the Birth-giver of God (Bogordditchm). Hail, 0 impassable Gate of the Lord! Hail, Wall and Shelter of those who flee unto thee ! Hail, Haven unvexed of storms and Unwedded One who didst bring forth in the flesh thy Maker and thy God ! Abate not thine entreaties on behalf of those who sing thy praises and do homage to thy birth-giving. Collect-Hymn (Kondrfk). Into Hell thou didst descend, 0 my Saviour, and wheh thou hadst destroyed its gates, in that thou art almighty, thou didst raise again with thee those who were dead, in that thou art the Creator; and thou didst destroy the sting of death, 0 Christ, and didst release Adam from the curse, 0 thou who lovest mankind. Wherefore we all do cry aloud : Save us, 0 Lord.

Theme-Songs ( I m o s i ) . I . The horse and its rider did Christ cast into the Red Sea, shattering the hosts thereof with his lofty arm : But he saved Israel, who sang a song of victory. Refrain. Glory to thy holy Resurrection, 0 Lord. (7Xcn fhe a$jointcd H y m n s ,composed aftrr the mod?[ o f those shown in Totre I.) 111. Thou who upon nothing by thy command didst erect the earth, and didst suspend it, hanging unsupported : Upon the rock immovable of thy commandments, 0 Christ, establish thou thy Church, 0 thou who alone art good and lovest mankind. R. and U s . IV. When Habakkuk, with vision prophetic, meditated upon thy




Divine Emptying, 0 Christ, he cried aloud with trembling unto thee : For the salvation of thy people and to save thine anointed ones art thou come. R. and Hs. V. 0 thou who arrayest thyself with light as it were a garment, unto thee do I wake right early, and I cry unto thee: Illumine thou my darkened soul, 0 Christ, in that thou only art compassionate. R. and Hs. VI. Lull to tranquillity, 0 Lord Christ, the sea infuriated by the souldestroying billows of my passions, and in that thou art compassionate lead me forth from corruption. R. a n d Hs. VII. The greatly exalted Lord of our Fathers quenched the fire and .sprinkled with dew the Children, who sang with one accord: 0 God, blessed art thou. R. and Hs. VI.11. Unto thee, the Maker of all things, the Children in the furnace, weaving a choral universal, did sing: 0 all ye works of the Lord, bless ye the Lord and exalt him unto all the ages. R. and Hs. IX. Rejoice, 0 Isaiah! A Virgin is with child, and shall bear a Son, Emmanuel, both God and Man: and Orient is his name; whom magnifying, we call the Virgin blessed. R. and Hs. TONE VI. Lord, I have cried unto thee. In that thou didst possess the victory over Hell, 0 Christ, thou didst ascend the cross, that thou who art free among the dead mightest raise up with thee those who sat in the shadow of death. 0 Saviour Almighty, who from thine own light dost shed forth life, have mercy upon us. Today is Christ risen, as he foretold, having trampled Death under foot and given joy to the world, that crying aloud in song we all may say : 0 Fountain of Life, 0 Light unapproachable, 0 Saviour Almighty, have mercy upon us. From thee, 0 Lord, who art present in all creation, whither shall we sinners flee ? To heaven ? Thou thyself dwellest there. T o Hell? Thou didst trample Death under foot. To the depths of the sea? There, also, is thy hand, 0 Lord. Unto thee do we flee, and bowing down before thee, we make our petition: 0 thou who didst rise from the dead, have mercy upon us. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Hymn to the Birth-giver of God (Do,pdtiR). Who is there that doth not bless thee, 0 all-holy Virgin ? Who is there that singeth not thy undefiled birth-giving ? The Only-begotten Son, who shone forth before all ages from the Father, the same came forth from thee, 0 Pure One, having in wondrous wise become incarnate, being by nature God, and becoming by nature a man, for our sake; not being divided in two persons, but known in two natures, yet unmerged. Him do thou beseech, 0 Pure, All-Blessed One, that he will have mercy on our souls.
Hymns for:




Hymn (Tropdr). The Angelic Powers were in thy sepulchre, and the guards became as dead men, and Mary stood by the tomb seeking thy most pure body. Thou didst despoil Hell, yet wert not tempted thereby; thou who art the bestower of life didst come to meet the Woman. Glory to thee, 0 Lord, who didst rise again from the dead. Hymn to the Birth-giver of God (Bugor6ditchen). Thou who didst call thy Mother blessed, of thine own good will didst come unto thy passion, shining radiantly upon the cross, desiring to seek out Adav, and saying unto the Angels: Rejoice with me, for I have found the piece of silver which was lost. 0 our God, who with wisdom hast ordered all things, glory to thee. Collect-Hymn (Kondrfk). When Christ-God, the Life-giver of all things, had by his life-bestowing palm raised up from the vaults of gloom those who were dead, he adjudged Resurrection unto the race of men. For he is the Saviour of all, and the Resurrection, and the Life, and the God of all.

Theme-Songs (Innosf). I. When Israel passed on foot over the deep, as it had been dry land, and beheld their pursuer Pharaoh engulfed in the sea, they cried aloud : Unto God let us sing a song of victory. Refraitr. Glory to thy holy Resurrection, 0 Lord.
( T h a tthe a$$oint+ Hymns, com$osed after the model of those shown in Tone I.)

111. There is none holy like unto thee, 0 Lord my God, who hast exalted the horn of thy faithful, 0 Good One, and hast established us upon the rock of thy confession. R. and Hs. IV. Christ is my strength, my God, and my Lord, the august Church doth sing in God-befitting wise, crying aloud and out of a pure mind keeping festival unto the Lord. R . a n d Hs. V. With thy light divine, 0 Good One, illumine thou, I beseech thee, the souls of those who wake early unto thee with love ; that they may know thee, 0 Word of God, as the true God, who callest forth from the gloom of sin. R. a d Us. VI. Forasmuch as I behold the sea of life surging high with the tempest of temptations, I have fled to thy tranquil haven, and cry aloud unto thee: Lead thou my life forth from corruption, 0 Most Merciful One. R. and Hs. VII. An Angel made the fiery furnace to drop dew for the Holy Children, but the command of God, consuming the Chaldaeans with fire, prevailed upon the tormentor to cry aloud: Blessed art thou, 0 God of our fathers. R. and Hs. VIII. Out of the flames thou didst shed forth dew upon the Godly Ones, and with water didst kindle the sacrifice of the Righteous One. For thou doest all things which thou willest, 0 Christ. Thee will we exalt unto all the ages. R. and Hs.


IX. It is not possible that men should see God, upon whom the Orders of the Angels dare not gaze : but through thee, 0 All-Pure One, was the Word Incarnate manifested unto men : Whom magnifying, together with the Heavenly Hosts, we call thee blessed. R. a d Hs.


: Lord,

I have cried unto thee.

0 come, let us rejoice in the Lord, who hath destroyed the power of death, and illumined the generation of men, crying with the Bodiless Ones : 0 our Maker and Saviour, glory to thee. For our sake, 0 Saviour, thou didst endure the cross and burial ; and by death didst thou slay Death, in that thou art God. For which cause we adore thy Resurrection on the third day: Glory, 0 Lord, to thee. When the Apostles beheld the Resurrection of their Maker they were amazed, and sang the angelic hymn of praise: This is the glory of the Church, this is the riches of the kingdom : 0 Lord, who didst suffer for our sake, glory to thee. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Hymn to the Birth-giver of God (Dogmdtik). A Mother in more than human wise art thou acknowledged, 0 Birth-giver of God ; yet thou didst remain Virgin beyond speech and beyond understanding; and the marvel of thy birth-giving can no tongue declare. Most glorious in the nature of th conception, 0 Pure One, incomprehensible likewise is the manner o thy true birth-giving : for when God so willeth the order of nature is conquered. Wherefore, in that we perceive thee to be the Mother of God, with diligence we all beseech thee that our souls may be saved. Hymtr ( Trofdr). By thy cross thou didst destroy death ; thou didst open paradise to the Thief; thou didst change the funeral wail of the Myrrh-bearing Women, and didst command them to announce unto thine Apostles that thou wert risen from the dead, 0 Christ our God, who bestowest on the world great mercy. Hymn to the Birth-giver of God (Bogordditchn). In that'thou art the Treasury of our Resurrection, lead thou forth from the pit and deep of transgressions those who set their hope on thee, 0 All-Hymned One! For thou hast saved those who were guilty of sin, in that thou didst give birth to our salvation : 0 thou who before birth-giving wast Virgin, and in birth-giving wast Virgin, and after birth-giving remained Virgin still. Collect-Hymn (Konddk). No longer can the power of death hold mortals in captivity; for Christ hath descended, shattering and bringing to naught its powers. Hell is fettered ; the Prophets with one accord rejoice, saying: The Saviour hath appeared unto those who believe: Come forth, ye faithful, unto the Resurrection.



Theme-Songs (Imosf). I. At thy nod, 0 Lord, the nature of water which hitherto had flowed freely, was transmuted into terrestrial form : Wherefore Israel, journeying with foot unwet, doth sing unto thee a h y m n of victory. Refrazn. Glory to thy holy Resurrection, 0 Lord.
( T k m fhe afloin fed Hymns, comJ5osedafter fhmodel o f those shown in Tone I.)

111. Thou who in the beginning didst establish the heavens by thine almighty word, 0 Lord our Saviour, and all the might thereof by thy Spirit all-creating and divine : Establish thou me upon the rock immovable of thy confession. R. and H s . IV. Thou didst not leave the bosom of the Father, yet didst come down upon earth, 0 Christ our God. I have heard the mystery of thy dispensation, and have glorified thee, who alone lovest mankind. R. and Us. V. The night is devoid of light for unbelievers, 0 Christ, but for t h e faithful there is illumination in the sweetness of thy words: F o r which cause I wake early unto thee, and hymn thy divinity. R. and U s . VI. As I sail over the surges of earthly cares, drowning because of my shipload of sins, and flung to the soul-destroying beast, like Jonah cry I unto thee, 0 Christ: From the deathdealing deep, 0 lead thou m e forth. R. and Hs. V I I . The Children of God aforetime showed forth the fiery furnace t o be dew-dropping, as they sang the praises of the one God, and said : All-exalted is the God of our fathers and all-glorious. R. and Us. VIII. The bush which on Sinai burned with fire yet was not consumed revealed God unto Moses, slow and halting of speech ; and zeal for God made the Children invincible in the fire as they sang: 0 all ye works of the Lord, bless ye the Lord and exalt him unto all the ages. R. and H s . IX. 0 Mother who hast not known man, Virgin Birth-giver of God, thou who, without having tasted of corruption, wast with child and didst lend flesh unto the all-creating Word, Receptacle of the Illimitable, Abode of the infinite Artificer, we hymn thee. R. and U s .
TONE VIII. Hymnsfor: Lord, I have cried unto thee. Our evening song and reasonable service we offer unto thee, 0 Christ, in that thou hast graciously been pleased to show mercy upon us through thy Resurrection. 0 Lord, Lord, cast us not away from th) presence, but graciously be pleased to show mercy upon us through thy Resurrection.

TONEV I I I Hail, 0 Zion the holy, Mother of the Churches, the Abode of God! For thou, first of all, didst receive remission of sins through the Resurrection. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. Hymn to thc Birth-giver of God (Dogmdtik). The King of heaven, because of his love toward mankind, hath appeared upon earth and dwelt among men : for he was incarnate of a pure Virgin, and came forth from her through that incarnation, the Only Son, twofold in nature but not in Person. Wherefore, proclaiming him, in very truth, perfect God and perfect man, we confess Christ to be our true God: Whom do thou implore, 0 Mother unwedded, that he will have mercy on our souls. Hymn ( T r ~ p d r ) .Thou didst descend from on high, 0 Tender-hearted One ; thou didst endure the threedays' burial, that thou mightest free us from our passions, 0 our Life and Resurrection. Glory, 0 Lord, to thee. Hymn to the Birth-giver of God (Borogdditchen). Thou who for our sake wast born of a Virgin, and didst suffer crucifixion, 0 Good One, and didst despoil Death through death, and as God didst reveal Resurrection: Despise not those whom thou hast created with thine own hand ; show forth thy love for mankind, 0 Merciful One; accept the Birth-giver of God who bare thee, and who entreateth thee for us ; and save thy despairing people, 0 our Saviour. Collect-Hymn ( K o n d k ) . When thou didst rise again frsm the tomb, thou didst waken the dead and didst raise up Adam. Eve also exulteth in thy Resurrection, and all the endsof the earth do celebrate the.festival of thy rising again from the dead, 0 All-Compassionate One.



Themc-Songs ( I m o s f ) . I . The wonder-working rod of Moses aforetime, when therewith he smote the sea in the form of a cross and divided it, submerged Pharaoh and his chariots; but Israel did it save, as the same fared forth on foot, singing unto God as they fled a song of victory. Refrain. Glory to thy holy Resurrection, 0 Lord. (Then t/rc appointed Hymrrs, com$osed after the mo&l ofthose shown in T m I.) 111. Thou who in the beginning didst establish the heavens with wisdom, and didst found the earth upon the waters : Upon the rock of thy commandments, 0 Christ, establish thou me; for there is none holy save thee, 0 thou who alone lovest mankind. R. a d Hs. IV. Thou art my fortress, 0 Lord, thou art also my might, and thou art my God ; thou art my joy: Without leaving the bosom of the Father thou hast visited our wretchedness. Wherefore with t h e Prophet




H a b a k k u k will I cry unto thee: Glory to thy might, 0 thou who lovest mankind. R. and Us. V . Wherefore hast thou cast me away from thy presence, 0 Light w h i c h knowest no setting? And why hath hostile darkness encompassed me, the wretched one ? But turn thou me again, and guide thou my paths in the light of thy commandments, I beseech thee. R. andUs. VI. Cleanse thou me, 0 my Saviour, for many are my transgressions ; and lead me forth from the abyss of iniquity, I beseech thee, for unto thee have I cried: And hear me, 0 God of my salvation. R. and Us. V I I . The fire in Babylon of old was put to shame by God's comingdown ; for which cause the Children dancing in the furnace with joyful f e e t as in a flowery mead, did sing with exultation : Blessed art thou, 0 G o d of our fathers. R. and H s . VIII. With seven-fold heat did the Chaldaean tyrant in his rage cause the furnace to be heated for the Godly Ones; but when he beheld t h e m saved by a better power, he cried aloud unto their Maker and Deliverer : Ye Children, bless ; ye Priests, sing praises; ye People, exalt him unto all the ages! R. andHs. IX. Heaven was affrighted, and the ends of the earth were amazed ; For God revealed himself unto men in the flesh, and thy womb became m o r e spacious than the heavens. For which cause the chieftains of men and of Angels do glorify thee, 0 Birth-giver of God. R. a d Hs.

( I ) The Holy Orthodox-Catholic Apostolic Church of the E a s t reckons its day after the pattern of the Jewish Church, from sunset Therefore the worship of God begins with the Evening Service,-which typifies, in general, the Old Testament times, as foreshadowing our Lord Jesus Christ and his life on earth, and precedes the Divine Liturgy o f the morning, wherein is typified the life of our Lord as set forth in the New Testament and his life in heaven. On ordinary evenings, Great or Lesser Vespers is used. On Saturday evening, and on the eves of the Great Feasts, is celebrated the Vigil Service, which consists of portions of Great Vespers, combined with Matins. In the early Church, the Vigil Service lasted all night, as its name, the " All-Night Vigil Service," denotes ; and at the present day, in the monasteries of the East, where the service is read and chanted slowly, and in its completeness, it so lasts. In the monasteries, also, are used the Great and Lesser Later Evensong (Compline), and the ~ r i o u midnight s services. A t the Saturday evening Vigil Service, the Resurrection of our Lord is more particularly commemorated and exalted. On Christmas Eve, and on the Eves of the Epiphany and sometimes of the Annunciation, the All-Night Vigil Office consists of Great Later Evensong (Grand Compline) and Matins.


(2) This Exclamation the Priest utters after the Deacon has said to the brethren who have assembled for Divine Service, and are seated: "Stand," and asks from him a blessing on the service : "Bless, Master." (3) By these acts of devotion the thoughts of the Christian are carried back to the epoch of the Creation of the world, to the blissful state of our first parents. The censing typifies the saying of Genesis, that at the Creation the Spirit of God, the true Light and Incense unto the elect, moved over the face of the waters. The opening of the Holy Doors signifies that, from the creation of the world, man was appointed to dwell in Paradise. But the blissful condition of mankind was of brief duration. As a token of the fact that men were banished from Paradise after the Fall, the Holy Doors are closed after the Temple has been censed. (4) The Priest stands before the Holy Doors, which a r e closed, and



reads secretly the Prayers of Light, thereby typifying Adam sorrowing in repentance before the gates of Paradise. The Priest reads these prayers with uncovered head, in token of penitence and humility. In the Service Books of the Church these prayers are called "The Prayers of Light" because in them the Priest glorifies the Lord, who dwelleth in Light ineffable, for the gift of material light, and prays for illumination of soul. (5) All the Exclamations pronounced by the Priest after the Litanies bear a close relation either to the preceding litanies, to the prayers read secretly by the Priest, or to the chants of the singers. (6) " Kafisma" signifies "sitting." The term may have had its rise in the fact that sitting was appointed while certain parts of the Kafisma were being read, verse by verse ; but at some points standing was enjoined. I n ancient times these verses were chanted. (7) These verses express two thoughts : Adam's repentance for his sins, with his regret for the Paradise which he has lost ; and the exhortation from the mouth of Adam to his posterity that they shall utterly obey the will of God. (8) The Bogordditckny (Hymns to the Birth-giver of God) are called " Dogmitiki," from the Greek word dogma, or doctrine ; so that, together with the praise of the All-holy Birth-giver of God, they contain dogmatic teaching concerning the person of Jesus Christ, and in particular concerning the incarnation of the Lord and the union in his person of two natures -the divine and the human. The Hymn to the Birth-giver of God is sung at this point to remind us that she was the Mediatrix through whom, by the birth of her Holy Son, the life of those who were under the dispensation of the law was assuaged. (9)The Entrance typifies in action that which is expressed by the chant: "0 gladsome radiance ;" that is to say, that the Gladsome Radiance has shone for men in the person of the Saviour, who, for the sake of men's infirmities, humbled the immortal glory of the heavenly Father, and came down from heaven. The Holy Doors are opened, in token that with the coming of the Lord the Paradise of God was opened to men. The Priest comes forth from the Sanctuary standing erect, with his chasuble hanging straight, to typify humility and majesty. The Deacon precedes the Priest, as if he were the Forerunner, holding the censer in his hand. The censer with its incense signifies that, through the mediation of the Lord, our prayers are borne upward to the Lord like incense, and that the Holy Spirit is present in the Temple. The Deacon is preceded by a taper, which denotes the spiritual light brought by the Lord to earth. (10) The Gradual (Proklmen) (from the Greek, signifying that which precedes), is the verse which precedes the Lessons from Holy Scripture, namely, the Parables (Paremii), the Epistle and the Gospel, and serves as a preface to the Lesson. The Gradual, generally in the words of Holy Writ, expresses either the contents and application of the Lesson



which follows it, or the significance of the day; that is, of the prayers and hymns which relate to the day. ( I I ) The Lessons from Holy Scripture of the Old Testament (and also sometimes from the New Testament) are called Parables (Paremif), and contain the prophecies of the event commemorated on the day; or explain the force of the Feast, and the intent with which it was established ; or set forth the praise of the Saint whose festival it is. . (12) The Litiyd (from the Greek, Liti, liiomai, -a fervent prayer). The fervent prayer is expressed in the 'I Lord, have mercy " many times repeated. The Litiyd is sometimes performed in the porch of the Temple, or on the steps ; sometimes inside the Temple. It reminds us of the ancient Processions of the Cross in the streets, more especially by night ; and of the fervent petitions which the early Christians offered up during those processions, on the occasion of divers public calamities This going forth into the porch for the Litiycf, at the All-Night Vigil, after the Entrance and the Evening Litany (Exthiya), on the one hand, typifies for those who stand in the porch (the penitents) the same thing as is typified for those who stand in the Temple by the Entrance at Vespers ; that is to say, that our Lord Jesus Christ, the Gladsome Radiance, came down to us here below; that they who stand in the porch may expect mercy from the Lord, and the remission of sins. On the other hand, the going-forth of the faithful to 'the porch, the place of catechumens and penitents, denotes the profound humility of the Faithful, who are ready to put themselves in the place of the learners and penitents, and pray in company with them. ( 1 3 ) At the Blessing of the Loaves God's blessing is asked on the fertility of the earth for the nourishment of men. In the early Church, when the All-Night Vigil lasted until the morning, it was customary to distribute the common offerings of bread, wine and oil after the Vespers ;to the end that the Faithful who intended to remain throughout the service might be strengthened and refreshed thereby. After the Priest had pronounced the final Benediction upon the people, he and the Deacon descended from the Sanctuary, and sitting down with t h e people, they consumed with them the food which had thus been blessed. During this time selections from the Acts of the Apostles, or from the Epistles, were read aloud. This custom is still observed in certain monasteries, notably in those on Mount Athos. The distribution of the blessed bread during Grand Matins, to the Faithful who have received the benediction by the anointing with the blessed oil, commemorates this in ordinary churches.


( I ) Thereby expressing that those present in their prayers have sincere faith and love towards the Lord Jesus Christ ; like the Wise



Men, who brought unto him offerings of frankincense and myrrh, and so honoured God in the flesh. (2) The Six Psalms represent the wretched condition of the human race in the Old Testament days, which the Offices preceding the Divine Liturgy chiefly set forth ; and the hope of a Saviour from on high. (3) When our Lord Jesus Christ revealed himself to the people assembled beside the Jordan, John the Baptist hailed him with joy and reverence. Therefore the Priest, or the Deacon, now solemnly makes proclamation, beholding, as it were, our Lord himself come to minister t o the world. (4) During Fasts Alleluia is sung four times instead of: " God is t h e Lord and hath revealed himself unto us." ( 5 ) Thereby reminding us of the time when the Holy Women bearing spices, and other Disciples of the Lord, came early to his sepulchre, even before the dawn, and there learning of our Saviour's Resurrection, imparted to his remaining Disciples the glad tidings. The incense typifies the sweet spices which the women brought to the tomb of the Lord; the taper typifies the light and joy of the glad tidings of the Resurrection, and the light of faith therein, and in our future life. T h e procession of t h e Priest about the Temple typifies the return of t h e Holy Women and the Disciples from the sepulchre of the Saviour, bringing the tidings to the remaing Disciples. (6) I t is so called from the Greek words joli (much) and elea (oil or mercy) ; because the lattei word- mercy - is frequently repeated i n these Psalms ; and from the lighting of the shrine-lamps filled with pure oil, while the Psalms are being sung. (7) Our Lord Jesus Christ, after that he was risen from the dead, speedily manifested himself to his Disciples. Wherefore the Church, by the reading of the Gospel after the Song of the Holy Women, announces to the People one of the ten Manifestations of the risen, Saviour to his Disciples. The appointed Gospels for Matins in their order will be found on p. xxi. All the eleven Lessons from the Gospels, appointed to be read in rotation, refer to the Resurrection of our Lord on the third day. (8) While the Choir sings, the Priest and Deacon first salute the Holy Gospels. And after them the people, in the presence of the Priest, as it were of the Angel-Messenger of the Resurrection, joyfully do homage to the Holy Rook, as to Christ himself, and kiss it, m that it contains the redeeming tidings of the Resurrection. (9)On Feast Days, the holy image of the Feast or of the Saint is saluted in token of devotion and gratitude to God for his mercy ; and the Priest bestows the blessing, signing each one of the Faithful on the brow, in the form of a cross (with the oil which has been blessed at the Vespers), in the Name of the Holy Trinity, for the enlightenment and sanctification of their minds and hearts, and protection against all evil.



(10) A s joy expresses itself in song, so the holy Church has a p pointed to be sung, after the salutation of the Book of the Gospels, the Nine Songs of the Canon, which represent the Hymns of praise, at the Resurrection, of the nine Ranks of the heavenly Hierarchy. The Canon contains, also, the Hymns of those godly persons in the Old Testament, from Moses to Zacharias, who magnified the Lord God in spiritual songs. This is in conformity with the teachings of our Lord.himself, who, after his Resurrection, expounded unto his Disciples the things in all the Scriptures concerning himself ; and each Song ( I d s ) , in the vast number of Canons in the Holy Orthodox Church, is inspired by the Hymn of Scripture appointed to precede it. But these Scripture hymns are generally omitted, with the exception of the Song of the Holy Birth-giver of God, which precedes Song IX. Many of the Hymns which follow each song are also sometimes omitted. The second Hymn of Holy Scripture (Deuteronomy xxxiii.) is not, properly speaking, so much a hymn as a denunciation of God's judgments upon the Israelites Therefore it is said only on the Tuesdays of the Great Fast. I n imitation of this, the Second Song of every Canon also consists of denun'ciations of God's wrath upon the disobedient, and is also omitted: ( I I ) The Hymns of Light (Svyetflny) are also called the " Exapostilirion ;" " Hymns of Light," because their subject is 'chiefly the illumination of the soul from on high, and because the singing of them at Matins precedes the break of day and the Gloria in excelsis; "Exapostilirion," because in ancient times a chanter was sent out into the one , who centre of the church to sing them. (Greek : E ~ a p o s t i f d ~ o n is-sent forth.) (12) In ancient times the singing of the Canon lasted until the dawn. Therefore it is still the custom, at the present day, for the Priest, shortly after the Canon is finished, to make this Exclamation, in an outburst of joy and thanksgiving, beholding, as it were, the dawn of day. I



In the First Hotcr we thank God for the light of day which he has given to us, and pray him that we may pass the day without sin. According to the ecclesiastical reckoning* the First Hour corresponds with the present seven o'clock in the morning. In the Third Hoirr we commemorate the Descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles on the day of Pentecost. I t corresponds t o the present nine o'clock in the morning. In the Sixth Hour, corresponding to twelve o'clock (noon), the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ is commemorated. The Ninth Hanr, corresponding to three o'clock in the afternoon, commemorates the death of Jesus Christ, our Lord.



The Hours for Easter consist of the Hymns only, all the Psalms being omitted. The Imperial Hours, used at Christmas and Good Friday, consist of all the Hours, and special Psalms,,read consecutively; each Hour being augmented by the reading of Lessons from the Old Testament, from t h e Epistles, and from the Gospels, and the singing of special Hymns. The Typical Psalms in their prayers and songs typify the Divine Liturgy. They are sometimes used in place of the Liturgy. They are also used as the continuation and conclusion of the Hours (during the Great Fast), and of the Imperial Hours.

IV. T H E LITURGY: ST. JOHN CHRYSOSTOM, ST. BASIL, PONTIFICAL. ( I ) As the Sanctuary symbolically represents the kingdom of heaven, t h e drawing aside of the curtain during Divine Services typifies, in general, the revelation to mankind of the mysteries of salvation, which h a d been hidden from the foundation of the world and were revealed a t the incarnation of the Lord ; through whom, also, was revealed.unto men the kingdom of heaven, forfeited by our first parents. The openi n g of the Holy Door typifies, in general, the opening of the way to the 'places where the Saviour of the world abode, or of the gates of Paradise; and, sometimes, the entrance into the kingdom of heaven. (2) They thus ask forgiveness for any offences which they may have committed against their fellow-men ; and the Choirs and the People express their pardon by bowing in return. (3) All this and the whole Office of Oblation are said while the clergy are vesting, in a low voice, by the Priest, behind the imagescreen (iRottostds), which corresponds to the chancel-rail in the Western Church. At the point duly indicated, after the Priest and Deacon have vested themselves, the Reader (in front of the image-screen), begins t o read the Hours ; the Priest (behind the image-screen), making aloud t h e exclamations and benedictions, as shown in the Hours. (4) Five prosfoort are generally used in preparing the holy Communion, in commen~orationof the five loaves wherewith our Lord fed t h e five thousand people. But any one who wishes to have a living or a dead friend prayed for at the appointed place in the Liturgy, sends to the Chapel of Oblation a similar prosford (an Altar-bread,-that is, "an offering "), with the Christian name only of the person written on a paper, or in a book kept for that purpose. At the end of the Liturgy the prosford is returned to the sender, a particle having been removed, in token that the offering has been accepted. But the particles thus taken from these private offerings for the living and the dead do not form a part of the Communion, because they are not transubstantiated. T h e Emperor (or other Ruler) and the Reigning House, the Holy Synod and other persons in authority are prayed for here and at other



points in the service (which explains the frequent recurrence of those petitions), not only in their official capacity, but also as representing benefactors of the Church and the people in general. In the early Church people brought bread, wine, oil and the other things required for the sustentation of the Church and for the services, on behalf of themselves or of living friends, or as memorials of their dead friends ; and all such persons were prayed for, in detail, by name. With the growth of the Church this special mention of innumerable individuals became burdensome, and rendered the services oppressively long. Therefore the present abbreviated and representative form (the Rulers) was adopted. (5) The Altar, which represents the tomb of Christ and the throne of God, the holy pictures (ikdni-images), and the People are censed by the Deacon at the end of the Office of Oblation, in order that the Faithful may thereby be incited to a more fervent offering up of prayers. The withdrawal of the curtain here typifies the revelation to the world of the secrets of salvation, hidden from eternity. (6) These words, and the briefer form, the " Eis poll4 eti, Ddspota," at Pontifical services, as well as the " Axios " and " Kyrie eleison " in the Ordination Offices, are retained in the original Greek as an acknowledgment of the Russian Church's drigin in and oneness with the Greek Church. (7) This opening of the Holy Door signifies that the heavens were opened at the Baptism of our Lord Jesus Christ, and a voice proceeding thence testified to him. The Little Entrance typifies the entrance of our Lord upon his work of preaching to the world, and his drawing near to men. The book of the Holy Gospels represents Christ our Lord, and the taper borne before it signifies that the teaching of the Gospels that is, our Lord himself - is the Light of the world. He who bears the taper represents John the Baptist. The censer, with its glowing embers, typifies the Divine Ember, Christ himself, the GodMan, who united himself to mortal flesh, and, burning with divine love towards the human race, did utterly consume himself upon the altar of the Cross, in the savour of a sweet fragrance unto the everlasting Father. (8) The exclamation, "Wisdom, 0 believers ! " always has the object of calling the people's attention to some especially edifying or sacred portions of the service. " Wisdom ! " points directly to this edlfying lesson, hymn or action. (9) The Thrice-Holy is sung as follows: First the Choir sings the whole hymn thrice. Then : Glory . . . now, and ever, . . . Holy Immortal One, have mercy upon us. Then the whole hymn, very slowly. (10) This hymn is sung in the same manner as the preceding. It is used at these Feasts because, in the early Church, converts to Christianity were chiefly baptized at these seasons. By its use at the present day, the holy Church reminds us that we are bound t o fulfil t h e vows made for us in Baptism.



(11) The Bishop takes his seat upon the "High Place," or Throne, because he represents our Lord Jesus Christ. (12) The 'Gradual (Prokimen), a verse which precedes the Lesson of Scripture, is sung thus : The Reader reads it ; the Choir sings it. The Reader reads the Verse, or Verses, while the Choir repeats the Gradual proper. The Reader then reads the first half of the Gradual, and the Choir sings the last half. (13) This censing of the Temple, in preparation for listening to the reading of the Holy Gospel, draws the thoughts of the worshippers on high, and typifies the grace of the Holy Spirit, which is shed abroad in all the world, giving to the heart of man the savour of the sweetness of Christ (2 Cor. ii. 15). I t is also a sign of prayerful reverence and homage to the Holy Gospel, as a symbol of the Holy Spirit, which is bestowed upon the world through the Gospel. (14) If there is to be a sermon, the Priest may preach it immediately after the reading of the Gospel, or at the end of the Liturgy. (I 5 ) After this clear announcement of God's Word in Christ, it is meet and right that men should repeat their petitions, and pray to him 'with redoubled fervour for all things necessary both for their souls and bodies. Therefore it is ordered that the Litany of Fcruent Szrpplication shall now be said. (16) The Catechumens in the early Church were not considered to be sufficiently instructed to look upon the Holy Mysteries without incurring the danger of misunderstanding them. (17) In the middle of the Cherubim& Hymn the Great Entrance is made : that is to say, the Holy Gifts are brought from the Chapel (or Table) of Oblation to the Altar. In the days of the early Church, during this Great Entrance, all persons who had brought or sent offerings for the use of the Church were mentioned by name. 13ut as this detailed commemoration was extremely long and difficult, it was ordered that only the chief personages in rank and power should thereafter be mentioned by name ; all others being included under the honourable title of " all Orthodox Christians." If it be a Pontifical Liturgy, the Bishop washes his hands at this point, thus ceremonially purifying himself for the sacred office which he is about to exercise. The Great Entrance typifies our Lord's going to his Passion and death. Therefore it is customary for the Faithful to do homage to the Holy Gifts at this point, although these are not yet consecrated. (18) In the early Church the Deacons, Sub-Deacons and Sacristans were wont to guard the doors, that no heathen or unworthy person might enter in, and that no one should go out during the solemn celebration of the Holy Sacrament. At the present time, the words, "The Doors ! " warn us to guard the doors of our souls against all evil thoughts, as we prepare to confess our faith by the Creed, and to give heed to the Holy Mysteries. (19) The Deacon here binds his stole about him in the form of a



cross, to represent the wings of the Cherubim, who stand about the throne of God ; as he himself represents an angel. (20) The Greek letters : MC, XC ; NI, K A mean: Jeshs Christ the 'Conqueror. (21) The sacred warm water represents the water which came forth from the side of our Lord, with the Blood, showing that, although he was dead, his Body was not devoid of divine virtue; that is, the warmth and vitality of the Holy Spirit. The union of the Holy Elements is symbolical of our Lord's Resurrection. (22) All persons, both Infants and Adults, are communicated alike ; that is to say, with the mingled holy Body and Blood, by the sacred spoon. Infants receive the holy Communion by virtue of their having received holy Chrismation immediately following their Baptism, which holy Chrismation makes them full members of the Church. Until they reach the age of seven years they receive the holy Communion without the (otherwise) indispensable preface of the Sacrament of Confession. (23) This represents the appearances of our Lord to his Disciples after his Resurrection ; also his Ascension into heaven. f (24) The Antzddron (literally, " in place of the Gifts ") consists o that part of the first Altar-bread which remains on the Table of Oblation after the Sacred Lamb has been taken therefrom to be consecrated. It came to be the custom to distribute this blessed bread from the following causes : First, it was given as a memorial of those Love-feasts which were held, in ancient times, immediately after the Divine Liturgy; and again, it was given to Christians in place of the Holy Gifts (as its name indicates), when they came fasting to the Liturgy, but had not prepared themselves, by reason of human frailty, to receive the holy Sacrament. Sometimes the last two breads are brought out (after the prescribed particles have been removed) at the end of the service, and given to persons of distinction who may be present.


I. At the Liturgy of the Presanctified (Gifts), t h m is no c m cration o f the Sacred Elements, but those who desire to communicate receive the Holy Gifts which have been consecrated at a previous service. It is used only during the Great Fast (Lent), on W~dnesdaysand Fyiiinys; in the fifth week of Great Fast, on Thursday; and in Pnssion (Holy) Week, on Monday, Tfdesday and Wednesday. I t was instituted in the first ages of Christianity, but received its present form from Gregory the Great, Bishop of Rome in the sixth century. The Fathers of the Church regarded it as unbefitting the contrition of Lent that the full Liturgy (of St. John Chrysostom or of St



Basil the Great) should be celebrated. Therefore the complete Liturgy is allowed during the Great Fast only on Saturday, Sunday, the Feast of the Annunciation, and Holy Thursday. The Sacred Elements a r e consecrated at the Liturgy on those days, and thereafter are preserved in the tabernacle, on the holy Altar. The Liturgy o f the Pre.ranct#ed consists of Ve.s$ers, with special Prayers together with a portion o f the ordinary Liturgy, omitting its most important part, namely, the consecration of the Holy Gifts ; and t h e Third, S k t h a n d Ninth Hours (with the Typical Psalms) are used in a particular manner at the beginning. (2) The Mingya is a set of twelve volumes containing the s e ~ c e s f o r every day in the year, with the proper Hymns for the Saints of the day, and so forth. In addition, there are the MinCya of the Feasts, and t h e Pentecostirion (with the services for Easter-tide) ; and the Triddion, which contains the services, day by day, for the Great Fast. (3) The Priest by his exclamation sets forth, as it were, that our forefathers the Prophets, from whose writings we have heard and shall hear Lessons, were illumined by the same light which still enlightens all men. (4) As in the early Church there were always some among the C a t s chumens who were soon to be baptized (illumined), that is to say, in Easter week, this special Litany was inserted for them in the Liturgy of the Presanctified (where alone it is used) after Mid-Fast,orthe Adoration of the Cross. But on Saturdays and Sundays, at the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, or of St. Basil the Great, it is not used. ( 5 ) At the Liturgyof the Presanctified Gifts, after theGrand Entrance, t h e curtain is, as a rule, not completely, but only half drawn ; because it is fully drawn at the full Liturgy after the Grand Entrance. The Entrance commemorates the Lord's going to his suffering, which is t h e inconceivable mystery of men's salvation, and had been hid from many ages and generations (Col. i. 26). At this time the Presanctified Gifts are on the Altar,and the people (when the curtain is drawn aside), beholding the sacrifice offered for the sins of the world, with boldness call upon God, the heavenly Father, and say: "Our Father." (6) At the Liturg of the Presanctified Gifts there is no elevation of t h e Body of Christ ; ecause, as it represents the elevation of the Lord upon the Cross, it has already been made during the Liturgy at which the Gifts were consecrated.



( I ) It will be observed that this rite remains in -its ancient form; that is to say, as arranged for adults the Catechumens being all adults in the early Church. The removal of the Catechumen's garment signifies the putting o f f



of the old man and of his sinful life, inasmuch as this Order is required only in the baptism of adults ; that is, of persons above seven years of age, who are received only after due examination and their own expressed desire to be baptized. With such, also, the procedure differs, according as they may be Jews, Mahometans, or members of some other non-Christian body ; in which case, each must specifically renounce the errors of his former belief. But the rite is alike for a l l Infants (that is, persons under seven years of age), whether they be of Orthodox or non-Orthodox parents ;and of them, through their Sponsor, only the third catechizing, to which the answer is the Symbol of the Faith (the Nicene Creed), is required. Three tapers are lighted and placed upon the font itself to typify the Holy Trinity, in whose name Baptism is administered. The Sponsors also hold tapers, to signify their faith in the illumination which the Holy Mystery (Sacrament) confers upon the soul of the person bap tized: that the baptized person passes from darkness into light, and becomes a child of the light. For this reason, also, Baptism is called " Illumination." The font typifies Noah's ark. Holy Baptism is a Sacrament through which a man is born once only in spiritual birth ; therefore it is not repeated, if it has been regularly performed, through triple immersion, in the Name of the Father, and of the.Son, and of the Holy Spirit. If any doubt exists as to whether it has previously been performed or not, the formula "if not already baptized " must be interpolated. The rule is that it shall be administered in church ; but in case of necessity it may be administered in a private house. In extremity, a layman may baptize; and the Baptism is not repeated, though the Chrismation is afterwards performed, if the child live. Though immersion is prescribed, a child may be baptized by affusion in case of extreme weakness or mortal danger ; and those baptized by affusion in such cases (or persons who have been so baptized in other Christian Churches, when they join the Eastern Catholic Church) are not rebaptized, but are only anointed with the holy Chrism. It is not customary for either father or mother to be present at the baptism ; though it is not forbidden for the father. Provided forty days have elapsed since the birth of the child, the mother is permitted to be present. For a man or boy, one sponsor (male) not younger than fifteen years of age is indispensable. For a woman or girl one female sponsor not younger than thirteen years of age is indispensable. T h e Church does not forbid other sponsors. The sponsor ought to be a member of the Holy Orthodox Apostolic Church of the East ; but if a member of another Church should, for any reason, stand sponsor, he (she) is required to recite the Symbol of the Faith of the Orthodox Church. In such case a non-Orthodox man or woman may stand as additional sponsor.



(2) That is to say, endowed with reason and speech, in contradistinction to the dumb animals. (3) From the west comes darkness; and Satan, who is darkness, and whom the Catechumen must renounce, has his dominion there. The uplifted hands of the Catechumen indicate the realm of the evil spirits of the air. (4) The Catechumen turns his face to the east, because light proceeds thence. The white vestments and the lights typify spiritual joy in the illumination of the person through holy Baptism. ( 5 ) This is called "the oil of gladness " because the person baptized is thereby engrafted into the good olive-tree, Jesus Christ, having been, as it were, a branch wrested from a wild olive-tree. As the Lord sent t o the people in Noah's ark a twig of olive by a dove, in token of reconciliation and salvation, so the sign of the cross is made above the water with the oil, in token that the waters of baptism serve to reconcile man with God, through the mercy of God therein manifested, and save from t h e taint of sin (Rom. xi. 17). (6) Anointment with the holy Chrism (Chrismation) is a Sacrament whereby the recipient, through the anointing of various parts of the body in the name of the Holy Spirit, receives the gifts of the Holy Spirit, to rear and strengthen him in the spiritual life, and to render him strong, firm and invincible in faith, in love and hope; in boldness, t h a t without fear he may confess before all men the name of Christ : that he may grow in all virtues, free himself from the Evil One and all his guile, and preserve his soul in purity and righteousness ( I John ii. 20; 2 Cor. i. 2 1 , 22). After anointment with the holy Chrism the child is a member of Christ's Church, and receives the holy Communion, without preliminary confession, until he reaches the age of seven years. Beginning with that age confession is obligatory. (7) The circle typifies eternity. Therefore the triple circling of the font with lighted tapers signifies that the newly baptized (illumined) person has entered into eternal union with Christ, the Light of the world. (8) The three Offices- (a) Prayers at the Reception of a Catechumen ; (b) Holy Baptism and Chrismation ; and (c) Ablution, which were formerly celebrated separately- are now commonly joined together in one service. In the early Church the Catechumen wore his robe of purity for eight days, which he spent in fasting and prayer. (9)T h e words of the Apostle ( I Cor. vi. I I). (10) The shearing of the hair signifies that the newly baptized person has dedicated himself to the service of God, and to obedience ; because the cutting of the hair has always been the symbol of submission and servitude. It is also symbolical of the scriptural offering of the first-fruits.


( I ) Tapers are given to those who plight their troth and to bridal pairs to symbolize the purity of their lives, which shine with the light of virtue (John iii. 2-21). The morning, immediately after the cele bration of the Divine Liturgy, is regarded by the Church as the proper time for the solemnization of Marriage (although this time is not obligatory), in order that the bridal pair may receive this Sacrament fasting. The rite is not solemnized on all days of the year, but is forbidden during Fasts; on the Eves of Great Feasts; during Easter week; and on some other days. (2) The rubric prescribes a gold ring for the man, to typify his greater worth and authority ; and a silver ring for the woman, to typify her scriptural subjection to her husband, as the head of the wife. In modern practice the rings are, as a rule, both of gold ; and the bridal pair themselves make the prescribed exchange in the Russian Church, but not in the Greek Church. (3) I t is customary, at the beginning of this Office, to lead the bridal pair upon a piece of new, rose-coloured material (or a new rug), which is spread before the lectern. In olden days the Russian Tzars and thdr brides were led upon a piece of flowered silken material and sable skins (sometimes as many as forty in number), which were intended as emblems of happiness and plenty in the new path upon which they were entering. This is the significance in general. (4) The crowns represent the honour and reward bestowed upon the wedded pair for the purity of their lives. In Greece the crowns are woven of olive leaves (emblematic of fruitfulness), or of laurel, intertwined with flowers. Rut in Russia, metal crowns are kept in the churches. They are adorned with holy pictures (ikbni) ; that of our Lord Jesus Christ being upon the crown of the bridegroom, and that of his holy Mother upon that of the bride. (5) Wine is used in the Sacrament of Marriage, because at the marriage in Cana of Galilee, which our Lord blessed with his presence, the water converted into wine by a miracle was served. The "common cup" of weal and woe is given to the bride and bridegroom in token that they ought to dwell in unbroken concord, hold and use, undivided, their acquisitions, and share equally the cup of joy and sorrow. I n Greece they are given bread soaked in wine,.having the same significance. (6) The circle typifies eternity. By this circling round the lectern, upon which lie the book of the Gospels and the cross, the bridal pair signify their oath forever to preserve their marriage bond, until death shall break it. The triple circling is in honour of the Holy Trinity, which is invoked to'hear witness to their oath. (7) Saint Constantine and Saint Helena are invoked because they




were the disseminators (in the tenth century) of the Orthodox faith ; and Saint Procopius is invoked because he instructed the twelve women to go to their death of martyrdom as to a marriage feast. The Exhortation is generally made immediately after this Benediction, instead of a t the point originally prescribed. (Seepage 294.) (8) In the early Church, the crowns (of olive leaves) were worn for a week. (9) This second Order of Marriage is used only when both bride and bridegroom have been previously wedded. When either is now married for the first time, the preceding Order is used. The holy Church permits second and even third marriages, but unwillingly. Nicephorus, Patriarch of Constantinople, commanded that persons who entered into a second marriage should not be crowned, and should be deprived of the holy Communion for the space of two years. Persons who entered into a third marriage were debarred from the Communion for five years. This rule is not observed at the present day, but explains this separate Order for Second Marriage. VIII.
* ( I ) The Sub-Deacon in his service typifies the service of the angels. Accordingly, at his ordination he is invested with the stole, which he girds about him crosswise, thereby symbolizing the wings with which the Cherubim veil their faces as they stand before the throne of God. (2) As no man is ordained to the Diaconate unless he be already a Sub-Deacon, it is now customary (if he be not already a Sub-Deacon) to ordain him to that degree on the same day upon which he receives the Laying-on of Hands to the Diaconate. As he cannot marry after he has received this degree (of Sub-Deacon), he must be already married if he is to become a parish priest ; that is, unless he has elected to become a monk. A s he does not celebrate the Sacrament of the Eucharist but only serves at it, he is ordained after the consecration of the HoLy Gifts. \ (3) The first "command " is addressed to the people, the second to the clergy, and the third to the Bishop. In the early days of Christianity the people and the clergy of the local church had a voice in the election of Bishops, Priests and Deacons, in the sense that the choice made by the Bishops was announced to them, with the object of obtaining their testimony in regard to the qualities of the candidates, and of giving them an cpportunity to declare for or against the choice. Later on, owing to difficulties, the influence of the people upon the selection of their Bishops was restricted. In the choice of Priests and Deacons the people never had as much to say as in that of their Bishops. T h e " command " addressed to them preserves the tradition of their right t o pronounce upon the candidate's fitness.



(4) Hereby he announces his intention to devote himself always to the service of God's altar. (5) H e thereby signifies his gratitude and respect for him at whose hands the grace of God is invoked upon him. The three hymns which are chanted while he is making this triple circuit of the Altar are symbolical : The Martyrs invoked in the first are to serve the candidate as an example for the preservation of his faith and purity; the second proclaims that the subject of the candidate's preaching (like that of the Apostles and Martyrs) is to be the Trinity, one in Essence and Undivided ; the third denotes that the foundation of the priesthood and of the Church was the coming of the Saviour, who must be magnified, while the holy Virgin is blessed. (6) In token that the f ulness of the sacred ministry is not conferred upon the Deacon, but only a portion thereof. (7) This denotes that he who is thus receiving Ordination is preparing himself to share the pastoral burden. ( 8 ) Kyrie eleison (Lord, have mercy), like Axios (worthy), is left in the original Greek, in order to show whence the Russian Church derived its f Holy Orders. Anios signifies that he who through the Laying-on o Hands has received the grace of the Holy Spirit, is become worthy to perform the sacred office entrusted to him. ( 9 ) The kissing signifies the mutual greeting upon the entry of the l l new ecclesiastic upon his new ministry, and the love and union of a the participants. (10)The Ordination of a Priest takes place after the Holy Gifts have been bonie from the Credence Table to the Altar, in order that he may take part in their consecration. In token that he is finishing his service as Deacon, he bears the air (vdaduk/z) on his head during the Great Entrance. He kneels at the Altar on both knees, to denote that he is receiving a greater ministry and a higher gift than the Deacon. The rest of the symbolism is the same as at the Ordination of a Deacon. ( I I ) Because the Abbot is set over the flock of God in the Monas tery, he kisses the Bishop's stole, which is the emblem of the wandering sheep that the Goodshepherd took upon his shoulder, and which the Bishop wears to denote his charge over the flock of Christ. The rest of the symbolism is the same as at the Ordination of a Deacon

(12) This " ~ a ~ l is e "a very large rug, upon which is depicted a single-headed eagle hovering over a city with battlemented walls and towers. Similar rugs, or " eagles," of a smaller size, are used for the Bishop (and for a Bishop only) to stand upon when he celebrates any service. The city is a symbol of his episcopal authority over the cities of his diocese; the eagle symbolizes his pure and lofty and upright theological teaching, in imitation of that eagle which is depicted with


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St. John the Divine. . T h e same significance is attached to the halo round the eagle's head, which typifies theological attainments and the g i f t of grace. (13) The Consecration takes place at this point because the Little Entrance typifies the coming to earth of the Lord incarnate, who suffered for us, and rose again, and was received up into heaven. Therea f t e r the Holy Spirit consecrated the first successors of the Saviour,and revealed them as enthroned and reigning with Christ. Therefore, when t h e Chief Bishop enters the Sanctuary, as it were heaven, with the other ecclesiastics, the candidate for Consecration is led thither, and the Sacrament of Laying-on of Hands is conferred upon him before they all t a k e their places on the episcopal thrones, as it were on the heavenly thrones; and thus he, also, becomes a throned Bishop, and sits with them as their equal. (14) The book of the Gospels represents Christ the Lord, the source of all things. It is placed on the Bishop's neck to show that he should rule his flock after the pattern of Christ, bending his neck lightly under the yoke of Christ, and must do nothing contrary to His w i l l . For under the form of the Gospels he has taken upon his head and neck t h e Church of the Lord (15) Axios is said only when the omof6r or Bishop's stole (pall) is laid upon his shoulders ; because he already possesses all the vestments of a Priest. It was made of wool in former days, and represents t h e wandering sheep which the Good Shepherd found and laid across his shoulders. It is adorned with crosses to signify that, as Christ bore his cross upon his shoulders, so all who desire to follow him must bear their cross on their shoulders. Many traditions quoted by ancient writers affirm that the clergy and all the people, by uttering this word "Axios" (worthy), at the Consecration of Bishops and at the Ordinations of Priests and Deacons, thereby gave their testimony to the blameless life and good morals of him who had received the laying-on of hands. St. Clement instituted in the Primitive Church, in the name of the Apostles, a law that such testimony should be exacted especial(y at the Consecration of Bishops, in reply to the definite question, thrice put to the people : "Is he, in truth, worthy of this ministry ? "

( I ) Anointing with the 'holy Oil is a Sacrament in which, through the anointing of the body, the grace of God is invoked upon the sick person; because that grace heals all ills, both those of thesoul and those of the body. It is performed only over sick persons (James v. 14, I 5 ) , with one exception : In the Cathedral of the Falling-asleep of the Birth-giver of,God (Assumption) in Moscow, on Holy Thursday, the Bishop anoints all persons who desire it, after the Divine Liturgy;



because, on the evening of Great and Holy Thursday Christ instituted a new Covenant with his Body and Blood. Therefore it is not unfitting that a well man should partake also of this Sacrament, since he knows not the day and hour of his death. The warrant for this is the saying of St. James, taken in its broadest sense to include those who si~ffer from spiritual ills- grief, despondency, and the like- as well as from those of the body. The sick person who receives this Sacrament must be of the Orthodox faith, and must prepare himself by repentance and confession; and before or after this Sacrament he receives the Sacrament of the Holy Communion. Holy Unction, being in the nature of a healing remedy, may be repeated ; and even the young need not fear to receive it, under the erroneous impression that, having received it, they cannot, thenceforth, eat meat or marry. It is performed in church, in the presence of an assembly, if the sick person be able to leave his bed ; or at home, before an assembly of people. Seven Priests are appointed to perform it, because there are seven Lessons from the Epistles, seven from the Gospels, and seven Prayers ; the number seven being chosen as symbolical of the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit, and in conformity with the number of prayers and inclinations made by the Prophet Elisha (2 Kings iv. 35) ; of the number of prayers of the Prophet Elijah, with which he shut up the skies for three years and a half ( I Kings xviii. 43); of Naaman's dipping himself in the waters of the Jordan, after which he was cleansed. But in case of need the holy Church permits one Priest to perform the Office, if he does so in the name of the whole assembly. A shorter form of the Office is appointed for use over those in danger of immediate death. Another name for the Sacrament is " Prayer-Oil." (2) Seven tapers are lighted round about the shrine-lamp or other vessel which contains the wine and oil, as images of the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit. I t is customary for all those who are present to hold tapers not only during the reading of the Gospels, but also during all the residue of the Office, in token of their fervent prayers for the salvation of the sick person. The wheat serves as the emblem of the embryo of a new life-of of resurrection (John healing and of life after the death of the body f xii. 24; I Cor. xv. 36-38). The oil is the visible token of the grace o healing (Mark xvi. 18). The wine is used as a symbol of the blood o f Christ shed upon the cross for the salvation of men. The oil must be pure olive oil, without any admixture. (3) The oil symbolizes God's mercy; the wine, the blood which flowed from the side of our Lord upon the cross. The union of the oil and wine is made after the pattern of the remedy which was used by the Good Samaritan. (4) The Great Martyr, Demetrius ( t a t Thessalonica, A. D. 3 0 6 ) ,whose bones still exude chrism, and are famous throughout the Orient as



healing to the sick. Nestor was a young Christian of Thessalonica who visited St. Demetrius in prison (where the latter was suffering for the f a i t h ) to receive his blessing before engaging in confliet with the Emperor's favourite gladiator. Demetrius predicted that Nestor would conquer, but would suffer martyrdom in consequence ; and so it came to pass. (5) St. Panteleimon, of Nicomedia, was a Christian physician, who suffered martyrdom for the faith A. D. 296. H e performed many miracul o u s cures during his lifetime, and was beheaded, after many vain efforts to kill him by various torturing assaults, in which God protected him from harm. (6) " Unmercenaries" is the title applied to disinterested benefactors, who alleviated the pangs both of the soul and body ; more especially to physicians of the early Church. (7) In this act the Church imitates the Prophet Elisha, who sent 'his staff to the Shunammite woman (2 Kings iv. 29). As the Gospels contain the accounts of many miracles wrought by Jesus Christ, they are laid upon the sufferer's head, with the printed pages down, in the h o p e that he will receive like physical and spiritual healing; and in o r d e r to strengthen the faith in the written word of our Lord in the minds of those present. Christ, in performing his miracles of healing, laid his almighty hand upon the ~ i c k . Therefore his priests, in this Office, lay their hands upon (or hold) the Gospels, in token of reconciliation.


( I ) When an Orthodox layman dies his body is washed, after the custom of Apostolic times (Acts ix. 37), out of respect to the dead and a desire that he shall present himself clean before the presence of God, in the resurrection. Then the body is clothed in new garments, which symbolize our new garment of incorruption ( I Cor. xv. 53). T h e garments thus used correspond to the calling or rank of the departed. They denote that in the resurrection every man must render an accounting to God of the manner in which he has fulfilled his duty in that state of life to which he was called. Thus a monk is dressed in monastic garb. and wrapped in his mantle, which is cut a little, in order that it may be laid about him in the form of a cross; and his face is covered, to denote that in the earthly life he was estranged from the things of this world. T h e Psalter is read over the body of an Orthodox believer until the time is come to bury him. This reading comforts those who are mourning the departed, and inclines them to prayer. Inasmuch as the Psalter is designed chiefly to represent prayers for him who has fallen asleep in the Lord, it is interrupted by a commemoration of the dead, with special prayerful petitions to God wherein the dead person is men-



tioned by name. It is customary to repeat this after each division of the Psalter, as indicated by the Doxology. Upon the brow of the dead is placed the chaplet, a strip of material upon which are depicted our Lord Jesus Christ, his holy Mother, and St. John the Haptist; together with the Thrice-Hob (0 Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy upon us). The dead Christian is thus adorned with the wreath like an athlete who, with honour, has'left the field of contest ; or like a warrior who has won a victory. T h e figures printed thereon sign~fy that he who has run his earthly career hopes to receive the crown for his deeds solely through the mercy of the Triune God and the mediation of the Mother of our Lord and of his Forerunner. In the hand of the dead is placed a holy picture (ikdna) of the Saviour, in token that he has believed in Christ and has surrendered his soul to him ; that in life he beheld the Lord by anticipation, and now is gone to see him face to face in blessedness, with the Saints. The body of the dead is covered with a holy pall, in token that, as one who has been a believer and has been sanctified by the Sacraments, he is under the protection of Christ. At funerals four standard candlesticks are placed at the four sides of the coffin, forming a cross. Those present, both at funerals and at Requiem Services (Panih'zfdi), hold tapers, thereby typifying the light divine wherewith the Christian is enlightened at baptism, and the fervour of his prayers. The taper also serves as an image of the world to come, of the light which knows no setting. (2) This, the song of the Archangels in honour of the Holy Trinity, is sung because the dead person is now being accompanied into the realm of the Angels, who sing continually the Thrice-Holy hymn. (3) That is to say, if the Sacrament of Holy.Unction has been performed upon the deceased during his lifetime, the oil and wine which remained therefrom are poured over his dead body. This anointment is Christ's token, and a seal of confirmation that they who die in Christ have wrought for Christ, in the sanctification of their bodies, and have lived uprightly in this earthly life. (4) The ashes typify the same thing as the unconsumed oil - the life which is extinguished on earth, yet acceptable unto God ; like the sweet spices of the censer. ( 5 ) If anyone departs this life on holy Easter Day, or on any day of the Bright Week which intervenes between that day and the Sunday of St. Thomas following, less than the customary funeral songs are sung, because of the majesty and honour due to the joyful Feast of the Resurrection ; for it is a festival of joy and gladness, not of mourning. And since all who have died in the hope of resurrection and of life eternal through Christ are, by Christ's resurrection, translated from the sorrowful things of this world to things glad and joyful, t h e Church proclaims this by songs of resurrection over the dead. By this diminu-


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tion ok the songs, litanies and prayers ordinarily appropriate to those who have fallen asleep, we are assured that he who dies in penitence, even if he have not yet given satisfaction for his sins, has pardon for them, through the prayers of the Church, and is freed from their bonds. XI.

( I ) At the burial of Prelates, Hiero-monks, Archimandrites and Priests, when the body is borne from the house to the church, during the reading of the Prayer of Absolution, and on the way to the grave, the church bells are rung, as they are when the holy cross is brought forth from the Sanctuary, on September 14 (27), August I (14), in .Mid-Lent, on Good Friday, and on Holy Saturday. That is to say, each bell is struck once, and the order is repeated thrice, or oftener ; after which all the bells are struck together, once. A t the burial of a Bishop the body is carried round the church on its way to the grave, and a brief service is celebrated at each side of the church. Deacons are buried like laymen ; because in the Order for the Burial of Priests the sacerdotal rank of the latter is specifically mentioned. A censer is placed in the hand of the dead Deacon. (2) A dead Bishop, after he has been rubbed with oil by means of a sponge, is arrayed in all his sacerdotal vestments while "Thy soul shall delight itself in the Lord " is being sung ; and the censers, sacramental fans, together with the double and triple branched candlesticks (liikfi, I d i n ] are used. When the vesting is completed he is seated in an armchair, and the Proto-Deacon proclaims : "Send forth thy light;" after which the body is laid upon a table, and the face is covered with a sacramental veil. The veil denotes that the dead was a minister of the Sacraments of God, more especially of the Holy Mysteries of the Body and Blood of Christ, and it is buried with him. If he has at any time received the Sacrament of Holy Unction, the oil remaining therefrom is used to anoint his body for burial, as is the case also with Priests. (3) 'In token that he proclaimed unto men the teachings of the Gospels, a cross is generally placed in the hands of a dead Bishop or Priest; because it is the emblem of salvation, both of the living and the dead. The book of the Holy Gospels is buried with him, and the cross also. Over the remains of a dead Hishop or Priest the Gospels are read instead of the Psalter, "in order to propitiate God," says Simeon of Thessalonica. " For what other offering can be made unto God, to propitiate him on behalf of him that lieth there, if not this, to wit, the proclamation of the Incarnation of God, of his teachings, his Sacraments, and the gift of the remission of sins, his redeeming Passion for us, his life creating death and resurrection ? "

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( I ) The origin of the Service of the Dead (Panikhtdi)is a s follows : St. Macarius of Alexandria once inquired from the Angels who accompanied him an explanation of the Church's custom to celebrate the third, ninth, and fortieth days after a death by religious services. And the Angel told him : "When, on the third day, the body is brought to the Temple, the Soul of the dead man receiveth from his Guardian Angel relief from the grief which he feeleth at parting from his body. This he receiveth because of the oblatioil and praise which are offered for him in God's Church, whence there ariseth in him a blessed hope. For during the space of two days the Soul is permitted to wander at will over the earth, with the Angels which accompany it. Therefore the Soul, since it loveth its body, sometimes hovereth around the house in which it parted from the body; sometimes around the coffin wherein its body hath been placed: and thus it passeth those days like a bid which seeketh for itself a nesting-place. But the beneficent Soul wandereth through those places where it was wont to perform deeds of righteousness. " On the third day H e who rose again from the dead commandeth that every Soul, in imitation of his own Resurrection, shall be brougbt to heaven, that it may do reverence to the God of all. Wherefore the Church hath the blessed custom of celebrating oblation and prayers on the third day for the Soul. "After the Soul hath done reverence to God, He ordereth that it shall be shown the' varied and fair abodes of the Saints and the beauty of Paradise. All these things the Soul vieweth during six days, marvelling and glorifying God, the Creator of all. And when the Soul hath beheld all these things, it is changed, and forgetteth all the sorrow which it felt in the body. But if it be guilty of sins, then, at the sight of the delights of the Saints, it beginneth to wail, and to reproach itself, saying : ' Woe is me ! How vainly did I pass my time in the world ! Engrossed in the satisfaction of my desires, I passed the greater part o f my life in heedlessness, and obeyed not God as I ought, that I, also, might be vouchsafed these graces and glories. Woe is me, poor wretch!' After having thus viewed all the joys of the Just for the space of six days, the Angels lead the Soul again to do reverence to God. Therefore the Church doth well, in that she celebrateth service and oblation for the Soul on the ninth day. " After its second reverence to God, the Master of all commandeth that the Soul be conducted to Hell, and there shown the places o f torment, the different divisions of Hell ; and the divers torments of the ungodly, which cause the souls of sinners that find themselves therein to groan continually, and to gnash their teeth. Through these various


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places of torment the Soul is borne during thirty days, trembling lest it also be condemned to imprisonment therein. "On the fortieth day the Soul is again taken to do reverence to God: and then the Judge determineth the fitting place.of its incarceration, according to its deeds. Thus the Church doth rightly in making mention, upon the fortieth day, of the baptized dead." I t is also customary to have the Requiem Office celebrated on the anniversaries of the birt h-day, name-day, and death-day of the departed. (2) I t is customary, at the Requiem Office (Panikhidi), to place upon a small table in the church a dish of kzriiyd or Rolfva: that is, boiled wheat, mixed with honey, to which raisins are sometimes added. The Kolfva serves to remind us of the resurrection of the dead. As grain, in order that it may form ears and give fruit, must be buried in the earth, and moulder there ; so, also, the body of the dead must be committed to the earth, in order that it may rise to life eternal. The honey typifies the sweetness of bliss of the future life. In the grain is set upright a lighted taper, which symbolizes the light wherewith the Christian is illumined in baptism; and also the light of the world to come, which knows no setting. (3) Thereby offering unto God, as it were, a sacrifice of propitiation for the dead person, and in honour of the Sovereign Lord over life and death. XIII.
( I ) The Canon of the Holy Orthodox-Catholic Apostolic Church of the East orders that the Consecration of a Church must be performed by a Bishop. If, however, this be not possible, the Bishop sends a corporal (aniiminr) which has been consecrated to the Church that is to be consecrated, and delegates his authority of consecration to an Archimandrite, an Abbot, an Archpriest, or a Priest. In that case a briefer Office is used than the one here given. In substance, the two Offices are identical ; but the most important part of the Office as performed by a Bishop, namely, the consecration of the corporal, is of necessity omitted. Relics are placed in the Altar only in case a Bishop consecrates the church. If the Altar is of stone, all the portions of the service prescribed for a wooden Altar are omitted. (2) This garment (Exodus xxviii. 4) is white in colour, and is trebly girt: about the neck of the officiating ecclesiastic, in token of wisdom and obedience to God ; about the body, beneath the breast, to symbolize the Word ; about the loins, as a symbol of purity and strength. If a Bishop celebrate, the apron-like garment should be of silk; if a Priest, of cotton cloth. (3) The Office of Consecration proper is preceded by the Blessing



of Water, in a form which greatly resembles that appointed for the Feast of the Epiphany. (4) As the Altar represents the sepulchre of our Lord Jesus Christ, so the mastic, mingled with fragrant spices, represents the sweet-smelling spices wherewith Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus anointed the body of our Lord when they laid him in the tomb. As the Temple is fashioned after the image of our bodies, which are the temple of God (2 Cor. vi. 16) and members of Christ ( I Cor. x i i 27); that rite which is performed a t the Consecration of a Church is analogous to the rite by which every believer is made a member of the Church, and the Consecration resembles holy Baptism and holy Chrismation. Therefore, at a Consecration, rose-water, the holy Chrism, white garments and tapers are used ; and the building, like the font, is compassed about in procession, in the circle which is the emblem of Eternity. ( 5 ) The affixing of the table to the Altar with four nails commemorates the nailing of our Lord to the cross. The stones thus used are not thrown away, but are generally laid beneath the Altar. (6) Moses, by the Lord's command, anointed the Tabernacle and the Altar at the dedication of the Temple (Exoduh xl. g, lo), as the Altar is here first anointed, and the Sanctuary afterwards. The three places anointed are those where, during the Divine Liturgy, the book of the Holy Gospels, the paten and the chalice are to stand. (7) The corporal (anfimfns) is, as it were, the Altar itself, and takes the place of an Altar when, by reason of storm or any other cause, the Altar falls into ruin; or when it is necessary to celebrate the Divine Liturgy in the absence of a duly consecrated Altar. I t consists of a silken cloth, whereon is depicted our Lord Jesus Christ in the sepulchre. ' (Sce page xxvii.) (8) The double vesting of the Altar indicates its double significance: as the tomb of Christ and the throne of God. The first altar-cloth represents the winding-sheet wherein the body of our Lord Jesus Christ was wrapped for burial. (9)The cord typifies the cord wherewith our ~ o i was d bound, when he was led before Annas and Caiaphas. (10) The second covering of the Altar, the indftia, of rich and brilliant material, typifies the glory of God's throne. (11) This, the zlzfhz, represents' the swaddling-clothes wherein the infant Christ was wrapped at his birth ; our Lord's winding-sheet in the tomb; and the napkin which was bound about his head in the tomb. (Here, as in certain other instances, there are several explanations of the symbolism, upon which the authorities occasionally differ.) (12) This typifies, as in holy Baptism, spiritual illumination. (13) This signifies that the Church is consecrated forever t o God; because the circle is the symbol of eternity. (14) The holy relics placed in the Altar or under the corporal (a+


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timfns) bear witness to the special presence there of God. They remind the Christian that when he is in church he is in' a place sprinkled with the blood of the Saints ; and he rejoices w.ith holy glzdness, recalling the words of St. John : "That ye, also, may have fellowship with us " ( I John i 3). The holv relics are anointed with the holv Chrism as for burial, in token of tge close bond between the ~ a r t ~ r s > n Christ. d The relics of the Saints which remain incorruptible on earth assure us of the special prayers for us on the part of the Saints thus honoured with immortality of body ere the coming of the Kingdom of Glory (Rev. vi. g, 10).


For our most God-fearing Sovereign, N., the Emperor of All the Russias; for His Wife, the most God-fearing Sovereign Lady, the Empress N . ; (for His Mother, the most God-fearing Sovereign Lady, the Empress N.) ; for His Heir, the Orthodox Lord, (TzesarCvitch) and Grand Prince, N . ; (for His Wife, the Orthodox Lady, (TzesarCvna) and Grand Princess, N.) ; and for all the Reigning House; and for all Their Council, and Their Army and Navy; (and for the Emperor, or King, or President, of N., zyit be i n a fovezgn country); let us pray to the Lord.

For our most God-fearing and God-preserved Sovereigns, and for all Their Council and Their Army, and Navy, let us pray to the Lord. (Or, the ~ ~ a n oRulers us are prayedfor by name, as indicated abme, in theform for Russia.)

Page 71, I ~ t line h from bottom : . . . cutting it crosswise, but leaving the seal intact, and saying : Page 94, end of first column, and Page g6, 21st line from bottom : . invisibly upborne. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia. Page g6, end of second column : . the Navy, a n d allyou Odhodox Christians (and the Ruler . Page I 17, on 16th line from bottom, omit : . . each time:



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